#and maybe I'm addicted to minecraft lol
linkslastbraincell · 11 months
IDK why I have such Strong Opinions about the Hateno House Debate BUT for what it's worth;
my problem with the switch of Link's house becoming Zelda's house is that there's no in-game text I've seen referring to them living together, unless you interpret her saying Link never leaves her side that way, which would work for me, BUT the only thing that's really Link's is at the bottom of Zelda's secret well-lab that I'm pretty sure she mentions is also hidden from Link. I saw someone reference the Champion's Ballad picture in the house, too, but those were also Zelda's friends so of course she'd have it up. So I wish that chest was in the bedroom or main room so it felt more like Link actually lived there-- tbh my presumption was that before totk Link literally slept outside like a watch dog, cause it seems like the kind of thing a feral golden retriever like him would do. Like,they have a twin size bed? You cannot tell me neither of them flail in their sleep. If they both slept in that bed they'd wake up tangled in the sheets each sporting a black eye. And I think it's kinda sad if Zelda just like. Never pushed him to customize his own space. Idk I just want them to actually get to be people between games. ANYWAY all that is to say it doesn't matter because I'm assuming either the devs don't view Link as a character, he's just a guy that gets dropped into the world as an avatar for the player, and/or they want you to make up your own mind. So like whatever live ur zelink dreams! BUT the whole reason I'm writing this is BECAUSE I HATE. THE DREAM HOUSE!! LOL. So I'm like if they lived together, what's even the point of the dream house? I'm guessing the idea was either a) well if you want your own customizable space here it is, or b) if you prefer to think of them as friends, here! You can give Link his own house! But because it's such a big game the dream homes.... are terrible. They're ugly. They're depressing. I'm sticking my poor traumatized blorbo in a bunch of shipping containers and hoping he doesn't worsen his depression with vitamin D deprivation. And the decor is.... awful. Like don't get me wrong, I like the little pre-furnished rooms. But if you're gonna give me a house and a yard that big to customize you gotta give me like. Minecraft or animal crossing levels of customization because the landscaping is depressing as hell. I wanna be able to add windows and pots and tables and gardens I design myself, not buy a room pre-furnished. So, as a non-game dev who didn't break their back making this game and is instead enjoying back-seat designing from the comfort and ignorance of my home pc, what do I suggest? I wish!!! they let us!!!! Add on to the Hateno house!!! Wanna give Link his own space? Add a bed room for him. Add a storage room for his weapon displays. Upgrade the paddock. Add a shrine statue if you're too lazy to go into town proper! I really loved the landscaping of the old spot so the new one feels pretty sad to me (though don't get me wrong, the pond below the cliff he lives on is so cute, I love that spot). I wish we could at least add flowers and a proper pond to the main yard lol. Anyway I hope they get the chance to add more to the dream home if they wind up doing DLC despite their announcement to the contrary, but I understand the game is already a LOT of ideas and they aren't going to touch up all of them.
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teecupangel · 6 months
Ad Altaïr Anon
Curse ye Tumblr! Why must you prevent me from showing the image of t-posing Altair moments before being sucked into The Cube!! (it's absolutely not me being a first-time nooby asker who has never sent a link through ask ever nu-uh it's all tumblr)
maybe this link will work instead, I'm slightly better with imgur links at least :v
And yeah that's it! I never put one on my computer myself simply because i once tried to mod minecraft in the olden days and messed up so badly that I figured i should just leave that sort of stuff alone.
But AH, my heart! The future and doomed Desmond giving them that slight control over the grey so maybe this Desmond wouldn't have to die 😭
but also lol oh boy would Altair get lost in the sauce surfing the web! It worse than when he was alive with the apple because now he doesn't have to eat, drink, or sleep so someone has to pry him out of the web every once in a while.
(The only real modding I’ve done in a long time was for Mugen back in those days. To be honest though, my brother helped me add characters and stuff hahaha)
The “Altaïr interrupts Desmond’s game using an ‘ad’” idea and its sorta prequel sorta sequel for those curious
“We need to talk about Altaïr’s internet addiction.”
Desmond stared at Shaun’s solemn expression for a fraction of a second before he turned his attention back to the instant noodles he was having for lunch.
He didn’t really like soggy noodles.
“Desmond, this is serious.” Shaun placed his hands on the table and towered over Desmond who was hunched to make it easier to eat his noodles.
That was a bad move.
Desmond could just as easily headbutt his nose at this distance.
“I’m listening, Shaun.” Desmond replied half-heartedly before eating once more.
He didn’t understand why Shaun wanted to talk to him about Altaïr’s internet addiction. It wasn’t like Desmond could stop the man from scouring every web page available in Wikipedia in his endless pursuit of knowledge.
… not that he would want to anyway.
“Desmond, Altaïr has been using the computer 24/7. We have to keep the AC on just to make sure the computer doesn’t overheat. Together with the electricity needed for the Animus and our other devices, two of which are now fully being used by Ezio and Connor-”
Desmond slowly raised his head so Shaun would have a warning to pull away. It was still a close call, Desmond’s head almost knocking against Shaun’s nose but Shaun stood and crossed his arms while Desmond took a sip of the soup before asking, “Are you… are you trying to talk to me about our upcoming electric bill?”
“Not ‘ours’ but the building we’re ‘piggy backing’ from.” Shaun clarified, “They’ll definitely think something is up when they see the sudden spike.”
“Then isn’t this too late already?” Desmond countered lightly, “The bill’s gonna come sooner or later. Might just be better for us to book it.”
Shaun grimaced but did not deny it.
Desmond sighed before he said, “How about this. I’ll tell Altaïr to find us a new safehouse and take care of the logistics and stuff. That’ll be his punishment for skyrocketing some random business’ electric bill.”
