#and now he deals with the horrors
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andrastes-cheeks · 2 months ago
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He’s sick and he’s tired BUT he is serving
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 168
So. Apparently halfas are like phoenixes or something, which Danny would’ve really liked to know. 
See, usually with ghosts if they’re forced to retreat to their cores they reform as was, but apparently, since they’re still partially living, schrodinger's people and all that, halfas have to regrow their body from scratch. At least that’s what he’s understanding from Frostbite. 
But how come he has to deal with it? It’s Dan’s fault for trying to pull such a stunt! Oh, it’s either him or Vlad? Well fuck, he might have calmed down and is going to therapy in both the living realm and the Zone, but he’s waaay not equipped to raise a child except for like, monetarily wise. 
Well dammit, how long will this core incubation thing last, he has his new job in… let him check which offer he accepted again… He has his new job in Coast City that he needs to finish packing for and then all the rest of the stuff to do. 
What do you mean it’ll take months?! He doesn’t have months?! Urgh, fine. At least being a mortician isn’t that exciting, nor dangerous. Just hand him Dan’s core and he’ll figure things out for the living side of things. He’s sure Tucker and Sam wouldn’t be against helping, if only to try and claim favorite aunt or uncle spots. 
#dcxdp#dpxdc#prompts#Coast City is where Hal Jordan lives hilarious enough#I just chose a random city but honestly a green lantern city is hilariously on brand for where Danny would choose to move#He’s just a cheerful space core dude who is glaring down several ghosts & helping others move on while he’s working#He’s also slightly uncanny valley to people outside of Amity & doesn’t realize it#He runs into a reporter Wes at some point & okay the fact he looks like the lady doing math meme when seeing Dan?#Utterly hilarious#Danny holding a newborn with matching slightly pointy ears and claws :)#Wes who is *pretty sure* Danny is cis but is second guessing everything now:#Danny is going to do his best to avoid any hero BS#He’s trying to do his JOB#Who cares if he brings his baby to work he needs to eat and he isn’t going to hire a babysitter#Bby Jordan tried to set the house on fire during his last tantrum do you THINK anyone else can deal with him? That’s what he thought now ou#Ellie visits as well & straight up melts out of the wall sometimes like a horror movie#She has weaponized her goo powers and is also excited to show her dad her new gravity ones#Space Core Danny + Fire Core Vlad = Sun Core Dan#Ellie has a Moon core (something something phases of the moon & travelling across the night sky)#Danny is encountering so many rogues and heroes and just doesn’t acknowledge it because he has a literal BABY who can destroy the entire JL#He’s very tired and would like a nap now
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ancha-aus · 5 months ago
Ghosts & Medium AU Drabble - Moon Ritual
Not the drabble idea i mentioned before but one I wanted to write quickly :3
I am sure you can guess who this one is about :3 It is time for the gang to summon and meet Nightmare.
Dust checks the circle he had been drawing before leaning back. Still not quite right. Damnit. This is a hard design to get right. He rubs some of the chalk away and starts with making the design again.
Cross, or well Killer in Cross's body, leans over his shoulder "Dusty!! I am bored! are we done here yet?" and he leans against Dust's back.
Dust freezes and notices that Killer is letting a hand wander. Dust hits backwards and hits the other in his face. Killer backs up wiht a groan and dsut glares over his shoulder "Stop trying to molest me every five minutes." and he turns back to his circle.
He fucking hopes this works. Otherwise Dust is not sure how to get Killer to unsync from Cross's body.
Cross floats near him. still hiding his face "I am so sorry." Dust just shrugs as he keeps working on the circle.
Ash glares at where Killer lays holding his skull groaning "You are a disappointment and a waste of life force and soul energy." Ash nods and floats towards Dust's side.
Dust tries to focus on the circle but hears Horror gently tell Killer to not bother Dust when he is working. That distracting Dust could end up getting him hurt.
Dust checks his notes again before looking back at the circle. It seems right...
Cross looks over his shoulder and tilts his skull "It is unlike any demon summoning circle i have ever seen before..."
Dust hums "It shouldn't." It wasn't a demon summoning circle at all after all. All the symbols and texts he had found decribed this being as a Fallen. Which can be read in different ways.
But Dust reasoned a demon wouldn't be called a Fallen. especially not a powerful demon. So he skipped the whole standard set up and worked from scratch.
Whichc is why it took him a while to get this one ready but it should work!
Of course Dust hasn't been able to test the ritual he made just yet and it isn't like you can really practise rituals safely. The whole summoning a being makes that a bit complicated.
Dust sighs as he steps back from the circle and nods. That is the best he can make it with his limited supplies.
Dust walks to the side and starts making a larger containment and shelter circle around the ritual circle. Best to make sure that whoever he summons is protected. It would be useless to summon someone only for them to die or get destroyed by say the very air.
Ash frowns as he checks the circle himself "You didn't specify which type of being you are summoning."
Dust shrugs "I don't know for sure what it is." He has ideas but if he puts in the wrong species he may just make the circle blow up on him. He can know, it happened before.
Ash frowns at it before floating to his side again "Make sure to add a desummon symbol just in case you can't make a deal and need to get rit of it."
Dust nods "Will do." He makes sure to put the desummon sigil between the containment circle and the shelter circle. Making sure the shelter one is the most outwards one and the being can't reach through the containment one to mess with the desummon sigil.
Once finished he checks all the marks and sigils before nodding as he walks back to the spot he had been preparing for himself. He checks his own protection circle and makes sure to prepare an antimagic shield as well. Ready to be activated when he wants it to.
Well. That is all the preparations he can do for this.
Well...almost. he turns towards the ghosts and actual person following him around "I am going to do the ritual. I need everyone, ghosts included, to stay within this circle." It will be a bit snug but he didn't feel like it was a good idea to experiment with hsi protection circle right before summoning an unknown being.
Horror frowns at him "Will you be okay? Takes a lot of magic."
Dust nods "I am fine."
