#and our power flickered while writing it
dapperbasil · 4 months
hi I'm the main of @pretend-pretend-vampire tell me about the other love live songs you're relating to vampires please. please? please.
Happily! So with a lot of the Love Live music there is an underlying trend of romance being a theme, which works both for and against many of the songs I personally tend to lean towards when thinking about vampires and my vtm ocs in general. Of course feel free to take any of my interpretations differently, this is just my personal thoughts and I’ll drop a few songs that I relate more to vampires in general than just my ocs. Just a warning, the majority of these are gonna be Muse or Aqours and my thoughts are coming from a v20 lens. Adding a cut here because I have no idea how long I'm going to go on rambling.
No Exit Orion is a really strong contender. There’s the feelings of possessiveness you can feel from either a prospective sire or someone planning to ghoul a kine, especially with the question of if everything will disappear come morning. Big blood bond vibes out of this one as well, if you want to go that route with it.
So this one might be a bit of a strange choice and a bit more personal of an opinion, but Kowareyasuki to me gives real beast vibes. The way Guilty Kiss treats the audience as small and fragile and offers their own protection feels a lot like how a vampire’s beast attempts to manipulate or gain more and more control. Messages of them being fragile and small and whispers of letting the beast handle it, leading to frenzy when the vampire finally listens or gives in. There’s also a very possible manipulative elder/gullable fledgling vibe here as well. 
Realizing just how much Guilty Kiss is on here. Shadow Gate to Love is another one with strong romance vibes, but to me has really strong sabbat vibes. The trickery at play here, the promises of the offer only being open to the audience, the references to refusing light which while neither sect is “good”, there is something to be said about the overarching darkness of the sabbat especially with the influence of clan Lasombra.
I could go on forever, but I don’t wanna ramble. I’ll drop a few more with less explanation, if that’s okay. 
THE SECRET NiGHT and Shadow Effect both have Toreador vibes to me, I don’t know if it's because DiverDiva is such a strong duo or just my own brainworms at play. Cutie Panther is a decently obvious one, though the strong allusions to love in it might make or break the interpretation for you.
These are just the ones that come to mind most immediately that aren't catered more to my ocs or character ships, I left those off the list for the most part. There's more I could add if I really thought about it but this is already decently long.
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halfvalid · 1 year
nobody but you
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alternate title: the jealous character trope is actually kinda fun to write
rating: teen+
characters: live action!roronoa zoro | fem!reader | live action!vinsmoke sanji | live action!straw hats ensemble
pairing: live action!roronoa zoro x fem!reader
word count: 3.5k
description: sanji flirts endlessly with you while dining at the baratie. zoro is displeased.
tags: strawhat!reader, female reader, fluff, kissing, no use of 'y/n', establishment of relationship, flirting, alcohol consumption, pda
author’s note: i got like ~5 requests to write this so here you guys go! this was a popular one lmao. the story is a vague spinoff to my other fic pretty in that, but it doesn't have to be read to understand this one.
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You’d volunteered to deal with the docking fees for the Going Merry, locking up the pirate ship as the rest of the crew entered Baratie. You were just five or so minutes late entering after the restaurant the rest of the Straw Hats had gone into. You’d never seen anything like it before—an eatery right in the middle of the ocean, in the shape of a giant fish. 
You stepped into the building cautiously, glancing around the wide expanse of the main room to try and catch a glimpse of your friends. The restaurant was big, with a mezzanine that you’d entered in and stairs leading down to the first floor. The host, a fishman who was standing at the reservation desk, glanced up to take a look at you. 
“Ah, you must be with the pirates,” he said pleasantly. “Right this way, miss.” 
You nodded, wondering how Luffy was intending on paying for the bill of such a place as you scoped out the area. It was far nicer than anything you would’ve expected—but then again, he’d somehow managed to score the Going Merry from Kaya back in Syrup Village, so you figured he’d work something out. 
Finally, you caught a glimpse of the rest of your crew, tucked away in a circular side booth that the fishman led you to. Luffy brightened upon seeing you, waving you over with a hand so excitedly you feared it was about to flop around like rubber. Considering his powers, that was a more than likely situation, actually. 
“Thank you,” you told the host, then turned towards your friends. “No food yet?” 
“You didn’t miss much,” Usopp said, a little snicker in his voice. “Just the waiter getting our drink orders. He was flirting the heck outta Nami.”
“Oh?” you asked, a smile flickering up your lips. The only open space in the table was between Zoro and Nami—you gave Zoro a confused look, and he gestured down to his swords, which were caught in the ledge between the chair and the wall. You snickered. “Ro. You’re such a loser.” 
“Shut up,” Zoro muttered, hand on your waist as you climbed over him to get to the empty seat. It stayed there for a moment longer, even after you’d arranged yourself in the seat, before he finally dropped his hand. Usopp made a face that you pointedly ignored. 
“What’d you guys order?” you asked instead. If there’d been a menu available, the waiter had probably taken it away; still, there wasn’t much variety in the East Blue, so you could expect there’d be a lot of seafood and not much else. 
“One of everything,” Luffy responded brightly. “So we’ll be able to try the whole menu!” 
“You sure that’s a good idea, Cap?” you asked, brows raised. Luffy shrugged. 
“I don’t see why not.”
“Quit it with the nickname,” Zoro muttered. Neither him or Nami had gotten any more receptive to it since you’d first started calling Luffy it. Usopp didn’t seem so keen on it either—if only because he fancied himself Captain Usopp. Luffy liked it, though, and that pleased you enough to keep using it.
“I’ll get you to start saying it eventually,” you teased, nudging Zoro in the arm. He shook his head, but there was a suggestion of a smile on his lips as he glanced away. “Just you wait.” You turned to Nami, eyes sparkling. “What about the waiter, though? Was he cute?” 
Usopp laughed at that, and Nami gave you a disparaging look. “Come on,” she started. “Not you too. Zoro was all—” 
The sound of footsteps cut off her speech, and you glanced up to find a lean, blond man pausing by the lip of your table. He held a silver plate, upon which perched a variety of different drinks—beers, milk, water. “Here are your drinks,” he said, voice lifting with an accent you couldn’t quite place. “And appetizers.” 
He had just finished placing the last of the drinks balancing on his forearm on the table when the waiter glanced up and registered you sitting there. His expression instantly changed, the crease of his mouth softening into a pleasant smile, his previously-dull blue eyes bright and sparkling. “Well, hello there. An addition?” 
“Yeah, sorry I’m late,” you said. The waiter flashed a grin, white ivories shining under the fluorescents.  
“Oh, absolutely no problem. They say those who are late are fashionable, and you, madam, certainly fit the bill,” the waiter said. Your eyes widened, glancing over to Nami to find her shaking her head, but the waiter didn’t stop there. “I’m Sanji. What can I get for you to drink? We’ve got a wide selection of fine wines that might suit your taste.” 
“Oh, um—” you started, glancing at the rest of your crew again. Usopp was hiding his snicker, and Nami was giving you a tired look. Assumedly this had been the man who’d tried it on her, too—to unfortunate ends, probably, considering how Nami was. Not that this would be any more effective on you. Your eye was already captured by a particular green-haired swordsman, after all. “I don’t really have anything in mind.”
Sanji looked pleased about that, clasping his hands together around his platter. “Ah, let me guess, then. A bayberry or red currant wine, perhaps? Fruity, tart, full of flavor.” he winked. “A feisty drink for a feisty girl.” 
“Can’t say I’ve tried it, but sure,” you said, the faintest smile on your lips. “I’ll let you know how I like it.” 
Sanji grinned, looking rather satisfied with that, a delighted little smile on his lips. “One red currant wine, then. I’ll have it right out. And would you also like to order a meal, or…” He glanced over at Luffy, presumably referencing your captain’s more-than-outrageous order. “Are you all set?” 
“I think we’re set, thanks,” you assured, and Sanji nodded. He flashed you another bright smile before turning on his heel back off to the kitchen. 
Usopp finally let out the laughter he’d been keeping in, choked sounds emitting from his throat as he thudded his chest with a fist. You rolled your eyes, but it was good-natured, letting Usopp laugh. 
“Well, at least I’m not being singled out,” Nami said with a sigh, and you exchanged a sympathetic glance with her. She patted your hand comfortingly, then scrutinized the water Sanji had gotten her. “At least he didn’t put it in a flute.” 
“Zoro, you’ve got competition!” Usopp called, still laughing from the entire ordeal. You glanced to your side, to where the swordsman sat. Zoro had stiffened sometime during the conversation, jaw clenched and arms wound tightly across his chest. He hadn’t even touched the beer that Sanji had set in front of him, eyes fixed carefully to a spot beside Luffy’s head and refusing to look over at you. 
“He’s a waiter,” Zoro said crisply. “He buses tables for a living.” With that, he grabbed his bottle, popping the tab and taking a swig. 
“I don’t know, man, did you see the way he took down those pirates?” Usopp turned to you, all excited again. “Oh, you missed this whole thing! Two pirates were fighting over a seat or something, and Sanji just demolished both of them! You would’ve loved it.” 
“He is a really good fighter,” Luffy agreed. Their words did nothing but seem to annoy Zoro further. 
“Can we not talk about the restaurant personnel? Surely you can think of more interesting topics of conversation.” His tone was sharp, and all icy, and you inched your hand closer to his leg to tap his thigh in question. He glanced down at your touch, but didn’t deign to say anything else. He just picked up his beer again, nursing it while the rest of the crew continued on with their conversation. 
Despite Luffy changing the subject, Zoro didn’t speak, and you kept peeking glances over at him in concern. Your feelings for him had just continued developing ever since Syrup Village, although neither of you had reasonably talked about the closet incident since it’d happened. What with the reveal of Kuro and the escape from the marines and all, there hadn’t exactly been time to. But you’d been on good terms, and the actions he made around you—pressing a hand to your waist as you moved past him, turning towards you first mid-conversation, shoving you down when the marines had fired their first cannon at the Going Merry. 
Before you could whisper to him and question what his silence was about, though, Sanji reappeared, carrying two platters filled to the brim with plates. They were laden with different types of meat and vegetables, sauces glinting under the light and hot steam still billowing. 
He set the dishes on the table, somehow managing to arrange them so they all fit on the countertop. Sanji set down the last plate then turned to you, placing a glass and a bottle of dark crimson wine on the table in front of you. He had to lean over Zoro to reach, and Zoro flinched, but still didn’t say anything as Sanji uncorked the bottle and poured you a glass. 
“Tell me what you think,” he said, all smiles again. “I’ll be embarrassed if it isn’t to your liking.”
You picked the glass up, swirling it carefully inside the glass before leaning down into the cup to take in a full sniff. You tilted your head back to take a small sip, moving the liquid around your mouth to fully savor the flavor before finally swallowing. The wine was sweet, light rather than rich with a delicate tartness that burst on your tongue. You glanced up just to see a giant grin had stretched up Sanji’s mouth, brightening his face up considerably. 
“What?” you asked. 
“Not often do I see a patron who knows how to taste wine properly,” Sanji answered with a little duck of his head. “A lady of class, I see. How do you like it?” 
“Not too strong. I like the tartness,” you answered. “A good recommendation. Thank you.” 
Sanji gave you a little bow, hand flourishing to the side as he dipped his head. “I live to serve.” 
“Yeah, well, why don’t you serve me another beer?” Zoro said abruptly. Usopp coughed, and you could see Nami elbow him out of your peripheral vision. Luffy just looked confused. 
Sanji’s face fell almost immediately after Zoro had spoken, his eyes flickering away from yours. “Of course. I’ll be right back,” he said, a tight smile at his lips. He ducked out of the booth, and Zoro let out an irritated noise, tongue flicking against from the roof of his mouth. 
Usopp snorted, fully this time, and you turned to glance over at him—he and Nami were both hiding their gazes, though you could see smiles cracked along their lips. 
Zoro glared at them. “Shut it.” 
“Not saying anything!” Usopp said, though he half-hid behind Luffy like Zoro was going to lunge over the table to get to him. That didn’t seem… entirely unlikely, actually; Zoro’s right hand rested firmly on the handle of one of his swords, fingers ready to pull the blade at any second. You watched him out of the corner of your eye, wanting to say something. But not in front of everyone else. It wouldn’t be appropriate, you decided. 
Eventually your meal wound down to an end. Zoro got less and less tense throughout it, though you were fairly certain that was due to the drinks he was having rather than any actual reassurance. Sanji, thankfully, came back with the bill in the middle of a conversation you really didn’t want to think about—Luffy and his marine grandfather was not something your mind wanted to dwell on—only for him to disappear again. 
Just moments later, a man with a braided mustache came storming out of the kitchen. Luffy did some more of his Luffy nonsense, and, honestly—you were getting too tired about all of this to pay any close attention. You spared a glance over at Zoro again. His face was as blank as ever.  
“Okay,” Usopp said slowly, a few delayed seconds after who’d undoubtedly been the head chef yanked Luffy out of his seat. “I’m ready to check out whatever’s outside. Let’s go.” 
“What about Luffy?” you asked, perplexed. 
“He’ll find his way out of that,” Nami said with a sigh. She stood up, knocking back the rest of her drink. Since she wasn’t exactly wrong, you got up, glancing over your shoulder at the last of the group that remained seated. “Zoro?” 
Zoro was staring into his now-empty bottle of beer. He still seemed off, the line of his mouth creased downwards, jaw set tight. “Yeah,” he said finally, standing to his full height and slipping out of the booth. He offered you a hand, helping you down from your seat, but said nothing more. 
The four of you headed out to the mouth of the Baratie fish, which boasted a bar decorated with neon lights. You found a place to sit by the fish’s bottom lip, and you turned in your seat, staring out at the sea. The water was dark with the night, peaceful ripples moving across the water that sent shimmering waves across the blue. 
“I’m gonna get a drink,” Usopp said. “Come, Nami?” 
“Huh?” Nami glanced up, and you turned to watch the exchange. “Oh, I’m okay, Usopp. Thanks, though.” 
“No,” Usopp insisted, a smile still pasted on his face as he jerked his head, not very discreetly, in your and Zoro’s direction. Nami seemed to realize, then, eyes going wide before she got up from her seat. 
“Actually, on second thought, I’ll join you,” she said, far smoother than Usopp had been. “God knows you don’t have any money to pay for a drink.”
She breezed past him, ignoring the offended gape Usopp left in her wake before he was scrambling to follow her. You turned your attention towards Zoro—he was lounging in the seat across from you, one hand on his swords with his legs crossed. “Hi,” you said carefully. 
He stiffened. “Hey.” 
You pursed your lips, mulling over the ways to go about the conversation before ultimately deciding to spit it out. “What’s wrong?” At his raised brow, you were prompted to continue— “During dinner. You were acting weird.”
Zoro shook his head, dropping his gaze from yours. You could see the faintest trace of freckles spattered along his cheeks, the yellow glow from the lanterns reflecting off his skin. “Nothing’s wrong. Just… the waiter.”
“The waiter,” you repeated. Zoro shifted, legs uncrossing and hand tightening around his swords again. His voice was low the next time he spoke, and you could barely hear him, having to lean forward to catch all of his words.
“He was flirting with you.” 
Your breath hitched, but you tried to keep your tone casual. “He was flirting with Nami too,” you said, glancing up to meet his eyes. Zoro still wouldn’t meet your gaze, staring out into the East Blue behind you. 
“That’s different.” Zoro’s eyes finally lifted, long eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks as you met eyes. You shivered, gooseflesh suddenly prickling up everywhere on your skin—the back of your neck, up your spine, down your arms and legs. “I don’t like Nami.” 
You tilted your head to the side, meeting his gaze. The words sent a little rush through you; a rush you got practically every time Zoro looked in your direction, actually, which was only a little bit annoying. The amount of influence a man you’d known for, comparatively, not that long had over you had you rolling your eyes all the time, but… you trusted Zoro at this point, as uncooperative as he and Nami had been throughout your entire journey. 
“You’re jealous of a waiter.” 
“Don’t—” Zoro sighed. “Don’t put it like that.” 
“But it’s true. You’re jealous of a waiter,” you said, unblinking. Zoro rolled his eyes, teeth resting along his lower lip in an almost-bite. You snickered, tone sloping upwards to become more teasing, almost sarcastic. “How the mighty have fallen. From me practically begging you to say I looked nice in a dress to this.” 
“Okay, that’s enough,” Zoro said, uncrossing his legs to lean over and press his hand over your mouth. You laughed, surprised, as he leaned over you, eyes sparkling at the reaction. “Not another word.” 
He removed his hand, giving you a look. You betrayed his trust almost immediately. “Of a waiter.” 
“Do you want me to put the hand back?” Zoro threatened, but you were full-on laughing by now, and he couldn’t do anything but watch. The sounds escaped from your mouth, ringing out in soft, lively hiccups. He shook his head, hand falling to his side as he watched you, a ghost of a smile tugging up the side of his mouth. 
“Sorry, Ro,” you said, unable to suppress your grin even as your laughter died off. “It’s a little funny, you have to admit.” 
“I’d like to hear you talk if someone was flirting with me,” Zoro muttered, so quiet you could barely hear. You had to stifle another laugh. 
“Okay, well, unlike you, I don’t get territorial over people I haven’t even talked about my relationship with, but I appreciate it.” You nudged him. “It’s kinda cute.”
Zoro seemed lost in the first half of your sentence, and you could practically see the cogs whirring in his head. For a moment, you were worried that the closet had been a one-time thing—but no, he’d mentioned just earlier that he liked you, so clearly something else was the matter. 
Your worries were answered in just another moment. “...We’re supposed to talk about our relationship?”
“Zoro.” You gave him a look of disbelief, forced to suppress another laugh, though this time it was out of incredulity. “Yes. Have you ever dated anyone before?” 
Zoro made a face at that. “Keeping that to myself, thanks.” He dropped his chin, glancing down at where you were, still leaning over you so you were forced to crane your neck to stare up at him. He tilted his head to the side. “So what kind of talking are we supposed to be doing?” 
“You know, the establishment of being exclusive; a cementation of our feelings; what the relationship entails; where we want it to go…” You paused, watching as his eyes flickered down your face. Your words were going in one ear and out the other. “You’re not listening at all, huh.” 
“Not really,” Zoro said, not sounding very apologetic about it. His free hand came to cup the underside of your jaw, tilting your head up just so. “Is the talking really that necessary?” 
You shrugged, trying to keep your cool. “Eventually.” 
“Eventually,” he repeated, stretching out the syllables of the word as he quoted you. “So we can do it another day.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to hide your smile. “What were you thinking?”
Zoro was slotting his lips over yours before you could say another word, his fingers digging into the hinge of your jaw to allow him better access. You smiled into the kiss, lips curling upwards and open to let him lick into your mouth. 
It wasn’t too risqué, but Zoro took your breath away all the same, an appreciative murmur low in his throat as he kissed you. One of your hands wrapped around his wrist, tugging him insistently downwards so you could get a better angle at his mouth, sucking gently at his lower lip. He nearly stumbled, losing his center of gravity before steadying himself, one hand coming to rest on your ribcage as the kiss deepened. 
“Guys!” Usopp’s voice came somewhere from the right, high-pitched and excessively scandalized. You felt Zoro scoff into your mouth.
“You realize you’re in public, right?” Nami deadpanned, plopping down in the seat next to you. You nudged Zoro’s head away, his hand still on your jaw, half-craned over your figure. Nami looked unimpressed, eyes flickering from Zoro to you and back again. “Get a room. Go back to the Going Merry for all I care.” She extended a hand, placing a mug of beer on the table before you before handing you a matching one. “I got you drinks. You’re welcome.” 
“Thanks,” you said, leaning up to press one final kiss on Zoro’s lips before turning to take the glass Nami had outstretched. Usopp groaned, covering his eyes with one hand and lifting a giant cup of something with the other. It was so big you wondered how he’d even been able to carry it. You eyed him. “You’re going to pass out drinking that.” 
Usopp made a face at you. You just laughed. 
“Sorted out your issues with the waiter, then?” Nami asked, turning to fix a knowing look on Zoro. He rolled his eyes, effortless as ever as he settled back down into his seat. 
“Still don’t like the waiter.” 
“You’re ridiculous,” you said, and Zoro scoffed, picking up the mug Nami had gotten him. You could see the smile behind the glass rim, though, even as he clearly tried to hide it, and matched it with one of your own. 
Zoro ducked his head to smile into his beer. Usopp made a gagging sound. “God,” Nami muttered, but their criticisms might as well have been deaf to your ears by then. 
All you could see was Zoro. 
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© halfvalid 2023
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qwimblenorrisstan · 2 months
Glimmering Shadows | Azriel x Reader
Summary: While visiting Spring Court on political business with Rhys, Azriel meets you, a Faerie with little glimmering sparks that help you in the same way his shadows help him, and he decides that visiting you a few more times afterwards couldn’t hurt.
Word Count: ~ 1.8k
Warnings: None!
A/N: This was so cute to write, hope you enjoy<3
Requests are open!
Masterlist | Next
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It had been an ordinary visit to Spring Court, Rhysand arriving with only Azriel flanking his right side. Cassian was off in Windhaven, probably about to bite Devlon’s head off, per usual.
Spring Court had shaped up since Tamlin had gotten himself together. The Court was working better now, still recovering from the war like many were, but after a few changes and adjustments to the system and ruling, the citizens seemed happier, the land and economy thriving, and most of the houses were put back together from the previous damage. Azriel’s shadows surveyed the area around them while Rhys walked to Tamlin’s manor, it also being freshly restored it seemed.
They entered, a slightly tense welcoming from the Fae at the door, before walking in, only to meet Tamlin, seeming unhappy as ever to see the High Lord of Night, gesture them to follow and led them into his office. The house was made primarily of wood and vines, with delicate colored windows that, when the sun hit them, portrayed wonderful patterns of flowers and vines shining onto the floor.
The office had a few windows open that were quickly shut by vines, those of which moved on their own, it seemed. The desk was made of what looked to be expensive wood in a deep chestnut color, bookshelves coating the wall to the left, a large map of Prythian on the right, and underneath it a map of Spring Court in personal detail. Tamlin was freshly shaven, his blond hair silky and shimmering as it flowed down, his green eyes clear, clothes ironed and expensive as any other ruler’s.
Try as he might, the son of Spring could never acquire the same casual power as Rhysand. Azriel knew that for sure.
That was when he felt it. A small feeling of something flickering, and going out, before a shadow slithered back up to him, seeming agitated. Tamlin noticed, eyes narrowing.
“I’d rather our discussion stay private.”
His voice, carefully neutral to Rhys, said. A pair of violet eyes glanced back at the shadowsinger, before Rhys gave a casual shrug, and Azriel, knowing what that meant, promptly left the room and began wandering the manor. He felt it again. More flickering, then the shadows returned to him despite his repeated attempts to make them go back out. They were agitated, but wouldn’t tell him what was wrong, it made him wonder what it could be.
Nothing around the manor seemed to be causing it, though the bugs that made his skin itch were annoying. He huffed, exiting the manor, only for his mind to promptly be told something.
‘Don’t go too far. Wouldn’t want Tamlin thinking you’re spying on his precious bug-infested land.’
The smug voice of his High Lord rang out in his mind, before retreating as quickly as it had come. A few of the servants, mostly lesser Fae, glanced at him as he passed. Some with wonder, some with fear. However, the closer he got to the area where all his shadows that had been had gone out, he found one female who only looked at him with amused curiosity.
It was a bit far into the woods, trees in hues of deep amethyst purple and a light shimmering pink hanging down like a curtain, he pushed them aside, met with an area with long grass and blooming flowers, and you, the female sitting on the somehow-not-rotting fallen tree that was hollowed out, holding the tiniest little bunny he’d ever seen.
As soon as he’d caught sight of you, the bunny had hopped off, his attention now directly on you. There were tiny little sparks around you, but when he looked closer it seemed more like globs of see-through glitter, like a toddler’s art project come to life through the shimmering pieces of what he could’ve imagined as pixie dust surrounding you. Not to mention the wings, nothing like his own, yours being thin and delicate, shaped like a butterfly’s, with a rich hue of translucent colors. A rare species of Spring Court faeries had such wings, most choosing to hide them from sight, as you promptly did when seeing him, the delicate appendages slowly fading from view.
He’d been staring.
“Who are you?”
He asked with a mild frown, you raised a brow, an amused smile on your face. The gesture sent an odd aching feeling in his chest flaring up that he tried to shove down.
“I’m guessing you’re the one who’s been sending all those shadows?”
You asked, completely ignoring his question. He sighed through his nose.
“You’re the one that's been putting them out?”
He asked with a knowing tone, shadows darting out from him to meet your little tiny pixie pieces, both warring against each other as they intertwined, some shadows sending the glittery things back to you, some of your sparks sending his dark, shadowy creatures back to him. It was almost as if they were playing.
“That would be me, yes. What’s your name, … shadowy figure?”
You asked, and he then realized that he was cloaked in the shadows that had returned to him, making him look like a splotchy black figure in this Court’s bright light. No wonder the servants had been giving him weird looks.
“Azriel. And yours, pixie-dust?”
You giggled a bit at the name, finding it amusing. He found it odd how much he liked hearing and making you laugh.
“Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Azriel.”
You said with a small smile, offering a hand to shake in greeting. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had offered him a hand besides maybe Elain, and even she’d been scared of him at first. He took your hand, suddenly feeling self-conscious about the scarring that coated his calloused hands, compared to your soft, gentle ones.
“A..pleasure to meet you as well.”
He replied, cautiously watching you, the way you held yourself. A hint of recognition entered your gaze as you examined him further.
“Oh! You’re that Spymaster, aren’t you? Night Court?”
You then asked, and he internally cringed at the fact that the only reason you knew him was because of his occupation that involved slaughtering and torturing people, not to mention spying.
Before he could even finish his sentence, you continued talking. You were very talkative and friendly. It was almost overwhelming, but he found that he liked it, surprisingly.
“That’s what those shadows are for, like little spies, I’m guessing? My little pixies work the same way, they just run around and help me with things, it’s honestly —“
He stood there, listening to you talk before he was pulled to sit down by his shadows next to you on the log. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, listening to you rattle on and on first about your nieces then your one nephew who would always sneak out of his crib, or your mom who still treated you like you were a little girl despite you being at least a few centuries old….
‘Someone’s lovesick~’
A certain High Lord’s voice in his head called out, and though Azriel wanted to deny it, he knew better.
He was an absolute goner.
He’d been looking for any excuse to see you, honestly. Even lying straight to Cassian’s face about why he’d missed training. The truth? He’d been flying to Spring Court, visiting you.
It had become a real problem, honestly, how distracted he was because of you. Even on missions he couldn’t stop thinking of your smile, how he loved listening to you speak about things you loved, like the flowers and flora of your homeland, or the way you’d showed him your delicate little wings after his first few times visiting you. A few months passed, and his little crush hadn’t gone yet, in fact, it had blossomed into something much more than a crush, and the others were starting to notice.
“What’s got you so distracted lately, Az?”
Cassian’s confused but intrigued voice rang out from in front of him where they sparred, iron clanging against iron, bodies moving in a dance of death they’d practiced too many times before.
He said simply, shaking his head. Cassian only laughed, a sound that only reminded him of you, and your —
And then he was on the floor, Cassian’s sword at his throat as he grinned triumphantly.
“What’s her name?”
His annoying brother asked in a teasing and knowing tone, Azriel only huffed, getting back up and dusting his leathers off.
It wasn’t anything serious, he told himself.
Even when he found himself flying hundreds of miles to go see you again that very same night, he found you on the windowsill of your house, watching the sky with a sleepy smile. He landed silently, walking closer to you and stepping on a twig on purpose, so he wouldn’t frighten you. Your gaze snapped over to him, and you beamed, getting off of your windowsill in a smooth motion to pull him into a warm hug, a gesture he always melted into.
“Do your wings not get sore from all that flying?”
You asked him, separating only enough to look at him. He smiled, barely, but any sort of smile from him was enough to make you happy.
“It’s worth it, for you.”
He replied before his lips curled into a more genuine grin.
“Though maybe you should come visit sometime.”
He suggested, tone joking but also with a hint of actual meaning. He’d talked about his home, Night Court, to you before, and tried getting you to come visit it or even just let him fly you over it, but you’d always denied it.
“What would I tell my family? They wouldn’t support me with you, and-“
That was when it happened, when your eyes met, his pleading, yours empathetic, when it snapped right into place. Everything was warm despite the cold chill of the night, and the breeze as it blew past. Both of your eyes widened, the only sounds being that of the leaves rustling for a few moments, but you both knew what had happened.
Before you could get a word out, his lips were against yours, yours against his, both savoring the feeling of finally crossing that final bridge and letting each other feel. Your little pixies danced with his shadows that night, in harmony for one moment, despite being the opposite of each other.
When you finally separated, he smiled, full this time of warmth and happiness.
“Does this mean you can come visit now?”
He asked, and you only laughed despite the tears in your eyes, and the ones in his, and pulled him closer into another kiss.
He’d be lucky if you ever weren’t visiting now.
Part 2
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junkdrawerfics · 10 months
hiya! could you write a jasper fic where the reader meets the major? i'm obsessed with how you write for jasper 🥺
A Major Moment
Summary: Takes place in Breaking Dawn, when all the covens show up to be witnesses for the Cullens. Jasper is worried about you being around so many vampires, especially when he starts to feel like he's losing control. When an incident does occur, the Major steps in to save the day. But you have no clue what's happening.
Words: 2456
Note: I'm alive! And writing again. This work gave me so much trouble before I took my break, but I'm pretty happy with it! I hope you like it, thank you for the request!
“I don’t like you bein’ here,” Jasper murmurs stiffly, leaning against the doorway to your shared room.
“I know, Jazz, but I’m worried about what’ll happen if I’m not here.” You pull on your coat, turning to meet his concerned gaze. It makes you soften and you give him a gentle smile, “You think I haven’t noticed how tense you’ve been lately, huh mister?”
Jasper’s lips press into a thin line, a wrinkle forming between his brows. Of course you noticed. 
It started the moment Alice had the vision of the Volturi coming for their family. He felt it, in the back of his mind. That slight pull. The need to feel in control. Him. 
Jasper was used to it. He had plenty of practice holding him back, only letting the edges fray enough to help. Like when they fought the newborn army, or when the two of you and Alice had fled with Bella from the hunter. He could control it. He had to.
You were never meant to meet that part of him, the one with stained hands and war-driven convictions. You were too soft for that side of him, too…breakable. So Jasper did everything in his power to keep him out of it, locked away deep in the recesses of his mind.
But then their allies started to appear and something shifted. The pull turned into a dull pressure in his chest, like a beast pressing at the bars of its cage. Snarling, vicious, protective. He could feel it as he watched you interact with them, oblivious to the danger, the hunger he could feel radiating from all of them. It set his teeth grinding.
“You shouldn’t trust ‘em, darlin,” the blond warns you, voice almost a growl.
“They’re our allies, Jazz,” you remind him softly, curling your arms around his waist. The vampire is tense, tenser than usual. You prop your chin against his chest, wide eyes squinting. “Plus I have you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but they’re all pretty intimidated by you. They won’t try anything.”
That does give him a strange sense of satisfaction. While he considers most of these people friends, he knows that he won’t be able to control himself if one of them touches you. The family had made it clear. You’re off limits. Every human in Forks is off limits. Still-
“Hey.” You pinch his ribs, making Jasper jump. Those gold eyes flicker back down to you questioningly. You shake your head, giggling, “Stop worrying! I’m fine, they’re fine, everything will turn out okay. You can relax, Jazz, I’m safe.”
The stiffness lasts for only a few moments before Jasper gives in and leans down to press a kiss to your forehead. He’s always had trouble resisting you, especially when you radiate such warmth. There’s no doubt, no hesitation in your emotions. Just complete and utter certainty in him.
The beast goes quiet, if only for a moment.
A moment that disappears as soon as you join the covens downstairs.
The room is tense, filled with quiet, murmured conversations. They’re all on edge. Though they were all asked to come only to be witnesses before the Volturi, the expectation of a battle still hangs over the house.
You flicker among them, sparking conversation, making jokes, trying to just lighten the mood. It’s the least you can do to help. And this way you don’t feel so useless. If it does come down to a fight, that is exactly what you’ll be. You’re only human after all.
Jasper lingers along the wall, never taking his eyes off of you. 
It’s in moments like this he wishes he could turn his ability off. Every anxiety, every twitch of impatience, the collection of unspoken concern, he feels it all. It’s like walking through a fog so thick you can barely see. It's suffocating.
And he can feel him again. Prowling along the edges of his mind. Looking for just the right moment to-
A sharp gasp makes Jasper flinch. The smell of blood, your blood, hits him, and for a split second, his focus falters.
Enough for his control to slip.
You can barely process it.
One moment, you’re clutching your bleeding hand to your chest, fear freezing you to the ground as you watch a man lunge for you, teeth bared in a snarl.
The next moment, that same man is crashing through the wall of windows, the sound of shattering glass ringing through the air. The whole room goes dead silent.
Jasper stands in his place, drawing back to his full height, face a mask of impassivity, eyes alight with a rage that makes everyone recoil. It pours off of him, fills the room like the static before the storm. 
Your breath freezes in your lungs when he turns to you. It feels like one wrong move could set him off. On what? You don’t know. But you stay stock still as his eyes trace over you slowly. They catch on the blood oozing out between your fingers, the ones you desperately press against your wound. Something dark flashes across his face, his jaw clenching.
Your heart lurches to your throat, wariness and confusion flooding your chest. His voice is deeper than you’ve ever heard it, accent thicker. An alarm goes off in your head.
When you don’t move, though, Jasper reaches for your arm, grip just shy of bruising.
“I said - upstairs.”
Before you can even get a word out, he’s dragging you in that direction, so fast you can barely keep up without stumbling. Glancing to the Cullens, you silently beg for some kind of help. You have no clue what’s going on. But the family just watches on as if they’ve seen this all before. Except Bella, who looks just as confused as you feel.
Your attention is forced back to staying upright when you reach the stairs. Jasper doesn’t slow down for even a second, not until you reach your room and he practically throws you inside. In an instant, you’re backed against a wall, his tall frame eclipsing yours.
“Show me,” he demands, voice low, barely restrained.
“What?” You squeak, eyes wide, heart racing. Something’s wrong.
“Show me your hand.”
You tighten your hold unconsciously. Panic grips you like a noose around your lungs. 
“I don’t- I don’t think that’s a good idea, Jazz,” you croak out. There’s too much blood.
Jasper’s eyes narrow, “And I don’t appreciate repeatin’ myself, sugar.”
Flinching, you instantly offer him your hand. Even if it’s a bad idea, you don’t want to test this side of him. Something tells you that he could force you to if he wanted to and this is him being nice. 
You hold your breath when he takes your wrist, waiting for whatever’s going to happen next. Jasper’s never had an easy time controlling himself around your blood. You’ve worked on it, but this is too much, too sudden and you can’t help but brace for more pain.
