#and not even then because customizers took all their eyes out and gave them light eyes for some reason
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kylejsugarman · 9 months ago
american girl doll did such a good job debuting three unique-looking dolls with characters who were community-minded and had genuinely interesting stores with world by us, and it was even more impressive when they did nothing to promote them and gave them the bare minimum in terms of accessories and play sets, and it was so awesome when they silently retired them as if they had never even existed and scrubbed them from the brand, and its really cool how anyone who wants a world by us doll now will have to pay insane prices on the secondhand market to buy one
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scoutswritingcorner · 1 year ago
Careful, Baby On Board
Cursed Cat Alastor
TW: The Vee’s, biting, Cursed Cat Alastor being a menace
A/N: I had an idea of Cursed Cat Alastor being in a babybjorn carrier
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The day had started out fine, you had to do a few errands around the hotel for Charlie and Vaggie. You were currently finishing eating your snack, Catastor (You originally named it Cat Alastor but that was too long) in your other arm as you ate. It was purring loudly, slowly blinking as if it was about to fall asleep in your arm. It’s paws carefully making air biscuits as it looked around the room ignoring you as you ate your snack.
Sadly every moment of peace is broken in the ever busy Hazbin Hotel as Charlie walks into the kitchen looking guilty as she wrung her fingers together smiling at you. You looked up at her, “Yes Charlie?” You asked as you took another bite of the very very off brand granola bar you had found whilst digging around in the pantry of the kitchen without Alastor finding out but Catastor did find out easily. “So…I have another errand for you cause Sir Pentious accidentally broke one of the bar taps and the part we need is more in town and you’re the only other one who can go..Alastor won’t go near the Vee’s tower..” She explained before smiling at you, opening her mouth about to say something else but stopped when you shrugged, “Okay.”
“..okay? That’s all?” She asked, disbelieving that you would answer so quickly, “Yeah..I’ll head out in a second.” You hummed, throwing your trash away as Catastor made a little growling noise in response. “Hush grumpy boy, we are going on an adventure.” You whispered out to him giving him a gentle kiss to his head which made him start purring more. Silly cat behaves much like your darling deer man.
After looking at what broke and taking a picture of it to make sure you could find the right things you had headed into town. The only store that was close was sadly in the Vee’s distract of Pentagram City which was dangerous for most of the hotel- Angel because Valentino and Alastor won’t go anywhere near modern technology and barely anyone in the hotel goes this far into pentagram city. So it was up to you, which you didn’t really care much for as you usually tuned everything out and stayed in huge crowds to avoid Vox finding you. The fucking creep trying to either flirt with you and get you to leave Alastor or he just watches you.
Straightening out your jacket to keep Catastor from growling at the amount of modern technology around and calm in the babybjorn carrier you had bought and specifically custom made for him so you could carry him around with you easier. While he was practically light as a feather, your arm would get all tingly after a while, he also tended to pick a fight with anyone who dared venture too close for his comfort. Sadly lady luck was not on your side on this fine hellish evening, first when you got into the store they were completely out of the part you needed and it wouldn’t be shipped in until a week later, so you had to call Charlie and get her decision on what to do, then Catastor didn’t like how the store manager was looking at you and decided to have an early lunch which resulted in you getting kicked out after you had negotiated a reasonable way for them to deliver the item to the Hotel and finally when you thought your day couldn’t get worse. Vox had to show his face to you as you finally got Catastor calmed down enough to get back into the carrier.
You fixed your jacket and gave Catastor a little kiss on his head before turning around to immediately run into Vox’s chest. “What the fuck.” You hissed out angrily glaring up at the tall tv headed demon, who only smirked at you. “What the fuck indeed, I didn’t expect you to be out and about this part of pentagram city!” He said loudly causing you to flinch, you already felt a migraine building behind your eyes. The low static that emitted from Catastor started to become louder and louder by the passing seconds as Vox went on and on about something you couldn’t care about.
“What…what the fuck is that noise?” He hissed out his screen glitching in anger, “My baby.” you replied quickly making the overlord stop in his tracks, “You have a kid?” He asked, watching you nod and open your jacket to show the bright red and black fluff ball that was currently hissing and jerking its head in anger. Bright red dialed eyes glaring Vox down, as it easily escaped the carrier it was in, saliva and foam escaping its fangs. “This is my baby boy and bodyguard while my darling Husband is off doing his own thing.” You replied looking at your nails, nonchalantly. 
Vox opened his mouth to say something but as his hand reached over to touch you that’s when Catastor pounced, claws digging into the Overlord’s chest and screen as he bit down anywhere he could. It was over in a flash as Vox had disappeared using his electricity and Catastor was standing where Vox laid before snarling and growling out wires in his mouth. You smiled picking him up, praising him as you took the red and blue wires out of his mouth. “Don’t need my bodyguard to get a stomach ache later.” You hummed walking back to the hotel.
Alastor is going to have a field day when he hears what happened with Vox. Maybe rub it in the overlord’s face at the next meeting.
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moonstruckme · 5 months ago
Hi lovely! I’ve been wanting to request to you for while bc I love your writing so much but I’m not used to requesting so idk ����
Ok so I LOVE the way you write for wolfstar x reader. I was wondering if you could write smth where reader gets drunk (or just tipsy) and, bc of the alcohol, she gets more confident and starts being super verbally affectionate when she normally isn’t. It’s not that she’s shy but she just isn’t really a verbally affectionate person.
Thank you lovely!
cw: alcohol, inebriation
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
“You don’t just casually brush a customer’s hand unless you’re hitting on them!” Sirius insists as he jimmies his key in the front door. “And right in front of us, too. The gall!” 
“I’m sure he didn’t mean to.” He can practically hear Remus’ eyes rolling. “He wasn’t hitting on me.” 
“Our angel and I didn’t get felt up when he gave us our drinks.” 
Something suspiciously giggle-esque comes out of Remus. “He didn’t feel me up!” 
“I think you just don’t understand how handsome you are,” you say in a voice made of dandelion fluff, soft and light and pure. “People like you more than you realize. It’s sort of sweet how you don’t notice, though.” 
The lock finally gives. Sirius opens the door gallantly, allowing you and Remus to spill inside first. You’re clinging to your boyfriend like moss to a tree, and Sirius is endlessly grateful for Remus’ physical stability even in inebriation so that he doesn’t have to support the both of you himself. 
Sirius never sets out to be the most sober at the end of the night, but Remus only had as many drinks as Sirius and has somehow ended up twice as tipsy. Sirius’ theory: the bartender took a liking to him and poured him doubles as a token of his affection. Considering Remus’ tall frame, Welsh origins, and the fact that he’s been able to drink Sirius under the table since they were fifteen, this seems the only reasonable explanation. 
“Me?” Remus sounds genuinely surprised, a bit of bashfulness creeping into his tone. 
“Mhm,” you hum. “Remember that barista last week? She liked you, too, but you couldn’t tell then either.” 
“She liked me because I had a simple order.” 
You shake your head, smiling up at him all soft and adoring. “No, she liked you because you’re lovely.” You reach up, tracing the lines of one of his scars with your fingertip. “Very, very lovely.” 
Sirius is inclined to agree, even as Remus’ face goes a very, very lovely rosy hue. You’re in rare form tonight, honey-tongued and expressive in ways you’re usually not inclined to. You’ve been overflowing with declarations of love and sweetness since you all left the bar. 
“Do you want something to drink, my loves?” Sirius asks as Remus tries to collapse to the floor as carefully as he can so that he can take his shoes off with you stuck to his side. 
“Awe, Siri,” you turn to him with a look of wonder, “are you gonna make sure we’re fed and watered?” 
Sirius can’t help himself. He crouches beside you, slotting his hand alongside your face. You’re positively moony-eyed. 
“I sure am, sweetness. Is that okay with you?” 
You nod, rubbing your cheek against his palm. “I love you when you take care of us. I mean,” you get very serious, “I love you all of the time. It’s not conditional, just, this is a bit extra.” 
Sirius is smiling so hard his cheeks hurt. “Noted,” he tells you. 
You continue to look at him with that sweet, dreamy expression, and Sirius realizes you’ve likely forgotten he ever asked you a question. He’d be content to do this with you all night, except the only thing that sounds better than sitting here holding your face is getting to hold both you and Remus once he gets you both in bed. 
Also, now your boyfriend is watching the two of you with a lovelorn expression, clearly feeling left out, and Sirius can’t have that. 
“Do you want some water, darling?” he asks him. 
Remus’ cheeks pinken again at being caught. “I wouldn’t mind some. I can get it.” 
“No, you say here.” Sirius stands, setting a fond hand atop his boyfriend’s head. “Why don’t you two take your shoes off, and I’ll bring it to you.” 
Sirius can hear you and Remus whispering and giggling to each other from the kitchen. Your voices intertwine in a sweet, steady susurrus, as much as part of your home as the hum of the refrigerator or the creaking of the pipes. When Sirius comes back with a cup for each of you, you’ve waylaid Remus on the floor, your torso half atop his and his hands cupping your face. You’re both smiling tenderheartedly. One of your shoes is still on, the clasp undone. Sirius sits by your feet.
“My lovely dovely,” Remus is murmuring, sozzled, squishing your face between his hands. You look nearly ready to melt into a puddle on their floor when you feel Sirius pulling off your remaining shoe and look back at him. 
“Sirius.” You appear delighted to see him. “Did you have a fun time tonight?” 
He presses cups of water into both of your hands. You sit up to drink yours, whereas Remus tips the cup half on his face when he tries to drink it lying down. 
“I did,” Sirius replies. He clasps Remus’ hand to help him up, and the other boy lets him. “Did you?” 
Remus runs his fingers up the length of Sirius’ forearm. “Did you really?” he asks. There’s a small divot of worry between his brows.
Sirius frowns. He leans forward, kissing it away. “Of course I did, lovely. Why are you asking?” 
“We were just saying,” you answer for him, “that we hope you did still have a good time, even though now you have to look after us.” 
A little laugh puffs out of Sirius, relieved. “Oh. Well you’ve got nothing to worry about there, yeah? I love looking after you.”
You glance at Remus, smiling. “That’s what I said.” 
“Next time,” Remus says somberly, “you can get as drunk as you like, and we’ll bring you home and feed you water.” 
“And massage your back,” you add. “And give you cuddles, if you like.” 
“I like the sound of that very much,” Sirius agrees. “Is this your way of telling me you’d like back massages and cuddles?” 
You smile at him dopily. “I love you,” you say. 
Sirius rolls his eyes. “I love you too. Alright, you win. Back massages and cuddles if you both finish your waters and get in bed.” 
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ariestrxsh · 8 months ago
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customer!matt x stripper!reader
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🎀 content warning: smut, lap dance, role play, fingering, oral (f!receiving) unprotected sex, praise, pussy worship, exchange of money for sex
🎀 summary: while working a busy night at your local strip club, you see a familiar face in the crowd, but the two of you pretend not to know each other for the night
if you're looking for a chris version with a similar storyline, you can read it here 💖
dividers by @/dollywons
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I had just recently started my job at a local strip club, and because I was new and unsure about how the people in my life would react, I opted out of telling my friends and family about it, so instead I told everyone I got hired at a bar, which wasn't entirely false. We did serve alcohol.
It took me a few weeks to get comfortable dancing in my heels, and a month before my legs weren't sore after every shift. Having been here a little shy of six months, I was making enough money to spend on even sexier lingerie so I could bring in even more tips. I was also learning new tricks on the pole.
I liked my job honestly, and I didn't feel like there were many people who could say that. I liked the work, I liked the women I worked with, I got paid well, and I even liked a lot of the customers. I had fun teasing men and spending my time with them while they gave me money and attention. It was a nice exchange. And I felt like I was genuinely getting to know some of them, even though they weren't exactly getting to know me. I was putting on a persona, and it was usually catered to the person I was servicing at the time, but it's not like it wasn't me. It was just only one aspect of me that I amped up and played heavily into. But I loved it. I loved dressing up and playing a role that was so different from my everyday demeanor and being what these men wanted me to be. In my everyday life, I was reserved, introverted, and kept to myself most of the time, but when I was dancing, I was an exaggerated version of who I was when no one was looking. My fantasies, my sexual desire, an alter ego if you will.
It was almost my time to go on. I reapplied my body glitter and made a few finals tweaks to my outfit. I was wearing a white sparkly corset that pushed my breasts up nicely and a matching thong as well as glass six inch heels. I had my hair down but out of my face and curly. "Give it up for Mary Jane," the announcer came on. I didn't want to use my real name at my work, so I decided on Mary Jane because it was innocent sounding and was also nothing like my real name. 'Taste' by Tyga and Offset played over the speakers, there was a spotlight on me and other lights around me flashed and changed colors, and I seductively strutted towards the pole in front of me, gripping it with one hand and doing a little spin around it. I slowly descended down the pole with my back to it until I was in a squat, looking out at the crowd of men who were eager to see my body and what it could do. I came back up and hooked one of my legs around the pole, doing a ballerina spin around it. I could feel all these eyes on me, and I gained even more confidence as the dollar bills started raining at me feet.
I made eye contact with a few customers I recognized, men who were regulars. Then my gaze scanned across a familiar face that wasn't one I usually saw in this setting. Matt Sturniolo? In a strip club? This was not his scene at all. We were decently close friends, but I certainly hadn't told him I applied here, and I didn't think it was necessary considering I didn't think I'd ever see him here. He appeared to be alone. No one I recognized was near him. And when we made eye contact, he was looking at me some sort of way I'd never been looked at by him before, like he was hungry for me. He had to have recognized me, right? I may look different with my tits pushed up to my chin, but not that different.
I focused my attention back to my dance, manipulating the attention of every man in the room, contorting my body in ways that had every man wishing they were the pole between my legs. I finished my song, collected my ones, tucked them into my corset, and carefully got down from the stage.
Once I looked up from watching my feet as I stepped off the stage, I saw Matt making his way over to me. I was really nervous about what he might say. If he'd be mad that I didn't tell him I was working here or if he'd tease me. Instead, he looked me up and down with his lust-filled blue eyes and licked his lips. "How much for a dance from you?" He asked me, smiling. He couldn't be serious. I hesitated for a second. I had never been put in a position where someone I recognized outside of the club came in and asked me for a dance.
On some level, it felt inappropriate. On another level, it felt like a bad business move to not take him up on it. "$100 for three songs," I responded nonchalantly. He casually took a $100 bill out of his wallet and tucked it into my corset with my other money. I liked the way he did that. Then he grabbed me by the waist and started walking with me towards the back of the club where he could sit down. "So, Mary Jane, did they say?" Matt asked as he sunk into his chair and looked up at me, almost as if studying the way I was gonna respond.
Was he going to pretend he didn't know me? Was this part of the fantasy, acting like we were two strangers who just met in a strip club when we're actually pretty close friends outside of this. I nodded. I turned around and began grinding on him, and he grabbed my waist in response, slowly running his fingers down my curves. "How long have you worked here, Mary Jane? Matt asked me. "Nearly six months," I replied while I shifted my weight so I was resting right against his half-hard cock. He let out a groan in response. "It's a shame I've missed you any time I've been in here," he answered. "You come here often?" I asked, it sounding like a bad pick up line in my head. "Sometimes, depends on what's going on in my life. Depends on my needs at the time," he told me. I didn't know that about Matt.
There was something about being on his lap, brushing up against his hardening member in his pants that was turning me on more than I thought it should be. I had given men lap dances before that I'd found attractive, and it definitely left me a little wet a few times. But this was different. I definitely had always found Matt attractive, and there was an extra layer to this, Matt and I acting like this was our first time meeting. The way his demeanor was different in this setting and the way mine was too. I was beginning to wonder if I was starting to enjoy this more than he was.
"I wanna see your face," Matt growled into my ear, and I obliged by turning around and straddling him. I went back to basically riding him with our clothes on while we looked into each other's eyes. Matt's hands almost immediately found their way to my ass. "You have an incredible body, you know that?" Matt commented. "You're not so bad yourself," I smirked at him. Matt's hands moved from my ass to my breasts. The way he handled me was gentle but with purpose and demanding at the same time. I loved the way his hands traced my body while I continued to grind against him. "Fuck, I wanna kiss you so bad," Matt responded, staring at my lips. "You can if you have another $100 on you," I replied. No matter how badly I wanted to kiss him, I made it a rule that I'd always charge for intimate touch like that, because the men had to know it was transactional. I didn't want to make anyone feel lead on. This was my job, and this was a sale.
Matt shifted my hips so that I was straddling his knee now instead as he reached for his wallet in his pocket. I found myself holding my breath as his leg rubbed up against my already wet cunt and caused friction that sent a shock of pleasure through my nerve endings. It took everything in me to keep from riding his thigh while he pulled another benjamin out of his wallet and tucked it into the bra of my corset. I leaned in to kiss him. His lips were soft and pouty. His kiss was gentle, the same as his touch. His tongue slowly slipped into my mouth and brushed against my own. It was wet and velvety. While he passionately kissed me, his hands made their way to my face, softly cupping it. I pulled away, looking at him with a deep desire.
"Your three songs are almost over," I whispered, maintaining control of the situation. "I can pay for another three songs," Matt said, about to shift me onto his knee again. "Matt, please. As your friend, I can't let you do this. $300 is a lot of money to be spending at a strip club," I lectured him, breaking character. "Mary Jane, tonight I'm just another customer. I make my own money, I can spend it how I like," Matt bit his lip at me. "I wanna spend it on you, baby. I wanna spoil you," his words sent more waves of ecstacy through my body.
"Alright, another three songs," I said putting out my hand to accept another bill. "Actually, how much to take you to the private room?" Matt gestured towards the more intimate spaces where no one could see us. "All that you have in your wallet," I said jokingly, making a gun with my hand and jabbing it into his chest, but he took me seriously. He pulled out his wallet, grabbed a wad of cash, stuck it in my g-string this time, and tipped his wallet upside down to show me it was empty all while he smiled. I reached down to the money he'd put in my panties. "Only catch is, I want you for the whole night. Until the club closes," Matt growled while I counted the money. There was almost $1000 in my hand. I was shocked that Matt had this kind of money to blow at a strip club. And the fact that he did this semi-regularly? Matt was very quiet about how much money he had and about what a freak he was, and I liked that.
I thought about declining his offer and telling him I couldn't mix business, friendship, AND pleasure. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I'd be dumb not to. He was hot, he wanted me, and I'd never made this much money in one night before. "Deal," I said, tucking the money into my corset. Matt grinned at me. "Follow me," I said, leading him back.
