#and my university was not built for rain so i got..... not drenched but...... about there......
Thank you!! You're very nice!! Just dropping by to say that your blog was one of the first blogs I've come across after playing and I super love you and the embalmer on this blog (everyone's interpretation is good but bastard Aesop is, so good, it made me like him more HAHA), plus your art is super cute!! Again, thank you for the recommendations, have a safe day and make sure to hydrate yourself
Bless you XD thank you so much aaaaaaaaa im so glad you enjoy my bastard and my art and aaaaaa i hope you enjoy your time here!!! and thanks for the reminder I’m actually falling sick right now ahhaha
Have a smol bastard XD
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arvandus · 3 years
Heyo, could I request #25, Shigaraki and fluff? Congrats on 500!!!!!!
This is my first time writing for Shigaraki, and I must say I totally enjoyed it once I got the rhythm/mood for the scene. I hope you like it! (I also hope you’re still around to see this, since this request was done via anon back in March)
Pairing: Shigaraki x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1707
Warnings: None; just fluffy, soft shiggy
25. “Stay.”
The night sky is heavy with clouds, their thick underbellies colored a sickly greyish brown from the pollution of city lights. You can smell the moisture in the air as you and Shigaraki walk down the now empty streets. Most of the city is asleep now, with only the occasional nocturn passing by – nightshift workers, bar hoppers, seedy dealers. But no matter who passes by, they always steer clear of the two of you. Shigaraki has that effect on people, his presence triggering people’s basic survival instincts that are buried deep in their subconscious.
He doesn’t have that effect on you, though, at least not anymore. It isn’t to say that you don’t recognize his power or his brutality, but you know that you would never be a target of it. With Shigaraki, you are safe. There’s an unspoken alliance between you, built over shared experiences and mutual respect. And it is through this unusual comradery that you’ve grown to understand Shigaraki and, in secret, grown to like him.
He doesn’t know about that last part, though. And you certainly aren’t going to tell him any time soon.
The clouds above deliver on their promise with a sudden crack of thunder that takes you by surprise, followed by an immediate downpour of heavy, thick droplets that immediately soak into your clothes, matting them to your skin. It roars around you, gusts of wind whipping up walls of rain that yank your drenched clothes around your body.
“Shit.” Shigaraki growls. He doesn’t even bother to try to cover himself from the storm, instead letting nature beat itself against him fruitlessly as he stands still as a stone.
Your eyes quickly search for a safe space. You spot a closed store front with an awning over the entrance, a red neon “CLOSED” sign beckoning you to safety with each flicker.
“This way.” You shout over the rain. You hook your arm with his and lead him to the covered space with a run. He doesn’t fight you as your feet splash through the wet puddles already forming on the broken sidewalk, and you pray you don’t slip on the slick concrete, bringing Shigaraki down with you.
Once you’re safe under the awning, you look at Shigaraki and burst into laughter. He is drenched from head to toe, his messy locks lying flat and heavy with water as small rivulets run down his cheeks and his nose. His mouth is pulled into a frown as he looks down at you with annoyance.
“Why are you laughing?” he grumbles. His voice is nearly lost to the drumming of the rain on the metal above you, but you see the words on his chapped lips.
“I mean, look at us...” you giggle. “It’s pretty funny. We’re completely soaked, like two drenched, angry cats.”
“I’d hardly consider that funny.” He replies. The sourness of his tone only makes you giggle harder as you struggle to compose yourself.
“Sometimes, Shig, you just have to savor the moment for what it is.” You explain as you watch the rain fall. “We can’t change it, so we might as well find the humor in it.”
You look back at him, expecting to your eyes to lock with his, only to find find him staring down at your hand – the hand that is still curled around his arm, your fingers nestled into the crook of his elbow.
“Oh,” you exclaim as you relinquish your grip. “Um, sorry.”
He looks up at you finally and you freeze, expecting to see anger in his ruby depths at your audacity. Instead, you find only confusion – raw and strangely innocent in its genuineness. That almost scares you more than his anger because you can’t explain it, you can’t understand its source or what it means. All you do know is that you feel like his eyes are somehow unlocking your own defenses, his blood-red gaze sinking deeper and deeper into you until you have to avert your eyes before he discovers what lies beneath.
Shigaraki doesn’t give so much as a noncommittal grunt to your rushed apology as you look away. Silence falls like a blanket, suffocating and warm, and your heart flutters like a moth as you bask in Shigaraki’s presence. You watch the sheets of rain come down, glittering drops dancing in the pull and ebb of the wind that beats against your pant legs. As you watch quietly, your fingers curl together as the memory of the feel of Shigaraki’s arm lingers on your fingertips.
You don’t know if he’s watching the rain the same as you, or if his eyes are elsewhere – tracing the curves of your profile or watching your clenched hands that were clinging to him so comfortably just moments before. You resist the urge to look at him again out of fear of getting caught, even though you swear you can still feel his eyes on you. But eventually the two of you fall into a shared calmness – a small, peaceful haven in a wild, violent world. The storm fades to a gentler rain after a couple of minutes pass, and it’s in that moment that time seems to slow down. It’s like standing inside a watercolor painting, the bright colors of the neon signs and streetlights reflecting off the rivers of water racing across the pavement. They mix and blend into a sea of colors as the raindrops sparkle in the lamplight like diamonds. Let your vision blur just enough, and it’s as if you’re in the center of the universe, floating amongst the stars and nebulas, and you and Shigaraki are two celestial bodies locked in orbit around each other, pulled together yet still achingly separate in a perfect balance of gravity.
The rain stops as suddenly as it came, bringing with it a numb silence before the tinkling sound of water returns to your years. It sounds like bells. There are the small bells that ring like windchimes as water drips through the trees, bouncing from leaf to leaf to finally land on the tops of cars and trash can lids. There are the heavy bells that sound a gong, big fat drops that fall from the rooftop architecture to resound on the awning above your heads. And there’s all the other sounds in between – the passing hum of the occasional car, their tires kicking up oil-slicked spray from the black streets; the rivers flooding down into the rain gutters that sit like wide, open mouths drinking thirstily; the soft gust of wind that makes the signs swing on creaky hinges. It’s beauty in every sense of the word, every detail perfect in its own way.
You want to stay here, to linger with Shigaraki and savor the quiet beauty that’s spread out before you. But the chill is soaking into your bones now, your fingertips icy numb. You inhale a deep breath of cold, wet air and let out a sigh as your breath fogs the space in front of you. “Looks like it’s over, for now...” you say. “We should get going.”
You take a step forward. But before you can duck out from beneath the now-dripping sun shade, a finger hooks with yours, halting your escape.
“Stay.” The word falls softly from his lips, barely audible.
You turn to look at him, your eyes wide, mouth parted. A rogue droplet of rainwater rolls down your cheek before catching in the corner of your mouth. You lick at it, taking it in on your tongue and Shigaraki is watching, his ruby eyes nearly black in the night.
He gives a gentle tug with his pinky and you follow his lead, closing the gap between you as you rejoin him. The corners of his mouth no longer pull into a frown or even a grin – instead they hold the slightest hint of a curve, barely noticeable unless you’re standing as close to him as you are. It adds a softness to his features that you’d never seen before. And his eyes... they’ve gone from hard-cut gems to liquid pools, his brow free of the usual stress lines and his lids relaxed as he looks down at you. The thumb of his free hand comes up to brush against your lower lip and you inhale at the feel of his calloused touch – a touch so destructive and yet, in this moment, so tender.
“Wh...what are you doing?” you whisper.
“Savoring the moment.” He replies.
You swallow the lump in your throat – surely it must be your heart, trying to escape with its newfound wings – and close your eyes, falling deeper into the sensation of his touch on your sensitive skin. Time freezes and you’re stuck in this moment hanging in blissful limbo. Surely, you’d wanted. You’d wanted, but never actually thought, never hoped, not even for the slightest moment...
You hear the rustle of his jacket and time springs forward again, bringing with it the softest brush of his lips against yours. They’re chapped and scarred, a rough, imperfect offering of himself. His lips move with inexperience dressed in uncertainty, but you accept it gratefully, your body leaning into the kiss, your lips sharing in the slow dance with his own.
Just as your free hand finds itself on the line of his jaw, the wet strands of his hair tickling the back of your palm, he pulls away slightly, breaking the kiss. He stares at you with a tender gaze and for the first time you feel a peacefulness emanating from him that wasn’t there before. It mirrors the quiet evening surrounding you, a calm that can only be felt when its existence is put in contrast to the storm the came before it.
You smile at him softly as you move your position to stand next to him. With your pinkies still linked, you rest your head on his shoulder and watch as the rain begins to fall again. Shigaraki is like the storm - a hurricane of rage and pain that takes no prisoners, yet beautiful in his destructive force. But for now.... for now, you’re both sitting in his center, in the eye where the air is still and the skies are clear, and you see a different kind of beauty, a beauty that you weren't sure existed in him. And you know that as long as you stay by his side, you’re safe.
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thdorkmagnet · 3 years
Hey all Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m a day late sadly but I still wanted to post this short in celebration and because I’m a sucker for writing Starco and take any opportunity to do it. This features an older Starco, both 19 years old and engaged. Other than that I think the story speaks for itself! Also forgive me if there are any grammar errors, I didn’t really have time to edit this and wanted to get this out as soon as I could. Enjoy!
Today had been the worst Valentine’s Day ever. Not only was Star forced to spend the entire day away from her fiancé but that day was spent pushing her to the very limit of her patience. Star was not much of a patient person and that hadn't changed much with age. Even at the mature age of nineteen, Star was still an emotional creature and when something upset her it took time and effort to calm herself back down. And one of those things just happened to be spending one of the romantic days of the year away from her husband-to-be. 
And maybe she could have calmed herself from that if she didn't spend the rest of the day, sitting through boring meetings or signing stacks and stacks of boring paperwork so that Eclipsa could enjoy the day with her husband. 
Star told herself this was just part of the job being the mayor's assistant as she shredded probably the thousandth request form by the Monsters unit to put in a hot tub in the middle of their crowded office, but that did little to temper the bubbling pool of hate slowly building up inside her. And as she listened to one of the ex-Mewnian dukes complain for three hours straight about how rude humans were for not respecting his made-up rank, she told herself that she should be happy that at least Eclipsa and Globgor got to enjoy the day, even if she couldn't.
But the real nail in the coffin for her foul mood came when she had to cancel her dinner plans at the fancy restaurant her and Marco had been excited about for days. Hearing the disappointment in her Marco's voice had broken something inside her and she spent the rest of the day fighting back tears and explosions of anger. 
She had hoped that if she hurried and finished up the last of her work she could spend the last few hours of the day with Marco but that rush had caused her to misplace a file and she had had to tear the whole room apart to find it, which meant she had destroyed any organization Eclipsa had for her paperwork and Star had stayed late to put things back the way they were supposed to be.
It was already close to midnight when she finally got to leave and she would have run straight home if Ludo hadn't appeared out of nowhere, excitedly greeting her and breaking into a long-winded rant about his life since they had last seen each other. Star tried to stay polite and patient but with every passing second she could feel her anger, exhaustion, and stress threatening to boil over. She had finally managed to interrupt Ludo's tale about how he won a basketball game without ever touching the ball and excused herself with the last bit of patience she had in her. 
Star had ran the whole way home, getting about halfway there, when the universe had decided she hadn't suffered enough and started pouring down rain on her. And since she hadn't remembered an umbrella, by the time she stepped through the door of her house, she was completely soaked and fuming with rage. 
She slammed the door shut with all her strength, somehow not snapping it in half, before kicking her drenched boots off and removing her ruined jacket. She groaned loudly, letting all the anger she had built up inside her out at once. She tried to squeeze all the water out from her dripping blonde locks, while complaining loudly to the empty living room. "I can't believe how awful today has been! It's just been one disaster after another! All I wanted was a nice, romantic day with the love of my life, but nooooooo." Star rolled her eyes, squeezing her hair so hard it was a miracle she wasn't ripping it out by the roots. "Instead I get one of the worst days of my entire life and I didn't even get a kiss from Marco!!"
Star flung herself onto the couch, screaming as loud as she could into one of the decorative pillows, muffling her voice so she didn't scare Marco. When she finally got the majority of her frustration out, she just lay there pathetically staring up at the ceiling, wishing she could redo the whole awful day. 
Only… she couldn't actually see the ceiling. Or the rest of the living room for that matter, finally noticing that all the lights were off in the house, leaving her in pitch darkness that way too accurately fit her current mood. "Wait, why are all the lights off?" she pondered aloud, sitting up straight. She looked around the dark room in confusion, trying to search her tired brain for an answer that just wasn't there. 
"Did Marco go to bed already?" Except Marco always left the lights on downstairs on nights where Star came home late. Then a new thought popped into her head and fear seized her chest. "Oh no, don't tell me we lost power!" she exclaimed, jumping to her feet. 
She quickly flicked on the nearest lightswitch, shocked when the living room lights came on, the power still clearly intact. "Huh," Star said, turning the lights back off. "Then why does Marco have all the-" 
The words died in Star's throat, whatever thought she was about to voice forgotten as something new and interesting caught her eye. There was a soft glow coming from the kitchen and Star silently walked towards it, curiosity tugging at every corner of her mind. 
As she stepped into the next room a small gasp escaped her lips and she covered her mouth, tears forming in her eyes. At least a dozen brightly lit candles were scattered around the table, illuminating a picturesque, romantic dinner. Everyone of Stars favorite foods were there: Marco's mouthwatering nachos, two full bowls of Captain Blanches Sugar Seeds, even tacos covered in an unhealthy amount of sugar. At the center of the table was a beautiful bouquet of roses in a glittering glass vase, a small pink card leaned up against it. And finally, at the far end of the table rested her sweet, adorable Marco, passed out from what Star guessed to be exhaustion. 
She was touched by the sweet gesture from her fiance, any residual anger leftover disappearing without a trace as her attention shifted to the kind and caring man she had fallen in love with. Star imagined it had taken a lot of work to set everything up and she couldn’t believe she was lucky enough to be about to marry someone who would put in that much time and effort just for her. She slowly crept over to the illuminated table, glancing over all the delicious treats her Marco had made for her and she noticed not a single one of them had been touched yet. Marco must have waited up for her. 
Star cast a loving look at the snoozing Marco, gently brushing a hand through his soft bangs, causing him to subconsciously smile in his sleep. Her stomach growled interrupting the tender moment and she picked up a nacho chip, dripping in Marco’s famous cheese sauce before crunching on it eagerly. Even cold it was still delicious and she could help but hum in admiration, licking her fingers greedily. Even though her mouth was starting to water and her stomach was now growling like a wild animal she held off eating anymore since it wouldn’t feel right doing it while Marco was unconscious. 
Instead she picked up the card, Marco had left out, flipping it open and reading the tiny print inside. She was again surprised by her fiance’s thoughtfulness as she recognized his handwriting. He hadn’t just gotten her a generic card for the most romantic holiday of them all but had actually taken the time to give her a handwritten note and Star felt her heart bounce around her chest. What did she ever do to deserve someone like Marco? The message itself was simple but heartwarming, filling Star up with even more love for her adorable bestie, reading, “Sorry our plans got ruined, hope this makes up for it a bit. Happy Valentine’s Day, Star. P.S. knew you might be back late so I left a note in case I fell asleep.” 
Star giggled to herself, shaking her head at Marco’s honest and endearing personality, she really did love everything about him and couldn’t imagine anyone else making her so effortlessly happy. She laid the note back down before moving behind Marco’s chair, wrapping her arms around Marco’s neck. She buried her head in Marco’s hair, breathing in his scent, smiling warmly to herself. “Thank you, Marco,” she whispered sweetly. 
Marco groaned, shifting a bit in his sleep. “Star,” he muttered groggily. 
Star smiled, nuzzling his hair with her cheek, enjoying the way it tickled her skin. “Hey sweetie,” she replied brightly. 
“Did you have a good day?” he asked, barely cracking open his eye so he could try and get a good look at his loving fiance. 
Star paused, remembering how awful her day had been but here in that moment, holding the one she loved, staring into the warm glow of candlelight, and smelling the delicious home cooked meal Marco had made for her, she honestly didn’t even know why she had been so angry before. So she just said thoughtfully, “Yeah, I guess I did.” 
“Oh good,” Marco whispered, before falling back asleep, Star giggling to herself. She planted a loving kiss on his forehead before pulling him up off the table, throwing his arm over her shoulder as she half-carried him upstairs and into bed. She would store the food away when she was done, it just wouldn’t be right to eat it without Marco there with her. And the very kind gesture had been enough to completely turn her entire day around, she would sleep peacefully knowing the day ahead would be spent beside the love of her life. 
At the “mature” age of nineteen, Star Butterfly was still an emotional creature prone to anger or sadness but nothing cheered her up quite like her loving fiance, Marco Diaz. 
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violetsoju · 4 years
let’s go on a ride (where to)彡★
suna rintaro · fluff? · 3.1k
a/n: here’s a cookie for you if you can guess correctly from which song i got inspired by 🍪 (hint: it’s from a female soloist!) do let me know if you enjoyed it!  ❤️
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The first time you got on his bike was when you were late for your finals. Being the ironically procrastinator and overachiever you are, you dunked 3 cups of coffee the previous night in attempt to stay up drilling pages and pages of chemical processes and reactions, along with the insane number of structures and behaviours of molecules that seemed to stretch on forever into your poor cramped brain. So when you woke up to your clock staring at you with its long hand 20 minutes away from the scheduled time of your doom, you knew you were indeed, doomed. Your shouts and failing hands to the bus driver fell on deaf ears, leaving you gasping for air, hands on your knees as you reached the now empty bus stop.
You were about to make a run for it when a motorbike pulled up beside you, a male voice catching your attention. “Hey.”
You turned to see fox-like eyes staring back at you, one which had you intrigued since the first encounter. Even though his other features were hidden beneath his helmet, the boy clad in black on the bike was undoubtedly, your next-door neighbour.
“Get on my bike, let’s go.” he said, throwing a helmet in your direction.      
Despite living right next door, the both of you never had a conversation with each other. You don’t really see each other too, in your defence. Normal greetings would just be a small nod of acknowledgement, sometimes with a small ‘hi’ if you were feeling sociable enough.
But desperate times call for desperate measures, right?
“Where to?” he asked, as you climbed onto the back seat.
“Hyogo University, please.” You grabbed on the rail bar behind, praying that you won’t somehow fall off.
Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that you missed the bus, because weaving through unusual heavy traffic on two wheels was definitely more efficient than being stuck on four wheels. You yelped as you almost lost your balance from the zigzag drive, instinctively grabbing hold of his waist as you both zoomed past the congested roads.
Never in your life had you been so happy and relieved at the sight of your university. Jumping off the bike, you were about to sprint to your faculty when you stopped midway at your tracks at his call.
“Hey! My helmet!”
Turning back meant risking having the examination doors being slammed in your face. “I’ll return it to you later!” you shouted, waving the back of your hand towards him as you dashed to your examination venue.
Later that night, the boy found the sides of his lips tugging upwards slightly, huffing a breath from his nose in amusement at the sight of his helmet hanging on doorknob of his apartment. It was filled with packets of choco pie and a small yellow note in it.
「 Thank you so much for today! I got to my examination venue right on time thanks to you. Please let me know when you’re free. I’d like to treat you to a meal as a gesture of appreciation, these treats obviously aren’t enough.
-Your next-door neighbour 」
He opened a packet of choco pie and folded the small piece of paper neatly into the pocket of his jeans, making his way into his apartment.
Your eyebrows arched in surprise when you locked your front door the next morning. There was a small green note stuck on your door, along with a box of chocolate koala march biscuits secured tightly with tape.
「 It’s not a big deal. Now we’re even, so save that for something else. 」
                                     ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
 The second time you got on his bike was on the way home from your job interview. You knew your heels were to go, and you should have gotten a new pair soon. But being the last-minute shit you were, you prayed with all your heart for it to survive on you till the end of the day.
Well, to be fair, it did cooperate with you for most of the day, besides than the awful blisters on the back of your heel and toes. It only gave up on you after the interview that went wrong (allocated interview slot being postponed and postponed, the central air-conditioning blasting like the North Pole, and what was it with companies and their ridiculous prejudice towards young women and maternity leaves), when your right heel got stuck in a sewage drain cover, snapping into half when you used too much force to get it out.
Then it rained. And of course, you left your umbrella at home as there were no indications of rain when you checked the weather forecast. Maybe the rain felt like giving the sun, along with the weather bureau, a surprise that day.
And maybe it felt like it had its fair share of fun after seeing your miserable state, drenched in its merry little splatter and your own infuriation, as it bid the sun goodbye and went back home once you got off the bus to your neighbourhood.
So here you were, walking barefoot on the scorching yet damp concrete pavement back home, adding more damage to your open wounds. Well, what other choice did you have? It’s not like you would break the other heel into half to balance it out, right?
The stares and hushed whispers around you couldn’t much compare to what was going through your mind now. Heck, you couldn’t even care less of how you looked. Smudged makeup and faint colour of your innerwear peeping beneath your now see-through white blouse were the least of your worries now. All you wanted was to get home, fill the tub with warm water, turn on some music, and let all the frustration built up in you sink away through the evening.
Walking around the last block of shops, you kept your eyes on the pavement, not noticing a familiar figure leaning against the wall a few shops ahead.
You were so absorbed in your own thoughts, you didn’t realise a human wall up ahead.
You winced at the sudden impact from the body slam, snapping up to find a boy around your age towering over you, alluring fox eyes meeting yours. “Sorry,” you muttered, stepping aside to continue on your way.
A warm hand grabbed hold of your arm, causing you to jump slightly at the sudden touch. He had his head tilted slightly to his left, his usual blank face staring back at you. But the hint of concern that subtly flickered in his eyes as he silently inspected you from head to toe made you stop in your tracks.
Maybe it was the series of incidents that happened throughout the day that had your mind spiraling in turbulent directions, or maybe it was the delicate warmth in his eyes that seemed so inviting, it wasn’t a bad idea to linger in it for a while. Whatever the reasons were, he was granted the rare permission to take a small peek through the faint cracks of your hardened shell, into the dark fiery void that held you hostage.
You kept your eyes glued on the ground as he kept his gaze on you, curling your bruised toes together against the hard concrete, contemplating if you made the right decision.  
Once he was done with his inspection, he moved towards his bike parked by the side of the pavement, grip still on your arm, and dug out for an extra helmet underneath the seat of his bike. He placed the helmet over your head, featherlike fingers brushing against your skin as he secured the straps around your chin gently.
“Get on, let’s get home.” he said, tapping the top of the helmet as if he was patting a little girl’s head.
The journey home was silent, in a comfortable way, and you were grateful that he kept his curiosity to himself.
He dropped you off at the lobby entrance of your apartment, nodding in acknowledgement as you returned the helmet while mumbling an audible thanks. You should’ve waited for him to take the elevator back up to your floor together, but you were just so bloody done for the day. At least you pressed the ground floor button as you exited the elevator.
