#and now imma go cry
soonhoonsol · 4 months
spotify dj reaaaaally playing on my nostalgia rn
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big-barn-bed · 6 months
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Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, 1980
Stella McCartney and Ringo Starr, 2024
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geekdom2005 · 2 months
Probably the reason JC and WWX view their parents blatant favouritism so differently is because JC sees him as a true sibling and gets hurt when his father gave more of his love and attention to him but WWX only saw himself as a servants son so he believed that no matter how much love and attention he'll receive he won't be more than JC
This hits especially hard when you realise that WWX is right. His fathers last words to him were, "look after my kids", but on the other hand JC actually loves him like a brother and in spite of his jealousy of WWX still gives up his golden core and life for him
The dichotomy between JC and JFM is so poetic as JFM constantly showered WWX with love and affection, but in his final moments saw him as lesser than his children, and JC spent those exact same years being jealous of his brother but never loved him any less
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mmmmmmmilo · 2 years
90 very long days, but the wait is over, sandman season 2 is official
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thearoacemess · 11 months
I just had the time to open my phone properly and WHAT DO I SEE? THE GO CREW IS CAUSING CHAOS AGAIN. This time it's Rob Wilkins with "Do it again".
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HE WAS TRYING TO RECRATE THE FEELING OF CROWLY'S LIPS. His "I forgive you" meant "Do it again I'm trying to understand what is happening". But Crowly didn't know that and stormed away taking it at face value. He wanted to try it again but now he can't! SO HE WAS KISSING HIS HAND AND POSITIONING HIS LIPS THE VERY SAME WAY.
tagging @fellshish cause I need someone to suffer with me and you're the very first one that comes to mind
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frostedpuffs · 6 months
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Adrien sat beside her on the bed, enveloping her hand in his. Their wedding bands gently clinked together. “It feels weird to be back here,” he said. “Weird in a good way or a bad way?” “A good way,” he said, smoothing his thumbs over her knuckles. “It feels like being transported back in time.” Marinette hummed in agreement, lying back against the soft white sheets. “Yeah. It feels like only yesterday we were ‘just friends.” The bed bounced lightly as Adrien settled beside her. “We can still be that.” A snort rose from her nose as she giggled. “Oh, god. Let the joke die.” “Never,” he laughed. Climbing over her, he rested his arms on both sides of her head before leaning down to peck her lips. “You’re my platonic wife.” “I am not!” she squealed. His lips tickled when they brushed her neck, and she squirmed. His laughter reverberated across her throat. “You are.” “No!” she said. He poked her side, and she squirmed away, laughing as his fingers dug into her most ticklish spots. “No, no!” “Admit it,” he teased, tickling her waist. “You like me as a friend.” She wheezed, out of breath. “That’s it, I’m officially putting you in the friendzone.”
it's finally completed! thank you everyone for going on this journey with me 💖 (this is not an april fool's joke, i promise! it's real!)
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buckera · 6 months
Can we just take a moment and appreciate 911 for the representation it gives and not just for queer people in general, but beyond that, we have people coming out later in life, realising how they feel later in life, we have people making mistakes over and over — and it's not excused but it is forgiven — and we have people doing important, lifesaving jobs, coming from all sorts of different backgrounds.
And it's not treated like a chip on the show's shoulder but an opportunity to show the real-life struggles of the people like them, without putting them into stereotypical boxes.
911 really said no matter who you are, you can reach your dreams and you can find happiness and I'm feeling very raw about that right now.
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random-twst-things · 2 years
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Mc/Y/N/Yuu: I know that I left you all alone when I decided to go to my world, but I thought you'd be better off without me....and I was wrong, I see that now but...
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Oh! Stop being so stoic Malleus! Go on! Shout! Scream! Say something!
Malleus, reaching out to touch Mc/Y/N/Yuu's cheek lovingly:.....You're as beautiful as the day I lost you
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, staring at Malleus in disbelief as a tear falls down their face:.......
