#and ranboo and tubbo painted the design on together
copepods · 2 years
Oh! Well in that case, if I may be a Terminal Boober for a sec, what about something with c!Ranboo? Maybe being all happy with the _Beloved family, or something with the panic room if you want Angst™
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concert night!!!
[id: a drawing of ranboo, tubbo, and michael_beloved. michael is wearing a white sweater with the initials "mb" on it and blue shorts. he's playing a blue toddler piano with a chicken-themed pattern. tubbo and ranboo are watching him, both in tears. tubbo is wearing a pink-button down white a white flower on it and blue pants; he has the legs, tail, ears, and horns of a brown ram. ranboo is wearing an orange sweater anbd brown skirt; he has a black tail, ears, and ear tufts covered in feathers. he's holding tissues to his face, and tubbo is holding a tissue box in front of him. end id]
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especdreamy · 3 years
Absolutely adore the ctommy designs in which he has a bunch of accessories that represent his connections with other characters close to him. Designs where he wears demon horns accessories because of how Eryn has horns and they grew together. Wearing a green bandana that he traded with Tubbo. L'manburg patches or the pogtopia coat cuz of Wilbur. The Blue Cardigan to represent Ghostbur. Sometimes there's designs that include alliums in them for Ranboo. Braids for Phil or Techno etc etc...
Something something each one of us are a canvas and everyone we've crossed paths with has gotten to paint in it, some more than others.
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Hello! I'm in love with the way you write c! Ranboo like hsgsj- amazing! So I would like a request Yandare c! Ranboo and tubbo with a soft reader that is oblivious on how they act twords them but loves them unconditionaly (just fluff please maybe maybe put a Micheal seen in there as well because Micheal is the best character 😌)
I think this is the best compliment I have ever received... Thank you so much🤍🖤
I didn't know whether or not to do headcanons or a full-length fic, so I went with a shorter story if that's alright. ^^ if it's not feel free to send another request!
Too Sweet (For This World) Yandere!C!Ranboo x F!Reader x Yandere!C!Tubbo
It was very common for you to see something out of the corner of your eye, but when you looked, you only saw a bunch of purple particles drifting slowly towards the earth due to gravity. You just assumed there were quite a few endermen still hanging around Snowchester, or some of the goats had come down from the mountains when you saw small little horns peeking out from behind bushes.
There were a couple times a day where you accidentally and very conveniently bumped into Ranboo out in the crater of L'Manberg or Tubbo when walking around Snowchester. It honestly was funny to you that you always seemed to bump into them when you were feeling sad or lonely. Plus, after talking to them and spending time with them, your problems almost magically seemed to disappear!
Such as, there was one time when you were helping clean up the red vines around buildings and Fundy was nagging at you for being so slow or bad at doing everything. After storming away and ranting to Ranboo about it on the verge of tears, Fundy practically scrambled up to you the next day shaking and almost crying, apologizing for every single thing he's ever said or done.
Huh... Maybe he felt that bad about it to the point where he was crying?
Although Fundy never said anything mean to you again, he also stopped hanging around you completely.
When you mentioned this to Tubbo, he explained that Fundy must not have been a real friend and that he and Ranboo would always be there for you before anyone else.
Once the mansion was built, the two platonic husbands eagerly invited you to stay with them, even saying they had Foolish make a room specifically for you! At first, you quite enjoyed your home around L'manberg, but then one day you returned home to a wall of your home completely destroyed by vines, deeming it unlivable. Although a tad convenient..
Tubbo and Ranboo had heard about it through your sobs when you called them, saying you had no clue what to do anymore. They had arrived at your side in almost minutes and quickly helped you pack and move everything to the mansion.
"I thought Snowchester was like... Half a day's walk away from here..." You sniffed, rubbing your red and puffy eyes. The two men of greatly varying heights tensed up momentarily.
"We were in the area." They both blurted out at the same time before glancing at each other.
Tubbo cleared his throat first, "I was in the nether, but luckily for you, I was close to the old L'manberg portal!" He smiled softly at you as you three walked away from your old home.
"M-Me too!" Ranboo coughed awkwardly, causing Tubbo to shoot him an odd look that you decided to brush off, "Now, uh, come on! Michael needs to meet his new mother!"
You blinked in surprise at the new title but didn't question it much, assuming it was simply just a title. Unbeknownst to you, your two best friends already thought you were part of their platonic relationship, despite you never agreeing nor denying, or them even asking.
