#and now they're all living happily in new orleans
Happy anniversary to Landon being freed from the writers
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
Your last Devil’s Bastards post was so juicy! I’d never heard about heaven’s people having amnesia.
Now I can’t stop thinking about a pre-reveal scenario in which Nicaise somehow goes to visit the hotel and while she doesn’t recognize anyone, Alastor and Lucifer sure recognize her.
Hey, it could happen! I did set the stage for Nicaise to potentially become a fallen angel, no second death required.
Let's say it happens at some point after the thwarted extermination. Neither Lucifer nor Alastor know yet, but Alastor has some suspicions. When Nicaise is ejected from Heaven for revealing the exterminations to the public, encouraging people to go against Heaven's rules, and questioning the Seraphim, and then refusing to repent, she remembers Charlie Morningstar's hotel and heads there straight away.
Charlie's happy to see her again. Both Lucifer and Alastor are in shock, but since Alastor's perma-smile is still in place no one really notices his reaction. They're all a little wrapped up in the story Nicaise is telling them about how she ended up getting ejected from Heaven. Of course Charlie happily welcomes her into the hotel, and Vaggie's actually happy to have yet another fallen angel among them, to hear that Heaven may actually be reforming from within.
Then Lucifer steps forward and reintroduces himself. Everyone's more than a little surprised to learn that Lucifer and Nicaise have met before. Lucifer explains that whence upon a time he snuck out of Hell just for a little while to actually see Earth, and wound up lost in the middle of New Orleans during the Rex parade. Nicaise doesn't remember the event, so he tells her about how she saved him from being lost and basically acted as his guide throughout the celebration. They both got pretty wasted and he woke up the next morning passed out on top of somebody's rooftop, presumably from attempting to fly home while drunk. Everyone's laughing and having a good time as he recounts the story.
Alastor says nothing.
As Nicaise settles into the hotel crew and helps Charlie with her redemption project, Alastor initially tries to keep his distance, but over time everyone notices that Alastor is different with her. It's not too strange at first. He's always gotten along better with women than with men. But this is different. He almost has an air of respect with her, and he doesn't even respect the King of Hell! He's gentle, he never teases or intentionally scares her, though it turns out Nicaise has a bit of a prankster side of her own and thinks its funny when he spooks other hotel residents. He doesn't hide the fact that he's a serial murderer, or that he's a cannibal, but he does tone down the bloodthirstiness in her presence. His smile is more genuine around her.
Bit by bit, certain things come out about Alastor, more in the few short weeks Nicaise has been with them than anyone's learned in the 6+ months of living with Alastor. Things he and Nicaise share in common. They both grew up in New Orleans, they like to use venison in their jambalaya, play several of the same instruments, have the same taste in liquor, hate tea. They even died within a couple decades of one another. Nicaise wonders if they might have even met one another while alive. Alastor only says he supposes it's possible.
Lucifer, for his part, is delighted to reunite with an old friend. Alastor does not enjoy Lucifer enjoying her company. He compels Husk to interrupt the two of them if he ever sees them getting too 'close.' Encourages Niffty to get under Lucifer's feet. Has his shadows trip Lucifer up, or spill his drinks when he's talking with Nicaise. Lucifer knows it's all Alastor's doing and assumes Alastor's just being a shit again.
"What, you failed to steal my daughter, now you're trying to steal my vacation friend!?"
Husk is the first one to put two and two together. He doesn't figure out everything, but he knows Alastor well enough to know his interest in Nicaise isn't romantic, and to pick up on the familial similarities. He keeps his mouth shut though. The memory of what happened last time he dredged up one of Alastor's secrets still sets his fur on edge. Still, in private he lets himself chuckle over the fact that Alastor is a 'mamma's boy.'
Eventually though, other people start to pick up on Alastor's weird behavior. When Nicaise scolds him for 'picking on' Lucifer - and WOW is it weird to see Alastor letting himself be scolded - Alastor points out to her that Lucifer is a married man. That does put a bit of a damper on Lucifer's and Nicaise's interactions. They weren't intentionally flirting or anything, but Lucifer wonders if maybe he was getting a tad too comfortable. He and Lilith ARE separated (at least, according to Charlie) but he still hopes to one day reconcile with her. And now that Alastor's brought it to her attention, Charlie's starting to feel just a tad uncomfortable with Lucifer's and Nicaise's closeness as well. Just a tad though! She does want her dad to be happy, and he and Lilith are separated...
