#and ofc he has to deal with merchants
tripleflames · 1 year
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You are a somewhat difficult person to get along with (44.29%).
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tagged by @tsckcyomi thank you <3
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
*insert And Another One meme*
Can I. Request a yandere chain with a reader who gifts them flowers just because they can? Or like, them just subtly courting the chain for a change? (minus wind, who they just flat out spoils because he's babey even though he's a gremlin)
And when I say court, I mean like in ways that they're probably not familiar with? Like, the reader makes up a bs excuse about needing their help to see if they can still sing because then rusty, and then singing love songs to them but it's in a language they can't recognize?
Or like, doing tasks for them? Basically acts of service, since that's an old way of courting from my country that can be easily mistaken for them being helpful, but they're just generally more careful and going above and beyond what's asked for them?
- altumsomnum (forgot to add it in the other asks lmao)
Ofc, ofc I think I miss understood the prompt, but take this in case!
TW:ok well there’s some obsession and yandere as expected, blood mentione
Oh how the mighty fall
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You’d recently found yourself in quite the predicament. Not necessarily a bad one… Just, odd. Long letters of prose and poetry sealed with royal blue wax from Warriors carefully dancing around his plans to stab the others and run off with you. Quiet afternoons curled up as Sky plays you music keeping you safe and distracted as the others slit the throat of the merchant that insulted you. Ranting to Four about whatever interest snagged your mind, he’d listen for hours at your every beck and call, no matter if the sentiment wasn’t returned. Strolling around villages with Time, knowing you’re safest at his side though you didn’t know how deep their feelings went, they’d do anything at your order. Twilight teaching you how to ride a horse, sharing what knowledge he knew you’d benefit from but also so you wouldn’t be near the fight. Fresh hot meals and deserts from Wild, with some added ingredients to let you sleep so they deal with business. Reading with Hyrule in a calm clearing, uninterrupted by the others but he knows the more time you spend together, the easier it’ll be when he steals you away. Sparring with Legend, finally free to move and fight as the others do as he gauges your strength to see how hard you can fight back.
You supposed the real question was why? You didn’t do anything odd or particularly of note. In comparison to the other options they had (there were none, as if anyone could pretend they held light to your sheer divinity) you felt dim by comparison. Sure, you wanted their affection (you already had them, so much blood has been spilled in your name, their reason for living is found within your company) but between yourself and the incarnation of a goddess fool to think she’s worthy of comparison you didn’t know what prompted their behaviour. It was only until you caught a passing conversation from a village girl to her friend that you realised your fatal mistake. This wasn’t Earth. Looking back on your behaviours you felt embarrassed. You’d spent hours reading and writing poetry with Warriors when you found his passion in it. You didn’t question the blush on his cheeks when you read his poetry on love- you knew he loved the romance novels. You asked Sky to play his harp when you were doing chores and even got in the habit of singing softly when you found yourself willing. You turned a blind eye to the look of sheer endearment and adoration when you looked up from whatever you busied yourself with. You’d listened to Four go on and on about the Minish after he found their numbers dwindled in the future. He’d cried, you held him, he went on and on about each and every tiny detail of his journey, pouring his heart out in a way that he was only ever used to doing when split. You welcomed him with open arms the next time he asked if you could talk. You ran whatever errands with Time that he asked, knowing his aversion to such large crowds with no company. You thought the silent agreement to stick with one another in busy cities was forged in the mistrust of the environment you found yourself surrounded with, not out of any further attraction. You entertained the idea of learning to ride a horse to get closer with the group, bridge the gap the lay between you. You didn’t catch Twilight as he noted how quickly you caught on, how easily you’d adapt to Ordon, especially with your compassion. You helped Wild with the cooking mainly because you wanted to be useful, but from what you’ve seen, he always managed to make simple tasks entertaining. He, meanwhile, was falling over himself at the fact that someone is willing to help him, let alone out of the goodness of their heart, let alone you who he’d lay down lives for. Reading with Rulie so you could learn a little more about their lives and culture as he saw you preparing to live out the rest of your days in the Hyrules. Asking Leg for help fighting because you knew he’d be the only one who wouldn’t hold back, while he enjoyed being closer with you, having the excuse to finally be near you without any glares. Looking back, you see why they acted as they did.
In long and short, the chain did a lot for you, for your affections. And it really began to bother you that they never accepted anything in return. They never took thanks, for it is what was ‘expected’ of courting, and yet you felt as if there was more to be done. And so, you decided on a plan. You’d simply have to be stubborn. It was rewarding to see blushes tinting their cheeks as they read the letters you’d written for them in turn. Watching their eyes light up as you goth them all jewellery, tokens that they treasured more than anything Hylia had given them. Finding excuses to take them all on dates and seeing their hearts squeeze.
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newts-and-sharks · 2 years
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The boys and y/n in my new au, Spells and Scales!
Sun and moon are the product of a bard seducing a dragon, and they grew up to be traveling merchants. They stay in a town for a weekend, then spend the rest of the week traveling and finding more merchandise. sun sells crystals with magical components, these crystals help people with spells and are on the rarer side of things, so they are high in demand. Moon sells potions and potion ingredients, he makes all of them and will sometimes teach a customer how to make them (for a fee ofc).
Y/n is a … idk what exactly they are, but they hitch a ride on the boys’ traveling caravan while running away from their home town. It’s not long before they are found and moon wants to throw them out. Sun doesn’t want to do that though, so instead they hire y/n to help them out. They’re so tiny, they can grab ingredients and other components that the boys can’t reach when they go restocking.
The boys are both 8’5 and y/n is about 3’10. Sun is blind in one eye, has been since he was born, but he can still sense what kind of crystals he is holding and their magical auras, even with impaired vision. Moon is the quiet one that deals with the more business side of things, preferring to let sun handle the more social aspects. Moon isn’t good at small talk or social cues, but once he likes you he will open up a bit. He loves plants and will talk for hours about them if you let him. While Moon will take a bit to open up, Sun is trusting almost to a fault. He will excitedly talk about gems and artifacts, seeming to know more about relics than most historians. Moon plays a pan pipe while sun plays a guitar/lute. They play these instruments when they are by a campfire, and now they have y/n to vocalize and sing! They both know lots of spells and love to teach a few harmless party tricks to kids.
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glassrowboat · 2 months
“you’re not fine, you’re trembling. let me help you, please.” Baizhu ofc. x reader or x whatever ship you feel like for him! Bonus points if he’s receiving this piece of dialogue rather than saying it 🫶
Scales of Time. Michi.
Author's note: I am not proud of this, but I wrote it so THERE. That's what matters! :) I can always write it again when my skills improve anyway.
Michi is she/they
Word count: 4100+
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The market was the same as always, bustling even as the crowds were slowing down to a halt as shops started to close down. Vendors, just as always, were in a rush to pack up and head home for the day. Even the one Baizhu had just been visiting as the sign flipped to read closed the very moment he had been handed the exact amount of change.
Coins clinked against each other in his open palm as the vendor wished Baizhu a pleasant evening.
Many a passers-by echoed the sentiment as Baizhu strolled through Chihu Rock, all ranging from how good it was to see Liyue's best doctor out and about instead of being cooped up in the pharmacy to wishing he gets home safe. Many were patients Baizhu found himself smiling at and sharing their sentiments, telling them to rest well, and others were the last few straggling merchants trying to drag a customer in from the hustle and bustle Baizhu was making his way through.
Each step had the paper bag in his hand crinkling, only to sway back and forth like it hadn't just brushed against his leg. A pendulum to Changsheng's ever watching eyes as her head moved back and forth to watch it. No doubt she was already eagerly waiting to get back to Bubu pharmacy to partake in tonight's dinner he had picked up from the South Wharf.
“Patience.” Baizhu chastised.
“You say that, but I'm sure you're hungry too.”
“And I don't recall claiming otherwise.” Baizhu's fingers brushed along her head, scratching at the pearlescent scales even as Changsheng huffed in annoyance as he said: “but you need to wait a little longer.”
Even with his leisurely pace, Baizhu couldn't deny the smell was getting to him to, twisting his stomach.
“Qiqi won't even remember if we were to eat before her.”
“And Gui?” Baizhu asked.
“We could say we got caught up by some people. Or-” Changsheng's intense stare off with the bag finally ended as she looked up at the sky. Overcast clouds blocked out the sun, turning the once brilliant blue sky a dreary gray. “We were simply being cautious of the weather and decided to eat in the meantime.”
“It would be best to get indoors.” Baizhu found himself admitting as he looked up at the sky with a pinched brow.
Her other comment? Well, he could ignore that for now.
Another vendor called out to him, cutting off Changsheng from what she was about to say (no doubt another sassy retort) as they waved their hand in front of Baizhu's face. Umbrellas lined their stand, hanging from every string and piece of bamboo, keeping it together. Though, it still looked unstable as the bars kept the overhead canopy together tilted back and forth with each gentle breeze tickling his hair.
“Doctor Baizhu!” The vendor shouted even with Baizhu standing only two feet away from him. Clearly, Baizhu would have to check this man's hearing the next time he visited the pharmacy. “We're selling if you're interested? It's a buy one get one half off deal.”
Changsheng curled back into his neck from the loud voice as Baizhu shook his head. “No, I'm sure we'll make it back quite alright without one. Besides, I doubt it will rain just yet when the sky has been like this all day.”
