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deathfavor · 1 year ago
@requiemofrebellion said: “ WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? “ (machi to chrollo)
send what the hell are you doing to drag my muse out from standing in the rain
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   It is no secret that Chrollo is, at times, one to get lost in the temple of his own mind. He allows for his thoughts to ring against the cathedral walls of his cranium like the songs of a choir in the vacant church, echoing and spilling into the space as he ponders philosophical and self-reflective questions. He stands on top of a walkway bridge, eyes focused on the skyline of the city when the first drops of rain begin to fall. But where others flee to shelter as if the rain was God’s judgement upon the sinful world, Chrollo doesn’t seem to even be aware of it — or remains entirely unfazed at least. He makes no effort to flee, grey eyes watching the water ripple with the steadily growing rain.
It's rather symbolic of humanity as a whole. Each person effects the whole, everyone's aura ripples and effects those around them no matter how big or small the raindrop is. A raindrop cannot fall into a lake without effecting the surface tension. A human cannot exist without effecting the world around them in some way. Even those who supposedly are nothing more than phantoms, legends, where proof of their existence has never been real.
His peace is shattered when he feels an arm loop around his by one of the spider's legs, the leader's expression turning from contemplative to innocent surprise when e regards Mrchi. Unlike the fearsome and composed appearance Chrollo gives as the leader of the troupe, as himself, there's a boyish youthfulness to his expression. Few would suspect that the one being rather forcefully dragged down from the bridge and under the awning of a nearby restaurant was the infamous leader of the Phantom Troupe. He looks more like a kitten caught in the rain than a ruthless killer.
" I was just thinking. " Chrollo offers to the scolding stare of Machi. He lifts a hand, running through his wet black locks, and grimaces. She's probably going to snitch to the others about this later on. " It's just rain, it's not that big of a deal. "
And yet it seems as if nature itself has taken her side, because moments later the rain starts to come down until its nearly deafening. All he can do is stare at her with a perfect poker face before giving a defeated sigh.
" Can we not tell the others? " At this point he's rather concerned they're going to start a checklist before he wanders off. ( It won't work - Pakunoda had tried once and Chrollo had escaped before even any of his spiders had noticed he was missing. Chrollo had, admittedly, found that hilarious. ) Grey eyes flick towards the restuarant for a moment. " We could go inside while we wait for the rain to pass? It's connected to a new art display too. " For once, he wasn't thinking about stealing anything. That didn't mean it wouldn't happen by the end of the day if something caught his eye.  
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kyukicho · 1 year ago
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"Mikey yes! Don't be a coward Kenchin! Give out your kisses!"
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galaxythixf · 1 year ago
Cont. || X || @requiemofrebellion
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Call it habit that Hisoka lurks and stalks all the same, friend or foe mattered naught in the face of his own perverse curiosities. Machi, usually stoic, wore the faintest hints on her expression despite her tight-lipped secrets. Perhaps hidden to an ignorant eye but glaring to those that hunted for it. His offer is dressed with hints of sarcasm at first, anticipating that aggravated response even as she smiles in the face of it. The magician hummed as he thought, letting pause rest in between their conversation purposefully to leave her hanging. "How could I ignore a friend in need? ♢" Sarcasm dripped from every word, accompanied by a trademark smile prepared to sell a thousand lies. He's aware that she knows his tricks, but this banter they shared was a bond he considered favorable.
"My offer still stands. ✩" Said a second time Hisoka's smile melts into the smirk it was always meant to be, arms folding over his chest while his back leans against the wall that supports him. Now said with some truth he waits for the reaction he knows she'll give him.
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ofsavior · 1 year ago
@requiemofrebellion replied to your post ““ Mistletoe kisses aren't real kisses. ””:
hanma vc: oh? then how about we give it a go, if it's not a real kiss?
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​“ Tsk. ” Cue the indignant puff of his chest. “ Fake kiss or not, I'm not doing it with you. ”
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wordscarred · 1 year ago
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@requiemofrebellion wrote,   5. Is your muse a top, bottom, or a switch? Why?   8. Are they polite or do they have a dirty mouth?   12. Would you consider them kinky or tame? for :  wriothesley, xiao (lmao), lumine
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five. Wriothesley is without a doubt a top. while he doesn’t think it’s shameful or anything to be a bottom, he just personally prefers to be the one in control of a situation. if he’s in control, he can plan accordingly and detail the outcome, rather than being at someone else’s mercy.
eight. while he’s not inherently dirty-minded, Wriothesley can easily adapt depending on the mood at hand. if that’s something his partner likes, he’ll go with it, but he’ll just as easily keep a normal speech pattern.
twelve. kinky. it’s not that he’s an undying kink master, it’s just that other than the intimacy of it, vanilla things are just rather boring to him.