Shaun opened his mouth, most probably to argue, so Desmond asked, “Unless you already have the next safehouse in mind?”
Shaun sighed as he said, “I’ll tell the others about it. You tell Altaïr about his punishment.”
Desmond waved his hand before lowering his head to continue eating while Shaun stormed out of the dining room, most probably to bother Rebecca.
Or complain to her.
Maybe both.
Probably both.
Desmond waited until he could no longer hear Shaun’s footsteps before turning to look at his phone that was lying next to the cup noodles.
“Congrats, Altaïr. You got what you wanted.” Desmond mumbled.
His phone’s screen lit up and showed Altaïr in front of his homescreen, arms crossed as he said, “Not yet. Not until we’ve finally settled in a more secured location.”
“More secured.” Desmond snorted, “Just say the internet is too slow for you here.”
“Hm.” Altaïr didn’t even bother to give him a proper reply.
Nor deny it.
“Well, at least wait until midnight before sending the plan to everyone.” Desmond reminded him, “Otherwise, Shaun’s going to find out this was your plan from the start.”
“I know. I’m not a fool, Desmond.” Altaïr said calmly before adding, “Eat a fruit or have salad after that.”
“I’ll eat an apple, alright.” Desmond rolled his eyes, “Please don’t repeat to me how bad it is for my body to keep eating instant noodles.”
Altaïr sighed, “Fine. I’ll leave you with your pathetic excuse for a meal then.”
“Thanks.” Desmond sarcastically said, watching as the screen of his phone turned off.
And he can finally eat in peace…
… soggy noodles.
Damn it.
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peachjagiya · 6 months
why do u think we’re all so invested in tae and jk’s relationship ? like we’ve rlly all decided to make whole ass blogs to discuss taekook (i literally made my tumblr for that purpose LOL) and i do wonder why i care so much? like what got me so so into them that im thinking abt them every single day almost from sun up to sun down 🤡 ? even if i noticed and thought “oh seems like there might me something sus between those two” what do u think lead all of us to caring so much that we’ve watched hours worth of footage, analysis, theories etc abt their relationship and are talking abt it every day when it’s not like we even get content from them that often? sometimes i think am i just filling the void in my own life but ik there are plenty of tkk bloggers who are in relationships so maybe thats just a me problem lmao
Well BTS emit some kind of addictive substance as a group, I swear.
I'm about to get real, hold onto your light sticks: I have depression, clinically diagnosed, and I'm neurodivergent. Dopamine just doesn't happen for me. The reason I listen to BTS most days and click through Tumblr and engage with TK is because I know exactly how joyful it will make me feel when a lot of things make me feel empty. And this is coming from a wife and a mother. My kid plays Minecraft for his dopamine, my wife makes miniature houses, and I do BTS/Taekook stuff.
When something feels good, why would you be inclined to give it up? But also... Why should you?
Also ADHD means I'm prone to hyperfixation. I love being INTO something. It just soothes my brain. I have a super mentally draining job. It's an escape from the stress that places on me.
And finally I just think they inspire a protectiveness in me and I'm invested in those guys being happy. Mmmmmmaybe that's weird.
Edit to add: so it could be any of these things or none of these things but if it feels good and doesn't hurt anyone, keep doing it.
Thanks anon. 💜
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dnalt-d2 · 8 months
QSMP Prison Day 3: Finale
This was…An interesting day
I'm still not sure what to make of it, so this is mostly just gonna be a run-down on what happened, with a few less analyses than I usually do. Maybe I'll go more in-depth on stuff later if I manage to think of anything
We had WAY too much happen today, and I'm not sure I can get through it all, or if I even saw it all (I'm going through the event twitter to make sure I get anything relevant)
Like how upon waking up, the prison was almost completely overrun by mobs, nearly all of which were wearing prison jumpsuits for some reason. Even the spiders for some reason???
There were the interviews that all the guards started conducting, asking very strange questions. Like "Where would you like to go after you die? What would you like your last meal to be? Who will you miss the most/least?" Very strange questions indeed.
We had the resolution to the Ghostbit/Abueloier subplot, with Phil and Slime exorcising Ghostbit, though Phil wasn't sure that was the correct move
Then of course, we had the breakout
The first thing they needed to do was get the water-breathing turtle helmets required for the escape, and the guard that had them was VERY suspicious. In that he CLEARLY knew that the prisoners were planning on escaping, but gave them the helmets anyway, making them do strange tasks in return (Like killing someone, or stealing something) And not everyone got them anyway lol, so Quacki had to give them some normal turtle helmets. But regardless, it's strange that the guard was just letting them escape
This could mean that this guard was either disgruntled in some way, not caring if they escaped, or undercover, helping to facilitate the escape (And having fun the whole way lol) Either that, or even the Federation expected the Islanders to all escape, and let this happen. Which means they all played into the Fed's hands. (Obviously meta-wise it was meant to happen, but in this case, I mean canonically)
Speaking of Quacki, btw, she seems to have been adopted by Phil after he murdered her. So that's fun
There's also the matter of those weird vans that were there. We don't know what the deal with those were, or what they were really intended for. It seems strange that they'd be there to transport the prisoners, but only the Islanders and not the Eggs. And that they were basically hollow, with nothing inside. Almost like they were never meant to be used
Then they finally actually got out of the prison, activating a red button via a Create puzzle, then saw a video showing two faceless Fed Workers, one of which got sucked into a Nether Portal??? And Phil said that could've been the two Cucuruchos, with the one being sucked in having turned into the evil Cucurucho. Or as I call him, Cucurubro. And that actually makes a lot of sense to me. We saw what happened to other people who entered the Nether for extended periods of time, so it makes sense that this is the case. Though I can't help but wonder where Osito Bimbo fits into that. Maybe the wacky younger sibling?? Idk
Either way, something activated and caused some sort of Island reset, with the Server shutting down for 4 days. What does the reset mean? Who has the nine keys required for it? And who were the people shown being logged off before it all went down?? What happened to Arin/Luzu after being lassoed into the horizon by the Code Monster??
