#and reg is tugging on the leash
starlikesolitude · 26 days
powerbottom!regulus and subtop!james where reg is riding james who's wearing the collar and leash with a little sun pendant on it that reg got for his birthday that same day
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lexithwrites · 2 months
@spillthebea messaged me about regulus and barty at a kink club and dom reg is just leading sub barty around on a leash and i need to DISCUSS THIS okay i love it so much, the dynamic is perfect, barty probably googled a bunch of kink clubs when he was drunk one night and when reg found out he's like okay lets go and barty is so nervous at first and he's usually never nervous but he's not used to being with someone that wants to explore kink but reg is down for anything at least once and they bring his collar and leash for fun just in case and barty is immediatley in the headspace of 'please just tug me around i wanna follow you' and they dont do anything the first time they go but reg has a hand on the leash and a hand in barty's as they go to the bar for drinks, talk to some people, then watch a few playrooms before going home and fucking because jfc they weren't expecting to get so riled up there but barty was desperate the entire time and reg loves seeing his man ready to go
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thebibutterflyao3 · 7 months
Day 28 - Prompt: Dance @pandalilymicrofics
February Daily Series - 825 words
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Lily gently adjusted her hold on Pandora’s waist as they approached the entrance to the Inn. She hoped that the front desk clerk wouldn’t ask too many questions about why Lily was half-carrying the woman to her room. Thankfully, they hadn’t run into anyone on the short walk, but she doubted her luck would hold for much longer.
“Almost there,” she whispered, inadvertently brushing her lips against Pandora’s ear. “How are you feeling? Any better?”
Pandora shivered and leaned in closer. “Worse, I think.”
“I’m pretty sure that I have paracetamol in my purse. Will that help?”
“It’s a start, but I think I need you to stay and play nurse.”
Lily rolled her eyes and shook her head. “You’ve already used that line. What’s next, blackmail?”
“I’m not above blackmail. Is that what it will take? I could threaten to sue you for bodily injury?”
Against her will, Lily’s lips twitched in amusement. Thus far, Pandora had come up with four different tactics to convince her to stay the night. Playing “nurse” seemed to appeal to Pandora the most.
“You’re a ‘trauma victim,’ remember? Now, behave,” Lily chastised lightly.
“What’s the fun in that?”
Lily bit down hard on her bottom lip to keep from grinning. She wasn’t actually sure how bad Pandora’s pain was because she insisted on flirting every time Lily asked, but she figured that if the little minx could walk and flirt, it probably wasn’t life-threatening.
“Lily, stop it,” Pandora said, her thumb tugging Lily’s lip free. “You’re such a tease.”
“Me? You must have hit your head harder than I thought.” Lily ignored the rush of heat to her cheeks and focused on navigating through the front door instead. She and Pandora had to perform an awkward sort of dance to slip inside the narrow entry together.
The front desk clerk glanced up, then did a double-take. “Oh! Do you need help?”
“I’ve got it, thanks,” Lily said, smiling politely. “She took a tumble walking back from the festival, that’s all.”
“Understandable in those shoes. I’m impressed she still has them on,” the woman said, hurrying around the desk. “What room are you in, Miss?”
Before Pandora could answer her, a herd of elephants charged down the stairs. Or at least, that’s what it sounded like. The clerk sighed and rubbed a hand over her face as she pivoted on her heel to address the chaos.
“Gentlemen! Please walk down the stairs,” she called out.
An enormous ball of black fur and limbs burst from the stairwell and landed at the bottom. Padfoot lifted his head, sniffed the air, then bounded away from whichever of his owners that he’d left in a crumpled heap. Lily gasped and shifted Pandora away from the excited dog.
“Pads! For fuck’s sake, you twat,” Sirius shouted, pushing himself upright. “Leave Lily alone.”
Remus appeared out of nowhere and helped his boyfriend to his feet. “What the hell just happened?”
“Padfoot happened,” Sirius groaned, shoving a hand through his hair. “He was so excited to go for a W-A-L-K that he dragged me down the stairs.”