Privately, she still thinks it feels like a betrayal though.
And it's that feeling that allows Charlie to put things together, and she's a hell of a lot less subtle than Husk is.
There are people hanging out at the bar when she walks up to Alastor in the parlor and blurts out, "ALASTOR, IS NICAISE YOUR SISTER!?"
It came out a lot louder than she meant it.
Lucifer chokes on his drink.
In Charlie's defense, he and Nicaise appear to be close to the same physical age in their demon and angel forms. If anything, Nicaise might have been younger when she died than Alastor was when he died.
Alastor reassures Charlie that, no, Nicaise is not his sister.
Lucifer relaxes and starts to chug his drink to get that terrifying thought out of his head.
"She's my maman."
Lucifer chokes again.
Fortunately Nicaise isn't present for this conversation. Charlie asks why Alastor hadn't said anything before now and he explains he doesn't see any reason to. Once they get her back into Heaven, they'll never see one another again, so why burden her with the knowledge that her son grew to be a mass murderer in life and a cannibalistic Overlord in death? While he may not regret any of his actions, he knows she would be heartbroken by the revelation.
Angel Dust breaks up the sullen mood that's fallen over the room by cracking a joke that, 'the devil wants to do your mom.'
He immediately gets several sets of angry eyes on him, including beast mode Alastor, and shuts up very quickly.
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anthrophobiart · 2 years
deflated left lung
pop punk band formed in new orleans, louisiana
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August Carson: frontman/singer, 24, pan, whore, serial smoker, recovering drug/alcohol addict, super flirty, very unintelligent, whole personality is being pretty, major self esteem issues
Jon Rivne: guitarist/co-lyricist/backup-vocalist, 26, gay, either middle school boy or soft gay uwu or horny slut at all times, 100% malewife, 25% british
Dan Calgary: drummer, 25, straight, loves girlfriend, very testosterone, short, aggressive, fucking LOUD AS HELL, also got the band together in 2018
Greg Vernon: bassist, 27, straight, married to cass very happily, 2 kids, family man, only intelligent member, calm, very strange, very superstitious, definitely believes in magic
Seth Canmore: producer/keyboardist, 25, majorrrr drug addict, hippie completely, stoner vibes, ace and aro, huge trauma, very intelligent but hindered by drug use
Deflated Left Lung (2019)
Imperfection (2020)
sweets (2021)
Coin On Heads (2022) (EP)
Thief Album (2023)
Tree of Something (2024)
Born In A Nightmare (2026)
Dying In A Dream (2027)
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carson eras ↑
other important things
gus and jon have been dating since november 3rd 2020, and till death do they part (in 2041)
gus and jon have a daughter together named Elora (El). she's gus's biological daughter with his ex, jon is a stepdad
the band's manager is Patrick Wllanfairgogerych, very intelligent and stern but also very very loving and caring, definitely takes care of the band <3
the band got together in new orleans (in 2018)! jon is actually the only member not from louisiana, but he met the band there because he lived there for a few years. all 5 of them are very attached to it
gus and jon now live in albany new york, but the rest of the band is still in louisiana
the band is under a (fictional) label called Cat People Records, along with a bunch of other fictional bands. they're very dedicated to the label and it's a fairly tight-knit community, like decaydance in a way
jon joined the band after the first album! the original guitarist was Ritchie Marrell, but there were too many fights and he was fired. jon quickly replaced him and co-wrote Imperfection, saving the band and gus's life, and skyrocketing DLL directly into fame.
DLL's main friend bands are XO Ziggy, Synonym For Shitty, Pez & Needles, and recently Waterparks and Lipstixx
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neondiamond · 2 years
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🍦Recently Read Fics - July 2022🍦
These are all the amazing fics I read over the past month (from shortest to longest). Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation if you read any of these! 💗
🍦 Firebird by @wabadabadaba (1k, G)
Niall is helping Liam practice before his training camp and she gets exciting news about an acclaimed position she interviewed for.
