#and not only that but theyre also dating they just dont exactly say that cause they dont care enough to explain what their relationship is
boxloonaer · 1 year
i introduce you to two new ocs i have yeehaw
bin and bounty yeehaw
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Im so in love with the narrative use of sentimonsters in ml???? And how it serves as a metaphor for parents who are Wrong??
You have Félix, who’s the most direct case of “parent thinks that having a child is like a little trophy and checkmark on the list and doesn’t want the child to actually be a person or exist or cause inconvenience.” His father literally didn’t see him as a person and based on the fact that he literally broke Félix’s miraculous he seemed to see Félix as either disposable or unbreakable. There was no sense that he needed to be loved or protected.
But then you also have Adrien, who Gabriel *theoretically* loves. I think Gabriel actually thinks that he loves Adrien as a person. But he has this idea that he can make Adrien happy through obedience alone. He thinks he can just order Adrien to be content or to have the same priorities as him. He calls Adrien melodramatic a few times even and it’s like???
Gabriel *theoretically* wants Adrien to be happy but it doesn’t cross his mind that it’s going to take more than him yelling “hey Adrien i order you to be calm and content.” And ordering Adrien to love the career Gabriel Chooses and love the girl Gabriel Chooses for him and the hobbies that Gabriel Chooses for him. And when that doesn’t work he decides that Adrien is just Beyond His Help and will be better only with his mom there.
And it’s like???? Very fun nuance with this idea of,,, you cannot yell or force someone into being happy,,, it doesn’t matter if you have their best interest in mind,,, if you never listen to what they actually want or see them as a human person then you’ll still be the villian in their story
And THEN!!!!! You have Kagami who’s a completely different case even though she starts with the same circumstance. Because Kagami IS treated like a person and has a good amount of autonomy. It’s just all Conditional. She can do whatever she wants with her life as long as its also exactly what her mother wants. And her mother doesn’t always explain why. And the thing with that is!!! It DOES work for a while!!!! She does trust her mother and actually talk to her about things. And she will defend her mother to the ends of the earth.
But all it takes is that One argument where kagami says “hey . please stop making me date adrien. i dont want to . its hurting me” and tomoe TAKES HER RING instead of listening. And its like. Thats IT.
It doesnt matter if you spent years making a foundation of trust in a relationship because Eventually your kid is Going to grow up and theyre Going to disagree with you on Something Eventually. Kagami was so ready to listen to whatever her mother had to say but her mom didn’t elaborate on anything she just basically said “okay if you wont listen without question you dont get to have autonomy” and of COURSE kagami’s gonna be like. Okay. Bye then.
And i just think it’s soooo cool how there’s these different Layers of “parents forgetting that their child is a person and not a tool for your own personal gain” and that ml shows how it can manifest in so many different ways and it shows that it messes ,up trust and relationships and then it also shows that the kids are all okay once they have love and support and someone who treats them as a person with autonomy
and theres this theme of “it is not too much to ask that you be treated like a human person . no matter how broken or how much of a disappointment you think you are. you are still in the right for demanding to be seen as a person.” And i just. I really love my senti kids i love them soooo much
this show really said “it doesnt matter what sacrifices your parents made for you, youll never be an object that they own” and i just,,, yessssss
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pumpkinsy0 · 20 days
the gang finding out about papercut hcs? like the after affect of them finding out maybe
okok i actually think doing hcs of them AFTER they found out is super interesting
•when pony says hes “gonna go out” without fail either darry or sodas gonna say “with who”, and they would say it SOMETIMES, but now they say it more frequently in a bit of a suspecting tone
•steve sweaarrssss pony became more if a smartass when they found out he was dating curly and hes not 100% wrong
•when it comes to johnny, i imagine that he WANTS to know how the fuck they even got together, but more than anything he just wants to make sure ponys safe, so hes a bit apprehensive and protective of pony while curlys around, its not obvious, but thats bc johnnys more so an observer, he watches how curly acts w pony and only reports something if pony aint feelin so good
•just to get it out the way, before soda just didnt like it, the first question he asked himself was how didnt he notice and now considering hes w curly, he takes a lot longer while looking at pony, and questions him a little more when theyre in bed
•the notice that pony rlly doesnt smoke AS much, and theyre surprised to see that cause out if the gang hes like ine of the biggest smokers, and hes holding that back????bc of CURLY????? whats going on between em
•part of the reason y they were so hesitant w them together id bc of who curly was yes, but also they just,,,dont know how curly is in a relationship, so they dont know how to go, they know curlys an aggressive guy n can get into some bad situations so theyre just scared for pony
•pony HATES that the gang found out, for obvious reasons, but also bc he hates being babied and watched over, and he hates it EVEN MORE when the gang pretends like they arent doing it, and thats exactly what they do, its like everything has to b perfect to them in their eyes and he despises it
•yknow i think it would b funny if even sylvia knew about it bc 1) word gets around and 2) dally, and she just slithers up to pony like “so u and the middle shepard, huh??” and ponys shitting bricks, mostly bc he has no clue how to talk to her, in the end dally shoo’d her away from em
•if we wanna go down the “they all found them out at different times” ik they all had that ‘i suspected them that one time where they” convo over a card game, shit went on for like 2 hours
•pony tries not being the last person to get home or else he’s LITERALLY going to get interrogated by everyone, like darry will question him and when pony answers someone else would just butt in and add their own evidence to try and get pony to tell the truth
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roe-and-memory · 9 months
holding my hands out like a kid at a candy store asking what you think Lightning and Sally would be like at formal events. like getting invited to parties after races and such
im gonna say i saw this, i sent it to roe, and she said it was probably her favourite ask we’ve ever received but we had no real ideas BUT WE HAVE IDEAS NOW. DO NOT FRET. im so sorry it took so long for me to get to you 💔
okay so. First off. i feel like lightning is a very casual, “you’ll have to physically hold me down to get me to wear anything fancy”, kind of guy. he would rather die than wear a suit. BUT, he listens to sally, and sally likes these formal events because it means they get to dress up together and look all cutesy as a couple (he will wear a suit if its for a date so Dont Worry, but the formal events are like fighting to get a cat in water or a fish out of it.)
so, more often than not, sally is kindly asking if he’ll dress up to go to the piston cup event, and more often than not it ends with him shaking and crying in front of the bathroom mirror trying to figure out how to fucking tie a tie because no one taught him. he only cooperates if its sally wanting to go BUT he will argue.
but when he gets to these parties or events, he forgets how much he Hates what hes been forced to wear and Boy can he brighten up a room. he gets one drink into his system (obviously very rarely, i cant see him enjoying alcohol too much) and all common sense or care is Gone he will embarrass himself in front of every other person in that room. this can Also be caused by the urge to try and fit in with the rest of them and just doing it Wrong.
