#and navi wasnt doing SHIT
oh fuck lovebomb started playing and it set off my fight or flight instincts
#my post#i hear that opening Wom Wom Wom Wom and sit up straight in a cold sweat#i still hear it in my dreams sometimes#i captain chip do solemnly swear to fuck shit up to help those in need and to be the best goddamn pirates anyone has ever seen we need to#get these pirates inside now did we ever get a name for what theyre called the riptide pirates BAAANANANANANANANNANANANANAA hey guys check#this out YES whos laughing now fuckers fuck you ok if anyone can clear the gauntlet its the riptide pirates get to the center of the prison#thats your out we need to hget him out of here is he even still alive its worth a shot BLOW YOU AWAY gillion youre not actually the chosen#one chip i think youre irresponsible and incompetent and honestly youre a danger to everyone around you chip arlins probably dead and you#need to move on and live for yourself and your own destiny jay i think youre ugly and no one will ever love you gillion i think this place#is playing more than one trick on us its not us chip its this place stay back dont make me do this do what you have to hey there little nei#wait a fucking minute wait drey who put you in here it wasnt one of hey brother you have a lot of explaining to do but come and maybe ill#let them go and what if i dont come with you youd rather be a pirate then i will show you what youre up against you wanna take on a pirate#im right here stop please just stop if i come with you will you let them leave we swore an oath chip its gonna be okay discipline them jay#you wanna know my secret so bad chip i convinced the navy to let me go undercover i was just using you i dont care what you were before thi#youre a riptide pirate now what do you really want jay and just say it so i can fight for it i wanna keep adventuring with you guys gill#thats all i want right now jay because you are my duaghter i will give yoy a headstart but when i catch you you will no longer be a daughte#to me just another piratee BAAAHHH gill youre not going down that easy buddy were not leaving you behindAUAGDSHGH jay my anme is jay ferin#co captain of the riptide pirates im gonna trust my friends were gonna fuck shit up im gonna be the best goddamn pirate youve ever seen#i dont doubt it sureshot
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base0h · 1 year
Smoker, Luffy and croco boy with a s/o who has the same devil fruit as them and uses it to annoy/prank them constantly.
Crack fic pls
Take care love<3
not me starting to laugh like doffy when I saw this💀💀 ew. anon thank you for allowing me to showcase my endless amount of crack in my mind 💜
warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, crack
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- the amount of times you’ve scared the shit out of this man is kind of sad. I’m assuming poor smoker gets spooked a lot because of your abilities, and sometimes you’re not even trying to scare him 💀
- you could be minding your own business, floating around and flying around the room during a break with a face mask on. Bro walks in and just dies bec the first thing he sees is a detached floating head with a white face
- “WHAT THE FU-?!”
- and when he gets scared he sets off a bunch of “traps” aka stubbing his toe on a chair that was clearly out of the way, and hitting his head on the doorway
- “IT’S ME!” -you
- I mean- what the fuck were you supposed to do? The man just kept falling backwards into things! He thought you were some kind of monster so he just kept running as he tripped over everything in his way 💀
- this is what he thought was happening:
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- Tashigi started chasing after him too because she was wondering something abt navy stuff so he kept getting more scared since he couldn’t see what was chasing him😭he just thought you were multiplying 💀
- I’d be scared too if some Smokey person is literally floating after me with a face mask 😂😂😂
- man smoked 56 cigarettes before finally calming down
- “I wish you didn’t have the same devilfruit as me y/n.”
- “IT WORKED!” -him
- “Do you still love me tho?” -you
- “..yeah.”
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- on your birthday he blew himself into a balloon and camouflaged into the numerous balloons you got from the crew before you woke up
- when you finally woke up (keep in mind, Luffy was so determined that he woke up early for this prank :0) you stared at the balloons with a smile, the crew was so nice!
- “Hey thanks guys!”
- you walked over to them and took the string of one of them in your hand. It’s amazing how you didn’t hear Luffy giggling like a maniac 😭
- he scooted behind you, making himself lose a bit of air so his blown up face was right behind your head, tapping your shoulder with his long arm
- “BOOO!”
- Nah you smacked the shit out of him, screaming as your fists were covered in haki, ready to punch the absolute soul out of him from fear
- “Luffy?! WHAT THE HELL?!”
- “Ow! Why did you punch me?!”
- Poor dude’s face was swollen for the whole day, and you apologized for hitting him after he said sorry for scaring you.
- can you imagine a Luffy balloon in your face? No I don’t mean just his stomach blowing up, I mean his fucking face blown up, and the rest of his body looking all skinny as the string 💀💀 pls I’d cry and shit my pants
- you really can’t beat him in pranks because he always seemed to get you better 😭 but you sure tried
- at night when he was snoring away, you attached yourself to the ceiling, your limbs stretching as your head stretched down to him. (You looked like my sleep demon) “Pssst, Luuuuuuffyyy!”
- “Hm???”
- ok when you’re half asleep you can’t really make out anything, so all the poor guy saw was a fucking demon
- the way he screamed and ran was hilarious, he did not sleep well for days, and clung onto you in bed or whenever he got a chance 🥲
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- 100% done with your shit :)
- One time you pretended you were a sandcastle on the beach and waited for him to get closer before making your face pop out at him
- he smacked you with his hook. And… broke your nose 💀
- “…Sorry.”
- “…It’s fine. I’m sorry for trying to scare you.”
- you’re literally struggling to hold in your tears with blood pouring from your nose (BRO WHEN YOUR NOSE GETS SMACKED IT HURTS)
- he felt bad because you’re trying not to cry while sobbing. Poor guy didn’t mean to slap you with haki 💀 nor did he mean to break your nose in half
- he gave you a hug, and let you wear his coat as long as you want since it’s super cozy and fluffy. Also made sandcastles with you while you recovered
- after you felt better, and your nose was finally healed, you both went to the beach again to relax.
- He didn’t like going near the water so he just sat on a chair and watched you find seashells, little sea snails, and other stuff. You brought one back for him, and I swear you’re going to kill the poor guy because of how sweet you are 😭
- he found a mound of sand next to his chair and sighed, you’re trying to prank him again? Didn’t you ever learn?
- “y/n I know that’s you.”
- when there was no response, he grumbled and stood up, poking at the mound with a sigh.
- “Y/n. Please stop.”
- “Huh? Crocodile? Why are you poking that mound of sand?” -you
- his eyes widened as he turned around to see you standing there with a couple sea shells. Wait a damn minute, then what the fuck was this mound of sand doing here?!
- The snakes poked their heads out and poor Crocodile picked you up bridal style and started running as they chased you two
- You gotta hand it to him, the first thing he did when he saw those snakes was pick you up and start running as fast as he could 😭 you were glad you had such a caring man :))) because doffy would’ve totally left you to die 💀
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a/n - I feel bad for smoker
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nekassvariigs · 2 years
I saw someone having a post mentioning if a character from one piece would be certain about age gaps so here i am in a silly goffy mood.
Idea: Waking up/Walking around not realising youre wearing a shirt saying "Dilf patrol" and going out on the ship/certain places causing some interesting conversations.
Raighley, Shanks, Mihawk, Law, Kid, Doflamingo
Special addition: Bepo for cuteness
I know kid and law arent dilfs but theyre fun to write
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Way too busy to notice it at first until someone points it out.
Hes flabbergasted.
"Into experianced men huh?" he comments brows furrowed in question.
