#and of course red velvet no matter what they never leave lmao
revsoshi · 10 months
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solarwonux · 4 years
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prince!wonwoo x witch!reader 
w.c: 4.3k (I almost made it 5k but I stopped myself) 
warnings: murder, death, alcohol, tarot cards, running away, witchy things if you squint, angst, smut, ropes. 
note: special special thanks to my baby @starlightshua she named this beauty lmao. I re wrote this story so many times, literally the first draft of this was nothing like this and then I woke up at 5am today and rewrote the entire thing. I’m pretty proud so I hope you enjoy it. Also let me know if you want more of this, I have some ideas. Enjoy.x
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Wonwoo pushes the tavern door open a little too hard. It hits the brick wall behind it, the sound erupting through the wasted and nearly wasted bodies that occupied the space. He doesn’t care, he needs a drink or many of them for that matter so he walks letting the door rattle obnoxiously behind him. The people eyeing him down like he just murdered their first born and not interrupted their nightly escapades.
He reaches the bar taking the worn out stool at the end and taps his fingers against the wooden counter. He was a regular and sadly had gotten used to the mustiness that was etched into the walls of the place and yet he still felt out of place.
“What does our royal guest of honor want tonight?” Mingyu rapped his fingers drumming in front of Wonwoo, grabbing his attention.
“Not royal, but bourbon please.”
Ever since he ran away from his Royal duties and somehow ended up in a tavern that existed harmoniously to bring two worlds together. Wonwoo had seen and witnessed things he had only grown up hearing during his mother’s bedtime stories. A secret language they shared when hidden behind the comfort of his bedroom. Away from the torturous hands of the King.
“As you wish your majesty.” Mingyu’s sarcastic drawl took him out of the spiral inside his head. He rolled his eyes obnoxiously as he watched Mingyu throw his head back in laughter, his fangs catching in the reflection of the dim light causing a chill to roll up his spine. “You’re so uptight tonight, relax a little Prince Charming.” He winked at Wonwoo before turning around and walking away from him.
No matter how hard he tried to leave the life he had behind, everyone here in this tavern that belonged neither here nor there, loved to remind him that he still had the king’s royal blood coursing through his veins. Usually, he didn’t mind, sometimes he would play into the character when he was drunk enough to earn a few laughs. But tonight on the final night of October, he didn’t want to be reminded of his true identity.
On Hallows Eve, three years ago his life had gone south. He was set to marry a princess from a neighboring kingdom and he couldn’t wait to meet her during the annual ball. He had woken up that morning with a jolt and skipped a step as he made his way to his mother and father’s private chamber. When he arrived, his heart, in his throat. He found his father the charming King beloved by his people with his hands around his mother’s throat and a murderous glimmer behind his soft eyes while she slowly turned a rough shade of blue.
Wonwoo felt his world crash onto the ground. his father didn’t stop no matter how hard he pleaded for him too. His tears fell onto the palace grounds creating tsunami’s as he witnessed his mother take her last breath.
He ran, ran to where his feet could carry him. Packed up anything that could fit in the tiny knapsack he used whenever he went to explore the forest behind the palace. And left, leaving behind the life he had only ever known.
He traveled for three days on foot without food nor rest, before he came across the tavern that smelled more like rotten feet than whiskey. He met Mingyu, who had recognized him right away and gave him the tavern’s royal treatment. Food, water and the rickety old room just above the tavern.
“It’s not satin or velvet or whatever you guys use over there, but it’s enough for you to sleep. Just pay me back by working here every odd day of the week.” Mingyu said, clapping his shoulder and leaving him behind to deal with his new reality.
That night was the night he was able to mourn his mother’s death and his own one as well. The king had come out publicly with fake tears in his eyes to say that his wife and his second born son had fallen ill to an illness and that when the royal physicians realized it, it had been too late. Though, everyone in the tavern knew the truth and he found comfort knowing that they hated the king just as much as he did.
“Penny for your thoughts my prince.” The angelic voice he had grown to love so much took him out of his thoughts. He lived in his head too much and he was thankful he had you —a witch he had met during one of his shifts over a year ago, to ground him back down onto Earth.
“Don’t call me that.” He smiled and grabbed hold of your hand and brought it up to his lips. He kissed it lightly keeping his eyes on yours as they burned holes of fire into them. You tensed up feeling the heat run up your body. It was laughable. You, a witch who could make anyone succumb and fall at her feet, was letting a runway prince pursue her and turn her into mush at his feet.
“You liked it when I said in bed once.”
“That was one time, princess.” He winked, enjoying the way your cheeks flushed. Your body reacted amorously to him and each time it bubbled an emotion deep inside of him that he wasn’t sure what it was. It scared him and excited him all at the same time.
Wonwoo stopped believing in love three years ago but every time you were nearby. He believed that he could again.
“One to many times Wonwoo.” You toyed as you took the empty seat next to him. Your hand still entrapped in his and you weren’t planning on letting go any time soon.
Mingyu rolled his eyes and placed Wonwoo’s drink in front of him, “Wonwoo has a prince kink?.” He mumbled his voice laced with disgust. “I should’ve known.” and leaned against the wooden table, shooting daggers at Wonwoo.
“Not a kink if that’s what he is Gyu.”
Wonwoo didn’t care that he still had royal blood in him, because whenever he found himself laughing at Mingyu’s poor attempts to flirt with nymphs. Or your presence next to him he forgot that he did. He wondered if his mother had led him here to this repulsive tavern in order to meet the two of you.
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Although Wonwoo knew you were perfectly capable at defending yourself. He loved walking you home.
The two of you trailed down the dirt path hand in hand; chasing the blue light of the moon. Comfortable silence erupting between your bodies. Wonwoo never felt more at home then now.
“So what’s a witch like you doing with a commoner like me on Hallow’s Eve.” Wonwoo glanced at you his eyes sparkling like they held a million galaxies and you found yourself wanting to get lost in them. “Don’t you have rituals or cards to read, aren’t you the most powerful underneath a blue moon.” He edged on making you smile.
“Are you saying you want your cards read again?” You bumped your shoulder against his. His grip on your hand falters making you giggle.
Wonwoo’s eyes grew wider than the moon as he remembered the night you read his cards to him for the first time a few weeks ago and he blushed. “Last time you read my cards I ended tied up.”
“Well that’s cause you picked my sex deck Wonwoo, we’ve been over this.” You stopped walking and leaned up to kiss his cheek, leaving a plum lipstick mark behind. “Don’t act like you didn’t like it.” You whispered in his ear.
Wonwoo swallowed hard at your taunting tone. He knew you were right and he hated it. If you had asked him with that infamous bat of your eyelashes he would’ve done it again. “For once angel I want to see you tied up.” He blurted out, his cheeks turning a rough shade of red as he processed what he had said after he had said.
“Okay, but you’re going to have to catch me first.”
“Catch you, what a—.”
Before Wonwoo could finish his sentence you took off running. Wonwoo threw his head back in disbelief, his body coursing with exhaustion for a brief second before he took off as well. This is what he loved most, the adrenaline rush you brought to him. Although sometimes he thought you were too much he wouldn’t trade the moments he spent with you for anything in the world. Not even for his mother’s life and you had offered a few times, but he refused because with you he felt complete.
Your laughter rang through the howling branches of the trees surrounding the two of you. Wonwoo’s body felt like it was floating as he chased after you, the cool night air hitting his face as he ran with everything in him. It reminded him of the times he spent at the palace gardens chasing after his older brother, his mother’s voice ringing in his ears as she joined in halfway. It was these moments where he was the most carefree, that reminded him of his mother. That made him miss her with everything in his being. It was moments like these where the anger and resentment towards his father would surface and he wished he hadn’t had run away that day. But this was different because for the first time in his life he was running towards someone, a goal.
“Maybe you don’t want it enough Wonwoo. Are you even trying?” You teased, he could tell he was close from how loud your voice sounded. It only gave him motivation to run faster, so he did.
You faded into view, it felt like he was seeing you for the first time in his life. You were leaning against a tree, arms cockily crossed in front of you, waiting. He let his feet carry him like the wind around him and soon he was crashing into you like an ocean wave. You laughed silently. The impact, knocking the air out of your lungs making you feel lighter than a cloud.
Almost as if by instinct Wonwoo’s arms found their way around your body, his face morphing into one of concern. He didn’t mean to crash into you as hard as he did or at all, but sometimes when he was with you his body acted as if it were unattached to his brain. “I’m sorry are you okay?” He placed his fingers underneath your chin lifting your head up so your watery eyes locked with his.
You planted your hands on his chest, balling your fist wrinkling his starch white button down and nodded. “With-- y-you I’m always okay.” You gasped and closed the distance. Your lips were on his faster than he could blink and he felt himself melt.
In fairytales silver and water were a witches ' kryptonite. In this life you were Wonwoo’s.
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Wonwoo didn’t win but he should’ve known you were going to give in to his desires. Despite your sneaky ways he knew he could always trust you but still it had caught him off guard when you had given him the onyx ropes upon entering your small cottage.
“You wanted to tie me up right? Now’s your chance.” The amount of trust that laid behind your eyes was overwhelming. And no one, not even his mother, had trusted him like you did.
He placed the ropes down on your old wooden bed and kissed you with everything in him.
When his mother would tell him the damsel in distress stories during bed time. She always described the ending kiss as if it were the most magical thing in the universe, with fireworks exploding and butterflies running mayhem in pits of stomachs. But you weren’t a damsel in distress and his mother’s description of a true love’s kiss didn’t do this kiss justice.
Wonwoo very much felt like he was thrown in the middle of space and was now dumbly floating around. His body felt lighter than air, but heavy at the same time. He didn’t feel fireworks nor the butterflies but he did feel the adrenaline dip in the mouth of his stomach and the strikes of lightning that raced through his veins. He felt brand new, and he was ready to give himself to you, just like he had many nights before but this time it felt different, important and special.
Maybe Wonwoo was finally releasing the lock he had around his heart, but if he didn’t know any better--and he didn’t. He was positive that what he was feeling for you in this moment of vulnerability was love.
“I want to take my time.” He whispered against your lips as your fingers toyed with the buttons of his shirt. “I want to be with you forever but I don’t know how.” He crushed the hem of your silk black shirt between his fingers. Your hands stopped their movements and you pulled away. They wandered up to his cheek, your index finger playing with the tiny sunspots that only you were able to see. He looked so small and scared and you were sure you mirrored his same expression because the grip he had on your shirt got tighter.
You had been in love once. Many lifetimes ago and they had been taken from you because of what you were. You promised yourself you would never love again and you spent years alone, until you found yourself in the odd old tavern.
For as long as you lived in the old supernatural town, you never once paid attention to that old tavern. Until one night during blue moon much like the one tonight, a little over a year ago you found yourself drawn to it. Your feet carried you there by themselves, your mind on autopilot and before you knew you were sitting in front of the bar, looking at a curious boy that resembled the prince you grew up hating, but that was impossible because he had been dead for years.
To your surprise he was the prince and he had spilled two strawberry margaritas on you ruining your new favorite shirt. You cursed him out, wondering why he wasn’t deader than dead as he apologized. He dropped everything before taking your hand in his and leading you up the rickety old stairs that led to the room above. Without a word he tore his poor excuse of a room apart until he found you a clean shirt and you put it on not after pushing him out of the room for some privacy.
If you had known that you would still keep that same shirt hidden deep in your closet you would’ve laughed because that was the first night you started to fall for him and every passing moment you were with him felt like you were being reborn again. Like a part of you didn’t die behind the flames of the burning fire as you watched your lover yell out for his life. That memory was buried deep in your mind and you had never told Wonwoo in fear that he would look at you differently. Like you weren’t his lifeline anymore, so, you kept it locked away inside of your heart just like the love you felt for him. One day you would tell him just not tonight. Tonight you wanted to keep your secret and instead be with him in every way possible.
“Take your time but tonight make me yours please.”
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Wonwoo didn’t tie the ropes hard enough and it made you laugh at his shaking hands as they traveled down your flushed out body. You had assured him that you had suffered through worse than the burning of ropes against your skin. But he paid no attention to your statement as he finished his second and final loop on your bedpost.
He kissed his way down your body slowly, giving extra love the parts he knew would have you unraveling in no time.
This was one of the things you loved most about him, instead of getting what he wanted and leaving. He took his time getting to know your wants and needs. You’ve had many lovers in the past and none of them had felt nor treated you the way Wonwoo did.
With love.
“You feel so warm already.” He whispered against the skin of your stomach, slowly getting closer to where you wanted him most. His hands squeezed your thigh and prided them open as he kissed his way further down, hovering his mouth against your clothed core.
You whimpered, tugging at his roots in attempts to bring him closer, “Please Wonwoo please.” You let out an exasperated breath. “I need you close.”
Wonwoo smirked leaving an open mouthed kiss against your core, savoring your honeyduke sweetness that seeped through your panties. Your grip on his hair got tighter as he continued to tease you. Kissing you and humming like he was tasting his last meal. He lapped up once more groaning before hooking his thumbs against the waistband of your panties and pulled them down, sitting down on his knees and throwing them somewhere in your room, joining your already discarded clothes.
The coolness of the wind coming in from your open window made the goosebumps rise against your soft skin. Wonwoo sucked in a breath as he took in how wet you were and for him.
No matter how many times he found himself in this position, your body's reaction to him always left him floored. “Take a picture, it will last longer.” You joked, placing your leg against his shoulder and pulling him down towards you again. Catching him off guard, just like you always did.
“One day I will and then I won’t stop and by the end of it all, I’ll have my own private collection.” He winked laying down in between your legs again. He kissed up your thighs alternating between the two, taking his sweet time like he always did.
“I bet you’d like that...f-fuck.” Wonwoo lapped up your entrance and wrapped his perfect lips around your clit. He closed his eyes savoring your taste, his blunt nails digging into the skin of your thighs.
“Y-Your mouth was—ahh, your mouth was made from the h-heavens.” You arched your back, pushing his head closer with your legs entrapping him. Your hands grabbing on the ropes as you felt your orgasm approach.
A throaty groan fell out of his mouth, sending the vibration up your clit and through your body. The knot in your stomach starting to get tighter. Wonwoo’s index and middle finger swirls around in your pussy. Bathing in the wetness before he slowly inserts them. He always knew you were warm inside but today it felt like you were on fire and he couldn’t wait to devour you further.
He hums happily pulling away and sits up, your leg falling from his shoulder making you whine at the loss of his mouth. “Patience baby I’ll give you everything you want tonight.” He assures before pushing his fingers in even further, your heat entrapping him.
“Ah, f-fuck this feels better than my charms.
“You have sex charms?” He poses curiously. You were a book full of fairytales and he couldn’t wait to read you front in back until the last day of his life.
“I have charms for a lot of things.” You throw your head back in pleasure as he lets his fingers take control. “I-I can show them to you one day.” You let out a breath as you felt your orgasm nearing.
“Why not now?” He brought his thumb onto your clit and started rubbing figure eights circumoniously, while his fingers pistoned into you. If anyone were to ask him what his favorite pastime was he would cheekily answer that it was you falling apart because of him.
“Don’t need them...you make me cum.” You arched your back and pulled on your ropes as your orgasm flooded over you. You moaned Wonwoo’s name like an old incantation in your book of spells as he continued to help you ride out your orgasm.
You always looked beautiful to Wonwoo, like a goddess or an angel sent from above. But the way you looked when you fell apart underneath him, was breathtaking and he wanted to remember it forever.
“Did that feel good?” He takes his fingers out, his palm rubbing soothing circles against your thigh as he brings them up to his lips. Your spent pussy clenched over nothing as you watched him, eyes locked with yours savoring you.
You nod, “It was orgasmic.” You joked. Your weak attempt of a pun makes him laugh. You freed yourself from his poor attempt at binding you to the bed and sat up. Wonwoo watched you dreamily as you wrapped your arms around his neck planting a soft kiss to his wet lips.
“Make me cum again my prince.”
“I’ll make you cum until first light.”
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Wonwoo kept true to his word, pulling four more orgasms from you. Each one more intense than the other and you found yourself craving for more, but he had stopped sensing your exhaustion.
He had been right earlier that night in the forest. You were strongest on Hallows Eve and underneath a blue moon, but when it came to Wonwoo you were weak. You didn’t mind it because it was to someone who would without a doubt catch you if you fell hard.
You had read it in his cards the first and only time you drew them for him. You didn’t voice it because his face when you had exposed his kinks was priceless. And because you feared that if you did you would lose him before you could tell him how you felt about him. You weren’t sure when you would but if he kept looking at you and holding you like you were his entire universe. You would without a doubt forget your fears and confess.
“I love you.” Wonwoo’s eyes got wide as he brought his hands up to his mouth covering it. “Sorry I—I fuck I-“
“I love you.” You copied his actions. The two of you letting the silence overcome your ragged breaths. Until he laughed, making you laugh as well. You grabbed his hand and brought it close to your body.
It was unbelievable how afraid the two of you had been when the two of you had unknowingly fallen for each other long ago. Wonwoo sat up on his elbows and moved so he was hovering over you again. “I’ve never once loved, and I’m sure I love you more than anything in this world.” He pecked your lips repeatedly before laying half of his body on yours carefully and putting his head against your chest humming happily.
“I once loved but I didn’t love them the way I love you Wonwoo.”
“That must mean I’m special princess.”
You rolled your eyes, your hands coming up to his shoulders and kneading out the tension that had formed over years of unnecessary stress. “Not a princess...but you’re more than special.”
“In my eyes you’ll always be my princess.” He left a chaste kiss against your collar bone. “But you’re more than special to me too baby, and since we’ve established that can you tell me what’s been bothering you all night.”
“Nothing’s bothering me, why are you asking?”
“You didn’t drink tonight and back when we were walking home you were spaced out half of the time.” He traced a finger up your side teasingly.
You sighed and stopped massaging his shoulders. He was right you had been distracted for half the night wondering how you should tell him the last secret you had. This one you couldn’t keep hidden away because it involved him and his biggest heartbreak.
“I drew a card from my deck this morning.”
He hummed and lifted his head, his eyebrows knitting together, “What was it, anything bad?”
You bit your lip, knitting your fingers into his hair. “The Empress, sometimes I read her as a fertility card an-“
“You’re pregnant?” Wonwoo sat up, your hand falling onto his chest. You giggled, shaking your head profusely. Your contraception charms were safer than any kind of contraception out there.
“God no Wonwoo, not now, but you told me your mom loved peonies right?”
“Yeah, the palace was always filled with them.”
“Okay well for days I’ve been seeing peonies pop up randomly around this place and I just thought it was a coincidence. When I drew my card this morning, The Empress was surrounded by peonies, but I really didn’t think anything of it. When I entered the tavern last night there were peonies in the flowerbed growing. And now that I think about it they were there too the night I met you.”
“What are you saying, that my mom is here somehow?” His voice was filled with hope and you tried hard not to cringe at the sound. The thought had crossed your mind a few times but you always had to remember that even though the supernatural existed peacefully in this world. That rule didn’t apply to the dead, they had strict rules on their side of the realm. If his mom was making an attempt to contact him he was sacrificing her chances at reincarnation.
“I’m saying that maybe your mom didn’t tell you who she really was.”
“Are you saying she was a witch like you?”
As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt comfort. Everything about his childhood made sense. The random peonies that would appear in the garden during the mid of winter. The stories that didn’t feel like stories but more like memories. And her sudden death. He wasn’t sure if his father had known or if he had found out that morning, but whatever the case was he was positive that she had sent you to him. His greatest and last gift to him from her and had never felt more at peace.
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kvnyin · 4 years
Mocha Covered Irises
Combo: Jeongin x M!Reader
Wording: 1590
Genre: Teeth Rotting Fluff
Song To Play While Reading: My Love
A/N: I wrote this on a whim, so I’m very sorry if it’s out of character or just too cringey LMAO, remember to listen to the song while reading for the best experience and emotions! anyway much love <3
Editor: Hailey <3
It’s been a long day, too long. Today is the anniversary of 2 years of you guys being together, your boyfriend has been gone since morning and you haven’t heard much from him. Although, that could just be your attachment to him talking.
Having nothing better to do, you start cleaning. Underneath the bed, in the living room, wiping the dust off from the tables and tv. Moving onto the bedroom you share with Jeongin, you crack a smile seeing one of his hoodies sprawled on the bed, you would put it on but it’s too small on you. Picking up his black hoodie, you hug it and smell his scent that's on it.
“Ah I miss him already, I wonder when he’s gonna come back.”
4:00 pm, yang yang:
hyung! I’ll be back in 5 hours :)
4:02 pm
I’ll be waiting :)
Speak of the devil, your smile breaks out so wide your mouth hurts. Hurriedly running to the kitchen to prepare dinner, you nearly face-plant into the wood flooring due to your socks. Shaking your head in embarrassment; imagining if Jeongin had seen it, you make your way to your kitchen gathering everything you need to bake him a small, cute cheesecake.
Cream cheese, eggs, sugar and everything else in a bowl, you prep everything and set the cheesecake in the oven, waiting patiently for it to cook, you begin to get the fruits and chocolate ready. Carefully taking out the cheesecake from the oven, you quickly drizzled the milk chocolate on top, making cute little swirls here and there. 
Placing strawberries and oranges on top to make them into a heart , smiling at the work you had just done, you take out the container of whipped cream and proceed to scoop the white fluffy cream into an icing bag, pouring every ounce of your heart into it. Going back to the cake, you hold onto your left wrist to make precise puffs inside the heart. For decorating the outside, you quickly grab the heart sprinkles, placing a generous amount in the small whipped puffs. 
Taking a step back, you admire the work you had just done. Smiling sheepishly at the thought of showing Jeongin, you carefully slip the cheesecake into the fridge. Afterwards, you cleaned the kitchen, wiped down the floors and lit candles at the dining table, not forgetting to place the candles around the living room as well as in the bedroom.
You look down at your phone, it was already 8:00PM. You rush to the bedroom, slipping into a simple black turtle-neck, brown plaid slacks, as well a mocha-colored trench coat, and topping it all off with your black dress shoes. 
You grab your keys and wallet, walking out of the shared condo, you made sure the door was locked, walking down to the main floor and stepped outside. The cold bites at your face and a gush of white escapes from your lips. Looking up, snow started to fall around the busy city of Seoul. Christmas lights were already lit up and propped around the nearby trees.
‘We need to decorate our condo when Jeongin comes back, I’ll make sure of it’
Smiling at the thought, you got into your car to go receive Jeongin’s gifts. After picking up your desired gifts, you decided to stop by a flower shop to buy a bouquet, only getting the prettiest red roses. 
“My, you’re such a young handsome man! Are you getting these for your girlfriend?”
The sweet old lady peered joyfully at the roses.
“Ah no actually, these are for my boyfriend.”
She looked shocked but then smiled sweetly, carefully tying a golden ribbon around the colorful roses
“You young people still surprise me with how sweet you guys are, when my husband and I were young he never bought me roses!”
You laughed along with the lady, reaching into your pocket to pay for the roses
“It’s on the house, don’t worry about the cost.”
You looked up at the lady surprised, giving her a look of ‘are you sure?’
“I’m sure, it’s Christmas season, think of it as a gift from me to you and your boyfriend.”
You smiled wide and thanked the woman, walking out the shop with the gigantic bouquet in your arms. Your final stop would be at the local convenience store to pick up balloons and streamers, and then home.
You arrived home around 8:50PM, with 10 minutes to spare. You quickly threw off your trench coat and started to set everything up. Placing the gifts onto the bed, surrounding them with rose petals, and then running to the kitchen you took out the cheesecake and inserted two small candles into it, small little sparks emitted from them. Taking a deep breath, you dust yourself off, carefully placing the bouquet behind the stacks of books in the living room, after you hid the roses you picked up the cheesecake and held it in the palms of your hand.
Just as you were about to double check everything, you heard the front door open. Quickly turning around, facing your back to the door; as the door closes you hear the voice you’ve been craving to hear all day.
“Hyung! You decorated our place so pretty, it looks so cute.”
“What can I say? Your boyfriend does wonders!”
“Where are you? I have something for you!”
“I’m in the kitchen, love.”
You hear footsteps creeping closer, your heart beats faster with every creak in the floor. Taking a deep breath, you turn around to a surprised Jeongin while surprising yourself.
Both of you burst out laughing.
“Hyung you got a cake too?”
