#and of course the urge to draw and the ideas are always there exactly when I'm the furthest away from my pc ghjfdh
steamclouds · 5 months
Not gonna lie I would never even think about ditching my cintiq for anything else but the big downside is that I'm physically bound to my desktop whenever I want to do digital art
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duskier · 3 months
Werewolf AU / fat hairy werewolf gf x poly!141 idea rambling in honor of the art by @littlebit-of-art ♡
|| okokok werewolf lore is always varied but I love the idea of like. shift at will werewolves, but they have forced shifts during the full moon where they get all primal and stuff... thinking about the 141 in the woods, in hiding from bad guys, getting cabin fever and impatient as hell. Pissed that Laswell has benched them (though understanding she has legitimate reasons why)
Soap finds you first, middle of the night. Well, you find him, actually. He was just sneaking out for a cigarette, went alone because he didn't want to share- his pack was running low. You're a tall creature when shifted, much too large to be excusably identified as a wolf. It's the full moon, so the 'you' isn't all there- moreso your hindbrain, your dumb dog of a wolf self. Of course *she* makes a beeline towards Soap after smelling him in the air, first human you'd seen in years- he thinks he's about to get mauled to death but is pleasantly surprised when he sees your tail wagging and you're nudging him to come play with you.
The rest of the squad looks at Soap like he's nuts when he comes by with you in tow, the "can we keep it?" look on his face. Ghost has half a mind to shoot you, no matter how damned cute you looked flopping over on your back, your primal way of telling the group you were friendly.
Price knows you're something strange, not a normal wolf. After some bickering between Soap and Price ("He looks cold :("..."it's a wild fucking animal, Sergeant") you're allowed to curl up on the couch in the den of the cabin, just in front of the fire. The wood of the furniture squeaks under your weight, reassuring Price you wouldn't be sneaking anywhere at night without him noticing.
...But come morning time, when you are you again- human, that is- Price is left speechless. Who was this beautiful, stark naked woman, and why was she on the couch? Where'd the wolf thing go? Poor man, fighting his urges to look you up and down over and over until he'd memorized every silky furry curve, the soft pout of your lips...
After an embarrassing wake up call, a lot of screaming and scrambling, you were sat in an oversized blanket wrapped around you and explaining who and what exactly you were to the 141. You appreciated the warm place to sleep in, so you offer them a deal- let you move in, you'll hunt for them in your wolf form. Easy enough.
What you never could have expected was how much you would become attached to the team. It starts off small, them getting used to your large wolf form- Gaz gives you a scratch behind your ear once in a while. Then it becomes so common for you to rest on him that when he sees you, he wordlessly clears his lap, a perfect resting spot for your head. Soap asks to draw you once, then it becomes a natural thing and he's a sudden canine anatomy expert in weeks, half his sketchbook filled with you- human and otherwise. Price checks in on you, worries over you and waits up every night that you're out late hunting for them. Reminds you not to push yourself, you've stocked them plenty for winter, as he wipes your bloody maw clean with a towel before bed. Ghost gets annoyed at your limp from stickers caught in your paws, but then it becomes a daily ritual for him to groom you all over, pulling out annoyances caught in your fur or paws.
...That's just when you're in your wolf form. When you're in your human form, the men are all just as sweet, if not sweeter. Price finds an old record player, teaches you to dance to the music. Revels in the feeling of pulling your soft body close, hands lovingly caressing every inch of your body as you sway in time, your pretty head resting on his chest. He becomes quickly besotted by the feeling of your arms under his hands, the silky hair covering inch of your skin making him just mad with affection and want. Soap makes even more portraits- drawings with harsh and soft lighting, never wanting you to ever hide your body in the ways you'd been taught to previously. Can't stop raining down compliments on you the entire time, as if every five minutes he's blown away once more at your beauty. Doesn't miss a single tuft of hair, a single bit of your body. Gaz who finds every way he can make you laugh because once he's heard it, once he's seen the way your laugh moves through your whole body and the way your smile lightens the room, he's like a lovesick puppy. (It becomes bad news for Soap, because nothing made you laugh quite like Gaz pranking Soap, each prank becoming more and more childish.) Ghost takes the meager rations they have- thankfully bolstered by your hunting- and makes the best warm meals you'd ever had. Makes you taste test every meal- never plated until it has your approval. Watches you with his golden brown eyes, searching for your praise.
One night, Laswell shipped them their new rations and included a bottle of bourbon, a late birthday gift for Price. 'Sorry you're still there,' a note on the bottle apologized. The team couldn't care less about being there, so focused in on you. You take turns having small shots of the liquor and end up watching the men as they excitedly share story after story with you, each wilder than the last. Price puts his big warm hand on your leg, unable to keep himself from squeezing gently. Gaz has his arm on the backrest behind you, fingers toying with your hair. Soap sits at your feet, his head on your knee, you feel his stubble against your skin whenever he speaks. It's Ghost who breaks rank first, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear and telling you you're the prettiest girl he'd ever met. You blush, and he says he'd like to kiss that blush right off of you. It's slurred, it's silly, but it works, and you let him kiss you, his mask rolled up to his nose. Soap protests, then, of course, how dare he not get a kiss. You jokingly ask Gaz if he'd like one too, of course he agrees and you oblige them both, as if it's the most natural thing in the world. You turn to Price, who was watching intently, eyes glittering in the firelight. "Come here, love," is all he has to say before you're crawling onto his lap and kissing him silly, the peanut buttery smell of his cigars filling your senses.
From there it's as natural as breathing to wake up in a cuddle pile, to kiss them all goodbye before going out on a hunt. For each of them to take you to bed, alone or all together or somewhere in between. They treat you like a precious thing, but never like glass- they know all too well how strong you are.
They find out even more of your capabilities when they are attacked.
Full moon, you're out hunting. Happily secure in letting your wolf side take the reins, looking for the best deer to take home for your boys when you hear a crack like a whip in the distance. You hear Soap screaming just as everything goes red for you. The primal side still in control, all it can think is that your pack was in danger. You ran faster than you ever thought possible, bulky wolf body breaking through old trees, unstoppable in your path to your mates. The men you kill in your way aren't anywhere near prepared for you, slaughtered like nothing. From your boys' perspective, you were a terrifying sight to see. Snarling and monstrous, standing on your back haunches taller than a building, soaked in blood and gore. It isn't until all enemies were silenced that you're capable of thinking anywhere clearly enough to look for your boys, make sure they were okay.
Thankfully, no one was hurt. Ignoring the mess covering you, you were sniffing and nuzzling each of them ignoring their protests in disgust, distressed whines leaving you. They weren't able to calm you that night, having to allow you to stalk a perimeter around the house all night long, daring more enemies to come. It wasn't until the next day that they found you, human form collapsed in the dirt from exhaustion. They take the time to bathe you, gently and with reverence, grateful for both your life and their own. Softening your skin with lotions and oils after, wrapping you in their nicest blankets and surrounding you in a giant cuddle pile so that when you awoke, you'd feel safe.
And you do. You can't imagine life without your boys.
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Milo(Lucian) X Reader: I see red
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Watched Morbius and of course i went and fell for the villan
Warnings: Smut, blowjob, handjob, dirty talk, cum eating, face fucking, blood drinking(he is a vampire), insecurity.
Word Count: 2,1K
You’d always loved Milo. Even though you knew you didn’t have forever with him your heart couldn’t help but fall for the man. Milo hadn’t been handed the best cards, he wasn’t a lucky man but at least he had Morbius. Well he used to have Morbius. As the years had passed Milo and Morbius had grown apart. They were still good friends and Milo knew he could count on Morbius for anything but the more the doctor stayed at the lab the farther away it seemed their meetings would be. Milo blamed Martine for the distance. He wasn’t entirely wrong. The two doctors seemed to be growing more and more intimate as the days passed. You wondered if Martine had told Morbius about how she felt. It wasn't an easy task, you knew that all too well. 
Milo didn’t know about your love for him. You'd never talked to him about how you felt. There was never a good time for that type of conversation. When he wasn’t busy handling something for Morbius he was stuck in bed due to his sickness. Besides you weren’t certain he’d believe you anyway. Milo had this idea, a really stupid one, that he wasn’t attractive. Girls didn’t usually hit on him when he went out and he’d somehow linked that to his appearance.
“No one wants to be with a sick man.”
He’d blurted that out one night on your walk. You’d almost told him how you felt but the nerves had gotten the best of you. You didn't want him to think you pitied him because you didn't. You loved him like this and you’d love him even if he was different. Not that you’d ever expect him to change. Not in a drastic way anyway. 
You made your way through the hall going towards the kitchen. You placed the bags from the market on the counter as you called out Milo's name.
“They didn’t have burger patties so I had to settle for ground beef. Okay?”
No answer. You frowned at the silence, your eyes scanning the room for signs that Milo was home. Your gaze fell onto his cane on the floor. Milo couldn’t leave the house without his cane which meant he was here. But where exactly was he? 
You heard a thumping sound above you, leaning your head back to look at the ceiling. The sound was coming from Milo's room. You walked over to the elevator pushing the button to the second floor.  You tapped your foot against the metal floor, fingers moving on your thighs as you waited for the doors to open. The second they did the sound of music became louder. You moved towards Milos' room knocking at the door before entering. Light streamed into the bedroom from the closet. What in the world was he doing? 
“Milo what’s with the….”
Your body froze at the closet door, eyes widening at the sight before you. You watched Milo dance around with his eyes closed. Your eyes scanned his body, curiosity filling your mind as you realized the way Milo looked. He looked healthy. Truly healthy. Not “on a good day” sort of healthy. Running a marathon kind of healthy. Where did all those muscles come from? 
Milo opened his eyes to look at himself in the mirror but instead his gaze fell on your reflection. Your mouth was slightly parted and there was this unusual look in your eyes. He felt an urge to cover his body, his subconscious telling him to hide himself from you. But then he caught the way your eyes moved over his body. You liked it. You liked the way he looked. The moment he realized that his chest puffed up drawing more attention to his chiseled body and causing your breath to speed up. Milo called out your name, moving slowly towards you. You watched him make his way to you with ease.
“Milo your leg.”
“Neat isn't it?”
He gave a small spin stopping a few steps away from you. Your eyes raked over his body, stopping on the smirk on his face.
“What’s wrong darling? Don’t like my new look?”
“I always liked the way you look.”
The words tumbled out of your lips before you could stop them causing you to place a hand over your mouth as Milo’s eyebrows quirked up.
“Is that so?”
The truth is Milo had always felt something for you but he never acted on it. He never thought you saw him as anything other than the sick teeanger you’d met years ago. But now, watching the way your breath sped up the closer he got to you and the way your tongue peaked out to wet your lips every once in a while, he could tell he’d been wrong. 
“How is this possible? I mean how did you-”
“Shh darling.”
Milo placed a hand on your cheek moving some stray hairs behind your years. 
“How doesn't matter now. The “what”  is far more important?”
“What do you mean?”
“I haven't felt this strong…well…ever. So I'm curious as to what I can do. If you know what I mean.”
You swallowed dry as Milo leaned his face closer to you, his lips almost touching yours.
“And I was wondering….”
“If you wanted to help me find out?”
“Fuck yes.”
