#and like yeah have your opinion idc even if i don't agree with it
ripclaudia · 2 years
jskdkfkff why would anyone tag a post where they say they're uncomfortable with a relationship with said relationship's name. like what are u trying to accomplish here
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echo · 7 months
this is a response to @anarcho-yorpism's tag for me in this post. i'm not directly rbing bc that post is long and it has a lot going on in the notes.
anyway please note all of my responses here are my own, and not representative of Staff or tumblr. i am not T&S and have zero power to make any moderation decisions here.
with that disclaimer:
Predstrogen received a message from Tumblr saying she was banned for "sexual content". If she was not, why was she told this, why were her transition photos removed, and why has she still not been told the actual reason? (I understand not making it public, but it is your policy to tell the user) If she was, what was this sexual content, if not her transition timeline?
i can't really directly answer this for few reasons. firstly, i feel that staff shouldn't talk about her anymore bc i feel this continued controversy will only attract more harassment for her on other platforms.
secondly, as a low-level staffer talking about moderation decisions can get me, y'know, fired. i'd prefer not to do that.
also just like... i want to avoid getting into a narrative of "well she did bad things so she deserves it" or whatever. idc if she broke the rules or not, she didn't deserve what happened.
i know this isn't terribly satisfying to hear, but i'd like to be honest about why i'm not saying more at least.
If you can't answerblegal questions, ignore this question: The NYCLU settlement agreed that Tumblr would fix its moderation so it targeted transfem users less. Why has there been no comment on the settlement and actions taken since? There could genuinely be a large legal case against Tumblr after this, and I love this site and don't want that to happen. Also, wasn't it illegal under GDPR to release her usernames?
i'm not able to answer legal questions. i don't know the exact text of the agreement, but it mostly boiled down to some training and stuff from my personal experience there.
however not as a staffer but as NYC trans human: i would not put a ton of faith in the NYCCHR. they have some noble goals but they are a chronically underfunded city agency that in practice does very little to curb real-world violence against marginalized people. i tried to use them myself when my landlord was kicking me out right after i had surgery and they didn't even get back to me until months after everything resolved. nobody i know in the community out here has been helped by them off the top of my head.
i have sincere doubts in relying on the state to help people here.
A lot of transfem users don't like vague language like "prioritize", especially given point 2 and Matt's statement that improving moderation was not on the agenda. I understand you can't reveal company secrets in an already risky post, but we would like to see the specific actions taken after this, given a lot of broken trust by what @\photomatt has said. Are any of the trans women banned recently for "sexual content" going to have their accounts restored?
i don't know. i'm pushing internally for at least a review of everyone suspended to see if the less egregious stuff can be reversed. but like i said, i don't have a ton of power as i'm not in charge of anything.
and yeah, "prioritize" is vague corpo-speak. i know some stuff is shifting internally and what we said does match what is happening inside. but also... i've been disappointed before.
i can say i'm tentatively optimistic. people are responding seriously, and being asked our opinions for once is pretty nice. but also, systemic stuff is hard. i trust in my fellow workers and i'll continue to fight until i can't anymore.
so... yeah. i genuinely wish i can be more informative here, but what we wrote (and i want to emphasize we here, it was not just me by any stretch!!) is what we can say in an official capacity.
i'm just frustrated, tired, angry, depressed... and also weirdly hopeful?
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messrsrobyn · 2 months
hii i hope this isn’t too brash (?), but what are your thoughts on character bashing in the marauders fandom ?? i feel like the term “character bashing” gets thrown around a lot when people come across characterizations that they don’t necessarily agree with, when to me character bashing has always been one-dimensional and is meant to advance the plot or character development for the mc(s). like in some drarry fics w/ weasley or hermione bashing. the OOC-ness isn’t fleshed out or relevant at all outside of harrry growing closer to draco or him not trusting dumbledoore/ the light side anymore. so when i see some people on (specifically) tiktok cry character bashing in a certain fic (choices *cough* WHO SAID THAT) … i’m like 🤨 character bashing ?? bc 8/10 of they just come across a characterization of a character they didn’t like/agree with. and that’s fine, but imo not agreeing w/ a characterization does not equal character bashing 😭 most of the time the character bashing they claim is occurring is actually just a well flushed out character w/ flaws 🤷‍♀️
(i do hope you’re doing well 🫶🫶)
oh em gee we've transferred the yaps to tumblr this is a revolutionary moment.
finna put it after the break so people can skip past if they want !!
tl;dr - i think the term itself is so silly but if we *are* using it, then yeah people do infact just use the term when they dislike how something has been portrayed.
character bashing is fine. like in every way shape or form imo because we ALL explore fandom differently. like idc if someone bashes regulus in a fic because that's how THEY want to engage in fandom. it really doesn't affect me and i don't quite understand why it's always a big thing?? (fandom discourse as a whole makes no sense to me tbh xox)
like in drarry !! as you said !! i LOVE lily's boy as we know, and that is *heavy* on the ron/hermione/molly bashing and i got SO MANY messages and nasty comments when i first posted about it back in like april? when i had 3k? "erm 🤓☝🏻 you can't promote this fic because it bashes herm-" i can and i will bc it was a fab fic and the character bashing was relevant. and then for a good month whenever i posted a drarry fic rec where there isn't character bashing, i'd get a comment like "uhhh i thought you hated hermione?"
no. because i can view each individual fic as just that. individual. it's why i can hate snape in some fics and adore him in others. it's almost like each fic is different and written for a different purpose and by a different person and with different opinions.
i think the term is dumb and that the sun will stilll rise. that's how i feel about most fandom discourse tbh. the world keeps spinning 🙏
but if we are using the term then i think you're right !! people just use it when it doesn't fit their characterisation. sometimes it's just,,, the plot. i don't necessarily have set characterisations?? like ofc i have my fav hcs and dynamics but i explore outside of that every. day. so character bashing has never been an issue for me bc i just love seeing all these characters through different perspectives.
