#and maybe drag Tsukasa into it too
skylilywolf · 2 years
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I think they would be friends and go to the mall to buy accessories together and look through fashion magazines
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ssruis · 4 months
Also partial to the concept of rui and nene playing 4D mind chess with each other where rui is trying to hint that he knows nene likes emu and nene is trying to hint that she knows rui likes tsukasa but they’re both actually morons and completely unaware of what their own feelings are so they just get really confused vs emu outright ambushing tsukasa with “I like nenechan” “thank you for telling me emu I’m so happy you trusted me with this-“ “it’s because I know you like rui-kun teehee 😋” “- I’ll be sure to keep your secre- WHAT”
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
hah. kamikou second years anon again. bet u thought u've seen the last of me
nene, THE gym class hater, is constantly dragged into team sports by an who is THE gym class enjoyer. half the time she just gets nenerobo to do the work for her which an doesn't notice at all. once nene got the ball into the net during basketball, an cheered the damndest loudest in the whole hall and maybe nene hates sports 1% lesser now
mizuki and toya roll up on 2-A so often the members of the class redirect the both of them to akito immediately upon seeing them. akito is pleased with half of this development and annoyed with the other half
similarly, tsukasa and rui showing up starts to become a normal occurence, to the chagrin of nene and akito who both want nothing to do with them. an finds this the funniest shit ever
when it rains, everyone goes to toya bc he's the one who always, without fail, has an umbrella. mizuki doesn't come to school often enough to pack an umbrella. akito is a heathen who thinks a hood is enough. an is even more of a heathen who just runs in the rain. nene usually never needs one because rui brings one. unrelated, five people don't fit under one umbrella
an and akito are part of the school's 'black market' in which they get information on when upcoming test dates are. mizuki is (unbeknownst to them) one of the informants. rui is too. despite having this information neither of them study and nene scores higher than them anyway
i have nothing to add these are funny as hell
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mari-lair · 2 years
Kou's perception of Mitsuba, and how it changes, is fascinating to me.
(Quick note: I’ll be calling the human ‘Sousuke’ and the supernatural ‘Mitsuba’ to make it less confusing)
Let’s rewind to Mitsuba’s introduction in Hell of Mirrors: Kou leaped at the idea that Sousuke was back. Even after Tsukasa told him this isn’t the same person he used to know, merely an "artificial ghost with part of Sousuke's soul", Kou subconsciously rejected the idea.
Mitsuba’s existence brought his grief back full force, and while he could sense that Sousuke’s memory doesn’t perfectly match reality, logic was never his strongest motivator in hell of mirrors, he is so full of hope and desperation: He wants Mitsuba to be Sousuke so bad.
He can’t let go of the past, he is not seeing Mitsuba, just shadows of Sousuke.
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Kou wasn’t able to tell this is not his old friend, simply perceiving Mitsuba as an amnesic Sousuke.
Kou wants Mitsuba to 'remember' him when we know from Mitsuba's empty mirror that he has no life to remember. Kou calls him what he had called Sousuke and gives him Sousuke’s photos, visibly desperate to get his friend back.
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Even when they get out, Kou did not allow himself to face reality, talking about Mitsuba as if he was Sousuke, pushing what Tsukasa had said away.
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“I thought he was gone for good” “I didn’t think I’ll ever see him again” “Because I couldn’t save him” Is all about Sousuke, which, as Tsukasa explained, “Sousuke doesn’t exist anywhere in this world anymore”
Kou only starts to realize what he has been doing and face reality in picture perfect, when Mitsuba shows him Sousuke’s life on the windows, calling Kou out for only focusing on his dead friend, ignoring Mitsuba, and using him for his own selfish reasons.
Kou is reminded of his trauma when Mitsuba breaks the window with Sousuke’s memories in it, but it does serve as an efficient wake up call.
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Kou actually looks at Mitsuba here. He is dazed and shocked but he pays attention to what Mitsuba is saying: he is able to sees him as his own person. 
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Mitsuba is confident no one cares about him, so after venting, completely breaking this world's facade, he sucks up his tears and goes back to his human form, offering Kou his dreams.
This time Sousuke’s image isn’t overwhelming. Kou doesn’t want to believe in this fake world now that he can see through it: Now that he can see Mitsuba.
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He understands this is his own wish, not Mitsuba’s.
He can see that this lie is hurting Mitsuba.
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Kou understands that there is truth to Mitsuba’s words. During all the fun times they spent together, he had been picturing Sousuke by his side, he wanted to have Sousuke back so badly that he never considered Mitsuba’s feelings, or how his wish to replace him would be hurtful.
Kou is a selfish person full of genuine kindness: He still wishes Mitsuba was Sousuke and he feels guilt for ignoring Mitsuba.
“You can’t find happiness in a fake world” is a message to both Mitsuba and himself. Once Kou snaps out of his dream, he realizes it would only lead to ruin and tries to drag Mitsuba out of his own delusions, and while he has some points, he doesn’t understand that promising a better reality, giving him hope, is cruel.
Kou genuinely wants to understand Mitsuba, so he hears him out, and pays full attention to his distress.
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There is still the solid weight of his failure with Sousuke in Mitsuba’s very essence, but despite them looking the same and being very tied together, Kou is determined to focus on Mitsuba, he doesn’t want to do the same mistake again.
I won’t go in depth on Kou’s lack of care about his own life in this analysis, but I think it is worth noticing this offer was for Mitsuba, not Sousuke, and Mitsuba could see that.
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Mitsuba doesn't believe Kou can make him human, but he understands that he is serious, and that Kou will try.
He gets the feeling that maybe, hopefully, Kou cares about him too, not just Sousuke, so it freaks him out that his possible friend throws himself out of the fucking building.
The last thing Kou wants is to hurt him, so he apologizes for being reckless and trying to sort out his own feelings without considering how Mitsuba would feel.
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Despite this determination to be closer to Mitsuba, he subconsciously puts a distance between himself and the supernatural. He accidentally keeps ignoring him.
Remember this:
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It’s about Kou’s wish, but it shows one of Mitsuba's own wishes, one weaker than his burning desire to be human, but no less real: The wish for friends.
Friends are one of the reasons he went along with faking to be Sousuke, friends are one of the many reasons he wants to be human in the first place.
But unfortunately, this is a wish he shares with Sousuke, so Kou blocked it out, not wanting to overlap the two, even if wanting to be friends is a part of Mitsuba too.
It’s complicated.
Being friends meant so much for Sousuke, and Kou doesn’t want to be reminded of him.
Kou understands seeing Mitsuba as Sousuke is an insecurity of Mitsuba and truly believes that the supernatural deserves better, he should be his own person instead of a shadow of Sousuke. Kou recognizes this difficulty separating the two is his issue, not Mitsuba's, so he is determined to make sure it doesn't become a problem again.
This need to separate the two makes it so he can’t see Mitsuba as a friend, or if he does, he can’t voice it. He has never called Mitsuba a friend unless he was thinking of Sousuke or mistaking him for Sousuke, whose friendship he treasures. Even when Mitsuba had expressed he want Kou to stay in this world as his friend, the wish didn't register, and Kou focused instead on the far less achievable, but completely detached from Sousuke, dream of turning him into a human.
Mitsuba’s dream is important to Kou, and Mitsuba noticed that, since his vent was a moment were he had Kou full attention on him instead of Sousuke, so Mitsuba eventually used his dream to distract Kou from Nene’s lifespan and their dilemma in Mei’s world.