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five. Xiao is not naturally inclined to either top or bottom as sex isn’t something he inherently thinks about. contrary to popular belief, he knows the fundamentals, but because his full time job is being Liyue’s punching bag, he hasn’t had much time to explore and find out what he is. spoiler alert : he’s a bottom.
eight. Xiao may be rough around the edges but he’s blunt. so while I’d be reluctant to call him polite, he is nowhere near dirty tongued. he is, as always, simply him.
twelve. tame. as I said before, he doesn’t have any first hand experience with any of this, let alone this thing mortals call “kinks.”
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five. Lumine is very much ( like her yaksha friend ) a bottom. it’s not necessarily because she can’t take control, but rather if she is going to partake in anything, she’d rather it actually relieve her day to day stress, and for that to happen, someone else needs to be in the lead.
eight. Lumine is a quiet person in general, but when it comes to any of these sorts of activities, she’ll simply mirror whatever her partner wants to keep the mood as it needs to be when she does deign to speak.
twelve. similarly to her speech pattern, Lumine is adaptable. she’s willing to go along with most things, simply playing to a partner’s interest or idea. she doesn’t have any unique preferences.
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ofluminance-a · 1 year ago
❝ i didn’t realize how late it was. ❞ (Freminet to Lynette)
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with a quick glance at the clock, lynette makes a noise at the back of her throat. something almost akin to a growl. it was really late, wasn't it? where had the time gone?
violet eyes lift to find her brother and lynette nods her head with the swish of a gray tail. " let's get some rest then, we can pick this work up for ' father ' in the morning. " standing with ease, lynette offers a hand to help freminet up. it's followed by a small smile and cute little yawn as lynette stretches her other arm in the air. " i guess i was more tired than i thought, " with a look to the dark night sky out of their window, lynette had to wonder -- where was lyney? why wasn't he back yet?
but, so not to worry freminet, lynette keeps her same expression and leads the way to their room hand still outstretched for him if he wants it. " come on, freminet. let's go. "
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grislyintentions · 1 year ago
"Are there limits to any emptiness?" (Blade to Kafka)
Meme (x) || Accepting || @requiemofrebellion
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The fact that it was her that he posed the question to did not fail to escape Kafka’s notice. Emptiness…that’s quite a fitting description.
“I don’t think these limits exist.” The stellaron hunter’s ever present smile does not leave her countenance. Yet those who learned to observe, those who knew to look, would perhaps describe the current painted one upon her face as ‘sad’. Warmth blooms against the side of her arm as she leans against the swordsman for a brief moment.
“But…It does get easier to live with.”
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icefell · 2 years ago
Send “back off”  to grab the arm of someone who attempted to touch my muse without their permission and shove them back.  | accepting.
@requiemofrebellion asked: "Back off" (from Caelus)
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When venturing to new planets you never knew what to expect. March was very aware of this and typically held up a high guard in unfamiliar surroundings...
That's why when a man approached her - seemingly interested in her camera the girl took a step back.
He made an offer of taking a picture of her but she quickly declined. That sort of response seemed to surprise him but he didn't let up. Instead he offered to take her to a place with some truly picturesque scenery. Again, March refused him. His entire vibe was off-putting ..
Now a bit frightened she decided to turn and leave .... but as she did so he grabbed her arm! A surprised cry left her throat as she attempted to struggle from his grasp. "HEY, let go of me! I don't -" before things could get any more dire - a familiar figure approached and immediately shoved the perpetrator ...who promptly fell on their behind.
They let out a hiss of pain before jumping to their feet and running. The archer stood there speechless for a moment before turning her attention to Caelus. "What.... what was with him??" she spat. Despite putting up a tough front, she was shaking ..... just a little. "....oh.. um.... and thanks....a-are you okay?"
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revengesworn · 1 year ago
It's impossible for Koko to tell what Manjiro Sano is thinking.
He's always been an enigma. A figure who stands larger than life, high above the rest and impossible to reach... how could Koko ever hope to understand someone like that? Sometimes he wonders if it's ever lonely on the top. But that's not something he could ever know, is it?
Part of him wants to blame him. For all this - for being in the Kanto Manji gang to begin with, for having Inupi no longer by his side... but he knows that in the end, he made his own decision. It's better this way, for Inupi to live his own life - he shouldn't be weighed down by Koko's selfish nature. At the very least, he deserves some kind of happiness. But sometimes, he wishes...
...Wishes what? What does he wish for? Happiness? ...What's the point in that? That's something he knows he'll never have.