“I made mine, since I know you like my baking. Is that my favorite mocha cake?”
“Of course it is, I know how much you love it. Is that cheesecake? It’s so detailed, you did this all by yourself?”
You nod, putting down the cheesecake on the countertop. Taking the mocha cake from Jeongin, you kiss him gently, closing the space between you two, after you guys part you smile sweetly at him. You look down at the cake and notice writing on it:
“Happy Anniversary Hyung! ♥”
Jeongin couldn’t help but turn his head away from embarrassment, then an idea popped into your head.
“You should go change, after you do we can enjoy these cakes. I’ll go get plates and forks while you’re gone.”
Jeongin quickly sprinted to the bedroom, clearly excited to spend the rest of the night with his beloved. As soon he turned his back to you, you placed down the cake and grabbed the hidden bouquet, not shortly after you heard a gasp arise. You took this as your cue to go the bedroom, you quietly leaned against the door frame, smiling at the sight of your boyfriend.
Before Jeongin took his focus away from the scenery, you got down on one knee, taking the velvet box out from your pocket. Tucking the bouquet into your right arm, one of your hands holding the bottom of the box, while the other on top. Jeongin turned around to call out for you only to see you propped right in-front of him, instantly throwing his hands up to his mouth, he froze in place.
You smiled sweetly at him, your eyes sparkled with the candles scattered around the room.
“Since the day I met you, I’ve never felt anything like this before. 
I’ve felt nothing but love whenever I’m with you, whether that’s waking up next to you, going on cute dates late at night, even when we get into fights. 
I want no one but you by my side, I don’t care how many fights we get in, how many arguments we have, and no matter how much you complain, I’ll never get tired of your voice. 
When you have to leave for weeks due to your schedule, I’ll always wait for you. I don’t care if it’s months or years, I’ll be by your side. Let me spend the rest of my life beside you Jeongin.”
You prepared yourself for what you were about to say.
“Will you marry me?”
Jeongin flew into your arms, knocking out the bouquet, you felt his heart right on top of yours, playing the melody of eternal love. You place down the box, engulfing him into a tight hug, stroking the back of his head, in his shaky but joyful voice he replied
“Yes, yes I’ll marry you. Hyung I love you so much, you don’t even understand.”
You laugh, tapping his head as a signal for Jeongin to lift his head off of your neck. You wipe away all the tears and snot, moving his bangs to kiss his forehead, you guys stayed in that position for a while. After slipping the ring onto Jeongin’s finger, you carried him into the kitchen while he complained that he could walk by himself, you set him onto the countertop, cutting a slice of mocha cake, you placed the cake on top of the plate. 
Handing it to him, you got yourself a plate as well, you scrunch your nose in delight at the taste, you guys spent the time talking to each other of the future, how happy you were to be in this very moment, you thanked every lucky star, and in doing so you made one thing clear to him:
“As much as I like mocha cake, I would pick staring into your mocha covered irises over it any day.”
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
Want And Need ~ Gavin Reed (DBH)
requested by: --
pairing(s): gavin reed x male reader, tina chen x male reader
warnings: cursing, drinking alcohol, angst, unrequited love
a/n: this had been in my drafts for months or 2018 to be more accurate lmao and now i finally finished it asfahaksjad anyways, been awhile since i written for dbh
and some... uhh... stuff
so enjoy! :D
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"What? You're going already?" Tina couldn't help but chuckle as she nodded her head, sending her brunet friend a smile as she stood up from the chair she sat.
"Yeah," Tina said as she then shrugged when Gavin sent her an annoyed look. "Wish I could hang more but [Name] wanted to take me out for dinner."
Gavin rolled his eyes at the black haired woman turned her head to the doorway to see the said male she was talking about with the brunet detective. [Name] was leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed on his chest. A small grin on his lips as he saw Tina spotted him.
"And speak of the devil, there he is now," Tina had laughed as she gave a small wave from the [Hair color] haired male who sent her a grin.
"Hey, you two!" [Name] had joyfully greeted as he approached the two. [Name] slung his arms around both the twos' neck as he peck the black haired female's cheek and then sent Gavin a smile. "Missed you guys so much!" The [Hair color] haired man had chuckled as Gavin let out a groan as he drank his drink.
"Speak of the devil indeed," Gavin had groaned as he sent a small glare at the other man who only chuckled while the female grinned.
"Awe, you didn't missed me, Gav?" Gavin rolled his eyes as he saw [Name] pout.
"Miss you? You gone was the best hours of my life," Gavin huffed as he then continued on. "And stop calling me "'Gav,' damn it!"
Tina couldn't help but chuckle as [Name] had his arms retracked back towards him, freeing the two. "Now, now boys. Stop being six year olds and make up," Tina had teased as Gavin sent her an annoyed glare.
"Fuck off, Chen," Gavin spat as the said female laughed as the [Hair color] haired man had ruffled Gavin's hair who in turn cursed him then.
"Anyways," [Name] had trailed off as he raised his wrist to looked at his watch. "We better be going now, love," [Name] had finished as he turned his gaze to Tina and lovingly smiled when he saw her nodded her head and took her coat from the chair beside her.
Softly smiling, Tina looked back at the brunet sitting beside her who raised his glass and drank the alcoholic contents. Patting the male's shoulder as she bid her good bye. "Well, we gotta go, Gav. See you tomorrow at the precinct!" Tina had said as she walked towards the door's of the bar, turning her head to see [Name] patting Gavin's back and bid his good bye as well.
"Don't drink too much, Gavin," [Name] had said as he sent the brunet detective a small smile.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now go and have a fun," Gavin had said as he shooed the [Hair color] haired man away, sending a smirk as he did. "Not too much fun, though!" He had hollered which caused [Name] to chuckle with a faint blush on his cheeks and had Tina yelled Gavin's name in disbelief as she then laughed and flip him off. The said male merely returned the gesture with a grin.
"Have fun you two!" The brunet bid as he saw [Name] had began walking towards Tina who waited for him in the entrance of the pub. Their hands intertwined then when the [Hair color] haired man had finally arrived beside the asian female as they then  walked out the club together. Leaving behind Gavin who's smile faded as he watched the two.
The brunet turned his gaze in front of him as his hands clutched the glass on his hands hard as he grit his teeth. He then emptied the contents of alcohol from his glass by downing it in one go. The acidic taste of alcohol going down his throat as he slammed the glass on the counter.
"Jim! Get me more!" Gavin had ordered as the bartender only nodded his head and did what the brunet had said. Filling Gavin's glass with whiskey as the male had then immediately drank it. "Another!"
Drunk out of his ass, Gavin was now on his apartment where he sat at the red velvet couch and groaned out from the pain he was feeling with his head aching. "Fuck, I shouldn't have drank to much," Gavin had muttered to himself as he rubbed his temple. The brunet already regretting his choices as he sat there.
Gavin let out huff and was about to sleep on the couch when a meow beside him had took his attention. Turning where his cat was, the feline had merely looked at their owner almost judgingly as they then went back to laying comfortably beside the drunk male.
Gavin stopped rubbing his aching head and just stared blankly at in front of him. A sigh left his lips. "God... I'm such a fucking mess..." Gavin muttered to himself as a frown on his lips, wondering how he came to be.
"Oh right, it was with him..." The brunet had softly said as he remembered what happened a few days back.
"Saturday, six o'clock at my place?" [Name] had said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. A small, nervous smile on his lips as the female in front of him giggled.
"Sure thing, [Name]," Tina said as she punched the [Hair color] haired man's shoulder. "Better be fun," Tina giggled as she saw [Name] sent her a beaming smile.
"Trust me, I'll make sure it will be."
Not to far away from the two, Gavin turned around and began walking away. Passing by a trash can where he immediately threw the movie he had bought for their hang out, he gritted his teeth as his vision began to blur. The scene replaying on his mind made his heart clench in pain.
"The fuck was I fooling?" The brunet had muttered to himself as his hands balled into a fist. His knuckles turning white from the action.
"Of course he wouldn't fucking like me like that way," Gavin weakly chuckled to himself as his vision blurred a bit from the upcoming tears that were threatening to fall down his face. "Who was I fooling...?"
Gavin gritted his teeth as he remembered that awful memory. The memory where he was ready to tell what he felt to the [Hair color] haired man only to see him asking another friend of his out for a date.
'The worst part was I didn't even got a fucking chance.' The brunet male grit his teeth as his vision began to blur. Gripping the hem of his shirt as he felt his heart clench at remembering the sign him was pinning onto her and the black haired female doing the same.
"God... I'm such an dumbass..." Gavin said to himself as he bit back the sob threatening to escape his lips. His heart clenched painfully from realizing he never, truly had a chance.
"Oh my fucking God! Reed what the fuck?!?" The [Hair color] haired man had screamed as he was on the ground, drenched with the warm coffee he was drinking awhile ago. The brunet merely laughed at the [Hair color] haired man as he clutched his stomach from the pain of laughing too much.
"O-oh my G-god! You s-should've seen your f-face! Priceless!" Gavin rasped out as he wiped a tear from his eyes, having the time of his life the brunet was. [Name] merely rolled his [Eye color] eyes in annoyance as wiped the coffee off his face.
"Yeah, yeah, it was fucking hilarious. Thanks asshole," [Name] had said as he sent the still laughing male a glare. Gavin only sent him a wink as he walked away laughing.
"You love this asshole though!" The brunet had shouted as he walked out the break room to go and get the [Hair color] haired man an extra shirt to wear since he was drenched with the coffee he was drinking awhile ago.
When Gavin had returned with the extra shirt, he saw the new female recruit helping out his friend and partner. The brunet frowned a bit when he saw the female giving the [Hair color] haired man a smile as the male seemed to be flustered a bit. As he watched the two exchange words, Gavin felt really bad about something.
"Hi, I'm Tina Chen." The female, Tina, had said with a smile on her lips as she held her hand towards the [Hair color] haired man who grinned as he grabbed and shook the black haired female's hand.
"Nice to meet you officer Chen. Name's [Name] [Last name]."
Gavin forced himself to try and forget the memories of him pinning over his friend. He tried to desperately forget about them but it always came back. Haunting the brunet in a never ending cycle.
'This was so unfair. So fucking unfair.' Gavin thought as the tears fell down his eyes. Looking at his ceiling, the brunet detective remembered [Name] being so happy when he told the news his date with Tina went well.
Gavin remembered [Name] smiling so happily as he told him that he was in love with the female officer. That this was the first time he felt so strongly with someone.
"I never stood a chance," Gavin weakly chuckled to himself. "How fucking pathetic," Gavin continued as he cried.
Gavin Reed wanted [Name] [Last name]. His partner in crime (both literally and figuratively), his best friend. But he can't have the [Hair color] haired man as when Gavin wanted him— Tina Chen, a friend and fellow officer, needed [Name]. The two were made for each other and they both made each other happy.
The brunet detective remembered Tina being more optimistic in the DPD precinct. More happy to go to work and would come towards him to ask questions on [Name]'s likes and dislikes. The [Hair color] haired man's hobbies and what he looks for a significant lover.
Gavin saw that Tina was making an effort with the courting [Name] was doing for her. Doing things for the [Hair color] haired man aswell like surprising [Name] with his favorite foods or having movie dates in their day offs.
Gavin saw they were making their relationship worth it and he couldn't help but feel happy for them both. No matter how much it hurts him— Gavin Reed merely wanted the [Hair color] haired man. While Tina Chen needed [Name].
And that's where Gavin knew the difference between want and need.
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atomicstrawbrys · 4 years
Dead On Arrival
WOW i haven’t written in forever lmao, hopefully I still remember how!! I hope you enjoy the fic!! Please let me know if you did!!
Summary: Arthur and Alfred have a date. However, as Alfred finds himself unable to attend due to a rather...serious condition, it is up to Arthur to make sure they get to their dinner reservation on time. USUK.
Warnings: gross imagery, character death, violence
Words: 2583
Honestly, of all the times for Alfred to die, it had to be a few weeks before their big dinner date. 
Arthur had made the reservation months in advance, as The Boathouse was always packed full of the rich and influential, and, hell, he’d just wanted to have one really nice date. Sure, he adored Alfred, and loved being with him no matter where they were, but he’d been looking forward to getting all fancy and renting a nice car for the night, to coming home late and getting pounded into the mattress before they would wake up and resume their normal lives. 
And then Alfred got himself killed. A mugging gone wrong; they’d said. Alfred wasn’t even the intended victim, but he’d noticed the crime unfolding and had stepped in. The initial target had run away, but Alfred had not been so lucky. And oh, how his family wept. As did Arthur. He couldn’t even be considered a widower, as he had asked Alfred to prolong their engagement, putting off the wedding until they were secure enough to afford a decent house. How silly that seemed now- if he could go back, he’d have gone with Alfred to the courthouse the very day his fiancé had proposed. 
And now, instead of planning a wedding, Arthur had planned a funeral. Closed casket, at his insistence. He didn’t want to see Alfred, a man who represented the very definition of life, reduced to a cold meat sack. They’d lowered his love into the ground, and, rather than a goodbye, Arthur departed with a ‘See you later, Darling.’ And, if he had anything to say about it, he would.
On the day of their date, Arthur rolled up to the cemetery in the rose gold Ferrari they’d reserved for the occasion. He stepped out in his crushed velvet suit, checking his watch. He had a little less than an hour before they had to be at The Boathouse. If they were even a minute late, they’d lose their reservation, so he did hope this would be quick.
Opening the passenger side door, Arthur retrieved a weathered tome from on top of the seat. He’d had this particular book of magicks for a while now, though before Alfred’s death, he’d never intended on getting involved in necromancy. Well. Maybe only a little, but still. The tome itself felt odd in his hands- it was bound with some type of animal skin, but not like anything he’d ever felt. He had plenty of old books, but this didn’t feel like any of the others...it also had this weird, fleshy color that wasn’t too far off from his own, and- Nope. Nope, that train of thought had gone far enough. Whatever the book was made out of, he didn’t make it, so it wasn’t his problem.  He flipped through the pages of the tome as he walked through the graveyard, stepping over and around the headstones of those he was much less attached to.
When he arrived at Alfred’s grave -a nice little spot underneath the shade of a tree- Arthur took a moment to read the inscription on his headstone.
“Here lies Alfred Jones. Beloved Fiancé and Friend. Loved by all who knew him.” Beneath that were the dates that marked his birth and death, a short twenty-five years that seemed much too short for a man who loved life so much.
Before Arthur could contemplate on the tragedy further, he shook himself out of his thoughts  and held up the ancient book. He read the page-long incantation labelled only ‘Reanimation.’ Once he’d read it through a few times, he set the book down in the grass, leaving his hands free.
As he chanted, Arthur took out his pocketknife, bringing it up to his hand. The blood of the living to awaken the body of the dead, that was the exchange. Of course, he wasn’t stupid enough to slice his palm, despite what was often shown in movies. Instead, he nicked the side of his wrist, letting crimson droplets sprinkle the freshly tilled earth of Alfred’s grave. With a final flourish, he wiped his wrist across Alfred’s headstone, the grey inscription now painted red. Then, he waited. Forty-five minutes until their reservation- Alfred had better be quick about this ‘coming back to life’ business.
For a moment, nothing happened. Arthur had been beginning to lose hope, beginning to wonder if the Definitely-Not-Human-Skin tome had been little more than a cheap Halloween decoration. But then, the earth beneath him shifted. There was something shifting around down there, or, rather, someone.
A hand burst through the dirt, clawing desperately towards the sky. Arthur, recognizing the engagement ring on Alfred’s finger, lunged forward and grasped his palm in both his hands. He pulled as hard as he could, the hand eventually giving way to an arm, and then a shoulder, and finally, to the rest of Alfred.
At first, Arthur could just stare. Alfred’s body, once decomposing, slowly began to knit itself back together until he looked, well, sort of normal. Alfred just stared back at him, light blue slowly pouring back into his milky white eyes. They weren’t as clear or brilliant as before, sure, but Arthur didn’t mind in the slightest. Alfred always looked perfect, even as maggots wriggled in the flesh of his crudely reconstructed body.
“Baaaaaaaaabe?” He rumbled, his voice garbled and slurred. Arthur could only laugh then, pulling his fiancé into a hug.
“Oh, Alfred, it’s so good to see you! Ha, don’t you bite me, now, I’ll not be responsible for some zombie apocalypse.”
“Ha. Ha.” Alfred’s raspy voice replied, jerking an arm up to Arthur’s back to give him a squeeze. “Missed...you. Sorry…”
“Hush, Alfred, you’ve nothing to be sorry for.” Arthur blinked quickly, shaking his head. He’d known the moment Alfred died that he would be bringing him back, but still, having the weeks without him...Arthur never wanted to do that again. And now that Alfred was back... it was a good feeling. “We do have a dinner reservation in like half an hour, though, so we’d better get going. It’s a good thing you’re already in your best suit.” He leaned back, pressing a kiss to Alfred’s cheek. Alfred’s lips twitched into something that resembled a smile.
As they pulled up to The Boathouse, Arthur slipped out of the passenger side. Alfred’s parking job was crooked as all hell, but it still wasn’t the worst he’d ever done. Perhaps it had been a mistake to put Alfred behind the wheel, but Arthur didn’t really like to drive, and besides, Alfred had geeked out once he saw the rented vehicle. He’d run up to the driver’s side as quickly as he could manage, which, to be fair, wasn’t very fast for the time being. Rigor mortis was not being kind to Alfred for the moment, and all his movements were jerky and stiff. It might ease up over the course of the night, but, even if it didn’t, Arthur found the way he moved to be absolutely fascinating. 
Walking up to the restaurant with Alfred, Arthur held on to his fiancé’s hand, giving him a smirk. “I think I shall drive on the way back, Love. As much as I’d prefer not to, I’m a little worried that if I let you, I shall have to reanimate someone else before the night is out.”
“Boooo.” Alfred groaned in response. Arthur’s smile only widened.
The hostess of the restaurant seemed rather uneasy as she sat the two of them down at their table. Why, Arthur couldn’t begin to fathom. Even their waiter made little more than fleeting eye contact with them, practically throwing their menus to avoid stepping close to the table. Arthur just gave him a polite nod, opening it up and looking over the options. 
“Well, I think I shall be getting the Lobster Thermidor. And you, Darling?”
Alfred grinned then, a little more easily. He waggled his eyebrows.
“Braaaaaaaaaaaaains.” He snickered, and Arthur couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
“Oh, aren’t you funny. I already told you, no one is starting an apocalypse tonight. We can talk about it in the morning.” Arthur’s lips twitched up into a grin.
Alfred smiled, and, rather than giving the wheezing chuckle Arthur expected, he started to laugh. Sure, it was deep and bone-chilling and almost definitely not of this world, but it was still Alfred’s laugh, and Arthur’s heart melted at the sound of it. Then, Alfred looked back at his menu.
“Seared scallop pasta...looks good.”
Arthur nodded, and, once the waiter returned, relayed their order back to him. The waiter, again, would not get anywhere near their table, but that was no matter. Even if Arthur did have to speak up a bit for the other man to hear him, as long as the order was taken, it was alright.
As they waited, Arthur looked at his fiancé, fiddling with his own engagement ring that Alfred had spent way too much on. Alfred’s gaze wandered now, cloudy blue eyes taking in the restaurant and its patrons. He was still Alfred; Arthur was sure of it. Sure, he was pallid, and his body was...misshapen in some places. Sure, there was a weird wet ooze that soaked the front of his suit. Sure, he walked like a doll without articulated joints, and sure, his voice sounded as if there was dirt in his lungs. And, sure, his chest did not have the rise and fall of breath, indicating that perhaps Alfred no longer needed to breathe at all. But he was his fiancé, and, had they gotten married, Arthur would have pledged to love him until death parted them. Hell, Arthur loved him so much that death had failed to part them.
Alfred’s eyes refocused on him, and he smiled. “ Arthur…” He clumsily jerked his hand across the table, taking Arthur’s warm palm into his cold one. “Love...ya.”
Arthur felt a warm, soft smile spread across his lips as he looked down at their hands. It had only been a few weeks since he’d lost Alfred in the first place, but he’d gone far too long without hearing his partner say that he loved him. He blinked back misty eyes and nodded.
“I love you too, Alfred. So very much.”
When their meals arrived, the waiter’s hands subtly trembled as he set their plates down. Arthur pretended not to notice. He also pretended not to notice the way Alfred tore into his food- like he was a barely contained animal with a crazed hunger that flashed in his eyes only momentarily. Still, when Alfred looked at him, his eyes contained only warmth and adoration, so Arthur decided he wouldn’t worry about it too much.
After dinner, Arthur paid their bill, and helped Alfred to his feet. They left the restaurant, Arthur hugging his fiancé’s arm and nuzzling against his shoulder. He was sure the staff was glad to have them out of the building, and, to be honest, Arthur was glad for the fresh air. Alfred didn’t exactly smell the best anymore, but it was nothing a bath and some cologne couldn’t have helped. 
“Tonight was really nice, Al.” Arthur hummed, looking up at him. “I’m really glad we got to go out again. It’s...” His voice thickened. “It’s been really hard without you, you know.” 
Alfred slid his arm up Arthur’s back with more grace than he’d possessed the entire night, and gently squeezed Arthur to his side. He pressed a clammy kiss to Arthur’s temple, his eyes sad and apologetic.
“I didn’t...wanna leave you.” He murmured, and Arthur nodded, rubbing his eyes with a closed fist.
“I know, Alfred. I know. And I don’t...blame you, for what happened. You tried to do what was right, and you probably saved a life in the process. I only wish you’d come out unscathed.”
They reached the car, and Arthur opened the passenger side for Alfred before he climbed behind the wheel. He smiled at him, and, as they drove, he held his hand across the console. They rode in silence- not uncomfortable, but not quite comfortable either. Arthur wondered where Alfred had gone after he died- if he’d gone anywhere at all. But although he knew Alfred could answer him, he didn’t ask. He wasn’t meant to know what happened to a human soul after death, and he was alright with leaving it a mystery. As long as Alfred was alright, that was all the information he needed to know.
As they pulled back up to the cemetery, Alfred sat up, looking confused.
“Here?” He looked at Arthur, tilting his head. “What about...home?”
Arthur parked the car and turned off the headlights. “I know, my Love. I wish you could come back with me, too. But...you can’t, we both know it. What is your family going to think if your grave is empty tomorrow? And besides- I’m a little worried about the effects of keeping you out here for too long.”
Alfred’s lips drew into a pout. “Wouldn’t bite anyone...” He crossed his arms, looking down at his lap.
“I’m sure you wouldn’t. All the same, I think this is for the best.” Arthur got out of the car and went around to open the trunk. He pulled out a shovel and motioned for Alfred to follow. Reluctantly, Alfred obeyed, getting out and shuffling up the hill to the place he’d been buried.
“Right, then. In you go- according to the book I read, once you’re back in there, you’ll...you’ll fall asleep, and...you know. You’ll go back to wherever you were before I woke you.
Alfred looked down at the dark, damp hole, and shot his best puppy eyes at Arthur. Arthur crossed his arms and acted like he wasn’t affected, but they both knew it wasn’t true.
“Goodbye, Al. I’ll miss you.” He gave him a little smile, but his lip wobbled.
“I don’t wanna go.”
“I know.”
Alfred sat down at the edge of his grave, legs dangling as he stared down into it. He sighed, shoulders slumping as he started to ease himself back in.
“Ah, fuck,” Arthur murmured, shaking his head. “I’ll wake you up again next week, okay? We’ll stay in- we’ll order pizza and watch a movie. As long as you promise we’ll have you back in here before sunrise.”
With a surprising fluidity, Alfred shot up out of his grave and crushed Arthur to his chest in a hug.
“Okay! I love you!”
Chuckling, Arthur hugged him back, pressing a soft kiss to cold lips. “And I love you. Now, get back in there before I change my mind.”
Nodding, Alfred wasted no time in hopping down and lying in the splintered remains of his casket. He smiled up at Arthur and waved before he closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.
It took almost an hour, but, shovelful by shovelful, Arthur filled Alfred’s grave back in. He finished it up with a resounding pat-pat, then “borrowed” a rose from a nearby tomb and placed it down at Alfred’s headstone. He pressed a kiss to his dirt-crusted fingertips, then pressed his fingertips to the cool stone.
“See you next week, my Love. Sleep well.”
