#and one is either a weird projection OR you’re just making them an oc (and slapping the name of whatever character onto them)
silvialightning · 6 months
There is a difference between “a lighthearted feel-good portrayal of a character” and “completely stripping a character of moral complexity, both internally and to the other characters/world around them, which in turn makes everything 2 dimensional” and “this is so wildly out of character I cannot image that you watched/played the same piece of media as I did”
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rxzennia · 3 months
selfish atonement
– requested. 
✎𓂃 executing your duty perfectly, until it’s not so heavy anymore. less romance, a lot of lore. mandatory shoutout to @st4rrth0ughts and their bodyguard reader & oc. i really searched up oswaldo for this pls enjoy (i tried to cook but i might’ve burnt it y'all)
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ever since oswaldo’s expedition on aeragan-epharshel, you’ve become certain of one thing – he is a brilliant businessman; the epitome of a profitable business. regardless of the mostly negative emotions you felt while you undertook missions under his orders, you could at least admit that he brought unparalleled results to the ipc. 
but, well, it does not take a good man to make a good businessman.
this marks the third amber era after your departure from the marketing development department… no, your departure from the ipc as a whole. you’ve changed your name, got yourself a new appearance, and distanced yourself from oswaldo’s name.
you’ve since become a sellsword who answers only to your current client
you’ve chosen to not have your loyalty freely auctioned off to the wealthy precisely because of your history with oswaldo
aka, you’re done with the type of problems that can be solved with money, and you don’t want to be someone that can be easily bought with money, either
not in the sense that money won’t make you more likely to take a job, but in the sense that money won’t bribe you away from any ongoing duties
that’s enough about you and your standards
in any case, your history with the ipc (that you’ve manipulated a little) has been very helpful in landing you jobs
and at this point, you’ve got a nice word of mouth going on for you that you don’t need to bring up that history anymore
who would’ve thought that you’d end up in the ipc again?
this time as a temporary guard for one of the ten stonehearts
you don’t know what possessed someone like diamond to ask for you, because you’re pretty sure he knows about your previous involvement with the ipc
and also, what the fuck does the ten stonehearts need a bodyguard for?
you’d pay a million credits to bet that diamond just wanted someone to be surveillance
but hey, a client is a client, so you agree to meet the one you’re supposedly “protecting”
you walk into the room, and immediately you want to walk out. diamond is doing this on purpose, he’s gotta be, he’s got to have done a background check on you and still decided to choose violence.
you come face to face with aventurine, and you thank all the aeons out there that you’ve made the decision to wear a mask whenever you’re out. you don’t know if diamond had briefed him on you or not, but judging by how warily civil he is, it doesn’t seem so. 
just so we’re clear, you were far too green to be directly involved when oswaldo launched his sigonia-iv project. while you did tag along on these trips and treaty signings, you have no personal involvement there except standing there like a statue and watching your superiors hammer out a treaty or something. unlike in aeragan-epharshel. where you were one of the combat pilots. oh, that’s another can of worms altogether.
at least he can’t see your expression right now as you shake hands
at least he doesn't hear your erratically beating heart
you introduce yourselves, and you bow out of habit
impression points +100 (your starting score is -10000)
that’s basically how you ended up involved with the ipc again
ugh, you just can’t leave them in the past, can you?
although, in your defense, they’re everywhere, and you can’t possibly turn down a job with such luxurious pay
so, now, instead of the marketing development department, you’re in the strategic investment department. diamond is also a good businessman, but… the ten stonehearts have such a weird dynamic. they’re all tangled together with office politics, yet share one authority figure that they ultimately obey – something you haven’t bothered to think about when you were last in the ipc. and something you won’t bother thinking about, because the mere thought of corporate makes you want to dig yourself into a hole.
in any case, your constant meddling in aventurine’s daily affairs begins today. he’s quite a guarded man, and you have no idea what diamond wants you to do by putting you next to him practically 24/7, but oh well, you’re getting paid.
you settle into a routine surprisingly quickly, and he doesn’t seem to mind your presence all that much
alarmed? yes. mildly annoyed that diamond put a walking tracker on him? also yes. 
dislike your presence? kinda (not really). 
at least he knows you won’t betray him for as long as your contract is in effect
even if you answer directly to diamond, you were tasked to watch over him
which means that you will execute your assigned duty to guard him and strictly only that duty
(truly, your reputation precedes you)
but what is worrying is how swiftly you can change sides the moment your contract expires
well, a problem for tomorrow. diamond’s got you leashed for a year.
he does run a background check on you himself
not that he doesn’t trust that diamond hadn’t vetted you, he just wants to know what sort of person he is now stuck with
guess who found out your name is probably fake but can’t find your real name
because he could only trace your name so far, and anything beyond that point is blank
the discoveries will shock you!! top 10 most scary facts you didn’t know 
all he got was a full report from your first job to this one
anything about your past before your current alias is completely untraceable
not that he intends to ask anyway; you haven’t given him any reason to dig further (yet)
he keeps an eye out for you though
even if he’s not suspicious of you at the moment, that could change in the blink of an eye
aventurine is surprised at how loyal you are to him. you’re under diamond’s orders, but you’re surprisingly putting in a lot to protect him. and to look after him.
to you, it’s just your job… and a selfish, twisted sort of repentance. it’s a thought you intend to take with you to the grave.
you’re not obligated to wake him up or bring him breakfast, but you do anyway
which, he realizes that you must’ve woken up like at least two hours before him
you coordinate his schedule with his assistant so that he doesn’t make pointless trips to five different locations just to end up at the same one twice
you, quite literally, hover over him
yes, even at huge conferences, you’re tailing him like his shadow
some kinda scary dog privilege going on
but of course, you give him space whenever he requires it and keep him within your sights instead
so far so good
but you know what spooks him still? 
that you get pissed when someone makes any nasty passing remark at him
no, you are not a feral street cat that scratches anyone who wrongs you (him)
what you do is you give them a scary confrontation
or you pick them out and lodge a complaint with their superiors afterwards, if they aren’t the top dog
one time he got his hands on a report that you’re writing
aeons, you blow it out of proportion without lying 
you like to call it a suitable amount of embellishing 
then you pull a lot of emotional appealing according to the opponents' company policy
which usually results in some sort of disciplinary action that is actually pretty satisfying to see
but also
damn, you’re merciless 
and also very adept at business talk
trust +100, doubt +25
(shady mercenary for hire with far too much experience type doubt)
you’re as good of a bodyguard as aventurine can get, especially for someone he didn’t hire himself… 
he quite likes you, actually! because how many people do you think asked him something like “why do you need a bodyguard” to his face? none! you’re as entertaining as they come. 
and so he finds joy in his boring executive work by pestering you
you know that, but you put up with him
in fact, this guy is so one of a kind that you don’t even feel pestered
you sometimes even drink with him
whenever he offers, of course, because you’re not too interested in drinking
you drink moderately on the job, but c’mon, when are you not on the job
okay, maybe when he’s just chilling in his office or in the hotel and not going anywhere
then there’s competitive drinking where he tries to coax you into talking about yourself by making you down shots
and guess who’s wasted every time? not you
“mr aventurine?” you ask, nudging the unconscious man next to you. “sir? earth to mr aventurine? hello?”
his empty glass of whiskey on the table, his face slightly flushed as he snoozes away on the table… yeah, it does not look comfy at all.
you sigh, he’s giving you more work again, and you carefully hoist him from the table. 
when he comes to again, he finds himself in his own room
his head hurts so much
he notices that he hasn’t changed from his usual attire – only his coat and accessories are taken off
okay, and the top button of his shirt is undone
did you bring him back? 
as always, you don’t even bother to change him
he sighs, you’re really not very good at reading signs
because he’s done this multiple times! and he’s whined about not being changed after!
more like you did notice but you choose not to do what he wants
that’s crossing a line in your books
and your books is something you stick to like you’re obsessed
at least you left him water and hangover medicine on the nightstand
why does he feel like you’re deliberately keeping him at arm’s length?
it’s been a while and you two have spent so much time together, yet you’re still a stranger to him
not even acquaintances 
like… like, you don’t initiate conversation when you’re watching him
both when he’s going somewhere (requires actual protecting) and chilling at home (does not require actual protecting)
and even after so many late night drinking sessions, he still hasn’t seen you without your mask
mainly because you’ve never been drunk enough for him to sneak a peek, but still
aventurine doesn’t know how to express affection. platonically, romantically, in general, pretty much. so he tries to do the one thing he does best, splurging. and he tries to splurge on you, because he’s intrigued and wants to make buy a friend, but…
but you don’t let him splurge on you! you don’t even let him give you gifts! he only knows how to win affection by spending money on others! 
sometimes he feels like you stick too strictly to your duties
just like his other subordinates… you take orders far too well
he’s tried to give you trinkets, designer clothes, even limited snacks
all of which were returned to him within 24 hours
though, with the snacks, you take it if he offers you a piece or two when he’s already opened it
and you let him treat you to coffee occasionally. very occasionally.
he eventually figures out that it’s a matter of principles
but what principles, exactly? you’re a sellsword, for aeon’s sake
he thought those are the people who have absolutely no principles???
anyway, won’t stop him from trying
“mr aventurine…” you pinch the bridge of your nose as you see the bags stacked on your desk. “i remember telling you that souvenirs are unnecessary.”
“what’s wrong with them?” aventurine laments dramatically. “i’ve picked out only the finest for you!”
you don’t deserve it, you think, but you don’t say that, of course
you don’t even know of his lifelong grudge towards oswaldo
you just know that you had a hand in the extinction event
not like hand hand, but you watched it happen… it doesn’t sit well with you
besides, you have the blood of almost an entire civilization on your hands
if you think too hard about it, the image of flames and carnage overlap with what is in front of you
then, you envision the records of sigonia that you’ve read through in the past
and everything blurs together, your actions, your inaction, and your unwavering loyalty that led you to not raise a single question at all
you squeeze your eyes shut tightly and purge the images from your mind
you are currently here, in the present
“i can’t take them.” you reply, finally, shaking your head. “it’s inappropriate for our standing. especially since there’s no reason for you to be gifting me so many things out of nowhere.”