From daybreak to now the sun hadn't peaked out once to shine light on a single soul's face. She must be shy today.
But oh, how wrong he was as Baizhu was now stuck under the red stairs lining Feiyun Slope's towering buildings. Some lanterns had already been lit, glowing a soft orange that barely rivaled the gloom of the downpour coming down.
The sounds of drumming came down endlessly as the concrete street quickly became dark and water pooled on the steps Baizhu was hiding under. With a drip, the pool spilled over and fell down onto his neck with a pitter patter.
Changsheng was busy hissing up at the puddle like it personally went out of its way to wrong her as Baizhu sighed at the predicament he found himself in.
The once bustling crowd seemed to disappear without so much a wet footprint once the rain had come down.
“You stranded us.”
“Hardly.” Baizhu breathed out, trying to keep his exasperation from creeping into his voice. “We're merely…taking a short rest. It is a rare occasion for us these days to sit and watch the day go by without having our hands busy. We are simply making up for that now, Changsheng.”
“And dinner's getting cold.”
“And we have a stove at home that could easily warm the food back up.”
She truly was in a mood today complaining about whatever she could. Usually, she would be whispering in Baizhu's ear about the latest gossip. Yesterday, it was about how Ying’er and her fling from Mondstadt were talking about their future together, including marriage. The day before that? Baizhu had been regaled with the entire situation involving Chaoxi and his two timing ways.
All Changsheng's words, of course, not his. A doctor couldn't possibly be caught gossiping about his patients, even if he found the drama entertaining.
Though it was always funny seeing Changsheng acting like an old woman desperate for her next soap opera.
Another drop of water landed on his back, startling Baizhu into standing up straight as can be as his head turned back to look at where the water was dripping down from.
Pitter patter.
“Do you think we can head back and get an umbrella?”
Baizhu replied: “I'm sure they have all been sold out by now.” Especially with how eager the vendor had been when Baizhu was passing by. Surely, they had gone out like hot cakes on a cool fall day.
“So we're stuck.” She groaned.
As soon as Baizhu hummed in confirmation, her eyes were back on the paper bag he sat down on the walk beside him. “Meaning we have no reason not to eat our orders to help pass the time?”
With a grumble of something or another at his warning tone, Changsheng tucked herself back against his neck, settling herself in for what would likely be a long wait if the pounding of the rain was anything to go by.
The cold didn't do anything to help his aches either, slowly creeping in on his knees and elbows like bugs to stray bits of food left out in the open. Mindlessly, he rubbed at them, trying to find something to pass the time.
Pitter patter.
Baizhu was about to open his mouth, try to stir up conversation with Changsheng once again to keep him distracted from the chill in the air and the few lights dancing along the reflecting pools in the street only for his vision to be blocked by bright reds and oranges washing away the gray like the sun finally came out to say a quiet hello.
Shining her rays of warmth as poppies and dragonflies filled the sky.
They were painted on an umbrella, each brush stroke clearly done with as much love and care as the artist could manage as the wings seemed to almost come to life before his eyes that slowly dropped to meet the person holding it. And dropped a little lower as he realized the top of this stranger's head only reached his chin.
Their arm outstretched in an attempt at keeping him and Changsheng dry under their shared cover.
“You know, I may not understand Liyuean culture much, at least not yet, anyway, but I don't think getting caught in the rain is a part of it.”
There was a black painted smile on their face adorned by golden spiked piercings (ironically enough, they were snake bites), as she met his gaze.
For a moment, he was tempted to play along. To claim that: “actually, rain watching is an important tradition here. One we tend to take seriously so it ought to be honored properly,” but the way Changsheng tightened around his neck had Baizhu stopping short; forcing Baizhu to take the stranger in.
They certainly didn't look like she was from Liyue, only making her words about not being familiar with the customs here sink in like a foot in loose sand.
“Are you new to Liyue then, miss?” Baizhu asked.
“Michi. And yeah, I just got in about a…week ago? Something like that.”
Her hand smoothed out her dress, fiddling with it as she tried to wipe off nonexistent dust. It was a pale green color that had Baizhu wondering when his next visit to Chenyu Vale would be just to see the stillwater jade floating atop a pond. Ripples would alway float across the water every time a lily pad dared to move even the slightest bit sending the dragonflies flying off at the slightest disturbance, whooshing past him with little to no care even as they brushed past his cheek.
It was the image of home.
Right before the miasma started to creep in, Baizhu thought as his eyes flicked to her smile.
Pitter patter.
“Baizhu.” He offered in turn.
“Oh, I know.” They waved her hand dismissively. “You're a bit of a celebrity around these parts, or as much of one as a doctor can be….but tell me, do you have a hobby of rain watching, or are you just stuck here?”
Baizhu hummed softly, the timber causing Changsheng to peak out from her spot against his neck she had happily been curled up in. “As beneficial as watching the rain can be for relaxation, I'm afraid to admit I may have…”
“Misjudged the weather?” Michi asked.
Baizhu muttered a quiet yes as he looked back up at the umbrella she was holding above him. The painted bugs were easier to look at than the look Michi was sporting; it was far too obvious she was trying not to outright laugh at him.
“Happens to the best of us.”
With a nod, Baizhu said: “And always at the worst of times.”
“You can say that again.” Changsheng whispered in his ear as Michi took a step towards him and offered her arm out. Like she was expecting Baizhu to simply take it.
“Well, Doc, care to let me escort you out of this poor predicament you found yourself in?”
“Oh, I couldn't possibly-” Baizhu's hand moved from his elbow (the very one he had been massaging at while groaning about the cold) to Michi's arm, trying to encourage her to drop it back down to their side even as his fingers seemed to spark back to life, brushing away the cold like it never existed, as his skin touched hers. “I would hate to make you go out of your way.”
“‘Make me go out of my way’ you say? Maybe I just want to learn more about this pretty doctor I'm hearing everyone talking about.”
Changsheng chuckled in his ear as Baizhu's eyes snapped down to look at Michi as they called him pretty. He could almost hear the comments his companion had for him once the two of them were alone again; something along the lines of ‘trying not to be so obvious when he's flustered lest she need to cover for him again,’ was already playing in his head.
Baizhu's smile strained.
“That's too kind of you, really, but-”
“I couldn't possibly bother you, miss, especially after only just meeting you. It certainly would reflect poorly-”
“Okay, we can do this whole back and forth thing for, like, ten minutes or you could just give in and let me walk you home.” Michi’s head cocked ever so slightly to the side, their brown hair tickling over her shoulders. “Unless you want to reenact a cheesy romance scene where it's raining and the two lovers are looking at each other longingly with hearts in their eyes?”
With a hand to her heart, Michi dramatically stated: “You’re not fine, you’re trembling from this pouring rain. Let me help you, please.”
“Are you always like this?” Changsheng asked, as straight to the point as ever.
“Yeah, basically.”
It took a moment for Michi to look back up at Changsheng who was happily wrapped around Baizhu's neck, the realization a snake had just talked slowly but surely settling in, only for them to mutter “this might as well happen.”
Certainly not the worst reaction he's ever seen, especially when she wasn't shrieking at him like the Traveler's little white-haired companion did.
Pitter patter.
“And if I were to turn your offer down, I suppose you will only insist once more?”
“You know it, Doc. But, I can go on about how you can't take care of Liyue if you don't let Liyue take care of you if that convinces you to play along.”
Baizhu hummed softly as he took in Michi’s tone. It was the same one he would use on stubborn patients who insisted there was no need to change their diet: completely no nonsense.
With a “no, that won't be necessary” Baizhu acquiesced. Moving out from the shelter he had no choice but to run to when the rain had started Baizhu ducked under her umbrella, leaving the red stairs and the drops of water constantly adding to the chill running down his back behind.
“Oh, and-” Reaching down, Michi grabbed his bag (and almost hit his face in the process). “Best not to forget this, yeah? Now come along.”
Michi didn't even give Baizhu the chance to take the bag from her as they walked, quickly holding it out of the reach of his outstretched hand.
“You said you only arrived in Liyue Harbor a week ago, then?” Baizhu asked as they strolled through the street, each step met with the soft splash of water that threatened to soak through his shoes.
In turn, her heels clicked against the pavement.
“Yeah, just set up my own stall and all that jazz.” Michi adjusted the umbrella in her grip, raising it a little higher so Baizhu didn't have to duck to fit under it with her. “Though, that's all a little boring in comparison to your talking snake there.”
“It's Changsheng.” The very same talking snake snapped.
“Cool. So, are you like a sock puppet brought to life by a wandering blue fairy with a stick that has a star attached to it? And this next question is totally unrelated, but does your nose grow when you lie?”
Baizhu held back his sigh as Changsheng huffed out a remark.
Puddles filled the street, pointing out every crack and divet that had been ignored in favor of putting the funds for proper care elsewhere. Funneled away while he was left occasionally seeing a child or two tripping over them time and time again even as their parents scolded them for not being cautious of their surroundings. In the end, they would usually be brought by the pharmacy for a quick clean up of their scraped hands and knees before being sent on their merry way.
The little kids would usually turn back once they reached the end of the staircase they were climbing down with a wave and a quick shout of "thank you, Doctor Bai!”
Baizhu's eyes dropped to another crack in the street, one he would have to personally put an order in for it to be addressed as he listened to the two going back and forth. They had been bickering the entire way up to Bubu Pharmacy, having no issue going back and forth making retort after retort that had Baizhu trying to stifle his laughter.