I'd taken men into the private rooms before many times, and I liked it. It was quieter, away from all the noise. There was a bed and a couch. Usually, men would take me in there because they wanted more privacy. I'd never slept with a customer, no matter how much I'd been offered, but there were a few times where I'd definitely maybe crossed an ethical line that could technically get the club in trouble, but I'd never tell. I was good at keeping secrets. There were a few men I'd given handjobs to, one john who had taken my tits out of my bra and teased my nipples with his tongue, and one guy who rubbed my clit over my panties until he made me cum. I remembered being so embarrassed and blushing after that encounter, but that was the most money I'd ever made in one night. Until tonight.
"Why don't you take that top off?" Matt inquired when we were alone in the room. I smirked at him as I pulled all the cash out of my bra and set it next to my shoes I'd slipped out of to get more comfortable. I was nervous for him to see me like this, but it was just business. I started undoing the clasps on my corset when Matt came up behind me to help me. When all the hooks were undone, Matt slowly slid my straps down my shoulders one by one. He let my corset slowly fall to the ground, and when it did, he took both breasts into his hands and looked at them in awe. "Shit," he whispered to himself, fondling them, brushing up against my sensitive nipples.
Matt made his way to the couch and comfortably sprawled out, taking up space and licking his lips while his eyes studied my every curve while running his hand along his hard dick in his pants. "Come here, princess," Matt said, rubbing his leg and patting it, motioning for me to sit down, so I did. Once I leaned back into him, he played with my nipples some more, teasing them, pinching them, sucking on them. His hands slowly moved to the front of my panties, rubbing me through the fabric for a few minutes, and moved my thong aside while I sat on his lap. "Your pussy looks so pretty with your panties all pushed to the side like that," Matt complimented me in a voice that was barely above a whisper as he reached for it. When he started moving his fingers in circles skillfully around my clit, I let out a soft moan. "Oh, you're so wet, darling," Matt observed, exploring me with his hands. I loved sitting on his lap like a giddy little girl. His touch felt amazing. He slipped a finger inside of me and then another one while he looked down at my entrance, enthralled by how much wetter he was making me. "Oh, Matt," I whimpered as I started to get close. "Come on pretty girl. Cum all over my fingers," Matt smirked. I couldn't believe I was hearing these words leave Matt's mouth, but I took them as a command. I came unraveled while I sat on his knee with his fingers pumping in and out of me. I felt my body tense up and tremble for a few seconds, and then a glorious release.
"Good girl. You think I could make you cum again?" Matt cooed, licking his fingers while I tried to catch my breath, but I nodded and smiled. He lifted me up off his lap, revealing a wet spot on his pants under where I was sitting, and Matt seemed turned on by it. He sat me on the couch and got down on his knees on the floor between my legs. He pulled my panties to the side again, and I felt his hair tickle my thigh as he leaned it and attached his lips to my vulva. He teased me by kissing and licking everywhere but my clit while he looked up at me, smiling. "Please Matt," I whined, tugging at his curls, trying to bring him closer to where I wanted him to lick me, but he was doing it on purpose, making me beg for it, and he loved it. "Your pussy is so pretty up close and personal like this. Let me take my time with her," he smirked, teasing my entrance and kissing the insides of my thighs. He finally gave in after a few more minutes of my relentless pleading, manipulating my sweet spot with his tongue. He started moving it faster and more enthusiastically. It felt so good, I found myself sliding down on the couch, slowly but surely inching my pussy towards his face. He grabbed my hips and held me in place while he passionately moaned against me, sending shivers through my body. Matt was surprising me by the minute. He was certainly a jack of all trades, and I was learning I didn't even know a lot about him at all, only the parts that he wanted me to see. And the more I saw, the more I liked.
I started digging my nails into his shoulders as he continued to eat me like a mad man, running his hands and his tongue anywhere he pleased, and every time I was responsive to the way he touched me, he moved more eagerly. I was a moaning, writhing wreck under the flick of his tongue the carress of his fingers. I had never let a customer go down on me before. There were a lot of ethical boundaries I was willing to cross at this point for Matt. It just made it even hotter that we were playing into this fantasy that we didn't know each other and that he was just paying for a stripper - and at this point, basically a prostitute. I liked that Matt was paying me to eat my pussy. What a dream. And he was so wonderful at it too. Such attention to detail. So thorough. So restrained yet so urgent. I couldn't get enough of how much he wanted me.
"I'm so fucking in love with your pussy, I could eat you for hours," Matt mumbled in between licks. He closed his lips around my swollen bud and gently sucked on it until I was trembling and nearly screaming his name. "Yes, pretty girl. Make a mess on my tongue. I know you can do it," he cooed. His encouragement along with his skillful mouth had my second orgasm hitting me even harder than the first. I couldn't keep my hips from grinding against Matt's tongue while I twitched and whimpered obscenities, gripping the back of his head.
"Oh my fucking god. Where did you learn to do that?" I smiled down at him once I started to recover from my intense climax. "You're the one who basically showed me what to do with your body language. All I had to do was listen," he smirked. His answer was as hot as what he had just done to me. I liked the way Matt was in tune with my body, and the way he was trying things out to see how I'd react and then doing the things I loved over and over again. It was similar to how I behaved with my customers.
"Have you ever gone down on any other women in these clubs?" I asked him. "No, not ever. This was a first for me," he confided in me, which made me feel special. "First for me too. Guess it wouldn't hurt if we went further.." my voice started to trail off. "Say no more, princess," Matt said, finally taking the time to take off my panties instead of just moving them to the side again.
He unbuttoned his pants, pulled down his boxers, and entered me with no warning. I felt myself invite him in easily, and he started pumping in and out out of me aggressively. I loved the way he filled me and the way he spoke to me. I loved the way his lips parted to let out a stream of moans and the way he looked at me with his glazed over blue eyes, letting me know he couldn't take it much longer. His cock repeatedly hitting my pleasure spot was sending me over the edge again. I throbbed around his thickness as another wave crashed over me, and I got lost in it for a moment. All I could feel was endless pleasure, and there was a ringing in my ears that lasted for several minutes after I came. Matt loudly groaned "Oh, fuck," while he pulled out, leaving a mess on my pussy, and we both watched as his cock twitched and released his sticky white substance. He smiled down proudly and in awe of the way his ejaculate glistened on my womanhood.
He collapsed on the couch beside me after it was all over. "You're so much different at work as opposed to the shy girl I see every day," Matt nudged me. "Not shy, just keep my cards close to my chest," I corrected him. "But yeah, you're so much different as well. Who knew you could fuck like that?" I said, licking my lips, and he grinned as I complimented him.
"I've gotta go, sweetheart. The club is closing in ten minutes, and I've gotta come up with something to tell Chris and Nick about why I've been gone for several hours," he laughed. He leaned down one more time to stroke my face, and he gave me a sensual, slow, deep kiss. "Matt, seriously, come again. I loved doing business with you," I smiled up at him, not wanting him to leave. "I'll be back darling. Don't worry. I'd pay a million dollars if I had it to drown in that sweet pussy again. Just promise me, it'll be our little secret."
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damnfeelings09 · 1 month ago
Who'd have known? - Shadow's version
A.N: Hello! been in a little writters block and finally pulled myself out of it thanks to @dayoftearsandmourning lovely request so this one goes specially for her (I hope it's what u wanted)I hadn't heard this song before but it's so cute an fluffy so I hope I made justice. Also yes I know Rouge is not (yet) on the SMU (sonic movie universe) but I dont care.
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Shadow felt comfortable, welcoming the warmth in his chest, his muscles relaxing allowing himself to drift away, something that only happened when he was with you, even while doing the most mundane things like sitting next to you watching your favorite show. Shadow had stopped paying attention to the TV, fixing his attention on you noticing every change in your expression, the little smile peeking out of your lips, the flutter of your eyelashes, the way you puckered your nose when the main character got into trouble. He noticed how you hugged your torso, the cold of the night becoming present, without thinking, without planning it, he placed his arm around your shoulders, as if it were the most natural thing between you.
“…Put your arm around my shoulder And it was as if the room got colder”
The gesture did not go unnoticed by you. The warmth flooding your cheeks painting them pink, you enjoyed his company and certainly enjoyed his touch making circles on your shoulder. From time to time you would turn around and explain something about the chapter you were watching, Shadow would listen to you attentively but prayed that you wouldn't ask him what he thought because he would have to admit that he was lost in the sound of your voice just like that first time he saw you.
“I didn't know where this was going…”
Months ago, when Shadow had just arrived to live in Green Hills, at the request of Sonic and his friends, in a quiet morning walk in town he found a small cafeteria, it looked cozy and the sweet vanilla scent mixed with coffee gave him the courage to open the door.
You were arranging the desserts on the sideboard, when you heard the bell announcing a new customer, returning to your place at the counter, finding dark spikes and red tips, you lowered your gaze a little, crimson eyes looking back at you.  “Hello! What can I get you started today?” your smile warm and gentle, something Shadow was not so used to since he had come to live with the wackausky.
“Coffe,” he says, placing his hands on the counter.
“Sure thing, what kind of-?”
“Beans.” he cut you off.
“Oh… that's new. Let me see what I can do.” you walked to the back opening a new bag of coffe beans for the machine and putting em on a small plastic bag adding a sticky note to it. “What's your name?”
“Shadow?” he said in a questioning tone, not really understanding why you wanted to know.
“Okay, here you go Shadow, enjoy” you handed him the bag. Shadow took it, leaving a five dollar bill on the counter as he turned to leave “Come back anytime!” you say enthusiastically.
On the way back to the Wackausky's Shadow found his name written in beautiful calligraphy along with a smiley face. At the time he didn't understand why, but his heart had been turned upside down.
“I haven't left you for days now And I'm becoming amazed how You're quite affectionate in public”
It wasn't the first time you had spent time together, much less the first time Shadow had stayed at your house, yet the buzzing of Shadows mind was not leaving him alone, has it always been like this? Being... so close? In his mind he went over all those dates was that what they were? That you had had, the moments you had shared, comparing them with what was happening, however to him it seemed... the same. Nothing had changed between you, so why did he feel that something was going on? Why did the scent of your shampoo feel sweeter than usual? Why did you look prettier than usual under the warm light?
Shadow was in a lot of trouble, he couldn't figure out what had happened to you, why something felt different when he was near you, why his hands were shaking when he was next to you, why he was staring at you so hard when you put balm on your lips? he didn't know what to do, so he did the only thing he could do given the situation. Go to Rouge.
“What could possibly be? Perhaps I'm sick” he said as he paced back and forth with his hand cupping his chin “Nonsense, I am the ultimate lifeform, I can't get sick.”
“In fact your friend said it made her feel sick And even though it's moving forward There's just the right amount of awkward”
“Oh gods” said Rouge smacking his forehead with her hand “You're a fool Shadow, but you're cute so I'll forgive you. You’re not sick but you might as well be blind. You’re in love.
“In… love?” he said in a questioning tone “No, I don't understand what you're talking about.”
“You like her Shadow and it's so obvious to everyone that I'm surprised she hasn't noticed yet. Especially with that little dance you do whenever she's around.” Dancing? No Shadow didn't dance, she barely knew how to move her arms “You know, when you circle around her while she's cooking?”
“But I... I don't-” he said trying to defend himself.
“Oh my... you are really oblivious.”
Circling? What did Rouge mean by that? You and Shadow were... friends, yes, good friends. He liked spending time with you, listening to you talk about the new dessert recipes you would try in the cafeteria and what your childhood had been like in your grandmother's bakery and yes it was true that he constantly found himself walking in circles across the kitchen with you in the middle, but that was just his way of passing the time while you were concentrating on your work, wasn't it? You were just very nice, kind and always had a smile for him. Shadow loved your details like his bag of coffee beans every day waiting for him or the notes wishing him good morning, they made him feel special and he’d be lying if he said he hadn't noticed the recent appearance of hearts around his name on every note. But that's all it was, right?
“You told your friends, they all know We exist but we're taking it slow Let's just see how it goes”
Slow but steady you had fallen for him too. Too scared to accept your feelings, you didn't know if Shadow shared what you did and you didn't want to ruin his friendship over a simple crush. Except it wasn't just a crush, you constantly found yourself thinking about him, buying things just because they reminded you of him, longing for the clock to move faster to the number 9, for that was the time Shadow always arrived at the coffee shop.
The doorbell rang and as if your prayers had been answered there stood the hedgehog you so longed to see. Shadow had a frown on his face, as if he was worried about something, next to him Rouge was whispering in his ear.
“Hey guys!” you said coming out from the counter to greet them giving them a kiss on the cheek as was your custom. Shadow blushed as he felt your lips on his muzzle, averting his gaze to the new decorations you had added to the cafeteria. The painting of a reddish comet streaking across the sky among the stars hung high above their heads. Shadow admired the painting beside you.
“I like it”
“So do I, it made me think of you” you said without thinking. The curiosity present in Shadow “Cause... you were a star lighting up the sky, bringing your brightness to where it's needed.” Red cheeks on your face as you spoke “you okay?” you said as you noticed Shadow hiding his head in his hands, a soft click click click coming from him.
“Are you mine? Are you mine? 'Cause I stay here all the time”
“These two are going to need more help than I thought,” Rouge thought.
That's how we arrived at this moment, both of you sitting on the park bench watching the sunset. A bouquet of yellow and lavender flowers on your lap. He had done just what Rouge had advised “take her somewhere nice, buy some flowers and confess your feelings”, except he was having trouble with the last part. For the first time in his life he felt... unsure, what if it was all in his mind? What if Rouge was wrong? Shadow couldn't bear to lose someone special, not again.
“This feels so good” you said leaning into him, your head on his you felt his body stiffen against your touch, your little finger on his hand seeking to intertwine your fingers with his. Maybe it was the heat of the moment or the dizziness your scent gave him, maybe it was the lavender haze in his mind, but somehow he found the courage to speak.
“I... I like you.”
“I like you too Shadow.”
“No, I mean, I-I think I love you.”
“Who'd have known? Who'd have known? When you flash up on my phone I no longer feel alone Let's just stay, let's just stay”
You looked at him, your face tilted to one side and a slight blush starting to grow as the butterflies in your stomach flutter uncontrollably. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine this would happen but as you tried to keep it cool you couldn't help but let a small smile creep across your face as Shadow confessed his feelings. “I think I love you too” you said intertwining your fingers with his as if a promise had been sealed between the two of you.
“Now let's just see how it goes Let's see how it goes”
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bambikisss · 1 year ago
Freaky : C.San x S.Mingi
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💕: Rockstar Guitarist! Mingi x Model Reader x Rockstar drummer! San
📙: You were invited to Milan for fashion week and end up sitting in between two members of the world's biggest rock group ATEEZ, who also seem to have a thing for you: both of them.
⚠: Unprotected sex (keep it wrapped), threesome (mmf), Spit, oral (m + f receiving), dumbification (reader), multiple rounds, all over the hotel room lol, pink haired mingi, cocky san + mingi, mention of trying anal, mentions of voyeurism, smut with a hint of plot in the beginning
Bambi's notes: So, this was a journey to write, so you know that means smut without much plot lol this is for my sangi fans, because who wouldn't want to be sandwiched between San and Mingi?
Song: Freak - a - Leek by Petey Pablo, Slow down by Chase Atlantic
Taglist: @xhexy @mingisprincess @yeosangiess @itsvxlentine @biancaness @sanhwalvr @haebaragisworld @s-h-y-a @imgenieforyou-boy @therealcuppicake @certifiedmoa @scarfac3
@kitty4hwa @conwunder @wisejudgedragonhairdo @frobin4ever
Milan, Italy.
You had been invited to participate in fashion week among the various other stars that attended the event. You were one of the people who reporters and other paparazzi were excited to see. You were one of the world's most popular models, after all: you were on the covers of multiple magazines and were the face of many brands.
So you were used to the flashing lights of the paparazzi and the reporters trying to pull you for an interview. You didn't mind, though, actually enjoying it.
"Y/N! Look over here please!"
You smiled, turning the other way so that the many cameras could capture your back and your face from a new angle. You were dressed to the nines and you were happy that everyone liked your outfit, especially since the designer was a good friend of yours.
You were soon escorted to your seat, having a front-row seat on the bright white runway you had grown used to walking on. You crossed your legs as you looked down at the various freebies the fashion show gave you, looking through the bright blue bag with interest in hopes of making the time flow by faster. You always found that just watching the show wasn't as interesting as walking was.
However, while you were so focused on your bag, you didn't notice the reporters and many paparazzi outside screaming and rushing at a long black limousine. The windows were darkly tinted, not allowing anyone to peek inside at the two stars who arrived. There had been rumors about two surprising stars attending the show tonight, but no one knew who. And now with the door opening, everyone got to get pictures of the stars.
"Mingi, San, can I pull you into an interview?"
San raised an eyebrow at the reporter before tapping Mingi's back, pointing to the interview area before whispering into his ear "Let's just do one interview like HongJoong said to."
Mingi rolled his eyes behind his dark sunglasses, not happy about having to do an interview. Mingi just wanted to hurry up and take pictures then get to his seat; he was all for attention and good press, but the flashing lights tonight were too much.
Mingi and San were part of the world-renowned boy band "ATEEZ," the rock band that took the world by storm almost 3 years ago. Now, they were at the top of their game, but that also meant that they had to attend events like these. Usually, HongJoong, Seonghwa, and Yeosang would go to events like these, but they all were too busy to fly out, so that left Mingi and San to go as the others were also busy.
You had just placed your bag back down underneath your chair filled with goodies when you noticed the men approaching you, their custom-tailored suits giving your mind a perfect image of what could be underneath.
While you were checking them out, San and Mingi were doing the same thing, their eyes shamelessly checking you out as they moved to their seats that were on either side of you. Even though Mingi was wearing shades and you were facing forward, you could feel their eyes on you, undressing you as the last stars took their seats. You wanted to ask them questions, but you didn't know how to take their sudden attraction to you.
"Can you three move closer for a picture?" Your mental turmoil was interrupted by the photographer who looked at you hopefully. You nodded, feeling Mingi's hand slide behind your back as he moved closer to you. You silently gasped as San did the same, both of the men's hands on your bare back, their fingers feeling anywhere they could as they smiled for the picture.
