#and my lil sister could 100% go to the fair too. it would just be more work for my dad and he doesn't want that so i get to deal with her
navysealt4t · 1 month
so my dad and little sister r going to the state fair today . and I get to stay home and watch my other little sister for 2 hours ^_^ how fun
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obeymycok · 2 years
What Metal Bands They Listen To
Dad raised 2 metal heads so this is what my sister and I think the bro’s favorites would be 😊 CW: Have you ever listened to some of these bands? Literally every trigger warning imaginable (not in this fic really, but if you wanna look up the songs beware)
A good old-fashioned Slayer man
The songs really speak to him and unlike his classical records, they fuel his rage and he’s able to let go
Basically in the longest emo phase since the beginning of time (fuck you dad I’m my own demon)
I feel like his favorite song would be South of Heaven or Angel of Death
South of Heaven is self explanatory and I feel like he’d think the Angel of Death song was about him (it’s about Dr. Mengele)
I feel like as far as standard metal, goes he’d love Overkill
Speed metal has the perfect energy for speeding down the highway in his Demonio 666 Lexura, screaming the lyrics all the way
He can’t choose a song because he loves the whole W.F.O. album
HOWEVER, I also feel like he’d be into Limp Bizkit
He’s a rap boy and if he can combine that with the energy metal has he’s all for it!
His favorite song by them is Rollin’ just because of the vibes and energy it has
No but really, he’s not really into anything that isn’t anime themed or something.
That being said, I feel like he’d eventually listen to Metallica or Disturbed because one of their songs is in one of his games
It’d start playing and he’d lose the game from being so distracted
It would definitely be more popular songs like Creeping Death by Metallica and Down With The Sickness by Disturbed
I could see him liking Cradle of Filth
Just completely 100% satanic band with high and low vocals and phenomenal music, he’d love it
He’d feel like he’s getting to know human culture more and how they see demons/his brothers and him
His favorite song would be The Smoke Of Her Burning because of how similar the lyrics are to describing him
Their music is also a stress reliever to him, he can indulge in the rage of others
Asmo was a little hard for me but I’m thinking Korn
The vocals aren’t too deep most of the time and the way sings and distorts his voice would be very interesting to him
Their beats are also pretty steady so i could honestly see him clubbing to them
I think his favorite song would be Love Song or a classic like Freak On A Leash
A fair amount of higher singing voices but still major drops in the beat
He's eaten both people and demons alive and it hasn't bothered him one bit
That being said, I think he'd like Cannibal Corpse
He can't always understand what they're saying but he loves that unrecognizable growl and the gore they sing about, though he does tend to stay away from their sexual songs (plz do not look them up if you'll be triggered by SA)
This band is definitely not for the faint of heart but it really pumps him up when he's working out especially if he tries to stay on beat with them
When Belphie listens to metal, he is A W A K E and most likely angry at someone/something
Pantera is his perfect kick ass, fuck you, I don't give a FUCK band
He got woken up by Satan trying some new bands out and, at first, craved violence (the lil menace😌)
But the music just seemed to fit so perfectly with his mood, when he got to Satan's room he just started spitballing questions about who that is
Instantly fell in love with the entire Cowboys From Hell album and does call himself a cowboy from hell
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The Covid Crush
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Evan Buckley x Reader 
Warnings: mentions of covid, injures and fires, a lil steamy make out session, mentions of babies and pregnancy, chim being disgusted by y’all (jokingly)
Category: fluff 
Word Count: 2k
Author’s Note: based on Buck’s “covid crush” 
The line rang a few times before he picked up. “Buck’s phone, you’ve reached.. Buck” he laughed making you smile. Even though he couldn’t see you, he always brought a smile to your face. 
“Hey you” you said, pushing the door shut with your foot. 
“Hey! Aren’t you at work ?” he asked, you could hear the voices on his end getting quieter with each step he took. 
“I’m on a break, I thought I'd call and check up on you. How are things at the station ? Is everyone okay ?” 
“Yeah, everyone’s alright for now. I’m good too, thanks for asking” you could practically hear him roll his eyes over the phone. “Oh, forgive me. How are you doing today, Evan ?” you laughed, “I'm good, I'm off at-” the bell went off. 
“That’s my cue, talk later?” he asked, the sound of his heavy footsteps jogging down what you could assume was the stairs. 
“Of course, be safe Buck” you said, “always.” he replied, ending the call.
Although you and Buck weren’t together, you still worried about him, especially with everything that was going on now. It was like your heart was out of your body and running aimlessly into fires everyday. You originally met Buck though his sister, Maddie because you worked with her at the call centre. Buck had come by to see her or pick her up, ending with the two of you bumping into each other. Over time, you became friends and hung out a few times, seeing each other at Maddie’s for game night too. You weren't sure when it turned into something more but you wouldn’t want it any other way. 
Maddie walked into the break room, “hey” she smiled at you, “hey” you took a sip of the coffee in front of you. 
“Is that coffee ?” she stopped in her tracks. 
“Yes it is, there’s a fresh pot” 
She made her way over to the coffee pot, “one cup Maddie, you know the rules” you mumbled, she shot you a glare. “not you too” she groaned, pouring the hot liquid into a mug. “Hey! I'm doing baby Buckley a favour here” you raised your hands playfully. “yea- wait, what did you just call my baby ?” she looked over at you once more, “baby Buckley ?” your brows furrowed, it wasn’t anything strange. 
“Y/n, have you been hanging out with Buck ?” 
“Your brother ? No, why ?” you lied to her, you didn't want to but the two of you made a promise to each other to keep your little conversations a secret. 
“He calls the baby, baby Buckley” she laughed
“Well it is a baby and you are a Buckley, so that makes sense” you smiled at her and got up, “gotta get back to work, see you out there?” you asked, she nodded. 
“Enjoy your coffee, one cup remember!” you hear her groan at your reminder as you walk back out. 
The phone rang, you were driving home from the call centre. Tumbling through the console in the middle, you find your phone. Buck’s cheesy contact picture popped up. It was some selfie he had sent you during the holidays of him dressed as Santa to help Eddie surprise Christopher. 
“Hello Evan” you answered his call, he groaned rather loudly. “Everything okay there, big guy ?” 
“y/n, what did I tell you about calling me Evan ?” he asked you, you laughed, “nothing worth mentioning my darling, how was your call ?” 
“It was fine, the regular day for me, pulling people out of burning buildings” he sighed. 
“Any injuries?” 
“Just a few bumps and bruises on the family but they’ll be fine” he replied made you smile, he could be so oblivious. You truly wondered how he was a firefighter sometimes. “That’s good but I was asking about you” you turned into your building parking lot. 
“Oh,” he laughed, “I'm fine, also a few bruises but nothing too bad” 
“Heading home for the day ?” 
“Uh, no. Eddie wants to get home to Chris so I'm picking up his shift for him.” 
“Oh, that's sweet of you Buck” 
The door opens on his end, you walk up the stairs to your apartment. “Is that your little covid crush?” you can hear Chim ask him, Buck groans. 
“Stop harassing me Chim, why don’t you go call your girlfriend or something?” Buck mumbles, Chim laughs. 
“Hi Buck’s friend, I'm Chim!” he shouts so you could hear him which made you laugh. “I’d tell you to tell him hi but I feel like that might get us in trouble won’t it ?” you asked as you kicked off your shoes. “Yeah, I'll talk to you later hun ?” he asked you. 
“Yeah, if you work overnight, call me tomorrow ?” 
“Of course” 
“Oh, Buck ?” 
“Yeah ? 
“Be safe” 
It’s the crack of dawn, literally and your phone rings. The only person that could be calling you now had to be Buck. Squinting your eyes at the brightness of your phone, you pick up and groan. “Hm what is it ?” you mumbled, rolling back onto your side, your phone against your pillow. 
“Oh my bad, I thought you had work this morning, that’s why I called” he whispered, now realizing that he woke you up. “It’s cool,” you yawn, “going home now?” 
“Yeah, what's the plan for today ?” he asks, you hear the Jeep’s engine come to life. 
“Uh maybe some grocery shopping and catching up on Netflix. I have a shift tonight. What about you ?” 
“Maybe some sleep, a shower and back to work. Oh I also have to do groceries, Chim keeps eating everything in the house” he groans making you smile. 
“Why don't you just send him home? Maddie’s working too, he’ll be fine.” 
“I don't want to be mean, you know? He let me crash at his place. Speaking of Mads, how’s baby Buckley doing? you see her more than me” he chuckled, as do you, remembering your conversation with Maddie 
“Good, they’re both good. You know, I called the baby, baby Buckley and she asked if I had talked to you recently” 
“Hm, did you tell her no?” 
“No, I told yes” 
“Buck, I'm kidding, relax” 
He let out a sigh which made you laugh. It wouldn’t be horrible if she knew but you guess he wanted to keep it on the lows, it's only fair that you respect that. There was a pause in the conversion, Buck was humming along to the song on the radio, soon enough he started singing. He was 100% off-key and you could hear the tapping along to the beat on his steering wheel as well. You laid in bed listening to him sing off key for a good few minutes until he called out to you. 
“You know, I could pick up some stuff from the store for you, if you wanted ? I can just drop it off later” you offered 
“That would be nice, thanks. But uh- maybe you could actually stay when you drop the stuff off ?” he asked 
“Don’t you have work?” you asked, the sound of his footsteps thudding up the stairs, you figured he got home. 
“Yeah, but if I’m an hour late, it’ll be fine” once again, there’s a pause in the conversation but it comes for your end this time. 
“Y/n?” the shower is running on his end, he sounded distant, the phone was on speaker. 
“Just checking my schedule, what time does your shift start ?” you question him
“9, what about you ?” 
“9:30. I’ll see you tonight Evan, enjoy your shower” 
“Sleep well babe” he hung up, you tossed your phone to the other side of the bed and went back to bed. 
Buck opened the door, taking the bags from you. “Come in, thanks for these” he raised the bags and rested them on the counter. 
“How much do I own you?” he asks, your back turned to him while you wash your hands. 
“Don’t worry about it” 
“No, c’mon, this is a lot” Buck leans against the counter, you turn towards him. There’s a little bruise on his cheek and a scratch mark by his chin, your hand comes up and cups his face. His hand wraps around your wrist as your thumb rubs the scratch mark on his chin, Buck turns his head slightly to press a kiss to the palm of your hand. 
“I’m okay” he whispers, his other hand finding your waist, pulling you closer to him, your chest against his. 
“I know, doesn't mean I don’t worry” your hand comes down from his face to his chest, both of your hands now resting on his chest as you look up at him. Buck’s arms wrap around you as he picks you up and spins you around. 
“Evan! Stop it!” you laughed, grabbing at his shirt, he sets you down on the counter. Buck stood between your legs, his hands rubbed at the sides of your thighs. Your legs wrap around his waist as his arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling you into a bone crushing hug. “I take it, you missed me?” you mumbled with your face squished against Buck’s chest. “More than you know” he kissed the top of your head. 
Your phone buzzed, ruining your sweet moment. “Who is it ?” he asked, holding up the phone, the time was 8:45. “Alarm, I gotta go sweets, I have work soon” 
“Oh come on, you can be late one day, right ?” He kissed your forehead
“You have work too” you reminded him, he ignored your comment, kissing down from your forehead to your cheek. 
“Buck, don’t” you muttered as your hand came up to the back of his head, your fingers tangled in his hair. You knew the game he was playing and it was a dangerous one. 
“10 minutes” he mumbled, his lips against your skin, now moving down to your neck. 
“5 minutes” you bargained with him. Buck laughed and shook his head, “you know we’re gonna be here for more than 10 minutes right ?” His hands cupped your face as he leaned in for a kiss, one of your hands grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to you, closing the gap between the two of you. Buck’s hands slid down from your face to your chest and then to your stomach, ending up on your hips. You pull on his shirt, he lets go of you for a moment to pull it off and then his lips are back on yours. 
The two of you are so wrapped up in each other that you don't notice the front door unlock, Chim walks in to find the two of you making out in the kitchen. Buck’s shirt is on the floor, Chim picks it up and tosses it at the two of you.
“Are you guys serious ?” he groans as he shuts the door. You pull away from Buck, a blush across your cheeks. “Hey Chim,” Buck laughed, pulling back on his shirt. “Thought you had work ?” Buck asks, Chim shakes his head. “I’m done, shift changes in an hour.” 
“You guys couldn't have made out in bed or something ? Like a normal couple ?” Chim asks, you and Buck reply at the same time, “we’re not a couple” the two of you look at each other and smile. 
“Whatever, but c’mon! I eat breakfast there guys, that’s gross” his face screwed with disgust making you laugh. “Sorry” you gave him a smile, looking over at him, now on his way to the bathroom. Buck’s hand comes up to your chin, pulling your attention back to him, his lips are on yours again. 
“You guys do know you're breaking the social distance regulations right now, right ?!” Chim shouted from the bathroom, you could hear him laughing. 
“Shut up!” Buck shouted back, his hands cupping your face and pulling you back in for another kiss. 
taglist: @ssa-volturi​ @dralexreid​
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
The One The Bard Once Loved
NEW Vibe check (appropriate song to cry to while reading)
"The bard, the sprite, the archer. The trio of young dreamers that wish to witness the blue skies past the raging winds that lock their freedom. But those are more than mere dreams, for it requires the sacrifice of those you love, to grace the courage to fight a God. And Barbatos, poor Barbatos, sacrificed more than he wanted."
Pairings -> Venti x Fem!Reader x Bard (Gale)
Word Count -> 4,337
Theme -> Angst, Backstory, Long Fic
Series -> #Bonafide specials (100 followers event)
Warnings -> Spoilers to Venti's story, character death
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"Oh little sprite, from whence beyond
Does thou reminiscent of a vagabond?
Curious to which it whisks upon
Trapped now in desolate, forlorn"
Venti the wind sprite had always been curious, the single whisk of air that always goes the opposite way, hanging behind from his fellow currents to be distracted by a curious thing. So it was no surprise to anyone that he had gone lost once more in their rounds swaying but when he'd not return, long ago has his current passed the nation of Mond. Yet there was no way he can fly by his family of winds, for he finds himself trapped within the walls of a grazing storm that cages the stone walls of the city, of winds that he could not control nor agitate.
No matter how hard he tries the wind does not part, and so little Venti was stuck inside brooding skies and angry blasts. No mere sprite can go against the mighty strength of an archon.
So he resigns to his fate and wanders in this new place. Of a city wide and barren, why dare the Decarabian hide such dwelling? And even with the raging howls of the walls of wind, Venti couldn't help but wonder the silence it traps within.
A tiny ball of white in an expanse of gray. The thought scares the little sprite enough to make him scurry for the smallest bit of sound he can decipher. The loneliness creeps into his core—
And his little body bumps into that of a soft material. "Oh! Goodness, one should not run off without looking like that-" the figure turns and finds itself face to face with a floating blob, deep blue eyes wide and mouth hangs with wonder. Venti recognizes this creature in one of his endeavors as the wind, a human being, the true wanderers of Teyvat. Yet what is one doing trapped? "Such a peculiar being! What could you be?"
Yet it is not frightened by Venti's rarity, well, given he is not the most frightening wonder in this continent this was no surprise.
The sprite did not mind being found out. No, no, quite the opposite honestly, as he flies closer to the young boy and hides in his upturned hood. Nuzzling against the junction in his neck as he expresses gratitude in the company and presence of another in this desolate world.
The young boy chuckles and it reminds him of a song. "Perhaps you do not understand what I spoke?" The sprite shakes its head and the ticklish spot is tickled again. "Or do you not know how to speak?" A nod. And another giggle.
Without another word, the human slips back into the alleys of winding yet thin roads before making his way inside what looks to be a cathedral of tall composition. Glass windows of the same length tinted in kaleidoscopic patterns of color. There is a light in them you would usually bask in during the 'outside world', but in here it replicates that of an oasies in the deserts of Sumeru.
Underneath the artificial haze it beams a seeming spotlight at a figure clad in a dark ebony cloak. Venti felt the vibrations of an elated gasp as the human rushed over with a smile and frantic waving.
"My fair muse, how you've brighten my day, bestowing your presence tonight!"
The cloak tenses before immediately relaxing, the 'muse' he speaks of turns with its loose hood falling as it bundled around the shoulders, and Venti the sprite couldn't help but gasp too at the sight!
Fair is lacking, no words can describe the essence of bloom and beauty at the beholder as you stood there almost sparkling, hair catching the twinkle of light. Your plum lips caught itself smiling yet your eyes twinkled double the amusement at the sight of the human before you, "Gale." You murmured with an undertone of annoyance as you trudged over, flicking the boy's forehead so suddenly he'd voiced his hurt loudly. "Where have you been?! You've never been late to our daily rendezvous, you had me worried-!"
"Oh, such a cutie when you worry!" The young boy, Gale, cupped your cheeks in the middle of your spiel as he softly pats it with his fingers. Venti had never seen such creature change colors as fast as you, not even a chameleon, or an octopus in hiding. "I've simply found a new companion while I was out and about!"
As if a spotlight was caught unto him this time, your blown eyes wandered to the sprite floating by your company's neck. And oddly he'd found the attention appreciated.
"Who is this? An elf?"
"Venti!" There was a distant jingle of imaginary bells in his squeak of a voice.
"It/You can talk?!"
(Y/N) Lawrence.
Gale the Bard.
Venti the El- Wind Sprite.
Gale was a bard that resides in the cathedral of Mondstadt, homeless and without blood and kin, the nuns had took him in and lead their choir in turn for their hospitality.
You, on the other hand, lived with a clan of hunters that once ruled the mountains and forests. But with the emergence of the inescapable walls of wind, your family had been on the forefront of the protection of the citizens.