Also what was that Crucifixion gonna be if it actually happened? Would Saint Felps truly have died for our sins once again??
These are all great questions
Anyways, can't wait to go into hibernation until like Saturday. I imagine BBH and Tubbo will be doing the same, since we all know they have a debilitating addiction to this Minecraft server
It's kinda unfortunate that none of my theories were correct, but oh well. There's a reason I'm not a theorist after all lmao. It's better to put it out there and get it wrong than not try it at all, you know??? But like Quackity said, there's no use getting upset about something that was never confirmed
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How's it going bro! :3
Also love your oc! :D
Idk if you play games, but what type of games do you think would each of the bunch play? Video games or board games, doesn't matter. I like to think Raban and Jojo play poker lol
Hey^^ and thank you
Ngl I see JoJo and raban playing poker too and sometimes Markus joins cause he played it with his dad a couple of times
I think when it comes to board games they play the basics like uno and "Mensch ärger dich nicht" (idk the English version tbh). Or just card games in general because idk if I'm the only one but I think everybody in Germany at some point has those games that have 100 games writing on it.(I swear idk where it came from I didn't buy it.it spawned).
I think JoJo really Uno tho and they play it sometimes when they are at Camelot.
Leon isn't really a board game guy in my eyes. Yea he would play it when others bring it up but not by himself.
Vannesa is a card game type to me as well as Marlon. Idk they just give card game vibes.( Im Not in the whole card and board game thing so excuse me:') )
Deniz doesn't seem to be the guy that plays board games as well tbh. Would play if brought up but that's all.
If it comes to video games tho I can say a bit more. Those are games I think they would play so not games from that time
Leon:World of warcraft-. Doesn't look like the type of guy but when it was winter and they couldn't play soccer he started playing wow and could addicted. Maybe Marlon brought it up as a joke first. Leon probably plays FIFA here and there. Minecraft too tho
Marlon: Resident evil. And Nintendo games. Especially the legend of Zelda. Maybe when he got older he was saving a lot of money because he didn't want to fight over the computer with Leon so he bought a switch and started to play Nintendo games. Probably after the Nintendo ds broke they got as a birthday gift years back. And Minecraft too
Deniz: FIFA and maybe tried GTA as well. I don't think he plays a lot of video games tho. Like when he had time sometimes but that's all. Minecraft too like the others probably
Raban: definitely plays wow can't change my mind.also Pokémon obsessed. Other than wow he mostly played games on his phone like class royal ect. Would also instal those ad mobile games that suck
Vanessa: I don't know about her. Maybe shooter games here and there but don't see her as a gamer or anyone enjoying video games a lot. Minecraft yea but just because of the others. She doesn't really play it without them
JoJo: all cozy tbh. Stardew valley mostly. Gives his animals funny names and all(Mood). Minecraft is a basic I think but he definitely played it too and had a lot of dogs before he even had a house. Maybe some point and click like Deponia or Harvey's new eyes? Don't see him in shooter games. Maybe tried them but that's all
Markus:maybe shooter? I don't see him as a video game guy. Minecraft here and there but that's basically it. He played stardew valley with JoJo tho and had a few games on his phone. I see him as a secret Pokémon go enjoyer tho
They all made a Minecraft server but just after a couple of days it was dead. They tried it like 3 times and after 3 weeks the server was dead again
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
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Aww yeah the copper grind was 100% worth it, that roof looks so much better now. <3 I'm going to do, like, tiered gardens going down the mountainside for crops and whatnot, just to give the land more shape, and to flatten it out a little.
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Did a cute lil interior as well. Little workspace in one area, and more of a sitting area on the other side, with some storage under the staircase. I'm all fully organised now, and I dug a storage room into the mountain bc I was already outgrowing the initial storage I put in the second floor lololol. Too much digging. XD
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The furnace wall will turn into an autosmelter in time so I can expand my storage out that way when it's time, but for now, it'll do. I've reserved three columns of chests on the back left side for cobble, dirt, and cobbled deepslate, bc I just have So Much of it.
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Enchanting room and bedroom. <3 Bedroom still needs some lil bits of decoration, but it'll do for now. I have sheep and cows and sugarcane growing now so I'll slowly work on getting the bookshelves I need for a full set-up. I'll build the animals a barn at some point as well, so they're not just in random pens down the mountainside.
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Also I've been making staircases everywhere. Up to the top of the mountain, and down to my branch mine. There's tons of flat land on the top of the mountain, and I'd like to build some bigger structures up there, though what yet I don't know. Maybe I'll put the villagers up there idk. I could def fit a nice trading hall up there without needing to terraform so much. idk we'll see.
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I do plan to make a path to the closest village, and I think next time I play, I may do that, and spend some time over there getting some villagers levelled up. It's by a meadow biome, and there's plenty of flat-ish space for crop farming and tree farming for emerald trades. I'd like to get a mending villager, and also a leatherworker so I can get a saddle and acquire one of the horses or donkeys I've seen around the place to make the journey quicker.
