#and mr hong ofc
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helianthus21 · 9 months ago
this is the one btw
every day i think about that Vincenzo timeloop AU
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hymnzz · 2 days ago
a thing i think about a lottt with hong lu is his body language... he's so casual but he's still... really reserved. an example of this is his sprite artwork— he's walking towards the viewer, weapon in hand in a very non-aggressive stance. but his hand is behind his back! he's a lil secretive with it. in fact in a "default" stance it seems like he literally keeps his "cards" close to his chest— his hands are either behind him or crossed.
when he gets excited he has a tendency to clap his hands, and his body language does get more open with that (he's not hiding anything!) and this is where he reminds me a lot of a puppy— but specifically a well-behaved one. rather than jumping up and down and charging headfirst (like say...don quixote does) he just sits there and wags his tail. does that even make sense.
his fighting style is actually a little flashy...or rather, it appears that fighting is "easy" (or he wants it to appear that way) for him and therefore he has time to do flashier things. this is seen across a lot of his cards, actually... w-corp he has the little stomp animation while he tips his hat. in tingtang he makes a show out of spinning his knife around. k-corp directly states that he just starts "spinning his weapon around." his body language is looser because he can afford to do so, which i think is interesting.
another thing which i think is really important — him closing his eyes. in canto 7 we see that he takes notice of don's eyes "twinkling like two bright stars" which is ofc a testament to how observant he is. but also keys us in to why his close-eyed smile is used so much. this isn't mind-blowing information here but. he's suppressing his emotions and he does not want anyone to be able to tell. therefore he keeps those "windows to the soul" tightly shut when something upsets him dante's "I noticed that the light in Hong Lu's left eye was growing dimmer, like light fading away as it sinks into the depths of the dark waters…" comes to mind here also (ALSO in canto 7...hong lu asks "is that a compliment?" when heathcliff remarks that him and his sister are similar. there is no way mr. "hey i think yi sang has been secretly calling for help in subtext" didn't pick up on the fact that it definitely Wasn't. i specifically think he got a lil peeved because xichun was insulted by association. idk.)
idk this is word vomit im so sleepy and always thinking about this guy. pixels are doing this to me.
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mephistopheleswasrobbed · 2 months ago
Episode 4 similarities and differences between Ossan's Love (2018) and Ossan's Love Thailand
[Ep 1; Ep 2; Ep 3; Ep 4; Ep 5]
(disclaimer: I have watched all of the Haruta + Maki version of OL [Ossan's Love, Ossan's Love: LOVE or DEAD, Ossan's Love Returns] except for the specials which I haven't gotten around to, and I've watched the airport AU season Ossan's Love: In the Sky. I haven't watched the original one shot episode and the Hong Kong version.)
(disclaimer #2: This is just for fun. I'm not intending to make any statements over which version is superior or anything like that in this post. If you noticed something I missed please let me know so I can add it! I only rewatched ep 3 of the Jv for this.)
For the sake of my lazieness I will use Tv for Thai version and Jv for Japanese Version.
Back to scene by scene for this episode, although it's getting a bit more difficult.
Cher-aim Objects:
Boss talks to Cher-aim about the possibility of remarrying to which she objects, going on a bit of a catastophizing spiral about it. Boss lies he hasn't found anyone yet and they hug, boss looking sad, Cher-aim plotting. This scene, a continuation of their scene last ep, doesn't have a clear equivalent as far as I can tell but it's still working to establish the baseline where the viewer understands why she's against her father dating and she is suspicious of her father dating. Those two things had been set up for Choko in ep 1 and 2 of the Jv already (ofc her objection needs less explanation seeing as she's boss's wife not daughter).
Boss's Bedroom:
Cher-aim sneeks into her dad's bedroom to look into his phone. This happened in ep 2 of the Jv. In both versions C holds open boss's eye/s to open his phone. Both bosses mumble Hengny/Haru-tan in their sleep leading to C misunderstanding "Honey"/"Haruka" respectively. Tv Cher-aim also looks at his call history which is how she becomes aware of Heng, Jv Choko asks sleeping boss if he loves "Haruka" which he affirms.
Mo is Mad:
Heng is gaming, Mo interrupts him, telling him to clean up or he'll move out again. Again there isn't really a comparable scene to this in the Jv, though Mo's attitude here is somewhat more similar to Maki's in ep 1 when he first moved in with Haruta. We also get a good bit of Mr. Saturnworld screentime, obviously in the Jv there is no couple mascot to promote, for the Tv this is relevant as it is when Mo learns about this specific mascot character Heng likes. Heng asking Mo to pitch in to buy more Mr. Saturnworld stuff is a nod to the Jv ep 1 scene where Haruta asks Maki to pith in to buy a VR headset.
Choko Meets Haruta:
The first scene of the Jv also continues from the last scene of the previous ep with Choko pretending to be a regular client and not so subtely trying to look for "Haruka".
Apartment Viewing:
Tv Heng shows an apartment to Cher-aim, she asks about "Honey" on their team. This scene is a merging of two scenes in the Jv. The first one where Haruta shows Choko the first apartment and the second one which comes after two small other scenes in the Jv where Haruta shows her another apartment and she asks about "Haruka". Both Cs explain their curiosity by claiming the woman they asked about is someone they know who works at the company (Tv: C's friend, Jv: daughter of C's friend). Some differences: (1) because of Thai nicknames Cher-aim also asks about "Bee" not just "Honey" establishing her penchant for drawing connections, (2) we learn a bit more details about Choko's life such as her work, (3) we're shown a bit more of H & C getting along well in the Jv. Both versions bring up the possibility of the woman working at HQ though in the Jv Choko asks H to check (her excuse: she wants to give her a gift for her baby being born) while in the Tv Heng states C's friend might work at HQ.
Office, Wife?!:
Back in the office Takegawa and Maika see Choko's application form and realise she's their boss's wife.
Helping Grandma:
On the street an elderly woman approaches Haruta to ask for directions to which he offers to take her to her destination, asking Choko to wait a bit. We see here that Choko chose him from the company roster not because of his name, as initially implied, but becasue of him being stated to be nice which she finds confirmed by his actions here.
Second Apartment:
The aforementioned second apartment scene where Choko asks Haruta about "Haruka".
Office Meeting:
All of the main team meet at the office. Some general meeting stuff, boss assigns Maro and Haruta to sandwich-man duty and asks Haruta to organise a celebratory get-together, boss lowkey beefing with Maki by "accidentally" bumping into him. After boss leaves, Takegawa, Maika and Maro corner Haruta about Choko which is how he finds out she is the boss's wife. He gets worried about this and tries to ask Maki for help which is interrupted ba Takegawa finding some fault in Maki's work. No equivalent scene in the Tv so far.
Elevator Beef:
Mo and boss run into each other in the elevator. Boss asks about Heng, tries to rub it in that they're not living together anymore to which Mo smugly tells him that he moved back in. Boss gives Mo a lunchbox for Heng who alledgedly complained about the cooking at home. No such scene in the Jv, though I guess one could call this an extention of the bump in the office scene. Certainly attitues (boss's especially) are quite similar.
Cher-aim has brought Heng to her mother's grave. This is where Heng finds out she's his boss's daughter (comp. to Jv finding out the connection from his colleagues at the office). She's dramatic about her father possibly dating someone new and "asks" Heng, who she has assumed to be her dad's best friend based on the call history, to help her find the woman her dad is dating. This scene is somewhat comparable to a later scene of the Jv where Choko asks Haruta to meet her at a cafe and tells him about her husband probably cheating on her and explicitly asks Haruta for help to find "Haruka". Some notable differences: Jv Choko tells H she'll "destroy" Haruka for what she did which scares H a little, Jv Choko tries to bribe H by promising to buy the property he'd been advertising if he helps while Tv Cher-aim goes more for emotional manipulation/ ignoring Heng's objections (like father like daughter).
The team meet at Chizu's bar for their celebration. Boss is otherwise occupied. Maro is a bit of a dick to Haruta as usual, the team briefly discuss H & M's living arrangements. Haruta goes to order at the bar wich leads to:
Restaurant Advice Corner:
Tv Heng has told Chicha and Thua-ngok about the situation. Chicha asks why he didn't just tell the truth, Thua interjecting that that would mean outing boss to his daughter. They agree that for the daughter worse than her dad liking a man is him liking Heng. In the Jv we get some more interesting food concoctions from Teppei, Haruta explains the situation to Chizu who tells him boss can't just explain the whole situation to his wife as that would mean outing himself to her. She adds that this is worse than just a normal affair and it being Haruta is even worse. In the Tv Heng gets a call from Cher-aim asking to meet the next day. He agrees. Chicha tells him he should use this opportunity to tell her he can't help her. Thua jokes about Heng helping her to find Heng (Jv Haruta says something similar in his voice over after the cafe scene) and finds inspiration for a new song.
Divorce Stand-off:
Again, Choko asks boss to tell her about the reason for the divorce, he's visibly trying but ultimately can't get it out. Though there is no one to one equivalent to this scene in the Tv, the two late night scenes between boss and Cher-aim show Tv boss similarily wanting, but not being able to, tell her about Heng.
Back at the Celebration:
Cut back to the celebration, Chizu brings drinks to the table with Haruta, Maika asks if they're dating and upon their denial states they'll end up together eventually anyway. Chizu assures that will never happen and Maro takes that as an opportunity to flirt with her. She's flattered by that, they exchange numbers. Haruta asks about Maki, witnesses him being scolded by Takegawa outside the restaurant. Again, no such celebration in the Tv, though there are parallels to the flashback scene where Mo mistakenly thought Heng and Chicha were dating in ep 1.
About Takegawa:
Back at home Haruta tries to talk to Maki about Takegawa shouting at him but Maki waves him off. The Takegawa/Ten storyline hasn't been started yet in the Tv so no comparable scene so far.
Haruta sends off a complaining sandwich-Maro, gets a text from Choko asking to meet up. Haruta is distressed, Maki offers to go with him but Takegawa gets in the way, again scolding Maki for doing something wrong and telling him to correct it right now. Haruta assures Maki he's fine to go alone.
At the Cafe:
Haruta meets Choko at a cafe with his advertisment-sandwich-gear. She tells him her husband is cheating on her and she needs Haruta's help to find the affair partner. This is the aforementioned scene that somewhat parallels the graveyard scene in the Tv. Another parallel: Jv C tells H boss has never lied to her before "Haruka", Tv C tells H boss has never wavered in his commitment to her dead mother before "Honey". Haruta gets a text from boss asking to meet up later that night. Haruta agrees to help.
Someone's Watching:
As Haruta walks along the river innerly monologing about his troubles we see he's being watched by a man of whom we see only the feet.
