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horsedylan · 2 days ago
Sue K- Background, Misconceptions and The Defense of.
Strap in folks, this will be a very long one. (i spent awhile on it lol, im tired)
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Back in 2016 the consensus within the community towards Sue was positive. She was respected, and she gave people a gleam into what in sam hell was going on with her son, with her, etc. Then something happened. One, the great purge where a bunch of OG accounts got deleted and the shitposters (people like me :D) took over (literal defamation by shitpost), and a little while later a horrible video from the youtuber timmy2cents got published and went viral. It appeared well researched and produced but it was anything but. A good amount of hate for Sue came from this video, and I do believe played 100% a part of the narrative souring towards her.
I dislike timmy2cents with a fruity passion (he’s worth far less than that) . The absolute permanent damage he has done to the discussion surrounding a kind, and gentle grieving mother is deplorable.
He has somehow almost outdone Dave Cullen as far as mischaracterization goes, and subsequent damage.. And has had the same childish response to boot.
Before you read the rest of this: if you were one of the millions of poor unfortunate souls that consumed this timmy2cents video and take issue with Sue’s TedTalk. There are TWO must watch videos I encourage you to consume. You have been fed LIES. (That and it’s actually quite interesting to look at how tricky well produced propaganda can be to spot.)
This entire thing has been sparked by so much outsider discourse where people parrot information directly from that timmy2cents video resulting in such insightful comments that insinuate she takes no accountability for what happened, and that she should “rot in hell” that she’s an “evil bitch”, that she used her son’s death for profit, that she excuses what he did (she doesn’t), that she’s a narcissist (be wary of anyone thats insistent on the narcissist label btw) etc. Repeating the same arguments from the timmy2cents video. He made the argument that this incredibly, permanently traumatized VICTIM of Columbine was a narcissist, and has now convinced millions of people of the same conclusion based on flimsy evidence. Also im not even going to address Todd Grande’s video on her regardless of his opinions whether they match mine (doubtful) or if he stays in his character. He’s not a good resource for psychology and he’s a known misogynist. If you watch him I encourage you to unsubscribe. He is way out of depth.
So anyway I wanted to make a post regarding Miss Sue and common misconceptions regarding her, or defences for problems people typically have with her.
Also feel free to copy and paste or otherwise steal and save any sort of info/argument post i have and repost it as your own (or link it to someone to shut them up.) I honestly don’t even care (especially if I get nuked) Fuck, any of my shit really. Take it, idc.
A Brief Background of Sue Klebold.
This information for Sue's background comes from Jeff Kass' book. I am not the biggest fan of the guy, his information is very good but in my books he is far too aggressive, rude (why'd you do Robyn dirty Jeff), and accusatory for my taste, so we shall semi respectfully/disrespectfully take this information and leave.
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(Dylan's grandpa and grandma)
Leo Yassenoff, her grandfather (though not related by blood) was an activist for jewish rights/causes, and was an athlete. There is a Jewish Community Centre in Ohio named after him. Her father Milton Rice Yassenoff and his adopted brother Abner were adopted from The Jewish Infants Home in Columbus. Milton was born in Toledo, Ohio in 1919 and was of Russian descent. Leo passes away in 1971 of renal failure (two months after Tom and Sue marry), at the age of 88, he chooses to donate most of his 13-14 million dollar fortune to charity. Abner kills himself in the 1940's though a death certificate hasn't been located according to Kass.
Milton was an army man and served in World War 2. Once he came back he met his wife and Sue's mother Charlotte Haugh who grew up in small-town Ohio. This description of Sue's mother Charlotte is from Sue's eventual stepbrother Charles Huelsman the Third and is as follows; "Soft, diplomatic, a terribly nice person. Social, charitable, loving, concerned, empathic, real giving person, really tried to raise her kids well.”
Charolette would convert to Judaism, they belonged to the reform Temple Israel but are described as hardly attending. In total of biological children, Charolette and Milton would have three (in respective order); Diane Elizabeth, Susan Frances, and Philip Leo. Sue was 18 years old at the time of her father's passing of uremia. This sudden passing of her father at such a young age would pave for severe anxiety to come. Sue's mom would die of cardiac arrest in 1987 at 65.
Sue herself was born on March 25, 1949 and attended the private Columbus School for Girls from grades 1 through 12. Sue was involved in a number of extracurriculars throughout her time here. She was assistant art editor of the school paper, Silhouette, and art editor the next year. She was also art editor of TOPKNOT, the yearbook. She was involved in Scroll, the literary magazine that included art, stories, and poetry. She was in the art club, I’Pittori, along with the Latin club. She took photos for the school newspaper as well. An old classmate of Sue's mentions she and her sister Diane were quiet. Another described her as a private person.
She graduates from here the same year her father died in 1967. She then enrolled in Knox College but it didn't last, she left in 1969 to go back home to her mother. She sought counselling with pop psychologist (derogatory) Hugh Missildine, to deal with the intense anxiety her father's death had caused her.
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Susan Yassenoff, shows up in his 1974 book co-authored with Lawrence Galton, Your Inner Conflict - How to Solve Them. Sue apparently appears under the pseudonym “Sandra,” This wasn't enough to stop the bloodhound Jeff Kass. Despite being under a pseudonym for a reason. He figures out who "Sandra" really is and makes a phone call. “I came across your profile in the Hugh Missildine book.” he says when Sue answers the phone. "What?” she said. “Yeah,” I reply, “in the, it was a few, quite a few years ago, the profile you had as Sandra.” “I think you are way out of base here, I’m going to hang up now,” Susan says.
Her lawyer, criminal defense attorney Gary Lozow, quickly called an intermediary. Lozow called it a matter that occurred when Susan Klebold was nineteen, however nothing ever comes of this as Sue seemingly leaves it alone after the fact.
Here is the copy paste of Sue's profile from the book:
Sandra is a twenty-year-old woman who came to see me because of a phobia. “I have a death phobia,” she told me. “It underlines everything I do. I think about death all the time.” She is a music student, about to graduate from college, has been living for the past year with her fiancé and is very much in love with him, as he is with her. He too is in music. When I asked her to talk about herself, she told me: “I’m afraid of failure. I won’t even attempt something unless I’m assured of success. I think too much. I don’t have a temper. “War things and medical programs bother me. I was terrified of bugs as a child. Airplanes used to bother me, too, and storms. My mother used to cuddle me and comfort me when I was fearful. When I was afraid, my sister would call me stupid. I scold myself for being afraid. I often feel that I’m a burden to people. I sometimes get depressed. “I think the fear of death will always be there. I wish I could turn off this part of my mind. I wish there were traumas to explain all this, but I’ve never had any traumas. When I get a headache, I’m always sure it is fatal. Then I worry that I will die, which makes the headache worse. Everything makes me think of death. I have to divert myself in the evening constantly—by eating, watching television, practicing my music or masturbating. I feel constantly that I’m coming a minute closer to death. What a waste of time to think of that all the time. But thinking this is a way of life with me.”
Questioned about her family, Sandra told me that her father had been a sensitive, sweet person who enjoyed doing things for her and whom she adored. He had died suddenly just before she had graduated from high school. Her mother?
“A saint—a real saint,” Sandra said. “She is kind, patient, never critical. When I was at home, my mother always enjoyed doing things for me and giving me things.” Here, then, is a young woman who came from a loving home, who is in love and is loved in return, who is bright, is intelligent, is attractive, has a deep interest in music and yet is an emotional cripple. Why should she suffer so much from, and devote so much of her attention to, an almost overpowering fear of death?
I'll spare you his pop psychology explanation for why she feels this way as anyone with half a brain can figure out why she is so terrified of death given the traumatic event she experienced a few years prior. I'll leave the important bits in though.
Sandra decided to do what her fiancé had long urged: get married. She became so busy with the wedding plans that, she told me in some surprise, she was thinking less and less about her fears. She still tends to slip back occasionally into old, indulgent, self-critical ways and to become a little fearful, but she can quickly abort the relapses.
Sue and Tom marry in 1971 on July 1st by a Rabbi. She graduates in 1972 with a masters in art education and a minor in psychology. They move to Milwaukee and she gets a job in the Milwaukee Psychiatric Hospital as an art therapy intern for adults. She then became a psychiatric art therapist at St. Michael Hospital. In 1975, she enrolls in Milwaukee’s Cardinal Stritch College for a master’s degree in reading. She works while in grad school, often in elementary schools. Her jobs included special education teacher’s aide and reading specialist. For about a year, she worked on a government program to help disadvantaged youths at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. (Kass, pg. 40-49)
Misconceptions about/Defense of Sue Klebold (Warning, An Incredibly Compassionate Defense Ahead.)
This section is going to act as a sort of heavily opinionated FAQ. I don't know if it's the best way to do things but I think if anything it makes it more simple?
All of the following screenshots are from a mother's reckoning.
