#and ok realistically she'd definitely Know
koinotame · 6 months
horror protag, completely out of the blue: sooo... [dreamy sigh] I've been thinking about getting a womb tattoo you: ...okay? horror protag: no complaints about how unrealistic it is or how much of a hassle it would be? you: ??? it just goes on your tummy. what about that is unrealistic or a hassle... horror protag: you: ...? horror protag: so it wouldn't LITERALLY be in my womb? :(
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sol-consort · 21 days
Okay, so you get to have an orgy in mass effect, but you only get to invite 7 people. Who are you inviting and why?
Also, what songs would be on the playlist for the event?
can i fuck one person 7 times instead? no? ok cool.
man i don't like orgies; I'm an attention whore, if I'm not at the centre of your world during sex then I don't even wanna be there
but if you put a gun to my head then hmm, I can't pick my favourites (Thane) bc I would get jealous over them despite us literally being in the same orgy. Oh you glanced at someone else? While giving me head? Death penalty.
I guess Garrus can come...and cum. Just not in me, shoo. Go finish on someone else birdie. Miranda unironically seems fun in orgies, def want her there, maybe I can pop a tit in my mouth or something.
I would invite Tali, but I'm worried for her health & safety. Likewise, I would invite Mordin, but I'm worried for my own health & safety.
oh, Javik, definitely! get some prothean protien in the diet. He'd make things interesting too, maybe treat it as his own personal harem rather than a communal orgy which is fine in my book, I don't wanna be the leader in this group project.
Jaal because I'm 90% sure angara and orgies go hand in hand. Plus it would be absolutely hilarious to see him interact with Javik.
It's never a complete orgy without an asari... but I fear Javik might antagonise her. No bullying allowed in my christian minecraft server orgy!
Feron bc there is no way I'm getting through this sober, at least one drell in the mix.
this is quickly turning into a sausage feast, and I'm trying to think of women, but none of them would realistically agree to an orgy. Ashley? no way. Jack? Ha, not anymore. Samara? maybe in a cuck chair. Otherwise, her code says no. Vetra? Aria? Nyreen? Absolutely not. Any and all krogan women deserve a 1 on 1 heartfelt night.
Liara might agree...but I want to take her to dinner and have a romantic night alone instead :( She's my asari you can't have her! go away! get your own asari.
But PB? Yeah, she'd be 100% down. plus her dad is an elcor and yk how freaky down dirty they can get.
I think one person might die.
I could also just have an orgy with 7 different geth, Legion being part of them is very preferable but never mandatory. Have you seen how hot and tall the huge red ones are?
Or more preferably
Matriarch Aethyta
Matriarch Benezia
Consort Sha'ira
Because i am no better than a dog
I would also jump at the opportunity for a threesome with Admiral Hackett and Captian Anderson. You didn't ask, but I needed you to know this vital information. Thane & his wife seem kinda fun. Kaidan & James. Ashley & Liara.
As for a playlist, we're listening to Gangbang by Ayesha Erotica on repeat. Maybe the brat album if it gets stale?
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taylor hebert
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Bug girl has infested my brain and is never leaving. Genuinely a top character of all time, I'm unable to consume other media without imagining how Taylor would fit into it. Just gonna clarify on some of the less obvious boxes ticked off tho. Incorrect takes is... gah. A good portion of wormblr takes are nifty, and then I go to ao3 or gaylor/cauldron discords and see the worst interpretations of her possible. She would not fucking say that. Projection space, she's not the worm character I project onto the most (that honor goes to Aisha) but it's always so fun to just shove my problems on Taylor in my mind and imagine how it'd go. I can make her worse space... ok now that I'm thinking I'm not actually sure I could. But realistically our personalities would clash and she'd get annoyed enough to bite me with an ant or something which is technically some level of worse, and I definitely couldn't fix her so I leaned towards that. I have no clue if biting my fist has like, a hidden meaning or something, I just think the vibes fit. And finally there's not enough canon. Worm should be 200k words longer so I can read more Taylor and I'm not even joking. I know wanting more of the main character in a 1.7 million word story is a bit greedy, but I crave the words.
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pippin-pippout · 8 months
My Demon Finale + Final Thoughts
Ok My Demon was cute. I really appreciated that the last episode was mostly all wrapping things up. We got resolution on every character, each completed their arc or did what was natural for them.
We had just the right amount of angst for this story - the villains were scary, but not enough to turn this into more of a thriller than a romance, or to detract too much from the ultimately happy ending. Sure they were nice and twisted and messed up, following the well formulated pattern. I don't need anything more.
And I really did love the 'good guy' characters in this show - I never felt like any side was getting too much attention at the cost of another or of the story.
For like the first half of this show I thought her not-cousin (you know the smart one/second male lead) was gonna turn out to be evil. Like I was convinced that psycho-dad was just a distraction. I'm really happy I was wrong. Also thrilled to see him become absolute besties with Gu-won. In fact I am more thrilled than Gu-won is.
Similarly happy for sword-dance girl, who kept saying she was leaving to the point I was like 'then why haven't you?' and then when she's about to, she finds a reason (a real reason) to stay. I feel like she and psycho-dad's wife will do a lot of good for children in the future.
Seeing the son before his dad could completely destroy him was a somewhat formulaic choice, but it's a formula for a reason, and I did really feel for him. Even before that, I had hoped he would survive. everything and be able to heal. The writing/acting choices for his character were good in that, in most of his interactions with Do Do-He, I felt like something non-villainous was behind the curtain - even before the abuse was revealed. I couldn't tell if he liked her or was trying to warn her or was looking for her to save him, but I appreciated that the reveal that he wasn't the villain actually had some foundation. I'm glad he was posthumously cleared and that his mom will hopefully learn from this shit to help others.
Eunni with her two sons continue to be ridiculous, but harmless as always. A nice bow-tie comedic moment. Sure she was one of the 'bad guys' but they're always there, and considering the rest of her family, she honestly was the most normal. And I think the narrative did try to show that she was at least a good mom.
Ms. Shin and the past lives/aka Fuck You guy! They are so weird for each other and I love that for them. Not me though. Did not need more of their makeouts. I freaking loved Ms. Shin throughout everything though. Such a good balance of no-nonsense with compassion.
Our comedic relief third wheels - the PR trio and the dogs/parsnips - both fun. The ex-mob brows definitely won for me (they did have a dog). Every time Gu-won wouldn't acknowledge them my heart broke a little. Glad the writers understood that and gave us their happy ending.