                                         ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
 The third time you got on his bike was after dinner one night. You were at the nearby convenience store in your pjs, a bowl of hot oden in hand, staring out at the night through the glass window. Late night convenience store runs were the best, because most people would be snuggled up in their homes, leaving the world to those like you to enjoy in peace in quiet.
You were on your third fish cake skewer when an unexpected presence made its way next to you. Gleaming hazel eyes locked with yours, and you found yourself unconsciously lost in it again.
He placed a plastic bag filled with an assortment of jelly fruit sticks on the table, savouring a purple coloured one in hand. You chuckled at this new side of him. This wasn’t quite something you pictured him to be.
He turned to you questionably. “Is there a problem?”
You shook your head. “Not at all, I’m just surprised with this new information.” You offered a fish cake skewer to him.
He gave you a green coloured jelly fruit stick in return. “There’s no age limit for these, are there?”
“Nope, you’re more than welcome to enjoy them,” You peered at the plastic bag. “Can I have the red one instead?”
“Picky.” he jokingly huffed.
The both of you enjoyed the rest of the night by the windowsill, making comfortable small talk here and there.
It was past midnight when you both made your way out of the convenience store. “Do you usually walk back alone at this time?” he asked, rummaging his pocket for his bike keys.
“Yeah, but not to worry, I can protect myself quite well. Ain’t no damsel in distress.” You jiggled your self-defense kit attached to your house keys at him.
He hummed in agreement, handing you a helmet. “My younger sister has a set of that too. That pepper spray is no joke.”
“What did you do to piss her off?” You fastened on the helmet strap nimbly, climbing onto the now familiar backseat.
“I was her guinea pig to test if it worked. And damn it worked well. 5-star rating.” The bike engine roared, muffling your laughs and off the both of you went in the night.
You furrowed your brows when he drove past by the turn to your apartment. “Hey, you missed the turn!”
“Buckle up, we’re going on an adventure.”
Apparently, his so-called adventure was to the neighbourhood hilltop which you had never dragged your lazy ass up to hike before. There wasn’t much to see in the dark surroundings, maybe it would be better in the day.
“For a moment I thought you were gonna abduct me or something.”
“By a guy that eats jelly fruit sticks at this age? Plus, you’re not even worth a bag of jelly fruit sticks.”
He fake coughed as you shoved the helmet in his chest playfully in retaliation.  
The hilltop wasn’t that high, but high enough to overlook the charming neighbourhood below. Looking at your neighbourhood from a different perspective made you appreciate it more. The quaint coffeeshops, the now quiet primary school, the lush recreational park, they all looked so small from the top. So this is what birds see from the top, you thought.
Placing your hands on the wooden fencing, you closed your eyes for a moment to enjoy the cool breeze caressing your face, taking in a long, deep breath. Even the air up here was clearer.
You turned behind to find him lying on the grass with one knee up, arms folded behind his head, eyes on the black canvas above. You took your place comfortably next to him, mimicking his actions. A soft gasp escaped your lips, taken aback by the view displayed before you.  
Maybe it was the cold reality and gradual maturity along with age that had your mind conditioned to thinking only the glowing lights of the city lit up the dark night skies. Long had you forgotten the existence of the scattered diamonds shining up above; one that lit up the skies and your eyes as a child, one you dreamt of picking from the sky to replace the plastic fluorescent ones on the celling of your nostalgic childhood room.
It was simple pleasures like this that kept boundless curiosity and imagination run wild, that made each day enjoyable and fun, that made one realise how beautiful life could be.
And to remind one how important it is to live in the present.
“Do you know how to identify constellations?”
“I only know the name of my zodiac sign, if that counts.”
You chuckled at the small pout that formed on his lips.
“Don’t you think it’s amazing how people in the olden days could navigate their way with just a few blinking dots in the night sky? I don’t even know how to use a compass.”
“That’s why we have Google maps now.”
“Can you be a lil bit more enthusiastic?”
“You can’t deny that what I said is true, can you?”
It was his turn to chuckle at your exasperated sigh.
“Have you seen a meteor shower before?”
“Yeah, once I think.”
“Did you make a wish?”
“I guess so.”
“Has the universe granted your wish then?”
“A secret shall remain a secret.”
You hummed in response.
Truth to be told, the both of you were keeping secrets from each other: your identities. Sure, you both knew each other as next-door neighbours, but what else?
Perhaps he has the upper hand here. He knows you’re a university student from the first ride on his bike, he (somehow) knows you’re searching for a job from the second ride, and now he knows your little late night konbini run affair. All you know about him is that he rides a bike and likes jelly fruit sticks.
But you don’t mind. In fact, you like this anonymity. It’s what makes the relationship between the two of you more engaging, precious and real. You could let down your guard with him. No judgements, no defensive barriers, no facades.
Sure, you would be curious about his background at times. Is he the same age as you? Is he a fellow struggling university student like you? Or has he plunged into the battlefield called work already? But if you could be you wholeheartedly, and he could be him wholeheartedly too, that’s what matters the most at the moment.
“Are you certain that you made your wish correctly?”
“Are there procedures for making wishes upon shooting stars?”
“Duh. You gotta look up to the night sky, close your eyes, clasp your hands together, then make your wish. That’s how it works.”
“You could shake hands with my younger sister and be sappy drama sisters.”
“Maybe that’s why your wish hasn’t come true yet.”
“I’m not falling for your trap.”
                                       ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
 “Man, I can’t believe nothing came out from what I studied for the whole week. Nothing. My feelings have been cheated on.”
Atsumu and you were currently slumped over the table at the convenience store next to the university, each with a hotdog in hand, along with an array of snacks scattered across the table. The both of you had just finished your classes for the day, and instead of grabbing proper dinner, you both were stuffing yourselves with junk food like children.
As to quote Atsumu, “Where’s the joy in life in blindly following the rules? Rules were meant to be broken. And it’s not like we do it every day.”
“Giving up so quickly? What happened to the ‘new semester new me resolution’, huh.”
Atsumu slammed his face on the table, groaning in distress. “Everything’s a scam. Life is a scam.”
You huffed out a small laugh at his exaggeration, eyes riveting back to the bustling street outside the window. Groups of students making their way to the bus and train station, couples choosing their dinner place hand-in-hand after work, a line forming outside the newly opened sushi place that served sushi on a mini bullet train. A typical Thursday evening.
A familiar jet-black bike among the line of bikes lined up by the pavement in front of the convenience store caught your sight. Oh?
Your mouth must’ve worked faster than your brain as Atsumu looked up to face the same direction you were looking at. “What yer looking at?”
“Oh, Suna must be around here somewhere. Haven’t seen him in a while.”
Suna, huh. Nice name.
“That’s one sexy looking bike, isn’t it? I always wanted a ride, but dude always speeds off even before I have the chance. Treats it like his wife. Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone one ride it besides him.”
“Poor you, it’s a really nice ride.”
“The engine sounds amazing too- Wait. Wait a hot second. You rode it before? How? You know Suna?” Atsumu’s energy switch was turned back on, eyes wide like saucers as you shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal.
“He’s my next-door neighbour, duh.” Atsumu swore he was so close to throwing hands at your nonchalant attitude on the matter.
“Speaking of the devil, there he is.”
Suna emerged from the bakery on the opposite street, a bag of freshly baked goods in hand. Crossing the busy road to your side of the street, a glint of surprise gleamed in his eyes at the sight of both of you through the window, mostly from the shock and betrayal expression of the blond. He nodded to Atsumu in greeting, which was replied with Atsumu barking questions at him from the inside.
“What the hell, Suna? We’ve been friends for so long and I’ve never had a ride before, and she gets a ride? Really, Suna? I thought we’re more than this-”
“You know he can’t hear you from outside, right?” Atsumu paused to stare at you for a moment, and continued shooting questions and making dramatic gestures to the boy grinning slyly at him outside.
Suna turned his eyes to you, tipping his head towards his bike. Wanna go home?
You gave him a smile. Yeah, sure.
You got up from your seat and shoved half of the snacks on the table into your bag. “Later, Atsumu.” You bid the blond goodbye, patting his shoulder in condolence as he gawked at the both of you like endangered animals in the zoo.
“Suna you lil shit.”
Maybe you weren’t only getting rides back home on his bike, maybe you were getting a ride into his heart too.
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dongofthewolf · 4 years
Everything in Between- Chapter 1
Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader
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The reader stumbles across Abby one sleepless night and can’t help but become an absolute stuttering mess.
Warnings: swearing, mild violence, fluff, bad grammar lol
I’m extremely new to this so please be gentle T-T
Read chapter 2 here !
The first thing that you always noticed about a person was their eyes (it’s cliché you knew that, but you really couldn’t help it), and anyways… that was the first thing you noticed about her. The first time you saw her it was pouring outside; the kind of pouring where it got dark at 5pm and the reflections in the puddles on the pavement—partly distorted by the heavy raindrops—looked like fun house mirrors. It was brief and she only passed you for a second, but the clouds that were concealing the sun left a shadow of darkness in the air and in her eyes. Making her regularly blue eyes a much darker shade from the lack of sunlight, a blue that looked like the part of the ocean you can see from the shore but avoid from fear you may drown in it. 
You had forgotten your umbrella that day leaving your hair drenched, you were shivering from the cold and desperately made your way to your room as quickly as you could. But as you hastily walked with your head down in an effort to conceal your eyes from the raindrops, you bumped into her. She was a lot taller than you and was incredibly built, she had her long blonde hair in a neat braid and was wearing some simple cargo pants with a grey sweater. She was also carrying some bags but you were walking too fast to really get a good look at them. Although this was the first time you had seen her and it was only for a moment you’ll never forget those eyes, those dark blue eyes that made it seem as if she was hiding from something. That was the first time you saw her but it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
It was stormy again but at least today you were inside, the howling of the wind against the windows woke you up and when you glanced at the digital clock it read 2:30. You always had trouble falling asleep again once you were woken from your slumber, and found that you required at least an hour before you could actually sleep again. Since it was so late though you figured that the cafeteria would be empty and you could grab a cup of tea before going back to bed, you also often sat in the commons room to read because it’s pretty isolated from the rest of the place and very seldom did anyone else sit there too. 
You pulled a black crewneck over your messy hair and put on some slides before making your way down to the cafeteria, the hallways leading up to it were lit with fluorescent lights that burned your eyes when you stepped out of the darkness of your room. It was surprisingly silent (with the exception of your footsteps of course) and after living in a place constantly occupied by so many people for so many years, it was a rare occasion to find some peace and quiet; an anomaly that still surprised you to this day. 
The cafeteria was nothing special, there were 30-40 folding tables lined up near the big tear stained windows and next to the kitchen there was a communal fridge with a basket of fruits no one dared to touch. Cabinets lined the whole half of the room and you reached into the second last one to grab some chamomile tea before setting the kettle on the stove. 
You sat by the windows while you waited for the water to boil when you saw a strike of lightning, it was purple and quickly followed by a large cracking noise which weirdly enough didn’t quite startle you. You supposed that after all these years of living in a place that is universally known to rain more than anything, you become accustomed to the crashing sound of thunder and the sudden flashes of lightning. Plus, it’s a lot better than the sound of guns going off or those dreaded clickers that haunted your nightmares. So consumed by your thoughts you hadn’t even noticed the whistling noise coming from the tea kettle. It wasn’t until you heard an unfamiliar voice that nearly made you leap out of your skin, you turned around and standing there was the very girl you had briefly seen that rainy afternoon just three days ago.
“You gonna get that or should I?” She was wearing some grey sweats and a khaki tank top that showcased her huge biceps, you admired her toned forearms, unable to form any combination of words that wouldn’t make you sound like a complete and utter idiot. She must have noticed you staring though because she repeated the question with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk. “Hello?” She asked.
“Right… sorry” you immediately responded. You laughed nervously and hurriedly ran to the tea kettle, a small blush forming on your cheeks as you removed it from the stovetop. While pouring the hot water into a small cup you quickly threw the tea bag in so she wouldn’t notice your shaking hands, as you threw the bag in you quietly ignored the quickening beat of your heart. At this point you couldn’t tell if the shaking was because you were startled by her sudden presence or if you were nervous because of the literal goddess staring down at you.
“Sorry again about that I was just distracted.” You looked up and she was studying you with those same blue eyes, the intensity from her gaze made you ramble on.
“Did you want some tea? I accidentally boiled too much water, I guess eyeballing measurements just isn’t my forte.” You chuckled again, clearly flustered by this gorgeous woman looking at you in your damn pajamas. Somehow even at two in the morning she managed to look effortlessly beautiful and you couldn’t help but be fiercely jealous of her overwhelming confidence. Up until now, no one had ever had this effect on you, then all of a sudden this stranger looks at you once and BOOM you’re a stuttering mess.
“Sure, does this place have any chamomile tea?” She said nonchalantly while grabbing a chair from the stack in the corner. She sat in it backwards with her arms resting on top of the chair and you flashed a glance at her toned forearms “holy shit is she strong” you thought.
“Yeah, I’m having some too actually.” You poured out the tea and sat down across from her, this was the first time you had actually been able to really see her and you were in awe of how gorgeous she was; Her hair was in a simple braid which had a few strands astray (most likely from sleeping in it) and she had these adorable freckles that spread from her face all the way down to her arms. She was staring at her cup with those same intense blue eyes—this time the fluorescents adding a tint of green to them—she looked like a statue that was literally sculpted by the Gods and you couldn’t take your eyes off of her. As you looked down at her calloused hands that were cupping the warm ceramic cup, you noticed that they were a lot larger than your own, but they also had a delicacy to them; the kind of delicacy that deserved to be in a museum. Every aspect of her was absolutely perfect and never in your life had you seen someone like her, you were struck with this sudden need to know everything about her (even though she didn’t really seem like the chatty kind). Consumed by the essence of her beauty and strength you almost hadn’t realized that she was talking to you, and “oh God” You thought “I was staring again”.
“So uh… what’s your name?” It was obvious she was trying to fill the silence but there was a softness and kindness to her words, almost as if she was trying to appear harmless. 
“Y/n and yours?” You replied in the calmest way that you could even though your hands were shaking like crazy, you gripped on to your cup for dear life hoping she wouldn’t notice. You were always so terrible around new people and now with the combination of not just a complete stranger, but an incredibly charming and attractive stranger? You were surely doomed.
“It’s Abigail but you can call me Abby, most everybody does.” She was clearly not oblivious to your nervous manner (and your staring) but she pretended not to notice, probably to spare you the embarrassment. Having people stare at her was nothing new to Abby and honestly, she liked it. She felt powerful and strong when men were intimidated by her, but the way y/n was staring at her was different. It certainly wasn’t fear because despite the shaking of y/n’s hands that she tried so desperately to conceal, she didn’t look at Abby with fear “Perhaps it was admiration?” Abby thought. But she soon nudged any ideas of romanticism from her mind figuring that y/n was probably into those douchebags who act cocky and disrespectful but are too chicken to ask a girl out; Abby despised disrespectful people. However, if there was anything that Abby hated more than disrespectful assholes, it was embarrassment. Abby’s confidence was one of her greatest strengths, it was like a shield she put forward that helped her endure the incredibly misogynistic environment she lived in. She figured that the staring was just intimidation. Abby was quite confident in her ability to judge a person’s character and brushed any thoughts of attraction to the back of her mind, not wanting to risk the possibility of rejection or being wrong. 
“So what brings you to the cafeteria at this fine hour? Besides the tea of course.” She smirked, her smile was so infectious that you couldn’t help but smile as well.
“I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep, figured I’d drink some tea and read for a bit in the commons room. Better than laying in my bed and staring at the ceiling for an hour I guess.” You stopped yourself before you could say something stupid or embarrassing. “What about you?”
“I just got here a couple days ago and I’m a pretty light sleeper which normally would be fine, but that damn thunder won’t shut the hell up!” She pointed her fist to the sky dramatically and you couldn’t help but giggle, she looked at you with a smile. “They stationed me here to do some work and I haven’t had much time to myself, they gave me some time off tomorrow and now thanks to this storm I’m gonna spend it passed out in my bed.” She paused, contemplating her words before continuing. “I’m glad I met you though, late nights are much better with company.” You could feel a heat trickle to your cheeks. “So what are you reading?” 
“Pride and Prejudice” You answered excitedly. “It’s my favourite book, I’ve read it like a hundred times. I guess I’m just a sucker for cheesy love stories” She grinned.
“It was good but Elizabeth? She was way out of Darcy’s league, I mean yeah she had pride but Darcy was prideful and snobby.” You giggled at her response and the thought of this tough and brawny girl reading Jane Austen. “I mean, if you’re gonna have a terrible character trait just choose one. Not both!” 
“Okay… But you gotta admit they were perfect for each other” You added. “Their weaknesses complimented each other and then their strengths the same. It’s like they were meant to find each other, and I mean just the thought of something like that gives me hope you know?” She looked at you with a raised eyebrow, urging you to elaborate. “Soulmates, I mean… just the thought of there being one single person on this entire Earth who was put here alongside you, the perfect match who’s strengths compliment your weaknesses and vice versa makes me feel some sort of hope.” You felt yourself getting carried away and decided to let her speak. “What can I say, I guess I’m nothing if not an optimist.”
“I get what you mean but I feel like that’ll just set you up for disappointment. There's so much more to life than just love and finding your ‘soulmate’. There’s thunderstorms, books, good food, there’s family and friends, and strangers that make you tea.” she glanced at you and your heart skipped a beat “this is insane!” You thought “Not only is she totally gorgeous, but she’s smart and funny? God she’s so perfect I think I might melt where I stand”
“Fine, fine, you got me there.” You smiled and was struck with this sudden feeling of security that you’d never felt before Abby, and though you’d never really admit it, you realized that all this time living in a facility had made you really lonely. Speaking to Abby was seriously the first time in this place that you weren’t thinking about the end of the world or crying over lost family and friends. At this small fold-out table in this dull and dreary cafeteria, you felt the first modicum of safety that you hadn’t felt for a really long time, and it was all because of her. You noticed that your mind had wandered off again of course but Abby’s mind seemed to be elsewhere as well, she had an almost nervous or unsure look on her face.
“Hey, so I know you said you were gonna go read in the commons room but do you think you could ditch Elizabeth and Darcy for a bit? I haven’t really gotten a chance to see this place and I was hoping you could maybe give me a tour.” Abby asked in a casual tone, hoping y/n wouldn’t notice the slight nervousness in her voice. 
“Of course! I’d love to show you around, though there isn’t much to see other than empty halls and abandoned rooms” You replied enthusiastically. You were ecstatic, she was the first person you had really connected with in a while and you jumped at the opportunity to spend more time with her.
“I don’t mind, as long as I have you to keep me company.” She winked at you and smiled warmly. You felt your heart skip a beat again “Is Abby flirting with me?” You thought. “Nah, probably not” She was the coolest and most beautiful girl you’d ever seen. What would she see in you? Plus Abby probably isn’t even into girls, she’s just being friendly.
You walked her through each of the empty halls and corridors while you guys chatted about books, friends, family, life before the outbreak, and everything in between. You even traded embarrassing dating stories in which you both had to stifle loud outbursts of laughter so you wouldn’t wake up the rest of the facility. While you were speaking about your various dating escapades you decided to sprinkle in a story about a girl to see Abby’s reaction.
“Okay okay I got a good one, so once I was dating this girl and we actually moved in with each other like a month into the relationship but that’s not important. Anyways, so I had this cat right and when we broke up a few months later and she moved out, she took the cat!” You both bursted out laughing. “She literally stole my cat and I was so pissed that I keyed ‘thief’ into her car.” 
“Remind me not to piss you off y/n, you’re a vengeful one.” Abby chuckled and responded casually. You were slightly unsatisfied, she hadn’t reacted to that statement (or any of the subtly gay references you made) at all and you couldn’t tell if it was because she liked girls or because she didn’t care. It didn’t really bother you that much though because this was the most fun you had had in a long time. When you were laughing and talking with Abby all the thoughts about your family and impending doom—thoughts that were once constant—had begun to fade away. All that mattered now was Abby, she was the best thing that had happened to you in a really long time and you were so grateful to have met her.
By the time you guys had decided to depart it was six in the morning, Abby walked you back to your room and you couldn’t help but feel like every atom in your entire body was vibrating. 
You had spent an entire night with this amazing girl who was now the first friend that you’ve had in a while, your cheeks were bright red and your heart felt like it was shaking. When you laid your head on your pillow to sleep you couldn’t shake the thought of those brilliant blue eyes, and that clever, knowing grin that made you melt. God, and you couldn’t forget those gigantic biceps, you just wanted her to crush your skull with those beautiful, freckled arms. You adored her, and as you drifted off into a deep and peaceful slumber you dreamt of the most incredibly gorgeous, funny, charming, and intelligent girl you had ever met: Abigail Anderson.
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aaesuki · 4 years
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pairing: osamu x reader
cw/tw: mentions of cheating, angst
summary: closure after a breakup is painful, but satisfying—at least for one of you, that is
part 1
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You hated rainy days. You hated it even more when the damn weather report didn’t mention rain. Getting your socks wet was not the first thing you would want in the morning. Yet, you somehow found yourself taking shelter from the rain under the overhang of a recently opened Onigiri Miya. You’d prefer not to be reminded of the man. You had spent the last five months eating ice cream and watching comedies (of course you would avoid the romance; no need to hurt more). You often found yourself wondering about him late at night. Was he happy? Did he greet her with a morning kiss like he did you? You could only hope you would never see him again.
But for some reason, the universe seemed to have it out for you. Familiar gray eyes blinked back at you. Osamu hadn’t changed much, still the same short, black hair and unamused expression. Considering it was 6:00 AM, he was probably about to open up shop.
“Hey,” he started. Oh god this was much more awkward than you would ever imagine it to be. “Uh...do you want to come inside? The shop has a heater.” 
You weighed your options. Spending at least 10 minutes with your ex that cheated on you and quite possibly ruined your perception of love forever or standing in the rain and possibly getting drenched? You followed him inside. Rubbing your arms up and down, you watched his figure move around to the back. It’s ok, just 10 minutes until your co-worker can pick you up. But would you look at that, he pulled out a chair in front of you.
“So, how have you been?” Curse the higher powers for forcing you to talk to him.
“Not much. I got a new job, moved around.” Doesn’t he have things to do? What the fuck is he doing talking to you? You knew you wanted to ask the question. But did you really want to know the answer? By the looks of it, he wanted to ask you too.
“Are you seeing anyone?” His eyes refused to meet yours. The shop felt unbearably warm. Your hands felt cold, yet your cheeks were hot. 
You swallowed. “Not at the moment...what about you?” Your eyes felt swollen from the heat. Memories of that time came flashing back: the gifts, the late nights alone, and finally, the last goodbye. Turns out it wasn’t.
“I stopped after- uh we broke up,” Silence filled the room. You looked at your watch. Only 4 more minutes. “I miss you.” 
You looked up. Now that was a surprise. Judging from your past relationship, you would’ve thought otherwise, but you kept silent.