But the seconds tick by and…nothing. You peek an eye open slowly. The blond moves with practiced ease, checking your pulse, carefully examining the edges of the gash, as if the blood isn’t even there.
Something’s different. Everything’s different. How he holds himself, the way he dragged you up here, his voice. And his eyes. It’s hard to not stare at them. Their usual gold depths are dark as amber, still burning with something completely violent, bloody and crimson and unnervingly calm. 
You’ve never once seen Jasper like this.
“What’s going on Jazz?” You ask, voice pitching up.
The vampire pauses, hard gaze flickering up to yours. You almost flinch, instincts screaming at you that being at the center of this man’s attention is dangerous. It feels like any moment that rage could turn on you, like a wolf, bloody maw ready to clamp around your neck.
“Are you scared, darlin’?” His voice is a low rumble, softer than before, but still rough, dark.
Swallowing thickly, you look down at your hands, head spinning. He quickly covers the cut on your palm, careful not to touch it, but keeping it from your eyes, as if he knows the sight of blood makes you dizzy. It’s at odds with everything else about him right now and it makes you think that your Jasper must still be there somewhere. The worst of your nerves fizzle out.
“I don’t know,” you whisper eventually, and his eyes narrow, “I don’t- I don’t understand what’s going on, or why you’re acting different, but I don’t think you’re trying to scare me. So..so, no, I don’t want to be.”
The man hums, lips pursing into a thin line as he goes back to examining your palm, “No tellin’ if that’s foolishness or courage.”
“Maybe both.” Your voice is still shaking. Taking a deep breath, you try again with a different question, “So who are you? Cause I don’t think you’re Jasper, at least not completely.”
He doesn’t respond immediately. Instead, you watch as he steps back, disappearing into the bathroom for only a moment before reappearing with your first aid kit, the one you keep here for emergencies. With that same, practiced ease, the blond pulls out the supplies he needs and starts cleaning your wound.
“Most call me Major Whitlock.”
You hiss as he swipes alcohol over the cut. It stings almost as much as the wound itself, scattering your thoughts. The Major mumbles an apology, but doesn’t pause in his movements. It’s methodical, how he cleans it, applies some ointment, and then bandages it. Like he’s done it be-
His words finally process in your mind. Major Whitlock. Jasper told you about him once, back when you first asked him about his scars. The man he was before you, before the Cullens. The man he had to be to deal with all that death. The Major.
“I never thought I’d meet you,” you murmur, all but forgetting your apprehension in the wave of curiosity that washes over you. 
“He never wanted you to,” the Major replies stiffly, taping off the wrap, “He’s scared I’ll hurt you.”
Brow furrowing, you glance down at your bandaged hand. It’s perfectly done and you can barely feel any more pain. Thanks to him.
“I can’t see why he’d think that,” you hum, head tilting, “You don’t seem all that dangerous to me.”
Wrong thing to say.
A sharp, unexpected tug on your wrist makes you squeak. The Major draws you flush to his chest, close enough that you can see the flecks of molten gold in his eyes and feel his cool breath against your face. It makes you freeze, hands trapped between your bodies, unable to do anything as he leans down, lips tauntingly close to yours.
“You shouldn’t be so naive, sugar,” he drawls, voice a low rasp. “You wouldn’t think so kindly of me if you knew what’s goin’ through my mind.”
Like how he wishes he had ripped the arms off the man downstairs for even thinking about touching you. Or how the scent of your blood makes him want to pin you against the wall and sink his teeth into your neck. He wants to know if you taste as cloyingly sweet as you smell. 
“I’m still not scared of you,” you whisper, blinking up at him with wide, doe-ish eyes, cheeks painted a tempting shade of red. “I know you won’t hurt me, Major.”
You trust him. He can feel it radiating from you, soft and warm and simple. It makes something violently possessive curl in the Major’s chest. You were right, after all. He would do anything to protect you, like a feral dog at your heel - loyal even if it killed him. He and Jasper could agree on that, as much as he might not want to admit it.
“You really are somethin’, sugar,” he muses, grip softening. There was no point in trying to scare you any further. You were a stubbornly sweet thing.
You offer him a shy smile, “Thank you. And thanks for saving me.”
The Major nods. “It was my pleasure.” 
He pauses, lips pursing. You watch as his gaze flickers over your face, something you can't pinpoint crossing his features. Then-
“Can I kiss you, sugar?”
You almost laugh. It’s a ridiculous question at this point, but it’s just so Jasper that you can’t help but grin. Guess he’s always been like this.
“If you want,” you hum.
And he does.
It’s not like any of the kisses you’ve shared before, not soft or gentle. Jasper has always been too scared of hurting you, but the Major holds onto you like a starving man. He pulls you impossibly closer, fingers threading through your hair to tilt your head just the right way. It’s hard and insistent but still achingly tender and perfect.
You’re left breathless when he pulls away. Not too far though. He rests his forehead against yours, taking the moment to focus on the sound of your heart and the comforting warmth of your touch. It softens the snarling creature that he’s meant to be.
You can feel the shift. The way his touch turns gentle, hands shifting to hold your jaw, thumb brushing over your cheeks. You can practically feel the concern that fills his gaze.
“Hey Jazz,” you breathe out softly.
He doesn’t respond. You glance up at him, amusement flickering in your chest at the perplexed look on his face. There’s your Jasper.
“I’m fine, Jazz,” you insist. It’s easy to tell exactly what he’s thinking. The vampire frowns, glancing at the bandage covering your hand. Right. You correct yourself, “I’m fine now. The Major saved me and bandaged me up. Good as new.”
You wiggle your fingers, just to show him. It stings a little, but not nearly as much as before. 
“He did a good job, almost as good as Carlisle!”
“He-” Jasper stops, swallows. “I didn’t hurt you?”
“No. Nothing happened.” You wrap your arms around his waist. It’s just like before. He holds himself stiff for a moment, fighting between the urge to relax or push you away to a safe distance. But he still can’t resist you. Not now. Not ever.
The tension drips from his shoulders. Jasper curls an arm around you, voice muffled as he tucks his face into your hair, “Sorry if I scared you, darlin’. I should’ve known that would happen. I just want you safe.”
“I know,” you hum, “And I wasn’t scared. Not really. Though, the Major sure has his own way of doing things. Charming guy, really.”
You can feel Jasper smile into your hair, “You really are something, darlin.”
“That’s what he said!”
You cannot convince me that the Major is not still a gentleman at his core! He's a bit rough from his time with Maria, but he was such a kind man before that. I will die on this hill.
Anyways! Hope you guys liked it! I might be a bit rusty, but feel free to send in requests! I'm excited to write for y'all again.
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little-diable · 5 months
Who prays for Satan? - Priest!Tom Riddle (smut)
This isn't our usual dark!Tom, he's still fucked up, but not as dark as the other priest fics. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Priest Riddle is the reader's theology professor, a man she has always found herself interested in, but things escalate when she joins his church for her internship.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, guided masturbation (f), spanking, forced confession, smut in a church/in a confessional, choking, degrading, unaddressed age gap, power play, professor x student, religious connotations
Pairing: Priest!Prof!Tom Riddle x fem!student!reader (about 3k words)
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"Please remember that you only have time until Friday to tell me, where you will do your internship. Have a good week, and don’t forget the essays, please.” The sounds of students hastily rising to their feet echoed through the room, but while some were desperate to leave, getting away from the professor who looked like God’s finest creation, but spoke like the Devil himself, others were desperate to catch his attention with bland questions he found himself annoyed by. 
“(Y/n), do you have a moment?” His voice drew her closer, past the group of students who looked at her with hate swimming in their pupils. She didn’t look at them as she walked past them, coming to a halt in front of the tall man with a soft smile glued to her lips. “Walk with me.”
Neither of them spared the others another glance as he strode out in the hallway, expecting her to follow him. It wasn’t the first class of his (y/n) was visiting, and it probably wouldn’t be the last, as she found herself awfully drawn towards the priest, who had taken on a few theology classes at their university. Something about him was different. Something she couldn’t let go of, no matter how hard she tried to. 
“I knew you’d turn in your essay days before the others would even begin writing it, but I was pleasantly surprised by your work this week. It was smart of you to use the famous Mark Twain quote: “But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?” It always stuck with me.”
“Thank you, Professor Riddle. You once told me how much you think of this quote, so it only felt right to use it for this week’s focus on sinning.” The throaty chuckle rumbling through him left her feeling surprised, not used to seeing him this giddy. His smile didn’t waver, not as they came to a halt in front of his office, not as he guided her inside, not as they plopped down on their designated seats. 
“Your essay isn’t the reason for this chat, though. I was thinking of what you said to me, and I decided that you can join my church for your internship. But I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell others I’m allowing you to do this, I never give out internships, and I’m only taking you on because I know how dedicated and smart you are.” Heat rose in her system, crawling up her throat to force (y/n) to avert her gaze. She had been desperate to find a church to join, not wanting to spend her internship as a simple office help, she needed practice, something to help her figure out what she actually wanted to do with her life.
“I highly appreciate this, thank you, professor. I promise, I won’t make you regret your choice.” Her eyes flickered back to his piercing ones, instantly sucked into his mesmerizing grasp. He was like a siren, luring her into his trap to feast on her darkening thoughts – thoughts she hadn’t been able to shake ever since meeting the tall priest. 
“I know you won’t, (y/n). You will start Sunday morning to join me for the first service of the day, and then we can go through your task for the upcoming two weeks.” 
“Professor?” Her voice hallowed through the empty church. It was still dark out, an early morning she had struggled to adjust to, and yet her nerves had managed to get her out of bed, finding her way towards these holy halls. Her sneakers met the ground as (y/n) walked up to the altar, letting her fingertips dance over the cold marble, appreciating the grounding sensation she was instantly taken over by. 
“You’re early.” Professor Riddle's raspy voice made her jump, she had been too distracted by her surroundings to hear him approach, slowly turning towards him with wide eyes. He was wearing his black signature suit, paired with the white collar she’d see in her darkest moments, making heat pool between her thighs. 
(Y/n) clawed her fingernails into her palms to rip herself out of the hazy fog calling for her, needing to stay focused before she could do or say something that would end her internship right there and then. 
“I thought you may need some help preparing for the service.” A sickly sweet smile tugged on her lips, forcing his teeth to rot from the mere possibility of tasting her. He took a step towards her, with his hands clamped together behind his back, giving him an extra authoritarian touch. But while her body screamed at her to take a step back, to find shelter behind the altar, her mind murmured to (y/n) to hold still, not daring to give in to his intimidation scheme. 
“I certainly appreciate your help, (y/n). I knew it was the right choice to pick you for this internship.” He towered over her, staring down at her with his gaze reminding her of a snake, ready to pounce, to sink its poisonous teeth into her quivering body. At that very moment, she was Eve, tempted by the eternal sin, and he was her downfall. She stood closer to him than ever before, front about to touch his, seeking the warmth he emanated in a place as cold as this church. 
“So, what should I do?” (Y/n) needed to get away from him, no longer trusting herself with ignoring the shameless whispers ringing in her ears. But the tall man didn’t back off, he kept watching her with that smirk that told her he knew exactly what she found herself bothered by. A losing game (y/n) had never been destined to win, burning out like a cigarette setting a petrol station ablaze, destined to burn to the ground. 
“Why don’t you choose this morning’s prayers?” He reached for the Bible resting on the altar, way too close to her. His front brushed hers as he leaned forward, reaching for the leather-bound book before pushing it into (y/n)’s grasp. Their eyes kept holding contact, even as his hand disappeared inside the pocket of his jacket, pulling free a black rosary. “Oh, before I forget. Here, I want you to have this.” 
(Y/n) didn’t get any time to react or to ask questions as he pushed the rosary over her head to let it rest on her chest. His hand kept holding onto the dangling cross, while his eyes flickered back to her confused ones. “They will know you belong to me, wear it whenever you are working here.”
Her eyes were focused on the bright laptop screen as she was typing away her notes for this day, promising to give them to Professor Riddle before leaving. Even though her thoughts were still all over the place, (y/n) found herself growing more comfortable around the tall man most students were scared of. He treated her kindly, and yet something was hiding behind his words and expressions she couldn’t pinpoint. 
“Are you done with your notes?” Professor Riddle’s voice filled his office as he stepped inside. (Y/n) didn’t lift her gaze at first, hastily trying to type the last sentence before she gave in and dared to look at him. 
“Just finished, should I print them?” He didn’t reply to her question, eyes fully focused on her upper body, trying to locate the missing rosary. With her breath hitched in her chest, (y/n) watched him approach, rounding the desk to find his way towards her. (Y/n) struggled to breathe as the scent of his expensive cologne clashed against her frame, forcing her to get lost in his darkening eyes. 
“Where is the rosary?” She knew that she had forgotten it at home this very morning, too tired to care about any rules and regulations, but her hand still snapped up to her chest, trying to find the missing piece.
“I’m sorry, I forgot it at home.” He didn’t give in to the soft smile (y/n) shot him, didn’t pick up on the exhaustion dripping from her words, solemnly focused on the way she had gone against his rules. His tongue kissed his teeth before he took a step back and stretched his ringed hand out for her to take. “Where are we going?”
“I wanted to go over this with you tomorrow, but it seems like tonight is the perfect time to do so.” (Y/n) was led out of his office and down the hallway towards the dark nave. They walked up to the confessional, and as he opened one door for her, he shot her a look that made her tremble, letting any protests die on the tip of her tongue. 
“Have you ever confessed before, (y/n)?” She was engulfed by darkness, and could barely see her own hands, let alone the man who was sitting close to her, behind the wooden construction keeping them apart. The scent of incense hung in the air, sticking to her like a second layer of skin, a reminder of their sacred surroundings.
“No, professor.” (Y/n) had been addressing him as “Professor” for the past days, not daring to use any other title, let alone his first name. But the second she used this very title to address him, (y/n) could tell that it would be the last time she’d call him that tonight, a shift was happening, something she was now taken over by. 
“It’s Priest Riddle to you.” The barely audible gasp clawing through (y/n) left him chuckling, followed by the sound of him shifting around on the bench, making himself comfortable as she grew more tense. “You sinned, you went against my rules. I must punish you for that, (y/n).”
“Punish me?” She hated that his words pushed excitement through her, forcing her to sit even straighter as if he could see her. Her fingertips began to tingle, her legs were quivering, unable to hold still as something she had only dreamt of slowly began to unfold right at that very moment. 
“Honesty will be the price of your foolishness, (y/n). I notice the way you look at me, how you seem to long for something you aren’t allowed to even reach for. Tell me, (y/n), what is it you so desperately seem to want?” Embarrassment flushed through her, followed by anger she couldn’t shake. How dare he ask something like this? How dare he try to embarrass her for a simple mistake? She should have left the confessional, stormed out of the church, and reported the man for overstepping. And yet she didn’t, already stuck in the trap he had laid out for her months ago.
“I don’t know.” It was the truth. She didn’t know what she wanted from him if she was merely longing for his touch, or if something even more desperate was guiding her on. She didn’t know if she wanted a simple taste, or to be swallowed wholly by him. She simply didn’t know. 
“How far are you willing to go, (y/n)?” Her mouth felt dry, unable to swallow as his words began to sink in. (Y/n) was grateful that he couldn’t see her, the way her pupils were dilated by the lust flushing through her, the goosebumps covering every visible part of her body as if she was engulfed by an icy wind. 
“Farther than I should.” A part of her expected him to break the spell they were now connected by, to pull her out of the confessional and scold her for giving in this easily. But the priest didn’t move, and neither did (y/n). 
“Spread your legs, I want you to touch yourself like I bet you keep imagining me doing.” With her heart in her throat, (y/n)’s hand disappeared beneath her skirt, slowly pushing her damp panties aside. A soft moan clawed through the student, grateful that the others had left the church hours ago. “Good girl, fuck yourself with your fingers.”
Another moan left (y/n) as she pushed two fingers into her tightness, spreading her walls as if she was preparing herself for his cock, desperate to take every inch. She kept moaning for him, choking on her sounds that grew heavier with every passing moment. 
“I can hear how wet you are, I bet you taste so sweet, like the forbidden fruit.” His words guided her on, ringing in her ears as if the Devil was calling for her, wandering through the darkness to reach his open arms, getting lost in his sweet promises. “I should imprint my palm on your skin for going against my rules. You promised you wouldn’t disappoint me, didn’t you?”
“I’m sorry.” Her needy whimpers left the priest chuckling, sounds that almost managed to drown out the ones clawing through (y/n). 
“I’m sure you are, (y/n). Stop touching yourself.” It pained her to pull her hand away, she had been close to giving in, ready to call out his name as her orgasm clashed through her, seconds before she could have reached paradise. The sounds of Priest Riddle leaving his side of the confessional echoed through the evening, followed by the sounds of him opening her side and stepping into the small space. 
She was pulled to her feet and tugged in for a kiss that left her moaning. (Y/n)’s arms found their way around Priest Riddle's neck, trying to pull the tall man even closer as if she were addicted to him. He broke the kiss to turn her around, pressing (y/n)’s front against the wooden wall separating both sides of the confessional. His ringed hands felt cold against her body as he shuffled her skirt up to her waist, letting her panties drop to the ground seconds later.
“I hope you prepared yourself enough for this punishment.” His ringed hand came down on her behind, forcing a yelp out of (y/n) who pressed herself further against the cold wood. Pain stretched itself through her, an unfamiliar kind of pain that made her ache for more. Once again, his palm met her warm skin, knowing that she’d struggle with sitting for the next few days. “I can’t wait to finally fuck you, make you pay for all these times I felt your eyes on me like a needy whore who doesn’t know when to stop.”
(Y/n) couldn’t protest, she couldn’t speak up to beg him for any kindness he wouldn’t offer. Only as she felt him pull away for a moment did (y/n) allow herself to breathe, blinking away the tears that had welled up in her eyes. 
“What do you want, (y/n)? And don’t feed me another lie. I want your honesty.” Chills ran down her spine at his dangerous tone, shaking through (y/n) like an earthquake set on ripping her off her feet. She had to deeply inhale, had to heavily swallow before she managed to put her longings into words, needing to break out of his trap. 
“I want your cock, fuck me, please, Priest Riddle.” A satisfied hum left the man, followed by the sounds of him ripping open a condom, prepared for his very punishment. It didn’t take long until she felt him at her entrance, slowly pushing into (y/n) with a heavy groan that dripped with need and lust clawing through him.
It felt as if they had been created for his moment only, bodies made to fit. 
“I should tell you to never sin again, to stay true to your promises. But you’ve turned me into a sinner as well, no promise could keep me from you any longer.” His words left her gasping, walls clenching around this twitching cock. He fucked her with urgency, set on proving to (y/n) and to himself that she was his, his to guide, his to punish. 
“You take my cock so well, I bet you dreamt of being fucked by me in a holy place, didn’t you?” His warm breath clashed against her tingling skin as he spoke his words, drawing a heavy sob out of (y/n) as she lost her grip on their surroundings. Tom’s hand moved like a snake, slithering back up to her throat to hold onto her, letting go of a raspy, “Speak when I ask you to.” 
“Yes, I did. I dreamt of it.” It was a simple reply, yet it was just enough to make the priest hum in approval. He twitched inside of her as he could tell that they both were ready to let go with their hearts pounding and their limbs aching. (Y/n) struggled to breathe on as he tightened his grip on her throat, forcing her head to rest against his broad chest. The priest stared down at (y/n), her lighthouse in the darkest nights, the burning bush to rely on. An anchor of safety. 
“Let go, (y/n), be honest once again.” She came with a gasp, with her eyes squeezed shut and her lips parted. A sight so ethereal, the priest followed her moments later, letting his teeth graze his lower lip to draw some blood. He pulled out of her all too quickly, to turn her back towards him with his bloody lip finding hers, “Now you’re truly mine, bound my blood.” 
And who was she to deny a sinner a wish this pure? At least it was on them to pray for Satan that night, since God no longer would pick up on their calls. 
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syluslnd · 7 days
Hello I'm sorry if you're not taking requests. But please please if you are can you make the part 2 of Sylus as an online sugar daddy meeting with his sugar baby.
But please ignore it if you don't take requests and your writing is SOOO GOODD. Have a nice day!!
Sylus meeting with his online sugar baby
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(note-you sent this a while back when I first started posting so I hope you’re still around lol I’m sorry for taking so long🤍)
Tags • virgin reader,sugar daddy sylus,verbal teasing,fingering,climaxing
5k word count (I got carried away sorry)
Sylus himself couldn't even believe he was doing this. It wasn’t just a waste of time for him; he never thought he’d be the type to seek out a woman, especially in a place like this but something about you intrigued him in a way he couldn't ignore.
As he leaned against his sleek black car outside the arcade the neon lights flickered, illuminating the faces of the young couples and friends inside. He felt out of place the leader of Onychinus waiting in a childish venue a stark contrast to his usual world of power and control.
He glanced at his watch, the minutes stretching painfully. He was serious about this arrangement, after all. He had his reasons, practical ones—companionship, a distraction from the relentless pressure of his life. But he couldn't deny the thrill of meeting you, the allure of stepping into a world so different from his own.
The sound of laughter drew his attention, and then he saw you approaching. Your smile was bright, a refreshing contrast to the shadows that usually loomed around him. You looked confident almost carefree as you made your way toward him.
“Hi! sorry if I kept you waiting,” you said your voice light and cheerful,opposite of how he’s used to people greeting him.
“It’s fine,” Sylus replied, maintaining his serious demeanor. “I’m just getting used to this.”
“This?” you asked, gesturing around the arcade. “I get it,It’s not exactly your usual scene.”
He finally met your gaze, feeling a flicker of something unexpected—curiosity, perhaps. “I’m not here for the games sweetie”.
You smiled at his straightforwardness, your cheerful demeanor undeterred by his serious tone. “I figured,but the games are kind of fun! You should try one!”
Sylus raised an eyebrow, intrigued but unwilling to show it. “I doubt I’d find much enjoyment in... this.” He gestured around, feeling a mix of irritation and fascination at how different your world was.
You chuckled softly, the sound warming the chilly air between you. “You might be surprised,It’s nice to escape sometimes.” There was a glimmer in your eyes that caught him off guard.
“Escape?” he echoed, feeling the weight of his own reality settle back over him. “I’m not sure that’s possible for me.”
Your expression shifted slightly, the playful light dimming as you regarded him more seriously. “I didn’t mean to pry. I just thought—”
“It’s fine,” he interrupted, his voice sharper than intended. He didn’t want to scare you away, but vulnerability was foreign territory for him.
You looked at him, studying his chiseled features and the tension that pulled at the corners of his mouth. “You’re not like anyone I’ve ever met,” you said softly, as if sensing the walls he’d erected around himself.
“Maybe that’s for the best,” he replied, a hint of angst creeping into his tone. It was a reminder of the danger he lived in, the enemies lurking in shadows,never being able to be off guard . “You don’t know what you’re getting into.”
Your gaze remained steady, unwavering. “and yet here I am,Isn’t that the thrill of it? To step outside our comfort zones?”
“Thrill,” he muttered, a bitter smile playing on his lips. “More like recklessness.” But even as he said it, he couldn’t shake the instinct to protect you, to shield your brightness from his dark world.
You tilted your head, curiosity gleaming in your eyes. “You’re so serious sylus,what are you afraid of?”
He hesitated, the weight of his duality pressing down. “That I’ll lose you, kitten.” The admission surprised even him. He didn’t know you well, yet there was something about you that ignited an urgency within him.
Your smile returned, softer now, disarming his cold demeanor. “I’m not going anywhere,not yet at least.”
For the first time, Sylus felt a crack in his armor. Perhaps this sugar daddy arrangement was about more than just companionship; it was a chance to explore a connection that was both terrifying and exhilarating.
As you took a step closer, he felt an instinctive need to draw you nearer, to keep you safe. “Let’s get out of here,” he said abruptly, surprising even himself with the sudden protective urge.
You blinked, a mix of confusion and excitement dancing across your face. “Where to?”
“Somewhere... away from all this.”
And with that, the tension shifted. Sylus realized he was no longer just a mafia boss seeking distraction; he was a man drawn to someone who could bring light into his otherwise shadowed existence.
As sylus drove you to the hotel, the tension in the car was palpable, a mix of excitement and uncertainty. The neon lights outside blurred by, but all he could focus on was the way you shifted in your seat, a nervous smile playing on your lips.
Once inside the hotel, he led you to a private suite, the door clicking shut behind you with a sense of finality. The room was elegantly furnished, dim lighting casting a warm glow. You looked around, your earlier cheerfulness tempered by a hint of shyness.
“What happened to the lively little kitten I met at the arcade?” Sylus teased, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk. “You seemed so confident, and now...”
You bit your lip, glancing at the floor. “I don’t know! It’s just… different, you know?”
“Different,how so kitten?” He stepped closer, his eyes gleaming with playful mischief. “You’re not worried about me, are you?”
“No, it’s not that” you replied, trying to maintain your composure. “It’s just... you’re a bit intimidating.”
He chuckled, clearly enjoying your flustered state. “Intimidating? Sweetie, I promise I’m just a guy, a guy who’s curious about why you’re suddenly so shy.”
You took a breath, trying to regain some confidence. “I guess I just didn’t expect to be here, with you, like this.”
“Is that so?” He leaned against the edge of the bed, arms crossed, the teasing glint in his eyes intensifying. “I would’ve thought you’d be eager to explore every aspect of this arrangement.”
“Explore?” you echoed, feeling your cheeks heat.
“Yeah, you know,” he said, a playful smirk on his lips. “Try out all the fun things you can’t do over the phone .”
Your heart raced and you glanced away, flustered. “I—”
“Come on, kitten,” he coaxed, stepping closer again, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Are you a little more innocent than you let on? Is that what this is about?”
You froze, your mind racing. “Um, well, I—”
“Are you a virgin, sweetie?” His words hung in the air, a teasing challenge that made you blush even deeper.
Your eyes widened, caught off guard. “I… maybe?” The admission slipped out before you could stop it, and you felt utterly exposed.
Sylus raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. “Well, that explains the shyness,but it’s cute,” he said, leaning in closer a playful glint in his eye. “I didn’t realize I was dealing with such an innocent little thing.”
You shifted your weight, heart pounding. “Stop it!” you protested, half-laughing, half-embarrassed. “You’re making me feel like a kid!”
“Maybe you are,” he teased, his tone light but his gaze serious. “But don’t worry, kitten. I’ll make sure you’re taken care of.”
Your stomach fluttered at his words, a mix of excitement and nervousness washing over you. “You’re such a meanie!” you said, trying to sound indignant but failing miserably.
“I’m just having a little fun, sweetie,” he replied, his voice low and inviting. “You’re adorable when you blush like that. I could get used to this.”
The playful banter hung in the air, creating an electric atmosphere. You couldn’t help but smile, feeling the walls you’d built around yourself slowly crumbling. “Maybe I’ll show you more of my personality if you promise to be nice,” you offered, your voice teasing back.
“Oh, I’ll be nice,” he promised, stepping back slightly to give you space. “But I can’t make any guarantees about being gentle.”
You bit your lip, trying to suppress the thrill that raced through you at his words. “I guess I’ll have to hold you to that.”
And in that moment, amidst the teasing and the laughter, something shifted between you, a connection deepening beneath the playful facade. Sylus felt a flicker of something he hadn’t anticipated—an urge to protect not just your innocence, but also to cherish the light you brought into his dark world.
Sylus moved towards you, the teasing smile on his lips fading just enough for his expression to darken, a serious intensity taking over. He crossed the room slowly, closing the space between the two of you, and before you could react, his hands were on your waist. With a firm but gentle grip, he lifted you effortlessly and plopped you onto the bed. The air left your lungs in a quiet gasp and for a moment, you were caught off guard by how swiftly he moved.
“Sweetie,” he murmured, his voice dipping into something lower, something that made the room feel smaller. His gaze locked on yours, the playfulness still there but laced with a seriousness that hadn’t been present before. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into, do you?”
You swallowed hard, the nervousness creeping back in as he loomed over you. “I… I think I do.”
He smirked, but there was something almost sad in it. “You think, huh?” His thumb brushed lightly against your waist as he knelt onto the bed, his hands still holding you in place. “Kitten, I’ve been playing this game for a long time. I know when someone’s out of their depth.”
The teasing edge in his tone made your heart race, but there was a weight behind his words that made you shift beneath him, uneasy but drawn in all the same.
“You’re a sweet little thing,” he said, his voice almost tender, though his words held a darker undertone. “Too sweet for someone like me. This isn’t like those playful messages online, sweetheart. I live in a world that’s... far from innocent.”
Your breath caught as his fingers trailed up your side, the motion almost soothing despite the tension in the air. “But you… you still want me here, don’t you?”
He leaned closer, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as he whispered, “I want you, kitten. More than I should,but I worry about what happens if you stay in my world too long.”
You blinked, trying to steady yourself, your mind spinning. “What do you mean?”
Sylus pulled back slightly, his face hovering just inches from yours. The smirk returned, but his eyes were shadowed, conflicted. “You see, I’ve got my fun little games, but outside of this room? My life isn’t soft. It’s sharp edges and shadows..and you” he said, brushing a thumb over your cheek, “you’re too innocent,you don’t belong in that darkness.”
Your stomach tightened, the weight of his words sinking in. “I can handle it. I’m not a kid.”
He chuckled softly, though there was no humor in it this time. “You’re not a kid, but you’re pure, and I’m not.” His hand found its way to your chin, tilting your head so your eyes met his. “You think being my sugar baby is all fun and games. But in person? It’s different. You’re not just playing with me anymore, sweetheart. You’re playing with fire.”
Your pulse quickened as he shifted his weight, pinning you gently beneath him. “And what if I want to get burned?” you whispered, feeling bolder in the heat of the moment.
For a second, his expression softened, and his fingers threaded through your hair as he gazed down at you with a mix of affection and regret. “Careful what you wish for, sweetie,” he murmured. “I might just give it to you.”
Despite the teasing, there was an undeniable protectiveness in the way he spoke, as if he wasn’t sure if he wanted to pull you closer or keep you at arm’s length. It was as if he feared that pulling you too far into his world would extinguish the light you carried—something that had begun to matter to him in ways he wasn’t prepared to admit.
And in that moment, you realized Sylus wasn’t just worried about what he could do to you. He was worried about what his world could do to someone like you.
Sylus hovered above you, his eyes flickering between restraint and desire, that teasing smirk playing on his lips as if he was holding himself back. You could feel the tension in the air, thick and electric, his fingers still gently grazing your cheek. Despite all his playful words and sly smirks, you could see it—he was hesitating, his dark world swirling in his mind, wondering if pulling you closer would be a mistake.
For a moment, you bit your lip, considering what to do. But something inside you shifted. If Sylus wasn’t going to make the move, you would.
With a sudden burst of boldness, you reached up and cupped the back of his neck, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips. His eyes widened in surprise, the smirk faltering just slightly as you pulled him closer, your lips hovering inches from his.
“I’m not as fragile as you think, Sylus,” you whispered, your voice steady even though your heart pounded in your chest. “I can handle whatever you throw at me.”
For a moment, he simply stared at you, as if caught completely off guard by your sudden boldness. Then, a slow grin spread across his face, his eyes gleaming with amusement and something darker, something hungry.
“Oh, kitten,” he murmured, his voice low and velvety, “you think you’re being serious, don’t you?”
You kept your grip firm on the back of his neck, refusing to back down. “I am serious.”
The way his eyes softened at your determined expression made your stomach flip. He found you adorable—your attempt at taking control only seemed to amuse him more. “Look at you,” he said, voice dripping with affection and a hint of that ever-present teasing. “So tough, huh?”
Before you could say anything else, Sylus closed the distance, his lips crashing against yours in a kiss that stole the breath from your lungs. His hands, which had been holding you so delicately, tightened their grip, pulling you flush against him.
Your boldness evaporated as quickly as it had appeared, replaced by a wave of flustered heat. The intensity of his kiss left you dizzy and though you had initiated this, you quickly realized you were in over your head. Your heart pounded in your ears, and you felt your face burning with embarrassment.
He broke the kiss just long enough to chuckle against your lips, his breath warm as he whispered, “What’s the matter, sweetie? You’re the one who made the move.”
You could barely respond, too flustered to form words. He loved it—he could see it in your wide eyes, the way your chest rose and fell with shallow breaths. You’d been so bold just moments before, but now? Now, you were back to being the adorable, innocent girl that had him wrapped around her finger.
Sylus leaned in again, this time brushing his lips over your cheek, down to your jaw, his voice a low, teasing rumble. “So cute when you’re all shy like this.”
Your hands trembled slightly, but you held onto him, trying not to completely melt under his touch. “I’m not… shy” you mumbled, but the words came out weak, betraying how flustered you really were.
“Oh, sure” he teased, his lips ghosting over the sensitive skin of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. “Is that why you can’t even look me in the eyes right now?”
You wanted to protest, to regain some sense of composure but before you could, his hand slid down from your waist, trailing over your hip, slow and deliberate. His touch sent a shock of heat through you, and you instinctively arched toward him, though the movement only made you feel more embarrassed.
Sylus grinned against your skin, clearly enjoying the way you responded to him. “What happened to handling everything, kitten? Still think you’re in control?”
The way he spoke, his voice thick with amusement and a teasing edge, made it clear he was fully aware of the effect he had on you. He wanted to push you, see how far he could take it.
His hand slid lower, his fingers brushing over the curve of your thigh, teasing you just enough to leave you breathless. He pulled back just slightly, his face hovering above yours, his eyes scanning your flushed expression with a mixture of fondness and wicked delight.
“You look so cute when you’re flustered,” he murmured, his tone soft but with that same edge. “But you’re not ready for the things I want to do to you, are you?”
Your breath caught in your throat, but you met his gaze, determined not to back down completely. “Try me,” you whispered, though your voice was shaky.
Sylus chuckled again, leaning down to kiss you once more, slower this time, savoring the moment. “Oh, kitten,” he whispered between kisses, “you’re going to be so much fun.”
Sylus hovered over you, his lips barely leaving yours as he deepened the kiss, drawing out every flustered breath and soft sound you made. His hand, still trailing over your thigh, paused, fingers curling just enough to make you squirm beneath him. He pulled back, only an inch, enough to look at you with that knowing smirk—the one that told you he had complete control of the situation, no matter how much you’d tried to take charge.
“You really think you’re ready for this?” he asked, voice low, dark, but still teasing. His hand slid higher, resting on the bare skin just beneath the hem of your dress, his thumb brushing in soft circles that made it impossible to focus.
You swallowed hard, your heart hammering in your chest, but you managed to meet his gaze with more boldness than you felt. “Yea,I can handle it.”
For a second, he just stared at you, his expression unreadable. Then, his smirk softened into something more, something almost affectionate. “You’re adorable,” he whispered, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “Trying so hard to be brave.”
