#and ratonhnhaké:ton would probably have an easier time
teecupangel · 10 months
Was looking at Pokémon that are red cause of reasons, don’t ask it doesn’t make sense, and then had the thought: Desmond reborn as Charmander. And just imagining him growing up into a Charizard. Like, especially in an au where Desmond comes from a universe without Pokémon into this one, he’s just adjusting to “oh fuck I’m an animal?!” into “oh fuck I can breathe fire?!?!” and juuuuust when he’s getting over the concept and feeling of evolving, he becomes a Charizard and has a moment of “Wait…I have wings…I’M A DRAGON?!?!”
Meanwhile, Ezio/Altaïr/Ratonhnhake:ton (whoever you wanna put him with) just watch on in pure confusion as their partner Pokémon has a breakdown.
Okay, what if it was a First Gen Pokemon AU where Desmond is one of the three starter Pokemons in Monteriggioni, the first ‘town’ in the continent they are in and the headquarters of the Brotherhood.
They’re just called the Brotherhood, not the Assassin Brotherhood, and they’re rivals with the Order.
So three teenagers come to age and gets to pick their starter Pokemon before going on a journey across the continent to battle gym leaders and be legible to join the tournament held annually during the end of the year.
These young teenagers?
In Desmond’s eyes, they look exactly like Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton.
And apparently he was now a lizard with a flaming tail.
What the fuck.
The last thing he remembers is emptiness that made him sleepy.
When he woke up, he was there, in the middle of a large circular scifi looking table with a blue turtle with a curly tail and some kind of animal with a large closed plant on its back and…
Holy shit.
What the hell is this place?
He could see his reflection from one of the nearby monitors and he was a red lizard with a flaming tail.
He began to flap his tail, accidentally smacking the turtle who let out an indignant “Squirtle!” and smacked him back with his own tail.
Desmond, still not used to his new center of balance, staggered and accidentally slammed against the plant animal on his other side who went “Bulba-saur!” and…
All three stared at the sudden all out brawl happening on the presentation table as Ezio asked, “Uuhhh, Tio…?”
“Such lively Pokemons.” Mario simply laughed it off, “Don’t worry. We’ll heal them once you picked your first Pokemons!”
“Are you telling us to pick now?” Ratonhnhaké:ton asked with a frown.
“Yes. And…” Mario grinned at them, “As your first duty as a Pokemon trainer, you three should stop them from fighting too.”
“You just don’t want to get between that fight yourself.” Altaïr dryly said.
Mario just laughed instead of denying it.
(You decide who gets Desmond. By this point, you guys know me enough to know which one I would pick hahahahaha)
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Before I go on my little AC rant I just wanted to say how awesome it is to see another native woman whose an assassin’s creed fan! I rarely see other native people on this app period, but seeing someone else whose an AC fan is just amazing! You’re my favorite writer and I just love everything you write!
Anyway, man I really wish they would have showed or said something about Shay vs Ratonhnhaké:ton after Ratonhnhaké:ton basically destroyed the templars! Your posts have me thinking about Haytham and Shay sharing a platonic darling who is also Ratonhnhaké:ton’s romantic darling. You were probably already stuck with Haytham/Shay before Ratonhnhaké:ton found you during his hunt for the templars. He thinks constantly about how much he wants you away from the templars and safe with them while Haytham is forced to consider shipping you off with Shay somewhere to be kept safe. After Haytham’s death Ratonhnhaké:ton takes you in, but you know that Shay is still out there and will come back eventually. So you’re just stuck waiting around until he does and it probably pushes you a bit more into Ratonhnhaké:ton’s arms because of it. Idk i just really wanted to see a Shay/Ratonhnhaké:ton throw down 😫🥲
OMG. HIIIIII♡ I LITERALLY NEARLY CRIED WHEN I SAW THIS BUT YEAH, SAME, Shay isn't my absolute favorite character (his concept was interesting and the execution was not it) AND YEAH, NO, I ALWAYS THOUGHT IT WOULD BE COOL IF WE GOT A SHAY AND CONNOR SHOWDOWN BUT WE NEVER DID.
