#and now i can barely do. ANY math i haven't been in a class since then. sob
supercantaloupe · 1 year
found out tonight i'm like the only person in my gc who took calc over stats in high school...earth shattering revelation
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 31
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Wednesday, January 6th, 2:45 PM - Class
Three days since classes resumed. Nothing much has changed for now. The only difference is that I can finally go back to the common room after class. My exams are finally over, and I've caught up on all my classes. It’s nice to be able to hang out with my friends again, especially Alexia since we'll soon be in different classes if all goes well. We should receive our responses to our choices tomorrow. The class council meeting will take place in a few hours. Yet the teachers haven't become any less annoying at the end of this semester. I'm relieved when the bell rings, signaling the end of our last class. Ale and I walk out with smiles on our faces. I received my last grade today, and let’s just say I aced it all.
"Hey, Bronze!" I shout when I see her in the hallway.
I apologize to Alexia, telling her not to wait for me, then walk over to meet my advisor, who's pinning up posters on a notice board. Apart from the morning checks, we've barely seen each other since classes started again. She's been less on my back, but I can tell she's still watching me from the shadows ever since I told her about Feli.
"Ona. How can I help you?"
I show her my math paper, proudly displaying a red fifteen. She congratulates me before continuing her work, without giving me much more attention. She’s distant. It's like she resents me for hiding Feli's intentions from her. I hate it when she makes me regret things. She should know that this situation already affects me enough without her adding her two cents.
"Can I ask you something?" 
"Help me, then, if you're going to stick around."
I nod and hold the poster for her while she tapes it up. She pauses for a moment to take a look.
"So? What did you want to ask me?"
"I wanted to know if you could buy me a new phone? Or at least come with me to get one this weekend? Ever since mine broke, I haven’t been able to contact anyone."
My smile fades at her refusal, catching me off guard. I was expecting there wouldn’t be any problem. I hadn’t even prepared to convince her otherwise.
"What do you mean, no?"
"The answer is no. You won't be getting a new phone."
"But why? You already keep me here, and I'm getting tired of having to bother Ale every time I need to borrow hers."
"I said no, Ona. Don’t insist."
"But, but..." I stammer desperately. "You’re cutting me off from the world!"
I let go of the poster to face her. It falls to the ground since it was only attached on one side. Lucy sighs in frustration at the mess I made. It probably got torn, but that's the least of my worries right now.
"Pick it up, please."
I squint at her, but her stern gaze wins by a long shot. I give in and pick it up. I put it back in place so she can fix my mistake. I only let go once it's properly secured this time, then cross my arms, waiting for her response before continuing to help her.
"I don't see why you'd say no."
"And I don't see why you're reacting like this. You’re acting like a spoiled child."
"Yeah, well, I don’t like it when you tell me no."
"Someone has to, so you understand that not everything is a given."
I puff out my cheeks under her amused look. 1-0 for her. I finally sigh when she gives me a small hug and hands me a new poster.
"Come on, stop acting like a child. I’m doing this for your own good."
"I don't see how," I mutter.
"You don't see why?" she raises an eyebrow.
"No, I don't. How is refusing me a new phone for my own good?"
"Well, for starters, your ex is a dangerous psychopath. Does that answer your question?"
"That’s not a reason," I complain in a displeased whine.
"It is. By now, she’s probably still harassing your number, so if you want a new phone, you’ll need to change your number first."
I'm so tired of her always being right. I didn’t dare put my SIM card in Alexia’s phone for that exact reason. I didn’t want to face her messages and calls.
"Fine..." I concede, facing the facts.
"I can help you sort this out, but in the meantime, you’ll have to make do with Alexia’s phone or mine if you really need to contact someone."
I feel ashamed for thinking she just wanted to stop me from communicating. She only wants to make sure Feli can’t find me. She’s redoing all the steps my mother took a year and a half ago.
"I’m sorry..."
She smiles, ruffling my hair in response. I help her hang the last poster, and she picks up the old ones she left on the floor before we head down the stairs.
"The steps are going to be complicated... My mom usually handles that kind of thing since she pays for my plan. I have no idea how to do it."
"I figured. That’s why I’m offering to do it together since you’ll need to call her."
"Are you serious?"
"You want a phone, don’t you?"
I groan, already knowing what her next answer will be. How am I going to ask my mom to change my SIM card without explaining the situation? I didn’t want her to know. I need to prove to her that I can handle things without her intervening in my life.
"I already told you not to call me that here, Ona," she scolds.
"Sorry... But... Do you think I’ll have to tell my mom about... Feli and all that?"
"I won’t force you to tell her if you don’t want to, but she’ll need an explanation. As a mother, I’d want to know about this kind of thing with my kids. But I know you’re not on good terms with her, so it’s up to you."
"I’ve been wanting to switch to another mobile phone plan for a while. This could be a good opportunity to negotiate."
"Then you just have to come up with a believable excuse," she says, stopping in the hall. "In the meantime, you’ll have to wait. By the way, you’ll need to give me your phone. Or I’ll come to your room tonight instead. I want to destroy your SIM card."
"Okay... Do you think the stolen phone excuse will work?"
"Maybe," she shrugs. "Now, can I get back to work?"
"Can I stay with you?"
"Now that you’re rid of me, you want to stick around?" she laughs.
"I never wanted to get rid of you," I say, following her to her office. "Well..."
I turn around and walk backward. I return her smile when we face each other.
"Maybe that was the case at first. But it’s not anymore!"
Unexpectedly, Lucy grabs my arm. She must have underestimated her strength because I find myself pressed against her. She takes a step back, apologizing. I frown when I realize the apology isn’t directed at me.
"My apologies, Mrs. Wiegman. She’s a bit scatterbrained when she wants to be."
I widen my eyes, realizing who’s behind me. I slowly turn around to indeed see the principal I almost ran into. Luckily, she said her name, or I would have made a fool of myself. This time I would’ve gotten scolded by Wiegman herself.
"No worries, it’s more fear than harm. Did Ona cause any trouble again?"
"Oh, no, no. She just told me she lost her phone. We’re going to call her mom to have it blocked."
"Did it get stolen here?" she asks me.
"Uh, no. It happened outside the camp... I haven’t had time to tell Bronze," I lie.
"Oh. Will you take care of it, Miss Bronze?"
"Of course. That was my intention."
"Good, I must go. I have a class council meeting to attend. Yours, in fact," she informs me.
"Oh..." I murmur, feeling uneasy.
"Good evening."
She continues on her way to the stairs. I feel Lucy’s hand on my lower back, urging me to move forward. That was a close call. I enter her office, which is empty. Lucy drops the posters she was still holding into a bin and sits behind her desk.
"Is Ingrid not here today?"
"She is, just not here."
"Okay," I reply, sitting across from her. "Why did you say that to Wiegman? Are you really going to call my mom?"
"Of course not," she laughs. "I don’t even have her contact info. I just didn’t want her to know you’re staying in my office for fun."
"Hum..." I mutter, resting my head in my hands. "Hey, I’ve had a question on my mind for a while."
"Why did you take it so badly that Jenni and-"
We’re interrupted by a noise at the door. We both look toward it, and I’m surprised to see Alessia there. She seems just as surprised as I am. My advisor breaks our eye contact by inviting her in. She hands her a paper about a student who apparently went to the infirmary, if I understood correctly. Lucy needs to sign it to acknowledge that the student won’t be returning to class.
"Aren’t you with the others?" she asks me.
"No," I reply simply.
"Are you going to join them?"
"I don’t know, maybe," I shrug.
"My office isn’t a tea room," Lucy says harshly, handing back the paper.
"Sorry," Alessia replies. "Thanks for signing the paper."
"Hum. Now get back to class."
Alessia nods, giving me one last look. She says, "See you later," before leaving the room for good. I follow her with my eyes before turning back to Lucy. She rolls her eyes, making me chuckle.
"She really doesn’t leave you alone, does she? What was that New Year's thing with her?" she asks.
"Mapi wanted to prove to me that she’s got me in her sights, if you know what I mean. She stuck to me all night to make her jealous."
"Well, it seems like she succeeded, given the way she’s eyeing you."
"You should’ve seen, she got wasted before midnight," I sigh.
"And does she interest you?"
"No. I found her nice, but much less so since we disagreed on a subject. And besides, she’s not my type. Even if she was, I don’t want to get into a relationship right now. As you said yourself, I have a dangerous ex-psychopath."
"That doesn’t stop you from having a new relationship. Maybe not with Alessia, but with someone else in your life could help you move on."
"Drop it," I mutter. "I don’t want to talk about it."
I avoid the conversation by burying my head in my arms. I hear her sigh, but it seems she drops the subject, getting back to work based on the noises I hear. I wait a few more minutes to make sure before lifting my head from my hiding place. I smile when I see she’s wearing her glasses. I love seeing her with them; she wears them so well.
"I can understand that you had a disastrous relationship, but to the point of not wanting another one..."
And she’s back at it. I roll my eyes in exasperation.
"I’m not ready, that’s all. I understand that everyone’s different, but I can’t. There are still too many scars."
"Okay, no need to take it like that," she rolls her eyes in turn. "I won’t insist on the subject anymore."
She finally goes silent, much to my relief. I continue to watch her, or rather, admire her as she works. I have to admit, she has a lot of charisma. Our silence reminds me that I didn’t get to finish my question about my roommate’s relationship. That’ll have to wait for another time. Since she decided to stop talking, I rest my head in my arms and enjoy the quiet to relax.
Wednesday, January 6th; 6:15 PM - Instructor's Office.
I groan as tremors take over my body. I gradually emerge, remembering where I am. I sit up and rub my eyes, catching Lucy's smug smile.
- "About time."
- "What time is it?" I murmur sleepily.
- "Quarter past six."
- "What?" I exclaim, fully awake now. "You let me sleep? For two hours?"
- "Actually, you left me talking to thin air for a while. I realized at some point that you’d fallen asleep, so I decided to let you be. You looked like you needed it."
- "You should’ve woken me up earlier! I wanted to join the others!" I grumble.
- "Well, you'll spend time with them tomorrow."
I sigh, stretching to chase away the stiffness in my body from the nap. Lucy mocks me.
- "Come here."
Without thinking, I lean over the desk. My reflex is to pull back when I see her hands approach my face. She chuckles.
- "Come on, I just want to clean up your smudged makeup."
I lean forward again, understanding her intent. I roll my eyes as she wipes under them with her thumbs.
- "There, all done," she smiles.
- "Thanks, and thanks for letting me sleep," I say, slumping back against the chair.
- "You’re welcome. I knew it would do you some good."
- "If you say so," I reply playfully, rolling my eyes. "Any news from the class council?"
- "No, sorry. And even if I did, you'd have to wait until tomorrow, like everyone else."
- "You’re mean," I pout.
- "Patience. I’m sure you’ll know more by tomorrow morning."
- "I hope so. Weren't you supposed to attend?"
- "No, it's just for the teachers and the principal in this kind of meeting."
- "I didn’t know that."
- "You couldn’t have known," she smiles. "Anyway, didn’t you want to meet up with your friends?"
- "At this hour, I’ll just join them at the cafeteria."
- "Alright. So can we talk about the insomnia you mentioned on New Year's? I doubt your little nap was a coincidence."
- "On second thought… Maybe I’ll go meet the others..."
- "Too late, your chance to escape is gone," she teases.
She’s only half-joking, as I know she won’t let me go now. Why does she have to remember everything?
- "They persist, but I’m managing," I say honestly.
- "I thought I told you to talk to me if that was the case," she frowns.
- "I’ll tell you if it gets worse."
- "So it could get worse?"
Clearly, I tend to speak too quickly with her. She manages to get me to talk so naturally. I’ll have to learn to watch my words if I don’t want her to know too much.
- "A few weeks before starting school, I had nightmares. I’d wake up in the middle of the night, and it’s starting to happen again. They’re not as bad right now, but they could become more intense."
- "See, this is exactly the kind of thing you should talk to me about more often."
- "I’m sorry," I sigh. "There was a time when I wasn’t having them anymore… I didn’t think they’d come back."
- "Do you want to talk to me about these nightmares?"
- "No. They’re about my past... It’s nothing important," I lie.
- "Hmm," she responds skeptically. "And what’s the worst consequence you’ve had so far?"
- "A panic attack, I guess. The nightmares feel so real that they make me panic," I admit in a whisper.
