#and poor iqra
saralou23 · 4 years
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This scene well and truly broke my heart it really did 😔
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odisn · 4 years
I know Thor in mythology has a few kids before his marriage to Sif ,  but for the time being i'm not acknowledging them ,  sorry kids lmao .    instead ,  I wanted to talk about the four he has with Sif   ---------------   starting from oldest ,  working my way down to the youngest ,  with  :   name meanings ,  pronouns ,  faceclaim references ,  and a brief description that will be reworked over time .
the first child is Þrúðr  (  anglecised as Thrúd  )    Old Norse for  ‘  strength  ’ ,  she / her .   and strength sums her up well ,  she’s the goddess of the heath ,  of willows ,  of trees ,  flowers and grass .   she also grows up to be one of the mightiest valkyrie Ásgarðr has ever seen .   she takes after Sif ,  a lot   :   is geared to fight ,  even from a young age ,  and also cares for her younger siblings as if she were their mother .    she’s absolutely Thor’s favourite   ---   if he had to choose lmao .   she reminds him of Sif ,  so much ,  and definitely has Sif’s best qualities .   however ,  she can be stubborn ,  and often struggles to handle things when they don’t go her way .   the forest ,  and surrounding nature ,  calms her .     she has a younger ,  and an older faceclaim   ---------------   as a child ,  khushi maheen  (  one ,  two  )  and as a teen ,  and a valkyrie in training ,  iqra aziz  (  one ,  two  )
the second child ,  born several years after the first ,  is Kári .   she / her .   her name is derived from a word meaning ‘  curly - hair  ’ ,  with the same word also meaning  ‘ the wild, stormy one ’ .   and is especially apt   ---------------   as a child ,  Kári kept her parents up more often than most ,  and had a fiery temper .   she mellowed as she grew older ,  however ,  and is actually the softest and most gentle of all the children ,  and wants to be a healer .   has a sarcastic sense of humour ,  even from a young age ,  though often comes across as the most serious in the family .    is always quick to roll her eyes when Þrúðr and Thor decide to fight their way out of a problem ,  and actually prefers to spend her time in the palace ,  with her friends   ---   of which she has many ,  her thriving social life is a consistent throughout her life .   faceclaim :    isabella damla guvenilir  (  one ,  two   )
the third child ,  born two years later ,  is Magn ,  or Magne .   genderfluid ,  as they make clear on many an occasion ,  from the moment they can speak   !    their name means  ‘  mighty warrior  ’   ---------------   and it’s apt .   Magn has Thor and Sif’s physical strength ,  and works incredibly well with Þrúðr to train Ásgarðr ‘s Valkyrie ,  soldiers ,  and even everyday citizens ,  making sure the realm can protect itself from attack .   but more than that ,  Magn is a true strategist ,  and actually prefers to use their intellectual strength ,  especially when they’re older   ;   looking at how to sustain peace across the nine ,  how Ásgarðr‘s resources can be spread across the universe ,  without weakening or depleting the realm itself   ...   as a younger kid ,  Magn was almost like a  ‘ mini Loki ’   :   he loved to prank the poor guards and maids that were assigned to care for him when Thor and Sif were busy ,  he had a cheeky ,  mischievous ,  yet entirely adorable personality .    faceclaim :  yaman tümen  (  one ,  two  )
and finally ,  the fourth child ,  born one year later ,  is Æiríkr ,  or Eirikr .   he / him .   his name means  ‘  the one and only  ’ .    Æiríkr is the god of stories ,  storytelling ,  and languages .   when he grows up ,  he’s fondly nicknamed Æiríkr the Seeing One for his ability to even the most mundane of incidents into a thrilling saga .   will always be seen with a book ,  or his head in the clouds ,  and an absolute sunny smile on his face .   he’s multilingual ,  and grasps languages at lightning speed   ---   obvs ,  being the god of languages ‘n all .   all this makes him a great negotiator ,  so much so that he can even convince Odin to listen to him .  Æiríkr is definitely the shyest ,  though  ;  despite being able to captivate and engage a massive group of people ,  on a stage ,  with no fear at all ,  and having the social capabilities to get along with everyone   ...  he struggles to make friends ,  and trusts a very ,  very select group of people .   as a baby  /  toddler ,  he suffered separation anxiety for long period of time .     faceclaim  :   shees sajjad gul   (   one ,  two   )
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leximitchells · 3 years
Tbh it's hilarious that there's actually more LGBT women in EE than men because you wouldn't think it 💀 There's an issue with rep for both the men and women in some ways I guess?
Ben and Callum are the only gay men on the show and get lots of screentime, but currently the balance of their stories is poor and they don't get to just enjoy their relationship often? So we're a bit lacking in just... gay joy tbh. And there's some stuff hanging over from 2019 that's weirdly unaddressed e.g. Stuart attacking Ben and resolving that off screen, Ben being attacked by homophobes a LOT that year with his family not noticing and just moaning at him "getting into fights". Plus if one or both left the show, there'd be practically no male LGBT rep.
Then on the other end, there's actually 5 lesbian or bi women on the show (Sonia, Ash, Iqra, Mila, Bernie) but the issue is they're not shown much at all. Ash has been shunted off to the side with Peter, most of the fandom thinks Sonia is boring despite her arguably being the best rep out of the lot of them (she's frequently referred to her relationships with men and women, dated both on screen, etc), Bernie was underused after her coming out story, and Iqra/Mila's relationship has been affected by COVID restrictions.
As a fan I'm glad that Ben and Callum got to have on screen development and stories but I'm also aware that they're shouldering it alone in many ways, and it's frustrating that they can't be given a purely joyful story for once. The Paul story this week could be really good and valuable so I have my fingers crossed. There's also just... no LGBT solidarity in the show between them and the various women (and the Albert is full of straight characters half the time please)
wow that's so true i never realized that ben and callum are the only male LGBTQ+ rep??? and as much as i'd love to see more of it i'm worried if they brought someone else in then that would just be ASKING for a cheating sl and literally no one wants that.
also, omg the albert is ALWAYS full of straight characters and like it's great that they use that set for everyone bc it shows acceptance and inclusion BUT the gay characters are barely ever there!!! i really hope we end up getting a good pride ep in there later in the year when restrictions are gone bc we really need it
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zamgoods · 3 years
Shining Dr. Sleep Qorona
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As part of this most fearful time of the year, Halloween, terror and horror is thickening the air we breath. The veils are lifting so we need to feel protected by our spirituality. But what if your Holy books reveal that the prophets of God were scary to see?
This movie poster from 1980, warns that the " tide of terror that swept America is here!" Redrum, murder. Red room is where girls are trained to murder and assassinate targets in the 2021 Black Widow movie.
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Moses looked as if he grew horns and he spoke with God who killed so many people on the spot.
Is the Shining a trait given to divinely chosen ones who can see beyond the natural realm?