it's the same kinda way that i feel about buzzwords being thrown around the fandom as well - which i've spoken about on tt before. it ties in with the misogyny discussions where if a female character is "bashed" that word gets thrown around and it's like 🧍🏻‍♂️🧍🏻‍♂️no. i fear it's just the plot. i fear it's just the character. (and most of the time it's not even bashing, the woman just isn't the pinnacle of moral righteousness and she's just a complex person with depth who sometimes makes mistakes,,, like a person does)
when one of the MCs (normally sirius) dates mary pre-wolfstar and people say "erm 🤓☝🏻 it's misogynistic" i actually want to CRY. no it isn't. it's the plot. or, as you say, choices with what happens during the war chapters. "ermmmm this is misogy-" IT'S THE PLOT 😭🙏 it's almost like the whole fic is about the choices you make and how morality isn't always black and white !! god forbid the complex characters fighting in a war as young adults and facing atrocities every single day are complex.
terms like character bashing, misogynistic, homophobic ETC ETC ETC are thrown around so so so liberally in this fandom that they just lose all value. no, it's not racist to like regulus i beg of you to think critically. no, it isn't character bashing because they aren't characterised exactly how you want them to, it's almost as if SOMEONE ELSE wrote the fic. it's almost as if you're reading SOMEONE ELSE'S story and perspective.
go write your own if you're so concerned about it.
idk if any of this made sense i think i'm more eloquent when speaking verbally about things, but yeah. idc about character bashing. like at all. the world will keep spinning if someone characterised one of the fictional wizards in a way i didn't particularly enjoy, it's fine.
it all comes down to something i've said before which is the more aggressive sides of the fandom wanting to be the best marauders fan out there. wanting to be the one with the best hcs, the best ideas, the best morals etc etc when really we're all just massive nerds who read fanfiction and most of us take joy out of different characterisations. i know i do !!
in fact, give me more character bashing. i want to see them all portrayed in every possible way 🙏🙏
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stanlunter · 1 month
“what terfs are you even talking about” well let’s see, how about people who are very obviously on radblr? gender-critical-analytical, liberate-women-now, quinntheestallion, and thistlefemmebi just to name a few? not to mention one of your recent posts about being anti-butchfemme, which has been one of their talking points about heteronormativity being forced upon lesbians since the 70s. and now i’m hearing from another ex-mutual of yours followed by a screenshot of your comment that you’re anti genderqueer/xenogenders? let’s not play plausible deniability here. like i said, i was in your position before and it always ends the same. i know some of the blogs i’ve seen you repost from, they’re blatant terfs, not just feminists.
and, lmao, imagine turning off anon because vulnerable people that rhetoric is affecting are calling you out with stuff as basic as “your takes are shit and we know it, please be warned” 💀 i was being sincere last time, not attacking you.
Oh, I think I got what you was talking about
I scrolled my acc and yeah, the was a post about abortions and how stupid pro-lifers areI reblogged from someone a gender-critic acc, probably there were more topic about women rights, but that's too far to scrol. Yeah, I checked some accs you referred to, and you're right, they were either terfs, or just radical feminits (still don't know if that's the same thing or not tho, but anyways). However, thistlefemmebi has good points, especially about bisexuality, even tho I can say I agree with some (especially with splitting women up on musculine and femine, bc yeah, I think that's a sexist thing that spreads stereotypes and if you wanna discuss it, I wouldn't mind)
Yeah, I didn't know about them and actually, I don't even know them, bc usually I don't check every acc whose post I reblog. I usually do it if U agree with the point of the post and don't even care who post it, may be I should check the people before doing stuff, Ill think about it later
Anyways, yeah, I should have been turned on the anonymous questions much earlier, being anon in the social media that already helps you being anon doesn't make any sense tbh, it already allows you to be completely honest, so there is no point in hiding something there
But I don't remember having any wrong takes tho and I obviously don't refuse of any of my bisexuality takes, or takes about pro-choice, or about Lunter, catradora, splitting women up on masculine and femine, or or that xeno"genders" have nothing to do with transgender people or even genders, that's enought to just google what gender is to know that tho and etc, so, Idc what you want for me
Like I said, if you wanna discuss any my take you disagree with, you can comment the post or ask me about that topic, or even directly send a message, bc for obvious reason, Im not gonna discuss all the topics you disagree with under one anon ask, I have written a lot of explanations before and have no wish to just copy them for you
Also, I don't think you can "call out" anyone in a social media which goal is to share opinion and discuss thing, which already implies being completely honest, which is basically the reason you are allowed to ask such questions
So, I hope we got each other
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jaeger-pups · 1 year
omegaverse!Zekeren : a touchy disagreement?
Z: look I understand if you're mad but you're being reckless at this point
Z: Answer your damn phone, Eren
Z: think. you're by yourself out there
E: I AM thinking! I just need some air, fuck
Z: You left almost three hours ago
E: so fucking what? Stop texting me
E: in case screening your calls isn't making it clear, I do not want to speak to you
E: either of you.
E: I can't believe you actually agreed w/ him
Z: for what it's worth, I genuinely didn't think i was picking a side. Or that it'd upset you this much
Z: Grisha made a valid point though
Z: whether you see it or not
E: See WHAT?? you and dad are NEVER on the same page
E: about ANYTHING!
E: you couldn't have picked a worst stance to get behind
Z: what, that you're not like typical omegas?
Z: I didn't agree w/ that to insult you
E: yea but that's what HIS whole aim was, I bet
E: to make me feel like shit🙄
E: really could've left my gender out of it
E: it's always a cheap shot idc
E: "dOnT yOu ThInK iT'll Be DiFFiCuLt FoR yOu To FiNd An AlPhA wHo'LL pUt Up wItH a TeMpEr LiKe YoUrS?"
E: "hOnEsTlY, eReN. yOu sHoUlDnT sPeAk To AlPhAs LiKe ThAt. YoU mAkE yOuRsElF a TaRgEt."
E: he's always making me out to be fucking different
E: like it's a bad thing
E: what if I don't WANT to be like other omegas?
E: what if I don't CARE what Alphas think of me?
Z: It's just complicated, little brother
Z: honestly I think Grisha's just concerned about you
E: ugh, what fucking world do we live in where you're suddenly willing to VOUCH for him?
E: this feels sexist af why are you not on my side?
Z: I am on your side, ffs Eren! I just agreed w him about your temper. Even I’VE told you to be more careful. Have I not?
Z: you need to come back home. I gave Carla my word i wouldn't leave before you got back
Z: or that I'd go out and find you if you took too long
E: I'm still annoyed
E: I probably need like another half hour or something out here at least
Z: How far did you storm off?
E: far enough where I could rage in peace?😒
Z: It's getting dark out.
E: mhm.
Z: Eren.
E: I mean are you trying to persuade me? Or is this more of a command-thing?