Michi’s comments of how Changsheng was a glorified necklace only stopped when the three of them were under Bubu’s roof standing all together as they were once again shielded from the rain.
Gui smiled at him from behind the counter.
Knowing him, Baizhu would have to explain how he got caught up in the rain only to be saved by a Good Samaritan when they close up the shop.
“Home sweet home.” Changsheng mused as she waved at Gui using the tip of her tail, wagging it back and forth.
“Indeed. It hardly suits either of us to be out here when it's so damp.” Scratching under Changsheng's chin, Baizhu looked over at Michi, placing his bag down on the wooden table in the pharmacy. Her heels left footprints along the floor leading up to where she was as Michi plopped it down. Rather unceremoniously to boot.
“Alright, Doc, it seems your trip has been completed. You even got home all safe and sound.” Michi said in a sing-song voice.
She passed by him quickly, moving back to the patio, shoes already threatening to meet the stairs as Baizhu spoke up.
“I truly must thank you. If it weren't for you, Changsheng and I surely would have been waiting under those stairs until the rain had finally stopped.”
“It's no sweat, really."
Changsheng whispered in Baizhu's ear, telling him how Michi had mumbled “just be sure to give me a five-star rating” under her breath. It certainly proved handy in more ways than one to always have her wrapped around his neck.
“Would you like to stay until the weather clears? I can put on a kettle and make you a cup of tea. It's the least I can do.”
Their heel fell back on the patio as Michi turned around to look at him, umbrella still in hand even as they stood under the beams supporting the green tiled roof of Bubu. Spinning it in her hold, he could see the poppies and dragonflies. A carousel in her hold. Round and round.
Though Baizhu could have sworn a single iridescent wing twitch, if only for a second. He pulled his glasses off, wondering if he might need a new prescription only to be met with a single drop of water sliding down the lenses.
“Chat and tea, huh? My, I might start feeling like a noble lady with such treatment.”
“I don't think a lady would be as snippy as you, miss.”
Michi shrugged, seemingly perfectly unbothered by his jest. “Maybe not in front of a gentleman like you, no, but who are we to say?”
Changsheng shifted against his neck, freeing herself from the cover of his hair to stick her head out towards Michi. Tongue flicking out. “And you need a towel.”
Sliding his glasses back on Baizhu, he could feel the crystal he had hanging off of them brush against his face as he looked back up at Michi. Their left shoulder was clearly sopping wet, her sleeve a hue deeper than the distinct green she wore.
Had she-
“A little water won't kill me.” Michi stated.
“This thing called hypothermia says otherwise.” Changsheng retorted.
“Hypo what now?” At both their looks, Michi added: “I was joking.”
Baizhu looked back at Gui, a silent look shared between the two. That was all it took for him to start moving to get up and grab a towel from the back even as Michi was rolling her eyes at the sight of the fluffy white material.
“I see the pretty doctor prefers it when people respect his wishes.”
She snatched the towel from Gui’s hand, almost startling the man as he took a step back from them. With a quick “you're welcome” at her thank you he was already back in Bubu ruffling through their takeout.
Baizhu could just barely hear Gui say “Oh good, it's still warm,” as he took out the containers and placed them along the table. Honey sesame chicken for Gui, egg drop soup for Baizhu, some cut up meat for Changsheng, and almond tofu for Qiqi. All aligned perfectly.
Odd, for how long he was out there, Baizhu could have sworn the food would have gone cold by now.
“It is my duty to make sure every patient that climbs up those stairs-” the very ones that had him taking a break just to sit down and recover from the strain they put on his body every time Baizhu climbed up them- “is well taken care of. That includes you.”
Michi looked up at him for a moment, only to wink and teasingly add in: “Aren't you charming?”
Baizhu's fingers tapped against his thigh as Michi once again brushed his concern off like it was nothing.
“Michi-” He tried to scold.
“And I have somewhere to be.”
She had an awfully bad habit of cutting him off. Not even Changsheng, with her need to always flex her sharp wit, would jump at every opportunity to stop Baizhu short.
He was about to say something else when Changsheng chimed in. “And what could be so important you have to handle it now?”
“Like I said, I have a shop to attend to, I just moved in so there's plenty of boxes to unpack, and I need to figure out the layout of this city because I can't handle asking that one kid with blue hair and a cheeky smile where I am again.”
Changsheng and Baizhu shared a glance as they both came to the same conclusion about who Michi was talking about.
“Then,” Baizhu said, “at least know the pharmacy is always open to all patients. Even shop owners with a bad habit of letting their tongue fly too freely.”
“Oh, you've been paying attention to my tongue now?”
As they spoke, Michi laid the towel, now slightly damp, over the wooden railing lining the platform Bubu pharmacy had been erected on.
“Kidding. I'm just kidding.” Michi laughed at Baizhu's wide eyes.
“Right…Right…” Baizhu whispered to himself. “I knew that, miss.”
Ignoring Changsheng's ‘sure you did,’ Baizhu looked back at Gui, now accompanied by a purple hat just barely peeking over the table (no doubt it was Qiqi) settling down for dinner.
Baizhu couldn't help the smile on his face at the sight, especially when he already knew Changsheng was aching to join those two and partake in dinner herself.
“Surely waiting for the rain to stop wouldn't hinder you?”
Turning back to Michi, Baizhu was stopped short at the sight of wet prints on the ground right where they had been standing, the towel she had been given before still hanging off the railing, and a dull orange glow out of the corner of his eye. Just like the lanterns that had been lining the street. Barely standing out against the bleak weather, but eye-catching nonetheless.
Looking down Michi had already descended the stairs, standing in the middle of the square like she belonged there with an umbrella held high in the air as rain came down hitting it with a pitter patter before sliding along and falling to the ground.
A pyro vision just barely flashed, swaying back and forth as it hung from a golden thread before poppies and dragonflies blocked it out of his sight again as Michi turned around to offer him a wave goodbye.
Baizhu was waving her goodbye before he could even think about it, half expecting her to call out a thank you despite knowing there was no need to.
With that, he turned back to the two waiting at the table and slid in beside them, already helping plate Qiqi's food.
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“There's no need to hide anymore.” Michi scolded as she walked away.
That seemed to be enough to draw her little friend's attention as it whizzed around her, flying like a spark after the loud bang of a firework went off as a dragonfly covered in flames landed on her shoulder.
It didn't even sting as she looked down at the creature snuggled up against her, having long since gotten used to the heat it emitted. Wide eyes seemed to see all, even as smoke clogged its vision.
No longer were the sound of fluttering wings, only the click of her shoes and the endless drumming of the sky. Perhaps the gods were crying somewhere. Weeping.
Filling each crack and divet with their tears that splashed at her ankles as she stepped into a puddle.
Finally, her breathing slowed down, heart settling, and her fidgeting stopped as the umbrella lay still in the palm of her hand.
“What was I supposed to do?” Michi asked the dragonfly, a huff of annoyance in her voice. “Leave him there when that pretty boy looked like a wet cat stuck in a cardboard box? Honestly, it was absolutely pathetic.”
But he smiled at her nonetheless, took her arm, and-
Scoffing at herself, Michi's heel hit the pavement with a heavy click, throwing the thought of the doctor out of her mind with it.
“Come now, we can't afford to be distracted.”
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fllagellant · 8 months
Ooo, 1, 2, and 7 for each of your Tavs? 👀
OFC MY FRIEND … questions from here !
1) what's your tav's name, class, and race?
Giilvas Quickfoot , Bardbarian ( Wildheart and College of Lore ) , Wood Elf
Zerxes Sarbis , Cleric ( Knowledge Domain ) also pondering a possible multiclass , Mephistopheles Tiefling
Seoras Vrein , Ranger / Druid ( Beast Master / Circle of the Moon ) , Drow Half - Elf
2) which background do they have? how does it play into their story?
Giilvas is a Folk Hero ! He’ s dealt with enough injustices and cruelty growing up , he wants the chance to stop or prevent the cycle for other people . He has a strong mindset of help others before he helps himself , but also is scared of having people rely on him for extended amounts of time . There’ s a lot he has to unpack and unlearn during the game , stemming from this . It also means he has to be careful about who does and doesn’ t know his face .
Zerxes is a Noble ! He knows his family name won’ t carry a lot of weight where he’ s ended up , but still wears his family’ s signet ring in case it may help him later . It’ s not like he’ s on good terms with his family , but he’ ll use whatever influence he can to make things easier for him and the others . Problem is , he is rather disconnected from other people due to a sheltered home life . There’ s a lot of things he has difficultly navigating . And he has to learn how to rather quickly .
Seoras is a Guild Artisan ! A rather well - known face amongst the sellers of textiles in Baldur’s Gate , he knows how to keep people happy and he knows how to haggle . Issue is , he can be seen as rather naïve , really only used to a certain handful of interactions and experiences . He knows how to talk to merchants , and he can see how a deal should work out . But not everyone is a merchant and not everyone is going to uphold their end of a deal . There’ s a lot he has to manage to figure out without his father .
7) typical party lineup?
For the sake of making this a bit easier , I am excluding Halsin , Jaheria and Minsc . Love them dearly but including them would make the lists Longer
Giilvas holds Wyll’ s hand and takes him everywhere , so I cannot separate them . It usually ends up being Wyll + Lae’zel + Karlach . Second most common is Wyll + Gale + Shadowheart . Third is Wyll + Lae’zel + Astarion .
