#and marley goes 'it's okay'
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addictsitter · 2 years ago
the glee version of “closer” is a: really enjoyable and b: so much fun??? like. the s4 kids actually feel like they’re all actual friends. even with kitty being kitty, it actually seems like they’re friends in a way that the original kids didn’t.
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wonderjanga · 6 days ago
How would Jason treat Marvel as a kid compared to after the resurrection?
Jason, when he was still Robin, would’ve had the biggest hero worship for Marvel, though he’d always be second to Diana. In fact, if Jason had to pick, Wonder Woman would’ve been his favorite female hero, and Captain Marvel would’ve been his favorite male hero. They’re both just… so cool.
So when Jason goes to the Watchtower with Bruce, the first person he seeks out is Wonder Woman, and then if she’s unavailable, he goes to Captain Marvel. Cause again, they’re so dang cool. Now, Ms. Woman is busy most of the time, but more often than not the Captain will hang out with him if he wants.
Marvel: “Oh, hey Robin #2!”
Robin!Jason: “Hi! Batman’s in a meeting.”
Marvel: “Wanna hang out then?”
Robin!Jason: “Yeah!”
And that’s how you’d catch little eleven year old Jason and big buff probably thirty year old Marvel chilling. If Dick’s uncle was Superman, Jason’s was Marvel.
The various activities they partook in included fighting in the training rooms:
Marvel: *flying nearby* “You can do it buddy!”
Robin!Jason: *parkouring to a hostage*
Marvel: “Watch out for the villain!”
Hologram Villain: *shoots him*
Robin!Jason: “ACK-” *gets hit with hologram bullets*
The simulation ended after that, and Jason was a little upset that he messed up, but Marvel gave him some ice cream and then they went to try again.
They would also watch stupid movies together:
Marvel and Robin!Jason: *watching Marley and Me*
Marvel: *bawling*
Robin!Jason: “It’s okay. It’s okay.” *giving him tissues*
Now, they actually didn’t meet again in battle… no no, see Billy has an interesting relationship with Ra’s Al Ghul. This is because a previous champion used to be friends with him. So Billy is also friends with Ra’s cause why not? See, Billy and Jason met again when Jason was walking down a hallway in the League of Assassin’s headquarters and Billy was also walking down that same hallway with Ra’s.
Jason: *head in the clouds*
Ra’s and Marvel: *talking*
Jason: *notices Cap and does a double take* “Wha- WHAT THE HELL??”
Marvel: *pauses and looks over to him* “Huh?”
Marvel: “Wait… Robin #2?”
Jason was then dragged along with the two as Ra’s and Marvel started talking again. Meanwhile, Jason is absolutely dumb struck at the fact that, one, how is Marvel getting along so well with Ra’s, and two, how did he recognize him??
Ra’s, Jason, and Marvel: *all stop in the mess hall*
Ra’s: “I’ll leave you to it. Goodbye, Thavma.”
Marvel: “Bye!” *waves* “So, Robin, what are you doing here?”
Jason: “Don’t call me Robin anymore- also what are YOU doing here??”
Marvel: “I’m Ra’s friend.”
Jason: “How????”
Marvel: “What do you mean how?”
Jason: “I mean HOW. Look at you.”
Marvel: “What’s that mean?”
Jason: “Buddy, you’re sunshine, okay? Who would ever conceive the notion that you and Ra’s are friends?”
Marvel: “I’ll have you know that I’ve known him for hundreds of years. We’re like this” *crosses fingers (🤞)* “You got that?”
Jason: “No. I do not got that.”
Jason was a little surprised Cap was treating him the same as he would before his death, especially considering that the hero now knows that Jason is affiliated with assassins. Jason then remembered that the hero in question is also affiliated with assassins so… yeah. Anyways, he had some (a lot) of questions.
Jason: “You know, you don’t see all that surprised that I came back to life.”
Marvel: “You died??”
Jason: “Yes??”
Marvel: “Oh. I just thought you stop being Robin and just became a normal kid.”
Jason: “Wha- NO??”
Marvel: “Yeah, I probably should’ve picked up on that. But even if I didn’t know you died it’s not exactly an uncommon occurrence for people to come back to life.”
Jason: “You make it sound like it happens all the time.”
Marvel: “It does in Fawcett.” *shrugs* “We have insurance there for zombies in case they crawl out of their graves so coffins can be reimbursed.”
Jason: “I… I forgot you came from Crazyville.”
Marvel: “It may be Crazyville, but that won’t stop it from being home.”
Anyways, fast forward about a year, and Jason is back in Gotham and pissed at everyone and everything. That doesn’t stop them from hanging out.
Nightwing: *breaks into Jason’s safe house* “Jason, this needs to stop-”
Jason and Marvel: *turn to him, mid taco bite, watching WWE*
Nightwing: “Captain Marvel??”
I actually already have a few posts of their interactions and even one of them before Jason died if you wanna read more of them together.
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cowboyshadows · 29 days ago
I love that thing on tiktok that goes like 'when the I don't care about my birthday guy meets the your birthday is the specialest day of the year girl'. As a prologue I'm giving him a May 5 birthday (my Taurus king)
Cw: implied abusive household, very brief mention of a piss kink BUT ITS BARELY ANYTHING, implied nsfw behind the scenes
Simon's never had a chance to celebrate his birthday. His dad was a drunkard - lucky if he remembered the way to his home most nights. His mom would always be too occupied with sulking, cleaning, cooking... but at least she'd apologise at night with a serviceably earnest 'next year, I promise'. He didn't lay any expectations on his little brother - he was going through the same hell.
When he first started going out with you - sweet little thing - he had no idea what he was in for. It's like he's been walking in this dark tunnel his whole life; and only now has he opened his eyes to this glimmering aperture of sunlight. Only now has he felt the warmth of the sole star on his scarred face, to be basked in for all it's worth.
You're not scared of this big, scary guy in a skull mask. Most people are afraid to approach him, but you? Nah. You're smacking that man's ass when you creep up behind him in the kitchen. Motorboating those KNOCKERS. Asking if you can hold it for him while he pees. Bloody 'ell, love.
Most people, naturally, includes your friends. They dread planning things in the group chat because they know you're gonna ask 'can Simon come'. They're so intimidated by this man - rightfully so - that they almost didn't let him in on the surprise birthday party they were planning for you.
Key word being "almost", of course. They know how disgustingly in love the two of you are. So regardless of how much they hate the sight of the two of you sticking your tongues down each others' throats in public, they make a separate group chat with him sans you.
He helps out a lot, actually. Manages to keep you out of the house without suspecting anything for the whole day. Chalk it up to his previous experiences with sleuthing and all that. He sees the pure, unadulterated joy on your face. Innocent, childlike. And you look up at him with those big, wet eyes; silently thanking him. His heart fuckin' melts.
Birthdays are a huge thing to you. He can see it in the hours of meticulous planning that goes into your gifts for others.
You've asked him plenty of times when his birthday is - all he does is joke about it.
''S today, love. Wha' a bad girlfriend, ya didn't remember?' That earns him a smack to his bicep.
'Should probably ask the kennel ya picked me up from, birdie.' He'll get a pillow tossed at him for that one, the wisecrack.
You don't even know what you would get him as a gift. He just seems so... indifferent. To everything. You seriously consider just wrapping yourself up in shiny paper and a bow.
But it's not enough. So you resort to more extreme measures. You nab his beat up wallet, fishing out the driver's license tucked neatly next to a sticky note with your familiar scrawl on it. It reads, 'I cut up some strawbz and chocced em 4 u <3'.
You fish around in his closet for something - anything that might give you even the slightest hint of what might make this man fawn. You paw around until you find something rubbery.
A brand new, unused ball. It squeaks when you squeeze it. A dog toy? Huh. Maybe that time his eyes were watering when you were watching Marley & Me wasn't because of dust...
The fifth of the fifth month rolls around. You wake him up with wet smooches all over his face. (Maybe elsewhere too, but I'm trying to keep this fluffy, goddammit!)
It's a great day. You bake him this half pound chocolate fudge cake that he can only describe as "scrumptious".
At the end of his special day, he's so drunk on your love. He's been wearing this stupid, crooked smile on his face all day. Lazy heart eyes. You tell him you have one more surprise.
'Need you to wait in the bedroom for me, okay?'
His eyebrow shoots up in amusement. 'Oh? Tha' so?' Cheeky bastard.
His trousers are halfway off at the foot of the bed when he hears a soft yip.
Another one filters through, but it's louder.
What the hell were you up to?
He walks out in his boxers, only to find you on the floor. Huddled and crouching over something he can't quite see.
When your head snaps around, a small fluffy circular blur runs up to him. It paws, licks, and jumps at him.
A dog.
He looks... aghast? It's hard to tell.
'I know we haven't talked about it,' you sputter, 'and I know you're away a lot... but I'll take care of her. I'll do everything, I promise-'
Your ramble is muffled short by the wall that is his torso. He's holding you so tight that you have to pat him to loosen up.
There's tears in his eyes, lower lip wobbly. For the first time in your relationship, you meet the scrawny, blonde six year old. One you've only seen in pictures before.
'I love her.'
'I... I found a dog toy in the closet.' You can't keep your curiosity from bubbling out anymore.
He wipes his tears with the back of his scarred hand, now cradling a puppy desperate to lick him whole.
'Used to 'ave this stray dog near us when I was a lad. Came around every day till he didn't.' He sniffles. 'Never got the chance to show 'im the toy.'
He looks at you, and then at the puppy. He has a chance now.
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kingkonoha · 1 year ago
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you & levi are historical figures.
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Eliza Harper was not particularly interested in history.
In fact, she often dozed off in the middle of class, right at her desk, listening to her teacher explain what exactly a titan was.
“Ugly monsters that have been extinct for like a hundred years now, I know, I know!” She would think, resting her chin in her palm as she watched the clock tick.
Every second that passed by was one second closer to being able to go home and hang out with her friends.
But, today, she learned about a group of heroes. A group of rather dashing heroes.
Her best friend, Anna, rambled on and on about being the descendant of an Eldian hero named F/N L/N, who — according to paragraph 3, section A — married another hero named Levi Ackerman.
And, well, that led to Eliza and her friends all hovering over a history book in the middle of their lunch period.
“This guy right here is really cute,” One redheaded girl said, pointing to a photograph of a blonde-haired man.
Eliza scanned her eyes over the tiny paragraph below his photo, squinting as she read his name aloud, “Armin Arlert . . . fifteenth commander of the Survey Corps . . . blah blah blah . . . oh! He’s the one who killed Eren Yee-gar!”
“It’s Yeager, idiot,” Anna said, playfully rolling her eyes. “But that’s not what really happened. This woman right here,” Anna leaned over, flipping two pages ahead. “This woman right here is named Mikasa Ackerman. The story in my family goes that she’s the one who really killed Eren! Such a shame, too. Eren was pretty handsome.”
“Okay,” the redheaded girl scoffed, “you did not just call that mass murderer cute.”
“How would you even know that?” Eliza blinked up at Anna, who took a bite of her sandwich, getting crumbs all over the history book. “There aren’t any real pictures of him. Just drawings. How can you say whether or not they’re accurate?”
“Have you been listening?” Anna took another bite of her sandwich. “I’m pretty much related to these people! I know everything. Did you know Levi Ackerman and F/N L/N were the strongest titan killers ever? And I’m related to them, so you guys should be a little nicer to me.”
The other two girls giggled.
Truth be told, Anna had often brought evidence to school regarding her family status in the form of old letters and pictures. But, even without the evidence, no one would dare question her story, as it meant that not only did she have some Eldian blood running through her veins, but she was related to former Island Devils as well. And peace was a funny thing. Not everyone in Marley had picked peace over hatred, and they raised their families to have the same poisonous mindset.
Things were better, certainly, but they weren’t perfect.
Even so, Anna was undeniably proud of her ancestors; she flipped through the history book eagerly with glistening eyes that shined bright with admiration.
“Tell us something else about these people,” Eliza smiled at Anna, who leaned in instantly with a wide grin of her own.
“Okay, so,” flipping a couple of pages, Anna paused as she spoke, “F/N L/N and Levi Ackerman didn’t get married and have children until after the great battle, but they were in love with each other for years before then! Both of them were in the Scout regiment together, fighting titans and saving each other’s lives — it’s so cute! And-And decades later, Y/N died of old age, and Levi died of a broken heart right after.”
“Well,” the redhead darted her eyes between her two friends, “that’s depressing.”
“Can you imagine someone loving you so much that when you pass away, they die soon after because they’re so heartbroken? I hope I can love someone that much someday,” Eliza sighed softly.
“Me too,” Anna said.
The three girls continued to flip through the history book together, even bothering to plan out who they’d want to dress up as for their school’s upcoming Dress Up Day.
As Eliza looked down at your photograph on page 57, she so desperately wanted to dress up as you, her favorite historical figure.
And, as she flipped the page to take a look at your deceased husband, she so desperately wanted to experience an adventurous love story as great as yours as well.
