#and post about whatever once every million moons
jeon-ify · 8 months
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that night : j. yunho - pt. 1
a/n: this is my first actual fic since i’ve just been posting scenarios and requests :3 !! this idea came from listening to ‘you broke me first’ by tate mcrae. its a great song and it reminds me of yunho but toxic yunho. it would kinda be good if you listen to the song while reading !! idk girl i just write
genre: smut, drama, early 20s- mid 20s romance, toxic/dark romance, 18+
warnings: smut, dark romance, toxic!yunho, yunho has a threesome with y/n’s best friends, yunho is a cheater, reader swears a lot, yunho calls reader a psychotic bitch, san is a druggie, alcohol, cocaine, yunho begs, yunho gets sad and guilty, reader claims she moved on, san is annoying as hell, wooyoung is readers bestie!!
“san! i haven’t talked to you in so long, i’m sorry! how have you been?” your phone rang, you look to see that san called you about 20 times. you’ve been ignoring him, since he’s done almost every drug under the sun in the past year since you all have moved to different cities.
“man I called you 6 times. stop playing dumb. yunho’s asking about you again, please call him back. i’m sick of his shit.” san sniffles sharply. you’re sure he’s doing crack again, but when is he not?
you did not want to hear about yunho. you haven’t heard about or seen him in almost 4 years now, recovering from that night.
you call yunho, in hopes that he’d pick up. you left him a voicemail asking if he’d want anything from target when you were off work tonight.
*hello!! it’s yunho, sorry i couldn’t take your call. leave a message and i’ll call back!*
“i’m gonna stop at target, babe. did you want anything? love you, call me back.”
you finish your target run, grabbing a set of shampoo and conditioner and other necessities as you’ve been out of your favorites for a week now. you step out of the car, grabbing your bags and unlocking the door to yunhos apartment. you didn’t live with him, but you practically did since you were there almost every day of the week.
“~yuyu, fuck its so good! so big!” “you fuck us so good oh my god.”
“you’re both so fuckin’ pretty. my god.”
no fucking way.
your heart dropped to your ass, at a loss of every word in the dictionary. you felt like you were being run over by a truck 100 times over.
it felt like every moment with yunho was flashing at once.
he told you he loved you a million times a minute, you thought you were the only one. you thought that yunho would love you and only you, but how could you be so stupid to trust anyone else again?
you walk to where the noise is coming from, tears flooding your eyes, threatening to fall. the door is cracked a little, you see a pile of black hair and red hair mixed, one on top of the other. one of the girls has a tattoo on her wrist while the other has one too— it looks all too familiar.
one tattoo being a moon, the other being a sun.
your best friends.
you want to cut off the star tattoo on your wrist so fucking bad. how could they ever betray you like this? they never approved of yunho, but he’s inside both of them, fucking them on your shared bed. in your (what was once) home.
you didn’t even want to acknowledge the situation, instead you dropped the target bag at the door of the bedroom, leaving as soon as you could.
hours later, yunho calls. no answer.
you stare as your phone rings.
*32 missed calls from yuyu 🫶🏻✨*
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: hey, sry i didn’t call back. where’d u go?
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: babe?
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: y/n, pick up the phone.
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: not funny.
Read at 12:43AM
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: ur reading my fkn messages but ur not answering n its pissing me off
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: alr whatever lmao dnt pick up.
Today at 5:21AM
yuyu 🫶🏻✨: i cnt sleep, thibkin about yoj
*2 missed calls from yuyu 🫶🏻✨*
you watch your phone ring, waiting for the ringing to stop. your tears flow, deciding to call him back.
“baby? my fucking god, i mis-missed you. *hiccup* had me worried sick.” he slurs. he’s fucking crying.?
“you’re a fucking liar. my best friends? you’re drinking, you piece of shit. and you’re fucking crying?”
“relax, they’re not your best friends and i know that cus they did that to you, plus me and you baby, we don’t belong to each other. been wanting to leave. felt so fucking locked up. you won’t let me do what i want, you controlling fucking psychotic bitch.”
what the fuck.?
you watch the time on the phone call increase as he mumbles what you really meant to him.
you feel like you really did trap him, but you both didn’t agree on a poly relationship. for him to fuck your best friends is an insane thing to do to someone.
you end the phone call after 57 minutes of yunho talking about how much he fucking hated you for never letting him fuck your friends.
“i’m never talking to that piece of shit again and never bring him up to me. i have things to do, i’ll text you.”
you hung up the phone after 35 seconds.
you’ve grown past the situation with yunho, healing and becoming a better person. you were single, traumatized from your past relationships being a burden on you. but, your best friend wooyoung always supported you through and through. he wanted what was best for you, even though he introduced you to yunho. it wasn’t wooyoungs fault that yunho had fucked up (or was already fucked up), he just wanted to help you find someone. you had your own apartment, your own car and your own lash studio. you were booked for days on end, always working and being your own person.
but, with healing comes pain.
you’d occasionally think about yunho, how he’d pamper you in gifts and he’d take you anywhere you wanted. you thought about the nights that you’d cried to him, he’d hold you in his warm chest, making sure you were held and you didn’t feel alone. you sometimes still toss around in bed, thinking yunho was next to you, on your right side. you’d still bake matcha and white chocolate cookies as if he’d eat them with you, a reminder that you loved yunho— as your love language was baking— and every time you see those cookies, your heart begins to ache.
you pick up your phone and text your best friend, as he’s the only person you go to for anything.
to: woo 🧍🏻‍♀️
y/n: bitch get up
y/n: r u awake yet
y/n: if ur not up in the nect 5 minutes i’m calling the cips
y/n: next *^ & cops^*
y/n: man i just need to talk 😩 san called me
woo 🧍🏻‍♀️: girl what the FUCK
woo 🧍🏻‍♀️: did u call the cops yet
woo 🧍🏻‍♀️: is the cop hot
woo 🧍🏻‍♀️: bitch WHI CALLED
woo 🧍🏻‍♀️: im calling u rn answer
your best friend calls you in no less than 3 minutes after your series of texts.
“why is san calling you? what’d he want?” wooyoung asks, concern masking his voice.
“woo, i just started feeling like i finally moved on from all that bullshit. he fucking calls me like ‘oh yunho wants to talk to you’ and i’ve been dodging yunho for fucking ever. i know he’s been calling me but-“ you ramble to him. he cuts you off, questioning:
“did you ask him what he wanted from you?”
“it doesn’t matter because im over it and im over fucking everything. its all bad news and i don’t wanna go down that hole again, woo. if you’re so curious ask him yourself. i don’t care and i honestly don’t wanna know.”
“okay. i won’t ask.” wooyoung says in defense. he has a sixth sense, and his sense is telling him that maybe something is wrong with yunho, or maybe he wants to try to give you the closure you deserve. though he already gave you closure— just not the kind you expected from someone you’ve loved for 6 years.
but a part of you really wanted to know why he called. a little portion of your heart still aches for yunho, but you’re healing, remember?
the phone call ends after small talk, and you stare at yunho’s contact info for 7 minutes. you open messages and read the last message he sent you. you have him blocked, but you know it’s his number.
May 19th, 2021 at 3:21AM
*You have new messages from (***)***-**** *
(***)***-****: baby, i’m so sorry.
(***)***-****: you won’t ever forgive me, but i’ve changed. my star, my love, my moon, my sun.
(***)***-****: i can’t sleep anymore.
(***)***-****: i’ll leave you alone, okay?
December 10th, 2022 at 1:21AM
(***)***-****: i can’t live without you.
(***)***-****: it’s been so fucking long
(***)***-****: js need to see ur face. keep staring at the same pic but it was so long ago
(***)***-****: my messages are green, why are they green?
(***)***-****: i met someone today, his name started with an M but i can’t remember what his name was
(***)***-****: he’s helping me heal. ik i don’t deserve to heal but i wanna be better bc u deserve better
(***)***-****: i wanna be the one for u my love
(***)***-****: i fucked up but pls believe me when i say i’ll change for u bb
(***)***-****: i’m going to sleep, goodnight my angel
January 8, 2023 at 7:08PM
(***)***-****: everythibg remjnds me of u baby
(***)***-****: ur everywhere i go
(***)***-****: ur everything i see
(***)***-****: mingi won’t let me live diwn what i did to u
(***)***-****: i deserve to fucking die
(***)***-****: i really lost u
Today at 10:32PM
(***)***-****: i still miss you, my love.
(***)***-****: want you to carry my children and be in my life forever.
(***)***-****: i’ve bettered myself. i’ve changed, please let me see you again.
shortly after you open his book of messages, your phone rings.
*2 missed calls from (***)***-**** *
you watch your phone ring twice, your heart dropping 6 times over, you didn’t think he would be this bad about it, but maybe he aches for you the same way you ache for him.
maybe yunho is sorry. maybe he changed and maybe he wants to be with you again.
your phone rings again, the same phone number showing up, as your shaky hands press the green button.
silence. the first 8 seconds is silent as yunho tries to process and come up with what he’ll say to you.
he tried calling you for 3 years on end, you’d blocked him. he was so used to your voicemail being the only thing left of you to heal him.
“h-hello?” there it is. the voice you refused to hear for almost 4 years, its there. it’s no longer only in your head, it’s his voice on the other side of the 7 inch screen against your ear.
his voice makes your stomach twist and turn, your hands sweating as your chest forms a hole within itself.
“you don’t need to say anything, just listen to me, hm? you can hang up any second you want, but if your heart still aches for me the way mine does for you, you’d listen.
my love. i’ve ruined you and tore you to shreds. i don’t even know where i begin. you are the most precious thing that has ever happened to me. the minute you entered my life, i took you for granted and fucked up. i didn’t realize how much i loved you or how much you meant to me until you left. that night is a blur to me, you didn’t deserve any of that. you deserve to be treated like royalty, you deserve to be treated in the most beautiful and enchanting way because that is how you made me feel. but i went and fucked that up for the both of us. i didn’t mean what i said to you. i was drunk but that’s no excuse to talk to you the way i did. it’s not right. it never was.
the only time i ever find myself doing right is when i beat myself up for doing you wrong.
i stay at the same apartment, san comes over and does whatever he needs to do but i haven’t touched a drug since you left me. the minute you left was the minute i decided to better myself. mingi is helping me be the person i want to be for you. my god, i hate myself for everything ive done to you. i’m not asking for your forgiveness, i know you won’t give it to me. but i want you to know that i still am here and i still love you. i love you better and i love you the way you deserve.
are you still with me, y/n?”
he breathes. you breathe. you finally breathe.
“i- yunho. i don’t know how to feel about any of this, you really hurt me and i can’t trust anyone anymore. you fucked my best friends, in our room. i don’t even know why i even looked at my phone or why i even answered san when he called me. i’m doing better, but you calling me again is really making me feel like i’m falling down that hole again.” you try your hardest to not let him hear you grow weak to his confession. his heart caved in, and his stomach grew empty when you’d brought up his mistake.
“i understand. i won’t push or do anything to make you uncomfortable. but, i want to have coffee with you, or one of us can come over and we can talk about this, hm?”
you sigh. you felt like all the healing and all the self care you’ve been doing is going straight down the drain.
but do you wanna listen to what he has to say?
“i’m free tomorrow afternoon. but i can’t stay long.” is all you say. you don’t wanna keep this conversation going, nor do you even want to talk about this at all. you are growing selfish; only wanting to see yunho because you miss the attention you used to get from him.
“as long as i get to see you, its okay. i look forward to talking to you, y/n. been waiting forever. is 4:30 fine with you?” he sniffles and lets out a calm chuckle from within his throat.
he’s aching just as much as you are.
“yes. goodnight, yunho.”
“goodnight, star.” that nickname. the same nickname that dragged you into his lore. he speaks lightly. the phone call ends and he sounds like an angel, making your head spin and your heart confused.
you don’t know whether to trust yunho again because, maybe, he is sorry. maybe he wants to make things right with you.
for the rest of the night, you cannot sleep. you don’t decide on going tomorrow, you really don’t want to face yunho after what he did to you. after 4 hours of tossing and turning, rereading texts from yunho, drinking water, and listening to nothing but the buzzing in your ear, you finally manage to get sleep.
first fic!! yay!! i know yall are gonna hate yunho because what he did to y/n is trash and ass and all of the above. i hope you guys start to understand yunho further in the story. idk what im gonna do with this fic but i hope i come up with part 2 in a timely manner cus i dont want it to be dragged lol. but!!!!!!!!!! i hope you all like this fic just as much as i HATE it 😋
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bsydelver · 2 months
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-MHA (1-A) as nowadays teenagers- social media mostly (stereotypes).
PT.1- the boys.
—>part 2 (the girls)
inspired by those “mha as American high schoolers tiktoks.”
The first section of this post has the ones I wanted to emphasize on the most then the second section will be just mentions of the boys that I found would be basic in my opinion or I couldn’t think about the concept of them being like the teenagers we have at this time,
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This guy is active on social media 24/7.
He LOVES sending streaks on snap of everything happening, he finished studying? He is sending a streak announcing it; he was reading? He is sending a streak announcing it; he was on a call? He is sending a streak announcing it; you get the point.
His bitmoji looks like a carbon copy of him, he does not mess around when it comes to it.
The type of person to have a million different accounts on one platform: One is his main, One is his spam, One is for close friends, one for edits, etc. If you ask him for his handle or username he’ll say “which account?” or give you a specific one depending on who you are.
If he gets left on opened he deletes the message even for him only to avoid feeling embarrassed.
His music taste just depends on tiktok for the most part as he listens to audios there all the time for his edits.
I like to think that All might (or the pro-heroes in general) would be a professional player (sports) of some sort in this universe so Izuku would edit him like how people edit football/American soccer and basketball players.
He’s known in the editing community on tiktok and he loves the mutuals concept.
Not a lot of people he knows are aware of his editing hobby only Kirishima since they share it (Kiri does edits of crimson riot)— they would have that RMA fan and Barca fan friendship dynamic. (trust)
Trains the sport All Might is a professional in (and he is determined to be as good as All Might).
Part of the sassy men apocalypse.
Plays Roblox once in a blue moon and only for his friends.
Despite his extremely high screen time: he is actually smart academically.
If you’re playing a match with him (in teams, and sports that include, balls, passing, dribbling, etc.) and you have the ball, he will beg you to pass for him to shoot, but he still misses.
He likes the downtown boy style because he thinks it’s comfortable but Inko hates it.
He isn’t popular but he is still known,
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He barely has any social media platforms but for the ones he does have: it’s always just some private account that he only accepts people he knows on.
He sends his daily streaks and it’s always just the classic “S” drawn poorly on a black screen.
He only uses his story to repost other stories he was mentioned in.
His profile picture on every platform is a picture one of his friends took of him hiding his face using his hand, if it isn’t that photo: he just makes it a black screen.
He would send a tiktok or two every few months to a friend and then disappear again.
His main social media app is snapchat: that is what he uses for texting, calls and whatever other business he wants to do.
His snapscore is over 100k.
“wyll” warrior: if yk, yk.
Kirishima’s gym bro but never talks about it, it’s kiri who can’t help but bring it up.
Despite his somewhat “cold” personality, this mf is the definition of scared of girls: not even in the male manipulator way, he is just scared of them or avoids them.
He just wears plain shirts and hoodies, he doesn’t dedicate his clothes to a specific category: just wears what he wants.
Just expect the unexpected from him.
He is the captain of at least one sports team in his school.