She sighs, running a hand over her face. I bite my lip, thinking I probably should have told her as soon as they returned. I wanted to avoid worrying her over something so minor while I was still in Barcelona. I had hoped to solve the problem before coming back, but that wasn’t the case. Seeing Feli again must be the cause. I’m angry at myself for not being able to shake it off. I had managed to get rid of it before coming here.
- "Alright. If it gets worse, I want you to tell me as soon as possible, and if you have a panic attack, I want to be notified. Is that clear?"
I nod, not daring to argue. Her tone leaves no room for disobedience.
- "I’ll also inform the night supervisors on your floor."
Great... Now I’ll have to be even more discreet than before. Well, at least they’ll be warned if something more serious happens. I don’t think it will, but you never know. I’d hate to disturb Lucy in the middle of the night. I’m already bothered just by the thought of possibly waking up Alexia if I’m not careful.
- "Alright, I’m done with my work. We can head to the cafeteria together if you want."
- "Yeah."
- "No homework for tomorrow?"
- "No. Our teachers aren’t giving us anything since we change classes next week."
- "Oh right, silly me."
- "By the way, um..." I begin hesitantly. "Can you help me with that? Well, not really help, but supervise me or something like that. I was more serious when you were helping me, and I might slack off if you’re not on my case anymore..."
I feel embarrassed seeing her raise an eyebrow. I don’t like asking for this kind of thing, so I sink into my chair as if it would make me disappear. A refusal from her would be utterly humiliating. Finally, she gives me a silly smile.
- "You’re going to end up on the floor if you keep sinking like that."
- "Oh, shut up," I say, sitting up straight. "I’m not used to asking for this kind of thing. I’ve always managed on my own until now."
- "Oh, but I didn’t say anything," she smiles a bit more.
- "But you’re thinking it really loudly!"
- "Here, after your classes. You can manage your time based on how much homework you have. Does that work for you?"
- "Really?"
- "Yes, of course. But I won’t be able to help you as much as before. I’ll only step in if it’s absolutely necessary. Don’t forget that I have a job too."
- "No worries. I just need your supervision to stay motivated."
- "I know," she smiles. "We’ll start when you switch classes and all that."
- "Yep, that works for me."
- "Good," she says, closing her binder. "Now, how about we go eat? I’m hungry."
I nod enthusiastically. She puts away her binder while I grab my jacket and bag. The building is empty at this hour. She locks the main door behind us. It’s pitch black and still freezing outside. I tighten my jacket as I see snowflakes clinging to the ground.
- "Does it ever stop snowing here?" I complain.
- "I think we’ll have it for a little while longer," she laughs.
- "How do you handle it, coming from Portugal too?"
- "Well, you get used to it, and I don’t complain as much as you," she teases.
I sigh and cross my arms to preserve my warmth. She’s probably right. Lucy complains less than I do. We reach the cafeteria, where she waits with me at the entrance after I tell her I see my friends coming from a distance.
- "Still good for this weekend?"
- "Of course, if you’re still up for it. It’s your only way out of school anyway, since I’m not letting you go home."
- "So I can crash at your place in return?"
- "I never said that. I said a weekend, not multiple."
- "You’re forbidding me from going home. You owe me at least that."
- "I don’t owe you anything," she laughs. "I’m doing this for you," she adds with a wink.
- "Yeah, right."
I turn around when I hear the door open with a rather noisy group. Bingo, it’s my friends.
- "Well, enjoy your meal."
- "Thanks, you too," I wish her.
We exchange a smile before she leaves with Ingrid, who arrived shortly after my friends entered. Everyone heads to the dining hall except Alexia, who comes over to me.
- "So, what were you doing after class?"
- "I was with Bronze for a bit. I wanted to join you all after, but I fell asleep at her desk," I admit.
- "Bravo," she teases.
Alexia is in the best position to know that I’m running on short nights. I had to tell her. I could have hidden it, but I wanted to avoid scaring her by going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. That’s where I need to go to pull myself together. Given my clumsiness, I’d probably wake her up by accident while doing so. It hasn’t happened yet, but stealth isn’t my strong suit. For example, on the first night, I bumped into my desk. Last night, I stubbed my little toe on the bed frame... I’m already dreading what will happen tonight.
We arrive at our table with our trays full. I start eating while they tell me about what I missed after class. It doesn’t seem like much since they didn’t do much except play foosball. Everyone is here tonight, which is quite rare. At least, that's what I thought until I noticed someone was missing.
- "Isn't your sister eating with us tonight?" I asked Leah.
- "Nah, she told me she's eating with her friends. Why?"
- "Just curious. I saw her this afternoon, so I expected to see her with you guys."
- "Oh yeah? Where was that?"
I explained to her what happened in Lucy's office. Based on what she told me, I thought she'd be here. I hope she didn't take it badly that Lucy kicked her out of her office. I didn't really understand why Lucy acted that way. Since the topic of Alessia was brought up, Alexia took the opportunity to question Leah about me to see if she knew anything. I quickly kicked her under the table, not particularly wanting to discuss such matters in front of everyone. It didn't convince Alexia, though, who seemed determined to find out more.
- "I have no idea," she replied. "We don't meddle in each other's relationships. Why, are you interested?"
The question caught me off guard. We had never discussed this kind of thing together before. She didn't seem to mean any harm, judging by the smile on her face.
- "Oh no, not really," I replied, smiling back. "I just like her as a friend, that's all. It's just that Ale and Mapi have been fixated on this since New Year's, so she couldn't resist asking you."
- "What's your type, anyway?" Alba asked.
- "I don't have any particular preference. I suppose brunettes, since all my exes were. But I don't just judge by appearance."
- "Speaking of brunettes..."
I furrowed my brows at Claudia's insinuation. I quickly understood what she meant when I jumped at the feeling of a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see my supervisor's green eyes staring back at me. Since I was facing away from their table today, I didn't see her approach.
- "Don't you get tired of scaring me all the time?"
- "It's not my fault you get startled so easily," she smiled. "When are you heading back to your room?"
- "Probably after dinner," I shrugged. "Why?"
- "Aren't you going to the common room first?"
- "I don't think so," I said, briefly glancing at Ale for confirmation.
- "I'll stop by after eight to fix your phone problem."
- "I can handle it myself, you know."
- "No. I said I'd take care of it. See you later."
I groaned as she ruffled my hair before walking away. I watched her until she left the room. When I looked back at the table, I noticed everyone was staring at me.
- "What?"
- "What's this phone problem?" Patri asked.
- "My phone's dead. I threw it in a fit of anger."
- "Do you want us to take a look at it?" Claudia offered. "Maybe we can fix it?"
- "I don't think so. It's in pieces, so I doubt you could do much, but thanks for offering."
- "Whatever you say."
- "Come on, finish your meal. The last thing we need is Bronze getting on our case for being late."
- "Relax," I teased. "If she takes it out on anyone, it'll be me, not you."
I finished my meal, as I was one of the last ones eating. It was clear the issue between Ale and Lucy was far from resolved. It seemed like she was trying to make a good impression at every opportunity. I really need to talk to Lucy about it. Once we all finished, we headed back to our rooms just before eight. No one felt like going to the common room. We made it back in time, as Lucy arrived a few minutes later. For the first time, she sat next to me on the bed instead of taking my desk chair. She got straight to the point, asking for my phone. She started working on it while asking Alexia if she had a good day. Alexia seemed too surprised to respond properly, which made me smile. She was so thrown off that she excused herself to go take a shower.
- "Are you really going to destroy it?" I asked when I saw her remove the SIM card.
- "I'm going to put it in my phone first. Do you have something to write with nearby?"
- "For what?"
- "To save important numbers, like Mapi's, for example."
I nodded and went to get some paper and a pen. By the time I returned, she had already inserted the SIM card into her phone. She handed it to me so I could enter my passcode to unlock it. Lucy looked over my shoulder as notifications flooded the screen. I bit my lip at the many missed calls and unread messages. Most were from unknown numbers. The rest were from Mapi, worried about not hearing from me.
- "Can I read them?" she asked.
I nodded and handed it back to her. I had nothing to hide and preferred she read them herself rather than me. Curiosity got the better of me, though, and I noticed she started with Mapi's messages. One message in particular caught my attention. I panicked and tried to grab the phone from her, but Lucy held me off.
- "No, please! Don't read that nonsense!"
I nearly crushed her, but she managed to pin my hand behind her back and wrapped her arm around my neck. My free hand tried to reach the phone, but it was a lost cause as she stretched her arm out of reach.
- "'Sexy Commander took away your phone?'" she read, raising an eyebrow. "What's with that nickname?" she laughed. "I assume she's talking about me?"
I stopped struggling now that she had read the one thing I didn't want her to. She looked at me amusedly, waiting for an answer.
- "It's just a Mapi thing. I already told her to stop, but you know how she is; once she starts something, it's a lost cause."
- "Hmm," she smiled. "You'll have to explain the origin of that nickname one day. I imagine it's not new."
- "You don't need to know everything in life."
- "But I want to know," she challenged.
- "I think we have more important things to do, don't we?"
- "You're right, but you won't get away with it," she teased. "Let's check the other messages."
She released her hold on me so I could sit properly next to her. Most of the messages were from unknown numbers. It couldn't be Feli's since I blocked her. But the content of the messages made it clear it was her. They were full of apologies or "let me talk to you." Some even contained the violence and anger of being ignored. I eventually stopped reading, but Lucy kept going until the end. She said nothing before telling me to grab something to write with. I listened as she started dictating the numbers I needed. I didn't save many. The first ones I took were Mapi's, Sam's, and Lucy's. I also kept the numbers of my high school friends I reconnected with, as well as my mom's, the house's, and Marcus's. Since the SIM card would be destroyed, I might as well keep them. She turned off her phone, removed the SIM card, and unceremoniously broke it. She folded it several times until it snapped in two. I wasn't sure what I was feeling at that moment.
- "Are you okay?"
- "Yeah... Thanks for doing all this."
- "If you need to communicate, you can come see me, and I'll lend you my phone."
I nodded, biting my lip. She raised her arm, inviting me to snuggle against her. I sighed as she stroked my hair to help me relax. I'll never understand why she gets so involved in my problems, but I'm really glad she does. From the beginning, she said she wouldn't let me go, and she wasn't lying. I'm developing a real affection for her, and it's growing stronger every day. I moved away from her when Alexia interrupted us by coming out of the bathroom. She doesn't know the extent of our relationship. Plus, since I know things aren't going well between them, I don't want her to know about us.
- "Alexia?" my supervisor called.
- "Yes?"
- "If one night things get really bad for Ona, I want to be notified. You'll tell the instructor in charge of surveillance."
- "I can handle myself just fine," I retorted.
- "Be quiet; I'm not talking to you," she scolded me harshly. "I know you won't tell me. Can I count on you, Alexia?" she asked.
- "Yes, of course."
- "Good. I'm going back to my room now that everything's settled. Good night, girls."
- "Good night," Ale and I replied.
She closed the door behind her. I sighed and collapsed onto the bed. My break was short-lived, as I still needed to shower before crawling under the sheets.
Thursday, January 7th; 3:30 AM - Ona and Alexia's Room
I woke up to persistent shaking. I was completely disoriented. I looked around to get my bearings. I felt like I was suffocating, like I couldn't breathe. I realized what was happening when I saw Alexia's panicked face. She forced me to look at her by gripping my head between her hands. I felt sticky and tried to catch my breath as best I could.
- "Hey Ona! It's just me, calm down. Do you want me to call someone?
I shake my head slowly. I don’t want to disturb anyone else. I have no idea what just happened, but my condition doesn’t look good. Alexia nervously bites her lip. She doesn’t seem to agree with me.
- "I need to inform Bronze... She was clear about her orders..."
- "No," I almost shout. "It’s fine, I promise... D-don’t wake her for nothing."
- "Ona... It took me ten minutes to wake you up... You were really panicked, and you were almost screaming in your sleep. She made me promise to inform her... I don’t want to get on her bad side more than I already am! She’s my boyfriend’s best friend," she adds dramatically.
- "D-don’t call her," I insist. "I’ll deal with her when the time comes. I-I, it’ll be okay. You can go back to sleep."
- "No way. You were having a panic attack, weren’t you?"
I sigh and get out of bed. Alexia remains sitting while I search for a new pajama set in my wardrobe. She watches me until I’m in the bathroom. I change because my pajamas are soaked with sweat. I sigh as I lean against the sink. When I open my eyes, I see my roommate watching me intently from the doorway. She looks really worried, which only makes things worse.