“what, i can’t be nice to my bodyguard?” aventurine pouts as he sorts the bags in height order. “i’ve got a limited edition tie, an antique phonograph, a discontinued mug, some rare natural color ink for your fountain pen, a pure cashmere sweater–”
“that’s… that’s enough, sir.” you raise a hand to cut him off. “i don’t think i can accept any of them, really.”
aventurine makes a face, then pulls out a bag from the end of the queue. “fine, fine. what about this, at least? assorted cookies from an artisan bakery, using only the best ingredients sourced from all over the cosmos?”
you stare at that bag as you feel the expectant stare from your boss
maybe… maybe one out of these dozens of bags is fine
you’ve gotta think about his feelings too, after you’ve rejected so many gifts
you reluctantly, carefully take the bag and say a small “thank you”
you don’t want his fascination with you to develop any more than what he’s already showing…
but you also know that it’s not up to you
so what is up to you is drawing a line that you won’t allow him to cross
for his sake, and for your own… 
if he keeps pushing, you should keep pushing back
keyword should
but can you?
aeons, you truly are selfish
wouldn’t it have been better to keep everything professional from the very beginning?
it’s okay. you only have a little more than half a year to go before you’re no longer obligated to be here. you’ll run away before aventurine catches on, like how you ran away from your past.
it’s okay. it’s just been a few months, there’s still more than half a year’s worth of time. before you part ways, there are still chances to get to know you better. perhaps even time to become friends, in the most literal sense of the word.
and maybe by the end of it, “you” will reach a satisfactory conclusion.
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callsignfangs · 7 months
141 + Fangs with the reader who has a paper star making addiction. (Platonic) /nf
You feed me so well pooks 😇
For context: Fangs is also a CoD oc sorta thingy of mine 😚 I’ll add theirs at the end for anyone who’s interested 💟💟
141 + Fangs & Paper star addicted reader <3
• Really doesn’t get it. He adores how often you gift them to him but has absolutely no clue what to do with them.
• Ended up repurposing one of his desk drawers to fill them with. Also generally always has some laying around.
• Is irrationally pissy whenever someone insults them. Think they’re weird? At least his partner loves him enough to spend their time making things for him instead of shitty storebought gifts every other month, Samantha.
• Is absolutely giddy about them.
• Learns to make them with you so you two can make a collection together 😇
• Came up with the idea of making them out of sugar paper and incorporating them into food as well, bc why not??
• Puts them literally everywhere. He has little tupperware boxes and mugs full of them placed all over his room.
• Secretly loves sitting and watching you make them. Seeing your fingers curl around the paper with each other fold, it’s just mesmerising to him.
• Can’t get the hang of it himself, though. Poor lad’s fumbling, catching his fingers on every other corner, his hands are just too big.
• Has at least one on him at all times. On a mission? Scattered across his vest pockets. Out running errands? One on the specially made keychain his house keys are on.
• Gets surprisingly upset if any of them get ripped/damaged. Still has a few on his floor because god knows this man has knocked over piles or containers of them, and/or used them as extra ammo during pillow fights.
• Similar to Gaz, also very happy about them 😇
• Incorporates them into random things in his life. Definitely shaved a few stars into his mohawk. Maybe even got a star-related tattoo.
• Has them literally everywhere. Whenever he cleans up or redecorates his room, he’ll find at least a dozen just strewn about.
• Can’t exactly get the hang of tiny paper stars either, so whenever he makes them with you he gets big strips of paper so he can actually fold them.
• Always complains about how disarming explosives/tinkering with the tiny, intricate little bits in his snipers is somehow easier than folding those stupid bloody bits of paper.
• Angst warning ahead - Have you lot seen that tiktok video of the person who’s father hid rubber ducks around their house, and after he passed they found one in the console of their car? Yeah. That’s what you’re met with after MW3. You’re welcome 😇 (edit: found it on reddit instead of tt 😚)
• A little confused at first, but eventually catches up with it.
• Will get deeply upset if they lose one you’ve gifted them. Yeah, they have at least three hundred others, but it was a gift from you!!
• Like Soap, starts bringing them into projects. Impulsively starts a full art project based completely around them, and has to shamefully slink over and ask you to make them more 😇
• Sorta gets the hang of them. To say they’re a bit wonky is an understatement, but they’re trying their best, and they don’t really mind as long as they’re having fun (silently raged for at least half an hour over them).
• Paints a star on their favourite rifle. Price wasn’t very happy when they went on a night mission and he spotted a little painted star glowing in the dark, and they very reluctantly peeled of the paint and replaced it with a less noticeable colour.
Giggle donee 😇 My brains been kinda rotting over this lately and I have a Farah ask that I’m going a liiil feral over so yippee 🎉 (if ur seeing this i love u farah anon(s?) /p 😋)
Okok yaya but thanks pooks this dragged me out of my like writing hole very happy 💪
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Wonder how Buddha, Shiva, Hades, and Qin Ham Shi would react to a human fighter that uses their opponents fear against them? Totally won't be making an oc that does that nope
-You had been ‘blessed’ with a unique ability, the ability to project other’s fears back onto them.
-You used this ability to your advantage, taking out cruel and evil people when you were on earth, many calling you a vigilante or a hero, but many called you a monster for using fear.
-In Valhalla, you didn’t use your ability often, as you had no reason to, but it was always there, just in case you did.
-That all changed when Ragnarok came around, and Brunnhilde wanted you to fight for humanity. While uneasy about it at first, you agreed, planning on using your ability only once, so you wouldn’t put your opponent through any unneeded psychological abuse.
-Looking into his eyes, after removing your aviator sunglasses, you were instantly able to know his fear and your form shaped, your body being covered in shadows before you emerged as a giant (icky, nasty, disgusting, hairy, yucky) spider.
-The girly shriek that left your opponent was almost comical as he tried to run from you and with one well-placed kick with one of your eight legs, you were announced the winner of the shortest match in the tournament.
-Many of the gods were mad at your ability, finding it unfair, while many of them had been using their own abilities against opponents.
-You returned backstage and your eyes lit up and you ran over, leaping into the arms of your lover who hugged you back, a chuckle leaving him, as he knew you were going to win your match.
-Buddha- He grinned as you made it back to his private room, “So what was it like having that many legs?” you snorted softly in laughter before giving him a grin, falling onto his sofa and he crawled on top, resting his head on your chest, “Weird, but it’s not the first time I’ve been a spider.” He shivered in disgust, not liking them either which made you grin. Buddha knows you would never use it on someone who wasn’t attacking you, you had only used your ability once or twice in Valhalla, when someone tried to kill you, one was a stalker of Buddha, pissed that you were dating him, and you scared the bejesus out of her, and the other claimed you weren’t a strong person and didn’t deserve to live. You played with his hair, taking it out of his bun which he scowled at, as his bun is rather hard to put up, before he melted into you, cuddling you close.
-Shiva- Once in his private room you beamed and ran over, leaping into the pillow pile with his three wives who were instantly smothering you with affection before Shiva joined the cuddle pile, resting his head on your lap. Parvati was leaning against your arm, “Your match was over so quickly! But I’m glad you’re not hurt!” you thanked her, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek before Durga spoke, “Can you control the size of whatever you turn into?” you shook your head, “Nope, I turn into whatever will scare people the most, so if it’s a spider, I’ll be the biggest spider I can!” Shiva laughed warmly, cupping your cheek tenderly, “And you were pretty terrifying!” you threw your hands up in a cheer, making them all laugh, finding it funny.
-Hades- He knew he had nothing to be afraid of from you, as you didn’t use your ability willy-nilly, like to get your way or something like that, you only used it when fighting serious opponents or threats. Hades knew this and knew you could be terrifying when you wanted to be, not so much from what you change into, but more along the lines that no matter who it is, even him, you can tell what they’re afraid of. You have so much blackmail, so much power, knowing people’s hidden fears, but you choose not to use it. Hades let you sit on his lap, turning him into your throne, cuddling up to him as you pouted, “My match ended too quickly!” he boomed with laughter, patting your head, “That’s what you get when you use your ability straight off the bat.” Your pout deepened, but then lessened after he pecked your cheek.
-Qin Shi Huang- Had a feast waiting for you, all the food still piping hot since your match literally was only about a minute long, most of it being taken up by your transformation. He sat you down on his lap, celebrating your win by feeding you, telling you what all the dishes were, since you had trouble sometimes with Chinese food, telling what is what. Zheng knows you would never use your ability for evil, which you easily could do and that honestly scares him as you would be unstoppable, but finds it relaxing that you don’t, giving him a small sense of relief. He couldn’t lie to himself, if he had such an ability, he would be using it to his advantage anytime and anywhere he could, grinning as he believed himself to be a super villain, but that’s why he’s happy you have it and not him.
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fireflychaosdemon · 20 days
Thank you for reblogging my post. I love your name! Where did you come up with it?
first of all you’re welcome :)
second of all ty
and it’s three separate reasons
ok so
Firefly was the name of my first oc that I pretended to be on Wattpad when I was in sixth grade, and it actually kinda saved my life because I had barely any friends, and to the friends that I did have, I felt like I was just the friend they’d go to when they were bored and no one else was available
while I was Firefly on wattpad, people actually liked and cared about me so it helped me a lot
I also called myself Firefly when I was in eighth grade, because I joked about how I was the only colourful one in the sea of darkness (everyone else in my class wore black 95% of the time, and I looked like a rainbow threw up on me)
So for Chaos, I’m chaotic. Nothing more to that.
Demon is actually a funnier story because there was this one kid in my class in eighth grade (he was also in my class in seventh grade)
he may have had a crush on me at one point because he acted really weird around me (he had no chance though)
he also kinda stalked me for a bit after grade eight
but in grade 7 he punched my brother’s friend in the eye because my brother’s friend came over to defend my brother because he was yelling at my brother for him tripping over my brother because he wasn’t looking where he was going and that was apparently my brother’s fault for some reason (don’t ask, idk)
anyway so me and this kid had never really gotten along
he tried to copy off my French test in grade 8 as well and I said no
he came up with this brilliant idea that he was going to try to bully me in eighth grade
now I had been bullied every year since grade one
so grade eight was the year I snapped and stopped giving a shit anyways
so he tried multiple ways to bully me
all of them were stupid
first he tried to make me upset about one mistake I made in my first basketball game (it was the first and only year I was on a sports team, and during the first game I accidentally got points for the other team because I got confused)
And then I realized he was probably just mad because the boys basketball team won like 2 games meanwhile the girls basketball team was undefeated until semi finals
So I think that was the moment I snapped
the second one was the actual reason I went on this whole spiel (I just realized I’ve been spelling that word wrong for two months)
so the second way he tried to bully me, we were in the shop room in my elementary school working on a project for science class or something
and we ended up at the same table because there was like 30 kids and 6 tables
I was working with one girl in my class who I befriended because everyone else was bullying her (also part of the reason I snapped, how they treated her)
so anyway I was trying to ignore him for the most part, the most we spoke was “could you pass the hot glue gun please” or stuff like that
So he starts asking me what religion I was for a reason unknown to me
I told him to guess
istfg he guesses EVERY RELIGION other than mine
so eventually he gives up and goes “ok what is your religion then?”
so I respond with “pagan”
and he’s like “what’s that?”
so I explain that it’s the belief in multiple gods or deities
So he asks if I would rather go to heaven or hell
and I respond with “truthfully, I don’t believe either exists” because honestly I don’t think the vast majority of people can be classified as good or bad only
somehow he misunderstands that completely and starts yelling that I’m a satanist
and he starts making little wooden crosses with the hot glue and trying to ward me away or something while screaming “THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU”
so I just laughed at him because it was ridiculous but honestly he gets points for originality
But the power of Christ can’t compel me if I’m a satanist, only if I’m a demon
and I never figured out which one, but since I am not a satanist, by process of elimination I’m a demon
so that’s why I came up with FireflyChaosDemon
wow that took a while
possibly because I went off topic a lot
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beefromanoff · 5 months
Project Mockingbird Ch. 17
summary: back to life as usual after New York, some insight into Charlotte's mind.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
author's note: hi guys! this chapter is shorter than normal but I really wanted to get something out since it's been a minute! I've been on vacation so I've been writing here and there but nothing ready to put out yet. I promise there will be a few chapters coming VERY soon with more action! thanks for reading, as always!
tag list: @bangtanxberm @scott-loki-barnes @kayhi808 @charmedbysarge
(let me know if you want to be added <3)
chapter list
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As the early morning sunlight bathed the Avengers' compound in a warm glow, Charlotte stood outside Bucky's room, gathering her courage. She had been wrestling the idea for nearly an hour, but now that she was here, uncertainty gnawed at her. It was an unholy hour of the morning, the sun just barely beginning to peek out over the horizon. She was clad head to toe in her black athletic wear, tennis shoes shifting on the floor as she debated making a run for the elevator. 
