#navy just casually trying to kill me its OK
buckyismybicycle · 1 year
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Why are you trying to SLAY ME SO EARLY IN THE MORNIN 🥲🥲🥲🥲
Look at them all cute and shit over a dinner 😭
*Joaquin talking excitedly about their mission like DID you SEE the swoop I did last second though WASNT THAT COOL*
*Bucky trying not to recall the fucking HEART ATTACK he had when he saw Joaquin nosediving and just giving Joaquin a lil cheers, because his baby bird deserves it, he DOES, but can he do it without looking like he’s gonna plummet to the ground 😭😭*
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klbwriting · 3 years
Pirate’s Heart - Chapter 5
Parade Music Part 1
Fandom: Six of Crows
Pairing: Kaz/female!Reader
Summary: Y/N is saved and Kaz finds something troubling
Notes: so this was originally going to be longer but it was getting to be like 2500 words and I figured I would split it into 2 chapters, also we get to see how Y/N and Kaz met and the flirting is just *chef’s kiss*
Taglist:  @sixofshadowandbone​ @thedelusionreaderbitch​ @itsemy01​ @angelicdanvers​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @screen-to-stage​ @aysegust​ @sagewrites111​ @lilyoflower​ @hey-peeps​ @starjane312​ @spawn0fsatan​ @myalupinblack​ @ameliathackray​ @moondustmarauder​
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(its been too long since I’ve seen Milo)
This is parade music
Good grade music
Party like you just paid or got laid music
              Kaz had panicked when they started going to fast in the boat, they all looked shocked as Y/N was just pushing them, moving so fast in the water. Then he felt the boat falter for just a moment and blood was moving behind her legs in the water.  A bullet must have hit her and for whatever reason Kaz felt his heart was in his throat, worried she might stop and they would all be killed, worried that she was going to die.  He wasn’t sure at what point in this little jaunt he had really gotten attached to Lady Heartless but now he was.  They had always been friendly, even as rivals, but he never felt worried about her.
              Just after he was made captain of the Crow their small crew needed money to get more hands on deck so they had decided to hit up a small navy treasury on Port Du Nonce.  They noticed another ship was there, a pleasure vessel that they ignored, assuming it was just for the men.  They were even excited, hopefully most of the guards would have abandoned their posts to go party for the night.  They were shocked to find the guards dead, all of them.  Inside the treasury was a small group of young women, putting the money and gold bullion into bags and barrels.  
              “Can we help you gentlemen?” one of the women, the oldest of the group asked, holding her machete casually at her side, a pistol poised in her other hand. Kaz had considered his options, there were more of her crew than theirs, the odds were not good.
              “Who are you?” he asked, glaring.  He had wanted to make a striking first impression on his first job but clearly this would not be happening.  
              “I am…” the woman paused as if no one had asked her that before.  “Lady Heartless.”  Kaz had laughed at that.  What a dumb name.  “Have you come to steal our treasure?”
              “No, we came to steal Pekka Rollins treasure, but it appears you’ve done that already,” he said.  He didn’t know the moment it happened but something shifted then, maybe it was something he said or did but she put her weapons away and snapped her fingers.
              “Come on ladies, we have enough treasure, let’s leave the rest for the boys here,” she said.  The girls just nodded and grabbed onto what they were carrying.  She picked up a couple full bags of her own.  “There, now we each have some treasure to get our pirate careers going.  Take this half and stay out of my life, I’ve already had my life ruined once I don’t want it happening again.”  Kaz had watched her walk away and in that moment decided he was going to mess with her, fuck up every heist she tried to do if he could, generosity was a weakness he would exploit at every turn.  
              At first that’s what he did, he would do any job that he thought she might be at, noticing her pattern of only attacking pleasure vessels or navy treasuries or mining sights, anything that Rollins had a hand in.  His uncle must have done whatever she had said had ruined her life. They met often at first and finally she had gotten tired of him.  
              “You are ruining my life,” she one night when she had just finished kicking his ass and taking a job out from under him, something he normally did to her. “Now, stay down and don’t make me shoot you.  You’re a boy trying to be a man, grow up a little bit before you try crossing me again.”  
              “I’m not here to ruin your life, only fuck up your night,” he said, moving to stand.  She sighed and shook her head.
              “I really didn’t want to do this,” she muttered.  He lunged for her, ready to take her out with his cane, when she shot him.  It only grazed him really but it was the first time he had been shot and instead of pushing through it and attacking he just grabbed her sleeve, pulling it down and seeing the scarring on her chest.  It was then, as he lay bleeding, that he put together who she was.  
              “Wait…” he had called but she kept walking, yelling for his crewmates to come retrieve him before leaving him there.  
              Kaz touched the scar on his side from her shooting him as he cleaned up from their job.  She had been taken to his medic’s room to be looked at and he had sent the others to clean up.  The ship was in a state of paused motion right now, everything seeming slow as they waited to hear about the other captain.  He knew that the others had questions, but it wasn’t his place to answer them.  He had left them waiting for word on her while he changed and wiped off the blood. He had already been sick from what had been happening but seeing her carried below, pale and mumbling incoherently had made it worse.  He couldn’t stomach going to see her while she was worked on so instead he decided to go through the bag she had retrieved.
              He hid the will and all of Rollins’s identification papers, knowing that the crew did not need to know about any of that.  He counted the heaps of money and bonds finding that there more than he thought before.  This was enough for both ships to function for a year without needing to do another job. He set them aside and started to pour through the business documents, wanting to see what was going on amongst the islands.  He froze when he found a parchment that held plans for harnessing the power of a sea witch to destroy the reef and open them back up to the world again.  That would be a problem.  More access meant more pirates, more competition.  Kaz clenched his jaw, he didn’t like the sound of this. He slid that paper aside to show Y/N later, if she survived.  He was just finishing a rather boring stacks of documents when Jesper came in without knocking.
              “Didn’t I tell you next time you came in unannounced you would lose a finger?” Kaz asked, looking up from the parchment.  Jesper took a step back out the door and knocked on it.  Kaz nodded, not really wanting to get more blood on him tonight anyway.  
              “I just wanted to let you know that Y/N is ok, awake, the medic gave her a crutch to use and why the hell didn’t anyone tell us she could do that? What is she?” Jesper asked.  Kaz glared at him.  “You know what, I will just go and ask her, um, goodnight.”  He closed the door in a hurry.  Kaz let out a breath of relief and sat back, a small smile coming to his face.
                Y/N woke up, sitting up quick and gripping her head.  It ached like someone had hit her with a hammer.  She looked around the small cabin, slowly figuring out that it was the medic’s room.  She looked at her leg, seeing her pantleg pushed up to her knee, a bandage wrapped around it.  There was a crutch leaning on the bed.  She gingerly swung her legs over the side and stood, leaning on the crutch.  She remembered swimming and the pain, she must have been shot during the escape.  She needed to get some seawater and kelp, that should help her heal faster. She pushed open the door of the cabin and walked out.  Inej and Nina were waiting for her.
              “Let us help you,” Nina said, offering her arm.   Y/N took it gratefully and walked to the steps.  “What do you need?”
              “Find out if they have any kelp and seawater aboard, I don’t think I can swim enough to get it myself, it’ll help me heal up faster,” she said.  Inej nodded and went off to do as asked.  “When she gets back I’ll explain everything.” Nina smiled.
              “Its ok, we kind of figured you were a mermaid with the whole finding you in the jungle thing, and you know not aging for 5 years,” she said.   Y/N laughed a little, feeling a great fondness for her ladies.  She wished she could love them, she really did.  
              “Yes, but I didn’t tell you everything and you should know, I mean, I’m sure you’ve pieced together parts of my story, but I should tell you both all of it,” she said.  Nina got her above deck and sat her on a bench near the side of the ship.  She stretched out her leg and saw the rest of the crew eyeing her.  Ah, so everyone knew there was mermaid aboard now, great.  Inej soon came back with some kelp and fresh seawater.  
              “Captain Kaz told them to get it after he knew you survived,” she said. Y/N raised an eyebrow but just nodded, taking the kelp and dipping it in seawater.  “Nina, remove the bandage please.”  Nina did as asked, her fingers quick and concise.  Once removed Y/N handed her the kelp.  “Now wrap that like a bandage.”  Once again the girl did as asked before sitting back.  
              “How does that help?” Nina asked.  
              “Mermaids get their abilities from the water, we are born into it and we spend our lives taking care of it and the creatures in it so it in turn takes care of us.  I’m sure you saw me swimming, it gives us some extra strength and speed in the water and also can help us heal quickly.  That wound should be gone in a couple days.  Send word to the Menagerie to meet us at the rendezvous point at Pirate Island,” she said.  Inej ran off to do that.  Jesper, Matthias, and Wylan joined them soon, offering their regards and telling her they were happy she was alive.  She looked at the stern and saw Kaz watching her.  He didn’t approach so she just nodded to him and he nodded back to her.  
              During the voyage to Pirate Island, the farthest island from Argoes, Y/N slept a lot in Kaz’s room, healing up.  Kaz avoided his room mostly, only sleeping in short bursts so that he could not be around her.  She looked dead still when she slept and he couldn’t handle it.  After Jordie he couldn’t handle someone else he cared about being hurt like this.  He scowled at himself.  Admitting he cared for Y/N just annoyed him, he already cared too much about other people and its not like she could ever really care about him.  She could like him enough to not want him to die, but actually care?  Never.
              He hadn’t meant to be in the room when she woke up but here she was, just a few hours before they would be getting to their destination, sitting up, looking much better, eyes finally focused and sharp again.  Kaz had been coming in to change his shirt but stopped, trying to close the door again but she had seen him.
              “Kaz Brekker get in here and acknowledge that I’m alive,” she demanded. He groaned internally.  This fucking woman.  He entered, glaring at her.  “Don’t be like you’re happy I’m still breathing.”  He dropped the glare but still didn’t look pleased.
              “What do you want?  Aren’t you still resting?” he asked, leaning to his cane.  She leaned down and peeled the kelp from her leg, showing him a scar where the wound had been.  “Miracles seem to happen every day for you it seems.”
              “Not the day I met you cranky,” she grumbled.  This brought out the glare again.  “Why have you been avoiding me?  We should be talking about what we found from Rollins’s desk and how to divvy up the cash.”  Kaz didn’t want to answer her question so he avoided it.
              “There’s enough in there for each of us to live a year without actually pirating,” Kaz said.  Y/N’s face broke out in a grin that rivaled the sun.  “We can do the official split after the party.”
              “Party?” she asked.  Kaz was throwing a party?
              “It’s the biggest bounty we’ve had in years, the men want to have a party. They also wanted me to ask for your ladies to join if they want,” he said.  
              “Yes of course as long as they behave, anyone giving trouble will have body parts removed,” Y/N said.  Kaz agreed to her stipulations before moving on to the next issue.
              “We have a problem, Rollins has plans to harness a sea witch’s power to try and break the reef again,” he said.  Her eyes widened.  “More access to these islands means more competition for us, less loot to go around.”
              “It would mean that Rollins would get unlimited power too, if the sea witch’s power is strong enough to break the reef it could possibly be strong enough to do much more to the rest of the world,” she said.  Kaz looked at her surprised, having not thought about that.
              “What would give a sea witch that kind of power?” he asked although he was pretty sure he already knew.
              “The heart of a rare tail mermaid,” she answered.  “Well, we have the plans, is there a map?”
              “Yes, to a spot near Argoes.”
              “Horus’s home, they probably don’t know how to summon them, shit, now that Rollins knows I’m alive he’ll probably try to find me.  Fuck, I’m going to have to abandon the Menagerie until this is over, I can’t put those woman at risk over my own stupidity,” she said, throwing the useless kelp across the room.  “He knows I’m alive, he knows I know how to summon a sea witch.  I’m sorry Kaz, me just being here is going to put you in danger…”
              “I’m not worried about that, I’m worried about how we’re getting you to this Horus’s home to summon them,” he said.  She snorted a laugh.
              “You think that I’m just going to waltz in there and somehow get their power? They wear their power in a crystal around their neck, it would take a master thief or magician…”
              “Good think I’m both of those things,” Kaz said.  She looked at him.  
              “When do we tell the crew?” she asked.  
              “After the party, let them have some fun before we start putting their lives in danger again,” he said.   Y/N nodded. “Will you…join me at the party?”
              “Are you asking me on a date Kaz Brekker?” she asked, hoping she didn’t bely how pleasing the idea was.  Kaz smirked and shook his head.
              “No, I just know everyone would like to see you there looking healthy after you almost died on us,” he said.  “Morale booster and all.”   Y/N looked at him and smiled, he was telling her half of the truth.
              “Admit it, you just are too nervous to ask me on a date.”
              “Would you even say yes if I did?”
              “Ask and you’ll find out.”  Kaz opened his mouth to speak but they heard the call for land above them so instead he stood and headed out the door.  Y/N smiled after him and for the first time she felt a pang of something new in her soul, she couldn’t identify it but it was something that only Kaz seemed to bring out in her.  
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Inside Out
Chapter 1
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Warning- cursing
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics. Flashbacks are in bold.
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“Long before the birth of light there was darkness, and from that darkness, came the Dark Elves. Millennia ago, the most ruthless of their kind, Malekith, sought to transform our universe back into one of eternal night”
Malekith is looking up at the Convergence
“Such evil was possible through the power of the Aether, an ancient force of infinite destruction.”
The Aether.
“The noble armies of Asgard, led by my father, King Bor, waged a mighty war against these creatures.”
The Dark Elves and Asgardians fighting.
Kurse walks up to Malekith. “Malekith! Asgard's forces are upon us.”
The Bifrost opens, and bor steps out with Asgardian reinforcements.
“Send the Kursed.” Malekith told Kurse.
Some soldiers crush objects in their hands and become giant hulk-like creatures. Malekith looks up at the Convergence again.
“As the Nine Worlds converged above him, Malekith could at last unleash the Aether...”
Malekith and Kurse walk up to the Aether.
However, the Bifrost opens and Asgardian warriors attack Malekith, whom he kills. The Bifrost disappears, just as Malekith tries to get the Aether, but it is no longer there.
“But Asgard ripped the weapon from his grasp. Without it, the Dark Elves fell. With the battle all but lost, Malekith sacrificed his own people in a desperate attempt to lay waste to Asgard's army.”
Malekith watches as his forces are slaughtered. “Their deaths will mean our survival. This war is far from over.” He and Kurse get onto his ship and escape without notice, while destroying the other ships in the process.
The ships kill some of the Asgardians.
“Malekith was vanquished, and the Aether was no more. Or so we were led to believe.”
“Sire, the Aether. Shall we destroy it?”
“If only we could. But its power is too great. Bury it deep. Somewhere no one
will ever find it.”
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Earth, New York City
Wow! A lot has happened in the past couple of years for Y/n. She met an Alien/God, saved New York from an alien invasion, found out she has a soulmate who caused said invasion, and last but not least finding Gambit. Even though these last years had its up and downs. Y/n hadn’t been this happy in a long time, and spending time with Gambit is the cause of that. Spending time with him just make everything better it makes her miss Loki less (even though she didn’t get to spend that much time him). Now She was now walking down the street with Gambit eating ice cream in the middle of November.
“You met my mother. How that happened?” Y/n said taking a spoon full of her ice cream.
“The good professor wanted information on you.” Gambit answered.
“Charles Xavier knew about me and my where abounds this entire time.” Y/n said with an eye roll. “Apparently him and my father have an understanding with each other.”
“Your mother...she didn’t know you existed.” Gambit stated.
Of course she didn’t Charles fucked with her mind too what a big surprise
“Well that still doesn’t change the fact that she abandon me.” She said in a dry tone.
“You gave me a chance....you trusted me to protect you and I couldn’t.” Gambit said with a sad grimace.
Y/n to turns and looks at Gambit. “You did your best. You didn’t abandon me. Ya you could’ve call to let me know you weren’t dead but I wasn’t your responsibility. Those people were after her, and she didn’t want to get caught so she left me behind.” Y/n stated. “You gave me to my father so I could be safe so I wouldn’t be used by The Thieves Guild like you was. You protective me. You’ll always be my hero.....no matter what you say.”
Y/n turns away from Gambit and started to walk away. As she approaches the cross walk she hears a voice being broadcasted in her mind.
Please no!
“Someone is in trouble.” Y/n claimed.
“What?” Gambit mumbled.
Where are you
Oh my god
Where are you
In the alleyway behind the Barbecue Restaurants just off Main Street
Y/n takes off running to Ray’s bbq leaving Gambit in her dust. When she arrives in the alleyway and doesn’t see anyone.
Hello are you here
“Thank you for coming.”
Y/n turns around and see five Einherjar Guards. “Ummmm.Hello.”
“We are the Einherjar Guards of Asgard and our king wishes to speak with you on the behalf of Prince Loki Odinson.”
“The king would like-“
“No no I get that but why.” Y/n said to herself.
Gambit catches up to Y/n and see her with a group of guards. “Petit? What’s happening.”
“I’m being summoned by the king of Asgard.” Y/n said with a small smile.
“A king!! The king of Asgard.” Gambit finished with a gaping jaw.
I get to go to Asgard!
“Look I have no problem coming but I’m kind of in the middle of something.” Y/n voiced.
“This is important the fate of Prince Loki rest in your hands.” Einherjar Guard said not trying to be pushy.
“Fate.....I thought Loki would have been went to trial.” Y/n turns and looks at Gambit.
“l..l hav-“
“No...no it’s find go I know how important he is to you.” Gambit said with a smile.
“But just find your way back Ya.”
Y/n is about to walks over to them when a thought runs though her mind. “How about you come with me?”
“Invitation is only for you.” Einherjar Guard chimed in.
“I see that but I’m just a mere mortal I wouldn’t be comfortable being on a world without someone who can relate to me.” Y/n said artfully. “Would you want to be on a world all by yourself?”
Einherjar Guards look at each other in confusion
“Or someone is going to have to tell the king that they could get a mere mortal to comply.” Y/n said with a smirk.
“He can come but he will be watched.” Einherjar Guard agreed.
“You heard em lets go.” Y/n said as she pulls Gambit and they stand next to the guards.
“Uhhh. What’s happening??” Gambit said with a curious tone.
“Heimdall open the Bi-Frost!” Einherjar Guard shouted.
“This is going to be fun!!” Y/n said In a giggling way.
Gambit looks over at her and could see the excitement in Y/n’s eyes. “What is about-“
Suddenly Bifrost opens! A portal surrounds them In an instant, they're gone.
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Upon emerge from the Bifrost, Y/n and Gambit looks around at the Observatory.
“Woo-hoo...let’s do that again.” Y/n proclaimed.
“No I’m gonna need a bucket.” Gambit grunted.
“Y/n L. Munroe and....Remy E. LeBeau I am Heimdall The gatekeeper of Asgard.” Heimdall announced.
“Hi....” Gambit and Y/n said in-sink.
“You are a friend of Thor. He has told me much about you.”
“I wish I can say the same.” Y/n said with a smile.
“If you follow the guards they will lead you to the Castle.”
“Thanks.” Gambit said walks with the guard.
“Heimdall...I was hoping I could come back here.”
“What for?” Heimdall asked.
“Well I would love to hear all your stories, being able to see everything in the universe....thats kind of wicked.” Y/n answered.
“Of course you can.”
Y/n smiles at Heimdall then catches up Gambit and whispered. “Do you think I look ok to meet a king.” Y/n was wearing a Navy blue crewneck cable knit with some light blue jeans and white air force 1.
“Petit, you look fine don’t worry about it.”
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Throne Room
Loki is in chains, as he gets brought to Odin.
“Loki.” Frigga said in a began.
“Hello, mother. Have I made you proud?” Loki asked
“Please, don't make this worse.” Frigga said with a calm voice.
“Define worse.” Loki said in a casual tone.
“Enough! I will speak to the prisoner alone.” Odin proclaimed.
With one last look Frigga walks out the throne Room.
Loki looks up at Odin and laughs. “I really don't see what all the fuss is about.”
“Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death.” Odin voiced.
“I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent god. Just like you.” Loki expressed with a shrugged.
“We are not gods. We are born, we live, we die. Just as humans do.” Odin specified.
“Give or take 5000 years.” Loki sarcastically remarked.
Odin: “All this because Loki desires a throne.” Odin put forth.
“It is my birthright.” Loki voiced.
