#and mikey replies with “lets settle this izana”
angryborzois · 10 months
can't stop thinking about how cool the izana vs mikey battle is gonna be when its animated
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yeosatinyngz · 2 years
okay! so, i wanna request bonten ran, bonten mikey, bonten kaku, and izana with a bisexual reader who has a major preference towards women so they are almost exclusively attracted to their boyfriend when it comes to men but will asks them for advice to flirt with the girl at the bar as if they arent asking their literal boyfriend that...i just think itd be kinda funny!!
I absolutely love this idea, thank you for requesting! I’m really sorry that its so shitty though, I was having a hard time wording stuff and I kinda just gave up😭
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Bi Reader w/ a preference towards women
↳GN Reader
Request Rules ➣ Masterlist
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Ran was talking about something but you were not paying attention to him as your eyes were settled on the prettiest woman you have ever seen. “And you’re not even listening to me.” “Shhh, I’m admiring the hottest person on this planet.” “Hello? Hottest person on this planet right here.” “Funny joke, now give me some flirting advice, I think imma go shoot my shot with her.” “First you gotta throw a charming smile at her, wait a minute, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE GONNA SHOOT YOUR SHOT WITH HER, I AM YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!” “Quiet down, you’re attracting unnecessary attention, plus you’re nothing but a side character.” “EXCUSE ME?! ME A SIDE CHARACTER, I AM THE MAIN CHARACTER.” “And that’s exactly what a side character would say, anyways Imma go talk to her, byeee.” “Wait-” But you were already out of earshot.
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As soon as you both stepped into the bar your eyes immediately landed on what you perceived to be the equivalent of a goddess. “Woah ho ho, if it isn’t my lucky day, my eyes have been blessed.” Mikey turns and gives you a confused look. “What are you talking about?” “I just saw the hottest woman ever, I desperately need you to give me some flirting tips.” As if his eyes weren’t dark enough, it darkened even more upon hearing your words. “Don’t look at me like that.” “I am going to kill that woman.” “CHILL, it’s not that serious.” “Remind me who your boyfriend is?” “You.” “That’s right, so don’t go ogling other people when I’m around.” “So what you’re saying is I can freely check out people when you’re not around?” He reaches his hand into his pocket, “Seems like you would like to have a talk with my little friend.” “Mikey, please tell me you’re not about to whip out your gun.” “Let’s find out shall we?” “Mikey, the love of my life, my sweetie pie, please forgive me. I was just joking around. I swear I only have eyes for you.” “I guess I’ll forgive you for now.” You sigh a breath of relief “but I’m keeping my eyes on you.”
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You were enjoying your [drink of your choice] until you made eye contact with the most attractive person you’ve ever seen. You immediately started choking on your drink and Kakucho looked over at you concerned. “Are you alright?” “No, omfg hottie alert, give me your best flirting advice.” “What?” “She’s coming this way, come on already.” “What are you going on about?” The woman that has caught your attention appeared before you. You kinda started freaking out and blurted out, “Holy shit girl queen pussy boss, do you want to be my girlfriend?” Before the woman could reply, Kakucho placed a hand over your mouth and cut you off, “Don’t mind them, they had a little too much to drink. I’m their boyfriend.” You quickly took his hand off. “He doesn’t mean anything to me, I would dump him for you.” Kakucho looked over at you with his jaw dropped. “We’re leaving.” He got up and harshly dragged you along with him. “What are you doing, she didn’t even give me her response yet, you ruined my chances at a possible relationship with the hottest woman ever.” He gave you the most menacing gaze you have ever seen and spat out, “Not another word.” You:🤐
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You quickly let go of Izana’s hand when you arrived at the bar. “My ‘hot woman within a feet radius’ radar is going off.” You looked around and spotted a hot woman. “Aha there! My radar never lies.” “What are you doing?” “Your best pickup line, go!” “Um, aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?” “I was actually expecting something worse but that might work, sorry for doubting your flirting abilities.” “Hey, I flirt pretty well thank you very much.” “Pfft sure.” “And what do you mean by it might work?” “I’m going in.” You told him while walking towards the woman. “Oh no you don’t.” He dragged you back. “Let go of me, I need to see if I have a chance.” “And I think you’re forgetting that you literally just asked your boyfriend for flirting advice.” “No, I was fully aware.” Bad move, Izana was seconds away from blowing a fuse. “Ahaha, I’m just in a silly goofy mood. Trust me, I love you with all my heart.” “Mhm, but when it comes to hot women, I’m suddenly thrown to the side.” “You should be happy that I’m only attracted to you out of all the men out there!” “You’re right, I’ll forgive you for your mistake tonight, but I will NEVER forget it.” You’re lucky he forgave you so quickly cause this night could’ve been the last night of your life.