Malleus, whipping the tear with a fond smile: oh, my love, please don't cry, you're beautiful
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Author's note:
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its-de · 6 months
I've been unlocking the myth chapters lately and hear me out..
Jas here kinda reminds me of calcifer from howl's moving castle.
Thinking about it, i can't unsee it, calcifer the little fire representing Howl's heart, jas might also be representing zayne's heart, and both of them are loyal and obedient to the mc
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ahotpeaceofshit · 24 days
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My rendition of Calypso and her two sons by Odysseus
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anyways I just listened to the thunder saga
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jedimasterbailey · 6 months
A theory the wife @devondeal and I have come up with upon closer inspection of the trailer for Tales of the Empire.
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This is Luminara given the face shape and hair and the fact we know she gets entangled with the Empire somehow.
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In the background on the far left, is Barriss in her Inquisitor gear surveying this duel between the Fourth Sister and Luminara.
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This is Barriss running towards the battle. Thus, perhaps in a test of loyalty, in the Inquisitors track Luminara down hoping Barriss will kill her to prove her loyalty to the Empire when actually…Barriss comes to her Master’s aid perhaps to reconcile. This probably will come with a heavy price as Luminara may save Barriss and take her place in Imperial custody to spare her Padawan; her final act of love 💚💙
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lynzishell · 3 months
The Present 🤍 San Myshuno
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Transcript below the cut:
Phoenix: [whispers] G’night Annie. Love you.
Phoenix: She’s finally asleep. Dawn: Oh good. Phoenix: You wanna watch a movie or something? Dawn: Um… no. Not tonight.
Phoenix: What’s on your mind? You seem down. Dawn: I need to tell you something. Phoenix: Okay. Dawn: You remember the letter, the one from your dad?
Phoenix: The one you said you shredded? Dawn: [nods] Yeah, I didn’t do that. I kept it in case you changed your mind. Phoenix: I’d be lying if I said I was surprised. But I haven’t changed my mind, and I’m not going to. Dawn: Why?
Phoenix: You know why. Dawn: I guess I just don’t understand. I really think you should at least read it. See what he has to say. Phoenix: It doesn’t matter what he has to say, Dawn. He’s never been a father to me. He doesn’t get insert himself into my life and start now. Dawn: I know, but… Look, if you read it and still choose to throw it out and never contact him, then that’s fine. I’ll never bring it up again. But at least you’ll be making that decision with all of the information.
Phoenix: You read it. Dawn: Yeah. I did. Phoenix: I suppose that shouldn’t surprise me either. So, what does it say then? Clearly there’s something in there that you think is important, so what is it?
Dawn: Well, I- I think you should just read it. I think it’s better coming from him.  Phoenix: That’s bullshit. I don’t care about him or anything he has to say. But I care about you, and I want to know what has you all twisted up. So, tell me. Dawn: … Phoenix: Dawn? Dawn: Fine. He’s nine years sober, he lives out west, and he has an eight-year-old son… You have a brother.
Phoenix: … Dawn: Do you— Phoenix: How long have you known this? Dawn: … Phoenix: Right. You’ve kept this from me this whole time? Dawn: I’m so sorry. It wasn’t my intention to keep it secret. I just thought you needed time, so that’s what I told him, and then life just got so busy and before I knew it weeks and months were going by, and I—
Phoenix: W-wait. Back up. Told who? Dawn: What? Phoenix: You told him I needed time. Who’s “him”?
Dawn: I said that? Phoenix: Mhm. Dawn: Okay, look, I just sent him a short email and told him that we got his letter, that you didn’t want to speak to him, but I thought maybe you just needed some time.
Phoenix: … Dawn: …
Dawn: Phoenix? Phoenix: …
Dawn: [walks over to him] Please talk to me. I know you’re angry, but— Phoenix: Angry? That’s a fucking understatement.
