#and pushkin and ivan and nathaniel
stuckinrarepairhell · 11 months
making this post before it disappears from my brain-
thinkin abt how fyodors possible death would affect everyone and im having brain worms abt it, nathaniel, ivan, and nikolai would be lost without and probably delve further into their mental breaking point, they are like abandoned puppies in a wet cardboard box, no one to take care of them,
was having more story thoughts, one about sigma caring for nikolai now that hes the shell of the person he was once and is not afraid of him as much
alexander taking care of ivan and nathaniel, his hate mostly dying out and being replaced with pity and sympathy
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frostlineprince · 1 year
sharing my gallery full of BSD live actions images (part 22)
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puushkinns · 5 months
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shiveringgroovy · 6 months
Got any RITHOTD headcanons?
YES SIR/MA'AM/ENTITY OF THE SLOP I DO!!!!!! spoiler they're all autistic and i'm gonna project onto fyodor like nobody's business
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Class 2 Autism with debilitating executive dysfunction (no i don't take criticism i know damn well that weirdboy can't get shit done. sincerely someone with class 1 autism and debilitating executive dysfunction)
Paranoid Schizophrenia with religious delusions
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
REALLY picky about sensory stimuli
Can't Stand: spicy food, mushy textures, dried mud and paint, velcro, hot environments, having dry hands, overwhelmingly sweet scents/tastes, the smell, texture, and taste of blood
Really Likes: soft/long hair, smooth textures, wood smells, carbonated drinks (listen idk why but i think as soon as shit like monster energy was released he was INSANE)
REALLY loves nature, but doesn't interact with it often
Favorite Animals: Rats, Spiders, Roaches, Tardigrades, Cats
Really poor eyesight, needs glasses but hates having things on his face
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Class 1 Autism
ADHD with major executive dysfunction
Major Depressive Disorder
Also really picky about sensory stimuli
Hates loud noises and scraping sounds in specific. wears earplugs/covers his ears with his coat hood to block out some noise
Not a huge nature fan, but likes most rodents and canines
Had a service dog for a while, probably a boxer or a doberman
Uses a cane, but would prefer crutches
Listens to classic rock like a fucking NERD. probably has a last.fm account too. someone introduce him to goreshit
he's my babygirl.
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Class 2 Autism
World's most normal Throbbing Gristle fan (the band)
Loves nature, especially invertebrates
Favorite Animals: Roaches, Beetles, Isopods, Centipedes
Stims by blinking rapidly, cracking his joints, and throwing rocks around like a cat toy for himself
Stands with his feet crossed and twisted to keep his balance
Often manipulates the ground below him to keep his balance as well, it pisses Pushkin off because he ends up falling
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people seem to forget this guy (was) in the rats blehhhhh (i like him :3)
Class 1 Autism
Owns exotic animals (macaws, old-world tarantulas, axolotls, etc)
Music taste varies. He'll listen to "whatever" but still skip through a ton of songs to get to one he likes
The worst backseat driver of all time
Has trouble regulating his voice volume, normally very loud
Has kept hundreds of diaries, this guy doesn't play about journalling.
Loves brightly-colored things
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Borderline Personality Disorder
Really good at baking and cooking
He literally CANNOT stand up after a fight because fym he intentionally loses that blood????
I'm ngl I was never interested in this guy
Cat and dog lover, hates invertebrates and considers them "dirty"
He's a total lightweight trust me. has one drink and starts sobbing
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apocalypticsword · 2 days
At this point, I'm almost convinced that Fyodor has Nikolai store the rest of the Rats (in the house of the dead) in his coat, because where the fuck are they?
Nathaniel is in Lucy's room, Mushitaro is where ever Ango is currently chilling, but where's Ivan and Pushkin? We last (and first) saw them during the cannibalism arc, but where are they now?
We also know that Fyodor travelled to Japan together with Fritzgerald and the guild, but where were those two? Did they just chill in a backroom somewhere? Did they have to fly? Did they swim?
So yeah, unless they're like watching their boss from the side lines or are dead, I'm placing all bets on them being in Nikolai's coat as a surprise tool that will help Fyodor later.
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paintedgrilledcheese · 7 months
The DOA/RITHOTD preschool au!!!
