#and made sure i understood + stopped the test before i hit my limits
natandacat · 2 years
Hospital appointment went well, lasted 2 hours and ended up having 3 different doctors in the room pitching in lol
Glad yall are having fun!
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avatar-anna · 2 years
someone asked for latina reader on the south american leg of LoT, and this has been hiding in my drafts for a while, so...enjoy!
latina reader x Harry universe
“How would I say, ‘I love you all with all my heart?’” Harry asked.
You propped your head up from where you were resting it against his chest. “Los amo con todo mi corazón. Why?”
“I wanted to give the fans a special message tonight,” he said with a shrug.
Grinning, you leaned forward and kissed Harry’s cheek before pinching it affectionately. “You’re such a sweetie pie, you know that?”
“Stop it,” he said, blushing as you continued to kiss him.
“Okay, okay. If you're gonna say it, you have to practice. Repeat after me.”
Harry was alone in his hotel room, scrolling on his phone. You'd gone out with a couple friends who lived in the city you were visiting, and though you asked your boyfriend to join you multiple times, he declined. After shows, Harry usually went right to bed, so you understood, but he knew you still wished he was with you.
He normally fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow, but that was partially because you were with him. Harry didn't think of himself as the clingy type, but he was missing you quite a bit at the moment.
Harry took a break from Instagram and went on Twitter. Even he realized how lame and embarrassing it was to look up his girlfriend’s name on social media, but he didn't even get the chance, as your name was on the trending page. Curious, he clicked on it.
From what he could gather, fans had spotted you on your night out. You'd taken pictures with some, there were videos of you dancing in a club with fans in another, and in one video you were explaining where Harry was.
“He’s getting some much needed rest before his next show, but I’m gonna try and get him to come out next time. He’ acts like an old man sometimes, I swear.”
“Y/n, does Harry listen to Bad Bunny?”
“Yes! But he doesn't always realize it. I'll just play it for him around the house. It's like a slow conversion process.”
From what Harry could tell, the fans were absolutely loving you. Seeing all the tweets praising and complimenting you made him smile. You could get so caught up on all the negative comments his fans made, it was nice to see them showing you love. Even if some of it was at his expense. Did you really have to call him old on camera?
Switching back over, Harry refreshed his Instagram feed. His eyes lit up at the sight of your profile appearing where recent stories popped up. Clicking on it, he stared at the picture in shock.
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Harry couldn't quite believe how bold you were being. Well, he could, you loved to tease him and test his limits, but usually it was in private. Perhaps it was the assistance of liquid courage, but Harry appreciated the photo all the same. What he didn't quite appreciate was the idea of other people seeing you quite so intimately.
He'd made a promise to himself that he wouldn't text you to come back, only to check up on you and make sure you were safe since you were out so late at night. But now he needed you to come back. Your teasing had been a success, now he needed you to come back and claim your reward.
Bogotá, Colombia
“This is amazing!”
“I’m glad you liked it,” you said, smiling at your boyfriend as he poured himself another shot. Harry didn’t typically drink on tour, but he was gifted a bottle of aguardiente upon arriving in Colombia, and he’d been curious, so now the two of you were taking some pre-show shots.
He tossed another one back without a flinch and proceeded to pour another. Resting a hand on his wrist you said, “Easy, bubba. You still have a show to do.”
Aguardiente was smooth going down, but it was still strong. There was a reason its direct translation was “fire water.”
Nodding, Harry nudged the slender shot glass towards you. “You’re right. I’ll save the next one for the stage.”
Thinking he was done, you capped the bottle of aguardiente. You were about to take the full shot glass when Harry quickly swiped it from you and tossed it back. Your jaw slacked, surprised by his antics.
“Tonight’s gonna be good. I can feel it,” he said. His grin was wide but soft, the effect of the spirits already kicking in.
Leaning in, you kissed his dimple. “I’m sure you can.”
“We have a slight problem.”
“I’m concerned about standing back up.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Harry. Running on an adrenaline high and a few shots, he was feeling quite good after the show. He wasn’t stumbling around or slurring, just a little tipsy, and a tipsy Harry meant mild entertainment for you.
And a sprinkle of babysitting.
“You’re not that drunk, are you?” you asked him.
“Maybe...I might have had another shot or two right as I got off stage. And now the room is spinning juuust a little,” Harry said, pinching his thumb and pointer finger together.
“My boyfriend's gone wild,” you said, shaking your head in disbelief. You didn't mind, it was just so unlike him to get drunk while he was on tour. Coming closer, you took his hand in yours. “So are we sticking around here until the room stops spinning or are we going back to the hotel?”
“Let’s go back. I’m worried I’ll fall asleep on this couch and spend the night here. However, I will be needing some assistance.”
It took a couple tries, but you managed to get Harry to his feet and his arm draped over your shoulder. His clothes were slightly damp with sweat, and he kept mumbling incoherently under his breath. He was full of energy now, but the drive back to the hotel would tire him out, and by the time the two of you walked arm in arm up to your room, he would all but stumble out of his clothes and into bed.
“We—We should go out tonight. Dancing, or...or to get dinner, or maybe...Baby...You know I love you babe. Bah...bah bah...”
Harry kept rattling off ideas, some of which weren’t probable at this hour or in your current location. You let him mumble and sing, though, smiling and nodding as you helped him into the car that would take you back to the hotel.
“I love you, baby,” he said kissing the side of your neck as you buckled his seat belt. "So much. Gonna show you just how much when we get back. Promise. Gonna make you feel so good. Break your back with my—."
"Harry!" you said, slapping his arm. The driver kept his head facing forward, but he most definitely heard everything Harry was saying.
Harry only smiled at you, his eyes half closed. "If loving you is a crime, then take me away officer."
You laughed as he put his hands out for you as if you were going to arrest him, and he giggled in his seat too. "Alright, inmate, let's get you buckled in and back to the hotel, hm?"
Harry nodded, but kissed you first, taking your hands and putting them around his neck. You indulged him for a minute, stopping when his tongue began tracing the seam of your lips. He frowned, but let you finish putting his seatbelt on. The buckle clicked, and you leaned back to kiss the tip of his nose. “You’re cute when you’re drunk, you know that?”
Harry's frown deepened as he tilted his head to the side. “I’m always cute.”
You kissed him again. “Of course you are, bubba.”
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harrystyles, pillowpersonp, and 347,972 others liked this post
yourinstagram: throwback to harryween 🐍🐍
harryfan4: MOTHER
harryfan9: but the question is did she do the dance for harry 🤔🤔🤔
yourinstagram: ...no comment
harryfan2: HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT
harryfan14: harry better know how good he has it😭😭
harrystyles: love youu xx
harryfan10: harry stays being a respectful king😌
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paulithepsm, harrystyles, and 107,225 others liked this post
yourinstagram: ahora quieren ser latino
harrystyles: pero les falta sazón
harryfan7: y/n has taught him well
yourinstagram: i did not teach him that that's all him😂😂
harryfan14: i don't know who to be jealous of, y/n or harry
harryfan8: does dating y/n give harry a little flavor?
yourinstagram: nah he's still flour
harryfan22: DRAG HIMM
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harrystyles, pillowpersonp, and 21,254 others liked this post
yourinstagram: thank you for all the lovely gifts (they're technically for harry but i love them too!)
harryfan13: i saw on twitter that a fan made a doll dressed like her!
harryfan20: that's so cute i hope she got it🥹🥹
yourinstagram: harry is currently sleeping with it in the hotel :)))
harryfan8: i...i’m passing away now
harryfan22: they need to stop i can't go on knowing shit like this😭😭😭
harryfan13: he sleeps with a doll harry sleeps with a doll harry sleeps with a doll dressed like y/n 😖😖😖
harryfan9: she keeps all the stuff fans throw onstage that's so cute 😭😭
“Yes, bubba?”
“How much do you love me?”
You smiled, turning around on the couch to face Harry, who was peeking around his changing curtain. “Enough to do whatever favor you’re about to ask of me.”
Blushing, he said, “I’ve been trying for five minutes now, but I can’t get the buttons to click.”
“The buttons? On your trousers? Harry, what are you—Oh. I get it,” you said, hiding a smile behind your hand.
“It’s not funny. It keeps pinching my skin,” he said with a frown. “Please help.”
Trying not to laugh, you stood up from the couch and went over to him. His pants were around his ankles, and the jumpsuit he was supposed to wear tonight was only partially on. You knew the struggle of buttoning a jumpsuit well, but Harry had yet to ask you for help whenever he got dressed. Until now, that is.
“Alright, let’s see,” you said, bending down to inspect the situation.
“Thank you,” Harry said quietly. “Probably not the best view.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. You didn’t even have to say anything for him to know what you meant. Harry blushed and lightly flicked your forehead.
“Yeah, yeah. Nothing you haven’t seen before.”
Making quick work of the buttons on Harry’s jumpsuit, you stood back up. “There. All done.”
“Thank you.”
Taking his chin between your fingers, you kissed him. “Happy to be of service. Now come on, you’ve got a show to do.”
Grinning, Harry turned around to leave his dressing room, but not before you gave him a playful smack on the butt.
“Backstage or floor tonight?” he asked, holding your hand as you walked towards the stage, the sounds of fans screaming for Harry getting louder with each step.
“Mm, floor, but I’m not gonna say where.”
Nodding, he kissed the crown of your head. “Got it. I will keep my eyes peeled for the pretty girl in the blue top and white pants. You look fabulous, by the way.”
“Thank you, you do too.”
It finally came time to go your separate ways. With one last kiss for Harry and a wish of good luck to him and the rest of the band. By the time you got to your spot on the floor, he was already dancing around the stage. You wanted where you were watching the show to be a surprise, but it was like Harry could sense your presence.
His eyes locked on yours almost immediately, and his grin widened a significant amount. You blew him a kiss, and he caught it, tucking it into his pocket. The rest of the night, you happily watched him prance around onstage.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
“Harry, where are you taking me? The second half starts in two minutes!”
“Would you stop asking questions and just follow me?” Harry said, tugging you along through the halls of the venue.
You’d been watching the game in Harry’s dressing room all afternoon. You wanted to watch it in the city, but Harry couldn’t leave the venue because the streets were too busy, so you settled for the quiet of the dressing room tucked into Harry’s side. That only lasted for about a minute, though. Once the game started, you were jumping around and yelling at the screen.
Harry was right there with you. He loved watching the World Cup as much as you did, which was a relief. You tended to get tunnel vision when it came to things like this, but your boyfriend was a good sport. He even took all your colonizer jokes in stride whenever England played.
You heard the noise first. It was loud and raucous, an odd occurrence seeing as Harry’s show didn’t start for another couple of hours. But as you rounded a corner and came across the side of the stage.
From your vantage point, you could see the screen was lit up, but it wasn’t until you got closer that you realized it was the Argentina game.
“Did you do this?” you asked.
Harry looked back at you and grinned, his brows rising above his thick sunglasses. “Yeah, so many people were just sitting around. Figured we might as well watch it together.”
Jumping up, you launched yourself at him. He kissed you back wholeheartedly, his hands settling on your waist appreciatively. As you kissed him, you opened your eye to watch the screen, and when players made their way back onto the field, you pulled back.
“It’s starting!”
With one last kiss to your temple, Harry turned around to watch the game with you.
“Oh, look! It’s Chris!”
“Chris? Chris who?”
You followed Harry’s line of vision, your eyes immediately widening in surprise. “Holy shit that’s Chris Pine!” you hissed.
The way Harry casually mentioned celebrities was something you had yet to get over, even after all these years. Your boyfriend’s famous friends and acquaintances still made you shy. You got pretty good at hiding your nerves, but you didn’t know if you could do it in front of Chris Pine.
“I’m gonna go say hi. You coming?”
Even though Harry had been in a movie with him, you never actually got to meet Chris Pine. Only the people who were working on the film could be on set during shooting, and you and Harry made it a point to avoid going out together when there were going to be lots of cameras. You'd been ecstatic when Harry told you who his co-stars for the film were going to be, but now that you were faced with the opportunity to meet someone you grew up watching, you felt frozen in your seat.
"Oh, Harry, I couldn't. He's so—And I'm—"
"I know, I know, he's so dreamy," Harry said, quite used to how you got shy around meeting celebrities. He kissed your cheek and gave you a wink. “Well, I’m going to go say hello. You can wait here if you’d like.”
Before you could stop him, Harry was gone and climbing over seats to reach his co-star. You watched as he conversed with one of your favorite actors, debating in your head if you wanted to go over there or not. When Harry looked over at you with a smile and beckoned you to him with a wave of his hand, you took a deep breath and took a step.
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33roda · 3 years
GOD literally all i want in life is to peg the absolute hell out of Tartaglia
I wanna tie him down with his hands above his head when he gets too bratty, and i wanna watch him struggle and talk back, and then make him cry from how hard i fuck him on my strap. i wanna slap him and pull his hair and leave bruises all over him he would never be able to cover up, bonus points if we are T4T.
and then after i spent so long breaking him, i wanna give him the softest aftercare he’s ever had. helping him drink some water, telling him how good he did and how much i care about him, pressing soft kisses on all the bruises i left on him, holding him close, making him feel loved and cared for.
rough play + soft aftercare >>>>
♡ i absolutely agree,, he just loves the pain! i hope i did this justice, anon <3
♡ tags: masochist!childe, pegging, slapping, spit, brat!childe
"I don't break easily, you know," he smirked at you, as if his hands weren't tied up above his head, body bare for you to play with. "You should go harder. You're being too gentle,"
You sat between his legs, stroking circles around his chest and thighs with your fingers, stopping upon hearing his teases. You scoffed, pulling his hair to the side as you leaned towards his ear, "You really think a brat like you even deserves to get fucked?" resting your hand on his chest, you whispered. "You're such a brat, Ajax. You could've just asked nicely," he looked at you, his seemingly unwipeable smugness eliciting a slap from you. It only made his grin spread further, though.
"Finally, some roughness! I didn't know you had it in y- OHmfffff-"
Poor baby wasn't expecting you to just suddenly grab his dick, but you had to shut him up. Talking back just wasn't gonna do, was it? "I'll show you what brats like you deserve, since you want it so much," you held your cock, admiring how red his dick got just from you grabbing him, before aligning yourself to his hole. "I bet you'd love two at once, wouldn't you? just to see how much you can spread that pretty hole of yours, right?"
He wanted to test your limits - refusing to show pleasure, holding back his gasps, trying his best to stay still - all just to rile you up. "It'd be better than whatever the fuck it is you're giving me right now," he looked at you, feigning disappointment. "Where'd the big, tough, Y/N go-" Slap! another slap to the face.
"Shut up and take what I give you, understood?" You rammed into him with all the strength you could muster, pretty sure it was hurting him - not that he seemed to mind. "I'll be abusing your pretty hole as I wish, you don't get a say in how I do it, bitch." holding his face in place, you spat on his cheek. His reaction seemed like he was already about to cum just from your roughness, his cock throbbing as if asking for more. "So fucking dirty,"
"Just move already, gods!"
"Act like a brat, get treated like one," you snickered before finally pulling back out of him, only to slam back in, his ass jiggling slightly and reddening with every thrust into him. No matter how hard he tried, you could still hear how his breath hitched as he struggled to keep his moans in. Slap! "Don't hold back your moans, pretty boy," Slap! "You've been so bad already, haven't you? it's the least you can do!" Slap! You could slap that sweet face of his all night, watching how red his cheeks get as he groans from the slight sting.
"Mmh.. harder," he gasped, "if you're gonna slap me, at least do it right," he tried to grin but failed, his face numb from all the slapping, pathetically just opening his mouth as drool leaked out.
"You just want me to use your whole body, don't you? bruise it all up?" stopping your thrusts to give him a slap to the chest, before thrusting back in to hit his spot perfectly, evident from the choked out moan he gave from just you entering him. "Did my baby already go dumb from how hard I'm fucking him? Look how much you're drooling," you taunted. He only moaned louder, as if he didn't even hear you, throwing his head back so engulfed in pleasure.
"Don't fucking stop, I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum!" he heaved, trying not to choke on his own spit as you continued slapping his already red chest, before stopping all movement. "Wh-what the fuck!? why'd you stop, you bitch!"
How adorable. "Awh, I thought you said you don't break easily, little baby?" you snickered. "That's all you are right now, just a fucking brat. Isn't that right dear?"... no response. Slap! "I said, isn't that right? I'm not moving unless you say it yourself,"
"...F-fine. I'm your brat." You raised an eyebrow, clearly unhappy with his answer. "I-I'm your little slut, I want you to fucking ruin me!"
You fucked into him again, determined to make him cum this time. "Keep going, baby," you playfully cooed, admiring how absolutely ruined his body looked for you. His face and chest red, glistening with tears and spit, his cock blushing and twitching, almost like it was begging for release. You almost felt bad for him, but gods was it hot.
"Please, please let me cum! I'm yours to break, I need it so bad - hmmfffffg- ah!" mouth wide open, he threw his head back as his whole body twitched, finally releasing his cum all over himself. It was almost funny how hard he came - pretty baby looked so wrecked, whole body blushing with cum splattered all over his torso, body pouring with sweat and hair all messy. Leaving him to take his breath, you sensed he was gonna say some bratty remark before you slammed into him again.
"Who said I was done breaking you, baby?"
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Have I Been Bad, Officer?
Nesta Archeron x Cassian - Handcuffs Oneshot
Nesta surprises Cassian for a little Anniversary fun. Turns out, real handcuffs work better than sex-shop knock-offs.
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Written for Nessian Month @illyrianet
Prompt: Handcuffs
Masterlist | Read on Ao3
Warnings: Language, NSFW, Police/Handcuffs
4102 words
Cassian watched as another car approached his police cruiser, spotted it, and abruptly slowed down to pass him. Even pulled off on the shoulder of the road, the logo of Velaris PD stood out on the side of the car.
He rolled his eyes. Normally he would have cared more, but that was the only car he’d seen in the last ten minutes and he was already in a bad mood; he decided it was best for everyone if he didn’t take his frustration out on whatever poor driver had the bad luck of getting his attention.
He shouldn’t be sitting in his patrol car waiting to pull people over for speeding. He should be at home with his beautiful, devious wife, celebrating their anniversary.
Cassian had made a point to ask for the day off. The next two days off, actually. He wasn’t going to rush any of their anniversary plans. But then an officer called in sick, and another had a family emergency, and suddenly Cassian was being dragged into work because a personal day took less preference, unfortunately.
Nesta understood. At first, she’d threatened to go down to the precinct and tell his chief exactly what she thought about the decision, but Cassian convinced her that if she did that then he’d be fired and would consequently have every day off. It sounded good until he reminded both of them that being fired means he wouldn’t be making money, and it turns out you need money to live.
And although Nesta understood, she certainly wasn’t making it easy on him. Every fifteen minutes his phone chimed with a new message from her.
At first, it was just an ‘I love you’, and ‘Happy Anniversary’, but that soon turned into her explaining all things she was going to do to him when he got home.
And all the things she wanted him to do to her.
Then the pictures started.
Each new picture showed Nesta in a different outfit. A few were of her in different lingerie sets, a couple of them, Cassian noted excitedly, were ones he hadn’t seen before.
Another picture was of her in just his shirt, kneeling on the ground, back arched with her nipples pressing through the fabric.
The latest one was of Nesta in nothing but his uniform’s hat, and bright red lipstick.
Groaning loudly, Cassian rubbed his hands over his face. He willed his cock to calm down and counted down the seconds until he could get home and follow through with some of the requests she made.
The next twenty minutes passed without any more cars driving by and without any more of Nesta’s texts. Good, he thought, she was done torturing him when he couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
Cassian noticed a set of headlights approaching in the distance. Still mostly hidden from view, he watched as the car sped past him. Speeding. He rolled his eyes and watched for more cars.
He didn’t have to wait long. A minute later a car sped by him going the other direction. Cassian sat up at full attention; it was the same car, but this time it was driving even faster.
He watched as the car took the next exit, turned around, and drove back towards him.
Confused, Cassian waited until it was almost to him and then he turned on his lights and sirens and pulled out into the road behind the strange car.
Almost immediately, the driver slowed and pulled off onto the road’s shoulder.
In the shine of his headlights, Cassian could easily read the license plate of the familiar-looking car he stopped. He recognized it as easily as he knew his own.
It was Nesta’s car.
And she had driven by more than once to get his attention. Chuckling to himself, Cassian slowly got out of his cruiser and strutted over to her driver’s side window.
He shined his flashlight in her face, careful not to blind her with the harsh light, and smirked broadly as he leaned his elbows against the open window. Her hair was loose in waves down her back—his favorite look on her—, she wore a long coat with a belt tied around her waist and the top two buttons open allowing him a peek of her cleavage when she leaned closer. She also had on bright red lipstick that Cassian couldn’t wait to attempt to ruin; Nesta had long since started buying smudge-proof lipstick, but Cassian always like to test the limits of her makeup.
He didn’t say anything at first, instead, waiting for her to explain what she was doing. But she just blinked up at him innocently and smiled with her blood-red lips.
She was up to something, but Cassian thought he was going to enjoy whatever she had planned, so he played along.
“Are you aware that you were speeding, miss?” Cassian asked in his best authoritative voice. He had perfected a lot of voices when it came to Nesta. The soft voice he used when she was reading and he didn’t want to disturb her; the charming, cocky voice he used when flirting with her; the rough, low voice he used whenever he wanted to make her particularly wet; but this one, his ‘cop-voice’ was one she loved to hear when he was in control.
Her smile slowly morphed into a smirk.
“I absolutely was speeding,” she paused and leaned forward, the neck of her jacket opened further and Cassian could see the swells of her breasts as she said in a low voice, “Officer.”
He suppressed a groan. She knew what that did to him. And if the satisfied look in her eyes was any indication, his own had turned dark and hungry at her tone.
If this is how she wanted to play, he would gladly oblige her.
“You were driving real fast. Very dangerous.” Cassian’s eyes remained locked with hers. “I’m not sure if I can let you go with just a warning. You seemed pretty determined to catch my attention.” Cassian’s smirk grew.
“Are you going to write me up? Give me a ticket?” Her gaze dropped to where his notepad was stuffed into his belt and slowly raked her eyes back up to his. “Have I been bad, Officer?”
Fuck. He chuckled wickedly and made a show of looking around the dark, empty road. He hadn’t seen another car pass by for a while and he doubted there would be anyone for a while.
“Nes, sweetheart.” This time, when he leaned down his gaze lingered on her open collar. “I’m not going to give you a ticket.”
Nesta’s smile turned feline, and Cassian felt like he’d walked right into her snare.
“Then I guess,” her voice dropped low and she looked up at him through her eyelashes, “you’ll have to punish me some other way, Officer.”
This time, Cassian didn’t muffle his groan of approval. He pushed himself off the car door and shot her a broad grin before schooling his features into a stern, disapproving mask.
“I’m gonna need you to step out of the car.”
Still smirking, Nesta slowly opened the door. As she brought one leg out and then the other, setting them on the pavement, Cassian noticed that her coat exposed her bare thigh and he wondered what exactly she was wearing underneath. Or not wearing if he knew Nesta—and he prided himself in knowing Nesta.
She stood up and shut the door.
Cassian took a moment to look her up and down. He took in her long tousled hair, red lips, trench coat—he realized now­—and the pair of black patent leather stilettos. He didn’t hide his desire; he knew his face must look ravenous, and he could feel where his pants were stretched tightly, showing her the shape of his hard cock.
A slow smirk spread across his face.
He motioned for her to walk around to the other side of her car. The side farther away from the road and the scarce light.
“Turn around.” He ordered.
She turned, pressing her front into the car’s frame, waiting until the last second to tear her eyes from his. He stepped closer to her until he was almost pressed against her and pulled her hair away from her ear to say, “I need to pat you down. Gotta make sure you don’t have anything dangerous on you.”
She shivered as his breath hit the arch of her ear.
His hands rested on her shoulders before slowly trailing down her arms.
“No knives,” His hands came back up and then tracked down her back, running a finger along the curve of her spine.
“No guns.” His fingers gripped her waist and in a quick motion, pulled her hips flush against his so she could feel exactly how turned on he was by her little game. He felt her ass rub up against his erection and held in a groan.
“No pepper spray.” He used one foot to kick her legs apart. One hand pressed on her upper back, making her lean further into the car. With her ass pushed out and feet spread apart, he gave her round backside a quick slap that caused her to gasp in surprise and gripped her hips to hold her in place.
“Don’t move,” Cassian commanded gruffly and he thought he heard a soft moan escape Nesta’s lips.
He pressed his body into hers, keeping her in place while he moved one hand to her hip as the other snaked its way around to grip her throat. Not too constricting, but just enough that she knew who was in charge
“What was that you said about punishing you?” Cassian’s hand on her hip moved down across her ass and then lower, taunting her with his touch. When she didn’t answer, just let out another low moan, he tightened his grip on her throat and cupped her through her panties.
Or, he would have if she’d been wearing any.