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Unfortunately, this is, at its core, just a distraction: Mitsuba may believe in Kou’s determination, but he doesn’t believe Kou has the power to grant his wish, he isn’t expecting Kou to find a solution, and he never pressures Kou about it after, he only said this because he doesn’t like to see Kou in distress, it makes him uncomfortable, and so he needs him to snap out of it.
Mitsuba has no idea how huge this is for Kou, how important it feels, cause Kou feels as if no one had ever expected anything from him before.
Even when Hanako expected him to save Nene, Kou had no idea so much trust was put on him, because Hanako only told him this:
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And Kou was frozen in time, unable to hear a thing, when Hanako added this:
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So in Kou’s point of view, Mitsuba is the only one that expects something from him, the only one that depends on him. (which is diferent from people depending on his role: like his siblings needing a housekeeper)
Kou talks big but in the end, he is just an overwhelmed 14 year old: while he is determined to make Mitsuba’s dream come true and fully separate him from Sousuke, he has no way to help him, and it is hard for him to not see Mitsuba as Sousuke. It’s incredibly hard.
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It may have been presented in a comedic manner, but we know this haunts him all the way to his dreams.
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Add in all the romantic undertones of his interactions with both Mitsuba and Sousuke, and Kou really has a big crisis.
He only fully comes to terms that Sousuke is gone when he visits his mom and sees first hand the impact of his death.
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He processed and mourned Sousuke's death, he can truly separate them now, but things are still far from simple.
What exactly is his relationship with Mitsuba? It isn’t as easy to understand as his relationship with Sousuke.
Let’s see how his wishes manifest to illustrate it. This is his wish with Sousuke:
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It's the wish to have been a good friend to Sousuke while he was alive. Depending on where you read, the translations may be ‘you were my friend’ or you ‘are my friend’ but regardless, it has Sousuke wearing his death clothes and thanking Kou, which shows that Kou has moved on. He has accepted his death, no longer wishing for Sousuke to come back to life.
His wish with Mitsuba may start simple enough: Kou wants to be missed, to be wanted.
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But grows out of control very quickly.
It’s strange. Dangerous.
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It’s important that when the Fake shows up in the red house he is a supernatural, not a human like Mitsuba wishes to be. The fake also wants Kou to fulfill his promise from picture perfect and die so they can be together, which is something Mitsuba rejected, angry with Kou for his reckless behavior.
This wish to stay by his side forever is purely Kou, though it's not as simple as Kou wanting to die: Keep in mind that many of the house wishes are merely things Kou subconsciously wants because it would give him an easy answer to a dilemma he is being troubled by: Like when the house materialized an evil Hanako telling him to “exorcise me before I kill everyone” because all his problems would have been easier to solve if the world was more black and white.
If dying, ending it all, really was a deep wish of his the house would have shown him an easy way to die: For better or worst, the house is very straight to the point with its temptations, when Kou wished for a legendary weapon that would ‘save senpai in a flash’ the house gave him exactly what he asked for, when he got hungry it showed him food, so if he seeked death itself, even if subconsciously, the house would offer him a noose or a drop as high as a school building, not something so tied to the idea of being wanted, to Mitsuba trusting and believing in Kou.
Kou has very little self-worth and sees his own life as a disposable tool for others, but I do not believe being willing to die and wanting to die are the same. He mostly wants an answer about what to do with Mitsuba, he wants to be the one with the solution to his problems more than he wants to make Mitsuba human, and the only solution he can come up with is to become a supernatural, so the red house gave him exactly what he wants: a solution of his own making.
Kou is very self-centered, the Fake may be twisted, but Kou had always accidentally distorted his relationship with Mitsuba, the unease he felt facing the fake is likely because it isn’t what he expected to see, but it isn’t alien either, it’s similar to things Kou has thought before:
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Now, Kou doesn’t want Mitsuba to be helpless, to consume his life, he have no malicious intentions whatsoever, but he does want to be needed. Kou is desperate to be needed.
He feels like he is never seen as reliable: He had bonding moments with Nene on many occasions but she has Hanako, whose actions are morally questionable at times but he does get results, unlike Kou. Teru loves him but kept him in the dark about the exorcist world for his whole life, Tiara loves him but Kou seems to be under the impression her favorite bro is clearly Teru, and anyone else wouldn’t pick him as their first choice.
In contrast, Mitsuba is very attached to him, Mitsuba has a wish that he had asked Kou to grant him, and Kou had attached himself to Mitsuba just as much as he has grown attached to the idea that Mitsuba needs him.
Kou’s wish to be with Mitsuba and his deep wish to be needed are interconnected, Kou wants so so much to help him, to not be a disappointment again, that he became obsessed. Ironically, while Kou wants to be trusted, he doesn’t trust himself, and this determination to grant his wish blinds Kou from bonding and granting Mitsuba's wish for friends. Kou does have good intentions but he is doing what he wants, he is not paying attention to Mitsuba.
Kou doesn’t want Mitsuba to worry, Kou wants to help, and he can’t see his lack of self preservation hit Mitsuba too. I personally think Kou is aware his selflessness is inherently selfish but he hates that part of himself, because he rejected all his wishes in the red house but was able to admit to himself later they are his wishes.
He seem to acknowladge this but still reject it, cause he keeps doing the same mistakes: He may have apologized for jumping in picture perfect but he keeps missing Mitsuba’s intentions.
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He is at his most selfish with Mitsuba and yet, I have no doubts he genuinely cares about him.
When he does see Mitsuba again, he is happy he is ‘good’ and he has both a heavy romantic energy and a noticeable distance. In hindsight, I’m not surprised he called him an acquaintance.
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Kou likes him but he isn’t sure if is because of Mitsuba or because Mitsuba reminds him of Sousuke, so Kou had put a mental block on the idea of them being friends. Mitsuba very existence was born out of his failure with Sousuke, and have a big tie with Kou’s self worth. Any romantic feelings he has are being suppressed, and yet they do have a connection outside Sousuke. Kou is so focused on not disappointing Mitsuba he sabotages a lot of chances of connecting with him.
So what are they? It’s not as simple as ‘not quite friends and not quite lovers’, they are deeply affected by each other but know so little of the other they are basically strangers. They put their wishes on each other (”I want friends” “I want to be needed”) and yet misread what they are expected to give. They want connection and are afraid of not being as important to the other as the other is for them: They are a loving and tragic mess.
I am not surprised Kou had a breakdown when Mitsuba told him to exorcise him.
At this point, Kou is able to see Mitsuba as his own person/monster, so I feel like the request to be exorcised doesn’t make him remember Sousuke’s death, but it does bring back Severance trauma: We haven’t seen a Sousuke flashback in ages, but we got plenty of little panels of Mitsuba in the severance from Kou’s pov.
Outside the distress of Mitsuba wanting to die after Kou just got him back, it’s important that Kou focuses on how he needs to eat to survive after the severance, and instead of being disgusted as Mitsuba expected, Kou takes it as a personal attack, as a declaration Mitsuba also has Tsukasa to rely on.
Kou doesn’t care that Mitsuba is a monster, it was one of the main things he used to differentiate him from Sousuke, is old news, but he does care that Mitsuba still wants to be human but have gave up on ever being one. By doing so, Mitsuba indirectly admits that he doesn’t believe Kou can grant his wish, which is a promise that Kou had put a lot of his self-worth in, so it feels like Mitsuba doesn’t need Kou.
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The only thing Mitsuba seems to need Kou for is to exorcise him.