“I miss the way you would greet me when I came home. I miss making food for you. I miss your smile when I made you breakfast in bed. I miss those Friday evenings when I would feed you new recipes. I miss the way you would hold me when the business was doing poorly. I miss your kisses. I miss you, please come back to me.” He was biting his lip to stop it from trembling. He really did regret it. 
“You don't know you have something until you lose it, huh,” Osamu thought that night. Although he had spent the last few nights alone, this loneliness felt much worse. He would wake up in the middle of the night crying, reaching out to your side of the bed, only to feel the cold sheets. Perhaps it was his sleep-deprived brain, but he swore he could sometimes feel you beside him, whispering words of forgiveness. Occasionally, he would feel so terrible that Atsumu had to drag him out of bed. The MSBY team (including Sakusa, surprisingly) tried to get him out of the house, but not without scolding him about his actions for two month.
When he saw you in front of his shop, he couldn’t believe it. As he was sitting across from you, he couldn’t help but pour his heart out. All the thoughts he had built up came tumbling out of his mouth, one after another. His heart beat fast, feeling as if it were skipping a couple. 
Now that you were right in front of him, he never wants to let you go again. He knew he was wrong. He knew he had hurt you. He knew that you had cried harder than he ever had. He knew he didn’t deserve you, but seeing you made him feel like a high school boy again. How he wished he could go back. Back when nothing else mattered but you. What he felt for the flower shop girl paled in comparison to what he felt for you. Still, he cheated. He would beg as long as he needed to have you back in his arms.
“I miss you too, but I don’t think I’m ready to be in a relationship again, not to mention with you,” ouch. “I just don’t know if I’ll ever be able to trust you again. You’ve destroyed my trust once already. How do I know you won’t do it again?”
“I’ll come straight home after work. We can go to couples’ counseling. I’ll do anything, please I love you,” Osamu’s forehead was touching the table, bowing down.
“No matter how you ask, my answer won’t change,” you wouldn’t apologize to him. After everything he put you through he didn’t deserve an apology. You stood up and the chair screeched behind you. “I hope you’ll be happy in the future, but it won’t be with me.” You turned around and walked to the entrance. 
Osamu called your name once more. “Please don’t leave, I’m sorry, I love you.” You grit your teeth and continued walking.
He watched you walk out of his shop just like how you walked out of the house that night.
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End of the Tunnel: I
Description: It’s almost been a year since Freed Weasley was lost to the Battle of Hogwarts, and for George Weasley it might as well be an eternity. He is lost in the dark, no color to be found. Until suddenly there might be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Warnings: (future as well as present) suicidal thoughts, smut, angst, fluff, depression,  attempted SUICIDE, self harm, torture, mentions of torture
A/N: So, this is pretty dark, just FYI. There will be happy moments but a lot of the time it will get pretty dark. Trigger warning applies now, just be forewarned. Please enjoy though if you are willing to suffer through the tragedy to get to the light at the end of the tunnel.
The world ended on May 2, 1998.
At least it did for George Weasley.
He was not dead, of course. His mother and father still loved him. Bill, Charlie, Percy, Ron, and Ginny all still hugged him. His business was doing splendid, far better than it ever had before the war, Ron was even helping him run it. And yet, the world felt as if it no longer turned because Fred was gone and that was all that really mattered.
May 2 had been awful, but the funeral was even worse. Friends, family, and strangers wanting nothing more than to hug him or shake his hand when all he wanted to do was destroy everything that touched him. He hadn’t shed any tears that day. He figured he was all out, but now that he considered it, he was sure he had just grown numb.
He had never had a problem smiling before, and even in the winter he was constantly warm, denying every coat his mother sent his way. And now, he was sure he had forgotten how to smile and even in the hottest part of July he wore a sweater, fighting off the chills that ran along his spine.
His mother had pleaded with him to go to therapy, to talk to someone about the tragedy but he had refused. There was nothing a therapist could tell him that he didn’t already know.
He knew he was depressed; he knew Fred was never coming back, and he knew he needed to move forward. He had no interest in reliving the moments when he had witnessed the cold lifeless body of his twin lying on the floor of the school they had once attended. All he wanted to do was the lock the door to his new flat and never come out. He had considered returning to his home above the shop but every time he thought of the memories he had built there his stomach churned and before he knew it he was emptying the contents of his stomach into the nearest sink. So, he gave it to Ron and Hermione and bought himself a smaller one.
He was laying in the bed that occupied most of the studio flat, thinking about the day he moved in as he struggled to get up. The walls were grey, and the bedsheets were white. He hadn’t bothered to buy curtains, so the dingy light of the cloudy morning was highlighting the dust he had let build up over the months. No pictures hung on the walls; no Knick knacks sat on the shelves. Dishes were piling up from the last spout of motivation, not that he ate a whole lot these days. Most importantly, there were no mirrors. He had ripped the bathroom one from the wall and shattered it in the street the moment he moved in, completely satisfied with giving up his security deposit for a little bit of sanity. His world was completely colorless. His skin was pale and the warmth that had generally resided in his face had seeped away like water from a washcloth. In fact, the only color one could find in the small room was his hair, shining just as brightly as it had the day the world ended.
He had dyed it once. A dark brown, the most boring color he could think of, but the moment his mother had seen it she burst into tears and begrudgingly changed it back, if only to avoid the dirty looks that Ginny shot him through the very uncomfortable family dinner.
Today was the first of March, and George could feel the anniversary of Fred’s death drawing nearer with every movement of his body. His muscles ached and his bones creaked like an old rocking chair no one had touched in a century.
As he laid there he considered never getting up, but eventually with great effort he pulled himself from the cold sheets and pulled on the dullest clothing he owned. A grey tailcoat covered a white button up and black slacks, severely pressed hung a bit short over his ankles. The shoes were so old they no longer shined. He didn’t bother brushing his hair, sure that the howling wind would mess it up anyway.
He left the door without eating breakfast and turned down the street in the opposite direction of the store. He couldn’t bare to go to work today, and Ron could handle it.
Ron had gotten a lot better at handling it.
He was right about the wind, it battled against him like it was trying to force him to go to work, but he pushed on, determined to spend his day in miserable loneliness. Somedays he imagined Fred was screaming at him from the clouds, telling him to stop being a git and move on with his life, but he had never been good at taking orders. So, without any regard for the signs of the universe he continued to push on, wrapping his arms around himself as he tried to keep warm.
In honor of his mood, it began to pour and before he knew it, he was drenched to the bone, the neat he clothes he had donned pressing tightly against this skin. By now he was in a muggle town he had never been to. The streets were completely empty, no one wanting to get caught in the torrential downpour.
He was going to turn around, go home if not to work, when he heard a voice shouting through a roll of thunder. He glanced around, searching for the source, and was met with the sight of a woman hailing him towards her store. He looked behind him, checking for someone else, when he heard a sharp laugh.
“I’m talking to you, silly. Now, come in before you catch a cold,” she called, stepping into the rain to usher him closer. He walked quickly, ducking through the doorway as he followed her inside. He watched as she shoved the door closed against the atrocious wind, the bell jingling ferociously overhead. When she had succeeded, deadbolting it for good measure she turned to face him. She wrung out her blonde hair as she studied him with bright eyes (they reminded him an awful lot of what his used to look like). “What on earth are you doing out in this weather?” she laughed, and he shrugged, unsure of how to approach the situation. He had not been met with such glee in an exceptionally long time. When he didn’t respond he smile faded and concern rested heavy on her shoulders. “Are you alright?”
“I don’t think so,” he muttered, and she nodded.
“Then I think you need a drink.” She ushered him to barstool and disappeared behind the counter. “Butterbeer or tap?” His eyes snapped to her when she mentioned the magical drink. “Butterbeer then.”
“You’re a witch?” he blurted, and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Oh no, but I know my customers, and you are clearly a wizard.”
“How can you tell?”
“The wand in your tailcoat.” He glanced down and sure enough, a faint outline of his wand was visible against the fabric. “No need to obliviate me though, I’m no snitch. I’ve had all types in this little pub of mine, vampires, werewolves after a particularly bad night, wizards, what you call muggles, I’ve even had a couple goblins gamble in my back room, no bias here.” He didn’t say anything as she twittered on, setting the mug in front of him and leaning on her elbows as she took him in with earnest curiosity. A few minutes of silence before she spoke again. “Do you want to talk about it, that’s what bartenders are for to hear all your tragedies while you drown them in the best liquor we have?”
“Who are you?”
“Hannah Gladdis. And you are?”
“George Weasley.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“How old are you?”
“Nineteen, twenty in June. You?”
“Twenty-one in April. How’d you come to own a magical bar at nineteen?”
“It was a tragic thing really, last year the owner died in a war with your sort. I was a waitress then, but he left it to me in his will, so now it’s all mine. Honestly, I’m surprised I survived long enough to own it, luck I guess.”
“What happened?”
“These men in masks came and tore the place apart looking for the owner, shouting something about blood traitors, but he wasn’t in. It was just me, hiding right behind this counter praying that they wouldn’t find me.”
“Did they?”
“Yes,” she whispered, fear creeping into her eyes as she thought about the night she was describing to him. “They used two spells. One made me feel like I was on fire and the other made me bleed, I can barely remember it. The whole thing was awful, by the time they were sure I didn’t know I could barely move. They set the place on fire and left me to die, still hunting for him, I guess since he’s dead now. Somehow someone saved me, I don’t even remember them but they must have performed a counter curse because I got out with only a few scars, but you would know all about those,” she said noting his missing ear. “Were you in the war?”
“Right in the center of it. Do you have any firewhiskey?” She nodded and dropped beneath the counter and pulled out the familiar bottle.
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“How do you know I lost anyone?” he growled, and she offered him a sad smile.
“I lost friends and I’m not even a witch, I figured a hero right in the center of it wouldn’t come out unscathed. Also you’re missing an ear.” He grunted and threw back the shot of liquor she had poured. “You won though?”
“Sometimes it doesn’t feel that way,” he mumbled, and she nodded, taking one of his hands into hers. He watched her hands cradle his as if he were the fragile one, but he could see the scars that were etched into her fingers. He ran is thumb along one of the more prominent ones. When he glanced up, she was biting her lip, eyes focused on the thumb that was stroking the harsh scar. He whispered her name, but she didn’t move. He said it again and this time her eyes met his. He wanted to say they were blue, but that didn’t seem quite right. Her dark eyelashes were hanging heavily over them, casting shadows into the two small pools of ocean that stared back at him. He was going to say something more, let the light buzz from the liquor take control and pull her against him, but she moved away before he could. With an awkward laugh she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and pulled herself a shot, downing it just as quickly.
“It’s not even noon,” she laughed to herself and he shrugged.
“I’ve been drunk before noon before, nothing to ashamed of.”
“Isn’t that a sign of alcoholism?”
“Not that I’ve ever heard of before.” He flashed her a tight, unpracticed smile that made his heart cringe against his ribs but it seemed to work. Pink washed over her cheeks and she was quick to busy herself among the empty glasses, searching for one to clean.
“So, what’s someone like you wandering the streets during a downpour?”
“By catching a cold?”
“Or something like that.” She laughed awkwardly, running a damp washrag over the top of the bar, avoiding eye contact at all costs, and it was killing him. He wanted to look into her eyes all day. He had to think of something, do something, say something that would draw her back.
“Why didn’t the Ministry take your memories?” he asked, and then silently cursed himself. Out of all the topics he could have chosen, he chose the one that terrified her. He hadn’t spoken to a stranger so domestically in such a long time it seemed he was out of practice.
“They don’t know, as far as I know they don’t even know I exist. And I would like to keep it that way if you don’t mind.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to forget?”
“To forget what?”
“All that pain and fear.”
“I considered it at first, but then I decided it was better to know what was coming then feel broken all over again.”
“No one is going to hurt you like that again,” he growled, far more aggressively than he had intended and she laugh, taking his hand and finally allowing their eyes to meet once more. She didn’t seem scared when she looked at him, it was if she almost wanted to believe him. She really seemed to believe the idea he could chase away her nightmares. He knew he would disappoint; he could barely chase away his own.
“You sound so sure, George, but alas, you won’t always be sitting in my little bar to protect me.”
“Then come home with me.”
She was shocked to say the least, at least that’s what her eyes said.
“I barely know you.”
“Then get to know me.”
“I’m working.”
“You said it yourself, no one is out in this rainstorm.” He sauntered towards the window and flipped the sign around and locked the door. “And anyways, it seems you’re closed.” She studied him closely, and he was acutely aware that she was still holding his hand. Finally, she nodded and for the first time in ten months his heart jolted with joy. He spun her around the bar and caught her in his arms. “Ready?”
“For what?” she began to ask but they were already gone, whipping through the air as he apparated them to the small flat.
She was laughing when they landed, clutching her stomach as she tried to catch her breath.
“My god, that was exhilarating,” she gasped. She was still holding his hand, tighter than ever. He watched her as she looked around and cursed himself for not keeping the place cleaner. “I like your place.” He was sure she was lying; it was so dull and lifeless it was almost a prison cell. The counters were dirty, and the trashcan was overflowing. “It could use a little color, but maybe that’s the beauty of it. I can never decide how to decorate so I’m constantly having to remodel, this way I can just close my eyes and imagine the walls orange.”
“Or maybe a soft teal, I don’t know, it depends on my mood.” He caught him smiling again for the second time on the day he woke up feeling like death. She was like a ball of sunshine and she was standing in the little place he called home. For the first time since he had been born, he found himself wishing his home was bigger. Even when he was a kid he had never cared, but now that there was someone he was dying to impress he wished he owned the minster’s mansion.
“It’s not much…”
“It’s lovely.” Color tinged his cheeks and now it was his turn to busy himself in the kitchen.
“Would you like some tea?”
“Oh, yes, why thank you,” she said as she glanced out the window, “What part of town are we in?”
“Just on the edge of Diagon Alley.”
“Oh really! I’ve always wanted to come; I’ve heard it’s absolutely beautiful. Wow, a real wizard town. Is it true what they say about Hogsmeade?”
“It depends on what they say,” he chuckled, bathing in her excitement. It was a welcome tone, something he had not felt since months before the end of the world.
“That it’s absolutely picturesque. Someone showed me a post card once, and I called her a liar, told her nothing but a painting could be that beautiful, but she assured me it was all true.”
“She wasn’t lying, if you want, I’ll take you sometime.”
“Wow, not even a first date and you’re already promising to whisk me off to some beautiful village in the countryside.” He blushed when he realized what he had said, abashed that this woman had gotten into his head so quickly. He had never been so infatuated with anything. He turned quickly, spilling hot tea over the side of his hand, but he barely even noticed. Her eyes were big and blue as she stared at him, cheeks pink and lips parted. “George…” she began but the teacups hadn’t even hit the ground when he was taking her into his arms and kissing her as softly as his feelings would allow.
She tasted like Christmas. Cinnamon from the firewhiskey and butterscotch from the beer tainted her lips like frosting on cake he had only eaten in a distant memory. He wanted to throw her to his bed and devour her, experience every inch she would allow him, but her tentative fingers stopped him. He was stranger who had apparated her to his flat in a place she did not know, and now he was doing everything in his power to ravish her like the goddess she appeared to be.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, pulling away as far as he dared. He was not sure he would ever be able to be far from her again, not when he knew how wonderful she was. She stepped forward, still hesitant, and cupped his cheek in her hand.
“No, don’t be. That was brilliant.”
“Then would you mind if I did it again?” She laughed and leapt into his arms, pressing her lips against his. He had never understood people comparing others to home, but as he wrapped his arms around her and he felt her fingers unbuttoning his shirt as fast as she could manage. His hands dropped to the hem of her shirt, prepared to pull it off and admire her entirety but she jerked back. He stopped immediately, pulling away as he searched her face for what he had done wrong. She wasn’t looking at him again, eyes crossed over her chest as she shuffled her feet.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled and he shook his head, taking her cheek in his hand.
“Don’t be. Tell me what you want. If it’s nothing then we’ll do nothing,” he whispered and with tentative fingers she brushed the place where is ear had once been. He wanted to pull away, but he didn’t dare, not when she looked like she was going to break.
“Very few survived your war without scars, even us muggles.” She pulled her hand away and took a deep breath before pulling her shirt over her head. He watched it hit the ground before trailing his gaze over her skin. She hadn’t lied. Scars were etched across skin that had once been soft. They were harsh and angry, still red after what he had assumed was months of healing. Silence crept into the room as he stared, anger coursing through his veins as he imagined the kind of pain that had caused these scars. “Say something,” she whispered, words catching in her throat.
“If I ever find who did this to you, I will not hesitate to kill them,” he growled and she let out a short laugh. “I’m not kidding.” She leaned up and kissed him softly, gratitude laced in every touch. He pulled her closer, fingers trailing the scars that plagued her. They tipped into his bed with unexpected grace, laughing between kisses. Quick fingers undid his pants and he followed suit, exposing soft skin raked with more scars. She didn’t pull away anymore, in fact he was sure she was trying to get closer than possible. Her legs pressed against his hips as her fingers explored every inch of skin. He flipped them over, admiring her against the bedsheets, blonde hair spread out like a halo. He leaned down and kissed her softly as she giggled against his lips.
“Don’t leave me,” he whispered before he could stop himself and with all seriousness she nodded.
“Not in a thousand years.”
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frostsinth · 4 years
Laughing at Clouds - Commission One-Shot
This was a commission one-shot for the lovely @toocurly4me who requested a monster match based upon some information given. The request was set to modern day, and with a little info about what our MC is into, I was more than happy to write out a little something for them! I had fun writing this. It was nice to be in our own time for once, and I love seeing our monsters out and about with the rest of us!
Want your own commission? I have a few slots left open. Check out my post HERE for details, or DM me directly. You can also BuyMeACoffe while you peruse my other ramblings on my MasterList
All the best and enjoy!
It was a rainy day on campus, with the cold biting chill of the morning lingering in each droplet that beat against the navy fabric of her school sweatshirt. The forecast hadn’t said anything about rain today. The storm felt like it had come out of nowhere. Hell, it was nearly the middle of winter! If the weather was going to do anything unpredictable, it should be snowing! Then she wouldn’t be caught so horribly unprepared; it would have been easier to brush off soft powder instead of soaking up the ice cold water into every inch of fabric on her body and plastering it to her small form. Until she was completely miserable, and pretty certain her dark skin would have a distinctive blue tint to it from her sweater’s dye bleeding into it.
But there had been nothing for it. Attempting to wait out the worst of the storm in the back of the science building where she had snuck in to view the new zoology exhibit had led to the downpour only getting heavier. And she had that end of term paper due the day after tomorrow. There was no way she could waste another minute lingering beneath those flickering lights. It was only a ten minute walk. How drenched could she possibly get in ten minutes?
The answer was “very”. “Soaked to the bone” also seemed a much more concrete and visceral description to her now than it ever had before in her life. And the young woman wasn’t even sure if she was even still headed in the right direction anymore. Three years on campus had imprinted the memory of the sidewalks of the commons into her mind's eye, but the rain was driving down sideways now, and she had bowed her head and pulled her hood as low as she could over her thick braids to keep it from smacking her in the face.
So she had a lovely view of her grey and black striped boots right when she hit something far more solid than the sheets of rain.
Her center of gravity forcibly shifted, a soft squeak escaping from between her lips before she could even process the fact that her feet were trying to continue forward even as her upper body fell backwards.
Just before she completely lost her balance, she felt something strong and firm catch hold of her flailing arm. Stubbornly denying the will of gravity.
“Hey, woah! Watch out!” Came the cry, the smoky sounding voice muffled by the pounding rain.
But it seemed to no avail. She was going down, and now whoever was the owner of the voice would be coming with her. The young woman toppled backwards, catching the majority of the impact on her bottom before toppling the rest of the way to her back. The icy cold puddles on the sidewalk splashed up about her in a stumpy wave almost comically. Or at least, it would have been comical, had another form not fallen pretty much directly on top of her as well.
Her lips sputtered for air momentarily, stuck somewhere between the weight of the stranger’s body forcing the air from her lungs and the pouring rain making her feel as though she were halfway underwater. She flailed her arms about, gasping in surprise as she tried to get her bearings.
Her progress was impeded by the person currently flailing about themselves as they tried to find solid ground. The full realization of her predicament had her face flushing dark, and she managed to sink her palms into the puddles on either side of her and start to prop herself up. Feeling the water thoroughly soak into the seat and back of her worn jeans as she did.
Her would-be rescuer slash the instigator of all her woes managed to get to their feet first, and she found a hand extended into her line of sight. Dark brown eyes darted up, blinking through the rivers of rain streaming down her face that seemed to pool at the ends of her long lashes. The first thing that cleared the mists beyond the tip of her nose was a set of sharp, sparkling white teeth bared in a sheepish smirk above her. The young woman reached up in a daze, and found her forearm caught in his offered hand. She could barely make him out through the thick turrets, but as he leaned back to help tug her to her feet, she was very aware of the fact that he was not human. Not that she could really tell much else amid the pouring rain. The man was about her height, perhaps shy an inch or two, and that was about the extent of her analysis at the moment. That, and those glitteringly sharp teeth he shot her once more. She couldn’t help but stare a little in surprise even as she got her feet back under her.
It certainly was not entirely out of the scope of possibility. Her university was one of the most diverse in the area. But still, having come from the middle of bumfuck nowhere, and coupled with the fact that she tended to avoid the more crowded aspects of college life in favor of quieter, more solitary activities, the young woman was always a little surprised at first to run into any of the non-human students of the campus. In this case, she was being quite literal about the “running into” part.
“Sorry!” He exclaimed as loudly as he dared, having to raise his voice to be heard over the din of the rain. “I wasn’t looking where I was going!”
Under any other circumstances, she would have laughed as she fished for her soaked hood. “Me neither, I’m sorry too!” She replied quickly, eager to be on her way and out of the downpour. She cast an eye about, and realized she must have turned right at the fork instead of left. She was going completely the wrong direction, which would mean even longer out in the icy grip of the storm. She shivered at the thought.
He seemed to be looking about as well, and reached for what appeared to be an umbrella that had been lost to the side of the path in the scuffle. As he scooped it into hand and turned it right side up, she gave a shriek of surprise which matched his own yelp as a fresh bucket of water fell on both of them.
“Aw, fuck!” He shouted, jumping a little. “Damnit! Fuck, I’m so sorry!”
Now freshly soaked and feeling like a drowned cat, she looked at him. Her arms wrapped around her shivering body, her thick hair plastered to her face and neck. He moved to hold the umbrella high over the both of them, again returning her bewildered stare with another sheepish look. He managed to reduce the rain’s assault on the tops of their heads at least, save for a few errant drips, but increasing its pounding crescendo tenfold in their ears as it pounded against the top of the umbrella instead.
“Look, my place is just there,” He told her, pointing to one of the scraggily buildings repurposed for dorms a few yards down the road, “Come on, it’s fucking cold out here. We’ll catch our deaths.”