I liked this portrayal of God. Very 'I don't know what the fuck is going on either but good luck' with a side of compassion rather than just dropping riddles and life lessons (those were learned along the way anyway). Felt more realistic.
And for the main couple, I'm happy we got to see their version of a silly fight, because couples fight, and that makes me believe their happy ending more (also so thankful to have a show with a demon main character have his love interest play hymns and prayers when they're arguing).
I really thought when Gu-won came back, he'd be human, and it'd be all 'perfect.' But I kind of love that he's a demon and the little-shitness of his character as a demon (yet is afraid of pissing off his wife who puts stickers on his demon manual). Also good for Do Do-hee having a demon on speed dial is useful af.
Anyway, they established that she'd continue to age and eventually die, and that it was ok because impermanence is what makes this, and every moment, so not insignificant. I felt like he would happily accompany her beyond when the time comes, but for the time being they're able to live knowing every second matters, the good and the bad, and be happy to have them.
A sweet show with a sweet ending; just what I needed tonight.
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deripmaver · 4 months
1, 2 and 3 for the Black Swordsman Girlies (Casca, Farnese, Schierke and Ivalera)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I LOVE HERRRRRR. lmfao literally where do i begin she's my pookie. my babygirl. my sad little meow meow. the saddest girl in the entire world. a cautionary tale against being heterosexual. underutilized and undervalued by both the narrative and the fandom. THEE victim of yaoi. struggling so hard to just be happy. ever enduring. trying so hard to heal <333333
love her!!! her character development was AMAZING, going from miserable and clinging to false gods to fighting for a cause greater than herself. her backstory is genuinely heartbreaking, but then it's wonderful how she overcomes it. plus her relationship with casca is just so tender and sweet, its honestly one of the best parts of the entire series for me.
BABY GIRLLLLL i love her so much too!!!! she's just such a sweetie, she brings a bit of lightness to the series that we desperately need LOL. shes just a delight
LOL she's fine. I don't dislike her don't get me wrong!!!! and her design is awesome, but there isn't a whole lot to her at the moment.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
LITERALLY EVERYTHING!!!! well not everything. not That One Thing. u kno LOL. her heart and love for the hawks is just so beautiful, her enduring spirit even through the worst hardships, and how competent as a leader she is. UGH im going to cry. also i know post-eclipse casca isn't really anyone's favorite and like, i get it LOL but also one thing i love love LOVE about berserk is the supportive relationships between women, so seeing the way women really nurture and take care of casca throughout conviction arc and beyond is one of my fav things!!
Again just her incredible character development, the way she's written is just so heartbreaking once you get the chapters about her family life. She starts off as selfish and insecure and very much not likeable LOL but as you keep watching you see her grow and change. She's flawed in such a realistic way imo but by forging these real, genuine connections she becomes a better person herself. It's rlly emblematic of the themes of berserk
She's so fricken OP LOL. The scenes of her calling up the water spirit and calling up the death god are SO cool. It was honestly awesome to see a woman take part in the "fighting" again (i mean for a given definition of fighting). Like she's just this teeny cute lil witch but she's genuinely one of the most powerful characters in the series!!
HAHA again kind of a lame answer to end off but i really really love her design, it's just so pretty
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
take a wild fuckin guess LOL. no ok yeah nothing shocking here but just HOW LONG she was totally out of commission post eclipse, and ofc how explicit the actual eclipse panels were. yuck
Why does her being nice and fulfilled now mean she's gotta stop being a kinky bitch????? She can be a sweet lady and also a freak smh
Ehhhhhhhhh honestly???? She's great but I think she'd be better if she had just a bit more depth, she's a bit one-note atm. Though it's a great note LOL
Why does she keep making jokes about Schierke having the hots for Guts. cmon
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calliemontgomery · 8 months
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NAME: Calliope "Callie" Victoria Montgomery
AGE: 36
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Female. She/her.
SEXUALITY/STATUS: Heterosexual. | Single.
OCCUPATION: District Attorney
BIRTHDAY: December 28th, 1987
HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, California.
NEIGHBORHOOD: Riverfoak Farms
FACECLAIM: Candice Patton
Born via surrogate, along with her twin brother, Samuel.
Both parents are very successful. Her mother a model, and figurehead. Her father award wining surgeon.
Despite growing up in LA, Covintgon was like a second home to the twins, as that was where their grandparents lived.
Her mother wanted a mini-me for a daughter, one who would love the glitz and glam of Hollywood, instead, she got a girl who wanted to be be successful more like her father.
Only Callie hadn't realized that until a traumatic turn of events took place when she was 15. After a party with her best friend, Harper, they decided to walk home; but they would both be kidnapped.
They were missing for 4 days. Harper would end up killed, while Callie was rescued.
This was extremely traumatic for the young girl, yet, she seemed to bounce back a little too fast. Some would say she never truly dealt with that trauma. It would get worst when the man who kidnapped them would end up free, due to a mistrial.
This is the turning point in which Callie knew she wanted to go into law. Finishing high school, she'd go on to college and law school, topping her classes.
After law school, Callie would move to Covington for good, to be near her brother and his wife.
At 33, she would find herself landing the position of DA. For years she was all work, and very little play. So, it was a surprise that within the same year as her promotion, she'd find that she was pregnant.
in 2019, she gave birth to her daughter, who she named Harper, after her late friend, and Rose after her grandmother.
In 2021, she would adopt a mainecoone cat that she named Stormy.
Despite being married to her work, and a single mother, she manages to keep up both ends rather well. Of course with help of her brother, and his wife, and occasionally her parents. Which she is extremely grateful for.
FRIENDS/FRIENDLY RELATIONSHIP: Despite being a work horse, she is still a rather cool person to hang around. With becoming a mom, on top of her job, it did shorten her free time even more. But her brother does try to get her to go out and have some kind of social life. Or at least, just give her a break. This could be coffee friends, work out friends, even mom friends.
ENEMIES/I DON’T REALLY LIKE YOU: Not everyone likes everyone.
EXES/FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS/HOOK UPS (M/NB): Despite really not having time for relationships, she somehow manages to have a long list of ex-lovers. Very few serious. Most hook ups, as she has needs, and she likes them met. She does have a handful of exes that was serious, and it could've ended badly on either side to be honest. Or well. She definitely dated more freely in college.