🍦 Strange Blue Water by @louistomlionson (2k, M)
Harry drives home just in time to see the sun.
Or: A Cowboy AU.
🍦 Crowd Work by @littleroverlouis (2k, T)
Harry is a stand up comedian that likes to interact with his audience.
Although tonight, someone turns the tables and roasts him.
🍦 Zoey by @wabadabadaba (2k, G)
Harry has a huge crush on his cat's veterinarian and finally decides to do something about it.
🍦 brown skin and lemon over ice by @penceypansy (2k, NR)
A short one shot of a reunion in Italy, around the time Harry filmed the Golden video.
🍦 Sheer Pride by @louistomlionson (4k, T)
“Wait-” Louis says suddenly, turning around after taking a couple of small steps forward. “It’s just, wow, you’re at Pride with a baby… who’s missing a shoe, by the way.”
“Oh, shit,” the stranger replies, but covers the infant's ears too late. It makes Louis laugh for the first time in a while.
Or: A Pride AU where Louis finally moves out.
🍦 Somethin’ Old and Red by @absoloutenonsense (5k, NR)
There was a ritual with these things. He’d pour a splash into a wine glass —his favourite little joke was telling humans he loved a nice glass of red every now and again— then sat down in his living room and listened to music while he drank.
Every time he changed the record —or, what was it they called them nowadays? 8tracks? MP3s? Playlists? It was difficult for Harry to keep up with the technology, especially as much as things had changed over the last few decades— he would change the music before refilling the glass. He liked to savour his meals. He could get at least two evenings out of a bag that way, which worked very well for Harry’s schedule.
His wine glass was in front of him on the counter, and he was ready to pour.
🍦 Get Nesting & Soft Knots by @pocketsunshineharry (5k, G)
AU where Omega Louis who runs a nesting materials Youtube channel meets Alpha Harry who knits his own blankets
🍦 Where I’m Meant To Be by @halohamilton (6k, E)
Harry and Louis have been sleeping together casually for a while. As two Alphas they never wanted to define it as anything more.
When Louis helps Harry out with his rut so he can get it done in time for his exam, they're forced to face feelings they were habouring for a while.
🍦 Something Blue & Someone New by @littleroverlouis (6k, E)
Single Alpha Louis moves into a new apartment building and doesn't realize he misses courting someone until meeting his next door neighbor, a charming Omega named Harry.
Louis is working up the nerve to officially ask him to court, but what if Harry secretly beats him to the punch?
🍦 You & Me Got a Whole Lot of History by @littleroverlouis (6k, E)
Harry is a 'born-lucky' immortal, happily coasting through life as he finds himself back in Burlington, Vermont. His life has been full of fun and excitement, but he lost his one great love three hundred years ago in New Orleans.
He never anticipated a reunion with his lost love in a Trader Joes, until he comes face to face with a very angry and apparently, very immortal Louis.
🍦 All I Do The Whole Day Through by @lululawrence (6k, NR)
Louis reached up and grabbed the ridiculously thick jumper that had the planets all over it and slammed the wardrobe doors shut. It was only as he turned around that he realized why Harry’s bedroom door had been shut.
There was a nest on Harry’s bed.
But why was Harry using Louis’ clothes and items that probably smelled like him in his nest?
🍦 and she sleeps in his bed by @thefondlinsons (7k, M)
Never in his life had Louis ever thought about his gender. He’d never really given a thought of who he was and what he wanted to be, as an individual. Being gay was different, to him it felt different than this. The flamboyance was expected, and accepted. He owned it, owned the fact that he was flamboyant. Exuberant. A bit too stylish. Different. Of course, there was no denying that. But when it came to his own gender, he’d always thought he was just one of the lads.
Or well, he definitely used to think that until Harry painted his nails and then called him ‘pretty’.
🍦 caught up in your love affair @disgruntledkittenface (8k, NR)
Royal AU. Prince Harry announces his engagement to Louis Tomlinson in an interview with longtime friend and BBC host Nick Grimshaw. Inspired by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
🍦 Can We Start Believing by @fearlesslysweetcreature (8k, E)
Harry keeps stealing pieces of Louis' clothes to make his nest. Louis keeps letting him.