Horror still looks deeply unhappy "But you skipped breakfast and lunch for this... shouldn't you eat before doing this?"
Dust shrugs as he walks towards the safe spot "I will be fine." and it isn't like he got the fonds to buy something at the moment. He needs to make the little he have last longer for as long as he can.
He just does not want to try to do another job and have Killer invite another ghost along. Nothing against Horror, he is very nice and behaves while being helpful, but he does not want another ghost anchored to his soul. There are already three now and Dust does not want to figure out what happens to a soul if too many beings use it as anchor.
He enters the circle and a moment later Killer is hugging him from behind. Dust glares "Killer!" fuck Cross's body is very warm and solid. That guy may be a priest but you would think he is a soldier or fighter or something with how strong he is.
Killer just hums as he tugs his skull and face right by Dust's neck and shoulder "What is wrong my bunny? I am in the circle aren't I?" Dsut can hear the grin in his voice. Then Killer hums happily "mmmh.... so warm and you smell so nice."
Dust glares and wiggles a bit but he is very stuck "You are fucking weird. Let go now. I need my arms for this."
Killer moves his arms around and he is now hugging Dust's lower middle and has his hands on his hips.
Dust uses his newly freed arm to hit Killer in the middle wiht his elbow. Fucking hell what the fuck does Cross EAT?! That guy's body is fucking all muscle and that is fucking impressive for an actual skeleton. How much trianing does it take for a skeleton's passive magic to be that strong and trained?!
Killer groans but finally lets go.
Dust glares at him "Back of the circle or so help me I am kicking you out and let whatever i summon do whatever with you."
Cross yelps and flaots closer "wait! Dust! Please don't! That isn't Killer's body remember!" he looks begging at him.
Dust sighs and nods. He knows. Which is why he hasn't done much more damage to the stupid flirt.
Talking and thinking about that stupid flirt. Killer lays on the ground by his legs and winks "I don't mind you on top of me Dusty. Just had to ask and I am happy to provide~"and he winks again!
Dust swears he sometimes wonders if there is just something in Killer's sockets which makes him wink this much!
Dust sighs and checks if all the ghosts are near as well. Everyone seems fine so he holds up his hands and concentrates. He knows that the blue in his eye light lights up. colouring all the circles first blue.
Dust lets his magic explore the circles and what to do where. Once he has a good feeling for it he concentrates and any blue turns a violet colour.
Dust mutters some old spells from long ago. They don't do anything but they help him concentrate his magic. Ways to make it easier to use the magic.
The summon circle lights up purple and Dust waits. He knows Ash is holding his breath.
Then it turns bright cyan and flames seem to rise form the circle. Dust pulls his own magic back as the summoning circle has been activated.
Ash shudders as he glides close to Dust's shoulder "that.... is very powerful... what exactly are you summmoning again?"
Dust feels his soul fill with anxiety. Maybe this was a bad idea... He glances around and sees that everyone seems troubled. Killer is shaking and has taken to holding Dust close against his front. Arms locking him in place but this time Killer doesn't even seem to be trying to sneak a feel. Just holding him close. Dust can feel Killer's soul shivering and shuddering agianst his own back.
Horror seems close to hyperventilating as he seems to hold his own middle. Staring in front of him and his other hand seems to be worrying his headwound.
Cross is straight up shaking and muttering things to himself. looking close to a panic attack.
Then Dust remembers it, something specific in the notes he took. he grabs his notebook and starts searching for the right pages.
A being that brings negativity. It finds your weakness and exploids it for its own amusement.
Is this being causing this?
It has to be right?
But then it would be strong enough to already affect people without really having to be present!
Dust glares at Ash "What I am thinking." Obviously!
Ash points and Dust turns only to freeze.
There is a being made of someking of black goo. It is dripping in the circle and staring right at them with one shining glowing cyan eye.
Dust quickly checks his notes. It isn't a fae so the fact the others said his name shouldn't matter. It is a being which thrieves on emotions and-
Dust closes his sockets and takes afew deep breaths. Mind over matter.
He is fine.
He prepared for this.
This thing can't hurt him.
He is okay.
His soul calms downa dn with it so do his emotions.
He looks at the others "Calm down. They won't be able to get to us." his feet is right by the activation symbol for the magical shield. HE doesn't think this is magic and so won't waste it right now. "It gets its powers from negative emotions. probably is causing them too. chill."
Ash looks at him and nods. He concentrates and obviously calms down. Dust knows his brother well and his brother knows him. Ash knows Dust wouldn't say that unless he is very sure.
Cross looks unsure but floats closer to Dust before calming a bit. seemingly trusting Dust to know what he is saying.
Hah. Dust hopes so.
Killer frowns at him and just pulls him closer. He clearly still doens't trust it and that is fine. as long as he remains calm and collected... which Dust knows is too mcuh to ask of Killer because it is Killer but Dust puts that out of his mind.
horror is harder to calm down just because Dust doens't know Horror that well but it seems Horror had been watching them already. Dust speaks calmly "Nothing you feel is what you feel really. It is just them doing this." Dust hopes. He isn't sure if this being can actually physically make their fake pains real but his shielding should protect them from it. It is too protect against harm after all.
Horror frowns but nods and pulls away from the wound and his middle.
Okay. Okay. He got this.
"Impressive. Waht gave it away that it was fake?"
Dust is shocked by this being's voice. It is deep and calm. The eye seems amused but Dust isn't sure how to ready this being just yet.
His growing and forming migraine isn't helping either. It is getting almost painful to concentrate on them. And Dust knows it is because this is a strong creature. Almost like his body tries to warn him when he gets near something too powerful for him to handle.
This being is much too powerful for him to have summoned. Oh shit.
The being tilts its head as it continues to look at him.
Right! It had asked a question.
Dust considers not answering them but if he wishes for them to break the bonds keeping Killer stuck in Cross's body he needs to have abit of a positive standing.
So. Chitchat.
Dust shrugs "Looked through some stuff... it mentioned you are connected to emotions and bonds made with those. Not specifically harming others at a distance."