"What's your name?" Mingi was now whispering into your ear as the photographer scurried away, the lights dimming as the show was about to begin. Your first attempt at responding was cut off by your silent gasp as both men's hands slowly moved down your back, their hands now resting dangerously low on your back, a smirk moving onto their lips at the feeling of you subtly arching your back for them.
"Y/N." Your name made San whistle lowly, his voice full of charms as his hand moved up your back, allowing Mingi to touch your lower back while he got to feel your upper back, his hand playing with the clasp on your necklace as he spoke so only you, him, and Mingi could hear. "You're a supermodel, right? I've heard all about you. I think I even own some of your magazines covers. I've always found you so hot, you know."
You felt your body stiffen at his words: He already knew about you? You turned to face San, only for Mingi's hand to grasp your jaw, making you face forward again as he whispered into your ear "You can't be giving San all your attention, Beautiful. You have to share between us, do you think you can handle that?"
When Mingi first asked that question, you were quick to answer yes. You thought you could handle teasing and talking between them both. You had sat around meeting rooms and kept conversations going with multiple people, so what was so hard about keeping conversation with two men?
But, that wasn't what he meant.
"Look up at us, baby girl."
You thought nothing of hanging out with the two rock stars after the fashion show, their lingering touches on your body almost drawing you into them as they walked with you to their limousine with the tinted-out windows. The minute the doors closed, though, their hands returned to your body, not even caring about the driver as they whispered all the things they wanted to do to you, especially together. You spent one part of the car ride on Mingi's lap, meeting his lips in a heated kiss while San bit your neck, leaving marks behind while his hands felt around your body before you switched to his lap, Mingi's lips now busy kissing your open back while San's tongue locked with yours in a heated kiss. They were skilled at riling you up, as if they'd done it before. You wouldn't put it past them, though.
But, now that they had you in their private suite in their hotel on your knees before them on the bed, you felt even more excited. Mingi licked his lips, turning to face San before he nodded his head, moving to get on the bed in front of you. He tilted his head as you turned around to watch San as he sat down in the chair facing the bed, making you feel confused. However, your view of him was pulled away as Mingi made you face him, his thumb moving along your bottom lip as he shook his head. "Don't look at San, babygirl. You have to worry about me first."
You nodded as your lips met Mingi's, the kiss picking up speed as San cursed from his chair, his hand moving to his pants. You couldn't help but kiss Mingi harder at the sound of that plus San unbuckling his pants. Mingi smirked, pulling back as his hands grabbed your wrists, placing your hands onto his own belt as he faced San with a proud smirk. "Seems like our little model likes hearing you, Sannie. I think she's getting excited."
"Oh, I think so Mingi" San rested his head back on the chair with a lazy smile, his hands now palming himself over his boxers as he watched you unbuckle Mingi's pants, your hands tugging away at it. You weren't even listening anymore as you leaned down to kiss and bite on Mingi's thighs as he pushed down his pants, making him hiss before his hand moved into your hair, making you look at him. Mingi didn't say anything, his eyes however showed how he felt though, darkening as he pushed down his boxers to reveal his hard cock. Mingi's hand moved from your hair to your lips, playing around with your lips till he spread them open, spitting into your mouth before humming.
"You're so pretty, babygirl. I can see why you're a model" Your eyes fell to Mingi's lip as he spoke, whimpering softly as he kissed you, both of your tongues meeting as you moaned, making Mingi moan as well. You whined as he pulled back, wanting more of his kisses. Mingi shook his head though, sitting back up as his fist wrapped around his cock, holding it to your lips. You knew what to do, about to dip your head down to taste his hard cock when Mingi's grip on your hair returned, stopping you. Instead, Mingi stood up from the bed, pulling you to the edge before he said "Make sure you get nice and loud for us, baby girl. Show me and San how good you can suck cock, and if you do good, we'll reward you."
You nodded, opening your mouth as Mingi fed his thick cock into your mouth slowly, both of you moaning at the feeling. Mingi felt so heavy, making you feel excited: you were no virgin, but none of the guys you had been with compared to how good Mingi's cock felt, even if it was just in your mouth.
"That's it baby, suck it." Mingi's voice had dropped even deeper, closing his eyes as you moved your tongue around his cock, bobbing your head at the same time, making him moan louder. "You're doing so, so good for me. That's right, take it deeper"
"Look at you, baby" You had been so focused on sucking Mingi and hearing his moans that you had almost forgotten about San, your eyes landing on him as he spoke to you, his cock leaking now as he had stripped himself. You moaned at the sight, the vibrations making Mingi moan loudly before he reached over to smack your ass, cursing that you were doing so fucking good. San chuckled at the sight of you staring up at him while Mingi was now fucking your throat, stretching you out with his cock.
"You must be so good at sucking dick, baby. I mean, you got Mingi short-circuiting and fucking your throat like you're a fleshlight," San laughed, Mingi's cheeks heating up a bit at his friend's teasing, but his pace didn't slow down. Instead, he picked up speed, making you choke. At the sound of you gargling around his cock, both boys moaned before Mingi pulled out to let you catch your breath. However, your break wasn't long before San rolled you over onto your back, straddling your chest as Mingi moved in between your legs.
"Don't look so nervous, baby" San cooed, his hands massaging your breasts as Mingi spread your legs, making you shiver. Suddenly, you closed your eyes and tossed your head back as you felt Mingi's tongue run slowly up your pussy before he moaned around your clit, pulling back to moan "Fuck, San, she's so wet for us. She's so excited."
"You're excited, huh?" San asked, gripping your hair to pull you back up to meet his eyes while Mingi got to work on eating you out, slurping away as his tongue tasted you. You nodded, moaning at Mingi's movements while San cooed again "I bet you are, our little filthy slut. You're a freak, just like us, huh? You acted all innocent when we proposed taking us both like this in the car, but now look at you." San licked his lips as he tightened his grip on your hair, pushing his cock into your mouth as Mingi continued to eat you out, pushing his finger into you.
"Mingi's finger and tongue is going to match the pace you set, baby" San hissed, leaning back with his free hand to place it onto Mingi's shoulder. Mingi looked up from your pussy, his eyes staring into yours as you began to bob your head on San's cock, moaning when his tongue began to match your pace: anytime you sped up, he sped up, and whenever you slowed down, he did the same.
San moaned above you, enjoying the show as he kept a firm grip on your hair and a grip on Mingi's shoulder. "Look at her, Mingi, look at how fucking dirty she is for us. Fuck, I can't wait to fuck that pussy" San had now tossed his head back at this point, knowing that if he watched anymore, he'd cum on the spot. He ran a hand through his hair, pushing his cock down into your throat as deep as he could as you moaned loudly around it, Mingi's tongue mirroring San's cock by shoving his tongue as deep as he could into your pussy. Mingi rolled his eyes back, moaning as your pussy squelched around his tongue, curling his tip to nudge your sweet spot, making your legs shake a bit around him.
San couldn't think about anything else, his hand moving back to grip his pink-haired friend's hair, shoving him deeper into your pussy as you gurgled around his cock, your eyes rolling back as San sped up his pace, watching the drool leak from the side of your lips, now mixing with his cum as he came in your mouth, your legs wrapping around Mingi's head as you came as well.
Mingi cleaned you up happily while San slowly pulled out from your mouth, cooing as you swallowed his cum. Mingi slowly kissed up your body, his hands moving to massage your cheeks as San sat next to you. You felt like you were in a daze, laying your head next to San's knee while Mingi slowly got off the bed. San leaned down to kiss you, praising you for being able to take his cock so well against your lips. You smiled at his praise, moaning his name in the kiss before sitting up.
You sighed as you got off the bed, looking for your clothes while San got off the bed as well. You didn't bother to look at the two men, assuming that they were getting dressed as well. "What do you think you're doing?"
You paused picking up your dress off the ground at Mingi's voice, turning to see him standing by the large windows, his arms behind his back, his cock twitching between his legs as he raised an eyebrow. You bit your lip, noticing how San has returned to his chair, his hand now palming his soft cock. "I thought..."
"You thought wrong, baby." Mingi smirked, tapping the window before he said "I don't know what made you think that, but I still need to cum, especially in that fucking perfect pussy of yours." Mingi walked over to you as he spoke, his hand landing on the small of your back before he pulled you close, his lips pressing against yours as he pulled your clothes from your hand. You were once again at his mercy as he led you to the windows, his hands moving around your curves before he had you face the window. You met his eyes in the reflection, his chest now pressed against your back as his cock moved in between your soft thighs, a proud mumble coming out of his lips as he smacked your ass.
"Don't tease her so much, Mingi. She can barely even stand up" San piped up making Mingi chuckle. He nodded though, pressing a kiss to your cheek before he pushed into your pussy, chuckling when your hands rushed to the window. "There's nothing for you to grab on there, baby" Mingi laughed, his pace speeding up to become one of power as he watched your body jolt forward at every thrust, your sinful moans becoming music to both men's ears.
"Is our baby having trouble thinking and telling us what she wants?" San asked, standing up from his chair to approach where Mingi had you, his hands moving to play with your nipples, tugging on it. He chuckled as you moaned loudly, looking at Mingi as your back arched. "She's so fucked out already, maybe she can't handle more, Mingi"
"No, I can" You protested loudly, Mingi's hand landing a hard spank on your ass while moaning out "Yeah, she can handle more, fuck." You had closed your eyes at this point, your legs almost giving out due to the pleasure.
Mingi chuckled at the sight, pulling out from your pussy as you whined, grabbing your arms to pull you to the coffee table that sat in front of the couch that was in the corner of the suite, pressing your chest down against the cool table as he shoved his cock back into your pussy, both men moaning loudly as your pussy loudly squelched around him. "Your pussy welcomes me back in so loudly, baby. It wants my cock, baby, sucking it in so fucking well."
You nodded, San moving to crouch in front of you, smirking at your already fucked out face.
"I think she needs more, Mingi."
"God you're so fucking greedy."
You could no longer tell who was who as you laid against his hard chest, the other one still fucking deep into your pussy. You and the two men had been all around the room, your body and cum on many different surfaces, making you feel bad for whoever had to clean this room when they checked out.
San was laying against the floor, your body on top of his as Mingi fucked you from behind. You bit your lip as Mingi landed another spank on your ass, spreading apart your cheeks so he could go even deeper into you, his rings leaving imprints on you as you moaned loudly. You were out of your mind at this point, San chuckling at the sight before he said "You're so fucked out, you can't even tell who is who, can't you? You don't know whose cock you're backing up against and whose chest you're drooling onto. You just wanna keep coming until you pass out, don't you?"
"She tightened around me when you said that, San" Mingi moaned, your cheeks heating up as San cooed at you, landing his own smack to your ass as he moaned out "She's a freak, just like us. We should keep her on speed dial and fly her out to us whenever we want. We could buy you some pretty lingerie and make you model it for us. We could even invite the rest of our band members to come watch"
Mingi had lost his own mind a while ago, but at San's words, he felt his cock twitch at the idea, leaning forward to bite down on your shoulder, drilling into your pussy as you moaned even louder, San gripping your face to make you look at him while he continued speaking. "You'd love that, wouldn't you? You don't care how wrong this is, don't you, you like this. Maybe I'll even buy you a pretty custom butt plug and send it to you, make you stretch yourself out so that we both can fuck you at the same time."
"I'm gonnna...I" You gasped out, cuming hard around Mingi's cock as he filled you up, both of your releases coating his cock and leaking from your cunt as he kissed your back, rubbing your sides. You were completely spent, landing on San's hard chest as he ran his hands through your hair, cooing at you.
"You did so well, babygirl. Here, I'll clean you up." San waited till Mingi moved off your back before picking you up, carrying you to the bathroom (where they had fucked you an hour before), placing you onto the toilet before turning the shower on. "Go ahead and use the bathroom, then I'll shower with you."
After the shower, San carried you back into the bedroom, placing you down on the bed as Mingi had put down new sheets. As you lay down in the warm sheets, Mingi and San went to clean up themselves, letting you fall asleep in the bed. You only woke up when you felt Mingi hug you from behind, San slipping in front of you to offer you a smile before placing a kiss onto your lips, Mingi waiting till San stopped before moving your head back to kiss him as well.
The next morning when you woke up, you were no longer sandwiched between the two men, but you were alone. You sat up, running your hand through your hair as you tried to figure out if it was a dream or not. You sighed as you fell back against the bed, grabbing your phone to see a text from your manager letting you know that checkout was in two hours and to start getting ready to fly back to the States soon.
You hummed, giving yourself a few minutes before you stood up from the bed, walking over to your suitcase. However, before you could go shower, you heard a knock at the door, followed by room service being wheeled into your room. The table was full of various fruits and breakfast, a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the center. When you picked up the flowers, you noticed a small card, the words on it making you smile.
'See you soon, baby. We'll be waiting for you ;) P.S: Hope your legs don't hurt too badly. M + S'
"Raise your hips, princess. Show me where you want my cock to go" You bit your lip as you raised your hips, your wetness leaking from your pussy, making Mingi moan. He considered himself addicted to your pussy, constantly wanting nothing more than to shove his hard cock into it and just ruin you. Heck, Mingi had even flown you out over the past couple months to whereever they were performing at to just do that as 'the pictures weren't enough for him.' Not that you were complaining.
You cursed softly as Mingi pushed his cock into you, his lips meeting yours as he picked you up to have your sit on his lap as he fucked up into you, his lips locked with yours.
"I knew I'd find her in here with you" San sighed, walking into the room as you turned from Mingi's lips, offering him a smile as Mingi continued to fuck up into you as he groaned out "you're just mad that you didn't get to her first, man. You had some of her on the plane, anyways. This is my first round with her"
San hummed as he kissed you, his hand moving to play with your breasts as you began to ride Mingi's cock, making him moan louder. "I wasn't complaining, just make sure you don't ruin her too much: I wanna take her outside and fuck her in the pool."
San and Mingi had flown you out to the Bahamas for your birthday, renting a private villa so that no one could see nor hear the three of you as you all went about your ''activities" together.
You bit your lip as you placed your hands onto Mingi's chest to ride him better, San's hands moving to grip your hips to help you as you tossed your head back onto his shoulder, kissing below his jaw as Mingi moaned at the sight. "Fuck, you're going to make me cum already. You learned so quickly how to ride my cock, princess."
"Well," San smirked, meeting your lips in a deep kiss, making out with you as your ground your hips down against Mingi's, San pulling back to make you look at Mingi, gripping your face as he said "She had some really good teachers. Isn't that right, Y/N? All you care about is riding our cocks and making us feel good, don't you?"
Mingi moaned loudly as you nodded, San's smirk growing before he whispered into your ear "then go ahead and make Mingi cum, baby. Then, you're going to sit on his face and we're going to teach you how to take care of both of our cocks at the same time. We've got all week, baby to go all around this villa, and we're not stopping."
Bambikisss | 2024
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jungaji · 3 months ago
don't be a stranger
jeong jaehyun x barista!reader ♡
genre: strangers to lovers, fluff (wc: 1429)
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jaehyun stood outside the new café, arms crossed, his face pulled into a scowl so intense that even the cheery glow of the place seemed to dim in its presence. the soft hum of conversation and the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted out the door, but neither did much to improve his mood.
“i’m telling you, woo. this place will never replace 127 Coffee. their coffee’s probably watered down garbage, and just look at that tacky logo... Café 7 Dream? what the hell does that even mean?” jaehyun scoffed, his lips curling as though even the name left a bad taste in his mouth.
jungwoo, undeterred by his friend’s dramatics, burst out laughing, the sound light and carefree as he gave jaehyun a playful shove. “relax…we’re here on important business. you know—research the enemy before we destroy them.” he added a wink for good measure, tugging jaehyun’s shoulder to prevent his stubborn friend from stalking off.
jaehyun sighed, the reluctance practically oozing from him. “this is a waste of my time,” he grumbled but continued to allow jungwoo to pull him inside.
the warm air greeted them immediately, carrying the comforting scent of coffee and pastries. the interior was cozy yet modern, all soft lighting and muted colors that begged customers to linger. 
but jaehyun didn’t notice any of it.
because the moment his gaze landed on you, the entire world seemed to come to a standstill.
you stood behind the counter, your smile soft and inviting as you handed a steaming cup to a customer. the way your fingers danced over the screen as you took orders, the gentle lilt in your voice as you chatted with your co-workers, and the focused little pout you wore as you carefully measured coffee beans—it was as if every detail about you was designed to captivate him.
jaehyun was utterly mesmerized. he didn’t just stop walking; he stopped thinking. he stood there, jaw slack, eyes wide, as his irritation from before evaporated faster than steam from the espresso machine.
jungwoo snapped his fingers in front of jaehyun’s face, before whispering in mock horror, jeong yunoh, snap out of it. what are you doing? we’re here to scope out the enemy, not drool over the barista!”
jaehyun barely registered his friend’s words. his heart thundered in his chest, drowning out everything but the sight of you. his feet moved before his brain could catch up, carrying him towards the counter like he was being drawn by an invisible string.
“hi! welcome to Café 7 Dream,” you greeted him with a smile so warm it could’ve melted glaciers. “what can i get for you today?”
jaehyun opened his mouth, ready to answer, but his brain had officially gone offline. his voice refused to cooperate, resulting in him just staring at you with an intensity that would’ve been unnerving if it weren’t for the soft, almost childlike wonder in his eyes.
jungwoo sighed dramatically, stepping in to rescue his dear friend. “two iced americanos, please,” he said, not before shooting jaehyun a pointed glare.
you nodded, punching the order into the register, as jaehyun snapped out of his trance. “and your number!” he blurted out, his dimpled smile softening the boldness of the request.
your cheeks flushed immediately at his request. you were caught off guard, but when you looked at him—truly looked at him, with his sharp jawline, endearing smile and those soft, pleading eyes—you couldn’t help the shy smile that tugged at your lips. “um, y-yeah, sure.”
you quickly scribbled your number on a slip of paper, handing it to him along with the receipt.
jaehyun’s face lit up like a kid who’d just been handed the key to a candy store. and as he grabbed the drinks, he shot you one last wink, his voice low but sweet as honey.
“don’t be a stranger, pretty.”
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from that moment on, jaehyun’s life brightened like a hazy sunrise burning through fog. he texted you constantly, his messages playful and sweet as he made an effort to get to know you better. late-night calls became a regular part of your routine, often happening when the stars were too bright and neither of you could fall asleep. his deep, velvety voice lulling you to sleep as you shared stories about your day, your favorite songs, and your childhood dreams.
jaehyun started dropping by Café 7 Dream more than he’d care to admit. even jungwoo gave up on teasing him about it after the fifth time.
you’d often spot him seated by the window, stealing glances at you as you worked. his presence slowly became a comforting part of your routine—something you found yourself looking forward to.
one night, during one of your late-night calls, you noticed something different about him. jaehyun, always so confident and self-assured, was stuttering and fumbling over his words. his laugh also sounded a little more nervous than usual.