Don’t be stupid, it isn’t that big of a deal. If you don’t deal with it now, it’ll just be weird later. 
With a determined exhale, she knocked on Bucky's door, the sound echoing through the quiet common room. After a brief pause, the door swung open, revealing Bucky standing on the other side, pulling a gray hoodie the rest of the way down over his abdomen. The smell of black coffee wafted out of his room.
"Morning," he greeted her with a small smile, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. 
"Hey," Charlotte replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "Figured I’d get an early start today and I know you usually do, too. Might as well run together?”
Bucky's lips twitched in amusement, and he stepped back to let her in. The bed was already made and she had a hunch he’d been up for longer than he’d admit. "Sure, why not? I could use the exercise."
Charlotte couldn't resist a teasing grin. "Yeah, Sarge, you've really been letting yourself go," she quipped, her eyes flicking playfully over his chiseled frame for a moment longer than strictly necessary.
Bucky chuckled, shaking his head as he finished lacing up his shoes. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go, then."
They made their way out of the compound and onto the trail that wound around the nearby lake, the crisp morning air doing a better job of waking them up than coffee ever did. Neither of them spoke much, but to Charlotte’s relief, it was a comfortable silence rather than a tense one. Both sets of eyes were locked on the swell of color across the lake as the sun broke from the horizon. After some light stretching, more of a formality for super soldiers anyways, they began to run. As they fell into step beside each other, any tension that had lingered between them dissipated, replaced by the easy camaraderie that had become second nature over the past months.
“You sure you can keep up, old man?” Charlotte grinned over her shoulder.
Bucky shot her a mock glare, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Please. I could outrun you blindfolded and carrying an extra fifty pounds." He lifted his left arm out of his stride and waggled his fingers at her. “Which I am.” 
Charlotte rolled her eyes, laughing. “Well you’re in luck, because I forgot to bring my blindfold."
“Damn.” He shook his head, loose hair falling with the motion and the wind blowing past him.
The rest of their run passed in a blur of lighthearted banter, normalcy flooding what had been a big question mark after this past weekend in New York. What happened, or almost happened, hadn’t been discussed by either of them. 
“Eat shit, Rogers.” Tony threw his hands up as Steve sailed a dart right into the bullseye -- again. 
“Nobody likes a sore loser, Stark.” Steve grinned good-naturedly and held a bottle out to Tony. “Drink up.” 
My stomach hurt from laughing (and eating) way too much, but I didn’t regret either. I was certain that my head would join in the pounding when I woke up the next morning. Rather, when I woke up later today, considering the clock read just past 1am. Pepper had long since gone to bed, and shortly after went Sam and Calla. Peter had passed out on the sectional, narrowly avoiding having something profane drawn on him by Steve’s well-timed challenge of darts. Natasha stood confidently to the side, waiting to challenge whoever the winner was, clearly Captain America himself. I held onto my glass with no intention of finishing the champagne inside of it. I’d gotten myself a refill over an hour ago and only taken one sip. 
Maybe because the molten lava in my chest threatened to burn me alive if I let any more of my judgment fall away. Bucky sat across from Wanda and I, one hand holding a glass of water and the other draped across the back of the couch. His face had a grin plastered on it as he watched the game unfold, but his eyes were just as dazed and unseeing as mine felt. After Sam had snapped us out of…whatever that was, we’d both retreated back into the party. Besides the occasional white-hot bits of eye contact across the chaos, no evidence of our moment remained. I couldn’t decide if I was grateful or resentful of Sam for stopping us, whether he knew what he was doing or not. Based on our history, he might have thought he was breaking up a potential bar fight. I’ll give him that much. 
After watching Natasha wipe the floor with Steve, who was only slightly more gracious in defeat than Tony, Wanda stood and declared that she was going to bed. A murmur of agreement went around the room, the rest of us slowly succumbing to exhaustion from the day and the alcohol. 
“Leave it all, my cleaning staff is paid very handsomely,” Tony waved his hand as he stumbled towards the elevator. “Goodnight you vagrants, the pleasure is all yours.” 
“Char, you coming?” Wanda looked back at me as she strode towards the doors on the far side of the vast living room. 
“I’ll be a few minutes, I’m gonna find some Tylenol.” I smiled warmly and returned her blown kiss as she nodded. Liar. While I could probably have benefited from some, finding medication wasn’t my priority. I turned back to the living room where Steve had slowly roused Peter and was all but carrying him to an empty room. Bucky was looking on, unsure if he should help or laugh. As Steve retreated further from us, Bucky turned and locked eyes with me. The sudden quiet and lack of distractions felt like it was crushing my chest as I stared into his blue eyes. He was only ten feet away from me, which somehow felt too far and terrifyingly too close all at once. Before I could move, speak, or think, Natasha’s hand stuck out in front of me. 
“Here you go. I assume it’s a double dose for you like the other two.” She opened her fist to reveal a handful of small, white pills. In the other, she offered me a glass of water. “Drink up. It’ll help for tomorrow.” 
I nodded and obliged her, swallowing the handful of pills and washing it down with the rest of the glass as I tried not to will her to leave the room. 
“Need any, Barnes?” 
“No.” He shook his head. “I quit drinking about an hour ago.” His eyes flicked back to me. 
“Smarter than you look.” Nat winked. “‘Night, Buck. Come on, I’ll show you the best room left.” She looped her arm through mine and led me towards the dark half of the room everyone had disappeared to. I let her pull me away, but my gaze lingered behind me. 
“G’night Sarge,” I willed myself to sound normal but heard the breathlessness in my own voice.
“Goodnight Charlotte.”
As we got to the threshold of my room for the night, Nat squeezed my arm. “Listen, you can do what you want with who you want. I won’t stop you. But not many good things have come out of drunken late nights at this tower. Sleep on it, and if you feel the same way tomorrow, I’ll buy Barnes a box of condoms myself.” 
“Nat!” I hissed, my cheeks warming as I scanned the room for any sign of him. His door was already closed, the faintest sound of a shower running coming from behind it. 
“Sweet dreams. Thank me later.” She winked and disappeared behind the door next to me, leaving me alone in the massive, suddenly oppressively quiet, space.
Later that evening, the normal routine commenced. Sam had taken advantage of the beautiful spring weather and grilled burgers for everyone, claiming his time to shine was during barbeque season. They’d eaten on the balcony and watched the sun sink down. It was a normal day of training, but it felt longer to everyone after being gone for the weekend. 
Charlotte rolled out her neck as she stood at the sink, stiff from all the martial arts work she’d done with Natasha earlier that day. “Next?” She reached out a hand, Wanda giving her another stack of dirty dishes. 
"Hey, careful with that plate, Char," Natasha teased, a smirk playing on her lips. "We don't want to break any more of the fancy dinnerware. I think SHIELD takes it out of our paychecks."
Charlotte rolled her eyes, but couldn't suppress a grin. "Hey, if SHIELD is so great at engineering, why aren’t the plates superhuman-proof," she retorted, earning a chuckle from Wanda. She’d broken a dish during her first rotation on clean up duty, not realizing how slippery the soap made them. Even though their teasing was good-natured, part of it still made Charlotte shrink inside. She hadn’t wanted to admit the reason she didn’t know anh better was because she’d never actually done dishes before. It was yet another small, seemingly insignificant task that had just never been necessary. She’d either been stealing food, eating on the cruise ship she sailed to the United States, eating takeout, or most recently, living off of hotel room service in Las Vegas. She’d never even owned her own set of dishes. She didn’t fear judgment from any of them, it was more of her own insecurities that she preferred to keep hidden. Everyone treated her so normally, had been so accepting that she hardly felt out of place at all. Calling attention to everything she didn’t know or hadn’t done seemed counterintuitive.
As they finished tidying up, the group reconvened in the living area, settling in for a movie night. Peter took charge of selecting the film, much to the amusement of the rest of the team.
"What's it gonna be this time, kid? Another one of your vintage classics?" Sam quipped, earning a mock offended look from Peter.
"Hey, my taste in movies is impeccable, thank you very much," Peter shot back, scrolling through the extensive list of options on the large screen. A collective ‘no’ came from the group when he passed the Star Wars saga yet again. They settled on an action-romance movie that Charlotte had never heard of, but if it fit the criteria of both Wanda and Peter, she supposed it couldn’t be half bad. 
The movie was good. As she watched the action sequences, Charlotte found her mind whirring away, cataloging their fighting styles and the acrobatics of the actors. Frowning, she realized how impractical and unrealistic it all was. She shook her head, willing herself to forget anything she’d just witnessed, lest it come back to bite her in the ass in a training session. 
Shoddy fight scenes aside, it was a good movie. The two lead actors were beautiful, looking like a match made in heaven. About halfway into the movie, the tension between them finally unfolded in a steamy makeout with lingering camera shots that left little to the imagination. Sam jokingly covered Peter’s eyes, lightening the mood as the room laughed. 
However, as the characters onscreen stripped off their clothes, Charlotte's discomfort began to intensify. She watched with a mixture of fascination and trepidation as the scene unfolded, her heart rate quickening with each passing moment.
When the characters moved to the bedroom, the camera again lingering on their wandering hands and heavy breathing and the movement of their bodies, Charlotte felt a surge of insecurity wash over her. She couldn't help but compare herself to the characters onscreen, feeling acutely aware of her own lack of experience. It hadn’t bothered her this much in a while. She recalled the first time she’d watched a salacious scene, sitting in her bed in Las Vegas, and felt herself blush despite being alone. She’d realized she was older than almost everyone she’d ever met and somehow less experienced. The only thing that brought her comfort was the fact that she had no prospects and, more importantly, no interest in being physically intimate with anyone. 