Kou needs to handle both the realization Mitsuba wants to die and that he doesn’t believe in him, that’s more than enough to break him. Add in all the repressed feeling he have, both of friendship and romance, and dear lord, please help this kid.
These two have so many communication problems I hope they talk in the next chapter.
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myunghology · 8 days
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ᐢ..ᐢ﹒﹫ a heart that has been chasing.
‹𝟹 tsukasa suou x gn! reader (written in second pov, you/your used.), short fic. wc : over 1,000+ (not including this part).
ᶻ﹕→ [ inspired by this filipino song, link is the fil lyrics translated into eng, but play song while reading for best experience <3 ]
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The red-haired male takes a deep sigh, before inhaling in the scent of fresh air he desperately wanted to grasp, opening his eyes and taking in the scenery of the garden of their school building.
He knows well enough he's getting tired, too tired to even keep up with his units schedule for this month. With what's going on in his family, who wouldn't be drained?
His feet drags him to the nearest place he can take a rest— a white gazebo. How pretty. He takes a seat, slouching his head down in obvious defeat.
What he didn't realize, was the person who he was currently sitting the opposite of.
You pause, seeing the unexpected male crashing down and obviously taking a toll on something. Taking off your earphones, you stare at him for quite sometime.
Tsukasa feels a set of eyes uncomfortably land on his figure, did he not notice anyone that was sitting here? He quickly sits up, your gaze meeting his.
Suddenly, now it's his turn to pause. The whole world feels like it's frozen as soon as you look at each other.
"Sorry." You mutter, why were you saying sorry? You ask yourself. Why were you saying sorry? Tsukasa asks internally.
You bow down slightly, standing up to excuse yourself, to perhaps give the unknown male some space. "Wait," He calls out, making you stop in your tracks.
"Can.." Tsukasa shakes his head, "I want someone new to talk to. Can you.. Please stay? I-if you have nothing to do.." He looks down, feeling ashamed to have even asked you to stay, for him.
You don't mutter a single word, but hesitantly sit back down in an uncomfortable silence between the both of you. "I don't see you here often," He tries to strike up a conversation, making you smile.
It felt like an arrow has just been shot through his chest as you smile, he quickly hides his face with the back of his hand.
The leader of Knights shouldn't be falling for someone who just gave him a single smile, it was improper. If he wanted to fall in love, he would've did it in proper time.
"Maybe because we're in different classes?" You state the obvious with a little giggle, before continuing. "But if you're talking about you never see me here.. Well,"
You hesitate for a moment, whilst he can feel his expression mirror your smile from how easily you can get along with people. He's always been weak to those kinds of people,
"Then maybe you just have bad timing? I'm always here." You tilt your head, a soft smile on your face. You're right, he didn't usually come to this place, anyway.
A place that had no type of memory to him, had just been given importance.
The male found himself often checking if you were there, to have conversed with you, more than he would have wanted to. The moment he saw you again and again, walking through the halls of the school with your friends— he will always, turn his head back.
A blush coats his face as he sees you, you've already turned your head back to look at him once more, before quickly turning away to focus where you're walking to, sure.
In these moments, finally. He has found what his heart truly desires.
He stumbles a little bit in his tracks when you smile at him once more, a view he'd kill just to see again. He's out of breath and he's weakening when he hears your laugh.
Ignoring that it was from the fact that he almost fell— but it didn't matter. Even if he fell, and he did. He fell, hard. But that's a different type of 'falling', now is it?
Even if he did fall, his heart would still be focused on how lovely your laugh sounded. He wanted to call out your name. Please stop, and please don't ever go away.
He makes a silent oath to himself, as he looks at your disappearing figure. You'll soon be his, just wait!
A push for the right words to come out of his mouth, as his right hand clutches his chest, struggling to even muster anything.
It's improper, for you to be the only one he can think of. Especially in the middle of a meeting. To the point where even Leo had to tell him to focus properly.
He feels like he's in a hazy dream, and his eyes are half-lidded. But even that won't stop him from thinking about you.
As the meeting ends, he sees you once again.
A smile and a wave was sent to his direction, he freezes. And as soon as you pass him, Ritsu playfully hits him with his elbow, as if to rub salt on the wound.
Just one look, and Tsukasa already knew. You're the one his heart is familiar with. Time is limited, and his heart is confused. But the show must go on.
He turns his head back, looking at the back of your figure, he feels the sudden urge to chase after you somehow. His senior pulls him back and shakes his head, and mutters; "Maybe think of a better time,"
Maybe he's right. Not now, especially not now.
But how can he ever stop himself? Just look at you. The sweet smiles you give him, the little giggles that come out of your mouth, just by the way you care.
He feels like he's going to melt whenever you're in his sights.
The way you cup his face whenever you know he feels down. You don't know how you even know, but you just do. The way he holds your hand protectively whenever you're crossing the street, as if you're a kid.
He notices the soft smiles you give him whenever he does so, and he can't help but wonder. Call him delusional, dumb, or what ever you want to. Maybe you do like him back.
High school love is stupid, really. But what if you two hadn't met at that gazebo? Well.. He's certain the world would have let you two meet again, for a different reason.
But for now, he'll bask in this feeling you're giving him.
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thatanimewriter · 1 year
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➳ request: Can i make a request? I want Soma, Ryou, Akira, Alice, and Eishi (from the anime food wars) with a S/O who is neutral to fancy food or anything that is the opposite of homemade food because for them homemade food is just the best for them. It’s like they don’t the food to be like the best they just want the food to be made with love and thoughtfulness. apologize if this is too much for you to ask
➳ character/s: yukihira soma, kurokiba ryo, hayama akira, nakiri alice, tsukasa eishi
➳ warnings: swearing, hayama being homeless and orphaned as a kid, marriage fever (soma)
➳ notes: food wars is love, food wars is life, people should get over the weird foodgasms so they can actually watch art ._. (also soma is my ideal man, when can i find one-)
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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talk your shit
he'll get you a megaphone to say it again
he agrees with you 100%
now you have to marry him btw :))
constantly trying out any new yukihira diner recipes on you
he may be at totsuki, but he still wants to take over the diner and make happiness affordable and memorable
you don't need fancy shit to bring people joy >:((
he also drags you to tons of festivals n markets to try the street food and festival food
if unhealthy, why taste good??
screaming if you ever make him something homemade
and he will scoff that shit down
he gets sick of fancy food too, so he's more than happy to have your homemade things in between classes
constantly leaning over your shoulder at the dorms to see what you're making
always licks the bowl if it's a cake or something
personal dish washer
will make you a yukihira diner dish in bento form every time you have to be away for something
comfort food and a movie at least twice a week
jokingly calls you 'wifey' regardless of gender because he's determined you'll get married for the homemade food thing
joichiro approves-
a lowkey judgmental squint at you
he's unsure if he agrees with you
but he's never gonna say no to trying anything homemade that you offer him
will give you the hum of approval every time
maybe he's starting to see your point-
you're not always the one making him homemade food though
sometimes he comes to you to go on a cute little picnic date and has made you a special dish from denmark to share with you
will just listen to you talk while he eats and occasionally pitches in
don't challenge him too much though, because if you make a joke that your homemade food is better, you're in for it
can you have a shokugeki with 'peasant food'??