The face of Jesus, Moses, and Elijah horrified those that saw them while transformed in conference with God. Moses was shining when God spoke with him on the Mountain Horeb. Let's get this straight. Are we talking about shapeshifting prophets of God?
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qaran: to send out rays, shine The Shining, The Corona
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Quran Reading, proclaim, recitation
Iqra Read
Talk Debir Ora...cle
Face Panem
Skin-'ora Hebrew
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A metamorphosis of the skin. Horns and white light while He talks to HIM.
Oracular channeling with Divine Being changes your face and skin.
Morpheus: God of Sleep according to Ovid, the epic poet. who wrote Metamorphasis (Transformation). Morpheus, his brothers, and their mother and father all lived in the land of dreams located in the Underworld. His other family members included NYX, his grandmother and the deity of Night, and Thanatos, Morpheus’s uncle and the god of death.
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Morphine is an opiate which helps you sleep. Sleep is where dreams may come. Morpheus is also the one who brings the ONE...NEO in the Matrix. Take the red or blue pill. Stay asleep or wake up in the "real" world.
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Psychological Treatement
Vivo and Flooding
Behavoral Modifications
Corona, aura of the sun, sol, helios
Spirit/Soul alcohol, ethan ol, wind, ruh, pneuma, psyche
Solar flares, electro magnetic field
Arura Borealis...skin of bear...Northern Lights polar lights polar bear brother bear frozen polar express. Borealis gift of god. Civil war sign.
Dhu al-Qarnayn, (Arabic: ذُو ٱلْقَرْنَيْن‎ Ḏū al-Qarnayn, IPA: [ðuː‿l.qar.najn], lit.: "He of the Two Horns") Dhu al-Qarnayn, also spelled Zu al-Qarnayn, appears in the Quran, Surah Al-Kahf, Ayahs 83–101 as one who travels to east and west and erects a wall between a certain people and Gog and Magog.
This wall is reminiscent of Trumps' wall on southern border in recent years. He mentioned restricting immigration of gangs and unscrupulous elements (God and Magog) entering into our boundary of The United States of AMerica. The new administration has widened the gates for free flow into the country. Kamala Harris VP has been criticized for being wishy washy as the Tsar of the Border. And now so many youths are dying from the Fenty/Fentanyl ridden drugs crossing this Mexican border.
Statue of Liberty abbreviated as SOL. Meaning sun. Wearing a crown of t/horns like the Sun. Helios. Shining a light while holding a book. Now understanding that Moses held the 10 commandments while SHINING with the rays/horns from his face, we can see that
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SOL in New York/New Jersey harbor may have hidden message of the Exodus. And the immigrants are like the Children of Israel fleeing Egypt. Instead of Red Sea, it's New York Harbor. Splitting it hasn't been done as yet. New York Harbor is at the mouth of the Hudson River where it empties into New York Bay near the East River tidal estuary, and then into the Atlantic Ocean on the east
Liberty Enlightening the World (LEW) was the original name of SOL...the new Colossus of Rhodes of Helios statue with similar elements. A poem The New Colossus written by "Jewish" woman, Emma Lazarus, is written on the SOL with the line "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...".
So what does this Little Sister of SOL/LEW represent? She is 1/16th the size and is standing in Washington, DC now and for the next 10 years.
Take note that after SOL LEW was brought to NY, The Spanish Influenza (influence) was devastating the peoples.
So where can we find the Ark of the Covenant? Coven-ant Coven of 9 witches... Coven of Crows/Ravens....Covid of 9 + 9+1
Extra notes and References
qeren-horns--->qaran-shine--->sending rays
skin/hide-->'owr Aura Corona Q ORona
Who has horns on their skin or hide
Bear's hide Burning light fire Midsommar
kidr dul qurnain
chron time saturn
grain corn
kenosha central park
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOzFZxB-8cw Doctor Sleep trailer https://apukkaresort.fi/the-history-of-aurora-borealis/#:~:text=During%20the%20night%20after%20the%20Battle%20of%20Fredericksburg%2C,represent%20the%20conflict%20of%20the%20American%20Civil%20War.
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wisdomrays · 3 years
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: Why Does the Qur'an Open With Iqra' (Recite, Read)? : Part 2
As a result of such diversity, some teachings—even those of the Prophet—may be lost sight of for a time. But one day they will be recollected and taught again. After such a large increase in the number and variety of people, the loss of traditions and histories, as well as fragmentation, is natural. All of these will be repaired, though, for this process has happened many times in the past and will happen again in the future.
Divinely inspired Scriptures, Prophets, and laws were sent successively, in part as an assurance of this process. The Prophet was blessed with a character that harmonized something of the distinguishing excellence of all previous Prophets. In him were blended the most profound spiritual knowledge and wisdom, the will to move and decisively order collective affairs, to inspire human hearts and direct their spiritual craving, to heal differences between people, and to achieve lasting reconciliation. He demonstrated the ideal balance, in individual as well as in collective affairs, between the claims of justice and compassion. His life is full of suffering, forbearance, steadfastness in defeat, and of relief, success, and victory. His style of expression was always brief, to the point, memorable, and perfect. Alongside the Qur'an, he was the fountainhead of a spiritual awakening and of a great and enduring civilization.
That is why responding to iqra' means wider responsibilities and a greater degree of inner and outer trial and striving for Muslims than for members of other religions. This greater trial is a means of grace and honor, for it enables a richer harmony of more diverse virtues in each Muslim and in the community.
Recent scientific discoveries have clarified certain Qur'anic verses. Such advances in knowledge occur successively, as the universe proceeds upon its decreed course and in the measure of understanding appointed for us. We must acknowledge and praise the efforts and achievements of researchers and scientists, but they should not lead us to ingratitude and insolence (the roots of unbelief). Rather, we should reaffirm our dependence upon the Creator for guidance both in our quest for and application of knowledge. We must not idolize ourselves, lest we be forsaken and left with the human will to power as the only judge in our affairs.
Should that happen, scientific research and achievement will remain with those who seek to use them for their own temporary advantage. Science will become a weapon against religion, a helpless servant of selfish and generally atheistic and materialistic ideologies. The end result might be an irretrievable degradation in the quality of individual and community life. We can see all around us that applying new technologies is making more and more people increasingly impatient, arrogant, irresponsible, and hard-hearted. Some even claim that they are answerable only to themselves, as if they were self-created! And yet their lives remain full of unhappiness, stress, anxiety, unsatisfied needs, and the delusion that they are free.
The sheer pace of the current scientific advance has turned human societies and individuals into laboratory experiments with no sure knowledge of the consequences or final outcome. To counteract this, we must see that the Divine command of iqra' is reunited with contemplation, that we relearn how to "read" consciously so that we can acquire true understanding and wisdom.