Who's Honey:
Cher-aim meets Heng at the office to look for "Honey". Heng tells her he can't get involved in his boss's private life so she tells him she'll hire a private investigator instead wich has him agree to help her after all. This line is inspired by the Jv where Choko tells boss in the divorce stand-off scene that she'll be forced to hire a private investigaor if he doesn't tell her the reason for their divorce. Cher-aim then asks about the names of various women working in the office to see if they might be "Honey". The equivalent Jv scene happened in ep 2 when Choko visited the office while boss wasn't there to see if "Haruka" worked there. Both scenes have a female employee who's often around but not part of the main cast bring tea for C. The conspiracy theories for why any of those women might be the one she's looking for are exclusive to the Tv. C taking into consideration the person she's looking for might be a man and ultimately landing on M as her prime suspect are both Tv original. Her looking through the employee list to see Mo's full name is a nod to the Jv scene at the end of ep 2 where Choko looks through the employee list online and finds Haruta.
Following Mo:
Cher-aim and Heng follow Mo out of the office, witnessing him throw away the boss's lunchbox which C takes as further evidence he's dating her dad and then go to the toy section in a mall where they lose him because Heng gets distracted by the workers who know him by name. In the mall Heng thinks Mo has become interestet in mascot characters, tells Cher-aim he only speaks with Mo once a year and asks to borrow money from her to pre-order something. Since in the Jv Choko never has a specific suspect all of this doesn't happen, however there is still a very similar scene where C and H follow boss from the office to the restaurant where he's supposed to meet with H. Haruta tries to get out of it, first by telling Choko he's suddenly got a bad stomach ache, then by pretending he didn't see the boss go into the restaurant but Choko keeps pulling him along.
Sneaking In:
Cher-aim tries to sneak in without her dad noticing but he's already waiting for her. He tries to tell her about meeting Heng the following saturday but in the end he can't do it and lies instead. They hug, boss looks sad, Cher-aim plotting. There is no equivalent scene in the Jv but as previously mentioned, boss's struggle of wanting to tell C but not being able to is also seen in the divorce stand-off scene in the Jv.
At Home:
Mo is at home complaining about Heng's many packages, Heng is smug because he thinks Mo has also gotten into the collecting hobby. When Heng asks him what he had been doing after work Mo evades the question. Heng then gets a call from Cher-aim asking him to meet the following saturday to follow her dad who seems to be meeting his secret lover for a birthday celebration. Heng agrees and then wonders whos b-day it might be only to realise it's his. The "equivalent" scene in the Jv is quite different. Haruta comes back to the office and mopes around Maki, asking if he needs any help which Maki denies, later he asks Tagegawa if Maki's been having any problems which Takegawa denies, making Haruta confused. He then gets a call from Choko asking him to follow her husband that evening as he wrote about going on a date in his calendar. Both versions Hs try to convince C that it might be a work appointment at first, both are thwarted by boss being too obvious in his calender (Jv: word "date" in a physical book-type calender, Tv: heart emoji in his phone's calender).
Heng meets boss in his office, boss asks him to meet up on saturday. Heng tries to get out of it by claiming he has plans to play badminton with Newyear which is immediately thwarted by Newyear coming to ask for a day off to visit his sick mom which boss happily grants so Heng reluctantly agrees to meet boss. In the Jv boss invited Haruta via text at the end of the scene where Choko and Haruta meet at the cafe. Thereby the order is changed between adaptations. In the Jv boss invited him first and then Choko asked him to spy on the date while in the Tv Cher-aim asked first and boss invited Heng afterwards meaning Heng knows at the time of invitation that boss thinks of this as a date while in the Jv he only realised when Choko told him.
Asking Mo for Help:
At home at the dinner table Heng annoys Mo by clearly trying to say something but not doing it. When Mo calls him out on it he tries to trick Mo into going to meet boss instead of him. After explaining the situation off-screen Mo tells him to tell Cher-aim the truth (in exactly the same way Heng predicted to Chicha previously). Heng beggs him to help but Mo says he's busy using the same excuse Heng tried to use with boss (badminton with Newyear) which Heng knows to be a lie. Mo then tells him it doesn't matter, he needs to fix his problems himself. There is no such scene in the Jv as Maki isn't really involved in the Choko plotline at all. Heng trying to get Mo's attention by being annoying can potentially be somewhat compared to Haruta doing something similar at the beginning of the previous Jv office scene which ends in Choko calling about the date, though it's also just generally in character for both versions of H.
At Boss's Place:
Cher-aim sends off her dad who's still pretending he's having a work meeting. After he leaves, Heng appears from around the corner to follow him with Cher-aim. This scene is also somewhat comparable to the Jv scene where C and H follow boss to the restaurant though we don't get anymore actual following in the Tv as we had already seen them follow Mo previously.
Following Boss:
Choko and Haruta follow boss from HQ to the restaurant. This is the previously mentioned scene that inspired the Mo-following scene.
At the Restaurant:
Cher-aim and Heng sit in the restaurant with "disguises" (sunglasses for both, a pink wig for C, baseball hat and fake mustache for H) and watch boss arrive. In the Jv boss gets there first as the other two had been following him so they sneak in while he's already sitting there. No disguises in the Jv. In the Tv Cher-aim asks the waitress to come back later while in the Jv we see them having drinks on the table after a small time skip. Jv Boss then texts Haruta to ask why he's late. Meanwhile Tv boss calls H basically as soon as he's sat down there's no time skip. Before that Heng tries to leave by claiming a stomach ache like Jv H had done when following boss, he gets similarily shut down by C. Both Hs excuse the texts/phone call from boss as being work related (though Tv C briefly suspects Heng of spying on her for her dad before that). Both Cs go to the bathroom after that. Both Hs use this opportunity to call boss to say they won't be aable to make it, both are immediately spotted by boss from beyond some barrier in the restaurant. Tv boss briefly questions Heng's location and appearance to which Heng only answers with "surprise!" both Hs react similarily awkwardly to being found. Both Hs then sit with boss and boss gives them an update on the C situation (Tv has been dropping hints, Jv hasn't found the right timing yet). Both Hs play along with boss for a bit (boss suspecting his daughter having a bf obvs exclusive to the Tv, Jv boss instead talks about missing H and having dinner being ok despite no divorce yet). Both Cs come back and gesture at H to come back over. Jv C also texts with H while H splits his attention between texting back and boss. Both bosses excuse themselves to the bathroom. On the way Tv boss walks past C who hides behind a plate, turning her back to her dad. Jv C does a similar thing a little later in the scene. Both versions C and H meet again as soon as boss is out of sight (tho Jv H runs to C, Tv C runs to H). Both Hs say that boss's date has cancelled and they should leave. Both bosses come back before they can, Jv boss just normally from the bathroom, Tv boss with lights out and a birthday cake. Both versions H and C jump to hide. Jv C steals a waiter's tablet hand hides her head behing it. Tv C jumps behind the bar and also uses a tablet as extra shielding. Jv H & C then run out of the restaurant behind boss's back, boss receives a text from H telling him he had to leave due to an emergency. Meanwhile Tv boss stands there with his cake confused as to where Heng went while the light comes back on. He sees a plant trembling which Heng is holding onto and moves towards him. Shortly before he catches Heng, Mo swoops in thanking boss for the cake and blowing out the candles, the other restaurant patrons applaud. These scenes are pretty similar between the versions until the end where they differ a lot. Biggest differences being that the whole birthday thing is exclusive to the Tv as is Mo appearing and saving Heng.
Filming Evidence:
At the garage Mo tells boss Heng had an emergency and asked him to receive the cake for him. He also rubs it in again that he's living with Heng. Cher-aim films Mo receiving the cake with Heng's phone because it's illegal. She plans to use the clip to blackmail Mo into staying away from her dad. There is again no equivalent scene in the Jv as Jv Maki isn't involved in this plotline. The vibes of the "that's why I used your phone to record" bit are maybe similar to a Jv moment when H & C first start following boss and C says she knows boss hasn't left yet because she called pretending to be a client.
Back at Home:
After the restaurant thing both versions show H and M at home, though the content of the scenes is quite different. Jv Maki is mad at Haruta for talking to Takegawa about him. He's pissed about Haruta being insensitive, Haruta, who doesn't know the real context, gets annoyed he's getting scolded for his well intentioned actions and petulantly throws around some tissues. Tv Heng shows Mo the clip, telling him he'll delete it and apologising for dragging him into his mess. Mo makes him bow his head in a pology and uses the opportunity to present Heng with his b-day gift. It's a Mr. Saturnworld blind box. Heng realises that this is what Mo had gone to the toy store for. He opens it to find a grumpy? version of the character. Because this version isn't shown on the box they think Mo got scammed, Heng tells him he'll go with him to get a new one the next day.
Maro at the Bar:
Haruta goes to the bar to find Maro already there. He's asking Chizu to go on a date with him. Haruta tries to leave again but Teppei asks him to try a new dish to which Haruta eventually relents and comes back in.
Discovery Time:
Cher-aim tries to sneak in again, only to again be caught by her waiting dad. Cher-aim calls him out for having cake frosting on his sleeve, boss tells her to tell if if she comes home late again. They hug again with boss looking dejected and Cher-aim plottingly. Boss leaves to take a shower and Cher-aim looks at the present boss had failed to give Heng contemplatively. Jv shows boss looking sad in the shower while Choko is looking through his stuff. Eventually she finds a notebook that has her looking in boss's direction angrily.
Back at the Bar:
Haruta complains to Teppei about Maki being mad at him while tasting the new chicken wing with caramel sauce combination. Chizu joins them as Maro went outside to take a call. Haruta remarks that he seems to be serious about her to which she asks if that makes him jealous. They then briefly fight about her chest size before Haruta gets a call from Choko.
The Grand Reveal:
The next day, Heng meets Cher-aim in a cafe where she shows boss's b-day gift to him which is a jar filled with origami stars with an individual message in each of them. As she explains we see her reaction to seeing the gift and a shot of her dad making the gift. Seeing how "Mo" makes her dad this happy, and the love apparently shared between them, she decides to cheer her dad on insted and tells Heng as much. She thanks Heng for his help and tells him he's the best person she's met to which Heng responds that he's not a good person.