alice's words, not yours-
he's not very open with emotions but you can tell from the little smile he's suppressing that he feels loved when he eats homemade food
and it also lets him relax after classes and outside of trying to destroy soma
he gets to make cute and quaint dishes for you and not stress about the quality of the dish
n he gets to see that smile of yours :))
not that he'd ever admit that-
but like soma, he's hovering over you while you cook
probably snacking on the leftovers
ask and you shall receive
he has probably never had a homemade meal before-
and homemade meals are now your love languages
also probably cried when you first made him something homemade
just a couple snivels and tears
that's also when he first fell in love but you won't catch him saying that to anyone else
makes you a lot of indian street food to connect more with his culture and introduce you if you're not already familiar
always makes you something if you feel upset or down
and it's always very urgent??
he's a very attentive lover
he hears you're upset and he's speed running a lil curry n naan for you and he's COMING OVER RIGHT NOW-
y'all always make lunch for each other because if you're not with each other, you feel the love you have for each other either way
and if you have lunch together, compliments (and kisses) to the chef
unlike the others, who snack on whatever is leftover while you cook for them
hayama feeds you your leftovers
gently feeding a lil carrot stick to you ;v;
he made his own spice blend that he thinks encapsulates you as a person and you definitely can't find that in stores-
people have asked him what the spice is called
n he just called it by your name
she doesn't get it-
homemade food isn't as exquisite???
what are you on??
this is entirely because her parents are elitists and she never got HOMEmade food
got professional food only
and she doesn't know what homemade food actually tastes like
and that's kinda dumb tbh-
how does one survive without a lovingly made dish??
loving the cooking is different to making something BECAUSE you love them
so now it's your mission to convert her :))
it didn't take very long, you gave her breakfast in bed and she was sold
now she knows what love actually feels like and this is a pivotal moment
to be fair though
she can't really replicate homemade cooking for a while
because she never got taught and she can't get the strict training out of her system
how do you make molecular gastronomy homey??
it's fine, you'll just have to teach her
bonding time in the kitchen
she'll get the hang of it eventually, but for now she's fine with just having you cook loving meals for her
somehow it's more nerve wracking making a homemade dish than a fancy one
because you like homemade things more ;v;
and he doesn't want to disappoint you
also probably doesn't know how to make a homemade meal-
are you sure you can't just treat him??
he's baby
he can't handle this shit :((
gladly takes homemade food from you though
but he wants cuddles while he eats your cooking
will also learn to make more homemade things and let go of the reins a little bit with PRESTIGE
probably also cried when he first tried your cooking
and this is lowkey what he wishes totsuki was
less stressful, more time with you, no more panic attacks-
the first time he ever gave you a homemade meal he was sweating bullets and shaking like crazy
but he got rewards, so now he does it all the time
"you could just ask for a kiss, you know."
"...'s so embarrassing..."
you now know a homemade meal means he wants kisses
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thelunarfairy · 7 months
Hi, i love your theories on jshk. Here's one I was wondering that when that red house 'thing' asked for tsukasa's sacrifice in order to heal amane , Maybe the sacrifice was more than for him to just disappear physically. I think maybe the sacrifice was tsukasa's mind , his kind heart, selflessness, caring nature . When that thing became a part of tsukasa like a parasite it consumed or fed on all of it. Maybe that's one of the reasons why we see the present tsukasa being emotionally detached or being heartless at times. Any thoughts?
🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 Thank's
Wow, that's a pretty interesting and tragic take on the situation. I'll confess that I've always wondered what that thing consumes, it keeps its victims alive for long, long periods.
I don't know how to tell you exactly how alive, but there is no rest, they get stuck somewhere. Tsukasa came back, so the body is still there, and as Nene said, it was warm and had a pulse.
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So, if it doesn't consume the body, it consumes the mind, as we saw happen to the other Kannagis.
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Despite this, I can still see Tsukasa's sentimental side. He's sad, he misses, he still loves, maybe not to the same extent as before, but it's still there.
Seeing him melancholy when he calls Amane selfish, seeing him sad when telling Nene that Amane won't come to save him, even if he calls, seeing his happiness when he meets his older brother again, these are his feelings reflecting through the actions.
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The expression he made when agreeing that he knows Amane hates him, is the same look he showed as a child. Tsukasa is still there, he is.
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He always has been.
He sings to calm down, to remember some good moment in the past, a song that brings him good and comforting memories.
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A person without any feelings is totally cruel and vile, there are no feelings about absolutely anything. He could have just hit Nene on the head and make her pass out so she would stay quiet, but he didn't.
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He could just get revenge on Amane, but, he loves him, so he never will.
Tsukasa shares his body with that creature, the cruel side is linked to him, his eyes turn black when he is about to do something bad. Those aren't Tsukasa's eyes, they're that thing's eyes.
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Tsukasa's eyes shine, they are golden like gold, we could compare them with the little hope that there is still for his salvation.
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Amane didn't give up on him, because for many years he believed that Tsukasa still existed there, he still had his brother in that body. And he's right.
Tsukasa is a little boy who had to deal with everything alone, who had to learn to deal with his own feelings, his own sadness. That he had to give up everything for someone he loves very much. And he came back, even though he knew that the person he loved most would one day kill him.
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He came back because he wanted to know why.
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And he suffered in the process. After his death, the suffering dragged on for years as he tirelessly called for him, alone, again.
So, he decided it was time to put an end to it all. And he was waiting for this moment so much, that we can see the relief on his face. Finally it would all be over.
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That thing took away his innocence, and even though it consumed and influenced him
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There are still feelings, there is still a love that no one can rip from Tsukasa's chest.
Not even Amane himself could.
Love is the only thing that keeps Tsukasa moving forward, he is there to fulfill Amane's wish.
Someone without feelings is never there for anyone but themselves.
Tsukasa suffers from the beginning for loving too much.
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valeriele3 · 2 years
Have another TWST and Enstars crossover (kinda)
Dorm Leaders + Jamil
Your friends remind you of another friend from back home
“Hey Riddle, I just noticed..You look a lot like a friend from back home”
“I do..?”
“Mhm! His name is Tsukasa Suou! He looks almost exactly like you! Except his eyes are a different color and he doesn’t have your uh heart ahoge”
“I see..Tell me, is he a follower of rules?”
“Uhm..I guess? I mean he is a knight so..”
“Y’know..You forcing me to let you sleep on my lap reminds me of someone dear to me back in my world..”
“You remind me a lot of Ritsu. He’s very veryyy dear to me..He would basically sleep 24/7 and whenever he saw me he would force me to sleep and cuddle with him. If not that then he’ll use me as a pillow”
“Huh? H-Hey Leona where’re you going??”
Leona leaving you because he’s jealous about this Ritsu and it put him in a bad mood(Leona’s annoyed lol)
“Sigh..You and Ibara would get along nicely”
“A businessman who also likes to suck up to people”
“Hey Kalim, thank you..”
“Hm? For what?”
“For making me feel at home..You too Jamil”
“Eh?” (He was secretly hiding in the shadows)
“Oh! Jamil! You were here the whole time?!”
“..No comment on that”
“Anyways, what’d you mean “thank you?””
“You guys just remind me a lot of two of my friends back home..”
“Their names are Subaru Akehoshi and Hokuto Hidaka”
“Kalim’s energy and personality is just like Subaru and Jamil’s demeanor reminds me of Hokuto”
“Especially because of how you always take care of Kalim..It’s just like how Hokuto keeps Subaru in check..Well, as best as he can at least since Subaru can just somehow rope you into his problems—”
“Sigh..I get it..! Please stop nagging me so much Vil”
“Hah? Nagging you? I’m just telling you to take better care of yourself”
“I swear it’s like Izumi came here with me..Sigh..”