“yn,” he began, his voice soft. “i was thinking… would you uh like to go on a date with me? and not the ones where i um watch you brew coffee for hours and then walk you home. i mean, like, an actual date…”
one where we’re no longer strangers. if you um get what i mean.”
your heart fluttered, a smile spreading across your face at his confession. “i’d love that, jaehyun,” you replied, and the laugh he let out in relief made you giggle in return.
he spent the next ten minutes animatedly planning out the date, his excitement was so infectious that you found yourself falling even harder for him.
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when the evening of the date arrived, jaehyun was a nervous wreck. despite jungwoo’s relentless teasing, he continued to fuss over every little detail of his outfit, muttering to himself about making a good impression.
but when he arrived at your door to pick you up, his breath caught, his heart racing faster than ever before. you looked stunning, your shy smile only causing him to blush harder. “you’re… woah,” he stammered, earning a soft laugh from you.
the date was perfect. dinner at a cozy restaurant was filled with laughter and effortless conversation. afterward, jaehyun took you to the local arcade, where you both let loose, laughing so hard your stomach hurt. he even let you beat him at basketball, though the grin on his face made it clear that he didn’t mind in the slightest.
the night ended with a quiet walk under the stars, your hands brushing against each other’s until he finally mustered the courage to lace his fingers with yours. the warmth of his touch sent a pleasant shiver up your spine, and the comfortable silence between you felt more meaningful than words.
when you reached your doorstep, jaehyun hesitated, shuffling his feet slightly as he stood there, shoulders squared but eyes flickering nervously between you and the ground.
the date had been perfect for jaehyun. from the laughter you two shared over dinner, to the way your eyes sparkled as you trounced him at every arcade game, each moment felt like something out of a daydream.
but a storm of doubts swirled in his mind: was he moving too fast? did you even feel comfortable with him? were you genuinely having fun—or had you just been too polite to say otherwise? did you think the date was perfect, too—or, oh god, did you hate it? worse—did you hate him?
“jaehyun,” you said softly, cutting through his overthinking spiral.
he blinked, his lips parting as if to speak, but the words caught in his throat.
you smiled at his hesitation, a flicker of nervousness crossing your own features but deciding to take the leap for both of you. “kiss me.”
his breath hitched at your words. “s-sorry?” his voice just shy of a squeak. “could you, uh, repeat that? i think i might’ve misheard—”
“i said,” you stepped closer, tilting your head up slightly to meet his gaze, “kiss me, jaehyun.”
for a moment, he just stood there, completely frozen, his eyes blowing comically wide. why did this scene feel so familiar? you giggled at his reaction, the soft sound like a melody against the still night air. but your laughter died in your throat when jaehyun surprised you by cupping your face gently.
with a soft brush of his thumb, he tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his eyes searching yours. “may i? really?” he whispered, his voice low and slightly trembling.
you smiled, leaning into his touch,
“don’t be a stranger, pretty.”
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authors note: i don't necessarily believe in love at first sight but if its jaehyun, ill believe in anything. please enjoy… >0<
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writeriguess · 1 month ago
FIRST I WANNA SAY IM SO HAPPY YOUR BACK!!! But can i please have big buff himbo kirishma falling in love with the sweet curvy chubby sweetheart he always sees on his and bakubros patrol route
author's note: thank you! I'm happy to be back too <3
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Patrol Love
Kirishima Eijiro prided himself on being a dependable hero, someone civilians could count on to protect them with a smile. He was confident in his abilities and took every patrol seriously—even if his partner, Bakugo, was more prone to scowling than waving at passersby. Their patrols were part of their daily grind as pro heroes, but recently, Kirishima found himself looking forward to one particular stretch of their route more than the others.
It all started with a coffee shop. Not the coffee itself—though it smelled incredible every time they passed—but because of you.
The first time he noticed you, he hadn’t thought much of it. You were outside the shop, stacking small chalkboards advertising seasonal drinks. You’d looked up as they walked by, smiled warmly, and gave a polite wave. Kirishima had waved back instinctively, his grin wide and genuine.
The second time, you were inside, wiping down tables. Again, you looked up and waved, and again, Kirishima found himself waving back. There was something about your smile—bright and sweet—that stuck with him for the rest of the day.
By the fifth time, he was actively looking for you every time they approached the shop. And you were always there, always smiling, and always waving. It wasn’t just that you were cute, though you absolutely were. Your cheerful demeanor, the way your curves filled out the shop’s apron so perfectly, and the kindness in your eyes had him hooked. He didn’t even realize how obvious he was being until Bakugo called him out.
“You’re acting like an idiot, Red,” Bakugo muttered one morning, catching Kirishima craning his neck as they passed the shop. Sure enough, there you were, wiping down the counters and glancing up just in time to wave.
“Shut up, man,” Kirishima grumbled, trying to play it cool. “She’s just… nice, okay?”
“Nice?” Bakugo snorted. “You’re practically drooling. Just go talk to her already.”
Kirishima’s face flushed bright red, but the idea stuck with him. Why hadn’t he talked to you? He wasn’t shy, not normally. But something about you had his stomach flipping and his palms sweating.
The opportunity came a few days later. The morning was brisk, the air carrying the scent of roasted coffee beans as they neared the shop. Kirishima’s heart was pounding in his chest, but he steeled himself and turned to Bakugo.
“Gimme ten minutes, yeah?”
“Whatever,” Bakugo grumbled, crossing his arms and leaning against a lamppost. “Just don’t embarrass yourself.”
Kirishima took a deep breath and walked into the shop. The bell above the door jingled softly, and the warmth of the interior enveloped him immediately. You were behind the counter, arranging pastries in the display case. When you looked up and saw him, your eyes widened slightly before your face lit up with that familiar smile.
“Hi there,” you said, your voice as sweet as honey. “What can I get for you?”
“Uh… hi,” Kirishima stammered, suddenly feeling like a nervous teenager. “I thought I’d grab a coffee today. You know, try the place out.”
“Good choice,” you replied with a soft laugh that made his heart flip. “What’s your go-to?”
He glanced at the menu, his mind blanking entirely. “Uh… whatever you like best. Surprise me.”
You raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “Alright, trust me on this one?”
“Always,” he said, then winced at how eager he sounded. But you just smiled and turned to the espresso machine.
While you worked, Kirishima glanced around the shop, trying to calm his racing heart. The place was cozy, filled with soft lighting and the hum of conversation from a few other customers. It suited you, he thought. Warm and inviting, just like you.
When you handed him the drink—a creamy caramel mocha topped with whipped cream—you smiled shyly. “Here you go. First one’s on the house. Consider it a thank-you for keeping the city safe.”
“Wow, thanks,” he said, his grin wide as he accepted the cup. “But next time, I’m buying. Deal?”
“Deal,” you replied, your cheeks flushing slightly.
He took a sip and let out an appreciative hum. “This is amazing! You’ve got great taste.”
You laughed, and the sound was music to his ears. “Glad you like it.”
From that day on, stopping by the shop became a regular part of Kirishima’s patrol—much to Bakugo’s annoyance. Each visit, your conversations grew a little longer. He learned that you’d been running the shop for a few years and loved getting to know the regulars. You learned that he was just as sweet and genuine off duty as he seemed on patrol.
One morning, as he lingered by the counter, you hesitated before speaking. “You know,” you began, twirling a loose thread on your apron, “I was kind of hoping you’d stop by today.”
“Yeah?” he asked, his heart pounding.
“Yeah.” You smiled shyly, glancing up at him. “I was wondering if, maybe, you’d like to grab coffee sometime. You know, when you’re not on patrol.”
Kirishima’s jaw nearly dropped, but he recovered quickly, his face splitting into the widest grin yet. “I’d love that. Really.”
“Great,” you said, your smile mirroring his. “It’s a date, then?”
“Definitely a date.”
As he left the shop, coffee in hand and heart soaring, Bakugo raised an eyebrow at him. “Finally grew a pair, huh?”
“Shut up, man,” Kirishima said, laughing as he shoved his friend playfully. But nothing could wipe the grin off his face for the rest of the day.
Feel free to request <3
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ultimate-chickennougat · 11 months ago
| Shut up for me, love, | (part 2)
Part 1 (finding out you're pregnant w/Megumi)
Toji Fushiguro x Wife!Reader
Toji can't help but love you and your baby bump!
Word Count: 1.6k
CW: SFW, domestic fluff, Toji has a job, slightly suggestive, lots of pregnancy (mentions symptoms)
A/n: This has generated so many pregnancy fic ideas...
Your husband, Toji, had been a great help through the first trimester of your pregnancy. He was always giving you massages, bringing you water and snacks, and spending lots of quality time with you, among other things, and you were very grateful for it all. 
Many changes were going on throughout your pregnancy, as to be expected now in your second trimester. While the morning sickness was now gone, there was a number of new troubles you could note. Most importantly, the bump. 
For the most part it was a blessing, even when it caused a number of effects, such as walking differently and feeling a rather strange weight on your hips, something you hadn’t dealt with beforehand. It was proof of a growing baby, and both you and Toji couldn’t be more happy about it. Instead, the effects it had on your husband were the real concerns. 
When you were starting to show, your husband couldn’t stop taking pictures of you. It was quite out of the ordinary for Toji, who rarely ever customized anything on his phone or computer, when he finally took it upon himself to learn such things, pasting your image everywhere he could. His new favorite pastime during breaks at work was scrolling through his pictures of you (some of which were taken in the last 5 hours), saving them in a special folder and smiling to himself. 
Your pregnancy in general made him clingy. Along with the pictures, he cut his hours at work and stayed home to assist you, which was appreciated but put a hindrance in your housework. Toji would stand around watching you do everything from unloading the dishwasher to changing the sheets on the bed, leaning against the wall as he tried to lock eyes much to your dismay. 
Fully confident in your ability to do such things, he still found himself keeping a much closer eye on you, only comforted when he was in the same house and could hear, if not see, you. Toji had already began to realize this himself, that it wasn’t an increase in safety concern that caused his behavior. While he always wanted to have eyes on you, to make sure you were out of harm’s way regardless of your pregnancy, there was something he missed so much when he was away from you. 
Watching you cover your swollen tummy with a nightgown, one he picked out specially for you on a shopping trip. It sinched in high, right above the bump that was evident and growing larger each day. Seeing the light apprehension you had when bending down to pick things up, and hearing the compliments your friends gave you whenever they saw you, asking how the baby was coming along. Little things were a constant, and appreciated reminder for him that the two of you were building your family together. Something he loved more than anything. 
Because of this, your husband stopped doing his regular outings all together. Usually he would go out to watch sports and drink with his friends at least once a week or so. Him being gone gave you more time without him interrupting your chores, and he was careful with you in mind. But this new Toji, that was a soon-to-be father, figured he could just watch the game on the TV and didn’t need to go out anymore despite your protests.
“It would save us money, we should be saving up for the nursery,” Toji argued, sitting down on the couch. “I know, honey, but…,” you tried to explain to him, just how annoying he had been. Staring at you all the time, offering you a hand for every minuscule task the moment you had any difficulty with it. Reaching up ahead of you to the top cabinet and grabbing the bowl you were trying to get, when there was a stepping stool right next to you. 
It made you embarrassed, really. His eyes always so sharp, the way he looked at you every time you mistakenly fell into his trap, breaking your three minute personal best at ignoring him properly. Your cheeks heated up each time, scoffing a little as you turned back to the dirty dishes in the sink. It was truly bothersome (in some ways more than others). 
And so, it led to his great discovery of at-home sports streaming. Toji was sprawled out on the loveseat everyday, after he got home from work. Carefully using up his extra home hours, after you persistently told him to give you some space. 
While Toji enjoyed his free time, you, on the other hand, were doing laundry. The warmth of a fresh dry load, coupled with the absence of breathing down your neck, allowed you to relax for a brief moment. You piled all the clothes into a large basket, making your way down the hallway to the living room, where you usually folded it. 
Except… Toji was there. You turned around, hearing the voice of a dull commentator surely explaining something interesting, though what it was you didn’t know. Your house didn’t have too many rooms, and usually the bedroom or even the laundry room would work just fine for folding… if you could bend down well enough. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, your feet barely touched the floor from how high up it was. Bending down over the bump was impossible to do comfortably, and the task could only be done at all if you leaned down to the side and awkwardly grabbed at the basket below while maintaining your balance. 
After a few more attempts, you figured out that there wasn’t enough room on the floor and sitting like that wasn’t very comfortable for long periods of time either. You were reminded why the living room had been your favorite for doing this task, the couch was low enough and comfortable to sit on, with space for folded clothes on the side. 
Holding the basket with two hands, you stood in the hallway watching around the corner to observe your husband’s movements. Toji was lounging comfortably, with one arm laid across the top of the couch. His legs were spread wide, covering most of the seating area. If the game was almost over, there would be no reason to ask him to move… or so you thought. 
The two of you were in reverse positions, your eyes almost trying to lock with his as you admired them from afar, your original mission forgotten as he stared intently at the screen and rubbed the tiredness from his face. Now unlike you, he found your gaze to be rather relaxing, enjoying it before you would inevitably make your move. His chuckle didn’t come from the commercial on the screen, but from you, who was still standing there after 10 minutes, greatly struggling to hold the basket which was feeling extremely heavy. 
Setting it down would make a noise, so you finally decided to give up on finding some kind of good time to interject. “Is the game almost over?” You asked meekly, setting the basket down in the middle of the floor. “10 minutes, about,” he replied, still staring at the screen. You huffed under your breath, unsure of what to say. To that, Toji smirked to himself. He knew exactly what you wanted, and was very much prepared to give it to you… but why not have some fun with it?
“Need a little help?” He asked while you walked a bit closer in curiosity. “My wife doesn’t know what she wants, it’s my duty to give her some guidance…” he finally tilted his head towards you, though he had been ignoring the screen since you arrived. “C’mere… lil’ closer…” he motioned at you, as you looked at him confused. 
It only took him a second to stand up and move behind you, throwing his arms underneath your legs and back, carrying you to the couch with him. He settled you down between his legs, his body back how it was before like nothing had even happened. 
“It’s more comfortable with that bump, hmm?” he asked, already knowing the answer. “I still have to have room to do the laundry, Toji…” he chuckled, moving his legs closer together so you could feel them squishing your thighs. “That better?” you turned your head to blushing smile on your face. 
Toji grabbed the remote while you dragged the basket closer with your foot, still trapped between him. “But there’s only 10 minutes,” you watched as he changed the channel to a show you liked. “I’m gonna lose anyway, what does it matter,” he muttered. “I thought you said you stopped doing that!” you scoffed, looking back at your husband who rolled his eyes. “It’s five bucks, a work thing people are doing,” you shook your head in disapproval. 
As you relaxed into his lap, you got to folding. Part of the enjoyment you felt was due to your husband, softly rubbing your back and occasionally playing with your hair as you got to work. “I’m surprised you didn’t try to kiss me,” you frowned facing the TV, though Toji could still sense your disappointment. “That’s your reward for getting this done - I’m gettin’ pretty hungry…” he continued his massage, but wrapped his arms around your waist to hold your belly. You would make dinner after you finished.
“It feels good Toji, thank you,” you sunk back enjoying the feeling. “You deserve it, you’re doin’ so good, my wife,” a blush crept onto your face again from his words. “Was gonna ask you for a date night sometime anyway,” he mentioned, “and there’s no time like the present.” Toji gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. “So just stay nice… and… still…” he smirked. “Once you’re done, we have the whole night ahead of us.”
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felibrary · 7 months ago
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╭──╯PAIRING: aventurine x fem!reader
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CHAPTER SYNOPSIS:  Out of everyone this could’ve happened to, of course, it struck you. As a barista, you meet new customers every day but a fateful encounter with a stupid(ly handsome) stranger, turns into two and three and to the point of no return, and somewhere along the way catching yourself faltering for his persistent charms annoyance.
CONTENT & GENERAL WARNINGS: fem!reader, barista!reader, cursing, light angst if you squint, fluff, march is the n1 shipper, vague mentions of ratio, banter and bickering (more from readers side), no beta-read we die like baiheng
AUTHOR'S NOTE: the last chapter was posted like 2 weeks ago? i think not sure. sorry guys i just had no motivation in the previous few weeks at all 😭😭 but here it is, enjoy! also just cause this took super long to write doesn't equal it being super good 😓
ART CREDITS: none of the characters or art belong to me all art credits go to @/kkuekkue on x!
TAGLIST: @azullumi,@sunananaa, @milksnake-tea, @iceunhie, @nayukiyukihira, @jjzlisu, @raideneiari (if you want to be added to the tag list write a comment or send me an off anon ask! ^^)
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“Order for uh.” you abruptly stop your sentence. Furrowing your brow in confusion you look at the questionable name that is written on the paper cup that you’re currently holding in your hand. Your gaze drifts over to the barista behind you. “March..” you whisper through gritted teeth, trying to maintain a smile while pausing for a brief moment to study the face of the girl with the cotton candy-like hair. 
The short girl hums quietly, “What is it?” she tilts her head to the side, a milk-frothing pitcher in her right hand, almost empty. “And why are we whispering?” admittedly you’re not even sure yourself, after all, people come up with silly names all the time, so why are you refraining from saying this name out loud?
“Well, I'm whispering because I don't want the other customers to listen into our conversation, but, are you sure that you wrote the right name here?” you ask the girl behind you doubtfully before directing your view towards the letters that were written in cursive and were adorned by little stars and flowers drawn by none other than March. 
The '*•.¸♡𝓐𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓮 ♡¸.•*' which she wrote in cursive (and if you may add, kind of crooked) made you raise your eyebrows as you held the cup in front of her face for her to see.
She always had a habit of drawing cute smiley faces or hearts onto the cups, reasoning it by saying that it’d sweeten the customers' day. Although you’re not sure if that’s really necessary, their day probably already gets sweetened enough from the amount of sugar and sweetener March puts into the drinks.
She huffs, feigning hurt and acting offended by your question “If you want to suspect someone, blame her!” March’s eyes drift over to the silver-haired girl who is currently sitting next to the trash can near the staff rooms, playing video games and thus blocking the way: Stelle. 
