#and my allergies hate mowing the lawn
fyrewalks · 1 month
i am determined to finish the pairing today bc i need some queer joy in my life rn. so read first, write later. will be on disco!
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fics4you · 5 months
Hi!! Could you do SVT Dino snz, allergies and sickness headcanons?? Thank you!! 💖
Taking a break from my exam studying to do this, hope y'all enjoy 💖
No one would expect it, but Dino is actually one of the sneeziest members, but he is super embarrassed about his sneeze, so he does everything he can to avoid sneezing on camera.
He's allergic to dust, and many types of grass and tree pollen, so any time someone mows the lawn he gets very sneezy. Dino hates his allergies but hates the sleepy feeling that his allergy medicine causes even more, so he will often just suffer.
He's very sensitive to the cold and drastic temperature changes. Whether it be going into an air conditioned room after being outside in the summer or going outside when it's cold, Dino will sneeze 3-4 times.
Dino doesn't get sick easily, but when he does he is super stubborn and refuses to rest. He puts a lot of pressure on himself and hates to appear weak, which causes a lot of stubbornness and causes him to overwork himself and get more sick.
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askyuuandco · 1 year
Twst Incorrect Quotes 12
Jack: you were looking for hate. Wait a go =>=
Ruggie: Shut up punk! Instead of being mister funny man why don't you try being Mister help a brother go jump a anotha brother and get his chain back! Man I gotta find a way to get it before Leona finds out >:'(
Jack: Ruggie let the chain go. If Leona wants it back he can handle it =-=
Ruggie: then he'll think I'm a punk and kick me out the crew >:(
Jack: It's just rocks and metal it's only worth what your willing to give up for it. Is it worth getting hurt again? /=-=/
Ruggie: yeah!
Jack: going to jail? =-=
Ruggie: yep!
Jack: getting killed? =-=
Ruggie: Yes sir!
Jack: kissing a man >w>
Ruggie: yeah yeah! *realization* WAIT NO! O////O
Jack: woaahhhhh. I mean kissing a man. I mean if it feels natural and that's what your into I mean- >u>
Ruggie: No that don't count! That's a do over! I didn't know you were going to say that! >///A///<'///
Jack: guess you really want that chain back. >w>
Ruggie: NO! THE ANSWER IS NO!!! D:<
Crewel: OH! I hate Head Master! Yuu go change your clothes and mow the lawn >:(
Yuu: why do I always have to cut the grass =-=
Human Grim: Achoo! Achoo! I can not stop sneezing! Achoo!
Crewel: Grim's got allergies >:( *walks away*
Human Grim: *smug face as Crewel leaves* >:D
Yuu: *death glare* >:(
Human Grim: you just mad cause you didn't think of it first
Yuu: *kicks Grim in the face*
Human Grim: OW! *falls on the floor*
Yuu: *leaves to get dressed*
Human Grim: That ain't hurt punk ;-;
Floyd: *puts coins on the table* That's all I got >:/
Yuu: Lemonade is a dollar :(
Yuu: Lemonade is a dollar >:(
Sebek: Alright how much is the gum
Sam: 4 madol
Sebek: for gum!?!? >m>
Sam: Go somewhere else
Sebek: fine *pays the money* >:(
Sam: *gives him gum* Bathroom code is 6648-2610-35549
Sebek: c-could you say that again!? >m>
Sam: gotta buy another pack of gum. UvU
Sebek: uggghhh... >:( *pays again*
Sam: 6648-2610-3554
Lilia: He's in the bath room >XD
Malleus: Yuu come out of the bathroom >:/ *bangs on the door*
Yuu: um no! >:(
Malleus: Young lady!
Malleus: Come out of the bathroom right now! D:<
Yuu: you can't make me man!
Malleus: Yuu come out of the bathroom right now this is your father speaking and you will respect me in my house!
Yuu: *slams the door in his face* GO! D:<
Malleus: *blasts a fire ball through the door* YOU HIT ME IN THE FACE WITH THE DOOR! *realization that he hit his bestie* Oh I'm sorry baby I didn't mean it! oh no! ;A;
Lilia: *laughing his butt off* >XD
Silver: that is the best example of a teenage girl complaint ever
Yuu: *comes back from vacation* :D *sees chaos* ....D:> ...