Dawn: I’m so—
Phoenix: I have been very fucking clear how I feel about this, about him! And yet you went behind my back and contacted him?! I can’t even wrap my head around that! What the hell would possess you to do that? I ask you to destroy the letter, and you do this?! And you keep secrets from me?! I— You knew I had a brother and yet, every day, EVERY FUCKING DAY, you looked me in the eye, and you said nothing! For months! What the fuck, Dawn?! WHAT THE FUCK?!
Dawn: [reaches out to him] Phoenix, please calm do— Phoenix: Do not fucking touch me right now!! Dawn: [flinches away]
Phoenix: Shit. I’m sorry. [deep breath] I’m gonna go for a run. Dawn: What? Now? Phoenix: I can’t be here. Dawn: Please don’t go. Phoenix: I’ll be back. I just… I need to think.
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 1 year
A soulmate who wasn't meant to be~ Alhaitham x Gn!reader
Was our relationship just a joke to you...? T/W- angst, slight yelling, break up, mentions of alcohol, no comfort
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"You can't just admit your wrong can you?" You barked
"You're so irratating." Alhaitham just seemed so fed up.
"Oh I'm irratating, you're the one who won't listen to a single thing i say."
"You're being so irrantional."
"Just leave Alhaitham."
"I wish i never married you."
Alhaitham never went out for drinks, but tonight was different. He had just accused you of cheating, and couldn't admit he was wrong. Because he never could, his precious ego would suffer a serious blow.
Usually going out wasn't his thing, be he needed to get out of that house. You were upset and crying and he just couldn't deal with it. All alhaitham could think about is how you were most likely texting other guys. Probably organizing to go over to their places because he was out of the picture.
He drowned his anxiety in more beer, just trying to forget the horrible things he'd said. But it was you who caused this, you had been texting other guys? Hadn't you? He started to feel a little tipsy and the same could be said for another person across the room.
Slowly the girl started to make her way to Alhaitham, tripping and stumbling all while not spilling the drink in her hand.
"Wha.. Whats a hand *hic* some man like yo.. you doing here?"
"Not much"
"Oh co...come onnnn."
"I just felt like going out".
She made advances on Alhaitham but he didn't seem to mind. If you were over him, surely he could have some fun. The girl made her way towards his lips, just trying to get a taste. Still, he didn't resist, letting her take control
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Where the hell is he? You thought.
He had been out for hours, usually, he'd be back by now. He'd always come back... right? You decided to go out looking for him. Despite the argument you missed him, he may have been a bitch, but you still loved him. You wanted to apologize for what you said and maybe get him to as well.
You wandered the streets, looking in every place you thought he could be. It was starting to reach midnight and bars were still open. Maybe he had gone to someone else's house, like Kaveh or Tighnari. Alhaitham was just nowhere to be found.
Well, that was until you walked past the window of a bar. Alhaitham was sitting on a barstool holding a woman on his lap. His lips were pressed against her and she was holding his head to make the kiss deeper.
"What...? Alhaitham..." Tears formed quickly in your eyes, blurring the scene.
You walked into the bar, staring directly at the man. You were shaking and just wanted some type of explanation. No, he didn't deserve to get one.
He stopped the kiss and looked at the voice who called him named. "Honey?"
He stood up pushing the girl off his lap and ran towards you. "Love you here!" His words were slurred he was obviously drunk.
"Don't call me that. Was our relationship just a joke to you?"
"Don't play dumb with me, I watched you make out with another person. And right after you accused me of cheating as well." The tears were leaving stains on your cheeks and they were refusing to stop coming. "We're over Alhaitham."
You went to walk out as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you in for a kiss. "Don't touch me."
Even if he was drunk he could see you were pissed. "Y/N don't leave me, please. I love you."
And with those 3 words, you walked out of the bar whispering,
I loved you too..;
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didyoulookforme · 19 days
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pinacoladamatata · 2 months
so like i was dressed up as ellen ripley, right, and some little girl saw me and started tugging on her dad's shirt excitedly going "dad! dad it's ripley! ripley's here!" and her dad turned around and saw me and was like "yes she is! that's why we're safe from the alien!"
and i
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