And with that, Arthur hefted the shovel up onto his shoulder and headed down the hill, already thinking about what movies they’d watch on their next date.
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taeyongdoyoung · 4 years
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summary: the forest is your only escape from the everyday troubles with your family until you find danger lurking behind the trees. or rather, danger finds you. your fateful encounter with the vampire ravn leaves you wishing for a different life. you strike an unexpected deal with the stranger that will soon turn into something more…
pairing: vampire!ravn x reader
genre: vampire!au, angst, humour, slight fluff
warnings: human trashnaming lmao, blood, fangs, sensual (?) biting
word count: 2.6k
author’s note: magician!seoho cameo especially for @wandu *mwah*
part one 🌙 part two 🌙 part four 🌙 part five 🌙 part six 🌙 part seven 🌙 part eight 🌙 part nine 🌙 part ten🌙 part eleven 🌙 part twelve 🌙epilogue
Two weeks later, you awoke in the middle of the night, because you were feeling peckish. You had already gotten used to the expensive red velvet sheets that surrounded you every night. It wasn’t their softness or the riches in Ravn’s castle that gave you comfort. It was the realization that your family could no longer bully you for not being married well-off or judge you for reading too much or anything they chose to hold against you.
You could finally be yourself. And not in the way you had been in the forest - lonesome. You finally had company that accepted you for who you were. There was one tiny downside, that company consisted a vampire that required your blood. But you reminded yourself this was your idea in the first place. And though sometimes uncomfortable, it was still way better than your previous life.
You got up from the bed to search for said vampire. He didn’t really need sleep so the bed was just there as an accessory of some sorts. You were glad for it, because you were planning to stick around. You couldn’t find him anywhere so you made yourself at home and went to prepare some food. Ever since you’d “moved in”, Ravn had made sure you’d have all the commodities a human could possibly require, including a previously empty room that could now be perfectly classified as a kitchen. 
You were very grateful for his kindness but there was a part of you that kept saying this was too good to be true. Sure, you were giving something in return, but was it enough? What if his intentions towards you changed at one point? What if one day he decided he no longer liked your blood and tossed you away? What would you do, then? Or what if…he just killed you once he grew bored with you? Admittedly, you weren’t really scared of death. But you still liked living. After having endured so much torment, you were now enjoying life and you didn’t want that newfound happiness, that freedom to end.
As you were making yourself a sandwich, you suddenly heard a noise coming from somewhere nearby. You looked around but could see nothing and nobody.
“Ravn, is this you?” you asked fearfully.
However, you were shocked when you were met with a complete stranger lurking in the shadows!
“Who the hell are you?” the suspicious man inquired.
“I could ask you the same!” you shot back.
“I asked you first!” he continued.
You groaned in frustration.
“What are you doing in the kitchen?”
“What are you doing in the kitchen?” he mimicked your voice.
You rolled your eyes, completely done with this stranger.
“RAAAAAAVN,” you yelled for dear life, hoping that your vampire host would kick the intruder out as soon as possible.
“Wait, you know Ravn?” the man asked.
“Uh, yeah. Do you?”
“Are you kidding? I’m his best friend, Seoho!” 
“Oh. I’m…” How were you supposed to introduce yourself? Ravn’s blood bank? His human roommate? What were you to him?
Luckily, you were saved by further questioning things, because Ravn walked into the kitchen in that very moment.
“Y/N, are you okay?” he asked, visibly concerned about your well-being, which made your heart flutter despite your better judgement. “Ah, Seoho, hi!” Ravn’s tense posture immediately relaxed. “Did you scare my human?”
He’d called you his human…Never before had you imagined that being a vampire’s human would excite you in such a way. You had previously thought that being too possessive was somewhat cringey. What had changed? Why were you so quick to fall for his charms?
“I’m not scared!” you quickly stood up for yourself. “I just didn’t know who he was, that’s why I called your name.”
Ravn smiled fondly.
“There’s no need to worry,” he reassured you. “Seoho is my best friend. He’s a magician.”
“Woah,” you were amazed to have met yet another supernatural creature. Things were getting more and more interesting.
“Would you like to explain to me why there’s a human in your castle?” Seoho intended to find out.
Ravn gulped anxiously. Seoho was staring at him intensely. You looked at Ravn, then at Seoho, then back at Ravn and the tension in the kitchen was too terrifying to move or speak a word. What had you done wrong?
“Y/N, could you go upstairs for a bit? I need a moment alone with Seoho.” Ravn whispered gently but you knew this wasn’t a request. 
So, you quietly slid away from the room, but before you could start walking towards your new bedroom, you couldn’t help but overhear Ravn’s answer.
“She won’t tell anyone about what we are.”
“How can you be so certain?” Seoho responded angrily. “Don’t you remember what almost happened to Xion when his secret was exposed?”
You were in no place to hear any of this but it was too tempting to miss. You felt really bad about eavesdropping but if you wanted to survive in Ravn’s castle, you had to know what to avoid doing or saying.
“How can I forget when I’m the one who pulled him out of this mess, in the first place,” Ravn replied just as angry.
“There’s a reason why I insisted on erasing your victims’ memories! Humans are the lowest form of existence and they can’t be trusted!”
“I was a human once,” Ravn reminded his friend in a sad, almost nostalgic voice.
“Yeah, and how did that work out for you, huh? I swear to Lucifer, if she exposes us…”
“I can deal with the consequences for my actions, Seoho. Just leave Y/N out of this.”
“What makes her so special?”
Ravn was silent for a brief moment.
“Oh, no. Don’t tell me she’s…”
“Shh,” Ravn interrupted his friend as if he somehow knew you were listening at the door. “It’s just a theory.”
“You’re being very defensive over a mere theory,” Seoho pointed out.
“I’ll let you know when I find out for sure.”
“Well, until then, you can’t blame me if I choose to stay away,” Seoho announced.
“I understand where you’re coming from,” Ravn said calmly.
“Good night, sweet prince.” Great. Another Shakespeare fan, even though he strongly disliked you. And the whole human race, for that matter.
“I’m not dead,” Ravn laughed.
“Well, technically, you are,” Seoho reminded him and judging from the abrupt end of the conversation, he’d somehow disappeared. Magicians, eh? 
You could now hear Ravn’s steps approaching so you ran up the stairs as fast as you could. You wondered if vampires had super hearing as well as super speed. 
You hurriedly opened the door to your bedroom and flopped yourself onto the bed, grabbing the book on your nightstand and opening it at random, meaning to pretend you had been casually reading and not at all eavesdropping Ravn and Seoho’s conversation. 
Soon enough, Ravn walked in on you only for you to realize you were holding the book the wrong way. Fuck. You mentally slapped yourself for being so stupid and reckless. Ravn sat down to you calmly and sighed.
“What part of go upstairs did you not get?” he asked you in a serious tone.
It was at that moment you knew…you fucked up.
“How much of it did you hear?” Ravn continued once you didn’t say a word.
“M-most of it,” you replied in a small voice. 
Your hands were shaking and you put the book down, because it was of no use right now, you’d gotten caught and you were going to die. Goodbye, world.
Ravn sighed once again.
“Are you angry with m-me?” you murmured sheepishly, avoiding to make eye contact.
“Not really,” he confessed. “Just…upset.”
“I’m s-sorry for listening, I didn’t m-mean to.”
“Then, why did you do it?” Ravn asked, slightly raising his voice, which made you flinch.
“I wanted to know why your friend had such an intense hatred for humans. And to…possibly avoid doing anything that would make you share his opinion. That would make you…want to get rid of me.”
You finally dared look into his face. What you saw wasn’t what you expected to find. He didn’t seem angry at all, just…unbelievably sad. Like he’d said.
“And did you find the answers you sought?”
“Not really. I’m just as confused as before.”
Ravn scoffed lightly.
“Ask away, then.”
“What almost happened to your friend Xion…did it have anything to do with a human?”
Ravn nodded.
“Will you…t-tell me about it?”
“Xion is a vampire like me,” Ravn started. “Once upon a time, he fell in love with a human girl. And for a while, he thought she loved him back. Until…she betrayed him. She came from a family of vampire hunters. She was deceiving Xion for months. And one night, she made him walk right into a trap. Luckily, Seoho had warned me about having heard a fraction of her thoughts. At first I doubted it, but something made me follow Xion. The girl had led him deep into the forest. He was surrounded by her, her brother and their parents. She had poisoned him with juniper and he was too weak to defend himself. They were torturing him and…were about to put a wooden stake through his heart if I hadn’t intervened. I…had to kill all of them. I usually don’t kill humans but…Xion is my friend, I couldn’t just let this go.”
You were quiet for a couple of minutes, silently considering everything you’d heard and what it meant for you. Of course, he had killed humans. It was vampire nature, after all. 
But you were surprised to find out that this changed nothing about how you felt. You still wanted to stay with him. Were you afraid? Hell to the yeah. Were you also curious to find out more about him? Now, more than ever. Did that make you weird? You didn’t know and you didn’t care.
“I’ll understand if you want to walk away. And I won’t stop you,” Ravn said in a composed tone but you could see he was struggling.
“Why would I want to leave?” you were frantic. “You had no choice. You had to save your friend. If…someone threatened to kill a friend of mine, I would react in the same way, irregardless of whether my enemy was human or vampire.”
Ravn smiled knowingly. He didn’t bring up the fact that you never before mentioned anything about having any friends.
“And if it were your own family who threatened to kill your friend?”
You smirked viciously.
“Especially if it were my family. I would, in fact, enjoy it.”
His eyebrows rose in shock. He never pressured you for any information about why you’d rather stay in his home than return to your own. He figured you’d tell him if you felt ready.
“Do you have any more questions?”
You considered asking him about his theory concerning you but you remembered how he’d interrupted his friend Seoho, probably because he knew you were listening on the other side of the door. Which meant that he didn’t want you to know. So, you decided to forget about it. For now. You shook your head.
“But I want to say something, instead.”
“Go ahead,” Ravn encouraged you.
You hesitantly put your hand on top of his and looked him directly in the eyes.
“What that girl did to your friend Xion…I would never do to you.”
Ravn’s pupils sparked with emotion but his words were as cold as his skin.
“Never say never.”
“I wouldn’t!” you insisted passionately. “I made a promise!”
Ravn laughed.
“Okay, okay, relax,” his free hand touched your cheek softly. “I trust you.”
You beamed and leaned into his touch.
“So…you won’t get rid of me yet?” you inquired in a cute voice.
“Do you trust me?“ 
"No,” you chuckled, the lie leaving your lips easily.
“Clever girl,” Ravn caressed your cheek and you could swear you were seconds away from melting. He was kinder to you than any humans you’d interacted with in your short life. “You can even read books backwards! Truly a talent,” he said, mockingly reminding you of your awkward plan to appear nonchalant.
“Stahpp,” you pushed his shoulder with your own. “I was scared you’d be mad at me!”
“What, and you didn’t consider the fact that I could literally hear your loud breathing and the blood pumping through your veins?”
“I knew it! You guys have super hearing, as well. What else should I know?”
“Mmm, how about…I can hear your stomach grumbling right now. You never had the chance to eat that sandwich you were making, did you?”
You groaned in embarrassment.
“Ugh, right. Cause your friend interrupted my midnight snack.”
“Well, how about you finish your sandwich and then, take care of my midnight snack?” Ravn suggested smoothly.
“Sounds like a deal,” you giggled and grabbed his hand and hurried towards the kitchen.
You munched on your sandwich happily, while Ravn observed you. The knowledge that you were the food was a bit troubling but you were strangely certain that Ravn wouldn’t kill you. For him, having hunger for human blood was just as natural as you craving bread or cheese or tomatoes. And you were learning how to accept that. The way he had accepted you for yourself.
“I’m done,” you informed him, sounding a tad bit too excited to be devoured by him. 
You leaned back against the kitchen counter and offered him your neck. Ravn walked towards you slowly, the anticipation forcing you to quiver needily. There was something intoxicating about the way his fangs pierced your skin, something that made you lose yourself in his touch. 
Of course, you would never tell him that, it would give him far too much satisfaction and you liked that he believed this was a quid pro quo relationship. If he knew just how much you were enjoying yourself, you were afraid it would change your dynamic. And you weren’t ready for that. 
The minute his teeth were finally on you, you had to bite your own lips to stop yourself from moaning his name. He was holding your lower back for support and you could already feel your legs starting to give out. But you didn’t want to stop him just yet, because there was something absurdly sensual about him biting you, your human blood being transferred into his immortal body. You knew you wouldn’t be able to hold on for too long but you treasured every second in his arms as if it was eternity. Once you felt your legs shaking, you dug your nails into the back of his neck to signal him you were about to pass out. Ravn immediately released you, causing you to stumble awkwardly. His hands were immediately wrapped around you again.
“You good?” he asked in concern.
You nodded weakly and placed your hand against his chest for support.
“Can you walk?”
Another nod on your behalf. Ravn stepped back, giving you space. You barely made one metre before you tripped, collapsing right into his arms.
“What am I to do with you?” he tsked at your feebleness and lifted you carefully.
He was so strong. If it were anyone else, this would probably frighten you, but because it was him, you felt uncharacteristically safe. As Ravn carried you upstairs, you could feel yourself drifting away. It wasn’t exactly passing out, you were just sleepy, so it was okay. You hadn’t broken his ground rules.
“Ravn?” you murmured seconds before falling asleep.
“Thank you.”
“What for? If it wasn’t for me and my bloodthirst, you wouldn’t be in this state,” Ravn said, amused by your sudden gratitude. But you were already in dreamland.
To be continued…
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maxrev · 4 years
Traditions for Tradition’s Sake
Thank you @nightmarestudio606 for the help with a title, as I was just too happy to write something to think so far ahead lmao
Anyway, have some Niall and Kaidan at Christmastime (a bit late) 
“So, where we off to?” Niall asked. 
“It’s a surprise,” Kaidan told him. 
“I hate surprises.” 
Pausing in the act of pouring hot chocolate into two large travel mugs, Kaidan smirked, “Do not. You love surprises.” 
With a look worthy of the Grinch himself, Niall huffed in annoyance. “Fine but only when they involve you,” he conceded.
“Good thing this one does then. It means you’re sure to love it.” 
Niall slumped against the counter, defeated, and watched Kaidan move around the kitchen in a continuous rhythm, packing a basket full of goodies. Of course, the hot chocolate was not complete without a can of whipped cream for topping and cinnamon to taste. He was also pretty sure he’d seen a flask of whiskey make its  way into the basket. When he’d questioned Kaidan, all he’d gotten was ‘something to make them toasty.’ Didnae need whiskey for that. 
However, it meant wherever they were going was sure to be cold. Although, snuggling up with Kaidan had many advantages and was worth braving the temperature and snow outside.  
He was currently packing small snack bags of pretzels dipped in yogurt and chocolate, frosted Christmas cookies, and Niall’s personal favorite, shortbread. Though the last was only added recently, just for him. Each goodie Kaidan and his mother, Grace, had made by hand, their own little tradition since he’d been a boy. And while he and his mother baked, he’d go out with his father to cut down a Christmas tree, something the three men had done together this year, walking all the way out to the back plot of land which had never been cleared for planting fruit trees and boasted a forest with all different sizes of evergreens. 
The Alenko family traditions had now become a part of Niall’s life, though he chose to help only minimally in the kitchen. He’d didn’t mind cooking but baking was too precise and he nearly always messed something up. 
He reveled in being part of such a close, loving family and how they celebrated, missing the ones he’d had with his own family, now all gone. 
Once the last item made it into the basket, Kaidan stopped, hands on hips,  brown eyes checking every inch of the kitchen to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. Walking towards the pantry, his tousled dark head disappeared inside. Niall looked at the basket, thinking it probably weighed more than the St. Bernard, Riley, currently snoozing by the fire. 
“You know,” he mused, “if ya keep feedin’ me like this, I’ll be looking like St. Nick verra soon.” 
Kaidan emerged from the pantry, a wicked grin on his face. With a wink, he sauntered over to Niall, arms wrapping around his waist as he leaned in close and whispered in his husky voice, warm breath tickling Niall’s lips, “Then I guess I’ll have to sit on your lap and tell you exactly what I want for Christmas.” 
Eager to hear more, Niall countered with, “Dinnae keep me waitin’. Tell me now.” 
Kaidan chuckled, low and soft. “Don’t worry, I will. But,” he held a finger against his lips, “we have things to do first.” 
Much to Niall’s dismay, he turned and hefted the heavily laden basket with ease and walked towards the front door, a smile on his lips as he looked over his shoulder. “Come on, Santa, let’s go. I have a surprise for you.” 
“I do love surprises.” 
“I thought you didn’t.” Kaidan had stopped by the door to bundle up warmly. 
“Changed my mind. Ya did say the surprise involved you.” 
“Oh, indeed it does.” Kaidan gave him a heated look before bundling up and headed out the door. If he kept it up, Niall would be shedding layers all the way to -- well, wherever they were headed. With a sigh, he slipped on his boots and gloves, donned his pea coat, and reached for the toque and scarf Grace had knitted just for him in his favorite colors; black, red, and white. An early Christmas present. 
He stepped out onto the porch to find a winter wonderland scene straight from a painting; multicolored lights swayed from the eaves in a soft puff of wind. The porch railings were wrapped in the same lights, twinkling merrily, their colors muted, reflecting against the pristine snow. The railings along the porch and steps were wrapped with lights and garland, intertwined. 
A large pine tree off to the side of the porch was also wrapped with lights, both multicolored and white. As he closed the door, a thick, beautiful evergreen wreath decorated with assorted Christmas decorations and bells, jingled softly. The foggy windows along the porch were gently lit from within by battery operated candles, shedding amber light out onto the porch. 
Hearing a noise, he turned, mouth dropping in an O of surprise. Kaidan stood in front of his parent’s beautiful black Friesian, Warlock, coat glistening in the light of a half moon, whispering to him quietly while one hand played with the forelock. The horse nudged him in the chest, making him stumble, and he laughed in response before pulling a carrot from his pocket. Niall felt green with envy. As the horse happily munched on the carrot, the bells around it’s neck rang in the air. 
Behind the horse sat a beautiful sleigh, adorned with intricate designed scrollwork one might find in days gone by. It was a deep red, the designs painted a shimmering gold. The runners waxed and ready to glide effortlessly over the snow. Inside the bench seat was covered in red velvet and piled high with warm woolen blankets and at least a few afghans he was sure Grace had knitted over the years. 
Walking down steps cleared of snow, Niall appreciated the sight of Kaidan’s dark head resting against Warlock’s, kindred spirits. 
Kaidan looked over as he approached, “Ready for an adventure?”
“Oh, 'tis an adventure yer plannin’? I thought ‘twas a surprise?” 
“It’s a surprise adventure.” At Niall’s look of skepticism, he amended, “An adventurous surprise?” 
Niall couldn’t help but smile, “With you? Always.” 
Leaving the horse, Kaidan walked over to wrap Niall’s scarf snuggly about his neck before tucking it inside his coat. 
“What, am I wee lad of five?” 
Kaidan tugged on the scarf, before smacking Niall lightly on the shoulder, “Sometimes, though there’s truly nothing wee about you. Now, climb in and let’s get going.” 
As soon as he was settled, Kaidan flicked the reigns and called out, “Time to go, Warlock. Let’s show Niall some amazing sights.” 
The horse neighed in response and with little effort, pulled them forward and on into the night. As if powered by holiday magic, the sleigh glided effortlessly over the mounds of snow like it was floating along in the air. Niall remained quiet, taking in the peaceful moonlit scened around them. The trees in the orchard, all lined up in rows, and the evergreens scattered haphazardly about, wore their winter coats with refined elegance. 
The air was sharp, crisp, and fresh; completely unlike the salty sea air they had living on the beach. It was brisk and cold, clearing Niall’s head from the usual doubts and anxiety which always seemed to follow him around, though less and less as the months went by.
Above them, a dark, velvety canopy was the backdrop for millions of twinkling lights, the stars on gorgeous display as if the whole galaxy was a Christmas tree. 
As if no time had passed, Niall realized with a start the sled was slowing to a stop in a small, sheltered alcove amongst the hills, a windbreak of evergreens behind them to keep the chill winter breeze off their skin. Kaidan climbed out and whispered to Warlock while rubbing his neck. Going back to the sleigh, he reached behind the seat and brought out some hay, spreading it out on the ground for the horse. 
It was just like Kaidan to always make sure everyone, animal or person, had what they needed. 
He climbed back in and reached inside the basket to hand Niall his mug and the flask of whiskey. 
“Tryin’ ta get me drunk and take advantage of me?” He dangled the flask in the air. “Take more’n this ta do the trick.” 
A dark brow shot up in response, “I need to get you drunk to take advantage of you?” 
Without waiting for a response, because they both knew it wasn’t true, Kaidan dug around in the basket and pulled out some of the goodies he’d packed and handed them over. He then shook out several blankets and layered them on their laps before wrapping two of the afghans around their shoulders. A nice, toasty cocoon of warmth. 
Niall added a bit of cinnamon to their mugs and Kaidan followed it with a dram of whiskey and topped them with whipped cream. The two sat side by side in this quiet little world, munching contentedly on Christmas snacks and drinking hot chocolate. The whiskey warmed him from the inside out and while it was cold, he wasn’t too uncomfortable. Besides, their body heat warmed him up quite well. 
Following a bite of cookie with hot chocolate, Niall swallowed them down and asked, because he was really curious. “So, is there any particular reason we ventured out in weather cold enough to freeze my bollocks into bags of ice? Is this a strange Canadian passtime or something?” 
Kaidan nearly choked on his drink, coughing and sputtering with laughter. “Um...no. No, it isn’t. But, there’s actually a very good reason we’re doing this. Just enjoy the surroundings - and the company - and be patient.” 
“‘Tis no virtue of mine, patience, as you well know but aye, the company is verra enjoyable.” 
Leaning over, Kaidan softly brushed their lips together. “For me too.”
Wherever Kaidan was, Niall wanted to be there. It didn’t matter the circumstances, just as long as they were together. With Kaidan by his side, he could face anything head on. 
They sat in the sleigh snuggled side by side, eating, drinking, and talking. Eventually, despite the cold, Niall began to drift off. He was happy, warm, and full; the perfect recipe for a nap. 
Kaidan nudged him lightly, “Hey, sleepyhead, wake up.” 
Niall blinked open his eyes, “What’d I miss?” 
“Well, my stellar company for one.” Niall snorted and Kaidan glanced at him in mock indignation. “Are you saying my company isn’t any good?” As Niall shook his head no, yet didn’t stop laughing, he sighed and crossed his arms. “You also missed the moose who came up and asked for directions.” 
Struggling for breath at the statement, mentioned so seriously with no hint of amusement, Niall managed to spit out a retort, “Must’ve been a female. A male wouldn’t ask for directions.”
“Very funny, Niall.”
“Ya know ‘tis true.” 
“You didn’t miss anything yet,” Kaidan assured him. 
Mouth cracking open in a wide in a yawn, he waited, then asked, “Hey, d’ya have anymore shortbread? Oh, and whiskey. My bollocks really are goin ta freeze off.” 
“Those wee things? I doubt it.” Niall glared at him. “So I’m not keeping you warm anymore? That hurts.” 
Niall nudged him, “Stop. Ya know I just want more.” 
Kaidan chuckled, “Yeah, I do.” He handed the flask over along with a bag of the shortbread, pulling it back when Niall reached for it, eyes narrowing in thought, “Although, you did say you were worried about becoming St. Nick. Maybe you’ve had enough?” 
“Well, you dinnae seem upset if I did, so why should I worry? More of me tae love, aye?” 
“Ohhhh, aye.” Kaidan eyed him up and down as if he was a popsicle and the weather was dangerously hot. Might end up there at this rate. 
He popped a piece of shortbread into his mouth and as he chewed, Kaidan grabbed his hand and squeezed, “There! Look up, Niall.” 
Nearly choking on the shortbread, he did and was overcome with awe at the site which greeted him. Across the sky was a giant ribbon of colors in vibrant hues of pink, blue, violet and green. They flowed across the dark sky, lighting it up like a carnival, colors swaying and dancing to the earth’s own music. It was spectacular. Niall felt small in the presence of a wonder such as this. 
He watched for several minutes, mesmerized, at the splendor before him. Turning, he saw Kaidan watching him. 
“You’re not watchin’ them dance?” 