In the Jv Haruta also meets Choko at a cafe but it's still the same evening. She sadly tells him she's discovered undeniable proof of her husband having an affair. She explains about finding his secret notebook about his lover where he's written down everything about "Haru-tan". While she explains we see boss post shower seeing the notebook on the table alongside a note from Choko that reads "Thank you for everything" and run out. At the cafe a waitress asks to take their order but Haruta asks her to come back later (like Tv in the restaurant scene). Choko tells Haruta she'll walk away, that boss deserves to be happy if he's so deeply in love with "Haru-tan". Haruta thinks it's wrong to leave without talking but Choko remarks that she still has some pride left, won't cling to a man who loves someone else. Haruta says they've been together for 30 years and boss isn't someone who runs away from reality (weeeell that's debatable, but not in this case I guess). Choko tells him he's such a good man, Haruta denies, saying there's nothing good about him. Both are crying. While all of that happens we get several shots of boss running through the streets, looking for Choko until he sees her in the cafe. He goes to them asks why Choko is crying and initially thinks Haruta said something to upset her (this might be the only time boss seems to actually be mad at Haruta for a second). Choko and boss both tell each other they need to say soomething to the other, Boss sits down next to Haruta, who tries to leave but gets pulled back to his seat the other two (they're in a booth so after sitting down boss has blocked H's only way out). Choko asks boss if he's come to hate her which he denies vehemently, admitting though that he's fallen in love with someone else. She asks if it's "Haru-tan" which he affirms and then who "she" is. Haruta tries to escape by climbing over the back of the seat but is pulled back by boss. Boss finally admits "Haru-tan" isn't a woman but a man. Choko is confused. Boss tells her the one he loves is Haruta and pulls him into his arms. She asks Haruta for his name and he answers "Haru-tan" while crying. Choko screams, boss hugs Haruta tighter, the episode ends.
In the Tv boss sees C and H in the cafe. He'd been following her due to his suspicion of her having a boyfriend. He tells her she can date anyone she wants but not lie to him about it and asks who the guy is. He turns around Heng's head and realises it's him. Confused he asks Heng what he's doing here to which Heng again answers "Surprise!". Cher-aim and boss tell each other they both have something to tell the other, so boss sits down next to Heng (free standing table with chairs). Heng tries to leave but boss bulls him back into his seat. C tells her dad that she knows about his feelings he's been hiding from her and that she asked Heng to help her find out. Boss apologises, telling her he's been trying to tell her but it's not that easy, she interrupts to ask "because it's a man, right?". She tells him that if he makes him happy she's okay with it. Boss is reliefed/touched and thanks her, asks her if she wants to know who it is. Heng says "No" and tries to leave again but in once again pulled back down by boss who tells C it's Heng and pulls him in with one arm. Cher-aim asks Heng about his name who replies that his name is Heng but boss likes to call him "Hengny". C exclaims "The real Honey is you!" looking mad, boss lets go of Heng and the episode ends. Again this scene is pretty similar in both versions though the context and the emotions esp. from C are quite different. Particularily noteworthy imo is that because there's no cheating in the Tv we get a brief quite sweet moment of Cher-aim accepting her father's love for a man (parents coming out to their children definitely a rarer sight than the other way around in BL, probably in media in general).
Post-credit Scene:
Mo and Heng in the toy store trying to return the "fake" Mr. Saturnworld doll. The seller tells them it's a rare special edition which they don't believe at first but do when he and several other patrons try to buy it from them for increasing sums of money. Mo thinks they should sell it but Heng refuses because it's a birthday gift from his friend. Mo is touched but still thinks he should take the money. The seller asks to at least take a picture, takes a polaroid of the two with the doll and Heng writes "this on is mine" on it (over Mo).
General Thoughts:
again we're seeing Mo being more involved in the story compared to Maki in the Jv and we're seeing added material to show the developement of M and H's relationship in more detail
because the Jv only had 7 eps compared to the 12 of the Tv, the Jv has multiple storylines running at the same time. In ep 2 tha main story was about H & M being able to live together/Maki's feelings for Haruta but simultaneously there were small scenes setting up the Choko storyline of ep 3, then in ep 3 it's mainly Choko's storyline but small scenes are setting up the Takegawa storyline. In comparison the Tv has, so far, kept the storylines more contained to their own episodes which makes sense as they have more time available
despite the differing episode count, so far, the Tv hasn't elongated storylines. Ep 1, ep 2 and ep 4 all tell the same main storyline in one episode as the Jv, with ep 3 adding completely new material that has no equivalence in the Jv. It will be interesting to see if they stick to that concept or if later storylines get elongated or mixed up differently to increase the runtime
we're seeing the inclusion of some classic Thai tropes like the lights out birthday cake thing
some of the side characters, especially Chicha and Thua-ngok are seen less often in the Tv so far, this might be evened out with the original storylines though
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reeteee · 11 months ago
Hong cha young somehow in Italy/malta where ever vincenzo is, and her life in his life, just like we saw vin's life in her life. You get me?????? Everything. Everything. Her belief about the fact that no one can kill his byonosanhim, the way she's a very competent lawyer, the way she's morally grey yet somehow soft at heart and kind at soul, the way she's crazy crazy weirdo that every single person adores to moon and back, her classic fashion choice, her knowledge of everything luxury, the way she gets angry and keeps even Mr. Consigilere on his toes, her being funny, smart, confident, demanding, unapologetic, cute, quirky and ofc. Her being in love with vincenzo more than he's in love with her. (Obviously duh, if anyone comes at me against the fact that this is clearly a he fell first but she fell harder trope then talk to the wall.)
Her being all this. And her being in Vincenzo's world. In the mafia world, where things are pretty much grey, and she's not baffled as she has dealt with a lot of black already and in Mr. Whipped for chayoung's words, she belongs in mafia.
And vincenzo's reactions to it. To their mundane old married couple chemisty in malta/Italy, or will it be different there? Will they finally finally accept the oozing sexual tension between them and deal with it for our sanity, to their daily things, to him dealing with his business, and her watching him, observing, fascinated, with ofc a lot of views of her own to yap at her mafia boss husband about, him taking her to his favorite places in Italy, showing her off, her meeting the cassano family, ofc everyone will love her, not the ladies tho, they'll ba catty, but in the end she'll win them all, or maybe cha young getting jealous when an Italian blonde puts her hand on vinny's shoulder for more than a second, or vinny's fuming and glaring the man who touched his chayoung to death, them being in love, finally, tenacious, as he promised, and by in love I mean, not just coffee dates, and discussing the demise of an evil company, but more, different dates like, kissing and then making out, furious silly jealously turned into a steaming sex session(yeah we all can imagine how Mr. Vincenzo Cassano, mafia boss, throws people off windows with one hand, skilled fingers holding guns for perfect aim would fuck like; maybe but oh maybe he'll be gentle, cuz it's the love of his life and he don't wanna make her feel wrong in anyway, but then maybe just maybe he couldn't take it one day and rams into her like he never wants to let go off her, like she's the thing she breathes, like if possible he'd like to he as close as possible to her) and yes, about how chayoung wants to kiss him, hold him, touch him, see him naked, without those wretched bolaro suits she now despises cuz she's seen her man without em, and how she holds his neck, kicks him playfully, annoys him to the point he gives up and declares in the most villainous-romantic way possible about how much he loves her and what he'd like to do to her.
Anyways. So.
Can someone please write a fanfic?
Never mind.
I'll write it myself.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years ago
Bloodhounds Live Blogging
I've mostly been watching non-BL kdramas from 2019-2022, so I thought I'd give something recent a try! The whole series dropped yesterday and it's apparently action filmed + good bromance, so this'll be my weekend binge for now
Ep 1 (Jun 10)
Dec 2020
I can't remember having watched many boxing shows/movies before, maybe the Shark: The Movie with Wi Hajoon but I can't even remember if that was boxing or something else
oh yeah fuck I was so focused on the other aspects of the show, I forgot that the main characters have debt apparently agh it's so
ew Suju Siwon
damn, this loan shark really lending them 100 billion won for this hotel, that's wild
the loanshark mans has a scar on his face that he hides with makeup
boxer name: Kim Gunwoo (more like Geonwoo tbh)
oh lol that win was Hong Woojin's imagination? and then he calls Geonwoo a name and gets knocked down as his plan backfires pls
fun Woojin vs Geonwoo fight
ohhh I checked MDL and the main duo is Geonwoo and Woojin?
heh Geonwoo is so endearing with his calm and no-nonsense, serious answers
plsss the way their dynamic is switching when we figure out Geonwoo is 2 years younger than Woojin and then changing again when Geonwoo served the marines earlier? or higher status in some way. a sunbae
pls earnest, honest Geonwoo keeps falling for Woojin's lies every 3 minutes T.T
ahhh these loanshark fuckers going around offering to every store owner - anyway, I know Geonwoo's mother missed reading something in the fine print bc it was mentioned on a reddit on-air thread commend
oh? who's the woman with the tazer and the man who was "a fake" being chased?
ah, so this old man does interest-free loans and tazer girl works for him
these loan shark fuckers are sooooo >:(((( die die die
ohhh that scar on their face is like a gang tattoo?
I love how earnest Geonwoo is while still being serious and a bit naive and optimistic and just cute :> Though he's gonna have to change now that he's been pulled into such violence.
Ep 2 (Jun 11)
these loanshark fucks
D: Woojin trying to get a loan for Geonwoo T.T plsss
oh they have to work as bloodhounds? meaning they're also gonna be loanshark types? - oh they left but why's the title bloodhounds then, will they have to come back?
ohh Woojin taking the disrespect at the beginning of the meeting but being intimidating and giving a same slap back at the end ah
is this an Apple ad lol
ah so that's how Geonwoo and the woman's story connect - the guy who she's chasing is getting loans using homeless people and giving the money to Smile Capital glasses guy
Dream On Capital guy - is he familiar to us or no?
ohh is Chairman Bang the dude with the wheelchair? or is that Mr. Choi? anyway, are they gonna be the bodyguards that the man was looking for?
ah sucks so bad that when searching for loans, they keep being offered loan collector positions
ah security job
so indeed the man is Mr Choi
dang, interesting that Geonwoo is telling his mother he got all the money and how because I feel like a different character would hide it and pay it off in secret. he might've done the same thing if he was working as a debt collector or something instead of security though
Siwon's character from earlier who is apparently a well-connect chaebol with his cop cousin + the loan shark hm what's gonna happen - what's up with getting the loan shark drunk lol
ohh I don't remember this loanshark man calling himself Chairman Bang but I guess he did so in ep 1? so he's masquerading. also I wonder if Mr. Choi himself is just Chairman Bang lol like only Mr. Choi knows who Chairman Bang is + he looks around 60 which is supposed to be his age
ah Siwon's character's name is Beom
plssss Woojin lying in front of Mr. Choi, he has become an actor
damn, another interview step
broooooo just insane amounts of money but also don't pull it all out
ah, they have found the common enemy (Smile Capital)
ofc Geonwoo wouldn't be able to stay still while an old homeless man is beaten up
Ep 3 (Jun 11)
cruel or heatless or cold woman vs upstanding empathetic man ah - although I wish I liked her acting better? the character doesn't feel natural for her idk
plss their excitement at getting rehired T.T
her calling them oppa surprised e fr
Mr. Choi definitely knows the Chairman Bang poser who has the cut on the side of his face - oh mans name is Kim Myeong-gil
ah trio friends now
ohh the loan sharks investing in that hotel are gonna make illegal gambling take place in the casino at the top of the hotel -> send evidence to police -> hotel in ruins -> loan sharks will take over hotel
damn they're beating up Siwon's character just to scare him or what? oh nvm Smile Capital ppl here
damn I wasn't expecting such brutal torture scenes
and now blackmail material by making him strip down?
oh, seems like some of the people in Smile Capital (including CEO) actually worked for Mr. Choi back when he was a loan shark
goddamn so that's how Kim Myeong-gil got the scar on his face and Mr. Choi became disabled
just straight-up bars of gold lol
Myeong-gil is being real or tricking Beom with this trust and sweet talk about him being his donsaeng?
goddamn this crowd of people
I saw a gif where Geonwoo was waiting for some operation to be successful on Woojin or something, will that be due to this fight?
