#and like they arent bad i guess ????? but they certainly arent good ????????
way2gosuperrstarr · 9 months
i wanna start writing again but i literally feel like the world's most ass writer in the entire universe . like is it really worth it if im gonna stare at it and hate it like .5 seconds after im done w it. i wanna write my y/n's story but like either its gonna sit in whatever program i'd use to write (i dont wanna use google docs due to the whole ai training thing .... idk if its fully true but i dont wanna risk it) forever or it would just be quietly archived on my ao3 without so much as a whisper to let any person know it exists 😭
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slytherinshua · 1 year
genre. brief fluff. angst. prince au. warnings. angst. lack of communication maybe? pairing. prince!joshua x fem!reader. wc. 1.8k. a/n mostly based on this look from the dream mv. credits to @shuatonin for the gif (it's gorgeous), also this turned out a lot longer than i thought lol.
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“You’ll ask me to dance at the ball tomorrow, right?” You said happily, smelling one of the fragrant roses in the palace garden. Joshua tailed behind you, nerves building up in the pit of his stomach the longer he spent with you, but fortunately, you didn’t seem to notice.
“Of course.” He smiled and you turned around to look at him. He could only see pure love and joy in your face, and it made him all the more guilty.
He shouldn’t have even let this go on for this long and given you false hope. There was just no way a prince like him could end up with someone like you. You weren’t poor, but you were of the middle class, high enough to maybe marry a palace official or guard, but certainly not a member of the royal family. No one would allow it.
Joshua was glad that you didn’t seem to catch onto his anxiousness, nor did you know that he was partially lying to try to spare your heartbreak. Though, maybe that was a bad thing, Joshua thought. Maybe it would be better to break it to you now so you would at least hear it from him instead of his actions. He furrowed his eyebrows, thinking of possible ways the upcoming ball could go and what the best thing to do was.
He pictured you walking through the doors with your gorgeous smile, adorning an elegant ball gown and looking more radiant than ever. He saw himself walking towards you, masquerade mask on just for show. It wouldn’t do much, as everyone there would already know who he was. Who could miss the crown prince anywhere? He would take your hand and lead you to the centre of the room, the music would play, and he would start dancing with you with everyone watching. They would watch as he ended the dance with a dip and then kissed you. Then there would be cheers from the crowd and aww’s as everyone saw how good you looked by his side. He would look up to the throne and see his father smile as well, giving him an affirmative nod.
But, no. That was all laughably unrealistic. Only in fairytales would something like that happen. Joshua sighed. If only his dreamlike sequence of the ball could become reality. He desperately wanted that, more than anything else in the world. But he wasn’t naive enough to think it was an actual possibility. He wasn’t being pessimistic, he was just being sensible, he told himself.
“Huh?” He shook off his thoughts and looked up again, putting on a smile as best he could. You only called him by that nickname when you really wanted to get his attention. He hadn’t ever told you, but he felt as if he fell in love with you all over again whenever you said it.
“You were really stuck in your thoughts just then, weren’t you? I called you like 5 times.” You smiled amusingly, finding him to be the cutest in the world, especially when his face was scrunched up in thought, lips pouting slightly as if they were begging to be kissed.
“Yeah, I guess I was.” Joshua fiddled with his fingers, a nervous habit that he had developed since he was little.
“What were you thinking about?”
There it was. The question that made Joshua’s heart drop. He couldn’t possibly tell you. He wasn’t strong enough to watch your hopes be crushed. He didn’t want to tell you that you couldn’t be with him, that he couldn’t have you no matter how hard he wished he could. He wasn’t ready.
Joshua glanced through an opening in the hedge, feeling relieved as he spotted some guards patrolling the gardens on the other side. He grabbed your hand and quickly ducked behind another hedge. You knew the drill by now and didn’t question it. Joshua hoped that your question would also be left forgotten as you both waited in silence for the guards to pass.
Joshua peeked out from behind the hedge, pretending to spy on where the guards were at, even though they weren’t going to come close to where you and Joshua were hiding.
“Were they coming this way?” You asked in a whisper, hand still holding Joshua’s tightly.
He nodded, peering over the hedge one more time. “They’re gone now.” He lied, standing up cautiously. You stood up as well, sighing and picking at one of the details of your sundress.
“I should probably go.” You said. You always knew you had to leave if the guards were ever nearby.
As you said those words, Joshua felt as if a piece of him died. Tomorrow was the ball, which meant that this was the last time he would see you. At least, it was the last time he would see you with the freedom to express how much he loved you. As soon as you left his sight, that freedom would leave with you and never come back to him.
He quickly hugged you to his chest, holding you tightly in his arms. You were confused, but hugged him back, pressing your cheek against his chest and feeling his heartbeat, which was beating at a rapid pace.
“Y/n.” Joshua started, tone serious which was unusual for him.
“Hm?” You glanced over his face, taking note of his watery eyes and the creases on his forehead from stress. You had no idea why he was so anxious all of a sudden, but you could pick up on it easily.
“Nevermind, it’s nothing.” He mumbled, smiling again. Then he leant down and kissed you, soft plush lips mingling with your own. “You should go now.” He told you, sighing. You nodded and broke the hug first, kissing him quickly on the cheek again before finally stepping back. You walked backwards to look at him for as long as you could, waving and smiling widely.
As soon as you were out of sight, Joshua let the first tears slip out. He stumbled, eyesight blurring from the water, and eventually sat on the ground, back resting against one of the hedges. He sat there until the sun went down to rest and the moon rose only to be blanketed by clouds. Still, a single ray shone beside him as if it was shielding him from his loneliness.
It was an hour until the ball, and the palace was bustling with people. Servants were running around getting the final touches ready, officials were patrolling the outside and Joshua was in the very centre of it all. He had to direct everyone along with the help of Seungkwan, his party planner.
“How close are we to being done?”
“About 94% done, your highness.” Seungkwan replied after looking over his list.
“Okay, good. You think you can handle it from here without me?”
“Yes, your highness.”
“You don’t have to keep calling me that, Seungkwan. We’re friends.” Joshua urged. Seungkwan nodded as Joshua walked off to his seat. 
He sat on his throne, feeling more sick the longer it went on. He remembered his father’s words to single out the princess from the neighbouring kingdom and dance with her at this ball. If all went well, a marriage proposal would be on its way, and the two kingdoms would become stronger by marrying their heirs.