But also, that is such a delicious idea omg. Maybe you were taken in by Haytham after he killed your assassin parents or maybe you just knew the things that the Templars were doing were wrong but either way, it wasn't like you could do much. Haytham saw something in you, felt a whole in his heart heal a little when he was around you, and then a fatherly love for you. Since Shay is obviously a Templar at this time, he absolutely adored you as well and he became something of an uncle, morally he wasn't any better than Haytham, but you eased the harshness of time within him and softened his hardened heart. He'd often write to you or when he went to visit Haytham, he'd bring back a gift from wherever he visited because absolutely loved your precious little smile. Then Haytham took you away to the colonies and it pained Shay not knowing how long it would be before you'd be back but he'd still write letters.
You meet Ratonhnhaké:ton when he was working with his dad, he feels embarassed for this but he genuinely does feel shy around you. You're just so mesmerizing and you smile a little when Haytham has to elbow him to introduce himself to you and you introduce yourself to him. Haytham isn't blind, when you must make camp for the night, he sees the way Ratonhnhaké:ton looks at you and the way you look at him. Maybe it was because he wasn't raised in a stuffy Templar upbringing like you or maybe it was the way he spoke, his ideals and his thoughts, Haytham watched bitterly and with confliction because on one hand, he cared for Ratonhnhaké:ton in his own way but you...he could see the wheels turning in your head as Ratonhnhaké:ton spoke, how his lessons and teachings were going out your ear as you listened to Ratonhnhaké:ton. He calls it an early night and makes sure you two get into your own separate tents and keeps watch. Haytham knew he needed the boy yet but he can't risk you getting any ideas and trying to leave him when he worked so hard to give you the best life you could possibly ask for. He writes a letter to Shay saying that he should come and take you back on his ship for a while until this whole war is over. In the morning when you all stop by town for supplies, he sends it.
While he's doing that, you and Ratonhnhaké:ton just wandering the streets, talking and cracking some funny jokes here and there. It's when you ask him if Connor is his real name that things get interesting.
"Connor is just easier to remember for most people. My birth name is hard to pronounce for some."
"Try me."
When he says his name, you struggle with the pronunciation only a little but after some practice tries, you finally get it right: "Ratonhnhaké:ton...I like it. Would you mind if I continued to call you that?"
"I would appreciate it deeply."
The way you say his name (his TRUE one) sends goosebumps down his spine, when Haytham comes back from a few errands and you once more ride horseback, you smile to yourself as Ratonhnhaké:ton rides behind you, his gaze that of a lovesick puppy. Then his eyes shift over to his father and they darken ever so slightly as the corners of his lips turn to a frown. He likes being with you, he can't deny it. You're so kind and sweet, so unfazed at the sight of blood and killing due being figuratively shackled to Haytham's side but so doting when he receives the smallest of cuts. You both knew that you were no Templar and there was no question that the only thing keeping you one was his father.
When he kills Haytham, you aren't sure what to feel, so you stand and feel nothing. Ratonhnhaké:ton knows he made a mistake but he can not take it back now. Two orphans walk out hand in hand as you agree in your head and heart to go with Ratonhnhaké:ton wherever he goes. Ratonhnhaké:ton also does end up taking Haytham's journal and learning more about his father, how many times you tried to escape or how many times you cried for your real parents, how you finally became the compliant and dearly beloved apprentice/child for Haytham eventually. Then he reads about the latest entry of how Haytham caught onto Ratonhnhaké:tons feelings-which Connor finds rather embarrassing and nearly puts the journal down to stop there because he thought he was doing well in hiding it-but then his eyes see a familiar name, "Shay".
He knows of him from Achilles, he knows of him because of the amount of blood he has on his hands, and when he tells you about how Haytham sent the letter, you smile sadly.
"I figured...I can leave if you wish me too."
"Why would I want you to do that?"
"Ratonhnhaké:ton"- he feels a certain giddiness in his heart when you say his name- "I am not worth the trouble."
He responds with a simple: "Yes, you are, and more..."
When Shay reaches the colonies again, he knows that something happened to Haytham when he didn't return a few other letters he sent. The one thing that is on his mind when Haytham is confirmed dead was you.
What happened to you?
Where are you?
Who took you?