There were a lot of struggles in communication between you two and the lil sprite. He only knows his name and how to copy words (not so fluently) so questions had to be foregone, teaching the little one took priority. And Gale being the weaver of words took it upon himself to teach him frequently as you had your duties and family to go to.
Venti would sometimes disappear for a majority of the time and you'd figured he finally found a way to pass through the winds without shredding himself among the blades of current. And then he'd pop back in to listen to the merry tunes Gale had come up with, both of them waiting for your return.
"Ah Venti, is she not a beauty? The youngest daughter of Lawrence, as divine as that of incense. Oh tell me those dotted eyes could see it too!" The little sprite eagerly nods as he follows the bard's stride across the aisles in the holy cathedral, once again barren of other souls except for them. Whenever his human friend finds time to muse, it would be most about the maiden he fancies, the muse of most of his songs. Venti had been captured by his delicate tunes and savory lines to the point that he too had been overly enticed by your grace when your presence shines.
Your strength, your smile, your laugh, your hair. Your gait, your poise, your eyes, your glare. You had caught their stares dozens of times in silence before and it was always up to you to put them back to present time.
Venti simply basked in your warming aura and indulges himself outwardly, often you'd find him dozing off on the crown of your head. And often times you'd find a little pout on Gale at such a sight that you had no choice but to tease. In those moments, the wind sprite knew he had come out triumphant.
The cathedral doors open as quickly as they had closed, your windswept and frantic form appearing from the storm outside. The two boys in your life immediately lit up on your appearance but you'd know most of it was directed at the numerous scrolls and books you currently cradle in your shivering arms.
You offered them a grin, one of victory, and you'd all cheered at your success.
Soon, your merry trio made its way to the second floor of the cathedral in front of a faraway hallway that looks over the vast floor of the first yet still had the glow from the looming illuminated glass windows. Beholden in front of you are illustrations of a world beyond, filled with colors and shine, a world you had only imagined from stories now pictured perfectly.
Venti would hover over the illustrations at random intervals and giddily point at some of those he recognized, squeaking incoherent noises yet reflecting happiness and familiarity. While you fancied with indulging the sprite in his incomprehensible stories, Gale sat beside you with adoring yet distant eyes upon the images laid before him. Looking through them, and projecting himself in such a world. The books of the outside world you'd stolen from your clan's sacred libraries will be the start of a spark of desire to be free. And with it the start of a new era.
"The true sky, and songs that cageless soar...
Were they not wishes worth fighting for?"
Long had you gone and abandoned your stolen goods for them to admire more, at least until the day your clan finally realized the missing materials in the vast expanse of the bookshelves they own. There was more to marvel at yet you feared if you linger longer, your sister would look for you and find your little crime all too soon.
Venti quietly watches the familiar illustration of a beach littered with creatures of the sea on its glittering sand before he'd lift his tiny head up, witnessing the intense stare his bard friend had on the scroll where lies an overgrown tree and a stone structure. The sprite noted he had not seen this one.
"How marvelous it would be, to celebrate the most joyous moments under this tree," Gale mumbled in a quiet lilt of longing in his voice, "Imagine (Y/N) and I, with you by my side, as I finally pluck the courage to get down on one knee." Venti bumbled in slight jealousy, buzzing in front of the bard that could only cast a laugh. "Oh hush, dear friend, is it not appropriate to take an arrow to the knee for an archer such as she?"
Yet even with his desire to be by your side, the little sprite knew that he would be there to support his friend for the happiness you two deserved. In a land where you are free. Still, Venti hopes his cuteness would be enough to prolong you just a little bit more.
Drunk in passion and dreams, the next day the bard was scheming. And when you'd come to his cathedral of a home, he finally poured out his plans to you with a Venti quipping with cheers on the side.
The Mondstadtian had predicted your hesitance, even your disapproval on the notion, and were ready to chip in to persuade you once more— yet you gave in. Immediately. The same fire burned in your eyes at the thought of being unshackled and caged from the world begging to be explored. Your sentiments together with the bard fueled the desire between you three, and through the brainpower of a trio of young minds, you had drawn your plans.
Gale aided by Venti would try and coerce with the Ragnvindr clan's leader, and you would work on convincing your eldest sister Amos for the help needed to coerce the whole Lawrence bloodline into the battle. You knew there was an undeniable hatred within her against Decarabian and you wanted her to fuel that fire once and for all, for one great cause.
And soon enough, the strings of fate had come into play, and the one who shall record this momentous history has taken its seat by the balcony of war. Only the last piece of the puzzle is left in this grandoise play—
"Gale, Venti, are you sure this is the right direction to the hideout? We're taking a route longer than usual, surely you're not making last minute pranks..."
Your bow smacks at your back as you made your way inside the dark closet. It was two cycles before the fated ambush would come and in your nerves you had not realized how amiss things had been for the others. You were more than ready even if your fingers were to tremble everytime it holds your bow and arrow, predictions of the war that shall come floats within the expanse of your mind.
In your limited vision, your bard friend and sprite shared a look that did not pass by you. The tension had only caused you to gulp in your nervousness, were you found out? Did the participants of the revolt suddenly back down? "There has been a change of plans, but worry not for history still pans. My Muse, it is best you stay to assure you will not be caught in the storm's disarray-"
A hand flew across the bard's pristine white skin and his dark ocean hues could not help but widen. Is he... telling you to not participate in the war?! What kind of— a sob left through your gritted teeth despite your best efforts, and you're not sure who was more broken between your friends upon the sight. "How could you, even think- Gale, you carry no arms but a lyre! And Venti still has no means to go against the Archon that controls the winds! What kind of absurd idea is this?!" In the middle of your rage, your friends had already wrapped you in their sentimental hug, expressing their own misery with free-flowing tears." I'm supposed to protect you... t-the three of us were supposed to lead the path of freedom..."
"You've always protected us, (Y/N). Now would be the best time... to return the favor," and as your friend stepped back to give a parting smile, your whole world suddenly engulfed in black as the door shut with a slam and a final lock.
"Gale! Venti! No, please no! Let me out! Don't do this, PLEASE!"
"Please hear us out, our dear (Y/N)," Gale leaned his forehead against the thick door that separates you two, shedding the last bit of tears he could muster before the end of an era. The desperation in your every bang against it, breaks apart a hole in his own heart, "For your own good, and your own future."
When Gale described love to the little Venti, the latter was certain that he felt the same way for you. Yet the human ever so jokingly laughed at how he was still too young to fully understand the implications of such words. But he desired just as much to protect you, to be by your side, and to see your smile. But the human was right for he did not truly understand the reasons WHY he felt like so...
So he asked instead, dear friend Gale of Tales, why have you come to cherish this human in devotion? And quite so the other was happy to indulge!
"It starts with young Mondstadt when the walls were young and the people still knew the tales and what they sang. I was a poor little bard with a broken lyre, when living alone was nothing but dire.
Without a home, without a bed, I was ready to starve to death. But an angel clad in white suddenly lead me to bright light. My muse had brought to me a cathedral, yes the one we are in now! And since then I've lived a proper choir life, always wondering how...
just how things would be without (Y/N), my angel? Continuing to live in the dark alleys, would I have been able? Even now I have yet to repay her act of kindness. But one day, for sure... " Perhaps, this act the young boy now follows, was the payment he had been waiting for.
How long you had stayed there, you had no clue but by the sounds of war cries and clashing steel had told you enough. You'd been there for too long.
Blessed with some luck that a crowbar had found its way in this janitor closet in a cathedral no less, you had immediately set out to join the battle: beyond the holy doors flames had lit up from the torches the revolt has carried, many bodies lay by the stone grounds of the city, some moving and struggling while some... you spare them not a second thought as you rushed past the stone pillars to where the heat of the war should be. If the battle plan had gone as it should then—
A hand gripped your arm with such force it had you cry out before you even registered you were being slammed to the floor. A shadow of a knight that serves the God of Storm looms over you with a glare blazing past his helmet. "You're one of them, I recognize that face! You're not winning today-" yet another blade suddenly pierced through his chest, and your shirt had been splattered when it was pulled. The now lifeless body falls past you and another replaces him.
"Sir Ragnvindr!" The knight shared the same shock and relief you wore before it steeled, immediately pulling you up and away from the on-going exchanges of blows. "Everyone- how's the war looking?"
"Men had fallen from the green-tipped arrows, but we are making progress," the redhead gestured to the tower where the greatest enemy lies, taking note of the cracks and crumbling structure, a sign of his coming doom. A very good sign. "Amos took it upon herself to climb the tower-"
"What?! That's beyond the plan, she- she could get herself killed!" You brought your own bow from your back at the mention of your sister archer, bringing the strings back with an arrow at the ready, your intention clear. The redhead had shown a glint of worry but his gaze had been resolved once again at the hope of freedom, and he leaves you to your chase as he fends off the guards that dare go after you.
You expertly evaded blows and parried kicks with your bow and arrow, yet no sign of the heads of the resistance had caught your sight. The longer you climbed, the more you feared for the worst. By 2/3 of the tower you had scaled you managed to poke your head out to see the scale of war. Of red and orange floated below as the razor winds felt more violent than it had been ever since you had been born within its impenetrable walls, even from this distance high up you could still hear the clash, the warmongers held up in the central square where all battles now takes place.
And within that chaos you managed to single out a lump of black and a dot of floating white. Miraculously, your scream had reached their faraway ears and looked up, just in time to see your aerial shots of support.
"(Y/N)?! What is she-!" His words had been cut with an arrow wheezed past his head to bring down a foe that had sneaked behind him. Right, battle. Many of the immediate threats had been neutralized and the resistance had found the upper ground thanks to the archer's barrage. "How-how is she up there!"
Another body had fallen next to him with a cut on its back, a certain knight rushing past him to hit another. "Watch your back, bard! Now's not the time to monologue, she's going to backup Amos."
You were too far to hear the horrified gasp and the fearful expression your two faithful friends adorned. But the ground you were on began to shake, and you know you had to go on. "Venti! Gale! Focus, I'll be there with you two soon!" You screamed at the top of your lungs in hopes that it will reach them before continuing your ascent to the most treacherous area you had to be in—
You barelled towards the woman with silver hair with a pace you've never seen and a strength you'd never thought you carried, exchanging the shot you felt lodge into your left side as you sent one right through the guard's neck. You fell on your bottom and clutched the wounded area, but kept it there, if not to make sure the blood does not pour if you were to take it out.
"Sister!" The familiar voice cradled you as gently as she could with a fear-stricken face. But you assured her that it had not hit anything major, the way her worry didn't dissipate seem to hide a kind of anguish she couldn't name. "We must get you to safety, the clerics- the clerics could-"
"I'm fine, I'm fine," you grunted as you pried yourself out of her grasp to prove your point, still able to keep your stance. You see Amos struggle from fatigue yet about to bite back, "We're so close, sister, any moment we linger is another body on the list of deaths." Painfully she'd bitten on her own tongue, finally relenting as you ascended the last few steps.
Normal arrows are nothing but toothpicks against the mighty God of Storms, the Anemo Archon, who easily flicked your futile attempts to graze him. And yet Decarabian was losing power just from fighting off not only your barrages but those even from below. His walls were thinning and his heart crumbles, from the thought of his once devoted followers turning back on him.
With one last strength the Lawrences gathered every piece of energy and power they could into their shot, and Decarabian looked at them with tired eyes and a raised hand. "Finally, I shall hold his gaze." The voice next to you spoke before your charged shot, swirling with beaming light flew past the sharp gale of wind and pierced through the God's core. Your ears had picked up on a violent crack before you were hit by the razor breeze upon the dying breath of the archon, sending you and Amos off the crumbling tower to free fall to your deaths.
In the edge of your peripherals the bleak gray walls of storms dissolved into rays of natural light, giving way to a hue of blue you had never seen before. As the wind wheezed past your ears, you smiled at the face of death—
When a jingle of little bells suddenly slowed your descension, and you were softly met with the hard floor on your back. With tired eyes you'd found yourself next to the pioneers of freedom, conscious and unconscious. You had felt Venti nudge your hand to those of another's limp ones, soft palms yet calloused fingers, you intertwined your hands with that of the bard's.
"We did it, we finally... did it..." A pulling force drains the consciousness from your mind and body in laboured breaths, and despite your protests to keep staring at the beautiful sight of the true sky, your eyelids were pulled shut by an unknown exhaustion.
Past their closed state, a flash of light was the last thing you had thought. Bruised and beaten, your warm hand did not register how the ones you clung to... did not squeeze back.
The next time (e/c) orbs flew open their eyes the world felt that of a lucid dream, with silk of the cleanest white donned their body, and the softest breeze of a sweet flower you had not smelt passes by you. Teal orbs looked down at you with a gentleness you've felt from the artificial light from the cathedral. Speaking of- your eyes unfocused shifted its gaze to the light blue skies.
"You're... awake." Your bard friend breathed out in disbelief and another emotion your brain can't quite place. The cotton of clouds float above in painted beauty, and you had pried your sight away from it almost painfully just to spare your companion a look.
"It's..." your throat grated and ached at the attempt, coming out so weak and breathless, "It's very beautiful... out here, free... Have- have you gone to explore?" Your face twisted in numbing pain from talking, and the bard started to quiver yet stood strong with a smile.
"I had, it's - it's just like how we imagined, even better than we've taken for granted," wet spots adorned your cheeks in short successions, you couldn't help but smile. "I only wish you were there to see it first hand, the flowers, the sunsets, the land-"
"Yet I fell asleep," you laughed in mirth yet there was no sound that escaped. The grip around you tightens as you loll your head to the side; there lays a new city kissed by the huge orb of light in the blue veil of a sky, lush green grass of health you've never seen before shone with a moistness on it, and around its glory lays a beauty of a moat that mirrors the one above. Beautiful, you whispered under your long-awaited breathe.
"The people of Mond had done their best to rebuild, for the promise of freedom they had not wilt," a hand on your cheek, flawless, urged your gaze once more to lay upon the bard. "We've devised a festival to celebrate named Ludi Harpastum. Tell me... my muse, will you accompany me in this new custom?"
A new breeze had lulled you in your ears once again to sleep, and a flash of fear had passed over your companion's features before it dissipated when you opened your eyes once more. A festival, you haven't heard that in years, "I would love to. But maybe... tomorrow..."
"Mhm, I feel tired... the sun invites me to sleep, will you wait for me tomorrow?"
"Good." Your eyes were covered by darkness again as you felt a pressure against your forehead. "It's... a date..." And your tired heart finally found peace, after battling for 15 days restlessly, desperately.
Venti picked you up from where you laid on his lap, setting you down on the grass bed besides the giant roots of the Windrise tree. Nearest your left, a stone plate carved with words you never dare see lies next to you. And for the first time in fifteen days, a God cries again.
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¹The green-tipped arrows were coated with poison.
²Reader's bow is designed after the Raven's Bow.
³Gale is not the bard's official name but was used to avoid too many confusion.
⁴This had a different, more painful and hatred alternate ending where you hated Venti for taking Gale's form, but I changed it so I could rest my own heart.
*in honor of your contribution to Mondstadt's freedom, the maiden who throws the Harpastum is made for your grace.
@boxofteenageideas @creation-magician @your-local-venti-simp @indigodreamtime47
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forever--rain · 3 years
A popular trope in the fandom is what it would be like if zk’s firstborn was a waterbender. I love that idea as much as the next person; but I’ve also wondered, what would it be like if their firstborn was a nonbender? How easily would the FN accept that? Would Zuko teach their child sword-fighting as a way to replace bending? Would Katara enlist Hakoda and Sokka’s help to teach her child about SWT nonbending combat styles too; would she be sure to emphasize anything about hers and Zuko’s cultures that isn’t specific to only bending, to make sure their child always feels included?
I guess nonbending steambabies have a special place in my heart and I really wanted to share it, since I don’t have a blog to put my thoughts on. I dunno if this subject interests you as much as it does me, but I’d love to hear your takes if you have any. 💜
It’s definitely an interesting subject, anon!
There’s a lot of Zutarians who like the idea of a waterbending Fire Lord--which is a great and novel idea! I personally headcanon, however, that Zuko and Katara would approach the subject of succession to the throne rather practically, implementing a law that says the oldest firebending or nonbending child would inherit the throne. I think they’d recognize that a waterbending Fire Lord would cause a lot of strife within the Fire Nation. They would also recognize that such a law would open up the possibility for their children to be able to marry outside of the Fire Nation if they so wish, which could create stronger ties around the world and further Zuko’s agenda of peace. I also think that the Fire Nation would be a lot more willing to accept a nonbender child as the heir to the throne than a waterbender.
Zuko and Katara would 100% be supportive of any nonbending children they had. After all, Zuko grew up struggling to master firebending with a little sister who was a prodigy and outshone him every step of the way, and Katara grew up as the only bender in a family of nonbenders (though we don’t know about her grandparents other than Kanna because Kanna is the only one alive in ATLA--which incidentally makes me wonder if that’s because the others were waterbenders who were killed in the raids... 🤔). They’d be like those super annoying parents at soccer games or science fairs who just think their lil nonbending baby(ies) is (are) the absolute best and go absolutely nuts cheering them on. I think that Zuko, Hakoda, and Sokka would absolutely teach any nonbending steambabies how to wield swords and use that famous Water Tribe ingenuity (and I think that Katara would join in on these lessons to show the kids that bending abilities aren’t any more important than nonbending--everyone should learn how to defend themselves regardless). Aunt Suki would also come in with some Kyoshi Warrior training, of course.
Both Fire Nation and Southern Water Tribe culture would be super important to Zuko and Katara. They’d raise their children accordingly, celebrating winter solstices down south one year and summer solstices in the Fire Nation the other (since both happen at the same time--provided seasons in the world of ATLA work the same as they do in ours). Katara would teach all of their children how to cook. There would be many disastrous attempts at making stewed sea prunes. And Zuko would take all of them to the theater and teach them what his mother taught him about botany (or have her do it if she’s around). When the kids got older, Sokka and Hakoda would take them ice dodging and on hunts. Katara and Zuko would also teach them the myths and legends from both sides of the family. I think that both Katara and Zuko would want to send their kids to the Southern Water Tribe at a certain age to learn the way of life there for a few years. And I fully headcanon at least one of the steambabies moving there permanently after that.