“Your birthright was to die!!!....” Odin shouted. “.....As a child. Cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in you would not be here now to hate me.”
“If I am for the axe, then for mercy's sake, just swing it. It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just ... I don't love them.” Loki said perpetually tired voice.
Odin tap the Gungnir on the ground and the doors open. Loki looks back back at the doors to see who could possibly coming in.
“Are we to wait on Thor?” Loki questioned.
“No Thor has nothing to do with this......” Odin started. “This is about someone else. That you are not worthy of.”
Wow this place looks so amazing
“Do you still want the Axe?” Odin wondered.
Loki looks over at Odin with wide eye then turns around and see Robin she looks just as he remembered her. Breathtaking.
“Loki!!” Y/n called out.
Loki can tell she’s happy to see him, she had a broad grin on her face despite him being in chains. “Y/n.” Loki said with darted a suspicious glance at Odin. “What is the meaning of this!?
When Y/n reached Loki she stands next to him and looks up at Odin.
Should I bow
You Bow to no one
Y/n looks over at Loki with a quizzical smile and all she gets back is a coy smile.
She turns back to Odin smiling to herself.
“I brought Y/n here to say goodbye to you.” Odin said in A calm voice.
“Goodbye..why would I need to say goodbye.....is he getting-“ Y/n said in rapid blinking and shaking her head ‘no’.
“You brought Y/n here to spite me......how do you even-“ Loki fumed.
“Frigga told me a long time ago, when you was just a boy.” Odin explained. “And Frigga is the only reason you are still alive and you will never see her again. You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeons.”
“I thought he was going to die.” Y/n said like a weight was lifted off her shoulders, but then a relief is quickly replaced by anguish. “If you were going to do this then why do you bring me here? You should’ve left me on earth, instead of bringing me here when you’re just going to but him in the dungeons for the rest of his life.”
My life
Loki looks over at Y/n with knitted brows. “Y/n....”
“I know what Loki did on earth is unforgivable but-“ Y/n started.
“Did he or did he not kill someone close to you?” Odin asked.
“Yes he did and I kick his ass and my father brought him back.” Y/n answered.
“Your father.” Loki looks over at Y/n with his brows pulled together in a frown.
“Ant....Boot.” Y/n said teasing Loki softly.
“Oh.” Loki said with a blank stare and a paled face.
“Does he deserves punishment or not ?” Odin chimed in.
“Yes but-“
“Then it’s decided-“
“No. No. This can’t be the last time I’ll see him.”
Loki looks over at Y/n and see that black veins slowly starting to appear on the side of her neck.
Y/n, what is the matter
Nothing, I’m fine
“Let me have two weeks with him here on Asgard.” Y/n said not wanting to sound pushy.
“Giving you two weeks with Loki would give him happiness-“
“I’ll be in the dungeons with him.” Y/n said meaning the words more seriously than they sounded.
“You would do that.....” Odin said in curious tone. “.....for Loki?”
“Yes I would.” Y/n said firm persistence.
“Hmm.” With tap of the Gungnir, the doors open.
As the Einherjar Guards come in the throne room and takes Loki and they struggle to get him to leave.
“And what of Thor? You'll make that witless oaf king while I rot in chains?” Loki said with a rigid expression.
“Thor must strife to undo the damage you have done. He will bring order to the nine realms and then, yes. He will be king. “ Odin answered.
Loki looks at Odin and then Y/n as he gets drag away, then Odin looks over at Y/n.
“You can have your two weeks.” Odin announced. “You do not have to be in the dungeons with him.”
Y/n turns her head quickly to look at Odin. “What? why would you just-“
“Do you not want it?” Odin snapped.
Yes..yes I do thank you.” Y/n said sincerely.
“Frigga” Odin calls out for his wife.
Frigga walks into the throne. “Well if it isn’t Y/n Munroe, l am Frigga Queen of Asgard.”
Y/n turns around and see the Queen of Asgard. “Hello.”
Wow she is so beautiful
Frigga approached and took Y/n’s hand in hers and looks at her with a sweet smile. “We have so much to talk about.” Frigga said as she led Y/n away out.
“You are even more beautiful then I thought.” Frigga said with a voice soft with affection.
“No you are.” Y/n said with out missing a beat.
Frigga laughs. “Is this Midgard attire.” Frigga said with one hand spin Y/n around to see her full outfit.
“Oh yes it is.”
“It’s lovely your practically glowing like the morning sun my dear.” Frigga said with a smile.
“Thank you.” Y/n said returning he smile.
“Come dear there’s much we must do.”
Meanwhile Loki watches Frigga and Y/n walking and talking, unaware of the horrors that were occurring several stories below his feet.
“I can’t remember the last time Loki or Thor brought a friend home to meet us,” Frigga said to Y/n . “When a young man brings a young woman home to meet his parents…” Frigga began, implying a possible marriage between Y/n and Loki.
“Technically, I think we have only known each other for a month.” Y/n said, surprised to be having this conversation so soon.
“And if it were three million years, would that change how you feel?” Frigga asked.
Y/n thought on this.
It wouldn’t change one thing.
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“Beautiful golden sunlight shined down through the lush, vibrant forests of Vanaheim. Unlike Svartalfheim, the realm of Vanaheim was much more pleasant an environment. It was home to beautiful lakes and mountains, with vast fields of green spread out as far as the eye could see. But today, it was filled with danger and destruction.
The people of Vanaheim—known throughout the Nine Realms as the Vanir—raced through the forests as fast as they could. They were being chased by the Marauders, a race of space pirates—brutal invaders who were armed to the teeth and out for blood. Their sole purpose in life was to take what was not theirs, and destroy anything—and anyone—that stood in their way.
A frightened Vanir woman ran for her life but stumbled, falling down a riverbank just as a Marauder fired a massive fireball. It streaked above her head, impacting a nearby tree and causing it to burst into flames. As the woman regained her footing, she was confronted by a towering Marauder. He raised his razor-sharp ax, ready to strike, when suddenly a steel mace smashed the villain in the face, knocking him down, and knocking him out.
“Standing over the frightened woman was her savior—Hogun the Grim, of the famous Warriors Three. Hogun did not wait for a thank you, nor did he want one. The Marauders were running rampant across his home world, and Hogun was determined to stop them.
As more Vanir ran to safety, Hogun stood his ground—the only barrier between the fierce oncoming Marauders and the peaceful Vanir. The Asgardian warrior gripped his mace tightly and steeled himself, ready for what just might be the last battle of his life. With a skull-shattering roar, the Marauders charged, determined to crush Hogun and the rest of the Vanir people.
The lead Marauder raised his broadsword and swung, but his blade was deflected by another sword—the sword belonging to Fandral the Dashing, the second member of the mighty Warriors Three! Fandral, still handsome as ever despite the battle, rode through the charging Marauders on his white horse, knocking down one intruder after another until he was able to make his way to Hogun, flashing a smile the entire way.
“Do we have a plan?” Fandral asked his fellow Warrior as he flipped the lead Marauder off his horse and tossed.
“We stand and fight!” Hogun the Grim yelled.
Fandral rolled his eyes at his friend’s single-minded determination to fight. Then a loud Boom, Boom, Boom echoed throughout the trees. Fandral, Hogun, and the rest of the Vanir stopped in their tracks and turned their attention toward the deafening noise. It was coming from beyond the woods, and whatever was making the noise was big. Very big. The ground shook and trees fell with each sound as the unseen threat got closer and closer.
The Vanir did not follow Hogun’s orders to stay and fight, but instead quickly retreated into the woods. The idea also crossed Fandral’s mind.
“Have you considered ‘turn and run’?” Fandral asked, but Hogun only frowned in response. Then the grim warrior looked up and over the tree line and began to back away as well. Finding a Marauder’s horse without its rider, Hogun swung up into the saddle and galloped away. Fandral was close behind as explosions rang out throughout the woods. There would be time enough to fight later.
The two warriors quickly rode their horses into a clearing where the Marauders were fighting with a few of Asgard’s elite guards, the Einherjar, who had come to help the Vanir. Hogun and Fandral stopped before one of their Asgardian compatriots, the strong and beautiful Lady Sif, who was just as brave and tough as the Warriors Three.
Sif was on horseback, locked in furious battle with a dozen or so Marauders. Sif spun her bladed spear high over her head, taking down several of the barbarians, then split the spear in two, forming a magnificent blade for each hand.
Sif fought with fierce determination against the horde, but despite her resolve, she was gravely outnumbered. With all her might, she flipped off of her horse and delivered a powerful kick to one of the Marauders, sending him flying back past the third member of the Warriors Three, Volstagg the Voluminous.
“Volstagg—on your left!” Sif cried.
Without missing a beat, Volstagg swung his battle-ax at his attacker, striking him down with one fell swoop. And when another Marauder tried to attack him with a club, the voluminous one merely took the hit, then turned, broke the club in two, and backhanded the Marauder, sending him flying through the air. But all of this nonstop battling was beginning to take its toll on the excessively large warrior. Now out of breath, Volstagg made his way to a giant pile of timber where he could take a momentary break.
“What are you doing?” Sif yelled. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Here they were in a heated battle with villains known for decimating anything in their path, and one of the legendary Warriors Three was taking a breather.
“Giving them a moment…to regroup…only fair…” Volstagg said between long, labored breaths.
But no sooner did Volstagg stop to catch his breath than another horde of Marauders set their sights on the large warrior. They ran at him with their weapons drawn, but Volstagg merely kicked out the timber, causing it to collapse on and crush the approaching horde.
Volstagg gave himself a congratulatory grin, but it was short-lived, for just as he did, he was slashed across the back by a Marauder. He wasn’t as unstoppable or impenetrable as he thought. Nearby, Lady Sif wasn’t faring too much better. She was surrounded, and a Marauder from across the battlefield was aiming his crossbow at her head.
Just as the snickering Marauder was about to squeeze the trigger, a huge thunderclap echoed throughout the land, and with a bright, blinding light, the Bifrost—the way in which Asgardians traveled between the realms—fired down from the heavens into the center of the battlefield—and directly on top of the Marauder with the crossbow. Lady Sif raised her arm to shield her eyes from the spectacular blinding light and was just barely able to make out two Einherjar on horseback bursting from the glowing white column and charging into battle.
One of the Marauders used this commotion to sneak up behind Volstagg. He raised his sword high above his head, preparing to strike down the warrior, when a whizzing sound echoed from within the Bifrost. As the light died down and the smoke began to clear, the sound intensified. Suddenly, an object rocketed out of the Bifrost, sliced across the battlefield at supersonic speed, and slammed into its target: the Marauder who was about to strike down Volstagg.
The Marauder flew through the air and kept on flying. And flying. Volstagg turned, and upon investigation made out the object that had saved his life. It was the most famous weapon in all the Nine Realms. It was Mjolnir.”
The powerful hammer, which was forged in the heart of a dying star and used by only he who is worthy, hovered in midair before speeding back across the battlefield to the hand of its wielder—the mighty Thor!
Thor, Prince of Asgard and son of Odin Allfather, emerged from the light of the Bifrost looking battle-worn but still majestic, and the sight of him instantly gave the Warriors Three, the Einherjar, and the Vanir a renewed sense of hope. Now that Thor was here, they were sure to defeat the Marauders. But Lady Sif felt that she didn’t need Thor’s help to win the day.
“Shouldn’t you be battling trolls in Nornheim?” Sif said with a scowl.
“I ran out of trolls,” Thor said with a charming smile. “Heimdall said these Marauders were giving you trouble,” he added.
“I have this completely under control,” Sif retorted.
Thor surveyed the battlefield. “Is that why everything is on fire?”
“You think you can do better?” Sif challenged with a smile.
“It would be a challenge to do worse,” Thor said dryly before being surprise-attacked by two extra-big and extra-tough Marauders. Sif rolled her eyes in response, then joined her friend in battle.
Soon, Thor and Sif were joined by Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg. As the battle raged on, Thor used Mjolnir to take out multiple Marauders at once. And when one Marauder thought he might be able to seize the hammer by grabbing on to it, the hammer simply pulled the invader through the air, right to Thor’s waiting fist.
Thor, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three fought bravely against the menacing Marauders, each one helping their fellow Asgardians. When one Marauder shot an arrow at Thor’s head, Sif jumped into the air and raised her shield to block the attack. And when another fired a rocket launcher–like device, Thor valiantly deflected the blast with his mighty hammer, the impact from which knocked them all to the ground—hard.
“As the Asgardians got back to their feet, they heard the same Boom, Boom, Boom sound that Fandral and Hogun had heard earlier. Whatever it was that was making that sound was much closer now. And the Marauders were getting ready for it. They parted the battlefield to make way, and the heroes looked up over the tree line and finally saw the cause of the sound.”
“A giant Kronan stone monster, made entirely of rock and standing fifteen feet tall, loomed before Thor and the Warriors Three. He held a massive metal club and looked down upon the Asgardians with contempt. The monster was about to crush their bones into dust.
“All yours,” Sif said to Thor as she and the Warriors Three began to back away. The Marauders cheered. This was the fight they had been waiting for! Surely nothing could stop their stone man, not even the Mighty Thor. The rock monster smashed his club into the ground and let out a thunderous roar, signaling the start of the battle.”
“I accept your surrender,” Thor said, but the monster only raised its club higher, preparing to strike. But Thor was ready. Holding Mjolnir by the strap, Thor began to spin his hammer. It spun faster and faster and faster until it was nothing but a blur and Thor was rocketed off the ground in flight. The monster roared again as Thor, flying with his arm outstretched and all the might of Mjolnir in front of him, launched himself directly at the great beast. There was a deafening Choom as the hammer connected with the creature, then a blinding explosion. The Marauders looked up in disbelief and their cheering stopped. Chunks of rock rained from the sky as the monster’s feet stumbled backward, disconnected from its body, which no longer existed. The upper half of the stone man had been completely obliterated by Thor.
“The Son of Odin gripped Mjolnir tightly and turned with a scowl toward the rest of the Marauders. Almost in union, the remaining Marauders dropped their weapons and raised their hands in surrender. The battle was over.
“Next time we should just start with the big one,” Fandral said with a smile.”
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Fresh Start part 5
Sorry if i have the college parts wrong, I’m from Australia and don’t know much about American College culture, but this is fiction right?! :) 
Warning: mentions of rape and physical abuse.
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You woke up in the morning early, showered and washed your hair; it was all sticky from the dancing you and the ADA had done the night before. When you got out, you dried yourself and wrapped yourself in a towel. You checked the clock, it was 8 am; you had one and half hours to get organised. Seemed simple right, wrong. After going through every draw in your tall boy, you pulled out your favourite pair of dark blue skinny ankle jeans and put them on. You loved these jeans; they made your ass look amazing and were so comfortable. You looked through your shirts; most of them were work shirts. Then you came across a white cold shoulder t shirt, it was your first time wearing it. You made a mental note to buy more “going out shirts” if this was going to be a regular thing, which you really hoped it was going to be. You looked yourself over in the mirror and you didn’t look too bad. You then went in and dried your hair, leaving it out straight for a change, put on just a little bit of makeup for colour and some perfume. You walked to your shoes and picked up your most comfortable pair of flats and once again weren't work ones and put them on, followed by your jean jacket. You looked at yourself once more before grabbing your wallet, keys, putting your badge in your front jean pocket, your phone in your back pocket, quickly grabbing a cold top tart and walked out the door to get a cab.
20 minutes later you arrived to where the horse carriages were, you paid, got out and scanned the side walk, that’s when you seen him, in light blue tight fitted jeans, a navy jumper and a white polo shirt collar poking out with a nice pair of navy boat shoes, you could smell his cologne from where he was standing, you loved his smell so much. He spotted you, smiled brightly and walked towards you.
“Morning Mr Barba, glad you didn’t disappoint.” You said with a cheeky smile
He looked at you with a big smile on his face, lent over and kissed you on the cheek while placing a hand on your hip.
“Morning Y/N, please today I’m Raf.” You giggled as he started to walk off to the park gates, you couldn’t help but look as his bum in those tight jeans, wow you thought to yourself. You where so used to seeing him in suit with his jacket usually on hiding everything. He turned around and caught you staring; he smiled, “Coming?” You nodded with red cheeks and headed towards him.
As you walked through the park you asked each other questions to get to know each other. You heard about his mother and grandmother, his upbringing, studies and how he made his way up to ADA and working with SVU. He heard about your home life and getting to this point. It was nice, just talking to someone that wanted to know you, know how you ticked. He was amazed by you. You sounded so wise, like you had been here before, but you were so clam, soft and kind, he hoped you never lost that, working with SVU was hard; he had seen so many things that haunted him. He found out that you didn’t have much jewellery, was because it wasn’t something you brought for yourself, you only wore pieces you had gotten as gifts from your Mum and family for different occasions. You laughed and teased each other, it just felt so right. So comfortable, it just worked. You had never clicked so much with someone of the opposite sex as you did with Rafael.
“It’s so beautiful in here.” He nodded at you. “Hungry? It’s getting late, should we go and get lunch?” You nodded, “Follow me.” He said and you both started to walk out of the park shoulder to shoulder. Just as you got to the gate, you had just finished laughing at something funny he said when your phone started to buzz, you took it out of your back pocket, “Sorry its Liv, I better take this” he gave you a small smile as he knew this, whatever this was, was about to come to an end. Way to kill the mood Liv he thought to himself
“Y/N, I’m sorry to call you on a day off, but I need you at the prescient now.”
“Um ok Liv, I’ll be there in 20.”
“Thanks Y/N sorry again.”
You hung up the phone, and looked up at Rafael standing there looking out into the traffic;
“Raf, I’m so sor.....”
He cut you off before you could finish by placing his hand around your wrist, “it’s Ok, I of all people know what the job can be like. I’ll just have to buy you lunch another day.” He said with a small shy hopeful smile.
You giggled, you lent in and kissed him on the cheek, him still holding on to the wrist, “Thank you so much for today, it didn’t disappoint, I had a really good time with you Rafael. And Yes rain check on lunch for sure”, he pulled you in for a hug and then peaked you on the cheek. You pulled away looking straight into his eyes smiling, you were nose to nose, but you didn’t have time for this right now you had to get to the station. You turned out of his embrace, walked the curb and waved down a taxi; you jumped in and shut the door and waved bye to him.
Rafael let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “You idiot, you should of kissed her, she was RIGHT there” he screamed inside his head. What if he never had a chance to make a more like that again? When he seen you walk towards him before going into the park, he couldn’t stop staring, how could he, you looked amazing in everything you wore, work cloths, ball gowns and casual clothes. You knew how to match things together, which just looked amazing. He caught you staring at him, he smiled to himself as he remembered your face when he turned around and caught you. He loved your laugh, your giggle, your quick wit and how wise you seemed, he loved that you loved old music, reading and theatre. He loved the little kisses on his cheek and how you never pulled away from his touch. He was disappointed the day had to end, but he knew too well about the job you had.
Deep in sleep, he rolled over to his phone buzzing; he looked at his clock on his bedside table with 1 eye slightly open, 1 am. He picked it up half asleep, “Hello”
“Barba, you were sleeping? It’s Nick, your needed down here now.” And he hung up. He jumped out of bed put on his jeans and polo and then a jacket and ran out the door grabbing a cab. When he walked into SVU he saw craziness, people everywhere, was it always like this, this time of night? Liv walked out of her office, “Barba, Sorry we had to call you at this hour, but we have a situation and we needed you.” She walked back into her office, him following close behind. He walked in to both blinds up on the two ways in her office. Fin and Amanda where in one room with some college kid that held his head in his hands with Fin standing over him and what looked like Amanda yelling at him. Then he looked over to the other window and saw Nick and you, with another guy, also looked like he was from college with his arms crossed and looking down at the table. When he seen you standing next to the table, he was shocked. Your hair was tied up messy, your make up run around your eyes, your face slightly reddened, what looked like a split lip which was bloody and swollen, you had a NYPD singlet top on tucked into your jeans so it didn’t look too big and what looked like finger and hand print marks around both your arms. Liv turned on the intercom.
“YOU TRIED TO TAG TEAM ME. You ripped my shirt off, which was new by the way. You thought I was just some pledge girl. If you did it to me, how many other girls have you done it to? What would you have done to be if I didn’t break free when I did HUH?.......You better start talking Mate, you and your friend are in a lot of trouble.” You snarled.
“What the HELL happened?” he spat at Liv frowning at her.