Z: I wouldn't command you. You know that.
E: not that you couldn't. 😒
Z: I wouldn't is what I said. I couldn't do that to you.
E: cus I'm an omega.
Z: well... yes. That's part of it.
E: see? Now there YOU go doing it
E: reducing me to my God damn gender
E: I can defend myself, yknow. I don't need anyone hovering over me in case I make myself anymore "undesirable" 😑
Z: no one said you're undesirable, Eren
E: it's close enough. The way HE gets on my case, at least 🙄
E: you have no idea how hard it is, Zeke
E: like no idea. It's so much simpler to be an Alpha. Or a Beta.
E: at least no one undermines your thoughts or opinions. Or makes you feel like your sole purpose is submission & pleasing everyone else.
Z: I know I can't understand. But I hear you.
E: it gets so fucking frustrating
E: he acts like I fucking chose this or something.
E: I'm more pissed at him than at you honestly
E: cus its just like... constantly w/ him.
Z: yeah.
E: you know what I mean?
Z: ...Yeah. yes, actually.
E: right, so... idk.
E: i don't hate being an omega. It's not like... unbearable. Dangerous and annoying sometimes but.
E: dad just... makes me feel like I do it wrong or something. HE’S not even an omega, so it's like how tf can he tell me how to handle it? How to behave, even.
Z: Sorry for not realizing it was a sore subject
E: it's fine ig.
E: I mean at least you guys agreed on something for a change
E: I'm trying to get better w/ my temper too. He just never notices when im doing pretty good
E: cus even though I think it's performative...
E: I mean... I can talk less. And do chores. And cook; clean.
E: I can be an omega the way people expect.
E: I'm not different on purpose.
Z: you're perfect.
Z: Grisha's just always had this tunnel vision w his expectations for his kids
Z: you don't have to meet anyone's standards but your own tho
Z: Carla and Grisha just worry.
E: yea I know.
Z: you still have to be careful out here too, though.
E: ...I know. Sorry i ran off.
E: I'm coming back now. Mom's probably thinking the worst.
Z: well you're not wrong lol. She was able to relax when i told her you were finally responding to me
E: ok. Could you meet me halfway? It is pretty dark out.
Z: 😏 started walking maybe five minutes ago.
E: lucky you're so intuitive, huh? Lol do you even know where I am?
Z: I'll find you, trust me
E: right, cus you're an Alpha? Must be nice😮‍💨
Z: bc I'm your brother. I could find you in my sleep
E: still. Must be nice being able to depend on instincts that aren't almost exclusive reminders to 'submit, cower and please'😕
Z: can't imagine.
E: ikr. I'm omw tho.
Z: alright. I'll meet you in the middle.
Z: stay on the trail though.
E: yeah yeah, big brother. I hear you. "Good omegas are indoors before the streetlights are on" and all. I know, I know.
Z: lol where'd you hear that?
E: Aunt Faye.
Z: haven't heard from her in a little while. Since New Years, I think
E: she talks to mom a lot. Asks about you, too
Z: I'll have to call and check in.
E: yea. but come get me first :<
Z: lol of course. i'm coming.
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chuluoyi · 9 months
It's okay! I hope you enjoyed your break!!
YES there is a Xmas event omg I'm broke... BUT you have a chance bbg let's gooooo
😭😭 Unholy blood is so SO good tho!! Like Tbh I never liked vampires and stuff but this plot is so interesting I LOVE it. And to top it all off with ROMANCE- *chef's kiss*
Omg tell me once you've read it! I just started reading it haha!
omg right? No longer a heroine is so good like I love her character development! I also recc "Sister's war". It's by the same artist! It's so drama but I live for it.
hehe no probs Chu! I love giving reccs hahaha
OH and that's on my TBR omg glad to hear it's good I'll read it soonnn
.... No surprises there... Ngl she's a walking red flag... no offence but I have really no words...
AW it's an honour 🥹🥹
hahaha I can't sleep in I've got like 3 projects due in Jan... My trip to Kuantan [YES KUANTAN] was only 4 days long.... I need a longer break istg banking and finance isn't being good to me AT ALL.
YEAH I GET YOU I can't even go to school without light makeup cause I feel like everyone would judge me if I went bare faced bruh. Plus in my school, we don't have a uniform so everyone just dresses up. I don't have much clothes but I still gotta dress up cause the other girls look like they're going for a fashion show... Eyeshadow eyeliner and lipstick too! Like my extracurricular activity is makeup but I don't even feel like doing makeup everyday before going to school like PLS I'm there to study not to look good?!
Sorry for ranting HAHAH and yeah that's how I spent my secondary school breaks too! I love "Haikyuu" my first anime was "Yuri!! On ice". The 2nd one is gay but it's pretty good in my opinion. I love Violet evergarden too omg. For shows... I watch a LOT of K-dramas and my fave is "While you were sleeping" and "The Hymn of death". The latter is a short one, 3 eps if I rmb correctly! But it's so good and angsty HAHHA
YEAH I think I know that acc omg! I don't follow her but I always receive notifs from her- I DO hope he's alive tho! My non-JJK friends like to send me pics of half Gojo... You know the kitkat one?? Brutal...
YEAH LEVI SO FINE FR!!! Hotness at it's finest oh my goodness Idc if he's half blind and short and older than me he's the definition of a MAN
Oh my OH MY Taytay supremacy 🥹🥹🥹 I agree it's all so relatable like every song is a story itself!
Thanks for the tips, Chu 😭😭😭 I should try the forum... I hope it can help me....
Hahah totally relatable! When I started Accounting 2 years back I was like ?!??!?! More than half the time HAHAH like JUST BALANCE 😭😭😭 You'll make my life a whole load easier.... 1 financial statement is worth 20 marks... so you can imagine how much I'll suffer if I don't balance it.. Okay but I prefer my maths and languages over sciences 🫠🫠 I suck at Bio... But I kinda like chemistry ngl it's quite fun
hehehe it's nothing!!! and thankss I did enjoy it!!