She glanced over at the building, still shivering, and opened her mouth to reply. Quite before she could, she found his arm scooped in hers. Steering her the few yards to the creaky iron gate and up to the door. She was far too surprised to object.
Once on the covered porch, he released her arm, then shook the excess water from his umbrella and turned to look back over the drenched campus behind them.
“Gods above, what a dreadful day.” He grumbled before turning to face her properly. “I’m sorry I knocked you over…. And then dumped water on you…” He cocked his head to the side, smirking grin returning to his face, “And then proceeded to kidnap you. Let me make it up to you, yeah?”
The woman blinked at him stupidly a few times, finally able to take him in from head to toe without the rain impeding her line of sight.
He was slender built, with an athletic form currently generously framed by the way his drenched clothes stuck to him like spandex. Water dripped from the tip of a long slender nose, and his eyebrows arched in the center of an over pronounced brow as he looked at her. It was impossible to tell what color his hair was normally, as it was several shades darker now with water dripping from the spikey tips that were currently flattened to the top of his head. She ventured to guess it was probably a copper brown, and he seemed to have the sides shaved stylishly short while the top was wild and long. Long enough to possibly braid down the back of his slightly oversized head she imagined, should he so choose. He also boasted a pair of large ears, nearly as wide as her palm where they connected to the side of his skull, but then tapering into a broad but slightly rounded point a few inches beyond. The tips were loose, and shifted with his features as he talked. As expressive as his wry lips, which curled back into that sheepish smirk as she watched. She would also venture to guess that he was a deep, mottled green, though in the dim light of the morning it was hard to tell the exact shade, and she imagined he might be a fair bit paler from the cold.
The goblin cocked his head back to the side under her inspection, perhaps used to such staring, and offered out his hand “I’m Jaco, by the way.”
“Uh... “ She realized her mouth was dropped open a bit, and quickly endeavored to close it. Reaching out to carefully take his hand in hers. But as she met his bright yellow eyes… the knowledge of her own name suddenly fled her. “Oh.. I’m… Um…”
His brow raised quizzically. “... Ah, Are you alrig-”
“Rachelle!” She blurted quickly, then cleared her throat embarrassedly. “... I’m Rachelle…”
That sheepish grin returned, and his eyes glinted mischievously. “... Perhaps you hit your head when we fell?” He offered, almost as if he could read the loud hum that seemed to be currently filling her cranium. Though it certainly wasn’t from falling. Well… not the fall he meant at least...
She did laugh now, releasing his hand bashfully and pushing the loose strands of her sopping hair out of her face. “Something like that…”
“Sorry again about all that... “ He shuffled his feet, clearing his own throat and sneaking a peak up at her. “Can I make it up to you? Perhaps some tea or coffee? Or maybe hot chocolate, if you’ve got a sweet tooth?”
Rachelle gave a hefty sigh, shaking her head. “I really shouldn’t, I’ve got a term paper due that I haven’t even started-”
“Well, you won’t be able to start until you get dry, right?” He interrupted. “Why not dry off and warm up over some cocoa with some company?”
Her face blazed hot again, and she sheepishly rubbed at the back of her neck. “I’d just get wet again.” She pointed out with a small smile.
“I’ll escort you back, if you want.” He offered. “Or you can take my umbrella; I’ll enchant it this time so you won’t get a drop on you.” Her eyes lit up at the word ‘enchant’, and the goblin eagerly latched on. “I’m here studying enchantments.” He explained. “Working on my thesis actually, in thermopartical magicks and their effect on…” He dropped off, looking a little embarrassed at the sudden gush of enthusiasm for an obviously favored topic “... Ah, I don’t want to bore you with the science-”
“No, it’s not boring at all!” She returned quickly, almost bouncing on her toes in excitement. “I’ve always wanted to learn more about magic, but humans aren’t allowed to study the Application field, only research and historical.”
His sharp toothed grin grew to reach almost to his ears. “I am certainly not above showing off with a few magic tricks for a beautiful woman.” He teased, and his ears flopped as he cocked his head to one side. “Especially if it makes her eyes sparkle like that when I do.”
She nearly toppled over as her head spun at his words. A shy laugh petered from her lips, and she shuffled her feet. But she couldn’t completely hide the embarrassed smile that slipped across her lips. Jaco waited a moment, then bowed his shoulders, trying to catch her eye.
“... Can I tempt you again with the hot cocoa, Rachelle?” 
She grinned again, looking up at him coyly.  “... I could probably be convinced.”
He returned the smile, and reached for the handle of his door, bowing melodramatically at the waist as he opened it for her. She couldn’t help another laugh, and moved to step around him. As she did, her foot slipped on the old wooden boards of the porch, having spent the last few minutes becoming horribly slick with the water dripping in streams off their clothes. She gave another squeal, and felt herself sliding backwards for the second time that day. This time, Jaco reacted quicker, and his arm snaked out, catching her and lending his strength as she gathered her feet beneath her once more.
However, the motion brought him perilously close to her, and both of their eyes widened slightly at their sudden proximity. A hesitant silence filled the air, punctuated only by the drumming rhythm of the rain around them. Her breath caught and fluttered about in her throat, her heart skipped sporadically in her chest. He smelled of rain right now, but there was also the distinct hint of something spicy beneath it… cinnamon maybe? The realization that he was close enough to distinguish that made the balls of her cheeks grow hot despite the chilly morning air.
She couldn’t help her eyes darting down to his thin lips. Which curled into a smile as she did. Rachelle quickly corrected her gaze, meeting his yellow eyes with dark pools of velvet brown.
“Don’t let me stray down that train of thought,” He warned her lightly, his voice teasing and soft, “I’m trying to be a gentleman. Cocoa and an enchanted umbrella seem more than sufficient for a good first impression, no?”
She straightened a little more, and realized his three fingered hand had lingered in the small of her back. “Oh?” She managed after a shallow little wisp of a breath. “And I suppose a gentleman wouldn’t kiss a woman they’ve just met?”
She meant it to sound teasing and light, but his sharp yellow eyes danced at the sound of her voice. She caught him sneaking a peak at her full lips and they tingled under his scrutiny. She chased a nervous breath down her throat with a quiet swallow.
“I suppose they might. But the problem is,” He purred, leaning a little closer, “If I kissed you now, I don’t know if I’d be able to stop...”
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megumis-lashes · 4 years
Love, but make it Magic!
Werewolf! Hwang Hyunjin x Reader
*Contains*: mentions of blood/fighting, slight angst (if you squint), bullying, fighting, slight swearing, Enemies to lovers if you squint, school based on western standards, werewolf Hyunjin, witch/vampire reader
Nothing too bad overall. Mainly fluff. I sometimes use italics for emphasis. I use typical quotes for speech :)
Narrators POV
In today’s society, supernatural beings like vampires and werewolves are believed to be mythical creatures. Few people believe in their existence and have many false stereotypes surrounding these creatures’ existence. In reality they do exist. Supernaturals or whatever you like to call them, live a life hidden from society. They play the role of innocent humans in a world where they aren’t accepted. In certain areas, schools and housing are built to house strictly supernatural creatures. Despite their separation from the world, they still have many disputes between each other.
Name’s POV
My life has never been easy. From a young age I’ve been pressured to fit into a society that I was not designed for. I’m half witch, half vampire, a deadly combination in today’s world. Not only am I hated by humans but I’m also hated by other supernaturals due to some dumb disputes among species. I lived among humans for the the first portion of my life. I was constantly in fear for what might happen to me if I was discovered. I had to live and act exactly as a human, which was never an easy task. Thankfully, for college I was able to go somewhere I better fit in, an all supernatural college, NX University. My parents were opposed to me going due to their meek status against humans, but I needed a change in lifestyle. Thankfully I managed to get multiple scholarships to the school.
I had been living on campus for a few months. Everything was going smoothly. My stress and anxiety of blending in was long forgotten and I was able to express myself through my supernatural abilities. I took courses on witchcraft and alchemy, things I never would’ve had the opportunity to learn in human society. I shared a dorm with a fellow witch from my classes. Her name was Sunghee. She was what could only be described as text book beauty. She had glowing ginger hair that flowed over her shoulders and large green eyes. Her face was littered with freckles and she was rather slim. To go along with her innocent looks came her witchcraft. She was what humans would describe as a ‘good witch’. She practiced strictly healing and protection magic and had made a pact with herself to never engage in battle. She often spent her days collecting and researching herbs she discovered around campus.
After a long day of classes I was heading back to the dorm. I had what could be described as an infinite amount of homework and I wasn’t exactly excited to lose sleep working on it. As I approached the door I noticed something.
“Hmm? The door is locked? That’s strange. Sunghee usually leaves it open...” I mumbled to myself as I shuffled through my bag, searching for my spare key.
“Maybe she went to the shops for more herbs..”
As I unlocked the door and entered, I was greeted by emptiness. The place was sparkling clean, which was very unusual for Sunghee. She was more like the ‘messily organized’ type so seeing the place so clean was shocking. As I approached the small kitchen table, I noticed a crinkled note taped to the fridge. It read :
‘Hey name! Sorry for the sudden departure but I had some family business to attend to. I’ll probably be back by the end of this quarter. As an apology for leaving so fast I tidied up the place! Also, you don’t have to worry about caring for my plants and such! My friend Hyunjin will be staying here to take care of them! Hopefully you won’t mind!
- xoxo Sunghee ♡︎
“Only Sunghee would do something like this so suddenly and think nothing of it.” I sighed. I guess I had to get used to living with someone else for a while.
“I should really start my homework....I don’t want to be up all night.” I shook my head.
My head had been buzzing with witchcraft and algebra work for what seemed like hours. I was so focused on finishing my work before the clock struck midnight that when a knock on the door sounded through the dorm, I nearly fell out of my chair.
“Who in their right mind would arrive at this hour...” As much as I disliked the idea of talking, I still ran to open the door. As the old wooden door creaked open, the sight behind it almost made me fall over again. Standing at the door was a tall and lanky boy with longer blonde hair tied up in the back. He was beautiful and his perfection was accentuated by the small birthmark under his left check. I couldn’t put a finger on his name but I had definitely seen him before. He was deemed the school’s ‘pretty boy’ from what I could remember.
“Excuse me but what do you need? It’s quite late and I’m not exactly sure what you want from me?” I questioned as I leaned on the door frame in exhaustion.
“Oh hi. You must be name. I’m Sunghee’s ‘childhood friend’ you could say. She asked me stay here for a while to watch over her plants or whatever.” He shrugged as he pushed his hair back. Now that I looked at him closely I noticed he was carrying a large duffel bag packed to the brim.
“You? Stay here? There must be some sort of confusion. I thought a girl by the name of Hyunjin would be staying here?” I blinked in confusion.
“Oh she never explained fully then huh?” He chuckled. “My name’s Hwang Hyunjin. I’m not exactly a girl but I understand your confusion. You were probably thinking of Kim Hyunjin. She’s a girl in the shapeshifter division.” He suffled around awkwardly. “So are you gonna let me in?”
“Hoooold on there. I have no idea who you are! You expect me to just casually share a place with you for months? When I’m just meeting you for the first time now? Plus you’re a werewolf aren’t you? Bold of you to assume I could naturally just trust you!” I was beyond shocked at his audacity.
“Come ooonnn! I’m just tired ok! It wasn’t exactly my idea to stay here. Sunghee kinda sprang it on me this morning.” He sighed once again, rubbing his neck.
“Is that supposed to make me feel better? If you’re trying to convince me to stay with some guy I just met than you’re doing a terrible job.” I chided.
“Look, we don’t even have to see each other or talk to each other. Ok? I’m just as unenthusiastic about this as you are but I know Sunghee would skin me alive if I didn’t care for her precious plants.”
I huffed. “I’m honestly too tired to continue with this conversation. Fine you can stay, but you better keep the place sparkling! Pull your weight in chores and maybe I won’t kick you out.” I didn’t plan on caving so easily but I was exhausted and needed sleep. I let the boy inside and then shut myself in my room for the night.
The next few weeks were....rough. Living with a teenage boy was hard enough but with him being a werewolf it was even worse. Despite trying to keep the place clean, everyday the place would be in shambles. He slept on the couch but would often shift to his wolf form while sleeping and ravage the place. Even with his sudden outbursts, Hyunjin did try his best to keep true to his deal. He rarely bothered me and the only time we really had a conversation was when he accidentally ate Sunghee’s herbs and needed information on which ones he should buy in replacement. One thing I did notice about Hyunjin was his habit to get home quite late. I was typically up into the late hours of the night doing homework so I always heard him come home. He would always be panting and out of breath, as if he had been chased back to the dorm. I did wonder what he was up to but I never confronted him about it, that is until one specific time.
It was a dreary Friday night in early October and I was finishing my physics homework for the week. Due to my growing hunger I decided to make some popcorn and maybe watch a movie later. As I was pouring the popcorn in a large bowl, I heard the front door slam open. Hyunjin must’ve been home. I didn’t greet him, as I didn’t typically do so but I could tell something was off by how he was breathing. He was panting much heavier than I had ever heard and seemed to be groaning in pain. I decided to ask what was wrong and finally discover what was happening. When I turned to question him, I was shocked by his appearance.
Standing in the doorway was Hyunjin. He was drenched it what appeared to be a mixture of blood, sweat and rain as it had been storming outside. What shocked me the most were the large scratches and cuts scattered throughout his body. The most noticeable of them were placed near his heart, from which blood seeped into his shirt. He also appeared to have some bruises forming on his face and his nose was bleeding. The last feature I noticed were the pitch black ears and tail that sprouted from his head and lower back. He was in partial wolf form.
“What the hell happened to you?!” I exclaimed. I wasn’t exactly expecting a bloody Hyunjin to walk through the door.
“Uhh....” he spun around, eyes wide in shock. He was like a deer caught in headlights. “I got into a small fight...” He mumbled, scratching his neck awkwardly. He wasn’t expecting me to be home.
“Bullshit! You wouldn’t look like walking road kill if it was just a small fight! Tell me what really happened!” I huffed. I wasn’t usually one to get mad easily but I had been suspicious of Hyunjin for a while and wanted answers.
“Fine...fine... I guess I owe you an explanation at least...” he stumbled forward out of shock and exhaustion. I quickly set the bowl down and went to help him walk to the couch. He was still badly injured.
“Fine but before you explain we better fix your injuries. You may be a werewolf but those wounds are deep. Without treatment they could get infected.” I quickly jogged into Sunghee’s room to fetch a first aid kit.
“Unlike Sunghee, I’m not a herbs and healing witch. I’ll have to patch you up the old fashion way.” I snickered. This would’ve been a lot easier with Sunghee.
“Fine, just get it over with.” Hyunjin sighed. I could still sense his distress from his previous experience.
I started with the cuts on his face. I washed them with a damp cloth followed by alcohol wipes. Hyunjin cringed in pain. I placed small bandages over the wounds and moved on to his chest. As embarrassing as it was, I was forced to lift up his shirt to access the scratches. Any other day the blonde would of teased me for being shy but he was currently in too much distress to do so. The wounds were deep but just shallow enough to not need stitches. I applied the same treatment as I did with his face but used a wrap of bandage instead.
“Ok Hwang, explain.” I crossed my arms as I huffed.
“Fine, fine.” He shuffled in his seat, cringing in pain as he felt his injuries stretch.
“I wasn’t lying when I said I got into a fight, but it was definitely more serious than usual. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now but I usually get home late and after a run in with some not so great people. They’re a group of vampires and shapeshifters that are a part of my gym class. I do excessively well in that class and I guess they were jealous of that so that’s why they first approached me. They wanted to ‘knock me down a peg’ and put me back in my place. It probably would’ve ended there but I’m so terrible at controlling my wolf form that I snarled at them. They chased me home after that. The past few weeks I’ve tried to avoid them, more for their safety than mine. I would sprint home each day in hopes of not starting any drama. Today was the one day I didn’t run home and those punks took advantage of it. They picked a fight with me and out of exhaustion I partially turned and swiped at them. They were pissed. My accidental turning led to them ‘beating me up’ except I was far stronger and managed to do more damage.”
“Wow.” Despite my suspicion I was still a bit shocked to hear the whole story. “I never would have pictured your lazy ass to be a fighter Hyunjin..” I chuckled. “That’s hilarious.” I subtly laughed into my hand. My exhaustion combined with the fact that Hyunjin ran away out of embarrassment made the situation seem hilarious to me.
“Don’t laugh! Hey! I try to keep the place clean! I do my best!” He chided, dramatically waving his hands around in exasperation. Now that I focused on him I realized he was still half turned.
“Hyunjin..” I giggled “You dumbass! Your ears are still out! Can you even tell?!” At my examination he quickly slammed his hands against his head, feeling that his ears were in fact still showing.
“Dammit! I swear these things have a mind of their own! If it weren’t for these dumb ears, I could’ve avoided all that drama!” He groaned as he tried to push his ears back into his head. I giggled and rolled my eyes. “You really do suck at controlling your wolf! As much as it pains me maybe I could help you out?” I stifled my laughter as I wanted Hyunjin to take me seriously. “Oh really? And how do you plan to do that?” He questioned, tilting his head to the side like a lost puppy. “I’m part witch! don’t you remember? I could make you something that can help you control your wolf better! For the time being I can cast a spell on you to alter your appearance! I’d have to be with you during school though...” I mumbled. Despite being ‘roommates’ I didn’t consider us to be close friends
“You’d really do that for me? Ya know you’re a lot cooler than you let on.” He chuckled.
“Could you maybe tutor me while your at it?”
“Don’t push your luck, pretty boy!”
Over the next few months, Hyunjin and I spent a lot more time together. Initially it came as a shock to the rest of the school. He was a werewolf and I was part vampire, both species that had strongly disliked each other for years. Along with this, the blonde was far more popular than I was. I was more the ‘nerdy witch’ type, who’s only care was grades. Despite all our differences, we got along extremely well. Someone who had never met use before would’ve thought we had been friends for years or even lovers. Due to our tight knit relationship, it was a common task to deny relationship rumors. As promised I did start working on a formula that would help Hyunjin with his transformations. For the time being, I simply cast an illusion spell on him each morning and would check with him throughout the day to assure it was still in effect. Throughout my growing relationship with the boy, I began to feel confused. I felt strong emotions for him, emotions I had never felt before and didn’t understand. I finally figured them out when on the phone with Sunghee. As I described to her my new found friendship with Hyunjin and how much I wanted to hang out with him, Sunghee pieced together that I must’ve liked him , or in her words had a ‘crush’. I immediately dismissed the idea, but over the following week I noticed just how much I liked his company. There was no other way to explain it. Thankfully it didn’t appear to hinder our friendship at the time so I simply pushed the thoughts to the back back of my head.
Currently it was approaching the end of October meaning both finals for that semester and Halloween were in the upcoming week. Hyunjin was stressed to say the least. Despite all the tutoring I gave him, he was still adamant on needing my help to prepare. I decided to make a deal with him. For my witchcraft class I had a final project which required a non-witch partner. If he agreed to do the project with me I could tutor him again for free.
“Wait so what is this project again?” Hyunjin questioned as he took a bite out of pumpkin pie. We were sitting in the kitchen discussing our study plans for that week.
“Well it’s for my witchcraft class, it’s my final project. I need a non-witch partner and I thought you’d be perfect for for it!” I chided, throwing my arm over his shoulder.
“The premise of the project is to develop the three main elements of witchcraft through a secret mission into human territory-“
“What?” His eyes widened in shock as he choked on the pie he was practically inhaling. I patted his back to help with his coughs. He sighed and wiped his mouth. “What do you mean human territory?! It suuuuper dangerous over there! How could they assign that as a school project?!” He was surprised to say the least.
“Look Hyunjin I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s not like I didn’t live half of my life surrounded by humans. Just because you’re some rich prince boy who has never seen a human in their life doesn’t give you the excuse to back out on me now.” I sighed as I rubbed my temples.
“The majority of humans are pretty chill. They won’t notice anything if we keep a low profile. All we need to do is collect an item for each element of witchcraft, that’s three in total. We’ll be in and out of there in no time!”
“Ughh... As much as I hate the idea of us walking directly into danger, I can’t afford to fail this test. Plus with all the things you’ve done for me, I think I owe you one.” He chuckled.
“Then that’s settled! Well leave tomorrow!” I clapped my hands together. “Better start packing Hwang!” I shouted as I dashed to my room.
That night I packed the necessities I would need for the small trip. I packed a map, money, a change of clothes, water, snacks, and some tools for spell-craft. Hyunjin and I were to be disguised as travelers who were stopping at the nearest town for some materials. The disguise had to be convincing so I told Hyunjin to wear old, battered clothes and bring nothing too flashy. The only downside to this town was their utter fear of supernatural beings. Many humans could care less but for some this fear had evolved into hatred. If any supernaturals were discovered in or near the town, they would most likely be executed on the spot. In order to keep our cover from being blown, I could not risk the use of the spell I typically used on Hyunjin. He questioned me about it before leaving.
“Wait! What about the spell? You know I still suck at control right?” He questioned, lugging his tan backpack from his bedroom.
“I can’t risk anyone noticing. You’ll have to survive without it for one day. Just wear a hoodie or something to cover your ears if they happen to appear.” He nodded, nervous as ever. “Don’t worry it’ll be fine!” I smiled. “Let’s get going.
The beginning of the project went perfectly. We were able to slip into the town with few people noticing our presence. For the grade, I needed to collect three objects to represent the three elements of witchcraft : defense, offense and recovery. The recovery object was the easiest so we decided to gather that item first. We stopped at a small tea and herb shop, which they surprisingly had, and I bought multiple bags of herbal tea along with healing incense. We did get some strange looks in the store but nothing crazy, they probably weren’t used to teenagers visiting a dusty shop like that. Next was defense. It seemed easy enough. Hyunjin suggested we buy a plank of strongly crafted wood and have it shaped into a shield. He went and gathered that part of the project while I purchased solvents from a scientist that I could use in defense spells. The final element was definitely the most difficult. Offense or in short, something that could kill. Sure we could’ve found a sharp stick or snatched a spear from some old museum but those wouldn’t get me a good grade. I needed something special.
“Hey Look! A weaponry shop! That’s exactly what we’re looking for I chided, pulling him behind me by his sweatshirt sleeve. “We can probably get a gun or something here...” I mumbled. As we entered the small shop we were greeted by an old man. He didn’t say anything directed towards us but a simple ‘Welcome. Shout if you need help’.
“Let’s go quick Hyunjin. I wanna get out of here as soon as possible.” I whispered to the boy as I signaled him to follow me into the store.
“Okay, okay. What do you want me to look for?” He whispered back.
“Find a dagger or knife of sorts, I’ll find a small handgun. Don’t buy anything too gaudy though, we don’t wanna draw attention on the way out.” I walked to the back of the store that was labeled as the gun section. I picked out two small handguns along with a couple packs of ammunition, keeping in mind how they would fit in my pack. I quickly met Hyunjin at the front counter. He had picked out a dark green Swiss Army knife along with what appeared to be a hunters knife. If the store owner didn’t walk out at that moment, we probably would’ve slipped out without paying.
