#and named him QUINCEY
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
tumblr, joking: Quincey Arthur Abraham Seward Jonathan Mina Lucy Harker, you were named after the bravest polycule I ever knew
Jonathan and Mina:
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hallaburger · 4 months
my biggest dracula movie/tv adaptation gripe is that they never. Ever. get jack seward right. and they seldom get arthur and quincey right. but nobody does jack the way he should be: young, handsome, charming, smart, deeply observant, driven by curiosity, and devoted to a fault.
the hero boys commonly feel like an afterthought by directors and screenwriters - like they're interchangeable, easily omitted or substituted, swallowed up by abraham van helsing's significance. it's really unfortunate, especially since they each feel, in the book, so lovingly created and characterized. they each have importance and i wish more people understood that.
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paris-in-space · 1 year
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Today I offer sketches of the Suitor Squad™️ because I’m not entirely sure when I’m going to draw them properly but really wanted to do something.
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 months
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Some rough cute doodles of Quincey and Scott for my little band of Soldier and the Solicitor people xD
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wistaliia · 9 months
we wouldn't have dracula without mina but i just remembered quincey gave her the typewriter
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love-liberty21 · 11 months
Me when I start plotting the aftermath of Draculas death in my modern AU and decide that Quincey survives:
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dathen · 2 years
Yet another thing fitting about Jonny’s casting as Jack Seward is we get to hear his huge crush on Quincey Morris. Just like the Bloodborne streams.
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fischerfrey · 9 months
A Christmas Prince; The Royal Wedding
Chapter 3: The Princess and the Ogre
Summary: Royal protocol threatens to dictate everything about Dawn and Quincey's wedding. Olympia's charity play faces obstacles.
Words: 3k
Dawn Harvelle and Evander Alderly @potionboy3
Quincey and Olympia Alderly, Tess Brandon
Gaia Alden by @cursed-herbalist
Also featuring:
Pandora Lovelace & Nymeria Lee by @gcldensnitch, Jimmy Crouch, Maxim Raeburn, Rosa Yaxley & Evan Harvelle by @potionboy3, Rocky Weasley by @magicallymalted
Beginning | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Want to read the first fic in the series, A Christmas Prince? Click here!
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Chapter 3: The Princess and the Ogre
“Your Majesties, Your Highness,” said Evander. He had a distinct look of dishevelment about him that Dawn had not expected to see.
Quincey’s personal security guard had already stepped in, ready to escort Evander out of the premises.
“It’s alright, Mr. Flitwick,” said Quincey. “He appears to be in no shape to do us any further harm.”
“Queen Isabella,” said Evander. “Merry Christmas.”
“What is it you want, Evander?” asked the queen.
“I know I deserve to be met with such hostility,” Evander continued. Dawn’s dad and Tess had made their way next to Dawn, as if to serve as his personal guard. Dawn thought it was kind of cute. Tess whispered: “Is this the bloke who…”
“Who tried to steal Quincey’s crown? Yes,” Dawn whispered back.
“Frankly, I’m amazed to see your face here, cousin,” said Quincey.
“After the… unfortunate incident last Christmas, I lost almost everything I had,” Evander explained.
“Just desserts!” Olympia chimed in.
“I don't expect you to forgive me,” said Evander. “But I wanted to say I'm sorry, and Merry Christmas…”
The entire family was looking at Evander in something of a shock. This was the last thing Dawn had expected and he was willing to bet it had not crossed the minds of anyone else in the room, either.
“And congratulations,” finished Evander, looking at Dawn and Quincey now with an expression that could almost be described as genuine. “To you both.”
He turned to leave, and Quincey stepped forward. “Wait.”
Evander stopped in his tracks, turning back to face the king. Quincey sighed and said: “I don't know how you'll ever regain our trust. But we're still family. And it's Christmas.”
Olympia looked like she was about to punch some sense into her brother. Dawn exchanged looks with his dad and aunt.