The girl in question quickly lifts her head and just smiles sheepishly as if not knowing what’s going on right now. “She’s the one who gave me the receipts and told me the names before you took over, I just added the condiments and started creating cute latte art!.” you sigh at that. Well, whoever gave Stelle their name will probably be able to recognize it sooner or later anyway. 
The worst case scenario that could probably happen is the customer putting their hands on the counter and starting to scream and yell at you to the point where their spit lands in your eyes. Urging to talk to your manager: Pompom. If the customer would see them the customer would probably start scolding you for bringing out the mascot instead of the manager, leaving the shop and giving you zero stars on Maps. (definitely not talking from any former experiences.) Yeah, hopefully, that won’t happen.
You let out a throaty cough before loudly shouting once again “Order for Aventurine!” you really wonder whose mom named their kid after a quartzite stone now — hell, if you let your guard down, the next person who you’d have to call up is someone named Ashleigh or Jonaslian. 
What’s up with women who are only maybe one or two decades older than, and their obsession with horrible baby names?
“Hellooo” the o of the greeting gets dragged out by the owner of the sing-song voice. “Earth to the cashier.” The next thing you know is a hand that is covered in a black leather glove,  waving at your face, moving in a repetitive up-and-down motion. The gesture makes you snap out of the haze which you were in, and slightly shake your head, before looking up at the customer and getting a good glance at them.  
In front of you stood possibly the hottest man you’ve ever seen. Blond silky hair and was dressed in a crisp black waistcoat that was draped around his slim torso, wearing a turquoise button-up underneath it that was adorned with gold decorations around his collar. His tie that matched his waistcoat was adjusted perfectly so that it sat in the right place. Black leather gloves envelop his slender fingers. 
The last time you were enamored by someone was when you were 9 reaching 10, and seeing Asami Sato bumping into Mako with her motorcycle on TV for the first time made you fall head over heels in love with her. That woman had younger you in a chokehold.
You feel your body tensing and heating up slightly. Fuck, has it always been this warm here? Your eyes sway over to the air conditioner behind you. No, that can't possibly be it, you made sure that the A/C was on the highest level before opening the cafe. 
The blond in front of you raises his eyebrow and looks at you expectantly, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as his eyes shift over your face as if studying your expression. There’s amusement that settles onto his face — smugness would be the best word to describe it.
 Shit, there was no way he found out that you were fawning over him.
“Take a picture. It lasts longer sweetheart.” he shoots you a small wink and you’re not sure whether to feel impressed or horrified at the fact that he was able to read you as easily as an open book where the most important words are already highlighted in a bold colour. 
So you remain silent — speechless, to be precise. There’s a familiar feeling bubbling up in your chest, one that makes you all giddy and nervous. How can someone whom you never met enarmour you so much? It’s weird, but it’s weirder that it feels all too familiar. Suspicion arises within you.
“Hmm?” Aventurine — or whatever his name may be, tilts his head to the side, a questioning and innocent expression manifesting on his face that it almost makes him look like a young boy who still has to grasp the concepts of the many fundamentals of the world.
“Spacing out already? Am I that handsome?” Yeah, keyword: almost.
It takes a second to compose yourself again before speaking up again. “Yeah.” Your eyes form into crescent moons as you give him a small faux smile (how March likes to call it: your customer service smile) before your face contorts into an expression of unpleasantness “No, in your dreams Mister. Also please hurry up, you’re holding up the line.” You point behind him and he angles his head backwards to see..no one?
“There’s no one there.” This time it’s him who looks unimpressed, a deadpan expression gracing over his features and you do have to admit that he looks kind of cute with that expression. Oh god, what were you thinking? “You know you’ll have to do better than try to tri-”
Before he can even finish his sentence you quickly cut him off. “With cash or with card?” Your customer service smile from before finds its way onto your face once more. “Miss, you’re so cruel! You didn’t even let me fini-” “I repeat. With cash or with card?” 
Your patience was running thin. Lucky for him he’s somewhat respectful and cute while bothering you and not going on your nerves. If he were some weirdo, you would’ve scurried away already. People like him (unfortunately) remind you that pretty privilege does exist. 
His gloved hand dives into the depths of the pockets of his slacks before pulling out a leather wallet and revealing a black card. Oh great, a rich guy. “With card.” he sighs dramatically. Do all rich people behave like this? “Sir, this is a café not an acting audition for some teenage romance drama.” You’re not sure what to think of this guy, on one hand, his attempts are cute on the other it’s kind of weird that he’s flirting with a cashier whom he met 5 minutes ago. “Just.” You hesitate before speaking up again. “Just type your PIN in here and you’re done.” He nods and continues to do so which the small sound the machine makes confirms. 
At that, you give him a small nod as a gesture of thankfulness, before attempting to kick him out again. “Great, thank you. Now please go and I wish you a good day.” 
“But how am I supposed to have a good day without yo-”
“You’ll live.” you wave him goodbye and that leaves him with no other choice but to step back and leave. 
Maybe you’re hallucinating and maybe you’re just imagining it but before he leaves he gives you a small smile. The soft and charming glow that emanates from his eyes resonates well with the dusking sun as if they were reflecting the last golden rays of sunshine before they were to be engulfed by the warm hues of the sky and later on painted black like the night. An inexplicable feeling rises in your chest as he bids you goodbye, wishing you a nice day.
“Oh he so has a massive crush on you.” you shudder upon hearing March’s voice. Her words ring in your ears like Christmas bells chiming during the holiday season. Loud and obnoxious. You try to drain the thoughts away but how can you when the source who started it all is right behind you? Continuously gushing about how that handsome stranger must have an enormous crush on you.
“The group chat has to know about this!” March enthusiastically squeals and quickly fishes her phone out of her pockets. Before you’re even able to realize what is bound to happen let alone prevent her from aggressively typing on her phone, she’s already sent the first message. 
At that you can only bury your face into the palms of your hand, face sinking into your hands in embarrassment. As much as you love March, it sometimes feels like she’s the oldest of the group and not Mr. Yang. Not in terms of matureness and wiseness, no more like in the sense of the kind of mom who has to share each and every one of her baby’s accomplishments online, but not as bad though, of course. Still.
“I hate you,” you complain, words muffled by the palms of your hands.
“I love you too.” she quips cheerfully, a smirk on her lips.
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Safe to say March was in charge of cleaning and tidying up the café for the whole shift.
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“Aww the handsome guy from yesterday isn’t here today.” March coos into your ear, a frown is displayed on her lips. She frowns, but you can see the hints of playfulness that linger in her expression. “Put on such a nice show yesterday only to chicken out. Booo, lameeee.” March rolls her eyes in amusement, giggling while doing so. 
Although you didn’t want to agree with what March had to say, she’s somewhat right. You full-heartedly believed that he’d visit again today after the move he pulled off yesterday or perhaps you wanted him to visit him again. 
You quickly shook your head at that thought, brushing the idea of someone paying you a visit at work off to humor you a bit. There was absolutely no way you wanted to see him again. 
“It’s early in the morning and you’re trying to shake the dandruff out of your hair already?” “Not funny Mar-” There was no fucking way.
If this wasn’t a deja vu, you don’t know either. It’s almost as if the interaction of yesterday was replaying right in front of your eyes and once again catching you off guard.
“You know it’s not polite to blatantly stare at people right?” he spoke with a chuckle as he observed your irritated face. “Frowning like that will make you gain wrinkles.” The twitching on your right eye doesn’t go unnoticed by him and he can only chuckle at that, seemingly amused by your morning misery. 
“What are you doing here.” you can only mutter a single question out, dumbfounded by him appearing in front of you once again. “Hm, am I not allowed to come by? I mean, everything’s quite affordable in here and this place isn’t far away from my workplace either sooo.” 
Well, you can’t judge him for that. “Then, what do you want?” with a sigh you pluck one of the sticky notes of the block of colorful sticky notes, ready to write his order and name down. “Someone’s in a bad mood.” he chirps. A blank stare is the only thing you provide him as an answer and at that, he can only chuckle, it’s obvious that he’s enjoying this. “An Iced Americano would be nice. Thanks.” 
“Mhmm, noted.” you quickly scribbled his order down onto the quadratic paper before shouting March’s name over your shoulder. “Can you come here to keep our dear customer company? I’ll prepare his drink in the meantime.” you shoot Aventurine a heavy side-eye before darting your gaze back to March. The girl only giggles in response before happily skipping over to the counter. 
“Aww, do you want to extra prepare my drink?” upon hearing his remark you turn around. Meeting a pair of pink eyes which were covered behind long blond lashes, scanning your figure from a close distance. 
Nervosity crawls at your skin as you feel yourself getting watched by him. It’s weird — screw that, he’s weird. 
“Close!” a giggle accompanies your words. “Actually, I just really wanna get away from you. Have fun with him March.” scoffing, you turn around again.
It didn’t take you long to prepare his order, filling a cup with ice cubes and pouring some shots of espresso over them was a piece of cake. “Here” You hand him his drink and he nods in contentment before handing you a few coins, a cheeky grin appears on his face and you can see the amusement glimmering in his pink eyes. “See you tomorrow” he chuckles and upon that March nudges your side, which in response you can only give her an exasperated groan. 
“Yep. Head over heels in love.” she quips as soon as Aventurine is out of sight, and you have to fight the urge to slam your forehead against the counter.
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Your third encounter with Aventurine occurred on a fairly rainy day. With sluggish movements and wet clothes, soaked from head to toe he slumped over to the counter and grinning as soon as he saw you. 
“Hey.” it takes you a moment to process the situation and reluctantly you reply. “Hey.” Your eyes scan over his figure, his white dress shirt is completely translucent now and you can’t help but let your eyes drift to the tattoo on his neck, down to his collarbone which is visibly poking out, and his slim waist, ribs only covered by a thin layer of pale skin.   
Aventurine seems to catch on pretty quickly and wraps himself into his blazer, seemingly uncomfortable by the way you’re looking at him.
You quickly gather your words, and voice an apology. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shamelessly stare, that was rude again, I’m so sor-” “It’s fine.” Aventurine interrupts, cutting your apology curt while huffing out a tired sigh. The exasperation that resides in his voice implies that he obviously doesn’t want to dwell on this topic any further.  
A meek nod is the only response you’re able to give. “Can I just get the same thing I’ve had last time? Thanks.” he pulls out his card, ready to pay for his order. 
“Really? An Iced Americano during this weather?” you let out a small chuckle with which you’re trying to lighten up the tense atmosphere that built up between the two of you. 
At the sound of your light laughter, Aventurine’s eyes flicker over your face. “You remember my order?” he asks dumbfounded.
“Well yeah, no one besides teenage girls order an Iced Americano.” you joke, the usual sarcasm back in your voice. It quenches his former uneasiness, your light-hearted words soothing him like a cool steam dripping into his parched heart.
The corners of his lips twitch and he can’t help but smile. “Oh, shut up.” His signature smirk graces his lips and upon catching sight of it you can’t help but also let out a fond smile. 
“Will.. a freshly black brewed coffee do?” you’re careful when asking him. Nervousness crawls at your skin in anticipation. 
“Black coffee?” he hums. “Yeah, that should work. Thanks.” the reassuring smile he gives you makes your tense shoulder drop in relief, easing the worry that previously swam in your stomach.
You disappear into the kitchen, searching for the container that stores the coffee beans to prepare his drink, in the meantime, Aventurine quickly types into his phone before erasing the words as fast as he wrote them.
The fresh scent of coffee beans engulfs your nose and you can’t help but smile. Freshly brewed coffee always reminds you of home; someone in whose arms you can bury yourself in, nudging your nose into their chest as they cage you with their arms, softly embracing you. The rattling of a coffee machine in the background rings in your ears, but the only thing you can focus on is a voice that softly caresses the shell of your ear. 
Domesticity washes over you — it’s all too familiar. 
Aventurine’s drink is prepared in no time and you set it on the counter which makes him look up from his phone, giving you a weak smile before wrapping his hand around the drink. It’s still hot to touch, the warmth spreading over his hand in an instant like wildfire, it’s nice — the feeling of warmth enveloping his cold hand is nice. 
“Well, I’ll get going now.” his announcement catches you off guard, and impulsively you reach out to tug on his sleeve to prevent him from leaving. The action leaves both you and Aventurine surprised. Curious, the blond raises an eyebrow and grins (oh how much you want to wipe that stupid grin off his face), expectantly awaiting your next move.
“Sorry.” you cough apologetically before quickly letting go of his semi-dried sleeve. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea to go out again when it’s still raining. If I were you I’d just wait until the rain stops.” Upon hearing your sincere suggestion, Aventurine’s grin falters and instead slowly molds into a fond smile that makes you inexplicably warm.  
“Aww, don’t tell me you're worried that I might catch a cold?” You counter his playful remark with one of your own. “Well, yeah. Who else is supposed to give me a generous tip?” At that Aventurine can only laugh and the smile you’ve been trying to hold back escapes. 
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From there on visits from Aventurine became frequent, always coming during your shift or during your break to chatter with you about mindless topics. You got used to his visits, and even when you gave off the impression of showing no interest in his ramblings, you always lent him an ear, carefully listening to what he had to say about his pets or his grumpy friend. 
(He told you that the both of you resemble each other in some way, aloof on the outside but caring on the inside. In response, you shot him a big side eye, cause what does he mean by aloof?)
The small conversations exchanged between the two of you, ranged between topics of the latest spots that have just opened, to operas and musicals and eventually work. 
His work to be specific.
Curiosity got the better of you and you couldn’t help but ask: “Aventurine.” upon hearing his name sliding off your tongue, he hums in acknowledgment. “What is it?” you scan his attire, the material of his black blazer is slightly crumpled and the turquoise button-up he’s wearing underneath seems to be the same one as the one when you first met him.
“What the hell do you even work as? I mean what kind of job requires you to wear a new suit every day?” befuddlement manifests on your face. “Ah, well.” Aventurine hesitates for a moment, mouth slightly agape before closing it once again as if searching for the right words to say. “I’ve told you that I work here right down the street right? I’m a teaching assistant at St. Freya University for my friend.” he gives you a small and coy smile. 
“Oh, that prestigious university for rich kids?” at that Aventurine slightly raises his eyebrows as if surprised by your remark before quietly laughing. “Mhm, I suppose you could say so.” “I should’ve known that you taught there, I bet you also went there for university.” It’s only a joking remark you made upon impulse but the amusement on Aventurine’s face slightly dissipates, replaced with a sheepish expression.  
“I didn’t go to university.”
“What do you mean you didn’t go to university? I mean as teaching a-” “I-i started working from a very early age on and not as a teaching assistant it’s only a job for me to help my friend with.” he quickly corrects himself. “Oh.” “Yeah.” he hums, looking away. 
The silence is unbearable. It’s weird and unusual for you to not hear Aventurine chatter into your ear. “So uhm.. what do you teach or help with?” the embarrassment quickly rises to your cheeks and you turn your head downwards to avoid any eye contact. God, why’s initiating a conversation so hard and always fucking awkward.
“Interested in joining? Want me to sign you up?” you’re relieved upon hearing Aventurine immediately responding, lifting your head only to be met with soft pink eyes that are already earnestly admiring you. 
Your deadpan expression tells him more than enough and he chuckles more to himself than to you. “Well, my friend, he has high expectations for his students. To some people, he might appear strict, but really, it’s for their own well-being — not his. He cares about his students a lot. Sharing his knowledge about certain topics and seeing the potential in all of them, for them to pick the information up and be able to use it. So the things he does in his classes differ, from practical to theoretical classes and I’m just there to assist with my knowledge.” the small smile that quirks at his lips doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Okay, okay, well enough about me, what about you? Any plans for the weekend?” Aventurine smoothly changes the topic. 
Upon being asked what your plans are your eyes immediately light up with excitement. “I’ve been meaning to visit the fair for a while now. Trying out the new rides and stuff you know?” Aventurine momentarily pauses. “Ah, I’ve actually never been to a fair.” his admission comes over as surprising to you. 
“Wait what? You’ve never been to a fair? You’re lying!” 
“I’m not! Or maybe I am.” he laughs. “Well, I might have gone to some but I can’t recall anything like that. Perhaps I was too short, too young, or too much of a pussy to try out one of the rides.” 
Before you can even think of how to respond to that, you blurt out a: “Go with me then!” You’re not even sure how you had the courage to ask that, especially to someone whom you’ve only met a month or hell a few weeks ago, you’re even less sure where that question even came from.
From what you can read off Aventurine’s face, he seems to be as equally surprised as you, mouth slightly agape and lips forming a smile as he stares at you with expectant eyes. 
“Really?” Disbelief settles onto his face.
“Thinking about it now, nope.” The light in Aventurine’s eyes immediately dies down, suddenly looking like a kicked puppy who didn’t get any belly rubs. It somehow makes you feel bad — somehow you sympathize with him. “..Fine.” you mumble. You can’t believe yourself. “Though there’s one condition: You’ll have to pay for everything.”
“Sure, no problem.” Aventurine agrees without any hesitation and that makes you skittish. “I was joking!” He gives you a boyish grin “Well, I know but it’s not like it’s a big deal either. Also, can this be considered a date?” he props his elbow up and places his cheek onto his balled fist, smirking while doing so.
“Aventurine,” you say in a stern voice. “Don’t make me change my mind.”
Your irritated eyes meet his fond ones. “I’m glad.” he expresses and you’re caught off guard by his sincere tone. There’s no teasing or playfulness behind it, just pure gratefulness. 
“Is it alright if I have your number? It’s easier to reach you then.” the smirk plastered on his face is enough to tell you what the actual intention behind his words is. 
“Admit it. You just want my number, don’t you?” you deadpan him.
“Hmm, who knows?” the grin on his face only grew wider, amused by the fact that you caught on so quickly.
Swiftly you fish out your phone from your pockets, unlocking it before showing him your phone number, and before you can even ask how he’s saved your number; which contact name he typed in for you, he pulls his phone away. Smiling in triumph upon seeing your irritated face.
He gets up from the chair he’s been sitting on for the past few minutes. “Well, your break is about to end soon, so I’ll take my leave.” your eyes follow him as he checks if he’s got everything. “See you tomorrow then:” he says in a playful tone before leaving. 
Yeah, you’re going to meet your demise, you just know it.
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END NOTE: this is just idk man we're gonna progress more in the future chaps okay 😔
© VYNICITY 2024. stealing, copying, translating, reposting my works on other platforms or feeding them to ai is not permitted.