“Hello! Is this all you want today?” He questioned. We both nodded placing the weapons on the counter. He wrapped the items lightly then packed them into a small bag. He handed the bag to Hyunjin as I shuffled through my bag for cash.
“Why you both look pretty young! You wouldn’t mind showing me your weapons license by any chance right?”
Shit. I didn’t think of that. I shuffled through my bag in despair.
“Umm you see sir I think I must’ve lost it while traveling....” I rubbed my neck, hoping he would buy my childish lie.
“I’m sorry but I need to see it in order for you to buy these weapons miss.” He smiled, an eerie smile at that.
“I’m so sorry sir but I can’t find it....” I awkwardly smiled back.
“Well then missy, you’ll have to give those back!” He reached and grabbed at the bag which Hyunjin had handed to me. Out of instinct I pulled it back towards me, effectively loosing my balance and stumbling back into the blonde. It didn’t take long for us to trip over each other and fall to the floor.
“You...you monsters! I knew something was up with you!” The man at the front screeched, flailing his arms about wildly. I furrowed my brows in confusion. It made sense when I finally caught sight of the boy beside me. The fall had effectively knocked the hood of his head and thanks to our luck, his ears were out on full display. We were screwed.
“Dammit Hyunjin!” I yelled throwing myself up from the floor and grabbing at him to get up. “Time to run!” Finally grasping the situation, the blonde sprang up from the floor and dashed out the door beside me. As we sprinted through the city, we heard what sounded like gunshots. I assumed they were signal flares, something to notify the people that supernaturals were there. It didn’t take long before a group of crazed humans were chasing after us with spears and guns. Just as the gunshots began to sound, I managed to put up a protective barrier around us.
“Hyunjin we gotta get out of here as fast as we can! We can’t risk dying or letting them know the school’s location!” I huffed. Running was hard. “I can only keep this barrier up for so long! Do you have any ideas?” I desperately shouted as we made a mad dash away from the town. His eyes seemed to sparkle in excitement at me asking for his help. He had an idea.
“You might not like this idea but I think it could work!” He shouted back.
“What is it?”
“I’m gonna need you to trust me fully! On the count of three, I’ll transform into full wolf form and run out of here with you on my back! There’s no way they could catch up to us!” He panted, his golden eyes shimmering in the sunlight.
“You’re really crazy sometimes Hwang, but this time I’m willing to trust you! Just don’t let us get killed ok?!”
“Alright it’ll take me a minute to transform fully! If you can hold up this barrier for that long we should be fine!”
“Alright!” We stopped suddenly. I closed my eyes in concentration as I chanted the spell for the protective barrier. As I did so, Hyunjin transformed into a beautiful, sleek black wolf.
‘Hop on!’ I heard him speak to me through subconscious thoughts. It didn’t take another word from him for me to swing my legs over his back and latch onto his fur. “Go Hyunjin!” I shouted, causing the wolf to sprint forwards, almost three times as fast as the pace we were previously at.
We ran for what seemed like years. The sounds of gunshots and angry shouts seemed to fade into the distance long ago. We had lost them. Upon passing the school gates, we both collapsed on a grassy area, Hyunjin returning to his human form. I rolled onto the ground in exhaustion. I wasn’t exactly the ‘athletic type’ and that amount of exercise was painful. I chuckled as I saw Hyunjin collapse beside me.
“What are you laughing at?!” He jeered.
“Heh, at least we didn’t die! Now you won’t fail your finals since you are guaranteed my help in studying! Aren’t you happy about that?” I chuckled again.
“Ignoring the fact that we almost died, that was the most fun I’ve had in years! Who would’ve though you to be my best friend-“ I was cut off by the sensation of warm lips against mine. Hyunjin was kissing me. I could feel my face heat up but I kissed back. His feelings were clearly reciprocated. Upon breaking the kiss, I faced away for, him and covered my face in embarrassment.
“Huh? Is that the great and fabulous name being shy at a simple kiss? You’re so weak!” He laughed as he rubbed his face against my neck, similar to how an animal would treat its mate. I chuckled. Two could play at that game. I faced him again.
“Is the great, dumb wolf Hyunjin in love with me?” I smirked as I saw the slight blush bubble up on his cheeks.
“Well maybe I am!” He chided. I smiled
“Well maybe I love you too.”
AN: This was from Halloween buuuttt imma post it now cuz y not 😗. Also I watched the Skz concert this weekend and it was AMAZING. I am currently still in post concert depression buttt maybe I’ll have some motivation to write again soon! Peace out ✌🏼
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Eccentricity [Chapter 6: You Know You Got Me In The Palm Of Your Hand]
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Series Summary: Joe Mazzello is a nice guy with a weird family. A VERY weird family. They have a secret, and you have a choice to make. Potentially a better love story than Twilight.
Chapter Title Is A Lyric From: Mean It by Lauv.
Chapter Warnings: Language, references to sex and violence, slavery in American history.
Other Chapters (And All My Writing) Available: HERE
Tagging: @queen-turtle-boiii​​​​​ @bramblesforbreakfast​​​​​​ @writerxinthedark​​ @maggieroseevans​​​​​​ @culturefiendtrashqueen​​​​​​ @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark​​​​​​ @escabell​​​​​​ @im-an-adult-ish​​​​​​ @someforeigntragedy​​​​​​ @imtheinvisiblequeen​​​​​​​​​​ @deacyblues​​​​​​ ​ @tensecondvacation​​​​​​​ @brianssixpence​​​​​​ @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​​ @some-major-ishues​​ @haileymorelikestupid​​ @loveandbeloved29​​
Please yell at me if I forget to tag you! 💜
What The Fuck, Washington Animals Are Weird
I woke up in a bedroom drenched in a rainbow of darkness, shades of grey vacillating from charcoal to the wings of a mourning dove; indolent dawn rain pattered against the window. There were no glaring veins of sunlight spilling in through gaps in the curtains, no promise of dry invigorating heat, no whistle of vicious parched wind. Toto, we’re not in Phoenix anymore.
“Ugh,” I complained to the empty room, unraveling from a tangle of blankets patterned with cacti and pure white clouds and rust-orange suns.
I clicked off my iPhone alarm—I’d beaten it by two minutes; my circadian rhythm was finally conceding that this whole Pacific Time thing was permanent—and read my nine new texts from Joe.
3:12 a.m.: Hey it’s an emergency what’s the plural of octopus
3:13 a.m.: Rami is insisting that it is octopuses
3:14 a.m.: But it’s octopi, right? Right?? I just announced in front of everyone that it’s octopi
3:15 a.m.: Scarlett is verbally abusing me
3:18 a.m.: Oh you are probably asleep
3:21 a.m.: Update, according to the internet Rami is right and now I have to assume a new identity and move to Antarctica
3:25 a.m.: We can discuss logistics of the Antarctica relocation tomorrow
3:26 a.m.: Hope you like penguins
3:30 a.m.: Okay goodnight!! Don’t let the mythical creatures bite!!
“That man,” I murmured to myself, smiling.
I typed out: It’s definitely octopuses, you clown. Then I deleted ‘clown’ and replaced it with its Italian equivalent: pagliaccio. Text sent.
Joe responded almost instantly. I had to ask Lucy what pagliaccio meant and now she’s verbally abusing me too. Send help. See you at lunch. xx
Wait, two Xs? What did Xs mean?? Kisses???
Did Joseph Francis Mazzello, sexy undead Italian man, just send me multiple text kisses?
“You’re gonna give me an aneurism, Chicago boy,” I muttered at my phone as I slid it into the pocket of my flannel pajama pants. And then I glanced out the bedroom window into a tussle of rain and thick, caliginous fog.
Just a few feet beyond the misted glass, its leathery talons hooked around a branch of Charlie’s decades-old red alder tree, was an owl. But not just any owl. A hulking, spotlessly white owl.
“Oh, hey, you,” I whispered, leaning closer, pressing my palms against the cold window. My hands left transparent imprints in the condensation. “Hey, buddy. Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping? I sure wish I was. Did something wake you up? Did your idiot vampire boyfriend disturb you with a series of ridiculous texts?”
The owl just contemplated me with unnervingly vast, slick, engrossed eyes. And there was something else, too: those eyes were blood red.
“So you’re an albino owl, huh big guy? Good for you. You know, usually albino animals don’t last all that long in the wild. Because they’re really easy for predators and prey to spot. Or they get skin cancer. So congratulations on living to become the voluptuous, tremendously creepy creature that you are today. Job well done.”
The owl stared back at me unflinchingly, blinked, then resumed staring. Rainwater gathered in swelling beads like blood drops on its ivory-colored beak and talons.
“Well,” I noted, turning away and grabbing my shower towel off the back of the desk chair. “You don’t get that in Arizona.”
Thirty minutes later, I was bounding down the stairs two at a time to meet Charlie in the kitchen. He was browsing through his daily newspaper at the table, drinking coffee and nibbling messily on burnt triangles of toast. Crumbs littered his moustache.
“You didn’t tell me that living here came with the added benefit of freaky albino animal friends.”
Charlie crinkled his forehead at me. “Huh?”
“How was bowling with the dads last night?”
“Oh, awesome!” he exclaimed, folding up his newspaper and slapping it down on the table. “We bowled against the team from Mora and it came right down to the wire, but we caught them. Dr. Lee got a strike on his very last turn. He always seems to do that...he’ll be bowling hit or miss all night and then when it really matters he manages to pull a strike out of nowhere. He’s a beast.”
“He’s a pretty remarkable guy,” I agreed, rummaging through the cabinets for Pop-Tarts.
“He mentioned that you and his son were really hitting it off,” Charlie said, grinning. “Not the ragey blond one. The spindly annoying one. What’s his name again? Josh? Jimmy?”
“Joe.” I conjured up my best poker face of lofty indifference. It crumbled like a sandcastle beneath reckless, rushing footsteps.
“Ohhhh, I saw that!” Charlie said, pointing, delighted. “Check out that smile. My gorgeous, brilliant progeny has a crush. I knew it. I knew you wouldn’t be single for long up here. Alright, I’m ready. Bring on the grandchildren.”
“Shut up,” I pleaded good-naturedly.
“Relax, I have great news. According to Gwil, that Joe kid is pretty wild about you too.”
“Oh, is that what you old guys do between bowling turns? Betray your children’s deepest confidences? Matchmake them over nachos and chili cheese dogs?” Still, my curiosity was piqued. “What else did Dr. Lee say about Joe?”
“I think the exact word he used was...” Charlie reminisced, sipping his coffee, curls of steam pouring over the rim of the mug. “Smitten.”
Supernatural Pictionary
I turned the notebook to Joe so he could see; everyone else momentarily covered their eyes or looked away. Then Lucy started the timer on her iPhone. Thirty seconds.
“Go!” Lucy announced.
“I think it’s a boat,” Rami said, hesitantly, haltingly, squinting at Joe with great concentration.
“Do you?” Joe teased.
“Yeah. But I’m also getting something about a fish.”
“Maybe I’m trying to make you think it’s a fish because it’s actually a boat,” Joe replied flippantly.
Rami muttered: “Or you want me to think it’s a boat because it’s actually a fish.”
“Now you’re mentally singing Never Gonna Give You Up just to fuck with me.”
Joe gasped, pressing a palm to his chest. “That doesn’t sound like something I would do!”
Scarlett snickered, dunking her chicken tender in honey mustard, slurping Coke through a straw clenched between crimson-painted lips. “That sounds exactly like something you would do.”
“Fifteen seconds,” Lucy warned.
“Fish or boat, boat or fish...” Rami chanted, peering fixedly at Joe.
“Make a decision,” I taunted, hugging the notebook to my chest.
“I’m going with boat,” Rami decided.
“Final answer?” Lucy asked, then stopped the timer when Rami nodded.
“Loser!” Joe cackled victoriously, leaping out of his chair, waving his L-shaped fingers in the air. Calawah University students at nearby tables glanced over with wide, startled eyes, their beloved chicken tenders briefly forgotten. “How’s it feel to not win every round of a game, huh?! Loser!”
I flipped my notebook so Rami could see the extremely unskilled pencil sketch I’d drawn there: a smiling fish. “My condolences.”
“Damn.” Rami pulled a ten-dollar bill out of his wallet and slid it across the table to Joe. Joe snatched it up, tucked it into the waistline of his jeans like a stripper collecting money in her G-string, and slung his arm around my shoulders.
“We are the champions. Bask in our glory.”
Scarlett turned on her iPhone flashlight and waved it in slow arcs over her head. “Youuuuu are the champions, my friendssssss...”
From my usual lunch table, Jessica gazed at my esteemed place among the Lees with palpable envy, resting her chin in her hands. I had worked out a schedule that seemed fairly obvious given my extensive experience as a child of divorce: lunch with Jessica et al. one day, lunch with the Lees the next. I took a bite of the Chipotle veggie bowl that Joe had insisted on ordering for me and tossed Jessica a sympathetic wave. Get Ben’s Snapchat for me! she mouthed back. I harbored serious doubts that Benjamin August Hardy, former professional assassin, born in 1893, had a Snapchat.
Joe’s words from last week rolled around in my head; I could see him all over again, nodding to the enormous painting hung in Gwil’s upstairs office, telling me about those startling, ethereal figures who had initiated Ben into life as a vampire. They call themselves the Draghi. They collect dues from covens, offer protection, keep order, protect our secrets. But they also demand loyalty. They force people they want into service. They might try to make it seem like you have a choice, but you don’t. They destroy anyone who tries to resist them. And they feed on humans.
“This is so awesome,” Lucy sighed, elated. “We could never play Pictionary before, drawing something is way too much of a mental process, Rami always figured it out right away...”
But now they had a built-in blindfold, someone who could draw without Rami getting a peek into their thoughts, a fighting chance at hiding the truth from him...for thirty seconds, at least.
“Okay Benny Boy, you’re up.” Joe darted over to Ben’s side of the table and massaged his tense, muscular shoulders as Ben grimaced. “You got this. I believe in you. Baby Swan is gonna pitch you a home run.”
“I’ll pass,” Ben said.
“You can’t!” Lucy cried. “Ben, please? Rami got Scarlett’s, and then he didn’t get Joe’s...and I know he’s going to see though me immediately. You’re our only chance to tie things up and maybe beat him!”
“Traitor,” Rami told Lucy affectionately.
“Uhh...” Ben hesitated, glimpsing longingly at the doors that led outside to the grove of bigleaf maple trees. He was fidgeting restlessly with his vape pen.
“Come on, Benny!” Joe begged. “I’ll owe you. I’ll do anything.”
Ben perked up a little bit. “You’ll do my Calc 2 homework for a month?”
Joe groaned theatrically, but nodded. He was wearing a grey U Chicago hoodie today. “Fine. Okay. But you’re gonna have to learn that shit eventually, I can’t take the MCAT for you.”
“Deal.” Ben bumped his knuckles against Joe’s.
“Batter up,” Joe heralded in his best mock-umpire voice, grinning at me expectantly, drumming the table with his palms. “Go Baby Swan, go! What will she choose? Will she continue with the nautical theme? Will she change it up, maybe switch to beloved Chicago landmarks? Baseball or food? Will she invent a variety of pizza even more despicable than pineapple?”
“Hm.” I flipped to a fresh notebook page, scratched my temple with the eraser end of the pencil, then quickly sketched a picture for Ben. “Okay, I’m ready.” I showed the drawing to Ben while everyone else covered their eyes.
Ben shook his head, scowling. “You’ll have to try again. I have no idea what that is.”
“Really?!” I checked the picture again. Okay, it definitely didn’t belong in the Louvre or anything, but it was lifelike enough to be decipherable. “You don’t recognize it? At all?”
“No,” Ben replied flatly.
From behind his shielded eyes, Rami scanned through the images in Ben’s mind. He dropped his hands onto the table. “SpongeBob?!”
“Who...?” Ben ventured.
Everyone else looked too. “Oh yeah, that’s definitely SpongeBob,” Joe said, then chuckled. “Aww, Baby Swan, you even remembered his little necktie!”
“It’s so cute!” Lucy trilled.
Ben just stared at the picture, blinking, completely lost, increasingly morose. And now there was a new guest at the table; or maybe not a new one, maybe just a quiet one, something that perched on the ledge of every conversation and field of vision just waiting to tap its claws against the wall and make its presence known: that interminable reminder of Ben’s unconventional past life, of how incomparable his vampiric upbringing was to those of the rest of the Lee kids.
“Benny Boy, you’ve never seen SpongeBob?” Joe inquired gently. “No problem. We’ll have a marathon tonight. I have the entire series on DVD. Also several Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy action figures.”
Scarlett snorted. “This is why you’ve been single since Hoover was president.”
“I wasn’t single the whole time,” Joe corrected.
“Oh, really?” Not that I’m interested, my voice suggested. I was a total liar. I was super interested. Thank the great deity that Rami and Ben couldn’t read me like a restaurant menu. Today’s specials are Being In Love With Someone Wildly Inappropriate for $15.99, and also Lamenting My Own Lack Of Sexual Experience for $11.99. Oh, and clam chowder.
“He had a couple of...what would you call them?” Scarlett combed her elegant fingers through her voluminous blonde hair. “What’s the modern vernacular? Fuck buddies? Booty calls? Netflix and chill partners?”
My stomach lurched; I nonchalantly buried my fork in a mountain of guacamole and left it there. I kept my lips turned up into a smile like a mask. Of course he’s loved other people. Duh. He’s hot and immortal. Get over it. But that didn’t calm my pounding heartbeat at all, didn’t soothe that sudden and irrational melancholy.
“Whoa whoa whoa, okay, you’re making it sound way worse than it was,” Joe protested, glancing at me nervously.
Scarlett continued: “It wasn’t serious, whatever it was. None of them would have cared about your action figure collection or obsession with a city you haven’t lived in for fifty years. It wasn’t your personality they wanted. Thank god.”
Oh this is bad, I thought helplessly. How am I ever going to be able to compete with the memory of countless gorgeous vampire girlfriends?
“Uh, ScarJo, you’re single too.” And Joe’s nickname for her was strangely apt; Scarlett could pass for Scarlett Johansson’s younger, blonder, much hotter sister. And Scarlett Johansson, in case you’re somehow unaware, is already pretty fucking hot.
Scarlett flashed a grin. “Entirely by choice.”
“And much to Mercy’s eternal and profound concern,” Lucy told me. “She stages an intervention at least twice a month. Did I overhear one last week, Scarlett?”
“Oh jesus, yeah. I was like, ‘Mom, what the hell do I need a husband for? I have my own money. I can fix household appliances. I have a vibrator. I’m good to go.’”
Joe rocked back in his chair, howling. “You did not tell Mom that!”
“I did. She was so distraught. She just kind of pinched her eyes shut and shuddered and then went out back to feed the alpacas.”
“Scarlett, babe,” Rami managed between gales of laughter. “A vibrator isn’t going to keep you company for all of eternity. It’s not a suitable substitute for a life partner.”
“You’re right. It’s even better. It’ll never abandon or disappoint me. Assuming I keep the batteries fresh, of course.”
“Oh my god,” Lucy giggled into her hands.
“She’s not wrong,” I said, shrugging, sipping my Diet Coke.  
And Joe peered over at me, surprised, intrigued, slowly raising his thin dark eyebrows. I winked back. Yeah, okay, I’ve never slept with someone. But that doesn’t mean I’ve never had an orgasm.
“Ah, loud thoughts! Loud thoughts! Joe, please!” Rami moaned, pressing his balled fists to his forehead.
Ben smirked. “There’s a color I’ve never seen from you before, Joe.”
“This family is the worst!” Joe exploded.
“I like that girl,” Scarlett decided, signaling to me with glossy maroon fingernails. “She can stay.”
Joe sighed, flustered, then shook it off as he turned to me. “You coming over tonight?”
“I can’t spend every night at your house petting alpacas, mob guy.”
“Yeah?” he asked, smiling, draping his arm around the back of my chair. “Why not?”
“Well, my tonight-specific reason is that I’m visiting a friend.”
“Cool. Your friends are my friends. Can I visit too?”
“You’re aware that you’re a legit stalker, right?” But actually, Archer was dying to meet Joe: the loud Lee, the approachable Lee, the Lee who I definitely liked more than a Tinder swipe could ever convey. This could work. “Offer to buy dinner and you can come.”
“I’m a walking Visa, baby.”
Ben stood, hauled on his backpack, gathered up his trash to throw away. “I need a smoke break before Chem. See you guys later.”
“Don’t forget!” Joe called after him. “SpongeBob marathon starts at 8! I’ll bring the Milk Duds!”
And when Ben disappeared through the doors, a solemn hush descended over the table.
“Poor guy,” Lucy said softly. The other Lees nodded.
And again, I recalled what Joe had told me in Gwil’s office, what he had said when I asked how Ben came to join the Lee family. He was assigned to us, to be the liaison to our coven. And Gwil saw something in him. Potential, suffering, unrealized decency, I don’t know. But Gwil worked on him for years, trying to convince Ben to leave the Draghi when his contract was up and come live with us. To give a peaceful life a try. And to be honest, Ben never seemed interested. But something must have resonated with him, because we opened the front door on October 15th, 2016 and he was sitting on the steps of our porch with a single suitcase, puffing on that fucking vape pen and watching the storm clouds roll in off the Pacific Ocean.
But why would they just let him leave? I had asked, tracing my fingertips over the uncanny and magnificent faces in that painting. Why would they let him live?
Because they know how valuable he is. And because they think they can get him back.
“I think he’s a good person,” I said, breaking the silence. “You know. Underneath the whole being raised to be a killing machine thing.”
“Yeah,” Rami replied, frowning thoughtfully. “Just try not to spend too much time alone with him.”
Car Jacks And Sneak Attacks
“Joe, this is Archer James Foxchild, my first-ever best friend.”
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” Joe said, shaking Archer’s oil-stained hand. “I understand you are really good at making mud pies and poking dead animals with sticks.”
Archer chuckled. “It’s true. We found a shark tooth down at La Push one time and I convinced Baby Swan here that it was from a sea monster. She had nightmares for months. Charlie called my dad over it and I got my Game Boy taken away.”
“No!” Joe gasped in horror. “Were you a Pokémon guy?”
“For sure.”
“Ruby or Sapphire?”
Joe grinned. “This dude knows what’s up.”
“And to think, my grandpa tried to tell me that you guys were freaks,” Archer replied.
“Well,” Joe conceded. “Not all of us.”  
“Maybe you two should start dating,” I said. “Don’t mind me. I’ll just sit in my Honda and eat my Taco Bell cheese quesadillas and Cinnamon Twists and try not to interrupt all the sex.”
“Yes, you brought Taco Bell,” Archer sighed euphorically. “Give me five minutes, I just gotta finish rotating these tires real quick.” He jogged to the other end of the garage, knelt beside a Ford Mustang that was propped up on a jack, and starting twisting off lug nuts with a tire iron.