(Writing this because I feel inspired ✨️)
These are the "rules"/"world building" of this au and fun facts about it. I might write an actual story story of this one day. Anyways, the setup:
Ivan is the teacher.
Members of the DOA & RITHOTD are the students/children (ages 3 to 5). This includes Fyodor (5), Nikolai (5), Sigma (3), Bram (???), Nathaniel (5), Mushitaro (4), & Pushkin (4). Expect Fukuchi because of bias.
Surprisingly, most days at the preschool aren't too chaotic. Though wildness is bound to happen.
Sigma is the youngest. He's a little shy, but he is PASSIONATE about playing pretend. If they were playing pretend restaurant, he would be the manager dashing around the room and making sure that the customers in his pretend restaurant are satisfied with the service.
Sigma also likes story time and snack time.
Fyodor is more mature. He likes to read by himself a lot, but he will still interact with the other kids. He is the intelligence of the group, so doing stupid stuff is less likely to happen.
When playing pretend castle or kingdoms, just like Sigma, Fyodor will become passionate about the game. Make him king of this pretend kingdom, and he will become a dictating ruler.
Nikolai is more silly and hyperactive. He can't sit still for long, always making jokes or messing around with his classmates. He's outgoing, and chaos is more likely to happen from him.
Nikolai hates nap time, but after being given a second snack from Ivan, he might go down.
Bram, on the other hand, loves nap time. The moment Ivan pulls out those nap time mats from the closet, he's already knocked out. (Feel free to add some suggestions for Bram because I don't know his character well)
Pushkin is sorta chaotic like Nikolai. He will mess with the others by chasing them around with bugs (Sigma doesn't like it). During recess, he has a fascination with collecting bugs.
Nathaniel, he's sorta of the same as Fyodor, mostly likes to read, and he's on the more quieter side.
Nathaniel likes the swings because he gets to swing with Margaret, who is in a different class.
Mushitaro is either very well-behaved or very mischievous, depending on the mood of the day. Sometimes, when Ivan has his backed turn, Mushitaro will probably do something he isn't supposed to do before acting all innocent and well-behaved when Ivan turns back around.
Mushitaro also loves story time. It can be Ivan reading to the classroom or his friend Yokomizo during recess since they're in separate classes as well.
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amythedemisimp · 2 years
Rats in the House of the Dead
Alexander Pushkin (#alexander pushkin)
Fyodor Dostoevsky (#fyodor dostoevsky)
Ivan Goncharov (#ivan goncharov)
Nathaniel Hawthorne (#nathaniel hawthorne)
Oguri Mushitarō (#oguri mushitarō)
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nitpick7 · 26 days
bsd pronouns headcanons but it's in a tierlist format for some reason. (text-only version under the cut.)
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i know some of these takes are insane but i believe that i am correct. i do welcome other takes though i LOVE talking about gender headcanons with people!
text-only tierlist:
she/her: agatha christe, higuchi, elise, teruko, kouyou, haruno, yosano.
she/they: karma, yuan, sigma, lucy, kyouka, tsujimura.
she/it: louisa.
she/neos: naomi.
he/him: andré gide, alexander pushkin, mori, mark twain, rimbaud, adam frankenstein.
old man drag show (he/him): kunikida, francis fitzgerald, herman melville, fukuzawa, fukuchi, hirotsu.
he/they: atsushi, tj eckleburg, katai, fyodor, katsura, shirase, nathaniel hawthorne, minoura.
he/it: kajii, odasaku, verlaine, ivan goncharov.
he/they/it: akutagawa, tanizaki, ango, lovecraft, bram stoker.
he/neos: tachihara, nikolai, natsume.
he/she: kenji, margaret mitchell, jouno.
he/she/they: chuuya, dazai, gin, tetcho, shibusawa, poe, john steinbeck.
they/them: aya, mushitarou.
any pronouns: ranpo.
neopronouns: Q (kyusaku).
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does GL have tea parties with Elise and the other children-? Is Mori forced to join the tea parties-? When Mori cant make it who is substituted in for him or do they just leave his spot open?
They do.
Elise, Kyuusaku, Aya, Katsumi, Shinji, Sakura, Yu and Kousuke are having tea parties from time to time. And they often offer GL and other BSD Characters to join them. So, if any of the adults want to join them, they always have an open spot.
