#and like... zelda appointing new champions which is what i thought was going to happen based on the way we interacted w like teba and riju
afriendlygoblin · 1 year
my thoughts on TOTK because i need to ramble about it somewhere and my friend hasn't finished it yet
i'm gonna go through the main quests/parts as i completed them
1) the opening, Great Sky Island, Temple of Time and landing in Hyrule
it made me really really really happy to see that Link and Zelda were still around each other like this, exploring stuff together and all. the awakening cutscene gave me chills and really all i could think about was finding Zelda.
discovering the Great Sky Island was fun, though i was used to my comfort in BOTW so it was quite a shock to not have the paraglider and get one-shot by literally anything. but i guess that's normal
then i really liked meeting Rauru though i missed having at least a clue of what was going on. like in BOTW, the king tells you "alright, the world is shit because this happened, Zelda is over there waiting for you, now u do u". there i had this feeling of being absolutely clueless for the first few hours of gameplay and it was frustrating at times.
Lookout Landing was a heartwarming sight, seeing people rebuild and stuff genuinely made me smile. i did feel a pinch in my heart when i recognized that it was built on the very ground where Link swore his oath as Zelda's appointed knight. but overall it was great and i loved the concept of the new towers.
2) the Temples and Sages
i started with Rito Village and the Wind temple. i love Tulin with all my heart and i have to say i use his ability the most. the temple was a pain to access and the cold was annoying but i had a blast with the boss battle. didn't really use Tulin's help there because it was really easy to do on my own but i enjoyed having a supporter during the fight.
i was favorably surprised when i found out that Tulin's clone would accompany me forever. BOTW was a pretty lonely game. peaceful and beautiful but lonely nonetheless. also seeing Teba give his son the Great Eagle Bow made me emotional i admit. i wish there were more references to Revali (and the Champions in general) but eh at least he has a Landing named after him. also where did the Flight Range go?
next i went to Goron City. it felt strange to not instantly catch on fire but well, i was happy with no more elixirs and ugly outfits (not a fan of the fireproof set). the battle against the 3 headed monster in Death Mountain was awesome and it reminded me of how fun it was to yeet Yunobo around. speaking of which i was so relieved when i got him back to normal because that rock boi is precious and seeing him being mean was not cool.
the Temple was a bit annoying tbh, i got lost in the rail system so i just went and monkeyed around climbing everything and flying everywhere. the boss fight was also quite forgettable though i liked using Yunobo's ability more. again, there was zero mention of Daruk (that i remember) and Daruk's Protection has been entirely forgotten. i know the goal isn't to live in the past but i find it sad to see it pretty much forgotten about in some areas.
after that i went to Zora's Domain and had fun yeeting splash fruit at the sludge. i almost had a heart attack when i saw that the Mipha statue had been replaced but i was so thrilled to see it relocated to where the Lynel used to be. they really built her a splendid memorial and she can really watch over her people from there.
i had missed Sidon and his smile, and helping Yona bringing him back to his true optimistic charming self was really great. i liked that since the Zora live long lives, everyone remembered me (Link) more than in other parts of Hyrule. oh and Sidon's coronation had me smiling ear to ear because i was so proud of my fish brother.
i had so much fun in the temple and its weird gravity, sometimes i go back just to jump around and dive in slow motion. the boss fight was correct, though it was annoying to go so slow through sludge.
finally, i made my way to Gerudo Town. the gibdos surprised me but by pure luck i had a fire lizalfos horn weapon equipped so i was never in any real danger. i loved organizing the defenses of Gerudo Town and fighting alongside Riju's warriors.
i loved seeing how Riju had grown since we last saw her, she and Tulin were like my young niblings and seeing them grow made me so proud. again i don't remember any tribute to Urbosa but seeing Riju's dual Scimitars of the Seven was a nice touch so i didn't say anything.
the temple was really cool and the boss fight made me rage quit once or twice so i consider it to be awesome. i thought i was gonna throw my Switch against the wall but then i remembered Zelda needed me so i took a breath and went back to the fight.
overall i really liked this part of the game, seeing my old new friends was very heartwarming and having their clones follow me in my daily life made the game so much less lonely than BOTW was.
3) Tears of the Dragon
no. i am still sobbing, throwing up, rolling on the floor. no. seeing Zelda finding not one but 2 loving parental figures only to lose them 20 min later, Ganondorf's ascension, Rauru's sacrifice, ZELDA'S SACRIFICE ABZBZBFKGNDKDLS I WAS NOT READY. i didn't find the memories in chronological order so when i found the one that hinted what was going to happen to Zelda i rushed them all and stayed up until like 4 am to see them all. the final one tore me apart and i basically cried myself to sleep (not really but almost). i actually had to go spoil myself online just to put my mind at ease because like what if we could never get her back???
after that and the Master Sword quest, whenever i saw Zelda not too far from a tower i'd go see her and rest on her head for a little while while imagining Link talking to her.
i was at a point where i didn't really know what to do with myself, i still had Gerudo Town to visit but eh i was a bit sick of boss battles at the moment. seeing the memories remotivated me and pushed me to finish the main quests as fast as possible to get Zelda back.
4) the Master Sword
as eager as i was to just go and beat up Ganondorf, i couldn't imagine doing it without my trursty blade, and also the reason why Zelda sacrificed herself. so i decided to go see the Great Deku Tree so seek counsel. after a quick in and out trip to the depth, i found a dying tree in no shape to answer my questions.
Phantom Ganon handed my ass to me a few times but once i got his attack patterns right, it all went smooth like a baby's butt cheek.
getting the Master Sword from Zelda's head made me so emotional, i had just seen a fanart of that scene where Link let himself fall while crying and clutching the sword against his heart. that was how i felt it really.
5) the Depths and Fifth Sage
so after crying my eyes, heart, lungs and intestines out, i had to continue investigating to know where the hell Ganondorf was. that led me to the Depth, searching for all the abandonned mines and everything. on the way i had fun in the battles against Kohga, i had missed his ridiculous... him.
i'm not the biggest fan of the Depths but hey, you can find pretty awesome stuff down there so i do spend a lot of time farming Zonaite and throwing Brightbloom seeds around.
finding and assembling Mineru's construct felt a bit ehh. the shrine like puzzles to get the limbs were thankfully not too long but really all i wanted was to get over with it. funny enough i was fully prepared for a big twist like Mineru revealing that she was with Ganondorf and having to fight the construct i had just built myself.
what i got was even better. like mech fight??? hello?? that was awesome though it took me some time to get the controls down. but ah as a kid who grew up playing Solatorobo, riding the construct was just cbfkdkd SO COOL.
6) the Final Fight
i'll just focus on the battles because the way to get to the Gloom's Lair or whatever was just like yeah sure go off i guess. chasing Zelda through the Castle was just a delay of what i knew would happen underground and then i mostly dodged the monsters except the Lynel because come on who has time for that.
the. EPIC. BATTLE. AGAINST. AN ENTIRE. ARMY. my Goddess fighting hordes and hordes of monsters alongside my friends with the most epic music was just so euphoric and cathartic and just fullfilling ahhhhgg. when i saw the temple bossed coming back to life i was gully prepared to take them on with my friends but nope, the game had other plans for me.
and what plans oh bloody hell this FIGHT? THAT is what i call a boss battle. in BOTW, Ganon wasn't hard to kill. like it had taken me less than 5 tries i think, 3 of them being just to learn the fight's mechanics. but here? the first part i got quickly, after all it was just a one on one against a (large) human sized villain. the pace was slow, there was no music, in a word : a warmup.
then he activates his secret stone and turns into a human emo LED. alright sure. and then his health bar replenishes. AND KEEPS GOING. i was expecting it to just go beyond the screen border at this point. and oh the clones, how many times did i accidentally get killed by one of them. having my friends fight them for me was cool but too many times i ended up ignoring them and taking a lost bullet becayse of that.
then comes the real 1v1 againt the Demon King. THAT was the fight i'd been waiting for. the final confrontation between the Hero and Evil, the final battle that would- he can Flurry Rush? what do you mean he can Flurry Rush?? alright then, i'll just be careful, good thing i have a good shield haha HE CAN FLURRY RUSH MY FLURRY RUSH?????? HOW WHAT WHY WTF ah at least i can Flurry Rush his Flurry Rush that he Flurry Rushed from my Flurry Rush. McFlurry.
after at least 20 tries, tears and a break because my left index was sore from keeping my shield up, i finally got to deal a final strike. and then oh my GODDESS THIS PART
Zelda rushes to my aid and together we face that giant Demon Dragon. she soars, allowing me to dive and land right next to one of the Demon's weak point. i attack it, then bet blown off. Zelda gets me back and we repeat the maneuver 3 times. finally, i dive one last time to the Demon's head and shatter the Secret Stone.
no more Demon, no more Ganondorf, it really is over this time.
7) the End
is it? the sky is peaceful, as i, behind my screen, thank the princess for her help and tell her that we succeded, i start floating off of her head. Rauru and Sonia appear and somehow channel their magic through my arm.
and there she is. my princess. my Zelda. the one i travelled through Sky, Land and Depth to find. the one i've been chasing for (in game) months (days irl).
and she's falling. shit. so i dive as fast as i can, i extend my freshly restored arm and.... i got her! a perfect echo to the opening, an exquisite parallel, i took so many screenshots of this scene and i will cherish them forever.
then i watched the last cutscenes, my Zelink heart that was already screaming exploded when i saw Link gently put Zelda down on the grass. she wakes up, sees Link, looks around and... "you really did it" no princess, we did it together. "Oh Link... i'm home" AAAAAHAHBBFNDKDBBF I SCREAMED i really screamed and thank the Goddess that i live alone because it was again 4am and had i been at my parent's place, Zelda's smile would have been the last thing i'd seen before certain death (not that i would have minded). i wish i could hug my princess in that moment. yes, you're home. i promised i'd get you back when i saw your memories so here you are. and you're never leaving me again.
end credits, i use that time to process what i just lived. then i watch the post credit cutscene, shed a tear watching Mineru rest in peace and the new Sages swear their oath. everything's good now.
and then i'm transported back to Castle Chasm. yay.
Additional 1) the Gameplay
as an engineering student, i had been waiting for this game for so long (only could play it a month after release because of finals) and it didn't disappoint. well to be honest i was used to BOTW's controls and though they were similar here, i missed using the cross' top arrow to pick a rune. minor stuff like that. BUT WHO CARE WHEN YOU CAN BUILD CARS, PLANES, ROCKETS AND TORTURE DEVICES
i fully started enjoying vehicle building when i expanded my battery. from then on i was unstoppable, roaming around Hyrule on my Turbo Deadly Flying Tricycle that shoots fire and laser beams.
also i'm a pretty peaceful being but i have to admit that nailing a Korok to a cross and pulling it around with your horse like "do you have time for our Lord and Savior Korok Christ?" is really really fun.
Additional 2) the World
also i loved the additions they made to the stables like the Pony Points system. and ah finally i don't have to talk to this random girl to change my saddle.
i'm a sucker for fantasy sky island so i was so happy to see some in Hyrule sky. though i wish there were a bit more or at least some bigger ones. Great Sky Island was nice but then in other regions, aside from a shrine here and a dispenser there i didn't spend a lot of time up tthere.
Hyrule was at the same time the good old same and a totally new and foreign place. cities and villages were in the same place but they were so different. Tarrey Town had grown so much (btw fuck you Rail Car guy i built this place you should pay ME). Kakariko had its new Ring Ruins, Hateno had developped a mushroom frenzy... AND ZELDA HAS STOLEN MY HOUSE??? HAY PRINCESS YOU HAVE A CASTLE AT LEAST LET ME HAVE THIS oh? is that my hair tie? and... you're writing about me in your diary? oh so we live together... alright then all good! also seeing the photo from Champion's Ballad exactly where i hung it in BOTW brought a tear to my eye. no, our omd friends aren't forgotten. and they will always be home.
i'll stop there because i'm hungry and i've been rambling for an hour and a half but this game is just so so so good. the story touched me a bit less than that of BOTW for some reason but it did make me emotional af. i wish we had a postgame which solely consists of completing the secondary adventures and like... farming in Hateno Village with Zelda but eh, be grateful for what you have i told myself. i think i will go have a cutscene marathon starting with Age of Calamity now.
Additional 3) the Side Quests
while i ignored most of them (will get to them eventually no worry about that), i particularly appreciated the Monster Control ones and the Lurelin line. these quests really made me feel how important community and cooperation are in this game. because you have your own community of heroes with the Sages and also the researchers, people who are in the heart of the story but there you get to see other communities. the losers with a valiant heart, fighting silver moblins with mops and buckets as helmets, the exiled fishermen who lost their town but with your help get to rebuild their home etc. this makes this game whole because it reminds you that yeah, there are always epic tales of legendary heroes, dramatic tragedies and heroic sacrifices but there are also smaller, equally as important stories. there's the story of how anyone can rise up and fight monsters and there's the story of how to rebuild your home after it was totally destroyed. and you get to be a part of all these stories, big or small. and that's beautiful.
also i liked stealing Zelda's horse again. you took my house i take your horse, fair is fair.