“I’ve seen it a few times and right now, I’m enjoy watching you more. The look of awe and wonder on your face, the colors as they dance across your skin, is much better than watching them in the sky.” 
Voice gruff with emotion, Niall pulled him close, “Ach, ya flatterer,” for a kiss which left them both breathless and hungry for more. Very warm as well. 
As they watched the light a bit longer before they began to fade, Niall spoke softly, “My da told me about them as a wee lad. Said his da had showed him, told him a story they were our kin, gone up to heaven and paintin’ the sky just for us. I remember I could imagine Gilliana doing such when she...well, maybe ‘tis all of them up there now, paintin’ the sky for me. And you now, as well.” 
“What a beautiful thought, Niall. I love it and from what you’ve shared of them, think they would do so, Gilliana spurring them on.” 
Turning, he captured Kaidan’s face in his hands, “Tapadh leibh, mo chridhe*,” he whispered softly against his lips. 
“You’re welcome. Thank you for coming along and enduring the chilly weather just for me.” 
Niall snorted, “Chilly, he says. Aye, I’m happy to be here with ya.” 
Grasping the reigns, Kaidan turned Warlock and headed for home, remaining quiet, leaving Niall to this thoughts who knew he would treasure the memory of this night forever. 
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Take You for a Ride (Crystal x Gigi) - Catrina
A/N: hi! it’s been a long while since i posted here. my mental health had a lot to do with that, but here i am again, hopefully as a better writter lmao. apparently i’m obsessed with gigi and crystal and since it’s still crystal’s birthday here i wrote this inspired by dua lipa’s levitating (thanks gigi’s performance at wtw tour). hope you enjoy it and share your thoughts with me. thanks for reading!
Summary: It’s Crystal’s birthday, and nothing comes out as she expects.
Disappointment. That’s the definition of Crystal’s day.
Disappointment and alcohol… maybe some red velvet cake Jan bought for her. She tastes the bitter liquid and sweet frosting in her mouth as she stumbles in her way to the backyard of Jaida’s house.
She’s sick. Sick and tired, of both the party behind her and her day in general. It had really worn her off, first with her teacher grading her project with a humiliating score of 67 points out of 100, then the ridiculous fight with her mother over the phone (she can still listen to the woman screaming at her if she focuses enough) and her cat destroying her One Direction album with her small and deathly paws, and now — oh fucking now, with some idiot pouring their drink all over her dress in a party that she didn’t even want to attend, or happen for that matter.
This isn’t how her birthday is supposed to be. This isn’t even how any birthday is supposed to be, in fact. Crystal doesn’t get how Jan could get to the conclusion that a party at Jaida’s house would make her feel better.
“It’ll be fun!” Jan had said. “You deserve to celebrate your birthday. I’m sure it’ll improve your mood!”
Spoiler: it didn’t.
Crystal feels just as miserable as she would feel in her dorm. Being in bed and watching bad tv was her original plan for today. Was too much to ask for? Why did she let her friends drag her to a party full of people she doesn’t even know?
Right, because Jan and Jaida had made her puppy eyes and Crystal felt terrible for rejecting such a gentle and thoughtful gesture from her friends.
She groans, sitting down on the grass of Jaida’s backyard and rubbing a tissue over the huge stain in the blue fabric of the area over her chest, groaning again when she realizes the stain isn’t moving at all.
Perhaps more miserable.
It’s a sequin blue dress she had purchased a while ago. It wasn’t really expensive, and it isn’t even her favorite, but fuck, it hurts. It’s like today everything in the universe accorded to make her feel terrible. She usually would shrug it off and continue as if nothing has happened, and she can’t quite understand why her natural sense of positivity can’t wash the sadness away.
Giving up, she tosses the tissue to a side and lets the upper part of her body give up to lie down completely on the grass. She’s lucky everyone else is inside, enjoying the music so loud it makes the whole house pound in rhythm, the intermittent lights that must hurt their eyes, the colorful drinks served by Jan and the closeness of dancing bodies rubbing against each other, so she doesn’t have to worry about someone going out and seeing her throwing a tantrum.
The party is a success. She shouldn’t ruin it with her bitter existence.
The sky is quiet tonight, with some stray stars and the moon shining bright. It makes Crystal breathe heavily, over and over again, until she’s sure she’ll be okay.
But, as her breathing regulates, imagines of every earlier moment when she felt everything but okay flash through her mind, and her lungs are not cooperating anymore.
Her heart feels heavy, stupidly hurt. She knows tomorrow her terrible grade will still be there, and her mother will still be pissed at her for whatever she even got mad about, and her favorite album will remained ruined and her fucking dress won’t be wearable anymore, and it’s fine, because she can make work for extra points to improve her final grade and text her mom an apology and replace the material stuff that isn’t even that important whatsoever, but that won’t help her stop feeling so helpless.
Helpless — that’s a good definition for her.
Gigi Goode looking down at Crystal interrupts her pathetic thoughts.
More than the interruption, her mere presence is what makes Crystal blink twice and wonder, for a brief moment, if she fell asleep on Jaida’s backyard grass and she’s dreaming.
She’s used to see Gigi everyday, but since today has been a short taste of hell, it wasn’t surprising when Gigi texted her to say she had to miss part of her classes and Jaida’s party because she needed to find someone to fix the broken temperature system in her apartment.
She hasn’t come to terms of how she feels about Gigi yet, and it’s not something she would like to do at all. For the past two months, Crystal has noticed the way her heart starts pounding violently in her chest when Gigi smiles at her, or takes her hand to lead her through the corridors or when she simply looks at her with those big eyes full of emotion and it’s ridiculous but somehow fitting that the only person she craved to see today was the one she couldn’t.
“What are you doing here?” Gigi tries again at her lack of response, not hesitating to offer her hand to help her up.
Crystal takes her hand without thinking (she doesn’t do a lot of thinking in Gigi’s presence) and lets her pull her up in a sitting position.
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking what are you doing here? I thought said your temperature system was giving trouble.”
Gigi chuckles, crouching to be at the same height as her.
“Well, I really wanted to come and Heidi said she could manage it. The girl knows about mechanics, did you know that?”
Crystal shakes her head, breathing out a laugh. “I never would’ve guessed.”
Gigi hums thoughtfully. “Well, she does, thank fuck, because I really wanted to see you, birthday girl.”
Heat creeps up to Crystal’s face incredibly fast, leaving her cursing the power something so small can have over her.
“Yeah. I asked Jan where you were, actually. She said some dickhead poured all his drink on you and you were probably in the bathroom but you weren’t there.”
Crystal opens her mouth to vent about her now ruined dress, frowning as soon as a different thought crosses her mind. “But there are like five bathrooms here. You went all around the house looking for me?”
Confused, Gigi nods. “Is that weird?”
It’s extremely sweet, is Crystal’s first answer.
“No, of course not,” she giggles instead. “But why were you looking for me?”
Gigi looks suddenly flushed, as if she was caught doing something she shouldn’t.
“Well, I…” she tears her eyes away from Crystal to look at the party behind her through the glass doors. “What happened to you?”
The change of topic takes Crystal aback.
“What? What about me?”
“Yeah, you’re here all alone, looking like a child who dropped their candy, when you’re usually a little happy ball, and in your birthday,” Gigi remarks, although not harshly. “Had a bad day?”
Crystal hates this how easy is for Gigi to read her. She knows she looks terrible, beside her dress the signals of her terrible day surely mark her face in dark bags under her eyes and pale tired skin, but Gigi has always had a talent to read her beyond that. The simple fact makes her feel even more embarrassed.
“A horrible one,” she finally confesses in a low whine. “A straight up disgusting, draining, fucked up, impossible day! And, I know I shouldn’t feel so pressed about it, but birthdays are supposed to be happy and I — I am not. At least not now.”
Gigi snickers, taking Crystal’s hand in her own to give it an affectionate squeeze.
“It’s okay to have bad days. Now, to have a bad birthday is really fucked up, but it is what it is. Wanna tell me about it?”
“I’m not really in the mood of talking about me being mediocre in life,” Crystal means to joke more than to actually vent, and she loves the way Gigi giggles.
“Dramatic much?”
“Oh,” Crystal’s eyebrows raise as she laughs. “I can be more dramatic.”
But Gigi doesn’t laugh along this time. She purses her lips, and then stands up, offering her hand to Crystal again.
“Let’s go.”
Crystal looks puzzled. She takes Gigi’s hand, allowing her to pull her back on her feet. With her hand still covered by the other girl’s, Gigi begins dragging her back to the house.
“Where are we going?”
“Let’s go for a ride,” Gigi suggests, looking back over her shoulder just to give her a smile that reassures everything.
In the middle of the dark since the backyard lights don’t reach there, the path changes; Gigi takes Crystal through a small hallway that connects the porch with the patio to the front of the house. They meet a few people in the way; some passed out on the ground, others drinking in their friends and some couples making out. Crystal turns to watch them before she realizes they’re crossing the garden.
“Gigi,” she breathes as she spots the motorbike parked on the sidewalk.
The blonde reaches in the pocket of her jacket, her hand still on Crystal’s. She finally pulls out her keys and twirls them on a finger.
“Every time I’m sad, or mad… or high,” she grimaces and Crystal laughs, “I get on this thing and ride away. It usually works to clear my mind and calm me down, so I thought it could work on you too.”
Crystal feels something very close to gratitude. Instead, she knows it’s pure adoration for one called Gigi Goode.
“Okay,” excitement starts filling her face as she smiles. “Oh my god, I’ve never been close to a motorcycle before, wow!”
Gigi laughs, rolling her eyes. “You’ve literally seen it everywhere with me.”
“I know, but—” she eagerly motions to Gigi and then to the motorcycle. “I always see it as, I dunno, part of you. Like, yeah, there’s Gigi and her bike, you know? I’ve never seen it up close.”
Gigi’s light hearted laugh is the answer she receives again. “Well, now is your chance.”
The motorcycle shines in its black neat color, with not a single particle of dust on it or sign of being neglected; Gigi’s perfectionist personality reflecting. Crystal finds herself so absorbed by its beauty that she doesn’t realize when Gigi lets go of her hand and gets on the bike, using her legs to adjust herself as she takes the two helmets from the space behind her on the seat to make room for Crystal.
She reaches forward to pull the key in the ignition, and it only takes a firm move from her hand for the motor to start growling. The sound makes Crystal gasp.
“You think you can get on? I don’t want you to fall,” Gigi warns, but Crystal is already jumping behind her.
Of course, the gravity plays a cruel trick and she has to grab onto Gigi’s jacket to prevent her from sliding off, but Gigi doesn’t seem to care as she snuggles closer. She offers one of the helmets to Crystal, smiling.
“Safety first.”
“This is so pretty,” she drawls, passing her fingers over the shiny, baby pink surface of the helmet.
“Thanks. Heidi suggested me to get it customized that way,” Gigi comments as she puts her own helmet, of a white color, on. “She’s pretty much the only person who I give a ride, so I thought, why not?”
A tinge of jealousy pops in Crystal’s chest, but she forces herself to ignore it as she notices Gigi reaching over the hand grips, preparing herself to move. She rushes to put the helmet on and forces the image of Heidi taking her spot behind Gigi to fade away.
“You’ll probably resent the motion, so please hug my waist as hard as you can and hold your legs onto the sides of the seat,” says Gigi, so easily it makes Crystal think it’s something she has memorized. “I’ll go slowly anyway, since it’s your first time.”
Crystal complies immediately; she wraps her arms around Gigi’s waist and the stupid butterflies in her stomach seem to fly all the way up to her throat, suffocating her for a second, until she realizes it’s just Gigi’s perfume.
Fuck, she thinks bitterly. She smells really good.
The short heel of Gigi’s boot kicks on something at the same time she rotates the key one more time, and the motor growls fiercely.
They start moving — it’s almost magical. At first, Crystal can’t really feel it. It starts as such a gentle motion, but when she looks around, she sees Jaida’s house becoming smaller and smaller in the distance, and the houses around moving around them. That’s when it hits her; they’re moving.
Gigi speeds up once they’re out of the block, turning on the left and then right and moving smoothly until they’re exiting the neighborhood, but Crystal doesn’t mind in following their path.
She’s too busy giggling at the wind hitting her face and making her hair twirl, creating ginger waves at the sides of her head.
The world around them is moving so fast, and all she can recognize in the city at night are deformed street lights and bright colors everywhere she looks at; everything seems so distant but so close at the same time as they slide on the asphalt, and the late life of Los Angeles never looked so appealing.
Nothing seems important now. Her grade, the fight with her mother, her album nor her fucking dress. Her mind is full of Gigi; of her beautiful hair, her endearing voice, her flawless face and how soft she feels under Crystal’s hands; almost as if she belongs there, in her arms.
If Crystal wasn’t starting to feel dizzy for the speed, she would probably never think such a thing; her feelings for Gigi are something unexplored and feared, threatening to destroy their friendship because Gigi is everything and Crystal is barely something that exists. And Crystal isn’t ready to lose her.
It’s the little things, like the fact she went all around the house looking for Crystal or that she even wanted to see her, that she thought of a way to cheer her up, that make Crystal’s stomach coil and tie itself in a too tight knot that won’t probably never be the same. Gigi has some kind of security aura around her that, as Crystal learned, was impossible to ignore. She’s confident, sure, but there’s something more to that attitude; something that demands to be trusted under that bitch façade. She’s kind and loving and funny, and if Crystal has to swallow her feelings to make sure Gigi is always at her side, then she will.
As they speed up into a steady pace, Crystal notices how Gigi relaxes and leans back into her just a little, and without a second thought she leans on her as well.
“You okay back there?” Gigi asks, voice muffed by the violent wind and motor growling under them.
“Yeah!” Crystal exclaims. “Oh my god, Gigi! This is amazing!”
“Wait until you see this!”
Crystal is about to ask what she means, when they turn into an empty street, where a tunnel leans out. There are no more cars or motorcycles around them and Gigi speeds up even more as they approach the tunnel, lights flying around them.
A raw “puff!” echoes in their ears as they storm into the tunnel, and Crystal laughs as she feels the force the motorcycle is traveling through it. She feels light, like the butterflies flying around her stomach, levitating at the right speed and watching the world around them as secondary.
Gigi starts slowing down at the middle of the tunnel.
“Hold your arms up,” she tells Crystal, eyes locked at the front. “Just for a second, so you can feel the wind.”
At first Crystal hesitates, but the speed is steady and there are no more vehicles around, so she slowly pulls her arms away from Gigi.
She raises both arms, wriggling them at her sides. She makes a quick mental note to remind herself to thank Gigi later, because the air hugs her limbs in a way that almost tickles her, the soft touch running on her naked arms and she closes her eyes for a moment, wondering if she could fall asleep like this.
Of course, when the motorcycle runs over a bump and she has to hold on Gigi’s torso to avoid jumping out of the seat, that idea is quickly denied.
“Oh, right,” Gigi laughs. “I should’ve warned you about that.”
Crystal huffs, sleep knocked out of her as they leave the tunnel behind.
The rest of the way is calm; Gigi decides to go slow this time, so Crystal has the chance to see everything in a clear way (according to her, it’s very important to appreciate the view) and Crystal takes the moment to rest her chin on Gigi’s shoulder and wrap her arms around her middle, just like before, but this time without the messy rush of fearing being thrown out of the motorcycle by a bump.
The proceed to threat a way through town messily, going around buildings and onto streets Crystal doesn’t even know, but Gigi moves skillfully, like she knows exactly where she’s going, and Crystal trusts her. Soon she noticed that Gigi actually knows where they going.
She recognizes her surroundings as they approach the apartment complex where Gigi and Heidi live. She’s always complained saying that her place is small, but the few times Crystal has come over, she’s loved the cozy feeling that takes over her as soon as she crosses the door, which makes her feel even more excited.
Gigi parks carefully on a spot near the front gates. She pulls the key out and the motor shuts down, as she leans back with a pleased smile.
“I didn’t ask you if you wanted to come here, but I thought you didn’t want to go back,” she whispers, barely having to turn around to see Crystal’s face resting on her shoulder blade.
“You thought correctly,” Crystal sighs with content before a thought crosses her mind, making her gasp. “Shit, I gave Jan my phone before going out—”
Gigi reaches on the inside pocket of her jacket, pulling out Crystal’s phone.
“She gave it to me when I asked for you,” she explains to a stunned Crystal. “She thought we would leave together eventually.”
“How smart,” Crystal mumbles.
She unlocks it while Gigi takes her helmet off, noticing the time; almost two in the morning. She tugs on Gigi’s sleeve, pointing at the screen.
“It’s late, won’t Heidi be pissed if we come in? She could be sleeping.”
“The girl wouldn’t wake up even if a rock fell in her head,” Gigi rolls her eyes, gesturing for Crystal to take her helmet off as well. “C’mon, let’s go inside.”
Crystal shrugs as she does so, too wrapped in the thought of spending more time with Gigi to care. She gets back on her feet with a little jump, following her inside the building as they carry the helmets with them. Gigi talks about her day while they’re making their way to the third floor through the stairs, blame the elevator that never came back to the lobby, by Crystal’s request. She wanted to know how she had been doing while she was miserable, and Gigi complies, walking through the empty building.
“I noticed this temperature thing was broken because, c’mon, California will never be hot enough to make fucking ice cream almost boil,” she says just when they walk into the right corridor, Crystal trailing behind her. “It was a nightmare, everything was so fucking hot. I hope Heidi could fix it.”
The metal of her keys knocking makes the only sound that fills the air as Gigi opens the door. She reaches for the switch and the small living room lights up, cool air receiving them.
“She fixed it,” Crystal muses, smiling.
“God bless her,” Gigi sighs, taking off her boots. “Could you leave your shoes by the door and the helmet over the coffee table please?”
Crystal steps on the soft carpet on her short blue socks, watching as Gigi makes her way to Heidi’s bedroom door. She opens it just enough to poke her head inside. After exchanging a few words with her roommate, she turned back to Crystal, closing the door behind her.
“Heidi was just going to sleep.”
“Oh,” Crystal’s eyebrows raise. “Tell her hi?”
“I’m not sure she’ll appreciate me bothering her again,” she giggles. Her mouth opens again, but she closes it seconds after, thinking for a second on what to say. Finally, she gestures at the kitchen. “You want something to drink?”
The apartment is small, Gigi’s right. The living room has barely enough space for a couch and a coffee table and is too close to the kitchen. The bathroom is that white door carelessly next to the television hanging on the wall, and Crystal bets Gigi and Heidi’s rooms are just as small, although she has never seen them. The few times she has been there, with Jaida and Jan, they simply preferred to stick to the couch and a barstool they would drag from the kitchen.
Gigi’s room suddenly becomes source of her curiosity, but she nods, remembering Gigi’s question.
“We’ve got a great menu tonight, in honor of your birthday,” Gigi hums as Crystal sits on one of the stools of the kitchen bar. She opens the fridge, eyeing the content blocked to Crystal’s view by the fridge door. “We have… well, we’ve got beer, and pretty much nothing else.”
Crystal laughs. “Beer! Just what I wanted!”
Gigi is beaming under the kitchen lights as she tosses her a beer and takes another one for herself, nonchalantly kicking the fridge closed. She leans a hip on the kitchen bar, worryingly close to Crystal, and holds her beer up.
“Cheers,” she clicks their cans together.
“Cheers,” Crystal repeats. She stops right before taking a sip, frowning. “But what are we exactly cheering for?”
Sipping her drink, Gigi breathes out a laugh.
“You just killed the moment, babe.”
Babe. Crystal’s ears burn with the name, and she attempts to conceal her surprise by pretending she’s genuinely confused.
“Well, who cares?” Gigi shrugs, holding her beer up again. “Here’s to terrible birthdays, a broken temperature system, and…”
“Motorcycles,” Crystal fills in for her.
“Yeah,” Gigi grins at her. “Motorcycles.”
Crystal leans back to take a long sip of her drink, savoring the slightly bitter taste going down her throat. She notices Gigi staring at her when she places the beer back over the bar, with the ghost of a smile on her glossy lips.
“What,” Gigi repeats, snickering.
“You’re looking at me,” Crystal points out, smiling to cover her worsening blush.
“I like looking at you,” the blonde simply says, as if it’s obvious. “I always wanna look at you.”
“That’s creepy. Do I need to call the cops?”
Far from looking bothered, Gigi shrugs. “Who knows. Maybe.”
Crystal scowls with no genuine annoyance, but her face softens as Gigi’s smile somehow widens.
“You’re weird, miss Goode. I thought being weird was my gig,” she jokes, making Gigi throw her head back in laughter.
Internally, Crystal is praying this moment never ends. Seeing Gigi under the dim lights of her kitchen, toying with that beer and looking so effortlessly gorgeous is having the same effect as when she was feeling the air hit her face on the motorcycle, and her head already feels lost in space, far away from the apartment.
“Why were you looking for me earlier?” Crystal asks, voice small.
The intimate atmosphere created around the two is beginning to feel suffocating. Crystal can feel Gigi so close, like she’s the only real part of a dream and the rest of the world was nothing but a wallpaper for her wonderful figure to stand in front of and lead Crystal through the rest of the night.
“Nothing,” Gigi doesn’t even look taken aback by the sudden question.
“Oh, c’mon. It can’t be nothing,” she whines as Gigi takes another sip, purposely taking a long fucking time doing so. “Gigi, c’mon. Tell me!”
She leans forward, making her lower lip stick out in an exaggerated pout. It seems to work catching Gigi’s attention since her whole face seems decomposed when she glances over.
“Don’t do that.”
Crystal frowns. “Do what?”
“Don’t pout.”
“Why not?” she quirks en eyebrow.
“Because it makes me wanna kiss it off your lips,” Gigi deadpans. She takes a final sip from her beer before walking to the fridge again, not minding if Crystal just froze on her spot.
Crystal laughs nervously, trying to convince herself she just misheard. Her heart is beating so fast on er chest, if she watched any medical tv show she might be worried for it to pop out of her body through her nose at any second.
As time passes, she wonders if that’s possible.
“What did you say?”
Gigi sighs, returning with another two beers. She looks uncharacteristically shy, sheepishly placing the new beer in front of Crystal, eyes glued to the carpet.
“This is dumb,” she blurts.
But Gigi leans in to kiss her, and suddenly any word forming in Crystal’s head dissolves.
It’s slow and tentative at first, but any doubt disappears when Crystal’s hands move to cup Gigi’s face, pulling her even closer.
She feels light. So light, like when she was holding her arms up in the tunnel to feel the wind, and everything moved so far away from her, she felt ethereal. And now, moving her lips against Gigi’s and feeling the texture of her lipstick between them makes her wonder how Gigi can make such raw sentiments be born in her, riding a goddamn motorcycle or kissing her in the tiny kitchen of her apartment.
Gigi’s hands are tight at the sides of her waist, tugging a little tighter as she pulls back to grab some air.
“That’s why I was looking for you earlier,” she confesses after a while of comfortable silence.
Crystal feels pulled out from a deep trance… or rid over by a bus. Whatever sounds romantic as she stares at the blonde’s deep blue eyes and runs her fingers over her shoulders.
“I think I’ve felt this way with you for a while… I mean, you’re pretty, and I have eyes, so I can tell that you’re pretty,” Gigi continues and if Crystal wasn’t focusing on breathing she would’ve laughed, “I thought that I could keep it friendly, but this morning, when I knew the temperature system was broken and I couldn’t make it to class or the party, I was so pissed. I didn’t wanna let you down.”
The butterflies in Crystal’s stomach have eaten her tongue. Yes, that’s why she’s speechless.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” Gigi finally asks and everything fits in Crystal’s head.
“Why would I be mad at you? You’ve literally described how I feel for the last semester with this crush I have on you,” Crystal blurts out.
Before regrets covers her entire face, she notices Gigi raising an eyebrow, with a smirk threatening to form on her lips.
“Last semester, huh? That much?”
“Shut up,” Crystal tries to sound pissed, she really does, but with Gigi being so close, her blushing cheeks betray her initial expression.
“Don’t be embarrassed, you’re flattering me.”
They both laugh. A warm feeling spreads across Crystal’s chest at the fact.
“This day… it was hell,” she mumbles, and almost smiles at how Gigi looks at her, having her entire attention, “and I also was thinking of you. It was weird… like, as I said before, birthdays are supposed to be happy and while I was sad and grumpy I couldn’t help but think ‘I wish Gigi was here, because she would make everything better; she’d make me laugh or help me or just make me feel like I’m not alone’ and I hated the idea of not getting to see—”
“The love of your life?” Gigi suggests, sounding way too hopeful.