sally, on the other hand, takes it slow. she has half a drink throughout the entire evening and mingles with lynda or some of the other racers partners, sometimes she has to go get lightning and bring him back to the table for food or just because hes getting Visibly overwhelmed but is Not realizing it himself or Trying to poorly be calm about it.. but she also brings a life to the party. i think she likes to dance, i think she maybe isnt the best at it (but to her credit, lightning cant dance for shit either) so she’ll dance with Her friends or lightning and it may be kind of embarrassing but she doesnt really care!! she likes these events quite a lot, it gives her a chance to engage with what lightning does for work and she can make friends she can relate to (and share anxiety with regarding race days..)
lightning will either find himself with sally or with bobby and cal, both of whom usually stand around doing nothing interesting and he has to collect them to bring their trio together. they both make fun of him for having to dress up so much, bobby gets complete freedom to dress however he likes because nobody in his family is really a major part of his piston cup career (and he doesnt have a partner)((and to clarify his family 100% supports him theyre so so proud but they dont have ANY idea what exactly these events entail so they stay out of his way)) whereas cal usually has to keep up the nice appearance because of that Weathers Family Name. he doesnt mind, he likes dressing up anyways, plus after the accident he had to go to a majority of events with his aunt and uncle cause no one could watch him. so hes been Trained for this day.
anyways, i think theyre both very proud of each other and they both Very much show it, especially at these events, theyre very lovey dovey and theyre silly and and. Yeah thats all the ideas i have 😭
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kidfoundonstreets · 6 months
ill try to keep it brief 1/20397
lovebrush chronciles is an otome game deisgbed by team/company I AM ACTUALLY NOT SURE DESPITE YOU SEEING IT EVRRYTIME YOU ENTER THE GAME HOLD ON neteaze games (passion of gamers) and it is about altnerate universes, time fuckery, and school life.
the game begins introducing itself as a regular otome school life sim (my condolences to the fans who fell for william first sight only to find out hes not an actual love interest trust me i see u i feel u) but then WHAM BAM!! just when u thougut ur girl best friend was lookin kinda cute she gets X_x in this summon circle and you jump in to save her only to find out youre now in a royal cage surrounded by people that needa sacrifice you to save themselves from their own doom. oh and youre not in your own world anumore good luck have fun
so now here goes the different plots and paths with the love interests. the way i playrd it was as they introduced it, which was ayn aklaid lars claerence. no cael route yet which rips me apart every night. the love interests seem to have consistent values throughout most universes despite all of their diferet upbringings which i find pretty cool considering schoollife and royaltylife are two completely drastic diferent things, and also i nejoy how mc is written with more character and an amazing design to match the rest of the beautifully drawn cast
on that topic the art is GORGEOUS. i have never seen such beautiful detailed art in a game before and i assure you it will not disappoijnt. the graphics and smoothness of the game are especially a great touch. THERES A MINI STORY FOR EACH CARD BTW SR AND UP ITS SO GOOD becasenit feels as if the creatoes actually put care and give a shit into whar theyre writing and drawing and even in little events the absolute quality and depth of the cast shines theough its just i cannot express how much you need to play tjis game if you like dating sims ITS FREE TOO??,×*#&@ IMSO SAD WHY ID OBEYEME GETTING SM ATTENTION WHEN THIS IS SITTJNGHERE HUH dont get me wrong i too was in that hole but trust me brother there is only one man worth it there and obeyeme sure as hell isnt gonna do it justice with its 200+ chapter peobably plotline
anywya its 11 pm and ibhave no idea how to organize this post so ill just go through the cast
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he is my plaything
ANYWAY ayn is so maahh hes the stupid cat that sleeps on me at night HE USED YO BE MY FAV AND WAS EXACTLY MY TYPE OFF THE BAT ITS SO IRONIC HES MY LEASY LIKED NOW but hes still very good and god you need to see this
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^^ bisexual dilemma
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i like him as a side piece, he has a nice personality but it doesnt stick out to me as much as the rest but i heavily respect the enjoyers of him
Aigh now
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HHHRHRGGGHWH HHRGGBW WHWHWBW W SLSOPE9282B3BDND BSHSJW W GHENRBR .R FJJGGW HJ W..B GHN.F. H . THROWSUP aklaid my dear my darling ! i lvouou my little STARBOY my favorite my self sacrificing devoted prince who acts soo nice but is the cause of his own decay. smooochh I ADORE HIM dude one time he almost dies and mc is like "i am so sorry" and hes smiling qhile saying "nono! this is the happiest ivebeen" GET THERAPY
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lars is my favorite lesbian
im onsessed w him hes always fun no matter where he is and yet they still dont dumb him down the moments where hes serious only add to his character his charm is unexplainable his rizz unatainable you could never
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my TRUE favorite lesbian
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i have run out of images but cael caught my eye since the beginning and i dont know whats wrong with him is he my parental figure my wife my side piece my worst enemy my hater my lover my killer my doomer my caretaker my one-time-leave-you-for-nine-months
i genuinely cannot stand him hes the one who i always run to and check on firstin efents and stories not claerence not lars not alkaid but fucking CAEL.
i cant help it maybe in the end my heart really belongs to him because im still waiting for his route and for him to show moreemotion and maybe break down or slowly go through the agony of learning to accept love despite everything despite you
this is the only part i feel a little uneased about in the writers hands.. they are very capable hands.. but will they do him right.. hes so stupidly simple but not it makes me grit my teeth and die
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Propaganda under the cut!
Baxter Ward
That Boy Needs Therapy
He ghosts you after the end of step 3, even if you try and date him.
look i love my boy, but baxter literally dumps you outside of your childhood home, shuts the door in your face even if you’re sobbing in the middle of the street, and then ghosts you for five years and then pretends he doesn’t care about you when you meet again. this is even if he’s aware that he’s your first love (if you chose to make him that). he literally says that you have bad taste in men if you choose to date him again before you’ve talked anything over shshhshssbb. love him but he needs a therapist waaaaayyyyy more than he needs a partner.