Ep 4 (Jun 11)
oh nooo he's going to Geonwoo's mother
wait, who is this who's stopping them from taking the mother? someone Mr. Choi called right but like who?
oh actually the boss called this man who went to where the fight happened but who was the one who rescued the mother?
oh sashimi knife - that sushi restaurant from before - he's the one who saved Geonwoo's mom
ah the 5 knifers - when those 2 talked about avenging their boys, they mean the 3 knifers the Kim Myeon-gil managed to kill - Lee Du-yeong and Hwang Yang-jung
they ate all the fucking rolled omelets without leaving any for the others? die fuckers
who's spying on the trio going to transfer money? it's probably the smile capital driver dude but somehow it also looks a bit like the knife to me oof
oh noooo yeah it's the driver dude and he got her while the big Beom dude is going to the duo
ah fuck they're sending so many people to capture the trio
damn bruh not a car chase but fucking car crashes
no Geonwoo don't get outtttttt
beat them with bars of gold lesgo lmao
pls their slow jogging with the gold bags T.T
Ep 5 (Jun 11)
okay at least they dropped the gold bag and several boxes bc indeed their lives are worth more + they got most of the money
the big plans of Myeong-gil and his men vs Mr. Choi and his knifers are fun, moreso than the trio because the trio often involves just fighting and some bickering whereas the big players have planning and intrigue and history
ah Mr. Choi offering him an out
lol the knifers and trio convo is so cute and endearing
lol yknow I did think that Hyunju and the biker knifer looked kinda similar so for them to also say it was like lol
wait, why'd Beom just fuck up those people? why mad?
he declined his wife's call? bro are you gonna fucking die? we first saw him while he was in bed with his wife too so
oh he for real slayed Junmin's throat - ngl I didn't fully get what their next step was, like, did they kill him just because he was the one going around intimidating people and stuff?
oh so they're killing Junmin and capturing Im Jangdo driver mans? I remember they said something about getting them to point to dead bodies or something
omg torture scenes D: sanding someone's thing and then using saltwater
Mr Choi got Jangdo to talk
are phones trackable or not? they're keeping Jangdo's phone but can they be found out through that
oh damn Jangdo also saying Myeong-gil and In-Beom are like brothers, they've saved each other's lives before
Ep 6 (Jun 11)
Today's plan was to actually watch eps 2-5 but people say the show is soooo good until ep 6 and it's one of the better eps before ep 7-8 seem different (?), so I think I'll just watch this one too
damn they're using Siwon's dumbass character to track the knifers
D: boil body, grind them up and pour them into the ocean that's so disgusting
who's seung-duk
the way the knifers know of myeong-gil's preliminary plans with the casino but still don't know the extent of how terrible it is
Mr Choi is making vacation plans? dreams of going to Italy? bruh he's not gonna make it out alive, is he
not this happy times where everybody's chatting and drinking and feeling good, we're boutta see serious shit go down huh?
as expected, he's also gonna be a dad, ah my guy i can forsee your death so clearly
okay this young kid isn't Hyunju, right? because the story doesn't fit with her history
oh nvm it is indeed Hyunju
huh? Geonwoo's mother didn't take Mr. Choi's loans though, so
teary-eyed grateful Geonwoo ahh
pls Mr. Choi keeps having parallels with youth like learning what flex is from Hyunju and thanking Geonwoo for teaching him what youth is
ah fuck they've got Mr. Choi's address, it's starting. bro people are drunk and shit now, right?
oh wait they're found the biker knifer Duhyeong's address actually? is that where they tortured Jangdo?
naurrr this Dayoung and his wife scene T.T
let's go knife throwing
damn so fucking bloody
ah rip Duyeong having to sell out the other knifer
bro wtf do you mean someone might have seen the car? take a diff mean of transport then let's go public transit where they can't just pick you off
ah fuck sushi restaurant
oh noooo his apprentice is fucking dead in the room
this sense of foreboding is so
noooooooo Myeong-gil killed Duyeong and his wife after he got the info? D: nooo. I was like dang, it would've been good if Duyeong called Yungjung to warn him but alas he is dead
another hand-to-hand knife fight
ah fuck I can't believe Yungjung is also gonna dye so soon before the fight even reaches Mr. Choi
the knifers didn't get to avenge their 3 brother knifers T.T this is actually so fucking sad man
it's interesting that this whole show is so focused on the fight scenes and intensity but in this episode, we focus so much on the softness of everybody together and the leadup fights and deaths are also so quiet and mostly solitary, this is so fucked
like bruh Woojin's just chilling and having breakfast
these scenarios remind me so much of my recurring childhood nightmare of home invasion by gunda (thugs) and having to figure out how to escape and then being chased while you attempt ah fuck
ah at least Mr. Choi has overcome the hesitancy to shoot though the fact that his safe and everything is wide open is a lot
okay I know he doesn't die because there's some surgery thing later on that's at least successful or something
ah fuck this Beom motherfucker
it's actually crazy that these evil people are straight up just defeating them 75% in like not just "oh they're being cornered but will easily win" but like people are fucking dead like straight up the experienced, big players from this side are just gone
as is the money and the house is aflame
bro fuck Hyunju and Geonwoo coming home to see all this
oh my god I did not expect to get teary-eyed at Geonwoo begging to donate one more bag of blood for Woojin
Fave Ep of the show and just genuinely suchhhh a good episode in general. The humanity and serenity of it drove me to madness.
Ep 7 (Jun 12)
I watched less than 3 minutes of this during lunch and then went to take a little nap and now I'll finish this ep and then go to sleep. I'm just a sleepy guy
and she's gone, the result of Kim Sae Ron's DUI
ah, time-skipped to a healed Woojin
the young girl assigning who's gonna take the top bunk after taking a look at them is so T.T funny
fuckass Junmin lives but the knifers and Mr. Choi are dead how is that fairrrrrrr
I'd be more empathetic toward this man's heartbreak at Mr. Choi's death if he wasn't sleezy toward the woman earlier like yeah fucker, get scammed
I'd be more empathetic toward this character if it wasn't played by fuckass Siwon
won't yall get alcohol poisoning
idk if I'm supposed to be suspecting people of double-crossing or not like people give up info when interrogated but what if it's like Minbeom's brother in law is actually working for Myeong-gil or something, y'know?
Myeong-gil could just use data but sure yep, wifi
did he actually delete some instances of the video or no?
damn, they really did manage to destroy the hard drive just like that? would there not be backups?
are we supposed to know who Myeong-gil called at the end at the serious crimes division? somebody surprising?
I know what people mean by it's a different tone because this is less action-based and more like the shows I usually watch with the planning and secretly attacking rather than fights.
Ep 8 (Jun 13)
bruh ofc the first cop that the brother-in-law would tell about getting the list of victims would be in Myeong-gil's palm
oh fuck they found the place Mr. Choi's friend lived where Geonwoo and Woojin also lived for a bit?
fucking dark ass fight, can't see shit
bruh bad cop good a good view
oh my god they got the whole detective trio?
bro so the 2 male cops survived and my poor girl just straight up got ran over and died rip
oh i see she's in a coma
so we just won't know how they caught the sell-out cop? or we're just supposed to assume they got some info from the fish farm lol
why the fuck did you yell Myeong-gil's name, are you dumb
and then also dropped the knife? you dumb?
and Woojin had also dropped the taser? fr?
you're literally trying to just fuck up the man who killed and ruined hundreds and thousands of people, fuck your "I've become a bloodhound" i need you to straight up kill Myeong-gil or call the cops right now at least tf
well at least keep a couple gold bars for yourself too because you're the poor people who are supposed to be helped too btw lol
siwon playing a fuckass sympathetic kind character is so agh ew also why give him all the money to improve their company image or whatever agh rich ppl like why would you trust a cocky chaebol kid?
well at least they do get 2 gold bars = 1B won = ~1M USD each
Good enough, especially the heart of episode 6 but not something I'll be thinking about at all. The characters didn't resonate a whole lot, this focused a lot on just fighting scenes (more than like strategizing, being clever, etc, which is usually what I'm a fan of), the defeat of the villains wasn't really satisfying at all - especially with how cruel episode 6 went down. Also, I don’t ship Geonwoo and Woojin, sadly.
Rating: 6.5/10
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hamzaaslam · 4 months ago
RAM Expands Hong Kong Presence with Launch of Two SFC-Authorised Retail Funds
HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach Newswire – 18 November 2024 – Real Asset Management Group (RAM) is pleased to announce the launch of two new Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) authorised retail funds under its public Open-ended Fund Company (OFC): the RAM Hong Kong Government Bond Fund and the RAM Income Fund. From left to right: Mr. William Chai (RAM Managing Director), Mr. Charles Ng…
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eviltiddyproductions · 2 years ago
Vincenzo : Episode 19
Almost near the finish line
In classic Bollywood and TV fashion only one person attacks the protagonist at one time 💀
watching fight scenes at 2.5 is hilarious until something important happens and then you’ve got to rewind 😭
LMAO ofc the building people show up now! this is TV magic. Mr. Nam with the switches 😭😂
Look they’re all getting their title cards too!!!
Everybody is a fighting champion including the chef and just when you think Mr An the intelligent officer will get his office credentials they play President of Vincenzo fan club 🤣 the creators won 🙏
I’ll forgive all the slowness of this show because of moments like these and the shaman ones lmao. they’re so 😭
I wanted someone to punch him so bad and she knocked him out cold !!! #mygirl
no one but me flinched? omg
Mr Cho grabbing 800 friendship lifelines
awww the thumbs up !!! kiss already
NOW WHY is the little brother injured in the thumbnail 😭
the cutest hacker in the existence of hackers. my girl !!!
ofc he managed to pull up a contract to stay by her side. #real
if #they won't hug at least Mr Nam gets to hug
the way i forgot this evil CEO existed lmfaooo, no one cares about you and your evil antics !!! booo 👎
also are we playing evil whack a mole??? one goes down, another one pops up. we're dealing with upgraded lawyer gang now
considering the lawyer gang already know that my people have the guillotine file, wouldn't they be prepared for fall out?
everyone's lighters 10x more powerful and terrifying than my man's. i thought that flame would burn Mr. Nam's hair
'you win' 🤣😭
it is the 19th episode and we're still talking about friendship. #ilost
Sue me I like romance
this hornet judge in a half sleep half drunk stupor is the only person to at least recognise Vincenzo when required. sadly for him, our man's pointing a gun at him rn
it's only been a few minutes but I'm tired of the up down rollercoaster. building people, younger brother stay ALIVE
the way i already know someone will be in the hospital by the end of this episode and that evil CEO is going to go beserk I'm so tired. why are moving this slow 😟
THE PAPERS flying. Look at those two sitting cozy upstairs lmao. I see your frienDshiP
AAAAH look how happy my people are
Her dad would be so happy
Vincenzo saying what I have been yelling since i found out about the real CEO run younger brother run !!! leave the country for a bit
my little bean brother almost drank soy sauce
this episode was testing my patience so I just checked the tags for fun and they once teased a second season???
it's 2023 now so safe to say it's filed under hotel del luna tease? done and dusted i guess
to be fair evil lawyer lady is still playing it smart. she'll be in jail! safe from at least the torture Vincenzo promised.