“He may stay,” Quincey told the head of security and Evander looked seemingly relieved.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet, Olympia might actually murder you.”
Evander looked at Olympia who scowled. It seemed forgiveness didn’t come to her as easily as her brother, though Dawn wasn’t sure where all this goodwill on Quincey’s part was coming from.
Queen Isabella exchanged a few words with his wayward nephew, who then hovered awkwardly near the tree but didn’t touch any of the decorations. A passing waiter gave him a mug of steaming hot glühwein. Dawn decided to go over and see what he was really up to.
“Count Evander,” he said as he approached.
“Mr. Harvelle,” he replied. “Or Your Highness, soon enough.”
“What brought you to us on this… fine December evening?” Dawn asked.
“I knew you would all be together, and I thought: what better time to make my apologies?”
“I guess,” said Dawn, squinting his eyes.
“I know you don’t like me or trust me, but I’m not here to cause any trouble,” said Evander. “I’m just trying to make things right between me and my family.”
“It’s my family too, now, so if you try any shit–,” started Dawn but Evander stopped him on his tracks: “I won’t. I don’t want to go against you and my dear cousins ever again. The first round was quite humiliating enough.”
Dawn was a little pleased to hear it but hoped it wasn’t too obvious. “Quincey’s right, Olympia might actually kill you.”
“Yes, I imagine obtaining her forgiveness might be a little too optimistic.”
As the evening went on and the tree began to look sufficiently decorated, Evander had gained enough ground to sit on one of the couches and talk about his past year. He and his mother Amelia had a falling out and that had resulted in her cutting off all the money. It must have been a blow, but Dawn found it hard to sympathize with a count when it came to these things.
“So, what did you do?” asked Tess.
“Well, I moved to a more… modest housing arrangement,” Evander explained. “Oh, and I sold my car, that one was… difficult.”
Dawn rolled his eyes, but Tess chuckled and said: “It must have been.”
Evan sat next to Dawn and said under his breath: “Should we be worried about that one?”
“I’m always worried about Evander,” Dawn replied.
“Maybe I should kick his ass?”
Dawn laughed quietly. “Oh my god, dad.”
“I would probably lose.”
“No, you’d totally win.”
“Win what?” asked Quincey, walking up to them.
“Fist fight against Evie,” Dawn explained.
Quincey seemed to think about it for a while and then said: “You would definitely win.”
Evan grinned and Dawn smiled but then his expression turned more serious, and he asked: “Why did you let him stay?”
Quincey shrugged. “I think everyone deserves a second chance.”
Everything went mostly without an incident although Olympia did throw a glass bauble at Evander when he dared to laugh at Tess's joke too merrily in her presence. Dawn thought it was funny, but the queen informed them all that the bauble had been a gift from the American ambassador and now he would wonder why it doesn’t feature in any of the royal photographs.
Back in his bridal suite™️, Dawn exchanged a few messages with his friends back home. Well, back in Bristol since this was home now. It was late, too late, with Dawn’s early morning looming threateningly in the horizon.
the bristol squad; panda: wait cunt evander is back?? panda: NO panda: COUNT panda: autofill1!!! maxim: oh my god rocky: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 dawn: where’s the lie panda: it was a typo nym: no it wasn’t jimmy: it was a freudian slip
Just when Dawn was putting his phone away, he heard a knock on his door. He crept out of bed, wondering whether it was Evander, come to assassinate him. Suddenly it made perfect sense why he had come back, acting all humble and apologetic. He certainly had some devious plan to kill Dawn and get the throne. Just in case, Dawn picked up a decorative candelabra on his way to the door. When he opened and was instead faced with Quincey, dressed in his pajamas and a fancy dressing gown, he hid the makeshift weapon behind his back and smiled.
“What were you going to do with that?” the king asked, half puzzled half amused.
“Defend myself, of course, your palace security is lax, I know that from experience.”