Also, when I went to Kuantan heard the mayor was planning to build a LEGIT REAL LIFE memorial for Nanami 😭 She's in the midst of liaising with Gege and JJK editors. Its so cute how Kuantan is using Nanami as their marketing strategy 😭😭 Istg all the Nanami girlied will FLOCK to Kuantan just to take a pic with the memorial HAHHA
Okay I think I've written too much 🤭🤭 Hope to hear from you soonnnnnn 🩵🩵🩵🩵
disco anonn!!🥹🥹 i have just gotten back from luke's bakerlon card omg i'm positively swooning it's my most fav card now AAAAAA
it's the same childhood friends luke rosa but takes place in bakerlon, really. and there's this little angst between them, forbidden love trope, and rosa is as brilliant as always if not more!! i love luke so much he's always there for her like aaaaaaaaa
and in the beginning, we get to see luke all serious and with that lower voice too🫠🫠
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and the xmas event!! good lord i put all schips i have again and got marius so i think okay that's worth it🥹 i haven't read it yet but will after this! thank god they make luke an SR one or else😭😭
samee!! i used to think vampire stories are usually over-the-top but unholy blood makes it so modern i love it sm😭 it's to the point that i'm rereading it several times because the ending is just tooo bittersweet don't you think?😭 like we won but at what cost... pastor michael's sacrifice at the beginning of the chapter never fails to bring me to tears ugh
wait i actually didn't find the author's new work because i got tangled up somehow. is it apostle's creed? i ended up reading that🥲 but i think it's one of her older works...
okay okay i live for all drama!🥹 as of now i'm still on death is the only ending for villainess! it's so good omg thank you for the recs i just realized that i once read it too but then forgot it halfway🥲 i totally remember callisto's smirk alright. now i'm picking it up AHAHAH
you're going to kuantan!? omg i hope you have fun there!!🥹 to be honest silly me didn't know than kuantan is in malaysia before jjk🥲 but yes i saw this one ad that features nanami for kuantan😭 and yes me too! year end means work after work so i'm quite literally dying these days🥲 once january comes i'll be submitting my one-week leave!
i so relate to you!! but it's so cool that your school doesn't have any uniform and that you have makeup as an extracurricular?! i used to hate my high school skirt sm because they made it so long i had to cut it🥲 AHAHHAA omg like going to fashion show🥲🥲 i used to get this hate(?) from these group of questionable boys for wearing powder at school whereas they also mocked girls who were bare-faced as well. istg they were simply weird😩
that's perfectly okay!! you can rant whenever you want with me!🥹 ahh i've heard of yuri on ice too back then it was kind of booming?🥹 and HYMN OF DEATH I WATCHED IT LEE JONGSUK omg his dramas are always good🥹 and shin hyesun's acting is always top-notch too. i love shin hyesun in angel's last mission the most though because the story is just generally sweet!
that KITKAT HAHAHAHAH😭😭 i know that and also this one meme of gojo's half body with christmas hat. gods i hate that meme sm😭 my bf loves it he's so insufferable
hotness at its finest is so real ahahahaha
you're welcome!!🥹 i personally feel the forum is so helpful even though we asked the basics so i hope it'll help you too!
THAT'S SO TRUE or the exams would only consists of 2 financial statements which means each of them worth 50 marks?!😭 that sort of headache is what makes me choose engineering as my major in uni but then now at work i'm somehow back to dealing with finances and such *siiiigh*
omg you like math? i used to hate that even more than economics🥹 because i'd tear my hair out for finding x and y and for the life of me, i can't solve those kind of questions fast😩 and same! i suck in bio bcs i have trouble remembering complicated things but chemistry is so fun there was one time i remember all things in the periodic table even though i have a short-term memory aha
REALLY?!😭 wait but how, is it the same or different with the nanami memorial that's in the google?? even i'm interested to visit kuantan too if there would be a nanami shrine there!!🥹🥹
that's okaaay! my reply is sooo long too omg and i'm waiting for your reply too!🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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demonsfate · 1 year
ashdkfk so true!!!! You are absolutely right on everything!! Boy it is SO refreshing to read opinions like yours because I feel like many people love to bring the same thing about "but Jin created a war--" WELL. Actually! that wasn't Jin. idc what Harada says, but at least he saw the huge mistake he made and is now kinda fixing it on T8. I really like DJ but.. he's *not* Jin. But yeah, I'm not surprised someone said that about Josie :/ ... I've read other things re the female characters, especially about Xiaoyu and Asuka. Whenever someone says they're generic or smth I go "Can't read suddenly idk". As you said Tek has lots of unserious stuff. And it was one of the things that bothered me on 7 bc the Mishimas had their serious storyline while the rest were like,, for the lulz.. I don't think they even bothered to do more than that.
Also the thing you said about Heihachi took me out lmao. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring him back, SOMEHOW. But thank you! Tbh I get hyped whenever I see your posts getting hyped over T8 (if that makes sense?? my English sucks) love how you write Jin! I can’t wait for the game. Hopefully, it will be as great as it looks. I need it like yesterday lol. Btw, I'm starting to think I should go by "hype anon" or something(??)' (I'm going to stop talking now this is way too long I'm sorry! :| )
Thank you!! And YEAH - it's easy to look at a character, and poor writing, and see that it's something the character wouldn't do, and say "this isn't the character lol." But the Tek fandom just CAN'T seem to wrap that around their head!
I like DJ a lot, too! But totes, he's not Jin!
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Now it seems like we now have 'em both referring to each other as different people! And well, I guess ppl forgot this - but even in TK2, we saw Kaz fighting against Devil Kaz. Which may just be seen as symbolism - but in TK4, Devil Kaz even refers to Kaz by name, asking what he's doing. (And plus Heihachi didn't recognize Devil Kaz as Kaz.) So because of this, I always saw DJ and Jin as different people - just habiting the same body. I also find this concept to be much more interesting than trying to claim DJ is just "Jin but evil!11!!1 his dark desires!!1!!!" Just because that concept if sooo generic and overused for fighting games. Mortal Kombat has their revenants which is just that, and Street Fighter as Ryu and Evil Ryu. And since I wrote in the MK fandom once - I already wrote that concept and I'm bored with it. Jin and DJ being enemies who are forced to share a body is very fascinating to me.
So, that's also why I roll my eyes when I see ppl say that TK6's writing is "justified" because DJ represents what Jin really wants. (Fuck off with thaaat.) And even if somehow, someway, Jin did go "dark." I don't see him behaving like DJ. I see Jin behaving more angrier and aggressive - but not sadistic and maniacally laughing and stuff.