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leafmutual · 5 years
breath of the wild 2: electric boogaloo where we get to play as link AND zelda as they go around fixing hyrule and tying up the loose ends that didn’t really get tied during the first game. nintendo hire me
#personal post#like.... how does everyone respond now that calamity ganons been sealed away#think about a bunch of unique tarrey town quests where u go around and rebuild all those villages in ruins and get people to move in#and like... zelda appointing new champions which is what i thought was going to happen based on the way we interacted w like teba and riju#itd also be a good way to elaborate on some already interesting characters#and as you keep building and fixing hyrule castle also gets fixed#game ends when hyrule is back to its former glory#final cutscene has the camera pan up from link and zelda walking through a bustling castle town to the sun setting over hyrule castle#finally fixed#then end credit scenes of all the main characters doing domestic shit that they deserve#teba teaching zelda how to shoot a bow while link gets swarmed by rito kids in the background who still want to see the great eagle bow#riju and link racing sand seals through the desert while zelda and buliara (no longer as overbearing bc ganon is gone) watch from the shade#yunobo zelda and link all relaxing in the hot springs together#sidon giving zelda a ride around one of the beaches looking for underwater ruins zelda can take pictures of w the sheikah slate#(links off on shore eating a crab raw bc the person who is most of his impulse control is busy atm)#and most indulgently.#all the new champions having a picnic in hyrule field together#bc i can fucking dream ok#anyway thats my highly improbable wish for the next zelda installment thanks for coming to my ted talk
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loruleanheart · 3 years
Desired Fate, Chapter 14
Read on ff.net
Read on AO3
Zelda and the others were transfixed as they looked up at the spirit of Calamity Ganon writhing around the castle. The anguish of all Hyrule hung stagnant in the air along with the ambient gurgling sound of malice.
"It's here…" Impa was the first one who managed to speak. "The Calamity has already begun…" She said, at a loss.
"No, No…." Zelda gasped when she noticed malice enter one of the nearby Guardians and became animate. It made a horrible mechanical sound as it turned its 'eye' towards the princess, a red laser appearing on Zelda's chest. Link immediately sprang into action, deflecting the Guardian's blast back at it in a brilliant flash of light.
"Calamity Ganon is taking control of the Guardians!" Zelda lamented. "It's going to turn them all against us!"
"It can do that?" Said Revali in surprise, realization starting to dawn on the Rito champion, as well as the three others. The Calamity was far more cunning than any of them had imagined.
"There are still more on the castle grounds. It's too dangerous. Everyone, protect the princess as we make our retreat!" Impa called.
With that, Link grabbed Zelda's hand, pulling her roughly behind him as he ran down the brick path away from the Castle, which didn't go unnoticed by Astor, feeling an intense wave of sullenness he couldn't shake. They disappeared down the path and the Champions and Sheikah aide followed, no one paying him any mind in the frenzy the Calamity had created.
Astor remained, feeling out of sorts and alone, but determined to fully embrace his new destiny. Hyrule really was on its knees… Especially Zelda, who was being crushed under the weight of her duty. How had he ever been so blinded by Calamity Ganon to want this? To want to harm her? He had almost killed her for the sake of Calamity Ganon… HER! He was barely aware that his fists were clenched, wanting to make her his and spare her all this pain and suffering. The back of his neck was becoming sore as he glared up at the beast he'd once dedicated his life to serving. Calamity Ganon opened its maw to a right angle, and a thunderous roar of rage issued forth as if demanding the prophet make a blood sacrifice of himself to atone for his disloyalty.
Astor smiled up at the beast spitefully.
I wasted so many years of my life on you…. But serving you led me to her… I must thank you… I'm going to live on and create a legacy for myself, and you… You're going to be sealed away… Forever perhaps.
Astor's smile faded as he noticed King Rhoam emerge from the castle's sanctum.
"You're coming with me…" Rhoam said in a stern, matter-of-fact way., The King wielded a huge claymore single-handedly, flanked by three knight attendants.
Astor scowled at the older man, raising his hand to summon his orb, but then thought better of it, giving only a huff of defiance.
"I'm glad I have your cooperation, Astor," Rhoam said, coming close as he brandished his claymore in a vaguely threatening way. The sword was almost as big as he was.
Confident that Astor would not run or fight back, Rhoam nodded to his attendants. "Alright men, retreat!"
"Yes, Sire!" The three knight attendants said in unison. They were looking around wildly, in horror at the destruction the Guardians were bringing and a bit miffed that their king had apparently decided to take a prisoner at the worst time possible.
The five quickly, but carefully made their way down the path, Rhoam staggering a Guardian that blocked their path with a single swing of his sword. Astor could almost feel the brunt of that swing.
"Astor, I'm afraid we're going to get to know each other whether you like it or not. Had the Calamity not happened when it did, you would be in lockup now. However, since my castle is currently overrun with Guardians and all manner of Ganon's monsters, I will be keeping an eye on you myself. Suffice to say, I am not in a good mood."
Astor kept his gaze forward as they moved forward. The king's tone did not bode well for him. It wasn't lost on him that he was in a precarious situation. Still, this could be amusing.
"I know I'd rather not," King Rhoam continued, "but given that I fear you are encroaching on my daughter's divine duties, I must go above and beyond to perform mine as her father and as king." Rhoam noticed Astor's attention was elsewhere. "Look at your king when he's talking to you, you piece of filth!" Rhoam raised his voice, finding the younger man infuriating, despite knowing so little about him. The prophet had already left the worst impression on him, not that he stood a chance in hell of making a good first impression all things considered. Why would Zelda consort with this man, let alone trust him? He was scrawny, deathly pale, and dressed in rags. Everything about Astor was… off-putting. How had he and Zelda even met? Was the young knight he'd appointed to Zelda slacking off?
Astor turned his attention to the older man slowly, giving him a look of intense spite. He then saw the king's eyes widen, looking at something beyond him. Astor turned to come face to face with a Guardian's laser trained on him.
Rhoam and his men stood back, apparently obliging the Guardian to make short work of Astor.
The Guardian's laser rested on Astor for a moment, moving over the malice eye on his circlet before fading and readjusting to focus on the king.
Rhoam wasted no time in raising his claymore and bringing it down on the Guardian, giving a grunt of effort. Bolts and gears flew out of the busted machine, littering the brick pathway.
"Why did the Guardian disregard you?" Rhoam mused aloud. "How disappointing..."
"Thank you for looking out for me, Rhoam. Such a caring king and father, too… You're going to make a fine grandfather someday..." Astor said darkly, facetiously.
"How dare you!" Rhoam bellowed, giving the young man a ruthless slap across the face, causing Astor to stagger and fall. Astor simply returned a perverse smile despite the stinging sensation on his cheek. Astor began to laugh, chuckling at first and then breaking into an intense round of laughter, his yellow eyes going wide in a way that unsettled the old king - as if seeing beyond. "Yes, my children. Go harass King Rhoam and do not disappoint me!"
Rhoam was fuming. Astor was either very insane or intentionally provoking him, perhaps both. Either that or he had injured the prophet's mind when he struck him. Astor's antics were making it very difficult for the king to maintain his composure.
"You're very fortunate I am not a crass man, or I'd tell you what I think you deserve… Now tell me, how well do you know my daughter?"
"Well enough to know she is terribly lonely." Astor replied. "She despises you."
"What nonsense… Everything I've done has been for her! She was supposed to be Hyrule's pride, but it seems that the gossipmongers' words are coming true... Look around you. Hyrule is on fire. What sort of future does she have? 'Heir to a throne of nothing' if she does not awaken that power very soon. I can tell you're a lousy prophet by that alone."
"Bold words from a king who does not carry the blood of the Goddess."
"I may not carry the blood of the goddess, but I am still the rightful king of Hyrule in my late queen's stead. I was born into a noble family and my union with her was arranged by the former king and queen. The only thing I'm going to be arranging for you is an execution. Know your place, Prophet."
"An execution?" Astor almost laughed. He couldn't imagine what Rhoam's reaction might be when he learned he had formerly been trying to bring about Calamity Ganon's revival. "On what grounds?"
"Interfering with the Princess awakening her power to seal Calamity Ganon away for one. Also because it would bring me personal satisfaction. Now, get up, before I change my mind and grind my boot into your head. You're slowing down our escape."
Slowly Astor got up, dusting himself off, raising his chin to the older man in a testing manner.
"Wipe that smirk off your face. Move!" Rhoam said, giving Astor a shove with the side of his claymore.
Zelda looked back over her shoulder, her hair whipping in the wind as she ran. "Wait… Where are Astor and my father? We can't leave them behind…!"
Nobody seemed to acknowledge her question or nobody heard.
They ran through the chaotic town streets, witnessing horrifying scenes as the Guardians wrought havoc upon Hyrule's capital. Guardians were climbing the walls of houses and shops alike, some not being able to bear the weight of the mechanical wonders and the rooftops beginning to crumble.
They finally reached the main gate, crossing the threshold into Hyrule Field, as the Guardians had completely overtaken the castle and even the surrounding town. They stopped to look back, now a safe distance away. Zelda's eyes widened in horror when she realized more Guardians were appearing, being methodically ejected from the five columns that had suddenly risen out of the ground to surround Hyrule Castle. The same columns she had tried so hard to locate just days ago.
"Where did he go…?" Zelda said out of breath and sick at heart, but trying not to break down again. Hadn't she already cried all the tears she thought she had at the realization of her failure? She knew the Calamity was eventual, but experiencing it was beyond her worst nightmares.
"Little bird… How do you know he wasn't the one to summon the Calamity himself just by being present?" Said Urbosa.
"T-that can't be… " Zelda said, exasperated, not even willing to entertain the idea.
"His Majesty is missing as well… Did he remain behind on purpose?" Impa mused.
"The two are probably still bickering for all we know…" Revali quipped. "Hylian males…"
It would have been a humorous mental image in any other circumstances: Astor and her father too entrenched in their argument to notice as Guardians flooded into the Sanctum, but Zelda was vaguely aware that Astor had at least left the sanctum when the Calamity appeared.
Zelda turned her gaze elsewhere. Watching Castle Town burn was too much to bear. She happened to catch Link's eye, the boy wearing a severe expression.
You're fated to unlock your power because of him.
Zelda looked away from him and then at the back of her hand, giving an inaudible sigh, doubts about so many things clouding her mind.
This didn't go unnoticed by Urbosa, who came to stand behind Zelda, placing her hands on the princess's shoulders. "Don't give up! It's not too late."
"I know… We can't let the Calamity win. No matter what…" Zelda said, sounding downtrodden, but resolute.
"All is not lost. As long as I live I will fight. Just as you must." Impa reassured Zelda.
All the champions agreed one by one.
The group lifted their heads when they sensed others making their escape into Hyrule Field and out of Castle Town. Zelda's breath caught in her throat when she saw Astor standing in the shadow of her father's sword. He was unbound, yet it was clear from their expressions that he wasn't standing there on his own volition. Astor held her briefly in his gaze and then looked away, in shame. His face was more bruised than before.
"Champions, go to your Divine Beasts!" King Rhoam called in an official tone. "Astor will be coming with me, lest he interfere any further. Link… You are the knight to Princess Zelda. I trust you understand your duty." Rhoam said, shooting a disapproving look at Zelda.
There was a flicker in Zelda's eyes as they began to sting. "Where are you taking him?!"
Suddenly their hands held her back before she could rush forward. Zelda cried out for Astor as Rhoam and his attendants turned to leave, giving Astor another shove in the direction they were going.
A million horrible possibilities rushed through her mind. She was under no delusion that her father would deal with Astor kindly, especially if he were to ascertain Astor's former ties to the Calamity.
"What are they going to do to him?! Please, Someone, do something... Don't let them take him away!" Zelda implored pitifully, despairing because she knew none of them were going to defy her Father. Zelda dropped her head. "He's all… He's all I have…"
It was very soft, but everyone heard. Her pleas sounded all too familiar.. Rhoam halted, just for a moment to look back in irritation instead of pity as he had when she was young.
"Dammit, Zelda, show some self-control!" Rhoam said, angrily. "Your whining didn't work back then, what makes you think it will work now?"
Zelda looked hurt by his response, her shoulders shaking. Rhoam wondered if she remembered when he had confiscated the little Guardian she had named Terrako in a bid to get her to focus on her training. A decision that regrettably hadn't borne any fruit. Rhoam had almost cursed the late queen. Damn her for instilling such a love for Sheikah technology and relics in her daughter, which only proved to be a distraction for Zelda in awakening her divine power. That had been the most grievous flaw Rhoam saw in his wife.
Astor knew this was his moment to act. While the king was distracted, Astor phased past Rhoam like a restless spirit, knocking Rhoam off balance for a moment.
Zelda looked up and exhaled in surprise.
Astor came to a stop in front of Zelda, making a show of pulling her close. She clutched tightly to his robes, and for a moment everything else ceased. She was his and he was hers. She would have given much to live in that moment forever, relieved tears cascading down her cheeks.