He never studies (according to him) yet gets the highest marks somehow and everyone admires him for it.
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He does not use social media at all, nearest thing he has to that is his phone number that’s about it.
Just uses his phone to call people or message them on imessage.
He does not get any joke or reference you tell him that comes from tiktok (referring to brainrot) or any other social media app for that matter unless you explain it to him.
He does backhanded jokes though that are actually hilarious.
Wears whatever he finds in his wardrobe, he does not have a specific clothing style.
His texts are as dry as a dessert.
He’s just there and everyone is here for it.
He’s the “non-chalant” guy every girl on tiktok posts about, and since he is canonically attractive: he is the topic of a lot of girl gossip sessions.
He is like an old man when it comes to phones.
He is very dedicated when it comes to sports, he will not hesitate to continue even when he is injured.
He likes listening to lo-fi and calming music in general: it helps him focus.
Him are Iida are study buddies, nobody can tell me otherwise.
He’s the guy you go to for notes if you missed any during class.
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He uses his social media accounts for photography.
He also tries to raise awareness about current problems in the world using his platforms.
He surprisingly has a lot of followers due to his insane skills.
He is the quiet guy who everyone knows in terms of appearance but nobody would actually remember him on a name basis except if they are friends with him.
Does not participate in school matches or anything sports related in general.
His mom packs him his lunch and honestly nobody says anything because he isn’t too loud about it either.
He is a really wholesome guy and anyone who knows him loves that for him.
He was raised right and has manners.
He is a vegan but not one of those crazy ones, he just does it for himself and he might not agree with the choice of eating meat but he won’t be an ass to you for it.
He’s the hotspot guy of the class, he always has mobile data so he could post wherever and whenever he’d like, people always borrow it from him and he has no problem whatsoever.
He does not have any unresolved problems with anyone whatsoever.
Everyone from school who has social media follows his accounts and he is just mutuals with people he probably never talked to before in person.
He loves posting bird chirping audios and videos and he made a couple audios that actually got used by a ton of people.
He is average academically and none of the teachers have any concerns when it comes to him.
He wears anything as long as it isn’t made out of fur, leather or anything that comes from an animal.
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His parents despise his phone, he is always on it no matter what in their eyes.
He will spam you with tiktoks no matter who you are, he doesn’t even expect a reply (but if you do he appreciates it) he just likes sharing videos.
EVERYONE knows about his edit account compared to Izuku, he’s the editor of the class.
He does not mess around when it comes to protein and nutrition.
He sends gym and training snap streaks.
If he has a crush, he will try to hint it using videos on social media and he will send you cute tiktoks saying he appreciates you and stuff.
He makes videos of him reaching his lifting PRs in the gym and always has phonk music in the background.
He has a highlight on instagram for only motivational quotes he posts weekly on his story.
All of his bios have a Crimson Riot quote in them.
He’s a great athlete and has respect for you even if you’re on the opposing team.
He is the captain of one sports team as well and all of his teammates love him.
He uses “🤨” and “AYOOOO” while texting.
He’s the type of guy to say “YAYAYAYAY” on text unironically.
if he isn’t on his phone, he is playing Fortnite or minecraft with his friends (mostly Denki) and he loves it.
He is the type to scream in games and use curse words even in a friendly way.
He spams the repost button on tiktok and the add to story button, it is an addiction at this point.
He has a girl best friend (Mina) and he is open about it in every way possible.
He is pretty chill with everyone: boy or girl, no girl gets the feeling that he has a crush on her unless he visibly shows it and he’s the annoying type of guy friend who’s sarcastically rude to you but knows his limits.
If you’re a girl and have a crush on his friend, you wouldn’t be able to help but tell him and you can actually trust him with it.
He hates being on bad terms with anybody and just wants to be cool with everyone.
He is just your average teen boy.
He struggles academically and he knows the reason and has always tried to improve but he feels like he can’t.
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He is scrolling on tiktok or instagram reels every single second of the day that is if he isn’t playing video games.
Can’t keep a snapstreak for the life of him.
Will respond to every tiktok you send regardless if you sent 1 or 1000 and he enjoys it.
Brainrot is the best thing that has ever happened to him.
He references brainrot in real life every time he gets the chance and he is just known for that, it’s like a staple for him.
He is the “no homo” and “it doesn’t count if we’re wearing socks” type of guy and he pairs it with Kiri’s “AYOOO”s.
Only gets a long with one girl (Jirou) cause he can’t get a long with any other or at least became close with them in contrast to Ejiro.
He loves playing fortnite with Ejiro and Sero and also he is always the host of minecraft worlds and will not forgive you if you kill his wolf/dog.
He begs Izuku and Jirou to play Roblox with him sometimes.
He has a pet and posts stories of them playing together and whatever pet it is loves attacking Denki for no reason.
He is his own person in someway and isn’t the type of guy to depend on someone for a personality but he will depend on the new social media brainrot trend for it.
This man should not be going near a ball or anything sport-related in general, because he’s ass.
Interacts with every post his friends publish and he’s always saying something in the comments.
He loves “homeless-looking” fits.
He is horrible when it comes to academics and he does not even try to improve because he finds no point.
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Sero has a surprisingly healthy screen time (only during school days though).
He is always open to playing games with the other guys and if he doesn’t have the game, he will download it even if they will only play it once.
He will watch every tiktok his friends send but will only do short replies because he’s too lazy.
He ADORES movie nights and Spiderman.
All of his profile pictures are group pics of him and his friends.
He is always posting food pictures anywhere in general, he loves the look of it.
He always looks forward to Denki’s replies.
Whenever his friends say something off guard to him: his smile fades or he does the “🤨” face and it just became a running joke in the friend group.
He gets matching socks with his friends because he saw a tiktok trend about it.
He tries to lecture his friends but does the same mistake at the end and just laughs about it.
He reposts news on his instagram stories just to mock it or say something critical at least once a week.
He laughs really loud during class and Denki does NOT help in preventing it at all.
He wears whatever one of his friends is wearing just to match with them because he usually doesn’t feel like choosing a complete outfit.
Has an overwhelming fear of parent-teacher conferences.
He swears that he tries his hardest in studying but he always gets marks as bad as Denki’s and he just accepted it.
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In contrast to what a lot of people believe, I think Tenya would actually have at least one social media platform.
He wouldn’t use social media like his other classmates use it, but rather to help him share announcements quicker to the others since most of them are more active there.
He’d only have outdated minigames on his phone because he used to play with his older brother but other than that, he has nothing.
He offered free tutoring but Ochako convinced him that it would be a good idea to charge at least 1 bucks or something just so he can get a profit out of it.
He loves being organized and unironically has pinterest just to organize his thoughts there and whenever he mentions it, his classmates are shocked.
He hates when anyone sends a tiktok link or something similar to the main class groups because he thinks it’s out of place and bad.
Everyone comes to him for college recommendations.
People think he’d be a teachers’ pet but the teachers aren’t actually that fond of him or just treat him like any other and he actually appreciates that.
He scolds his friends for being too active on social media and that it can affect them in the future not only due to lack of concentration but also due to potential bad digital footprint.
He takes the internet really seriously and avoids anything harmful to keep his digital footprint as clean as possible.
Some of his friends ask him to set up a screen-time system on their devices because they trust him the most with it.
Straight A student and is in all of the advanced classes.
Apologies to:
Tokoyami (💔)
Mineta (not really)
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waxingrunes · 1 year
I’m seeing too much of this across all channels and I need to write a little something on my humble blog with my humble amount of followers, because how else am I going to get this off my chest.
Some of you need to remember that this whole world we created is pure, fiction. It’s based off fiction and we are building off fiction, forking off in different directions with characters we love.
The canon vs fanon debate is ongoing and quite honestly, mind numbingly pointless and you all consistently contradict and overlap one another with whatever discourse you’re riding that week. You lot wanna argue a point by saying, “these are my hc’s and I can do what I like with them stop taking everything so seriously teeheehehehe” then uno reverse that the next minute by screaming, “that would never happen *insert name* is this or is that” but fuck canon right? Fuck JKR? Or is it more, fuck the parts of canon I don’t like and I’ll take the parts I do so I can shove them down the throats of creators who represent these characters in an opposing light. The amount of posts I’ve seen floating around these sites that are people preaching to their audiences about how dumb they are (unless it’s meant to be satire, I’m not a brainless sensitive lump with no humour bone) for liking certain things, or enjoying certain things, or preferring certain aspects in a character is astounding. Take pause before jumping on your high horse over a fictional character and shaming people for moulding them into what they enjoy. Is this not the beauty of fiction, imagination; the ability to twist and turn over different traits and appearances within our palms and make them into our own little dress up dolls?
Here’s my two cents as a WOLFSTAR artist, not a Marauders— if I want to make Sirius into a teacup and Remus into a sea slug and have him curl up to sleep every night in his bowl, then I’ll do that with fine china detail. If I want to make Sirius someone who refuses to wear nothing but a specific shade of tangerine and Velcro strapped trainers, I will. One day I might throw Moony into a boxing ring and have him be a middleweight champion, stained by the blood of his opponent whilst his wolf is chomping at the bit to come out just before the full moon threatens to take centre stage. If I want to make Sirius 6ft tall and Remus 5ft1, I will. Why not draw an AU of them as the rocks from Everything, Everywhere All At Once? Maybe, they can be something as simple as a boy and a boy who look the way you want them to look, fuck the way you want them to fuck and fall in love and fight, and scream, and cry, and make up a million different ways.
Let’s get more specific as the seal’s broken. Why not make Remus plus sized and give him a beard or a dad’s bod at age 23. Or maybe because he’s lighter haired he doesn’t have dark hair like that and only has a smattering of it across the ugliest of his scars. Consider this— moony with softer hips but fuller sturdy shoulders. Or long, slender limbs with a deceptively hidden strength owing to his wolf, stronger than James though he doesn’t look it. Onto Sirius, try to tell me I’m not going to put him in thigh highs and fem the shit out of him whilst he holds a bat in one hand covered in the blood of someone who tried to disrespect his Moons. Alert the press when someone erases every single one of his tattoos only to replace them with hyperpigmentation. What about giving him a beater’s build and a long thick trail of naval hair that he likes to call his ‘seeker’s delight’. What about a hairless Sirius who has a soft life and likes to make herself pretty for her 6ft 4 boyfriend every weekend when he gets on the train to visit.
How about, I stick with my personal holy take on the boys and present you with a harmless middle ground where Moony is whatever the fuck I want him to be physically, emotionally, or characteristically but always a wet fucking cloth for Sirius. A grape, under a thumb, you could say. And a Sirius, who is too whatever I want him to be physically, emotionally, or characteristically but will always be Moony’s biggest cheerleader.
Stay with me whilst I offer you the brain stretching, risky, taboo thought for you to ponder on: stop trying to please people. Stop absorbing all these takes that pressure you into thinking you’ve got to include every fucking thing that shaves you down and boxes you into their squeaky clean little creator! Indulge in what you like. Make it public, make it known and make it as loud as you want. Feels good on this side of freedom.
Lastly, quick (none of this has been quick) circle back to myself being a Wolfstar artist, not a Marauders one. I will not be shamed into drawing the women in this fandom, I will not try to even out my art with equal parts women and men, in fear of being called misogynistic. I came here for Wolfstar and I stay for them; I get 95% of my muse from them and enjoy drawing these idiots nearly every single day when I can. I’ve a busy life, a job, the luxury of a family that love me and a couple friends I’d like to keep too. If and when I draw, it’s going to be what I want to draw and want to indulge in, not to check off your boxes of inclusion. I am not going to defend my choice of indulgence to you. I am not going to refute women or wlw ships and in fact, eat up stories or art where they’re prominent. Will I have muse or will to do a piece on them? Probably not. If I do, I will and if it’s not done to a standard deemed appropriate enough by the council, well shit I hope I get an honourable mention in one of your hate threads on Twitter.
Grow up. I am the type of person who has a more or less rigid taste on these boys and what I, enjoy representing them like and you runts will run your throats hoarse before I turn an ear. I am not the type of person to see someone who doesn’t like what I prefer and start slamming my keyboard and slap them with a red card. I’ll move on but appreciate the take in silence. Some of you really, come across like you’re stomping your feet in a tantrum, some of you sound like you’ve never been told to shut the fuck up a day in your life and some of you, some of you, really think you’re a messiah.
Fuck your canons, fanons and righteous attitudes towards people who are quite literally, not real. You are not a deity of the Marauders, you are a fucking loser offline just like the rest of us.
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queenie-ofthe-void · 2 months
WIP Weekend
Tagged by @theheartofthekoko tysm you're the best
I'm committing myself to at least five sentences for each ask, and I've posted a paragraph for each one below the cut!
A Desperate Fool (rockstar!eddie steddie breakup)
The Babysitter Chronicles (Max, El, or Lucas)
Tiger Club (single dad steve and teacher eddie)
I'd also like to do angsty august but literally haven't even thought of an idea yet, so you could force me to brainstorm that as well.
I'll come back and do the tagging later. But PLEASE if you see this, play along! Tag me back though so I can send you a million asks.
A Desperate Fool
She squeezes his ankle again, except this time it’s too tight, her nails digging little moons into his skin. Like whatever she has to say will send him running, because everyone knows he’s a coward, will disappear exactly the same as before. It’s how he knows he’s still the same person as before– undeserving of the people he loves most– when her next words send a small shock through his system. “Because I’m the one who set them up, Eddie. And I’m not sorry.”
2. The Babysitter Chronicles (Lucas)
“If her parents are like her brother, Billy,” Mr. Sinclair interrupts, “Lucas could be in danger just by being her friend, Steve. If her parents are anything like that, I can’t have our son spending time with her. It won’t matter whether you’re there to protect them or not. There are some things you can’t save them from.” Steve doesn’t know how to respond, feeling like there’s nothing he can say that’ll meet the gravity of their questions, except sit in their beautiful, warm, yellow kitchen and process the small fraction of their world they’ve laid plain. Max is an amazing kid and is so much more than her family is. More kind, strong, compassionate. She gets along great with the boys, and he can tell something’s growing between her and Lucas. 
3. Tiger Club
It was Thursday and Eddie hadn’t seen Steve once. It was Aunt Robin every day so far, but she promised yesterday that he’d be doing the pick-ups the rest of the week. He hadn’t really believed her, but when the kids ran out after school today saying how excited they were to see Dad, maybe Eddie should’ve taken her seriously. Because now here he is, fiddling with his clothes and trying to smooth out his hair like he’s about to meet the goddamned Pope or something. Eddie shouldn’t feel like this. He’s just some guy– nay, ex-jock– who happens to have two snarky kids who play DnD, a lesbian for a best friend, and actually saves lives for a living.
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do you have any SOFT(!!!!!!) pet au thoughts you haven’t got to talk about? your destorying lucifer’s egg post destroyed me so please don’t kill me again
Gosh, it's been a hot minute since I've thought about this au. But it still remains one of my favorites! Here are some soft headcanons I have for the au (along with some other random hcs, as I have a lot of Thoughts for this au that I've been waiting to Spill!!!)
This is more of a world building headcanon, but I imagine that demons like to sleep in nests. Usually this just means they get a old blanket or two from their owner, and the demon will curl up on the ground with it. Which makes you so confusing. When they come to your house and you have a fully decked out nest, with a collection of different blankets, all different textures and weights. What was even more surprising was the futon you laid out for them. For once they had the option to sleep on something that wasn't hardwood or, if they were lucky, carpet.