Zerxes has the same thing going on with Gale . Do not separate label and all . His usually ends up being Gale + Shadowheart + Karlach . Second most common is Gale + Wyll + Shadowheart , third is Gale + Lae’zel + Karlach
Seoras ends up being Karlach + Wyll + Astarion , second most common is Astarion + Shadowheart + Lae’zel , third is Astarion + Gale + Karlach
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tvrningout · 9 months
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please meet ciaran bravewood sato <3 this delves into everything you need to know concerning his main verse set in dorverold. everything pretty much transfers over to a modern verse, though. the main differences are ciaran lives with kaiya and helps her around the raven. also be warned -- this is a lil long!
born to an elven mother and a human father, ciaran's conception was not met with approval. his mother's clan believed humans to be a poison on the land, yet they did not throw his parents out; his mother was a much-needed healer, a gentle woman beloved despite her choice in spouse. even so, ciaran grew up feeling as though he could never try hard enough, never be enough for his elders. they assumed he would be just like his father.
ciaran didn't see why that was a bad thing. his father was a really cool guy, he thought.
when sickness befell the clan one year, claiming lives, they were quick to blame ciaran's family and quick to force them from the village. without many other options, they headed for the grand city where ciaran's father had family.
they never quite made it. the grand city loomed in the distance, just a few miles away when vampires attacked ciaran's family. his parents were slaughtered, sucked dry before him, and he knew he would die, too. still, the child thrashed; still, the child raged; he knew he would die, but still, he promised the vampires death.
eyda heard his promise, felt his rage, and seeing an opportunity, came to ciaran's aid. time appeared to stop as an intangible voice offered the child the power to survive in exchange for his body upon his death. ciaran accepted.
the child made good on his promise. the vampires' bodies turned to ash as the sun rose, and ciaran sat with his parents until a kind, travelling merchant happened upon him. after burying his parents, the man took him the rest of the way to the grand city where ciaran would find himself lost in a crowd of people. overwhelmed and on the verge of breaking down in the street, he climbed over a wall and into a garden.
it was quiet and smelled of jasmine -- his mother's favorite.
kaiya found him crying on a bench, all bloody and covered in dirt, and the rest is history :' ) she took him in with the original intention of helping find his father's family, but when they were met with a dead end, kaiya more or less adopted ciaran.
he never told her what happened to him, nor has he ever told cyrillo. he doesn't want them to feel guilty when they had no part in his parents' deaths; he doesn't want them to worry that he feels anything other than love for them.
at 19, ciaran acts as an errand boy for kaiya and cyrillo as well as the occasional guard. they still tend to treat him like a kid, but they are well aware of the magic he wields and the destruction he is capable of. he's been honest about the deal he made and how he isn't sure who it was that spoke to him, but even with his guardians' extensive knowledge, they aren't sure, either. they currently seek a way to free ciaran from the deal he made as a child.
with the traitor king edmund's rise to power, both kaiya and cyrillo were adamant about ciaran staying in the grand city and away from harm, and ofc!! he didn't listen. he followed after kaiya, got himself into heaps of trouble, and now he's been tasked to help in the kitchens as punishment. no training with the soldiers of the free army.
they said nothing of training with sunna's chosen : )
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princess-of-morkva · 1 month
op i think you should read annales cambriae, the mabinogion, nennius "historia brittonum", geoffrey of monmouth's "historia regum britanniae" and vita merlini robert de boron's "prose merlin", the black book of carmarthen and the vulgate lancelot-grail cycles and then thomas malory's "le morte d'arthur"
there is no balinor, medieval!merlin's father was a either a demon, a succubus or a roman consul that impregnated some local noble or rich merchant's daughter
merlin is uther and his king brother's main advisor and biggest ally and therefore of the same generation as them. therefore he has more experience being an advisor and is more respected in the realm. So if you go ahead and make another story about merlin and arthur of the same age, you'll just end up remaking what uther-merlin have always looked like in the earliest stories.
le morte d'arthur barely deals with merlin's origins. you have to go to the earliest ones if you want better more badass and more nuanced merlin personas
truly yours, a concerned medieval!merlin fan.
yep i know the balinor bit ofc, i was talking about using his character from bbc merlin for plot reasons.
i know that the merlin from bbc show and traditional merlin in the legends have barely anything in common. in the post you likely saw i was talking more about writing a story that would follow a more classic version of events of arthur's life while using characters from the bbc show and their characterisations
also, thank you for your list of recommendations, it has been in my plans for a long time to get some of those texts but it's kinda hard to find them where i live sadly
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gxldencity · 4 months
Cliff notes back story for revamping Dolores to dragon age
- Dario Alvaros, her human father, is an Antivan merchant, specifically facillitating trade in the coastal cities around the North. Her grandma Isabel Alvaros (Belarra Alvaros in Forgotten Realms alfkksd who clearly needed a name change lmao) is a merchant prince who inherited the title after her husband died. (Word on the streets is she either poisoned him or got the Crows involved)
- Corazon Marasigan, her mom, is the daughter of an elven merchant from Seheron. The Marasigan family are Old and could trace their lineage to before the occupation (and yes they are all elves). Basically, at some point after the war in the Blessed Age, they packed up and left the capital and established their own village on the coast. They get the Qun and the Imperium off their backs through contracts with pirates and mercenaries and the occasional Fog Warrior
- Marasigans specialize in trading rice, bananas and ofc spices. Basically stuff that doesn't exist anywhere in the South. (This is also how the get the Imperium off their backs lmao)
- SO Isabel Alvaros didn't care that Dario got engaged to an elf when he came back from his regular 6 month excursions to bc that elf came with a Huge dowry of spices and trading deals. Like she saw money essentially.
- She's still the eldest daughter of 4. Her father also had arranged for her to marry another merchant prince's son (Lorenzo Salvatore) when they were both Young which fell apart obv when she got thrown into the Circle
- She grew up mainly around Seheron (in her mom's village, Baliwag) but spent summers in Antiva in her grandmother's villa in Treviso. She liked her grandma well enough but also Isabel expected for her grandchildren to look less....elven
- Her magic appeared when she was 9 but it wasn't explosive or anything. With the help of her mom and some local tutors (babaylans) she was able to hide it for about a year until Domenico's powers showed while they were in Treviso. Isabel was pretty pissed and called for the Templars to take them away. Corazon tried to reason with Dario that the kids deserve to stay in Seheron and Dolores has been making progress in hiding her powers.
- Dario wanted to appease his mother so he agreed with sending Dolores and Domenico to the Antivan Circle.
- Her life in the Circle was as typical as it can be for a mage. She kept her head low and never got in trouble with the Templars. She did get fairly acquainted with a Chantry sister (tempted to Make this Georgie lmao) who was her first in everything. One day the Chantry sister never came back from the Circle and Dolores feels some type of guilt that she caused this.
- at some point she got in contact with a spirit of ambition. For many years, she ignored the spirit's calling and then the Circles collapsed then the Breach happened which made Dolores seek out the Spirit for comfort.
- She was 16 when the Circles collapsed and Domenico was 11. A few of the Antivan mages went to join the rebellion. Some loyalists tried to collectively form their own Circle (without a Circle ig). Others just....peaced out and went to the woods. Dolores chose to follow her teacher, Enchanter Valentina bc she's....16 and her brother is practically a kid lmao. Enchanter Valentina was a staunch Isolationist so after breaking their phylacteries they ran off to the woods with the other Isolationists to establish their mage commune.
- mage commune was pretty peaceful but at the same time no one here as any rl experiences lmao. So it was a mess and a half trying to find supplies without alerting anyone but they get there and managed to create a pretty egalitarian commune
- at this point Dolores started experimenting with blood magic at the encouragement of her spirit. Mainly with animal blood though then eventually with her own blood (if necessary).
- domenico's latent dreamer powers awakened a year after the Breach which causes More problems and no body in the magi commue knows how to deal with him so they were subsequently kicked out of the commune.
- Dolores realizes that there's only one place that could help Domenico and that is in Tevinter so she takes him there.
And that's it for now lmao before we get more info on the factions and what not.
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acciojaeyun · 2 years
underneath the table | fred weasley smut
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pairing: fred weasley x fem!reader (royal!au) warnings: (18+) nsfw, voyeurism, oral, male-receiving? a bit of edging, spitting. idk what else to add here except the fact that this was filthy and i needed to cave into fred weasley, yk. prompts: “i’m sensitive, please”
a/n: here's the part two to those who've asked from the first part of the fic!! i always love some pining with dear ol' freddie. so, ofc, this will have a third part 🙈
summary: y/n y/l/n was as needy as ever for fred weasley after the last encounter where they were interrupted the last time. now, as another opportunity presents itself to y/n, she knows she has to do something about it.
"Miss Y/N," Madame Pomfrey says as she makes a quick rundown on her list, minutes before another banquette is to be held in the kingdom, as Hon. Ron, the family's youngest son, had announced his engagement with the Lady Granger - or Hermione, as she likes to be called most of the times - therefore, another celebration is expected.
Which meant Y/N had spent most of her free days instead of helping in formwork every Saturday with Fred hovering above her anytime he got, she spent the day going with Madame Pince and Madame Pomfrey for the preparation, from the cleaning of the chambers to buying vegetables, meat, and other raw ingredients from the merchants in King's Cross.
