#and margaery ofc she’s my WIFE
irlplasticlamb · 2 days
wondering if you've considered drawing other asoiaf/got characters someone like margaery or cersei would go hard in your style
YES i need to stop defaulting to sansa and rhaenicent (and team green in general) every time i draw asoiaf stuff i swearrrr (i just love them…… so much.. brainrot)
i’ve been meaning to draw cersei for FOREVER now she’s so silly
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findroleplay · 10 months
hi there! i'm eliza (she/her) & at the moment i'm craving either some harry potter, asoiaf, or some hunger games rp. it's like its 2013 again! i'm 25+ (sigh!) so unwilling to write with anyone under 21 under any circumstances, and I write on discord, generally on private servers.
i like to double up in terms of canons - if i write your preferred canon, it would be great if you could write mine - and if we do mxf ships I prefer to double up on those too. I am comfortable writing all genders and dynamics, I just find that having two ships means we both have equal investment! in terms of ocs I have noted a couple of oc scenarios I would like to explore, but in general I prefer to stick faiiiirly close to canons.
i am definitely a 2-3 paragraphs type of writer and i love to ramble on about our characters, novel/novella style!
below i have listed a ships i'm craving, with my preferred role in bold*, as well as some canons I just love writing in any scenario! *if neither is bolded you can take your pick, it means I love writing both of them <3 italicised means I would literally kill for you to write this with me. i'm open to canon x oc or canon x canon, as well as mxf (generally my default but not always!), mxm, or mxf.
I'm very easy going (just silly really) and would put my activity at about a 6/10 - I won't be on discord every day but will absolutely check in with you if I think I'm going to be away from my phone or extremely busy. while I don't have any triggers per say, I prefer to plot and write a little together before plunging into full blown smut, and I like nsfw scenes to have a plot purpose (most of the time lol). needless to say i am extremely anti-jkr. these characters are ours now <3 harry potter: fred weasley x alicia spinnet** (i would probably cut limbs off for this) sirius black x marlene mckinnon sirius black x remus lupin sirius black x ofc oliver wood x katie bell or ofc george weasley x luna lovegood george weasley x angelina johnson narcissa malfoy x lucius malfoy draco malfoy x astoria greengrass alastor moody x anyone fabian prewett x anyone
lily evans x james potter draco malfoy x harry potter ginny weasley x harry potter ginny weasley x pansy parkinson bill weasley x fleur delacour dudley dursley x anyone magical for his redemption arc any minor character ships where we can develop backstories! (just off the top of my head for characters that I love to develop: michael corner, padma patil, justin finch-fletchley, theodore nott, terry boot, susan bones, blaise zabini)
the hunger games: finnick odair x annie cresta haymitch abernathy x effie trinket coriolanus snow x whatever poor girl he decides is going to be his wife gale hawthorne x madge undersee
gale hawthorne x johanna mason ('i could fix him' 'well i could make him worse') finnick odair x ofc (happy to play either role) original tributes in the arena, tribute x mentor if we come up with something good! haymitch x his girl from home (rip babe) asoiaf (book canon): robb stark x jeyne westerling or ofc robb stark x oc if we double! luv writing him sansa stark x jon snow (post parent reveal) jon snow x satin loras tyrell x renly baratheon ellaria sand x oberyn martell catelyn stark x jaime lannister iykyk catelyn stark x roose bolton nooo don't give me the skin of my enemies you're so sexy aha x davos seaworth x stannis baratheon arianne martell x anyone at all! sansa stark x willas tyrell robb stark x margaery tyrell edmure tully x margaery tyrell tbh you can probably persuade me on most canon x canon crack marriages. i got fully invested in lyanna x jaime lannister once so now nothing will surprise me <3 if you're interested in any of these pls like this post so I can reach out and provide my discord!