“And who is this Izumi you speak of?”
“A friend although he feels more like a mom for always nagging me to take better care of myself..Or more specifically my skin”
“Now that I think about it, you guys would get along so well because of your obsession with looking good or somethin’..”
“Seems like a person who understands the importance of beauty. And, fix your way of speaking! It’s ‘something’ not ‘somethin’.
“It looks like Epel has been influencing you in a bad way. You aren’t allowed to see him anymore”
“Wha— Hey! You can’t do that!”
“I’m afraid I can darling”
“Idia~ Come..Hang..Outtt with me..!” (You’re trying to drag him out of his room)
[Insert Panicked scream] “No! I don’t wanna..!”
“Staying inside 24/7 is bad for you! You need to get under the sun at least once in a while..!” (Don’t worry Idia I’m like that irl)
[Insert a picture of you trying to drag Idia out and him desperately hanging onto his bed]
“Oh!” [Accidentally drops Idia on the ground]
“If you don’t want to go outside that bad then..How about this? You can just use the vents to travel from place to place!”
“Huh..? W-What gave you that crazy idea..”
“Hm? Don’t worry it’s probably safe! A close friend of mine likes to travel around the place using the vents!”
“He even uses the vents in my room to spy on me every night” You wholeheartedly smile and laugh at the thought like it isn’t weird at all
‘What the heckkkk..That’s a different kind of weird..! That’s straight up creepy’ Idia is going a thousand miles a minute inside his mind right now
“C’mon..! You can be like Mayoi!”
“Is that what that creeps name is..?” Idia whispers to himself but you still heard it
[Insert Idia’s scream again] “N-NO! I DIDNT..!”
“Good” :))
“Now let’s go! Let us brave through this storm called life!”
“Heheh..I have a feeling you’ll get along well with a friend of mine back home Tsunotaro!”
“I’m sure Nagisa would love to talk to you someday..! Maybe when I get back home I’ll introduce you to him”
“I see. Well if the child of man says so then I mustn’t refuse”
Malleus is thinking that maybe if he gains Nagisa’s favor Nagisa will allow you to date him. After all it’s good to have points from your close ones right? And if you mentioned this Nagisa then surely that person is close to you
Sorry about the other’s parts like Azul and Idia I couldn’t really think what to write for their part
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adhdtsukasa · 5 months
WXS OCHAME KINOU FINALLY RELEASED OFFICIALLY and i wanna ramble about the line distribution because it killed my grandma and it's becoming one of my favorite wxs covers all time. (at first i just wanted to talk about the emu solo line... but oh well...)
(the credit is on the screens, but the video belongs to yann__94 on yt!)
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obviously rui got this line, it couldn't be any other way!! after all, this precisely *is* what rui's role mainly is. he's the stage director, the one who's supposed to make everything work well — and it only intensifies after backlight lens flare, where it was recognized even further from what i've seen. because i didn't watch the entirety of it yet. i'm waiting for my summer break to catch up on events
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wonderland sekai!!! that sounds like a sole definition of wonderlands sekai to me. (and is only a furthermore proof why ochame kinou is so wxs coded that it even sounds like a wxs comm)
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and this is what i wanted to talk about from the very beginning — because this is so cuteeee..... "is your birthday ahead" and they're releasing it just ten days before tsukasa's birthday? Hey. emu being the one who sing this line just adds to the adorableness because i'm not saying that nene and rui wouldn't do so, but combined with the way emu sings just makes me see the mental image of emu dragging tsukasa with her and just going "cmon cmon tsukasakun it's your birthday soon we need to have fun". which is honestly very accurate i think. she's the designated sun of the wxs, after all
but maybe i'm just biased because i love platonic emukasa as i already said countless of times 🫶🫶
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THIS LINE ON THE OTHER HAND MAKES ME SO SAD and i don't call me a sadkaser because this is not meant to be, maybe i'm just reaching too much because i'm too kidkasa pilled from writing a thing for his birthday, but,,, yeah, it screams dazzling to me. because that's how tsukasa was as a kid, right? if you behave well and let them see you're the strong one, you'll be happy — but you still need to have faith that tomorrow will be a better day.
again, that only makes this cover releasing right before tsukasa's birthday even more foul lol.
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and i don't have much to say about this line... i'm just glad to see that emu got to still have her dreamer motif here. makes me very happy.
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and last but not least, polysho ruined lives
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lampiridaes · 8 months
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# c, m, r, s
★ — char ; tsukasa
★ — notes ; RAAAHHHH TSUKASAAAAAAA i got sm inspo for this one bro. my fingers were moving by themselves OT WAS SO FUN!!! SO CUTE!!! TYSM FLR LIKING THE EVENT I WAS VERY VERY EXCITED TO LAUNCH IT <3 I HOPE U ENJOY THIS HEHEHE
★ — requested by ; @mayayamat0
affiliated with @virtualbookstore ★
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c - cuddle [how do they like to cuddle?]
tsukasa doesn't seem like a spooner... he enjoys you holding him and him holding you much more. he gets to admire your pretty face, the way you smile, the way you snore... everything about you—it's all in front of him. although, he doesn't mind being the big spoon if you wish to be hugged like that.
m - memory [what's their favorite memory together?]
most likely a time when you helped him prepare his lines for a show... he was the main protagonist, and you were the love interest. it was a simple scene, just flirting between the two characters. though, to tsukasa, it felt... so much more genuine. like you meant every word you said while helping him practice. and you did, didn't you?
r - rainy day [what do they like to do on rainy days?]
quite the productive man once water droplets fall from the sky, and he won't hesitate to drag you along into his little endeavors. maybe planning a show, or just practicing a new hobby neither of you have tried. be it baking, karaoke (he's a good yet loud singer, fair warning), crocheting, drawing... any day is a fun day when tsukasa is around.
s - sad [how do they like to cheer their s/o up?]
it's tsukasa tenma, he has plenty of tricks up his sleeve to help cheer you up. it all depends on your preference, really. want him to make you smile by cracking a joke? he's already smiling and laughing before he gets to tell it to you. want a lot of love and affection? perhaps a bunch of kisses on your face? not to worry, he's already on it! or, do you want a quiet, cuddle session as he rubs your back? he's willing to do that too.
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Only one for me
Pairing: fem!Hanaoka Y/N x Takajo Tsukasa
Summary: Your twin brother took you to meet his friends, that's all
Warnings: none
A/N: Hello! I'm back with Tsukasa and my obsessive ass. There will be part 2!
Enjoy, let me know what you think and maybe share any future ideas
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"Y/N!" You turned around and smiled brightly when you saw your brother, Fujio, in the distance. "Wait!"
"I'm not going anyway." You joked and waited patiently for Fujio to stop by your side and catch a breath. "I thought you were in better shape. You fight all the time, but still can't run without running out of breath."
"Says who." Answered black haired with a smile and when he finally straightened up, he looked at you happily. "You are not better than me."
"Well, you want it or not, we're twins, we are exactly the same."
"Can't argue with that." Fujio nodded and put his arm around your shoulder then dragged you with him. "Have I told you my friends want to meet you?"
"Friends? You have friends?" You joked about what black haired smacked your head gently. "Okay okay, I was joking. And I guess now you're dragging me to meet them?"
"See? Our brains are connected."
After some more turns to left and right, you guys ended up in front of a school your brother attended.
"Welcome to Oya High." Fujio smiled and you swore that his eyes shone brighter than the stars on the night sky so you decided not to make any joke about the place, you knew it was a special place for him. "The bestest school in the whole SWORD."