The kids would grow up learning a lot about balance and love--not only for other people but for themselves regardless of their bending abilities. They’d learn that compromise is healthy and that accepting yourself for who you are is critical to being happy. They would also grow up with parents who love all of them equally and without fail. Nobody would ever be left out. They’d all receive unflinching encouragement and constant support. And while there might be some natural sibling rivalry, they’d be the kind of siblings who are super protective of one another.
I just think that, as a whole, the steamfamily would teach the world a lot about balance, acceptance, and love. Which is what that world needs.
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stupid-stew · 3 years
Boiling Rain
my finger slipped again oopsies idk if this is 100% in character but like what if eda kicked lilith out right away and ended up regretting it later
There was nothing worse than a knock on the door for Eda. Especially not in the middle of the night, during a boiling rain storm, when she was fresh out of magic, and she had a kid in the house, and there was no hooty noise to warn her beforehand. What was he up to?
Eda was still new at defending herself without her magic, but she knew her way around a bat, just ask that guy at the bar from her 20’s and his massive medical bill. Whatever she thought, laughing to herself, that jerk deserved it, no medical bill was larger than his ego. Bat in her left hand, doorknob in her right, she simultaneously swung the door open and raised the bat into a defensive position, ready to strike, that is until…
What she saw before her definitely wasn’t her sister, but that was Lilith on her doorstep. Well kind of, Lilith collapsed in front of her, drenched in steaming water, clearly out of breath, nothing like the perfect prissy Lilith she knew, and what was she wearing? Where was her dress and cloak? Oh, Eda realized, that is her dress and cloak. The clothes were nearly melting off of her sister, riddled with holes. That couldn’t have made her injuries any less severe. Eda had been stuck in her fair share of boiling rain storms, even with the thick skin of the owl beast it had still taken her weeks to heal, she couldn’t even begin to fathom the state her sister was in.
“I’m sorry” came a hoarse whisper from the pile at her feet
“Lily oh my titan-” Eda dropped the bat and turned her head to yell up the stairs, hoping she was loud enough to wake her sleeping apprentice “LUZ, WAKE UP” Her head snapped back to the door frame at the movement of Lilith flinching at her loud voice. What happened to her.
Eda bent down to at least try to get an idea of the injuries her sister had suffered, but before she could get her hands on Lilith, Luz appeared at the base of the stairs. “What’s going on?” she asked, clearly still half asleep. “I need you to go up to the bathroom and grab the first aid kit, not the one in the first aid kit box, the one in the lunchbox.” Eda instructed.
Luz went to move up the stairs but suddenly snapped awake, “Is that Lilith?”
“Luz, later, first aid kit now, please” Eda responded, back turned to the now fully attentive teenager
“Got it…” Luz ran up the stairs, “...the blue or the purple one?” she shouted
Eda sighed, now that Luz was going to be here a while she should make a point to show the kid the ropes around the house “The purple one please.”
Not even a half minute later Eda had the box in her hand and was sorting through the bandages, what was she doing, she didn’t even know how badly wounded Lilith was. Eda set the supplies down and moved to touch Lilith when a pale, terribly blistered hand shot out of the mound in front of her and grabbed her wrist.
Eda was confused and jerked her hand away “What do you mean no?”
Lilith took a couple ragged breaths before weakly responding “I don’t want your help, I don’t deserve it”
They sat there in silence for a moment before Eda remembered Luz was still behind her, “Luz, sweetie, could you go grab some blankets and maybe draw up some of those healing glyphs you’ve been working on?”
“Sure” the girl replied softly before quietly stepping back up the stairs
“Edalyn I sai-” Lilith started
“I heard you. I don’t want to hear it. You need help.”
“Not your help-” Lilith inhaled painfully “not after everything I did to you.”
“Oh for titan’s sake Lily, you think just because you made a mistake I’m going to let you lay here in pain? I haven’t even seen your face yet and I can tell you need help, mine or not.”
“No, I shouldn’t have come here, it’s all my fault, I’ll go.” Lilith moved to get up, but the burns weren’t having it and she barely got a push-up’s distance off the ground before her arms gave out.
“Are you kidding me right now? You come to my door in the middle of the night, after having gone through titan-knows-what, covered in burns, your clothes are barely intact, and you expect me to just let you leave?”
Eda wasn’t having any more of it, and reached out and grabbed Lilith’s arm, who hissed in a combination of pain and protest.
“Not on my watch sister” Eda spoke through her teeth. For someone so frail, Lilith was definitely a bit heavier than she looked, though the fact she was drenched probably didn’t help.
She managed to drag the complaining witch all the way to the couch before Luz made her way down the stairs, blankets and a stack of healing glyphs in hand.
“Kid, drop those and come help me please.”
Together they were able to get Lilith into a lying position on the couch, and for the first time see how bad of a state Lilith was in. Not an inch of the witch’s skin was spared from the rains, red blotches and boils acted like massive freckles over her whole body. While taking in the sight of her sister, Eda managed to meet the injured witch’s eyes for a split second, and what she saw scared her more than anything. Of course Lilith’s face was contorted in pain, but there was also shame and embarrassment in her eyes. If I showed up in her state I’d be embarrassed too, but did she really think I wasn’t going to help her?
“Kid can you go upstairs and grab Lilith some clothes from my dresser? Anything you think will fit her is fine, and…” Eda leaned in next to Luz’s ear and in a low whisper “could you take your time? I’d like to talk to my sister in private”
Luz looked at her with understanding “Of course, if you need anything just yell up the stairs.” She eyed Lilith one more time before retreating back up the stairs.
Eda then turned back to Lilith, who seemed unwilling to meet her eye again. “Alright. Let’s get started, you look a mess, so this might hurt a lot more than a little.”
“Edalyn why are you doing this”
Eda chuckled “Have you seen yourself, I’ve never been the best at responsibility, but I think it would make me a bad person to not help someone in your condition.”
“No Eda, I mean why after everything that I did to you, to Luz, why are you still helping me when I am the last person you should want to help, I don’t understand.”
There was a heavy silence followed by a long exhale from Eda. She didn’t respond, instead moving for the pile of glyphs that Luz had left them. “This is going to hurt a lot, and I’m not going to be able to get it all without my magic, the glyphs only do so much, but I think I can make the worst of it at least better.”
For the second time that night Eda was stopped from touching Lilith by a pale shaking hand.
“Edalyn, why?”
“Ok here’s a deal, you let me help you and I’ll tell you why in the end? Sounds fair enough?”
“You really aren’t going to budge on this are you.”
“Nope.” Eda replied, popping her lips on the last syllable.
Lilith flopped back onto her back, shutting her eyes and exclaiming at the, without a doubt, excruciating pain the impact with the couch had caused.
“Real smooth Lils”
“Oh shut it.”
Somehow the older witch’s face turned even more red through the burns and boils.
Eda managed to get through placing glyphs along Lilith’s arms and legs with minimal issue, Lilith didn’t seem to be enjoying herself very much, but even she had to admit it was starting to look better. At some point Luz had come back down with a cream colored shirt and black patchwork skirt for Lilith to change into along with some more glyphs. Eda had sent her back to bed, the kid did have school in a few hours.
“Ok, we are going to have to take off your dress so I can reach your back, looks like that’s where most of the damage is, and…” as Lilith sat up Eda caught a glimpse of her full back “there also doesn’t seem to be all that much dress left to remove. You really got caught in the rain huh?”
Lilith didn’t respond, but instead met Eda’s eyes again, which made Eda suspicious.
“Do we have to?”
“Yes Lilith we have to treat your injuries.” Eda rolled her eyes at her sister, what did she expect when she was out in the rain without protection?
Lilith didn’t look amused, instead she seemed to pale out. She pulled down the top half of her dress and rolled over onto her stomach.
Eda gasped.
Lilith’s back was covered in burns and boils sure, but what shocked Eda was the array of scratches and claw marks all over Lilith’s back, not only her back but they seemed to go up and down her whole body in varying degrees. Some of them looked healed, or on the way there, some of them fresh, some of them even seemed to be infected.
“What the hell Li-”
Was all she got out before she was interrupted
“Forest demons aren’t as nice as they seem. Ever.”
Oh. Eda snapped her mouth shut and silently applied as many glyphs as she could to Lilith’s back and upper arms as she could. Of course, Eda thought, I didn’t let her stay here, she’s got no friends outside the coven, she doesn’t look different enough to find somewhere safe from the coven guard in town, especially not with her posters lining the alleyways, she’s been sleeping in the woods. Where else would she have gone. With their mother? Any number of nights in the forest without a roof was better than one night under their mom’s.
“Thank you.” a voice interrupted her thoughts.
“Huh? Oh.” Eda had been so busy thinking that she didn’t realize she had finished. “I’ll go to the kitchen to make us some tea, you can change in here, don’t worry about hooty he seems to be asleep.”
Lilith nodded and Eda made her way to the kitchen. Once the water was on the stove, she dove back into her thoughts. All these nights? I kicked her to the curb the night of the incident, it’s been at least a week, it’s rained almost every night. Oh titan, not all of those burns were fresh, that’s probably why Lilith was able to move at all, she was used to it. How has she been eating, bathing, sleeping? She’d been weakened by the splitting of the curse, could she have even defended herself? She could have come around any time- wait. Eda realized that she had told Lilith not to come anywhere near the house… ever again. That’s why she was so convinced she wouldn’t get help at the owl house. Maybe if I had been less harsh, it I hadn-
The whistle of the water being ready pulled Eda back to reality. She quickly placed the tea bags into the mugs and filled them with water and left the kitchen. When she got back to the living room, Lilith was already sitting in her dry clothes, a dim blue light escaping through the thin fabrics from the glow of the healing glyphs. Eda handed her a mug and brought her own to her lips, taking a long sip before sitting down next to her sister.
They sat like that for a while, sipping and waiting. Eventually, much to Eda’s surprise, Lilith broke the silence.
“So why?”
“Huh?” Eda replied, still deep in thought.
“Why did you decide to help me?” Lilith asked, looking into her mug as if it held all the answers “We both know I didn’t deserve it.”
“You’re right.” Eda replied simply. “You don’t deserve my help.”
Looking up from her tea and at her sister with genuine confusion, Lilith asked “So why did you help me then?”
“Let me finish. You don’t deserve my help. You cursed me, you kept your mouth shut about it for decades, until it was far too late, and in a desperate attempt to save your own ass you captured not only me, but my apprentice. My apprentice who I might as well call my own daughter at this point. You hurt her you know?”
Lilith’s eyes reverted back to her mug in shame.
“Oh yeah, she’s got bruises that aren’t even healed yet, that’s why she got looking into the healing glyphs. Plus, she faced Belos. She had to burn her only way home, she’s stuck here now. And me? I lost my magic. The most powerful witch on the boiling isles, now without the witch part.”
To emphasize her point, Eda drew a golden spell circle in the air, only for it to crumble into a pile of dust at her feet.
“Edalyn, I-”
“But,” the younger Clawthorne interjected, “that doesn’t make you a bad person, and I refuse to let it make me a bad person. I don’t know what your reasons were for cursing me, not telling me, I don’t know what Belos promised you, but it had to be pretty big to do what you did. And it’s my fault for not knowing. I kicked you out without even hearing you out, and you got hurt for it, I never even gave you a chance to explain yourself.”
It was Eda’s turn to avoid eye contact now, staring contemplatively into her now empty cup.
“It’s my fault you got hurt. That’s why I helped you. I was so caught up in my own anger that I didn’t think about the consequences of my actions. I’m still mad at you, and you’re far from forgiven, but I think you need help. Let me help you.”
For the first time in a long time, the two sisters met eyes in a moment of understanding.
“Ok.” Lilith said after a moment of comfortable silence.
“Good because I wasn’t really giving you a choice.”
They both laughed at that.
They sat for a moment, before it was finally Eda’s turn to speak first.
“So why’d you come here if you didn’t want my help?”
Lilith picked at her fingers for a moment before responding.
“I don’t know, I guess I just didn’t have anywhere else to go. It was so dark and so hot, I could barely even think, none of the other storms had gotten me this bad.”
Ah, so I was right. Eda regretted.
“It was like my feet took me here, all I knew was I needed to get out of the rain, and before I knew it I was in front of your house on my knees. I expected you to turn me away, I wanted you to turn me away.”
Eda didn’t know how to respond to that with anything other than “Why.”
Lilith thought for a moment.
“I guess I needed you to turn me away, I thought it might feel better to know that for once you would be the one leaving me in pain after 30 years of the roles being reversed, I think after all of that I deser-”
“No.” Eda interrupted. “I might not be the best sister, neither are you, but I will not ever let you suffer in any way remotely close to the way I did. Nobody deserves that, I sure as hell didn’t but neither do you. You will always have a place to stay with me, no matter how mad I am at you.”
They sat for a while longer, both deep in thought. Eventually Eda took both mugs back to the kitchen and rinsed them before going back to the living room, sitting next to Lilith one last time to help her out with the blankets.
“I think the shed is livable, the tower might be a bit too overgrown at the moment but we can work something out. You can stay on the couch tonight, no way you’re going back out into that. We can set ground rules in the morning, just try and get some sleep before the kid wakes up. She’s very excited about the new day, every day.” Eda spoke fondly.
“You really care for her, don’t you.” Lilith asked, a sad smile tugging on her lips.
“That I do. Goodnight Lilith.” Eda responded before stretching and cracking more joints than any one witch should physically be able to. “Woof, even sitting on that couch is enough to make me sore”
“I’m sure it’s just fine, thank you Edalyn, for everything. And goodnight.” Lilith said while trying to find a comfortable position on the lumpy couch. Her injuries, while significantly better, weren’t doing anything to help the situation. It wasn’t long before the soothing warmth of the healing glyphs lulled Lilith into a deep, dreamless sleep, much better than any she’d gotten on the forest floor.
Not even a few hours later, the sun shone on the owl house, waking Luz first, and if she was any quieter than normal that morning, or if she saw a certain gray haired owl lady sleeping on the floor next to Lilith’s position on the couch on her way out the door, she never mentioned it to a soul.
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cattles-bians · 3 years
exes au part 12
post directory
obsetress: don’t ask why i had this thought because i couldn’t tell you but
obsetress: jamie wakes up in the middle of the night one night and is like “i... had a dream. about vi”
obsetress: and dani’s like “ok baby” and just nuzzles deeper into her pillow and jamie’s like
obsetress: “no, dani, a... a dream”
obsetress: and dani’s like “oh. oh” and is immediately wide awake and bright eyed
obsetress: and is like “was it any good?” and jamie is just. already flushed so red and flushed deeper and dani just hums
em: sighs wistfully
em: i also love that something compels jamie to tell dani Immediately
em: oh the perils of begrudgingly being friends w ur gfs ex
em: jamies like um. no see i can see all these different things my brain mashed together and WHY i had this dream and danis like ok but that wasn’t my question....
obsetress: jamie finally throws up her hands “of course it was”
em: jamie: And You Can’t Tell Vi She’ll Be Insufferable
obsetress: dani, very plainly, at brunch the next morning: so vi
obsetress: jamie looks like she’s going to have a heart attack and dani lets her sweat and then just smiles sweetly “i like those sunglasses. are they new?”
em: jamie what’s the problem (nothin. indigestion)
obsetress: dani very smug n thinks she’s very funny
obsetress: (she is a little funny)
em: one of jamies many ‘oh that’s why they dated’ moments
obsetress: “fookin sick, the both of ya”
em: idk why you had this thought but i’m GREATLY amused
obsetress: skskksksks right
obsetress: jamie explaining her dream to dani in great detail afterwards
obsetress: dani sitting there nodding and hmming “oh that sounds like her. no, she wouldn’t do that. now THAT she would be very good at, you’d like it”
em: i need a moment
em: jamie thinks the dark hides her massive fucken blush but it Doesn’t
em: dani can feel her heating up
obsetress: jamie “i don’t ask you to do this” dani “you’re not stopping me”
em: dani critiquing jamies sex dream is such a fucken funny concept sjdhdkhdkdhdkc
obsetress: RIGHT
obsetress: i’m dying
em: dani: oh no that’s OOC
obsetress: she wouldn’t have a riding crop jamie, it’s 2021, not 16—
em: jamie: it’s a wet dream do u really think it’s gonna have beta readers and a three act structure
em: dani hums
obsetress: dani: well did you enjoy it
obsetress: jamie: i— dani: did you?