If we can do this, we will begin to deliver science from the futility and dry formalism in which it is bound, and help to clarify its philosophical foundations and social and moral relevance. We also will be able to indicate the true range of human perception, intellect, and intuition, and make people aware of their proper balance and use. Then, those who consciously study creation will read its signs with a religious seriousness and humility, and will acquire knowledge that is civilizing and beneficial for humanity.
That we are meant to read in this way and for this purpose is beyond doubt. The first thing created was the Pen, and the first word of the Revelation was iqra'. But to read in such a way requires that our inner and outer faculties be alert and harmoniously directed to the phenomena. Any defect in our inner faculties impacts the proper functioning of the others.
When referring to a malaise of the spirit, the Qur'an speaks of blindness, deafness, and dumbness. The Creator's signs are first "read" with the eyes. The first sounds of Revelation are "heard" with the ears, which then channels them to the understanding. All that is seen and heard is expounded, interpreted, and communicated by the tongue, so that understanding can be deepened.
If people have a poor inner life, they will be able to see, hear, or give voice to only that which affects their immediate survival or pleasure. Reading the signs will be impossible, for they will see only mechanically related bodies and surfaces, and their minds will focus on the rules and laws that will place them under control. As their inner life atrophies, contemplation and compassion will be replaced by ugliness, triviality, and barbarism. Left to themselves, such people will master neither their immediate needs and pleasures, nor their constant insecurity, anxiety, and dissatisfaction. In truth, they are blind, deaf, and dumb, and the universe is no more than a narrow prison for them.
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doof-doofblog · 3 years
"I Promised ... I Promised!"
Double Episode Post
Thursday 1st April 2021 - Friday 2nd April 2021
Hello everyone! Hope you've all had a brilliant Easter Weekend! Today is going to be another double episode post in an attempt to catch up! I know there's a lot to discuss, but first I want to give a shout out to @estimebongu98 for sending me some brilliant EastEnders related questions to answer over the weekend, can't thank you enough for reaching out and asking me some opinions on your favourite storyline! If anyone else feels happy enough to send me a message then please feel free!
Anyway back to the matter in hand, the first thing I want to mention is Iqra and Mila. Kim appears to be doing everything she can to get her new business aspect into the public eye. She is completely convinced that she's managed to get couples together, such as Peter & Ash and Iqra & Mila. After getting a photographer to the Prince Albert to take photos of her and hear her story, Kim calls Iqra over, claiming that she's needed urgently. Poor Iqra is clueless about Kim's actual actions. Iqra is understandably confused and a little irritated by Kim's actions when she arrives - technically Iqra and Mila aren't even a couple as of yet and Kim is claiming that she's brought them together!
After some persuasion, Iqra agrees to do an interview for Kim's business, and even happens to volunteer Mila so they end up doing it together, at first Mila isn't too keen but then agrees. What harm could it do it really? Well, as Iqra gets herself dolled up for the interview it seems that they'll also be getting their pictures taken also, getting in front of the camera, Kim instructs Iqra to do all these sorts of poses, but to no avail. As Mila enters, Iqra is visibly happy to see her appear, they both acknowledge how pretty the other one looks. But suddenly as the photographer takes pictures of them without their knowledge, Mila seems pretty adamant that he deletes the picture! Her attitude almost completely changes, much to Iqra's surprise! The photographer unfortunately refuses to delete it, claiming that the natural pictures are the best, but poor Mila almost demands him to get rid of the picture. This really intrigued me though, there's obviously a reason for her not wanting pictures taken, why does it bother her so much?! What is her story?!
Later, Iqra seems to think that it's her fault that Mila left so quickly! However Kim seems to put her at ease, if she's so eager to get to know Mila more and understand why she left, then she needs to reach out to her and call her. Kim insists that she can sense they have feelings for each other, and if there's any truth in it, she encourages Iqra to act on her feelings. Eventually Iqra catches up with Mila and to be fair, she's pretty straight with her from the beginning, she admits that she likes her but also claims that she's fearful of being in the same situation as she was with Ash, asking herself whether she had done anything wrong and informs Mila that she can't go back to being like that. It's then that Mila admits that Iqra has done nothing wrong and she actually happens to like her too - now this is where Mila finally opens up and we learn a lot more about her - she admits that Mila isn't in fact her real name. She explains that she first realised she was gay when she was a teenager but when she told her family about having feelings for a girl, they laughed in her face and ended up throwing her out - simply because her family didn't "believe" in it! It's sad to realise that Mila has basically disowned by her family simply because of her sexual orientation. Of course Iqra is deeply sympathetic and apologises for dragging her into the interview, but Mila claims it's not her fault - how could she have known?! But with Iqra appreciating Mila being open and honest with her, could this seriously be a new relationship on the cards for the two ladies?!
The next thing I have to mention is Bobby! After a horrendous first date a little while back, Bobby is determined to get himself back out there, unfortunately it is under a completely different name, considering he changed his name on his dating app, in fear of people finding out who he really is and finding out about his past. I love how dressed up he's gotten for the occasion, and it looks as if both Kathy and Kim try to give him some advice - which I have to say was a brilliant scene!
Going completely off track they begin to discuss men's flaws, just as Bobby is sitting there between them listening to everything they tell him. You just have to laugh and say "Poor Bobby!" as his Nan and neighbour discuss the different things that men do to women. Just to make him feel that little more awkward, Kathy urges him that if he's just meeting his date for sex then make sure she doesn't end up getting pregnant. Poor Bobby is traumatised and claims he hasn't even met the poor girl yet! In a way, I guess it was Kathy's version of the "Birds And The Bees" story for Bobby!
However, taking his Nan's advice, feeling a little insecure, Bobby visits the Minute Mart and purchases a packet of condoms - much to Suki's amusement, which of course leaves him feeling just a little bit more insecure as he rushes out of the shop. All I have to say about the matter is, why do men find it embarrassing for purchasing condoms? Buying condoms and sanitary products should not be embarrassing, they are a part of every day life and it should be normalised for people to buy the items without feeling any kind of awkwardness or embarrassment. Please tell me you guys agree?!  
Eventually, Bobby makes it to his date and things appear to be going well. Only the first thing that grabbed my attention was that Dana admitted that she has no sense of taste or smell and that her Dad believed she may have caught Covid-19, but she never took a test to make sure. After all that Bobby has been through trying to make sure himself and his family are safe from the virus, would it be mad for me to suggest that Bobby could end up catching the virus from Dana?! I'm sure you'll remember he was almost religiously washing his hands and cleaning surfaces. What if after all that caution, he catches Coronavirus from his date?!
Also it appears that Dana is calling Bobby by the name "Rob" - of course this is the name he changed his profile to. Is this going to be some kind of alter ego for Bobby? Only because I happened to notice how confident he looked during his date, he didn't seem nervous as the previous one and he didn't stumble over his words. Could this give Bobby some kind of comfort blanket in a way? If he can't be Bobby for his date's, he could be "Rob" instead? It's an interesting thought - maybe I am getting a little carried away, but I think with his past it would make complete sense. What do you think?! It's fair to say that "Rob" has a successful date as reveals she likes him and would like to see him again!