Shay will look all over the colonies for you and bring you back "home", you know that much. Ratonhnhaké:ton would be daring him to try and take you from him. After getting to know Ratonhnhaké:ton and living life away from the Templars,when Shay DOES find you, you're quick to try and run to Ratonhnhaké:ton. Shay grabs your wrist and pulls you into a hug which you would've loved if it still didn't feel so suffocating now you had gotten a taste of freedom. When he tries to drag you away, Ratonhnhaké:ton defiantly emerges and grabs your other wrist, causing Shay to look him up and down but more importantly, it's the robes that he's wearing that cause him to scowl.
It would eventually lead to a duel, one where the future of your life will be determined and nothing will change it. Shay would kill without hesitation but Ratonhnhaké:ton is more than willing to do anything he can to keep you with him.
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conhnhaketon · 6 years
Achilles: Better to be thought a Spaniard than a Native. And both are better still than I. Ratonhnhaké:ton: That is not true. Achilles: What's true and what is aren't always the same.
connor holds this very close to his heart when people are calling him by slurs in a derogatory manner. he usually tries to overlook any racism that is casually exhibited, and tries to only react if a situation is life threatening. it bothers him a lot, but he really does try to ignore it and remember what achilles tells him. there are times were he lets his anger get the better of him, but he quickly pulls himself together bc he can’t afford getting angry over some random person using a slur when there are lives at risk.
at some point throughout his journey, he would have addressed this, but his first priority is the freedom of people. he never gets around to that stage in his main verse because there are always bigger problems to take care of but when he was younger and he had realised the severity of those slurs, he would’ve intervened a lot and probably got into fights with irrelevant people but with time, he’d try and calm himself down, especially when they’re being directed @ other people bc getting a rise out of him by targeting someone else is easier than personally targeting him
but anyway... achilles’ words influence connor a lot, he wouldn’t have survived for this long if it wasn’t for achilles. he’s always been impulsive, but he was more impulsive when he was younger. achilles probably had 2 tell him to take several seats bc these white men were strong and he wouldn’t be able to win if he didn’t think things through... he really does ponder over everything achilles says, even if it isn’t right at that exact moment
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teecupangel · 3 months
How would the assassins react to meeting John Wick?
I was thinking if this should be a Modern Day AU or if it’s John Wick timetraveling kind of thing. Modern Day AU would probably be easier because if John Wick timetravel, he’d probably adopt a dog and live a simple life somewhere he knew would be peaceful (plus, the man deserves it)
So for this one, they meet John Wick during different times in his life.
Altaïr would consider him to be dangerous and would go down the rabbit hole trying to find him to check if he could be part of the Order. This ends up with him finding out about the Continental Hotel and that’s a whole other thing that he now has to deal with.
Ezio wants to recruit him because he saw his skills and thought “I can help him get better”. Every time their paths crossed, Ezio’s full on recruiter mode. Everybody else jokes that he has a guy crush. Ezio would agree. “I have fallen in love with him the moment he put a bullet between the eyes of my own target.”
Ratonhnhaké:ton has some kind of silent agreement with him if they cross path. You go your way and I go my way. He does consider him to be a good hit man (the Brotherhood does not like to call them ‘assassins’) but he also knows how annoying it would be to be focused on because of mistrust (Altaïr) or because they wanted your skills (Ezio).
Desmond actually met him when he was a bartender during one of John’s mission. He knew something was different about him and thought he might be an Assassin… but no. He wasn’t. Desmond honestly let out a sigh of relief when John said he was a contract killer, much to John’s amusement.
Edward crossed paths with him before John Wick became a contract killer. He was actually the first one to try and recruit him but John Wick turned him down. Ezio goes to him whenever he’s turned down and Edward just laughs. He and John did go drinking once and John told him he did wonder how his life would have been if he had agreed to Edward’s offer.
Arno is always polite around him and sometimes ask if they could team up. John always reject his offer though. Whenever he does, Arno would send his location to Ezio who would know immediately it’s John Wick related… because Arno can be quite petty XD
Jacob absolutely tried to recruit him and his way is more joking and a bit flirty. He would tell Evie that he was not flirting with the man. Evie would just raise an eyebrow at him then turn to John to apologize for her twin’s actions.
Bayek tried to recruit him once but stopped when he said no. The last time they met, he learned that John had given up his life as a contract killer to be with the woman he loves and Bayek wished for him the best. (we all know how that ended)
Basim and John first met when they were both just starting their careers in their respective ‘industries’. The next time they met, John noticed that something was different about Basim. Basim just laughs it off and tells him that he hadn’t changed. He just became who he truly was before.
