#and maybe she'll just go take the picture later when i'm not watching. but at least now she knows her mindset is
coquelicoq · 4 months
context: i just got home and there was a trailer parked right in front of my building that wasn't there when i left about an hour ago. it's not blocking anything. it's probably being lived out of. i opened the door to the building just as my neighbor was opening the door from her unit to the entryway.
her (clearly joking): that's your trailer, isn't it? me (innocently): what trailer? her: oh, you didn't notice? [she opens the building door. the trailer is visible from the door and is probably 15 feet away] i'm taking a picture. me (still innocently): oh, what for? her: [pauses] me: is it hurting anything? her: uh, my serenity? me (as though it's not rhetorical): i mean, where are they supposed to go? her: well, i don't know… me: if they're not hurting anything…i don't know. her (somewhat abashed): well, now you're making me feel like a shitty person… [closes the door] me: you're not a shitty person. i just don't know where they're supposed to go. her: yeah. me: they don't bother me, i don't bother them. you know? her: i'm a compassionate person. i just don't like it to be right in my face. me: it's hard. i think it's harder to be them, though. her: oh yeah. it does make me appreciate my life more. me: totally.
i had to pretend to be a lot more sympathetic with her than i actually am, and kind of implied other things i don't believe (e.g., that homeless people only have the right to exist in public insofar as they aren't bothering anyone), and it left a bad taste in my mouth. but ultimately, she didn't take the picture.
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iluvmattsbeard · 5 months
ride (m.s)
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master list
dad!matt x mom!reader
warnings: HEAVY smut/car sex/choking/swearing/unprotected sex/creampie
preview: it was rare to have time alone ever since you two had a child. Nick volunteers to babysit, leaving you two to make dinner plans when you get home from work. when you get ready, Matt waits in the car and when you come out, he questions if you guys should just skip reservation.
a/n: DAD MATT AND SMUT. HERE YOU GO. LIKES, COMMENTS, and REBLOGS are very appreciated.
while you were at work, Matt has been begging to take you out to dinner.
I don't know Matt...
maybe some other time we can go out. who would watch Ellie?
Ellie was your one year old daughter. you and Matt haven't had alone time ever since you had her. you were too busy with work and when you weren't working, you put all your time towards her.
Y/n we haven't been out. it's just one night.
Nick is willing to watch her tonight.
you hesitate a bit to respond.
come on please?
okay fine. make sure Nick is actually okay with it.
making the reservation now!
Matt's POV
"me and mommy are going on a date!" I say with a smile, bouncing Ellie on my lap. I think we deserve just one night. as much as I love spending time with our daughter, I miss when I had Y/n to myself. Nick texts me saying he'll be here later and I thank him. he loves spending time with Ellie. he spoils her the most. I don't really trust Chris after what he said about if he had a kid he would chuck the kid in the back seat with no car seat because he thinks it's a fuss. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.
I'm just glad Y/n agreed to tonight. she deserves it the most. she's a wonderful mom and I wouldn't have it any other way. I sit down Ellie on the bed. she's not walking yet but, she knows how to sit up. as she sits there playing with her toys, I look in the closet for something to wear. I also look at Y/n's side of the closet to pick something out for her. I made reservations for the restaurant she's been wanting to go to. I notice this red dress that I haven't seen her wear before. tonight is the night she will. I analyze the dress and picture her in it.
after, I go back to Ellie and take a photo of her, "going to send this to mommy." I say.
are you sure you want to leave that cute face?
no backing out
later on, Nick arrives and he surprises Ellie with a new stuffed toy. "really Nick? another toy?" I chuckle. he shrugs, "she's my only niece. I just need to spoil her." I shake my head with a smile. "when is Y/n coming home?" he asks carrying Ellie. I check the time on my phone, "she'll text when she's on the way." I respond. we both talk about the plans I have for tonight. "I don't know why you guys don't ask me more often. I will drop everything to watch her." Nick says making me laugh, "well it's up to Y/n." my phone buzzes shortly after, showing a text notification from her.
coming home now love
drive safely!
End of Matt's POV
after a bit, you finally arrive home. you unlock the door to immediately see Matt and Nick playing with your daughter. they both turn their heads to face you, "look, it's mommy!" Nick exclaims making Ellie reach out for you with a squeal. you giggle and walk up to the three, picking her up. you plant a kiss on her cheek, "hello my love." you say with a smile. you look at Nick, "are you sure you're okay with watching her? we can just re-." you were cut off by Matt, "he wants to watch her. now, give me Ellie and get ready." you back up a bit, "I was talking to Nick." you say with a small laugh. Nick nods, "Y/n I literally told Matt earlier that you guys need to let me know more often." he responds. "okay I just want to make sure." you let out, looking at Ellie. "it's just going to be different." you add on.
"well this is why we're going out tonight so that you can see Ellie will be okay without us." Matt says reassuringly. you sigh softly as Matt takes your daughter from your arms. "now, go get ready." he continues. "so eager." you say with a smile before going to your bedroom. your eyes were met with a dress laid out on the bed. you pick it up and shake your head. you haven't dressed it up in a while. your style has changed ever since you had Ellie. you didn't know how you'd feel in this dress. you go to the bathroom and take a quick shower. then, you slip on the dress and stare at yourself in the mirror. your cleavage was very visible and the dress hugged your curves like a glove. you felt like it was too much but, you stick to it since it's what Matt wants. you do your makeup and put on jewelry that compliments the outfit.
i'll wait in the car
I can't wait to see you all dressed up mama
you read the text and sigh softly. you've been with Matt for a while but, you still felt nervous. your stomach was turning, it was like the first time you went out together. you put on your heels and walk out the bedroom.
Nick's eyes land on you and he gasps, "oh my damn." he lets out. he covers his mouth, "you look fantastic." he compliments you. "it's not too much?" you ask uncertain still of the way you look. Nick shakes his head, "no you look great! it's rare for you to be dressed up so, it's never too much." he says. you walk over to the two and carry your daughter. "mommy will be back later okay?" you say kissing her cheek softly, making sure your lipstick doesn't stain on her. you hand her back to Nick, "okay, please text if you need anything." you say and he shakes his head, "just go Y/n! we'll be good! go enjoy your night." "thank you Nick. we'll see you later." you greet him good bye and walk out the door. you tug your dress down slightly and head towards the car.
you open the passenger door and get in. Matt looks at you with his mouth agape. you were going to put your seat belt on but suddenly stop when you catch his stare, "Matt?" you laugh softly. his eyes were slowly checking you out from your face, down to your exposed cleavage. he looks away quickly and clears his throat, "are you okay?" you speak up again, "are you having second thoughts?" he looks at you again, "a little yeah." you were taken aback from his response, "what? you were literally begging me earlier. I got ready for-." he interrupts you, "Y/n..." he lets out. you stare at him with a confused expression. "look down." he mutters. you look down at his pants to see a visible dent. your eyes widen a bit, "Matt!" you exclaim, "are you serious?" you add on with a slight laugh.
he quickly changes the subject, "okay put your seat belt on." you do as he says as he drives off. the car ride was silent. you still couldn't believe how easily turned on he was. in his defense, you guys barely have time alone to do anything so he couldn't help it. Matt was tense while driving. his jaw was clenched a bit, letting out a breath. you look at him, breaking the silence, "Matt do you want me to go home and change or something?" he doesn't respond. "come on talk to me." you were getting a little irritated.
"we can still turn around." you continue. Matt grips the steering wheel and pulls over. you look at him and try to speak, "what are you-." he puts the car in park and unbuckles his seat belt. he lets out another breath and avoids eye contact, "I don't want you to change, I don't want to turn around, and its hard to speak to you right now." he lets out. "okay well you're acting off and it's confusing me." you respond. he looks at you with a straight face, "if I tell you what I have in mind, you wouldn't want to start something you can't finish." he says. you fix your posture, "what are you talking about?" you question.
"I want you to ride me." your eyes widen by his straightforward response, "w-what?" you stutter out, "right now?" he puts his seat back slightly and puts his hand on the dent of his pants, "right now." he says. you unbuckle your seat belt and take off your heels. deep down, you wanted it as badly as he does. you crawl on top of him, sitting your clothed cunt on his dent. he lets out a groan, immediately placing his lips onto yours. you kiss back with the same eagerness and wrap your arms around his neck. the kiss was intense, you both were acting like you've been starved from each other. he places his hands on your waist as you start to grind on his clothed erection. you earn a groan from him as he run his hands down to your ass.
he grips it and you felt yourself get more wet. you run your hands through his hair as he slips his tongue into your mouth. Matt pulls up your dress slightly, now touching your bare ass. his grip was harsher this time making you moan out suddenly. he pulls away and you were both left breathing heavily, “I need to feel you.” Matt lets out. you look down at his pants and unbutton it. he helps you as he pulls down his pants with his boxers.
you gulp at the sight of his throbbing tip. you don’t even remember the last time you had him inside of you. “wait, how about our reservation?” you ask looking at him. “don’t waste time.” he says pulling your dress up more, sliding your panties to the side. he rubs his tip at your entrance, causing you to squeeze your thighs slightly. “you’re so wet mama.” he says before pushing into you slowly. your mouth went slightly open, escaping a small gasp. his hands were on your hips as he pushes you down on his cock.
you felt him stretching you out, letting a moan out, “fuck Matt. you’re too big.” he grins, “what, you don’t think you’ll be able to handle it?” he teases, stopping his movement. you shake your head, “n-no! I can.” you whine out, moving your hips desperately. Matt groans, “fuck keep doing that.” you shut your eyes, gripping onto his shoulders as you begin to ride him. “you feel so good on me.” he lets out a breath, gripping your hips. you start to pick up the pace, rolling your hips in a consistent pace.
Matt runs his hands down to your ass again as he squeezes, “you’re so fucking sexy riding me.” he says.
Matt throws his head back moaning out low curse words. you run your hands down his chest with your mouth agape. his length filled you up perfectly. you suddenly start to bounce yourself up and down, filling the car with the sounds of your guys’ skin slapping against each other. Matt looks down at the sight of you taking his dick. every time you went back down as you bounced, made Matt want to hold you down and stay deep inside of you, “I-I told you I could handle it.” you mutter out.
he then grips your neck, stopping your movements from his sudden rough thrusts. you hold onto his arm as you gasp, “f-fuck!” you scream out. “how about now?” he grunts. he tightens his grip as you place your hand on the car window. the windows were fogged up as your hand slid down it slightly. “you like when i’m deep inside of you huh?” he asks, continuing his movement. you nod quickly making him speed up. you felt weak, now gripping onto his shoulders, digging your nails into his skin.
“fuck Matt!” you moan out as he starts to get sloppy with his thrusts. you take over and start rolling your hips again, driving him crazy. you were both moaning messes. you love how vocal he is. he bucks his hips as he throws his head back again, shutting his eyes. you were both in sync as you rode him and he thrusts. “I-I’m going to cum.” you manage to moan out. Matt picks up the pace again making your legs shake as you release all over his cock.
he manages a few more thrusts before shooting his cum inside of you, holding your hips down on him still. you collapse onto his chest as you both catch up with your breathing. “h-holy shit.” you stutter out. “what baby?” he asks rubbing your lower back. “I missed this.” you confess as he smiles, “me too. looks like we need to take Nick on his offer to watch Ellie more often.” he says. you sit up still on him as you check the time, “do we still go to dinner?” you ask. he looks at you, “we’re a sweating mess and my dick is still inside of you. what do you think?” he asks. you stay quiet for a bit before giving a sly smile, “another round?” you let out, causing you both to laugh, and he attaches his lips to yours after.