It took a few days, but the zombie piglin warmed up to you and practically saw you as another one of his parents, which made Ranboo and Tubbo extremely happy. Instead of placing you into one of the regular rooms, they had Foolish turn the basement into two heavily secured rooms a few days before your house had been destroyed, strangely enough, and even designed one perfectly to your liking!
After washing the fruits you had, you walked towards the bookshelf and pulled on the fake book that caused the shelf to swing open. You walked down the quartz stairs after shutting the hidden door, then made your way up to one of the two doors with a pink sign with 'Michael' written in yellow cursive paint. Punching in the code, the iron door slid open and you stepped in before closing it behind you.
A loud cooing grunt was heard and the sound of quiet tapping echoed through the room before a pair of arms wrapped around your leg. "Hello, Michael." You giggled softly as Michael made grabbing hands up towards the bowl of fruit. Placing it down on the table, the child eagerly ran over and began munching on the food as you brushed over the books on the shelves to find one you haven't read to Michael before. "What about... The story of Persephone?"
A disappointed grunt was your only response.
"Guess I did read that one... Hm... Oh! What about the story of Icarus?" This time his response was a happy squeak and tippy taps of his hooves against the warm quartz floors. You sat down in the rocking chair and waited until the child scrambled over and jumped into your lap.
You opened the book and began reading to him for an hour until your eyes slowly slid shut to the quiet snores of the child of your two best friends, who at this point was beginning to see you as a mother.
Quiet 'meh' sounds and 'vrrr'ing noises and a dim flash woke you up from your spot in the rocking chair. Cracking open your eyes, your arms shifted around the nether hybrid as you saw Tubbo holding a camera making happy bleating noises, while Ranboo, who was the source of the buzzing noises, took the book you had been reading from your limp hand to put it back on the shelf.
"What time is it?" You murmured softly to keep the child asleep as you rubbed the back of your stiff and sore neck.
"It's about 5:30pm. Still rather early. Tubbo walked over and gave you a gentle yet affectionate headbutt while he scooped Michael up from your lap to bring him to bed. This caused an odd whining noise to come from the enderman hybrid before he quickly walked over and rested his forehead against yours, resting it there for a few moments before pulling back, his cheeks flushed the same colours as his eyes.
You giggled softly and gave him a gentle pat on the head as he helped you up. He held onto one of your hands as Tubbo eagerly went for the other, jokingly sticking his tongue out at Ranboo who gave a noise of mock offense, causing you three to giggle softly as you left Michael's room and went upstairs.
Tubbo and Ranboo weren't big fans of you leaving the basement on your own, and you were rarely allowed to leave the mansion even with the two boys at your sides. The former president told you it was because he heard rumours of Technoblade searching around for all the members of his cabinet back when he was in charge of L'Manberg, and he just wanted to protect you.
You saw no problems with his story as it was extremely believable. Your history with Technoblade hadn't been the cleanest and he would've definitely taken one of your canon lives back during the attack on L'Manberg, had a stray black and white firework not saved you that day. It had fired off and must've swerved a way that wasn't predicted, because it hit Technoblade hard enough in the chest to knock him away from you.
You don't remember much of that day, except for Ranboo immediately running over to you and dragging you away from the destruction and chaos. Thanks to him, you were almost completely scar free and standing proudly at three canons lives.
A gentle hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality and you saw two sets of eyes staring at you with concern. "Hey... Are you feeling okay?" Ranboo asked softly, tilting your head up to place his free hand against your forehead, "See. I told you she should be getting more sunlight, Tubbo!"
"I'm okay, I'm okay!" You laughed softly at their worry, rubbing your thumbs along the back of their hands, "Just... Remembering the war with Dream and Techno..."
"What about it?" Tubbo asked, bringing you into the living room to sit down with your friends on either side of you.
You pursed your lips together for a moment as you looked at the ground, "Just how... Scary Techno is. And how he was about to kill me without a care about who or what I was."
Angered growling and seething noises came from Ranboo and Tubbo as you felt their grasps tighten around your hands, almost to a painful degree. You looked up and saw their expressions stone-cold and steely although vastly different from each other.
Ranboo's green eye was purple, and the black tone of his skin was beginning to seep into the side with the lack of colour. The corners of his mouth were slowly splitting open wider and wider as his lips parted, allowing you to see the glowing purple colour inside his mouth.
Tubbo's was less obvious. His eyes were blank but also had a bright fire, one burning for revenge, reflected in them. His ears weren't flicking and neither was his tail, his entire body stiff except for a faint sound giving away the fact that his teeth were grinding together.