“You have a nice place here,” Joe observed, strolling around the small garage with his hands in the front pocket of his U Chicago hoodie, eyeing the fractures in the concrete floor and the spidering cracks in the windows. “You have any investors?”
“Are you kidding?!” Archer replied from the Mustang. “No, man, it’s just me. I rent for now, but at some point I’ll buy my own shop. Once I’ve saved up enough. A great big one with shiny new equipment and no mice squeaking behind the walls.”
“What’s your cash flow like?”
“I’m netting around three grand a month after taxes.”
“Not bad!” Joe noted admiringly.
“Yeah. It’s a hustle, but I love it.”
“Hey, I don’t know if you’d be interested—and absolutely no pressure if you’re not, really—but I do a lot of work with start-ups and I’d love to help you get into your own shop. By this Christmas, preferably. If we can work out a deal.”
“Really?!” Archer peeked incredulously over the hood of the Mustang.
Archer beamed at me. “This guy is willing to drop serious cash to look good in front of you. You should probably marry him. No prenup though.”
I held my pinky out towards Joe, grinning. “No more sad prenups.”
He laughed and hooked my pinky with his. “Bankrupt me, bitch.”
I heard the metallic clang of a lug nut hitting the concrete floor and rolling under the Mustang. “Come back here, you bastard,” Archer muttered, then dropped to his stomach and crawled beneath the car.
“Hey, kid, be careful,” I fretted, crossing my arms across my chest and taking a step closer.
“Relax, Baby Swan, I am a professional, changing a tire for me is like feeding a fish for you, so just chill and keep fantasizing about those Cinnamon Twists—”
There was a squeal of metal as the car jack collapsed and the Mustang came crashing down. In a fraction of a second—faster than I could see him moving, faster than I could loose a scream—Joe had soared across the garage, yanked Archer out from beneath the falling Mustang, and dragged him to the center of the room.
“Oh fuck,” Archer wheezed, his dark eyes huge and fascinated and horrified. “Grandpa was right.”
I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)
We rolled up to the Lee house in my 1999 Honda Accord just as I polished off the last of my Cinnamon Twists and Archer chewed, tentatively and dazedly, on a Cheesy Gordita Crunch. The sun was beginning to set in a clouded sky that perpetually threatened rain.
He asked Joe for the fifth time from the back seat: “But wait, seriously, no one is going to eat me, right? Because I’m too young to die. I haven’t taken enough vacations yet. I can’t die without seeing Hawaii. I want to swim with the sea turtles.”
“No, none of us have ever eaten people. Well, almost none of us. Maybe stay away from Ben.”
“I would like a little more exposition,” Archer replied, blanching.
“Hey, if you stay until 8, you guys can join us for the SpongeBob marathon!”
Gwil and Mercy were waiting on the front porch, thanks to Joe’s ‘hey I accidentally exposed myself as a paranormal being and now we have a new friend, plz don’t be mad okay love you see you soon!1!!’ text.
“Welcome, sweetheart!” Mercy fussed, enfolding Archer into her arms as soon as he stepped out of the Honda. “Would you like some hummingbird cake? I just baked it this morning. And maybe some sweet tea too. And some peanut butter cookies. And banana pudding.”
“Sure,” he responded, bewildered. This lady does not seem like a bloodsucking demon, that voice said. And he was absolutely right.
“I’ll fix you up a tray,” Mercy promised, and hurried into the house.
“We’re so very happy to have you, Mr. Foxchild.” Gwil shook Archer’s hand firmly. “We don’t get many visitors around here. I’m sure you understand why.”
“My grandpa always insisted that there was something off about you guys. Especially you, Dr. Lee. Said you shouldn’t still be around.”
“Yes, I imagine that would have been disconcerting for him. He must have remembered us from the 1940s...that’s the last time we settled down in Forks. It’s not often that someone recognizes us after so long, but it happens. It was just Mercy and me and Rami and Joe back then. And look how far we’ve come.” Gwil beamed warmly, then turned to Joe. “But really, son, you’re going to have to stop telling humans about us.”
“Hold up, I was not responsible for her!” Joe exclaimed, waving at me. “Take it up with Ben!”
The garage door rumbled open and Scarlett sauntered out, wiping her filthy hands with a rag. She halted abruptly, stood there in her high-waisted vintage jeans and black crop top and bare feet with maroon-colored toenails, tilted her head and pondered Archer with an innocent sort of curiosity that I hadn’t seen from her before.
“Wait,” Archer said, gaping. “Is that...is that an Aston Martin Vantage in there?!”
“You bet,” Scarlett replied. “You want to learn how to work on it?”
“Uh, hell to the yeah!” He trotted over and they vanished into the garage together.
“Huh,” Joe muttered, watching them. “She was nice to him. Very weird.” He whirled back to me. “Anyway, come on. I promised you an education in classic rock music. And I shall deliver.”
Joe’s bedroom was a chaotic jumble of economics textbooks and Chicago Cubs paraphernalia and U Chicago apparel and action figures and comic books and classic rock posters. There was a massive Italian flag tacked to the wall above his bed. But what caught my attention immediately was a life-sized cardboard cutout of Ben lurking in the corner by a bookshelf full of cassette tapes.
“How is there any possible logical explanation for that?” I asked, pointing.
“Oh, that! That was a joke. When Ben first showed up, he pretty much lived in his room and never came out. Gwil was worried. Mercy was heartbroken. So I made a cardboard cutout of him and would bring it to family activities and do this really deep and seductive Ben voice when I pretended to have conversations with him. It gave the whole situation some levity...and I think Ben secretly liked that we missed him enough to make an artificial version to fill the void.”
“So this bitchy, brooding, blood-craving Ben I met is actually a drastic improvement?”
“Oh, Baby Swan,” Joe confided, almost sadly. “You have no idea what he was like four years ago.”
“I’m glad he has you. All of you. That he has a chance to get better.”
“I think you might be good for him too. Seeing a human as a real person instead of a walking, talking Hi-C juice box. And you care about him, don’t you? Despite everything.”
“Of course. It’s not his fault they taught him to be a monster.”  
Joe just looked at me for a while, and then he cradled my face with one hand and grazed a thumb across my cheek “You’re never going to stop saying things that knock me into next week, are you?”
“Joe...” I hesitated, laying my hand over his. His skin was smooth and yielding yet strong, cool yet not unnaturally so. Refreshing. Safe. Fan-fucking-tastic. Oh noooooo. “Are we a thing?”
“Why? Do you want to be a thing?”
“Oh, uh, no, I was just wondering if we were.”
He stepped away, teasing me with a crooked smirk. “...So you don’t want to be a thing?”
“What would that entail?”
“Well...we’d be an official thing, you and me.” He shot finger guns at me, and then towards himself. “Which means you can’t be a thing with anyone else. And neither can I.”
“Ahhh, I see. So this thing is an exclusive thing.”
“Will you shut up and just admit that you’d totally be thrilled to be a thing with me?”
“Fine. Whatever. We’re a thing.”
“Nice.” He high-fived me.
“This is the most romantic moment of my life.”
“But wait, there’s more.” He went to the bookshelf, browsed through his cassette tape collection, found the one he wanted and popped it into a boombox that was probably older than I was. The frantic opening piano notes of I’d Do Anything For Love poured out.
“Meat Loaf,” I said in disbelief. “Really. This is the product of your superior taste in music. This is the culmination of over a century of musical experience. Meat Loaf.”
“The man is a genius!”
“This is all an elaborate joke about my vegetarianism, isn’t it?”
“No,” Joe mused. “But now that you mention it, I have yet another reason to force you to appreciate this song.” He took my hand in his, spun me around like a ballerina in a slow and careful circle, sang along—with extreme and dramatic enthusiasm—to the music.
“And I would do anything for love
I'd run right into hell and back
I would do anything for love
I'd never lie to you and that's a fact...”
“I don’t dance,” I cautioned him, laying a palm against his chest to catch my balance. That brisk, comforting scent of pine and snow and peppermint was everywhere. It feels like I can’t stand to be away from him. Like I’ll never get close enough. “I am terribly uncoordinated. I will step all over your feet. And I’m really not sure if I can trust you. You didn’t even know the plural form of octopus until like eighteen hours ago. You’re kind of a disaster. A, you know, uh, unexpectedly charming, unconventionally super cute, kind of bizarrely enchanting disaster.”
“Yeah,” Joe whispered, smiling, tilting up my chin, leaning in to kiss me. “I like you too.”
He came out of the oak trees like a ghost, pushing aside massive chandeliers of Spanish moss that blotted out the dusk sun, his expensive shoes sloshing in the marshy water that flooded the rice field. He was wearing a full suit, but no top hat; his hair was black and chin-length and wild around his face. And at first I thought he was a hallucination, a dream conjured by heat sickness or those first dreaded signs of malaria. He was unnervingly, uncommonly beautiful; beautiful like a hurricane, beautiful like lightning or an eclipse. But he was real. I straightened up as I watched him approach, my back aching in protest, a basket full of seedlings slung over my shoulder.
“Mr. Cato.”
His voice, clear and beckoning and twisted by an accent I’d never heard before, rang in my skull like church bells. He called me mister. This white man called me mister.
“Yes sir?” And I almost added: You want to be careful there, sir. The water moccasins like to hide among the tree roots, especially when the sun starts going down. But I had an inexplicable feeling that this man wasn’t afraid of things like snakes. Maybe the snakes should be afraid of him.
“Mr. Cato,” he said again, this time to himself, very quietly, tasting it.
I kept trying to look away, to disentangle my gaze from him like a hook out of a sturgeon’s mouth, because staring piercingly and astonished at a white man like that in the rice swamps of South Carolina in 1851 could get me beaten or the lash, could get my teeth pried right out of my jaw. But it didn’t seem to bother him. He grinned, hugely, all-knowingly, under prehistoric golden eyes like an alligator’s. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. And he was proud.
“Do you want to be free?” he asked, almost hissed, still grinning from the tree line.
What kind of question was that? Did a sandpiper want to fly? Did a coyote want dirt under its paws and flesh disappearing down its throat? But that wasn’t something you ever confessed aloud, not if you wanted your feet on the ground instead of swinging ten inches above it. But this man wasn’t a master, wasn’t an overseer. He wasn’t from the South. He didn’t carry a whip or a club to remind you of the rules of the world. He stood there tall and radiant in the shadows of the fading daylight like he was the one who wrote the rules to begin with; which meant that maybe he could change them. “Yes sir.”
“I can only take you,” the man warned. “No others. No family. No friends.”
“No trouble, sir,” I told him. “They sold my family. They hanged my friends.”
The man’s grin stretched wider under glinting eyes. His canine teeth were sharp, I realized: like a coyote’s, like a snake’s fangs. He held out his hand. “We are going to get along very well, you and I.”
I let the basket fall from my shoulder. I slogged through the mud and rows of wispy verdant rice plants to meet him in the shade of the oak trees. And there, for the first time in forever, a man with skin the color of bones looked me dead in the eye and shook my scarred hand.
“Welcome, Cato,” he whispered; and I was home.
He took my face in his cool palms, gingerly, reverently, like a lover. He touched his teeth to my throat. And every nerve ending in my body flooded with wildfire as he dragged me, screaming, into the depths of the forest.
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sanders-sides-fic · 4 years
Cousin’s support
2,868 words
triggers: implied death, cheating, cursing, being kicked out, mentioned toxic relationship, mentioned hate against polyamory (please let me know if I should add anything else)
It started with a tragedy.
Roman and Remus moved back into the cold, abandoned house about a year after it had happened. Not much had changed, but that surely didn’t help. The only reason they even still had the house was because their parents had bought the property and had the house built there, and it’d been payed off right away. Their parents hadn’t been rich, per se, but they had always had the habit of saving wherever they could so they didn’t have any debts to pay. They’d only been in debt once, and that hadn’t even been for more than three years. Roman and Remus had had… interesting parents, if you wanted to say it like that.
Anyways, the house was all theirs, and they didn’t have to pay rent. So, while both water and juice had been caught off without anyone to pay for it, the house was theirs still. The only problem was that there was a lot of renovating to be done. And both Remus and Roman were university students. In other words: Both twins were broke. Absolutely broke. That had been the reason Roman initially had the idea to rent some rooms out to friends, kind of a shared living kinda situation. Their friends had basically lived with them anyways. Patton, not liking the quiet of his often empty apartment, was thrilled at the idea. Logan has said that it was only logical, and since everyone of them would benefit he agreed. 
Remus, however, said that it would only be fair on the condition that it meant he would be allowed to invite some of his friends as well. And Roman agreed, though not without hesitating. Not because he had anything against it as such, but because Remus had a habit of picking rather strange fellows as his friends. But the two that he choose were more than alright with Roman, and he suspected the older twin had taken Roman’s concerns into consideration.
Yes, Remy and Janus were alright. Remy was nice enough, tough a bit chaotic, and he wasn’t home most of the time anyways. How that man worked, slept and payed for all that coffee was beyond any of his room mates, but he was caring when it came down to it and fun to be around in general. And while Janus was a teasing, flirting, dramatic liar with enough flair to pass as a character on a broadway production and a never ending pool of sarcasm… Well, he had strict morals, though it was anyone’s guess what those were, and he made a point to almost force the others to take care of themselves. Even with - hopefully - empty threats, if needed.
And the six of them were surprisingly functioning rather well. They complimented each other, were there for each other, filled in wherever another one fell short, and made sure to pull each other out of harmful habits. Within five months after the house was renovated and they’d moved in for good none of them could imagine living without the others.
Until the 19th of December.
It was cold. Well, cold for Florida. 37 degrees weren’t exactly cold for winter anywhere else, but… Well, it was chilly with the wind blowing mercilessly and it was raining cats and dogs out there. So when someone knocked, at almost nine in the afternoon no less, they were all surprised.
They’d been sitting in the shared space and talked, throwing popcorn at each other as they debated Disney. But the knocking had sounded urgent, even though it had been just three knocks. It was Remy who stood up and went over, opening the door - and he gasped when he saw who it was. The others could see them as Remy still blocked the view, but if Remy had gasped like that it couldn’t be good. A lot of concerned glances were exchanged. 
“Uh, hi… Hi, Remy.”, a voice hesitantly spoke up, almost a mumble. It was a rough voice and it sounded like they had been crying. Even less good.
“V?! What are you doing here? What… You didn’t walk here, did you?”, Remy cried out. Silence, but apparently they had answered one way or the other, because Remy gasped again. “Gurl, it’s raining. Scratch that, it’s pouring out there! You’re gonna die.”
“Gee, thanks. I hadn’t noticed.”, they said and one could basically hear the eye roll. Then there was a sigh. “I just… I didn’t know what else to do and… God, I feel so stupid, but… Can I, like, crash on the couch? If, if your room mates don’t mind? I just… You know, I just don’t know where to go.”
Remy didn’t even miss a beat before he answered: “Gurl, of cause. Come in!” And when he stepped to the side, he revealed a figure in dark clothing. His purple hair dripped from underneath the black and purple patchwork hoody he wore, his purple converse had to be drenched too and the black jeans clung to his legs. He was shivering ever so slightly and even with his head lowed slightly, you could see the way his eyeliner was running. The guy, V, gave Remy a doubtful glance but stepped in anyways.
“Wait here, I’ll go get a towel.”, Remy said to him as he closed the door. The guy nodded, not looking up. Then he turned to the other people in the room. “Would you guys mind making a coffee- no, not that. Tea? Uh, a hot chocolate? Something to warm him up.” Patton, of cause, nodded right away and jumped up.
The guy himself flinched at that, looking at Remy almost panicked. “Oh, no, that’s not… I don’t need-” But Remy was gone already and he cut himself off with a sigh. For a few moments he just stood there, shifting uncomfortably in the silence as Patton rummaged through the kitchen. Then he took a deep breath and looked over, a shaky smile playing with black lips. “Uh, hi? Sorry to just drop in on you. Uh… Janus. Remus. ‘s been a while.”
And Roman hadn’t noticed, but next to him Janus had been frozen and this seemed to snap him out of it. He’d never seen Janus jump up that fast, or reach out to someone with such a concerned look on his face, fingers hovering just above someone else as though he was afraid of them disappearing if he did. “Virgil?”, he whispered breathless. And the guy nodded, avoiding eye contact. “Virgil, what happened? Why are you here? You live on the other side of town and you… Is that blood?”
For a moment Virgil looked confused, but then a light seemed to dawn on him and he touched his left cheek, bringing his finger tips back red. “Oh. Oh! That fucker scratched me.”
“Who did? It wasn’t Jurij, was it?” That was Remy, coming back with a black towel in his hand and a few clothes of his own. Virgil hesitated, but nodded after a few seconds. For some reason, that seemed to make Janus angry. “Your boyfriend hurt you?” Virgil nodded again.
“Well… I mean, I don’t think he was thinking clearly or he wouldn’t have… God, why am I even defending him? He’s just… God! I hate him. I fucking hate him!”
Silence. It was Remus speaking up this time: “What happened?” Virgil glared at the wall for a little bit. Then he took a shuddering breath, fists clenched and tears welling up in his eyes.
“He cheated on me. Didn’t even leave the room to pick up her call. Got angry when I confronted him, said I had no right to be mad about it. So I broke up. And he… lost it. Slapped me, yelled, called me a pretentious slut, pushed me out the door and locked it. The neighbors eventually threatened to call the cops because of the noise, so I…”
“Walked here? In the dark? While it was raining?” Virgil nodded again.
“I would’ve called or taken the bus or something, but I don’t have my phone or money, so…”
“Shit. Shit, Virge, I’m so sorry. Do you want me… I can go over there and make them choke on their own blood, if you want.” Virgil cringed at Remus’ words. “Ah. I see you haven’t changed much.” Remus only flashed a grin that just looked way too proud.
“Well, you go change and dry up. Don’t worry, I got you covered. We’ll figure this out in the morning.”, Remy interrupted, patting Virgil’s shoulder. And Roman’s heart clenched when he saw the hesitant hope building in Virgil’s dark eyes. “You sure? I mean, I just panicked. I can figure out something else if you want me to, probably. I don’t… I don’t wanna be a bother.”
And Remy put both his hands on Virgil’s shoulders, looking deep inside his eyes and went: “No - Do you hear me? - fucking way.” And when Virgil didn’t look convinced yet, Remy placed his hands on his hips in what he called his “bitch, please”-pose. “How many times did you let me crash on your couch when I was drunk and lost? And even if ya didn’t, gurl, you’re family. Now, get your ass into the shower before you get a cold or, so god help me, I will smother the living hell out of you with blankets and cookies. Got it?”
Roman had never seen Remy showing his care fore someone so openly on his face. Not once. And Virgil quirked a smile and mumbled a thanks, before taking the towel and the clothes and vanishing into the bathroom. How he found it on the first try, Roman did not know. It usually took him ages to find the right door in his friends’ places, and Virgil hadn’t even asked for directions.
Janus stayed where he was, trembling in unadulterated rage, perfectly manicured hands clenched into fists tightly enough to color them white. “I’ll kill that asshole. I can’t believe him! Seriously. Pretentious slut? No right to be mad?”
“I share the sentiment, hun, but Virge wouldn’t approve, so no. Still… I knew that bitch was no good.”, Remy forced out, teeth gritted.
“Of cause not!”, Remus exclaimed in a high pitched screech, “You know what he said at the beginning. Every fucking word out of his mouth was either a lie or a red flag. I seriously don’t know why Virgy even liked him. He’s an asshole, and not the good kind either!”
Janus relaxed in what looked like defeat. “Yes, well, sometimes we accept the love we think we deserve.”
“That’s bull. Virge deserves so much more!”
“And you think I don’t know that?!” That was the first time he had ever seen Janus scream. Not raising his voice, literally screaming. “But he doesn’t. Besides, you study psychology, don’t you? So you should know very well what manipulation does to you.”
“I think three of us are pretty confused right now. Mind telling us who this is?”, Patton asked from next to Roman, a mug of steaming hot chocolate with cream and sprinkles on top. He’d used his own, the glittery and colorful ones, and the food coloring had started to sip into the cream. It was a sign of how much Patton cared, even though he obviously didn’t know Virgil any better than Roman himself, and he wondered briefly if he’d heard what Virgil had said about his now-ex earlier. But mainly Roman wondered when the hell his friend had come back into the room.
“Yes, naturally.”, Janus said, because of cause it was Janus who managed to calm down enough to at least put on a calm facade first. “This just now was Remy’s cousin, Virgil Black. He used to go to school with Remus and I, and that’s how we became friends with Remy in the first place, frankly. Virgil is also the one Remy talks about when he says he won’t come home for the night because he’s staying at his cousin’s.”
“Virgy used to be closer to us back in high school.”, Remus took over, and such a soft voice was all wrong coming from Remus. “But his ex was a dick, and when we found out that he was a dick he decided to push Virgil away from us. Made us look like the bad guys and guilt tripped him and all that. It usually wasn’t that bad until we found out that…” At this point he shared a look with Remy, who nodded once. So Remus continued: “Well, Virgy is ace and polyamorous. And he hadn’t been out to anyone but his friend for a while, but suddenly the entire school knew. That was on him.”
“And as if that wasn’t bad enough, he called him a whore. Said being polyamorous meant he was easy, which is just… just, no. So we had a little intervention, and… Well, the bitch couldn’t cut me off because I’m his family and he wouldn’t ever leave his family behind, but-”
“-but he got Virgil to stop talking to us. Or any of his friends, as far as I heard.”, Janus sighed. Remy shot him a glare for the interruption, but nodded in confirmation.
“So, let me sum this up.”, Logan asked, eyes squinted and mouth pressed to a hard line. “Virgil is Remy’s cousin, who just get kicked out by his ex-boyfriend, who has double standards and considers it fair to cheat on him, after ending a toxic relationship. Said ex-boyfriend manipulated and isolated him, thus leaving you two unable to help. He has no where to stay and decided to turn to Remy, which lead him to walk to the other side of the city, at…” Logan glanced at the clock “nine p.m., in the rain. He is most probably emotionally scarred from this toxic relationship, and might feel insecure about his romantic orientation. Did I miss anything?”
Three people shook their heads. Roman took the chance to glance at his room mates. Remus looked angry, Remy looked defeated, Janus looked absolutely heart-broken (which was just such a wrong expression on his face), Patton had pressed one hand on his mouth in horror as silent tears feel down his face, and Logan, well, Logan looked absolutely furious.
He himself felt all of those feelings as well.
“I usually showed up unannounced. Otherwise Jurij would schedule something there so I couldn’t come. And whenever I brought up that Virgil might want to leave him… Virgil would never talk about it, but whatever he said made him ignore all my calls and stuff for a week at least.”, Remy sighed, plopping back onto the couch and running his hand through his hair. “I’m just glad it’s over.”
“I agree. Although the end seems to have come in a suboptimal form, from the sounds of it that may prevent him from coming to future harm.”, Logan agreed, his voice still angry but also achingly soft.
