#and probably Junpei’s mother is one of those poor japanese women having to be a housewife because they have married some traditional man
ran-orimoto · 2 years
The way they have never revelead the reasons why both Izumi and Junpei have decided to hop on the Trailmon doesn’t really hurt me, because it can open a lot of speculation for my mind.
While Izumi has hinted how she just wanted to try something new by accepting the phone’s message, Junpei has always been even more casual about it, pretending his reason is the same as Izumi’s but never actually confessing the true reason why he is there.
My headcanons take me to believing Junpei didn’t really have that great relationship with his parents, his family or, maybe, a member of its in particular. It’s funny to recall Chinese fans from Teiba Baidu’s encyclopedia claiming Junpei’s original profile was supposed to be a little deeper about his family, eventually explaining how his father was supposed to be the strict president of some electric company and Junpei’s loneliness was supposed to depend on the perception he thought his classmates had about him -the one of a spoiled-rotten, unpleasant rich kid-. True or not, the funny fact about this is that it can still fit a lot in Junpei’s backstory, because ,after all, do we know why he has never managed to make true friends in the first place? The reason why he has relied on his magical tricks to make friends? Either it’s the fatphobic route or Junpei has grown in an environment that isn’t just the best.
And I can see that, because why often underlining in official bios he comes from a rich family? We don’t know anything about Izumi’s, there was no reason for us to know that since Junpei never mentions his family. But what if the rich family information is supposed to give us a hint about his behaviour (especially at the beginning)? His spoiled, unpleasant, egocentric yet very lacking of self-esteem attitude?
I headcanon Junpei wanted to escape from his family environment but didn’t consciously perceive that wish of his. He just felt a need, an impulse he probably couldn’t even interpret as a kid and hopped on that train, and this could also explain the reason why he’s the first one wanting to come back home, repeating it in episode 3 too, where he says, <<I just don’t want to stay in this world>>. He looks so serious there??? Izumi is the one mocking him because she thinks it’s all a matter of envy towards Takuya and Tomoki (which surely lingers in Junpei’s heart at that point), but it’s just so bizzarre how he’s so firm while saying that. I’m just so convinced he acted without thinking at first under that inner desire of escapism of his. If I think back about what Izumi said about him in the very first drama, this hc of mine gets even more strength. Izumi tells Junpei she had a very bad consideration of him at first, but she quickly changed her opinion because she understood Junpei is a person who seems to very direct, but in truth he also hides how he feels in his heart. In my opinion, Junpei has got a lot going on with his private life but just represses his emotions a lot, even becoming blind about what happens around him. Remember the Volcanomon episode, where he initially denies he’s a lonely kid? Afterwards, thoughts and memories come hunting him and opening his eyes about a reality he wouldn’t have probably seen without that input. Soooooo, if he lived in an environment pressing him a lot, he wouldn’t really pay attention to that, ending up suppressing how uncomfortable he feels, his pain. He seems to get a lucid view about his reality only when others push him to do so, getting a better grasp about his feelings. If I stick to my headcanon about him wanting to escape from his family, the only input was Ophanimon’s message, not something that could make him think about what he wanted, but surely sonething that could make his inner side surface a bit and take over.
Wishful thinking: Junpei could have had a lot of potential, backstory-wise, if things had gone in a different way. I mean, Junpei and Izumi are the “only kids” of the group. If the writers had chosen to show us their families, their issues would have surely rotated around their parents since they don’t have sibilings, and I love thinking Izumi can be seen as someone having issues with her mother , Junpei mostly with his father, and their loneliness could have really created a perfect union with their backgrounds.
Izumi’s mother could have worried about her daughter not being that social like she used to in Italy and could have eventually bursted in some arguments with Izumi about her behaviour, lacking tact kike her daughter often does.
On the contrary, Junpei’s loneliness could have derived from his father for real, maybe on a complex level because, like I said, Junpei lacks TON of self-esteem and I cannot not see a man from a rich family constantly complaining about his son not getting high grades (in official bios Junpei often introduces himself as someone having very bad grades but having a wide knowledge about lot of random stuff), dressing in such a weird way, focusing on magical tricks. These all are things devastating your child from tender age and projecting on their behaviour as they grow up. Even if you are a president of an important company not being at home that much and seeing your son just once or twice a season.
Lastly but not leastly, even if I know most endings don’t really want to tell us anything about the characters’ background, I find it so weird everyone has such generic scenes in the first Frontier Ed, but at the same time there’s Junpei who has got the most ambiguous scene featuring him reading something and getting so pensive about it.
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It’s so weird???? The others are just expressing their loneliness, standing or sitting somewhere. Then there’s him who’s reading that thing. A school report maybe? Too big to be a letter and, honestly, why should some parent send his son a letter in 2001 when Junpei had a phone?
I just….Want to sink in the ocean due to how many headcanons I can think about when it comes to Junpei (and Izumi).
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