Ryouta Kazama
ok so i havent actually seen all of his route cause the game's only available in japanese and the streamer i watched play the game switched to a different guy like halfway through the game n i seriously doubt anyone else is gonna submit him i just need someone else to know about this so! ryouta and the player character (doesnt have a canon name but is given the nickname of marii by the two girl friends) were friends in kindergarten with ryouta having a very blatant crush on her n wished on a pinwheel for them to get married when theyre older he then moves to england as soon as he gets old and he n marii dont interact at all until nine years later when he comes back for high school and is still very blatantly down bad for a girl he last talked to when they were six but has spent the last nine years still thinking about (theres something in the game you can unlock called adv events where you get the love interests pov on moments in their lives and one of ryouta's reveals that even though he couldve he never sent marii any letters but very much did spend all those years thinking about her) n a lot of his interactions with marii are weird n circle back to him being obsessed with them being friends as kids and like a first it just kind of seems like oh he hasnt gotten over his puppy love yet lol but it is kind of like acknowledged that this is a weird thing in game as if marii gets his gift in the christmas exchange ryouta will say something about it being fate n marii pointedly ignores that n is like wow what a coincidence that we got eachother's gifts (not in an oblivious heroine way btw ryouta's straight up is like oh ok ur ignoring what i said) n he treats her like shes naive n completely innocent which like marii is cause shes a mostly blank slate otome heroine but its still noteworthy as being weird due to his aforementioned memorialization of them being friends in kindergarten n that none of the other love interests really treat marii that way or really make note of those being notable traits of hers that often while its something ryouta does frequently anyway so the moment that made my thoughts on ryouta switch from "lol hes kind of weird" to "i want to study him like a bug" is that His Bedroom Is The Exact Same As It Was When He Was A Six Year Old Child In Kindergarten And Hes Keeping It That Way On Purpose like genuinely thats immediately read to me as horror movie shit imagine reuniting with a childhood friend of urs who keeps bringing up stuff you did as kids (that you dont really remember cause you were like six n are now in high school) n making comments about how naive and easy to read you are n gets weirdly jealous about other guys being buddy buddy with you and then like a year or so after hes moved back n you've becomed friends again he invites you to hang out at his house so you go over and then His Room Looks Like It Belongs To A Six Year Old and hes telling you about how his room hasnt been altered (beyond cleaning) at all since he left n since hes come back hes chosen to keep it exactly the same n hes telling you this like its a reasonable thing literally what the fuck also while ryouta is the posterboy childhood friend love interest of this game theres another love interest who was both ryouta n marii's childhood friend and you'll never believe this he treats her like a normal person and is just a normal guy who barely remembers being friends in kindergarten and him n marii only learn that theyre childhood friends cause of ryouta being mildly exasperated that neither of them really remembers them being a trio when they were six theres definitely like worse love interests i could submit from this series (like the teachers n one of the three secret love interests in the second game whos route is just straight up him emotionally abusing the heroine) but im submitting ryouta cause his reasons for sucking as a romantic partner are bizarre n live rent free in my mind
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munamania · 11 months
going to pointlessly ramble about the grammys just cause im annoyed and bored at work:
in no way is anti hero a song worthy of an award as stupid as the institution giving it might be. did a lot for fandom edits but stop giving that woman grammys just cause shes popular oh my god. that album sucked
ill keep these next two complaints separate. guts was fine but not good enough for album of the year are we kidding. i knew it was gonna happen and got preemptively a little bit mad. sorry olivia and her fans i love u girl but stop giving teenagers grammys it's really going to their heads. im tired. nowhere to be seen: the rise and fall of a midwest princess or javelin. ok. guts was better than harrys house as an album nominee by a decent amount... but not enough. come on.
boygenius being on there but not muna or chappell or paramore. once again. boring. sorry i still havent listened to the whole record but it's so obvious theyre getting up there because they had a lot of popularity skyrocketing this year and theyre the whitest/most vague and performative about their queerness. i am not saying the artists themselves and the way they behave is performative btw im just saying like. chappell has local drag queens at every tour date. muna brings out a variety of artists for their openers and brought a trans choir to one of their days at. wait was that in la. well regardless it was recent. im just saying they dont engage with the broader queer community as much like hurrah yay tits out but. be serious. they are not the best performers or lyricists.
i guess kill bill is fine as song of the year but the rest of these... why isnt speed drive on there if we're including barbie songs.
best new artist. im appalled chappell isnt there but whatever. as fine as his music seems im sick of hearing about this noah guy.
yeah whatever naturally charli wouldnt show up for best soundtrack on bottoms. and maybe it wasnt like THE best score ever but it was so much fun.
fast car is on here twice. im clenching my fists.
at least rush is on here i guess... why no other troye noms even.
best pop vocal album and u have olivia and taylor there. this is how u can tell pop music rn is in the shits. sorry. neither of them have bad voices theyre just singers not vocalists. not to be pretentious but if the whole category is about vocals.
i wont hate on them for this but olivia and boygenius are the only women you could come up with for the rock category. what about nova twins. ig their genre is weird but neither of them wholly fit it either. ok also their album is from 2022. whatever
best music video and they have rush but not got me started or whatever or one of your girls.... right. omg caroline rose is on here (not mv) i liked her one song
k well then theres a lot of others sorry to neglect but whatever. in conclusion. im sick. and tired.
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oraclemoontarot · 2 months
ahh ur cool to chat with.
im sure kpop has set ways but lately im uncertain as to what they are aiming for... loved enhypens recent comeback it was so cool, did u see it yet? but again theyre an other group I can only really like and its so strange to me when theres teens who r obviously much younger than myself overly obsessing and being possesive over the idols bc i had exactly the same stance about western bgs during the 00s. now im kind of just enjoying them for the music and dont feel the need to deeply obsess over every detail but tarot blogs r so fun to ask qs and find out stuff we couldnt find out about one direction etc etc. it honestly seems so long ago the 00s and its weird bc when u find a new group and theyre so young i have to check difference in age gaps nowadays (lowkey wish there wasnt an age concept at all in society bc then it wouldnt matter). but ngl it is so awkward, like even seeing how ppl nowadays still flock to harry styles home town (yes also did that myself). yet kpop in general has so many cool themes and vast difference in terms of performance styles as well.
ik its only awkward if u make it awkward but ppl kinda take obsessing abt idols way too far. yet we have all been thru that phase so i get it but kpop stans seem next level crazy sometimes in a good way sometimes in a bad way, i also dont get how such delusional obsessions can lead to building closer relationship with said idol like u aint just going to make friends if ur crying over them in front of them yaknow? and other stuff like going to their hotels or following them whilst theyre out in their downtime. i dont think theres ever just been a non crazy time for idols at all. i cant imagine what their dorm rooms must be like cause I bet they all been doing other adult / human things lmfao. yet the way their fans overreact to mere dating rumors is ridiculous atp. or say for instance idols future spouses as well is the topic that seem to get ppl most riled up when it comes to thee sorts of readings. lowkey sometimes i ask why do i need to know but i ask anyway bc why the fuck not then i think its childish of me lol
aw tyy so are you!! I haven't watched their mv or listened to their album yet (if it wasn't a single), but I heard parts of it online and it does sound real good, I used to be an engene so maybe it's a sign to listen to this comeback.
no I get you so much here especially. Being a fan(girl) is so so much fun, you get to watch content, listen to music, learn about the members, go to concerts, collect merch, and meet other fans. There's a whole culture and community around it that, when you first get into kpop, it's so exciting. It's unsurprising people would get obsessed at first.