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a/n: hope this satisfies your dad Matt craving
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desperately wanna write a childhood friends to lovers au w chloe and red in the timeline where bridget never goes evil and is still besties w ella
like imagine all the hangouts and sleepovers they have, crying and whining when they have to be separated because red, dear, we really must return home or chloe, love, we've been in wonderland for a week already
imagine little chloe bursting into her parents' bedroom declaring that she'll always be red's knight in shining armour, because every princess, especially a crown princess, needs a knight to protect her and ella and christopher just KNOWING that chloe is gonna stay by red's side forever and ever
so they start planning the wedding with bridget, thrilled to have the opportunity to bring their families even closer together. they're gonna be in laws! a family, just like they've always dreamed.
imagine little red telling her mum that chloe has a really pretty smile and really pretty eyes, and it makes her happy to see chloe happy, and that chloe is the bestest friend in the whole wide world and bridget has to stop herself from squealing and pinching red's adorably flushed cheeks, because her daughter was so in love already, even if it was just puppy love. that doesn't stop her from screaming gleefully into her pillow later that night tho
imagine them growing up together, attached at the hip, never straying from the other's side. imagine them going to auradon together, everyone already knowing that red and chloe, chloe and red, are a package deal. you can't get one without the other, a known fact since the duo were old enough to travel through the rabbit hole on their own
imagine chad walking in on them cuddling, watching a movie and cooing at them, snapping pictures on his phone before they notice him, yelling at him to leave them alone. alright, alright, I'll leave you lovebirds alone and red flushes in mortification and shut the fuck up chad, we're completely platonic and you know this because little miss goody-goody would definitely be rougher around the edges, growing up with red, and she'd definitely cuss up a storm at chad, but she loves him, she swears, just maybe not as much as she loves red
imagine them going through all the motions of a romantic relationship, cuddles, cheek kisses, hand holding, cute dates and all that, but insisting that it's just platonic, and that's how they've always been because they're best friends and their parents are so very done with them, just praying for them to get together, and chad has even started a betting pool for when they'll realise they love each other. he thinks it'll take them until at least their second year at auradon prep - at least, it'll take chloe that long
imagine chloe and red having matching lock screens, and having each other set as their home screens as well. imagine red baking chloe anything she asks for, like peppermint cookies and flamingo feather cupcakes and blueberry muffins, because chloe, her princess, her knight, has a raging sweet tooth that red can't help but indulge every time. imagine chloe taking red on ice cream dates, because red LOVES ice cream, and refusing to let her pay for it because red was a princess and deserved only the best treatment, thank you very much and red has to point out that chloe, you're a princess too. but, red, you're the crown princess and im your loyal knight <3
imagine red finally realising her feelings and ranting at the council of parents because holy shit aunt ella, your daughter is so dense?? and christopher can't help but cringe because he knows exactly who chloe got that trait from and he's like I'm sorry but while we charmings are quite, charming, we're also quite oblivious, especially to matters of the heart and bridget can't stop laughing because darling, you may need to hit her with glass shoes for her to figure it out, which makes ella blush because that's exactly what she had to do that night at castlecoming
god I have so many feels about this I am totally normal about glassheart. final part absolutely inspired by @strugglingsapphic's recent post bc I love the idea of oblivious chloe not knowing shit
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dumbslvtforethan · 5 months
✁ THE DINER. ethan landry
inspired by "THE DINER" by billie eilish.
warnings: stalking, obssesion, posessive, no smut just plot343 words
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𐙚 mdni!! ↓↓ 𐙚༘⋆ೀೀ
"DONT BE AFRAID OF ME, IM WHAT YOU NEED." That was the note slipped under your dorm door. You assumed it was from your so-called stalker, as your friends would tell you whenever they saw the notes he left. At first, they were things like, "I know we're meant to be" or "You're starring in my dreams." You leaned down to pick up the note when your roommate, Mindy, stopped you."No, Y/N, enough. Seriously, this stalker stuff is getting creepy.""Oh, don't call whoever this is a stalker. Look, it's nothing."Mindy picked up the note and read it. "Don't be afraid of me?? Is that what you call nothing? For me, this is sounding a bit Ghostface-like." She looked at you with judging eyes. "Come on, we're going to be late for class."You grabbed her arm, leaving your dorm. In front of Mindy, you pretended to brush it off. You knew she'd freak out, but in reality, you were also scared, terrified.
"So, how's stalker boy?" Tara asked while you two were walking to the lunch table."Tara, I'm starting to get scared," you said, stopping in your tracks."Trust me, it's nothing. Plus, think about it, someone is obsessed with you.""Yeah, you're probably right." You both sat down with the rest of the group."Hey guys," Chad said, smiling."Hey, where is Mindy?" you asked. She was the only one missing."Oh, she forgot her pen or something. She'll be back in a bit," Anika said. That was technically true, but Mindy was actually looking for more notes or letters from your stalker. An envelope was attached to the fridge, marked "From: Stalker Boy." Mindy yanked it from the fridge and tore it open.In the meantime, you were sitting next to Ethan. You two were never really close; you'd only talk because of Econ."Are you okay?" he asked, putting his hand on your shaking leg."Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." You smiled sweetly, turning to face him, and he smiled back."Hey, I'm back," Mindy said, eyeing you. You stood up from the table and went to talk to her."Stalker boy wrote you a letter.""Wait, a real handwritten letter?"Mindy nodded. "Well, that's... weird.""Finally, you came to your senses. Anyways, I destroyed it.""Mindy! That could've been evidence.""Yeah, no, I don't think 'you could be my wife' is evidence." You both chuckled.Ethan was watching from the table, reading your lips. Knowing you knew about his letter just made him more aroused.
Later, you got ready to go to a random Halloween frat party someone was hosting. Maybe you should've worn an outfit that showed less skin because the number of guys hitting on you was obscene. Some were gentle, talking about your future together, while others were more aggressive, kissing you without permission. You needed to catch some air.You stepped outside, sitting on one of the steps of the doorway. "Hey, can I sit here?" Steve asked. He was from Econ, and you always thought he was cute."Yeah, sure.""So, are you enjoying the party?""Not really, actually. Guys keep hitting on me. I want someone who wants me for me, not just for my body," you blurted out."I guess I feel the same way." You both stared at each other. You leaned in and kissed him without much thinking."Oh my God, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." You put your hand over your mouth and got up."Wait," he ran over. "I liked it." He smiled and kissed you again. "Do you need a ride home?" You nodded, smiling. You couldn't believe you just kissed the boy you liked and now he was taking you home. You both walked over to his car, and he opened the door for you.What you couldn't see was Ethan watching. He tilted his head slowly, observing. He pulled his phone from his pocket and took a picture of you two, gripping his beer bottle, chugging one more time before throwing it on the ground when you both took off. He put on his helmet and rode his motorcycle to the diner.
He sat down at his usual place and wrote you another letter, more aggressive and explicit than the last one. He didn't even care if you'd be scared. You were his, and he was yours, at least that's what he thought.
You came back home exhausted. Mindy wasn't home; she texted you saying she was sleeping at Anika's. You entered your bedroom, set your purse on your bed.Sitting in the bathtub, you let the warm water envelop you, trying to wash away the anxiety that clung to you. The steam rose around you, and for a moment, you could almost forget about the notes and the unease they brought. After a while, you drained the tub and slipped into your softest pajamas, feeling a bit more at ease.As you walked back into your room, you noticed the clock on your nightstand blinking 11:45 PM. You sat on the edge of your bed, brushing your still-damp hair. Your phone buzzed with a text from Mindy."Are you okay? Did you get home safe?""Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired," you replied, setting your phone down.You tried to distract yourself by scrolling through social media, but your thoughts kept drifting back to the stalker and the unnerving notes. You considered telling the campus security, but part of you felt it would be dismissed as a prank or overreaction. Besides, you didn't have any solid evidence, thanks to Mindy's well-meaning destruction of the latest letter.After a while, your eyelids grew heavy. You turned off your phone and snuggled under your blankets, hoping sleep would come quickly. But as you lay there in the dark, every creak of the dorm, every rustle of the wind outside, seemed magnified. You couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you.
Meanwhile, at the diner, Ethan was finishing his letter. He wrote with a fervor, his handwriting becoming more erratic as he poured his obsessive thoughts onto the paper. The letter was filled with declarations of love, veiled threats, and vivid descriptions of his fantasies about you. He folded it carefully, placing it in an envelope with your name on it. As the night stretched on, you finally drifted off into a restless sleep, unaware of the shadowy figure lurking outside your window, watching. Ethan stood there for a moment, his breath fogging up the glass as he stared at you. He slipped the new letter under your door before disappearing into the night.You woke up in the middle of the night with a headache, feeling slightly more rested but still uneasy.
The memory of the kiss with Steve brought a small smile to your face, but it was quickly overshadowed by the sight of another envelope lying on the floor inside your door. Your heart sank as you saw another paper "310-807-3956" it was your phone number. you picked it up, the familiar handwriting sending chills down your spine.You tore it open, dreading what you'd find. The words were more intense, more disturbing than before. "i could change your life, you could be my wife" it read. "please dont call the cops, they'll make me stop, and i just wanna talk". "No one else can have you. I'll make sure of it." The explicit nature of the letter made your skin crawl. Suddenly, your phone rang. The caller ID displayed "Unknown Number." You hesitated for a moment before answering, your heart pounding in your chest. "Hello?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly. "Hey gorgeous, did you get my letter?" The voice on the other end was eerily calm, almost familiar. "Stop calling me, please," you pleaded, trying to keep your voice steady. "I memorized your number, now I call you when I please," he continued, ignoring your plea. "I tried to end it all, but now I'm back up on my feet. I saw you in the car with someone else and couldn't sleep. If something happens to him, you can bet that it was me." The call ended abruptly, leaving you in stunned silence. The phone slipped from your hand, clattering to the floor.
what the fuck.
part two?
@jchampionsgf on tumblr
a/n: heard the diner and decided to make history
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andillneverbethesame · 5 months
❥ remus lupin x fem!reader
❥ summary; you and remus can't be left alone.
❥ warnings; celebrity!au & soc. media!au
❥ a/n; inspired by taylor swift's "slut!". this is short af and it sucks, i'm sorry. but i wanted to finish it so badly......... hope u enjoy it anyway, ily yallll
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the sun shone bright, its rays gently falling on your wet skin as you watched him swimming in your pool.
it was the first time remus came to visit you to los angeles as you've been in london thousand of times and wanted to show him the beauty your state has to offer. he seemed to like it so far, taking some rest from rainy england in sunny california.
the golden liquid you poured into two wine glasses almost matched the color of his hair as he swam from one end of the pool to another — to you. you handed him one of the glasses and he took it from you with a smile on his face. your fingers brushed with his, sending electricity through your entire body.