“Dear lord…” said Quincey and grabbed Dawn’s face, kissing him. Dawn pulled him into the room and maneuvered the door shut. Quincey took the candelabra from him and deposited it on a nearby side table.
“Jesus, you could have killed someone with that,” he said.
“That was the idea, although I was expecting it to be Evander.”
“Why would Evander come to your rooms at this hour?” Quincey inquired. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
“To kill me, of course.”
Quincey laughed. “Of course.”
“Are you allowed to be here?” asked Dawn.
“Well, no, technically not.”
“Ooh, naughty,” Dawn teased.
“But I wanted to see you,” said Quincey with a soft smile.
Dawn, not immune to Quincey’s smile, kissed him and pulled him to bed.
The next morning, Dawn was dressed to the nines in the custom made Alderlian wedding outfit insisted upon by the queen. He felt like a complete fraud.
“It’s magnificent,” said Pince.
Rosa was frowning but remained silent.
“I can’t wear this,” said Dawn. He couldn’t even name all the different items of clothing involved.
“You must,” said Rosa. “It’s a symbol of Alderlian continuity.”
“No, it isn’t,” argued Dawn. “I want to talk to Quincey.”
“The king is busy, at the moment,” said Pince. “But I’ll make sure to note down that you want a word with him.”
“He’s going to be my husband and I need to schedule a meeting with him?” Dawn asked. He tried his best to remain calm, but this was all getting ridiculous. He wondered what Quincey was going to wear for the ceremony.
“Help me get this thing off, I need a break,” said Dawn and Rosa rushed to help him remove the outfit. None of it felt right.
The kitchens were empty, since it was some time until lunch, but breakfast had long since been served. Tess set a big, steaming cup of tea in front of Dawn and sat opposite to him.
“You’re my hero,” Dawn said.
Tess gave him a smile. “This is all a bit…”
“Much,” finished Dawn and Tess nodded, sagely.
“Have you settled in?” Dawn asked.
“It’s definitely been interesting to spend so much time with Evan, of all people.”
“Are you getting along?”
“Sure, I always liked him,” said Tess.
“That’s a relief,” said Dawn. “I didn’t realize they wouldn’t let me drag you two everywhere with me.”
“We’ll be fine,” Tess reassured him. “I’m just a little worried about you, though.”
Dawn sipped his tea carefully, as to not burn his tongue. “I feel like it's not my wedding. All this pomp and circumstance. It's like, at this point, I'm almost dreading the big day.”
“Marrying into royalty, of course there’s always going be parts of your life that won’t be just your own, but I think there’s a reason why the king fell in love with you, and it wasn’t your complete adherence to rules and protocol,” said Tess.
“Honestly, Tess, I didn’t think I would ever get married, much less married like… well all this,” Dawn said, motioning around vaguely to everything around him. “But shouldn’t it be about… royalty or not, about being with the person I love, with... with all the people that I love there with me?”
“When did you get so wise?” asked Tess.
“I was always wise, you just refused to see it because you were bitter that I put glue in your hair,” said Dawn.
“That’s very true.”
Dawn took a deep breath. “Christmas without mum is always going to be hard. But getting married without her being there…”
“I know,” said Tess. “I always think about her when something big happens in my life. Like when I graduated or when I launched a new tea line.”
“I guess we're both feeling that, huh?”
“I miss her every day,” Tess said.
“Me too.”
“Which reminds me,” said Tess and dug something out of her pocket. “I was supposed to give this to you as part of your wedding gift, but I figured you might need something to watch your back before the big day.”
Tess took Dawn’s hand and put a necklace on his palm. It was clear quartz with a fine leather cord. Dawn remembered seeing it on Tess many times. Dawn’s mum had given it to Tess as a present when she started high school, to bring her luck, and Tess had worn it throughout the years, up until university and beyond.
“I can’t take this,” he said, immediately.
“Yes, you can,” said Tess, and closed Dawn’s fist around the necklace.
“It’s yours.”