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annachum · 6 months
Chronicles of the Nine Realms ( aka my MCU Nine Realms fics ) ( in summary cuz it's actually very long )
. Once upon a time, during before the Viking times, Odin and his first wife, Grymhildr of Nornheim, got married as a way to try ease the tense relations between Asgard and Nornheim
. That marriage produced Hela. However, when Hela was only a baby, Grymhildr plotted treason against the House of Buri. So Odin had Grymhildr executed
. That also resulted in the centuries long Aesir - Nornish conflict
. And then, some years later, Odin and Frigga ( then a Valkyrie ) gradually fell in love and later got married, and thus Frigga becomes a New Queen of Asgard. Bestla was Head of the Valkyries before that position was passed down to Reginleif ( mother of Brunnhilde ) on Odin and Frigga's wedding day
. And then the Aesir Vanir War ensues. It's a whole Asgard + Alfheim vs Vanaheim + Nidavellir scenario. It ends wirh ceasefire on both sides....and Frigga's younger sister Gullveig's marriage to Hodr of Vanaheim also helps recover Aesir Vanir relations. That marriage also resulted in Hogun and his 2 younger sisters, Hnossa and Gersemi
. Sometime after the Aesir Vanir War, Thor, Sif, the Warriors 3, Loki and Sigyn were born
. Heimdall was born from his dad Tyr with his 1st marriage to Kelda, who was younger sister of Aegir of the Sea Fae of Alfheim. Unluckily, Kelda died of a sickness. Sif was born from Tyr and Zisa of the Forest Tribe of Vanaheim
. Sigyn was born as daughter of Duke of the Vale Fae called Ivarr and an Asgardian former Valkyrie called Avenil ( her parents have several nods to Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella di Castilla )
. Frigga had this exchange student program to have several of the Royal and noble offsprings of Asgard, Vanaheim, Alfheim and Nidavellir to be exchange students in those 4 realms' Royal schools, as a way to encourage potential alliances between those Royal and noble kids against the looming threat of Jotunheim and Svartalfheim
. And that's kinda how Sigyn becomes a childhood friend of Loki in their school days
. Sigyn also has her own band of magic friends - including Sunna and Mani ( twins of Aelsa Featherwine and Mundilfari, then King and Queen of Alfheim ), Anneli ( a Desert Fae - Aesir hybrid who eventually becomes wife of Heimdall ), Glenr ( a Air Fae Duchy heir who becomes husband of Sunna ), Ulla ( youngest of the 9 daughters of Aegir and Ran and later on eventual wife of Mani )
. Anyway, Sunna and Mani kinda reminds me of Margaery and Loras Tyrell in some ways, Ulla kinda reminds me of Edwina Sharma in spades, and Sunna x Glenr kinda remind me of Aurora x Philip and Christine x Raoul in some ways
. In the Yggadrsil Institute Days, Theoric, Amora and Lorelei were amongst ' mean kids ' and were amongst school rivals to Thor and his band of school friends in tow
. Long story short Amora and her family were soon banished to Nornheim cuz of their treasonous acts against House of Buri
. And then, the Valkyrie Massacre happened
. In that event, only 1/10 of the old Valkyrior survived ( with severe injuries/PTSD then ). Reginleif, Avenil, and Valtrauta ( who is also younger sister of Vidarr and daughter of Skolfjr and Gefjon ) all died to save Brunnhilde and Sigyn ( Valtrauta is also old lover of Brunnhilde )
. With the Old Valkyries disbanded, Sigyn soon becomes a lady in waiting to Frigga and adopts a less battle geared lifestyle after recovering from severe injuries
. Ivarr is also older brother of Idunn and Eostre ( Norse Goddess of Spring ). Fandral is son of Bragi and Idunn, making him an older cousin of Sigyn.
. And then Loki and Sigyn soon got together sometime after Valkyrie Massacre, in a birthday party of Sigyn's in the Vale Fae Duchy Castle
. At that point, Loki and Theoric have this romantic rivalry over Sigyn - and ofc Sigyn avoided Theoric like a plague and chose Loki, whom she came to gradually fall for
. And then in Thor 1, Sigyn tries her damn best to be a mediator between Loki and Thor ( and their allies then ij tow ). She was ofc distraught when it seems Loki died
. In Thor 2, upon returning from several diplomatic trips to several Realms, she was elated that Loki survived the Fall....yet is shocked of Loki's actions in Avengers 1. Still, she works to be a mediator between Thor and Loki, all the while becoming a major strategist against the Dark Fae forces
. Sigyn also managed to uncover Theoric's treachery to Asgard by becoming a spy working for Malekith and helped expose Theoric's treachery to Asgard and...yeah that also majorly helped end Theoric and his entire household
. Meanwhile, Malekith killed Mundilfari in a battle, and managed to hypnotize Aelsa to marry him....yet only for a short while, because Sunna and Mani and their eventual spouses managed to break free of their prisons to break the curse. HUGE FIGHT ENSUES and all those Light Fae were killed or imprisoned in that fight....