This is less of a headcanon, and more of something I assume as Canon in every (soft) pet au, but I always assume that the reader has all 7 demon brothers, or will get all 7 brothers once one of the brothers settle in and tell the reader about their brothers. Then the reader will track down each brother and adopt them. I also imagine that another reader (usually different from the reader who has all the brothers) adopted Diavolo, Barbatos, and Simeon. I imagine that the reader will adopt Diavolo first and then get Barbatos to help them take care of Diavolo because he's a high-class demon. I don't have a concrete idea on how they acquire Simeon after, but I think it would be an accident. Like they found Simeon abandoned and brought him home. I also like to imagine that both readers co exist in the same world, just because I don't like imagine one group not having a kind reader.
Out of all of them, I definitely think Diavolo is the most touch starved. He just isn't used to being touched gently. At least with the brothers, they all had each other at some point. Simeon is an angel, so he's been thought of as a more "softer" pet, and thus, humans wouldn't be opposed to cuddling with him or giving him a hug. Barbatos hasn't been touched much, but he is still very well behaved, so once in a blue moon, he would have gotten a gentle head rub. Plus, Barbatos thinks being a good pet means that he shouldn't want for anything, so it's not like Barbatos is begging his owners for cuddles.
Diavolo, on the other hand, wants to be cuddled. He wants to be kissed and held and for his owner to run their fingers through his hair. But he never had a litter mate, and he's a very high-class demon. So his previous owners were a little afraid of getting too close to him because they were worried he might lash out (even though that was furthest from the truth).
So when you come along and start casually touching him, Diavolo absolutely melts. You could playfully ruffle his hair as you walk past him, and Diavolo will get stars in his eyes, and thank you a million times. He will roll over and show you his belly if you so much as glance at him. When Diavolo realizes that you intend to keep softly touching him, he gets absolutely addicted. He knew he was touch starved before, but now it's like he's a thirsty man in a desert who just got a drop of water.
He's absolutely clinging to you, hands around your ankles, head rubbing against your thighs. He doesn't even care if he gets punished for being so needy. He just needs you so bad he'll accept any treatment you give him.
Lucifer is definitely like one of those cats who pretends like it's a completely coincidence that you two are in the same room. Sure, he wouldn't go into the living room all day, but when you go into it and start watching TV, he suddenly needs to be in there too. He won't engage with you. He won't even glance at whatever you're watching. If you offer a seat next to you, he'll scrunch up his nose and refuse.
But he'll watch you, of course you'll never catch him eyeing you. Whenever you turn to look at him, his gaze is somewhere else, but the moment you turn your focus back to the TV, you feel his eyes back on you. Slowly, he'll start moving closer to you, so quietly thar you don't even notice until you feel a weight against your leg and you look down to see Lucifer leaning against you, his gaze still nowhere near you.
Mammon definitely hides his valuables under furniture. He also has a pretty lose definition of what is "valuable," so basically, anything shiny gets pushed under the couch. He thinks he's being sooooo sneaky with hiding his stuff.
You drop the remote under the couch and find like necklace pendants, dead batteries, tinfoil, shot glasses, and like 50 pennies. He pretends that those things have ALWAYS been under your couch! But he gets all pissy if you try to take anything away.
He also hides all the toys you buy him. You'll buy himself something new and the next day it is gone. If you ask for it, Mammon will likely go get it to show that it's safe, but he refuses to tell you where he hidden it away.
Asmo LOVES Pinterest and has, like, a billion boards. He also somehow has 100k followers on it? He gets absolutely obsessed about the different room aesthetics, and there have been many times where you come home and see a completely new living room. He's one of your demons that can NOT be trusted with an unlimited credit card. He WILL spend three grand on fairy lights and will not be sorry about it.
Beel loves eating from your hands. He's a bit embarrassed admitting it, so it's just a fantasy for a while. Until you fed one of the brothers (probably Mammon, tbh, when he proclaimed he wasn't going to eat something he ate many times before. So you tried to convince him by holding it up to him by your fingers) and Beel couldn't help the sting of envy. Beel always found it was easier to admit he wanted something when someone else got it first.
So he shyly knocked on your door, holding an armful of his favorite snacks. It still takes him a minute to admit what he wants, and he's so grateful when you catch on and ask if he wants you to feed him. After that, your private snack time becomes a common occurrence.
Levi loves to redecorate his tank. He loves having his own space that is completely his, something that was a foreign concept to him before you took him in.
Barbatos will never admit it, but he can't stand the cold at all. He tries his best to hide this fact, and he's usually able to keep this hidden from his past masters (he doesn't like to think about the ones who figured it out), and when you first take him in he was determined to keep this a secret from you. Even when you're so nice to him, even when you give him comforts, no one else did, even when you don't punish him. This only moves him to keep his secret more, as he believes he shouldn't "trouble" you.
You only find out about his secret when you two are cuddling together in bed one winter night. It's a little chilly, and you think about turning up the heat. But before you can get up, you feel Barbatos shiver and cuddle closer to you. When you feel him shiver, you know instantly that he isn't a fan of the colder weather.
It makes sense. He is a cold-blooded demon. So you have no problem keeping the house warmer. You also buy Barbatos his very own collection of heated blankets. One for his own nest, one for your bed, one for the couch, and a few scattered around.
Barbatos knows that he's been found out the moment you present the blankets to him, but he can't find it in him to be scared like he did with previous owners. He knows that you'll never take advantage of his weaknesses to create harsher punishments for him. Plus, he finds that he quite likes to be taken care of.
I actually have a whole headcanon on how Solomon becomes a pet even though he's a human. I haven't had the chance to share it until now, so here you go!
So, I imagine that Solomon owned pets himself, he actually owned a lot of them (Asmo and Barbatos included, though maybe not in the same time frame). He wasn't a cruel owner, though maybe a bit neglectful as he was very focused on his studies. He mainly kept demons to study on and obtain demonic powers. He archived immortality by doing this, but it also came with a price; his soul was seen as more demonic than human.
So when he gets found by other humans, they assume he's a wild demon in hiding. So he gets put in a pound. No amount of convincing from Solomon makes the workers see the truth. They have heard dozens of stories from demons in their human forms arguing that they're really a human.
Solomon spends a long while as a pet, going from different owner's hands. He finally understands some of his previous demons behaviors, as the lessons get drilled into him.
When you take him in Solomon has been pretty broken in, believing that he's really just a pet. Through your kindness does he start to regain some of his humanity, and learn that he doesn't mind being a pet if he's your pet.
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heartbreakgrill · 2 years
kol mikaelson; black beauty.
“oh, what can i do? love is lost on you.”
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it was pure elegance, like no one from the small town of mystic falls had ever known.
shining lamp posts lighting the path of the drive-way; horses and carriages providing moon-lit rides across town; the smell of roses in the air, from the- more than likely- million decorating the mansion. it was far from anything you could ever dream of, nothing like the plain existence you survived through now.
and you were taking advantage of every second.
from dress-shopping with caroline two weeks prior in the two over, to allowing bonnie and elena to cater to your hair and makeup- you were going all out. all of you deserved a night like tonight- a night where dancing outlasted death and champagne flowed rather than blood.
so, a big fluffy ball gown, pinned up hair, silky curls dangling down the nape of your neck, and ginormous jewelry adorned your frame. a frame used to running, used to being on edge. a frame battered and brushed with the last year of danger. not tonight.
you knew the originals weren’t completely friendly, but you also knew no one was in immediate danger. damon and stefan spent two weeks before the ball warning and lecturing all of you of the danger that came with attending. but, with every single one of your high school dances having been cancelled and/or crashed by some supernatural catastrophe for the past year, you let all anxiety about any similar situations roll off your shoulders.
you hoisted your dress by the skirt, allowing your sneakers to find their footing on the stone path of the drive-way. your other hand was tucked through caroline’s elbow crook. she was frowning, crows feet thick on her stressed-out expression.
“i mean we never get to do anything fun anymore! i’m sorry, but if any of these dodgy, slimey originals try anything tonight, i will make their lives even worse than they already are!” caroline glanced at you periodically through her speech, voice thick with annoyance, and somehow glee.
you giggled, “caroline, i think we’ll be okay. i mean, if they wanted to try anything, they know where all of us live. just try to relax. take a page out of my book and not care for once.”
caroline sighed heavily, shoulders falling back somewhat. “i guess you might be able to loosen me out with a few glasses of whatever, expensive-ass champagne these grandpa vampires have got.”
you laughed again, allowing her to drag you through the crowd of people trickling into the house. you lost hold of your dress and it swirled around your legs as it settled. you let go of caroline as your attention focused on the entryway- a set of huge double doors, propped open to let the night air blow through the house. the foyer was an open space, leading directly into the first landing of the house, two sets of curved stairs symmetrically framing the room.
your jaw was dropped in awe, eyes surely glinting with admiration and curiosity. you loved stunning architecture- and this house was gorgeous. you wanted to run it’s halls, glide your fingers along the edges, find it’s secret passages.
caroline snapped you back into reality when she hit your arm with her manicured hand. “oh, my god, look how creepy!”
you followed her line of vision to the top of the staircase where a few familiar, old, dangerous faces were watching over the entrances. elijah, stone-faced, klaus, mauling, and rebekah, prideful. three others stood beside them, three strangers to your memory.
but you knew they were apart of the originals dynasty, considering the way they held themselves, the way they owned every moment they were apart of. like this one.
you scanned their faces, hoping your heartbeat stayed silent. you didn’t want them to know they could put you on edge like they did. but, as your eyes landed on the final man, standing there so darkly, the rate of your blood picked up. it sped up more, running cold, as he met your gaze. he tilted his head towards you, eyes shining darkly down at you.
you quickly looked away, catching your breath. caroline, holding your forearm, felt your blood rushing through your veins more quickly. “are you okay?” she leaned in to whisper. “take your own advice. deep breath.”
her fingers pressed into your skin, and you let your eyes close for a moment. you took a deep, strong breath, into your diaphragm, and let it go. you calmed down.
“better?” she asked.
you nodded, “let’s get a drink.”
she quickly found a waiter, holding a serving tray so delicately in his hand, he had to be compelled. you thanked him with a warm smile as you took two crystal glasses from the golden tray.
bonnie refused to come, but you knew matt, elena, stefan, and damon were lingering somewhere in the shadows. you stood there yourself with caroline, watching the crowd gather on what could only be the dance floor. a real, live band, a string quartet, was the music for the evening. you swayed side to side, sipping at your champagne, watching them pluck carefully away at the strings in their instruments.
caroline downed her entire glass, unashamedly, and took another. she chugged it before tossing the glass in a plant beside her. you rolled your eyes at her, “just because you’re dead doesn’t mean you can be trashy.”
she shrugged, “they almost killed my boyfriend. i think i have some leeway here.”
you scoffed out a chuckle, trying to remain moral though she was humorous. “do you wanna dance?”
caroline peered around the room, “i can persuade a couple handsome gentleman to escort us. at the risk of sounding like a manipulative bitch.”
you giggled again, “sure thing, caroline. go get ‘em!”
you playfully smacked her back, encouragement thag put a silly pep in her step. your fingers played with the flowers embroidered on the lace of your gown, swaying under your touch as you let your body move to the music.
“enjoying yourself, darling?”
a voice, beautifully sullen, spoke close to your left ear. you jumped to the side, champagne slopping out of the rim of your glass. you watched it splat against the waist of your dress, and you gasped.
you set the glass down on the white-clothed table before you, focus and fingers grasping at the wet stain on your very expensive, rented dress. “oh, my god! look what you did! i have to return this! and i’m not going to get my security deposit back! why would you sneak up on somebody like that? why not just say hello? god-!”
you turned to face him, ready to face the stupid boy who’d done this to you. but when your eyes met his dark brown ones, your words fell short. your heart rate sped up again, blood pulsing through your veins so hurriedly that your skin crawled. he smirked down at you, head tilting in curiously and superiority.
“nervous, darling?” he tongued that nickname so deliciously.
you shifted on your feet, holding the damaged part of your dress nervously. you couldn’t break his stare, though, locked in place though your adrenaline was high.
“could i replace that drink for you?” he stopped a waiter with a firm hand to their chest, though he refused to break contact with your eyes. the stranger plucked two drinks from the server and carefully, within the blink of an air, replaced it in your hand.
“i don’t think i’m allowed to talk to you,” you stuttered out, feeling a little foolish, and very nervous. “i have to go.”
you clutched the drink to your chest and took a few steps away from him, ready to find caroline. he reappeared in front of you, stopping your feet in their tracks.
“i can’t let you go without knowing your name,” he drew in closer, and your head involuntarily leaned back, allowing his gaze to tower over you. “besides, do you always listen to your supernatural babysitters?”
you took a deep breath, willing yourself to let go of this moment and move on. to let go of curiosity. but something pulled your name from your guts, slipping through your lips.
the stranger stooped, taking your ice cold fingers into his, strangely, warm ones. he pressed a thin kiss, a sweet kiss, to your hand. “well, that’s beautiful.”
he didn’t let go of your hand. instead, he tugged you closer. “care for a dance?”
you couldn’t say no. nothing in you willed your lips to form the simple word. you felt like you needed to be in this moment. so you simply let your chin drop in a short nod. he spun you around, pressing your back against his chest. his lips leaned down against your ear again, whispering to you and only you, “then, let’s dance.”
you found caroline again amongst the crowd. she was holding the ends of the ties of two very handsome men, obviously compelled from the vegetable looks on their faces. she stopped in her tracks when she saw you, being spun around like a delicate ballerina by the darkest original. her jaw dropped to the floor and she let go of her potential dance partners.
she went to step towards you, but elena came to her side. you saw her lips move, probably to question what she was staring at, but elena followed her like of vision.
you felt like you were being put on display for the entire town, for your friends. like you were a dolly being played with, being appreciated and flaunted by this stranger. he held your gaze directly within his own the entire time, that dark smirk upon his face.
when the song passed, you tugged back from him. you stumbled on your feet, knocking into a few patrons. the strangers face fell flat, worry lining his brows. you felt out of place, worried.
you felt a hand snatch your wrist, and you were pulled behind caroline’s back. the strangers smirk lifted back up his features, and he stood confidently against her.
“kol,” caroline spat at him, annoyed. “you do not get to go sleezing with the innocent human bystanders. and if you’re going to do it, i’d suggest not compelling a girl with a vampire and a witch for a best friend .”
the proclaimed kol stepped forward, flashing his eyes at caroline. “funny of you to assume i compelled her. she danced with me on her own accord.”
you locked your jaw, feeling slightly unsettled and uncomfortable. of course you’d be attracted to one of the oldest vampires in the world. and of course he’d be attracted to you. and of course he’d make your stomach twist with butterflies.
your eyes, downcast, lifted slightly when kol spoke your name, “am i correct, y/n? or did one of my brothers decide to prank me tonight, of all nights?”
you nodded slightly, turning your gaze to caroline. with crinkled eyebrows, cautious grip on her hand, you defended, “caroline, it’s not a big deal. it was just one dance. and it was better than being tripped on by whatever townie you had to compel.”
kol chortled at this, “you were really going to let your beautiful friend go to waste on some boy? oh, caroline. just because you’re desperate doesn’t mean darling is.”
that nickname again. it floated through your ears like a feather, tickling your nerves and racing your heart. lol looked at you deviously, because he could hear what he was doing to you. you met his eyes and the world seemed to pause, again. like you were the only two in an empty ballroom, the music playing just for you to be held close and to dance. there was something there. something euphoric and unsettling and ancient. like a prophecy coming true, a star shooting from the sky.
you’d asked bonnie about the reaches of the supernatural before. you had wondered if soulmates were real. if the greek gods had really scattered two souls, forcing them to sport across the world and time in search of their other half. if love at first sight were real. mostly because you were a dreamer of fairytales.
bonnie had laughed, had done a little research- though she teased- and told you: yes. there was such thing. that, yes, it had happened with katherine to stefan, with stefan and damon to elena. with elena to stefan.
though, now, it seemed as though the answer was too much.
you glanced back and forth between the two vampires, feeling the tension grow in your stomach and in the room. you knew caroline was fervently loyal. she would protect anyone she loved at any costs. so, despite the answers floating in the air, you spited yourself. spited your curiosity. elena gave you a downturned smile, a short nod. she knew what the catch 22 felt like.