- "I’m fine."
- "Don’t lie to me. Who’s Feli? You kept saying her name, telling her to stop."
- "Please keep this to yourself."
- "If you don’t tell me, I’ll find Bronze right now."
- "She’s my ex, nothing more," I concede. "And stop being afraid of her. She’s not that scary once you get to know her a little."
- "I didn’t know you were that close to her..."
I let out yet another sigh as I splash water on my face to clear my head. I then dry my face.
- "That’s not the case," I say, leaning against the sink.
- "I’m sure she knows more about this than I do. Am I wrong? You could have talked to me, you know. I wouldn’t judge you for being close to an instructor!"
- "Ale... It’s not like that. She’s just helping me get better, that’s all."
- "Should I go look for her?"
- "No, I’m fine."
- "You’ll talk to her about it tomorrow, then."
I groan but nod to appease her. I don’t plan to do it, but at least she’ll leave me alone. We leave the bathroom and return to our respective beds. Alexia quickly falls back asleep. As for me, I try not to think about my nightmare, which keeps replaying in my mind. I just had my first panic attack, and I wasn’t even awake. It’s the first time it’s happened to me. I hope it’s the last because I really don’t want to involve Lucy in this. She’s already taken enough care of me during the day, and I don’t want to disturb her during her sleep. I eventually manage to drift back to sleep a few minutes later.
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aita for trying to play matchmaker? for context, this all happened months ago but is coming back now. about halfway through my (18F) senior year of high school, my friend L (also 18F) started crushing on a boy she sat with in math class (18M). she only admitted it to me and the rest of our friend group after we begged her to tell us who she liked for weeks, but in hindsight, it was sort of obvious she really likes him. i have a lot of candid pics on my phone of her glancing over at him during class when she wasn't paying attention but that's beside the point. she wasn't making any moves at all to let him know how she felt and start going out with him, so after a while, we decided to give her a little push. we encouraged her, made subtle hints towards him that someone in class had a crush on him, and when that still wasn't enough, i wrote a love letter for her to sign and give to him. it was easy. prom was a couple of months away by that point and if she was going to struggle so hard to find the words, it made sense for her to just give him a note telling him what she wanted to say. but still, L was stubborn and continued to claim that she wasn't interested in dating at all. apparently she didn't like him *that* much and she was happy just being friends with him (not very convincing when she was constantly making googly eyes at him). she's always been shy, though, and if she doesn't get out of her shell, she's never going to survive in college. for more motivation, i gave her a time limit: if she didn't sign her love letter and give it to him within two weeks, i was going to go up to him and tell him that she liked him. the time game and on the final day, she told me she did it. i trusted her even though she was acting suspicious (barely speaking to him, practically running out of the class they shared together that day, avoiding the friend group for most of the day) but i found out after talking to him later that she lied to me and actually threw the note away. when i confronted her the next day, she apologized and told me that she was terrified i would actually tell him about her crush (i was joking about that, and it hurt that she didn't trust me). out of spite, she ended up asking out one of her childhood friends to prom as her platonic date just so she could say "oh no, sorry, but i already have a date" whenever we tried to help her get with her crush in the future. prom and graduation passed, and the two of them haven't talked much since. i thought this whole situation was over with, but recently, L has been avoiding all of us and makes excuses to not hang out with us. we only have so much time together before she moves out of state for college, so i got a mutual friend to check on her and see what's up. apparently, L's still holding a grudge about how we tried to set her up with the boy. she claims that she was so stressed out for all of senior year that she started getting constant nightmares because of us, and she's upset we never respected her boundaries. however, i think that she's overexaggerating. if it was that serious, she knows that she can always just talk to us instead of keeping it all in so she can make me out to be the bad guy to other people. besides, we were doing what was best for her. he was the first guy she's ever had a crush on, and L has a history of letting her shyness get the better of her. i didn't want her to miss out on this opportunity to be happy, and if she just took our advice instead of acting childish, i'm sure she would have thanked us. i reached out to tell her i'm sorry if she thought i was being too pushy, but it's been days and she still hasn't replied to me. aita?
What are these acronyms?
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fanficfanatic000 · 1 year
Eddie munson x female reader
Chapter one (The first day )
I just moved to Hawkins] story name
Hi this kinda goes with the storyline so spoilers ahead Eddie will not die I promise 18 plus story feel free to leave a comment sorry for typos WARNING 18 PLUS CONTENT
You just moved out of the town you grew up in now your moving to hawkins for your mother's job. It's not like you had friends back at your town you always had been introverted in certain ways and making friends was one of the many things that got your Sevier social anxiety up to the roof. But you can live with it. It's not like you didn't want friends, you just had any. Even at school you had zero friends and your grades haven't been the best, And today was my first day of school at Hawkins high. Your not a freshman your almost at the end of high-school
Now you got up and dug through your moving boxes and looked for clothing Till you found a pair of ripped jeans, a tank top that was your favorite color and layered necklaces plus your converse And jacket you looked pretty good Then since you already had showered last night you don't have to this morning but before you walked out you sprayed your favorite perfume. You grabbed your keys off the hook and walked out the door your mom wasn't there because she basically has a 24 7 job so you locked up the house door and drove your car to school (At Hawkins high) You got out of your car as you walked through the doors you felt your stomach turn. You walked through the halls and you saw jocks talking to cheer leaders, two friends, and not one looked at you. Then you walked to math class but when you got there you were early, only a few people were there. 6 min went by, all the seats were full but one then you suddenly hear a voice You turn to see the voice was coming from a small child who was wearing a t-shirt that says hellfire he spits his word out sounding as if he ran here 'Sorry Ms Linda I kinda lost track of time Then they argued until she gave him detention because he was late for math class for the 3rd time apparently The bell rang and you had to find your way to the cafeteria so you chose to subtlety follow two girls to the cafeteria one named Tammy and one named Vanessa. I guess when your invisible you know and hear alot. The cafeteria you had got apple slices, chips and soda but no where to sit except for the empty table in the corner. You sat and listened to the laughter and chating until this guy got up on the table he was sitting at and said ' as long as your into band or science or parties or a game where you toss balls in a laundry basket we are considered lame!!!' Then a guy said want something freak I think he was a jock Then the boy on the table did a weird face thing at him. There was something about this boy his long dark curls around his face His rock sense of style and his voice not to mention his pretty dark brown eyes. I wish he would even take a look in my direction but probably not. So you were walking out of the cafeteria and the small child from earlier bumped into you knocking you down he stuttered i-i um sorry…… wait are you new? I just nodded Well I'm Dustin and you are? My name is y/n. Well y/n sorry I bumped into you I just have to hurry and find a fill in for my club. Ok well I have to go catch the next class Goodluck Dustin. So we went our ways I headed to class He went to get a filler for his club (Class) Bored. I am bored….. it felt like a hundred hours went by then the bell rang. FINALLY Then you walked through the halls to your locker with only a few items in there. Since you were new. You were at your locker when you heard. What do you mean you found no fillers?. The voice was from the guy at the cafeteria, not Dustin the one that stood on the tables. But he was talking to Dustin. Eddie calm down just give me one second…. Y/N!. Then Dustin walked up to you. Hi y/n Can you fill in for the hellfire club tonight? I don't know dustin I barely know anyone here….. Dustin smiles. Well I'll be there And maybe you can make some friends there. Your social anxiety sky rocketed… Fine I'll fill in for your club.. I guess… but you owe me. Dustin's face lit up with excitement. Ok well the campaign is at the theater club storage room in about 10 minutes. Your stomach turning, heart pounding.
(10 mins later) You walk up to the doors of the hellfire club and felt the urge to walk the other way but you didn't you walked through and saw Dustin and the rest of the club the boy called Eddie stood up from his throne and walked towards you slowly with his head up. his eyes following you. Dustin you didn't mention that the filler for lukas was a cheerleader. "What? I am not a cheerleader i-I'm just new here. Butterflies in your stomach waiting for his response. I'm Eddie welcome to hellfire. I-im y/n. Well y/n take a seat and let's play
(After hellfire ) Better luck next time princess . He says with a boyish smile on. You roll your eyes And uncontrollably smiled. You walked out of the room after kinda helping pick up. You knew everyone's names by the end of the hellfire campaign. But you just figured they would probably forget yours. Hey y/n you did pretty good for your first Campaign you should comeback next week. Thanks Dustin but I don't think they liked having me there. Sure they did you were funny and smart with your choices. We didn't win. Yeah sure we lost but we lost together and it was your first game. I don't know we will see bye Dustin. Bye y/n Then you got in your car and drove to your Little new house.
At your house) You unpacked all of your stuff but of course you were starving and thirsty but since you just moved to Hawkins there was zero food and just water it was kinda late but you really needed it and you mom wouldn't notice if you were gone even if she wasn't at work.
You grabbed the keys and headed to a convenient store Your driving through the trailer park and you see Eddie and a cheerleader going inside a trailer. Y/n stop being a stalker you think to yourself.
You got your snacks of chips and a soda And you were tired but I guess time for the next day.
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love-ice · 2 years
no. 11 wednesday novemeber 30, 2022
it's been awhile. i'm almost done with this semester in college, my third semester, to be exact. honestly i hate it. school has become so draining and not something i can look forward to anymore. i used to think of college as this place where i get to choose my path and i can actually enjoy school and enjoy learning about things i'm interested about but, its not that. learning has become draining. like i can't even find a sliver of motivation to do anything related to school. really i haven't found any motivation since the beginning of this year. i can barely get my homework done especially for my math class. that class in particular has completely ruined my mentality. i went in thinking that it would be fine i can do it and i can finish it. that was fun to think about since i have not been able to get myself to finish one assignment since the beginning of this class. i've failed all of my tests and at this point i'm just begging for it to be over. i basically stopped going to that math class and now i have to get myself to at least finish 30 assignments in the next week for said class. i put myself here, yes, and i honestly don't think i can get myself out. i already struggle mentally on a daily basis so adding this class on top of it is not a great idea. but good thing is if i do pass i no longer have to take math in college. i will be done and it will all just be science all day everyday. which isn't much better but i would choose that over math any day. moral of the story i'm fucking depressed and i hate math. just like any other queer girl out there. other than that i don't know. life has been pretty tame. like nothing too exciting, nothing notable. i'm getting older and i'm starting to realize that. being an adult means doing adult shit. so i got to start doing adult shit and be an adult. i'm tired of being like this all the time. not having motivation or any sign of happiness. but hopefully i will get there some day soon. i missed doing this just getting everything off my chest and into the void we call the internet. anyways bye losers.
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greydiminishing · 8 months
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Jan 20, 2024
Since my last writing about two and a half weeks ago, I've packed up, moved 6 hours away to school, unpacked and moved in, and had a whole week of classes! Well almost whole, it was a 4 day week.
I am doing,, just okay. I am so excited to be back on campus and in school. But I feel super behind since I've failed so many classes previously, and took basically 3 semesters off. I'm essentially a 22 year old 3rd year. I've been a student in this school for five years. I was supposed to graduate this year, but I have two more years left, at minimum. Some of the kids I have classes with were highschool freshmen when I was a college freshman. I feel self consious and ashamed about that.
I also feel like i'm already behind in some classes after only two actual class sessions (tues/thurs and wed/fri classes). I didnt get as much studying done as I would've liked in those five weeks that i time blocked (But getting into time blocking was definitely worth it, thats helping me so much).
I haven't had to do any actual math in TWO YEARS. I celebrated taking the "last math class of my life", completely forgetting that I need to take a calc-based physics class. Now im struggling in class to find the sides of a triangle with sohcahtoa 😭 If i don't glue my eyeballs to khan academy i'm gonna be a wreck trying to integrate and find derivatives.
And one class has an "Assignment 0" which is just downloading and setting up all the software we're gonna be using, and just trying to clone my gitlab repository took me several hours to figure out.
All the deadlines and assignments and quizzes and project dates has my head spinning. One class requires you to upload your notes to the lecture video before every single class (m/w/f class, so 3 times a week), and its something like 10% of your final grade. Idk i just think thats stupid lol. And I can't help but write notes differently when i'm concious of the fact that someone else will be reading them :/
But I will be studying hard, and getting stuff done early as to not fall behind.
That was academics, now onto my roommates.