"Boss." he acknowledges Mikey, respectfully enough, but with an gaze that's somewhat tired. Though he must admit... he's curious about what Mikey wants from him, now of all times.
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"You wanted to talk to me?"
@requiemofrebellion ( starter for mikey! )
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multianime · 1 year ago
🖤 (karma for nagisa)
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them: (Obviously this would be in the future for them.)
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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deathfavor · 1 year ago
@requiemofrebellion said: "3, 2, 1..." (hanma to kazutora , any verse !)
Send "3,2,1..." for a new years kiss from my muse
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These grand celebrations aren't Kazutora's cup of tea so to speak, but he plays an important role in this new Toman. He knows he's expected to be there. If nothing else, it's a moment to flaunt to the world how a freed tiger is doing. How he thrives in the dark belly of the underworld. So Kazutora dresses to impress while still maintaining his own style. Leather and fancy silks, his usual earring, and other accessories that draw eyes to him. And it works, because when he saunters into the celebratory party, he can feel the crowd's eyes immediately focus on him.
He gracefully makes his way through the crowd, accepting a drink from one of the waiters that flits around the space like birds delivering drinks and snacks to guests. Leave it to Kisaki to spare no expense. It's impressive though, Kazutora muses as he takes a sip of the drink, gold eyes trailing over the crowd. He recognizes many of the faces, but some are new. All seemed to be basking in the luxury of this ornate party and delighted in the buzz of excitement. The ceiling to floor windows also offered a gorgeous view of the city and the fireworks of people celebrating. Undoubtedly, this event will be all the talk for the next few days.
Kazutora isn't interested in that at the moment, as pretty as they are. His eyes are searching, hunting through the crowd even as people try to get his attention. He entertains some, but his attention diverts as soon as he sees who he's been looking for.
" Hanma ! " Kazutora's eyes brighten as he sets his empty glass on a passing tray and makes his way over to the one he's followed all this time. The one whose never looked at him with disgust or fear.
Time passes, and while the tiger does part now and again, sometimes to dance, sometimes to fetch a drink, he isn't far from Hanma. And as the final moments of the year approach, Kazutora returns to Hanma's side, where he finds the towering male seated on a leather couch. As many people as there are at the event, most seem to give Hanma plenty of space for himself on the couch.
The countdown beings.
The tiger makes his move.
Kazutora flashes a confident grin as he approaches, fearless of the reaper. He slides himself onto Hanma, straddling his hips while his knees sink into the fabric. It's just enough that he can comfortably reach Hanma's face as the countdown grows closer and closer. It's strangely intimate to share the last dying moments of a year together, gold stares locked with one another.
Kazutora leans forward, crashing his lips against Hanma's. But there's nothing unskilled about it. Kazutora knows what he's doing as he slots their mouths together and presses himself flushed against Hanma. There's jealous stares at them, but Kazutora couldn't give a shit about what the rest of these people were doing or thinking. His hands cup Hanma's cheeks, his eyes fluttering shut as he presses into the kiss further.
His teeth come to nip playfully at Hanma's bottom lip, soothed over when his tongue glides over where his teeth just were. They both taste of alcohol but Kazutora would gladly drink it from Hanma's lips if it were given. He sighs soft and quiet before he pulls back slightly. His eyes flutter to half-open, eyes as dark as the midnight skies with how wide his eyes are, dilated with his interest. His fingers trail down, along the slender column of his throat before simply resting against Hanma's chest. As for Kazutora, his pink tongue darts out, licking his own lips like he can swallow the last trace of Hanma on him while he flashes a pleased grin.
" Happy New Year ~ "
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starjynx · 2 years ago
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@requiemofrebellion sent: 💦 (smiley to angry )
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❝ HEY! ❞ Souya yelped in surprise & turned around to glare at his brother. He already knew there was only one person it could've been. Azure eyes staring down Nahoya's merry demeanor. Behind the smile it's always some form of mischief it'd seem. Now beautiful blue curls were ruined & turned to a sopping mess that cascaded down his forehead.
❝ Where'd you even get that bucket of water from? ❞ Not that that really mattered now. Souya made a grab for the bucket whilst Nahoya seemed to find enjoyment in all this. He tried his best to shove the bucket atop of Nahoya's own head of curls in retaliation.
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galaxythixf · 1 year ago
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Mikey snatched it back and fixed up the bingo, in spite of Draken's comment. And this time, he made it so he had a blackout, no he doesn't care if that's cheating.
"Total blackout now, Kenny!" He says with a grin.
He just wanted to get one blackout, that was his goal.
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"Psh! You damn cheater, you know that isn't legit." Despite this Draken makes no attempt to stop him, accepting the edited chart as he would have the original. "Nice job, Mikey."