Your eyes searched the whole building, every window, every door and broken table on the ground. It might have not looked very appealing, but even you felt some energy that was telling you to stay there longer.
"Let's meet my friends." Fujio grabbed your hand and dragged to the center patio where many men were sitting, standing or minding their businesses. "Oy, guys! I'm back!"
In a second, and I literally mean second, almost everyone was rounded around you two, yelling one over another.
"You got a girlfriend? Since when?" The man with dark blond hair styled to the left asked a question everyone was curious about.
"Girlfriend? No." You shook your head with disbelief. " I woudn't date him even if someone paid me."
"That was mean." Fujio pouted, but a moment later smiled brightly. "She's my sister...well, twin sister."
"You have a sister?!" The man next to the blond guy who asked the first question yelled, making you and Fujio flinch.
"I've never told you about her?" The leader scratched his head. "Well, now you know."
"Hanaoka Y/N. It's nice to meet you all." You bowed deeply and after some time jumped up with a smile.
"Hanaoka Y/N." The blond haired guy repeated your name and nodded. "That adds up. Nice to meet you, I'm Yasushi."
"And I'm Kiyoshi." His friend added with a smile.
And suddenly everyone started yelling their names out, making you smile and laugh.
"Okay, let her live." Fujio covered you with his body, hiding from the group of men. "Don't you dare touch her."
"As much as I love you, I hate you." You smacked his head, passed him and sank into the group as if you have been part of it since forever.
A few moments later, you all were sitting on anything you could and were gossiping about everything and nothing, you even earned a place on Fujio's couch next to him.
During the conversation, you've been feeling all those stares on you, I mean it's normal to look at your interlocutor yet it was a different kind of stare. Yet you didn't give it too much thought, you ignored it.
"You copy each other." A man with glasses came in by the entrance and looked at the whole gathering.
"It's called twin-sync." You both said at the same time, making all of the men look at you with shock and admiration in their eyes.
"Y-you're doing that again." Pointed out Jamuo with a nervous laughter that caught your and Fujio's attention so you two again acted your sync out.
"You guys are creepy." Summarized a glassy guy and walked past the group.
"Doroki, where is Tsukasa?" Fujio stopped the tall man with a question and made him turn around.
"I don't keep files on him." Answered asked man and left the patio without more words.
"You should." Murmured Yasushi, but again looked at you with a gentle gaze. "Why aren't you in Oya? Your brother is, why not you?"
"Well... I've been spending some time with our grandpa." You explained calmly, your eyes averted to Fujio who nodded. "And after he died I've been helping our aunt with the house, studying on my own, sometimes with my friends...a lot has been happening, I just didn't have time to go to school."
"You can join us." Said Nakagoshi what met the approval of the whole gathering.
"I'll think about it, thanks." You smiled brightly, knowing damn well that you looked exactly like your brother and that it might have again creeped out every person on the patio....again. "I'll be going now, it was nice meeting you all. Thank you for taking care of my brother."
"No one has to take care of me." Objected your twin what made you giggle. "Yeah, go. Shoosh away."
"Love you too. See you guys!" You waved happily at the sitting crowd and headed towards the exit without paying attention to anything around you.
And probably that's why you bumped into someone on your way.
"I'm so..." You didn't finish your sentence because when you looked up, you saw this handsome, blond haired man that literally took your voice and breath away.
"Oh, Tsukasa!" You heard Fujio's voice behind you but you didn't care, youre eyes were all over the man in front of you.
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playroom-sekaii · 7 months
I usually see Tsukasa as being more of a toddler/little kid regressor (age range about 2-5), but I keep thinking about him baby regressing one day. Maybe he's sick, maybe he's stressed, maybe he just gets doted on a bit too hard, but either way now the star is Baby baby.
• An immense babbler. Even if he's feeling too little to talk he Will babble, nonstop and loud. It'll be like he's telling the greatest story in the world, but comprised purely of "babababa"s, his CGs listening closely to every "word".
• Not really a biter, but a nommer, he won't use teeth (he doesn't wanna hurt anyone!) but his mouth will end up around the arms of his caregivers, or chewing on the ears of his plushies. He will eventually take a paci or a teether though, maybe with a pout first but he will
•Blankie baby, Do Not take it from him. He's one when he's feeling a bit older too, but then it's multipurpose: a cape! A flag! A parachute! When he's this small it's simply the most cuddly thing he owns, take it away to wash it and he'll be so sad (I like to think that he has a blankie that looks like his comically large flag he has sometimes)
•He already hates being alone when he's bigger, but this tiny? He can't take it, he has to be with one of his caregivers or he will cry. He loves uppies (the only one that can give them to him is Rui or some of the Virtual Singers though), and he loves being with the rest of WxS or his siblings no matter what. Listening to them talk or watching them practice for shows is one of his favorite things when he's baby regressed, and he especially loves storytime.
•Not the best with walking, but he Will manage to crawl away and get into mischief. Not that much when he's this small, but trying to sneak away and explore. It's pretty easy to find him though, since he's usually dragging his blanket with him, or he'll get lonely and come back to his CGs within a few minutes.
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slamdunktheories · 5 months
Inoue explains his thinking behind Slam Dunk's ending
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There are two revealing articles about this with some interesting insights (parts in bold are mine for emphasis). The first is a chat between Inoue and Fujimaki Tadatoshi (creator of Kuroko no Basuke) which was published in Jump back in 2014.
Some excerpts:
Fujimaki: At what point did you decide that the Sannoh match would be the last match in SD? Inoue: When I drew the IH bracket. Fujimaki: So you'd already decided that there wouldn't be any (match) encounters with Morishige and Tsuchiya? Inoue: "There are these types of people at the national level" was the idea I wanted to convey. In real life, we often have such instances too, where we want to face off with someone but we end up not being able to. Fujimaki: At the time I thought Morishige was the "Final Boss". Inoue: Yeah, it may have created a bit too much anticipation for the readers. But without that type of character, it wouldn't feel like a national tournament, would it? It wasn't depicted in the manga but maybe [Morishige] did make a big splash in his own right. Fujimaki: That's true. That part did feel very realistic. Inoue: The other thing is, I really hate the type of storyline where only the main character gets to win, win, win in order to push the story forward. In the Shoyo match and Sannoh match, I did decide beforehand that Shohoku would win. But when I was actually drawing it out, I became so emotionally invested in the opponents and it felt awful depicting their loss. To think that after the Toyotama match, I'd have to still draw that sort of hardearned win/ heartbreaking loss 5 more times - I just couldn't do it. Apologies about Morishige and Tsuchiya! (smile)
More snippets of this article (in Japanese) here.
The other is a chat between Inoue and his mentor Houjou Tsukasa (creator of City Hunter), which was published in 2016 in Grand Jump. 
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Houjou: When you were working on the final arc of SD you came by my manga studio to hang out. Inoue: I did? Houjou: Well, it was less to hang out and more to work on a draft of some chapters. At the time you were deep in the Sannoh match and you were muttering "how should I continue the story after the Sannoh match..." I just said offhandedly, "Well, if they gave it their all in the Sannoh match, it wouldn't be all that bad if they got slaughtered in the next match." Inoue: Ah, I was probably at your studio looking for some affirmation on that point. Houjou: When I read the final chapter in Jump I was so happy. Jump is all about friendship, hard work, victory yet here the home team lost badly in the end. Inoue: I got the sense that manga is an incredible thing as we reached the final chapter of the story - the people who were depicted in the series still continued living their lives, just that it wasn't depicted. In fact, those characters are still living their lives today.