I was placed in a random campus apartment with 3 other roommates. We each have our own room, but share the living room and kitchen. They're nice and i want to be their friend so bad, but I'm so socially awkward and i don't know how to make friends 😭. The thing is, I'm coming into "their" apartment mid-academic year, and thats only because their other friend moved out for an internship or something, so I got put in the vacant room. They're already a little friendgroup, the three of them plus the friend that moved out which they're still in group chats with. They might've even know each other before living here, they seem pretty close.
They're not intentionally excluding me or anything, but everytime i'm chatting with them it feels so awkward, and when I go back to my room and I can hear their fun conversations finally ignite. They talk about their mutual friends, and their parents, and plans to roadtrip. Then I go back out to fill my water bottle or make tea or something, mostly an excuse to join their conversation, and the conversation goes back to quiet and polite. I know I act the same way around new people as well, so its not their fault, but I dont know what to do, how to get around this. I heard them from my room talking about anime, and I so badly wanted to join them, but I didn't know how to do so naturally without creeping them out like I was eavesdropping their convo the whole time. You can only go fill your waterbottle so many times.
Its already the end of week 1 and i've barely talked to them. I'm afraid if we don't get more friendly soon, as time progresses, we'll get more stuck in the same routine and we'll only be able to be awkward and quiet around each other for the rest of the semester. I want to suggest we order some food tonight and maybe watch a movie, but idk is that weird? To suggest out of nowhere and not really knowing them? And theres no TV so we'd have to watch on someones laptop. Aughhhh idk. Plus I really need to get started on all this work i already have. Maybe i'll suggest it next weekend.
I'm already planning on making cookies for everyone tomorrow. A freshly baked cookie is the way to friendship, surely?
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kookieswan · 3 years
can i request a drabble with sugar daddy!namjoon comforting bestie!jungkook and reader when he notices they're panicking about exams? thanks! 💕
Cherry Chocolate 🍫
Poly!SugarDaddy!Namjoon x SugarBesties!JK&Reader(f)
Word Count: 713
Genre: Poly!AU, SugarDaddy!AU, College!AU, Fluff, Some Suggestive themes.
Warnings: Casual Dom/Sub undertones, JK is a brat, MC is well behaved, nothing overtly sexual though. Mentions of sex.
Summary: With your big math test coming up, JK and you feel like its the end of the world. Namjoon shows you that it isn't.
Notes: The first thing to ever be posted for the Poly!SugarDaddy AU! How exciting is that? Now I can make a masterlist teehee. Thanks for requesting lovely! If anyone wants to be tagged in future instalments, just lml!
"We're going to fucking fail. We're done for. It's game fucking over man." Jungkook paces around Namjoon's penthouse, the slaps of his bare feet echoing through the house. You sigh, pencil clenched beaten your fingers as you try and answer the question to no avail.
Even though it doesn't pertain to either of your majors, both of you had to take at least one math class to graduate. It sounded easy after you decided to take the class together, and you went in thinking it would be a walk in the park.
It's the last test of the semester, the BIG BOY that would likely make or break both of your grades. You're sitting at a C, and Junkook isn't doing much better. Said man wanders over to you, plopping down next to your spot on the couch before laying his head on your lap.
"I'm never going to graduate. I'm going to be a super fucking duper senior at this point oh my fuck." You pat Kookie's head encouragingly , running your fingers through the pretty blonde locks. You'll suffer in silence for now if it means getting to calm the poor guy down a bit. Smiling quietly, you lean down and peck his nose and then his lips, greatly enjoying the small smile he gives you in return.
"Where are my babies?" Namjoon's deep voice calls through the entrance way suddenly before he peaks into the living room where you sit helplessly with a sorrowful Jungkook in your lap. Like always, he looks dapper as hell, crisp suit fitting his every curve just right, hair place perfectly. You whine in defeat as he walks over, eyes slightly confused.
"We're going to fail Joonie. Neither of us can retain any of the info and we've been studying since you left for work." His eyebrows raise high, likely not impressed that you haven't taken much of a break in about ten solid hours. The man lets out a sigh before rounding the couch to give you each a forehead kiss, his plump lips feeling nice against your skin.
"How about this; you take a break and let me make you both of that cherry hot chocolate you like, hmm? I don't like when either of you are stressed out, I want you to relax with me, maybe cuddle. Would you like that?" A yes leaves your lips instantaneously, infatuated with the idea of cuddling with both of your loves after a long day. Namjoon goes to leave but Jungkook grabs for his hand, pout on his lips.
"But you've been working all day Joon, don't want to make you do more for us..." Namjoon stops in his tracks, turning and leaning down to cup Jungkook's jaw. He caresses the skin lightly, eyes lidding ever so slightly as his words come out deeper, raspier.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it Kook, I like pampering my babies. It would do you well to listen to me once in a while too, to be a good boy... You wouldn't want a punishment instead, would you?" A snort nearly leaves you as Jungkook's skin turns a deep shade of red as he wiggles in your lap, Namjoon leaving a quick kiss on his lips and then yours before his attention settles on you.
"Don't worry about it pretty girl, you tried your best, and you can always study more later, yeah? Just sit here with Kook and let me take control for a bit, work was easy today so it's really not a big deal." You nod quietly, affection bubbling in your stomach for both of the men you call yours. Namjoon finally takes his leave, standing up to go make your hot chocolate with a cute wink.
"...He's going to wreck your ass later." Kookie squawks as you poke at him, loud laughs leaving you as you continue to tease him. Ever the brat, he always knows how to press Namjoon's buttons until the man is ready to snap. It's always a fun sight to see... Especially since Joon is more than patient.
"He's making us hot chocolate and is going to let us cuddle against his huge bazonkers to make us feel better. He can do whatever he wants to me."
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nctrice · 3 years
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Professor Jaehyun x Female Reader
Rating: 18+🛑
Word count: 2K
Content: smut, unprotected sex, fingering, dominant Jaehyun, praising, teacherxstudent, dilf Jaehyun, slight public intercourse
Disclaimer: I do not own Jung Jaehyun nor claim him in any sort of way. This Fanfiction is made up out of pure imagination and is strictly just fiction.
A/N: this is my first time writing for this tumblr platform and please give strict constructive advice if needed! Thanks!
"Gosh he's hot!" I whispered under my breath gazing upon the dilf himself, Mr.Jung or in other words my calculus professor.
He stood tall and confident in front of the oddly huge white board, broad shoulders facing the class until he eventually turns around to ask a random student to answer the question that I had yet to even realize what it was. He swiftly scans the multiple rows of seats depicting who had been paying attention and who hasn't. I slowly began to sink in my seat avoiding be called on at any cost.
"Ah, y/n! I see you there! Come up here and answer this question for the class." He demands in a polite manner.
I had no problem with it of course, until he said to come forth. This is a first he's ever asked anyone to write the actual answer. My heart pounds within my chest, praying I don't make a fool of myself walking down or back up these unnecessarily wide stairs.
Mr.Jung steps aside and greets me with his well known charming smile. The amount of times this man alone has made me want scream to knock all the built up nerves out of my body. He made me feel more than just butterflies, I couldn't quite put a finger on it.
"Need help?" Mr.Jung folds his arms stepping closer.
"N-no thank you, I'm sure I got it."
My hands fumbled to reach for the dry erase marker he held out for me. It was a bit warm considering he's been holding it for more than half the class. I took a quick glance at the question, immediately regretting what I said. I did indeed need help, and I don't got it. I'm sure he could tell I was hesitating as my finger sits comfortably above my top lip.
'here goes nothing.' I thought before writing what I thought was the right answer. Mr.Jung examined the question, "close but not quite. The answer was -9, you forgot to subtract this which why you got -2. Try another easy one similar to this."
Bullshit. This question didn't look no where as easy. If I mess up again oh well, it's not like he'd pop out with another question to further embarrass me. As I thought long and hard about the problem, it began to feel like it was just us two. Him applying an uncomfortable amount of pressure with just the distance between us and me panicking underneath his anticipated stare.
"Not quite right neither, it'd be best for you to stay after class you seem to be having a lot of troubles."
Mr.Jung wiped the whiteboard free of any writing once I answered the last question and moved on with his lessons. I barely made it to the first step before he had wrote the next problem to briefly go over thanks to me. His words far more stern and exaggerated in attempt to sub me. Out of my entire time being in his class this had been the most I've ever seen this man share eye contact. Yet, it wasn't sweet and kind, more like curiosity had taken over and he couldn't get why I answered both questions incorrectly.
That exact thought had been on his mind throughout the rest of the class. A part of him felt anxious to know what it was that made me fumble at the problem that he knew I could solve perfectly fine on my own.
"Alright you all have a great rest of your afternoon and please do study for this upcoming test. It'll be more than 40% of your grade!" Mr.Jung announced as the classroom flooded out the doors, All except one person.
He heaved a deep sigh, shoving his hands into his almost too tight dress pants pocket. He paced around his desk before sitting directly on the rounded edge. He looked dramatically intimidating, like he wanted to degrade you the moment he could.
"Is everything okay? You're normally really good with math. It hurt me to see you troubled with such an easy question."
My hands couldn't help but fiddle with the zipper sewed into my bag. How was I supposed to tell my teacher that he was the problem. Not in any sort of bad way, and not in any good way neither.
"Yeah I'm fine, just had a rough week." I lied.
"You seem kind of tense. Am I making you uncomfortable?" He innocently spoke while his eyes examined my body for some type of body language.
My knees buckled, hands folding anything to keep me calm, and not mentioning my blushed face. I was 100% sure that my face was completely flushed a crimson red. There was no denying it.
He didn't wait for an answer, and simply lowered his curtain covering the window then locked the door. I was unsure of what his intentions were but my mind was far off somewhere it shouldn't be regarding the fact that I'm just his student. The thought of him shoving all of his folders and papers off his desk and pinning me clouded my mind. My dying fantasy to have the slightest interaction that no other girl has ever had with him.
"I'm all ears. That's if you're comfortable with telling me of course." He knocked me into reality as I began to feel guilty for thinking negatively of his intentions.
"I'm not sure I can be completely honest." I mumbled beneath my breath breaking eye contact.
"And why is that?"
Mr.Jung held his arm out for me to grab. With little to no hesitation at all, I placed my hand in his. His thumb grazes over my knuckles a fee times until his eyes darted up towards mine.
"Cause I'm in no sort of position to have such thoughts."
I simply remove my hand from his grip feeling the tense sensation overwhelm me once again building up the need to put an end to this. He sensed it immediately.
"Turn around."
"I'm not gonna say it again." His voice had more depth and demand stringing to it.
I did exactly what he said, no questions asked. His hands set firmly on my shoulders guiding me closer towards him until I felt the warmth radiating off of his body and onto mine. His thumb running deep circles into my shoulder blades releasing the tension that remained.
"Now tell me what position you feel you need to be in."
His hands made its way to my spine tracing all the way down to my waist before kneading my lower back.
"That can work too but I meant regarding to what you said. What position do you need to be in to have such dirty thoughts?"
By now, you were inches away from in between his legs, as much as I wished to be in this dearest situation, my first instinct was to freeze up. Was this really happening?
"I'm just your student. The things I want to do will ruin your career." I admitted.
He hummed at my answer willingly holding my waist and pulling me directly into his lap. I felt the slightest bulge poking me through my thin leggings. His head rested onto my right shoulder sending shivers down my back.
"There's nothing wrong with the student getting a little extra lesson with chemistry." He bluntly stated right beneath my ear.
I began to feel throbbing and anticipation between my legs.  Or maybe I had just noticed it now. His hands ventured from my waist toward the hem of my leggings, thumb pushing past my leggings and rubbing the outline of my panties. My stomach bursted with butterflies under his touch. He bit his lips as he felt the smooth lace of my underwear.
"Good choice Ms.l/n," he huskily whispered.
"Tell me about how you fantasize about me in explicit detail if you would."
My chapped lips parted realizing a deep breath I held in since he began to touch me in the ways I haven't yet imagined. His fingers trailed down to palm my womanhood gently creating the knot in my stomach.
"You had me alone like now, desperately removing everything off the desk to pin me down. Ripping my shirt in half as you cupped my boobs. One hand busy playing with my nipples, the other rubbing rough circles on my clit as you told me come."
He chuckled in response as he removed his hand from me and remained silent. As much as I wanted to turn around a catch a glimpse of his face, I was already too embarrassed sharing my intimate dreams with him.
He bit his lips dauntingly, "can I?"
"Can I make that dream a reality?"
He slightly nibbled onto my ear, heat fuming from my dripping core soaking my panties by the second. I silently nodded afraid to speak at all. "I want to hear you say it, can I touch you?"