He sat quietly until guests began to shuffle into the ballroom, big poofy dresses and shimmering suits filling up the large area rather quickly. Joshua retreated to one of the corners, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of you before he broke your heart.
And he spotted you almost immediately, in an elegant black gown. His breath was caught in his throat and he was thankful for the mask he was wearing concealing the tears that would inevitably fall again. His heart broke for the third time in the last 24 hours as he saw your gorgeous smile and eyes searching the room, searching for him.
He stepped into a deserted room and wiped his eyes, pulling himself together. No one could know that the prince wasn’t in love with his future bride. He walked back up to the top of the room where the thrones were, standing by his father’s right hand and breathing steadily, emotions going numb.
You were approached by a surprising number of people, all commenting on how pretty you looked. You thanked each one of them whole-heartedly. An especially pretty lady came up to you, smiling friendly and striking conversation. As you examined her face, you were sure she was at least 10 times prettier than you were.
“Your dress is stunning, what dressmaker made it?”
“Langston.” You replied eagerly, “Who did yours? You look absolutely beautiful in it.” You said in awe of the golden gown she wore, hugging her figure perfectly and complementing her skin tone.
“Keswick from the neighbouring kingdom. I’m from there, you see.” She smiled sweetly.
“Oh! I see. I hope you enjoy your visit here.”
You waited next to the lady, talking with her as you waited for the dance to begin. You learned her name was Viola, and that she was a princess from the closest kingdom. No wonder she was so pretty.
Soon, the entry music came to a close, and all the guests turned their attention to the front of the room, eyes landing on the king, and next to him, the crown prince.
The king made a short speech, and then Joshua said a few words before stepping down into the crowd to choose his dance partner and also the future princess. You exhaled, preparing to dance in front of so many people. It was anxiety-inducing to say the least, but you were up for the task.
You watched him walk towards you, mannerisms much more serious and princelike than when he was ever alone with you. He stopped in front of you, and with a smile held out a hand.
“May I have this dance?” Those beautiful, fairytale words. The words that broke your heart.
In the flash of an eye, Viola was the one up there in the centre of the room, not you. Viola was the one waltzing to harmonious music with your prince, not you. And Viola was the one who he so gracefully dipped, pressing a kiss to her lips soon after, cheers and clapping following.
You couldn’t do a single thing but stand there and fake a smile that wouldn’t last for long, as it was soon replaced by tears. But not even half of your pain was for you. If this is how much you were hurt by it, you were sure Joshua was even more hurt, and he had been for a while you could only guess.
You should have known fairytales were too good to be true.
↳ svt taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @yeonjuns-bluehair,, @ddeonudepressions,, @hannahsophie0103,, @skz-minchan-enthusiast
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loemius · 1 month
31. What post have you seen recently that makes you wanna scream lmao <3
oh boy youre asking me for the spicy hot takes tonight huh. i am always happy to deliver <3 i dont want to put anyone in particular on blast so ill refrain from mentioning specific posts, but i do find that a lot of content lately in the helpol sphere has been very... surface level. a lot of moodboards, a lot of basics, 101 level content, stuff like 'the gods love you!!'. which isn't inherently a bad thing whatsoever. there is a need for that kind of content! however, i've also noticed in my 2 years on helpol tumblr that a lot of the reconstructionist blogs and informative blogs that i used to follow have either went inactive or deactivated entirely. and i can't help but wonder why this is. i think there's a lot of reasons for it: frustration with the shallowness of content leading to people going off and becoming more solitary practitioners, the more you grow in your practice the less compelled you may become to share it, but also i think a lot of people use tumblr and people's ask boxes as a search engine and that leads to a lot of burnout. it certainly did for me -- i took a hiatus from posting for a long time because i wasn't in a place to educate people. it's a lot of pressure, especially on tumblr where it feels like people will jump down your throat if you're incorrect about things or you suddenly become an Authority that people look up to when youre just a person. people who were posting really helpful and informative content about the theoi simply arent here anymore, and i really think the community's gravitation towards easily consumable content and reliance on people to do research for them is a large part of this. i realize not everyone is recon, which is very much okay, although i personally love being recon. that being said, i still think you should do your best to do your research and understand where these ideas come from. they didn't appear out of thin air -- mediterranean culture is very much alive still and is a continuation of the ancient world, and to not acknowledge or understand it is disrespectful to both the cultural context of the theoi and mediterranean people whose culture we claim to revere. i don't expect everyone to become an academic or a classicist. its not accessible to everyone for a variety of reasons, but i do think like. checking out some of the primary sources in a way thats accessible for you or picking one really good book to really deep dive into would benefit a lot of people. basically, i just wish i saw more in depth posts and people engaging on a deeper level with their faith and being willing to post it so we can have more discussions as a community and grow together. helpol is unique among other polytheistic religions because we have a wealth of primary sources available to us, and that isn't always the case for other polytheistic religions. i think it's... honestly kind of sad that we don't really talk about them. its not that i dont want to see peoples upg or that i dont think there should be posts for beginners, because there is a place for it and i enjoy that content too, but i wish there was more variety in the kinds of posts we have in the community. i miss the days when the tags were full of people writing their own prayers or people talking about a new source they read and what they thought, or compiling something for their own practice and being willing to share it with the community. i guess this is my sign to get back to posting my own original content and make the kind of content i want to see in hopes it'll encourage others to do the same. anyway i got on my little soapbox about this and its time for me to hop off before i hit character limit (again lmao). thank you so much for this ask, this was really refreshing and cathartic for me to talk about. may the gods bless you with health, happiness, and love always <33
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sadkachow · 20 days
sometimes i wish i wasn’t transmasc.
i love being me, but it just gets so exhausting. 
i’m not in an environment where i’m able to be entirely open about it, and it makes every moment when i’m with anyone i’m not out to exhausting. i feel like i’m putting on a show, pretending to be someone i’m not.
and then (and this is the main point of this post) sometimes it feels like the queer community hates people like me. not always, but certainly enough. enough to make me feel isolated, even in online spaces where i can be myself, because no one wants me to be me. the amount of shit i see by other queer people (even other trans men!) about how my manness somehow means i don’t experience oppression (which assumes every trans masc or man can or wants to pass—and even then, they must also be quiet about their transness), that trans mascs and men aren’t allowed to have the language to speak about their oppression, that we’re oppressing other trans people (by merit of being men, i guess???), that we’re evil disgusting monsters. 