Lily eyed the dog bouncing eagerly in front of the stairs. The poor thing was all riled up after an afternoon holed up in a hotel room. Remus was attempting to grab hold of his leash while the clerk blocked him from jumping on Lily and Pandora.
“Pads,” Sirius coaxed, moving swiftly to Remus’s right. “Come here. A little closer.”
The dog suddenly realised that he was about to be boxed in and lunged the opposite direction. His tail whipped at Remus’s legs and nearly knocked him to the floor. Sirius cursed under his breath and chased after him.
“Padfoot. Sit,” said a sharp voice in the doorway. Padfoot stopped so abruptly that Sirius tripped over him and went sprawling across the floor.
“Well, we know who’s really in charge. Don’t we, Reg?” Pandora teased, glancing over her shoulder.
Regulus’s smirk disappeared the moment he stepped around Lily. “Pandora! Are you alright? Was it Barty? I’ll kill him!”
All of a sudden, the reception area burst into chaos. James rushed past Lily and Pandora to restrain his furious boyfriend, who had pulled out a knife and was shouting threats at the doorway as if Barty was on the other side of it.
Meanwhile, Sirius had pounced on Padfoot in an attempt to get hold of his leash when he took off again. The pair were wrestling while Remus chased after them. The clerk was running from one to the other trying to restore order, but her high-pitched voice was only adding fuel to the fire.
Pandora looked around, then up at Lily with a weary smile. “Stay with me, please?”
“Yeah, I think I’d better,” she agreed, leaning down to sweep Pandora into her arms. Lily navigated past the chaos while Pandora tucked her head under Lily’s chin. “What room, Miss?”
“Down the hall. Last one on the left.”
Next Part>>>
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
Which of her many relations would Beth most like Ron to meet?
Asks Open Forever {{tagging @morgansmornings and @big-d-little-i-big-n-little-ozzo for reasons:tm:}} A twenty minute drive, give or take, is eschewed in favour of a leisurely late afternoon-early evening walk for those three and some miles back to Cedra Court from Vallance Road. The late spring weather is mild, free of rain, and there's a gentle breeze in the canopy of newly leafed treetops lining the sidewalks they amble along. For all that Claude could strain his broad shoulders and barrel chest, half dragging Ron in his wake, the giant black Cane Corso prefers the more sedate pace. Focused, alert, and a little less interested in the smells that seem to draw Topper's nose. Beth's hands are equally occupied with much more sedate friends; Mo is graceful and Noe ~their smallest, and the one gifted to her by Ron himself~ is simply content to be included. A good five or ten minutes flows by with companionable silence; little noises or tugs on leashes to communicate with a portion of the pack surrounding them, the sound of the occasional traffic be it automobile or pedestrian, greetings murmured in passing which Beth had come to realise a year or two ago was a distinctly American trait. Too friendly, Reg called it. With the implication of nosy, of being a bee in everyone's garden. Normally Beth might be a brook of chatter, words spilling out over the banks of her lips, filtered over teeth and tongue to be as crystalline as their mixed slang can be to them. She'd have questions about the things she's learned, the customs observed, and she might, in a rare moment of particular joy or vulnerability, dislodge a similar experience or tid-bit about her own family. A glimpse of a life she hardly bothers to talk about. Best put though, it seems some of the Ink that Ron vigilantly guards against has splashed up on tawny skin. Muddied her thoughts and put clouds in her internal sky, and her silence comes away with a hint of trouble she has no defense against. The only good part about all that is that Ron seems to understand the source of her mood. He doesn't need to ask what in particular his mother had said. What particular piece of wit from his brother is taken like something she'd need scrape off her shoe. Why Frances eats into her like a worm does a ripening apple. His armour is often thicker than her own in different ways. So instead, after a time, he makes that rumbling little beckon in the back of his throat,herald to something he'd like to say, and when he's certain she's paused and her eyes linger on his mouth, he asks her gently about her own clan and kin. Beth has never felt quite so bankrupt