Liv went on to tell him that a young college girl came in this morning saying she had been rapped last night during a party for hell week at college. She had to ask a guy for a photo of his privates to prove she could belonged, the guy agreed, then started to hit on her, and then another one of his friends joined, they put a rush on the DNA and to was positive match for these two guys. The young lady told her that there was another party that night with more pledges to be made, so she put you and Nick in as under cover and you had to act the part and see if these guys would do it again.
Barba put a hand over his face and sighed.
“Why does Y/N look like that? She is a mess! Her lip is split and, is that....is that hand marks around her arms?” He said through gritted teeth, taking in deep breath threw his nose. He had to try and put his feelings aside for a minute and act professional. He had a great morning with you, that she interrupted with this case, just to put you under cover at some party, for you to get held down and bashed, he was pretty sure you would of have more fun with him.
Liv looked down, “Uh....Nick couldn’t get to her in time when we told him to go, she had a wire and a camera in her earrings. There were just too many people to get past, she was back handed by this kid when she wouldn’t stop screaming and she was held down by the other kid, quite hard as you can see by the marks. They ripped her shirt off, if she didn’t break free when she did, things could have been very different. Lucky she remembered her training, broke free to pull her gun on them just as Nick and all of us ran in.”
He looked down at his shoes, “Liv, it’s her second week, hell it’s just the end of her first and you put her under cover?”
“She did a great job Rafa, we were watching the whole time, and Nick just couldn’t get past everyone when he needed to. And she was the only one that looked the part.”
“You put her in danger, Nick put her in danger. Just because she looks young. I need to see the tapes of what happened, NOW. I hope she didn’t take any pictures.”
3 am you and Nick walked out of the interview room, the kid asked for a lawyer and they were being arraigned in the morning. You went straight to Liv’s couch and sat down with a huff, Nick followed sitting next to you.
“I’m really sorry I didn’t get to you in time. I would never want anything to happen to you.”
“So you should be.” You both looked up to see Barba, less than impressed, with his hands on his hips. Nick rolled his eyes, “No one asked you Counsellor.” You put your hand around Nicks arm to claim him down.
“You both need to relax. No harm was done.”
“Look at your lip and the marks on your arms.” Barba snapped
“Evidence” Nick spat back
Liv walked in, “The young lady that came in this morning said she will testify if Y/N does.”
“You need to get home get some sleep and be back at my office by midday tomorrow I need to prep you and her, be prepared for long afternoon Detective.”
“Yes Counsellor.” You said as you stood up. 
“I’ll get her home” said Nick as you both walked out of the office.
You had just walked through your door when your phone buzzed, “what now” you said to yourself out load;
4 am; Barba: Sorry if I was too snappy at you, i was worried when I found out what happened to you. Hope your Ok. See you at Midday, my office. Get some rest.
4.03 am; You: All good, see you then.
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rainandhotchocolate · 5 years
About Last Night - P2
A/N So i know I have a million other requests but I’m a sucker for this story sooooo here’s part 2222 lel enjoy!!
Mon 12:00pm
Sirius ~ So before I read the weekend news, should I be worried about seeing any murders I was supposed to be involved in? ~
Y/N ~ Don’t worry I planted your fingertips everywhere so they’ll know you were involved as well ~
Sirius ~ Oh thank god, I needed something to destroy my reputation ~
Y/N ~ And what reputation is that? ~
Sirius ~ Oh you know, cool edgy creative writing major with a soft side ™ ~
Y/N ~ Dear god you’re one of them :O ~
Sirius ~ Ur DiffEReNT thAN OthER giRlS ~
Y/N ~ **Blocked**
Sirius ~ I sincerely hope you know I was joking ~
Y/N ~ I guess I’ll have to find out :P What are you up to today? ~
Sirius ~ Well apart from giving my alibi to police, I have about 3 hours of classes today and an essay due ~
Y/N ~ Wow, that sounds like a super fun day – any good classes? ~
Sirius ~ Yeah I’m enjoying my lit class at the moment, we are doing genre fiction at the moment so looking into how writers create worlds, even within our own world, and why genre fiction is so looked down upon in literature society ~
~ and now that I’ve typed that out I am realising that it probably doesn’t sound wildly interesting ~
Y/N ~ Hahaha nah it does! That would be cool to learn about, I’m a sucker for genre fiction tbh, could never read the classics ~
Sirius ~ That just means you never found a good classic 😉 – What kinda stuff do you read? ~
Y/N ~ look I want no judgement here… I honestly mostly read fantasy/ sci-fi ~
Sirius ~ Have you read Dune?? ~
Y/N ~ Yes !!! Holy shit such a good series !! ~
Sirius ~ I’ve been trying to get my mates to read it for a LIFETIME its so good ~
Y/N ~ I would have thought Remus would have read them? He’s always got a new book with him ~
Sirius ~ I didn’t know you knew Remus as well? But yeah, he in theory would but he also has a long list of to reads and wants to go through them one after another ~
Y/N ~ Yeah, he studies with Lily a lot and I sometimes join them 😊. Also jesus that’s commitment, I’m usually picking up another book whilst I’m halfway through another ~
Sirius ~ I have no idea how he does it, if I’m being honest, if I hate a book I just don’t finish it (please don’t tell my literary friends I told you that, I would be killed in my sleep) ~
Y/N ~ Haha your secret is safe with me – imo I reckon that’s the best way to read, like why force yourself through something just because it’s a classic or whatever, I feel like that’s why so many people don’t read a lot you know? ~
Sirius ~ Completely! I actually just realised I have no idea what you study? ~
Y/N ~ Ahh that’s because I’ve been avoiding the question ~
Sirius ~ It can’t be worse than creative writing – I won’t even get a job after uni ~
Y/N ~ Oh believe me, it is. I study communications ~
Sirius ~ Oh dear lord you are every white girl who ever existed ~
Y/N ~ I know, I’m perpetuating the stereotype its very disappointing tbh ~
Sirius ~ So is that where you work then? ~
Y/N ~ Wow you remember a lot haha yeah, I’m doing an internship in social media management, it’s surprisingly soul-sucking ~
Sirius ~ Is that surprising… 😉 ~
Y/N ~ I mean, that was thinly veiled sarcasm haha but it’s actually not all bad, the strategy behind content etc is actually pretty interesting, and I’m working for an eco-friendly company so at least I get to come up with cool environmental memes ~
Sirius ~ Ahh yes, hit the youth with the memes ~
Y/N ~ See, you’re learning the comms ways already ~
 Thurs 11:28pm
Y/N ~ Whats ya facebook? ~
Sirius ~ Uhhh… Sirius Black? It’s not wildly hard to find, why? ~
Y/N ~ I’m gonna be real, I would like to stalk you ~
Sirius ~ Is this Y/N? ~
Y/N ~ :O ok you’ve known Y/N like 2 days how did you guess that ~
Sirius ~ Cause this message felt like one of those old school msn ‘my friend hacked me !!!’ ~
Y/N ~ You’re a smart boi, Black ~
Sirius ~ thank you kindly stranger ~
 Fri 6:45 am
Sirius ~ Why on earth are you awake right now ~
Y/N ~ Because my body never allows me to sleep in ~
Sirius ~ how rude, also don’t worry I accepted your Facebook request so you can stalk all you want 😉 ~
Y/N ~ Literally am going to stab Marlene ~
Sirius ~ At least she’s up front ~
Y/N ~ Wait why are you awake rn? ~
Sirius ~ James wants to make the firsts soccer team at uni and has decided I must train with him ~
Y/N ~ Well that’s gross ~
Sirius ~ Couldn’t have said that better myself ~
Y/N ~ so what does this training consist of ~
Sirius ~ Mainly James trying to shoot balls at my head as I attempt to goal keep ~
Y/N ~ Can’t see that ending well ~
Sirius ~ Excuse you, I happen to be VERY athletic. I am a multisided human being thanks ~
Y/N ~ I am so sorry to have placed my predisposed ideas on you ☹ pls forgive ~
Sirius ~ I will have to think about it – right now James wanted me to do suicides and I must go into hiding ~
Y/N ~ Godspeed ~
Sun 2:58pm
Y/N ~ Ok I know I promised not to stalk, but what the fuck is going on in this picture ~
~ file ~
Sirius ~ oh no no no no no no no no ~
Y/N ~ ehheheheheheheheh ~
Sirius ~ I really thought my privacy settings were better than this ~
Y/N ~ Yeah this was very easy to find ~
Sirius ~ I’m going to kill James ~
Y/N ~ You can’t blame james for this beauty ~
Sirius ~ Oh I really can, he decided it would be hilarious for us to have a photoshoot when I was completely trashed one night. And then proceeded to post everything and tag me ~
Y/N ~ James sounds like a fun night out ~
Sirius ~ I wouldn’t say that to lily ~
Y/N ~ What she doesn’t know won’t kill her 😉 ~
Sirius ~ You are slyer than I thought ~
Y/N ~ I think I’m going to frame this photo and place it all over your uni ~
Sirius ~ You wouldn’t ~
Y/N ~ You may need to convince me otherwise ~
Sirius ~ Anything to avoid that embarrassment in my life ~
Y/N ~ Perhaps you’ll just have to owe me for sparing you ~
Sirius ~ I think that’s a fair deal – what about a coffee? ~
Y/N ~ I think a coffee or two would be a fair trade off :P ~
Sirius ~ Well I have the most disgusting week of midterms but perhaps on the weekend? ~
Y/N ~ Sounds LIT ~
Sirius ~ You’ve just made me regret inviting you anywhere ~
Y/N ~ That’s what I’m here for 😉 ~
 Wed 3:07pm
Sirius ~ Bit of a creepy question, but did I see you at uni today? Navy Skirt, Black Jumper, & tights?
Y/N ~ Wow you really observe an outfit don’t you ~
Sirius ~ I mean I noticed the outfit cause I thought it looked good and then I realised it was you and so it stuck in my head ~
~ in a less creepy way ~
~ in fact let me just completely start over – were you at uni today? I think I saw you! ~
Y/N ~ Maybe, what was I wearing? ~
Sirius ~ I hate you ~
Y/N ~ 😉 Well to answer your question, yes I was at uni – it was Lily and I’s weekly cheap lunch date ~
Sirius ~ Classy ladies you two are ~
Y/N ~ Couldn’t describe us better myself ~
Sirius ~ Oh by the way, are you going to Remus’ party this Friday? ~
Y/N ~ Mmmm I was thinking about it, why? ~
Sirius ~ No reason, I just knew Lily was invited and he mentioned inviting some of her friends ~
Y/N ~ Mmmm, yeah he told Lily to bring Marlene and me along, unsure though as Lily is particularly annoyed at James this week and he will of course be there and be annoying ~
Sirius ~ What if I can promise he won’t annoy her? ~
Y/N ~ I really don’t think you should make a promise you can’t keep :P ~
Sirius ~ Ah, you underestimate me! James has to go home this weekend to see his parents so he won’t actually be there ~
Y/N ~ This is a very interesting development – we may reconsider ~
Sirius ~ Well Remus does throw a great party ~
Y/N ~ DO you actually know what James did anyway? She usually likes to rant about it but she’s been shut in her room the past 2 days ~
Sirius ~ Honestly I’m not sure, James has been unprecedently quiet as well ~
Y/N ~ Hmmm how odd ~
Sirius ~ Indeed it is ~
 Friday 4:42pm
Y/N ~ What are you guys wearing tonight? ~
Marlene ~ Not sure, I’m torn between a velour tracksuit or the classic Canadian tuxedo ~
Lily ~ Both very classy options ~
Marlene ~ You know me, go hard or go hard ~
Y/N ~ You’re both incredibly unhelpful ~
Marlene ~ Worried about meeting a certain dark haired texter? ~
Y/N ~ Am I not allowed to want my best friends’ help on my outfits?? ~
Marlene ~ I mean I can’t help you look hot if I don’t know who its for 😉 ~
Lily ~ God forbid she looks hot for herself ~
Marlene ~ Hey, you’ve gotta play to your audience ~
Y/N ~ How would you even know what he likes ~
Lily ~ She stalked him around campus yesterday ~
Y/N ~ um MARLENE ~
Marlene ~ I just wanted to know his style, habits, if he was a psycho killer ~
Lily ~ She has a point, if he’s as annoying as James we have to protect you at all costs ~
Marlene ~ We need to make sure she isn’t sucked in by his serial killer prowess ~
Y/N ~ You’re making me sound like prey ~
Marlene ~ 😉 ~
Y/N ~ How did you even stalk him, Lily has no classes with him ~
Marlene ~ I have my ways ~
Lily ~ She flirted with the office assistant until she gave her Sirius’ schedule ~
Y/N ~ You minx ~
Marlene ~ No one can resist my charms ~
Lily ~ That is yet to be determined actually ~
Y/N ~ very true Lils, we’ve never met anyone you’ve dated yet ~
Marlene ~ Sooooo not the point, and we’ve gone off topic! How are you going to wow Mr Black ~
Y/N ~ That is 100% not what I asked ~
Lily ~ you may as well have ~
Y/N ~ You both suck ~
Lily ~ Wear that flowy black dress you refuse to ever wear!! ~
Y/N ~ ugh but it’s a casual party ~
Marlene ~ Who gives a shit, stand out ~
Lily ~ He’ll be drooling ~
Y/N ~ I don’t need him to drool I just want to make a good first impression ~
Marlene ~ Aha the truth finally comes out ~
Y/N ~ if you were actually in your dorm I’d be hitting the roof with a broomstick rn ~
Lily ~ Where are you?? ~
Marlene ~ Where do you think 😉 ~
Lily ~ Not the office assistant ~
Marlene ~ 😉 ~
Lily ~ How!? I was with you the whole time, you never exchanged numbers ~
Marlene ~ Exchanging numbers doesn’t have to be an oral task… unlike other things 😉 ~
Y/N ~ We get it, your sexual prowess is above all of us ~
Lily ~ I’m honestly impressed, she was cute ~
Marlene ~ I’m offended you’d be impressed tbh ~
Y/N ~ Ok so you are both coming over to my house in an hour to dress and intoxicate me ~
Lily ~ Deal ~
Marlene ~ Maybe give me an extra 30 mins 😊 ~
Taglist:  @averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511 @imlukesnirvana @avengersassemblee @maraudersandco @sly-vixen-up2nogood @katbernoulli @sirius-lysad @evyiione @minerva26love @aikeia @gollyderek @greatwombatblaze  @songforhema  @your-typical-giggle
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anubislover · 5 years
“A Heart to be Used as Needed” Chapter 2
Of all the things Law hated about being Doflamingo’s right-hand man, dressing the part was near the top of the list. The black feathered jacket was a painful reminder of the man who had tried and failed to save him from his psychotic brother’s clutches. It didn’t matter whether he wore an expensive suit or stark naked underneath, the mantle weighed on his shoulders like Seastone shackles.
Once Joker was dead, he’d take great pleasure in burning the damn thing.
Rolling up the sleeves of his mustard yellow dress shirt, he took a deep, fortifying breath, mentally reminding himself that it would all be over once he crushed the Heavenly Demon’s twisted heart beneath the heel of his boot. Lazy, arrogant smirk firmly in place, he firmly knocked on the throne room door, respectfully waiting for his boss’ leave before sauntering in.
“Doffy,” Law greeted, hand raised in a casual wave, “I hear you had to crush Baby-ya’s dreams of wedded bliss again.”
“Aw, come on, kid,” Doflamingo chuckled, pouring them both a generous glass of brandy. The red glow of the setting sun glinted off his sunglasses, his wide grin full of maniacal humor. “I was doing her a favor! You should have seen her latest ‘groom’; the guy had more wrinkles than Lao G!”
The Dark Doctor laughed, accepting the crystal snifter. As much as he loathed sharing a friendly drink with the man, he could at least appreciate that Joker never compromised on the alcohol’s quality. He made a mental note to pour some into the bastard’s open wounds before he killed him. “I believe you! She really does have horrible taste, doesn’t she?”
“Fuffuffuffuffu, you got that right! It was kind of cute, at first, but’s starting to lose its charm.”
“And here I’d assumed you considered androcide a hobby.”
Flopping backwards into a large, plush chair, Doflamingo crossed his long legs with a shrug, taking a sip of his own drink. The chair would have been a loveseat for an average human, but the former World Noble’s massive frame basically turned it into an armchair. “Eh, killing those guys is too easy to be any real fun, and it just about breaks my heart seeing her cry over it.”
“Then it’s a good thing you didn’t see her earlier; poor thing was an absolute wreck when she came sobbing into my lab. Completely ruined my shirt. Maybe I should remove her tear ducts.”
That earned him a sharp cackle. “While you’re at it, see if you could surgically insert some goddamn standards. I swear, each new ‘boyfriend’ is worse than the last. This time, I actually had to use my powers she was so bent out of shape! She needs to realize that I’m looking out for her best interests. None of those peons deserved her.”
Swirling the amber liquid thoughtfully, Law lounged in the Heart Seat. For all its red velvet cushions, the gaudy throne felt no more comfortable than it had when he’d first been shackled to it at fourteen, but after ten years, it was easier to pretend. “Honestly, I couldn’t agree more. The problem is, she’d got this idea in her head that marriage will make her happy, and with her compulsion to be needed, she jumps at every perceived proposal she hears. After all, what could a man possibly need more than wife?” he asked sarcastically.
“Well, that’s a spot-on diagnosis, doc; you got any suggestions for a cure?”
Taking a swig of brandy, he savored the silken burn as it slid down his throat. It was well-aged and smooth, with a few notes of smoke and sweetness; the perfect drink to accompany his plan. “I do,” Law replied with a grin, setting aside his snifter to lace his fingers together. “Let her get married to a man of your choosing.”
Doflamingo sat up straighter in his seat, eyes narrowing behind his sunglasses. “Are you fucking kidding me, Law?”
Despite the sharp edge of anger in his boss’ tone, the young Corazon simply smiled. “Not at all. As much as she wants to get married, she desperately craves your approval. If you chose her next beau, she’d be absolutely over the moon and we can put all this nonsense to rest.”
“Well, unfortunately, there’s no one worthy of our little Baby 5,” he said stubbornly, crossing his arms and hunching over in an exaggerated pout like a spoiled child who’d been told to share his toys.
“No, but you could at least pair her with someone you trust,” he coaxed. Though psychotic and selfish, after over a decade working for the man, Law knew how to gently lure him to the conclusion he desired. “Someone who wouldn’t take advantage of her. Someone who could reign her in and ensure her loyalty never strays from the Family. Specifically, someone to keep her in the Family.”
Intrigued, the giant man relaxed in his throne. “Ah, now I get it. Fuffuffuffuffu, you had me worried for a sec! I should have known you’d never try to drive Baby away from us. A sweet, precious little thing like her needs our protection.”
Yes, the woman who can turn into a literal arsenal needs protecting, Law thought sarcastically, though his smile never faltered. “I’d never even consider such a thing. You know I’ve got a soft spot for her, Doffy; we’ve been friends since childhood.”
“A soft spot is right! I’ve seen you rip out Giolla’s heart just for commenting on how tired you look, but when Baby slaps you, at worse she gets dismembered for a few hours. I’ve never even had to order you to put her back together.”
“That’s because unlike Giolla, Baby 5’s disrespectful outbursts come from a place of love, like a mother scolding an uppity child.” Allowing his expression to soften, Law absently gazed out the window as he continued, “On top of that, her compassionate displays bank up enough good karma that I can’t stay mad for long. After all, no one else brings me onigiri or bullies me to get some sleep when I’ve been cooped up in my lab for days. So yeah, if it keeps someone else from getting their filthy hands on her, I’d gladly give her the wedding of her dreams.”
Stretching his long arms before linking the fingers behind his head, Doflamingo sniggered. “How sweet. Ok, I’ll bite; who would you suggest as the groom? Pica? Buffalo?”
Though he kept his expression strategically banal, inside Law was crowing. Joker was reacting exactly as he’d predicted, and he’d already prepared a response for every man he might suggest. “Pica’s too volatile and Buffalo’s almost as impulsive as she is. She needs someone who can handle her violent mood swings and bring her to heel. Besides, I’d hate to waste such a beauty on them.”
“Harsh, but fair. Hate to say it, but that really limits our options. Vergo fits the bill, but he’s a bit preoccupied with the Navy, and I can’t trust that she wouldn’t run off to be with him and blow his cover.” Rubbing his chin, Doflamingo mentally ran down his list of subordinates. “How about Senor Pink? Baby 5 and the guy who dresses like a baby!” he laughed, tongue lolling out.