Source article for the above (in Chinese) here
So in short, it looks like Inoue did have a good sense of when he wanted to end the Slam Dunk story but was still wrestling with the idea when it came time to execute it. After all, having the main characters lose was just not a thing. So he ended up at his mentor's manga studio to mull over it/get a second opinion and turns out his mentor had the same train of thought as he did.
It also stacks up with things he'd said in the Switch interview (published 2012). I personally love that Inoue is always looking to reflect reality/the truth in his manga rather than to go the conventional route of dragging out a popular story for the sake of milking it.
His stories are grounded in reality and he's not going to be persuaded to drag them out for the sake of selling more volumes/making more money if the message he wants to convey gets lost. There's integrity in his stories and for me, that's what makes his stories timeless.
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kasaraku · 5 months
I've been thinking about something.
I saw a video in TT (not again-) and it was about how Tsukasa is frustrated by how the others are joking around, jokingly make fun of Tsukasa and it triggers him. (Check out Blu!)
And then I remembered someone pointed out that EmuRuiNene's jokes are a lot softer now than before, that even Nene's sharp tongue wasn't even used all that much to him too. I think it's because they realized how Tsukasa would open up more if they're softer around him.
I mean, other people also pointed out that, seeing how Tsukasa's event focuses are, he never really relied on others until 3rd focus. He realized just how much others are willing to help him out and also supports him. <- that makes me cry a whole hour.
In order for Tsukasa to let himself lean on others and let himself be more open to them, they (EmuRuiNene) have to soften up and let Tsukasa take the hints and be more reliant to them, making him realized that he can always trust them and comes to them for help. He has done more than enough, it's their turn now.
Suddenly it inspired me to make a short story. Just keep reading.
I'm sure you'll like a little fluff :D
Rehearsal has been going on smoothly. Emu takes up the main character, with Rui as her companion to defeat an evil god, a character Tsukasa plays, but also with the help and persuasion of semi - god, that's when Nene comes in.
The god is good, but humanity destroys him, and he was made into an evil being after being revived. The semi - god tells them that the god needs his heart back to revive the god she has befriended a long time ago. She begs them not to kill him as he's the only one who can keep the humans alive for so long. They eventually agree, and after finding the heart and presents it to the god, it shines as the evil god unconsciously reached for it and puts it in his chest as it shines and he comes back. Happily ever after.
Well, maybe not if the one who plays it don't know how to act as the evil god.
"Uhh... Nene? Can you help me with this? I'm a little stuck. " the singer looks at the one who called her. The blond who constantly yells 'World's Future Star' looks at her in embarrassment. He holds a script that opens a page she oh so familiar with. The part where the evil god and the semi - god shown to be friends in the past.
Emu and Rui are bussying themselves with the script as they excitedly talk about the ideas on putting sparkly things for the show, and Nene can hear how loud they are. Even if they're a few feet away from her, she feels a little irritated about it. They talk a little too loud from usual, which pretty much annoys her.
Tsukasa is still waiting for Nene's answer, as he fidgets with the script and debates on whether he should really ask her or forget about it. Suddenly Nene grabs his wrist and drags him away from the other two as they goes in the backstage, a quitter place for them to practice.
"I can help, don't worry about it. Well, tell me which part you're struggling with. " somehow, Nene looks at him with a soft smile that makes him want to melt away. Has she always smiles that softly to him? Maybe, but he might never realize it.
With a nod, he explains which part and his struggles of it, as Nene hums and helps him get the hang of it. In return, she asked him for the same thing as he smiled and pointed out which part she lacked in and gave her some insight and clues for it.
Little did they know, the other two were watching them the whole time with those big hearts in their eyes, and they affectionately looked at them, while also noting that Tsukasa gradually letting himself be dependent to others.
That day, everyone ends the rehearsal with a smile of affection painted on their face as they go home, replaying the memories they all had together today.
Yeah uhh... got a little too excited for the info I guess-
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hey! I want to request yandere alphabet B, D, K and R for Tsukasa and Rui??
Absolutely! I had quite a bit of fun writing it so I hope you'll like it as well! ^^
Tsukasa, Rui B, D, K, R yandere alphabet
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @yulikesminori @kuzui5201314 @alicewinterway18 @indi-has-fallen
TW: unhealthy obsession, mentions of death, killing, drugs, kidnapping, generally all the yandere stuff
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⊱ Both = You are a Yandere too, what's their reaction?
When Tsukasa discovered you're also the yandere type, he was almost sure it's a sign. Sign that you two were always supposed to be together and that no one should ever dare to interrupt you.
A smile appears way too fast on his face and he's just genuinely happy that you care about him and this relationship as much as he does.
But if it's when he was still trying to hide his yandere self from you because he was afraid to scare you away... he literally cannot believe himself! He spends long time just discussing hints you ever could've gave him! If he'd notice them sooner... he wouldn't have to worry so much about you being scared of him!
"You're also?! I wish I knew that sooner... but it's not important now. Important thing is that we can be together forever with no interruptions~"
⊱ Difference = When can you notice different behavior in them?
Tsukasa does his best to be secret with his yandere self to not scare you away, but it's still quite easy to see through once you try...
Earlier he was simply socialable, especially with you but he was more like a sunshine that enjoyed your company! Now he's clingy and refuses to let go of your side unless there's absolute no other choice. He always wants your attention on him and him alone, whether that be yelling to get your attention from someone else or making stupid excuse to help him drag you somewhere else.
"Y/N!! You need to... uh... help me pick up Saki from school! C'mon, we don't have time!"
⊱ Kidnap = Are they willing to kidnap you? If so how will they do it, for how long will they keep you away and where?
Tsukasa would never kidnap you, unless he's absolutely forced to do it. He can go as far as begging, manipulating, even forcing you but he doesn't want to take your freedom away. Maybe it's because of memory with his sister? Either way, he'd rather to not take away such an important thing from you.
He can be forced to do it tho. If you start telling him that you hate him and will run away from him, he'll be willing to do it. He'd invite you to his place and put some sleeping pills in your drink and then keep you locked in like a basement or some other place similar to that. It's not for long tho! It's usually just for long enough to make you calm down and make sure you won't tell anyone about it. In short, he keeps you kidnapped for as little as possible!
"It's alright, I just didn't wanted you to run away... please stay for a bit longer... just a bit so I can show you I'm not a complete psycho."
⊱ Risk = How risky will they be with getting rid of rivals?
Tsukasa is too afraid to be risky but at the same time, he knows he has to be like that with some rivals in the end... he'll use his star charm and chaotic persona to make someone follow him, be it on backstage, to his house, some darker alley or just generally a quite corner.
And when his enemy is there, he'll most likely make them asleep by spilling chloroform on cloth and not take it away from their nose. He's prepared to stay like that for 10 minutes or more if needed, so it'll most definitely work. Then he simply would stab them to death or so.
But the quite corner is always planned. He makes sure there's like a lake or something he can burn the evidences with, and most importantly... that no one comes close when he's working.
Of course on the next day he acts as if he's really scared and sad along your side. As if both of you need each other to not be so scared because it's 3rd murder this week and it only happens to kids in this school...
"I-I can't believe it... it's just so sad... Y/N... can we stay close? I'm really scared... for both, you and me..."
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⊱ Both = You are a Yandere too, what's their reaction?