Ace: *is on fire*
Malleus, Grim, & Deuce: *having panic attacks*
Crowley: *is dead*
Lilia: :P *waves hi too them*
Yuu: yeeeaaahhhh....This is a tommorrow problem O_O'/// *backs away from them slowly*
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creations-by-chaosfay · 6 months
Nothing's getting done today because my husband left windows open when he mowed the lawn. I'm allergic to every grass under the sun, even after 11 years of allergy shots. Wanna guess what my sinuses are like?
I hate grass. So much.
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nukenai · 19 days
I'm taking one more trip this year and now I have to again pay a friend to come check on my animals, bc my roommate has shown himself to be completely irresponsible. I asked if he could just fill the cat fountains and clean the boxes a couple times. He enthusiastically told me yes of course he could handle that!
I came home to absolutely filthy litter boxes, and my SIL said she had to refill the fountains when she checked on the lizards. She didn't do the boxes bc I told her roommate was doing them and she assumed he'd get to them. She apologized to me(!!) and said she would've done them if she knew they hadn't been cleaned... Well, I didn't know either.
He said he would care for my reptiles when I went to Disney earlier this year and I came home to more than one completely bone dry water dish. He gave me a meek "sorry". He also NEVER GOT THE FUCKING MAIL while I was in Hawaii and my SIL had to bring it in and sort it.
He is still unemployed and has been since February. He apparently complained to my SIL about how shitty it is to not have a job. But he's also not helping around the house more and thinks emptying the dishwasher is like "pulling his weight" and makes sure to tell me every time he does it. He spends a minimum of 20 hours a day shut up in his room watching movies. Uggghhhh!!!
I just can't understand people who live their lives with such little personal responsibility. People who feel like nothing is their issue and as long as their immediate space is cared for, all is well. He's never been responsible for anything but himself and his ego matters more than anything. See: lying to people about how he quit his job voluntarily instead of being fired for being bad at it.
After some arm twisting I got him to mow the front lawn and he whined and whined about his allergies and how much he hates doing lawns. Except when he moved in he told me was so excited to help with yardwork because he was proud to live in this house.
I feel like I'm going insane. He's still paying his bills and shit so I'm not going to kick him out but he is an adult man in his 30s and I feel like his mom half the time having to tell him "please do not leave onion skins all over the fucking counters and floors, they are POISONOUS to cats, fucking clean up after yourself".
Why are men
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sp00ky-p00ky · 2 years
There are 2 things I require for the rest of my life...
1. Lawn Service. Listen, I enjoy a good garden and a nice green lawn and flowers and stuff, but the reality is that I have super bad allergies. When it's hot and I have to mow the lawn I legitimately can't breathe. So if someone else could do it for me, I'd fucking love it 🥰 because I hate having to do it!!
2. A free mani/pedi every 2 weeks. I really enjoy having my nails done, it just makes me feel nice and pretty and good about myself 🖤 (black shellac is my go to obviously 🥰)
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averysmolbear · 1 year
I have a love-hate relationship with the spring. I love that I can have my window open while working or have the whole townhouse open on my days off to let all the fresh air in after being cooped up all winter. But I have seasonal allergies and I will be sneezing the whole time. Not to mention that the lawn maintenance crews are starting their mowing and trimming and whatnot which is so loud and usually makes the dogs bark like crazy.
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thebibliosphere · 3 years
All I can hear in my neighborhood at the moment: five different lawnmowers. I am SO ITCHY I HATE ALLERGIES
I hear that. They're mowing the lawn outside our house today, and I was already struggling to breathe before that.
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kaoticspoonie · 2 years
Apparently one of our neighbors complained to another one of our neighbors about our grass being taller then everyone else's? Which we don't have an HOA so we just need to stay under county height requirements..
Anyway my neighbors r all gonna know me as the one with weird allergies. And us as the ones with the weird work schedules (do u want the lawn mowed at 3 am? Bc 3-4 is the current best time)
I mean a two week long mast cell flare seems like a good reason to not cut the grass to me? Now that I seem to be recovering (after having my meds at unsafe levels and still having migraines for two weeks) we r gonna cut it in a few days.