"Her Highness is mine now. Have fun fighting the Calamity, Rhoam. You don't deserve her."
"Hylia on her throne! Stop him!" Rhoam ordered his knight attendants.
The men hesitated, fearful of the prophet's magical abilities. And in the blink of an eye, Astor raised his orb high, vanishing with Zelda in tow. Those that remained looked on in silent disbelief.
A short distance away, the scene was reflected in the 'eye' of Harbinger Ganon. Ganon knew it was winning, though that did not satisfy the being's intense all-encompassing rage. Its plans had still been disrupted. The weak-minded, disaffected Hylian man it had chosen to do its bidding in this age had somehow seen beyond the illusion of importance and power it had engineered for him. High above, the spirit of Calamity Ganon gave a shattering roar of detest for the goddess it knew was at work. And because of that vile goddess, the foolish bag of flesh was stepping out on him, even after all the power it had bestowed upon him. Ganon would simply take the man's ability to wield malice away. It would make sure the seer suffered tenfold for betraying him and choosing the girl who bore the goddess's blood. That pathetic mortal was supposed to remain loyal until his dying breath at its hand, for Ganon hated all life and showed no partiality even towards those who swore allegiance to it. It had been over ten millennia since Ganon had been mortal, and any memory of its past humanity or semblance of understanding human emotions had long perished. Calamity Ganon's inhuman hatred burned against the Hylian seer, rivaling its hatred for the hero and the young woman who bore the blood of the goddess. And so, the corrupted Guardian began to plot.
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shirokh · 4 years
Ch3 Gerudo’s Way
Zelda, followed by Impa reunited with Marth and Roy, who we’re now wearing Hylian blue tunics, and Link dressed with his Hylian knight garments.
Link greeted on a formal way, staying silent the rest of the time until princess arrival. , it’s not that he felt like socialising with “famous handsome fiancé”, who would be with the girl he never imagined loving that way.
From a special portal, using Sheikah tablet, they were transported to the outskirts of Gerudo dessert. Urbosa’s old friend, Kouka was already waiting for them.
-“That’s wicked mate! This Sheikah artefact, such a good invention” Roy enthusiastically said, never knowing teleportation before. Marth was also overwhelmed by it, as Altea did not have that kind of “transportation”
“Sav’otta! As you must know, it is an urgent matter, so I need you to accompany me into the village” the tall Gerudo said.
Zelda looked at Kouka, and then to her companions. They could not enter Gerudo’s village, as they were man, or voe as they called them
-“It’s better to follow Gerudo’s law, man’s access is forbidden, so you should wait for me here...”
Foreseeing this, Kouka interrupted
-“Princess, if you agree we could give them special vai clothes so they could enter, and we would save ourselves a lot of time...”
-“Lets do this princess, I see your concern, so I don’t mind changing Hylian clothes for Gerudo ones” He immediately proposed, entering Kouka’s tent.
-“Well... maybe it’s not like...” she answered dubious, looking towards Link, who avoided nervously her eyes, following Marth and Roy who were already undressing.
-“This is kind of a joke” Roy’s voice was heard trough the tent, laughing.
-“You have to admit that as a red head look more Gerudo-ish” he laughed again, after a moment the Altea royals came out of the tent. Zelda, who was drinking water from a bottle, started coughing and choke a bit from the impression.
-“Well, how do we look with veils? “ Roy asked moving his hands as if he was dancing, to wich made Zelda laugh sincerely. They were both wearing traditional Gerudo’s outfit, a blue top with golden engravings, a veil covering their heads and face with hanging ornaments leaving only their eyes exposed, a small jewel hanged in the middle of their foreheads. The pants were kind of bloomers, so they had their abdomen exposed, but their arms were covered by delicate silk sleeves.
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-“I think you are completely approved” Kouka affirmed, smiling pleased. “If your skin wasn’t as white, and your hair so blue, for the stature you could be a Gerudo vai, your face factions are really refined, aren’t they?”
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Still smiling Zelda nodded, after all she didn’t expect the prince to accept this kind of requests just like that
-“Well, this is the most femenine side you’ll see of me” he said while adjusting the veil, blushing under it.
At the end, Link joined them, he wore a green top and a similar veil, which left Zelda, Roy and Kouka open-mouthed
-“It’s your turn princess” she said pulling from her arm and taking her into the tent. “I have something special for you, sent by Urbosa herself.
-“But I don’t...” she said nervously.
-“Come on, come on! If we are Gerudo for a day, guided by a Sheika you have to have similar outfits so you don’t stand out”
Within minutes, a blushing Zelda appeared, closing her arms in front of her, covering her tiny abdomen on a shy posture, she never wore something so light, but she was kind of grateful, as the sun was starting to rise and you could feel the intense heat of the dessert.
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-“Isn’t she beautiful?” Kouka said smiling, and presented her with a pony tail, similar to Gerudo’s, with a pale pink top, golden accents and a similar veil, a white hip bloomer pant, both Link and Marth blushed on sight, Roy smiled making the seven veil dance.
-“Don’t look!” She said embarrassed with a nervous laugh, looking the surprised faces, especially Link’s.
“Now I feel less embarrassment, as we are wearing the same Princess, this outfit fits you beautifully” Marth said smiling, offering his hand so she could step down the small rock stair outside the tent, and held her for a minute, something Link wasn’t happy with, and without a word he reached out the Sheika tablet to Zelda, so she had to release Marth’s hand.
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-“Thanks Link, let’s proceed to the village”
Marth was a good observer, so he didn’t ignored this event.
Impa went into the village with them and decided she should get more information, so she left Zelda in Urbosa’s care, determining they would meet in a couple of days.
Urbosa was overflowing with happiness when she saw Zelda wearing the outfit she sent, and admired watching Link in Gerudo’s outfit, she almost didn’t recognised him.
-“You look charming Princess, I know certain appointed knight would not be indifferent towards this” she said, giving Link a wink, while she blushed.
-“Urbosa, please allow me to introduce to you my Fiancé”
-“Fiancé!? What did I miss? You are not wasting time! I always knew that you two...
-“He is Marth!! Prince of Altea!” She quickly interrupted, as Urbosa was assuming in advance she was talking about Link, and she liked to tease them about it.
-“Oh! Sa’oten, My goodness! This is a surprise, you are a voe! I thought you were a beautiful vai from the west” she told Marth, shaking his hand, watching Link sideways.
-“I suppose it’s lucky we met under this circumstances” he answered smiling.
-“Such a curious accent!” She said with animosity, sitting then on a big cushion surrounding a table with fresh incense and cold water, so the guests followed.
-“Everything happened near the subterranean water well, the one we use to irrigation of the fields, all the new sprouts began dying, even the flowers and cactus began withering, three of my best explorers went down to look for the cause of this, maybe the water spring was being contaminated, and they never came back... it gives me a bad feeling, Princess I sent down several search and rescue teams without success”
-“It will be better to go personally, maybe I could feel some dark power in the well”
The team walked to the wet zone of the water wells, going down a big ladder with some torches to light the way down, Marth and Roy insisted to go along too.
Trying to distract herself, Zelda summoned triforce power raising her hand, a light shining arised, lighting the way in the same manner than the torches they carried.
-“I can’t feel any presence” lowering her eyes, she took her hand to her chest, holding both hands to her heart.
After walk-in about an hour, Urbosa claimed
-“I might be imagining things, but I think I heard something” She lit her torch ahead, and a black goo turned off the fire completely, it was an eyeless creature, so it wasn’t a jelly choo.
-“What the hell..!” Exclaimed, snapping her fingers to cast lighting without any effect on the creature. She then tried to cut it with her double edge sword, wich stuck to the goo, sucking it.
Marth Link and Roy unsheathed their swords, as Roy atacked frontally with a fire thrust, but that only angered the beast, at the same time as if they were coordinated, Link and Marth attacked up, wich divided the creature in two parts, one of them went right to Urbosa’s ankle, the more she tried to release herself, the more tight she was imprisoned by it, going up her leg.
Zelda tried to summon her power, but a feeling that she shouldn’t think about him or her love for him, he was forbidden, he was going to voluntarily marry someone else, so her hand would only emit a soft ball of light, there was nothing she could do, in a second the creature trapped her leg and she fell to the ground, hitting herself on the rocks, the creature quickly advanced to her waist.
Link felt despair, he had to do something before this thing ate both of the girls.
While Marth tried to pull Zelda out, Link took out a few ice arrows and shot the black flap adhered to the champion. Soon the creature freezed and with a thrust Roy broke it into pieces.
He repeated the procedure with the left part of the goo to release the princess, and as they broke it, on its insides the shapes of three inconcious Gerudo were seen.
“¡Sa’oten! In the name of the Goddess!” Urbosa said, raising up quickly and checking on the young girls laying on the ground.
“It seems that thing stole their energy, they are alive but unconscious, we need to get them up and hidrate them, before we find out if we really killed this bastard”
The three guys help carrying the girls into their backs, and went back to the city. Marth couldn’t help but notice that the princess had several wounds on her shoulder.
-“Princess! You are severely wounded!” He said as his hand was about to touch the naked shoulder of the young girl to look at the bleeding, being interrupted by Link’s arm, who prevented his hand from touching her, holding the Prince’s hand.
-“Don’t... You’r highness, please refrain from touching the wound, it might get infected” Link expressed, with a quick uncomfortable silence until Urbosa broke the moment with a loud voice.
-“Ara! We have to get this wound treated, follow me, I’ll take you to my chambers”
Ther Gerudo girls were being treated on the nursery, and they assigned a room near Urbosa’s chambers to the boys.
-“You worry a lot about the princess, Link” ... Marth affirmation was made looking at him front, as Roy was making his bed on the corner of the room.
-“It’s part of my job” he coldly answered, looking the other side to the window. Not even Revali made him feel this annoyed like this guy.
-“Not a problem then commander, from now on it’s my job, after all she is my betrothed”
-“Oy! What are you on about?” Roy came, he sensed the tense ambient, and they were front to front.
-“Nothing, I’ll go and check on Vah Naboris” Link retired making a small bow and went through the balcony, going down the stairs.
-“I wonder what is he talking about? Vah Nawbee..what?
With a confused face, Roy looked at Link abandoning the room.
-“More than that, I’m interested on the ice magic they used in the arrow, they are different from Altea’s”
-“I’ve seen ice magic before, but never in an arrow, do you remember that dragon we went after?” Roy said
-“And I suspect there is more than that, Hyrule is filled with magic, when the kingdoms unite, think of all the power we could get, I read there are also dragons here...”
-“So... you are thinking seriously on marrying Zelda and have a lot of kids?” Row asked yawning
Don’t be a wanker! What are you thinking about!? Said Marth blushing fiercely while Roy went into a bed and covered himself with a blanket
Leaving the royals behind, Link went down the valley to the place where Vah Naboris was. He climbed up to the top and after sitting for a while looking into the dessert, felt someone’s presence behind him, relaxing when he saw it was Urbosa.
-“Sav’orr! Heroe... are you gonna let her go just like that?” she stood behind him
-“There’s not much I can do...” he answered looking down, then he realized Urbosa was talking about a purple rupee about to fall from his pocket to one of the lumps of the big camel, grabbing it at the last moment.
Urbosa, with a sassy smile sat next to him.
-“It would be perfect if you could just take whatever you want into your pocket, wouldn’t it? Even the heart of a certain princess” she told, stretching her hands to the sky. Link just blushed.
-“I wouldn’t... besides she already has someone...” he answered avoiding to look at her.
-“Well, it’s a progress, at least you realized yourself you r-e-a-l-l-y care about her... huh? appointed knight? “
-“I don’t.... I mean... damn! Is it that obvious? I would give my life for her no doubt...”
-“It’s as clear as water” the chief of the Gerudo laughed. “Probably clear since before Ganon even appeared, but you were the one who didn’t realise it, It still bugs me that she accepted the proposal of that voe prince... Marth is it? It’s strange, he came out of nowhere. I would have bet my right hand she only had eyes for a single knight, I’ll find out about it”
-“No, Urbosa, I think it’s better not to complicate things...”
-“So, are you gonna let her go just like that?” She pointed at his pocket, which made Link turn quickly to verify his rupees weren’t falling, but the bag was perfectly closed.
-“You should tell her how you feel Link, I’m sure that would make her happy, I don’t think she realises you care for her not out of duty, but out of love, more than she thinks of”
That word made the knight nervous, with a red face.
-“I... don’t know, I’m not sure it’s the proper time now that she has a Prince to marry”
Come on! If you wait for the proper time, a hundred year will pass, when will it be? When she is married? You can’t take your time hero!” She said out loud while going down the sacred beast, Link could not sleep that night, and he just dozed on the top of Vah Naboris.
The next day Zelda slowly opened her eyes, she had some trouble waking up, and the moment her lids were open, she found someone in front of her, a familiar silhouette.
-“Li...” she managed to pronounce before she was completely awake, and the blurring shadow became clear. It was Marth, who was closely watching her, standing on the side of her bed, surprised she sat on the bed.