But yeah, I personally get really excited watching their content or over an idol (ahem haechan) when on my own, but whenever I meet them in person it's like all that excitement disappears and I'm like, 'oh, they're just a guy/person...', and it's really chill. I don't at all know how people think following them around, partaking in every single fancall, and getting overly excited and emotional would lead to them getting close with them.
You know, I think this obsessiveness dies down as we mature/get older. It's like we have other things to focus on, we become more grounded with less free time, and distance ourselves a little more.
Please, just imagining they're probably lying in bed scrolling through videos etc. while at home is kinda funny. They likely do what we do anyway as they're people at the end of the day, it kind of makes you see them more... normally?
We're alike haha. Yeah it's fun, especially with ideal type readings etc. but then you take a step back and think, am I doing too much? 😭
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Rants under the read more
mihashi/hamada: listen literally any ship that isnt abemiha or tajihana is a rarepair for this manga which deeply sucks if u arent a fan of either of those ships but i dont think this pairing even has a tag like these two are childhood friends hamada starts a cheer sqaud for the baseball team mihashi plays on theyre generally pretty close (its been a while since ive read the start of the manga but im pretty sure hamada also got mihashi into baseball in the first place? like hello??) n then theres like one fic in their platonic relationship tag so 👍👍
Nokiami : (spoilers for the game) all the fan stuff ive seen for the game is painfully straight unless its focusing on the two ships where one character is canonically gay n in love with the other (protag of the sequel game with his gay bestie i forgot the name of n yuuko/fei) n ami is usually just drawn on her own BUT theres a lot of canon subtext between nokia n ami mostly as a result of not much actually changing based on if u play as a boy or a girl regardless nokia to some extent likes ami she flirts with her talks about their relationship as if theyre already dating theres a scene that parallels a m/f couple in the game that plays exactly the same between ami n nokia with two other characters saying something along the lines of ah young love during a mandatory side quest ami gets offered an implied sex doll that looks exactly like nokia (weird story there the quest ends with it being heavily implied that the people that take the dolls end up having their organs harvested while their minds are stuck in a digital space called eden unaware that theyre not in the real world) n she has to think about it before declining the offer nokia's character arc is working to become a strong leader n reliable friend cause she wants to stand next to ami instead of relying on her theyre childhood friends but forgot about it ok i need to explain a bit more of the story so like as kids ami n nokia along with three other characters met beta testing for eden n one of them ended up getting eden syndrome to make sure theyre all able to leave safely (theres a thing called eaters that if u get eaten by put u in a coma cause theyre storing the contents of ur brain in them) n a guy who wants to use the eaters to get to the next stage of evolution removes their memories of the incident so years later as teenagers ami nokia n arata (one of the childhood friends important to the story but not to the ship) become friends again n reunite on eden where ami ends up getting eden syndrome but in a funky way cause she was logging out as she got eaten so she has a cyber body that over the course of the game deteriorates n at the end of the game ami basically dies right as everything is being fixed all the victims of eden syndrome are no longer comatose but ami is cause yknow kind of deteriorated too much n it happened right in front of nokia's eyes as she reached out for her hand so they could go home together n nokia cries for the only time in the game cause of that but ive genuinely never seen any fan stuff of them interacting so despite them being teased romantically n built up as being really important to eachother theres nothing not even like nokia with takumi (boy protagonist) im submitting it specifically as nokia/ami just cause i like wlw ships more if u want to do it neutrally protag's surname regardless of gender is aiba sorry if this is incoherent its been like 6 months since ive played the game
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lunar-lair · 1 year
busts down the door fuck it. off the cuff gender/sexualities headcanons for the rise boys/whoever else i decide. i havent fully considered these/written these out so it might be a hot mess have fun (its also 1 am this is your warning)
see leos a little Special. surprise trans leo is my fav thing ever so what I like to do is ambs (assigned male by splinter, he didnt know the cloacas were in different areas or to start squinting when leos shell got more concave. no i did not know those facts before surprise trans madness/my egg doc i made a whole cloth new however the fuck you say it reproductive system for this fucking turtle so he and his bunny boyfriend could have kids and i could torture him with sliders being oviparous. thank you less-depresso-more-expresso for your leo egg post in december it changed me fundamentally) -> oh . those are eggs. ok *whistling sound as he continues w his life* -> wait gender is a construct. maybe this is a gift -> genderfluidity slaps the kid in the face when theyre abt 17. also hes gay cause it feels right. so does some form of demisexual or romantic but i have a lot of opinions on how his dating life would go and how it would impact his character (rhinocio gets it if u know them. were besties u see) so i think that woudnt hit until more like 18 or smth like that maybe idk
in much more basic terms. genderfluid gay leo ftw we love a trans leo in this house. this goes whether or not you believe in Egg this kid is not cis mark my goddamn words
raph has always screamed she/he to me as she has to most people. im feeling bi. double bi also feels both very right and very funny his siblings would have a ball w that
if mikey doesnt use neopronouns whats the point. gender is a game and mikey is winning. sexuality is also a game and mikey is Still winning. goes w pan but literally would nebulously date anyone as long as they seemed cool and he liked them well enough. they and leo are shaking hands except leo is hoarding like she, he, they, and maybe a couple other neopronouns meanwhile mikey is like im everything all at once fight me abt it. so nonbinary in the everything kind of way. maybe. i have no idea what the name for this is but i know exactly the kind of vibe im talking abt
and ofc donnie is in the absolute opposite direction. he/they, more nonbinary than anything else. rise apritello star lastknownstatus-alive has allured me with aroflux donnie and considering i know like two things abt the aro and ace label existence im absolutely listening. definitely think hes on that spectrum though, it just fits. think hed look at the sexuality thing and go ...none of these are right. and then forgo it entirely. their sexuality is whoever is hot and whoever they fall in love with die abt it