Hoping to replace it with a non allergen alternative asap. Creeping thyme and other noninvasive ground covers probably..
Anyway I'm stressed bc I know at least one of the neighbors doesn't like barking dogs (and I know which one) and Mischief has such a high pitched distinctive bark :/ she doesn't bark a ton, less then most of the small dog neighbors. We've gotten it down to only when she sees the neighbors husky who barks whenever he is outside (and where she picked it up from) and when the neighbors kids are screaming full volume. I do have videos of them screaming and barking at her 2. As well as our security camera videos which have sight and volume detection and capture so we have proof of when/how long she is barking and how quickly I stop her.
I don't want to be the nuisance neighbors that disturb other ppl. I hate lawn culture but know it's important to other ppl for property values or something. And like I don't let Mischief bark bc I know it's annoying and I hate when other ppls dogs bark 2.
But also I know ppl can hold grudges and be petty and create issues. We had a neighbor once try to get animal control to list our rottie as a dangerous dog bc she growled at him (he was being creepy and I was a teenager so I don't blame her for being protective or reactive at all).
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wastethen8 · 3 years
it is unnecessarily hot today and some dude decided it was a good idea to start mowing the lawn outside of my apartment, not only is that way too loud but also ALLERGIES MAN, I hate this!! with a passion!! lmao
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runningandcoffee91 · 4 years
Tumblr media
2.5 hours to mow the lawn. Omg my allergies hate me 😭😭😭
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the-lady-bryan · 5 years
lemon; what’s your comfort food? titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings? violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down?
lemon - oh yes. there’s actually three comfort foods for me. mac-n-cheese. but it has to be homemade. like, completely with the crumbly buttery cracker crumbs on top, baked in the oven, etc. like the absolute best cheesy goodness ever. then there’s pecan pie. it reminds me of my grandmother and how much she hated my cousin who had a nut allergy. like, when i say hated, i mean like hated her in the way only a truly southern lady can. that deep rooted hatred that allowed her to smile and still by the girl birthday and christmas presents but the moment she came into sight everyone around KNEW shit was gonna go down but in this super polite way? it’s weird. but the hatred she held for my cousin was palatable. and i hate that same cousin with the same level of passion as my grandmother and i always feel close to her when i have pie. we hated a lot of the same people and things. and she would tell me all the deep, dark family secrets and shit and give me money behind everyone’s back. basically, if my granny had committed murder i’d be her first call to help hide the body or bake it into a pie or something. and when i miss her or am reminded of how much i hate that bitch Erin, usually around the holidays, i’ll bake a homemade from scratch pecan pie and eat the whole fucking thing knowing that if my cousin walked into my kitchen, she’d die of anaphylactic shock just the way my grandma hoped she would. And lastly, punsit. or is it puncit? fuck if i know how it’s spelled. it’s a Filipino dish that my mother-in-law makes, and she learned it from her step-father (from the Philippines) and taught to my husband. it’s basically glorified eggroll filling. we usually have it with noodles, but it pairs well with jasmine or basmati rice. when i’m sick or have an upset tummy, i want this. it’s also the food we had at my wedding, and the first dish i ate with my husband’s family. it’s rather sentimental to me.
titans - i usually get slow mornings, but i would so much prefer relaxing evenings. i would totally love it if my family would just chill the fuck out in the evenings but nope. i don’t get to have that unfortunately.  but man.... the very rare times i do..... it’s fucking glorious. i get to curl up in my favorite spot with my laptop or a good book, and have a nice hot cup of tea or cocoa. hide in my pile of comfy blankets in my favorite comfy shorts and top and just chill out to music and pizza. it’s wonderful.