But now…
She couldn't shake the nagging feeling that she was somehow inadequate, especially when she recalled Steve's jokes about Bucky's past exploits as a ladies' man. He had been older when he was captured by HYDRA, already a man. She’d been so young, basically having grown up in the facility. Although she was grown now, there were certain experiences she just never felt comfortable having. Shame crept up her cheeks as she watched the female onscreen moan, looking ethereal and beautiful and so confident. 
Sensing her discomfort, Natasha cast a concerned glance in her direction. "You okay, Char?" she asked softly, her voice barely audible over the soundtrack of the movie.
Charlotte hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Finally, she nodded, offering Natasha a forced smile. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
After the credits rolled and the rest of the team began to disperse to their rooms, Natasha lingered behind, her gaze fixed on Charlotte as she grabbed water from the fridge. 
"Hey, you seemed a little off during the movie," Natasha remarked gently, her voice soft and reassuring. "Is everything okay?"
Charlotte hesitated for a moment, grappling with her embarrassment before finally deciding to confide in her friend. "Yeah, I guess I was feeling a bit... out of my depth," she admitted.
Natasha's brows furrowed as she asked gently, “How so?” 
Charlotte hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering to the TV screen where the romantic scene played out before returning to Natasha. "It's just..." she trailed off, her cheeks flushing faintly as she gestured vaguely at the screen. "I just don't have much experience with... that," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. Her normal bravado and attitude was nowhere to be found, instead seeming like the scared little girl she still felt like on the inside more than she’d like to admit.
Natasha's expression softened. "It's okay, Charlotte," she reassured her, her tone gentle and reassuring. "Everyone has their own journey, their own pace. You’ve been in survival mode, on the run for years. I can’t imagine this was top priority for you."
“No,” Charlotte admitted, chuckling. “No, not really.” 
“I’ve been there. Believe me, I’ve had long stretches where I was only thinking about how to stay alive. This,” She waved at the screen. “Is something you only want when you’re safe and cared for and have the luxury of thinking about. You haven’t had that before.” 
Charlotte nodded, her mind racing with a flood of conflicting emotions. "But now…I do.” She ran a hand through her dark hair. “Except…I have no idea what the fuck to do.” 
“Well, it does come pretty naturally.” Natasha grinned, elbowing her. When Charlotte’s mask of concern didn’t break, she softened again. “Hey. Look at me.” She gripped her friend’s arms and looked her straight in the eye. “If you want me to lay it all out for you, step by step, you know I will. No judgment. If you want to learn it on your own, there’s a few websites I can send you to…although they have questionably accurate depictions of…everything. Just tell me how I can help you and I will.” 
“This is stupid, I know,” Charlotte squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose. 
“It’s not stupid, Char.” Nat’s voice was quiet. “We’ve all been robbed of some pretty big things. It’s dehumanizing. The last thing I ever want is for you to continue to feel crippled by the things that were taken from you.” 
"Thanks, Nat," she murmured gratefully, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I needed to hear that."
As Natasha turned to leave, a thoughtful expression crossed her features. "Oh, and one more thing," she added, casting a meaningful glance in Charlotte's direction. "If it helps, Barnes hasn't exactly been a ladies' man since he got back, either." She winked. “Maybe you can practice together.”
Charlotte's eyes widened in surprise, a flush creeping into her cheeks at Natasha's words. "You had to ruin it," she called, throwing the water bottle at her. 
Easily dodging it, Nat grinned as she walked backwards toward her room. “Did I?” 
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whatavery · 6 months
In the Spirit of Defiance
Ah, welcome, welcome. What’s this, you might wonder. Avery, don’t you just post almost decent fanfiction about Lackadaisy? And the answer is yes, that’s usually what I do. However, for my latest story, I settled upon writing a compendium to go with the story. What initially started as a bit of ramblings about the Funeral Home itself, I instead decided to turn into a more detailed piece on my creative process, my ideas, head-canons and the like.
Now, perhaps you’re wondering why someone – anyone at all – would care about the Arbogast Funeral Home this much. Well, allow me to formally introduce myself, in case you don’t know me. My name’s Avery, I’m an avid(-ish) Lackadaisy fan-fiction writer and I've been working on a major story that predominantly features the Arbogast Funeral Home and its residents.
So what is this story I’m speaking of?
Ordained Defiance is a story following Abelard Arbogast and my OC Cainan Wirth. This compendium will also go into detail about him, his creation and the motifs I chose to play with. With no future spoilers, of course. This will be a breakdown of the first story arc, which consists of chapters one through five, which I titled In the Beginning…
In the name of defiance, while writing and conceptualizing the story, I actually went out of my way to go against a lot of conventions when it comes to OC and canon ships.
For one, if you’ve read the story, you will have noticed that the story is primarily from Abelard's perspective – it’s his story first and foremost and Cainan is just another player within his world.
A lot of ship media tends to put all the focus into the OC to the point where they get all the development and care, often to the point where the canon character they’re shipped with gets reduced to being little more than a mannequin for them to hug and kiss when needed. One of the easy trappings is to not allow the canon character to retain their sense of autonomy and agency.
It’s not always the case, of course, but it’s an easy trap to fall into. As of writing this little think piece, I’ve written nine chapters of which only a single one is entirely focused on Cainan.
It’s so easy to give in to the temptation of making one’s shiny, new OC the star of the show, the proverbial sun with all the canon characters orbiting them. But I think it’s especially important to retain focus on the canon character when it comes to a ship. And doubly so when it’s someone with less screen-time in the main medium of the series.
Abelard is only featured on a small handful of pages and one of my other goals with this story was to expand on him as a character, primarily utilizing head canon and ideas of my own. It’s one of the fun aspects of writing characters you like, when they’re not the head-lining acts; you can add your own ideas and project them onto the character.
I likewise didn't give Cainan an overly detailed backstory that would require a timeline or compendium of its own. I purposefully left in blanks and some things will remain unspoken. After all, isn't that what's so enticing about many of the main characters in Lackadaisy? We know Rocky went on the road for years, but we don't know everything he did or experienced; we know Zib and the band met in New Orleans, but we don't know what their time on the road entailed either. I could go on... filling in the blanks and guessing is half the fun; it's why people are so eager to ask Tracy lore questions on streams - it's fun!
Next, let us talk about the primary settings within the story, namely the Arbogast Funeral Home. My inspection of this house took me to some weird, weird places and nearly broke my brain. However! The good news is that it was all worth it. Note that there shall be a few instances of guesswork and head-canon in this.
The Arbogast Funeral Home was confirmed by Tracy to be the childhood home of Abelard and Elsa, hence the place being named for their family. This was confirmed on a Patreon stream that took place on February 29th 2024. The Funeral Home is located in Defiance, Missouri, a small unincorporated community that was settled by German immigrants. The name Arbogast itself is derived from old germanic and contains ‘Gast’ which in modern German means ‘guest’. Arbogast itself carries a similar meaning, according to several etymology websites; ‘inheritance’ and ‘guest’ are the key interpreted meanings behind the name. In case it wasn't already obvious enough, Abelard and Elsa's heritage/ancestry was indeed confirmed in the February 29th stream.
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So now that we have that out of the way, first things first: how did this start?
Quite simply, I started with the embalming room where a certain fender bender got his head fixed up by Elsa. As you can see in the picture above, my overthinking actually works out quite nicely.
Elsa can be seen entering from a wooden door with a large frosted window, which is connected to a separator wall with similar wooden construction and frosted windows. The door can be seen being open at the bottom of the frame in Lackadaisy Medicament and it’s even more visible in Mortuary where the other panels aren’t blocking the view. However, in Morphia we get the clearest view of this side of the room.
Similarly, my overthinking has further been proven to be a valid method for figuring out this house by the fact that you can see two windows near the ceiling in the embalming room. When looking at the outside of the Arbogast Funeral Home as seen above, you can see the windows near the ground clearly line up with the ones in the basement.
Now, let us delve into the tale of the impossible window.
This is the part of the funeral home that nearly broke my brain. In Lackadaisy Scrutiny when Elsa sees Wes and Fish walking up to the door to the side of the funeral home, she’s glancing out a window. First to establish how and why I know this is that door, the main thing is that the front doors to the funeral home’s parlor (as mentioned by Bobby to exist in Lackadaisy Undertaker) is a large double door with windows, as can clearly be seen in establishing shots of the place. Meanwhile, Elsa stands by a single, fully wooden door, which has porch lights on either side of it. This is also the door where there’s a swing seat as can be seen in Lackadaisy Bygones.
So how come I refer to a supposed impossible window? Well, I’ll tell you. If we look at the type of window and match it to the ones on the front of the house, none of them fit. The main issue is there’s no stretch of uninterrupted wall where the window could possibly be, based on the first shot we see of it. Furthermore… no wind chimes to be seen. We can see the chimney in the establishing shot of Lackadaisy Sendoff.
If we look at Wes and Fish leaving, we can see they walk along a path leading away from what is clearly the left side of the house (when looking at the two establishing shots we see), but they’re walking to the right (our POV). How do we know it’s supposed to be the left side of the house? Namely the absence of a chimney, which we see in establishing shots as part of the wall on the right side of the house.
Am I nitpicking over details no one else would see? Yes.
Am I trying to justify how long I spent trying to make sense of this house? Also yes.
To briefly go into the established layout; front door leads into the parlor, which connects to the turret in front; to the right of the parlor is a foyer, beside it a living room with a fireplace. Above is where bedrooms would be, which is an assumption. To the left is a garage or a shed, which I have assumed to be where bodies are brought down into the embalming room via the other door leading there as can be seen in the scenes taking place there.
And that is all I have so far on the layout.
The first thing a lot of people ask me when they learn that I’m one of the very few, very vocal Abelard enjoyers in the Lackadaisy fandom is simply: why? Why Abelard? And to an extent, I get the confusion. Abelard isn’t a main character, he’s not someone you immediately think of when you think of the series; he doesn’t appear much in the comic, but he made an impression on me when I decided to reread the comic following the release of the pilot.
Say what you will about the man, but you can’t deny that he’s one of the most expressive characters and that his dialogue is amazing, honestly. Hamfisted, dramatic, over the top in the most perfect way. So that was of course something to take into account while writing Abelard, though for the first mini arc of the story, there hasn't yet been much reason for him to really get vocal just yet, but odds are it will happen in future chapters.
The prime examples of Abelard's defining dialogue – or rather his monologues – can be found in his confrontation with Ivy as well as his card game with her in Lackadaisy Sendoff.