in the history of her existence. Takes at least two more drag-heel blocks to even pry loose her voice. "I s'spose firs' an' foremos' I'd like ya t' get t' know my hanai-sistah. Like some of ya aunties, we're not blood-blood, but could be. I was her roommate durin' University, start a year before she did. Been bes' good friends evah since. She date Andy briefly, but it became kinda obvious dat dey were too same-same for it to work out, an' he became jus' as ovahprotective of her as he was wi' me. She's supah smart, she funny, an' she bakes like no one's business. She's also my lawyer even dough she gave up practising for da most part. Keeps her license wi' da Bar current jus' for me. I love her." Talk of Jay does brighten her up and puts a soft smile on her face. "Den dere's my cousin Tony. Funny enough, if we nevah were anyt'ing more dan friends, he'd be da one I try f' introduce you. He smells nice, dresses well, is smart an' is funny, great hair, amazin' cook, writes his own songs, play piano, I mean I could go on f' days but really he has da worst luck wi' guys. Mebbe because he's sorta like a Military Cop...but not like in da Military, but a separate department of investigation. He also has an attachment t' his boss even if da man is horrifically toxic to Tony. An' tru'd be told? I t'ink its because he had an off relationship wi' his dad, too. Guess dat runs in da family."
She catches the corner of her lip between her teeth and worries it as she often does. "An' lastly, my Auntie Aishling an' her wife Siobhan. She's fiery, Irish as can be, an' I suppose you could call her da current matriarch of da clan, much t' da Admiral's knicker-twist. She is also a peer, so I dunno if you wanna boddah wi' all da fancy formality of one of her social get togeddahs. Of course, I could arrange for us t' have a private dinner wi' her. We could fly an' get picked up Belfast Airport, or we could drive an' take da ferry..." She glances up to try to gauge his feelings about that.
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
Everyone’s talking about kinks today. It’s like they’re trying to take my job!! 😡 /j /lh
Anyways I’m back and I would like to ask a simple question today. Collars? And if yes, on who?
(I read a fic the other day where it was sub regulus but James still wore a collar and leash because regulus needed to hold onto something while getting fucked and now I can’t get it out of my head and need to tell others about it)
Wishing you the sun, moon, and stars
Kink Nonnie
(I will always have creative sign-offs until the day I leave this earth 🫡)
hehe that's ur impact darling!! my inbox hasn't been this level of horny in . quite a long time . (not that i'm complaining..)
YES. COLLARS ARE ALWAYS A YES. and i mean, probably boxer au jeggy (james would be the one wearing the collar regardless of who's actually in control during sex, it's not really boxer au reg's style but james would looooove it, especially if reg is pulling on a leash attached to it <3) and definitely feeling good jeggy (here reggie is the one with the collar . calling james shameless and a pervert all red in the face while being ridiculously hard in his pants . he'd go all pliant after the first tug on the leash). oh and nothing happens jeggy would go insane over a collar and leash with all that ownership connotations lmao, and it works either way, doesn't really matter who wears it, what matters is that it symbolises that they're each other's
the rest of my jeggys would be down to try it, but i'm not so sure they'd be super into it. oby jeggy would enjoy it probably, and they'd alternate since they'd both like wearing the collar. fucked up road trip fic jeggy would be kinda indifferent about it. and making ghosts jeggy would try it out at some point in their relationship and find out they quite like it (james is obviously wearing the collar)
AND STOP THAT'S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SIGN OFF.. kissing u all over ur face nonnie <333
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 4 years
pairing: regulus black x reader 
warning(s): 18+, thigh riding, softdom!regulus, collar/leash, spanking, choking
a/n: i don’t even know where this idea came from but here it is. and now i want a regulus. 
You felt a gentle tug on the leash that was attached to the leather collar around your throat, pulling you closer to your boyfriend, Regulus. You followed the pull easily, silently trailing behind him until he sat down at his desk. 