Before you could respond, his hand gripped your thigh a little tighter, drawing a soft gasp from you. He leaned in close, his breath hot against your neck. “But you don’t have to pretend with me, kitten. I know exactly how to get under your skin.”
The teasing lilt in his voice sent a thrill through you, and though you wanted to hold onto that boldness, the way his fingers danced across your skin made it impossible to keep up the act. Your breath quickened, and you could feel the heat rising in your face as his touch became more deliberate, more confident.
“See?” he murmured, his lips brushing over your collarbone, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. “You’re already trembling, sweetie. I told you… you’re not ready for this.”
His words were a challenge, but they weren’t mocking. It was as if he was genuinely testing you, seeing how far you’d go before backing down. And despite the way he was unraveling you, you weren’t ready to surrender just yet.
“I can handle you,” you whispered, though the quiver in your voice betrayed your confidence.
Sylus chuckled softly, his lips moving up to your ear, the sound of his voice sending a shiver through you. “Is that right?” His hand slid even higher, fingers brushing dangerously close to places that made you gasp. “Then why do you sound so nervous, kitten?”
Your face burned, and you instinctively bit your lip to stop the soft whimper threatening to escape. But Sylus wasn’t about to let you off the hook that easily. His lips were back at your neck, pressing a lingering kiss there before whispering, “I love how quiet you get when you’re flustered. It’s like you don’t know what to do with yourself.”
You could feel the warmth of his smile against your skin and it made your pulse race even faster. His hand moved deliberately now, tracing the edge of your inner thigh, teasing but not giving you what you secretly craved. It was maddening how in control he was, how effortlessly he played with your reactions.
“You’re so easy to read, sweetie,” he said, pulling back just enough to look into your eyes, his expression both amused and intense. “I could keep this up all night, just watching you squirm.”
You couldn’t help it—your face flushed a deep red and you looked away, embarrassed by how easily he was getting to you. But Sylus wouldn’t let you escape that easily. He caught your chin between his thumb and forefinger, gently turning your face back to his.
“Don’t hide from me,” he whispered, his voice softer now, though no less intense. “I want to see every expression, every little blush. It’s too cute to miss.”
The tenderness in his words made your chest tighten, but there was still a darkness to them, a possessiveness that left you breathless. You were caught between the soft affection he was showing you and the overwhelming heat of his touch and you were losing, fast.
“I can’t…” you started, but the words fell apart as he leaned down, capturing your lips in another heated kiss. His hand slid higher, fingers teasing the edge of your underwear, and you gasped into his mouth, your body arching involuntarily toward him.
He broke the kiss just to smirk against your lips, clearly loving the way you were reacting. “Can’t what, sweetie?” he teased, his breath mingling with yours. “You were so sure you could handle it.”
Your mind was spinning, and though you’d started this, it was clear that Sylus had taken control completely. But despite how flustered you were, you didn’t want him to stop. You wanted more, even if you could barely keep up with him.
“I can handle it,” you whispered, more determined now, though your voice shook.
Sylus smiled, the kind of smile that made your heart skip a beat. He leaned down again, this time his lips brushing just beneath your ear. “You’re so stubborn, kitten. I like that about you.”
Then, his hand slid down, tracing a slow, torturous path along your inner thigh. His touch was light, teasing, just enough to leave you aching for more but never giving in completely.
“But you still have so much to learn.”
Sylus’s smirk deepened as he watched your breath hitch, every little movement you made betraying just how much he was affecting you. His fingers, still tracing delicate patterns along your inner thigh, were slow, deliberate, and maddeningly teasing. Every time he got close enough to make your heart race, he’d pull back just a little, dragging out your anticipation until it felt unbearable.
“Look at you,” he murmured, his lips brushing against your ear as his voice dropped lower, sending a thrill down your spine. “You’re trembling already, kitten. You’re not used to this, are you? No one’s touched you like this before.”
You didn’t trust yourself to respond, but that only made his smile grow. He pressed a slow, lingering kiss to your neck, letting the heat from his lips sink into your skin. His free hand slid up to your waist, gripping just firm enough to make you arch toward him instinctively. He knew exactly how to play with your body, how to drive you wild without even giving you what you wanted.
Sylus pulled back just slightly, his eyes locking with yours, and the intensity in them made your stomach flip. He tilted his head, watching every flustered expression cross your face, drinking in the way your lips parted, the soft, breathless sounds that escaped you.
“Still think you can handle me?” he whispered, his voice rich with amusement, but his touch told a different story—it was heavier now, more intent.
You bit your lip, trying to steady your breath, but it was impossible with him this close. His fingers trailed back up your thigh, higher this time, slipping just beneath the edge of your underwear, the movement slow, teasing.
The sensation made you gasp, your body instinctively pushing closer to his. That small, desperate movement wasn’t lost on Sylus. He grinned, clearly loving how much you were craving his touch now.
“You’re not as innocent as you act, are you, kitten?” he teased, his breath warm against your skin. “Look at how you’re moving for me. You’re not shy now, are you?”
His words sent a wave of heat through you, and though you wanted to hold onto that boldness from earlier, you couldn’t deny how flustered you were under his control. Your body was betraying you, responding to every touch, every low whisper and Sylus was enjoying every second of it.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours, but he didn’t kiss you—not yet. He stayed there, close enough that you could feel his breath, the teasing proximity making your pulse quicken.
“You’re going to have to ask for it,” he whispered, his voice dark and tempting. “If you want more, sweetie, you’re going to have to tell me.”
Your mind was spinning, but the heat of the moment made it impossible to think clearly. Sylus’s hand was still tormenting you, fingers barely brushing over the sensitive skin between your legs, teasing you in a way that made it hard to form words.
“I—” you started, but the words caught in your throat as his touch grew more deliberate, his fingers moving in slow, torturous circles that left you breathless.
“Come on, kitten,” he coaxed, his lips grazing your jaw, his voice dripping with amusement. “I know you want it. Just say it.”
You could barely breathe, let alone speak, but the way he was looking at you, the way his touch had you completely at his mercy, left you no choice. “Please,” you whispered, your voice shaky.
“Please what?” he asked, his tone smug, but his touch never faltered. “You have to tell me exactly what you want.”
Your heart raced as the words hovered on the tip of your tongue, but Sylus wasn’t going to give you any relief until you said it. He waited, his touch slow and deliberate, every movement sending shocks through your body.
“I want… more,” you finally breathed out, your voice barely above a whisper.
His smirk grew, clearly satisfied with your answer. “That’s a good girl” he murmured, and without warning, his fingers slid fully beneath the fabric, pressing against the heat of your body.
The sensation made you gasp, your back arching off the bed as a wave of pleasure shot through you. Sylus’s hand moved with deliberate precision, his touch confident and unrelenting. He watched your reaction with a dark, predatory gleam in his eyes, clearly reveling in the way you responded to him.
“You’re so sensitive, kitten,” he whispered, his voice low and husky as his fingers moved in slow, torturous circles. “I could make you come just like this, couldn’t I? Just by playing with you a little.”
Your breath hitched, your body trembling beneath him, and you hated how much truth there was in his words. The heat was building inside you and the way Sylus’s fingers moved—slow but intentional, pushing you closer and closer to the edge—had you desperate for release.
But he wasn’t going to make it that easy for you.
Just when you were about to lose yourself completely, Sylus’s hand stilled, pulling back just enough to leave you breathless and aching. You let out a soft, frustrated whimper, but Sylus only smiled, leaning down to press a teasing kiss to your lips.
“Oh, sweetie,” he whispered against your mouth, his voice filled with dark amusement. “I told you, I’m not going to be gentle. I want to see just how far I can push you.”
Sylus watched you squirm beneath him, clearly enjoying the way you were unraveling under his touch. His lips ghosted over your neck, sending shivers through your body, while his hand lingered just out of reach, keeping you on edge. Your breath was coming in short, shallow gasps, your body aching for him to push you further.
“Look at you, kitten,” he murmured, his voice soft but laced with wicked intent. “So desperate already… all from a little teasing.”
You whimpered in frustration, your hips moving involuntarily toward his hand, silently begging him for more. But Sylus wasn’t going to give in that easily. He smirked against your skin, his fingers brushing lightly over the sensitive spot between your legs, but not applying enough pressure to give you what you wanted.
“I could keep you like this all night,” he whispered, his breath hot against your ear. “Just on the edge, begging for more. But…” His hand slid back into place, pressing more firmly now, drawing a gasp from you as he began moving again, slow and deliberate, each touch pushing you closer to the edge. “…I want to hear you scream my name.”
His fingers worked with maddening precision, moving in slow, rhythmic circles that sent jolts of pleasure through your body. Every touch, every stroke, was pushing you higher, closer to the point of no return. Your back arched off the bed, your breath coming in ragged gasps as the heat coiled tight inside you, ready to snap.
“That's it, sweetie,” Sylus whispered, his voice dark and enticing. “I can feel it. You’re so close, aren’t you?”
You could barely respond, too caught up in the overwhelming sensation building inside you. Your fingers gripped the sheets, your body trembling beneath him as his pace quickened, his touch becoming more relentless, more intense.
“Sylus…” you gasped, your voice trembling with need.
“Say it again,” he demanded, his tone both commanding and teasing. “I want to hear you say my name when you come.”
His words sent a thrill through you, and before you knew it, the wave hit you. Your body tensed, then shattered, pleasure crashing through you in overwhelming waves. You cried out his name, your voice shaky, breathless, as your body gave in to the intense release.
Sylus didn’t stop. His fingers kept moving, drawing out every last bit of pleasure until you were trembling and gasping for breath, completely undone beneath him. Only then did he slow, pulling back just enough to leave you sensitive and spent, but still aching for more.
As your body came down from the high, Sylus grinned down at you, clearly pleased with the way he had unraveled you so completely. His eyes were dark with satisfaction, and that familiar teasing smirk was back on his lips.
“You look so cute when you’re a mess like this,” he said, his voice dripping with amusement. He leaned in close, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, “Was that what you wanted, kitten? Or did I push you too far?”
You could barely speak, still trying to catch your breath, but Sylus didn’t need a response. He chuckled softly, his hand trailing lazily down your thigh as he watched your flushed, exhausted expression.
“Don’t worry,” he murmured, his tone both affectionate and mocking. “I’ll take it easy on you… next time.”
He pulled back slightly, his fingers still brushing over your skin in slow, teasing strokes that made you shudder even in your sensitive state. “But you’ve got a lot to learn if you think you can keep up with me.”
You looked up at him, still dazed from the intensity of your climax, and Sylus’s smirk only deepened. He leaned down, kissing the corner of your mouth before whispering against your lips, “You’re mine now, kitten. And I’m not done with you yet.”
Before you could respond, he slid his hand away completely, leaving you breathless and aching, his eyes gleaming with wicked intent
“We’re just getting started,” he teased, a satisfied chuckle escaping his lips as he watched the lingering need in your eyes. “And I’m going to enjoy every second of it.”
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redroomreflections · 2 months
Hotel California | Track 1: Smoke and Mirrors
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Natasha Romanoff, frontwoman of the punk rock band Velvet Rebellion, falls hard for a woman she believes is too good for her. Their intense relationship unfolds in the chaotic world of rock 'n' roll, where they struggle to balance fame, personal demons, and their undeniable passion for each other.
W/c: 7k
Chapter 1/12
Masterlist | General Masterlist
Note: I was going to wait to post this since I have fifty-leven WIPs but to make up for me not being able to write for a while and also finishing two stories in the coming weeks - here we are. I'm nervous about posting this one for some reason. Hope y'all like it.
Themes: love, fame, sex, drugs
Track 1 - Smoke and Mirrors (each chapter is a track)
In the world of music, there's no denying that Velvet Rebellion's sound is electric, their melodies are undeniably addictive. But offstage, the drama and chaos surrounding this band have been the subject of endless tabloid fodder. It's a classic case of the music being sweet, but the rest of the package is a tad sour. Will their rock 'n' roll lifestyle ultimately overshadow their undeniable talent? That remains the question on everyone's lips.
The TV channel flicking produced a rapid succession of blips and static.
"You know, when it comes to Velvet Rebellion, it's clear that Natasha Romanoff is the best thing about the band. Her vocals are just on another level!"
"Oh, absolutely! Natasha's stage presence is incredible, and her voice, that raw emotion she pours into every note, it's what sets them apart. But let's not forget the rest of the band; they bring their own magic to the mix!"
Another press of the button. Another channel emitting the same rhetoric. 
"So, what are your thoughts on Velvet Rebellion, the band that seems to be taking the music scene by storm?"
"Look, I won't deny that they've had their moments. Natasha's got a powerful voice, and they've had some catchy tunes. But let's not forget, there's more to rock 'n' roll than just one person. We bring our own unique sound to the table, and we're here to show that rock isn't a one-trick pony."
Suddenly, the screen goes black. The television has been turned off. The room is silent. 
“Whatever,” The mysterious person tsks. There are better things to do. 
In the dimly lit room, the first flicker of a cigarette lighter illuminated a shadowy figure, and a guitar's haunting melody echoed through the air. It was a simple beginning, a humble birth of sound that would eventually become the anthem of a generation.
Images flashed in rapid succession—a chaotic whirlwind of memories and moments that had defined their journey from obscurity to stardom. The flashing lights of a small, dimly lit club, the very place where they had played their first gig, gave way to a sea of screaming fans, arms raised in fervent adoration.
“Bucky! Bucky!”
“Steve, we love you!”
Talk show interviews brought them into living rooms across the nation, their faces beamed into millions of homes as they shared their stories and their music with the world. The camera panned to Natasha, her fierce gaze unyielding as she answered questions with poise and grace.
And then, there were the guitars. Guitars being smashed in a blaze of glory on stage, a ritual that had become their trademark. The destructive catharsis of the act symbolized the release of their raw energy and passion into the world.
Groupies and fans clamored for their attention, their devotion evident in the longing looks and outstretched hands. Each face in the crowd told a story of how Velvet Rebellion's music had touched their lives.
Late-night studio sessions followed, with the band working tirelessly into the early hours, crafting the songs and lyrics that had earned them their place in music history. In the dimly lit room, the flicker of a cigarette lighter once again marked the beginning of a new song.
Magazine covers splashed with their images adorned newsstands across the country. Excerpts from clippings of their first studio album, "Velvet Love," told a tale of raw, unbridled emotion set to music—a story that had resonated with countless souls.
The montage painted a vivid picture of a band that had journeyed through the highs and lows of fame, never losing sight of the music that had brought them together. Velvet Rebellion had carved its path through the music industry, leaving an unforgettable mark on the hearts of those who had listened and loved.
Sunlight filters through the curtains of Natasha and Wanda's cozy Los Angeles apartment. Disheveled yet determined, Natasha sits on the edge of her bed, cradling her guitar. She strums the strings absentmindedly, searching for that inspiration that once fueled Velvet Rebellion. Her fingers danced over the strings of her trusty guitar, each note a whisper in the quiet solitude of the bedroom.
Natasha's hair framed her face, and frustration lined her expression as she strummed the chords once again. The next album's melodies were meant to be born here. Yet, inspiration remained at arm’s length, teasing her like a fading dream.
"Come on Natalia," she whispered gruffly, remembering the name she had left behind long ago.
With a sigh, she shifted her gaze to the muted TV on the dresser. A NEWS REPORTER's face appeared on the screen, accompanied by headlines that could never escape the relentless clutches of the media. She searched for the remote to turn up the volume as the face of one of her bandmates, Tony Stark’s pictures appeared. 
(on TV)
“In a surprising turn of events, Velvet Rebellion's Tony Stark was arrested last night for public indecency.”
Natasha's eye-roll was instinctive. Tony always had a way of making headlines for all the wrong reasons.
(on TV)
“...fans and critics alike have noted the band's gradual decline, and it seems the once-revered punk rock indie sensation is now on the verge of falling apart.”
The reporter's words cut through Natasha's indifference, a scalding reminder of the shadows that had been gathering around them. She couldn't deny it; the band had been stagnant for too long.
Fury sparked in her eyes, and she clenched the neck of her guitar, momentarily abandoning the song. The Velvet Rebellion of yesteryears, the band that had ignited stages and won hearts, couldn't be reduced to this—a spectacle of controversies and dwindling star power.
Returning her attention to her guitar Natasha sighed. The room's stillness hung heavy as she gently laid the guitar down on the floor. It felt like a futile effort, the muse remaining frustratingly out of reach, leaving her with an empty canvas and an aching desire to create.
Her gaze dropped to the small, black notebook, its pages filled with aborted attempts to capture the essence of their experiences and emotions in song. But today, those pages mocked her, an unforgiving reminder of the creative void that had taken its home within her.
Just as her frustration reached its peak, the bedroom door swung open with a soft creak, and in walked Wanda, a bowl of popcorn cradled in her hand. She plopped down on the bed beside Natasha, her eyes rolling in a knowing, teasing manner.
“How’s writing going?” Wanda asked, grabbing a handful of popcorn to plop into her mouth. 
Natasha let out a weary sigh, her notebook momentarily forgotten as she shared her woes with her best friend.
“You have no idea. It's like I've hit a wall, and I can't seem to find my way around it.” Natasha said. “How are we supposed to come up with another album with no songs? It’s been two years. We’re going to be known as one-hit wonders.”
“First off that’s a bit dramatic,” Wanda attempted to calm her down. “We made the hot rock and alternative songs billboard charts for our debut. I think the momentum is still there.”
Wanda cast a glance at the muted TV screen, where a news reporter was still busy dissecting Tony's latest escapade. She couldn't help but roll her eyes, mirroring Natasha's exasperation.
“And of course, our dear Tony adds another branch to the publicity tree. It's almost impressive how consistently he manages to get into trouble.” Wanda shook her head. 
After placing her bowl of popcorn on the dresser, Wanda decided to abandon her sitting position and instead flopped onto her belly, propped up on her elbows. She grabbed Natasha's small notebook, a curious glint in her eyes as she skimmed through the handwritten lyrics and scattered notes.
“You know, Nat, I think I see where you're stuck.” Wanda hummed to herself for a moment. 
Turning her attention to Wanda, Natasha felt her frustration momentarily ebb away, replaced by curiosity.
“Oh?” Natasha eyed her. “Please, share your wisdom.”
Wanda's eyes sparkled with an unexpected idea, and she pointed to a particular verse in the notebook. Her voice took on a sultry, poetic quality as she suggested a new lyric.
“How about this: "In the shadows of desire, we ignite the night."
Natasha's eyes widened in surprise as the words resonated deep within her. She quickly reached for her instrument and strummed the guitar, incorporating the new lyric into the melody, and in that instant, it all fell into place. A smile grew on her face, and she turned to Wanda.
“Wanda, that's brilliant! Thank you!” Natasha leaned forward to kiss her cheek. “I know why I keep you around.”
Wanda beamed in response. 
"Speaking of," she began, her voice casual yet laced with an underlying purpose, "we've got a gig this weekend. It's a birthday party for Harley Jameson, you know, the producer's daughter."
Natasha's response was swift and uncompromising, her will clear in her refusal. Her head shook slightly as she firmly voiced her decision, her thoughts already drifting toward the disturbing pattern of her bandmates taking liberties with decisions without consulting her, the lead.
"Absolutely not, Wanda," Natasha declared, her tone leaving no room for negotiation. “Aren’t we better than performing for snot-nosed brats?
Wanda, ever patient and understanding, propped herself up on her elbows. 
“Well, when that snot nose brat is paying us fifty thousand dollars plus a retainer,” Wanda shrugs. “And all the booze and food we want.” Her words were measured, spoken with the calm that came from knowing this conversation was inevitable." Nat, remember," she began, "you're the lead, not the boss. We haven’t been taking gigs because you've been declining. You know we need to keep the momentum going."
Natasha's jaw clenched in frustration. She leaned back, her gaze shifting to the ceiling as she contemplated her response.
"There's a reason, Wanda," Natasha explained, her voice tinged with concern. "Our brand has taken a beating lately with all the scandals we've had over the years. It’s not a good look being so new. I want us to lay low for a while, let the storm pass."
Wanda sighed, her eyes reflecting her understanding of Natasha's concerns. But she also recognized the band's need to keep going ahead despite the challenges.
"Nat," Wanda said, her voice gentle and reassuring, "I get it, I really do. But we'll be fine. Harley's party should be a breeze, and I promise we'll stay out of trouble. We'll stick to the music, no antics."
Natasha's hesitation lingered. Ultimately, the trust she had in Wanda, her lifelong friend and partner-in-crime, began to outweigh her reservations. She finally nodded, a reluctant but willing acceptance of the gig.
"Alright, alright," Natasha conceded. “We'll do it. But just this one, and we'll play it safe."
Wanda's eyes sparkled with a victorious smile, recognizing that she had won this battle for now. With that agreement, they returned to their songwriting. 
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the manicured lawn of Harley Jameson's grand estate, Velvet Rebellion gathered on the makeshift stage. Around them, staff and party planners began to decorate the backyard. Their instruments glistened under the setting and stage lights. 
Natasha, her guitar slung securely across her shoulder, couldn't help but notice Tony, seated behind the drum kit, his sunglasses doing little to hide the lingering effects of his earlier indulgence. She approached him with a stern expression, a hint of frustration in her voice.
"Tony, you better get it together," She warned. "We're not messing this up tonight."
Tony, ever the charmer, brushed off her concerns with an easy smile and a wave of his hand.
"Nat, I promise, I'm fine. See?"
With that, he launched into a lively drum solo, his sticks dancing skillfully across the drumheads. The rhythm was tight, the sound electrifying. Natasha couldn't help but acknowledge his undeniable talent, even as she sighed in resignation.
"Great," she muttered to herself, "the sunglasses are his secret weapon now."
Standing beside Natasha, Steve placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. His quiet and calming presence was a balm to her nerves.
"It's alright, Natasha," He reassured her, his voice steady and comforting. "We'll get through this gig, just like our old days. Tony’s recovering but he seems fine."
Together they glance back to their bandmate who was more than likely inebriated. Tony chugged a bottle of water, before crushing it and dropping it down onto the floor beside him. 
Natasha's gaze softened as she looked at Steve, a small smile forming on her lips. “Yeah, he’s the epitome of fine.”
“Okay,” Steve pulled her gently to the side. “What’s the problem?” 
“Nothing,” Natasha shrugged. “I just can’t help but think that gigs like this are beneath us. I mean we went from performing at the MTV Video Music Awards to this? A sweet sixteen?”
Steve looked at her. He had been through thick and thin with Natasha and knew the depth of her concerns. 
“Natasha,” He replied. “I get your worries, but I promise this is a good thing for us. Todd Jameson is one of the biggest music producers in Hollywood right now. There will be a lot of executives here just to support his daughter. Think of what that could mean for us.”
“Fine,” Natasha nodded. “But if he fucks up I kick his ass.”
“Oh, you bet. Right after I’m done kicking it,” Steve joked causing Natasha to burst into laughter. 
Natasha steps back over to the mic. “Alright let’s take it from the top.” 
As Natasha prepared to lead the band into their rehearsal of the first song, the peacefulness of the backyard rehearsal space was abruptly disrupted by the arrival of Harley Jameson. She swept onto the scene with all the extravagance befitting a Hollywood princess, accompanied by a harried-looking party planner and another woman, who appeared to be a guest.
Harley, the embodiment of a spoiled heiress, immediately began issuing orders with a sense of entitlement that left the party planner flustered.
"No, no, no! These decorations are all wrong! Change them around! The mirror ball should be over here. And I want a live peacock by the pool. It's not too much to ask, is it?" Harley demanded impatiently.
The party planner, clearly overwhelmed, tried to keep up with Harley's demands. "Harley, we only have a few hours before the party starts. It's going to be challenging to make all these changes in such a short time."
Harley huffed, uninterested in the logistical challenges she was causing. "I don't care about that. Just get it done. My dad said I could have whatever I wanted."
Meanwhile, Harley's attention shifted to Velvet Rebellion, her face lighting up with enthusiasm.
"Oh, my God! I've been dying to meet you! I'm a huge fan!" she exclaimed with excitement. “I’m so happy I could get you here.”
She bounded over to the band, seemingly oblivious to the chaos she was creating, and introduced them to the party planner and you.
"This is Velvet Rebellion!" Harley introduced with enthusiasm. "Steve, the keyboardist, Tony on the drums, Bucky on the electric guitar, Wanda, the second lead singer and bass guitar, and Natasha, the incredible lead singer!"
You and the other woman exchanged glances, your expressions a mixture of frustration and amusement at the whirlwind that was Harley Jameson. You gave a small wave, opting to be in the background of this exchange. 
Wanda, ever the peacekeeper, managed to maintain her composure and put on a friendly smile despite Harley's overwhelming energy. She nodded graciously at Harley's enthusiasm.
"Oh, thank you so much, Harley!" Wanda replied with genuine warmth. "We're thrilled to meet you too. Your party looks like it's going to be incredible!"
Harley's energy showed no signs of waning as she delved into the details of the band's performance. When Wanda mentioned their planned first song, "Smoke and Mirrors," Harley immediately piped up with an alternative suggestion.
"No, no, no," Harley interrupted with fervor. "I want you to start with 'Ink and Whiskey.' It's my favorite!"
Natasha, who had been preparing to protest the sudden change to their setlist, hesitated as she saw Wanda's meek demeanor. However, it was clear that Harley's demand had disrupted their carefully planned sequence.
Natasha began to voice her concerns, but Harley's retort was swift and smart-mouthed. 
“We’ve already planned this out for-” Natasha began. 
“Oh, you can change it, can’t you? It’s just a silly setlist,” Harly questioned. 
Before Natasha could respond, you intervened with a calm yet authoritative tone.
"Harley, let's tone it down a bit," You advised, your demeanor oozing an air of authority that surprised Natasha. Harley listened, her earlier defiance giving way to a more composed demeanor.
“Sorry, I’m just excited,” Harley shrugged. 
Natasha found herself intrigued by your presence and the respect Harley seemed to show you.
"Alright," Natasha conceded with a smile, "since it's your birthday, we'll start with 'Ink and Whiskey.'"
Wanda offered a nod of agreement, and the tension in the air began to dissipate.
Harley, feeling triumphant, turned her attention to the party planner.
"Sarah, darling, let's make sure everything is perfect. I want it to be a night to remember!" Harley changed the subject, pulling you both back into a conversation with ease. 
Sarah, the party planner, nodded and tried to hide her relief that the brief crisis had passed. 
"Of course, Harley. Everything will be just as you want it."
Natasha watched the exchange between Harley and Sarah, her curiosity piqued more by you. 
“Who’s the chick?” Natasha pointed over to you with a tilt of her head. She got shrugs from Steve and Bucky. Tony was way too distracted to answer as he flirted with one of the staff. Wanda squinted to see if she could guess. 
“I don’t know,” Wanda said. “She looks vaguely familiar, but I’m guessing it’s not her mom.”
“Interesting,” Natasha mumbled to herself. She shook her head. There was no time for whatever the thumping in her heart was proving to be. She was here for the band and for the music. Also for the money, she couldn’t forget the money. 
As the preparations for the party continued, your cell phone suddenly rang, breaking the conversation flow. You excused yourself with a polite smile and stepped away from the group, heading toward a quieter corner of the backyard a few feet away.
Natasha couldn't help but overhear snippets of your conversation, the tone of your voice suggesting a heartfelt exchange, likely with a significant other. Natasha discreetly glanced in your direction, her curiosity getting the best of her.
Your voice held a gentle warmth as you spoke softly into your phone, your words filled with affection and longing.
 "I miss you too, sweetheart. Yeah, the party's getting started here in a couple of hours. It's not the same without you. Can't wait to see you soon." You smiled. 
Natasha couldn't hear the other end of the conversation, but the tenderness in your voice painted a clear picture of a loving connection between you and someone special.
Meanwhile, Harley, always the inquisitive host, began questioning Steve and Bucky about the band and its music.
"So, guys," Harley started, her interest genuine, "Have you ever thought about going solo? I am dying to know the secret."
Steve and Bucky, accustomed to answering these questions, engaged in a friendly chat with Harley, even if they also found her annoying. 
As Natasha discreetly observed you from the corner of her eye, she couldn't help but be captivated by your natural beauty. You were dressed in a simple white t-shirt and form-fitting jeans, a look that should have been unremarkable, but on you, it was utterly captivating.
The way your hair was styled, framing your face in soft waves, added to your appeal. Your skin had a radiant glow, and your features held an understated elegance that drew Natasha's attention. Despite the casual attire, you exuded a timeless charm that was impossible to ignore.
Natasha found herself admiring the effortless beauty that seemed to emanate from you and she wanted to know more. 
Just as Natasha started to pretend she wasn't eavesdropping, you turned around with a warm smile, catching her off guard. She quickly toyed with her microphone stand, feigning indifference.
You found her reaction amusing but were soon drawn back into your phone conversation. Natasha couldn't help but wonder about the person on the other end of that call and what had sparked such a genuine smile on your face. 
She toyed with the mic stand for as long as possible, physically forcing herself not to look your way. It’s a few more minutes before you returned to the group. You turned your attention to Harley and Sarah.
"Harley, don't forget, you have that hair appointment in an hour," You reminded her, glancing at your watch. "We need to make sure you're all set for your big night."
Harley, momentarily distracted by the band's presence, nodded in agreement.
"Oh, right! Thanks, y/n. I'll head out now," Harley replied with a grin. She turned to the band and offered her farewells. "Catch you all later!"
With that, Harley and Sarah departed, leaving Velvet Rebellion alone in the backyard.
As the group began to disperse, you took a moment to say goodbye to the band. 
“See you guys tonight,” You said. “I’m sure you’ll do great. If you need refreshments just ask one of the staff and they will be happy to help you with anything you need.” 
Natasha responded with a small smile and a nod, a subtle acknowledgment of the brief but pleasant interaction.
Once you, Harley, and Sarah were out of earshot, the rest of the band couldn't resist teasing Natasha. Wanda, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, chimed in.
"Uh oh, I know that look," Wanda teased, earning a knowing chuckle from the others. Natasha's momentary fascination with you hadn't gone unnoticed, and her bandmates were more than happy to playfully nudge her about it.
“There’s no look, I don’t have a look.” Natasha rolled her eyes. 
“Sure, you don’t,” Wanda grinned. “Any bets on how long until she gets her number?”
“I say within the hour,” Tony raised his hand pulling out a single, crinkled five-dollar bill from his back pocket. 
“Fifteen says they sleep together after the show,” Bucky shrugged. Steve is the only one to remain silent. 
“I don’t know,” Steve scratched the back of his neck. “I think I’ll save my thoughts for later. The girl barely said two words to any of us.”
“Thank you,” Natasha said. “Now, can we rehearse like a proper band?” 
She tried to erase your image from her head as she positioned herself in front of the microphone. 
From the top. 
The night was alive with energy as Velvet Rebellion took the stage, the crowd gathered around, eager to soak in every note of their music. Natasha oozed confidence and charisma, a star in every sense of the word. The opening chords of "Ink and Whiskey" filled the air, and the crowd erupted in cheers. This birthday party was a rager if she’d ever seen one. Natasha always considered rich people stiff and uptight. Going to plenty of parties once their debut kicked off their careers. Stiff drinks, weird pleasantries, and even more drugs. She was being proven wrong with this particular shindig. 
She moved to the edge of the stage, her presence magnetic. She sang with a passion that could be felt in every corner of the space, her voice carrying the weight of their lyrics. The audience couldn't help but be drawn into her performance, and they eagerly joined in, singing along and dancing to the beat.
Wanda, standing beside Natasha, bled a different kind of cool and calm. Her steady presence provided the perfect balance to Natasha's fiery performance. It was clear to anyone watching that their dynamic was the secret to their success.
Natasha lowered her head, giving Wanda the floor to sing her part of the chorus. Wanda’s hands moved steadily between the chords as she sang into the microphone. 
Ink and whiskey, the pages of our hearts,  
Tangled in the chapters where love starts,  
In the darkness, our secrets we confide,  
With every word written, our souls collide
Natasha steps forward, moving close enough to the microphone so that she and Wanda could harmonize the last verse. Her eyes travel from Wanda’s, smiling as they share in the energy and joy of being on stage before she maneuvers herself to face the crowd. 
In the night's embrace, our love's sweet refrain,  
Ink and whiskey, like a runaway train,  
Through the highs and lows, we'll find our way,  
With every word we write, love's here to stay
In the front row, Harley danced with her friends, reveling in the music and the excitement of the night. The atmosphere was electric, and the joy was contagious.
As Natasha sang, she scanned the crowd, her eyes landing on familiar faces among the sea of B-listers and music enthusiasts. But the one that stood out the most was you. Your eyes locked, and Natasha couldn't resist a playful wink, a silent acknowledgment of your earlier encounter.
You raised your glass in a silent toast and clapped enthusiastically when the song came to an end. You weren’t a huge fan of the music genre but you could see why Velvet Rebellion was such a rising star amongst new artists. Their stage presence was undeniable, the song was catchy and the beat was electrifying. It helped that Natasha was cute. All good things in your book. You can’t take your eyes off the stage as they move into their next song. It’s a bit disjointed considering Harley made them change the setlist around the last minute but it seems smooth either way. Natasha dances a bit for this one, her body movements fluid and effortless. Almost as if she’s had some training. 
You’re momentarily distracted when a distant family member comes to say hello. 
The show must go on as Natasha continues to sing her heart out. 
The final notes of their setlist rang out, and the crowd roared in appreciation. Velvet Rebellion had given their all, and now it was time for the DJ to take over and keep the party going.
Wanda had convinced Natasha to stay a while longer, promising that the night was still young and full of possibilities. Tony, ever the charmer, remarked with a grin, "I see a few MILFs in the crowd that I wouldn't mind mingling with." He slipped into the crowd with ease, chatting up the first single woman he saw. 
Natasha, however, remained all about business. She stood at the bar, surveying the party and keeping a watchful eye on her bandmates. The chaos and revelry around her seemed to blur into a colorful swirl of dancing bodies and laughter.
It was then that you approached her, catching Natasha's attention. Your presence was a welcome change of pace, and Natasha couldn't help but appreciate the genuine compliment she received.
"You guys were incredible," You said with a smile. "I'm impressed."
Natasha, always a woman of few words in such settings, offered a gracious nod of acknowledgment. 
You extended your hand with a warm smile as you introduced yourself, "I'm y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Natasha shook your hand firmly and replied, "Natasha. Likewise."
You couldn't help but notice Natasha's reserved demeanor. Almost as if she felt too cool to be here. 
"I couldn't help but wonder," You began, your curiosity evident as you raised your voice above the music. "why aren't you out there dancing like the rest of your bandmates?"
Natasha offered a wry smile and shot back, "I could ask you the same thing."
“Touche,” You nodded. “I’m not much of a party girl.” You turn towards the bartender. “Do you want a drink? Eric here makes the best mojitos.”