So, Fred, whose favourite day was Saturday considering he gets to see more of Y/N during the second to the last day weekend, was immediately displeased - to say the least. In fact, his team had won by the number of bludgers he had beaten off, leaving at least one or two for George to deal with.
"Pray thee, brother," George kids Fred as they unmounted the broom, with Fred emphasizing each action by harshly throwing his own away, leaving a loud thud as George found the whole scene entertaining. "take a breather or the next time I see you the whole broom closet is torn down into pieces of wood."
Fred rolled his eyes, shaking off his rather sweaty hair, removing his gears in such a fierce manner.
"Ah, still no attitude adjustment from Y/N, I assume?" George whispers, laughing almost immediately as Fred meets his gaze as he nonchalantly removed all of his gear.
"There's no attitude adjustment," Fred mutters, freeing the top section of his hair from the tight pony he has placed it in.
"Yet," George replies, winking at Fred, who, in turn, just slapped the back of his head, with George exclaiming a playful wince of pain as he returned the gesture to his older twin. "Don't know why you just can't ask her out, though, she seems pretty in love with you."
Fred shrugs, and immediately George knew. "Mum and Dad both know that we don't take rules by the book, Freddie. We simply have a mind of our own."
The older twin didn't dare to respond. He knows how he and George have a mind of their own, yes, he and his twin always had blown up different rooms and bathrooms - causing plumbers and carpenters to be working more than their usual hours.
With one pat on the shoulder from George, they made their way outside the Quidditch closet, with Ginny following closely behind with a pastry in her hand.
"Where'd you get that?" George asks as he tries to pinch off a part from Ginny, who had successfully whisked the bun away before George could get a hold of it.
"This," Ginny says before taking the last bite, "is from Y/N. If you want you could ask for one, or let Fred ask, I'm sure she'll give more than one." Ginny winks at Fred.
"I'm pretty sure she'll give the whole basket if Fred's the one who'll ask," Harry follows in, making them laugh as Fred huffed and rolled his eyes.
"Those are for later, you know she only gave you that bun since you’re her favourite Weasley," Fred says, still annoyed by the fact that he had not seen Y/N the whole day. "I beg to differ," Ginny counters, wiping off the cinnamon-covered fingers on her handkerchief, "when she got back, the first thing she asked after greeting me was where you are, I'm pretty sure I'm second."
"When did I fall into third place?" George pouts, making Fred punch his arm.
"Where is she?" Fred turns to Ginny as they neared the marble staircase towards the castle.
As soon as Fred has taken a shower and changed into comfier clothes, he finds himself wandering over the Kitchens four hours before the banquette - while he knows Y/N might be busy preparing, he couldn't help it, especially when he had witnessed the beauty of each curve that her body possessed. It was as if she was the finest wine Fred desperately needed to taste and devour, and he'll do everything to taste it - and for all he knew, Fred always got his things his way.
So, when Fred sees Madame Pomfrey leave the Kitchens with maidens following about her, he tries to recognise each lady, and when he realises Y/N was not included in the roster, he sneaks his way down to the Kitchens.
Lo, and behold, the fairest maiden his eyes had ever seen. Y/N was chopping the vegetables in such serenity Fred always found himself drawn towards. He took quiet steps, so much for not trying to break her focused stance before placing his hands on her hips, making Y/N jolt as she felt the touch.
"Goodness, sire," Y/N chuckles nervously as she recognises the familiar scent of the man who had his hands on the expanse of her hips. "you scared me."
"Where were you?" Fred ignores her remark, sliding his hands to her waist as he pulls the body against his, his body flushing at the contact, and sooner enough, he was getting turned on by the way he acknowledges he felt her skin beneath his touch.
"Head maiden duties, I had to accompany mesdames," Y/N whispers, hands failing to chop the vegetables on her board as she basks in the presence of the attractive young man whom she had been pining ever since.
Fred smirks at how Y/N tries her very best to stay composed, and soon enough, Fred places his chin on her shoulder as his hands enveloped Y/N's, guiding her hands in chopping the vegetables.
"You know you do have magic, right?" Fred whispers as his lips ghost the shell of her ear, kitten licking a small portion of her skin, making the lass shiver at the action. "Yes, sire," Y/N responds, biting her lip.
"But I prefer you guiding me on how to do it," Y/N responds timidly, making Fred's breath hitch and for him to let out a low groan. "God, m'lady," Fred chuckles as he presses his hips against her bum, "you don't know what you do to me."
Y/N places down her knife and spins around, making Fred lose his balance before gripping the edge of the counter Y/N had been working on, trapping the lady between his arms, their lips almost touching at the very small distance between them.
"Then let me know," Y/N says, and Fred immediately places his mouth on hers, pushing his hips against the crotch as much as he can, considering that her flowy dress didn't give him much access to it. Y/N moaned, hands intertwining behind Fred's neck as she pulled him deeper into the kiss.
Fred, with only half a mind, had successfully pushed the vegetables aside as well as the other kitchenware, taking a hold of her thighs to aid her as he told her to jump and seat on the counter. Y/N's legs spread wide as Fred hoisted the fabric towards the top of her thighs, giving him room as he tried to dry hump against her clothed crotch.
"Merlin, baby," Fred says as soon as their kiss broke, eyes meeting hers as his hips rutted against her, with Y/N sensually trying to meet his rhythm. "a fucking goddess you are - a slut - but a goddess." he winks at her, making Y/N blush.
But as soon as things could escalate further, the lad and the lass both heard the faint voice of Madame Pomfrey, with the heels of her shoes clicking against the marble stone floor.
"Shit," Fred says, pulling Y/N down from the counter and casting a verbal spell to fix the things on the counter. As soon as the counter was back to normal, he faced the lass, almost groaning at the sight of her: flushed, with dark eyes in such a stare he knew was only reserved for him.
"God, are you so sexy," Fred says as he pecks her lips more than once. "dinner duties?" he asks as the steps become loud with each second. Y/N shook her head, "They wanted me to rest."
Fred hummed, "Be there at the dining hall, alright? I'll miss you,"
"But, sir -"
"Lord's orders," he winked before turning Y/N around and making her take hold of the knife and usher her back to chopping.
"Oh, Lord Weasley! What a surprise," Madame Pomfrey says with a gasp as she finds him walking around the Kitchens, looking dishevelled, but the Housekeeper remained ignorant. "To who do I offer the visit?"
"I got hungry, looked for something to eat," Fred shrugged, "would you be serving the custards later, Madame Pomfrey?" he follows up a second later as the Housekeeper was about to respond.
"Oh, yes, sire, in fact, Y/N was the one who said to serve that tonight," Madame Pomfrey smiles. "Do you have any more requests for the dinner tonight, my Lord?"
"I'm good, thank you," Fred smiles, "but if I were to get hungry and needed those custards before dessert, I could ask Y/N right?" he smirks as Y/N's blush deepened.
"Of course, sir," Madame Pomfrey replies.
"Good, now, will you excuse me," Fred says, excusing himself, without him not trying to sneak a wink in Y/N's way.
And excuse herself was something Y/N tries to do as the banquette neared and some invited guests arrived at the Dining Hall. She hadn't seen Fred since he made his presence known in the Kitchens, and to say that the encounter made her underwear wet was an understatement. In fact, the whole time she had been preparing the custard flans, she has been looking at the door of the Kitchens ever now and so often as Fred said a while ago, and she only had stopped when Madame Pomfrey had called out her attention regarding it.
She huffs in annoyance as it dawns on her that Fred wasn't going to go down before dinner, and it almost pushes her to the edge when she had walked past him across the halls and he hadn't spared a glance at her.
How dare you, Y/N thinks.
And that was why she finds herself tucked underneath the long table of the Dining Hall, and she silently thanks herself for having to have chosen a thicker and longer table cover that reached the floor, for if not, she would be having a difficult time trying to act upon Fred's endless teasing.
So, as soon as she sees the familiar leather shoes clicking against the floor with the gold buckle that she knew was Fred's, she situates herself in front of the chair that Fred stopped at, and as soon as he took a seat, Y/N tries to contemplate whether what she was thinking of was worth the risk.
Goddamn it, Y/N bites her lip, I'm doing it.
Y/N had given ample time for Fred to situate during dinner, and her heart almost flutters as she held back a chuckle when Fred started tapping his foot impatiently on the floor as he tried to fidget, as if he were searching for someone.
When Fred's impatient foot-tapping had come to a halt, that is when Y/N's fingers lightly danced on Fred's knee, making Fred's knee jerk and hit the table, with Fred slightly groaning at the sudden action, and her laughing lightly as Fred tries to excuse what had happened.
Not a long while after, a teaspoon had fallen from the table, and Y/N stayed still as she didn't know whose silverware had fallen. Her breath hitched as she tried to keep it in, and sooner enough, she was met by a mischievous grin of Fred's.
Fred winks at her as he retrieves the spoon from the ground, making her blush as Fred pulls his chair closer to the table, much to Y/N's comfortability.
Y/N takes the lead as she tries to unbuckle Fred's trousers, pulling them down slightly as her breath ghosts on the black boxers Fred had worn. Her lips leave a kiss on the bulge that was starting to grow from the crotch, and her underwear, if it had been wet before, was getting wetter than it was a while ago.