BABY DADDY: To be honest, I don't assume she actually knows who her daughter's dad is. In my head, she had slept with two different men around the time she got pregnant. Instead of really figuring out who it was, she kinda just told them both that the other one was the dad. And they went with it. She always knew she wanted to be a mom, and she always figured she'd do it on her own. This way just saved her a trip to the bank. (Even tho deep down, she would love nothing more then the whole fairy tale love story. But she is a realistic, and her career comes before a relationship.)
COWORKERS: Anyone who works in law, cops, lawyers, etc, would very likely know of Callie Montgomery. Rather it's friendly or not, is up for debate.
CLIENTS: Anyone who's been in legal trouble.
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corpulentlovers · 1 year
It wouldn't take long for a certain frequent donator to donate a large sum of money to fuel Sae's hunger... How interestingly timed!
Sae, almost spat out some of her drink when she saw the donation, that was a lot of money, but hey, she'd said what she'd said and she wasn't about to be accused of lying. "Alright time to see if they have a desktop version that I can order through." After a few minutes of looking she finally found what she was looking for, she ordered 3 triple big bang burger meals, 3 large spicy crispy chicken sandwich meals, a 10 piece French toast sticks, 3 milk shakes of vanilla, strawberry and chocolate flavors, 1 chicken club salad to stay on the healthy side, an 18 piece chicken fry, a 32 piece chicken nugget box, this came with 6 large fries and 6 large dr. peppers, totaling in at a whopping 16,867 calories and 14,879 yen, less than half of the 30,000 yen donation.
"Ok, soooo, realistically I'm gonna struggle to eat this much, so I'll tell you what, I'm going to bank the remaining 15,121 yen, and you'll be able to cash it in for another feast like this at a later date, I'm not going to be accepting any more donations for food today or I'll probably be going to a hospital later.
She pushed the order through and sat in her chair for a bit, a little shell shocked by what was about to happen to her. "alright so here's my game plan, um, I'm going to put on a movie and watch that while I eat, I'm probably not going to be really responsive, but I don't think any of you are going to complain too much that I'm too busy stuffing my face to respond.
When she heard the doorbell ring she got out of her chair and began walking, her pajama shorts digging into her ass and her shirt ridding up exposing the lower portion of her belly, and a bit of grey pubic hair and a faint happy trail. She opened her door and left, after a few minutes she came back with 4 large bags, she left again and came back with three trays of drinks. she brought in a side table that would hold most of the food while she wasn't eating.
"Oh my god you should have seen the look on the guys face, I know he thought this was for like a party or something, but as soon as I opened the door you could tell he realized that it was all for me, but hey this is like a party right?" She laughed nervously as she looked at the large bags, she began taking the food out of their bags and placing them on the table, stacking the burgers in a pile, the salad next to them, she then placed all 6 of the Sodas next to the milk shakes. After that came the fries, then the french toast and the chicken fries.
"Heh, maybe I'll use that other money to buy a new chair, at this rate I'm going to need a new one, I'm almost 180 kg as is, I can't imagine what I'll balloon to if you guys keep feeding me like this."
After pressing play on her Shin Featherman movie she busted out the worst thing she'd be eating that night, the salad. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't really good either, though the sauce definitely helped with the taste. She tossed the tub to the side and moved onto the triple big bang burger with cheese and bacon, not bothering to take a small bit she just went right in, sauce getting on her cheeks and onto her shirt, she continued like this for the next three burgers, taking sips of her soda in between bites. after finishing the third burger she leaned back in her chair and let out a moan before making a face and letting out a monstrous belch.
"mmmnuRRRRAAAAPPP!" she panted a bit before patting her gut, noticing a hard ball forming already. Next up was the supernova burgers, which she'd be quelling the spice from with the milk shakes, probably not her best idea but she didn't really care, she was in dumb, fat and horny mode right now. Occasionally she'd dip some of the fries into the shake, giving it a nice texture along with the shake. When she finished the last sandwich her gut began to make noises in protest, something she herself wouldn't listen to. She took the next few drinks and took the tops off of them, deciding to just chug them as fast as she could without spilling too much, granted it didn't stop it from happening, soda making her face and chins sticky to the touch, which was only going to get worse with her next food, the french toast.
"I'll be right back, they didn't give me enough syrup." she did her best to get up, although it took her a few attempts to get out of her chair. She waddled out of her room and returned a few moments later with a brand new bottle of syrup. She sat back down in her chair huffing for a bit before grabbing the french toast and just dousing them in syrup, reaching in and shoveling it into her mouth, syrup coating her fingers and mouth. She reached down to rub her gut for a bit moaning before looking at the bottle of syrup, gears turning in her calorie addled mind.
"Not yet." she said to herself before reaching for the chicken nuggets and fries, losing what little she'd been showing and shoving it into her mouth and chewing haphazardly, swallowing and moving onto the next handful. when she reached the end of the chicken she sat back and gestured lazily at the mound of wrappers and cups, the only thing remaining on the table being the bottle of syrup, which she grabbed in her hand, spun the top off of and put up to her mouth, tipping it back and feeling the thick liquid flowing into her throat, it wasn't quick, but every second of it was sweet ecstasy. when it was finally drained she weakly let it fall to the side as she laid there, her head lulled back as she did her best not to lose any of what she'd just eaten.
Her gut had gone from its normally rolled flabby self to having a massive orb at the top of it, having pushed her food stained shirt up below her braless breasts, with a thick layer of flab hanging towards the bottom. She did her best not to say anything, small belches escaping from her as she sat there, stuffed beyond any reasonable amount. As she sat there she was silently thankful that her fupa was large enough to cover her genitals, because if they were visible they'd be able to tell that she'd climaxed from eating over 20,000 calories in the span of 2 and a half hours.
"D-OOOOOOOOAAAARRRRRRUUUUPPPP~one." She smiled lazily as she looked at the camera and did a double peace sign. After sitting for a bit she did her best to get up, farting audibly as she got up, she then pushed the chair to the side and waddled slowly to her bed, not bothering to turn the stream off. She sat herself gently on the side of her bed and sat for a second before simply laying back and passing out from exhaustion.
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graylinesspam · 1 year
Well well if it isn’t the foreshadowing of the clone rebellion on kamino we’re witnessing (is it? IS IT??? Please be it).
No but really, are you actually planning on writing this kind of ending or you’re sticking to the canon?