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teecupangel · 4 months
Weird idea: Des gets dropped in the past, human or not, preferably with Altaïr (so he can be immortal and the problem can be passed on to Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton), and he can speak every single language past and future in the whole world perfectly, EXCEPT any that are linked to Arabic, Italian, or English.
(Linked meaning like, have common origins or descendants or have strong connections in any way that would allow a smart person, like Altaïr, to puzzle out what he’s saying. So like, he can only speak modern Korean, Gbaya languages, ancient Parahã, and those kinds of languages. Things Altaïr could never puzzle out with what he knows. He’d have to start from scratch.)
Cause like, it’s similar to the whole Desmond-just-straight-up-can’t-talk-for-such-and-such-reason, but it’s slightly more interesting. And plus it’d be funny if Desmond isn’t good at learning languages so he can speak all of these, but he has no basis whatsoever to learn Arabic, Italian, or English.
And as anyone who’s tried to learn a very different language will tell you, it’s way more complicated than you’d think.
(My fav would be if he’s even more limited and can only speak in whistle languages. Confusing people even more who haven’t ever even considered that a spoken language could use whistles)
I feel like the main point of this idea is to make Desmond suffer but I'm thinking Desmond wouldn't suffer all that much since we'll bring him to Altaïr who was raised in a time where a lot of different people with different languages mixed together in lands under their Brotherhood’s supervision.
I personally headcanon that Altaïr knows most languages used by the crusaders and the nearby lands as part of his whole ‘I’m an overachiever that would have probably had multiple PhD had I been born later in life” thing going on.
Of course, this doesn’t mean Altaïr would be fluent in all kinds of languages but, speaking from experience as a multilingual who isn’t fluent in all languages I can understand and speak to varying degrees of success, he would know what’s the most important ‘cheat’ he can use:
Context clues.
In this situation, Altaïr would try to understand Desmond’s language and they would start with the basics.
“I am Desmond.”
“You are Altaïr.”
“He is Malik.”
“She is Maria.”
From those three sentences, Altaïr would have a grasp of the words Desmond uses for “I”, “you” and if there is a difference between talking to a third person of differing gender.
And more importantly…
He gets a feel of what is the most common sentence structure.
He would tell Desmond to keep his sentences simple, even tell him to speak it as if he’s speaking to a child.
Altaïr has no shame of asking such a thing because this makes it easier for him to understand Desmond.
So they would start with common grammatical structures and then the most common words they would use or would see around them.
Of course, it’s not like Altaïr would understand all these in a span of a month or three. But he will definitely progress through it and they would have decades together considering how long Altaïr lived.
In this situation, learning Desmond’s language would become more or less common in the Brotherhood. Hell, they might even develop their own language which would be a mix of Desmond’s language and the main language used in Masyaf. Even even mix in a few words here and there from other languages that the Assassins used.
From there on, this fusion of a language would become the unofficial language of the Brotherhood (imagine that scene with the Parisian Council speak in Arabic would change to this language and Arno’s “???” expression because he hears some whistles but, at the same time, he kinda understands some of the words because he remembered his father used to speak the same language) and it’s one of the greatest secret of the Brotherhood.
… and it all started because Altaïr and Desmond liked to talk to one another about the most idiotic thing Abbas had done for the week and to complain about Malik working them to the bone XD
(This does mean that whenever someone speaks to Desmond, they do usually make use of most common and basic sentence structure.)
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teecupangel · 7 months
Rather specific and weird but, how do you think Altaïr, Ezio, Ratonhnhaké:ton, and Desmond would react to having chronic migraines? Totally not asking because my chronic migraines are kicking my ass right now. Totally.
I hope you feel better, nonny, and I’m sorry this is so late TTATT
Altaïr had been living with the pain in his head that comes and goes regularly since he was a child.
He knows how to hide it and he has no plans to tell anyone about it.
Al Mualim knows of it and has told him repeatedly how important it was for nobody else to know.
It was a weakness that Altaïr cannot show to others.
So he pretends he’s fine.
Everything was fine.
He’s fine.
He must be fine.