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cryinggirlnamedhelen · 3 months ago
the aot men headcanons and ranking (+ the aot modern alternate universe headcanons and rankings)
how good of fathers would they be out of 10?
eren - 5/10. he’s not bad; just…he’s impulsive. he’s the dad who’s fun and all, playing with his kids and ruffling them on the head. but he’s probably going to teach his kids how to punch other people in the most painful way too. then when the kid’s mother scolds eren for it, he just shrugs.
armin - 8/10. literally the sweetest guy ever, but i have this feeling deep inside me knowing that he would have a hard time scolding his child. he’d see them tear up and then he’d start tearing up too and feel SO BAD while hugging them. he would be a girl dad though, with his gentle personality and all.
jean - 8.5/10. he’s a girl dad, no you can’t change my mind. he’d spoil his kids ROTTEN—and i’d bet all of my money that he would teach his son chivalrous values while treating his daughter like a little princess, just like how he was raised (ughhhh the jean and his mom OVA has my heart🥺💕)
conny - 4/10. he’s such a sweetie, but the biggest problem is his lack of experience since HE’S always the one getting taken care of, plus he’s not the brightest. i just KNOW that when he holds his baby, they start crying uncontrollably, and he freaks out because he doesn’t know what to do.
levi - 7/10. what? he’s literally already a dad to eren and mikasa and armin and conny and jean and sasha and…okay, i think you get it. but losing so many people in his life will definitely impact his parenting style. i guarantee that he will be overprotective of his kids due to being scared of losing them.
reiner (MY MAN🤤) - 9/10. JUST LOOK AT HIM WITH GABI AND FALCO AND ZOFIA AND UDO🥺. he CAN BE responsible and a good leader if he tries, which are natural qualities of a good father. but similar to levi, after losing so many people, he’d be pretty protective of his kids. especially growing up as an eldian in marley, he’d be so overly concerned for his kids.
are they good at cooking?
eren - no. do NOT let this man into the kitchen under any circumstances unless you want to look like armin during season 3.
armin - yes, definitely. armin deserves to have a professional chef license. the moment anyone is craving something, here he is.
jean - no. this guy had literally been spoiled ever since day one, since his mom literally always feeds him and pampers him.
conny - NO. please, NEVER let this man within 2 yards of the kitchen. he WILL burn down the kitchen. if he doesn’t, the food will be inedible.
levi - barely. he had to survive in the underground and all, so he can cook just a little bit. maybe a fried egg or heating some meat.
reiner - barely. similar to levi, having to survive warrior candidate training and being in a war for YEARS, he probably knows how to cook some sort of meat above a fire.
(modern AU) can they drive?
eren - he’s average at driving. he gets road rage and starts speeding like crazy before he finally gets a ticket.
armin - he’d be too nervous on the road. he’d be too scared of accidentally hitting another car or speeding.
jean - surprisingly good. probably one of the only one of the main cast who doesn’t ever get into a car crash or a ticket.
conny - NO. please don’t ever get into this man’s car. you WILL come out throwing up and hugging the ground.
levi - he’s not the best at driving, but he can get the job done. he has road rage, but he isn’t too obvious about it. but he WILL drum his fingers on the steering wheel.
reiner - definitely. he’s 100% that one person that everyone goes to whenever they need someone to drive them somewhere.
random hc about them in the modern AU
eren - goth mikasa once asked eren to cosplay as light and misa with her. eren didn’t even know who they were, so he then agreed. it didn’t end well for eren.
armin - whenever he has a crush, he never tells them out of fear because he’s a weirdo. because of that, he always slowly watches them fall in love with someone else😕
jean - every morning, he spends 2 hours on his hair. he does it not only to impress mikasa, but also because he loves looking at his entire face. eren called him a horse one day and jean stopped.
conny - the reason he has a bald head is because he found a razor in his house one day. he remembered seeing people on YouTube using it and he found it cool, trying to shave his chin. suddenly his arm went out of control and the razor went to his hair.
levi - he was once cleaning the bathrooms and heard a student crying in one of the stalls. he felt bad but just didn’t really say anything because he didn’t know what to say. when he found out who the student was, he always made sure to pay extra attention to them.
reiner (my man canonically follows historia all the time during this AU😔) - he works out all the time in the school gym instead of the public gym because he wants to impress historia.
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loveesiren · 4 months ago
Champagne & Sunshine (Pt. 4)
JJ Maybank x Reader
a/n: okay so maybe this wasn't as bad as I thought? Idk, it's been so long since I posted any new work so I'm still working back in to my feral energy lol. but i had this written up soooo long ago and just never posted it so here is part 4. I'm ready to just move forward lol. I hope you guys enjoy! I'll do better next time.
warnings: smut smut smut, deepthroating, language, angst, also the POV goes back and forth? sorry, I wrote this so long ago
word count: 3.8k+
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You rolled over to where the sun burned your eyes and you cringed. Forever forgetting to shut the blinds. You could feel JJ’s arm draped over you and the events of last night came flooding back. You had sex with your best friend.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to. JJ was pretty as fuck. But he was also your best friend. The best friend you were pining over since the day you met him. Were you together now? Was it a one night stand? Shit, you could use Marley’s advice right now. 
I’m fucking terrified to move. My arm is resting on her hip and it feels so right being there. But I spent the night inside my best friend and now I’m terrified that she’s going to leave. What exactly do I do in this situation?
Her hair is flowing beautifully into my face. She smells like pineapples and champagne like she always does. I never want this moment to end and I am frozen in fear. I lightly inhaled her scent, wanting to savor it forever. She stirred and sat up. Fuck. What do I do? Do I pretend to sleep?
She got up and went to her bathroom, closing the door behind her. I run my hands over my face and contemplate every life decision I’ve ever made. I just had sex with my dream girl and now I’m scared I’ll lose her forever. She was vulnerable. Her sister is in the hospital and I fucking took advantage of her. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“Hey, Jayj?” Her sweet voice echoed from the otherside of the room. 
I turned on my side and covered myself with her bedsheets. “What’s up?”
I noticed she was naked. She leaned against the doorframe. “Do you want to join me?” Hollyyyyy shit. She still wanted me. Play it cool.
“Uh, yeah babe,” Babe???? I hopped out of bed and walked towards her slower than I had anticipated. She offered her hand and I took it, following her to the shower. 
We both stepped in silently, letting the double shower heads run over us. She turned around and grabbed her body wash. “Could you get my back?” She asked as she handed it to me.
“Of course!” She turned around and moved her long hair over her shoulder. I began rubbing the soap over her back and I could feel myself growing at the contact. Her skin was perfectly golden and I wanted nothing more than to kiss it. But I held back.
She turned to me. “Thank you,” She said in that honey coated voice that made my knees weak. She turned and began to wash the rest of her body. My eyes were fixed on her. 
“Y/n, look at me.” She paused for a moment. I don’t know where the demand came from. She turned and looked at me, yesterday’s makeup running down her face. Her big Bambi eyes staring into my soul with both sadness and need. “Can I touch you?”
She gave a half smile and stepped closer to me, moving my arms to wrap around her hips. She placed her arms gently on my shoulders and looked up into my eyes. “JJ, you made me feel so good last night.” 
I was growing harder, I knew it was pressing into her now. But she seemed to like it. I met her eyes. “Yeah?” Was all I could manage. I ran a hand down her thigh and brought her leg up to wrap around my waist. She panted. I gained some confidence in this moment. I moved my other hand down her thigh. “Give me the other one,” I demanded and she obliged, hopping up and clinging to me for support. 
“This what you want?” I asked. She shook her head in desperate need. “Use your words.”
“Please J, need you inside me.” She begged.
“Good girl,” I told her as I held her up and positioned myself at her entrance. I held her hips as I slid her down on my cock. Her nails dug into my neck as she held on. She shook slightly as she adjusted to me being inside her once again. “This okay, baby?”
“Yes,” She panted. “Please make love to me.”
I kept one hand under her and the other found its way to her hair as I pressed her up against the tile wall. My forehead pressed against hers as I thrusted into her. 
Y/n’s POV
My parents weren't home. Neither was Marley. I was so worried about her. I would go see her later. I would. And I would tell her about this. About the way JJ was fucking me into the wall right now. 
I had my hand wrapped tightly in his blonde locks, his teeth buried in my shoulder as he fucked me ruthlessly. I panted as his head slid against my walls. I clenched around him and when he felt my teeth sink into him, he flipped.
We both fell to the shower floor, his cock still buried deep inside me. I let go and threw my head back. JJ kept one hand on my hip to guide me while he laced his other hand through my fingers for support. He was on the floor, water splashing in his face while I rode his dick. He brought his other hand to my clit and rubbed small circles. It felt so fucking good. 
“That feel good, baby girl?” He asked. 
“Yes, please don’t stop!” I begged. He continued to massage my clit as he thrusted up into me. I couldn’t help my eyes rolling back as I moaned loudly.
I looked up at her beautiful face as she rode my cock. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I ran my thumb through her folds. She was so soft and to see the way she melted at my touch was sending me over the edge. I didn’t think I could hang on much longer. And then she did it. She came. I made her cum. She collapsed on me, vibrating uncontrollably as I felt her release around me. I couldn’t control it and I came inside her. It felt so good. So right. 
She whimpered a few more times as she rode out her high, and I pushed into her slowly.
Eventually, we both became still and I played with the tips of her hair as I always did when I was anxious. My cock still buried deep inside her. 
She sat up and looked down at me. “Uhm..can we go see Mars?” 
“Yeah! Yeah, of course. Let’s get dressed,” I offered. She clutched my chest as I slowly grasped her hips and slipped her off me. I tried to control myself, focusing on her perfect face, but her expression was equally as sad as I left her body.
We both finished up showering and hopped out, she ran to her closet and threw on a simple outfit. Shorts and a Nirvana tee. She tossed me some of my clothes and I put them on quickly before handing her her bag.
Y/n’s POV
You stepped outside and remembered you had no car. You hair was a rats nest between tossing and turning all night and JJ fucking you relentlessly. But You didn’t care. You just wanted to see your sister.
“I guess we’re walking.” JJ said and you smiled beneath your hair. 
“Guess so,” You chuckled. 
The two of you began your journey in silence. Walking side by side as you made your way to the hospital. You had no idea what to say to JJ. Your mind was torn. You wanted to make sure Marley was okay but you also hooked up with JJ twice and it was all running through your mind.
“Y/n, I-” JJ began but was quickly cut off by your ringtone.
You pulled your phone out and saw it was your mother calling. 
“Hello?!” You answered quickly 
“Y/n! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, mom. Me and JJ are on our way to the hospital. How’s Marley?”
“Oh good. She’s fine. She’s up and eating. She’s asking for you.”
“Tell her I’ll be there in like 30 minutes.”
“Will do. See you soon, baby.”
You hung up the phone. “Mars is awake.”
JJ took a sigh of relief. “Thank God.” He said. “Let’s get you there. I know she’s missing her sister.”
You smiled at him and moved forward. In silence. 
You finally arrived at the hospital and you rushed through the doors. You approached the front desk and asked “Where’s Marley y/l/n? I’m her sister.”
The nurse was friendly enough and directed you to her room. JJ followed close behind. You both busted through the door to see Marley sitting up and eating breakfast. 
“Mars!” You yelled, dropping your bag to the floor and running towards her. 
She smiled as she embraced you in a hug. JJ smiled from the door. 
Your mom and dad patted him on the shoulder as they stepped out of the room. “We’ll go get you all some food.” 
JJ just smiled and made his way to the other side of the room, plopping down on the couch and resting his elbows on his knees as he watched you and Marley catch up. 
“Are you okay? Feeling better?” You asked. 
“Yes. Much better. They gave me anti-venom and some pain killers and they said I can leave this afternoon.” Marley told you.
You couldn’t help the tears in your eyes. “I’m so sorry this happened, Mars…”
Marley scoffed. “Don’t be a little bitch, it’s not your fault.” She laughed as she ate her toast. “Hey J!” She said.
“Hey Mars!” 
“I’d love to get the fuck out of here and smoke a joint.” You laughed at Marley’s boldness and gave JJ the puppy dog eyes, silently begging him to go pick up your car so you could talk to Marley alone.
JJ laughed. “Of course, Mars.” He said, leaning over and placing a kiss on her forehead. “Glad you’re okay.”
JJ left and Marley went back to her breakfast. You gave it about thirty seconds before you freaked out on Marley. You grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard.
“Holy fuck, what?!” She asked.
“Me and JJ slept together!”
“You guys sleep together every night,” Marley said matter-of-factly.
“No, Mars. We slept together.” 
Marley dropped her food. “Are you fucking serious?!”
You watched the smile spread across her face. “How was it?” She asked.
“It was…perfect.” 
JJ brought your car to the hospital. Marley insisted on riding home with you guys but your parents wouldn’t have it. They trusted you and JJ but they didn’t want to let Marley out of their sight for the next few days.
“We’ll meet you at home, Mars. We’re gonna pick up the pizza!” You told her as you hugged her goodbye. 
“Pepperoni and onion,” She demanded. “Don’t be late,” She said with a wink. 
JJ was driving your car and you climbed into the passenger seat. “Okay, let’s go pick up the pizza.” 
“I don’t have to come over.” JJ said.
“What? Why wouldn’t you come over?”
JJ shrugged. “You guys need family time.”
You turned in your seat to face him. “J, you are family.” 
JJ looked down at his hands, thinking about something. “I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Why would you make me uncomfortable?”
JJ leaned back and turned his gaze to you. “Can we talk about what happened?”