"to being young," said remus.
you nodded. "to being young."
clink, clink.
all you needed was him.
later that day, remus took you out for dinner. you believed you've been in every single restaurant in l.a. but your boyfriend proved you wrong.
the moment you walked in, you felt almost everyone's eyes on you. anxiety rushed through your body. almost as if remus could feel it, he gave you a reassuring squeeze and the weight on your shoulders suddenly dropped.
he lead you to an empty table by the window and pulled out your chair. you sent him a smile before sitting down and he took a seat opposite to you.
that was when you made the mistake to look around, locking eyes with numerous people who weren't very excited to see you and remus together.
"ignore them, dove," remus spoke, reading the menu. "they're just jealous of how beautiful you look tonight."
you knew that wasn't the truth but you appreciated him trying enough not to say anything about it anymore. you nodded and picked up the menu and did your best to ignore the glares.
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@celebrityupdates well, who would've thought! actress y/n y/l/n and "the marauders" bassist remus lupin were spotted together yesterday on a date and then left together hand in hand.
@user6346873 wasn't she literally dating sirius black like a week ago? bffr girl 💀
-> @siriusblack no, you bffr, she wasn't.
@remuslupinsgf NOO REMUS WHY. she'll cheat on you like she did on everyone else.
               -> @user2578584 name one person she cheated and give me a proof
                   -> @remuslupinsgf whatever. her movies suck anyway
@user742795853 slut.
okay, maybe reading the comments of this post wasn't the best idea, you thought to yourself as if it wasn't completely obvious.
it was the morning after your date with remus and you couldn't understand how these pictures were up already. doesn't the media have better things to do instead of not respecting your privacy and talking about whos hand you're holding?
what also made you angry was that none of the comments seemed to be mentioming the fact that remus recently broke up with someone. you, on the other hand, hadn't been in a relationship for six months.
not that you wanted everyone to attack your boyfriend but you'll be the one to pay the price for the things you two have been doing together. it wasn't fair.
"what got you upset like that?" you jumped at the sound of remus's deep voice from his spot beside you. you glanced at him, your eyes softening at how beautiful he looked lying in your bed with his hair all messy.
"nothing," you mumbled, turned off your phone and placed it at your bedside table. you sighed and got up from the warmth of your covers (and remus's body) before saying, "i'm gonna go grocery shopping. there's absolutely nothing in here. you want something?"
"i'll go with you." 
"i'd rather go alone. i'll be right back." 
and then you left him there, in your bedroom with confusion written all over his pretty features.
there was no point in keeping your relationship a secret. everyone knew. the picture of your and remus's faces were plastered on the front page of every magazine in north america and united kingdom (remus's friend james said so). still, you tried your best to spend as little time as possible with your boyfriend in public.
unfortunately, as soon as you left the gates of your property to meet remus, you were blinded by the harsh flashes of the cameras. it took your brain a second to register what was going on. remus was waiting there. his two bodyguards were trying to keep the paparazzi away from the two of you.
"y/n! over here!"
"y/n, what's your message to the haters?"
"y/n, did you hear—"
"i'm sorry," remus spoke loudly so you could hear him well through the voices of the yelling men. "they followed me all the way from hollywood boulevard to here," he reached for your hand and interlinked his fingers with yours. "we couldn't shake them off."
before you could even open your mouth to reply, you were interrupted.
"remus! there's a rumour y/n has been hooking up with sirius black. what do you have to say to that? is it true?"
he completely ignored the question. he knew it wasn't true. you knew he knew.
remus got the door of the car for you and waited for you to get in before shutting it close. when he took a seat next to you and kissed you a "hello" before saying, "you look beautiful tonight", it was easy to forget all about the reality.
you both were invited to the met gala which took place the very next week. the theme this year was victorian england so you were wearing a pink-white dress with poofy skirt, holding an umbrella of the same colors in your right hand and remus's hand in your left. your eyes were practically glued to him. he looked so handsome in his white shirt, which he had a vest suit over, and dark grey pants. everyone seemed to think so.
while posing for photos on the stairs, remus suddenly turned into you. his face was, out of the blue, too close to yours. you could see it in his eyes, feeling like you could read his mind.
"it's a big mistake," you said, though your smile said otherwise. "it might blow up in your pretty face."
the voice in your head was screaming at him.
do it anyway!
and he's going to.
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stonathandreamer · 3 months
Married!Stonathan with a daughter headcanons to brighten your day ✨
🔸 Masterlist
🔹 You can read part 1 here | part 2 here | part 3 here
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A/N: I've been thinking about Steve and Jonathan having a kid a lot lately! Also, might've turned this into a semi-fanfic, but I don't care!
✨ First of all, I want to tell you that I headcanon Jonathan as being a photojournalist (because that's his dream job and I want my baby boy to be HAPPY!) and Steve... Well, I imagine him as a police officer (maybe because of the fact that Joe Keery played a cop in the 5th Season of Fargo, but it also opens the possibility of imagining Steve working with Father-in-law!Hopper!);
✨ Their daughter's name is Elizabeth Harrington-Byers, but they call her Lizzie or Liz (because I love the name "Elizabeth," and it's definitely a name Steve and Jonathan would pick);
✨ They only call her "Elizabeth" when they're mad at her (which is pratically never);
✨ Steve tries teaching her how to say his name as her first word (because "daddy" could be either of them), so Jonathan tries teaching her his name;
✨ Joyce watches over her when they're at work. Steve and Jonathan (mostly Jonathan) call her every hour or so to check on Lizzie;
✨ Jonathan takes thousands of pictures of Lizzie and proudly shows them to Nancy;
✨ Nancy and Robin proudly take on the role of the "cool aunts";
— Robin: [Holding Elizabeth and pointing at Steve] Say "dingus", Lizzie!
— Steve: [Taking Elizabeth from Robin's arms] Don't come near my daughter ever again, Robin.
✨ One time, Elizabeth babbled something that sounded eerily similar to "mama," and it sent Steve and Jonathan into a spiral of panic;
— Steve: Did she just say "mama"?!
— Jonathan: No, no, no, no! It’s just baby talk... Probably.
✨ Her first word was, obviously, "dada," and she said it while pointing at both of them;
✨ Thanks to Steve's lack of a baby filter, Elizabeth knows a couple of bad words;
— Joyce: [Calling Jonathan] Your daughter just said "shit." You, Steve, and I are going to have a talk later...
— Jonathan: But, mom! It's Steve's fault...!
✨ Uncle!Will has a special nickname for his niece - Lilibet - and no one else is allowed to use it, not even Mike;
✨ They often get confused whenever Elizabeth calls dad because they don't know which one she's calling;
— Elizabeth: Dad!
— Jonathan: Yeah, sweetie?
— Elizabeth: No, Dad Steve!
✨ Elizabeth, in turn, gets confused when Steve and Jonathan call themselves "dad;"
— Steve: Okay, Lizzie, dad's going to work now, and your other dad's staying here with you.
— Elizabeth: Which one?
— Steve: Me.
— Elizabeth: So... You're staying home with me?
— Jonathan: [Sighs] No, sweetheart, I'm staying home with you.
✨ These are life long confusions, by the way;
✨ Uncle Will and Uncle Mike, who are a comic book illustrator and a writer, respectively, make several special comics for their niece;
✨ Elizabeth calls every member of the Party "Uncle" or "Aunt" much to El, Will and Mike's (her real uncles and aunt) annoyance;
✨ The party definitely teaches her how to play D&D - they haven't played that game in years, so they're a little rusty;
✨ As his daughter gets older, Jonathan starts to worry if she'll stop seeing them as her parents because they're not biologically related, or if she'll start asking for a mom;
✨ They're terribly concerned if she'll suffer bullying when Elizabeth starts at school;
✨ Jonathan is a bit more overprotective than Steve, and also a bit more strict too (but just a tiny bit);
✨ But he also has a huge soft spot for her. All Elizabeth needs is a "puppy eyes" stare, and Daddy Jonathan will do anything she wants;
✨ One time, Elizabeth got into a fight at school because some students were making fun of her for having two dads, and Lizzie, being Jonathan Byers' daughter, kicked their asses.
— Steve: Ha! She has your fighting prowess, Jon!
— Jonathan: Don't encourage her, Steve.
— Steve: Oh, come on, she was just defending our honor!
— Jonathan: [Sighing] Alright, fine... It was kinda cool.
✨ They freaked out a little bit (actually, a lot) when their daughter had her first period;
— Steve: [Holding two different brands of pads at the pharmacy] What's the difference between this one and this one?
— Jonathan: Uh... This one is regular and this one is ultra-thin.
— Steve: Ok... So what's the difference?
— Jonathan: [Sighs] We should've called Nancy... Or Robin... Or any woman...
— Steve: We're taking both!
✨ Jonathan teaches her photography and even buys her a Polaroid camera for her birthday;
✨ Steve teaches her basketball, but Elizabeth's favorite sport is soccer. They watch soccer matches together, and Steve lets her curse freely, much to Jonathan's chagrin;
✨ They enjoy torturing Elizabeth's boyfriends. After all, a boyfriend's worst nightmare is meeting his girlfriend's dad, and Elizabeth happens to have two, so double the nightmare;
✨ It's Jonathan who teaches her how to drive because, and I quote, "your dad Steve drives like a cop chasing robbers";
✨ They love embarrassing her with stories of when they were younger;
— Steve: Hey, Liz, have I ever told you how I fell in love with your dad?
— Elizabeth: Ugh. Not again...
— Steve: He kicked my ass in high school! That's when I realized, "This is the man I want to marry!"
— Jonathan: And did you know your dad used to work at an ice cream parlor called "Scoops Ahoy"? Steve, go grab the photo album, show her the pictures I took of you wearing that cute sailor uniform!
— Elizabeth: Please, no!
✨ Elizabeth would never do even half of the stupid things Steve and Jonathan did when they were teenagers. Still, they worry she might do something dumb;
— Jonathan: But Liz is such a good kid...
— Steve: Yeah, but she's also our daughter!
— Jonathan: ... Fair point.
✨ When Elizabeth turns into a teenager, Steve realises his dream of having "six little nuggets" would be a nightmare, so they decide to stick with just one kid... For now.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
heyy can i request A,N,O,S,Z from the fluff alphabet for ena??
thank youu
Absolutely! I'm glad that my girlies finally get some love honestly <3 So here's the alphabet that I actually really enjoyed writing!
Ena A, N, O, S, Z fluff alphabet
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @qxmmi @prsk-krow @modyuki @m3g-luka
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⊱ Admirer ═ What if they would be secret admirer? How would they act around their crush? And what will they do for them?
Ena is the type to loosen her tsundere nature around someone she loves and make herself appear more like a cheerful and cute person! Speaking of appearing cute... she'd spend so much more time on getting herself ready, she'll always make sure she looks perfect even if there's a small chance of you two meeting. She just doesn't want to take this risk!
But when you can't see her, Ena will look at you with the most adoring smile~ If someone happens to take a picture of it, she'll either try to recreate it and make a better one or take what they took and post this on her socials, giving small hint about her crush~
When she speaks to you tho, she's acting as if she was planning something... she's not the type to just stay back and watch everything happen but she won't give you big hints either! She'll simply try to help you as much as possible and give you dozen of compliments hoping that it'll make your heart flutter at least a bit!
"Hey there Y/N! I see you put a lot of effort in your hair today, know that I love it! But I came here asking if you need help? I noticed you're having few troubles with composition so maybe I can help you get the right angle~?"