The next thing I have to mention is Frankie and Mick! After the events of the previous day, she voices her concerns to Linda, claiming that it was a bad idea for her to move into the Vic. However, Linda insists that Mick needs her a lot more than they realise, she claims that once Mick has been to court and spoken out about his abuse, he'll be proud to call Frankie his daughter! Meanwhile Mick appears to have his meeting with his support worker and it's here that he's informed that 4 other men have come forward reporting that they are also victims of Katy.
Understandably, Mick is completely thrown back by this, he is completely stunned and overwhelmed by the news, especially after admitting that he's trying to make things work with Frankie, considering she's his daughter. It needs to be pointed out that it's not Frankie's fault what her Mother did, she is also a victim just like Mick. Why should Mick have to hide her identity, I mean I understand he doesn't feel ready for people and his neighbours to know about his abuse, but why should Frankie have to suffer?! He clearly wants to have a relationship with her, but he does appear to be finding it hard.
As he gets home he informs both Frankie and Linda about what he's learnt, devastatingly his concerns get the better of him and he admits he doesn't think he can stand up in court. Does Frankie maybe feel like she is in some way to blame? Is she the reason why he won't stand up in court? She eventually finds herself at McKlunky's and Stuart spots her from the other side of the room. In an attempt of giving her a peace offering, he places some chicken in front of her, Frankie is clearly spooked - especially after the way he treated her last time he approached her. But Stuart is calm, collected and kind and informs her that for a brief moment, the way she looked reminded him of how Mick looked as a kid. This seems to really move Frankie and she begins to listen to Stuart. He informs her that Mick is going through this court case simply for her, even though he's struggling. He tells her that she kind of needs to meet him in the middle and try and support him, do something in return for him to help him cope with the court case, gently placing a brown paper bag in front of her, he claims a nice sugary treat would help Mick.
It looks as if Stuart's words play on Frankie's mind, she returns home with the sugary treat from Stuart, placing it on a lovely tray with a cup of tea and portrays it in front of Mick. Of course it's a really sweet gesture - no pun intended - but what touches Mick more than anything is when Frankie reveals she'll go to the police and willingly give them a sample of her DNA, to prove that she is Mick's daughter, to also prove that he has been sexually abused by Katy, which would help his case! As much I am hoping this will help, I do fear that maybe the DNA test won't come back as the result we're all hoping for?! What do you guys think?!
The next subject on the cards is Sharon! So, we know she's eager to pursue a new business opportunity for the sake of her son, Albie. She wants something that she will be able to provide for him in the future. Now I know I previously asked the question regarding the building she's found once belonged to Ronnie?! (Considering the name on the front of the building!) - but I noticed that Sharon claims it's an unused gym, can anyone remind me when Ronnie ever ran a gym in Walford?! I simply have no recollection of that!
Anyway, she once again approaches Peter, suggesting that she wants to run a gym with him by her side. She would be the main manager and he could be the head coach or personal trainer for their clients. At first, Peter claims that he's a "Freelance" personal trainer and he's happy how things are for now. But as soon Sharon mentions that it must be nice to have a partner who's a doctor and pays all the bills, Peter seems to agree. Even for him, this could be a brilliant career opportunity?!
However, I have to admit this next section got me really confused. Ben and Kheerat appear to lingering as they're discussing where to melt the gold bars that Vinny got his hands on. Kheerat suggests it needs to be somewhere subtle, like the Arches, but Ben is insistent that Arches cannot be the place. From across the Square, he notices Sharon putting in an offer for the abandoned building, I guess it's fair to say that Ben isn't Sharon's biggest fan - but what is she wanting to buy a gym got anything to do with him?! Maybe it's just me but I don't understand why he's interfering, and what's even worse - it appears he's dragging Kheerat into it too!
Kheerat appears to be the friendly neighbour, almost fishing for information and what's she's up to, Sharon explains that she's moving on with life after a horrendous year but just after she's put in an offer for the building, an unknown source happens to make a bigger offer, it looks as if her new business aspect is crumbling to pieces before it's already begun, but interestingly Kheerat suggests she adds on another £500 to her offer which overrules the other offer being considered. Is Ben the one who made the offer, just to get more money out of Sharon? Do the Panesar's actually hold the lease of the building and is that why Kheerat and Ben want the building as a place to melt the gold?! I have no idea, but something just doesn't add up for me, something really suspicious is going on and I can't quite work out what yet!
Finally the final day of Stacey's freedom has come - the day that all the Slater family have been dreading. After Lily's fall down the stairs, obviously everyone seems to be concerned for the youngster as she appears unconscious at the bottom of the stairs, but when the paramedics suggest that taking her to the hospital might give them some idea as to what's happened, Lily jumps into action claiming that she's actually okay! As everyone realises that Lily is fine, her parents decide to take her to one side to try and understand why she threw herself down the stairs.
Both Martin and Stacey listen as the youngster claims that she was trying to save her family, save her Mum from going to prison and it was also an attempt to stop the arguing so everyone would get along, if she was to get badly injured, they would have to put aside their differences for her sake. Both Martin and Stacey are shocked to hear the lengths their daughter would go through just to keep her family together. Almost as a cry for help, she pleads her Dad to do something to help stop her Mum going to prison!
Trying to do the best for his children, Martin tries to have a word with Ruby to try and make her understand she needs to change her plea, but once again Ruby lies!!!! She even lies about lying - claiming that she already tried to speak to the police about changing her statement but she was too late. She's still lying about Stacey pushing her and causing the loss of their child and plus she's also lying about contacting the police - ooo Ruby truly is the Queen of Lies isn't she?! I really don't understand why, but as Stacey puts it perfectly, Ruby is terrified about that fact that Martin still actually loves her and will do anything to keep him, even if it means sending her to prison for something she hasn't. As much as this breaks Stacey, she admits the only reason she's pleading guilty is that she'll only receive 6 months in prison and the sooner she's done her sentence, the sooner she'll be out for her kids. Stacey's words seem to hit home to Martin, does he still love Stacey?! I truly think there's a part of him that always will - she is the Mother of his children at the end of the day!
As Stacey enjoys the last few hours with her children, watching them play about in the gardens, she informs her Mum about all their routines, what not to feed them and what appointments they have coming up in the week. Everything seems to become all to real for Jean, she stares at her daughter longing and informs her how amazing she is, being so brave for her children. Jean gives Stacey her word and promises to look after her children until she's back. As time goes on, it gets later and later and eventually Stacey's time with her children runs out, saying her last goodbyes, drawing hearts on her children's hands to show that they're all a team, Stacey says one last goodbye to Lily and her Mum. As both Martin and Ruby watch from across the Square, Stacey walks away in tears and heads for prison.