Ezio’s sickness in the mind as the dottore would call it always worried his family. He tried to hide it at times, especially when he knows that Petruccio needed more care and attention that him. He was the older brother. The least he could do was make sure his youngest sibling would be cared for. He can endure the pain.
“You’re an idiot.” Claudia would always say as she drags Ezio to his room and force him to lay on his bed.
“I’m fine, Claudia.”
“I know. You’re helping me practice.”
Ezio had hated this ‘practice’ when he was a child. A practice to when I have my own child, Claudia would say.
It was embarrassing.
But hearing Claudia read out loud a book for children…
Feeling the warmth of his blanket…
The relaxing scent of tea that Claudia would sip from time to time…
The pain in his head was still prominent but… Ezio couldn’t help but relax nonetheless.
“Thank you, Claudia.”
“Shush, babies don’t talk.”
Everyone in the village knew that Ratonhnhaké:ton would have this ‘episodes’ every so often. They always seemed to realize it even when Ratonhnhaké:ton is trying to hide it and tell him to go home and rest or, if Ratonhnhaké:ton is being a bit too stubborn, they’ll let him do something for the village that he could do at his own pace. Nothing dangerous. They’d always check up on him every so often and Ratonhnhaké:ton would try to finish it. But his mother would always come to him before he could and they would go home. His mother would tuck him after they ate and hum some kind of song as she held her son.
When he became an Assassin, he tried to hide it. It was easy to hide it among the people who didn’t know him.
But Achilles always knew.
“You’ll only be a danger to everyone and yourself. Rest and return when you’re better.”
Achilles tried to keep his distance.
But Ratonhnhaké:ton still heard the concern in his tone.
He always watched as Achilles walked away after saying his peace even though the sound of his cane tapping against the wooden floor made the pain in his head hurt a little bit more.
Ratonhnhaké:ton supposed he should take a rest.
He didn’t want Achilles to come back and hit him on the head with his cane later after all.
Not that it ever happened.
It was an empty threat and they both knew it.
Desmond is slave to capitalism. He has no choice but to keep on working even though he has a migraine. It’s absolute hell but Desmond has grown used to this.
Even back on the Farm, he would still continue to train when he was having a migraine. Nothing has truly changed.
Hell, this is an improvement.
The worst he could do was drop some kind of glass or bottle instead of falling or getting hurt himself.
It’ll be fine.
He’ll be fine.
(He does not realize that the lighting and the music of his job is worsening his migraines, he just thinks he need to power through it)
He would probably check online for medicines that can help make his migraines ‘easier’ or remember the medicine his parents used to give him (and yeah, if it needs a prescription, Desmond’s gonna steal it)
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teecupangel · 9 months
Has anyone suggested Desmond as the same species as red XIII from FF7 for the Desmond as an animal/creature subgenre yet
Of course, Desmond gets to be called Red XVII.
Okay, but in all seriousness, considering Red XIII’s real name Nanaki, if Desmond is ever going to get a different name for this one, it would probably be Jyuna or Hina as a reference to Subject 17 (Jyu = 10/ Hi = 1, Na = nana = 7)
For this one, I’m guessing he’s still in AC world? (although it would be fun to play with the idea that he’s one of the small children running with Red XIII in the og ending)
He’d probably be thought of as some kind of exotic feline creature until they see the flames on the end of his tail.
From there, he’d be considered some kind of mythical creature of some kind, maybe he even becomes an example of how shisa truly do exist?
In terms of appearance, I like to think he looks a lot like Red XIII with a scar on the right side of his lips and having darker red fur on his right front leg. He also has the same tattoo on his left front leg and maybe mane decorations very similar to Ratonhnhaké:ton’s?
Both of his front legs are armed with hidden blades that act more like a hidden spur that he can use to attack. The flame of his tail is also the color of the sun.
Wherever he ends up in, he’d most definitely be considered more on the side of a dangerous feline.
But you know the best part?
He can talk.
Which means he can actually converse with his ancestor.
This opens the floodgates because this means he will have an easier time to change history.
… if he wanted to.
It’s Desmond.
Of course, he’d want to change his ancestors’ fate at the very least.
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teecupangel · 5 months
Hi Teacup, I love the asks and answers. It's a nice treat to read especially when I feel depressed.
