#and quintilius with smol china? is soo cute
mariaantonnietta · 6 years
Romechu! Silk Road pair !!
So, yeah, uhh, maybe you noticed but romechu is devouring my soul again, and I think I’d not be able to rest until I talk about it.  When I last went to the tag people commented it was getting more popular, and I’m so happy about it! (yay!, maybe...we will escape rarepair hell?, nah XD, but it is certainly great that more people discover this ship! It is an amazing ship indeed)
So, I thought of sharing my headcanons and well things that make my heart race when thinking about these two, and contribute with my two cents.
 First, like, I like that is a pairing that you first go: “Eh?, there is no way  these two have a connection” but then you go deeper and discover the silk road, and how they totally knew of each other, even if it was mostly indirectly, and maybe with some encounters even. 
And discover these connections, and/or wondering about these possible connections is great, and let me tell you it reads like a fairytale. And how even with their differences are so similar in the other side of the world. (both of them see everyone else as barbarians, you see XD) 
Not, but the long distance relashionship thing, is not really something I usually see, but really appreciate, especially because in their time like, in our time there are long distance relashionships  but we have, like means to get to the other side of the world in days, back then that distance was really big. 
Also the fact that you know, because their distance was really big these two could like, coexist peacefully.  They were too far away to be together constantly, but because of that they could trade and just be, with each other without conflic, free to compliment and admire the other from a safe distance. (even if these two aren’t big complimenters of foreign nations)
There is something incredible romantic about being in love with someone from the other side of the world, who you travel far and wide to meet. I love them being in the others country once or twice, but I also love to imagine the (much more likely) concept that they only met by crossing paths throught trade. There are so many routes you can take this. Can I say also POWER COUPLE, because yeah, power couple, one of the biggest.
I think I said this before, but you know this image from when Hima is talking about the silk road:
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Look, rome had a very similar looking cat in the previous image, and while I know that historically, it is very likely the one giving the cat to china is not Rome, but someone in the middle, I do not care, even so it is precious. Pretty sure it is the same cat.(baby deserves being a shrine guardian after that travel) And I can pretend it is Rome and that they met up. And cats!, what more do you want.
Can we talk about food?, about the life long debate about pasta and these two fools sharing it? and disscussing about it, probably? And maybe sightseeing the stars?, (seeing comets together lalala).
And sometimes I do stop what I am doing because I remember China called the ROman Empire Daquin, that is like another China in the other side of the world, and I just stare into the void. Because even if you are not an empire that is deep into maintaining a barbarian-civilized dicothomy, you, just not gave another foreing country a name like that. I suppose it is because as you do kind of like them but you are the only civilization that is proper, you name these people after yourself so there is not other form,  and the chinese ways is still the greatest, but it is....it stills feels incredible to me.
(I also do not know a lot about chinese history so I could have just said bullshit in the last paragraph when I started making theories, but still)
And well, a headcanon that never leaves my mind, that I have to share, is that you know the Aeneid?, (the original fanfiction? XD), there is a part about how the people who will settle Rome in the future will know they reached the correct place to form a home when they eat their (bread)plates. And you could make the argument that kind of food was started form China. So you could argue that China was Rome’s home. (I have a vivid vision of China commenting this fact off-handendly the last time they see each other, the closer to his death Rome is the better, even though is it less likely they met by that time, but because he is more vulnerable then, he just, hears this and instead of mocking the other, just, stares, reliving all his life in a moment, and ‘oh’ he goes, looking at China in that middle point so far away,  his eyes glister when he gives China a Mona Lisa smile and says, as choking,  “I’m home, then”.  and not sure what China answers to that, if a “welcome home” or if just stares at him or embraces him or another reaction, but it is a haunting last impression for sure)
And can I say that all the artist of this pairing are amazing? (the hetalia fandom in general has fantastic artists, but damn) and the fanfic’s too. 
@romechu did a rec’s list a while back. Here it is. 
And also there is @52px, who is more a general ancient blog, but her fics are amazing and you really should read them if you like the ship, and I personally,  find hilarious and fitting  that parthian is like, looking at these idiots in love and going all math confused lady meme “how?”
There is also this fic Connections of the heart by bubbleteahime, that is poetic and leaves me thinking, yes, soulmate au of these two are good (even though they are not my cup of tea generally, at least not without a twist). 
 Well, there is more, you can see  more in the tag.
The fanarts are really on another level, and the artists deserve ll praise that they can get. For last, I’ve been digging around bilibili for more content,(surely there china pairings are more popular), and have come forth with some links, that I wil post tomorrow, because I will sleep now.
Well, thank you for hearing me,  and I like this  ship so much!! 
EDIT: 3/3/2019: I made a video recs post, here.
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