He moaned at the feeling of her warm, slick cunt against his fingers. Nesta’s words were cut off by a strangled gasp.
“Punish me.” She urged and tried to force her hips backward as he slowly moved his fingers along her slit, coating them in her wetness, before moving them up to circle her clit.
He hummed, considering. “You want me to punish you? I know you do, you’re so wet for me already,” he spoke into her ear, reveling in the sounds he was pulling from her.
“More, please,” Nesta gasped as his finger ghosted over her opening. “I’ve been bad, Officer.”
“You have.” He agreed and shoved two fingers into her soaking pussy.
She moaned loudly and splayed her hands across the top of the car trying to get a grip as he thrust into her relentlessly. His hand around her throat moved to reach into her coat and grasp one of her breasts.
Gods, she wasn’t wearing anything under her jacket.
He pulled his fingers all the way out, loving the whimper she made at the loss of sensation, only to add a third and resume his thrusts.
She moaned even louder as the hand at her breast rolled her nipple between his fingers and tweaked it harshly.
“Cass, please.” She begged. He loved it when she begged.
He grunted and pulled his fingers from her. Before she could protest, he spun her around so that her back was leaning against the car and she was staring at him with hooded eyes, breasts heaving as she breathed heavily.
He held her gaze as he brought his fingers to his lips and sucked every last drop of her arousal from them.
“Was that my punishment?” Nesta panted, frustrated that he didn’t make her finish.
Cassian stepped up to her and raised a brow.
“If you think that was your punishment, then you’ve got another thing coming, sweetheart.” He winked and leaned down as if to kiss her, but ducked his head at the last second to attach his mouth to her neck, sucking small bruises along her collar bone and throat.
Nesta reached down and untied the belt holding her jacket together. With a few quick movements, she had it open, off her body, and flung to the ground several feet away from them. Now she was leaning against the car wearing nothing but her heels.
“Then finish the job, Officer.”
With a growl, he gripped her face and kissed her fiercely. It wasn’t tender or loving—those kisses were for later. This was hungry, ravenous, filled with uncontrolled desire.
It was teeth and tongues clashing, claiming the other as best they could.
He broke away and smirked again.
“With pleasure.”
Then he dropped to his knees and hooked one of her legs over his shoulder. From his position, he noticed the underside of her stilettos was a bright red that matched her lips. He ran his hands up either side of her legs and watched Nesta shudder with anticipation before dipping his head between her thighs.
The sound of her moan and her head falling back to land on the car were almost as delicious as the taste of her on his tongue.
Cassian was relentless. He savored her taste and her moans as he devoured her. He knew exactly what she liked and she was already so close to the edge from the way his fingers had fucked her moments before.
Her moans grew louder and she fisted one hand in his hair, keeping him close. If he could, he would laugh; if she thought he would willingly abandon her soaking pussy right now she was insane. He would finish what he started, and then he’d make her beg for more
His tongue moved from where it was spearing into her to circle and suck her clit. He used two of his fingers to replace where his tongue had been inside her and curled them just right.
“Cassian!” Nesta’s head flew back and she shuddered as release barreled through her. The hands in his hair became almost unbearable tight, but he continued to eat her out slowly as she came down from her high.
When he was sure she’d ridden out the last wave, he stood up and held her gaze as he licked his lips. Her smoldering, lustful gaze heated further and she grabbed the back of his neck to pull him against her. Nesta tasted herself on Cassian’s lips and moaned.
She kissed down his jawline. She was so turned on knowing she was completely naked and he was still fully dressed.
Cassian grabbed her and reached for something on his belt, but she was too distracted to notice what it was. His hands ran down her arms and the next thing she knew, her own hands were behind her back and cold metal encircled them.
She broke the kiss to see his satisfied face. Raising an eyebrow she tested the stretch of the handcuffs he’d put on her.
“These are strong.” She commented on them, smirking, trying to pull her wrists apart.
Cassian flipped them around so he was now against the car. “They’re the real deal, baby.” Then he chuckled and unbuckled his belt.
Nesta watched hungrily as his fingers unbuttoned his pants and Cassian’s hard cock sprung free, desperate for attention.
He stroked himself a few times, loving the way her eyes were glued to his moving hand. “Now be a good girl and get on your knees.”
Nesta kicked off her heels and lowered herself to the ground, all the while looking at Cassian from beneath her eyelashes.
“Now what, Officer?” She goaded him innocently.
“Now show me what that smart mouth of yours can do.” He ran a hand through her hair before fisting it and bringing her face closer to his rock-hard cock. “And maybe it’ll make up for the way you behaved.”
She gave him one last smirk before leaning forwards and taking the tip of him into her mouth. He moaned at the feeling of her hot, wet mouth wrapped around him.
She sucked lightly, swirling her tongue over the slit. Cassian hissed a sharp breath and tightened his grip in her hair. She looked up at him as she started bobbing her head up and down.
“That’s it,” He groaned again as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked deeply. “You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.”
Then she pushed forward until her nose hit his pelvis and Cassian let out a loud groan.
She pulled away once to take a breath and then he was pushing her back down, using his grip in her hair to move her head up and down. She gagged as the tip of him hit the back of her throat but Cassian kept her head moving.
“Fuck.” He choked out, “ You’re perfect. Your tight little throat takes me so well. Can’t wait to fuck your dripping pussy.” He met her watering eyes and felt the moan she released at his words vibrate around his cock. “Look at you, on your knees, hands cuffed behind your back, ugh, Nes—”
The vibrations of her moans combined and the feeling of his tip brushing the back of her throat sent him over the edge. He went rigged and loosened his grip on her hair as he released down her throat. She took all of him, swallowing every last drop. Nesta leaned back on her heels and slowly released him with an audible pop.
He helped her get to her feet so she wouldn’t lose her balance since her hands were still locked behind her back, and swiped his thumb over her red, swollen lip.
He dragged her towards him for a bruising kiss.
“Gods, I love you.” He groaned against her mouth.
She pulled away to smile, “I love you too. Now take off your shirt.”
Cassian threw his head back and laughed but obeyed.
Once his own clothes were on the ground with hers, he opened the door to the back seat of her car and nudged her towards it.
She raised a brow at him and gestured with her still-bound hands. “Are these staying on?”
He stepped into her space and kissed her neck, sucking on the spot between her shoulder and neck that had her whimpering. “Do you want them to stay on?”
Nesta had a hard time responding once he moved to the seat behind her ear. “Yes,” She gasped, her head falling back. “Yes.”
She felt him smirk against her skin.
“Then they stay on,” Cassian commanded roughly.
She sent him another sultry smile. “Whatever you say, Officer.”
Cassian pulled Nesta as close he could get her with her hands cuffed behind her back; her back against his hard chest. One of his large hands wrapped around her throat and the other started rubbing soft circles over her clit. Nesta’s head fell back against his shoulder.
“Are you ready, sweetheart?” His voice was rough. “You’ve been driving me crazy with your texts and those fucking pictures. When we get home I want you to show me all those new sets of lingerie.” He nipped at her ear, his fingers moving a little faster. “But maybe you should start with your least favorite because I think I’ll just rip it off you.”
She groaned as he eased one finger inside her. “Oh yeah, you’re ready.”
He removed his finger and bent her over. Her face was pushed into the leather cushion with her knees spread resting on the seat, ass in the air.
Cassian ran a possessive hand over her spine and slapped her ass forcing her to moan into the seat. He stepped up behind her so she could feel his hard length press between her ass cheeks.
“Happy anniversary, Sweetheart.”
And then he pushed into her dripping cunt with one quick thrust. They both moaned loudly as they got used to the feeling. When Nesta moved her hips back trying to gain some friction, he gripped her hips and kept her still.
“Oh, gods, Cassian,” Her moans were muffled by the leather seat.
Chuckling, he started to move. Each thrust brought pleasure surging through him. By the sounds Nesta was making, he knew she was feeling the same.
“Faster.” She demanded. “Harder.”
He grunted and grabbed her hips with both hands, trying his best not to shove her face into the seat but still doing what she asked.
He planted his feet better and then fucked into her with everything he had.
There was a cacophony of sounds; Cassian’s grunts, Nesta’s incomprehensible moans, the wet, vulgar sound of skin on skin, and the rhythmic creaking of the car shaking.
He shifted Nesta’s hip and hit a spot that sent her squealing,
“Yes! Cass, right there!” She screamed and he made sure to hit that spot with every thrust.
Soon enough, he felt her walls clenching around him and he gritted his teeth as she screamed his name as she orgasmed.
Cassian made sure to keep up his pace throughout the entire thing.
When he felt her stop pulsing with the aftershocks, he used an arm to wrap around her middle, pulling her up against him as best he could with her hands still bound. Still inside her, he moved a hand up to fondle her breasts and tweak her nipples, switching between her breasts at random.
His hips sped up, every thrust coaxing a new moan out of Nesta. He wanted to memorize all the sounds she made.
“Please, Cassian.” She gasped, already feeling another orgasm start to build in the pit of her stomach.
Cassian turned her head towards him and planted a surprisingly tender kiss to lips. He felt her smiling and he couldn’t help but smile against her lips, too.
Then the hand at her breasts moved to grip her throat, squeezing tightly until she choked and he lessened his grip a fraction. His other hand, the one wrapped around her waist moved down to rub furiously at her clit. Cassian kept his thrusts hard and fast. Just how she liked it.
Nesta let out a high-pitched squeal at all the sensations. Her mind was fuzzy from the pleasure—every single nerve ending was on fire from Cassian’s touches.
“Come for me, Sweetheart.” He murmured in her ear. That was all she needed, and she exploded. She screamed loudly, head thrown back onto his shoulder giving him perfect access to kiss and suck her neck, and her whole body shook from the reverberations of her release.
The feeling of her pussy clenching like a vice around his cock sent Cassian plowing into his own orgasm and he spilled inside her. She continued to shake as the aftershocks coursed through her body.
Cassian held her against him until they both recovered, hands running soothingly over her body. Then he slowly pulled out of her and she loosed a soft whine.
He chuckled but dug around his discarded pant’s pocket for the key to his handcuffs. He quickly unlocked them and winced at the bright red marks on Nesta’s wrists. She sighed in relief as the metal was removed and gently rubbed her sore wrists.
Instantly, all remaining lust faded away and Cassian was filled with guilt as he gently took Nesta’s wrists in his hands and kissed the tender flesh.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think—”
Nesta cut him off, “Cassian, it’s okay.” She lifted his chin to meet her hazy, post-orgasm eyes, “I liked it, don’t worry.”
He just stared at her wrists, but she grabbed his arm and pulled him into the back seat of the car with her. She gently pushed him against the back and laid down next to him, grabbing the spare blanket tucked under the driver’s seat and tossed it over them.
Nesta ran reassuring hands over Cassian’s guilt-ridden face, as he wrapped his arms around her and tugged her close to him. “Really, Cass. If you ever want to bring those home with you, feel free.”
At his raised brows she added, “The ones we already have don’t feel as authentic.”
He searched her face for any discomfort and finding none, laughed. He pulled her even closer and she sighed contentedly at his warmth as his arms tightened around her body.
“I’ll see what other toys I can bring home, too.”
She kissed his chest and he rested his chin on top of her head.
“Happy Anniversary, Babe,” Nesta whispered, smiling into his skin.
Cassian chuckled into her hair and pulled her tighter against him. “Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart.”
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @bisexual-genderfluid-loki @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @miserablesmusings @morganofthewildfire @nehemikkele @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @surielandiareendgame @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @ladygabrielli1997
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enjeolmii · 3 years
coffee - s.jy
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genre: mostly angst, a little fluff towards the end
word count: 1.7k
warnings: overdose on caffeine, passing out, i think that’s all :))
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"Y/n, you should stop drinking coffee. You have to watch out for yourself, too," Jake says slowly, sitting his hand on your shoulder with the other one on the heavy cup you are holding. "Four is enough."
Your eyes shift to his expression, one that conveyed clear emotions of concern. This was supposed to be your fifth cup of the day.
Studying for the exams has never been so stressful. The amount of pressure dangling on your shoulders is much unbearable than how you expected it to be. Having parents who never supported your dream certainly took a toll on you, and living with a flawless sister all your life was never any help for your self-esteem. Being the low-grade sister between you two gave you comparisons aplenty. Everywhere you look, no matter where you go, you always find taunts and mockery preying on you. All your life, you got discredited by most of your relatives in light of your sister.
And you want to prove them wrong.
Getting higher grades is what it is. All she's ever good at is cheating off of her friends' answer sheets. It's a secret she threatened you to keep. Ever since she saw you and Jake hanging out alone in the swimming room, a picture she'd taken is all it would take for your parents to wash their hands of you.
And then, there's also getting the favor of all your family. She's prettier, sweeter, hard-working, and smarter. Everyone is biased on her nonexistent efforts, yet you - who has tried everything she can do to show her utmost best to be acknowledged by the people around her - were forsaken and left overlooked.
But it wasn't until Jake happened.
Only he saw the struggles you faced and outweighed. He conceded how far down the road you'd made it yourself and never forgot to make you feel worthy of his praises. He is the only one who understood the motive behind your desperation, and he is the only one who supported your dream.
So you wanted to make him proud. This exam will serve as the last movement to get into the performing arts school you long sought to join. To lose this opportunity means losing all you endear, and you wouldn't be sure how well you will hold up if you let this chance slip away.
That is all you can say for five cups of coffee.
"As much as I would love to stop, I'm not yet done studying. I need to ace this test." You peel his grip off of your cup, squeezing it as you offer a hesitant smile of reassurance, and he lets out a sigh.
"You aced all your activities and went home bringing the highest grades in your class," His palms find purchase on your shoulders. "You are doing so well now. Why do you put so much pressure on yourself?" A short silence follows your sigh.
"Jake, I have only been compared to my sister all my life. This is the only time I can prove them wrong. I want to feel incomparable, too. I want them to know that I am not a punching bag that they can just play around with," You clarify through clenched teeth, a recollection of all the memories flashing past your eyes. "You know that better than anyone."
Your boyfriend couldn't help but feel bad for you. He understood. All those times you leaned on him when you felt like giving up, every moment you called him and texted him asking for motivation, he knows how much you went through, and it casts him down that you never acknowledged how much progress and improvement you have shown.
You became more assertive and bolder, and he is happy that you are finally standing up for yourself. However, he couldn't learn to accept seeing you lose long hours of sleep over studying. For days, you ran on caffeine to help you stay awake and scan through your textbooks as long as you were satisfied. You pushed yourself to the limits, bypassing the pleasure of taking a rest and instead etching all significant terms on the topic of your exam in your mind. You disregarded the accomplishments you made for yourself and went on thinking that you never achieved enough to get a compliment from your loved ones, which is what Jake could not understand.
"Yes, I know that. But drinking more coffee isn't going to help you, is it?" He signifies, and you let a dry laugh through your nose.
"Give me one reason caffeine doesn't help." You smirk at him. Sure, your method is trash, and everything about it is not entirely definitive. But, can you really do anything about it? No, well, not that you know of. Your sister is studying in the same field, and it is only a matter of skill to win against her. If you gain a point or two higher, it is more than enough to crush her pride and bring yours up. The hidden thirst you have for acceptance is slowly showing, and you all but feel determined to see how far you can take it to get the better of her.
"Too much of it doesn't bring you to the top. It brings you to a hospital bed."
Your smile vanishes at his answer. What he said is true, but to hear an accurate response to your insincere quest only irritates you. You set the mug down on the countertop before crossing your arms, feeling the weight of his hands on your shoulders disappear, and you poke your tongue to the side of your cheek. "So what do you want me to do?" You assert, voice laced with irritation and disinterest.
"Take a break. Continue studying when your mind's not exhausted."
"My mind is not exhausted."
"Babe, you've been in front of your books since early sunrise. It's already two in the morning." He protests, and you look at him with a tinge of bitterness.
He shoots you worried gazes as his hands travel to yours, squeezing and swaying them side to side, and you sigh. "I don't care what time it is. I can take a rest tomorrow after the exam." You retract his grip from yours, taking the coffee cup back in your hands before stepping back into your room. "I need to study."
"Y/n... Please!" Jake follows close behind you, continuously begging. Suddenly, your head becomes heavy. Pain strikes your upper nape every time he calls for your name, ears abruptly ringing at the volume he whines. Black spots appear in your vision, along with the feeling of getting lightheaded. Your eyes shut tight in discomfort. As though your head will fall off the moment you move it around, you lose all senses, the sound of him calling you blurring away.
One moment, you groan with a hand rubbing slow circles at your temple. And another moment, the shattering sound of your mug against the floor reaches your ears, legs giving out as you feel your boyfriend's arms supporting your fall.
Panic replaces the distress in Jake's expression. Frantically, he lightly shakes your body in an attempt to wake you up, and when all taps and raps decline, he locks his arms around your arms and knees, hastily lifting you towards your bedroom.
Through the piles of answer sheets sprawled on the floor, he tiptoes his way to gently lay you on your bed, snatching the pillows under your head to pile them beneath your feet.
A heavier sigh escapes. He moves to sit by your side against the headboard, looking down at your vulnerable form as he sweeps strands of hair away from your face.
"You're so stubborn, you know that?" He utters through whispers. "You just never learn to give up, even when you know it's going to be hard on you."
Running his fingers gently through your hair, he frowns. He admires it of you - how you always manage to get what you want.
It's how he fell in love with you. It's how you caught his heart. The confidence that inclined his interest when you represented the class's agitated thoughts towards your unqualified professor, not a single fear of the consequences ahead.
Then, having made known that you were never able to use that confidence in front of your family hit a soft spot in his heart. So he wanted to help you get the recognition you desired, stayed with you in your highest and lowest, up until now.
"Why can't you see the significance behind everything you have outdone? You've fulfilled enough to show your family that you are incomparable, yet you're never satisfied with yourself," The air grows silent. "I guess you want to hear it directly from them. Is that how you're going to be? Thinking of yourself the way others think of you... Do you know why I love you? Because you are a kind, persevering, and confident person. I didn't love you because you are smarter than your sister. Hearing confirmation from others isn't everything, love, there are still other people who think you are flawless."
A few more minutes of stroking your head and one good look at your subtle breathing are all it takes for Jake to get up from the bed before bitterly watching the spilled coffee wither onto the corridor floor across the open door. "Now, look at the mess I'll have to clean," He stressfully stretches his neck, eyes closed. Just as he takes a step away to tidy up the mess, a hand reaches to grab his arm.
"I'm sorry," You mumble, eyes still closed. "I was getting too competitive I didn't realize you were here for me. I didn't mean to get mad at you," You tug at him. "Stay here, I'll clean that later when we wake up. For now, let's go to sleep." You make space for him on your bed, a small smile pulling at his lips as he gladly lays down beside you, setting his arm under your head while you wrap an arm around his body. "Thank you, love."
Jake looks at you, smile growing wider before placing a long kiss on your forehead. "I'll always love you no matter what."
You mirror his expression, snuggling closer to him as you say, "I love you, too."
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a/n: i saw that there are lots of you who are preparing for exams right now... if you are one of them, then thank you for reading this and procrastinating a lil bit :D i wish you all the best!! drink your water and stay healthy always!!! 💖🥰
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scribblingfangirl · 4 years
WITH LOVE, THE GOSTS | Julie and The Phantoms - Part Three
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Author’s Note: I decided that this fic trilogy occurs a year after the season one final, making Julie and Y/N almost (or already) 17. Also… this part turned out waaay longer than expected. Which is why there is going to be a fourth part because I have one last idea but didn’t want to rush to write it. And to think this all started because of a rushed (haha) 1k Oneshot. I should really start to write more spontaneously, it seems like good things come out of it. Anyway, Enjoy! :D
Songs mentioned in this chapter (in this order): Now or Never & Wake Up by JaTP | Don't Stop Me Now by Queen | Rude by MAGIC! | Don’t Laugh At Me by Mark Wills | Don’t You Worry ’Bout a Thing by Tori Kelly | Still Learning by Halsey | Ayo Technology by 50 Cent | My version of My Name Is Luke by Trevor Wilson | Let’s Forget About It by Lisa Loeb | Let's Just Get Naked Lyrics by Joan Osborne | Hey by Pixies
word count: ~ 3.9k
summary: Even after meeting the boys they still aren’t tired of helping you out and they each have their own little ways to do it.
warnings:  // (english is not my first language, not beta-read)
Knowing that ghosts existed was an absurd feeling (even though you had always believed or hoped that there was more out there than just this world, especially with all those planets that had been discovered by NASA), but knowing that there were three certain ghosts that liked you enough to kindly haunt you, well… that was just plain unimaginable somehow. Yet, still less anxiety awakening than you expected. 
After Julie let you meet the guys for the first time you thought you were prepared to accept that you would not be able to talk to them unless they played something (after all, you had Flynn to groan about that), but the occasional giggle from Julie and her glances into nothing still sent chills down your spine.
So you started to always look around very suspiciously whenever you were over at her house and make obscene hand movements just to be sure that the boys would move before you walked somewhere or sat down (which just earned chuckles from Flynn and annoyed sighs from Julie - “Just because you can’t see them, doesn’t mean they can’t see you. They know where you are, so please stop, or else my dad will call your parents and send you to Dr Turner as well.” The boys found it hilarious and liked to imitate you whenever they came too close to you.) 
The boys also still kept doing little things for you, just not so in secret anymore (though… Reggie was never one for subtlety). Whenever you seemed to have had a bad day (or whenever they just wanted to make you smile) you knew you could count on them having something prepared for you. 
You soon discovered that anything related to food (which sometimes were extremely odd and bizarre combinations) was Luke’s doing (except for pizza and meatballs, according to Julie that was always Reggie). And you knew it was Alex whenever it was something more calm and soothing, yet sometimes a little bit clumsy. And whenever it was blatantly obvious and/or slightly weird (in a good way!) it was Reggie. 
Well, no. Not always in a good way. One time you came back from school and your whole room was filled with glitter and butterflies and a small note with a little ‘Sorry!’ on it was pinned to your desk - cleaning that had been a pain in the a-. But you couldn’t be angry at Reggie, even though you weren’t quite sure what his ultimate goal would have been. 
Speaking of REGGIE...
All those helpful little deeds and nice gestures were always done within the limits of your house (mostly room) or Julie’s house and the studio, which is why you almost let out a loud yelp when suddenly during a math test your pen started to move on his own, filling out the empty space (because yes, you hadn’t been doing very much other than staring helplessly at the paper in front of you). Quickly you grabbed the pen as well (loosely and while trying to ignore the fact that you were practically holding hands with one of the guys) so that nobody would see a floating pen as you did a few weeks ago at Christmas.
From the corners of your eyes, you saw Julie slightly move her head towards you, as if she was listening to you - or rather someone right beside or behind you. ‘Of course. I can’t see them, so the only way to help me is by physically grabbing the pen, but Julie can hear and see them, so they (whoever this is - because let’s be honest, none of the guys really looks like a math genius) only have to tell her the corrects solutions and how to get there. My money’s on Alex.’
You were kind of shocked, and weirdly proud when Julie came up to you after class and said: “Reggie’s not so questionable after all, huh?” (Though… you should’ve guessed it, you did say subtlety wasn’t Reggie’s strong suit.) So you just giggled and shook your head while leaving some of your books in your locker (alongside the fact that Reggie was probably almost (if not!) hugging you from behind - you shuddered at that thought, it’s not like you were already awkward around living boys your age, no need to add ghosts to that list!)
A week later you and Julie entered the studio with blank faces and hanging shoulders. Julie threw a weak little wave towards the piano and sighed while you threw the blankets and snacks you were holding carelessly on the ground and let yourself fall face-first onto the couch, not being able to hide your smile anymore.
“We got our math exams back… yes the one Reggie helped us with.”
You couldn’t see what Julie was doing, but you heard her gasp and whisper “No! Reggie…” after a while. Then she was standing beside you, nudging your shoulder and willing you to sit up, but you didn’t bulge, needing a few more seconds to wipe the smile off your face again.
Faking to disgruntledly accept defeat as Julie’s nudges got stronger (the couch was really comfortable, you totally understood Luke now) you sat up and looked at Julie. “Who’s going to tell them?” you said with a heavy voice and felt how the couch dipped beside you. Raising your eyebrows you quickly glanced to the side (obviously not seeing anybody or anything) and looked back at Julie questioningly. 
She nodded, telling you that it was indeed Reggie and gave you the okay to drop the bomb.
You sighed as you turned back around, facing the wall on the other side of the studio and hoped that Reggie would ignore the fact that you were probably talking to his ear or something. “So Reggie… the help you gave us on the math final? Well…,” you couldn’t keep your face straight any longer and jumped onto the couch, “WE ACED IT! I WOULD HUG YOU IF YOU WEREN’T MADE OUT OF CUTE AIR!” (Okay… maybe there was a little bit too much serotonin involved.)
Julie added smiling, “And I’m happy to announce that due to my good grades my father allowed Julie and The Phantoms to play at the upcoming Summer Music Festival!”