obsetress: jamie mumbling yeah
em: jamies like i’m gonna interrogate dani next time, see how she feels- but she forgets dani is incapable of feeling shame
obsetress: like dani wouldn’t just launch into a ramble
em: viola
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obsetress: fuck
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: to jamie, specifically,
em: to jamie specifically andhdjhdjd
em: once again ironic jamvi has turned, in my brain, into ‘yes and....’ jamvi
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obsetress: jamie sending this to viola n vi's like
obsetress: she doesn't get it because she's convinced her taste is immaculate
em: anyway this is ooc even for exes au but i keep thinking abt like. jamie tryna crack how old viola is (she cant be 34 im 30 it doesnt make sense) and going through her fb timeline like. 'aha! motivational quotes. gotta be late 30s' and danis either like
em: danis either like 'you have a notebook where you write down all the quotes you like baby' OR shes like haha ok thats fair (posts another motivational quote on her fb)
obsetress: god i love that so much
obsetress: both of those dani responses are
obsetress: honestly porque no los dos if we're already going ooc
obsetress: i do think the first bit "gotta crack it she can't be 34 i'm 30 it doesn't make sense" is in character fwiw
em: obviously i was inspired by ur post in the milf channel abt viola always saying shes 35
em: big brain
obsetress: this is literally just. exes au rebecca
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obsetress: down to the caption
obsetress: vi and rebecca patiently staging like full photoshoots for each other every time one of them wants a pic otp: i'm not high maintenance, you're just low effort
em: bold 2 say that we don’t think about jamie and vi tho
em: gotta keep some sorta. presentation of respectability
em: they absolutely couldn’t date tho
obsetress: lmao ikr
obsetress: yeah no they'd kill each other
obsetress: now just thinking of silly circumstances and um
obsetress: rebecca's out of town and dani's flying back from some iowa thing jamie couldn't get away for to go with
obsetress: and viola's like "oh, just stay at ours, it's closer and i'll get you a car"
obsetress: and just like
obsetress: imagining the two of them cohabitating at vi's for a night
em: jamie sneaking around at night tryna find the bathroom and runs straight into vi in a face mask and a dangerously low dressing gown Again
obsetress: the parallels to canon
obsetress: im giggling
obsetress: walks straight into her path
em: opens a door. sees something she doesn’t want to see. immediately turns and walks away
em: god the face mask would make her look like the lady in the lake
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: vi wants to go out to dinner, jamie's just like "i'm already getting up early to go to the airport, can't we just have an easy night in"
em: what did i say before. that thing abt if ur friends w damie you will inevitably walk in on them
obsetress: god yeah
em: flip of that.
obsetress: oh GOD
em: god they would argue about dinner
em: bicker about EVERYTHING
em: dani and rebecca both make the married couple joke
em: jamie goes pale
obsetress: wait sorry i just went back to tahirahs insta post and like
obsetress: katie parker commented and was like "i love these shots of you" and she was like "thanks luv " and i'm like
obsetress: why does this....... still track........... with exes au...............
em: perdy is always a little too flirty w vis paramours
obsetress: always! except dani for whatever reason
obsetress: she's just scared of dani
em: Please
obsetress: rebecca's like "i don't see what the problem is. she can do what she wants, but you trust me, don't you?" "of course i trust you" rebecca shrugs "that's it then, isn't it?"
obsetress: anyway vi huffs n crosses her arms n pouts a little bit and is like "well i don't want her to"
obsetress: rebecca is endeared and uses the opportunity to her advantage like the top leaning switch she is
em: dani rebecca parallels: always dtf
obsetress: perdi and vi fighting and vi's like "are you even gay? or do you just want what i have?" and perdi is like "does it matter?"
em: are you even gay perdi nahdkdhdkdhd
em: perdi is like you KNOW about jamie and viola crinkles her nose bc she forgot about that and she’s starting to respect jamie as a person
obsetress: djflakdkfjldkadjLDJFLSKDFJLSDKFJx
obsetress: i screeched
em: viola: you only MET jamie because i hired her for landscaping you fucking-
obsetress: just thinking about perdita watching jamie working on some property sweating in a tank top and Deciding
em: bringing out some lemonade etc
em: haha you look parched
obsetress: smiling widely, turning on the charm
obsetress: jamie is very attractive and very swoonworthy, but perdita 100% only goes for it because she refuses to let viola have one (1) thing
obsetress: and that extends to lesbianism
em: viola's like no this is normal right. siblings competing. rivalries etc and danis like uh i’m an only child and jamies like uh i raised my brother
em: they don’t know how to tell her sure it happens but it’s also extremely fucken weird vi
obsetress: jamie: you have to tell her dani: why do i have to tell her jamie: you tell her everything dani: i don't tell her–– ok, i tell her most things. i'm not sure i want to tell her this though jamie: why not dani: she's not... she's not gonna like it jamie: So You Might Be A People Pleaser,
em: jamie: i can’t tell her. she’s only just forgotten the perdi thing. what if she remembers i’ve
em: in depth character study of viola and perdi’s fucked up rivalry
em: violas like goddamn it do i have to fuck jamie to get even
obsetress: i––
em: she decides against it
em: jamie is none the wiser
obsetress: she Considers it tho
em: jamie would die on the spot if she knew
obsetress: weighs the pros and cons
obsetress: the best part is like
obsetress: this is all post-danvi and pre-damie right so when dani n jamie see rebecca and vi at that video store
obsetress: viola's like wait.
obsetress: wait
obsetress: dani ending up with the hot gardener her sister fucked because she has bizarre jealousy and possession issues is really just the cherry on top of a shit sundae
em: the funniest part of all our very tangled lore is like
em: none of it contradicts bc it’s even funnier when it’s Extremely Ugly And Messy
em: because lesbians are just... like that
obsetress: exes au au where viola did fuck jamie, the video rental shop scene is 100 times more awkward
em: don’t think about it don’t think about it dont
em: i am thinking about it
em: jamie has to deal with having been railed by all three of them instead of just the two
em: it feels very uneven to her bc rebeccas a doll, dani, u don’t understand, and ur only running into one ex,
obsetress: talk about the mortifying ordeal of being known
obsetress: "wait, that's your ex?" "yeah" "dani" "what" "dani" "what" jamie's voice is hushed but a lil pitchy and a lot panicky "i think i fucked your ex" "you think?" "i fucked your ex" "you fucked her or she fucked you? because i'm sorry, baby, but i really don't think––"
em: sorry, baby, but i really don’t think-
obsetress: that might be my fave lil bit i've ever written adlfkjasdklf
em: dani being a little too interested in jamie getting railed is like. everything to me
obsetress: jamie's already big blushing
em: a little secret between hannah obsetress and em cowlesbian but i am So thinking abt it
em: patreon exclusive exes au au
[em edit: you can imagine how long this lasted]
obsetress: no one is happy about this situation except dani, who is delighted
em: after, jamie's like. what did u mean by u don’t think that...
em: puffs out her chest
em: i could have-
em: danis like yeah but i know u didn’t did u
obsetress: dani clayton ilu
em: danis like um
em: completely unprompted bc dani ‘finishes a conversation 5 hours later’ is really funny to me
em: danis like i did tho
em: jamies like can you DROP IT
em: she’s SMUG
em: she’s so pleased w herself
obsetress: in bed with the lights off jamie's pulling the sheets up and closing her eyes afterthought
obsetress: just a happy lil hum and an "i did, though"
obsetress: and jamie knows IMMEDIATELY what she's talking about
em: dani never lets jamie live it down
obsetress: never!
obsetress: they'll be washing dishes one day "hey baby?" "hmm" "you slept with a landlord"
em: oh um. flipping the whole ‘experienced jamie virginal dani’ trope everyone loves but
em: i love the idea of dani being like hey jamie did u ever- and jamies like (grumbles) does it matter
em: dani is mentally applying a gold star to her chart
obsetress: ksdljfskdfjlsdjflksdjaf
obsetress: the gold star
em: at this point dani is absolute just tryna tease jamie so she’s like oh well when- and jamies like ok i get it
em: jamie Pretends not to be a little interested
obsetress: meanwhile vi and rebecca very matter of factly swapped stories the first day they Realized
obsetress: vibecca swapping stories and their stories complimenting each other so well that they're like well. hmm
obsetress: glad those two found each other
em: two praise kinks u say
em: ok sorry one more thought i’m thinking abt like
em: jamie staying over (idk if this is before or during damie) and viola and perdi are having yet another spat on the phone and violas like
em: no you ALWAYS do this, whatever you think you’re doing with rebecca-‘ and she barely hears some muffled sorta ‘oh, sorry, remember jamie-
em: and jamies doing the maths. hmm
em: jamies like actually i refuse to examine this further. self care
em: brings it up with dani later and dani LOSES her shit laughing
em: haha jamie you got willoughby’ed
obsetress: SCREAMS
obsetress: you got willoughby'd
obsetress: how does one get willoughbyd asking for a friend
em: yeah same asking for a friend
obsetress: dani, gigglesnorting: wait, you hooked up with... with perdi?
obsetress: (dani hates perdita because viola hates perdita and it is a deep seated hatred she refuses to unlearn)
obsetress: a loyalty strange and enduring, despite it all
em: to be fair perdi is the Worst
em: all of these characters i love to make sympathetic and then perdi is where i draw the line akdhdkhd
em: it’s funnier if she’s awful
em: like a viola that never gets therapy
obsetress: lldjfkaskldfj god same
obsetress: it's too good
em: danis like wait hold on. lemme get a pen
em: makes a silly little chart
em: if the fandom tries to make jamie into a shane the l word character i will simply take that and make jamie mortified abt her uh. well! a pretty girl is nice to her and she forgets how to behave
em: jamie's like oh sure like u don’t have embarrassing flings- and danis like yeah but i don’t interact w them on a daily basis jamie
em: also i didn’t fuck perdi
obsetress: skskskflsdflks
obsetress: "you did fuck perdi though, right? because that just be embarrassing, jamie, if she had been the one who..."
em: skgsdjhdkdhdk
em: jamie grumbles something abt pillow princesses and dani like
em: CLAPS her hands in glee
obsetress: jlsdjflkJSDFKJSDFJ
obsetress: GOD
obsetress: she's immediately pulling out her phone to text vi
em: jamies like why would u message her sister that u freak n danis like oh no theyre very open with each other it’s uh. hmm. anyway
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My mind was plagued with thoughts of the episode where the kids think Perry laid an egg and the comic where Perry saves a baby platypus from Doof, and that got me thinking: what if Perry was actually a dad to a baby platypus? One possibility is that Perry wouldn't want his child to become an agent at such a young age and would rather have his kid decide if they want to do it when they're older, but I believe that either way, the young platypus would inherit Perry's anthropomorphism.
oh my god I’ve never even thought about Dad!Perry before 🥺 I thought his relationship with the Flynn-Fletcher kids was wholesome but that has some real potential to become the superior relationship
obligatory “read more” to save everyone who doesn’t care how I feel about Dad!Perry
Okay first I gotta ask how we think this would happen. Is it the egg from Perry Lays An Egg that hatches, except it really is a baby platypus and Perry ends up taking it in because no one else can? Or is it Perry taking one of Doof’s platybabies home? Or is it trans!Perry laying his own egg? Or Perry has sex with another platypus (that’s such a weird thought lmao) and somehow he becomes the sole guardian of the egg? As the numero uno “Perry is an asexual demibiromantic platypus” stan, I kinda like the first or second one, but I also feel like the platybaby should be related to him? But at the same time Phineas and Ferb is all about how family don’t end in blood so maybe that’s not important?
Anyways onto Dad!Perry because holy shit I’m excited to explore this
I’m gonna start at the end of the ask by saying that I feel like anthropomorphism isn’t genetically inherited; I feel like it’s something that’s taught. It’s kinda a nature vs nurture type thing so I guess it’s more a psychological debate than anything, but if I had to channel my inner English teacher and draw evidence from “the text” (aka the show), I gotta bring up the koi from Attack of the 50 Foot Sister that were just kinda vibin in the neighbors’ pond at the beginning of the episode and then Monogram had to make them agents to avoid a lawsuit and by the end they were saving Perry’s ass? Which is relevant to literally nothing except that I think any baby animal Perry raises, regardless of whether or not they’re related to him by blood (or even by species), will probably turn the lil baby into an anthropomorphic lil platybaby just because of all the human and human-like influences
And now the elephant in the room (cue OWCA Files Agent E joke): how does OWCA react to the news? Which I guess is really a follow-up question to how OWCA finds out in the first place. I think we can all agree that Perry won’t want to tell them. It’s not like he sees the other agents as friends that he wants to invite to the baby shower. But Monogram would want to know if there’s a new player in the Flynn-Fletcher house not that he knows who lives there now; that’s Carl’s area of expertise. Would he have to tell them? Is there a protocol for that? Especially if it’s just an egg he picks up from The Tree™ in the backyard. That’s basically just getting a new pet, right? And sure, Monogram would want to know, but is Perry legally obligated to tell him is the question.
But Monogram has to find out one way or another, and given that Perry is the best of the best, Monogram is going to want his kid in the club. Perry would 100% say no, too, but I don’t know if it would be because he wants his son (yes it’s a boy platybaby no I don’t know why) to have his own say in his future; I think Perry would consider OWCA too dangerous for his son. I mean, we saw what happened when Phineas, Ferb, and Candace got mixed up in his job: they were almost eaten by a goozim and the tri-state area was almost taken over by an evil dictator. He would definitely want to keep his son out of that scene if he could. At least all the dangers at home are Phineas-and-Ferb-sponsored, and unlike OWCA, they would make sure he didn’t get hurt.
Buuuut Monogram is also a dumbass and doesn’t know how to take no for an answer, so he’d keep pushing. It has to be a well-known fact around OWCA that changing Agent P’s mind about anything is not an easy feat, so maybe when Monogram realized it was a lost cause, he’d try to go around Perry’s back? Maybe while Perry was at work, he’d head to the Flynn-Fletchers’ house (or send Carl again like Undercover Carl) to try to get the platybaby alone? He could explain what OWCA is and that he would make a perfect candidate. I doubt Perry would have told his son about OWCA in any detail yet other than the fact that he works there and that’s where he goes every day, so this would all be new and interesting. And then Perry either comes home when Monogram or Carl is talking to his son about OWCA or his son brings it up himself, and Perry is fuming because he made it very clear that he didn’t want OWCA anywhere near his family. 
And now I can’t help but wonder if that would cause bigger problems between him and OWCA? What if that’s his breaking point, and he just flat-out quits because if they can’t respect his very few boundaries, he doesn’t owe them anything? And assuming the platybaby didn’t come from Doof, maybe that’s how they meet? Somehow he finds out that the reason there’s a new agent working his case is that Perry’s out on “permanent paternity leave” or something, and word gets back to Perry somehow (maybe Pinky heard it through the grapevine and told him? idk) that Doof wants to meet him? And Perry’s kinda wary buuuuut at the same time, Doof isn’t his nemesis anymore. If you take OWCA out of the equation, aren’t they just friends? 
and Doof would get kinda annoyed because “He came here so I could meet the baby, you know,” and usually that’s enough to convince Norm that he’s doing something wrong, but this time Norm is just like, “But I love him?” And Doof expects Perry to back him up and he probably should but at the same time, his son looks so happy with Norm? Without OWCA’s training, he still has that platypus aspect to his personality that comes from both his animal instinct and how the Flynn-Fletchers treat him, so he’s just kinda snuggled up in Norm’s lap and Norm is just petting him?
And this is probably after he’s shown some human-like features and Doof knows that he’s about as human as Perry, so he asks, “Does he like being pet?” and Perry nods because duh of course he does and Doof just kinda looks at him for a moment and he’s like, “Do you like to be pet?” and Perry just fuckin decks him because no he does not yes he does and Doof just nods like, “Okay, fair enough.”
and she had absolutely no idea this was happening she’s about to go drop her stuff off in her room for the weekend and Norm’s like, “Look at my new friend!” and Vanessa thinks it’s gonna be something stupid but she walks over and sees the baby platypus and she starts freaking out because holy shit Perry is that yours? and obviously she needs to know literally everything there is to know about him because this is her nephew now and she will not take no for an answer.
And I feel like OWCA really wouldn’t like this? I mean, Perry completely severed ties with them over this platybaby, and now he’s bringing his son over to DEI at least twice a week to see his former nemesis? And idk what they would do about it because I don’t think there’s an actual protocol for this, but Monogram is Very Sensitive™ and he won’t stand for this.
Also and I’m totally just spit-balling here but what if, because the platybaby is kinda also being raised by the Doofenshmirtzes (and the Flynn-Fletchers but idk if that would make much of a difference here bc he has to pretend to be a mindless pet around them like his dad), he gets the best of the human and animal experience all in one, without all the shit Perry had to deal with from OWCA? And what if that somehow leads him to be able to speak? I don’t quite know how that would work, mostly because I don’t really know what prevents Perry from speaking, but we already went into that back in May so I’m not gonna go there again lol
okay I’m pretty sure it’s been over two hours since I started working on this ask but I can’t help it because this is literally such a cute idea fjdshflakfa I don’t even know if I’d be content reading this like I feel like this is just something I want to write. I kinda want to see how Phineas and Ferb would treat him, and if they’d treat Perry any differently now that a) he’s a dad and b) there’s a new platypus for them to love. I also want to see how Candace would handle probably falling in love with the platybaby but still getting annoyed by Perry. I really want to see what Vanessa and Norm’s relationship with the platybaby would turn into. Idk so much about the Doof/platybaby relationship though; I feel like I’d be more interested in how this affects the Doof/Perry dynamic instead. Something about Doof makes me think he wouldn’t be as easily swayed by the platybaby as everyone else, but the fact that Perry would now be a dad just like him would probably make him unreasonably happy. And that’s not even touching upon how different life would be for Perry now that he has a son, and he would obviously adore the little guy with his entire being, but, like, he has a son? How is he supposed to deal with that?
also I really should’ve given the platybaby a name to make this more readable and it’s a little too late for that but I hereby decree that his new temporary name until such time as this fic gets written is Horatio (unless y’all wanna hit me up with your platybaby name ideas because I would love to see them?) so welcome to the Dwampyverse, Horatio :,)
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
1-20 for Ash since he's your groovy boy.
I'M CRYING THE TERM "YOUR GROOVY BOY" MADE MY HEART MELT TO A PUDDLE (i've had a real shit day this is the only think keeping me sane) 
In other news i wasn't sure if you meant like 1 through 20 or like just 1 & 20 so i went with the first option just so i could talk about him more(1 through 19 cause two where pretty much the same) I also made sure to make sure this was as gender natural as possible so
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1: Cuddling
Ok firstly Ash?