Funny thing is - I actually wasn't too happy with Xiao's depiction in the Bloodline anime because I felt they made her more generic than she is in the games. XD Imo, not many of the Tek characters are "generic." Yes, they all have tropes. (Xiao's the bubbly schoolgirl, Jin's the stoic main character.) But like, many characters are built upon established tropes. It's how they're written and how they actually act with those tropes that make them unique. I really don't see how Asuka's generic. Even if she can be a bit pointless to her family's story, she can be entertaining as a character personality wise imo.
AND YEAHHH - I may also be in the minority who didn't completely hate the TK7 story like many people do. But I def agree they fucked the other characters up completely. Like yeah, I still have gripes about the TK7 story - but at least it was taken seriously. And Heihachi did stuff and was taken seriously again. (Unlike you know, in TK5 and TK6 where he has endings of him sending his family to... Space to kill them.) But my God, I finally got around to unlocking all the character endings a few months ago and TK7 probably has the worst character endings - maybe even worse than TK6 (if not just as bad. As TK6 wasn't all juvenile humor, but a lot of them was just short 30 seconds of Nothing Happening) I'd say Miguel probably had the best ending - if it didn't remind of TK6 and made me angry because of that.
I feel like they will bring back Heihachi - even just to be in the roster, and not alive. Just because even if the character is dead - players still liked his style, and therefore, enjoyed playing as him. I feel like they could pull a Kazumi, and have Heihachi in a flashback, and thus he can be in the roster because of that. Lots of people are saying "they could make clone or robo Heihachi - or even a new apprentice!" But really, I think Flashback Heihachi is most likely. Honestly, I wouldn't really mind if TK8 brought in a lot of "dead" characters as DLC. Like they're just DLC, and most Tek characters have no impact on the story anyway (LOL) So... what would be the big deal? It'd be nice to see Jinpachi or Ogre again.
Don't worry about your English! You haven't said anything that was unclear to me yet, so it's been all good! And thank you soooo very much about that!!! I love writing this character, and I love my concepts - so it's always joyful to know others do, too. <3 And I really like talking to you about the games! As said, it gives me an excuse as well to ramble all my ideas! Which is funny bc you were worried about going on to long, but now I'm going on way too long. xD
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Heres my opinion on the lizzie and mica situation. Lizzie could've been saved, I think it was lazy to just kill her. She was a traumatized kid, trying to make sense of the world around her. Shes older then mica, so mica basically grew up killing walkers, but lizzie was older and she still had the knowledge of them originally being people. Even if mica knew, it's not the same as seeing it happen in real time. Lizzie, I believe, could have been fixed if she met the rest of the group and Carol told them what happened. Obviously it was fucked what she did to mica, but none of the group would've agreed with killing Lizzie. I just hate that everyone labels her as crazy when she was just a kid.
Hm that's an interesting perspective for sure. I am somewhat on the fence, but like I said in my original post, I think that what Carol did in that moment was probably the best option because she did murder her sister and she very well could've also killed Judith, so I think that was the way to keep everyone safe.
It's also hard because at that time they weren't settled anywhere and Carol and Tyreese didn't know if they were ever going to find someplace like Alexandria, so I think Carol was thinking, "Well, we're probably going to be on the road for a long time now, and we can't stay here with this murdering child, so probably best to get rid of her."
And yeah maybe no one else in the group would agree to killing her. That's probably true. I do agree that it was fucked up tho, but I think considering that they live in a post-apocalyptic world, where there aren't the means to deal with these kinds of mental health issues, sometimes fucked up things need to happen. Idk that's just my take. I get yours tho.
All in all, it doesn't change my opinion that Carol is a shitty character whose actions get overlooked so much and it pisses me off that more people don't at least acknowledge the bad things she has done. Like idc if you like her, but at least admit she's a bad person lmao. Like what the Negan people do.
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Rich + Syd
I know this post is not "popular" but IDC. I find RichSyd shippers somewhat cringe. They find fighting and talking down to a person to be synonyms of sexual tension and I find it repulsive and juvenile. There's no middle ground there for me. Sorry. We can't agree to disagree like I do every day with the Anties/ Platonics. It's like they don't see what's there, but ONLY what they wish there was there because they are projecting their own desires onto the characters. They find that attractive? Really? It's like they confuse being a bully with being attracted by the person you're passive-aggressively bullying or appealing to low blows during an argument with "unresolved sexual tension". We're talking about adult characters here, not 3rd graders, or younger, guys. The kid that crazy glued your hair because he liked you is not the 45-year-old divorced guy in the series and the girl who called you a lousy father and a loser and threatened to stab you, is not secretly wanting to blow you. Not in my book. Not now, not ever.
So, nope, I don't see it and more importantly, I flat-out reject it. Now the arc of going from foes to allies because they do have a goal and a loved one in common, yeah I can see that, because Rich has found his purpose, so that change in him enables it. But sexual tension between Syd and him? Seriously?! No, I don't see it nor do I find it interesting or "adult-like" at all.
This is just my opinion, of course, it's not supposed to make anyone change their mind or their shipping preferences, go nuts. Fine. I'm just putting this out there bc I have read things that have literally caused like a physical reaction in me, lately. An awful one, btw. I'm talking: deeply disturbing. Otherwise, I wouldn't even bring it up here.
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parkourninjaxd · 8 months
I'm gonna make a little rant post but I don't like the vocal minority of Minecraft's modern version detractors. I found a mod earlier called better than adventure and I noticed a lot of the compliments people gave it were trying to insult modern more often than not. Like it's fine to enjoy old versions and like mods but it rubs me the wrong way that their enjoyment seems to be at something else's expense. I've seen a lot of people complain about modern but it never seems like they get the whole situation. They aren't the underdogs. No one wants to stop you from enjoying Minecraft how you want. I think they just feel insecure about their opinions and desire outside validation. Mojang let's you really simply install old versions. Clearly they see value in the ability to have access to them. And even if you want to play new versions but don't like something then just don't use it. It's a big game and you can just avoid them. Don't want copper then don't mine it, don't like potions then don't brew them. Meta items like elytra or setting up farms aren't necessary either. No one but you is making you get them and if it's more fun without them then don't use them. That's what I do even. And if you wanna play old versions with a new twist hey there are plenty of old and new mods to try. Your opinions are valid!(as long as they aren't directly harmful to people) You don't need external validation to prove it! Yeah people agree with you but your opinion would still be valid even if they didn't. Mojang isn't oppressing you. They've changed and you don't have to like it and that's valid. Just don't play it. They don't owe you anything. Yeah I'm telling people how to enjoy the game but I'm not making an intellectual post I'm just venting. I honestly just hope people can learn to enjoy stuff without being insecure or feeling that need to validate it by belittling others over it. You like it what else do you need to prove it's cool. (It's special interest so I have strong as fuck opinions lol. IDC if it's disjointed either I'm not here to discuss stuff lol. I also could be very wrong about all of this. Maybe it's just angry people wanting to spread hate because they're spiteful and for no other reasons)
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camellia-salazar · 3 years
So, I'm just gonna share something with everyone since I've gotten tired of holding this to myself.