She bites her lip before pulling the trousers down to pool at Fred's ankles, tongue immediately latching on Fred's clothed cock, making the lad jump in his seat. His hips involuntarily bucked slightly, an act which Y/N took that he wanted more.
But Y/N was not willing to comply - not yet - that's why she pushed his hips down on the chair, making Fred choke on his food, and Y/N smirked as she found the situation pleasant. She kept on kissing the covered dick, with her tongue going out every now and then to lick him under the fabric.
Her hands which were used to push Fred's hips down held the side of his thighs, pinching the muscular flesh as her teeth bit the band of his boxers, pulling it down sensually as she felt Fred tense up. Her fingers immediately tapped on his skin, soothing him down.
As soon as the pants were discarded along with his trousers, Y/N wasted no time and immediately licked his throbbing dick from the base to the tip of his head, taking her time to flick the skin from the head, tongue running across the slit of his cock.
Y/N's left hand went in between his thighs to cup his balls, wriggling her hand as she tried to massage as she bobbed her head up and down the impressive length of Fred. The hand that was used to cup Fred's thigh was now used to jack off his penis, her chest heaving out in such intensity as she tried to catch her breath.
Her fingers tightened and squeezed around the head, and soon, she was spitting on his head and smearing her saliva throughout the head, spreading it out on his dick before divulging again.
Fred's left hand went down the table, his thighs jerking every now and then as he tried to answer the small talk he found himself in, his hand tried to search for Y/N's right hand, to which Y/N had noticed, and after wiping the saliva-coated hands with Fred's thigh, she reached her hand towards Fred's and intertwined her hands with his.
"Fuck," Y/N breathed out as she paused from giving head to Fred, as it was challenging with his length and girth; hitting the back of her throat every down and then as she tried to eat him out whole.
Y/N was jerking Fred's dick off with such intensity, noting how Fred has been trying to suppress his squirming by tapping his foot and tightening his grip on their intertwined hands. She saw how Fred tried to buck his hips towards her mouth, and Y/N helped Fred by putting him in her mouth again, bobbing her head up and down with her tongue following suit, as her hand jacked off the remaining flesh that her mouth couldn't reach.
The hand which was used to massage his balls have been discarded, as she had already pushed down her hand to her underwear, teasing her clit before pushing two fingers inside her, desperately wanting to chase Fred's orgasm so she could come with the man.
It was at the same time when Y/N felt her orgasm approaching as Fred's right hand was now grasping her jaw, guiding her to be fast in order for him to come as his left hand dug his fingernails into Y/N's right hand. He didn't know Y/N was touching herself, and Y/N didn't know that Fred was doing everything in his willpower what was happening to him underneath the table.
Y/N quickened the pace on his cock, the noise of his skin on his mouth as well as her gagging was enough to turn her on, good thing that the Dining Hall was packed; as it drowned out the sinful noise that came under the table, had anyone been attentive enough.
Fred's hands stilled on Y/N, signalling that he was about to come, at the same time Y/N also came on her fingers, drenching her undergarments with her release. Fred's cum splattered down to the back of her throat, the salty yet sweet liquid burning up her tongue as she milked out his climax.
When Y/N felt that he was done, she swallowed the cum and pulled him out of her mouth and licked him clean slowly with her tongue, earning a squirm from Fred as he leaned against the chair, slightly peering at her from where she knelt on the ground in front of him.
"I'm sensitive," he mouthed, eyebrows furrowing as he met the innocent gaze of Y/N when she kitten-licked his overstimulated head. "Please," she followed his request.
Y/N winked and opened her mouth, indirectly telling him that she has swallowed his load. Fred's hooded eyelids looked at her in awe as he tried to breathe deeply without being obvious. His hands made way to her jaw and he ran his fingers on her cheek, "So pretty," he whispered.
Dinner soon ended after what seemed like a long while, but the night will soon be longer, for as Y/N reappeared - though looking unkempt - at the Dining Hall, clearing the tables as if she had not been underneath the table throughout, Fred cleared his throat and whispered to her, "Chambers, in two hours."
taglist: @georgiessunflower @vilentia @raiymaj @mellowsharkharmony @hehehhe1d
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eyelessfaces · 2 years
llewyn during your pregnancy
llewyn davis x reader
part 2 to llewyn reacting to you being pregnant
warnings: pregnancy ofc, kids ofc, angst, llewyn being insecure, llewyn being possessive, kind of mentions of a breeding kink?? (blink and you'll miss it)
tags: gn!afab!reader, lots of fluff
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-llewyn doesn't necessarily show it but he's happy he's having a kid with you
-he would never tell you but he cried the night you told him you were pregnant
-happy tears ofc
-because he couldn't believe you were carrying his baby
-we all know he has a history with abortions
-but he trusts you and he knows you're the one so he has no problem keeping this baby
-but nevertheless llewyn is overall scared he's not gonna be a good father.
-the only kid he's ever come across is his nephew
-and the other time he experienced fatherhood was with the gorfeins' cat and.....
-well we all know how it ended
-he often doubts himself and asks you if you're SURE you want that baby because he doesn't think he will be a good father
-but you always reassure him by telling him that he'll learn overtime and he has time to study the field and he just goes
-'yeah you're right :)'
-but he's also worried about financial issues
-he offered you to quit music to go back to merchant marines multiple times
-but you told him that it was okay and he didn't have to give up on everything, not after he fought so much for his job.
-llewyn stopped smoking around you
-he always distances himself from you to smoke
-just because he doesn't want to harm the baby :(
-he's so proud that you're pregnant because he gets to show everyone that you're his
-because some guys really weren't shy and ashamed about hitting on you when you were at the gaslight
-even pappi
-(it really got on llewyn's nerves but pappi was the one that got him his gigs = his money so....)
-but now they get to know that you're his and you're carrying his baby and he's the one that filled you and that put it in you :)
-llewyn really enjoys staying close to your belly
-before going to bed you'll read a book and he'll just be there with his face next to your bump, gently caressing it
-he kisses it goodnight before sleeping :)
-'goodnight buddy. or princess. whatever gender you are' *smooch*
-everytime he hugs you from behind his hands are resting on it
-sometimes in the morning he thinks you're still sleeping so he talks to the baby
-you think it's adorable so you keep on faking the sleep
-because you know he wouldn't do it in front of you
-one time when you were just chilling in bed you started making bets on what gender the baby was
-he kept on insisting that it was a boy
-you didn't know why but you agreed
-but for the fun of it you contradicted him and insisted that it was a girl, that you could feel it because she was in your body, you were the one carrying her so you were obviously right
-but he won and you're indeed carrying a little guy
-a little guy that you're going to name mike
-you had thought about it one night when you couldn't sleep
-and you asked llewyn if it was okay and if he felt comfortable with it
-and he loved it
-he cried in your arms, he cried so much
-and it was one of the rare times he cried in front of you
-he loved you so much for the idea
-the more the due date approaches the more llewyn is nervous
-and that's normal of course but
-I think when llewyn is nervous he gets hot headed and kinda mean
-and he's just insufferable
-with you and everyone else
-but it's because he's afraid something might go wrong
-when you're at the hospital he's a weird mix of many things:
-he's screaming at the nurses when they tell you you have to wait before being admitted
-he's just like
-'the baby is coming why do you want us to wait??!!!! it's coming out any second!!!!!!!'
-and it really doesn't help you calming down but yeah well deal with it
-when they finally get you a room llewyn stays with you sitting at the chair besides your bed, holding your hand
-you tell him he looks nervous and he acts like he's not
-he tries to act chill but his facade is SO weak
-you can feel it from his sweaty palm and his bouncing leg
-and every five minutes he's just like 'what the fuck are we waiting for'
-then a doctor comes in and tells him to wait outside
-and as much as he loves you and cares about you he's glad he has to wait outside while you're giving birth
-because he knows he wouldn't handle seeing you screaming and crying and pushing and squeezing his hand while not being able to do anything to help you
-so he goes to the waiting room as asked and he paces around it
-and somehow he feels even more panicked not knowing what's happening
-he tries to distract himself but it's unsuccessful
-he tries reading magazines but he can't focus
-he tries counting the tiles of the walls but wonders if you and the baby are okay every 20 seconds so he loses track
-he can't sit more than 3 minutes
-so he justs waits in front of the room, hands in his pockets and just rocks back and forth on his feet
-but then he waits so long his feet start hurting
-so he sits down
-and waits
-starts falling asleep
-then regains consciousness when the doctor tells him to come in
-and he sees you holding mike :)
-and he swears it's the best moment of his life :)
-you look so tired and drained but he swears you look beautiful and he's so proud of you :)
-and his baby
-oh my god his baby
-his son
-he's in awe in front of mike
-when llewyn holds mike for the first time he does his best not to burst into tears
-but fails miserably
-he's just so happy and so overwhelmed with so many emotions
-then the nurses take care of mike to clean him up etc
-and llewyn kisses your forehead gently and goes
-'sorry I've been so rude to you lately. I was just so nervous. I love you so much and I'm so proud of you'
there will be a part 3 :))
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
4 ur CREAM au I can just SMELL Naruto teaching Gaara how 2 budget cause we all know finances were not something he had to deal with until literally the second he became Kazekage n then he was like H E L P and ofc his best friend was like I got u fam and now Gaara does all the local trade agreements personally- he got a bunch of giant scorpion carcases- harder than steel n perfect 4 armor- from a hermit for a steal.