The following day, poor Jean is struggling to cope with all the young ones running about, trying to make them food which they are refusing to eat because it hasn't been prepared right. Lily keeps herself occupied by making a version of Ruby out of toast. I guess you could say that Lily sees Ruby as the "Wicked Step-Mum!", which you can perfectly understand! As Lily continues to keep herself to herself, later on in the day Jean notices her with a packet of biscuits and questions what she's doing with them, Lily then admits that she wanted to cheer her Nan up by making her an "Afternoon Tea", recalling that Stacey had one planned for her ages ago but she couldn't attend because she was ill, so she wanted to do one in the house for her instead.
Poor Jean is completely overwhelmed by her Grand-Daughter's kindness, excitedly she runs out to get sandwiches and cakes for the occasion, happily stating that they all make a really good team. As Jean hurries out, from under the kitchen table, Lily pulls out a huge luggage bag filled with clothes and discreetly packs the packet of biscuits. My first initial thought was "Oh god, Lily is going to run away!" - but of course Lily is much more smarter than that. Of course this idea of an Afternoon Tea was just to get her Nan out of the house while she put her plan into place.
After returning home from lunch, Martin and Ruby and shocked to find his 3 children standing outside their front door with a huge suitcase. Lily's acting suspiciously upset, informing her Dad that she misses her Mum and her Nan is getting stressed with everything and she pleaded if she could stay with her Daddy. At first Ruby tries to be polite, informing the children that they can come a visit anytime, considering that they are just across the road, but Martin realises he can't leave his children out on the street and invites them all in to stay. As little Hope and Arthur rush in with excitement, Lily's attitude completely changes towards Ruby, informing her that she didn't expect that reaction! Ruby is completely stunned by the girl's attitude, but I have to say I felt completely sorry for Jean as she came home, hands filled with party food and balloons to entertain the children, sadly she notices the note left on the kitchen table for her, at first she thinks it's all a joke, but when she realises the house is completely empty, she looks completely and utterly lost, I just wanted to hold her and give her the biggest hug I could and tell her everything is okay!
But I do also have to say - YES!!!!! GO LILY!!!! It looks as if Lily is going to make Ruby's life a nightmare for putting her Mum in prison, and honestly, I think Ruby knows it! But what is she going to do about it? She's not going to be able to convince Martin that Lily is trying to ruin her life, I doubt he'd even believe her, he'll end up using the excuse that Lily is simply missing her Mum and is lashing out. I am super excited to see what happens next. Thank you all for reading, I apologise this post being so late, but thank you all for your patience! Please feel free to leave me any messages or comments, I'll always reply! Thanks again everyone! Love you all xXx
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yorit1 · 4 years
Ballum kiss for world kiss day?
Ashra kiss for world kiss day?
also I mish Ash and Iqra please bring them back on screen.
Poor Chantelle is quarantined with an abuser, I hope she and the kids are safe. 
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goldenballum · 4 years
sorry for the rant but it annoys how the same people who talk about wlw rep in ee only bring it up when someone says something about ballum. why are they dragging one gay couple down to push another couple up? we should be pushing them both up so they can get decent screen time and storylines. also the same people who talk about wlw rep only talk about it when it suits them like when they thought dotty was bi and the ones who want a tina and iqra affair
I'm not gonna say too much on this because itll cause drama. but you are right about we should be talking about both. people wanted dotty and vinny to be bi but as soon as they found out it was ash (and this was before lack of screentime) they just didnt say shit.
also whilst we are on it, lgbtq+ rep is poor in all soaps, not just ee. and another thing, ee needs to bring in another transgender character because in 35 years, they've only have one.
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dingletragedy · 5 years
Haha ok so realistically what options are there for Callum to get back into catering in walford. Not the Vic. That might feel like a step backwards. The Albert? Coukd be fun but it's just be bar work I think. They sell some food but it's not the main sell. That leaves walford east but I wouldn't wish Ian (or max) as callums employer on the poor lad! Maybe he needs to start his own business lol!
maybe he can join keegan and iqra in making and selling fancy sandwiches!!!!! be their lil mentor!
i’m definitely not against callum doing some bar work at the prince albert, but like you said it’s mostly just drinks there so that’s probably be a one off! - wait WAIT can all kathy’s staff be ill ona really busy night one time so ben and callum have to hold the fort at the bar? because i would pay to see those two working the price albert together for one night!
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mukhtaleef · 6 years
Random thoughts while watching Suno Chanda
I binge watched Suno Chanda yesterday! Finished it all in one go and I have so many feeeeeeeelssssss. I was literally laughing my ass off or yelling at the screen throughout the show. There were so many thoughts running through my mind while watching the show and I need to get them out. So here it is..
God Iqra Aziz is soooo Gorgeous!!
I like Jalal’s accent.
Hun ki nava katta khol dita hai :D This one is going in my personal vocabulary
Give me Jiya’s wardrobe. Almost everything is my style!!
Yar ye Arsal gadhe ka bacha hai!! (I said this throughout the show).
O teri!! Ye padi maar. Kasam se bachpan yaad aa gaya.
I love DJ!! But iska naamkaran karke Breaking News rakh do :D
Abe yar kitna chillate hai ye log!!
Iss family ke saare members fasadi hai :D
Sherry is so cute. That smile is killer!
Ye Kinza kya poore show me aise he sadti rahegi?! (And she did. I didn’t like her at all).
Aiyyo ye Naeema kitna fake roti hai :D
Ye ArJiya ladna band karke romance karna kab shuru karenge?
Iss ghar ke kisi bhi aadmi ko kapde press karne nahi aate hai kya? So freaking annoying!!
Iss family ke saare buddhe tharki hai!
Yar but ye billo kitni sundar hai!!
Haye ab aai na is gadhe ke bachhe ko akal!! Finally love story shuru :D
Jab bhi tumhe chhodne ke baare me sochta to meri saansien ruk jati hai. Hayyeeee
Matlab goli khane razi hai banda. Kya pyaar hai.
Aww bechara Arsal. Jiya is gadhe ke bachhe ko seriously le le.
Poor Jiya. Her fear is valid though! Ye gadhe ka bachha kamakal hai. Mazak uda bhi sakta hai!! 
Hahahaha kasam se gadhe ka bachha hai ye Arsal. Video dekh kar kitna ban raha hai :D :D Ab pata chal gaya ki ladki pat gai hai!
Lipstick hatao. Possessive (Read it in Geet’s voice a la Jab We Met)
Awww chori chhupe mil rahe hai!! These two are super cute!!
Hahaha Jiya hitting him is super funny!!
Maa kasam iss ghar ka har ek member namuna hai!!
Hahaha....abe gadhe ke bachhe, Huma hai parde ke peeche samajh kaise nahi aa rahi!!
Mere Jazbaato ke saath khelte ho! Awwww *pulls Arsal’s cheeks*
I am so happy that Jiya hasn’t changed after falling in love!!!!