You wrapped your arms around Milos neck pulling him down into a passionate kiss. His hands snaked down your body settling on your ass with a harsh squeeze. You groaned into his mouth, your legs moving up to wrap themselves around Milos waist. He tugged you up with ease. Your hips brushed against his hard on causing him to let out a moan. 
“Where do you want me to fuck you darling here or in my bed?”
“Bed please.”
“Such a polite thing ei?”
Milo kicked open the doors making his way to his bed. You let out a small gasp when he threw you on the bed, the mattress bouncing slightly.  You pushed yourself onto your elbows watching as Milo moved to unbuckle his pants.
“Let me.”
The man glanced down at you with a grin which you returned. You shuffled yourself to the edge of the bed accepting Milos extended hand. Once you’d gotten to your feet you moved out of the way forcing Milo to turn around and take your place. He followed your directions, taking a seat at the edge of the bed and spreading his legs slightly. You got on your knees before him, your hands working on his belt. You reached into his pants cupping his dick in your hand for a moment before pulling down his underwear. His dick sprung up and you drooled at the sight. Milos slender frame had given you the impression he would have a slim cock but you had been wrong. His dick was thick and long. You glanced up at Milo being greeted with a worried look. 
“Milo, I can't believe you’ve been hiding this beauty from me.”
“You like it? It’s not too-uh-small or anything.”
You let out a laugh. Bless this man.
“It’s perfect.”
Before Milo could retaliate you wrapped your mouth around his dick. Milo’s hands went straight to your head gripping your hair to ground himself. 
“Ah fuck-ugh-good fucking girl…shit.”
“That good huh?”
“Don’t know how long I've wanted you darling.”
“Yeah? Should have told me. I’ve been touching myself to the thought of you for the past four years.”
“Good lord-ugh!”
You opened your mouth as much as you could, taking Milos dick as deep as possible as you told your tongue around his shaft.
“I wanted to-uhm-fuck you at that-fuck-stupid benefit party.”
You’d never taken Milo for a talker during sex but you didn't mind it. You hummed around his dick signalling to him you were listening and causing him to buck his hips.
“You wore that fucking black dress…ah ugh…could see every fucking curve.”
You remembered the dress he was talking about.  You still had it in your closet. You’d have to remember to wear it again. You removed your lips from Milos dick replacing them with your hands.
“If you’d told me I would have let you. There was a wonderful little counter in the bathroom we could have used.”
“Dirty girl.”
“Like you’re any better.”
“Oh you have no idea.”
There was a sombre tone in Milo's voice but you chose to ignore it. Your hands moved faster against Milos dick making him moans grow louder. You could tell he was close to cumming so you decided to take him in your mouth once again. After one particular suck Milo called out your name and you felt his seed spilling down your throat. You removed your lips from his dick swallowing before sticking your tongue out proudly to show Milo what you did.
“You’re going to be the death of me darling.” 
He wiped the spit from the corner of your mouth before leaning down to capture your lips in his.
“You turn, pretty girl.”
You and Milo had been going at it for hours. His stamina seemed to be everlasting. Your hands latch onto Milos back as he thrusts into you, his arms caging you beneath his body. He's going at a brutal speed, making your eyes roll to the back of your head as your body prepares for another orgasm. You are so close but before you reach your high Milos thrusts start to sputter. You open your eyes to look at him expecting him to look at you with a teasing grin or a cocky smirk but he doesn’t. In fact his eyes don’t meet yours.
“What is it?”
“Darling i…fuck not now.”
“Milo what is it? Talk to me.”
Milo raises his head to look at you and you're startled by the way he looks. The healthy glow he’s had up until now is completely gone. He looks like he usually does: pale and tired.You can feel Milos leg shaking next to yours. 
“I need i…”
“Tell me. Lucian, tell me what you need dear.”
“I need blood.”
You thought you’d heard him wrong but the way his face twisted when he repeated the word shows you you’d understood correctly. You should have freaked out. That would have been the correct response. But when it came to Milo you never seemed to have a clear head. Milo's leg gave out beneath him causing his body to fall into you, his lips touching your neck. You felt him open his mouth, his tongue lapping over your vein before closing it abruptly
“No. Not her.”
“It’s okay, I would never hurt you.”
“I know.”
You stayed silent for a movement trying to make up your mind.
“Take mine.”
“My blood. Take my blood.”
Milo's body begged him to listen to you but his mind stopped him from taking action. If he lost control he’d suck you dry and he couldn’t deal with that risk. Not when you meant so much to him.
“I’m not in control i could hurt-
“No you won’t. You never would.”
Milo raised his head to look into your eyes seeing the certainty in them. You trusted him. You truly did.
“Take what you need. It’s alright. I’ll be fine.”
Milo hesitated for a moment before leaning down so that his mouth was on your neck. He could hear your heart beating and could feel every twinge of your muscles. Your perfume was strong against his nostrils but the smell went away as soon as his teeth pierced into your skin. You let out a yelp, your nails latching onto Milo’s back as he sucked your neck. You could feel the blood leaving your body, the feeling making you dizzy. 
Your blood was the best thing Milo had tasted in his entire life. It tasted exactly like he imagined you would: sweet and silky. He lost himself in the pleasure, his hips rutting against you as his strength returned to him. You called out his name forcing him to detach himself from your neck. This time when your eyes fell onto his face the healthy glow was present once again. Your neck felt tender and your body had gone slightly limp but you forgot all about it once Milo started thrusting against you at a brutal pace once more. Your toes curled and your eyes rolled into the back of your head. You came with a shout of Milo's name. He followed short after, spilling his seed into your cunt.
You knew something wasn’t right, normal people don’t drink blood and get strong. But that was a problem for later. Right now you had to focus on getting your body to come back to earth.
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peachypinkygloss · 2 years
tae secretly fingering you in a hot tub with the other boys? hehe thank you 🐻
What a great idea... 👀 Hope you like it, and thank you for your request lovely 💜
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Your boyfriend is really kinky. He can never go against his sexual urges, even when you both are in a hot tub with his friends.
pairing: dom!taehyung x sub/fem!reader
genre: university au, established relationship, smut
word count: 3.6k
warnings: tae with a cap (lord save me), alcohol consumption, public sex, exhibitionism, size kink, mention of a potential threesome (listen; they are fucking kinky), slight degradation, fingering.
a.n.: i love bf tae 😊.
“Tae…” You smile as you feel your boyfriend’s plush lips tickling your neck with his kisses. One of his arms is around your waist while the other is holding your thigh, fingers dangerously close to your crotch. 
He’s always merciless with you, turning you on whenever and wherever he feels like it. Exactly like right now, at the back of Yoongi’s car while he drives all of you to Hoseok’s house. Aera, Yoongi’s girlfriend and your best friend, is sitting in the passenger seat, playing music as her phone is connected to the speakers. 
“Mmh.” Taehyung barely responds to you, kissing your neck relentlessly. You sigh pleasantly, even though the context makes you slightly uncomfortable. The couple at the front is surely aware of your ‘not so subtle’ making out and you doubt Yoongi would be happy to have his really expensive leather seats stained. 
The exhibition scenery doesn’t bother Taehyung though, and you might suspect him to enjoy it more than it should. He’s really touchy in general, a hand or a pair of lips always on your body no matter where you both are. 
You remember the time when he had no shame in diving his tongue into your mouth at the restaurant, taking you to the bathroom after dinner to literally jerk himself off over your kneeling body and cumming on your awaiting tongue. Not to mention that your group of friends was waiting for you all along outside. 
This simple thought succeeds in sending a wave of heat between your legs, your pussy already wet from Taehyung sloppy kisses and bites on the meat of your neck. He looked so hot that night and even though your bare knees were aching from resting against the hard tiled floor, your eyes were glued to his hand stroking his long thick cock just above your face. What a beautiful sight. 
“Stop doing that…” You manage to breathe out, your hand gripping on his strong thigh to keep you from falling in a daze. You don’t want him to stop and rather want him to bring his lips further down. He could wrap his filthy mouth around your puffy clit and you would absolutely adore it, but the other presences in the car mind you a little bit. 
You turn your head to Taehyung, catching him darting his tongue out to moisturize his pillowy lips, looking into your eyes intensely. You almost combust at the sight of his handsome face, admiring his perfect features and the mole on his nose. He wears a backwards baseball cap, his fluffy brown bangs covering his forehead. You wish you could engraved this view in your mind forever, reminding yourself at each hour of the day how fucking hot Taehyung looks with a cap on. If you would ever forget, of course, because that’s something you can’t get out of your head. 
“Why? Don’t you like my kisses, kitten?” His husky voice asks you, feeling his hot breath mixed with vodka fans across your heated cheeks. He knows you love them, that’s why he fakes a saddened expression, fingers kneading the meaty flesh of your thighs. You silently thank your past self for wearing a skirt tonight. 
“I do, baby.” You assure him, your voice octaves lower than his. He smiles at your answer, dipping his head in the crook of your neck again, his slender fingers caressing your skin. Though, you push him back by the shoulder, a confused expression drawing on his features. He frowns and pouts, his dark eyes filled with lust, but still respecting your boundaries. “But we’re not alone…” His cute pout contrasts beautifully with his large, manly palm laying down on your naked thigh. 
In another context, you would slap yourself for rejecting your godly handsome boyfriend. Now, you’re just embarrassed to do such unholy things in public. You won’t lie, the idea makes your clit throbs excitedly. Taehyung secretly sneaking his hand in your panties and playing with your pussy makes you hot and sweaty. You even imagine him pulling you into his lap and freeing his cock out of his briefs to slide it in your wet cunt, fucking you out in the wild, anticipating to be caught in the act of it. 
You know your boyfriend is freaky, always so horny to the point of fucking you in empty classrooms at the university or forcing you to suck his dick in a dark alley-way after leaving the nightclub. You never got caught so far, only one time where the poor Jungkook forgot to knock on his roomate’s door, not knowing you were there. Taehyung’s was fucking your brains out, two fingers deep down into your mouth to keep you from screaming his name. Jungkook never misses to knock at least five times since then. 
Even though it wasn’t a public space and it was Taehyung’s friend that ran into you, you still got extremely aroused when it happened. He noticed the way your walls were tightening around his hardened cock and now he’s convinced you’re as kinky as him. He’s not wrong, you’re quite fucked up when it comes to sex, but you are still reserved. 
“Right, don’t cum on my leather seats, Taehyung! I’ll make you pay for new ones.” Yoongi exclaims from the front of the vehicle, his eyes focused on the road, but ears listening to your conversation. “Do that wherever you want, but not in my car.” Aera giggles from the passenger seat, laughing at her boyfriend's irritated face. “Don’t laugh at me.” He glances at her and it only amplifies her giggles. 
Taehyung rolls his eyes at his hyung’s reprimands, laying his back flush against the backseats. “I won’t.” He sighs, completely wretched from not being able to stuff your pussy full of his cock. “I’m sure yours is everywhere anyway…” You gasp at the vulgary of his words, giving his chest a scolding tap. He cracks a smile, his frustration only minimal compared to the fun of teasing Yoongi.
“Hey! I heard you!” Yoongi shouts, looking severely at Taehyung through the rear mirror. 
Your boyfriend chuckles, and your pussy sets on fire at the sound. You look up at him, checking him out for the hundredth time today. His arm that isn’t around your waist is settled behind his head, the muscles of his bicep pulsing through the flimsy material of his black t-shirt. 