🍦 Hill Country by @larrieblr (11k, E)
Louis is a farmer. His family gives him hell for it, only because it’s not a nine to five job and he should set a better example for his siblings.
When he's invited (scratch that, required) to pay a visit for a will reading, he has to double down on his work chores in advance. But spring break is just around the corner in Austin, which means Harry's free and he really, really wants to hang out.
🍦 On Your Left by @daggerandrose (11k, T)
“Get up! It's Disneyland week!” Louis shouts to his two friends from the end of their bed. It's six in the morning and Louis has been awake for a while trying to kill time before an appropriate hour to wake up his travel companions.
“What time is it?” Liam groggily asks. He pulls the covers from his eyes and squints up to Louis.
“ … six.”
“The fuck, Lou?”
“I'm sorry! The dining hall opens soon and the rope drop is at eight. Plus, Zayn is going to take for-fucking-ever to get ready.”
“Don't drag me into this,” Zayn grumbles. He pulls the covers tighter over his head.
"How long have you been awake?” Liam asks. He halfway sits up in bed so as to not bother Zayn.
“… three-thirty.”
“Louis! You're going to crash by noon today.” Liam falls back down on the bed.
“I won't! The spirit of Walt Disney will keep me awake!”
🍦 Anything that feels good by @greenblueish (13k, E)
A few seconds pass, then Louis suddenly blurts out the last thing Harry expected him to bring up that night.
“Harry, do you want to nest?”
A mixture of distraught coughing and choking escapes Harry's throat. It feels like his lungs have a leak and all the air is flowing out without him being able to do anything about it.
“What do you mean?” he croaks when he finds his voice again. “Alphas don’t nest.”
🍦 dream about a summer night by @onlyforbravest (33k, T)
Working alongside each other as camp counsellors, Harry and Louis grow closer than they’ve ever been before. That’s not a problem, but now they have these newfound feelings for each other to deal with.
🍦 Truebonds by @jacaranda-bloom (39k, E)
Louis doesn't mind being an omega, most of the time. Modern medicine allows him to suppress almost all of his omega traits, but the one thing it can't suppress is his scenting cycle. Fortunately, that only needs to be dealt with every seven years and he counts himself lucky that he can afford the services of a reputable agency.
With his cycle due, he reviews the matched candidates and there's one alpha who fits all of his criteria, S28A. That's pretty much where things start to unravel.
Enter Harry Styles, scenter for hire.
🍦 Here’s Your Perfect by @brightgolden (54k, E)
In the world where mates are assigned to everyone and deposited to their door when an agreeable partner is found for them, Alpha Louis has recently been given his. However, he is nothing like the type of alpha that the omega academy prepares Harry for.
🍦 Ace of Spades by @allwaswell16 (78k, E)
Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic.
Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
🍦 Beautiful War by @itsmotivatingcara (103k, M)
Five years ago, Louis was nearly the next victim in a string of murders plaguing Portland, Oregon. He managed to escape and the Angel Killer was apprehended and sent to prison. Now, Louis' a best-selling author that assists state police with minor cases. He still suffers from the events of the days he'd been held hostage, but he's found ways to cope.
That is, until the killings start up again. A body was found in the woods. A body that bared the same signature the media had dubbed: The Angel of Death.
Special Agent Harry Styles leads the case, and he doesn't buy into the clairvoyant bullshit that Louis spewed to save face five years ago. He's certain that Louis Tomlinson was involved.
Until they meet, and they're both left questioning everything they'd thought to be true.
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Inside Out
Chapter 3
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Warning- cursing and characte dying.
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics. Flashbacks are in bold.
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Jane enters Darcy's car parked outside the restaurant. “And I hate you.”
“What?! I thought he was cute.” Darcy proclaimed.
“Just shut up and drive.” Jane replied.
Darcy pulls out and drive off, as they are driving through London suddenly Jane's is shocked to see a guy sat in the back seat. “Who's he?”
“He's my intern.” Darcy stated.
“You have an intern?” Jane questioned.
“Oh, yeah.”