I've created a world where characters from each fandom I'm in gets stranded in a world where they interact with each other and chaos ensues for the most part. It's basically an animated show I created in my head years ago and I've been invested in it ever since.
Each episode has its own plot (for the most part) and don't worry, the angst and drama still fallows with each character and fandom within the world.
Here are some questions I think you'd ask and I'll answer now. Any more? Then ask them in the comments or reblog it. Idc.
Crossover? Yes. Just not official/canon.
How many fandoms? How many I get into. Rn it's a lot.
What's it called? I've been stuck thinking of a name for years until I found the perfect name, everyone has been using it but me since I've never heard of it until recently. Multifandom. (Formally called Fandom Friday). (but I'll still like the former name so I'ma call new episodes that or something idk I wanna keep it for something).
How many characters? Bruh I can't count that high. And even if I can, I don't got time to.
Character died? Not in this world they did.
How? That's where they go when they die, of course.
Even Warriors? Yes, Starclan is it's own island and the Dark Forest is next to it.
How does this work? Honestly, I have no idea.
What about the Waltens, the Weavers, The ink people in BATIM..? No more questions about afterlife.
What about Coco-? I said no more questions.
How did they get there? The characters I mean. They teleported.
Is Engineer from TF2 involved in that? No.
Is death still an option there? Nah. Characters can't die unless they go back to their world or have died in canon.
Are headcanons available? Like LGBTQ+ ones and such? Yup. Mostly my headcanons or the ones that everyone agrees with. Most likely the latter.
Food? Fruit trees and such. Gardening. Probably some meat too idk.
Water? L a k e s .
Where they gonna live? After a while of being stranded and sleeping on the ground, they build their own town and stuff.
What genre is this? Fluff? Angst? Horror? .. smut? All of the above, except that last one.. ish.
Wdym by that?? Listen, sometimes an adult show still gotta be just that, an adult show. You think characters like Murdoc, Tucker, and Trekky Monster gonna go on without making one sex comment?? It's just gonna be sweetened a bit. (I ain't gonna include sexual content tho, the commentary is the worst it's gonna get and even then it won't be that bad, trust me).
How the angst gonna work? Like magic.
Wdym? It's not gonna be crappy is it?? Depends on how you individuals take it. Everyone has different opinions. I just hope you don't end up having the same negative opinions.
What about creators, they gonna be in it too? Ye. After a while.
Fan artists like Tombstone and Stupendium? Same deal.
Are they gonna voice themselves or..? Not likely. They are heckin large on popularity, so idk if I could message them about it.
Is there gonna be guest characters like Brittle Bones Nicky and stuff? Sometimes, yeh... Maybe.
OCs?? ... I dunno. Most likely.. no.
Can we make the OCs guests? .. nah. Most guest episodes would be souly about the guest character. So not really.
What about your mutuals? What about them?
Are you gonna involved them? ... Idk we'll see.
Ships? 90% canon, baby.
What about the other 10%? Fanon.
Will there be crossover shipping? Yeah, mostly one way tho. Idk if they're gonna end up together or not.
Is this cringe? Depends on you. I think it's brilliant.
Any cw or tw I need to watch out for? Not really, unless you can't stand some gore and nsfw. But even then they aren't that major. If you uncomfy about that, then I'll definitely warn you all with it before hand. Like a disclaimer or something.
Are my favs gonna be in this? Probably.
What fandoms? Well, big fandoms like Marvel, Dr Who, and Harry Potter is not gonna be in this. Super Mario, Warriors, and My Little Pony are tho. Gotta be my interest. Yours too if you like stuff from this list.
YOU GONNA MAKE FUN OF US FANS?? Heck no. I don't even like it when the creators do that, not unless it's a joke that we all agree on. Then maybe.
Is this gonna be real? As real as I want it to be, or as real as it's gonna be. I don't got the energy, or the art styles to animate this. But even if I do, idk who gonna voice em, who gonna help me animate em, or how I'm gonna get the money to pay the people who would help me. But, I've listened to Felix Kranken say "I have hope, and that's all we need" or something like that idk. So I guess we'll see. Has to be a good idea and idk if people like it or not. So... Yeah, we'll see.
Well that's all the time I got left. Again, any more questions and you can go ahead and ask them and I'll reply, or better yet answer it in another post and tag you. Reblog or comment, it doesn't matter. I'll answer.
(also this is what inspired one of my ask blog a bit and how the characters there got to where they are, but the reason why I involved it there too was because I didn't think I'd get to share this idea with anyone, so kinda regret it, kinda not).
(the ask blog wouldn't be canon to this idea).
(my other ask blog is also inspired by this world too. In fact, it is the same world (most likely yeah)).
Anyways enough rambling. Hope you like the idea, because I value it more than the other fan made ones I've ever had. Every fan art I ever have (and will be) of characters interacting with each other, is all because of this idea. So I hope you've read it, and if you did. Thank you so much. Bye y'all, I'd probably talk about this some more in the future. Cya. 👋😸
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crypdoezoology · 3 years
I've followed you for years and while I do respect your opinion I don't agree with attacking people for their taste in fictional characters. I don't even think I've seen you lash out this bad before. Get well soon.
you really think that's an attack huh
i'm not just going to sit around and say only half of what i mean, i think ppl owe it to themselves to think harder about what they project onto. idc if you LIKE these movies or the character, but if folks are really out there watching reanimator and seeing all that shit and they walk out w/ "omg kinspiration! he and dan should kiss" then they are terminally online and need to try to boot up the old critical thinking machine that's been moldering away in the back of their head since 8th grade english class
and yeah. it bothers me that people take "hey think harder about that" as some kind of personal attack. it's not the kind of mindset i want to be around where we have to sit around in the herbert stan hug box and pretend that idolizing a man w/ literally. i mean LITERALLY. no personality outside his dehumanization of women and complete egomania. and that's ALL he needs for ppl to claim he's the paragon of transcoded media. that. bothers. me.
so no i'm not gonna get well soon, or ever probably, i'm 26 i'm only gonna get older and more bitter from here
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futuregws · 3 years
I remember wheb you preached about how tomdayas should just accept that people are allowed to have different opinions than them (which, yes, I agree) but then you're on here having a meltdown because people have an opinion about Wanda that differs from yours 😂 and saying most people who are anti Wanda are just misogynistic, like HOW is that different from tomdayas claiming that everyone who dislikes Z is a racist?