I'm truly tired of these two evil people though. just get done with your track already. i thought I'd get to chill in episode 19&20. I was wrong 😩
this episode is so filler actually. it's going so slow and we're just sort of stuck watching
'for me and ms hong' slay 😌
the way the Wusang lawyer is number one on his list now lmao why did he have to open his mouth THAT much 💀
she's singing in Italian as my babies don't realise they've been played
aww you can look
she still has those earrings!!!
Vincenzo 🤝 Evil CEO ; typing random words in the laptop after seeing Chayoung
and this is why you should've made a move 😩
they look super cute lol
he practically asked her everything but the time and place of the get together 🤣
she's so cute
also I've just realised MONTHS have passed since they found each other
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probably the slowest development I've seen in a relationship since Itaewon Class which took like 6 years but idc about them so I move 💀
SAVE YOURSELF LITTLE BROTHER. At least Vincenzo will find her. You're toast 😭
The way this man has ruined his entire life like i wish he at least punched and fought his little brother a little 😔 for once you get to smack hockey pucks on him
My man Vincenzo has had 0 episodes without violence and peace up until now
also I'd die so fast if i lived alone. I literally never have my earphones off.
after 19 episodes he goes after the person who'd set off Vincenzo's alarm bells faster than the others 💀
how am I supposed to even be happy watching Netflix when they just translated sorry sunbae to sorry sweet pea 🤨 like maybe it is what he's implying but I'm still confused ?
he's so nasty but ofc he'd make his younger brother do that
you could've jumped at him tbh, he's alone with a gun and not looking at you but i guess we're going Itaewon class again
oh he was volunteering his death lol
kill your brother instead babe 😭
gimme a second i need to replay this thrice
oh my god he's actually going after him!!!! even after getting shot. MY BABY !!!
i know my girl's about to be gone because you're untying her hands instead of running 😭
damn younger brother get up 😭
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I guess all the romance is happening in 5 minutes in the next episode!
don't think anyone can fumble a finale like Mr. Queen and Flower of Evil though 💀
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mymelodypink · 4 years ago
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I... listened to the album you gave me. To be honest though, "Exercising in the Moon" wasn't that good. But I did enjoy "Blue Scar on the Heart." The melody was nice and I could enjoy the lyrics. I really enjoyed it.
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jolselin · 2 years ago
hm. if i were given like the first four episodes of moonlight chicken and asked to write four more i'd write in more interpersonal drama (instead of killing off mrs hong) and in general make everyone more bitter. i've seen a lot of people express similar thoughts and compare the final product with the mock trailer in the latter's favor. that direction - the one with more unresolved conflict and bitterness - seems to be not what aof is fundamentally interested in.
it's easy to dismiss the kind, gentle resolutions to each conflict and say there's many a missed opportunity in the show. while i would agree that mlc would definitely benefit from a couple more episodes and an alangaipa special, it seems that the creative team wanted to convey a different message than some people may have expected. at first i was surprised at the grace extended to heart's parents: these people kept their son isolated from the world for three years and made zero efforts to use sign language, but just like that, after one angry conversation, they start making effort. where's the retribution? why should i, the viewer angry on heart's behalf, forgive them?.. but then, what else are we to do? isn't it better that his parents started making an effort? isn't it better that they moved on? what would the alternative be, heart running away?
same applies to many things in the show. if i were writing it, i would've kept alan more bitter (btw he is my favorite character in the show). i would keep jim and gaipa's relationship more strained (but then, mrs hong's death, sadly, helped them bond again, and i. would not have killed off mrs hong because i prefer other sources of drama). i would not have given jam and li ming the reconciliation that they had, i would maybe not even get jim and li ming to arrive at the full peace they got in the show. i would have especially emphasized wen working for the project that's putting jim out of business and that's really the only thing i would say is a genuine missed opportunity. i'd make saleng and praew stress out more about their upcoming parenthood and their dire financial situation. some of these things could've happened in the show if it had more episodes (i insist we needed more view and mark screentime) but others would never happen because that is not the story the creators wanted to tell. they might be kinder people than i am, or at least interested in kinder stories.
i think i like those kinder stories. they go against my expectations and that unsettles me a bit but then i wonder if it's not better for them to be this gentle. i do not think it was lazy. there's something to be said for the kinder choice, especially since the story resonated with so many people. i appreciate it for what it is. there is, perhaps, a lesson in this kind of storytelling.
(also i guess if they leaned into the drama more the opinions would be even more divisive which i personally never understood but that's a topic for another post)
i judge shows based on how fully they met my expectations. if the show gives me exactly what i think it promised me it would, i usually like it. this is why i rate my school president extremely high even if i can find flaws in it. this is why i rate theory of love higher than most seem to. this is why (we're entering controversial opinions territory i guess) i did not like not me (except for first ofc). with moonlight chicken, it's not that it did not meet my expectations at all, but rather that it went in a direction i had to ponder a bit to truly like. that was an interesting experience. that is not to say that i was not enjoying what was happening onscreen. i love love i love romance i love every scene where wen puts his head on jim's shoulder like he belongs there i love heartliming being as cute as a box of kittens i love when alangaipa are onscreen together for all of their three scenes. this is just me ruminating on one review i saw on mdl.
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literaryfic · 4 years ago
Episode 11 breakdown
chayenzo has reached their bonnie & clyde peak in this episode and i’m living for it.
cha-young TORTURING and KILLING the three killers and vincenzo not holding her back
vincenzo letting her take the lead while ‘interrogating’ them... WHILE HOLDING HER COFFEE
at one point he looks worried when she ups the toxic smoke(?) flow (i think he doesn’t want her to lash out and regret what she did) but he doesn’t stop her.
he looks at her when they say they want to answer for their crimes in front of the law and she says “and who would that benefit?”
he’s letting her handle this all throughout the scene, and he’s seeing first hand what she’s capable of, what’s she comfortable with and how far she’s willing to go (which is all the way)
their dynamic has changed a lot from the previous episodes. they’ve truly become partners IN CRIME. (murder couple!!!!).
and as a good husband he tells her he’ll help her throw the people who killed her dad in the tiger’s cage when they’re done using them.
him telling her she belongs in the mafia!!!!!!!!!!! he fully recognised her as one of his own, someone who is capable of the same atrocities as he is and who he can rely on and trust as his equal.
her not reacting negatively when she finds out the extent of vincenzo’s mafia past / when shown the pictures of his killings. she even takes the picture of one of his murders out the prosecutor’s hand....
the HUG scene!!!!!!!!!!!! the chayenzo one, i should say. i think this is the most transparent vincenzo’s feelings have been made for cha-young and the audience to see (excluding the scene where he watches sleep).
first, he doesn’t want to stop drinking and uses the snacks as an excuse to continue drinking until 4 am. i think it’s important because so far vincenzo has done everything he’s said he would do. he does not lie or goes back on his words easily, EXCEPT WHEN CHA-YOUNG IS INVOLVED. the only time he does it for something else, it’s because he breaks the promise of not hurting others. although we’ve seen before how he lied about buying wine, it could just be because he was aware they were being followed and wanted to make sure nothing happened. but here, he clearly says they’ll only drink until 2 am, and when 3 am comes, HE’S THE ONE TO ASK HER TO DRINK UNTIL 4. he uses yet another excuse bc he doesn’t want to part ways with her yet.
then, she apologises for hugging him all of a sudden and he says there’s no need to say sorry, because she was worried. HE NOT ONLY DOESN’T MIND, HE’S TELLING HER IT’S A NORMAL REACTION. i truly think this says a lot bc all throughout the episode vincenzo is being hugged and he HATES it. he’s not a touchy person (except with cha-young ofc) and doesn’t like to be touched. but not only does he hug cha-young BACK, he’s saying she’s allowed to do that. They’re both testing their boundaries with each other.
also, when cha-young tells him she doesn’t know if her heart was beating bc of the situation or bc of her feelings for him, he looks like his own heart is beating really fast!! he swallows, looks away... vincenzo cassano, the mafia consigliere with no fear, is NERVOUS bc of hong cha-young 😭
finally, the HUG. when she says she’s testing to see if she has feelings for him, he smiles bc he finds her cute and he says he won’t move BC HE WANTS HER TO HUG HIM. he smiles as she’s hugging him bc he likes it UNTIL she hugs him harder and he feels nervous again (like he doesn’t want her to hear his fast heartbeat hahaha.) and his holding the chair bc he wants to hug her but he’s holding himself back. and then they look at each other and i just know he doesn’t know what to do hahaha.
meanwhile, cha-young looks at him intensely and i can just TELL that when she says “ah, i was wrong, it was because it was a dangerous situation” she’s LYING YOUR HONOR. she has the softest expression on her face, she’s definitely deeply in love with him lol.
then when she goes back to lie down, vincenzo literally doesn’t know what to do with himself. you can see he’s almost distraught!!! and the way he looks and smiles at her really softly just proves he knows she’s lying as well lol.
i think it’s interesting how the background music from chayenzo’s hug scene introduces his scene with his mom
in this episode vincenzo truly deepens his roots in South Korea, first with cha-young, then his mom, and finally the tenants
it’s also super symbolic that he picks up a thread and gives it back to her haha. it means that instead of serving their relationship, he’s ready to come back to her. he’s healing from the scar of being abandoned and he’s forgiving her.
also am i the only one who thinks the mom lowkey suspects/knows he’s her son? i really can’t tell if she can tell or not....