He got her a dress, bangles and mehandi though. How cute is that??
What is Mayu? Am I pronouncing it right? Is it like a Sangeet ceremony!!
What’s with editing? Ye Jiya har dusre scene me alag kapde kyo pehni hui hai?
God Jiya looks gorgeous!!
I like this song!! Thoda zada lamba nahi kheech diya lekin?
Aww these two look gorgeous in wedding reception!! Give me Jiya’s joda!!!!
Fir lad rahe hai ye dono. Abe yar kya aap aur tum laga rakha hai!! Bachpan ki aadat aise he chhoot jayegi kya? Kuch bhi, aivayi!!
Good one Bijaan!!
Lol ye ladki to poore bed pe phail ke baith gai hai :D
Waise aaj badi pyari lag rahi ho. Haaayeeeeee nazar na lage mere bachho ko!!! puts kaala teeka on them!!!!
This last shot is so gorgeous!!!
When is season 2 coming out???
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kyufiber-moved · 6 years
I saw someone else ask this and thought it was interesting! Put your mutuals in dating scandals with idols! Who’d it be with, how’d it happen, how’d they (them and the idol) deal with it??
man this took ages ajdjjd but tysm for the ask uwuwuwuwu
katie @ruhrohtaehyun— who: roh taehyun ofc — how it happens: fans spot them on a date late at night, snap some pics, and suddenly dispatch is plastering them all over the internet :(— how they deal: they’re both calm ((outwardly; katie is probably highkey stressedt)) and stay out of public eyes for a while until it dies down :)
iqra @doyoungsmanager— who with: kim doyoung— how it happens: okra accidentally posts a selfie of them kissing to her public profile instead of her private and it blows up— how they deal: public apologies ((but only bc sm made them apologize))
emmy @sunnysidewrites— who with: jung jinyoung— how it happens: some “fans” hack into jinyoung’s icloud photo library and find pictures of them cuddling n shit— how they deal: jinyoung is super cool and collected about it and he keeps emmy calm too (for the most partskdjj) :)) he makes a public statement basically saying “sorry not sorry” in the most polite way and moves on
mia @qiankulture— who with: kim doyoung ((again👀))— how it happens: fans suspect kdy might have a gf and when his company looks into it, it turns out to b true !!— how they deal: online apologies for hiding the relationship but saying that they hope the fans can understand and support their relationship
via @jaehyunculture— who with: jung jaehyun 🤩— how it happens: during a vlive one of the members mentions via to jaehyun in the background n it’s not meant 2 be heard but is 🤧— how they deal: probably required apologies again 😪 but you aren’t sorry bls it’s jung jaehyun
val @jaeminculture— who with: na jaemin — how it happens: they decide to reveal the relationship themselves uwu braver than the us marines— how they deal: unapologetic!! and continue on
zoë @yericulture— who with: lee jeno ((💓💘💕))— how it happens: poor bubs they don’t deserve this :(( pictures get taken of them holding hands — how they deal: they both disappear from public view for a while as instructed by sm ent
ida @neomarks — who with: mork lee— how it happens: a fansite gets a picture of mark with his phone and his lockscreen is of his gf #exposed but in the softest way possible— how they deal: i’m running out of responses sndjjd cute social media posts 2 try and sway the public in favor ((and it works cus they cute af))
chrissy @softtm — who with: kang daniel !!— how it happens: daniel accidentally slips up during a live interview when the interviewer asks if he has a gf— how they deal: despite lots of shit from netizens, they hold strong and unapologetic 🤩
nat @jejublr — who with: scOUPSSSS— how it happens: 🌚 scoups get called out for having a hickey on his neck and it’s exposed he has a gf /gasp/— how they deal: make a public apology but that’s the extent of it
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imamahmedali · 2 years
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Eid Ul Fitr Is On Monday, May 2nd, 2022. Zakat Ul Fitr Is $10 Per Family Member. Plz Find The Poor & Needy & Give It To Them From Your Hand & Avoid Giving It To Organizations & Masjid. Zakat Is The Right Of The Poor, Not The Right Of A Masjid Or Any Organization, As They May Charge A Hidden Fee From The Money Of The Poor People. Jzk Sincerely, #ImamAhmedAli (at IQRA Masjid Community and Tradition) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc_VWoAOc5a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dotx-pk · 3 years
Iqra Aziz Praised Yasir Hussain For His "Dedication To Work" Despite His Poor Health.
Iqra Aziz Praised Yasir Hussain For His “Dedication To Work” Despite His Poor Health.
Actress Iqra Aziz is very fond of her husband Yasir Hussain. The God and Love Star took to their Instagram on Friday to write a cute note for Hussein, praising his work ethic and dedication while hosting the IPPA Awards. “You are the love of my life, I am very proud to be your wife. I have never seen such devotion, you were not feeling well but still you gave your best work, hosted the show very…
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leximitchells · 3 years
Yeah literally none of Ben's stories after the wedding make sense as progression from... the wedding (and Callum's but lbr Ben is the main issue lmao). Interesting about the new set and Lola/Isaac but why wouldn't it have George Street? George Street's been on the show forever. Also surely they have like... Heather's old flat as a set. I mean maybe Ben and Callum shouldn't move in there because poor Ben would have a breakdown but my point is the must have empty sets. Iqra's house is never shown for one so it's not even like every character has to have at home scenes.
oh my god. it’s been bad that ben has had to live in his murdered first love’s flat but i draw the line at him living in the flat where he literallt committed murder. that’s too much
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simplyhasanah · 6 years
Just exactly a year ago on today’s date, my grandmother was released from the hospital where she had to be hospitalized for almost one month and was bedridden. It was only because she slipped on the floor and fell- exactly on her pelvic, which was found out to be broken. If she was 20-30 years younger, she would’ve been operated instantly but it was because she surpassed the 70 years of age, the doctors said the best thing is to let her be; let it heal by itself. What the hospital could do for her was to monitor her health status, keep her health stable and help her ease her pain. 
There were so many priceless lessons that I learned within those months because I was always beside her. Plus, when you’re surrounded by many sick people at the hospital, you’ll feel more grateful and humbled, too. But most of all, you’ll definitely see Allah’s Mercy and Blessings there. 
I’ll share some of my writings last year since I wasn’t active in this blog at that time. Here goes: 
23rd March 2017
Mudahan baik-baik saja, nek (Please let the news be good for you, grandma). Minta dijauhi daripada perkara yang buruk (May you be kept away from any harm). May Allah grant shifa to you, nek. Aamiin yaa rabbal ‘alamin. 
I shared a quote from the book called ‘Mauizhah Hasanah’ by Ustaz Ahmad Dusuki Abdul Rani, 
“Apa yang dikumpul takkan menjadi milik melainkan diberikan pada yang memerlukan untuk Allah.” and 
in English, it says “What was collected will never be owned unless it was given to the needy for Allah.”