the fear-mongering around t, the idea that it makes you bad and dangerous, the idea that certain effects of t are inherently disgusting and bad.
the way that we’re either seen as “evil vicious wicked men” or “poor dumb stupid girls- i mean boys- i mean girls”.
we’re hated because we’re failed women. 
we’re hated because we’re men.
no trans man or masc has ever experienced oppression based on their identity—and don’t you dare go look up the reported rates of violence, harassment, and s/a that we receive, don’t you dare look at how high they are! 
trans men aren’t allowed to see our transness and our manhood as connected in any way, they must be separated (“we have to protect queerness from disgusting masculinity”—which is also harmful to anyone who is comfortable or even enjoys experiencing and embracing their masculinity). 
gay trans men like me are introducing on the gay community.
straight trans men are either preying on innocent women, or they’re “better” than cis men, because they(“‘re not really men”) know what women want and are like and can thus serve women better!
trans men who still identify with lesbianism for whatever reason are either treated as women or treated (once again) as evil invaders out to harm women.
not to mention the trans mascs and men who identify with any other label than those three—no matter what, our identities and labels get twisted around to be used against us, to the point where sometimes it feels like maybe it’d be better if we didn’t identify as anything at all (except maybe that’d get turned against us too).
we get attacked for trying to have more neutral language (i.e. “pregant people” instead of “pregnant women”, “menstrual hygiene” instead of “feminine hygiene”, etc). we get attacked for having our own language (the way every single term used to describe transmasc oppression has been dissected and degraded until it’s become clear that maybe it’s not the word itself but simply the fact that we are using it).
we get told how much men are awful and horrible either as if we arent “really” men (“kill all men. but not you, you’re one of the ‘good ones’ (aka: i don’t see you as a man)”), or because we’re just as bad and need to be separated and killed and harassed and hated (“kill all men, including trans men. you can’t be mad, you’re asking for it by (existing as yourself) being a man!” “trans men really are the men of the lgbtqia+ community” (this is also a form of malgendering—gendering someone correctly for the sake of harming or attacking them (aka with malicious intent))).
i see so much help and resources for other queer people, but hardly any for trans mascs/men. i’ve seen support that parades itself as “for trans people”, and then it turns out it’s for all trans people except trans men. (this isn’t an exaggeration, by the way. i’ve seen multiple respurces that say that they’re for the support of all trans people, and then if you actually read into it, they’re for the support of trans women and nonbinary people only—which is completely fine that those support groups exist! but then don’t label it as “for all trans people” if it’s not for all trans people. that’s exclusionary, and can also present nonbinary identities as “women-lite”—and also often leaves no space for trans women and nonbinary people who present in a more masculine way or who also identify with manhood/as men to some degree, or for nonbinary people who dont identify with womanhood/as women at all.)
violence against trans men is so often erased because we’re misgendered even in death. we’re forcefully detransitioned. we’re s/a-ed and abused at extremely high rates.
we’re pitiful misled girls or failed women or wicked evil men or pick me’s or vile abusers. 
we’re evil and we cannot be hurt or oppressed because we’re men, as if that is not a point of view that is based on bioessentialism/gender essentialism, racism, intersexism, and extremely harmful (especially to marginalised men in general—trans or not). 
no identity is uniquely capable or incapable of harm—anyone can harm anyone, regardless of who they are.
and yet, and yet, and yet, it’s alright because we asked for it by simply being us.
sometimes it just feels so isolating to be a trans boy, because everywhere i look, there’s people hating me for existing.
im just so tired of it.
(clarification: i know not all of the queer community holds this stance. i’ve seen and/or met wonderful queer people of all identities who have been understanding and accepting. i’m also not trying to say that the things mentioned in this are only driven forward by the community—plenty of people who aren’t in it do this stuff as well. what i mean is just that it feels as if this sort of talk—particularly radfem rhetoric—has been incredibly pervasive lately, at least from what i’ve experienced. i feel like a lot of people forget it’s not just the “trans exclusionary” part of TERFs that is bad, but the radical feminism as well. radical feminism isn’t good. it’s incredibly bioessentialist, racist, intersexist, and harmful in so many other ways by its nature. but it still stands so clearly in so many places. this is also by no means a comphrensive list on the treatment of trans mascs/men. i’m not infallible. there’s certainly other things that have happened that i’ve either forgotten or am not aware of—and if anyone wants to add on, feel free!)
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
Why do I feel like Louis will be ok with these stories of Mexican female conquests circulating? He seems keen to project a het, laddy image so this plays nicely into this narrative for him.
Do I believe it, nope but I think it probably suits him for this to be out there. It doesn’t paint him in a very favourable light but it does imply he likes women. I really hope there’s not more to this though…for lovely Louis’ sake. His fan base is very young, under age impressionable girls. I do not for one minute think L would ever hit on young girls - not what I’m saying - but I hope these stories dont turn out to be from some silly teens…and that there’s absolutely no truth to it which then does make its way into the media. Off the back of an amazing world tour, he doesn’t need rubbish press!
I meaaaaaaan, if it keeps him out of stunting? Sure. I think the most hurtful thing there for him would be about the way they portrayed him as a very uncaring and yucky person.
A lot of his fanbase have grown up with him, so a majority of us are (hopefully) at an age where we can see through this bullshit, but yes. He does have a lot of young fans who are impressionable to his image, that certainly doesn’t portray him in a very nice light sometimes.
A lot of it does come with the territory, with the way he dresses, and stereotypes around sexuality that another lovely anon just inboxed me about, but it’s turned into one hell of a tarnished image over the years. The dad thing particularly doesn’t help, and yep. It’s all just hot fuckboy hetty straight lad at the moment, but so many of us see through that.
The good thing about this though, is that it has been contained within our fandom. The media arent gonna do anything about it, because it’s not true, obviously (I’ll get SC’s face tattooed on my leg if it is, that’s how sure I am). But this only goes so far, when Twitter is a public platform and louis does see this shit. So. He’ll probably roll his eyes and see our responses and know he’s got good people on his side that don’t believe that rubbish, but any bad press that comes out about him to the GP at this time of his career, straight after FITFWT and just before festival season, will be really detrimental for him. It’s a delicate balance.