CHA-YOUNG BEING JEALOUS OF MIRI/POSSESSIVE OF VINCENZO IS SOMETHING I DIDN’T I NEEDED. the way she pushes her chair and hides her face hahahaha... and then she holds his arm!!!!!!
cha-young also puts her hand on his shoulder a lot this episode. they’re so naturally touchy with each other, and the contrast between how vincenzo handles physical touch from literally anyone but cha-young makes it even more domestic 😭
ALSO, vincenzo asking cha-young to come with him when he’s arrested... the parallels between him saying ‘let’s go, lawyer-nim’ when he protects her and ‘come with me, lawyer-nim’ when he’s in trouble...... PARTNERS IN CRIME
the tenants being not only understanding of his past, but PROUD and IMPRESSED???? they respect him much more now than before 😭
the whole Mr. An scene was soooo cool and satisfying!!!!!!
today’s episode was just ‘everyone wants to fuck vincenzo because he’s hot’ and where is the lie???
she even tells him “with all the support that you have, why don’t you make your own family here?” YOU TELL HIM, HE CAN JUST SETTLE HERE WITH THE GEUMGA GANG BC THEY HAVE HIS BACK AND STAY WITH YOU
the tenants telling him about the gold was so funny... hopefully V finds a way to get the gold and they all divide the money equally or something
now the scene where he tortures the arms dealer..... THIS IS THE HOTTEST SCENE IN THE DRAMA IDC IDC IDC
playing the Russian Roulette himself and not blinking an eye i’m— “there’s no limit to fear” your honor i know he murdered countless people but have you seen him at work???? who wouldn’t forgive him
I’m so glad we’re getting darker!vincenzo... i want to see the ruthless consigliere everyone fears !!!! more vengeance and murder everyone !!!!
i’m thankful they didn’t drag on the “who’s babo” story line bc that would’ve been frustrating. when vincenzo called cha-young and told her who junwoo was WHILE SHE WAS WITH HIM!! AND SHE ACTED SO PERFECTLY!!!
also she didn’t doubt vincenzo for a second and she straight up asks him if he’ll stick to the plan (of killing him) without a beat
this episode just showed that everyone in this show is a morally grey villain and i don’t think they’re going to be like ‘the main couple went to jail for a few years to pay for their crimes and then lived happily ever after’. if we follow that logic everyone has to go to jail for something loool. i want them to win with no consequences, get away with everything they did and destroy Babel, idc!!!!!!
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lesjoursdamy · 4 years ago
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After successful dramas like Mr. queen and True Beauty which leaned more towards rom-com, Vincenzo was like a breathe of fresh air. Although this series too has its own comedic scenes, and felt unnatural at times but it nonetheless helped to bring down the intensity of the plot line and provide a comedic relief to the audiences.
Plot-wise, the idea is interesting. A mafia consigliere returns back to his motherland, Korea, to flee from the war between mafia factions and to extract gold hidden deep below the Geumga Plaza. here he meets the plaza residents, hong cha young, and others and faces many inconveniences.
The casting is just chef's kiss. At first, I was questioning how Song Joong Ki will be able to pull off this character given his looks and figure [which gives off a more innocent character vibe rather than a ruthless consigliere not afraid to pull the trigger on anyone]. However, he completely convinced me from the first episode. I really enjoyed Jeon Yeo Bin's take on Hong Cha Young and was really happy to see a strong, independent female lead. Her laugh, over-the-top expressions, and her crazy energy really brought the character to life. Not to forget, the chemistry between the two is unmatched and their craziness, badass nature compliments each other perfectly.
Ok Taec Yeon's portrayal as both a lovable and foolish intern and the evil CEO made me love and hate him at the same time; the transition was pretty flawless as well. And there are not enough words to praise Kwak Dong Yeon as Jang Han Seo; it won't be a lie to say he stole my heart. Apart from the main cast, all the other supporting casts also magnificently embraced their characters. I can't think of any other actors befitting those chaotic characters lol.
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I really enjoyed the bgms as well. To me, they had the right intensity and tempo to build suspense. Ngl, I could feel characters' badassness through the pieces.
I want to thank the writers and directors for allowing us to follow the journey of all these characters. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every characters' growth and had great fun watching them all reach their goal [ofc not the villains bc they never achieved their goal].
If you're into revenge drama [which seems to be the trend these days] and haven't binged watched Vincenzo already, I urge you to watch it.
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coolbeansbuddyofmine · 3 years ago
hey ro! for the fanfic ask: 1, 15, 23, 30!
hey whovie! hope you're doing well~
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
oh boy! i know people will say sherlock au, and i would say sherlock au also like 2.5 months ago. but two fics/universes, it shares first place with is a) my hanakimi au for halloweek. i love it to pieces.
and b) my econ students fic. bc duh. im an econ student. that's my fangirl bible and love letter to myself and my discipline <3
so 3. for first place.
which amongst 72 official and countless anon fics that i willst not name, is not a bad ratio.
15. something you learned this year
how to experiment with genres! other than the traditional fic fic, i wrote with different POVs, different styles and creating a bricolage of different text types (i.e chat fic). i learnt reader x character fic that i may write for myself if i feel like it. i learnt action. i learnt porn. i think 2021 was the year i experimented most as a writer.
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
this has earned another oh boy! there are lots of fics i wanted to and then didn't write.
i still have outlines and for the most part, I'm actually done with them but i want to keep them with me and me only.
let's go down the list: i wrote a full-fledged mulan au back in august, wasn't really pleased with it and i never posted it. (cy was mulan, and v, ofc, captain shang. mr nam was mushu and the comedy there was something i was proud of. i might write a mulan 2 for myself).
then, i wrote a fic based on muckraking (which is investigative journalism focused on social development or uncovering social problems) where v was an intl editor journalist coming to sk to meet mr hong over his story. mr hong goes missing, and his daughter cy, has to team up with v to find him. deals with rampant corruption in sk. i did end up writing this, but i liked it v v much that i used my own characters and submitted it for my uni's creative writing journal.
other than that, there was a teacher au with vcy that i never wrote bc lazy also lack of interest. it's a very bland outline.
there was also an epilogue fic with the idea of v exacting revenge on the guys that screwed him over upon his arrival to seoul and stealing his stuff.
i had a v returns fic to the style of swift's how you get the girl and if i ever get the energy to finish it i may publish but for now, nothing.
also hpl au, but that went nowhere other than headcanons and that's fine.
30. favorite fandom to read fic from this year
so there have to be 5 answers to this actually. mostly because my favorite oscillates faster than the pendulum of a grandfather clock.
in the beginning of the year, i was in a full mcu tasertricks obsession. till like april-ish i would say. then life got stressful, and i went back to hetalia, my beloved <3, aushun fics for like a month.
and then for like all of summer, i'd say it was vincenzo easily. but the urge to read fics (aside from a few writers and ideas that interested me) really diminished.
then it was back to the mcu with yonvers. that was fun! other than r*yl*, i love the dark and borderline dark iffy characters (ben solo was an idiot) and i love sunshine women who can kick their asses. this is, unfortunately, the opposite trope for me in irl. i am the grumpy, and mr ro is sunshine.
oh and then, it was back into my anime beloveds. and now, I'm not really reading fanfics other than a few fics I'm following but it's mostly mangas and dark romances from like barnes and noble.
tbh, it's bc there's no one fandom I'm completely obsessed with, and frankly, I'm too busy to even keep with currently airing dramas. so I'm postponing this obsession till when i can afford it.
thanks whovie!
for others that want to ask, here's the link back to the original post
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tinyshinysylveon · 4 years ago
i suddenly got this idea where izuku is an anonymous famous editor for youtubers who hire him to edit their videos because he’s a professional at doing it, and katsuki is an upcoming youtube vlogger who travels around the world and yet doesn’t know how to edit his own videos to save his life, so no matter what he does, he always seem to mess up even the basics of editing (part 1/??)
“i think you need professional help” kirishima says as he watches katsuki trying to drag an edited cut on to his video for the umpteenth time that day “shut up, shitty hair just give me a minute-” an error popup. “did you just.. deleted the video?” “....”
katsuki keeps trying, he even watched tutorials on youtube (while skipping important segments ofc because he can totally do that all on his own!) but his patience is wearing thin until kirishima recommended him to someone who’s known in the youtube community for their famous editing skills 
“..deku?” katsuki stares at his screen showing a youtube profile with the name deku as their username and an icon of all might with edited-in sunglasses “okay look, he may seem suspicious to you, but i gotta tell you bakugou, he’s legit, i’ve seen his videos and they look awesome!” well katsuki will be the judge of that despite this deku having 5 mil+ subscribers than him!
the blonde spent the whole day watching deku’s videos which mostly consists of amvs (anime music videos) and games, especially the ones that required a lot of effort to make, plus he even made tutorials! so he gotta give him credit for that, but alas, katsuki is still somehow having trouble following directions and gave up on the latest tutorial video on how to add an easy transition 
when kirishima came to check in with katsuki, all he heard were multiple clicks and grumbled noises, he let out an exasperated sigh “i can’t believe you’re still trying..” “what the fuck do you want me to do kirishima?” katsuki was trying not to flip his table at this point. “hire him obviously!” the red head yells out as if that’s the answer to their problems “..and how do you suppose i do that?” 
it actually took a lot of convincing in kirishima’s part, but katsuki finally threw away his pride and decided to send a message to deku’s business email that was left under his about page on youtube 
“..i want you to become my editor and help me in becoming the #1 youtube travel vlogger in the community” kirishima reads the message out loud that’s displayed on the screen, “you sure you want to send it like this?” “i don’t see anything wrong with it?” “but don’t you think it’s too.. blunt? no formalities or anything like, hello i’ve seen your videos and i would be honored to have you as my editor, you know?” katsuki just shrugged, “it’s too late, i already sent it to him”
about half a day later, deku replied back, “Good afternoon Mr.Explosionmurder, I appreciate that you requested me to become your editor and would like to discuss further details about our agreement via discord. You can contact me by adding my username, deku#2463. I look forward to hearing from you.” to this day, kirishima still can’t believe his eyes when he read the message
“oi shitty hair, what’s a discord?” 
it wasn’t katsuki’s fault that the majority of time he spent in high school was doing his best to stay on top of assignments and projects, plus being in the A honor roll, he didn’t really get to decide on his career until after he graduated, thanks to the courtesy of his parents owning their own modeling industry, he put the money he saved up to good use in traveling around the world and vlogging it for people to see with kirishima as his traveling partner
he explained all of this and his reasonings to deku on discord once he reached out to him and figured out how to use the platform, but katsuki was still suspicious regarding his video editing skills and wanted to see it firsthand on how his videos would look like as a finished product
deku: fair enough, send me your videos and i’ll see what i can do, until then, if you deem it satisfactory, which i’m confident that you will, i request a 50/50 payment on your revenue. take it or leave it. 
for some reason, katsuki agreed to it without a second thought due to the challenging tone from the message; “i can’t believe you! i told you to trust him! why do you have to doubt him?! haven’t you already seen his videos?!” kirishima was full on panicking at this point, how were they going to make money?! “shut up, i know what i’m doing! i know what’s best for my videos!” it was a good chance too since they’re currently in hong kong and planning to shoot the top 10 tourist spots to visit as claimed by an article he found online
a few days later, katsuki finally got all the videos piled up in one folder and sent them all in a google drive to share with deku just as he requested, he even mentioned to him thru discord message to follow the cues he was giving him on his videos such as when he and kirishima took a stroll and tried foods in the temple street night market; “hey deku, i want you to do a close up of kirishima eating the curry fish ball with erotic music playing in the background” he smirks while focusing the camera on the red head eating without a care in the world and not noticing katsuki making the comment, “mmm dude, mmm you gotta try this, it’s so freakin’ good- wait bro, how long have you been pointing the camera at me?” 