“Hello, Dr. Foster. It's uh...it's a great honor to be working with you.” Ian Boothby stated.
“Right. I have to call Erik.” Jane remarked
Ian checks the navigator then looks at Darcy. “Oh, uh...take a right.”
Darcy quickly makes a sharp turn.
“Left!.” she then turns quickly left. “I have totally mastered driving in London.”
Jane calls Erik and leaves a message. “Hi, Erik, it's me again. Where are you? I came here because you said you were onto something and then vanished.”
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A news report is then shown where Selvig is naked and running around Stonehenge while the police try to catch him.
“I'm here at Stonehenge, for what has been an interesting unfolding of events today. The police reported the scene shortly after 11 a.m. this morning, after a seemingly harmless rambler approached the area then started to strip naked and effectively terrorize tourists there with scientific equipment while shouting that he was trying to save them. The man later identified as noted Astrophysicist Dr. Erik Selvig has been called in for questioning by police.”
Darcy pulls up outside an old abandoned factory and they all get out of the car. “Come on, this is exciting! Look, the intern is excited.”
“Ian.” He Corrected.
“Do you want the phase meter?” Darcy asked Jane.
“No.” Jane answered.
Darcy looks over at Ian “Bring the phase meter.” she throws the car keys at Ian and starts walking off. “The toaster looking thing.”
“I know what the phase meter is.” Ian said under his breath.
As Jane walks towards the factory Darcy calls her on her cell phone which starts playing an annoying music tone. “How do I change the ring tone on this thing?”
“An Astrophysicist with three degrees should be able to change her own ring tone.” Darcy exposed.
Jane turns to look at Darcy. “Why are you calling me?”
Darcy Lewis: “I didn't want to shout.” Darcy told Jane. Then looks at Ian, who's following behind her. “Intern, the entrance is this way.”
“Ian. My name's Ian.”
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Loki is walking around his cell when his reality starts to change. A memory starts to
form, the now dungeon cell was replaced by warm morning sun. Loki sees Y/n sleeping happily in her bed. then she wake up to the sound of House of Pain - "Jump Around" with a big smile on her face she gets out of bed and rushes to the bathroom and brushes her teeth dancing and mumbling the lyrics to the song when she finish in the bathroom she heads downstairs to see that Gambit is in the kitchen making her favorite breakfast.
“So what are we doing today?” Y/n askedas she sit at the table.
“Today we’re gonna go to Mardi Gras.” Gambit said flipping a waffle.
“I thought I was not enough to go to Mardi Gras?” Y/n said picking up ‘her’ Game Boy.
“Who said...I was about your age maybe younger.” Gambit disclosed.
Gambit looks over at Y/n sees she playing with a game. “Where’d you get that?”
“I stole it from one of the boys from school.” Y/n answered. “He was bullying one of my friends and I didn’t use all my powers.
Gambit gives her disapproval look.
“It’s was the only way to find out what he really loves.” Y/n explained. “That’s what we do steal from the mean and rich.”
Gambit gives her a smile that reaches the eyes he then grabs a plate and place Y/n’s waffles on it and hand it to her. “Eat a up Petit we have a big day today.”
Y/n starts to scarf down her food.
Loki looks at their dynamic and can see this Gambit person is a very important person to Y/n, and that she was a thief. She looks happy and content with her life.
Could I make her that happy?
Would she love living on Asgard?
Loki shakes those thoughts out his head, Odin has already made him question if is he worthy of Y/n’s love he doesn’t need the those thought. The memory beings to fade out and Loki reappears on the streets of New Orleans and see Gambit and Y/n. They’re walking the streets of the infinite Paris in laughter of people of all shapes and sizes.
“Mardi Gras. You smell that Petit.” Gambit said with a broad smile.
Y/n laughs as she looks up at Gambit she can tell that he’s very passionate about his city. “Can you tell me more about Mardi Gras.”
“What do you wanna know, Petit?” Gambit wondered.
“Anything.” Y/n with a smiles.
“Well the King Cake is only eaten during Mardi Gras.” Gambit said as he picked Y/n up and put her on his neck so she can see everything.
“What’s the King Cake?” Y/n said looking down at Gambit with her brows together pulling together in a frown.