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ofsavior · 1 year ago
meet me under the mitsletoe. || @requiemofrebellion
 ‘ mistletoe ’ (Draken and Chifuyu accidental or or purposeful cause of a dare or being called a coward?? idk it need sleep madi lmao)
Collected at the Sano residence, it's a casual night among the friends. Draken, Mikey, Chifuyu, Takemich, and Mitsuya. Since last year, it's something of a tradition to spend Christmas Eve together. They're gathered together and planning to meet Hakkai and Yuzuha at a shrine. Smiles and laughter infect the room, and Chifuyu looks up to Draken as they approach the door.
Damn Draken's tall, but there's something on the ceiling over him? A plant? Then, Chifuyu's eyes grow wide and his face goes pale. Oh shit. “ ... Uh, Draken? ”
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“ We're kinda standing under mistletoe. ” Mistletoe Chfiuyu is almost certain is reserved for Draken and a certain other blonde whose surname is Sano. Instinct tells Chifuyu he should move, but breaking tradition is surefire fuel for everyone else in the room to gripe and complain about how uncool they are. What kind of coward breaks tradition? Not the first Division Captain. After all, something tells Chifuyu Baji would do it. But that doesn't mean it's a good idea. It isn't.
A chuff of his breath, and he sighs away his reservations. Now... how to actually do it.
They say men are oftentimes one part brave and three parts fool, and Chifuyu certainly feels that in his soul as his hands grab Draken's shoulders. Draken's harder to pull than expected, so Chifuyu results to nearly jumping on him like a cat to a tree. The kiss is more like an ambush and lasts only until Chifuyu looses his footing and pulls back in swift attempt to balance. He doesn't even look at Draken before he sharply turns to the group behind him with a pointed finger and vaguely unhinged look to his eyes. “ NO ONE CAN SAY FIRST DIVISIONS IS MADE UP OF COWARDS! ”
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wordscarred · 1 year ago
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@requiemofrebellion challenged me with incorrect quotes so they're all under the cut
Yuuri:  You love me, right, Kinoko? Kinoko:  Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
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Venti:  English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Xiao:  You need to stop.
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Venti, standing with their back turned:  I’ve been expecting you, Scaramouche. Scaramouche:  How did you do that without turning around? Venti:  ...to be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
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Xiao:  *Gets down on one knee* Scaramouche:  Oh my god, it’s finally happening. Xiao:  *Falls over* Scaramouche:  The poison is kicking in.
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Xiao:  I’m going to take you out Childe:  great, it’s a date! Xiao:  I meant that as a threat. Childe:  See you at five!
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Furina:  Today is a day of running through hurdles. Neuvillette:  Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles? Furina:  Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
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Wriothesley:  I made tea. Neuvillette:  I don’t want tea. Wriothesley:  I did not make tea for you. This is my tea. Neuvillette:  Then why are you telling me? Wriothesley:  It is a conversation starter. Neuvillette:  That’s a lousy conversation starter. Wriothesley:  Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
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Furina:  Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground. Navia:  Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
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Katsuki:  How petty can you get? Izuku:  I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
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Yuuri:  Am I in trouble? Yuuya:  Take a guess. Yuuri:  No? Yuuya:  Take another guess.
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ofluminance-a · 1 year ago
❝ it’s a beautiful night. ❞ (mikey to takemichi)
mikey's bike is parked off onto the side of the street behind them, haphazardly. takemichi was slowly getting the hang of parking her better. ... s l o w l y.
laying in the grass on the side of a highway overlooking the city beneath them just as the sun slips beneath the night's darkening clouds and twilight falls upon them-- it really is beautiful. in a way, takemichi can't quite explain. maybe because in this timeline, everything is how it should be?
& when takemichi lifts his head at the sound of mikey's warm voice, blue eyes slide towards him. no matter how hard he tries to fight it, takemichi cannot help the faint blush that falls onto his cheeks as he watches the wind blow through his long blonde locks. blue eyes soften and takemichi leans back, placing both palms flat on the ground behind him, once again his eyes fall on the passerbys and cars below them both. " yeah, man. it really is. "
the first division captain wants to enjoy this moment and not interrupt the quiet that sits between them, but, takemichi doesn't always have such an opportunity to talk to mikey just the two of them, either. with another glance his way, a hand runs through takemichi's own hair, trying to settle it against the roughness of the wind.
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" hey.. uh, mikey? you've been kinda quiet lately.. i know i'm not draken or mitsuya.. but, hey.. if you, uh-- need to talk or anything about everything that's happened, i'm always here for you, you know? " all takemichi wanted was for one of his best friends to smile again. and if he could help, in any way, there's nothing that takemichi wouldn't do for mikey.
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