He smirks at you when he feels your gaze on him, lowering his head to whisper in your ear. “We’ll finish this later, right?” He stares at you, destabilizing you. You simply nod and Taehyung grins again, satisfied. 
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The wetness in your panties is really uncomfortable, but you try to ignore it the best you can. You don’t know where Taehyung is, you asked him by text where he was. He didn’t respond nor read your message, so you wait in the kitchen with a drink in your hand. You wish you had his sexy ass next to you, his tongue dancing with yours and his fingers in your underwear. 
“What’s bothering you, angel?” Aera asks you as she’s sitting on the counter, her long legs crossed with an arm supporting her weight behind her and the other holding her glass bottle of Smirnoff. 
You groan, turning around to lean against the marble surface in front of you. “How do you do to spend so much time without Yoongi?” She chuckles and takes a gulp from her drink, swallowing the alcohol. She looks forward as you sigh out of desperation. “He said we would meet later, but I haven't seen him since we arrived.” You complain and your best friend has pity for your pathetic need for affection. 
“Yoongi is an independent and free soul…” She says and you glance in her direction, noticing the way she seems totally unbothered. She dismisses the part where you whined about Taehyung because she doesn’t want to feed your desperation any more or simply because she forgot. 
You feel your phone buzzing in your purse and you eagerly pull it out, sure that’s Taehyung. You bite down on your lip as you unlock the screen with the face ID, opening the message app as quickly as possible. 
Tae 🐻: youre so impatient
You frown slightly, not vibing with the way he responded to you after the long hour you spent waiting. Of course you’re impatient, he’s the only reason why you came to Hoseok’s party in the first place. If it wasn’t for him, you would be in your bed sleeping or watching your favourite show. 
Taehyung adores partying and as his girlfriend, you must share this passion with him. You usually don’t mind going with Aera, she’s your best friend after all, but you feel particularly needy tonight, thanks to the foreplay at the back of Yoongi’s car. 
You: excuse me for wanting to have fun with my bf! 
You close the screen of your phone in a huff, placing it screen down on the counter. You turn the other way, your back now facing the kitchen. Aera and you are met with a playful Hoseok, walking up to the both of you with a large smile crowning his heart-shaped lips. 
“Ladies.” He greets you, standing in front of you as he takes a sip from his alcohol drink, probably beer from the convenience store that Namjoon brought with him. “I was wondering where you two were hiding.” He smirks, passing a hand through his lucious light brown locks. 
“Hiding where the alcohol is.” Aera jokes, uncrossing her legs to cross them to the other side. She drinks again from the glass bottle and Hoseok chuckles lightly, already setting a good mood in the room. 
You don’t listen to their conversation as Taehyung messages you again, his words taking all of your attention. 
Tae 🐻: just say you want my cock Tae 🐻: good girls patiently wait and get rewarded after
You roll your eyes, knowing exactly what game he is playing. He wants to elongate the teasing, seeing how long you can endure without begging for his dick. 
You: i'm a good girl. 
Tae 🐻: right Tae 🐻: then shut up and wait for me
You obediently close your phone and shove it back into your purse. If you have to wait another hour, you will because nothing makes you happier than having Taehyung’s plushy lips on yours. You think he has something planned. He wouldn’t tease you so much if he hadn’t and that simple idea makes you even more eager. 
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You squirm when hands grip your hips, making you jump out of surprise. You look behind your shoulder to find Taehyung’s teasing smirk and dilated pupils on you. “Tae, you scared me…” 
“Sorry.” He mumbles in the crook of your neck, pressing his lower-half against your ass. His hands run up and down your body, making you shudder, feeling the hair on your arms stand up. “I have something for you.” He whispers.
You turn around and you see that your boyfriend is wearing swim shorts. He hands you a green bikini and you take the articles from him, looking at him with a confused expression. He smirks while trapping his bottom lip between his teeth, holding you against his naked chest. You feel the warmth of his tanned skin, already desiring more from him. 
“Go put it on, I’ll wait for you here.” 
After changing yourself in the bathroom, you come back down to where Taehyung is waiting for you. 
Here you are, in a hot tub with your boyfriend and his friends. Taehyung has an arm around your shoulders, keeping you against him to show that you're his. Yoongi and Aera are on the other side of the hot tub, her sitting on his lap as they kiss hungrily in front of everyone. They are both drunk, you guess it makes them less aware of their surroundings.
Jungkook and Namjoon have a chit chat as Taehyung talks from time to time when he has something to add. Most people left the party, so Hoseok's backyard is pretty much empty apart from you. The host is inevitably having his time with someone inside while Jimin just made himself a place in the Jacuzzi with everyone, a beer in his hand, easily joining in the conversation.
There's only missing Seokjin, but you think he went home as you saw him get in his car with a girl earlier tonight. Luckily, the hot tub is big enough to welcome seven people including you. You feel pretty relax in the hot water, bubbles floating on the surface as the lights change colour every second.
You are still waiting for your reward, though. Did Taehyung forget and you will just enjoy a midnight bath? Rare are the times where he forgets his sexual pleasure. Maybe he wants to end the night before it, maybe he prefers to talk with his friends.
Your body tenses up when his hand hanging from your shoulder lowers to your breast. You glance towards Taehyung's direction, but he's focused on the boys' conversation. He even nods his head to show he's listening and agreeing, which sends butterflies in your stomach.
His middle finger slowly circles your nipple, making it hard and sensitive. He does everything subtly, never looking at you, keeping his expressions neutral and calm. You breathe harshly through your nose, feeling more flustered as the minutes pass.
Taehyung's shoulders are out of the water due to his tall height as yours remain underwater, moving around slightly because of his ministrations on your nipple. He still has his cap on backwards and you clench your thighs, trying to soothe the ache between your legs, mainly created by the incredible view he offers you and his digit teasing your bud.
However, your pain doesn't stop when his arm slips down on you to settle around your waist. He moves swiftly, his large hand capturing the flesh of your thigh. His fingers travel your body quickly since they know it by heart, having touched it numerous times before in so many positions and angles.
They tease the skin of your stomach, the skin just above your bikini bottom. A shaky sigh leaves your mouth as his fingers go under the material that covers your crotch, reaching your clit and flickering it delicately. No one seems to notice or nobody really cares, in either way it turns you completely aroused. Your face heat up or it's just the steam of the water.
Nothing betrays Taehyung, he masters this way too much. After all, he has to stay unbothered if he wants to play with your pussy in front of everyone without them knowing. This situation makes you think about the time when you stroked his cock in the movie theatre weeks ago. It was bold of you, but he totally loved it. There was nobody else other than you two because a shitty and old movie was playing. It was so fucking hot nonetheless.
This, right now, is surely a move ahead from the movie theatre because all of your friends are here. You like it, though. You like the way his forefinger is pressing on your clit, how he does slow circle motions on it.
"Do you like it, kitten? Hm?" His lips press against your ear, murmuring sweet words to you. Your mouth opens to gasp, but you refrain yourself from making any loud sounds. You nod, which makes him smirk. "Filthy girl." Only a broken whine leaves you as his slender fingers slide down your folds, parting your lips open.
You grip his thigh forcefully when he dares to enter one finger in you. Your nails sink into his skin, but you don't care, you have to stay silent for your dignity. You don't know what you would do if someone notices. The question is fast to leave your mind, though, as your pussy gushes around his finger, swallowing him in.
"So tight. Bet my cock wouldn't enter, I'd have to make you cum before even pushing in two fingers. Or force the way in." You clench around his finger at his words, finding them utterly hot. He obviously feels it, making him chuckle darkly. "You're so fucking crazy. Letting me do this..."
You swallow with difficulty, fighting to keep your eyes open, trying to not fall too deep into the pleasure. The heel of his palm brushes your clitoris and your thighs close around his hand purely by reflex.
Your eyes shift to the others, checking if anyone is looking at you two, but no one is paying attention. You glimpse at Jungkook as he chats with Namjoon and you surprise yourself wishing he would glance in your way, discovering yours and Taehyung's dirty secret.
Your boyfriend is not oblivious to your desires, understanding your exact thoughts. "Dirty girl..." He whispers, pumping gently his finger into your cunt and you spread your legs, wanting more friction. "Why are you looking at him, hm?" You're scared he will stop or get angry for a moment, but you only see lust in his eyes. Which kinky secret has he not revealed to you yet?
"I'm- I didn't..." He tsks in disapproval, slipping your leg over his thigh to make more room for his large hand. If it wasn't for the bubbles, you wonder if you would have been caught by now.
He then takes a hold of your jaw, forcing you to look at Jungkook who is talking with his hyung, not suspecting anything. "Do you want him to know? Know how much of a slut you are?" You frown and bite down on your lip to prevent a moan from leaving your mouth. The idea makes you wet, more than you already are, and you don't know why.
You don't like Jungkook the same way you love Taehyung, but you have always found the boy cute, quite attractive. You liked it when he ran into you two fucking, you won't lie. Perhaps you had thought it would have led to something more, something you know your boyfriend would have enjoyed as much as you.
He lets go of your face, calling Jungkook to get his attention. "Yeah?" The younger one turns around at the call of his name, wondering what your boyfriend has to say.
"Remember when you ran on us fucking?" Taehyung asks without any shame, making the poor Jungkook blush.
He stops fingering you to circle at your clit instead, making it less obvious that something unholy is happening underwater. His friend clears his throat, uncomfortable with the subject. Or flustered, you don't know.
"I- I do." He stutters and Namjoon and Jimin laughs beside him, visibly already aware of the incident. It doesn't surprise you, Taehyung has probably told them.
He smirks when Jungkook gives him a positive answer. "Well, my girlfriend - just so you know - thinks that you should've stayed." Your heart skips a beat at the secret he confessed. Normally, you would have barged in and said it's not true, but if you open your mouth you're sure a mess of whines will be heard instead of words of complaint.
Jungkook blinks, startled by your boyfriend's out of the blue statement. He glances at you and you swear you see lust in them. "What...?" This time, the question is directed to you, but you can't answer it, unfortunately. Does that mean that if you had asked him to stay at this moment, he would have joined in?
"Yeah, she's crazy, isn't she?" You feel the knot in your stomach tightening and Taehyung has to turn the attention off you as soon as possible. This is too much, yet the situation totally arouses you. They don't know, but if they'd focus enough, if they were sober, they'd know.
"Oh! Namjoon, I just realized!" Jimin exclaims and you internally thank him for suddenly changing the subject. Both Namjoon and Jungkook look at their friend, giving Taehyung the opportunity to insert two fingers into your pussy.
You grip his thigh tighter, your eyes rolling back as he curls his fingers, hitting your sweet spot. His palm grazes your swollen clit, turning your body into a shaky mess. He pumps harder and deeper, keeping a regular pace, one that doesn't attract the attention.
His long fingers reach your magic spot over and over and it takes everything in you to not moan Taehyung's name. He licks his lips as he looks closely at your reactions, observing the way your thighs begin to shake. Your walls grip his fingers tightly, making the thrusts trickier, but it's at this moment that spasms take you over.
You roll your hips against Taehyung's hand, holding his forearm and feeling his veins under your palm. Your mouth hangs open as you go down from your high, your forehead sticky from your sweat. He cups your face with his free hand, giving you a slow and passionate kiss. You pant heavily and he pushes his fingers out of your soppy cunt.