“care,” you tugged at her hand, “cmon. don’t let this ruin the night, okay?”
kol, seemingly a rock, slouched a bit at your decision. he arched a brow in your direction, hands falling short at his sides.
caroline turned to you in relief. she let out a deep breath. “i know it’s fun to live on the wild side, y/n,” she started, beginning to lead the three of you away from the dance floor, “but he could seriously hurt you. i mean, yeah, he’s cute- but, god, even if he was your fricking soulmate, i would strongly advise against kol mikaelson.”
you listened half-heartedly, throwing a glance over your shoulder. he stood there, somewhat defeated. when you met his eyes again, that familiar smirk lifted his features. he dropped a wink as if to insinuate a later reunion.
you resigned to spending the night dancing with caroline and elena- even to slow songs. it was fun, despite the jealousy that you felt while you watched women swept off their feet by men. you tried to find him in faces in the crowd, but what you didn’t know, was that he was watching from the staircase.
bourbon, instead of champagne. an undone tie, hair slightly disheveled from the exasperated fingers run through it. he spent the night, alone. unlike him. he had felt it, too.
but he knew what you did. it was dangerous, for you. unlikely for him, to ever be allowed in your graces again. for the first time in his life, he would willingly put someone before him. he would put your life before whatever love was supposed to be promised by the forces of nature. he told himself that as he downed another glass.
“why are you wallowing, kol?” klaus sauntered up the marbled staircase, swirling his own crystal glass of whiskey.
kol tilted his head up towards his brother, “did you believe in them? those stories mother would tell us when we were little? those stories about the destinies the witches cast upon the world?”
klaus shrugged, dangling his arms over the ledge of the staircase. kol lifted his head as he noticed your movement. you were downing a shot with caroline and elena. caroline spun you by the wrist, your dress swirling around your calves. you looked like a princess.
“sometimes i do, just to get through the millenniums. but, there are other days when my own family betrays me, and i think, how could there be destiny when peoples choices ruin me everyday?” klaus spoke eloquently, in a saddened way.
kol’s eyes glinted at your appearance. “i don’t know. i know i’m not the most deserving of love. but, i wonder if there’s something to make this all worth it.”
klaus followed his brother’s eyes. he saw you, one of the token humans elena always swore to protect. he knew you were quiet, but stubborn. hell, last week you almost died because of your friends. klaus had offered you a way out, and you refused to leave their sides. he had admired that.
he smirked at his little brother, “has it happened, brother?”
kol met his eyes, “how would i know? is it a feeling? or have i been alone for so long that even the smallest look from a woman makes my skin crawl with heat?”
klaus chortled at the remark, “i would prefer it to be the latter, just so i could tease you. i could always ask my witch. god knows i don’t trust mother.”
“is there a spell?” kol furrowed his brows.
klaus shrugged, “there’s always a spell. and if it’s not true, then i’d say have fun tonight.”
klaus knew there was empathy in his brother, deep down inside. he watched wistfully, throughout the years, hoping the right person would eventually find kol within his darkest moments and pull him to the light. it had yet to happen, but if the properties witches grew in their gardens were true, then this could be it. but that empathy that came with kol’s fervent love could mean conflict- restless and denial that he would be that other half for an innocent human like her.
klaus called his witch, like he promised, and prompted her with the question. she laughed, a laugh similar to the one bonnie had given you.
“i don’t know why it’s so hard for you creatures to believe. that someone could be meant for you. out of all of it- the doppelgängers, hybrids, vampire-vampire hunters. you don’t believe in soulmates, klaus?” the witch laughed down the phone.
kol listened intently from his seat. klaus gave him the look, the annoyingly smart look. kol stood up, abandoning his glass on the seat. he tried to find you in the crowd, beside elena and caroline, but you were gone.
the witch said one final thing, “the only downfall is- it really is just one person. we should all so be lucky that that person is alive at the same time as us. or that we’ll ever even meet them. if you find them, and you let them go, you’ll crawl through life, searching and denying and ripping your soul out. it’s a blessing, but as everything we do- it can be a curse, too.”
klaus hung up the phone with a snide response of gratitude. he caught kol’s wrist in his fingers, urging him to meet his eye. when he did, klaus said, “if you want this, prepare to meet backlash. i don’t think any of them will be too happy with any of us.”
kol nodded. he went to step down the stairs and klaus gripped his wrist. “she’s human, kol. remember that, too. she’s just a human.”
kol hesitated, but tore down the steps. he had never felt so elated, so full of life and warmth. he needed to find you, to confirm this feeling. where would you go from there? who knew. but he needed to know you knew- so he could at least say he had met you.
he looked all through the crowded rooms, before moving to the second floor. he remembered the smell of your perfume, of the blood pumping fiercely through your chest. he focused on that scent, letting his eyelashes hit the tops of his cheeks.
he followed the trail coming from the south end of the house. he turned the corner to the hallway leading to where you were. you had found one of the many balconies in the house to get some fresh air. it was a loaded night. the wind blew ripples through your dress and hair, sending goosebumps down your spine. but, it felt so nice on your skin. you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath of roses.
“i’ll pay for the dress,” kol spoke directly behind you.
you jumped for the second time that night. with a hand pressed to your chest, you faced him. “can you please stop doing that? like, just say hello or something!”
kol laughed at your response, leaning up against the balcony doors. “i’m serious. i’ll pay for the dress, darling. i’ll even pay you to wear it every single day.”
you blushed, a strange feeling on your cold skin. you tilted your head down, but lifted your eyes to his own. he breath caught at the way the moonlight glinted in your doe eyes.
“i’m not supposed to talk to you,” you turned from him, pressing your palms onto the balcony ledge.
kol stepped closer to you, a few feet to your left, facing out to the grounds. “i heard about that. do you always do everything your friends tell you to do?”
“only when it concerns the supernatural,” your tongue was quick, sweetener.
kol stepped to the right, closer to you. “do you think i’m going to kill you?”
your heart skipped, but you weren’t afraid. you hadn’t been. you hesitated, but spoke with genuine honesty, “no.”
kol hummed in response, “then why is your heart beating out of your chest?”
you blushed again, pulling your arms around your body. “i don’t know. i’m not afraid of you.”
he took one final step to you, leaning his side against the balcony now. you still faced out, unwilling to allow him into your bubble. you weren’t afraid, just guarded.
“i believe you. no, it’s something else, isn’t it?”
your breath hitched as his fingers inched towards you. he pressed them into your forearm, sliding them around your arm, and gently turning you towards him. “look at me, darling.”
your eyes stared into his chest, at the black tie undone at his throat. you wondered how many people’s throat he’d torn out, and a shiver whispered down your spine. kol furrowed his brows, almost forgetting you were human, and it was cold out. he pulled his hand away and shrugged off his jacket.
you went to protest, but he lay it over your shoulders. “thank you.”
kol nodded firmly. “we can go inside. i think i deserve another dance.”
you shook your head, “caroline will interrupt again. we wouldn’t be able to talk.”
“oh, so you do want to talk to me?” he teased lightly.
you shrugged, “i think i do. i don’t know. i’m not sure. i’m not sure what i want.”
kol brushed his fingers across your cheek, tucked a single strand of hair behind your left ear. “it’s okay. take a deep breath. your heart is beating out of your chest.”
you let out a shaky laugh. “yeah, i don’t know why.”
kol sighed, “i do.”
you lifted your eyes to meet his. “you do?”
kol understood by the way you said this that you had lied. you were aware of the fate that had been sealed into this moment for the both of you.
he saw the worry swim in your eyes, the torn state of your consciousness. he felt sorry for both of you- but mostly for you. that this was what you were resigned to. one of the universe’s most dangerous, oldest vampires and a human. it was almost fiction.
“how about we dance? dancing doesn’t require any decisions. we can leave those for tomorrow, darling,” kol’s hands slowly wrapped around your waist, the other swiping down from your shoulder to your fingers. he cupped your hand in his own. you hesitantly lay your other hand on his shoulder.
and you let him sweep you away.
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atotalpitch · 2 months
in line w your post about Insta caption; your headcanon about how each Bella uses emoji, what they post on social media and how they'd caption everything?
word count is 1,5k for this one who's surprised??? you genuinely cannot send me an ask and not get answer longer than the fics that i write sigh i kind of went off the rails a bit and forgot about the “how they’d caption everything” part of the question, but here’s a detailed rant of how each of them texts and uses social media:
Chloe: where do i even begin? i feel like she has auto-caps on and uses a shit ton of emojis, but for their actual purpose instead of ironically. she does not send a single text without At Least two hearts, and is definitely not a dry texter by any means. also, according to everyone she has ever been in contact with, she has a habit of sending ten texts in a row instead of just writing everything into one message, which is denied within four seconds of it being brought up. (“but it’s easier to read separate, short messages!” “it’s just how i would talk in real life, you know!”) she has two accounts on instagram, one which is public and one which is private. on the public one she posts aesthetically and has a theme which she strictly follows. the posts are mostly about cute animals she takes care of, or major events. private on the other hand? it basically contains her Entire life – all ups and downs included – and a shit ton of random pictures of Beca. it’s only followed by the Bellas and some of her closest family. twitter, facebook and tiktok (which she would never admit to having) are on a different level. what that implies is very much up for interpretation. she’s one of those pinterest users, and has a board for Everything. has regular meetups with Aubrey when they just gush over their pinterest feeds, dream weddings, etc. (whatever it is that those people do idk)
Aubrey: perfect grammar and punctuation, one emoji per message. a facebook mom, if you will. she gets teased for it endlessly but her response is always something like “why would i use texting for anything other than it’s purpose of informing others?”
if you bring up social media in her presence, she will scowl at you and let you believe that she absolutely despises every form of online contacting. however, she will go back home and sit on Her Armchair with a glass of fucking expensive red wine and go through every single one of your social media accounts from tumblr to linkedin (stalker much?). not that she posts anywhere, except for twitter where she just lets hell loose every once in a blue moon. she does have an instagram account as well though, but just for liking other peoples posts as she claims if someone happens to ask (despite her story always having at least twenty random pictures at any given time of the day)
Amy: … she’s, well, Amy. she texts with full caps or no caps, always with at least five typos even if it’s just two words. it’s Something, how she manages to do that every single time. she’s a tiktok emoji trend user (eg. skull for laughing) which confuses others (read: Aubrey, who isn’t on tiktok) a lot.
her social media is full of memes, random selfies, “inspirational” quotes that are more or less insane, and pictures of food. she, for some reason, went viral on tiktok and has like two million followers. (nobody knows why, which is probably for the better.) on twitter, she mostly just retweets crazy shit and thirsts over celebrities Very openly. then there’s reddit… yeah,, there’s reddit. she doesn’t really use other socials, but does have accounts literally everywhere.
Stacie: as i said in the post that inspired this ask, she texts like Alexis (her actress) writes her instagram captions. so basically just a lot of dragged out words, a bunch of emojis and abbreviations and that stuff. i don’t know to describe it, so. take that as you will. im not sure how many of you follow her anyway .
our girl is for sure, without a doubt, a tiktok thirst trapper. she does it unintentionally at first, but when she goes viral she starts doing it for fun (almost like a hobby). her comments used to be flooded by creepy men, but once she put the bi flag in her bio they seemingly disappeared and were replaced by the army of “#wlw? we won” people. Aubrey’s not too happy about her posting herself like that, but she thinks it’s whatever as long as Stacie runs every video through her (not in a controlling way. she’s just also one of those lesbians who drool over her.) Stacie’s instagram is also kinda similar, but with pictures instead of videos. they’re subtle and barely revealing for the most part, but she looks good in literally anything so she has a lot of followers anyway. that’s where her social media use ends, save for the private twitter account that she uses to bully the rest of the Bellas.
Beca: she texts in all lowercase, but decent grammar anyways. she’s not exactly big on emojis, but slips them in every few messages (she’s a chronic frowning emoji user, that’s for sure). i don’t know how else to describe her texting?? she usually doesn’t even reply with other than half a sentence or a barely coherent abbreviation
she’s famous, so her socials are mostly “official” and really, Really lack personality. naturally, she has private accounts which her closest circle of people follow. she doesn’t post though, mainly just replies to other people. (well, maybe she accidentally clicks post on random memes sometimes, but you really don’t need to know that.) Batshit Crazy Reddit User™ and will use it as a reliable source for anything. you can also find her at 3am doomscrolling on twitter.
Emily: oh god. she texts like she just got a phone and is generally as awkward as when talking. kinda like Chloe, she’ll send a thousand texts in a row in the same way she stumbles over her words irl. she spams people with only emojis, and doesn’t Make Sense most of the time. but she’s Emily, so they let it slide.
she’s not that big on social media (follower wise) but active? hell yes. she posts something every. single. day. whether its a mirror selfie or a cute flower she saw on her way to yoga (she does yoga. yeah. i know. crazy.) you can pretty much imagine Hailee’s insta up until like 2020 but double the amount of posts. there’s never too much filters or hashtags for her, and she unfortunately did not grow out of the 2013(-ish) filter phase. she unironically uses facebook and watches instagram reels, and nobody bats an eye anymore when she giggles and sends a link to a puppy video from the deep dark archives of facebook. any other form of social media she stays away from, especially twitter (she has an account but zero posts or replies). she does learn pinterest from Chloe at some point, so that becomes a big thing for her eventually though.
Cynthia Rose: she texts in the closest way to normal possible. she uses auto-caps, a decent amount of emojis that actually make sense, and abbreviations that everyone can understand. but she does have a middle-aged man edge to it sometimes. she’s an influencer. not that kind of “grwm to go shopping” one, but she fights for rights, talks about representation, and brings out the voices of minorities. she runs campaigns, interviews people, and activist type of stuff. it’s a good thing and she’s happy about what she does (even if she does spend all day everyday working for it despite doing it for free). but, sticking to the running theme, she has a private twitter account. her header is a lesbian quote with two pairs of scissors, and her posts are just plain Insane. she mostly uses it to bully Beca for literally no reason at all. 
Flo: texts like a wine aunt. that’s it. there’s no other way i can describe it.
she has an instagram for her juice truck, and it has a bunch of followers all around the world who are interested in watching her move from one place to another. she also posts tutorials how to make her juices at home (especially during the pandemic), and she’s basically sponsored by a million companies just because she gave them recipes lol. on her personal account, she’s also kind of an influencer too. she mostly posts about fashion and food, maybe sometimes stray cats that walk up to her on the streets when she’s going around with her truck. she’s not really famous famous, but has like 30k followers. i feel like i’m just gonna say the same for them all, but she also has a priv twitter account for the sole purpose of including herself in the crazy ass threads where all of the other Bellas are just, going mental. she’s also a pinterest / aesthetic moodboard tumblr girly methinks. 