"She profited off D's death" Nope, wrong. She didn't, every single cent from her book was donated to suicide prevention charities. She didn't make money off of the Ted Talk either. And fuck it even if she did I wouldn't care. Her bonehead son made a fucking mess for her, she might as well get something from it other than trauma and heartbreak. But she didn't. So. (https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs/news/how-much-has-the-book-by-the-mother-of-a-columbine-killer-raised-for-charity)
"She bought him the trench coat" Okay Diane Sawyer, relax with your puritan ways. it was a coat not a glock. Next you'll criticize her for letting him play video games.
"D asked her for a gun for Christmas." She thought he was joking. According to Devon Adams, he had a dark sense of humour, and according to Sue he had a habit of asking her for ludicrous things when Christmas came around. She thought it was just another one of those things. She asked him why and he said target practice. It is not unreasonable. That family was known for being anti gun, their neighbours had them in the house and Sue refused to have them (despite the fact that it was deemed culturally acceptable to do so), so I'd probably interpret it as a ludicrous request from my son to get a rise out of me. Is it weird? Sure if you want to reach fine.
Also…Boys like guns? Like go into your local toy store, look at what you find. Those guns with the red parts that crack? Water guns? Nerf guns? Plenty of boys seriously ask for guns for Christmas too and get air soft instead even now in the current year, it was probably even more normalized in the 90's where they were fucking making pipe bombs on the regular. Seriously, I swear half of that school was cooking up pipe bombs its actually insane.
I'm just gonna point this out but plenty of boys under 18 (specifically 12-17) in Canada ask their parents to let them get their FAL because its not exactly the most shocking thing for them to be firearm trained.
"Why didn't Sue make D do therapy" Because what she thought she knew about D at the time was that he was a self sufficient guy who was striving to be independent as he approached adulthood, she trusted him, and D took advantage. The...mediator? That was in the room with them asked him how he felt about therapy, and he blatantly fucking lied and said "I'll prove to you I'm fine." Sue respected his input. A lot of you may make the complaint of "Oh well she should have made him do it" and while I do understand the sentiment I'm going to put it out there, being forced into therapy often makes it worse. We see that a lot in this community too.
Also E's family got him a therapist and guess what? It didn't do a damn thing to stop what happened. (I personally think the reaction to the van incident was a bit overblown in of itself. Teenage boys do dumb stuff constantly it doesn't mean they need therapy. Like, back in the day I broke into a church and completely fucking trashed the place with friends. I was so embarrassed and remain so even now, and yet I didn't need therapy nor did I go on to hurt people after being caught.)
A bit of a side note with E's therapy, You can have the best therapist in the world, if you aren't interested in the goal of getting better or in Dylan's case you are so prideful to reject all help (while simultaneously complaining about no one helping you i'll add) therapy won't do a damn thing. Neither will medication. Both therapy and Luvox are safe and beneficial (there are some detractors which is fine but this ain't about them) for individuals with a vested interest in self improvement, but Eric was disinterested in having a future being alive and was more preoccupied with his infamy. He liked the aesthetic of violence and the illusion of power being "crazy" gave him (like when he lied about being schizophrenic in his AOL bio) so he abused his medication to further that end instead of taking it how it was advised with the end goal of getting better. If anything I think Eric was honestly more likely to respond to a good and proper therapist before he became more interested in infamy and death than life, more so than Dylan, not because he was less prideful (he most certainly wasn't) but because he was far more external with his emotions than Dylan (Until Dylan blew his top that is). That's pretty helpful in a therapeutic environment.
So to say it wouldn't have helped if she did get D into therapy. I obviously can only give my opinion but if Eric didn't respond, I doubt someone so sensitive to embarrassment and internal like Dylan would fair any better. But again, this is just my own opinion. I think what D needed was another Zack Heckler. Not a therapist, but a friend who was emotionally intelligent. He found his emotional outlet in Eric once Zack became preoccupied with Devon, and both of them stoked each others rage and marinated in it together as some sort of bonding and coping ritual. I think Zack was the one keeping it in check.
Zack heckler had issues similar to Dylan. According to Sarah Slater he and Dylan would cry about these things on the phone together. Devon came into the picture and I think changed Zack for the better, I believe this convinced Dylan that his antidote for his depression was a soulmate. In a way he isn't wrong. Perhaps I'm an optimist but I do think having physical contact from a girl that loved him (not necessarily anything sexual) would have helped him immensely (eric too, no matter how much emphasis he put on just sex). Sue mentioned he was a sensitive, physically affectionate child after all. I don't think this fact ever changed.
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"She blames E for the entire thing and makes D into the innocent victim" This one is a lot more complex but the short of it is ehhh..Maybe? No? Yes? Maybe? Sometimes? No. Yes..? The long of it is;
She was always going to be somewhat biased. This book is about her son after all. She knew her son. Carried him, loved him, etc. Her understanding of her son's culpability has been a journey through shit lake with no boat to speak of. A journey that she had to endure while she was heavily traumatized bear in mind. That is what A Mother's Reckoning is all about. She has come a long way in her understanding in 1999 to 2016 when the book was released.
She does not play pretend with Dylan’s involvement but rather has a more biased empathetic/sympathetic view of her own flesh and blood and his potential motives, nor does she excuse him for what he has done (no matter what your average redditor thinks of her and her tedtalk) but rather wishes to understand HOW he got to the place he did. I think it is closer to say she flipflops, she is lost, she doesn’t have an inkling as to what Eric’s motives were, the extent of any sort of pain he carried, his family life, and that she heavily mischaracterizes who he was as person and his motives, due to meddling "professionals" while accepting her son as a willing participant.
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When it first happened she was in a state of traumatized denial. She was clinging to every bit of hope that her son wasn't some bloodthirsty killer. She describes the time she heard of these like…military mind control tapes that EH's parents had in their house, and in the throes of grief entertained that perhaps D was brainwashed by these tapes by EH.
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On top of that, Judy Brown showed her E's website AFTER the shooting. AFTER, not before, AFTER. ( a lot of people shit on her saying she knew about it and did nothing but again, not true). This was also before she saw the BT's and also before D's journal got released to her in 2006 (I think it was 2006?) Then she saw the basement tapes and could no longer deny Dylan's culpability/cruelty in the act.
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But what did she have to go off of at the time? The website, the time that Eric verbally abused Dylan for being bad at soccer, and Dylan just standing there and taking it.
Sue knew Eric + his parents sure, and had him around a few times, but did not know him very well. His parents did not come forward to humanize him to the public so she was just about in the dark as everyone else.
Then something else happened to add to the character assasination of Eric. In 2009 a book was published by "author" Dave Cullen called Columbine. He touted this book as the ultimate authority on Columbine, himself as an expert on the event that spent years researching it. So many places schools and universities alike use his book as gospel for studying the event. It characterized Eric as a womanizing psychopath who was intrinsically evil (paraphrasing). It hyper-fixates and waters Dylan down to a lost puppy wrapped up in Eric's scheme and charisma. Cullen was not the only person to characterize him as a psychopath either, so so many "professionals" and "experts" from psychologists to FBI agents, wanted their moment in the spotlight and came forward to say the same thing. When Sue went looking for answers and consultation for her book, she went to the experts and professionals, because that is simply what you do. This is some of what these "professionals" advised Sue about Eric and Dylan, not Sue, but the professionals;
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(The above quote is from Andrew fucking Solomon, I do not assign him as much malice in his focus but he certainly had such an influence on Sue so much so that he spent time in their house.)
The biggest issue with Sue Klebold ultimately isn't Sue Klebold. Dave Cullen and the others mentioned before took advantage of and capitalized on a incredibly traumatized and grieving mother who wanted answers as to why her little boy who she dearly loved did what he did, Dave Cullen put himself in the front of the dialogue to further his name, authority and narrative. We don't know what he told her, but its almost a for sure thing that he advised her on all the "research" he did on Eric's person as it almost perfectly matches up to what is presented. There was no one else to accurately advise her on this matter. She could have turned to Kass for a basic idea (sort of), but again, but he was also limited due to the lack of parental interviews (apart from the one he got from Eric's dad where he followed him into a bathroom.), and he hadn't exactly been non aggressive with Sue. No, he burned that bridge. She wanted nothing to do with him and I do not blame her.
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(fuck you Dave)
She did not come up with what she said earlier on her own to throw Eric under the bus.. If you have that many professionals telling you time and time again that he was a psychopath, you are going to take absorb it. If she ignored what the professionals told her at the time, she would once again be deemed a narcissist;
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"Oh, you think you know better than handfuls of psychologists and experts? Wow Sue you're so narcissistic thinking you're smarter than everyone else." Yeah. Like Anne Marie Hocchalter's father states, she was in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, and the people who never went through what they did like to criticize her and pretend they are superior when they aren't. (https://zhawkeitsbeensaid.blogspot.com/2016/02/sue-klebold-what-were-you-thinking.html)
I even feel bad for the Harrises here as well because these same glory seeking professionals that convinced Sue Eric was the ringleading psychopath (sort of?ish?), also convinced them that the son they loved (and yes I'm sure despite Wayne's problems he still loved Eric) that their son was some psychopath who didn't share in that love. I think that is honestly fucking evil. Like as far as Dave Cullen goes, he didn't just write a book with fake information and a false narrative and advertised it as truth to the public, he also provided fake advice and information to a grieving mother and misrepresented it as truth. The absolute audacity man.