Internally scowling at the bad joke, Law shook his head. “The man’s dressed like that to honor his late wife for years; remarrying won’t do his mental state any favors, nor hers.”
“Yeah, guess you’re right. Gladius?”
“I don’t trust that he wouldn’t blow her up if they got into an argument. Baby-ya’s feisty, and I doubt he’d show the same restraint I do if she ever slapped him.”
The shichibukai raised an eyebrow at the nickname. It had been an intentional slip, something to lead Joker to the conclusion he needed. “Kid, quit beating around the bush. Fun as it is acting like a pair of matchmaking old biddies, you never would have suggested this if you didn’t already have someone in mind. Out with it.”
Taking a deep breath through his nose, Law finally stated, “Me.”
This time, there was no laughter from Doflamingo. No snide comment. Just a tense pause as the two pirates stared each other down.
“You’re serious.”
“I am. I’ll even say it plainly; I want Baby 5.”
Uncrossing his legs and resting his elbows on his knees, he scoffed at his Corazon. “Law, you’ve always been a realist; you know you’ve only got so many years left to live, and you’ve acted accordingly.” Recalling the first time he’d taken his young protégée to a gentleman’s club, he chuckled. He’d felt like a proud papa watching the teen saunter off to one of the private rooms with a beautiful woman on each arm and a damn attractive man in tow. By the time they left the next morning, none of Law’s partners had been in any state to move. “When you’re not down in your lab, you’re fucking whoever you please. Hell, even I’m impressed with the number of notches on your belt at your age! So, considering how marriage tends to clash with your lifestyle, what’s got you suddenly looking to settle down?” he asked, blonde eyebrow raised in suspicion.
This was where Law would have to tread carefully. He knew how out-of-character his proposal seemed; on top of regularly inviting scantily dressed partners to his chambers, everyone knew that if Trafalgar Law vanished suddenly, he’d reappear in no more than a week, hungover and reeking of sex, drugs, and blood. In reality, though the sex was a great stress-reliever, those wild benders also gave him the perfect cover whenever he had to disappear for a few days to carry out one of the more clandestine aspects of his plan. A committed relationship, much less marriage, would put a damper on that.
Yet if it led to the Heavenly Demon’s painful and humiliating downfall, it was a sacrifice he was willing to make. Staring at his glass in contemplation, Law replied, “I’ve been thinking about the future. The Perennial Youth surgery has been difficult to research, and even harder to practice, but I’m confident that I’ll figure it out in due time. After everything you’ve done for me, I owe you that much. But that’s got me wondering; eternal youth isn’t the same as immortality. You could, theoretically, still be killed. Possibly even get sick or poisoned. Unfortunately, I won’t be there to help you, and genius like mine is hard to come by. So, why not pass down my genetics and ensure you’ll still have a medical prodigy even after I’m gone? Maybe even your next Corazon?”
“And you want to have that with Baby 5?”
“She’s gorgeous, biddable, and feisty enough to not bore me. More than that, with her unfortunate childhood, I can guarantee she’ll be a doting and protective mother yet won’t stand in your way when you choose to take the kid under your wing. Really, I couldn’t ask for a better option.”
Law could see the wheels in Doflamingo’s head turning. He’s chosen his words very carefully—fatherhood might potentially give the doomed doctor something to live for, but it just as easily created an exploitable weakness. A baby would give Joker extra leverage, something to hold hostage or threaten should the Surgeon of Death appear to have second thoughts about performing the surgery.
Of course, Law had no intention of producing such an asset. He’d sterilize himself and Baby 5 if need be. No child of his would be twisted in Joker’s sick image.
The Heavenly Demon studied him thoughtfully, his gaze intense even through his sunglasses, chin resting on his entwined fingers. “That’s all true, but I’m surprised; with how long you’ve known each other, I’d assumed you thought of her like a sister or something.”
The Dark Doctor’s grin was lecherous, gold eyes hooded as he replied, “I can assure you, I’d never think of my sister the way I’ve thought about Baby-ya.”
“It’s the maid outfit, isn’t it?” he chortled, tongue lolling out to sweep lewdly across his lips. “And here I’d thought you had a thing for nurses.”
Smug, lecherous grin in place, Law winked. “Oh, those are nice, but my real kink is short uniforms and obedience.”
“And Baby 5 has an abundance of both. That doesn’t mean I’m on board with this. No offense, but you’re not the type of guy I trust to respect the bonds or marriage.” Though he remained smiling, there was little pleasure in the expression—more like a threatening baring of teeth. “If you cheated on her, I’d have to start removing some pretty specific body parts, and don’t think I’d let you reattach them.”
It was a vivid, yet not unexpected threat, so Law didn’t even flinch. Instead, he donned a playful grin. “Oh, come on, Doffy; haven’t I been a good boy? You’ve been dressing her up like a pinup since we hit puberty, parading her around like the most delicious forbidden fruit I could imagine, and I never so much as took a bite because I respected your authority. I mean, with how obsessed you’ve been with keeping her pure as virgin snow, part of me assumed you were saving her for yourself.”
It was a dangerous idea to put in the shichibukai’s head, but one Law didn’t trust Vergo or Trebol not to suggest just to spite their fellow executive. It was no secret that the Club Seat and former Corazon held no shortage of jealousy towards him, and if they had any idea that he coveted Baby 5, whether they knew his ultimate plan or not, they’d do their best to interfere. This way, he could at least nudge Doflamingo away from such thoughts.
As he considered it, his threatening expression relaxed. With a single gulp he finished off his glass of brandy, grabbing the bottle to pour himself a generous refill. “Yeah, I’ve thought about doing her.” Lounging against the couch, his lips stretched into a lecherous grin, long tongue swiping over his gleaming teeth. “Hot little thing like that, all bright eyes and tasty curves…but Baby gets attached too easily. Fucking her means your bachelor lifestyle is dead, since she’d probably kill any other woman you even looked at.”
Pleased that his plan was still on track, Law felt the tension in his spine melt away. “Exactly; I’m not blind to what I’m getting into. Hell, I thought you’d be thrilled—since I won’t be wasting time chasing tail, I’ll be able to devote more of it to my research. No need for week-long benders when I’ve got wifey waiting for me at home.”
Leaning back, Doflamingo threaded his fingers together in thought. “Alright, Law, say I am considering your proposal; I’ve got a few stipulations.”
“Name them.”
“One, if you’re insisting on marrying her, you’re gonna be the best damn husband she could ask for. No cheating, fucking about, or even flirting with men, women, or anyone else. And definitely no more drug-fueled benders—gotta set a good example for the kids, right?”
“Of course.” Much as he did enjoy his bursts of rebellious freedom, he’d easily made peace with giving it up. The drugs had long lost their thrill, barely even having an effect on him anymore. Violence he could still enjoy in the lab or even on missions for Joker. As for the sex…
With how eager to please Baby 5 was, he doubted it would even take long to train her up to be the perfect lover, submissive and pliant, ready for him whenever he desired. On top of having her warm his bed every night, it’d be so easy to call her down to the lab and put that hot little mouth to use, or corner her in a dark hallway for a quickie.
“Two, I’m gonna need your timeline for getting me Law 2.0.”
The request pulled Law from his lustful thoughts, reminding him to focus on the task at hand. “Though I’m sure she’s plenty fertile on her own, I have plans to develop a drug to increase the chance of twins; that way, the odds will be in our favor of getting another medical genius. On top of that, I need to study mine and Baby-ya’s genetic material and physiologies to ensure our Devil Fruit powers won’t cause any unexpected complications. Should her transformations affect her uterus, I’ll have to demand she not be given any assassination missions for the duration of her pregnancies.”
“So how long are you saying you need to knock her up?”
This time the smug, lecherous grin on his face was completely genuine. “I mean, I’m not going to wait to start fucking her—if I’m expected to be faithful, she’s going to do her wifely duties. But I won’t start the fertility treatments until at least a year in, when I’m confident we’ll have the results we want.”
“If you’re in no rush to put a baby in Baby, why do you want to marry her now?”
He rolled his eyes, but his lips softened with the barest hint of affection. “Because it’s Baby 5; we take our eyes off her for a moment, and she might actually wise up and elope. I mean, I’m completely willing to murder whatever shit-stain tricked her into running off, but then she’ll be all pissed and that tends to put a damper on a relationship.”
“Ok, fair point.” He rubbed his chin, looking heavenwards in consideration. “I’m guessing you’ll probably want a few years with the kid before you perform my surgery, right?”
“Just for the sake of being sure I am leaving you with a genius,” he assured, hands up in surrender. “I showed signs of being a medical prodigy by the age of three, and I’m happy to impregnate Baby-ya as many times as necessary to hedge our bets.”
“Fuffuffuffuffu! The way you’re talkin’ I might end up with a whole herd of Trafalgar rug rats running around!”
“Hey, the Family did a good job raising us and Dellinger. I trust you’ll turn my children into fine, upstanding members of society once I’m gone.”
The two glanced at each other, then shared a hearty laugh.
“Ok, ok, fine; I can wait a few years for Corazon Jr.,” Doflamingo chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye. “And I appreciate you stacking the odds in my favor. You’re good at planning shit, Law, so I trust you to do whatever it takes to get me at least one genius.”
“Happy to hear it,” he responded, linking his hands behind his head and relaxing in his chair. The Heart Seat was still mockingly uncomfortable, but bit by bit he was getting closer to his chance to reduce the damn thing to ash.
Three long fingers were held up as Doflamingo’s grin became more mischievous. “Which brings me to my third stipulation: trust. If you want me to trust that you’re serious about this whole marriage deal, I’m going to need you to prove it.”
“How?” Law asked, curious but unconcerned.
“You propose to Baby 5, and I’ll throw you the wedding of the century. Flowers, music, not a crumb of bread at the reception—you name it and I’ll pay for it. But the engagement will last at least a month. In that entire time, you’re as celibate as a monk—no fucking girls, guys, or even jerking off. And before you get any funny ideas, that also means Baby’s off limits until your wedding night.”
Insulted, Law narrowed his eyes. Sure, he was a degenerate and had deliberately cultivated the image of being a careless fuckboy, but he was also a highly trained surgeon, a ruthless torturer, and his right-hand man; did Doflamingo really think a month without sex would break him? That after all his careful planning, such a stupid stipulation would scare him off? Did he honestly have such a low opinion of him after everything Law’d done for the former noble?
Oh, as if he didn’t already have a thousand reasons to slowly crush his boss’ heart between his fingers.
“Deal,” he ground out through his teeth.
His white-knuckled grip on the chair only tightened when Joker laughed. “You don’t sound very convincing, kid! If you don’t think you can do it, just back out now! I’ll marry her off to Trebol or something and you can knock up a random hooker.”
“I don’t want some prostitute—I want Baby 5!” he snapped, gold eyes glinting dangerously in the fading rays of the sun. Silly as it was to get angry over such a little thing, Law was nearing the edge of his patience, and he hated seeing a carefully crafted plan threatening to fall apart when he was so close to getting what he wanted.
“Hey, don’t give me that scary look!” Doflamingo chortled, his leisurely sip of brandy unable to hide the self-satisfied smirk. “I’m just looking out for everyone’s well-being.”
No, you’re playing with us like puppets, he thought sourly, forcing himself to calm down. This was all just part of the man’s sadistic game, and he’d walked right into it. But Law refused to let himself get jerked around like a marionette. “As am I. We both know my plan works out best for everyone. I get an obedient, healthy wife whom I can trust to carry my legacy. Baby-ya gets her dream of being married, and when I’m dead she’ll still be blissfully needed by our child. And you get both your next Corazon and insurance that your favorite assassin won’t run off with some scumbag looking to use her against you. But if you really feel I need to prove myself, fine—I’ll stay completely celibate until the wedding night.”
“You sure?”
“Doffy, I’m going to make this clear; if you try to marry Baby-ya off to a freak like Trebol, she’s going to become a widow and you’re going to need a new Club Seat.”
“Ok, ok! You’ve made your point.” Sitting back, he gave a mock toast with his snifter. “If you think you can reign her in, I’ll bless your joyous union. I’ve got better things to do than kill idiots trying to separate our family and dodge her angry murder attempts. But marriage had better not turn you soft.”
Pleased that he finally got his way, Law let himself fully relax. “It won’t. Ultimately, it’s just a means to an end, but one that will satisfy all parties.”
“You sure Baby will be able to ‘satisfy’ you?” he asked with a leer. “Pretty sure she’s been waiting for a husband to pop her cherry; virgins can be hot, but that kind of inexperience can be frustrating, too.”
Remembering the way she’d sucked his thumb in the lab, Law wasn’t worried. “She’s biddable and eager to please, so I’m sure she’ll do everything possible to keep me satiated. Hell, a woman like that is practically tailor-made for me, since I can train her up to do what I like instead of having to break any bad habits.”
“Good, because I’m serious about not letting you cheat on her, Law. I want us all to be a big, happy family, and as the patriarch, it’s my job to keep everyone in line.”
Is that why you murdered your own brother? Law sneered quietly. Because he stepped out of line? Because if that’s your biggest concern, then you’ll never see me coming. Careful not to let his thoughts bleed onto his face, he nodded. “Understood.”
Grin shifting into something more easygoing and friendly, he asked, “So, when are you gonna ask her?”
The Corazon finished his warm brandy, taking the opportunity to think it over. “Next week. There’s a full moon, I’ll have time to pick out a ring, and I’m sure I can set up some nice, romantic music or something.”
“Shit, you’re taking this seriously.”
“Of course. I refuse to let anyone mock me and compare my proposal to those other worthless peons’.” Mostly, though, a week would give him time to take care of some loose ends. He expected Joker would be watching him closely during the engagement to ensure he really did hold up his promise to be faithful, and combined with actually putting a wedding together, there’d be little chance to work on his ultimate plan until after the honeymoon.
Though, perhaps he could use his honeymoon as a chance to visit Ceaser’s lab on Punk Hazard, and maybe swing by Sabaody to recruit more men to serve his cause. Considering the number of slaves Doflamingo shipped to those auction houses, surely more than a few would be happy to get some revenge against their captor.
Well, marriage is looking easier already, he thought with a grin.
Mistaking his expression for something else, Joker laughed. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were smitten, kid!”
Tattooed hand pressed to his chest, Law sighed dramatically. “Is that really so hard to believe? Just because I’m a heart stealer doesn’t mean I can’t fall in love. Why, maybe all the wanton sex has been my way of coping with the cruel possibility that I’d never get to be with the one woman I truly care for!”
The two men shared a laugh at the absurdity of the idea. Baby 5 may believe in such crap, but her betrothed and boss knew better—the world was cruel, love was more painful than death, and no matter how you dressed them up, people were at their core nothing more than vicious animals looking to rip each other’s throats out.
“Regardless, I trust you’ll be discreet until after I pop the question?” Law asked. “I’d hate for someone to ruin the surprise.”
“You mean sabotage your perfect moment. Monet’ll be heartbroken when she hears.”
“She’ll get over it,” Law scoffed. He’d had a few fun evenings with the harpy, but she was of no importance to his plans. Though it did bring up the concern that she might try to turn Baby 5 against him before he could put her completely under his thrall. He’d have to ask Violet to keep an eye on her. “Maybe she’ll catch the bouquet.”
“And if she’s lucky, Trebol won’t be around for the garter toss!”
A week later, Baby 5 received orders from a grinning Doflamingo to clean up a mess in the palace garden. Broom and dustpan in hand, she marched out into the moonlight, mood sour despite the beautiful evening. Law had avoided her since he’d promised to talk to Joker; every time she so much as caught a glimpse of him, he’d disappear, using his powers to easily escape. Even when he had no choice but to be in the same room as her, such as dinner or meetings, he refused to meet her gaze, intently preoccupying himself with some other task or simply looking through her as if she were invisible.
Maybe Doffy told him to stay away from me, she thought with a sniffle. Maybe he didn’t approve the match and he now wants Law to stay as far away from me as possible. Or maybe Law decided he didn’t need me as his wife.
There was another painful possibility—that she’d dreamt hers and Law’s entire conversation. There was no hint that he’d spoken to the young master. No hint he even remembered flirting with her in the lab. Had he really held her close, asked if she’d ever been kissed, shared that cigarette with her? Or had she been so distraught by yet another dead fiancé that she’d begun to hallucinate?
Maybe I’m just completely crazy and my useless brain is making shit up because it knows I’ll never get married! God, I’m such an idiot! I never should have gotten my hopes up, she thought as she wiped a stray tear from her eye.
There was no time for feeling sorry for herself now, though; she had a job to do. She was needed in the garden. Once she was done, she could sneak off to her room and indulge in a good cry over her pathetic state.
As she entered the garden she was greeted by the soft sound of smooth jazz, and as she curiously made her way towards it, she wondered if this was the “mess” she was supposed to clean up. Right arm transforming into a pistol, she whirled around a large hedge, ready to blow the musician’s heads off, only to find the barrel of the gun inches from Law’s chest.
“Whoa, easy, Baby-ya!”
Immediately she froze, horrified that she’d nearly shot her superior. “I’m so sorry, Law!” she exclaimed with a deep bow. “Doffy told me there was a mess to clean up, and I assumed—”
“It’s alright; this is Joker’s fault,” he insisted, cupping her chin to make her look at him. His mouth was twisted in annoyance, and she wondered if he’d settle for just scolding her or if she had an evening of dismemberment to look forward to. “He should have just told you I wanted you to meet me out here.”
Law’s greater height forced her to straighten up, otherwise she’d be able to look no further than his chest. She blinked as she realized he was dressed rather nicely; smart black blazer and trousers, yellow dress shirt with the top three buttons undone, freshly polished shoes, and glittering gold earrings and cufflinks. The spicy scent of cologne tickled her nose, and she recognized it as the deep, musky fragrance he wore whenever he went out, and one of the myriad of smells his sexual partners reeked of when they left his room.
Amethyst eyes swept across the little clearing, taking in the small table with its crisp white tablecloth, which she identified as the one she’d ironed not an hour ago but had mysteriously gone missing. A vase of scarlet roses, a bottle of red wine, and two crystal glasses were carefully arranged on top of it, and with the small jazz quartet off to the side and the soft glow of the moon and surrounding lanterns, she finally understood.
The Corazon was out here meeting someone. Someone he was looking to impress. To her knowledge, he never put in this kind of effort for someone he simply intended to fuck, so whoever it was had to be really special.
No wonder he’d been avoiding her all week.
“Was there something you needed?” she asked softly, trying not to let her disappointment show.
In leu of an answer, he strolled over to the table and pulled out a chair, pointing at the seat meaningfully. Frowning, she studied the seat, not seeing any dirt but wiping it down anyway with her apron. An irritated little vein ticked on his forehead at her response, so she quickly tried to figure out what else he could possibly need. Should she fetch a cushion? Was the chair itself unsatisfactory and he wanted her to get a new one?
“I want you to sit in it, Baby-ya,” he finally said with an exasperated little eyeroll.
Red stained her cheeks in embarrassment. Asking her to take a seat was the last thing she expected, but maybe he wanted her to test the strength of the chair? She’d cleaned Law’s room several times after a one-night stand, and broken furniture was not an uncommon sight.
Gingerly sliding into the chair, she was surprised when he pushed it in, taking the seat across from her.
Feminine fingers fiddled nervously with the ruffled hem of her apron. What was she doing here? What did Law need? Shouldn’t she get out of the way before his real date showed up and got the wrong idea?
“Beautiful night, isn’t it?” he asked, resting his sharp chin on the bridge of his linked fingers, smirking slightly as he took her in. It was the first time he’d really looked at her all week, and she wondered if she was dreaming again.
When she nodded mutely, he continued, “Sorry for the calling you out on such short notice; I wasn’t sure everything would come together in time, and there was a threat of a storm rolling in. Plus, with all the planning I’ve been doing this week, I’ve been so tired I barely knew what day it was. The invitation almost completely slipped my mind.”
The full moon illuminated his face, and she could see the dark circles under his eyes were more pronounced than usual. Insomnia had always been a problem for him, but she knew it got worse when he was stressed. And when it got especially bad, his temper was a lot shorter, and he was more likely to take it out on her when she got in his way. Why didn’t he ask her to take care of things? When it came to stuff like this, she was incredibly useful! She could set a table and deliver messages. If it helped, she was even willing to let him cut her into pieces so he could let off steam! Did he think she’d mess it up? Was he so sure he didn’t need her? “You did a good job,” she assured weakly.