“It made with brioche dough Braided and laced with cinnamon, the dough is then glazed with purple, green and gold sugar or covered in icing in those same Mardi Gras colors.”
While Gambit is talking all of a sudden Y/n starts hearing voices.
“I haven’t hear from him in a weeks no one at shield can contract him.”
“How can I tell her that someone she knows since she was five could be dead.”
“What....” Y/n said sad grimace.
Then all sudden a loud bang of a gun goes off and her and Gambit falls to the ground. She crawls from underneath Gambit’s head,and see his bleeding.
“Gambit tell me what to do.” Y/n urged.
“Y/n are you ok?” Gambit questioned.
“I’m fine, tell me what do I do.” Y/n stressed.
“There’s nothing you can do.” Gambit answered.
Loki rushes to young Y/n side and tried to to help but his hands go straight though her.
“No...no...tell me what to do...please.” Y/n wept. “You’re all I have....your my family.”
“Your gonna be fine your father with find you.”
“My father is dying and I need to save him.” Y/n proclaimed.
“I love you, Y/n.” Gambit drawled.
“No don’t say that please don’t say that Gambit.” Y/n sobbed.
Gambit’s chest laid still, no flickers of life or his usual burning red eyes. Y/n’s heart stops. When she realized that she can’t hear a single thought. She starts to get a pain in her stomach, like when you get butterflies but make it painful.
“I can not.....I can’t do nothing.......I do not wish to see this.” Loki said with moist eyes. He’s having a hard time looking at what’s happening in front of him. But he knows he needs to see this to understand her more.
Y/n’ s chin trembling, eyebrows elevated, snot running down her upper lip. She spoke in a cracking voice. “Gambit...Gambit..”
The street begins to shake Loki looks around and all the cars in the area gets crushed under a pressure like gravity. All the windows of the houses shatter, all the street lights pop making it dark, but little did Y/n know it was a dream.
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Back on Asgard, Thor,Y/n, and Gambit are walking the hallways for Thor’s home. He’s telling them all the stories of his childhood and all the things they accomplish by keep Nine Realms safe. He’s telling them about all their custom and what they do and what they believe in. They end up back at the celebration because of Y/n’s amazing persuasion skills. Thor and Y/n are sitting at a table while Gambit is sitting with a group of women soaking up all the attention.
“What’s why you can’t stay in one place to long.” Y/n started. “The warriors on Asgard protest Nine Realms.”
“That’s amazing. The way you protect people...”
“I do love being a warrior but I can no longer do that.”
“Because you’re next in line for the Throne.”
“Are you going to make Jane your queen?”
Thor looks at Y/n shocked trying to find the words to say. “I forgot how blunt you are.” Thor said with a smile.
Y/n shrugs shoulder. “I know when you become king it’s gonna become harder to see Jane.” Y/n specified. “And after New York she called me wanted to know if you’re coming back.”
Thor looks over at Y/n withm unfocused gaze.
“I didn’t give her answers because I didn’t know.” Y/n told Thor. “I can tell you miss
her a lot.....And she misses you.”
Y/n looks at Thor and can tell he’s far away and he’s becoming even more so. “Go.”
Thor looks over at Y/n knowing she can feel and understand what’s he’s going through. “I still have more to show you.” Thor said in his best convincing voice. He hasn’t seen his best friend in a long time his mind shouldn’t be on Jane it’s should be on how his friend is.
“Go. I’ll be here.” Y/n said with a encouraging smile.
“Thank you.” Thor said returning her smile. “I will return.”
“I know, now go.” Y/n said with a quiet and empathetic voice.
With one last look, Thor walks away.
After being free from his distractions Gambit walks over to Y/n. “Where did Thor go?”
“He went to go see a friend?” Y/n said then looking over at Gambit with a smirk. “Now let’s go get some drinks.”
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As they enter the old factory they hear a noise. “I am not getting stabbed in the name of science.”
She holds up her hands and shouts. “It's okay, we're Americans!”
“Is that supposed to make them like us?”Jane replied.
Suddenly the hear some kids voices. “Make it go away..”
Three kids come out of their hiding place.
“Oh, they're kids.” Jane said with a sigh of relief.