Biggest cuddlier ever
He just loves the close contact
Spoon wise
He is the big spoon cause he feels like even when sleeping hes protecting you
He also likes two other ways
A: His head on your chest with your arms around him
Because lets face it he also deserves to feel safe and protected
B: facing you with yout limbs in a tangle
Cause he likes to look at/ admire you
You look so peaceful its one of his favorite sights
2: kissing + Favorite kiss
Ash can be a pretty rough kisser
Almost kinda like a "we might die and or never see eachother again so this is my last chance to do this" type of kiss
Sometimes you have to remind him slow down and that everything is ok and as it should be
When he remembers that hes a very passionate kisser
Like he kisses you slowly but just rough enough to be perfection
She said sighing wistfully
They can also be really playful
He'll dip you while kissing you
But also he peppers kisses all over your face while tickling you
his favorite kisses are french and neck kisses
3: Injured
He likes to make jokes about it
To lighten the mood
Just cause seeing you worried about him breaks his heart
But also to make himself feel better and help to not worry bout it to much
He secretly likes getting injured
You're always so sweet and gentel with him
And you give him special treatments ( ;) ya know what i mean?)
He also pretends he doesn't like it when you kiss his injuries cause its "childish"
But he loves it
When you are injured however its a completely diffrent story
Hes not as calm and collected as you can be
Hes angry, worried and very guilty
You can tell he blames himself because he doesn't crack any jokes like usual and hes always very quiet while he's trying to patch you up
"Kiss me better?" You ask
That makes him smile and he kisses your injuries softly just like you would
You don't blame him and you tell him that much
4:First Date
Ashely J. Williams is not
A fancy man
Or a rich man
He's not one for flashy/fancy dinner dates
Your first date was some sort of take out
In his trailer
You actually really enjoyed it
Only because he made it enjoyable
After dinner the two of you kinda just laied on the floor and talked
Which was weird for ash cause he was more of a
Take someone on a date and get down to bussnies type of guy
But he actually felt connected enough to just sit and chat
5: First kiss
It happens on the hood of the delta on your second date
You where sitting there star gazing
Just talking again and when you looked over you saw him staring at you
"Nothing...it's just...your so amazing.."
You only laugh at him
Before suddenly you felt his lips on yours stopping you
That was one of the first and only times hes ever taken his time kissing you
It was one of those gentel kisses that you just melted into
He cupped your cheek with his hand and his other pulled you closer
It was one where when he pulled away you chased after it not wanting it to end
*cheifs kiss* twas perfection
Ash really did his best to keep you out of that part of his life
He didn't want any one else he cared about dying on him because of it
He loved you to much
But it came to a point where he decided it was better to be safe then sorry
He taught you how to use the boom stick
And you quickly became pretty handy with it
That along with teaching yourself how to use a series of other tools
Like knifes and axes
He found it really attractive to watch you work like that
7: akward moment
The first really akward moment between you was probably the use of "i love you" too soon
To be fair though everyone thought they where about to die
So when ash blurted "I love you!"
And found that you where still intact
It was slightly uncomfortable in the room for everyone when you responded with
"You've never said that to me before."
And nothing else
Not that you didn't love him back
You where just unprepared for it to happen like that
After avoiding eachother him mainly trying to play it off as if he didn't say that
And acting as if Ash williams never told prople he loved them
Once you finally git fed up enough with it you had to basically yell it back to him
He was very relieved and happy to hear it
8: Fighting
Fights can go one of two ways usually
One being no one gets anywhere ever in the argument
Your both so stuborn
And ash being ash who hates to admit when he's wrong and never owns up to his own actions
Just makes you more angry
Making the argument get heated further
This type of fight usually ends in an angry make out session where your both apologizing like crazy
The other way is again ash being ash
But instead making you cry
This ends the argument pretty quickly because the only thing that can make him own up to any thing is you crying
You tend to use this strategy a lot in order to keep him quite
But sometimes it can really make you cry
He always apologizes right away and pulls you in for a tight hug where he kisses the top of your head
And wipes away your tears
You both actually hate fighting and hate that it ever (though rarely) gets to that point
Like I've mentioned before
Ash cannot stand the sight of his baby in pain of any type
Crying is one of the worst things hes ever had to deal with in his life
And hes delt with a lot
His only goal in life is to make sure you are happy, healthy and safe
He's also kinda shit when it comes to dealing with emotions
He won't ask whats wrong right away
Just kinda stand there awkwardly attempting to make you laugh
When and if that doesn't work he'll finally sit down next to you and put a protective arm around you and ask whats wrong
If you don't wanna talk?
Thats ok hes there when you're ready to
Hes not leaving any time soon until your happy again
He'll hold you close to him
Pulling you into his lap to hold you properly
And just lets you cry
When you do tell him whats the matter
Bet your ass that its taken care of right away
Cause anything that makes his perfect partner cry? Dosen't even get the right to exsist anymore
10: sleeping
You better believe ash has nightmares
And feels bad for waking you because of them
But you're very well aware it can be hard for him to sleep
So you are more than happy to stay awake with him for as long as it takes
Even if that means until the sun rises
Or you fall asleep in his lap hes ok with that its the thought that counted
Nights like that are nights when he likes to cuddle you with his head on your chest
You'll kiss his head, smooth his hair
And even sometimes talk or hum to him to calm him down
That usually does the trick of getting him back to sleep for a little while
Sometimes he'll wake up gently and find you peacefully asleep beside him
And he'll kiss your cheek, cover you up and lay back down
Cause knowing your still safe is enough to help him sleep too!
11: bathing/ showering
I don't think ash would get or understand the want and need for a bath
But if you can convince him to take at least one with you
Thats all he'll ever wanna do
Man has never once in his life had time to sit and relax
But this is something else
To have you with him to
Either sitting across him
Or laying against him makes it Much more enjoyable
Baths are very rare very special occasion things though
Showering is a more often occurance and also a spontaneous thing
And its a plus cause its not Always a sex thing with him
It can be a nice and romantic thing as well
Especially on rough days when he wants to relax in the shower but also talk
Your there to keep him company
12: First time
Honestly the first time was well into your relationship with each other
And it happened in the Delta
It wasn't like rough, extremely passionate or even a serious matter
It was More fun and... vanilla with lots of laughter
It was sweet
The purest form of sex honestly is when you can laugh and or talk during it
And you two being the two people you are
Plus car sex being a horrible idea to begin with
Made it all the funnier but better
I don't think ash ever knew you could actually have like legitamie fun doing it
Just another thing you helped him realize
His heart like seriously skipped a beat hearing you laugh the way you had that night
Yet another reason he knew he loved you
13: soft spot/ weakness
Ash's soft spots include
And that lil spot behind the ear but just under it
Kiss him there and hes Tapped out
Ashes weaknesses are
His partner just in general
If you've been with him this long
He warships you
Definitely an ass/leg guy though
Wear something reveling enough tonshow case both ass and leg
14:Pregnancy/ Birth
You wouldn't ever have to worry about ash not wanti g to be a dad or not
So you'd tell him almost right away
Ash is gonna get teary eyed
He'll make some jokes
But he will get watery eyes
And you know how happy new dads get when they find out they are gonna be a dad?
That whole "I'm gonna be a dad!? I'M GONNA BE A DAD!"
Yea 100% ash
Hes lifting you off the floor and spinning you around cheering
About how theres gonna be a lilttle Ash jr. Running around
Hes definitely the kinda guy who likes to talk to the mommy tummy all the time
Bump or not
Everything is suddenly about the baby
Hes always on the look out for baby things
Buys everything
Hes probably the dad who wants to mix the parents names together and name the baby that
Which is kinda gid awful and you tell him that
If its a girl you agree to name her Cheryl after his sister
Which lowkey makes him teary eyes again
You agree to let him pick the boy name though
He jokes about picking names like...idk hulk or something
But you picked a meaningful name he wants to do the same
You can trust him with that much
When the baby is born
He almost refuses to let it go
Hes got that new dad worry/ slash haze
"Where are they taking them?"
"Are they ok!?"
Loses his shit when the baby does grabby hands and holds his prosthetic finger
Hes so proud of his new kick ass family
When ash touches you its usually soft, slow and gentle
No matter what
That’s it
He lets his fingers gently run across your skin
Mainly because 👏he 👏worships👏you👏
And you deserve to be treated like the holy entity he sees you as
He hold your hand firmly though as not to lose you
16 : Undressing:
Its either slowly piece by piece
Taking his time to do so
Or extremely fast
17 what “turns them on” :
ash is horny by nature 
do anything around him when hes in the right mood easy enough 
but other than that ash likes being in control of situations 
makes him feel powerful 
so give that man even the slightest bit of power and hes ready 
he also finds it supper attractive when you are in charge and calling all the shots 
18 domestic life 
once everything with deadits is finally over and is at peace 
the first thing ash does is marry you 
then moves you to Jacksonville Florida likes hes always wanted 
then thats where you would have your baby 
the both of you get good jobs 
send your kid(s) to good schools 
all of yours childrens friends love being around ash and hearing him tell stories 
19 farewell/ how they say goodbye 
he always gives you a good solid kiss 
before softly telling you to have a good day and to not miss him to much 
hes always extra careful to throw in one last quick peck on the lips or cheek before you leave 
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earthnashes · 4 years
I started playing the very second it was made available to play and just finished it last night at like 4 in the morning. And of course it destroyed me. I love this series man so much man. ;w;
SO! I don’t usually do this but I’m like, fuckin’ dyin’ to talk about it a lil bit so if ya have plans to play it, SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT. <:
-Aight so lemme just say right off the bat that this game is fucking. Gorgeous. The environments, lighting, visual design, the level design, everything was spot on. And don’t get me started on the CHARACTER MODELS. AND ANIMATION. Like bro that shit was lifelike in not just appearance, the characters emoted and carried themselves with so much life they felt legitimately real. They were all so unique too; characters had unique special ticks to just them (Like Ellie pinching her fingers when nervous or upset, or Joel standing taller and squaring himself when talking about hard subjects like he’s bracing himself for it, or Jesse giving his stunted headtilt when he talks) and expressed in a way that was just. Bruh. Aight I’mma stop but fuckin hell what they pull off with the characters in specific in LoU (both part 1 and 2) is just somethin’ outta this world.
-For anyone interested in playing it, the game is roughly 22-30 hours long if you’re just focused on the story, and much longer still if you take the time to explore and find all the little secrets. Some secrets include unique cutscenes and dialogue that are well worth the look; I haven’t found all of ‘em yet but I’m considering trying a completionist playthrough.
-Joel’s death fucking destroyed me. I’m in no way surprised he died, but it hurt regardless, just how quickly things went south for him and Tommy there. And ELLIE. FINDING HIM AND WATCHING HIM GET REKT WAS PAIN INCARNATE. Set the tone hella hard and I’m fuckin’ here for it.
-I’m not gonna lie I fully expected to dislike Abby given she rekt Joel, even though I figured it was for a pretty good reason before it was revealed her pops was the doc Joel killed. But damn. I really enjoyed Abby, a lot actually. From a gameplay standpoint I dare say I enjoyed her section more than Ellie’s since you were BLASTING ENEMIES with those fuckin’ GUNS of hers. And by guns I mean her arms’, jesus she was shredded. As a character, she felt a lot like Ellie from a different perspective and mindset, and I really appreciated the reflection the two of them had. Two sides of the same coin, basically. Also I really, really liked how killin’ Joel brought absolutely no peace to Abby at all, and you caught her beginning to regret it. And it kinda sorta acted as the catalyst to her shift in how she viewed the world. I think that’s a good portion why she latched onto Yara and Lev so hard. Perspective is everything, and there is always more than just one side of a story.
-In the same vein I had a blast learning more about Abby’s friend group, dynamics, how she lived, who she worked for and her past and everything. Of them all I think I liked Nora the most, but Mel and Manny were both reaaaalll close seconds. O:
-Speaking of, DOGS. DOGS DOGS DOGS. So many dogs man and you got to play with and pet them! Fuck yeah. That should be a rule in gaming; if you have a cat or a dog in the game, you should have a button to pet it. Also good gorl Alice is best doggy don’t fight me on this. uwu
-Jesse and Dina were the beez knees I fuckin loved them man. They were exactly the sort of folks I can see Ellie being best friends with. ALSO, this one isn’t major, but I really appreciated that there was no love-triangle here? Dina and Jesse dated, smashed, didn’t work out but they still remained good friends. Ellie’s first reaction to seeing Jesse is to confess that she and Dina kissed, and Jesse readily accepted the fact that Dina moved on (and he had too). It’s just refreshing. No bullshit love triangle there, just three people who really understood each other. Also jesus christ, I really didn’t want Jesse to die. Goddamnit. But I’m so glad they didn’t kill Dina too like, I was fully prepared to see her get fucked up. Base rule of LoU: anyone you like has a high probability of dying. ;w;
-BRO THINKING OF JESSE, ELLIE, AND DINA MADE ME REALIZE THE PARALLEL OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO MEL, ABBY, AND OWEN. Ellie’s triangle was essentially non-existent; no feelings of betrayal or anger, just understanding and love, like there was a deep-seated bond here that would weather anything. If Jesse had lived, I wouldn’t doubt he, Ellie, and Dina would have lived together to raise the baby together. Meanwhile Abby’s triangle had Owen seeming to unable to let go of the past he and Abby had together, that poor bastard was still in love with her, and how that supplemented the slow deterioration of all three’s friendship. I was sad to see Mel turn on Abby the way she did but like. I mean.  Dude was ready to leave Mel in the dust for Abby despite HIM GETTING MEL PREGNANT. Abby also kinda did drag everyone into this, even if it was of their own violation. Oof. Though it did feel like she was angry at both Abby and Owen equally, not just blaming Abby for everything there... or at least the romantic relationship part. Honestly probably one of the few times I actually enjoyed a love triangle in a story, or at least of this caliber.
-Isaac, the leader of the WLF? He was cool as fuck. I love how much character they packed into him without even showing him too much. Like there was a scene where Nora mentions she tried to question Isaac about Owen and she said “he gave her that fucking look and told her to drop it”. Hell, when he was talking to Abby, he isn’t that much taller than her but he felt like he outright dwarfed her with the way he carried himself and how they reacted to him. I love shit like that man. But anyway fuck Isaac. uwu
-Not gonna lie I kinda wish I got to see the leader of the Seraphites, but it was hella cool to learn that she had been dead already and how the Seraphites operated with and without her. I don’t think I found everything regarding that specific point in game, but it sounded a lot like a peaceful religious leader who’s words and teachings were twisted to suit the goals of corrupt members of the tribe. She was essentially an equivalent to Jesus, at least to the Seraphites.
-I honestly really loved all of the characters introduced but I have to admit that Lev and Yara were standouts. Yara’s one hell of a big sister, lemme tell you, and the lengths she went through to make sure Lev was safe really shooketh me. AND LEV. MY CHILD. MY SON. To those of you who are familiar with the LGBT+ controversy around the game, he and Ellie are what people are complaining about. Ellie because she’s gay, Lev because he’s trans.
Lev in particular was heartbreaking. His tribe were outright hunting him for who he was, as well as Yara because she chose to protect him. The mindset the tribe had was pretty much isolated to them though.
And jesus. That scene with him and his mother? Fuck.
-YARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :( BRUH that scene pissed me off, fuck you Isaac, you bastard.
-THE SCENE. WHEN YOU PLAY AS ABBY. AND YOU FIGHT ELLIE. WAS SO FUCKING COOL. AND SCARY. Ellie man, that section really showed how efficient and smart she is. She legit tricked me a few times not gonna lie, like I thought she didn’t see me but she’d pretend she wouldn’t, only to ambush me with a FUCKING MOLY. Also the fact that the game outright says “hey uhhhhh you can’t actually take her head on, she’ll fuck you up in a heartbeat bro”. Welp. A really strange mix of horror and sadness and pride there. Hm. :/
-Mom!Ellie was so fucking sweet to see. And it made me catch a glimpse of hope that Ellie actively tried to soldier through for her fam’s sake. But she clearly had demons she had to confront and I’m angry at Tommy for disrupting her and Dina’s life, but it felt necessary. Still made me sick to my stomach to watch her go after Dina fucking BEGS HER TO STAY. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
-Speaking of Tommy, it was so sad to see how much he fell after Joel’s death. It really showed just how much he was like his brother though; underneath a gentle man is someone you best not trifle with, and is very familiar with doing horrific things to reach a goal. Because fuckin hell, Tommy is legit a badass. That sniper part was SO. COOL. Aaaaand terrifying. RIP Manny. :/
-Bro, I’m very curious to see more about the Rattlers but. They were fucked up in a special kind of way. There’s no telling what they did to those people they captured and enslaved. Seeing Abby in the state she was in after seeing her throughout all the game in tip-top shape was painful. That poor girl was literally skin and bones and... just beaten down.
-ELLIE AND ABBY’S FINAL FIGHT WAS SO SAD. I HATED (but I loved) EVERY SECOND OF IT. I was so scared Ellie had fully lost herself there, when she threatens an unconscious Lev to force Abby to fight, who at that point, very clearly didn’t want to. Honestly. Ellie clearly didn’t either, far as I could tell, but it felt like it was the only way she knew how to confront everything. Fight it, until you kill it, or you die. It also felt like Abby understood that since she was in Ellie’s shoes once upon a time.
-I don’t care what anyone else says I’m so happy Ellie let Abby go. I’m so glad she chose not to go through with it. For so long Ellie has been angry and resentful about a lot of things, and she never got a choice once throughout the majority of her journey. As much as I will 100% agree with Joel sayin “fuck this supposed cure, fuck the Fireflies”, it’s not fair of him, or the Fireflies, to just outright take that choice from her, that she didn’t really have one to begin with. She was justifiably angry with Joel and the moment she chooses to try and forgive him, he dies. Another choice stolen away from her. The fact that she chose mercy despite everything, and it was prompted by a memory of Joel, the very reason she was doing this, is profound to me. Like she finally understood why he did what he did, and why he said he’d absolutely do it all over again. Hell, she probably even reached the understanding that her and Abby really aren’t that different from one another in that aspect.