DID REX OFFICIALLY ADOPT AHSOKA MANDO STYLE ???? Did the rest of the torrent do the same omfg they’re literally family 🥹🥹🥹
Rex trying to keep teenage cadets away from Ashoka is both cute and hilarious. He is such a dad.. ahem… brother material 👀
And I absolutely love the way you characterized Shaak Ti. Everyone always portray her as this wise Jedi that cares about the clones just like Plo Koon. And that’s true to some extent but she is so wrong for sitting in her own bubble and refusing to see the way kaminoans and trainers abuse them. She's a kind soul and means well but she totally lacks critical thinking. (but also yeah I would love to see her finally being able to adopt a few baby clones and raise them as her own sons. Such a touching moment it was, right until the aiwha baits ruined it that is)
And Kamino being compared to the eye of the storm is such a poetry honestly yk it rhymes
In conclusion, wonderful chapter as usual.
Okay. So much happened this chapter. Let me bullet point my response.
I likely won't get around to writing a clone rebellion in SH, though one is definitely planned for ASOI. I just can't see the war ended (without the empire's rise) and there nit being a clone uprising. But yeah ask me about that for ASOI and I might tell you my plans.
Yes, Rex officially adopted Ahsoka previously in SH. Off-screen. He knows her name as his sister and all that. I chose Rex partially because he's more traditional and sentimental than a lot of her other brothers. Kix has also said the vows but the rest of Torrent didn't feel the need to. They heard that Rex adopted her and basically went,"Sister? Ah ok, sister." *vigorous nodding*
I don't like to focus too much on Ahsoka's relationships with boys, but also y'know everyone (within age or developmental range) had a crush on her during the war. Cal, Kannan, Lux, Korkie, some clone cadets. She's just a pretty girl. But yeah no Rex overheard like one remark about her and moved an entire class and had them running laps for hours. He does not play.
He is absolutely her Dad-ish in the beginning. They develop a more on par relationship as she grows up and then eventually he fully relinquishes social rank to her. IE not being her elder anymore. But the whole Brothers raising brothers, line was the most important from that section.
Shaak Ti is traumatized and depressed. That's what this is. The Jedi never should have been in a war. That's it. And trying to run a war when you're completely unqualified hurts everyone. Which isn't to say they have a lot of choice. Realistically if she stood up one day and decided that the Kaminoans needed to surrender all of the clones to the jedi and stop producing them she'd be removed from her station and ignored. There's really nothing she can do. And she knows it. Which is why she lives with her hands over her "ears". Because if she just holds on and does a little good every day maybe she can actually change something one day. (the pessimistic view being it's futile in the face of the rising empire of which she's an active participant in building.) (and the more optimistic AU view being that Ahsoka succeeds in ASOI and the clones go free but they have to unpack their abuse in a plee for citizenship forcing the galaxy to realize what Kamino did and what Shaak participated in. Likely resulting in her retirement.) either way not pleasant for her.
Maybe she does end up with some sons, depending in which older clones decide they want to ally with her. It's all gonna be communal raising of the children.
The whole theme of this arc was really that there is no peace in war. So long as the storm rages you'll always have to step back into it. Only by pushing through to the other side can you escape it. But yeah I put SO much effort into the environmental symbolism. I was planning this for months before I started writing it.
So thank you so much for the ask and for reading the latest chapters. I had a blast writing them. Fingers crossed no one is too mad about my characterization of Shaak, I guess we'll find out.
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away-ward · 11 months
from your damonwinter response post: Damon needed to learn that his trauma was not an excuse to be possessive and controlling, and that if he wanted to be authentically loved, this behavior wasn't going to be tolerated. A Damon that doesn't have to leave Winter or be separated from his friends will never learn that lesson. Damon claims he wants people to see him. See, as in know him personally. The real him. But is he even the truest version of himself if he's never stripped down to his most vulnerable feelings and has to rebuild? Damon had to hit rock bottom to get the love he wanted, and a version of Damon that doesn't go to prison and lose everything doesn't get there.
ok, this is why damon needed a friend like emmy 🤩 if pd gave us damonemmy besties, he wouldve had a better poll of friends, now am i wrong? 🤌 this just brings back to that damonemmy friendhsip ask on your blog, ko.
I love the idea of Damon and Emmy becoming friends after devil's night his senior year. Like even if it wasn't obvious on the surface, because Will was still pouting that Emory didn't want him. Damon and Em just checking in on each other, him making sure the abuse isn't getting worse, her making sure that he's doing okay after literally killing someone (and maybe getting an idea of how Will is actually doing under his smile).
Can you imagine Emory opening Instagram and seeing that video? She called Will right away, but it went to voicemail. Since Damon was able to get away (in this version), would he have answered if Emmy called him? Realistically, I'd like for her to call him an idiot for all of it. The video, taking winter and running. But I think the way PD would plot it, Emory would try to cover for him. Who knows, maybe she'd do both: cover for him while berating him.
The way Damon was before his redemption, I don't think he would have listened to anyone, even wise, down to earth Emory. He wanted Winter and that was all that mattered to him. But she might have been able to give him some points to reason on. Either way, I hope Emory would hold him accountable if anything happened to Winter while she was with him.
And I think that's the role Emory would play and why Damon needs her. Banks, Rika, and Winter let him off too easy because they love him. They may tell him they don't like what he's doing, but they'll always hold him down in the end. Emory would hold him accountable. She'd make him earn his forgiveness, and not just on the big things. Problem with Damon is that he didn't care about forgiveness as long as he had want he wanted.
I don't know if Emory is enough to teach him differently, or if it would take all of them to do it like in KS, but she'd definitely be the start. She wouldn't tolerate his pathetic rich boy spoiled behavior and he needed the reality check.
In the end, the group needs Emory's realism just as much as she needed people to help her tap into her wild child-like wonder that she locked away because of the abuse.
I doubt will ever get Damon and Emmy content, but it's a fun idea nonetheless. They should be friends.
They should all be friends!!!
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- ko
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tuiyla · 2 years
ok! so i'm curious- what do you think is going to happen with bela and eric? i feel like they'll definitely get back together because it's TV, but how do you think it'll go down?
Oh I wouldn't be so sure they're getting back together, Sex Lives feels like a TV show that'd be more than happy to shake things up. Even if they do eventually get back together, which to be clear I see the chance of, I sure hope it won't feel like it happens just because it's meant to.