“Are you the police?” Maddie asked.
“No, we're scientists. Well, I am.” Jane specified.
“Thanks.” Darcy said dryly.
“We just found it.” Said one boy.
“Can you show us?” Jane asked.
The three kids lead Jane, Darcy and Ian to a truck, one of the boys touches the truck and pushes it up with two fingers, they watch in amazement as the truck floats in mid-air.
“That doesn't seem rigged.” Darcy disclosed.
The kids then take them to a stairwell in the factory, one of them drops a bottle down and they watch as the bottle disappears into thin air.
“Where did it go?”
The girl points her finger up, they look up to see the bottle reappear above them and continuously fall and disappear in the same spots in the air.
“That's...that's incredible.”
Jane picks up an empty can and drops it down and it does the same thing, it disappears into thin air, but when they look up to watch it reappear nothing happens.
“What happened?” Darcy asked Maddie.
“Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't.” She answered.
“I want to throw something. Jane, give me your shoe.” Darcy proclaimed.
Jane ignores Darcy and picks up her gadget to look at the readings. “I haven't seen readings like this since...”
“New Mexico? Only if Y/n was here she would be able to tell us.” Darcy commented. (But she just miss hanging out with Y/n.)
Jane give Darcy a meaningful look before rushing off. ““Don't touch anything!”
Darcy Looks over at Ian. “Give me your shoe.”
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Jane walks away from the others and watches them on the stairwell dropping objects down and watching them disappear and reappear, she sees looks at her gadget and sees the anomaly is nearby and starts walking off; back on the stairwell, Ian drops the car keys down and they watch it disappear but when they look up it doesn't reappear.
“Where those the car keys?”
Jane follows the readings on her gadget which takes her to another part of the factory, as the readings get stronger a gust of wind pushes her forward and she finds herself teleported in another realm.
“Darcy!” Jane shouted.
She looks around and finds the column holding the Aether, she reaches her hand out and suddenly the Aether enters her body and she passes out; at the same time we see Malekith being awakened in his ship, knowing that the Aether has been found.
“The Aether awakens us. The Convergence returns.” Malekith divulged.
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gin-ursur · 5 years
band of brothers fic rec (ft. the pacific)
nobody asked for this is a self indulgent list because this fandom has a lot of quality works that deserve recognition:
Easy’s Omega by GGCharms 
Omega Eugene Roe is assigned to be a medic to the 506th Infantry Regiment's only all Alpha company, Easy Company. Watch as he earns his place among them, becomes pack, and (unintentionally) finds his Alpha and a family.
[unfinished / abo / baberoe / doc roe centric] 
Doc Roe is the soul omega in a company made up predominantly of alpha’s and beta’s, in a world where omega’s serving in the military is still a very new concept. And I think the study into that is really interesting, there aren’t enough good historical abo’s set during the early to mid 1900s.
letters between continents by aliaaaaaa
Shelton and Roe sharing their worries, anxieties, hopes, and dreams in a series of letters throughout the war.
[bob-pacific crossover / sledgefu / baberoe / snafroe friendship]
Really good angsty cajun boy’s writing correspondence throughout their individual war’s. The prospect of doc and snafu being either close friends or cousins is a favorite headcanon of mine.
catch it down in new orleans by starblessed
Gene’s not sure what he regrets more – inviting Babe down to Louisiana for the week while his cousin is also visiting, or saying it was fine if Babe brought his friends with him.
Merriell is the last person Gene wants in the house when his boyfriend and his friends show up. But, well, it’s not like he can kick his cousin out. It seems like the only option for Babe and his posse is just to learn to live with him.
Not if Gene can help it.
[bob-pacific crossover / sledgefu / baberoe / they’re cousins this time]
Cajun cousins do it best. Big family values down on the bayou.
Delivered as a Whisper by mytimehaspassed
They work nights, work bars and corners and alleyways and pool halls and night clubs.
[baberoe / snafroe / sledgefu / murder mystery]
A Softer War by twelve_pastels
In 1945, Edward Heffron comes home from War. In 1951, Babe punches a guy through a plate glass window, loses half his tastebuds, flees from alligators, and moves in with a doctor. All of these things are related.