You took a deep breath and looked back at him. “Yeah, of course. What do you want to talk about?”
“Was it…real? Do you actually want me like that or were you just trying to escape? 
“What do you mean escape?”
“I don’t know, you’ve been through a lot and maybe I was just a crutch…”
“Are you serious right now?!” You yelled. “You think I’m just fucking you as a distraction?!” 
“I didn’t mean-”
“Get out.” You demanded.
“Get OUT!” You screamed, bringing your feet up to kick him out the door. He obliged and got out. You slid into the driver's seat and sped off, leaving JJ behind. 
You once again sat in your room without JJ. Depressed as fuck. Marley sat beside you as you played reruns of the Kardashians. Luckily, Marley was still tired from her time in the hospital and she smoked a fat joint to herself so she was pretty much out and wasn’t in the headspace to bother you about your phone blowing up. 
You finally decided to check the 17 texts and 8 missed calls from JJ. His last text asking you to meet him at the Boneyard tonight. It was a Monday so not many people would be there.
You laid back and thought for a moment. You concluded that the two of you should talk. But absolutely no sex. 
I’ll be there at 10. You responded. 
Marley was full on snoring by 9:30. You snuck out of bed and pulled on a pair of shorts and hoodie. You knew your parents were still up and you didn’t feel like explaining the situation to them so you crawled out your window and climbed down the side of the house before taking off towards the Boneyard. 
You walked slowly onto the sand. Making out the silhouettes of a few couples making out on the beach. You scanned the Boneyard until your eyes landed on the Twinkie. You took a deep breath and approached the van, knocking on the window lightly. 
The door slid open and JJ sat before you. His hair a mess and his cut off tee barely clinging to his skin. 
“Come in, m’lady.” He said softly, gesturing you into the van. 
You rolled your eyes and climbed in, allowing him to shut the door behind you. 
You sat in the corner, hugging your knees as you waited for him to initiate the conversation. 
“Want a beer?” He asked, holding a can in your direction. You took it silently and rolled it around in your hands. “Y/n…look, I’m sorry…” He began. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings-”
“Then why did you?!” You snapped. 
“I got scared!” He started. “I was scared, okay?” He said sadly as he fell back. “I-I…I’m not good enough for you. And you were going through a hard time and I feel like I took advantage of you and I just don’t-”
“Took advantage of me? JJ, you did nothing wrong.” You told him. “What happened…I wanted it. I’ve wanted that for a long time.”
“Really?” He asked, slightly surprised.
JJ looked down at hir beer and chewed on his cheek, unsure of what to say next.
You leaped forward and pressed your lips to his. Intertwining your fingers into his blonde locks. He didn’t hesitate to kiss you back. His tongue danced with yours as if his life depended on it. You told yourself you weren’t going to do this but it was as if you had no control over your body. You needed him.
“Fuck, Y/n…” He pulled back, fingers still wrapped in your hair. “I love you.”
You sat up for a moment. “You…love me?”
JJ looked defeated. He ran his eyes over your body and looked back up to meet yours. “Yeah. I fucking do.”
You took in a shaky breath before ripping your clothes off. JJ matched your actions. You were completely bare in front of him and all he had left was his boxers. 
“Take them off,” You demanded.
“I will,” He said. “But first I need to taste you..” He said, propping you up on the back seat and spreading your legs wide open. Your pussy glistening for him. 
He wrapped his arms under your thighs and pulled you to his mouth. The tip of his tongue exploring your folds. You were at a loss for words and gripped the headrest behind you as JJ shoved his tongue into you. 
You brought one hand down to clutch his hair as you thrust your hips to match his tongue. “Fuck J-”
He flattened his tongue to devour your entire clit and you almost cried. You were ready to cum but you didn’t want to yet.
“JJ!” you yelled. 
He looked up at you from between your thighs. He looked so happy there. 
“JJ…I need you inside me. I want to cum together…”
JJ smiled and gently slid your legs off his shoulders. He stood up and rid himself of his boxers. 
His cock sprung free in front of your face and you questioned how it fit inside you before. But it had you drooling. “Can I suck it first?”
He took your chin between his thumb and forefinger and forced you to look up at him. “Only if you want to, Barbie.” He teased.
You melted at his words and stared into his eyes as you spit on his cock. You smiled before taking his tip into your mouth. Running the tip of your tongue over his glans and the way his knees buckled made you feel amazing. You wanted to be his whore and his lover at the same time. 
“JJ, will you fuck my face until you cum and then take care of me?” You asked, looking up at him with your bambi eyes.
“You sure you want that, baby?” He asked. 
“Please…I want your cock hitting the back of my throat…”
“Okay…pinch me if you want me to stop…” He said before he lined his cock back at your mouth. You opened wide, eyes fixed up on his as he slowly slid his cock back in your mouth. He began slowly, pushing himself as far back as he could and clutching your hair tighter when you gagged. He began moving faster and the sounds coming from your throat made it almost impossible to stop. You looked up at him with your big doe eyes, giving him permission to go harder. And so he did. He watched as saliva seeped out the sides of your mouth. You gripped his hips, forcing him deeper down your throat. You coughed and gagged but you could tell he was close. Fuck breathing. 
JJ gripped your hair tighter as he forced his cock further down your throat. You could feel his warm seed trickling down and you moaned. Until it started seeping out your nose and you could not breathe anymore. You pinched his thigh and he immediately pulled out. He watched as you toppled over on all fours, spitting up his cum and trying to catch your breath.
“Y/n, I’m-”
“Fuck me,” You managed between breaths. 
“Fuck me!” You demanded. 
JJ got behind you and put his tip to your folds, enjoying the slick that coated his cock. You panted as he lined himself up at your entrance and slowly pushed into you. You let out an animalistic whine as you adjusted to his size once again. 
JJ pulled you back and sat in the back seat, keeping you firmly on his cock. He brought a finger to your clit, rubbing it gently as his other hand held you firmly in place while he thrusted up into you. 
He pushed you over the edge and your pussy was clenching around his cock as you came. Your eyes rolled back and overstimulation set in. When you were done vibrating. He took his hand from your clit and grabbed both your legs. He propped his legs up on the front seat and held you steady. “I’m going to keep fucking you until I’m done.” He told you before he began thrusting into you harder than ever before. 
Your back was against his chest as he slid his cock in and out of you. Your nails digging into his hips as your eyes began to water at the overstimulation. 
“JJ, it’s too much!” You cried. 
“You’re doing so good, baby.” He panted. “I’m so close and then I’m going to take such good care of you. 
“I-I’m doing good?” You whimpered, feeling yourself about to cum again.
“Yes, baby girl, you're doing so good. I’m going to cum in your tight little pussy right now, okay?” 
“Yes please!” You begged. You could feel him cum deep inside you and it sent you to your own orgasm, squirting all over the van as you both shook in ecstasy. 
You both collapsed on the floor, gasping for air, your skin sticky with sweat. Your mind was wiped blank and your body was filled with euphoria. 
You rolled over and rested your head on JJ’s chest. He ran his fingers up and down your arm as he pulled you closer. You spent a few moments enjoying the rise and fall of his chest.
“John B is gonna be mad,” You giggled as you looked at the state of his van.
“Fuck John B.” JJ laughed. “That was amazing.”
You moved closer to JJ and nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck. After a few minutes, you both began to relax. Your eyes grew heavy and your body grew weaker. There was no way you were going home tonight.
“Hey, JJ?”
“Yeah, Barbie?” He asked, his voice hoarse and quiet.
“I love you too,” You whispered.
JJ smiled and wrapped both his arms around you, placing soft kisses on your forehead. You smiled as you drifted off to sleep.
“Are you fucking serious?!” John B yelled as he threw the door open to find your two naked bodies piled on the floor of his van. 
You shrieked and quickly scrambled to find your clothes. JJ was quick to pull on his shorts and talk to John B outside the van so you could get dressed. 
“You’re fucking cleaning the Twinkie!”
“I will! Just, let me meet up with you later okay? I’m gonna walk her home.”
You heard the boys talking outside. God fucking dammnit this was awkward. Sex with JJ was so new and the last couple of days have been so intense you hadn’t even thought about your other friends, much less how to break the news that you and JJ were together now. Wait, were you together now? Fuck.
You take a deep breath and then open the door. John B and JJ turned to look at you. You approached them slowly with your head hung low, handing JJ his t-shirt. “Uh, hey John, B…”
“Hey Y/n,” He responded. His voice is softer now. “Do you guys need a ride home?”
“Nope!” You said almost too quickly. “I mean, uhmmm, no thank you. I wanted to walk the beach for a bit.”
“O-Okay,” He responded. “I guess I’ll see you guys later?”
“Yeah, man. Sounds good.” JJ responded, patting him on the shoulder and pushing him off towards the Twinkie. 
You watched as John B drove off. “Holy fuck that was so weird!” 
JJ was gritting his teeth, unsure of what to say. “Y/n, I’m sorry…”
You began giggling, burying your face in the sleeves of your hoodie. “JJ, don’t be sorry! I just wasn’t planning to wake up naked in front of John B!”
“He really has a way of ruining the moment doesn’t he?” JJ laughed as he threw his arm around you, leading you down toward the beach.
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Let me know if you'd like to be tagged :)
@torturedtypewritersdept @bigenergy777 @outerbankspov @purplerose291 @shayofandoms @mirellef2001
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tripsdipp · 5 months ago
super very random post about a few hcs i have for the socs !!
- she does ballet and is actually really good !!
- she writes letters to people but never sends them just to soothe herself
- the biggest beatles fan to ever exist ever
- #1 paul holden hater
- she cut her bob herself and she used to have very long hair
- literally never not at brill’s house i fear
- she (contrary to popular belief) actually does enjoy fighting
- her dream is to move to the beach and live on a beach house with brill
- nancy sinatara = life
- she’s a flyer on the cheer team
- even when she’s with chet she accidentally calls him bob sometimes because unfortunately she sees bob in literally everything (especially chet’s alcoholism)
- she still has bob’s letterman jacket even years after he died
- chocolate. he is obsessed with chocolate, if there is a chocolate flavor and it’s available it will be chosen
- he’s constantly covered in dog hair due to his dad’s k-9s (taken inspo from @sky4cherry again)
- youngest in his family 100% (and of the boys)
- bev is literally his big sister and it’s definitely totally by blood 100%
- only one of the guys that can truly handle his liquor
- he doesn’t mind jumping people, but prefers a ‘fair fight’
- the oldest child of his family and is actually the best big brother to grace the earth
- has had a crush on bev since middle school and even asked her to their middle school dance
- paul is literally his actual brother wdym🤨
- once introduced marcia as his sister in front of the whole group + her and had never been more embarrassed
- he had a sickeningly huge crush on cherry before they got together
- another inspo he wears lilac because cherry one time told him he looked really good in it and now it’s suddenly his favorite color
- lives with his grandma and grandpa + melvin
- the best fighter in the group
- cherry and trip best friends agenda
- martrip goes downhill when he throws the first punch at two-bit in justice for tulsa (look at marley’s post about this it is SICK in the best way)
- sees himself in bob a LOT
- the one who taught the boys to fight
- was NOT okay when him and darry had their falling out. he became SOOO mean
- has referred to bev and marcia as “brill’s broad” and “trip’s broad” before and received two punches from two VERY angry boyfriends
lmk if i should do a greasers version !!
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dead-dolphins · 4 months ago
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Okay, so there was this super fun activity today where we had to create an AU, and let’s just say my imagination went wild (like, really wild)! 😅 So here are the AUs I came up with for the week, and who knows, maybe, just maybe, one day I’ll bring them to life! 😄
Merman Eren & Knight Mikasa
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Monster hunter Mikasa Ackerman took pride in her unmatched skills, never one to shy away from a challenge. When Marley hired her to kill a merman who had been sinking their trading ships, she accepted without hesitation. A creature like that could only be a beast, a mindless killer. But the journey was doomed from the start. A violent storm tore her ship apart, and Mikasa woke to find herself alive, but not alone.
The merman, Eren, watched her with cautious curiosity. He could have killed her easily, but instead, he offered her shelter. Days passed, and the monster she’d expected proved to be anything but. Eren wasn’t the predator Marley described. He spoke of sailors who hunted his kind, of pain and vengeance, and, strangely, of her. He knew her name. He had been waiting for her.
The plot twist here is that every merman has a fated mate, one with whom they will bond as soon as they touch their hands. If their mate goes away, they will perish, and the other way around. So, Eren doesn’t know how to tell Mikasa that, since the moment he saved her, he bounded to her.
God Eren & Empress Mikasa
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Once worshipped by her ancestors, God Eren now wanders the mortal realm, bound by a curse that weakens his divine powers. Empress Mikasa, the last descendant of his most devoted followers, is thrust into an uneasy alliance with the enigmatic deity when her empire is threatened.
As Eren protects Mikasa with what remains of his godly strength, their bond deepens. But Mikasa’s heart wrestles with the weight of loving a god who can never truly be hers, while Eren must decide if he’ll sacrifice his immortality to live a mortal life by her side.
Marleyan Eren & Hizuru Princess Mikasa
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Mikasa is the Princess of Hizuru, a symbol of hope for her occupied nation, but her freedom is a mere illusion under the iron rule of general Eren, the decorated soldier of the occupying force. Tasked with keeping her under close watch, Eren expects nothing more than compliance, but Mikasa’s fiery defiance shakes his resolve.