“Sure, I’ll have a sex on the beach,” Natasha asked. 
“You heard the woman,” You jokingly said to Eric as he began to make your drinks. As you focused your attention on grabbing a few napkins, Natasha gave you a once-over. Your party dress was a delightful balance of simplicity and style. The knee-length and backless dress showcased a flattering silhouette, hugging your curves in all the right places. The deep, midnight-blue fabric was decorated with tiny, shimmering glitter that seemed to twinkle with each movement you made. Its sweetheart neckline and delicate spaghetti straps added a touch of femininity to the ensemble, while the mid-thigh slit allowed for easy movement as you moved. The overall effect was a cute yet elegant dress that perfectly suited the festive atmosphere of the party.
Natasha's observant eye caught the jewelry adorning your wrist. It was subtle but tasteful, hinting at a level of refinement that didn't go unnoticed. It was at least half of her salary for tonight’s show. This only interested her more. She needed to know who you were. She wanted to know the mystery behind you and your name. 
“Here you go,” You step back over to Natasha to hand her a drink. “I hope I’m not being too forward.”
“Not at all,” Natasha shrugged. 
"You know, if you're looking for a bit more quiet, we could step inside for a breather." You suggested, tilting your chin towards the house. 
Natasha considered the offer, realizing that a change of scenery might be a welcome respite from the party's chaos. With a small smile, she agreed, "That sounds like a good idea."
You led Natasha through the sea of people and inside the mansion to a nearby office where the music's relentless thump was muffled, and the atmosphere was quieter. It was a welcome change from the frenzied party outside.
As you settled into seats close to each other on the couch, drinks in hand, Natasha couldn't help herself and began to ask you questions. 
“Why did you ask me in here tonight?” Natasha asked. “Not that I’m complaining. I have been invited into much worse places.”  
“Thanks, I think,” You chuckled. You sensed Natasha's curiosity and offered a simple explanation, your eyes holding Natasha's in an unspoken connection."I enjoy meeting new people," you confessed, your voice soft but sincere. "And I've decided I wanted to talk with you."
You took a sip of your drink, your gaze thoughtful. "I also wanted to apologize for Harley's behavior earlier. She can be... spirited at times."
Natasha waved off the apology with a small smile, understanding that spirited was one way to describe Harley's antics.
You went on to explain, "Usually, I don't speak up like that, but my uncle has a way of spoiling Harley. It's... complicated."
Natasha's curiosity got the better of her, and she asked, "Your uncle? He’s Todd Jameson?"
You took a moment before revealing, "Yes. He and my dad are half-brothers. Making Harley my little cousin. I don’t admit it often."
The revelation left Natasha intrigued. She had heard the name Todd Jameson before, a figure of significance in the entertainment industry. The connection between you and Harley was now becoming clearer, and Natasha couldn't help but wonder about the family connection.
“That would make your dad…” Natasha began. 
“Nick Fury, the one and only,” You finished for her. “Different fathers. My dad is somewhere out there tonight. It’s a thing I don’t like to admit to strangers.”
“I get it,” Natasha nodded. 
The revelation about your family connection to Todd Jameson made Natasha pause for a moment. She had always admired the award-winning jazz player turned talent manager, Nick Fury, from afar. His contributions to the music industry were legendary, and Natasha couldn't deny that she was a fan of his music.
She decided not to fangirl, though, and instead offered a genuine smile. "Your dad is a legend. I've always been a fan of his music."
Your eyes lit up with appreciation. "Thank you, Natasha. I'll be sure to pass that along to him." You set your half-empty cup onto a coaster, before turning back to Natasha. “So, watching you on that stage. Not many people have that star power. I was wondering if you have experience dancing? You were incredible.” 
Natasha's eyes sparkled as she recalled her performance. "The way I danced on stage during our set, it's a part of who I am. I guess you could say it's a bit of my background showing through."
Your curiosity piqued, and you guessed, "Ballet, then?"
Natasha nodded. "Yes, I did ballet for sixteen years as a child. I even got into Juilliard."
Your eyes widened in admiration. "That's amazing, Natasha. How did you get into singing and music?"
Natasha took a sip of her drink and smiled as she delved into the story of how she got into music. It was a story that she didn't often share, but there was something about her conversation with you that made her feel comfortable opening up.
"It all started back in high school," Natasha began. "I was really into dancing, and it was an elective at my school. But then, one day, I decided to join the choir on a whim. And I fell in love with singing and songwriting. I grew up in a rough neighborhood. I needed something to keep me out of the house and off the streets."
She paused for a moment, reminiscing about those early days. "So, I started writing songs, and my friends Wanda and Steve would go over to Steve’s small bedroom. We'd play our rented instruments and experiment with different sounds. It was just a fun little hobby at first."
Natasha's gaze drifted, lost in the memories of those simple beginnings. "Then Bucky, Steve’s best friend well, he's always been a bit of a troublemaker, but he's got a talent for the electric guitar. And Tony...his dad's pretty wealthy and bought us all our equipment. Plus, he's good at the drums."
She chuckled, shaking her head. "It was a bit of a motley crew, but that's how Velvet Rebellion came to be. We started playing in small venues, dive bars, and country clubs. And somehow, we made it here."
Natasha's usually guarded demeanor had softened in your presence, and she found herself enjoying the opportunity to share a piece of her journey with someone who seemed genuinely interested in her story.
“I love that,” You nodded. You and Natasha share a smile before she asked. 
“Is your boyfriend here tonight? I don’t want to keep you too long,” She fished for more information. 
“No, no,” You shake your head. “No boyfriend. You?”
“Not really into monogamy at the moment,” She shrugged. She doesn’t know if this statement will bite her in the ass later but for some reason she trusted you. “Tell me about you. Are you in the family business or?”
"I've always had a bit of a connection to the music world," You began. "As a teenager, I sang a few backup vocals for artists my uncle produced. I guess you could say I almost pursued a career in music, but life had other plans for me. I got pregnant at seventeen. Dedicated to finish school and go to college."
You took a thoughtful swig of your drink and continued, "Now, I'm a publicist. I don't mean to brag, but I'm good at what I do.When I'm not working, I'm taking care of my daughter, Isabella. She's nine years old and the light of my life."
Your face softened as you spoke about your daughter, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy. "She's with her dad for the weekend," you added, "and we co-parent quite well."
Natasha was genuinely interested in your life outside of the party scene, and she couldn't resist asking, "Do you have any pictures of Isabella? I'd love to see her."
Your eyes twinkled with delight as you pulled out your phone and began to share a few adorable images of your daughter. Natasha couldn't help but smile as she admired the photos, enjoying this glimpse into your world beyond the music and the party.
“Here she is at gymnastics practice,” You flipped through a few pictures of Isabella’s smiling face. “And swim. She is a little spitfire and she wants to do it all.”
“Wow,” Natasha smiled as if Isabella were her own child. “Do you ever want more?”
“Maybe one day,” You said wistfully. “For now I feel pretty full with everything in life. You?” 
You noticed the change in Natasha's expression and asked, "Is something on your mind?"
Natasha sighed, leaning back into her seat. "I just don't know if I'm cut out for motherhood," she admitted. "I have a younger sister, Yelena, she’s attending the University of Cambridge in England now. She's even developed a bit of a British accent." Natasha couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.
"But," she continued, "I enjoy the fast-paced life, the music, the performances, and the constant movement. A significant other won’t quite understand that I don't always have the time. Not that I don’t ever want that someday but…” Her voice died down. 
You listened empathetically, understanding the complexities of Natasha's life as a musician. "I get that," you acknowledged. "But it's essential to find the right balance for you, whether it's in your music career, personal life, or something in between. My dad was able to do it. When he crossed over into hip-hop there was definitely a lot he missed but he still made things happen"
“Really? Well, I will have to ask him for pointers.” She grinned. 
Just as the conversation was reaching its peak, there came a polite knock at the office door. A member of the party staff popped in to inform you that they were ready to sing "Happy Birthday" to Harley.
You turned to Natasha with a warm smile. "It was nice meeting and talking to you, Natasha," you said genuinely.
Natasha, not wanting the connection to end, began, "You know, I'd love to..."
But before she could finish her sentence, your cheeks flushed, and you interrupted already knowing what she was going to say, your voice bold, "Are you going to call me, or are you going to leave me hanging in the wind?"
Natasha couldn't help but laugh at your sudden assertiveness. It was a pleasant surprise. "I’m not that type of woman," Natasha said. At your look, she laughed again. “You got me there.”
You returned her smile and handed Natasha your phone, saying, "You'll just have to trust me with your number instead, and I'll call." Asking for her number instead eased the pressure off Natasha, and also your nerves at hoping she’d call. 
You gave Natasha a wink and chucked a thumb over your shoulder to indicate you were going back to the party. Natasha nodded and watched you walk away. When her eyes trailed lower she doesn’t even feel guilty about it. 
Natasha left the office, rejoining her bandmates outside in the backyard, just as they were preparing to sing "Happy Birthday" to Harley. The festive atmosphere was in full swing, and the energy of the party was infectious.
As the crowd gathered around Harley, Natasha's eyes scanned the faces, and they landed on you, who was standing among the partygoers. Your eyes met, and you shared a knowing smile, a silent acknowledgment of the connection you had developed.
Tony, always quick to pick up on things, couldn't help but tease Natasha when he noticed her grin. "So, did you get her number?"
Natasha rolled her eyes at Tony's assumption but then burst into laughter. "No," she replied with a playful smirk, "she took mine."
The party was still in full swing when someone on stage stopped the music with a loud, "Hey, everyone! Can I have your attention, please?"
The spotlight shifted to the stage, and all eyes turned toward the source of the interruption. It was a friend of Harley's, and he had a mischievous grin on his face as he spoke into the microphone.
"I have a special surprise for our birthday girl tonight," he announced. "We have someone here who's agreed to sing 'Happy Birthday' to Harley, and I think you're all in for a treat."
A collective cheer and applause erupted from the crowd as they eagerly anticipated the surprise. The spotlight moved to you, highlighting your face and putting you on the spot. You managed to not look like a deer in headlights which was a feat in itself. Natasha's curiosity was piqued, especially considering you had mentioned you weren’t much of a singer.
You tried to protest shyly, but the crowd begged you to come up on stage. Encouraged by their cheers, you reluctantly made your way up to the spotlight.
Once on stage, you cleared your throat and took a deep breath, your nerves palpable. You began with a little birthday speech, your voice tinged with affection and humor.
"I want to wish a happy birthday to my cousin Harley," You began, your smile directed at the birthday girl. "Even though she's a bit of a brat," you teased, earning laughs from the crowd, "she's my brat, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
Then, as expected, you began to sing "Happy Birthday." Your voice, which you had modestly downplayed earlier, was nothing short of remarkable. It was soulful, sweet, and filled with a depth of emotion that resonated through the entire backyard.
The crowd, including Natasha, was utterly blown away by the unexpected talent that you possessed. Your voice filled the air, making the birthday celebration even more special and memorable. It was a moment of pure magic, and Natasha couldn't help but be captivated by your incredible singing ability.
Natasha decided two things then and there. One, she really liked you, and two, boy, was she in for a ride.
---> next part
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hazelfoureyes · 6 months
The Safeword is RadioApple (part 4)
Part 1 ꒰აMaleReader✧FemaleReader໒꒱ Part 2 ꒰აFemaleReader໒꒱ Part 3 ꒰აAlastorxLucifer໒꒱ tidbit (cute, not smut) Part 4 ꒰აFemaleReader໒꒱✨NEW✨ ₊⊹⁀➴ Lucifer wins⟡Alastor Wins
Happy SunSinday! I really hope you like this. Thank you to @sugoi-writes for treating me to the coffee that helped me power through this. I’ll need like, atleast half a day of no writing to recover the mental exhaustion 😂 I’ll be back Monday to catch-up on all the comments and inbox from the last 2 days!
Lucifer lets fate decide how he and Alastor will show their dear kitten their teamwork skills.
「warnings/promises apply to both routes: RadioApple x FemReader, threesome, Lucifer x Alastor anal, p in v, soft breeding kink, Luci calls himself Daddy, biting, choose your own adventure, heaven ain’t got shit on Luci, fingering, tentacle fucking, cuddling, creampies, cum fucking, lots of deer references partially because of @n-after-me’s latest fic, sweet words, Happy Luci」
Deer Duck Kitten
Finally. You finally had both men in a place where you could enjoy each other as a group, instead of just you getting fucked by two people at the same time. 
You had half recovered from your hangover by early afternoon, but the little slip you made earlier in the day was just causing a new headache to emerge.
When the men both questioned what exactly you had meant, you decided the best option was to take your own advice and shut the fuck up. So shut the fuck up you did, for a solid three hours, while lying in your bed face down.
New problem now. Perfect. 10/10, you suck. 
Alastor and Luci were huddled in a corner of the lobby, two arm chairs pulled together and facing away from the others.
To Alastor, you had said something unspoken until then. The only difference that he could see was his …embracing of Lucifer’s inclusion in your relationship.
Lucifer was partially blind, the stars orbiting his head shining too brightly for him to see or think properly.
“Was that normal?” Lucifer asked.
“Not for us, no.” 
Lucifer, unblinking, “It’s too soon for sure for us.”
Alastor’s static aura flickered, “Obviously.” Lucifer glared.
“She’s obviously happy we got along so…well?” 
Alastor nodded.
“So let’s show her our teamwork in action! Let’s take care of her. Together.” He winked, making Alastor grimace.
“Take care of her how? Because she’s sick?” You were still hungover.
“No… take care of her.” Lucifer’s brows rose up and down, saying the words a little louder.
The air around Alastor snapped, a crackle of static returning, “I’m not deaf, I just don’t understand what secret meaning you’re hinting at.”
The normally patient and polite king’s face scrunched before he grabbed Alastor by the lapels and pulled him close, seething, “Take care of her. In bed. Sex. Fuck her.”
Alastor scowled, dark gums peaking past his lips, “We do that nearly nightly in some fashion, your majesty.”
Nose pressed to nose, forehead to forehead, “I am going to fucking kill you.”
While what they were saying wasn’t audible, Angel was adding his own narration to the video he was taking, “I’m gonna fuck you, Radio Demon.” He attempted a regal voice. “Not if I fuck you first! ha ha ha,” His best shot at a trans-Atlantic accent.
“You’re insufferable. Just speak plainly!”
Lucifer opened his mouth to reply but instead of words, a choked noise as he turned his face away. A deep blush now rising up his neck to his cheeks. A flash of a memory of Alastor’s dark eyes looking down at him over his wet body, stomach bulging with every thrust. Could he really say it out loud?
“Oh.” Alastor sat back in his chair, “She and I haven’t…” he searched for a delicate word, “Explored other avenues.”
Now who wasn’t speaking plainly?
“Well we could rearrange the order a little.” Lucifer sandwiched his hands together in hopes he could keep the details unspoken.
Alastor hummed, “Who would be in the middle, so to speak, if not my-”
“Our.” Lucifer cut him off.
A sinister snarl of a grin, “-dear.”
Lucifer put out a fist, “Did you know rock paper scissors or are you too old timey for that?”
“Loser has to hold open their gaping hole and-,” Angel jumped and nearly dropped his phone when Charlie bounced up beside him.
“Awww Dad and Al are playing games together!”
He snickered, tears forming in his eyes, “Yeah like tugga war and hide the pickle.”
“I think it’s called tug-of-war, Angel.”
Angel patted her on the head and turned to flee, “Good catch, princess. Nothin’ gets by you.”
They couldn’t decide who would knock, so both did. You weren’t ready for the conversation yet, having to explain it was just an expression and not intended to be a declaration. You and Alastor used many other words instead; my beloved, I adore you, my love. You had found comfort in the steadiness of his adoration, never a fear he would leave so you never worried much at the lack of direct ‘I love you’.
But …. Luci. You could see in his face how desperately he needed to be overshadowed with someone’s love. To be the one to eclipse all of his insecurities with a warm blanket of consistent affection? You’d die again for the opportunity. Just—- not yet. Certain words are meaningless without action. And you hadn’t done much more than cuddle and have sex. You needed to show him your love before you said anything about it. 
Another set of knocks. You whined, they didn’t deny you anything so how could you deny them? “What?”
“Kitten?” mixed with “Dear.” from outside the door.
You called them in, not watching as Luci beelined for the bed and Alastor closed and locked the door as quietly as possible to not bother you. 
“Does your head still hurt?” Lucifer slid up to your right side. You opened your eyes, turning your head to him. 
He smiled. You felt the bed dip, Alastor settling to your left. 
“Are you feeling otherwise unwell?” Alastor asked. Rolling off your stomach to turn fully to Alastor now, surprised at the gentle conversation. You had anticipated an interrogation. 
“I’m fine now. Just don’t feel like moving much so… bed.” Luci’s hands slipped over your waist as he cuddled into your backside. You couldn’t help the smile you made. Alastor kissed your forehead, and your smile grew. Much more tender of an interaction than usual. Normal events involved you passed between the two, them taking turns with your attention when not actively having sex.
You were the little buffer between them. It always felt like they were trying to enjoy you without needing to realize the other demon existed in the room at all. 
Alastor made a show of taking his hand and sliding his fingers into Lucifer’s, resting on your waist. 
Manually breathing, you tried to keep your face neutral to not scare away the moment. 
Luci propped himself up and leaned over you. When Alastor leaned too, receiving a kiss from Luci on the lips you rolled onto your back. You’d never seen the Eiffel Tower from underneath but as you stared directly up as Lucifer kissed Alastor again, and again, you could imagine what it must be like to be under such a grand display. This was the first time you’d seen them intentionally touch each other… other than attempted murder. 
Did Lucifer win rock paper scissors? Cum here
Did Alastor win rock paper scissors? Smash this
∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult (general tag list):
@cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , @tsunaki , @janchei , @wettiny-in-smutland , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @pansexual-opera-house , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum ,
@ivebeenthearchersstuffn, @rubyninja1 , @simphornies , @alleystore , @readergirlstuff , @berry-demon , @chirimeimei , @fairyv-ice , @olive-frog , @thonethatflies620 , @tiredkiwiii , @ilikemyteawithmilk , @whateverlololo , @psipies , @howabouticallyou , @roxxie-wolf , @ive-no-idea-what-to-call-this , @fizzled-phoenix , @fjorjestertealeaf , @phobophobular , @surusurusuru , @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 , @whateverlololo , @simplyonehellofanotaku , @xixflower , @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it , @roxxie-wolf , @a-case-of-attachment , @multifandomfanatic02 , @watereddownmilk , @raynerrold , @crazii-saber-wolf , @valkyrie-expeditions , @bontensbabygirl , @sillyb0nez , @oo0lady-mad0oo , @jazzmasternot , @pseudobun , @fraugwinska✨, @alitaar , @straows , @alastorssimp , @angelicwillows , @b-o-n-e-daddy , @one-and-only-tay , @slutforlucifermorningstar , @sarlaccussy , @saccharine-nectarine , @looking1016 ,@sapphirecaelis , @itzzzkiramylove , @ultimate-duck-king-lucifer , @blakeaha
🏹Alastor stalkers: @celestial-vomit , @amurtan ,@valkyrie-expeditions
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voxsmistress · 5 months
Mama Didn't Raise No Bimbo - Part 12
Well my gorgeous little lemon-chops we are finally getting there! My brain was absolutely scrambled trying to think how to write this chapter! I hope you like it? please lemme know <3
Our little Y/n is about to make a deal that will change her entire undead life!
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen
Stepping outside the hotel you spy a black car pull up. Hurrying down the steps you are surprised when a sinner gets out the driver’s seat and opens the back door for you with a small bow in your direction. Okay. That’s new. Thanking them you slide in and relax in the lush leather seating. Perhaps having them a little bit wrapped round your finger is a good thing?
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Being directed to Vox’s office you admire all the decoration on the way, distracting yourself from the fact you were going to have a meeting with two very powerful Overlords who may – or may not – try and hook you into another deal. Knocking on the oak door you let yourself in when you hear his voice. Okay Y/n you’ve gotta stick to your guns! No offering anything unless you get a better offer. And do NOT get distracted by their flirting! You got this!
Peeking your head round the door you smile at Vox who was sat behind his desk, looking up when you entered, a lazy smile spreads across his face. “Ah my lovely little songbird, finally you made it” he motions to the seat opposite him. You close the door behind you. As you walk over to the chair trying your best not to roll your eyes you huff.
“Vox it was barely half an hour since you texted me to meet you, you’re lucky I didn’t have any better plans” teasing him as you take your seat, he chuckles.
“Better plans than seeing me?” Biting your bottom lip, you let your gaze flicker down his usual suit, admiring how even sat down he commanded power. Catching his darkening expression, you smirk at him.
“Princessa, you wouldn’t be teasing our Voxxie now, would you?” Your undead heart nearly leapt out of your chest, twisting quickly you give an amused Valentino the stink eye. Not funny.
“Bloody Hell Val, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Having them both snigger at you made the scowl on your face deepen. Where was Velvette when you needed her? She kept them both in line. Most of the time.
“My apologies Y/n, I didn’t mean to scare you so…” one of his hands tilted your chin up so you were looking at him, he himself was leaning down so your faces weren’t so far from each other. The sweet smell of the cigarette smoke that clung to him tickled your nose. “Forgive me?”
Hmm. Flirt. “I suppose so”, laughing when he taps your nose with a smile of his own. Standing back up he walks around the table to perch on the end next to Vox, purposefully shoving documents out of the way annoying the other Demon. Now, having two powerful Demon’s staring at you was just a bit nerve-wracking. Having two powerful Demons staring at you when you know they want something from you was just … a bit scary.
As no one was breaking the silence you decided to: “any who, how did you know where I was?”
“Darling, I always know where you are”, Vox rests his head on his linked hands, studying you. Those clever eyes taking in every detail. If you had less control of yourself, you’d fidget and blush under that gaze. Instead, you squirmed internally while externally smiling.
��Uh huh … you’ve been tracking my phone to show you where my location is, right?” It had been the main question you’d been asking yourself the entire car journey over. Of course he had tagged your phone. Those cameras of his only show so much of Pentagram City and from what Alastor told you, there weren’t any (or any that he knew about) in the Hazbin Hotel. At his lack of answer, you smirk at them. “You do know there is an easier way to find out where I am?”
“How is that?” They ask, Valentino sparking up another cigarette filling the room with that sweet, red smoke. Holding your finger up in a wait motion, you reach into your jacket pocket and pull out your phone. Typing in a number, you hold it up to your ear while crossing your legs as you stare at them both. After a moment a shrill ringing started from the top of the table, Vox looked at it confused for a moment before answering it. “Hello?”
“Hey handsome, so just in case you’re wondering where I am. I am currently sat in your office with two very hot Overlords discussing how they can just ring my mobile and find me like a normal person instead of tracking me like a piece of game. Okay gorgeous – gotta go important things to discuss. Mwah. Kisses”, you tease before hanging up the phone and slipping it back into your pocket. An amused snort distracted you from your stare down with Vox. Valentino was quietly laughing to himself as Vox shoved the phone back on the table with a scowl.
“Oh Vox, our Princessa certainly has a funny bone”, he joked while pinching the bottom of Vox’s screen affectionately. If that had been anyone else, they’d have lost their hand. Sometimes when the Vee’s showed you these different sides to them you could almost believe the sweet gestures that they would give to you – but then you remember who they are and that thought disappears. A little bit. Sometimes.
Vox shook Valentino’s hand off his screen, rolling his eyes he huffed a little. You and Val share an amused look. For a powerful Overlord, he really did pout like a baby.  Actually, come to think about it, they all did. What does that make you? The babysitter?
“So … boys, you demanded my presence about an offer you had for me? I’m here and all ears. What is it that you would like to talk about?”
“Yes. Me and Valentino have discussed about offering you a deal to sing at Valentino’s clubs. After seeing the …uh … opposition the other night well - someone who is associated with us needs to be working in the more upper-class joints than you are now.” Surprised by their offer you tilt your head in confusion, this is not what you were expecting.
“You want me to work at Val’s clubs?” You confirm with them.
“As well as the other clubs I’m currently working for?”
“No”. Vox flicked through his phone. Blinking in shock you look up at the smoking Valentino, a wink was the only answer you got off him.
“Instead of?”
“Yes Songbird. We are willing to offer you more money than the rest of the clubs are offering you combined. Of course, you will get certain benefits and you are welcome to an apartment here in the Tower for security reasons and ease of getting to work, etc”. Ah there it is. The ol’ ball and chain.
“And what are you wanting in return for this rather generous offer?” You lean your elbows on your knees as you focus on the two Overlords.
“Your happiness…?” BUZZZZ Please try again. How stupid do they think you are?
“Uh huh. Wanna give that another go big boy?” Narrowing your eyes at them, you receive amused looks in return.
“Okay. We get your exclusivity to just us. It’s a brand deal; demons and sinners that work for us only work for us,” Val explains through a haze of smoke.
“A brand deal? I hope you aren’t planning on branding my ass with that” you jokingly ask - semi-serious.
“Don’t be so silly, we wouldn’t brand you”, Vox rolls his eyes as Val chuckles.
“Course if you wanted that Princessa, I’m sure we can come to some arrangement”, shaking your head at Valentino you focus back on Vox.
“But it you work for me, Val and Velvette – it’s a complete deal. You help showcase and sell the clothing line and Socials with Velvette, you work in the clubs for Val, and I need a little bit of you here and there for the VoxTek products to promote them. In return you get publicity, a place to live, more money than you’ll know what to do with and power”.  Was this sounding a little bit too good to be true to anyone else?
Biting your lip nervously, you lean back in your chair as you eyeball them both: “All in return for?”
Sighing, Vox gets up from his chair and makes his way in front of you. He leans against the table and looks down at you, Valentino was smirking over his shoulder.  
“You.” He wafts his hand at you.
Me? What on Hell? You uncross your arms and glare at him while stating: “Me? Thought we went through this; you aren’t having my soul”. Standing from your chair you go to walk away, this was a complete waste of time if that’s all they were after. Sharp fingers gripped your wrist yanking you back the few steps you had made towards the door. With one hand on your wrist, Vox’s other grips your chin gently and lifted it up so you were looking him dead in the eyes. Two other hands grip your waist, the sweet smell of smoke wafted around you as Valentino loomed over your back.
Tutting, Vox smirked, “It’s not your soul we are after sweetheart. We want you”. Confused you try to shake his grip off but he tightened it.
“Me for what?” What on earth could you give them that they didn’t already have?
“To be ours”. Well that stopped you in your tracks.
Possession. Is that what they wanted? “This is new…? Is this like you want me like a new shiny toy that has just come out at the store sorta thing? What when you grow bored of me? I’m just to be tossed aside like the rest of your toys” you bare your fangs in annoyance at them.
“No, we cannot see that happening Princessa, you have three of us to share – trust us, we and you will not be bored. And new? Hardly. We’ve been interested in your ever since we saw you sing one night. You didn’t see us at that club, but we sure saw you, mi amore. Since then we’ve been watching you, waiting and wanting”, breath caught in your throat as Valentino’s fingers stroked up and down your waist. Vox’s caressed your cheek with his thumb while keeping your eyes on his. What was happening?
“So? My little Songbird, what do you say?” He rumbles out, eyes lidded as his gaze flits between your eyes and lips. This has gotta be a dream? Right?
“Can I have a moment to think about this please?” you ask. After they both agree you remove yourself from their arms. Pacing the room, you begin to think through everything without their influence. Contract terms were coming to an end, but not all of them. You needed to complete those deals on your end, or you would end up with less power than you began with. You would not be saddled with a leash because of the Vee’s, you had a way to gain power and you would use it.
Turning to them both, you take a deep breath. Here you go.
“I agree to certain terms. However, I have my own stipulations. I finish out my old contracts while starting the new ones with you. I have deals of my own that I need to complete before starting new ones, you understand that? Also, I can work at other clubs, however they will be vetted by all of us before I take the job. I have a name that I have built up, I do not want to see it go to ruin. With the apartment – I can come and go when and as I please. More so than anything, I am my own person and will always be my own person.” You hold a hand up as they both go to crowd you again. You had to finish this before they managed to influence you again by their presence. Because as much as you could lie to yourself and to others, you were attracted to the Vee’s. If this was a chance to run with a bit of happiness and danger (because undead life was so boring without it) then you were going to sprint with it to the finish line.
“If I am to be yours – then you are just as much mine, and I don’t sleep around. I expect the same. I understand you three have an agreement and I’m happy to be included in that – but that is it”. Lowering your hand, you stand ready to hear what they have to say. The cowardly part of you doesn’t want to look at their faces. But the stubborn bitch in you wanted to make sure they knew you meant every single word you said.  
The gigantic smirks on both their faces made your cheeks redden, even more so when they both moved forwards so quickly that you were surrounded by them again. Hand under your chin once more, you raise your eyebrows at the smug Vox as he leans down so that you could feel his breath on your cheeks. Valentino was bending down from behind you, his hands wrapped around your waist pulling you close to his chest as his breath tickled your hair around your ear.
“Deal”, they both whispered. Well fuck!
Tags List:
@tasha-1994 @azullynxx @reath-solia @leathesimp @klorinda @twinklethewarrior @martinys-world @rosiethevoxobesser
@the-maladaptivedaydreamer @songbrita @midge7838 @joumi13 @wonderlandangelsposts @th3rizzl3r
@ace-spades-1 @iamferalfordilfs
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seospicybin · 11 months
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Han x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle masterlist
Synopsis: You and Han become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (12,7k words)
Author's note: I had so much fun writing Han's season idk why so I hope you enjoy this one too! x
The party is in full swing.
Everyone is dancing and getting friction off each other, having the time of our lives by forgetting that everyone here is locked in this sexless retreat.
Han has his hand around your waist and you look over your shoulder at him, your eyes meet in an intense gaze. Your eyes drop to his teeth faintly biting his lower lips, getting curious of what it would be like to kiss those lips.
You drop your head against his shoulder and he leans in...
The music abruptly stops and the chime comes in. Everyone knows where to go whenever they hear it and off to the cabana we go.
All the fun and euphoria of the party seem to have evaporated once you are seated on the sofa and waiting for the boss lady to come.
The chime comes in again with her cone body flickering in purple-hued lights.
"I've gathered you all to remind you that this retreat is for finding deeper connections, not just physical ones. This information is not getting through to some guests."
As always, you can sit this one out because you haven't broken any rules yet but Lana sounds so mad and that puts you on edge.
"There has been a breach of the rules."
There's a dark cloud casting over everyone's head and you prepare yourself for what's coming, it's most certainly going to get ugly.
Asher reclines in his seat and glances at Gwen next to her, it's obvious that he did it.
"I don't want to say I lost you guys more money but..." Asher is stalling only to prolong the pain.
"Did you guys kiss or not?" Finn simplifies it for them.
Asher and Gwen exchange a look, then after a minute, Asher finally answers, "Yes."
"I thought we're here for the experience—" Gwen's words get cut off by Finn's loud scoff.
Gwen is only here for a day so it's not a surprise that she still has that mindset, that it's okay to break rules and have fun. She hasn't felt the consequences of her actions like the rest of the group.
"This kiss has cost the group $6,000."
"Mmh... brilliant," Sawyer lowly mutters.
"The prize fund now stands at $149,000," Lana announces the current amount of money in the pot.
"That is not all," Lana is not letting anyone breathe yet.
"What?" Nya gasps.
"Last night, there was another breach of the rules."
Last night, everyone behaved nicely but maybe that's just what it seemed to you. Again, you can't control everyone in here because the only one with that power here is Lana.
Mikaela is looking uncomfortable that she keeps playing with her earrings even though nothing is wrong with them. You dare to ask them, "Rio, Mikaela, did you guys kiss?"
Rio is quick to shake his head to deny it while Mikaela keeps quiet next to him.
"I'd rather speak up," Han lets his suggestion hang in the air for anyone to get the meaning of it.
"I mean..." Mikaela breaks out of her silence.
"It was an accident. We were showering together and I kind of touched," she pauses to avoid continuing her sentence.
Your jaw drops in surprise because that's just a stupid thing to do. They're struggling to take their hands off each other yet they had a shower together, it would be impossible for something to not happen in there.
"We thought it wouldn't be a rule break," Mikaela adds, in what is supposed to be her words of defense.
"It doesn't matter," Finn remarks with an annoyed look on his face.
You doubt that that's the only infraction they did in there and everyone seems to think so. You remind yourself to keep your tone calm to not upset her, "Mikaela, honey, is that it? Is that the only thing?"
Your question sends the tension soaring high but it's either they tell them the truth or face everyone's wrath. You hope they choose the former.
"We uh... we kissed," Mikaela meekly admits.
Indeed, they were aware of what they were doing and the repercussions of their actions.
"Rio and Mikaela, what you did goes against the rules of the retreat," Lana sternly remarks.
You just can't believe that they choose to act selfishly like this but you refrain yourself from talking, afraid that you'd say things you didn't mean.
"These rule breaks have cost the group $10,000."
Even Avery who's been Mikaela's supportive friend is looking just as disappointed as everyone. She has nothing to say to defend her and can only try to calm her down.
"I'm sorry, you guys," Mikaela apologizes with an exasperated sigh.
"The prize fund now stands at $139,000."
YOU: What are they thinking? Really? Lana is not stupid. If she said it's a rule break, it is a rule break.
When you think Lana is going to end this agonizing meeting, Lana continues to speak still not letting everyone catch a breath.
"Rio and Mikaela, you have broken the most rules since arriving at the retreat and have repeatedly broken the trust of your fellow guests."
You lean back on the sofa and reluctantly listen to everything, exhausted from the roller coaster of emotions Lana puts you in.
"You must now prove to them that your connection is more than just physical. You will face the ultimate test of chastity."
"Sorry?" Sawyer asks, afraid that she misheard what Lana just said.
"Rio and Mikaela, you must spend the night alone in the private suite."
Finn sarcastically laughs at that, "We're done. We're done for."
Nya looks at Mikaela and asks, "Are you going to do anything?"
That seems to trigger her that Mikaela starts to ramble, "I feel like getting negative energy, right now. We're being pointed and like... I don't understand."
Well, after what they did, it only makes sense that everyone doubts they'll pass this test.
"Please make your way to the suite," Lana orders.
And Rio couldn't take Mikaela faster to the private suite.
YOU: [shrugs] I think we're finished.
Han can't wait to sleep on it but he senses something as Lana is not letting everyone go even after Rio and Mikaela leave for the private suite.
This is supposed to be a good night for him, he told you about his feelings and it was well-received, then the party was fun.
It was great until he sees Lana's cone-shaped body. He puts his arm around to seek comfort from you and you rest your head on his shoulder right away.
"Forming meaningful relationships with people always starts with trust. My question is how much do you trust Rio and Mikaela?"
That is the hardest yet the easiest question to answer. Hard because Han trusts Rio so much, he's the closest to him amongst everyone else here but it's also easy because of what they did when they're together.