Actually writing for Abelard seemed very intimidating at first, though I’ve been doing my best to keep up with his colorful language and his very wide vocabulary. Granted, I’m not entirely convinced I’ve got it right quite yet, it’s likely my personal biggest weakness, but I like to think I at least have his characterization down, even if it’s written and conveyed in a less smooth way than the comic.
So… Cainan Wirth, eh?
Yeah, Cainan Wirth indeed. Former resident of Defiance, who left home in his early teens to attempt to carve out a life on his own, perhaps making friends with some not-so-nice people. Yes, indeed, I’m pairing him with Abelard, thank you for asking. Why? Because I love Abelard, duh.
When I set out to create Cainan, I decided to make someone who would very violently contrast with Abelard; a white-furred, young, snarky and remarkably lazy atheist paired with a golden-brown, older, serious, no-nonsense reverend. What could possibly go wrong? I did go out of my way to try and distinguish Cainan, taking visual inspiration from Wick and Ben. I took the healthy, slightly more healthy body type from Wick seeing as many other male OCs are built like twigs. Like, let’s be real here. I also wanted to make sure his eyes weren't blue, as blue seems to be a common eye-color for white cat OCs. And I also gave him some good, old forehead fluff to give him a more youthful appearance, much like Calvin, Mordecai and Joey, for example. And of course, can’t forget those lynx-like ear tufts.
But I know what you were already thinking of, before I even started talking about his design; Cainan and Abelard? Not very subtle.
And you’re right. Though it took me a while to settle on a name after I started creating him, this was entirely intentional,. Not just because I thought it was a cute name pairing, but also because I wanted to further contrast the two; Abelard as a religious man to whom religion is important; the biblical Abel was favored by God; Cainan as an agnostic (at best) man to whom religion is a sore subject; the biblical Cain lost God’s favor and was cursed as a punishment.
Furthermore, Cain’s punishment in the bible was to be cursed to become a wanderer, not unlike Cainan who spent his youth and part of his young-adult life as a drifter. Oh, and I also decided to give Cainan a moon motif, which leads us into…
Moon Spirit might seem like a very strange ship name at a glance… and it is. Its origin is really clunky, but I think it works… and I’m not changing it now. Portmanteau ship names really don’t work; Cabelard just looks like Abelard with a C in front; for a while I went for Cainard, like ‘canard’, but I wasn’t really happy with it.
The origin of Moon Spirit as a strange one, but in hindsight it works. The ‘moon’ part I took from the term ‘moonshine’, for obvious reason, and an old myth states that Cain was sent to live on the moon after killing Abel in the bible. This was a coincidence, however; I’d decided on giving Cainan the moon motif before I even learned that this was a thing.
The ‘spirit’ part is twofold; it references the Holy Spirit, referencing Abelard's unwavering faith, and also just… spirits, as in alcohol. So you see, both words reference an aspect of each of them, and also reference booze.
Cainan's moon motif also ties into one of Abelard's most iconic lines, speaking of the “Wicked, troubled sea in every soul” (Lackadaisy Brimstone). As I assume most people know, the moon’s magnetic pull affects the sea and the tide.
Returning to the world of etymology, I also chose the name Wirth for the sake of being the opposite of Abelard. Whereas the name Arbogast, according to several etymology websites, stems from the old germanic words for ‘heritage’ and ‘guest’, ‘Wirth’ is an old germanic form of ‘Wirt’, which means host or innkeeper.
So, what else is there to know about these two? That’ll be in the story as future chapters come out. For spoiler reasons, I won’t disclose more beyond what can be learned in the first part of the story.
And now I will briefly mention a couple of minor characters, starting with Cainan's parents, Harold and Gabriela Wirth. I chose their names for a very specific reason. Being devoutly christian, I chose Harold after Harold Bluetooth, the king of Denmark who made Christianity the predominant religion of the country in place of the old Norse religion.
I decided to name the store owner of Defiance General Mr. Weaver as a tribute to John Weaver who ran a store near a different Defiance in Missouri, one that used to be located in Worth county. Not implying that they’re one and the same, but I figured it to be a fun little reference to that.
And so this brings us to the very end of the first story arc of my story. Was all this insanity worth it?
Absolutely not, but hey, what are you gonna do?
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somegrayvyperson · 2 years
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Okay, welp I’m back on tumblr so about time I get back onto the bull I love to pull, talking about Touhou fan games! The past few years have definitely been pretty interesting, though today I want to talk about something... Incredibly curious.
東方陰陽暦 ~ Illuminate animal destiny is probably one of the most interesting danmakufu games of 2022. How so? It uses 0.12m as it’s base... Which for those out of the danmakufu loop, is an engine as old as 2008! Typically people making danmaku Touhou fan games use either Danmakufu ph3, LuaSTG or other independent engines but the main author of this marimo seems pretty dedicated to the engine; as I’ve been told he’s made previous projects on it.
This DOES however make it pretty hard to run the game properly on modern hardware. 0.12m uses DirectX 8 so I’d advise you download a DX8 to DX9 converter in order for the game to run. If you’re already a fan then you might already have these files for the classic era Windows Touhou games but I’ll link them in this post just in case. Another hurdle for foreign countries though, downloading the game requires you to have your computer to be in Japanese locale otherwise all the files will go corrupt due to not being able to find the right language pack. You can try using locale emulators or other means but I had to download the game this way. After that I could run the game fine on a locale emulator.
Though finally talking about the game this has definitely been an oddity to play. Well first I’ll start off with characters which are sorted into the 5 chinese elements, so think what Patchouli uses:
Wood - Reimu Hakurei
Fire - Flandre Scarlet
Earth - NTR Nilpotent Unit [FAZE] (MJ)
Metal - Youmu Konpaku
Water - Marisa Kirisame
One thing that really sticks out like a sore thumb is who I just call NTR man. I THINK this is suppose to be a self insert of the authour or at least an insert of a friend of his? Some kind of OC? I don’t know the full details, I may have been learning Japanese but I’m currently as fluent as a toddler with sunglasses and who knows if that’ll stay that way.
So the four main Touhou characters primarily use player scripts that were lifted from a Japanese danmakufu wiki. Reimu has homing, Marisa has lasers, Youmu has her IN shot, Flandre has a reticle she fires bubble bullets at which can be set down with focus. All characters are given a shot designated to the element they’re classified under, which said elements are just a copy paste of MarisaB’s different elements from SA. These elements also have abilities associated to them on the C key which is spent by the power you use to gain them.
Reimu has... Nothing from what I could tell Marisa has auto collect Youmu cuts the frame rate in half whilst going faster Flandre literally just clears the screen of bullets
I’m saving NTR man for last because I cannot tell if he’s meant to be a joke or not. He starts out with 6 bombs instead of 3, his unfocused speed is ridiculously fast (practically to meme-like levels) his shot does absurd damage by how rapid they come out and his elemental ability or whatever is borders.
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I practically got a Lunatic 1cc easily in this game purely on this guys power alone, nevermind his ludicrously fast speed... If anything on the topic of balance I feel a lot of people might get thrown off by it.
Flan is also pretty broken in the sense her screen clearing ability also clears out bullets you can’t normally clear with bombs... So in a way she can make some spell cards pretty trivial
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A lot of the danmaku patterns feel like they were made to be complete noob traps or didn’t have much consideration into how difficult they actually were. Some patterns feel the same across all difficulties or they have something extra to them that either was unnessesary or not well thought out.
And yet there’s also weird moments of neat ideas in here? For example one of the Stage 5 bosses non’s is basically a gimmick from Undertale where you have to shield your heart from Undyne’s spears. I mean it came outta nowhere but to suddenly have that in 0.12m? That’s kinda neat not gonna lie.
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The art in the game is surprisingly well done. Granted it’s compressed like heck due to the game having to run at 640x480 but what’s done here, whilst definitely amateur still has some attributes that lead to a pleasent style if very typical of what it is. Granted some of the character names put me through a loop making me feel like it was a Western guy coming up with Japanese names (Nekoko is still kinda painful from my perspective) but no, marimo is Japanese and he made it. Never assume something was made based on superficial things.
The music in the game is not great. I’m unsure who composed these tracks but if anything the musical notation is pretty off in some places and I think the sound mixing gets to the point where you actively hear the crust blaring out due to it trying to go really loud. There is no sound option in the engine itself so you’re going to just have to use system sounds to adjust the overall volume. It’s more or less though a limitation on 0.12m’s part though.
By all accounts the game is not good... But I honestly find it pretty endearing? There’s some nostalgia I gained from this reminding me of the days I use to goof off playing all sorts of scripts in 0.12m and all the different player scripts I’d use to try and 1cc Phantasmagoria Trues back over a decade ago.
Overall if you’re interested the authour has a link available from his twitter. Do remember, download it once you set your computers locale to Japanese and then you should be good if you have a locale emulator. I feel like even talking about this here the game is probably going to get buried in obscurity still on the nature of it being a Touhou fangame made in 0.12m no less.
Still I found some fun in this thrown together treat.
As for what I’ll talk about after, I think I got some ideas but I’m gonna need a good think about what to talk about next.
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hetaari · 1 year
2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21,22 and 24 for that writing ask game :)
Fun fact it took me ten thousand years to answer this bc this ask was apparently long enough to crash the app multiple times whilst I was answering it lmao
*cracks knuckles, cracks neck, cracks spine*
2: Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Augh I want to. Hurry to get to the interesting bits of An Unconventional Sort Of Enployment quickly!!! I’m editing the chapters that were already published bc I must’ve gotten so excited to publish them that they came out rushed :/// what I’m looking forward to most is developing relationships! I plan for everything to remain non-romantic bc I’m not good at writing romance lmao but that doesn’t make it any less fulfilling! Developing platonic relationships is actually one of my favorite things to write so I’m really looking forward to it
3: What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
It’s actually a whole fic idea and also it’s vocaloid so maybe you wouldn’t find it very interesting but anyway. It’s like:
Kaito: have you ever wondered what it’s be like to be someone else
Len: ???? Are you depressed again
Kaito: no I was just thinking about it
Len: I can help you with that
So Kaito changes his name (well, barely, it’s only one letter off) and pretends to be a girl but! He’s inadvertently committing identity theft bc the lady he’s pretending to be already exists and is actually related to him but he somehow completely forgot, and all his friends know her but either they actually thought he was her or they also forgot that she exists too
5: What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
(Previously answered) Do ocs count? Madeleine wasn’t supposed to be a self-insert at all but at some point whilst I was drafting I was like “ah fuck that’s me innit” bc I realized her personality was far too similar to mine lol
6: What character do you have the most fun writing?
(Previously answered) Germany. I love making him miserable in particular. Also Japan, the way he speaks is so satisfying, same with Russia
8: Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Generally yes, but—and I don’t mean to come off as someone who doesn’t read books—why is smut in fanfiction often better written than smut in published books? Is it censorship? A stylistic choice? Published smut often feels so weird and cringe in the way it’s written and I don’t understand why…In fact, fanfiction and standard published books really hit different in general, for better or for worse
11: What do you envy in other writers?