As tensions rise between their nations, forbidden feelings bloom. Mikasa struggles with hating the man who represents her people’s oppression, while Eren begins to question the empire he serves as he’s drawn to the woman he’s sworn to subdue. Will love forge peace, or will loyalty to their nations destroy them both?
God Eren & Goddess Mikasa
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(I haven't posted this one on Twitter, but here you have!)
Eren, the god of chaos, rules the shadowy depths, feared by gods and mortals alike. Mikasa, the gentle goddess of spring, is the embodiment of life and renewal, bound to the surface world. When Eren abducts her to be his queen, her absence plunges the world into despair.
But beneath the earth, Mikasa begins to see another side of Eren, a lonely god longing for companionship. As she softens his edges, and he ignites her hidden strength, their love grows, defying fate itself. Together, they must navigate a divine war that threatens to tear their worlds apart.
Angel Eren & Angel Mikasa
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Once-radiant angel, Eren has fallen from grace, consumed by doubt and rebellion. Mikasa, an unwavering warrior of the heavens, is sent to bring him back—or end his existence if he refuses. Bound by duty, she tracks him to the mortal plane, only to discover the fractured soul behind his defiance.
As they clash and bond, Mikasa begins to question the rigid laws of their realm, while Eren sees a glimmer of the light he thought he’d lost. Together, they must choose: remain loyal to the heavens or risk everything for a love that defies divine order.
Knight Eren & Goddess Mikasa
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Eren is sworn to protect the temple of the goddess Mikasa, revered as the protector of their realm. When an ancient enemy threatens her sanctuary, Eren is tasked with escorting her to safety. Along the journey, he discovers that Mikasa is not just a distant deity, but a woman burdened by loneliness and the weight of immortality.
As Mikasa watches Eren’s unwavering loyalty and courage, she begins to question the divide between gods and mortals. Bound by duty but drawn by love, they must face a destiny that could unite their worlds, or shatter them forever.
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melimpostor · 10 months ago
Absolutely adore your art! Wb some Aruani angst (up to your interp as to why)
Heya ! First off : thanks !! Glad you like it :D Also, sorry i'm super late- but okay here goes I have this gut wrenching AU i inflicted myself , where i imagined what would happen if Eren and Mikasa actually ran away together and how it could sign the end of Paradis. Its pretty angsty and hurt / no comfort so continue at your own discretion please-
Marley is finally able to finish what they started on the island with their search for the coordinate, killing military and civilians alike in their quest. Yet, their target is nowhere to be seen. The paradisians soldiers as a whole were no match. Outnumbered and with a technology far behind, they are falling like flies. Levi's squad is barely holding on, something remarquable considering their small number. Still, something felt very wrong; Where the hell is Armin ?! He wasn't quite de same since his two closest friends left. He became way quieter, a shadow of his past self. His absences were noticed. It wasn't the first time he missed his duty, though nobody had the heart to sermon him or ask him where he went. But today was one time too many.
By pushing their way into the inner walls, Marleyan military eventually find the place Annie is secluded. And that's where Armin stands, by her side. At a time where he felt utterly lost and confused, coming here was the last thing keeping him sane and giving him some comfort. The soldiers aim at him. Shouting undecipherable slurs Armin doesn't totally catch. He seems very unbothered by the intrusion, as if he knew all along they would eventually come here. Maybe it's his punishment for deserting his comrades, or for misunderstanding his best friend's distress... Maybe it's his punishment for killing Berthold, or for betraying Annie. Maybe it's his punishment for being so weak and such a disapointment. It doesn't really matter anyway. He seems at peace for what comes next.
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(Maaaybe it's more Armin centered than Aruani ,sorry ! But i think there's potential for Aruani angst, especially if he's not shot on sight-)
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sunflowersunite · 7 months ago
A study of Zeke's role in Levihan fanfiction
(Levihan filter on, obviously)
I want to talk about Zeke as portrayed in the various fics I've read. When Zeke shows up in a Levihan story, his role is of a love rival to Levi, courting Hange and making him jealous (and I eat it up every single time without fail). It's unrequited more often than not, Hange is usually creeped out by him, it's so funny to read.
I love that trope, okay? I love it because there is nothing in canon that suggests a romantic attraction on Zeke's part towards Hange. Zeke isn't even interested in romance, he wants to die and take everyone down with him, romance is the last thing in his mind. He even asks Armin why people would want to have kids. He just doesn't understand it.
He and Hange don't even interact! I don't remember seeing them talking, maybe they've exchanged a few words, but nothing deep about their beliefs that would build some semblance of a connection between them.
BUT. I sincerely believe that under different circumstances, Zeke would be infatuated with Hange. I mean, strong independent intelligent scientist who built those deadly thunder spears and accumulated knowledge about the titans with barely any resources and primitive technology?? If Zeke wasn't so depressed, he'd be head over heels for Hange.
What's more, ever since I found out that Hange is four years older than Zeke, I picture him having this schoolboy celebrity crush on her because she's just so cool and awesome, and he's interested in science. Their views and methods are different and they wouldn't agree on anything if they were in the same team, but for now he wants to talk to her about science.
And it's not one author who has assigned the role of the love rival to Zeke! It's agreed within a (not small) portion of the Levihan fandom. Someone saw that blond disaster nerd and said "y know what? This one would crush on Hange so hard, he's a serious rival" and we all said yes without missing a beat because even though it's not canon, it just makes sense.
(this isn't a Zekehan post, I mostly took the chance to talk about how awesome Hange is, and how Zeke would see it and totally have a crush on her, interested in science as they both are. Therefore despite him not having canonical interest in romance, this just works for me.)
Maybe in an AU, when Eren goes to Marley and meets Zeke in the hospital, Zeke kind of directs the conversation towards Hange and asks stuff about her. And Eren just stares at him deadpan because yeah, no, Hange's taken mate. (and he wouldn't let his brother hit on his adoptive mother commander)
Consequentially, Levi's hatred towards Zeke is fuelled by annoyance because Zeke lowkey wants to fangirl to Hange about her accomplishments in Paradis while she was locked in the walls. Hange is super not interested, seeing as he killed Erwin, but she ends up talking to him because he knows about titans. Levi glares daggers at Zeke the whole time and pulls Hange out of there first chance he gets. (I live for jealous slightly possessive Levi, like a disgruntled cat)
In conclusion: I'm all in for love rival Zeke if he makes Levi jealous (and if Hange low-key or high-key doesn't want to be there, it's so funny watching her being all stiff around him) because it makes sense
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darcycrow · 3 months ago
here's my aruani jealousy hc as a sweet treat before dinner
ambassadors gain a few acquaintances from marley. around their age, pretty similar world experience (more so with the warriors ofc).
and there's this guy in particular who they really hit it off with. he shares the intelligence and worldview of armin, charisma of pieck, dry dark humour of mikasa, but knows just when to light up when the convo requires. he gets pretty close to everyone, being around and working with them everyday like back in training days. and he's that type of person in a group setting who wants to pull introverts out of their shells and hear everyone's opinions.
the first time he asks "what about you annie?" an alarm goes in armin's head, because wtf?? why her in particular? but he recalls a few instances where he specifically asked someone something depending on the subject, so he lets it go.
but then he mentions something as "something annie would love" and he knows it's spot on... okay. he's a good observer. he probably knows what armin would love too. since he knows every fucking thing. because he's so smart and educated. but that's only because he had more opportunities than armin, he tells himself.
then he makes a remark while eye to eye with annie among the whole group, clearly directing it at her. like an inside joke. and she gives a sly repressed grin with those eyes. and it's the first time observing annie from the outside has been painful for armin instead of intriguing and warming. because it's a pair he's looking at, looking at each other, and him the only outsider.
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roseofdarknessblog · 1 year ago
Night Changes (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Word count: 3 506
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
A/N: The song Nigh Changes by One Direction popped into my head while I was thinking about the title of this story. So I put it on after a pretty long time and realized that the lyrics kind of match the vibe I was trying to go for. Mainly the lines:
"But there's nothing to be afraid of
Even when the night changes
It will never change me and you"
Summary: The Rumbling happened more than half a year ago. Yet you and Levi are still adjusting to the new reality and the chance to live in peace despite all the hardships you're facing daily.
This story can be read on its own or as a part of my little post-war series: Learn to live again
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Night Changes
Another day was slowly coming to an end. Thankfully. It was a long and stressful one, just like every single time you and Levi had to be reminded of your past. Of the war, the Rumbling, and everything that came with it. Half a year had already passed and so many things in your personal lives had changed.
„Here, your tea, my love,“ you said and closed the bedroom door, making your way to the bed where Levi was resting. After a few days, he was finally back home from the hospital after another knee surgery. „Do you need anything else?“
He shook his head and took the cup, barely looking at you in the process. You didn’t think anything about it, because you knew Levi. And most importantly, you knew how he was after every hospital stay – anxious, uncomfortable, and stressed out.
„I closed the kitchen and living room windows for the night. It looks like a storm is closing in, I saw lightning from the direction of the ocean.“ You walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down, resting your back against the headrest. It wasn’t too late but you were already pretty tired. „Hope it won’t be as bad as the last one.“
Levi didn’t utter a word, he kept drinking his tea in silence. You felt great relief about him being back home. All of this... was still brand new and scary. Life in the outside world was much different than the one you were used to on Paradis. And not even the trips you took to Marley before the Rumbling could prepare you for it. Or at least not for everything, that became essential for your new everyday life.
Medical care, for example.
While you didn’t suffer any long-term injuries during the last battle against Eren, Levi took many hits for both of you. Since then he had to spend every single day in pain. And the worst part was, that you couldn’t do much to help him. You were no doctor or nurse, only a former member of the Survey Corps and Levi’s now fiancée. All you could do were the most basic and everyday things.
Just like today, after you brought him home from the hospital once again, after his third knee surgery in only six months. The doctors tried to reassure you, that if everything goes well, this could be the last surgery for a very long time, maybe even forever. At least when it came to his knee. His right eye was a completely different story, sadly.
„Do you... want to talk? Maybe?“ you asked after a short while, hugging one of the pillows to your chest.
The apartment where you lived now was... still unfamiliar and didn’t feel like home at all. The only positive thing was, that it was situated on the ground floor so Levi didn’t have troubles with his wheelchair, which he still needed to use. Nobody was able to tell you for how long it will stay that way or if he will ever get rid of it. He was able to walk using a cane, but it was causing him too much unnecessary pain. So getting around with a bit of additional help was much better and even safer for him.
And that was totally okay, you kept reassuring him, that it’s nothing catastrophic. Even though... even though it was. Horrible and so unnatural for the both of you. Still so new and hard to get used to.
You hoped it would get easier. Seeing him like this – weaker and more vulnerable than probably ever before. But it wasn’t getting even a tiny bit easier. There were still moments you had to hide somewhere and cry your eyes out without Levi noticing, because you felt horrible about his health and because you were so worried about what the future held in stock for you and the man you loved so dearly since the days both of you were still living in the Underground on Paradis.
„This isn’t the life I hoped we would have after all the shit we went through,“ Levi said quietly after he finished his tea and put the cup on the nightstand. It seemed that you finally mastered the art of making the perfect cup of his favorite drink. Not to say that you were trying to get to this level since you were a teenager and started living under the same roof with Levi.
„Yeah, this doesn’t look like the life we fought so hard for. But...“ you shrugged and moved closer to him, gently grabbing his left hand and interlocking your fingers, „we still have each other, that matters the most, right? At least something is the way we always wanted.“
„You always wanted to take care of me?“ Levi teased you with an annoyed tone.
„I did, yes. Maybe not exactly in the way I do it now, but I do it with love,“ you assured him and squeezed his hand, running your thumb over his knuckles.
Your life was far from easy or perfect, but you tried to have hope that everything would get better soon. Both of you were making slow but steady progress. Learning along the way with the help of one another, or the people closest to you.
„I hate all of this with burning passion, every single thing.“
„What exactly do you mean?“ you asked, resting your head on his shoulder.
„This...“ he hissed and gestured to his left knee, which was bandaged after the surgery and propped with a pillow underneath it to help the pain and swelling.
„Nobody said it’s forever. They have a much more advanced medical system here than we have on Paradis. We just... have to trust them.“
And that was the hardest part. For both of you. Every single doctor visit and hospital stay was nerve-wracking and anxiety-inducing for you and for Levi even more. It was hard to trust the world that was so different from everything you knew your whole life. And it was even harder to trust all the new people you kept meeting. Just a few months back, they saw your kind as their enemy.
And now...
Well, even if almost nobody knew, who you and Levi were, it felt strange walking down the streets of the little town you were living in. Anxiety kept telling you, that everyone was watching and judging your every move. For a few weeks, you could barely walk outside at all, because you were sure everyone was after you and wanted you dead. Onyankopon was the one, who helped you overcome this irrational fear and get used to so many new things.
„We’re making progress, even if it hurts,“ you said quietly, turning your head and pressing your lips to Levi’s neck lovingly.
When you looked down at your left ring finger, you could see a simple but beautiful engagement ring. You dreamed about it for years and it seemed like a miracle that you even lived long enough to soon become Mrs. Ackerman. There was no rush to get married now. Finally, after so many years, you had all the time in the world. Time to think it through and get everything as perfect as possible.