Let me explain it to you then since you clearly don't get it, people can have their opinion on Wanda idc, but make it not misogynistic, and yeah it's different from when tomdayas claim that people that don't like Z are racist bc they will literally say to someone who has never once said anything racist towards Z they literally just said they aren't a fan yet boom racist now are there people who don't like her and are racist oh absolutely, but don't throw that word around to people that simply aren't fans, and with Wanda if you would literally just search her name on Tumblr or search anti Wanda maximoff you would see that most of the posts are double standards and come from Tony Stark fans or Druig fans hell I even saw a fan of Billy Russo from the punisher say stuff about Wanda being a bad person, so yeah that is misogyny, I don't have problems with people not liking her but when they use stupid reasons/accusations that if you use half of a brain cell you would understand and completely debunk then yeah I don't like it, now a meltdown?? We clearly have different definition of that
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sunfoxfic · 3 years
Okay so I have a come across a lot of stuff in the last half and hour and I just want to about it
I came across a lot people being tired of people vague posting about them, and some even leaving the fandom.
Now, I will be frank here. I have vague posted before. I haven't dropped names (which makes me uncomfortable because Idc about WHO says it, WHAT they say is what makes me mad and vaguepost).
This is just my opinion and maybe it is wrong, but I think as long as we are not going into who posted the thing, or just saying "X person is stupid for saying this!" And point at a particular person, vague posting can be relieving. Of course, when you are at the recieving end of it, it is anything but relieving and it makes you upset, but on the other hand it is somewhat better than going and arguing with the person who is definitely not going to change your or their mind.
Or if you are like me - I hate arguements. I come here to have a good time and vibe, not to debate about stuff. Of course, critical thinking is mandatory, and I know to spot problematic elements. But I don't like getting involved in the, "Was this a good writing decision?" Sort of debates because 1. I don't know anything about writing, I lack experience and I can't judge, and 2. I just don't really...care?
In this sort of cases, I'd just rather vaguepost about the post which made me super mad and let it all out. And usually I even delete it before anyone else sees it.
Fandom is a place to have fun. People are going to have different opinions than me, and they may disagree with me. And when someone disagrees so much, it comes off as defensive, but they may just have thought about the counter argument for ages. Maybe they just coincidentally posted it after I posted your post. That doesn't make it vague posting.
Sure, vague posting maybe isn't something I would call nice. But sometimes it becomes stop hard to keep it all in. Sometimes it starts affecting you. Letting it out actually makes it easier to forget.
It's just that I saw people being too upset about the fandom being so "defensive" and basically saying: Vague posting is BAD! But it sometimes helps me and I just...what are your thoughts on this?
Let's ignore for a moment that I maintain a not-unsizeable vaguepost tag myself. A couple weeks ago, a blog I follow and I were in conversation on a Discord server, and I said something. Less than an hour later, they vagueposted about the same topic of the thing I'd said, complaining about not-really what I'd said but kinda what I'd said. It was clearly not a coincidence.
You wanna know what I did?
I DM'd them. I said, "Hey, was this thing about me? I'm sorry if what I said upset you. I understand why you interpreted my words that way but I agree with you and I'll try not to make it sound that way next time." And we handled it civilly. I agreed with this person, and now I'm going to be more careful with my words on the subject, because I didn't realize how upsetting what I said could be, and I was wrong. They explained that it wasn't really about me, that what I said reminded them of someone else who they really didn't like, and that they were glad I was considering their words.
I maintain a consistent vaguepost tag on here because I make vagueposts all the time and I know people may want to filter them out of their dash.
In the past (less so this month than months prior, but that's the exception, not the rule) I've been really loud about ML fandom salt. And sometimes that means vagueposting about certain blogs or certain creators. Because I'm not going to speak up about (random fanartist living off of Patreon) or (fan writer who has a day job as a receptionist) the same way I'm going to speak up about Astruc, or Zag, or one of the actors on the show, or whoever. It's not the same and I refuse to callout someone so blatantly.
And yeah, anon, I think that fandom should be a place to have fun, and the assumption that if you aren't constantly kicking and screaming and arguing against the terrible horrible things that go on in canon and the fandom is a super bad faith assumption. You don't have to constantly talk about being a good person to be a big person. And I drafted a post which I won't be posting until next month because I'm not posting fandom salt this month (with the exception of asks, of course) but the gist of it was: "There are way too many people in this fandom who will salt the show then turn around and maintain the status quo of a canon that they hate, and that's fucking hypocritical."
If you're going to complain about how racist it was for Marinette to be designed with blue eyes, then stop drawing/describing her with blue eyes! Which, you know, is a thing that people do, but the vast majority of people who do it don't draw attention to the way they do it. Or if you're going to complain about lack of LGBTQ representation, and how Marcnath and Julerose were done so dirty? Then you better be creating Marcnath and Julerose content, because if you're not, then you're complaining about canon while doing the exact same thing as canon.
Some people will die on the hill that canon is horrible terrible no good very bad and that if you don't constantly talk about it you're just as horrible, and then they'll.... make fanworks that are just as bad as canon for the same reasons, but it's okay that according to their own logic it's sexist/racist/homophobic/etc. because they're just copying canon.
So yeah, I fully believe that you don't have to be constantly debating, loudly, about the merits of every piece of canon and fanwork that you see, and in general, I find that the people who are loudest about that are typically not the people who are actually challenging the way they use canon in their fanworks. And yeah, I'm vagueing some people by saying that; what are they gonna do, cry about it?
If anyone tells you that you shouldn't vaguepost, then just block them and move on. Maybe unfollow the person who put that post on your dash, or see if it was tagged in any particular way that you can filter out. Because constantly involving yourself in discourse doesn't make you a better person, and you have nothing to prove to strangers online.