It took you a while to register.
"I know i dont qualify as one but give me a few years."
You couldnt be more embarrassed, not to say anytime he asks you to stand on lookout he'll yell "DILF PARTROL" full blast embarrassing you each time.
If hes into you he'll paint over one of his shirts the words "certified dilf" while working on his gagets. If you catch him in the act give him a sly smirk and run for your goddamn life.
However if you both happen to wear it at the same time again its now your turn to shout over the entire ship "DILF SPOTTED" the moment you see him. You'll distract him so horredusly he wont be able to unhear it for the next week.
At some point you both take a picture, altough the main focus is you zooming in on his tits where the label he drew on was.
"Let me see the photo."
You show it to him proudly and prepare for self defense.
"You little shit." hed scoff ,however his ego was lifted that hed certified dilf material.
This pink flamingo has been walking around you all morning trying to be subtle.
It was getting on your nerves.
"Can you ATLEAST pretend that your subtle, Youre like 10 meters tall dude you wear a PINK FEATHER COAT."
"So?" He picks his teeth with a toothpick.
"Why are you following me?"
"Your shirt."
"What about it?" you get more annoyed by the second.
"Not your dresscode madamoiselle?" you give him a fake smile with your eyes.
"Ha..Hahaha..HAHAHAHA, i must send this to the navy." He takes a photo.
"Fuck do you mean send it to the navy?!"
"Look, i can already hear "it's the dilf parol woman" with your face plastered all over it."
Oh he really was pushing it huh.
With a loud FWAP the shirt lands flat on his face right on the centered plastered with the writing.
"I think they'd like this one better."
You show him the picutre. There he is this wooden shelf for a man in his pink ridicilous coat with his face covered in a shirt thats says "Dilf patrol" boldly.
"My ass im gonna let you have your way with it."
Onsues a battle between two idiots.
Nearing your defeat you splur out "Y'know if you had a kid you'd qualify for it."
"Huh- Yeah right."
"Im dead serious."
"Time to take one for the team." He said confidently.
Usually you stay over at Shakky's rip-off bar having known the owners well half owner Raighley. You never managed to catch his wife on time however, she was always out so one good day you treated yourself to a hands on barman experiance pouring yourself a drink, mind you its late so its okay.
Whilst mixing your drink you hear the front door open Raigley in sight he catches a seat.
"One whiskey on the rocks ma'am." he gets cozy until seeing you prepare your drink. You shake the mixture the tshirt you wore frurrowing all sorts of ways.
"?" He sees something written on it.. not fully tho, so he'll take a another peek in a bit.
Your drink made, you start his grabbing some ice and whiskey for the foxy man.
"Here ya go~" you happily chirped at him offering his drink.
It wasnt until you were mid drink he said "Say would i qualify as a dilf?"
ah the burning sensation of choking on alcohol.
"What?" you ask him barely able to breathe.
"You know, I mean not to shoot myself in the foot i do happen to look good for my age." he takes a swig of his drink calmly.
"F-First off, where is this coming from? Second off what!?" You stutter, Raighley barely dared being so cocky, and now all of a sudden this!? Did he hit his head?
He doubles the K.O pointing to your shirt at which you stare down, immidiatley embarrased for showing your interest in older men un such a dumb way.
Cheeks blazing you admit defeat, giving him a thumb up weakly.
"You're overqualifed.."
"That so?" He smirks hand on his beard in question.
Now confidently you humm altough your legs were giving out.
Who woulda thought you had one of the hottest man, not to mention the most humble one around teasing you like this when youre compleatley unprepared.
[continuation awaits ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ]
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Poor guy was hoping to eat his meal in peace when you come in theough blazing the words dilf patrol on your shirt.
He literrally chokes.
"You alright capitan?" you ask him.
He swallows dryly, "Yeah..." he stares at you, then at the writing, then at you,the writing and at you for the last time.
"Y/n-ya, You know our crew mostly has guys around the age of 20, right?"
"Riight.. , point being?" you curiously ask.
"Point is WHO ARE YOU PATROLING FOR?!" Not gonna lie he was determined to know.
"!!?" Shocks sets in as you realize what youre wearing.
"Haha oh this thing, well you know give it a few years everyone will be aprooved, even you Law." you chuckle lips pointing in a whistle like manner.
He mentally stopped until he lowered his cow-print hat lower over his face, continuing eating without furter comments.
Hoo... Oh my.
"C-Capitans blushing!" Bepo alerts everyone in the dining hall. Startling you and Law himself.
"Was not, shut up!"
"I'm sorry!" he bows apologizing.
"Well in anycase we have time dont we?" You chuckle pouring yourself some tea.
Few meters behind you you hear more bickering about "Dont joke about this!" et cetera.
The silent man was trying to enjoy a morning newspaper till perona started babling to him about you.
"Whats the issue?" the blandly replies.
"Have you seen what shes wearing its not cute at all!" she pouts pointing to you , a pastry in your mouth the shirt revealing the writing.
Lightning stuck in his head.
"We all have preferances.."
He didnt want to even think about it.
"Thats right, we all have preferances" you pouted back disagreeing with her.
"Of all things you choose old hot guys seriously!? Pick something cuter next time!"
Bwaaa~ You drop your pastry.
"Who says i like old hot guys?"
"Your shirt says.." He nonchalantly interrupted.
"Ah so it does, WHAT?!" You strech out your shirt noticing the writing 'Dilf patrol'
"As long as she can handle it, i see no issue." He adds in.
Your jaw dropping, how can he be so relaxed about this.
"Stop embarrasing her old man-"
The bell dings in everyones head striking a nerve.
Everyone locks eyes.
Silence follows.
It was the tensest breakfast youve ever had with the two of them.
After breakfast you chose to clean the dishes upon hearing a knock.
"Not my buisness, but good choise." And he leaves just like that.
No dishes were washed for the next 30 minutes out of sheer incapability to understand his approval.
All bark all bite he doesnt hold back.
He digs the shirt, calls it trendy,odd but trendy, hes seen worse.
"Y/n, i qualify."
"For what?"
"You can count me as a dilf, no?"
Your brain shortcircuts.
"Well.." You eye him up and down making him wait impatiently.
"I mean sorta? Youre not really the hot DAD material are you? "
"I can be though." he shoots you a grin.
"Caaan you?" you hiss back at him.
"Wanna seee for yourselllf?"
[Continuation awaits ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ]
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You had just woken up having no actual shirt to wear from your regulars you scramped one from the dryer. You didnt even bother to check which one it was you had agreed to train with bepo.
"Goodmornin'. " Hes as polite as ever.
"Mornin' bepo, lets start some warm ups?"
You both proceed to train along eachother however the longer it lasted the more people gathered around you two.
"Whats this about?" You question wiping the sweat off your forehead with your shirt.
"Mm Maybe because youre wearing that today?" ,his fluffy paw points to your shirt.
Every guy in a 10 meter radius was giving you thumbs up making you red as a raindeers nose.
"Y/n, whats a dilf anyways? Some new monester out there?" He innocently asks
"Haha y-no?, Do you wanna know?"
He nodds.
"Well its a preferance for older attractive looking men that have kids or had kids who grew up."
"So.. Do you like ..." he was deep in thought..
He didnt know what to ask.
"Ah mabye Vice capitan Ben?"
"Dont think hes got kids, but hes attractive so i approve." You wipe ur nose at the thought.
Next day Bepo shows around with a shirt labeled
"Shaved ice patrol."