violet - ideally, the middle of nowhere. like, in the woods. yeah. in the woods, possibly up a mountain a bit. don’t give a fuck if it snows or not. just, i want to be out in the middle of nowhere, left alone, with wifi, electricity, and running water. with lots of books. and a good SUV or van that can get me up and down the mountain and through the woods. i don’t like big cities, and i barely tollerate the small town i’m in now. i used to love big cities but...  not so much anymore. i hate people, you see, and interacting with them. but most of all, i hate having neighbors. just.... i hate them. i hate having their cats getting up under my house and shitting all the time no matter how many times we plug up the holes and seal off the crawlspace. i hate how they blast their music at all hours. i hate dealing with code enforcement because i went one day too long before mowing my lawn because my lawnmower broke and my neighbor is a petty bitch. and i hate it when i’ve lived next to people who deliberately trained their dogs to attack people (especially children), and i hate living next to crazy people and meth labs and in parts of town run by gangs because it’s all we can afford. i want to live in the woods, maybe or maybe not on a mountain, away from neighbors and their drama and people and the noise and just be left with all the comforts i could want and need, and my kid and my husband and just exist. also i could walk around naked when nobody’s home if i want and not have to worry about the goddamn creeper neighbor trying to peer in through my blinds when he thinks my ass ain’t lookin.
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yomiel · 5 years
i’m getting real nasty allergies now but my ma and i pruned down a lot of the juniper bush she hates! after my dad is done mowing the lawn we’re gonna rake out all the old leaves in the spot and cut it down some more n decide how to get the rest out so we can plant somethin new!
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aghostintheforest · 7 years
I was really enjoying breathing, but it seems everyone in my neighbourhood have decided to mow their lawns today, so that’s not going to happen
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moku-youbi · 7 years
I hate asking for help, but goddamn, I need it right now. Life sucks right now. I’m having serious health issues. I’m depressed. I’m stressed out. I’m barely sleeping, and I don’t enjoy anything I’m doing, and on top of that, life is throwing me one pile of shit after another, some of it literal.
Driving home on Sunday we got a flat tire. Now, we’d just replaced on tire less than a year ago after running over a fucking SCREW DRIVER that went through the inner wall of the tire at a road construction zone, but the other three were all worn down, so I had to drop 500 on new tires yesterday.
This week I’ve been trying to get ready for going out of town Friday for a trip to the in-laws. I went out to mow the lawn only to find a huge set of weeds that grew up since the last time I mowed (less than two weeks ago) that are now taller than my raised deck (about 8-10 ft). As I’m finishing up, the kid comes outside crying to inform me he pooped in his own hand in the living room because he was too busy playing fucking video games to listen to his body and trailed it through the house into the backyard all over his hand, arm, and legs, and after I cleaned it which took for fucking ever, I went back into the backyard to start mowing,  and less than a minute in, I ran over a ground nest of bumble bees that started swarming and stinging me and chased me all the way inside, through the house, up stairs, into my bedroom and into my bathroom, until I got in the shower. I have a mild allergy, so now I’ve got purple and black quarter sized welts. And now I'm going to have to spend $200 on bee removal. On top of the oil change and new brake pads I’m having done tomorrow.
In short: FUCK. MY. LIFE.
All of this is also shortly before my birthday and my son’s (July 19th and 18th respectively) so I’ve also booked a bounce house for his party I might have to cancel, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get my own birthday present, which is a new camera since our old one was broken several months ago and I’ve been waiting to justify spending on it...only now I really can’t. Plus we have the cost of travel and hotel which isn’t a big deal usually, we do budget for these things, but then life just smacked us in the face.
So, if you like my work, or if you’re just feeling generous, I’d happily take whatever donations you can make to my paypal ([email protected]) or by buying me a kofi (also through paypal, though they do take a percentage off the top). Trying to set up a youcaring page, but right now the site is being wonky. Signal boosts are also appreciated. Thanks <3
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Maybe It’s Fairies
Title: Maybe It’s Fairies Link Ship: Eileen Leahy/Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester Square Filled: Who Mows the Lawn Tags: Domestic, Domestic Fluff, Stubborn Eileen, Stubborn Sam, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe - No Supernatural Summary: Jess can't mow the lawn since she's recovering from a broken ankle, and Sam and Eileen are being pains in the ass about it. 
One of the best things about sharing a household with two other people was that chores tended to be divided up based on what everyone was good at and hated the least. They were still chores though, so no one really wanted to do any of them, but at least Jess didn’t have to get on a ladder to dust the bookshelves when dusting was Sam’s job, and Eileen didn’t have to fold the laundry because Jess did that. It was a fair arrangement the three of them had. Until Jess broke her ankle.