I think people forget that the families of school shooters have been severely traumatized, while they demand answers with a shocking amount of entitlement, resentment and hostility. And unlike the families of the shooters direct victims, they do not have the same supports they can rely on. and they are constantly being attacked by residents of the community, the media, etc. It takes years for them to heal to, on top of coming to an understanding of the why. People can get mad about Wayne not getting E from the lawyer after his cremation (and I do understand why they'd be pissed) but he was angry. *His boy killed people*, lied to him and his wife. But trauma guides our responses to things, it may not make sense for us who are privileged enough to not be in their position but its good practice to understand this simple fact.
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(^These psychologists should follow the things they say more closely. The one thing I can agree with them on.)
If anything, I'd say if you take into account some of her interviews as well as her book it seems she, in her own mind, goes back and forth from neutral to biased. Its interesting but you can see a glimpse of her uncertainty regarding Eric here where she makes note of BOTH of their suicidality, though to what extent Eric was depressed and the coping mechanisms he had she doesn’t know to the fullest extent because again, she cannot humanize or understand Eric. (Also in some long since lost interviews I can no longer find she mentions how she cannot presume to know what exactly was wrong with him. I wish I could find them but its been awhile.)
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She cannot champion Eric. She is not his mother nor his father. I’m sorry but if you’re the type to hate Sue for this (or any of the people involved here like Devon) you need to have a reality check. Ah yes. Endless compassion for the two boys that needlessly stole the lives of their classmates but absolutely fucking none for the innocents traumatized permanently for their deeds. 90% of the time its people partial to their romanticized version of Eric doing it too, and its just annoying lol (not people who like Eric, there is a difference.)
"She didn't separate E and D" She did separate them initially, but Kathy H begged her not to do this. And why? Because she didn't want to isolate Eric. That's one of the worst things you can do for someone struggling is take away some form of social support.
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Also, how do you separate two kids who go to the same school. Do you yank the one out in the middle of a school year and get them acquainted to a brand new school? Do you understand that that is one of the worst fucking things for child/teen development. That's part of the reason E was so fucked up in the first place.
"She didn't search his room" Yes she did, she stopped really doing it the further he got into senior year and stated that D was what, less than a month from graduating from high school and going to college, you have to let go of the reigns at some point (paraphrasing).
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"She kicked Byron out"
No, watch Miorby's video. She didn't.
"She pushed him up against the fridge" So? Oh no a mother parents her son. It is completely normal for a parent to be hurt that her almost adult son forgot mother's day, on top of the van incident and being blatantly disrespectful she wanted to make a point that he was being a brute. She didn't body slam him lol. She put her hand on his stomach and held him there by the shoulder and gave him a lecture because he wasn't pulling his weight.
Despite me defending her here, she regrets not asking him what was up and wishes she knew what was up. But genuinely ask yourself, Dylan, who oh so loved lying to people, would he tell her the truth? She asked him multiple times before if he was okay and he LIED to her every fucking time.
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"She downplayed Dylan's role in the van incident with her answers in that one form when describing what Dylan did to get arrested" No she didn't. I'm not gonna even explain this one to you, that claim is pure body/handwriting expert pseudoscience reaching. Watch Miorby's video's linked above if you care about this genuinely I'm not interested in "debating" you.
"How did she not know, the signs were there" Because she didn't. What warning signs do you speak of? D took painstaking effort to go out of his way to hide things from her and lie. There were no warning signs at the time because in order for something to be a warning sign, it has to be an acknowledged recognized sign to begin with, this wasn't such a thing in the 90's, I think its not a stretch to say a lot of the dialogue regarding mental health was coasting off the remains of the satanic panic. A lot of you are using the information of today to address an event that happened 26 years ago. Mental health care was not mainstream, it was not something parents addressed on the regular, if anything EH parents were closer to the norm than DK's. People cannot know what they don't. People will not know things that there is very little information on, if any at all.
Mental health and mental health care was barely existent, especially for men. Nope. No forget about it. Know the "my dad's gonna send me of to military school" gag? Or the old "Stop crying or i'll give you something to cry about" That was their therapy. I would really love to know how the conversation between E's parents and him went, regarding a therapist for E, I doubt Wayne handled it well.
This is ultimately why a society that makes this information incredibly accessible and integral to parenting is NECESSARY. Not fucking shoving it into the back of a closet and pretending it doesn't exist or making it some moral issue. And this is exactly what Sue is trying to do with the work she has done. People cannot know what they don't know, what has been shoved into a closet by a puritan Christian place like America/Littleton. That's the whole point of awareness campaigns. If you're still not convinced, go read what Anne Marie's father has to say about "warning signs".
You are placing an expectation of perfection onto a extremely traumatized human being. I am not saying she did not make errors, but you cannot live without making errors, and you cannot recognize them as mistakes as they are happening because that would be having hindsight 20/20 vision., It is literally impossible. She didn't hand him a gun, she tried to raise him with empathy. She was a better mother than my own.
"But she educated in Mental Health!" Sue Klebold was (sorry) barely a mental health professional. She was a therapeutic art teacher. Kass says art therapist but its more or less the same.. I'm not trying to be rude here, but that is basically meaningless when we are talking about being capable of recognizing warning signs. Like, I have actual background in psych as an industry, I've been getting education in it since I was in grade 10. (I took all my necessary psych courses but didn't want to waste money on a fucking French requirement) What I can tell you is that both her status as a therapeutic art teacher and her minor in psych is worthless as far as identifying warning signs in the 90's go. They are not responsible for diagnostics.
"She doesn't address gun control" You know this is actually really interesting. There were a few instances of mentioning gun control, one was a video interview breakfast conference with Sue back in 2018ish, a sort of blink and you'll miss. She mentioned that she does have an issue with how accessible guns were and are, but was terrified of the NRA. I do not blame her here and I think it speaks volumes of how terrifying those people are and the fucking blood on their hands (I'm not here to debate with gun nuts, i'm not anti gun so save it.)
"She says brain health" Omg…I get the joke but if you're serious. who the fuck cares? She's an old lady who grew up in a time where mental illness was seen as a severe negative moral failing and she doesn't want to inadvertently make it harder for people to seek out mental health treatment for fear of being seen as a crazy "mental case". This difficulty is what killed her son. Do I agree with her choice of terminology? No in fact I think its counterproductive (sorta).
BUT honestly, ya'll who say this seriously, sound like this lol
"She ignored Dylan when she heard him crying" No she didn't. this is a conflation of two events. I posted about this before, go look.
"How did she not notice his weight loss" She did, and she responded by offering him extra food between meals.
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Dylan was a really tall guy, when you are a very tall teenage guy, you often look borderline anorexic no matter the amount you eat, and I recognize he lost weight but if I was bearing witness to it in real life I doubt i'd notice. I don't think it was as severe as people say too. They cite D's driver's license but that was certainly a guess on his part, he didn't weigh that much in 1997-98.
Your metabolism is fast, and you've got a lot of body that inherently makes you lose weight quick. Brooks Brown looked just as scrawny back then. Also eating disorders (I doubt he had one but regardless) were barely recognized for women back then, if anything it was encouraged (tuberculosis chic anyone lol) But for men? Forget it. It wasn't a thing. It's barely recognized as a problem now. If something isn't a thing or seen as a problem then chances are, you, a non researcher, won't know about it.
"But Randy Brown dislikes Sue's book and calls her book full of lies." Randy Brown dislikes Sues book and calls it a book of lies for a variety of reasons; none of them good. One is because Sue believes Dylan killed himself. Randy hates Eric Harris with a fruity passion and he thinks he murdered Dylan. He doesn't think there was mental illness present in either of them (obviously he's wrong lol). So does his creepy son Brooks Brown for that matter. Randy Brown as far as I'm concerned is a narcissist just like his son (Yes, I just told you to be wary of anyone who uses this label but know I do no use it because of sexism, but rather a long documented history involving himself in something that ultimately has nothing to do with him, if you want to criticize me for it fine.), who has placed himself in front of someone who was directly involved in this case and started speaking over her as an authority figure. He acts like he's some sort of expert on Dylan but no. Anytime you ask him for this secret bit of evidence he says he has, he refuses to provide it. He isn't an expert on Dylan.