I'd like to bring the villagers back to my base eventually, when I decide to switch this world from peaceful to easy, so I can get an iron farm up and running, but I need to decide where tf the villagers are going first. I'll do the same iron farm I have in my other java world bc it's so stupidly small and simple to build, and it has given me SO MUCH MORE IRON THAN I COULD EVER POSSIBLY USE omg. I just need to figure out where the villagers are going, and then figure out how tf I'm getting them there lol. :D
Also guess who managed to get lost TWICE today and had to dig tunnels to get back again lololol. :D Once whilst bringing cows back from the village, and once while accidentally going caving and finding a deep dark biome and forgetting my way back. Also I am disappointed to discover I just have a gigantic deep dark biome under the mountain, not an ancient city, so no loot for me. It's in the biggest fkn cave I've ever seen, stretched hundreds of blocks. Sadge.
Also I have decided I'm not going to bother upgrading to netherite on my other java solo world before I upgrade the world. I have toolsmiths and armoursmiths for days, tons of diamonds, I play with keep inventory on, and I Do Not Want to go netherite mining, so. I'll make do with diamond. I will trim the world a little tho, cut out those chunks around the mountains and the woodland mansion just so I can be sure I'll get those Vex armour trims. >_>
Oh. And remind me tomorrow to fix up my minecraft build tags, bc I want to be able to find each world, and now that I have two java solo worlds, I should probably make them distinguishable. So I'll do a post about that tomorrow. And then maybe catch up on my dash bc I've been ignoring it bc I'm so addicted to 1.20 omg.
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swagferret · 1 year
🌷🕸🌍🗺📷⚰️📅👕 for ye old minecraft ask
yay ask time! thank you friend ^_^
🌷 - Favorite flower?
Cornflowers, 100%. I love that shade of blue and they look super nice, both on the ground and in pots <3
🕸 - Do you kill spiders once they’re passive or leave them?
Honestly I do kill them most of the time. You never know when you're gonna need string or spider eyes.
🌍 - Favorite biome?
Definitely the savanna! It was the biome I settled in for my first ever Minecraft world and I got really attached to it. I also love acacia wood for that same reason.
🗺 - Do you make and use maps?
Not really. I have a map of my flower forest base on Eret's sub server for aesthetic reasons, but like. It's not what I was expecting and it's just kinda meh.
📷 - Do you make gifs or share screenshots?
I share screenshots privately with my irl friends all the time. I've shared a couple screenshots publicly as well, but that's much less frequent.
⚰️ - How often do you tend to die?
Never if I can help it lmfao. Between all my Minecraft worlds, I think I've died once every few irl months, maybe twice if I'm dead-set on recovering my items from a shitty situation.
📅 - How long have you been playing Minecraft?
Almost two years! I played the game for the first time in June 2021 because my ex bought me a copy of Bedrock Edition for my birthday and I got very addicted very quickly. I genuinely knew very little about the game worked. I didn't know ruined portals were a thing, I didn't realize that the End was its own dimension, I didn't know about pillager outposts or phantoms or husks or drowned, I didn't know about desert temples, etc etc etc. I have so many stories lmfao. It's been really fun to learn about everything as I go!
👕 - What does your current skin look like?
Right now my main skin is the one that I use for Eret's sub server, since I've been playing exclusively on there lately. My look and server theme/lore are based on my drag persona, which is essentially Insecure Fuckboy Mothman :P (Also, it doesn't make too much sense without seeing my drag makeup, but I wear green lipstick when I'm performing, which is why my mouth is green! I've had a few people ask me about it when I'm online lol.)
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My general skin looks a lot more like my tumblr pfps, but I haven't actually used it since I went all in on the mothman thing. I really like my gen skin though! I'll probably put it back on if I start playing Bedwars or Skyblock maps.
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presidentoneko · 2 years
and since i'm posting art and introducing myself i might as well also talk about my addictions
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this, is canon Sora. She's a little dangerous but i assure you she's a cool person to hang out with
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As you can guess i really enjoy hotline miami, the plot is very great and ngl it shocked me a little when i saw the end of hotline miami 2
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some of these drawings are pretty old and poo poo but i'm still proud of some of them. Sora Maigo is my oc, originally she was supposed to be a minecraft youtuber oc (lol) but times had changed after a while, first she became a simple criminal, someone who does crimes for the sake of doing crimes
but i wasn't satisfied with that so i went deeper into her lore
many thins inspired me irl and that's when i came out with the most recent product of my creation. a main character who's a criminal and wants to dominate the city she lives in which is ruled by criminal factions. She wants to become the king of gangs but not only that but her actual plan is to use that to overthrow a corrupt government that has ruined the lives of countless people
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of course, in the beginning there was no inspiration from hotline miami at all, in fact, i didn't even know that game existed
When i first saw that game, that's when i realized i could use my little silly billy story for an actual thing. in fact i even wanna study how to make games so maybe in the far future my dream to make a community interested in my character and her story will become real
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(ok maybe i draw Sora with way too buffed legs, lady haven't skipped a single leg day!)
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and then we got my most recent Sora drawing. Funny how i was watching someone in discord streaming art and i went "screw this i wanna make cool art as well"
anyways, this is Sora Maigo for ya, say a hello to her and maybe joke about her front banana hair
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Hello! Ummm, sorry if match-ups are closed, I couldn't find anything for it-! But here! Sorry if it's long. I originally wrote it down on paper so I'm converting it!
I'm 19 years old, 5'5, have long reddish-brown hair and kinda pale skin. My eyes are pretty fucking noticable as they are pretty big! I am chubby overall, and heavier bottom set! I have chunky thighs, big ol butt, and triple D tits! I also have a thick Southern drawl, and moles all over my body!
My overall clothing style can vary, from American 80s' pop (colorful clothes, bellbottoms, button-ups, stripes, ect.) To today's funky little tiktok colorful shit that looks like a clown threw up. But I'm not really one to wear makeup, so just the clothes! I also LOVE short shorts and tanktops when I'm at home!