Han trusts Rio but he doesn't trust him when he's with Mikaela.
"Jeez..." Asher hisses.
"All they're doing is losing money," Finn says with a snide smile.
"If you decide to trust them and they pass the test, the $40,000 that has been lost so far will be returned to the prize fund."
Some are gasping and a few others are sighing in pessimism. Sure, $40,000 is a lot but everyone's concern is on whether Rio and Mikaela will pass the test or not.
"But if you decide to trust them and they fail the test, the prize fund will drop by a further $40,000."
"Nah, no way," Asher immediately responds with a head shake.
As much as Han wants to back Rio, he has as little faith as everyone that they'll pass the test. However, it's not just about their friendship, it's about money and the group as a whole.
"They got so much shit tonight, they're not going to do it," Gwen says.
But coming from someone who's only been in the retreat for a day, everyone dismisses her right away.
"They know they'll lose money if they do anything," Finn surprisingly takes Rio's side but Han believes it's because he wants the money back.
"Guys," Avery is taking her turn to speak now, "This is a real test. Watch them actually pass it."
Now that it's coming from Mikaela's close friend, everyone listens to her, and their minds slightly change.
"This is their chance of redemption," Avery concludes.
A moment passes as everyone tries to mull things over, deciding whether to trust that they'll pass the test or not for a chance to get a lot of money back.
In the end, it's being decided by voting.
"If you think that we should trust them, hands up right now!" Finn says.
Hands are rising to the air in favor of trusting Rio and Mikaela to not break any rules in the private suite. Han also raises his hand, going with the majority.
He then turns his head to see that you're not raising your hand along with Sawyer sitting on the other side of him, he respects that.
"Thank you. I have noted your decision. Goodbye," Lana ends the session with a grim closing.
HAN: I trust my boy, Rio so I'll ride with the majority
They're making a big mistake.
Yes, there's a chance to gain some money but they forget that they also risk losing more money for doing it. Anyway, you voted no and if things didn't go as they wanted, you wouldn't be a part of it.
You groan as Han puts his whole body on top of you, propping his hands on each side of your head with his face hovering only inches away from yours.
He flashes you that gummy smile, then leans in to whisper, "I feel like we're getting closer."
You put your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, pulling him close against your body.
"And we're getting a lot closer now," you playfully say back.
He buries his head in your neck and you can feel his warm breath fanning the sensitive skin, making you tingling inside.
You still feel the slight shock from the sudden confession he told you earlier in the bathroom and you feel the need to ask him if he was just saying it because he feels like it or...
"'I like you,' huh? Where did that come from?" You ask him with your hand on the back of his hair, ruffling it between your fingers.
Han pulls away to hover above you, he props his elbow against the mattress to support his head, "I like the fact that you're a bit silly like me," he says.
You scrunch your nose at that, "You're a whole lot of silly," you disagree with him.
"You're fun to be with, you're not taking things seriously, I... I'm enjoying getting to know you," he answers.
Han then leans in and presses his nose to your cheek, "How about you? How do you feel?"
You look away and pretend to think, "Uhm... you're alright, I guess," you add a shrug to tease him.
He drops his head into your neck as he breaks into laughter and tries to muffle it as everyone else is trying to sleep in the room.
"Well, that's what I like about you, you're so chill..." he compliments.
He looks at you as he continues talking with his hand playing with the strand of hair on the side of your head, "I've been pushing my feelings away but now, I gave in," he sincerely tells you.
You place your hand on his arm and feel his warm skin as you intently listen to him speaking his heart out.
"I admitted to how I feel and honestly, don't regret it," he finishes and brushes your hair away from covering your face.
It's heartwarming to hear everything he said and know that underneath that goofy layer of his, there's a part of him that is so pure and earnest, proving to you that he's not this cool guy he disguised himself him when it comes to someone he likes.
"I don't know what you want to do with it..." You try to articulate your thoughts into words but also avoid giving him the wrong idea.
"I think it would be cool to get to know each other and see what happens, see if something comes out of it," you tell him.
You're not trying to play his game plan back to him but you want to play it cool.
"Okay," he agrees with a sweet smile.
"You blew my mind, really," you tell him how surprised you are by his sudden confession.
"Well, I kind of want to blow you elsewhere but..."
You gently slap him on the arm and pull him, holding him close to wish him goodnight.
"Goodnight," he wishes back with a soft kiss on your cheek.
YOU: I do like Han but also, he did tell me that he liked Avery so... I don't want to get hurt. I can only hope that he's telling the truth.
Lana chimes the second the lights are on.
You groan as you force your eyes to open and squint to see the cone blinking in the middle of the room. You pull the duvet to your chest, waiting to hear what Lana has to say early in the morning.
"Good morning, everyone."
"Mmh... morning," You're slurring your words as you yawn at the end of your sentence.
"Are you feeling optimistic?" Lana asks, reminding everyone of the big gamble they did last night.
"I think we'll get the money back," Avery says, standing firm on her ground.
"Given Rio and Mikaela's history, you might be, as humans say, screwed."
Is Lana hinting that they didn't pass the test? You thought by voting no, you would be excluded from feeling guilty about it but you feel it nonetheless.
"I feel broke already," Asher groans as he tries to sit on the bed.
"I think they've got it," Avery says while twirling her hair in her fingers, looking not convinced by her own words.
You don't want to think about it but here we are, talking about it the moment you woke up and now you can't stop thinking about it.
You turn on the bed and put half of your body to overlap Han's, cuddling him as usual before starting the day. You look at his face and see that his eyes are closed, even with his face is slightly swollen and his hair is disheveled, he looks adorable to you.
You poke the tiny mole he has on his cheek, "Morning, goober."
He takes your hand away to kiss your plan then puts it across his chest, "Let's sleep for another five minutes," he mutters with eyes closed.
Feeling playful, you put your mouth close to his ear and whisper, "Okay."
YOU: But honestly, if Rio and Mikaela cost us any more money, I'll be fuming.
When Lana calls you, you drop everything and go.
You're not done with your makeup yet when she calls everyone to the cabana. You drag yourself to get there with Avery linking her arm with yours.
With the two of you as the last ones to get there, you decide to sit at the end of the sofa.
Everyone is looking nervous as they wait for anyone to come in, either Rio and Mikaela or Lana.
After a while, it turns out to be the former. Rio and Mikaela look happy and you know looking happy doesn't mean they did something but it makes you nervous seeing the smiles on their faces.
Lana chimes not long after, saving them from being drilled with questions by everyone.
"Hello, everyone."
"Hi, Lana," you weakly reply.
"Rio and Mikaela, how was your night at the suite?" Lana asks the most spending couple.
"Oh, yeah? What happened?" Finn asks with faint enthusiasm.
Mikaela looks at Rio before answering, "It was romantic."
"How romantic?" Nya asks.
"Bubble bath, champagne, rose petals... it was beautiful," Mikaela answers with a smile on her face.
You look at the ones who voted to trust them and see if anyone shows regrets.
"Rio and Mikaela's stay in the suite was the ultimate test of restraint to further their connection without surrendering to physical desires."
You half-heartedly listen to Lana as you start to get a bad feeling about everything and prepare yourself for the worst outcome.
"However, this was also a test of trust."
From the looks on their faces, Rio and Mikaela seem to not expect that Lana is brewing something behind them.
"Rio and Mikaela, when you left the suite, I asked the group whether they would put their fate on you as a couple."
Mikaela's jaw drops at the information and her face dims as if someone has turned off the lights.
"If they trusted you not to break the rules, I would reimburse the $40,000 you both lost so far."
Rio rubs his hands together and licks his thick lips, having nothing to say but you can't quite tell if it's a good or a bad quiet.
"However, if you broke any rules in the private suite, an additional $40,000 would be deducted from the prize fund."
"That's how much faith we had in both of you," Avery says and intentionally, makes it sound like a warning to them.
You take another look around and can see that most of everyone regrets their decisions already.
"I can reveal that Rio and Mikaela did break the rules," Lana announces.
YOU: Don't say I didn't warn you.
To say that he's disappointed would be an understatement.
Han can't believe that someone he thinks that's like a brother to him would do such stupid things. He knows that he should not do it, they should take this test as a way to earn everyone's trust but they wasted it away.
Not to mention, wasted some more money too.
"What did you do?" Nya asks.
"We maybe uhm... kissed," Mikaela answers.
"Again?" Asher gasps in shock.
"Did you think for a second that maybe it's not a good idea? That you knew you had to resist it?" Avery says, gritting her teeth as she speaks to Mikaela.
To everyone's surprise, Mikaela doesn't look like she's feeling guilty or shows even the slightest of remorse on her pretty face.
"And because you kissed twice, you have been fined an additional $12,000."
Han thinks that's already the worst of it but Lana doesn't stop there.
"That means your night at the suite has cost the group a total of $52,000."
"I'm sorry I failed you all," Rio finally speaks up for the first time today.
"We-we don't know you bet all of that money on us," Mikaela defends but that's so out of touch.
"But we— You were put to the ultimate test," Avery pressed the focus on the matter and that she shouldn't blame everyone when they're the ones who shit the bed.
"I know," Mikaela says, defeated but still not looking sorry for what she did.
"The prize fund now stands at $87,000. Goodbye."
HAN: $52,000 for two kisses? [Shakes head] It's not even funny anymore.
You walk back to the dressing room to finish getting ready for the day even though you don't feel like doing it anymore after losing more than half of the prize money when it's not even halfway of the retreat.
You take a long sip of water from your tumbler then sit on your usual spot on the vanity table.
Nya, Gwen, and Sawyer are there too, probably can't find anywhere else to vent but here. The room is loud with their rant and frustrated groans.
Unfortunately, Mikaela steps into the dressing room and everyone gets quiet as she takes a seat on the chair. She looks at everyone but none of them is looking at her.
"I feel like I need to come here and talk to everyone," she says.
You pick up your eyebrow pencil and carefully fill in your eyebrows with it while looking into the mirror.
"You guys shouldn't put your trust in us," Mikaela says.
Instead of sincerely apologizing, Mikaela flips it back to everyone and hopes that it'll make everyone feel better. Nya scoffs at that while the others keep on ignoring her.
"I feel guilty. I feel so bad right now," Mikaela says in the hope that's enough to assure everyone that she's sorry.
Sawyer puts down her hairbrush and starts talking, "I don't think you're sorry for doing it."
You look to the side and see that Sawyer is speaking up for everybody here.
"I think you just feel bad at how bad we're reacting," Sawyer points out.
And she's right. Mikaela only feels bad because no one is taking her side and not because she feels bad for what she did.
"I mean, is it like what? Seven times? You're obviously not sorry for what you're doing," Nya also can't help herself from adding to it.
It's clear that everyone is not pleased with Mikaela and her behavior, especially without Avery on her side to help her.
YOU: Mikaela, [holds up hand] please!
"I'm genuinely sorry from the bottom of my heart," Rio begins with a heartfelt apology as the boys gather in the bedroom.
Han is not sure an apology would ail this sense of betrayal he feels but at the same time, he doesn't know what Rio can do to make it go away.
"If you were smart, you should have slept away from each other," Finn rants.
Meanwhile, Asher is sitting still on his bed, scratching at his head with a blank expression on his face.
"I put everything on you, man..." Peyton says with a low sigh.
Han still doesn't know what to say but he guesses that Rio can see the disappointment on his face as he presses his lips together into a thin line.
"I'm genuinely sorry," Rio apologizes again.
He leans forward with his hands clasped in front of him, "Over time, you'll see that," he finishes.
If only his apology brought back the money they'd lost, Han wouldn't be this mad and so would anyone, but well...
HAN: Obviously, they had no idea we risked that much money on them and I do feel sorry but they should have known it's called the ultimate test for a reason.
"Looking like a handsome sausage!"
Han breaks into laughter as you watch him getting ready in the bathroom, then continues combing his dark hair while looking into the mirror.
"We got called to the cabana," you inform, leaning your body against the doorframe of the bathroom.
"Bleugh!" Han reacts with a groan and takes a can of hairspray for his hair.
"I know," you agree with him.
Han is indeed looking good in his red shirt and dark slacks but oftentimes, he wonders why he is impeccably dressed up just to get anxious over a talking cone.
"My belly is turning," you whisper to him.
Unluckily, Han can't give you the comfort you need when he feels the same way. He puts a hand on yours and intertwines it, resting it on your thigh.
The cone chimes and everyone gets tensed at the sound of it.
"From the date I've gathered during your stay in retreat so far," Lana skips the usual greeting and that only means she's angry.
"I must inform you that some of you have not demonstrated the capacity to make deeper, emotional connections."
Is it what Han thinks it is?
"Oh, my days..." Nya weakly gasps.
He holds your hand tighter, afraid that his thought manifested into reality.
"There are two guests that have not committed to the retreat or show signs of progress."
It's becoming real now that his heart is pounding out of his chest. At this point, he can't tell who these two people are because Lana is the only one who can objectively see everyone's progress in this retreat.
"And I must bring their time here to an end."
He can't believe what he heard but as you press your head into his shoulder, he knows he heard it right. Lana is sending two people home, right now.
HAN: I am freaking out. I want to get to know her and see where that might go so... I don't want to go home.
The possibility that this might be his last night in the retreat is there. Han puts his arm around you, pulling you close and putting his head close to you, catching that natural scent of your body as he breathes you in.
"The first person who has to leave the retreat tonight is..."
Everybody is nervous and the tension is rising, everyone is uncomfortable in their seats. Han is stressed, thinking that it would be him.
Nya, the one sitting next to her, throws her hands around her while Fabian who sits on the other side, gently squeezes her shoulder.
"Sawyer, you have failed to commit to the process or make any emotional connections. I have calculated that you have the lowest possibility of forming meaningful relationships," Lana lays out the reasons why she's being sent out of the retreat.
Sawyer sadly smiles and looks at everyone, "It's okay, you guys," she says but her eyes are glossy with tears.
Nya rests her head on her shoulder and holds her hand, snuggling up to her as if she's the one who needs the comfort not the other way around.
"The second person leaving the retreat tonight is..."
Han feels like someone is squeezing his heart dry and his throat is closing up, making it hard for him to breathe.
Han is unconsciously gripping your shoulder and you end up holding him, providing him the comfort he seeks by placing rubs on his back.
"Peyton, you have continued to display behavior from your player past and you have shown no remorse or signs of change."
Peyton puts on a smile and coyly says, "I don't say much but all of you are like family to me."
Avery sniffs with her eyes wet with tears while Nya looks like she knows it's coming for him.
"Sawyer and Peyton, please leave the retreat."
It feels like he's letting them down even though Han is not the one with the decision to cut them off the show. He feels sorry for them as he hugs them and bids them farewell.
"See you again, everyone!" Sawyer says for the last time before leaving the villa.
Everyone is just as gutted as he is, sitting on the sofa waiting for Lana to finish speaking.
"I hope the rest of you take this as a lesson to take this process more seriously."
When bedtime comes, it feels not right to see one bed empty.
He feels bad for them but he's also relieved that it's not him and you, he's not ready to go home yet. Moreover, he is determined to make progress in this retreat.
He dives into your arms and lets you hold him, keeping him in your warm embrace.
As if you know he needs your comfort, you gently rub the back of his neck, "I'm still here," you whisper with a soft laugh.
He smiles hearing that and places a kiss on your cheek, "I know."
HAN: We've just started getting to know each other so I'm glad that we're staying.
It's another day in the retreat and another day of spending hours to get ready for the day.
You understand that you should look presentable because you're in a TV show but doing it for almost two weeks now, you're getting tired of it now.
"You look cute in that bikini, babe," Avery compliments you as you put on a black pair of bikini.
You take a step back to see the whole look in the mirror, "Mmh, yeah, I look good," you agree with her.
One thing you learn in this retreat other than making emotional connections is that you like hanging out with girls.
Instead of rivalry, the girls are very supportive of each other, you can see that from compliments being thrown around the dressing room every five minutes.
The only girl that isn't vibing with you is Lana.
After a very intense day yesterday, you feel like turning the other way instead of going to the cabana. It's like you can't go on with your day without seeing her cone-shaped body.
"Come, baby cake," Han holds his hand out at you.
You take his hand only to let him pull you hard until you topple onto his lap, making you laugh as he puts his hands around you.
"It's kind of suspicious to me that there are presents for us," Asher says.
You wouldn't notice the small boxes on the table if Asher didn't say anything, not sure if it's a present but it looks like it from how the lid is wrapped with a pretty bow.
"Hello, everyone," Lana greets as soon as she comes online.
You get off Han's lap to sit on the sofa since it's not a good time to get cuddly.
"I have a gift for each of you."
Lana confirms your guess but you get nervous instead of excited for it. It's never just a gift, there must be something else in there.
"What it is, Lana?" Finn asks.
"The gifts will serve as a reward for those couples who show me that they're taking the right steps toward deeper connections. They will be given the chance to take those connections further."
Everyone is intently listening, probably wondering if there's a catch behind this sudden gift-giving.
"Can we open it?" Nya asks with eagerness.
With the cue given by the staff, everyone takes one box from the table and discovers a smartwatch inside.
"For free?" Han innocently asks you.
You're cackling as you put the watch around his wrist and let him do the same with yours.
"When I observe two people forming a genuine connection, they will be given a green light like this..."
Lana demonstrates it by turning the watches green along with a melodic chime of hers and everyone is cheering in reaction.
"... where the rules do not apply for a little amount of time."
Han leans in to whisper into your ear to relay Lana's message, "Green light means we can fuck."
You burst into laughter and gently push his head away, stopping him from saying another silly thing. That doesn't stop him from resting his chin on your shoulder.
"I would like to remind you that those who do not receive a green light are not displaying enough progress."
You see that everyone is excited about these watches, well, the idea of getting a pass to rule break is nice but knowing Lana, earning a green light wouldn't be easy.
"Thank you, Lana!" You thank her nonetheless.
YOU: With this [shows watches] I think I'm ready to deepen my connection with Han.
Motivated by the promise of a green light, you pull Han aside, walking to the beach together to get some privacy to talk with him.
You both sit on rocks facing the beach with the surface of the water reflecting the afternoon sun at you. You've been meaning to talk to him about your feelings and you don't like talking about your feelings so it's going to be hard to open up.
However, you know he gave you a lot and you've only given him so little.
"I've been meaning to talk to you about us," you begin.
"Okay," Han says with a nod.
"I know I've been holding myself back a little," you admit to him with a thin smile.
"A little?"
You smile at that and corrected it, "I keep my guard up."
"I think the Avery situation plays on the back of your head, huh?" He correctly guesses.
Well, that's one of the reasons so you nod, "Yeah, it does."
Han gazes into your eyes even though he has to squint under the bright sun to do that, "I barely spoke two words with Avery, I didn’t vibe with her. It was purely physical attraction," he says.
He pulls his legs and puts his hands on his knees, "But spending time with you, getting to know you, it all feels natural, you know?"
You nod in agreement because it does feel natural like you've known him for years instead of days.
"I feel like now... if anyone else came in, I'd still stick with you no matter what," he earnestly says to you.
It feels like discovering a new side of him and this talk feels intimate because it feels like you're talking to his heart from how open and sincere he is with his words.
"It's not just that," you confess.
It's been so long that you haven't been this open to anyone that you forgot how and it scares you so much. You keep retreating even though you keep reminding yourself to lower your guard down even just a little.
"The last time I opened up to someone, I got badly hurt and it makes me scared of commitment," your heart aches as the truth escapes your mouth.
"That's my problem," you say with a nervous laugh.
Somehow, letting those hurt out sets you free from the burdening past and you feel so much lighter and better. As you gaze into his eyes, you feel like you can tell him anything now.
"Yesterday made a massive difference."
"What do you mean?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.
"I didn't want to lose you," you sincerely tell him.
Han leans forward, trying to get as close to you until his knees bump with yours. He takes your hands and holds them while keep looking into your eyes.
"I knew that you were the only one I connected with since day one," you confess and you hope it's enough to tell him how you really feel.
He smiles at you, the silly one that makes you can't help but smile back to him.
"I want to kiss you now," he says to you.
"We can't. Unless this turns green," you remind him while showing him the watch on your wrist.
He then looks at the vast sea behind you and comes up with an absurd idea, "Do you think Lana's rules still applies on international water?"
This is why you like him, he's not only tugging at your heartstrings but he also shakes it, teases it, and twirls it around his little finger.
YOU: To be honest, I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else but him [smiles]
sThe boys are off to do a workshop in the front yard and the girls are hanging out by the beach, talking about, well... boys.
"It's so hard to keep my hands off of him," Gwen shares.
Recently, a few people have been doing bed swaps. Since the night Asher kissed her, Gwen now shares the bed with him while Avery is now sharing the bed with Nya.
"How do you feel about him?" You ask out of curiosity.
Gwen brushes her hair to the side, "I like that he's so fun to be with and not afraid to make a fool out of himself," she answers.
"Do you see any possibility that it could be more than that?" You ask.
The question seems to take her aback that she takes a minute to think, "Yeah, I think so but let's see," she vaguely answers.
"It'd be amazing to have more people in here," Avery says.
Nya turns her head around to look at Avery, "And more of my type," she adds.
"Someone with confidence, masculinity..." Avery lists all of the things she wants from a man.
"And big hands!" Nya continues her sentence which sends everyone into laughter.
"We just need more meat in here!" Nya desperately wishes her heart out and hopes that it's loud enough for Lana to hear.
It's like Lana hears their prayers, someone steps into the villa but unfortunately, it's not one she wishes for.
Avery lets out a shriek and covers her mouth too late to muffle it, "Oh, my God!"
"Is that a new girl?" Mikaela asks, looking suddenly intimidated but doing a great job masking it with excitement.
The new girl waves her hands, looking at everyone with a bright smile on her face, "Hello, hi, babes!"
You hear a British accent and that explains the distinct charms she has. When she introduces herself, she holds strong eye contact with you, "I'm Portia."
You exchange a quick hug and kiss both cheeks, "You're gorgeous," you tell her in admiration.
"No, you're gorgeous," she flips the compliment back at you with a sweet smile that showcases her dimples.
The girls look fine sharing the attention with the new girl but you can see the sheer disappointment drawn on Nya and Avery's faces.
But guess what? Another guest walks into the retreat and finally, it's one they're looking for.
It's a whole lot of meat in one man, Nya will have her desired feast. He's tall, has stunning brown skin, and a charming smile, you spot a few tattoos on his body too.
"I'm Ed," he introduces himself around.
He looks pleased being the only man in the villa at the moment, "You're all so beautiful," he says with a grin.
Avery is smitten already, she can't take her eyes off of Ed. You're afraid that she has to share him with Nya and you notice that his eyes are on you.
"So, what is your type, Ed?" You ask, being the one to start the conversation so the available girls would know which one he's more into.
"I don't really have a type, just someone I vibe with," he coyly answers.
Avery laughs even though there's nothing funny with what he said. On the other hand, Mikaela seems to be worried that the new girl is going to steal Rio away from her when clearly, she hasn't even met him yet.
"What about you? Do you have a type?" Mikaela asks her.
"Tall, gorgeous, nice smile..." Portia answers with a giggle.
You almost choked on air hearing it, "That's Rio," you blurt out.
"Well, Rio and I, we've been together since day one so..." Mikaela indirectly tells the new girl to not touch his man. She may as well piss on Rio to mark her territory.
You exclude yourself from their chat and decide to join the other group of girls talking to the new guy.
"That's some sick tattoos you got there," Ed says as he looks at the tattoos on your arm.
"Thank you. You got some uh... impressive ones," you say, but it's hard looking at them when his toned abs keep distracting you.
He lightly touches your inner arm to show you which one he likes, "This. I like this."
You shudder at the contact like you've been zapped by electricity and at the same time, you see the boys are returning from the workshop.
YOU: New guests mean more rule breaks [laughs] I just hope that they catch up on our progress fast [laughs]
What is happening? Han comes back from the workshop to find that there are two new guests in the villa.
One is a beautiful brunette and the other one is a tattoed guy with tousled hair that makes him look like he's just rolled out of the bed looking attractive like that.
If Lana's plan is trying to intimidate him, no, it's not working. However, if the plan is to try to make him jealous then yes, she's succeeded at it.
The new guy touching your arm in an excuse to see your tattoo and as a player himself, he knows that it's just one of his tricks.
Everyone is going around introducing each other and he can see that Finn and Fabian have their eyes on the new girl, surprisingly, Rio too. He looks over to Mikaela and she has the right to drill a hole on her head with her laser eyes.
"Portia, what do you think about the boys? Do you like what you see?" Asher asks, representing the curious singles in the villa.
"Yeah," she shortly answers.
"I'm excited to have fun and get to know everyone," she says with her eyes daringly glancing in Rio's direction.
"Are you planning on breaking rules or what?" Finn asks straight to the point, still has his priorities right as the sex police.
Portia giggles at that and then lightly shakes her head, "I can't promise anything."
This new girl looks cute, with freckles dusted her cheeks and a dimpled smile but he senses that she's going to stir things up in this retreat.
With the two new guests, the dressing room is a lot more crowded than usual. Han dresses up in a black shirt and jeans, styling his hair with Asher putting his long hair into a bun next to him.
"What do you think?" Asher asks him for his opinion.
He looks at him, up and down to know if the whole look complements each other, "Great, man," he says.
Seeing the new guy able to land his hand on you merely a few minutes after he stepped into the villa, Han feels like he needs reassurance that you're still doing it with him, getting to know each other and making deeper connections.
It's so easy to play cool and confident but you've seen everything in him, he knows that you'll see right through him.
No one ever told him that liking someone makes him more insecure about himself.
While everyone else is hanging around the new guests at the firepit, he pulls you aside to talk on the small sofa where you both squeeze yourselves into.
Han slouches with his head resting against the sofa, looking up at you while you're propping a hand under your head and one leg draping between his legs.
You look so beautiful in that tight black dress, you smell so good and those lips tantalize him more than usual tonight.
With his arm around you, he aimlessly runs his fingers on the small of your back, "What do you think of the new guy?"
You peer down at his face and ask back, "Ed?"
He's only been here for hours and you already addressed him with his name. Again, no one ever told him that liking someone makes him think irrationally.
"Do you think he's good-looking?"
You think for a second then nod, "Yeah."
"Mmh," you nod again.
"And I'm not handsome?" He asks with a grin but genuinely curious what you think of him physically.
You crack a laugh and think again for a while, "Yeah."
"'Yeah I'm not handsome' or 'Yeah I'm handsome'?"
You're laughing instead of answering and his hand stops moving on your back, waiting for you to answer.
"Is that why you don't want to kiss me?" He asks, turning serious all of a sudden, then looks away to not let you see how embarrassed he is asking you this.
You stop propping your head with your hand and put your hand on his chest, "First of all, you're not handsome," you tell him.
"I'm super handsome, I know," he entertains himself.
"You're cute," you say with a gentle pinch on his chin, "And I like cute guys.
That makes him look back at you with a smile that blooms on his face, "How cute?"
You lean in close to tease him, leaving only a few inches of space between your lips and his, "Very cute."
Han is already dizzy with your warm, sweet breath brushing his cheek as you speak. His eyes drop to your lips as they tantalize him more and more.
"Kiss me then, I'm cute," he teases back by putting his hand on the nape of your neck, not letting you back away.
"How about Lana? The money, mmh?" You softly rub the tip of your nose against his cheek.
"I don't think they'd mind us breaking a rule," Han reckons since none of you have broken any rules yet it's more likely that everyone will let it pass.
You cup his jaw and softly swipe his lips with your thumb, "You think so?"
From the way you're looking at his lips, he knows that this is also what you want.
"Yeah..." he breathlessly says, his throat getting dry the more he craves your lips.
"Mmh..." you answer with a sultry hum.
Han can't take it anymore. He slowly pulls your head close until your lips collide in an explosive kiss, a kiss that obliterates his senses and stirs chaos inside his head.
His tongue pries open your mouth and you eventually cave in, letting him invade you, tasting more of you. He's so deep in it, drowning himself in it that breathing doesn't feel necessary anymore to him.
Oh, he loves your low moans that slip out against his lips and the hand that lingers on his neck. He also feels your leg slowly rubbing his inner thigh, inviting the other part of him to come and join.
He almost pouts when you pull away from the kiss, and you console him with a quick peck on the lips, "That's enough for tonight," you say.
He doesn't want to stop but he looks at the bright side of things, there's always another night.
"We should wipe that lipstick mark..." you sigh as you clean his lips with your thumb.
His hand flies to your lips, helping you to fix your smudged lipstick so as to not leave any evidence for everyone to see. However, touching your lips only makes him want to kiss you again.
As if you're reading his mind, you immediately retract yourself from him to get a space, you take the chance to fix your hair and then your dress.
He helps by pulling down the hem of your dress to cover your exposed thighs. He leans to your side and whispers, "That was a good kiss."
That doesn't enough for him, he then throws himself at you, putting his arms around you as he pinned you down on the sofa, "Fuck, that was so good," he sighs again into the crook of your neck.
Wrapping your arms around him, you bring your mouth close to his ear and murmur, "Don't get used to it."
HAN: It feels like I kissed a girl for the first time all over again [smiles]
Lana seems to let him go for the night and Han can't tell if he should feel lucky or what.
Eventually, Lana will tell everyone and everyone will know that they kissed, he is very well aware of that.
But God! That kiss was so good and it was worth every penny of that $6,000 he spent on it. He didn't even think of the money because he was kissing you and you're such a good kisser.
It wouldn't be like every other night, it would be hard for him to sleep next to you tonight and not try to kiss you. He licks his lips to get any taste of you that lingers in his and his head is spinning, a little lightheaded thinking of the kiss.
Most of everyone is already on their beds and he's been waiting for you long enough he starts to get antsy. Truthfully, he just can't wait to see you so he walks to the dressing room, he finds you sitting and applying something to your face.
"Baby," he calls you from the doorway.
"Yeah?" You answer without looking away from the mirror.
"When are you coming to bed?" he asks, half whining.
"In a few minutes," you reply, carefully dabbing the skin around your eyes with your finger.
"Come to bed..." he grumbles as he walks up to you only to realize that someone else is there.
The new girl, Portia, is brushing her hair on the other side of the vanity table. Han immediately gets embarrassed for acting like a toddler to you, not knowing there's someone else there.
"You guys are very cute," She shortly comments with a smile.
Han can only wait until Portia leaves the room to start talking with you, even though he's not sure if it's a good idea to be alone with you.
He watches as you dab your lips with lip balm and smack them together, inviting him to touch and feel the softness of your lips.
"Put some on me too," he says.
You hand him the lip balm to put it on himself but he refuses, shaking his head at you. You reluctantly put it on for him, and slowly glides the lip balm on his lips.
"Okay, now we're ready to kiss," he says after smacking his lips together.
You gently push him away and swivel your chair to the other way, "Told you not to get used to it," you say, getting up from the chair.
He puts his arms around you, hugging you from the back while you're putting your things back into your make-up bag. You smell so good that he can't help but plant his nose in your neck, getting himself drunk in your scent.
You start walking in the direction of the door, dragging him to you with your hands on his, "Let's go to bed."
"One more kiss," he whispers with a soft kiss on the sensitive skin behind your ear.
You look at him through the reflection in the mirror with his head buried in your neck, "We can't rule break again," you tell him.
He starts whining like a baby, humming against your skin with his arms tightening around you.
"You're just a baby, mmh?" You gently nudge his chin with your shoulder.
"It's better to get scolded for two kisses than one," he offers his idea to you.
You softly laugh at him and you seem to be more worried about anyone finding the two of you here alone from the way you keep looking at the doorway.
"I know you want it too," he teases you, then playfully bites at your ear shell.
You take his hands away from you but instead of walking away, you push him until he's pinned against the Asher's close on the other side of the dressing room to prevent anyone from walking in on you unnoticed.
"You won't stop until we do it, mmh?" You murmur, putting your body against him and dropping your hands on his shoulders.
He looks into your eyes as they sparkle and he can see that you want it too. But you get ahead of him, crashing your lips against him and knocking the air out of him.
Somehow this kiss is better than the first one and he gets even hungrier for you, opening his mouth to take more of you.
He twirls your tongue with yours and mischievously, you gently tug it between your teeth as he tries to pull away, giggling when you finally let go.
The temperature in the room seems to have raised a few degrees, making him feel hot all over yet he pulls you incredibly closer, leaving not even an inch between your bodies. He has one hand on the arch of your back and the other on the nape of your neck so he can angle your head as he pleases
With your body pressed against him, he can feel it starts to mold to his body and he wants to feel every curve of your body with his hand.
You immediately drag his hand back as he attempts to touch your rear, clicking your tongue at him as you pull away from the kiss.
"That's enough rule breaks!"
You leave him with his mouth hanging open and his lips wet from the kisses, it's cruel that you leave him wanting more.
"We can't enter the bedroom together so..."
You take steps back from him and walk in the direction of the door, "Wait for a few minutes then you can come to the bedroom," you instruct him.
He manages to catch your hand before you walk away, "One more kiss."
"No!" You refuse but with a sly smirk on your face, hinting that you're not completely opposed to the idea.
"I know you like it," he says, standing in the middle of the room, defeated.
You stop by the doorway and look over your shoulder, "I meant it, wait for a few minutes!" You remind him.
You know what? They'll eventually know so he doesn't why you bother to avoid everyone's suspicion.
HAN: I started paying attention to the little things she does. How she purrs in her sleep like a kitten or scrunches her nose before smiling [shyly laughs] everything about her is adorable except the kisses... her kisses are out of this world!
Is this how everyone feels when they know they're about to get exposed by Lana?
Surely, you can't calm down like usual since you blatantly broke the rules twice last night. You didn't even think about the money at that time and the guilt only hit you right now, fast and hard.
Well, it's not like you commit a murder or something, it's just a kiss, well... two kisses and they cost $12,000. You gulp air thinking of the money you spent on those two kisses but in your defense, it was worth every cent of it.
You glance at Han and he flashes a knowing smile at you, there's no way out of this but through.
When the chime comes, your heart drops to your stomach and you inhale air to calm yourself.
"Hello, everyone," Lana starts the session as usual with a lukewarm greeting.
"Hey, Lana," you reply with a weak smile.
Han takes your hand so you can stop playing with the frayed hem of his sleeveless top and takes your other hand, pinning your hands by the wrists on his lap to make you stop fiddling altogether.
"I must now inform you that yesterday, further rulebreaks occurred."
You turn your head at him and he's looking calm, he even winks his eyes at you which you respond with a scoff.
Avery points her finger at Mikaela and Rio, the biggest spender in the villa.
"Not us," Mikaela immediately denies.
You look at Han, giving him the signals to start talking before the tension rises. He gets the cue right away, letting go of your hands to hold it instead.
"It's us," he coyly says.
Rio says something in Portuguese while Asher claps his hands, both impressed at him. You see that the response is not as horrifying as you thought it would be.