-“Good morning” the prince said with a smile
-“Princess, I assume you must be exhausted, as you slept so much”
-“What time is it?” She asked rubbing her eyes, she felt as if she had slept a few minutes.
-“It must be past supper, I brought you some refreshments from the table, you haven’t had taken anything since yesterday “ he said as he took the tray to the bed.
“Oh, thanks but it’s better if I get up already...” she mentioned, feeling spoiled by the sovereign, but the moment she tried to stand up, the force on her legs went away and she could have fallen if it wasn’t for Marth, who was near to support her, kneeling down he embraced her.
-“It’s better if you rest more your highness, it seems you are a bit weak”
-“I’m fine...” she said taking his shoulder to stand, looking into his eyes, they were dark blue, contrary to Link’s reckleness, his eyes had a calming effect.
When she was about to get up, the prince carried her on his arms firmly, walking some steps to the table.
-“Marth! Stop! I’m not a baby, put me down please”
-“I refuse... until you accept to rest some more. Besides it’s not the first time I carry you like this” he answered with a smile looking at her amused “It makes me happy that you called me by my first name, can I do the same?”
-“I ... guess you can, as long as you put me down” she said blushing while avoiding his eyes, she didn’t realized she just called his name, and he must be referring to the incident with the alcohol she had, that time she didn’t remember how she got to her bed.
-“Ok then, Zelda” still smiling, the prince walked again to the bed, putting her down with ease, the moment Link and Urbos came in from the door.
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-“What the!” Link said walking protectively whe he saw the blue haired man (who he disliked even more) with his hands on the princess.
-“How did the investigation went?” Marth asked, letting the princess on her bed to sit up.
-“Ther is no trace of the creature... but in our way back, Link found something you’d like Princess” Urbosa said, as Link went to his bag to take out some hydromelons and honey, and began preparing it cutting the fruit with a small knife.
-“Honey! Thanks, along with hydromelon is one of my favourites! She mentioned as her stomach growled, having had no food in the day.
-“I don’t know what is happening,... maybe I’m just tired” she said, taking a piece of the hydromelon with honey that Link prepared.
-“Maybe it’s your moon bleeding?” Urbosa asked casually, to wich Zelda blushed and the boys looked away.
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-“Anyway, I’ll make the doctor come and check on you , it’s not normal you have so low energy, and I don’t know if I’m imagining things, but the power from the triforce on you, it’s quite weak...”
The princess nodded, she felt as she ran a marathon in the desert, and consciously she knew, what she felt about Link was forbidden, which prevented her from trying to express her power and the voice that resonated from the triforce was more distant every day.
-“There is not a prudent medical explanation, it seems like fatigue, Princess, you’ll have to be periodically taking this energy potion”
Gerudo’s medical doctor seemed concerned, after checking the young princess. Impa who was getting back from her own investigation. She also seemed worried about her health.
-“It’s better if we visit Kakariko’s village in our way back, maybe Prunia can lead us in the cause of your tiredness, if it’s triforce related, she’ll know what to do” Impa felt something was wrong, so she suggested that, thy would go to Akkala before returning to Hyrule.
-“We’ll see each other soon!” Urbosa said her farewells,
Once everything was ready, they went to a Kakariko’s near spot, using the Sheikah tablet. Impa’s friend, Prunia had her investigation lab there, they met on Impa’s house.
-“I like this place, we can dress manly here” Roy said, walking in the Kakariko’s village, admiring the beautiful waterfalls in the back of a big mansion with an amazing garden, to wich they accessed trough a wooden stair. Prunia was a young intelectual woman, she was assisted by a teenager called Rotver.
-“I’ll have to make some blood tests Princess, come with me please” Prunia said, taking her to the u
“Would you say there is something you might relate to your symptoms your highness?” She asked while adjusting a rubber around her arm
“It may be... related to feeling, you know...” she answered dubiously, not knowing how to express her idea.
“Feelings... you mean about your engagement?” She asked pulling a fine needle and punturing the princess arm to obtain a blood sample on a special container.
“I ... believe it’s about unrequited feelings...” she said, thinking about Link and Mipha. A moment later prince Marth came into the room opening the sliding door at the entrance.
“I was wondering how do you analyse blood, I’m sorry for intruding, I’ve never heard of such thing before in Altea” and as they went into an animated chatting, Zelda wondered how much did the prince hear about the previous talking, holding her arm on the puncture wound while Impa game into the room.
“It’s highly adviced for you to keep resting while we have some results, please Princess you have to do so”
“And so it’ll be” Impa stated before she could say something.
They went horseback riding on their way to Hyrule, as Roy and Marth insisted to meet some of the roads of Hyrule, they game back to the castle in half a day, just to find out a Zora ambassador was waiting for them to return.
-“I’m sorry to be intruding, I already presented the case to the council and they asked me to wait for you, your highness”
-“What is it about?” Link asked, knowing Zelda had to keep rest, and shouldn’t bother herself with this matters .
-“We can’t locate princess Mipha, that’s why the King sent me urgently to ask for your assistance, an strange creature was seen in the outskirts and it might be about something else”
Everyone kept silent due to surprise. This was unexpected, after all she was one of the champions, and under the protection of the Zora’s land that was so peaceful.
-“I must part immediately” Link said, checking his arrow stock and sword
Zelda look at him, taking her hands to her chest. She was worried about Mipha, and the commander’s reaction somehow made her feel in pain Why, why can I just simply accept it? His heart belongs to someone else, that person is missing, it’s logical he goes to look for her
Impa looked at the princess directly almost begging
-“Princess Zelda, it’s better if you stay here, I don’t consider it a good time to expose yourself again to this danger, until we know the results of the blood sample”
-“It’s better if you go....” she sadly expressed, handling the Sheikah tablet to Link, “Use it as long as you need”
-“Thanks, I think I should get going...”
-“Zelda, is it possible for my cousin to go along with the commander?” Marth asked, and to Link’s desmay he called the princess by her first name, something even he wouldn’t do not because of confidence but the hierarchy prevented him to do so, he never had even imagined to refer to her with such confidence.
-“Hey! I love new adventures. Aren’t you comming Marth?” Roy asked willingly.
-“I’d prefer to spend more time with Zelda, I trust you in this mission, Roy” He said, putting a hand on his shoulder and looking at Link directly, who only made a slight grimace looking away, Zelda was strangled by the prince actions.
-“You’ll lose it! Come on commander Link!”
-“Just Link it’s ok, Salif, lets go back to Zora’s city, excuse us your highness” Link said looking down and walking to an open area to transport along with Zora’s messenger and Roy.
-“Impa, please let Revali know” The princess asked, and she went after to the dining hall, escorted by Marth, as Impa took care of the remaining things to do’
At the dining hall, the princess barely touched her food, and answered with monosyllabic to the conversation the prince tried to have, a small tear came down her cheek.
-“Zelda, you may not want to talk about what’s worrying you, but I think your eyes do not lie” Marth came near her table side from the other edge.
-“I’m ok, I’m just tired...” she said faking a smile
-“You are gutted because of your feelings for the commander, aren’t you?” The question was quite direct, making her look at him alarmed.
-“Why should I? That’s unthinkable! And what does gutted mean anyway?!” She said looking away nervous, as the tears began flowing down more and more every time until her crying was continuous, Marth offered a handkerchief and made a sign for the remaining maids behind them to go and prepare some tea, leaving them alone in the big room, once she calmed down a little, he looked at her up front and continued.
-“”Zelda, could you fall in love with me?” He asked with a frank face and took her hand, she watched him in surprise without saying a word.
-“I know the bethrotal does not mean you have to reciprocate my feelings... but for me, the little time I have met you, I realized I want to protect you, I admire your dedication for the kingdom and the people, your braveness and courage, and above all, who you are, so I consider myself quite flucky to have your hand in marriage, but I’d like it to be more than an agreement, I would like to court you properly, even if I know your heart belongs in other place”
The prince held Zelda’s hand firmly, a second later he got near with the intention to kiss her. She still couldn’t believe her ears. She never had been in that situation where someone declared the intention to woo her, and she haven’t had her fist kiss yet. She kept asking herself How did he knew she loved Link? Shouldn’t that make him walk away? Why was he acting like this?
A few inches from kissing, before their lips made contact, the noise from the doors opening with tea and some desserts interrupted them.
-“Mart.. how did you find out about...? He is going to marry the same girl from the Zora’s kingdom who disappeared” she told while they served some sweet bread and rose tea from Altea
-“I realized, despite your kingdom is prosper, and problems are solved, you suffer day by day, besides you told me some things the day of the celebration I carried you to your room along with Impa, and I overheard something when Prunia was taking your blood sample”
-“Could you consider it? This is the first time I’m so certain of something, and it’s also the first time I declare myself to anyone...” The prince said, looking away a bit shy with a slightly blushed face.
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Zelda could only see honesty. The foreigner, after a month or so of knowing her, opened himself to her, she felt he wasn’t capable of hurting her, something made her feel safe around him. She stood up and dismissed the maids,, then she walked to the big window looking into Hyrule’s twilight.
-“I can’t promise you a lot... Marth, you’ll see, I haven’t told anyone, but my power and the will to save this kingdom came from my feelings for Li....”
The prince approached without her ending the phrase and hugged her, she was surprised and remained still.
-“Can you forget about him? I know it’s selfish from me, but I want to help you. Come with me, to Altea, I’ll introduce you to my parents, you’ll know your future kingdom, maybe that way you’ll have a change of feelings, or maybe that way you’ll have eyes for me”
Go with him to Altea? She never occurred that possibility, to go away from Hyrule, to go away from ... Link.
-“I don’t know, I didn’t expected this so... so soon...” she stuttered, so much in so little time was overwhelming.
-“It might be rushed l, but please you should meditate this, I’m willing to wait for you, my Princess Zelda” and in the hug they shared, he left a sweet and gentle kiss on her cheek, why kept her eyes wide, and took her hands to her chest again. He kissed her, her first kiss from someone not family related. Maybe it wasn’t in her lips, but it was something that would not leave her mind so easily.
Thanks for reading!!! I was a bit lazy with the greyscale, and some pics are old. Give some love to Zelink
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11 notes · View notes
desolate-rose · 3 years
Chapter 8 magic is real!
I have a plan!
And it only took me two years and some change!
And that’s not the only thing i've done in the last two and a half years! (that would've been a very boring two years) I can walk AND talk! And through these new skills (which were a pain to get let me tell you! Learning to walk left. So. Many. Bruises.) I had discovered all sorts of things!
I had confirmed that I am in fact a princess, we do in fact live in a castle, and that I am indeed a hylian.
That knowledge had sent me into another one of my depressingly common panic attacks, but it wasn’t all bad!
My new skills led me to the discovery of, (drumroll please) A LIBRARY!
Oh sweet literacy how I missed you!
I may have given my parents the mistaken impression of being some sort of baby genius or something, but in all honesty I was just desperate to be able to read again. Again being a baby was very very VERY boring, and my rationale thought and impulse control had honestly been worn down by the lack of intellectual stimulation! I was sooooooo bored of baby babble.
Also it wasn't exactly out of character for the cannon zelda, she had repaired / created an incredibly advanced guardian as a child which was not only capable of showing a personality planing and a facsimile of emotion, but also TIME TRAVEL.
Should I have pretended to be the average three year old because I'm not actually some sort of genius? probably. Will this have consequences for me? most likely. Will I regret this later? Almost certainly. Do I care right now? NO!
Consequences can suck it!
Mama needs to feed her addiction!
Also it wasn’t like I had just started to read books bigger than my head either, I’m still learning to read hylian, it’s a whole new language writing system and alphabet! I’m still stuck on baby books and basic words, but it’s better then nothing!
And sadly the little i can decipher of the hylian writing system is also more advanced than the nothing that real three year olds know. So I’m now the castle's little genius, mom and dad are absolutely brimming with pride. Honestly it’s too much attention placed on little ol me but if it’s a competition between too much attention or not being able to read, I’d choose to read every time.
I’m currently trying to figure out a rough chronology for the events of breath of the wild and all of its proceeding events. (assuming I'm not in the age of calamity: hyrule warriors timeline, but that timeline only exists as a split off of the original timeline so for now i'm assuming im in the original timeline. Prepare for the worst hope for the best and all that rot. Also im not stupid enough to assume that i can be a baby genius and just yha know MAKE a time triveling gaurdian) so that I can best implement my plans. Here’s my rough ROUGH timeline.
10,000 years before the start of the game Gannon attacks and is sealed away by the hero and princess with the help of the 4 champions, the Divine beasts, and the guardians.
At some point after that the sheikah become distrusted due to their powerful magic and technology and are banished.
They split in two the yiga who hate the royals of hyrule for their betrayal and join forces with gannon, and those who remain with the spirit of the sheikah and give up their great skills to remain serving the crown
98,983 years later princess Zelda is born. Shortly before that link is born
At some point a prophecy announcing the return of calamity Ganon is made.