-Ellie returning to an empty home, with Dina and JJ gone, was heartwrenching. I fully understand why Dina left and she honestly had every right to, but it still hurt man. :C AND ELLIE. PLAYING THE SONG JOEL MADE/SUNG FOR HER. ALWAYS KILLED ME. But this instance in particular was something else man like fuck I balled like a baby. Especially when it was followed by the fact that Ellie and Joel were on the cusp of mending their broken relationship only for it to be ripped away man. Goddamnit.
So, this isn’t really a review more than it is me just sharing some of my thoughts on the game, but if ya want me to give it a rating? 10/10. If not a perfect score? At least a 9/10.
The Last Of Us as a series is one that’s moved me more than any other game I can think of honestly (outside of Telltale’s The Walking Dead), and just like the first one, LoU2 left me thinking about it for hours after. It’s thought-provoking, it’s compelling, it’s fun as fuck, aaaaand it’s made me cry like a baby a good number of times. I also really appreciate the fact that, in this game, they actually show the consequences of your actions. Like, they made you consider the fact that you aren’t just killing grunts to get to the next enemy or mowing through mindless drones. You’re killing people, who have lives, and friends, and families.
We got to see Joel for who he was: a very broken man, with a very dark past, who has done very horrible things in this shitty post apocalyptic world, but he is a father, and protective, and loving and thoughtful, who will do anything, anything, to protect Ellie. Blood or not, Ellie is through and through his child. But Abby only saw a monster, and could you blame her? He killed her father, and countless others, and she never got the full story. Just that a man came in and killed the entire hospital, put an end to even the smallest possibility of finding a cure, killed her dad in cold blood, and walked away no problem. And then it cycles right back to Ellie, where Abby becomes her monster.
It’s just some grade-A storytelling as far as I’m concerned, and I’m someone who usually prefers happy endings. LoU always leaves me feeling bittersweet but goddamn do I love this series. I’m kinda hoping for a DLC, to be honest? Like LoU part one, where you found out about Ellie and Riley. I wanna see what happens to Ellie; I get the distinct feeling she returns to Jackson and hopefully scrounges out some semblance of a decent life there, after confronting Tommy and (hopefully) making peace with Dina. But we’ll see! uwu
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Survey #311
“somebody told me you had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend that i had in february of last year.”
What is something that is so awful it gives you pain in your teeth? Extremely sweet and/or cold treats. What is something you would like to teach someone? I love educating people about meerkats, snakes, tarantulas, opossums... lots of animals. What is something people tend to come to you about? For me to take pictures for them. What is something you would be willing to gamble? I don't mess with that. What's something you're absolutely 100% sure about yourself? Uhhh that I really like creating things and just being artistic. How often do you self-reflect? Probably too much, really. When was the last time you realized that you were the problem, if ever? I feel like a problem now, still living with and financially depending on my mom. If applicable, what's the furthest you've traveled because of a hobby? Ha, Mom and I got lost driving one day looking for roadkill for me to photograph (that will always feel weird saying) and wound up pretty far north from home, kinda close to Virginia. It was a fun afternoon/evening. What are some sights around the world you would like to see some day? I'm honestly not crazy about pursuing ancient architecture, but I'd take the opportunity for some if I could, especially in Egypt. OH! Venice would be cool, and whatever that city is with the umbrella "ceiling" layer outside. Do you have souvenirs from other countries? If so, what and from where? No. Apart from sleeping, name something you enjoy doing in bed: Sit on my laptop or read. Do you believe in ghosts? Yeah, or at least something of the sort. Do you stay friends with your exes? Girt and I are close friends, while the others I don't have contact with. Not because we're on bad terms (I may be w/ Jason, but I think our last meeting was freeing for both of us and distilled any remaining tension), we just don't talk. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? Pretty sure no, I'd crash. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? One or two. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? No. How many pregnant people do you know? Good Lord, a lot. People are bored in quarantine apparently lmao. Who was the last person to play with your hair? Myself, outta boredom, kinda just twirling it. Have you ever seen the inside of a computer? Yeah. ^If yes, can you name any of the components? I could probably identify the motherboard. If you could get a new phone right now, would you/which kind? I would. Idk what kind, though; I'm not very familiar with what's up-to-date. Have you ever cut your own hair? No. If you had the chance, would you start your life entirely over? No. How old is the eldest member of your family? I don't know really, given both pairs of my grandparents are dead. Probably some aunt or uncle on Mom's side. I don't remember their birth order. Do you drink the milk from the bowl after you eat all the cereal? No, it grosses me out for whatever reason. UNLESS it's after a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, then I'll drink it. Do you know anybody who has had an online relationship? Yeah, me, and some others. One thing that your guy best friend doesn't like about you: He's never told me about something he doesn't like, so I can't speak for him. How about your girl best friend? Ummm you'd have to ask her, too. Do you loan your friends money? *recites the usual financial woe story* Are you taller than your siblings? No. Do you have “photoshoots” with your friends/family members? Definitely not regularly by any means. Are you generous? If you ignore monetary generosity for obvious reasons, I think I am in other ways. Are you afraid of lizards? No no no, I love those tiny lil dinosaur boiz and gorls!!!!! :''') Ahhh, I want a tegu especially one day. How legible is your signature? It's perfectly legible, imo. How hot are your neighbors? I don't even know my neighbors. Well, Mom's spoken to the woman to our left more than once if they were both outside, but I know she's an older woman whose appearance I never really noted, but regardless, I know I wasn't attracted to her. Do you play Pokemon Go? If so, what level are you and who's your buddy? Yeah, I can finally play it regularly since they began offering a daily box with a few items in it, like the balls. I'm not checking, but I think I'm like... around 23? My buddy is Charmeleon because I love love loooove that evolution line and absolutely want a Charizard ASAP. :') What's the most daring thing you have ever done? I guess that would be the story about how I challenged my rather intense fear of fair rides that can trouble the stomach by going on whatever the thing's called where you slowly go very high up and then drop down abruptly. Yeah yeah yeah, I was safe the whole time, but it was daring by my standards, haha. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? It's been pierced twice already; the first time it closed while I was in the psych hospital and had to take it out, and the second one I just gave up with it after I kept losing them in my sleep and they just fell into the fucking void or something because I could never find them come morning. I eventually had none left to replace those I'd lost. And yes, I wore the curved types, they still just came out somehow???? Probably didn't help that I sleep like, ON my face sometimes, but... lol. I've been thinking of doing it one more time, but this time with a hoop ring. Nostril piercings are just really cute to me. Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy? Somehow. Are you friends with your best friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend? She's single. Do you have tan lines? HA. Absolutely not. Not even in the summer. Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip piercing? Yeah, he had snake bites. Has anyone told you they were in love with you? Yeah. Have you ever seen a bald eagle in person? Yes. Have you ever been vomited on? What about in vice versa? Oh my fucking god no, don't even make me imagine it. What is one family member you wish you were closer to? My sisters. When and where did you lose your virginity? Since then, what was the longest time you've ever gone without sex? I dunno, his bed or mine when I was maybe like 16 or 17. Been many years. What is your biggest fear about making a total commitment to someone? That I'll experience heartbreak again. Do you think that your life is exciting enough to be made into a movie? Do you think anybody would actually enjoy it if it were a movie? lol fuuuuck no If you were the opposite sex, would you be attracted to you? I don't know? If I was a different person, I'd obviously have unique tastes, too. Have you ever walked around your house naked? Oh no, I'm way too uncomf for that. Do you prefer profile pictures of you by yourself or with someone else? Me by myself. Did it bother you to find out that Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Toothfairy were not real? Not really, no. I'd been suspicious about it for a long time anyway. Is there a food that you only recently started to like? If so, what is it and when did you start liking it? How often do you try again foods you don't like to see if your tastes have changed? Hm... I'm unsure about "recently." I'm not very adventurous with food at all, so the answer for the last part is not often at all. Who would you NOT want to read the surveys you've posted on here? What would most likely happen if they did read it? Is there anyone you actually wish would read your survey answers but doesn't? Probably my therapist lmaoo. It'd spark some concern, especially regarding my PTSD, for him to be able to see "wow, she is deeply scarred." I don't really "wish" anyone else would read them, other than the occasional answer I wish He Who Shall Not Be Named could hear. Do you watch Glee? If so, which song do you want to hear on there that they have not yet done? If not, which TV show do you think has the best soundtrack? I don't watch it. The answer is obviously Supernatural, like good good shit right thar. Do you think you would be able to pull off a crime perfectly, without being caught? What about other lies? For example, cheating on your partner without getting caught? Would you be able to get away with it? Ha, hell no. I'm way too clumsy in more ways than physical and would overlook so many details. And I wouldn't WANT to get away with cheating on my partner, thanks. Do you know anyone who has divorced and remarried the same person? What do you/would you think of someone who does that? I don't think I do, and it's not really my business, but I'd have silent doubts, probably, depending on why they split. Do you say goodnight to anybody before you go to bed? If so, does it feel weird if you go to bed without saying it to them? I say goodnight to my snake Venus; even if she's in her hide, I say it when I walk past her terrarium. It probably wouldn't feel weird not to, but I want to, even though she can't even hear me lmao. How do you react when you're scared? Do you scream, jump, cover your eyes, etc.? I am VERY jumpy, tend to gasp easily, and sometimes scream if I'm seriously scared. Who is the best storyteller you know? What do you find best about their storytelling? Is there an interesting story of theirs you'd like to share? I don't know. Do you strongly dislike (or even hate) any bands or musical artists? If so, what caused such a strong negative emotion towards them? Not for purely their music, that's just stupid, but I could certainly dislike artists for what they do as people. For example, I haven't looked into it whatsoever, so it could be a load of bull, but I know Manson recently had some sexual misconduct or assault allegations rise against him, and honestly, I'd believe it. He's one of my favorite artists (emphasis on the "art"), but definitely not high on my list of favorite people and keeps doing things that are making me lose more and more respect for him. Then there's Otep... again, one of my favorite musical artists. I agree with a good handful of her values, but she is nevertheless an absolute holier-than-thou, intolerant bitch. I don't like her as a person. Do your parents have any collections? If so, what do you think of those collections? Dad collects Cleveland Browns and Carolina Hurricanes stuff; it's all over his "mancave." I don't have an opinion on them. Do you have a favourite role of Johnny Depp's? If you don't like him, what is your favourite role of an actor you like? I'm not familiar enough with all his acting roles for this, but I know he's incredibly good at what he does. If you were in a competition to win your dream prize, and you were allowed to decide what the competition would be (trivia about your favourite band, a foot race, singing, etc.) , what would you choose and why? Uhhhh maybe facts about meerkats? Reason being it's something I'm honestly very knowledgeable about. What is your least favourite thing about the English language? Are there any other languages you prefer besides English? It breaks its own "rules" ALL the time. If I was fluent in German, then I might actually prefer it. There are many parts to the German language that make it very precise and clear what and whom you are addressing (ex., there are two different "you"s for singular and plural usage); the only real downside I see to German is the sentence structure is odd, but then again, I mean, it does encourage active listening to get all the parts of a sentence you need to understand what is being said. Would you be upset if a long-term partner confessed that they had committed a serious crime before you met? How do you think it would affect your relationship? Hm. I guess it would depend on the crime? I sure wouldn't be happy hearing they committed an as you said serious crime, but I'd have to consider if there were other red flags for danger going on, again, if it wasn't massive in my eyes. Do you enjoy watching the special features found on most DVDs? What do you usually enjoy more: the deleted scenes, the bloopers, the audio commentary, or the behind-the-scenes footage? I have to be seriously into whatever I'm watching to explore these. I do love me some bloopers, though. Was there something you were afraid of as a child that just seems silly to you now? I had that usual "monster (or in my case, skeleton) in the closet" fear. Have you ever had a crush but then found out he’s gay? Almost positive my puppydog-love middle school bf actually is gay. I also had a crush on a closeted gay guy for a little bit that same school year. Nowadays he is so open about his sexuality and even does drag, and he's great at it! It's wonderful seeing how far he's come in his confidence. Would you ever be a porn star? What'd your name be? Oh no, hunny. Does blood make you squeamish? No. What's your favorite Pokemon? Ninetales. <3 I also have a very soft spot for Charmander, though. What was the last event to cause you any sort of heartache? My older sister got in a wreck yesterday because some impatient bitch ran a red light. She's fine but did break her clavicle and is going to be using a sling for probably a few months. It was definitely upsetting to hear about. What do you do when you like someone? I tend to get very shy around them, more than I naturally am, and smile a lot. I try to stay in contact with the person, and it's maybe a 60/40 chance I'll wait for them to make the move versus me, but I've done it. Do you mind if people just show up at your house unannounced? YEAH. Especially as someone who needs to mentally prepare for company, don't do this. Do you enjoy rain? To a degree. If it hangs around too long, it affects my depression. I LOVE going to sleep to rain pattering on the window, though. You love Jesus, yes? I don't believe he was a bad person; quite the opposite, actually, but I don't "love" him. I won't go too deep into why just because I'm not in the mood to offend people today lmao. Who’s your favorite person in the whole world? My mom. She's my rock. How many different beverages have you had in the last 24 hours? Just water and Mountain Lightning (a Mountain Dew ripoff for us poor folk, haha). Oh wait, I did have a meal replacement shake for lunch yesterday, I think? Or that might have been the day before... How many brothers does your father have? None, unless I've seriously forgotten him having one. He only has a sister, to my knowledge. What kind of camera do you use? I have a Canon EOS Rebel T6. If you could change you name, what would you change it to? I wouldn't. 25 years with a name I quite like has worked out fine. What was the last song you listened to in the car? Uhhh it was "Drugs" by Mother Mother, I think. Are you the youngest, oldest, middle, or only child? I'm the middle child between my parents. What's the best thing about the place you currently live? Hm. I would say for practicality's sake that we're very close to pretty much everything, but seeing as I enjoy long car rides... With that in mind, I'd say who our landlord is. She's a very close family friend who is very understanding of our financial position, so pretty forgiving with some things. Do you eat breakfast daily? Yessss, I need breakfast to start my day off. Can you hear anyone talking right now? No, just singing. I'm listening to Motionless In White's cover of "Somebody Told Me" by The Killers. What's your favorite flavor of ramen? I solely enjoy the spicy pork bowl by Yakisoba. I've never had another I've liked. I lived off that shit in the apartment. I guess what they say about college kids is true, haha. Never realized that. When was the last time you had a bowl of soup? What flavor? Back when I got my snake eyes tongue piercing, I tried vegetable soup only to find I didn't like it anymore. Do you have any tinned foods in your cupboard at the moment? Yeah, lots. I couldn't name 'em all, besides like, diced pineapple, corn, and beans. We always have those. What was the last food item that you tried for the first time? On Thanksgiving, I was actually brave with food for once and tried that sweet potato dish that's topped with marshmallow, and it was okay. I never liked sweet potato before, and while I couldn't eat a lot of it, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Does anyone in your family have green eyes? No. What was the name of your first ever pet? I was born into my family with a beautiful collie named Trigger, but I have zero recollection of her because she passed away from old age when I was very young. My first personal pet was either my guinea pig Squeak or Chinese water dragon Shadow (no, I have no idea why I named a green lizard that); I can't remember who came first. I adored them both. I feel so bad looking back though, I was so uninformed on how to properly care for a water dragon that she (or he, we were never sure) was, as far as correct husbandry goes, horribly taken care of and stunted from having a tank too small. I consider myself lucky she seemed to really trust me and loved being held, even sleeping on me, and she did live out her full lifespan. I was lucky; please, please, never adopt a reptile until you are properly educated on their unique care. Where was the last place you went out for lunch? What did you order? Mom bought me McDonald's a few days back because I was really craving it. I had a double cheeseburger and for once large fries, because that's what I was seriously wanting. I usually get small or medium. Where was the last place you went for an evening meal? What did you order? I feel bad and selfish for breaking my own "stay the fuck home but for emergencies" rule, but my mom, one of my sisters, and I went out to the Cheesecake Factory for my birthday. I think I ate a chicken sandwich with Chipotle sauce? I actually don't remember for sure. I do however remember the cheesecake I got: some cinnamon swirl one that was fucking glorious. Oh yeah, and we had an appetizer of these pretzel ball things dipped in fondue. I ate waaaay too much, but it was a special occasion, so whatever. Have you Googled anything today? What? I ensured I spelled "clavicle" correctly. Yaaaay, I did. What do you like to eat for breakfast these days? Special K cereal, a sandwich, sometimes those pancake & sausage on a stick things I mentioned at some point in the last survey I think, or a Jimmy Dean breakfast bowl. Maybe other stuff I'm just not thinking of. Is anyone in your family a nurse? No, but I have family in the medical field. Do you like to wear lipstick? What colors do you think suit you best? Not really, no, but I will sometimes for pictures. It smudges too easily yet is also hard and annoying to get off. I only really wear black. Who was the last person to recommend a book to you? My therapist recommended a book for the whole PHP group, but I can't remember what it was. Something self-care related. Who was the last person to tease or joke around with you, in a friendly way? I wouldn't be surprised if it was Tobey, the "family friend" I mention a lot. She probably said something technically rude that she thought was an appropriate joke. Is there a jar of peanut butter in your house? Yeah, always. Does anyone you know own a tabby cat? How about a cocker spaniel? Tabbies are very common, so yes. I don't think I know anyone with a pure cocker spaniel, but my late dog's mother was one. Do you have blinds or curtains in your bedroom? What colour are they? I have those slanted blinds that you can close by pushing them upwards or downwards with a stick thing. They're white. What was the last beverage you tried for the first time? Some form of juice I wasn't a fan of. Orange and peach, I think? Who was the last person that said you were beautiful? I think a friend on Facebook when I changed my profile picture. Is/are your pet(s) fixed? My cat is neutered, but obviously my ball python isn't. Roman would mark the house like crazy before we got him fixed... but even if he didn't, we still would have done it. Please make spaying/neutering your cats and dogs a financial investment priority. If you do the research, you would marvel over the "damage" especially one fertile cat can cause. Hell, my childhood experience with cats is enough proof of that.