"Did you kiss or did anything else?" Finn asks, wanting to know how much you did so he can calculate the damage.
"We kissed. Twice," Han answers.
You get so embarrassed at how proud he is at admitting the rule breaks that you start laughing next to him. You suppress another wave of laughter to apologize.
"We're sorry, guys, everyone," you sincerely tell them.
YOU: Everyone is taking it well and I think it's because they know we have a genuine connection here.
"These rule breaks have cost the group $12,000," Lana informs.
However, you know it's not going to stay this calm when the bills turn up.
"The prize fund now stands at $75,000."
Now everyone's faces dim at the amount of money left in the prize fun and it's not much. You are sorry for breaking the rules but it's not right to put the whole blame on you.
Avery crosses her hands together and warns everyone, "No more rule breaks!"
It's so easy to say for her to say now. It was easy for you to refrain from anything sexual but now that you have a partner and you try to build a connection with him, it's so hard because physical affection helps you to achieve this connection you're having with him now.
"Is that all, Lana?" Finn asks.
"As you know, I encourage genuine romantic connections so I have planned dates for our latest guests," Lana comes with an announcement instead.
That gets the new guests, Portia and Ed excited hearing it. Only Mikaela looks like she's plotting a murder plan in her head.
"Ed, please select someone from the group to take on a date," Lana orders.
Feeling like he needs to show ownership over you, Han puts his arm around you as Ed is looking at the girls to take on a date.
Ed's eyes land at you for a second before it shift to Nya, "Are you up for anything later, Nya?"
Nya smiles so brightly and pretends to not care, "I don't know. I'll have to go check my schedule," she jokingly says.
You look at Avery and she looks a bit disappointed with it. She is pretty and all but maybe Nya fits his vibe more.
"Portia, please select someone from the group to take on a date."
Han leans into your ear and whispers, "I'd be worried if I were you."
You snort at that and you're not saying that there's zero possibility for it, it's just that you know Portia has her eyes on Rio. Not sure if she's gutsy enough to take someone's man on a date.
"Uhm... I would like to try and get to know someone," Portia says and she happens to sit next to Rio.
"I'd like to take..." she stalls with her eyes secretly glancing at Rio.
"Rio on a date," she finally says.
There's no one here that is not surprised by her daring move. Portia may look adorable with her freckles and blonde hair tied into pigtails but damn, she is ballsy.
"Sorry, Mikaela," she says to her but you don't hear any guilt in that apology.
Mikaela only nods and forces herself to smile, "Here we go," she sighs.
This only reminds you that you're indeed in a TV show and you believe the viewers would enjoy this drama so much because you're secretly enjoying it too.
"Thank you very much for the date," Rio says which only takes the drama further and sets Mikaela on fire.
Gosh, you feel incredibly good for not being a part of that drama. You put your hand across Han's chest and are just grateful that what you have with him is genuine.
YOU: If Rio kisses Portia on their date [shakes head] all hell will break loose on this retreat.
Mikaela is pacing around in the dressing room while the girls are getting ready for the night, except the ones that are on their dates.
"You have every right to feel like this. It's so shitty, I know," Avery says, validating her emotion while doing her make-up.
You see that Mikaela is on the verge of crying as she holds the back of her chair and grips at it, "it's been hard for me to build a genuine connection with Rio," she says.
Avery pauses doing her make-up to give her a gentle squeeze on her arm, "I know, I know," she comforts her.
Putting the drama aside, you feel bad for her because as wild as you can be you refrain from stealing someone's man. It's girls code and you're not a fan of anyone that has no respect for that.
"Mikaela, sit down, honey," you tell her because she's looking like she's about to faint.
She obeys you, taking a seat next to Avery and rubbing her temple in distress, "If he goes in and his head turns, just know that he's making poor decisions," she stutters her words trying to hold in her tears.
You're bad at comforting people so the least you can do is listen to her and make sure she feels heard.
"He's entertaining this, he-he's..." Mikaela can't keep it anymore so she bursts into tears.
In a second, Avery comes to her aid, holding her as she's crying. You reach for her shoulder to place tender rubs on it to comfort her.
"It's just that... I haven't been vulnerable to one person in so long," she says with a quivering voice.
You can relate to that more than ever and you'd feel the same way if it happened to you.
YOU: That's just what happens when you get too close to someone, they'll gain the power to control your emotions.
Consider him lucky that Mikaela-Rio-Portia drama diverted everyone's attention away from his $12,000 worth of rule break.
But here's a new problem: Han craves it more than before.
He blames you for having such addictive kisses that he can't wait to have more of it. However, he craves for something more than just kisses now.
Yes, he's aware of how dangerous it sounds but how can he can stop thinking about sexual things when you're always looking so damn sexy.
Just like tonight, you look so gorgeous in that black silk dress with thin straps and it showcases your beautiful neck that he wants to tear it off of you.
You drain your wine before sitting on his lap, "Hi, crawdaddy," you greet him with a giggle.
He sees you licking the drop of wine trying to escape the corner of your mouth and he wishes he could do it for you.
"You look so hot," he praises you with his hands on each side of your waist.
"Mmh?" You squint at him.
"What do the kids say now?" He thinks for a moment before continuing, "Fire!"
You laugh at his choice of compliments and put your hands on his muscular chest.
"You're fire!" He says again with a sly grin.
The night is lovely with the full moon hanging in the sky and the winds blowing so softly, brushing his skin with salty, warm air.
But all he can feel is the touch of your fingertips on his neck as you look into his eyes, "What are you thinking?"
Should he tell you what is inside his head right now? Not sure if it's a good idea though.
Han tucks the strands of hair escaping your ponytail behind your ear and keeps his hand there, holding one side of your head with such love.
"We have so much sexual chemistry going on, don't you think?"
"Mm-mmh," you nod in agreement.
"And I think we can have sex," he says.
Before you get it wrong, he quickly adds, "Only if you want to have sex."
You nod again and scratch the tip of your nose with your knuckle.
He puts your hand away and leans in close, "What do you think?"
You seem to hesitate to answer him, "Hmm..."
He leans in closer and places a soft kiss on your neck, you keep a safe distance with your hand firmly resting against his chest.
"I think we should stick to the rules," you tell him.
Then you put your hand on his neck and look at him as you continue talking, "I just don't want us to have sex and suddenly things change, I don't want things to change between us."
He pulls you close and locks his arms around you, "Things are not going to change between us," he assures you.
"I know," you say, "I'm just scared that it would happen."
He completely understands what you're saying that you're afraid that sex would change things between you and him.
"I know what you mean," he tells you.
To console himself, Han places another soft kiss on your cheek and looks at you as you endearingly brush his hair to the back.
"Don't get me wrong, I'd like to have sex with you," you bluntly say with a sly smirk.
"But..." You don't even get to finish your words as you pull him into a hug but that proves you're just as sexually frustrated as he is.
You pull away to look down at his crotch, patting his thigh as you say, "Down, boy!"
Han laughs, embarrassed that you know he's having a boner when you're only sitting on his lap. He wants you so much but at the same time, he wants to prove that it's just more than physical attraction.
With or without sex, he's a happy man to be with you.
HAN: I've been horny as it is... [sucks air through teeth] Hopefully I can hold out.
Another drama unfolds during bedtime.
You're joining Avery in chatting on Asher's bed, the three of you are chatting when Mikaela suddenly comes. She looks unhappy, duh, you'll be too when your man is on a date with another girl.
"Portia has disrespected me, she said some things on the date so I will be having some conversations with her," she says.
The three of you automatically look at each other and notice that Mikaela is having a meltdown. There's a concerning thing going on in the room so you walk back to your bed and so is Avery.
Mikaela is impatiently waiting for Portia to come into the bedroom while Rio is comfortably snuggling close to her on the bed.
You don't wait to share it with Han once he gets onto the bed, telling him everything he missed while he's away in the dressing room.
"Things can get ugly and I'm worried," you tell him.
Mikaela is an intelligent person, but when it comes to her emotions, she can be intense and almost volatile. You're right to never try to mess with her.
Han offers his arm as your pillow so he can cuddle you as it gets intense in the bedroom, you can see that from how everyone is looking tense on their beds.
The wind sends the door shut and Han gets startled, thinking that it's Portia as his head snaps in the direction of the door.
"What a fucking stress!" He sighs as he snuggles to you while you're lowly chuckling at his reaction.
The drama has to end in an unsatisfying way because Portia doesn't get on the bed yet even after the lights are out.
YOU: Mikaela has this fiery attitude so I... [laughs] I was really afraid that there'd be a fight but thank God for Portia's long bedtime routine.
There's already tension between Mikaela and Portia this morning and you can only hope that the workshop will help to sort things out.
There's an instructor already waiting in the front yard and a small bonfire in the middle, you wonder why they set a fire during the day.
"Hello, I'm Amy, a relationship expert," she introduces herself.
Everyone is sitting in a circle around the small bonfire and intently listening to Amy talking.
"Today's workshop is about letting go of the past so that we can be present. Let's talk about any issues in trust that we have with men."
She looks around as she asks, "Who wants to share first?"
No one seems to want to talk about their feelings, including you. You feel uncomfortable letting yourself bare and be vulnerable, especially in front of everyone.
After a few minutes passed in silence, Gwen decides to be the first to share her emotional baggage, a shocking one about how her friend cheated with her boyfriend.
Everyone starts to share their story and when it comes to your turn, you're shriveling a little but you remind yourself that you're in a safe space.
"My thing is when I fall in love, I tend to throw it all out there and end up getting hurt for it so... I kind of become numb because I don't want to get hurt," you honestly share.
"And do you find someone here you want to open to?" Amy asks.
"Yeah," you shyly answer.
You suddenly feel like a schoolgirl falling in love for the first time all over again but isn't it what love does to people? Making you a bit loopy.
"I found someone here that I like and I'm slowly opening up to him, and I'll continue to share more of me with him," you make a promise to yourself.
"That's good. That's great!" Amy praises you.
When you look back, you feel good knowing that you're slowly changing as a person, you came in as someone who's against relationships and now, you're sharing an emotional journey with someone, together.
The workshop started as a heartfelt talk between the girls until Mikaela's turn. You get the feeling that she'll use this as a chance to confront Portia.
"I met Rio here and he's just a really special guy, I've never met anyone like him."
Mikaela is looking at Amy then as she continues talking, she looks at Portia, "Last night, I had to sit through and watch Portia take Rio on a date, and obviously, I feel uncomfortable with it," she tells her right to her face.
You and the rest are watching Mikaela calmly handle her emotions and talk it out in a mature way with Portia.
"I don't want to feel like it has to be a competition or territorial. I want us girls to be on good terms but I think you break a boundary here," Mikaela concludes, throwing the ball at her court.
Portia gets quiet and she takes it all in really well, she smiles at her before speaking, "I respect you for speaking out and I'm sorry," she sincerely says.
A smile finally rises on Mikaela's face, "Thank you so much, Portia, that means a lot," she responds.
Like a parent, you feel proud watching them solving their issues in such a grown-up way and you hope it continues to stay good like this.
Amy then hands out a piece of paper and pens to everyone and comes with a new instruction, "You're going to write the things that have happened with your life that you're ready to let go of and forgive."
It feels good to be able to share things with everyone but it takes everything in you to write things down without getting emotional.
On your paper, you write, 'Good enough, perfect, comparison.'
Amy wants you to share the reason why you wrote those things down. You take a deep breath before explaining it.
"I never feel good about myself but the girls are..." You pause to look at everyone as they smile at you.
"They're all beautiful and kind, they help me learn my differences and things I love about me."
They're all cooing at you and you know how cringe it is but you don't feel embarrassed about it at all. It feels nice to let them know that.
After everyone shares what they wrote on their papers, Amy instructs everyone to take that paper and ball it up before throwing it into the bonfire.
"Just feel like you're putting it all behind you, right?" Amy says.
She gathers everyone into a circle before ending the workshop with a group hug to let go of all the bad and take the good with you.
These girls may seem superficial but you can feel that you and them are in this together and it's a really nice feeling. Despite that you're all different, you feel this sense of belonging toward each other, a sisterhood.
YOU: I still have some way to go but I know that I'm learning and Lana is starting to knock down my wall [smiles]
Going back to the villa, you go straight to the dressing room to dress up for a party Lana suspiciously throwing tonight.
You put your bad thoughts aside and focus on dressing up for the party as it has a Black and White theme.
Han comes up behind you and playfully bites you on the shoulder.
"Ouch!" You yelp in pain.
You continue fixing your make-up in front of the sink since everyone else is crowding the dressing room, "Why did you do that?"
He puts an arm around your waist, "Because you're edible," he answers with a foolish grin.
You glance back at him and sense that he's chipper than usual. You get it that it's getting hard to stay away from each other with sexual attraction getting more unbearable every day.
Gosh! There's not a day when you don't think of ripping his clothes off and having hot, filthy sex with him.
"That's not how I want you to eat me," you joke back.
He plants a long kiss on your neck, "How do you want me to eat you then?"
You chuckle and look at him, "Want you to eat me well, that is."
He puts his other arm around you and draws you closer, "I can do that."
He breathes you in and looks at you through the reflection in the mirror, "I can show you," he says.
Before it gets dangerous, you put an end to this conversation and playfully elbow his stomach.
"Ouch!" He yelps in pain this time.
You pull him into a hug for an apology and kiss his cheek, "Let's go, hubba hubba!"
A party is necessary so everyone can blow some steam off for being locked up in this sexless retreat but it also means that Lana plans to throw everyone off.
That doesn't stop you from enjoying the night and the company you're with. You're dancing to the music with your hands draping around Han's shoulders as he slowly sways your body together to the fast-paced music.
After the workshop, you feel much lighter and better, more importantly, you feel confident about how you feel. You look at Han and you feel like you can share anything with him, you can see a relationship with him.
So you hold on to him, tighter and closer but Lana, being the ultimate cockblock she is, chimes in and stops the party.
YOU: I have no idea what's about to come next but I know it's not going to be good.
It's like the fun has evaporated and been replaced by anxiety once everyone is seated in the cabana waiting for Lana to come online.
"I am very disappointed to report there were several breaches of the rules."
When Lana skips the formality and goes straight to the rule breaks, it means that she's pissed off. You feel good for not breaking the rules with Han after the last time so you don't have anything to worry about. You can freely guess who did it this time.
"We kissed on the date," Ed is kind enough to own up to it fast.
"I think it was okay, yeah," Nya adds to it.
Everyone seems to let them get away with it, maybe because it's one kiss and Ed and Nya are a potential couple. You don't know but you sense that they wouldn't like what they hear next.
"Ed and Nya, your rule break has cost the group $6,000."
Avery is rubbing her temple while Finn seems to have had enough of people selfishly spending the prize money.
"There was another breach of the rules," Lana informs.
Everyone is tense once again, looking around to catch any guilty faces and you bet the biggest spender has anything to do with it.
Han looks over his shoulder at you, covering his eyes he says, "I may have broken the rules in the shower," he meekly says.
Surprised, you spit out, "You did what?"
Han can't be doing another rule break with anyone else, you know that for sure and that leaves with one possibility. You cover your eyes this time as he admits it to everyone.
"I did a little... uh self-gratification," he blurts out at once, aware of how embarrassing it is.
Everyone bursts into laughter at his confession as he hides his head in your neck. You can't do much about it since he didn't tell you about it
"Han, your act of self-gratification has cost the group $4,000."
YOU: I'm actually quite offended. Did he not want my help?
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653 notes · View notes
seongwars · 2 months
away with the wind | twilight
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Pairing: dragonrider!Seonghwa x ex-dragonrider!Reader AU: dragon rider au | strangers -> lovers Summary: a spinal injury forces you to retire from dragon racing, and with it, the end of your engagement to Song Mingi. Park Seonghwa, a rising star in the world of dragon racing and heir to the prestigious House Park, seeks a new dragon after an unfortunate accident on the skyway. As the saying goes, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Word Count: 6.8K (sorry I got carried away) Warnings: not proofread, seonghwa doing wrongs, angst
a/n: first version of chapter ix! i was also watching derry girls while writing this so listen to 'independent love song' by scarlet if you wanna get the feel for the last scene of this chapter
Fic Masterlist
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The grand chamber was dimly lit, the only sources of light being the flickering holographic displays and the soft glow of the council members’ robes. The air was thick with anticipation as the council awaited the presentation.
“Ready whenever you are, Dr. Kang,” Lord Hong announced, his voice resonating through the chamber.
Yeosang, standing beside the holographic projector, bowed respectfully. He took a moment to adjust the hologram, ensuring every detail of Ajax’s anatomy was perfectly visible. The room fell silent as the intricate projection came to life, displaying the necropsy report for Subject 4201.
“Necropsy report for Subject 4201. Subject is a male, approximately 11 years old, measuring 20 feet in height with a wingspan of 40 feet. Initial examination reveals extensive claw marks along the dorsal scales, likely from recent combat.”
Yeosang zoomed in on the damage inflicted by Starshine during the Inferno Cup. Lady Lee brought her hand to her mouth in feigned horror, prompting Yeosang to roll his eyes at her theatrics. He then brought up the next holographic display.
Swiping over to the dragon’s head, Yeosang brought forward the manifestation of Ajax’s brain, enhancing the size of the organ for the Council’s scrutiny. 
“The brain shows signs of abnormal growth in the amygdala, the region associated with aggression and fear responses. This hypertrophy suggests heightened aggression and unstable behavior. Further examination of the neural pathways reveals signs of synaptic plasticity, which may indicate a history of adaptive responses to high-stress environments. This could result in unpredictable and erratic behavior patterns.”
“Is this a common trait in Longhorns, Dr. Kang?” Lord Kim interjected.
Yeosang maintained his composed demeanor, though he felt slightly irritated at Lord Kim’s prodding. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he ensured his tone remained respectful yet authoritative. 
“While hypertrophy in the amygdala is not uncommon in Longhorns, the extent of the growth observed here is unusual,” he explained, his voice steady. “Further studies are necessary to determine if this is an isolated case or indicative of a broader trend within the species.”
Lord Kim nodded, the soft rustle of his robes barely audible as he leaned back in his chair. Yeosang then moved on to the next hologram, which flickered to life, casting a light that manifested into Ajax above their heads.
“In summary, subject 4201 exhibits significant physiological power and complexity,” Yeosang began, his voice steady and clear. The hologram displayed intricate details of the dragon’s anatomy, each scale and muscle rendered with precision. “I’ve concluded that the observed unpredictable behavior indicates potential neurological instability. End of report.”
Chairman Jang’s eyes narrowed as he leaned forward, the light catching the sharp angles of his face. “And the report of parentage?” he asked.
Yeosang adjusted the hologram, bringing up a new set of data. “The DNA test results showed no significant anomalies, your grace. The dragon’s genetic makeup is consistent with what we have documented in our archives. There are no indications of any unusual lineage or mutations.”
Lord Kim studied him for a moment, his gaze penetrating. “Are you certain, Dr. Kang? This information is crucial to understanding where this Longhorn may have originated from.”
Yeosang nodded, maintaining his calm facade. “Yes, your grace. I am certain. The DNA results confirm that this dragon is of standard lineage.”
“Lord Kim, we have all the information we need. Continuing this investigation is a waste of our resources and time,” Lady Lee snapped, her voice sharp and echoing slightly in the grand council room.
“We need to be thorough,” Lord Kim insisted, his tone unwavering. The flickering light from the hologram cast shadows across his stern face, highlighting the furrow in his brow.
“The dragon’s physiology and neurological state are well-documented. We have other priorities that demand our attention,” she countered, her words heavy with urgency.
Lord Hong nodded in agreement, the soft rustle of his robes breaking the silence. “Lady Lee is right. We are diverting valuable time and effort. This report should be concluded.” His voice was measured, a stark contrast to the rising tension between his colleagues.
“If Dr. Kang has reported no abnormalities in his findings, then we must move on to the next agenda item,” Chairman Jang interjected with finality. “Thank you for your time, Dr. Kang.”
The room fell silent, the air thick with unresolved conflict. Yeosang remained silent, grateful that the focus had shifted away from his lie, but acutely aware of the brewing storm between the Council members.
“Would it be possible for the copies of the report to be made available, Dr. Kang?” Lord Kim interjected, his eyes boring into Yeosang, challenging him to reveal the truth.
Yeosang hesitated, his fingers trembling slightly as he adjusted his glasses. “The report is rather unremarkable, your grace,” he replied coldly, staring straight at the elder.
Lord Hong’s eyes narrowed. “Is there a problem, Dr. Kang? The Council has a right to see the report.”
Yeosang tightened his jaw, feeling the tension ripple through his muscles as the Council’s insistence caught him off guard. His irritation simmered just beneath the surface, barely contained.
“Of course, I will ensure the report is made available,” he said smoothly, his voice dripping with false sincerity, masking the venom beneath. “I just need a little more time to… finalize some details.”
“Finalize what details? Are you implying that this report today was not conclusive?” Lord Kim’s voice was cold and unyielding, each word a deliberate challenge.
Yeosang’s eyes flashed with annoyance, but he quickly masked it with a calm facade. “I assure you, Lord Kim, the report is thorough. However, there are always minor adjustments to be made for clarity.”
Kim Sangjoong’s gaze hardened, his suspicion evident. “Minor adjustments? Or are you buying time to cover up discrepancies, Dr. Kang?”
“That’s enough,” Chairman Jang’s voice concluded, the tone unmistakable, leaving no room for argument. “Dr. Kang, you have until the end of the day to produce copies of the report to the Council.”
Yeosang felt a surge of anger but forced a smile. “I understand your concern, Lord Kim. Rest assured, the report will be delivered by the end of the day, as requested.” His tone was polite, but the underlying threat was present.
The room remained tense, the air thick with unspoken conflict. Yeosang knew he had to tread carefully, but he relished the challenge.
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Seonghwa strode through the hallways of the Park estate, his footsteps echoing off the marble floors as he awaited the results of Ajax’s necropsy from Kim Sangjoong. The grandeur of the estate, with its high ceilings and ornate decorations, did little to calm his racing thoughts.
“Ms. Jang,” he called out, his voice calm yet authoritative. His mother’s assistant looked up from her desk, immediately recognizing him. She adjusted her glasses and gave him a polite nod.
“Yes, your grace?” she asked, her tone respectful but familiar.
“I need a list of all the attendees from the Inferno Gala,” he requested, his eyes scanning the room. “Sponsors, stakeholders, riders—everything.”
Ms. Jang nodded and quickly began typing on her laptop. The soft clacking of keys filled the room as Seonghwa paced back and forth, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. He glanced at the clock on the wall, each tick amplifying his impatience.
After a few moments, Ms. Jang handed him a sleek tablet. “Here it is, your grace,” she said. “The complete list.”
Seonghwa took the tablet and offered her a small smile in thanks. As he walked back to his quarters, he scanned the names, noting familiar faces and new ones, the organizations they represented, and the teams they raced for. Each name brought back memories of conversations, deals, and promises made. He needed to ensure that every attendee was accounted for and that no detail was overlooked.
“Treasure Holdings, Blue Bird Airways, Answer Tech,” Seonghwa muttered to himself, activating the hologram interface. These were big name sponsors in dragon racing and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. 
He swiped to the next category of Aurora’s political elite, scanning the list with a practiced eye. Names like Lady Baek and Lord Yoon stood out, both well-known figures in the political landscape. As he continued down the list, he reached members of the Council and their guests. Lord Hong Bum Soo and Lady Hong Sara, Chairman Jang Ki Young, Lord Kim Sangjoong and Lady Kim Miyeon–
She was never one to miss an event, especially one of this magnitude. He quickly re-scanned the rest of the list, hoping it was a mistake, but her name was nowhere to be found. Had she been deliberately excluded?
Lady Lee’s absence was not just unusual—it was a glaring anomaly. Taking out his phone, he dialed Kim Sangjoong, hoping for news of the necropsy report. The phone rang a few times before Lord Kim answered. “Seonghwa, what’s the matter?”
“I have news for you, should you have any to share with me,” Seonghwa said, his tone measured.
The elder chuckled softly, shaking his head. “I regret to inform you that the report returned without any anomalies. It was conclusive, indicating that the dragon is of standard lineage.”
“That can’t be,” Seonghwa said, his voice laced with disbelief. “Y/N showed me Ajax’s anatomy in video footage a few months ago. She noted that his angulation was much more moderate than a Longhorn’s, and his wings were longer. He also exhibited an unusual level of speed and agility.”
The elder’s eyes widened slightly. “That does sound…unnatural for the breed…” He paused, his gaze drifting out the large, arched window of his office. He noticed Lady Lee in conversation with a young lab assistant, her animated gestures contrasting with the assistant’s calm demeanor.
“Your grace?” Seonghwa’s voice brought him back to the present.
“Yes, apologies. Please continue.”
“I wanted to let you know that I pulled the guest list from the gala and noticed that Lady Lee was missing.”
The elder’s brow furrowed in concern. “That’s certainly odd. She never turns down an opportunity for an event given her rather…vainglorious nature. Her absence is highly unusual.” Lord Kim glanced at the ornate clock on the wall, noting the late hour. If he were to leave now, it would be an opportunity to learn more about Lady Lee’s next moves.
“It seems Lady Lee is just about to leave for the day,” Lord Kim informed the younger. “Thank you for the information, Seonghwa.” He quickly pocketed his phone and hurried towards the exit, his mind racing with possibilities. The corridors of the capitol building were beginning to empty as the day drew to a close, and he needed to act fast.
The soft murmur of conversations and the shuffle of footsteps filled the air, creating a symphony of end-of-day activity. The tension in the air was palpable, each step Lord Kim took echoing his urgency.
“Ah, Lady Lee! Will you be attending General Choi’s birthday celebration?” he called out, his voice cutting through the ambient noise, and scaring the lab assistant. The young man, not much older than 20, bowed before taking his leave. 
Lady Lee paled, her confident demeanor faltering for a moment. “O-Oh? Is that this weekend?” she stammered, her eyes darting around as if searching for an escape. She forced a smile, though it didn’t reach her eyes.
“I must have overlooked it. I’ve been quite busy with…personal matters,” Lady Lee said, her voice wavering slightly.
“Personal matters?” Lord Kim pressed, his curiosity piqued. “Well, I hope everything is alright.”
She hesitated, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve. “Yes, well, it’s nothing that concerns the council.”
Lord Kim nodded slowly, not entirely convinced. “I see. Well, I do hope you’ll make it to the celebration. Miyeon and I look forward to seeing you.”
“Thank you, Lord Kim. I appreciate your concern,” she replied, her voice steadying. 
As Lady Lee turned to leave, Lord Kim watched her closely. There was something off about her behavior, something that didn’t sit right with him. Her usually confident demeanor seemed strained, and her eyes darted around nervously. His mind raced with questions, each one more urgent than the last. What was she hiding? And why did it feel like time was running out?
[Lord Cash Money]: Results are in 
[Lord Cash Money]: Nothing out of standard
You let out a huff as you read Seonghwa’s message and sent back a quick ‘Thanks’. Dismounting Cirrus, you felt the cool leather of the saddle beneath your hands, but an uneasy feeling settled in your chest. You knew Ajax was definitely not half Fury, but something else entirely. The thought sent a chill down your spine at the implications of what his other half might be.
The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the manor as you helped Sohee down from the saddle. You slung her backpack over your shoulder, the weight a familiar comfort, and dialed the only person you knew you could vent to besides your grandmother and sister.
“I hate the government,” you said, balancing your phone between your shoulder and ear while you toed off your shoes and hung up your niece’s backpack. The scent of oil pastels and dragon scales lingered in the air.
“Who doesn’t?” Jongho’s voice came through the line, gruff yet playful. You could almost picture his mischievous grin. What’s going on?” he asked, his tone shifting to one of curiosity and concern.
Choi Jongho was the oldest son of the Dune Choi Family and cousin to the Auroran Choi Family. Although they were considered one of Dune’s noble houses, your families had been breeding partners for as long as your grandmother could remember.
Jongho had always been like a little brother to you, his presence a constant in your life—a mix of annoyance and comfort that only a true sibling could provide. His sharp wit and the shared history between your families created a connection that was unbreakable, no matter how much he might drive you crazy at times.
“The test results came back conclusive. There’s nothing out of the ordinary with Ajax’s lineage.”
“Bullshit,” Jongho snapped, pacing his room. “I watched the footage you sent me, read through the pedigree, and everything seemed off. Someone’s tampering with the results.”
You nodded, frustration evident. “Exactly. I’m thinking there has to be something more nefarious in his lineage. Ajax has always been promoted as a hybrid between a Fury and a Longhorn, but I don’t think a Fury fits the bill. It has to be a breed that’s aerodynamic.”
Jongho furrowed his brow. “Aerodynamic, huh? That narrows it down a bit. Maybe something with a sleeker build? A Wyrm variant? Or a Razorback?”
You snickered. “Hongjoong is going to have your head if he hears that. But even those breeds don’t seem quite right. There has to be one that’s also intelligent. Ajax was somehow able to learn Cirrus’ maneuvers, and I know for a fact Mingi couldn’t have taught him that flip.”
Jongho sighed, massaging his brow. “I’ve always told you I didn’t like him nor his ugly dragon. I plan to set up shop in my uncle’s library and we can dig deeper when I’m in town. You’re coming to his celebration, right?”
You groaned, pulling your pillow to your chest. “Do I have a choice?”
“If you don’t, I’ll tell everyone you think San is handsome.”
Rolling your eyes, you retorted, “San is handsome. That doesn’t work on me anymore.”
Jongho smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Fine, then I’ll tell everyone about the time you fell into the fountain trying to impress him.”
You gasped, sitting up abruptly. “Choi Jongho, you wouldn’t dare!”
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The grand hall of the Choi Estate was a sight to behold, a testament to the family’s wealth and status. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the family’s storied history, their vibrant colors and detailed embroidery telling tales of valor and honor. The atmosphere was one of celebration and reverence, as friends and family gathered to honor the Choi patriarch on his special day.
San’s father, the elder General Choi, greeted guests up and down the hall, offering glass after glass of champagne and other spirits. His laughter boomed through the room, a testament to his larger-than-life personality. You managed to dodge him, offering your grandmother as a sacrificial lamb as you slipped away, her knowing smile indicating she was more than willing to take one for the team.
You weaved through the crowd, feeling a bit out of place in your simple but elegant strapless black gown. Its understated design contrasted with the more extravagant attire around you, yet the gown’s classic cut and the way it hugged your figure made you feel confident and poised.
“Are you here for a funeral or a celebration?” a familiar voice quipped behind you.
You whipped around to find San, the young General Choi, clad in a perfectly tailored suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and commanding presence. The corners of his mouth twitched into a smirk as he took in your startled reaction.
“Very funny,” you replied, rolling your eyes but unable to suppress a smile. “I was just trying to avoid your father’s relentless hospitality.”
San chuckled, his laughter a deep, comforting sound. “He does have a way of overwhelming people with his enthusiasm,” he admitted, glancing over at his father, who was now engaged in a hearty conversation with a group of military officials. “Looking for someone?”
“Just a familiar face,” you murmured, your gaze drifting away from the General. You scanned the crowd, your heart pounding as you searched for a certain someone. Striking, charming, refined, and utterly infuriating, with an undeniable pull—a magnetic attraction you couldn’t ignore.
“Am I not a familiar face?” San cocked his head, giving you one of his infamous cat-like smiles.
“Yes, but you’re not the one I’m looking for,” you scoffed, hitting his arm playfully. 
San brought his hand to his chest, feigning a dramatic gasp. “And here I thought I was unforgettable.”
“You are, just not in the way you think.”
“Ah, so there is someone! Now I’m intrigued.”
Unbeknownst to you, a pair of dark eyes watched from a distance. Seonghwa’s jaw tightened at the sight of you engaging with San, his usually composed demeanor slightly ruffled. A flicker of annoyance crossed his features as he struggled to maintain his cool amidst the growing irritation.
Trying to maintain his composure, he excused himself and stepped out into the cool night air. The distant noise of the party faded behind him as he took a deep breath, struggling to make sense of his conflicting emotions. How could he be so torn over someone who didn't even know how he felt?
“Seonghwa?” a familiar voice called out, breaking his moment of solitude. He turned to see Yeri, a former fling, standing a few feet away. She offered a tentative smile, as her eyes widened in calculated interest. 
“Yeri,” he acknowledged, his voice neutral but with a hint of underlying tension. 
There was a brief, awkward silence before Yeri spoke again, her tone measured and deliberately soft. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
What had started as a casual, no-strings-attached situation between Seonghwa and Yeri had quickly turned into a short-lived romance riddled with miscommunication and trust issues. Seonghwa's demanding training schedule left Yeri feeling neglected and alone, while her need to maintain control on the crumbling relationship only added to the tension.
“Yeah, it has,” he agreed, his gaze drifting to the city lights beyond the terrace in an attempt to avoid the emotional weight of the conversation. 
“How’ve you been?” she asked, her tone smooth, almost tender though her eyes remained sharp.
“Fine,” he replied, his irritation from earlier slowly ebbing away, replaced by a different kind of tension.
She studied him for a moment, her expression thoughtful and probing. “You seemed a bit tense back there. Everything okay?”
Seonghwa sighed, leaning against the stone rail as his eyes wandered towards the grand hall, your figure only a few feet away from him. “Just… a lot on my mind, I guess.”
“Want to talk about it?” Yeri’s voice broke through his reverie, carrying a nostalgic note. 
He hesitated, then shook his head. “It’s not important.”
Yeri took a step closer, her gaze growing more intense as she searched his face for cracks in his resolve. “We used to share everything, remember? What happened to that?”
Despite their history, Yeri couldn't help but reach out to Seonghwa, feeding on his vulnerability to keep him tethered to her. "I know things ended badly, but we've both changed. Maybe we could give it another shot?"
Seonghwa’s emotions were a tangled mess as he looked into her pleading eyes. “You know that things weren’t good between us.”
Yeri took a step closer, her fingers lightly tracing the outline of his jaw. Her touch was gentle, almost tender, as she searched his eyes for any sign of resistance. “Why does being together have to be the only option?" she whispered. She leaned in, her breath warm against his skin, and her lips brushed against his.
Seonghwa knew it was wrong, but he just needed an escape, allowing himself to be drawn back into her orbit. The kiss lingered on his lips like a bittersweet memory as he pulled away, his eyes clouded with regret. “We can’t do this here,” he whispered, his voice barely audible.
She nodded, understanding the need for discreteness. They walked in silence, the tension between them almost tangible as Seonghwa led them away from prying eyes. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was losing himself in the process, compromising his values for a fleeting moment of solace.
“There you two are,” Jongho interrupted, sidling up to you and San with a glass of whiskey in hand. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he took a sip.
“Finally decided to grace us with your presence,” you teased, unable to hide the smile that spread across your face. Then, your brow furrowed in concern. “Wait, aren’t you too young to be drinking alcohol?”