No one can figure out how Gaara, someone who has literally never had to pay for anything in his entire life, got so good with money and budgeting.
Gaara, of course, is always just like "Uzumaki Naruto taught me many things" and for a long time there no one takes him literally. They just figure it's all part of Naruto making him see Shinobi Jesus or whatever.
But no Gaara's being serious and literal. Naruto helped him out and keeps helping him out. Not only did he teach Gaara how to deal with money and budget but he's also been putting in a good word for Gaara with every merchant he comes across and Gaara's been name dropping Naruto for months now.
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Medieval-verse Keegan
He's cool, because I said so that's why. @faccal
So like.... he's a mixed bag. And I mean that a bit literally. He's has a very magically specialized form of anterograde amnesia where his memory completely resets every 25 years.
When the story starts, his current cycle is that of a forest hermit, aka a ranger. He protects a specific range of woods pretty close to the Walker home, because Elias is pretty focused on trying to help with the whole megical-amnesia thing and staying in that area is convenient. He lives with Ajax in the forest, and they work to protect it together. However, his job is to protect the forest, which people mistake for him being protective of travellers... no. He protects the native animals. Provided the people who enter the wood are kind and leave before nightfall however, he'll leave them alone. (He's also been known to make deals with people: He's a skilled enchanter.)
Ranger! Keegan wears a cloak made of all kinds of materials, with the only commonality between them being they're all from animals. Claws, furs, feathers, scales, etc. All woven into the cloak. And the cloak is special because it's enchanted to allow the wearer to change into an animal, provided a piece of the animal is woven in the cloak.
He's very hot and mysterious ofc.
He gets knighted as Logan's personal protector (His knight in shining armor.) and the vows are like three centimeters to the left of our version of wedding vows. Literally "Till death do us part." because as Logan's protector Keegan is expected to kill and die for that ass.
Of course, for plot, Keegan's memory resets at the worst possible time which results in a lot of bullshit shenanigans and him getting banished from the kingdom by Hesh.
The next few cycles aren't very notable. After being banished he wanders for a while before becoming a farm hand, then he becomes apart of a merchant caravan, then he becomes a blacksmith, then guards a town for a while.
So the next notable cycle is that of an adventurer. 100 years after the "Shenanigans" (Logan getting kidnapped, him getting banished.) He's a sword for hire. And also still banished from Indigo by King David. (Him and his brothers are half Mer thank's to their mom. David set up wards to tell him whenever Keegan came back so he can tell him to fuck off and kick him out again.)
And this is where the second book picks up. Yes, I don't even have any writing for the fucker witten but I got two books worth of shit just for the Ghosts uni. (I mean writing as in the story, not just a timeline of stuff. I do have that.)
Continuing. Thanks to some help from a charming companion, Keegan figures out that his 25 year cycle and immortality isn't a curse: But a blessing.
In his first life, when he died, his husband was so wildly distraught he poured all his power into trying to bring Keegan back. And it didn't work for a while, during which his husband went a little mad and started massacring people left right and center before fucking off to the underworld. (Most likely so he can fuck shit up there too.)
So big plot twist is that the debilitating condition Keegan has been struggling to live with in life after life was actually something done with so much love it could shatter the world.
Anyways, no more or there will be severe spoilers.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
This is kinda momson but it becomes siblingcest and idk what to call it bc things but anyways—
Imagine Ayato had been cucking his dad and fucking his mother every night bc she’s so lonely, isnt she? She became the Lady Kamisato and that made her unable to interact with others like a regular person anymore, she needs to be perfect Lady Kamisato at all times of the day, and her only solace is writing her delusions in her little diary she has to go through so many hoops and obstacles to keep hidden. Not to mention dad is always busy as the Yashiro Commissioner to tend to her needs most days. So as a good, filial son, he helps his mom out. Eats her out in the morning to wake her up, gives her three good fucks before every meal so she really works up an appetite and can get in some exercise, helps her with her documents as he cockwarms her (smiling indulgently when she pants and moans like a bitch in heat and grinds down on her son’s cock like the wanton whore she is-), and before she goes to bed at night gives her a nice, good, looooooong fucking and places a generous amount of lube in her hole and a slightly-smaller than Ayato’s dick dildo up her pussy and a buttplug so she can be ready for tomorrow when he comes back to wake her up <3
Ofc, he’s devastated when mommy dies. They were so close, you know? He grieves in his room for months at the lose of mommy and her lovely coochie but when little Ayaka comes to her big bro’s room to comfort him, Ayato realizes that hey, his sister does look eerily like their mom. If he just fixed her hair in a certain way... made sure Ayaka’s body developed well... and taught her how to act just like mommy... then it would be like as if she never left. Plus, this time he can have the delicious victory of being the one to ruin her innocence.
Ofc, he gets rid of his dad so he won’t interfere in his grooming. That just wont do. And thankfully, Ayaka’s so distraught and dependent on her reliable older brother she doesn’t question when his hands wander and his tone becomes a bit more... seductive, and patronizing. She’s a dumb little thing okay? She may be good at the sword and speak well and is the “face” of the Kamisato clan, but she doesn’t handle any affairs or documents or mergers or deals like Ayato does. At best, Ayaka knows not to cause trouble and use her status as the Yashiro Commissioner’s sister and Kamisato Princess to get her way. And if that fails she just hides her status and beats people up. Very unelegant of her, but what can you expect from someone who’s brain is only filled with how to be a wife, how to be pretty, and how to swing a sword?
Ayato tsks as he looks down at her, his cock stuffed down her throat as he listens to his ninjas report how she got into a fight for the sake of some foreign merchant in Ritou. He slides his cock out only to let her give an excuse before he flips her over onto his desk and fucks her brutally as punishment while he dismisses his ninja.
He mustve spoiled her too much for her to act like that. Goodness, Ayaka still has a long way to go before she can be like mommy, huh? And here he was thinking her finding that stupid little diary would help her be more like their mother...
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kung-fu-headcanons · 3 years
What would Po and the Five's thoughts be if Shifu sent them on a 5 year mission to boldly go where no Kung Fu Warrior had ever gone before...To the West!! What would their reactions be to places along the Silk Road like India, Arabia, Egypt, Rome, Greece, East Africa, England, etc.?
What I learned in my 9th grade world history course will serve me well here
This comes to the Five (and even Po, surprisingly) as super strange because he's just asking them to.. explore? Why is that their job? Their duty is to protect, not.. go out and do essentially nothing along the lines of fighting
Besides 5 years away from home?? Where communication is pretty much nonexistent because it's super slow?? Nerve wracking. Literally most of their time is gonna be on the road
However it is exciting to go to a new place that no warrior has gone before, the only people that had gone to the West were merchants
Po is obviously on board with it because they'll be going on an adventure! And you know no training for a while JDKSJDKS
Well they do have to fight off thieves and bandits along the Silk Road so it's not like they're actually legit doing nothing
The journey is actually pretty hard, you're dealing with immaculate heat with limited supplies most of the time, I mean there's places to stop but the journey is not easy at all
Not to mention the language they speak the Five and Po don't understand at all, Mantis having been a formal doctor understands a little bit of it but for the most part theyre clueless (f in the chat)
They probably ran into some Chinese merchants that recognized them as the Furious Five and Dragon Warrior and asked if they could accompany them for protection lol like they probably had to tell them "uhhh sorry we can't we are on a mission rn"
Mainly stuck with the main road, as there were smaller ones that lead off into the various places the Silk Road reached, but they did go onto the other ones
C a m e l s
They got to trade at some places, since they took some with them before they left, and were surprised to see how marveled the West was when they brought their silk
The Romans traded with them this really elegant glass thing I literally forgot what it was called- anyways all I remember is that the Chinese really adored that glass
They were traded back all sorts of cool things, like spices, silver, gold, Western things lol
Although the journey to and fro was hard (a bit easier on the way back since they were familiar with the Silk Road now), it was really interesting learning about different cultures and overall really fun to be exposed to different ways of life as well
It was also cool to see famous cities like you mentioned Rome, I mean how darn cool would it be to see the inner workings of the Roman Empire for yourself, ofc the Five and Po haven't really heard of it since they all live different lives from the normal person but some mentions were passed around I'd like to think
And then the stuff they got was so cool! Some stuff to remember what they discovered during their 5 years of being gone
It also strengthened the bond of the team, by a lot, they came back stronger compared to when they left
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t4tbruharvey · 2 years
Ohhhhh the Maronis are the werewolves ohhh that makes so much sense idk why I didn't figure that's what would be going on but I love that!!! Would Maroni in this case pretend to be an "honorable merchant" and patron of the arts like the Medici? Or would he not care about that and solely work his secret werewolf operations?
Also yess yess yes yes love those identity concepts you talked about, the whole part about him putting up walls and polishing his perfect persona only causing people to get jealous and scrutinizing him even more which in turn makes him wall up even more...fantastic! Also since you mentioned the chivalrous code: since you're tumblr user t4tbruharvey I'm assuming there will be, well, bruharvey content in this AU so would that also follow the chivalrous code? That is, with the whole back and forth of "the knight must always pursue but the lady must always decline or else it would put shame on them respectively" which was basically the only acceptable way of flirting? Would there. Would there be the whole thing of court poem readings where the liege would pay their poet to make an anonymous song or poem about their lover and then sing it in front of the whole audience, but it's anonymous so only the liege and their lover know it's about them? (That was an actual thing they did back then btw in case you haven't heard of it yet) Also "which is a nice contrast to harley who i think doesn't necessarily get to be stealth and maybe wouldn't really want to be" oh does that mean trans Harley? Hell yeah!
