#and lottie would just be like 🧍‍♀️
fabaceous · 1 year
Mari confessional but it's her admitting to rigging the cards so Misty/Crystal always get the worst ones
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heartz4shauna · 5 months
omg you should write some of the yj girls are the ghostbusters!! I have no plot for it :( maybe something like their first mission as a team is to investigate this haunted building. (your spengler post inspired this ask)
Who ya gonna call?
Warnings: ghostbusters!au (van, lottie, misty, shauna)
a/n: decided to do this as headcanons instead i’m too lazy to write something fully soz 🙈 ik it’s a weird group pairing but i wanted to broaden my horizon for characters :)
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👻shauna would literally be the most skittish mf EVER!!! she’d hear a bang, or another girl whispering and she’d jump out of her skin
👻misty, on the other hand.. that bitch is fearless. she’s the one you’d have to worry about. one of the girls would round a corner and she’d just be standing there like 🧍‍♀️ “what”
👻lottie would be the “leader” type. she’d have to drag the others along cuz they’re too afraid, even though it’s their job and they’ve PREPARED for this (except for misty, obvs)
👻trying to lighten everyone’s mood would be none other than van!! cracking corny ass jokes at the worst times, “why didn’t the ghost go to prom?” she’d nudge shauna with a smirk, “cuz he had no body to go with!!”
👻seeing slimer agh!!! van would be so cool with him cuz he’s just chilling. but like misty would be the one to actually chase down the ghosts and trap em. shauna would be grossed out at him cuz he’s bright green and SLIMEY (fair) lottie would be so completely neutral . like unbelievably fine with him
👻i could so see van trying to hit on one of the ghosts who she thought was fine like “hey.. you been dead long or what?” 😏
👻lottie would tell the group to stay together, just in case, while misty thinks they should split up, cover more ground but she knows she’s the only one with any balls to do anything alone
👻if went alone, shauna would get herself into deep shit, no joke. seeing anything, her face would drop “oh shit what was that” and it was a roach like. her and van would be the ones running around, getting chased after
👻”guys we have to focus, let’s just get this done” misty says to the pair after finding them shaking and crying in a corner (real) lottie’d just be in her own world, wandering around, getting lost, bumping into things.
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lottieurl · 1 year
someone should give lottie a kiss on the forehead i think and laura lee is like the most likely candidate but the issue is. lottie is TALL. so. it would go like this: laura lee stands up on her tiptoes. trips. stumbles. lands a kiss on lottie's lips. blushes panics runs away says bless you (lottie is just standing there like 🧍‍♀️)
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ariendiel · 3 years
Hello my dear! I just wanted to say thank you so much for answering my previous ask about which islanders would be in which Harry Potter Hogwarts house! It was so enjoyable to read and I absolutely love how in depth you went with each character, so thank you for that! <3
If it isn’t too much trouble, would would it be alright if I asked which Casa boys houses be? (Minus Carl because you’ve already sorted him). I can kind of see Arjun being a Hufflepuff since although yes he comes on quite strong he really is just a super nice guy. And oh gods Felix would probably be Gryffindor. I can see him being like the Weasley twins but that would be an insult to the Weasley twins lmmaaoooooo jeksjswjjssjssjs. I can also totally see the narrator from the game being the sorting hat and just reading them so hard and they just sit there like 👁👄👁. Especially Lottie. I could totally see her being like Harry and begging the hat to put her in a certain house (Slytherin) only to be put in Hufflepuff instead and shes just like 🧍‍♀️??????? THAT WOULD BE SO FUNNY HAHAHSJSJSDKESJWJSJSJ
Sorry I got a bit sidetracked there! I just loved your take on the ask! And I’m lowkey kinda itching to right a Hogwarts AU now! It’s fun to imagine what chaos they would get up to in a magic school ya know? But once again thank you so much for your time regardless of whether you answer or not! I hope you have a lovely day! <333
You're so welcome! I loved doing them! Yes, especially Lottie in Hufflepuff sjhsdhsdjshd, she'd have so expected to get Slytherin and absolutely hate it (at least at first) 😭
I did my best with the Casa boys for you, although I don't feel like I know them as well as the other characters (except Carl 'cause I adore him). Let me know what you think though, and as always everyone's free to come with suggestions 💋
Arjun – Gryffindor
He's direct, confident, and so utterly unafraid, but also not someone who'd put himself first. I can also see him a Hufflepuff, but I think he would be someone who'd definitely go far in protecting others – which is classic Gryffindor.
Elijah – Slytherin
Ambitious, calculating, and perhaps a tiny bit arrogant but with a soft inside. He's the kind and friendly Slytherin we deserved to see in the books, although he's way too busy focusing on his own goals to really care what else is going on at Hogwarts.
Felix – Hufflepuff
Him and Lottie together in Hufflepuff would be quite... something. But his behaviour in CA to me is definitely the sigh of someone who's super loyal and dedicated once he's with someone. He's just super laid back, kind, but also a bit insecure under all his bravado. So yeah, I think Hufflepuff.
Graham – Gryffindor
I know him and Gary would disagree, but when it comes to certain core values they are fairly similar. I'd say Graham is very close to being Slytherin though, due to how he's willing to somewhat ignore others' feelings to get what he wants.
Kassam – Ravenclaw
Not necessarily "wise" in the classical sense of the word (but who cares about that old and problematic way of thinking anyway), but he's focused and creative, which to me makes him a Ravenclaw. He also has a tendency to slightly judge it when people don't know "obvious" things which, again, is a bit Ravenclaw to me.
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