As much as you tried to endure it, the grip became too harsh and you couldn't help but give a small pained gasp. This caused all physical contact with you to suddenly vanish as the two boys immediately flung themselves away from you, horror and fear in their eyes.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"
"Are you okay?! Do you need an ice pack?!"
"Or a bandage from my claws?!"
They were both kneeling on the ground in front of you with both of your hands in their grasps again. They repeatedly turned your hands in their own, testing the joints and checking for marks or bruising. "Boys, boys!" You laughed softly, placing your hands on their heads to ruffle their hair gently. You pulled your left hand adorned with two beautiful rings and held it up for them to see, flexing it and moving it around, "See? Perfectly fine. No pain whatsoever!"
While they seemed to have calmed down a lot, they still seemed to be extremely upset and guilty. "I'm still going to get an ice pack... We don't want our wife to be injured..." Tubbo murmured as he quickly got up and walked towards the kitchen.
"I will get started on dinner. And as an apology, I'm making your favourite. (F/f)." Ranboo tried to be a little more upbeat than Tubbo, but you could still see the small amounts of guilt as he turned and followed after the goat hybrid.
Sighing softly at their overreactions, you leaned back against the couch...
Before doing a double-take.
Adorned with rings?!
You quickly flung yourself forward again and looked at your left hand. On your ring finger were two diamond rings, one gold with a green gemstone, and the other silver with a black gemstone, both glistening a faint purple from enchantments...
When did these get put on you- wait... Did Tubbo say... wife?
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xmaruu11 · 3 years
I’m gonna talk about the Single Parent AU (all in c! Ofc)
It happens in a universe where no wars happened. All factions of the DSMP exist and are well, they are almost like cities or states in a country.
Lmanberg is like the capital city, the most populated one
Bench trio is around 28-30 years old, they are the youngest (except for like the kids)
Clingy duo work in the L Manberg administration with Wilbur and Quackity (the President and Vice President)
Tubbo is a single parent trying to raise 6 year old Michael
Ranboo is the next door artist neighbor, who just moved in and is now working part time with Niki at her cafe / bakery
One day Niki isn’t able to baby sit Michael so she recommends Ranboo to do it, and Tubbo agrees because it will be only a short time
Time passes and Ranboo is now Michael designated Babysitter
Michael has a complicated relationship with Ranboo at first, not trusting him completely (uncle Tommys influence)
In that time Ranboo realizes how badly Tubbo takes care of himself and only focuses on giving Michael all the attention and need and not on himself as well. So he starts taking care of the house as well so Tubbo doesn’t have to worry about it
One day Tubbo tells Ranboo he is going to be working extra hours in the office because Wilbur asked him to, so Ranboo stays until Tubbo arrives,,, that being 12:00 am.
When Tubbo arrives he is greeted with the dinner already served and Ranboo waiting for him at the table. Ranboo explains how Michael is already asleep and that he prepared that for Tubbo because Michael told him Tubbo usually didn’t eat a lot because of how distracted he was with the work.
They eat together and for the first time they are given the change to get to know eachother better. Michael is awoken by the laughs coming from the dinning room, and he sees Ranboo and Tubbo laughing and talking over anything. That’s the moment Michael decides that maybe Ranboo wasn’t that bad, he made his dad happy
After that Ranboo decides to help more around the house after he leaves his job and Michael comes from school. Him and Michael get closer and he teaches Michael how to paint and Michael offers to help around the house more.
It comes to the point where Michael starts calling Ranboo his dad without noticing, and both beeduo find that adorable
So basically
This is a Slice of Life Bee family ( ambiguous c beeduo ) AU in a kinda modern and peaceful times, and how they slowly start to become a family
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Too Sweet (For This World) Yandere!Ranboo x F!Reader x Yandere!Tubbo
Hello! I'm in love with the way you write c! Ranboo like hsgsj- amazing! So I would like a request Yandare c! Ranboo and tubbo with a soft reader that is oblivious on how they act twords them but loves them unconditionaly (just fluff please maybe maybe put a Micheal seen in there as well because Micheal is the best character 😌)
I think this is the best compliment I have ever received... Thank you so much🤍🖤
I didn't know whether or not to do headcanons or a full-length fic, so I went with a shorter story if that's alright. ^^ if it's not feel free to send another request!
It was very common for you to see something out of the corner of your eye, but when you looked, you only saw a bunch of purple particles drifting slowly towards the earth due to gravity. You just assumed there were quite a few endermen still hanging around Snowchester, or some of the goats had come down from the mountains when you saw small little horns peeking out from behind bushes.