[babe centric / baberoe / post-war]
Babe after the war, a really good study into veterans and PTSD. Definitely one of my favorite BoB fics ever. 
Center Stone alyseofwonderland (Esyla), Esyla
They are the same, at their centers, at their cores. Ronald Speirs has a center of stone and Eugene knows exactly what that feels like.
[speirsroe / magical realism]
Rarepair that deserves more. I think this author really captures their characters, as well as a presumed relationship dynamic.
and what you've got is magic by cptnwinters
The day Babe Heffron meets Eugene Roe, he falls through a compartment door on the Hogwarts Express straight into Eugene’s lap. It’s (unfortunately) not the only time it happens.
Or: The Hogwarts AU.
[baberoe / harry potter fusion]
Just a really sweet Hogwarts AU.
Follow My Lead by Emono
George just never thought he’d meet a Sex God at his great-grandfather’s deli.
“Who the fuck says ‘going steady’ anymore?”
[toyeluz / meet-cute}
Romance? In my deli?
Grass Knuckles Series by Emono 
Please just read this entire series it’s so sweet.
Old Familiar Places by ama
George's relationship with Joe Toye wasn't exactly normal, or always happy, or easy to maintain. Sometimes he thought about ending it, or cursed the G.I. bill (which he blamed in the first place), but every time he made the five-hour drive to Philadelphia for a secret tryst it just felt... worth it.
[toyeluz / post-war]
Through the Gay Days by ama *****
“When you got to a camp, you just immediately sought out the other gay guys, just for the reinforcement of knowing you were not alone.” -- Pvt. Ben Small, Army Air Corps.
Four gay men arrive at Camp Toccoa in 1942, each thinking that they are alone. They're used to being alone and used to keeping secrets. But when Gene Roe, George Luz, Ed Tipper, and Chuck Grant meet, they realize that the war has shaken everything up, and together the four friends try to make it through the worst of the war--and the best.
[snafroe / tipper x lieb / toyeluz / speirsgrant / queer history]
Okay ladies and gents this is it. This fic is up there as one of the best I’ve had the blessing to read. This story is such a fantastic study into queer history, specifically pertaining to queer culture in the military that would go on to become the very foundations for the LGBTQA+ community as a whole. This author simply has an incredible grasp of queer history please read and support everything by ama.
they don’t know about the up all nights (they don’t know I’ve waited all my life) by PotofCoffee
Johnny and Bull throughout the war, in a slow meandering dance you might just call love.
[bull x martin / Period-Typical Homophobia]
Boy’s in love trying to figure themselves out.
By Small and Small by luxover
Babe wants to keep talking with Gene, but he doesn’t really know what to say. He feels like, in the past, he never would’ve shut up, but now, since Julian, he’s just got nothing. Maybe that’s grieving; Bill says that’s grieving, anyway, but Bill uses the term like a Band-Aid to put over every aspect of Babe that has changed.
Or: The one where Gene is in med school and Babe's messed up over Julian.
[baberoe / modern au / hurt-comfort]
Random The Pacific mentions just because:
My Sweet Summer by Emono
Eugene hears from his good friend George Luz about a charity farm he wants to do a story about. Feeling restless in Mobile, Eugene travels to Currahee to investigate the town and see if there's a story worth pursuing. There he finds people he'd never think he'd meet. A bright and bubbly ranch owner, his gruff business partner, a charming server, a modern (but happily married, damn it) witch, and a Lousiana boy who seems to have an eye for him.
Eugene lets himself enjoy the adventure and succumb to the sweet spell of Currahee.
[sledgefu / farm life]
Southern belle sledge meets farm boi snafu.
Where to Begin by ama
In the summer of 1946, Leckie travels down to Alabama for Sid’s wedding. Once there, he rekindles a friendship with Eugene Sledge. They’re both a little lost, a little broken, a little heartsick; it might not seem like the best basis for a relationship, but to their surprise they find themselves stumbling towards one anyway.
[leckie x sledge / post-war]
Rarepair, I know, but please give this one a chance cause it’s incredibly good. Two gay boys finding each other in 1940s america.
That’s all folks, I might do another in a few months tho.
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