And I guess we just have to ensure that we’re here as a resource and a guiding light for newer fans, younger fans, and people who need a little assistance to navigate the shit show that is our fandom/fandoms. To shut this down immediately. Because without having a good read on louis, stories like this (but not this bc it’s literally so fake) will indeed form an idea in a new fan’s mind of who louis is straight away. And in a time now where an artist’s values and morals and actions are so heavily watched and considered, and people will cancel/leave artists hung out to dry if they are, or seem to be, shitty people, his image could do with a bit of a makeover. Starting with the end of bbg.
I’m telling you, truly, that ending this shit in a way that paints louis in a positive light and gets GP to sympathise with him, will be the absolute best way to go. But the longer it’s here, it’ll always be a festering reminder of his poor image, and will continue to be used against him as excuses why people think he’s a shit dude.
Speaking of which, he’s left LA prior to Father’s Day… which just warms the cockles of my heart hahahah. a lot of folks are saying it’s another warning selfie tho, but I do expect somewhat of a stunt-ish thing to happen to get the GP involved with him for festival season anyway.
Anyway, thank you for the chats, anon! Lovely to have you here xx
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
also finished the 4.7 AQ and like . well firstly rip to all the sinner theories where it was like could it be nibelung or someone else and all like that was a bit tragic but thats the nature of theories i suppose. i do think it makes sense that the bigger players arent just all going to be figures we Already know of but yea.
overall i think it was like. quite good but also kinda suffers from the way these quests just Have to be an annual thing especially with how short it was? i saw a comment being like this feels like it shouldve been the epilogue to caribert and i kinda agree . also as much as it is appreciated that we Do get some direct answers to big lore questions in the quest was kind of a exposition dump in that sense . fade to black w the abyss sib and dain duel was certainly a Choice 💀
caribert truly is a sweetheart man i didnt expect him to pop up but i feel so bad for him now. except for the loomzoning atossa thing i get that he had no choice on the matter but that was rough for ur girl 😭😭
iiiiiii dunno how to feel about the whole we forget all about the reunion anyway when traveler Remembering as a descender has been established as such a core thing like it kinda feels like a copout im ngl . guess we are just now . aware of information as players that the traveler is not privy to . considering im already more than a little wary towards the general concept of like. memory erasure slash irminsul stuff when it comes to genshins writing im definitely feeling conflicted w this . also applies to the loom of fate editing reality thing . like okay on some level yes it is cool to include such prevalent elements of like. uncertainty and unreliable narration but in worst case those concepts are also v easy for a careless writing team to just. run off w and end up w a convoluted mess so i rly rly hope that wont end up the case
anyway. so the sinners are the big deal this time around i suppose and like. not that i wasnt necessarily expecting surtalogi to indeed be khaenriahn but the confirmation is certainly here now. no particular feelings on this from me im afraid bc like. Highly unpopular lore thing from me but both khaenriah n hexenzirkel (the latter more so than former) are kinda these. big lore topics and entities that i logically Do know and acknowledge as the massive deals they are to the story. but they just arent sth i have so far gotten that invested in altho khaenriah i have somewhat warmed up to . hexenzirkel still feels too much like an unnecessary presence to me lmao i might be missing out on stuff but if the abyss order arguably has a lack of story presence issue then the witches have it like 5 times worse 💀 But point being surtalogi being part of this whole crew of transcendent beings from khaenriah that became sinners is like . okay then isiskskskdk its not that big a deal for me
i think the most meaningful implications from that (in terms of My personal lore fixations at least *cough*) just have to do w like . sth id already been thinking about even before we got the confirmation of the visionary as the sinner that clothar found (which was a big theory anyway that i did personally find very compelling and well its canon now). and that is just the way that like . when skirk compared surtalogi as one in pursuit of "perfection" and brought up the visionary and rhinedottir as two ppl akin to him. that and the narzissenkreuz note about primordial human essentially being the synonym for descenders . & how rhines magnum opus was the primordial human PROJECT aka in light of this note. Very likely to be an attempt at Creating a descender . and how the sinners and abyss orders loom of fate is obviously just another pathway into accessing some sorta will or way to rival the world and defy the heavenly principles . became this thing where i was like 90% convinced and now 100% convinced that if the "perfection" both gold and the visionary pursue is indeed a descenders will in one form or another . then surtalogis aims Must involve the same fucking thing
which naturally gets us back to the insane ajax theory territory bc . if what connects those 3 (and post 4.7 more like. All the transcendent sinners from khaenriah) is getting to that world rivaling will. Then it sure fucking makes Everything surtalogi is doing and planning w both the narwhal and ajax Very Interesting . like it sure is curious that These would be the things surtalogi is occupying himself with if its indeed a descender he seeks . so like . Yeah we dont need to get into 3rd descender stuff but one thing i sure do think is becoming less and less like crackpot speculation and more and more and explicitly foreshadowed future direction for childes arc is that. one way or another. he is going to be involved with the subject of becoming a descender . bc like. if gold tried creating one w alchemy. and if the visionary is Literally creating a loom of fate to serve as the machine capable of weaving a worlds worth of leylines and destiny aka just a descender equivalent machine . then it sure wouldnt make sense for surtalogi to be putting all this heavy effort and resources (as skirk commented on) towards acquiring and possibly subduing an interstellar voyager like the narwhal and getting his student to look for and train the weird kid with a possibly innate connection w it. Without that serving a role in His brand of descender equivalency that hes seeking as a sinner. So yeah childe long term relevance stocks are definitely up w this one guys Trust
but yea thats on surtalogi for me . Point being its not rly a New suspicion for me (like ever since primordial human project started sounding like DIY descender lab project i was thinking this) but i think its been absolutely further affirmed by directly linking surtalogi to the sinners of khaenriah that more likely than not seem like theyre All going to be ppl who used the abyss to seek the power of a descender in a variety of ways???? so thats very neat . wonder who the other 2 will turn out to be then .