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lady-ashfade · 6 months ago
Can I place an order of Blueberry Pie with Villain Class 1-A. Please and Thank You.
Broken Shoes
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´*: ・゚⋆˒ Villain!Au!Class 1A x College!Waiter!Reader. (Reader doesn’t have pronouns in this)
WORDS: 2.1k
WARNINGS: Yandere!Behaviors, Everyone is in their 20s, Posted Late, Dark!Romance, Reader Is Just From America But Any Race, Villan Au, Non-Quirk Au, Is the reader is claimed any pronouns tell me so I can fix it.
Bakery event.
A/N: I got a idea from the requester of what they wanted since it has taken me so long, thankful so much for them!!
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The first incident was when your shoe feel apart on your way home, the bottom coming undo and looked and sounded like a flip flop. It was rough because they had been your shoes for years, they had to give up sometime. But you didn’t have enough money to pay for a new pair. The only thrift store was a long ways away from where you live and you’d never have the extra money for train ride. So you did what you could…And tried to make it work again. With glue and your sewing kit and then had something to last you a few more weeks.
You set up a new jar in your kitchen by the window, next to the bigger blue jar with the labeled “computer”, while this one was pink and for shoes. You worked at a shitty diner in Japan, a American experience which was perfect since you moved here in your late teen years from the US. The day belonged to collage classes for you’re own business degree to work in more places and maybe start a chain of your own. And after you worked as long as you could to make it through life.
“Mornin’,” you greet your manager. The older woman smiled as she took the rag and whipped off the white counter, the lights from the screens hitting her back to make her pink outfit pop. Hana was the nicest woman you ever met, she was shorter then you with a plump body, her age showing in her skin but her face remained chubby and almost wrinkle free. After any day you had, you knew her warm smile could make you feel better.
While helping around you both chatted about your day and how it went, her more leaning towards your story while making short answers for her day. So, you told her all about school and even some things you learned and studied before customers began the walk through the doors, one after the other and so forth. The conversation died and you did your job.
“Enjoy your evening!” You shout as the last pair of people leave and you lock the doors behind them before exhaling as your body grows tired. The night had come to a end as the moon stood in the darken sky to shine just a bit of light on the streets. Not like they need it with the street lights and building lights.
“Hana, I’ll be in the bathroom.” You shout. Making your way to the bathroom your feet drag as the night hits you like a ton of bricks. The rush hour today was busier then it had been in a few weeks.
Hana was in the back to punch in all the things that happened while taking the money out of the cash register to count it. Her eyes trailed up to the metal door where the trashcans stayed after someone had knocked. It wasn’t un normal to her since she gave a few homeless people food when there was some left over, so she figured it would be them. Her feet took her to the door and her fingers unlocked the handle, before pushing it open with a bright smile.
“Kenji, how can I help you?” She spoke to nothing but air.
Hana blinked her eyes a few times before realizing no one was there, not a person in sight just a empty alleyway. Now this was strange. The knocking was loud and had to be made intentionally. The one thing that made sense of it was when she looked down there was a box with a bow.
Hana brought it to the main room and set it on the counter, just in time for you to exit the bathroom with a sour look on your face. “You got a present.” She exclaimed.
As you examined the box you saw a card attached,
“To: Y/n.
Hope you can find this helpful, thank you for the amazing service.”
The first thought you had was, who could have sent it, before even opening the box. There was a older couple who commented on your shoes but they didn’t seem like the type, and a man in a suit also had his opinions on your attire though he seemed too stingy for that. But you stopped thinking to see what was inside and hoped it wasn’t to grand.
When your eyes hit the shoes they widened a bit, they were perfect. They didn’t look too expensive but brand new with no stains on them or nothing. They looked good to work in, to jog, and to do anything you wanted.
“I bet it was that yellow haired man,” Hana commented out of the blue. You turn your head and tilted it to the side, who was she talking about? You’ve seen so many customers with yellow hair…
“Don’t give me that look dear. The cute one who always stares at you, and never complains and has you talking for hours.” you blink a few times before placing a face to the scenario.
Denki? Yeah, you think that’s his name. He always comes in every other Thursday with the same order, same questions and never wants you to leave his table. He was a sweet man, but flirtatious and sometimes you think you’ve seen him before but never have a clue. Today he came in just as before, made a few flirty jokes that you played along to, and had to rush off since it was a full diner.
“Hmm, maybe. I’ll just have to wait and see if they reveal themselves.” You hummed before going back to cleaning.
That wasn’t the only time random gifts showed up.
Each couple of weeks a new one popped up out of the blue. You’d be in the library and looking of books to help your course studies but find non, or even looking them up on the computer and find out they are too expensive to buy on your own. Then, they show up where you sit each day in classes. No one would look your way, no one was suspicious. It wasn’t just school things, but it was the things you see in windows. You’d see something pretty, look at it and imagining wearing it, then walk away knowing your wallet couldn’t handle it. Your house started to be filled with things you didn’t even buy.
Weeks of things being left you started to grow more and more worried, things you didn’t speak about. And things arriving at your door step. The last thing that made you freak out completely was a computer, the best money could buy and the note made you break. “Ditch the jar, we’ve got it covered.” Who the hell knew about the jars you had? No one did, not even Hana knew because you knew she’d give you money. Someone knew where you lived- someone sent a gifted, someone looked into your apartment or went in to see the jars.
“We’ve got it covered.” Those words stuck into your head every day after.
The blinds to your apartment now remind closed, you took the money you were saving for a computer and got extra locks for your windows. And you never took the gifts that arrived anymore. If it was at class, you’d leave them, if they came to your door you’d say they got the wrong person, if it came to your work the dumpster ate it.
Soon the gifts came to a stop. Nothing show up anymore and you felt relief, like you could breath without worrying about being watched. You stoped looking around the place for suspicious activity, your life went back to normal — Shitty, but normal.
Just as you suspected — Things went wrong for the last time.
Nosies woke you up from sleep, you had been too tired to notice anything or actually think about your actions. So you went out of your bedroom towards the noise, no plan, no worries about your life, but tired and wanting it to end. So as you turn the corner of the hall you hear hushed voices.
“Dumbass— Shut up, you’re making too much noise.” Someone, with a deeper and more grit to their voice spoke. They sounded angry…Like a man you once met on a bus.
Someone whined in response. “Don’t be mean to him Kacchan, and you’re being equally as loud. Now, everyone quiet and lets get our darling and head out.” That voice was strange to you, it was high pitched and loving but there was something else to it.
A little bit of awakening hit you and you started to look around the hall for anything of use. Wait, everyone? — That means there are more people then the two who spoke. The only thing you had that you could hit somebody with was a umbrella but you had to make do.
So, you grab ahold of the handle and hold it like a bat, then go sprinting to the doorway and popping out to surprise who ever was there.
You probably should have thought of more threatening words….
“I don’t have much!! If you’re here to rob me you’ve chosen poorly, but if anyone touches my computer you’re dying.” and like that, you point at the people in front of your umbrella-bat.
Your mind acted so quickly that it just took in everyone standing in front of you. People you have met before. The man from the train with a darken snarl that’s the same.. Denki, the guy who flirts with you at work. Another man who is always nice and friendly when he enters your work, Izuku?
“Hey honey!” A squealing voice takes your widen eyes off the green haired man. The woman who spoke was someone who you’ve talk to at school, one of the pretty girls that sit below you, Mina Ashido.
“Wha… What are you all doing in my apartment?” Your arms held up the umbrella and body still stiffened and alert.
“Don’t worry, we aren’t here to hurt you,” Izuku smiles and walks aloug your kitchen table, “and definitely not here to rob you, most of your things, expensive things, came from us.” he slides the computer along the table towards you. It started to make a bit of sense of how you’ve been getting everything.
Denki and Izuku know where you worked and gave you the shoes, they had both been in the diner that day. Mina had given you the books you looked at in the library and saw were too expensive. And the mean blonde had saw were you get off of the bus. They must have all been following you.
“What do you want then?” You backed away from them. Your eyebrows frown and arms began to tremble in heightened fear and adrenaline of your life being threatened.
“We want you, sweet thing,” the rough one spoke and the nickname sounded strange from his mouth. “The question is,” he stepped closer as your inched backwards, starting a game of chase.
“Are you gonna’ make this easy or not?”
You hummed in fear of what’s to come and wanted to run. Your body was almost about to move before a warm hand covered your mouth and made you scream and wiggle against the chest that was pressed against your back.
“I told you not to bring weapons,” the person behind you snapped at the others, making them all roll their eyes.
“I wasn’t going to hurt them!” Mina shouted.
“The gun was for looks, had to look badass for my babe.” Denki smirked.
“I wouldn’t hurt them badly, my knife would only stab their horrible neighbors.” Izuku laughed.
“And why would I listen to you, old man?”
A sharp pain in your neck shot throughout your body as your limbs began to numb up almost immediately. Your vocal cords wouldn’t make any sound when you wanted to scream, your legs couldn’t run, there was no fighting back. All you could do was keep your eyes open for as long as you could while being picked up.
A older man had you placed in his arms. Dark long hair with gray at the roots, the same for his beard. He looked tired but deadly with the glare he gave them. You knew this man. He was a teacher in the lecture room beside yours, the same man you greeted each morning — The man you served coffee to on Saturday mornings.
“You know damn well what I’ll do if you hurt them, if anyone of you spoiled brats hurt them.” His voice started to get drowned out by ringing in your ears. You wanted to listen and to stay away but your eyes just felt too heavy to go on….
There wasn’t just five of them waiting for you to wake up again, but 20 villains going insane for you.
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awkward-walking-potato · 6 months ago
Hi there! I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but I figured it's worth a try! I have a deadpool request, maybe where the reader and Wade live together and she gets attacked on her way home, and when she gets home she has to talk Wade down from going after the people who hurt her because she just wants his comfort and he takes care of her? It's all good if not! Thanks all the same, you're a really great writer! :D
Home Safe
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The night had been long, with the usual mix of rowdy customers, bad music, and spilled drinks. You were used to it—bartending wasn’t your dream job, but it paid the bills, kept you busy, and gave you stories to tell. But tonight, the walk home felt longer than usual. Your thoughts were on autopilot, replaying the moments of the night, when suddenly, it happened.
A couple of guys—drunk, probably worse—cornered you in an alley. It was quick, too quick. You fought back, because of course you did, but they had the numbers, and they were looking for trouble. A few blows landed, and before you knew it, you were on the ground, dazed and hurting. They laughed, took off, leaving you with bruises and more than a little anger. But you knew better than to stick around. Stumbling back to your feet, you forced yourself the rest of the way home.
When you finally reached the front door of the apartment you shared with Wade, you hesitated. You knew how he’d react. Wade was… intense when it came to you. Protective, sometimes overly so, but in a way that was more endearing than stifling. You loved him for it. But tonight, you needed his comfort, not his rage.
Taking a deep breath, you opened the door as quietly as you could. The lights were dimmed, but you could hear the faint sound of the TV in the living room. He was still awake.
“Sweetheart, is that you?” Wade’s voice called out from the couch, playful and warm, like it always was when you came home.
You tried to mask the wince as you walked in, but Wade’s eyes were sharp, even when he was in one of his more relaxed moods. The moment he saw you, the playful glint in his eyes vanished, replaced by something darker. He shot up from the couch, closing the distance between you in two long strides.
“What the hell happened?” he asked, his voice low, controlled, but you could feel the storm brewing beneath the surface. His gloved hands cupped your face, tilting it gently so he could inspect the damage. The bruises were already starting to bloom, and you knew it wouldn’t take him long to piece things together.
“It’s nothing, Wade,” you tried to say, but your voice came out shakier than you intended. You hated how much this was affecting you. You were tougher than this. But Wade’s expression didn’t soften. If anything, it hardened.
“Nothing?” he repeated, his voice dangerously calm. “You’re bruised and shaking, and you’re telling me it’s nothing? Tell me who did this.” His tone was lethal, and you could see that deadly glint in his eyes, the one that meant he was ready to go full-on Deadpool.
“No.” You grabbed his hands, holding them tight, trying to keep him grounded. “Wade, I don’t want that. I just want you. Please.”
His whole body was tense, every muscle coiled like a spring ready to snap. But at your words, his grip on your face softened. “I can’t just… You know I can’t just let this go,” he said, his voice rough with barely restrained fury.
You shook your head. “I don’t need you to go after them. I don’t care about them. I just need you, okay? I need you here, with me. Not out there, not doing… what you do.”
Wade’s expression shifted, the anger still there but warring with concern, with love. He pulled you into his arms, holding you close, careful not to press too hard against your bruises. “Okay,” he whispered, his voice strained. “Okay, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
You buried your face in his chest, breathing in the familiar scent of gunpowder, leather, and something uniquely Wade. His arms around you felt like the safest place in the world, and for a moment, you let yourself melt into him, the tension in your body slowly easing.
He didn’t let go. Not for a long time. He just stood there, holding you, his fingers brushing through your hair in soothing strokes. It wasn’t until you sighed deeply, finally starting to relax, that he pulled back just enough to look at you again.
“Let me take care of you,” he said softly, his voice a stark contrast to the anger that had been there moments ago. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
You nodded, letting him guide you to the bathroom. Wade was surprisingly gentle as he tended to your bruises, his usual sarcastic banter muted but still present in the way he kept whispering little reassurances, cracking the occasional joke to make you smile.
As he finished bandaging a particularly nasty cut on your arm, he looked up at you, his expression more serious than usual. “You don’t have to go back, you know. To the bar.”
You frowned slightly. “Wade…”
“I’m serious,” he interrupted, his tone firm but not pushy. “You don’t need that job. I can take care of us. You don’t have to worry about money or any of that crap. And you definitely don’t need to be putting yourself in danger for a bunch of assholes who don’t tip well.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but the look in his eyes stopped you. He wasn’t just offering to take care of you—he was offering you security, safety. Something you both knew was hard to come by in your line of work.
“I know you’re tough,” he continued, his thumb brushing lightly over your knuckles. “Hell, you’re tougher than I am, and that’s saying something. But you don’t have to keep proving it to anyone. Not to me, not to them, not to yourself.”
You stared at him for a long moment, letting his words sink in. Wade wasn’t the kind of guy to make promises lightly. His life was chaotic, dangerous, but when it came to you, he was solid, unwavering.
Finally, you nodded. “Okay. But not because I need you to take care of me. I just… I think you’re right. Maybe it’s time for something different.”
Wade’s face lit up with relief, and he pulled you into his arms again, this time with a little more force, careful but reassuringly strong. “Good. Because if anyone’s gonna be putting bruises on you, it’s gonna be me, in the fun way.”
You laughed softly, resting your head on his shoulder. “You’re incorrigible.”
“And you love me for it,” he replied, his voice a mix of pride and affection. “Now, how about I order us some takeout, and we make fun of bad movies until you fall asleep? No more thinking about those jerks. Just you, me, and a whole lot of greasy food.”
You smiled, finally feeling at peace. “Sounds perfect.”
And as you curled up on the couch together, Wade’s arm securely around you, you knew that no matter what, you’d always be safe with him. Because Wade wasn’t just your protector—he was your home.
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quitealotofsodapop · 24 days ago
Wukong's reveal happened suddenly for him. He had simply been helping Pigsy and MK out with the food truck, making sure the truck was running smooth and helping with advertisement (look, as much as Pigsy loves the guy, he isn't letting anyone part of his oil and dirt covered fur near food he has to cook and serve to customers, that's a health code violation waiting to happen) and overall just being there to celebrate eith his friends. When the shop goes on break so that the family can eat and eatch the parade, he's right there with them, excitedly waiting for the fireworks and parade.
Only pandemonium and chaos begin as the Spider Queen attacks. I've mentioned this in dms before about how I believe Tang was passively creating a barrier of protection around MK simply because he is Tripitaka's reincarnation and therefore naturally masks and protects MK's own dao signature as a stone monkey and the Harbinger of Chaos and how it extends to other aus (namely TMKATI and peach soup). Well, in this case, it serves as a major negative because the spider bots are all attracted to his dao signature and that of the rest of the Noodle Gang, aiming to restrain and contain the msot powerful demons first so that Spider Queen can use them as her personal batteries.
Wukong may not be involved in Monkie Kid business and may have sworn off being the Monkey King, but he's still Wukong. He still has a martyr complex. So when he realizes that the Spider bots were attracted to powerful dao and that MK was useless against creepy crawlies due to his arachnophobia, he made a decision. MK and his friends need to run! It was the only way, but they can not escape with their own dao acting as a homing beacon for the tiny bots. But there was at least one person present who would be far too tempting for the Spider Queen and her posse. Someone who had spent many many lifetimes cultivating his dao and gaining power until his abilities and powers could rival and even defeat the very gods. He hadn't tapped into in centuries, and he quite frankly was worried what would happen if he did as there was no going back, ince he plays hishand and reveals his power there would be no way someone would not notice.
But MK and his family needed a distraction!
Wukong shoves Pigsy out of the way of a web, his own arm getting caught in it. But where other, lesser demons would have been pulled into the belly of the beast, Wukong stood strong.
"Uncle Wu!!"
Ripping the web from his arm, there was an explosion of golden power unlike anything any of the Noodle Gang had felt, all except one who could only staring in awe as his Little Big Brother poured the entirety of hus power out, blamketing the area in an aura of birnong protection and soothing light that he hadn'tfelt in centuries. A feeling he had sorely missed. Wukong glanced back at him, golden eyes gleaming as he silently urged Sandy to go with them. He took his cje and grabbed everyone, taking the distraction Wukong gave him as he wished his brother the best of luck.
The plan worked a little too well. Instantly, nearly every bot in the city began to converge on his location. He managed to play a game of cat and mouse for a good long while, leading the majority of them away and allowing several demons to escape, PIF and a certain Vixen included in that number altho he had never realized that particular fact. But he can't keep it up forever. It's inevitable he gets captured. After solidifying her takeover, Spider Queen was eager to take a look at her spoils, especially the mysterious source of that godly dao that coveres the entire city for a few brief moments! She didn't imagine she'd see a greasy little monkey in an oil stained white tank top who looked far too familiar to her for it to be a mere coincidence. And the moment she recognizes the face under the oil and grime, her day just got a whole lot more interesting!
Wukong accidentally breaks his 500+ years of cover to protect his loved ones!
Also the whole fam esp MK seeing dear "Uncle Wu" burst forth with a divine/demonic energy unseen in hundreds of years. All while wearing a stained tank top and stinking of gasoline.