⊱ Nickname ═ How do they call you? Where did they took this idea from?
Ena is definitely the type to use a nickname like "my muse". But that sounds too cheesy for her so she uses just "muse". But don't go ahead of yourself! She's still a tsundere so she'll only use this nickname rarely, when she's feeling either affectionate or tired. When she's not calling you "muse" tho, she'll settle for shorten of your name or just your name.
As for where "muse" came from... Ena often found herself thinking about you and of the things you did together whenever she struggled from the lack of inspiration and it usually gave her new ideas! At first she thought like that only to herself but one really affectionate day or small mistake and she'll say it! And once she does, there's no way of escaping it so she might as well go with it!
"Hey... where are you going? Don't think I don't see you! Just a little more, alright? We're barely done with this painting, muse..."
⊱ Only for you ═ What's something about them that they're hiding from everyone but their lover? Why did they decide to tell it to only their lover?
Ena is actually really clingy! She would never show it in front of others but with you... it just came out when she had extreme affectionate day! She simply had to get those cuddles so she did!
As we know, she craves for attention and being clingy is one of the ways of getting it for her. Whenever she's feeling a bit needy, she'll just wrap her arms around you, unabling you to do anything so all you can do is hug her back and focus on her. But they multitasking and she might just get mad at you!
"You can so that later! Isn't your girlfriend a bit more important? Just... stop focusing on this and focus on me, will you?"
⊱ Sleep ═ Their lover feel asleep! What's their reaction?
Ena most likely was rambling to you and then she didn't heard your answer so she was just about to scold you for not listening to her but then she noticed you were asleep... and all her anger just evaporated.
She's definitely the type to adore her lover when they're asleep~ but she quickly realizes she's staring so she turns away to grab a blanket for you and cover you with it which makes you look even cuter... damn it! Her heart!
Of course she has to take at least 3 photos of you sleeping... one of you alone, one with her next to you and second of you on her shoulder! But the ones that include her will actually take most tries so it may take some time... let's just hope she won't wake you up!
When you wake up, she'll show you the photos and will most likely tell you how cute you looked according to her, and will ask you if you're alright with her putting those photos on her socials. If not, she'll understand and won't do it, but if you do then this photo actually goes crazy for both of you~ She knew her cute partner is loved by all her fans and more!
"Look at these photos! I told you, you look cute when you're asleep! Especially when your head rested on my shoulder~ Hehe~"
⊱ Zap into their heart ═ The moment they knew they fell for their current crush.
Ena was at first oblivious to her crush, there's nothing wrong in not wanting to loose a friend and just wanting their attention a bit more, is there? Oh boy, did she know it was begging of her crush...
When Ena has a crush on someone, she'll want to get thei attention more than anyones, so be it paintining, sketch or anything she recently drew or a simple photo, you'd be the first one she'd show it to! She doesn't even expect compliments every single time, you can give her few tips how to improve it and she'll be happy because she got you to pay attention to her and her alone! And that's when she notices her crush... when she's almost begging for your attention every single day.
She'll try to decline it but it's impossible when you come up to her asking how she's doing... she just feels her heart race and she feels like acting lovely with you will kill her but she can't act tsundere either! After all, what if it pushes you away? She's just becoming a bit more quieter when her crush develops... she knows she has to confess but she's too nervous to initiate even talk with you that contains anything to do with romance!
"I... need to make it better... if I want them to pay attention to me, I can't just show them painting that looks like THIS! I... want to impress them too after all..."
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flowering-thought · 1 year
I'm back~
So just out of more curiosity, heartwarming moments with Takeo? And (forgot her name) your other new OC too, that is if you want to share the divinity that is your characters.
With much love and appreciation for your work
-🍁 anon
Ooo 🍁 anon you always request such cute things it makes my heart melt! I'll go ahead and include my recent OC's that I released after you asked!
I saved this one to release after I finished up my spree of OC's cause I do enjoy 🍁 requests quite a bit 🥰 and then it took me a while to get to 😔
Not edited
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes
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Mila Allen
Heartwarming Moments
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I think there's one moment where Mila enjoys your presence the most. And it's when you two watch shows together. She'll invite you to her apartment and put on some show you two decided to binge-watch.
Her favorite part of watching something with you is watching your reactions. She likes seeing you respond to things. If you get scared she'll scoot a bit closer to give you some comfort and grounding. A sad moment making you cry? A part of her adores it but also lets you cry unless you cling onto her, then she pets your head and gives you a soft kiss on the cheek.
Anger, anxiety, and any emotion you show just makes her pay more attention to you rather than the show. And she loves hearing you go on about it and give your opinion during or after an episode.
She loves it when you want to watch something with her or you wait for her to watch something new you found interesting. It's just something meant for you and her, a calm moment where she can admire you and hold you close. Sometimes she'll even lay in your lap and have the biggest smile on her face while doing so.
There's something about the simple moments and how easily your expression turns that makes her so happy. Mila finds every moment with you so fulfilling. Sometimes when you two are watching something and you slowly lean forward and you find yourself on the edge of your seat for eat happens next she can't help but secretly take a picture.
She may or may not already have a secret folder on her phone only she can find, that contains all of the photos of your expressions that she finds the most adorable or beautiful.
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Takeo Kawahara
Heartwarming Moments
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Takeo finds shopping with you to be very fun. He loves to go to his favorite thrift stores with you as well.
He enjoys the soft sunny days when you're both free and can wander around window shopping. He loves when you stop and look at something that you enjoy or even pull him by his hand to look inside.
And when you see something you want him to try on? Oh, he's blushing as you look through the racks and find his size for him. Takeo just nearly explodes when the clothes look good on him too. He loves knowing that you know his taste and even look forward to seeing something on him.
And he honestly enjoys your praise. When you compliment him he's absolutely head over heels.
Oh, but when he finds something for you? Or he finds shops that sell clothes that are better for your figure? He could spend hours getting you to try things on. He secretly takes pictures of the things you absolutely love but don't feel like buying so he could get them as a gift later. And he honestly takes pictures of you in all your outfits. He loves to see you in all sorts of styles.
And he endlessly showers you with all sorts of compliments. And if he sees you may not like something he of course says something along the lines of "It's nice! But maybe something a little looser? Or maybe something in another color?".
But when he sees your face visibly cheer up or get excited when he validates a certain feeling about an outfit it just makes it clear to him that you love him just as much as he loves you-
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Makoto Kawahara
Heartwarming Moments
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Makoto loves coming by the bakery to see you when he's on a break or just when he misses you.
The smell of sweets and freshly baked bread that carries home with you just makes him feel so comfortable you don't even know-
So when he gets to see you baking something at home it makes him really happy. He loves watching you, the way your brows furrow together if you did something wrong or accidentally did something. Or the way your nose twitches when you smell something good. The way your lips curl into a small smile of triumph at trying out a new recipe.
He could watch you bake or cook for ages. He loves how his house fills with the smell you carry home when you bake. He always wanders around the kitchen when you do.
Sometimes he likes to sneak around and take a bit of frosting or flour and plop a bit on your nose or cheek. The simple moments of bliss where you laugh and giggle with him, flour dusting the counter.
The way you turn on some music and start to dance with him in the kitchen while something bakes in the oven. Makoto has the biggest smile in these moments, leaving soft kisses and occasionally getting raw flour on his lips and tongue, your laughter filling the room as you grab a towel and grab some water.
He can't help but love these moments the most.
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Dante Morelli
Heartwarming Moments
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Dante often loves when you come over to his home. While it's in the quieter part of the city, he prefers it as it's enough space for a greenhouse where he grows all sorts of plants he adores.
And his favorite time is spent in there, caring for his plants with you.
Before he had a simple table and supplies in there but when he met you he put some furniture inside, soft plush cushions, and a nice little area shaded by large banana leaf trees and other sorts of plants that nearly reach the top of the greenhouse.
And when he would convince you to come over he would make sure you had some snacks and drinks while you sat in that space he created just for you while he trimmed certain plants or attended to other things in his safe space.
And sometimes if he took too long he would find you taking a nap. It's his favorite thing. He could watch you sit there forever, the background of different plants and the way your hair frames your face in that moment of pure bliss.
With a dangerous life like his, he loves these moments. No chaos, no stress, just you and him in a peaceful place where time feels like it's stopped.
Sometimes if he's tired enough he joins you. And sometimes if there wasn't already a blanket among the cushioned furniture he would drape one over you, being careful as he left a kiss on your forehead before attending to some things.
Of course, he has photos of you in his phone sitting there. Sometimes he considers hiring someone to paint these soft and comforting moments so he could hang them up in his home.
Just you and him in the comfort of his home is all he ever needs ♡
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numinous-queer · 1 year
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When we began to prepare to foster a kiddo, I took a red yarn bracelet we got at a friend's wedding (referencing the long red thread of fate), and unraveled it to its three component threads. I braided them as tightly as I could - one strand for me, one for my wife, and one for the child we wanted to love. "Hope is a thing with feathers" I quoted to myself a day later, so I started to look for them on my daily walks with the dog. I collected big beautiful cardinal feathers as bright and passionate as my wife, glossy crow feathers full of corvid trickery and intelligence, and bluebird feathers for me, for the joy I wanted to feel.
The night we accepted Sola's placement in our home, I took the most beautiful feathers and wove them into a latticework in the thread - a modified witch's ladder. Every feather felt like a nail holding together the home we were building for her, and the life we wanted together. As she has been with us these 8+ months, I have continued to collect feathers - from the pond where she loves to watch the duckies, from goose feathers blown up to our very doorstep, to any scrap of anything that could have come from a bird. I was so desperate that I'd scramble to pick up any feather-shaped leaf or detritus on my walks, thinking I'd feel better if I could just add another feather to my collection. "Keep her happy, keep her safe, keep her with us" I said out loud into the dust of the garden shed every time I added a feather. (Oh God oh GOD keep her safe)
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Last weekend, I buried the feathers in our backyard by a bench where I spent so much time crying as I worried about kiddo's future. There must have been hundreds of them collected since 2021. As I laid them out individually, I wept over them and tried to say goodbye to specific dreams I had of being Sola's father. I was going to bring her on a trip with my wife's parents to the beach this summer, with pony rides already scheduled. I was going to bring her to toddler gymnastics in July. I was going to make summer picnics our new tradition. I was going to collect pumpkins with her every year on her birthday. I was going to dance at her quinceañera. I was going to read The Hobbit out loud to her like my dad did for me. I was going to finally teach her to ride the tricycle her little legs were too short for. I was going to break the news that dinosaurs were extinct and we couldn't see them at the zoo. I was going to find kid concerts in the park for her, because ever since she started to talk she wants to sing her heart out. I was going to keep her safe and dedicate my entire life to making her laugh.
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Her last day with us is going to be May 23rd, and it is the hardest thing in the world to pivot to pretending that I'm happy about this for her sake. She's 3.5, too little to understand, and takes her cues from us. If she sees us crying, she'll conclude that panicking is the right thing to do, and might even blame herself or think she did something wrong. My wife and I are essentially taking shifts putting on a brave face for her, and it's killing us slowly. It's working insofar as Sola seems in good spirits, and I'm just begging the universe that stays the case. We can't move the date or change this outcome, and now our most important job is to help her feel okay about this.