26th March 2017
I posted a photo of my luggage with a caption, ‘Kan belayar…ke hospital.’ Going to travel…to the hospital. 
27th March 2017
Earlier last night on 26th March with some of my uncles, aunt, cousins- we were celebrating my cousin, D’s birthday beside Nenek. Definitely one of the nights to remember. ‘Meriah’ (Lively), almost to the max. Balik-balik kana marahi (We’ve been scolded many times) due to the loudness of our voices. But Alhamdulillah.
Nenek’s feeling much better from the last few days. Her willpower is there. Alhamdulillah, thank you and may Allah bless you yang sentiasa mendoakan (those who always pray for her). 
Di mana ada kepayahan, di sana Allah permudahkan. Where there is difficulty, in there Allah will give ease. 
Di mana ada kesungguhan, di sana Allah memberi jalan. Where there is a will, in there Allah will show the way. 
InshaAllah. May Allah continue to grant us good health, guidance and blessings always. 
28th March 2017
I shared a photo quote by Dodinsky, “You have an important task in life. If someone feels empty, talk about their worth. If they are lost, help guide them back to their path. If they are weakened, remind them of their strength. If in despair, show them there is always hope. And remember, this undertaking always begin with YOU.”
And I reminded myself and others: Life in this (temporary) Dunya isn’t about serving our lowly nafs (desires). It goes beyond that. When we serve for others, we serve for Allah. 
29th March 2017
It’s been almost a week. The doctors said it might take a while to recover. We don’t want to focus on the numbers but we want to make sure Nenek is recovering well. She had been having troubles sleeping at night and even during the day. But she is sleeping soundly now, Alhamdulillah. Mudahan cepat sembuh, nek. (May you recover well, grandma), Aamiin, aamiin..
I posted a photo of my baby nephew: Look who’s visiting! (I remember Nenek was really happy to see him).
31st March 2017
I shared a quote by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan, “When you find yourself in a position to help someone, be happy! Because Allah is answering that person’s prayer through you.”
1st April 2017
I shared the first three verses of Surah Al-Ankabut, 
“Alif Lam Mim. Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, “We believe”, and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and God will certainly know those who are true from those who are false.” 
Then, I reminded myself and others: Tests are temporary but our reactions and responses during those tests last with Allah; they stay to prove how faithful we are to Him.
I shared an excerpt from the Mauizhah Hasanah book, “Dalam kehidupan kita, suatu masa kita akan merasai kenikmatan yang berterusan. Lama kelamaan, Allah akan menarik nikmat sedikit demi sedikit yang terdapat dan dirasai oleh kita itu.” (In our lives, one day we will experience a continuous enjoyment (ni’mat). Over time, God will take the ni’mat that we have little by little).
I also shared a story from the book, “Ada suatu kisah yang diceritakan oleh seorang sahabat saya. Suatu ketika, beliau menziarahi seorang gurunya. Gurunya itu menghidap pelbagai jenis penyakit, ada kencing manis, darah tinggi dan lain-lain. Ketika beliau menziarahi gurunya, gurunya menghidangkan durian dan memakannya. Sahabat saya ini terkejut, dan bertanya kepada gurunya, “Tok guru makan makanan begini, tak takut mati ke?” Lantas tok gurunya menuding jari ke arah hadapan rumahnya iaitu tanah perkuburan dan berkata, “Itu, di hadapan sana, semua itu berpantang makannya, tapi tetap juga mati.” 
In English, it says, "There is a story told by a friend of mine. Once, he visited his teacher. The teacher has various diseases, diabetes, hypertension and others. When he visited his teacher, his teacher served durian and ate it. My friend was surprised, and asked his teacher, “Tok guru ate this kind of food, are you not afraid to die?” Then his teacher pointed his finger at the front of his house, which is the cemetery and said, “There, in front, all (people in cemetery) abstained from eating it, but, still they die.”
2nd April 2017
I shared another excerpt from the book, “Suatu perkara yang boleh diambil daripada intipati ayat ini ialah tatkala kita dicemuh orang, dihina, dikeji atau sebagainya, tanamlah dalam hati kita, kita ada akhirat. Biarlah kita dikhianati orang, asalkan kita bersabar, dan terus bersabar, dan berdoalah moga-moga Allah ganjari syurga kepada kita atas sifat kesabaran itu.” 
In English, it says, "One thing that can be taken from the essence of this verse is that when we are being insulted, humiliated, degraded or so, plant (thoughts) in our hearts that we have the hereafter. Let us be betrayed by people, as long as we are patient, and continue to be patient, and pray that God will reward us for the act of being patience.”
I shared a quote by Habib Saggaf bin Mahdi, “The extraordinary person is simple in his speech but great in his action.”
I captured a photo of the hospital’s TV with the lights off with the caption: Watching “IQRA” with Nenek. One of the best teledramas that teaches you so many priceless lessons and gives you powerful reminders. The teledrama looks simple and some might see it as plain, but subhanAllah, they can really wake you.
3rd April 2017
One of the things that made me realise while staying in and going back and forth to the hospital is that Allah can just take one of our blessings, health- away from us…and He SWT can also give it back to us whenever and wherever we are. Below are some thoughts that have been going on in my mind whenever I’m here (in the hospital):
We are powerless without Allah.
One blessing’s taken doesn’t mean we are being ignored, rather the attention is on us. Alhamdulillah ‘ala kulli hal.
If we are truly servants of Allah, we will remember Allah all the time. In good health or in sickness, we will practise Sabr and Shukr. 
Race, Ranks, Status will be insignificant. Whoever you are, a poor or a rich person…if you have a sense of pride and ego…sickness is an important lesson to teach you- that whatever you do even if you do things by yourself, you will still need help from others. ‘Help’ from others come from Allah. 
Sickness in physical form can be a platform to strengthen our spiritual state. When we feel weak, the only choice is to be strong. Remaining to be weak is not an option. We need to move on if we want to be on Allah’s side.
If Dunya is like a temporary destination, hospitals are like airports for souls. Some have to stay for a while. Some went ahead to the destination according to their own intention and effort in getting their ‘ticket’. We will be sent when the time is right.
Humans are forgetful beings. It is best to always make du’a and prayers to Allah to give us Hidayah and Tawfiq always for these two are the greatest gifts a Muslim can have.
4th April 2017
I shared a quote by SDH, “Don’t be sad dear chosen ones.”
Another quote by Power of Positivity, “The strongest people make time to help others, even when they’re struggling with their own personal problems.” while inserting a reminder for myself and others: Remember Rasulullah SAW and his companions…
5th April 2017
I shared a photo of my grandmother in her purple hijab and pastel coloured baju kurung with a pillow at her back and with her sitting on a wheelchair with a caption: Nenek’s first day exercising at Physiotherapy Department.