. And then Ivarr managed to help save those survived Light Fae in tow and a huge battle ensues, which resulted in destruction of Ljosalfgard ( capital of Alfheim ) Yet managed to drive away Malekith and his Dark fae forces
. And then Loki managed to kill Theoric via necromancy
. For 4 years ( which wasn't very long for Asgardian years ), Loki ruled Asgard with disguise of Odin, with Sigyn as a major strategist for him and such.
. They were later secretly wed in a private wedding orchestrated by several priests and priestesses of Asgard who supported their union
. And in Thor 3, basically it became Nine Realms vs Hela
. Sif's parents, Volstagg'a dad ( his mom Geiravog died in the Valkyrie Massacre btw ), Hogun's parents, Ivarr and a number of others all died in that event, yet many still stand
. Sigyn got in touch with Loki via crystal ball facetime, all the while helping her Light Fae friends run the Crystal Cove refuge
. Additional note, Solveig Sindridottir of Nidavellir ( a niece of Eitri and a granddaughter of Iwaldi, and a Princess of Nidavellir ) became amongst the interplanetary support to Asgard after Valkyrie Massacre....and later on gradually fell in love and married Vidarr. Solveig x Vidarr kinda reminds me of Penelope Featherington x Colin Bridgerton in some ways.
. Anyway, it turns out that Hela and her wife Karnilla, Queen of Norns ( and also one of her cousins!!! ) forged a dangerous magic deal with Surtur, in that they share SAME MAGICAL ENERGY
. Years ago, Hela actually snapped after Odin told her the truth of her heritage AND THUS DUNKED MIRMIR'S HEAD IN A POT OF OIL, and thus resulted in Valkyrie Massacre.
. Mimir is also a grandfather of Kvasir of the Mountain Tribe of Vanaheim ( and later becomes 1st husband of Sif snd biological father of her son Ullr ) btw
. And then Glenr and Eitri joined fleets to defeat Karnilla - Glenr and his Light Fae warriors in tow managed to drain Karnilla's magic, and Eitri and his generals in tow all threw Karnilla off a cliff and crushed her with 3 big stones right after that
. And thats how Hela lost half of her magic.
. On top of that, Hela and Surtur began to be at each other's throats....which later resulted in Surtur killing Hela ( and the Nine Realms celebrated the death of Hela )
. After Thor 3, Thor rules New Asgard, Hogun's sisters Co rule Vanaheim, and Sunna and Mani and their spouses rule Alfheim together
. Vidarr and Kvasir are amongst those who died in Thanos Massacre and their widows managed to escape with their kids in tow and such ( Sif was also pregnant with Ullr at that point btw ). RIP
. Meanwhile Sigyn was abducted by TVA agents during Thanos Massacre ( Loki thought Sigyn died and that's another reason why he tried to stab Thanos out of desperation and such ), and was tortured and imprisoned regularly by TVA stadf, before Sigyn managed to have her big escape with a large number of variants in tow to a variant refuge in Earth 836 Reykjavik. There, Sigyn also recovers from such wounds inflicted on her and helps run behind the frontlines of that refuge
. After the whole chaos in Loki series, Loki manages to find Sigyn, and they have an emotional reunion....
. And Loki and Sigyn rule the multiverse together and later on have twin sons of their own called Vali and Narvi
. Eventually, Loki has an emotional reunion with Thor and the 2 rekindled a friendlier rapport for the sake of their kids ( Thor got an adopted daughter at the end of Thor 4 btw )
. On top of that, sometime after Thor 4, Thor and Sif fell in love through a slow burn romance which includes them at first help each other take care of their kids....
. And eventually, Loki and Sigyn and their young sons attend Thor and Sif's wedding in New Asgard as VIP attendees, bearing gifts in tow
. At that point, Sif was a Duchess of the Mountain Tribe before passing it down to one of her in laws as she becomes new Queen of New Asgard.