“You need it more than me,” said Tess. “I don’t have any big, life altering events in my horizon.”
“Your mum would want you to have it. I know she would.”
Dawn sighed.
“I won’t take no for an answer.”
“Then…” Dawn started. “Thank you.”
He pulled the necklace over his head and maybe it was in his head, but it did bring him comfort. It made him feel like everything was going to be alright.
“She’d be proud of you, you know,” said Tess.
“Would she?”
“Yes. So proud.”’
On the car ride to Olympia’s dress rehearsal, Dawn got a rundown of The Tale of Princess Froon.
“It’s a folktale,” Olympia explained to Dawn, Evan, and Tess, but mostly Evan. “The original is much more brutal than the version told to children. Kind of like Grimm’s fairytales. A fair maiden who granted Santa Claus his magical powers, sounds wholesome, no?”
“Very,” said Evan.
“Princess Froon was coveted for her ability to grant magical powers. One day she was captured by a big, hairy ogre named Grundel…”
“Like Shrek!” said Dawn.
“No, nothing like Shrek. Grundel traps Princess Froon inside a castle made of ice…”
“Like Frozen?” Dawn tried again.
“Not at all like Frozen, Dawn, shut up. Grundel was going to eat her for breakfast, when his pet turtle…”
“Turtle?” asked Dawn. He couldn’t resist.
“Yes. His turtle found a little baby in the woods. And when he brings the baby to the castle, she cares for it and nurses it back to health. Her kindness melts the ogre's heart, and he falls in love with her.”
“The end?” asked Dawn and Olympia threw a piece of confectionery at him.
“No,” she continued. “The ogre sets the princess free, so then she turns the baby into Santa Claus. And she kisses the ogre to say goodbye and thank you, and he turns into a dashing knight in shining armor. The end.”
“And it's all true?” asked Evan.
“Fair enough,” Dawn said.
“Honestly, it’s not any less mad than strange women lying in ponds distributing swords as a basis for a system of government…,” mused Evan.
“Who's playing the ogre slash knight in shining armor?” asked Dawn.
“Just the reason for my mother’s ire,” said Olympia. “Her name’s Gaia Alden, the daughter of baron Alden.”
“Oh,” said Dawn. Suddenly it made much more sense why Isabella was so against her daughter taking part in this play.
The thing about Olympia’s play was that it was completely put together by amateurs on as low a budget as possible. The entire idea was to collect money for the orphanages of Alderly so the children could have a nice Christmas, complete with a heap of presents. The participation of so many members of the nobility itself had garnered quite a high society crowd. It was all in good fun, for a good cause. Olympia had told Dawn that they’d pretty much done everything themselves from sets to costumes.
“Why must you trap me here, Grundle?” Olympia spoke her line. Dawn was no actor, but he found the princess’s portrayal to be believable enough.
“Your fair beauty hurts my eyes,” said Gaia Alden, donned in the mask of the fearsome ogre. “But that is not why I trap you here. I trap you here because I want your magic!”
“You cannot force me to use it. I must believe in my heart!”
“Then I shall eat you. And your magic shall seep into my flesh and stones!”
There was a brief pause in the action and Dawn, from his front row seat, could see everyone racking their brains for how to handle this.
“I think it's ‘bones’,” Olympia whispered.
“That's what I said, isn't it?” asked Gaia. As an audience member, Dawn would have bought stones hook, line, and sinker. Maybe Grundel was a stone troll.
“Never mind. Let's move on to scene 12.”
“Right, yes,” Gaia said, clearing her throat. She motioned to her prompter and had a brief discussion with him. Just as the director was about to call action, everything went dark. For a minute, Dawn suspected a blackout but then his phone buzzed. It was Quincey calling.
“Hey,” he replied.
“Dawn,” Quincey said. “The unions are calling for a general strike. Are you still at the theater?”