A guitar riff filled the studio, followed by a short drum intro and with a ‘puff!’ the boys appeared in front of you, beaming and glowing at the news. Reggie even threw a wink at you when you smiled back and said: “Thank you!”
Don't look down 'Cause we're still rising Up right now And even if we hit the ground We'll still fly Keep dreaming like we'll live forever But live it like it's now or never!
This allowed LUKE…
The music festival was an experience you would never forget. You were very happy Ray managed to persuade your parents to let you accompany Julie (sadly Flynn had no such luck). Not only did you turn 17 and the boys made sure to have the whole crowd sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to you (as soon as you were back home you would add an extra point to your to-do: ‘find out how to kill ghosts a second time’), but the boys rocked the stage and Julie stood up taller and shined brighter than ever before. 
Gone (yet not forgotten) were the painful shocks and the fear of never performing again and the serenity of the guys was visible. 
It was the last night of the music festival when Julie got the phone call from her father. He would come by to get her the next morning and they would drive directly to visit other family members and spend the rest of the summer holidays there. 
Of course, Julie was excited to see her cousins and aunts and uncles again, but she also felt bad to leave you to drive back alone (you had come with your car jam-packed with all the necessary equipment you needed and that wasn’t provided by the festival).
“Don’t worry! It’s only a four-hour drive! I’ve got good music, podcasts and audiobooks to keep me company and back home Flynn will be waiting. It sadly looks like I’m going to survive without you.” 
Early the next morning Julie and some newfound fans of Julie and The Phantoms helped you load the equipment into your car and you said goodbye to Julie. Expecting the boys to just directly puff back to Los Feliz you didn’t waste any time and entered your car, connected your phone with the stereo and started to blast your favourite Broadway musicals.
You must’ve been on the road for half an hour when suddenly the playlist stopped and ‘Wake Up’ started to play.
So wake that spirit, spirit!
Confused you scrunched up your nose and touched the touch screen displaying the music system, trying to change it back to your playlist. But instead, the music changed yet again.
(Don't stop me now) 'Cause I'm having a good time (Don't stop me now) Yes, I'm havin' a good time I don't want to stop at all
“What the hell?” you muttered, staring at your stereo for a quick second before focusing back on the road, “Why you always going crazy on me dude?”
Once again the music switched.
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too?
It took you a hot minute to understand what was going on and then you couldn’t stop laughing. 
Don't laugh at me, don't call me names Don't get your pleasure from my pain
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you said mockingly, looking at the empty passenger seat, guessing that that’s where your invisible friend was sitting. “Your pain? I’m not the one who is able to puff wherever and whenever their heart desires and who sneaks up on innocent people.”
“For what it’s worth. I’m sorry. I really am. It’s not like you choose this life, you deserved better than this. But I’m really glad I was able to get to know you. I’m really thankful for the light and happiness you brought back into Julie’s life.”
Don't you worry 'bout a thing
But I'm still learnin' to
using technology
You laughed. “Impressive skills nevertheless. Knowing three fitting songs and then changing them at the right time? Let me guess, Luke? Because I don’t think all of you three would fit into my tiny car full of musical equipment.”
At first, there was no music yet again, but then the slow melody of a (for you) well-known song flooded your car. It was the one Trevor Wilson song you never understood until you met the boys, the one song that was so totally different to his usual rock sound (except for the refrains, which, as you later would find out, were parts of the original lyrics Luke wrote for his version of the song).
I sing to remember the stories that used to be But I don’t write to create what could have been And as I scream words into the darkness around me They come out like a dying whisper
The kindest thing to do is to silence them and let them die To unleash my heartfelt sorrow into the sky  And diminish the will to fight That pulses like fire and screams with pain through my veins
But life’s not always beautiful, it’s rare So I’mma chase it, watch you make it
Don’t need to introduce himself You will want to know his name Pushing your foundations down  He is here to stay
Don’t call him a breeze when he’s a hurricane Don’t call him a tremble when he’s an earthquake Don’t call him an inconvenience Please just say his name
Leaving lyrics in my hands That I swallow like pills Like hurtful words, they rip and claw And press painfully against my chest
But no matter how painful they are I will soak them up, thinking of our hopes and wishes And as each word pushes a new pulse through my veins I keep staring out on the grave of our shared space of mind
Life’s not always beautiful, but it’s rare So I’mma chase it, watch you make it
Don’t need to introduce himself You will want to know his name Pushing your foundations down  He is here to stay
Don’t call him a spark when he’s a lightning bolt Don’t call him a flicker when he’s a raging flame Don’t you dare to underestimate him Please just say his name
But even when the word flood finally comes to an end Fidgeting hands remind me of music never played
I owe him my voice I owe him my sound
So I give him this time I give him this space To sing it out loud To let him declare And let me be proud
What’s his name? (His name is Luke!) What’s his name? (His name is Luke!) What’s his name? (His name is Luke!)
How long do we say his name? (Until we explode!)
My name is Luke! (Tell your friends!)
Tears were rolling down your cheeks, the song now more emotional than ever before. You couldn’t imagine how this song must affect Luke. Thinking that his bandmate abandoned him (which honestly… he kind of did, only mentioning him in one song, not giving any money to their parents and so on) up until he heard the song for the first time.
Forget about it Let's forget about it
The ensuing silence wasn’t awkward. You hummed along to the music Luke selected, sometimes it were old classics (probably his favourites), other times it seemed to be random newer hits he probably never heard before mixed with some songs from your favourite playlists.
It was nearing midday and your stomach made itself known. As if on cue a road sign hinted at a diner just up ahead. Setting the blinker you pulled into the parking lot a few moments later.
“I hope you don’t mind. I know home’s only like an hour away, but...” you began to trail off, not knowing where to look at and your stomach finished your sentence. And before you were able to grab the door handle it sprung wide open. 
“Uh, what a gentleman. Thank you very much.”
The meal was over in a flash and once more you realised how much the boys actually knew about you without having actually interacted with you (perks of seeing other people without being seen themselves?). 
It’s like Luke could read your wishes just from your facial expressions. Whenever you needed salt or pepper they were right there. Whenever something was too salty or had too much pepper on your drink was being pushed closer to your side. And when you accidentally spilt something and needed more napkins they magically appeared.
When you then spotted a cute little guitar keychain that reminded you of Luke that was being sold as a souvenir at the check-out it was suddenly safely tucked into your back pocket (though that was really really risky, and while you did not condone it you couldn’t really stop a ghost).
Back in your car, you didn’t even bother to turn on the stereo, knowing that Luke would take over as soon as your hands were on the steering wheel again. 
However, a glance to your right presented you with a map of your surroundings, a big x hastily drawn over the Silverwood Lake in San Bernardino, which was basically just around the corner.
“You want to go swimming? We- I just ate! And my bathing suit is somewhere under that mountain of equipment on the backseat.”
Let's just get naked, just for a laugh Let's just get naked It's a trip and a half
You laughed at that, rolling your eyes and shaking your head, before stowing the map away and turning on the car. “I guess catching Reggie in the shower isn’t enough anymore?”
“You started making it weird buddy.”
It had started to rain when you finally pulled up in your driveway, but you couldn’t be bothered to rush inside, enjoying the feeling of the cooling wetness on your skin.
“Look at that,” you said to nobody in particular, not knowing if Luke was still around or if he puffed back to the garage, “I didn’t even need to go swimming after all.”
He was. Sitting in the passenger seat, face on his arms while he leaned on the open car window, he watched you dance in the rain with a smile on his face. He was glad he decided to stick around and keep you company on that road trip. You gave him the courage to listen to My Name Is Luke for the first time (and getting to see you smile while showing off his impressive music knowledge was a bonus too). Because without knowing, you were doing little deeds for the boys too.
And made ALEX…
Whoever wrote that “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain”-quote totally forgot to mention how dangerous small summer storms can be. 
Well sure, it might have been your fault for staying out for too long and deciding to let the sun that came out a little bit later dry you instead of changing into fresh and dry clothes, but whatever happened happened and you got sick. (It’s not like you had anything better to do during the last few days of your summer holidays, right?) 
Flynn had been a great friend and hung out almost daily at your house, playing board games, watching movies or tv or even just discussing upcoming Julie and The Phantoms possibilities with you. But your dearest little helper had been Alex.
The blond drummer had turned into the tall brother you never had but always wanted (focus on tall because the age thing with ghosts is seriously confusing) even if he was invisible to you 100% of the time. You had the same interests and were able to bond without actually having to say any words, little gestures and reciprocations on your side were more than enough.
Julie had come up with an easy solution and had bought you some of those sound buzzers (like the ones that dogs and cats use to communicate with their owners) and recorded some simple words and phrases the boys liked to use on them. Now the boys just had to press them to be able to communicate with you without having to use pen and paper or Julie herself (sure your parents were a little bit weary and confused, but you said it was for a longer school research project and that shut them up).
Now, feeling way better than during the last few days, but still very tired, you were sitting in your bed, not really focused on the tv show (or was it a movie?) that was playing on your computer. You had been contemplating and mentally preparing yourself to get something to eat and to drink for the past 15 minutes, but the thoughts alone were exhausting and binding you to the bed. Just then a tray with a water bottle, meds and a fruit bowl floated into your room. 
Suddenly wide awake and full of energy you clumsily jumped out of your bed and grabbed the tray, throwing a quick glance out of the door to see if your parents were around and slammed the door shut, wincing at the loud sound and hoping that Alex had walked out of the way (not that it would have hurt him, but you know - rude).
See? He thought the same. (Julie had to specifically add this word for Alex.) 
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. But I would like not to get murdered or have Sam and Dean Winchester on my back because my parents think I’m possessed and need to be exorcised.”
“You what?”
“Alex… I need more context.”
“I do. Me.”
You just blinked blankly at the sound buzzers, trying to piece together what Alex was trying to say.
“Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. M-”
“THAT’S ENOUGH Y/N! WHATEVER THAT SCHOOL PROJECT IS, TELL IT I HEARD IT AND I DON’T CARE WHAT IT WANTS!” you heard your father's scream come muffled through the door.
The audience laughter from sitcoms filled your room and you groaned, grabbing a pillow and smashing it against your face.
Faintly you heard the telltale sound of a pen scribbling something on paper and when you peeked from behind the pillow a note was floating in the air in front of you. “You mean exorcise ME! You would be the one surviving!” 
“What? Oh my god… yeah okay, YOU get exorcised… same thing. Both aren’t allowed to happen. Forgive my fever brain.”
“Fork you, Alex.”
“I have Carlos on speed-dial, I’m sure he already came up with other methods to get rid of ghosts other than the salt thing. He already told me that he’s sorry and that he thinks I might get haunted by you too with the amount of time I spend at their house.” 
“No. Food.”
Confused at that topic change it took you a few seconds to answer. “What?” Looking around your gaze landed on the tray that you had deposited on your desk. “Oh right! Boy, I completely forgot how thirsty and hungry I am. Did I say thank you? Fang u!” you mumbled with your mouth full of fruit. 
“No. Food.”
You swallowed down your food and took a big gulp of water. “Yes Alex, thank you. I am eating. You see? Here I am, here’s the food. The food is here and now whoops - ifs gan!”
You could basically feel the annoyance radiating from the ghost and weren’t really shocked when the pen started to scribble something down again.
“No! Argh!” He really wrote Argh… that dork really wrote Argh! “You can be worse than Reggie sometimes, but you do it on purpose and I’m just sorry for Reggie. A) Carlos thinks he got rid of us by making a french dip and B) You’re awfully lively for a supposedly sick person. I might need to use the buzzers more and see what other reactions I can provoke from your parents.”
Crumbling the note in your hands you thought ‘Challenge accepted’. “You know what? I think I’mma go back on Reggie’s offer and actually let him introduce me to Wilbur. He might know some stuff I could use to blackmail you. And you’re right! I feel much better, just very tired, but that’s nothing a little bit of fresh air can’t fix! Toodles!” 
You left your room, leaving a flabbergasted ghost behind who had lost his snapback with the number of times he had been combing through his hair with his hands. And while angrily pressing a pink buzzer, the buzzer wasn't the only thing that screamed “WILLIAM!” after the girl. (That was another important sound Alex wanted to have recorded.)
Taglist: @sunsetcurvej​​ @ifilwtmfc​
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎-𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑊𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝐴 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, justifying, encouraging, promoting, nor romanticizing yandere or mafia behavior or lifestyle. This is all a work of fiction and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
Warnings: This reaction contains scenes of violence, blood, death, and other material that might not be suitable for some people. Reader discretion advised.
❧𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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The fact Hongjoong seemed completely unfazed by you throwing the stack of papers on his desk was starting to frighten you.
"Aren't you going to look over them?" You asked him when he made no move nor any sound.
Hongjoong hummed softly before taking the packet and merely flipping the pages.
"I'm not going to ..... if you want me to sign over the papers, I'll gladly do it right now."
Now he was terrifying you. There was no way he was going to give in that easily.
You knew him too well.
Hongjoong smirked when he saw your suspicious look.
"Just get it over with so I can leave. It's almost time to pick up our son."
"Actually honey........ you won't find him there." He said as he picked up the ballpoint pen next to him.
Your head snapped up at him.
"What? What are you saying?! If you hurt my-"
"Our son, at least he still is at this moment, and you know I'd never let a single hair of his get harmed...."
Hongjoong hovered the pen above the dotted line at the bottom of the page.
"But I'm letting you know now Y/N, the second I sign these divorce papers, is the second you'll no longer be his mom or ever see him again."
There it was, just as you feared. He was blackmailing you into staying.
"Still want me to sign them?"
❧𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Seonghwa sipped his tea calmly. Taking a quick glance at the clock, he let out a soft chuckle.
"She'll be here any minute."
Sure enough, just as the clock struck 10, the doors bursted open. He barely batted an eyelash at his wife who was now caged in between 2 very tall and muscular men who were carrying her in the room. Y/N swung her legs around, trying desperately to free herself but it was no use. They managed to sit her down at the opposite end of the table.
"Sit the fuck down."
Seonghwa's voice boomed throughout the dining room, and Y/N immediately abandoned her plan of running out the door once the security guards left. Seonghwa was even more menacing than them combined.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he inhaled and then released a heavy sigh.
"Seriously? You start acting up these last few days and I let it go because I'm trying to be patient...."
Reaching for something underneath his plate, he threw it across so it landed right in front of Y/N.
"But that is the last straw."
In the blink of an eye, Seonghwa was right in front of her, harshly gripping her chin as he made her look into his cold and fiery eyes.
"Let me make this clear Y/N: you're my wife. I own you..... and I won't let you go around embarrassing me with some divorce shit."
Letting go of her, Seonghwa shoved her face away rather harshly.
"As if marrying you in the first place wasn't humiliating enough...."
❧𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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"Y/N....what are you-?"
When Yunho got the call from the lawyer telling him that you had filed for the divorce, he refused to believe it. He just couldn't believe it. He loved you, and you obviously loved him. It had to be a mistake.
But when he came home and found you packing the last of your things, reality hit him. You kept refusing to answer his questions, merely brushing past him as if he didn't exist. Getting frustrated, Yunho gripped your arms and held you in place.
"For God's sake Y/N! Why can't we just talk about this?! Talk to me! We have to work this out!" He didn't realize he began to shake her rather violently.
"There's nothing to work out here Yunho! I'm sick of all this! I'm sick of your possessiveness and I'm done!" You cried out.
"No baby please don't! I promise you I can change! Just please don't walk out on me!"
He embraced you tightly when you tried to push him off, his height and strength making your attempts at pulling away futile. His desperate sobs began to make you feel guilty, making you start to regret your decision......
But the still rational part of you refused to give in. You had to get out....
Even if you ended up destroying Yunho and yourself in the process.
❧𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Yeosang stared coldly at you. He had just finished reading the documents and he was definitely not amused. Without even blinking or moving his gaze from you, he ripped the papers in half, throwing them onto the floor.
"You've really gotten more brazen these past months." He noted.
"What can I say? I learned it from you." You spat back.
Yeosang lifted his hand but stopped himself midway. Clenching his fist, he took a deep breath before snapping his fingers. One of his guards immediately came up to you and landed a harsh slap to your cheek. Although it stung like a bitch, you refused to let any tears spill out and opted for keeping a straight face, knowing it'll piss him off even more.
"You can't keep me locked here with you forever Yeosang." You told him.
Raising an eyebrow at your challenging words, Yeosang hissed out:
"Oh no? Watch me."
He walked out of your room, motioning for two of the guards to stay positioned at your door. He glared at you as he closed the doors, the sound of them being locked resonating throughout the room.
Now you definitely were trapped.
❧𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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When they brought the documents to San and he took a look at them, he was furious. He actually got his gun out and shot the messenger dead with a bullet to the head.
"Where is she?!" He demanded.
"We don't know sir." One of his men replied.
"Well I'm giving you 1 hour to find her unless you want me to skin you all alive and feed you to the dogs. This is an order: find my wife and bring her back here. Do not harm her and most of all, do not allow her to try anything..."
San knew you were crazy enough to end your own life before allowing yourself to be taken back to him. You had already tried running away years before, which resulted in him caning your back so severely that it took you months to fully recover and to walk properly again. You remember when he warned you that if you tried anything like that again, he would not hesitate to torture you to death.
"I want her here! And I want her here alive! Do you understand me?!" He roared at his men.
"Sir yes sir!"
The men quickly sparsed themselves out, dedicated to finding you and bringing you back to your devil of a husband.
San looked out the window, his eyes squinting in rage and disgust as he looked at the city lights beneath him.
"I'll find you Y/N, you can't hide from me forever. Even if I have to set the entire city on fire and burn it to the ground, I will find you...
And I will kill you. "
❧𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi grunted, his fist once again colliding with the poor man's face which was already badly bruised and dripping insane amounts of blood. But it wasn't enough for Mingi. He was livid, he was like a beast, and most of all, he was going insane after being told that not only you had filed for divorce but that you had actually left the country to god knows where.
"Fucking christ! Where is she?! Why can't any of you give me any answers?!" He shouted at the terrified people behind him.
"S-sir, we're trying our b-best.." they tried to explain.
"Well obviously, it's not good enough!"
Reaching his limit, he violently bashed the man's head against the concrete wall, cracking his skull open as blood spurted all over Mingi's shirt, neck and jaw, effectively putting an end to the man's suffering.
"Sir? We got a confirmation."
Mingi's eyes lit up instantly when he heard that. His subordinate showed him the coordinates of where you were located and even got a hold of the hotel room you were staying in.
Not able to wait any longer, Mingi gave orders for his plane to be prepared. Getting out his phone, he immediately called your room, his heart pounding so hard he thought it would burst out his chest.
He stopped breathing for a moment when he finally heard your voice.
"Baby? Please wait for me.....
I'm coming for you."
❧𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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Wooyoung raised an eyebrow at you.
"Do you want to die?" He questioned you.
"Why? Are you offering?" You counteracted him.
"Don't fucking test me cause I can easily arrange it."
Whether it was you feeling a little more brave or you simply had forgotten the kind of man Wooyoung really was, you had the audacity to scoff at him.
"But you won't Wooyoung. You're not going to kill me. Cause you're so puffed up with pride and power and with this obsessive need to control me, that if you kill me, you'd lose that power....."
You smirked at his shocked expression.
"And you can't have that now, can you?"
Wooyoung lifted his hand to slap you, but you quickly evaded it, landing a punch to his stomach that had him doubling over. You began running away, almost reaching the door when you cried out in pain as a loud bang sounded through the room. You clutched your leg as blood poured out from your shin, meanwhile Wooyoung strolled over to you, gun in his hand.
"You're right..... I won't kill you...
But that doesn't mean I won't hurt you.."
❧𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Jongho's eye and hand began to twitch as soon as he saw you walk in with Yunho, not liking your close proximity.
"Yunho....... distance." He reminded his friend.
Yunho looked over at you, who were now trembling slightly. Now Yunho understood why you begged him to accompany you for this. Sighing, Yunho merely walked up to Jongho and handed him the folder in his hands. Jongho furrowed his eyebrows as he peered through the contents. He immediately threw them on the floor in outrage.
"What the hell is the meaning of this?!" He demanded to know.
You winced at his tone of voice and immediately stood behind Yunho for protection, which only enraged Jongho more.
"I swear to God, if you're leaving me for him.."
Jongho walked up and tried to tear you away from Yunho, but luckily Yunho intervened and kept him from landing a finger on you.
"Let me go you fucking bastard! How dare you take my wife away from me!" Jongho accused him.
"First of all it's not like that and as long as I'm here, I won't let you hurt her! Jongho you've got to stop!"
But being stronger than the taller male, Jongho easily shoved him to the floor. He then proceeded to corner you in the wall, pining your arms as he slammed you against it. Yunho now panicked and accidentally blurted out:
"Jongho stop! You'll not only hurt her but the baby-"
Yunho immediately clasped a hand over his mouth as he realized he said what you wanted to keep secret. Jongho looked at Yunho then at you, who had fear written all over your face. Jongho softened up a little as his hands clasped around your stomach.
"And you still tried to leave me...?"
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
In the Steel Steeds Heart
Chapter 28: The Pot Boils Over
Warnings:” strong language, sexual themes
Summar: Juniper finally comes clean to Heisenberg…
Feedback appreciated. 18+
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Their interactions for the following days didn’t fare better. Juniper was touchy and moody, almost bursting into tears at some of Heisenberg’s comments. He was at a loss, used to her being a bantering partner.
She’d started avoiding the workshop, from a mixture of the smell and her recent lack of patience for his joking. At night Heisenberg would frequently hear her crying softly when she thought he’d fallen asleep or while she hid away in the bathroom.
It broke his heart.
He knew she was suffering, but wouldn’t talk to him. When he would attempt to get answers from her it seemed to push her father away.
So he started focusing on work more, spending more time away from the apartment.
His worry worked its way into a sharp blade, slicing into him when his mind would wander.
Was it his fault? It must be. That’s why she wouldn’t speak to him…
The thought swam darkly around his brain.
How did he fuck up?
The worry was blanketed with anger and annoyance, his usual response to hard to process emotions. He knew what being angry felt like, it was normal. It was easier to handle, he thought.
But it made him simmer like a kettle, ready to boil over every second. The deeper he sunk into worry and self-loathing without any type of answers, the higher the heat rose on the kettle.
After their most recent spout, it finally did boil over…
Heisenberg sat reading at the table, smoking a cigar quietly. Juniper bruised herself with cleaning up the dishes after their most recent meal. The smoke hit her face, making her wrinkle her nose. For some odd reason it sent a sharp bolt of annoyance through her.
“Do you have to do that?” She grumbled as she wiped down the table with a damp rag.
“What??” Heisenberg looked up sharply, confused.
“Smoke at the table while I’m cleaning.”
“And? It never bothered you before.”
“It’s bothering me now!” She snapped.
Heisenberg dropped the cigar in the ashtray, fixing her with a narrow gaze. “Just deciding to be a complete bitch to me or does it just come naturally?” He barked, leaning back in the chair.
“Excuse me?” Juniper threw down the rag, turning to meet his gaze.
They stared down at each other for a long, tense moment. Juniper was the first to break, looking away with glassy eyes.
“You are such an asshole.” She began to walk away, hiding her face.
“Me?” Heisenberg stood, anger rising, “You’ve been treating me like shit.” He went after her, grabbing her wrist in a strong hold. Juniper stopped dead but didn’t look back at him.
“Why have you been acting so damn weird?”Heisenberg asked, his brows knotting together. His voice was rough and accusing.
“Getting all buddy-buddy with Donna?” He walked towards her, “Being quiet as hell around me? Acting like I’m going to bite, what’s going on?”
Juniper’s shoulders shook a bit, refusing to turn toward him. He didn’t take the silence well, grabbing her arm and forcing her to face him.
“Juniper, fucking talk to me!” He almost begged, “If I fucked up just tell me.”
He saw tears start to fall from her eyes, her lips trembling. Heisenberg heard the cups and plates in the cabinets begin to shake and clink together.
He took a breath, trying to calm his voice a bit, realizing she was much more distressed then she was letting on.
“Buttercup?” He wiped a tear away, “What did I do?”
Juniper pushed him away a bit, “W-we messed up Karl.” On the chairs fell away from the table with a loud clatter, papers swirled around them.
Confusion clouded his eyes.
“K-Karl,” she stammered through tears, “I’m pregnant!”
His grip fell from her, his face losing color. In the wake of his silence she started to blurt everything out.
“I've been asking Donna to teach me how to sew and make clothes so I c-could maybe make things later.” Her hands covered her face, “And I've been trying to c-collect things that wouldn’t be suspicious.”
Heisenberg stumbled back a bit, his lips a thin line. His mind was a garbled mess, stomach totally flipping as he almost lost his footing. The floor felt like jelly under his legs and thought hammered through his brain. So much made sense now but damn…it was a lot to take in.
“I didn’t know how to tell you!” Juniper cried, “I thought you would hate me.” The papers and small bits of metal began to fly erratically around them, silverware rattled in the drawers as the kitchen knives threatened to pull free from the block.