Lilly: you can only imagine how she texts, if she even does. ominous as fuck. i’m leaving it at that because shes just so,,,,,, well you know.
she doesn’t use social media as far as anyone knows, and she barely has a working phone number. but if we are being real, does anyone really know anything about her anyway???
Ashley + Jessica: i have zero idea??? it’s hard to give personalities to characters whose names are barely confirmed. but i’m guessing they’re the most “normal” out of them all. you know, casual texting and barely posting anywhere. it’s odd. but they are still bellas and we love them. 
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lostloveletters · 5 months
yay sleepover weekend✨ do you have any woody/brady hcs💗
Hi yes! I need to mention @karasnonsense99 and @zaras-really-dreamless because some of this comes from the conversations I’ve had with them, so a million thanks🖤
HCs are under the cut! They're mostly post-war because that's what I've been working on for them recently.
Woody’s clingy. John’s the only person she really considers family besides Holly, and it’s not long before Holly’s back home in DC with Bucky. John’s not complaining, he doesn’t want to be without her for too long once they’re reunited after nearly two years apart. I don’t think they talk about it very much, at least he doesn’t bring it up, but there are times when he’s really glad she’s there to kind of physically ground him. A lot of late-night drives where Woody lets John just kind of have his space in the passenger seat while still knowing she’s there.
Woody doesn’t have a middle name, so her maiden name becomes her middle name, and that’s how they justify still introducing her as “Woody” to people even after her last name is no longer Woodward. She cringes a little every time someone calls her Kate. If they can't (or won't) call her Woody, Mrs. Brady is the next best choice, please. 
John knows from the start that Woody would never be a stay-at-home housewife type. He wouldn’t have married her if he had a problem with that. She works part-time as a mechanic, of course. The extra money definitely helps when they’re first starting out on their own and waiting for GI Bill stuff to kick in.
She’s not great at flirting, so she’s incredibly direct. He’s certainly not complaining about the ego boost but is exasperated at her complete disregard for subtlety sometimes, especially in public. She doesn’t see why it should be an issue because they’re married. He answers that yes, they are, but it’s peacetime and they’re stateside so they have to save it for when they’re back in the confines of their home.
Their house is older, three bedrooms but on the smaller side. I can see them with a lot of hand-me-down furniture from his relatives and “Hey, the trigonometry teacher said he’ll give us this couch he’s getting rid of if you see what’s wrong with his car.” Probably an old-school white Jesus painting somewhere on the wall, likely a housewarming gift from his mother. Always a little messy and kinda cramped, especially as time goes on and they have more kids (6-ish people sharing a full bathroom and half bath type of deal), but it’s very lived in and a comforting place to be.
Woody takes it upon herself to fix things around the house (she’s good at it, but she also has a bit of a complex about feeling like she’s not bringing much to their relationship. He never makes her feel that way, but her internal monologue isn’t always the nicest to her). So she’s on the roof. She probably has no business being on the roof. Somehow she talked John into holding the ladder for her, and he regrets it as soon as she’s up there, yelling to him about finding where rainwater’s leaking in from and replacing shingles.
They wait two or three years to have kids. It's not that Woody doesn't want to, but she's scared whatever made her parents not care about her might somehow be in her, too (it's not, her parents were just shitty, selfish people). John's over the moon when she tells him she thinks she's finally ready. It doesn't take long at all for her to get pregnant when they're actually trying.
Their first child is a daughter named Samantha (Sammy for short!) and they’re extremely lucky she’s a good kid because they have the hardest time saying “no” to her. John will tell her to go to her room and then she looks at him like 🥺🥺🥺 and he’s all “Wait, I didn’t mean it.” He takes it personally when Sammy says she's a big girl and doesn’t need story time before bed. Woody finds him listening to moody jazz under like a single lamp with a drink in his hand, lamenting Sammy’s growing up too fast (she’s five). 
Sammy’s an only child for a while, until she’s about school age and suddenly John and Woody are having a little bit of an emotional crisis and impulsively start trying for another kid. They have the rest of their kids in pretty quick succession after that, so there’s 5 or 6 years between Sammy and her next sibling, while the rest have maybe a year or so between them. There are no favorite children, except Sammy’s secretly John’s favorite. Don’t tell anyone.
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Provenance by Ann Leckie
here i am again as promised in the previous review, inhaling more Ann Leckie like it's air! i posted about the Imperial Radch Trilogy here, and this book is in the same universe and similar timeframe but quite far away, spacially and culturally. we're no longer in Radchaai space here, where the previous books take place, and no longer viewing the world from a Radchaai (sort of) perspective--instead we're introduced to new human characters, several new human cultures, and get to see a bit into one of the alien races briefly mentioned in the previous books, the Geck!
there was a lot that i loved about this book. Leckie has some kind of special magic for crafting the voices of characters who seem very alien, speak very strangely, and yet convey deep and entirely comprehensible emotion. (the Geck ambassador was absolutely my favorite character!) she also has a more general special magic for language, and the ways in which translation changes or obscures meaning, which i find fascinating! i'm SO looking forward to reading the next book, Translation State, with these things in mind!
aside from that, i think this is a great and compelling book, beautifully written, well-crafted, but for me it suffered just a little in comparison to the trilogy. somehow it feels like the world was a little too big, and the story a little too small; when it ended, it felt so neatly wrapped up, and yet i had a million more questions. and let me tell you, the funny pang of fondness and almost homesickness i felt when, in the latter half of the book, we get a scene with a Radchaai character?? not even anybody from the previous books doing a cameo, just a stiff and displeased Translator bemoaning the lack of access to "real tea," and i felt so at home with her (even though the POINT of the previous books is that the Radch's imperialism is in many ways awful) in a way that i didn't really come to feel at home with Ingray, the POV character of this book. it's like that thing about reaching for the moon and still ending up among the stars--this book is definitely among the stars, it's excellent, it just didn't do for me what the Ancillary books did.
oh, but once again i love what's happening in this book with gender!! in Ingray's culture, it seems like children are perhaps gender neutral, and then at whatever point in their adolescence they feel ready to make a decision, they announce their gender--woman, man, or neman--and become an adult, and choose an adult name. it was so lovely to have some third gender language (e/em/eir pronouns, family terms like nother and nuncle) be super common and everyday in this culture, and at the same time have a little bit of interesting tension with Ingray's childhood friend/crush who put off deciding for longer than usual, and still only decided in order to get an adult job, and confessed to never feeling quite ready or certain.
i was also really fascinated by the importance in this culture of "vestiges," something like souvenirs but with deeper cultural import, a sort of material history of the planet and its people. i was delighted by the very real-feeling range of these vestiges, from the equivalent of the Declaration of Independence to something like those penny press machines, collectible items for every tiny tourist attraction or event.
so overall, a really interesting expansion of the universe! i want a million more books in this universe please!!
the deets
how i read it: a library ebook for this one, i have ordered a physical copy but it hasn't come yet. i may see if i can get my hands on the audiobook as well, i'm interested to hear what accent choices Adjoa Andoh makes in this different cultural context.
try this if you: well, this is a gimmie, but if you enjoyed the Imperial Radch Trilogy. also if you dig Indiana Jones/National Treasure adventure mystery storylines about cultural artifacts! i think this book could probably stand on its own, if it sounds like your thing and the other books sound like not your thing, but if you plan to read the trilogy then read them first for sure.
a line i really liked: i love the Geck ambassador so much
"Do you understand? Even though she is not my clutchmate, even though she has her own clutch, a different one, still I feel that. My clutchmate is a human and I cannot help but love his daughter, because he does. And humans cannot help but grieve for their hatchlings, when they do not survive, and so when her hatchlings failed to survive swimming down, every one, I could not but help but grieve with her. Do you understand?"
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its-ben-now · 4 years
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Selfie dump of a few of my favorite outfits and a couple professional photos from a conference in Nov that I love because it has strong 80’s school photo vibes and some of my graduation pics
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rosesrflo · 2 years
Hello ! It's me again ! How are you ? I hope you are well and have a good day !
Last post was awesome though it broke some fragments of my soul 💀💀💀
I've been thinking about this for a while now but could write HC about William , Sherlock, Bonde with a s/o who's insecure about their petite/small body ?
Sincerely one of your fans ❤️❤️
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Feat; Sherlock, William, Bonde (MTP). Genre; fluff, comfort
Prompt; ❛❛In my eyes, you’re an angel.❞ Warnings; body image, GN!reader, skin pinching/pulling
Desc; IN WHICH your closest ones notice the lack of appreciation you have for yourself and decide that enough is enough.
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Let’s get one thing in order, he’s absolutely head over heels for you, probably thinks you’re adorable.
Doesn’t note down what you look like, he’s more focused on the little things, such as your personality, actions, habits.
When Sherly finds out about your insecurities, be prepared for a world of appreciation, this man’s on the case!
He loves you so much, thinks you’re gorgeous in every way possible; is not afraid to tell you.
To him, your body is a blessing, Sherlock could list over a million reasons why.
The way you get on your tip toes to press small kisses on his face whilst complaining about his height, or maybe it’s the way your waist fits so delicately into his hands - either way, he’s gonna be all over you.
“Because I’m just not good looking, Sherly! I don’t have curves or figure, and i’m-“
Said detective narrowed his eyes with furrowed eyebrows at your small rant, he stepped forwards to pull you into his arms, ultimately cutting your speech off - good, Sherlock didn’t want to hear your self deprecating words, he loves you too much to know that this was what you thought of yourself.
Your breathing steadied slightly as silence embraced the two of you, his hands gently pressed your head near his collarbone, “You’re gorgeous, you know?” He broke the tranquility to compliment you.
“No, I don’t…I don’t think i am.” Your hands grasped at his blazer in an act of defiance, Sherlock continued to analyse you.
He fauxely hummed, “Well you are, you don’t have bad qualities, you make amazing pancakes and you fit perfectly in my arms, therefore you must be; after all, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, must-“
You shook your head in amusement, “Must be the truth.”
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You’re his favourite form of loving.
No matter what body shape you have, height or looks, you’re always loved to the best of his abilities.
Liam fell for you, every part of you, looks and all.
Treats you like porcelain, not because he doubts you but because he’s scared of losing you, you’re dear to him and a cherished part of the organization.
William absolutely despises your pesky insecurities, even more so your habit of taking it out on yourself.
The first time he found you murmuring self deprecating insults to yourself was terrifying, parts of your skin were painted bright red from self abuse, he wished he knew before all of this started.
Smartass uses all the things he loves about you to his advantage, that’s a lot of points he has, loves you to the moon and back.
Will is scared of seeing you in that state again, whenever you ‘jokingly’ speak down to yourself, he shuts it down pretty quickly.
Definitely holds you a little tighter at night.
William rubbed soothing circles onto your back, he frowned. From what he was seeing, this wasn’t the best you’d ever been, you were shaking like a leaf with transparent tear streaks marking your cheeks.
Even in this state, he couldn’t help but think about how..breathtaking you looked. An inaudible murmur slipped past your quivering lips, Will snapped out of thought, “Hm?”
You clenched your eyes shut, head limply falling against his shoulder; guilt was written all over you face as you mentally scolded yourself for thinking and saying something so absurd, of course Liam loves you.
But what if he doesn’t? What if you were so repulsing that-that he couldn’t?
“You could never repulse me.” It didn’t occur to you that you were speaking aloud, no hint of betrayal or disgust was evident on his face, William held you closer to him, careful not to aggravate your self inflicted bruises.
“Because I love you so much more than I should.”
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Every day of your life will 100% be filled with praises, compliments and soft touches from him.
James is convinced that you have bewitched him because he’s literally enchanted by you.
He’s convinced you’re the one, you’re the moon to his sun, the light to his dark, the yin to his yang, the partner in his crime - you get the gist.
You bet that the moment he uncovers the truth, you’re in for the most chaotically, sweet scolding from your lover.
He won’t stop at it until he’s sure that he’s chased all your insecurities away, even then, James will keep a sharp eye on you.
Something about your petite height/shape makes him want to hug you tight.
All I have to say is that you are one lucky mf to have captured the heart of James Bonde.
James slowly lifted your hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, “I love-“ his eyes met yours, he proceeded to cup the apples of your cheeks and caress the blush dusting them before planting random pecks across your face. “-you.”
Lifting your hands to shield yourself from the onslaught of affection, laughter sounded at his loving antics, “James-I-“
He simply hummed in response, cutting you off by catching your hands and lining kisses on the palms, all while maintaining playful eye contact. Did you always sound so angelic?
“I love the rest of you as well.”
You were at loss of words and utterly speechless, James’ tone of voice transitioned to one of more softness, you shakily reached up to cup his face like he had done moments before.
His words felt unreal, “Love yourself too, please.”
You had never felt more loved than with him.
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thank you sm!! I’m sorry this took a bit longer + it’s kinda short, I’ve just had a lot of work to do and stuff but I’m glad that you enjoy my writing<33 Have a good day/night
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eddawrites · 2 years
I’ve responded to this type of comment about a million times by now, so I figured that maybe I should save myself some time and turn it into a post that I can just copy + paste whenever someone starts repeating this mantra like it’s a billboard top record and they’re a radio DJ.
The rocket is not aiming for Mel’s back!
There, I said it. Now that I got your attention, let me explain why, with visual evidence.
First things first: the council chamber is not a tower. This might be obvious from the picture below, but some people in the fandom seem to be experiencing a bit of a Mandela effect about this. The chamber is adjacent a large building, so there’s plenty of room for the missile to explode and cause massive destruction without annihilating absolutely everything and everyone in the vicinity. 
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From the outside, the chamber appears to have seven windows (although the geography of the room is often fumbled to fit the scene, so that not all of the windows are ever visible at once in the interior shots), two on each side of the room, three opening to the front, overlooking the Academy Square; six in the shape of elongated hexagon and the one in the centre more intricately shaped, extending all the way to the floor - this is the window behind Heimerdinger’s former seat.
What’s more, the animators provide you with helpful foreshadowing of where the rocket is actually going to hit, first by highlighting said window with the red colour reflecting from the moon as pictured above, then with the blue smoke trail from the actual missile:
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These two shots show that the missile is aiming for the window to the right of the central window (the one behind Heimerdinger’s seat) and this might blow your mind but...
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That’s actually the window behind Jayce. Albeit given the circular shape of the room, how directly behind him depends on the angle the scene is shot from. Either way, this window is still closer to him, not Mel. It’s also visible on the reflection in the window right before the rocket hits: the grinning face appears to be actually aiming between Jayce and Mel, if skewed slightly more towards Jayce’s side (you can clearly see his silhouette in the glass). It’s likely that the missile will not hit anyone directly, but instead fly to the other side of the room and explode there, killing the councillors on the far side of the room, thus giving our trio a chance to survive. Moreover, if it were to collide with either Mel or Jayce, we could safely say goodbye to both (and Viktor) because their seats are right next to each other.
Unless... but more on that in a bit.
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Now, this should be evidence enough for me to call it a day here and call everyone dumb for not noticing or lazy for not overanalysing every single shot of this show the way I do, but... did you know that this was actually visually foreshadowed during the council meeting in ep. 8 already? 
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Here - with Jayce standing by Heimerdinger’s empty seat after his failed attempt to call for retaliation against the undercity - we can see Jinx’s grenade lying on the table between him and Mel, likely foreshadowing the path of the missile proper.