The being nods as it looks abck to the circles "Interesting circles. I never seen any like them before. Usual people try the more..." they smirk "Traditional circles to get me. You know the ones. sacrifices."
Dust frowns as he looks to the side "Fucking idiots is what those people are. Why use does something that uses emotions have of something dead?"
The thing's smirk grows and they nods "Very true. Rather unimpressive and does not do well to impressive someone. For that matter. You have my attention. What did you wish of me... Dust was it?"
Dust nods "It still is." he rubs his notebook "I want to make a deal."
They grin and purr as they speak "Of course you do. What would you need of me?"
Dust points with his thumb over his shoulder to Killer "There is a poltergeist in this body that should not be in it. I want him out of this body so the original spirit who the body belongs to can enter it again."
The being tilts his skull again before focussing their sight on Killer. Dust can hear Killer start to growl and feel his grip on himself tighten.
The other looks amsued "You sure? He seems very fond of you."
Dust makes sure to look unimpressed and keep his voice deadpan "That is the problem. As spirit he is a lot easier to ignore. Now he is mobile and can cause property damage."
The being chuckles as they look at them all. Their magic glowing and reaching but the shield does its work and keeps them out. Dust raises a brow and the other smiles innocently "Can't blame me for trying." then a moment later as he looks thoughtful "huh... interesting."
Cross sounds nervous "what is?!"
The other looks amused "What exactly caused you to.... have your body... borrowed?"
Cross looks embarrassed as he crosses his arms. Yeah no. Dust does not have time for this. "The spirit was first anchorred to me. I asked Cross to remove said anchor. His ritual went wrong and this is the new situation."
The other chuckles as they shake their head "Of course it didn't work. You did a trade ritual."
Dust stops. So THAT is why the ritual circles had looked weird! Cross looks panicked "waht is that?! It can't have been... I used a ritual from old priest scrolls!"
the other nods "Yeah that would do it. It used to be the only way priests could get dmeons and spirits out of the victims bodies or away from them. By offering a trade. instead of just feeling parts of alive or temporary possessing they would offer their own bodies for the spirit. Giving the spirit a much better place to reside and live instead of the victim." more amsuement "of course... the priests using this also made sure to eat and drink holy to make sure that while their body was a free ride it also became a deathtrap."
Cross looks beyond alarmed "I didn't know that! Dust!!"
Dust holds up his hands "You came to me with that ritual. How was i suposed to know what it did?"
Cross waves his hands "You always know stuff about rituals!"
Dust groans but looks at the other being "Can you fix it?" because that is the real question.
The other seems to think for a moment. tap their chin before making a so-so motion "I may have a solution but it isn't what your friend probably wants. I can not undo the ritual completely but i can change it. I can make it that the poltergeist is no longer the holder and owner of the body."
Cross is already nodding but Dust frowns "What would happen if we did that route?"
They look amused "It means that his body? Becomes more of an... open territory, at least temporary. It means that if the spirit is strong enough and stubborn enough they can claim the body for a while to inhabit. the exact limits depends on the spirit and the body."
Cross sputters "You mean! My body becomes like a... a... rental?!"
the other stops and seems to think it over before nodding "In a way. Eventually your body and spirit should recover enough themselves to make it so you are anchored to your own body again. That is usually how the priests regained full control themselves after destroying the being they trapped. They would stay on holy ground to make sure no spiritis challenged their claims over their body. but that is all i can do."
Dust frowns "would cross need to be the only one in his body for that to work?" if that is the case they would need to get to the chapel real soon after Killer got evicted.
The other shakes his head "Not specifically. He would get his claim over his body back faster if he stayed on holy ground but even on neutral ground as someone else possesses him his body would know this is not the spirit that is suposed to be in it. and eventually kick it out. again, when this happens depends on the spirit and body themselves."
Dust frowns. meaning. Cross will eventually regain his full body control but it would take time. Killer, or any spirit for that matter, could possesses him and gain control over Cross's body. Leaving his spirit out of it. This would stay this way until either Cross can repossess himself over the spirit's control, or until cross's body realises the problem itself and kick out the uninvited guest.
He looks at Cross "Can you live with that?"
Cross seems to think before nodding.
Cool. at least this ritual and the near mental or emotional breakdowns weren't for nothing. Dust turns back to the being "What would you want in return for payment?"
The being hums and grins "a favor?"
Dust glares "No."
The being sighs but doens't sound disappointed or surprised "Can't blame me for trying." then he looks at them again. clearly in thought.
They nod and smile "I want a very specific thing. An artifact I lost a while ago. I want you. To find it and bring me to it so i can reclaim it."
Dust raises a brow "So you wnat me to find it and summon you near it?"
The other smirks and shakes his skull "I want you to make haste to find it. So i will remain here in this realm as you search it. the deal is completed as soon as i have it back in my possession. and then any debt is repayed."
Dust stands there and groans "Are you fucking kidding me!?" he covers his skull as he just hangs his head in his hands.
Killer holds him clsoer "Dusty? what is wrong?"
Ash however is cursing as well as he figured it out too.
Dust glares "I already HAVE three spirits stuck to me! Two of which who werne't invited! Why would i add another one to that!?"
The other smiles as he crosses his arms "that is my price."
Dust glares "I am not even sure if i can savely make another anchor. This is too high risk." not to forget he doesn't even know if this being needs a stronger connection or takes more magic to be here. Dust only has so much energy and magic.
The being waves it off "I wouldn't be anchored to you. I would be anchored to the very concept of our deal. The reason I would be here and be able to stay would only be because of the deal. the deal is completed? I will return to my realm and you would be debtfree."
Dust frowns as he thinks it over. okay at least not another anchor. he frowns "What if i can't get the artifact?"
The other being smirks "the debt would remain. but i am not unfair. sometimes people can still complete tasks from beyond the grave and i am patient."
Dust frowns "what is even the artifact?"
The being smiles "Why would you need to know?"