Currently I'm in college getting a psychology degree so I can later become either a child's psychiatrist or something like that. I love kids lots, and having a boyfriend/husband that doesn't like kids is an instant dealbreaker. I've always wanted to be a mother!
Awful, bad, knee-breaking, nut-cracking, debilitating daddy issues. I'm gonna be honest, I've went to therapy to talk about it and actually my therapist stopped calling back. Sucks. I have ADHD and Bipolar Disorder as well, and am rejection sensitive (but have learnt to be the brunt of it in the last one)
For my creative outlet, I really like reading and writing! I'm awful good at writing too! I've won a few writing competitions that I'm very proud of ! I'm very into helping people find creative outlets. It can help dissuade bad urges. I can also play the flute.
I do tend to hyper fixate, and when I do I can get pretty talkative! I love listening to people info dump, and I LOVE infodumping! I also loving listening to gossip, and am really good at keeping secrets. Honestly bomb at it!
I'm bigender, but typically I identify with my feminine side physically! Mentally it's a healthy mix of both I think. I am only really attracted to men, and I ain't really interested in women.
I love playing video games, and have a slight addiction to the funny ones. Like Among Us, Minecraft, Crush Crush, and Dream Daddy! I also really like dating sims lol.
I have a preference for children's movies, especially Pixar! I also love horror movies. I'm a huge movie buff, and have watched just about every Pixar and Disney movie. I HAVE watched every movie with Jack Black in it.
I'm a huge fantasy nerd lol.
I <3 big boys! Tall, fat, strong, any type of big adjective and I'm all gooey inside. (See: Barley Lightfoot from Onward)
My love languages include quality time, acts of service, and physically touch!
Always dreamt of having a pet bunny, even had planned out names for it. (Beef Whiskerton)
Hopeless sap, dead romantic, even the thought of being loved is enough for me to crumble and shake lol.
Longterm memory is good, shorterm is bad.
Demiromantic, hypersexual, crazy fucking sex drive. At one time I have gone and done it more than 3+ times a day for the beloved.
Amazing cook!! I'm a really good cook, and I can clean pretty well! Perfect housewife material! But I'm a lover of being at work, I like the feeling business gives me! So I would also enjoy a househusband! Either way I'm okay:>
Kinda philosophical at times. I like stargazing and tlaing about what ifs. What kind of universes are out there, what tragedies did they go through, maybe there's one out somewhere were we never met, or one where we weren't even born. Maybe one were everything's the same, but made out of hotdogs? Stuff like that.
I should also add that I have a large and extended family, that care for me very deeply and are excited (and preotective) whenever I bring a guy home! My family could occupy the entire state of Detroit lol.
And final fun fact/ party trick: I can pop one of my eyeballs out of socket. I have done it 3 times, only stopped because it started to hurt a little and I didn't wanna risk greater energy lol.
Sorry if this was long- thank you of you do end up doing this! Your writing is fucking awesome btw (this isn't me buttering you up, I'm honestly just really liking ur writing!!)
(I’m genuinely glad you like it, brb crying!😭❤️)
Match-Up #12
I match you with Koku Hanabata-
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-Right off the bat do not kill me because of the obvious age gap between you two! I know he’s more around the likes of Giran, Compress and Chimera (and the other older characters) but I can totally explain everything if you give me a shot at it!
-Okay so you two didn’t click well at first but that’s mostly because he came off as annoying and cocky. You had just gotten a new job at his office without really even caring it was in politics. You probably blacked out and applied when you saw the hourly pay (and I would have too). He needed a personal assistant to help take care of things. Election season was starting up and he had his hands full when his other assistant retired early to get married and start his family life. Hanabata wasn’t going to hire you immediately at first but when you interviewed with him and one of his people he knew he wanted you around to help out. “Sir are you sure about them? You still have 28 more candidates to interview and this person has a fluke with their ability to memoriz-” 
“Tell them the position has been filled.” He smiled and quickly left the room.
-He got a lot of shit from mostly the other female (and some of the male or nonbinary) staff at his offices when he hired you as his assistant. Some of them were upset since they wanted to move up into that spot, others were mad because you were younger than them and they didn’t believe you could handle the work they could. Most of all, a LOT of people shit on you behind your back when they noticed the way he treated you. “Hmmm, I guess Mr. Hanabata just wanted a quick and easy lay. Jealously was buzzing around the office while you could care less. You didn’t know your coworkers didn’t like you and you definitely didn’t know right away that your boss had the hots for you. The only thing that mattered was having a cushy and well paying job. Besides, it would cover your tuition nicely AND leave you some time to study and focus on school as well. (Or maybe he tailored your schedule like that since he was falling for you so hard?)
-He was very annoying when you realized he liked you. The man didn’t stop bothering you. Not to mention how far his head was up his own ass most of the time. Although he ended up making you laugh to yourself a few times, you still tried to avoid him at all costs. Eventually you became curious about it and you genuinely began listening to his words instead of rolling your eyes and letting them pass from one ear and out the other. He was actually kinda funny, and really charming. You can’t deny he takes care of his appearance either. He kept his hair done, his face clean and well shaven, and his suits pressed to perfection. Not to mention that damned cologne that started to make you go crazy...in a good way. You had no idea how the man could take you rejecting him so often. You dealt with rejection not as a challenge like he did. You could’ve long since reported him to H.R but now you were starting to fall for him. The one day he didn’t show up in the office you were worried about him. You decided to send a friendly text message his way just to check up on him. Oh my God, he blew your phone up. When he called you, he would not shut up. I think eventually you snapped at him to leave you alone. While you worried about him firing you over this, he simply didn’t. He stopped texting you and calling you. He never took an extra second to hang by your office at work. He only contacted you when he needed something work related. He flipped a switch and it oddly made you sad...so you sucked it up and asked him out to dinner with you. Suddenly he was just fine like nothing ever happened. It would make for an interesting story to tell your future kids someday (believe me, he wants them).