She gulped, looking up at him, “Please say something. Say anything!”
She almost begged, “Just yell at me Karl, please!”
Heisenberg looked almost dumbfounded, eyes wide, as he asked in a low voice, “Buttercup, you’re pregnant?”
“Haven’t you been listening?”
“Are you sure?”
“I think so…I took a test.” She looked down, “And my stomach feels different…”
“Fuck.” Heisenberg whispered, crumpling into the kitchen chair. His hands balled into his hair.
Juniper stood still for a moment, trying to control her breathing. Everything in the room started to slow until the debris around them fell to the floor. The cabinets grew silent as the soft hum died. Juniper wiped her eyes with a shaking hand.
“How long?” Heisenberg’s voice was hardly auditable.
“About a month.” She admitted, padded closer.
He put his face into his hands, his thoughts a storm in his head.
“D-Do you want me to leave?” Juniper asked, her voice wavering.
He looked up suddenly at her, “Of course not! Just give me a fucking second ok.”
She nodded, worrying her hands.
It was a while before they had a real conversation about the matter, eventually sitting down to talk.
Shocked couldn’t begin to describe how he felt.
He shifted between bewilderment and fear.
“Heis…” Juniper knocked on the side of the doorway to the shop.
Heisenberg didn’t move, his chin resting on his folded hands, “Hm?”
“Can…can we talk?” Juniper’s voice was heavy, almost pleading.
“…sure.” He answered, his voice was not tinged with any ill.
She came forward, pulling up a chair to sit close to him. They sat in silence for a long moment before words tugged at her lips.
“You haven’t broken anything.” She observed, almost surprised.
“I’m not angry.” He said frankly, not moving his head to look at her.
“Then…what are you?” She ventured.
He mulled over his answer, not truthfully sure himself.
“Confused.” He finally admitted.
Juniper nodded in understanding, even though she had time to process everything.
“And a bit upset.” He went on, “That you waited so long to tell me.” Juniper opened her mouth but he continued, “We’re in this together…you shouldn’t feel like you have to hide shit from me.”
His words stung a bit but she understood his hurt.
“I’m sorry.” She reached out a hand, fingers finding his coat sleeve.
He gave a little rumble of acknowledgment.
“This also makes our lives a lot more complicated…everything is fucked.”
“Does it have to be?”
“Well it sure as hell puts me on a tight time limit on the whole ‘revolution’ thing.” He snorted.
When she didn’t speak he rattled on, “Your in danger…so much more than before. I’m not losing you again.”
His voice was determined, almost breaking under the weight of his promise to himself.
“And about…about the baby?” She held onto his sleeve even tighter, worry making her tremble a bit.
His lips were a thin line, eyes clouded. “We’ll figure it out…” he sighed, “Won’t let that bitch have it either.”
His words gave her a bit of relief; hearing his want to protect not only her but the baby quelled her fears of him rejecting the child altogether
“…you said you took a test?” He ventured, words breaking the silence that had blanked the room.
Juniper nodded, “I bought one from the Duke.”
“Where is it now?” He asked.
Juniper shifted uncomfortably.
“What did you do with it, Doll?”
Her eyes teared up a bit, “I-I threw it off the balcony…into the scrapyard.”
Heisenberg gave a heavy, exasperated sigh. There was a silence between them for a moment before Heisenberg stood, “I have to find it.”
He paused, “What does it look like?”
“A little pink and white stick…made out of plastic.” She admitted.
“Of course it fucking is…”
It took him three days of sifting through scrap to find the test. When he found it he burned it until it was unrecognizable then disposed of it in the deepest reaches of the factory. Now that it was gone it gave him a small semblance of relief.
Even now Juniper acted like more of a mother then Miranda had: speaking fondly about the growing life and in the soft tones of her voice. The very fact she strove to learn new skills for the future child’s benefit spoke volumes to him.
He was still on the fence with how he felt, a mixture of fear and confusion. But seeing her be the thing he never had brought hope to flutter about his chest like a young bird.
Neither of them knew, or could recall, their true parents, no memories to guide them now. But they had each other and a dug in desire to keep this child safe.
The most important thing now was secrecy.
Heisenberg knew it couldn’t have just been a miracle of nature. It had to be the work of Mother Miranda, some sick scheme to breed a vessel from her strongest subject.
But fuck all of that.
This was his, his blood, his baby.
And he would do everything in his power not to let her sink her golden claws into it.
That night as they got ready for bed together Heisenberg practically scooped Juniper up and took her to the bed. She made little sounds of protest but he was persistent. Now that the immediate threats were sorted out he just craved comfort.
He flopped onto the bed, nuzzling into her. She wiggled into a more comfortable position on him, cupping a hand over his strong jaw.
“What’s all this for?” She smiled.
“You’ve been so worked up recently that you’ve been a prickly bitch to me for weeks…I just want to hold you ok.” He huffed out.
Juniper looked away, the guilt flooding back into her. She blinked away the threatening salt water, her heart clenching. She hugged onto him, “I’m sorry.” She sniffed.
He accepted the hug, nuzzling into her hair and huffing out deeply. “I know…” he murmured.
They lay there for what felt like hours, just enjoying each other’s heartbeat and warmth. Tension seemed to flow from them, the comfort washing away weeks of stress.
“I love you.” Juniper murmured into his chest.
“I love you too, buttercup.” He whispered back, dropping a kiss onto the crown of her head.
Heisenberg was still concerned for her and their situation beyond words, but the heaviness of the world could wait. He lay back, holding Juniper to his chest as he thought. The fact she carried his baby at that very moment still baffled him. Something deep in his heart sparked to life, burning brighter and hotter the more it all settled into reality in his mind.
He squeezed her softly, earning a little mewl.
Fuck…he was going to be a Father.
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studioxlii · 3 years
18 and Junhee pls!! Xx
"to be fully seen by somebody, then, be loved anyhow is a human offering that can border on miraculous."
proof read: kinda
warnings: none
note(s): the format might be garbage, im mobile.
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Love is a weird thing but so are the conditions that come with it; the limits that people decide need to be in place. You understood boundaries or not wanting to take too many steps before you knew the relationship would hold but some things never sat right with you. It took a few years but it wasn't until you overheard some of your project group talking that it finally hit you; most people you knew didn't want to date their best friends for two reasons.
1. It could ruin their friendship. This reason was obvious and of course you understood.
2. They'd seen way too much.
You remember hearing those words and your head lifting, confused and wondering what that could even mean. When you were in a relationship that would eventually progress, weren't they just going to see those things anyway? You never could let that thought go, not once you decided that would only make it better; it would make a relationship stronger. Well, in your eyes.
Dating was something that seemed to come easier to you before those thoughts started polluting your mind; no one seemed to understand or see you in a way you really wanted. The ideal person for you was someone who saw everything; the bad days, the good days and the maybe okay but not so great days. It was really starting to mess with you. By not wanting to date certain friends, were you restricting yourself from the relationship you really wanted?
Only one person, one friend, knew you better than you knew yourself, you were positive of that. Your best friend of nine years, Junhee, had probably been through almost every bad thing possible in life with you. You began recalling all the situations you'd been in with each other that were memorable; the things you wouldn't have faced with anyone else because you didn't want anyone else to see.
'Do you remember when you got your belly button pierced?'
And that's when it began.
The question came out of nowhere, breaking the silence of your apartment and leaving Junhee to look up from his book confused and blinking. 'Uh.. yes?' His response came out slow, hesitant like he was missing some weird in-between the lines meaning of the question.
Your head tilted, finally looking over at him. 'Do you remember the way you squeezed my hand to the point it was purple because it hurt so bad you nearly passed out?'
His features flushed at the ridiculous memory being forced back into his head. 'You mean the same day you had to cling to me, crying because your first tattoo felt like your leg was being seared off?'
You hated crying in front of people for any reason but you couldn't go alone; you'd never go alone for something like that. You just nodded in response before returning to your own book, continuing to read like you hadn't brought the subject up at all.
Your first date after you began recalling things and getting far too deep in what could only be sentimental thoughts went okay. A friend of your friend's, Sehyoon, who was an art major and knew of you but didn't know you; he'd never really integrated himself into the small friend circle on campus but Byeongkwan spoke highly of him.
He was sweet; a gentleman. Pretty much anything you could really ask for but you noticed little things; minute things that didn't even matter. You felt like you were being unreasonable or judgmental despite only picking out things that didn't match. Didn't match what, exactly?
He wasn't Junhee.
The realization had you suddenly shooting up from your seat, interrupting the poor male's answer to your question about his major and spilling out several apologies as you even fought to put money down for your own food. It took quite a few more 'I'm really sorry's before you were speeding out of the small restaurant; you'd make sure to call him later.
You found yourself in the only place that made sense: banging hard on the door of the RA for your building, hardly caring if you disturbed anyone else.
'What?' was the greeting you received from a very frustrated Donghun, wanting nothing more than to be left alone again. And yes, you called each other your friend.
'We have a really, really big problem.'
Being a mutual friend and despite not wanting to get involved in anyone's "drama", he spent two hours talking you out of it, down from it and against it, reminding you just why your newfound feelings for your best friend were a problem. He even reminded you of your comment, three years ago, about how you could never possibly like Junhee; how he remembered that and you didn't, you didn't care to ask.
You returned home a wreck, tired and wanting to burn your own emotions. Were you really uncovering some unconsciously buried feelings or did you just like the fact that he /saw/ you? He'd seen you nearly on your deathbed sick.
He'd seen you living in a depression nest for two weeks, barely able to get out a bed and eating nothing but honey buns and cereal.
He'd seen you grieve family members and pets; seen you walk into the rain and scream at the top of your lungs because of how lost in despair you'd been.
He'd seen you drunk and stupid; he'd seen you the night after a one night stand and hungover to the point you wanted to fight the sun.
He'd sat by you absolutely throwing your guts up.
He had seen every single side of you and you'd seen the same from him but it only started to stack further and further.
You knew his favorite songs because God forbid he only have one. You knew his favorite color, favorite food and his weird retirement plan that involved a tiny petting zoo of his own that he refused to just call a farm. Your pins for everything were each other's birthdates and he was the only other name on your bank account. Why?
Staring down at the menu you'd seen over a hundred times, you were sure, you couldn't decide on just what sounded good and part of you just wanted everything. Those moments staring at words that started to blur, you noticed Junhee hadn't touched his menu and kept shifting around, visibly uncomfortable for reasons you couldn't possible figure out.
'It's unlike you to not be going off about the food here.. or already having ordered your favorite drink that, I recall, you said you'd die without if you didn't have it every time you came here,' you began, closing the menu and setting it down with narrowed eyes, 'what's going on?'
'It's stupid. Just.. order and get some food, I'll probably just eat later. I'm not really hungry.'
That was a bold faced lie and you knew it, the concern growing. 'And, what's the oh-so-stupid reason, exactly?'
It took him a minute, shifting more and acting like a child who had gotten in trouble. 'I, uh.. I can't really..' he gestured around, lips pursed and growing even more upset by the second, you could tell by the way he was trying to stop himself from frowning. 'Can't really afford it.' You were college students, it wasn't the world's biggest secret if you couldn't afford something.
'Do you really think I'm just going to eat in front of you?' You snorted, avoiding any comment that would further his being upset over the situation, 'Don't worry about it and order, okay?'
Financial struggles were no quiet matter between the two of you and never had been since you started school. Junhee lived off campus in an apartment with two shitty roommates, a terrible part time job and parents that pretty much didn't care if he perished on the side of the street somewhere. You, on the other hand, which you didn't like bringing up, were doing fine but only because your parents dropped something of an 'allowance' into your account for foods and necessities.
You ignored his attempt to argue and told him if he didn't order something, you were going to do it for him; he shut up.
The next day, you took a trip to the bank.
You could feel eyes on you as you splayed across the couch, staring at the ceiling and contemplating life and all of it's annoyances. No question left you but even if you wanted to say something, you were cut off.
'So, are you going to tell me what's going on? For the past.. three weeks? You've been asking me all sorts of weird stuff,' Junhee inquired, frowning thoughtfully, 'Are you testing me or something? Trust me, yes, I remember every single second I've spent with you. I remember every word you've said, the names of every guy you've been with and the ones I'd like to fight. I remember every birthday and gift I've given you and the ones you've given me. Yes, I remember your favorite things and everything so, what's the deal?'
It sounded sentimental at first but then you noticed that all too familiar waiver in his voice and out of the corner of your eye, you noticed his hands fiddling with the chain bracelet that had adorned his wrist for five years; he wanted to cry. A crying Junhee was something no one ever wanted on your hands and you briefly recalled a phone call from a very panicked Byeongkwan because of just that but you were letting your thoughts get off topic.
'I think I'm in love with you.'
'If you don't want to be fri-'
You were both cut off as your head turned to finally look at him, soaking in the unreadable expression on his features when someone busted through the door; 'Look!'
Both of you looked towards your two friends that invited themselves into your door, one holding a new cat and the other looking just as pleased with the announcement but it gradually dropped. 'Shit, did we interrupt something?' Of course, you always knew when you finally and truly confessed to someone that it would be Byeongkwan who ruined the whole thing; you used it as an escape, though, reminding yourself of what the confession could do to your friendship.
'New minion, I see,' you chimed, sitting up and ignoring the question, both of them, as you rose to greet Donghun's new pet. You were ignorant to the looks shared between the three boys and you were happy about that.
Now, you just had to avoid it ever coming up again until it was forgotten.
Junhee, however, didn't want that to happen.
After about an hour of chitchatting and ignoring the gaze of your best friend, you excused yourself under the excuse of having a meetup for a class, despite it being your dorm, and managed to weasel your way out. There was really nowhere to go, no one to talk to and you surely didn't have any plans for the next week; you ended up at the café on campus. It was quiet and filled mostly with a few students doing work and the two members of staff behind the counter, one eventually joining you at the table. He didn't say anything, waited for you to stop your dramatic Disney scene and acknowledge him.
'Would you date me, Yu?'
Taken a bit off guard, he ended up snorting. 'I can't tell if this is a trap or you want the genuine answer,' he replied, crossing his arms atop the table, 'but, on the hand that it's serious.. probably. I mean, I definitely wouldn't turn you down. We've known each other for a few years, hang out on a regular basis.. get along and have a lot of similar interests. So, yeah.'
The answer made your lips draw into a deep frown and you tapped your fingers against the cup, soaking up every word. 'Even though we're friends? What if we broke up?'
A soft 'ah' came from him as he realized what was really going on and he shrugged, thinking it over for a minute or two. 'We're both adults and I don't believe either of us would do something so that the breakup would be something that could ruin our friendship. I understand it would be like.. friends then it being intimate then back to friends, but I think both of us are mature enough to deal with that and not let it bother us too much.' He spoke like he'd been through it several times and in reality, it had only been once, a small fling with a mutual friend but they still seemed pretty okay. 'Is this about Jun?'
'Does everyone know?' You groaned out, releasing the cup to lean back and rub your hands over your face in defeat, 'I.. I told him I think I love him then Kwan and Donghun showed up and I bailed because now I don't actually want to face him or admit to ever actually saying it. I do! I do love him! I don't.. I don't want to lose him, you know?'
You could see the way the latter looked at you, sympathetic and calculating what words wouldn't just stress you out further. 'Look.. I know you don't want to hear it from me or anyone else for that matter because you want to keep saying it'll ruin your friendship when in reality, you don't like the idea that you could hurt each other, I was the same way with Donghun, so I understand.. but, you should really see all this from an outsider's point of view. Junhee looks at you like you hung the moon and you look at him like he painted the stars; yes, it's been like that since I've met you and a reminder, it's been years. I don't know what took you so long to realize it or if you've just avoided it this whole time but anyone would have to be blind not to see it. Now,' he sighed deeply as he finished and straightened, 'I think you should probably go and talk to him about it considering you just confessed then ditched but it's your choice. I don't think you have anything to worry about.. for either of you. You're the most loyal person I know, so I have no doubt you'd ever hurt him in a way that would ruin you guys and he can barely swat at a fly or sit still through hearing thunder, you think he's going to do something? Regardless.. one of these days, soon, you'll have to face it and I really hope you don't go into it with the cliché reason of your friendship being ruined.'
The words sank in slow and you wanted nothing but to cry your eyes out because he was right; he always was and you hated it. It took a while for you to speak and he seemed okay with that, briefly leaving you to fill a couple orders before returning. 'I know you're leaving for break tomorrow.. tell him before then.' Those were his last words before he bid you good luck and a good night, heading back to his own dorm, most likely to call Donghun now that he'd projected just a little bit.
Irrationality was a word that would be in your character description box and the word stupid could very well be right next to it because when you got home, you packed your bag and decided to leave early, not bothering to let any of your friends know. You needed time and you were being selfish, so selfish to the point you thought maybe he'd just hate you when you got back.
Oh boy were you wrong.
Two days into being back home and confiding in your mother who promptly smacked you upside the back of the head, you found yourself sitting on the porch and moping, split between what to do. You suspected the boys were a bit angry with you when you noticed the ample amount of texts, voicemails, social messages and phone calls that had gone ignored; you caught a glimpse of the absolute book Yuchan took the time to send you, leaving you kind of scared to even open it. It didn't take long for the guilt to set in but you chose to wait until you were back on campus to deal with it.
Or at least, that was your plan.
'So, I know you've never been a fan of confrontation but.. you've never been the type to run away.'
The sudden voice startled you as you hadn't even noticed anyone pull up and of course, upon looking up, you were met with the face you were trying to avoid the most. Junhee stood at the end of the sidewalk looking pitiful and shifting his weight in a nervous manner. You didn't bother trying to speak, not knowing what to say but you did wait for the rant, the berating that you deserved; that wasn't who he was though.
He even stayed quiet for a minute or two, making his way closer to sit on the steps, looking up towards your figure. 'Did you mean it?'
You could have answered right away, poured your heart out and let out the tears you'd been holding in since the moment you left. Instead, you stayed quiet and pulled your knees closer to your chest, not trusting your own voice. He didn't relent though, reaching out to lightly nudge your knee.
'That's all I need to know.. did you mean it? If.. if you didn't I can just leave and we don't have to bother with it again.'
'And, if I did..?' Finally finding your voice, you looked over to him, chewing hard on your lower tier, nervous and kind of wanting to throw up.
You could see him thinking it over before a faint smile showed up. 'I'd most likely cry.. but I'm going to cry either way,' he began, shrugging his shoulders while moving up to sit next to you, 'I'd also tell you that I love you, too and I've been trying to tell you that for years now.'
The confession made your heart flutter, your skin burn and the butterflies being kept back burst in delight in your gut. 'Even.. after everything we've been through? Everything you've seen..?'
Junhee nodded. 'Mhm. I'd go through it all again and what do you mean? I've seen nothing but you.'
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eratobard · 3 years
To Break a Curse
I could not help myself. I was so inspired by this fanart by @scalesnart that my fingers go to writing right away. It’s not done, but I wanted to share what I had so far. It ended up being longer than I intended. ^^;
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Geraskier
Rating: T (for now)
Summary: Geralt gets transformed into a female due to an unfortunate encounter with a mage. Jaskier and Geralt work to find help breaking the curse.
Tag Warning: Sexist comments, swearing, suggestive language
“Stop it,” Geralt growled. His voice was still fairly deep, but a little less gruff sounding than usual. 
Jaskier groaned as he covered his face with his hands, “I can’t help it.”
“Try harder,” Geralt gripped Roach’s reins tightly as he continued to trudge down the path.
Jaskier sighed and jogged to keep up pace with him, “It doesn’t help that your clothes… don’t fit anymore.” Jaskier’s eyes scanned the length of Geralt’s body. After their encounter with a mage, Geralt’s hips were fuller, his chest was larger, and his body… curvier. To put it simply, Geralt was now female in the biological and physical sense. He was also a head shorter than Jaskier, which was endearing.
Geralt huffed as he ran his hand through his hair, “Not much I can do about that at the moment.”
“Well… maybe I can help--”
“No,” Geralt growled, more fiercely this time.
“Just- hear me out!” Jaskier reached out, grabbing Geralt’s shoulder. He spun around on his heel, bearing his teeth. Jaskier quickly raised his hands, “I get it! You’re… unhappy about the situation, but I promise I’ll be a complete gentleman.”
Geralt eyed him warily as he shifted his shirt. The fit wasn’t too bad, but it was baggy around his shoulders now that they weren’t as broad. His pants were… tight because of his bigger hips, but loose in other areas. Not quite right for his new shapely form. He didn’t know why the mage chose to transform him into the most curvaceous woman. As Jaskier put it earlier after it first happened, ‘His looks matched those of Yennefer’s.’ That’s all he needed as a Witcher.
Jaskier tilted his head, “So? Can I help? Please?”
“Fine, but!” He pointed a finger at him warningly, “You try anything-”
“Please Geralt, I’m not in the habit of taking advantage of women, especially those who are my friends,” Jaskier placed his hands on his hips.
Geralt nodded, “I know… but, the way you’ve been looking at me since… since the mage changed me… what if part of it was some kind of seduction spell?”
Jaskier’s face reddened. He averted his gaze, “Sorry… I just…” He cleared his throat, “You make a gorgeous woman Geralt. It’s hard not to look.”
Geralt would have blushed if he was able. He cleared his own throat as he looked away. He held his arms out to the side, “Just… get it over with.”
“Wh-what?” Jaskier squeaked as he stared in shock at Geralt. 
Geralt frowned, “My clothes?”
“Right!” Jaskier forced a laugh. He ran his fingers through his hair to calm his heart. It had almost leaped out of his chest from where his mind had gone.
Geralt tried to calm his own heart as Jaskier reached out, gently adjusting his shirt so it was more centered on his body. Jaskier’s tongue instinctively stuck out as he concentrated on tightening the shirt. He circled around behind Geralt, and pulled the extra cloth back toward his waist. Geralt bit his lip to suppress a moan. His skin felt more sensitive since the change, and the gentle way Jaskier touched him combined with the soft cotton against his… breasts was stirring something in his unfamiliar groin.
Jaskier tied the extra cloth back then moved to grip Geralt’s pants. Geralt quickly reached back and gripped his wrist, “What are you--”
“I was just going to… sorry, I should have warned you, I was only tightening it around the waist so your pants didn’t fall while you were fighting,” Jaskier explained calmly.
Geralt released his grip and nodded, “...sorry, this whole thing is putting me on edge. We need to find Yen as soon as possible.”
A sharp pain dug into Jaskier’s chest. He forced himself to focus on the task, ignoring the feeling of jealousy. The mage had cackled about Geralt finding ‘True Love’s Kiss’ to break the curse. Afterward Geralt insisted they find Yennefer. Of course if anyone could break the spell it would be her. The fact that Geralt suggested her so quickly hurt, but what could Jaskier say?
Hey Geralt, why don’t we try kissing? I’ve only been yearning after you for the past decade. He sighed. It didn’t matter what his feelings were. It only mattered who Geralt loved. He pulled back from Geralt, “Done.”
Geralt moved a bit, testing out the limits of the adjustments Jaskier made. The clothing definitely fit better. “It’ll do for now.”
Jaskier smiled, admiring his work, “I don’t think I did too bad a job. Going clothes shopping with Priscilla and Essi during my time at Oxenfurt had it’s benefits.”
Geralt grunted in agreement, “You’ll have to help me pick out something in the next town. Who knows how long it will be till we find Yennefer.”
Jaskier’s smile faltered as he nodded, “I’d be more than happy to help you Geralt.” He resumed walking next to Geralt. He fidgeted with the strap on his lute as he tried to look anywhere but at Geralt.
Geralt rolled his eyes, “Jaskier…”
“Y-yes?” Jaskier’s gaze magnetized to Geralt. His face was flush as he quickly glanced over his body.
“I can feel you… not staring.”
Jaskier huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, “What do you expect me to do Geralt?! A goddess stands next to me. One worthy of writing ballads about, but I’m not allowed to take in her beauty.”
Geralt scoffed, “A goddess? Don’t be ridiculous. It’s still me under all this.”
‘That’s the problem,’ Jaskier thought bitterly. 
After a few more painstaking miles they finally reached the next town. Jaskier went to rent them a room while Geralt procured them a table and food. Despite being a woman now, Jaskier was still notoriously better at getting a deal than Geralt so they fell into their normal tasks. Geralt hadn’t been sitting long before a drunk nearby leered at him.
“Hey gorgeous,” he slurred as he leaned out of his chair across the space between their tables, “I’ve got a seat for you right here.” He patted his lap, and crudely gestured at his groin.
Geralt growled menacingly at the man, but it didn’t seem to have his usual affect, “Fuck off.”
The man snorted as he stood up and stumbled over, “Playing hard to get eh?”
“No, no, she really isn’t,” Jaskier said from behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder, “She’s with me.”
The man glanced at Jaskier and scoffed, “Her? With you?”
Jaskier laughed, “Yes, I know. Hard to believe a woman such as her would want to be with me, but it’s quite true. Right darling?”
Geralt glared at Jaskier, but understood what he was doing. Some men were willing to back off if there was competition. “Yes,” he grit out.”