I also shared a photo of the word ‘Sabr’. So I just witnessed one of the nurses being rude to us despite trying to cover her rudeness with a forced sweet voice and a forced sweet intonation. But when the manners are rude, they are still rude. No matter what. I nearly lost my temper. Okay, perhaps I lost my temper a bit but I nearly explode. Seriously, this makes me question why you want to become a nurse in the first place. Sesungguhnya, ramai lagi manusia seperti dia. (Actually, there are many others like her). Tapi entah kenapalah marah ku begitu meruap-ruap malam ini. (But why am I filled with so much anger tonight). Ya Allah, grant me patience.
I wrote a ‘rant’: You cannot hide your ugly personality by beautifying your face, your voice or your appearance. Ugly personality comes from a dirty heart. Yes, beauty comes from within. 
6th April 2017
I posted a photo of my grandmother trying to walk using the four-legged stick with two physiotherapists holding her from both sides. Captioned ‘Day 2: Syafakillah dear Nenek.’ 
I shared a photo quote by Simple Reminders, “Never discredit your gut instinct. You are not paranoid. Your body can pick up on bad vibrations. If something deep inside of you says something is not right about a person or situation, trust it.”
7th April 2017
I shared a text post which I’ve written on 7th April 2014: 
Now you’re exactly where Allah wants you to be but bear in mind, it is only temporary. Your body will age, your face and skin will deteriorate. Your wealth and status will soon be forgotten but your bad and good deeds will forever be written. But remember, the thing that can erase the bad is a true repentance so long as you keep your iman on perseverance. So what if some people are treating you bad, it’s how you respond with kindness that makes Him be extremely glad. His Pleasures is what you truly seek, not the world and falsehood that are full of deceit. Be mindful, without a sincere intention, all those billion actions won’t make Jannah happen.
I captured a photo of the book called The Art of Doing with a caption: Was gifted this book earlier by The Queen (one of my close friends) and my first impression was, “Are you saying I’m not doing anything?” (insert laughing emojis). So sorry for saying that, Your Majesty, my mental state is a bit unstable at the moment but thank you so much for this book. You really know much much I love reading the How-To books. Jazakillah khairan kathira!
I shared a quote by Rumi, “It’s your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.’
8th April 2017
I shared a photo of my grandmother being held by two physiotherapists while she was holding the four-legged cane with a caption: Day 4. A good improvement, nek. 
I shared a quote by Walid Al-Malik, “Duhai anakanda, jika masih banyak merungut dan tidak redha dengan ketentuan takdir juga musibah. Makanya, kamu masih belum benar-benar bertauhid.” In English, it says, "Dear child, if you still have a lot of complains and are not accepting with the fate and misfortunes. That means you still have not practised Tawhid.”
I posted a beautiful photo of the sky and trees outside my house with a caption: Syukur, I get to see His creations once in two or three days these days. Being stuck in one place can be challenging and suffocating. But all that is to train one’s patience. Patience can be practised in two occasions (or more); in dealing with calamity and in dealing with people. I usually struggle with the latter, unfortunately. But as time goes by and as Allah gave me some reminders here and there, I came to realize that sometimes Allah wants to teach us how to be thankful first at the moment when we have the right to become angry, which is also the perfect time to practise patience. One of the main reasons why humans are forgetful, in my observation, is that we forget we have Allah by our side….we forget that it is Allah who made everything possible be it giving lives or taking lives…we forget that it is Allah who gave us all those gifts and blessings, which sometimes were disguised in ordeal and calamities. Another reason why we forget Allah is we are too obsessed with chasing the Dunya, focusing on Dunya more than our Akhirah, astaghfirullah. No matter what we experience, if we remember Allah (remember His Greatness, remember who we are, remember that He always listens, He is the Most Just, the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful…this could go on and on), our hearts will find peace. Alhamdulillah ‘ala kulli hal.  
9th April 2017
Just because you don’t see someone working behind your back, it doesn’t mean that they are not doing anything. Be thoughtful. Be considerate. Be kind. Because you know what? Allah sees more than you do. 
10th April 2017
After about 2 weeks (and more) staying at the hospital (while taking turns with my sister, G), I finally could take a breather. This means I get to update my daily planner, which is also 2 weeks (and more) behind. Reflecting on the recent events that have been happening within the past few weeks, I seriously feel like I’ve been forced to take a ride on a roller coaster non-stop while trying to remain fixed on my seat, I could not go anywhere or I might be thrown off my seat thus will only cause harm to myself even more. The least that I could do is just to stay calm on my seat but once in a while I might do the opposite- perhaps to make sure that I am still alive. I cried, I smiled, I laughed. I got scared. I got angry. I got depressed. It was one heck of a ride full of emotions, spices of life. I tasted life, I’m still alive, Alhamdulillah. 
Now, I feel like I’ve just been released from the 2-week roller coaster ride. It doesn’t feel as dizzy anymore. I guess I am recovering from that emotional and spiritual rides. But then again, as I got out of this ride, I came to discover that the world that I am standing on right now is full of those rides. Perhaps that is just the 10th ride that I’ve taken and who knows how many more rides I need to take until I reach the End…to Him.
Allah knows, Allah knows. 
We may not like with what’s being given to us. We may not be comfortable with the tests and trials that await us. We may not understand what good it would do to us right now. But we have to believe. We have to remain tight on His Rope (Faith) that Allah is All-Knowing. He knows what He is doing. He knows what is Best for each of us. So please. Just do our Best, Believe, and He will take care of the Rest. InshaAllah Ta’ala.
Lessons from a Cleaner
Me to the Cleaner: “May I ask you to clean and mop the floor?”
Nenek chiming in while lying on the bed: “Yes, the other cleaner before had not done it earlier because there were many people wearing their shoes and forgot to take it off.”
Cleaner: “Sure, will do.”
Me: “I heard there were two people who just passed away.”
Cleaner: “Yes, sister. One passed away at 5:30 PM. Another, at 6:00 PM. Both were elderly people.”
Me: “Wow. How close were the times…”
Cleaner: “Yes… It was as if the Angel couldn’t stop. Once the Angel went to one room, he quickly moved to the room in front of him.”
Me: “SubhanAllah!”
- A long pause - 
Me: “Yesterday- Thursday night, the patient next door also passed away. The next day, a new patient came in.”
Cleaner: “Yes, sister. Here it is always full. Every day, there are sick people. Today, there are three rooms empty. But tomorrow it will be filled. Every day, sick people come.”
Me: “Yes…but this is only temporary. Here is Dunya. Everything will be temporary…”
Cleaner: “That is why…in this Life, we need not be full of pride. There’s something Greater.”
Me: “Yes…”
Cleaner: “Alright, I am done.”
Me: “Thank you!”
Cleaner: “You’re welcome.”
11th April 2017
Alhamdulillah, Nenek has finally been discharged today. Couldn’t be more happier. The process of recovering continues… May Allah grant us strength and patience to persevere. Aamiin.
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nikitainchains · 4 years
Poor Iqra...
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