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sie-rui · 3 years
REPLYING TO UR QUESTION ABT MY IZANA JOING THE SANO FAMILY OR WTV REWUEST- it’s like just izana joing the family and stuff after the tenjiku fight, I need some sano family fluff after ur sister sister part 3 story broke my heart 😩 anyway yeah it’s just izana plainly joing the sano family. Like yk how mikey says “if you just opened ur heart Emma and I would’ve happily accepted u!” YK? a scenario where izana DOES open his heart kinda ~ idk if that makes sense 😭
;; izana only wanted a family, he got that
🥛 — sano family, kurokawa izana
🧾 — cursing, angst and fluff, hurt / comfort, family, au - canon divergence, chapter 146: a bad hunch, imagine
✉ — what i meant was that if you still wanted the reader in the story- but oh well, i just went with it and just focused on the three of them instead sdkfj also, this is more of an introduction, i guess i’ll be making a second part to this soon.
🔖 — similar works: Sister, sister tetralogy, proofread by @yuutsunaoi (thank you so much <33)
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The grip on his wrist was cold and Izana was tempted to just flinch away, the smile on his lips dropping. Mikey doesn’t move away, he doesn’t get go.
“Let go, Mikey.”
He doesn’t even look away from amethyst eyes, the eyes of his brother.
A frown settles on Izana’s lips, fist already clenched and eyes narrowed, starting to pull on his hand. Inupi watches, nervousness creeping in his stomach as the tension continues to rise in the cemetery.
“I said let go.” Izana tugs at his hand but Mikey surges forward as well, still holding on.
“Why?” He questions, eyes wide, when he dodges Izana’s other hand coming up to hit him. He was trembling, Mikey finds, breathing heavy.
“I said let go!”
“Why do you hate us so much?!”
A distant roar of a motorcycle engine cuts his next words off and Izana looks up, behind Mikey’s shoulder, Kisaki’s words ringing in his head. “I’ll take care of your sister.”
Mikey’s dark orbs bore holes through him and Izana trembles in growing anger and underlying fear, not because of Mikey but because of his own self. Izana tugs at the blond’s hand but Mikey only grabs him once more.
Where had he gone wrong?
Has he ever gone wrong? This isn’t his fault, isn’t it? This was Mikey’s fault. He took Shinichiro away from him, he took Izana’s only brother away from him. This was Shinichiro’s fault as well, that liar.
That liar that he loved and admired either way.
This was that liar’s younger brother.
Izana bares his teeth, shaking Mikey’s hands. “Emma!”
Emma was that liar’s younger sister.
Emma was his younger sister.
Mikey stops, wide-eyed, grip loosening and Izana pushes him away. (Get away from me, get away from me.)
When Mikey turns around, hurrying off to where he sent his sister and Takemichi, and Inupi hurrying after him in worry, Izana remains standing there, looking at his wrist. It still burned. Mikey’s touch burned, it was nauseating, it brought back too many memories, too many feelings.
(That touch, that tight grounding grip, it reminds him too much of one Sano Shinichiro.)
“I’ll break you.”
Then, I’ll build you up. Into Shinichiro, this time.
It wasn’t enough to placate the growing feelings inside him any longer.
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He was barely eight.
Emma looked up to him, wide eyes at her older brother.
“I’ll welcome you there,” he said.