"I told you I would reward you, kitten." He pecks your temple, acting as if he didn't just finger you in a hot tub full of people. "Do you know what I want to do next?" You hum, telling him to continue. "I want to watch you getting fucked by Kookie."
You hold in a laugh, not because you think it's funny, but because you absolutely love your boyfriend and how fucking horny he is.
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Getting to be your first time
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing: Akutagawa X Fem!Reader
Request: "Jesus christ i loved your drabbles of chuuya and dazai with a fem virgin reader, could you maybe write one for akutagawa?" ◜By lovely anon!!◞
Genre: Smut
Format: Drabble
Warnings: NSFW! content, nipple play, vaginal penetration
Word Count: 0.5K
A/n: E-eh?? I thought it wasn't good enough- Thanks!! T^T
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For the first time in his life, Akutagawa has no idea what to do.
He's always following orders from higher ups, doing the job exactly as he's supposed to. He has done the trickiest missions in the port mafia, but not even once he has felt nervous, the way he feels now.
He avoids eye contact with you as his fingers slowly draw circles on your clit, pressing his naked body against yours unintentionally. This feels intimate; so scary yet so close and somehow he doesn't wanna pull away, not when you feel so warm, soft and kind.
Heavy breathes and low pitched moans scaping your lips are getting into him. He knows you can feel his throbbing member against your womanhood and the urge to get swallowed by the ground is kicking into him, but he can't separate from you now; not when he's this close to name you as his.
The gentle touch of your hand has him coming back to reality, turning his head toward you so he can meet your face.
Your pretty face, swollen lips and reddened cheeks.
He doesn't know what to say when you quietly ask him what's wrong, so he just slams his lips on yours, capturing them in a hungry kiss.
He's needy, you're just as needy as he is, you two really are a match.
Adjusting himself on your entrance, he reluctantly pulls away and looks you in the eye for approval, but all he can see is love, desire, and of course lust.
You whine a bit and pull him back so you can taste his lips again, feeling him smiling softly into the kiss. You don't let him break the kiss, not even when he slowly pushes inside, earning a slow gasp from you but not enough to break apart from him.
"Am I hurting you?"
"You can tell me if you want to stop"
You don't want to stop.
When you wrap your arms around him, he lets out a heavy breath as he starts thrusting in and out of you, with a gentleness that seems familiar but is actually brand new. You don't hold back anymore. You moan everytime his length reaches a particular spot inside, and he feels honored as your voice gets louder and louder.
Akutagawa can't hold himself back anymore. You sound so nice and he has to hear more of you. He has to see you in your most vulnerable state, to hear you scream when you finally reach your orgasm. That's all on his mind when he tilts his head downward and starts sucking on your right nipple, using all the strength left in his body to speed his thrusts up, and boy he's pleased when you whimper loudly and throw your head back on the pillow.
For once in his life, Akutagawa doesn't want this intimate moment to be over. All he wants to do is doing all he can to pleasure you, and trap you in his arms, forever.
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All rights reserved © 2022 AshTheMadWriter. Please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works on any platform.
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Had an idea for some Yan!TP LinkxReader who could also shift into a wolf. Working on requests!
Tw: Yandere, Mentions of murder, Mentions of Cannibalism, Obsession
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Link always knew there was something special about you. That was, something beyond the obvious. You were a being of absolute divinity in both beauty and intelligence. Not only that, but you saw him as a fitting devotee to grace with your presence. You saw him worthy of your worship. Someone to keep around rather than abandon, unlike some others he’s loved before. Of course you, absolutely incredible and utterly divine you, was special. There was absolutely no doubt about it —he’d kill anyone who had anything to say otherwise. He didn’t see the need to entertain or engage with such obvious mistruths. But there was always a nagging feeling that there was more to you than he could simply gather at face value. That there was something drawing him to you like a moth to a flame. Like he had some innate need for your presence like a starving man needs food. And yet, no matter how hard he tried nor how long he searched, he couldn’t exactly pin it. Perhaps it was sacrilegious of him to even doubt you, but his senses had never before led him wrong.
One must understand that, in the wreckage of his life post his heroics, the more animalistic side of him had since begun to merge with his sense of humanity. Two things, realms, entities mixing to eventually make some middle ground— an equilibrium. That line between man and beast blurred and bled into one another until he was more of himself than he ever was before. He could track down any missing person —incredibly useful for wrangling the rowdy children of Ordon— a task he could previously only do as a wolf but could now achieve as a human. He now had an odd hunger for raw meat. Originally, this happened posed quite a problem, as people don’t take well to seeing another person scarf down slabs of raw meat. But, as always, you provided a solution. Whenever he’d have to kill a man in offering to you —as they’d gotten too close to you, too close to touching what wasn’t theirs— all Link would need to do after the job was pick the bones clean. The carcass left quite a message, he was sure.
There was, However, the final issue he used to struggle with. The beast often demanded a Mate. He supposed it made some form of sense —the hunger for satisfaction. After All, it’s not like the beast can really understand that there’s more to living than survival and reproduction when you have consciousness. Whenever the urge would come back, knawing at his ribs like a spitting fire daring to be tamed, he’d let it fizzle out. It was all the real options he had. The beast didn’t beg for just anyone to tame the teeming flames. Instead it urged for someone specific. But of course, for no one he knew of. It cried and howled, with no way to sate the beast’s desires. And so, Link resigned himself to waiting. Again, It’s not like he had any other option. But of course you, marvellous you. You were the solution. You happened to be the very one that his soul cried out to. The calm sun, dowsing him with light after so long of storms. Like moonlight to a moth and bread to a starving man, you saved and sated him down to the matter of his vary soul. He didn’t dare question it, not now he had you. That would be simply disgraceful of him to turn you away in even the slightest. So while you attuned yourself to him, he could spend all his time and energy toward cherishing you. He could spend everything toward your worship. While you learned of him and of his home, he learned what foods you best like and how you’d best like him so you would just stay by his side. Please- you’re all he has left.
The summer night was quiet in Ordon, the kids having gone to bed and most of the adults having gone to follow. Crickets buzzed in the tall grasses and the pleasantly cool night meant you could open up the windows. The two of you lounged inside, curled up close. His face was nuzzled into your neck, calmed by the familiarity and warmth of your scent.
“Link?” Your voice was soft and quiet to match the comfortable silence you’d established for yourselves. He hummed back to you in response, looking up. He basked in the attention you gave him, he was blessed that you picked him. You could have had anyone. Well not anyone, he’d kill his competitors.
“Look, I have to show you something, but you have to promise you won’t freak out.” He sat upright with the worry that pulled at your tone. You were too good to live a life that provided you with worries. He’s gone through so much that you could live in blissful peace as you deserve. He’d level towns- he’d bring death to Hyrule as the two of you know it if it means your worries are calmed. You slid off the couch and returned with your fluffy cloak in hand. It was your favorite, lined with a thick pelt capable of keeping you warm and dry in harsh weather. Not to mention, you looked utterly adorable when the fluff dwarfed your frame. You clipped it over your shoulders and anxiously adjusted it so it fit perfectly. You breathed slowly, and it was like energy breathed into the still room. There was a small glow of light, and when it cleared, you were no longer sitting before him. Instead, a wolf looked back at him, ears perked and the same intelligent eyes looking back at his own. You were like him. That’s why you were meant to be together, why his soul called to yours. Gods- you were perfect for him in ways he didn’t know he craved. He was hellbent on making sure that you’d live a good life, by any means necessary.
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efingart · 2 months
Hey E! idkifishouldaskhereorinyourcodaccount BUT I’ll ask anyway. I’ve noticed you post a lot about Frank Woods, what made Woods be THE favorite character for you?
Hey no worries, I'm not exactly the most organized so it doesn't make a difference to me!
Oh my god where do I start? I'm going to try so hard to hold back because I will just tell you everything I like about him and this will take me even longer to write 😅
Frank falls into the unwanted child trope a bit. Not confirmed by Activision, but close enough and it is a trope that I find myself drawn to. The idea that he was a runaway, his home life must have been bad enough that the streets were better. Born right at the start of the Great Depression so his early life was never going to be easy. But he must have been resourceful and smart enough to survive. Another quality I like in my faves. It's interesting to think about that piece of his history that we will probably never get in any detail in canon. But that's ok, I'm happy to fill in the gaps with my own headcanons and fics.
Frank was then able to pick himself off the streets and enlist (his options were so limited, but he must have made the best choice for himself at the time.) Become such a standout that he was recruited into the CIA. And there, despite being a "self-reliant loner" he developed close friendships with Mason and Bowman. (as an aside, it is always funny when people hc he's an extrovert when he's very much not)
It's clear he cares for them deeply, even at the expense of his own well being as seen in 'Payback.' I do think he was still reeling from Bowman's death and that's why he acted with such reckless disregard for his own life. (But that's headcanon)
The way he reacts when anyone else is hurt or in danger, it's always them first him second, even in the middle of a firefight (redirecting Mason's attention to the pilot in 'Victor Charlie,' the kid on the PBR in 'Crash Site', the nurse during 'Suffer With Me' in BO2, multiple examples).
Then the way he treats Bell. I think he's the first person to deliver Bell a genuine compliment in the game (if you're a good shot). He knows his people and if I could ever get the damn sound bite again of him saying to Bell that he'd bet they'd like five minutes with the supercomputer to work again I'd link it here. How does he know Bell is such a nerd if he doesn't give a damn about his team?
He and Mason are the only ones who actually treat Bell as a member of the team. And that endeared me to him before I even knew about the plot twist.
And of course, the pain of Black Ops 2. He's just fucking dragged through the ringer isn't he? Everything, the shipping container, watching his entire team die, his tragic mistakes and how he reflects them as an old man. I really love that we get to see him as an old man. See him removed from his experiences in the 80s section of BO2. It's so interesting.
I mean even while he's still managing fresh life-changing injuries he still rallies for a kid who needs him. And he must have done a good job raising David because the kid turned out just fine in the end.
I probably could think of a half dozen more specific examples, his outrage at Project Greenlight for one: "Thousands dying in a flash and you're talking about fucking infrastructure."
Or how he has David's childhood drawings hung up in his room at the Vault.
I'm sure I'll have a dozen more after Black Ops 6 comes out if they deliver on the promised emotional journey storyline for Frank. (God, I'm so unbelievably happy he's in BO6.)
Frank is a complicated person. He has had it rough but doesn't wallow in self-pity. He's a smart and capable leader. He's imperfect. He knows how and when to keep things light. He takes care of his people. He rallies when he's most needed even if it's at his own expense. On the shallow end of things? He's hot, he's got great fashion sense.
Sorry, it took me a bit to get this all out. I think again I was trying to balance the urge to just dump every thought and feeling I have vs trying to be a bit more thoughtful about it. Also just cross-referencing things from the games to make sure I remembered them correctly. I'm sure there's a lot I left out. I'm planning on playing through 1, CW, & 2 again before BO6 comes out so I'm sure I'll have more thoughts to share. 😅
I genuinely appreciate you asking me about this, I love talking about Frank. Thank you so so much.
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paingoes · 3 months
Destroyer - In Shadows
another pretty short section, had to do a little check-in on delta
(Content: dissociation, conditioning, guilt, past trauma, implied child abuse, nightmares)
Delta struggled to remember a time he had felt worse in all his life. He was sure there were times. In his early, early childhood, when he was first broken in. He barely remembered those days anymore. It was too painful to think about when he didn’t have to. But the memories did come to surface, sometimes. He had internalized an alien way of being and had been made to hold it permanently if he wanted to live. He must have been more pliable then. The act took on a life of its own and whatever might’ve been there otherwise would never — could never — be known. It was a soft wrongness. He did not remember it well, but he imagined it must’ve felt very similar to the way he did right now.