“I was gonna say that blonde bitch,” Crystal grimaces, “but if that works for you…”
Gigi laughs, mumbling something about who was the real bitch is as she reaches over for her second beer.
Leaning her side on the kitchen bar, freshly open can in hand, Gigi smiles again. It’s a show of her teeth and little wrinkles at the sides of her eyes that Crystal remembers noticing the day they met that morning at History of Art class.
Glancing at that very smile, Crystal’s pretty sure she’s dreaming. Did she fall asleep on Jaida’s lawn? That’d be pathetic. Someone could think she’s dead tomorrow morning when everyone’s hung over and oh, the idea frightens her, but she has to be dreaming. She can’t be this lucky — she’s never been lucky. What are the chances someone like Gigi can have a crush on her?
This flawless, beautiful girl with a golden personality that Crystal’s been making heart-eyes at for months has a crush on her.
God, she thinks. If I fell asleep Jan better never wakes me up.
The redhead blinks a couple of times, meeting Gigi’s eyes in the process.
“You were lost in thought, babe. You alright?”
The fucking pet name again. Crystal isn’t dreaming; her brain wouldn’t be mean enough to make up scenarios like this.
“Was I? Sorry.”
That’s not the answer Gigi wants. She drags the other barstool from the other side of the kitchen bar to Crystal’s side, sitting down with her beer still in hand.
“Stop overthinking.”
It’s not a suggestion. Crystal attempts to laugh, but no actual sound comes out of her mouth.
“Well, I can’t,” she babbles, “it’s hard. This doesn’t feel real.”
“Doesn’t it?”
“No,” she whispers, more to herself than to the other girl. “I always thought that you were…  romantically different than me.”
Gigi looks utterly confused. “Please elaborate?”
The butterflies are not dead. They’re flying around Crystal’s stomach now, begging her to not fuck it up.
“I never thought you’d feel the same,” she admits, too quietly for her taste.
Vulnerability is not a good look on her, she has decided years before, and definitely not in front of Gigi. She has all the time in the world to be a cry baby in the comfortable privacy of her dorm, not right now, for Christ’s sake.
“This is real,” Gigi gestured at herself, then at Crystal. “We’re real. Everything is. I can’t understand why you’re so impressed about it, but I know for sure it’s not enough of a reason.”
Crystal nods. Gigi’s right, as always, and she’s just wasting time questioning why has her day taken the path it did instead of enjoying it.
“I’m just being stupid.”
Gigi rolls her eyes, pulling her again for another kiss — a shorter one, but Crystal can’t help but try and memorize how her lips feel against hers. She’s never stopped and think of how it would be to kiss Gigi, and she’s somehow glad; none of her expectations would have been better than the real thing.
“I like you stupid,” Gigi comments once they part, receiving a smack on the arm by Crystal. “You know I’m kidding; you’re never stupid, but I do like you.”
“I like you too,” Crystal breathes, feeling every of her limbs relaxing. Gigi doesn’t say more, and maybe it’s the end of their conversation, but there’s something else forming in Crystal’s throat and before she knows it, she blurts out, “thank you.”
Gigi looks up, puzzled. “For what?”
“For the ride. It was the best birthday present ever.”
Under the dim lights of a small kitchen in an even smaller apartment somewhere in Los Angeles, Crystal knows there’s nothing better than Gigi Goode.
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jiminrings · 4 years
hi so i saw that you're okay with writing blurbs (totally fine if you're not up to it tho) i just wanted to ask about the homebound au, you mention that jimin has a tough love relationship with y/n so can you elaborate more on that?? like how their relationship is? tysm and i love ur writings :((
homebound: tough love
Tumblr media
pairing: best friend!jimin x y/n
glimpse: jimin has a tough love relationship with pit stop crew!y/n, and you’re very determined to get him to smile :D
wordcount: 3k
notes: thank u so much baby!!! ur cute and i love you
this is an in-depth take of jimin and y/n’s friendship from homebound, the racer!yoongi fic and in there originally jimin is sO annoyed by u hehe but there iS this piece as his redemption arc // gif isn’t mine!!
in your very humble opinion
first impressions in first days in literally EVERY setting possible last for a lifetime
yeah sure time and influence would change these relationships built on first days bUt of course they matter!!!!
that would be the first memory someone’s ever gonna have of you and that shit’s crazy if u really think about it
you didn’t really pay mind to first impressions at first because you really thought that it’s whatever the other person makes of you,,, for being yourself
but then jungkook happened
it’s both your first day for work but for different teams and the two of you could still be up on each other’s throats buT it’s just via text
update: jungkook bought FOUR boxes of donuts all in different flavors and that’s just for his fellow crew members
for his crew chief, he deadass bought him a dozen for himself AND jungkook even made a crepe cake for the guy!! from SCRATCH
for jung hoseok the racer? tiny cups of ice cream cake packed in a little cOOLER he specifically bought for this reason alone
even sent pictures of those two large bags with him that he’s gripping in one hand alone....
your heart warms that oH look a selfie that a smiling koo sent AAAAAAAND he’s flipping me off :))
no worries tho you came fully prepared
you’ve baked red velvet crinkle cookies!! just two of em stacked and in the middle is cream cheese icing that tastes sO heavenly
although only 1/4 of them you did yourself because they looked like they were the only good ones from the two batches you’ve made hehe
the rest of those you just ordered and gODDAMN were they v delectable and scrumptious
now min yoongi the racer couldn’t be here for the first day because uh from what you’ve heard, he’s uh somehwere in malta with his girlfriend and the flights out of malta are cANCELLED aha
that just means you have to pour your all to your crew chief
a separate box of red velvet crinkles
get this
a large tupperware you had to buy,,
filled with different types of pstries and bREAD
cream puffs and pretzels and blueberry muffins then buttered croissants and basically everything else that u could check out with a reasonable expiry date
a little sticky note right in the muddle
“let’s get this bread :D”
bread meaning dubs and dubs meaning wins aHa get it?? get it?? do u get it
you’re really aiming to give it to mr. park jimin himself
you’ve actually never met him but you heard his name a handful when you were still a trainee
park jimin sounds so much of a dignified name it’s absolutely intimidating
much more so when you’re knocking at his door and there’s a gentle hum from inside the door and you’re so nervous to differentiate whether that was a signal for you to come in or dON’T
spoiler alert: you came in at what you assume is the middle of the call your crew chief was making and oh-
he’s young!! even looks like he’s just in the same age as you are and you can’t really tel because WOW
you honestly thought mr. park jimin was just an old sack of rice or something
like maybe even fermented rice wine old
you didn’t knOw mr. park jimin is THIS
ok jimin’s peeved because uh that him clearly meant no but also curious at the same time because who r u
he was in the middle of a call with yoongi who’s called him in his office phone which is why he’s sped all the way here, hence why you haven’t seen him in the gathering downstairs
he also acts as yoongi’s manager besides being his crew chief and he’s unknowingly fit into the position
it’s like when a professor groups you and there’s no assigned leader but eVERYONE knows who the leader is even if so
now he’s kinda in the middle of berating yoongi because he should’ve came home tWO days ago but he wanted to extend alright and now look who won’t be coming home for another three days :D
suddenly the door bursts open and he sees an unfamiliar face peeking through and???
“.... can i help you?”
“mr. park!! oR should i call you jimin?? should i call you doc like from cars the movie because i thOught that’s what usually happens???”
who are you
who ARE you
you’re so nervous that you went down the cars movie spiel and that’s jUNGKOOK’S move and maybe you’ve been spending too much time with him that you’re morphing into one person
of all the traits you could absorb it really had to be the nervous cars talk :(((
“i’m y/n y/l/n, a crew member!! i was recruited to be a trainee back in uni and i went straight to here and i heard sO much about you-“
..... hmmmmm
either you really did hear about jimin and his name makes up for some news
or you’re a liar
if he’s being frank, jimin’s only started out as crew chief like a year and a half ago
yes he knows he’s young!!!
much more young compared to the stereotypical balding crew chief with the mustache and the sun spots
there’s still some talk on to how he shouldn’t be crew chief at all because he doesn’t have like 100 years of experience like these dinosaurs do bUT HE KNOWS HE’S STILL QUALIFIED
he may be not as experienced but he knows the math!!! he knows the logistics and he knows the statistics
jimin’s smart and agile and he knOws he could handle being a crew chief!!! yeah although yoongi himself is like two years older than him and bossing him is hilarious at times lol
“-and i just wanted to give you this!! y’know... for the official start of my career and a little goodie bag!!!”
he knows what you’re doing
first impressions amirite
he doesn’t care for this shit at aLL because if he may brag.,., people are immediately whipped for him and all he needs to do is smile to their direction
that’s it
oh you’re kinda embarrassing yourself in his opinion lmao but ok
“oh. i usually find red velvet too sweet.”
cool cool
now you get that not everyone is as passive-aggressive as yOU are and how you’d much rather wait to let that person pass before you talk shit
but jimin is really straightforward as you could tell
“it’s okay because there’s bREAD!!”
who doesn’t like bread :))
not uNLESS jimin hates bread or is allergic to eat it because then that means you officially have butchered your first impression
“... huh... whole container.. filled with bread...”
he’s not even feigning his expression
he looks severely underwhelmed and you wanna suck it up because if you’re gonna look tragically displeased with me boss ATLEAST do it behind my back :(((
anyways jimin stands up from his seat and outsretches his hand and that’s your cue to shake it and then leave
one problem though,,,
you see you’re wearing some rings
and he’s wearing some long-sleeves
and you are gracefully unaware that there’s a loose thread by the cuff of it and jimin over here is sporting sweater paws.,..,.
the handshake’s over but yOUR RING IN HIS CUFF ISN’T
“oH i’m so sorry sir let me just-“
you’re tugging your hand off aND FUCK
“no y/n i’ll just-“
jimin tries to be the one to pluck it out from your ring that’s stuck but that’s too late for it now
and it’s now bunched up and when loosened :))) the thread’s already ran :))) and is very visible on jimin’s slightly expensive shirt :)))
yours and jimin’s dynamic...
it’s uh
it’s unlike no other
jimin is repulsed by you
he finds that you irk him very easily and you don’t know wHY jimin finds you to be in his nerves when you literally do nothing to him
he joins in the team drills to boost morale and let the crew know that not only is he the one heading it, but he’s also with you along the way
“do you want ice cubes in your drink?”
jimin’s sunglasses are perched up just nicely on his nosebridge as he sips on his water that came from the jug
honestly the weather is just sO humid and slightly iced water just won’t cut it
“yeah sure”
he outstretches his hand for you to take the cup and put ice in it but you dON’T
you don’t take it away from him!!!!
jimin sees you plopping down a handful of ice cubes in his cup with your bARE hands
b-buy you’re holding the cooler there mUST be some tongs in there
“they r clean and besides!! friends do that!!”
“who told you that we’re friends?”
he is the one who halts all your plans
“stop snacking” is his signature line for u whenever you’re by the pit
and yoongi isn’t even near the box yet wHY can you not snack???
you can’t even protesy because jimin already has his palm open so he coulf confiscate the gummy bears with the promise that “yea sure i’ll give you them when the race is over hmmmm yea”
of course he isn’t gonna stuff it in his pocket
he just plops them down on the table and when you ask him for them????
they’re all hot and melty and disgusting because they were accidentally left in the sun to disintegrate
“do you want some coffee?”
and then he met jungkook
he’s a bit of a brat but eh jimin finds him more tolerable than you
you’re all done with the workout and your trainer sehun is just sO unforgiving like would another eight second break hurt????
you’re kind of passed out by the bench and so is everyone
“i didn’t have any kids ask me for a picture today :((“
typically after the race some people would ask for your photograph!! along with the other pit stop crew members and they just make your day!!!
yoongi isn’t the only superstaer here ok :((
“well maybe if you did your joob good, they’d actually want to be in the same frame as you are.”
jimin snorts in reply without skipping a beat and ahhhh everyone knows the two of you are gonna start fighting again
usually you just roll your eyes but-
“jimin i don’t kNOW what i ever did to you for you to hate me so much and i’ve literally done nothing but to try and be kind and patient with you!!!”
oh they’re just gonna leave collectively now
“i already know you find me insufferable you dON’T have to rub it in my face every single time.”
you just combusted actually
you’re so over with jimin treating you like a loose thread on his shirt and he discards you every TIME like so
you can’t catch a break and it’s as if you’ve never done anythint good for him ever in your whole career
you don’t make conversation with him not unless it’s for work
you don’t offer him your food
you don’t throw him a smile
he bought a box of red velvet crinkles but then you didn’t even get a piece :((
jimin is shitty at apologies and the guilt’s been eating up at him because yeah he admits that he’s crossed a line there
and most of the times it’s always intentional so that’s even more guilt-tripling
then THE incident happened
and you left
he felt the most apologetic and shitty for that because gOD you’re just so good to everyone and to especially him!!!
he’s treated you so badly and you don’t waver for a single second because up until the last minute, you were still adjusting for him!!!
you were still considering his possible promotion and him in general when he knows to himself that you could’ve easily pinned the blame on him
but you didn’t
you covered for jimin and didn’t want him to be jeopardized by yoongi’s outrage.
“i’m sorry for being an asshole to you all the time.”
the moment the season ended, he’s immediately made his way to kim kradle to apologize to you
again and again
again and again until he wore himself out and cried and you had to stop him sternly just to assure him that you’re not angry at him
he looks out for you in his own ways
jimin’s not very vocal nor showy on how thankful he is to have you as a friend
it’s to when you order a chocolate chip smoothie and then the barista gives you a matcha one and you aBSOLUTELY hate matcha
and u already paid and you don’t want to cause a scene or anything like that
“i thought you hated matcha?”
jimin’s confused because since when did you develop a love for this green thing you’ve vividly described as soggy grass after a rainstorm that tastes like soil and phlegm
“oh i sTILL do!! lmao the barista got it wrong but it’s ok i’ll-“
“absolutely not.”
and then jimin’s immediately taking your cup and the receipt on the table and he’s gOING for the counter and won’t back down even if you’re tugging at his sleeve
not only was your order replaced, you ALSO got a complimentary cookie as the manager’s apology because whew jimin could be scary
it’s when you’re cooking lunch at kim kradle and u are mighty afraid of oil splashes because who wouldn’t????
jimin would nudge you to the side and he’d wordlessly take over for you
you would fall asleep on the floor and he’d prop a pillow underneath your head quietly
if he’s in the mood he’d give you another one underneath your arms
he may call for yoongi to carry you to the couch but ok fine he carried you one time and he’ll never speak of it
he’d let you believe that a ghost carried you there or something
sometimes jimin is just his usual grumpy self and he’s always been that wat
it’s tough love
jimin really drove to kim kradle at 7 in the evening which is out of his way and out of schedule because he should’ve done this errand at the opposite part of the city,,,
but here he is
with some fever medicine and a blanket from your place (he has a spare key) because you’ve been feeling homesick with all the back and forth from kim kradle and yoongi’s place :((
“thanks, minnie. lol if only i don’t love you platonically and u weren’t an asshole to me, you would’ve tOTALLY be my boyfriend rn”
yoongi would like to make it known that HE IS HERE
he IS the boyfriend
“you guys know that i’m-“
“totally. if only i didn’t find u annoying and a bitch, we could be married right now!!”
yoongi just wants to-
jungkook pats yoongi’s head in amusement
lol he too is a lil jealous because yOU’RE his best friend but anyways
“let them be, yoongs.”
aish he’s right
it’s heartwarming to see
jimin’s only warm to a couple of people and that’s including yoongi
he’s not the most open nor affectionate person in the world but he’s trying ok and that’s good enough!!!
“i TOTALLY would’ve been the godfather to their child though lmaooo”
jungkook snickers for a side comment that’s too LOUD and he’s only half-joking if he’s being honest and-
quick question
is that a flying wRENCH
90 notes · View notes
intrulogical · 4 years
author’s note: oh literally this is the worst. who knew the first fic without logan would've been a nightmare to make. i just really wanted to establish a secure dynamic between janus and remus, make some junji ito references, and move on, honestly. i just want to get to the fanfiction where they play poker and argue with the light sides, ya'know? but still, i guess i had to make *this* fanfiction. think of it as the halloween episode in sanders sides.
this fic literally cannot be read as a standalone so, for the love of all things good, please read the other fics in the series to understand what the fuck is going on! because this fic is sure as hell messy so reading it by itself won't even make sense lmao
like always, thank you to the logang discord for support! big thanks especially to kei, orb, and ellie for beta reading!
pairings: Platonic Remus & Janus, Mentions of Romantic Remus/Logan, Mentions of Past Remus/Janus
warnings:  remus angst, critical light sides, light sides negativity, swearing, remus-typical content, mentions of nsfw, weird horror-inspired creatures, slight self-esteem issues, just remus being sad :(
word count: 5502
summary: Remus sighed. It didn’t matter, he supposed. As long as the buzz from the lake distracted his thoughts and the hypnotizing spirals in the sky continued to drift, it would all be fine.
Spirals, spirals, spirals. Just like how he was spiralling right now. He chuckled at himself for the stupid connection; Logan really got him used to doing pointless word association games.
Word association games. Logan. His lover, boyfriend, partner, whatever.
Remus raised his arms to rub his tired face. The soaked sleeves of his hoodie dripped the water unto his cheeks. He really did not want to think about Logan and the possibility of him becoming a--
He splashed his arms back onto the water furiously as he furrowed his lip.
Remus has some conflicting thoughts about Logan becoming a "Dark" Side, has a different unidentifiable problem, and swims around in his Junji Ito-inspired creation. Janus, on the other hand, has to convince him to take a break.
(ao3 link)
There was a buzzing, staticky sensation that tickled Remus’s neck and legs as he floated atop the Dragonfly Pond. The lake itself, admittedly, was highly unrealistic as Remus hadn’t perfected every single aspect of his copy of Uzumaki’s horrific town of Kurozu-Cho, but Remus enjoyed traversing through the ghastly lake nonetheless. The odd buzz that fizzled against his skin felt weirdly satisfying and mind-numbing, allowing the irksome, overwhelming thoughts in his head to evaporate slightly. 
Remus understood that he should’ve been tucked in his bed by now, falling asleep to eccentric Jack Stauber songs as he hugged the gigantic octopus plushie Logan had given to him on his birthday. There was a persistent burn in his eyes that only worsened as time passed by and his muscles ached so terribly to the point of cramping. His eyes were practically blurring after a few seconds of gazing at the sky, and he swore he felt frost nipping at the ends of his fingers and toes. Yet here he was, paddling himself across the lake using his feet as his hoodie became soggier by the second, ignoring every logical thought that screamed at him to go to bed.
Junji Ito’s works were always a source of unexpected comfort for Remus. Remus recognized it was probably suspicious that he felt at ease while reading mangas about demonic, gut-wrenching monsters, but as an avid fan of the cosmic horror genre, he was only exhilarated by the detailed yet unsettling drawings. 
This was the reason why he made replicas of those mangas in his side of the Imagination. Many of his landscapes were dedicated to the fascinating monsters Ito was able to create. Sometimes, Remus’s ambitiousness took over and prompted him to create entire cities and towns with clueless civilians that inhabited the horrific establishments. Remus just liked to go wild and have fun, y’know? Amp the scare factor up to a hundred. 
(He also took pleasure in witnessing Roman’s fearful face whenever one of his creatures trespassed his land. The occasion was rare but when it happened, Remus merely laughed at Roman devilishly.)
Remus breathed out deeply. The skies above were littered with spirals, each thick cloud hypnotically whorling as it passed by. The wind was also visible, each breeze being represented with curls and scrolls. The night slightly resembled Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” but in monochromatic colors, making the sky appear to be a more depressing clone of the painting. 
Additionally, surrounding the lake were an abundant amount of trees, each of their leaves curling at the corners. Sometimes, the trees would give into this spiral disease and coil up on itself like a centipede that was just stepped on. Some peculiar creatures also hid within the helical greenery, all of them taking a peek at Remus from time to time. Remus only recalled witnessing boulder-sized snails and a stretched out human-snake hybrid traversing through their forest for today, but Remus didn’t expect any of his creations to be any real threats to him. 
If Remus was being honest, he had expected more creatures to appear. Usually, some of the  ghosts that inhabited the lake would arise and stalk Remus creepily but they didn’t even come out to play. The tornado siren that usually resonated daily didn’t alarm either, and there were no ear-piercing shrieks and terrified screams he could hear from a distance. Despite his environment still being undeniably terrifying, it was still pretty tame compared to Remus’s past visits.
Remus sighed. It didn’t matter, he supposed. As long as the buzz from the lake distracted his thoughts and the hypnotizing spirals in the sky continued to drift, it would all be fine.
Spirals, spirals, spirals. Just like how he was spiralling right now. He chuckled at himself for the stupid connection; Logan really got him used to doing pointless word association games.
Word association games. Logan. His lover, boyfriend, partner, whatever. 
Remus raised his arms to rub his tired face. The soaked sleeves of his hoodie dripped the water unto his cheeks. He really did not want to think about Logan and the possibility of him becoming a—
He splashed his arms back onto the water furiously as he furrowed his lip. 
Remus was never one to anxiously overthink a problem. More than anything, he caused problems and issues, purposely terrorizing the others just because he enjoyed it. There was never a moment in his life he felt overwhelmed by an issue, especially when he was only partially involved. But this— this was different. The entire atmosphere of the Mindscape can shift, relationships can absolutely be tarnished and destroyed, and he didn’t even know how this issue could directly affect Thomas.
Remus sighed— this was a mess. A complete utter disastrous mess. 
“Remus?” a voice called from afar. Remus’s eyes widened as he recognized its owner. “Remus, do you know how long it took to fucking find you?” they continued, sounding obviously aggravated.
“Jannie? You came to find me?” Remus hollered back, flipping over so he remained standing upright in the lake. There in the distance stood Janus whose hair looked incredibly dishevelled as his cape was almost in tatters.
“Of course, you cretin. You haven’t been in your room since four and didn’t even come to eat dinner.” Janus told him, clearly upset. Remus only blinked at him in surprise. Janus sighed, “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice that you’ve been, er, floating about for ten hours straight?”
Remus shrugged mindlessly, only causing Janus to furrow his eyebrows. “What? Ten hours isn’t a big deal.”
“Remus.” Janus said scoldingly, holding a disappointed yet concerned gaze. “Have you eaten at all?” 
“Been meaning to try the human-sized snails crawling around town. Did you know snails are rich in protein? Logan explained that some researcher in Africa or something discovered that eating snails could—”
“Again, have you eaten?” Janus interrupted. 
“Does swallowing lake water count?” Remus asked.
“If you swim out of there, I’ll lend you some cake B made a while ago.” Janus said monotonically, and Remus quickly perked up. 
“Why didn’t you say that in the first place, double dicks?” Remus said with a grin. Instead of swimming out of the lake, he snapped his fingers and teleported himself to the empty spot next to Janus. Janus’s face remained stoic and unmoving at Remus’s unkemptness and wet clothes as Remus simply grinned at him maniacally, clearly excited to be given the dessert.
After sighing, Janus grabbed a tupperware hidden beneath his cloak. How it was held securely in the cloak was a mystery, but he still handed the cake to Remus. “It’s red velvet, since he wanted to cheer you up.”
“Cheer me up?” Remus said while removing the tupperware’s lid, “He’s been apologetic about his outburst for what, two weeks, three weeks now? I mean, I guess it’s okay to be a greedy bitch when the opportunity is right there, but I still feel spoiled. Spoiled like… food.” Janus eyed him weirdly, “Like that milk carton that we abandoned in our fridge for ten months… uhm…”
“Seems like your creative juices are running low.” Janus told him as Remus shoved half of the cake into his mouth, “Firstly, we both know B is just like that, and secondly, this cake wasn’t something he made to add to his apology streak— he’s worried for you.”
Remus scoffed, “Worried? Why should he be—”
“Remus, your room is in disarray.” Janus told him with a concerned tone as the corners of his lips tilted downwards, “We’re not going to tiptoe around the issue here, Remus. He said you left a conversation with Logan frowning and the voices in your room suddenly intensified. I’m— we’re worried for you.”