However, this very same selfless act announces to every demon inside that Spider Mech and beyond; that Sun Wukong The Beautiful Wise Monkey King, The Great Sage Equal to Heaven - IS ALIVE!!!
DBK cannot believe his eyes.
Macaque can barely believe his ears.
And Wukong can't believe his big mouth/hero complex!
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exhaslo · 1 year ago
Hiii i was wondering if you could do a miguel x cinnamon bun reader who’s a chubby baker and catches Miguel’s eye sometime when he was out as spiderman and decides to wife her up. And now that they’re together since she’s always baking at home miguel comes home to the smell of cinnamon buns and her as well who’s filled with flour on her face. You can make it smutty if you want, i was just thinking that this scenario was cute 😭😩
have a good dayyy
Crying bc I wrote like half of this before Tumblr froze and deleted everything so I gotta rewrite it again.
Anyway, this is a cute idea. It would be super adorable if Miguel didn't like sweets either...so...without further ado...Time to write again
Warning: None, just fluff, light mentions of sex
You owned a small bakery in the middle of Nueva York. It was no surprise that the smell of your bakery would attract anyone walking down the block. The aroma of your desserts would attract even the most grumpiest of people.
You were working in the kitchen, sweating as you tried to perfect your latest batch of cupcakes. You took a look around at your workers, smiling as they had fun while making your desserts. You loved your job.
"Hm, I'll take whatever you recommend. I don't really like sweets." A voice from outside said.
Your ears perked up as you heard such a phase. Your curiosity got the best of you as you poked your head out of the kitchen. You saw two men at the counter with your cashier. One was giddy with joy, ordering a bunch of sweets while the other had a stern look at his face.
Slowly, you made your way behind your cashier, avoiding the tall man's gaze. He was handsome, but also somewhat scary. Pulling one of your not so sweet desserts, you carefully placed it in a cute box and slid it towards him on the counter.
"T-This is on the house. I...I hope you like it." You whispered, glancing up at him.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't think anyone but this idiot heard me." The man said while pointing at his companion.
"Thank you," Miguel said with a fanged smile.
You felt your cheeks flush as you rubbed your eyes. You had to be exhausted from working because you swore you saw fangs. Returning your gaze to the handsome man, you smiled as he took a bite. His eyes widen, licking his lips,
"It's good,"
Miguel was surprised by the delightful treat you gave him. He glanced towards you, caught off guard by the cute smile you gave him. He watched as you hurried into the kitchen, shaking with excitement. Unable to stop staring, Miguel looked back down at the dessert.
"Shall I get more of those for you~" Gabriel, Miguel's brother, said with a silly grin. Miguel nudged him away,
"No. I can get these myself."
Miguel was swinging around the city, patrolling for any crime. He stopped, catching whiff of something ridiculously sweet. Disgruntled, he stoop and searched for the source of the smell. His shoulders sunk, spotting your bakery.
Perhaps you were working on a new recipe? Miguel made it a habit to stop by once a week. He enjoyed your company. You were different. Miguel was willing to try anything you gave him as long as it meant seeing your smile.
Sitting against the roof of the building, Miguel just sat there and watched you. You were hard working, helping every customer and your employees. He knew the struggle of managing a business. Hell, Miguel was technally in charge of two companies, if the Spider Society counted as one.
"Haha! She probably eats all her sweets! Look at her!" A rude teenager yelled as his obnoxious friends laughed alongside him.
"P-Please leave!" You begged.
Miguel stepped in once he saw tears form. He jumped onto the sidewalk and quietly walked behind you. His presence scaring the teenagers away. You whimpered, rubbing your eyes and sniffing before turning around and yelping.
"It's okay. I just scared them away," Miguel whispered, not wanting to spook you.
"Thank you," You whispered, still shaking. Miguel wanted to comfort you, but he knew this wasn't the right time or place,
"Don't let those kids get to you."
"I-I'm used to it...A chubby girl who owns a bakery. I hear it a lot." You whispered. Miguel grinded his teeth together,
"You're beautiful."
"Haha, thanks. That cheered me up," You said with that sweet smile of yours, "Here, let me give you a treat as thanks."
You hummed happily as you held Spiderman's hand, leading him into your bakery. Your customers were surprised, but went about their business. You looked behind the counter and took out one of your newest desserts, placing it in a cute box.
"I just made this, I hope you like it."
You watched as Spiderman's mask slowly disappeared revealing his lower half of his face. Your eyes widen as you saw fangs when he took a bite. Your smile widen as you thought of your regular Miguel, whom you liked.
"It's good." He said. You just giggled,
"Thank you."
Miguel was determined to wife you up. He had started to stop by your bakery three times a week, chatting and getting to know you on a deeper level. Once he found out that you were single, he did not hesitate to ask you out.
Miguel wanted you. He was determined to protect you and keep his sweet little baker by his side. You were so sweet and cute that Miguel was having a hard time restraining himself. He wanted to swing you in his arms and make you his.
By your fifth date, Miguel kissed you. He held you close to him, enjoying your flushed cheeks and shy expression. He was your first for everything and Miguel was going to savior everything about that. He was going to enjoy giving you everything.
By your twelfth date, you admitted to him that you knew he was Spiderman. Miguel was slightly embarrassed, but felt a weight off his chest since he didn't have to hide it from you anymore. With his secret known to you, Miguel was able to give you even more affection due to his powers.
The first time you guys had sex, Miguel went overboard. He joked about you being his dessert for the night and ended up filling you like one of your cupcakes. He had to apologize to you, but you weren't complaining. It was the best night of your life.
Finally, after a few months, Miguel offered to have you move in with him. You were hesitate, but after some reassuring, you agreed. You were currently in your shared house, making a new recipe while waiting for Miguel to return from work.
"Mhm~ I wonder if my customers will like this~" You cooed, trying the cookies.
"Of course they will. You're the one making them," Miguel hummed as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Miguel~ You're home!" You chirped. Miguel kissed your neck, his hands groping your tummy,
"Missed you, baby. Couldn't stop thinking about you all day,"
"M-Miguel," You glanced away, feeling flustered, "D-Do you want to try my cookies?"
"Of course, but I'll be enjoying my cookies later," He whispered, groping your breasts.
Miguel chuckled lowly, capturing your lips in a kiss before willingly tried the cookie. He scrunched his face up, still not liking sweets, but told you that they were amazing.
You chuckled towards him, letting him know that you'll make some dinner. Miguel wanted to complain, saying something about feasting on you, but you managed to convince him to shower. You couldn't help but smile, happy that you found someone who loved you just the way you are.
"Oh, (Y/N), I've been meaning to ask," Miguel started as he came out of the shower, "Did you give Spider Chef a recipe for a Spiderman burger that looks like me?"
Miguel sighed heavily, "It's a best seller." He muttered,
"Yai~ I knew it~" You cheered happily.
Miguel resisted a chuckle as he watched you do your cute little cheer. You were defiantly going to make it up later. Miguel did think it was time for you to have little helpers after all.
Hehe, hope you enjoyed~
Part 2 (smut)
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mypimpademia · 2 years ago
— Croissants, Cookies, & Coffee
Pro Hero! Bakugo x Cafe Worker! Black! Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Jagged edged pro hero Dynamight begins to show up to his local cafe just a little too much.
TW: Swearing
“Next in line, please,”
Customers and passerby’s gawked a the man you only smiled politely at. His tall, hulking figure towered over everyone, sticking out like a sore thumb, and his reputation did nothing to help the attention. He seemed tense about it all, the prolonged stares irritating him to no end. But seeing you unfazed, warm lights glowing on your brownskin, gave him some sort of grounding.
“Good afternoon Mr. Dynamight. Should I ring up your usual, or would you like to try one of our new items?” The words fell off your glossed lips so casually, as if you weren’t speaking to the most powerful man in Japan.
“Don’t call me that,” he snarled. “It’s policy,” you said in unison with him, his eyes rolling in annoyance as he kissed his teeth.
“I don’t give a shit about policy, you know what to call me,” he told you, before humming in thought. “I’ll try that fuckin’ peach shit, but only if you make it for me.”
“One pretty peach refresher,” you said, smiling whilst typing the order into the screen in front of you. “What size?”
“Large, and that’ll be all,” he said, reaching into his pockets for his wallet as he mumbled to himself. “Fuckin’ pretty peach refresher, who the fuck comes up with these names?”
You stifled a laugh, lips curling inward. He swiped his card on the reader before you could even tell him the price, huffing as he put his wallet away.
“Thank you, I’ll bring your order over as soon as it’s done,” you chimed.
Swapping places with one of your coworkers, you took on drinks for the moment. To anyone who didn’t know better, you were only doing this because if someone like the explosive pro hero Dynamight says, you do. And in a way, they weren’t wrong.
But your drinks are the only ones he’ll take. Hell, that’s the only time he takes anything, even the pre made baked goods, anything else gets sent back. Your coworkers were convinced your quirk had some magical touch aspect to it. How the hell could he tell if a cappuccino was made by you or not?
A scoop of ice, a cup of dehydrated peach, a cup of peach juice, some water, and a blend later, his order was ready. As you approached, his attention was turned towards the window, simply watching as people and cars passed.
“Katsuki,” you uttered, handing the drink over. “Enjoy your pretty peach refresher.”
Your emphasis on the three words made him roll his eyes again, but you didn’t miss the smile he covered with his cup as he took a sip.
For months, that’s how your interactions went. If you ever asked Katsuki why he progressed passed this in the manner he did, he’d be far to ashamed to say.
Sure, he made nearly daily visits, sometimes coming twice a day. Once in the morning, and then again on the way back home. But his visits soon became erratic, as if he was going for reasons he didn’t want anyone to know.
“Good morning, Katsuki,” you hummed, placing his plate in front of him. “One eggs, ham, and cheese croissant sandwich for you.”
You walked away too fast to see it, only focused on getting through the morning rush of people. Had you stayed a second longer, you’d have caught him watching the morning sun illuminate your features.
That was his first visit of the day. You knew he’d be back soon, as he’d been coming more frequently, just not as soon as he did.
“Since when did you guys have cookies?” The blond asked, nodding over to the display of baked goods.
“Always,” you told him. “I can ring them up for you if you wanna try?”
“Only if you bring them to me,” he smirked.
The aroma of warm chocolate chip cookies had you salivating as you walked them over to his usual window booth. You needed to remind yourself to steal some before clocking out.
“Here are your cookies. And this is your second time back in,” you checked the clock. “Six hours? You beat your record from last time.”
“Yeah?” Katsuki asked, fake surprised at his own timing as he bit into a cookie, humming in satisfaction.
“Yeah,” you smirked, running your hand over pulled back coils to make sure your hair was still neatly in its bun. “Were you hungry or did you just miss me?”
You were standing just feet away from him, and even now he missed you.
“Fucking starving,” he teased, making you kiss your teeth. “You just happen to make all the shit I like.”
You raised your eyebrow in amusement, bearing your teeth in a glossy lipped smile.
“Oh? Like the cookies I only put onto a plate for you?” You asked, pointing to the now empty plate.
“It’s just different when you put it on a plate,” he shrugged.
“Right, right,” you nodded. “Gotta get back to work, but I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Katsuki came back just two hours later.
“Y’know, I was joking before, but this is getting concerning,” you huffed, placing the mug of coffee onto the table. “This is your third time back, and you were here just two hours ago. And who orders coffee at noon?”
Unbotheredly, he takes a sip from his coffee and says nothing.
“I know you hear me,” you huffed.
You folded your arms over your chest, annoyed that he wouldn’t give you a straight answer. Something was obviously bothersome him, and he was itching to get it off his chest.
“Don’t get me mad on shift Katsuki,” you said sternly. “What’s actually going on.”
“Honestly? I just missed you,” he shrugged.
You were just ready to go off on him, but he sounded so genuine that you held your tongue. This was far from your usual dynamic, and the sudden shift had you at a loss for words
“You free after work?”
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bisexualiteaa · 8 months ago
My Heart Belongs to Daddy ❤️‍🔥💕
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Sugar Daddy John Price x Sugar Baby Fem Reader (Angst and fluff!!)
CW: established relationship, sugar daddy/sugar baby to lovers, slight deviance from game, mentions of abusive ex, mentions of violence, stalking, self defense, mention of restraining order, mention of trauma/PTSD, mentions of anxiety, implied smut, reader is now safe and spoiled, John is a gentleman, angst with fluffy ending, cursing, possible grammar and spelling errors.
AN: just a random thought that came to me one night and thought it was just too fitting not to write about! Hope y’all enjoy! ♥️
You considered yourself to have it pretty good all things considered. You lived in a house you rarely ever had to pay rent for, with a handsome, older man who happily paid your bills to the point you didn’t even need to work anymore. He asked that you didn’t in fact. Not because he didn’t want you to have one, but because he wanted to spend all of his rare, but hard earned, free time with you when he was home. It wasn’t often that he was home, between missions in other countries, and long hours, he just wanted more time to spend with you. He gave you all the money you could ever need and then some, and took pride in treating you like a princess because in his eyes, you were one. You were his perfect princess, his beautiful girl. You wanted that cute dress from the store up the street? It’d be yours the next day at the latest. You wanted a pretty pair of shoes to go with it? You would find them in a box, with a cute little bow tied on top, on your bed within the week. You wanted to go on a nice date somewhere? He’d make a reservation that night for the both of you and tell you to get all dolled up. Granted, you never actually asked him for much. All of his gifts were usually bought because he watched you inspect them then place them back after looking at the price tag, or simply because he thought that whatever it was would just look so lovely on his precious girl. He would cave into getting you, or doing anything for you, the moment he would hear you speak of it passionately. At the end of the day, John was a simple man, he merely craved to see your pretty eyes light up with joy and that sweet little smile stretch across your lips upon receiving his gifts. All he wanted in return was your company and love, seeing you sport the outfits he bought you was just a bonus.
You had only taken him up on his offer of being his sugar baby in the beginning because you knew him well enough for it to not be weird or uncomfortable. He was a frequent customer of yours at your old job, someone you spent a lot of time talking to, getting to know, and becoming close to. You knew a lot about him, just as he knew a lot about you. You knew about how he was in the military, how he could be gone for long periods of time on missions in other countries, that he was rather lonely despite constantly being around the people he worked with. John is a very nice man, it almost took you by surprise just how nice he was compared to the men you’d been with in the past. He was always polite, always kind and considerate despite the hell he’s seen out on missions. Every conversation you had with him was like speaking to a life long friend, it all came so natural and in the years he’d come to know you at your job, you two had grown to be very good friends. Good friends turned into hanging out outside of just seeing him at your work, which turned into getting each other’s phone numbers to stay in contact while he was away, which turned into late nights at the bar together on occasion and as time went on, it slowly grew into something more romantic. John liked you a lot, which was good for you because you so happened to have the biggest crush on him and you desperately needed out of the house you shared with an abusive ex at the time. It seemed to be something that worked out well for the both of you, and it brought you comfort in knowing that he wasn’t icky like some other men who look for sugar babies were. When John recommended it to you, you knew sex wasn’t the motive. You saw in his eyes the rage that burned like a forest fire when you’d told him about your awful ex and some of the terrible things he’d done, but also the sea of genuine concern and sympathy. So you took him up on it. All he ever asked for in return was someone to occupy and upkeep the house while he was away, and to keep him company when he was home. Of course, you’d come to grow into being more than just his sugar baby over time, but his girlfriend now fiancé, and you both could agree that it’s been a wonderful four years since that day.
The first time this man showed you actual genuine kindness while living with him, you nearly cried. You were so used to living with someone who didn’t give a shit about you or your well-being, that when John asked you things as simple as what things you would like from the store if he was out grocery shopping, or if he was out getting something to eat from somewhere, how he would offer to bring you back something or stop somewhere you liked to get you food, it left you completely floored. He was super protective of you as well, hardly letting you out of his sight when you were out together in new places you’d never been before or in overly crowded places. John always had a protective arm looped around your waist, both as a way to show you off to the world because how could he not? But also to keep you close to him should anything unsavory come about while you’re out together. He of course walks on the outside part of the sidewalk too. He treasures you, adores you, and he always wanted to make sure you were safe and happy. He didn’t care what lengths he had to go through to do so, or what hate he would get in the process for being older than you, or for spoiling you, he would do it all in the blink of an eye with absolutely no questions asked. It was the complete opposite of what you were used to while having lived with your ex, and he started to pick up on that within the first year of living with you. He hated the way you would flinch away anytime he would bring down something from the cabinet in front of you, or how you would flinch when he would touch you at first. It pained him to see just how terribly you were being treated to the point that it was a reflex. He knew you were in a really bad spot with the guy, but he had no idea it was this bad. He would never pry however, knowing that the past can be a very traumatic place, and all he wanted for you was to be happy and healthy and know that you were safe with him now. He would be there for you in your moments of need, kiss it better, be a shoulder to cry on, assure you that you were protected and never have to worry about that asshole ever again. Whatever you needed, he would have it there for you. Taking him up on this whole arrangement had been the best thing to ever happen to the both of you.