So, why such an emphasis on Mel in this moment then?
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Right before the incredibly cruel, but kind of ingenious cliffhanger, the animators direct your attention to Mel, to her noticing something going on and looking behind her. Then, they remove the back of her seat and her dress to reveal the mysterious golden metal plates fused to her body lighting up with warm, yellowish light. This light is not being reflected as most of the “armour” is covered by her dress, nor is it coming from the spotlights used in the council chamber since those are actually of cold, stark white light - therefore this warm light has no possible source other the item itself.
Whatever the function of these metal plates, they appear to be reacting to the impending danger. Will Mel be able to use them to save Jayce and Viktor? Will she have to sacrifice her own life to do so? Will any of the other council members survive thanks to her efforts? These are the burning questions that we’ll only get answers to in a year or so, but let’s ponder them regardless. We know Jayce and Viktor have high odds of survival because they’re still a far cry from their League of Legends counterparts, so there’s more to do with these characters yet. And Kevin Alejandro has indirectly confirmed Jayce’s survival in an interview the other day. But more prosaically, Riot and Fortiche can’t just kill half of their main cast in the opening of s2, that’s not how telling a story works. Source: trust me, bro, I have a degree in this.
With that in mind, let’s address the biggest elephant in the room first.
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The Question of Mel’s Survival
I’ve seen a lot of people claim that the finale would be cheapened by Mel’s survival as killing off only the side characters would mean there are little to no repercussions for main cast. But repercussions don’t have to necessarily mean death, the story can be just as impactful without killing off any of the main characters. Jinx has effectively started a civil war, whether she intended for it to happen or not - there will be consequences for the greater population of Zaun, some of whom probably just want to be left alone; it will fuel the bigotry of Piltovans, and with most of the council and Silco dead, both halves of the city are left leaderless. The main cast will be forced to grapple with the absolute shitstorm that will follow in the wake of this single action and I think that’s plenty of consequence for one season.
And personally, I’m of the opinion that Mel’s death doesn’t actually serve the story. Arcane often gets compared to Game of Thrones due to the characters suffering very real consequences of their actions - a rarity in today’s visual media, especially in the era of omnipresent superhero titles. But people often forget that this show isn’t the later seasons of Game of Thrones where characters started dropping off willy-nilly for sake of shock value (and the pettiness of the screenwriters) rather than cohesive story; the deaths - abundant as they were - in Martin’s books were actually always justified and made narrative sense. The characters made a fatal mistake from which there was no recovery (if you’re feeling fancy you can call this hamartia) and therefore met - frequently violent - end.
So let’s review the leading arguments for Mel’s death and debunk them:
Mel’s death will fuel Jayce’s turn to the Dark Side™
I enjoy a good revenge arc as much as the next person, but there are several problems with devolving Jayce into an Anakin Skywalker - one of those reasons being that we already have that type of character on the cast, encompassed in Jinx, but also the fact that we’ve already had one woman sacrificing herself to give male character trauma and angst (and hopefully I don’t need to explain to you how killing off two black women in a row might look problematic) in Sky and Viktor (#justiceforSky), and while Arcane likes its parallels, doing the same exact thing again would not be interesting. Also, might I point out that a revenge against the Zaunites would be disrespectful to Mel’s memory? It’s not what she would’ve wanted at all. She was the one to shut down Jayce’s suggestion to retaliate, after all. Moreover, there is absolutely no justifiable reason for him to punish the entire undercity for the actions of a single person, nor does it make sense within the narrative unless you’re aiming to create unnecessary drama with the rest of the cast. Caitlyn and Vi witnessed the entire thing and can testify as to what actually went down. Jayce trusts Caitlyn’s word and has a begrudging respect for Vi. He will want Jinx brought in. Nobody else needs to pay for what Jinx did.
What’s even more important, though, is that Arcane is a character-driven show. In order for a character-driven show to work, you have character interactions. If you send Jayce on a roaring rampage of revenge and have him kill not just the men, but the women and the children of Zaun too, you will completely alienate him from the rest of the cast. Viktor, Caitlyn and Vi would despise him for such a thing. They would cut him off. Meaning no more interactions could happen. In your hunger for blood, you will have written one of your protagonists into a corner you can never write him out of. So, congratulations. Good job.
Furthermore, this development would completely undo his entire character arc in s1 - he would have learned nothing. By the end of the season, Jayce finally starts to recognise that he cannot treat every problem as a nail and expect his one-size-fits-all solutions to work. That Piltover is directly complicit in the plight of Zaun and that its people are mostly justified in lashing out against them. In other words, he knows that he’s fucked up and he owns up to it. And although the deal with Silco comes with its own can of worms, Jayce tries to do right by the people of Zaun and recognises that - unfortunately - Silco is a necessary evil vital to that plan because without a unified leadership to negotiate with, there is no way of controlling the situation. To go back on this development would be extremely frustrating to say the least, and - in my opinion - bad writing.
Last but not least, and it pains me to say this: there simply isn’t enough people invested in Jayce and Mel as characters and a couple (many are actually wishing for Mel’s death because they deluded themselves into thinking that will make room for their preferred pairing somehow) for this to have a significant impact on the viewers. I would be sobbing (and likely quitting the show entirely), but I would be in a minority. Not to mention that having too many plotlines that involve grieving would be contra-productive, and ultimately Caitlyn mourning her mother would overshadow Jayce’s grief simply because Caitlyn is the more popular character of the two. That doesn’t serve Jayce’s story at all. He deserves the spotlight just as much and that is best served by giving him a different plotline.
Mel’s arc has been completed and there’s no room for her in the story moving forward.
It might seem that way to some, but it’s simply not true if you stop to think about the plot threads introduced in the last two episodes of the season. Mel’s story is only just beginning. She has cut ties with her family, she has learned valuable lessons, she’s prepared to do better. Her story going forward is redemption. She is going to be atoning for having neglected her most vulnerable constituents. Now, you might argue that Marcus didn’t get a shot at redemption either, but the difference is that the show was never actually setting him up for it. There is plenty for Mel to do and I have textual evidence to prove it:
105 00:07:26 --> 00:07:27 [Mrs. Medarda] We’re in trouble, Mel. 106 00:07:28 --> 00:07:31 The man who killed your brother doesn’t believe the score is settled, 107 00:07:31 --> 00:07:33 and his resources exceed ours.
Ambessa’s political rival who seems deadset on completely annihilating the Medarda dynasty still has a bone to pick with the family. And while he could easily do so without Mel’s presence within the story, I think this plot would fall flat with her out of the picture. While Mel herself is not a very popular character, Ambessa at this point has next to no characterisation of her own. We as viewers - and Jayce within the story proper - have no reason to care about Ambessa’s problems unless it directly affects Mel. She is a barebones character that can only receive characterisation through Mel, similarly to how Silco was chiefly characterised through Jinx. Moreover:
202 00:12:57 --> 00:13:00 I’m here to help guide you to the right decisions. 203 00:13:01 --> 00:13:04 -I don’t need your guidance. -We’ll see.
This simple exchange alludes to the future dynamic between Mel and her mother. A dynamic that strongly reminds me of Tyrion and Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones - arguably one of the best parts of that show. The story potential of these two brilliant politicians facing off is off the charts and as someone who enjoyed the political side of this show more than the actual A plot (which was still brilliant, mind you), the thought makes me giddy with anticipation. And with this show’s standing theme of parents jeopardising themselves to protect their daughters, I’m almost sure that therein lies Ambessa’s fate. After she receives due characterisation to make us sympathise with her, and even mourn her as many did with Silco. She has not been undone yet, and it would be wasted potential to do so right-away, when her relationship with Mel has not had a chance to be be explored in full.
And of those arguing in favour of Ambessa’s revenge arc I ask: what’s the point? Who cares? Where’s the story? If Ambessa could just walk into Zaun and start killing people left and right (for which she didn’t bring a big enough force to begin with), and if it just so happened that she did have Jayce’s support to do so, the season would be over in like three episodes. All Jayce has to do is arm the enforcers with hextech guns and Zaun is toast - he knows this, he tells as much to Silco during their parley. And if they did, the fandom would hate them both for it. There would be no chance for redemption, no sympathy spared for either of them. Arcane writers seem to be above such trite storytelling, as their continuous toying and subverting of the classic tropes and expectations should’ve taught you by now.
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Jayce is just the worst and deserves to suffer.
No. Just no. And thank god it’s not you writing the plot because clearly character nuance is an alien concept to you. He’s just a fallible human like the rest of the cast.
What about the droid Jinx attack on the Wookies council?
What about the rest of the council, you ask? Well, for the plot to unfold and the eventual healing of the two cities, the old guard on the council absolutely had to go. They were bigoted, greedy, neglectful, rigid and unwilling to make the much needed concessions. That means that Heimerdinger, Hoskel, Salo (RIP, your nuts will be missed) and Cassandra Kiramman had to go. Furthermore, Cassandra’s death will throw an interesting wrench into Caitlyn and Vi’s relationship and give them new motivations to apprehend Jinx. Heimerdinger has already been removed and is presently picking brains with Ekko, hopefully leading to some eye-opening experiences. Shoola has proven rather reasonable over the times, but I don’t see her surviving either, she seemed too inactive even as she spoke pretty words. The show is setting up Jayce, Mel and Caitlyn, with Vi to guide them along the way, to be the the driving force of change in Piltover. With Ekko and Heimerdinger being the same for Zaun.
Notice that I conveniently left Councillor Bolbok out of my list even though he’s a rickety old thing with rusted hinges for ideas? Well, it’s because he’s the one council member I feel that has a chance of survival - although, admittedly, it would make for a delicious irony for his death to be caused by the same arcane forces that nearly wiped out his entire race. Nevertheless his survival is plausible, not only because he’s a robot and I assume his parts can be replaced, but also because he’s well... an asshole. But assholes are needed for the story to stay interesting - our protagonists need rivals to play off of and there is a precedent for Bolbok’s extremism going back to act 1.
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So what will happen, Edda?
I’m glad you asked! Thanks to the game lore we have some inkling of what will happen - Caitlyn will become the sheriff, Vi will be her partner in law, Jayce will become the begrudging leader of Piltover, Zaun will eventually gain its independence, but its people will continue to be preyed upon by criminal empires. That said, changes will be made to the lore as deemed appropriate by the writers - plenty has been changed already, after all. 
I think after the explosion, a provisional council will be appointed and if you thought the previous council members were bad, these ones will be decidedly worse. I think Amara will inherit one of the seats since s1 has already set her up as one of the major players in Piltover, I think Camille Ferros (before hextechiation?) will be another, possibly Bolbok if he survives as I expect. Ambessa will likely pick one of the new councillors to align with and continue fanning the flames of war. Jayce will reluctantly re-enter the political scene even though he’s effectively resigned on his position in the last episode. Him and Mel will try to deescalate the situation as best they can, butting heads with the rest of the council and Ambessa. While Piltover will be demanding blood - any blood - Jayce and Mel will be demanding Jinx specifically. My oddly specific prediction is that Jayce will order yet another barricade of the city, but this time to protect the Zaunites from the bloodthirsty Piltovan mob.
All of this will make Jayce and Mel extremely unpopular with the public. They might even lose their power. This will be impactful in Mel’s case especially, since agency is one of her core characteristics in s1 - she is the most powerful member of the council pre-explosion, always in control during the council meetings; she is the richest person in the city, she elevates and empowers Jayce every step of the way - it’s her go-to way of displaying her affection for him before they become a couple. Every one of these things is a show of her agency. To see how she grapples with losing something she clings to so dearly could be painful yet interesting to watch. And there is something poetic in Piltover turning on its Golden Boy, especially since the show has been toying with that possibility already...
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Anyways, feel free to clown on me if turns out I’m wrong, but until s2 comes out these are my thoughts on the matter.
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bthehufflepuff208 · 3 years
So how much do you want to fucking bet that for the “Vision is Ultron” episode of “What If”, they’re basically going to sell it as:
“No matter what, whether the mind stone was used or not, Ultron/Vision would have always been created as a monster because his sole creator Tony Stark is a monster.”
To add, they’re also going to kill Tony off again, with Vision/Ultron talking about all the bullshit that was said in “Age of Ultron”, of how he’s a “sickness” and a “monster” and how he did the right thing by killing him and all that jazz.  
And I’m so fucking over it.
Like, I get it.  Tony Stark is a perfect choice for a scapegoat to hate for a good chunk of MCU fans, as he has all the things people hate:
He’s a billionaire (a born into money billionaire), which ya know, “eat the rich” and all.  He’s a man, he’s white, he’s cisgender, he’s straight (questionable to some fans, but there’s no fucking way any Marvel executives would say Tony’s bisexual or pansexual, no way).  
So due to this, most MCU fans hate his guts as he represents at least one group of people that they loathe.  I’m not saying these are the sole reasons anti-Tony people hate him, but they can’t say that it’s not at least one of the reasons.
But making him the scapegoat over and over is so fucking absurd, especially when the whole fucking point of Tony’s story is that he wants to become better, not just for his loved ones but for the world.
But with the stigma he already has with what he was born with/into, fans have absolutely no fucking trouble twisting any bad situation into blaming Tony, since he represents all the things they hate in real life anyway. 
Tony’s entire arc was supposed to show with each movie, that he wanted to become better and to truly help people.  But literally every single action Tony makes, everyone interprets it as “he’s only doing it for his ego/to protect himself.”
Tony flies a nuclear bomb into a wormhole? “Oh, he only did that because he wanted the praise of being the hero who saved the day.”  Tony wanting a defense system to protect Earth? “Oh, he only wants that because he doesn’t want to do anything to help Earth himself and wants all of the credit.”  Tony literally dying destroying an army that was going to destroy the universe? “Oh, but that doesn’t make him a hero, everything he did was always about him.  He’s still a selfish piece of shit because he didn’t want to erase his daughter (and probably millions of other children) out of existence.”  No matter what Tony does, everyone twists it as something he’s doing only for himself.
But even a little example of how everyone just twists anything and everything they can about Tony:   I saw a post talking about how they were glad Thor wasn’t friends with that “toxic piece of shit” because all Tony did throughout Endgame was mock Thor’s depression/PTSD. 
And I was like.......what fucking movie were you watching?
He did call Thor “Lebowski”, which, yes, was definitely mean-spirited.  But the entire movie?  Huhhhh?
Here’s where they twist their views to whatever they want to see.  I’ve watched Endgame over and over, and besides the Lebowski joke, I cannot come up with one point in which Tony mocks Thor.  But thinking about it, I have a pretty good idea of how anti-Tony people twisted their look on the film to see Tony mocking Thor throughout the entire thing.
In the scene where Thor is insisting on doing the snap to bring everyone back, Tony steps in and tells him he’s not in condition to do so.  In my head, and the way I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be interpreted, Tony does this because he’s concerned for Thor because he knows how bad of a place he’s in and doesn’t want to push him even further.  But to someone who hates Tony, they most likely interpreted the scene as Tony mocking Thor and calling him “weak.”  I have no fucking clue how they came to that conclusion, but I’m pretty sure that’s what they saw. 
And now, lets go back to Ultron and talk about a character and situation that infuriates me to no end.  Wanda and her involvement with Ultron.
Not only did the writers and characters of “Age of Ultron” have absolutely no problem in solely blaming Tony for what Ultron became, the majority of the people who watched it had no problem with it too. Even when in the fucking movie, it’s literally stated that Wanda manipulated his mind in hopes he would take the mind stone 
“I didn’t expect (gestures to Ultron), but I saw Stark’s fear, I knew it would control him, make him self-destruct.”