When you told Rui about it, he was literally stunned... not only because he didn't expect it but because you love HIM so much!! Don't get him wrong, he's in heaven right now but he thought you prefer someone else and he'll have to try really hard to make you at least notice him.
Now you're both lovey dovey partners, and partners in crime. Whenever one of you is jealous, he won't hesitate to use his robot for... bloodier purposes... but it ends good for both of you and that's the only thing that matters~
"Darling~ You don't know how happy I am to know that you love me just as much as I love you. I promise to make you proud~"
⊱ Difference = When can you notice different behavior in them?
Even when Rui began to behave differently, you didn't really notice it because of his general "weirdo" behavior. He simply started hanging around you more and spending more time on his inventions but that could be easily explained with excuse or so.
You probably didn't even notice when he started being more clingy and taking you attention more than he previously did because he does it slowly, to jot scare you away.
"Sorry, I was really focused on my new invention last night... I just happened to have burst of motivation!"
⊱ Kidnap = Are they willing to kidnap you? If so how will they do it, for how long will they keep you away and where?
Rui's not a fan of that method but he will do it if all his other methods fail. He may lead you forcefully somewhere but he'd never hit you, so if he had to choose... he'd choose kidnapping you and working things out from there.
Depending on how close you are, he'll either get you uncocious with sleeping pill at his place or secretly add them to your drink when you aren't looking and take you from there with excuse of helping you go to doctor when he's really taking you to his place.
He'll keep you there for 2 weeks to 3 months tied up and after he may stop with tying and let you wander around house that's doors and windows are locked. He likes to keep you in his room most of the time tho... just to keep a close eye on you!
"Calm down, it's just me. I can explain everything to you later. Why won't we chat first tho, hm~?"
⊱ Risk = How risky will they be with getting rid of rivals?
Rui would be very risky but at the same time not risky at all! He definitely created robots that are meant just for murderous purposes, so he has no trouble with simply turning them on, choosing their target and sending them to kill the rival even in the middle of town. Of course he'll put on a show like pretending he's shocked, surprised, disgusted and so on. He might even play the knight if you're around and give you the comfort and safety you need him to provide. So he basically hits 2 birds with one stone!
It is a bit risky for him too tho... he's known for having robots that's why he creates ones with such aesthetic that don't suit him at all and instead suit other students that are interested in creating robots just like he is. They're also probably self destructive to avoid collecting his fingerprints.
"Shhh~ it's okey, Y/N~ Nobody's gonna hurt you. No human or machine. I'll make sure of it~"
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glowinggreenfrog · 1 month
I have thoughts so this will be long w/ spoilers.
Last night, I finished my 24 hours of boys over flowers manga read-a-thon and I had to sit and ponder at the ending- in the best way.
I am going to miss this series so much.
The Little Mermaid Question
From my last post, yes , of course I was happy that Umi was humbled-or at least hopefully she clues into it someday. I was gagged and gooped.
The reference to the little mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen by Makino solidified this series as a top 3 manga for me. She had my heart when she said
“Why should I be sea foam?”.
It put the good in Goodbye
The call backs from the beginning of the manga were so perfectly woven in as it got closer.
Seeing it all referenced felt like a warm smile. I have to admit, it felt bittersweet knowing why they were here again. I loved that hitting someone with a baseball was how he got his memories back, and bringing up her dropped friend character.
The pacing was refreshing and not heavy. It felt like I could breathe still. The sushi restaurant was a cute reunion. Especially, the detail that she jump ropes in her apartment still.
At first, I was annoyed with how much time we spent with Yuki—Only because I was so stressed knowing how little time was left!!
Thankfully, I told myself to relax because I really loved that plot. I felt so stressed for her, and it was so well written. Yuki is such a cool character and storyline.
The billboard reveal with Sarah gagged me. Also that she took him back up on the offer, and I was moved to see she was a different person now. She grew so much.
I loved them all eating cake until dawn.
Also loved Makino craving ramen after. I love that her and Tsukasa were alone eating soup in the restaurant. (Well more just Makino). It was cute.
This chapter fed the girls who don’t end up with their first love, and it was done so thoughtfully. It also made me accept if our main couple don’t end up together, or grow together.
They can change as people, and grow apart. That’s normal. They don’t need to prove to anyone that their love was genuine and they tried. Looking back, I am so happy this was included in the end.
Main couple
And speaking of our main couple. The four year drop…..
I literally had to put my phone down. And scream breathe.
Quit playing.
Violence, maybe is the answer.
Esp. After the memory loss plot?!
I took a metaphorical drag of a metaphorical cigarette here, and I chewed on that metaphorical smoke before blowing it out.
But…that’s so them! They don’t give us fanservice for them much at peace and although that made me so upset, but we have the whole series to look back on.
It took me throughout the day (even after jewel box) to forgive him for that.
I was thinking about how the hospital arc ended and he’s such a different person without Makino, I can see how she changed him, and now he can be on equal footing with her. She helped him challenge himself and his mom, and live for something.
I am grateful Rui told her to live for herself, and I appreciate her family coming through for her senior year. It was all very true to their chaotic and broke characters and the timing of them trying to move all the time.
Also, the almost hookup!! Her well badly timed fever. I am happy it didn’t happen, because I felt like their story has to continue now.
Also it wasn’t really them. It’s too planned.
We know it has to be after a fight lmaoo.
I think if they did go through with it, it would have been harder to live so far apart too.
I cannot believe that she woke up alone. Not even 24 hours with her guy? At the same time, I like that it must’ve help cement that she didn’t want to leave Japan.
I only wish he planned the date to be closer to home for the vibes to be more immaculate, but I know that it is not his vibe, and there was too much going on (new job, graduating, prom, etc.).
It felt like a cop-out on their first planned trip abroad as a couple. The proposal idea was funny, I genuinely laughed with how much she couldn’t stand the roses smell. I would think the same.
I am sending a theme that he is terrible with grand romantic gestures.
Amazing Shoujos are so life changing, and truly the strongest genre. I love a manga that makes you cry. It makes me love love and remember how fuzzy you feel in it, and I needed that lately. This is so close to my heart.
I regretted reading it so fast but then I remembered how I can read it again and that made me more excited.
I loved the characters. I want to watch the anime (I am begging for a remake in the style of lost heroine).
I saw a lot of other female pro tags in our Makino. Like Kagome from Inuyasha in our main girl, and it’s interesting that their timelines match up production wise! I like that I can see Mao Mao from Apothecary Diaries a bit in her too. They’re going to be themselves whether people like it or not!
Then like the greedy child I am, I had to reach for the jewel-box volume because FOUR YEARS?YOUR TELLING ME NOTHING HAPPENS? I know I don’t need to know all the answers and our characters are strong, but I was excited for a peek.
So…I already finished it. I might make a separate post for that, but honestly this ending helped me feel at peace. It felt more like a cherry on top (and who am I kidding I love more Rui).
I don’t know if I can start the season 2 yet, but I am tempted. I miss hearing Tsukasa’s mis-entendre of phrases and things! Like light and day. I also just want to think about the story more.
I remember I downloaded Jump to read this series. I forgot after the signup process (lol), read one piece instead and thankfully remembered it. It is 100% up in my favorite mangas (a growing list but I love this manga so much).
This was so fun to read.
Honestly? 10/10.
It’s camp, timeless, insane and it knows it. It loves it. It is also mature, heartfelt and honest. The author truly loved crafting this.
I also love her updates throughout! Reading this in time must’ve been a treat and hell.
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