Oof so it was deliberate huh? Well then I hope Ivy could get her revenge because Wow that sucks. Also oh hell yeah the greenish-teeth fae thing sounds so fun and creates a very vivid visual design image ! The erlking is ofc a more modern poem though so the poems ideas of the fae don't necessarily align with the actual medieval ideas of them but it's still got some fun ideas imo like the fae looking like trees or mist to the father...
Yep the ideas about conception are very ..interesting and very different from what it is actually like/how it's seen nowadays. It might be a bit much to get into here but if you want I can explain it separately and also go more in depth on the four humor theory because I always think that one is fun and people back in the days definitely would use it to describe someone's personality. OH ALSO ACTUALLY jbdbbd it would play into the "trans woman batman" headcanon now that I think of it because according to the four humor theory Bruce definitely would be a melancholic and that was seen as a predominately feminine personality. Anyways though if you want I could go more in depth with that?
maroni totally 100% pretends to be an honourable merchant and i'm gonna say the falcones have been out of the picture for a while by now so he's one of the main patrons of the arts and he probably does stuff at wayne castle (it's a castle aha) because he has a position of power and he was doing shady werewolf dealings (intimidation to help him bend the law) on the side, which is why everyone was so pissed off about it when they found out.
there is ABSOLUTELY going to be bruharvey i have like half a fight and 2/3s of a kiss written. it's a bruharvey fic i am a predictable beast :-) and i think bc of the circumstances they're in at the start, with bruce already batman and most definitely unaware of gender stuff, i think i might end up having chivalrous code stuff be like... kind of a fantasy bruce used to have before they drifted apart like he was soooo in love with harvey and he wanted to be courted officially (bruce voice oh hey what does that mean for my gender let's not think about that one aha!!) and then his feelings sort of mellowed and they're still there but it's just like a quiet part of him now as opposed to consuming his every waking thought? which, hilariously, is what harvey is gonna be experiencing with batman in a little while which is gonna be SOOO fun for me because he DOES have weird fantasies about like 'the dark knight' courting him and be sort of uncomfortable with where that positions him and like. you know the song howl by florence + the machine? there's a bit that goes 'the fabric of your flesh, pure as a wedding dress' and harvey is gonna mourn his cissona a little bit in that weird way he does
melancholic bruce!!! transfem bruce bc he's melancholic i can DEFINITELY have harley bring up the humours bc it's a thing she'd know about she WILL clock bruce's egg because she's been there before i am indeed doing transfem harley it's just a fun thing for me it's crucial to harlvey bonding and anyway i would absolutely love to hear you talk about conception and the humours if you're inclined to talk about them <3
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draceempressa · 4 years
Saw in Harry Potter’s Tvtrope fridge page that the 4 dorms are meant to cultivate “intended classes”, with the classes being : 
Gryffindor: Knights
Hufflepuff: Monks
Ravenclaw: Scholars
Slytherin: Noble
And with that realization  and after reading many info (from card stories, voice lines, min story , even seeing dorm uniform designs, etc, tho yes the focus on the great seven based of each dorm-not the prefect) I came to the conclusion that the intended classes of TW are as following: 
Heartslabyul: Law enforcer this dorm is the hufflepuff one of TW ha you wish , back then  in weston college arc black butler also lacks a dorm that is  equivalent to hufflepuff
Savanaclaw: Street thugs
Octavinelle: Businessmen/Inventors/mafias 
Scarabia: Advisor/ Underground mediators
Pomefiore: Entertainer/Assassin/Informants/Spies
Ignihyde: Scientists/Technician/Progammers/Hackers
Diasomnia: Knights/Military
As for the intended mottos, they are pretty much: 
Heartslabyul: Follow the rules
Savanaclaw: Follow the strong
Octavinelle: Nothing is free/spirit of commerce
Scarabia: Why do it yourself when you can make others do it? /Don’t do things directly so you get someone to blame for your shit
Pomefiore: Use underhanded/indirect method/assume other identity if you must, but make sure you do it by your own power
Ignihyde: Why bother with actual interaction when you can solve things with minimum interaction? 
Diasomnia: Stay loyal to your family and don’t shame your organization
Further explanation under read more, and yes, I am aware of the irony that Diasomnia pretty much have  same intended class with Gryffindor but with Slytherin’s values, tho for Ignihyde  and  Savanaclaw’s values and classes are pretty self explanatory I don’t have anything to explain further for those two dorms    especially savanaclaw, let’s just say Yana hates Gryffindor , if how she treats Green Lion in Black Butler didn’t make it clear, how she writes Savanaclaw will
Okay so for Heartslabyul  being law enforcers... It was said Queen of Hearts doubles as the judge in the Wonderland’s  court, and Riddle is very strict about his rules . In addition, the collar that is inflicted by Off With Your Head resembles pillories for prisoners, and it’s law enforcers that have the right to issue them to the arrested, the thing is basically a cuff/restraint. 
Octavinelle being the merchant dorm is very blatant,  it’s even the chapter title, and their dorm uniform is totes not mafia suit, but I will still explain the inventor part. With the information from Azul’s dorm uniform card that 1: his parents own famous restauran 2: Monstro is just around for a year, put the two together and you get the implication that Azul’s parents pretty much bought the Octavinelle common room for him to change into Monstro. They pretty much invest in buying Monstro and training Azul into even better businessman even before he graduates high school. The fishies even spread the rumors of Azul granting wishes as part of their marketing, and the mafia part.... well, is also pretty self explanatory with their modus operandi. 
Scarabia being the advisor dorm, being the dorm based on Jafar is also pretty self explanatry. However, here comes the mediator part. Jamil, being  servant of a noble house that was raised in his master’s manor isn’t exactly part of the upper class, but neither is he exactly part of the lower class. And in his chapter, he try to mediates the Scarabia students or Yuu& Grim to Kalim (not with good intention, but either way he is indeed the middle man). But whatever happened after the deal  isn’t his business, impying Scarabia’s motto is why do it yourself when you got others to do it/get someone else to do it so you can blame them, the latter point is present in Savanaclaw’s arc but moreso in Scarabia as it’s Jami’s exact goal. 
Pomefiore, oh boy here comes the fun part. Pomefiore has their own dance hall,and Vil is also masterful in many forms of art including movie making, making his own clothes, cosmetics, etc. Vil is also a famous influencer on Magicam, and world class model and actor.  At first, it seems like that their intended class is indeed artisan/celebrity, and there is their manners, seemingly making their intended class the nobles as well there is implication many Pome students are rich (and have you seen anything about Pome, i bet most of NRC’s budget goes there) , but then you remember Pome students are known to do well in Potions. 
There is also the fact that the prerequisite to be prefect of Pome is to make the strongest poison, and Vil make his own food. And he is based on Grimhilde, who makes the poison apples. Connect the dots. Vil is most known for his beauty, but question is, is that all there is to him? Answer is no, he is very smart , likely would have strong magical power being one based of the Great Seven, and he even lifts bigger dumbbells than Jack. Vil is the embodiment of the silk hiding steel trope, emphasis on hiding. Hiding his true strength , letting his enemies drop their guard thinking he’s just a pretty boy is pretty much is his modus operandi, You know that trope of good looking people who use their beauty to hidden their dangerous side? That’s Vil. Those kind of people will also use their looks to interrogate people or make others do what they want, and while Vil abhor cuttig corners, he is meant to bring that trope to mind.  Pomefiore is meant for  those ppl who hides their killing intents and methods behind their own beautiful looks, manners, and even creations/performance.
He is not only a good actor, he is also highly self sufficient that he makes his own stuff by himself. An assassin/spy needs good acting skill to blend in , and ofc as an assassin /spy you can hardly trust others so you have to do things by yourself. Other than that, he’s a socmed influencer. Meaning, he gets used to looking , spreading, and maybe twisting information. Grimhilde fakes the identity of the old witch, and still goes by herself to Snow White. Vil practicing his acting and even changing his pronoun in Ghost Marriage event is a reference to this, showing Pomefiore’s “Assume fake identity or do dirty trick if you must, but do it yourself” motto.
There is also Rook, who still fits the assassination and informant motif of Pomefiore.  He is a sniper, another method famous for assassination. He has good sight and known to be a stalker, which means he know a lot of information of many. And then Pomefiore have a dagger in their logo, another common weapon for assassination. 
As for Diasomnia, their military-like design should emphasis more to their military motif/intended class. Sebek is another pronunciation of Egyptian god Sobek, which also sometimes tied to the military. Knights are often tied to dragons too, tho, most other fictions depict knigths as either dragon slayer or dragon rider, here they serve the dragon. Lilia is explicitly stated to be a knight in Silver’s  robe story, Silver also carries his magic pen like knights would their sword, and both Silver and Sebek are in horse riding clubs, knights are known to patrol on horses back in the day. They are also highly loyal to Malleus, all while Silver and Lilia consider him family. (seriously what do you mean it’s not family bond among Diasomnia as much it’s knight-lord) They are knights focused to protect their lord, with strict manners and ethics, not thugs looking out for fights. they counterattack, but do not initiate attacks. 
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