Jaskier beamed, “See? Now why don’t you head back to your table.”
Some men. They weren’t so fortunate this time.
“He your brother?” the man pointed at Jaskier, “‘dat why he tryin’ ta protect you?”
Maybe it was the mage, maybe it was the long walk, or maybe it was the fact they were looking for Yennefer, whatever it was, something in Jaskier snapped. He gripped the man’s collar and yanked him back. He pulled him face to face to ensure he got the message as he spoke to him menacingly, “If you don’t back off you’ll find your dick separated from your body.”
The man’s eyes widened and he stumbled back, “Apologies s-sir…” Jaskier was pretty sure he had made him piss his pants as the drunk made a fast retreat.
Geralt gazed at Jaskier in amazement. A shiver ran down his spine. Not of fear, but arousal. He clenched his fist to hold back the emotion. He wasn’t used to how this body dealt with arousal. He also wasn’t used to Jaskier acting that way. Usually Geralt had to step in and be the menacing one when drunks hit on a disinterested Jaskier. He was also used to finding the bard attractive, and ignoring it. This time had been different and taken him completely off guard.
Jaskier grinned as he sat next to Geralt, “Sorry, I know you can take care of yourself, but men don’t seem to be able to take the hint. Especially when it comes to gorgeous women such as yourself.” 
Geralt’s heart beat rapidly in his chest. He looked away, “I can see that.”
Jaskier raised his hands, “I get it. I’m sorry. I’ll stop mentioning it. I know it makes you uncomfortable.” He grabbed his bowl of stew and started eating it.
Geralt shook his head, “...I… it doesn’t bother me when you say it.” He took a swig of ale before partaking of his own stew.
Jaskier smirked, “Oh really? Well, honestly, you should be used to it. You are a gorgeous man too. I’m surprised you don’t beat off women with a broom.”
Geralt scoffed, “Because I’m a Witcher.”
Jaskier quirked an eyebrow, “Right… well, that didn’t seem to stop that drunk from trying.”
“He was too distracted by my breasts to notice the medallion,” Geralt laughed.
Jaskier glanced at the medallion that was currently resting between Geralt’s breasts. “Ah, yes,” he laughed with him, “I supposed he would be.”
Geralt’s face warmed, but he smiled as he continued to joke about other topics with Jaskier. This was the most normal he had felt with him since the transformation.
Then it was awkward again.
Jaskier stared at the single bed in the room, “I um… didn’t think to ask. Sorry. They usually give us two beds… I guess they assumed…”
Geralt waved him off, “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
Jaskier scowled, “Nonsense Geralt. We don’t know what sleeping on the floor in your new body would do to your back. If anyone needs to be in tip top shape it’s you. I’ll take the floor.”
Geralt sighed, “Fine.”
Jaskier smiled and nodded as he started to unpack some of his things, “Then it’s settled.”
“We’ll share the bed.”
Jaskier’s eyes widened and he stared at Geralt in shock, “I-- wha- I’m sorry?”
Geralt crossed his arms over his chest then decided against it when they pressed against his breasts. He placed his hand on his hip instead, “We’ve shared before. It shouldn’t be any different now, right?”
Jaskier’s eyes roamed over Geralt, his cocked hip, his pink pillowy lips, his perfectly curved body. His voice cracked, “E-exactly… no problem.” He ran his hands over his face in an attempt to quiet his rapid heart. ‘Melitele help me…’ Jaskier groaned internally.
Jaskier stared at the ceiling as he laid stock still in bed next to Geralt. It had been difficult already for him to sleep next to Geralt with his feelings, but he got used to it. Now though, there was something different about Geralt being a gorgeous woman instead of a gorgeous man that set his body aflame. He wanted to reach over and stroke his soft skin. Trace his fingers over his supple breasts. Maybe even wrap his lips around his nipples as he listened to Geralt’s sweet moans of pleasure while he fingered him open.
Jaskier bit his lip and swore internally. He needed to stop thinking this way. It was only making it worse. He tried singing a ballad in his head to distract himself, listing facts about old musicians he learned at Oxenfurt, the various styles of music. He huffed. It was going to be a long night.
Geralt could hear Jaskier’s heart beating rapidly. The scent of arousal coming off of him wasn’t anything new. His feeling of arousal at smelling his arousal was new. Well, not new, but it had been awhile. When he first started traveling with Jaskier, the constant scent of arousal had been hard for him to handle. Especially with his own attraction for Jaskier. He had become accustomed to ignoring it. Now his arousal felt different. It was still a burning heat in the pit of his stomach, but there was a desire. An itch between his legs he wanted to scratch. 
He couldn’t help but picture Jaskier between his thighs, licking at his wet folds before his tongue pushed deep inside him. He could almost feel Jaskier’s calloused fingers on his skin, tweaking his hard nipples before roaming over the expanse of his body. Geralt grit his teeth and pushed the thoughts out of his head. He listed the monsters in his bestiary and how to effectively kill them, the plants needed for his potions, and other random information. Fuck, it was going to be a long night.
Jaskier hummed as he awoke to the feeling of a soft body pressed against him. He smiled as he ran his hands down their back, nosing at the top of their head and inhaling the sweet scent of-- “Geralt!” Jaskier’s eyes snapped open and he quickly pulled away.
Geralt woke shortly after Jaskier and also moved back, staring at Jaskier in shock. Mostly because of his own actions. He had seeked Jaskier out unconsciously in the night. It had felt nice, but it was wrong. Especially while he was in this form. “S-sorry I didn’t…”
Jaskier waved him off, “I’m a cuddler, I’m sure it’s my fault.” He shifted his pants awkwardly. The action drew Geralt’s attention to the bulge in his pants. Jaskier’s face was bright red, “I… you know how it is… in the morning…”
Geralt nodded quickly and turned away. “I’ll get breakfast,” he grunted, “while you… sort yourself out.”
“Thanks,” Jaskier meekly replied, biting his lower lip in embarrassment.
Geralt made his way down the stairs toward the dining area, and tried extremely hard not to think about what Jaskier was doing in their room, on the bed where they slept. Why did everything have to feel so fucking awkward between them? Stupid mage.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
* Mini Episodes KFCN (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Suddenly he realized that the enemy was gone.
The surroundings were full of the dead. Most of the folded corpses belonged to members of the "Purgatory" clan who wore black clothes. Fifteen minutes ago, a hasty force led by Gouki Zenjo raided that warehouse after being contacted by the intelligence department. And then the warehouse turned into a terrible battlefield.
With "Hekireki" bloody on his shoulder, Zenjo started looking for the next enemy to attack. But that no longer existed.
The battle was over and the remnants were hunting. There were still some in black who resisted, but it was only a matter of time before they were crushed or smashed. While he was thinking that, Bado's iron spear pierced one of the black ones, and Azuma's twin sword stabbed another. The "Purgatory" clan member, who had decent fighting ability, didn't seem to be staying anywhere.
"How boring."
He hit the field in an unsightly way and lowered "Hekireki" to the ground.
The next moment, the pile of corpses exploded.
Fresh blood came out from the sword wound all over the body, and flames came from both feet, the one in black clothes was good at fighting. A deadly surprise attack that hid the corpse of a colleague. Long before he understood it, Zenjo tried to shake "Hekireki" with his own super reaction.
He could not.
According to a later investigation, it was an inadvertent collaboration between those in black. One in black that lay behind Zenjo was dying, but was still breathing. With the last of his strength, he grabbed the "outside" blade, regardless of whether his fingers fell.
That caused a delay of a few seconds. Zenjo was just looking at the flaming fingers approaching in front of him, holding "Hekireki's" fixed handle.
But he just grabbed Zenjo's nose.
"You need more than that..."
The one in black clothes who attacked Zenjo stopped in midair. Blood poured from the edge of his mouth which opened and closed with bloody eyes wide open. A thin saber protruded from his chest, and the saber that pierced his chest diagonally from below suddenly stopped the one in black clothing.
A cheerful voice that did not seem to belong to the place, resounded behind the one in black clothes.
"I'm sorry I made a mistake! Zenjo-san, can you take care of it please?"
It was as easy as asking him to take the remote there. After blinking, Zenjo passed by "Hekireki" and frequently shook the ones in black clothes.
The flames that clung to both feet disappeared.
The body of the man in black, who had lost his neck, was thrown to the ground. A young man standing there waved his saber and wiped off the blood. The friendly look reminded him of a laughing dog.
"No, I made a mistake. If you tap it, it can't be the case, huh? Hahaha…"
"Kuze. You saved me."
Young Kuse laughed cheerfully and waved.
"I just did something extra. Zenjo-san, you could have handled it with a margin."
"No, I couldn't react now. I would have been 'without a nose' at best, because it was aiming at my head."
"Well, is that so? That's good. Soon it's new soba season!"
Zenjo smirked as he tapped on Kuze's shoulder, saying that he was out of focus.
"This season's buckwheat noodles are pretty good too. I'll use chopsticks when I get back to the barracks. Thanks for your help."
"Oh then, make it soba."
"What? Are you going to ask me to make arrangements again?"
Kuse was smiling. Zenjo saw the smile as if he was amazed. Not suitable for a bright appearance, this young man had a very persistent character.
"Well, I wish I could go home."
"Oh, thanks!"
As Kuze struck a gutsy pose, Zenjo shrugged and walked towards a group of hurrying troops who had begun to take care of the remaining work.
The war was escalating.
Kagutsu Detention Center "Red King" crackdown operation. The attack from "Scepter 4" intended to kill Kagutsu Genji was unsuccessful in retrospect. Although the force of "Purgatory" was greatly reduced, the original purpose of the operation was not finally achieved, and Kagutsu left his territory and fled, and the remaining clan members divided into thousands and went into hiding. The hive was destroyed, but the queen bee and the soldier bees were flying now.
The activities of the scattered members of the "Purgatory" clan were almost the same as before. Whenever something happened, there was a danger that they would explode. "Scepter 4" chased after them and they were incapacitated as soon as they were discovered, but "Purgatory" wasn't just silently hunted to death. The damage caused by a fierce counterattack who did not care about his own life was turning into a social problem that could not be covered even by "Tokijikuin".
There were two pressing issues.
One was the search and murder of Kagutsu as soon as possible. As long as that "King" will continue to exist on earth, this war would never end.
And the other was to increase the strength of "Scepter 4".
The battle with "Purgatory", who burned the people, burned the city and even burned themselves, was slowly shaving the staff of "Scepter 4". To make up for the loss, they touted that they had the cause of the war and recruited a large number of talented personnel from the relevant ministries.
Shuichiro Kuze was one of those supplemental staff members.
Originally a police officer, he achieved outstanding results on both his aptitude and skill tests, and joined the "Scepter 4" running unit at exceptional speed. He was a rare human resource who had already been dispatched several times and was not afraid to fight the deadly "Purgatory", but instead displayed a simulation as if he was enjoying it.
For some reason, Kuze teamed up with Zenjo.
Even now, Kuze and Zenjo were undergoing simulated one-on-one training in the training ground of the "Scepter 4" barracks. Except for the fact that the product was a bamboo sword, it was a form of training that came as close to the actual battle as possible. Even attacks on key points were tolerated wherever they were covered by armor.
Kuze raised the bamboo sword to eye level and turned its blade towards Zenjo.
Zenjo carried a large bamboo sword on his shoulder and was about to attack him.
Kuze's specialty was "pushing". His stab, fired by explosive acceleration with a different ability, was roughly equal to the speed of a bullet. It would be impossible to react if it were the perception of an ordinary person.
But, of course, Zenjo was not an ordinary person.
"Let's go!"
The next moment that Kuze said that, the figure disappeared.
An extraordinary light that glowed fluttering blue like the tail of a meteor. Before recognizing it, Zenjo's body was moving. The speed God's sword judgment darted into the void on the right.
Zenjo's bamboo sword touched Kuze's sword that jutted out without fail.
As he wielded the sword of pursuit, Zenjo was impressed. Viewed from above, the location of the different abilities would have looked like a rank "nine". A blow from outside the field of vision due to explosive acceleration, but it did not exceed Zenjo's reaction speed.
Kuze sped up again, leaving a childish click of the tongue. As he repeated sharp turns ignoring the laws of physics, he jumped incessantly. He was like a spring-loaded toy that swept across the training ground.
Zenjo stopped chasing him with his eyes and closed his lids.
Before he felt it, his body was still moving. He turns and cut the space behind him. The cut that was shot deflected Kuze's thrust horizontally upward and hit him like he was a face shield.
With a stupid voice, Kuze struck and fell to the ground of the training ground. If he had been serious, he would have lost his nose.
"This is the ninth."
Carrying the bamboo sword on his shoulder again, Zenjo said that without pride. Kuze, who had stretched out into a large shape, lifted his upper body as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I thought I could pull it off now... Zenjo-san, do you have eyes behind you?"
"Well, it's clear. You can understand it even if you can't see it."
"Mm... Zenjo-san, another one! Please."
When Kuze lifted his index finger, Zenjo was truly astonished and showed the training ground clock with his chin.
"It's closing time. It will be tomorrow."
"Really? Absolutely tomorrow!"
"I wish they hadn't sent me."
Saying that, while he was a bit crowded, Zenjo headed for the exit. Kuze also put the bamboo sword in a bag and bounced after him.
After taking a shower together, they had dinner later.
The barracks cafeteria was quiet, probably because it was late. Zenjo ordered a hazaru soba and Kuze a kitsune udon, and they ate together.
Kuze talked to Zenjo all the time while he ate.
"Zenjo-san, are you attached to the army?"
" I belonged there. There are a lot of people like that in 'Scepter 4', right?"
Surely it was so. The personnel of "Scepter 4" came mainly from other security organizations. Unless they didn't lack combat training on a daily basis, they couldn't withstand the battle with "Purgatory."
However, the situation was different for Zenjo.
After slurping his soba, he said...
"I am from a mountain."
"When I was waving a stick in the mountains, I met Habari, so I followed him."
Kuze blinked twice as he pinched the fried food with chopsticks.
"Well, what was that? What kind of situation?"
"Thanks, like I said."
Answering only that, Zenjo took a sip of soba again.
Kuze stared at Zenjo for a while with a surprised face, and then...
He shook his shoulders and started laughing.
"Hahahahahahahaha! What's wrong, did you meet the commander in the mountains and follow him? Hahaha, Zenjo-san, are you a youkai?"
Zenjo was disappointed in Kuze, who bent over his body and laughed like a child. It was surprising that he was laughed at, although it was not his intention to make him laugh.
"No, sorry, I'm not going to make a fool of myself. But that was very interesting."
"Is it interesting?"
"It's incredibly interesting! I've never met such a person!"
He wondered if that was the case. Originally, Zenjo was a guy who didn't understand many things. If they told him it was interesting, it would be true.
"No, you're good at 'Scepter 4' after all. It's not boring."
As he cheerfully said that, Kuze drank the udon from him. As Zenjo ate the soba noodles, he looked at Kuze as if he was looking at something strange.
"Yes. The workplace in front of me was already boring. Anyone can do it, such as document preparation, on-site verification and traffic control. More like this, a fierce car chase with the criminal! Fighting battle! Shooting! I was imagining it."
He lifted the bowl and drank the soup.
"So it's so boring that I shouldn't do it. When I was thinking about it, they asked me and I came to try it. I can do what I want every day! It's a lot of fun, right? That's why I think you adapt very well to "Scepter 4"!
Zenjo scratched his cheeks while Kuze drank, wiped his mouth and clasped his hands with a "Thanks for the food!"
"Isn't that the case with Zenjo-san? Don't you do it because it's medicinal?"
He wondered if that was the case. Was he enjoying the battle with "Purgatory"?
There was no doubt that he was elevated during the battle. On the battlefield where a momentary judgment divides life and death, that feeling that inspires all cells cannot be experienced anywhere else.
But he didn't think he was struggling to taste it.
When he swung his sword under Habari's command in "Scepter 4", he felt that he was breathing properly. It seemed natural to do so and it "fit." He didn't know if he could describe it as funny.
"Well, that's correct."
It became difficult to think of the way and Zenjo answered that.
"That's right! Well, I'm glad you feel the same way as me!"
Kuze laughed in a friendly way and then a mysterious light fell on his eyes.
"But lately, it's more fun practicing with Zenjo-san than interacting with 'Purgatory'."
"Yes, because Zenjo-san is much stronger than them, so it's fun to do it. Hey, Zenjo-san. Someday, with me…"
Kuze cut off the words when he suddenly remembered. After blinking several times, the mysterious light disappeared. Then suddenly he stood up and held the bowl of kitsune udon in his hands.
"Sorry, it's nothing! So, good night!"
With a smile, Kuze went to the place where the dishes were being returned.
As he drank his soba, Zenjo rebelled against Kuze's words.
(Well, I'm glad you feel the same way as me!)
Maybe it wasn't.
Although they belonged to the same "Scepter 4" and wielded a saber, he felt that something was decisively different between him and Kuze.
He didn't know what it was. He didn't want to think until he knew. Thinking again that he was okay, Zenjo dropped the green onion seasoning into crushed chunks.
Three days later, the hidden member of the "Purgatory" clan in Minari-cho, Fengze-ku, was discovered.
According to the information department report, there was only one member. However, the problem is that he was hiding in the houses of common people. They threatened the inhabitants and parasitized their lives themselves. A bully lurked in his house and behaved inattentive. The father of the family, who could not bear such a situation, rushed to a public institution and discovered his existence.
In response to this, "Scepter 4" quickly formed a unit that rushed over. They ran to the site to "exterminate" the abominable parasite.
However, this time, it was not possible to get through the gate with the transport vehicle and cut it randomly. After all, the other party was alone and the detained hostages were a mother and two young children, according to the father's information. If they took action inadvertently, it would have the worst consequences.
The operation required speed and stealth. "Scepter 4", the deputy director, Gen Shiotsu, selected the appropriate personnel and devised a strategy.
Shuichiro Kuse was included in the staff, but it was boring for him.
Kuze was toying with that idea while biting his yawn in the car.
It had already been three hours since they arrived at the place. Because "Scepter 4" stood out in a transport vehicle, they used an ordinary sedan type and stopped from hiding to blind spot. Kuze sighed softly, looking at him stagnant out the window.
He wished he could rush in and kill him.
It would be easy. He would jump out the door, go through the second floor and invade, and drive the saber into the heart of the guy in black. That was all that was needed.
Kuze understood why he was selected as a runner. The small body was suitable for infiltration, and the "Senden" saber he had was also a slim custom-made one, so it should work effectively in a small room.
So he wanted to do it as soon as possible.
Finally, the long-awaited command came from insiders.
"The target has taken the hostage. I enclose the location."
He sprang to his feet, grabbed the saber, opened the passenger seat door, and Kuze broke into a run.
In seconds, the target house came into view. When he was hiding behind the wall of a neighbor's house and observing the situation, the transmitter spoke a voice again.
"The target is in the bathroom on the second floor. The children cannot confirm the whereabouts of their mother in the next room. Each member must pay the utmost attention and do everything in their power to secure the hostages."
"Kuze, ready!"
With a light tone, Kuze pulled "Senden" out of the scabbard.
He held his breath and waited for the moment. The plan of the house is engraved on his head. All the images of how he would move, what kind of path he would take and how he would kill the one in black clothes were created in Kuze's brain.
Kuze himself did not know that there were no hostages there.
By the time Shiotsu's voice echoed, Kuze was jumping.
He jumped off the wall, landed on the ceiling, and ran. At the edge of the field of vision, he could see a blue trail that went through him in the same way. There were a total of four runners, all their own competitors, who aspired to the life of a single man in black. Kuze licked his lips and accelerated to the point where the shingles broke.
He jumped with the same impulse, he broke the second floor window with his body and ran inside.
He heard a high-pitched voice. Kuze invaded the children's room on the second floor. According to the information, two children who were less than elementary school students were shaking in a corner of the room.
Kuze ignored it.
The problem was that of black clothes. If he killed him, everything would be solved. So that should take precedence. Kuze thought that way and stepped out into the second floor hallway.
Their eyes met.
There was a figure in black clothes in the bathroom that was left open. However, when Kuze found him, he was strangling and using the children's mother as a shield.
"Stay away, blue clothes! This woman will die!"
He could barely see the one in black who was angry. Very firmly, he was hiding behind the woman. The scared woman shook her head, while she shook her head, he looked and disappeared his face burned in black.
Before thinking of anything, Kuze was kicking the ground.
If he killed him, that would be it. That was the only priority, and everything else was wiped from Kuze's head.
Many things happened at the same time.
"Kuze, stop!" One of the rushing staff members yelled.
"Damn it!" The man in black's burned face turned red, and the flame-filled woman screamed in tears.
Time seemed to flow slowly. He could feel precisely the extraordinary light of "Senden", the heat of the flames that sprouted from the face of the man in black and the smell of the flesh that enveloped her.
In the slowdown time, Kuze analyzed various factors and...
(Oh, this person can't be helped anymore.), he thought.
Too easily, he cut off the hostage's life.
This being the case, the hostage's body was no longer a problem. It was just a corpse, a wall of flesh less than 8 inches.
It did not hinder "Senden".
With a half-smile, Kuze stabbed hard forward.
A bright blue tip pierced the woman's chest, and the heart of the man in black was skewered and glued to the bathroom wall.
The woman opened and closed her mouth. Kuze tilted his head and looked at her face, thinking that she looks like a dying goldfish.
When Kuze drew the saber, the woman and the one in black fell one on top of the other. Their bloods mixed.
The bodies clung to each other and wet Kuze's shoes.
He takes a breath and inform the others.
"We have deactivated the objective. The mission is complete."
At the same time, an angry sound rang out from behind.
"Kuze! Damn! What did you do?!"
He thought, and looked at the owner of the voice as if he was confused. It was Shinohara, who belonged to the same group as him. He was yelling something when he flushed with anger, but Kuze couldn't understand the meaning of the word. He turned his neck and face away to keep them from flying off.
The frozen facial expressions of the two boys, looking through the door, were reflected in Kuze's field of vision.
"Do you know what you did?"
"Scepter 4", Shiotsu made a heavy voice in the barracks interview room.
Shuichiro Kuze, standing in front of him, replied as if nothing had happened.
"I killed the member of the 'Purgatory' clan. I think it was an unavoidable decision in that situation."
"Right now, 'Purgatory' is not the problem. The problem is Kuze, you stabbed the hostage and killed her."
"I did not murder her. At that time, the woman had already been killed by the one in black clothes. Should I be so reprimanded for damaging her corpse?"
Shiotsu had various reports in front of him.
"Shinohara's report is different. At that time, Shinohara said that the woman was still alive. However, he testified that you ignored the warning and approached the black-robed one and went through him."
"In my eyes, she looked dead."
Kuze spoke clearly.
"I think it would have been difficult to help her, even if she had a break. Is it the right decision to leave the dangerous clansman to help a dying woman? If the action was delayed, hers, two of her children and I could have been euthanized."
"It is not you who should judge whether the woman would be saved or not."
"The judgment of the site should be left to the members of the site."
Shiotsu groaned softly.
What Kuze said was correct in some respects. In the battle with "Purgatory", a momentary misjudgment could be fatal. And that moment came innumerably. It was not enough to have many lives if they were all compared with the regulations of the body and the current law. Above all, Kuze said that a certain amount of excessive acts should be allowed to protect one's life.
Shiotsu watched Kuze's expression.
There was no expression floating there. Self-blame, regret, remorse. He couldn't read any of the emotions the one with the almost innocent human hands would have.
Shiotsu muttered to himself that that was the real problem.
At that moment, Shiotsu silently inhaled, and then...
"Where do you think the meaning of 'Scepter 4' is?"
"Answer it. What's 'Scepter 4' for?"
For the first time, the color of hesitation reached Kuze's expression.
As he listened to Shiotsu, Kuze replied.
"Kill the enemy. Annihilate "Purgatory" and bring peace to society."
Shiotsu sighed deeply and said.
"No. You are definitely misunderstanding."
"Our mission is to protect the general public. The sword to protect those who cannot resist the weapon of incompetence, that is 'Scepter 4'."
"It's the same as I said, right?"
In the words that Kuze muttered, unprecedented emotions appeared.
He was frustrated.
"Killing those in black clothes is to protect the general public. If they are left unattended, tens or even hundreds of people will die if they are not treated well. To avoid that, isn't it natural to leave two people alone?"
"Still, we should not be the ones to kill. We should be the ones to protect the people. If there is a defenseless civilian, that is why we have the power to protect ourselves."
"It's stupid."
Kuze laughed through his nose. His dark and bright gaze seemed harsher, as he generally had a friendly gaze.
"Why do we have to do that? It is so stupid for a good person to be sacrificed for an inferior person."
Shiotsu closed his eyes.
What swirled around his chest was not anger at Kuze, but responsibility for himself.
He may have been too impatient to make up for the personnel lost in the battle with "Purgatory". He had hired a person who lacked the most important qualities, distracted only by the ability to fight. He should have known well what would happen if that person had a different ability and special power.