Your brows immediately furrowed in confusion. This was not how things normally went. If you had your collar on, you were having sex. Not… doing homework? 
He must have seen the look on your face, because he immediately explained the situation to you. 
“I have some work I need to get done, kitten,” he explained, looking up at you. “But you deserve a treat because you’ve been good, so you’re going to ride my thigh until you get off. I’ll only work for as long as it takes you.” 
With one more pull, you were falling down onto his lap and straddling a strong thigh. Playing Quidditch for all of those years had served him well. Your chest was against his and your arms hesitantly came up to wrap around his neck. You had never done this before, not like this at least. Not while he would be blatantly ignoring you. 
“Really?” You asked, just to be sure. “I-I can wait until you’re done.” 
“I know how desperate you’ve been all day, kitten. Don’t try to fool me. Cum for me,” he said lowly, a slap coming down onto your ass to coax you into moving. 
It worked, because your body jerked forward. You were already stripped naked for him, completely exposed, and the way your clit dragged against his dress pants made a whimper fall from your mouth. 
“There’s my girl. You’re already soaking me,” he mused quietly, picking up his quill on the other side of your body. 
As you began to roll your hips, you heard scratch marks along parchment. His casual nonchalance about the whole situation lit up a fury of emotions inside of you. Firstly, you were furious. His attention usually never left you when you were naked, let alone when you were riding any part of him. Secondly, you were a bit sad. His lack of attention made you feel extra needy and desperate for him. But lastly, you were extremely turned on by it. His level of self control never failed to shock you and the way he was ignoring you only spurred you on to do more. 
You knew you were already dripping onto his leg, probably soaking right through his very expensive pants, but he didn’t pay it any mind. You rolled your hips and ground your hips down hard, your clit getting the perfect level of friction to begin tightening the coil inside of your stomach. The feel of the leather leash between your breasts made you hot with arousal, knowing that he had this much power over you even when he wasn’t doing a single thing. 
It went on like that for some time until you finally broke, desperate for his attention. You had been grinding down harder and harder, your grip on his shoulder only getting harsher as time when on. You were getting so close to the edge, but no matter what you did you couldn’t seem to be able to push yourself off. You needed him. 
“Reg, please. Need you, touch me. Anything. Please,” you whined, your lips trailing up his neck. 
His hand came back down to crack on your ass, definitely leaving a mark this time. You couldn’t even hold back your moan at the contact, craving more from him. His other hand came up to loop the leash around his palm a few times and pulled back harshly, effectively choking you with your own precious collar. 
“I already told you I have work to finish. Are you that fucking desperate that you still need my help to get yourself off?” He asked harshly, but you could see the humorous twinkle in his eyes. He was getting off on this. On ignoring you. On making you desperate for him. On making you a pathetic, whining mess in his lap. 
“I need you. Please,” you continued, your hands coming up to curl into his raven hair. You knew he loved a good hair pull. You were trying anything to make him break. 
You could feel the rumble in his chest before a groan fell from his lips. “You’re gonna be the death of me, kitten.”
His hands came up to grip your hips, moving you back and forth harshly against him, as his lips came down to meet yours in a heated kiss. He swallowed all your moans as he ravished your mouth, never once stopping your hips from their fast pace. The coil in your stomach grew tighter and tighter until your legs were shaking aggressively around his thigh. He could sense how close you were and just for good measure he began to bounce his leg up and down, creating a vibrating sensation that went directly to your clit. 
You almost let out a scream when you came, you head thrown back in pleasure as your vision went spotty. He worked you through it, showering you with praises of how good you did and how pretty you looked. Finally, your hips came to a rest and you buried your face into his shoulder, panting. 
“Now you get me all to yourself, kitten. We can play all night if you want,” he said gently, his fingers combing through your hair. 
You gave a shaky nod into his shirt, still trying to get your breathing back under control. But when you tried to move your head and felt an unmistakable pull on your neck, you realized he had never let go of his tight grip on the leash. Oh, you were in for a long night.