There were a couple times a day where you accidentally and very conveniently bumped into Ranboo out in the crater of L'Manberg or Tubbo when walking around Snowchester. It honestly was funny to you that you always seemed to bump into them when you were feeling sad or lonely. Plus, after talking to them and spending time with them, your problems almost magically seemed to disappear!
Such as, there was one time when you were helping clean up the red vines around buildings and Fundy was nagging at you for being so slow or bad at doing everything. After storming away and ranting to Ranboo about it on the verge of tears, Fundy practically scrambled up to you the next day shaking and almost crying, apologizing for every single thing he's ever said or done.
Huh... Maybe he felt that bad about it to the point where he was crying?
Although Fundy never said anything mean to you again, he also stopped hanging around you completely.
When you mentioned this to Tubbo, he explained that Fundy must not have been a real friend and that he and Ranboo would always be there for you before anyone else.
Once the mansion was built, the two platonic husbands eagerly invited you to stay with them, even saying they had Foolish make a room specifically for you! At first, you quite enjoyed your home around L'Manberg, but then one day you returned home to a wall of your home completely destroyed by vines, deeming it unlivable. Although a tad convenient..
Tubbo and Ranboo had heard about it through your sobs when you called them, saying you had no clue what to do anymore. They had arrived at your side in almost minutes and quickly helped you pack and move everything to the mansion.
"I thought Snowchester was like... Half a day's walk away from here..." You sniffed, rubbing your red and puffy eyes. The two men of greatly varying heights tensed up momentarily.
"We were in the area." They both blurted out at the same time before glancing at each other.
Tubbo cleared his throat first, "I was in the nether, but luckily for you, I was close to the old L'Manberg portal!" He smiled softly at you as you three walked away from your old home.
"M-Me too!" Ranboo coughed awkwardly, causing Tubbo to shoot him an odd look that you decided to brush off, "Now, uh, come on! Michael needs to meet his new mother!"
You blinked in surprise at the new title but didn't question it much, assuming it was simply just a title. Unbeknownst to you, your two best friends already thought you were part of their platonic relationship, despite you never agreeing nor denying, or them even asking.
It took a few days, but the zombie piglin warmed up to you and practically saw you as another one of his parents, which made Ranboo and Tubbo extremely happy. Instead of placing you into one of the regular rooms, they had Foolish turn the basement into two heavily secured rooms a few days before your house had been destroyed, strangely enough, and even designed one perfectly to your liking!
After washing the fruits you had, you walked towards the bookshelf and pulled on the fake book that caused the shelf to swing open. You walked down the quartz stairs after shutting the hidden door, then made your way up to one of the two doors with a pink sign with 'Michael' written in yellow cursive paint. Punching in the code, the iron door slid open and you stepped in before closing it behind you.
A loud cooing grunt was heard and the sound of quiet tapping echoed through the room before a pair of arms wrapped around your leg. "Hello, Michael." You giggled softly as Michael made grabbing hands up towards the bowl of fruit. Placing it down on the table, the child eagerly ran over and began munching on the food as you brushed over the books on the shelves to find one you haven't read to Michael before. "What about... The story of Persephone?"
A disappointed grunt was your only response.
"Guess I did read that one... Hm... Oh! What about the story of Icarus?" This time his response was a happy squeak and tippy taps of his hooves against the warm quartz floors. You sat down in the rocking chair and waited until the child scrambled over and jumped into your lap.
You opened the book and began reading to him for an hour until your eyes slowly slid shut to the quiet snores of the child of your two best friends, who at this point was beginning to see you as a mother.
Quiet 'meh' sounds and 'vrrr'ing noises and a dim flash woke you up from your spot in the rocking chair. Cracking open your eyes, your arms shifted around the nether hybrid as you saw Tubbo holding a camera making happy bleating noises, while Ranboo, who was the source of the buzzing noises, took the book you had been reading from your limp hand to put it back on the shelf.
"What time is it?" You murmured softly to keep the child asleep as you rubbed the back of your stiff and sore neck.
"It's about 5:30pm. Still rather early. Tubbo walked over and gave you a gentle yet affectionate headbutt while he scooped Michael up from your lap to bring him to bed. This caused an odd whining noise to come from the enderman hybrid before he quickly walked over and rested his forehead against yours, resting it there for a few moments before pulling back, his cheeks flushed the same colours as his eyes.
You giggled softly and gave him a gentle pat on the head as he helped you up. He held onto one of your hands as Tubbo eagerly went for the other, jokingly sticking his tongue out at Ranboo who gave a noise of mock offence, causing you three to giggle softly as you left Michael's room and went upstairs.