People who cannot control themselves will eventually use their different abilities as they wish.
How is it different from "Purgatory"?
Shiotsu slowly opened his eyes and said in a low voice,
"Shuichiro Kuse. Say goodbye to "Scepter 4" from now on."
Kuze, who came out of the interview room, was looking vaguely at the ceiling of the hallway.
(I blew it.), he thought.
With that in mind, he sighs. This time, he looked down at the ground and started walking.
When he was called by Shiotsu, Kuze had decided what he should do. That was a field decision and he didn't think he had done anything wrong. He intended to stick to that statement.
It is the members of the field who exchange lives. However, it was not uncommon for him to be blamed for a later trial. It was a common feeling not only for Kuze but also for the ER personnel.
Shiotsu was smart and looked closely at the members. That is why he thought that he would not give such a severe punishment based on his thoughts.
"He was telling me something strange."
Kuze lied and looked at his hand. When he focused his consciousness there, the blue glow of the extraordinary shimmered.
It was proof that he was an excellent person and a chosen one.
Kuze couldn't respond well to Shiotsu's words asking the meaning of "Scepter 4". That was because Kuze didn't know. Therefore, he got a rag out of there. It didn't matter if the general public died or lived, he knew that his true intentions would probably not be forgiven within the organization, so he hid it.
The important thing for Kuze was to use that power in all directions to fight. Fight "Purgatory", bypass the momentary deadline and end the life of the enemy. Never in a dull life until now, was it a bright day.
That was stolen from him.
Because he took a boring life from a boring human.
Kuze sighed again and suddenly raised his face.
A familiar giant was walking down the hall. Kuze laughed and raised a hand.
"Hey, Zenjo-san."
"Oh, Kuze?"
Zenjo's eyebrows widened when he noticed that Kuze was there for the first time.
"What are you doing in a place like this? Is it training?"
Kuze laughed bitterly and...
"Hey, I've been preaching to the vice principal. I'm here for that."
"Oh, Shiotsu? It's loud."
Sympathy reached Zenjo's eyes. Seeing that, Kuze's smile changed to a natural one.
That person knew himself.
He had always felt that way. Zenjo, like himself, rejoiced in the fight. He was a person who should have the nature of killing people rather than helping people. So, Kuze was sure that if he talked about the situation, this person would be on his side.
"But you're almost right."
Zenjo simply denied the idea.
"Shiotsu is loud, but he's always right. If he claims something from you, you're wrong. I wonder what he was. Apologize properly."
Kuze looked at his toes.
"Yes, what is that?"
"If that is all."
"I see."
Kuze scratched his head again with a bitter smile.
"In a way that's correct. I thought it was suitable for 'Scepter 4', but surprisingly, isn't it?"
Zenjo mysteriously shook his head, thought for a moment and then nodded.
"That's right. You said you were the same as me, but I think you are different from me."
"I can't put it right. You might not be good at 'Scepter 4'. You should stop in time."
Zenjo said that in a wonderful and irresponsible way.
Kuze was about to start laughing. Interestingly, he didn't get mad at all. This was because it had been broadcast that Zenjo was saying that from the bottom of his heart without any malicious intent.
After all, Kuze didn't dislike Zenjo. He was clean, natural, and stronger than anyone. That's why he liked dealing with this person, because he could fight without shackles.
He regretted thinking that he couldn't do that from now on.
Then, Kuze suddenly glowed.
"Hmm? What's wrong?"
"Sorry Zenjo-san, I just remembered my errand now! I'm done!"
In a hurry, Kuze ran down the hall. Zenjo said, "Oh...?", and gave up, but Kuze suddenly stopped and looked back.
"Please help me again later!"
Zenjo laughed and nodded.
"Oh, I have to be sent."
"Still, please!"
Kuze ran away, saying just that with a smile.
It was that night that Shuichiro Kuze disappeared with "Senden".
When he got out of the transport car, a warm wind caressed Zenjo's cheeks.
The policeman raised his face and smelled a faint smell on the wind. He was delving into the battlefield with "Purgatory". He smelled like sticky, burnt blood.
According to the map, the back alley where the discovery of the men in black was reported was divided into T-shapes. The unit split into three hands, blocking all exits. The most important thing to prevent was that those in black clothes escaped. They had to make sure to capture or neutralize them, even if they took some risks.
At that moment, in front of Zenjo, the entrance to the back alley was black and open.
"Over there."
At random, Zenjo entered an alley.
The back alley was narrow and dark. Polyethylene buckets and outdoor units blocked the street, and the walls of the building that approached from the left and right blocked the sunlight. If one in black clothes came out of the shadows and emitted a flame of extraordinary skill, there would be no way around it. It could be said that this was also a dead place.
Still, Zenjo was not afraid and advanced slowly.
The process suddenly stopped.
Shinohara, who was following Zenjo, said groaning.
"What is the situation? What is this?"
One in black clothes was dead, as if his back was against the wall of the building.
Wide-eyed and in a pool of blood. The burned right hand was soaked in the blood clot, burning and producing black smoke. This was probably the cause of the smell.
In the first place, it was a mystery from the initial discovery report.
It was said that several of the black clothes were fighting. At the time, there were no "Scepter 4" units deployed nearby, and since the Hiiragi incident, the police had been told to stay away from the men in black. Most likely it was a fight between those in black, but in the current situation where they were hiding in a scattered way, he did not think they would do such an outstanding act.
So who was fighting the ones in black?
Zenjo, who was inspecting the corpse in black, said the answer.
"It's Kuze."
"It is pierced all over the body. This is due to 'Senden'."
Saying that, Zenjo stood up.
Since that night, Kuze's whereabouts have been known to be uncertain. Kuze's legal status was the same as an "Illegal Strain" since he was fired from "Scepter 4". They had to capture him and put a skill suppressor on him, but there weren't enough personnel to track him down in "Scepter 4".
Kuze killed the ones in black and, perhaps, he was still hiding in that place.
"But why is Kuze here?"
Shinohara said that, and suddenly closed his mouth.
Someone slowly emerged from the darkness behind the alley.
It was also one of black clothes.
"Oh, fufu...!"
His face was distorted with anger and hatred, and blood was pouring from his entire body to the point that his black suit was still drenched in red and black. Legs wobbly, the one in black slowly approached.
The tip of the saber protruded from his chest.
The saber was instantly pulled out and the one in black collapsed to his knees.
Zenjo spoke the name from behind him, standing there.
"Oh, Zenjo-san!"
Dressed in a dark green raincoat, Kuze smiled at his face, which had been bathed in blood, and called out to Zenjo cheerfully.
"No, I'm lucky! I can't get it all of a sudden!"
"What are you doing?"
Eyes blinking, Kuze looked around him, and mysteriously at himself.
"What's wrong? It's not a job. I got fired from 'Scepter 4'."
He shook "Senden" to spill the blood.
"But if you look for the black clothes, 'Scepter 4' will come, right? Maybe Zenjo-san is there! I thought it was good."
While he smiled, Kuze,
"I never thought we could meet at once! I'm lucky! So…"
He crouched down and pointed the tip of "Senden".
"Let's go."
Before Zenjo thought of anything, Kuze was kicking the ground.
The glow of the blue genie was diffusely reflected in the narrow back alley. He bounced off the ground, scaled walls, emergency stairs, he went up, down, left and right, and hit everything, drawing an unpredictable trajectory like a pinball.
Shinohara, who was behind Zenjo, couldn't even follow Kuze with his eyes. But Zenjo reacted.
It was also an action before thinking. The thick blade of "Hekireki" flipped up as the wind scattered.
The dark green raincoat split in half.
Kuze was no longer there. He twisted in midair, tossed his raincoat, and landed on the ground.
Zenjo kept "Hekireki" jumping and stopped in an unprotected posture. Looking at his empty torso, a fierce smile appeared on Kuze's mouth.
(I caught you!), he thought.
With extraordinary power in his legs, Kuze tried to strike a stroke of luck.
He felt the shock in his chest.
He lost the strength of his leg. His soles did not separate as if they were stuck to the ground. Interestingly, he looked under his feet and saw a saber thrust into his chest.
When he coughed, a blood clot spilled from his lips.
Kuze slowly looked at Zenjo.
Zenjo was flipping "Hekireki", with just his right hand.
Before he knew it, he held another saber in his left hand. That pierced through Kuze's chest.
"Oh, wow...!"
Kuze distorted the edge of his mouth when he heard Shinohara make a panicky voice.
"Hey, Shinohara. It's a pay cut to have a saber stolen from you."
When Zenjo drew the saber, Kuze sank into place.
The blood was overflowing. The color of his face was white and transparent. It was clear to everyone that it was no longer useful.
Still, Kuze was somewhat satisfied. He looked at Zenjo and laughed weakly.
"After all... you are amazing, Zenjo-san. I couldn't get over you."
There was no anger or sadness in Zenjo's expression, just confusion.
"What did you want to do?"
Kuze shook his shoulders and laughed. Eventually the laughter turned into a cough and the exhaled blood created a series of stains in the alley.
"I wanted to. A real and potentially deadly battle with Zenjo-san."
Breathing out, Kuze fell onto his side.
"It was fun."
That was the last word from him.
Zenjo, holding a bloody saber, shot a confused look at Kuze's corpse.
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
i’ll drive ; august walker x fem!reader 2/3
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status — completed series
word count —  5,933 words
warnings — SMUT, unprotected penetrative sex, soft!august, confused!august
pairing — august walker x fem!reader
a/n — so i had driving lessons last september and thought abt how wow it would make a great story if a driving instructor fell for their student,, and the og idea had in mind was that for a dark fic i might still do one though idk but i never really knew which character to do it for. then i was like what if he was pretending to be a driving instructor and since i just watched mi fallout sometime last month thought id be perfect for august!! sorry i couldn’t publish this any faster, had some things going on offline so yeah lmk what you think of this chapter. there’s only one chapter left!  Y/F/N = your father’s name
masterlist | series masterlist
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“You want me to do what?” August scoffed as he read the mission file he was handed. Sloane raised a hand to the other agent who was about to explain it again; she knew that the Hammer would more likely accept the mission if she convinced him.
“We want you to pose as a driving instructor; from there you’ll be assigned to Y/N. Her father is Nick Roberts; do you recall who he is?” Nodding, August placed the folder on the desk and looked at Sloane with a scowl, “Yeah, I do. He transports Perez’ drugs and firearms in and out of the country; possibly close ties to even more underground activity.” 
“Suspected of transporting,” The other agent — August didn't bother remembering his name since he rarely got to work with him anyway — clarified. “And how will me posing as a driving instructor get us to Nick Roberts?”
“Nick Roberts is just an alias; his real name is Y/F/N, and the one you’ll be assigned in teaching is his daughter. You get close to her, you’ll be able to get to Roberts.” It seemed like too big of a stretch, August quietly reflected; what if she cut ties with her father? What if he really wasn’t her father?
“Considering this is the only lead we have so far on Perez’ case, I’ll do it,” He eventually conceded; Sloane was pleased with that as she smiled, “Very well, take that case file with you to familiarize yourself with Y/N. Your lessons with her will be from Monday to Friday, the whole of next week. Understood?”
With a nod, he grabbed the case file and stood up to exit the room. Heading to his office, he figured that it was best to find out what he can about this Y/N. He read about how she had graduated college and has been steadily working in her chosen profession. Since the separation of her parents she lived with her dad, and by the looks of it has a close bond with him. It was amusing to him how someone of her age still doesn’t know how to drive; but nevertheless it was a blessing in disguise that she didn’t since it helped with their case.
Though her case file had her passport and driving permit photo, August made a reckless decision to look up if she had any social media accounts; and she did. It wasn’t usual for him to look up their target’s social media accounts — in the past he would settle for the provided picture on the mission reports and from there familiarize himself with what they looked like — but there was an itch he needed to scratch. There was something about Y/N that motivated him to look at her photos, thankfully her account was on public. “Can’t wait to see you soon, love.”
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Henry James was his alias for this mission and here he was leaning against the parked car as he was waiting for Y/N. He held his breath once the door opened and revealed a girl in a romper. “Hi! Are you Henry?” She was too cheerful in her greeting he noted; perhaps that had something to do with how young and innocent she was. Nodding sternly, “See anyone else beside me, sweetheart?”
She giggled at his remark as she tucked her hair behind her ear — a nervous habit she’d develop. “Go ahead and settle yourself on the front seat.” She nodded and made her way over to the driver’s seat. As she sat down, she placed her bag on the console, “You have your learning permit?” She grabbed the piece of paper that was in the pocket of her romper and handed it over to him; he thanked her as grabbed it and filled out the information he had, “Do you know what to do once you get in the car and onto the driver’s seat?” 
“Adjust the seat, adjust the mirrors, check the lights, and make sure I have gas,” She listed out as she did all of those. Clicking the pen once he’s filled in the necessary information he turned to her with a raised brow, “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Looking around her, she tried her best to recall the driving lessons she took and when nothing seemed missing to her she just shook her head no with a slight pout — August originally thought was a childish and foolish expression but she just made it look downright adorable.
Y/N held her breath as Henry leaned over to her so close that their noses nearly touched and his fingertips brushed against her skin as he grabbed the seatbelt, dragging it across her to click it in its place. She didn’t expect him to get that close to her, but she certainly wasn’t complaining when it gave her an up close view of how good he looked in that polo shirt; and the man too was surprised at his sudden move — he was debating with himself that he only did so to ensure her safety, just so she’d be alive and share about her father’s whereabouts, but there was this part of him that was convinced that he just wanted a reason to be close to her. “You’re forgetting the most important safety precaution, sweetheart; and that’s to wear your seatbelt.”
Smiling nervously at him she apologized to which he simply grunted at, “I trust you know how to start the engine?” Her confident persona surfaced, her right hand turned the key to start the car as her left hand rested on the wheel. “What do you need to do before pulling away?”
“Check the mirrors for any oncoming vehicles,” She glanced at the rear and side view mirrors, “Look over to your blind spot,” Twisting her head to look over her shoulder and verify that there was no one or nothing that was incoming, “Signal then drive away.” Turning on her signal light, she put the car from park to drive and began leaving her front yard.
August was impressed with her — for someone who was such a fumbling mess earlier was really focused on driving; he thought that was rare for a beginning driver, as they were far too excited at the thought of getting to go anywhere they wanted. “Good job. I have to say your focus is impeccable as well,” His compliment got her nervously saying thanks. “What’s the speed limit for residential areas?”
“30 kilometers per hour; Do I Just go straight?” They were nearing an intersection and she was told, “Yeah go straight; we’re not leaving the neighborhood just yet.” She nodded and just before she got to cross the intersection she hit the brakes smoothly as there was a stop sign. “One car there, still empty there,” Y/N took note as she moved her head left and right to check the traffic situation.
Once the road was clear she drove straight ahead and her instructor applauded her, “When you take the test, don’t be afraid to talk to yourself like that if it helps. And don’t forget to check if there was already a car from the opposite direction with a stop sign; know why?”
She nodded firmly as her eyes shifted from the road ahead, the rear view mirror, and the speedometer, “Because then they’d have right of way.” August noticed how the tone of her voice would differ; during the earlier part of their interaction, it was soft and low, but now as they drove around it was loud and clear. “When is your driver’s exam again?” He knew when she’d take it — he just thought that by asking that he’d somehow be able to milk information regarding her father.
“This Saturday,” She responded and it seemed that she was nervous about it given how her voice lowered again. “Turn right at the next intersection,” He ordered her. Seeing that she had no stop signs in her direction, she turned on the signal light and moved to the appropriate lane. Once she checked that there were no pedestrians crossing, moved to complete her turn.
“Notice how there weren’t any stop signs on two sides and yet there were on the two?” When she nodded he quizzed her again, “What does that mean?” Before answering him there were kids who were about to cross and she stepped on the brakes, coming to a complete stop and smiled as she signaled for the kids to cross. As she waved at the kids who smiled and yelled thank you she answered him, “Means that I have the right of way; even if someone arrives from the directions with stop signs they have to wait for me to pass before going on.”
“It’s great that you know the answers, some don’t,” He fed her some bullshit to which she bought as she softly laughed. “Well I don’t want to have to retake the exam,” Her lack of use of the word again caught his attention and was quick to ask about it, “This is really your first time taking the test?”
She nodded yes as she stopped at a four way stop, allowing a pickup truck that stopped before her. “How come?” Pressing her foot on the gas, she brought the car forward as she explained, “I don’t know really. My dad usually brings me to places or I take the public transport.” Bingo, August thought, here’s a chance to know more about his whereabouts. “And now? You’re dad can’t take you? Turn left on the next intersection.”
Nodding, she checked the pedestrian if there was someone crossing and stopped at the stop sign to check for any oncoming vehicles, “He’s so busy with work that he can’t. Especially now that he’s out of town.” Not enough information, August thought; but he thought that by asking more questions he’d come off as too nosy. “Do you know how to park uphill and downhill?” 
“I know which direction I have to turn the wheels to but I haven’t done that yet,” He nodded and instructed her on what to do. After teaching her how to do so properly, they took a break as August made some pointers over the things he observed as she drove. “It’s good that you keep your eyes moving around to check your surroundings; but don’t stay focused on one place for too long.”
Looking over at her, his heart beat fast with how her eyes looked wide and eager — and somehow he adored how innocent she looked, as she had no idea on what kind of world she got herself involved in ; it distracted him for a while but he managed to tear his gaze on her as he cleared his throat, “But sometimes you turn your signal light on too early, so be careful of that. And don’t stop too far from the stop line, that gives you demerit points.”
She nodded and took a mental note of everything he said, “What about with my parking?” Henry opened the door to check the distance of the car from the pavement, “You hill parking is good so far; not too close or too far. Think you can do parallel parking on that car on the next street?” Y/N eyes followed to where his finger pointed to a sedan that was parked, “Might need some help.”
Appreciating her honesty August reassured her, “Don’t worry I’ll guide you through it.” With his words she began to leave where she was parked and crossed the intersection. Once she was helped on the parallel parking process, her instructor beamed at her, “Good job, Y/N!”
“Thanks for your help, Henry,” The agent admittedly was caught off guard at the name she used— his dumb ass nearly corrected her and told him that wasn’t his name — he blamed it with how sweetly yet shyly she thanked him so that made him lose his concentration. “No worries,” He gruffly replied, which had Y/N found was odd with how his mood seemed to shift given his tone. 
“Why don’t we head back home but let’s go through the main road; know the speed limit over there?” She nodded her head as she answered, “60 kilometers per hour, but by Hammonds Avenue it reduces to 50.” Satisfied he rubbed his hands over his thighs, “Fantastic! Get on with it, love.”
Her breath hitched at the name he called her and she paused for a second before pulling away; August too had no idea where that came from but he just couldn’t help himself. The rest of the drive on the way home was filled with stiff and tortuous silence; the radio was not turned on since the agent deemed it would distract her from driving. “Do an uphill parking over here,” He pointed to her front porch. She nodded and poked her tongue out a bit as she concentrated on the task at hand. “Okay, now neutral, then all the way to the left.”
When she felt the tire hit the curb she smiled brightly and turned to Henry, “All done.” The proud expression on her face was so captivating that despite holding himself back he couldn’t prevent himself from mirroring her proud expression with a genuine smile, “You did well today, Y/N. Maybe next time you’ll be the one bringing your dad to work.”
August kept his fingers crossed that his jab would provide him with more information about it; and she partially did, “Not anytime soon though; he’s not due back for at least two weeks.” Despite being disappointed at the vague information he managed not to physically display it as he nodded, “Oh that’s too bad then,” He faked sympathy and unbuckled his seatbelt as she did the same, “Same time tomorrow for our lesson okay?” 
Nodding her head up and down, she grabbed her bag from the console and checked the road before exiting. “See you tomorrow, Henry,” She waved as they passed by each other as he walked over to the driver’s side. When their skins brushed, they both could feel a rush of electricity and it made Y/N nervously giggle and skipped away from him without even looking back at him due to how embarrassed she was. 
Whereas on the other hand August was confused; he never met someone who made him feel this way. The way she was looking or smiling at him had him weak in the knees; which was something he never experienced before. As she was swiftly entering her home, the Hammer found himself watching her as she did so; just need to make sure she gets home safely, he convinced himself. Though the rational part of himself argued back idiot, she’s already on her porch! What possible harm can come to her?
Once she got inside he finally got in the car and fished out his phone from the glove compartment to connect it to the radio and call Sloane as he began driving to his temporary apartment. After a few rings she picked up, “Walker? How was the first day?”
“Not too bad. Got some minimal information about Roberts,” He could hear faint footsteps on Sloane’s end of the call and inferred she had just gotten back from a meeting. “What have you found out then?”
“Apparently he’s out of town,” His boss’ disappointment with the information was heard through her long sigh, “Any idea when will he return? And to where he is?” He shook his head as he spoke, “Y/N said at least two weeks before he comes back from work out of town.” 
“Well that can’t be good,” No shit, August wanted to add but kept silent. “Is there any way you can remain in contact with Y/N even after your week of driving lessons are done?” Glaring at his phone the agent voiced his disbelief at what he was hearing, “Why should I pursue this lead? Can’t there be any other way to get to Roberts? What about his associates?”
Sloane let out an irritated sigh — one she rarely had to let out when she was talking to her best agent because he usually got the job done — before explaining, “His associates change; they come and go. We never really found a certain person or persons he works with. Y/N is the only constant person in his life and so if anything really she’s our only hope of bringing him in.” The silence from August’s end indicated that she got through his head.
“Now, is there any way you can remain in contact with Y/N even after your week of driving lessons?” He was now parked in the car park of his temporary base and he thought for a few seconds on how to answer her question. Call it impulsivity or whatever, but before he could even clearly think things through he found himself suggesting, “Perhaps I can ask her out on a date?”
In the years they’ve worked together, Sloane was always impressed and surprised with how August managed to accomplish each mission he assigned her successfully. But this one in particular, he surprised her with his suggestion; heck even August himself couldn’t believe the words that just left his mouth. “I just think that’s the cleanest way to play this one out,” He tried to defend his suggestion, “What other reason would a driving instructor have to remain in contact with their student right?”
The Hammer was cursing himself out with how feeble his justification was; Sloane on the other hand did find herself agreeing with him, “Do what you must.”
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The rest of the week went by quickly and Y/N found herself looking forward to every driving lesson she had with her gorgeous instructor. And now that it was the last hour of the last day of their driving lessons, she couldn’t help but wish she got more time to spend with him. In the back of her mind she thought about failing the test in hopes that he’d help her out again. But then it would backfire quick if they sent a different instructor instead.
“Parallel park one last time with that Dodge over there,” His instructions brought her back from the plan she was hatching and going through. As she was executing his instructions, she failed to notice how instead of looking at what she was doing, Henry was observing every facial expression she was completing the task at hand. “There! How was that?” Her eyes staring back at him snapped him out of his entranced stare as he blinked a few times, “Oh well,” He opened the car door to check if the tires hit the curb and how far they were from the curb, “Good job, as usual. Though be careful when you turn the wheel to the right.”
She nodded slowly as she repeated his comment, “How do you feel about your exam tomorrow?” At the mention of her dreaded test she groaned a bit and he chuckled softly — he never saw her this stressed about the test in their previous lessons, so seeing her react this way was somewhat amusing to him. She looked at him with her lips slightly pouting and the skin in her forehead all wrinkled up, “I’m nervous about it; but at the same time I feel like I can do it?”
Henry’s left hand settled itself on her forearm as he affectionately rubbed her, as if he were trying to rid her of the stress and anxieties, “You’re gonna do great, love. Just calm yourself down before taking the test and don’t be afraid to talk to yourself as you drive if it helps you focus.” Y/N’s heartbeat sped up with how gentle he was; over the course of their lessons he came across as stern and rigid but this side of him was something she could get used to.
“How ‘bout you drive back home now, yeah?” She nodded and did so without trouble. August remembered how her father was gone and wondered who’d bring her to the test, “By the way, since you mentioned you dad was out of town, who’ll go with you then?”
Timidly smiling to herself she admitted, “I’ve asked some of my friends, but they all said how they had their own plans. I was gonna ask some of my coworkers and see how that goes.” Clicking his tongue with how unprepared she was, his mouth spit out, “Well how about I go with you then?” Before his brain could even analyze if that was the right thing to say.
Seeing as Y/N was driving she could only briefly glance at him, “You want to take me to the test?” August now backed himself against a wall and couldn’t find a way out, to hell with it, he thought to himself. “Way better than you driving illegally is it not?”
“That is true,” Y/N acknowledged, “But do you do that for all of your students?” Henry let out a laugh and her heart fluttered with how deep it was before he remarked, “Not for everyone, sweetheart, I’ll tell you that.” Feeling cocky with that she mused, “Then I must be special then?”
If you only knew, love, August thought to himself; while Y/N was scolding at herself for possibly flirting with her driving instructor. But technically he wouldn’t be on the day of her exam because their lessons ended, right? “Wanna know how special you really are?” He leaned his elbow on the console, bringing himself closer to her and he sensed how she held her breath as her body stiffened. Shaking her head was the only response she could offer as she was now focusing on parking the car in front of her house. 