another thing to do w the sinners is also like. the way that if we do count dainsleif among them just as one that Didnt jusr abandon the ppl during the cataclysm . there is obviously that doomed number of Six there . so like pygmy theories have been going wild already in the few days it took me to catch up w the AQ but im just kinda . i Still think pale princess is most likely to be about an irminsuled event and be about sth far further back into the timeline than khaenriah and the cataclysm . theres things like rhe night mother specifically talking abt Thousands of years passing before the new hero (= 4th descender aka us most likely) appears to challenge her and also just the general way i still think pale princess aligns too much w the story of the seelie ancestor and her lover Not to be a story about that time period . so as much as the 5+1 sinners of khaenriah being the pygmies is like. Yes the numbers would finally add up clearly with no mental backflips needed unlike w the archons . but like all things considered im still a bit unconvinced. we shall see . that book is a menace anyway so its always gonna be a hot topic lmao like what is Up with it 💀
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 10 Transmission (Kwami’s Choice Part 1)
(Spoilers below)
-Okay so Marinette is hella depressed. I think this is the morning after Elation
-Wow she sounds so done
-Honestly summed up Adrien never started, Luka couldnt have started, and Chat noir shouldnt have started.
-Girl quoted her theme song and dissed herself. Damn
-And before I see posts saying she shouldnt be so focused on her love life... She is 13 f*** off
-Alya’s message was ignored by Marinette because she really in the dumps. And tikki saw the second call from Adrien and was like “Yea... she wouldnt want that call right now”
-Well Bustier is really showing the baby bump now
-Nino helping alya wing woman. Now thats cute
-Adrien blames himself specifically chat noir for Marinette feeling bad. And Plagg is like “Yea pretty much”
-Adrien realizing the consequences of his actions
-She took down all the photos of adrien. Not to be that guy, but if the is was about all her failed love life, luka’s photos would be removed to. Just saying
-Adrien really going up there to try and cheer her up. Boy knows what she is going through (and is mainly at fault for it)
-Look this angst is absolutely delicious and I am eating it up...
-How can they not hear the kwami. Plagg literally yelled
-Marinette was about to tell him... but then the trashcan
-I mean... we know he has seen the photos but seeing them in the trash... baby boy no
-Adrien just confessed! Damn! That is an angry yet touching confession. Boy is pissed the girl he loves is hating on herself. Dude... I can relate. (Ah memories of teen angst)
-She turned him down. Ouch.
-oh look its zoe. After all the angst she is ... certainly a person to see
-Did they seriously throw a party without them even there?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!
-Im sorry but no. I do not need to see this right now.
-Wow... Alya your brain cells are like negative right now. You should PROBABLY check before you think a party is a good idea.
-Zoe being the only one with a brain cell right now. The rest of the class I get... they sort of have horde mentality when the plot is involved.
-And Nora be calling. I wonder why
-And now just rubbing salt in the wounds
-Boy be depressed.
-And now its monarch. Because only when he can exploit his son does he actually care
-Wait... oh he didnt. Well it isnt the first time he didnt do it. He only tries to akumatize adrien when he knows he is chat noir. So I guess not as big of a prick as you could have been Gabe
-Plagg is like “My boy is destroying himself over this. Fu was wrong to do this”
-Plagg suggesting they find new holders for themselves to save them.
-Zoe continuing to show that she is the only one with a braincell.
-286 days since adrien came to school?
-Adrien is depressed and his mom is checking up on him. (I mean Nathalie)
-And now they realize that their party was a dumb idea
-Nathalie sees Gabriel and is already in Mama Bear mode
-Gabriel... what are you planning?
-Did he just come in here to give him an alliance ring?
-Lila heart ache rating? Gabriel... what the s***
-The Kwami! The kwami took back the miraculous. I mean i knew they would cause spoilers but... damn. This hurt more than expected
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-Adrien realizes he has a chance now. Boy is going to try! And it ruined his father’s plans
-But now Marinette and Adrien arent feeling the crushing burden of their hero lives.
-Like I feel like they would still be depressed for a bit longer... But that is just me
-Guy is wearing 5 rings at once? Like why that many?
-He realized he forgot to give her the homework. And sees she is in better spirits. A good sign
-She cant say it. She is trying to say she loves him. But she struggling. I think it might be a mental block or something at this point
-The parents went to go check and they both realized what was happening and Immediately went back down. Now if it were me. That door stays open. I dont care if the boy is literal sunshine. No closed doors when boys are over. But enough about parenting. Back to the adorablw
-Okay the hand thing was cute. Also... was the music for this show ALWAYS this on point?
-Party turned back into a strategy meeting
-Wait.... Is his name Boubi. What did Nora do?
-Tikki and Plagg shopping for holders
-Okay while I am not crazy about Nino getting shafted. I do find it funny that Plagg sees a blond yell at people and is like “Yep, thats my next holder”
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-look at him!
-At least Tikki talked to alya first.
-Though in hindsight, Tikki is being  dumb. Marinette Knows that Alya was Scarabella. So she would know Alya was Ladybug. Would that be smart?
-Okay Alya, i will forgive your stupidity earlier in the episode
-Wait... is he giant now?!
-So he has rocket fists
-Okay so... yea I am still not sold on Cat!Zou’s look. I hate the lips stick. And How come SHE can have yellow eyes but Ladynoir couldnt have blue?
-Man, Imagine getting to be new heroes and your first bad guy has 5 miraculous powers plus his own giant size and rocket fists
-Wait... Did he resist CATACLYSM?! OHHHHH... He got the bull miraculous too
-Now he can multipy!
-Im confused... whats the plan?
-Ah yes, the firemen are the real heroes
-Well played
-Wait... why does this guy look like a mix of Blingbling boy and Mr.T?
-Adrien and Marinette had a cute moment
-Oh no... Zoe and Alya had their Alliances on them. Well s***
so for part one.
I will say I enjoyed every scene involving Marinette and Adrien in it. It was precious and now they canon!.
Outside of that it was... well mid.
Gabriel proved he deserves death
Alya’s mental capacity was questioned.
Zoe’s personality seems to be Only braincell in existence
And the cliff hanger was kind of expected but not in a bad way.