(Though, I will say that there's something to be said about keeping your venting about strangers online private. There's one fuckwad in this fandom that my non-ML friends all know about because I've complained about him so goddamn much to them. Keeping negativity out of the fandom is a valid thing to strive for, and I'm not saying you shouldn't vaguepost on any moral ground, but I am saying that this month has forced me multiple times to post positivity in lieu of negativity, and I don't think that's a terrible mindset to have, especially when it comes to how you're spreading negativity to other people.)
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goldenfharry · 3 years
Well, I was just sharing my thoughts, and seems like some people here are quite aggressive. If you and your anons don't agree with me, it's okay no need to call me names or treat me like a delusional larrie. I personally think he didn't date Camille for real because since minute 1 (when she was namedropped @ the radio1 interview) the relationship was public. And she gained a lot, not just hate as you say, but lots of gigs and jobs that came with being Harry Styles gf/ ex gf. Maybe you have bad memory, or weren't on twitter or tumblr back then, but everyone knew where they were every single time they were together publicly. Yeah, probably Harry was comfortable with her and were even friends, but nothing about them seemed romantic... or did you forget the video of them slow dancing at the Fleetwood Mac show??? There was room for Jesus in between them.
I don't know why some people get so mad when other fans think differently, but that anon seems threatened... idc but I thought this was a discussion blog, and FLASH NEWS, harry's fans can have different opinions!! it's not that deep 🙄
Okay, let's clarify some stuff, since I've been dealing with this for a couple of days now: if you're mad at each other because of some answers regarding your asks, I get it. Everyone is entitled to be upset when they don't like stuff that they read regarding their answers. But it's really unfair to be dragged into the middle when I literally told you that I respected your opinion despite not fully agreeing on it. Now, I understand why would you be upset, the approach wasn't the nicest, but THIS IS a discussion blog and sometimes you guys don't agree. That's why this is open for debate. YOU ARE ALL DIFFERENT HUMANS, ITS NORMAL TO HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS. Just, I would appreciate if you all understand that just because I post an ask, doesn't mean I agree or don't agree. I literally never said anything bad about any of your opinions and frankly, there have been diverse opinions here all the time. Which is great! But just understand that I'm not taking sides, im just sharing sides. Now, responding your ask, if you feel offended, I am sorry that you feel that way. Hope that after this I made it clear that there's room for everyone, with no need to be aggressive. 💛
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So, I'll bite, because I think some of these conversations should be had publicly and not behind the cloak of anon.
Why does it bother you personally if someone ships Kataang and is anti Zuko, if they are not tagging those posts in the Kataang tag?
I have a mutual who hates Zuko and ships Kataang. She keeps her opinions to herself in her own blog, tagging her posts anti zuko just in case. Why is hatred of a fictional character somehow an offense in fandom now? No one is going to die because she thinks Zuko shouldn't have been in the show.
Here's the deal: I only am tangentially involved in ATLA fandom. From what I see, most Kataang fans don't care what other people ship. They want to make their own content and be free of the stupid takes on Aang, Katara and their relationship that permeate their fandom. But even if they did hate or resent multishippers, if they are not calling you out or reblogging your properly tagged ship posts to shit on them, what business is it of yours?
The idea that a Kataang fan who can create content and add to the fandom, but happens to hate Zuko or any other character or ship being a "bad fan" is ludicrous. I don't know why so many people seem to be afraid to say this to you without hiding.
P.S.: It's pretty obvious that one troll anon is writing all of these anons, probably to get you riled up against Kataang fans who are looking at this shit like "wtf?" You and others are being used to spread dissent in a harmless part of fandom, but a person who hates Zuko on their own blog is the problem?
hi! firstly, i greatly appreciate you being willing to step forward and ask for clarification; i wish more people would do so instead of jumping to ridiculous conclusions lmaooo
secondly, you have asked some great questions! im gonna try to take them one at a time bc it works best for my brain lolol
1) it does not bother me if the posts are properly tagged! in fact, i don't believe i ever implied it did, so im a little confused on why you bring that up 😂 what does bother me is when unsolicited anti zuko anons barge into my inbox and insist that it's impossible to like zuko and ship kataang and similarly negative rhetoric. bc like. yeah, that's really rude and kills motivation 😂
2) hatred of a fictional character is not a fandom offense! i have simply expressed in the past my personal opinion on my personal blog that i don't understand anti rhetoric bc i can't fathom investing so much time and energy into hatred of a fictional person lmao. but again, the issue is not from properly tagged content, it's from the anons who show up and try to interrogate me about how i can possibly ship kataang and also appreciate zuko,, like hello?? people can have different opinions?? you don't see me going into anyone's inboxes like that, tf 😂 fandom etiquette 101
3) you're right that most kataang shippers don't care what other people ship! my expressing discomfort with a very small portion of the atla fandom does not negate the fact that i love kataang. maybe this is crazy lmao, but i have the range to be uncomfortable with rude anons and anti content (the latter of which is a personal squick and again! if it's appropriately tagged, evidently not what im referring to) while simultaneously acknowledging that a majority of the kataang fandom is a wonderful place. like, i wouldn't make so much kataang content if i hated the fandom hello 😂
4) that's the thing - i have gotten numerous anons who rudely insist that they don't think it's possible for me to ship kataang and also like other aang and katara ships. so you're damn right, i do have a problem with the harassment that i (and some of friends who actually only ship kataang!) have received. i am sure you can understand why it's both hurtful and frustrating for someone to tell me i can't possibly appreciate kataang just because i have other ships for those characters, too. so yes, idc what people do on their personal blogs, but you're damn right i feel hurt when people show up on my blog and criticize what is literally a fun hobby for me. it's unwanted, unnecessary, and im tired of it
5) you're right, that is ludicrous, and i have never once stated that. in fact, i always emphasize the importance of curating one's own online experience! i only have a problem when those people (and others) accuse me of taking positions i have never taken, insist i can't enjoy kataang bc i like zuko and/or other katara and aang ships, and continually harass myself and my friends for it. which like,, im sure you can sympathize 😂
6) im inclined to agree it's only a few different people writing those anons. they need to get a hobby lmaooo
7) a person who hates zuko is not the problem, the problem is a person who hates zuko harassing myself and others. it is quite simple. (which is clearly not your friend, btw!! i appreciate them tagging appropriately 💕)
i hope this provides the clarification you seek, my friend! i appreciate your honesty and your willingness to seek understanding and further information when you recognized you weren't getting the full picture 💛 have a great day!!
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