in less than a week, deku sent a reply back with the link to the fully edited video; deku: hmm, not gonna lie, but your cues were actually helpful and dare I say, creative? katsuki took it as a compliment and opened the link to the video file, it was about a few GB so it shouldn’t take a long time to upload on youtube, but.. was it ready? he called in kirishima to watch it with him and was actually prepared for it to look horrible despite deku’s obvious talent except.. it was actually pretty good?? better even?! “what did i tell ya katsuki? i told you he was legit,” his partner boasted, just earlier he was embarrassed when the part about him eating the curry fish ball with the “let’s get it on” music in the background showed up while the blonde just rolled his eyes. 
explosionmurder: thanks, and i just saw it, consider yourself hired deku: happy to be of service! i’m looking forward to working with you, mr.explosionmurder! it would be helpful again if you provided the cues during your journey! :)  explosionmurder: don’t mention it and also don’t call me that, call me katsuki  deku: okay, mr.katsuki! [all might emoji]
kastuki found it odd that he became really eager during the exchange but thought nothing of it
a couple of months flew by and katsuki with kirishima in tow have already travelled in 4 other different countries, he even received about 500k+ subscribers, he’s almost to 1 million! as per agreement, he gives half of his revenue to deku which was okay with him since he still has a lot of saved up money in the bank including kirishima’s since they’re sharing it anyway, most of the time, his communication with deku have been entirely professional with a few emojis in between (usually deku’s part), until today that is 
deku: it must be nice to travel 0:  explosionmurder: pfft, what are you talking about? you now have over 7 mil+ subscribers in your channel since i met you, you can go traveling whenever or wherever you want  deku: i can’t  explosionmurder: what do you mean you can’t?
no reply
since then, katsuki didn’t want to think too much on what deku said and focused mostly on traveling, those videos won’t work themselves! after he finished, he sent over the videos of his recent trip from india over to deku and as usual, deku delivered it back beautifully edited along with a message 
deku: that’s so cool! you guys went to india? *o* [link to video edit] explosionmurder: yeah, you should’ve seen shitty hair when he tried that really spicy curry, which reminds me, you did what i asked right? deku: of course mr. katsuki! as always, i’ve paid attention to every cue you asked for! [saluting pepe emoji] explosionmurder: good good, i didn’t just hire you to sit on your ass all day  deku: haha you’re not my only contractor you know ^^”  explosionmurder: is that what you meant when you said you couldn’t travel because you’ve been busy? way to be blunt katsuki, he mentally berated himself, but at least deku answered this time, although reluctantly deku: ...let’s just say im stuck at home  in that very moment, is when everything changed between them explosionmurder: alright nerd, you sound depressed as hell so i’m going to give you the decision to decide on where we’re going to travel to next, think of it as a reward for all you’ve done for us  deku: asdkjflas that’s too much! T_T are you sure mr. katsuki??? explosionmurder: i’m waiting, you got 3 seconds starting now, 3  deku: america! i’ve been wanting to go to america...
katsuki told kirishima his plans, then the spiky red head gave him a pat on the back and a thumbs up, “so you do have a sentimental bone in your body!” kirishima was almost close to being dead that very same day 
when they arrived to america, he asked deku the list of things he wanted to see and most of them were, “all might amusement park, all might cafe, all might- is there anything else the nerd likes besides all might and superheroes?” katsuki says while viewing the list in the hotel they’re staying at. “give him a break, you said so yourself that he couldn’t leave his house, so this is the least we can do for him and for all the hard work he put in our videos,” kirishima reasoned with him
on the last day of their trip, katsuki did his routine in piling the videos together and sending them to deku with the attached message, “i actually bought you a souvenir if you want it, looked like the type of shit you would like, you’ll see what it is in the videos i’ve sent you” they’ve known each other long enough so he thought why the hell not, it’s just a matter of getting his PO address, and the response to this was immediate, “AAA I SAW IT! THANK YOU THANK YOU!” <3<3 <(^w^<)
it was an all might limited edition figurine only available in the US 
for the first time, deku took two days longer to finish than katsuki expected him to since they’ve started because he always goes through them pretty quickly, maybe he’s too busy making them look up-to-par? whatever the case was, when katsuki received the video, it already had a title for it, “MY AWESOME TRIP TO AMERICA PLUS ULTRA!” kirishima just laughed and told him to keep it in honor of deku so he left it like that, “this better give me some views,” he grumbled and uploaded it the night before they went to bed, he wasn’t really worried in checking it out either because he has faith in deku’s abilities  
the morning after was hectic, katsuki has been receiving notifications upon notifications on the “travel bros” (courtesy of kirishima) twitter since last night, one in particular caught his eye, “i can’t believe deku and katsuki are dating! who would’ve thought!” what?
a short video appeared underneath that came from the video he uploaded, and regretfully never took a look at, showing katsuki saying to the camera as he held the AM figurine, “deku, you should’ve been here, look at what i got you, nerd,” at first glance, it was supposed to look normal (from the original video!) except hearts and sparkles began appearing around katsuki as he smirks up at the camera, what the fuck? besides, deku was suppose to edit that all out! for every cue in every part where he says deku’s name, he was expected to delete them like he usually does! even though it was no secret that deku was his video editor, he distinctly remembers mentioning about him in a video they took way back when they first started out their contract agreement
meanwhile, kirishima was having a field day, he finally saw their video while katsuki kept on seeing other short videos of him on twitter from different segments of the trip in which he either had sparkles or hearts around him, especially when he mentions deku’s name; “bro you won’t believe this, our subscribers grew up to over 1 million last night!” kirishima yells enthusiastically, but when he noticed katsuki not paying attention to him, he looked over his shoulder to check what he was looking at. “oh that, you know those aren’t fanmade videos, right?” katsuki unblinkingly turned to look at him, “you mean..?” kirishima gave him a toothy grin, “yep!” 
a video call from discord, “dekuuuu, what is the meaning of this?” a squeaky voice, “i-I’m so sorry i got carried away and i couldn’t help it! all might was too beautiful including you and-!” “..what did you just say?”
TBC maybe?
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unicornbitchface · 4 years ago
Raat ki Rani
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC
Background: A story set in the colonial past of India.
Beta’d by my lovely friend @madbaddic7ed​​ !
Warnings: harsh languange
Chapter 3
The hall looked magnificent as if the ghosts of the past had brought them back to the days of glory. The chandelier was lit up, its jewels reflecting light upon every nook and corner.
The musicians played with vigor, expecting a heavy reward for their best efforts and the sweet-scented welcome of every guest added to the pomp.
Every high born around the state was to be present in the feast, and there they were, happy to make the acquaintance of the new British resident. The only glitch was that the said officer was nowhere to be seen, making the Maharaja jittery and a little annoyed.
Soon everyone would start asking questions, for how long was he supposed to distract guests with starters? With this thought, Ganga nodded at Kulwant, asking him to get an update.
Late again! But the blame was on the delay with the dress they insisted to be worn. What was wrong with the old ones? Nothing when I see them!
Who in their right minds would wear these? UGH. I will have to talk to the culprits after this goddamn feast for that buffoon!
As Damini walked through the seemingly deserted halls of the palace, fixing her stubborn hair, adding a gajra and cursing the dressmaker, she did not realise that she took a wrong turn.
Distressed by her woes of fashion and etiquette that mandated her presence in that debauchery, she walked in a jiffy towards her dear friend, Ashwanth.
The gajra, long forgotten, embraced the side of the marble tile near a very special room. Only the melody of her heavy gold trinkets echoed in the air paired with a certain gift, attracting the attention of a handsome blue-eyed devil who was switching to his suits after giving the Indian kurta a chance.
The sound made him curious like the first night, and his feet dragged him to the halls. Only half dressed, shirt unbuttoned, he looked around and tried to trace the echo. All that he could concur, was a moving shadow with the curves of silk, the bells moving in sync with those voluptuous hips. Coming back to his allotted room, the only remnant of that siren laid across the floor.
The gift.
That smell.
His hand snatched the bunched flowers, as if the grounds would swallow them if he wasn’t quick enough. One whiff and he knew he needed it in his life more than the opium his friends favoured.
So, it belonged to a person after all, and by the accompanying silhouette, a woman.
His woman.
A sudden realization had his pupil dilated, as he went back to the room. She might be at the feast.
If he heard them right, everyone significant would be present in that hall, and she was the most significant.
He chuckled at his poetry, what is wrong with me, he thought. He moved around the room with swiftness but also a renewed interest, humming tunes while he applied a dash of cologne and adjusted his jacket to perfection.
He passed the mirror one last time, stopping to fix his hair. He had to look perfect for his sweet maiden. His brows furrowed, a troubling thought flashing his mind. What if she was spoken for? What if she was claimed already, her heart in someone else’s hands?
Blue eyes turned colder than a foot of ice.
Hands on the desk,
He looked at himself,
A crooked smile gracing, 
Then what?
A war like no other.
A war that would put Trojan and Mahabharata to shame.
A knock at the door tamed the raging storm in his eyes. Lord Cavill looked up, frowning at the distasteful intrusion upon his whims and fancies.
Ah, the big bad boulder.
“Come in, General! I assume you are here to escort me to the venue?”
“Khamba Ghani Cavill Saab. I heard that the British people are always on time, and yet here I find you, barely dressed for the occasion.”
A smirk laced the British resident’s face as he retorted, “Well you’re not wrong, but I happen to be the guest of honour and I may arrive whenever I may please. In fact, just for that comment, I would like to take a few more minutes before I leave.” And he turned towards his desk and picked up a recent correspondence from the Crown. 
Kulwant couldn’t help but roll his eyes, a movement instantly caught by the blue-eyed man. 
“Keep going! I will take an extra minute for each time you roll your eyes, kind sir.”
It was beyond the General’s comprehension that a man as petulant as this entitled bleached monkey, could even hold the post of a hawaldar in court, let alone be a Lord of some sort. Nevertheless, he was a guest, and of honour at that.
Thus, the loyal servant of the court stood tall and quiet while the firang made his point, albeit unnecessarily.
Once he was done having fun at the General’s expense, Cavill agreed to be escorted to the event. He reached the hall, and couldn’t believe his eyes for a minute. 
The hall looked straight out of a fairytale, and the worth of the mere jewels studded on the walls could help him buy a couple of kingdoms.
He reigns in his musings, and walks toward Maharaja Ganga Singh. 