I don't think there's a realistic chance of Bela and Eric getting back together this season. We have two episodes left and Bela has a looot of growing to do. Eric was right in everything he said to her in episode 7. Bela needs to look in herself, take responsibility, get her self-image in order and only then can she genuinely apologize to Eric.
Not to mention, some time needs to pass by until Eric will even be open to that apology. He's currently hurting and he needs time and distance away from the relationship. Ideally, we'd have Bela be confronted with her mistakes and root causes at the end of season 2 and start down on a path of growth. And then we'd better get season 3 where I imagine them bumping into each other by chance and Bela taking the second chance at a proper apology. But this time it would really only be for Eric, not to protect her own feelings. And she'd leave him with that, even without needing for him to say that he forgives her. That moment of maturity would make Eric think and be open to letting Bela back into his life. Not romantically or sexually, at first. They need to take baby steps and re-establish trust.
I think any new relationship they start without that slow and careful process is doomed to fail again. I hope the writers will consider that and not have them get back together out of nowhere at the end of season 2. Bela needs time with herself now and ideally I'd love to see the girls each bring out a different chance for growth for her. Bela already kinda understood things and herself more in the Priya situation, putting her personal pride aside to preserve a relationship important to her. So that's the path she needs to go down on. She has lots and lots of reflecting to do.
I honestly think Bela's attempt at an apology just made things worse with Eric because it made him realize how much she wasn't prioritizing him, and how not right with herself she was. So she needs to work on all that, then apologize, then rebuild any sort of relationship with Eric.
Out of the all the girls' previous relationships, this is probably the one the most worth saving. I'd also say Whitney and Canaan still have a shot and that wasn't as big of a mistake in the first place, but we'll see what happens there. Nico has like no chance of returning anyway so not much to talk about with Kimberly there. And we know Alicia is coming back, but that's the one where I'm lowkey really hoping an actual reunion won't be happening,
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solasan · 1 year
3, 6, 8, and 19 for Callista and/or Alarice? 👀👀👀
ask me questions abt my ocs <3
3. what is your OC's fatal flaw? are they aware of this flaw?
her kindness lol. which i think is also her greatest virtue tbh?? but she sees the best in people even when that best isn't there, if that makes sense. she holds everyone around her to the moral standard she holds herself to, which means that she kind of expects everyone around her to be a lot better than they actually are? astarion nearly kills her the first time he feeds, for reference. she becomes less naive over the course of the game, but she'd always rather be taken advantage of (which happens multiple times) than think badly of someone / not help someone who seems to need it. she's not rly aware of this flaw in the beginning — she's spent her whole life as an acolyte in the house of the moonmaiden, where this kind of kindness is exemplified as What's Expected, and she's not been outside enough to rly know what's realistic in the world — but she becomes more aware of it as the game progresses, i think? shadowheart despairs of her.
but i'm still not sure that she'd consider it A Flaw even when she recognises that people take advantage of her; i think she more views it as a virtue, and if someone's going to fuck her over, that's on them?
6. how easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
not easily at all. astarion hates her for being so naive bc she just flat-out refuses to do things she's not comfortable with, morally. u could probably get her to turn against her morals by threatening someone she loved — and i mean someone she really loved — but even then, she'd be a tough nut to crack. she's very classic lawful good in that way i think.
8. would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
oof. i'm not sure tbh. morally, definitely not; the guilt would haunt her forever (even pushing minthara into the pit in her office, which is probably the most physically removed kill she's done, messes with her head). but i do think she's smart enough to dispose of a body if she wanted to; the issue is more that i think her guilt would compel her to confess? i don't think she'd make a great effort to try getting away with it; she'd feel as though she should be punished.
19. how does your OC behave when enraged?
she's not loud when she gets angry; she doesn't explode or start screaming. instead she gets very very quiet. quite stiff, too; her whole body seems to almost vibrate with anger but her movements become quite economic, she moves with purpose. her voice gets very cold and hushed, almost difficult to hear, and she snaps out every syllable like a crack of ice. she doesn't get violent bc tbh she's not a violent person in general. but she might give u the silent treatment if she's rly angry, just bc she doesn't want to say something she'll regret. when she's been pissed off in camp — usually astarion's fault lol but sometimes it's been shadowheart, especially in the early days — she tends to just go off to a quiet place on her own so she can calm down. queen of breathing techniques.
3. what is your OC's fatal flaw? are they aware of this flaw?
god what part of alarice's personality ISN'T a flaw???? uhh i guess, inversely to callista, her selfishness? or maybe her greed? hm yeah ok i think greed trumps selfishness, if only bc it leads to her doing some pretty fucking stupid and life-threatening shit — turning on allies for material gain, making a deal with raphael only to almost immediately break into his house to undo it, racking up extortionate gambling debts with dangerous people, risking her life in jobs she shouldn't even be taking, etc. greed has also led her to sabotaging a lot of relationships in her life, so generally, her greed has messed her up in more ways than it's helped her.
i think she's always been somewhat aware of it, but it becomes more clear to her as the game's events progress. astarion expecting her to just kind of hand him over to araj oblodra in exchange for a potion (powerful or not) makes her take a step back and look at herself, for one thing. and i think that her and karlach have a Conversation after getting the soul coins from lann tarv in moonrise, if only bc alarice doesn't really? flinch at any of the stories? (save the last one about the kid) and that unnerves karlach.
coming face-to-face with nine-fingers is also another one; nine-fingers was kind of like a mother to her for a little while, so seeing how thoroughly that relationship has been soured by her own selfish & greedy choices rly rly makes her hate herself, so she resolves to change from kind of? late act 2 to early act 3? it's tough, though; her impulses will always be baser and more selfish, and she has to work hard to resist them.
6. how easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
this is a tough question to answer, bc my first instinct is to say "very easily", but alarice... doesn't?? really have?? a moral compass? she has certain no-nos (no mass-murder, no rape/coercion bc of her background, no hurting kids for other background reasons, etc) but she would sell her soul to satan for one corn chip, it is a MIRACLE she hasn't become a warlock. i suppose i'll take it as how easily would she cross those aforementioned lines, and tbh i think she'd do anything for enough money (in act 1 and early act 2), even if it made her feel pretty gross about herself / she had to do some serious mental gymnastics to justify it to herself, so yeah, not super difficult. but as the game progresses those lines become a lot more cemented, particularly as she begins to make genuine connections with the party and their own morals begin to rub off on her a bit, so then it becomes pretty hard to push her past her limits. god, her and astarion are a nightmare couple.
8. would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
answered here!!!