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theseerasures · 5 years
Frozen 2 Reaction Post
this is 5000% because i don’t wanna do other stuff, but is it not poetic justice that i should come back to the tumbls for Frozen 2: Elsa Runs Away Some More
i’m gonna prologue this by saying that by and large i enjoyed the film tremendously; of course since this is 2019 i would have enjoyed anything that didn’t end with Elsa committing nonsensical war crimes before being put down like Old Yeller or pulling a no-homo to transcend time and space (that’s right, i’m hip enough to know about TWO of the biggest media fiascos this year, you jelly?), but the film was enjoyable even beyond that, mostly in how it affirmed my own opinions about the universe
HOWEVER, there were also huge problems that really have to be addressed, and we’re gonna start with those
cut for length and a truly immense amount of spoilers
things i didn’t like:
so the Iduna being Sami All Along thing was, um. bad! it was bad, and really reads like the team trying to cover their asses after the blowback from the first movie. why was it such a big deal for ~a Northuldran to love an Arendellian~ when Arendelle was 100% at fault in the conflict? were the spirits just like “oh the indigenous tribe that has cared for us and lived alongside us for centuries are fine i guess but OH LOOK the whitest among them just made googly eyes at the son of the guy who wants to colonize and enslave us, let’s root for those crazy kids and make their firstborn the avatar”
making Iduna a White Sami and leaning on the excuse that in real life the Sami people are linguistic and ethnically diverse and some of them can pass as white would have been fine if they didn’t EXPLICITLY RACIALIZE EVERY OTHER TRIBE MEMBER ON SCREEN. come on guys, just admit you liked Last Samurai but knew that that exact premise wouldn’t fly anymore
why couldn’t it be just a nice person who saved Agnar? why did we get yet another version of the old Pocahontas fetish?
why did Iduna being Northuldran REMAIN such a big deal to the point that she never told her kids about it and she and Agnar had to tell separate but equal bedtime stories about the same event??
whew i’m so glad this all happened so Elsa, the whitest non-anthropomorphic-snowman character in the movie, could save those savage natives with spears! They Needed Her Guidance
the songs this time mostly...felt like they didn’t really want this movie to be a musical but were contractually obligated to write songs for Disney until the heat death of the universe
case in point: Some Things Never Change was going for the Happily Ever After vibe that the Steven Universe movie had, but it...didn’t really feel earned. we obviously needed a place-setter song, but it didn’t really establish anything about what the characters have been up to or what might be still bothering them, because apparently everything is great! this worked for Steven Universe because it came off of five SEASONS of character development, but Elsa’s last big character revelation that we the audience saw was “wow guess i’m not the worst scum on earth after all.” the timeskip can only do so much, is what i’m saying
Kristoff got NOTHING to work with. i’m not like, horribly broken up about it since i know they had to keep it tight for the kids, but fucking OLAF got a heavier arc than he did, and it feels like a missed opportunity that they didn’t link HIS backstory to the Northuldrans, what with him being orphaned/abandoned/raised by trolls already set up. it doesn’t have to siphon into the White Savior main story at all, just have--i dunno, a few more scenes with the Northuldrans and him realizing that he’s probably descended from refugees who got cut off from the forest
the proposal thing was cute until i realized that they were going to just hit the same beats over and over again with each scene. it should have been resolved in act 1 instead of Kristoff disappearing for half the movie and then tacking on the proposal at the very end. not every subplot has to be stretched out to the end! in this case i feel like stretching it out actually REGRESSED aspects of Kristanna, since it relied on Anna misreading so many signals that it strained believability even for Anna. we’re supposed to think they’ve NEVER talked about this, despite having dated for 3 years and consistently trading off on being the most Extra person in the room?
the confirmation that Olaf’s fingers can wiggle will haunt my dreams
me when the stone giants interrupted Elsa’s conversation with Honeymaren: yOU COCKBLOCKERS
i find myself growing increasingly weary of the now token Disney Wink at Camera, and Elsa rolling her eyes and her past self doing Let It Go was probably the apex of that particular antipathy. showing that you’re so Over the song that made you billions in a movie that you’re shilling to the EXACT SAME CROWD is the most obnoxious humble-flex i can think of
as much as i liked Elsa jumping into the Pit of Past Misdeeds and freezing to death, i think the scene happened waaaaaayyyy too fast, especially if you compare it to how long it took for Anna in the first movie. she’s not really given any time to process what’s happening, and it kind of lessens the emotional impact.
Olaf is gone!! he’s gone, i miss him so much!! i cry myself to sleep!!!! OLAFFFFFFF!!! false. i do not miss him
i distinctly recall liking Olaf just fine in the first movie and actually found him tolerable here too, but wow i was not happy when they resurrected him, even though i knew it was a sure thing
maybe it’s because NOTHING had consequences in the end and even Arendelle, the place that all the characters have been treating like a thoroughfare for two movies, had to get saved at the last second!! Arendelle the place??? we were supposed to care enough about that to want it to be saved?? it’s not the fucking GALACTICA guys! there weren’t even any people left in the town! it’s bizarre that they tried to go so hard in the reparations route and then swerved at the last second. let Arendelle drown you cowards! let the Northuldrans offer help in solidarity if you really wanted the “bridge between worlds” angle, but come the fuck on! didn’t something like this happen with Life Is Strange already?
why didn’t Elsa go to her sister’s coronation is it just like a thing now for her to miss the major life events of her family members
the statues they unveiled at the end were horrifying
things i liked:
a lowkey thing that i’ve always appreciated about the first movie was its willingness to Go There when it came to depicting well intentioned parents who are still mired in various character flaws and wound their kids deeply, so it was nice to see that return and get expanded with parents who had Lives separate from their kids which made them That Way, and the consequences of those Lives often come back to influence subsequent generations no matter how much they try to keep it contained. it’s a good, logical extension from what happened with Elsa in the first movie.
and it’s another Steven Universe vibe, but they can go further with it faster because Elsa and Anna are the hegemony in this movie. they’re the history-makers, so their family drama very easily becomes political, and the lessons they pick up from family memories immediately end up changing the fantasy history landscape. it’s dope
baby Anna’s lil feetsies
Anna wanted to marry everyone and Elsa thought kissing was gross
everyone does feel palpably older! the first movie had a very teen feel insofar as everything was We Have to Do This or We Will All Die Immediately, but this time around all the characters feel much more comfortable in their own skin throughout the movie
everyone getting more than two outfits and all wearing pants
the revelation after so many headcanons of Elsa being a ruthless pragmatist, Elsa always being two steps ahead politically, Elsa being a literal and metaphorical chessmaster that Elsa is...actually just kind of spacey and weird was for me extremely welcome. i think part of this was done in service of Anna becoming queen at the end, but it makes sense. “attack it with ice powers” and “run away” are still pretty much the only two strings to Elsa’s bow. this is not to say that she was a bad queen, or that she didn’t try her damndest to be a fair and just ruler--when it comes down to it i think Elsa still knows more Facts about how to rule a kingdom than Anna ever will, it’s just that she’s also horribly averse to conflict and “pacing in place while blaming herself” is pretty much the extent of her productivity under serious pressure.
what sets Elsa apart (other than the ice powers) isn’t that she’s prodigiously talented, but that she’s kindhearted and extremely sensitive to the emotions and fates of others. (she’s the one who asks what happened to the spirits when Agnar is done with his half of the story.) she agonized over hurting Anna one way vs. hurting Anna another way for THIRTEEN YEARS and still couldn’t make up her mind until she was literally backed into a corner, and even that decision was “run away but FARTHER.” Anna wanting to reconcile with Elsa even after thirteen years wasn’t just because Anna’s love eclipses all; Elsa also left that door open for her, because she could never be quite as ruthless or even SELFLESS as to send her sister away for good. (”then leave! actually jk i’ll leave instead”)
but Anna wasn’t ever the exception for Elsa, either. Anna wasn’t the only corner of Elsa’s heart that she left open--Elsa’s like that with EVERYONE, even people she just met, or disembodied voices in the wild. Elsa can never do quite as many Right Things as she thinks she should, she can never be quite as driven, as strong, as single-minded as she thinks she needs to be, to fully commit to making decisions for other people. she feels too deeply and wants too much, even after all those years of trying to scour herself out with a lathe. it’s what ruins and saves her.
Anna and Elsa being horrible at charades in diametrically opposite ways was the most life affirming thing to happen to me this year
Elsa couldn’t act out ice
the two of them had MULTIPLE conversations with each other that didn’t immediately result in mortal peril!!! what a world guys
Into the Unknown fucking slaps but i’m now REALLY confused about the diegesis of the songs in this movie. i’d assumed they were all happening in story, what with the Voice and the multiple references to Let It Go, but Elsa literally bays at the moon in the middle of the night here and no one woke up??? maybe they’re all just really heavy sleepers who knows
or maybe the staff just take it in stride at this point--oh, Her Majesty is singing and crying again
Kristoff and Anna CANONICALLY FUCK, and not even in the typical cartoon “look they have kids, they canonically fuck” way in the “hey my sister and her snowchild that we’re all coparenting together are asleep on the sled, shall we fuck a mere three feet away without even putting up a divider or something” way
gotta give Jen Lee kudos for making the “Elsa has ice powers because she’s the fifth spirit” retcon make thematic sense. the most obvious way to go about this WOULD have been the avatar direction, but Elsa isn’t the union of the four elements but the union of the spirits and humanity, which is to say that she witnesses them and keeps their memories, bringing them to life and solidifying them with her powers. she’s obviously the best person for the job, since y’know. she spent thirteen years on one memory alone.
wait does this mean Elsa is basically the Resurrection Stone?? buhhhh i don’t wanna think about it
of course Anna’s sword just came from her grabbing it from an ice statue i don’t know what else i expected
i laughed at both of Olaf’s reenactments i don’t know what to tell you
i feel...Some Kinda Way about the discourse saying that Mattias being black is problematic because it suggests black collusion in indigenous genocide, but it’s not my place to comment on that, so i’ll just say that it was a pleasure to see Sterling K. Brown having fun in a role instead of his usual gravitas and misery
Elsa first making eye contact with the icemander, or Two Feral Creatures Recognize Each Other As Such--i can’t believe i thought Hiccup would be the weirdest horse girl i’d ever encounter in fiction when it’s OBVIOUSLY Elsa
what a novel concept to have Elsa charging forward while Anna tries to pull her back, telling her to slow down, that she’s climbing too high
appreciated the subtle seeding they did of Anna’s political savvy, what with her actually talking to the lost Arendellian soldiers and restraining herself from making outlandish promises to everyone she meets
Kristoff made a friend!
Elsa met one (1) girl that wasn’t her sister and immediately decided she had to live in the woods forever
Tribe Leader Lady’s reaction to Kristoff’s proposal
can’t believe Lost in the Woods invented cinema and music videos
the sisters at the shipwreck is hands down the best scene in the entire movie, aided by the drastically different palette they used to color this scene--all grays, browns, and blacks, even the surrounding environment, like Agnar and Iduna’s despair polluted the whole landscape. Elsa and Anna look horribly out of place here, like they can’t possibly be real in a world that looks like this.
it really snuck up on me how much this scene is a pivot for both of their characters: Anna’s instinct here is to look forward, to find clues that will point them to the next step; Elsa’s instinct is toward grief and, after the reveal, self-blame. for all her growth there’s still a part of Elsa that sees her existence as the catastrophe that keeps hurling the wreckage of the world at her feet. it’s something that i don’t think she’ll ever be able to completely move past.
Elsa, looking at Anna like she’s the only real thing in the world as Anna tells her that she believes in her, more than anyone or anything
“i just don’t want you dying trying to be everything for everyone else!” jesus fucking CHRIST guys
Olaf’s growing up crisis was mostly just...kinda there for me, but i will say the cut to his horrified expression when Anna said the word “dying” really did get to me
Anna switching between a Formal Court hairstyle and an Athleisure hairstyle is Bi Representation, Elsa getting increasingly more disheveled over two movies is Lesbian Representation
do i Get horse movies now
Elsa happy crying when she sees her mother in the cave made ME incredibly happy--her face is so much more dynamic this time around!
i wanna make fun of her for her stupid Dance Dance Revolution ice magic during Show Yourself but honestly..........fucking superb you funky little lesbian
aw Elsa you stood up to...an ice hallucination of your racist grandpa! in another three years (six years in production) you might be ready for Thanksgiving dinner
Elsa in the last movie: i’m never going back, the past is in the past!!!!
Elsa in this movie: brb gotta go hurl myself into a Pit of Past Misdeeds and turn myself into one of the embodied memories
Anna immediately understanding what went down at the forest before and that even if she wasn’t directly complicit in the violence she benefits from it every day, deciding to rip down Imperialism Dam without hesitation
The Next Right Thing didn’t really do it for me musically but as a core concept for Anna’s character and ethos it fucking ROCKS (pun obviously intended). i was so worried going in that they wouldn’t know what to do with Anna after the first movie other than give her powers, but instead we got confirmation that this IS her superpower: her ability to forge ahead with whatever life has given her has ALWAYS been her greatest strength.
this also explains why she felt so aimless and intent on protecting Elsa and nothing else before this point; Anna isn’t interested in delving deeply into the past, not when every other member of her family was consumed by it. with this she’s finally able to convert memory into action, and she shines.
(of course she couldn’t have GOTTEN to this point if Elsa hadn’t been so convinced that the past was worth pursuing, confirming my belief that the two of them share exactly one brain cell)
OBVIOUSLY action for Anna translates into “make myself bait for stone giants and STAND ON THE VERY DAM I WANT THEM TO RIP APART” Anna you fucking walnut
Anna threw the first brick at Imperialism Dam, actually
the understated moment when Kristoff just pushes aside his own insecurities and just asks Anna what she needs
the shot of Elsa falling into the water after she’s thawed nearly did me in
Elsa horseback riding over the water is. wow it’s the gayest thing i’ve ever seen
Anna’s coronation outfit made me kinda wistful. she looks so grown up! she looks like her mother
(i mean she always looks like her mother they literally have the same face but whatever you know what i mean)
me on my deathbed: eLSA COuldN’T aCT oUt ICE
stray observations:
is Arendelle just a tourist town where one day the guy who owned the largest house was like “this is a KINGDOM NOW I’M THE KING” and the 50 other townies who lived there were just too polite to argue
i mean it’d explain why the queen, her heir, and the heir’s consort could just waltz out of there for a week long trip and leAVE THE TROLLS IN CHARGE
when they first started getting chummy with the Northuldrans i lost my god damn mind and was like “are they gonna give Kristoff a boyfriend and Anna a girlfriend what’s happening”
is it required that female Disney protagonists have to go to a blue tinted place to realize that the magic answer was in them all along now the same exact thing happened to Moana and Rey
Elsa’s ice creations are confirmed to fade away if she dies, which...is a confirmation we needed i guess
why didn’t Mattias and Yelana fall in love to make the Chosen One instead, they had chemistry
(i mean. i know why)
i hope Anna got to yell at Elsa for at least five minutes and maybe slug her for pulling that “i’m going to Mordor alone!!!” bullshit
for a second at the end i was like “are they gonna do the HTTYD thing where we flash forward to ten years later and Anna and Kristoff take their kids to visit Elsa IS KRISTOFF GONNA GROW A DAD BEARD” but no we just had lesbian wind and origami instead
whatever your take on the movie i think we can all agree that the scene where Olaf calls the Irish “a plague on this planet which is slowly rotting it down to the rind and which must be excised” was NOT okay
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wrciteoff · 4 years
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Split them however you want among all our characters interacting. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses. // @xviperinae
Oh boy. Buckle in hens, we’re in for a long ride. if you thought i wasn’t going to go all out you were strongly misled. under a read more bc..... there is a lot.
Jacks & Viper
⭐️ There is VERY little that Jacks wouldn’t do for Viper. It’s been so long since he’s felt any form of connection from another person that Jacks probably clings a little too tightly to that.
⭐️ Whiskey has taken on a secret meaning between them for ‘i’m sorry’. After a fight or if the other is reopening an old wound in themselves a bottle of whiskey is soon bought to the scene. It’s not that they can’t verbalise those two words to each other but they’re both stubborn and sometimes ‘i’m sorry’ is easier to hear when it’s not said out loud.
⭐️  Jacks WOULD hide a body/cover up a crime scene for Viper. But he would also probably vomit...a lot. And pass out. And honestly at some point you’ve just got to admit that whilst the THOUGHT is there practically speaking he would just be a god damn liability.
⭐️ Because of the scarring(or rather the implications of the scars) Jacks doesn’t like holding hands. That being said Viper is the one person he will reach across and give her hand a gentle squeeze sometimes. It’s never a long touch and only on the rare occasions he feels its needed but it IS there. She’s also the one person he wouldn’t flinch his own hand away from if she reached for his.
⭐️ Jacks doesn’t realise Viper’s crush on him but if he did oh hens my heart is weak because he would be so SOFT and capable of more gentleness than he knows. it would mean so much to Jacks to let Viper know that even though he can’t return her affections in that particular way he LOVES her, completely and unconditionally. man, i get real emotional over this every time we talk about it but jUST. he loves her so much ok so v much and like a lil gentle hand squeeze when he realises and a ‘i get it. it’s gonna be tough to find someone prettier than me’ but also a ‘but god, look at you, you’re beautiful and you’re gonna find someone so much better’
Estela & Viper
⭐️ Every year for Christmas Estela goes ENTIRELY over board on decorations. Everything has to match a particular colour theme and each ornament has to reflect the light in a CERTAIN way. It is a complete ordeal that extends throughout the December months. Despite this Viper is allowed ONE decoration on the holy shrine for a tree and undoubtedly it’s like a miniature Tennessee whiskey bottle or something that she just knows Estela is going to hate. And Estela just accepts it. Because. GOD. If this isn’t the woman she loves.