Dust glares "I would need to know if i need to find it."
the being considers it before nodding "It is an artifact normally used for rituals connected to the god of destruction."
Dust thinks for a moment before his sockets widen. He may have a clue... He knows that the cults have been obsessed with a god of destruction.
Dust nods "Okay. you break the bond now. and in trade i help you get to that artifact." Ash looks unsure but clearly trusts him tom know what he is doing.
The being smiles as he holds out a hand. it glows cyan "So. we have a deal?"
Dust nods "We have a deal." he exits the protective circle and goes to the very edge of the containment circle.
They stare at each other.
the being smirks as they hold out a hand "I. Nightmare. King of negativity agree to the terms of the prediscussed deal. which consists that i will remove the spirit stuck in Cross's body and remove the claim it has under it. In return Dust will assist in the search of the artifact used in rituals of the destroyer. once this artifact is foudn the deal is complete and will be done."
Dust takes a deep breath as he raises his hand and covers it with his own magic aura. only a soft weak violet light compared to the fluorescent blue that the being, Nightmare, gives off.
They shake hands and Dust can see the magic settle on his own hand and a small cyan mark on his hand. it is shaped like a moon.
He takes his hand back and Nightmare steps out of the circle "Very good circle work. I look forwards to working with you." Nightmare walks right over to Killer in Cross's body.
Killer glares but Nightmare does not look impressed. He grabs the soul and motions towards the soul. the soul turns cyan blue and Nightmare pulls his arm and hand back.
Dust watches as the soul is forcefully removed ffrom Cross's body and Kilelr's spirit follows it.
Cross's body goes limp as Nightmare holds Killer away from the body. a small line of red connecting the two. Nightmare grabs the line and snaps it.
Cross gapss and dives back into his own body.
Ngihtmare releases both Cross and Killer and crosses his arms.
Cross taps and checks his own body before falling to the ground "oh fuck... fuck i am me. Dust! Dust thank you so much!"
Ngihtmare looks amsued "It will take time before spirits can't easily possess you anymore. I would skip making or doing rituals for a while."
Killer pouts and floats over to Dust and pouts at him "But dusty. Now i can't join you in bed anymore."
Dust glares "You weren't welcome to begin with."
Cross's body situation is mostly sorted or will be sorted over time.
Which just leaves. getting Killer and Horror disconnected from him.
Maybe after this deal is complete he can discuss with Nightmare about other deals to unanchor both of them.
For now! Best repay the debt before he adds to it...
Time to do some more reading and research on this cult of destruction.
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an-albino-pinetree · 4 months ago
Cw: Snake!
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Introducing, Kevin ✨
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quibbs126 · 2 months ago
My brain now wants a story where Optimus and Megatron, during the war, basically get abducted by other aliens (let’s say the Quintessons or something), and basically the rest of the story is them trying to escape, survive, and make their way back to Cybertron, encountering a severe number of inconveniences along the way. They’re also forming a temporary alliance because they realize pretty quickly that they’re both out of their depth here individually and have to team up to survive
But like it gets to the point where by the time they finally get back to Cybertron, they’re basically just like “oh right, the war. Yeah how about we just call it off” because they’ve gone through so much shit together they just don’t really have it in them to fight each other anymore
Honestly it’d probably have to be relegated to fanfic format due to the only Transformers in this story, outside of maybe a few brief appearances, being Optimus and Megatron. Not unless you give everyone else back on Cybertron something else to do, or have this story between them be the side plot
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triglycercule · 2 months ago
horror is so BLESSED he's the only one out of the murder time trio that has actual good people trying to influence his story 💔💔 dust and killer were both driven to INSANITY because of the choices of their respective humans but horror??? every time without FAIL the polls for horrortale's plotline have always ended in a good place for aliza (either by bettering her relationships/reputation or for her to just. not DIE)
horrortale's potential alternate timelines my beLOVEd🙏🙏 they're SO lucky that we're being kind and benevolent hehe (≧ω≦) now where are the aus based off the possible different outcomes that could've happened in horrortale HUH???? (like how aliza couldve killed toriel or chosen horror's puzzle or gone with undyne to the core........)
#something something all three of them have their fates determined by an outside force#ermmmm but horror doesn't- yeah he does. what aliza does decides EVERYTHING for horror and horrortale#just because its not direct like dust or killer doesn't mean theyre all subject to the same community x3#PARALLELS MTT PARALLELS FOR THE 500TH TIME THEY HAVE SOOOO MANY PARALLELS OHHH MY GOOOOOODDDDDD#mtt going to visit horrortale would just be dust eying aliza (out of paranoia. he knows shes a good kid)#and then killer knowing in his head that the poor kid aliza that horror weirdly seems to like doesn't have control over her actions#she doesn't know horror doesn't know nobody knows except killer. is that a bit sad?#theyre all living in the dark unaware of the reality of their world. i mean thats how its meant to be after all thats what the players want#but....... it would be tempting to tell horror...... hehehehehe- and then he's interrupted by horror and dust#(theyre trying to get killer to eat papyrus's spaghetti in their place. he's the only one that can stomach it even though there's no human)#mtt i love thee SOOOOO much. theyre back in horrortale for the holidays ✨✨ coming back to visit the family ✨✨ WHAT horror's visiting.......#not dust or killer of course. this isnt their world noooope thats not papyrus. but that doesn't stop dust from having everyone like him#its just like the good old days :333 except now there's three sanses and triple the insanity :333 almost like nothing's changed!!!!!#oh killer??? yeah he's there. probably won't try taking up the sansish type of role horror and dust do but he'll find a way to get used 2 i#after all the point of this is whatever he wants it to be now ;33333 were these tags all just a reference to my mtt fic. yes. yes they were#LMAOOOO i forgot that aliza didn't fall into horrortale yet in my fic. still a fun thing to imagine tho!!!#i think it would be fun having aliza be the first of humans for horrortale to deal with that they won't instantly kill#itll be hard but really rewarding for all of them........ especially horror i believe!!! man he didnt even go through therapy but#just being away from horrortale and out doing new and FUN and NOT MURDEROUS things has done wonders for him :3#i need to get to writing smh..... winter break is the day after tomorrow (TECHNICALLY AT 2:32 PM SINCE THSYS WHEN SCHOOL ENDS SO HAHAHA)#so ill probably work on it more over break since i'll have nothing to do hehe.......#today was an amazing day for me ✨ TWO mtt angst death related hcs..... some work on my latest chapter i've yet to post..... SWAPINVERSE FAN#ARE YOU KIDDING ME MORR SWAPINVERSE ART THIS IS SOOOO AMAZING THABK YOU UNTITLED29876011111 I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY YOU DO THIS!!!!!#tricule rant#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#utmv#sans au
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thelaurenshippen · 3 months ago
what was the casting process like for the bright sessions? :O
initially, there was hardly any process to speak of! every cast member in the original run of TBS (seasons 1-4) were people I met in acting class or friends of friends. here's the breakdown -
Julia Morizawa - met in an acting class at BGB Studio Briggon Snow - BGB Anna Lore - met in improv 101 at UCB Charlie Ian - BGB Andrew Nowak - BGB Alex Gallner - friend of Briggon's Ian McQuown - friend of Anna's Alex Marshall-Brown - friend of Anna's and Ian's Phillip Jordan - BGB Alanna Fox - BGB Reyn Beeler - part of the ars paradoxica cast! aka friend of Mischa's
as you can see, that weekly class at BGB Studio in North Hollywood was the place for TBS casting lol - there were so many great actors that moved through that Sunday night class, but all of us were in class with each other at one point or another, and having that experience of acting together really helped I think.