He sat folded up in his room, clutching his head, struggling to breathe. He was drawing, which he never did. He drew out the forms he had seen in his dreams. Some of them were of real memories, but just as many were images sliced together from a life at war. He drew them over and over again, then tore them up so that there could be no evidence of his distress. He wanted to scream. He wanted to be good. These two impulses chafed at each other in his mind. He tilted his head forward and blood poured out of his nose. 
His body kept producing these reactions against his will. He kept getting sick. He choked down his own symptoms in front of the others, not wishing to be sent to the doctor’s unwillingly. He didn’t want to take pills. The shivers, though, they wouldn’t go away. No matter how much he tried to calm himself, he kept flinching abruptly. Each shadow seemed deadly and alive and inert.
He hated it here. He could admit it to himself now, but it didn’t lead him anywhere. He hated everything on the ship and everything outside of it. He hated the Empire, selfishly. He hated what his life had become, the way it never could have turned out any other way, the thousand ways it could all come to an end. He didn’t hate Paris, exactly. Though that would be easier. When he thought about the prince, his chest just got hollow and achy. Loyalty felt like an open wound.
Delta wished he couldn’t feel anything. That was the idea. That was always the act. But when Simon — or god forbid Paris — started to talk to him like he was a person, how was he supposed to keep it up? How could they speak to him like that and still-
Maybe he did hate them after all. He wished he couldn’t feel gratitude. He could’ve drowned in it. 
“I’m sorry,” Delta said, so many times that it lost its meaning.
“Will you knock it the fuck off already?!” Paris yelled. Because it had become self-indulgent, really. He didn’t know why he was apologizing. He just wanted to make things right; that’s all it stood for. But it was hopeless. It was all fucked. Delta was so, so confused.
He kept going back to the forums. His hands shook when he opened the laptop, but this time it wasn’t fear. It was guilt. Paris had spared him once already. Delta had begged his forgiveness. He had sworn not to do it again. Still, late at night, almost every night, he got back online. He was a lurker; it was a natural progression of what he’d been all his life. 
Delta had never been outside of the Empire’s walls. It was vast, yes, but it was not everything. The internet was an artifact left mostly untouched by its dominion. Delta studied it with a kind of numb curiosity. People spoke so differently there, so casually. A lot of them were just as cruel and as angry as Empire’s players, but then a lot of them weren’t. Again, he felt a strange ache. The world felt so far away from him.
That night, he got the strongest urge to remove his collar. He couldn’t, of course. That would defeat the point of having it. But he still felt with certainty this was the thing that would fix him. If he could just see without senses, feel the pulse of all the energy around him, let the light out…he was sure it would help. It always did a hard reset on his mental state and he needed badly to stop feeling the way he did right then, to let some new and overwhelming force come to replace it. His wish went unfulfilled. Instead, he just went to sleep, sinking back into the unconscious world. The shadows rose up to meet him.
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starsinmylatte · 2 years
Do you have any thots about the blueberry man lately ? ❤️
Ooooh anon, my beloved…. Let’s see what my brain comes up with for our fav Grand Admiral. As always, we do a bit of legends/canon Thrawn mix (but tbh, this probably leans way more legends)
Pairing: Thrawn x afab!reader
Tws and tags: size diff, belly bulge, cockwarming, face-sitting, oral (f!receiving), voice kink, men who eat it for their own pleasure, Thrawn is an alien with alien bits (human variant, no tentacles), no proofreading we die like clones
18+ ONLY below the cut. Minors DNI
Alright, alright, now hear me out:
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Chiss anatomy is similar to human anatomy… but not exactly the same. The first time Thrawn takes you to bed, he warns you that it could be a bit of a tight, painful fit at first.
You quickly learn that he definitely isn't being overdramatic. Nothing about Thrawn is small. From his ego and intellect to his cock the man is big.
Length is only a little more than what is "normal" for a human but stars the man is thick and ridged in a way that makes your mouth water indecently.
So, every time he truly takes you, Thrawn spends so much time preparing you.
Sex is never really a fast event for him anyways. There is the odd chance he will pull you in to quickly satisfy a specific craving (i.e., calling you into his office to ride his face before a meeting because he needs to taste you right then). However, if he is to indulge, it will be done properly.
Other men with his..... gifts would likely just brag about how big they are and try to force it in with little-to-no actual preparation..... But, yeah, that's not how Thrawn operates.
The Grand Admiral draws much of his satisfaction from your pleasure, and he'd be appalled by the idea of actually hurting you. At least in a way you didn't consent to.
This also means that if he actually fucks you, it's a whole event. You might as well write off the entire night because you won't be leaving the bed. Of course, it doesn't help that walking becomes very difficult after.
Your first orgasm is always on his tongue. Partially because the man loves to taste you and partly because he wants you adrift in a haze of desire and pleasure as quickly as possible.
"Oh, ch'eo ch'acah... You taste divine," Thrawn practically purrs against your soaked cunt. His muscular arms wrap around your legs as he reclines between them, one large hand splayed across your hips to keep them from arching off the bed. The other wraps around to part your lips for his deliciously torturous assault.
His fingers join the mix after your first orgasm. They stroke the bud of your arousal languidly, trailing down just enough to circle around the entrance to your core teasingly as Thrawn leans back to see you whine for his touch.
Thrawn's red eyes glow with lust in the darkness as the fist finger slips in, but it isn't enough... it will never be enough. Your walls flutter and clench around the digit, drawing a low groan from your lover as he hears your shameless cries.
"Patience, darling," he chides, slipping in a second finger and stroking them against the spongy spot nestled inside. "You'll get your wish soon enough."
Your second orgasm has Thrawn bringing his fingers to his lips to show you just how he savors the taste of your arousal. He licks it off, and you moan again at how raw and shameless his desire is.
Multiple orgasms later, it's finally time. You are already a wreck beneath him, absolutely dripping with arousal and begging for more, but Thrawn still takes the time to pull a small bottle of lube from his nightstand.
You can feel every single ridge as he slowly pushes in with a growl. Thrawn lavishes kisses up and down the column of your neck as your back arches at the exquisite burn of being stretched and filled so completely.
There is still a brief moment near the end when you tense up, and he immediately stops to remind you to relax. His own body is shaking, voice low and rough in your ear as he fights back the urge to just sink all the way in. "Breathe... Relax...... You're doing so well for me."
Stars, you were always a fool for his voice. With another low moan, your body obeys, and he finally bottoms out, the blunt head of his cock nestled against your cervix.
Sometimes all you need is to grind your hips up and down as he stays still and talks you through another orgasm, your walls clenching at his sinful words and rubbing against the thick ridges. Either that or he will sit in his command chair as he works late at night and have you warm his cock, lifting your hips up and down every so often to draw out your arousal.
Thrawn loves to tease you like this, even though it just drives him insane too. He will run his fingers over the thick outline of his cock nestled in your lower tummy, pressing against it in a way that has you whimper and beg.
After everything is said and done, you can expect the most thorough, tender aftercare from him.
Tagging some friends! If your name is crossed through, please consider updating your username by sending me a message. Join my taglist here.
@saradika @djarrex @thefact0rygirl @firelordillyria @superfunething @thefireflyreader @mysticalgalaxysalad @babygirl-leon-kennedy @justanothersadperson93 @14mcmd112 @ele-millennial-weirdo @thestudyofwhyiexist @mittheresabosen @kurosakiyami @vibratingbonesbis @idkwhatimdoinghah @hereforthesunrise @darth-papi @ashotofspotchka @handbaskethell @my-awakened-ghost @ironandglass @amyroswell @chaosjedimaester @cassandrablacker
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moonmeg · 11 months
Guess what ship has consumed my life atm again. Not my favorite work but have it anyway ✨️
Someone I can trust
"You look a lot like yer father. Talk about family resemblance."
The words felt like a slap to his face. His eyes grew wider, his body tensed. Suddenly he was wide awake with the endless of thoughts rushing in.
"Ah, that's uhm... Fergus is not my father actually.", he informed her.
The regret in her face set in quickly. She straightened her back, unwrapped her arms from her knees. What was wrong with her? Why did she feel the need to say that?
"I'm sorry, I just assumed-"
"No, no, it's alright!", Neil assured her, trying his best at a smile, "you couldn't have known."
Breena turned away ashamed. Great. Of course she'd mess up with him too. She hid her face behind her red hair, purposely letting it fall over it. She just wanted to sink and disappear into the ground beneath her.
"You aren't exactly wrong either! He is my step father! Just not my biological one."
He kept trying assuring her. He could've phrased his first sentence after her remark better, he found. Now he had to shake Breena out of her embarrassment somehow.
"Breena, it's alright, really. Ye couldn't have known that. Ye saw pictures of a man next to my mother and nobody of us treats him any differently than children would treat their father! And granted, he does have similarities to my siblings and me. Ye definitely could think we're his."
She glanced at him through the strands of hair covering her face. He was smiling at her. He always was. Not only at her. It's who Neil was. But this time, when she examined his eyes a little more, they seemed... duller. Usually they were bright, warm and vibrant. Rays of sunlight only enhanced that trait. Over the months that she spent with him, gold had become her favorite color. Despite the setting sun shining on him, the vibrancy of his golden iris seemed less. She knew hurt when she saw it - she had become a master at reading eyes. His lips were smiling but his eyes were telling her that her remark of him looking like his father - as she implied his biological one - hurt him.
"I'm sorry", she said quietly.
"You dinna have to be."
"It clearly upset ye I said that. Eyes dinna lie."
Neil rubbed his neck. He turned to the side and stared at the grass around him. He was out of options. What does he say now? Clearly he can't lie around her. His eyes would give him away. He could start again with "It's alright, ye couldn't have known". That didn't help him earlier though and it was doubtful repeating himself a third time would do the trick. He thought about it, exhaling through his nose heavily. This was not what he wanted the conversation to end with but every possible approach he came up with and played through in his head made the situation worse.
Breena watched him silently.
She leaned her head down to her knees and picked a flower growing near the fence. The small white petals rapidly turned blue, then black. She twirled it in her fingers. One direction. The opposite direction. Picking the petals. Battling the urge to ask for details. She couldn't upset him more than she has already. Especially not since she knew how difficult it could be to talk about an imperfect family. Unfortunately, curiosity was a force too great to deny even the attempt. Ideas entered her mind. She could ask him about it, that doesn't mean he has to answer. If he brushed her off and rather not talk about it, she'd not push further and simply switch topics quickly or actually draw an invisibility spell and never undo it again - either will do.
"Is it alright to ask what happened?"
Breena yelped and quickly jerked her head up from her knees, startled she actually said that out loud. She covered her mouth in immediate regret. What was she thinking? Why did she do that? Trying to take it back and safe herself from seeming absolutely insensitive, she turned in his direction, hands up defensively, panic in her face.
"Ye dinna have to-"
"He left."
It came out of his mouth plump and direct. Neil fidgeted with his fingers. He was almost indifferent on this.