this is where i say that trans man draxum means everything to me and also that man simply isnt straight nor is he allistic (i mean allo as in like hes definitely on the ace/aro spectrum and i didnt realize until rereading a while later but he is also not allistic tbf)
also splinter is bi i rest my case. pretty normal gender on that rat though, even with the gnc everything
april is so . that gender is so everything. hoarding genders like mikey but less so and also less aggressively. less everything all at once and more somethings sometimes and sometimes not other things. shes a solid inbetween of mikey and leo. my brain clocked bi but i honestly dont know why. help i dont know that many names and also i havent been in love in 4 years idk how the sexuality half of this works
also as a disclaimer we as a system (not in our bio bc Fear) identify as genderfluid (not that i know what the flag looks like . look i keep forgetting to look it up ok) but thats because its easier. a lot of us are sort of genderfluid or use multiple pronouns but remembering those gender experiences is HARD . accordingly any discussion of gender and the experience might be totally fucked bc were only so many genders bc there are so many people in this brain. ok im getting off the stepladder w my megaphone where i make separate points now onto casey
my baby my little guy. think the fam wouldve given him the opportunity to explore that stuff as much as he could in the apocalypse. im feeling he/it. thinks gender is a construct. too busy to find a label. would probably like bigender or genderfluid. kind of like mikey, technically works w pan but would date literally whoever whenever wherever as long as there was a preexisting relationship. dont tell him but hes probably demiromantic
and casey sr!!! my girl my lady! i could go either cis or transgirl on her, or even she/they or she/they/he, she does whatever she wants any day of the week. absolutely a lesbian though thats undisputed. also feeling demiro And demiace
this is your last warning that i sussed half of these out based on vibes Right Now. except for leo theyre on my mind 24/7. and mikey mikey felt patently obvious. same for donnie but only gender wise
ok im done now prommy. may or may not fuck around and make a background + oh yeah! thats me!! style fic for these guys if i feel like it. probably wont come out during pride but hey. you dont stop being gay when june ends yk. either way tada ill come back if i decide i was talking bullshit and correct myself later. bc i usually decide i was talking bullshit eventually lmao. probably partially cause im like 18 its a natural side effect of growth occuring at a faster rate due to my younger age. anyways this has been your twice annually actually long and headcanons/fun filled luna post. ill see you in like, october probably, unless i get ballsy, see you then either way lmao
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aezuria · 6 months
*ੈ✎ he's an all american boy!
content: american football player! jason grace x reader
╰┈▸ back cover: mortal! au; part I | part II
warnings: cursing (sorry guys), kinda random non-linear plot (but its hcs so its fine)
librarian's annotations: guys help i need a song title/lyric that fits this so it can be my title
also IM GOING FERAL I THINK THE ANGST MADE ME INSANE SO THIS IS HOW I COPE can you guys tell im projecting by the way ppl fawn over him in this
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bro is actually hotshot #1
right when he walks into the school he is BOMBARDED with students like theyre papparazi
hes just
tall, handsome, buff- what more could a girl want?? (there are other criteria he meets but we'll get to that later)
the picture perfect quarterback straight from a damn movie
at first ppl were like "omg hes so hot but im not gonna go up to him cause what if hes mean???"
and then he goes up to them and hes all shy like
"excuse me? i need to get to my locker, sorry if i interrupted your conversation." and hes scratching the back of his neck and smiling awkwardly
word spreads fast in hs yall already know
so when everyone finds out hes not only tall, handsome and buff but also KIND??
head over heels
and hes not exactly oblivious to it but hes not fully aware of it either
probably like "oh yea a lot of ppl talk to me idk why tho its probably cause my friends are popular"
bby you’re the most popular out of your friends don’t even
hes such a good student too
teachers love him
hes everyones golden boy fr (especially mine teehee)
usually sits in the front of the class unless his friends make him sit with them in the back
then he pulls out his glasses that he keeps in its case, even having the lil wipe thing folded neatly
cue shocked gasps
"omg you wear glasses?"
"do you need to clean them? here have my handkerchief!" ("who even are you can't you see he has one")
"those suit you so well!"
his ears turn red at the sudden burst of attention and he laughs nervously, muttering his thanks
even the teacher wasnt mad at the disruption bc who would get mad at jason?
(he got little nudges from his friends after)
you guys know that one jock whose actually a nerd x nerd trope???
i dont even know if it exists but it sounds cute anyway
thats you and jason
he had his first conversation- if you could call it that, at the library when you guys were abt to grab the same book (ugh so cliche right)
being the gentleman he was, he let you have it
to which you tried to refute but he INSISTED
"oh, y/n it's yours. i'll just get a different one."
which got you a little intimidated bc who wouldnt be intimidated by a 6'2 jock thats the talk of the town
you thanked him profusely and scampered away
wait did he just say my name? how does he even know who i am?
that probably kept you up at night
like "oh my god did i just embarrass myself in front of THE jason grace???? did i walk away weird?"
little did you know that the jason grace was awake that same night
"did i scare her?? why did she look like that when i said her name? did my voice crack? did she think i was weird cause my hand brushed against hers? oh my god my hand brushed against hers.."
started noticing you EVERYWHERE after that
like he knew you guys were in some classes tgt
but he finds that he passes by you SO many times in the hallway
and somehow spots you at a table across the library
was that your usual spot? was this his usual spot now?
like what?? his delusional never-had-a-real-gf-because-that-one-time-he-dated-his-friend-she-turned-out-to-be-a-lesbian ass thinks its fate
very much influenced by all the books he reads (NO he does not read romance he simply finds an interesting book that HAPPENS to have romance)
i have this headcanon that he remembers the name of everyone in his classes because he was always forgettable as a kid and no one really knew his name cause he was so quiet (or he tries really hard to remember because he has this aching feeling that in another timeline he could never remember)
so he doesnt want to make others feel that way and yea
(stealing part of this from my earlier rant)
its late, hes tired, but hes back in the library to cram for his test tomorrow
so unlike him, usually hed be on top of things, but his minds been on some... other things. persons. person.