"Yes, Mr.Jung."
"Good girl, just for this I'll allow you to call me Jaehyun okay baby?"
I nodded once again holding back the whimpers threatening to leave my lips. His hands rubbed my ass gently getting rough within seconds, groping me every chance he got. The bulge teasingly poked at my core as he undid his pants lowering his draws enough to let his member spring free; slowly stroking himself onto my ass. Jaehyun grunted as the friction increased. His fingers tugged the the hem of my leggings sliding them down to my knees locking them in place.
"Damn you're sexy." He moaned taking in the sight of my now exposed ass. He stroked himself aggressively before tracing my spine with his fingers and bending me over. His other hand pushing my panties to the side as he inserted double digits into my soaked core curling his fingers and his thumb circled my clit. My breath became unstable panting like there was no tomorrow.  My walls clenched amongst his digits fighting the urge to come.  "Mhmm I-I can't hold it." I moaned balling my fists up against my knees for support. He took his digits out sucking every ounce making sure I heard the slurping noise before he lined himself at my entrance.
I inhaled a sharp breath as he entered his tip inside me. I had no clue how big he was but felt my walls adjusting to the girth of him. I bit my lip, holding back from the moans. His hands firmly placed on my hips as he shoved the rest of his large length inside me. I let out a small gasp followed with hitched breaths as his length reached what felt like my cervix. "Shh, you don't want no one to hear you don't you?" He whispered stopping in his tracks for a split second. He pulled almost all the way out coated with your juices only just to shove his length in back in reaching spots he may have missed.
"Oh fuck." Jaehyun groaned thrusting sluggishly. My walls clenched around him causing his grip to tighten on my waist. Tears streaming down my face in pleasure. He picked up the pace being careful enough to refrain from making any clapping noises. As much as he want to rail me until my eyes rolled back and seen stars he couldn't, not in this environment. Yet it was still enough to satisfy the both of our needs. Soft whimpers were the only thing he'd allow out of my mouth, anything louder than that he'd immediately pull out as a sign of punishment. His hand left my waist grabbing fistfuls of my hair and yanking it to see my fucked out facial expressions.
"Jaehyun." I breathed out as he rammed into me.
"Ms.l/n, you dirty little slut of mine, Ms.l/n you feel so good taking all my length in your wet pussy." He groaned aggressively in my ear pounded into me completely forgetting the fact that we were in his classroom. ~
"Ms.l/n! Please stop zoning out in my class!" Mr.Jung semi-shouts jolting me out of my day dream.  I immediately fixed my posture examining the dozens of eyes all drawn towards me including Mr.Jeong. He cocked an eyebrow at me before running his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
"See me after class." He demanded and continued on with his lesson. And just like that, I added on to my series of fantasies with my Calculus professor.
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Act 1: While We’re Young
Chapter 5
Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Black OC
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January 10th 2005
Last night was the only night I'm allowing myself to cry over him and his 'return'. What good would it do me? No, I was gonna take Erik and whatever he had to throw at me by storm.
Waking up the next day, I feel refreshed. Like a brand new person with a more positive mindset. Today I had 3 classes and I'm determined to have a good Erik free day.
That whole Erik free thing went out the window as soon as I got to my first class.
Double O Computer Programming 1 was a junior class, however I'd taken it during the summer during my first year at UC Berkeley. DOCP 2 wouldn't be available until next semester but I needed to have a class since this was my first year on the actual campus. Thankfully Miss Hill really needed a T.A and the fact that I could help with an algorithm that tied into thermal nuclear astrophysics had her sold.
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Right after I finished taking attendance, she barely got a word out before the door swung open revealing Erik as our late comer. I quickly glanced at the sheet in front of me, scanning for his name. I was so use to calling him N’dajaka when we were kids, I completely skipped over ‘Erik Stevens’. I huffed rolling my eyes, arms crossed over my chest. His timbs were the only thing heard shuffling across the room making hid way toward the front of the class. Wordlessly he handed Miss Hill before his eyes were on me. They scanned me from top to bottom, before locking with me a smug grin on his lips.
"Hey Lona," my jaw dropped.
Before I could get out a word, Miss Hill opened her mouth, looking up from the paper he handed her.
"Welcome Erik, sorry for the confusion."
"It's all good," he shrugged.
"Im Miss Hill, and I see you already know my aid. As I explained to the class prior to taking attendance, If I'm unavailable feel free to email or call her during the hours listed on the sheet." She is then took a sheet from me and handed him to me. "Other than that, find a seat."
He nodded pretending look over the sheet before averting his gaze back on me.
"I'm definitely gon do that."
Fuck my life right?
Well, Erik just so happened to be in the Calculus class I skipped two days ago. I thank God my record was squeaky clean and Mr. Kennedy accepted my poor excuse before I was quickly reminded the man upstairs has a sense of humor as the only available seat was next to Erik.
"The person next to you will be your partner for the remainder of the semester so let's take the next 15 minutes getting know one another hmm?." Mr. Kennedy instructed.
I couldn't suppress the groan that slipped as Erik casually leaned back in his chair, examining me.
"You heard the man, get to know me."
"I know all I need this know about you Erik."
"Oh so I'm Erik now? Like that?" He spoke cool, calm, and collected like our exchanged was normal.
I gripped my pencils tight, my knee bouncing up and down my body tense.
"Let me set things straight now. We don't need to talk to one another. If it doesn't have anything to do with any of the classes we take together, don't want to hear it. When you see me act like you don't know me. We clear?"
The expression on his face was unreadable before his lip twitched slight him responding.
January 24th, 2005
It had been two weeks since Erik showed up here.
Ok that's a lie.
Apparently this man has been here. And to top it off, this mans name was in every bitch mouth like the second coming of Jesus Christ. From what I've observed though, he doesn't say much, or gives any of these broads much attention. He don't say much in general actually, he's really good at blending in. He got that laid back, mysterious, bad boy vibe going for him and these females out here hella into that.
But when he opens his mouth, that cocky bastard sure knows how to disrupt my entire soul at least while we're in class.
Outside of class though, he acts like I'm invisible.
It was like he never knew me. And honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. I know that's what I said I wanted but it bothers me just the same.
Today in particular though, he argued me down during our Calculus class. We had one problem to figure out before we could leave class today. You and your partner were supposed agree on the answer, and heaven forbid he just agree with me so we can get out of here. Math was always my subject when we were kids, nothing has changed. I was damn near about to say fuck it when he started laughing.
What in the entire fuck it so funny?" I was fuming.
"You," he shook his head. "You really hella mad."
"Um, YES!" I damn near shouted fed up. "You literally been tryna convince me it's 5 when it's-"
"Chill. I know the answer is 3 girl. C'mon, let's go." So smoothly he closed the book, grabbed his bag and headed to the front.
I was so upset, I had to let him do all the talking when it came to explain to the teacher I'll answer and how we got there. I know I open my mouth I wasn't going to say anything nice.
"Girl what crawled up your ass and died?" Donise questioned with a stank look as we sat at one of the benches outside of the library.
"Yeah What did Erik do now," I could hear teasing in Tatiana's tone so I flipped her off.
Only giving a brief explanation, I went on a mini rant about what happened in class 20 minutes ago. Donise's thought it was funny, while Tati just shook her head.
"I still can't believe it him," Tatianna glanced as a group of guys from across the quad headed our way, Erik included.
"Yes, and I wish it wasn't."
Tatianna was the first real friend I made in a while. I was actually tutoring her online for a while before she found out I was 4 years younger than her. Our friendship started off as a trade. I was her tutor and she both convinced and enrolled in a mentor program to help me with my social skills. I didn't speak to anyone much when Erik left, but I got into a lot of fights. According to the school counselor I was taking out my anger and abandonment issues on.I have meds to tame the anger, and while I haven't had to take them in a while Eric definitely bring that anger out of me.
"Girl that's just sexual tension. You got to fuck all that out." Ashley put in her unwanted two cents.
"Trust me when I tell you on God it isn't."
"Well if you out to holla, then trust and believe I will." She tossed her hair over her shoulder
I didn't really mess with Ashley like that, but she was Tati's frat sister which made them 'friends'. That little thot pocket will screw anything with legs, D, and a pulse and I'm not bout that life. Plus she messy as fuck and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her.
"I don't doubt it," I smirked as Donise said exactly what I was thinking.
Donise was coo' though, I meet her when I first got here 2 months ago. Believe It or not she was apart of the welcome comity for MIT and turned out her and Tatiana were already friends. Once she figured out  who I was, I was shot to the front line during registration and everything.
"Anyways, y'all going Ant and them party tomorrow?" Ashley questioned probably tryna bum a ride.
"What party?"
"The Que's," Donise answered. "The dudes with Erik are frat."
Now this was news to me. I met most of them before but I had no idea there were in a sorority. Examining them, I guess it all made sense. Most in the clique sported some sort of purple and yellow lanyard either around their neck or on their keychain that hung from their jean pocket as if  they wanted everybody to know who they were. Which I wouldn't doubt.
"Ladies! What we chattin about?" Moses questions every bit of his thick English accent tapering off every word.
"Our plans for mañana," Tati answered l
"Word. Y'all coming to the party tomorrow?" Jay spoke playing with a few strands of Donise's curls.
"Tomorrow? It's Thursday." I said confused. "Ain't there class the next day?"
"What's the matter, you can't hang?" I glared at Jay, knowing he was only chastising me because him and Erik were close, according to Tati.
I swear to God men gossip more than women do. Rolling my eyes I spared Erik a glance and he looked like he was waiting on me to respond.
"Oh, I can definitely hang."
I couldn't hang.
Around midnight I was  in the bathroom throwing up everything, damn near hug in the toilet as my surrounding looks so blurry and I can barely function. Im not sure when I'd finally finished, but I could feel someone picks me up and out the bathroom and soon everything goes blurry and then black.
Tag list: @kitesatforestp @xsweetdellzx @justgetitoverwith0 @letsshamelessqueen-m @cmkcolove @readingaddict1290
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
01 - You’re Familiar
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This chapters songs:
Daughter Of A Cop; TV Girl
I Hope To Be Around; Men I Trust
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi; Radiohead
— Y. L. Perspective
My breath got louder and louder each second I ran. With my bento box hitting my hips, bag tossing around, and my skirt flying up, there was no way things could get any worse.
But luckily just around the corner, I spotted students climbing onto it, which made my feet run even faster.
Near late on my first day? Damn, Y/n, way to start your year.
   Just then, I heard the sharp hiss of the engine, sending me faster towards the vehicle than I had been pacing myself before. But still, the driver was ignorant, obviously not caring how much I needed this. It wasn't like my parents would take me anyways.
"WAIT..! PLEASE WAIT!" I started on the side of the bus, running side to side with the wheels. After a few seconds of loud disruption, it finally stopped. The break was hard, and students inside were heard making remarks of protest.
Sure, I felt bad for the people who had to get a brake check, but I on the other hand was completely out of breath and near dead. Couldn't they spare me?
"I'm, I'm so.. I'm so sorry I.." My breath is short, and loud while I breathe in and out, trying my best to try and explain my tardiness to the driver. He simply sighs, gesturing for me to seat myself already.
While I stumbled down the aisle, I received a few weird glances from fellow students. Some familiar and some new. I couldn't tell if it was because of my reputation, or because I looked like a hot mess. Either way, it was too early in the morning for one to give a damn. And so, I seat myself next to another student, finally resting from the marathon I had just run.
I sighed, rolling my head back, and placed my fingers on my temples. 'I probably look like a mess right now.' I thought, letting out a huge sigh. Once I sat my fingers back down onto my lap, I observed more of the people I was surrounded by.
Some third years I was familiar with, a few that wouldn't dare speak to me, and some that were strangers. Other second and first years I didn't know at all; throughout high school, I thought it'd be best to stay hidden and introverted, especially if I were to become popular in the music industry. Lots of young stars still went to school, and usually got dirt easily thrown onto their title and that's exactly what I would avoid this year.
Bringing me back to reality, I capture a peek coming from the boy I was seated next to. He had fluffy gray hair and seemed just as tired as me. But the bus was so dark, I couldn't completely make out his features.
"Something wrong?" I said to him.
He jumped a little, adjusting his eyes back down to his phone. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I just- I think I know you from somewhere."