I feel a bit like I’ve stagnated. I’m writing the same things over and over again so I see someone else has written something radical I’m like “damn why didn’t I think of that” so I should really try doing something different…and while I know that the worth of written works is not in their length, I see so many writers put so much emphasis on the length of their works and it’s a bit discouraging as someone more used to brevity
13: Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
Yeah lol. My ao3 is here lol. But yeah I’ve been playing around with an original work for a bit actually. Might consider talking about it more. Anything else I’ve kept to myself are just things that I couldn’t finish
15: Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
It depends but mainly titles. Summaries I have the least problems with because if all else fails, I can simply make the summary a phrase that’s connected to the title, but that may become a problem if I don’t have a title lmao. In the case of gore however, that’s when I struggle a bit with tags, like “this isn’t extreme to me, but would other people find it too much?” because if it is extreme, I don’t want to want to have people let their guard down, but if it isn’t extreme, I don’t want to falsely advertise
17: Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
Yeah, I believe art looks a bit different depending on the eye of the beholder, no matter how slightly. I don’t think my motivations are very surprising or complicated—they’re pretty much along the lines of “hey you know what would be interesting?”
20: Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Okay first of all I’m sorry for talking about Welcome Back again, it’s my first completed multi chapter work so I’m a bit proud it, like it’s my firstborn child lol.
The way I went about it is actually something I want to repeat—taking a canon moment (in this case, Vene getting kicked out and later being sent back to Germany in a box) and going in a wildly different direction with it. It was supposed to remain a one shot but I suddenly decided to continue it, which is why the transition between the first and second chapter may seem a little odd.
Vene did kind of turn out to be kind of the antagonist though, not that he meant it. But it was a lose-lose situation i think, because he effectively fucked Germany up by telling him he was a country in the first place, but at the same time, it was really fucking weird that Germany would just live his life not knowing about a crucial part of his existence! Not really knowing what else to do, Vene just decided to wipe Germany’s memory just to put him out of his misery. Of course, that may not last forever—even though everyone was sworn to secrecy, somebody is bound to slip up, or Germany may become concerned as to why he hasn’t looked a day past 20 in years (though, knowing how he lived his life before, not once questioning it at all, this is kind of unlikely) but mark his words, Vene would wipe Germany’s memories as many times as he’d have to, even if it does hurt to do so
Also a big fan of how vene and Germany telling each other welcome back for different yet similar reasons—Germany when vene kept showing up at his house after being thrown out, even when he came back quite literally dead; and Vene, even though Germany didn’t technically leave, but he seemed alive again after being put back in the dark about his true nature
21: What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Probably comics? I might just be saying this since my paragraphs and dialogue don’t tend to be very long most of the time, which would fit well in a comic strip
22: Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
(Previously answered) Occasionally. Some of them still hold up, but others? I Can Tell They’re Old.
24: Would you say your writing has changed over time?
Absolutely. I’ve gained a wider vocabulary, and just the general way I structure sentences has changed a bit since I started writing seriously again two years ago. They also increased in length somewhat and are just less sloppy in general
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holdharmonysacred · 2 years
I redownloaded Project Sekai because I want to get in on the Evillious collab (because as much as I’m burnt out on the fucking fandom I still love the actual series) and I’m once again noticing the problem I’ve always had with the game where it’s like. Somehow simultaneously not Vocaloid enough, but also too much Vocaloid?
Like, it’s ostensibly a Vocaloid game, but it just doesn’t cash into its full potential as a Vocaloid game to actually be a Vocaloid game. The Crypton vocaloids are there, but they’re only really there to be manic pixie dream cheerleaders for the original characters, and the OCs are clearly meant to be the actual meat-and-potatoes of the game. Which is... an interesting choice for a game that’s ostensibly about Miku and friends where the players are gonna be there for Miku and friends, but okay, they could balance it out by making all the cards and costumes and events Vocaloid-themed to go with all the actual songs. Except then they don’t do that either! All the cards and outfits and events are just these horrible boring generic idol/band gacha game themes that are never actually tailored around the Vocaloid songs and content the game uses. About the most Themed it gets is the 3D stages and the Evillious collab, which is just an absolute waste. They could make some World Is Mine-themed cards and let you put everybody in the World Is Mine, outfit, but they don’t, and for why???? I saw that they have a paid costume based on the art for Roki, why did they only include it as a paid costume???? Legal issues can’t be the problem here, because Project Diva was able to do themed outfits just fine, what’s stopping them from doing that in ProSeka?????
And then on the flip side it’s like. Okay, the devs clearly want to make an original game rather than a true Vocaloid game, but then the game itself is too tied to Vocaloid to really be an original game????? Like, Miku and friends are irrelevant but still Around, the songs are still exclusively Vocaloid songs and covers thereof, and there’s just enough flavoring to the band storylines that only makes sense if you’re familiar with the Vocaloid music scene in specific to make things potentially confusing to someone who wants a band story but isn’t familiar with the scene in question. There’s a specific level of subcultural context needed to really Get the game to the point where I can’t recommend it to someone who doesn’t like or isn’t familiar with Vocaloid stuff, but then also it doesn’t cater to Vocaloid fans enough to sell itself to me or other fans like me. It’s weird, it’s very weird, I genuinely don’t know what Crypton and the ProSeka devs were thinking with this one.
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Classroom Date- Charlie Swan x OC
Charlie Swan x Eleanor Martin
Description: When Eleanor can’t go on a date with Charlie because of work, he decides to just bring the date to her. 
Word Count: 1.9k
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Charlie and Eleanor hadn't been dating for that long. They’d only met five months ago at a parent-teacher night, then he asked her out the very next month. The rest was history after that, but in total they’d only been dating for four months. In fact, if they were younger they would still be considered in the honeymoon phase. Though, that may have something to do with the whole mate thing. But he didn’t need to know about all of that yet. Instead Eleanor chose to let him remain blissfully unaware so they could be happy without complication. 
One thing that had come with dating Charlie was just how many mundane things felt like dates. No matter what they did it felt like a romantic occasion. Going out to breakfast, lunch and/or dinner, going fishing, staying in and watching football games, going to high school football games, literally everything. And Eleanor loved it. 
She hadn’t felt this way in years, probably since she was still human. She felt so giddy all the time, excited for the next time she’d get to see him. It was obvious to everyone that came into contact with her that she really was falling in love with the sheriff. And the fact that she knew he felt the same only added to her joy. 
Today had been a normal day. Eleanor had been teaching her last class of the day and week in general. She never allowed herself to boast or be too proud, but she will say that she was proud that she had the capability to make her classes interested in history even when she was saying the most boring things. 
“In France, in the 12th and 13th centuries and beyond, many towns and villages were run at a local level as a commune, and there were often annuals for ‘consuls’ and ‘councilors’, where most of the male inhabitants could vote,” she explained, walking around the classroom. As her gaze scanned over her students, she was internally happy to see them all either enthusiastically taking notes or watching her. 
“A more complex form of election and government was used in the city states of north Italy, with more tiers of elected officials. Women could not usually stand as officials, nor vote, but some of them were noted in the agreed charters of ‘liberties’ that French towns proudly possessed-” she was suddenly cut off by the final bell ringing. Weird, she hadn’t even realized that the hour was already up. Nevertheless, she moved to the front as the students hurriedly packed up their things. 
“Alright guys, remember your projects on the different medieval Europe classes are due next Wednesday, then your quiz is that Friday,” she called over the excited chatter as the kids filed out of the door.
Once the door closed behind the last student, Eleanor sighed softly. It had been a busy week indeed, for both the students and her. But, the end of the semester was coming up so they had to go over everything. She took a seat back at her desk and pulled out her junior class’ essays, which they’d turned in a few days ago. 
Just as she grabbed a red pen from her desk drawer and prepared to start grading, someone knocked on the door. She looked up, then a smile appeared on her face at the sight of her boyfriend in the window. She waved to him as a gesture for him to come inside. Charlie did as he was told and walked in, closing the door behind him. 
“Hi, Charlie,” she greeted happily. 
“Hey, sorry if I’m interrupting,” he started, but she merely brushed it off. 
“Oh, you’re not. I was just about to start this,” she answered as she gestured to the stack of papers in front of her. “What can I help you with?” 
“Well, I was hoping that maybe you’d want to go to The Carver Cafe for some dinner,” he spoke. Eleanor had to stop herself from cooing about how nervous he sounded. He was in his early forties and he was acting like a schoolboy. 
“Aw Char, usually I would love to. But I’ve been putting off grading these papers for like three days. I wanted to get all of it done so I didn’t have to worry about it over the weekend, I’m sorry,” she responded apologetically. The man looked disappointed for a split second before snapping out of it and offering her a reassuring smile. 
“That’s okay Ellie, I understand. It was worth a shot,” he shrugged. He then stepped forward and pressed a quick kiss to the top of her head. 
“I’ll leave you to it, then. Don’t stay here too long,” he said with a lighthearted smile before beginning to head out. Eleanor wished him a goodbye just before the door closed behind him, and she fell back into her seat with a heavy sigh. The thought of going out with Charlie sounded much more tempting than work. Plus she felt bad about disappointing him. But, if she was quick, she could probably get out of there before dark. Maybe they could have time to do something before the night was over and it wouldn’t be a total loss. So, she picked up her pen once again and got to work. 
She was about halfway through the papers after half an hour. Usually she’d breeze through grading, but there was supposed to be a lot of information presented in this essay so she had to be thorough about it. There was nothing worse than a student receiving the wrong grade for something they did or didn’t do. 
She’d been concentrating on reading one student’s rather messy handwriting when her ears perked up after hearing approaching footsteps. That was odd, most (if not all) students and staff should be gone by this point. After a second she realized that she also smelled food. She looked up as the person stopped in front of her door. If she wasn’t surprised the first time by Charlie visiting her, she definitely was now. Nevertheless, she waved him inside yet again when he wordlessly asked to come in from the window. He walked in with a plastic bag in his hand and the smell of food grew stronger. 
“Hey,” he greeted with a small smile, earning a small laugh from the girl. “How’s it going in here?” 
“Uh, I’m halfway done,” she answered slowly. Charlie nodded. 
“That’s good.” 
“Charlie, dear, of course I’ll never complain about seeing you, but what are you doing here?” She asked curiously. “I still have work to do.” 
“Well, I figured that since you couldn’t go out with me because of work, then maybe I could just come to you. You can’t work on an empty stomach.” The gesture was incredibly sweet and endearing, and it almost made Eleanor feel bad. Obviously by this point she still hadn’t told him about her…special diet. Because how would one go about doing that? Now wasn’t the time to tell him, so instead she grinned. 