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They Have a Sister, You Know? (Part 1)
Remus Lupin x Reader
Word Count: 1,461
Warning(s): canon divergence, language, mention of an abusive childhood, mild violence/torture.
Series Summary: You were the youngest, and least known sibling in the Black family. And, like your brothers before you, you rebelled against your family, eventually leaving them in your wake. Luckily, as you got older, your brothers took you under their wing and held you up on your feet. Now, you fought together in the war that seemed to consume the world around you. Since jobs were out of the question, your oldest brother Sirius and his friends formed a low-key rock band, performing at small bars here and there for extra income. And, being the supportive younger sister you were, you went to the first show you could. That was where you met Remus Lupin, again. Sure, you remembered the scrawny boy from school. But, years later, he was different. He was hot.And, when the world suddenly started crumbling around you, you realized that was only one of many amazing traits the young werewolf possessed.
A/N: Here’s my first Remus x Reader series. I hope you like it. Bold words are song lyrics. Song featured in this fic is “You Don’t Belong” by Chris Daughtry. Sorry, but I don’t keep a tag list.
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Sirius and Regulus Black? Yeah, I’ve heard of them. They have a sister, you know? Y/N Black. She was the youngest of the three, and from what I’ve heard, the most rebellious. Yes, even more than her infamous oldest brother. Walburga kept her on a short leash, and rarely let her leave the house as a child. When she turned eleven, she was sent off to Hogwarts like her brothers. She was only a year behind Regulus I believe, and was sorted into Ravenclaw house, much to her parent’s dismay. After Sirius ran away, she found her way out of Grimmauld Place too, for good. No one knows where the three siblings are now. I’ve heard Regulus was killed, and she may be dead too. No one really knows for sure.
You nudged Regulus and smiled. He shot you another annoyed look, which seemed to be his usual look these days, then turned back to the dark stage in front of him. It was weird being in public like this, out in the open, but it was also so nice. It had been almost two months since any of you had gone out in public to have any sort of fun. And, a rock concert was definitely your idea of fun.
“I hope Sirius falls of that stage,” you joked as you leaned towards your brother. “He’s such a dork.”
“He won’t, Y/N. Be nice,” Lily, one of your best friends growled beside you, swatting your arm. “If any of them are going to get injured, it would be James. I can’t believe they trust him with two drum sticks.” She rolled her eyes, making you laugh.
“You’ve got a point, Lils.” You turned back towards the stage waiting for your brother and his friends to come on. The four of them had formed a small band to make some extra cash when they could. Of course, everyone took extra care to make sure the Death Eaters weren’t following them. But, in the back of your mind, you knew they were never too far behind.
Marlene smacked both of her hands onto your shoulders and screamed as the stage lit up, revealing your favorite rock stars. The nearly one hundred people in the crowd clapped and cheered as James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus entered the stage.
“Oh,” you muttered as your eyes landed on your brother’s friend, Remus. It had been a while since you had seen him, at least a year or two. Hell, maybe more. Since you and Reg were almost always gone on some sort of mission nowadays, you hadn’t had much time to catch up with anyone. Most of them hadn’t changed a bit.
But, Remus had. He was taller than you remember, even taller than Sirius now. And, he had definitely filled out since school. His shoulders were wider, and he was definitely more muscular than you remembered. And, he had a noticeable, relatively new scar across his left cheek. The sight made your heart ping. But, those gorgeous green eyes were the same one you remembered from years back. Oh, and they were as magnificent as ever.
Regulus had told you during school that Remus was a werewolf. It had scared the life out of you at first. But, Remus was a sweet soul. And, from what you understood, his friends kept close watch during his transformations. After a while, you rarely thought about it.
Remus held his guitar close, which you recognized was Sirius’ spare that you stole from time to time. He approached the center mic. He sang too? Merlin. You weren’t sure you could take much more without melting.