It was a combination of an overexcited dog and a misstep of the curb that caused Jess to break and sprain her ankle. She was really just lucky that she and Eileen had been walking the dogs and hadn’t been alone. Laying on the sidewalk while waiting for Sam was bad enough, but at least she didn’t have to worry about Boomer and Max trying to climb all over her like it was play time. Three weeks in, the painkillers were mostly un-needed and Jess could hobble around on crutches so it wasn’t that big of a deal. What was a big deal, however, was that the lawn had remained un-mowed.
Jess actually liked mowing the lawn. It was one of the chores she didn’t mind that allowed her to be outside and get a little exercise. All the lawn work was her job, mostly because neither Sam nor Eileen were allowed to touch her rose bushes. But an un-mowed lawn meant the grass was starting to seed and it was ugly and potentially allergy-inducing. Jess brought it up, for the third time, over Sunday brunch.
“Which one of you is going to mow the lawn?” She asked. She signed as she spoke, even though everyone knew Eileen could read lips. She just had a bad habit of pretending she hadn’t paid attention or caught what other people were saying when she didn’t want to acknowledge things.
“Oh, um. I kinda told Dean I’d spend the day watching Emma while he and Benny went out,” Sam said.
That wasn’t a surprise. She’d known that for days, but she also knew Dean and Benny weren’t planning on even leaving the house until four and it was only ten.
“Okay, but it’ll take you twenty minutes at most. And you don’t have to leave the house until at least three thirty.”
Sam shrugged. “Oh. Wow. What time is it?” He checked his phone. “I could’ve sworn it was later than that.”
Jess rolled her eyes.
“I do still have that brief I have to look over, though. I need to make sure we’ve got everything in order for our case on Wednesday.”
“Okay, Eileen, what are you doing today?”
Eileen’s eyes went a little wide as she shoved a massive bit of scone into her mouth. She wouldn’t sign if she had food in her mouth, regardless of the fact that she didn’t even have to talk in order to get her point across. Several moments later, she signed: “Boomer needs a bath. And if he’s getting a bath, Max is going to want one, too.”
“You could do that afterward,” Jess offered.
Eileen frowned over at Sam who was looking at his muffins like they were the most interesting thing in the world.
“Why are you two so intent on avoiding the lawn?” Jess asked.
“I’m not opposed,” Sam said, “just, that’s usually your job.”
“Not with crutches it’s not,” Jess said. “And you’ve been doing the vacuuming so why can’t you do the lawn?
“Well yeah, but, the lawn mower hates me,” Sam said.
“That’s ridiculous!” Jess said.
“No, it’s true! I can never get it started and when I do there’s always something screwy with the blades. Last time I tried it I broke the mower and we had to get a new one.”
“That was two years ago,” Jess said.
“And in two years we haven’t had an issue with the mower, have we.”
Jess rolled her eyes. “Alright, Eileen, what’s your excuse?”
“I clean the pool.”
“Sam doesn’t do any yard work.”
“She’s got a point,” Jess said.
“Okay, but I’m doing more than half of your chores while you heal,” Sam said.
“That’s because I’m too short to dust,” Eileen signed.
“You could use a ladder,” Sam said.
Jess rolled her eyes. “Well, one of you needs to figure out who is going to mow the lawn because it’s starting to seed. It needs to be done soon and I don’t care who does it as long as it gets done.”
Sam and Eileen stared at each other for a moment before Sam brought his hands up for rock paper scissors. Seven ties later, Jess gave up on paying attention.
Three days later the lawn still hadn’t been mowed and neither Sam nor Eileen had stepped foot outside the house to do it. How the hell Jess wound up getting together with two grown adults who refused to even mow the freaking lawn was beyond her. She needed to figure out a way to get someone to do it before their front lawn turned into a jungle. She called Dean.
“”Sup Jess?”
“Your brother and his girlfriend are being idiots again,” Jess said.
“Oh, no. Sounds serious. What’d they do, forget to clean out the fridge again?” Dean asked.
“Spent too much at the farmers market?”
“They won’t mow the lawn,” Jess said.
“Seriously? The lawn?”
“Okay. What are you gonna do about it?”