After coming to a halt she turned over to him and looked at him with curious eyes; Henry then took it as his cue to speak, “You’re so special that should you pass your exam tomorrow, I want to take you out on a date.” Her eyes widened comically that August thought she was an inspiration for a cartoon character. And the agent wasn’t sure if what he was saying was spoken out of desperation for the mission to succeed or because he had taken interest in her.
It had taken her a few seconds before replying and the agent was surprised when she said, “Are you shitting me or is this actually real?” He rid the smirk he had on his face and replaced it with a serious expression, “This is real, sweetheart. Do you think I go around and grace my students with nicknames?” He took her avoiding eyes as a no and his hand grabbed her chin to get her to face him directly, “So do we have a deal, sweetheart? I take you out right after your test for a date, if you pass?”
August held his breath as she unhooked his hand from her chin and leaned over him, planting a kiss on his cheek. His blue eyes were now wide as she had a toothy grin once she pulled away and with a smirk of her own said, “We have a deal, Henry.”
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August found himself tapping his leg as he stared at the wall clock, hoping that his domineering stare would make time go faster. Thirty minutes had passed since Y/N started her driving exam and the agent found himself reevaluating in the meantime. Was asking her out on a date the only way to get close to Roberts?
Of course it was, he thought, She said her father will return in two weeks. You’d only have to go out with her once a week and somehow bring him into their conversation and hopefully milk out more intel about him.
Seeing a man dressed in a flannel-patterned polo reeled him back into the present; trailing behind the man was Y/N who had a blank expression on her face. Furrowing his eyebrows he mouthed, “What happened?” Anxiety coursed through his body but it quickly left his body as she winked at him and turned to follow the man. “Do you want to retain your picture from your permit or want to take another one?” He overheard the man ask Y/N, prompting August to relax and smile as he connected the dots — she passed her exam! 
But as he was mentally celebrating her success he found himself thinking about how he now had to take her out on the date he promised. It’s just for work, he deliberated, only going out with her to know more about her father. Nothing more, nothing less. However there was this thought nagging him on the back of his head that it wasn’t just for that reason he was taking her out.
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Henry groaned as her lips sucked on the sweet spot on his neck as her nails were planted on his shoulders. His large hands alternated between squeezing and rubbing her ass as she grinded herself on his lap.
They found themselves in this situation after Y/N giddily squealed at August how she passed; the agent kissed her forehead as he told her how proud he was of her. As they went to their date he let her drive and as he settled on the passenger seat, his hand rested on her thigh, testing the waters to see if she was comfortable with it — and by the way her thighs pressed against each other, caging in his hand between them, he got the message that she welcomed it happily.
Even throughout the dinner, they both couldn’t get enough of each other. The skin of their arms remained so close to each other that it was as if they were glued to each other. Y/N was beginning to think that the only reason Henry ordered pasta was so he could eat with a single hand so his opposite hand can rest on her thigh. But she wasn’t complaining as she rested her thigh above his.
As they drove back to her place one thing led to another and it ended with Y/N climbing over the console and situating herself on Henry’s lap as their mouths captured each other’s. Y/N unbuttoned his shirt as her lips littered his chest with kisses, she’d linger sometimes in a certain spot long enough to leave marks. 
Rolling her hips in his lap, she felt his hard on pressing against her clothed crotch and moaned against his skin. When her dainty fingers were done unclasping the buttons that confined his toned and broad upper body, her hand travelled lower to palm his bulge and before she could open the zipper Henry caught her roaming hand with his, “I think doing this in your house is far better than some cramped up vehicle; don’t you think?”
A blissed out nod was all the response Y/N could give; with that affirmation August opened the door and carried the girl out and shut the car door with his foot. With her legs wrapped around his waist, she planted kisses all over her instructor’s face. She whined as she was put down but understood that it was her cue to unlock the door; though the man behind her was not making the task easy as he was nipping at the skin of her neck and his hands were rubbing her arms.
“Fucking finally,” August rasped out as Y/N managed to unlock the front door and they both hastily entered and the agent shut and locked the door behin him; he spun her to face him so he could rip off her shirt and he smirked as the girl whimpered, clearly turned on with what he did. “Such a naughty girl you are, aren’t you? Going out without even covering these nice tits.” Wrapping his mouth around a breast, she ran her fingers through his hair to encourage him with what he was doing. Without detaching his mouth from her tit and instead switching between the two, he took the initiative to lead them into her couch. 
Pushing her to lie on her back, August rid himself of his clothes; he was moving too quickly that Y/N didn’t have the time to take a good look at his chiseled body. Hovering above her, he smirked at her once he noticed her thighs were clenching, “You’re a desperate little thing, aren’t you?”
Pathetically nodding she grabbed at his shoulders, “Please touch me, Henry.” Snarking at her he tore her leggings and her panties had the same fate. Now that she was just as exposed as he was, August leaned down to lick downwards from her clit and to her pussy. “You taste heavenly, love.” He lapped at her more, needing to quench his thirst for her and curiosity of what she would taste like. “As much as I adore your taste I’m afraid this will have to wait,” Pushing away her legs that wrapped around his neck, he kissed his way up until he was face to face with her.
“Why not?” She whined as she clawed at his back, moaning as she felt the plain of his back muscles. He distracted her by kissing her deeply as his hand stroked his cock a few times before sliding it in her in one stroke. “That’s why,” He huskily answered against her lips; he moved so his knees touched her thighs, allowing him to rut into her properly.
August removed his lips from hers as he instead planted kisses on her neck as his hands toyed with her nipples and breasts; Y/N, on the other hand, was whining about how good he felt. The skin at the back of her thighs was rippling as he thrusted himself in and out of her rapidly and harshly; the top of his thighs hitting against the back of hers, “You feel so good, Henry. So thick and hard inside me.” The man smirked at her wails, loving how wrecked she sounded — in the back of his nasty brain he noted that this was his favorite version of her.
Her hands held onto his biceps, nails leaving harsh marks on his pale and sweaty skin; it turned August even more how her delicate hands couldn’t even wrap half the size of his arm. Her velvet and silk-like walls were squeezing into his cock so tight that it was triggering his orgasm already — the agent would usually last longer, but given how turned on he was coupled with the fact the past week edged him, he was already close to unloading his bottled up frustrations.
“You already got me almost cumming,” He hoarsely whispered in her ear, feeling her wrap her legs around him to pull her closer against him. That didn’t stop him from slamming into her pussy to the point his trimmed pubic hair rubbed against her clit, adding more friction and pleasure for the both of them. “Seems like you are too, love,” Both her nipples were then squeezed to tease her even more and August was just even more amused with how responsive her precious body was underneath him.
“Please Henry, make me cum. I wanna feel your cum all over me too,” She managed to gasp out in between breaths; the man above her growled when he heard how good she sounded as she begged and had no choice but to comply. He leaned down to suckle on her nipple as the other breast was being toyed by his hand. Her clit too received attention as it was being rubbed and pinched with his other hand. As his hips slammed against her thighs harshly and his cock railed her in swift and sharp thrusts, Y/N could only moan and roll her eyes at the simulations she was receiving.
The only warning she could provide him of her impending orgasm was her patting against his biceps as her walls unexpectedly clung to his dick tighter than ever and came around him. August didn’t relent and continued his animalistic pace, milking her orgasm and removing his mouth from her tit to stare at her blissed out and drowsy state provoked his orgasm as well.
“Fucking hell, love,” He groaned out as he slid in all the way inside her and didn’t thrust furthermore as he spilled his load inside her. With their foreheads touching against each other, they breathed against each other to calm themselves down. Y/N’s hands removed themselves from Henry’s biceps; instead she was now stroking his back, as if coaxing the large man above her to calm down. While August rested his hands on her sides, as if memorizing every inch of her skin.
Y/N squealed as she was being lifted up and carried into her bedroom. Contrary to how she was laid down on the couch roughly, her former driving instructor laid her down gently. Kissing her forehead he went to her ensuite bathroom and returned with a towel. Y/N looked at him with loving eyes as he wiped off their combined juices that spilled out of her delicious cunt. Throwing the towel on her hamper, he then laid beside her and August chuckled lightly with how quick the girl was to latch herself onto him for a cuddle — and he did open his arms to welcome her and wrapped them around her smaller figure.
“I hope you don’t do this with all your students?” Her comment had him humorously rolling his eyes and Y/N giggled at his antics. “No, I don’t, love. I promise,” He even held his pinky up for a pinky promise and she was more than eager to latch her pinky with his; bringing their tangled pinkies to his mouth, Henry placed a gentle kiss on them before untangling them so they could hold hands instead. “Well I guess I’m really special?”
Nodding, he lowered his head down a bit so he could kiss her deeply and passionately. Breaking their kiss August replied, “So special that I want to take you out again next week,” Without even disconnecting their lips.
Y/N sleepily mumbled, “I’d like that a lot, Henry.” Her eyes were starting to feel heavy and August kissed her forehead again, “Sleep, love. I’ll be here in the morning.” She nodded against him and did so. For the next few minutes, the CIA agent reflected his actions and decisions. He told Sloane that he’d ask Y/N out on a date only to remain in contact with her. That was it — a date.
But how the hell did he end up enjoying the date — let alone her company and herself — and then taking her to bed? This was a mess. He shouldn’t have slept with her for it would just complicate things. When August saw how she was steadily breathing, he moved out of the bed and rested her head on a pillow. He went out to her living room to look for his pants that he earlier discarded; grabbing for his phone he sent out a text to Sloane :
Secured a meetup with Y/N next week. Will try to fish out more information about Roberts.
He turned off his phone and put it back in his pocket. As he was staring at his scattered clothes, he was debating whether he should stay the night with Y/N or just leave right now. Even though he knew which option seemed like the most logical, he surprised himself. He went back to bed and cuddled Y/N close as he too began to drift off to dormancy — he stayed.
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deaconusdelirium · 3 years
So this is love
Requested: “could I please have Princess!Reader who Crosshair ‘volunteers’ to guard while he tries to not fall for her, yet he does, and he’s a total gentleman and romantic, eugh. I need some love right now”
I’m so sorry this is late. I was suppose to post this Monday and I didn’t. Sorry cyar’ika, I hope you like it though🥺
“Listen, all we need is someone to guard her for the day, her mother and I have some matters to discuss. We hate for her to be in our problems she shouldn’t have to be in right now” your father exclaimed, holding your mothers hand as she nodded, “listen your highness, we have our hands full right now. We have a kid we also need to take care of” “we could pay you handsomely” Hunter seemed to think about the offer, they needed the credits, especially in a trying time such as now. “Alright. Crosshair will do it” Hunter said as Crosshairs head turned towards him, he was not expecting this.
“Hunter. I’m needed on your side, not, walking along side some fake royalty” He spoke, your parents a little offended, Hunter turned and put a hand on his brothers shoulder, “the planets pretty peaceful, this is easy money. Just watch the princess until we come back, they did say they were going to pay us well. We’ll be back before nightfall, you only have a few hours” he turned back around to negotiate further terms. Crosshair groaned, he was meant for a better job, not whatever he was ‘chosen to do’. He could be serving in the military yet here he was, being a lap dog for some wanna be princess. “Very well, follow me” your father pointed his hand towards the castle, Wrecker laughed as Tech didn’t seemed fazed at all. Echo didn’t have anything to say, even he thought he could do a better job than Crosshair.
“This better be worth it” Crosshair spoke, pushing past Hunter while hitting his shoulder with his, sliding his helmet on and walking after your parents. “Why him Hunter?” Echo asked, folding his arms, “because he’s willing to do what needs to be done” Hunter said, watching his brother disappear behind the big doors until they closed. “Alright, let’s go” “uh Hunter. How long are we going to be gone for exactly?” “Long enough for him to get that attitude straight” Tech bumped in, “I believe that leaving him on a planet he’s never been on, to be a guard while we go off, will not affect his behavior on accepting and listening to you. However, it will probably only make him upset” “since when has he ever been happy?” Echo said, shaking his head since he could never think of a time Crosshair was happy. “He’ll be fine, it’s not like we’re leaving him for good”
“This way.. Crosshair? Correct?” “Yes.” Crosshair was a lot taller than the guards at the palace, and whenever he passed some. They’d grow a little bit intimidated, but he couldn’t do anything. After all, it is a peaceful planet, so danger wouldn’t be common, right? He stopped abruptly when your parents did, almost bumping into them, he took a step back, “now, that’s all you’re doing. Just guarding her, bring her back before sundown. If she tries anything, bring her right back here” you father ordered, “mother” you parents turned to face you, making Crosshair do the same. You were a lot different than he had expected, he’s found you almost... endearing, really. He tuned out whatever you dad was saying, nodding along. Ok, maybe this wasn’t so bad.
He watched as you approached him, “I’m uh, ready” you looked down, you’ve never really been around clones, and he looked more rugged than the original stormtroopers. He gave a quick nod, you turned to wave, signaling you were leaving. You didn’t know how to start a conversation between you two, it was awkward, a bit embarrassing. He hasn’t said one word, at least you haven’t heard him say anything, you pulled the hood over your head further, wanting to just disappear into it instead of walking around with a stranger you’ve never seen who now has to guard you. You’d rather have one of your guards, they were easy to talk to, you were about to open the door but the Clone did, letting you walk through until he closed it, standing behind you once again. “Vor entye” you thanked him
“You know Mando’a?” He started, you looked at him wide eyed, not expecting him to speak so soon. “I do, my mother taught me. My father doesn’t know any, you?” You asked, looking around the streets filled with people, kids ran across playing with a ball while the adults talked and vendors were making money. “A little” you hummed, talking the left walkway first, “I assumed as much, considering you travel around the galaxy and talk to so many other people” he turned his head, “have you ever been off world?” Oh well, he might as well get to know you if he’s going to be with you for some time. “No, unfortunately. My parents won’t allow it, they don’t even trust me to take a walk by myself” you sounded upset, “and they promised me that I could have this day to myself, but yet here you are” he stopped for a second, maybe this planet wasn’t that all peaceful
He caught up to you, who was looking at the items that littered the table in front you, “so tell me, princess” he made the word princess sound silly, you rolled your eyes and turned to meet him, his helmet still hid his face, “yes, trooper?” You teased back, he wanted to know more about what really was going on behind the fake set up, if you sounded that distraught, then who knows what happens when you’re alone. “Did you want to take a walk today? Or were you made to?” You smirked at him, “my parents wanted to test my social skills. l, I guess you could put it that way. They’re just getting me ready” you turned back around, walking to another shop.
This didn’t seem that hard, maybe he could find out before the day ended, “ready? For?” You scoffed, “are you really asking me that?” He wasn’t expecting for the snap back, he’s never been around royalty so he stood there, waiting for your explanation, “for marriage? Two planets or two cities come together?” You even motioned it to him, he only watched, nodding along when he finally pieced it all together. “And how, is this going to help?” He asked, as you paid for the item you bought and put it in the bag you carried. He offered to carry it for you, and you reluctantly gave it to him, he swung it over his shoulder, next to his rifle. “Well, I could find out what my ‘husband’ would want for dinner. Clothes, etc. etc.” you explained, “I thought royalty got whatever they wanted” “that’s probably what non royalty think. But we’re just like everyone else, we still have to pay. And the Queen, Princess, Bride whatever you want to call them, still have to have their priorities set straight. It’s not fair that my parents met off world on their own planets when I can’t. They’re finding one for me”
He nodded his head, now he understood. He watched you as grabbed something again, his eyes followed the person he seen lurking around the shop. Looking over at you every now and then, he moved closer, “and does everyone have priorities?” He asked, motioning the civilians. “Mm, no. Some yes, they do, others don’t, why?” You faced him, looking around to see what he was worried about, “just wondering” “I see, well. I don’t feel like buying anything really, come on” you pulled his hand, he was not ready for that. He followed around like a lost puppy, his face red underneath the helmet. He barely held your hand back, unsure if you wanted him to hold it or not. “Come on, I want to show you something”
You both weaved through the crowd, he wouldn’t admit that even he was excited to see what you had to show him. Once he notice you slow down, he knew what you meant, it was a small clearing with the two suns. “Tell me..” “Crosshair” “Crosshair, what’s it like out there? Is it pretty? Better than here?” He looked over at where you were looking. He sighed out, “not exactly, some planets may look nice, but they’re still bad out there” “oh... what about the planets. Are there a lot? I mean I know are, but I feel like there’s limit to them” it bothered him knowing that you were so closed in and you didn’t know much about off world. “There are many planets, some, better than others” you looked at him, his hand went up to his helmet, pulling it off. You quickly turned away, shielding your hands from his face
“What are you doing?” He asked “I thought you might like privacy” you frantically said, he almost laughed, “no, you’re fine” “a-are you sure, because most people like you don’t take their helmet off in front of other people” he pushed your hands down, “what, other people?” He questioned, you slowly faced him, taking in his features, “people like.. Mandalorians” “Mandalorians?” “Yeah, he have quite a few visit every now and then” he eyed you down while you pushed off your hood. He got an even better look at you, he couldn’t deny that you were beautiful. He looked down to see that he was still holding your wrists. He backed off, looking away and standing there. You frowned, maybe it was something you did.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have” you apologized, walking off and waiting for him back at the alley, he put his helmet back on. Following you, it was almost evening. You were quiet after that, now it was his turn to feel awkward. You both took your time, every waking moment he spent with you felt like he’s known you for eternity. Some moments he found that he just wanted to stare at you while you talked about what you loved and what you wanted to to do. The stars in your eyes shined, the way they lit up whenever he asked about something from your culture.
Is this how you felt when you first met him? His head hung low while still following your footsteps, he looked up to see another pair of shoes in front of you, he glared at the person behind his visor. What was he demanding from you? He couldn’t hear, but he didn’t want this to go on any further, he stood up straight, pushing you behind him as he shook his head in a ‘no’ manner to the person. Once they knew to stand down, they did, walking off shortly while he turned to face you. “They didn’t do anything, did they?” “No... no I’m fine. I think we should head back” you both didn’t travel far, is this as far as you wanted to go?
“That’s it?” He questioned, he could still see the palace from where he stood. “What is?” You asked, “this is as far as you want to go?” “It’s getting late Crosshair, I’m suppose to be back by nightfall” you both had plenty of time, but why would you want to go back so early? He stood there, baffled at how you were paranoid to be out late, and you were being controlled more than you even knew. Even he could see it when he first met you. The somewhat sad expression he noticed whenever you looked up at the sky and seen night creep closer, “come on” he grabbed your hand, pulling you along side him as he walked around with you. “Crosshair, I think it’s best to go back. My parents are going to send guards soon” he ignored your protest, you had more than enough time to go do more things.
An hour or so later, you both found yourselves in a nice restaurant, he told you everything you wanted to know. He’d gotten to know your past and what you did growing up, must have been boring. He answered all your questions you had about off world, even listening to his stories about the time he went Gino battle. He stood up, coming over to your side and holding a hand out. You noticed how comfortable he had gotten in the past few hours, he helped you up as you both walked out the restaurant, then away from the crowd and into a small field. He was still getting use to being squished by people, so being alone would comfort him a little. “Cross” you called out, his helmet under one arm as the other was wrapped around your shoulder. “What is it?” “I.. just wanted to thank you. For today, this probably has to be my first time ever, outside with this much freedom. I’m surprised you haven’t taken me back yet” “you haven’t tried anything yet” he teased, “But all good things come to end” you looked down, holding your hands as he pondered about what just happened.
He wasn’t sure what he wanted. He pushed your hood off and pushed your head up and bent down to your lips. Softly taking them in his as you fell into it. He wasn’t sure what he was doing, he was suppose to only be watching you. Your father said nothing about talking... or falling in love, did he? But if he didn’t say anything about that, then maybe he just did. He moved closer to you, your hands found their way to his sides, where his armor wasn’t protecting. He tensed under your movements. He moved away, only leaving him wanting more, so he dropped his helmet and cupped your face in his hands. Bringing you in for another, his hands wandered down your shoulders and to your hips. Settling for the your lower back as you both tried to come as close as possible.
You pulled back with a gasp, heaving breathing as your hand fell on his chest plate. “Cross, I love-” he listened carefully, he knew what you were going to say and he wanted to hear it. He just couldn’t make the first move until you did, the past hours spent with you were probably the best ones he’s ever had. Something grew between you when you two, he started the day not wanting to do this, and at the end, he would do anything to be with you again like this. “Crosshair, I hope you you took the princess back. We’re almost there” he almost commed Hunter back to shut up. You pulled away without finishing your sentence. He didn’t even get to hear it, the cold air blew against the warmth you provided him, he shivered a little, expecting you to come back. “He’s right Crosshair. We should head back” “Y/n” “no, it’s getting late. I don’t want you getting in trouble” you said as you picked his helmet up off the ground and pushed it towards him. Walking off as he followed behind.
“Crosshair” Hunter commed again, trying to call for his brother but Crosshair could only think about the past minute. How you were so close he could feel the beating of your heart through his armor. The warmth you brought him and your soft gentle touches along his side. Was this love? Had he actually found someone to stay with? Or was this his feelings messing with him, he’s never been so close to someone before, And he definitely did not mind you being. “Crosshair” “what. What. What?” He finally answer back, snapping at his brother for ruining something he never thought he wanted. He kept an eye on you as you walked back to the palace, “we’re talking with the King and Queen, once you bring her back is when we’ll get paid. So I suggest you hurry” “you’ve told me before, you don’t need to tell me again.” He turned off his radio, catching up to you
The people who came too close to you were shoved out of the way since it also scared him that if you did come back late, guards would come, and his brothers were at the palace, that would mean there would be many there. He wondered just how many suitors were in line for you, how you spoke about not wanting to marry any of them earlier. Why would you kiss him? All the thinking about love and his feelings were giving him a headache, particularly where his chip use to be. He shook his head trying to rid the feeling, the large doors were now in front of the both of you. You looked hesitant to knock, “Y/n” he called out, his modulator matching his hushed tone. You looked over, his gloved hands tried to hold yours, the shadows from the door blocked the view of anyone looking, “yes, Crosshair?” Your voice. So frail, so soft.
He took his helmet off as you slid your hood off as well. He rested his helmet under his arm, while he took off his glove. He pulled you closer, this was probably the only time he’ll ever get to do this again, he brought the flower he held behind his back, fixing it into your hair as he pushed it back. “Tell me you love me” he can’t believe that he actually said that, but it was true, he couldn’t love you until you said you did, and you almost did. “Cross, I love you” it didn’t sound as real as before, but he took it nonetheless. The doors started to open, “I love you too Mesh’la” he gave you one last kiss, pulling your hood up to hide the flower, then sliding his helmet on before acting like he only did what he was suppose too. Your hand left his side as he felt the snap of a button and stood up again
He let you walk through, following until you both went and met your parents. Another group of Clones just like Cross were there too, “Y/n, how was your day?” You mother asked, fixing your clothes and making you presentable. “It was fine” the others thought you spoke fine and how royalty should, but Cross knew that it was just a play. Fake. “Now, how do we thank Crosshair?” Your father asked, pushing you forward to him, you didn’t want to make it seem like you had gotten comfortable around him. “Thank you, Crosshair, for today” you didn’t look at him, the feelings would only come back. Crosshair looked around making sure his brothers weren’t listening before speaking, “You’re welcome...Cyar’ika” you only hoped your mother hadn’t heard. You turned and seen her talking to the other Clones and your father, you smiled and shook your head at Crosshair. You could see by how his armor moved he laughed a little as well. “Go on a clean up now” your mother ushered you as gave Crosshair one last smile before leaving.
He didn’t even get to tell you that he would see you again. That may have not been true, and he knows he might not ever see you again, he watched as his Hunter grabbed the boxful of credits. He was getting paid from his happiness from, love, if you will. He didn’t do or say anything when your father thanked him one last time, the Batch looked at him then left. He was quiet on the way back, even Tech tried to start a conversation with him. Back on the Marauder, everyone went their separate ways, Crosshair went to his bed, Echo not to far, while Wrecker and Omega played with Lula and Batcher. Hunter and Tech were up at the front figuring out where to go next. Crosshair put his stuff away, standing his rifle up against the wall and his Helmet on his cleaning kit. Then he remembered your bag!
He took it off, looking through it only to find a few flowers and, a teddy bear much like Lula? He stifled a laugh, he sat it up on his bed and put your bag in his locker. He reached to grab whatever was in his pocket around his belt, and it was your necklace. When did you give it to him? Was it when you first bought something? Or at the restaurant maybe? It didn’t matter, he felt bad for not giving it back. “That looks like the doll I told my friend to get” Omega pointed out, Crosshair only scoffed, and leaned forward to rest his head in his hands. “I heard she got it today, at the market” he attention piqued since he was at the market with ‘Omegas friend’ that was a ‘she’ “what’s her name?” He asked, looking over at Omega while she held Lula and pretended to play with the doll that he had. “Y/n, she lives here too, but I didn’t get a chance to see her since we were doing that mission” his eyes widen at your name. You. You were friend with Omega? He nodded, maybe you were going to see each other again soon.