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(I understand these are 4 years old but he doesn't change his mind often)
Also Sue seems to have not regarded the relationship between Judy and herself as close as the Brown's like to portray. I think this reddit user summed it up better than I could
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If Sue believed Randy's hypothesis about Eric people would still call her a narcissist too. Same thing with whole focusing on bullying as a cause that Randy has. She really is backed into a corner.
"She doesn't want the BT's to be released" This is another reason why Randy dislikes her. Let's do a little thought exercise shall we. When D did what he did the entire world pointed the finger at Sue. Half of the BT's were just the two boneheads thinking of every slur and going off, drooling on themselves and encouraging others to do the same.
Most professionals agree that it would inspire more shootings. Even in Canada we have a BSU (behavioral science unit) who advises against the release of this sort of material and had this happen similarly in 2019. Whether or not I agree or you do is irrelevant here (not that it matters, JeffCo releasing the cafeteria footage made this entire thing pointless anyway) If you are in her shoes, and the entire world blames you for the shooting, and professionals are telling you the release of these tapes would inspire others to take more lives in the name of your son, would you want them released? Probably not.
"She kept her hair appointment" So? Her son just went out and killed others and then himself. Would you want to be sitting at the breakfast table alone, looking at the place your son used to sit and its fucking empty? She was having panic attacks and was terrified of being alone. One of the worst things you can do when you've been traumatized like that is being alone, the presence of others is helpful. If you can't understand that…like…I can't help you here.
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She was preoccupied with the junior photo thing Yeah I don't really have a defence for this but can only empathize and call others to do the same. I think she was an anxiety perfectionist. Given the outlined anxiety we went over above I don't think this is as surprising. She regrets it everyday. Again, this didn't drive D into doing what he did.
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"What About the Laptop Stealing?" You know I'm not convinced Tom told her that happened. I have always gotten the impression that Tom gave Dylan this sense of accountability avoidance, imo the guy kind of comes off with an air of ego (I wonder if that's why D showed some distancing from his dad). Even when D got involved in that locker incident, he sends D out so he can deal with this for him? Weird. Also even if she did I think it is unreasonable for you to expect her to bring up every happening of D's life. A bit of kleptomania doesn't mean they're gonna kill someone.
"She didn't notice him SH" Dylan was such an interesting critter that he chose his hands to do it on. We don't know how often he did it but regardless of frequency I doubt anyone would notice. It's one of those "its so stupid its smart" deals. They had cats and bird, My brain would automatically assume it was cat scratches or a bird bite.
"She sometimes calls it Eric's plan"
We don't know who came up with it first, some mistakenly believe it was 100% Dylan as he started journalling first before Eric. But we don't know, it was probably at the same time, Either way. Silly yes, but 100% due to again the advisement of malicious professionals.
“She only does it for image” nah. The world pointed the finger and blamed her. It asked how this happened. She answered to the best of her ability and found healing in her work.
She wasn’t a public figure she could have stayed in the dark, private like the Harrises but she didn’t. Her image is constantly being called a narcissist every 5 seconds despite being a wonderful person. She’s in a unique position and decided to become a force for good.
“Oh well who cares we’re tcc so we can be immoral its stupid to care about morality so ill shit on victims if i want” A lot of people in this community are genuinely wonderful people. You aren’t inherently immoral for being here. If you want to use your presence here as a crutch and an excuse for you to continue to be a shitty fucking person that's your business. Your insistence of a lack of morality is still an insistence of a certain kind of morality, you just don’t like the one where you get judged as an a hole. Get over yourself.
"She said to that one person she has nothing to apologize for after they said i forgive you" as far as the shooting goes, she doesn't. Her son is not her.
"Why do so many people call the mothers of perpetrators narcissists?" Watch this from 1:29:00-1:60:00 ish. It also has some interesting bits about Ed Gein and the problem with the normie true crime types (not us).
Conclusion 1/Normie Public Reaction/TedTalk (sort of)
They complain that she makes Dylan sympathetic. What is the alternative? They demonize him into a monster that is so beyond human that people can continue writing off the human warning signs that make up a mass shooter? We complain so often here that people demonize far too often. And I agree so I’m grateful that she has spent so much time trying to counteract the “Demon” narrative (even with Eric, she speaks in a pathological manner, rather than some monster sense.)
Dylan was person who was clearly dearly loved, he lived his short life as a very sensitive suicidal person who turned apathetic and homicidal. If he doesn’t care about his own life its not exactly shocking he doesn’t care about hurting strangers (I do genuinely think they mentally blocked out any image of hurting their friends and tried not to dwell on it.)
I think its well within her right to emphasize that he was a person. He was a person that was loved, that loved others.
The world pointed the finger at the parents, and criticized them further and implied their guilt when they were met with silence by them. The biggest question people had was “How did YOU not know”.
So she responded on how, on what she missed so parents don’t make the same mistake. She emphasizes she was not abusive nor was her husband. She has every right to do this as everyone accused her of being abusive. She has every right to defend herself.
Sue Klebold is every high horse “i’m better than you” parent or person’s worst nightmare. She tells you that your perfect teenagers can be depressed, she tells you of the normalized signs of teenage depression that drove her son to kill others and then himself.
She tells you of his human traits; how loving he was as a little boy, peering into her eyes to see if she was healing after a nasty eye infection and crafting her an imperfect Get Well i love you Pegasus as a present to make her feel well, how smart he was counting pinto beans on the floor at 3.
She shows you that it is a human being that commits these acts, not some inhuman demon that is the offspring of a demon. The insistence of anything other then that is copeium. It is a self soothing tactic of “this can’t happen to me, i’m such a great parent”
And she shows her profound love for him, even now. Emphasizing his humanity in a sea of people saying he was a soulless deranged monster.
Despite what he did she collected him like a precious treasure, accompanying him to his cremation despite clearly not wanting him to be cremated (fuck people who desecrate graves by the way) making sure he got a funeral, then spending the rest of her life trying to understand why he did what he did. Throwing herself into a callous, vicious public eye to try to make it up to her son despite him being dead for over a decade when she first came out publicly.
She isn’t a narcissist, she isn’t evil. She isn’t a b*tch. She is a lovely human being who has been through severe trauma. She loved Dylan. Dylan loved her. I know she doubts that. But he clearly did, even when he was about to “leave” he tried to offer her a comfort in the last tape (no matter how churlish it was) telling her he was going to a better place.
I find it unfortunate that Eric's parents couldn't do the same for him so all we have about him are what the careless professionals have to say about him.
Conclusion 2
If anything, this is a lesson in why society must be aware of psychological problems and the variety of ways they manifest and who they can manifest in. A society that makes this information incredibly accessible and integral to parenting is NECESSARY. Not fucking shoving it into the back of a closet and pretending it doesn't exist or making it some moral issue. It is also a lesson in the danger of a culture that is based on domination and hierarchy instead of one that embraces empathy and compassion, both in the extended real world but also in an academic setting (a school culture that treats its athletes with reverence for instance). Bullying had its place in cause but I don't think it's the #1 factor, not by a long shot. I guarantee Isiah Shoels had it worse than those two. Kyle Velasquez too. A bunch of others who had it worse. They didn't do anything to hurt anyone, they didn't plan a shooting. Neither did the 2000 others in that school. Sure they thought of it from time to time, but at the end of the day they didn't, and E+D did. I believe there is something that exists as a fragile foundation that primes certain people for violence. And if you add bullying onto it and ease of access to firearms and normalizing the making of bombs and a friendship with this sort of mutuality, it knocks everything over like a deck of cards. D+E had severe pride issues, and entitlement issues by the end of their lives (as an example, Harris blaming the shooting on the women who turned him down, as if he was entitled to them?), I think most of it stemming from their young age they had an inherent ego centrism to both of them that they probably would have grown out of had they lived to see 25. Like part of the reason D and E were so mad is not just because they were bullied, its because they were at the bottom of the hierarchy which is why they went after freshmen once they aged out of that demographic D even says he wanted what the jocks have (while saying he doesn't lol). E too though indirectly. Both boys prioritized an aesthetic of violence and revenge. I do think this is part of the reason why boys/men are more prone into doing this sort of thing, and being external and blamey about their problems too (not that women are incapable of violence, but the rates of Men vs women aren't even close and they are far more external.). Violence is apart of their socialization blueprint/archetype which is why so many of them are obsessed with media displays of violence that is rewarded with power. Bullying demasculinizes them. Damaged masculinity "redeems" itself through violence. It is the ultimate "Now you see me". D+E went from bottom of the barrel to…I don't want to call them icons. But they certainly solidified themselves into history as we're still talking about them 26 years later.
Anyway, I don't know, I guess I just get a kick out of people who have endless amounts of compassion for two murderers, but absolutely none for the family that loved them very dearly. If you're one of the people gleefully slobbering over yourself about how much you hate Sue and how you can't wait until she dies (yes, I have seen this way too many times here) that's fine, have your weird tantrum. You are just another one of those people that hates on victims, and you're certainly not morally justified.