when I started the show, I knew I wanted to act in it and I wanted to write a role for Anna, my best friend. but I actually didn't know Julia or Briggon that well - I just admired their acting and took a swing in asking them. that worked so well that then it was like....okay, well BGB is my actor pool now (I remember vividly the moment that Charlie was doing a scene in class and Julia and I looked at each other and had a silent conversation of "oh THERE'S our Damien").
season 5 (the bright sides - the bonus episodes) was similar. Michael Felix (who plays Austin) was someone we found through auditions, but everyone else was an actor either I knew or the writer of the episode knew, including folks from other podcasts! then, for seasons 6 and 7, the spin-offs, we just did a very traditional casting process, including in person auditions for season 6 (we recorded season 7 in 2020).
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buubonita · 2 months ago
A wild fic idea that came to me,,, Horror is preparing a corpse, Dust and Killer visit him while he's at it.
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itrisyndivide · 4 months ago
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Panel 1 Description: View of a large flying being from behind, with a far away stick person facing the camera. The being says (in eldritch font) "My name is sæɹ̩ɪf ".
Panel 2 Description: View of the large flying being from the front, POV is now behind the far away stick person. The being says (in eldritch font) "of the sans variety". The being has 3 pairs of wings and is covered in many copies of the face of Sans from Undertale.
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darckcarnival · 27 days ago
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samglyph · 1 year ago
So spin off show starring Oscar when
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radiationhaz-ard · 11 months ago
I am usually a proponent of the theory that the making of Alastor’s deal is what made him disappear for seven years. But hear me out.
Alastor makes his deal pretty much immediately after he arrived in hell but NOT for more power. Imagine for a second that Alastor IS that powerful when he lands in hell. That’s not the problem. The problem is that Alastor lost one of the things he considers a key component of his sense of self when he arrived in hell: his voice. Because the character we perceive as Alastor isn’t him at all. The shadow is the real Alastor and what we see is actually a doll that he puppets around.
The reason all of his magic stems from the shadows? Well that’s just him. The little doll minions? Prototypes for Alastor’s puppet body. The stitches, the smile? Well you can’t sew a seamless doll nor can you change one’s face very easily.
So you have an Alastor new to hell and incredibly powerful but he is a radio man and shadows can’t talk so he does what everyone in hell does. He makes a deal to get his puppet life and a voice. Since it is a vessel though, it can’t hold all of his power without crumbling apart. But now maybe he doesn’t need the doll anymore. Maybe he can talk through his cane or he can make himself a new body. Well suddenly there really is no reason to have his power locked away like it is. So he is looking for the loophole he couldn’t add to the original deal. Because shadows can’t talk.
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pixelzprince · 8 months ago
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Two of our favorite not-cats, Gold and Hemlock!!
Gold is a certified gamer ™️ who used to sneak onto computers back on Earth to play online games, hiding behind the persona of a Normal Human Person Totally :)
He went by "Pyrite" and was a prominent name in several game tournaments.
There, he met a player by the name of "Coldneios", who was doing a similar thing in order to entertain itself/as a source of energy. Of course, it turned out that Hemlock wasn't really a not-cat at all, rather an energy-draining embodiment of the coldness of winter itself. Fun!
Hemlock vanishes off the face of the internet with only vague clues as to where it went, and since it left the clues in Not-Meow, Gold realizes "OH YOU'RE ANOTHER NOT-CAT" and follows it to Not-Earth.....
Only to realize that "Coldneios" was really Hemlock, who definitely wasn't what it seemed...
Gold started as a joke cat but we actually really love his lore despite how silly it is sdlkfjsdlkj
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duckapus · 4 months ago
Avatar Wario AU Stuff I Came Up With At Work Today
With Mario being mostly his Game Canon self with a side of Meme like Luigi is, Peach doesn't have any reason to devolve into a one-note raging bitch, and thus is in no position to be declaring Anime a public safety hazard. Instead it's set into motion by Diamond City's mayor, who was at their wit's end dealing with the WarioWare Crew's antics before Wario became the Avatar and got even worse. Objectively speaking a city-wide ban isn't as bad as a kingdom-wide ban, but it does set a concerning precedent, so it's just as vital that WarioWare and the Glitchy Gang fight it.