The storm came within the next hour. Both of you were still awake – while Levi was resting with his eyes closed, you were reading a book out loud. It was a silly adventure story about a group of friends who decided to explore a magical kingdom. Gabi was the one, who gifted you this book a few weeks ago, saying it was one of her favorites. So you decided to give it a try.
„Guess I’m starting to understand why Gabi loves this story,“ Levi said after a little while.
„Yeah, me too. I’ve never read anything similar. It’s very nice to get lost in such a magical world.“ The characters were nice and the magical kingdom sounded like the perfect place to get lost for a while and go exploring.
„We should ask for more book recommendations.“ You smiled at his words, brushing strands of hair from his forehead. He finally looked relaxed and that always put a smile on your face.
Anxiety from seeing doctors sometimes got the best of him. He didn’t trust them fully and hated to admit, that he needed their help. Somebody, who was known as Humanity's strongest soldier hated to appear weak or dependent on anyone or anything. The only person, to whom he was willing to show his suffering, was you.
But he was getting better at it. Better at seeking help and better at adjusting to all the new circumstances. Better at understanding, that his life changed very drastically. Better at living in peace with the new reality.
„We will, she and Falco are coming over to see us on Friday. And Onyankopon wants to stop by during the weekend as well.“
„Tch, so many noisy people coming and going, asking stupid questions.“
You smirked and leaned down to kiss his lips gently. „Shut up, you like them. Mainly Falco, when you get to kick his ass in chess.“
„The little brat has a lot to learn if he wants to win against me one day.“
„But he’s a fast learner, he’ll beat you in a couple of months,“ you teased him and closed the book. Loud thunder was heard from outside, while the rain was drumming against the windows. „We should go for a little walk tomorrow, to get some fresh air. What do you say?“
„Hope it will rain the whole day,“ he mumbled and looked at you, reaching his hand out to stroke your cheek.
„In that case, we’ll just take our umbrellas,“ you joked, keeping his hand on your cheek for a little longer. With a loving look, you bent down for another kiss, keeping your lips pressed together for a little longer. Just when you wanted to pull away, Levi moved his hand on the back of your head, keeping you close for a moment longer. His mouth made contact with yours once again and when your lips slightly parted, his tongue found its way inside, meeting yours.
„I hate your snarky little answers,“ he whispered into your lips, kissing you again before pulling you down next to him. With a satisfied grin, you made yourself comfortable and rested your head on Levi’s chest. „I would be so lost without you.“
„You would do just fine, Levi. But I’m glad I got to survive it all alongside you.“ Through the years you had a few close calls, but you always made it out in one piece. Thankfully. „Years back, we were just two teenagers in the Underground and today... we’re living in a world outside Paradis. It’s still so unbelievable to me.“
„We don’t even seem like those people anymore.“
„But deep down we’re still those two, just a little older and wiser. And happier.“
„Happier,“ he said almost too quietly, his lips pressing against your forehead.
Soon, you turned off the lights and tried going to sleep. The storm outside slowly died down and even the rain stopped. You and Levi were resting in each other’s arms, talking quietly and enjoying a peaceful night. Sleeping alone while he was in the hospital was always horrible. The bed felt too empty and cold when he wasn’t right there next to you.
After an hour, Levi started getting restless once again. His leg was hurting and staying in bed seemed like the worst possible thing to do. Some nights used to be like that – and Levi hated that more than anything. He hated keeping you up and not letting you rest. But you never said even a single bad word. Every time, you took care of him with love and patience, just like when he had nightmares and used to wake up screaming or sometimes even crying.
Not that... not that things like that never happened to you. Quite the opposite. Shortly after the Rumbling, it was you, who needed Levi’s help with managing your mental health. Your anxiety was through the roof almost 24/7 and most nights you simply weren’t able to fall asleep. You were scared of having another nightmare full of terror and blood. On top of everything that was happening around you, your mind simply decided to push you as far as possible, trying to break you for good.
If it wasn’t for Levi’s love and patience, you would never make it out of those dark places. While he was physically and mentally suffering himself, he always made sure you were doing as well as possible. If anything, you two always had each other to lean on. When one of you fell down, the other helped them up and made sure both of you could continue walking forward. Hand in hand, trusting and loving each other more and more every day.
„Should we get some fresh air? The storm’s gone and there are no people in the streets in the middle of the night,“ you suggested, coming back to the bedroom with another cup of tea for Levi. After he took it, you knelt down before him as he was sitting on the edge of the bed. You smiled at him with all the love you felt in your heart and put your hand on his healthy knee, squeezing it reassuringly.
„You can just open the windows,“ he said without an ounce of interest in his voice.
„Nah, that’s not the same.“ It was more than obvious, that none of you would get any sleep in the coming hours. And staying here wasn’t the best idea. During similar nights the small bedroom simply felt too suffocating. „We don’t have to be long, just a couple of minutes. It will help.“
You could see the pain in his features, in the way he was gripping the edge of the bed with his free hand, or in the way he was trying to avoid eye contact. You could hear it in his voice, in the way he was breathing. And it was killing you, even after six months of living like this. It hurt more than anything that ever happened to you directly.
„Okay, come on. We’re going out!“ you commanded after taking a couple of deep breaths and stood up, making your way to the closet to get some clothes for the both of you.
Levi tried protesting, but it was you, who won in the end. A change of scenery was very much needed and Levi started to agree with you as soon as you got out and into the fresh night air – him sitting in his wheelchair with you pushing him. It only took a couple of short minutes until you felt a strong wave of calmness filling your entire being.
„Okay, this wasn’t your worst idea,“ Levi said eventually, finally relaxing and resting his back once the painkillers started to kick in. You could clearly see how his entire posture changed, his shoulder muscles releasing all the tension. He even stopped clutching his hurting knee, hoping it would help him ease the pain.
„See, you should listen to me more often,“ you laughed and kissed the top of his head. There wasn’t a place you wanted to get to, just careless wandering around the night streets of your new home was what your soul craved.
The two of you ended up taking the route straight to the docks and to the beach next to it. The fresh salty breeze felt more than nice after another storm. Even the sky above your head became clear once again, shining with millions of tiny little stars. Surprisingly, the sky looked even clearer than on Paradis, when you used to stargaze on top of the Walls.
„Stop there by the bench,“ Levi said, as you were making your way along the sidewalk next to the beach. You did as he said, sitting down on the wooded bench and taking his hand in your once more.
„What are we going to do here?“ you asked, looking at him in the light from the nearby street lamp.
His face changed so much, but he was just as handsome as before. You loved every little detail about his face, even the new scars and his blind eye. After all, they were a reminder of how hard he fought for humanity. How he gave his all for the world, that did nothing but hurt him since he was just a little kid. 
Levi Ackerman has always been the only man you truly wanted. The only man you’ve ever shown interest in. You met him when you were only fifteen and since then, you couldn’t imagine living your life with anyone else.
„We’re going to sit here, watch the ocean, and listen to the waves,“ Levi answered and pulled your hand to his lips, kissing your left ring finger just under your ring.
„Maybe we should come here more often. Even if just during the night when no one’s around. We should go out more and explore, see as much as we can. Live like we said we would... you know, back at Fort Salta, the first night after the Rumbling.“
„We’ll get there, I promise,“ he tried reassuring you, just like many times before.
„I know we will. Sooner or later, in a month or maybe in a year.“
„When I’m a bit more put together,“ he chuckled quietly and looked at you, a tiny smirk on his lips. Despite the pain and trauma, he started smiling a little more often in your company. And you used to tease him, that it took you almost two decades, to achieve this. „Thank you for being so patient with me. For doing all the things you do for me and for us.“
So many different emotions were running through your mind and heart. You felt more than grateful for the life you had, despite everything. After all, this was all you ever dreamed of – a quiet and simple life with the man you loved more than anything or anyone. You wanted a warm and cozy home, a family of your own. You wanted what most ordinary people your age had.
„Do you think...“ you asked, feeling a lump forming in your throat. „Do you think they’re watching us right now? And maybe... maybe smiling because we’re doing good?“ Not a day went by without thinking of your late friends and comrades. You still missed them dearly and felt thankful for all their effort, that helped you get here.
„Let’s hope so,“ Levi said quietly and squeezed your hand lovingly. Talking about Hange, Erwin and the others was still very challenging, but you both wanted to remember them for the rest of your lives. So it was important to talk about them, to remember the nice memories you had with them. „Did I tell you before the surgery? The brats are coming to see us next month, Connie sent a letter.“
You smiled happily upon hearing his words. „Really? Oh, I’m so happy, I miss them all every day. I know they have their own lives and responsibilities, but I wish they could come visit us more often.“
You truly missed them – the kids, as you used to call them since your very first meeting all those years ago. Not having them around daily felt unnatural, but it made their every visit even more special.
„Do they know we’re engaged?“
„No, I haven’t mentioned it in any of the letters.“
„Me neither,“ you shook your head with a smile.
Writing letters... that and similar things were a challenge on their own. Levi was still getting used to doing activities like that with his non-dominant hand. Missing two fingers made a lot of mundane tasks unnecessarily difficult. But Levi was resilient. A man, who was able to use ODM gear, fire thunder spears and fight Titans with missing fingers, a blind eye, an injured knee, and pain unimaginable to you, would not give up over stupid little things. All he needed, was time and a little help from you, to show him how to do things differently.
„I think they’ll be happy about it,“ Levi said quietly, his voice almost too quiet compared to the relaxing sound of the waves.
„I think so too,“ you agreed and reached out your free hand. Gently, you grabbed Levi’s chin and turned his head in your direction. „You have no idea how crazy in love I am with you. More and more after each day we spend together. You truly are all that I want and need, Levi.“
He was the first to erase all the space between you, when he leaned in for a kiss, pressing his lips hard against yours. In Levi’s case, actions always spoke louder than words, mostly during such intimate moments, which showed just how much he valued, cherished, and loved you. 
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m-jelly · 9 months ago
hi jelly!
i hope you're doing good 👍🏻😊
i have a post war request if is it possible for you...
so after the rumbling in Marley,one when levi is using his wheelchair amd his s/o try to help him and push the wheelchair for him
levi accidentally goes on y/n's foot.
so he feels guilty and he thought his a bother but y/n comforts him
lots of fluff pretty please?
p.s:im in love with your works!
It was a nice sunny day, and Levi felt rather brave today, so he took you out on a date. How you looked in the sun with your flowing dress on captured his heart and soul. You were Levi's life and love, so he wanted to spoil you, make you smile and laugh at every moment possible.
Today you were going for a walk on a lovely path by the sea. You had made a delightful picnic with Levi's help. As you walked with a basket in hand Levi felt a little guilty that all he had was a blanket on his lap. He wanted to help you as much as possible and give you an easy life.
Levi softly called your name. "My darling love?"
You turned to him. "Yes?"
He whined a bit. "Could I take the basket?"
You looked down at the basket in your hands. "Sure, I can put it on your lap, but only if you let me push your chair."
He gulped hard. "Oh, no it's okay you don't need to."
"If you take the basket I won't have anything to do." You smiled sweetly. "Let me help."
He shifted his chair. "I want to do more for you." He gasped when he realised he'd rolled over something, he looked down to see it was your foot but you barely reacted. "I'm so sorry! You're precious foot!"
You looked down. "Oh, my foot is fine. It wasn't that bad."
"It's terrible!" He whined a bit. "Forgive me."
You placed the basket down and caressed Levi's cheek. "I'm perfectly fine."
He grabbed your waist and yanked you to sit on his lap. "Let me see."
You squeaked a bit. "Le-Levi, really I-I'm okay."
He dragged you close against him. "Please?"
You shifted. "I'm too heavy to sit on your lap."
"You're perfect."
You kissed his cheek. "Okay, let me show you." You moved on his lap and slipped your shoe off to show it was a little red. "See? Perfectly fine."
He massaged your foot and felt it. "I don't feel anything broken..."
"See? Told you I'm okay." You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. "You're so sweet to worry."
"Are you sure I'm not a bother?"
You shook your head. "Not at all! Levi, I love you. I married you. I want and need you." You rubbed his chest. "You're my everything, Levi."
He hid his face against the crook of your neck. "You're mine too. I love you so much. Stay with me, forever."
"I promise I will."
He lifted his head. "I know you're okay, but please say you forgive me."
You cupped his face and kissed him. "Forgiven."
"Can I make it up to you?"
You played with his hair. "If you want. I don't have any ideas." You slipped off his lap. "But you can do anything you like."
He smiled a bit as you picked up the basket. "I'll think of something. I know you'll love it."
You slipped your shoe back on and winked. "You always do things for and to me that I love."
Levi blushed bright red. "Tch, dirty brat." He whined. "I'll get you later for that."
You giggled. "I hope so."
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a
@youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn
@bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @levistealeaf @pelicanpizza
@hideandgopeep @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously
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junocandraw · 2 months ago
(this will change in the future depending on my fixations)
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Hey freak! I’m Juno! My name isn’t actually Juno, it’s just what I go by online for privacy :) I’m SO happy to be here on tumblr! I’m sixteen years old, and a Christian. I love art, basketball, and writing creatively!