Tubbo and Ranboo weren't big fans of you leaving the basement on your own, and you were rarely allowed to leave the mansion even with the two boys at your sides. The former president told you it was because he heard rumours of Technoblade searching around for all the members of his cabinet back when he was in charge of L'Manberg, and he just wanted to protect you.
You saw no problems with his story as it was extremely believable. Your history with Technoblade hadn't been the cleanest and he would've definitely taken one of your canon lives back during the attack on L'Manberg, had a stray black and white firework not saved you that day. It had fired off and must've swerved a way that wasn't predicted, because it hit Technoblade hard enough in the chest to knock him away from you.
You don't remember much of that day, except for Ranboo immediately running over to you and dragging you away from the destruction and chaos. Thanks to him, you were almost completely scar-free and standing proudly at three canons lives.
A gentle hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality and you saw two sets of eyes staring at you with concern. "Hey... Are you feeling okay?" Ranboo asked softly, tilting your head up to place his free hand against your forehead, "See. I told you she should be getting more sunlight, Tubbo!"
"I'm okay, I'm okay!" You laughed softly at their worry, rubbing your thumbs along the back of their hands, "Just... Remembering the war with Dream and Techno..."
"What about it?" Tubbo asked, bringing you into the living room to sit down with your friends on either side of you.
You pursed your lips together for a moment as you looked at the ground, "Just how... Scary Techno is. And how he was about to kill me without a care about who or what I was."
Angered growling and seething noises came from Ranboo and Tubbo as you felt their grasps tighten around your hands, almost to a painful degree. You looked up and saw their expressions stone-cold and steely although vastly different from each other.
Ranboo's green eye was purple, and the black tone of his skin was beginning to seep into the side with the lack of colour. The corners of his mouth were slowly splitting open wider and wider as his lips parted, allowing you to see the glowing purple colour inside his mouth.
Tubbo's was less obvious. His eyes were blank but also had a bright fire, one burning for revenge, reflected in them. His ears weren't flicking and neither was his tail, his entire body stiff except for a faint sound giving away the fact that his teeth were grinding together.
As much as you tried to endure it, the grip became too harsh and you couldn't help but give a small pained gasp. This caused all physical contact with you to suddenly vanish as the two boys immediately flung themselves away from you, horror and fear in their eyes.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"
"Are you okay?! Do you need an ice pack?!"
"Or a bandage from my claws?!"
They were both kneeling on the ground in front of you with both of your hands in their grasps again. They repeatedly turned your hands in their own, testing the joints and checking for marks or bruising. "Boys, boys!" You laughed softly, placing your hands on their heads to ruffle their hair gently. You pulled your left hand adorned with two beautiful rings and held it up for them to see, flexing it and moving it around, "See? Perfectly fine. No pain whatsoever!"
While they seemed to have calmed down a lot, they still seemed to be extremely upset and guilty. "I'm still going to get an ice pack... We don't want our wife to be injured..." Tubbo murmured as he quickly got up and walked towards the kitchen.
"I will get started on dinner. And as an apology, I'm making your favourite. (F/f)." Ranboo tried to be a little more upbeat than Tubbo, but you could still see the small amounts of guilt as he turned and followed after the goat hybrid.
Sighing softly at their over reactions, you leaned back against the couch...
Before doing a double-take.
Adorned with rings?!
You quickly flung yourself forward again and looked at your left hand. On your ring finger were two diamond rings, one gold with a green gemstone, and the other silver with a black gemstone, both glistening a faint purple from enchantments...
When did these get put on you- wait... Did Tubbo say... wife?
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baka-monarch · 3 years
Toy story au
Dream has a job of restoring old toys, fixing toys- and basically just helping toys to not be broken and stuff (kind of-)
Except he knows something- he knows that toys are alive. He found out when he was a kid and one little mushroom fairy doll he'd stolen had been too lazy to pretend to be an object
So now, Dream has his little workshop where he'll help fix people's toys- but with the help of George (the mushroom fairy doll) he'll find out how the toy got broken and if they want to go back to the person who had then before, if not he'll let them stay and tell the person he couldn't fix the toy, then it's up to the toy weather they want to be given to another kid or if they just wanna stay with Dream (these options are also given to toys who need to be restored- in case they don't wanna be on a shelf collecting dust, or they just are too lonely being on a shelf as a collectable)
So far Dream does have a few toys living with him such as:
George: a doll of a mushroom fairy prince based off a character in an old children's cartoon (Dream had stolen them when he was a kid because he needed money and knew George would sell alot to collectors- but then he found out toys were alive and didn't do that)
Sapnap: action figure of an anime character. He was given to Dream to restore after a collector bought him from another collector- but decided to stay because sitting on a shelf and doing nothing was boring and lonely, so now with Dream he can run around and do whatever he wants, which includes fighting things
Badboyhalo: action figure of a movie villain. The kid who had him before had ripped all of his arms off (even though he's plastic-) while playing with him and that's why Dream had to fix him. Bad decided to stay because he didn't like having to be the villain, plus it hurt to be thrown around and pulled apart so much....