Remus averted his gaze from Janus, chewing on the cake silently and shamefully as he watched the achromatic trees dance in sync to the breeze. Even while looking away, he can sense Janus’s heavy, unfiltered concern, staring at him with furrowed eyebrows, thinned lips, and nostrils slightly flared. 
Even if Remus was fully aware that he could trust Janus and B wholeheartedly, Remus was still undoubtedly hesitant to confess what bothersome thoughts were floating around his head. Whenever Remus needed to ramble on about some stupid dilemma he had to Janus, he was always certain about the complexity of the problem and what it entailed. Pinpointing what his current issues were to Janus was usually not too difficult to do, but somehow, this was different.
His problem felt… convoluted. More complex than he needed it to be. There were a million rampaging thoughts in his head that couldn’t stop reminding him of different problems he couldn’t tackle all at once. Typically, he can find one problem that stood out amongst the rest, but presently, every identifiable problem seemed to be equally as dreadful as each other, leaving Remus incredibly perplexed. Being unable to pinpoint his main issue was further adding on to the multitude of problems he already had to deal with, and he was unsure of how he was going to explain all this chaos that was within his mind.
Remus felt his right arm being nudged. “Remus?” Janus spoke, causing  Remus blinked thrice, not realizing he went quiet for a few minutes.
“Sorry,” replied Remus with a forced grin, shoving another piece of the cake into his mouth. The worry on Janus’s face manifested a feeling of guilt within Remus, gradually making him feel sorry that Janus had to put up with his patheticness. 
“Remus, what time did you sleep last night?” Asked Janus, causing Remus to fiddle nervously with the skin around his fingernails. God, Remus regretted not bringing any sort of fidget toy or object for him to utilize— Logan’s going to scold him for this. “Actually, wrong question— it’s quite obvious that you didn’t sleep last night—”
“Don’t assume, Sweeney Fraud.” 
Janus quirked an eyebrow, “Oh? Then, when did you sleep, my dear Mrs. Lovett?” Janus said confidently, fidgeting with his gloves as he did. Remus made a disgruntled expression, rolling his eyes at the question. He guessed there was no avoiding it now.
“I’m not good at math, but probably seventy to seventy-eight hours ago? Uhm. That’s three days, right?” 
Janus placed his hand softly on the ground beneath him, “Remus, you couldn’t have possibly been awake for more than three days—”
���At least it wasn’t four whole days.”
“Remus,” Janus scolded him once more. Hearing Janus utter his name once more made him unexpectedly tense.
“What, seventy-eight hours is nothing compared to when we fucked for—”
Janus visibly grimaced, fists slowly clenching, “Ssssstop that,” he hissed, earning an entertained chuckle from Remus. “I don’t want to remember that— that phase we had.” he added, obviously flustered. 
“But ah, that phase we had was just wonderful!” Remus exclaimed, doing a chef’s kiss. Janus’s hands flew to grip his hat and simply pulled it closer to his face, “Thomas’s teenage years were marvelously filled with hormone-induced fantasies and—”
“God, we were such horny children back then, even if it only lasted for a week—”
“Remus!” Janus roared, looking excessively embarrassed at Remus, “I am not proud of the— the activities we did back then so can you please do me a favor and forget about that entire week—”
“Jannie, you already know that I bring this up annually just to piss you off.” Remus said with a smirk, “I mean, look at you— all crimson and flushed like when I—”
“Oh my god, shut up!” Janus yelled, “You’re insufferable.”
“And so I’ve heard,” Remus replied, grinning widely.
“All I wanted was to help you with your damn problems and all I get greeted with is a reminder of our horrid sex life when we were teenagers, thanks a lot.” Janus murmured, hands still clenching his hat in humiliation. Meanwhile, Remus’ grin faltered a bit upon realizing that right, they still had his problems to discuss.
“That’s what friends are for,” Remus replied, trying to mask his worry by winking at Janus enthusiastically. Janus merely rolled  his eyes exasperatedly as a reply. “And I can handle my problems fine, J-anus. Just let me sulk here for another few hours, maybe I’ll duel one of those weird pregnant mosquito vampire creatures I’ve made—”
“—the what—?”
“—And maybe fall asleep around three or four? It’ll pass by then. I think. I dunno.” Remus finished with a nonchalant tone only to raise Janus’s suspicion. Remus froze at the sight of his disbelieving face— there was no chance in hell Remus would be able to lie in front of Janus, huh?
“‘You never pass the opportunity to vent when I ask you to.” Janus told him, consequently making Remus tilt his head in confusion. Janus sighed, “Well, I know you usually change the subject when I first bring it up, but upon the second or third request, you eventually do begin venting. What’s different about now?”
Remus was surprised that Janus had observed a pattern in their talks but was still unexplainably reluctant to share what was on his mind now. It would’ve been easier if he had Logan to talk to—he just made everything much easier, Remus didn’t know how that even worked—but Logan was involved with the issue and it just heightened his uneasiness even more.
“I— well,” Remus spoke, internally cringing at himself for the awful start, “God, I’ve been doing a lot of venting lately, is that even normal?”
“Better than duelling some pregnant vampire thingies or whatever the fuck you said earlier,” Janus replied, earning a half-smile from Remus.
“But I heard they put up a good fight, Jannie! Like, the townsfolk are saying they use drills as weapons while also having an insatiable thirst for blood—”
“Getting a little off-track here.”
“Ah— sorry.” Remus gave him an apologetic smile, “I’m just… very confused? Or anxious. Thoughts just swarm around my head like bees in a beehive and all of them keep buzzing,” Remus explained nervously. The tupperware and cake has long been abandoned as he continued to peel the skin around his fingernails instead, “And, uh, I don’t know where to start?”
“So you don’t know what’s bothering you?”
“Well, yes. And no.” Remus replied as he accidentally picked the skin around his thumb too harshly, causing a small trickle of blood to appear. Janus noticed this immediately, reaching out to pull Remus’s right hand away from his left.
“Don’t do that,” Janus instructed, causing Remus to huff at him agitatedly. Janus then sighed and unbuttoned his ruined cloak, handing it to Remus, “Some of your creatures clawed at the edges so you can play with the holes and loose threads instead if it means you’ll stop picking on your skin.” Janus explained, and Remus was about to protest until Janus continued, “I have more cloaks in my room, so destroy this one all you like.”
Remus gratefully accepted the cloak, following Janus’s suggestion and playing with the loose seams. “Thank you, uh,” Remus continued his tangent as he nervously pulled and plucked the strings, “Back to the thing— I kind of know what’s bothering me. Ish. Sorta kinda. Right now, I can probably identify ten— no, fifteen— or maybe twenty thoughts floating around that I could label as something contributing to my stupid dilemma.”
“But I feel like there’s something I’m missing. A bigger problem I can’t seem to pinpoint— like that one episode Thomas made with the puppets! Er… I don’t know why I keep bringing up that one episode lately when honestly, it was such a terrible episode—“
“The Halloween one was worse, in my humble opinion.”
“Point taken. We could’ve made that episode ten times better, y’know? I feel offended they tried to make a scary episode without inviting us! If they really wanted to discuss Thomas’s embarrassing phases, we are quite the experts—“
“We’re getting off-topic again.”
“Fuck, sorry,” Remus said apologetically, “Where were we— oh right, the stupid bigger problem thing.” Remus huffed tiredly, “I feel so fucking bothered that I don’t know what’s bothering me which is making me even more bothered and more bothered and it’s just a fucking loop! A terrible cycle. A bothering one. Did I mention I’m so fucking bothered?”
“Then lay it on me.” Janus told him, and Remus tilted his head at him, slightly perplexed, “What I mean is— if we can’t identify the bigger problem at hand, then you can at least tell me about the problems you can identify. Maybe we can piece together what we’re missing here.”
“I swear to Jesus Christ that this is beginning to look like that puppet episode.”
“What’s your obsession with that damn puppet episode? We weren’t even in it.”
“I dunno, to be honest. I just like to shit on it a lot. Like, look at me, I have the same problems Thomas is having, yet I’m still villainized, for some goddamn reason. Maybe it’s the mustache? It’s gotta be the mustache.” Remus twirled the edges of his curled mustache as Janus merely shrugged.
“To be fair, you had a very violent introduction.”
“You know what? True. Probably should’ve gone with my ‘Breaking Through the Window’ plan—“ Janus opened his mouth, most likely about to interrupt Remus, but Remus immediately butted in first before he can be scolded again, “Yea, yea, I know, go back on topic, yadda yadda yadda.”
“I’m here to listen, so feel free to spill whatever you want to spill.” Janus replied, looking at Remus intently. Before Remus could express his lengthy spiel, he successfully ripped a certain portion of the cloak he was fiddling with. Sighing, he lowered the cloak, and gazed back at Janus. Janus was patiently waiting for him, and despite looking exhausted, Remus knew he was still going to listen. God, what did he do to deserve Janus?
“Well…” Remus started anxiously, twirling one of the loose threads between his fingers, “I already told you about the entire Logan ordeal.”
“Him becoming a—what’d they call it again—a ‘Dark’ Side?”
“Yep.” Remus affirmed, face scrunched up in discomfort, “Y’know like, I thought I’d be excited to see him here, but after much thought—which is funny since most of the time, I don’t overthink things—but anyway, after much thought, I just feel… dreadful. Like, this shit ain’t just Logan coming over here to visit. This has permanent consequences I didn’t even consider until now. I don’t even know how the other sides will react or— or if this’ll damage Thomas in any way.
“I know that Thomas would still be able to function— it isn’t like Logan is actually going to fade away or disappear. He’ll just be… neglected more. Gosh, his neglect is all my fault, isn’t it? I mean, I know that I should technically blame Thomas and the other sides for Logan’s gradual descent into becoming one of us, but maybe I should take part in the blame too since it’s my fault that he’s brought down here a lot. Maybe I— maybe I badly influenced him? Maybe his own problems and insecurities were created because of how much time he’s spent with me—”
“Now that’s—”
“Me, overthinking? Probably. But Logan is important to Thomas, he needs to be up there to be able to help Thomas the most. Maybe bringing him down here was a mistake on my part because now he’s just so willing to give up his position as a ‘Light’ Side. The other sides will condemn him, hurt him even more, villainize him like how I’ve been villainized. Logan’s going to get fuckin’ hurt because of my ass and I just, what, blindly allowed it to happen for the past few months? And now it’s too late to back out because, at any moment, he’s going to join us and all chaos will break loose.
“What if… what if him becoming part of our family is going to erupt a bigass fight between Logan and the others? Believe me, I’d love to see Logan go feral and slap the shit out of Patton, but I’m… scared? And it’s weird— I’m never really scared of anything. But I’m scared that there'll be a bigger divide between the ‘Light’ and ‘Dark’ Sides because of… well, me. And I know not everything is entirely my fault, but it’s still partially my fault, so I still feel so fucking terrible. 
“And speaking of more problems that are partially my fault— there’s also B I have to worry about— and you! Like, I’m dragging you both into this mess just because I fell in love with some fucking nerd and now the other sides will hate you even more. I mean, Thomas doesn’t even know B, but I know those other sides are going to pin the blame on someone else like they always do, so we’re going to be antagonized more. And I don’t even know if B and Logan get along! Like, for all I know, I’m tearing our own family apart, because as far as I’m concerned, B would murder Logan if he got the chance to. But I can’t force him to be nice because I know it’s valid of him to get mad at Logan for all the shit that went down in Thomas’s teenage years, but I don’t know if that’s just going to hurt Logan and— agh!”
“Remus,” Janus spoke softly, snapping him out of his hysteria. As Janus carefully placed his hand atop Remus’ forearm, Remus had realized that in the midst of his incohesive rambling, he had successfully torn Janus’ cloak apart with his bare hands. Moreover, his eyes didn’t seem like the only thing that felt like burning as his lungs felt like it was being set ablaze with how labored his breathing has become. He could feel his shoulder shudder after every two quickened breaths and his eye twitch after every third. 
“Sorry, sorry, I—”
“Enough apologies, I need you to breathe in—” Remus took a shaky inhale, “—and tell me five things you see.”
“Wh-what is this, that Frozen episode of Sanders Sides—?”
“Five things you see, Remus.” Janus repeated himself sternly, not allowing Remus to joke his way out of this situation.
In return, Remus clenched his jaw tensely, averting his gaze from Janus to eye the scenery before him. As he fiddled with the destroyed cloak’s tangled loose threads, he spoke apprehensively, “Uhm. The lake, obviously, and its spirals. That tree in the distance that’s coiling up unto itself as its leaves are disintegrating, uhm—” Remus paused to even out his breathing before his heart decided to jump out of his chest involuntarily,  “There’s a— some smoke? In the distance? I think it’s from a funeral— they’ve been having a lot of those here nowadays. And there goes a gigantic snail, trying to avoid being preyed on by— by that snake-human hybrid thing.” he finished as the snake-human hybrid pounced onto the defenseless snail, “Ah well, at least he tried.”
Once Remus looked back at Janus, he realized how horrified he must’ve been judging by his raised eyebrows and extremely thinned lips. He must’ve been trying his best not to question any creature he witnessed in this hellish side of the Imagination, and Remus felt flattered that Janus still remained by his side despite the horrific surroundings. Janus eventually shook his head and avoided gazing at the snail being eaten by the snake creature. “Apologies, er, four things you can feel?”
Remus’s grip on the cloak suddenly tightened, “Well, obviously the cloak. Uhm, it’s strings—” Remus wiggled his bare feet that laid on the ground, “I could also feel the grass and— and some water. I don’t think I’ve dried up just yet.”
“Three things you can hear?”
“The snake-human hybrid feasting on the snail it just killed—” Remus heard a muffled disgusted sound from Janus but didn’t comment on it, “The wind too— I think a tornado’s coming. And—” Remus successfully punctured another hole onto Janus’s ruined cloak, “—cloth being ripped. Sorry about your cloak.”
“Apology not needed. Two things you can smell?”
“Mold. I think it’s coming from the lake. And I think that’s—” Remus sniffed, “—smoke? Could be dead bodies. I dunno. Staying here for too long made me lose the ability to differentiate bad smells.”
Janus slightly winced at Remus’s statement but continued on, “One thing you can taste?”
“Red velvet mixed with gross lake water.” Remus replied, gazing at the abandoned tupperware on his left. His stomach grumbled at the idea of finishing the cake but his hands were too preoccupied with cloak shredding that he didn’t bother with it at all.
“I have told you before and I will tell you again: I’m not one to sugarcoat things, especially when false comfort is never going to bring you anywhere.” Janus explained as Remus nodded in understanding, “But, while these problems are quite terrifying to deal with, they also are manageable with enough time and patience. There’s no avoiding the fact that Logan is going to be part of our side of the Mindscape soon— we honestly should’ve seen it sooner after witnessing all the neglect he’s been receiving. But through thorough planning and careful conversations with B and hopefully, Thomas, we can understand that these problems aren’t too complex at all.
“We both may be figments of Thomas’s personalities, but we are also human, despite, you know, our weird animal traits. These thoughts swarming around your head like to overcomplicate situations when they might not be as awful as they seem. Again, they’re all defeatable after careful planning, and I assure you that you have my support along the way. B and Logan are also there to share their support. And I know B— we both know B— he’s impulsive, but he isn’t stupid. I’m sure B has already overheard about Logan’s transition to our side and is trying his best to adapt. And Logan loves you, Remus, he will plan something, I’m sure of it.
“And as for you… well, there’s no avoiding that we all are at fault for this entire scenario, but you, out of every side in the Mindscape, has probably contributed the least to Logan’s neglect. But it’d also be useless to dwell on the idea further when Logan’s just about to transfer any time soon. Just understand that while we have made some mistakes in the past, we’ve also grown from them and have changed. And while I can’t fully speak on Logan’s behalf, it’s quite obvious that you’ve made his life much happier.”
Remus smiled sourly to himself, slowly processing everything Janus had just stated to him. “Thank you, Jannie,” he said, earning a smug grin from Janus. “I guess I just needed some rest.”
“With how overwhelming your thoughts are at the moment, you definitely need to rest. I don’t think you’re used to having ten million problems at once.”
Suddenly, a metaphorical lightbulb flashed within Remus’s head, eyes widening at Janus’s statement, “I— wait. Hold on. Maybe that’s the problem here!”
“Not resting? Well, yes, technically—”
“No, you idiot! I forget you lose your brain cells from time to time.” Remus commented, earning an irritated huff form Janus. “What I mean is— I’ve never been used to handling so many issues all at once. Like I…” Remus snapped one string off the cloth, “For all my life, I’ve been so complacent. The only issues I’ve ever dealt with were my intrusive thoughts and my insecurities and then, well, Thomas started reaching out to us more and... there was a shift. You understand me, right? Like, everything felt like it was changing once Thomas began to rely on the other sides more.
“I was never involved in any heavy issue. More than anything, I cause many problems without giving a shit about the consequences! And then Logan happened and everything just changed again. I was so used to not caring about anything that when every problem just started stacking up, I was... overwhelmed. It made me feel like I was responsible for everything, every little issue, and I felt like I was going to ruin everything.”
“But you were just not accustomed to juggling different issues all at once?”
“Right,” Remus replied. They stayed silent for a few moments, Janus letting Remus ponder about his newfound revelation. While a dull sense of relief settled within Remus, there was still a sense of disappointment that lingered around. He couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous this all was. The problem was just so… childish. Immature. Really fucking dumb. For someone who nagged on incessantly about how pathetic Thomas was for pampering himself and his viewers constantly, Remus was being such a pathetic wimp himself.
“This was all so stupid,” Remus murmured, impassively staring off into the distance. “I’ve eaten four bottles of Vicks, I’ve killed three boars with my bare hands, fuck, I’ve tried recreating every monster from the SCP Foundation universe and tried to fight them all in a single arena! And yet this is what bothers me? It doesn’t make sense.”
“Is it supposed to?”
Remus paused for a few, “Damn,” he said, slightly breathless, “you’re good at this. Can I hire you to be my therapist?” Remus joked, his lips forming a half-smirk.
“I thought I already was.” Janus replied, “I’ll expect payment in forms of self-care.”
Remus tilted his head with a displeased pout, “Ew. Too expensive— I never agreed to any of these terms and conditions. Can we rediscuss your bill policies?”
Before replying, Janus sighed and swiftly stood up. Remus gazed at him in confusion before Janus stretched out an arm in front of Remus, implying that he was going to bring him somewhere else. “Nope, and I think it’s time for you to start paying back.”
Remus’s eyebrows slanted inwards at the abrupt demand, somewhat urged to refuse Janus’s order immediately. Janus seemed to recognize Remus’s hesitance right away as he lowered his hand in annoyance, placing it on his hip.
“I don’t want to return to my room just yet.”
Janus quirked an eyebrow at him, “I didn’t say we were going to your room, Remus, I’m not a fool.” Janus explained, and that made Remus loosen up a bit. “I was going to ask if you want to sleep in my room for tonight.”
Remus’s eyes widened at the offer but was definitely not dismayed by the suggestion. Faint memories of him and Virgil discreetly sneaking into Janus’s room on sleepless nights flitted across his mind as a warm yet pleasant feeling of nostalgia bubbled in his chest. Remus reminisced about the times where Janus would tiredly extract the pull-out bed from underneath his own bed as he and Virgil would enthusiastically hop on the bed before Janus would sing them a soothing lullaby. While Virgil was mostly a taboo subject between him and Janus nowadays, those old memories still sparked some odd comforting feeling within Remus, and he couldn’t help but smile in fondness.
“Well,” Remus started, “why didn’t you begin with that, penis squared?” Remus added with a genuine grin, scrambling to get a hold of the torn cloak and the abandoned tupperware. Janus mirrored his smile, albeit slightly tired, and reached out again to pull Remus up.
Once up, Remus dusted off any dirt that soiled his green hoodie before standing next to Janus. “I’ll make sure to set up a playlist of soap crushing videos for you to fall asleep to. While I didn’t want to do much work, I did grab some pillows, plushies, and fidget toys in advance just so you don’t have to return to your room for the night. The only thing I can’t help you with is breakfast in the morning because even if I wanted to do something sweet, we both know that I’m a fabulous chef.”
Remus barked out a laugh, “I wouldn’t want you to cook anything for me either. I feed all your failed meal attempts to Cthulhu.”
“...Poor Cthulhu.”
“But still, thanks for everything else, mother.” Remus said, earning an eye roll from Janus, “Where would I ever be without you?”
“Probably dead in a ditch.”
Remus barked out another laughter, “To be fair, I think I’d rather be dead in a ditch than face any of the crap I’m dealing with now. I think the corpse germs would treat me far better than how Thomas is treating me now.” Remus joked in between forced laughs as Janus’s face quickly dropped. Remus’s laughter only stopped when he felt Janus’s scaly palm touch his forearm and thumb over it soothingly. Remus looked at his hand, then at Janus’s face. His eyebrows are knitted together in concern but his lips formed a small, calming smile.
“This’ll all pass soon, Remus. Everything will be okay,” assured Janus as Remus quietly blinked twice at the statement before his lip quivered involuntarily. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
With glossy eyes, Remus nodded, “Yeah, yeah, let’s go.”
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
Sonamy #2 AU
@blogkittylove, you requested this story from the Choice Board, so here it is!
Before you start reading the story, I just wanted to let you know that this is a different AU, than the other one. This one is where Sonic’s in the mafia, and he’s hiding his true identity from Amy. He speaks in Portuguese, but in this story, he’ll speak Spanish, because Portuguese is harder for me to understand and speak, so I’m going with Spanish. (Because I am LMAO) What’ll happen when he tells an order to one of his men in Spanish, unaware that Amy understands? 
(Amy’s POV)
I was sitting in my apartment watching T.V, until I heard the door unlock. Standing there was my boyfriend, Sonic. He was wearing a black fedora and a white dress shirt, which was kind of open at his chest. Oh my Chaos, that chest fur. It’s not a lot, but it’s still there. He looked at me and then the clock, and walked over. I smiled, while his was more smug.
     “Hi, Sonikku. How was your day?” I asked him, as he cuddled besides me. He rested his face in the crook of my neck and nuzzled.
     “It was alright. What about you?” He said, licking my neck a little. It made me squirm a little.
     “It was good, I wrote a few recipes, so I tried making them at the bakery. Everyone liked it, and a lot of people bought it. I brought some for you.” I could tell that he was smiling on my neck.
     “Where is it?” I pointed to the kitchen, and he ran to find the cupcake box. His mouth was covered in it, and he was moaning in delight. My face started heating up for some reason, but I ignored it. Sonic turned and noticed that I was staring at him, and that just caused my face to become more red. He smirked again, and devoured the last cupcake, and walked back to me. While he was walking, he got a phone call, probably from Knuckles, and went to my bedroom to answer it. I suddenly remembered that I left my phone in there, and I was in contact with Sonic’s mother, so I tip-toed to the door and put my ear against it.
    “What?! Find it, Knuckles.” Sonic’s voice was booming from the other side of the door, and he seemed angry.
    “Boss, relax, we’re trying. Besides, you don’t want your girlfriend eavesdropping in this conversation, do you?” I heard Knuckles’s voice from over the phone, but not all the way.
    “Shut up, I don’t think she would do that anyways, she respects my privacy. My Chaos, I love her...”
    “Can you talk in Spanish though, you never know...” I knew Sonic could speak Spanish, but he didn’t know that I could too. I heard a sigh.
    “Lo quiero muerto, Knuckles. ¿entiendes?” (I want him dead, Knuckles. Do you understand?) Wait a minute... Muerto means dead. Why would Sonic want to kill somebody? Wait, no. Maybe he’s saying that in a figurative way? A metaphor, perhaps?
    “Sí señor. Tenemos hombres que le detectan ya que hablamos.” (Yes sir. We have men tracking him down as we speak) Tracking him down? Probably to get him in jail, I guess.
    “Perfecto, ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que tuve el placer de dispararle a alguien.” (Perfect, it’s been a long time since I’ve gotten the pleasure of shooting someone.) Okay, now those innocent thoughts are gone. He’s actually talking about killing. Shooting somebody to be exact. I thought Sonic worked with boats and vehicles? Or at least, that’s what he tells me. Wait, no, Silver told me that.
     “¿Alguna vez le dirás a Amy que estás en la mafia?” (Are you ever going to tell Amy that you’re in the mafia?) I almost choked, but made a silent gasp. I realized that Sonic went silent and whispered something else to Knuckles, so I quickly (but silently) ran to the kitchen, which was right next to the living room. On the other side of the T.V, was my room. Luckily the t.v. was at a good enough volume. My ears twitch as I hear Sonic walk out of my room. I caught him staring at me. Thank Chaos I’m a professional liar.