“Oh, James, don’t twirl those!” Lily squealed to herself as she watched her husband toy with his drum sticks. “I don’t want to have to fix those glasses again!” she whined. James obviously couldn’t hear her. So, you just laughed, watching the young man you referred to as your brother-in-law tap lightly on the edge of his drums.
Your eyes scanned over the boys. Sirius tuned his deep purple guitar and Peter adjusted the strap on his tattered bass guitar. You honestly didn’t even know Peter had any musical talent.
“Hello, everyone,” Remus greeted the crowd. His voice was much deeper than you remembered, giving you chills. “And thank you for being here.” And, with that, he and Sirius started their first cords.
Remus leaned into the mic. “With time to kill and an empty tomb, I always find a way to pass the time with you.” His silky voice rolled. You nearly melted into the floor. Instead, you leaned against your older brother, who stood perfectly still. His eyes flicked over to you knowingly, but he didn’t say a word.
Sirius thrashed around, occasionally popping up in front of his own mic to sing the back up vocals. You didn’t even know your brother could sing. He certainly could, and so could Remus. Oh, so well.
“Ten feet tall and bullet proof I never thought that I had a thing to lose.” Your skin prickled as you watched the copper haired man close his eyes, getting lost in the music around him. The crowd around you responded, making you smile. But, you couldn’t take your eyes off Remus Lupin.
“They’re really good, huh?” Lily asked beside you, her voice barely audible over the music. You nodded, never shifting your gaze. She nudged you. “Y/N?” She studied you, slowly following your line of sight to the subject of your fascination. “Oh, no. Y/N, you crushing on a rock star?”
You snapped towards her. “No! They are just a lot better than I taught they would be! I had no idea they would be so put together!” you shouted as the song ended. “I thought Sirius was going to try to play something different from everyone else and try to lead the show.”
Lily shook her head. “From what little I’ve seen during their occasional practice, he’s as focused as the rest of them. They just haven’t had much time to play, with so many missions lately.” She turned back towards the stage, her eyes landing on James. “It’s a good distraction for them—”
The building around you started the shake violently. Shards from the wooden ceiling beams began to fall into the small crowd as everyone around you started to scream. Regulus grabbed your arm and tugged you towards him, reaching for his wand. You slipped yours out too and held it in front of you.
“Shit!” you screamed. “What is—Lily!” you shouted for your friend as she raced towards the stage, towards your husband. “No!” you tried to break free from his grasp and chase after her, but Regulus was bigger than you, and he was just too strong. “I need to go after her!”
“James will find her! And Marlene!” he shouted over the screams. “We need to get out of here—” Just as he turned, a dark figure stopped him dead in his tracks. “Fuck.”
You lifted your wand as turned toward your brother. The figure, cloaked in a long black robe, stared you down. The man didn’t say a word. Instead, he raised his wand to you.
“Impedimenta!” you screamed just before the man flicked his wand. His movements slowed, giving Regulus enough time to dodge out of the way. He rushed into the crowd with you following close behind.
Seconds later, your entire body exploded with intense pain. You collapsed to the concrete ground as your spine arched. A desperate shrill escaped your throat as a young woman, around your age, hovered over you, her wand dangling from her thin fingers.
“The youngest Black, filthy traitor!” you could barely hear her over the sound of your own screams. Your legs bent under you, pain still searing through every nerve. This was it; you were done for. That was what you got for going to such a public place even when hundreds of loyal Death Eaters were hunting you down every waking moment. It was about time before they found you and killed you.
“Stupefy!” You heard someone scream. A moment later, they pain began to subside, and a sigh left your lungs. You tensed as arms wrapped around you and pulled you quickly to your feet. Your blurred vision tried to focus on who was holding you up. But, you couldn’t tell.
“Reg?” you muttered to your savior.
“He’s safe. Both of your brothers are,” a familiar voice answered. You aching body tensed again, this time from shock.
“Remus,” you huffed, trying to keep up with his fast pace. But, the curse had been too much for you, and you were weak. Your head spun as you lost your footing, before finally collapsing back onto the floor.
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