As I very heavily implied, in this timeline Meggy's the one who experiences Fake Sephiroth 2 Electric Boogaloo and Desti's the one who gets Zucced and turned into a Human/Octoling/Whatever hybrid.
It takes a certain type of person to willingly be around even a normal Wario long-term, let alone this one. Desti turns out to be the right type of person, while the rest of the Octo-Posse decidedly Are Not.
She actually ends up joining WarioWare Inc. after the final tournament since she likes the rest of Wario's friends and the pay's actually pretty good despite...well, you know. She does, however, still go through a similar crisis of "what do I do with my life now?"/Severe Untreated PTSD combo that Meggy did in canon, including the part about trying to go on a vacation. Not sure what she eventually decides, since I don't want to just have her become a sports coach exactly like Meggy did. She is her own person after all.
Since Mario isn't crazy stupid he didn't go through Mario's Home Alone. Instead he just found Melony somewhere and took her home because he thought a melon with a beanie was cool.
Also instead of having the same Headgear as Meggy Melony's base form has a beanie with a design based on her humanoid form's hoodie.
While Melony was Meggy's parody in SMG3's play, she ends up as Desti's anti-cast counterpart because "Melonsti" still gets "dies" during the confrontation backstage. Also Wario and Waluigi get counterparts because they were involved in two of the arcs
Since Zer0 doesn't know who the Avatar is any more than anyone else, once his eye escapes 3's Guardian Pod he has to do some research... which mostly involves bingeing 4's channel to see if it has any clues. Because of this he learns a lot about the Crew, finds out about Meggy's death, and gets a truly twisted idea.
...Yeah Meggy gets brought back to life just so she can be subjected to a heavily modified version of Axol's role in the arc. Worse, because Zer0 needs a living host he goes all Frankenstein-style on her two-years-dead waterlogged corpse and fills in the gaps with some pirate bones he found, what little was left of Francis after he got Zucced and Super Blown Up, and a bit of his own code.
As a result, she's now 50% Human, 40% Inkling, 9% Chameleon, 1% SMG, has a little fragment of Francis's soul inside her own complete one, and is possessed by/fused with an eldritch abomination.
Since he can make use of Meggy and Francis's abilities, as well as a currently limited version of his own, Zer0 doesn't need to lure Wario in by forcing E. Gadd to make a bunch of Shreks and instead just attacks WarioWare Inc. directly. He is severely underestimating Wario and his friends so this still leads to the whole bunker thing.
Melony, Mario, Desti and Axol all manage to get inside "Eldritch Fraggy" during the final rap battle, and with four of them there instead of just one they actually manage to free her.
Once she's out there's more than just the Trauma to deal with. I mean for one thing she's still part lizard and has a piece of her worst enemy living rent-free in the very core of her Self, and that has Significant Effects.
Appearance-wise she's now about as tall as Luigi, she got patches of scales on different parts of her body, including a pair of ridges along wither side of her jawline and a light scattering of tiny ones across her nose where her mask should be that kind of look like green freckles. She also has a long, semi-prehensile tail that's a lot stronger than it looks, and a long sticky tongue like a Yoshi's. And she can turn invisible.
Unfortunately having a bit of Francis in her has affected her personality, though not by very much. She now likes tech and (unfortunately) anime, though the latter is just a general appreciation rather that the full-on horrifying obsession Francis had, and she's picked up a couple of his mannerisms (the first time she realizes that she's called some cool gadget "High-Technicaaal" she nearly has an aneurism)
She's also picked up his poor eyesight, and she's in denial about needing glasses for a while.
Still decides to become a professional coach at least, because she's still mostly Meggy.
Moves in with the Mario Bros after everything blows over since she does need a place to stay, at least until she's no longer Legally Dead.
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agapestricken · 5 months ago
hello, hello, you all — so... i hope you all are having a great thursday thus far, and i thought i'd bring this up now since i hadn't before; but with ana's zombification comes some noticeable differences to his behavior as well as appearance. because, and don't get me wrong, he was already pale before... but now anastasiy's skin now has this pallor that takes on a sickly look. and it has become necessary for ana to have to apply some concealer to his skin daily to hide the fact that his lips are, indeed, sort of tinged blue + some veins (particularly around his eyes and mouth) can clearly be seen and it definitely isn't the most uhh. natural look, to say the least JSJSJ
now, i'll probably cover more about his behavioral differences later, but one thing is that this man does have these SICK and TWISTED urges to consume human flesh as a zombie would in typical fiction would... so that's lovely / j LMAO nahhh, i'm totally being sarcastic with y'all right now as that is actually horrifying. but anastasiy does try his darndest to resist giving into this temptation because cannibalism is a BIG no-no in society for a reason (because its absolutely terrible and extremely gross) + with... slightly mixed results 😬
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ancha-aus · 9 months ago
RealAgeAu Drabble - The Roots
I have been gone for a few days but i wanted to really mess with this tiny concept!
First Drabble (with special thanks to @spotaus For giving the first prompt) Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Technically timeline wise this is at the same ish time as the next drabble in the timeline, On the Other side. But we will just do this like this for now :D
As always, we have no beta and no edits. :D Also slight warning, I will be changing up the POVs in the drabble itself a bit. don't worry about it.
Nightmare looks around the corner and notices that all four are still asleep. That is good. Perfect even!
It isn't that he dislikes being with them. The oposite in matter of fact. it feels... Safe protected home calming nice. Many things but overal just nice.
It still confuses him sometimes. That they just... care. After everything. Even with them knowing just who he is.
It also does mean that Nightmare feels bad about leaving while they are asleep.
It is just that he isn't going to get another chance like this. They are very close to DreamTale and with how much magic Nightmare has in him now thanks to the many meals and sleeping a lot, he thinks he could make it all the way to DreamTale and back before being completely out of magic to use.
Which means he has his chance to do a small personal ritual he hasn't had the chance to do in a while.
It is something stupid. And Nightmare knows he should stop it.
It is just... After everything in Dreamtale happened. The deal with what he had caused and done, having been the cause of both his brother and mother dying... He had just made two graves.