19. how does your OC behave when enraged?
she surprisingly doesn't blow up immediately, even if her personality seems like she would. she's actually very good at just kind of... grinning and bearing it, so she can smile through her anger and even be pretty convincing if you don't know her well. if u do know her well, she has certain tells — her smile can get a little manic and her eyes go kind of cold — but until she's out of the situation that's making her angry, her survival instinct has her hiding it. once she is out, though, she'll go full on apeshit and maybe get a bit violent, depending on who/what she's angry about. where callista runs cold, alarice runs hot, basically.
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arlathen · 1 year
AAAA ok pls beginnings, training, songwriting, fans, voice, and wild card for bbgirl florrie <3
under cut becos long
Beginnings: When and how did they know they wanted to be a professional musician? Was there a deciding factor?
I mean, it's always been a pipe dream, right? She was very much the realist in Sev dreaming up their selling out stadiums. Music was something she liked doing with her friends, and if they made a few hundred bucks playing at a bar on a Saturday night, all the better. It was really everyone else that wanted to go professional, and only after like six months where her expenses were covered entirely by gigging did she accept that it was something that could really happen. Yknow?
Training: How did they learn to sing? Have they had any formal training? How do they continue to maintain and develop their singing voice?
Her daddy got her started. I'm talking from the time she was able to talk, she's been singing. There's video of her at age, like, four singing with her dad in his studio. She did do, like, *some* formal training. She was her middle school choir director's golden girl, and one of her high school friend's mom was a classically trained soprano who gave her free lessons every now and then. Other than that, she just practices? I don't know enough about singing to know how she'd actually develop it lmao.
Songwriting: What’s their process? Is it different than it was when they used to write songs with Seven?
Oh, definitely. Songwriting with Sev was... for lack of a better word, shallower. It was a lot of love songs since duets are conducive to that, and they did love each other, and the emotions were real, right? But if you need to put a pound of heart into a song, they're each only giving half a pound. When she's writing by herself, she's giving the whole pound, so she has to carve a lot deeper. If that makes sense. I think most people would agree that it produces better songs, especially in their genre where sadgirls writing about their trauma is better than gold. Generally her process is just that something will stick in her head -- some emotion, some image that strikes her, and she'll write it down, and then work at unfurling it. She writes almost exclusively at night.
Fans: How is their relationship with their fans? Do they go out of their way to interact?
Oh she absolutely does. Golden Hour has a disproportionately high superfan:casual listener ratio because she loves interacting with people and having Florrie say something sweet or funny to you is a rush unlike any other <3 She interacts w memes people make and comments on fancams and stuff, and she's even been known to cover songs that people request on, like, tiktok or IG.
Voice: What does their singing voice sound like? Do you have voiceclaims(s) for them?
Oh, I'm so struggling to describe a singing voice, lmao. I imagine her kind of. "indie girl welcome to my kitchen vine" voice, maybe -- airy, but a little clearer and less slurred. She has a huge vocal range, though she tends to sing a little lower. Voice claim is somewhere around Michelle Zauner from Japanese Breakfast.
Wild card: Tell us something about your MC! Feel free to really just roll us over with an emotional steamroller and crush the souls out of our bodies, if you’d like. (You’re also welcome to choose one of the other questions to answer!)
These are kind of linked together. She doesn't usually play any instruments on stage, but if a song requires a lead guitar and rhythm guitar, she picks up the latter because Rowan is head and shoulders above her in guitar-ing skill, obviously. The guitar she will break out in that case is one of her dad's. Most of his instruments were sold over the years, but she salvaged a few of them when she moved out at like sixteen.
Elvis died the year her dad was born and he would joke, ENTIRELY tongue in cheek, that he was the King himself reincarnated. So Florrie has been working, very slowly and very off-and-on and honestly mostly as a way to deal with grief when she really misses him, on an album of covers of Elvis' greatest hits, played mostly on her dad's instruments, spliced up with recordings of her dad's own covers like a duet across time. It's extremely unlikely that it'll ever really be finished, and even in the case that she does some day decide, "that's enough" -- it's not like she's going to release it. But it's called, like on her hard drive, To the King, from your Princess.
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renemesis · 9 months
if you got overwhelmed, how would your f/o(s) try to comfort you?
OMG forgor I still havent answered this one... really awesomesauce one tbh I'm the king of being overstimulated so 👍🔥💥 LETS GOOOOO
Ok so. I think all of my f/os would try to help to some degree. But the definition of "helping" ranges greatly and can be anything from making accidentally ableist 'encouraging' comments to having sympathy meltdowns JCJGJSJJGJD no goodness um. I think the ones who would handle me getting overwhelmed the best would be like... Dusa, Elliott, Raul and oddly enough Eric?? (They're not the only ones good at comfort but. Yknow .)
Dusa would definitely get sympathy jitters but all about healthy communication and finding good solutions/alternatives to problems so. Yes she is a quirky eccentric decapitated gorgon head BUT SHE'S COMPETENT!! She'd give the good ole steady breathing and "name five ___" distraction and reality anchoring tips it's so her I feel it. In my soul. Its obvious though that she's also struggling a little but like in a cute way. Like shes trying so hard and doing so good but it ends up being almost a mutual comfort situation but it's so sweet and funny that it works out in the end 👍👍💗💗
Elliott I think would worry alot but would mask that worry in favor of providing comfort and verbal assurance! Would acknowledge that the negative feelings are completely valid and understandable and would offer to leave the situation in question if possible/necessary, or just continue providing comfort unto the feelings pass. I don't think he's like. Not in the loop abt mental health or 'proper coping mechanisms' but he's a flowery poetry talk guy I can't exactly imagine him doing like cliche therapy talk at me yknow... hes just so♡♡♡♡ yeaj
Ohh Raul. Ok I very much do not imagine him being like Elli or Dusa whatsoever like let's be real here. That's not him. But also he's been alive for over 200 years and has loved and cared for people for just as long like he KNOWS ok. He's all about being honest and acknowledging the truth of the situation no matter how bad it is but nothing he says or does is meant maliciously or to make the situation worse. He's just stating what's happening so we can get past the situation quicker! So he'll give his input, offer solutions, and give assurance that no matter what choice is made he'll still be there no matter what (in his own sarcastic kinda well-meaning shithead way lol) like he's a well meaning realist who's cynical but loyal yknow... he also provides more classic comfort if needed but in an awkward old man way and I think that's so awesome 💖💖💥💥
Ok and Eric. Well um. I'll be real with you he's not a meathead or emotionally incompetent but he's so bizarre. He's so bizarre and ridiculous and especially after his death and resurrection (and the following immortality gained from it) he does not react at all like he mightve while still being a normal human. Like he COULD offer good ole physical affection or words of wisdom. And sometimes he does. But he could awfully make an awfully timed joke about the cruelty of the world or what death feels like or how he last killed a man. And like it's so out of nowhere that it makes the situation feel so ridiculous and instantly just washes away the previous negative emotions bc. How do you RESPOND to a goth zombie murderer vigilante saying whatever is going on in his mind?? Then he'll just laugh like yaay glad you're ok do you wanna feed the local stray cats now :3 LIKE HE'S SO??! And obviously I'd say yes. It's great it all works out♡
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stars-heal · 2 years
Do you have favorite comics outfits?