He was always awake before you, even on the weekends and his time off, he was up between six and seven am almost on the dot, on his way to make himself a cup of tea to start the morning off. You felt it as he stirred from his sleep, between the dips in the mattress as he leaned over to kiss your cheek before rolling out of bed, to the shift of the covers being placed solely over your naked form to keep you warm whilst he was no longer beside you. It was what eventually had pulled you from your sleep, not that you really minded too much. You were never a morning person, but you strongly disliked the way the bed got cold without him there with you, and you’d much rather enjoy spending time in his company than sleep all day anyway. You gave a yawn as you finally peeled your eyes open, hearing him chuckle. You hated being up early, but he made early mornings far more tolerable over the years. “G’mornin’ sunshine” he spoke, his already deep and gravelly voice having an even deeper rasp to it when he first woke up. You gave a hum, always loving the sound of his sleepy voice, paired with the way he was in nothing but boxers was even better. “Good morning indeed” you answered through soft giggles as you sat up and drank in his form before he slipped on his robe. He chuckled at your disappointed whine in response to him covering up. “Clearly I didn’t do you in as much as I thought I did last night if I’m gettin’ a response like that” he joked, snagging your robe from the back of the bathroom door and helping you slip it on as you climbed out of bed with him. He kissed your cheek sweetly as he did, making you blush and smile up at him before offering him an actual kiss. “Oh no, my legs are absolutely wrecked, but it certainly is never a hard sight when I’m looking at you, love. Can’t help it but want more” you replied, your tone dripping with lust as you giggled into the kiss that was already starting to get a little heated. He could feel your hands roaming beneath the fabric of his robe, cascading along every inch of his skin you could reach. The way your soft but smaller fingers danced along his chest and stomach lit his every nerve ending on fire, making it harder and harder to not obey the throb setting in between his legs. “Careful sweetheart, y’ know how I get in the mornin’s” he said into your kiss, making you giggle then let out a sound almost akin to a purr. “Oh I’m well aware, daddy” you replied suggestively, tacking on the title at the end, something you only ever used in the bedroom or when you were in a mischievous mood, making him chuckle again as he continued to kiss you. “You say that again and I’m not responsible f’ what happens next, luvie” he replied in warning, his hands soon resting on your hips, keeping you close to him as you grinned up at him, eyes full of mischief. “Do your worst. Daddy” you challenged in a teasing sing-song tone, making him grin as he picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder effortlessly, knowing it would catch you off guard but he also loved the way it would make you laugh so giddily. You squealed and giggled in surprise, kicking your feet and playfully demanding him to put you down as he tapped your ass with his hand. “I tried warnin’ ya, love” he replied, bringing you back to the bed and plopping you down onto it as if you weighed absolutely nothing. You laughed softly, yet excitedly, as you looked up at him, watching him confidently strip himself of his robe with a smirk and a pleased whistle from you. “Oh hush and c’mere you” he said with an amused grin, leaning down over top of you and kissing you once more.
Needless to say, it was definitely a great start to the morning for both of you.
As you both ate breakfast at the dining room table a little while later, you heard a buzz come from his phone. “Shit” he said softly to himself as he read the notification. “What’s wrong? Everything okay?” You asked, your face filled with concern, hoping it wasn’t work telling him he needed to come in on a weekend and steal him away from you when you two made plans for the day. “Nothin’ bad sweetheart, just got an appointment today with the doc I forgot about. Gonna have to rain check on coffee today love, I’m sorry” he said, guilt lacing his tone as he got up, laying a kiss to the top of your head in apology before placing his dishes in the sink and cleaning them. “It’s alright! I needed to run to the store anyway” you said as you got up as well. “I don’t know how long I’ll be, luvie. Would hate to see you sit in the car for hours all bored waitin’” he replied as you pushed your chair in. “Oh, well…I can always go on my own you know. I still know how to drive” you joked harmlessly with a giggle, and something wrenched deeply in his chest at the idea of that. Of you being out and about without him by your side for once, without him to protect you, and who’s to say he would even be able to get to you if you were in trouble. It was unpredictable, dangerous even. He didn’t like it, but he hated the idea of him limiting your freedom even more. “Are you sure…? You haven’t been out and about by yourself since y’ moved in” he replied as he washed the dishes. “I can handle it, honey! I promise. I’ll be in and out super quick! Just the grocery store, then coffee, then home waiting for you!” You said cutely, coming over to him to place your dishes in the sink as well before running your hand along his arm, trying to offer him some comfort. “I’ll be fine baby, really. I always carry my self defense stuff on me and I’ve got you on speed dial. it’s just a small grocery trip! Pleeeaasseee?” You asked, batting your eyelashes up at him all cutely and he certainly could never say no to you like that. “Alright, alright. But if you so much as feel even slightly off, you call me. Don’t care where I am, or what I’m doin’, you remember the code word, yeah?” He asked, making you shake your head yes. “I’ll be sure to use it if I need it, I promise. I’ll be okay, I’m a big girl” you said, offering him a sweet smile before you hugged him in thanks. “But I always appreciate the way you look out for me and want to keep me happy and safe” you added, placing your hand on his cheek as he held you close to him. “I couldn’t live with myself if you ever got hurt, you’re too precious to me” he replied, his larger hand coming to rest over the back of yours, making you giggle softly. “It’s one of the many things I love about you, John. The way you look out for me and care for me. How you’d drop everything in a moment’s notice just to make sure I’m safe. I’m the luckiest girl on this planet to have you” you said before kissing him. “I’m a damn lucky man to have you, love” he replied, resting his forehead against yours as you both closed your eyes to enjoy the sweet, heart felt moment together.
A few hours passed before John had to leave, allowing you both to sort of get ready for the day and tidy up the house a little before both of you would be gone. The idea of you going anywhere alone still put an ache in his stomach that just would not go away, but he pushed it aside the best he could in favor of staying positive. He didn’t want to limit your freedoms, didn’t want to tell you that you couldn’t go without him, that would make him no better than your shitbag of an ex in his eyes and he swore to you that he would never be anywhere close to that. So when the time came for him to leave, John gave you a sweet, soft kiss before heading out the door, reminding you to be careful and to contact him should you need anything. You told him the same, watching as he got into his car, then waving as he pulled out of the driveway before running back upstairs to get changed into a cute outfit to go to the store in. It was a rather warm summers day, so you went for something a little more fitting for the weather. You decided on a cute crop top, skirt, a set of tights, a pair of converse, and the cute hoop earrings, necklace and bracelet set that he bought you one year for Valentine’s Day before you did your hair and makeup. You posed cutely in the full body mirror that mounted the wall next to your shared bed for a few minutes, taking all sorts of cute pictures to send to him. Along with a few more explicit ones to tease. You grabbed your purse, throwing in your phone charger and wallet before grabbing the keys to the other car, and a pair of sunglasses before you finally headed out the door. You made a pit stop at the coffee place first that you and John were supposed to go to together, getting your usual order to get some caffeine in your system to help you fully wake up and start your errands. All in all, still a pretty good day despite the minor change in plans due to an appointment.
It’s when you make it to the grocery store that your day starts to take a turn for the unexpected, and unfortunately for the worst. You parked the car, then went inside, grabbing a shopping cart as you always did and had out your list of the things you needed. They were simple things, essentials for the house such as milk, eggs, bread, things of that nature, but even you weren’t immune to the occasional pull of something on the side to add to the cart. It was as you were walking down the bread aisle that you started to notice a man from the corner of your eye watching you rather intently, eyeing you as you reached for the specific loaf of bread you were looking for, then following you to the next aisle. You didn’t want to look back at him to raise suspicion, but he always seemed to stay right at the edge of your view so you never got a good look at his face. You felt a chill course down your spine as he continued to follow you down the next few aisles. So doing what you knew was best, you tried your best not to stop the cart as you closed out of the tab for your grocery list and pulled up John’s number in your text messages.
Y/N: Hey babe, I know you’re probably busy but there’s this super creepy guy following me in the store…he was staring at me as I grabbed bread now he won’t stop following me. Something doesn’t feel right.
You text him, and you weren’t sure if it was the spot in the store you were in or maybe that your phone was bugging out, but your texts wouldn’t go through for some reason. You tried to chalk it up to nothing more than maybe coincidence that he’d been needing to go down the same aisles as you, trying to calm yourself down as you started taking your things to the check out to pay and leave as quick as possible to hopefully rid of him. As you made your way to the check out line, you heard the wheels of his cart squeaking behind you, trailing at the same speed you were as he hovered not far behind. That was your sign that something was definitely not right. So when your “SOS” text wouldn’t send through either, you dialed John’s phone number but it immediately went to voicemail. Of course you’d have a problem reaching him when you needed it most. Just your luck. So after you’d checked out, you did your best to explain to one of the clerks that there was someone that had been following you around the whole time, and that you didn’t feel safe, wondering if maybe someone could walk with you to your car. Thankfully, they agreed, walking with you and chatting with you as you unloaded the things from your cart and into your car. It helped calm your nerves some when you noticed the man was no longer following you at that point, hoping that asking for someone to accompany you had scared him off.
Oh how wrong you were.
As you thanked them before getting into the car, you started to drive out of the store parking lot and back towards home. It was enough of a scare for you for today and you just wanted to get home where you could get comfy and wait for John to get back. You tried calling him again in the hopes that he’d be able to sort of keep you company through the drive home, but once again, it went straight to voicemail. Your nerves started to get the better of you again when you noticed that the same car had been behind you for what felt like way too long to be just pure coincidence. Your heart raced, hoping that you were overthinking it and just still a little shaken up from the incident at the store. You tried playing some music to help calm yourself down but none of it worked. It really didn’t feel right when you saw the car trailing you the entire rest of the way back home, through every traffic light, every turn, every stop sign. This was more than just a coincidence. You tried pulling up John’s number again to call him, but once again it was no good, making your heart pound in your chest even harder now. Clearly wherever he was had absolutely shit service seeing as neither your calls nor texts would go through. It became clear that you would have to do your best to handle this on your own.
John was starting to get worried when he hadn’t heard anything from you in a while. He had received your pictures from before you left the house, but he hadn’t heard anything from you after that. No pictures, no “I made it safe” nothing at all for a couple of hours and something told him it wasn’t right. However, seeing as he was sitting at no bars for signal he figured it was likely because of his lack of service in the building he was in. The brick government buildings always were notorious for having terrible service, a safety precaution so that nothing terrible could get in, and nothing important could get out. Unfortunately there was still a twisting feeling resting in his gut he just could not shake. But like you had assured him earlier this morning, you’re an adult, you could handle your own and he had to trust that. If you were in any trouble he knew you’d find a way to notify him, but he couldn’t help but worry about you. He was never the type to let his mind wander immediately to the worst things, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something felt wrong. He just hoped this visit would be done and over with quickly so that he could get back home to you and reassure himself that everything was in fact okay.
If only everything WAS actually okay.
As you drove around the neighborhood, you made it a point that you hadn’t stopped directly at your house just to be completely and utterly sure if the mysterious person was actually following you. You watched as he still trailed not far behind you as you looped around at the end of the neighborhood culdesac, making it apparent now that he was in fact following you, and following you rather closely. Your heart slammed in your chest, you had no idea what to do in this instance. You couldn’t get ahold of John, no one was outside in their yards, you were all alone in this. You had no other choice but to call the police, reporting it to them and hoping that they would be here in time should the situation take a turn for the worst. On John’s end, he swore it felt as if his appointment with the doctor couldn’t have gone any slower. He found himself constantly checking his phone for anything from you, or any updates on your location but the brick house of a building he was in made it nearly impossible to send, receive, or even load anything. It was as he sat in his car once he was finished at the doctors office, that his texts finally sent through of him asking if you were alright and had made it to the store or home safe. He breathed a sigh of relief when he hadn’t gotten anything super alarming in response, placing his phone up on the charging mount he used for roadtrips when he needed navigation on his phone. It was as he was looking at the beautiful picture he had of you as his lockscreen to try and calm his nerves that all of your attempts to get ahold of him finally came through. Seeing your first message that you made it to the coffee place safe, then to the store safe, then his heart dropped upon seeing your text about feeling uncomfortable. Once your SOS message pop up, followed by three missed calls, he wasted no time in starting up his car and pressing on the gas to get home to you as fast as he could. He checked your location, seeing you were in the neighborhood but not at the house, that’s when he figured the man you had told him about that was following you around the store must have followed you home.
You were shaking as emergency services told you that they were on their way, but nothing could prepare you for who stepped out of the car that had been following you for all this time. It was your ex. You routed around through your bag, searching for your self defense key ring that had a light, an alarm, sharp knuckles, and a disguised knife attached but for the life of you you couldn’t seem to find it. “Shit, shit, SHIT!” You said to yourself as you felt your breath start to quicken, catching glimpses of your ex stalking closer to your car from the rear view mirror. Thankfully your hands landed on your taser, you supposed it was better than nothing and something that could keep him at bay until the cops or John arrived. God you prayed that John was on his way and on his way quick. It was right after you placed your taser in your pocket to hide it from him that you heard him tap on your window, and you hated the fear that struck you upon seeing his face up close again. He smirked before smashing the window, unlocking the car from the inside and yanking you out. You kicked and screamed as he did, hoping it would draw the attention of the neighbors or anyone passing by, but it seemed to be no use, in reality you were only making him more upset. “Get the fuck OFF of me!” You yelled, but he only laughed at your fruitless efforts to free yourself. It was then that you saw why John wanted to go with you everywhere, why he felt like he needed to protect you. You weren’t as strong as you thought you were.
“So, this is where you’re living now, huh? Still living with the man whose dick you sucked to get away from me?” Spoke the vile voice of your ex, making a scowl cross your face as he spoke poorly of John while yanking you up to face him. “My new life is none of your concern. I see you still don’t seem to understand the terms of the fucking restraining order” you spat, making him laugh as you attempted to push him away. “Oh but it is my concern, because I distinctly remember telling you, I don’t go away that easy. See, just because you think we “broke up” and you filed a dainty little piece of paper to the government, doesn’t mean I need to leave you alone. I can do as I please” he said, grabbing your hair so that it would not only tilt your head to look up at him, but hurt you to try and pull away. The painful sensation brought back cruel memories of the awful things he’d done to you when you were still living with him. He had always been unpredictable, especially when he was angry and that’s what scared you most in this instance. You had no idea what his plans were or what he was going to do. You knew what he was capable of, and the lengths he was willing to go to. He could kill you right here if he wanted to, and you were terrified that may be his intention. “So when I saw you at the store after four years of not knowing where the fuck you’d run off to, I took it as a godsend. Like it was fate, pulling us back together ooonnee last time. One time’s all it takes sweetheart for me to learn everything about this new life you’re living WITHOUT ME!” he yelled, yanking on your hair even more, making your face contort as you hissed in pain. You did your best to try to rid his hand from your scalp but his grip was locked tight. “Nice neighborhood, wonder which house belongs to that pathetic sugar daddy of yours. Maybe I’ll just have to stalk the culdesac to figure out which one it is. I’ll break every single window in this neighborhood until I’ve broken through the right one if I have to” he said with a disgusting grin, making you pull your keys from your pocket and grip them in your hand while he wasn’t looking, granting you the chance to jab him in the arm. He shouted in pain, his reflexes making him let go to where you could stumble onto your feet and away from him. “You wish, you sick fuck. The cops are already on their way, I called them on your sorry ass ten minutes ago when you wouldn’t stop following me” you threatened as you back towards your car, making him laugh at your threat. “Oh I’m so scared! What next? You gonna sick sugar daddy on me too? Too wimpy to defend yourself?” He asked, inching closer to you and you didn’t like that. “No, but he’ll be pissed when he finds out you were here and followed me” you said, making him grin as he tried to lunge at you, and on nothing but adrenaline fueled instinct, you pull out your taser from your pocket and used it on him. He yelled in pain as he dropped to the ground before you, the sound of jolts of electricity coursing through him only ceasing once you released your finger from the button. “You fuckin bitch…” he slurred as he tried to stand back up, getting halfway before sirens sounded in the near distance, accompanied by the signature red and blue flashing lights. John wasn’t far behind them and his chest grew tight when he saw them turning down the neighborhood, praying it wasn’t for you.
You dropped the taser from your hands, hearing an officer trying to console you that everything was okay, and that they were here to help. You watched as they handcuffed your ex, taking him and placing him in one of the cruisers to bring him down to the station. You were shaken up, there wasn’t an ounce of doubt about that, but you couldn’t have been more relieved knowing he was being driven down to the station and far away from you. Tears finally began welling in your eyes as you saw John’s car pull up behind the police cars and him come running out of it to find you. “Y/N?? Y/N!” He called out, searching all through everyone to find you, and when he did he couldn’t have been more relieved to finally see you and see that you were alright. “Oh thank fuck you’re okay. Are you alright? Did he hurt you? I came here as fast as I could after I finally got your messages and calls” He asked, hugging you tightly after looking you over for any other injuries aside from the few minor cuts and bruises of your scuffle. “I’m okay, just some small stuff but I’m more shaken up than anything else. I’m sorry for scaring you” you apologized with a warbled voice from the sob caught in your throat that you were fighting your hardest against, making him cradle your cheek in his hand as he looked down at you, wiping your tears away with his thumb. “Don’t you dare apologize, you were the one in danger luvie. ’m sorry I didn’t get your calls sooner or I’d have been there immediately. ’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you like I always am” he said, feeling guilty for not being there for you when you needed it, especially when his gut had been screaming at him all day the moment he left that something was wrong. “I knew I didn’t feel right about it, I should’ve just asked you to stay home ‘til I got back but you looked so excited, I didn’t want to tell you no…” he added, pressing his forehead against yours as he closed his eyes, relieved to have you back in his arms and to help calm you down and console you the best he could. “It’s okay, I should have known better. I shouldn’t have pressed you when you had the gut feeling something wasn’t right about it. I know after this, that I definitely won’t do it ever again, if I want to go anywhere, I’ll wait for you and go with you” you said, hugging him once more and burying your face in his neck, craving the sense of security he gave you when his arms wrapped tightly around you, and to drown in the comfort from his warmth and his cologne to calm your racing heart. “I’m proud of you for protecting yourself though. You did good, making sure someone walked you to your car, that you notified someone that you didn’t feel safe, that he didn’t wind up at the house” he praised, smoothing his hand through your hair to try and soothe you some and help fix the tangle left in your hair from his grip on it. “I bet you looked damn good with that taser in your hand, love” he said, making you giggle as he helped you calm down exponentially.
“I love you so much sweetheart. I promise you won’t ever have to feel that way, or go through what you did today ever again. Not while I’m here” he said, warming your heart up even more as you looked up at him with that bright smile he loved so much. “I love you too John, thank you for everything you do, it means the world to me” you replied, arms still wrapped around him tightly before getting up on your tip toes and kissing him softly. “Besides, I learned today that store runs without you aren’t nearly as fun. I like them better when you’re with me” you said sweetly, making him smile and chuckle as he brought your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles sweetly. “Me too. C’mon, let’s get you home, yeah? You’ve had one hell of an eventful enough day today, missy” he said playfully yet softly, grabbing your hand and holding it as he walked you to the car, opening your door for you before driving you just up the street. “You don’t have to drive me the few blocks it is back to the house” you said through giggles. “Of course I do, I’m not just gonna make you walk after all that” he replied, placing his hand on your leg as he pulled in the driveway, walking you up to the house and getting you inside. “You wait here, I’ll grab the other car and bring in the groceries” he said, making you go to speak up but he held a finger up to stop you. “No buts, princess. I’ll only be a minute, you’ve had a rough enough day as is” he added, making you huff in defeat. “I’ll be back before you know it, then you get me for the whole rest of the night, how’s that sound?” He asked, and you couldn’t lie, you definitely liked that idea.
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