It feels hippy dippy to say, but I find myself wanting their to be some sort of kind merciful god out there that grants all of us inner peace and reunification, so so badly. I don't believe in any sort of afterlife, but I pray Sue's passing is a gentle one, and I hope she gets to see Dylan again, I really do. For both of their sake.
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hanafubukki · 4 months ago
Hana 👀👀👀
Hello Anonie 💞💚🌺
I was thinking about doing this template game or not and I guess this was my sign 🤣😆💞
So here it is 🫶
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I have no bias at all…what do you mean?? 🥰😘
Wow look at all the yellow on the second one 😂😂
If anyone wants a sign to do this, then please feel free to join in 🫶💞
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I love krusie but I don't think they would do normal "couple's" stuff even if shipped romantically. Susie chomps Kris's head every day in the lunch room and huffs their apple hair all day during class and brawls them in the hallways and nobody knows they're dating until 6 months in when Toriel makes some remark about "Kris's girlfriend" and everybody loses their shit
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thefreshprinceofjunes · 1 year ago
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lunar-years · 9 months ago
roybecca lol
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ok listen i KNOW there are several people who are super into this pairing but i've always seen their dynamic as neither romantic nor sexual tbh. I'm sorry 😞 Also, the idea of them hooking up pre-canon or whatever just doesn't align with the timeline in my head. Like, I really fundamentally don't think Rebecca was cheating on Rupert while he was cheating on her (partly because I think a significant factor in bringing Rebecca to the low we find her in in s1 is a result of the extreme loneliness and powerlessness she feels at her husband running around on her and especially learning about it the press, along with the devastation of realization that he truly wouldn't care if she was doing the same thing behind his back, because he doesn't care about her at all. Like, she feels very violated and used because made he's made her out as pathetic, inferior and stupid [for not realizing] in the public eye by openly going around fucking much younger women and not giving a shit how she feels about it.) SO even after their divorce, I do not think her sleeping with Roy makes sense as part of her revenge plot on Rupert, because it wouldn't be something that would go out to the press (neither Roy nor Rebecca would want that) and wouldn't be something Rupert would care about. At that point I think her whole focus is on how Rupert doesn't care about anyone, not the girls he's seeing and least of all her, and the only thing he does care about is his club, so she's got to go after his club. And everything from her insecurity at dressing for the gala to her insecurity on Bantr screams (to me) that she's so beaten down from Rupert that she hasn't been having even casual sex since her divorce.
However...I think I've talked about this before, but I do think Roy and Rebecca hooking up would be a very fun plot device in an fic situation for a funny (and sexy) roykeeley scene where she finds out about it and badgers Roy to tell her everything and preferably for him reenact what it was like down to the minute detail, him playing the part of Rebecca of course, so that keeley can properly enjoy it :) but that’s pretty much the only thing I like it for lmao
In canon tho, I prefer them as just friends
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bmpmp3 · 2 years ago
one thing thats always held me back in my development as an artist purely from a professional level is the fact that i’ve never been super comfortable signing my work or having it under my real name. but i’m also not super comfortable making up a specific pseudonym and having all my art under that either. i think what i really want is to have like 20 different stage names for every other project like some musicians have KJDSKJKFDsjkflds
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oshinsimblr · 7 months ago
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hey friends! i was unable to post all of my early access content bc i'm sick. but i was able to post this video, which in my honest opinion are the major features in this 'romance' pack.
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this review is brought to you by the ea creator network. all of my opinions are my own. i must disclose this per FTC guidelines #ad.
*i do not cover everything in the pack, only the things that stood out for me lol. i'm sorry i'm not used to doing full reviews up here
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the attraction system is helpful and expands dating (which is great, but we've had mods that could do this for some time: pick your poison). the romantic satisfaction is the star here. i love being able to create one sided relationships and actually take care of our romantic relationships with sims. this is a valuable feature for me!
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cupid's corner is a nice "hey i don't need this mod" anymore type of feature. prior to this i was using lumpinou's meet & mingle which allowed me to meet with sims (platonic and romantic). i dislike that you can not write custom bio's for your sims. i love the way the app functions, i love saving sims and adding them to our rel. panel - and getting to know them through the phone first. i wish we could've defined our sims favorite music/foods/color etc.
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i'll admit it, i'm a sucker for dynamics. family dynamics from the sims 4 growing together are so good (minus the fact that everyone wants to be f*cking jokesters after one joke lol). but i love them! they really do impact my sims relationships. the different romance dynamics are interesting. for example: a strained romance dynamic makes it VERY hard for your sims to communicate. it's like your sims will randomly hug each other, but then 5 secs later they're upset. they want to love each other so badly but they can't lol.
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now onto random things that excited me. you can go to cupid's couples counseling. i did not know we'd actually be able to answer questions. these sims had a strained romance dynamic and it was so bad - the therapist suggested we come back. but when i tried to schedule it again, they were booked and i had to wait to schedule another appt. which is great, because in the meantime your sims are going downhill fast and you have to keep the peace until then (if you choose).
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there are new pop ups and invites. there's even one for a reality dating show lol. you can turn these off in game settings. (if you're wondering, mr. landgrabb never showed up at the motel he wanted to meet at. he stood my sim up. don't judge me, i thought there was simoleons involved).
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new crafted dates are cool. you can choose whatever you want to do on them. there's new social interactions based on the activities you choose. you can also invite other sims to these (double dates woohoo!) you can also create crafted hangouts. i like these, i got this cute picture as a reward after a succesful crafted hangout. if you're familiar with mws weddings, it's the same idea. except this works well and isn't as glitchy lol..
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another random feature i never needed, but now i find it useful. you can create your own relationship label that will appear in the rel. panel
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it's unfair how gorgeous this world is... because there's nothing to do. this is all set dressing.
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you can declare your love here.. at the wall of love.
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you can buy flowers or edible sweet treats at this shop in the background.
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you can get local food here. there are 3 new dishes and spicy hot chocolate. now, i'm not mexican (the world is inspired by mexico) BUT 3 new foods isn't cutting it for me. technically only 2, because one is a vegan option. no pozole, enchiladas, guacamole, tamales?? i'm a foodie, so i take full offense to that.
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you can woohoo or sleep at the motel.
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you can travel.
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go fishing or enjoy a swim.
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sit here and chat.
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view this for a moodlet.
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travel again.
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check in a penthouse.
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there's a nightclub, gym and lounge. but you get the idea.. there's nothing culturally unique about this world which makes me sad. no festivals? i'd love seeing a mariachi band play at the lounge. something. otherwise, keep the world and add more features right? i would've loved table proposals (sims 2 anyone?). or frisky couch makeouts. so many missed opportunities here.
there's more i could say but i feel like this post should be a little helpful in deciding wether this is a pack you need right now, or wait for a sale! i personally love having a complete colection, so i've always wanted every expansion. though i recieve the pack for free, i owe you my honesty and i want to start doing blog/written content because it's easier to process my thoughts through the excitment. i will enjoy this pack, i do like it, and only time will tell as i integrate it with my current gameplay. i hope this was helpful!
* if you remember, use my code OSHINSIMS at checkout if you decide to purchase this pack. that way, at least i get a % of your purchase and EA doesn't get all your coins 😉
thank you! just keeping simming, always stay wavy, peace x
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ididntthinkiwould · 4 days ago
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I was inspired by all the tiktok edits using Mexican songs for JayVik, so I decided to do an AU where they're mariachis!!
Viktor's cane is hanging off a string in his belt, it's something I saw a man using the other day while on public transportation and I thought Viktor would totally use it too lmao
More about the AU:
🔹️In this AU both Jayce and Viktor are Mexican, Viktor's parents are immigrants that met in Mexico, his dad is Polish and his mom is Czech, but Viktor was 100% born in Mexico
🔹️Jayce and Viktor met when they were kids, they instantly became friends
🔹️They started singing together when they were kids at the parties Jayce's family organized to entertain the guests, but they were really good at it
🔹️as they grew up Jayce's aunts and uncles started inviting them to parties specifically to sing
🔹️family's friends then started inviting them to their parties to sing and paid them, that's when Jayce and Viktor realized they could make money out of it
🔹️they both studied in the UNAM, but kept singing on the side as a way to make money
🔹️The idea was using the money they got singing on bars and parties as a way to fund their research
🔹️Then they met Mel, who owns a very important record label, she convinced them both to sign a contract with her
🔹️Viktor isn't so sure about it because singing was just their side job, but Jayce tells him that they could make even more money to fund their research, so Viktor reluctantly agrees
🔹️both of them know how to play several instruments, but after they sign the contract with Mel, Viktor mostly focuses on playing violin and being the harmony to Jayce's vocals, they go from being a duet to Jayce being the main singer
🔹️They get extremely famous very quickly, Jayce becomes a celebrity
🔹️Mel and Jayce then start dating
🔹️Viktor dislikes how forgotten their whole research is while he gets sicker and sicker. After some time he start experimenting with illegal drugs as a way to cure his illness
🔹️this leads to an accident caused by Viktor that ends up with Sky's death (Sky was one of the musicians they play with during concerts)
🔹️Viktor is pretty shaken by it, but Jayce doesn't notices as he's to focused on the fame and his relationship with Mel
🔹️during a concert, a bomb goes off near the stage and Viktor gets badly injured
As a bonus, the song I think Jayce is singing here to Viktor is "Paloma Querida" here's a translation of a fragment because that song fits so well with JayVik:
"You found me in a dark path
Like a pilgrim without direction and without faith
And the light of your divine eyes
Changed my sadness for happiness and pleasure
Since then, I feel loving you
With all the strength my soul gives me
Since then, dear dove
I've changed my chest for a dovecot"
Aaaand, that's all for now, let's see if I get around to making the other illustrations I have in mind for their divorce and them getting reunited lmao
Hopefully it won't be full illustrations because the lineart in this one was kicking my ass lol
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mochirizu · 10 months ago
A collection of WK headcanons because I can
MARTIN - 28, 5'10, he/him, December 23rd(Capricorn)
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BIGGEST heart on the team. Sees good in everybody
He's like if someone gave a golden retriever a human suit.