I have! Actually, in the series I, most of the time, rather overlooked their outfits because they always seemed to stay the same throughout a season (and I'd often find myself only adoring Stella and Flora all the time uwu). But since I started reading the comics, I just fell in love with the variety of outfits there is, so I'm just going to ramble about the ones that stand out the most imo 🧡💛💜💚❤️
Bloom's waitress outfit
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The idea of Bloom working to finance herself to be able to go to school in Alfea is just something that seems so perfectly realistic to me (especially because, coming from earth, it'd be odd that she actually would be able to change the currency of her money just like that) that I couldn't overlook how adorable she looks in her waitress uniform. I love Bloom in trousers. I don't know what it is but when she started wearing skirts in the later seasons in the show, I really missed her wearing them. They just fit her and her personality so well. So, seeing her with trousers as part of her waitress uniform made me so happy. She looks so good in this uniform, it's a 8/10 for me! However, I'd also love to see how she would look like in a blue (or orange) colored uniform. But the apron with the frills look SO cute and adorable!!
Bloom's welcoming party dress
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10/10 It's shiny and it's blue, and I would dance with her immediately at any prom or party, also hoping that some of the glitter in her hair would be in my hair at the end as well😌🤫. And she paired the dress with her everyday shoes!!! I love it when they do that in the comics. They'll take parts of the girls' everyday outfits and remake them. Something simple, but it really does make a difference!
Bloom's alternated default look
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Recently in the comics, Bloom started to wear this outfit more often, and I think it looks great (apart from the skirt, it definitely would look cuter if she was wearing her default pants from s1). She has tried a few different looks throughout the comics (up until this point where I am at rn), but I think this one fits her the most. When I think of Bloom, I think of fire and hearts, and that's why I love her adding hearts to her outfits! For me it's a solid 7/10 :D
Stella in "all blue"
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Stella in blue! Crop top, jeans skirt, sandals - I enjoy Stella experimenting with her outfits, and she does it A LOT. I especially like the alternation of dark blue and light blue. Still, as much as I think it looks great on her, I miss more warmer and brighter colors. However, with a little more color variety, it's a 9/10 for me!
Stella's alternated default look
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Aaand here we have Stella's 10/10 outfit. A remake of her everday outfit! Green tanktop and another longer skirt - this time in orange. This just fits her perfectly, and it's definitely something I'd count as one of her everyday outfits. If she isn't in the mood for experimenting but still wants something different from her default everyday outfit, she would wear THIS! And she has a shiny bracelet!!! I think it's so cute 🌟
Tecna's "beach trip" (ok they actually just fixed the boat for Stella but ... beach!)
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That's exactly how I imagine Tecna would go on a beach trip. With a sweatshirt and three-quarter length trousers, paired with some nice sandals. Nothing crazy or wild, and definitely not with the intention of getting a bit of a tan. Nonetheless, she would absolutely wear a swimsuit under this outfit, just in case she'd want to go into the water anyway. 7/10 (+ how cute is Stella's bag here?! It has her name on it and STARS)
Flora's alternated default look
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Floraaaaa, my beloved! I'm so sad about the fact that there was no better screenshot I could make for this outfit of hers, because I think it's stunning. It's, again, a remake of her default everyday clothing, and it just fits perfectly into her bohemian-style, which I - personally - love so much!!! Her default green top, paired with these long pink trousers and sandals is just top tier, and I'd give it a 11/10 immediately.
Musa's alternated default look (but funkier)
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I think I have a thing for knee-length jeans skirts… It's another really bad screenshot, but I love Musa's outfit here so much. The red knee-high shoes are badass, and her skirt zipper, which definitely looks like a devil's tail, is just wild. Red and blue are just colors that fit her so well, and she mixes them perfectly. 10/10 (although I prefer her wearing trousers much more, but I can make an exception)
I want them to wear these all the time
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Yeah, I'm a total fan of these outfits and no one can change my mind🥺😍
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bisluthq · 4 years
I'm mad at TTB and those blogs for what they do to kids like my sister.
My sister is 15 right now, and she just came out to me as gay last year (I'm straight) but is still closeted to everyone else including our parents. And a bit later, she told me stuff about how she thinks Taylor Swift is gay and engaged to Karlie Kloss and all, and my first thought was "That doesn't really sound believable", but then I thought, well her thinking that is harmless, right? So I was like "Really, can you tell me more?", and she told me a bunch of stuff
And then I looked into it out of curiosity and now I actually do think that Taylor is bisexual because there's a lot of weird stuff that wouldn't really make sense otherwise
But the thing is, when Karlie announced her pregnancy, she was so upset. Like genuinely extremely upset because that's when she was forced to accept that Kaylor must have broken up
And now, I've even more worried about her because she's not in a great place mentally right now, being closeted is taking a huge toll on her, and she's really heavily invested in this idea of Taylor being a lesbian. Specifically a lesbian because she told me she's always felt like a freak for not liking men at all, and that she always feels pressured to try to see if she can somehow be bisexual instead, and all of this kind of stuff
And she even told me that Taylor's music is the only thing keeping her mentally together right now
I'm just scared that Taylor is going to announce an engagement soon and then my sister will be devastated
And this wouldn't even be a problem in the first place if it wasn't for straight TTB adamantly insisting to closeted teenage lesbians that Taylor's a lesbian too! Because they then get really attached to the idea
Whereas, if she'd just been more realistic and responsible in the first place and said, "I personally think Taylor's a lesbian, but she might be bisexual", so many young closeted lesbians like my sister wouldn't be so hurt when Toe possibly does turn out to be real
Like I'm just mad and I wish she would think about these things before promising kids that something she doesn't know for sure is a fact. My sister is genuinely gonna have some kind of emotional breakdown if Toe get engaged. Her mental health is really not great right now from being closeted, and this is one of her only comforts at the moment, that her favorite singer is a lesbian too, so it's ok that she doesn't like men because neither does Taylor Swift. It just makes me so sad, TTB is the worst. I'm trying to figure out some way to prepare my sis for it, so it's not so shocking to her like K's pregnancy was :(
FFS THIS MAKES ME SO UPSET and like this is what I mean about how although this woman is very funny to me personally - and she really fucking is, like I find her hilarious - she has a net negative on the (internet) world around her. It BREAKS MY HEART that people are selling LIES and that those lies are hurting actual marginalized children.