"Lots of people know me, buddy—" I lifted my head, facing him. 'Hey, this guy does pretty familiar. But there's no way I'd forget a face like his. Then again, I have the memory of an 80-year-old woman.' I think to myself, examining his features in an awkward mood.
"Wow, it is you. (Y/n), it's been quite a while!" He smiled widely, reaching a hand out to me. I only froze, too confused to comprehend the situation. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you're doing well!"
"I-Im sorry?" I question, wondering why a stranger would confront me this way. But something was off— I knew him, I just couldn't remember where from. Maybe from previous classes, or from a concert?
He turns slightly, growing a smile on his pale face. "I was trying to figure out if it was you or not, but it is! It's great to see you're better. How are you?"
"Who are you?" I ask back, a bit frightened.
"Uhm, well, I sat next to you in math class during my first year. Remember? I was a little ditzy, kind of annoying, I never shut up about volleyball..?" He asks, hoping to get a hint of nostalgia. "Come on, you've gotta recognize me, right?"
"Wait, Sugawara!" My finger jumps out, pointing to his sitting figure. "I'm sorry I couldn't recognize you! It sure has been quite a while. But I definitely remember you, now! You were one of the people who talked to me during my first year.. thanks for that. Anyways, how've you been?"
"I think that's my line, L/n." Suga pats my shoulder, then places his hand onto his lap. "You've changed so much! I've gotta know how you're doing!"
"I-I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing in your perspective, but thanks anyway. I've been doing just fine." I explain before a yawn escapes my mouth. Sure, this conversation was energetic, but I certainly wasn't.
"Again, so very sorry for being so forgetful. I don't remember much from first year, especially not anything in math, but I sure do recognize you now." I say, hoping my rudeness from before wouldn't have any effect on how he viewed me. Not that I cared, of course.
Luckily, Sugawara was forgiving that day. With a wide grin, he replies, "No need to apologize. People change drastically during high school; we're no exceptions. Although, I would've enjoyed being mutuals with you throughout most of it! I wonder why I haven't seen you around until today... I believe the last time we had talked was around the last day of first year."
"Yeah, we didn't have any classes together. If we had, I'm sure we would have stirred up a discussion. You seem very kind. " I gently smile, rubbing the nape of my neck. I tend to forget any bad memories, and the beginning of high school sure was a fat one.
"What a shame, you too seem wonderful.." He comments, gazing towards me for a split second, before reverting his focus. "A-anyways, it's a bit of a surprise I saw you here. Have you always ridden the bus? I usually take it in the mornings as well."
"I've actually just moved into this neighborhood. My parents work more hours than ever, so they decided it's best if I'm closer to school so that I can get to school and back quickly." I explain, tapping the sage green bento in my lap, before setting it on my side.
Sugawara nods, understanding the circumstances. "That makes sense. I'm sure you'll enjoy it now that you've got a friend in the neighborhood. Although, a girl like you must be quite familiar, right?"
'Is that intended to be disrespectful, or am I just tripping?' I think to myself, asking him to spell out the meaning of that remark. "I'm sorry, what? A girl like me?"
"Oh, crap! I didn't mean that to sound rude— I meant because of your band! I understand you guys are the talk around school, considering you're getting pretty popular in the field."
A sigh of relief leaves my lips, preparatory to my correction. "Oh, my band. I'm not sure I necessarily make friends, more like connections and acquaintances. Only a couple of students know about the band, and usually just the down-low ones. But enough about me, what about you, hm? I assume still volleyball obsessed."
I had obviously steered in the wrong direction with our conversation, for Suga's aura quickly altered at the mention of the sport. "Eh, I'm not as excited about it as I used to be." He says, along with a hint of dissatisfaction in his raspy voice.
"No way. What happened to cheerful Sugawara who asked me, the lamest, to join the girls' team?" I ask, hoping a bit of that childish personality was still inside the older version of Suga. The one which was taller, more masculine, more of a man than before.
"Honestly, can't tell you. 'Teams has been a mess ever since I've joined." He leans back in his seat, stretching his arms out, before placing them around his neck from behind. "We're hanging on my a very thin thread."
"Dang, that really sucks. You never know, things can always turn out better." I say, doing as he did, and resting against the leather seats.
"Yeah, of course. I guess it's pretty hard to keep going after so many fails, haha." A sad chuckle leaves his mouth, as he sighs.
"Anyway, nice talking. I'm outta take a quick power nap; I barely got sleep last night. Mind waking me up when we get to school?"
"Yeah, of course," Sugawara replies. With that, I'm left with laying music in my ears like always, and nodded off to slumber.
"Hey, sleepyhead. We're at school," I hear someone say, feeling a tap of a cold finger on my nose. Almost immediately, I shoot up from my position, standing directly above Sugawara while students leave the bus with their bags, having loud discussions of excitement. Was there anything more embarrassing than falling asleep on someone who ghosted you as a friend?
"Dear God, I'm terribly sorry." I panic, brushing down my blue skirt. "That happens on rides, it was a mistake."
"Oh, it's no big deal! Don't worry—" Suga chuckles, standing up from sitting. But before I could let him talk anymore, I started making my way towards the exit of the bus.
"Uhm, I've gotta go! Great talking, though. I'll catch you later, have a good day," I mumble, before frantically leaving the vehicle. 'What a morning.'
— K. S. Perspective
Before I could grant Y/n a polite goodbye, she'd disappeared in just a few seconds. But even so, the measly to,e I'd discussed with her was quite enjoyable. I couldn't believe how much she'd changed.
Long ago, the beginning of high school, Y/n was the type of girl you could barely see, as if she were invisible. I think the only reason I ever even noticed her was because we were seated next to each other in math class, and she immediately caught my attention. But thank goodness I had at least tried making an effort to talk to her, or else we wouldn't have had our conversation this morning. But it wasn't her fault she was so gloomy; supposedly she had lost someone close to her the year before.
Although our talk was brief, it still meant a lot to me. Especially since I was informed that she was finally happy. Looking down at the seat she used, there was a small box with a handle at the top, and a few anime stickers covering it.
'Is this what was making that loud tapping noise on the way here?' I asked myself, examining the box more. Small initials marked 'Y.L.' We're at the bottom, informing me it was Y/n's. At first, I considered handing it to our bus driver, but for the few years I've known him I learned he doesn't return lost things. And so, I leave the bus with it in my hands, ready to start my morning.
"Suga!" I hear a familiar voice call out to me. Looking up, I see my friend, Daichi, and another fellow behind him, Tanaka. The two of them jog towards me, with their scarfs unfolding in the wind. Both I had met in volleyball, and they've been my buddies ever since.
"Hey, Sugawara!" Tanaka exclaims, roughly slapping my back. The bento tosses in my hands, thankfully not spilling onto the floor. Unfortunately, he notices the box and snatches it right out of my hold. "Wow, feeling a bit girly, are we?"
I laugh in response, quickly taking it back. "It's not mine, it belongs to the person who sat next to me today. Hopefully, if I see her again I can give return it."
"Hopefully?" Daichi teases, as we all begin our walk towards the school doors. "Do you know her name?"
"Yeah, her name's Y/n. Know her?"
He lights up at the mention of their name, replying "Oh, I know her! That girl you never shut up about I in first year, correct?"
"Ha, yeah."
Tanaka doesn't understand, digging deeper into the situation. "What?! I've never known good ole' Suga to genuinely have feelings for a girl, unless it was some fling."
"I don't! I used to. There's a difference." I say, as we enter the building.
"If she rides your bus, then why don't you just give it to the driver? She'll probably go looking for it later at the end of the day. That is unless you wanna see her again.." Daichi teases me.
"You see, I would. But the bus driver is sort of a thief, and this girl has had a rough morning as it is. I just wanna be nice." I explain to him. Though a part of me did want to see her again and hope that we could talk longer than we did before.
"Sure you do," Tanaka says, patting our backs. "Listen, this is my stop. I'll catch you guys at practice?"
"Sure thing, bye." We say our farewells, and make our way towards the third-year halls. "What about you, Daichi? Got anything exciting happening this hour?"
"If stressing about volleyball counts, then yes! Most definitely.." He says, clearing his throat. "Watch, like, two people show up."
"Actually, Kiyoko informed us in the group chat that we've got at least four! That's better than last year, right?" I try my best to cheer him up, but it only made him even more nervous. I couldn't blame him. Too much was even more of a burden, but too little was a disappointment and would leave us exactly where we left off.
"It's okay, Suga. I have a lot of faith in our team. I know it's been rough lately, but as long as we try our best, we'll work this out." Daichi smiles, turning towards a separate hallway than mine. "I'm off to homeroom. See you later!"
"Yeah, see ya!" I'm left by myself, giving me more time to focus on what should happen today. - 1st, I have to go through each class and say hi to a couple of familiars, and hopefully not see anyone I've had a conflict with.
- 2nd, I had to give Y/ns bento back to them, but that could only happen if we happened to have a class with each other before, or if we had the same lunch.
- 3rd, volleyball tryouts were this afternoon. I had to make sure and represent myself as a role model, and make it clear I was vice-captain. I wanted nothing more than for the new players to feel safe.
But internally, I knew none of those plans would work out. Especially if I wasn't focused on them. Currently, all I could think about was Y/n, and how refreshing it felt to be around her again. When I was first around her was at the same time when things in my life started to fall apart, and my little crush on her made me feel better about it all. I guess you could say she was my comfort corner, even if she talked to me only once or twice during the week. And sometimes on her bad days, I would be able to at least get a laugh out of her, even if it meant making a complete fool out of myself.
All I wanted was for her not to harm herself or feel lonely, which took a quick turn towards me once the year had ended. Not only had my thing for her end, but my family soon fell apart after my mother had passed away. Of course, I still had my responsibilities like volleyball club and helping my younger sister and my father get through it. But it seemed that everyone would do their own thing, so I did the same. And for a while, I was lonely and didn't cope with the loss very well. Just like Y/n, I distanced myself.
This went on throughout my entire second year of high school, while she on the other hand started to get her life together. She started her band, made and covered a couple of songs, and finally healed from her hard year. Honestly, I didn't even really believe that she was in such a good state, but I was proven wrong today. Ultimately, she truly inspired me to pick myself up and start fresh. And now that she popped up so suddenly, I was back to square one.
'It's been a while, Y/n'
Give me notes.
SO, I've finally rewritten the first chapter of my fanfiction!! It took a while, but I did it. If you didn't know, I started this story about eight months ago, and I had no writing experience. Now that I'm reaching the climax of this story, I decided I should edit the chapter, especially since they sucked ass! Nothing much was changed, just far more detailing and extra feelings.
Overall, thanks so much for reading the first chapter. Please vote if you enjoyed it!! It helps others know that it's worth reading. And if not, no worries. Thanks anyways. I love you all so much!