BANNED from the kitchen he CANNOT COOK at his ancient self
He pulls the 'big brother card' a LOT
He LOVES to sing, but nobody has the heart to tell him he sucks so they just...let him
He loves so easily
Martin makes the stupidest dad jokes
He labels his things with a blue sticker so he can keep his stuff organized... he still loses things
He taught himself Mandarin Chinese out of sheer boredom; he is now almost fluent
He needs people to like him or he will DIE
Do not give him coffee; he will be insane and hyperactive and then go awol for the rest of the day
CHRIS - 24, 5'8, he/him, July 19th(Gemini)
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Burned-out gifted kid? Yes
His experiments normally consist of him using Martin as his guinea pig for payback for all the jokes he got pulled on as a kid
Loves cinnamon-flavoured anything
He also has a pretty high spice tolerance
Used to be friends with Zach in preschool, but it stopped not long after that
He climbs trees because he's a sensory seeker.
Chris is an avid tea drinker
He is also the best dancer on the team
Chris was such a geek in high school, he didn't 'glow up' until he was 17
Since the Tazzy incident, Chris occasionally has cravings for raw meat but chalks it up to low-iron
The only one on the team with a consistent sleep schedule
AVIVA -26, 5'5, she/her, April 5th(Aries)
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Her dad raised her to be tough and strong, therefore making her a perfectionist and a maniac lol
Aviva loves Hot chocolate with Marshmallows, and watching nostalgic cartoons
She has a nasty habit of comparing herself to others and gets ridiculously insecure when anyone challenges her opinion. She masks it by being defensive and doubling down
Beautiful by default(duh) but she doesn't see it
She has a nasty older brother who was the stem of all her insecurities
She found a grey hair once and cried
She was cheer captain in high school, hence her athleticism
Aviva is messy as hell. Like, more messy than Martin.
She also dislikes mud
The worst dancer on the crew(I'm sorry), but she's the most talented singer
NEVER lets her hair down, it gets in the way too much.
KOKI - 27, 5'4, she/they, Feburary 13th(Aquarius)
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Raised by a single dad(parents divorced)
Grew up basically rich, but was kept humble
Koki's uncle taught her mechanics before he passed away when she was in middle school
She had a pet canary named Booboo
She has pent-up anger issues
LOVES Zytago music as her family comes from New Orleans
She 100% has muscles and biceps. Martin is jealous
"No, I'm not gay. Everyone wants to kiss their girlfriends at some point....right?"
When it comes to cooking, she's Jimmy's sous-chef
HATES being in tight or confined spaces
Wants to style her hair in something else other than a single puff, but always gets busy before she can book an appointment with a stylist
JIMMY - 25, 5'9, he/they/doesn't care, August 20th(Leo)
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Had a very normal childhood. Like, eerily normal.
Has a younger brother and an older sister and they are ALL GINGER.
Everyone in his family is a Ginge except for his mom
Jimmy can speak nearly fluent Korean because he took a gap year in South Korea after High School.
He studied software engineering but dropped out to attend culinary school instead
His family is secretly wealthy as FUCK
He has his own power suit, just never uses it
Had an emo phase
Jimmy's full name is James Coleman Benedict Zeigler
Grandma Jimmena has a bunch of random stories from her childhood and they are all UNHINGED
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transmutationisms · 3 months ago
Why do u think so many people in like 'neurodivergent' spaces seem to simultaneously hold the belief that certain developmental disabilities or 'mental illnesses' arent 'an excuse' to be unable to do certain tasks, act certain ways, or to 'work on urself' or 'be better', in a way that completely ignores people with higher support needs that genuinely cannot do these things,just a complete lack of understanding that some people are not ever going to be able to 'mask' and that no, its not a 'privilege' to be very visibly, obviously considered developmentally defective from a young age..........but also practically worship psychiatry and pathologize every single iota of their behavior, labelling themselves with things like 'demand avoidance' without understanding the context behind these words or who gets nonconsensually labelled with these things, and what it is used to justify doing. I dont know how some people can be so ignorant of the material reality faced by people who get shoved into the 'low functioning' or 'severely mentally ill' boxes (how many autism influencer types have u ever seen bring up sheltered workshops?), but its a massive barrier to interacting in ND spaces for me and a lot of people i know. i dont understand how people who talk about how ADHD brains react differently to meds than 'neurotypical brains' can not understand that like, for example, i cant eat a certain food, i can eat rotten food and food i dislike but not that food, no matter if im starving, I was restrained and force fed that food in special ed and then force fed my own vomit when i inevitably threw up, I would have eaten the food if i could to make that stop! Why is this contradiction so prevalent!!! Anyway love the blog im also having an #ediblenight
well a few things. one is simple moral hypocrisy (accommodations for me, not for thee)
another is that i think many people actually do perceive the philosophical nonsensicality of psychiatric diagnosis (the recursive circle whereby you are dx'd with x because you do y, which is caused by x, which you know because the definition of x is that someone does y, which was based on clinical observation of people doing y and doctors determining that was harmful and therefore indicative of a medical problem, in other words the entire thing's observational but interpreted as providing a causal explanation)--
--they do perceive this as basically nonsense, hence "having x doesn't excuse [behaviour]" but then simultaneously, they have a prima facie credulous attitude toward Science, and toward the claim that psychiatry is Science, and so you get these like nonsense statements out both sides of their mouths where a diagnosis doesn't excuse anything they find morally reprehensible or personally annoying but it does also provide biologically irrefutable explanations for other things WHEN that's convenient for them.
another thing is just that experientially, lots of our actions feel out of our control for like numerous reasons having to do with alienation largely, and when those actions are also stigmatised it pushes people toward the promise of moral exculpation that psychiatry markets itself with, which is a kind of determinism in its strong forms and isn't really compatible with interpreting other people's actions as being intentional or willed or whatever. so again you just end up with these double statements lol , like, a problem with psychiatry trying to claim legitimacy as a 'brain science' is it does kind of counterpose itself to most interpretations of free will. any time you are stuck choosing between moral culpability and biological determinism you kinda already lost the plot & this is something that antipsych people get maddeningly accused of all the time when what we're actually saying is it's possible to be neither biologically diseased nor broken nor immoral for doing the Behaviours lol
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kujakumai · 7 months ago
was thinking about my silly YGO Band AU a while back but its spread across like 3 posts and secret tags so I am putting it all in one place for posterity and my own sanity
90's grunge group "PHARAOH" consists of Atem, Anzu, Honda, and Jou. Yugi is the secret song writer behind all their hits, but is too insecure to take public credit, so he has Atem act as charismatic frontman and pretend to have written all their songs. Does this make Atem increasingly uncomfortable? Yes. Will he say anything? lol
Pegasus of I2 records is their eccentric boss, who is happy to keep Yugi and Atem's secret as long as the money keeps rolling in.
Seto Kaiba, a solo act who runs his own label, cannot be managed but in practice delegates those duties to Mokuba and Isono. Swears revenge against Atem for knocking him off the charts, without realizing that Yugi is his real rival.
Ryou Bakura is a very polite boy who writes demonic-sounding deathcore and uses a gallon of fake blood every performance. Has a legion of dangerously rabid teen girl fans. Managed by his widely disliked twin brother, who spends as much time protecting his little bro from their own stalker-y fanbase as he does price-gouging merch and used tissues to sell to those same obsessed teenage girls.
Synthy art pop quartet The Harpies rumored to be on the verge of throwing out their frontwoman, after she made several controversial statements regarding what she views as blatant award snubs.