In a rebellious gesture, Jongho lifted the glass again and finished off the remaining whiskey before sticking his tongue out at you playfully. “Age is just a number,” he retorted, letting out a satisfied sigh. 
“I’m using this as an opportunity to network and improve diplomatic relations between Dune and Aurora,” he added with a mischievous grin, gesturing around the opulent room filled with dignitaries engaged in animated conversations.
San rolled his eyes at his younger cousin's antics. “I wouldn’t exactly call selling dragons a networking opportunity,” he remarked dryly.
“I’m just trying to keep the family business afloat,” the younger Choi chuckled, unaffected by his cousin's skepticism. 
Before you or San could respond, the room fell silent as Song Tae Gyu entered, his face unreadable. The grand hall, once filled with lively chatter and laughter, now buzzed with hushed whispers. Snippets of conversation about “Mingi,” “the Council,” and “unstable dragon” floated through the air like a dark cloud.
“Song Tae Gyu has some nerve showing up after what his son pulled,” Jongho sneered, his gaze fixed on Mingi’s father with a stone-cold expression. Ever the purist, Jongho’s disdain was palpable. You could almost feel the weight of his contempt for the way the Songs had let their son disgrace their house and the sanctity of dragon racing.
“He’s simply carrying out his duties to my father,” San reminded his cousin, his voice composed despite the discomfort evident in his body language. He glanced around the room, noting the wary eyes and cautious glances directed at Song Tae Gyu. “I know the Songs feel terrible about the incident, but as a vassal House, they have their obligations.”
San’s words were measured, but you could sense the underlying tension. The incident with Mingi had cast a momentary shadow over the evening, and the presence of Song Tae Gyu only served to deepen the unease. 
“Ah, Tae Gyu! So glad you could make it!” the elder General Choi exclaimed, clapping a hand on the man’s shoulder. “I was just telling everyone about the time you and I got lost in the ravine and had to spend the night in a cave. Remember that?”
The room erupted in laughter as Lord Choi recounted the tale with exaggerated gestures, painting a vivid picture of their misadventure. Even Song Tae Gyu managed a small, grateful smile, the worry lines on his face softening.
Jongho rolled his eyes but couldn’t suppress the small grin tugging at his lips. He took a sip from his glass, the warm liquid sliding down his throat as he mulled over his father's words. "Your father always knows how to lighten the mood," he muttered to San before turning to face you, swirling his empty glass in a playful gesture to signal his exit from the conversation.
“I’ll be around tomorrow if you want to dig through the records. I’m sure we’ll find something on that wannabe Longhorn.”
“What did you say?”
“Nothing, just bullshitting.”
“No! About the wannabe part.”
Jongho stared at you incredulously. "He's a poor example of the breed, just like how his rider is a poor excuse--"
The mention of the word "wannabe" caught your attention like a firework exploding in your mind. You could feel your heart racing as you frantically searched your knowledge for any clues about this breed.
Wannabe… Imitation… Copy… The word echoed in your mind, reverberating with increasing intensity. Your breath caught in your throat, and your heart began to race as you frantically sifted through your mental catalog of dragon breeds and their levels of intelligence.
Dreamwood Ridgeback, biddable with high emotional intellect… Cascade Wyvern, alert and confident… Star Fury, fiercely intelligent but too rare… Nettled…
A sudden realization hit you like a bolt of lightning. You turned sharply to face San, your eyes widening with urgency and determination. "Do you have a copy of a breed encyclopedia?" You could almost feel the gears turning in your head, piecing together the clues and making connections. It was all starting to make sense now.
San looked momentarily puzzled, his brow furrowing as he tried to process your sudden question. Before he could respond, Jongho stepped in with a confident grin. “Of course they do, I left one here to read during summers,” he said, patting San’s shoulder in a playful yet slightly condescending manner, acknowledging his older cousin’s limited mental acuity.
“Longhorns aren’t meant to be particularly intelligent,” you began, your voice steady but urgent. “But if Ajax was able to learn Cirrus’ maneuvers, there could only be one breed that matches the description.”
The three of you exchanged tense looks, the weight of the mystery pressing down on you. Without another word, you all turned and rushed out of the hall, each step bringing you closer to uncovering the truth.
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You were met with the scent of aged paper and polished wood as San pushed open the library doors. You couldn't help but pause to take in the vast collection, your fingers tracing lightly over the spines of leather-bound books before delving deeper into the labyrinth of shelves. Lost in your admiration, you turned a corner and suddenly froze.
There, in a secluded nook, you found Seonghwa tangled up in the arms of a woman. The intimate scene was a stark contrast to the peaceful setting of the library. Your breath caught in your throat, and your heart pounded in your chest.
“Oh shit!” you gasped, the words slipping out before you could stop them. Your hands flew to cover your mouth as Seonghwa and Yeri sprang apart, their faces flushed with embarrassment. Seonghwa’s eyes darted toward yours, panic evident in his expression. 
San, ever the protector, rushed to your side and positioned himself between you and the unexpected sight. For a moment, no one moved. The silence was deafening, broken only by Jongho’s approaching footsteps. 
“Gods, I’m so s-sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt!” you stammered, your voice attempting to sound casual despite the hurt and confusion swirling within you. Why am I feeling this way, you wondered, the question demanding an answer that you can't give. 
You had always kept your relationship with Seonghwa strictly professional, despite the occasional flutter of emotions. Yet, seeing him with someone else stirred something unexpected within you. Was it jealousy? Or something deeper that you hadn’t acknowledged before? The thought unsettled you, adding another layer to the already tangled web of emotions you felt towards him. 
“I-I can explain–,” Seonghwa fumbled as he buttoned his shirt, the movements clumsy and rushed. He haphazardly threw his jacket back on, the fabric wrinkling under his frantic efforts. Yeri, equally flustered, tried to smooth her disheveled hair, her cheeks burning with shame. 
“We were just catching up. It’s been a long time since we last saw each other.” Her voice was shaky, betraying her own discomfort. 
“Well,” San began, addressing Seonghwa and Yeri. “If I had known the library would be used like this, I would have extended some charity to our esteemed guests.” His tone was polite but edged with a steely resolve that left no room for argument. “I’m sure we have a room befitting his grace as it appears that he is in desperate need of a hiding place—like a rat scurrying back into its hole.”
Yeri's face erupts in a fiery flush of humiliation as she hangs her head in shame, unable to bear the insulting words from San. San raises an eyebrow, daring either of them to stand up to him. "I'm leaving," she mumbles, quietly excusing herself without saying another word. As she walked away, the oppressive tension lingered in the air.
“R-Right. Well, I need to borrow the breed encyclopedia, so if I could just…” You fidgeted awkwardly, your finger darting around as you tried to locate the book. Jongho, noticing your discomfort, pointed to the upper shelf behind the former lovers. 
“It’s right there,” he said, his voice cutting through the thick silence as Seonghwa stepped aside to let you through. His eyes, filled with guilt, followed your every move.
"You good?" San asked, his protective instincts kicking in.
“I’ve got it, I just have to climb up,” you replied, your tone firmer than you felt. 
You began taking off your heels, the action giving you a moment to collect yourself. The cool marble against your bare feet contrasted the heat of your emotions. Lifting the skirt of your gown, you prepared to climb the ladder to the upper shelves when you felt Seonghwa’s hand on your arm. The unexpected touch sent a shock through you, and his grip was gentle yet firm, silently pleading for attention.
"I'll do it," he insisted, speaking in a low and earnest voice. You paused, looking up at him, meeting his eyes. In that moment, the vulnerability in his gaze disarmed you, but the hurt and confusion still swirled within your mind. 
Reluctantly, you stepped aside, allowing him to retrieve the book. Each movement he made was careful and deliberate, as if he were trying to prove his worth through this small act. You watched him reach the upper shelf and retrieve the encyclopedia, its weight seemingly insignificant in his hands. 
San’s eyes darted between you and Seonghwa. He couldn’t make sense of why Seonghwa was so insistent on helping you, a rare display of protectiveness that went against his aloof nature. A knowing smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
Seonghwa handed you the book, his hand lingering for a moment longer than necessary, as if he wanted to say something more. His eyes held a silent plea, a desperate hope for a chance to explain himself, but your focus remained elsewhere, avoiding the intensity of his gaze.
“Thank you,” you murmured, clutching the book to your chest, its worn cover a small comfort as you put distance between yourself and Seonghwa. "I should get going," you suggested with exasperation evident in your voice. 
The intensity of the situation was suffocating, and you needed an escape. Without waiting for a response, you turned on your heel and walked away, each step feeling like a small victory against the turmoil that threatened to consume you. 
A wave of guilt washed over Seonghwa knowing that he was partially responsible for your sudden departure. His chest tightened and he clenched his fists, feeling the sting of his own actions. He stood there, paralyzed by the weight of his guilt, until San’s voice cut through the fog of his thoughts.
“I must say, your ability to find yourself in compromising situations never fails to impress me. It truly is a talent,” he remarked with mock admiration.
Seonghwa’s eyes flashed with anger as he spat out through gritted teeth, “And you seem to take great pleasure in reveling in another’s misfortune.” His voice was thick with venom, each word a dagger aimed at San.
“Isn’t that exactly what you were doing to Y/N?" San replied, his tone casual and unbothered, as if Seonghwa’s seething rage was nothing more than a mild inconvenience. 
Seonghwa opened his mouth to retort, but his words caught in his throat as his gaze fell to the ground. There, lying abandoned on the floor, were the heels you had left behind. The sight of them hit him like a punch to the gut–a reminder of your abrupt departure. His anger gave way as he walked over to pick up the shoes.
“I didn’t know,” he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. “I didn’t mean to hurt her.”
“Well, she’ll be hurt more if she steps on a sharp object without any shoes on,” Jongho quipped dryly, his tone mixed with pragmatic concern. His eyes silently urged Seonghwa to go after you. 
Seonghwa stood there for a moment, clutching your heels, his mind racing. He couldn’t let you leave like this, not without explaining himself. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he set out after you, determined to make things right.
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“You did not fly all the way home without your heels,” Sunmi yawned, cradling Siwoo in her arms. Your nephew let out a string of babbles, his tiny face scrunched up as if he were reprimanding you for your forgetfulness.
“Just did,” you said with a shrug, lifting the skirt of your gown and wiggling your bare toes in the air. “I mean, it’s not like I planned to leave my heels there and honestly, I didn’t even notice until I got home,” you lied. 
Sunmi’s eyebrows knitted together in concern as she studied you. “What happened?” she asked, her voice softening. She shifted Siwoo to her other arm, his tiny head resting against her shoulder. The gentle rise and fall of his breathing seemed to mirror the rhythm of your own anxious heartbeats.
You sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the evening’s events, the exhaustion and emotional turmoil finally having caught up with you. “This happened,” you said, holding up the encyclopedia for her to see. The book felt heavy in your hands, not just in weight but in the significance of what it represented.
“I think I might’ve figured out the other half of Ajax’s pedigree. I didn’t have my own copy so I borrowed Jongho’s. I’m going to do some work,” you explained, determined to solve the mystery you’ve been chasing for months now. 
You retreated to your study, sliding into your desk chair. Your fingers trembled slightly as you flipped through the pages, each one filled with intricate illustrations and detailed descriptions of various dragon breeds. A sense of awe washed over you as you read through breeds, old and new—each more fascinating than the last. As you continued, your anticipation grew, until finally, your eyes landed on the page you were searching for. 
You studied the avian-looking dragon. Its sleek, streamlined body was adorned with grotesque feathers hanging from its gangly, mismatched wings. The large, bug-like eyes bulged with an eerie intelligence, giving the dragon an almost alien appearance. They stared back at you with a knowing, unsettling awareness. Its sharp, curved beak-like snout added to its avian resemblance, but instead of elegance, it exuded menace and predatory intent, as if ready to strike at any moment.
“Found you,” you whispered, a triumphant smile spreading across your face. Your mind raced with the implications of this discovery, the pieces of the puzzle finally coming together. As you scribbled notes on your scratch pad, thoughts of your job at the Institute surfaced; the resources and access you had there could be invaluable for digging deeper into the investigation and revealing the truth about Ajax. 
A sudden knock against your doorframe startled you from your thoughts. You blinked, momentarily readjusting your glasses to make sure you weren’t imagining things.
Seonghwa stood in the doorway to your office, the soft light from the lamp casting a glow that accentuated his sharp features and the depth in his eyes. The usual strands of his updo were windswept, adding a touch of wildness indicating that he wasted no time trying to find you. His tie hung loosely around his neck, its knot undone splayed over his chest–and your stilettos, with their long, thin heels hung from his hands. 
“You forgot these.” He held out the heels, his expression sheepish as his eyes darted between the shoes and your face. The contrast between his usually confident demeanor and the awkwardness of the gesture made him all the more endearing.
Your fingers brushed against his in a brief, electric touch. “Thank you,” you said, touched by his thoughtfulness. “You didn’t have to come all this way.”
He stepped closer, the scent of his cologne filling your senses, creating an intoxicating blend that heightened the tension between you. His eyes, usually so guarded, now held a vulnerability you’d never seen before.
“I realized I’d never see you again if I didn’t bring them,” he said, his words tumbling out quickly as if he feared losing the courage to say them. “And… I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Seonghwa’s gaze lingered on you for a moment, taking in every detail of your appearance. He noticed your furrowed brow and the slight tilt of your head as you spoke. His eyes traced the curve of your neck to your collarbone, where the strapless black gown rested. The way the lamplight highlighted the contours of your features made him forget how to breathe.
“You haven’t changed out of your gown?” he asked, his voice softening with genuine curiosity and admiration.
You yawned and stretched slightly. “It’s too pretty to take off.”
“It suits you.” You felt a blush creep up your cheeks, and you looked away, trying to hide your smile.
“Guess I just didn’t want the night to end.” 
He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling as he tried to steady himself. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You raised an eyebrow, feeling a knot form in your stomach. “What are you apologizing for?”
“I made a mess of things, and you got caught in the crossfire,” he confessed, his voice cracking. “Seeing you hurt because of what happened in the library has been eating away at me. I never, never meant to hurt you. It made me realize that I don’t want to lose you.”
His words hung in the air, heavy with regret and desperation. You could see the anguish in his eyes, the way his hands trembled slightly as he spoke. You looked down at the heels in your hands, feeling a swell of emotions rise within you before setting them down. 
“You’re only human, Seonghwa,” you said softly, despite the storm swirling within you. “We all make mistakes. What matters is that you’re here now, trying to make things right. So, thank you.”
You let the words settle between you before taking your own breath. “While you're here, I’m…thinking of going back to the Institute,” you say. “I think I’ve figured out Ajax’s missing half but I don’t think our case against the necropsy will be very effective if I don’t have access to all the necessary resources.” 
Seonghwa’s expression shifted from relief to a playful glint as he leaned in. “I bare my soul to you and you’re already leaving me?”
You scoffed. “I wouldn’t consider that soul baring,” you smiled, trying to ignore the flutter in your chest.
"Guess I'll have to visit you every day since you'll be close to the capitol," he murmured, his voice deep and teasing as he leaned in. “I don’t plan on letting you go back to Wooyoung that easily.” Seonghwa's hand takes hold of your face, his thumb sweeping across your jawline.
You welcomed his touch, yet the weight of your true feelings was almost too much to bear. A raw ache in your chest served as a painful reminder: Seonghwa was not yours, and he never would be. You had accepted this, even if it stung more than you were willing to admit. 
<< viii | daylight | x >>
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taglist: @litolmochi @syubseokie @park-simphwa @szakias
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coolkat223 · 4 months
An idea for (if sagau works) is that the reader is just stupidly forward when talking (Or just outright unhinged.) If they hear scaramouche talking smack? "I don't want to hear it from the short grape with a plate for a hat." Or calling childe ed sheeran. In short their mouth has almost little to no filter. And each time they say something it usually ends like: "They... Have a point..." or "Why does the creator hate me???"
Ooo this one will be very interesting to do!!
SAGAU The creator with a sharp-tongued.
They wound up teleported into Genshin Impact world and as known as the creator. But they have a strong mind as vast as the heavens but also has a tongue as sharp as a primordial blade.
Love to be straight forward or just outright unhinged when they are irritated at someone.
When they get irritated at someone they tend to say something that makes them think twice about themselves. (cause deep down when the characters think about it... it makes a lot of sense.)
And when they are very irritated they sometimes use their ability on some of the characters. Like trapping them in a golden bubble.
Short Story:
(a/n: while I write this I decided to use y/n instead of using they/them because it confuses me to tell the difference.)
As y/n are relaxing in a peaceful meadow after finishing some paperwork and having a meeting with the Archons. As y/n are relaxing the quietest get disturbed by someone's arguing, so y/n decide to check it out cause they disturb your relaxing time. Once they get to their destination they have a very unimpressed look because you saw Scarmouche and Childe.
'Of course it has to be them two.' They thought.
Notice that both Scarmouche and Childe are about to fight. Y/n decide to intervene by using their ability to trap them in a golden bubble. Once those two realize that they are trapped they turn their head towards y/n and saw that y/n is non-impressive and on a verge of snapping at them.
"Can't you two just either get along or don't make eye contact with one another." Y/n said while you can hear how irritated they are.
Of course the first one to speak is Scarmouche and said a whole lot of talk and no bite in hopes that y/n can let him go.
"I don't want to hear it from the short grape with a plate for a hat," the Creator declared, unfazed by Scaramouche's snide remarks.
Immediately Childe burst out laughing at Scara's face expression, but he is still under the flames from the creator y/n, who quickly turn towards him with golden flicker in their eye.
"The same goes for you too 'Ed Sheeran'." Y/n said with a sneer that could equal the trickster god himself. Then decided to let them go by dropping them on their butt and walking away from them.
Both Scarmouche and Childe were indazed by the creator's boldness, at this point underneath their distrust lay a resenting affirmation of truth. "They... Have a point," mumbled Scaramouche, hesitantly surrendering to the creator's unpolished perception. "For what reason does the creator loathe me???" considered Childe, however where it counts, he really wanted to appreciate their shameless negligence for accepted practices.
Thus, the creator's excursion through Teyvat proceeded, each experience leaving a path of confounded partners and dumbfounded foes afterward. For in our current reality where words held power unfathomable, the creator used their tongue like a sword, slicing through misrepresentation and uncovering the crude pith of truth, doubtlessly stirring up a lot of entertainment for everyone around them.
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lxvebun · 1 year
whisper of the heart pt II
bun's notes: I'm really glad you guys enjoyed the first one so much :3 hopefully you will like this one as well.
synopsis: Genshin boys voicelines about you!
content:Alhaitham/Kazuha/Thoma/Cyno x gender neutral reader (so they/them prns used) in this series, their vision is in tune with their emotions, part one explains it the best. Cyno was incredibly difficult i'm sorry if it sucks shsjsjs. Eng is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes!
Part one
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About y/n:
"y/n and I go a long way back. They are a very intelligent, kind, and creative person. We studied under the same masters. Academic rivals? I wouldn't go as far as to say we were rivals per se, but the occasional competition between who got the highest score on an essay wasn’t out of the ordinary. Who won? Well, our scores wouldn't differ much at all actually. Even to the decimal, we usually got the same. When they asked our masters how such different essays could receive the same score. According to our masters, it seemed I lacked creativity in my writing, as they overdid the creative aspect. The masters words, not mine. Although I’ve read hundreds of books and essays in my life already, none could compare to the way y/n wrote theirs"
About vision:
"Unlike other people, I’d say I have decent control over my emotional elemental power, it at least doesn’t manifest in an obnoxious physical sense. That said, as much as I try to control it, the light of my vision starts to flicker and flutter to the rhythm of my heartbeat. So you can imagine the light show that starts once y/n enters my view *sigh* They think it’s, and I quote, "Adorable"...I suppose that makes it alright"
About relationship:
"Hah, You’re surprised I'm in a relationship? While It’s true that I don’t appear as the most approachable person out there, not that I mind, even I am not immune to love… While there’s no scientific proof out there that soulmates exist, against all logical sense, I’d like to believe y/n and I are."
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About y/n:
You haven't met y/n? Oh, they’re such a sweetheart! such a kind and inspirational soul. I’m sure you’ve seen them run around Inazuma City or Ritou before. They have the prettiest eyes and the most lovely smile. they run a lot of errands and help with general activities and festivals. In their free time, they usually help me out with housekeeping or acompany me to the market. You’re surprised I'm talking so lovingly of them? Well, of course, I would, they are my partner after all"
About vision:
"sigh I’ve had to switch to steel handle brooms instead of the normal wooden ones. It happened one too many times that I would be sweeping the floors and y/n would come up to me, resulting in small waves of fire to flutter around... Let’s just say, I’m glad my Lord has a hydro vision.
About meet cute!:
y/n and I both share a love for animals, I actually met them while they were nursing a bird back to its strength, the poor thing was still young and completely soaked because of the heavy thunderstorms. Word went around they were caring for it and I decided to take a look and see if they needed help, little did I know that I would be meeting the love of my life. We routinely feed the stray dogs and cats together when we’re both free:)"
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About y/n:
" I was able to sense their presence in the wind long before I met them. A fragment of my soulmate in the form of a warm summer breeze, bearing the scent of roses and those familiar mapel leaves. As much as I wanted to follow it, I was still a wanted man after all. I couldn’t just return to Inazuma, no matter how much my heart cried for it.
At that time I started to keep a journal on what I was doing, what I was thinking of, and where in Teyvat I was whenever the wind carried them to me, So I could show it to them when we did finally meet. I never had the chance to finish that journal because our paths crossed sooner than I expected. Apparently, just as the wind carried them to me, it did the same for them. Fate has an interesting way of bringing people together. From the moment I stood face to face with them, I knew who they were and by the sparkle in their eye and the way they immediately rushed into my arms, I can guess it was the same for them. We’ve been wandering together ever since"
About vision:
"I’m well aware of how visions respond to your emotions. I don’t actively try to fight it, In a way, i think it’s quite romantic how my vision responds to seeing y/n by sending a breeze through their hair or twirling flower petals around them. They don’t seem to mind either"
About love language:
"From the moment y/n and I met, we decided to travel together. With every step we took, we got to know each other better, and with every rest under the starry night sky, our relationship grew stronger. They love nature as much as I do, and while I show my adoration for it in poems and music, they show their appreciation in colorful paintings and sketches. If we ever run out of paper on the road, I’m not against them using my arms as a canvas, the same way they allow me to ink love poems onto their skin. That way it doesn’t matter how far apart we are, we wear our love for each other on our skin
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About y/n:
"y/n? The fact that they are my partner is not something I tell many people, but since we are so close, yes, they are. They joined the forest rangers a while ago, I met them when I dropped of some books from the Akademiya Tighnari needed. And while I gave them to Tighnari, I decided it was a good time to tell my new joke…..Tighnari did not find it amusing, but y/n did. To this day, their laughs are still the sweetest melody I've heard, and I'm fortunate to hear them every day through my excellent jokes.
About vision:
"Please, don’t bring that up, I still feel bad about it. I didn’t know my vision would respond so strongly……fine, the first time y/n and I held hands, I got so...flustered I accidentally send a small shock wave where our hands intertwined. They weren’t hurt, but I still feel bad about it. It hasn’t stopped them from holding me though, I’m glad about that
About TCG:
"y/n and I are both quite the genius invokation tcg players, and the more rounds we play the more....energetic we get. Let's just say that Puspa cafe does have a noise limit....
For my birthday they got me a beautiful commissioned card with artwork of us on it. Having it around has become a good luck charm for me. I always keep it on the very top of my deck.
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Thank you for reading angels!
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daydreaming-nerd · 3 months
Young Love and Old Money (Cassian x Female! Reader) Part 15
Young Love and Old Money Masterlist
AN: I'm sorry I haven't been writing a bunch lately. I've been going through a pretty big transitional period in my life and it has my mental health in the absolute shitter. Please be patient I promise I'm writing whenever I can. Love you all I hope you enjoy the second-to-last chapter of this series.
Summary: She was the most beautiful woman in Prythian, sister to the High Lord of Night, and now she is the soon-to-be wife of Eris Vanserra. Despite her many titles and her aura of unattainability, Cassian can't help but fall deeply in love with the princess of the Night Court. But will it be enough to stop her impending wedding to a man who is sure to destroy her from the inside out?
Warnings: jealous cassian, angst but fluffy at the end
Word Count: 6,517
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It’s been three weeks since we went to Hybern and I hadn’t left the cell. 
The first time I woke up Rhys had to come into the cell and cleave into my mind to make me sleep. Thankfully the burn marks on his hands and wrists are fully healed now. Feyre is in the Spring Court acting as our spy and when he’s not talking to her, Rhys is down here with me and Cassian. 
Cassian hadn't left my side for a moment since I woke. He had a small cot placed outside my cell so that I wouldn’t have to sleep down here alone. Despite my protests he wouldn't leave to see Madja, he made her come here in this dark, dingy place. I had yet to touch anyone, even him, and it was starting to weigh on me. It was as if my skin turned colder in the absence of him, of anyone. I had taken for granted all the times I hugged my brother around the neck or sparred with Azriel. Not fully appreciated waking up in Cassian’s arms and being engulfed in his embrace when he came home sweaty and stinking from training. 
But it wasn’t just me who was suffering from lack of touch. Cassian was a broken male. Many times he fought with Rhys and I to simply be allowed in the cell with me, but both of us declined. While Cassian was a strong male, Rhys had magic that could help protect him. If something happened he wouldn’t be gravely injured. Cassian argued and argued with the two of us for days. He only gave up when I told him I couldn’t live with myself if I had hurt him. I asked him to imagine the situation in reverse. 
Rhys and Amren have been working tirelessly to teach me how to control my power. Even Cassain pitched in, teaching me the breathing techniques of Valkyries to keep my emotions calm when things seemed lost. I had made progress, but with the wards on the cell it was hard to measure the true extent of my control. The flame that danced on my skin was more of a flicker now, but who knew if that was the wards doing or my own. 
“Keep pressing your power down into that well, what does it look like? What does it feel like?” Rhysand coached me. 
We had found that the best way for me to put a damper on my power was to put it somewhere else. To seal it off from the rest of me in a way. Putting it in a vault and locking the door was effective until my emotions came into play, then Cassian’s breathing techniques worked their own magic. 
“Good, good! You’re doing fantastic!” Rhys praised his voice the most enthusiastic it had been in a while.
I opened my eyes to see the flames on my skin extinguished, though I could feel them simmering under the surface, waiting to ignite once more. It hadn’t been the first time I was able to control my power, I had been doing well for the past week. Rhys figured I would do better if I let some of it out, like a cauldron that needed to boil over in order to simmer down. But I couldn’t do that here. 
“How do you feel?” Rhys asked again, stepping closer to me. 
“I feel more me now, not that I really know what that means anymore,” I say looking at my hands just waiting for them to ignite again. 
Rhys takes my hands in his own, his wards up to keep from being singed. I look up to see his eyes sparkling, the happiest he’s been in a while, a smile lighting up his face.      
“I think you’re ready to leave the cell,” he smiles and I hear Cassian remove his arms from the bars of the cell where he always rested them. 
“Rhys I don’t know,” I shake my head as he holds my hands tighter. 
“Well I do, you’re ready y/n and I can’t stand to see you in this cell any longer,” he pleads with me. 
My eyes flit to my mate, who waits dutifully on the other side of the bars. His knuckles white from where he grips the iron. Like he was praying I’d cross that threshold just so I could be in the same room as him. It was that pain, that longing in his hazel eyes, that prompted me to nod my head yes. 
“Thank the cauldron,” Rhys sighed in relief, bringing me towards the door. “Now the wards won’t be there to help you keep your power down, you’ll have to focus just as hard as you have been.”
The second my feet step over the threshold I feel it. The wards felt like a heavy blanket placed on top of me, without them I felt like I was laid bare. The violet flames under my skin flickered a bit but went out as soon as I pushed them back into that vault that kept us all from being burnt to a crisp. 
Once I feel that vault door seal itself shut I look up to see Cassian staring at me like he’s seeing me for the first time. His eyes hold hope, and longing, and unmistakable sadness. My mate, my Cassian. Just three feet away from me.
I reach for him, feeling the need to comfort him but the second I do I stop myself and look down at my hands. There are no flames, but the simmering remains, icey and hot all at once. My hands clench into fists as I feel the pain in my chest. My eyes meet Cassian’s glassed over hazel ones and I feel the last piece of me break. 
“I can’t- I can’t hold you,” I say, my voice breaking mid sentence. How long would it be till I could touch my mate again? Would I ever touch him again? 
“It’s okay, I can still feel you, in here,” Cassian says, placing a hand over his chest and tugging on the bond so I could feel it. 
I feel my throat bob as tears prick my eyes, suddenly it’s harder to breathe and flames ignite at my fingertips. My tears evaporate as they fall down my face and suddenly the room is caving in. 
“Princess you need to breathe,” Cassian coos, placing his hand on my shoulder, the hiss of burning flesh echoes through the room as my mate rips his hands away from me and cradles his burnt hand. “FUCK!” he shouts. 
“Cassian I-” my words get caught in my throat. “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to.” I say moving towards him, but Rhys steps in front of me.
“y/n stop, you’re burning up. Let it wash over you, like a wave washing over a rock.” he says calmly. 
I take a deep breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. I picture my power being shoved back in that vault, I imagine a wave of calm washing over me like a warm blanket. Only when I hear my heartbeat slow do I open my eyes. The flames have danced out again. 
“That was incredible, you did that without the wards and without my help,” Rhys smiles proudly. “Today feels like a setback but you’ve made more progress than you know.” 
I nod and turn my attention to Cassian who still holds his hand, “Cass I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to-” 
“Shh princess, I know you didn’t mean to. I should’ve been more careful.” he says warmly, thankfully he doesn’t reach for me again.
“He’ll be okay, from the amount of times I’ve been burned Madja has the healing process down to a science,” Rhys chuckles trying to lighten the mood.
I wish his words were enough. I just burned my mate while he was trying to help him, and what’s worse, I couldn’t even hold him. I couldn’t comfort him, or ‘kiss it better’ or even inspect the injury. It was like every bone in my body wanted to see if he was alright and I couldn’t. 
“I can put some wards on your bedroom, they won’t be as strong as down here but they will help,” Rhys assures me. 
My mind wanders to  my room. I had been sleeping in Cassian’s room for forever now, it was our room. But I couldn't sleep next to him anymore. Those days were gone. 
“Put the wards on my old room, not Cassian’s,” I say calmly, averting my eyes to the stone floor. 
“Like hell you’re sleeping in there,” Cassian grumbles. “You’re sleeping with me, in our bed, in our room.” 
“Cass I can’t and you know it,” I say a little harsher than I should. I shudder a sigh and continue, “Look at what just happened, I won’t hurt you again, I refuse to.” 
“She’s right Cassian, she could have a nightmare or a flare up in the night. Trust me when I say that little burn you got was nothing compared to her full power.” Rhysand says, knowing that there needs to be another voice of reason. 
Cassain purses his lips, “Fine, then I’ll sleep in the reading chair next to your bed.” he says. 
“No it’s not comfortable, you don’t have to do that,” I pleaded with him. 
Cassian goes to argue but Rhys steps in, “I can have a bed moved into your room sister. Cassian can be close to you and he will be far enough away that he won’t be roasted alive.”
I nod solemnly, I still don’t like the idea of my mate being anywhere near me at the moment, especially after what just happened. But I knew that if I didn’t let him sleep in the room with me that he would sleep in the hall outside, and that wouldn’t do either. And besides, who knew how long things would be this way…
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One month later…
Things are getting better. However I have yet to touch anyone but Rhys. 
With my brother's help, I’ve gained more control over my power. We discovered that releasing it makes it easier to manage. When I depleted my reserves, there was less to burn off. However, the problem was that my reserves kept growing every day, as if I were gaining more and more power continuously.
There was no telling if it would ever stop growing and even more alarming, we didn’t know what would happen if I burnt out. 
On top of that came new revelations. It seemed my power was more linked to the Night Court than we initially thought. I could now manipulate darkness and winnow just like Rhys could. Turns out winnowing was incredibly handy, especially since Cassian couldn’t fly me anywhere anymore.  
Rhys and I worked everyday to let out some power. He taught me how to control my fire, how to aim it, and wield it as the weapon it was. It was during one of these very lessons that he got the news that Feyre had finally returned to us. 
The reunion was teary and beautiful as I watched my brother and his mate embrace so warmly on the floor of the townhouse. Though, there was a certain pang in my heart knowing I couldn’t hold my own mate that way. I looked up at Cassian from across the room to find him already staring at me. I pursed my lips and looked away, trying my best to keep myself from crying.
“Oh y/n!” Feyre smiles and begins to run over and embrace me but Rhyand catches her around her middle. 
“Feyre no!” he shouts, a male clearly worried for his mate.
His booming voice made me curl in a little on myself as Cassian took a protective step towards me, eyeing both of them. 
“I’m sorry Feyre, but I can’t touch you. I can’t touch anyone actually, even Cassian.” I say sadly the shame washing over me like the tide. 
“W-what? Why?” she asks from where she stands a safe distance away in my brother's arms. 
I let out a breath, “When I went into the cauldron I changed, power awakened inside of me and I can’t control it. I’ve burnt Rhys about a hundred times now.” I sigh, knowing the last thing she wants to hear is how I’ve harmed her mate. 
She turns and slaps Rhys across the chest, “I knew you were lying! I could feel the heat down the bond! Why didn’t you tell me?” she asks. 
My brother chuckles at his applauded mate, clearly just happy that she’s finally back in his arms. “You had enough to worry about already, and besides I had it under control. Y/n is doing much better now.” he assures Feyre. 
“As I live and breathe,” croons a voice that I hadn’t heard in years. 
My eyes flit to behind Feyre, where Lucien Vanserra stands, his eyes raking over me. I knew him when we were young and Rhys and Tamling were still friends. I was always fond of the male, and his flirtatious ways. Rhys used to call us childhood sweethearts, though we were never anything more than good friends.
“Lucien-fucking-Vanserra,” I laugh as Lucein prowls towards me. 
“It can’t be? Is that the precious Jewel of Prythian?” he jests. “If I had known I’d be seeing you I would’ve brought flowers. I think I recall the Spring Courts peonies being your favorite?” he smirks, cocking an eyebrow. 
“You’re a terrible guest Vanserra, we should throw you out,” I laughed, shaking my head at the silver tongued fox. 
“Then allow me to gift you this instead,” he drawls before reaching for my hand. 
“Lucien I wouldn’t” warns Rhys but it’s already too late. 
The fox ignites flames across his fingers and picks up my hand. He doesn’t hiss or even flinch as he brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it in greeting. His eyes of gold and russet burning into mine. 
Cassian growls in warning at the sight of the Autumn Court prince touching me, but if Lucien cares or is even afraid he doesn’t let it show. Instead he flips my hand over so my palm is facing up, using his free hand to graze over the skin of my palm down to my forearm. 