That being said
More pros then cons but it is probably the episode I had the least enjoyment of outside of the Adrinette
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year
1,3,5,6 and 15! I love women <3
hi faye!! 🩷 i already know this gonna be long hooboy
1. One of your favorite female characters?
frederica aesfrost triangle strategy. that is my GIRL. i dont know how many of you guys have played triangle strategy but me personally it changed my life. not gonna say too much because i dont wanna spoil it, but shes such a great female lead. shes basically fighting for the liberation of her people, the roselle, who the society of the game has basically condemned for no reason so if you go through her arc, you see how she deals with the pressure of having to free them, how hard it hurts to witness them in the state that theyre in, and the sacrifices she has to make to get what she wants and GOD. its so good. shes so good. also she cant fucking cook. me too girl.
3. What’s a female character you look up to?
ema skye ace attorney, specifically in aa4-6. ive never seen a character that made me go ‘GOD shes just like me fr’ like her (and apollo justice. but this isnt about him). i feel like it’s rare to see main characters like her really love something, and then FAIL pathetically at it. over and over. not that i enjoy seeing her not getting her forensic license, but it just feels so real. sometimes you love something and you’re so passionate about it but you just dont get it. and how does she react? is she still the bubbly ema you see in rfta with a “we’ll get em next time!” attitude? no!! no she’s not, she’s bitter, grumpy, snarky, dealing with the most annoying prosecutor of all time, and she’s so fucking real. be frustrated! be angry! life hands you shit cards you can be mad about how you have to play it! it’s nice seeing characters who pick themselves back up so easily, but most people arent like that and im certainly not, and seeing a character who’s just so honest about that is really refreshing. of course, she finally gets her dream in aa6, but that doesnt come without years and years of trying. in a universe where people are becoming lawyers at 18, it’s nice to see someone realistic. (im also trying to step foot into the forensic field eventually sooo… the fact that shes on the same path as me just kinda makes it hit harder, you know?)
5. A female villain you love?
pissing off both sides of the argument by calling her a villain and saying i love her but edelgard von hresvelg. before anyone says anything my favorite lord is yuri leclerc and the rest of them are equal in my heart <3 but edelgard clearly takes on more of a villain role in every route except her own, and even then she’s not entirely morally correct (duh). but i dont know. i wont say too much on your ask faye cuz i know you havent finished the other routes yet, but even when i played azure moon i couldnt bring myself to dislike her. her past with dimitri, the way she kept the dagger, and everything she reveals to you on her own path and how her past shaped her into who she is and what she wants and how she will stop at nothing to get it. i dont agree with the ends justifying the means, but i love characters who believe in that because it’s just so interesting. you want this thing so bad, nothing will stop you? your friends, your family, knowing you’re doing wrong because you think it’ll turn out right? what if it goes wrong. what if it blows up in your face? what if history remembers you as the villain forever? you’re already too deep in it i guess, so just keep going. shes so… ggrarghj. edelgard 🥹
6. A female character who got done dirty by the narrative?
athena cykes ace attorney. you’re telling me the entirety of aa5 is revolves around HER story, HER past, HER relationships, and it’s called “Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies”? the dual, by the way, refers to apollo. and you dont even play as athena during the climax of the game, you play as phoenix and shes just WATCHING. will they redeem her in aa6? you mean “Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice?” you mean the game where she gets ONE case on her own and it’s a FILLER CASE? admittedly a pretty good filler case but still. god. what the hell. i get phoenix sells but if you’re make new lawyers to take on his legacy, maybe? let them do that???
15. Female character you would defend with your life?
as usual there are so many to pick from. but i think this time i’m gonna pick nyx fire emblem. now, dont get me wrong. i will not defend her design. fates’ female dark mage design is pretty bad, especially since its used on ophelia and nyx. as much as i sincerely dont think nyx looks like a child as opposed to just a pretty short young woman, it’s…. blerghh. but aside from that? i cant STAND when people say shes just generic loli bait that acts like a child. because where? WHERE? point to where in her supports she acts like a child seriously. i know in her supports with charlotte she attempts to try it, but the point is that its unnatural and uncomfortable for her to do so. she is just. not like that. she doesnt try to play around like nowi or myrrh. shes not a child in dragon years or anything. shes just an older woman stuck in the body of a younger one, and if you would just READ one support, literally any of them, you would know that. but fates haters dont read, do they? clearly not. and its just a huge disservice to the rest of her character, which i think is incredibly beautifully written. shes such a standout in fates and i cant stand people ignoring that because “waaah nowi clone!” fuck you.
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so, lance and veronica like kuron- i think thats very fucking cool for multiple reasons- but does that extend to other members of their family? i think it would be funny if they just decided to adopt this weird fucked up guy into the family<3 though knowing your au, i have a feeling things arent that simple in this situation....
Honestly that is a good question, cause i didnt even factor in Lance's other family members. My instinct is, "obviously yeah Lance's family love strays, they'll see Kuron's pathetic little meow meow ass and bring out the adoption papers." However given the entire family is already a bit fucked up right now, i dont think that would happen immediately and also i have like 3 options.
1.Veronica doesnt say shit and is a lying liar who lies- pretty much everyone here is bad at communication and to be fair this is like a very weird ass situation to even process let alone explain, so when Veronica gets a call from her mom, she thinks back to when Lance was missing and everyone was having a really hard time and than the Galra came and then they were having even more bad time and Lance comes back and war ends and i think Lance and atleast his parents move to Altea¹ and while she wasnt around much things were fine? She guesses? And then Lance runs away and they were all having a bad time again and Christ alive Lance their parents are in their 60's their hearts cant take this anymore.
Anyway Vero remembers all this and she hears her mom asking if she found anything on Lance and she goes, "yyyuuupp in fact i actually found Lance! He's umm.....he's sleeping right now! Yup! He's definately fine! That is right! He just needs a little space and was uhhhh.....helping out a friend, he will definately call you if- When he wakes up!!! I will tell him to call you back, we are going to have a long chat anyway! Dont worry mom! He's ok :)!!!"
She'll definately tell them!! Eventually! The time is just isnt right yet!! The fact she is ready to full on "Weekend at Bernie's" this shit doesnt mean anything!! She'll figure it all out and then Lance will wake up and she'll fucking kick his ass for doing this and everything will go back to being normal!!! This will not come back to bite her in the ass and her family is Not getting Suspicious at all!!!