"After Ian's birth my mother and he started havin' frequent fights. They've had those before too but it got worse then. I actually dinna remember much, nor did I ever ask my mother or older siblings about it. I only ken he started drinking. To numb out his frustration probably because he was too incapable to settle issues in his marriage like a normal person. Only he was the type of person that shouldna drink. It made him aggressive. Violent."
"Oh Titan, did he-"
"He never raised a hand against my siblings or me nor against our mother. He did break things or punch holes into the walls. And then he left and never bothered to reach out again."
Breena took the information in. She stared at him. She didn't expect him to say anything on that matter. Judging by his reaction earlier she thought he was in the same situation as her: still processing, still healing. Neil looked into the distance, one arm resting on his angled leg, the other supporting his weight on the ground. He wasn't focusing on anything, his mouth neither frown nor smile. It seemed like he didn't care much. He was exceptionally calm about this. There was anger in his brows and the way he talked about that man. Resentment for having failed as husband and father. He didn't just pretend to not care - he actually didn't have many thoughts to spend on his biological father.
It left Breena thinking...
"I was around 5 years old. I barely remember anything about him. To me he has no face, no voice. Most of what I just told ye is actually what Edan and Blair* told me. And honestly, if that's what he was like, I'm glad I have no memory of him."
"I'm sorry."
"This is the third time ye're apologising for something ye had no influence over.", he glanced at her with a cocked eyebrow and an amused smile.
"I'm sor-", she stopped herself from speaking the last syllable. She cleared her throat with a single grunt before starting over :"It must've been difficult for ye."
"Not really. After he left, things got better. And it didna take long for Fergus to become part of our lives instead.", Neil shrugged. The smile that tugged on his lips after Breena's self cut-off apology grew wider. As if infected with his smile Breena smiled too. She didn't notice she did. It wasn't in her control.
"He's a nice fellow. I like his creative cussing. It's almost art."
He snorted, then laughed. She was right. It was a trait of his step father to not cuss when the younger two children were around and even with the older ones Fergus never actually exclaimed the swears and instead changed it into something fit for children's ears. And those were indeed almost an art form in themselves. They were terrible and barely ever made sense but they had Neil and his siblings, especially Ian, laughing every time. Breena chuckled herself. When she turned to look at the brunette laughing into his knees she felt... proud? She made him laugh. Usually their roles were reversed but now she was the one to lighten his mood again (after having pulled it down just minutes before). His laugh was well contagious and somehow it was a sound she instantly adored. It's not the first time she heard him laugh but it was the first time he laughed full-heartedly because of her. She'd gladly keep that sound and sight in her life for ever. When Neil laughed, she automatically laughed with him.
"And from what I've seen and heard he loves you all deeply. Ye're all definitely his children to him.", Breena added. Her proud smile turned sweet. She knew Neil would love to hear that. He probably already knew but a reminder never hurts, she thought.
"I mean, Keith and Maisie actually are-", he calmed his laugh and caught her rolling eyes at him, "-but I get what ya mean. He's our father to us too. I just... I'm an idiot who can't think before he speaks.", he scratched his cheek nervously as he remembered how his answer to Breena's remark could have been phrased better. Had it been, this conversation would've gone a little lighter.
"I'm sorry I made ye feel bad."
"Forgiven, forgotten. I'm used to yer idiocy by now after all.", Breena nudged her shoulder to his laughing.
"Yer words, not mine!"
They laughed together. She smiled at him, embracing everything they just talked about. Her smile fell a little as she started comparing the life Neil was living with her own. She hated herself for doing so, she shouldn't compare their lives or the way their families worked. The fact that Neil could say he does have a father every child could only dream of after all, the fact his mother always loved him, the fact he actually was wanted by both... she was happy for him but at the same time she wondered what she did to not get what he had. What anyone around her always had. The sun before them suddenly seemed to set faster than before. The last rays would yield to the warm summer night, its stars and moon, in a few minutes. The orange sky would turn a soft purple, the life of day retiring until the sun would take the lead again in this eternal dance it shared with the moon.
"Ye're very lucky, Neil, do ye ken that?"
"Aye, I ken I'm lucky to have a loving and intact family. Aside from the occasional problems that occur in every family that is. I ken that some weren't so lucky.", he turned to her. Mirroring her, there was a fall from ajoyful smile to one of pity.
He knew her home life had not been easy. He knew no details but he figured enough things happened.
"I won't ask, dinna worry.", he added. He had asked before, curiosity leading him like it did Breena before, but she never answered. It was unsatisfying to be left alone with theories of what might have been her home life before. He wanted to help her, be a friend to her but if he didn't know what she lived through, he was without means to be of help. On the other hand, he couldn't blame her for not telling him. He was a stranger to her. At least he had to remind himself again and again that he was. Maybe by now they were on territory of friendship but that still didn't mean he had any right to know of what Breena went through. Maybe she didn't want his help.
Feeling that his eyes were glued to her, she brushed a strand of hair aside with a sigh.
"I'm not ready to talk about it yet-"
"Breena, you-"
"Let me finish. I ken I don't have to tell ye anything and I ken that ye'd never push me to do so. And I wouldn't. I never talked about my issues, about my life and what I dealt with. I dinna own that to anyone. But...", she smiled sheepishly, "... I met someone."
For a second his heart sank to his stomach. Someone? Oh and she smiled... and that soft glance in her eyes... she was curling her hair around her finger... almost like...Was she in love with them? Was this were he had to accept Breena didn't see him the way he saw her? That she never saw more but a friend? Did she even see him as that? Would he have to actually, truly let her go?
"Oh... Who?"
"A kindhearted lad. Always smiling, always caring. I've known him for some time now, not a day goes by I'm not wi' him. I was really rude to him at first and I most regret it. I did him wrong. Very wrong. Turns out he's actually incredibly kind and generous and fun and affectionate and attentive and just overall a wonderful person."
She was talking about him. She couldn't have made it more obvious. Neil was that 'someone'. Flattered by her words he picked up his smile again.
"Aye? Is he handsome?", he smirked clearly just jesting.
She rolled her eyes again amused.
"If being handsome was a crime, he'd be the Boiling Isles' number one criminal."
"Oh wow", Neil chuckled. His cheeks had gained color to them by now and Breena noticed. Her own face tinting rose as well. Something about him made her nervous. Nervous in the manner of she played with her hair or fiddled with her hands, avoided eye contact and was robbed of her confidence. She looked aside.
Their hands were close. Resting next to each other on the grass in the small gap between them, solely the fingertips of their pinkies touching. Slowly, she inched her hand closer and tried to dig it underneath his. She was shaking, afraid she possibly misread him. She never before doubted her ability to read signs people gave. Whenever she was with Neil though, especially right now where he was so close, where he was looking at her with such fondness, she didn't know she was right anymore but she desperately hoped to be.
"I dinna ken how he managed that in this rather short time I've known him but I feel safe around him. I feel heard and understood. I ken that I can let myself fall wi'out a second thought and he will catch me. I finally found someone I can actually trust. Someone I can be vulnerable wi'. Someone I can show my worst and ken that he willna judge me. I feel like he'd accept me."
"I'm sure he does."
He lightly squeezed her hand underneath his. They softly smiled at each other, holding the eye contact intensely. Something inside him pulled him to her. He's thought about this sort of moment with her. Breena had caught his attention from the first second he spotted her red curls in his aunt's tavern. She had been an interest of his that he cared and ran after most but simultaneously she was an interest with the highest risk to just slip out of his life again. Neil would've let her go if she had decided to continue traveling after the one night she had found shelter in his family's farm house - that was their original agreement anyways. He couldn't have kept her here. They weren't a couple. She wasn't his. And she still wasn't. But he wanted her to be. She consumed his thoughts day and night, he couldn't concentrate sometimes, not on anything else but Breena.
Breena and her lovely round face, her shimmering green eyes underneath red-brown lashes, her rose lips, the dusted freckles on her cheeks and nose spreading to her temples, to her ears, her neck, her arms and hands, the way her long red curls framed her face and fell to her back.
He felt his heart pick up pace the longer they looked each other. Breena shortly lowered her gaze to his lips and then met Neil's eyes again. They exchanged no words, only looks and yet they understood each other perfectly.
He leaned in closer, brought his hand up to her face and cupped it in his palm. She followed him... leaned further in, tilted her head and slowly closed her eyes until she felt his lips touch hers.
*Neil's older brother and sister
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whatinthehale17 · 1 year
Okay so, this is a bit of long shot but I'm planning on starting a fanmade project for TE. It's my favorite choices story and there's still so much you can do with it.
I'm currently figuring out how to use Ren'py right now and watching videos and what not to figure out how to do this. I'm pretty new to all this but I think it'd be a fun project.
I'm probably gonna do some of the writing like the plot and Shreya's route (best girl) and also as I said I'm figuring out the coding as well.
But I'm definitely gonna need some help on this. I know others have expressed interest in a 3rd book and now is your chance if you're willing to help. Again it's fanmade and we're not making money off of this, this is just for fun and you can bail at any time.
I'll be making a discord once I start to get some interest in this so the link will be up at some point but if you're interested, just comment saying you'd like to help and what you'll be able to provide for this project.
Co-runner- I'm gonna need someone to help me run this project, help me keep the thing running and I'm a bit of an idiot so I'll be coming to you if I need help with anything. You'll be the Atlas to my MC lmao.
Artist- If you're a good drawer or you just love to draw and wanna help out on this project, we'd love to have you. I'm thinking we'll need some new characters for the plot and if you want, maybe some new backgrounds too (or we could just pick ones from the multiple backgrounds choices already has)
Writer- I'm a lesbian and obsessed with Shreya so I don't really have any idea about the other routes. But I know a lot of people are obsessed with like Beckett and the other love interests so anyone willing to help work on the different routes would be great. Not to mention the plot of the book, the adventures the pend pals could be getting into and side stuff like your relationship with your mom and the villains and such.
Coders- Like any great game, we'd need people who can code or wanna try it out like I'm currently doing. I've always heard Ren'py is good for that stuff and that's what the ILW crew used and that's what I'm currently learning right now so if you wanna try it out or already know how, we'd appreciate the help.
And of course, if you just wanna help out, you can join and I'll figure something out for you to do. My work schedule is kind of whack right now so this week we probably won't be getting anything done unfortunately (maybe Thursday or Friday if I have people and what not) but hopefully the week after, i'll have things figured out.
Last but not least, my idea for how I think the plot should go-
The gang is back for their next year of school
MC, Shreya, Zeph, Beckett- Juniors
Griffin- Senior
Aster, Atlas- Sophomores
But just like always, the school year is never simple for them.
The High Attuned has been watching over the school and visiting more frequently, keeping an eye on you and Atlas.
Zeph is having trouble with Thief captain as much as he hates to admit it.
Griffin is having parent troubles after they found out about his interest in Natural disaster field work instead of being a professional Thief player.
Shreya has hired an assistant to help with Serene and Sublime, though the assistant keeps messing things up and causing Shreya to lose customers, important ones at that.
With Beckett's urge to please his professors, he works himself too much to the point he begins to experience burnout and freaks out over the smallest things resulting in him pushing his friends away.
Aster is having trouble running the shop and keeping up with her studies and she's worried she might have to close it down.
Atlas is happy to catch up on lost time with their mom but when their mom becomes a professor for the school, Atlas isn't exactly sure how to feel about it and starts to lash out on Theia, resulting in the MC to have to try and fix the relationship.