- your friendly Suga simp
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Edie & Liam
Edie: [Okay, so a school trip moment for Edie for Politics and Society where they've gone down to the local courts to probably watch the most boring cases of people paying parking fines etc lol so have fun with that babe] Liam: got the hots for any criminals? Edie: the dude refusing to pay his child support is just my type Liam: pity I don't have any 👶 I've binned off for you Liam: all I've got going for me is how willing I am to catch a charge Edie: We're gonna snatch one, already decided Edie: daddy issues withstanding, no one here is as interesting as you Liam: when I find one with 👀 like yours Edie: 🥺🥺🥺 Edie: I'll make one for you Liam: would you? Edie: I'd do anything for you Liam: I'm just testing you, baby Edie: Test away Edie: my brain is dribbling out my ears over here Liam: don't lose it, we need it Edie: I need you Edie: what are we doing later to bring back my will to live? Liam: anything you want Edie: I might have something Liam: am I guessing or are you telling? Edie: I don't wanna get your hopes up Edie: but I heard rumours, some kid in my year reckons he's found an empty Edie: and that his brother and his mates are gonna squat in it Edie: but it's in a really fuck off big house in a decent part of town, so idk if it's bullshit or what Edie: but it'd be fun to trash if it isn't Liam: we could kick them out, stay for a while before we do Edie: yeah? Edie: play 🏡 with me Liam: somewhere nice to take the 👶 to Edie: Wonder how many rooms there are Edie: can have a playroom and everything Edie: lucky bastard Liam: do you think there's a garden? Edie: even if it's really in town, they'll still have a perfectly landscaped backyard, patio, room for a swing Liam: sandpit for our buried treasure Edie: and the dogs 🦴s Liam: great idea to blame the dog 💀🦴 Edie: I think so Edie: failing that, the previous owners Edie: clearly left in a hurry because the body count got out of control Liam: won't look suss that all the little pussies from your class who are looking at you now when they shouldn't be are in there Edie: I can think of a thousand reasons they deserve to die Edie: yours is the best though Liam: it's the most important one Edie: I don't want anyone else to look at me Liam: put your jacket on Edie: [stealth selfie 'cos p sure you are not meant to have a phone in court lol] Liam: you'll feel better now Edie: 🤏 Edie: what lesson are you in? Liam: maths Liam: about to stick a pencil through my own eye Edie: save one for me Edie: I love your eyes too Liam: right or left? Edie: left Edie: it's the side the tattoo is on Liam: 👌 Liam: [a selfie that he's edited to get rid of an eye] Edie: my cyclops Edie: still hot Liam: eye patch isn't as useful as a fake leg but I knew you'd be into it Edie: you can stash some in the socket Edie: or a 💎 Edie: can't bury all the treasure Liam: 💍 Edie: 🥰 Liam: when can you get out? Edie: when do you want me? Liam: I wanna find the house & make it nice for you first Edie: [screenshot of this kid in her year going off about it/inviting her with the address etc] Liam: I'll go now Edie: I'll pretend the cases have upset me and ask to be excused when I get the chance Edie: then I can go into town and steal all the stuff we'll need for the house Liam: don't forget the 👶 Edie: I'll look in all the prams for the bluest eyes Liam: has to be a girl though Edie: they're always decked out in all the pink Edie: even if I've left some of my brain on the seats Liam: get some clothes too then Edie: your babies would be so beautiful Edie: not like pink screaming blobs Liam: if she looks like you I don't mind her screaming, can do whatever she wants Edie: I'm in love with you Liam: I know you are Liam: & you know how I feel about you Edie: yeah Edie: you take care of me Liam: I'm trying to Edie: you are Liam: I want this to work Edie: then it will Edie: I'll do whatever you need me to Edie: be what you need Liam: you're perfect Liam: he knows that's why he invited you there Edie: but I'm going to be with you instead Liam: who is he? Edie: dunno, he's barely in any of my classes Edie: Craig something, his brother is called Sean, you've probably seen him at shit, even though he's been out of school time Liam: yeah, previous raves & shit Edie: right Edie: just think he knows I go to that shit too Liam: I just need to broadcast a bit louder that I'm with you now, everywhere Edie: How do you wanna do that? Liam: can't let you out of my sight if it means you're in theirs Edie: I'm not mad about that Edie: I want to be with you all day every day Edie: but I'll stab my eyes out before I look at anyone else Edie: you know that Liam: it's not you I don't trust Edie: if anyone touches me, you'll kill them Edie: and we'll bury them in our sandpit Liam: I test you, they test me Edie: you can handle anyone, you're so above them, everyone Liam: I don't know what I'd do if things changed Edie: things will only change if you want them to Edie: I'm not going anywhere without you Liam: tell your ma you're staying at mine, I don't want her trying to get you back Edie: okay, I will Edie: you're the only one who's allowed to tell me what to do Liam: it'll be home until we don't want it, barely a lie Edie: it doesn't matter Edie: I'm never safer than when I'm with you Liam: you can stay at mine too, any time you want Edie: I can? Liam: yeah Edie: 😄😄😄 Edie: I'm now leaving Edie: very, very devastated about the lady driving without insurance 💔 Liam: who can afford that shit, heartbreaking isn't far off Edie: it's a scam Edie: speaking of, how am I gonna liberate some sleeping bags 🤔🤔 Liam: 🤰 Edie: 💡 Edie: pram would actually be perfect Liam: didn't leave any of your brain behind Edie: don't wanna live that young mum stereotype too hard or I'll be right back in that place and I've only just escaped Liam: you won't Liam: the baby won't need to steal it from you, it'll be smart & talented & beautiful in its own right Edie: and you'll love it Edie: and always look after it too Liam: everyone says there's nothing like it, I'd have to feel something Liam: you know that's all I want Edie: I think even if you don't love your kid Edie: you must still be scared for them Edie: and for your own life, how they'll save it or destroy it Edie: that's something Liam: we could be a family, it's been so long since I had one of them Edie: all we'd need would be us three Liam: if my ma won't let us make my sister's room into one for the baby then we'll find our own place Edie: there's room at mine Edie: well, we could make it Edie: with her track record, that's the one thing she can't not be cool on Liam: mine's not cool on fucking anything, but pretend I didn't say that or you'll never wanna come over Edie: she won't like me Edie: but I'll still come Edie: and I'll try to be more what a ma would like Edie: in front of her anyway Liam: she's up for me having a girlfriend, in her words finally Edie: better not disappoint then Edie: what's she like? Liam: she's a lot but she's been through a lot Liam: maybe that's where all the shit I'm supposed to feel went to Edie: maybe Edie: that's the kind of thing a mum would do Edie: take it all on, for good or bad Liam: she does do that, since both the baby daddys she picked turned out to be losers Edie: same with mine Edie: the only person who helped her out was another chick but she died and then there was another kid to take in so Edie: I'd hate to live like that Liam: you won't Edie: I can't Liam: we've got a plan, yeah? Liam: stay with me Edie: we can be different Edie: we are Edie: don't you feel it, around everyone, all the time Liam: yeah, I do Liam: I used to hate it Edie: it's lonely Edie: was Liam: I wanted to be more like my sister, everyone knew her & liked her Liam: but she got lonely too, in the end Edie: people are selfish Edie: they couldn't deal with her pain, even though it was hers to go through Liam: she used to beg me to stay with her & I did but we weren't in the same place Liam: I couldn't go there Edie: you weren't dying Edie: that's lonely Edie: people waste their time alive being alone and not doing what they want whilst they can and for what Liam: they don't wanna live too hard in case it kills them Edie: at least that way is quick Edie: you don't have time to think about it, or wait in that place Liam: yeah Edie: it's bullshit, all of it Edie: what happened to your sister, your mum, you Edie: we'll live by our own rules and it won't be like that Liam: it was bullshit, everyone acting like there's peace & acceptance & she'd feel super chill Liam: she was angry & lonely & fucking terrified of falling off the edge Liam: exhausted from fighting to stay on Edie: why would there be, or should she be Edie: it isn't okay Edie: kids with everything ahead of them shouldn't fucking die Liam: I should've Liam: before I met you Liam: instead of her Edie: you would've if you could've Edie: the universe doesn't do trades and that's another fucked thing about it Liam: I need you to help me fix it Liam: nothing's how it's supposed to be Edie: Okay Edie: let's do it Liam: you'll really do anything for me Edie: I swear Edie: it's right Edie: it's what I'm meant to do Liam: how do you know? Edie: because I want to Edie: and if the universe is pure random, chaotic chance Edie: then you have to follow the right strings Edie: or it goes wrong, like you said Liam: & this is right Liam: the only way I have Edie: is it? Edie: for you Liam: you're all that's left Liam: I can't do anything else Liam: if this doesn't work, nothing will Edie: then it's settled Liam: you're gonna love this 🏠 Edie: what's it like? Liam: huge Liam: bigger than the one my ma rents for real Edie: no way Edie: can't believe he wasn't lying Edie: let's keep it Liam: baby, there's so much space Liam: haven't hit my head either Edie: 😱 Edie: let's stay forever Edie: we'll deal with any estate agents or potential renters who come Liam: under the floorboards Edie: bet they have loads of unnecessary storage we can use too Edie: wine cellars and pantries Liam: 👶 do have a lot of shit they need though Edie: how many bedrooms are there Liam: 4 Edie: it can have a playroom and so can we Liam: you'll be able to finish that song about me Edie: I'll write whole albums Liam: you can write one for the 👶 every milestone, like a less shit Adele Edie: 😂 Edie: I will Edie: 👶 will feel so loved Liam: I want it for my birthday Edie: have you done the maths? Liam: not in that lesson any more, give me a sec Edie: 🤞 you've not given me an impossible task 😿 Liam: [does the maths even though we don't know when his bday is or what time of year it is rn but pretend we do] Edie: okay Edie: we'll have to get moving Edie: I'll put these condoms back Liam: give them to that lad, he don't need to be having any kids Edie: seriously Edie: his brother already has some he doesn't see, right Edie: gross Liam: I got some 💊 off him that didn't do fuck all Liam: waster in every way Edie: such a loser Liam: we're gonna have to be clean Edie: me at least, when it's cooking Liam: I'm not gonna keep going without you Edie: serious? Liam: you're willing to do anything for me, I can stop taking 💊 for you Edie: I love you Liam: hurry up, you have to see this place Edie: Okay, okay Edie: there's a lot of stuff this baby needs too Liam: I need you here Edie: then I'll run Liam: you can lie down as soon you've made it home Edie: I got us dinner Liam: gutted I don't have a real 💍 in my eye socket Edie: I'll have to use a ring pull Liam: it'll work for now Edie: were your parents married? Liam: nah, but she married my sister's dad Liam: she liked him better all round Edie: that makes sense Edie: same with mine and the others dad Edie: hence she went back to him Liam: dunno what your ma was thinking but in fairness to mine he was less of a twat for a while Edie: can't help who you love Edie: some people are unlucky with that too Liam: yeah Liam: & some people never get to be in love Edie: some people don't let themselves Liam: like we said earlier about not living Edie: yeah Edie: I guess it is scary but what's the alternative Liam: I used to properly feel things you know Edie: before your sister died Liam: if it was there before, it could be again Edie: definitely Edie: I know it Edie: we'll work it out Liam: you'll be happy here Liam: [a pic of the cute shit he's been doing in her absence trying to make this place nice for her] Edie: 🥺🥺 Edie: it says I'm nearly there Liam: I'll come out so I can carry you in 👰 Edie: you know I'd die to make you happy Liam: but that isn't what I want Liam: I'd prefer if you lived forever Edie: then I'll do that Edie: we can have hundreds of babies if that's what you need Edie: or do all the drugs in the world Edie: or go on the longest killing spree Liam: I think that'd take a huge toll on you physically, which I don't want either Liam: I'm not trying to ruin you Edie: you might make me actually cry Liam: stay beautiful, that's what I need Edie: Come get me Liam: [does] Edie: [lowkey laden down with all the essentials be careful boy] Liam: [literally take a sec to imagine them going from room to room planning their lives like adorable nerds] Edie: [this is all so bittersweet we're so mean] Liam: [I'm totally fine and not gonna sob] Edie: [I think if they made it look lived in, it'd make the squatters go away, so then it's just when the landlord/estate agent moment shows up eventually, but I think that would give them a bit of time to do it, even if it's like a week] Liam: [there's just something so pure about this, like it really reminds me how young and broken they are, casually playing pretend like little kids here] Edie: [mhmm, like because she's technically smart everyone expects her to be cynical and realistic but she can't be and is like genuinely if we try hard enough this will all work and be real] Liam: [just reminding me of my pure baby angel Carly in a way I did not expect to be hit by, excuse me] Edie: [when you're more like her and Billie is more like Ali don't mind me] Liam: [I don't know why I love that so much but I do] Edie: [just live your best lives huns, all the ridiculous things you've got for this home moment, also some kind of baby doll 'cos we didn't steal a real child] Liam: [we don't need either of you getting in that much trouble when the fams are gonna be annoyed as is, they should totally film something with it during this week because those hoes] Edie: [creepy, cryptic video in response to where you are like soz for scaring you all half to death it's just our brand] Liam: [and she should practice tattoo designs on it for him like do you like this one or nah] Edie: [definitely covered in biro] Liam: [put your treasure in it's eye socket] Edie: [there's so many sick designs tbh] Liam: [are we saying they still go to school or purely hole up] Edie: [probably hole up 'cos 1 why not but 2 at least you'd know they were together even if not where lol] Liam: [it adds to the vibe of their own little world so I'm here for it] Edie: [like truly why would you go to school, maybe when you're pregnant and we need to win people 'round lmao] Liam: [he wouldn't stalk Rio all week that means #proudofyouboy] Edie: [we're all thrilled] Liam: [actual progress for real because he's been doing it for years and he didn't force Edie to go to school so he could] Edie: [it truly is, when you're just having fun gah] Liam: [proud of you for living real life again boy, speaking of, we know the vibe but is there anything you wanna write down here as defs happening this week other