His large, tattooed hand plucked one of her own from her lap, his rough thumb rubbing teasing little circles across her knuckles. “I’m glad you like it. I’ll be happy to leave the wedding planning to you and Joker, though; picking out tablecloths and flowers was absolutely mind-numbing.”
“Wedding planning?”
“Of course.” Baby 5’s heart quivered as he linked their fingers. It all felt like a scene from one of those romance novels she sometimes snuck from Giolla’s room. The moment where a pair of lovers confessed their feelings, none but the moon to bear witness.
As he poured a generous amount of wine into her glass, Law placed a butterfly kiss to the tip of her ring finger, followed by a light nip. “I like to think it’ll be a classy affair, but with Doflamingo in charge I’m not holding out hope. Still, so long as I get to see my obedient bride in a beautiful white dress, I can’t complain.”
“That sounds nice,” she managed to say, even though it felt like he was slowly strangling her. Even if his promise in the lab hadn’t been real, could he really be so cruel as to mock her with plans for his wedding when her dream was slowly being bashed to bits?
He raised an eyebrow. “You seem far less excited than I’d imagined.”
“Oh, no, of course I’m excited! I’m sure your wedding will be lovely, and I’m happy to help if you need me!” she said with a pained smile, desperately holding back her tears.
Smile dropping, his gold eyes narrowed. “Ok, this is ridiculous—you take the most innocuous comment from a complete stranger as a proposal, but you honestly can’t tell when I’m trying to ask for your hand in marriage?”
Pulling out a small, velvet box, he presented her with a gold ring, a heart-shaped diamond gleaming in the center. He smirked at the way her eyes widened in shock. “Joker gave his approval, and I said when I proposed it’d be far better than what those scumbags had done. Now, are you going to stare at me forever, or are you going to say you’re mine?”
“…am I hallucinating?”
Reaching across the table, he gave a harsh pinch to the soft skin of her wrist.
“Proof enough that this is real? It’s been an exhausting week, Baby-ya, and I’d like to spend the rest of the evening drinking a nice glass of wine with my future wife before the hell of wedding planning starts. Though, I suppose if you don’t want me…” he trailed off as he slowly began to close the box.
A stampede of thoughts galloped through her head, barely comprehensive but all arriving at the same conclusion.
Law had asked her to marry him, and she needed to give an answer.
“Y-yes!” she exclaimed, ready to leap over the table, but his upraised hand between them stopped her.
“As much as I’d love to have you in my arms,” he said with a tired but triumphant grin, “I promised Joker I’d be a gentleman until the wedding. That means we’re going to have to keep touching to a minimum.”
“But why?” she asked curiously as he slipped the ring onto her finger. The diamond gleamed in the dim light, and it all finally felt so real.
She was finally going to become a wife!
Overwhelmed with emotion but unable to embrace her betrothed, she settled for grabbing his hand, kissing his fingertips like he had hers, her lips momentarily wrapping around his finger. Surely that counted as keeping touching to a minimum while still letting him see her gratitude, right? And he’d seemed to like it when she sucked his thumb that time…
She gasped as his long fingers wrapped around her wrist, tugging her forward so hard she knocked over her glass of wine, the burgundy liquid seeping into the clean white tablecloth.
Hot lips pressed to her ear as he rasped, “Because you’re too fucking irresistible for your own good, and if I’m going to make it to our wedding night, I need you to be a good girl and not tempt me.”
Liquid fire pooled between her thighs at the way his baritone voice called her a “good girl,” and she couldn’t help but let out a little whimper in response. He seemed to catch her reaction, as his voice became even rougher as he said, “Do you like that, Baby-ya? Does being called a ‘good girl’ turn you on?”
Swallowing hard, she tried to pull away, but his hand was like a shackle, unrelenting in its task of keeping her captive. “Yes,” she practically whispered, a little ashamed. Good girls didn’t get so hot and bothered over a few simple words. A good girl wouldn’t have tempted him. A good girl wouldn’t secretly want their superior—their future husband—to pin her to the table and show her what those romance novels meant when they talked about a man bringing his lover to the peak of pleasure.
She heard him take a deep, steadying breath before finally releasing her wrist, sitting back down and refilling her glass as if nothing had happened. Gold eyes flickered up to meet her breathless and confused gaze, and his wicked smile made her chest tighten and tingles dance through her nervous system.
“Then I’m looking forward to you showing me just how good you can be on our wedding night.”
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chromium7sky · 6 years
Damirae week Day 4: college au| i only focus (on you)
A/n: i’m a sucker series part 3 enjoy.
That damn headache made her lay on the bed again as soon as she wake up from her slumber. She felt aching sore of her body as she tried to move any of her limbs. As she about to doze off suddenly she remember she had an appointment on 11 am.
Quickly she jolted out from the bed and later she regret doing it as her head felt as if been hit by a train. "What happen last night oww... "
"Aren't you suppose to have class? "
Oh, shit. That voice. As she turn around, she saw Damian in his last night clothes holding two cups of coffee. Then she look around the room. "This is not my apartment!! " she goes frantic.
"Well obviously. " Damian sip his coffee casually then gives the other cup to her. "It's for the hangover. It'll helps."
Raven hesitately to accept but due to the trobbing headache she felt, she accept and took some sip, hopefully it will ease it.
"I think I messed up last night. "
"You really messed up."
Raven looked at him.
“Oh no. Oh god.” Her face grew paler then shake her head. Suddenly, she realise something. As soon as she settle her coffee at the nightstand, she look at herself, wearing a shirt , men’s to be presumed, then she took a peek under her comforter. No pants.
Damian observed her as she gasped realise the situation she's in. "Oh MY GOD! " She look at herself then Damian. He hide his smirk as he sip his coffee.
"What happen last night?! Did we do it?!!! " her eyes went wide. Guess her shock really has take over her killing headache.
"....We were have some fun. "
"F-Fun?" she's having her cold feet.
"FUN." Damian said it with his death-pan face. "And you almost break my bed. "
Raven felt her face burn up. "B-b-break? Oh God! " she buried her face with her palm. The embarassing is unbearable. "W-what do you mean fun? " as her voice muffled against her hands.
"Flirting, Undressing and... "
"Aaaa...I don't wanna hear it!" she pulled the pillow and cover her head.
Damian smirked as he sees her reaction after drunk night. 'Oh, this is FUN.'
"I'm an idiot!" Raven muffled squeal into the pillow.
"You ARE an idiot. I told you to blend in last night, did I? " Damian sighed, as he lean on the wall near his bed.
"As far as i know from urban dictionary, in a bar, blend in means drinking! " Raven defend her.
"Well, you could at LEAST pretend to drink but still, not bad for first timer. " Damian chuckled as he look at her.
Raven whimpered as she tried to process the information she get from the her 'fake' boyfriend.
"By the way, you are a childish when you’re drunk. Quite funny though when you talk like a ten year old." Damian starts to laugh as he remember the night before.
“But... But.. If its childish that means we didn't do anything...pervert, right?? " she tried to convince herself.
"I DIDN'T do anything pervert." Damian cross his arm and stare at her. "You DID."
Raven upon hearing it, she flop to the bed and scream into the pillow. How could she'd be out of control?! Especially with him!
"Come on, I made you some breakfast. Better eat it before it gets cold. " Damian walked out from the bedroom.
It took a while for her to come out and join him at the table, perhaps, she still shocked with what happen last night. Damian smiled then give a pat on a chair next to him,as a signal for her to sit NEAR to him.
Raven gulped then slowly she drag her feet towards the dining table. Slowly, she pull the chair and sit. Damian observed her as he rest his chin on his palm propping on the table.
"Uh... " Raven try to break the silence but she's kind of lost her words as soon as she look at him. Her imagination start playing on her mind about what happen last night made her fidget and embarassed.
"Don't tell me you're still shy sitting next me?"
"Wha... "
"After what happen last night, You sleep in my bed and on TOP of me. It should be NO problem when seating next to me." He smirked.
"Mmmm... " Raven pressed both of her lips into a thin line.
"Let's eat first then I'll send you to the college." The young detective poured orange juice into two glasses and he served one of them to her.
Raven looked her plate, there's a stack of mini pancake soaked with maple sauce, two sunny eggs and a muffin (where did he get the muffin?).
"Here's the butter. " Damian passed the butter.
"Gee, thanks."
"Aren't you going to call me daddy?"
Raven choked up on her orange juice. She glared at him as she coughed, adjusting her airways. "Must you tease me?" her pitch voice goes higher in annoyance.
"Oh, yes, Babe."
It gives her the cringe as well as she heard his laugh, kinda rare to see him so casual. The usual Damian she met are always serious, monotone and well, has that stubborn old man attitude.
She focus on her eating, couldn't afford to be late for this appointment. Before the drunk night , she happens to received a letter says there's an art association wanted to offer her sponsorship to Japan for study in art interactive and pop culture.
"So, you're gonna wear yesterday clothes for the class? " Damian asked as he ate his mini pancakes.
"Actually it's for meeting with an Art Association about scholarship. " she nimbled on eggs then sip on her drink.
"Oh? "
"Can we stop by at my apartment first then go to my college? " she looked at him. She need a new clothes. Appropriate one.
"Your apartment are much further besides, mine is nearer." as Damian finished his plate. "We'll buy new clothes. " Damian cleaning his dishes. "That's what boyfriends do, right? " he smirked as he sidelong stare at her.
Again she felt heat rushed to her cheeks. "Fine, I'm going for a quick shower." she sighed as she walked to sink to wash her dishes but instead he take her plate and her glasses.
"Take a shower at my room. The towel is on the rack besides the bathroom door. " as he washes her dishes.
Raven noded then went to the bathroom as she took the towel from the rack. The bathroom is so huge that she were agape with its spacious interior. She tried to find the shower heads. "Where is that goddamn shower? " as she try to find the switch hen she saw a knob with number 0-5.
"Is this for lighting? " She turn the knob and rain start to pour in the middle of the room.
"Oohhhhh!!!! " she exclaimed, like she just discover a new life hack.
"What?! What's wrong?!" Damian yelled outside the bathroom.
"Nope. Nothing. Just found the shower and don't come in!!" she warned him.
"It's almost 9.30! Hurry up, Mermaid!"
"I know!"
"So, where are we going to buy my clothes?" Raven ask as she sunk in her seat while Damian drive his car.
His black mazda entering the parking site of a shopping mall near by her campus site.
"Lady's store of course, where else? " as he pull her hands to several exclusive store. "Wh... " before she could reply several shopping assistant has pulled her to the fitting room as Damian ordered them. "Find something professional for her first interview. "
As she come out from the fitting room with soft cotton blouse, navy blue jacket and black palazzo, he noded and shows his ok sign.
"Damian, you don't have to do this." Raven stand beside him at the counter as cashier present the receipt.
Damian pull out his golden card to the cashier. "It's for your future, Raven. First impression is important. "
Raven sighed. "Don't judge a book by it's cover, Damian."
"It's not about cover, Raven. It's about..." he paused as he stunned looked at Raven's new appeal. " Its about discover a real diamond among the rubble."
"You and your talk. " Raven chuckled as she closed her mouth. As soon as they left the mall, Damian reached her campus at 10.50 am.
"There, you're 10 minutes early. I hope you could practice your speech before the 'interrogation' begin. " he smirked. Raven sneered at him and about to get out from his car.
Damian quickly caught her wrist.
"What?" Raven look at him as she saw he put on crystal bracelet on her wrist. "What is this?"
"Incase something bad happen, Pull the charm."
"But I have cellphone. I can... "
"What if that perp took your handphone? what if there's no line? what if your phone has no battery? what if... "
"Alright, alright, I'll wear it! " she sighed annoyingly. "You're sound like my mother." she pout.
"Of course I am because I... " he stop abruptly. "Because I am your fake boyfriend." he continued. " and I don't want you end up becoming my case investigation. " his stare getting darker.
Raven swallowed as she saw his smoldering look. "I'll becareful." Raven noded.
"Good luck." Damian pull her wrist that has bracelet and kiss her cheek. Raven gasped as she accidentally open the door. She almost fell out of the car backward but saved by Damian as he pulled her arm. "You are unbelievable." he muttered then sighed.
"I Gotta go. " she quickly gone out from his car. Damian wave at her then drove away. As she watch the car move towards the gate, she just sighed and cursed at herself for being clumsy.
She never been this clumsy ever since after the drunk night, maybe it was because of her mind wondering what happen yesterday? Perhaps so.
Quickly, she paced up to the a building that has several classroom that usually used for the interview but this letter said the venue is in the AV room.
As she reach to the room, she knock it first then come in. There is no one there. Strange...
"Hello? Is there anyone in here? " said Raven as she went in. As she wander around suddenly the light flickers. She look at the ceiling then she realise the monitor from the other room were open.
She felt goosebump starts to crawl at the back of her neck, she quickly dashed towards the door. As she about to hold the knob, she felt a surge of electric sting her that made jerk off from that door.
'Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.' Her heart become panicking. She looked around try to find a way to escape. As she consider the vent at the other of the room, a shadow start to merge behind her.
She felt heavy breathing behind, gather up her courage she tried to dash forward until she felt a hard knock on her head. Her vision become blurry and she fell on the floor. Black out.
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fortresswolf97 · 5 years
Feather Fall Chapter 1
Feather Fall
Written by Giovanni Perna (aka FortressWolf)
Chapter 1: Reawakening
Narration: “Many eras ago, there once lived two gods. The Goddess of Creation, and the God of Purpose. Though both are the start to all existence, neither of them have ever known each other, giving life and meaning based on what they observed as the world changed before them. Despite this lack of unity, they would eventually create a world full of life and variety, with each individual finding satisfaction in their own lives. However, the God of Purpose grew tired of the same scenery and decided to give all life the ability to carve new paths and create their very own purpose. Though caught off guard by this sudden change, the Goddess decided to give life the ability to create new things for themselves, including new life. For the first time, living creatures of all kinds began to interact with each other, with friendship and family becoming new concepts. Many had even come to worship the two gods independently. However, not all interactions were peaceful.
Many disagreements were made, many of which created conflict amongst each other, and thus, light and darkness were born. It wasn’t long before a mighty war had risen and blood was shed.
Outraged, the two gods each led an opposite side of the war, hoping to end it quickly. However, both were still unaware of each other’s existence. Cleaving their way through enemy after enemy, the two gods were now feared rather than worshipped, their original roles forgotten. Eventually, the two gods would finally face each other in a battle unlike anything the universe had ever seen. However, both gods were equally matched, and they would both fall to each other’s blades.
Upon their deaths, many portals opened up to new worlds, pulling in everything the two gods have ever created and separated many living things from each other. In these new worlds, new stories were created and the memories of the gods long before were forgotten.”
The story starts out in a dark, endless void. Suddenly, two orbs of light start to illuminate themselves, one blue, the other red. The orbs grow until they disappear, leaving behind two humans, both of which lay sleeping on an invisible floor. The human from the blue portal is the first to wake up, her hair and her eyes were a bright blue and she wore a blue feather in her hair. She wore a gray sweatshirt, blue jeans, and a black baseball cap.
Woman: *Still sitting on the floor, she takes a look around, hoping to see something in the endless void until she eventually sees a man laying down not too far away from her. She goes over to him and tries to gently shake him awake* “Hey sleepy head, where are we?”
The man was about her age, he had black hair with red frosted tips, and his eyes were a dark, hazel color. He wore a black long sleeve button down shirt, a grey tee-shirt underneath, and dark blue jeans.
Man: *Instead of waking up, he starts mumbling in his sleep* “Aww, but I don’t want to have another beer.”
Woman: “Hey! Pull yourself together!” *Starts shaking him more aggressively.*
Man: *He suddenly jolts up fully awake, accidentally head butting the woman* “Wha-AAH! F%#$!”
Woman: *holding her forehead* “AAH! Why!?”
Man: *While rubbing his own head, he starts to take a look around, seeing nothing but the endless void and this woman who just startled him awake.* “Hng!...Where are we?”
Woman: “That’s what I want to know!”
Man: “Oh...cool…we’re on the same page at least…” *he gets up on his feet, still trying to see if there’s anything within the emptiness.*
Woman: *Gets up and starts glaring at the man.* “Ahem!”
Man: *Turns around to look at her, somewhat annoyed* “What? Why are you giving me that look?”
Woman: “You’re not going to at least ask a lady what her name is?”
Man: “Oh…ok wha-“
Woman: “It’s Alex, you ditz. Alex Bluebird.” (Starts talking to him like he’s a 2 year old.) “Now what’s your name?”
Man: “Err, Fen. Fen Wolf.”
Alex: *Puts on a more sincere smile instead of a sarcastic one* “Well, Fen, now that we’ve introduced each other, mind helping me think about how to get out of here?”
Fen: “Hmm…well the best thing we can do right now is walk to see if anything becomes visible.”
Alex: “That’s your best idea?”
Fen: “Alex, c’mon. We’re definitely not going to be finding any answers if we just stand here doing nothing.”
Alex: “I…*sighs* I guess you’re right.”
Fen: “Come, then. And stay close.”
With that the two start making their way through the void. After a few minutes of silence, Fen finally opens his mouth to speak.
Fen: “Hey Alex, since this might take a while, mind telling me about yourself?”
Alex: “Well…” *she thinks silently to herself, but her wondering starts to turn into worry.* “I...can’t remember anything. I don’t understand why. What about you, do you remember anything.”
Fen: “Come to think of it, it feels like everything leading up to us waking up back there is nonexistent. What could possibly-”
Alex: *Puts her arm in front of Fen to stop him from walking* “Wait a sec. Look.” * She points to an area ahead of them. In the distance, there’s a boy with blue hair and plain blue clothing running to the right of where the two of them are facing* “There’s someone over there!”
Fen: “Well what are waiting for? Let’s go before we lose him!”
Both of them start to make a full sprint in hopes of catching up with the boy.
Fen: *As they’re running, something catches his eye to the left of them. Immediately, he tackles Alex, barely dodging a giant, spiked arm that flies over their heads.* “GET DOWN!”
The arm did not appear to be attached to anything and instead hit and disintegration into an invisible wall to the far right of them. The both get up and look to the left to see where the arm had come from. They see a man with one eye in a black tank top and white pants approach them casually. His hair and spiked arms were a bright shade of pink and his eye was all white with no pupil.
Fen: *Defensively gets in front of Alex* “Explain yourself! Who the hell are you?”
Blixer: *Continues walking towards them, raising his arm in front of him* “The name is Blixer.” *The arm enlarges to twice his own size* “Now get out of my way.” *The arm detaches from his side, firing it directly at them*
Fen: *Instinctively crosses his arms in front of himself to block. To everyone’s shock, including Fen himself, he successfully stops the arm in its tracks. He then pushes the arm to the side of him and looks at his own arms. Out of seemingly nowhere, his hands now wore a pair of clawed gauntlets, each claw as long as half of his forearm. The gauntlets themselves were black with red flames imbedded into to metal.* “Huh...well this inter-“
Blixer: *Leaps up and tries to slam both arms into Fen from above.*
Fen: *Pulls Alex to the side, dodging Blixer as his hands hit the ground. He then dashes over to Blixer and goes for a stab at his face.*
Blixer: *Blocks Fen’s incoming claw and starts pushing against him. He was still much stronger then Fen and it wasn’t long before he started pushing the claws towards Fen’s neck.*
Alex: *Runs behind Blixer and goes to leap onto him. Just before she lands on his back, a bright blue light appears in both of her hands and a pair of daggers appear. Without a second thought, she brings her arm around Blixer and begins stabbing him in the shoulder.*
Blixer: “GAAAH!!” *Pushes Fen away from him, reaches around his shoulder, and hurls Alex at Fen.*
Alex: *Catches her balance in midair and lands on her feet to face Blixer, inches in front of Fen. She takes a quick moment to observe the daggers in her hands. The blades were blue with a white design embedded into them that reminded one of the wind, and the hilts were a navy blue.*
Fen: *Stands next to Alex, his claws at the ready* “Before we come over there and eviscerate your insides, perhaps you would know a thing or two as to what’s going on?”