So I have been having an idea bug me for a while now and that is Desmond fully going to die, but at the last second two more people join him. He passes out from the ordeal but he sees the Templar Cross. It's not Abestrgo, but Templars of old. The thought is everyone brings back the assassins of old, so why not Templars and make them the good guys. I typically have Haythem Kenway, Shay Cormac, Ulberto, Cesere Borgia, Robert De Sable, and Kjotve the Cruel. I also add in Father Maffei, (he is the monk who was the tutor of the Medic children) and Rodrigo Borgia for flavor. So between Assassins Creed 3 and Valhalla Desmond is just chilling with these Templars just as friends. Oh Edward Kenway is there for added drama. Yes I have added in Daniel Cross and Lucy Stillman but that will be up to you.
Anyway look forward to the shinaginges that unfold.
I’m so happy to know these asks and answers are able to give you a little pick me up whenever you need it <3
I feel like around the time of Black Flag, he’d still be a little wary of his Templar ‘companions’, especially with Cesare Borgia and Uberto Alberti.
Like, Haytham Kenway would probably be the one he finds easiest to talk to because… it’s Haytham Kenway. He might have some choice words for how he acted around Ratonhnhaké:ton but he was familiar and Desmond knew him most of all.
He’d also be chill with Shay Cormac because he doesn’t actually know him via the Animus.
Father Maffei is on his shit list though because he’s the one who led the guards who captured the Auditores.
Surprisingly, he’d be okay with Robert de Sablé for some reason. Maybe it’s a ‘residue’ of Maria Thorpe’s genetic memories, maybe it’s because his actions didn’t affect Altaïr as severe as the others, maybe it’s because he’s quite polite even after learning Desmond was an Assassin.
He wouldn’t see eye to eye with Kjotve as well since he is… well, he enjoyed death and destruction.
It’s only at the end of Black Flag’s storyline that he starts to be okay around them because they’re all dead and the afterlife has a way of soothing the rough edges brought by mortality.
It’s easier to talk to Cross than Lucy though for Desmond because Lucy betrayed him while Cross was just… his enemy from the start.
Sure, he did bad things but that felt more like stories to Desmond since he wasn’t there.
And there was something in the afterlife that made it easy to just… let go of things.
By the time Edward Kenway appeared, Desmond and the others are very chill with each other but they ignore everyone’s past (well… they don’t talk about topics that would remind people while they wanted to kill each other).
Having Edward make things the brittle peace crack in a lot of ways, most especially on the side of the Kenway family drama.
Desmond wouldn’t even be sure if he should be part of any of that since they’re father and son but he will. Since he’s the only Assassin in this little patch of afterlife and he has remnants of Ratonhnhaké:ton’s Bleed, he and Edward would gravitate towards one another.
Edward would be the one questioning why Desmond would be okay with all of them. Sure, some of them, maybe but at least three of the people with them orchestrated the death of Ezio’s father and brothers.
That’s when the doubt would set in…
Did Desmond form bonds with them naturally?
Or was there something in this place that was soothing them to the point of them losing something intricately them?
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teecupangel · 1 year
What if the Desmond gets turned into an immortal animal and sent back in time trope happens but because of Isu bullshit it happens thrice once for each main ancestor
like Desmond pops into being around young Altair and is like this might as well happen so he stays with Altair for the rest of his life and travels around for a bit before thinking it's probably time to go see Ezio and he arrives in time to see another animal that he somehow knows is also him pop out of nowhere and they would be doing the Spiderman pointing meme if either if them had fingers
So they think this is weird but just go along with it for years and years until they go visit Ratonhnhaké:ton when it happens again
If you wanna be thematic maybe the desmonds ate an eagle a wolf and a bear but I thinks it's funnier if they were all the same type of animal
The Desmonds can speak to each other but no other animal or human
Honestly, I think having Desmond be an eagle, a wolf and a bear would be thematic. In that idea, I think Altaïr should have eagle!Desmond, Ezio should have wolf!Desmond and Ratonhnhaké:ton would get bear!Desmond. 