-To him, you were so weird but in a good way. He never seemed to have a dull moment while with you. Your colorful style always kept his eyes, and your writing was so good he was considering sending you to Chitose’s office to work there instead! You read, played the flute, and did this really strange thing with your eyes one time while you were out with him and his friends that made Skeptic heave. You watched various children media that he usually had no interest in until he sat with you and watched a bit of it one day. You also played some games that made him question you with a chuckle. He opened up around you a lot, and seemed generally brighter around you. His friends liked you...well some barely tolerated you (geten and skeptic) but that’s a different story. Curious was taken with you and loved gossiping with you AND Trumpet about different things. At some point she knew to pull the plug since you and Hanabata both crossed over into info dumping. Though she considered herself a great friend of his, she couldn’t always handle how much he talked. Now that you and him were doing it together, she definitely needed a breather from time to time. It’s not like you two noticed her slip away anyway, ya'll were too busy info-dumping to each other lol.
-He was very much taken with you. He loved you and didn’t care if he needed to give up the world just to be yours, he would. Skeptic was up to his neck deleting various gossip articles and speculations about Trumpet when the press caught wind of you. A lot of them weren’t very friendly...some of them hinting at even the sickest of things with headlines like ‘Politician dating very young’ etc. Even with all the bad that came from it, there was some good too. You were a positive look for him! He lost a lot of voters that only wanted him because they wanted a shot at his heart, but he gained almost double that in people that had those old fashioned family values. With that, you might be stuck at home having to take on the housewife lifestyle for a while.
-He was very cliché romantic with you. Roses once a week to replace the boquet he got you last week, expensive gifts, constant elegant dates, lots of affectionate words being thrown around. He plays music to dance with you in the living room. He cooks meals for you (and he aint too bad at it). He listens to you about your little fantasy interests and your nerdy facts about fandoms or whatnot. He takes on house chores, and will do anything for you to feel like you aren’t overwhelmed. He will even buy you that rabbit you dreamt of if you promise him you’ll take care of it. He’s also very touchy and lets be honest here...his drive is pretty high for the most part. He holds back when you both finally get to that part of the relationship but when you display how much you can give and take, he stops holding back and matches up with you perfectly. Sometimes he just can’t help it though and he might go overboard. Your appearance is very attractive to him. He loves your hair and especially your eyes. The tush, thighs, and chest are a kill shot to him. Plus your chubbiness he’s so in love with. It’s you he cannot live without.
-Hanabata would wade through the lakes of hell to be with you. When he meets your family he’s nervous but determined to win their approval to be with you. It may be a long difficult road when it comes to that, but he’s already shown how persistent he can be so you needn't worry about him. I think the night he finally wins their approval he’s over the moon about it! You two are out back (or wherever is best at your childhood home), sitting on a blanket and stargazing when you start talking about all the things you have on your mind. Meanwhile he’s staring you down with bright and loving eyes. He’s gotten your family blessing, and he’s juggling a little grey box behind his back while waiting for the right time to show you what’s inside...
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
hii! so great to see the creepypasta fandom alive still!! i'd like to req a romantic nsfw matchup! :) i hope this is enough info
-firstly, i'm 22, she/her and bisexual but preference for men. around 5'2-5'3 and pretty pale. kinda sick looking ngl (thx anemia) and currently my hair is dyed like a silvery blonde kind of color? was more lavender ish before. my hairs pretty long (and annoying, gets tangled easily bec heat dmg), maybe bottom of rib length w sidepart/curtain bangs, and big gray eyes. i'm pretty into wearing a full face of makeup too! so eyeliner, lipstick, falsies, the whole thing. body wise, dcup committee, hip dips n thick thighs (i have a thigh tattoo as well, its a cat:))
-style wise i fluctuate constantly, but mostly i wear sweaters and neutral colors constantly. my style does tend to lean towards dark academia the most i think but i do have a softspot for more grunge inspired fashion and also pastels. you'd most likely either see me in a longsleeve and skirt or a sweater and jeans tbh
-personality type wise, i'm an intx 6w5 ! my astro stuff is aries sun, taurus moon, leo rising and gemini venus !! i was in college for library science major w classics (history) minor but dropped it and now i'm working on getting a certification for floral design.
i'm extremely opinionated and outspoken when its something i need to be vocal about, but i am first and foremost an introvert. i get extremely anxious in social situations, but sadly also have a slight temper. this leads to a bit of a confrontational attitude because letting bad situations sit just upsets me more LOL. but i do like to joke around with those close to me and i tend to ramble a lot about my special interests/new things i've learned about quite often if allowed. i can be blunt and very sarcastic usually, and to people who don't know me it comes off a bit rude? idk ALSO i am always tired, no matter how much i sleep.
-relationship wise, i am a bit clingy but not physically. i do love physical affection (preferably more so in private) but my love language is definitely quality time. even if it's just sitting together and doing a task like reading/writing or watching something. being around them makes me happy. i am pretty big on communicating thought so if theres an issue or insecurity, i will bring it up. i'm a bit of the jealous type, and vocal about boundaries in my relationship, and mutual respect is very important to me.
LIKES: i love slasher films go figure, but i'm also the biggest sucker for rom coms and historical movies (like jane austen type, not war ofc.) my music taste is anywhere from rock 2 indie n pop. (my favorite artists though are mitski, hozier, twst, and the nbhd.) baking is one of my favorite activities, and i also love comfy games (animal crossing, minecraft etc.) fall is my favorite season + i'm addicted to iced coffee and the white monster (only flavor i've ever had but extremely caffeine dependent) i love reading and writing n also photography. the sound of rain and the look of snow falling make me really happy. my comfort drink is either earlgrey tea with milk and sugar (maybe honey too) or a big cup of hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream.