MC does their best to help everyone with their problems but begins to have problems of their own when the school recruits another sun-att who does everything in their power to one up MC in every way.
Of course, it's just a rough draft of how I think the year should go, but we could always change stuff around if people have better ideas. Also, of course, there will be new spells to learn like in the other books and I was also thinking like...was I the only one that shipped Dean Swan and Theia together? Like Dean Swan already acts like a mother figure to the twins. And some of the sources will be back like Gemma and I really wanted to incorporate the High Attuned because we got like two minutes of information about them and then nothing ever again.
So yeah, this is super long and we can talk more on the discord but if you're interested just tell me what you wanna do.
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theempressdiary · 5 months
Sensuality or sexuality? What’s the difference?
In the realm of desire, two terms often intermingle, yet they carry distinct and, often, nuanced meanings: sensuality and sexuality. While the latter tends to hog the spotlight, sensuality seems to lurk in the shadows, often overlooked. So, I’ve decided to do a small deep dive, count it as the first dive, to understanding sensuality. I chose this topic because I often confused the two since more often than not what we see is sexual with sensuality sprinkled in to cover up the more overt part of sexuality. That left me curious, what exactly is sensuality it’s not just a lighter version of sexuality. I want to explore this alongside my journey of understanding who I am as a soft domme! So, let’s dive in.
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Firstly, let's peek into the linguistics of it all. "Sexuality," has its roots in the Latin word "sexus" (meaning division into male and female). Today it’s used more as an action or preference. It is the way people experience (or don’t experience) and express themselves. It can involve biology, psychology, physical, erotic, emotional, social, and spiritual feelings and behaviors. It can take on different meanings for different people easily. It’s a hotbed of topics, stories, and experiences. What I’m trying to say is that it’s a broad topic that covers an ever-expanding list of definitions. For this essay, let’s just say that it is that primal urge drawing us towards procreation for the sake of simplicity.
On the other hand, "sensuality," derived from the Latin "sensus" (pertaining to the senses), involves sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. It can be all, one, or a combination of them. It's the soft caress of silk on skin, the aroma of jasmine in the breeze, and the symphony of flavors dancing on the tongue from a decadent meal. Sensuality is the subtle seductress that coaxes us into a realm of heightened awareness and pleasure without needing a “final” act. Sensuality can exist without sex or sexuality even when it can elicit those desires within us. I find that fascinating, not a mention of sex, no nudity, no flirting, and the body is aroused purely by the senses. Isn’t that interesting?
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Now, let's dive deeper, picture this: a couple strolling hand in hand through a moonlit garden, their fingertips tracing delicate patterns on each other's skin. The rustle of leaves, the fragrance of blooming blossoms, the gentle hum of insects—every sensation is amplified, every moment dripping with sensuality. There’s no mention of sex, but there is a distinct feeling one has in romantic moments such as these. Pleasure! Without any action taken, pleasure is pulled from the scents, the sounds, the touch…that is sensuality—a symphony of stimuli igniting the fires of passion. More often than not, the ultimate pleasure is mentioning sex or sexual gratification. Maybe our senses become wrapped up so deeply in pleasure we can’t differentiate between pleasure and sex but they are two distinct ideas that can live without each other. Of course, I know that there are different levels of pleasure and we do know the distinction between the two, but do we always recognize the distortion between them?
Let's flip the script for a moment and explore sexuality. Imagine a crowded nightclub pulsating with throbbing beats and gyrating bodies. Sweat-slicked skin, low-eyed gazes, and the heady scent of pheromones hang thick in the air. Now you may think, how is this example not sensual? I never mentioned it wasn’t sensual in its way, the big difference maker here is that the goal is not to bring about pleasure through the senses. It is a place to come together with peers and engage in socializing and/or dancing and more than anything, flirting. All these things are pleasurable in their own ways (depending on who you are) but again the bottom line is that those experiences aren’t defined by the senses. They are defined by the actions.
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While both sensuality and sexuality can coexist, I believe these days there’s an overabundance of sexuality and very few instances of sensuality without sex. If sensuality is shown it’s seen as sexual or the very next depiction on screen is sexualized.
Take this lingerie ad. While the satin and lace may feel absolutely wonderful, the image itself isn't focused on how it feels on, the focus is how it looks on and subsequently how you'll feel once it's off.
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Sensuality =/= Sex. Although sensuality can set the stage, and sexuality can provide the grand finale—you do not need one to experience the other. They are independent of one another. Two separate entities that can easily walk hand in hand. I believe that the absolute lack of sensual depictions today leads us to a misunderstanding of how to experience life and derive pleasure from it regularly. When we see sensuality and pleasure on screen it’s usually a sexual experience or a luxurious experience, one that will cost more than you would expect, and that’s not what sensual experiences truly consist of. They can certainly be expensive but if you remember the previous definition, you will see that they don’t have to be, they only need to incorporate your senses. If you can experience something pleasurable (to you) and stay present in that moment with that sense or those senses then you are experiencing sensuality. It’s my goal to find my sensual experiences for myself and others like me who find themselves feeling a bit unsatisfied with regular life. I hope to explore and uncover new sensual experiences to share!
Although I don’t plan on sticking just to sensual topics, I do find them very interesting. Sensuality and sexuality are two very strong ideas that make up a lot of our conversations subconsciously. So while I lean towards sensuality as my main focus over sexuality, I like to explore both topics because they are so closely related. I believe that both hold the key to unlocking a world of boundless pleasure and profound connection! And what is a good/happy life if you can’t say it’s pleasing to you?
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 months
related to this
I have so many fucking ideas for them that are song related, you don't understand 😫😫 I wish all I had to do all day, every day was write but even then, I don't think I would get to every idea I have!
Måneskin, though, I just--
Brought you some roses, you didn't take them So I shed a tear Pouring some champagne over your panties So that we can cheer Counting the hours, counting the seconds 'Till I can feel your bones There is a diamond on your pillow When you're coming home Alone, I've been waiting So long, it's true Dance in your shoes, read your diary to Get inside of you, you, you Forever and ever and ever Cried on your nudes, wearing your perfume Now I taste like you, you, you Forever and ever and ever I was dancing in your shoes When I read your diary to Try to get inside of you Put on your lipstick, show me your kinks I'm not afraid of them Show me the lovin', the lovin', the lovin' That you'll never give to a man I'm not a coward, I'm not a hero But I can be your toy I'll be the pill that you wanna swallow When you're looking for the joy Alone, I've been waiting So long, it's true Dance in your shoes, read your diary to Get inside of you, you, you Forever and ever and ever Cried on your nudes, wearing your perfume Now I taste like you, you, you Forever and ever and ever I was dancing in your shoes When I read your diary to Try to get inside of you Oh, why don't you give a little love now, baby? A little bit of love Alone, in the shower Using my left hand so it feels like you So please, I'm begging To feel something new Dance in your shoes, read your diary to Get inside of you, you, you Forever and ever and ever Cried on your nudes, wearing your perfume Now I taste like you, you, you Forever and ever and ever I was dancing in your shoes When I read your diary to Try to get inside of you
This just fucking screams roommate, best friend, pining-to-be-lovers Bucky to me.
Bucky plays it cool, but when Steve's out of the house, he can't help himself. He lets loose and indulges his yearning.
He snatches a pair of Steve's underwear from the laundry, it's his turn to do it, and imagines what they might smell like if they weren't freshly washes, how they might look if they were stained, how they would strain across Steve's crotch and turn dark, wetted with pre-cum like spilled champagne.
Further, feeling his bones, he imagines pressing himself all up against Steve's skinny frame, using one hand to encircle both of his wrists, pinning him down to his mattress.
His feet don't fit in Steve's shoes on account of their size difference, but that doesn't stop him from cramming his feet into them and dancing (stumbling really) to Steve's favorite songs when he's alone in their house just to sate the urge to take Steve out on the town and dance with him in front of god and everyone.
Spraying Steve's cologne on his own neck, across his own pillow, just to pretend Steve was there--that close to him.
Not reading Steve's diary, but close enough, carefully sliding his sketchbooks out from where he stashes them to flip through the pages and see what his little artist has been up to. He spends as long as he can admiring the drawings but always carefully places them exactly back where they were so he doesn't suspect a thing.
And, of course, Bucky using his alone time to drag out his jerk off sessions, fantasizing about all the things he could do with Steve, all the things he doesn't know about him but wants to. It's always the quiet ones that have the most kinks, and he's dying to know what Steve doesn't say.
Ugh. It would be so good.
And Coraline, too!! Yes!
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lovesosweeet · 11 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter fourteen
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
august 7, 2018 los angeles, california orion
One week since Calum left and I don't know how I can miss him more than I do right now. I know it's only going to get worse. Everything is only going to get worse.
I'm finally not feeling completely like death, but my second chemo appointment is today, so that'll be changing quite quickly.
Now that I've been to a chemo appointment, I know what to expect. Today, I pack my fluffy blanket that Crystal got me, my worn out copy of Catcher in the Rye, headphones, and a phone charger. I'm dressed in my only pair of joggers and a crop top with Cal's Real Madrid hoodie tied around my shoulders to wear inside the hospital. I make three coffees: one for me, one for Emelia, and one for Ron. I put mine in a spill proof bottle so I can put it in my bag and carry the other two.
I watch Emelia's location, waiting for the blue dot to get close enough to me that I can go downstairs and meet her out front when she pulls up. After giving Duke a kiss on the nose, I head out, taking the elevator down to the lobby and dropping Ron's coffee off at the desk. He's on the phone but he smiles gratefully and mouths 'thank you' while I keep walking past him, seeing Em's car right outside already.
Emelia fills me in on her morning. Her roommates have been slacking on their share of the dishes and she's been annoyed. It's typical stuff, and I feel like she always has the same gripes in her life. I'm somewhat jealous of the cyclical nature of her problems. Mine aren't even on the same road. I was jolted from a life of LSAT stress and classes to a life of IVs and sterile hospitals and a death sentence.
By now, she knows exactly how to get to the hospital and drops me off in front of the door.
"You're done at 3?" She asks, confirming when she'll come back.
"Yeah, 3, but I can wait a while if that's too early." Her shifts normally end right at 3, and I don't want her to leave work early to pick me up. I don't have anything else to do, so I can just wait until she's done with work.
She swats at the air to mean 'that's nothing' and I fight the urge to tell her to stay at work. "I'll be here at 3. I love you, let me know if you need anything."
She rolls up her window before I can say anything, so I turn around and enter the building. After checking in, they do another blood draw and take a handful of other vitals before I walk back into the room of armchairs. I don't get a welcome sign today, but there are cookies and juice again.
I sit in my chair and put on the hoodie I brought, throwing my blanket across my lap. I pull up my sleeve so they can put the IV in, and again, I can't look. I instead look to my left, just trying to find something else to focus on, and instantly regret it.
About six seats to my left — all of the ones in between are empty — is Macy. She's in a similar state, wearing a hoodie with sweatpants, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and headphones in her ears. She's staring straight at me with her eyes wide, probably in disbelief. There's no getting out of having a conversation with her. She's seen me and she knows I've seen her.
I turn to stare straight ahead, accidentally meeting the gaze of the old man sitting across from me. I end up squeezing my eyes shut so I don't have to look at anything while they insert the IV. When I feel the nurse put the tape over it, I reopen my eyes and pull my sleeve back down.