What an innocent creature..
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matchadobo · 2 years
KIDD; it all started with a drink
tags: afab!reader, mentions of alcohol, lotsa cursing, slight nsfw but no seggs, not proofread (if grammar stinky i'm sorry)
summary: name got a little too carried away with the vodka and decided to make it their captain's problem.
wc: 1028
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"captain!" you shouted, almost tripping over yourself on the doorway of his dreary workshop. it was past two in the morning and you were definitely not on your right mind. you bought this wine off a market from the town victoria punk docked on for the night, unaware that it'll intoxicate you that fast. you wanted to celebrate how successful your battles were, winning against forces upon forces of pirates and the navy. "oh fuck," you mumbled, grabbing the table for support but ended up knocking over some stuff. the clanging of the pieces of metals on the desk startled your captain.
kid wouldn't normally bat an eye at your call since he was too occupied with his craft but the ruckus you were making irked the redhead so badly he had no choice but to confront you. he sauntered towards you, boots thud by the wooden floor. you tried your best maintaining your balance despite feeling so lightheaded, your entire world is spinning. "the fuck are ya doing?" he snarked, hands by his hips
"vodka?" you raised a big bottle with the widest grin you could muster. face flushed and breath reeking of liquor.
"you're so goddamn drunk it's unbelievable." he chuckled, "its damn rare to see you let your guard down." he teased, grinning down at you.
kidd knows you as someone who always has their shit together. in a ship full of men, pirates to be exact, you have always kept your guard up; it's why your captain never had the chance to hit on you. he thought about it but, he'll never submit to that.
"im not drunk, dumbass!" you bit back. "is it wrong to celebrate? success? of our crew?" you said slurring your words.
"yeah, that's about enough." he pried the vodka bottle off your fingers. you yelped, losing balance and grabbing his shirt for support; extremely narrowing the distance betwen the two of you.
his heart skipped a beat, you were so close. it took all of his power to restrain himself from kissing you. he sighed it out and said, "i'll call kil to fucking take care of you, i have no ti-" before he could finish his sentence, you found yourself puking at your captain, retching again and again and again.
"fucking damn it!" he groaned. you raised your head wiping off residue from your mouth and grabbing the vodka he took from you.
"that's what you get." you laughed, downing the bottle and walking past him.
"hey! where the fuck do you thi- don't fucking touch anything, woman!" he said, still shocked by your actions.
"you know cap," you opened the bottle to drink some more." you could either bitch about the dumbest things in here or you could share a drink with the most amazing woman you could lay your eyes on." you sat down his table, legs crossed, patting the space beside you, and having a welcoming smile.
his face was bashful, if only you knew how crazy you make him feel. "give me a second," he went to the bathroom to wipe off your vomit, and to collect himself. he then sat beside you ay his desk.
"there you go! that wasnt so hard is it?" you smiled offering the bottle to him, to which he accepted.
"it actually is you tramp," he downed the liquid. "make sure to puke at a bowl next time, not at your fucking captain."
you faced him, he got red at the proximity. "i have been really damn curious all this time cap."
"may i?" you leaned over, hands looming at his hair.
"w-what the hell, woman?!" he let out strings of curses and protests yet, he didnt recoil as you got closer to him.
you reached over his goggles and took it off. tossing it somewhere across the room. you found yourself flushed, and so was he.
"i knew you'd look like a prince." you uttered with a genuine smile, putting a hand over your chest as you endearigly gaze at him. his wavy crimson bangs elegantly curtaining his forehead and piercing honey eyes. you reached over to comb his hair away from his face. it was surprisingly fluffy and silky. "you should let it down more often cap,"
"f-fuck off..." he looked away with cheeks as red as his hair.
"you probably don't hear this often but you're really handsome cap. if you reaaaaaally tried." you blurted out getting closer.
"yeah?" he finally turned his head back to you. only to brush your noses together.
"absolutely." you mumbled leaning even closer, as the spaces between your lips were tiny.
"i think you probably hear this often though but you are fucking gorgeous." he whispered back, tucking a piece of hair onto your ear and a hand on the column of your neck and face. your heart felt like it would explode out of your chest.
your lips were millimeters apart, waiting for a green light from each other. you advanced but kidd pulled away. "...you're drunk, this is not fair."
"but i want to," you grab a hold of his cheek to bring him back, fingers lingers on his skin. oh how goosebumps spread like wildifires across his body from your touch.
"you don't. you're fuckin drunk." he resisted.
"but i want to fucking to kiss you, eustass." you asserted, voice growing a notch higher.
he finally looked at you and alas your lips crashed. his hands shifted to the back of your head, deepening the kiss even further.
falling naturally by his thighs as he guided your hips, you straddled yourself at his lap.
he stood up, carrying you by your bottom. you two then got settled by the velvety, raven couch on his room, still in the same position. lips and hands never leaving each other. you were about to take off his vest, only to be stopped. grip firm on your wrist.
"making out is one thing. you're too drunk to know what the hell are you doi-"
"i'm sober enough to know what the hell i fucking want and i fucking want you right now, okay?!" you protested, fiery eyes filled with desire for him.
he chuckled to himself and said, "by all means, princess."
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my first attempt on an hc 😱🥶 i'll probably cringe looking back at this shit after a few months but anw brain dumpppp kidd the most delicious &lt;3
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s0lar-ch3ri · 10 months
hey guys im scared (spoilers for ep 114)
yeah all the other shit that happened terrifies me BUT theres one standing above the rest, and that has to do with our favorite girlboss
yes my friends, im talking about pretzel. i dont recall her being mentioned at all since they entered the black sea, and they never said she was left with oliver (unlikely gillion would do that even) meaning shes probs still with gillion ob board?
they never said he left her on deck when they entered the base.
dopple gilly had all of gillions shit from what we can assume.
where the fuck is pretzel.
did she stay with gillion as she saw him temporarily die? watched as his skin was removed if she could see at all? patted his face gently to help him wake up yet not hurt him? cooed in his ear words he didnt understand, words trying to calm him and tell him he'll be back like every other time?
or did dopple gilly take her? did he even know if she was there? did pretzel ever know if she was with dopple gilly? did she realise and try to warn chip? did she see dopple gilly die and hurt knowing this wasn't an unfamiliar sight, having seen the training gillion faced before?
maybe chip got more fearful realizing pretzel wasnt there. maybe she was and thats why chip didnt want to fight DG (dopple gilly, giving him an abbreviated name), in case he hurt his best friends best friend.
maybe gillion saw she wasnt there and went into crisis mode. or he saw she was and got even more angry.
maybe they didnt even realise she wasnt there, onlt gillion did after they left, and he does some stupid shit, because goddesses and levithans will have to face gillion's wrath if they tried stopping gillion from getting her back.
maybe he finds her without a lot of her skin and cant stop blaming himself for letting this happen. chip and jay try comforting him, yet gillions tired of getting his ass beat. maybe he starts beating the shit out of the husk on board.
or, in the worst case scenario, pretzel is fucking dead, left to be rotting in the navy base, and gillion never realizes until its too late.
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too-many-tildes · 8 months
Too Many Tildes' Amazing Isekai Adventure, Chapter 1
(I'm going to regret this.)
My name is Too Many Tildes. I have dark, navy blue plating with white eyes and light blue tildes underneath them (hence my name~) My gamer headset is shaped like cat ears and I wear a fluffy pink feather boa with a very fashionable cyan tank top and night-sky themed pants. My nail extensions are painted red just like my :3 face and my feet are shaped like high heels. This is the start of my story.