In this scenario Lance's family never meet or even know about Kuron. In case they do eventually find out he'll kind of go overlooked cause 1) they just found out Lance is in a coma. 2) they just found out Lance has been in a coma for a long time. 3) they just found out that Veronica knew and she lied to them! 4) they just found out that Lance is uhhhh not doing Great. Supernaturally. Kind of makes it hard to pay attention to other major elephants in the room. (This could be where Kuron can stand up for Veronica and be like "look none of you are ok! Veronica isnt ok! Lance certainly wasnt ok! And things are not ok and they have changed irreversibly and all of you are hurt! And you know what that is ok! But we all have to acknowledge that hurt!" And something else super cheezy along the lines.)
2. Veronica tells her family only like half truth- in this Vero still trying to process the situation kinda just tells her family that Lance is in a coma but not about Kuron or magical shit. So to the family Kuron is Lance and Vero's weird friend who is really all over the place but ultimately a good friend who is just trying to help and be supportive and is kind young man with good head on his shoulders 😊 (they do think he should stop with his self destructive habits like they arent going to judge but smoking isnt good for you :/). The option where Kuron is adopted the fastest. Meanwhile Kuron is kind of being crushed by guilt. Like logically he understands that Lance's condition isnt his (Kuron's) fault, but at the end Lance did drop into coma to bring him back so he does feel a bit responsible. So it's just Kuron screaming internally.
Obviously the family isnt doing great at all. But i also feel like few of them (maybe few of the siblings) saw something like this coming. It's either because Lance was very clearly not ok before he ran away and also they have gotten just so used to this bullshit that they are just numbed to it. It doesnt make it any better but man just tough times for area family.
3. Veronica tells everything- Basically Vero and Kuron tells her family everything they know. Naturally family has mixed reaction towards it. Atleast few members arent surprised that Lance went and did this for a friend. One of them is really heartbroken and angry and most definately lashed out on Kuron and i think Kuron lashes back. There are those who are a bit uncomfortable but more because they really do not get the situation cause like what do you even do? Atleast one of them is also angry at Lance for repeatedly running off and pulling this stunt and doesnt he know what everyone is going through because of him? Just all around fucking mess everyone. It's tearing the family apart.
¹ Yeah i think Lance and his mom did move to Altea. I did actually watch the last ep just skipped to it and in the ending credits he seemed to be in Altea cause of fucking course he is. It's not like he spent the whole fucking show missing Earth or the fact that him being a normal human of Earth was a fundamental part of his narrative, nooooooo he is A-ok with moving to Altea and not even to help in rebuilding the universe but to be a fucking farmer and "tell Allura's stories" or some shit, cause yup that's all his character is! And i am Definately Fine with This! Yup! Definately! Now if you'll excuse me i am going to walk into the ocean
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bluiex · 2 years
i saw art of hc!grian and dl!scar hanging out and hc!scar and dl!grian hanging out so you get some random writing i did cuz of it
the red sweater wearing man groaned, opening his eyes before shutting them due to the brightness of the area. his mind felt dizzy as he placed his hands over his eyes, until his hypersensitivity to the light faded and he opened his eyes once again.
the thing he noticed first was scar, looking concerned above him, but it didn't look like scar. or well, the atmosphere of scar had shifted, it wasn't the happy man he knew from hermitcraft, he had a couple extra scars and his eyes were red, not that he pays extra attention to his best friends eyes or face or anything, totally not.
the second thing he noticed was that he was in a grimy cave, the sunlight from area only from the wide open entrance which showed the sun rising above the distance, and a lone cactus, where the hell was he. the last thing he remembered was tripping and falling into the boatem hole, and suddenly he was in this weird place.
he darted up, clearly surprising the other as this, as other scar stumbled backwards.
"where am i? " he mumbled, surprisingly calm, looking at the other scar, realising for a moment he was only wearing a jacket on his upper half, showing his pecs to the world, a flush appeared on his face, imagining his scar with the same outfit.
"uh, g? you certainly couldn't have forgotten where we are! you took a bad hit to the head yeah but it wasn't that bad," the other scar said, concern growing on his face yet attempted to be hidden by a fake grin.
grian had a puzzled look on his face, a hit to the head? when? "what do you mean? i fell into the boatem hole, not get a hit to the head," genuine confusion filled his voice.
silence surrounded them for what felt like hours before scar spoke, "you aren't my grian are you?" he hummed, his smile had gone, but it was like it was a real one anyway. he looked the other up and down before landing on the eyes. the eye contact was horrible, as he stared. he thought he was going to mention his eye colour, considering how his was different to his own scar.
"you're too nice," is what the other landed on, spite filling his voice and he turned away, towards the chests. guilt creeped its way up in grians stomach, despite the fact this wasn't his scar, he wasnt the other grian.
he felt something getting given to him as scar returned, cookies, he stared at them in confusion before lifting them up to his mouth and eating them. "uh thanks? these are good. i guess it seems like every scar is great at baking," he mumbled inbetween chews, and the answer he gave seemed to satisfy the other scar, as he smiled.
it wasn't a proper scar smile that he got from his scar back on hermitcraft all the time, however, it was a sad, pathetic smile of a man who was overjoyed with the small compliment. and the guilt only grew despite not being the one to inflict this on him.
scar: oh u arent my grian i dont have to act happy anymore, anyway have a cookie cuz MY grian didnt appreciate it 🙄
i love petty dl!scar so
anyways i got tired but i might finish it later and post it to ao3 - 🧨
I'm on the floor at the way dl!Scar act just dropped immediately after figure out it wasn't his Grian
Please please finish- this little bit is so good, I wanna see dl!Grian's and hc!Scar's reaction so bad too
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my-lunaberg · 2 years
I got sick and didnt feel like watching dsmp so I just watched a bunch of random movies I found on my german piracy site of choice for almost a week but now Im better and Im about to watch Eryns origin story and idk man, I just felt like sharing my thoughts about that guy so far
First of all, Im so curious about this concept of any dsmp character having an origin story bc its like. their origin story is that they showed up. thats it. Like yeah, a lot of people very obviously have histories going back to before they showed up on the smp but theyre never really elaborated upon. Niki and Wilbur would kill for eachother with no hesitation, no explaination needed, stuff like that
Also, Im curious about some of the demon lore we'll potentially get bc like, demons arent a thing in minecraft the way slimes or endermen are but Eryn said he is one and also actually confirmed that BBH is one as well (I think he did anyway, I know its been popular fanon for a while but I dont remember it being brought up in canon before he said it), so Im curious how theyre gonna be integrated. My prediction is that theyre basically just gonna be like, the nether-equivalent of humans. Like, in the overworld the humans (or player characters ig) are the only sapient creatures and in the nether its demons.