At some point Zelda's mom dies making her unable to learn sealing magic from her.
Zelda is pressured into praying and praying and praying to unlock her sealing magic, at one point even collapsing in freezing water nearly losing her life if it wasn't for urbosa saving her.
The sheikah rediscover the Divine beasts, guardians, and sheikah slate.
Zelda helps to study these ancient artifacts to the disapproval of her father
Link finds the master sword
Link is appointed zelda's personal knight
The champions are chosen
Zelda goes to the spring of wisdom on her 17th birthday and Gannon returns
The champions, king bosphorus, and thousands of innocent people die when Gannon turns the Divine beasts and the guardians against them
Link is mortally wounded and Zelda unlocks her powers.
Link is sent to the shrine of resurrection
Zelda returns the master sword to the lost woods and goes to face Gannon alone for the next 100 years
100 years later Link wakes up with no memories and the events of the game commence.
In the end my plan is quite simple. Make sure my mom doesn't die. All of Zelda's problems stem from her mom's death, Gannon could only wreak havoc because Zelda's mom wasn't there to teach her the sealing magic or deal with calamity Gannon herself. At best my mom could teach me the magic and we could seal Gannon away together or she could do it or I could do it, at worst I can use the magic because I'm not actually the girl who is meant to be the zelda incarnation of hylia. Either way gannon gets defeated, bada bing bada boom no great calamity no destruction of all i've come to know and love.
Does it sound stupidly simplistic yes. But in all honesty it needs to be. There are too many variables at work here to have a twenty step plan and have it all go accordingly. Life is messy and unpredictable and not exactly amenable to complex multi step plans that rely on everything going a certain way. There's a reason that the saying ‘the best way to make God laugh is to tell him your plans,’ is so poupar. This isn't a game any more, stuff happens, free will is a thing. I can't rely on what I think I know. Who knows how much the butterfly effect has already affected things. So simplicity is the name of the game, it allows for the flexibility a rigid multi step plan would not.
So my plan really only has two components: learn sealing magic as soon as I can, And make sure my mom survives.
simple but hopefully effective
I toddeled determinedly through the halls ignoring the bemusedly indulgent granny trailing behind me.
Fun fact about being a princess, you don't get any alone time. Ever. i am constantly being monitored, be it by granny, spots, father, mother, or some other random sap assigned to guard duty. Literally the only times I am left alone is when I head to the restroom or am put to bed for the night.
It's only mildly infuriating.
But anyway, at this time of day I would usually be at the library attempting to read some of the less difficult books or in my nursery playing with my toys under the watchful gaze of granny or spots, but today I have a mission. I was going to get my mom to start teaching me sealing magic if it kills me. I had found the perfect excuse as well. An old story book depicting the great matrilineal line of queens and their unique gift bestowed upon them by hylia herself. Now to enact my plans and deploy my greatest weapon. puppy dog eyes.
I stumbled my way into the office where my mom was going over various papers with a serious look upon her face. “Mama!” I cried practically throwing myself into her lap. McGuffin clenched in hand. “What is it my little bird” she smiled blessing my day, watering my crops, clearing my skin, and healing my wounds. “I found something i don't understand!” I chirped, squirming myself into a more comfortable position, book tucked into my arms. “Oh and why didn't you ask ila?” (so that was granny's name, huh.) “mhhhmmm i wanted to ask you!” que puppy dog eyes version 37 bright, cheerful, innocent. Work that toddler arua!
Mother chuckled while granny rolled her eyes behind me, I saw that missy! Don't give me your sass! “Oh and what didn't you understand?” PLAN IS A GO “mama what's se-al-ing magic? Why does the book say I have it? I'm not magic!” I pretended to pout indignantly, flipping to the page in my book that referenced it.
“Sealing magic baby, is the reason our line has ruled hyrule since the hylians lived amongst the clouds, it's a special gift from hylia herself.” hook, line, sinker. “Really?!” “yes my little bird, it's a special magic that lets us seal away bad guys, banish evil, and protect our kingdom. It's proof that we descended from hylia herself” as mother said this she raised one of her hands allowing for it to be bathed in an ethereal golden glow, bathing her in light and making her look like something genuinely devine.
Before this there had always been a little part of me that had been denying the truth. No matter how often it was mentioned in books or stories. No matter how many things had pointed to this being the hyrule of stories, a small part of me had been screaming that magic isn't real and that the legend of Zelda couldn't be real. But now, bathed in divine light and witnessing true honesty to god magic for the first time I could no longer deny the truth. Normally this confirmation would chill me to the bone and cause hysterical fear, but the power before me was warm, comforting, and at the same time incomprehensible. I could not fear when this light this power was here to bolster my spirit. I had never been adamantly religious before, but in the face of this light, for the first time I truly believed in the divine.
As the light faded away and I blinked spots out of my eyes I reaffirmed my mission. I needed to learn how to do that. Yesterday.
“Teach me! Teach me! Teach me!” I chanted practically vibrating where I sat, eyes wide in wonder and awe. “Now now little one, not so fast!” my mother chuckled, ruffling my hair.
“Why not!” I asked indignantly and was a little worried. I NEEDED to know sealing magic for my plan to work. It wasn't safe to put all your eggs in one basket. No matter how hard i would be working to save my mother regardless of calamity ganon.
“You're not old enough yet, my little songbird.” NOT OLD ENOUGH! I WAS 17 YEARS OLD WOMAN WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!? “I am old enough! I know how to read and everything!'' I frowned, doing my best not to show the inner turmoil starting to boil.
A little of it seemed to show on my face with the way mother immediately began to sooth me “zelda that's not what i mean.” my eyes searched hers, they were uncommonly serious. “Our magic is powerful and dangerous. There is a reason i can't teach it to you yet. Your not yet old enough in body or mind to be able to withstand the strain that kind of magic would put on your spirit.” my face must have still looked mutinous because she continued on. “Beyond just that, your power is not developed enough yet even if you could withstand the strain. You wouldn't be powerful enough to actually use your sealing magic.”
This is bad very very bad. “When can i learn it?!” mother chuckled at my assumed enthusiasm “Numbers hold power baby, when you turn seven you can start your lessons.”
Seven, SEVEN! That's years from now! The remaining calm and serenity from the glow of hylia's might drained from my body.
“Now i think it's time for your nap! Come on little bird i'll put you to bed, maybe afterward you can sing me a song hmm?”
Why do the gods hate me?
Also on FanFiction.Net! https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13547505/8/
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wolfie-rood · 7 years
Worlds Apart - Revali x Reader Oneshot
"Well, this is a nice change of scenery." You commented casually while looking around.
"It's a prison cell." Someone else yelled.
You rolled your eyes and responded with, "I was being sarcastic." After that, the random prisoner shut up.
Yes, you were in fact sitting not-so-comfortably in Hyrule Castle's prison cell. Why? Because you were one of the lower-class leaders of the Yiga Clan who just so happened to be out on a midnight stroll by the castle.
Okay, that's only half a lie. You were in the area for no apparent reason, but you also took it upon yourself to assassinate the princess. And, being the smart person you are, you decided to do it alone. Or at least you tried. Turns out the other champions were temporarily staying at the castle; maybe a bit of research would've done you some good.
"This certainly wasn't the way I expected this to end..." You mumbled thoughtfully while inspecting the chains around your arms. You couldn't walk around while wearing them, but your wrists weren't sore, either.
Suddenly, someone stopped in front of your cell. You glanced up and smiled. "Oh, I know you!" You exclaimed. "Yeah, you're the kind gentleman who hit me over the head with that silly bow!" Standing before you was the Rito Champion, Revali. You acted like a sarcastic brat toward him only because you were afraid of him. Every other Yiga has warned you about him. Members are susceptible to archers, so it's in your best interest to not get involved with the best archer in Hyrule.
But of course, you were reckless and went right ahead with your plan before assessing the situation. Because if you knew Revali would be here, you'd honestly run for the hills. That's the long and short of how you ended up in jail.
You licked your lips; a tell of your nervousness. "So, what's next?" You wondered as to try and hide how much of a coward you were. "Do I get executed? Oh, is it you; are you gonna kill me? Please tell me it's you!" You weren't given a response, but it was okay. You smirked. "C'mon! Where's that ego I've heard all about?"
The rito scoffed. "If it were up to me, you would be killed without a second thought. Fortunately for you, things never seem to go my way around here, and the princess would rather use you for information. So, if you don't want me to shoot your foot, I suggest you cooperate." The archer threatened.
You laughed with a dark aura and said, "You better just shoot me now 'cause you're not getting anything out of me." The warrior growled, and gripped his bow tightly. Though, he never aimed it at you. "Oh, I see! You can't even breathe on me without the 'okay' from your precious princess! That's adorable!" And still, no reaction.
"You can expect Princess Zelda within the hour." He muttered with a stoic expression before walking away. Once he was out of sight, you groaned and rested your head against the stone wall behind you.
You stayed in that position for about twenty minutes - Almost falling asleep - before the entrance to the dungeon was opened again. Your eyes fluttered open to see the princess herself standing in front of your cell with her hands behind her back. You smirked and straightened yourself a bit. "I'm so honored to be graced with your presence," You bowed your head mockingly. ", Your Highness."
She smiled sincerely as her guard dog opened the cell door for her. Of course she wouldn't come down here all by herself, but of all people-
Her appointed knight then took off your shackles, and you stood up; cradling your wrists that had fallen asleep. Once the knight took a step back, Zelda held out a bunch of bananas for you.
Wait, huh?
You looked down and hastily took the glorious fruit from her hands. For a moment you considered eating them with giving it much thought, before something dangerous came to mind. "So, what exactly am I dealing with?" You questioned skeptically. "I'm assuming there's some kind of poison involved, so? Cyanide? No, that'd be too merciful. Maybe nightshade?"
"No, I can assure you these bananas were not tampered with. Though, if you are still skeptical, I'd be happy to eat one." She offered.
Your curious eyes wandered between the banana's and Zelda until you made your decision with a shrug. "I've already dug a hole this deep, so I guess I'll take my chances." You pulled off one banana and unpeeled it. "So, what do you want? If you came to get info, then you'd better just turn around." You mumbled as you took a bite.
"How unfortunate. I just ordered some more of those bananas that you enjoy so much. It seems they will go to waste now..." The princess sighed with her mouth covered; obviously hiding her smirk.
You stopped to look at the blonde heiress and sighed. "Using my only weakness against me, huh? That's cruel..."
Over the next couple of weeks, the princess and her bribes had gotten you to speak. Granted, it wasn't very much, and you certainly didn't know everything. You only knew of the attack that happened a couple of days ago, and you already spilled the beans on that. Other than that, you really didn't know much. And in exchange for your cooperation, you were rewarded with mighty bananas; the most delicious of bargains.
You paced around the cell as you waited anxiously. Today, you had to give the princess more information. Yesterday, you told her that you didn't have anything else to tell her, but she saw right through your lie. The only thing you had left to tell her was the location of the Yiga's main base, and you went over the pros and cons of ratting out your dysfunctional family.
As your heart beat faster, the cell door opened, and you were greeted by one of the champions; Revali. You stopped your pacing to nervously ask, "Where's Zelda?"
Instead of answering straight, he asked you a question as well. "Would you go for a walk with me? I'd rather not speak here."
You smirked and walked down the dark hall with him. "What? Mr. Perfect can't sit in the dungeon for a few minutes?" You wondered mockingly; then you gasped. "Is the Rito Champion scared of a few criminals?"
He scoffed. "’Scared’? I don't believe I've ever been so insulted!"
"You don't listen much, do you?" You both began up the stairs to a small, open area somewhere in the castle. As you walked through the long corridors, you could feel the nervous eyes watching your every move. Even without your yiga uniform, it seems word of your capture spread throughout the castle staff. And yet, you held your head with confidence. I am not the bad guy, you told yourself. I was doing what's right.
"So, (Name)," Revali began. "I'm quite curious as to why you assumed killing the princess would be good idea? Let alone one that would work?"
You shrugged. "Take a guess; I'm a Yiga." You replied quietly. "Look, it's not my fault the royal family was afraid of the useful things we created. These damned royals are the ones who shut us out from the rest of society; I just decided to do something about it."
"Even so, maybe you should have checked the castle for anyone who might find your presence suspicious."
You rolled your eyes and laughed. "Yeah, no kidding. I've been yelling at myself for that."
"A Yiga who talks to herself? You're a new kind of crazy, aren't you?" Revali mocked. You said nothing, but he'd feel your wrath eventually.
The rest of the short walk was filled with quiet bickering and laughing at each other. Of course, you always took a moment to look around for a way out of this hell hole. It's taken you this long, but you were finally getting uncomfortable being in the palace.
Soon, you turned a corner into a room with the other champions inside. "What's all this for? Decided to kill me with an audience?" You asked.
"No, (Name). Quite the opposite, actually. I wish to make amends with the Yiga clan." Zelda stated. "We have been fight for thousands of years, and I'd like to end this at the problem's only weak point: You."
You quickly stepped back. "Zelda, we can't just-"
"Become a Champion."