And Emma nods, like the obedient kid she was. Silent as ever even when Izana caresses her hair. Unknowing of what was to come, of the future that remains uncertain but with one fact that will be set in stone: this would be the last time they’ll be seeing each other.
Why can’t he stay with her?
Why can’t he stay with his dear sister?
Izana knows what their mother was doing. He knows what she’s planning to do when she gets rid of him. He knows what would happen to his younger sister. Given. Sent away. Just like him.
Why can’t she stay with me?
When he turns away, he doesn’t look back. If he did, he would have dug his heels to the ground, he would have grabbed her hand and they would have ran away.
Take care of yourself.
(I’ll come find you.)
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“Why did you say her name then?”
His voice was calm and Izana grits his teeth, kicking up his foot, blindly trying to hit the blond.
“Why did you warn me?”
Izana sees red, steps messy and fists a flurry of uncoordinated movements, smacking only air and missing Mikey by an arm.
“Why did you save Emma?”
I didn’t. I didn’t. I didn’t.
I wanted her dead.
I wanted you broken.
I wanted- I wanted…
I wanted a family.
(Shinichiro’s back was warm when Izana leaned his cheek on it, helmet loosely placed on his head and the cold wind on his face. The engine revs and Shinichiro speeds up with his younger brother holding onto him, eyes closed and on the brink of falling asleep.
The world was quiet. It was only Izana and his dear brother.
It was all he ever wanted.)
Kurokawa Izana lost even before the fight started. He lost the moment Mikey grabbed onto him and never let go. He lost the moment he uttered Emma’s name in warning of her fate, in warning of her death that was now avoided.
He lost the moment he let his emotions take over his head once more. He lost the moment he saw Shinichiro smile at him from Mikey’s shoulder.
Blood drips down his chin and Izana stops, his sight was blurry, why was it blurry? Why can’t he see straight?
Cold tears trickled down his cheeks and he stood there frozen, in front of Mikey, in front of his subordinates, his servants. Vulnerable.
He hated it.
Then, he was being pushed away.
Kakucho’s arms were around him when they both tumbled on the ground, a gunshot ringing through the bay. A strangled sound left his lips but it was more from surprise than pain and when he looked to his side, Manjirou was in the same position with Hanagaki Takemichi being the one who pushed him, the bullet missing them by a hair’s width.
Izana coughs, looking up at the sky as an uproar starts, Takemichi bouncing back up and running after the perpetrator when Hanma grabs him and flees.
“Takemitchy, don’t! He still has a gun!” Mikey yells after him, about to start running after them when Draken blocked his path with his motorcycle.
“Mikey, stay here! Leave it to me.”
“Izana? Izana?”
He looks at Kakucho, shaking him worriedly. “Izana, we lost. We lost.”
His lips quiver, from the cold, from the pain, from the memories, from the choking feeling on his neck. “I know.”
He closes his eyes, the fatigue from the day’s mess finally settling in him.
Shinichiro greets him with his usual grin. Emma was there as well, five year old Emma with her ponytail and starry eyed focused on him, one of her rare smiles on her face. A younger Kakucho was sitting beside him, the Kakucho who was always there for him from start to finish, who shared his dreams and who walked the same path as him.
Then, it was Mikey, Sano Manjirou. The Mikey who tilted his head but smiled at him either way. “You’re my brother, aren’t you?”
(And when he woke up, what greeted him was warm blankets, a dim room, a soft bed, and the smell of Emma’s cooking wafting through the air.)
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Okay so i don’t know what happened to inupi and izana after emma got hit and mikey went to see her and takemichi so i’m just assuming that in the original, inupi and izana went away to talk (or at least glared at each other on inupi’s side) so they didn’t see emma. but in this one, mikey held on to izana so he didn’t get to leave.
[ tag list: @emergencyfoodpaimon | @primsonnn | @gommiswifey | @alllostone | @lazecchi | @manjiroarchiviste | @chibichab | @salsas-without-the-middle-s |  @dai-tsukki-desu |  asawa-ni-senju | m4tsuch1 ]
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