⭐️ One year Viper bought Alejandro a Christmas jumper. but like, a real weird knitted turtle neck type deal with snowmen and robins on it and Estela found it the most hilarious thing she’d seen all year and every year on Christmas eve they put it this solemn 100 pound Doberman.
⭐️ Following from that with other doggy head canons, Viper is the only person Alejandro relaxes around beyond Estela. It took a fair amount of time before the guard dog realised Viper was the OPPOSITE of a threat. But now on quiet evenings he’ll even rest his giant head on her lap.
⭐️ Estela feels TREMENDOUS guilt over her feelings for Viper. Knowing that her selfishness is putting Viper’s life and health in jeopardy leaves a permanently bitter taste in her mouth.
( perhaps that’s why it’s so unfair that Vipers kisses taste so sweet. )
⭐️ Estela’s love for Viper is subtle but also entirely obvious if you know where to look. It’s in the slight shifts of movements that follow Viper’s, aware of the others motions without having to look. Or the way her gaze lingers a little too long, always captivated, hooked on whatever Viper is doing.
⭐️ cliché but Estela steals Vipers clothes...... a lot.
⭐️ Viper is the only person who can make Estela blush. And this was going to be a stand alone point because let’s face it, we love to see it. But also Viper is the only person who can make Estela snort with laughter or cry in an argument or leave her jaw aching from smiling. Viper is the only person who makes Estela act human.
Mila & Viper
⭐️ Mila finds herself drawn towards Viper’s aura whilst also being disconcerted by it. She finds it entirely difficult to get an accurate read on just who Viper is from energy alone. At some point I feel as though Mila would abandon her ‘sight’ and trust Viper for how she presents herself. Although the collateral fall out from that if Mila ever did discover Viper’s occupation would be... uh oh.
⭐️ Still kind of relating onto that point !! (my bad. it’s just a v interesting dynamic ok !!) Mila is very black and white on morality. She would/will/does trust Viper implicitly and entirely naively as an older sister figure in her life and someone she could admire and depend upon. And that black and white stance would be entirely challenged and crumbled upon realising that whilst she is safe with Viper that doesn’t mean everyone else is safe around Viper either.
⭐️ I like to think that maybe Mila’s seen little flashes of Viper in the corner of some of her visions. A strand of hair or a familiar gait. Little flickers that wouldn’t quite add up unless she knew that Viper had been at the heart of some of those deaths.
⭐️ Softer head canon to end on but Mila defo still has that umbrella. It’s one of her favourites now. Nobody tell her where Viper got it from, I mean it - NO one.
Lex & Martin
⭐️ Yeets these two in here because i am weak. but martin got to meet lex in such a rarely vulnerable state that already there is a very fragile flammable bridge of trust between them. Martin got to see lex as an actual KID. A scared little boy that wanted his mum or his dad or anyone at all. and don’t get me wrong, a huge amount of trust comes from the fact that Martin is (beautiful n lovely n too pure) gentle and just happens to be there at the right time but ALSO he sounds like the kid’s home and he sounds like safety n im gonna cry now ty
⭐️ Lex lashes out A LOT at martin before he really gets to know him. his dad always taught him that doctors were bad news and he feels exposed that the first time they met he was so vulnerable.  but martin just?? responds with honesty and gentleness always and lex ??? needs that. and in a matter of months the kid looks up to him and wants to be more like him. 
⭐️ lex absolutely wouldn't know how to express love especially when it borders on parental so he just leaves the weirdest gifts for martin. the WEIRDEST. a tube of fruit pastels. a dying house plant. a funky looking bone that he found the other day. the gifts make little to no sense but the fundamental binding feature is that NONE are stolen. he saves up scraps and pennies to make martin proud rather than steal something on the side. 
⭐️ i know we talked about this over discord but my fave unofficial headcanon is that if/when lex ever finds out that Martin isn’t technically Scottish his brain would just ??? implode. the singular brain cell would just ... frazzle. would pretend to understand but the inside of his brain would just be (  X  )
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bisexualterror · 4 years
noor: i'm very curious, very interested, bc like i haven't started the series it's on my to-see list 👀 and what little i read was hargreeves oc's who got paired with a sibling and that kinda weirded me out of watching it yet 😬 absorbs light hmm she's her own lil sun? her siblings lil sun? 🥺
nova: i love her, gimme more witches stories on the tvd verse khsjdjfb i can't wait to see her when the plot really starts to kick in, another win for the bennett coven who the actual series didn't seem to give a sh*t about 😤 and i saw an ask about sheila living i could cry hhhHHhHh all the adults dying, someone give this kids therapy 😶
marsilia: i lover her already, it's the first time i see a zabini oc, pls spare more mars lore 🤲 ksjsjdjf also love the nickname, mars, it's cute 💖 we also get to see more about blaise as character too! ALSO you know that whole can't remember if it was canon or fanon blaise's mom being a "black widow" or a this totally fanon mafia donna so yes can't wait to see this zabini family 😌 aAnNdD oh. my. stars. my brain just caught up she's gonna be same year with astoria, luna and ginny KSHDJSKDHD
altheia: omg 🥺🥺🥺 a doctor who oc 💖 who isn't linked with the doctor from the beginning kaksksldj like i love him but give me more oc's with their own backgrounds who don't immediately drop everything to be with him and stuff pls & tenk u 😔 lsjhskfif i thot u were gonna say theia IS missy's childe omg who is she? are her family or/and the master's important to be arranging marriages to each other? or will that be just a gallifreyan thing? what happens to her when looking into the untempered schism? how does she fare during the war? will she live to be around during the new who timeline orrrr?? ajlajshdofn sorry it's just omg 😭
OOOok sdndskjd so
noor: that’s vv fair, it’s probably because of the whole allison and luther sibling thing is canon in the show, they don’t do anything really romantic imo, it doesn’t go anywhere and honestly it seems like they just latched onto each other platonically as kids and might have misinterpreted as romantic cause they were isolated from other kids and didn’t have anyone other than each other n their other siblings??? anyway that’s how i watched it, but i 100% understand why it would put you off. but still i love these chaotic siblings svm and YES omg her siblings sun 😭😭
nova: mood, it’s part of why i created her, i love witches so much :D also ME TOO, i wanna write season three so BADly, i have so many plans for her you’re hopefully gonna love. and yeah, honestly i could rant on the injustice they gave the bennett coven but the one i hated the most was that most of them were used by other people and to further the plot and then died 😔 ND tell me about it!! we never saw bonnie’s home life but we can all take a guess and say that grams was the one who was there for her and ELENA LOST TWO SETS OF PARENTS AND THEN ALARIC FOR A BIT.  they need milk, cookies and therapy. (but also like bitch, me too tf)
djsjkjlkds ok so the main reason why i created marsilia was because i wanted to write more on blaise’s mom but lol i just had to make an oc too. there was def rumors in canon i THink of her killing all of her husbands cause they kept dying without any explanation and i wanna have fun with that, so yeah, thats gonna be fun :D also YES, i honestly just wanted to not have to rewrite every book/movie so i had her a year younger than blaise lisjlksjs but yes, she’s gonna be friends with both greengrass sisters, luna and eventually ginny (though she has a rocky start with everyone but luna XD)
altheia:  i love him too, A LOt, like so much, but yeah.....i prefer to know who my ocs are outside of their SO, esp with characters like the doctor, who can kinda be all encompassing. kjhkjdhkhsd thats what i thought it was gonna sound like after i wrote it LMAO but ye theia stays on gallifrey with her daughter when the master and the doctor leave. (damn did i just give ANOther oc my abandonment issues??)
just for a few decades so her daughter, cosima, can finish her education and then al says peace out, leaves in the dead of night to steal a tardis and travels with her daughter on her own for a few more decades that will probably pass by in like two chapters.
cosima is an odd mix of her parents, very intelligent and sweet but also super scary when angry skljslakjaslk their families are kind of important, at least they think so, but also it’s just a thing i wrote that’s normal for gallifrey.
ok so it’s kind in the WORks cause i need to figure out the side affects and the HOW part but when baby altheia looks into the schism, an alternate older version of herself, fresh from war, gets dragged into her conscience. IWONDEr WHO IT Was THAT DID THat? (it was the time lords, breaking their rules so they could groom altheia to help them in the war)
she has.... a rough time in the war, looses pretty much all of her family (cosima is ok though!!), might bring her brother abacus back cause i... can’t bare to kill him off permanently...  she WILL before around new who, i haven’t finished watching the classics so this is how i have her arks planned out:
first i’m gonna focus on gallifrey era for maybe 25 chapters and then i’m going to do like maybe four adventures of her with her daughter spanning those decades, the war i’m going to skip completely other then how she gets out of it, and then she’ll... be alone for half a chapter before reuniting with the ninth doctor (he thinks she’s dead... ) and from there i’ll probably just write her into the episodes i want, skipping some that i don’t want to rewrite, and stop whenever i get tired i guess (i do have an end in mind i just don’t know which season it’s gonna be in) cause i doubt this show is ever gonna end lsjalkLMAO
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dafukdidiwatch · 5 years
Part 335 End/Videos Analysis
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So that was a lot of videos, but it explains so much.
First: FUCKING RIGHT ABOUT CAL! Like, 100%. Knew I was right not to trust the puppet. Like, in the beginning first Act stuff I was like “yeah puppets are creepy, got to hate the puppet ha ha pick the lesser evil here jokey joke” but the more he lived and survived in convoluted ways the more my hatred grew.
Let’s try to tackle this in order of that should have/could have happened to keep things in line.
So the whole point to Caliborn’s part, was to tell us exactly what SHOULD have happened.
John uses his new powers to zap all the humans together to fight Caliborn. Caliborn absorbed the Beta-Gang into the house to be found by John later. During the blast Dirk used his soul power to trap Equius, Hal, Gamzee, and Caliborn into Lil’ Cal. Which was punted into space to be found/collected later on.
Gamzee (having his soul inside Cal) cursed Dave to dream of the puppet, which moved the puppet into the real world by John’s baby making. The Beta Cal version went with Dave, did space shenanigans, got fused with a crystal ball to become Scratch and then hatched out like the freaky muscle bound turtle man he is. (having Scratch saying “human uncle” because he is part Hal makes technical sense but is still creepy)
While Alpha-Cal went to Dirk, eventually made it’s way to Caliborn, only for his soul to be trapped in there to start the process again eventually.
That’s the story of Cal what a ride. Do you think Hussie had this planned the entire time, or was figured it out along the way?
But let’s focus on the more important part: John and the Juju.
So the house Juju contains all the Beta-Kids. Which held John, which past!John touch to get those powers and started zapping around. But because of Terezi, he zapped to change the past to keep Vriska alive.
Vriska being alive is literally what changed everything, which is unbelievable how deep that change went to.
Because Vriska was alive, things had to be retconned further than John’s intentional power usage, so his other past self was killed off (along with Dave Sprite :(  ). So the Jade and Jane that we way talking to Callie is the new canon Jade and Jane. And I don’t think that Vriska was ever supposed to be alive. Jade said she saw someone she didn’t expect to see. But she didn’t know which trolls were alive on the meteor, meaning it was like a space/time thing of knowing that she shouldn’t be there.
Instead of continuing the circle/cycle of Caliborn’s existence, Vriska made the path veer hard right to a different way.
And, wow this changes a LOT. More than I expected even.
Vriska rekindled her friendship with Terezi to be the Scourge Sisters yet again.
With Vriska around, Karkat started to hang out with Dave more to be better friends/maybe couple? (given how I missed the blatantly obvious of Meenah/Vriska until the last minute, I am going to tag that in just in case). I mean, Karkat was helping with Dave’s music instead of trying to pine after Vriska, and Dave cuddled against him while falling asleep to romance movies, so it’s possible.
While Vriska doesn’t have a romance with Kanaya, she still cares for her. So she makes sure that Rose doesn’t drink.
Vriska is able to control Gamzee to not do creepy shit, as well as be the balance Terezi needs to not be sucked into the abusive Spades spiral.
Confident Terezi didn’t go further into a depression spiral after meeting the ancestors. (I like the part where it looks like Gamzee is telling Kurloz that he couldn’t help create their dark leader because Vriska keeps him in check, and Kurloz just looks like he is so done)
And the OG Vriska still exists and still dates Meenah. That makes me happy to hear/see. Still have questions like does that Meenah remember talking to the meteor party without Vriska there or what, but it’s all good.
And instead of Gamzee being the one to make the sprites, Vriska does. And she revives Tavros for Jane! Without them blowing up, Tavros would probably help Jane out with her problems/confidence. And Dirk cringing at the thought of having Equius as his sprite, yeah that is so fair and hilarious to think about.
(does this mean that there is the OG Tavros who dated Vriska somewhere here too? Did she double stack the other sprites too, like Erisol and Fefeta?)
And finally, with Vriska alive, she put Jade to sleep (which yay she’s alive). She banded them together as a pirate captain to pull a rescue mission to save Roxy and fight Jane.
Meaning that when John and Roxy come back, it will probably be at that moment.
Which means that was the condition John and Roxy agreed too. They had to make everyone else feel sad about their deaths which had already happened.
The Prodigal Teens return.
(I’m still salty that Dave Sprite is now dead, I really liked him.)
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bae-roman · 5 years
♥ Bunny and Roman Please😊😇
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Bunny has always wanted kids. She is also very career focused though so she always figured she wouldn’t have any until she was a bit older and more established in her career buuuuut things change.
This is kind of a spoiler (but not really?) for another request I’m working on for RXB so I’m not going to elaborate on this point too much rn but when Roman finally introduces her to Nadia she like melts because like we all know how Godfrey genes work and this baby is like 100% Godfrey so the cuteness is unreal and she basically ends up momming tf out of that girl.
Bunny and Roman always joke about having another one because Bunny was an only child and always wished she had siblings and Roman loved having a little sister but they were never really serious about it, then a few months go by and what do you know, Bunny is pregnant.
Despite how career focused she is and how insistent she is about just hiring another nanny and going back to work asap, once she has her own lil mini Roman in her arms she’s just like ya ok no, never putting you down ever thanks.
And from there on out, her kids are her whole life, she’s like work who?
So they like love that, are all super happy and then a few years go by and the kids are starting pre-school and pre-k and for the first time since having a baby she actually has time to herself.
I forgot to mention, Bunny is kind of a workaholic… and by kind of, I mean totally.It’s how she progressed so far at her company even though she is so young. There has been more than one occasion where Roman had to physically pick her up and bring her home to bed because she would work like 16 hours a day and then be like no wait more.
So, when she has her and Roman’s son, and is home with the kids 24/7, that kind of becomes her job so although she enjoys having that down time while they are at school at first, she quickly starts to hate it and just needs more to do because she is the type of person who literally can not just sit and relax, she always has to do something.
*Keep in mind, she doesn’t have to worry about cleaning, cooking really or anything like that.
On top of this, she has started to miss how cute and sweet babies were and definitely has the fever so when Nadia comes home one day and starts asking for “mommy and daddy to make me a sister”, Bunny is kind of like ya ok, why not.
Roman is definitely a bit harder to convince though. Don’t get me wrong, he absolutely adores his children and loves them more than anything but “Babe, don’t get me wrong, they are the light of my life and shit but they’re crazy” and “If we have anymore they’ll outnumber us.” To be fair, that was a good point. Bedtime was hard enough already with each parent having to chase after one child and wrestle them into their beds but Bunny had her heart set on it and once that happened, it was only a matter of time until Roman caved (Especially when she reminded him about how much fun they would have just getting pregnant).
Bunny would soon give birth to twins and to Nadia’s displeasure they were boys. (Like seriously, she sulked about it for DAYS. Roman had to buy her a pony and dress it up like a unicorn to get her to stop and even then she still sassed him about how it didn’t make up for him making her live with more boys.)
Then a few years later the same thing happens when the boys start school, Bunny starts wanting more kids but this time Roman is like “Absolutely not. We already have four children under the age of 8. Four.”
And Bunny is just like “but Romannnnn, they’re so cute when they’re little, it’s just one more.”
“Yeah, you know what happens after they’re done being cute and little? They turn into animals. You can’t guarantee it’ll only be 1. That’s what you said last time and look at what happened!” and to be completely honest, I don’t even know how Bunny manages to change his mind but she does and she’s pregnant again.  
I also HC that while Roman may love the whole idea of breeding her and everything, pregnant Bunny is crazy. It wasn’t that bad with their first son but when she was pregnant with the twins? LOL. Like she would wake him up every night with a new craving, become enraged for absolutely no reason and then just cry all the time. Like shit was intense and Roman had absolutely 0 desire to ever go through that again. They may or may not have definitely been times where she would experience some minor inconvenience due to her pregnancy, stop everything she was doing and give Roman, poor Roman who was doing absolutely nothing wrong, the absolute dirtiest look she could muster and just mutter, “You did this to me” and then walk out of the room.
Anyways, this time when the baby comes, no one is more excited than Nadia because it is a little girl! This excitement lasts for exactly 4 years because “OMG Mom, why is she always touching MY STUFF”.
Bunny ends up somehow getting Roman to agree to one more child before he secretly gets a vasectomy because he has finally realized that he is in love with a baby addict and if he doesn’t cut her off at the source, they’re going to end up like “those weird mormons on tv” to which Bunny responds “I Wish” which was the prime motivator for him to book the appointment.
@billullabies @spiderman-2013 @anastasiaskarsgard @jadelynlace@imaginationlane @blake-bellamyblake @nutinanutshell @keithealpha 
*To be added or removed, let me know!
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