She smiled. "You are still a sheikah. You are resilient and resourceful. I'm sure you will make a great addition."
You were truly taken aback. How could this girl - the one you tried to murder - be so forgiving and trusting of you? You stood there for a moment before making your decision. Taking a deep breath, you spoke. "Alright, I accept your offer."
What followed next was somewhat of a celebration. You, Zelda, Daruk, and Mipha just talked about being a champion and whatnot. Apparently, there would also be a ceremony to make it official. Meanwhile, Revali and Urbosa were skeptical of you joining; thinking it was a terrible idea.
Within the days that followed, you were officially announced a Champion; you even got a cloak in the Champion's color. It was lined lightly with white and had a sheikah symbol on one of the bottom corners.
You became close with the champions; Revali in particular. You weren't sure why, but your mouths were always on about the other in a mimicking tone. Your insults would pass back and forth until late hours of the night. You could even be considered friends.
Of course, you couldn't keep up the ‘angelic Sheikah champion girl’ act for too long, or leaving would be that much harder on you and everyone else.
You stood solemnly in your comfortable, well-lit room in the castle. The princess had given you your own room in the palace, but she also put you under close surveillance. You supposed she didn't trust you right away after all. Though, tonight was the first night without a guard outside your door. Which meant tonight would be the night you leave.
You stared at the bag filled with your things and almost began to cry. With a deep breath, you pulled the hood of your cloak over your head and placed the bag on your back. Then, you opened a window and sat on the sill; feeling the gentle breeze blow past you. Just as you were about to jump, the bedroom door opened.
You turned your head with a hushed gasp. "R-Revali?"
Standing there was the arrogant rito warrior holding a small bunch of your favorite yellow food. "You... didn't eat much at dinner, so I took it upon myself to bring you something you'd actually eat." He didn't seem surprised to see you leaving, but you could sense the despair in his voice.
You smiled sadly. "You always were such a bird brain, weren't you?" You turned all the way to face him. "Revali, I need you to understand that this is no one's fault but my own. I should never have become one of you, and I definitely shouldn't have tried to be friends with any of you. But, if it makes you feel any better, you won't be seeing my face around here for a while."
"It doesn't."
"Always gotta have the last word, don't you, champion?" You laughed softly before turning back towards the night sky. "Oh. And for the record," A tear fell, but your smile never faltered. "I always liked you." With those final words., your heart shattered as you made your escape into the night; leaving your closest friend behind.
Even months later in your old room hidden within the cave wall of the yiga hideout, your champion cloak remained in-tact; hanging on the wall to remind you of what could've been.
Another rare tear fell as a memory of you sparring with the rito came to mind. "I hope he understands... I hope they all do..."
Okay, so this almost didn't happen today because I forgot it was Wednesday, but I am determined to stay on my schedule for as long as possible!
Also this was really long. Also also, there's a possible part two and/or part three for this oneshot because I honestly love this concept so much. I apologize for not much fluff; I couldn't find the place and time for it while also keeping this from getting so long. But yeah. Long oneshot. Lots more angst than fluff. Not sure how I feel about this one. Like, I feel it's good, but it just seems like there was so much potential that got wasted. Dunno... Lemme know what you think, I guess? Just kind of glad I updated a oneshot on time.
Requests are always OPEN.
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booksandbabblesblog · 7 years
Introducing My NaNoWriMo Novel!
I randomly decided to participate in NaNoWriMo next month! As you might know, I did Camp NaNo in July and in some miraculous way, I managed to write 50K words! I'm still amazed... Anyway, since that moment I was thinking of rewriting that novel during NaNo this November, but I decided not to. it kinda felt like “cheating” and I had another idea I wanted to work on! 
I wasn’t going to share anything, but I had a really successful outlining session today and since I’m now 100% sure I’m actually going to write it, I thought I’d share some details! I also wanted to link up with Beautiful Books 2017. Without further ado, here’s some details about my novel!
What inspired the idea for your novel, and how long have you had the idea?I absolutely love The Legend of Zelda the Nintendo video game. All these games have such incredibly beautiful storylines! One day (I think it was around the time of Camp NaNoWriMo earlier this year?) I was like “I want to write a Zelda retelling one day!” Then I finished playing the main storyline of Breath of the Wild a few weeks ago and the story just got stuck in my mind. A few days ago, I decided to try and see whether or not I could come up with a solid storyline. To my surprise I did! 
Describe what your novel is about! I wanted to do some sort of retelling of The Legend of Zelda. Basically all those games have three main elements: the princess, the hero and the enemy. I also loved a lot of elements from Breath of the Wild that I tried to use in my story as well. At this point it’s more “inspired by” than “a retelling”.
My novel is about a girl who’s the prince’s appointed knight/personal guard. It’s like a genderswapped Zelda and Link. They lose their big, important battle. The main character is on the brink of death, so she’s put in this special place where she’ll be healed and “resurrected” over a very long (think thousands of years) period of time. Meanwhile, the world goes on under the rule of the villain. She wakes up again a thousand years after her fall, without having any memory of what happened. She goes on an adventure to find out who she is and what she’s meant to do and reunites with her prince and their friends in the process. Most importantly, the battle she lost all those years ago will not continue.
What is your book’s aesthetic? Use words or photos or whatever you like! I’ll be making a Pinterest board soon, which I’ll share right here on my Tumblr!
Introduce us to each of your characters! Well, there’s obviously the hero and the prince. And the enemy. I don’t want to say too much yet because I’m still kind of fleshing them out and getting to know them, of sorts!
Something I can talk about, however, is this group of people who are basically my main character’s “squad”. This group is inspired by the Champions in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. They’re a tight knit group of friends who have each other’s backs and are like family. I can’t wait to see how their group dynamic is going to turn out, because that’s something I’m still working on.
How do you prepare to write? (Outline, research, stocking up on chocolate, howling, etc.?) I’m doing as much prep as I can. And howling. A Lot. I want my characters to be completely “fleshed out” so I’m making bios for them, with basic information, physical appearance, background, etc. Meanwhile I’m also thinking of locations and settings. A problem in my previous WiP was that I had barely any places to “go” to. So I’m doing too much world building now and will most likely not be using all of the places I come up with. And like I mentioned earlier, I’ve started outlining. Which I’ll be writing a separate post on later because honestly, outlines are holy to me and I cannot go without them. I’m basically working on separate elements right now, that’ll be put together like a puzzle when I start writing.
What are you most looking forward to about this novel? Finishing it? Haha, I have to admit I don’t really know (yet)! I’ve written things before (lots of awkward fan fiction included), but this will be the second time I’m actually planning on finishing a novel. My first Camp NaNo experience wasn’t the best one and it felt incredible to finis that first draft back in July. It’s also completely different from that project, so I’m excited to see it come to life!
List 3 things about your novel’s setting.
It’s set in a high fantasy world like Hyule in Zelda and the Throne of Glass world.
There’s technology, but it’s ancient, has a history and it’s not like anything we have now and/or know today.
There’s one big city. The castle isn’t actually in this city, but it’s somewhere else and has a “Castle Town”
What’s your character’s goal and who (or what) stands in the way? My main character’s goal is to save the world from an evil ruler. Obviously, this evil ruler stands in the way. There’s also her memory loss that makes it more difficult for her to achieve that goal. She doesn't know what part she plays in everything, and she doesn’t remember any of her friends! 
How does your protagonist change by the end of the novel? I’m not sure yet. She does get her memory back, but I think she’ll be looking at the world in a new and different way that she used to. It’s kind of like editing an old novel, right? You write something and then during editing you're like “Oh my god that’s so horrible/wrong/weird/etc.” I think that’s what’ll happen with my main character along her journey.
What are your book’s themes? How do you want readers to feel when the story is over? Honestly, I’ve never really thought of that when outlining or writing a novel! I think an important theme is that the hero in this story is a girl who’s basically the Prince’s personal guard. Do you ever see that in any YA fantasy? I never have! Another thing I think is important is a friendship that’s like a family. This group of people that help my main character along her journey are a very special bunch of people.
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ryttu3k · 8 years
Full text of Zelda’s diary and research notes, and the King’s journal.
Zelda’s Diary
Page 1: After meeting with the Champions, I left to research the ancient technology, but nothing of note came of my research. The return of Ganon looms - a dark force taunting us from afar. I must learn all I can about the relics so we can stop him. If the fortune-teller's prophecy is to be believed, there isn't much time left... Ah, but turning over these thoughts in my head puts me ill at ease. I suppose I should turn in for the night. P.S. Tomorrow my father is assigning HIM as my appointed knight...
Page 2: I set out for Goron City today to make some adjustments to Divine Beast Vah Rudania. I still recall feeling his eyes on me as I walked ahead. The feeling stayed with me so long, I grew anxious and weary. It is the same feeling I've felt before in his company... And still, not a word passes his lips. I never know what he's thinking! It makes my imagination run wild, guessing at what he is thinking but will not say. What does the boy chosen by the sword that seals the darkness think of me? Will I ever truly know? Then, I suppose it's simple. A daughter of Hyrule's royal family yet unable to use sealing magic... He must despise me.
Page 3: I said something awful to him today... My research was going nowhere. I was feeling depressed, and had told him repeatedly not to accompany me. But he did anyway, as he always does, and so I yelled at him without restraint. He seemed confused by my anger. I feel terribly guilty... and that guilt only makes me more agitated than I was before.
Page 4: I am unsure how to put today's events into words. Words so often evade me lately, and now more than ever. He saved me. Without a thought for his own life, he protected me from the ruthless blades of the Yiga Clan. Though I've been cold to him all this time... taking my selfish and childish anger out on him at every turn... Still, he was there for me. I won't ever forget that. Tomorrow, I shall apologize for all that has transpired between us. And then... I will try talking to him. To Link. It's worth a shot.
Page 5: Bit by bit, I've gotten Link to open up to me. It turns out he's quite a glutton. He can't resist a delicious meal! When I finally got around to asking why he's so quiet all the time, I could tell it was difficult for him to say. But he did. With so much at stake, and so many eyes upon him, he feels it necessary to stay strong and to silently bear any burden. A feeling I know all too well... For him, it has caused him to stop outwardly expressing his thoughts and feelings. I always believed him to be simply a gifted person who had never faced a day of hardship. How wrong I was... Everyone has struggles that go unseen by the world... I was so absorbed with my own problems, I failed to see his. I wish to talk with him more and to see what lies beneath those calm waters, to hear him speak freely and openly... And perhaps I, too, will be able to bare my soul to him and share the demons that have plagued me all these years.
Page 6: Father scolded me again today. He told me I am to have nothing more to do with researching ancient technology. He insisted that I focus instead on training that will help me awaken my sealing magic. I was so frustrated and ashamed I could not even speak. I've been training since I was a child, and yet... Mother passed the year before my training was to begin. In losing her, I lost not just a mother, but a teacher. Mother used to smile and tell me, "Zelda, my love, all will be well in the end. You can do anything." But she was wrong. No matter how I try or how much time passes... the sealing power that is my birthright evades me. Tomorrow I journey with Link to the Spring of Power to train. But this, too, will end in failure. Such is my curse.
Page 7: I had a dream last night... In a place consumed by darkness, a lone woman gazed at me, haloed by blinding light. I sensed she was... not of this world. I don't know if she was a fairy or a goddess, but she was beautiful. Her lips spoke urgently, but her voice did not reach me. Would I have heard her if my power was awoken? Or was my dream simply a manifestation of my fears? I am sure I will know the answer soon, whether I wish to or not...
Page 8: I turned 17 today. This means this is the day I will finally be allowed to train at the Spring of Wisdom. When Link arrives, we will set out for Mount Lanayru. The other Champions will accompany us there. I have not seen my father since he last scolded me. Things are too strained now... I will meet with him when I return. ... Actually... I've had a horrible feeling ever since that weird dream. No one would believe a failure of a princess, but... Right now, for no particular reason, I am filled with a strange and terrible certainty that something awful is about to happen.
Zelda’s Research Notes
Page 1: Today I met with Impa of the Sheikah tribe and began my research into the ancient technology in earnest. Impa introduced me to Purah and Robbie, other respected members of her tribe. Tomorrow I embark on an excavation with them. We hope to find ancient tech with which to operate the Guidance Stones.
Page 2: Today we uncovered some ancient technology that we believe may have the power to control the Guidance Stone. It is a rectangular object, small enough to be held in my two hands. Sheikah text is featured prominently on it. It is made of an unknown material, but we believe it is the same as the shrines scattered across each region. Impa proposed that I hold on to it for now. I hope that it leads to some new developments in our research.
Page 3: The stone relic we discovered has been named. We are calling it the Sheikah Slate. We have not found any mention of a name for this object in the records we have unearthed so far... Nevertheless, Purah insisted we call it the Sheikah Slate, as the relic is a slate made by the Sheikah tribe. Feels a bit on the nose to me, but it was not a fight I thought I could win.