She fucking says she wanted him to take the mind stone because she knew it would cause something terrible to happen.
I’m pretty sure 99% of the reason Ultron became what he became was because of the mind stone, which was only even used in Tony’s program because Wanda basically mind controlled him into using it.  
And fucking yet.
Everyone, the characters and fans alike, were over the moon with Wanda’s bullshit “Stark can’t see the difference between saving the world and destroying it, where do you think he gets that from?” as it proved to them that Tony Stark was the monstrous villain they thought he was all along.
Tony’s whole fucking goal with the Ultron program in the first place was to protect Earth from threats he believed they wouldn’t be able to fight (and he was fucking right).  Wanda’s goal was to kill Tony, which fine, won’t get into that bullshit completely. But I’m 99% positive the scene where she lets the Hulk loose in Johannesburg that probably killed dozens of people, showed us that Wanda doesn’t really fucking care who gets killed, even if they’re innocent, as long as Tony Stark is in the body count.  And then when she finds out Ultron plans on killing everyone, which includes her and her brother, then she “see’s the light.”  BUT THEN STILL SOLELY BLAMES TONY FOR EVERYTHING SHE BASICALLY CAUSED, and the characters and the audience are like “YAS, WE STAN A QUEEN WHO EATS (AND KILLS) THE RICH!”
So coming around full circle, I’ve just had fucking enough of this scapegoating bullshit the writers have and will continue to be pulling on Tony Stark.  The “What If” Episode with Vision/Ultron will once again put the “Tony Stark was the main villain of the MCU and everything ever is his fault.”
And the fact that so many fans can and will twist anything Tony does to fit their narrative, and that the writers give them the ammunition with the scapegoating bullshit even though there’s so much evidence that shows `how truly good of a person Tony is just so fucking infuriating, disheartening, and just sad.
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diavolosthots · 3 years
hi lovely! hope ur doing well 💕💕 so excited that ur requests are open AHH!!!
but how would the brothers react to MC denying their kisses as a lil prank to see their reaction? [got inspo from this tik tok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePw8TLe/ if you wanna see] I imagined some of them would be a bit desperate and thirsty like the guy in the vid hehe.. not sure if u done the idea before but I thought it'd be fun!!
this is my first request for anything here so I hope I did it right ahh love ur writing btw and hope u have fun with ur requests!! 🥳🥳
I cannot put into words how much I absolutely despise that tiktok trend and I'd slap a bitch if they tried that on me. But anyway welcome to the blog! 🎉
Warning: slight NSFW
THE BROTHERS reacting to MC denying them a kiss for a tiktok prank
First of all, he despises that app with a passion and he despises it even more ever since you made it a point to pull him into these ‘trends’. Do you think he has time for this? The only trend he somewhat enjoyed was the iced coffee one. You know, where they make that foamy milk or whatever it was, and only because he loves coffee. Anyway, the minute you lean in to kiss him, he’s ready. Talkin’ about hands tightly on your hips, pulling you closer, ready to meet those cute little puckers and then-- nope. Absolutely not. 
“You have two seconds to come over here and finish what you started and if you even think of posting that video I’m not only taking your phone privileges, but I most certainly will take your orgasm privileges.” 
He’s a sucker for kisses. He’s also a sucker for tiktok, but he’s mainly on car tiktok and *gasp* shocker, baking tiktok! That’s right, he finds baking videos to be super interesting which is both weird and kind of cool; maybe he’ll pick up a few recipes and make them for you! Anyway, he’s about as excited as a puppy when you come over to kiss him. “Hell yeah babe, come here so I ca-- HEY!” and then you don’t ??? What kind of bullshit??? 
“MC come back! Get yer ass back here!!” 
This boy daydreams about you 24/7 and he feels so lucky every time he has the chance to talk to you, to hold you, and especially to kiss you. He gets super flustered every time, too, and he does these silly tiktok trends with you because they make you happy. Secretly, he hates them and he wishes they’d just stay between you and him but he also doesn’t want to dictate your life. Anyway, when it looks like you lean in to kiss him, he’s already flustered as all hell and his eyes are squeezed shut tightly, awaiting impact. And then it never happened. And he’s even more flustered and embarrassed now, especially since you’re laughing. 
“Oh… heh… of course you wouldn’t… my mistake.” 
Satan is in the same boat as Lucifer except that he will search tiktok for cute cat videos and cute cat videos only. He’s completely oblivious to these trends because he could honestly care less. He’s done the savage one with you before and only because your ass looked mighty fine in it, that’s it. However, he watched you set up your phone before you came over to him and thus he knows this is some type of prank. So, when you lean in to kiss him, he’s actually the one pulling away with a grin and pushing you away. 
“Can’t prank the prankster, kitten.” 
Oh he loves that app! He’s done about every major trend on that stupid app and his account has a couple million followers. It’s both sad and fascinating how obsessed he is with those videos, but hey, at least someone other than the people he already knows can stroke his ego. Anyway, he’s already seen this trend and he’s waiting for you to pull it on him, but before you could even lean in he’s already laughing like crazy, leaving you confused. He ends up stealing a kiss anyway before moving over to your phone and waving into the camera. 
“Oh dear… did you mean to post this? We should do one for my account, too!” 
Bless his soul. He only recently discovered food tiktok and he swipes away as soon as he sees a video that isn’t food related. Looked like a chocolate covered strawberry, is actually a kissing exercise = swipe! Honestly it’s precious how he’ll spend hours on there. Sometimes he goes onto the workout part of tiktok too and does some new workout routines but it’s mainly just food so Beel didn’t see it coming when you pulled the prank on him. As a matter of fact, he’s rather hurt when you pull away from the kiss and a big pouty lip will form. 
“I won’t force you… but I was really looking forward to that. Can I have one?” 
You think this demon has time for tiktok when his sleep routine is at stake? He hears you scroll through the videos sometimes but he could honestly care less about all of that. Every once in a blue moon he’ll ask you to pull up some cute puppy videos but even that is rare. Anyway, when you lean in to kiss him, he has already gotten his eyes closed and is awaiting the sweetness that is your lips. And then they never come. And then he sees the phone in his face and he gets mad, taking it from you and throwing it across the room before pulling you on top of him. 
“I knew there was a reason I hated that stupid thing. Kiss me or that phone will stay broken.” 
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justwonder113 · 3 years
Halu! Saw your post, and I'm looking forward for your future works. Can I request a Dad! haikyuu scenarios? Cause I'm really into that. When he and his pregnant s/o, went to the hospital for feral ultrasound. And the obstetricians revealed there’s 3 heartbeats. Which mean, they are having triplets. I wanna know their reactions so bad 😂 When I think of triplets, I'm thinking those character who most probably have strong genes. (Bokuto, Osamu, Atsumu and maybe, Ushijima?)
Oh my god this is such an adorable scenario. Ngl I keep reminding myself that I'm too young to have kids now (not that I have a bf or anything lol). Thank you very much for requesting, I really hope you will like it.
Hearing that you're going to have triplets
includes: Bokuto Koutaro, Miya Osamu, Miya Atsumu and Ushijima Wakatoshi.
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Bokuto Koutaro
Honestly you were so thankful that you had Bokuto with you, he was the most amazing partner you could ask for. Always supportive and kind, never failing to make you feel deeply appreciated and loved.
Especially since he found out you were pregnant. The man was over the moon! You hadn't even finished the sentence he already had you in his arms spinning you around while proclaiming how happy he was.  You felt silly that you were even worried about his reaction. You had never seen him more happy. 
You just knew he would be the most amazing father.
He was always with you and helped you with whatever he could, say goodbye to even holding stuff. Cleaning and sometimes even cooking were immediately off your shoulders. And whenever you tried to tell him that you were more than capable of doing stuff he immediately shushed you saying that he was more than happy to help.
 He didn't know much about pregnancy, tho he read everything with you and listened to you whenever you explained things to him, he just wanted to support you.
I see that he would also change his diet for you. It's important for pregnant women to have a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. So when he saw that you tried to cut off junk food and other unhealthy food he immediately gave up on them too. If you stopped drinking coffee he would stop to, everything to support you.
When you told him that you had to go to ultrasound to make sure everything was right he immediately called and took a day off. You were so thankful for it, you told him that you could go alone but honestly you were terrified, this was your first pregnancy. You read almost everything and asked so many questions too and did everything you were told, but you were still beyond terrified on what the doctor would say, so having him around was really a big deal.
Especially when you noticed slight furrow on doctor's face. Your grip immediately tightened around his hand. Your mind immediately went to most terrible stuff in seconds, it didn't even cross your mind that you might be having triplets. You wanted to ask what was happening, but you didn't have courage, thankfully Bokuto got the clue and asked what was going on." I had to make sure, congratulations, you will be having triplets, I can hear three completely healthy heartbeats." The doctor beamed at you." Three heartbeats... Triplets..., oh my god Kou we're having triplets!" you couldn't believe your ears, heck you didn't even know what you were even feeling. You were thrilled yes but at the same time... Being mother of one kid seemed already hard, but triplets? Would you do a good job? What about Kou? Was he happy with the news?
You returned to reality after you felt two strong arms wrap around you tightly. Bokuto was beaming like crazy." Oh my god Y/N! We're having triplets!" He cheered loudly, startling both you and the doctor. "That's so amazing! We would have like half of a volleyball team! That's so cool! I never even thought we could have triplets, thank you so much, you really make me happiest!" He kept rambling on and on, pressing millions of kisses on top of your head. You never even realized when you started crying… "You're happy?" You asked quietly, almost a whisper."I'm beyond thrilled baby, this is going to be awesome! Don't worry about anything, we're going to do great you hear me!" He immediately assured you and planted another kiss on your head making you giggle as well. He was right as long you had each other you were not afraid of anything. You would do amazing!
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Osamu Miya
I feel like he would be the most amazing husband. Really doting and caring.
Would also really try to help you with everything he could. Both around the house and with whatever you needed. Just imagine being able to taste Samu's cooking every day. (And I just know he would try and come up with new recipes just so he would keep things interesting for you, like you hate some food, and it's hella healthy and is good for pregnancy, you bet your butt he would try and come up with a recipe, so you could eat it that way and not gag. Alsosatisfying your cravings with his cooking would be like a challenge for him, he would be excited to try out new things.)
I think that after you told him the news that you were pregnant he knew that he had to change things. Like he already felt bad when he worked all this long days at his restaurant leading to sometimes neglecting you. He was thinking to hire an assistant, but was reluctant because he didn't think they would do as good of a job as him. But when you told him the news all the hesitation went through the window. Like hell, he was going to leave you alone, especially now that you were pregnant.
You were glad you could spend more time with your husband still you felt guilty because you knew how much his restaurant meant to him, and sometimes you couldn't help but think you were interfering with it. Osamu reassured you million times that it definitely wasn't like that and that he was beyond happy that you were going to be parents even thought you weren't planning it just yet. He never failed to show you how appreciated and loved you were but the thoughts still lingered.
When doctor told you the news you felt your breath hitch. Osamu's grip on your hand tightened. You wanted to look at him for reactions, but you couldn't force yourself. 
You were terrified. What if he wasn't happy, what if he didn't want so many children. Your mind felt like a thread mill, you didn't even notice when the doctor left the room to give you two few minutes. You had your chaos going on in your brain. What if...
your chain of thoughts were interrupted when you felt the pair of lips clash against yours. You let out a startled  noise but returned it. Osamu cupped your cheeks, and rested his forehead against yours.
"Sorry for startling you love."He said and pinched your cheek playfully, giving you a heartfelt smile. "I'm so happy, I don't know what to say." He gave you another peck making you smile. "Three kids! This is going to be amazing love! And I bet your cute butt Tsumu's going to be so jealous!" He snickered and planted yet another kiss on our face. "You have no idea how happy you make me! You're the most amazing thing that has happend to me." The last comment made you crack and you let out all your emotions. Motherhood really scared you especially now that you knew you were going to become a mother of three. But still, you have never felt happier. What more could you ask for? You had the most loving husband and you would have three most amazing children.
"Thank you Samu..." You couldn't even stop your tears now, but you were grinning from ear to ear and Samu was returning the smile.
"No, thank you Y/n. Thank you for being in my life! You're everything I could ever ask for and so much more more. I know you're scared and so am I but we're going to do amazing you got me? Don’t worry your pretty head about anything"  He reassured, you nodded and kissed him passionately, your hands rubbing away his tears. "That's my girl. Come on let's rub it in on Tsumu's face!" He grinned mischievously, making you giggle. 
 He was right you two were going to do amazing, you just couldn't help but wait until you could hold your kiddos in your hands.
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Atsumu Miya
If you thought that Atsumu was clingy before you should have seen him now that he heard you were pregnant. He was basically glued to your side.
Not gonna lie the man probably cried when he heard that you were pregnant. And you felt silly that you were worried about his reaction to begin with.
He would try his best to help you with everything, but for the love of god don't let him near the kitchen. (I think out of these four characters he is the worse cook. I headcanon that Osamu learned how to cook because Atsumu couldn't cook at all and it was pretty much pointless to turn to him when he was hungry and there was no food at home, and I'm pretty sure he caused a kitchen fire at least once.)
Really supportive and tries to do everything for you, at some point you really have to make him stop because you can hold your own purce. I can clearly imagine him carrying everything for you, whispering reassuring things and proclamations of love whenever he can.
 And don't let me started about him showing you off. One would think that his amazing pregnant wifey is the only thing that he talkes about. All his social media would be filled with pictures of you too. Just imagine having all those cute photo sessions with him!!! ( Yes I have a baby fever now)
"Congratulations, I hear three completely healthy heartbeats. You're going to have triplets!" The elderly woman announced to you with a warm smile. You just stared at her dumbfounded cuz like 3?  You would have 3 little Atsumus walking all over your house?
Before  you could even react your husband engulfed you in the biggest hug ever, almost knocking you out of the chair. "Oh my god, baby we're going to have triplets it's so amazing! We're going to have three kids! This is so cool!”He gasped as he realized something. “Soon we could have like our own volleyball team! Oh my god, Samu's going to be so jealous. As long as we're out I'm going to rub it in his ugly face!" Let's say you had to drag your hyperactive husband out of the doctor's office after he also almost tacked her too thanking her for the news.
He just wouldn't stop rambling how much he loved you and how thankful he was to have you in his life. And let's say in a matter of minutes everyone knew you two were going to have triplets.
Also let's just say that at some point you really had to shut him up with kisses, because as much as you love him and felt happy he was this amazed, it was still 3 am, and you wanted to sleep
You sure as hell scored yourself one heck of an amazing family.
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
Precious baby!!!
He was so happy when you announced him your pregnancy! He spend whole night hugging your belly whispering all the sweet stuff and how he couldn't wait to meet your kid, and how he would teach them everything he knew. You couldn't stop your tears it was such a happy sight.
I just imagine him being on his tippy toes whenever he's around you, bacause he's so large and strong he's fraid he's going to hurt you or the baby.
Also have I said that he would do anything for you? You would be like "Toshi..." And he's like "on it!" No matter which weird craving you have he would bring you everything without a single thought. Your wishes are his top priority.
He would also read books about pregnancy, just so can he know what's happening, and he would also ask you questions so he can understand everything better.
He would also help with your healthy diet, he would bring you all kinds of stuff saying "I heard it's good for pregnant women." (He's such a sweetheart I can't.)