“I have no clue, Dean. I’ve tried to get them to do it for weeks and they just won’t. They’re making excuses and I just don’t know what to do outside of hobbling my ass out there and doing it myself.”
“Yeah, that’s a disaster waiting to happen.”
“Yeah, no kidding. Why they both have to be so stubborn is beyond me.”
“Have you tried bribery yet?”
“With what? I’m already cooking for all of us.”
Jess snorted. “Yeah, no. I’m not trading lawn work for sex.”
“What about ransoming their shit?”
“Hmmm. I hadn’t thought of that.”
“I used to do that shit to Sam all the time when we were kids. If Sam refused to keep his dirty ass socks on his side of the room I’d steal his skin mags.”
“Hey! It got him to keep his shit on his side of the room. It was a win for me.”
“Yeah, but you had to touch your brother’s porn.”
“You severely underestimate the level of grossness two teenage boys living in the same bedroom involves.”
“Ugh. Remind me never to have boys.”
Dean laughed. “Good luck with that.”
“But seriously, I might have to do that. I just need to find a good place to hide their shit.”
“You could always hand it over to me. You and Eileen are helping watch Emma this week so I can just take it on my way out. Then they really won’t find it until one of them mows the damn lawn.”
“I like the way you think.”
“Have you seen my running shoes?” Sam asked, digging through the hamper. Why they’d be in there was anyone’s guess.
“Nope,” Jess said. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling.
“Dammit. I could have sworn I put them right over here,” Sam gestured to the end of the bed. “Unless the dogs got them.”
“The dogs are better behaved than that,” Jess said.
“Have you seen my bookmark?” Eileen signed.
“Not recently,” Jess signed.
Eileen frowned, rifling through the papers on her desk. “I left it right over here after I finished my last book. It was the nice one leather one with the gold ribbon,” she signed once she finished.
Eileen frowned and looked under the desk.
“Shit!” Sam grumbled, digging through his desk drawers. He was making enough racket that Jess had decided to wobble into the room.
“What’s up babe?”
“I can’t find my headphones. You know, the really nice wireless ones. I can’t find them and I know I didn’t take them into the office with me.”
“Huh. That’s really weird,” Jess said.
“I don’t know what they hells going on around here. My running shoes are gone and my favorite tie is missing and now my headphones. You don’t have anything to do with it, do you?”
Jess shrugged.
“And Eileen is missing her favorite bookmark and her mom’s recipe book, too.”
“Maybe it’s fairies.”
“Fairies? Seriously, Jess?”
“I dunno. Could be. I hear they tend to be mischievous and like to mess with the people who live in areas they’ve made their homes in.”
“So, putting aside the fact that fairies aren’t real, why the hell would fairies want to mess with me? Or Eileen?”
Jess smirked. “Maybe they decided they like the lawn and decided to make their home in it.”
Sam’s face fell and he frowned at her. “Where’d you put them?”
“Me? I don’t have them.”
“Seriously, Jess.”
“Seriously, Sam. I don’t have them. But I would suggest that if either of you wants your stuff to stop disappearing, you should mow the lawn and kick the fairies out.”
Sam rolled his eyes and groaned. “This isn’t funny.”
“Neither is my overgrown lawn,” Jess said, wobbling back out of the room and back into the living room.
Sam and Eileen sulked for the rest of the evening.
For the first time in more than a month, Jess got to have lunch with her sister. It had been too long since they’d been able to work their schedules around and actually see each other again, and it was nice to see her. So, Jess had been having a good day when her sister dropped her back off at home but it was elevated to a great day when she noticed the lawn cut down to a manageable length and all the seed and clippings raked away.
Both Eileen and Sam were sitting in the living room, Eileen playing with Emma on the floor while Sam sipped a lemonade and watching TV. They all turned their attention onto Jess when she walked into the room.
“So, which one of you mowed the lawn?”
Sam shrugged.
“Maybe it was the fairies,” Eileen said.
Jess chuckled and set her purse on the coat rack by the door. She’d text Dean to return their stuff in a while, but right then she wanted to have a lemonade and sit in her fresh cut grass. Maybe the other three would enjoy joining her.
Tag List: @maliciouslycreative, @purgatoan, @samanddeaninpanties
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