(halfway through + i feel like this is TOO MUCH WRITING ALR IM SORRY)
-i dislike the ocean/lakes etc,, i'm just not fond of being in them but they're nice 2 look at. i hate bugs too LOL
AAA hope i have enough of the regular stuff but heres nsfw:
-very much a sub. i've tried to dom before and it's not for me. rough stuff is definitely up my alley!! i'm v into being choked. i love size diff to an extent (height wise) but considering my height its not that hard to be pretty much taller. breeding 4 sure. degrading is really nice but also love praise. possesive!!partners!!own my heart. i just rlly like to put my partners in a position of power also w titles bec i like having smth to call them ( uncomfortable w mommy title to a fem partner though, but daddy is open for male p ) and uHHHH yeah i think thats it. maybe marks too?? also rlly like nice hands LMFAO
thank you sososo much if you decide to answer mine whenever you're able to get around to it <3
Your matchup is… Eyeless Jack!
Read more because of NSFW :}
In general:
Everything about you seemed to match up with EJ but it’s always the kinks that solidify it lmfao. SO, let’s elaborate on why.
What he likes about you:
Physically speaking, EJ adores your eyes and your hair. They’re both so captivating and beautiful to him and he can just get lost looking at you. Your height is alo really cute to him because the dude is fucking tall, probably like 7 ft lmfao. He appreciates the aesthetics of makeup even though he doesn’t understand much about it, so your full face of makeup also lowkey fascinates him. I’ll get,,,, I’ll get into the other stuff about your body in the NSFW section. EJ just adores your sense of style as well, even when it changes around. Grunge and pastels are weak spots for him ngl. He loves your personality as well and wants to know all about floral design. He likes that you’re opinionated as well. EJ is really big on spending time together as well and he’s also pretty physically affectionate in private. I can also see EJ being into communication, because he’s just y’know, trying his best and wants you to see his best as well. All of your likes match up so well with him!! I would be here all day listing them, but just know that you and EJ match up so well in terms of your likes.
General cute things:
ALRIGHT SO, going off your likes, i don’t think EJ actually really likess war movies? He’s secretly a softie to Jane Austen stuff ngl. He likes your music choice and will y’know, listen to it with you. Is he into baking? Not really but he will absolutely eat whatever tf you make. Sometimes EJ has a bit of a sweet tooth. He’ll also cuddle with you on the couch as you play your comfy games, he’s not too big on games himself though. Just wants to spend time with you, y’know? EJ loves fall too and will go on leafy walks with you and enjoy the scents of nature. He’s such a sucker for fall too. Pumpkins, spooky stuff, all of that atmospheric stuff makes him lose his mind. He likes hot coffee but will get you iced coffees and monster. He will read with you! Just those quiet little dates y’know?? He will also teach you calligraphy, because I really do think EJ has beautiful penmanship. He will make your comfort drink for you on snowy days, and cuddle with you when the rain is falling. Just WHOLESOME stuff.
You two as a couple & NSFW:
EJ is a BIG protector. Like, huge. I have no other way of saying that. Like, the man is a bit possessive, he’s actually a lot possessive, but he’s a protector through and through. He will give you his hoodies and sweaters for you to wear if you’re ever cold! He also likes you being bathed in his scent so like,,,,,,, He understands that you’re a bit of the jealous type but lowkey so is he. So please talk with him about that. It seems like you prioritize that stuff though so like it works lmfao. He will do whatever he can to calm you down and keep you steady in social situations that might make you uncomfortable. Just wants to keep you safe. He’s also a tad confrontational? But, he’s really respectful about it. He loves to listen to you ramble and he loves to hear you talk about things you are passionate about. EJ doesn’t mind you being blunt and sarcastic either tbh. He’s exactly like that as well.
So here’s what did it. It’s literally always the kinks that do it. He adores your body. Your breasts are a favorite, your hips are a favorite, your thighs are a favorite, literally everything about you is a favorite. He likes your thigh tattoo and will trace it with his clawed fingers. Lucky for you, you cannot pay EJ to sub, he’s 1000% a dom! He will choke you with his big, clawed hands, and is very, very rough in general. He will cover you in bites and claw marks, love bites dripping down your thighs and neck. He will mark you!! EJ is 7ft tall so like, you got the size difference thing down really good here. He’s also big into breeding too lmfao like I hate bringing up the knotted dick thing again but it’s making a comeback here, he will push that thing in and just CUM. Won’t stop unless he’s filled you to your absolute brim, towering over you, growling and hissing as he ruts into you still connected. You can call him whatever, daddy, master, it’ll all make him hot and bothered. He’s good at praise and degrading, honestly degrading over praise though. EJ also has really nice hands. Overall, it’s the kinks that do it time and time again.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Hi love bug, thank you so much for sending in this ask! The creepypasta fandom is still very much alive, I just like to think a lot of us grew up alongside it. You gave me a wonderful amount of info! Sometimes, people send me like a sentence and I have no idea wtf to do. The more detailed, the better, and you really came through! Furthermore, you sound really, really pretty omg? Like, I adore makeup and just don’t wear it for myself besides eyeliner (RIP my monolids) and mascara but people who wear full faces have ALL MY LOVE. It’s so beautiful. Also your tattoo sounds super cute as well! Everything about you is cute as all hell, and that’s coming from both me and EJ. EJ absolutely adores everything about you and will just LOVE YOU endlessly, and in more ways than one. ;) As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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cosmicfurby · 3 years
For the video game ask - all of them <3
But if not then 3, 4 and 17!