We don't know what will happen, but bio mom has indicated that she likes and trusts us and wants us to stay in the picture. Assuming her mom keeps in touch with us, my wife and I would like to become Auntie and Uncle figures to Sola. If we can babysit sometimes, maybe we can stay in her life and keep an eye on how she is. It may be possible to make some of my dreams for her happen, even if it's not as her Daddy. I'm going to have to hold onto that hope in the days and weeks to come.
Irl friends, please reach out to me if you can. After she's gone on the 23rd, I'm going to collapse in a pile and cry for a million years. I need to feel like there are people around who understand the depth of anguish we are feeling. Thank you to everyone who has already been helping me walk this road. @howdydowdy, I owe you everything; thank you for fielding so many hysterical phone calls. I'm so glad you got to meet her and see how special she is. Thank you ET for sharing my joy and my grief and my rage. You kept me sane by reminding me that I wasn't losing my mind, it was our circumstances that were outrageous. And thank you to everyone here who has reached out in solidarity as we entered parenthood the extra hard way. Together, you all got me to a place where I could help this child as much as I could and as long as I could. Now I just have to hope that it was enough.
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m-to-the-6th-power · 1 year
Gonna start doing WIP Wednesday, I'll either share snippets I've written that ive got planned for later in the fic. Based on an idea from this tumblr post that put the plot bunny up for adoption.
Gideon stared down at the paper for a long tense moment. A commission, not only that but an officer's commission. 1st lieutenant in the cohort. Sponsored by Aiglaminaie and marked with the seal of the Ninth. Signed by both the Revenant, no Reverend Mother and Father. She looked up at her teacher. "Why?" She asked plainly and openly, sensing a deeper current just waiting to pull her under. 
"You need freedom. The house needs from you. I convinced our lady to let you go with this commission if you swear by The Tomb and The Rock that you will keep your tongue in your head, return after your commission is up for at least five years, and if you will keep an ear to the ground for any who have no love for their house," Aiglaminaie gave a stern look to Gideon. "Any new blood would be a blessing. And I'm sure if anyone can draw a crowd, it will be you Nav." 
Gideon felt a surge in her chest at that, not quite pride but close. "And what? Convince them to come and live here? I hate it here, how will they feel?" 
Aiglaminaie looked at Gideon for a long moment, peeling her layers away slowly. "There are many who tire of war, of fighting. There are chances for silent contemplation and art here. It is mysterious, and it is holy. Those will be your selling points." 
Gideon nodded, "Freaks and geeks, got it," Gideon said, holding up a hand to forestall Aiglaminaie, "I'll try to get anyone i can, maybe I'll even find a nice older swordsperson for you. To take over training of course. Any preference?" 
Aiglaminaie stared at Gideon for a long moment before her mouth quirked up into what for anyone else would be a smile. "As long as they are sufficiently deft with a blade, theirs or others, I'm sure they'll do just fine." 
Gideon gave an honest smile and a hug to the only person who had ever loved her on the Ninth. "When do I leave?" 
"The shuttle arrives in 2 hours. Pack your bags and be ready. Lady Harrowhark wants to see you before you leave, she'll probably just run over everything I've already covered. But until you're on that shuttle you're still a member of this house first, don't make her regret sending you."
Gideon grasped Aiglaminaie by the shoulders. "I will make you proud," She said before turning and starting to gather items around her cell. 
Aiglaminaie gave a soft, "You already have Nav," before leaving the cell. 
Gideon arrived at cohort headquarters five hours later, her shades firmly in place and head spinning with the press of humanity all around her. It should've only taken 4 from the time Aiglaminaie had first given her the commission, but as usual Harrowhark Nonagesimus had to waylay Gideon for an hour being spooky and all around weird. The first item in her itinerary was to get her picture taken, then the physical testing, and finally getting her room assignment and new wardrobe.
As Gideon waited in line, the person behind her tapped her shoulder. When Gideon looked, she saw a girl about her age, tan with a necromantic build, with brown hair the color of Drearburh dirt and eyes the color of ink. "Yes?" Gideon asked, attempting politeness. 
The girl blushed immediately, looking down at her hands now clasped in front of her. "I'm sorry to bother you. I just wanted to say that I think your hair is gorgeous, and I really like your glasses."
Gideon felt her mouth drop open, shocked at the compliment. "Thanks," Gideon said, feeling her chest puff slightly as she felt the warmth spreading up from her stomach. "I really like your eyes. It's like looking into space." 
The girl thrust out a hand, "Eleanor Chatur. Necromancer of the Fourth House. Commissioned Second Lieutenant. Available." 
Gideon felt shock roll through her at the forwardness and took the hand carefully, she didn't want to get in trouble before her picture was even taken for breaking another soldiers hand. "Gideon Nav. Two hander swordswoman of the Ninth. Commissioned First Lieutenant. Also available for a late lunch after all this."
"It's a date," Eleanor said, grinning. "But just a warning ninth, don't forget. The Fourth is all about fidelity." She said, imbuing the last word with such import that Gideon felt a shiver go down her spine. 
Gideon was searching for an appropriate quip as a head popped out of the door next to her, "Next picture."
Gideon turned to Eleanor, "They'll have to lock me up to keep me away," Gideon said before turning back to the man standing at the door looking peeved. "Let's meet in the cafeteria around 3."
As Gideon sat for her picture, lenses tucked safely in her pocket and appropriately solemn look on her face, she felt her head spinning. The first day of the rest of her life was starting off well. She was joining the cohort, away from Nonagesimus, and she had a date. Nothing was going to bring her down today. 
That is right up until the terminal began to beep incessantly and everyone in the room trained their weapons on her. "Place your weapon on the ground and place your hands on your head. Slowly."
Gideon did as instructed, staring down the barrel of the gun pointed at her face, the interior like the yawning void of space. "What's this about?" She asked, feeling cold bands begin to wrap around her ribs. 
"Your picture triggered quite a few warnings in our system," One of the men inside said, reading off the terminal. "What's your mother's name?"
"What's yours asshole?" Gideon responded before her verbal filter could fully catch up. "I don't know, okay?" Gideon said plainly after only a moment. "She landed on the Ninth in a haz suit with me, I survived, she didn't. Couldn't get anything from her but my name."
The man nodded slowly. "Fine, fine. You'll be held in the brig pending communications with the first house," The man gestured to the one standing closest to Gideon, "I'm sure we'll get this all figured out with no issue lieutenant, and you'll be able to get back to your duty in no time."
As Gideon was lead away the bands tightened around her chest. 'I'm not making it to that lunch date am I?'
The first day was the hardest. She was free of the Ninth house. She was at the cohort to become a soldier, and she was already back in a cell. The cuff on her ankle was disturbingly familiar in a way that made her skin crawl and the spot between her shoulders itch. She didn't even have her sword.
The floor felt odd against her hands. It was slightly soft and had give. It made her pushups harder to do, but star jumps and sit ups felt better overall. She felt herself slipping, like her recent height had been built on a dune made of Drearburh silt and it was starting to slip away faster and faster, skeletons from Nonagesimus forming from the silt to strike her down for her hubris of believing she could escape a cell. 
After her training and a meal, a double helping of spiced ground beef covered with a vibrant yellow cheese that did not look safe and strips of potato with the skin still on in parts covered with salt, she felt better. She stopped and thought about her options as she lay down to sleep. They had said once everything was cleared up she could return to duty. She would find Eleanor and explain that they actually had locked her up and hopefully get that date. She would take the field, first on the ground, hopefully in a battalion with Eleanor as her Necromancer. As she began to imagine what it would be like in the field, Eleanor and her in the officers berth together, sitting together and chatting after a long difficult battle. Eleanor removing Gideon's leathers, running her delicate hands over her shoulders from behind her, reverential like she was something precious and holy. Eleanor resting her head between Gideon's shoulder blades just beneath the knob of her spine and saying, "That was truly exceptional. Your skill with a sword is unparalleled." The hands run down her sides, nails dragging softly along her ribs and abdominal muscles, coming to rest at the hem of her cohort undershirt, skin just barely brushing skin. "Color me impressed Griddle,"  Was the last she imagined before sleep took her under. 
When Gideon first awoke the next day, she had a moment of extreme disorientation. Had everything, being freed from the ninth, coming to the cohort, meeting Eleanor, been a dream? Grief welled up in her chest, cold as a night spent outside in a Drearburh winter. She began to spiral downwards faster and faster like a shuttle caught in the gravitational well of Dominicus until finally she looked down at herself and noticed the stark white of the cohort undershirt and briefs she wore. The image of those instead of loose, flowing, black, Ninth house sleeping gowns immediately snapped her back to reality and released gravity. 
Gideon took a long moment to appreciate that at least one part of her freedom was still fully intact before levering herself up in the bed, tucking one foot under her thigh, the other ankle under her calf and deciding on a next course of action. She was going to fall behind in her physical fitness and classes sitting in here, the first could be mitigated by training, the second she would have to try to train herself in that area too. With that acknowledgement, Gideon stood and went to the door of her cell, three hard knocks bringing a cohort sergeant to the other side. 
"Chow is still an hour out Nav," The sergeant said with the faintest familiar accent and a glance at his watch. "I've known a few fresh Niners, was one myself 20 years ago. All of us were one step away from scurvy when we first showed up. I think I put on as much weight in my first two weeks from proper nutrition as I did the training."
At the mention of food Gideon realized that she was ravenous. "That's great Sergeant but not what I was gonna ask about," Gideon said shortly, "Can I get books in here? Something to pass the time and all that?" 
The sergeant nodded, "Oh yeah, you can get textbooks, comics, fiction and nonfiction from the library, just about anything they put on flimsy except skin mags. You can get skin mags from the store. Get them from the PX too, older issues are cheaper but they're fully digitized. Got stuff going back almost to the resurrection itself," He stopped and studied Gideon's face slowly, "Don't worry too much, most soldiers throughout their career will spend at least a few days in the brig, normally it doesn't result in a loss of station or anything, just a slap on the wrist really."
Gideon gave the man a grin, his reassurance surprisingly effective with that sight Niner lilt to his voice. "Thanks sergeant... I never caught your name," Gideon realized with a sheepish grin. 
"Anastas Nav," The man replied easily, spreading his hands. "I guess that almost makes us family huh?"
Gideon blinked, remembering the question from yesterday. She'd never had a family. The feeling was... nice was a good word for it, if a bit vague. It'd give Ortus conniptions to hear her be so lazy in descriptions. "I'll take any family I can get here," Gideon responded. "Any chance you could get me some books on tactics, strategy, anything that might be useful for a commissioned officer? And, if I promise to get you back for the cost, a skin mag?"
Anastas laughed, "The learning style books, sure, sure. No problems there. Unfortunately the skin mags are technically contraband, sorry cousin," He shrugged with a rueful look as if to say 'My hands are tied,' "It's a real pain when you're in here a week for a simple pub brawl and you got a copy of Fidelity of the Fourth and Naughty Nuns of the Ninth that you've barely creased waiting in your berth."  
Gideon's mind ground to a screeching halt at that. She felt her ears warming as she blushed, remembering Eleanor's comment and something fuzzy from her dreams the night before. "I'm sorry, what were those titles?" 