hes still sweaty and sore from football practice, having (literally) ran straight here after changing
throws his bag down (quietly of course, he's not some brute) and takes out like three different notebooks, his worn pencil case from freshman year, and his glasses
jason slides them on, pushing it up the bridge of his nose as he gets up and searches for the textbooks he needs
he knows its more comfortable and less time-consuming to just study at home, after all he already has loaner textbooks given out at the start of the school year, but something in his heart wanted him to drag his beat ass here and work
and good thing too, because he sees a familiar hand grab a book from the other side of the bookshelf
not that he just knows what your hand looks like, that'd be weird
it reveals your beautiful eyes, ones jason would love to see closer
he smiles at you from the crack in the bookshelf, murmuring a soft "hello"
you think you just saw an angel with the way the warm light crowned his head
but when you offer to help him study??? he thinks he fell in love
you were his SAVIOR
thanked you a billion times every other sentence and fumbled over his words cause hes never talked with you for this long
his ears are bright red even though the ac in the library was always to the max
also how is he wearing just a shirt
not that you minded though, it gave you a chance to ogle at the way the fabric was fighting for its life to keep him under wraps
and daydream about fantasies that shall not be named (one involving a pink bow around his bicep)
you dont know how long you were helping and how long you spent daydreaming
you hoped you werent being too obvious (it was very, very obvious but jason was too focused to notice)
it felt like mere minutes when jason looks up, a tired but accomplished look on his face
he thanks you one last time, saying he'll make it up to you
you couldnt help but feel disappointed until the fatigue from the day hits you like a bus
he offers to take you home, saying it was too dark out, and that it wouldnt be safe
god, hes such a gentleman
you take him up on the offer as you did NOT plan on dying a virgin
walks you to your door too, can he get any better???
apparently he can because after he got his scores back for his tests, he rushes to you with a bright smile and presents them like a child with their artwork
”i got a hundred! it’s all thanks to you, you’re a really great study buddy!”
of fucking course he gives the credit to you how is he so humble??
like that was alllll him you just sat there and admired the view (so real for that)
after that he practically begs you to go to his next game, saying he'll return the favor by playing extra hard for you
(can he be extra hard for me tho)
you needed no convincing because a. hes jason grace. end of question. (and b, you know his ass would look great in his uniform GOOD GOOGLY MOOGLY)
he even said he’ll treat you if your school wins (which should be the other way around, but he again, insists)
they won, to absolutely no one’s surprise
took you to a cute lil cafe where you guys got drinks and sandwiches
then he overthinks it before bed cause he didn’t make it sound like a date but he really wanted it to be but he wasn’t sure if you felt the same and-
when you guys do start dating, everyones jealous but they cant bear to hate because you guys are just so cute together (bonus if youre short cause height difference couple !!)
he tried to keep it secret cause he didnt want to get you overwhelmed with a bunch of attention, but its obvious to everyone hes extra soft with you
he thought he was being sneaky when he slowly shifted his usual seat day by day to be closer to you so it wouldnt be obvious (spoiler: it was)
you assured him you were okay with your relationship being public if he was okay with it too
of course he is how can he NOT want you by his side forever
he sees his friends give their gfs their jersey to wear to their games and is like “i so want that” but he’s too shy to ask youu
but it’s written all over his face as you catch him staring intently at the way his friend hands over his spare jersey to his girlfriend when they think no one was looking
so, being the great girlfriend you are, took it upon yourself to ask him for it
which he gave to you a blushing, stuttering mess
the next game, he was worried
where were you? you weren’t usually this late; the game was about to start and he didn’t even get a good luck kiss yet!
he knows it’s probably nothing strange, that you’re just running late, but he can’t help but worry
the whistle blows and he sighs, getting into position, but not before sneaking one last glance at the bleachers
his sky blue eyes found you instantly, and was that-?
you were wearing his jersey, practically swimming in it as you waved your arm excitedly.
he broke into a wide smile, unfortunately hidden by his helmet, and waved back at you, forgetting all about the game for a moment until his friend whacked him upside the head
he buzzed with anticipation, wanting to just hurry and finish so he could run to you and spin you in his arms
you were his driving motive as he scored touchdown after touchdown, never letting the other team bridge the gap in their points
his team wins unsurprisingly, and the first thing he does is throw down his helmet and run to you, tackling you gently
he sweeps you off your feet and kisses you as you spin, giggles muffled by his lips
hes sweaty and sticky but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, the way his smile lights up the world is all that matters
and he knows that you’re his world, and he’d do anything to make you light up
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GRABS YOU AND SHAKES YOU spill the Cyril lore
okay hi hello i dont know the exacts of what you wanna know so i will indulge abt the parts of his lore ive been most focused on rn: his relationship with dustin (this will be deepest lore type shit)
so, theres a huge trigger warning for abusive relationships past this point so whoops. ill try to keep everything vague though
so!! dustin was the second man cyril ever dated, and this was in college. they met some time their first year and cyril wouldnt necessarily say they hit it off but well- he's not the strongest when a cute guy decides he's gonna flirt with him. honestly, i think it says something abt cyril that he didnt exactly fight the dude away even though he wasnt the biggest fan of him but, well, i feel like its understandable after noting this dude was like a whole ass volcel who barely took care of himself after finding the first guy he dated's dead body dumped in an alley so- you take what you can get as a disheveled mess of a person.
anyways, i feel like i dont discuss just how shitty of a guy cyril was for a lot of their relationship. like, you can definitely sympathize with him but idk- (trying so hard to keep myself from spilling every sin ive written into this story) he was a pretty damn closed off guy to dustin and its understandable why, between the fact he was pressured into the relationship and the fact he was taught to view emotions as inherently bad, and idk- i think they were both better off never having gotten together and sure i wrote them but i also didnt if you know the Deepest deepest lore (this relationship is based on one of my own :p ((yes half my oc lore is venting)))
anyways that aside i like talking abt how cyril's disability actually effects his day to day and i just- so dustin was killed because cyril shot him yeah? i feel like it should be known that was 100% a lucky shot, this dude has shit aim 99.9% of the time and elijah absolutely mocks him relentlessly, of course its important to note that their entire dynamic when it comes to fighting though is tank x dps lmaoooo theyre silly lil guys. regardless, cyril cant see out of one of his eyes which does make a lot of shit regarding needing depth perception difficult as all hell. if he really tried he could probably overcome the whole "shit ass aim" thing but he also doesnt mind being the one with terribad aim considering elijah is a trained sniper regardless, he has the whole demonic strength thing going for him, he'll be fine.
but yeah idk this probably only caused more questions actually so uh- oops-
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merakiui · 4 years
Hello! I come with an odd request, its smth i just thought of out of the blue, but can you write something for Diluc, Kaeya and Xiao's reaction to a GN!reader who has a soft spot for slimes? :")
Like they actually get followed by slimes but they dont hurt them or anything, theyre like their personal bodyguards of sorts ahhaha
I just find the slimes so cute, but if this isnt too interesting to write for its okay ;;3;; Thank you for your time!
Diluc, Kaeya, and Xiao with an S/O who Likes Slimes
note - awww this was a very cute ask, anon!! also, I hit the 900 followers milestone! omgomgomg thank you all so, so much!!!!! your support and nice messages are what keeps me going! :D <3 <3
🔥 Diluc 🔥
Diluc always thought slimes were annoying and troublesome. They’d get into his vineyards and bother his workers with their aggressive nature.