“That’s so sweet Charlie,” she cooed, gesturing to another desk chair. Charlie set the bag of food down and pulled the chair up. While he did that, she opened the bag and began pulling out the containers. Once they were divided between them, Eleanor opened one of them and ate a fry so she didn’t seem ungrateful. She internally groaned at the fact that she would have to throw it all up later, but it was worth it to see him smile. With that she got back to work. 
“Is there anything I can help you with?” He asked. 
“Hmm… Not with this, thank you though,” she answered kindly, quickly offering him a small smile before looking back down. 
“I’m not bothering you, am I?” The man asked, suddenly becoming worried. 
“Of course not,” Eleanor answered without hesitation, taking a moment to reach out and take his hand with her free one. “You could never. I don’t mind you being here, but it probably feels weird because it’s silent. We can still talk. That way you’re not just watching me work like a creep,” she joked in the last part, which eased his tension. 
“Okay,” he muttered simply. He squeezed her hand before letting go to pick up his burger and take a bite as she continued to read over the essay. 
It took her almost an hour in total to grade and sort the essays then enter them in grades into the grade book. All the while she and Charlie talked about anything and everything that came to mind. Once she was done he helped her slip on her jacket and waited for her to lock up her room before heading out the front door to her car. Eleanor was happy that she was right about getting done just before dark. 
“You didn’t have to walk me to my car, you know,” she pointed out softly once they reached her truck. The man simply scoffed. 
“Yeah, right. What kind of man would I be if I let you do that while it got dark?” He retorted, crossing his arms. 
“You men and your honor,” she jokingly rolled her eyes. Charlie’s face contorted into a soft smile, one that only she was allowed to see. 
“Seriously though. It just makes me feel better to know for a fact that you got to your car safely,” he explained gently, which made the woman grin. She reached up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. 
“You’re sweet, Charlie. I’m lucky to have you,” Eleanor muttered sincerely as her hands came up to rest on his shoulders. 
“I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one,” the man responded simply, wrapping his arms around her waist for a moment. 
“You should probably be heading home soon, I’m sure Bella is cooking something delicious for you,” she mentioned. 
“Do you want to come over?” He asked softly. 
“Usually I’d say yes, but I was hoping to get some gardening done. How about you  record the baseball game tonight and we can watch it tomorrow?” She suggested, earning a nod from him. 
“I can do that,” he leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Drive safe, and be careful.” 
“I will.” They shared one more kiss before Charlie pulled away and opened the door of the truck for her. She started the car then rolled down the window. 
“You stay safe too. I love you Charlie,” she said with a small smile. Charlie, despite having heard it several times by this point, lit up. 
“I love you too,” he responded enthusiastically. Eleanor blew him a kiss then rolled up her window and finally pulled out of the parking lot. 
It only took her a minute to notice a police car behind her, specifically a sheriff’s car. A small smile appeared on her face and she couldn’t help but giggle. Her boyfriend had a habit of following her home just to make sure she was safe when he was nearby or she was leaving after hanging out with him, which both warmed her heart and made her laugh. 
She lived pretty close to the school so it only took her a few minutes to get home. After hopping out of her truck she waved to Charlie, who honked in return before continuing on down the road. She shook her head amusedly as she headed inside. It had been a wonderful day with him, even if it was only for an hour and a half. She loved spending time with him no matter what they did, and she knew he felt the same. Which made her feel even better about it.
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kates-cosmos · 14 days
Welcome to Kate's Cosmos! 🌺🌌
Hey there! I'm Kate, and this is my cosmos! :3
First of all, thanks for being here! It's greatly appreciated! Now here's all the shit you need to know about me!
I have a lot of names, but I rarely use all of them (to make things easier for my friends!) Still, for the curious, here they are, in order from most used to least used:
Kate, Mike, Milo, Miles, James, and Mono.
From most used to least used:
About Me
I'm a hobbyist, mediocre artist at best, and fanfiction writer! I’m also an aspiring game developer and animator!
My commissions are OPEN! And they won't close for a while, so, no pressure or anything!
Right now, I’m focused on creating a bunch of fanmade content for my favorite show, Murder Drones! But, in the near future, I hope to get into Blender and programming so I can start working on my own projects—like an original animated series—and share them here!
What to Expect
This one's the blog where I post my shit!!! Like my fanart, links to my longer fanfiction, shorter fics I don't feel like posting on AO3, and, most importantly, stuff about my OCs and their stories!
If you’re looking for my reblogs and yapping sessions, check out my other blog: @kates-dump!
COMMISSIONS (this will also lead you to my dump blog)
TBA for now!
TBA for now!
Personally, I don’t find DNI lists necessary, and I want to be a more "serious" creator. So, I can't stop people from interacting with me, and will avoid blocking based on personal biases as much as possible. That said, I may not engage with blogs that don’t align with my personal opinions. (Note: I’ve had this account for a while, and some people may already be blocked, so, sorry :p)
I’m open for asks!
DMs are only for friends and commissions, but if you’d rather message me there than send an ask, go ahead!
Quick Note on Emojis: Since I have a life outside the internet and actually touch grass, I’m not up to date with all the "emoji combinations" that might have gross or problematic meanings. I’m not going to stop using emojis just because some people give them weird connotations. I combine emojis I find cute and pretty, and there’s no hidden meaning behind them whatsoever—except for 🌺🌌 or 🌺🪐, which I use to represent myself. :3
A warm welcome to new followers! Again, it's great to have you here. And finally, please don’t ever feel obligated to reblog my posts. I love getting hearts, and I totally understand if you don’t want to clog your blog with my stuff. I wouldn’t either! <3
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talenlee · 7 months
FFXIV: Rin Stormenni
This is an explanatory writeup of one of my Original Characters (OCs). Nothing here is necessarily related to a meaningful fiction you should recognise and is shared because I think my OCs are cool and it’s cool to talk about OCs you make.
“If you follow this path, of this abyss of love, then you must do it knowing. You will be bane, outcast, criminal, rival, sinner. All the world will hate you, young one, and you will have no kingdom but that of strife.”
The young man beamed, dripping still with tyrant’s blood.
“Then I shall be the Prince of a Thousand Enemies.”
Self-made outcast. Valiant crusader. End of days. Bun goes hop.
It’s not arrogance if it’s justified.
Rin Stormenni is one of the strange footnotes in many another adventurer’s history. A short, fit blue-haired Viera boy with a seemingly out-of-location accent wherever he goes, he projects an air of being flighty, thoughtless and effortlessly airheaded. Big, heavy topics don’t tend to stick to Rin, whether they be the struggles of economies or the horrors of war. He’s also not welcome in many cities, it seems, with guards typically either knowing they want to get rid of him, or assuming they want to get rid of him.
Rin is also a terrifying force of absolutely heartless violence.
Typically, people call the kind of thing he is some kind of paladin, dark knight or other form of mage-knight. Obviously something about Rin is magical, because this is Eorzea and everyone is at least a little bit magical, but his magic is that of clouds of roses, of barbed thorns, and of trailing black shadows. There is something haunted in every wood, and that kind of darkness is the darkness that permeates Rin. Something about Rin speaks of a time when blood and claw were the greatest truths, where a bad king could just be killed, and he has not forgotten that.
In other people’s much more complicated, much more complex stories, he’s the character who sits in the background asking why don’t we just kill them?
Rin doesn’t seem to have a job, he doesn’t seem to have much in the way of money and yet despite that he’s always seemingly free to wander around and get up to things. His freeness plays out in even the things he achieves – he may slay a dreadful beast, get a huge reward, and immediately hand it on to someone who was nearby because they were nearby. What Rin values more than anything to do with power or prestige is stories, and he thinks a story about someone else doing something amazing is more interesting than a story about him getting a big pile of somethings.
Oh, and if you ask Rin, he’ll happily introduce himself as a Fae Prince, claiming to be The Prince of a Thousand Enemies. He does not explain this.
Mechanically, Rin is a Dark Knight. He also has levels of Dragoon. If I ever want to level him with a healer class, it’d be the Sage. The unifying trait between these three classes is that they have a leap which lets them close in on an enemy quickly, creating the phenomenon I’ve joked about of bun goes hop.
There’s nothing interesting to talk about here; any given member of one of these classes is every bit the mechanically indistinct execution puzzle that any of the others are.
Final Fantasy XIV is a lot of things but it isn’t good at being a game really. It isn’t the kind of game I like to play, with individual expression or fluid play moments. It’s largely, a game of walking between conversation nodes and occasionally there’s an unsatisfying fight between them. Then if you’re very good you get to do a dungeon or an alliance raid, and those tend to be fun when you’re not super bored with them. Because of that, it’s weird that I wind up making alts in this game, and that Rin isn’t even the last of them.
(It’s because Final Fantasy XIV is where my friends are, and they’re more important to me than mere play experience.)
Place in the World
Thing is, Rin’s right?
Like, he is a Fae prince. Through some means or another, he wound up in the domain of a Faerie Queen, and whether through violence or charm, he rules that domain. Very rarely, he just takes people in to visit it, to show them a throne of stone surrounded by vines, in a moonlit palace, but it isn’t like he’s making stuff up.
It plays into other things about him that are strange; despite the dangerous things he fights, he never seems bothered by them, nor particularly concerned about things like the fear of tempering. During the Day of Blasphemies, he was seen leaping from fight to fight, striking Blasphemies once and then refusing to kill them. Days later, several of the people that became these blasphemies were found again, unable to explain what happened to them or how.
Rin is not a character who fixes the big thing. He’s someone who stands in the face of the things we’re told we have to fear, have to care about, and laughs. Because we don’t. The world is full of dumb things that aren’t important, and they demand obeisance, and he refuses to give it to them. When presented with the demand to kneel, Rin responds as befits someone who’s overjoyed to make new, better kinds of enemies:
With violence.
Okay, but what kind of places does Rin show up in? Places with trouble.
Rin isn’t the Warrior of Light, not even in his personal canon. In the narrative of the game he runs through he keeps showing up at these events where people are all: What about the Warrior of Light!? We need the Warrior of Light here to deal with this! and he’s like: What really? Eh, lemme take a crack at it, and it turns out, no, you don’t need a warrior of light, you need an idiot with a big sword.
If you’re the Warrior of Light and you talk to him his response will probably be something in the vein of ‘cool!’ and not any interest in trying to dissuade you. After all, you’re probably right. What would he know?
Rin is a big fan of hearing people tell their stories. He is happy to listen to your problems and he wants to learn about what would make you happy, what problems would drive your story forward, what would help you overcome some barrier to your own life. And then, if he can, he’s going to try and find it for you. This is obviously, very, very silly and runs the risk of encountering some very reckless problems. Just ask his friend, the Queen of Coins, who got handed a criminal empire because he told a lie good enough.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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para time
hello. you probably know me as ender on glitchender. let’s any% speedrun abandoning a side blog i created impulsively.