This request was from long ago and I’m so sorry. I wanted to make it better but I have other, so part 2 will be even better. I promise!
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Melancholy (A Leviathan x GN MC Fanfic)
I guess you could say I use a lot of personal experience when I write. If I get sad, I’ll write something sad. Lock me in my room and I’ll probably write something about my lamp. I hope you can at least get something out of my occasional literary catharsis. Also, communication is important. Always ask for help if you need to, there’s never any shame in doing so.
Warning: Themes of Depression, Angst
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Melancholy: A feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
Levi could barely manage his own mood sometimes, so never once did he think that he’d end up having to help someone else with their own. Under normal circumstances, he’d never considered getting involved. All his brothers knew that he was probably the least equipped to deal with their problems, physical or emotional. If they were concerned about completing a boss level or what anime to watch next, he had them covered, but sadness…? That was an Asmo problem or maybe a Beel. Don’t come to him.
But for the MC it was different… They seemed to gravitate to him since the day they first met, even though he tried to push them away. They liked him. They laughed at his dorky jokes and listened to his endless rambling. They would stay up late with him to play the latest game he just got or sit through his six-millionth re-watch of TSL with a smile on their face. He couldn’t quite place when it started to happen, but he felt himself getting slowly more attached to this peculiar human… He gradually started opening his world to them, and they didn’t seem to mind being a part of it. They were at ease with him and all his little eccentricities... It was a feeling of acceptance that he had always craved but was too afraid to seek. He wanted to be with them, hell, he probably even loved them.
So it hurt him in a special way to see them so sad… He couldn’t place why but some days, he’d just notice things were off about them. They wouldn’t laugh as much at his jokes or smile quite as wide when he launched into another one of his rants. He could see them trying. The corners of their mouth would raise briefly, but then drop like they were weighted by cement. Their eyes wouldn’t sparkle like they used to, they’d just stay flat, static… muted. Like something about them had decided to withdraw from the world, hiding away in a place he just couldn’t quite get to… He’d ask them what was wrong, but they never had a good answer for him. Most of the time, they wouldn’t even admit there was a problem. They’d put on that fragile smile and say everything was alright… Did they think he was blind? Sure, Levi knew he wasn’t the most well-versed in people’s emotions, but even he could point to sadness when he saw it. Especially in someone that he cared about so much… 
In truth, he had been paying close attention to them for months now. With the same level of detail as he would his favorite character in a show or a voice actor who’s work he admired. He knew things about them that they may not have known about themselves… Their favorite foods and colors, how they stood and how they walked, the little habits they hung onto from the human world, and all the faces they’d make when no one else is watching... He knew it all as well as he knew any game he’s ever played, and why wouldn’t he? He was their biggest fan.
He tried using all that knowledge to cheer them up. As far as he was concerned, getting them to feel better was his new mission objective. Even his brothers took notice of his dedication to it. More deliveries started showing up at the House filled with very… not-Levi things for once. At one point, he had a rather irritated Lucifer knocking on his door to ask why there were twenty pounds worth flowers all piled in the entryway. He explained it away as him hitting the wrong option on accident, but in all honesty, it was because he ordered them flowers but just couldn’t decide which color or style would have been the best for a bouquet... So he bought them all.
They would always accept his gifts, and he could tell they liked them, but it never seemed to fix the problem... No matter what he bought them, there would still be those days where they looked just too forlorn to smile… It made his heart ache, and he wished that he could be good with people like Asmo or just put people at ease like Beel… Even Mammon was better at getting people to smile than he was… He wanted to help so badly, but every time he built up the courage to ask them about it, they’d never tell him what the problem was… 
Slowly, he began to worry if it was him, like maybe he had done something wrong one day… That had to be it right…? He was a shut-in, he’s never really had to deal with people before… The fear, guilt, and frustration gradually ate at his mind for weeks while he scoured his memories for every little mistake he could have made... Did he miss an important date? Had he forgotten to call them back for something? Did he ignore them by accident one day? With every anxious thought, there was a pressure building inside him… He was growing convinced that MC was upset because of something he had done, but he didn’t want them to leave… not after he’d finally felt so understood. It was only a matter of time before his racing thoughts slipped over…
When they knocked on his door that day, he knew they weren’t in the best mood before they even walked in. Their hand hit his door softer than usual, tentative with a longer pause between strikes. He had half a mind to tell them that he was too busy to hang out that day, having to look at their woeful expression just hurt him that much... But he knew he couldn’t refuse them even if he wanted to. His lovesick heart could never turn them away…
His suspicions were proved true when they stepped in to say hello. They had that same weak smile… the dullness of their eyes almost refusing to reflect the cool, blue glow of his aquarium wall. What did they want from him…? Were they trying to rub something in? He was to busy digging through his mind for their motives to notice that they had crossed the room to stand next to his computer chair. At least not until they gently tapped his shoulder. The concerned look in their eye was enough to stop his heart, he would have leapt from his chair had they not been blocking the way.
“Levi…? Are you okay? I said hello…” There they were, clearly drowning in their own sorrow, yet they were still concerned for him of all people? The guy who couldn’t even make them smile...? His brain short-circuited for a moment, and his next words flew out without his say-so.
“I’m s-sorry!!” He watched them pause before their brow furrowed in confusion, probably because he had just shouted in their face... He suddenly wished he could shrink down and hide in Henry’s fishbowl… This is why he doesn’t deal with people...
“Sorry…? About what…?” His eyes flicked frantically around the room while he tried to form some kind of exit strategy, but there wasn’t much he could do. There really was no turning back now, was there…?   He was finally going to have to say something… Demons don’t pray, but he could feel himself begging for someone, anyone, to make this go well…
“A-about well… You’ve been sad a lot lately and I uh… I know I didn’t remember to get you that limited edition Hinata figurine from the last convention we went to… Or that you had a test to study for a few weeks ago when I tried to get you to play Devil’s Haven with me… I also didn’t notice your last haircut until an hour after I saw you and I accidentally ate your pudding cup from Madame Scream’s and blamed it on Beel-”
“-I know I should have gotten the red camellias instead of the pink on that last batch of flowers. I saw the balance was off-”
“-but I thought it’d be okay. Oh, and I’m sorry I hit you with that body pillow last week! I was aiming for Mammon, I sw-”
“Leviathan!” They had to put their finger over his mouth to keep him from rambling on. His face flushed almost immediately, in part due to embarrassment but also because of their proximity. The MC’s face had softened considerably, but he could still see the lingering sadness over their features… Had he not said enough…?
“You… You actually think that it’s your fault that I’m like this…?” They took their finger back and looked at him expectantly. Levi swallowed a growing lump in his throat and nodded hesitantly. He didn’t trust himself not to launch into another self-conscious tirade if he tried opening his mouth again… It felt like a stab to the chest when he saw their expression dip farther into despair.
“It’s not your fault, Levi… I just…” They drew in a deep breath and let it out as a sullen sigh, avoiding his eyes. “I just get sad sometimes… It’s a passing mood swing. I can’t really control it, and it doesn’t always have a reason… You’ve actually been helping me, though.” Levi’s amber-toned eyes widened like saucers, he could barely believe his ears. Was this a dream, or had they just told him that he actually helped them with something…? 
“I have…??” The dumbstruck look on his face must have been pretty amusing because they actually graced him with their smile, full and authentic with no hidden melancholy.
“Yes, you dork! You have.” The light from his aquarium finally touched their eyes, dancing in amongst the natural sparkle that always accompanied their gaze. “That’s why I always keep coming here… Your jokes, your gifts… just how excited you get when you see something you love… it... It all helps. It really does…” A pang of guilt seemed to hit them as they turned away from him again, shrinking back from his presence.
“I’m so sorry I never said anything to you… I must have been showing up at your door sadder and sadder each time… No wonder you thought you were behind it…” They averted his stunned gaze by watching the jellyfish float behind his wall. “You must have felt awful… I hope you can forgive me…” The genuine remorse in their voice sent his mind into an anxious panic. He wanted, no, needed to do something now. He just couldn’t bear one more minute of their sadness…
“N-no it’s fine!” They turned back toward him in shock when his hands grasped at the hem of their shirt, his sitting form straining to try and coax their standing one closer. He just didn’t want them to pull away again… “I’m not mad or anything, I just… wish you would talk to me, you know? I want to help…”
They were silent for a few moments, eyeing him with mixed emotions and darkened cheeks, but soon let him pull them in. He rested his head on their stomach while his arms glued to their waist. It may not have been the most conventional position, but it was one where they were close, so frankly, Levi could care less. He felt them settle into it slowly, resting an arm around his shoulders while their fingers combed softly through his hair. The feeling almost made him shiver, but he didn’t want to ruin the mood.
After several long minutes locked in tranquility, he found that he just had to ask…
“MC… Is this helping…?” His heart skipped a beat when he finally heard their laugh once more, soft and charming as it always was…
“Yes, Levi… You always do…”
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ivyglow · 4 years
More than friends | Carter Hart
A/n: Sooo, I was supposed to be done with this piece before our win last night, but my laptop keeps stopping, and the new one only arrives this week, in the meantime I’m stuck with this one and taking longer than ever to write the requests. Anyway, thank you for the patience, and if you want to support my writing, you can always like, reblog and share my posts with a friend you think might like it.
Shout out to Tori for the amazing job proofreading this piece. You’re the best, @guentzgoal​
PS. The songs mentioned in this chapter are Hozier (work song) and Ed Sheeran (friends). 
Requested: Yes
Word count: 2k
Warnings: mention of Friday’s mess aka 5-0 against the Canadiens. 
Summary: You’re the media management to the Philadelphia Flyers, and during the bubble time, you get closer to Carter being the person he runs to after the terrible game that day. You two finally realize something more developed between the friendship.
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When everything started to crumble down, he wished for you. He’d imagined that you were probably in your room cuddled up with a bunch of blankets listening to your Hozier-favorites playlist while sipping cold tea. Carter occasionally even wished for everything to be a nightmare, that he was just sleeping on your couch while you watched one of your favorite horror movies, any different situation would be better than the current disaster happening. 
He couldn’t help but blame himself for every little thing. 
He was the one that let the puck reach the net four times, he thought. 
Somehow his head made him sure of this thought when he was pulled off the ice to the bench. He was angry, afflict, and all he wanted was for the team to score at least once or twice, so the loss wouldn’t be as awful as it was feeling at the time. 
But as you would sometimes say to him, “das Leben ist kein Ponyhof,” and even more than to hear your strange sayings, Carter liked to internalize them, because usually, they were great instructions for life. And to think that “life is no pony farm” was useful in times like this, it reminded him that it doesn’t matter how much he wished or worked, sometimes, it wasn’t meant to be. However, it didn’t erase your feelings, and that’s why he was fuming when he closed the door and went to the locker room. 
He tried to look unbothered enough to the media on the aftergame conversation, but on the inside, Carter was drowning in stress and guilt. During the drive back to the hotel, he thought about texting you to let you know he was crashing in your room that night, but he got carried away reading what people were thinking about his performance in the game. 
Most of them hated it.
And so did he.
Carter was thinking about how poorly he played when he knocked at your door, and you probably thought the same, but Carter wanted, no, he needed to see you and hear you, and he was sure you wouldn’t let him down. Your presence always did wonders for him and his self-esteem. He would probably hear “das Leben ist kein Ponyhof,” for the hundredth time, talk about how shitty he was feeling and let you caress his hair, and only this itself would make his day a little better. 
When the door opened to show you wearing a bathrobe, Carter lost his air for a couple of seconds. The mop of curls wet sitting on the top of your head, the dark skin, long lashes, full lips...everything about you was perfect to him, and he cheesily thought that maybe in another lifetime you were his queen and he would bow and adore you like you were the most perfect thing to walk the earth. 
“When my time comes around, lay me gently in the cold dark earth, no grave can hold my body down. I'll crawl home to her” Hozier was softly playing inside your room.  
Carter thought about what to say, but nothing seemed to be enough, nothing made justice to how he was feeling on the inside, but he knew by the look in your eyes that you understood everything, every little detail, every bruise, and every deep and shaky breath. 
You took the bag from his shoulders and dropped it on the side of the door, before grabbing his hand and bringing his body closer. You watched the whole game while working on some management reports, as part of the media management team. You wished you were there. Nevertheless, just like the hockey team, everyone had a specific task, and yours today was writing and studying some more essential ideas discussed previously. You were not expecting Carter to show up at your door so soon. You knew he would eventually come around, and Carter said himself that he preferred to be close to you whenever he felt bad because you knew exactly when to ramble about yourself to take his mind off whatever was bothering him and when to listen to him and give advice. 
As soon as his scent hit your nose, you closed your eyes and enjoyed the hug. He was warm, and his hair was still wet from the shower, the fabric of his suit brought some kind of comfort when it came in contact with your skin and all you wanted to do was hold him until all his anguish was over. 
“You’re okay, we’re okay,” you whispered, peppering kisses along the exposed skin of his neck and jaw, the available surfaces when you crushed against him. 
You felt Carter nod his head, before finally putting a small space between the two of you.
“I’m sorry I forgot to text you to ask if I could just show up and…”
“Hey, it’s fine, we’re friends, no need to stress over this. And yes, you can crash here tonight as long as nobody notices, you know,” you traced his nose and the crease in his eyebrows.
And as much as you noticed every little detail of him, you were not able to see the way his face twitched when you said “friends” because as much as he loved your friendship, he got himself wishing for more in times like these. 
“Thank you,” he whispered, dropping a kiss to your forehead.
You disappeared to take off the moisturizer from your hair, and Carter took the time to make himself comfortable by taking his jacket off along with his shoes, letting the blankets on the couch engulf his body. 
“Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof,” you whispered when you came back. Now dressed in your pajamas and with your hair slightly damp, you lay beside your favorite goaltender on the couch. He dropped his head to your shoulders and made himself small, so you could take care of him the way he liked. And so with your favorite playlist playing and your fingers massaging gently at his scalp Carter fell asleep. 
He woke up with your voice distant, and a playlist still going, although it was not the Hozier one anymore. The room was darker than when he lay there, the only source of light coming from the open windows and one lamp, he noticed that you had lit a candle on the coffee table and that there was also a cup of water sitting there. 
Carter felt cared for and loved. He loved how your little details always made him feel better.
“I called room service, they’re getting our dinner here soon…” you appeared in the room again with your cellphone in your hands. “What’s up?” you asked, laying beside Carter one more time. 
The distance was little, and he thought about the way your friendship worked. It felt like more than friendship, and Carter took his time thinking about how he never sleeps with his friends like he sleeps with you. The way his friends cared about him but never the way you did. How he wanted to kiss you goodbye every time you parted ways and how he wished to just lay with you for as long as possible, just taking your scent in, enjoying your company, and your very specific playlists. 
“Hartsy?” you called again, confused with how he just zoned out. “Is everything okay? What are you thinking about?” 
He shifts on the couch, and now your faces are even closer. “Nothing...I was...this is a good song, never heard it.” 
You chuckled before directing your attention to the lyrics playing as background noise. Your heart did a little double-take, and you couldn’t help but turn your eyes to the face in front of yours.
“Friends just sleep in another bed, and friends don't treat me like you do. Well, I know that there's a limit to everything, but my friends won't love me like you. No, my friends won't love me like you.” 
You shivered when his thumb found your chin bringing your face even closer. It slipped through your face drawing little dots connecting every far end. You enjoyed the feeling, and though his hands were calloused, the pad of his fingertips felt soft and comfortable against your skin.
“Are we friends, or are we more?” his voice was so low you were sure if you weren’t staring at his lips, you would not understand. 
And when his thumb found your lips opening slightly, you closed your eyes, too overwhelmed with the new sensations to bother with an answer. You wanted him to crash the space between your lips and finally dive in, you wanted him to be more than friends, and you wanted to comfort him after everything. 
You wanted Carter and Carter only. 
You wanted to be more than friends.
Carter tested the waters by dipping his face and caressing your nose with his. He liked the way your faces seemed to fit in place, and he was determined to kiss you when the bell rang loudly in your room. 
“I have a saying for this,” you breathed out, wanting to laugh about the situation. “Aller Anfang ist schwer.” 
“And what does that mean?” 
“I’ll let you know later,” you fooled before getting up and going to answer the door.
Your legs were like jelly, and your mind was working at a fast pace, but still, you tried to keep composure.
Eating dinner after that interaction shouldn’t be easy, but it was for you and Carter, so he handled it so well it made you even more sure about how much you liked him. It wasn’t a real talkative dinner, but considering that hours prior, Carter was like a sad puppy, to see him smiling shyly at you was a victory. 
“Can I sleep here tonight?” he asked when you finished. 
“You already did,” you tried to mess with him, and Carter rolled his eyes before getting on the couch again. “Of course you can, Hartsy.” 
And so the rest of the night was just you and Carter randomly talking and listening to your playlist. He didn’t ask his question again, and neither did you, but you knew he was thinking about it when you went to bed. Especially laying there side by side. 
You were used with his naked chest and with his sleep pants, but it felt different that night, and the question keeps replaying in your head. So this time, you were the one to voice it. 
“Are we friends?” you turned to him. 
Carter sat in front of you, grabbing your hands. His fingers were cold against your palm, and you shivered one more time that day. 
“We’ve been ‘friends’ like this for more than a year, and even though I don’t know the turning point I know we are more than that and have been for a long time now,” his voice was firm like he was sure about what he was saying as he thought about it before. Your eyes dropped to your intertwined fingers, and you took a long breath before Carter started talking again. “Friends just sleep in another bed, and friends don’t treat me like you do...everything my friends do to me feels different when it comes to you.” 
It was the blink of an eye before your lips were connected, and you tried containing the growing smile between your lips. Carter’s lips were soft against yours, he felt like a summer day, one you waited a whole year for, and when it finally happened, it felt surreal. It wasn’t weird kissing him. It wasn’t odd sleep laying on top of him that night because it felt natural, it wasn’t anything new for the two of you. You were friends at the start, sure, but at some point, it turned into more, and you both handled it like it was only a friendship. You were happy to finally realize it had been more between each word, each interaction, each cheek kiss, and hug.  
Sleep came easy that night, for you and him. 
And even though his severe loss earlier, Carter felt valid.
You were there, you were his number one fan winning or losing, and he was happy he got to have a stable relationship with you. 
“Do you have a saying for that?” he asked jokingly.
“Unfortunately, no,” you held his face close, lips centimeters away. “But it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to spend time with sayings when I can spend time kissing you,” you confessed.
He chuckles, “Suddenly, life feels like a pony farm.” 
You can find more of my work here
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secretsolenoid · 4 years
Gestalt Brain
A belated Secret Solenoid gift for @aethergeologist!
Prowl stared down at his datapad and tried, once again, to focus on the words in front of him. It wasn’t going well for him. His optics were working perfectly, he had settled himself into his seat, he was even topped off on energon. There were no distractions anywhere within the same building as him. He’d made sure of it by sending the Constructicons off to help with rebuilding on the exact opposite side of New Iacon from him. 
It should have been an optimal work environment, and yet he found he still couldn’t concentrate. Calculating defense strategies seemed impossible in the moment. He could focus on the datapad just fine, he could read every word of it. He just seemed unable to retain it. 
With a growl of frustration, Prowl pushed back away from his desk, and kicked the chair for good measure (if he hit the desk, it would disrupt the neat workspace he’d finally managed to organize to his satisfaction, after neatening up all of the corners of it that the Constructicons seemed to thrive in knocking ever so slightly out of place). 
Maybe if he went out for a drive, he would be better able to visualize the city. His autobot friends might still be out, but if he was driving, he could continue on past them without being rude, and if he were honest with himself, he wasn’t sure how to deal with Bumblebee, or Ironhide, or “Orion Pax.” He didn’t know how to deal with the crew of the miraculously-returned Lost Light, either, though in perhaps a more straightforward way. Most of them he didn’t care to bother with in the first place. Ultra Magnus or Ratchet might be a refreshing bastion of sanity, but neither particularly liked him for good reason, and he had plenty of disagreements with them right back (Megatron. phah). 
Maybe a drive along the outskirts of the developing city would help to stop his processor from looping in circles. With that intent in mind, Prowl left his office and made his way down to the street, shifting into his vehicle mode and setting off with a whine of tires.
Seeing the layout of the city helped. It was much easier to focus on the changes that needed to be made when he could see the haphazard clusters of ships that had landed as they came where there was space, and the hasty reconstruction that had sprung up between and around them in the ruins of Iacon. 
The outer wall needed repairing, of course. Although the wilds of Cybertron were slightly less dangerous without aerialbots and dinobots roaming in angry packs, it was still unknown, and even if Megatron was no longer a threat there were plenty of Decepticon forces out there who would not stand down on their leader’s order. The DJD, wherever they were, would be the prime example of that.
Some of the ships needed updates as well, if they were to fly again, or could be taken apart and put to use in more immediately necessary aspects of industry. Engines had all manner of useful parts, and energy shielding, which was a necessary component of any spacefaring vessel, could be repurposed as a solution for their wall problem, even if only as a short-term or emergency measure. And of course the buildings, though solidly constructed and intended to last for eons, all showed the devastating effects of both war and time. 
Today’s construction project was one of the examples that had fared far better through battles both ancient and recent. The constructicons had found the structure to be sound down to the foundation, with no rusting or deterioration on the beams. Their current goal was to strip the other materials, find other uses for them if they could, scrap those they couldn’t, and begin refurbishing the space into actual housing, so that they could begin to permanently settle Cybertron once again. The Constructicons weren’t the only one assisting with the project-- those who wanted a first stake at housing were invited to lend their assistance, and as such several crews from the shoddy rust-bucket ships were there to strip surfacing and cart rubble as needed. 
The building, as far as Prowl could tell, had previously been the headquarters of some sort of shipping company, and contained both space for storage and offices. Both would be easy enough to convert into habitation units, using the offices for the smaller spaces and dividing up the storage into slightly larger shared living units. 
Of course, problems will arise when those present to lend their assistance try to claim the most space, and end up arguing with one another over who gets what, even though the building should be able to hold more than those who showed up to help, but arguing them down will be a simple enough plan, and it’s a trivial matter to allocate spaces based on the preferred grouping assignments of the crews, and then to direct them to the restoration of those sections first--
“Prowl? What are you doing here?” 
Prowl jerked away from the building blueprints and looked up to see a very puzzled-looking Jetfire. 
When he looked around, he was surrounded by the Constructicons, and the construction crew. Which should have been across the city. 
He’d intended to work on plans for the defenses all day, not to be dragged into the Constructicon’s project, and yet, somehow, that was exactly what had happened. 
“I decided to take a break from the defenses,” Prowl said stiffly to Jetfire, who shrugged and deposited several large crates of materials before leaving, apparently unwilling to question Prowl. 
Prowl had some questions of his own, however. The constructicons seemed to sense this, if the way they clumped together when Prowl turned his attention toward them was any indication. 
“I was working on the defenses,” he said, his voice cold. “A vital task for New Iacon. Would you like to explain why it is that I find myself instead drafted into the job of a foreman?” 
“Well, it’s because you are,” Bonecrusher muttered. Mixmaster sneered and elbowed him hard, and Bonecrusher fell silent. Prowl continued to stare at them, and the Constructicons all began to fidget under his stare until--
“Well, it’s the Gestalt brain, of course,” Hook said stiffly. Prowl gave him a look, and he grimaced, but continued. “It comes out for the big problems.”
“It comes out when we are combined,” Prowl said with a frown. 
“Well, sure,” Scavenger said. “Cause that’s a big problem. But the more of us are focused on one big thing, the more it kinda… pulls in everyone else.” 
“All available resources,” Hook said. “And your processor is quite a considerable resource.” 
“What you mean to say is, unless all of us are working on entirely separate projects, I won’t be able to concentrate on my own work?” Prowl said. He could feel the angry tension building an ache in his shoulders and processor both. 
“Well…” Long Haul said slowly. “Not unless you want us to help.” 
“You, to help?” Prowl asked. 
“You know. More processing power,” Long Haul said. “That’s your thing, right? So if the gestalt isn’t focused on dragging around six frames in one body, there’s a lot of extra space for your calculating thing.” 
Prowl crossed his arms over his front bumper. He did not particularly like looking up and discovering that he had already spent half the day on a project completely unrelated to his own, and the feeling of his will slowly succumbing to another’s direction, even a gestalt, sat poorly with him. But, if he could use that processing power… 
His upper limit had always been calculating the trajectory of five hundred moving objects at once. Could he hit six hundred? One thousand?
Prowl looked down at the blueprints and the half-finished list of room assignments, then looked up at the array of Constructicons. “We are finishing this,” he declared. “Then we’re testing this. Understood?” 
Maybe it was the connection between their processors that happened whenever they combined, but Prowl could feel glee rolling off of the Constructicons in waves. “Yes, boss!”
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