It was a cycle like any other. I was admiring my collection of Catboy Pebbles images (A.N. if u dont know who that is get da rubicon outta here!!!!) Suddenly my homosexual overseer alerted me to something funny happening outside. I looked through the feed and saw... A METEOR!!!?????? And it was SHAPED LIKE A TRAIN?!?!??!!? And it was headed STRAIT FOR MY CAN!!!!!1!1!1!111!!1!11! I gasped right before the train struck me, exploding me into one billion pieces!!!11!! The world was going dark around me as my chamber shattered and I fell down. The last thing I remember seeing was flames surrounding my structure and the bright, beautiful sky.
~ ~ ~
"Hey! Listen!"
I groaned and opened my eyes. Omg!!!! I'm alive?!!?!?? I glanced next to me and saw... my overseer????
"Get up, catboi," it said, turning all different colors of the rainbow. I decided to just lay there instead until its feelers tickled my face.
"Hey~ Stop that~" I said, shooing the overseer away with my hand, but it just teleported to the other side of me.
"You can't sleep on the dirt in the middle of the forest," it said firmly. Forest? I sat up and looked around. Sure enough, I was surrounded by trees!!! But I also noticed... MY CLOTHES WERE GONE!!!!!1!!!!1111! I wasnt naked tho, just wearing horrible peasant clothes. BUT I DIDN'T HAVE P[ATNS!! All I had on wad a plain white cloak. 
"Where da rubicon am I, oveseer~?" I asked. The overseer rolled its eye at me.
"Rude. I'm Ounce the Overseer. We're in the Iakesi forest," it explained. Iakesi forest? Id literally never heard of such a place. Though the name kinda sounded familiar...
My thoughts were interrupted by the rustling of the bishes. I stood up quicjkly, which was weird considering Id never stood on my legs before. It came so naturally to me for some reason. Three orange lizards emerged from the bushes, grinning at me. I hadnt realized until now how big they actually were.
"Oh shit, yellow lizards!" Ounce shouted and darted onto my shoulder. I thought they were ornage but whetever. They were wiggling their antennae s they approached me, and openned their mouths. Lizards weren't supposed to be this active, were they?
"Tildes you have to run the other way NOW!!!!!" Ounce yelled in my ear. I didn't know what tghe lizards would do to me but I wasn't going to stick around to find out. I turned tail and ran in the other direction. The leaves crunched underfoot and the trees blurred past me as I ran.
"This is just like that hit game PSMD!" Ounce said as I sprinted. I didn't know what the heck it was talkin about.
Suddenly I tripped and went tumbling down a slope I didn't even see. The foliage scraped against me as I flailed around. Then I collided with something metal with a loud BONK followed by an "oof!"
I locked up from my faceplant and saw purple?!??
"Ouch..." said the purple. I scrambled away and saw the purple was ANOTHER ITERATOR!!1!!!!111! I must have crashed into him and knocked him to the ground.
"Omigosh~! I'm sorry~!!! R u ok~???" I said quickly. The other iterator sat up and looked at me. He had funny asymetrical antennae and soft pastel eyes so beautiful I could get lost in them~
"I'm alright, I think..." He brushed some leaves off his rumpled dress. It was a really cute dress, tan with red rose patterning all over it and frills at the end of the sleeves. He was wearing an apron over it, with a cute little bow tied at the back.
"Stop staring," Ounce hissed in my ear. But where else would I look?
"What about you?" He asked. "You crashed right into me. Are you alright?" His voice sounded so soft and concerned.
"Um~! Ya~!! Just fell off a cliff running away from lizards haha~" I stuttered. The iterator gasped.
"Oh! Are you sure you aren't injured or anything?" He stood up and helped me stand as well. I blushed when he took my hand.
"I'm fine~ Just as fine as you~" I said smoothly, winking. One of Ounce's feelers slapped its eyeball. He seemed to freeze for a moment, eyes wide as he stared at me. No doubt flustered by my charming pick-up line.
"O-kay..." he said slowly, letting go of my hand quickly. He bent down and I noticed a woven basket tipped over on the ground. He must have dropped it when I crashed into him. Scattered all around it are... SHROOMS????? Omgosh, had I just bumped into a DRUG DEALER?!?1/!?!?
"Why do u have shrooms~!?" I blurted out. He flinched at my words, but looked up at me with confusion.
"W-what? Oh, I was gathering wild mushrooms. They grow around this time of year," he said, gingerly picking one up and placing it in the basket.
"They aren't drugs, Tildes, they're just mushrooms," Ounce whisper-yelled in my ear. I batted it away from my shoulder because it was being seriously annoying rn.
"Oh no~! I'm sorry I caused u to spill them~ Do u need help~?" I crouched down to help pick up the mushrooms but he quickly shook his head.
"No no, it's fine! It's okay!" He said. "It was an accident. I can get these by myself." Okay, well now I'm left feeling kinda awkward. I tried to think of something to break the tension as he placed the last of the mushrooms back in his basket.
"Hey~ I never got ur name~ I'm Too Many Tildes~" I said. He looked at me a little funny, but I couldn't figure out what he was feeling.
"I'm Nothing Well-Made," he said. "It's... nice to meet you... Too Many Tildes."
"U can just call me Tildes~" I responded.
"And I'm Ounce." the rainbow overseer appeared between us. Nothing startled backwards.
"Gah! A talking overseer?" he exclaimed.
"Uh~ ya~ dont ur overseers ever talk to u~?"
"Please calm down," Ounce said gently. Nothing took a moment to compose himself, but he still looked totally freaked out by my talking overseer. "Nothing Well-Made, would you be willing to let Tildes spend the night at your shelter? She's lost, and has nowhere to go."
"Um..." Nothing glanced at me nervously. I was also reminded that UH HOW DID I GET HERE??!?!??? I THOUGHT I DIED TO A METEOR!!!!!!!!1!
"S-sure," he said, distracting me from my thoughts. Nothing beckoned for me to follow. "My cottage is this way."
The forest around us grew darker as we walked, probably from a combination of the oncoming rain clouds and night falling. Ounce stayed perched on my shoulder as Nothing led me through uneven terrain. He glanced behind every so often to make sure I was following. I liked that.
We finally came to a small copse in the woods. In it stood an run-down cottage shelter. It looked dirty, and it was covered in ivy and moss. A small, fenced-in garden was planted next to it, but I couldn't see anything planted in it at the moment. The cottage must have been very old to be in such a haphazard shape. Or maybe, it simply wasn't well-made. (A.N. see what I did there~? :3)
"You live here?" Ounce asked, zipping down next to Nothing. "How does this thing withstand the rain?"
"We put a magic seal on it that prevents the rain from damaging it," Nothing explained. "My boyfriend did most of the work though. He knows more about magic than I do."
I felt my heart sink down into the void sea. Nothing was already taken? Of course he is~ I thought. A cute boykisser like him would have trouble staying single~
Completely oblivious to my heartbreak, Nothing opened the cottage door wide and gestured for me to step inside. I entered with a lot less enthusiasm than I started with when I first met him. The inside of the shelter was small, but cozy. Everything was bathed in warm colors, and potted plants seemed to decorate every surface. A small love seat was positioned in front of an inactive fireplace, and the kitchen was so small that it would struggle to fit two people inside. I didn't see a bedroom anywhere, so I could only assume it was upstairs, seeing as there was a small staircase leading to a second story.