“We don’t have time! Baba will decorate his court with my head! Let’s go!”
“Damu! Come on, wait! You don’t even have flowers in your hair.”
“You think I care, Ashwanth!? I can barely move in this outfit! It’s so heavy and so unnecessary! All for that invader and his honour! What can be more honourable than stealing lands you have no business with, right?”
“Damu, don’t be silly! You’re a princess, and you cannot just march into the hall like a maid! Here, let me put these roses and..Can you just.. oho! THERE.”
“That’s right! I am a princess and this is my palace! Watch me..”
The two friends kept bickering along the way. Anyone who had seen these two would mistake them for longtime lovers, and yet things remained strictly platonic, at least from Damini’s end. 
For someone with an expertise in strategising, warcraft and literature, the princess often missed the veiled looks Prince Ashwanth threw at her. How he always brought gifts, only in exchange for her ruthless company and how he bowed down to all her incessant demands, all for her pleasure.
To Ashwanth, she was the key to his future and beyond. To Damu, he was the ever constant confidant, seemingly balanced and loyal to a fault.
As they moved towards the hall, she made eye contact with her father and naturally started walking to him, just like she has been trained to, her seat to his left calling out to its rightful master. What she didn’t realise was a figure moving in the same direction.
Lost in conversation and the pull of the decorum, she collided with a commoner, which only fueled her frustration.
“Dekh ke nahi chala jata kya? Humare raste aane ki himmat kaise hui?” (Can't you see where you're going? How dare you get in my way?)
“What did you just say?! How dare you use that tone with me?
“Poore mahal mein yeh gorey deemak ke bhaanti badhte hi ja rahe hain! Ek din ka bhi chain nahi hai!”(These white people are everywhere, like pests! Give me a break)
“Damu yeh..”(Damu this is….)
“Honge apne desh mein nawab, yahaan pe inki aukaat humaare naakhoon baraabar bhi na hain! Aur aise kya ghoor rahe hain yeh, laaj lajja kuch hai inko?” (He might be a Lord in his country, but here he isn't worth my toenail! And why are you staring at me like that? Have you any shame?)
Lord Cavill fumed at this disgrace of a woman, one who dared to look him in the eye and dared to speak while addressing him directly. Although he could not understand her words, her tone and posture were enough to get her backhanded, had they not been in the presence of company.  
This unruly child must be taught a lesson.
If anyone asked Lord Cavill, a woman’s tongue is only good for two things, sewing her mouth shut and on his cock whenever he pleased. If he didn’t expect the siren of his dreams to be in attendance, he would have put her in her place. Even if he could not punish this puny, dusky troll, he still had a reputation to defend.
“You listen to me carefully woman! You are messing with the wrong man, and spewing gibberish in some primitive language is not going to save you! Do you even know who I am? You are in MY bloody court and if I please, I can rip that serpentine tongue out of that pretty little hole! So you better apologise!”
“Cavill Saab.. please.. that’s my..”
“APOLOGISE? For what? Standing on my own soil? Or comparing you to a termite? None of which are false in my eyes. So get out of my way and know your place or you know what, go cry to your incompetent Lord!”
A storm raged in their eyes, wrath of all oceans combined in his and a black blizzard stirred concurrently in hers.
“Eyes down now, foreigner. ” The Tigress growled in warning.
The entire hall was suddenly quiet at the outburst. The musicians had stopped playing, and by the look of amusement on their faces, this was not the first time Damini Bai Sa had been the centre of attention.
Ashwanth tried pulling her back, her father was shooting daggers at her, while her siblings stood with aggravated expressions, exasperated by this wild child. It was Ganga Singh, who walked towards the ruckus and roared, which broke the deadly silence that had thickly draped the occasion.
“DAMINI! Are you out of your mind?! Do you even know WHO that is? Forgive me my Lord! This is my youngest child, Rajkumari Damini Bai, and I do not know what got into her, she is nothing like this!”
Renu and Revati Bai snickered at this comment and tried to hide their glee when they could see their father’s plan failing. No way will Lord Cavill bed this wild boar! They were preparing themselves for saving the kingdom, all the while reaping the seeds of pleasure from it.
“Damu, this is Lord Cavill himself. What is wrong with you, my child? Apologise, right now!”
“I would rather do Jauhar..” (light a pyre)
“It’s alright, Mr. Singh! I cannot expect common courtesy from uncultured brats like her. It just saddens me that you bear this burden on your shoulders! She certainly must have brought tremendous shame to the title of a Princess!”
Damini was about to give him a piece of her mind when Ashwanth pulled her back and gave her a solid glare.
Lord Cavill continued, “ Forgive me, but Maan Singh and your daughters seem like true blue-blooded beings. Has she been adopted from the streets?” His condescending tone should have had all the swords in the realm drawn up, but the language barrier and a father’s resolution to shove his daughter at him, saved the British neck.
Damini could not tolerate the insult and charged at him, “ Oh this is it! You goddamn plague sore! I will..” but was blocked by Ashwanth who was done watching her embarrass the Rajputana pride like a common whore.
“THAT IS ENOUGH DAMINI! Go take a seat!” The Maharaja ordered. But when she moved to her designated seat, her father grabbed her by the arm and lashed out with gritted teeth, “Sit with the guests. That seat belongs to your Master now. And don’t you dare embarrass me further. You are to serve him, and make sure he is left wanting for nothing. Nothing.”
Tears threatened to fall as the Tigress straightened her back, the princess coming to the fore, taking her position in the room, finding her place in the oppressive hierarchy.
Cavill watched her change her stance, a subtle nod to whatever her father threatened her with and for a second, he was impressed by the precise mutation. That is when he noticed the princess for the first time. Not so bad for a desert kingdom, blooming in all the right places. 
Back home, feisty women were his speciality, and he would often tame the likes of this woman, ploughing through their virgin lands.
His eyes wandered to her navel, as she walked to the guy who took her away earlier. Must be fucking her, and not enough at that! If she were in the right bed, she would be blissed out and her tongue tired. He could see her under him, screaming for an entirely different reason.
As the lust awoke, the mere thought of breaking this ballsy female had blood rushing to his groin, steeling his resolve as well as his cock. He had never bedded a princess, and was primed to claim her body for one night.
If that man could have her, she was fair game to all.
He strode towards the prize, steps decisive and eyes frigid. That is when he heard her voice, lowered but not discouraged by any means.
“Ashwanth, they let him take my seat, MY seat! And how could he say that about my lineage!? It was my seat!”
Ashwanth patiently replied, “ Don’t create a scene Damu, a chair does not define your position in the house, neither does some outsider! And can you please stop talking in English? You know how our people feel about it!”
Damini was feeling suffocated and needed to take a breath, but her luck soured the moment she felt thick fingers grabbing her arm, and felt his breath at the nape of her neck.
“You don’t need to get so riled up, princess. You know you can always sit on my lap like the little bitch you are.”
Damini looked at him with such fire in her eyes that it would have put Hestia to shame.
"Take. Your. Hands. Off. Me."
Taken aback, Cavill's grip loosened and she jerked out of his grasp with a rippling force. Much to the astonishment of the onlookers, she turned on her heel and stormed off.
The pride of her tears matched with the stride of the Tigress, refusing to fall before anyone.
Hindi Terms:
Khamba Ghani: Rajasthani salutation and a way to say hello. 
Firang: A derogatory term used for Europeans/ Colonisers, loosely translating to outsider.
Saab: Sir
Maharaja: King
Gajra: A traditional weave of scented flowers used as hair accessory by women.
Chapter 2
@madbaddic7ed @henrythickcavill @toomanyfandomsshreya @inana999 @maximumninjavoid @mistress-of-ward
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yongieee · 6 years ago
i was tagged by @jaehyun-l who apparently would hold me at gunpoint if i didn't do this djsjsjs love your tsundere nature asy!😚😚
anyways fjsdnsj lemme get on with it (i sincerely apologise idk how to add the keep reading thing so sorry to ur fingers for having to scroll- i tend to waffle💀💀💀)
nickname: ash!! my names aishwarya but who can be arsed for that right sjdjdjs so my friends all call me ash!
star sign: capricorn (it's kinda creepy how all the cappie personality traits literalee describe me- mayhaps astrology is accurate!)
height: like barely 5'1 fkdkdkd i am a smol one indeed plus i can't walk in heels so ig i'm destined to be mistaken for a 12 yo all my life👽👽
last film i watched: split!! n that shit had me confused di whole time i had to look up the wikipedia plot to make sense of it💀💀 im dumb oh well🤷🏽‍♀️
last thing i googled: gksjdjdjdn deadline for student loans ffkkckckckf we tryna get this edu-macation amirite laydees?!! acc no i'm normally so unorganised with this shit so I'm trying to sort it out early n not be lastminute.com as usual
favourite musician/artist: i literally listen to anything but my top groups are exo (ofc), shinee n nct! i am an sm hore n a boy group supremacist it seems👁👄👁 in terms of solo artists- sunmi, dean, mr D.O when he finally puts out the rnb solo album we ksoo-ls are all starving for n does taemin count??👽👽 well im putting him anyway jsjdjdk
song stuck in my head- key's one of those nights! amazing song i love him
other blogs- none lool im lazy
do u get asks?- not very often😔😔 but i would like some fkskdksj i promise im really nice
following: 274 blogs
followers: redacted
amount of sleep: im one of those ppl that needs like 8 hours at least to function normally which sucks cause i like staying up but most of di time i dont have the energy sjsjssjs
lucky number: i acc don't have one but i like 3 and 7 for some reason
dream job: i used to dream of being an interior designer when i was small djsjsjs random but yeh- also i've always thought working in music production would be so cool ooh and architecture as well sjsjsj can u tell i'm indecisive🤦🏽‍♀️
dream trip: all the big cities like hong kong, tokyo, seoul n also maybe when i have a s.o which may be centuries from now sksksks somewhere like venice or rome👀
instruments i play: played keyboard until i broke my thumb, play guitar decently n the ukulele is basically a smaller guitar to me so that too jsjsjsjs
languages i speak: english, malayalam, french n im in the very slow process of learning korean🤓
favourite food: ik this is probs not one ppl think about but cheese!! like cheesecake, pizza, pasta, cheese makes everything better n in terms of cuisine, indian obvs, italian n east asian ig
random facts: vkdkkdkd i'm a christmas day baby n also a leftie yes i am a strange child
favourite song: atm metronome by weki meki n replay by nct 127
my aesthetic: ceiling to floor windows where u can see di city below, black tea, gold n silver jewellery, scribbly (illegible) handwriting, dark chocolate, 80s flare jeans
tagging @yiffxing @bisexualbbh @vogueksoo @baekwhore @sesoolay n any other ppl that wanna do it!
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joshuas · 3 years ago
i always call u mrs hong ofc i ship u with shua <3
and myself maybe
tell me who you ‘ship’ me with <3
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