Some interesting bits about some characters:
Who joins often:
1. Guiding Light - will tell kids stories from the real world.
2. Oda Sakunosuke - he can be so serious, it looks funny.
3. Ivan Goncharov - he will take tea preparations upon himself.
4. Mori Ougai - will let kids braid his hair or make pigtails.
5. Ranpo Edogawa - need constant supervision, so he won't eat all snacks.
6. Kouyou Ozaki - she is surprisingly good with kids.
7. Akiko Yosano - will insist on more healthier snacks, but, won't spoil the fun.
8. Bram Stoker - will join, only if Aya present. Actually, quite good caretaker.
9. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald - he was a father, so, he knows, how to host a tea party for children.
10. Kenji Miyazawa - just likes to play with kids.
11. Kyouka Izumi - she is on a quiet side, but, will gladly join the tea party.
12. Karma - keep an eye on kids during tea parties.
13. Fyodor Dostoevsky - will join only if you present and if he wants tea. A little bit passive, but, will let kids hide under his coat.
14. Nikolai Gogol - will make a little circus show for kids.
15. Fukuzawa Yukichi and Fukuchi Ouchi - will be bombarded with questions about their past.
16. Dazai Osamu - perfect, if tea party have a role play element. Will be overdramatic, but kids adore him.
17. Atsushi Nakajima - likes to play with kids.
18. Tanizaki siblings - Junchirou will make snacks and use his ability to live things up. Naomi is good at having a small talk.
19. Kirako Haruno, Louisa May Alkott and Edgar Allan Poe - a little bit awkward around kids, but, not against joining the game.
20. Sigma - it was a surprise, but kids always listen to him. Mostly joins for cookies.
21. Flags - good with dealing with kids, especially teens.
22. Ryunosuke Akutagawa - sometimes, can be a good babysitter. Will make a hammock from Rashomon for kids' entertainment.
23. Gin Akutagawa - better, then her brother. Will bring good tea.
24. Chuuya Nakahara - will join, only if GL are here. Will make table and chairs float. Not that interested in game itself, but won't spoil the fun.
Who won't join as often as they can:
1. Doppo Kunikida and Nathaniel Hawthorne - will join only if they are looking after kids today and there's no other adults. Still, they are good at playing along.
2. Katai Tayama - he is not good with kids. But, he will find cartoons or films for kids to watch.
3. Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud - join even lesser, then Kunikida and Hawthorne. Don't think, that they are good with kids.
4. André Gide - doesn't think, that he deserves to join kids' game.
Who are forbidden to join:
1. Tetchou Suehiro - problem is in his eating habits. He did it a couple of times on a tea party and kids decided to copy him. Only Elise didn't get a stomach ache. Since then, Tetchou isn't allowed to join tea parties without supervision.
2. Alexander Pushkin - he is bad in controlling his tongue and will talk about something inappropriate. And we aren't talking about swearing. Pushkin might start talking about neighbors, and who were with whom. And kids are like sponges. When Sakura, after a tea party with Pushkin, start asking Oda and you, if your neighbor really doesn't know, who is the father of her children, and what clients she brings home, you two almost strangle Pushkin. He isn't allowed to interact with kids without supervision.
Who aren't allowed to join at the same time:
Karma, Fyodor and Guiding Light
Because, when Shinji invite you three, that happened:
Everyone: drinking tea
Shinji: talking to you I am so glad, that you three start spending time as family. Finally, you and Fyodor stop neglecting your son Karma.
You, Karma and Fyodor almost chocked on your teas. It takes five minutes for your three to start breathing normally.
Karma is scared and try to hide behind his tea cup.
Fyodor never looked that shocked before. He is looking at Shinji, but can't form a single word.
You were just trying to say something.
You: "Wh... Who? Us... Our? Whom?... Wh... What..? Karma? Ours..?"
Shinji: didn't realize, that situation became this Yes! You wanted to save Karma, and Fyodor did it. You two saved him. Like Oda saved us. So, he is yours now.
Tea party come to an end. Karma couldn't look at you or Fyodor for a week.