We’re giving them the following so that Altaïr’s eagle!Desmond would have an easy time traveling around before visiting Ezio. Altaïr would find eagle!Desmond as a child, maybe after training, and tries to pet him because he seemed docile. Desmond lets it happen because it’s Altaïr and Altaïr starts bringing him a bit of his food to feed him which Desmond eats because raw food felt weird even though they’re surprisingly delicious. Desmond stays with Altaïr, being known as Altaïr’s eagle who doesn’t mind getting petted. Unless you’re Abbas. Abbas only gets pecked. In one memorable incident, Desmond almost managed to peck his eye out when he was insulting Altaïr and… yeeaaahhh… everyone agrees he’s a smart bird. 
Wolf!Desmond is given to Ezio because, this way, he could be mistaken as a dog when he’s just a pup and also because Ezio had ‘dealings’ with the Followers of Romulus in Rome and I think it would be funny if Ezio was kicking their ass with an actual wolf. Give them a bit of ‘maybe we’re being punished?’ vibes before they die. XD Okay, but in all seriousness, we’re giving Desmond to Ezio as a child. To be more exact, he’s a wolf pup Petruccio found during the rare times he was strong enough to take a walk outside for a bit. He looked like a dirty little thing but Petruccio was so happy that Desmond allowed him to pet him and followed him home that his parents couldn’t say no to his request. (Up to you if Desmond being with Petruccio leads to him being able to save them or even just Petruccio or we’re going for the ‘they still get arrested and executed and Ezio keeps apologizing to Desmond for being unable to save them as he cries’ route)
Now, Ratonhnhaké:ton getting the bear is a matter of convenience. For one, it would be easier for a wolf to sneak into the cargo of a ship than a freaking bear. Another idea though would be if Ratonhnhaké:ton found the bear cub after the burning of his village, when he was at his lowest and grieving the death of his mother. Just imagine Ratonhnhaké:ton hugging the bear cub who he believes also lost his mother as he cries.
For an alternate take of Desmond being the same animal: we can go for cats.
Seeing stray cats wouldn’t be that weird and they’re usually smaller than dogs so they can easily slip in and out of places. They’re also sprinters so Desmond has a high chance of getting away.
The funny thing would be if Desmond is just a pure white cat for all three of his reincarnation. If you want to screw Desmond up a bit more, his right front paw is either black or is completely furless.
The only thing that would differentiate them is the collar.
Altaïr’s Desmond has a plain red ribbon that came from Altaïr’s sash.
Ezio’s Desmond has one of Claudia’s old ribbons with lace at the end and a small bell (that Desmond doesn’t like because it makes stealthing harder than it should be).
Ratonhnhaké:ton’s Desmond has a plain leather collar that Ratonhnhaké:ton had hunted and made himself.
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teecupangel · 1 year
I'm sorry but I saw the "You know worms are harmless right" post and... Tapeworms. The least harmless of worms. Killing one templar at a time. I imagine that was not an afterlife Desmond imagined
I was thinking of how this would work. Would Desmond just chill in a Templar’s body until that Templar finally dies?
Then what?
Does he get magically transported into another Templar?
Or does he have to leave the dead Templar’s body and find a way to move into a new Templar’s body?
It would probably be easier for him if he shrinks down every time he leaves a body so it would be easy for him to slip inside a new one.
Since tapeworms take time (a long time) to actually do enough harm to be fatal (until Desmond gets the hang of it and starts aiming for the really vulnerable parts like the brain), I suggest that his host would be someone who would become a problem to his ancestor later on.
For Altaïr, it has to be Abbas. Unless, of course, he gets to Al Mualim much, much earlier. But Abbas would be a safer bet and Desmond could be a nuisance for a very, very long time.
For Ezio, Cesare is definitely right there, that’s for sure, but Cesare was young when Brotherhood happened so Ezio would probably take him down before Desmond could kill him from the inside. Rodrigo seems a better choice but kinda mean since he was starting to change during Brotherhood. So… a Pazzi. Francesco Pazzi. Yeah, he’d work XD
For Ratonhnhaké:ton, the most common choice would be Charles Lee, of course. It would be funny if it was Haytham though. Like, Desmond doesn’t necessarily want to kill Haytham. But make him regret his life for a long time? Yeah, Desmond has enough daddy issues to push it to Haytham XD
By the way, at some point of thinking about how this idea could work, my brain just gave up on me and went “Just make him a chest buster! That would be faster!”
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