I’m Ender (she/her), 21, and my days consist of rotating my blorbos in my mind’s microwave during my long ass shifts, so my life’s kinda shit atm!
I post a little fandom stuff because some of my paras are from other media and I imagine them just vibing with me sometimes. The rest of them are the ocs from my own paracosm/story. I haven’t gotten to posting a lot of it but you can find some of it on nogeniifes (canon story stuff) and ask-nogeniifes (unrestrained summer fun). I guess what differentiates this blog from those other ones is I will post both canon and not canon stuff. Maybe the blorbos will talk to each other from different universes. I dunno!
paragif - ngif (N.ogenïfes) paracosm
A series of unfortunate events have lead to humanity’s downfall, forced to live in eternal darkness underground or pit themselves to eternal servitude to their new magic-wielding, alien overlords made up of several species which include the already native monsters. Surely, the powers that be can do something about all this suffering brought on by mortal sin, right? Right?
Paras: a lot
Content warning: a lot. Primarily s/icide, political unrest, xenoreligion, and ab/se
paranautica - s.ubnautica au paracosm
I added personified biomes to 4546B that serve as guardians to their respective biomes. That’s the au. I have almost nothing for below zero so far, sorry.
Paras: A lot. Mostly ocs. Faves are Nunbei, Taoga, Ulysses, and R.yley. A.l-an is also here but he’s not in the au I just love him.
Content warning: thalassophobia
parasmartz - kids-psa-no-one-remembers au paracosm
C.licky was evil at one point so I brought back the W.izzy W.igs. The new canon also sucks so I’m taking the wheel back from jesus. If you’re curious the original is NetSmartz kids.
Content warning: mentions of child endangerment, internet safety psas? idk
parobey - o.bey me paracosm (blog: demondennys)
Paras: The main characters and also like 7 paraselves from ngif because the bros are hot
Content warning: demons, dating sims?, some death as a treat
parobserve - o.bey me au paracosm
MC is a gender neutral scientist. The demons are being magically enhanced because S.olomon wants to make a pact with the demon king.
Paras: Again, the main characters. L.ilith was there but slightly to the left and it wasn’t actually her.
Content warning: human experimentation/projects, demons, religious themes, prior ab/se
pararising - f.light r.ising clan (user id: 78103/526781; blog: fr-glitchender) paracosm
Dragons went missing. Dragons went to investigate. Dragons went missing. Dragons went to investigate. Dragons went missing. Dragons went to investigate and it gets really weird. There’s also ghosts.
Content warning: dragons, disappearances
paramon - p.okémon paracosm
Coco is a member of T.eam S.tar’s S.chedar S.quad and aspires to become a new boss through either defeating one of the bosses herself or by somehow convincing the Big Boss to add a sixth squad, P.olaris S.quad. A D.ragonite she inherited from her recently deceased aunt, who worked in A.rea Z.ero, is desperately trying to explain what it had witnessed, but it seems it might be too late. By the time the newest student arrives at N.arenje/U.va Academy, Coco has only become a shell of her former self. Something has taken over her, and has lead to her strange transition from dragon types towards ghost types.
Paras: Most of the characters are pretty much the same but Coco is there
Content Warning: ghost type possession, mentions of death
gomaddgostupid - non canon things
para: (character) - the blorbo
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tamakishoochie · 2 years
Fuck Buddies ‘Till The End
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MDNI, 18+
CW: dolls, creampie, knife play
Word count: 🗿
A/N: Blair is a horror OC of mine, based off the Blair Witch Project👍🏾
Chucky!Bakugo x Black!Reader
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“Oh, very funny Blair.”
You mumble underneath your breath after opening a package your best friend sent you for your birthday. Inside of the box was a beat-up-looking Good Guy Bakugo doll that had about three stitches on its face.
“When I said I wanted a sex doll for my birthday I didn’t mean this. It’s fuckin’ creepy.”
Dolls were never really your thing, even as a little girl because of how eerie and weird they looked. Looking closer at the doll’s face, you examine its features. It was a cute doll, handsome even, but it still creeped you out for some reason.
“Well, until I figure out what to do with you, you’re staying in my closet.” You say while standing up from your kitchen table and making a beeline to your room. Afterward, you come back to indulge yourself in some of your birthday cake.
Birthdays weren’t as fun to celebrate anymore, so you decide to just go ahead and call it a night. You were tired anyway and had dinner planned with your boyfriend tomorrow so you needed beauty sleep. Following your shower, you brush your teeth and slip your bonnet on before heading back to your bedroom.
The sound of something falling in your closet stops you from climbing into bed and you go to check it out, only to find that the doll was holding a pair of your panties in one hand and a knife in the other.
You cautiously take the knife from the doll first and then your underwear. A shiver runs up and down your spine because you felt something was off. Taking the knife back into the kitchen, you place it back in the knife holder and go straight to your room again. When you get there, you slowly open your closet again to make sure nothing else was out of place. What you saw made your heart jump up in your throat.
It was your doll alright, but he was taller, WAY taller, almost hitting 6 feet. His eyes were glowing red and a malicious grin grew on his plastic face.
“Hi, I’m Katsuki. Wanna play?~”
With a quickness, you close your door as fast as you could but he was faster and stronger than you, easily shoving the door back open with one hand, making you fall over. You watch closely as the freakishly tall, ash-blond doll pulls another knife out from his back pocket.
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t gut you like a fish right fuckin’ now?”
His voice was gruff and deep and it strangely sent butterflies to your stomach and made your coochie twitch. The doll moved closer to you, impatient for your answer, and you backed yourself up on your bed.
“My birthday… it’s my birthday today..” You mentally facepalmed after letting that leave your mouth. Killers don’t care if it’s your birthday. You were a goner.
To your surprise, he stopped right in front of you and he looked as if he’d just had an idea.
“Your birthday, huh? I can’t hurt a dame like you on her birthday, that’d be just plain rude..”
Licking his lips, he places his knife between his teeth before grabbing your thighs and pulls you to the edge of the bed. With that same knife, he cuts your pajama shorts off, revealing your panties to him.
He wasn’t very patient, already tonguing your pussy through your underwear and teasing your clit with his teeth. You gasp and close your legs, but he forces them open with strong hands.
You moan out with your eyes closed, focusing on nothing but his mouth. If your panties weren’t drenched before, they were now.
Bakugo trailed the tip of his knife up against your inner thigh, sending shivers up and down your spine, until he reached the hem of your underwear, ripping those off as well.
The heat from your sopping wet cunt against his face made something snap inside of him. He folds you, lifting your ass in the air, knees touching the bed on either side of your head, so that you were looking up at him as he ravaged your pussy.
You whimper after watching him spit onto it right before diving in, giving your pussy long, rough licks. He stares you down, never breaking eye contact with you while shaking his head from side to side, tongue deep between your gummy walls and his nose pressed firmly against your clit, making tears of pleasure prick at the corners of your eyes.
When he finally lets you go, a string of saliva connects from your pussy to his lips. You panted heavily and noticed the large bulge in his overalls.
“Y’wanna undo them for me, sweet thing?~ It’s getting kinda tight in this~..”
You scramble to your hands and knees, fumbling with the buttons until you could get them loose. They drop to his ankles and his size makes you want him inside of you even more. You reach out to it, but he slaps your hand away.
“Nuh uh, maybe another time. Right now, I’m makin’ you my bitch~..”
He makes you turn around, pushing your face into the mattress with your ass up for him. Reaching around, he shoves his middle and ring fingers into your mouth before inserting his cock inside of you, stopping halfway.
“Fuck, you’re tight, baby~..” Gripping your hip firmly, he shoves the rest in, making you see stars. Your moans were muffled by his fingers while he gave you rough hip thrusts, hard enough to rock the entire bed.
“O-oh, oh fuck..wai..” You reach behind and place your hand on his hip to try and make him slow down, but he wouldn’t. Instead, he pins your arm against your back. You didn’t even try to struggle, the pleasure from the tip of his dick kissing your womb and his balls slapping against your clit made you forget about the situation you were in. He loved the way your juices gushed around him, so warm and slippery.
Leaning down against your back, he puts you in a headlock, making you immobile. He nips at your earlobe before whispering in your ear.
“That boyfriend of yours don’t fuck you like this, does he? Who’s making this fuckin’ pussy cream, huh?~”
You were too dumb and cock drunk to answer any of his questions.
“Plea..c-cum..cumming..” You manage to cry out and that only motivated him to go even harder.
To keep his shirt from getting in the way, Bakugo holds the bottom of it up with his teeth. With both hands, he presses you down further into the mattress with his thumbs placed over your cute back dimples. He growls out a quick ‘Come on’ while pounding into your pussy ruthlessly, inching closer to his orgasm.
“There it is, fuck!~”
After a few more hard thrusts, you feel him spill his nut inside of you and he clenches his teeth as he feels your gummy walls clamp down around him, the two of you sharing an orgasm.
Both of your fluids puddle and mix with each other underneath you.
With you still on his dick, he lifts you up and nuzzles the nook of your neck with his nose, his hand gripping your throat gently.
You went through at least two more rounds with him until he couldn’t get anything else out of you.
You had to remember to thank Blair later for the gift
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circlique · 2 years
If you’re still doing the ask a character game, I wanted to ask your thoughts on China :3
How I feel about this character
I love him and I wish more people appreciated him. I see so many people in the hetalia tag writing beautiful essays on characters with way fewer appearances or even 2ps that are basically just OCs and wonder why people aren’t able to see the same for China? A literally ancient soul who’s seen so much joy and heartbreak and must have so many conflicting thoughts about the concepts nationhood and humanity and what it means to be human and probably often wonders whether immortality is a blessing or a curse? There is SO much there that the fandom could explore and play around with but…nah the fandom just ignores him. 🙃
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Russia, Japan, Rome, America (sometimes), and many others on a much smaller basis
My non-romantic OTP for this character
On a purely non-romantic basis, I gotta say I like the gourmet trio (China/France/Turkey). That should come back and be a thing again. We almost got it in the food court strips but Turkey didn’t make it.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I feel like gender and sexuality headcanons for him are some of the most controversial in the fandom, because no matter what your headcanon is, someone will be pissed off about it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Maybe THIS is an unpopular opinion but I want him to get some closure with Japan. As far as I’ve seen, Japan betrayed him but they never talked about it afterwards. I want to think this was a choice of Himaruya’s part to avoid heavy topics (and not the Japanese tendency to avoid acknowledging their history of imperialism and war crimes). It’s just weird to make a comic about that and then have China still behave very friendly toward Japan like nothing happened at all. I think some of this can be attributed to China’s character being very idealistic and craving what was/what could have been and projecting this through his behavior—but surely things aren’t all that happy between them in reality? At least a little bit awkward? We know Japan can read the room, so surely he realizes China’s behavior toward him is either somewhat false or at least projection? I’ll I just want them to have a conversation and a good cry together basically.
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