So he’s isn’t amused when he watches you walk up the winery steps, a group of slimes hopping behind you. He has to stop his work because he’s just so confused. Why aren’t you using your weapon to take them down? Why are they following you?
Maybe you’ve got some sort of attractant on you that’s enticing the slimes. Whatever it is, he doesn’t exactly care. He just wants those slimes off of his property.
Diluc stands out in the open, expecting an explanation as his workers look on in mild worry and bewilderment. It’s not exactly common to see so many slimes peacefully mingling with a person.
Even though he tries to dislike the fact that all of these slimes are bothersome, it’s hard to deny the fact that you’re so happy around them. You’ll tell him that one just started following you and suddenly it became an entire fan club of slimes, all of whom seemed to find comfort in your presence.
Diluc doesn’t really understand the logic or reason behind that, but as long as you’re safe and the slimes don’t wreak havoc he supposes it wouldn’t hurt to let them stay for a little bit.
Your cheery mood definitely influences this choice and he finds the sight to be endearing.
But that doesn’t mean the slimes get to stay forever. Diluc doesn’t want to risk losing business as a result of the slimes, so you’ll have to either spend time with them away from his property or on specific days.
Maybe the two of you have a small picnic in the forest and the slimes join you!
He doesn’t want to admit it, but whenever the slimes surround you like enthusiastic puppies he thinks it’s quite adorable.
🧊 Kaeya 🧊
He considers it to be charming in its own unique way. At first he assumes the slimes are up to no good, but when you hold him back from attacking he’s very confused.
And then the slimes hop over to you and they don’t even try to hurt you. He’s even more surprised when you go over and pat one of them, as if they’re your friends.
Once you explain that the slimes have taken a liking to you ever since you saved one of them, you’ve made it your goal to never harm them. So they’ve become your little guardians.
Kaeya thinks that’s absolutely adorable. His sweet, lovely partner surrounded by slimes… It’s a strangely cute sight!
Under the guise of a flirt, he’ll say how the slimes resemble overprotective children shielding their parent. And he slyly says something about how he could be the father. The lot of you can be one happy family!
But then the slimes turn on him, threatening him with their own elemental abilities. You can’t help but laugh as they surround you in their attempts to drive Kaeya away.
Whenever he tries to come within touching distance of you, your new friends are quick to lash out. Kaeya pouts about it, somewhat jealous that you’re giving the slimes all of your attention.
���I just want to hug you, my dear,” he says. “Perhaps even kiss you, but those slimes are quite tricky…”
Once you’ve had your fun, you’ll find a way to show the slimes that Kaeya means well. He is your lover, after all, and he’s not going to hurt the slimes. At least, you make him promise not to hurt them.
He doesn’t mind the slimes as long as they’re not going to cause any harm to Mondstadt and its people. And, of course, no harm to you!
The slimes have always looked cute, so he supposes he’d rather have small, cute things fawn over you rather than aggressive hilichurls.
☁️ Xiao ☁️
He probably noticed it when he was watching you from Wangshu Inn. You were coming back from a long day of commissions and a trail of slimes were following you.
He thinks it’s strange at first and then even stranger when they aren’t attacking. But there aren’t any signs of demonic influence and the slimes don’t appear agitated, so it’s really none of his business.
Maybe it’s safe? Xiao can’t be sure, so he meets you outside just in case. It’s a surprise to see him out in the open, but he just wants to know why you’re bringing dangerous monsters back to a public space.
You’ll have to assure him that they won’t cause anyone trouble. After all, the slimes are your friends! They helped you out when you were struggling during one of your commissions.
He’s a little relieved to know they don’t harbor any ill intent towards you, but he still has his doubts. Xiao doesn’t really think the slimes mean well; they’re always so quick to attack anyone within their proximity so it’s very weird to see so many gathered around you, peaceful and unbothered.
But you’re absolutely positive that they’re safe and won’t disturb anyone. They’ve started treating you like a friend and you think it’s only fair if you reciprocate those feelings.
Eventually, Xiao warms up to the slimes. It’s cute…in a weird way. He likes seeing you so happy whenever the slimes come hopping over to you.
As long as they don’t try to use their elemental powers against you, he’s fine with them crowding around you. Although he will get annoyed if they continuously prevent him from spending some alone time with you.
It’s a silly sight to watch him chase away the slimes as if they were stray cats.
At some point, though, he is going to want them to leave you alone. It can be tricky to have so many slimes near you when you’re trying to go on dates with him or relax after a long day of work.
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 years
Wanna talk about demi fluid/gender fluid curly?🌿
im runnin this based off of my experience before i start i want everyone to know that before i startso YEA HERE WE GO TRANS CURLY WOO
general genderfluid hcs:
•before i start imma say it now curly prefers he/him pronouns, but hes also ok w she/her pronouns as well as they/them ones, and unless they tell otherwise u could use any of em cause he doesnt rlly care about pronouns that much
•so basically curly always felt like there was more to him genderwise like he wasnt just a boy if u know what i mean and i feel like that feeling only grew and grew as he got older so he couldnt exactly ignore it
•at some point he was just like “fuck it” and decided to like explore his gender identity more, searching up terms n what not seeing if they worked for him, so for some part of his life he just didnt know fuck shit about what he was genderwise
•this eventually led her into a rabbit hole and eventually for a good while she thought she was a demiboy, and she felt more comfortable gender wise but she felt like deep down it still wasnt her bc she realized her gender wasnt something that could just, b one way and STAY that way, and boom thats kinda where it rlly started of her finding out she was genderfluid
•ngl he struggles w that “ur not trans” mindset quite a bit on his off days ig u could call it, like they feel like hes not even though absolutely he is, like he wont b seen as trans in other ppls eyes and that messes w him quite a bit, and he just never thought he would b trans and now he is and thats kinda a mind fuck for her, and all that combined fucks him up sometimes i hope this made sense💀
•he was pretty happy/relieved when he found out cause god DAMN it was annoying to go through, but at the same time its pretty u real to him, but hes doin fine rn guys🫶🏽
•super supportive mfs around them especially tim, angela, and pony, their #1 supporters xoxo
small demilfluid part:
if u dont know what being demifluid is its basically like one part of ur gender stays the same while the other one is just changing constantly, hence why its called DEMIfluid, only one part of ur gender is changing, and thats the genderfluid part
•OK so if u want them to b demifluid, theyre nonbinary as the part of their gender that stays the same
•he literally goes through the same thing as i stated above, just a lil more soul searching bc of that ‘static’ gender part
•this entire post is a thing bc i wanted everyone to hear about curly in a dress for a date w pony and now ponys staring hard bc theyre pretty
•*cough cough* steals angelas clothes *cough*
•but her and angela do shop together idc idc
•telling ppl was kinda nerve wracking for her a lil but they were totally fine w it!!!they dont rlly feel like telling/coming out about it anymore so she doesnt rlly do it anymore, in her mind its more of a “if ppl find out then so b it” kinda deal
anyways genderfluid/demifluid curly guys!!!!!🏳️‍⚧️
if u got anything else feel free to share n what not, ok post over byeeeee
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transgenderer · 2 years
@tanadrin mentioned "amber" isnt germanic, so i looked up the etymology, and
mid-14c., ambre grice "ambergris; perfume made from ambergris," from the phrase in Old French (13c.) and Medieval Latin, from Arabic 'anbar "ambergris, morbid secretion of sperm-whale intestines used in perfumes and cookery" (see ambergris), which was introduced in the West at the time of the Crusades. Arabic -nb- often is pronounced "-mb-."