Appearances of several Chronicles of Nine Realms characters :
. Grymhildr - Looks like an older version of Hela but with violet eyes
. Sunna - Long platinum golden wavy hair, fair sun kissed skin, violet blue eyes, hourglass slender figure and pointy ears. Vanessa Hessler and Emmi Christensson being face models of Sunna in that story
. Mani - Pointy ears, a ' lunar like ' glow, dark hair and crystal blue eyes
. Ulla - Blue scales and skin, navy blue curly hair and turquoise eyes and pointy skin ( all of her sisters also have their dads' blue skin )
. Glenr - Auburn brown curls, tan skin and jade green eyes and strong physique
. Solveig - Petite, plump with fiery red curls, fair skin and freckles and brown eyes. Nicola Coughlan being a face model of Solveig Sindridottir
. Sigyn - Warm brown curls, pointy ears, sun kissed skin, turquoise eyes and curvy hourglass figure. Jennifer Connelly and Catalina D'Aragon being face models of Sigyn in my MCU fics
. Avenil - Looking like an older version of Sigyn except with brown eyes and no pointy ears
. Ivarr - Looks kinda like Legolas in spades
. Budhil ( father of Brunnhilde, who was also killed by Hela via necromancy before she rushed off to Nornheim ) - a burly, dark skinned man with dread locks
. Reginleif - Dark brown curly hair, muscular curvy figure, with Hazel eyes and brown skin
. Zisa - Looks like an older version of Sif except has emerald green eyes ( Sif has her dad's grey eyes )
. Eostre - Looking kinda like Lucrezia Borgia in spades but with pointy ears
. Idunn - Looks kinda like Elizabeth of York in spades but with golden blonde hair and pointy ears
. Bragi - Looks kinda like an older version of Fandral but with fiery red hair
. Andrhimnir - Looks kinda like older version of Volstagg except a full Dwarf and also has Hazel eyes
. Geiravog - A tall, sturdy figured woman with bushy brown hair, tan skin and brown eyes.
. Gullveig - Looks kinda like Julia Roberts with golden brown curls and sun kissed skin and brown eyes
. Hodr - Looks kinda like a mix of Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan
. Hnossa and Gersemi : Both look kinda more like their mom except with their dad's raven hair and dark eyes
. Mundilfari : Looks kinda like an older version of Mani except with violet blue eyes. Edward the Black Prince being a face model for Mundilfari in that story.
. Aelsa : Looks kinda like an older version of Sunna except with crystal blue eyes. Vanessa Paradis and Joan of Kent being face models of Aelsa in the story.
. Theoric : Looking kinda like Luke Evans
. Amora : Looking kinda like a mix of Margot Robbie and Mary Boleyn
Several of those Chronicles of Nine Realms stylistic nods in the Nine Realms
. Thor : Godric Gryffindor and Ragnar Lothbrok
. Loki : Prince Hamlet, Salazar Slytherin and Iago from Othello
. Sigyn : Catalina D'Aragon, Sansa Stark, Queen Zelda of Hyrule
. Aelsa : Galadriel, Olenna Redwyne and Joan of Kent
. Mundilfari : Edward the Black Prince and Merlin
. Sunna : Queen Aurora, Margaery Tyrell and Arwen
. Mani : Loras Tyrell and Sir Lancelot
. Frigga : Queen Guinevere, Queen Elinor and Rhaenyra Targaryen
. Anneli : Ellaria Sand, Elia Martell and Portia from Merchant of Venice
. Eostre : Lucrezia Borgia and Isabella D'este
. Idunn : Elizabeth of York and Maid Marian
. Bragi : Cacofonix, Geoffrey Chaucer and Robin Hood
. Fandral : Robin Hood and Sir William Thatcher
. Vidarr : Prince Caspian and Prince Florian
. Solveig : Ann of Cleves, Helga Hufflepuff and Snow White
. Glenr : Prince Philippe from Disney and Count Paris
. Hnossa : Katara and Juliet Capulet
. Gersemi : Princess Yue and Ophelia from Hamlet
. Sif : Daenerys, Brienne of Tarth, Gordafarid and Lagertha
. Brunnhilde : Arya Stark and Joan of Arc
. Valtrauta : Boudicca and Ruffnut from HTTYD
. Gullveig : Empress Theodora, Empress Kreka ( first Empress of Attila ), Empress Borte and Dame Ragnelle
. Hodr : Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun
. Hela : Queen Grimmhilde from Snow White and Melisandre
. Karnilla : Maleficent and Justina Szilagyi
. Malekith : Macbeth and Ramsay Bolton
. Odin : Ned Stark, Stoick the Vast, and King Fergus
. Ivarr : Legolas and Ferdinand of Aragon
. Avenil : Isabella di Castilla and Helga from Vikings series
. Amora : Mary Boleyn and Lady Macbeth
. Lorelei : Anne Boleyn and Alicent Hightower
. Theoric : Joffrey Baratheon and King John
Cultural nods of several Realms in MCU Nine Realms
. Asgard : Nordic and Medieval European cultures
. Vanaheim : Slavic, Central Asian and Mongolic cultures