Osamu and Nikolai, who, somehow, learn about this situation, were teasing you and Fyodor about, who will be 'stay at home parent' and who will be a 'breadwinner' for the two weeks.
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headchamberlain · 6 months
Ivan, what do you think of other people around you?
Osamu Dazai
"He is a great threat to master and his plans. I do not doubt that master will defeat him, but the man keeps interfering with His blessings."
Atsushi Nakajima
"Ah, the weretiger! He and the other one put up a good fight. Color me surprised!"
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
"This must be the man that teamed up with the weretiger against me. I hold a slight grudge to both of them."
Nikolai Gogol
"The jester! Or... clown? Whichever he is, he is very interesting and eccentric! I admire his flamboyance!"
Nathaniel Hawthorne
"Ever since he was taken somewhere he has not been the same. I was told not to worry, so I assume he is fine!"
Alexander Pushkin
"He does not have much self-confidence. I believe he must take pride in his strength more often!"
Fyodor Dostoevsky
"Ah, it's master! He is the man who fixed me and blessed me... I would peel off the skin on my face if he asked me to. Master loves Ivan, and I love him dearly. ♡"
Mushitarou Oguri
"I do not have much of an opinion on him. He has an air of profound regret around him, and I am not sure why."
Fukuzawa (fukuzawa-armeddaddyagency)
"A very polite man! I do not think master would like me speaking to him, but he is one of the few people that appear to enjoy my presence."
Yoko (city-of-c0rpses)
"My daughter! She is adorable! I love her dearly and put her above everyone and everything else, even myself. What wouldn't I do to protect her?"
Cheese (paintedgrilledcheese)
"My dearest!! She takes care of Yoko and is always there by my side to aid me. I truly do not deserve her kindness! <3"
Onyx Laurier (onyx-laurier)
"...oh. him."
Any anons
"You all mean a lot to me! I enjoy our little interactions despite not knowing you personally."
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stuckinrarepairhell · 11 months
i think it would be cool to explore the abject horror of watching the people around start to decay and lose themselves, or who already have and are just getting worse
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slamming my head in your inbox. HELLO
nikoran + “don’t choke”
scarlet crime + nightmare
lemon futon + explosions
HIII. don't hurt ur head in my inbox...
nikoran + "don't choke"
Cafe Uzumaki is rarely calm, but this is new. Lucy stares at Ranpo, sitting across from Nikolai, and sighs. Perhaps she should be more concerned about a terrorist being in here, but it's not as if he's the first, so she isn't really compelled to give a shit, considering he won't be the last. However. "Don't choke," Nikolai cooes, smearing cake across Ranpo's cheek before actually feeding it to them. Lucy grimaces. Nikolai's gloves look ruined already, not to mention- She storms over, slamming a hand down on the table, "Can you not?" Nikolai gives her an innocent look and replies, as Ranpo grins, "I have no clue what you mean!"
scarlet crime + nightmare
Mushitaro is no stranger to nightmares, but it's different this time. He's properly alone this time. No Ivan, no Pushkin, no annoying priests. (And Poe is busy elsewhere, not that he'd like his company now anyway.) Because that priest has had his mind broken, and Mushitaro didn't even know it was going to happen. It leaves a bitter taste in his mind to think about. Knowing that Nathaniel didn't even tell him before it all went down. He drags himself out of bed, throat itchy as he drags himself to the kitchen. The water is cold, and he lets it run over his hands for a while. The chill is unpleasant, but grounding, and he swears if he stares too long he can see scarlet blood draining into the sink too. Not that he ever has to actually wash his hands like he did.
lemon futon + explosions
Kajii's hair is ash-stained, his face the same, and Katai just huffs at him as he wipes it off with a rag. "You're so careless, Kajii." Kajii leans into the touch, "I'm not! I just don't have to be as careful as other people!" Katai eyes the cuts and scrapes from debris on Kajii's hands, his legs, but.. doesn't push it. "Sure, sure.." He sighs, slumping against him, "But could you be a bit more careful?" Kajii's about to protest, but Katai kisses some of the ash off his cheek and adds, "For me, if nothing else.." Kajii blinks, then leans in and gives him a peck in return, grin a little softer, "Sure!"