Page 4: We did it. We were finally able to restore some functionality to the Sheikah Slate. We have discovered that this stone slate is capable of producing... images. Perfect liknesses of the things you point it at. Unlike normal pictures drawn by hand, this requires no artist to capture anything in perfect detail. I deeply admire the accomplishments of Sheikah technology. Still... I know there is more to learn. There must be. We believe the Sheikah Slate may have a function that will allow it to control the Guidance Stone. We must continue our research, and quickly.
Page 5:  We have started training the Champions who will pilot the Divine Beasts. It may sound rude that I found this unexpected, but Mipha mastered the controls with surprising ease. Daruk struggled at first, but eventually got the hang of it. Urbosa and Revali both managed just fine as well. I can finally see the light of hope in our fight against the rising Calamity.
Page 6:  Robbie has restored mobility to many of the Guardians we've excavated. ...But we have still yet to find all of the Guardians. Records mention greater numbers of them - and even other types. They are said to be stored in five giant columns that rest beneath Hyrule Castle. The thing is... no matter how I search beneath the castle, I can't seem to locate these columns. They must be buried deep. Were they perhaps designed to sense the appearance of Calamity Ganon and to only activate upon his return?
Page 7:  Countless ancient structures are being discovered across Hyrule... but all attempts to enter them have failed. Records indicate that these are facilities designed to train the hero who is fated to combat the Calamity. But the crucial activation mechanism remains a mystery. Is the Sheikah Slate the key to activating them? That is Purah's theory, and I concur. And yet, my experiments so far have been fruitless. Still, we must exhaustively investigate all means to opposing the Calamity. We must not give up, no matter what!
Page 8:  I spoke with Purah about the Shrine of Resurrection we discovered earlier. As we suspected, this particular shrine is, in fact, a medical facility with the power to heal. It also has a long-term stasis function that can be activated and maintained until healing is complete. In the war against the Calamity 10,000 years ago... were the injuries so great to necessitate such a facility? If so, I will remain uneasy until we have made all adjustments necessary to restore it to full working order. I can only pray that even if Calamity Ganon returns, our battle will not require the Shrine of Resurrection's power...
The King’s Journal
The Writings of Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule
Page 1: Today, as the sun rose and a new day was born, my daughter, too, joined this sweet world. In keeping with the traditions of the royal family, I have decided to name her... Zelda. I am not a man accustomed to frivolous musings, but now seems as good a time as any to begin my royal memorandum.
Page 2: Reports keep arriving regarding the excavation of relics. The fortune teller’s predictions seem to be coming true. Calamity Ganon was not a figure of fable, or even of legend. He actually existed in our great land of Hyrule. We must investigate all the relics, learn as much as we can. But understanding the Divine Beasts alone will take time... Zelda’s eyes lit up like a wildfire when I told her about the relics... I must admit, she has a knack for research.
Page 3: My queen has left this world. Her death was so sudden and unexpected. I awaken most nights unsure if she is really gone. Zelda never cried, never faltered. Not even during the royal funeral or later when she and I were alone with our grief. I must assume her strength is a result of us repeatedly informing her of her duty to be a valiant and steady princess. For a child of merely six years of age, her conduct was truly that of a born leader. Her strength gives me hope. From now on, I must raise her all alone... Now, only I remain to prepare her for her difficult future as princess of Hyrule.
Page 4: Zelda finally reported back after her visit to the fountain. It seems her sacred sealing power has still yet to awaken. It has been a year and three months since her mother passed. Perhaps she is held back by heartache too deep to heal. If the Ganon prophecy wasn’t looming over our heads, I would tell her to take her time... To wait until she is ready. But our situation is dire and leaves no room for weakness - even on behalf of my beloved daughter. My heart breaks for Zelda, but I must act as a king, not a father. I must order her to train relentlessly at the fountain.
Page 5: I was told Zelda went off to research ancient technology, so I had no choice but to confront her about it. She claims she was simply using her day off from training to indulge in a bit of research, but still I scolded her. She won’t get it through her head... Forcing me to tell her the same thing I have been repeating ad nauseam.  The reason her sacred powers still won’t awaken is because she’s spending all her efforts playing at being a scholar!
Page 6: In truth, I understand Zelda’s feelings. Painfully so. She lost her mother, her teacher, before she could learn from her. Ten pointless years of self-training, without so much as a book or note to help her find her way... Those in the castle talk behind her back. And I, her only family, scold her for her shortcomings. No wonder she wishes to hide away in her beloved relic research. I’d love nothing more than to console her... But I must stay strong. She MUST fulfill her duty, just as we all must. Even if she comes to despise me.
Page 7: I have been told my Zelda went to the Spring of Wisdom... This will likely be her last chance. If she is unable to awaken her power at Lanayru, all hope is truly lost. If she comes back without success, then I shall speak kindly with her. Scolding is pointless now. I forced 10 years of training on her... and after all that, it seems her power will stubbornly awaken some other way. Perhaps I should encourage her to keep researching her beloved relics. They may just lead her to answers I can’t provide. For now, I sit anxiously, more a father than a king in this moment. I sit and await my daughter’s return.
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maddiebiscuits · 8 years
Maddie’s Big Gigantic Breath of the Wild Write-Up Where I Talk About Things I Like and Things I Didn’t Like
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And regrettably, there are many things I did not like. But that doesn’t make this any less of a fantastic game that I enjoyed - I just wanted to put all my thoughts down in one spot. And yes, there’s spoilers.
--------------------------------------| Things I Like | ----------------------------------------
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You can read any review for the game and that’s pretty much this section. There’s not much to say about the core game that hasn’t already been said, dozens and dozens of times, by professional or at least more knowledgeable game reviewers and critics out there.
Breath of the Wild (BOTW) is a big return to the uttermost classic Zelda feeling, of being a plucky hero in a big world that’s yours to traverse and discover, and get through on your wits and skills alone. But I’d actually argue that BOTW does the sense of open world and exploration far better than any other Zelda game comparison, not for the size of the maps (and man oh man they are big) but in that it gives you all the tools you need to explore within the first area and then kicks you out the door into the world. Any and all Zelda games, including the first, regardless of how “open” and non-linear you think they are, have a formula in that to progress through certain points, you must find an item that allows you to do so. BOTW dismisses that notion entirely and teaches you the core game mechanics and gives you the tools to explore wherever you want after the first area, and that’s a good thing. I spent the first several hours (upwards of a collective 20 or so) getting lost and just exploring, cooking food, finding side quests, fighting monsters, scaling mountains, and in a big way that’s sort of how the game is intended to be played. It’s full of creatures to hunt or befriend, hills to snowboard down on your shield, an expansive and hilarious physics engine to exploit, NPCs to meet and quests to be found and completed.
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I like the provinces on the map, they’re either classic Zelda locations or call-backs to places from past games that weren’t always in Hyrule (large Majora’s Mask vibes, which makes sense, as this game takes place within the Child Era timeline). Even places that seemed the same at first ended up having subtle or severe differences, and of course the crisply-rendered graphics make the world vibrant, bright and inviting. While I miss the big orchestral scores I’m used to from other big console Zelda games, the subtle atmospheric music ended up being very nice and tonally appropriate, with familiar tunes sneaking in here and there in fun and sometimes beautiful ways.
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NPC designs are unique, expressive, and full of character. Towns and hubs have a real sense of being lived in, with their own culture and way of life. Locations have their own passive dangers and benefits that make the world feel exciting and treacherous, and you can take any kind of approach to all kinds of situations. You can make special buff food or elixirs (one of the most fun things to do because I love watching the little food bits jump around in the pot) to brave the elements or give yourself extra bulk, or you can wear specialty armor or clothing, or do both. You can dye most outfits too, and tame and register your own horses and customize them. While a part of me misses the iconic green garb, being able to traverse Hyrule on a jet-black steed decked out in skulls and tattered leather while my Link was adorned with sleek black armor and cloak is kind of the best (and you can get the garb later, and then just build a custom green outfit yourself, which is how I went into end-game) Any weapon is fair game to wield as well, which was another part I greatly enjoyed and gave an added sense to exploration and that “get by on what you can find” survival aesthetic the game provides.
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There really is a kind of subtle, almost accidental thoughtfulness to this game’s incarnation of Link. The background plot of the game describes, shows, and in some areas at least implies that Link was not a plucky hero from humble beginnings that the series is used to - Link was a prodigy in BOTW, a son of a proud and excellent knight who was to follow in his father’s footsteps to defend the kingdom and the royal family. Since he was a child he was groomed for this roll, despite the stress it caused him, until he became a trained and powerful warrior, even going so far as becoming the knight appointed to Princess Zelda, and wielding the Master Sword. He was the Hero from the beginning and was raised and trained his whole life to fulfill that role.
And he failed.
For all intents and purposes, Link in BOTW more or less dies (well, it’s implied he’s just unconscious and on the brink of death, but for my joking need to continue this “Link is the Chosen Undead” Dark Souls joke, yeah, he died). All the pomp and circumstance and careful, strict training surrounding his life ended up meaning nothing in the final grand scheme against Calamity Ganon. And this narrative carries not just to Link, but to the other cast of characters and Hyrule as a whole - years and years of careful planning and preparation was not what was needed to defeat Ganon.
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The game starts with Link being resurrected, with no memory of what happened 100 years ago and nothing to his name but a shirt and some shoes (and the Sheikah Slate I guess). But it’s this Link, stripped of everything, who has to cross the wilds and adventure, working his way up from scratch, completing test after test and trial after trial laid out by the ruined Hyrule and the ancient Sheikah sages in their shrines, who reclaims the Master Sword, earns the green garb (or doesn’t - you only get it if you complete all 120 shrines, which I think fits tonally because I wouldn’t exactly dub a guy who failed the first time a hero until he’s been thoroughly re-tempered for the task) and defeats Ganon. It’s not a bunch of strict, stately training given to a person who’s told their destiny from a young age and forced immediately to live up to it that makes a hero in Zelda games - it’s the plucky adventurer coming from little, courageously taking on feats bigger than them for the good of Hyrule and the people within it, working up to the final encounter.
Hyrule and the NPCs you meet echo that tone as well. It’s a world that’s had to pick up the pieces since Ganon re-emerged and laid waste to their world. Descendants and spiritual successors of champions from the past risking themselves for the good of their people, unprepared and outmatched compared to what they’re up against, but coming out on top with determination and follow-through in the end. The main story of BOTW has a bittersweet, but ultimately powerful and true-to-form Zelda tale that, on top of the immersion and pure fun the game provides is why it’s so easy to see why people have rated it so highly.
Unfortunately, extended playtime with this game revealed a ton of flaws and personal nitpicks, because despite what these scores claim, no game is perfect, and neither is BOTW.
----------------------------------| Things I Didn’t Like | -----------------------------------
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BOTW gets...repetitive, and at times annoying and even vacuous. I’d find a lot of really cool places during my exploration of Hyrule, but found that a lot of them just ended up being set-pieces to the world, with maybe a Korok hiding there (or maybe not, which was just super frustrating, climbing to a high mountain peak to find nothing up there). The game became measurably more enjoyable when I upgraded to full three stamina wheels, which took a lot of my early shrine upgrades to do, and that ugly, ugly little green wheel just constantly reminded me of how much I loathed it in Skyward Sword. I’d climb and climb and climb, usually not finding much of anything at the top later into the game. I’d find a set of interesting ruins, clear out the same enemies I’d fought 200 other times during the game, and not really find anything of interest within them. And god the enemies are repetitious. the same three core enemies in different colours, the same four or so core world bosses in different colours, the same Lynel and Guardians in different colours with ridiculous health bars that hit for 12 hearts a strike to impose the illusion of difficulty, when you end up just hitting them with ancient arrows, or using upgraded Stasis on them, or some other cheap trick because the combat and the difficult-to-time parrying and dodge/flurry attack prompts are not fun to activate (and if you fight them “properly”, especially the Lynels, get ready to run through all your resources).
When I go to a new area I want to see new enemies. Where are things like...I don’t know, Gibdos? Redeads? Poes? Darknuts? Skulltulas, Deku Babas, Gohmas, Armos, Dodongos, Aeralfos, Peahats, Likelikes SOMETHING ELSE besides these damn Lizalfos that keep JUMPING AROUND. I had one amazing encounter with a serpent dragon on an icy mountain peak, and had thought that I would have similar awesome encounters with the other two dragons in the game. Turns out the other two just sort of float around in locations and you don’t do anything with them except try to shoot them to farm items, no special encounters. Why.
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I’d find a weapon I’d love but it would break quickly, so I ended up forming this habit of hoarding good weapons, bows, and shields, thinking I’d have to save them for later for fear they’d break, then ran into a problem where I was constantly getting showered in weaponry and had to play min-max on their attack numbers to decide what I was taking with me and what I wasn’t. I’d run into Koroks constantly to upgrade my storage space, but over time the malaise of searching for them after about 270 (out of a grand total of 900 Koroks) became too tedious and I stopped doing hyper-thorough canvasing of areas, especially because the canvasing didn’t really yield anything that exciting. I began, less and less, taking my horse places with me, because I could fast-travel and paraglide to locations I wanted to explore, and very often they were places I couldn’t even take my horse to. Armor variety, which I liked, ended up making a big chunk of food and elixir buffs superfluous and I no longer really felt a sense of danger or need to prepare for big exciting ventures into the bitter cold or so on. And upgrading armor ends up being a nightmare, as high-end stuff requires farming very precious materials, and if there’s one thing I did not like about Skyward Sword, it’s farming for materials.