than what we've said?] Edie: [hmm, so let's recap real quick and then we can add anything if we think of it, we've got homey things and he's made it cute and we're playing house so the squatters don't come and wreck it, which is so cute, we're planning our family and life like this is absolutely nbd, doing all the biro tattoos, making our ARG and making a weird/scary vid for the fam lollollol soz, just clearly getting to know each other intensely and bonding and cementing this plan] Liam: [do write some songs gal but I also think they should try whatever drugs they want to that they haven't before they get clean for this pregnancy moment because adds to the bonding that they don't even throw a party they just do it together] Edie: [i vibe that because it isn't about the party of it all, it's the feeling things, so it makes feelsy sense] Liam: [yeah I felt it, and it's so cute that they're doing all these domestic things while sometimes high af] Edie: [like you said, we don't need to be saints 'cos who is even when they have a child but it's very noble that you're like okay let's get it out of the way lol] Liam: [literally ruster are still living lavish and partying with their champagne and coke when they have theirs, tell me I'm wrong] Edie: [mhmm, y'all are very sweet actually it's pure] Liam: [neither of them seem like they would be so sweet and pure and that's why I stan it] Edie: [maybe they can do things they'll do when they have the bub like the park etc so like normal childhood things which he probably didn't get to do much] Liam: [boo how dare you, that's so cute] Edie: [like again, bittersweet but also childlike vibes again and he can enjoy it] Liam: [also I vote he gets on this roof and shouts about his feelings like he said he was gonna on the school roof] Edie: [a mood, and you can be a bit destructive inside, just got to keep it looking respectable so every loser in town doesn't crash your fun] Liam: [OMG but what if that's towards the end of the week and he says he loves her then because he has not like literally shout it from the rooftops but genuinely] Edie: [need that tbh 'cos as in this as she is and not turning back, she's obvs noticed he hasn't like she knows she's still out here trying to make him feel not like oh yes, I have succeeded lol] Liam: [it just is real like when you're pissing about at first but then the feels carry you along] Edie: [oh you two]
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Tumblr media
1. do you have a favourite sweater? yes a few, but my favorite one right now is my rainbow striped one I got from target
2. what’s your middle name? I don't have one
3. do you still talk to the first person you kissed? I do actually
4. do you get on with your grandpa? both my grandfathers are dead but when they were alive we got along fine
5.what was your favourite cartoon as a kid? oh my god I really have no idea
6. what’s your favourite cartoon now? I don’t watch cartoons now
7. do you read the news paper? nah
8. who was the last text you sent to ? it was to you (:
9. what does the last text you sent say? you know what it said lol
10. if you could have any hair colour what would it be? it would be the blue that halsey used to wear. or the orange/pink split Hayley Williams had
11. do you like nature documentaries? not at all
12. what is your aesthetic? im still figuring that out tbh
13. when did you last pet a dog? I don't know and now im sad af
14. whose friend’s parents do you like the most? the ones that feed me (: 
15. have you ever been on a road trip? no, ive always wanted to though
16. tell me about someone you know called emma I don't know anyone named emma lol
17. are you reading a book in english class, what is it? we’re just gonna skip this one
18. do you have a favourite aunt? that’s a negative
19. baths or showers? I take showers 99% of the time and it’s been years since I took a bath
20. skiing or sun bathing? who makes up these questions???? ive never skiied
21. do you kill spiders? yeah, fuck that shit
22. have you ever made an ice pop? ummm I think so
23. are you wearing shoes right now? no ma’am
24. tell me about you favourite primary school/elementary school teacher I don’t have one of those either
25. who was the last person you hugged? it was my brother
26. do you wear glasses? yuhh
27. do you have a cat? nope & im allergic to them too
29. do you have a favourite pair of underwear? LOL I do actually
30. what was your last tweet? my last original tweet (aka not a retweet) was something about me wishing popcorn didn’t have kernels
31. do you still use facebook? yes, I do
32. do you like birds? no I fucking hate them actually. they terrify me
33. who was the last person you called cute? again, it was probably my brother
34. who was the last person that called you cute? UMMMM I can’t recall
35. how did you meet your best friend? I don't really have a “best” friend. I have good friends but not a best friend
36. escalators or elevators? escaltors
37. are you named after anyone, who? i’m not. my mom made it a point not to name her kids after anyone
38. what was your first url?
I've never changed it, this has always been my url
39. autumn or winter?
autumn 100%
40. do you win at scrabble?
no :(
41. put your ipod on shuffle , who is the first song that comes up by? I put my June playlist on shuffle and it was Unholy by Miley Cyrus
42. have you ever drunk from a mason jar? yeah, cause Outback puts their drinks in them for whatever reason
43. can you draw? I wish I could
44. what was your first profile picture? on facebook it was a picture of me from my sweet 16.
45. favourite tshirt? really anything that’s comfortable
46. best tumblr friend? do you count?
47. when did you last run? I don’t run lolololol
48. do you like to paint your nails? I don’t like doing it myself but I like getting them done
49. did you ever do something as a kid that got you into loads of trouble? yup I have
50. who is your favourite dog that isn’t yours? I think I have to go with Millie (even though I haven't met her) and my friend ruth has a Shiba Inu named Lucky
51. have you ever been drunk? yeah
52. have you ever done something you regret while drunk? I don't think I have
53. do you want to kiss anyone right now? I do, I dooooo
54. do/did you like you math teacher? skipping this one too
55. do you often ride the bus? yes ma’am
56. do you have a fireplace in your house? we used to have one but then my mom wanted to get rid of it, so not anymore
57. are you violent when you’re angry? no. it helps throwing things though
58. do you cry when you’re angry? ohhhhhhh yes
59. favourite Harry potter book? can I say all of them?
60. can you remember your last dream? I don’t remember a lot of my dreams
61. do you go to bed early or late? late unfortunately
62. do you speak a second language? I used to speak Italian but I don’t anymore
63. who was your first ever best friend? who the fuck even knows
64. have you ever had an operation? ive had a procedure but not an operation
65. tell me about your favourite cousin. who has a favorite cousin
66. do you have a piece of clothing that doesn’t even fit you anymore but you can’t bare to throw away? yes
67. have you ever been in a musical? I have not
68. do you have a porch? nope
69. how many times have you watched your favourite movie? im not really good at picking favorite things
70. what do you order at mcdonalds? I try not to eat at mcdonalds, but on the off chance I do, its chicken nuggets and fries
71. do you get on with old people? I get along fine. I have met some rude and weird old people though
72. science fiction or romance? why not both
73. do you take naps? naps are my life
74. how many classes do you/did you take in high-school? high school was 4 years and I probably took 6 or so a year so you can do the math
75. when did it last snow where you live? I wanna say maybe march or april
76. does it ever snow where you live? yes it does
77. how many months until your birthday? 8 months
78. how much charge does your computer have right now? 83%
79. what is your favourite disney channel movie? I LOVED the Halloweentown movies and Zenon. I miss DCOMs
80. the city or the sea side? it really depends on my mood. I like being by the water
81. what is your least favourite colour? it would probably be brown
82. do you have homework to do? yeah sure tons
83. are you still friends with your first best friend? I have no idea who that was
84. do you have/are you the gay cousin? I AM the gay cousin. they just don't know it yet
85. do you own dungarees? jeans? yes
86.do you like to play sport? I don't
87. what was your favourite ever christmas present? maybe my laptop? I mostly like giving gifts and watching people be happy
88. how old are you? 26 
89. what is your mum’s name? Maria
90. do you ever use internet explorer? no lmao
91. have you ever had blonde hair? ive had blonde IN my hair, but never my whole head
92. is their a play park near your house? staten island is the borough of parks, so yeah
93. when did you last see the person you have a crush on? 🤷🏻‍♀️
94. who did you last talk to on the phone? the employee at the sushi place I ordered dinner from lol
95. pants or dresses? pants 95% of the time. I have to be in the mood to wear a dress
96. do you read fan fiction? nah
97. what is you’re favourite blog? can I say yours? I don't sit and think about which is my favorite because, like I said, im bad at picking favorites
98. do you write poetry? nope
99. drama or comedy? both. I like to laugh though
100. have you ever had a hickey? yeah I have
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thylacine-studies · 3 years
Hi studyblr! I haven't kept up with this blog because class and work were a A Lot, along with the fact that my medications are being tweaked right now so my brain is in a state of flux. A ton of stressful things were going on too and just, oof.
But! I just finished my first semester of community college! I made a 92 in Composition 1! (That was the only class I was taking.) I really, really wanted to make an A and I did it!!
For spring semester, I'm taking a math class with a developmental math refresher. Since it had been so long since I did school (I graduated HS 9 years ago!), I remembered barely any math and ended up not passing the placement test I took back in August. But I was surprised at how much I did right, since I was expecting to totally bomb it when really I just barely failed. I think I could do well in this class!
I'm registered and paid up for next semester, just finished this semester. After math I'll likely take comp 2 and see if I can get the same professor I had previously for comp 1. I'll also try to take more than just the one class, as I don't want to keep sticking with just one at a time.
I lost a family member yesterday and that definitely puts a damper on my spirits, but I'm trying to stay positive about the good things in my life while mourning. The person I lost would not want me to focus only on my sadness, I'm sure. She was very happy that I was back in school and doing so well, so the best thing I can do for her memory is continue doing my best.
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tears-of-boredom · 3 years
Huge rant alert
Its a bad night. I dont know whether it was the stupid imaginary I created, the lawyer drama I've been watching all day or me checking out clothes because even fucking that can set me off. Not feeling going to a hospital or anything this time, I just hate my fucking life. It could be so much better. I could be telling all this shit to a real person rather than spilling it online so I feel like someone's listening when I know for a fact that no one is. I really, really wish my sister or my older brother could read me like a book or something but rhat would probably mean that they would have to actually know me. I haven't shared anything about my personal life-that actually matters- to anyone since I was probably ten. At least not to a person who isn't getting paid for it. God that one bitch(i dont mean it as an insult) I had to talk to, she had this giant pimple or something on her jaw the whole time, I was so confused on why she didn't remove it or something. I would've scratched it probably on accident. I have never asked a single person about their day. The last time I was hugged it was either by a shifter at my going away party at the foster place or whatever the fuck its called because english can be stupid sometimes, and sometimes other languages have better words than it does, or it was my mom who forcibly came into my room demanding that I say why I didn't go to school when I very fucking clearly didnt want to talk, and then she had the gaull to hug me anyways when I didn't "take up the offer". I haven't been to school for god knows how long. I literally don't remeber when I was last at that place, maybe in February, or maybe it was in April but I do not fucking remember and you know why I don't remember? Because I don't feel the need to remember pointless shit. School does not matter to me anymore. I do not care if I can't get a job. It's very easy to find a sharp knife. I'm going to barely pass this grade. I thought, "I have worked "hard" until this point, I dont want my work to go to waste now do I?". But I haven't worked hard to pass the next grade. Our homeroom teacher's kinda nice, he probably thinks I'm very talented and shit because the two subjects he teaches happen to be one that I can ace in my dreams, literally, and one that I'm actually interested in. I don't like home economics or whatverthefuvk anymore because I embarrassed myself in front of the teacher one time. The teachnical teacher doesn't give you about any choice, even though he really tries to make you feel like you do "wouldn't it be better if you do this?". The maths teacher didn't let me rest my head on the table once even though I was finished with the tasks he gave us, and he has to explain the subject of the day very long before letting us do any actual work. The mother tongue bitch has just a very annoying voice, I wanted to like her, she looks like a total lesbian, but her voice is really annoying and the whole subject she teaches is worthless in my opinion. One time I was falling asleep in class(it took many calls of my name to realise that she was standing in front of my desk) and she decided to let the whole class know about it by asking if I can stay behind after class, to which I replied with 'no'. The pause class teachers think they know half of the shit that's going on through my head and base about everything about their demeanor towards me on those assumptions. Every other teacher means about nothing to me because I haven't been in their classes about at all. I want to say
"I just wanna go home"
But that isnt right, but it just feels so right to say it, or rather say it in my mind. The only thing I care about in this world is my cats and my older siblings. The world outside this city isn't real to me. I wont give a shit if our president dies, I literally thought the president changed, for multiple months. I've also been reading about Mary laws and stuff. There's a paper going through some council or whatever. I check its status whenever i remember. I dont remeber the specifics but I think it was three plants, one dried at a time. Latest status update was on 12th of this month. That's literally the only thing that in clinging onto for now. I'm gonna fucking hate old people if it doesn't get passed. No matter who you are, if you're over 50, I dont like you.
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