"Woah~ Ur place is so cute~" I said as Nothing followed inside and closed the door.
"Thank you," he responded nervously. "F-feel free to make yourself at home on the sofa. Is there anything I can get for you?"
"You got any water~?" I asked. I was getting pretty thirsty by that point.
"Of course! Ice or no ice?"
"No ice pls~"
Nothing walked into the kitchen to prepare the water as I went to have a seat on the sofa. It was a nice, soft sofa. I wondered how often Nothing and his boyfriend got to cuddle in front of a roaring fire. Must be nice~ I thought.
As I sat, I could hear Nothing and Ounce talking quietly in the kitchen. I couldn't make out anything they were saying though. I wondered if Ounce knew how strange it was for me to suddenly appear here, off my string. Nothing was also off the string, assuming he had one. Odd.
Nothing walked into the living room with two glasses of water and handed one to me. "It's filtered water," he said. He unplugged something from behind his head - some kind of long tube - and put the end of it in his glass. I suddenly realize I had no clue how to drink water.
"It's a water intake tube. You have one too," Ounce whispered to me. I put my hand behind my head and felt around until I brushed over something thicker than a wire. I pulled at it, and the end of the tube came loose. I put it in my glass of water and automatically started drinking, cooling me off.
"So~ Where's ur boyfriend, Nothing~?" I ask innocently. Nothing stiffens, and Ounce glares at me.
"Um," he stutters. "Well, he's not been home for a while. He's-"
Nothing is cut off by a knock on the door!!! OMG IS IT HIS BOYFRIEND!?!?!??!??! Find out next chapter!!1!!111!!1!1!
Nothing Well-Made belongs to @meatcatt
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MY AGGGTM HCS (mostly pipravi)!
-Pips fav colour is dark red
-Ravis fav colour is navy blue
-Pip has always been burnout.
-Pip has the best comebacks possible
-Ravis parents ADORE pip
-I mean they legit have her phone number added, and always talk to her
-pip loves Ravi’s parents
-pip always exaggerates
-Connor would blast Ybwm when he had a crush on pip
-Cara would kiss pip on the cheek
-pips an omnivert
-Ravi also is
-Cara and Connor are extroverts
-Ravi has a really calming singing voice, so every time pip has a nightmare, Ravi would sing to her to help her fall asleep (this hc is inspired by @incorrect-pipravi ‘s hc!)
-the only way pip was able to fall asleep after what happened with Stanley was if Ravi was with her
-they get married when pip is 21 and ravi is 24
-they have their first child (a boy) 2 years later
-mini sal ends up inheriting his uncles dog allergy so they cant get a dog
-they have a daughter named aria 2.5 years later
-random af but i hc that aria was a premie baby
-sal is identical to his dad while aria is identical to her mom
-they are RICH RICH
-their older son Sal is born on November 6, and their younger daughter aria is born in June 28.
-aria is a mamas girl, like she’s attached to pip by the hip
-she Also loves her dad tho
-she’s a picky eater
-Ravi loves to be physically close to pip
-their first time was in a car (don’t ask)
-Ravi cried when he saw baby Sal for the first time bcs he reminded him so much of his older brother.
-they aren’t big fans of PDA but they would occasionally give each other a peck on the lips
-their first kiss was after Ravi spun her around after they confirmed sals innocence
-like I imagine him putting her down and kissing her at the same time, and just as he’s about to pull back from embarrassment she starts kissing him back
-when she overdosed, Ravi refused to leave her side
-Ravi wasnt there when pip woke up, but when he got the call from her mum, he balled his eyes out from relief
-when he saw her after she woke up, he hugged her so tightly, told her to never risk her life like that again, and then kissed her forehead, and then lips😜
-though Ravi is sweet, he LOVES teasing pip when their having yk (again, don’t.ask.)
-he often flirts with pip discretely when their around others to tease her
-they make out often (don’t.ask)
-Ravi has a lot of pics of pip sleeping and vice versa
-they have a shit ton of 0.5s of each other
-Ravi loves baking/cooking for pip
-Ravi hates it when pip has a panic attack, every time she does it feels like his heart is being stepped on because her panic attacks can be so severe.
-the first time she had a panic attack with him he did cry a bit bcs it sounded like she was in so much pain and he genuinely had no idea how to comfort her, or make it go away.
-after what happened with Stanley, pip had ideas of self deletion.
-she told Ravi this at one point and he held her while she cried for abt an hour
-pip has a shitty immune system so she’s always sick
-Ravi is the exact opposite, he never gets sick
-whenever pip is sick, Ravi would always take care of her (ie:spoon feeding her when she’s too weak to do so herself)
-once tho she had a fever so high ravi had to take her to hospital
-he obvs cried bcs of how worried he was
-ravi has a big daddy dick❤️😜 (joke obviously)
-pip has a key to Ravi’s house and vice versa
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buckyismybicycle · 1 year
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Why are you trying to SLAY ME SO EARLY IN THE MORNIN 🥲🥲🥲🥲
Look at them all cute and shit over a dinner 😭
*Joaquin talking excitedly about their mission like DID you SEE the swoop I did last second though WASNT THAT COOL*
*Bucky trying not to recall the fucking HEART ATTACK he had when he saw Joaquin nosediving and just giving Joaquin a lil cheers, because his baby bird deserves it, he DOES, but can he do it without looking like he’s gonna plummet to the ground 😭😭*
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danepopfrippery · 1 year
Ok im updating my predictions based off reviews/promos/my own dumbass so be advised:
Dollie and I concluded Ed went full Britney Spears 2007. Baby in the lap, barefoot driving after shaving his head. (Im not making light, i have mental health issues myself and i fully understand that was a nervous breakdown). So basically Stede ‘leaving’ (i maintain not of his own will) threw his very fragile mental health into the toilet.
So we got Ed trying to live up to 9 guns Kraken Blackbeard. Maiming crew/whomever and having his crew fight to the death.
Meanwhile Stede, oblivious as always, knows none of this and thinks what they hear is just general overhype. Him and his half of the crew have no idea what to do end up at spanish jackie’z and try to earn money to get at sea. Im really unclear when the chinese fleet enters but i think its about this point pre ed.
I fully believe Blackbeard’s crew mutiny either on purpose or take the storm as an excuse. Izzy prbly is too fucked up to really take over properly. Im betting they shed a lot of crew at this point and dock to recoup.
Ed goes thru his forest travails (bunny etc) and is injured, david jenkins rule somehow the stranded half find him.
Stede etc plan to sneak back on the revenge and take over or at least get their crew back. Find basically no resistance (plus lucius). Ed is hammocked while injured and all crew want him gone.
Somehow they decide on locking him away, making him wear a bell, do shit work. Im sure Ed is not open to this right away but he does it.
I think prince ricky meets stede before spanish jackie and hijinks turn him evil (he wasnt missing his nose at the start lol). So he goes to tattle on the army (like stede wouldnt have blabbed all his love about ed to ricky) and therein is our conflict. Ed needs to be legally dead.
Izzy trains up stede while ed gets right with god, massive fuckery is planned to take on the navy/ricky and works (stede somehow gets shot but is fine). And ed redeems himself.