Over-the-top symphonic goth darkwave act "Marik Iblis and the Orchestra of Ghouls" have trashed yet another hotel room; states beleaguered manager Rishid, "even offstage, sometimes he gets lost in the character."
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i-promise-i-am-not-on-drugs · 8 months ago
Hi! This is my presentation post! I will update it from time to time! ^^
To all my moots: I might be offline for multiple days in a row from time to time, don't worry if you don't see me around for a while!!
(I probably just found a really long fic that has me hooked and I just can't stop reading it until I'm done with all of it lol--)
— I am a teenager (between 15 and 19)!! Please don't ask me to send you money to help you with what you're going through, I will not be able to help you. It will only make me sad and uncomfortable, and make you lose time that you could use by asking the same thing to someone who can actually help you, and I will block you, I'm sorry.
And I've just been asked that so just to be clear: No, I am not interested in any kind of "sugar relationship", thank you very much. (*traumatized crying*)
— Please do not interact with me if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic or a terf, if you willingly body shame people, if you do not support and respect the disabled and LGBTQUIA+ communities, if you are sexist, if you promote any kind of non con/illegal-relationship (I'm talking about irl relationships. I don' care if you're a proshipper, but I will probably block you if I get too weirded out by your ships.), if you are a Trump supporter, or if you don't like to see the most random post at any time of the day. Once again, I will block you.
— I am genderfluid! You can use any pronounces while referring to me, but I do have a preference for they/them most of the time. :)
— Also, I mostly go by Eleana online, but I like to be called Len too. Or by my url idc. (you can also invent a new nickname if you want!! I absolutely love those TuT)
— I do not have the energy to find the exact label for my sexuality, but I like to think of myself as queer and aroasepec! ^^
— I am mostly active in the following fandoms: stranger things (byler actually but shh), the goldfinch, one piece, and many others! Those are only the current mains. :)
— Most of my posts/reposts are absolutely random and probably a bit confusing lol
Here are some of the things I'll reblog/post that are related to...
... Stranger Things
— Lots of fanarts!
— Fic recommendations!
— Theories and gates
— Pretty much anything byler-related
— Sometimes actor related things. (Yes I do support Noah btw, don't come to me if you want to hate on him.)
— Memes!!
... The Goldfinch
— Anything Boreo related (fics, fanarts, headcanons, anything.)
— Character analysis and headcanons!
— Memes 👍
... One Piece
— Anything related to the ASL brothers (as long as it's not romantic. I do not ship them. They're brothers.)
— Pretty much any ship related things that I find nice. I'm a multishipper in this fandom! (I'm chill with pretty much anything as long as it dosen't involve families!)
— Headcanons and fanarts!! Looots of them.
Some random things about me! :D
— I absolutely loooove music. It doesn't have to be any specific kind of music, I could listen to pretty much anything and I'd be happy, because it's music.
> Here are some of my favorite songs tho!
★ Ship in a bottle ~ fin
★ BLUE ~ Billy Eilish
★ The Red Means I Love You ~ Madds Buckley
★ Loved one ~ The Aubreys
★ Punk Tactics ~ Joey Valence & Brae
★ I Hear a Symphony ~ Code Fry
★ Come Little Children ~ Erutan
★ Istanbul (Not Constantinople) ~ They Might Be Giants
★ Dúlamán ~ MALINDA
★ Téir Abhaile Riu ~ Celtic Woman
★ Aleph ~ Gesaffelstein
★ The Water Is Fine ~ Chloe Ament
— I am a cat person, and I'd like to adopt one or two when I'll have my own place! :3
— I am an extraverted introvert! (an introvert who has a group of extroverted friends and who was infected by them)(but still very much an introvert)(i dislike or am neutral about most people irl)
— Most people say I look antipathic or scary, but really I just have a "do-not-come-near-me-or-I'll-bite-your-head-off" resting face.
— My favorite love languages are physical touches and words of affirmation. :)
— I like to talk with people about their experiences and feelings, and I love to give advices when I can! :]
— My memory works in a really strange way: I can remember word by word some parts of books and their entire storyline when I've read them years ago, but it took me 7 years to know the birthdate of a friend of mine that I met when we where both three.
— I sometimes have an hyperfixation on a random thing for months and then suddenly loose any interest about it for literally no reason at all. I will might come back to it after years months and fall back into the rabbit hole lol
— And (you probably guessed that by now) I tend to overshare things about myself when people let me. (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
You can also find me here! ^^
AO3 →
And that's pretty much it! Wow I'm actually impressed if you finished to read all that lol--
Thank you for being here, I love you! (/platonically) ^^♥
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saigethearies · 2 years ago
his girl best friend
kiba x fem!reader
contents/warnings: reader is a lil possessive, vaginal sex, daddy kink, voyuerism(?), dash of degradation, sorry hinata stans lol she’s a lil problematic in this, allusions to unfaithfulness (not with reader’s relationship)
you were not a huge fan of hinata hyuga.
when kiba had first introduced the two of you, you had thought she seemed like a shy sweetheart. she was friendly enough and a little less intimidating to talk to than kiba’s other longtime friend, shino aburame.
the fact the guy you were seeing had a close friendship with another girl didn’t bother you, either. you weren’t an insecure person, and kiba didn’t give you any reason to start feeling that way, either. besides, hinata was finally going on dates with the man she’d had a crush on for years, naruto uzumaki.
there was no reason to dislike her.
until there was.
it started when you and kiba made it official. you had watched him type something on his phone after the two of you got back from your date.
“whatcha doing?” you had asked him, sitting down on the couch next to him.
he gave you one of his signature grins. “just telling shino and hinata the good news.”
butterflies flittered around your stomach at the fact your new boyfriend was so proud to have you that he wanted to tell his friends immediately.
he leaned in to give you a quick peck on your lips. “i’m gonna go take akamaru out real quick. you stay in here though, it’s dark out.”
“okay,” you replied. “don’t be too long!”
he left the room, and you glanced to see that he’d left his phone. message notifications displayed on the screen, and you leaned in to take a closer peek.
shino: congratulations, kiba. she seems very good for you.
that made you smile. but the text you saw next didn’t.
hinata: don’t you think it’s a little soon for the two of you to become official?
too soon? you’d known kiba since last year, and the two of you had been romantically linked for a solid month now. your relationship didn’t feel rushed at all, and who was she to judge? not everyone has to lurk on their crush for years before finally talking to them.
you chalked it up to her being jealous that her and naruto didn’t have a label yet while you and kiba did. still, her making negative remarks about your relationship that was only about two hours old left a bitter taste in your mouth.
everything seemed to go downhill from there.
she would practically ignore you whenever kiba brought you to a function. when you mentioned it to him, he said that she was just being shy as per usual. you would have taken his word for it, if it weren’t for the fact she was able to talk to you just fine before you became kiba’s girlfriend.
then there was the fact that when she wasn’t ignoring you, she was trying to best you in kiba 101.
“babe, i found out today one of my friends has an uncle who works at a jeep dealership,” you said to kiba at the kickback he had brought you to.
your boyfriend’s eyes sparkled. “no way.”
“what’s so special about that?” you heard hinata ask from across the table.
“because a wrangler is kiba’s dream car,” you replied.
hinata blinked. “no. his dream car is a camaro.”
you fought the urge to frown at her. was she seriously doing this right now? “it was a camaro, until he decided he wanted something that can off road.”
“she’s right,” kiba chimed in with a smile on his face, kissing the side of your head. “great memory, baby.”
you turned to meet his gaze and smiled back at him, the reflection in the window behind kiba giving you the perfect view of the eyeroll hinata gave your exchange.
your annoyance was finally coming to a crescendo when you started to catch her actually ogling your boyfriend.
she would practically be making fuck me eyes at kiba while standing right next to naruto, the guy who she’s supposed to be flirting with. you would feel bad for the blonde if it weren’t for the fact that he was too busy making fuck me eyes at sasuke uchiha to notice his date making fuck me eyes at her best friend.
you’d had enough.
hinata was supposed to be focusing on starting her own relationship. she’d also had plenty of opportunity to explore a possible romance with kiba, considering she’d known him for years before you even came into his life. it’s not like kiba would have rejected her, either. even though he’d never really had feelings for hinata like that (a fact shino had assured you of) she was still a pretty girl that he was close to. he probably would have been open to the idea. 
but no.
hinata decided that her friend getting into a happy relationship with another girl was the perfect time to start wanting him.
it wasn’t fair.
the worst part of all is that you didn’t want to tell kiba, who was oblivious to all of this. not because you were afraid that he wouldn’t believe you, but because you knew that he’d want to do something about it. his friends were important to him, but he wasn’t going to let anyone disrespect the boundaries of his relationship. it would impact his and hinata’s friendship in a very negative way, and you knew it would upset him.
thus, you figured you could try and resolve the problem on your own.
you were going to remind hinata hyuga of her place, and it sure as hell wasn’t in your boyfriend’s bed.
your plan fell into place on one of the trio’s game nights. kiba had hinata and shino come over every so often to play some classic board games, which was actually pretty wholesome when you ignore the whole part about hinata being after your boyfriend’s dick.
the girl in question usually got there about thirty minutes earlier than shino, probably so she could have a little window of time just her and kiba. this ended up working out for you, though.
because poor shino did not need to see what was about to happen.
all it took was an extra short pair of shorts, a bullshit excuse of you came over to find your sunglasses, and your boyfriend’s ever raging libido for your plan to kickstart.