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puushkinns · 3 months
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RITHOTD if it was gay 🤯:
Fyodor dostoevsky
Ivan goncharov
Alexander pushkin
Mushitaro oguri
Nathaniel hawthorne
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revasserium · 1 year
the unofficial ultimate bungo stray dogs reading list
this is mainly for myself bc i rly do want to read most if not all of these and i'm sure it's already been done by someone somewhere. but, i thought why not post it lmao; most if not all of these can be found on anna's archive, z-library, or project gutenberg! (also, consider buying from your local bookstore!) for those that are a bit harder to find, i've included links, though some are from j-stor and would require login to access.
detective agency:
osamu dazai:
no longer human (novel)
the setting sun (novel)
nakajima atsushi:
the moon over the mountain: stories (short story collection)
light, wind and dreams (short story)
fukuzawa yukichi:
an encouragement of learning (17 volume collections of writings)
all the countries of the world, for children written in verse (textbook)
yosano akiko:
kimi shinitamou koto nakare (poem)
midaregami (poetry collection)
edogawa ranpo:
the boy detectives club (book series)
japanese tales of mystery and imagination (short story collection)
the early cases of akechi kogoro (novel)
kunikida doppo:
river mist and other stories (short story collection)
izumi kyouka:
demon lake (play)
spirits of another sort: the plays of izumi kyoka (play collection)
tanizaki junichirou:
the makioka sisters (novel)
the red roof and other stories (short story collection)
miyazawa kenji:
ame ni mo makezu; be not defeated by the rain (poem)
night on the galactic railroad (novel)
strong in the rain (poetry collection)
port mafia:
mori ougai:
vita sexualis (novel)
the dancing girl (novel)
nakahara chuuya:
poems of nakahara chuya (poetry collection)
akutagawa ryuunosuke:
rashoumon (short story)
the spider's thread (short story)
rashoumon and other stories (short story collection)
ozaki kyouyou:
the gold demon (novel)
higuchi ichiyou:
in the shade of spring leaves (biography and short stories)
hirotsu ryuurou:
falling camellia (novel)
tachihara michizou:
in mourning for the summer (poem)
midwinter momento (poem)
from the country of eight islands: an anthology of japanese poetry (poetry collection)
kajii motojirou:
lemon (short story)
yumeno kyuusaku:
dogra magra (novel)
oda sakunosuke:
flawless/immaculate (short story)
sakaguchi ango:
darakuron (essay)
the guild:
f. scott fitzgerald:
the great gatsby (novel)
the beautiful and the damned (novel)
edgar allen poe:
the raven (poem)
the black cat (short story)
the murders in the rue morgue (short story)
herman melville:
moby dick (novel)
h.p. lovecraft:
the call of cthulhu (short story)
the shadow out of time (novella)
john steinbeck:
the grapes of wrath (novel)
of mice and men (novel)
lucy maud montgomery:
anne of green gables (novel)
the blue castle (novel)
chronicles of avonlea (short story collection)
louisa may alcott:
little women (novel)
the brownie and the princess (short story collection)
margaret mitchell:
gone with the wind (novel)
mark twain:
the adventures of tom sawyer (novel)
adventures of huckleberry finn (novel)
nathaniel hawthorn:
the scarlet letter (novel)
rats in the house of the dead:
fyodor dostoevsky:
crime and punishment (novel)
the brothers karamozov (novel)
notes from the underground (short story collection)
alexander pushkin:
eugene onegin (novel)
a feast in time of plague (play)
ivan goncharov:
the precipice (novel)
oguri mushitarou:
the perfect crime (novel)
decay of the angel:
fukuchi ouchi:
the mirror lion, a spring diversion (kabuki play)
bram stoker:
dracula (novel)
dracula's guest and other weird stories (short story collection)
nikolai gogol:
the overcoat (short story)
dead souls (novel)
hunting dogs: (i must caveat here that the hunting dogs are named after much more comparatively obscure jpn writers/playwrights so i was unable to find a lot of the specific pieces actually mentioned; but i still wanted to include them on the list because well -- it wouldn't be a bsd list without them)
okura teruko:
gasp of the soul (short story; i wasn't able to find an english translation)
devil woman (short story)
jouno saigiku:
priceless tears (kabuki play; no translation but at least we have a summary)
suehiro tetchou:
setchuubai/a political novel: plum blossoms in snow (novel)
division for unusual powers:
taneda santouka:
the santoka: versions by scott watson (poetry collection)
tsujimura mizuki:
lonely castle in the mirror (novel)
yesterday's shadow tag (short story collection; i was unable to find a translation)
order of the clock tower:
agatha christie:
and then there were none (novel)
murder on the orient express (novel)
she is the best selling fiction writer of all time there's too much to list here
andre gide:
strait is the gate (novel)
arthur rimbaud:
illuminations (poetry collection)
the drunken boat (poem)
a season in hell (prose poem)
johann von goethe:
the sorrows of young werther
paul verlaine:
clair de lune (poem, yes it did inspire the debussy piece, yes)
poems under saturn (poetry collection)
victor hugo:
the hunchback of notre-dame (novel)
les miserables (novel)
william shakespeare:
romeo and juliet (play)
a midsummer nights' dream (play)
sonnets (poetry collection)
the seven traitors:
jules verne:
around the world in 80 days (novel)
journey to the center of the earth (novel)
twenty thousand leagues under the seas (novel)
natsume souseki:
i am a cat (novel)
kokoro (novel)
botchan (novel)
h.g. wells:
the time machine (novella)
the invisible man (novel)
the war of the worlds (novel)
shibusawa tatsuhiko:
the travels of prince takaoka (novel; unable to find translation)
dr. mary wollstonecraft godwin shelley
frankenstein (novel)
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boldlycrookedsalad · 8 months
Literary Canon (from kissgrammar)
The Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version [At a minimum, the books of Genesis, Exodus, Job, Psalms, from the Old Testament; Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Apocalypse from the New.] Whether or not you are Christian is irrelevant. The civilization in which we live is based on and permeated by the ideas and values expressed in this book. Understanding our civilization, the world in which we live, is probably impossible without having read -- and thought about -- at least the most famous books in the Bible. Historically, the King James Version is considered the most artistic, and thus has probably had the most literary influence.
Homer, The Iliad
Homer, The Odyssey
Sophocles, Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex)
Sophocles, Antigone
Plato, The Republic, especially "The Myth of the Cave"
Ovid, Metamorphoses
Saint Augustine, The Confessions
Dante, The Divine Comedy
Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
Giambattista Vico, Principles of a New Science
Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales
Romeo and Juliet
King Lear
John Donne, "Holy Sonnet XIV"
John Donne, "A Valediction Forbidding Mourning"
Andrew Marvell, "To His Coy Mistress"
John Milton, Paradise Lost
Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels
A Modest Proposal
Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Michel de Montaigne, Essays, especially "Of Experience"
Francois Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel
Moliere, The Misanthrope
Blaise Pascal, Pensees
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile
Voltaire, Candide
Erasmus, In Praise of Folly
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust, Parts One & Two
Honore de Balzac, Old Goriot (also translated as Pere Goriot)
Stendhal, The Red and the Black
Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary
Emile Zola, Germinal
Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House
William Blake
William Wordsworth
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
Lord Byron, Don Juan
John Keats, "Ode on a Grecian Urn"
Robert Browning, "My Last Duchess"
Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist
A Tale Of Two Cities
Hard Times
A Christmas Carol
Matthew Arnold, "Dover Beach"
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre
Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights
Francis Thompson, "The Hound of Heaven"
Samuel Butler, Erewhon
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
George Eliot- Silas Marner
Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
The Will To Power
The Birth of Tragedy
On the Genealogy of Morals
Alexander Pushkin - Eugene Onegin
The Bronze Horseman
Nikolai Gogol -The Overcoat
Dead Souls
Mikhail Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time
Ivan Turgenev, Fathers and Sons
Fyodor Dostoevsky -Notes From the Underground
Crime and Punishment
Leo Tolstoy -The Death of Ivan Ilych
War and Peace
Anton Chekhov, The Cherry Orchard
James Fenimore Cooper, The Deerslayer
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays
Emily Dickinson - "Because I Could Not Stop For Death"
"The Tint I Cannot Take"
"There's a Certain Slant of Light"
Walt Whitman  - "Song of Myself"
"The Sleepers"
"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry"
"As I Ebbed With The Ocean of Life"
"Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking"
"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomd"
Nathaniel Hawthorne - Young Goodman Brown
The Scarlet Letter
Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
Edgar Allen Poe - "The Raven"
The Cask of Amontillado
Henry David Thoreau, Walden
Kate Chopin -The Story of An Hour
The Awakening
Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage
Henry James
Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Luigi Pirandello
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paintedgrilledcheese · 7 months
The DOA/RITHOTD preschool au!