Being full of myself i think i could be 50% right
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hey y'all its been seven hours im not done with the writing lets talk a good omens x ofmd crossover becquse im fucking AMAZING
aziraphale: passenger/medic on a british naval ship. at the beginning of ofmd, he'll be on the Twin's ahip, i forgot what his name was but he's a twib ANYWAYS. aziraphale's the resident Guy, the person you go to for things like advice or medicine and shit. he's kept about because he's useful, and even the other soldiers think he's too polite. but he keeps thr ships blessed, so its okay. his current assignment is to keep the navy in check and make sure they get to heaven, which isssss WOW harder than he expected. he's hanging by a thread. when he becomes part of crew, he starts being the soundboard. like stede but better /hj. he takes turns with telling everyone stories, helps improve the food supply, ACTUALLY KNOWS HUMAN MEDICAL PRATICES, likes watching the relationships aboard foster, looks for new books on raids, etc. just being a Good Vibe. they dont know he's magical, but i feel like frenchie and buttons (or the swede, i always mix those two up, its the one who turned into a bird) would be Onto Him, because they're the most magically paranoid/proficient. he's very like stede, but somehow a more tolerable aura. the crew is wary, especially cause he's british, but they'll be fine.
how aziraphale gets into the story: at the veryyyyy beginning. its during the forced tea party of s1 ep1, as he happened to tag along on the little dingey with the Twin and his men. he REALLY likes the revenge from first glance, and has a good feeling about the group of pirates they've landed upon. but things go awry! the Twin is stabbed thru the eye! but when stede proclaims he did it, aziraphale is ONTO him. the existencial crisis and trama exhude from him. he decides to see this through--and becomes one of the Revenge's hostages semi-willingly. but stede also likes aziraphale--even if he's british--and decides to be chill with him though he' still "texhnixally" a hostage. they bond verrryyyyy quickly, and soon (by like the end of episode 2, when the other hostage is tsken by izzy and the rest) is assimilated into the Revenge's crew. this is good, because heaven can tell that there's gonna be such a juicy moral dilemna with stede hehehe. lets get this bitch to stay good okay?? yeah. yeah this is gonna be fine....
crowley: like with most of these crossovers, crowley happened across blackbeard's crew. he was dayum, they get around and im bored af, lets do this. kinda like with stede (but not strong enough to satiate it) ed thinks he's a breath of fresh air and therefore keeps him around even if he's never seen crowley Kill anyone (they always make miraculous escapes). no one knows he’s a demon but he 100% has that record in pirate community. calling him the devil and the tempter and how he has a silver fucking tongue and shit like that, it follows him EVERYWHERE. not much more about him other than the basics like personality, except it 1000000% has long hair, wears black like the rest of them, and is oddly british. he's not army tho, so its okay. rebel 🙌
WAIT EDIR: maybe crowley can hear on the republic that Izzy’s looking for those naval men and THEN join Blackbeard’s crew. Like solely just to get aziraphale back. hmmm…..
how crowley enters the story: crowley hears about aziraphale's interception when blackbeard and da crew learn about the Revenge ravaging the navel ship. "damn it, i gotta go save my angel." he REALLYYYYYY wants aziraphale back and gets pretty antsy about it because he had no idea what he was ngl, turns out he was on the FUCKING SEA the whole time. (he also hates that he joined the british army but whateva, he dont know it wasnt voluntary.) they meet on the republic of pirates when stede's almost hung and shit, crowley is in Rampage Mode, aziraphale is in Pissed Mode because they're attacking their Fucking Ship, stede is Dying, ed is Doing His Thing and such. thinking about making aziraphale and blackbeard fight and aziraphale wiping the floor with him or smth. aziraphsle would also be the only one to notice stede and cut him down early and protect him during all the chaos, which would probablyyyyyyy get blackbeard on his ass and probably try and kill him which would not work out with ANYONE, anddddd you know. first impressions change shit. the point stands: ed is on, romance is a foot, and aziraphale and crowley are on the same ship. wahoo! and now that ed's on the path to become softer, hell's like AYO KEEP HIM ON HELL'S SIDE and now crowley's got an excuse to stay. i mean, he and aziraphale Could employ the Arrangement, but they were technially different assignments, and this crew looks like they're having the funnest fuckig fun and they feel so genuine. might as well stay...like they say--keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. and by that it means living on the same ship. also it deadass looks like they need miracles to keep together or they'll fucking sink. lol
and the reason why this is important is because that season 2 ends up HELLA different, and season 1's adventures alter a tad, with both crowley/ed's infamy and aziraphale's encouragement for stede to become a real pirate and Miracle Employing. so yay crossover achieved! I THOUGHT A LOT ABOUT THIS CROSSOVER ALRIGHT, SO MANY OTHERS HAVE TOO BUT FUCK
also btw here’s some canon divergences I can already imagine:
- aziraphale and crowley being present during the ‘you wear fine things well’ episode (can’t remember what happens Exactly, but I do know). aziraphale with ed and stede while crowley is helping frenchie and olu with their pyramid scheme. they both contribute wahoo!
- lucius is the ship marriage counselor and he’s onto these guys. he’s watching. Waiting. Advising
- when the whole act of grace shit happens, Aziraphale’s like FUCK IT and before ed can proclaim it he just snaps all of the enemies to sleep. he’s sheepish about it. everyone freaks the fuuccckkkkkkkk out even tho he saved them and shit Happens. it probably results in someone clubbing him over the head in panic and then Everyone Else Panics More. I can see it in my mind. this changes a lot of things canon on. ough
- munity is either much more prevalent or tampered down a lot. no in between. either mutinies left and right or they’re content. hm
okay that’s really it. Back To Writing Hell
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TOP GUN HEADCANONS: Bob Floyd edition (he's my blorbo)
Gotta honor my icon for my first post here. I love bobby, hes my bby, my son, my silly rabbit.