"Oh, I forgot you're fresh from the Ninth. You don't get those all the way out there. You've only got Mithraeum and Playadept right?" He asked as a bell began to ring, sounding the time. "And that's the chow bell. I'll see about getting you an extra helping of food like last night, and after my relief shows up, I'll see about getting you some light reading material."
Gideon's stomach took that moment to growl, low and sustained. "Thanks, if there's anything I can do for you once I'm out, just let me know."
Anastas nodded thoughtfully. "My old sergeant, man by the name of Ajax, always said the better the officer the sooner they end up in the brig," As he started walking away he called back, "When you're running this place, just remember your dear cousin Anastas."
Gideon found herself grinning when she started her workout, even in a cell with no clue of when she would be released, even with her fate fully uncertain, she had family. Someone with her name, someone who would claim her. She got entirely through her sit ups and push ups, standard and clapping, before the scrape of metal on plex sounded, a tray of food slid into the room. Just behind it was two truly massive cups of a black liquid with small wisps of steam coming off of them, with a bowl of white powder and a red and white carton following soon after. 
"Took me a while to get there," Anastas said from the other side of the door. "They were getting ready to clear down to begin lunch prep, so I got as much as I could grab. I need to take the sugar bowl, that's the white stuff, back PDQ, so go ahead and make up your bari how you like it and slide that back on through so I don't get busted down to cleaning the pissers, again."
Gideon moved the tray, watching it bow slightly in the middle as she lifted it and sat it to the side. She took 3 heaping spoonfuls of the sugar for each cup and slid the bowl back through. She opened the white and red carton, taking the hint and adding a small pour to each cup, suddenly entranced by the way the color shifted to tan as it spread through the drink. When she took her first sip, she found it sweet and smooth, feeling energy flow into her. When she turned to her tray she found a tray so loaded with food a necromancer would have been hard pressed to lift it. Slices of bread piled 5 high on one side, a pile of crusty looking almost bread on the other covered with a light glaze of some brown liquid, between them a massive pile of something a much milder yellow  with chunks of the dangerous yellow in it with three different kinds of meat, a patty that looked similar to her meal last night, something more tubular, and almost flat strips of meat dark red and white, all of this overtop of finely shredded potatoes, somehow clumped together and deep fried. 
Gideon Nav ate, no Gideon Nav feasted. She took a bite of everything before digging in with wild abandon. For the first time in nineteen years, she was sated, she was full. She found herself with a half piece of bread, pensively sopping up the last remnants of grease from the tray and thinking. While she ate Anastas had dropped off her books and she had started leafing through them. The books on tactics was fairly dense, and supremely dry, but Gideon had lived within hearing range of Ortus Neigenard for years. She could soldier, or well prisoner, through this. 
Through the day, Gideon studied, Gideon ate, Anastas dropped by after his shift had ended and chatted with her for a while. It was a bit strange when she stopped to think about it. She was in prison, back in a cell, but her needs were being met more strongly now than ever before. At least she wasn't in the dark any longer. 
After a few hours of reading Gideon felt an itch begin to crawl up her spine like she imagined a necromancer drawing her fingers slowly up her back would feel, barely there and ghostly. It made her squirm as she imagined Nonagesimus drawing those bony fingers along each knob of her spine. The feeling made her want, no need, to move. She did star jumps and push ups until the feelings abated. When she felt like herself again, Gideon settled back on her bed and studied more. The fingers came back faster the next time. Gideon forced herself to buckle down and focus solely on studying even with the distractions. She didn't notice how fast time was moving until the clatter of metal on plex sounded, a tray of food being pushed through the door towards her. She ate less ravenously this time, slowly working her way through the tray of food, still studying between bites. 
When sleep finally came for Gideon Nav, she fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of all the tactics she had absorbed through the day. She dreamed of working next to a necromancer that she never got a good look at who despite the action still found time to take hold of Gideon's hand at the end of the fighting, turning her palm inwards and pressing her lips softly to her palm, leaving a smudge of alabaster and charcoal paint behind. 
It was 2 weeks later when Gideon awoke to the sound of a tray sliding through the door. When she saw Anastas standing on the far side, a grin split her face. Anastas had been a great friend so far, even though he'd come from the Ninth, he might be willing to return. As she took the tray she leaned against the door. "You came from the Ninth, right?" Gideon asked, trying to figure out how to broach the topic. "How'd you like it back then?"
Anastas shrugged, "It was okay. I still have my prayer bones, and I still sometimes send off letters. The only one to consistently reply has been Orty," Here Gideon gave a mighty snort, "but that's not too surprising. Most Niner kids don't need to learn their letters, and he adds replies for most everyone still kicking. I know that almost all the other Nav kids died in that bad vent flu that went around. I'm glad at least one of us survived. How... How many others made it?"
Gideon felt a hot flush of shame as she thought back to the Ninth. "I'm not a true Nav kid, Anastas," Gideon admitted in a small voice, suddenly finding her fingernails incredibly interesting. "My mom crashed down the drill shaft in a haz suit with me in a bio container. She wouldn't give the necromancers anything when they pulled her spirit back, just my name, Gideon. They named me after what she said and gave me the last name Nav. I don't have any family, not really."
Anastas laughed, causing Gideon's head to snap up to meet his eyes so fast her neck gave a frightening pop. "My dad was like that," Anastas said by way of explanation. "Most of the Nav kids, you just have to go back 1 or 2 generations and you'll find the beginning of the line. You just don't have any tracing to do. But you're a Nav all the same. You're one of us Gideon Nav. Gideon of the Ninth; cousin." 
Gideon felt warmth pooling in her chest at his words. They didn't need blood, they didn't need a traceable link, they were family. "Thanks Anastas, that means, well, that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." Gideon said, finally meeting his eyes. "As for the flu, only I survived. Nonagesimus wasn't quite born yet, and everyone else got taken," Gideon said. 
Anastas had the look of a man doing numbers in his head before opening his mouth. "Wait a minute, when you say Nonagesimus, do you mean Harrowhark Nonagesimus? The Reverend Daughter, future leader of the Ninth?" Anastas asked, the shock doing strange things to his voice. "That's the girl you left behind that you've been dreaming about?"
Gideon felt her face flushing in rage at the implication, anger causing her jaw to drop just before a call from the guard post interrupted. "Nav, Gideon, you have a visitor, prepare yourself."
Gideon jumped at the voice, shoving her tray out of the way of the door and running her fingers through her hair quickly, trying to make herself presentable before pulling her aviators over her eyes. After another long moment, Anastas opened the door to a truly massive man with dark red hair cropped short. His biceps put Gideon's to shame, and his green eyes looked out of place on his face. "Um, hi?" Gideon ventured, "Can I help you?"
He looked her up and down once, focusing on her hair. "My name is Gideon Pyrrha, I'm the Third Saint to serve the King Undying, one of his Fists and Gestures, an Immortal, and your father," Gideon Nav felt bands tightening around her chest at his name, growing tighter with every word spoken, the last word knocking her back against her cot with shock. "I'm here to take you home."
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rainy-circle · 2 years
you know I gotta do it babes: #69 for HellCheer
50 years later I've finally finished this!! the ending probably sucks I'm sorry slfjeslf
Out there Strolling by the Seine Taste a morning out there Like ordinary men Out There from The Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack
Chrissy takes aim, biting the tip of her tongue in concentration. If she waits for just the right moment, the river boat will pass into frame after it comes out from under the bridge.
She snaps the photo with a press of a finger against her phone screen, and she's satisfied enough with the end result. It's nowhere near Jonathan quality, but she's not Jonathan, and she doesn't have one of his giant fancy cameras.
She taps away at her phone as she descends the sloping road down to the river side, preparing a text alongside the photo to send off to their friends in Hawkins. She can just imagine what Nancy is going to say - something like, "Ugh, I hate you". Jonathan's going to ask about the art and Steve and Marshall are probably going to ask about the food, and that wasn't even taking into account the girls from cheer she'd stayed in touch with…
"Babe, over here!"
Chrissy looks up from her phone at the familiar voice. Even if Eddie hadn't been waving at her from a nearby picnic table, he'd still be impossible to miss. She'll never understand how he manages to wear all black in the summer heat. But the ice cream he's got in front of him probably helps.
"Oooh, why're you smiling at your phone, huh?" he asks as she sits beside him. He leans in close, his hair brushing against her cheek as he makes a show of looking at her screen. "You gotta cute boy in there? Do ya, do ya?"
"No," Chrissy giggles, and grabs him underneath the chin, squishing his cheeks inward. "Unfortunately he escaped the other day. Say cheese!"
She holds her phone out, taps the button to turn the camera screen-facing and snaps a picture of them both, Eddie blowing a raspberry from his puckered up fish lips.
"I got you some, too," Eddie says as she prepares to send the second picture off. He slides the second paper cup of ice cream towards her. "And if you don't feel like having it I guess I'll just have to," he heaves a dramatic sigh, "eat it myself."
"Mine." Chrissy snatches up the cup and the little plastic spoon that goes with it. Blueberry, and it looks like it came straight out of the page of a magazine. She could dive right in but something gives her pause.
For a second, she just watches as Eddie eats his ice cream, the dusky sunlight glinting off the silver spikes and studs of his leather bracelets. He catches her out of the corner of his eye and smiles. "What? Having second thoughts?" he asks.
"Not for a second," she says automatically. "I just…" She rolls the words around in her head, wondering if she should say them, then remembers it's Eddie she's talking to. He's heard everything she's had to say about it and more. "I haven't had trouble eating for a long time now. But you still ask."
Eddie's smile turns almost shy as he glances away, pretending to watch another boat making its way under the nearby bridge. "Well, yeah. I mean, you never know when you might have a bad day, right? Maybe you're not having an ice cream day. Maybe you're having something more like a… sorbet day. Or a gelato day."
"Isn't gelato basically the same thing as ice cream?"
"Hell if I can remember the difference. Maybe it's made differently? I don't know," Eddie says, and just watches as she laughs. "But it just takes two seconds to ask."
"Still." Chrissy leans in against him, kissing his lips still cold from his first bite of the ice cream. "I appreciate it."
"Hey, any time," Eddie mumbles, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
Chrissy's phone vibrates in her hand and she glances at the screen. Word for word, she had predicted Nancy's message. "Called it."
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self-ships-ahoy · 2 years
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My commentary in blue.
I posted 1,219 times in 2022
203 posts created (17%)
1,016 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
The crew ^
I tagged 1,211 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#tfqueue - 152 posts
#➕ herr doktor - 142 posts - Some things never change.
#;others' ships - 132 posts
#;imagines - 101 posts
#;feelings - 100 posts
#💗 remote surgery - 90 posts
#delete later - 64 posts
#do not rb - 63 posts
#self ship - 57 posts
#💫 man of the stars - 54 posts - Sigma got 54 posts since I f/o'd him this year!
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#but recent developments show that there's a bunch of similarities between another past f/o and someone whom i'm considering adding:
Unfortunately I didn't f/o either of them (Optimus only becoming a crush f/o) 😅
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Medic's young daughter quickly becomes intrigued by her father's work, as soon as she's able to look over the table. It becomes a common occurrence for her to watch him conduct his research, occasionally asking questions and learning more about biology and medicine. Medic is hoping this is a sign that she'll follow in his footsteps, but is happy enough that he has his daughter's company.