nice nice nice let's start with 3, 4 and 17 lmao
3 -> Best game I've ever played? Man, I don't even know, I have played many a videogame and I always have so much fun! if I had to choose, it would probably be a tight race between Zelda Ocarina of Time, which was the first videogame i ever played and I hold very dear to my heart; Stardew Valley, because it brings so much comfort to my soul and it's so chill and cute; and anything from the Ace Attorney saga because, if you couldn't tell, I'm literally obsessed with them lol. Also some Sims on the side because I love them ^^
4 -> Worst game? Hmm. I don't think I can answer this one, to be honest. Call me a simpleton, but I usually have fun regardless of the game or how stupid it may seem. And if I have fun, then it was worth it! Maybe, just because of the difficulty and how stressed i can get, I'd say Trauma Center Second Opinion for the Wii. Yes, I know, that's a obscure one, it's about surgeons and defeating a deadly virus. It wasn't really a problem with the game, though, it was a problem with Me™ and how poorly i perform under tense music and a patient dying on me :'D
17 -> A game I never tell people I play... hmm. It depends on whether it's online people or irl people. For example, I talk about my experience with Ace Attorney all the time on the net, but I have trouble speaking about it in real life because, at least in my country where we haven't had a localized version in +10 years, it's extremely rare and unpopular and people usually look at you weird. Trying to explain I'm obsessed with anime lawyers doesn't usually go down well, either. I also used to hide my Minecraft addiction from the world because I thought it was cringe but not anymore! all hail my little cubes! There's still a game I keep as a deep secret: I play Grand Theft Auto 5 and I enjoy it. Mostly because I keep crashing my car and that shit's hilarious to me
hehe have fun reading my rant bae <3
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atsuwiee · 3 years
congratulations on 600 followers! i was hoping to get a match up for enhypen?
my appearance: she/her, i'm 5'2 with short hair which is dyed red at the front (like yeji's loco hair), i'm filipina and i have a mole under my right eye
if i would describe my aesthetic it'll be chaotic academia meets grunge meets neon lights
i'm a libra and a slytherin and my mbti is enfp-t
my personality: most people's first impressions of my intimidating or cold but once you get to know me i'm loud and extroverted. i have a sarcastic personality and i try to match the energy of the person i talk to. my love language is words of affirmation and quality time. i hate woken up for no reason. i am a HUGE adrenaline junkie.
i'm also a huge go with the flow type of person and i often say "it is what it is" even if i do worry about my future a lot. i'm headstrong and very protective over the people i care about.
i'm love dancing and i'm part of my school's dance club. i'm an artist, more specifically a painter. my main mediums are acryllic and watercolor. i also write for our school paper. i love playing minecraft and consider myself to be a skywars god (jk).
i have an unhealthy addiction to gummy bears, strawberries, kitkats and coffee. my ideal first date is definitely to an arcade, amusement park or to a concert. i also rollerskate for fun.
hopefully this is enough information! again, congratulations on hitting 600! hope to see you reach more milestones in the future <33
i match you with... ni-ki!
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i feel like both of you would get along (especially on the chaotic side lol)
also ni-ki loves dancing as well so maybe you both could dance together. there are also times where he'll offer to go paint together as well (since if i remember correctly he can also paint- seen from his en- log). just like you, he tends to be protective, not too much though, since he cares for you as well.
is probably concerned with your coffee addiction and might eventually ask: "do you even drink water?" or smth like that SHJKHSKJ. you both could also have those fun little arcade dates where both of you are screaming over a claw machine lol
i hope you liked this<3 !
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starlightrows · 3 years
Hi baby 💖💖 congrats for reaching a milestone
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Could you please match me with any mando or clone boi 🥺
So, I'm Katie, I'm the infp personality. My rising sign is sagittarius and sun&moon is aries.
I'm an English major, and I'm really into learning languages. I can speak English, duh, Polish, Russian and Korean plus I've just started taking Spanish classes at uni. I'd love to become a certified translator in the future.
I used to work as a teacher so I think I'm fairly good with guiding people, especially children.
I'm obsessed with anything pink, cute and fluffy. I still want to be a princess, even though I'm 22 years old. However, as much as I love my cutesy stuff, I have days when I feel like a baddie, wearing all black instagram model fits.
I think I'm also addicted to makeup, especially falsies lol and gaming. I spend too much time either watching makeup tutorials or playing minecraft.
I think I'm a really caring person and I'd always try to help in any way I can but I have days when I feel like I need to be treated and spoiled like a princess (and I'm the subbiest sub ever!)
Oh, I also love traveling, getting to know different cultures. I have visited many countries and I plan on expanding the list in the future.
I'm an anxious loner and I don't really like crowded places. My humor is a weird mixture of sarcasm, edginess and general gen z memes lol.
Idk if that's enough info, I'm a rather boring person without anything interesting going on in my life but I hope you'll find a fictional match for me lmao.
One again, congrats on reaching 200 followers 💖💖 ily
Katie!!! My love!!!! 🥰💗
*mentally running through the list of doms we have been blessed with in this fandom* Listen, this one might a little out of left field, but I’m feeling it for you... I’m really feeling Paz. Like a Covert Leader or maybe even a Mand’alor AU version Paz. I think he loooooves having a girly partner that’s all rosy pink and fluffy, and goes absolutely bonkers when you’re having an Insta Baddie kind of day. I personally HC Paz as being well traveled because of going out and providing for the covert (potentially before becoming the leader?) he will take you everywhere you want to see in the galaxy, buy you the cutest and prettiest things you want, and take care of you in every little way! You wanna be his little Princess, you got it babes! Lmk what you think!!!
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