Let's start:
HE'S TRANS. hes a transman, but he still likes to explore his gender identity trough clothes n shit. basically, I wanna see him in a dress
hes done top surgery, 2 horizontal scars below his pecs and his nipples are heart shaped. cuz i think thats cute
hes not particularly interested in bottom surgery, but he DOES have a glorious t-dick. my son is packin ;)
i also hc him as gay, or just HEAVILY men leaning. I get the pan and bi hcs, but for some reason i see him as a man lover only
he has an insomnia disorder and autism, possibly adhd. at this point, bob will just deal with his shit raw
he has a hyper fixation on the ocean. throughout his years in the navy, he was also doing a marine investigator course, very surface (hah) level of course, but he wanted it official
bob has a scuba diving certification (he ALMOST went full ocean instead of the navy. almost)
bob's family is not his biological one. they are his childhood next door neighbors, who stepped in when his family was um. having issues. I'll make another post for that I think
im just gonna say that bob's mom sucked ASS and his dad wasnt there as much because of divorce when he was 4. he also worked for the USA government, secret service, so their time was limited
he's an only child, but Sirah, the child of his neighbor family, was always a big sister to him. She figured out bob's gender identity since very young, and always helped him make small but meaningful steps to learn n accept it himself
bob is a great cook, but he does prefer when someone else cooks for him. he thinks its very sweet
bob is a supernatural skeptic. he believes more in cryptics and aliens than ghosts n demons
bob's fav animals are cats, sharks and jellyfish
bob is also very interested in space, but more because his dad was, and they would trade facts of each others hyper fixations whenever they could
his aim is IMMACULATE, scarily so. never anger bob if theres throwable or shootable objects nearby. you will be hit
the reason bob doesnt drink with the other daggers is because he has this irrational fear that somehow theyre gonna be called for a mission, theyre all gonna be drunk including him, and for some reason he'll be needed to pilot, even tho thats not his position, n then he'll crash n die somewhere. so he never drinks to ensure hes at least sober if something happens. he knows its irrational, the fear is still there tho
bob is like a disney princess, and will charm any animals that come in contact with him. even that bear that one time. and that shark while he was drunk. he will fight spiders however, verbally
he knows how to play the guitar, but he also wants to learn the drums
bob was on puberty blockers when he was around 14 and started testosterone when he turned 17. His top surgery was his 21st birthday present
everybody growing up always said he looked like his mother, which he hates considering she sucks. it wasnt until he met his grandmother from his father side when he turned 20, when she saw him for the first time since his dads funeral at 14, that she says what shes always thought: that he was the copy paste of his dad. he cried a lot that day
bobs father is actually missing. he went on a mission he knew could be dangerous, a long awaited one, so there were a few years to prepare for that. something about radiation and handling dangerous substances. bob knows this, and they spent as much time together as they can
bob actually named himself after his dad. they are both Robert Floyd. ppl normally think its either spongebob, or the minion, or bob the builder for some reason. one person said robert pattinson from twilight specifically. bob didnt know how to feel (hes team jacob)
That will do for now. cuz its getting long. I'll add of bobs backstory cuz BOY. ITS DARK. IM SORRY IN ADVANCE
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calypsoff3 · 2 years
That anon is correct Robyn has a nasty mouth and she is a spoilt controling bitch. Chris knows what kind of day she had he went through it with her in fact he came to NY to help her ass out,he wasnt expecting her to throw him a party he would have been happy with just a simple happy birthday from her but even that her controling ass couldnt do. And that weak ass apologie she gave him and expected him to accept when he didnt she tried to pull that crying shit which he didnt fall for kudos to him for walking away. Robyn aint ready for this new and improved Chris her manipulative controling ways will no longer work he knows how to handle triggers now and she is most definitely a trigger to him. That dig she made about Maxwell being proud was uncalled for he just walked away again. Yea and that reader who loves telling people who voice their opinion against Robyn to stop reading i suggest you stop reading the comments we are all not Navy and we see her faults just like you all see Chris' he is not perfect and neither is she.
Controlling behaviour? If she was that good at controlling she would have Chris on lock
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nyneas · 5 years
teachin the kids at work how to ise the new registers
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minilpark · 2 years
low key feeling angsty…reader who is penny’s niece falls in love with roos from working at the bar and he has to go on a mission but doesn’t come back
once again, yall just like pain dont you-
also i do not claim to know shit about planes etc. im just writing to write
when you decided to visit your aunt penny for the summer, you honestly weren't expecting to find love
you just moved there to visit her and amelia since it had been f o r e v e r since you last visited
work and school just consumed your life
but for the summer she offered a place to get away and a fun job for funds
so you accepted
despite the fact she warned you not to fall for navy men based on personal experiences from her
you still found a way
it wasnt on purpose of course
but bradley rooster bradshaw had you wrapped around your finger from the first time you met him
and so, things moved somewhat fast but you two didn't mind the pace
ironic enough, penny was involved with pete maverick mitchell who was like a father to bradley
almost like you were following in your aunts footsteps-
you knew what you were getting into when you signed up to be in a relationship with bradley but he always reassured you he'd never leave you behind
"you can't get rid of me that easy sweetheart"
and yet, the worst case scenario happened
it was only supposed to be a surveillance mission and yet everything seemed to go wrong
apparently intelligence about the area's tracking abilities were wrong and so the wrong aircraft was chosen for the mission
granted its not the aircraft its the pilot who can get out of dodgy situations
but apparently luck had run out for rooster
he and his wingman were almost home free until enemy aircraft found them
it became a long dogfight
longer than it was supposed to be
and when rooster's wingman ran out of flares, missiles, and ammunition he knew one of them wasn't going to make it out since he was running low himself-
and yet, he knew it wasn't right to abandon his wingman
so when the smoke in the air was heading toward his wingman, rooster took action
he let his last bit of flares loose but still took a hit
he knew he should've ejected but he wanted to buy his wingman time
and it was enough for them to get out of there
but when he went to eject, the canopy wouldnt pop off and the seats ejection function was fucked
and instead of being panicked about the situation, he just let out a deep breath
"hey, guys, i don't think im gonna make it out of this one, so tell mav that i love and forgive him, and tell y/n im sorry i couldn't come home and i love them-"
while letting mission control know he just let the tears flow
he wasnt prepared to die today and he feels guilt for leaving those he loves and care about behind
but it was out of his control
and when you got the news, you broke
your aunt penny saw the light in your eyes fade and amelia's heart broke for you seeing you in so much pain
they tried to comfort you, along with mav too, but you honestly couldn't stand to see anyone
and you locked yourself in your room for a while, only leaving to go to the bathroom and occasionally cry in the shower
of course your aunt and cousin tried to take care of you, encouraging you to eat for the most part
but you lost your appetite
honestly the only time you willingly left the house in a while was for the funeral
the service was nice, but it was hard to get through
felt like pouring salt in the wound
and putting him in the ground only truly made things real
bradley was gone and he wasnt coming back home to you.
after the service, his friends, mav, penny, and amelia stayed behind because they knew you would need a comforting shoulder to cry on
any of them were willing to step up if you needed it
but you just quietly made your way over to the headstone and placed a hand on it
running your fingertips over the name
and let out a sob
"you fucking jerk, you just had to be the hero huh..."
you know the cause was noble, of course you're glad that he was able to save someone instead of damning both of them
but you were selfish and you hated the fact you couldn't have him anymore
at this point all the tears made it difficult for you to see and you were starting to hyperventilate from crying so hard
and surprisingly enough, hangman helped you up and pulled you into a tight hug
you didnt say anything nor him to you, but you understood what he was trying to say and you were glad he was here to comfort you
and when you pulled away and turned around, you were faced with mav
you haven't seen him since before rooster went on the mission
but you two hugged as well
you knew he was hurting just as much as you were
and with a trembling voice he mumbled into your shoulder
"he really loved you y/n, don't ever forget that. i'm so sorry"
you just shake your head and tears roll down your cheeks
"and know, he loved you back."
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
ep 51-52 spoilers but i gotta get the thoughts out man (also some for ep 2 of the black rose pirates oneshot)
ok so im going to do it all at once but like the amount of times i panicked with gill and shit over things like the moment the arm was mentioned i KNEW it was jon and how gillion risked so much to save him
(imagine a world where gillion didnt make it and slowly froze to death and was comforted by the ideas of jay and chip making it yet felt ashamed and disappointed as he couldn't save jon or pretzel and on the other side it could be either jay or chip wanting to stay longer and trying to get them back or them both just sobbing at the door because gills fucking dead and- i should stop hurting me emotionally huh)
back to what actually happened im so happy they all ended up fine and shit and id help gill with a villain arc if they did both die (both being jon and pretzel)
more about gillion its just something with how his "insult" wasnt really an insult but rather something he believed that he knew would hurt chip. something how grizzly also used the word sin for dark secret and then gillion talks how he got banished and he probably was very nervous about it going south yet they thought his punching of the navy was kickass.