Like Taylor is very possibly bi (or a baity bitch or just dense as a rock idk) but she’s also probably never gonna come out tbh and she’s very likely going to marry Joe and they’re gonna have little Swiftwyn bébés. And like that’s okay, that’s life - she never implied to ANYONE EVER that she is a gold star lesbian. If anything we are reading into stuff to pick up that she’s some kind of queer and the ONLY FLAG COLORS SHE USES - like for real that she uses not that one short shot from Rep tour - are bi pride colors. And she does so over and over again, which is why either baiting or moronic and obsessed with one color scheme or fluid. It’s people on the internet who decided that she’s a gold star dyke and... 
That is HARMFUL to children like your sister. 
I think the first thing you need to do is try get her to read more balanced blogs. I’d send her to @swiftgron-get-married and @mercuryonparklane because they’re both Kinsey 6 lesbians and they’re both blogging about Gaylor in a way that centers women whereas I don’t always (also they’re both a fair amount more PG man like I know kids read me but if they found me they found me, it’s the internet and better me than some other sources lbr). Tell her that you’ve been following this and you believe her, and you like it too and you’d like to share some new blog ideas for her. 
The second thing you need to try do is get her to consume more music by OUT queer - and particularly lesbian - women. Suggestions include: Hayley Kiyoko obviously, Carlie Hanson (Taylor has promoted her before), Janelle Monáe (pan but quite genderfluid/often masc presenting and never really publicly dates men), Tegan and Sara, the xx, St Vincent, PVRIS, MUNA, It Was Romance, Screaming Females, Lower Dens, Austra, Kehlani, Kera and the Lesbians, No Girlfriends, and Beatrice Eli. Girl in red is out bi and has a lot of wlw songs but she’s weirdly lesbophobic idk what the vibe there is. 
And Miley and Demi!! Like if she likes Tay she is likely to resonate with Demi and while Demi is fluid, she has publicly dated women so it should be comforting to some degree.
But most of the people I’ve listed are out lesbians.
I’m sending so much love to you and your sister. You’re being a fabulous sister and an excellent ally (whether she’ll admit it now or not it’s gonna mean SO MUCH to her that you have been making an active effort to learn about queer stuff and have been deadass reading my gay ass blog for ideas). It is definitely going to be hard for her. But she has someone who loves her unconditionally and who will be there for her.
Keep us updated on how it’s going... Like I say, I’d start by suggesting new artists and new blogs to read and engaging with her on these theories in a nonconfrontational and supportive way.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
Greetings Quil! ‘Tis be the Eleanor is Glimmer anon! Ok soo Glimmer and like two other people go on a very side quest to find Ethan (plot twist he’s found dead/ dying and they can’t save him. This solidifies Glimmer’s loyalty to the Black Swan (prob more to Sophie bc I would love Sophie &Co to be their own persons in this battle) or she’s just neutral leaning very away from the Neverseen. I agree w/ Ethan being a geneticist of sorts and Glimmer is a Flasher bc experiments (pt1 sry I have words)
Greetings to you too, Nonsie! Welcome back! Unfortunately something weird happened with part two so it never showed up--it was just an entirely blank ask--and I can't comment on it, but I can respond to part 1 at least! My apologies for the tungles problems.
This is a fascinating concept; I could much more realistically see something like this being included it the series if it wasn't a huge mission or if it wouldn't have many benefits. By that I mean it does something plot wise, but it's a small piece of the overall puzzle--like Sophie & Co going to the hideout where she and Dex were held and seeing the Lodestar symbol! It was important and gave more information, but it was a small mission. If Ethan is dying/dead and unable to be saved (and in turn, the information he has can't be recovered, or they only get a small piece) that could justify the page time! It spurs the group forward a bit while contributing the the plot--but not taking away from it.
As Ethan is Glimmers father in this theory, his death would definitely change things for her. Death is hard for elves to process, so it could lead to radical change in beliefs and what she fights for. She seems to be fairly preoccupied with fairness, so if her father's death is done in a way that's unfair it could deter her away from the Neverseen like you said. By unfair I mean something like he was killed despite holding up his end of a bargain, or without reason. Like Gisela is just hurting him because she wants something, which is entirely unfair and she'd have another count against Gisela's character.
I don't know if she would side with Sophie and her friends, but then she might decide against the Neverseen, which is the important part. And I agree that Sophie + Co over the Black Swan would be preferable, and also more likely. She's been constantly criticizing the Black Swan, but she did approve of Sophie burning down the warehouse and already trusts Tam. So that's two people she at least doesn't hate, and might see as more capable of taking down the Neverseen than the Black Swan. And if she wants to get back at them for killing her father, Sophie the Arsonist is the smarter choice from her perspective.
I do think that geneticist is the most likely occupation for Ethan given that I don't think Gisela has a need for anyone else. Like what other information would she need from a human? There's little reason to rely on them, so it has to be something crucial. Genetics seem to be very crucial to her plans given what she did to Keefe. The timing of it seems to be closest timeline wise to when she sealed Nightfall with his blood, as it was a few years after. But I can't think of anything else significant off the top of my head that happened when/close to when he was 11.
Glimmer being a flasher due to experiments is an interesting concept as well! Maybe Ethan was helping with that (as humans have the ruthlessness for human experimentation) and monitoring her but grew to have a bond with her and see her as more than an experiment, and he wanted out. I won't say more on it because I don't have the rest of what you were going to say, but!! I am intrigued.
Regardless of what happens I'm curious to learn more about Glimmer and Ethan in the final two books!! They're kind of late additions to the story, but hopefully we can get to know them fairly well and see what impact they have.
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