“Yeah, we’re here,” said Dawn, keeping an eye on Olympia, who was frantically discussing with Gaia and some others of her theatrical troupe.
“The theater workers are also going on strike, in solidarity,” said Quincey. “I’m afraid the performance is cancelled.”
“What? Does O know?”
“I have to go,” said Quincey. “I’ll see you tonight.”
Quincey hung up and Dawn was left staring at his phone, flabbergasted.
“O!” he called out, climbing up on the stage. “What’s going on?”
“I wish I knew,” said Olympia.
“It looks like the play is cancelled, Your Highness,” said Gaia, going through her phone, probably looking at news.
“Maybe they’ll get everything figured out before–,” Dawn started.
“The premiere’s tomorrow,” said Olympia. Dawn decided not to question why he hadn’t been made aware of this, same as many other things going on in Alderly.
“I’m sorry, Olympia,” said Gaia. “You made a brilliant Princess Froon.”
“Fuck,” said Olympia.
“C’mon, O,” said Dawn. “It’s going to be alright.”
“People are going to want their tickets refunded,” Olympia said. “But we used most of the money already. On the kids.”
Dawn put a hand on Olympia’s shoulder. “We’ll figure this out. Come on, we have to go before your security detail thinks Miss Alden and I kidnapped you.”
“That would be bad,” said Gaia.
“Alright,” Olympia sighed, and they headed out of the theater hall.
“Merry Christmas, your highnesses,” said Gaia once they were outside. “For what it’s worth, I'm sorry we won’t be able to do the play. It was fun.”
Olympia smiled. “You made a brilliant ogre, Gaia,” she said.
“And an even better knight in shining armor,” the princess added, taking both of Gaia’s hands in hers and leaning in to kiss her cheek. Something about the gesture made Dawn avert his eyes. Gaia left in her own car and Dawn and Olympia entered theirs.
“Fucking hell,” Olympia said.
“Can the crown pay the refunds?” asked Dawn.
“Not easily.”
“Well… shit.”
“Mother did tell me not to do this,” Olympia said, leaning her head back against the leather seat.
Dawn thought about all the hard work Olympia had put into making this play happen and an idea began to formulate in his mind. “Most of your crew is just your friends and peers, right?” he asked.
“What if we did the play at the palace?” Dawn suggested.
“What if we just cleared room and put up a stage for the play so then you wouldn’t have to refund?”
Olympia seemed to think about it for a moment. Eventually, she said: “It could work.”
“I think it might. Oh my god, I’m texting the idea to the guys right now,” she said and took out her phone, starting to type. Dawn grinned. Maybe the Christmas play could still be saved, but then there was still the country.
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tag list: @lifeofkaze, @gcldensnitch, @endlessly-cursed, @cursed-herbalist, @magicallymalted
(ask if you want to be included or removed)
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muppetfreak · 2 years
Quincy Morris has huge Rick O'Connell energy.
See something supernatural? When in doubt, shoot it!
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
His bundle of names links all our little band of men together; but we call him Quincey.
What are we thinking... more "Quincey Abraham John Arthur Harker" or "Quincey Jonarthaham Harker"?
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izzyaguecheek · 2 years
the entirety of Dracula is just Van Helsing and Dr. Seward scheming and doing important things, Morris and Lord Godalming quietly following along and serving as The Muscle, and Jonathan in the background despairing and asking God what he has done to deserve this
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paris-in-space · 1 year
Saw a post by @toldasor about what if there was a dating sim where you play as Lucy, and that gave me a desperate urge to draw the Suitor Squad™️ as dating sim characters. I had way too much fun drawing these
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koravelliumavast · 2 years
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vampirerex · 2 years
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fecto-forgo · 2 years
ive been considering compiling what the dracula characters call each other for later reference and i just realized its gonna be mostly "first name" "mr second name" and then renfields list of aliases is gonna be "undeveloped homicidal maniac" "zoophagous" "lunatic" "life eating maniac" and i think that gets his character and story across very well
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