“please, kiba, just really quick? we’ll be done before either of your friends even get here.”
he could never say no to you, not when you were being so cute and needy for him.
thus, that’s how hinata hyuga came to find you bouncing on kiba’s cock in the middle of his living room.
she stayed hidden around the corner leading to the hall, eyes blown open in shock as she watched your hips continue to slam down onto her best friend’s lap.
“fuck,” you moaned. “daddy, you feel so good.”
the brunette was canting his hips up to meet yours. “such a good little slut for me. you couldn’t wait until after my friends left, huh? wanted your daddy that bad.”
“yes!” you replied. “want you so bad.”
“it’s okay, princess, you have me.”
you hummed and leaned in for a sloppy kiss, kiba grabbing the back of your neck so he could deepen it. the sound of skin slapping against skin got louder as both of you increased the vigor in which you fucked one another.
you pulled away, a string of saliva connecting your mouth to his. you could still feel hinata’s eyes on the two of you, so it was time to go in for the kill.
“daddy,” you cooed at kiba. “tell me i’m yours.”
“you’re mine, baby. my pretty girl.”
you smiled. “m’your pretty girl?”
“mhm, my pretty girl and my favorite girl.”
you leaned into his neck so he couldn’t see the wicked smirk stretch across your face. you finally turned your head to the side, making direct eye contact with a still lingering hinata.
“i love you, daddy.”
“i love you too, princess. my one and only.”
at that you saw hinata turn on her heel and practically storm out of the house.
looks like she got the message.
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helvetets-gytter · 6 months ago
Heavy Trip headcanon’s!!
Felt like sharing these cuz why not lol
Most are just stuff I feel like fits in how i see things and how I see them, some are more personal taste and others are just random too, so if u disagree with any that’s totally fine!
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I love these guysss
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First of all.. Bi Icon
Therapist friend.. he always wants to leant a listening ear and comfort people around him, yet won’t let others do this with him..
Passiv Suicidal, would never admit to it
Actually had a sorta disliking to his job in the psychiatric institution, but he liked taking care of the people there so he stuck with it
Looking past the music his band makes he also sings as a way to express himself
He’s an ambivert, leaning more to introverted
Often can be really anxious. His anxiety can lead to him vomiting from being overwhelmed, this can also happen randomly..
Turo loves hugs but refuses to ask for them.. generally loves physical touch
Strong habit of playing with his hair or chewing on his nails
He’s close to all of his friends, though he’s really close with Pasi the most
Turo once got corpse paint done by Xytrax
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Always tries to be supportive and optimistic, putting others before himself..
Had a bad nu metal phase before switching to heavy metal-
Probably was the extrovert who adopted all of them and made the friend group they are now
Jynkky is a horrible liar.. poor guy lol
Extremely clumsy.. I can imagine he once accidentally knocked over his whole drum set-
Tries looking at the bright side in every situation
Is very fond of physical touch, loooves hugs!
LOVES the reindeer soup Lotvonen’s mum makes
Him and Lotvonen are closest to each other and share familiarity, as a kid Jynkky often was treated like a second child to his parents
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He might be annoying but he’s just being himself
most likely to have ADHD out of the group
Secretly loves 80s glam metal
Lotvonen IS the gay cousin..
Pretty sure my guy has some anger issues-
Loves taking care of the reindeers at the slaughter house despite knowing their end-
Dislikes the reindeer soup his mum makes but still eats it for her.. griefs the reindeer ngl
General love for animals, was probably the type to beg his parents for a pet as a child or brought random outside animals in the house
He’s very willing to eat inedible things, just give him 20 cents lol
Dude definitely has brainrot and annoys Jynkky with it on daily basis
He’s also definitely obsessed with FNAF and knows the lore by heart
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Hyperfixation on black metal and other different subcultures / genres in general..
Can sing really good but has stage fright and generally doesn’t like singing in front of others.. that’s why he’s the bass player, no one gives a damn about them lol /j
Deep interest in Satanism and Paganism.. most likely reads about Odism too
Definitely likes to bone hunt in the forest
Likes painting his nails black
Close to Turo, appreciates how he can express himself without being judged
Listening to music on his discman/walkman while working, usually no one cares
He doesn’t talk a lot.. but if he does he speaks his mind to the fullest
Professional daydreamer (real af)
He rather suppresses his feelings and acts nonchalant all the time because he just can't express his emotions „correctly“..
Way too much sense of awkwardness
has a constant monotonous voice, even if he doesn’t mean it
Probably autistic
He’s the last one to enter a relationship, either because he simply doesn’t understand the concept, is oblivious to hints or because he knows he can’t express his affection
If he’ll get a partner the gender wouldn’t matter at all, if he loves someone it’s unimportant to him. Although he doesn’t label himself people assume he’s pansexual.
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jhoneybees · 3 months ago
What are 3 things about Elvis that make you happy?
Legitimately thought this was another request😭(I'm struggling, I'm getting there! But struggling-)
I love this question! 3 things about Elvis that make me happy...
I think the first thing would be how much he loved us fans, it really warms my heart because as we all know a lot of entertainers nowadays aren't very loving towards their fans. Elvis was so grateful throughout his whole career and we can all see it, in his interviews when reporters would ask what he thinks about his fans, he'd always...speak so gently about us, tell everyone that if we wanted his shirt, we can have it because we put it on his back and how he wouldn't get annoyed or angry with fans asking for autographs or pictures, he'd just calmly and happily give it to them.
Yes, he was THE celebrity and had to be patient to not ruin his reputation but really if you think about it, the photos we see of him hugging the fans, kissing their cheek, letting them kiss his cheek, holding their hand, cupping their faces, they really show that he truly loved us and that makes me feel happy because it truly feels like we are all his special girls, his special satnins, his babies.
Second thing about Elvis...Hmm
His voice, it would have be his voice. He had the most beautiful voice I have ever heard, the way he did his vibrato, high notes, low notes, everything he did with that amazing singing voice just takes my breath away, every time and when you listen to how his voice changed throughout the years is actually fascinating because his voice in the 50s was you know, very sweet, dripping honey, baby voice and the early 60s slowly evolving into that seductive, smooth, deep voice, late 60s sweeping you right off your feet, growly, sexy, taking you to pound town(SORRY LOL) voice and the whole of the 70s was just... jaw dropping.
He could sing pretty much anything and it would sound good and the thing about him being able to sing anything is that he made those songs into his own, he changed things in the music, he experimented with the instruments to make it have that new spark and that's so incredible.
And the third thing...
How human he was. People have always put him up on this high pedestal, labelling him as this amazing superstar that had all the fame and money and girls and everything which is true but if you dive into him as a person, what food he loved to eat, what books he loved to read, the people he truly loved, his roots, his hobbies, his likes and dislikes, the things that ticked him off, the things that made him cry, you can really see how...human he was, just another man who walked this earth like everyone else, did everything that every other human would do and I don't know how to explain it really but it makes me happy to know that he was once a REAL person, a person who left such an incredible print on this earth's soil, gave his all in everything he did and loved as much as he could, helped people and comforted people. In my opinion, He was an extraordinary person, one of the best humans to ever walk on earth.
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skunkes · 4 months ago
hello! hope this isnt an invasive question or anything, ive been following your art blog for a while, an i've noticed you tag your art that has "you" in it as "neptune" is that a name you went by before, or something else? :o sorry i know its a little weird to ask !! hope youre doing alright ! 🦆
so I fully realized/had a name for my transness at age 11 or so, but I didn't pick my childhood nickname of Cheye as my name until I graduated high school I believe.... i can't remember
Anyway between those 2 points I tried some names but they never felt right. But I like organization and needed a tag for my Self drawings on my art blog. I'm a pisces and the ruling planet for that sign is Neptune (along with it being one of my fave planets) so that was the tag label I use(d) for drawings of me. I didn't have to wrack my brain for several years for another name I'd actually go by, and it's also not a name/label I dislike. Neutral.
I've kept it as "neptune" instead of changing it to Cheye for the same reason that sometimes when I'll talk about scenarios with myself and OCs I'll refer to myself as smunker instead of "me" or "cheye" (even when im not talking about their fur forms)....i just think its embarrassing to "admit" or call attention to it being Me in 90% of the stuff i make LOL its more sensible to refer to myself as a character
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