Antfrost: a cat plushie that had a few tears. He'd been sold at a yard sale- but the people who had bought him had only bought Ant and not Velvet, so when he was given to Dream to sew up he asked to stay to have Dream's help to try and find Velvet again so they could stay together (they do find Velvet eventually, don't worry- it seems like the person writing this world decided that Velvet would be given to Dream to get fixed at some point 👀)
AwSamDude: creeper plushie. A kid had tried to sew armor onto him, but they had no idea what they were doing- so now Sam is with Dream being fixed... But he doesn't really want to go back to his kid because he's interested in building and stuff, so he stays and sometimes him and other toys build amazing things with legos-
Red Velvet: little plushie doll designed like a red velvet cake. He ends up with Dream after a kid ripped his arm- but ended up staying because of Antfrost
Captain Puffy: sheep plushie. She was actually given to Dream when he was a baby, like a present for the day he was born- so she's always been there for Dream, even before he knew toys were alive. Now she's in charge of all of the toys when Dream isn't there, she's an amazing leader, builder, and is great at making sure everyone is doing okay
Niki: she's a monster mermaid doll based off a kids movie series with monsters (definitely not monster high-). A kid cut off some of her hair and tried to put makeup on her. She decided to stay because she didn't really like kids deciding who she was and what she was like (she learned from Puffy she could choose what to be like herself) and decided to stay
Ponk: lemon with a face, arms, and legs. A kid ripped off his arm, and when he was brought to Dream the arm that had been torn off was missing. He decided to stay because he wanted to be able to go on his own adventures
Connor: sonic toy. Nobody knows how he got here or why he stayed.
Foolish: action figure! He's supposed to change colour in water, but was never able to do it, and was brought to Dream to be fixed.... But Dream couldn't figure out how to fix it. So Foolish just stayed, and started to become friends with Puffy
Hannah Rose: chia pet doll- the company just wanted to test and see if a doll would work, the kid who had Hannah broke her almost immediately because she's made of glass- she decided to stay because she knew that if she broke again the CIA per company would just destroy her
Punz and Purpled: superhero action figures. Dream got both of them together after a kid tried to swap their arms. Both decided to stay because kids are destructive and disgusting
Quackity: a rubber ducky! His squeaker broke, and he chose to stay because he wants to still annoy people and cause chaos without a squeaker
Karl: a large plushie doll, designed like his original Minecraft skin. His arm got ripped, and he wanted to stay with Dream because he needed help with some memory problems
Eret: doll king based off a show with fairytale characters. The factory paint on his eyes got whiped off, but when Dream was gonna paint it back Eret told him he'd done it herself, she wanted to have blank eyes and wanted to customize themselves to match what he wanted to look like. So Dream helped them out
Technoblade: pig plushie. The dude got a battle scar (he had a year in his arm) and still refuses to let Dream sew it to this day
Ranboo: same line of monster dolls as Niki (he looks like his vtuber). He hasn't been around long enough to have many memories of his own apart from being bought and loosing his hand... So he wants to stay with Dream so he can make his own memories with friends of his own choosing
Wilbur Soot: an amibo of a character from a game like Stardew Valley..... Except he decided to cause chaos, got off his little pedastool and started threatening to burn down the house of the kids that owned him (with Tommy as his "helper"). Dream heard about this and offered the to take Wilbur and Tommy from the family so they're house would be safe-
Tommy: he's like those really small Polly pocket dolls that come in little compacts- but his is a little petting zoo with tiny animals, and a spider he adopted.
Then there are two more humans for this au:
For the toys that still wanna be owned but don't want to go back to the person who had them originally- Dream sends them off to a friend of his that owns a pawn shop: Schlatt, and Schlatt doesn't work alone, he has his son Tubbo work around the pawn shop and help Dream out as well. Tubbo doesn't mind though since he's become friends with some of the toys.