     “What?” I question, as though I wasn’t just spying on him.
     “¿hablas español?” (do you speak Spanish?) He asked me. I cannot let him know that I understood.
      “. . .What?” I answered, even though I was fully aware of what he had asked.
     “Do you speak Spanish?” He repeated himself in English. I shook my head.
     “I speak French, Sonic. Did I not tell you that?” I told him. I didn’t exactly lie about that, I do know French. (LMAO, the author of this story sure doesn’t)
     “Then say something in French, then.” (i used google translate dont kill me)
      “Je sais ce que tu veux.” (I know what you’re up to) Knowing that he wouldn’t understand what I said.
     “What did you say?” he inquired curiously. I think of a sentence to say.
     “What do you want for dinner?” I lied once again.
     “I’m in the mood for some steak and mashed potatoes.” I nodded, and proceeded to make our dinner, acting completely normal, as though I haven’t just found out that my boyfriend is a mob boss. Or at least I think he is. He was giving orders.
      “Sonic, do you know any new funny movies? I’m in the mood.” I yelled from the kitchen. I tried to keep myself content. Besides, he’s in the mafia. No big deal. He wouldn’t hurt me...
But his enemies would...
They could see me with him and know that I’m important to him. They might kill me...
It’s not safe to date him. . .
‘Oh welp,’ I thought. ‘He’ll protect me. He wouldn’t let anyone get away with hurting me, even emotionally.’
I heard Sonic’s phone ring again, and went to the sink to fill a pot up with water.
     “What is it now, Knuckles.” Sonic whisper-yelled at his phone, making sure that I couldn’t hear him.
     “Lo tenemos.” (we got him)  was all I heard. I knew instantly that Sonic was going to leave, and I decided to tease him a little. As soon as he ended his phone call, I jumped on top of him, before I hear him yelp out in surprise. I go up to his face and kiss him. He was still in shock for a few moments, but started giving back, only harder. His hands go to my waist, while mine go around his neck. He licks my lips, begging for entrance, and I allow him. I heard his phone ring, but I see he’s trying to answer it, so kiss harder, and slowly kick the phone off onto the carpeted floor. I feel Sonic’s hands going a little lower, so I move my hands to his chest, and start playing with his fur. One of my hands go to his back quills and starts to stroke them. He starts quivering at the touch.
That’s one of the reasons I love him. He’s my first, and I’m his first in basically anything romantic. The phone rings again, but Sonic rolls on top of me, and nips at my neck, and gives my hips a squeeze. Once I’m distracted, he grabs his phone and runs to my room. I sigh, and check on the potatoes, which are still boiling, and I start cooking the steak. Once I decide I can leave the steak alone for a bit, I go to my bedroom door and listen in on their conversation.
     “Torturarlo por un rato, iré mañana.” (torture him for a bit, I’ll come tomorrow) Torture?! You know what? I won’t allow him to keep secrets from me. I’m going to indirectly tell him that I know! I heard him walk out of the room and back on the couch.
      “Saber algo~” (I know something...{A/N this is not a real song. If you know Camila Cabello’s My Oh My, sing it like that.) I see Sonic snap his head towards me. 
       “Sé que te dije una mentira...” (I know I told you a lie) 
       “Sé que has estado matando.~” (I know you’ve been off killing~) I slide through the kitchen and put the food onto a plate like I’m presenting them in a cooking show.
        “Te amo no importa lo que hagas.~” (I love you no matter what you do) I spin and place the dishes on the already set table. He looked a little shooketh, finally realizing that I understood what he was saying this whole entire time. I knew he was hispanic, and I was too, but from my dad’s side. So, if Sonic’s a mob boss, he could easily find out anything about me, except for my dad. He wasn’t in my life, and I never really met him. My mom taught me Spanish, and sent me to my dad’s parents as a kid, and they taught me Spanish there.
      “No estoy contento con tus mentiras.~” (I’m not happy with your lies) I walk over to him, and kissed his cheek.
      “Pero te amo de todos modos~.” (But I love you anyways) He wrapped his arms around me and brought me in for a kiss. I kissed back with just as much of excitement and passion as him.
      “How?” He asks me. I giggle and pull him to a chair.
      “My dad. He was hispanic, but he died, so I was sent to my grandparents’ house a lot, so they taught me.” Sonic nodded, and pulled me into his lap, which was kind of awkward, because, I wasn’t exactly wearing...much...under that skirt.
       “I didn’t want to tell you, but of course you found out yourself. If you want to break up with me, I won’t allow you to-”
       “I’m not going to break up with you. I don’t care what your job is, I only care about it if it brings you happiness.” I interrupted him. “Besides, you should know that I find this romantic~.” Sonic looked puzzled at my statement.
       “What do you mean?” I narrow my eyes at him. 
      “Have you really never noticed all the romance novels I have in my room? You go in there a lot, I’m surprised you haven’t seen how I have a full shelf dedicated to mafia romances.” I say, nuzzling into his chest. I felt something something sticking out from between my legs. I jump off of him immediately and throw myself onto the floor.
     “What the hell was that!?” He questioned my actions.
     “I felt something between my legs! What do mean ‘What the hell was that! WAIT, DON’T TELL ME IT WAS-” I screamed out in disgust. IT WAS A BONER, HE WAS BEING TURNED ON.
     “You accepting my job is very sexy and I love how you easily accepted that.” He said, putting a hand to my thigh. I rolled my eyes.
     “You can get all of this for the price of only one ring~” My statement probably excited him, because before I knew it, he was on kneeling on one of his knees and took out a velvet box.
     “I know your answer is ‘yes,’ but I still want to hear it come out of your lips in excitement. Amelia Rosette, will you do the honor of marrying me and fulfill the romance you’ve always dreamed of?” OH MY FRICKING CHAOS IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING-
     “YES! YES, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, YES! I WILL MARRY YOU!” I threw myself into his arms and he immediately embraced me, before pulling away and putting the jade encrusted gold ruby ring. He leaned in for a kiss, which I happily accepted.
After all, I got the romance I’ve dreamed of~
Hoped you like it :)
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venusxxlangdon · 5 years
How would Outpost Michael react to someone he’s interviewing being not afraid of his scare tactics? She’s not intimidated whatsoever and challenges him in his game of wits? Like I need a Drabble. Would he be turned on? Would they fuck?
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words: 2.1k
warning: lots of talking lmao
gif: @micheallangdons
You’d been sitting in front of him for what it seemed like an eternity. The man behind the desk studied your folder attentively, long fingers flipping through the pages pensively, eyebrows frowned in concentration. The only sounds disturbing unpleasant silence between you two were the ticking of the clock and his occasional hums when he would find something particularly interesting in your profile and circle the lines with a red sharpie, adding little notes here and there with intricate handwriting of his. You wondered why he had not done his research before having invited you. “It would have saved so much time”, you thought in annoyance, lacing your fingers together and placing them on your knee. 
Trying not to stare at his chiseled face caressed by the flames of numerous candles that were all over the room, you still could not help yourself but occasionally shoot snotty little side glances at him, eyeing the way his chest clothed in a black jacket and a dress shirt rose and fall heavily. You sighed and rested your head on your hand, tapping the fingers of your left hand against your knee impatiently.
“What’s the hurry?” his low, velvet baritone suddenly thundered through the room. He asked without lifting his eyes from the papers and put another checkmark on the sheet.
You immediately straighten your back and put your chin a bit too high than it was necessary, hoping that your body language would trick him into believing that you weren’t bored to death with an endless waiting. Sliding your hand down your thigh, you adjusted your dress, smoothing the imaginary wrinkles out.
“What? No, nothing,” you said and leaned back on your chair, ready to meet the stare of the icy blue eyes. Michael, however, did not spare a glance at you. He hummed in response, put the papers back in the folder, and placed it aside on the oak table.
“I can sense your body vibrate with impatience,” he finally looked at you, and for a moment it felt like the floor disappeared below you.  You licked the corner of your mouth with a tip of your tongue and squeezed the corner of the lace that was adorning the hem of your dress with your fingers, trying to remain calm and unbothered, or at least to seem that way.
“Well, I’ve been sitting here for,” you glanced at the antique clock above his blonde head, “twenty minutes, and my interview hasn’t started yet. I wonder if maybe I could come another time?”
He arched his eyebrow at you.
“There might not be another time, Y/N,” he mused, and even though you would never admit it to yourself, your stomach flattered at the way he pronounced your name. Plump lips moved slowly, his silver tongue savoring every letter that dripped from his mouth like the sweetest syrup. “If I decide so.”
He leaned back, mimicking your position, and placed his right elbow on the armrest, caressing his cheek with his bony fingers. The flames danced beautifully in the cut of his rubies. You did not say anything in response, waiting for him to continue. It was better to find out what he was up to first: if he used a soft approach or preferred to force his interviewees into obedience. The right strategy was a dangerous thing especially in the skillful hands, and you knew it like nobody else.
Michael nodded at the file.
“You have a reputation of a very short-tempered person,” he opened it on the first page where there was a picture of you and some basic information. “Starting from high school and then through university, your professors described you as “bald, rebellious,” he flipped through the pages lazily, “insurgent, passive-aggressive,” he smirked and slightly tilted his head to the side, blue eyes scanning through the notes he had made.
Your jaw tensed at his words. Was he trying to provoke you?
“I’m aware of what kind of a person I am, Mr. Langdon,” you said, twisting the silver band around your index finger from side to side impassionately. “Is it all you invited me here for?”
Michael licked the inside of his cheek and you saw his tongue outstretching the skin of it, making it look as if there was a cock in his mouth. You mentally slapped yourself across your face for that thought.
Langdon scoffed.
“You wanted to be seen so desperately. Why is that?”
“It’s not polite to answer a question with a question, Sir.” You answered, trying to take the unnecessary thoughts out of your head, and watched him stand up from his seat and with the elegant strands approach your chair. He walked like a predator hunting his prey, slightly bouncing at the knees with each step. It took you some of your self-control to stay in place and not to start turning your head following his direction. Every inch of your body tensed in anticipation at the sound of his boots clicking on the concrete floor. His aura, deep and magnetic, enveloped you like a thick cape, making your heart race.
He stood right behind you; you could not see him, yet his presence was obvious. You missed the moment when you squeezed the armrests so tightly your knuckles bled white, but when his hands fell on your shoulders and you let go off of the handle, you quietly gasped at the stiff feeling in your fingers. His touch, firm and steel-like, sent subtle vibrations all over your body. You had noticed it about Langdon before: he was so tactile; Gallant slept in the jacket he had worn when Michael petted his shoulder at dinner the other day.
“Silly little thing,” he cooed, “you think you can run your mouth so freely?” His fingers brushed against the collar of your dress, outlining the trim of the delicate lace, mere inches away from your neck where the prominent sinew was pulsing from the adrenaline running in your veins. “You, just like any other human, are somewhat clueless about  how fragile your body is,” you were holding your breath as he spoke, the look of your e/c eyes lingering over his fingers. He was so close to you that you could see the faint monogram “ML” engraved on a chunky ring.
You did not know where all that strength came from when you parted your lips and said:
“You claim that you can see through our mundane guise,” your voice came out squeakier than you expected, so you cleared your throat and then continued, “but you are wrong, Mr. Langdon,” you emphasized the letter “M” by smacking your lips together and spitting the word out as if it was filled with poison, “if you think that I’m not aware of the presence of death,” he circled the chair, dragging his hands off of your shoulders slowly, and made his way back to the desk. He turned around to face you and leaned his hips against the table, placing his hands on the polished surface of it for leverage. His hair framed his face like curtains, as he looked at your figure from up and down.
He narrowed his eyes, full lips curling into a smirk.
“Am I?” the man who could call death his best ally, who was bound with it on more than just a spiritual level, felt deeply amused with your bravado.
You nodded.
“Remembering that I could be dead at any given moment was the most important tool I’d ever encountered to make the big choices in life before you destroyed the world and I,” you paused, “we, meaning the humanity, lost everything we could choose from.”
You did not know whether Michael’s eyes lit up on their own at your words or it was the reflection of the flames.
“Then why are you here if you hate it so much? I can end your suffering with the snap of my fingers and free you from the burden of living in the new world.”
“And leave me without a choice? Again?”
A moment of silence followed the question. Your words hang in the electric air. Of course, you would lie if you said that you were not scared at all. In fact, fear chained every muscle of your body and pinned you to your seat, but you were strong enough to control your emotions and at least, pretend that you were unbothered. At least on the facade. Michael leaned forward, bringing his angelic (as paradoxical as it was) face closer to yours. His eyes drilled through you, seeking for your weaknesses. Physically he was present in the room with you, but mentally he was far deep in your thoughts, ravishing the darkest secrets.  
“A man has no choice in his origins,” he hissed, “you all are cursed since the day you are born to sin, to destroy, to sow despair.”
You pushed yourself out of the chair and in a matter of seconds you appeared so close to him that you could smell the musky scent of his cologne. He did not expect this move, and if you had not been mere inches away from him,  you would not have noticed the way his breath hitched. But since you were in his personal space, you saw it all: his widened pupils, parted plush lips and the way his eyelids fluttered.
“Then why are you giving us a chance?” Unintentionally your gaze dropped to his lips and for a second, the thought of tasting them had crossed your mind before you tucked it in the furthest corners of your subconsciousness. To be this close to a man as gorgeous as Michael was equal to experiencing a number of heart attacks in a row. You secretly admired the way his locks flowed down his shoulders, his skin looked so soft and smooth that you wanted to leather it with your lips, caress it with your touch, but at the same time something about him was off. Langdon inhaled sharply, a carnivorous smile touched his lips from ear to ear, and a sudden realization came to your mind. You close your lids, breaking the eye contact.
“There’s no sanctuary, is it?” You said, clenching your fingers in tight fists, your own voice sounded foreign. “You fucker…”
His loud, high cold cackle roared through the room. It was a peal of mocking laughter that was supposed to scare you, make you feel hopeless, abandoned. Michael kneeled down before you and took your face in his palms, forcing you to look up at him. He was so pleased with himself. Running  his fingers through your hair, stroking your cheeks with his ring-clad fingers he said:
“Oh my little pet,” a wide grin on his face made him look like an obsessed madman, his touch leaving burning imprints on your skin. He could not get enough of your resistance, he was thriving off of the anger boiling within you, he looked forward to unleashing, make it flood your entire being with its hellish waters. Believe it or not, but the indifference to the new world he was going to built made you more alive than any other resident of the outpost who had spent hours on their knees begging Michael to choose them. You had nothing to lose, and that was the true definition of freedom. “You’re a fighter, I like that.”
At that moment you wish you had possessed any magic abilities, too. You wanted to read his thoughts, crawl under his skin, become one with Michael Langdon in order to understand if he was bluffing or not.
“If you really think that I’m gonna believe any of your words, you are not quite a perceptive Antichrist that you claim yourself to be,” you fended off, noticing that you somewhat had missed the moment when his hands appeared on your things, the heaviness and radiant warmth of his touch tightening a familiar knot in the pit of your stomach. The tension between you two was excruciating, you could feel it with your skin, burning, igniting every sense of your soul, making your feelings more acute. You wished you could clasp your legs together to ease the ache and need between them, but if you did so, it would expose you and the game would be lost. Just like the remains of your self-control.
“Hmmm,” he smirked, digging his fingers into the drapes of your dress and squeezing your thigh roughly. “What if I told you that I could sense how hungry your wet womanhood is for me right now? Would that make me more of a perceptive Antichrist?”
“Perhaps,” you responded, wrapping your fingers around his wrists to take his hands away from your hips, “you could say that, but in order to check if it’s true,” your voice dropped a few octaves lower as you were about to share a secret, “you have to earn the opportunity. Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet, Mr. Langdon. Aristotle said that, listen to him.”
“Especially if the fruit is between my legs,” you thought to yourself, knowing that Michael was listening to your thoughts.
“He did not say that part,” he smirked, standing up on his feet and going back to his seat. Your heart was about to beat out of your chest as you waited for his next move. Did you cross the line? The swirl of numerous questions was buzzing in your mind like a hive. To your disappointment, the only thing Michael said was, “you’re dismissed Ms. Y/L/N.”
But as you approached the closed door and your fingers touched the silver knob, he called you by your name. You slowly turned your head at him. 
“I expect you to be in my room at midnight for the second part of our interview. I’ll make sure that after it the only man you’re going to quote is me.” 
this is short so I’m tagging a few: @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @divinelangdon @sammythankyou @wroteclassicaly @1-800-bitchcraft @ccodyfern @ms-mead @langdvnshepherd @sojournmichael
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gorytales · 5 years
❛  𝐭𝐡𝐞     𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥     𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐭     𝐨𝐮𝐭     𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠;  𝐬𝐡𝐞  𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰  𝐬𝐡𝐞  𝐰𝐚𝐬  𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲'𝐬  𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐭.  ❜          —  hey  there  everyone  !  i’m jaz, a twenty three year old animal crossing enthusiast currently drowning in deadlines lmao rip, final year, am i right? but i’m here!! ready to bring my two gals to life, and the first of ‘em is red, my little gemstone whom’st i love.
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*   ╰    marilyn lima , little red riding hood .    ╱     welcome  to  castle  rock , RED . you’ve  just  blown  out  NINETEEN  candles  on  your  most  recent  birthday  cake , and  rumour  has  it  that  you  had  your  last  birthday  in  A  HOUSE  IN  THE  FOREST . now  ,  you  can  be  found  loitering  around  THE  CORN  FIELDS  . why  did  you  leave  there  again  ? was  it  something  to  do  with  THE  ANIMAL  WHO  STOLE  YOUR  HEART  FROM  ITS  HOME   ?   regardless , we’re  glad  to  have  you  .  i  hope  that  FOOLHARDY , INQUISITORIAL , TENACIOUS  &  PHILANTHROPIC  behaviour  of  yours  doesn’t  cause  too  much  trouble  here  …   it’s  funny ,  you  remind  me  of  THE  MOTTLED  SKIN  OF  A  PORCELAIN  GIRL,  CRIMSON  STAINED  AXE  HEAD  WORN  BY  A  TWO  MAN  WAR,  TEETH  TOO  SMALL  TO  EAT  YOU  WITH  BUT  SHARP  ENOUGH  TO  TEAR,  VELVET  CLOAK  OF  A  BYGONE  INNOCENCE,  THE  WEIGHT  OF  A  THOUSAND  HOPES  UPON  THE  MOST  DELICATE  SHOULDERS . perhaps  i’m  going  mad  .    ╱     cis  female  ,  she/her  .     +     written  by  jaz  , 23 , she/her , gmt .
trigger  warnings  :  violence, death, blood.
red grew up in the forest, in her mother’s small cottage, for most of her life. they had an idyllic lifestyle not bound by the constraints of normal society. there weren’t bills to pay, there weren’t taxes to deal with, nor were there hours to work at some job her mother hated. it was just the two of them besides red’s grandmother, after red’s father had disappeared into the woods when she was a mere baby, and that’s how it stayed.
her grandmother, of course, lived down a long winding path away from them. not far, but far enough that it was a decent ten minute walk. red adored her grandmother. they spent countless hours together, with the elder teaching red everything from knitting, to gardening, to wood chopping. her grandmother always stressed one rule, however: stay out of the woods. for the woods were full of something dark and dangerous. not spirits, no... just energy. death. decay. destruction. and so, when red was just a little girl who loved her mama and her ma, she did as she was told.
but it didn’t take long for her to find her fire. spirit passed on to her from her father lit up in her belly and soon red found herself wishing for more. she loved her life, found this miniature peace forever relaxing, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t long for the outside world. the world further down the dirt path. but as she knew, her life was good. she was loved deeply and strongly, the bond of the three women unbreakable, displayed by the hand me down, plush, red cloak that red would now wear.
the worst day of red’s life started out like any other. her mother, with a freshly baked batch of goods, only this time with a selection of cured meats also, sent her on her way to her grandmother’s, the same warning as always ringing through the home: stay out of the woods! and so, red did. but halfway through her journey something seemed off. the air was thick, copper seemed to coat the trees, and a low growl followed no matter which way she whipped her head. 
the wolf appeared, fur thick as midnight and eyes as hollow as death itself. he requested just a taste, just a bite, of what red had in the basket, but she refused, explaining where she was going. rather than attacking, as she had assumed, he seemed to understand, seemed to respect her wishes, suggesting to red instead that she should pick some flowers for her grandmother, that he was sorry for wasting her time. he skulked off into the shadows and the young girl, naively, took his advice.
she showed up to her grandmother’s only two minutes later than usual, but it had been enough, for when she walked into her grandmother’s room, a ghastly sight greeted her. the wolf, dressed up in her grandmother’s robes, desperate to hide his beastly frame. she bided her time, acted as if she were stupid, plied him with a silly rhyme before pulling an axe from her basket and catching him in his shoulder. he viciously yelped, weakened from straying too far from the dark confines of the forest, and quickly retreated, but not before telling red something miserable.
‘ you will never see your grandmother again. ’
the girl desperately searched the rest of the home but only blood found her. she never did find her grandmother, never found a clue as to where she had gone besides the hidden violence, but she was never the same.
red spent the next four years honing her skills. her tracking, swordplay, blacksmithery, anything you could think of to help her track down that awful beast, she was doing it. she became an expert and as she sought out people to help her, she discovered a village twenty minutes walk from her and her mother’s home. they, too, were a simple people, and red brought to them something they had never seen before; hope. she was dangerous and lithe, she sought out missing children stolen by evil witches, stopped the men with the dangerous instruments luring the children from their homes, and discovered her fair share of true evils. to call her a private investigator of sorts would’ve been silly. but maybe that’s what she’d become.
she willingly moved to castle rock to follow up on a lead but also to continue helping those who need it. the corn fields, in particular, remind her horrendously of the woods back home and all of their decrepit tricks. she plans on bringing everyone’s loved ones back, one way or another, in hopes that no one suffers her fate.
foolhardy     :     if red is anything, it’s reckless. she began exploring after her grandmother died despite knowing the wolf could’ve still been lurking. she will follow a lead no matter where it goes, and won’t give it up until she reaches the end. her boldness has gotten her into trouble more than a few times, but she’s learned well enough how to get herself out of an awful situation.
inquisitorial     :     she’s nosy. oh my god, she’s a nosy little rat. if red isn’t in your business, do you even exist? she has this innate desperation to know everything about everyone, but the other side of this is that she’s always a good person to talk to about your hobbies or issues, because she just loves hearing all about it. so yeah, it might be annoying having this pint sized midget up in your business all the time, but she’s also an a+ listener, plus the stories you’ll hear from her about the countless mysteries she’s always chasing are one in a million.
tenacious     :     what’s a young investigator without a bit of tenacity? if red sniffs something out, she won’t let it go, and that doesn’t just mean her cases. if she knows something’s wrong, if she has something she cares about, if you try and prove her wrong, red will defend it all, follow it all, or investigate it all until she’s blue in the face.
philanthropic     :     red has successfully found a whole lot of missing kids that would’ve been left otherwise, and she does this, and all her other actions, from the kindness of her heart. all of her spare money goes to those in need, and if she’s not at her usual spot or at home, she’s more than likely volunteering somewhere, helping someone with something. red doesn’t know selfishness, her family taught her that.
like i’ve mentioned, red’s kinda . . . a private investigator? sort of? for all the very dark goings on. because of her small frame, her adeptness with knives, her tracking, etcetera, she’s really the best bet at finding someone and has had her fair share of run ins with ghoulish beasts back in her home land. but yeah! she’s sort of well known, probably known as “that kid who won’t leave well enough alone” but you know, she’s trying.
still has her cloak but no longer wears it. it’s really the only thing of her grandmother’s she’s brought with her to this new world, and she’s be distraught if something happened to it.
has lots of skills but is not good.... academically. it’s kind of good she doesn’t charge for her services nor has she ever had to go to school, because she actually has undiagnosed dyscalculia, so numbers are incredibly difficult for her to wrap her hear around. she’s very practical and hands on.
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Survey #152
“if mary was only 14 when she had jesus, what does that make god?”