Blixer: “Oh to hell with you two. I don’t have to deal with this.” *Suddenly, as if the very emptiness of the void had opened up behind Blixer, a bright light appears.* “I’m getting out of here and I will reach powers you couldn’t fathom.”
Alex: *Both she and Fen sprint towards him* “This isn’t going to end that easily!” *She and Fen tackle Blixer, sending them all through the new opening.*
Cuts to Cyan Cube and Square Boy reaching a dark cave.
Square: “Huh…that’s weird. Usually there’s someone in h-”
Blixer, Alex, and Fen all come crashing out of the wall on the opposite corner of the cave. Fen and Alex stand up and each grab one of Blixers arms while pinning him down with one foot each on his back.
Fen: *Not letting go of Blixer, he looks up to see Square and Cyan.* “Don’t mind us. Just trying to get detain a guy who just tried to kill us. Just keep standing there not doing anything.”
Alex: *Looks up to see who Fen is talking too, turning half of her attention to Cyan.* “Hey, you’re that boy we saw earlier. We were trying to catch up with you, but…” *glances down at Blixer* “Well, I think you get the picture.”
Square: *Looks down at Cyan* “Are these friends of yours?”
Cyan: *Takes a moment to ponder, but shrugs* “Never met you guys before. Chances are I didn’t see you guys on the way in.”
Fen: *Nearly loses his balance as Blixer tries to squirm free before giving Blixer a swift kick in the side of his chest.* “Speaking of the way in, first of all, what was that all about? Secondly, where are we now?”
Square: “The place you were in, which is where everything here comes from, is the Nothing World, and the place you’re in now is called Shape World.”
Fen: *His claws shrink into his gauntlets (think Wolverine from X-Men) and stares at Square blankly before turning to Alex* “...Why do I get the feeling that we just stumbled into one of those Nick Jr shows?”
Square: “Who’s Nick and who’s his son?”
Alex: “...Anyway, do you guys have something to bind this guy?”
Square: “Oh, y-yes. I think Shippy might have some extra rope.” *Leaves the cave in a hurry.*
Fen: *Looks to Cyan* “So little guy, what’s your story?”
Cyan: “The name is Cyan. As far as I know, I’m tasked with protecting this world of any outside threats. Namely that guy you two have pinned.” *Points at Blixer*
Fen: “Heh, the only threat this guy caused here is his sense of fashion.”
Blixer: “Says the guy who’s wearing a casual button down shirt as if he were a Mafia boss.”
Fen: “I’ll have you know that I’m very Italian and I take offense to that.”
Alex: *Focusing her attention to Cyan* “What did you mean by ‘as far as you know’? Did someone tell you that this was your purpose?”
Cyan: *Takes a moment to think of a response* “I’m not really sure, to be honest. I guess it’s just...a feeling…”
Square: *Comes back with rope in his hands* “Alright guys. I got the rope. Let’s tie him up and-”
Before he could finish, a massive hole is torn through the entire half of the cave, taking everyone in near complete shock.
Alex and Fen: *Both stare up with paralyzed fear on their faces at something in the sky where the opening was made, a giant shadow being cast over everyone.*
Blixer: *Seeing this as an opportunity, he shakes himself free with ease, however everyone else still continues to stand still.* “Ha! Now you will all face the wrath of-*Sees what everyone else is seeing and expresses the same look of crippling horror, his voice reaching a higher and more gentle pitch* “Ooooooh nnnnoooooo~”
A colossal sized head made almost entirely out of an unknown, black matter stares down on everyone with glowing yellow eyes. The head seemed to have what looked like long black hair, and the face looked like it was in a constant state of pain and fear.
???: *A chilling, slow, and decrepit voice suddenly fills the entire air, seemingly disconnected from any source.* “I am the mighty being known as Hivemind. I seek the one known as Blixer.”
Blixer: *Shakingly takes a step forward.* “Uh...hi there?”
Hivemind: “The Storm Queen requires your assistance and I am here to take you to her.”
Fen: *Snaps back into reality, stands next to Blixer, and then lands a solid punch to the side of his head, sending Blixer flying several feet into a wall.* “Hey whoa-whoa-whoa! We did not just risk our lives trying to take this guy down just so some giant head can just swoop in and grab him like a soccer mom picking her kid up from practice.” *Gets his claws out and ready* “So long as I draw breath, you aren’t taking anything!”
Alex: *Stands to the left of Fen, and although her hands are shaking, she readies her daggers and stands her ground.* “As reckless as my friend here is, he’s not alone on this.”
Cyan: *Stands to the right of Fen, getting in a stance where he is ready to make any sudden moves.* “I don’t know what’s going on here, but Blixer is my responsibility to deal with. You’ll have to go through me first if you want him so badly.”
Hivemind: “Foolish insects! You defy a being that is beyond your comprehension of reality! If you choose to interlope in affairs that are superior to your own, then I will rid you from existence.” *Shoots a green orb of energy from his mouth directly at the group with break-neck speed, the size of which was twice Fen’s height.*
Fen: “OH CRAP!” *Braces himself for a block.*
Suddenly, a shining, red blur comes in through the cave entrance, stopping directly in front the group. Now face to face with the energy blast, the red figure briefly absorbs the entire attack into his body, causing the reality round him to shake and warp, before firing the orb with twice the velocity and power right back at Hivemind.
Hivemind: *The moment the blast made impact with the center of his forehead, small bits of himself shatter off of him, the debris flying in every direction. He winces at the attack, but doesn’t concede.* “Aaarggggruaaah! Who dares?” *Looks down at his attacker.* “Not you again.”
???: *The humanoid figure, now standing in front of the group, appeared to be completely robotic and made entirely out of a chrome-like substance that has a deep red hue. He had large beetle wings on his back, a pair of black horns on his head like a stag, and he wore a bright red long coat with black pants and dark red suede boots. He turns to look at the group with glowing blue eyes, his demeanor and facial expression was calm, yet serious. To everyone’s surprise, his voice was actually very elegant and organic, as though it belonged to a regular human man.* “Leave this one to me.”
Alex: “Who-”
Thumper: “My name is Thumper. When we’re done here, I’ll explain all that I can.” *Without further hesitation, he turns around and flies off*
Blixer: *Extends an arm and grabs Thumper by the ankle. He then spins him around before flinging him into the cave wall. He tries to fire a laser at Thumper with his eye.*
Cyan: *Warps to Thumper and then warps both of them away just enough to dodge the attack.*
Fen: *Runs up to Blixer and attempts to lunge at him with both claws in front of him.*
Blixer: *Summons a third arm on his back and hammer punches Fen into the ground. He then grows 3 more massive arms from his back and reals back all of them for a slam.*
Alex: “NO!” *Dashes towards Blixer with her daggers ready. However, just before she reaches him, her body is immediately enveloped in a bright blue light and a massive cyclone of wind slams Blixer into the wall with tremendous force.*
Blixer: *Dazed and disoriented, he finds himself stuck into the wall, unable to move.* “Hng...raahh...huh?” *Looks up, expecting to see the same girl who nearly knocked him out cold.*
Alex: *The gust of wind clears up, it’s revealed that her entire appearance has changed. She is now an anthropomorphic bluebird, her chest and her face are a light blue while her wings and back are a darker blue. She lowers a wing down to pull Fen up on his feet.*
Fen: *Not really expecting a large wing to be right in front of his face, he takes a long curious look at her face.* “...Alex? Is that you?”
Alex: “Well duh, who else would it-” *Finally notices that she has a wing instead of a hand. She takes a close inspection of herself, somewhat confused, yet intrigued.* “Well...this definitely isn’t something you see everyday.” *Distracted, she fails to notice a bright green light approaching the cave.*
Fen: “Alex, move!” *Springs onto his feet and instinctively punches the incoming orb. To his surprise, he manages to break the orb into harmless little pieces, the impact of the punch sending a shock wave through the area. Looks at his fists with a grin and is satisfied with the results. He readies himself for more.* “Alright! Don’t let up now!”
Hivemind: *Infuriated, he fires a rapid series of orbs at Fen, each following a fast paced rhythm.*
Fen: *Successfully punches and kicks every single shot, moving with uncanny speed and agility, as though he were a master martial artist. He smiled a toothy grin and laughed in hysterics as adrenaline takes over his entire body, seemingly enjoying the thrill of the fight. As the fight progressed, Alex and everyone else in the cave notices that his body is gradually producing more and more fire.*
Blixer: *Frees himself from the wall and charges towards Fen from behind.*
Fen: *Without even turning around to look at Blixer, he gives him a solid back-hand punch, stunning him in his tracks while also leaving a scorch mark on Blixer’s forehead.* “OK!” *Turns around and proceeds to pummel, slash and burn Blixer in every direction. Right as he’s about to land a massive uppercut, his entire body is completely enveloped in a spiraling inferno. The very second his fist connects with Blixer’s lower jaw, the fire instantly vanishes and a massive tremor is felt throughout the cave as Blixer goes rocketing through the ceiling. Additionally, Fen was now transformed into a black anthropomorphic wolf, with some parts of his fur seemingly on fire and his eyes appeared as though a slow burning fire radiated from within them. He lets out a booming roar of victory.*
Alex: *Now nervous, she calmly tries to approach him.* “Hey...Fen...are you o-”
Fen: *Lurches forward at Alex by the tiniest inch.* “BAAH!”
Alex: “AAAAHH!” *Falls backwards onto the floor.*
Fen: *Lets out a small chuckle.*
Alex: *Angrily throws a nearby rock at him* “Oh you’re such a prick sometimes!”
Fen: “Sorry, how could I possibly resist?”
Thumper: *Standing at the edge of the large opening of the cave next to Cyan and Square, looking up at Hivemind.* “Quit playing around you two. We have a serious problem.”
Fen and Alex: *Both give a small glance at each other before rushing over to join everyone else.*
As they all look up, they notice a moderately sized human figure standing on top of Hivemind’s head, hold Blixer by the back of his shirt to keep him from falling forward. He seemed to be completely black and white, as through he jumped straight out of a very old photograph, and his clothing and hair style made him look as though he were from the mid to late 18th century. His eyes were pitch black and his his entire body looked like he were made of a pale porcelain, with dark cracks covering every corner of him, even his hair. Is voice was deep and menacing with a hint of sophistication.
Joseph (from Identity V): “Hello everyone. You may all call me Joseph. You all put on a very good show today, in fact, one might even say it was...picture perfect.” *chuckles softly to himself.*
Fen: “Oh how lovely, another guy with a god-complex. Perhaps you should consider yourself lucky you weren’t here, because I would’ve happily put you in the same position as that guy you’re holding.” *Points up towards Blixer.*
Blixer: *Battered, bruised, bloody, limp, and completely punch-drunk, he tries to say something intelligent to retort, but instead spews out with slurred and slow speech…* “Mmmmyy fffavourite color is ssseven.~” (As he says this, a cartoonish looking seven with a big friendly smile gradually appears over his head)
Joseph: “Hmm, charming. As much as I’d like to stick around and witness your full potential for myself-”
Blixer: “Nnno mmmore animalllsss in mmmyy soup, Annie.~”
Joseph: “But it is time we bid you adieu, for we have a Storm Queen to see. Say goodbye to your friends Mr. Blixer.”
Blixer: “Twilight Sparkle is my daaad.~”
In bright white flash, Hivemind, Blixer, and Joseph all vanish in a near instant.
End of Chapter 1.
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spiffydolan · 7 years
Missed You (Ethan Dolan)
A/N: Sorry for the extreme unoriginality of the title. ha. but I don’t want to say too much here… but if this sucks, I’m sorry :// My alter ego actually wrote this, so take it up with her. Ok so I finally made myself do this, and I’ll be hiding under a rock for a while. c ya later. If this is a disappointment, don’t worry haha I won’t be doing something like this again, but I kinda enjoyed it
thank you @viadolans for helping out my vanilla ass, as well as @ride-a-dolan . You two are queens. 💕💙
Warnings: swearing & smut (but like let’s talk about thigh riding and how damn amazing his hands would feel oof. ya girl needs to calm herself)
Word Count: 2.7K
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You just hung up the phone with Ethan as he was beginning to board his flight back home to see you. You’d finally be able to see your loving boyfriend in about 5 hours. It’s been almost 3 months since he last held you close… You could almost smell his cologne as you reminisced your last moments with him.
You began to prepare for the family dinner you were attending to welcome Ethan and Grayson back home. Usually Lisa would cook a nice meal and keep things casual, but the family decided to go to an elegant restaurant that recently opened.
Of course you were excited to see Ethan and spend time with his whole family, but you were so eager to have some time alone with him. It’s just been so long -- your heart aches for his touch. After picking Ethan and Grayson up from the airport, you would have to drive directly to dinner while their family patiently waited for your arrival.
You took your time getting ready, and by the time you were finally done, you only had 2 more hours left to kill. You decided to spend this time doing the last bit of studying you needed to do, so you would be able to relax while Ethan was home with you. Before you knew it, your alarm sounded, alerting you that it was time to head to the airport.
You waited patiently for Ethan to walk out of his gate, and as soon as you caught a glimpse of him, you ran to him. He caught you in his arms, and suddenly you felt more safe than you could ever dream. He gave you the most sentimental kiss that said everything you ever needed to hear. “I missed you so much,” Ethan said softly to you. You could tell the jet-lag was already affecting him. “I miss you all the time, E.”
You gave Grayson a hug, and he kissed you on the cheek. Ethan grabbed your hand with his calloused one as all three of you walked towards baggage claim and then to your car. Ethan stayed quiet most of the car ride to the restaurant with his hand placed on your thigh, lightly rubbing his thumb back and forth, and your hand rested gently atop his. Meanwhile, Grayson told you every detail about the flight. The screaming babies, the rough turbulence, the hot flight attendants… clearly not being as affected by the jet-lag as your boyfriend.
Once you finally arrived at the restaurant, everyone greeted you and the boys which made Ethan liven up a bit. Dinner was going nicely, and casual conversation and the usual Dolan banter filled the table. Ethan had seemed to quiet down again… but you needed him to hang on just a bit longer until you two could be alone. You placed your small hand on his shoulder and leaned in saying, “Do you think you’ll be up for some fun when we get back to my place?”
He raised an eyebrow and looked at you. “Of course.” He kissed you on the cheek, making you blush. You then moved your hand to his thigh, near his knee. You didn’t receive much of a reaction from him, so you slowly slid your hand up to his mid-thigh. You heard him roughly clear his throat and noticed his cheeks turn a rosy color, making you smile to yourself. There it was -- that’s the reaction you were looking for. “Is something bothering you?” you asked him innocently.
He cleared his throat again. “You good, bro?” Grayson asked. Ethan replied, “Yeah, yeah. Just have a little scratch in my throat.” He placed his warm hand on top of yours to keep you from moving any higher.
Conversation continued throughout the table and eventually Ethan lifted his hand to take a sip of his drink. You took this opportunity to grip his thigh roughly, and then move up a bit higher, dragging your nails against his leg. His hand shook, almost spilling some of his water. As he moved the glass of water closer to his lips, you whispered to him, “I can’t wait for you to touch me the way I’ve wanted you to since the moment I saw you walk through that gate… touch me and kiss me all over.” He choked on the water and moved a hand under the table to try and conceal his hardening member.
Dinner was over, and the check was graciously paid by Sean. Grayson decided to go back to his parents house with Cameron, and Ethan would stay with you tonight. You and Ethan said your goodbyes to the rest of the family and watched them pull away from the parking lot.
Ethan immediately grabbed your hands, pushed you against your car, and roughly attached his lips to yours. He released one of your hands and slapped his back down firmly against your ass. You gasped at his action, and he shoved his tongue past your lips. Your tongues danced around each other, and if it were up to Ethan he would take you in the backseat right this second. His hands were tangled in your hair, and your hand trailed down his arm. You quickly cut off the kiss and spoke, “Let’s go home.” You smiled at him and stepped into the passenger seat of your car. You heard him wince when he lost your touch, and then he got into the car himself.
As he quickly drove to your apartment, you took notice of his tightly clenched jaw. You leaned over and began kissing and nibbling at his rough skin due to the slight beard he was growing. Ethan released a heavy breath, and tensions were rising within the walls of your vehicle.
Arriving to your apartment, Ethan quickly shut off the ignition and exited the car. You followed him inside, and he instantly took your breath away when he roughly pulled you into him for a kiss. Trailing down your neck he rasped, “Did you think you were being cute at dinner, Y/N? Hmm?”
You chuckled and let out a heavy breath as he continued leaving marks on your skin. “Mmm. I just wanted to wake you up a bit.”
Ethan’s hands found their way from your hips up your blouse. They fumbled with your breasts as he continued attacking your neck with kisses and love bites. You slightly leaned your head to the side, allowing him more access. You let out almost inaudible moans and grasped his hair in your hands.
He started leading you to the bedroom while never breaking the touch between your’s and his skin. He pulled your blouse over your head and quickly unclipped your bra. He ducked his head lower and attached his lips to your nipples. He flicked his tongue against your hardening tip as he toyed with the other between his fingers.
He slowly pulled his shirt off, revealing his toned chest and abs. As you watched your fingers lightly trail across his chest, you mumbled, “I’ve missed you.” Your heavy eyes met his lust-filled hazel ones, and he grabbed your hands in his and pulled you towards the bed. He sat down on the edge and drew you closer.
You climbed into his lap while grabbing onto his shoulders to steady yourself. You kissed him intimately and tugged on his lower lip as you pulled away. Your lips went to suck along his jaw, and you lowered a hand feeling his hard-on through his jeans. A deep moan rumbled through his throat causing you to smirk. Your mouth met his lips again, and you both fought for dominance. Your tongues twirled around one another’s through heavy breaths, and your hips slightly grinded against his.
His hands gripped your hips and tugged at the seam on your pants. He helped you slip out of your pants and navy blue lace thong, and you repositioned yourself onto his lap, straddling one of his thighs. His rough hands moved from your hips to rest on the small of your back, and his leg slowly started to bounce up and down. You began grinding your hips against his thigh, and he trailed kisses from your neck to the shell of your ear causing you to drop your head into the crook of his neck. “Fuck. Keep doing that,” Ethan’s words melted into your ear. You let out heavy breaths as your practically dripping core grinded harder and harder against his thigh, the roughness of his denim jeans rubbing against your clit, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
“Fuck, Ethan. I’m close,” you let out between your short, heavy breaths.
Ethan slowly moved a hand down to your heat, harshly rubbing his thumb on your clit, causing you to elicit a yelp. “Come for me, baby.” With those words and the way his thigh and hand felt underneath you, you came undone. Your stomach clenched, your thighs began to tremble, and your vision was blurred. Moans were escaping from your mouth one after another as Ethan kissed down your neck onto your chest.
His hands fell back to your hips, and he ordered, “Stand up.” Your legs slightly trembled, but you managed to lift yourself off of him and onto your own feet. With one hand still resting on your hip, he brought the other up to cup your face. His thumb traced your lips and slowly worked its way down your body towards where you wanted him most.
He lowered a hand to grip the back of your thigh and noticed the effect it had on you. “Tell me what you want,” Ethan ordered.
You spoke between heavy breaths, “I want you. I want your hands.”
“Tell me where you want them. What do you want from me?”
“I want your hands - everywhere - all over me,” you begged Ethan. You could barely speak just thinking of the magic his hands could do to you. He knew exactly what you wanted, but he wanted to hear you say it.
You felt his hands leave the surface of your skin, and he embraced all that you are. He brought a hand to the small of your back and pulled you closer to him. He trailed his mouth from your chest down to your stomach, and once again, his touch escaped from you. “Bend over,” he commanded as he stood in front of you.
You complied to his orders and positioned yourself comfortably over the bed. You whimpered and begged for him to touch you again, “Ethan, touch me.” A smirk grew across his face as he soaked up your beauty, and he saw how much you wanted him… how much you needed him. He loved to tease you and watch you beg for more, but soon he caved in.
He hovered over you, gathered your hair into his hands, and jerked your head back towards him. You could feel his chest heaving, his heavy breaths pressed against your back. “Who do you belong to?” he breathed into your ear.
You managed to let out a simple response and nothing more, “Y-you.”
“What’s my name?” he questioned you and held your hair in his tightened grip.
“Ethan,” you muttered. His hand landly firmly on your ass, spanking you. You gasped, and he asked you a second time, “Louder baby girl. I didn’t quite hear you. What’s my name?”