Please don’t DM me if we aren’t irls. I will give SUPER limited exceptions for this. Probably none. Don’t try me, I will bite all of your fingers off and chew them in front of you. COMMENTING AND REPOSTING WITH A COMMENT ARE TOTALLY OKAY!! DO THAT!!! ASK BOX??? GO FOR IT! DO. NOT. DM. ME.
I think I already said this but I don’t do commissions, that goes for writing and art.
Just???? Don’t be a creep???? Thats goes without saying for 99% of you…but that one percent…😕
You’ll find that most of my posts are about art I made, rants, writing, headcanons, and maybe a vent here and there 100 emoji!
Marble Hornets
The Morgue Files
Will Wood
My Fiction Novel
Ride the Cyclone
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Legend of Zelda BOTW
Gravity Falls
The Great Gatsby
Red Dead Redemption
Favorite Colors: Any and all purples, Navy blue, Maroon, Dark Green and Gold
Favorite Food: Chicken Tikka Masala
Favorite Drink: Iced Caramel Machiato
Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Movies: The Godfather 2, REPO! The Genetic Opera, Jesus Revolution, Marble Hornets, and others…
Favorite Sport: Basketball!!
Favorite Flower: Tiger Lillies and Silent Princesses
Favorite Video Game: The Legend of Zelda BOTW
Favorite Music Artists: Will Wood (and the Tapeworms), Lemon Demon, Tally Hall, Tom Lehrer, That Handsome Devil, Three Days Grace, Solene Velvet, Caro Emerald, Miracle Musical, Bob Marley, Cosmo Sheldrake, etc. etc.
Favorite Characters: HABIT (EMH), Vinny Everyman (EMH) Tim Wright (MH), Brian Thomas (MH), Jeffery Woods (Creepypasta), Toby Rogers (Creepypasta), Eyeless Jack (Creepypasta), BEN Drowned (Creepypasta), Liu Woods (Creepypasta), King Dice (Cuphead), Mugman (Cuphead), Cala Maria (Cuphead), Beedle (Legend of Zelda BOTW), Prince Sidon (Legend of Zelda BOTW), Revali (Legend of Zelda BOTW) Grunkle Ford (Gravity Falls), Grunkle Stan (Gravity Falls), Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls), Michael Myers (Halloween), Rouge the Bat (Sonic), Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic), Jack Sparrow (POTC), Elizabeth Swann (POTC), Barnabus Collins (Dark Shadows), John Marston (RDR2), and others…
I do not do commissions, mostly because I don’t know how/ don’t have any time.
As I previously stated, I am a MINOR so don’t be weird!!!!!
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damn-stark · 1 year ago
Chapter 35 Can’t catch me now
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Final chapter of Cherry
A/N: Thank you, I’m going to cry now that it’s over
Warning- FLUFF, mentions of pregnancy and birth complications, angst, and swearing
Takes place during- The final chapters special 2
Pairing- Jean Kirstein x fem!reader
What does he mean by talk?
Does he have a girlfriend back in Marley? One Connie, Levi, or Pieck mentioned?
Or maybe he’s going to say that he’s totally just over you. He doesn’t love you anymore.
You can’t take it, the anxiety is killing you.
“You look nice,” you interject and hide your nervousness well. “I like your hair, it’s different, it’s good.” You peer over your shoulder and flash Jean a smile.
He meets your gaze and a soft smirk tugs on his lips. “Thanks. You look nice now—I mean you look beautiful, but nice because the last time I saw you, you looked—”
“Bad?” You say to him with a small teasing smile.
Jean squints and parts his lips to argue, but you cut in again.
“It’s okay, it’s true,” you assure him. “I was in a bad place. Now I’m not. I’m okay now. Better than good actually, I’m great.”
You slide the door open to a secluded cabin on the train and walk in first before he follows you inside and closes the door behind him, letting you finally face each other.
“So I’ve read,” he says.
You study his handsome face and smile wider. “You look very nice. Is that okay to say?” You ask to get what you want to know from him. “Or should I hold back because of a special someone?” You wiggle your eyebrows and hope it isn't true.
Jean scoffs and shakes his head. “Nah…I tried it,” he admits, and you feel your heart clench—“but none of them worked out, I guess,” he rolls out and glances at the ground as he puts his hands in his pockets. “They weren’t you.”
Your heart skips a beat and your eyes widen. “What?” You gasp with disbelief.
Jean looks up at you and exhales deeply before he pulls his hands out and strides over to you with confidence. “I know I’ve been an ass and not written, but I wanted to give you space.”
“Jean,” you try to interject, but he grabs your shoulders and looks at you with a soft look that makes your face begin to burn.
“Listen okay?” He continues and looks into your eyes. “I love you, I always will no matter what, but I don’t want to just be your friend. I can’t be just a friend. I can be your best friend if we’re together, but I can’t live my life and pretend that we didn’t live a life together. That I didn’t love you with my entire being. I can't do that, I'm not that big of a person.”
Tears fill your eyes, but they’re not born from an ache, they’re tears of disbelief and shock.
“So,” he goes on softly and slowly places his hands on your cheeks. “That’s why I'm saying it now, it might be brazen and too much for you, but it’s the truth and if I didn’t say it I would be bothered and mean, you don’t deserve that. And well,” he sighs. “Too much shit has happened for us to be patient, and I’m afraid that if I continue to be patient, I won’t be able to say what has been stuck in my throat for years.”
You smile softly and gently slide your hands over to hold his arms. “Jean,” you whisper. “I love you. I do. I never stopped loving you. I never thought about anyone else but you, but,” you cut in and make his breath falter. “You can’t rush into this. We’ve hardly talked over the past 3 years, I don’t know you anymore. You don’t know me. We know a past of each other, but not who we turned into. You understand? I mean what if you don’t even like who I am now? I don’t want you to waste your time with me, I—”
“Shut up,” Jean cuts you off and pulls you closer to him, making your breath hitch and your eyes fall on his lips—“Just shut up you’re talking nonsense. All you’re saying is crap because I do know you,” he says. “I’ve read all the letters you sent me. All the letters you sent our friends, and I’m looking at you now and all I see is my future. I’ve fought for a long time, I know life isn’t long, and I don’t want to wait. We can get to know each other as we date. Just please be with me. I miss you.”
Your bottom lip trembles and all you feel is your heart race as butterflies flutter like crazy inside you.
Your life doesn’t feel complete because Levi still isn’t with you, but you feel safe and like the stars finally returned to orbit to give light to the world. Yes, you did heal from your deep wounds without him, you couldn’t have him with you, but the one thing that didn’t change throughout it all was your feelings for him; they burn just as hot, and drive you just as crazy as the first time.
“I miss you too,” you redirect sweetly. “I love you too. I’ve only loved you, I will only love you. I can’t love anyone else but you,” you confess, making him smile and lean in.
Yet just as you’re going to relish in the taste of his lips finally on yours, a knock raps on the door.
“What do you want?” You sneer and don’t bother to open the door right away.
“Ben is looking for you. He says it’s urgent.”
You groan and look at Jean one last time. “Let’s continue this later, hm?” You ask.
Jean sighs deeply and has no choice but to give in. “Fine. Just,” he trails off and slams his lips on yours to give you one quick but deep kiss before he pulls back to open the door for you.
“Hey man,” Eric greets Jean with a smug smile.
You storm out of the room and Eric follows after you.
“Why are you still mad, huh? Did I interrupt something?”
When you step out to the main cabin you stop in front of Ben and quickly interject. “What do you want?”
Ben looks away from Reiner and slowly looks at you with concern. “Do you have an extra pack of cigarettes? I left mine in my other coat.”
You clench your fist and give him a tightlipped smile. “That was urgent?” You say through gritted teeth.
Ben nods and glances at Jean sitting down before looking back at you and giving you a cheeky smile. “Yes.”
“I do not carry cigarettes because the last box you had me carry you finished last week. Am I done now?” You sneer. “Or?”
Ben glances at Eric sitting down next to him and they share a look before he nods. “Yeah.”
You let out a deep huff and turn to return to your seat. Jean tries to settle down next to you, but you quickly throw your arms over the empty seat. “Sorry, this seat is taken,” you let him know sweetly.
Jean turns and looks at you with a pointed look. “What do you mean? It’s empty,” he points out.
“It’s Honey’s seat,” you sass him. “She demands to have her own seat. Sorry.” You smile and point at the seat across from you “You can sit there. Mikasa is with Armin. And Eric—”
Just as you say his name your brother slides in the seat across from you as if trying to cockblock Jean from even looking at you.
“…is there,” you finish under your breath and then look back at Jean still baffled by your cat's privileges.
“You’re not serious,” Jean retorts.
“She’s so serious,” Eric rebuttals for you. “Her cat thinks it’s royalty or something. It’s weird.”
Jean glances at your brother and then at the empty seat, and is going to ignore you, but just as he’s going to sit down, your brown cat comes over and hops back on her seat next to yours. She sees Jean too close so she looks at him with her green eyes and lets out a long meow.
“See,” you exclaim with a smirk. “Her own seat. I don’t make the rules.” You shrug.
Jean rolls his eyes and picks up the cat, making her let out an annoyed meow.
“I bought you damn thing now hold it before I accidentally sit on it,” he sasses and plops the cat on your lap as you watch him sit down with bewilderment.
Over the past 2 years, you've been breaking your head wondering, and constantly asking Levi and the others to reveal who gifted you the cat, but no one would say a thing.
Sure sometimes you did think Jean was the one, but since he barely wrote you back he quickly fell off that list. For some time you thought it was Reiner since he seemed to still be fawning over you, but he would’ve said it, so your guess was Levi or Mikasa, but they never said a thing so you were left wondering for 2 years. And now you finally know, and you should’ve known.
“You got her for me?” You probe softly as you hold onto Honey.
Jean drifts his gaze to the corner of his eyes and looks at you as if it’s no big deal. “Yeah,” he responds nonchalantly. “Made Mikasa pick her out to give it to you.”
You scoff softly in disbelief and lean closer to him. “Why didn’t you say so?” You press him.
Jean shrugs. “I was. The cat is a…apology present for how I acted before you left, but then at the last minute,” he sighs. “I chickened out and thought it was better if you didn’t know until I saw you.”
Your heart skips a beat and your smile tugs to a grin before you quickly let go of the cat to lean over and throw your arms around Jean.
It's kind of an awkward hug since you're sitting side by side, but you still hold onto him.
“Thank you,” you whisper softly and gently run your fingers through the ends of his hair, making him shiver and squeeze you gently.
“I knew you'd like it,” he whispers in your ear as he tilts his head closer to you to draw in a small breath as he catches a whiff of your fragrance clinging to your skin. “You smell nice,” he shares.
You smirk and slide your hands down to feel his biceps hiding under his suit. “You do too,” you redirect smugly before you pull back and hug your cat again.
“You know,” Eric adds and taps the table in between you and him. “Back in the city, there’s this guy named Fedric, who is heads over heels for my sister here.”
“Eric,” you try to cut him off.
“No, no, just listen,” he ignores you and smirks. “He’s, like, tall, and buff and has crazy blue eyes. I’m telling her to give it a shot, but she refused. Maybe, you,” he points at Jean. “Can advise her otherwise, considering you’re her best friend.” He shrugs.
You glare at your brother and kick him in the shin under the table, he flinches, but he keeps on a straight face.
“Why don’t you date him,” Jean rebuttals sassily. “Considering the way you’re describing him.”
You snort and smile at your brother, but Eric doesn’t share the same enthusiasm, he fakes laughs instead and mutters. “Funny, funny.”
You snicker at him and then turn to continue talking to Jean. “I hope you got enough sleep—”
“Hey!” Connie cuts in and slides into the empty seat next to Eric. “Does your cat have a diamond hanging off her collar, or am I going crazy?”
You lift your cat and nod. “Yeah, she does. Isn’t she so pretty?” You smile.
Connie squints and then he bursts out laughing. “You’re so weird! It’s a cat!”
You roll your eyes and set your cat down on your lap. “So?” You quip. “What's your point?”
“My point is that it’s an animal,” he explains himself. “It’s weird that you put that shit on her.”
You don’t get his point nor do you want to spend your time arguing, so you drop the subject and return to what you didn’t finish saying. “Anyway! I hope you guys got enough sleep, you guys have a busy schedule today. Plus, a little welcome back celebration hosted by me.”
“What?” Connie gasps.
You smile proudly and nod. “Yeah, after you get finished with all your introduction meetings, we’ll go get ready, have dinner, and then go to a cantina. How fun is that?” You exclaim.
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” Eric mutters. “Mikasa is going to get annoyed.”
You flick your wrist to wave him off. “It’s okay. I planned it. I couldn’t hold it in! There’s gonna be dancing, music, old military friends, new friends we’ve made, and drinks. It’s gonna be fun! And who knows Connie, maybe finally you’ll become a man tonight.” You smile sweetly and bat your lashes.
Connie snickers. “Cherry girl, I am a man. I left many ladies crying back in Marley.”
You scrunch your nose in disgust as you don’t find this funny anymore. “That’s gross.”
“You started it,” he snaps.
You groan and glance over at Jean to ask if it’s the same for him, but you catch him already looking at you with a soft smile on his face that makes you wonder.
“What?” You query.
Jean blinks in surprise as he snaps from his stupor, but he doesn’t grow flustered, or lose his smile, he simply shakes his head and interjects softly. “Nothing. You’ve just changed, that's all.”