What’s something you initially disliked, but ended up liking? Uhhh... I'm drawing a blank right now. If you’re interested in having a long term relationship with someone, do you think that waiting a certain amount of time before you first have sex is a good idea? Or does it not matter?  I think it's a smart idea.  To me personally, sex should be an intimate experience with someone you love, not with someone you don't know deeply. Have you ever discovered something big by looking through someone’s phone, Facebook, email, etc.? No, never snooped on someone. Do you have any financial regrets? Either way, what’s an example of a GOOD financial decision you’ve made?  No, I've never really had to make big money decisions. Do you think it’s a good idea for kids’ sports teams to not keep score, or do you think that’s going overboard in trying to show sensitivity? I think you shouldn't keep score.  Teach children how to have fun for the sake of fun, not winning. Name a movie that you dislike but everyone else seems to love. Why do you dislike it? Drawing a blank again. *shrugs* Are you good at compromising or are you more of a “my way or the highway” kind of person?  I'm pretty nice at compromising, but of course it's going to depend on the case sometimes. Do you know any couples who sleep in separate beds? Do you think that if a couple makes that decision, they will eventually break up/divorce?  Yes, because one of them snores loudly.  But that doesn't mean they're gonna break up... Have you ever had a horrible boss or teacher? Did you ever confront them about it?  No, thankfully. Does it usually take awhile for you to completely come to terms with your emotions after something big happens or do you let it all out right away?  It's kinda both.  But mostly the former; I deeper understand what I'm feeling then. Is Thanksgiving an important holiday to you? Who did you spend last Thanksgiving with?  Honestly no, not really.  I should appreciate it more than I do for the sake of its concept. How far into your current (or last) relationship did you start thinking about your future with that person? Probably too early to be considered normal lmao. Are you a believer in “signs” from the universe about things in your life? If you are, can you think of a particular example? No. Name some things that one or both of your parents are really good at or really interested in.  Mom is suuuper into surgeries/seeing how the body works, and Dad's good at building shit I guess lmao. If someone told you that you would never achieve something and you ended up doing it, would you have any interest in finding that person and showing them?  Tbh yeah lol.  I do NOT take people underestimating my abilities kindly.  That's one reason the breakup was so bad. What is the most jealousy-induced thing you’ve ever done? Ehhhmmm.  I don't think I've done something in hopes of making someone jealous. Ever been kissed under fireworks?  No, but #goals. Which of your friends lives closest to you?  Colleen.  AKA, the only friend whose location I know. Do you like calling or texting better?  Don't call me, like ever lol. When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?  When I learned Mom and I couldn't go to the P!atD concert.  It's been a week or two and I'm still bummed. Do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced?  ....... Does any human being on Earth believe it's wrong?????? Do you talk dirty to people?  HUNNY I couldn't even talk dirty in the middle of my ex and I doing shit lmao. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?  Dad; we talked on the phone a bit. The last thing you heard?  I'm listening to "Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend" by Powerwolf on repeat asjfdakjwi I'm addicted. Have you ever been to an animal shelter?  Yeah. Does it rain a lot where you live?  I wouldn't necessarily say a lot?  Afternoon thunderstorms are just about daily in the peak of summer, though. Do you live in the suburbs?  No. If you have a dog, does it bark a lot?  Ugh, both of them.  Slightest noise outside our house or in our driveway, it's over. What are your 3 top favorite movies?  The Lion King, Finding Nemo, and then probably The Lion King II. Can you juggle?  No. Who was your favorite Disney princess as a child?  Ariel. Who are your style icons?  Like every serious goth in the world give me money to afford this style. Do you believe in an afterlife?  I really do.  Will it be wonderful, bad, lonely, peaceful, reunited with our loved ones, who knows, but I believe in something good. What do you fear most about death?  The possibility there is no afterlife.  I obviously wouldn't exist anymore so wouldn't experience anything, but.  I never want my essence to vanish. What is your favorite country?  Dunno. Glitter or feathers?  I'm a glitter bitch. Have you ever self harmed?  Yeah. What is your favorite type of cake?  Red velvet. Who was your favorite author as a child?  Erin Hunter. Do you ever have days where you just don’t do anything?  Um, everyday???? Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep?  Yes, if it's too late to nap but too early to sleep.  And this one time I had a paranormal experience and I was terrified to. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic?  Maybe around an hour during a roadtrip? Best field trip experience?  5th grade zoo trip with Dad, my then-best friend, and her mother. What is the most amount of money you’ve spent on a meal before?  Nothing impressive. What is the worst thunderstorm you’ve experienced?  We've had plenty, who knows. Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class?  I've never gone to sleep in class. Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert?  No. Are your parents supportive of you?  Yes, Mom especially. Has your mom ever directly told you that she favored your other sibling(s) over you?  No. Do your folks still have sex? Does it disgust you?  They're divorced so y'know. Do you like dried fruit (e.g. bananas, mangos, plums, etc.)?  NO. Can you stand eating the crusts of a slice of sandwich bread?  Yes, but it's my least favorite, so I eat it first to get it out of the way. Do you sleep with your window open at night?  Hell naw I don't want no Welcome to the Game shit. Do you do your homework at home or in class? Or how about in class the day it’s due?  I liked to start it in class if I could, but did the rest at home. When did you last see your parents?  I saw Dad a few days back at Ryder's b-day party, and I saw Mom this morning. Does it bother you when people get too obsessed about stupid stuff?  I feel like you're coming for me. What is the one fast food restaurant you have NEVER been to?  Denny's. Have you ever gotten to see the movie Twilight? Not the whole thing.  Nicole got it for Christmas and played it that day, and I stayed out in the living room with the family 'cuz yeah, Christmas. What was your favorite cartoon character as a kid?  Courage, probably. Do you live in a house or an apartment?  House. Do you live in the city or country?  Country. Do you take any prescription drugs?  Yeah. What is the one TV show you could watch over and over again?  That '70s Show. What is your favorite animal?  Meerkats, specifically the Kalahari sub-species. Who were the last 3 males you talked to?  Dad, Ryder, and Nick. What was the last alcoholic drink you tried for the first time? Did you like it?  White wine and I wanted to die. Have you ever had to claim insurance? What for?  No. Can you write in cursive?  Yeah, but I've forgotten one or two letters.  Not sure I recall the capital "g." Have you ever viewed the moon through a telescope?  No. Where do you like to sit in the movie theater?  Middle. Do you normally finish one book before starting another?  When I read, I did. What is your favorite hot drink?  Hot chocolate. Do you wish you had a pool table? Omg so I would love to have like an arcade sorta room with stuff like that, but I doubt it'll happen. Is chest hair a turn-on? I wouldn't call it that for me personally.  I prefer none or little, but I'm not gonna find a guy unattractive just for that. Which has been the best year of your life so far?  2017.  Full of growth and good memories. Do you have a picture with your middle finger up? No, but admittedly I wanna have one of Sara and me kissing with one for the camera because gay pride to piss off homophobes lol. If your boyfriend or girlfriend smoked pot, would you care?  I'd care if it was for non-medicinal use and illegal in the state. When is the last time you attended a church service?  Oh jeez.  Sometime last year when Colleen was in her super-religious phase. Does it bother you when people respond with one word texts? If I'm making an effort to make conversation, yes.  If there's not really anything to respond to, no. If you could have a twin, would you?  No. If you had to give up your arms or your legs -which would it be?  Legs.  I cherish the use of my arms more. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?  If I'll be happy and content. If you had to be sick for the rest of your life would you choose something that kills you quickly & painfully, or bearably but slowly?  Yikes, not sure.  I guess the latter?  I don't want to just abruptly leave my loved ones. Have you ever made out with a member of the same sex?  Not yet. :P What is the coolest band name you have ever heard?  Definitely some kind of heavy or death metal band.  Off the top of my head, I think Cradle of Filth sounds wicked. Who was the last smoker you were around? Did they smoke around you?  Dad, and yes. Who do you know that can make you feel better if you’re not feeling happy?  Sara and certain YouTubers. Are you more talkative over the Internet?  YEAH DEFINITELY. Have you ever done something sexual that you regret?  Nah.  Loved him then, whatever. Have you ever said anything to the last person you kissed that you regret?  Yeah. Where do you wanna go for vacation?
  I'd love to go to the pink beaches in the Bahamas ahhhh Do you only wish the best for your ex?  Yeah.  I kinda even do with Jason, but at the same time, I want that fucker to see he will never find a perfect relationship, as he obviously wants judging from me and the girl he dated after me.  So I take that back, I don't think I wish the best for him until he learns his lesson. Do you change your phone background a lot?  No. Does a male or female sing the last song you listened to?  Male. Can you count in Roman numerals?  To a certain height.  I don't know what comes after "X"s.  Maybe "L?" What’s in your front yard?  Grass, a small tree, some small flowers... Have you ever lucid dreamed? Would you like to, or does the thought of being able to control your dreams scare you?  No, but it'd be cool to. Would you like the ability to read minds?  No. Do you know how to fish?  Yes. Did you/are you planning on going to college?  I'm going back in January. Have you ever built a snowman?  Yeah.  We rarely get the kind of snow that packs enough to make one, though. When was the last time you moved to a new house?  Over a year ago. Do you know any high school sweethearts? How’s life treating them? My best friend and her husband.  They still love each other and have a son now. Which is the scariest ride you have ever been on in a theme park? This ride that took you way too high up into the air then abruptly dropped & it was horrifying ahhhhhh
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violetevents · 7 years
slice of heaven
pairing: leonard snart/barry allen word count: 1543 summary: Barry works in a bakery. Len keeps coming in to pick up cakes for his sister. a/n: this took way too long to write lmao. but anyway, here is the next installment in my coldflash abc! and the c is for... cake :D i was origionally going to go for crying and then this... fluff fest happened lmao
read the rest of the abc here!
The bell above the door jingles, announcing the arrival of a new customer. Barry looks up from where he’d been carefully putting a freshly made cake into the display fridge, and nearly drops the whole thing when he sees the unfairly attractive man that has just entered the shop.
“Hello?” The man drawls, and god, even his voice is sexy. That’s just unfair.
Barry realizes he’s still crouching behind the counter, just staring at the man from between a red velvet and a carrot cake, and hastily gets up. “Yes! Uh, I mean, hi. Hello. Welcome?”
Unfairly Attractive Man looks entirely unimpressed. “I’m here to pick up a cake under the name of Snart,” he says, and okay, at least his name isn’t sexy. That’s like, a small relive.
“Right!” Barry says, “I’ll be back in a second,” he adds, and disappears in the back. When he locates the cake for ‘Snart’, he frowns. When he walks back out, he turns to Unfairly Attractive Man and says, “You’re not Lisa.” Thank you, brain to mouth filter, for absolutely nothing. “I mean, Lisa comes in her all the time to pick up stuff so I just assumed she would. I mean, not that I mind that you are… You did order a Victoria sponge, right?”
Unfairly Attractive Man looks disgruntled by the onslaught of unfinished sentences. “Yes, I am in fact here to pick up a Victoria sponge for Lisa Snart.”
“Okay, good, good,” Barry said, handing the box over to Unfairly Attractive Man, “It’s already been paid for, so here you go. Enjoy!”
“Thanks,” was all he got, and then Unfairly Attractive Man left, leaving the soft jingle of the bell echoing throughout the otherwise empty store.
It’s not the last time Barry sees Unfairly Attractive Man, who he soon learns is called Leonard, or ‘Call me Len’. Throughout the weeks after that he shows up more and more, each time to pick up stuff for Lisa. Lisa, who used to come in at least once a week, who Barry now hasn’t seen for at least a good month.
Len seems distant through every exchange, though Barry can’t help but feel that occasionally Len is flirting with him. Which is ridiculous, of course, because why would someone so attractive as Len flirt with someone as ordinary as Barry, of all people, but still. It’s the little things.
“You have flour on your cheek,” Len says, as greeting, effectively pulling Barry out of his train of thought.
“Wha-?” Barry says, incoherently, and absentmindedly wipes at his cheek.
“No, your other… Now you’re just making it worse, here, let me.” And then suddenly Len is leaning over the counter, his hand resting against the side of Barry’s face, his thumb brushing over his cheek.
“Hngjf,” Barry says, because from this close he can count the lashes that frame Len’s bright blue eyes, and if he reaches out he could trace the soft bow of Len’s lips, rest his hand against his cheek like Len is holding his right now.
Len’s hand lingers, and he’s smirking, and god, Barry is fucked. Barry is well and truly fucked. He feels himself swaying on his feet, leaning forward, forward, forward-
“Barry, I’m here with your delivery!” A voice yells from the back and Barry jumps away from Len so fast he nearly brains himself on the shelf behind him. He shoots a panicked look at Len, who looks as composed as always, like nothing even happened, like they didn’t almost kiss.
“I gotta,” Barry says, vaguely gesturing towards the back. Before Len can respond, he disappears, leaning against the kitchen counter as soon as the door closes behind him, taking a deep shaky breath. So. Maybe Len had been flirting with him all this time after all.
(To his utter disappointment when he comes back into the store, Len is gone. He didn’t even take his delivery, and he didn’t leave a note. Barry checked.)
Lisa keeps ordering cakes, but no one comes to pick them up. At first Barry thinks Len might be busy, but it doesn’t take long for him to realize Len is probably avoiding him. Which. That kind of hurts. After all, Len was the one who had been flirting with him. Len was the one who almost kissed him. It’s not fair to do all of that and then just leave Barry hanging like this.
It’s not that Barry’s moping, though. Okay, like, maybe a little. It’s just, he’s mostly just really mad at himself. He always does this, fall in love with incredibly unfairly attractive people that will never love him back. He had just hoped Len would be different.
A week after Len has started stopping by, Lisa Snart walks into the bakery. Barry hasn’t seen her in a while, with her letting her brother do her dirty work, but it’s unmistakably her. She struts up to the counter, takes off her sunglasses, and punches Barry in the shoulder.
“Why,” Barry whines, gripping his shoulder. Lisa has a surprisingly good punch.
“That’s for upsetting my brother. He’s moping.” She frowns at him.
Barry frowns back. “Well, that is fully on him. It’s not my fault he stopped coming in here.”
Lisa taps a long fingernail on the counter. “Listen Barry, I trust you. You’re a good guy. Otherwise I never would have tried to set you up with my brother,” Barry splutters at that, “But if you don’t start telling me right now why my brother has been a mopey mess this past week, I am afraid I am going to have to give you a front row demonstration of all the ways I know how to kill a man with various kitchen appliances.”
Barry gulps. “Right. Uh, I think. He came in here and we just, well, it was like,” Barry flails a little, and Lisa impatiently taps her fingernails on the counter again. “We nearly kissed, and then the delivery guy came in, and I fled to the back like an idiot, and then when I came back Len was gone.” Barry stares dejectedly at the counter. Clearly Lisa is going to think he’s an idiot, and she’s going to leave and never come back and he rather liked having Lisa around.
But instead, Lisa starts laughing. “Oh my god you two are so stupid,” she says, between bouts of laughter. Then she pulls a piece of paper and a pen out of her bag. “Here. This is Len’s address. You might want to use it for a special delivery.” She winks at him, and then turns to walk out the door.
“Wait!” Barry yells after her, “What do you mean ‘trying to set us up’?” But she’s already out the door.
Len isn’t moping, no matter what his sister says. He’s just… disappointed. In himself. For letting his feelings get the better of him. After all, he had actually started falling for Barry. And to see the panicked look in his eyes when their near kiss was interrupted, that hastily said plea for him to stay put that was clearly a dismissal, that had hurt. But it’s fine. It’s Len’s own dumb fault for falling for him in the first place.
After pestering him about it all week, Lisa had finally promised to let it go, and though he did not trust the mischievous glint in her eyes at all, he was glad to be left alone for the night. That is, of course, until the doorbell rings.
“Lisa, you horrible excuse for a sister please..” He pulls open the door only to reveal the one and only Barry Allen, looking slightly sheepish and holding a Victoria Sponge. “… fuck off,” he finishes lamely. “Barry,” he says, “Why are you here?” He feels hope blooming in his chest, but the logical part of him is telling himself not to be ridiculous. Barry is probably just here to tell him to leave him alone. Or something.
Barry stares at him for a very long time, like he’s not sure Len is actually real. “I got you a cake,” he eventually says, thrusting the cake in Len’s direction. “Well, I made you a cake. Like, by myself. It’s a Victoria Sponge, because that was the cake you came to pick up on the day we met, and I’ve never really been good at expressing my feelings, so I thought I would do it with icing and I-“
“It’s…” Len starts, but he finds himself at a loss of words, staring down at the cake in his hands, which reads ‘I like-like you’ in cursive blue icing. He looks up at Barry, who is still nervously hopping from leg to leg, and, with the cake still in his hands, he surges forward to press his mouth against Barry’s. “It’s perfect,” he eventually says, when he pulls away, leaving Barry dazed and wide eyed.
(The cake ends up forgotten on the counter while Barry and Len retreat to the bedroom. They don’t remember it exists until the next morning, when they eat it for breakfast.
The next week, Lisa Snart receives a cake in the mail. ‘Thanks for being a meddling little bitch’ it says, in cursive blue icing.)
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k-histoires-blog · 7 years
Introduction of the admins
Hello everyone,
This is a new account all about K-pop, K-dramas, anime and what not. We will post fanfictions written by us, drawings we made, and a lot more. Please keep in mind that none of us is a professional in any way in writing, drawing etc. We started this account purely for fun and to connect and interact with other people in the world who enjoy K-pop, K-dramas, etc. This account is a creative outlet for us and critique and criticism is always welcome. We will try our best to listen to your complaints or tips and change our account/content for the better.
Never be afraid to leave a comment or ask us a question because that is why we started this blog. However, all of the admins do have a personal life and school/university so we will not be able to reply or post content all the time. We hope you understand this and support us anyway.
Another important thing to be addressed is the matter of plagiarism. We will NOT accept any form of plagiarism for the work we post here was made by us and nobody else. It took us hard work and time to create all the stories and other things, so if anyone decides to use (some) of our work, we will take action. If anyone sees content of ours on another blog - or somewhere else on the internet - without our permission, please report this to us and we will take action. Thank you in advance.
That said, we would like to introduce ourselves individually.
Admin Bluebell:
Hey everyone,
I am the admin called Bluebell or also known as the thick thighs enthusiast (I am looking at you Jimin, Jungkook, Jooheon, Wonho, Shownu etc.). My real name is Fleur and like the other admins I am Dutch. I got into K-pop, I think, at the end of 2015. The first group to spark my interest was EXO and since then I was hooked. My bias in EXO went from Chen to Chanyeol to Baekhyun and D.O. If I could listen to D.O. sing every day for the rest of my life I would be a happy girl.
However, after seeing a certain clip of BTS I started stanning them and my life changed forever. (cheesy I know). At first my bias was Taehyung, then Jimin decided to creep in my life and screw up my feelings but since about 7 months I have found my ultimate bias. It is the one and only leader Kim Namjoon. I could rant for nine years about why I love him so much but no one has that much time. I like a lot of other artists as well, such as BTOB (after BTS they are my favourite group), EXO of course, Monsta X, GOT7, Day6, Shinee, Block B, VIXX, NCT, Big Bang, MAMAMOO, EXID, Red Velvet, Twice, f(x), Girls Generation, Dean, Zion. T, Heize, Hoody and the list goes on and on.
I’m not a big fan of K-dramas but I am a big fan of (K)-movies. So if you have any recommendations or just want to talk about a movie with me, you can message us!  I also love reading books and especially if they were written by Neil Gaiman. So if you can always message me when you want to geek out about a book or series.
In terms of what I will be posting on this account, you can mainly expect stories and drawings. I know I am still lacking a lot in both of these departments but I will try my best to create interesting and good content. I apologise if my stories won’t be so long because I do struggle with that, but this will not stop me from trying. Also my drawings aren’t the best ever  but I am confident enough to post them!
I think that was all there is to know about me so I am looking forward to running this blog with my fellow two admins and let’s have fun whilst doing so!
Admin Boa:
I'm the admin with the 'second lead syndrome' so if you want to rant about why the second lead deserves the girl/ how unfair life is you've come to the right place!
My real name is Frédérique but everyone calls me Freddie. I'm 18 years old (20.11.1998) and I currently live in the Netherlands. My nationality is Dutch but I was practically born and raised in England.
My favourite actors include (not in this order bc I literally can't choose a favourite): Choi Tae Joon, Do Ji Han, Seo Kang Joon, Kim Woo Bin, Lee Jong Suk and many many more!!! My favourite actrices are Park Shin Hye and Kim Go Eun.
I also write fanfiction, badly. But I'll upload my fics anyways. They're mostly boy×boy. I don't write for a specific group because there are a lot of groups that I stan and they all deserve love and attention. My favourite boy group always changes because of comebacks lmao, but I'm very loyal to my favourite girl group f(x). My ultimate bias is SEVENTEEN's Mingyu (he's literally the definition of adorkable).
The underground rap scene also has a lot of music I enjoy listening to (for as far as I know it). My favourite Korean program is SMTM. I recently got into Chinese films so if you would like to recommend any, please do so! I love reading good books so a recommendation is never a bad thing!
If you want to know more about me or like talking about any of the above (and more) please don't be shy and leave a message! The more people to talk with the better!
My personal 'K-pop experience'
I got to know K-pop in 2013 (if we don't count PSY's Gangnam Style) when I watched SHINee's Ring Ding Dong. I found it really funny and different from what I usually listened to since it was something I'd never seen before. I started liking it because it made me laugh. In the beginning for me it just looked really stupid (no offense, I love SHINee and I love Ring Ding Dong but I'd never seen something of the like). I really didn't take it serious. It was only when I saw more and different K-pop groups and their concepts that I started to take K-pop seriously as a hobby. When I watched SWING by Super Junior-M with a friend, that's when I began to see K-pop not only as comedic entertainment, but also as a great music genre with crazy good choreographies.
My first ultimate bias was Taehyung from BTS. I decided that when I saw him in I NEED U. He was gorgeous. Although he's still my BTS bias, my ultimate bias changed about a year later to Mingyu and it has stayed that way.
Groups that I stan off the top of my head are: SEVENTEEN, WINNER, NCT, B.A.P, SHINee, BTS, GOT7, KNK, BLOCK B, DAY6, f(x), Brave Girls, TWICE, FIESTAR, etc.
I also like a lot of soloists including: Crush, DEAN, Jay Park, C.Jamm, BeWhy, and many more!
I'm also taking a course of the Korean language. I'm very bad at learning new languages but I'm trying this anyways! (I'm not very advanced and I forget a lot so don't expect much of it lmao)
This is what I like in short. If you'd like to ask about more personal stuff (within certain boundaries) you're always welcome to do so!
I probably won't post often since I have 0 skills, but I'll be here to chat if you'd like!!
Admin Ana:
Hi everyone!
I'm Admin Ana, best described as a procrastinating perfectionist who tends to abuse the passive voice in her writings a lot. I'm 17 years old, born and raised in the Netherlands and an avid listener to Korean music since June 2016. My hobbies include makeup, music, reading, writing and travelling. I started taking writing seriously about five years ago, and it has been one of my hobbies ever since. Besides writing, I also like to draw. Even though I haven't drawn in a really long time, I'd still consider it one of my favourite things to do. If I pick up the pen and muster up the courage, I might share some of my drawings in the future as well.
Among the three of us, I was the last to start taking a liking to Korean music and Korean dramas and in all honesty, I was a little sceptical about the whole thing at first. Despite my doubts, I decided to give both a try and after watching the first few episodes of Kill Me, Heal Me, I fell in love with all that the Korean entertainment industry has to offer. Besides Kill Me, Heal Me, I've also watched and enjoyed dramas such as Goblin, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon, W, Doctors, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo and Chicago Typewriter. Frankly, even after immersing myself in Korean dramas, it still took quite a while before I started appreciating Korean music. Yet, after being introduced to BTS by my fellow admins, I was won over. Soon DEAN and EXO caught my eye as well, and ever since then, I've been a lost cause. In one year’s time, I’ve got to know a lot of artists. Some of my favourites include BIGBANG, Monsta X, Block B, WINNER and GOT7. I'm also an AOMG enthusiast.
On this blog, I'll be mainly posting my drawings and writings. If I feel like promoting a soloist, group or series, I'll do so as well. If you have a question recommendation or request, feel free to message us! I'd love to chitchat a little. If you want to talk or ask us anything on a more serious note, don't hesitate to message us as well.
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