He would also give best massages whenever you feel sore or tired. Anything to make you feel comfortable.
I think that his love language is through acts of service and trust me when I say this, he makes sure you feel loved and appreciated every day.
When the doctor told you the news he gave you the sweetest and warmest smile, immediately washing away all your possible worries. He grabbed your hands and littered them with softest kisses. Muttering to you how happy he was, how he loved you and how much he coudln't wait until they were born with tears on his eyes.
Let's say the doctor had to give you few minutes to yourself because now you were a sobbing mess and were clingling to your husband like your life depended on it. You were just so happy!
The same night he would bring you all sorts of magazines and would help you choose whatever you needed just so the triplets could have the cutest nurcery. (He let you choose anything, he just made comments then and there as he had you in his lap all cutely, snuggled against his chest. His warm hands securely on your belly, softest smile on is face.)
So this is it, I really hope you like it, this was my first time writing headcannons like this; Sorry if it has any mistakes, English is my second language and I still make mistakes. if you have any other requests don't hesitate to ask, I will be glad to write them^^
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awakeshedreams · 3 years
sugar and spice ( 2 )
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pairing : resident bad boy!jjk x model student!reader
setting : highschool!au x stepbrother!au
summary :
a messy highschool!au x stepbrother!au where model student reader who has quite a few dirty little secrets sees her world take an unexpected turn when her mother comes home one day with an engagement announcement, to the father of none other than the school’s resident bad boy…. Jeon Jungkook.
genre : smut, for laughs, kinda pornish, slow burn with collosaly overwhelming sexual tension
rating: soft m ( for now ) due to adult content
warnings : unconventional relationship of sexual nature, tropes and clichès, teenagers partaking in porn-esque activities, made up things with made up people happening in a made up world, don’t like don’t read XD
wordcount : 3k
a/n: honestly overwhelming response for the first part. thank you so much 💜💜💜😳
here's the second.
somehow, this took up a new genre for itself while editing and became sort of a bit enemies to friends to partners in sin.
that is to say, I have a template for this but this could go any ( dirty ) way.
let me know if you like this and are curious to know how things play out.
also, spot the cameo. it's so dumb but still. I couldn't think of anything else.
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Paranoia was an old friend of yours.
Very real, very scary and not very nice to you, your peace of mind or your tested soul.
In your head, you already played out a million different ways the image you’d spent years building could come falling apart.
All because of him. Jeon Jungkook.
Though much to your surprise and fortune- he didn’t tell anyone.
You spent the entire weekend fretting over nothing.
It was almost like none of it ever happened.
Like your parents weren't about to tie the knot soon. Like you weren’t about to become step siblings.
Like he didn't walk in on his said step sister to be masturbating in front of a camera.
In the aftermath of that inexplicably humiliating incident, you had to make up some dumb excuse to satiate your viewers for ending the stream so abruptly.
It was your cat they heard speaking, you told them.
Cats don’t speak of course, certainly not in a deep baritone. But they were effectively distracted by the string of full nudes you posted soon after that.
Those few accusatory comments saying that you did have a boyfriend after all were buried by those coming from very horny people who were over the moon about the little apology gift.
That was out of the way, but you had a more pressing matter at hand.
That night, Jungkook had walked out after saying what he had to say without another word, leaving you feeling stunned and oddly cold.
It was like all the heat in your body just ceased to exist the moment he closed the door behind him and left you there all on your own. You didn’t even get to finish but that was beside the point.
The point was, you thought that meant like with many other things, and as people should since this was a free world, he didn’t give a shit what you did with your free time or your body.
But as the days progressed, you couldn’t help but wonder if you were gravely mistaken.
Because contrary to that, he seemed to be up to something.
These days, he came around very often. Completely unprovoked and on his own accord.
It didn’t help that your mom loved having him around and feeding him.
Sometimes he was there for lunch after school. Other times he was there to fucking read the books in the study.
It was all ridiculous and quite honestly it was starting to get on your fraying nerves.
He didn’t even live there! You grumbled in pure frustration internally every time your mom asked you to add an extra plate for him on the dining table. This was your place!
Intentional or not he seemed to just love spending his time at your house for some reason.
But that just wouldn’t do.
The thing was you didn't know how to tell him you’d like to have the peace of mind he’d robbed you of by being all up in your living space every other day back.
He couldn’t just keep coming around.
Things were awkward enough without you having to see him often so already in between fleeting glimpses at school and lingering glances over the occasional dinner.
He might have been able to play it cool because it didn’t matter to him but this was a big deal for you.
He knew your secret and what else were you to do but be on edge and fidgety around him even though it seemed like he wouldn’t say a word of it?
But in the end, you couldn’t voice out your concerns. Not to him and certainly not to your mom.
So you were stuck here.
In between a massive rock and a very hard place.
Forced to endure even though you really felt like you’d been pushed past your limit.
Because he was there all the time.
For the most random reasons doing the most random things at the most random places at the most random time.
One time he had been casually listening to music while smoking by the pool and stroking the strings of his damned, matte black guitar.
You had been so stressed from all the work at school with the elections for new committee members amongst the juniors coming up so you thought to go for a swim to relax your self.
You honestly thought no one was around.
It was a Wednesday at noon so your mother was at lunch with some friends from high school. Plus, in the back of your mind, you’d reasoned that Jungkook usually only ever came over when she was around.
So you put on your best little bikini, grabbed a floatie and a soft drink and you went out.
Only to pause when you saw him sitting on one of the white lounging chairs, just looking at you with his earphones on, fingers having stilled mid strumming with a soft veil of smoke over his face.
You didn’t need to think twice to turn back.
There had been something about how his heavy lidded gaze took you in through the smoke as he did that thing where he cocked his head to the side that made you step back and quickly go back in.
You felt yourself get impossibly hotter when you realized you were probably giving him an eyeful of your poorly covered ass in motion.
You knew he was looking. You could feel his stare. Heavy. Intent. Dark. Swirling.
Like when he'd walked in on you.
You were hot and bothered the entire day.
In the end you couldn’t get anything productive done with a straight mind. And it was all his fault.
It took you about two weeks to crack.
That particular evening you were decided on telling your mom about this dilemma you were in.  
Coincidentally, your mom had gone and invited him and his dad over for dinner.
Great. Just great.
You had no choice but to deeply consider the possibility of having to spill the beans another time.
Because choosing now to tell your mom meant you would probably need to tell his dad as well since they were attached at the hip every time he came over.
But no, you wouldn’t expose him in front of his father too. You weren’t cruel. Also you didn’t need the school's menace resenting you for making his strict, uptight dad turn on him.
If he didn’t have a reason to expose you before, he certainly would have one if things spiraled out that way.
So you bit your bitter tongue.
This time around, dinner was a more relaxed affair.
The weather was nice so your mom decided on a barbeque at your back yard.
This meant you wore a flowy sun dress like your mom did and he wore a loose navy shirt with the sleeves rolled up and some black casual beach shorts.
His tattoos were on full display.
You stared.
You were only distracted by them and how the patterns dance on his skin when his muscles flex as he flips whatever he is cooking on the fire because she’s never seen them in full before, you strongly reasoned.
Even with his sleeves rolled up when he was uniform, you'd only seen what he had on his forearm briefly other than the ones on the back of his hand.
That night didn’t count. It was too dim to see well. Also, that night technically didn’t exist.
Your eyes were particularly drawn to the little something peeking out the collar of his shirt.
You were too busy trying to figure out whether the curling ink around his collar bone was the flick of flames or the end of a dragon’s tail to notice that he’d lifted the hem of his shirt to wipe at the dots of sweet at his brows.
When you do, you suddenly found yourself being given an eyeful of impossibly ripped, ridged pure muscle.
You almost dropped your glass like you did your jaw.
What the holy fuck?
At that exact moment, he lifted his gaze and caught you staring.
He was probably expecting you to look away. Any decent human would expect that if they caught someone staring at them so openly. Gawking, to be completely honest.
But you didn’t. You quickly recover, pulling yourself together, and you met his gaze squarely.
You clutched the drink in your hand tight. Your pride wouldn’t let you look away.
In your own way, it was your little pay back, weak as it was.
He held your gaze with an unreadable look on his face for a moment with that signature slight tilt to his head and an added lift to his brow, before he looked away. Wordlessly, he let his shirt fall to push his hair back with his hand and went back to grilling.
You let herself breath then and tried not to think about how his biceps flexed at the motion, how his hair slicked back made him look even more dangerous and how the little smirk you caught on his lips was making you feel things she shouldn’t be.
Your mom suggested you all hang out at the pool once you were done eating.
You hadn’t been there since that day with him and quite frankly, you would rather not be.
Not with him.
You knew your mom had a swimsuit underneath her dress. She made you wear one as well.
She probably told them to come prepared for a swim too.
Just thinking about it made you short circuit.
You tore your gaze away from where he was standing with his father at the poolside, staring blankly at the surface as the older man talked to him about something.
You'd just come back from clearing the table with your mom.
When you guys got close enough, the men look your way. Jungkook’s eyes immediately landed on you. Meanwhile you just stare at your mom, trying to ignore his inexplicably fixed attention on you.
‘It’s shame we can’t swim.’
Your mother said, reaching for her boyfriend’s hand. She gave Jungkook a soft, apologetic smile.
‘Maybe once the weather is not so chilly.’ She sighed regretfully. ‘If I had known you were sensitive to the cold I would have suggested something else.’
‘It’s fine.’ Your eyes flicker to him. The smile he puts on is small and polite. ‘I’m not a very good swimmer anyway I’m afraid.’
‘Nonsense.’ She dismissed in good nature. ‘I heard you were quite the athlete in middle school. It’s all your father ever talks about sometimes. Right, honey?'
His father just grumbled.
You couldn’t hide your surprise at this revelation. You didn’t know this before.
Jungkook was quiet for a moment. Then he smiles a little with a shrug.
‘That was in the past.’
Your eyes just glided to him when he said that.
The tug at his lip looked wry and sad.
You’d never seen him like this before.
Solemn. Sombre. Not serious or intimidating or indifferent.
It felt like you were viewing him in a new light.
You settled on drinks by the pool. It was what your mom does to lighten things up.
It seemed like the gloom from earlier wasn’t all part just a part of your imagination.
Her mother suddenly chirped in between the light conversation.
'Why don't you guys get together and have a little group study?'
You suppressed the urge to groan and roll your eyes to the back of your head. You knew what she was trying to do and you wanted no part in it.
You had the words no way sitting at the tip of you tongue.
You had the words no way sitting at the tip of you tongue.
He beat you to it.
'That sounds nice,' he dared to say, even politely addressing your mom with Mrs. alongside her surname in the end uttered just the way she liked. 'I'd like that.’
You gawked at him in disbelief. Complete and utterly speechless.
Was he insane ??
'Doesn't it? Great!' Your mom is over the moon. 'Dear, take him to the study. You guys can do your teenager things and get along over books there.'
Your mom was loving and caring and she only ever wanted the best for you. You knew this.
Maybe she wanted them to get to know each other. Or maybe she just wanted to have some alone time with her man.
Either way, she practically shoved you two into the house with so much enthusiasm you wondered if she really loved you because suddenly you found yourself stuck inside your house with the last person you wanted to be with and you did not feel safe or rested.
The walk up the spirally stairs to the study had got to be one of the most intense, dragging moments of your whole life.
He remained a few steps behind you all through out the journey, following your lead in his own leisured pace.
A few steps too damn far behind in your opinion.
From that angle, you had a strong inkling that he could see your underwear from beneath your dress.
You knew this because you were familiar with what it felt like when he was staring.
What you couldn’t quite explain is why you didn't do a thing about it.
If awkward silence could manifest into a solid form for being so intense, there would have been a third occupant in the room the moment you two walked into the study.
It would’ve been so massive, all the high shelves and wooden tables lined up would have been demolished.
Jungkook remained the quiet person he was, looking around and skimming through the books on the shelves.
You were standing a safe distance away from him, absently doing the same. The books were interesting and all but you were admittedly more taken by the ink on his skin.
Up close you could clearly see the artistic patterns and symbols etched onto him.
While staring at the tats on his knuckles you couldn't help but also notice that the titles he picked up were rather complex.
Certainly not the kind of thing even high intellects reached for. Evidently, those tomes had been collecting dust in there for ages.
You were decidedly curious. Itching to ask. Hell, dying to know.
You dived before you could overthink it and find reasons not to satiate your rabid curiosity.
'You like Reader?' he paused and looked at you from the corner of his eyes. At his questioning look she gesture to the book he was holding. 'That's the third book of theirs you picked up.'
'Yeah.' he said casually, nodding a little while flipping through it. 'Their books are nice.'
A crippling lapse of silence ensues.
You tore your gaze away from his profile to stare at the titles in front of you with a burn at your cheeks, fiddling with the polished spines.
How fucking awkward. All of this.
He probably felt the same.
What were you even doing?
You thought about telling him to ignore your mom’s attempt at trying to make the two of you get along. He obviously wasn’t looking for company or a friend. Quite frankly, neither were you. Certainly not from him. You were just trying to be not rude. Something you aren’t really surprised he probably failed to understand in all honesty.
But then he spoke, dragging you out of your reverie.
'What about you?'
Your head shot up and you found that he was standing a lot closer than before, having moved to reach for yet another complicated book to idly browse through at the top shelf.
This close, you could can smell him. Soft mint and clean soap and moonlight, not smoke. He disregarded the pages in his hands to give you a side way glance.
‘What do you like?’
There was a perpetual spark swimming in the dark depth of his eyes. It was striking. Pretty even.
When he lightly raised a brow at you, your thoughts jumbled all over before it fell back into place and you realized you were staring very openly.
But this time was different from the last time. When he had been miles away, flashing you his ripped abs.
In your reverie, you hadn’t notices that he had leaned a little to meet your eyes, and that he was real close. Like real close, looking at you intently with his head cocked to the side questioningly, like he was wondering what was going on inside your head. You could feel his breath fanning your face.
'Uh,’ you scrambled for an answer, quickly tearing your gaze away from him to appraise the bookshelf. Your face felt like it was on fire. Considering how he hadn’t moved, he could probably see just how blazed in the face you were. Out of pure instinct, you grabbed a random book and shoved it into him to make some space in between your bodies.
Maybe with a little too much force. There was a dull thump and it made you wince.
You hated how squeaky and breathless you sounded. Like you’d just ran a marathon. Might as well have, with how hard and fast your heart was pounding.
Jungkook took it from you, and you allowed yourself to look at him as he looked the cover over, completely fine, like you hadn’t just smacked him in the chest with a book.
The corner of his lips lifted a little as he flipped it over, cocking his head the other way before he chanced you a glance, making you blink rapidly and stand on edge.
'You sure?' he asked, sounding pretty amused. You were confused for a moment until he held  it up for you to see, flashing you a full on toothy grin like you’d never seen on him before. 'You like books about horse gentilia?'
The jump in your chest was something you quickly dismissed as being one of sinking dread rather than anything else.
All the color that had been congesting your face washed away.
If there was a time you truly wished the ground would swallow your entire existence whole, it would be right then and there.
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word is telling me I made up the word genitilia but I’m pretty sure it’s real because it just rolls off the tongue ( smooth ) like butter like a criminal under the cover.
the hole is one of the recurring characters so please be nice to it.
alot of things happening here if you squint and look closely.
any-whomst've, hope you all liked it. let me know if you did and I don't know come say hi? 😳 have a nice day 💜
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