He had been the point of returning there once in a while to maintain both graves and leave fresh flowers.
Nightmare just. Never stopped doing it. After seeing Dream again... He just kept doing it still. Something about the grave still showing that he still ended up losing Dream...
Or something like that.
He doesn't quite know anymore but it helps.
Nightmare manages to get to the garden of the small house they had claimed and takes a deep breath. He hadn't needed to make these jumps in a while and he had to be sure he aimed in the right direction. Just. Easy.
He holds up both hands and feels his magic start to flow out. A small sizzle as a small portal starts to take shape. His breathing gets heavier and heavier. He didn't think it would be this hard... why is it so much harder than before-
Two arms lock around him and he is lifted up. Nightmare's breath escapes in one go and he wiggles before stopping. Nightmare knows these arms by now and knows it is Killer before he even speaks.
"What you doing out here tiny boss?" a chuckle and nuzzle to the side of his skull "I thought we were passed this whole you trying to run away from us." Killer turns him aorund and Nightmare can now see the large pout on his face.
Nightmare looks to the side and wiggles but cant get free, he never can escape their hold. Instead he just crosses his arms and mutters "Just wanted to do something real quick."
Killer hums before Nightmare is pulled much closer and he is flush up agianst Killer. Killer hums much more contently before turning back to the house "So what did you want to do tiny boss? aside from using a lot of your just recovered magic that is."
Why does he feel bad? Why does he feel guilty? He wasn't doing anything bad?? Wait why is that how he thinks about it?
Nightmare tries to think it through but comes up blank. It doesn't help that being near Killer, or any of them really, calms him very quickly. He isn't used to this.
They get back to the house and Nightmare sees three more worried faces and feels worse. They had been sleeping... They shouldn't have noticed or been bothered by him not being there... How did they even notice? He... isn't used to people noticing stuff about him.
They sit him down and Nightmare considers his options... If he wants to use this one chance... maybe if he explains they will just let him do his thing for a bit?
Ngihtmare looks to the side and finds himself muttering "I just wanted to do a thing... it is honestly boring and would have been quick."
Horror doesn't like this place. It is the place that holds so much trauma for Nightmare. Where they thought that hurting and torturing a babybones was a good idea.
But Nightmare rarely asks them for anything anymore. And even before he became his true form he rarely asked anything for himself. If he wanted something he could just get it or do it. Now he doesn't have much of a choice and Horror knows this. They all know this.
And well, they are trying to get Nightmare to ask them when he wants things. So when he expressed he wanted something? of course they are gonna make it work.
Even if they have to come here.
Killer stands with his hands on his hips as he looks around the grey coloured forest "Wow! Lots of nothing..."
Cross sends him a glare and hisses "Killer."
Horror agrees, Killer could try to be a bit more sensitive. Normally none of them mind his brass and bolt nature but well.. They are here to visit two graves. Two graves that a six year old made to memorise his family which he thought he had killed.
This is not the time for Killer to be... well Killer.
Killer huffs and looks at Nightmare "Can you believe them?"
Nightmare shrugs but holds the two small bouquet of flowers close. "I didn't really... leave a lot..."
See? That is why they needed to try and be a bit more tactful. Killer luckily seems to notice as he rubs his neck as Cross shoots him a knowing look.
Dust remains by Nightmare's side as he looks around "A hill right?"
Nightmare seems to look all of them over before nodding "Yeah." He points into a random direction "It is that way." and he starts leading the way.
It is strange. The whole world is grey and colourless. Not the white space that Cross had had when his world was destroyed. but just, greyscale. Hell even Cross looks colourful compared to this place.
Cross frowns and takes a few quick steps to now walk on Nightmare's other side "was it always coloured like this?"
Nightmare shakes his skull and thinks for a bit. "I think... if i remember it right... the grey colour started to happen as soon as they cut mother down."
Horror almost wants to sigh in relieve. He keeps it in but this is good. It is something to help stop the guilt. At least that is what Horror is assuming why the graves are still there. guilt. But Horror won't assume.
They leave the forest and see a hill with further in the distance a village. They walk up the hill and find a cut down tree stump and two old and small graves.
Nightmare stands by them for a moment before glancing back at them with a suspicious look "No commentary?"
Horror gets it. They can be assholes.
Killer grins and leans closer "I can do one... but i doubt it adds anything." he pets the small skull before pointedly talking towards the side of the hill to overlook the forest, he pulls Cross allong with him.
Dust remains near Nightmare as a silent shadow and Horror leaves them to have room. Keeping an eye on their small charge as he looks around. Horror has no doubt that this used to be a beautiful place. some of the plants he sees may be grey now but he recognises them for eatable wild flowers.
He can see Nightmare slowly near the graves. He sits on his knees by the two and starts with cleaning both graves. Making sure no dirt or dust is on it and everything is still secure. Afterwards he removes old and, by now, dead flowers. He takes care that those aren't near the graves before returning and leaving new fresh flowers. They had picked up both colourful bouquets from another universe along the way.
At the end he just sits by the two graves as he touches the stone.
Killer and Cross had returned back to them at this point and Killer nudges Cross. Cross shoots him a questionable look before Killer just motiones over his shoulder back at the village before nodding at Nightmare. Horror cna see Cross just stare in utter confusion at Killer before Killer pulls him closer and whispers something to him.
Cross looks back before nodding as he walks over to Dust and whispers some stuff to him. Dust looks thoughtful before nodding as well.
Cross slowly walks over to Nightmare and speaks "Hey..." Nightmare looks up and tilts his skull. Cross smiles "If you want we can go into the village for a bit."
Nightmare frowns "Why would I?"
Cross looks a bit sheepish but Dust picks up "The book was general about what happened. But we figured that those people may have taken stuff or kept things that were yours from you."
Cross nods and grins "We are here now anyway. we can get it back."
Nightmare looks at the village and thinks it over before nodding "okay." he stands up and dusts his pants off of the dirt. Cross ends up softly nudging him towards the side and Dust easily takes his hand before the three walk off.