. Alfheim : Celtic and Medieval Mediterranean cultures
. Nidavellir : Central European and Germanic cultures
. Jotunheim : Siberian and Arctic cultures
. Svartalfheim : Celtic and Pictish cultures
. Nornheim : Slavic, Romanian and Balkan cultures
. Gundershelm : Magyar and Germanic cultures
. Skornheim ( the realm that once conquered Vanaheim in Marvel/MCU ) : Turkic and Mongolic cultures
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itskenickie · 5 years
cersei lannister
so like I wanna make a post about cersei and talk about her because, while I don’t excuse her villainous, abusive and insect crazed behavior, I really do know where she’s coming from?? like I don’t blame her for her actions??
like this is messy and incoherent but the more I think about it the more I understand her tv show character and I hope I’m getting my message across clearly. but anyways:
- I don’t believe in the notion that being raised by a single parent is a bad thing and you don’t need the both of them to be “normal” but in the era that game of thrones was set in you kind of really do need both parents and it’s proven by characters who were raised by a single parent and they all ended up being shitty (ramsey, cersei, robin, etc). jon and joeffry were an exception but that’s for another post.
- so like cersei lost her mother and wasn’t really raised the proper womanly way?? like yeah she knows how to be feminine, polite and elegant but her mindset is formed from being around her father?? she was taught about life and the philosophy of it through a male’s point of view and in her mind, she is equal to men.
- so when tywin lannister doesn’t treat her as equally despite being more abled and liked than tyrion, tywin still has more respect towards him and allows him to partake in politics and war while cersei is only used during political marriage. 
- so of course she ends up resenting tyrion even more because, her father hates tyrion and is adamant on admitting that he’s his son but he still gives up a higher position in power than cersei ever had and uses her only as a puppet.
- cersei then resorts to her own ways, she had to be cunning, witty and observing while maintaining the whole “beautiful queen who is kind and gentle” even though no one is really believing it. that’s why she has spies of her own and ropes people into her agenda because if she wants to gain power and respect, even through fear then she has to do it herself.
- like you can see two instances where cersei is at her prime or close but she is undermine solely because she is a woman despite being SMARTER and more ruthless than most of the male villains. the first time was when tywin takes interest in tommen and forces cersei to marry loras which she refuses instantly because she is queen mother and is powerful enough without a political marriage but twyin is insistent (and like iky but this isn’t the post for it). ignoring her power and intelligent and only using her to make the bonds between the tyralls and lannisters even stronger than it already is. the second time was in s8 and euron greyjoy tells her that he’ll only help when cersei promises that she will sleep with him in the end and she does just to shut him but he never does?? he always ridicules her and objectify her DESPITE her being the queen??? and ofc cersei is insulted and enraged because finally she doesn’t have to prove her worth all the men in her life and manage to secure the throne all on her own (with some luck here and there) so she didn’t think that she would use sex to gain whatever she wants anymore but then euron comes around and demands to have sex with her?? just to help boost his ego??? and she still sleeps with him because she was paranoid and desperate about dying because like dany is no joke and she knows she would survive the great war so she has to be ready.
- also, let’s not forget the constant abuse and disrespect she received from robert. from their wedding knight to his death, robert never even cared about her. and cersei was willing herself to fall in love with him (which she briefly did) even though he was still in love with lyanna and their first child dying. she still loved him and they both almost went mad over his death. but robert never cared. he abused, disrespected and cheated on cersei far too many times.
- and then there’s this whole prophecy where she gets to see all of her children die one by one and she’d be damned to see it happen. so she becomes extremely over protective of them and spoil them (not like how  lysa does with robin) as if to prove the prophecy wrong.