Close-ups and microscope reference under cut:
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See the full post
47 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
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Beach Episode!! I just had to take the excuse to draw Tech and Medic in vintage swimwear lol. Look at them, don't they make a cute couple?
Ref and tracing notes under the cut:
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I very lightly traced the poses for size, but only used small parts of the woman's outline before adjusting the sketch for Tech's body shape. I also traced an angled shot of Medic's head, but that was edited as well.
54 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
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Day 2: Formal
Another one for @dontneedadispenser's V-Day event. I almost didn't post it, but a few friends of mine made me feel better about it. Please accept my humble contribution. u///u 👉👈
This is my personal cliché scenario of going to a ball/gala, but I did also see Saxton Hale host these kinds of parties, so you could say this stuff is canon. Maybe one of them was nominated for a merc award and was invited to bring a few friends. And with the help of an anonymous "fairy godmerc", Technician was able to attend a fancy event for the first time in her life. Needless to say she took her secret admirer's breath away - just like she hoped she would.
66 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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On this day last year, RED Medic and Technician tied the knot! What better way to celebrate than to make a picture based on the TF2 achievement color palette challenge! It's quite an achievement for sure, and perhaps one that more TF2 OC ships will get in the future.
Confetti source
68 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
When I say that the sound of my f/o's voice helped my mind and body settle down from overstimulation anxiety, I know the self ship community will understand.
178 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
The first 4 of my top posts are my techmedic art and I couldn't be happier with that fact. I'm also happy with the number 1 post cuz it was written with Medic in mind, and I'm glad other people can relate to what I experienced with him.
This was another great ship year with him and my other f/os, and with all my amazing friends here. Here's to more self shipping love and happiness next year!
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 25: Silence is Golden
Fandom: Ducktales
Lost voice
Duct tape
"You better start talking."
I mean really, how could I not torture (it came out more implied than anything…) Donald? Also; sorry in advance for anyone who likes good parents Hortense and Quackmore…. And sorry its kinda short! These things keep loosing length, where did it all go??
The family tree was all over the place, to say the least, but one thing thats pretty common, is the tempers. You'd think they'd stop having kids eventually, a recipe for disaster for anyone you asked.
When the McDucks joined the family, it was a surprise to everyone. Hortense and Quackmore were at eachothers throats as much as they were head over heels. And when she got pregnant? Lets just say you didnt want to see her angry.
They didnt know what to expect, for the parents or children, but the other generations so far had done their jobs, they were sure the kids would be fine. They may fight, but they loved eachother, and they'd love the children too.
Itd be fine.
Donald and Della are turning 6, and Grandma Duck is throwing them a party. She hasn't seen much of her grandkids, holidays maybe, in pictures sure, so she wanted this to be the best birthday.
Shes more than ready when her son pulls up. He takes a moment to leave the car, talking to the twins before helping them from the back seats. She bends down with open arms, but it takes a nudge from Quackmore for the two to come in for a- stiff- hug.
"I'm sorry Ma, but I have to go. Hortense and I have a thing, thanks for taking care of them today though!"
"Oh, uh of course dear. You know im always delighted to see family."
"Thanks, you two be good."
She watches her son leave with a frown, before looking down at two of her grandchildren,
"Well then birthday kiddos, lets go have some fun yeah?"
Donald hasnt said a word. And Elvira knows he can, she might not have seen them often, but she remembers the few times she had. Shes thankful at least, that he seems to get along with his cousins, though hes rare to leave Dellas side.
Fethry finally pulls him away, and Elvira is quick to sweep down and smile at the birthday girl.
"Having fun Della?"
"Yes grandma. Thank you." She stands stiffly, hands fidgeting with her skirt.
"Of course dear, can I ask you something sweetheart?"
"...sure." She answers hesitantly.
"Why… why isnt your brother speaking dear?"
"Oh… Donalds lost his voice grandma. I've been tryin ta find it, but daddy- father says, that we should forget." She admits quietly.
"Lost… I see. Well, lets look together then, shall we?"
"Oh really??" Her eyes light up, "you'll help us look Grandma?"
"Yes, I'm sure the cousins could help too, lets go find that voice of his."
Later that year, Hortense and Quackmore die in a car accident. And Elvira takes the two in for a while, Scrooge had been in the will, but she wonders if he'll be up to the task. She'll be around either way, and she would find Donalds voice.
Donald wakes with duct tape around his bill. Its not a new occurance, he lives a life of adventure- whether he liked it or not. It seemed people really thought keeping him quiet scared him or something. He could understand if his voice annoyed them, but they always taunted the fact he couldnt communicate anymore like he didnt know at least 2 other ways to do so.
The villian of the week is monologuing, Della is sitting across from him, looking bored out of her mind. Donald makes a couple of eye and shoulder movements- twitches at best- that she responds with in a simular fashion.
"Hey! What are you two doing?!" He cuts off mid sentence to yell the question, as if they could answer with any more than a raised brow.
"You're not talking your way out of this. You'll be stuck in silence for the rest of your short lives, and I'll be living rich somewhere!"
Donald rolls his eyes, even as the guy kicks him for it. He was weak to say the least, though crafty enough to nab them. It was a chore more than anything though, Scrooge would come bursting in any minute, treasure in hand and ready to gloat and taunt for hours to come.
Two more minutes of angry ranting, Della mocking him everytime his back is turned, and Scrooge finally arrives.
"Get yer grimy hands off me wards!"
"McDuck! Er, no! I win this time! I have the upper hand!"
"Ye got nothing of the sort, these two trouble makers could have escaped ages ago." Their Uncle is wrong of course, Dellas pocket knife cut through her bindings a while ago. And Donald had gotten the knot undone a couple minutes after he woke.
Della shows off her free limbs cheekily, Donald rolling his eyes once more as he stands and stretches, gauging his injuries as he does so.
Scrooge does his whole thing, takes the guy down and turns to them with a lesson or lecture on his tongue, when he stops and gives them his equivlent of a worried look.
"Is the tape stuck?" He asks carefully.
Donald frowns, feeling the pull on his bill, and realizes he'd completely forgotten, and so it appears did Della.
The 12 year olds carefully pull the tape from eachothers bills, working their mouths to rid the ache. Apparently Donald was more used to it than he thought…
"You better start talking!"
Well thats a first. Donald could only remember a handful of people who wanted him to talk. There was far more times where people wanted him to shut up, and this guy wanted him to talk…
He looks to the kids behind him, six of them, all relying on him right now. He looks back to the villian with a glare,
"Let the kids go and I'll tell you." He says it slower than usual, over pronouncing to try and be understood.
"You're in no place to make demands Duck. Scrooge isnt coming this time, you start talking, or the kids start walking." He motions to the plank with a twisted smile, uncaring who he has to hurt for his gain. Gosh, this wasnt even an adventure this time. It was a reward trip for the kids, a vacation to help them relax and have fun like children. Scrooge wasnt coming, this was up to Donald, and he wouldnt let anything happen to them.
"The maps in the stars."
He gives instructions, piece by piece, keeping the kids behind him at all times. His hands stay behind his back, forming signs and shapes and tapping patterns. Donald is forced ashore with most of the crew, in hunt of the treasure, but he leaves the kids with clear instructions. He trusts them to complete them, while he handles the rest. After all, this treasure was still here for a reason.
The cave is shaped like a toothy mouth, gaping, dark and dank. Things move in the dark at the opening, but the further in they go, the less life there is. Statues in varying states line their path, Donald determinedly doesnt look at them, but he knows the crew is getting spooked.
"Its right through there." He says finally.
The captain swipes his blade and Donald goes down with a shout, arms pressed tightly to the slash across his body.
"Shut him up. Im tired of that voice. We have treasure to collect."
One of the men ties rope across his bill, and pulls his hands behind his back, aiming a kick to his wounded front, before the whole lot enters the last chamber of the cave.
Donald huffs and heaves, rope rubbing painfully at his bill and every breath pulling at his cut. Blood dripping from his collar bone to his hip in steady lines, he needs to get out of here and make sure the kids are okay. He hears shouts from within, cut off almost immediately after they start, and forces himself to roll onto his knees.
He stumbles his way from the cave, each statue a stablilizer as he goes. Horror and pain stricken faces on each, adventures and innocents long lost to the curse of this place. Even Glomgold had been wise enough to leave this one be, most saw the statues and wisely turned back. Scrooge had tried to go in, almost getting Della turned to stone in the process, before turning back.
One of the statues has a fallen sword by it, old and broken, but the jagged end still does the job of freeing his wrists. He presses his arms to his front once more as he hurried towards the ship. The kids are jumping off it as he arrives, running towards him. He drops down and catches the boys, the girls not far behind them, toppling them all over.
"Unca Donald! Youre hurt!" Louie is the first to notice, and Donald feels bad for the blood on their clothes.
His fingers move quickly as he tries to assure them hes fine. He feels the ropes slide off his bill and blinks a bit, Lenas hand stops glowing and Donald gives her a grateful smile. To prove he'll be fine, he stands, and motions towards the ship, he could get them going and find a first aid kit hes sure.
Donald had found his voice long ago, it had been taken from him often enough that he learned to communicate without it. And those that cared, had done the same. But they also took the time to learn his voice, luring it out of hiding and encouraging it. So that a lost voice would always find its way home.
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refleter · 4 months
cawyer :3
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who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultation: my heart tells me callum. maybe it's just because he's yours and well, we all remember that once … or maybe it's because sawyer's a lil yapper and wouldn't be doing anything without letting him know about it first. she's sick.
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of them: and if i say callum? he's a sexy hunk … he needs to show that off on instagram! bet every non - selfie and non - lunch pic on his page is by her and she'll let you know in the comments whenever he forgets to credit (sinful)
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happy: i mean, isn't that a summary of both their personalities? buuut … i think callum takes the cake on this one. he's just such a lil sweetie - pie … see: line dancing date thread that i swear i'll reply to one day!!
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to them: oh, sawyer! she loves a good scare and she loooves watching other people get scared. she's a little sadistic that way, me thinks. but she also wants a cuddle so it's less evil and more cutesy. allegedly.
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract them: ah, well, you see … someone was doing an internship while the other was being a hot, hot vet … which means 100% of the time callum was interrupting her study sessions and throwing her flash cards up in the air. men. she's easily distracted, though …
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separated: sawyer loves a good ft. she's a bit addicted to her phone, as we all are, but she's a real lover girl, too! a couple hours apart and she needs to update him on the latest (mostly nothing at all, probably just shit - talking sienna, if we're being real) … that, and he's nice to look at, idk.
who is more likely to storm out after a fight: they're both soooo … special :) but sawyer's probably the more dramatic of the two. like, she's just a girl? a girl that would slam the door and then come back two seconds later with 'and another thing…'
and who is more likely to cry when they do: um, sawyer's an angry crier, i fear.
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite shows: in my canon, both of them. because in my mind's eye, they spent 85% of their time in boston binge - watching some dumb shit like real housewives while stuffing their faces in ice cream (and each other). that's how you get in a girl's pants, idk.