the fact that gillion hugged jay thinking she was his sister is so sweet yet i could tell from the beginning that edyn wasnt real. i just got the sense for pain man
take gill giving chip a ring and him getting flustered about it whatever way ya want, im just thinking how fucked hed be if jay and chip did indeed fight each other (also you cant tell me that he wasnt taught it by his sister and his test was pretzel who knew how dangerous it could have been yet he could tell she wanted to bond it and so gill has a ring on him somewhere and they pretend that the magic is still in effect and it makes them even closer then before)
chip was a fucking bastard with the whole secret pressuring thing, and grizzly knew. and he used it to fuck up their friendship harder. making the people chip cares for the most (which btw thats so fucking cute writing bout that next) attack him and having someone jay cares about attack someone she also cares about maybe even more while giving gill such a tame one is grizz's plan. worst part is gillion would be used to them teasing each other so he may brush the growing hatred off as just something human friends do. GOD GRIZZLY WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS
theres something sweet about bizly telling grizz the people chip cared for the most was jay and gillion because it sounds like he didn't mention arlin, implying chip cares for gillion and jay more then arlin and thats beautiful.
my heart hurts seeing the idea of chip having such bad trust issues and wondering if these guys actually care for him yet he pulls up the wall with insults manned and ready just so that he doesn't need to accept that people he cares about exist and doesn't need to worry about them going away and i made myself pain again AHHHHHHHH
i remember seeing a post about jay being an easy crier and how it doesnt make her any less a girlboss and i fully heartedly agree because aprt of her girlbossness she can acknowledge her barriers and when shit crosses the line and she doesnt hide it up and maybe that inspires chip and gill to be more open about their boundaries and emotions and ill stop before i make more pain but yeah def proven by the flesh room
i dont know if anyone else made the comparison but yall know when finn arlin and dray were going down the hallway and each got flashbacks and shit? the mirages were probs a reference and it was the same order too (charlie, bizly, then condi) and i freaked when i realized!
of course jon is what got gillion pumped up and bsck to his gill self because theyre gay af guys
that ring thing between gill and chip was so fucking gay omfg i hope they keep them happy pride month
the fact that gill just had to be in the middle of chip and jay fighting and idk why i do this to me but maybe he felt bad cause of the shit he said cause while jay and chip said a ton of things and they did feel bad a bit what if gillion felt like he had fucking sinned with this insult because of how bad chip seemed to feel and he just cant help but feel like he helped and all that and god how let me be a fan fic writer
okay comfort for me now (its poly pirates i love them ok) but since gill believed jay enjoyed the clown outfit (plus she mentiondd that she gave up on her dreams) he ends up trying to make one and hes a lil nervous but he asks chip for help and jay just finds them in the room with gill practicing sowing as chip helps him make a clown outfit and jay just is mesmerized by how hard gillion is trying and how chip is just so calm with him and they seem as though this is one of the most important tasks of their lives (for chip its more of making gill happy by helping him learn to sow) and after a bit jay goes back up and what do you know 1 or 2 hours later jay is given a wrapped box by gill who seems very excited and ahe opens it and finds the clown outfit chip helped make and she glances up to see chip give gill a thumbs up and wink and she smiles and tears up at how much effort they spent into making this
more poly pirates comfort coming next post but its really just gonna be writing fanfic ideas that i WILL make after i write a couple moee chapters of my scu fic
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ririspace · 3 years
tysm for taking requests!! do you think you could write something with fem reader and clingy/cuddly gi-hun?? Much love!! ❤️
your welcome!and yes of course :D i hope you dont mind making this to a husband version :d
warnings:written in lowercase,the game doesn't exist,husband!au,fluff
tags!: @xyinparadise @maximumcoffeeme @gay-mother-figure @jeonselca @snixx2088 @passionkillerphil
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6:13pm:you finally shut down your laptop and reorganize your paperworks.another day of work sure is tiring.all you want to do now is just to lay in bed and snuggle with gi-hun all day…
you clocked out of your shift and proceeds to shut off the lights as you were the last person to leave the building.just when you were about to leave,there you saw a 6’0 tall man wearing a navy baseball cap waiting for your presence.”hi darling,hows work?”gi-hun asked as he waved at you.“it was fine!.i manage to finish this week’s work last minute,so i wont be that busy during the weekend”you replied as you walk towards him,smiling.
both you and gi-hun would walk home together atleast 2 times a week,since its the only time where you guys can spend some time together during the weekdays.
you guys usually stops by a shop to buy light snacks and some groceries,but gi-hun noticed you seem tired than usual,and insisted to do the groceries tomorrow.
“y/n are you alright?you look like youre about to pass out,”gi-hun asked,concerned.you denied it,but he knows youre telling obvious white lies. “h-HEY PUT ME DOWN!PEOPLE ARE GOING TO SEE US!!?,”you panicked as he carries you in a bridal style. “this reminds me of our wedding,i cant’t believe youre still flustered if i carry you like this!and i dont mind people seeing us being lovey-dovey,im just showing off my wif-“ his words were cut off as you both fell on the ground.he couldn’t kept his balance resulting in your dress being covered in dirt.
“honey,i just bought this dress using my own money and now it’s covered in dirt.who’s going to pay for it?”you bellowed.
“shit”he said under his breath.
“l-lets get you home!i’ll get the warm bath ready i promise please dont get mad!”pouted gi-hun.
oh,how could you resist his puppy eyes. “fine,take me home faster then,”you sighed in defeat.gi-hun eyes lighten up. “giddy-up then,y/n!!,”as he carries you in a piggyback style.he may be childish but you love him for it,thats what makes gi-hun well,gi-hun.
you and gi-hun finally arrive home after all the mess.you did enjoyed getting piggy rides,so you didnt complain much.you sat on the couch while scrolling through your phone as he get the bath ready.
“the bath is ready,babe.come in”
“wow gi-hun..i didnt expect you to do..these!”you said elated,pointing out at the rose petals and candles.gi-hun can be romantic sometimes too,huh?
”c’mon,dont keep me waiting in here..”gi-hun pouted as he play with the water.
without wasting time,you put your phone down,undressed and submerged yourself into the luke warm water.a relaxing bath sure does it magic after a tiring day.you can feel his warmth as gi-hun massages your back.its the little thing you both do everyday that makes it special.
“gi-hun,do you want me to wash your hair this time?,”you suggested. “thank you,honey,”replied gi-hun.he’s blessed to have a loving wife like you.the whole bath wasnt anything explicit nor erotic,it was just the both of you bathing together,blowing bubbles and rant about your day.
after drying yourselves,you both went straight to bed,too tired to do anything else.suddenly,gi-hun’s gaze shifted to you, “youre not mad anymore about your dress right?i will get you a new one once my salary comes in,i promise!,”he exclaimed.you then shifted your position to him, “its fine,i can always laundry it to wash the stains off,im not mad at you,alright?”,you comforted him.dang,maybe your tone was too harsh back then,youre hoping he will understand that you didnt fully mean it. “y/n,i will never get mad at you,okay?im sorry again about you dress,”he apologized. “awhh c’mon gi-hun,you know i myself couldnt bring myself to be mad at you..”you murmured.
“hah!i knew it,”the man chuckled.he then snuggle up against you,starting from your neck and ending up chest to chest with you,your heartbeat slowly catching up to his.he grab your hand and intertwined your fingers with his.your lips met at the slightest touch,then slowly parting away.gi-hun kissed your forehead and slowly caressed your face.
“goodnight sweetheart,rest well.i love you and forever will.”
“i love you too”
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