- and you can see the insane fear in her eyes during the battle of blackwater where she was about to commit murder suicide with tommen and there was no way she wasn’t thinking about the prophecy and making the ultimate decision of killing her son and then herself or sit there defenseless and have stannis kill tommen.
- also the only reason she begrudgingly allows for myrcella to be sent to dorne because she thinks she’ll be safe away from all of the war and political schemes but she made a mistake by taunting the martells and have the mountain fight oberyn (like she knows he’s going to win) and that essentially leads to myrcella’s death and there’s no way you couldn’t convince me that she didn’t blame herself for her death and briefly taught that she killed her before blaming tyrion.
- and with tommen, he committed suicide because cersei was just way too controlling and didn’t believe in him (which makes sense because margaery was trying to secure the throne for her future child and increase the tyrell’s power) and killed his wife. 
- as for jofferey, died because (imo) she was careless. she didn’t think that he would be murdered when she has sansa as her pawn, the martells in her company and her father in a position of power. she let her guard down. plus, jofferey was a monster so maybe she thought he could handle himself what with his evil knights in his party.
- her children all died, just like the prophecy had said and wether it was directly or indirectly, it was cersei’s fault they died. and she made sure that she was powerful enough that such a thing didn’t happen but she was proven wrong. as if that fortune tell was there and did the killings herself before pointing and laughing at cersei.
- with the prophecy coming true, cersei snaps. we don’t see it much because shitty writing but she was willing to risk her kingdom to fight the knight walkers (had they won) AND risk the kingdom for dany and the northern army. she didn’t care who died or lived as long as she had the throne by the end of it. she was desperate to win which makes sense why she sleeps with euron. 
that’s all I have to say and it’s super messy and it doesn’t make any sense at all (I have difficulties expressing my thoughts into writing I’m more better with speaking) but that’s what I feel about cersei and I like don’t blame any of her actions (except the incest cause yikes) because of how she was treated.
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thefudge · 5 years
Who did you ship in GOT and who do you ship now? (If it's changed lol)
good ask! this got long-ish so i’ll include everything after the cut
my OG ships (this includes the books too)
petyr/sansa - absolutely still do and will forever ship this morally ambiguous duo, though i prefer the book version of it. possibly my fave asoiaf/got pair.
jaime/brienne - shipped from the start and nothing’s changed frankly
gendry/arya - see above
jaqen/arya - i will admit the show’s sexy accented jaqen h’ghar may have also played a part in this lol
jon/dany - weirdly, i used to ship this more before the show made them a thing. i used to love AUs where ned sends jon to essos and he becomes part of dany’s khalasar and they meet somehow. i also liked the “romance at a distance” thing where book readers could obviously tell their journeys were being paralleled but they hadn’t met yet, and you’d get poetic wuthering heights-esque scenes like dany hearing a wolf howling on the dothraki plain when jon died, like that always got meeee. the show, i feel, has kind of botched their potential, but i still ship’em, especially their book counterparts.
jon/val (books only) - i know in the books she’s basically a dany-stand-in symbolically (a wildling “princess” with blond hair, come on), but i loooove their dynamic, i love their quiet fondness for each other and i hope they have more scenes together
elia martell/arthur dayne (books only) - the loyal kingsguard and the future king’s wife? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. a part of me still hopes that GRRM will reveal that arthur secretly loved and pined after elia all his life and was furious on her behalf when rhaegar left her for lyanna. it’s CANON fight me.