"Is it okay if I move a few seats down?" I meekly ask her.
A brief moment of confusion flashes in her eyes, but she nods. "Yes, of course, do you need help?"
"No, I'm fine."
I stand up, clutching my blanket around my shoulders, slinging my tote bag onto my arm, and wheel the IV with me while I walk toward Macy. She smiles at me when I'm next to her, sitting in the chair directly next to hers.
"Hi," she says quietly.
I then realize I have no idea how to start the conversation or what to say. It seems that both of us have withheld some information, but the pieces of Macy's story start to fit together.
She's visiting her parents, who happen to have an apartment near UCLA's hospital.
She's taking a gap year, indefinitely.
She wants to be a doctor.
Macy has cancer, and I bet she's had it for a long time. I bet her parents don't live in this part of LA normally, they just stay here when she's in treatment. That's why she said they sort of live in the building, because they aren't full-time residents.
Macy has cancer.
The facts sink in and then I get more and more questions. Is it bad? Terminal? Has she been in treatment for long? Has she had it her whole life?
"I have leukemia," I say, breaking our silence. I'm quiet, nearly inaudible, but I have no doubts that she heard me.
"I'm so sorry," Macy whispers back, sounding devastated. "I had no idea."
I chuckle. "Yeah, I'm not really advertising it." I look over at her and she's nodding.
"I totally get it," she admits. Her face is somber and wistful, so thoughtful and hard to really pin how she's feeling. "I've been in and out of treatment since I was five."
When I open my mouth to tell her that I'm sorry and ask what kind of cancer it is, she cuts me off.
"I've gotten tired of the instant pity I get when I tell people I have cancer, so I just don't really tell people," Macy explains. "Eventually I do. I just don't want people to only be nice to me because I'm sick. I want them to be nice to me because they like me."
"I like you."
I understand what she means. It's the same way that Calum feels: people are nice to him just to get closer to fame, a good connection, a few thousand followers. They aren't nice to him because they like him. Of course, it's different for Macy. People aren't being nice to her because they want something from her. They're nice because they feel bad.
"You're like the nicest person on the planet, that doesn't count."
"I'm an average level of nice."
Macy laughs. It's a genuine laugh, which is a nice sound for the current setting. "Sure, if that's what you want to believe, but I disagree. You're truly the kindest person I know."
I don't want to sit here and argue with Macy about my level of niceness and kindness, so I decide we should drop it at that.
"Calum likes you too," I add.
She scoffs and then giggles again. "I'm sure you had nothing to do with that."
"He likes you! I promise!"
"I'm not doubting that, but I have no doubt you put in a very good word for me," she says. "But also, I love getting to know both of you, so I'm not complaining."
"I'm really glad we ran into you in that elevator," I confess. "I'm glad you're in our lives."
"See? Nicest person I know."
I go to punch her in the arm but am reminded that I'm tethered to the IV and there's a tube that moves along with my arm. It pulls me back to our reality, and I think it does Macy, too.
"How long have you been in treatment?" Macy asks.
"Today is my second one. First was last Wednesday."
Macy does a sharp intake of breath. "You had your first treatment and were still able to go get coffee with me on Sunday?!"
I nod.
"Dude, everyone I've ever seen go through this stuff is completely knocked off their feet by the first round. You're tough as shit."
Her words warm my heart and I'm grateful that she is able to see something good out of this hardship. Some days I feel strong, but mostly, I feel weak. Too weak to live my own life. Too weak to tell Calum the truth. Practically too weak to take care of Duke.
"I can't believe you started treatment right as they left for tour. Calum didn't want to stay with you?"
There it is. The part of the conversation I don't want to have.
"Um... he, uh, he... I — I didn't tell him."
Macy is quiet while she processes what I told her. I can tell she's shocked, and based on what I know about her, she would've normally yelled or screamed something, but because we're in a hall of people getting treatment, she holds it in.
"You suddenly make a lot less sense to me, but I'm not even sure what else to ask, so we can leave that there if you don't wanna talk about it."
Now I'm surprised. She's just able to drop it?
"Uh, are you sure?"
She smiles tightly. "I trust that you have some very thought out reasons for making the choices you do."
"So you won't tell him?"
Macy shakes her head. "That's not my place."
read next chapter
a/n: oooooo macy!! surprise!!! in the original of this story her name was callie and idk why i did that bc CAL and CALLIE is too much. they met on the oncology ward in the OG but i liked this idea better for some reason haha.
i know this is a cal fic and there's no cal in this chapter lol it's FiNE itS FOR The PLOT OKAY
that said i am working on a new chapter that has calum in it n it's a flashback hopefully coming to you in a few hours OK THX love u bye
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hetalia headcanon
For me, doing this is a great stress reliever, and I have had a lot of stress lately.  Also, my ADHD is not allowing me to give a simple answer to the question, I always have the urge to give the whole backstory, like what happened five centuries ago... So, my favourite dorks yet again. PruAus. Modern Times
Who carries all the important documents while traveling? Gilbert, as much as Austria can act like not clumsy person, he gets lost in his head. Especially when they are waiting, for example, in the airport, he would have the book opened, but he would be playing scenes in his head, not reading, so documents are not exactly safe with him.  Prussia, on the other hand, is organized in a practical manner; after all, someone had to teach it to Lutz, and for sure it wasn't Rod. Gilbert has everything neatly in order, and he also makes sure that Rod sits in one place and doesn't wander off in the big airports. [Seriously, guys, I got lost in Munich airport once; oh the stress.]
Who puts their cold hands/feet on the other? Of course, it is Gilbert. He has a thing for barging into Rod's safe place with different shenanigans. Every damn time he comes back from the cold, he tries to sneak up to Austria and touch him with those frozen fingers. And every time Roderich yells at him. At this point, it is basically a tradition.
What do they argue about the most? These days they actually try to talk to each other; it took centuries to achieve that. They used to quarrel about almost everything. Starting from Prussia's attempts to gain power within Holy Rome, different approaches towards German unification, Maris Theresa sitting on the Austrian throne—here Gilbert was rather prejudiced; he changed a lot since that time. Austria's way of dealing with minorities in the empire, the empire itself. Roderich's marriages, Ludwig's education. You name it, they had an argument about it. In the XXI century, they still argue sometimes. Gilbert still has thoughts that he is not needed anymore; Prussia was disolved, and granted, there are Teutonic Knights (in a way, the Order is existing; I am not going into details, but it is fascinating), but it bothers him sometimes and he becomes snappy. Roderich simply has no idea how to deal with a brooding Gilbert. He will say something like, get a grip, you are alive, and this will unleash the hell of all old resentment. The thing is, Roderich, despite losing the empire, still has a country to represent and has no idea about Gilbert's turmoil. Also, the sole thought of Gilbert not being here as a lover, friend, enemy, or whatever they are is unacceptable on so many levels that Roderich denies the possibility of even thinking about it. There is also one more thing that brings arguments: Gilbert tends to be jealous, though he knows it is stupid. As he started to live with Rod, he kind of saw the point. Roderich has no idea how to be alone; for him, Antonio and Liza are vital parts of his past and the few rare people he feels okay around (all the angsty things I have about spaus will come up eventually). Anyway, Gilbert didn't understand how Austria could be so at ease with his exes but not with him. During one of the arguments, when he managed to get Roderich to yell, he heard that Rod is simply scared that if he starts saying what he feels or wants, Prussia will leave, and he doesn't have to be afraid of Tony and Liz, as both relationships ended and both were political. Whatever he has with Gilbert is far more important.
Who is better with kids? Gilbert is more open towards kids; he treated Ludwig as a brother, not as a project. He was strict when it came to discipline, military training, and education, but from time to time he still made sure Ludwig was just a kid. Roderich is just awkward; he does not know how to talk with kids or how to play with them. Despite this, in very few moments, he would sit with little Feliciano and draw with him, or teach HRE how to play the piano. Those are rare good memories. In general, my headcanon is that neither of them is very good with kids, like the actual work you have when you have kids. How could they be good at this. There were always maids and babysitters, and they didn't grow up in regular Families.
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babiepupp · 10 months
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⋆୨୧˚ Warming his Heart. Pt 1 ˚୨୧⋆
“It’s hard.. to express emotions, but you give me this.. nice feeling in my heart.. that’s a good thing, right?”
Trauma/Padded Regressor Romeo x GN! Regressor reader!
Summary: Romeo has never seemed all that friendly, always somehow too busy to do anything other than train or fight and is always on the somewhat.. colder side. With encouragement from Artemis, he tries his best to lower his walls and organise a potential playdate.
♡ 🎀 ♡
You couldn’t remember the last time Romeo took time out of his day to have a chat with you, your questions were always met with a shrug or a grunt. He had expected you to give up trying.. he couldn’t understand why you were so resilient! He wasn’t annoyed by it.. more confused by it.. he found you rather interesting indeed.
It had been a rather taxing day and dinner had finally come, classmates cackling with laughter and talking enthusiastically as they ate. You had been peacefully enjoying your food- a delicious dish prepared by one of the Black Eagles before you felt a soft pat on your shoulder, trying to get your attention. As you turned your head, you were met with those signature pink eyes, Romeo stood there, attempting to flash a smile as he held his bowl of food.
“If you wouldn’t mind, can I sit with you? They’re far too loud over there.” He sighed in relief as you nodded before he pulled out a chair for himself, sitting down with his bowl of soup, nodding in thanks. You swore you saw a white haired man flash Romeo a thumbs up before disappearing.. but maybe it was all your imagination.
Romeo was silent for a couple moments, taking a mouthful of his soup before speaking up, he wasn’t nervous- it seemed more like he was trying to speak more enthusiastically as opposed to his usual gruff monotone.
“I was wondering.. since we are in the same class and all, would you be interested in having a sleepover with me and Artemis tomorrow evening? You don’t have to of course, I just thought you might be interested.” He said, blowing on his spoonful of soup just in case it was too hot before taking another mouthful, he was trying to play it casual, but inside- he was panicking just a little.
Of course- he knew you were a little.. his eyes were always quite perceptive, noting of the little things- such as when he saw you hugging a stuffed animal to your chest, or choosing some more kid-friendly foods. It had intruiged him, and after an explanation from Artemis, he had come to terms with his own regression- knowing it stemmed from a dark place. (I would go more into Romeo’s backstory, but it could be potentially triggering- so I won’t!)
In actuality, he was inviting you to a playdate, Artemis had been urging Romeo to open up and befriend you, the idea of a playdate made Romeo happy.. but he didn’t exactly know how to make friends. Baby steps (no pun intended).
He stifled his smile when you agreed, but he couldn’t hide how his body language relaxed considerably. He folded his arms, tilting his head to one side like a curious dog.
“I assume you know where my dormitory is, correct? If not- I could give you directions.” He said, nodding as he took a piece of notepaper out of his waistcoat, drawing a small diagram of the dormitories before circling where his was, handing it back to you with a nod.
“I’ll see you there, then. I’ll try and find some nice snacks and drinks in the meantime, so it’s as comfortable as possible.” He stood up, tucking his chair in.
He reached his hand out, pausing for a moment. What did friends do? Did they hug? Shake hands, fist bump perhaps? In the end, he ended up ruffling your hair a little, before bowing and walking off.
It was subtle, but you managed to catch it- Romeo had a bit more spring in his step! It seems you made him super happy!
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