The burning kitchen
It's another day in Mr. Goncharov's preschool class. The children were enjoying their free time in the classroom, playing nicely together so far. Little Sigma, the youngest of the class, was dashing back and forth between the pretend kitchen playset and the snack table where the kids normally eat their lunches. He was playing as the manager of his little pretend restaurant, and he was serious about it. Sigma wanted all his customers to be satisfied with his service, including satisfying the stubborn Mushitaro.
Mushitaro was a little vex to these games. If he was going to play, he made sure to be the antagonist and make the game much more difficult than it needed to be. Mushitaro liked playing the role of a food critic, always giving Sigma the unfortunate 4 star rating. This would always make poor Sigma upset. He believed that his restaurant was the greatest and DESERVED a 5 star rating.
After receiving another 4 star rating, delivered on a pink sticky note with poorly drawn stars and scribbles, Sigma huffed and stomped his little feet back over to the kitchen playset.
"PUSHKIN!" Sigma yelled in a high-pitched voice, which startled Pushkin. Pushkin was Sigma's one and only chef. "We got another 4 star rating from Mushitaro. I don't know what we're doing wrong. Are you slacking?" Sigma accused.
"I'm not slacking. I'm the one who's cooking, not you." Pushkin defend as he put a wooden block of milk into a plastic bowl with wooden eggs in it. "Mushitaro is being a meanie. That's what's happening. He doesn't know how hard I work to cook his order. I should put a dead cricket in his order next time." He muttered.
Sigma shook his head and protests. "No, don't do that. We'll lose customers."
"Why not? Crickets have nutritional value, my dad told me so." Pushkin argued.
"Nuh uh, bugs are gross and not meant to be eaten, you weirdo." Sigma was getting a little upset since he was scared of bugs.
"Yeah huh. You're just a scared of trying one." The two started to bicker. Despite this being a fun game for pretend, it was serious for them. If Sigma lost customers, the world would end in his little child mind.
The back and forth continued, calling each other names and getting so caught up in their petty argument (that was completely off-topic now) that Nikolai came over and threw balls of red paper into the plastic bowl Pushkin was using.
"Uh oh, seems like you got a fire!" Nikolai laughed loudly as Sigma screamed high pitched. Sigma yanked the bowl away from Pushkin and threw it into the pretend kitchen sink. But Nikolai continued to throw more red and orange balls off paper into Sigma's kitchen, causing a "fire." Nikolai was giggling joyfully as he watched Sigma try to put out this fake fire.
With all the commotion going on, Sigma screams, and Nikolai's laughter, Nathaniel came over wearing a plastic fire fighter helmet from Firehouse subs.
"Is there a fire?" He asked, holding an empty water bottle that he found.
"Yes. Please help." Sigma said in a panic. Nathaniel had a good look at the scene, seeing all the red and orange paper balls scattered across the kitchen playset.
"Hmmm, pay me first." He demanded.
"Why would I pay you?!" Sigma yelled, being extra loud.
"Because I'm going to need a lot more water to put out this fire, and I'm out of water." Nathaniel said with his logic.
"The money is burnt." Pushkin informed. Nathaniel looked at him straight in the eye before shrugging.
"Guess you guys are on your own then." Nathaniel turned to abandon them. Wow, what a great firefighter. Nikolai laughed more, watching all of this before running to leave the scene he caused. Sigma looked upset. He was upset. Sigma was about to throw a fit before Ivan announced it was snack time.
All the children were distracted by the announcement of snack time, including Sigma. Today was sugar cookie day, which cheered him up in an instant, forgetting all about his little game for now. During nap time, Ivan picked up and cleaned some of the room, picking up Nikolai's mess he caused in the pretend kitchen area. This brought joy to Sigma's face to see his kitchen wasn't on "fire" anymore when he woke up. All was well once again. Expect for that 4-star rating.
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