arianne martell/arys oakheart (books only) - canon & doomed :(((( it’s the foolhardy kingsguard pining after forbidden princess trope again, but i can’t help it! they’re kind of an interesting subversion of the trope. arianne initially just plans to seduce him and use him, but arys falls for her hard and forgoes his vows for her and she realizes she may have feelings for him too and #imsad because it does not end well. but i live for the angssssst
hyle hunt/brienne (book only) - MAN. THESE TWO. ok so i may ship this almost as much as j/b and i can’t believe i’ve never talked about it.  I LOVE THIS PAIR. it’s exactly my kind of shit and it’s actually pretty similar to j/b. hyle hunt starts off as one of brienne’s bullies who even makes a bet about taking her maidenhead when she’s part of renly’s entourage. per the popular trope, ofc the idiot ends up playing himself. his “mock” wooing of brienne turns into actual wooing, cuz he catches feelings, but it’s played very subtle and brienne still thinks he’s just trying to fool her. by book 4 he’s following her around, trying to help her, he fights by her side and stays with her, trying to keep her safe, BEING SECRETLY IN LOVE WITH HER I MEAN THE DUMBASS LITERALLY ASKS FOR HER HAND IN MARRIAGE AND WHEN SHE SAYS NO HE PRETENDS HE ONLY DID IT BECAUSE SHE’S A HIGH-BORN LADY LIKE PUUUUHLEASE WE ALL KNOW YOU MEANT IT. and all the while you know it’s kind of doomed because brienne only has eyes for jaime, let’s be real. but i have a feeling that, in the event that jaime dies and brienne survives to the end of the series (which is very likely), she might end up with hyle who does honestly seem to love her and would make her happy. like maybe they’re setting him up as substitute (kind of like tormund/brienne on the show, i guess?) BUT ANYWAY. THESE TWO.
OG ships i don’t actively ship anymore but i am still fond of:
tywin/arya - i still totally think that arya stark would have paradoxically made a FANTASTIC lady lannister, but i ship it mainly in the show version where she’s aged up and they actually interact
sandor/arya - have a soft spot for an ambiguous, not quite romantic, not quite friendly bond between them (i mean i wrote fic too)
ned/cersei - i loved the idea of their arranged marriage, of ned having to step in and marry her after the sacking in king’s landing in order to appease tywin. there are some excellent fics based on this premise and i totally recommend because this dynamic is surprisingly rich.
ships that have snuck up on me over the years (mainly thx to fandom):
jon/sansa - really, the fandom has convinced me they could work and they make for an interesting dynamic, especially on the show where jon is sadly…not a very interesting guy but seems to have some edge when he interacts with sansa
jon/missandei - again, folks on tumblr made me realize how amazing this obscure pairing would be. they’re kind of perfect for each other when you think about it and i am writing oneshot
sansa/dany - that chemistry tho! the show is playing them off as adversaries and there is sufficient reason for sansa to be wary of the dragon queen, but i love AUs where they fall in love and the tension between them becomes something else *wink wink*
jaime/arya - fanfic & fandom have sold me on it, especially the show version. i’d add jaime/sansa here, though i think he’d have a bit more chemistry and push and pull with arya (it would be a different version of j/b if you think about it)
ramsay/sansa - gasp! but lemme explain. i always thought that if d&d really wanted to do the jeyne poole plot for theon’s sake and complete sansa’s training in the Vale, the best way to do this would’ve been to show her subtly manipulating ramsay in exactly the same way margaery manipulated joffrey in s3. imagine the parallels! i mean after s4 where we saw sansa walk down the stairs in that goth/sith dress i thought, okay! she’s gonna use her feminine wiles! we’re gonna see her in action! and then she just gets grossly traumatized for no conceivable reason except #shockvalue. imo, they could’ve shown ramsay’s brutality and also sansa’s abilities by having her play into his fantasies and try to skillfully win him over. gods i would’ve loved that shit. and at the end she could’ve still escaped with theon. ANYWAY maybe i’ll write fic
barbrey dustin/petyr baelish (books only) - some of the p/s shippers got me on this one. their backstories have an eerie echo. they both love and hate the starks, barbrey was supposed to marry brandon stark, petyr was almost killed by brandon and brandon also “stole” his love, catelyn. barbrey was jealous of catelyn and claimed brandon loved her (barbrey) and took her maidenhead. so you have two people who essentially wanted the same thing and were fucked over by the same arranged marriage. it’s so complex and cool and there are so many layers you can explore. she’s also scheming and crafty and has a wicked sense of humor, like can you imagine the interactions.
sansa/stannis - there are some AMAZING fics out there where this pairing actually makes a lot of sense, a la richard iii wanting to marry his niece, elizabeth of york. think for instance of him winning the battle of blackwater (as a parallel to the battle of bosworth between richard iii and henry vii) and stannis deciding to marry her to solidify his rule and to also bring the north into the fold. i also love fics where sansa is a little older and ned arranges the marriage between her and stannis. like i said, it’s the fic that rly brought me here
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