“Ethan,” you cried out. He mumbled into the shell of your ear, “Good girl,” then left a small bite. His breath moved from your ear to the nape of your neck. The small hairs on your neck stood up as he slowly kissed you, being sure to leave you bruised. His hand gripped your ass as his tongue trailed down your back.
He flipped you over, grabbed both of your wrists, and pinned them above your head. He began kissing your lips repeatedly, the length of each kiss growing. Without another word, Ethan moved his hand to your inner thigh, working its way closer to your drenched core. The calloused pads of his fingers teased you, and you moved your hips against his fingers, begging for more.
He trailed his tongue along your jaw, and without a moment’s notice, he slipped two fingers into you. His fingers seemed to be moving agonizingly slow, and you let out a small whimper. “Do you want me to add another one,” Ethan teased. “God, yes. Please Ethan.” He immediately added another finger, hastening his movements. He began to rub his thumb in circles against your clit and left more marks against your neck. His fingers were curling inside of you as he moved faster and faster.
His warm breath left your neck, and his hand moved away from your heat, causing you to whine. Before you could beg for more, his head had dipped between your legs. He left soft kisses along your inner thighs, working his way back up to your heat. He continued rubbing his thumb against your clit and lightly flicked his tongue against your folds. You slightly bucked your hips into his face, silently begging for more. He slipped his tongue inside of you and began to moan, sending vibrations throughout your body. You tugged at the ends of his hair, and his name escaped from your lips. Hearing his name spill from your mouth only made him work into you harder and faster. His tongue delved deeper into you, and you felt your second orgasm building up in the pit of your stomach.
You moaned, “Ethan I’m gonna -” But he cut you off when he immediately pulled away. “Not yet, baby. Can you hold on for me?” You whined at the loss of his touch but gently nodded your head for him. “Good girl.”
He quickly undid his belt and pushed his jeans past his ankles. You caught site of the massive bulge barely contained inside of his boxers, and soon he slipped out of those as well. He quickly pumped himself, and before you knew it, you could feel his member poking and teasing at your entrance. “Ethan please,” you pleaded.
He lightly placed his lips over yours and completely thrusted his member into you, causing you to gasp. He gave you a moment to adjust and began to slowly move out and back in. He moaned and husked, ”You’re so fucking tight,” as he quickened his thrusts.
Soon, the sound of your hips pounding together filled the room. Your nails dragged up and down his back as you moaned his name and begged for him to go faster, and with every thrust, he seemed to go deeper and deeper, hitting your g-spot every time. “Just like that Ethan. Oooh yes. Ethan!”
Breathlessly, your head fell back. “Ethan, I’m so close.” “Come for me, Y/N. Come on,” he rasped. He pulled out completely, and pounded into you roughly one more time. “Come on, baby,” he grunted. At the sweet sound of his voice, the familiar buildup in your stomach took over as your vision faded and your back arched. Your walls clenching and tightening around him, Ethan came shortly after you, his movements growing slower and sloppier.
As you both came down from your highs, his head fell between your head and your shoulder. “Fuck. I’ve missed you so much, Y/N.” He rolled over next to you and turned you on your side to cuddle. “I missed you too, baby.”
You were in a complete utopia, wrapped up within your wonderful boyfriend’s arms. You surely could stay like this forever, soaking up every moment with him, feeling his chest puffing in and out against your back, feeling his heavy breaths escape through his nose as he dozed off. This was only Ethan’s first night being home… who knew what else would happen during the next week of you two being right by each other’s side. You smiled to yourself, not wanting to rush your time with him or predict the future. You never wanted to let go of this moment, right here, but soon your eyes began to feel heavy, and you nodded off into you slumber.
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pkansa · 6 years
It was not all that long ago where we brought you word of a curious thing – a big Swiss brand (Alpina) flogging their watch on Kickstarter, of all places.  This was an oddity as we generally think of that platform for launching new brands, for raising capital, and so on.  Things that, ostensibly, Alpina is not (they’re established) and should not have a need of (being part of Citizen should have it’s advantages).  So, why this route?  The word was so that backers could help to finalize some of the design and app features.  From the earlier writeup we did, Eric liked what he saw so much that he backed the project (as did plenty of others).  Today, I’m going to talk with you about the time I spent with with one on my wrist.
When it comes to smartwatches that have from the Frederique Constant family, I’m rather familiar, as I’ve reviewed both the 1st and 2nd generation horological smartwatch.  Alpina has always been the sportier brother of the two, so it makes sense that they’d take that MMT technology in a much different direction.  The Alpina AlpinerX is very much an outdoors watch, one that we would normally classify as an ABC watch. Why ABC? Well, it’s because of the sensors in the case (here, it’s hiding between the lugs up at the 12 o’clock position).  The Alpina AlpinerX has an altimeter, barometer, and a compass.  Along with that, it also brings world time (aka second time zone), calendar, chronograph, a countdown timer, and, something I’ve not seen before, a UV sensor (got to quantify that sunburn).  On top of all of that, we’ve got the functions that the MMT-equipped watches have had all along, namely step and sleep tracking.  Last, but not least, there’s also a GPS-enabled fitness mode (which relies on your phone GPS) that I did not try out.  Oh!  And they hit a stretch goal that should allow a bluetooth heart rate strap to be linked in (I wasn’t able to test that function), for a more rounded fitness watch experience.
So, yeah, the Alpina AlpinerX packs a lot into it’s case.  If this were a traditional smartwatch, you’d expect to drain the battery in a day or two.  Not so with the Alpina AlpinerX.  One really nice thing with the MMT technology is that it’s expected to have a 2+ year battery life.  This is because the watch is not in constant contact with your phone (well, I suppose it would be in the GPS training mode).  Instead, it does what it needs to do on the watch, stores the data, and then syncs it on to the phone (which can then sync things to the cloud if you want, or in to Apple Health for a consolidated view).  While you can get barebones notifications on your wrist, it’ll kill the battery.  So, I’m ok with it not being constantly connected.  If you’re headed off for some backcountry hiking and climbing trip, you don’t want to worry about having to charge your watch every other day.  You do your thing, the watch does its, and then you can sync it up later on.
Of course, you can keep track of what the Alpina AlpinerX is tracking via the LCD display on the bottom.  By using the crown pusher, you can cycle through the functions, and see what it’s recorded.  Interestingly enough, the one thing you can’t see is a step count.  How long you slept?  Sure.  Current elevation or temperature?  Sure.  If you want to know how many steps you took, though, you do need to sync it and view it in the app.  Just an oddity for me, particularly when it will display your sleep duration.  On that note, the Alpina AlpinerX does a much better job of communicating when you’re in sleep mode (or any other mode, for that matter).  The addition of the LCD really shows why super-complicated non-mechanical watches benefit from a digital display of some sort.  Here, it’s clear what mode you’re in, and then you use the chronograph pushers to stop/start the cycle.  You can also set some sleep cycle alarms to try and have it wake you when you’re not in deep sleep.  This I did not try out either as it’s only auditory.  I’ve become rather accustomed to my silent (vibrating) alarm on the Fitbit One, so switching to something with noise has two problems.  One, I’m not sure if a watch chirp is enough to wake me.  Second, if it is, it would likely wake my wife as well, which would just be rude given how early I am generally getting up.
Functionality is only one part of the equation, even though the Alpina AlpinerX is heavily stacked in that direction.  If it’s not wearable, then you’ve got problems.  With a 55mm lug-to-lug measurement, this is no shrinking violet.  Yeah, you need room for all of the electronics and sensors, and it doesn’t feel overly large, or big for big’s sake.  It just is what it is, and will likely overwhelm smaller wrists.  If you’re looking at this as a workout companion, bear in mind that this is heavier than most fitness watches (at 98g), due to the construction of the case (steel + CF is heavier than all plastic).  However, if you’re used to a steel sport watch when you head off into the outdoors, then you’ll be a-ok.  While I may not care as much for the heavy branding on the rubber strap, I do rather like it’s deployant clasp.  They’ve done a clever thing with how you adjust the fit here as well.
Normally, if you’re talking a deployant on a rubber strap, you’re cutting things down to get a good fit.  Here, the Alpina AlpinerX instead relies on spring bars to get the right setting.  This gives you two points of adjustment – one via the grooves set at the end of the strap, as well as the holes in the clasp itself.  In other words, you should get a good fit that then remains consistent, without doing any sort of cutting.  I would not have minded a micro-expansion in the clasp that would give you some quick-adjust room as the day goes on, but perhaps that can be done in the future.
As you can see from the photos, the Alpina AlpinerX we had in on loan is through-and-through blue.  One presumes this extends to the other color options (on the various components), but Alpina really did a good job committing to color on this watch.  The bezel and clasp are of the same hue, and while the blue is not identical across the whole of the watch, they’re close enough to make things feel really consistent.  The only deviation from the navy-and-white combo we had in was the lighter blue used on the handset, but that makes sense as it helps them to stand out.  For telling the time, sure, using the lumed ends would be enough.  When you switch into, say, the compass mode (where the hands act as the needle) then you’ll appreciate the clearly-defined outlines of the hands.
Me, I like blue, so this particular reference of the Alpina AlpinerX worked well for me.  Given it’s size, I found this to be more of an office and casual watch.  Sure, it’s “dressier” than any other ABC watch you’ve seen before, but that’s just a relative thing.  If you’re suiting up, you’ll have a challenge making this one fit in.  However, for any other situation, the Alpina AlpinerX will fit in.  The question that remains then, for buyers, is if this is functionality you’ll want.  While KS backers got a good discount, the anticipated retail for the watch is $895.  For a smart watch, that could be a stretch.  For an outdoors-oriented ABC watch, that could be a stretch.  My take on it is to evaluate it on the outdoors capabilities, and consider the connectivity it has sort of the frosting on the cake.  If it fits with what you’d want from a watch in the outdoors, then by all means, give the Alpina AlpinerX a gander.   alpinawatches.com
[amazon_link asins=’B01N2G26PF,B01L92IGKS,B01NADWQV1,B0158VSDQS,B016A216M2′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’wristwatchrev-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’362cfe48-4a44-11e8-a7cc-5fbcae8b3e05′]
Review Summary
Brand & Model: Alpina AlpinerX
Price:  $895 (anticipated retail)
Who’s it for? You want an ABC watch that isn’t screaming “let me tell you about my trail adventures!”
Would I wear it? On the weekends and camping?  For sure
What I would change:  I’d like to see step counts on the LCD, and I’d really like silent (vibrating) alarms
The best thing about it: The addition of the LCD makes for a much, much more usable Horological Smartwatch from the FC/Alpina family.
Tech Specs from Alpina
Reference:  AL-283LBN5NAQ6
Case:  Blue  glass-fiber  and  stainless  steel,  45mm  diameter  with  360°    BI-DIRECTIONAL  TURNING  COMPASS  BEZEL
Convex  Sapphire  Crystal
10  ATM/100m/330ft  Water-resistant
Engraved  case-back
MMT-283-1,Horological  Smartwatch
All  connected  functions  operated  by  crown
2+  years  battery  life
Black  dial  with  matte  finishing
Applied  silver  indexes  with  white  luminous  and  digital  screen
Blue  colored  polished  hands  with  white  luminous  treatment
Strap:  Navy,  rubber
Hours,  Minutes,  Seconds,  Date
Activity  Tracking
Sleep  Monitoring
Dynamic  Coach
Worldtimer  (2nd  Time  Zone  +  Local  24h  Time)
Smart  Alarms  (Get-Active  Alerts,  Sleep  Alarm)
Calls  &  Messages  Notifications
UV  Indicator
Time  Recorder  (Stopwatch,  Timer,  Workouts)
Connecting up with the @AlpinaWatches AlpinerX #smartwatch #connected #outdoors #adventure #under$1000 It was not all that long ago where we brought you word of a curious thing - a big Swiss brand (Alpina) flogging their watch on Kickstarter, of all places.  
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jessahmewren · 7 years
Miles between us and miles to go. Chapter 5/6
Written for @thexmasfileschallenge and tagging @today-in-fic 
Day 12: Secret Santa
“All you have is now.  Do the best you can with that.” 
But how?  It seemed like a tall order, an insurmountable task.  Scully stood in the bathroom, looking at herself in the shatterproof mirror above the sink.  Her eyes were hollow and dark underneath, and she was trembling slightly.  At least the IV was gone, having been discontinued after her latest attempt to do it herself.  She steadied herself at the sink.  The cool tile of the bathroom floor sent steady jolts of sensation through her feet and legs.  She was, indeed, alive.  Now what?
She splashed some cold water on her face to clear her head and was surprised to find that it felt good.  She did it again.  “Ok,” she said aloud.  Start with the basics. 
You’re in the hospital because you tried to die and failed.  Now you’re stuck, because apparently you can’t even kill yourself properly and you’re too chicken to try again.  Yeah.  You’re afraid to try again, and that’s even more pathetic than trying again and failing. 
A mess.  You’re a mess. 
“All you have is now.”  In Scully’s eyes, she had very little at the moment.  The hospital room, the emptiness, and the good, cold water.  And hunger, she realized.  She was hungry.  The realization stupefied her with its simplicity.  She wasn’t before, and now she was.  So she had hunger.
And she had Mulder.  Always Mulder.  Mulder was there and he wouldn’t leave.  He said it would take time, to give it time.  But time is the enemy when you don’t want to live; there’s always too much of it, and too many things trying to fill it.  Like Mulder. Mulder, who kept his hand to the darkness without closing his fingers around it.  Mulder, who was full of so many good things.  How she wished they could have raised their son away from the hell that was their lives. 
Mulder wouldn’t leave.  She had him.  She shut off the lights and closed the door behind her. 
As she was walking out, the door to her room swung open.  It was Mulder.  He carried a bag and tossed it on the bed.  His demeanor had changed into one of tightly wound tension.  “I brought you some things,” he said in a rush.  “Get changed, we’re leaving.” 
She watched him reach up behind the wall-mounted television and retrieve a gun wedged under the frame.  Scully’s eyes widened in surprise.  “What’s going on Mulder?”  Her heart rate accelerated.
“We’ve got to go, Scully.”  He moved closer to her now, his eyes resolute.  “They’re going to put you in lockdown.  Maximum security wing, tomorrow morning.”  He locked eyes with her.  “I can’t let that happen.”
He handed her the bag.  “Get ready,” he said tensely, and turned to leave.  She knew that in his mind he was already strategizing whatever had to transpire, while she knew nothing.  Less than nothing.  She stood there, hesitating.
“Hey,” he returned to her, reached and gingerly cupped the back of her neck with his hand, centering her face with his.  “Do you trust me?”  His voice had lost its urgency.  Time slowed, resonating between them like the final note of a beautiful aria.  She shook her head, a short, rapid nod.  Under the scrutiny of his gaze, she forgot to breath.  Of course she trusted him.  She trusted no other.  “You know I do,” she exhaled finally.  It was firm and decisive. 
Mulder looked away, breaking the contact.  “I’ll be right back,” he said.  And he was gone. 
She opened the bag on the bed.  It was a piece of her luggage with her clothes inside.  On top was a folded set of hospital scrubs, a stethoscope, and shoes.  She put them on and tied her hair in a low ponytail.  The shoes were a little loose, but would work.  She checked the mirror again, smoothing her hair back.  She was ready.
“You’ll only have five minutes after the shift change, then you’re on your own.”  Sara looked at Fox Mulder, a man she hardly knew and had met only days ago.  “Thank you,” he said in a low tone.  He looked at her with some reluctance, thinking of how much he’d already asked of her.  “I need the location of the security cameras…fifth and second floors, the parking garage, and the elevator.  Do you think you can do that?”  She shifted in the small supply closet and nervously checked her watch.  “Ok,” she finally said.  “I’ll have to get them from security somehow.  Look, I have to go.  You need to make your move soon.”
Mulder looked at the young woman fully.  “I know what you’re risking for this,” Mulder began.  Sara stopped him with a raised hand, and he saw the scars on her wrist.  “Just take care of her,” she said quietly.  “Take care of both of you.”
Mulder exited and made his way down the hall, his demeanor one of casual urgency.  He opened the door to Scully’s room and slipped inside. 
Scully stood by the window in the undulating shadows of moonlight, her arms folded across the middle of her borrowed navy blue scrubs.  Her shoulders were slumped slightly, but when she turned to look at him, her eyes were bright.  She’d tied her hair back, revealing a delicate profile and graceful neck.  The scrubs were entirely too long for her, and she had cuffed the under to try and hide the fact.  She was beautiful. 
Mulder cleared his throat, seeing a glimpse of the Scully he knows and loves.  “You ready?”
Scully dipped her head, and for a moment, there flitted a whisper of a smile.  “Yeah.” 
The plan was simple enough, though executing it might be something else entirely.  Sara had sweettalked the surveillance blueprint from security (citing a paranoid schizophrenic’s conspiracy theories), but that might’ve been the easy part. 
While concocting the plan, she still maintained her rounds and responsibilities, dividing her attention between the two worlds so as to not arouse suspicion.  It was unbelievably complex, and verified (to Sara, at least) that she would be utterly useless as a secret agent.
She rounded the corner, passing the fifth floor nurses station.  All of her coworkers seemed to notice her at once, but their attention was only a product of her heightened awareness.  Her illicit activities made her feel exposed, made the hair on her arms stand on end.  On some level, though, it was thrilling.  In a place where the only kind of excitement was what patient was going to expose themselves at the nurse’s station on what day, or who you got each year for Secret Santa, this was downright explosive.
Sara ducked into Room 514, looking as business-like as possible.  Her heart thundered in her chest, her throat constricted.  She took a deep breath to steady her nerves.
Agent Mulder and her patient were standing close together.  Dana appeared calm and focused, a welcome change from the erratic, angry woman she’d known for the past week.  Her long-suffering visitor was talking to her in a low, purposeful tone, his words indiscernible from where Sara stood by the door.  Dana listened intently, her head turned slightly into their conversation.  Occasionally, she nodded.  She said something then, and he lightly touched the slight bend in her elbow, holding it briefly.  The sweet intimacy in that simple gesture made Sara feel uncomfortable, like a voyeur.  She had misjudged them, she realized.  They were definitely more than friends.    
“It’s time,” Sara announced steadily.  “We don’t have long.”  She handed Agent Mulder the folded blueprint, then crossed to the shelf against the wall and reached for one of the hospital gowns stacked there.  “I need to get changed.”
Dana looked at her, then at Mulder.  He stepped forward, taking the gown from her hand and tossing it on the bed.  “No, you don’t.”  Sara looked at him, stunned.  “I can’t let you take the fall for this.”  Mulder swallowed, his eyes softening.  “You’ve done too much.  We’re doing this my way.” 
Sara shook her head.  “It will be easier if Dana and I trade places.  If she keeps her head down you two can just walk out of here.”  She searched his eyes, realizing it was futile but trying anyway.  “Listen, she’s not due for a bed check for at least another fifteen minutes.  That gives you plenty of time.” 
Mulder’s jaw clenched, but before he could reply, Dana interrupted.  “And what about you?  What do you think will happen to you when they find you here?”  Her voice held a brittle edge, but her eyes betrayed the concern there. 
Sara swallowed.  She already knew what would happen.  At best, she’d lose her job, most likely her license.  If she didn’t go to jail, her career, at least, was over.  Mulder’s expression was stoic, non-negotiable.  “We do this my way.” 
She understood. 
“I’m sorry, but this has to be convincing.” 
Sara winced as Agent Mulder tightened the bonds around her wrists and ankles.  He’d torn part of the bed sheet in strips, and he now bound Sara’s hands to the bedrail.  She was on her knees on the cold floor, her ankles bound behind her in the same way, her hands tingling from the tourniquet around her wrists.  Her thighs trembled in the awkward position.  “You don’t have to do this,” Sara said.  “If they find you—“
“They won’t find us,” Agent Mulder said tersely.  “And you’re an innocent in this.  Wait a few minutes for the shift change, then keep them busy explaining what happened.  Tell them you came in on rounds, and you were blindsided.  When you came to, we were gone.”  Agent Mulder tore another strip from the sheet.  Dana reappeared from the bathroom and handed him a washcloth.  These were two people practiced in working as a team, she thought. Sara shook her head slightly, indicating that she understood.  Her mouth was a grim line.  “Thank you,” Agent Mulder said, and then, “I’m sorry,” as he stuffed the washcloth in her mouth and tied the gag tight.  Dana looked on, her face unreadable.