“Her power is not like mine,” he says to no one in particular. “It feels darker and perhaps stronger.” 
“But you can touch her?” Amren questions watching Lucien inspect my hand. 
“Of course I can touch her,” he smirks, winking at me. “My flames burn at the same temperature as hers. I don’t feel anything but her lovely skin.” 
“That’s enough,” Cassain growls, stepping forward a bit. 
Lucien’s eyes turn to the general, nothing but sheer amusement in them. 
“Yes, yes, Feyre told me that The Jewel was spoken fort now,” Lucien tuts releasing my hand. “Forgive me for trying to ignite old flames.” he chuckles, turning away. 
Rhys and Feyre promptly excuse themselves and we all take it as our queue to get lost, clearing the room at lightning speed. I walked out of the house with Cassian in tow, and I could practically feel his anger radiating behind me.
Since going into the cauldron things between Cassian and I had been, well… different. We were so physical before I was cursed with a power I couldn’t control. Always holding hands or cuddling whenever we could. It cleaved a hole in our relationship we couldn't find a way to replace. 
While we still spent every waking moment together, we talked less. I missed the conversations we used to have about books or training (which I had kept up on in my own time). However, I knew that my new powers were a lifestyle change for him too. It felt like grieving who I once used to be, who I may never be again. 
Part of me wondered if we would survive this “new me”. Cassian fell in love with me when I was weak and meager, he might not like this new me. This female he had to walk on eggshells around. What I did know was this, he had to adjust in his own way, and I would stand by him through whatever that process was for him. 
I thought I could keep quiet about his intense brooding, until he grunted once more. I stopped and turned around to face him. My neck craned up to where his jaw ticked in frustration.
“You sound pretty angry back there big guy,” I tease, trying to keep the mood light. 
“I haven’t been able to touch you in almost two months and Lucien Vanserra walks in and holds your hand like it’s no big deal,” he grumbles looking off to the side. 
If things were the way they used to be I would be turning his chin to meet my gaze. 
“Maybe he can help Cass,” I say softly, trying to give him something to root for. 
“Yeah, yeah, but I’m always going to be upset he was the first one to touch you,” he says, lip curling into a half smile as if he realizes how ridiculous he’s being. 
“Rhys says I’m doing better, and I feel better too.” I tell him. “Better days could just be around the corner.” 
Cassain lets my words hang in the air a bit and I can practically see the wheels in his head churning, like he’s waging a war against his thoughts and instincts. 
“Can we- can we try again?” he asks hopelessly. 
Cass had been asking me the same thing for the past few weeks. He wanted to try and touch me, just for a moment. The male just wanted to hold my hand.  But I told him no every time, for every time he asked I could hear the singing of his flesh and see him cradling a burnt hand. Like a bad nightmare on a loop.
“Cass no I won’t hurt you,” I say firmly, taking a step back from him just in case he got any ideas. 
“Baby please, I just want to hold you again. I just want to feel my mate.” he begs and my heart shatters.
“I’m sorry Cass, but I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt you again.” I say sadly, casting my head down. “We just have to hope that things get better tomorrow.” 
Cassian goes to brush a hair out of my face and when he realizes he can’t he clenches his hand into a fist and clenches his jaw. And so the invisible wall that had been built between us raises again, and I feel that pang in my chest that, just. Won’t. Go. Away. 
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“What do you mean that was pretty close?” I cry looking at the scorched bit of grass next to the large rock I was supposed to hit.
“Pretty close could be the difference between hitting Hybern and hitting me in the heat of battle sister,” Rhys chortles. 
We had been at it for hours today. After the week-long disappearance of him and Feyre he had finally come back to the real world to help me control my magic. 
My well of power was turning shallow after hours of practice and my aim was starting to get sloppy. Which of course was dangerous for all involved, but mostly for the spring grass on the secluded hill we were on. 
“Keep trying,” Rhys urges me from the boulder he sits on. I’m sure the thing had a permanent imprint of his ass by now.
“I can’t!” I say frustrated, running my hands through my hair.  “I can’t break into people's minds, I can’t shapeshift.” 
Rhys cocks and eyebrow and gracefully stands from the rock walking over to me.
“You wouldn’t know, you haven’t tried,” he says, summoning a kernel of his magic to rest in the palm of his hand, pure violet light. I do the same, but like always, it only manifests as violet flame. “Your power resembles mine, I can feel the traces of it that you carry. Try shapeshifting, amuse me sister.” 
I look up at him with a sour face, “Into what? It’s not that simple.” I scoff, my brother always made magic seem so carefree, I was jealous of how easy he made it all look. 
Rhys smirks and the snap of leather rings in my ears. The shit eating grin he wears as his wings spread out, basking in the sun makes my blood boil. Rhys was always a show off, especially when he was trying to push all my buttons.
“Maybe we’re the same, you are half Illyrian, even though you never got the wing gene.” he says, stretching his wings like he might stretch his arms when he first woke up in the morning. 
“Rhys,” I grit out. He was toying with me, trying to poke fun at me so I might aim better or spew some more fire. 
“Oh come on, humor your big brother.” he laughs. “Picture them in your mind, what do they look like?” 
I let out a huff and rolled my eyes, and despite my better judgment I scrunch up my face and let my eyelids flutter shut. I try to picture what I might look like with wings, the same way I used to do when I was a little girl. I used to imagine myself flying around with my brother and his friends, going to far away places, anywhere but the townhouse I was raised in and caged in. 
Weight crashes over me and when I open my eyes Rhys stands there with a smug grin on his face. His eyes gleamed with that ‘I told you so’ look only a big brother could possess. I dare to shift my shoulder blade behind me, and then there they are… that weight on my back that feels all too comfortable, like it was always meant to be there. 
“Ha ha!” Rhys laughs, pumping his fists in the air.
Before I can protest he’s running over to pull me into a hug and ruffle up my hair with his knuckles. 
“Look at that! My baby sister has wings!” he smiles, his eyes taking in the sight of them as they light up brighter than I had ever seen before. 
I curl my back muscles so that my right wing comes in front of me. They look just like Rhys’, except unscarred from years of battle and much smaller, even smaller than Feyre’s. But the weight of them was perfect, like they were made for me. 
“You’ve been training with Cassian haven’t you?” he asks, circling me as if he is taking in my posture and the muscles of my back. 
“Yeah I have, why?” I ask, watching as his gaze rakes over my wings. 
Even when I was in the cell I worked hard to continue doing the exercises that Cassin has taught me. It was hard to be cooped up in there all the time. While I trained and motivated I was able to escape if only for a little bit.
“Because the drills he has you running? They’re the same ones they put us through when we were young. They’re meant to strengthen our backs so we might carry our wings,” he explains, coming back to stand in front of me. “And by the looks of it you bear yours quite well.”
I look at my wings and flex them a bit. My brother was right, I was carrying my wings like they were second nature. My back didn’t scream from the pain, instead it almost seemed to welcome their weight. However, it was another change I would have to get used to. Unrelenting power, winnowing, not being able to touch my mate, and now wings? 
I shook my head and thought for a moment. I was a completely unrecognizable person now. Far from the person Cassian fell in love with. My mind drifted back to the talk we had the other day, how I could feel the distance between us. I wondered if maybe this new me wasn’t one that he wanted. Wondered if perhaps he had preferred me to be nothing more than a princess… his mate. And now the wings? Could I possibly change any more? 
“Do you think Cassian will care?” I ask softly bracing myself for any answer my brother might provide. “I mean I’ve changed so much, and he married me without wings and now all the sudden-” 
“Sister,” Rhys says, grasping my arms to stop me from speaking. “Cassian is going to love your wings. He’s going to drool all over my carpets when he sees them.”
“Yeah but-” 
My words get caught in my throat as I feel my brother's fingers digging into my arms. Into my skin. My eyes turn down to where he grasps my bare forearms. No wards, no magic, just him and me. Rhys was touching me. And he was unburnt. 
“You-you’re touching me,” I breathe, grasping his forearms back. 
“I had a suspicion that if you deplenished that well of power enough that I would be able to touch you. Looks like I was right,” he smiles. 
I throw my arms around his neck and pull him into a soul crushing hug. It had been so long since I had been hugged or held or touched in any way. I didn’t know how badly it would burden my soul, not to feel my brothers warm hugs or my mates lingering touches. But here I was, happy and whole again. 
When I pull back there are tears in both of our eyes. Tears of hope. Hope that I might make it through whatever this power was that sought to bring me down, hope that I could make a difference in the upcoming war, and hope that when all this was over, I might have a normal life. 
“I think there’s someone who is desperately wanting to see you right now,” he smiles as a tear rolls down his face. 
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The townhouse is quiet when we walk in, both of us wingless and searching for one person… Cassian.  Of course we knew he would be here, he was always here when Rhys and I went to train. Pacing and patiently waiting for me to return with some hope, some kernel of a possibility that I might be able to touch him or hold his hand that day. 
That’s where we found him, wearing a hole in Rhysand’s beloved carpet waiting for any semblance of good news. 
“Hey, how was training today?” he asked from where he stood a good few feet away. 
“It went well,” I say timidly. Despite my brother's assurance I was still scared of what Cass might have to say about my new changes. 
“It went well, that’s all you have to say? It went well,” Rhys protests from where he leans against his desk, arms crossed and looking every bit of the swaggering High Lord he was painted to be. 
“Rhys,” I growl under my breath, he had promised not to butt in if I let him see Cassian’s reaction to his winged mate. 
Rhys holds his hands up in mock surrender before signaling that he’s going to shut up now and enjoy the show. 
I sigh and prepare myself for the worst, “Rhys and I discovered yet another new aspect of my power,” I say, looking to Cassian whose face is nothing but apprehensive, like he won’t let himself get his hopes up. 
“And it’s a physical manifestation of sorts, one I’m not sure how you’ll react to,” I continue wearily. 
Cassian relaxes a bit, “You’re my mate, and you always will be. You could sprout a tail and I would still love you.” he chuckles. 
“I don’t know Cass, this one is pretty unforgivable,” Rhys teases, breaking his promise once again. 
I shoot him a pointed glare that tells him he’s run out of warnings and he closes his mouth again. I take a deep breath in, visualizing my wings just like Rhys had instructed me and when I breathe out again I can feel their comforting weight. 
When I open my eyes I find Cassian standing slack jawed in the middle of the room, Rhys’ booming laugh echoing off the walls at his usually composed brother's appearance. I can’t help but let my lip turn up at Rhys’s good humor, it was nice to have him break the tension. 
“Y-You have wings?” Cassian sputters out taking a step closer to me.
“I’ve always been half Illyrian just like Rhys, but I never had the magic to shift into wings like he did. Now I do,” I explained to him.
“How could you for one moment think I wouldn’t be overjoyed by this?” he laughs stepping closer so that he’s towering over me. The movement feels so natural, the position feels so us. 
I smile softly, my cheeks no doubt flushing under his lovesick gaze. My hand reaches out to touch him, like it had so many times before, but this time I don’t stop myself as I slowly go to touch his cheek. 
As my fingers get closer he flinches ever so slightly, I can tell it’s a knee jerk reaction from being burnt, but my gaze never falters. Not as my fingers brush over the stubble of his unshaved jaw, and my palm  comes to cup his face. 
The tension in his body releases and his eyes flutter closed for a brief moment. He opens them and a tear falls down his face as he lets out a ragged breath. 
“I can feel you,” he breathes out and I feel a piece of my soul come back to me. 
I shudder a breath as I realize I’m crying too, “I can feel you,” I cry putting my other hand on his cheek. 
“We…well I, figured out that her power is a well, when it’s near empty she doesn’t burn,” Rhys smiles from the corner of the room. 
Cassian’s hands encircle my waist as he pulls me to his chest. I breathe in his scent, cedar and leather, and thank the mother that I can be in his arms again. 
“What happens if she burns out? Uses all her power?” Cassian asks, already looking towards the future while I was still taking in the moment we had now. 
Rhys sighs and shakes his head, “I’m not sure what happens. But I’m not willing to test her limits to find out, not when the possibility could be losing her forever.” he says sadly. 
Cassian nods, I can tell that the answer Rhys gave him didn’t sit right with him. That he wanted to know more, wanted to make sure that very real possibility of losing me wouldn’t happen anytime soon. But then he tilted my chin up to meet his gaze and I could tell that he had decided that this moment was more important. 
“You’re so cold,” he breathes. “But you’re still you. You still feel like you.”
“Oh Cass,” I laugh, throwing my arms around his neck.
His arms encircled me pulling me to him in a soul crushing hug, no doubt releasing all the tension between us that had been building for nearly two months now. I can’t help but let out a sob at the feeling of being in his arms again. At some point I feel us both hit the floor as we hold each other. 
Cassian pulls back to brush the hair from my face, a movement I know he missed doing. Both of our faces streaked in tears but I didn’t care. 
“Let’s go home,” he says softly. “To our room and our bed, so I can show you how much I’ve missed you, my beautiful mate.” he says.
I wasn’t able to fly myself to the House of Wind, despite having wings of my own now I had no clue how to even begin to fly. But Cassian didn’t mind carrying me, hells I didn’t mind either. For the first time in a long time we felt like us. 
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I lie on my stomach cradling a pillow as the sheets drape around my bare skin. Cassian lies next to me, propped up on his elbow as he runs a finger up and down my back, like even a simple touch like this meant the world to him. I know it did to me. 
We had been at it for hours, I had to take a couple breaks to release my flames on the balcony but somehow the display of my power only seemed to turn Cassian on more. It wasn’t until now that we were truly spent and basking in the glow of just lying in our bed together. 
“Show me again,” he muses, placing a kiss on my shoulder. 
I knew what he meant. He had asked to see my wings a million times already. The first time he wanted to touch them, feel every inch of them. He opted to show me how sensitive they could be and I was greedily taking every touch he gave them. If I had known how easily affected his wings were I would’ve been far more careful when I washed them. 
I roll my eyes and muster a kernel of power to summon my wings. His eyes light up immediately as he runs a hand down the leathery material. The hair on my skin raised and I couldn’t help but smile at the tenderness. My feared general admires my wings like they were expensive art. 
“Beautiful,” he smiles, kissing the edge near him. “My mate is so beautiful” 
I hum in delight as he repeats the phrase, fearsome general indeed. I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he looked in this moment. How long had it been since I saw him bare? His sculpted muscles that  make him look like a god. Hair falling from where it was tied at the nape of his neck, face worn from coupling but still aglow with love? It had been so long. I could’ve stayed there forever. 
“Tomorrow I’ll teach you how to fly,” he tells me softly, still brushing his hand over my wings and down my spine. 
“Rhys says he wants Azriel to teach me since he also learned later in life.” I reply, my voice tired as the late hours creep in. 
Cassian shakes his head, “No, you’re my mate. I’ll teach you.” he said in a tone that left no room for arguing.
“Rhys didn’t teach Feyre how to fly,” I pointed out with a smug smile. I knew how important it was to him that he be the one to teach me, but it was fun to push his buttons like this. 
“Yes and because of that Azriel pushed Feyre off a cliff as a flying lesson,” he chuckled. 
I remember the day my brother's mate came home with twigs in her hair, we all made fun of her then. Now I fear I will be living the same fate. 
“But she did in fact learn how to fly,” I say, needing to push his buttons one last time. 
“The answer is no princess,” he grumbles, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Besides I feel like I just got you back.” 
I sighed knowing the feeling all too well. While Cassian and I weren’t apart physically it felt like it. Sure I saw him every single day, and he slept in a bed next to mine, but we weren’t the same. 
“I know how you feel,” I say, reaching out my hand to stroke his cheek, his eyes fluttering for a moment as if savoring the feeling. 
He was silent for a moment, the air between us thick with things we never talked about. Hybern, the Cauldron, the war. It was something we should’ve talked about weeks ago. But if I had to talk about watching him die and not be able to hold him after? I don’t think I could do that. Clearly he felt the same. 
“When you went into the Cauldron,” he said, drifting off as if recalling the horrid event. “I thought you were dead. I thought I was sitting there watching you die.” 
My breath caught in my throat as I watched him come to terms with his thoughts, his emotions. 
“I- there are no words to describe how it felt. To sit there and watch you die and not do anything about it. It was a mercy that I lost consciousness,” he continues. “When I woke up I thought you were gone. I thought I had woken up to a world where you weren’t alive anymore. Worst of all I thought they had left your body in that horrible place. That I wouldn’t be able to hold you one last time, even in death.” 
“Cass-” I start to comfort him but he cuts me off. 
“Azriel said you were here and that you were breathing and I nearly cried with happiness. But then I saw you in that cell, cold and on the dirty floor. I just wanted to hold you and…god, I wasn’t sure if we were ever going to be able to do this again.” he says, voice filled with emotion as he strokes my cheek. 
“It’s not going to be easy Cass, the road going forward. There will be war and ruin, but I know that we can get through it. We’re going to be okay,” I smile cupping the hand he has rested on my cheek. 
He smiles down and pulls me to him so that I’m laying on his chest.  “We’re going to be okay,” he repeats back. 
I had laid on his chest like this a hundred times before, but now it meant more. I sigh, breathing him in, enjoying the feel of his skin under my cheek once more. He was very adamant that this be the way I sleep tonight even though I was scared. 
“But Cass what if I burn you in the middle of the night-”
“No. You will sleep in our bed, in my arms and that’s final.” 
I didn’t argue with him after that. 
As if on queue the second I feel myself drifting into sleep Cassian shakes my shoulder a bit. 
“Princess you’re heating up a bit,” he whispers in my ear. 
We found that whenever my skin started getting hot that my power started to grow, when I expelled the excess my skin turned cold. A welcome meter of where I was at, but good lord I simply wanted to rest. 
“Ugh, I’ll go light something on fire,” I groan, pulling myself from the bed and tossing Cassian’s shirt over my head. 
It was going to be a long road back to normalcy, if there could even be a “normal” after this. But I wasn’t walking the path alone, I never would be.
Last chapter coming soon….
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dark-and-kawaii · 9 months
༺ 𝒱𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 ༻
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Summary: Raphael returns to his boudoir with news that will forever burden your soul, the loss of a child is never easy…
Pairings: Raphael x F!Tav/Reader
Notes: This is separate from “Heirs”. I just wanted to write more angst bahaha.
Character Death - Angst - Battle - Blood
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Throughout your journey with the absolute, you found yourself entangled in a forbidden love with Raphael, a love that defied all odds. Your union was born from flames, a tempestuous affair woven between two souls, bound by both passion and damnation. Your companions, especially Karlach and Wyll, vehemently forbade it. Karlach, the barbarian tiefling, was particularly against your entanglement with Raphael. She had expressed countless times her disapproval of witnessing you surrendering yourselves so freely to the devil. One day, she finally left your life for good, and you haven't heard from or seen her since.
However, your greatest fear loomed over you: now that Raphael had the crown he would set his sights on Avernus, where Wyll and Karlach resided. You dreaded receiving the news that Raphael had either killed Karlach or one of his lackeys had. His insatiable thirst for power would drive him to conquer Avernus and beyond, and Karlach would be caught in the crossfire.
You knew Raphael would be a part of the fights here and there, at times you worried, other times you were sure of him. But what you never anticipated was that yours and his daughter, a gentle yet fearless soul birthed from your twisted union, would also become entangled in the wars to come.
The knowledge of your daughter's involvement in the chaos gnawed at your heart, a foreboding sense of unease that whispered in the recesses of your mind. She was out there now, surveying the lands near Zariel for her dear father to see where they should strike first… The night was still as you stood by the crackling fireplace, finding solace in its flickering flames while Haarlep laid on the bed like some sort of house cat.
“You have little faith in our precious little girl.” Haarlep spoke freely. The incubus had forged a bond with your daughter, but unlike you, they lacked maternal instincts. “She’ll do well out there, afterall she is also of Raphael’s blood.”
You remained silent, your eyes fixated on the dancing flames. It felt as if you're trying to glean the happenings in Avernus, near Zariel's domain.
The sound of Raphael's return to the boudoir finally broke your trance. Little did you know that he carried a tormenting secret, burdened by its weight. Slowly, he approached you, his steps deliberate as he reached out for your hand. A mix of vexation and despair painted his features as he prepared to unveil the truth that would shatter your world.
"My dear-," he spoke, his voice seething with a mix of sorrow and anger, "in this moment, I must share tragic news that will forever haunt your soul." you could feel the gravity of his words, the pain they inflicted upon him even before they left his lips. “Our daughter, the fruit of our affair, has been plucked from us by the hands of treachery. It is with a heavy heart that I reveal to you the dreadful truth-,” Your heart twisted with anguish, you had feared the consequences of his ambitious plans, but you had never anticipated the loss of his and yours own flesh and blood.
You couldn’t see it, but Haarlep’s tail fell to the bed, hanging limply off the edge of the bed…
Tears welled up in your eyes, anger and grief mingling within you, with a trembling breath, “H-How could this be? Tell me, Raphael.” your voice was demanding while your lips trembled as your tears teeter on the edge of your eyelids, glistening, before finally succumbing to gravity…
Raphael's grip tightened on your hand, his voice seething with restrained fury, “Karlach and Wyll, your previous companions carried out this malignant act.”
You could feel the bile rising within you, your breath catching in your throat as your knees threaten to surrender beneath the weight of unbearable grief. The room spins around you, a cruel vortex of disbelief…
Raphael stood by your side as you took in the horrific news, his hand never leaving yours. Your free hand clutched at your stomach, your fingers searching for the child that was once a part of you. Desperate for stability amidst the chaos of your emotions.
Your vision continued to blur as your mind struggles to comprehend the magnitude of what has unfolded. To realize that those you had once trusted, the companions of your past, were the catalysts of your daughter's passing… It was an unbearable torment. Betrayal, the venomous beast, sank its fangs deep into your soul.
You turned to face Raphael, your expression a tempest of grief and rage. In that moment, the fires of vengeance ignited within you. Your daughter, Raphael’s heir, the child of House Hope, gone far too soon… "Raphael," your voice whispered, your voice trembling with a haunting resolve. He watched you closely, allowing you to speak the words he already had thought about, "We shall not let this cruelty go unpunished. Our daughter's blood shall not stain the ground without punishment. Let Wyll and Karlach tremble in fear beneath the weight of our wrath and power."
“My child will be avenged in the cruelest of manners.”
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Amidst the chaos and the clash of steel, your heart pounded with a ravenous rage that threatened to consume your very soul. Your daughter, a precious light in your life, had been mercilessly struck down by the hands of those you once called friends. Wyll and Karlach, their names now etched in your mind as the embodiment of betrayal.
As you advanced, your eyes locked with Karlach's, a flicker of desperation in her gaze. "It wasn't supposed to happen like this," she pleaded, her voice strained. "Your daughter interfered, it was a mistake!" The weight of Karlachs actions settled heavily upon her heart, as the reality of the loss she had inflicted upon you settles in. She never wished to take your daughter's life, to rip a child away from its mother. Even if the child belonged to Raphael, she was still yours that you birthed. Karlach knew the pain, but at the time… It was all a mistake.
You refused to believe such words, "Liar!" Your voice echoed through the battlefield, your voice mighty like a dragon's roar. You swung your sword with a force born of anguish, aiming for Karlach's neck. In that moment, time seemed to stretch, as if the world itself held its breath.
With a swift motion, your blade had connected…
Severing Karlach's head from her body...
The sound of steel meeting flesh filled the air, followed by the sickening thud as the lifeless head rolled away, coming to rest in a pool of blood. It was done, but now what?…
Overwhelmed by the weight of it all, you sank to your knees in the desolate landscape of Avernus. Red skies and a brewing hellish thunderstorm served as a grim backdrop to your misery. Sullen tears streamed down your cheeks, mixing with the blood stains, marking the depths of your sorrow.
As you surveyed the carnage you had wrought, a bittersweet emptiness began to settle within you. The flames of vengeance, once vibrant and fierce, flickered and revealed the true hollowness beneath. The tragic truth of never seeing your daughter again haunts you, overshadowing any satisfaction you may have derived from retribution.
Behind you, Raphael, with his immaculate ascended form, towered over you. He crouched down, his much larger frame curling protectively around your back. One of his wings shielded you from the hells, providing solace and comfort. His head rested gently at your side, Raphael allowed himself to mourn alongside you.
A rare sight indeed, but a much needed one before you both caused the skies around Avernus and every other realm to fall...
"Your reign has just begun, Raphael,” your hand finds the bones to his cheek, "you'll have it all. This I swear to you." Raphael's tail tightens around you, a silent agreement. Because the hells and every other realm haths no fury like a devil and a mother that lost what should never have been taken...
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little-diable · 1 year
Our secret - Carlisle Cullen (smut)
This is very unhinged, but what did we expect, it's me writing this after all. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: When Carlisle comes home after a long shift at the hospital, he's desperate for some kind of relief. Who would have thought that he'd stumble upon a streaming website, watching the stream of a very familiar face, (y/n) – Jasper's girlfriend.
Warnings: 18+, smut, masturbation (f&m), oral (f), piv, cheating, power play, choking, spanking, degrading, dom!Carlisle
Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x fem!reader, brief Jasper Hale x fem!reader (2.2 k words)
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A heavy sigh left Carlisle as he found his way to his office, thankful for the darkness that lingered in the mansion, allowing himself to finally relax. While the others were out hunting, he had been working another late shift at the hospital, making it home by 3 am. Those were the nights where he longed for his human past, wanting to feel the wave of tiredness he had once known all too well, centuries ago that had faded like the seasons passing by. 
He opened his laptop, eyes flickering to the dark forest, wondering how much longer he’d get to cherish the quietness of their home. Quick typing brought him to the website he was looking for, leaning back in his chair with a small grin tugging on his lips. 
For the past weeks he had visited a streaming website he had found one night, desperate for the kind of relief not even blood could give him, needing to give into his most primitive urges. He felt his cock harden in his trousers, barely anticipating the videos he’d get to watch, the moans he’d get to listen to. Fuck, this was one of those few moments where he actually felt human again, feeling like a young boy without any experience, driven by his needs. 
It took him a few moments to find a stream to settle on, animated by the dark room, the fairy lights hung in the back, and the soft music echoing through the woman’s room. So far he couldn’t make out her body, wondering what she was doing out of the frame, if she was waiting for more people to join. His hand freed his cock, slowly pumping to adjust to the sensation, excited to see a new face today. 
Movement could be heard on her end of the stream, and without another warning a female frame entered the screen, sitting down on her bed, right in front of the camera. A heavy gasp left Carlisle as his eyes took in the all too familiar features. His hand had stopped moving, unable to keep on going as he studied the girl he had crossed paths with numerous times before, (y/n) – Jasper’s girlfriend. 
Fuck, he should close the website, should forget that he had ever seen her with barely any clothes on – and yet he didn’t dare move. Carlisle had always found himself drawn to her, wanting to keep her to himself, wondering why she had ended up with Jasper after all, but he’d never dare to interfere, not set on destroying Jasper’s relationship. 
“I missed you all!” Her soft voice coaxed a groan out of Carlisle, and all he could do was watch how she slowly undressed, speaking to the people commenting on her videos and leaving tips. His hand had started moving after a few moments, getting over the first initial shock with a smirk widening on his lips.
And as (y/n)’s moans guided him towards the edge, making Carlisle think of her, she was located on the other side of Forks, trembling for the people watching her stream, with her mind set on a certain blonde doctor, rather than her boyfriend. 
Ever since Carlisle had stumbled upon (y/n)’s stream, he had found himself returning to her website at any given chance, hidden from curious eyes and ears, very well knowing that he was walking a thin line. He had grown bolder over time, no longer hiding amongst those that simply watched but didn’t interact, but leaving comments here and there, changing his username to something she might recognise, if she paid enough attention. 
He didn’t know what it was, and yet Carlisle didn’t want to break from the spell she had cast upon him. By now he knew every inch of her naked body, longing to touch the soft skin, praying to the God he had once loved that she wouldn’t ever return to his home, unsure how he’d react to seeing her again, with Jasper around. 
Carlisle knew that he had to be careful, well aware of Edward’s powers, able to read his every thought. And yet Carlisle had mastered building up a mental stone wall over the past centuries, able to hide his every need from those that looked up to him, clinging to the father figure that had a pure heart and soul, at least that’s what he forced them to believe. 
"Carlisle?" Jasper’s voice ripped him out of his thoughts, eyes flickering up from his book to meet the golden eyes of Jasper. With a smile tugging on his lips, Carlisle closed his book, freezing as another frame appeared next to Jasper. (Y/n) had her lips pulled into a wide smile, eyes meeting Carlisle’s. Jasper didn’t seem to notice the way Carlisle’s demeanor had changed, ushering (y/n) into the office. “(Y/n) burned herself this morning, and it won’t stop hurting. Would you mind looking at it while we go out to hunt?”
“No, of course not. She’s in good hands, don’t worry.” Carlisle averted his gaze as Jasper turned towards (y/n) with a smile, kissing his girlfriend goodbye. The doctor reached for his bag, pulling out a few things he’d need to take care of her wound. A thick silence hung in the air, so thick one could wrap it around their body in the cold winter morning, protected from the icy wind. 
“Come, take a seat.” Carefully he guided her closer, waiting for her to settle on the chair. The blonde haired doctor towered over her, touching her arm to take in the wound. Neither of them dared to speak up, but while Carlisle tried to focus on her wound, (y/n) couldn’t help but admire the doctor, tongue darting out to wet her lips. 
“You know,” she whispered the words, watching the man halt in his movements. “It took me a while to pick up on it. At first I didn’t think it was you, but then.” The rest of the sentence was left unsaid, stuck in her throat as his eyes met hers, forcing all air from her lungs. Carlisle leaned back, finding rest with his hips leaned against his table, studying the woman for a few moments. Shallow breaths left her, teeth leaving nervous bite marks on her lower lip, unable to see through the man’s almost emotionless facade. 
“Did you tell him?” She quickly shook her head, hand darting out to reach for Carlisle’s hand, making them both freeze. The cold he emitted clashed against the heat pumping through her body. For the past weeks (y/n) had wondered how to address the topic, unable to bite down the need she felt to be touched by the man, wanting to feel his body pressed against hers. 
“If I’m being honest, every time I’ve been streaming I thought of you, and I know it’s wrong, but I can’t stop myself.” With her breath hitched in her chest she watched Carlisle break out in a deep, raspy laugh, hand finding her cheek, cupping her warm skin. Her body followed his every command, pulled to her feet, into his chest. For a few seconds they froze, listening to the alarm going off inside their heads, reminding them how wrong this was – whatever they were about to do. But their bodies forced them to continue, lips meeting in a rough kiss. 
Jasper had never kissed her like this, had always tried to be careful with her, hoping that his alter ego wouldn’t take over his system, scared of leaving marks that wouldn’t fade. It seemed as if Carlisle wasn’t held back by any fear, any daunting thoughts, allowing himself to claim an already claimed woman. 
“I need to taste you, need to hear those pretty moans you always make.” What sounded like a confession turned into a command, switching them around to force (y/n) down on his table. Her moan seemed to give him the green light he had been waiting for, jeans pulled down her legs with her damp panties following. Carlisle didn’t waste any time, pushing his tongue through her slit, tasting her arousal for the first time. 
(Y/n)’s moans echoed through the room, hand tugging on his roots in a desperate need to ground herself. Her heart was racing, urged on by the fear of being interrupted, of being caught in an act so wrong that felt all too right. Her body had always called out to Carlisle, and yet something had held her back, doubting that the doctor would ever be interested in her. 
“Oh god, Carlisle, you’re so-” she was interrupted by a heavy moan, he had pushed two fingers into her cunt, expectedly curling them against her sweet spot. She was trembling on the table, legs quivering already, within only a few moments of being touched. While her body struggled to hold back, her mind couldn’t help but wonder what being fucked by him must feel like, hoping that he’d soon give in. 
“What is it? Talk to me, sweetheart.” A teasing smile was shot her way, mouth finding its way to her pulsing bundle of nerves, very well knowing what she wanted from him. 
“Please.” Her whimpers were met by a throaty chuckle, he had his eyebrows raised, wordlessly commanding her to speak her thoughts. “I need you inside of me, fuck me, please Carlisle.” 
“See, that wasn’t hard, was it?” He let go of her, only to pull her to her feet, front pushed down on the table with one quick move. Before she could even take a new deep breath, his hand came down on her behind, spanking the moaning woman. She was a goner, already floating in another dimension, and he hadn’t even fucked her yet. “Are you ready for me?”
His hand met her skin again, and again, till (y/n) finally managed to press out a soft “Yes, please”. She heard him spit onto his palm, pumping his cock a few times before he pushed into her from behind. Her air was knocked from her lungs, eyes squeezed shut to try and adjust to his size. Carlisle was ruthless, urged on by all those times he had been watching her on his screen, spreading her thighs for men just as desperate as he was. 
“You’re already whimpering, and I’ve only just started fucking you. Does your boyfriend not satisfy you? You’re dripping for my cock like a slut begged to be manhandled.” His words had a sharp undertone to them, forcing a deep moan from her parted lips. Carlisle fucked her rough, hips meeting her aching behind with every thrust, pushing (y/n) further into the dark abyss she had been lured into. She was seeing stars, stars so daunting, (y/n) could feel her end coming upon her. 
With one hand finding her throat, Carlisle pulled her up against his chest, pace not faltering once. Her walls fluttered around his cock, senses heightened by the possessive grasp he had on her throat, not cutting off her airstream, but making her blood sing in her ears. She was trembling, had a hard time focusing on anything but his touch, the way he fucked her, pushing her closer to the edge. 
“Such a tight cunt, so perfect for me.” Carlisle’s words coaxed a whimper from her lips, gone the moment his cold fingers found her clit. He tightened his grasp on her throat, forcing her eyes open to focus on the dark forest surrounding the mansion, wondering who or what was lurking outside there. Would their secret be spilled? Would they be able to hide it from the others nearby? 
“Need to cum, I’m so close.” Her voice trembled, nothing more than a whisper he clearly picked up on. Carlisle’s raspy chuckles left her shuddering, mind torn between the sensation of the way he fucked her from behind and the way he expertly rubbed her clit. A rough “Cum” left the doctor, hand leaving her throat to tightly grab her waist, fearing that she may lose her balance.
Her orgasm clashed through her, leaving her moaning and whimpering, not hearing the sound of slow steps carrying somebody closer. She didn’t notice the smirk tugging on Carlisle’s lips, didn’t notice how he turned his head, eyes meeting another pair of dark ones. He pulled out of her to release himself on her behind, letting go of (y/n) to give her a moment to calm down. 
“Fuck, I’m exhausted.” Her soft chuckles were interrupted by a deep laugh, head snapping towards the door, catching Jasper leaning against the doorframe. The vampire was smirking at his wide eyed girlfriend, stepping into the office with his arms crossed in front of his chest. 
“Oh, darlin’, this was only just the beginning.”
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