In Europe, amber was extended to fossil resins from the Baltic (late 13c. in Anglo-Latin; c. 1400 in English), and this has become the main sense as the use of ambergris has waned. Perhaps the perceived connection is that both were found washed up on seashores. Or perhaps it is a different word entirely, of unknown origin. Formerly they were distinguished as white or yellow amber for the Baltic fossil resin and ambergris "gray amber;" French distinguished the two substances as ambre gris and ambre jaune.
i guess amber wasnt that common until the modern period? also, they dont seem like similar substances? i guess theyre both kind of waxy/resinous? idk, its very odd. anyway, this made me google baltic amber, and
The Baltic region is home to the largest known deposit of amber, called Baltic amber or succinite. It dates from 44 million years ago (during the Eocene epoch).[1] It has been estimated that these forests created more than 100,000 tons of amber.[2] Today, more than 90% of the world's amber comes from Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia. It is a major source of income for the region; the local Kaliningrad Amber Combine extracted 250 tonnes of it in 2014,[3] 400 tonnes in 2015.[4]
?!?! its not clear to me why theres such a ridiculous amount of amber here, its so common it washes up on the beach! it seems like the three major areas were on the coast at the time of formation (theres also significant deposits on the coast of japan). something about coastal conifers is really good for producing huge amounts of amber i guess, keeps them preserved or something. they were definitely massive forests but there have been massive forests like everywhere so that cant be enough. this source says
When resin is secreted, it’s not certain that it will be turned into amber. More often than not, it gets weathered away. First of all the resin needs to be chemically stable and not degrade over time. It has to be resistant to sun, rain, extreme temperatures, and microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. There are two types of resin produced by plants that can fossilize. Terpenoids are produced by gymnosperms (conifers) and angiosperms. They are composed of ring structures made from isoprene (C5H8) units. Phenolic resins are only produced by Angiosperms. An extinct type of trees called medullosans produced another unique type of resin.
The next factor is that the resin needs to be in the right conditions to fossilize. Young amber could be transported in seawater (it floats), and then buried under sediment to fossilize. In the Baltics, glaciers knocked down many trees and buried them, allowing them to fossilize. Wet clay and sand sediments preserve resin well because they don’t contain much oxygen and the sediments eventually transform into rocks. Intense pressure and temperatures cause the resin to become a solid orange gem. First molecular polymerization forms copal (young amber) and then the heat and pressure drive out terpenes and complete the amber transformation
so i guess its exactly like normal fossils, needs to be buried in sediment just right to preserve it, and forests+glaciers+coast isnt common enough in large enough quantities to cause other massive deposits? anyway, neat!
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fairycosmos · 3 years
this is very random but i was hoping maybe you could give some insight? i finally accepted that im lesbian but ive been calling myself bi for 5 years now and also realized that i used it to avoid women cause i was scared to admit that i found them attractive. now im admitting it and that i never really wanted anything to do with men but.....i have no idea how to romantically approach women loool like im so lost with it, i have no idea how queer culture or anything of the sort works cause ive avoided it as much as i could until now......how does this shit work, i feel like im reealizing things too late (even tho im only 22 ) and ive missed my chance to live a happy gay life ashfkfjkf even tho i know that sounds stupid. this sounds so dumb but i dont know how to be gay lmao
oh it's suuuuper normal don't even worry about it. it's why a lot of lgbt ppl feel like they have their coming of age moments much later. or they feel like they go through a second puberty of sorts where they rediscover sexuality and romance and love, through a lens they finally feel comfortable with, for the first time. also ur soooo young it's fine it's fine it's fine. you will be fine. i know it's frustrating and it feels kind of like stumbling through the dark TBH i'm kind of in the same boat so maybe everything i have to say on the matter is kind of stunted - but yeah it's honestly so natural. i think familiarizing yourself with queer culture and media is a good first step like movies, certain communities, tv shows, online spaces, books, music and artists etc etc. and also maybe learning a bit about lesbian history in ur country if it interests you! or not that's just an idea some ppl don't care LOL anyway. i recommend finding other lgbt ppl online too, it's really cathartic and fun and it's great to have friends who r on the same wave length as you like that, even just on the internet. THEN i guess the next step would be looking for gay/lgbt scene in ur area, if there is one, and maybe checking out a few gay bars or clubs with ur friends. or just look for any sort of communal activity that is popular w other lesbian and bi women specifically and kind of learn from there as you go through adjusting and observing. there's also sometimes these lgbt support groups to help ppl find each other/cope w hard situations that stem from being lgbt so maybe you could look into those? it sounds cheesy but there literally is no wrong way to be gay at all, it doesn't even have to be a whole thing if you don't want it to be. it's truly just an aspect of ur identity. and nobody knows how to flirt or talk to ppl at first, there's no script you need to follow with women just because theyre women or anything. they're not expecting you to know exactly what to do or say right off the bat, either. it's just about trying to genuinely connect w people when the opportunity presents itself, i reckon, and seeing where it goes from there. you could try lgbt/lesbian dating apps if u want, though they can be kind of intimidating - i always delete them every few months feeling like i have no idea how to talk to women, either. it is hard ngl like it's a weird world to navigate especially when you're new to it and it's normal to feel lost and a little strange about it so don't feel like ur some outlier who didn't get the memo! none of us did! we're all somewhat estranged from each other, even ppl who grew up out and proud. just the fact that you're finally in a place of self acceptance is a really good sign and there is no set trajectory for this sort of thing at all, where you have to measure yourself up against everyone elses time scale and journey and experiences. you're doing better than you think. baby steps into getting to know the lgbt culture and scene wherever you live is more than enough. no rush <3
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