It was quiet for a little bit, the shower running the only noise in the entire house. Then Remus looked at Roman, and - dear Shakespeare - he couldn’t stand his twin’s usually bright and mischievous eyes being filled with such a pleading look. “I know we said both of us were allowed to invite two friends each, but…”
Roman knew what he was asking. And even if the way Remus looked at him hadn’t been enough to convey the urgency of this request, Roman wouldn’t have dreamed of saying no. He’d want to help Virgil no matter what. So he gave his brother a soft smile. “We never figured out what to do with the room on the end of the hallway, anyways.”
Remus’ face lit up instantly and Janus and Remy looked just as excited. Patton nodded with so much urgency that it made all of them chuckle lightly. Logan rightened his already perfectly positioned glasses and hummed in agreement. “It does seem to be a good decision. If he’s related to Remy and friends with both Janus and Remus I don’t see a reason to mistrust him. And splitting the power and water bill with one more won’t do any harm either. So, as long as Virgil himself agrees…”
Remy laughed at that. “Oh, don’t worry. He won’t, but I’ll get him to understand it’s not a bother sooner or later.”
And Remy was right.
So, while it had started with a tragedy that had left both Roman and Remus with an empty place in their hearts, Roman was happy with what had come from it. Six room mates he adored and, as he watched Janus straightening out nonexistent wrinkles in his shirt for the tenth time at least, next to Logan nervously scanning through a novel, and as he saw Virgil coming down the stairs, giving the two of them a smile… Well, Roman was happy for them. Even though the rest of the house had had to suffer through some serious obliviousness and flirting disguised as arguments. It had been worth it in the end, though.
Seeing three of his best friends going on their first date was worth all of it.
General tag-list: @gattonero17 
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wildler · 4 years
Happy Valentine’s to my OCs ❤️
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I rounded the open bonnet to find Zaphron fiddling with a bunch of wires in the battery bay.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to be playing with electrics in the rain,” I said, peering at the car’s innards—and definitely not noticing how Zaphron’s white shirt had gone transparent in the downpour.
“While I appreciate the safety lesson,” he said, his wet hair hanging in his eyes as he glanced over his shoulder. “It’s the only option if we’re going to get out of here.”
I bit my lip and watched him fiddle with the wiring a little longer. His clothes clung to him in the rain, every movement of his shoulders and chest visible under the soaked weight of his shirt.
Focus Astrid. Stop the guy from frying himself on engine wires.
“Zaph.” I reached out and put my hand on his forearm. His skin felt warm despite the chill of the rain and I nearly retracted my fingers in surprise. “Just leave it. Until the storm passes at least.”
He stopped what he was doing and cast a pointed look in my direction. “There’s a reason no one stuck around here after the weather warning. It’s not safe.”
I let go of his arm and rolled my eyes. “It’s got to be safer than willingly making yourself an electrical conductor.”
He sucked his bottom lip between his teeth to cover a grin and turned away. “Alright.” He closed the car bonnet, leaning back on it casually—as if rain wasn’t hammering down on both of us. “I guess we’re staying here then.”
“Um.” I motioned wildly to the cabin. Droplets of water were clinging to my eyelashes and beginning to run down my neck. “Can we go back inside then?”
“Sure,” Zaphron said, getting slowly to his feet. “But it’s not like either of us could get any more drenched.” He tugged at his wet shirt and gestured to my clothes, which were now just as clingy as his. The weight of his gaze lingered on me a moment longer than necessary, lighting a firecracker in my stomach.
I swallowed, watching the water dripping from his hair, rolling down his face in rivulets. For the briefest moment I had an overwhelming urge to disrupt the tiny torrents with my fingers and sweep his jet-black fringe from his eyes. Would he want me to?
The moment passed quickly as Zaphron’s eyes drifted over my shoulder. All hints of his bitten-lipped smirk disappeared. I followed his gaze, letting out an involuntary gasp.
The storm front was perfectly visible out to the east. A mile-high tidal wave of angry purple-black cloud was advancing on grey skies. The flicker of lighting and distant rumbles of thunder were ominous.  
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I sank down into the sand, rubbing my temples. Spinifex whipped against my shoulders in the wind. “That’s not very motivating,” I said, glancing up in time to meet his eyes before he directed them back out to sea. “You’re telling me if I were to lay down and do nothing for the rest of my life, that would be the way it was always going to be?”
“If that’s what you did, then I guess so,” he answered with a shrug. “But you would be making that your future.” He sank down in the dune beside me, his shoulder grazing mine. “Wouldn’t you want what comes after this to be built on you doing your best?” His gaze caught mine and for a tiny moment my breath froze in my throat, tears spontaneously welling in my eyes.
My emotion made his gaze intensify and he cocked his head to one side, wiping a tear from my jaw with his thumb. A confused smile dimpled his cheek. “Why are you crying?”
I sobbed a laugh and closed my eyes, burying my face in my knees to stifle a loud sniffle. “I think I’ve need to hear that for a while now,” I said, my mouth muffled against my jeans.
“Block Universe Theory?” Jet’s voice gave away even more confusion and I laughed, lifting my head to look at him through subsiding tears.  
“Yeah, something like that.”
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“I was,” I said, rolling my tongue over my teeth. “Engaged, I mean. A while ago.” 
The steam of Dom’s chuckle plumed in the frigid night air. “The woman who doesn’t believe in marriage was engaged? What happened?”
I took a massive gulp of my drink and let out a sigh—watching it cloud in front of my face. “He cheated on me.”
Dom’s expression faltered, the smirk sliding off his lips entirely.
“More than once,” I continued, matter-of-factly, “with his best mate’s sister.”
“Jesus.” Dom’s voice dropped low; its usual authority gone. It sounded wrong. “That sucks.”
“He was a fucking cretin,” I said, shrugging. “But what really got me was how many people knew about it while it was happening—and not one of them told me.”
Dom’s dark eyes met mine and something significant shifted in his expression. “That’s why you do it then?” he said, more like a musing than a question he wanted me to answer. His pupils were bottomless in the pub’s limited outdoor lighting as he inched closer, trying to read my face. The rabble inside faded to a distant buzz. We were so close I could make out the dark dots of stubble on his cheeks. The smell of his citrus cologne laced each of my breaths.
Step away Elle, he’s your boss—and not your biggest fan.
I took one last heady breath of him and leaned back, chugging the last of my drink in an effort to break eye contact. “Everyone deserves the truth,” I said, using my thumb to wipe a drop of red wine from my lip. “And I make sure my client’s get it.”
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ordonianhero · 4 years
The Rat, the Wolf and the Lion
A LU short between Legend, Twilight and Warriors. Characters are from JOJO’s Linked Universe.
Authors notes: this is a one shot, so sorry for spelling and grammar. I wrote this out as quickly as my brain thought it.
Legend and Twilight set up a scheme to prank warriors in his sleep. >:)
After a long day’s journey. The group settled camp along a crystal clear lake bed. It was teaming with fish and other wild life. Time and Twilight took it upon themselves to go gather up some fish for the group. Hyrule and wind gathered up wood for a camp fire. Legend spent some time going through their inventory, see if there was anything they may need if they were to come upon a village.
Warriors was showing Wind a few sparing sword moves. While Four was showing sky a few things about native plants and such. Wild was prepping to cook up whatever Time and Twilight brought back. Legend after some time sat down against a log watching Warriors and Wind. “Come to judge us pinky?” Chuckled Warriors as he flourished his sword at Wind. Legend snorted at Captain’s comment. “Wasn’t counting on it. Beside- you aren’t even worth putting rupees on, after the stunt I saw wind pull on Wild.” He snarkily replies. Wind laughed at the statement. Warriors smirked, “well at least I won’t be the one so easily spotted in battle. You’re one giant flag to anything near by.” Legend crosses his arms and huffed. He knew this would happen. Though Twilight had explained the look was temp and would fade over time.
Most of the group had gotten their giggles and jokes out. However warriors still find a way to jab him for it. Legend abruptly got up and went to go check on how the fishing was going. “Yeah well, whatever.” Wind could sense it was still a sensitive subject still. Warriors, paused for a second. He probably over stepped that one. He then was caught off guard as wind whacked him with the flat side of his sword.
Legend sat down hard beside twilight. Time looked over. “Everything okay there?” He asked cautiously. Legend said nothing. Time then let it go, Legend blood boiled with frustration. Twilight could feel Legend’s frustration radiating. Then suddenly as it was there, it seemed to disappear. The calming sounds of the water lapping the lake side. The frogs croaking, birds twittering away. Nature had calmed whatever fury was raging. “It’s beautiful out here.” Legend then spoke. Time nodded in agreement.
Twilight just smiled at Legend. “Sure is.” The the clouds in the sky started turning a purplish pink as the sun started going down. Twilight and Time had managed to successfully catch good amount of fish for dinner. They both stood up, but legend stayed seated. Time looked at Legend and then to twilight. “Here, I shall take our catch to the chef. You two can stick here.” Twilight nodded. He Carly handed over his catch and Time went off to give Wild the fish to cook.
Twilight folded up his rod. Tucking it into his pouch. Legend still sitting, let out a sigh. Then tosses a pebble into the water. Twilight looked around and found a flat stone and flung it in a way it skipped across the water. Before he took a seat beside Legend. “Show off.” Huffed legend. Twilight flinched. “Sorry.” He softly chuckled. Legend softly smiled. They then just sat in silence for a bit. Before Legend let out another, but softer sigh.
“So.” He spoke. “You said the hair color will fade sometime?” Twilight tore his gaze from the water and over at Legend. “Yeah. I mean- you weren’t under the crystal for long. So I am certain it will fade away.” Legend nodded. “Good, cause the captain won’t let up and I got nothing to tag him back with.” Legend sighed, plucking up another stone into the water. A near by by frog croaked.
Twilight shifted his sitting potion, bringing his knees up, feet flat to the ground and leaning back on his hands. “That can easily be fixed.” Legend looked over. “Oh no, you know what happened the last time you schemed rancher.” Legend replied, but he face went into a full smirk. “But, do go on.”
Twilight smiled back at Legend. “So, I was thinking, why not mess with him in his sleep.” Legend’s eyes grew wide and a evil grin stretched across his face. He turned his full body to face twilight. “Oh I like this Rancher. Let’s maybe stick his hand in warm water?” Replied legend. Twilight paused and tapped his chin, “classic, classic. But too simple.” They sat their quietly. Legend bent over with his to hands clasped together, resting his insect fingers to his lips. As he deeply thought. A cricket hopped between the two of them. Stopped. Rubbed its legs together and then hopped off.
“Ah ha!” Twilight states cheerfully with a finger in the air. Legend was slightly startled. A sly smirk splayed across twilight’s face. A look that wild has often worn when he is plotting something wild like. “So, how bout we take the night watch, before dawn. We set up a raft, place warriors on it, and set him out to wake up in the middle of the lake.” Legend was surprised, rancher sure knew some good plans. Assuming being around where he was from, the children of his village- he is not shocked.
“For being stoic rancher, you sure know some evil pranks. I like it.” Chuckled legend, crossing his arms. “What evil pranks?” Came a voice from behind them. There stood the captain. Twilight just smiled and stood up. “Oh, just a few stuff the village children played on me.” Legend smiled in returned. “Shocking, the rancher has some very clever pranksters.” Warriors raised an eyebrow. “Oh. Well uh the old man sent me to tell you two food is ready.”
“Oh good, I am ready to eat.” Smirked Twilight, patting the captain’s shoulder at he walked by. “Same.” Replied legend, as he was about to walk past Warriors. The Captain stopped him. “Look, sorry. I crossed a boundary and I shouldn’t have.” He said looking at Legend with an apologetic look. Legend softly smiled. “No worries. I need to learn to just go with it.” With that he walked on. Leaving warriors looking out at the beautiful sun set upon the lake. He then turned around and followed them back to camp.
Time handed twilight and legend their food as they sat together. He could see a look on the pups face that said Legend and him seem to have good talk. Warriors then came and sat over by Wind and Hyrule. The group all seem happily chattering away, then they all turned to talks of what the plan was for the next day. It then turned to who was to do first watch. “Ah Legend will take final watch together.” Twilight spoke. The group all looked at Twilight, “that’s a unique position for you. Often you like first watch.” Spoke Four. Twilight shrugged. “I don’t often sleep well. So I will just stay up with Legend. Two eyes before sun up.” Time wasn’t ganna argue with him on that. “Okay.”
Once everything was cleaned up. Twilight went off to do one last patrol for the night. He also took the time to find some good logs he could tie together and make a rafted into. He brought them back to Came to tie together. Time was taking first watch that night. Twilight looked at the camp, the rest of the guys had settled to sleep. Time raised an eyebrow at twilight and the logs. “What’s that for?” He asked quietly. “Hm, something to hopefully get me to be tired out.”
Twilight set the logs down in a way to make a small rafted. Time melted his ears and eyes out for enemies. Twilight worked quietly. Using reeds, weaving them into a rope like. Strong and sturdy. Before tying the logs together. Time was rather impressed with the pups random skills. Clearly some stuff learned from his own travels. Twilight then yawned and laid on top of the raft and falling asleep. Time chuckled and went back to his watch.
When it came to Legend’s time for watch. He was woken by sky. Then legend woke twilight. “Our turn.” He quietly spoke. Twilight shifted awake. His hair sticking out awkwardly. “Hm...okay. Let me get this raft to the water and test it out.” Legend nodded. Twilight scooped up the raft and took it to the lake. Legend made sure the camp fire was still going. Twilight quietly places the rafted in the water. He put his own weight on it. It differently wouldn’t sink and tying it together worked.
Twilight sat beside Legend and whispered. “Well he won’t sink at least” Legend chuckled quietly. They sat quietly and took on the watch. As it crept closer to dawn. That is when Twilight got up and quietly went over to warriors. Poked him. No movement. Sleeping beauty was sleeping dead beauty. Twilight scooped up the captain and carried him with his blanket to the raft.
He carefully set him down on the raft and tucked him in. Then kicking off his boots. He bent over and carefully pushed the raft out into the water. He stepped in and eased into the cool water pushing the raft out more. He then stopped And let the raft drift on its own. The watched it for a bit and smirked. He turned around and gently swam his way back to shore. He picked up his boots and made it back to camp where he dried off and sat across from Legend and smiled. Legend smirked tiredly.
As the sun came up, the group slowly stir awake. Legend and Twilight were released from watch. As members were awaking up it was Wind who took noticed warriors was missing. “Oi, where’d the Cap go? He bedding is gone too.” Twilight was busy helping pack up camp. Legend sat beside Four. Time upon hearing the Captain was missing looked about frantically. “Ah, sure he is fine. He may of went off to patrol,or something.” Legend states calmly. The camp then all went quiet as they hear the sound of a large splash and a scream from the lake.
The group all rain to the lake. As they arrived, warriors, drenched and dripping with water, was walking up to dry land. The look on his face was not one of amused. Time could see the raft that Twilight built that night. He shot Twilight and look. Twilight gave him a flustered look and smile. Legend let out a chuckle “good morning sleeping beauty. Wasn’t sure you would wake. So the water was the best alarm clock.”
The group then all laughed. Time eyes both Twilight and Legend, they could tell as much as he was furious with them, he also found it amusing. “Well let’s get you warmed up and fed.” Time states taking the wet bedding and fling it to twilight who caught it. Then lead warriors back to camp to get warmed up. “You two are on laundry duty for a week.” He states as he passes Twilight and Legend. Legend groaned and Twilight just chuckled “okay sir.”
Once everyone was fed and the Captain was dried off, They were ready to hit the road. They cleared up camp and off they went. Warriors walked up to Twilight and Legend and flung his arms around them both. “So, ah this was be a glorious sight of watching you two suffer as you do my laundry.”
“Ah it won’t bother me much. At least I had loads of practice with cleaning up soiled clothing from my days of caring for babies and children.” Chuckled twilight. Warriors huffed and pushed away Twilight. Legend laughed. “Whatever. Warriors huffed before walking off whipping his still damp scarf into Twilight’s face. Twilight and legend chuckled and tapped fists together.
~ fin.
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minghaoss-archive · 5 years
when we were young• sicheng (m)
summary : it’s the year 2000 and you fall in love for the first time.
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warnings : implied smut, angst.
dong sicheng x gender neutral reader
Sicheng. His name is the first and the last thing that you think about. His face you find in between old newspapers, photographs and the honeyed scent of Beijing’s rain.
You remember the day you met the boy. Just a few days after he moved to the area. In that little local market of the rather vast city, with music tucked away in your ears. The ruby tent towered over a line of vegetables fencing around a newly built, rather little store. Amongst the dirty, dilapidated wooden boxes people have been lounging in for years and years, the shiny white of the storefront stood out like a sore thumb. And if the sore thumb could be deemed more sore, it would be because of the grinning boy standing before it.
Sicheng, at first sight, was still, albeit unintentionally, a very shockingly beautiful being. Every little thing about him, even the pearly raindrops caught in his lashes , his face alight, peachy, childish, his coal black eyes, which found yours suddenly. Through a wall of dotted raindrops. A reminder of how you had been staring at him all too long. "You should come in." said he, aloud, ringing, muting the soft plops of rain sloshing and splashing about.
He was the best at mathmatics in your class and you the worst. He was the least expressive, least talkative and you the most: he was the best liked and you the least. Sicheng was classified as the teacher’s pet, the perfect son, the perfect everything, he was kind and intelligent and the boy who blushed peachy when you as asked for a pen.
He was the boy your grandmum gushed about at the dinner table. People who love you always remember. He was the boy who made you deep fried tofu because you liked it better than soggy, he was the boy who had unravelled and even learned religiously, every little thing about you, from something as secretive, acute as your fear of drowning to something as open, trivial as your hate for porridge. He could name your favorite song, the entire CD, the bought for you on your birthday. He was your best friend and he remembered. The littlest of things, the biggest of things. He was your best friend, your first love and last love.
And you remembered, how well he sang, how his face shone, buttery honey, in the sun, you remember his scent, like something sweet, earthy, something real. You remember admitting to him, on your toes, in your uniform, sweaty hands pressed behind your back, when he stared back at you with wide eyes, in his khaki shirt, with surprise spreading all over his face before he smiled that smile of his, he told you he likes you too.
The feeling of his hand, the way those lithe fingers held yours still remains engraved in your bones. Sicheng excelled at riding the bicycle. One day he made you sit behind his bike, the w pavement wet , the sky darkening and the droplets rain sat against your clothes. You remember stopping by the footpath, with him spotting your favorite sweet dish, two steamed sweet potatoes, bought from a street corner shop.
That day, the smell of mud, the whooshing wind in your hair, Sicheng hooked his umbrella’s holder to his bike, leant it against a tree so it would shelter the two of you from the bullet like raindrops. That day you recall, how you two shared songs from his mp3 player, two beating hearts, bodies leaning close so the earphones don’t strain.
Sicheng had a peculiar look in his eyes, like he was the happiest boy, like he’d waited a long long time to be yours, like he were diving head first into an endless sea of his dreams. Passion. Love.
He brushed a loose strand from your face. Lost in the color of your pupils. Cool fingers travelled along the curve of your jaw and cradled the shape.
His fingers brushing against the little wisps of hair curling along your neck. Teeth and tongue. A loving peck which sent ten million electric bolts travelling all over your body. And the boy smiled after, the kind of smile he always smiled when he was genuinely, the kind of smile which reached his eyes, a smile which widened and widened when he spotted the nervous tap of your feet and the fluster evident on your face.
Sicheng was your first kiss.
And he bought you a violin, something you can’t play so well. Something he taught you by the beach, something which helps you aid your fear of the waves gobbling you up.
Your toes sunk into the wet sand and you supposed it would be convenient if it swallowed you whole. See, the sea had always been a petrifying monster. Blue and nipping and enormous. Foamy waves arrived at your toes and pleaded to wash all fears away, little by little. But it wasn't enough, of course. The spark of courage would always dim down you gazed upon the battling blues ahead. It isn't enough.
Not until he joins you.
“Hey, wait,”He sneaked his thin fingers into yours and held them like you'd slip away, had he not. When you looked up at him, his lips briefly curled up in a grin. The pink specks of dimming coloured his face.
It touched his plump, bitten lips first and spread across his cheeks, reached his golden orbs. Quartz sky, and the scarlet sun melted into the blue sea, like lovers who’ve been apart for too long. The horizon turned purple. The sun departed. Take away with her, your fears. You told yourself it’s not so bad a day to fall in love with Sicheng. The blue and the nipping isn't a bad thing.
Sicheng was your first love.
Your relationship was sweet, saccharine and all too perfect, the ride all too nice, euphoric even, but you think, it's funny how you'd forgotten, how happy things have a horrendous way of becoming unhappy, how sweet things rot and how rides could come to a screeching halt.
Sicheng’s university application sparked a new phobia in you. He told you there’s no way foreign universities would take him in with so much competition. Though, it’s only a temporary consolation because you knew, just as anyone in school, that his grades were one of the best in class. Still, you buried your kicking subconscious deep under layers of laughable expectations.
What is buried alive will find a way to claw itself out.
Your conversations with him became shorter. Visits rare. You asked him what the cause of his hollowed cheeks and reddened eyes was. You asked him why he kept pushing you away. And a mouthful of words, nothing short of horrific, Sicheng remains silent.
That day, in mid May of 2000, a season of battling winds, came the breaking, the crumbling, the smelly rotting point.
You desperately reaching out for him. It felt like Sicheng was a phantom. Standing across from you, with the same face and the body and the same hands and the same smile. Only bitter words. A stranger.
You drove yourself away from him, driving your bike at an inhuman speed. Sicheng had been dragging his fingers through his hair in a frustated manner. Suppressing the urge to tear it all out. Alone, he was. On the same pavement you’d kissed for the first time.
You had cried a good amount. Home alone with the rain threatening to make its way into your room. Thunder rumbled overhead and the yellow glow of your room finally burnt out, followed by a knock. A candle sat on your table and streaks of its light crawled before you, defeating the dark. “Great.”
You sniffled, dubiously opening the door to a rather drenched Sicheng. A Sicheng who pathetically attempted to catch his breath. His greenish brown shirt has turned a dark brown.
“What are you doing?" You asked coolly, moving aside to let him in. And Sicheng kissed you with his hands around your face, like he always did, except this time the kiss is urgent, craving, greedy and ravenous. Feet shuffle into your home and the door closes with your back against it.
He pulled away to catch his breath and kissed you again, as if enough was a foreign word in his vocabulary. He begun to kiss your face, your eyes, your nose, you cheeks. Arms wrapped around your waist. Bodies pressed tightly against each other. “I got into Harvard, my parents are forcing me to go. I was upset..I didn’t know how to tell you.”
"You're going to leave me?" You asked, lines of searing tears rolled down your heated cheeks. You remember how he touched you, holding your head against his chest. You remember how his arms brought you closer, closer and closer till there were no gaps between you two. You peeled wet tee shirt off of his body and placed your fingers against his abdomen.
Sicheng doesn't answer.
"I want to be your first." Said you, you hope Sicheng never forgets you.