Mcyt g/t list:
@trashpumped @lorie-the-little-ghost @encaos @jay-b1rd @wyforyu-gaming @shy-septic-dragon @5unfl0writ3r @colorfulsiren @moonmwah @iwasgoingtohellanyways @echoslime @wilbur-simp @trouble-off-grid @lilsyxx @smogs-0 @hello-world-im-snow
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galaxy-lilies · 3 years
u have banger karlnapity aus mind if u list them all?
Princes of the Realms:
This is an AU where the three boys represent the princes of the three Minecraft realms: the End, the Overworld, and the Nether. There are kings of the realms as well, the three princes expected to eventually take their place as the new ruler. Nonetheless, there is an annual meeting where they meet in the Overworld. This is the first time the kings are bringing their sons or partners to the meetings due to them coming of age. Additionally there are some tensions between the realms so it would be best for the princes to meet each other. What they don’t expect is for all three to fall in love with each other.
Stardew Valley AU:
Karl is the new guy in town, having recently inherited his grandfather's ranch. However, instead of tending to the farmland, he takes over the museum/library in the southeast corner of town. It's there he meets the local blacksmith Sapnap and the saloon owner Quackity. Sapnap and Quackity were already flirting with each other but never committed to a relationship with each other. That changed when Karl was added to the picture. Antics ensues and while everything about Karl seems relatively normal, he has a secret he's not sure if he's willing to reveal to his newfound partners.
The Painter, the Barista and the Tattoo Artist:
Just a fluffy little AU where the cafe Quackity works at and the tattoo shop Sapnap works at are close by and they meet someone who frequents the cafe a lot and fall in love. The cafe is ran by the SBI crowd and Tommy usually hangs out in the back booth with Ranboo and Tubbo. When the Karlnapity trio get together, there's a lot of chaos and antics but it ultimately leads to Karl teaching painting lessons at the cafe.
Mute! Karl AU:
AU where Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap were childhood friends. They always met up by the playground and Karl always wore this zippup hoodie that would zip up to his face (if you know that zip up creeper hoodie Minx got stuck in, you'll know what I'm talking about). The design on the hoodie is Karl's old Minecraft skin and Sapnap and Quackity never had a good chance to see the boy's face but they never pressed. Additionally, Karl never really talked and the other two didn't mind either. They filled in the silence with their own stories and tangents. One day, Sapnap and Quackity arrived at their usual spot, seeing a boy with an oversized hoodie and long fluffy hair in Karl's place. Initially they were wary but after some charades Karl managed to get the message across that it was him. As they grew up, Karl managed to speak more but if he spoke for too long he would get overwhelmed and go mute for a while. It's a good thing that he has Sapnap and Quackity to help him through it.
Aladdin AU:
A more recent AU where Quackity is Aladdin, Karl is the genie, and Sapnap is Jasmine/the prince. BBH is technically our Jafar character but he is being controlled by the Egg and Skeppy is trapped somewhere thanks to the Egg. So far the AU is headed in the general direction of Aladdin but with a few twists.
Of Bullets and Roses: A mix up of a spy/mafia/casino AU. After Schlatt dies, Quackity is left alone to fend for himself and ultimately gets injured in the process. While he is saved by the Dream Team, they do not take kindly to helping others. Quackity is now in debt to Dream and he's tasked with making it up to Dream in one way or another. With the help of the Dream Team he's able to get back on his feet. Eventually he's tasked with taking down the SBI unit downtown and he recruits Sapnap who brings along a friend of his. Together, Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap manage to infiltrate the SBI base but not without a price.
Ink AU:
The most recent AU where Karl is a librarian who fights ink-like monsters that reside in the books within the library. He keeps on running into two reoccurring ink monsters while in real life he starts falling in love with two regulars that come to his library. He eventually realizes that the events he causes in the books affect real life. It’s up to him to come in terms that he may need to harm the ones he loves to save the world he loves.
These are the only ones i can think of off the top of my head rip there are probably more but yee
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m1lespr0w3r · 3 years
Dream SMP : Design descriptions part 2: Tubbo
(Notes: This is a beta-read post! And remember these are just my thoughts on what his character would look like, feel free to take any of these ideas into your design of him! Credit is not needed for anything.)
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Small description - Tubbo, the loveable yet ‘out-of-pocket’ ‘sidekick’ to his best friend Tommy, usually just being seen as ‘Tommy’s best friend’ rather than his own person, Tubbo suffers severe trauma from experiences he’s been through, usually brushing this aside as to him it’s a burden, instead spending his days making jokes and treating it like a scratch, although his husband Ranboo believes otherwise, even if he doesn’t know what happened to the shorter, Tubbo might sometimes have been seen as a villain, but he always truly meant well somewhere in his heart... even if he has nukes in his possession.