Horror shoots Killer a look "Why?"
Killer grins as he walks over to the stump "don't worry about it. Want to go with them?"
Horror continues to watch Killer before shaking his skull "I am fine being here."
Killer shrugs and turns to the stump. Staring at the dead tree.
"You wasted your chance."
Horror frowns as he just watches Killer. Killer meanwhile keeps looking at the dead tree.
Killer continues as if he is talking to an actual person "You were given a fucking miracle. We read your story you know. Know that you were only aiming for one child. Instead of being overjoyed and happy that you got two you took him for granted."
Horror sees the edges around Killer's soul waver away from their soul shape but it returns to the soul shape easily.
Killer doesn't stop speaking "You were suposed to be his mother and you failed your job. You never actually cared about him did you? Well." he glares down "You are not getting him back. Ever. He isn't yours anymore."
Horror frowns and studies Killer. No... Killer still doesn't know about the soul adoption, that Horror is sure about. Which means this all? Just Killer.
Killer holds his chin high as he stares down at the stump "I don't know what exactly is happening. But seeing as it is related to the apples it is related to you. So I am telling you now. Even if for some reason you return. Even if you are alive again. You are not getting Nightmare back. He is ours, not yours. You will never find him. You will never get the chance to hurt him."
Horror hears it in his voice. Killer, the one who hates promises more than any of them. Who had lost so much of his freedom and free will because of broken promises. Just made a promise, not even a promise. but a vow.
Horror can't say he is that surprised. After all. After everything in Horrortale and all the pressure from making sure his brother has food and is taken care of. Horror had thought he never wanted to take on a new responsibility ever again. And yet, here he was with a willing soul adoption writen into his very soul.
He also knows the other two aren't doing much better. Dust who hadn't wanted to emotionally or personally connect with anyone ever again. After having killed everyone he cared about he didn't want those relationships anymore. Yet he was the first to take this leap. Commit to Nightmare, and ironically to them all.
Cross who hadn't wanted to take any kind of oath or lifelong promise or mission after his past with the guard and XGaster. He didn't want to tie himself down. Give his all to something or some goal that just hurt him. And while it took him a while he still is devoted to this.
Horror knows they are all powerless against this. It happened but at least this time it was their choice. He thinks it is good, this way they all really knows what it means to do this. To commit to this and all it entails.
A crack of thunder and the three are suddenly on the hill with them again.
horror turns but freezes. Dust is holding a shaking Nightmare close as Cross is already cutting into the fabric of reality with his knife.
Killer and him share a look and are with the other three before they even have to say what happened. They can get an explanation later, for now they need to go.
They are back in the house they had been hidding in and Nightmare finally feels himself relax a tiny bit.
Thought that may also be becuase Dust is still holding him and the other's soul is steady and even. It makes his own franctic soul calm down.
Killer looks at them "Do we need to pack up and go?" he is already halfway to the bags.
Cross has closed the portal and watches as the universe patches itself fully closed again, not leaving a single mark, there is a reason Nightmare had worked so hard to get Cross XChara's knife. Aside from the fact that Cross liked fighting with it. It is a very powerful and amazing tool.
Cross sighs in relieve "We should still be good." he turns to the others and starts explaining right away "Nightmare saw Dream."
Killer curses loudly as he kciks the couch. Horror frowns and looks at him "did he see you?"
Nightmare pushes clsoer to Dust but nods.
Killer curses again but Horror frowns "Did he realise it was you?"
Nightmare thinks bakc to Dream staring at him. Awe and surprise clear on his face. The wishfullness had been obvious. The way he had moved towards him, a smile on his face that Ngihtmare hadn't seen since they were both small. Then again, the name he had called him had made it clear who he saw...
Nightmare shrugs.
Horror tilts his skull "Is that yes?"
Nightmare shakes his skull and mutters "yes and no..."
Horror nods as Killer frowns at him "both? How both?"
Nightmare shrugs again but Dust just nudges him gently with his skull nad Nightmare sighs as he quietly explains "I think he knew i was well me... but didn't know i was me me..." he toys with the fabric of the red scarf, Dust lets him. He searches for the right words "He called me Nighty.. and well he hasn't done that since before the apples. Since he still-" Since he still loved him. Nightmare doens't say it out loud but Dust must have figured out something as the hold around his tightens.
Nightmare pushes his face further into the scarf "He will probably think it means something bad... That is what everyone always said my appearance was... and he thinks I am an adult still so... yeah..." His mind is spinning but his soul is calm. in sync of Dust's. calm and slow pulses and beats. It honeslty makes him sleepy.
Dust nuzzles his skull and speaks "Well, He will not find anything and will have to learn to not just listen to rumours. As for even if he had caught you before you got to me, we would get you back." the certainty makes Nightmare pause.
Ngihtmare trries to shoot Dust a look but Dust just keeps rubbing his back and keeping him against him.
Cross nods "obviously. Just a matter of time before we would figure out where you were..." more thoughful "Next time we will have to scuot the universe first. We just didn't today because we figured no one would know about it. Srory for that. Next time you want to visit the graves we will make sure no one will interrupt. okay?"
Nightmare nods as he pushes closer to Dust.
He doesn't even understand why he still wants to visit those graves. Dream isn't even dead!
Even if... even if Dream doesn't...
Those graves shouldn't matter but Ngihtmare still wants to make sure btoh are fine. Maybe it is now just a symbol for the dead relationship between him and Dream. It just gives him a place where he can focus his grief and mourn for the family he lost.
The hand hasn't stopped petting his back and Nightmare feels himself finally fully relax.
At least he really isn't alone... His four are here now and they are still here after the close calls and learning about the graves.
It would be nice to not be alone anymore.
Nightmare lets the calming of his soul lure him to fall asleep. Knowing he is safe and cared for now.
So is anyone surprised i couldn't keep it short? I am not. I know myself. I have a problem and it is this whole AU that has my heart in a choke hold.
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