A desire in him blazed so fiercely in him that he got to kissing you again. Hungry, desperate, needy. He touched you like he might lose you. Like he wanted to leave fresh scars, an open wound, a gaping split, everywhere he touched you. The sea. The battling waves.
A rut of his lips. The rush of losing. A goodbye.
Sicheng had always told you that he loved you. And you remained silent, as if to say I can't love anyone else. You can't love anyone else.
Sicheng was your first time.
Love is an awful. Disgusting. And cruel.
Especially when it slips right through your fingers.
See you hugged him close. But the tug of fate, the ugly yellow taxi, a flight and two continents had sworn to pull you apart. You hadn't cried, you couldn't cry. You dug your nails into his shirt instead. You breathed in his scent instead. You wanted to forget him instead.
Sicheng promised you he'd always love you. Sicheng promised you that he'd always think of you. Sicheng promised and promised and promised. But never does he crack your skull open and pour honeyed dreams in. Never an I will come back and always an I love you.
(Sicheng never makes promises he can't keep.)
So you'd watched his face, behind the shield of a splattered rear window. His face youthful, his smile curled, that smile of his. His smile, pearly raindrops, caught in his lashes, young, you wanted to remember him like that.
Sicheng dragged away into the wet roads of China, turning to a mere dot against the background of awful traffic and undulations of ageing buildings.
Sicheng was your first heartbreak.
His name is the first and the last thing you think about. Somewhere in between dusty books, fading ink and forgotten poetry, you find bitter truths you'd rather not see. You'd read goodbyes are forever, they are syllables for people who never meet again, these words followed you around like reminders, to cinemas, to the library, like the ghost of his promises. An absence more apparent than it should be. An atrocious trick the universe had played on you.
You find yourself wishing those words, a goodbye, too many years and a heartbreak away,
were words you'd forgotten to say.
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dont-rainonme · 5 years
thor made you wet
[loki x reader]
[summary] - amidst the stress and problems of the modern world, you find yourself enjoying a small thoughtful moment with your lover. (set after endgame)
[warnings] - swearing?? + tiny pinch of angst
[a/n] - in this story no one dies in endgame!! natasha, tony and steve are all here, along with all the other avengers, because it’s what they deserve!! also this was based off an experience i had, except i have no boyfriend and i just ran in the rain by myself. i had so much fun writing this and i hope you enjoy reading it! <3
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“tony stark is going to be the death of me.”
grumbling, loki trailed behind you, as he neatened his pile of papers. you sighed, which was enough to tell him you agreed with him, as you ran your fingers messily though your hair. you could almost feel the built-up stress peel off with every stroke.
it had been a long day at the compound; after the recent events of the battle against thanos and his army, the entire team had been overloaded with paperwork from the government concerning the damages inflicted, the sudden reappearance of those who were snapped, and actual details of what happened.
tony was probably the most agitated - he was the face of the avengers after all. with all the news coverage of him and the team, along with what had happened with thanos, all this paperwork stressed him out and it stressed the entire team out, including you and loki. it was currently half two in the morning, and you were honestly him glad you could finally go home with loki.
you sighed for what was probably the thousandth time today, pushing open each door, as you lethargically progressed down the compound’s corridor. you turned your head around to face loki as you spoke, pushing open the last door that lead outside.
“should we get a take-out? i don’t know if i can be asked to-“
loki yanked you back by your collar, his other hand dropping everything in it and protectively holding you close to his body.
“that was close,” he casually said, heaving slightly.
startled, you looked at what loki was staring at through the doorframe. rain angrily lashed down onto the land, puddles pooling and merging together, as they created a thin sheen of water across the floor.
“ohhh... shit. that’s a lot of rain.”
that was an understatement. the dark, clouds above gave a ruptured growl, and you could feel the powerful rumbles vibrate throughout your body.
“i have an umbrella we can share. i’ll just get it out..”
loki crouched down and slid his bag off, rummaging inside. mesmerised by the rain, you kept your eyes fixed on the view as you spoke:
“thor’s probably the reason this is happening, you know.”
loki heaved a sigh.
“typical. that oaf was always expressive with his feelings. if i had to guess he’s probably in a bad mood right now.”
“you don’t say.”
as if to confirm your suspicions, the sky flashed a sheet of white, the thunder rumbling angrily. you smiled, outstretching a hand to feel the cool droplets hit your skin. after being stuck in an office for the entire day, it was a refreshing sensation. your smile morphed into a smirk; you had a very reckless idea.
loki exhaled as he stood up, opening the umbrella.
“there. now...“
you turned to face him slowly, making sure that he could understand your intention just by your look.
“fuck it.”
and then you ran.
“wait (y/n)-“
you screamed with exhilaration, legs moving mechanically, as you ran as fast you could. your hands instinctively flew above your head to shield yourself from the pelts of rain, but you knew that was useless. your clothes were immediately soaked as if you were in the middle of the flow of a river, not in a rain shower. behind you, you could hear loki yelling, before his voice was overpowered by the violent pattering of the rain.
it hauled down so thickly you could hardly see through the blanket of water. amidst the dripping darkness, two bright lights shone out suddenly, followed by a small ‘click!’. it was the car. this only encouraged you to run even faster, skidding across the slippery surface, as you jerked the car door open. you lunged into your seat, slamming the door, as loki followed just after you.
you both sat there, recovering from your sudden surge of adrenaline, as your chest heaved. it only took one look between you two to break that silence, before you both burst into a fit of laughter.
“you... are insane,” loki breathed out, his long, jet curls plastered to his face.
“that was amazing. i’ve never felt so alive.”
“we’re soaking wet.”
you grinned.
“i know. can we do it again?”
“you are an absolute child,” loki sniffed, “you could’ve gotten a cold.”
he sounded like an irritated mother. you shuffled in your seat to turn to him, smirking.
“you’re concerned about me catching a cold when i’ve been to space and fought against robots, aliens and the universe’s possibly largest threat?”
you blinked, mouth hanging open slightly. it was such a quick and simple answer that you were surprised.
“i love you,” you whispered, eyes wide with adoration for the god sitting in front of you. loki turned to face you, wearing an expression of equal surprise.
“that was random.”
“sooo.. you don’t want me to love you?”
“no! no! it’s just that... i’ve missed this.”
you raised an eyebrow.
“i’ve been missing the times where it was just us two and the world around us didn’t matter for that moment. with all that’s been happening, and what had happened, we never really got to have those small, personal moments again. everything just got in the way. and just hearing you say that you love me made me realise that. it was almost like i remembered that we were together. not like i forgot we were! but it just made me realise how much we’ve been through and how much i love you.”
too dumbstruck by his profound response, you sat in a brief minute of silence. the only thing you could really hear was the lashing of the rain against the car windows.
“i’m sorry if that was weird,” loki mumbled, slumping in his seat as he stared blankly at his shoes.
he continued, voice wavering, “everything just came out in such a mess and it probably just sounded so stupid-“
you said it more firmly this time. he shot his head up, surprised to see you with hands pressed against each other in front of your mouth, eyes gleaming with heartfelt tears.
loki creased his brow. did he upset you?
“are you alri-“
he didn’t even get to finish his sentence. you threw yourself into him, not caring at all about your drenched clothing, as you straddled him, as your arms and legs hugged tightly around him. he gave a started ‘oof!’ the air being knocked out his lungs from your sudden hug.
“i am very much alright. this entire thing makes me very happy.”
you inhaled him deeply, the faint scent of fresh dew, coffee and leather lulling you into an incredibly comfortable slumber.
you didn’t respond, but smiled into his chest. you were far too content to be bothered to move. you felt the familiar tug of sleep pulling on your eyelids.
deep down, loki loved this just as much as you did. so he sighed, giving in and slowly ran his fingers down your scalp and through your hair. he stared out the windshield, the rain slowly calming down to a therapeutic background noise, as his head rested on yours. your bodies intertwined perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle.
“don’t stop.”
loki looked down. you stared up at him with such large, bright eyes. he hadn’t even realised he had stopped playing with your hair, after being lured into his own sleep.
“so you’re awake.”
“i was on the verge of sleeping.”
“same thing,” he breathed out, as he shifted in his seat. rubbing your eyes, you clumsily rolled back into your seat next to his.
“i love how there’s the marks from i hugged you,” you giggled, indicating the you-shaped damp marks on his clothes.
“to be fair, you were soaking. my brother got you wet,” loki stopped himself before he could continue. his eyes widened in horror at what he said, whilst you erupted into laughter, “nO! not like that! (y/n) you know what i mean!”
“for someone with the reputation of having a clever tongue,” you said between laughs, “that was probably the most childish thing i’ve heard you say. im treasuring this moment forever.”
loki groaned, sliding his hands down his face, before slumping down on the wheel.
“my dignity,” he whined.
“what about it?”
“it’s gone.”
“you are incredibly dramatic.”
he gave another small whine again, this time banging his head repeatedly on the wheel. it was nice to see loki so... normalised? domesticated? seeing him so open and more expressive about his feelings made you happy.
“cheer up,” you said, edging him on, “look up. it’s not raining anymore.”
loki lifted his head. you were right. the raining had ceased, the water now dripping lazily down the smooth surface of the windows.
smirking, you knew what you were going to say.
“it means thor won’t get me wet again.”
“you know what-“
you kissed him before he could say anything else.
and as your lips connected, as you felt that spark you always felt, everything felt right.
this was right.
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jjkfire · 5 years
me: bro don’t do it. don’t start another fic that you won’t finish. ok but imagine e2l jungkook
(don’t click if u hate unfinished fics)
jungkook // enemies to lovers // 3k words
With the rain pouring down outside, you hum delightedly as you bite into your juicy chicken sandwich that you had lathered in honey mustard. Sure, it wasn’t particularly healthy, but you could care less about that, especially when it’s 9 pm and you had just gotten off work. Not to mention the fact that you’re completely drenched seeing as you had forgotten to look at the weather app, again. At this point, you could care less. To be quite honest, you’ve become numb to everything. You guess that’s just what being another cog in the capitalist machine does to you.
It’s been over a year since you moved to the big city for a job. At the start you were a bright-eyed college graduate, ready to take on the world. Now, you’re just a shell of a human being, and one of the only things that can bring you joy is the very chicken sandwich you’re feasting on.
You like this place at this time of the night. It’s not as busy, just the soft chatter of some of the customers or rather the collective munching of all the other people who just got off work, feeling and looking exactly like you. The standing bar by the window is where all the tired, beaten down employees find solace with earphones plugged in and glazed over eyes looking out into the streets ahead. That’s your routine and just like any other night, you’re doing the same. Slowly chewing, as your mind drifts off somewhere, the music playing in your ears barely registering.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
You see a semblance of a figure standing in front of you on the other side of the window pane, but you’ve encountered enough oddballs in all your trips to this store that you’ve learnt to ignore anyone that stands in front of the window. Most times, it’s some crazy guy, going on some rant, expecting you to care. Your eyes only refocus when the person next to you taps you on the shoulder and directs your attention to the man waving wildly in front of you. You squint, trying to make out the person’s face through the rain, but by then the person has moved on, disappeared. You only shrug at the person who tapped your shoulder, turning your attention back to your sandwich instead.
It’s soft, but you think you hear someone calling your name over the music.
You pull out your earphones, head whipping around just to make sure you weren’t going crazy and oh god, when your eyes meet his, you sure hope this is just a fever dream.
“Christ, it’s like you’re on a different planet. I’ve never had to work so hard to get someone’s attention before,” The boy in front of you says as he wipes his rain-soaked face with a paper napkin.
“Jungkook?” You mumble, confused, staring at him with your mouth hanging half opened. What was he doing here and more importantly what was he doing here talking to you?
“Yes, sweetheart,” He smiles. “Keep looking at me like that and I might get the wrong idea,” He smirks.
God, he hasn’t changed at all.
“How is it possible that every time I see you, your ego is just 5 times the size it was before?” You question. “How do you manage to find space to keep it in that tiny brain of yours?”
“Easy,” He grins. “I store it in a bigger organ,” He directs your attention simply with his eyes, looking down towards his nether region.
You swear you almost throw up in your mouth. You simply shake your head at him, placing your earphones back in your ears before you turn towards what mattered the most. Your chicken sandwich.
“Oh come on,” Jungkook chuckles, yanking your earphones out. You absolutely hated it when people do that. “That’s no way to treat an old friend. Why the cold shoulder?”
“In what universe were we ever friends?” You ask. “Acquaintances maybe, but never friends.”
“Ah, that hurt,” He groans, clutching his chest. “You mean you don’t consider all the times I chased you around school with worms in my hands, quality time with a friend?”
“No,” You answer, with a curt smile. “And just in case you’re wondering, activities such as yanking my hair, putting tadpoles in my water and double knotting my shoelaces together under the table are also other events I don’t consider quality time with a friend.”
“Shame,” The boy pouts. “I really thought we were the best of friends.”
You roll your eyes at him, though a hint of a smile shows.
Jungkook, truly and genuinely is nothing more than an acquaintance… even if, both your parents wish otherwise. See, the two of you attended the same primary school and that’s how your mother had met his. After yet another torturous day at school with Jungkook attempting to put a live frog in your bag, you had ran up to your mother in tears. She assured you that she was going to have a stern talk with this Jungkook boy. She stepped up, ready to give the boy a piece of her mind when Jungkook’s mother stormed right up, ready to fight. It was hostile at first but soon enough the mothers were laughing together. Wait. This wasn’t what you wanted. After a lengthy chat, one that basically had both you and Jungkook ready to take a nap right on the bench the two of you had been sitting on, you heard your mother making plans to have tea with his mother one day. Hold on. You definitely didn’t want that. Yet, it happened. Jungkook never got reprimanded for trying to put a live frog in your bag and as your mother became friends with his mother, and later, best friends, Jungkook would soon earn a pass to play whatever heinous prank he wanted on you. Oh, but that meant so did you and so began the war between you and Jungkook.
Though you’ll agree that you weren’t quite as creative as Jungkook when it came to coming up with disgusting pranks, you could hurt him in different ways. See, Jungkook wasn’t the most studious kid and he was abysmal at math. You’ve seen him try to hide his report card many times, yet somehow or the rather, courtesy of you, it would end up straight in his mother’s hands. Oh, you still remember the way he would look at you. If looks could kill, you would’ve been dead and buried 50 times over. In any case, whatever amount of nagging Jungkook got wasn’t your problem. If he wanted it to stop, he should spend less time collecting tadpoles and more time studying.
Your war with Jungkook continued on until you were 12. By then, you had many battle scars. You’ve had gum stuck in your hair, had your shoes dipped in sewage water, your textbook put up onto the ceiling fan, among many other seemingly ‘harmless’ pranks that your mother would shrug off. If you had to go on living like this, there’s no telling what you would do to the boy. Luckily, as the year came to a close, and all the students got their results from the national test, you receive the best news you’ve ever heard. You had almost leaped with joy when Jungkook’s mother told you which school was bound for, it was the one just a few streets away, while you, you had gotten into a private school in the neighbouring district considering that you had passed the test with flying colours.
So began the ceasefire between you and Jungkook, or so you thought.
Granted, life was better now that you didn’t see Jungkook every day but that didn’t mean he was out of your life forever. Perhaps, you thought now that you and Jungkook were at different schools, your mothers wouldn’t be close considering they didn’t get to catchup every time they picked the both of you up from school. Oh, how wrong you were. Not only did your mothers stay friends, but soon enough, your fathers became golfing buddies too. Great. Just wonderful.
The worst part about having your fathers become golfing buddies was the fact that they would have these huge get togethers with all the other golfers and their families. They were quarterly events and though the adults had great fun with their booze and chit-chat, it was almost always awkward for the kids. All the kids would be lumped together in multiple ‘kids tables’ and everyone would just sit and stare at each other, trying to make small talk. Though you hated it, the food was almost always amazing and even if you had to be seated next to Jungkook, you didn’t mind because that meant his brother was never too far away.
You’ve had a crush on his brother, Junghoon, for as long as you can remember. Sure, he was four years older but he was everything Jungkook wasn’t. He was nice, sweet and best of all, he never tried putting tadpoles into your drink, or sticking gum in your hair. In fact, you think he’s the only one that listens to you and tells Jungkook off for misbehaving. He was an angel, your saving grace, the boy you would forever be in love with. Jungkook tells you that you’re wasting your time, that his brother has been dating the same girl since he was 11 and he was 17 now. Just because there’s a goalkeeper in front of a goal, doesn’t mean you couldn’t score, you would remind him.
So, that’s how those quarterly dinners went. You dreamily conversing with his older brother while Jungkook made his moves on all the girls in the room. That is, until Junghoon started bringing his girlfriend to the events. Now, you had to sit there and watch them act all lovey-dovey while you were stuck next to Jungkook. Wonderful. Of course, it was of no help that puberty seemed to hit Jungkook like a train. He went from looking lanky and shabby to… hot. As much as you hated the boy, you couldn’t deny that he was plain attractive. If anything, the girls at the dinners, constantly trying to talk and flirt with him was a glaring reminder of how good looking he’d become. It wasn’t like you were staring but he had a well-built chest, solid thighs and of course his face that bordered between cute and straight up sultry depending on how he styled his hair. Towards the later years, he started leaning away from his favourite bowl cut, which meant it started getting harder to pretend that you most definitely thought he was handsome and if he wasn’t the Jungkook that you knew, you’d be like any one of the other girls trying to strike up a conversation with him.
Despite it all, you still looked forward to the dinners because of the delicious food, and perhaps also because you and Jungkook would sneak towards the table at the back where the bottles of wine and hard liquor were placed, often stealing a sip or two when no one was looking. As the years went by, the two of you got bolder, both pouring yourselves a generous serving of whiskey and of course pouring in some coke after that to make it seem like you were good little kids, sipping on soda. Though from afar, it may seem like you and Jungkook were friends, you were adamant that the two of you were nothing more than acquaintances. It wasn’t very easy to convince people because he often posted up pictures of the two of you. He usually looked great in them meanwhile he usually caught you while you’re placing your spoon into your mouth, or while you’re in the midst of sneezing. It was deliberate of course and you had expected nothing less from Jeon Jungkook.
Though Jungkook and you didn’t share the same circle of friends, most of your classmates knew him. With a face like that, of course they did. Of course, the fact that he was exceptional at sports didn’t help. He’d gotten close to some of your friends when he would meet them at sports meets. All the schools in the same district would often duke it out before moving on to the next level, and the next until they reached the state level and finally, nationals. Jungkook got as far as the state level when it came to swimming. Honestly, he had the talent to go all the way, but he was always too busy trying to chat up girls instead of trying to best his own record. In fact, you think he only decided to be a swimmer because he could post pictures of himself in that itty-bitty swimming costume and get all the girls to swoon. Also, yes, you’ve been forced to attend his swim meets, usually at the request of his mother and god, it was torture trying to pretend like you weren’t staring at the boy half the time. You just had to admit that you loved the fact that he had that V-line. God, what you’d give if you could just run your finger along— no, never mind, thoughts like that weren’t meant to be wasted on boys like him.
Many times, you’ve had girls in your school come up to ask you if you could perhaps introduce him to them. You would often say no, but that you could give them the next best thing and that is his number. Can’t you at least only give my number to the hot ones? Jungkook would ask you when he saw you at the quarterly dinners. You would tell him that each time you gave out his number was only revenge for each tadpole he had put into your water bottle back in primary school. God, you’re so petty, he would groan. He promised he’d get his revenge on you too.
As high school rolled on to college, Jungkook had learnt that mentioning your name to his mother gave him the all good sign to go hang out until whatever time he wanted. If my mum calls, just tell her I’m with you, he would say. Truth is, the two of you really would be together, except on the opposite end of the same club. So, you’d oblige when he would ask you to pose for a picture together. In fact, you needed to send one to your mother too because you had told her the same lie, that you’d be hanging out with Jungkook for the night. The two of you usually staged the photo, walking to a nearby restaurant, to sit down and snap a picture before heading to the club.
Back at the club, the two of you were truly acquaintances at best. A rare smile, an even rarer few shared sentences and that was it. Of course, barring the times Jungkook would send his friends your way for a neat little prank. You had caught on pretty quick though. Anytime, a boy would approach you, your go to sentence would be, if Jungkook sent you then sure, I’d give you my number but only if we split whatever it is he’s giving you. So that’s how you ended up with a few extra ten dollar bills by the end of the month. Even so, it started getting annoying, so of course, you had gone up to tell Jungkook that you’ve had enough. At that he only scoffed before telling you that each time he sent a boy your way was only revenge for all the times you had given out his number. He promised that unlike you he only sent the good-looking boys your way… because it looked like you could use a good lay. Oh, you wanted to strangle him right there and then.
After that, you got smart. You told any of the boys that came your way that you were willing to pay double of whatever Jungkook was paying if they would kick him in the balls for you. Turns out boys aren’t quite loyal and after being assaulted a few too many times, Jungkook learns to stop sending boys your way. You thought that would be the end of it, that you would be able to enjoy your nights in peace but You should’ve known better. Jungkook was hard to miss at the club. He was loud, obnoxious, and god, did he look good in a button down. If anyone looked closely, they would’ve mistaken you for any other girl, almost drooling as you watched him sip from his whiskey glass, seated on the couch with his legs spread out. He would wink in your direction, as if inviting you take a seat. Fuck, what you’d give to do just that. To grind down on him and put your hands on his broad chests that you— no, wait, thoughts like these really shouldn’t be wasted on boys like Jungkook. Of course, your mind would never really listen, so you would find one of his friends instead, giving Jungkook a full view of what could have been if he wasn’t such a dickhead.
Ignoring Jungkook was a tough task, really, and honestly if he tried anything more than harmless flirting with you, you think you would end up under him in less than a second. Which of course, is bad news. You truly had no self-control when it came to handsome men, but to be fair… look at him. Would any sane person say no? However, fortunately for you, you would get your one and only true, clean break from Jungkook. University. The two of you had gone to universities on opposite coasts and so, the two of you hadn’t seen each other in three good years. You had spent your breaks volunteering and travelling and it seemed so did Jungkook. Whenever the two of you went back home, one of you would have already left. Of course, you still knew what he was up to. It seemed like he was getting even more attention in university. It shouldn’t surprise you. Being on a university campus meant everyone was your age and equally as horny, so of course he was having fun. To be fair, so were you. In any case, you think whatever lingering attraction or rather lust you felt for the boy, had long died away. Yes, that is what you thought… until of course you find Jungkook standing in front of you after four long years of not seeing him and against all laws of nature, it seems like puberty had hit him a second time. That or your dry spell was just really starting to get to you. You reasoned that you would be okay, that this would be the one and only time you and him would run into each other in a city so big, but no, you would run into him time and time again. Then he would convince you to do something so stupid, that you believe the only explanation to you saying yes was that you were possessed. That’s the only way to think about it… because why else would one say yes to sharing a studio apartment with the devil incarnate, Jeon Jungkook himself?
click for some more secret sauce (aka my collection of unfinished fics bc i have no self control)
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