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Environmental hazards that could not be overridden with food or armor, particularly rain, halted my gameplay. I’d be trying to scale a cliff and, whoops - it was raining, which means you slip all the way down or exhaust your stamina trying to force through it. I’d have to go somewhere else and halt my progress on that spot, or attempt to find a place to make a fire and wait out the rain, which seems realistic in theory, but disrupts gameplay in practice. There’s also this weird abundance of cold areas in the game, but only really one hot area and only one “you’ll literally catch on fire here” area. A lot of shrine tests revolve around the same combat trial against the same enemy with a fluctuating health pool and do not get me started on the frustrating motion control mechanics for a few. I played the game on the Wii U as I did not want to get a Switch just yet, and suffered draw distance, framerate and even freezing issues. I figured this was an issue with the Wii U hardware, but hilariously it turns out this is an issue on the Switch as well (as an aside...it’s not really a good idea to have your flagship launch title with your new console be a game that the console can’t even run...)
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Then there was the story. I know I just talked a lot of good about it, but the thing is, the tones and storytelling I was talking about come across as...accidental, a sort of side-effect of the game as a whole. I don’t really play Zelda games for top-tier story - let’s be real, Zelda games do not necessarily provide enriching, unique narrative experiences. They are fun, generic adventure games with action-RPG elements, and that alone is enough to make them classics beloved by so many. But it’s been 25 years and the world of Zelda has expanded into a deep-reaching and ridiculous lore, enough that it has enough content to provide for a hard-cover art book, a historia featuring a collective timeline with three branching routes, and an upcoming encyclopedia. As years go by, narrative elements in Zelda games, such as story and character development, become larger and more prominent as the series develops. This is not a bad thing, and as a huge Zelda lore nerd myself it gives games a bit of extra appeal for me personally.
The issue with BOTW, and maybe the Zelda series as a whole, is that it’s kind of “blooming late” on the story and character narrative department in a generation where huge arcing epics with deep and relatable characters run regular in a lot of mainstream triple-A titles. BOTW, for example, is the first Zelda game to feature voice acting, something I was very wary about when I first heard about it, and ended up being rightfully wary. No it’s not terrible - the cast is doing the best they can with the stilted dialogue and passive direction they clearly had to work with, but it creates a very underwhelming and at times embarrassing experience that shouldn’t be so in a time when English dubbing/voice acting and localization is at some of it’s best (though not always of course), especially for a big-name title like Zelda from a big-name company like Nintendo. If this was the first time they were going to try voice-acting, this doesn’t really inspire me to look forward to it being a repeated trend in other titles. And even then, there’s actually only a handful of scenes that are actually voice-acted, with the rest of it being the usual textbox scrawls with some vocal sounds over top like in previous games, which begs the question as to why they bothered to go with the voice work at all.
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BOTW does something I refer to as A Plot and a B Plot, the A Plot being the main over-arching story of the game and the B Plot beside an over-arching side-story of the game. Typically, A Plots are the here-and-now of a form of media, it takes place in the present, with the B Plot being in the past, the future, or behind the scenes but being woven into the A Plot. When I set out to play BOTW, I thought that the failings of the past and it’s events would be the B Plot, with the A Plot as the here and now, focusing on new characters who would pick up the mantle of those who had fallen and see me into battle with Ganon. I thought I would follow the trials and tribulations of Princess Zelda in the A Plot, as well as the four champions, but it turns out, I was wrong.
When the game starts, the four champions are dead, and Princess Zelda is keeping Ganon trapped within Hyrule Castle, her power about to expend. At first I thought this was tonally appropriate - after all, they did fail, and it is supposed to paint a bleak picture of Hyrule. But this also meant that the only way for me to really learn or care about these characters was through optional flashbacks, and flashbacks are not really good tools to tell a story most of the time. I went and collected every memory, but didn’t really end up learning anything particularly new or exciting about any character other than Zelda herself - a wonderful character and incarnation of the classic princess, who is, honestly, a nerd. She’s an insecure scholar, burying herself in research to escape the stress of her failed ability to use her magic (Triforce, Light Force, I don’t know - the Triforce doesn’t feature at all in the game), the loss of her mother, and her honestly mean and scornful father and the doubtful whispers of her kingdom. She’s in over her head, and while her abilities and passion are best suited for studying the ancient technology and the Divine Beasts, at every turn it seems that she is forced away from this and told to focus on her destiny, that of using her sealing power to trap Ganon away. It plays again on that theme that pre-conceived notions and strict preparation in the name of prophecy and destiny and what have you still lead to failure, and that it’s through the heart of adventure and discovery that heroes that can defeat the darkness are forged. I expected that new champions would rise to replace the failed ones of the past, born from the adventure and sudden struggle of Ganon suddenly re-emerging, without any preparation beforehand. I expected Zelda to get her big moment where she proves that she doesn’t need old rituals and prayers to unlock her power, and that her inner strength comes from her true passions, and uses her research and scholar prowess to find ways to balk Ganon and use her power. I expected new heroes to rise and take control of the Divine Beasts in the steed of the failed champions of the past.
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Well that doesn’t happen. The Divine Beasts get piloted by the ghosts of the fallen champions, who are ultimately dull and kind of not really likeable save maybe one or two. The new characters who help you get onto the Divine Beasts, which act as the “main” dungeons in the game, fall to the wayside and are forgotten after, apparently unable to become champions themselves (as only “champions” can board the beasts, apparently) despite the trials they face to assist Link and fight back against Ganon to save their people. The main dungeons lose their luster quickly too - they’re puzzle-based, requiring the same mechanic for each one (find five terminals, beat the boss at the end, each boss looks kind of the same). Something I thought was interesting was that each beast can be controlled from within, and you use that mechanic to solve puzzles. Two of the beasts end up using the same tilt mechanic though, and three beasts require shooting arrows at it to board (two of which are bomb arrows), and with the beasts’ interiors all looking the same it just sort of gets...a bit dull after a while. Been there, done that, done this, again. I really do miss more classic Zelda dungeons if just for the cheese factor, but this game does not have them.
Since the game has to use flashbacks instead of a continuous story to show the development and relationships of the characters (where dialogue is delivered unnaturally), the original four champions seem very one-note, defined by maybe one or two traits. The case of Revali is especially frustrating. Why is he so mean to Link? Is it his pride, did something occur between them, is it something else? We don’t know, we never learn, because primary characters introduced are not developed, he’s Just The Rival character, to fulfill the trope. His introduction in a mandatory flashback comes from Link literally looking at a bunch of planks of wood on a flight landing (I’m serious), and Revali is more or less an arrogant jerk to the end because That’s His Character I suppose. While we’re on the subject, the entirety of Rito Village is a wash - NPCs talk about how there’s nothing to do there, the Divine Beast is not causing any serious harm, it’s just not letting the Rito fly as high as they like and is being a general nuisance, the Rito that helps you board is just Some Guy and you don’t really see him again unless you want to do yet another optional and inconsequential mini-game. The dungeon is easy, borrows a boarding scenario from another beast, and borrows its in-dungeon mechanic from another beast. The whole area is such a let-down.
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And then there’s Zelda, my poor, poor Zelda. She fails, just as everyone does, and I thought, and hoped, and prayed, just as I said before, that her inner strength would come through in the form of doing things HER way, using her research and her smarts, sticking it to the father and the people who didn’t believe in her by succeeding with the very methods they disapproved of. Well no - she activates her sealing power at the last second to protect Link because she loves him. It’s “tru wuv” that sparks her big character moment, where she does exactly what destiny pre-determined she do, not some awesome defiant moment where she pools her strength and self-confidence through her research and herself. She doesn’t even get to research and discover for herself that the power is apparently so closely linked to her “heart” or whatever generic nonsense works the magic this time - gotta love The Boy, that’s what makes you strong. And this is not extrapolating - when you complete all the shrine quests Kass the Rito bard gives, you can see him at Rito Village, where he tells the story of his teacher and the events just before the Calamity, and how his teacher fell in love with the princess, but the princess was in love with her appointed knight. The song his teacher taught to Kass after his teacher witnessed Zelda unlocking her powers was how her love for her knight was what brought it to the surface. Even the Zora champion Mipha, who I guess was supposed to be some callback to Rito from Ocarina of Time in a way, hints that her amazing healing ability is born by “thinking about who she cares about most”, and that’s not her family or friends or anything, that’s Link - who she loves and adores and wants to marry because that’s the Rito callback I guess.
I was so angry, it’s trite and tropey and ruins half the tone the game manages to do so well. Show me a BOTW Zelda who overcomes after failure not through “true love” and all the pre-destined nonsense that lead them all to failure to begin with, but the scholar she is using her research, her passion for knowledge, her wisdom, to unlock her power, to stop the Guardians, to seal Ganon.
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Oh and then there’s Ganon. “Calamity Ganon”, now a non-character - just an amorphous, shadowy entity of no real interest. I suppose you could say that after the events of Twilight Princess or Four Swords, Ganon(dorf) is really no more, no longer a proper physical entity, no longer the Gerudo man who had ambitions or menace or a tangible presence when he entered a room - that person was long since defeated properly, and it’s only the lingering malice, that sort of twisted essence of the primordial Demise from Skyward Sword, that remains. From a lore perspective that works, but it doesn’t make for an interesting villain, just like flashbacks don’t make for interesting storytelling and character development. The final battle in and of itself is hugely underwhelming too. Calamity Ganon’s first form is an apparently “incomplete” gooey, robotic spider...thing...it’s very ugly as a design in a game that’s had largely strong character and enemy designs, except for the Divine Beast bosses which, I guess fits tonally. And unlike other enemies where you can kind of take multiple approaches to the battle, you MUST bounce the laser beams in the second half of the fight back at the boss with either a shield parry or the Master Sword, which I think is the game trying to do the old “tennis mechanic” callback but it’s really...kind of janky and often unresponsive? The second form LOOKED much cooler and more tonally appropriate, with a huge, flaming Dark Beast out in Hyrule Field that I’d ride around on my trusty steed fighting. But instead Dark Beast Ganon just faces one direction only, shooting lasers at nothing. Your horse sort of meanders around and you just ride updrafts or stand safely beside it waiting for Zelda to shout very loudly and clearly about the GIANT GLOWING TRIFORCE-SHAPED WEAK POINTS you can hit with your Light Arrows - it’s all an exact, even easier version of all the “boarding the Divine Beast” scenarios you did earlier in the game.
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Zelda re-appears, seals Ganon, gives these really wishy-washy smiles and lines. The ghosts of the king and the Champions linger in the silhouette of Hyrule Castle and say nothing. We get no closure on the king and Zelda, who as far as the game wishes to imply in flashbacks and a hidden diary the king left in the castle, parted on extremely tense and unfavorable terms. the Champions get no final word in either. Zelda is shown after the credits kind of just...acting like everything’s a bit “back to normal”, saying her and Link need to go to Zora’s Domain to give the king closure on Mipha which...it’s been 100 years he’s...more or less made peace with the death of his daughter by now as was shown earlier in the game. Zelda says she can no longer hear the “voice” in the Master Sword and admits her powers must have weakened over the course of 100 years, but she’s actually okay with that for once, which I think would have been a bit more powerful of a statement to her character if she’d previously shown that her own determination and smarts were her true strengths all along, and not this HUGELY powerful magic. There’s a shot of the Silent Princess flower at the end, a flower that in the game Zelda comments on, saying that it cannot bloom in captivity and only in the wilds. Again, it would be a very thematically-appropriate metaphor for how Zelda’s true strength came from her journeys in the wild, focusing on her unique strengths and not those pre-determined by her destiny, but the game has her...literally in a state of “captivity” holding Ganon back. If anything the Silent Princess flower metaphor makes a stronger thematic statement for Link, not Zelda, and that’s really telling about how inconsistent and weak a lot of the story-telling is in this game. It was clearly supposed to really be about the relationship between Link and Zelda and their character development, but since they spend the entire game separated and only show shallow interactions of them together in short flashbacks that only really serve to develop Zelda (as well as her diary entries found in the castle), things end up feeling...vapid, forced and ultimately weak.
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And I just...want to fight. A Darknut. One damn Darknut and have a cool sword fight. Or a Poe. Not another dAMN LIZALFOS. LET ME CLIMB TO THE TOP OF A MOUNTAIN AND FIND A WHOLE DUNGEON UP THERE.
In summary, Breath of the Wild is excellent. But I’m a huge nerd and it’s clear that a lot of people who reviewed this game only went in for about 20 or so hours and didn’t complete it before passing final verdict. I hope Nintendo builds from this game’s strengths and learns it’s weaknesses.
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