Mulder and “Sara” walked casually down the hall, toward the elevator.  Scully wore Sara’s glasses, but kept her head down, pretending to review the file she carried.  A close-fitting long sleeve white shirt under her scrubs hid the bandage on Scully’s wrist. Despite the ill-fitting scrubs and the difference in their hair color, with a stethoscope and her comfort in such attire, she looked the part. 
They kept a steady, determined pace, yet Mulder was careful not to go too fast.  They slipped by the first security camera, then the second, making their way to the electronically sealed double doors that would lead them out of the psychiatric ward.  Scully unclipped Sara’s ID and swiped it over the security pad.  There was a low buzz, and the doors lurched open. 
Directly into the path of a middle-aged, balding physician waiting on the other side.  Mulder recognized the elegantly embroidered name on his white coat (“Johansson”) from Scully’s door.  He was her doctor.  Scully kept her eyes down, trying to keep a low profile.  Johansson noticed the “nurse” right away.  Glancing only briefly at Mulder and forgoing any pleasantries, he addressed her in a clipped, dour tone.  “Sara, I need those test results on the patient in—“he stopped abruptly, recognition flashing in his eyes.  He opened his mouth, probably to call for security, but never got the chance.  In a flash of movement, Mulder struck him with the butt of his gun, rendering him unconscious.  Mulder caught him before he fell completely to the floor.  He checked for a pulse, and then he and Scully towed the man’s dead weight behind the empty security desk.  Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be long until someone found him. 
Bypassing the elevator, Mulder grabbed Scully’s hand and led her into the stairwell. 
They were running out of time. 
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
Dark's Happy Place
*I am in a happy mood so I will give you a short story of our dear Edgelord and his love. I thought of this as a fun idea so lets get this going :D *
"I can't believe you did this..." Dark is brooding.
"Come on you won't know til you try it!" You are jumping up and down with pure happiness.
"And I thought I was the one who enjoyed torturing people but today its all you." Dark is very done. "You are killing me."
"Don't be such a drama queen." You boop Dark's nose. "It's Disneyland!! How can you not love this!!"
There is a good crowd today. So many families were out and groups were taking pictures every second. The lines were long to some rides and the shops were filled. There were smiles everywhere in the park except for one brooding man.
"Did we really have to come here..." Dark sighs.
"Yes!! It has been forever since I have been here and who better to share it with than you." You cuddle into Dark's chest.
"You acting cute does not help." Dark still broods but holds you.
"What if I get to your ego and say you look so hot dressed casual?" You Step back to look at Dark.
He has on some dark navy jeans that are held up by a deep brown belt. He has some comfy black vans and his gray shirt hugs his body. His black leather jacket keeps him warm from the wind coming in that day. Dark even put on a black cap because he didn't want to deal with people recognizing him. Since he never dresses this way you were taking in very much.
"I know I do but it does sound better when you say it." Dark smirks. "Fine lets get this over with."
You take him around the shops first looking at all the cute toys and mickey hats. You really want to get one for Dark but you don't want to mess with him too much. The rides were more interesting. You would wait in line happily and you thought Dark doesn't mind being the patient guy he is but add in some loud people and children and he cant do it. Thankfully you snuggling up to his side relaxed him enough to get him to calm down. There was one thing you wanted to try but hadn't yet. You look at his hand holding onto his belt as he looks through his phone. You two have never held hands before like any other couple. Sure other things had happened but the simple one of holding hands was something that you didn't do. He never said he wouldn't like it but he hasn't even tried to do it and you felt to nervous to try it yourself. You slowly try to get it bit then the line moves and you don't in the end.
"I think you would like this one." You say as you sit in the ride. You took him to the Buzz Light shooting ride hoping this one will get him to have some fun.
"It involves shooting things. It may not be real targets but anything to take out my frustrations on. Also I'm going to win this." He gives you a determined smile.
You have so much fun getting the targets and you look at Dark who seems to get really into it. He is hitting everything perfectly and keeps moving the cart so you will miss. You shove him to mess his aim but sadly to no effect, he wins. "Where is my prize?" He looks at you as you both walk out of the ride.
"I never said anything about a prize." You look at him amused.
"You just suffered a humiliating defeat I deserve a prize." He stands in front of you waiting.
"You cheated." You pout.
"I didn't say it was a clean win but it is still a win. So?" He taps his foot.
You ponder at this and think of his favorite prize. You go up to him and give him a kiss. "There congratulations."
He looks disappointed. "Only that?" He tugs you to him. "You know I need more than that."
"We are in a theme part fill of happy families and children. I think they do not want to see some very intense making out." You laugh softly.
"Does it look like I care what other people think of me?" Dark looks at you seductively.
You blush red but try to relax yourself. " Come on sir but the breaks on the charm." You give him a second quick kiss. "Lets go on another ride."
The next one was the tea cups and you made Dark spin it and all he had o do was push it with his finger to get it to move. You are laughing so much and having fun and Dark watches you smiling lightly. Dark has to hold you up after the ride because your head is spinning to fast and losing your balance. He chuckles as you tell him he spin you to much but it was worth it. You go on some more rides and then get hungry and you beg Dark to get you a churro. He makes you get actual food saying it will spoil your lunch but gets you the churro after. Again you look at his hand wanting to hold it but your fingers are sticky after licking them from having some candy.
"Lets go here." Dark point to the Haunted Mansion.
"You really want to go here?" You look up at Dark surprised.
"Why not it looks nice." Dark looks at the small cemetery. "My kind of house."
You both get in line and wait a while. You think Dark is going to lose it when a child begins to cry because they are too scared to continue but he takes a deep breathe and wraps his arms from behind you. You get into the ride finally and take the elevator what reveals the growing paintings. When to lightning strikes and shows the hanging man at the top with a scream some of the people are scared and some children cry. Dark holds in his laugh and you look at him shaking your head. You continue walking and get to the part where you get to sit in the chair and go through the rest of the mansion. You snuggle up to him in your seat and rest your head on his shoulder. He leans in the seat and closes his eyes as if he is napping. It is dark enough for it so you fellow him and close your eyes as well. A jolt of the ride makes your eyes open.
"We are sorry but we are facing some difficulties with the controls. Please stay seated until the ride is fixed." The announcer saids calmly.
"Hu that's weird. Well this is a nice place to be stuck in." You look around to find you are in the graveyard. You look at Dark and he leans in and kisses you.
He holds your cheek softly but kisses you very intensely. His fingers are curling into your hair and your cheeks feel warm. You put your hand on his chest and slowly lean away. "Did you make the ride stop?"
"Maybe." He smiles. You see his shadow moving in a stream away through the ride. "Now give me my prize."
He doesn't let you say anything and leans back in wrapping his arms around you. He presses you into the chair and one of his hands is brushing your waist. You shiver at his touch and feel this is weird doing this in a ride but it is dark there so no one can see you. He gets more intense and makes you move your lips apart to French kiss you. You feel like you can't breathe but you also don't want to stop kissing. He leans away to let you take a breathe. While you remember how to breathe he hold you close. "That's better." He lets the ride continue and holds you the rest of the time.
When you lean the sun is already going down. "Is it time to go now?" Dark looks at you hoping the answer is yes.
"O no Grumpy. We are staying for the fireworks." You look determined.
"Grumpy? My attitude or the dwarf? Hey he had a good thing going until he got soft." Dark sighs. "Dam character development."
"Hey its a classic. And aren't you slightly better with me in your life now." You smile at him.
"True but I still haven't lost my touch." Dark makes a evil grin.
While you both wait for the fireworks you get on more rides. Dark makes you go on the Buzz one two more times, he wins both times. Then you take him to Splash Mountain and put your hands in the air at the drop. When you look at the picture from the drop you are smiling and you laugh seeing Dark without any reaction arms crossed yawning. You go on tea cups again but this time not so much spinning to be safe. Finally it is time for the fireworks and you two find a good spot.
The music starts and you watch them pop into the sky. Your eyes light up at the colors and you feel like a kid again. You look up and smile feeling a tear coming on. The last time you were here you were with your parents before they separated when things were still ok. You always wanted to go back but you didn't know who with because your parents did their own thing and our friends were busy. You look up at Dark and he is looking at you. He wipes a tear from your cheek and looks at you softly.
"I'm sorry I brought you here. I know this isn't your thing but I just wanted to share this with you because you I wanted to come here with someone I care about so.." You shuffle your feet.
"For you this is tolerable. I will do anything with you if it makes you happy. My darling comes first." He kisses your head. "Even if this place is to happy for my liking."
You cuddle up to him. "I love you Grumpy."
"I love you too." He hold you and lets you go so you can see the fireworks.
You are both leaving the park and Dark is carrying your souvenirs. You got that Mickey ears hat you wanted and took multiple photos of Dark when you put it on him. You come over to his place for the night, he said you owed him. You o to his room and take your pajamas you left there when you stay over and plop on the bed. Downstairs Dark checks that the house is in order and Willford busts out laughing because you made Dark keep the Mickey hat on. He shows that you send everyone the photos of him in it and his shell cracks. He stomps up the stairs and opens the door ready to say something but stops at the sight of you sleeping.
You passed out instantly on his bed and sniggle in the covers. He sighs and takes his clothes for the night and changes. He moves you over and holds you as you both fall asleep.
After that day Willford tells everyone they should all go to Disneyland so your off there again. All the egos are happy and running around. Again you look at Dark knowing he is not loving this but he said it couldn't be helped. You look around and then you feel something. You look down and see Dark is holding your hand.
You look up at him. "What? You were staring at my hand most of the time we were here before. Isn't this what you wanted?" Dark asks.
You smile at him. "Yes it is."
"Good. I cant have you getting lost on me while I look after these morons." Dark rolls his eyes at the other egos. "Besides isn't this what lovers do? Hold hands." He softly squeezes your hand. "It.. Its not that bad."
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jangbyul · 7 years
I was debating whether I should post this here but i decided that I would because more than anything I want to be able to remember this experience and for those who continue to read this post, maybe it can provide them with more insight on how things operate at Kpop concerts. also, I hope this post can provide some laughter and that whoever reads it, will fall in love with vixx even more because heck I sure did <3 
warning: the following blurbs you are about to read contains many many grammatical error and may not even make sense because I wrote it after the concert at around 2am in an attempt to remember everything so please bear with me OTL I also didn't go into too much detail about the format and setlist because I mainly wanted to remember the things VIXX did and their cute interactions with one another. enjoy! 
They came out in their casual clothes and omg they looked so freaking fluffy!!! And can I just say that they have such amazing skin like holy they didn’t have makeup on but they still looked pretty and glowy and flawless like how? Hongbin was in this navy long zip hoodie and a plain white shirt paired with blacked jeans? Damn he looked so good in such a simple outfit! Poor bb looked so sleepy though :( hyukkie omg I feel bad because I don’t remember exactly what he was wearing but I think he was wearing a white shirt as well? I was too focused on him being adorable and teasing Leo haha so they performed 2 songs during rehearsal - good night and good morning as well as dynamite and during dynamite hyuk playfully tapped Leo’s cap xD so yeah Leo was wearing a baseball cap with Chicago on it? And his outfit was mostly white, I would say his was the most laid back for sure! Ravi was in a black tee and black pants and a black beanie as well (all black lol) i am sad to say that Ravi looked tired as well and didn’t smile much but he still killed his rap parts though! Next is hakyeon! That boy was dressed up looking chic as hell! He was also in an all black outfit but he had a leather? jacket on and black skinny jeans. He looked like he was in a good mood because he smiled quite often and said some things to the audience. Last but definitely not least is jaehwan. He was in a black hoodie which this scary picture of a doll on it lol as well as black jeans. He was sooo freaking smiley and there were times where he kinda bounced around on stage? He waved a lot to the audience and when rehearsal was over he was the last to leave the stage ^_^
Actual concert
this was such a blur! I was so sad we were only allowed to record 3 songs so I don’t even have a video for on and on (which is my fave song). But they all killed it! 100% killlllled it and they sound just as good live as they do on their CDs, no joke. since Im a hongbin stan I glued my eyes to him the majority of the time but seriously when it comes to dancing, hakyeon draws so much attention. Just the way he effortlessly moves and theres just so much passion when he dances. I couldn’t help but stare *_* jaehwan dances with a lot of power and confidence and he might not be the main dancer but I still think he did an amazing job! hyuk when he dances he’s freaking MANhyuk! he also has a lot of power when he dances like I don’t know how to explain it like his moves are just so intricate? hongbin my precious bean sweated so much LOL it was to the point that he grabbed a towel every chance he got and turned away from the crowd to wipe it xD I could tell he was super focused when dancing and damn he moves fast like one sec he was on the left side of the stage and then the next he was already on the floor on the right side of the stage! Judging by the amount of sweat and how he kept wiping his upper lip cuz of the sweat, he really worked hard <3 (he also freaking did a lip lick thing that drove me into a frenzy ugh) during to us, all the fans held up a banner and just enjoyed the song together. it was such a good feeling, to have so many starlights in one room and have vixx right in front of us ;;;;
Apart from the songs they also did this interactive-ish thing with us! Like prior to going into the concert we were allowed to write something we would like them to do on a sticky (ex. Jaehwan please do aegyo) etc and so hyuk designated himself to be the “MC” and how it worked was that each member would choose one of the stickies for the member on their right. Leo chose first and he chose one for jaehwan and what he had to do was sing a part from his musical. He did so without using his mic and at that moment I knew exactly what an angel sounded like *_* everyone in the crowd was in awe that I think we cheered too early because it looked like jaehwan wanted to continue still but stopped and clapped and then went back to his seat. Hakyeon even pointed out that the crowd was just waiting to scream because we went from “ahhhhh” to “WOOOOOODFGDFGDFGD” real quick haha next jaehwan chose a sticky for hakyeon! He took his time choosing and hakyeon actually got off his seat and went up to jaehwan (I guess to make sure he isn’t choosing something too difficult for hakyeon to do lol) and while jaehwan was choosing he beatboxed a little which drove us insane <3 hyuk said somethings like “oh choose for your love N, you bro N, your mother father N” XDD jaehwan finally chose one which was also for hakyeon to perform a song from his upcoming musical? I wasn’t too sure if it was from a musical because the translator there sucked lol hakyeon said he had to prep because he doesn’t rmr some lines but in the end he sang beautifully like he never ceases to amaze me with his voice that is just so suitable for ballads & lullabies yenno he kept going until hyuk had to intervene and tell him to stop he still kept going and it got crazy when ken started singing as well haha such cuties!! Anyway so next hakyeon chose for hongbin and omgosh I saw my sticky and was really hoping hakyeon would choose it but he didn’t OTL i wrote it for hongbin, asking if he could sing a ballad because precious bb has a lovely voice and deserves to sing more! In the end hakyeon chose one in which hongbin had to do aegyo and boy did he struggle! The first time he did it it was pretty quick but still adorable nonetheless because his voice went all high pitched eeee so hyuk actually made him do it a second time and it was slightly longer and his voice went from high back to his usual lowish voice cuz he got so embarrassed.. hongbin said something and the translator said hongbin was sad because starlights didn’t understand his true feelings TT I guess he really didn’t want to do aegyo :( hongbin chose for Ravi and my Rabin feels were reignited because hongbin took two stickies and allowed Ravi to choose one! Ravi chose to also do aegyo I think? And he ended up doing the “oppa song”??? some cute music played and Ravi had to do aegyo to it but it seems like he was prepared and did it without hesitating that even the members joked and commented that he was really good at it LOL our Ravi may be the badass rapper and has tats to prove it....but he is too cute when he wants to be :3
Somewhere in there Ravi had to do an eye battle with hakyeon and lol hakyeon was so pumped and ready, being so confident he was gonna win and had that smug look on his face while provoking ravi by playfully hitting him on the chest. In the end hakyeon did win (but I feel like thats because he purposely made Ravi blink HAHA). Ravi chose for hyuk and hyuk had to dance to chained up double speed! That of course was too easy so it got ramped up to triple speed and I think later to quadruple speed?? Triple/quadruple speed was hella fast and hyuk was moving so fast that by the end of it he was so exhausted and joked that he can never do a concert again! He looked a bit frazzled afterwards so ken was like are you ok??? Oh yeah and we somehow got ken to do triple/quadruple speed as well but he didn’t even try to go super fast because srsly it’s killer! Hyuk was still recovering so Leo asked if he could chose his own and hyuk let him. Leo chose to perform a bit of whisper with Ravi!!!!! It was just the chorus but they did a bit of the chore and leo sang without the music and Ravi rapped without the music as well *_* because leo cheated by basically making it into a joint mission with Ravi, hyuk later chose another sticky for leo LOL this required leo to write each of the members name with his belly button xD poor leo didn’t want to do it at all and kept saying its weird!! He struggled so much and actually did his signature collapse onto the floor dying from embarrassment HAHA he managed to complete it but he did so by moving his entire body across he stage like he sat right next to hyuk on the right side but by the end of it he was all the way to the left side standing right in front of Ravi haha ken and hyuk demonstrated that you don’t have to move ur entire body but just your upper body xD then they wrapped up that segment and performed some more songs! after the final song when they were bowing and exiting the stage, ken did not want to leave and kept waving and blowing kisses ahhh those bbkins <333 hongbin legit had to come out, and drag him off the stage LOL then hongbin popped back out and did a heart with his hands ahhhh
I also just wanted to note that jaehwan was just a ball of sunshine throughout the entire concert. He constantly waved enthusiastically and smiled his puppy smile. he was just so playful and when fans shouted I love you to him he would immediately say I love you too back and jokingly act like yeah the fans love me most XD jaehwan definitely climbed up my bias list after this and I’m just so glad I got to witness his playful humorous side in real life. it made me think back to vixx’s reality shows and how the members always mention that theyre thankful for ken because ken jokes around and does his best to lighten up the mood after a stressful day ;A; Hyuk also made such a big effort speaking English to us and although it was just short sentences, I was still extremely proud of him and thankful that he made that effort <3 hakyeon too said a lot of sweet things to us and his humble self kept thanking us when really we should be thanking him for gracing us with his presence!!!!! Leo kept his cool demeanour for the majority of the concert, It wasn’t until the very last few songs where they came out not in their usual stage outfits that I saw leo being extra smiley and literally jumping and spinning on stage XD he went right next to jaehwan and started jumping with him (KEO IS REAL OK) hakyeon also made sure to go left to right and say bye to the fans and wave! Same with jaehwan hehe hongbin was mainly on the opposite side of me and oh how I wish he was on my side more during the last few songs!
I noticed that jaehwan was the most popular here like so many people I met that day were jaehwan stans hehe Ravi was also really popular and hakyeon too! Whenever hongbin sang I screamed extra hard because I really want him to feel just as loved and appreciated and same goes for hyuk too because those two have so much to offer!
Photo Op
I was such a nervous wreck LOL my friends and I were all strategizing a plan, trying to make sure we’d end up in front of our biases. it was 15 people per group so when it was our group’s turn I legit blanked out and just tried to navigate towards hongbin. So the order was N, Hyuk, Hongbin, Ravi, Ken, and Leo. I stepped onto the stage and was immediately greeted by N’s smiling face and wave. I waved back automatically and seriously couldn’t do anything but wave Lol i was way too stunned by his 6 foot beauty and that small eye contact! *_* I ended up somewhat in front of hongbin but like on the floor and not on a seat but its okay! The photo op was super quick like they took 2 pics and that was only like 20 seconds! the staff rushed us and kept telling us to move move move -.- As we got up to leave I quickly turned back and looked at hongbin and told him I love you ahhhh he looked at me and smiled and waved and that was all I needed to turn into a big pile of mush ffghfghfghf *_* I think I was able to catch eye contact with jaehwan after and I tried to say bye to leo but failed LOL as I got off the stage I still couldn’t believe I was able to muster up the courage to say something to hongbin eeeep! Oh and vixx is known to be giants right so I was expecting them to tower over me because I’m only 5’4…but up close they weren’t as tall as I expected. yeah they were impressive in height but not what I imagined I guess xD But yeah the photo op went by so quickly and I’m praying to god I look somewhat descent in the pictures they took lol rip
Im so sad that the concerts over and you bet I’m going to suffer from PCD for the next few weeks T_T but I’m just so thankful to have been able to experience this and to finally see them live! all the while meeting some pretty awesome people along the way! It was definitely a memorable concert that I hope to remember many years from now :)
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