Your face begins to burn and you’re the one that grows flustered now. “Well,” you whisper. “Yeah.” You laugh and nod. “Yeah. And you don’t stutter anymore. You used to stutter. Is it all the practice back in Marley?” You tease him.
Jean scoffs and grows cocky. “Natural talent, that's all.”
You giggle and shake your head. “Natural talent my ass. I know you, you’re not as smooth as you think you are.”
“Am so,” he quips and tries to slide his hand around your seat's headrest, but his arm slips and falls on your shoulders. He quickly tries to recover but it was too late you proved your point.
“Super smooth,” you say sarcastically.
Jean shrugs and nudges your shoulder with his fingers hovering over it. “You like it.”
You can't help but smile as you look away. And the moment you do you catch both Connie and Eric watching Jean and you with disgust, so you ignore their negativity and just look out the window with a happy smile on your face.
Levi is still missing but you feel content, and your heart feels at ease with the rest of your family finally back home.
After a long day of waiting for Jean and the others to go through their long meetings, and after a short and kind of chaotic dinner you’re finally living through the part of the night you’ve looked forward to all day, considering you weren’t in their dreadful meetings.
You can’t say that you can party like when you were a soldier—it’s not that you don’t enjoy it, you just can’t bring yourself to get your mind too clouded just in case, but! You do enjoy the music and the vibe!
You just have to back away when Connie and your brother Eric try to force more wine down your throat.
“Jean can do it, I believe you,” you throw him under so he can take your place.
“Hey! Hey!” Connie exclaims and points his finger at you. “Those are not the rules. Coin flipped on you, you, drink!”
He's incredibly drunk.
“Hey, hey!” Eric cuts in and stands up. “You can’t force my sister to drink!” He exclaims and faces Connie with a pointed look.
“I can! Drink girl!” He shouts at you and swings his cup at you, causing Connie to burst out laughing.
“That’s what I'm talking about!” Connie exclaims and jumps up to throw his arm around Eric, making them both sway.
You roll your eyes but you still can’t help but smile softly over the fact that they’re getting along well.
However, you use this moment that they’re distracted to back away and escape before they keep pressing you to drink, leaving Jean to deal with them instead.
Sure there’s only so many places to hide in a small place, but you keep moving in between the crowd and actually catch Armin and Mikasa trying to dance along to the music. However, they’re tipsy so it’s not going well.
And luckily they don’t notice you so you keep moving along, but stop when you spot Reiner all by himself in some secluded corner of the cantina.
You haven’t talked to him since he got here, and you’ve been meaning to. You’ve been dreading it but you want to talk to him—should you though?
Yes! You’ve grown up, matured, pondered, and had three years to be upset! You need to make peace with this. He’s the last piece left.
So you walk over to him and casually sit beside him as you keep your eyes on Mikasa and Armin dancing.
“There’s a lot of pretty women out there,” you interject and smile proudly upon seeing your cousin's joy—“Why aren't you dancing? Do you have a girlfriend back in Marley?”
Reiner scoffs. “No,” he mutters. “I can’t seem to find the right one…” he trails off and you feel his stare on you. “You, do you have a…boyfriend?” He whispers hesitantly.
You shake your head. “No, but…” you sigh and glance at Jean, and catch him looking back at you. “…I have my eye on someone.”
You smile at Jean and look away to finally look at Reiner who hasn’t taken his eyes off you.
“Hm,” he hums and averts his gaze to clear his throat before he changes the subject. “Uh, how are you? I mean with everything. The reason why you left,” he says.
You let out a deep breath and shrug. “I’m…fine,” you hesitate to answer. “I’m not angry anymore,” you mention and continue because regardless of other things, he was still there. Once. But enough to motivate you to escape.
“I have nightmares here and there, they won’t go away. And sometimes…it crawls up on me, the fear that someone is around trying to get me…but,” you sigh and smile softly. “I’m okay now. I’m actually doing quite a lot with Historia and my brothers for the Underground. So I’m good.”
A small smile crawls on Reiner’s lips and he nods softly. “That’s good. I’m happy for you,” he says softly and averts his gaze.
“Thank you,” you whisper and shift in your seat to face him with determination to finally address the one thing that matters between him and you. “Reiner.”
Said man slowly meets your gaze and seems to look hopeful.
“I…can forgive you,” you jump straight to the point so he doesn’t get some false expectations about where this is going. “I can forgive you for taking away my best friend. I can forgive you for looking me in the eye all those times and lying to me, I can forgive you because I don’t want to hate you. Because I don’t want that in my heart anymore, but,” exhale deeply and look at him with a long frown. “I won’t forget. I’ll never forget what you did. And I know it might be stupid maybe, petty, but you still lied, and you still took him away from me. He was my best friend. I loved him,” your voice quivers. “And I…liked you, and it hurt.”
Reiner looks as if he was just shot, even though he expected you to say this, your words still wound him and finally make him realize that he and you will always live in the past.
“I’m sorry,” he mutters and scoots forward, making you raise your chin and nod in comprehension.
“Yes, I know you are and I forgive you. I can see us maybe being friends, but nothing else,” you admit the truth. “Do you understand?” You probe so he can get the right idea and not be delusional.
“I,” he breathes out heavily. “I understand.”
You offer him a kind smile and nod. “Good. That’s all I wanted to hear.”
Reiner looks away and quickly cuts in bluntly. “Do you love him?”
You blink in confusion and follow his line of gaze to see him looking at Jean walking over here.
“I…do,” you respond honestly and look back at Reiner curiously. “Why?” You ask.
Reiner snaps his eyes to you and leans forward to grab your hand and offer you a small smile. “Does he make you happy?” He asks.
You laugh softly. “We aren’t together at the moment, but, yes…why?” You probe.
Reiner draws in a deep breath and his smile falters. “That’s all I ask. That’s all I want for you. Even if it’s not with me.”
A pitiful frown tugs on your face. “Reiner,” you whisper.
Said man tugs his smile wider. “I’m happy for you, y/n. I really am. I hope you get everything you want out of life.”
You genuinely smile and nod. “You too, Reiner,” you redirect kindly. “You deserve it.”
Reiner breathes hitches and his smile falters, but he doesn’t break. Especially because Jean reaches the table.
“Sorry, Reiner but I need to talk to y/n,” Jean cuts in, making you let go of Reiner’s hand to twist around slowly and look at him with a quirked brow.
“Need to?” You inquire.
Jean meets your gaze and nods. “I’m not asking. Let’s go.”
Your heart skips a beat and you offer Reiner one last smile before you follow Jean outside.
“What is this about?” You probe without waiting to be away from all the noise. “Are you going to propose to me after our first day back together?” You tease and glance up at the sky, noticing the thick clouds that are quickly rolling in across the canvas, but missing the way he slowly steals a look at you.
“You know,” you add with a smile. “It’s good you didn’t have a girlfriend because I visit your mom often and have occasional lunches with her. It'd be weird.”
Jean scoffs softly. “Well it’s not really your fault, she loves you,” he reminds you of the fact. “She’d be nagging you and me if you didn’t visit.”
You look down at him and smile softly. Jean holds your gaze, and you grow the need to remind him how much you missed him even though the only time you’ve been apart since he’s gotten back was when he was in a meeting room. “I’ve missed you, Jean. I’ve missed talking to you. I…I’ve missed you.”
Jean’s lips curl to a smile. “I’ve missed you too,” he doesn’t hesitate to return to you. “Now come on, just a bit further.”
You shoot him a puzzled look but don’t question him, you just hook your arm around his, and enjoy the peace in the silence at this time of night. You relish in the moist smell of incoming rain and smile at the feeling of his surreal presence.
“You know I think Ben really likes me,” Jean interjects making you look back at him. “Eric though…I think I need to work on him.”
You giggle. “Why?” You mess with him. “We aren’t dating or anything.”
Jean stops, forcing you to do the same and look at him with a playful smirk.
“No? So what are we then?” He quips.
You shrug. “You tell me,” you counter sweetly.
Jean swallows thickly and glances down before he grabs your face and leans in to slam his lips on yours, causing you to gasp softly out of shock, even though you crave the taste of his lips.
He then pulls away to cut off this interaction, but you pull him back in to really remind yourself of the feeling of his soft lips that desperately fall in sync with yours before he takes control and leads you in for an open-mouth kiss, as if he had been starving.
Then again you can’t say you’re any different, you throw your hands around his neck and run them up to clutch onto his hair to keep his mouth on yours as you tease him for a moment, before you slide your tongue over his bottom lip for him to take it in and suck on it as his hands grab onto your face.
You try to make a sound, but he takes your breath away and all you can manage to do is pull away to catch your breath, making him lean in to press gentle kisses on the corner of your mouth.
“Jean,” you whisper between pants.
Said man pulls back and licks his lips as he holds your gaze with a darkened gaze full of lust. “What about now?” He rebuttals. “Do you know what we are now?”
You glance at his lips and smirk as you shrug again. “Tell me.”
Jean grabs your chin and tilts your head up so you can meet his gaze. “You’re mine,” he clarifies. “No amount of space or time ever changed that. Sure I was upset, but I was stupid, and now I know you leaving was for the best,” he admits. “Because look at you. I’m proud of you, my love.”
Your eyes water and your smile trembles as your heart fills with bliss.
“And I like to think I’m a better man too,” he continues. “I’ve grown, matured, and I’m finally ready for a commitment that I was not ready for then.”
You grin and he leans in to press a soft kiss on your forehead before he steps back and slides his hand down to grab yours and tug you with him. “Come,” he points up the road.
However, just as you take a step in that direction drops of rain begin to sprinkle down, making Jean stop and look up.
“We have to hurry,” he cuts in.
Alas, that sprinkle changes to a pour that makes Jean let your hand go and drop his head.
“What?” You quire and grab his arm. “What's wrong? It’s just rain.”
Jean slowly looks up and shakes his head with an annoyed look on his face. “No,” he argues. “I had this entire thing planned with the stars, flowers, and all the stuff you like, but it’s ruined now because of the rain!”
You glance up up but quickly look back down when rain falls in your eyes, and beam at Jean through the thick raindrops. “I like the rain! I like the sound, and I like the sight of it when the light reflects over it for a second before it hits the ground!” You assure him through the pattering. “So, it’s okay!”
You tug him to continue forward, but he doesn’t budge, instead, he stays there and you notice his lips are parted and he’s looking at you with a softened gaze that makes you confused.
“What?” You ask. “What’s wrong?”
Jean's smile wobbles before he blurts, “marry me!”
Your confusion falls and you gasp.
Jean continues to grab your hands and falls on one knee. “I-I know this is our first day back together, we have a lot to catch up on, but I don’t want to waste any more of my time without you,” he exclaims. “I love you. Deeply. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, actually, every time I picture my life, you’re in it. I want to spend the future we fought so hard for to be spent with you. Forever. So please…marry me,” he whispers.
You wipe the tears and the rain off your face, but it’s pointless because more tears and rain stream down your face, leaving you drenched. So you just proceed to throw yourself on him and cry on his shoulder out of pure joy your heart is oozing out.
“Yes,” you cry happily. “I do. I want to spend my life with you too! I want forever with you.” You pull back and grab his wet face, “I love you, Jean Kirstein. You are my sun, you are my moon and my stars. Without you, it’d be like living underground in the dark again. So yes, I want forever with you too.”
Tears mix with the rain on Jean's face and his smile turns to a wide grin before he seals your distance with a passionate kiss, assuring you both of your desires.
The air underground isn’t as thick and suffocating as it once was. That stench of moisture, piss, and dirt has somewhat disappeared—that or you’ve grown used to the smell after thirty years.
Then again you would have heard complaints by now if it reeked under here. They wouldn't have kept quiet about that.
Regardless, the darkness underground doesn’t lurk in every corner like before. The houses that once stood tall are left abandoned and only used for criminals and the homeless.
6 years ago thanks to Historia’s help, your brothers, and you were finally able to give everyone a better life they deserve, a chance to live a longer life and not be stuck underground because of greedy people who got your ancestors stuck down here in the first place. Now only criminals run their businesses down here in a crumbling abandoned society.
And the only reason you’re down here is because you want to show your children where you and Levi were born, and that life can be tough but you can move past it, like Levi and Furlan did with you and their lives. Sure your kids don’t like the idea of being down here in a dirty place, they’re used to the sun on their skin, the grass under their toes, and the wind unfurling over their flesh. All they grew up with was a life of full bellies, common colds under warm beds, and attainable medicine. Jean nor you ever let them know suffering.
“When are we leaving? Eirene is coming over today!” You hear your first complaint, and of course, it’s from your six-year-old daughter, Star. She’s just like Jean. Even if Levi says she’s Kenny’s twin, in both appearance and personality.
Which, you don’t know if you should be offended by that or not. He’s your father, but there were also many things wrong with him.
“Aunt Mikasa and your cousin Eirene are not coming over until way later,” you correct Star. “We’ll be back home by then, so,” you sigh. “Why don’t you come help your grandpa here, hm?”
Levi peers over at you with a side glare, so you counter with a smirk.
“Okay!” Star exclaims and leaves her father's side to run over and throw herself on Levi’s lap which is the opposite of what you wanted her to do.