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling frisky: callum, because he's a whore and a slut. but worst of all, a man.
who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the car: mm, sawyer. because she's silly :) and also because she's probably never washed her car even once herself. callum would be like you'll save sooo much money and she'd be like wet t-shirt competition <3
who has more fun decorating the house during holidays: well, sawyer's parents died around christmas, so … now, i'm not saying she hates christmas because she loves it!!! but he'd have to coax it out of her with some cocoa and maybe the grinch. something tells me callum's the type to go all in, especially now when he's getting some white christmases.
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad: callum, and i'll tell you why … when has sawyer been quiet even once in her life? never. so, basically, by default. not that i think he'd be able to ignore her for long. she's unignoreable <3
at the other who plays with the others’ hair more: they both have such nice curly hair :( but … i think … maybe … sawyer wins this one. only because i can't imagine her not having her fingers run through his hair. it's just something she does! when they're talking, when they're hanging out on the couch, before they're going to bed, when they're not doing anything at all … it's pretty?
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re bored: she may be tall, but she's also little, and sawyer would like to climb that man like a tree.
who tries to kiss the other as often as they can: lover boy callum, actually. he feels like a good morning, goodbye, goodnight, and everything in between kisser. gotta punctuate our sentences somehow.
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck up: like that'd happen. but probably sawyer, our main yapper.
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled up: if callum left sawyer high and dry when she's in heat? she'd throw something at him. so for that reason… what i just said.
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have one: sawyer as the forgetter, callum as the umbrella holder. there's a deeper meaning here somewhere …
who demands showering first in the mornings who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the mornings: callum probably has an intricate hair care routine and he needs the time and space to do it every morning, okay. and sawyer likes to help out, so.
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the games: callum for the rollercoasters and sawyer the sore loser, the horrible winner for the games. they enjoy both, though. crazy kids! he better let her win, btw. or at least get her a giant teddy bear or something.
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respond: callum is a grown man and sawyer is a twenty-six year old teenage girl, so.
who always forgets to charge their phone overnight: sawyer ):
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pockets: both :) they have great asses what can i say … sawyer's more likely to do it in public, though. and callum reserves such nasties for the privacy of whoever's home.
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they can: sawyer. as shown in our current thread, lol.
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quiet: ……… bffr. you know, i know. we all know!
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double edged sword
Or is it multi edged? Another long post of my thoughts. 😛
So I find it funny that now Johanne is getting shit for decisions she hasn't even made yet. They're not even married yet (not that that really means much anymore when having kids) to have kids. But MAYBE they want to move her in so it'll be "perfect" like he said (I imagine moving is difficult during a travelling musical, but she's partially already there lol clothes wise). Then get engaged, be married for a little bit before kids and just enjoy the time together? Like a regular or Normal life!  Unless they want to have them right now. Their careers are going well. They've got projects lined up. I thought people were saying they're moving " too fast" lol? Now people are saying she's going to withhold babies from him? Give them a minute lol. Let them move at their pace, not yours. They'll live how they want to live.
They've moved the goalposts of hate once again. Maybe it's bc they look so happy? 😊 maybe it's bc she's moving in?
Now the hate narrative is going this way....Some have decided she only pretends to be motherly to trap Alex.  😂😂😂 Some have decided that her career is too big now for her to stop and have a child. Really? They can read minds through pictures and videos on instagram? 😂😂😂 again that's not how gut feelings work (in person contact is needed). This really makes me laugh. The mental rhythmic gymnastics behind hyper focused negativity towards this lady is astonishing.
But even COO's of F500 fame have children, as women. Ballet dancers start families and go back to their careers too. Actresses have been giving birth and going back to studios many times.
She could probably take 2-3 years off after Wicked and then make a comeback easy, for the right part. And considering Askepots success and her talent, they'll probably want her back too. 😊😊😊 same for Alex.
And with Wicked lined up, unless a surprise happens (I don't like using the word accident for a baby, but surprises!) 😊😊😊  I doubt they'd be actively trying for one right now (just a guess). What's wrong with that? Nothing. 
Also isn't this the same "fan" group/ haters that predicted she'd already be pregnant? Or will be pregnant any day now. 😂 Using that to "trap him" or "keep him." By estimation of these guesses she should've already given birth before Askepot premiered. lol. 😂😂😂
If she gets pregnant watch, they'll flip the script BACK again and say she did it to trap him, manipulate him etc. Even if it happens after marriage. Lol
the hate she gets is getting more irrational by the day.  But they keep changing up hate theories for them both, to recycle later. Rinse and repeat. 😂😂😂
Sidenote: I can't imagine if they get engaged and she starts planning a wedding and posts like Gee Hirst is posting for her wedding, how much absolute hate she'll get for posting anything. Anyway love Gee Hirst too, and I love her posts about her wedding, hair, dress and her ring! She's so happy! Makes me happy. 😊😊😊 But if Johanne ever does even a fraction of the same kind of posts for anything, the hate will flow through the haters like they're Palpatine.
Also I think most of his follower loss has been mostly from Bots. Meta deletes billions of bots every quarter from FB & IG so I don't think his numbers go down bc people are actively unfollowing him. It's just bots. Lol they target celeb accounts for some reason, and then get deleted. One article estimated bots account for 28% of the followers on celeb accounts. There's even a feature now for users to review and delete bots, maybe he's deleting them? Or Meta is. 😊😊😊 so I'm not sure why that's a big deal to some people either. Or proof that he's not taking care of fans, or its somehow magically her fault.
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lenteur · 1 year
random thoughts about strong girl nam soon, episode one (pt 1)
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
i'm gonna start this post by saying the only reason i wanted to watch it was because of lee yoo mi (i've seen her name romanized that way so i'm going to write it like that) i really liked her acting in squid game so when i saw her in this drama, i went for it
i like the opening song. very epic and suits the super power theme of the drama
right after the opening credits, we get several shots of a gorgeous scenery. i know this adds nothing to this post but i like to point things out when i think they're pretty
and then right after we get a few seconds that made me dizzy because the camera was twisting and turning. maybe to indicate what was about to happen in the next shot?
and then BAM! we get introduced to nam soon with a fight scene
the way she was introduced was very funny i'm not gonna lie. we see this very strong and tall man waiting for his opponent and then... 8/9 year old nam soon arrives (estimating her age because it wasn't specified in the show)
what i just described to you is one of the many many comedic moments in this drama. i'm a sucker for comedy, especially when it's in a show that isn't focused on this genre. as you'll see, i'll list some other moments further down this post
seeing her fight with ease reminded me of astérix when he drinks the magical potion so bonus points for that
i was scared for a moment that the show won't explain how nam soon disappeared but it was explained several minutes later (her father wanted to travel and take pictures of her in mongolia and that's how she disappeared, she lost herself and was then welcomed into a mongolian family)
talking about how she disappeared brings us to her parents and how they're trying to find her. on one hand, you have the father (mr. gang) talking to a journalist and try to make nam soon's story known in case she's already in south korea. and on the other hand, you have the mother (ms. hwang) taking extreme measures to find nam soon: holding a world's strongest girl tournament, buying every single newspaper because nam soon's story was about to be forgotten. you can see how both parents have very different methods of trying to find their daughter and i think that's interesting, especially given how they're portrayed. which we will see in further points.
let's go back to our main character nam soon. how is she doing in mongolia? she's having quite the peaceful life with her parents. that is until her picture is being taken as the winner of the fight contest that we saw her in at the beginning of the episode. i don't know if the authors wanted to play on the words but it's funny how the flash of the camera brings her literal flashbacks of her childhood in sk. and then she gets random memories of her childhood from time to time (hearing voices, dreaming about her family, singing the song her father used to sing to her when she was younger etc.) that's during one of these moments that she remembers her real name: nam soon and not tsetseng (idr if that's how it's spelled) and decides that she'll go back to sk with her biological family. but still, she wants to help her mongolian parents (i'm sorry idk how to name them other than 'her mongolian parents') raise money and then she can go back.
the last part of the previous point is one of the numerous examples of how love is depicted in this drama. i'll explain this in more detail at the end of the post (let's hope i remember)
so far, what we've seen of nam soon's life is her parents' memories of her and how she lived in mongolia. what we can say about her biological parents is how they're very different, almost polar opposites.
this show has portrayed ms. hwang (nam soon's mother) as this very strong (duh!), independent, hardworking and smart woman. the way she made every single business she owned into a gigantic company is a feat in itself. she takes the lead both in her work and her romantic life. she met her (now ex) husband mr. gang (nam soon's father) when she opened her first restaurant and she took matters in her own hands (literally). she dated him for a while and then she proposed and made him a househusband. she'll take care of the money and he had to take care of the house and kids.
while ms. hwang is very strong and independent, mr. gang is the definition of a himbo. i just don't have any other words to describe him i'm sorry but his face should be the definition of the word 'himbo'.
now that we've got to know the parents, let's now take a look at how they're reacting to nam soon's disappearance. seeing their reaction was very interesting to me because, with the way they're portrayed, you wouldn't expect this reaction from either of them. the strong independent and clever mother is at the verge of insanity and is reacting to this situation very emotionally. howevern the father seems more 'distant' and efficient in his way of trying to find nam soon. i would've expected the other parent to react the way they did. it's almost like they're switching roles.
/!\ of course, you'd expect parents to go crazy and panick when their child disappears. i'm not saying this isn't a normal reaction to have to such news. it's just that the mother seemed so strong and very smart that you'd expect her to think logically and try to keep calm in this situation. however, her mind is all over the place and she is thinking erratically. i expected that kind of reaction from the father seeing how he's the more 'sensitive' parent. /!\
while i expected another reaction from both the parents, i think i understand why ms. hwang is all over the place. as we know, for 500 years, the women in the family have had super strength. however, nam soon's strength has surpassed everyone's ever since she was a child. there are a lot of expectations on her shoulders and i think ms. hwang wants to both continue the lineage of super women and work with nam soon on how to work with her strength.
going back to ms. hwang's very erratic response to her daughter's disappearance. she's so adamant on finding her daughter that the second she sees that girl from yanbian managed to hold all those weights without budging (i suspect some cheating with the help of one of the staff/judges that worked there), she's sure that girl (hwang ja) is her daughter nam soon.
however, like the grandmother (i didn't write her name sorry) pointed, everyone in sk is able to know nam soon's story because ms. hwang has made it her mission to talk about her daughter's story on the newspaper she owns. and that includes very personal details that little ms. cheater hwang ja could have gathered while reading said newspaper. nam soon's mother didn't think about that and i know this will bring her some trouble in the future.
with that said, i'm curious to know what the hwang ja situation will evolve into.
i said i would talk about all the depictions of love shown in this episode and i'm keeping my promise (yay who's proud of me?)
there are so many i don't know where to start... i'll just start with her biological parents' love. the worry and the fact that both her biological parents hold hope that nam soon is still alive is enough proof that they both love their daughter.
her 'other parents' (for lack of a better word) also show nam soon a lot of love. they welcomed her into their family even though they didn't know where she came from. they treated her as their daughter, educated her, taught her how to work with animals, but most importantly they listened to her. they didn't know where she came from (and were honest with her on that fact) and they believed tsetseng when she told them she came from sk and had to go back there to meet her family and build one of her own. they knew they had to let her go, even though it hurt them. they still let her go because that's what she wanted. they even sold all their sheeps just so they could afford her plane ticket. seeing their scenes together brought me so many emotions :')
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