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Tubbo has a fair complexion, faint little freckles scattered across certain areas, not too many and not too prominent; you need to look closely to see them, his skin is forever now scarred in multiple areas, prominently at the right side of him due to an, ‘incident,’ an execution if you will, Tubbo’s hair is a warm, chocolate brown colour- sort of in-between milk and dark, but lingering towards milk, the locks were once bleached blonde as a symbol of friendship, but after a first canon life was lost his hair went back to its original colour, his eyes, bright and once filled with wonder are a light sky blue colour; well, once once was, his right eye appears like it has a white cloud covering over the iris and pupil, that eye also always appearing more slanted and closed due to the scars from his execution.
Another noticeable trait Tubbo has are his fluffy, sticky-outy ears, small stubby horns and fuzzy tail he has; all being of a goat or ram’s, his nose looks somewhat fused between a human nose and ram nose, like it was face paint on the tip of his nose, it’s quite hard to describe, but it’s not the full snout whatsoever.
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Tubbo never has really had a full set in stone clothing choice, but some of the most iconic are;
Tubbo’s green button up, not very well buttoned up though! A button or two would always be buttoned in either the wrong place or just not at all, a messy collar to match, coloured patches in some areas of that shirt from rips and tears from his clumsiness; his shirt being partly tucked in to dark blue jeans, and brown boots that almost went up to his knees, Tubbo always has little treasures in those pockets on his jeans and shirt, like flowers, rocks, pieces of coloured concrete- just anything he finds and just decides to take, he’s always had a knack for little treasures, one treasure he cherishes being his ‘Your Tommy’ compass, which we never ever takes off from around his neck.
Another outfit is his beloved bee keeper outfit! A striped, light warm yellow and light, warm brown woollen jumper and light denim overalls to go over them, with a bee stitched onto the front pocket by someone he would consider an older sister, Niki, the bottom of the overalls are slightly rolled up with mismatched comfy bee slippers, of course, those pockets aren’t free of treasures either, especially flowers! And of course, you can’t forget the ‘Your Tommy’ compass.
And finally, now the outfit Tubbo is most commonly seen wearing is his snowchester outfit, his soft, sleeveless jacket and olive green checkered ‘shirt’ are actually sewn together; so he wears just some random long-sleeved shirt or an undershirt underneath the cozy outfit, soft brown pants? Trousers? (I have no idea what to call them!) match his jacket, again with matching boots to match with soft material inside to insulate them, random patches again, are on certain areas of his jacket and shirt, and of course- the treasures and compass, can’t forget them at all!
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im-so-stuupid · 4 years
i need friends so hi lol
guys its my second day of spring break and im realizing how lonely i am lmfao, so hi !! my name is Monse and you can call me Mo, im 17, im mexican american and i have adhd, i feel like that sums me up well
i mostly watch twitch streamers all day (occasionallly read,draw, paint, go on a bike ride, or like make bracelets or crochet) i watch mostly minecraft ones lol, my faves are tubbo and ranboo atm and tommy, wilbur, and technoblade whenever they stream Sadge LMFAO i also watch karl once in a while. and my fav youtubers are cody and noel and kurtis conner and i like watching a bunch of commentary channels. i hope to like maybe start youtube myself sometime soon and do some like thrifitng or like candle making for funsies yk
i kinda just want friends i can watch things with on like discord or something like musicals or movies cuz ive never been into musicals but i saw one on Ranboos stream and it was pretty cool lol. or play minecraft with maybe even stardew valley if i get it lmfao we can talk about literally anything together, i like hearing about peoples passions and interests or some existential type shit lol or you can rant to me abt stuff, i have adhd and i get depressed and anxious quite a bit too and i can be pretty understanding in general.
if you do art you are so swag to me, i like drawing and painting once in a while and photography. i also take a graphic design class and its pretty cool
we can write stupid stories together and you can give me book recommendations and listen to each others music recommendations. i basically listen to all types of music except for like mumble rap, country, and heavy metal type stuff. current faves are tyler the creator, rex orange county, boy pablo, harry styles, kali uchis and like lemon demon kinda lol mostly been listening to random songs tho. so yeah thats like basically it haha just send me a dm saying Hi and we can go from there lol (over 15 plz) , love you all hope youre doing well !!
(remade post cuz it mostly reached timezones way ahead of me lol im cst)
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