“Girl,” you argue, “that’s not—”
“It’s okay,” Levi cuts you off. “She’s fine.”
“Yeah,” Star groans and lays her head back against Levi’s shoulder. “He’s too heavy, I can’t push him. My arms will break! They almost did so yesterday.”
Jean and you share a teasing look, and just as you're going to play along, someone else cuts in.
“That’s impossible! You can’t break your arms by pushing a wheelchair, isn’t that right, pa?”
Levi shrugs. “I don’t know Lucian, I saw it happen once. But I also saw someone’s hands fall off because they were lazy.”
Lucian, your ten-year-old snickers, whilst Star’s jaw drops.
“That’s impossible,” she argues this time with a pout. “Right…dad?” She peers over at the man walking by your side and her blue eyes fill with worry.
Yet he does a horrible job at consoling her in between his stifled laughs. “Yeah,” he assures her. “Not true…maybe.”
Star sees through his mask hiding his stifled laugh and glares at him before she turns around and hugs Levi’s neck.
“You need a better poker face,” you scold Jean. “You suck and I’m a bad liar.”
Jean clears his throat and shifts the baby in his arms to his other side to let his eyes fully take you in. “I didn’t start it.”
“Yeah and we both know she can’t take it,” you rebuttal.
Jean laughs at the ground before he looks at the baby on his hip to offer her a teasing smile.
“No one appreciates a good joke do they?” He talks to the 8-month-old baby watching him with her deep brown eyes wide-eyed, and full of curiosity. “Will you?” He asks and scratches her little chin, making her laugh.
You smile in awe and grab his arm to lean over towards your baby. “Is your daddy being mean to you, Marceline? Tickling your cute chins, hm?”
The baby coos and stretches her fat arms over to try and grab you, but Jean hugs her against him so you wouldn’t take his little girl from him.
Marceline squeals and pushes herself up to hook her arms around his neck, making Jean press a kiss on her tiny dark curls.
And it seems she knows the reaction she got and what it means because she snuggles her face in the crook of his neck like she tends to do when he gives her any kind of affection. She just loves Jean, even if he and you aren't her biological parents.
Actually, you adopted her not so long ago, six years after the doctor told you that having a third baby would kill you due to your weak immune system. That was actually the reason why you were left in a bad state for weeks after you had Star.
Jean said he didn't want to put your life at risk and live through his worst fear, so you opted for adopting a few months back. And albeit you did worry that she wouldn’t be able to bond with either of you because of the lack of blood connection, you were proven wrong; the three of you instantly connected, and Star and Lucian didn't fail to do the same. Albeit it did take Star some time to get used to her new sister…she…hated her for some time.
But now! She adores her, even if she gets jealous of all the attention the baby gets.
“That’s no fair,” you complain and hug your husband's arm. “She likes you better.”
Jean turns his head to drop his eyes on you and shakes his head with a smirk tugging on his lips nonetheless. “You know that’s not true...but, it’s probably true.”
You know well it’s all a joke, you just like to tease him like now as you roll your eyes, and he reacts by throwing his other arm around your shoulders to keep you at his side the closer you get to your destination.
“But,” Jean whispers. “You’re my favorite girl.”
You can’t help the smile that tugs on your lips, and your heart from skipping a beat. “Good save,” you retort and slide your arm around his waist. “Smooth.”
Jean chuckles lightly. “Always am.”
You giggle and pull away to skip ahead when you approach the rock. The special rock under the gap on the ground that welcomes the sun inside, that was once a shining hope for Levi, Furlan, Isabel, and you.
“We’re here,” you announce proudly and turn to face your family.
Star studies the area and when she sees nothing but dirt and a rock, she scrunches her nose in disgust. “Ew,” she groans.
“Star,” Lucian scolds her. “That’s not nice.”
Your daughter ignores her brother and interjects. “What is this?”
You spin around and rush over to climb on the rock, finding it easier to climb it than when you were a little girl.
“This!” You exclaim happily. “Is a window into my past when Levi and I lived down here.”
You proceed to look around and see that a part of the ceiling has caved in so the gap is more like a decline that lets you come and go outside as you please, and that lets the sunlight shine brighter inside than ever before.
“Why here?” Lucian asks out of genuine curiosity.
“Well,” you sigh. “Back when I was young, people who lived underground couldn’t just go above ground. We needed special permits to live up there. And a lot of people here didn’t have the money, or the right connections to get those, so the only piece we had of the outside world was through gaps. Just like this one.”
Lucian glances up at the gap, making his light brown eyes gleam because of the sun's beam casting inside.
“You’d be here too, Pa?” Star asks Levi.
“Hm,” he agrees and picks up Star to get off his chair and walk towards the rock. “Your mom would love coming here. So we tried to come every weekend.”
Star stares hard at the gap, and Lucian finally breaks away from his spot to climb on with you.
“Do you think Uncle Eric and Uncle Ben came here?” Lucian asks.
You shrug as you take a seat. “I don’t know. We’ll have to ask….what do you think of this?”
Lucian studies his surroundings and he’s not as brazen as Star, you can see the wheels behind his turning as he tries to figure out something nice to say.
“It’s not the best place, not what you’re used to,” you whisper. “But you see that?” You point at the puddle of water across the rock. “At night when the moonlight hits here, all the puddles glimmer, and in the spring, because of the rain, clovers, moss, and wildflowers sprout on the dirt under the gap, and on the rock. In the winter, snow collects inside and people would come to enjoy it even if it was cold.”
Lucian looks at you and flashes you a sweet smile. You grin at him and ruffle his light brown hair.
“I don’t get it,” Star interjects.
“There’s nothing to get,” Levi rebuttals.
Star groans and drops out of Levi’s arms to run to the decline and look up at the sky for a moment before she smiles and runs above ground.
“Sorry,” Jean says as if it’s his fault she doesn’t get the appeal, but you’re glad she doesn’t.
“Well,” Lucian struggles to say. “It’s nice.”
You laugh softly and without having to be told you point your head outside. “You can go too.”
Lucian's eyes widen with guilt, so you offer him an assuring smile. “Go,” you insist. “It’s okay. We’ll be out in a minute.”
Lucian grins at you and quickly slides off the rock to chase after his sister and leave this cave.
“Well I think Marceline likes it,” Jean interjects and stands at the side of the rock.
You look down and just as you’re going to comment, a distant cry breaks in the air, and you know it comes from Star, so Jean and you share a knowing look.
“I’ll go,” he says. “Take the baby.”
You drag yourself to the edge and reach down to take the baby from Jean’s arms.
“Mommy! Daddy!” Star cries out, making Jean shout back.
“I’m goin’!”
You watch Jean jog out of the cave, and lose his figure when he’s above ground. You keep quiet and wait until you don’t hear Star stop crying when Jean tends to her to look down at your baby girl.
“You like it?” You ask her.
Marceline blinks and then begins to gnaw on her own fist.
“Cute,” Levi deadpans.
You snort and look back at him, and catch him carefully climbing up to join your side and look up at the blue sky thousands of miles above you.
“They don’t get it,” he says softly.
You turn Marceline around and let out a soft sigh. “No,” you say. “But I’m glad they don’t…it means we did good…right?”
Levi slides his hands in his pockets and nods in agreement. “Yeah. You did.”
“We did,” you correct him. “You won this war too. We did good. They don’t have to find beauty in this cave to try and stay hopeful. We fought for that.”
Levi hums and peers are you. “Why did you ask if you already know the answer?” He asks with a small smile.
You shrug. “I just wanted your opinion, but I should’ve known better.” You laugh softly and watch the sun ray that shines over the rock, and catch a beautiful orange and black monarch butterfly flutter inside.
“Would you look at that?” You muse to Marceline.
The baby is obvious to the insect until it surprisingly lands on her arm and startles her.
“It’s okay,” you coo. “It won’t hurt you.”
Marceline begins to breathe heavily as her eyes stay trained on the butterfly, but then she abruptly reaches for it.
Luckily though you catch her arm before she can snatch the delicate creature. “Careful,” you warn her sweetly and with a laugh. “Gentle. You have to be kind,” you whisper. “Remember that?”
Marceline shrieks and scares the butterfly away. She doesn’t let that discourage her though and squeals as she leans over to try and capture the butterfly already too far from her grasp.
“It’s gone,” you tell her. “Why don’t you say goodbye, Hm? Goodbye, butterfly.”
Marceline stays quiet for a moment as her eyes follow the butterfly out of the cave. And only once it’s out does she begin to open and close her hand as she mumbles. “Buh-byyy.”
You giggle and nod. “Yes! Good!” You encourage her and look up at Levi with pride before you look back at your daughter as she keeps her hand out as she notices the sunlight dancing on her chubby fingers.
“That’s the sun,” you let her know and put your own palm out.
Marceline glances at the sun on your palm and slaps her hand against yours as if trying to capture it.
“No, silly,” you interject. “It’s the sunlight. You can’t get it. Trust me I’ve tried.”
Marceline studies her hand and slowly turns it before putting her palm over yours so the sun would kiss her hand again.
“Sunlight,” try to make her say it. “Sunlight.”
Marceline giggles and doesn’t dare move her hand so the sun can keep clinging onto her, making you look at her with pride, whilst Levi looks down at the both of you in awe.
This is all he wanted. For you to have a good life, to be happy.
You have that now and much more. He sees that every day and all he can feel is pride and awe for you. He feels grateful that you had a chance to have the world. And yes, it started a bit painful, you knew suffering for some time, but you have all he wanted you to have, love, a future, a legacy, pure joy, and hope and he’s grateful for that every day he sees you.
However, what brings the most pride is that he kept his promise to Kenny, and himself, he took care of you. And that’s why you are and will always be his favorite achievement. You are his pride, his joy, and his hope. Forever.
A/N- Thank you, thank you and thank you a hundred more times to everyone who came along in journey with me and supported this fanfic series!! I really hope you all liked the ending, and I will always be grateful to all of you!! I hope to keep seeing you all around!!
Tagged- @expectoscamander @greenygreenland @that-soft-lesbian-friend @dai-tsukki-desu @usernamehere91 @avocadopoosae @romancried @victor-criss-bish @moo-moo-meadow @stareatceiling @padfootii @ravensleepyeyes @thanosisadilf @dawneee @babyyblueey @leahseclipse @ifimnotabushimnoone @luvelyxp @ameliabs-world @dragon-master-kai
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fishiestickie · 2 months ago
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so the first one is Marley, or M. Cube if you wanna call her that. The second one is Lyn, or L. Line.
I have yet to talk about these guys all that much, but the whole gist of their story is that Marley talks to Lyn about the third dimension.
To go more in depth: Their story takes place way in the past, long before the events of canon Flatland. Lyn is just your average line, though people don't really seem to look at her as "average" because she doesn't know how to talk to people, and also she's an absolute bitch. Yeahhh Lyn kind of just... doesn't like anyone in general... She's also a girlkisser btw lol, so's Marley.
But anyway, while Lyn is just living her life minding her business, Marley pretty much shows up out of nowhere to teach Lyn about the the wonderful fantastic world of Spaceland, yayyy. Naturally, Lyn is kind of skeptical and is her usual bitchy-self, but since she's always kind of questioned if everything she was ever told was right, Marley is able to get her to believe that there is in fact a third dimension relatively easily. She never directly shows Lyn the third dimension, though, mostly because she doesn't have the technology to do so (because if she tried to lift Lyn out of Flatland with her bare hands, she would die lol.) But with enough explaining and convincing, Lyn is taught about the third dimension, which is great for her.
So anyway, after that, Marley just leaves immediately which, naturally, Lyn is pretty devastated about (imagine if you were visited by a higher being and told about some awesome other world and then it just leaves.) She tries to keep this knowledge to herself for a few days, because she's already bad enough at conveying any info at all, but after a while she can't take it anymore and finally tries to tell someone. Which eventually leads to her being hunted down and executed, pretty much.
Oh, but thats not the end of the story!
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This is 16-cell, A.K.A E. Hexadecachoron or Edgar. A being from the fourth dimension, or as I like to sometimes call it, Angleland.
So anyway, after a while, Marley goes to check on Lyn only to find that she's, y'know, fucking dead. So this is genuinely heartbreaking for Marley, because she had gotten attached to Lyn, then found out she's dead? Yeah. Sad. But before Marley can be all depressed about it, she's visited by 16-cell, the 4D guy. 16-cell tells Marley that he's here to teach her about the fourth dimension, much like Marley had come to teach Lyn about the third. Only this time, he actually shows her the fourth dimension. So after a while, while Marley is in Angleland, 16-cell tells her that he knows about Lyn, and says that Marley could see her again (because the fourth dimension is kind of time, kind of a spacial dimension, its sorta complicated...) to which, obviously, Marley agrees to do. So they travel through time, back to when Lyn was still alive, and 16-cell actually shows her the third—and fourth!—dimension. But anyway, Lyn and Marley reunite, yuri, the end. (For now, until I add more details to their story... thats just what I have right now...)
Sorry, just wanted to rant about them! I love my silly shape gals... Also maybe if you know their story you'll be able to make more silly drawings, so. That's sorta what I was going for.
Hope that all made sense btw.
I HAVE OTHER OCS TOO! but uh... I don't really have their stories fleshed out, nor have i named them, so right now I kind of just have a bunch of spare shape guys lying around. So yeah.
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