But thats general lore stuff, now I wanna talk about my guy Eryn !!!! :D
I like him so much and idek why. Hes just a fun guy a fun lil guy I love him :D
I guess the best way to describe it would be like, Im very charmed by him. I love that hes like, this edgy-lookin ninja guy who likes to cause trouble, hes really the chaotic teenage boy this server has been missing ever since every other teenage boy has either been horrifically traumatized or is Purpled. I also like that, despite him being this chaotic teen boy who does what he wants, he seems to very sincerely admire Eret and listens to them for some reason ?? I say 'for some reason' because Eret has kinda been old news for a long time, like the fact that theyre a king doesnt mean anything because actual governments just kinda stopped mattering to everyone except for Wilbur and Quackity, but that honestly just makes it more charming. Eryn and Erets entire dynamic is just so good idk why, but its so comfy and chill in a way where you can tell theyre still just aquaintances but its still so nice yknow. This kinda ties into my previous point as well, I really like how he put a shit ton of effort into getting good knight armor and honestly really wants to be a knight while also demonstrating that hes willing and able to like, steal shit from the prison
Another thing that I find really interesting is his complete and utter lack of connection or interaction with Dream. Like, he arrived after Dream had long been in prison and while he left an undeniable impact on literally everything in the server, no one really. talked about it? Eryn seemingly had to go out of his way to get any kind of information because when Dream was still locked up everyone was all like "welp, the big badscary villain man is gone, and we're all safe so we dont have to worry about him anymore and we'd rather not talk or think about him lest we spoil everyones good mood" and then when he escaped they were all like "oh no, we're already feeling so anxious and bad bc we dont know where he is so we'd rather not talk about him lest we make everyone feel even worse when everything is already so terrible". His mindset is that Dream hasnt harmed him personally and hes never really interacted with him so he doesnt really have an opinion on him, which is very interesting as well. On one hand, it seems a bit naive to think that way when literally everyone keeps telling him how horrible that guy is, but also, while none of the conflicts on the dream smp have ever been caused by mob mentality, they have certainly been exercabated by it, so i guess its better to have less of it
I do have mixed feelings about that though. I feel like I'd need to see Eryn interact with Dream in order to really form an opinion on that and I feel like they might actually do that. Like, Eryn is Tommys friend and I think if Dream somehow found out that he doesnt have any negative feelings towards him on the basis of "he hasnt harmed me personally", he would definitely try to exploit that and I think that could be really interesting. If that doesnt happen in canon I might write an AU about it, probably not straight up villain!Eryn but maybe leaning more towards chaotic neutral idk
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lunatic-fandom-space · 2 months
Mayerling (1968)
Its weird, I wanna say I liked it because I did think it was good, but also this was the most boring film Ive ever seen (if you follow me, you mightve been able to tell by the fact that I was on tumblr basically the whole time lol)
And like, its hard to say why it was even so boring to me. Its not because it was derivative because honestly, all these rudolf-movies are more or less the same anyway, although this one did feel like it was borrowing quite a bit from Mayerling (1931) which was pretty weird to me because unlike with Mayerling (1967) it doesnt seem like any of the people from that film where involved with the creation of this one. I guess theyre based on the same novel but idk, some of these scenes are very similar, like the opening where Rudolf gets arrested at a student protest and the guy at the police station asks his name and hes like "Rudolf" and the police guy is like "ugh, your full name" and then he goes "heh. rudolf von habsburg" and its a whole thing, except in this one he goes "heh. I have many names" and then he lists all of his first names until the police guy realizes.
I am glad to say though that didnt just feel like Mayerling (1931) but longer, even with some of the scenes feeling quite similar. Out of all the films Ive seen, this was probably the heaviest on politics and I felt like it spent way less screentime and Rudolf and Mary's relationship, which I liked because I really dont care for their romance at this point and Omar Sharif and Catherine Deneuve did not have enough chemistry to make me care. Honestly, I found Omar Sharif as Rudolf really hard to watch especially when he interacted with women, but also just in general, he was so stiff and devoid of charisma. I was going to call him a bad actor for that but I thought he was good that scene where he drunkenly shoots a mirror in a bar/brothel place, so maybe he was just directed poorly idk. Now that I think about it, most of the actors felt pretty stiff, so yeah it was probably the directing.
Other than that, the only thing that I found noteworthy was the fact that Mary was 20 instead of 17/16 here. I have no idea why they would do that other than to make Rudolf look better, but like, I feel like by the time we get the age reveal we've already seen him do enough shitty stuff that him dating a minor or whatever wouldnt really make a difference. Idk, its very weird change to make imo. Also, I feel like the fact that the filmmakers decided to make her 20 also made them characterize her as more mature than usual. Like, I think Mayerling (1936) was the only other one where, while she was certainly characterized as pure and youthful, she didnt act like a "young girl", which is the case in most of these films, which I find baffling because its like. Okay, obviously i dont know what it was like in late 19th century austria, but I can tell you that in modern day germany, 17 year olds who arent getting their Abitur are already working jobs, theyre not going around being silly and giggly and clueless about everything (i forgot which film had the worst offender in this, but I am pissed off about it)
And yeah, that's pretty much it. I realize that I havent really had a lot to say about this or the previous Rudolf-film, I think its because a large part of my longer posts is taken up by a plot summary and descriptions of moments that stuck with me, but all these movies have the same plot and I dont feel like recounting it every time and neither of these films have really had any standout moments. So, in conclusion.... idk man, this film had all the components for me to love it, but something about it was just so boring that I find it hard to care about. sad.
0 notes
pesterloglog · 9 months
Roxy Lalonde, Calliope
Act 6, page 7694-7695
ROXY: hay!! hope you dont mind i pulled you off to the side like this
ROXY: away from other nice pals for a lil one + one rox & cal time
ROXY: i might b greedy as shit!
CALLIOPE: i don't mind at all!
CALLIOPE: i'm still getting Used to the concept of in-person socialization at all, let alone with many people.
CALLIOPE: and yes, yoU MAY be greedy, bUt if so, then so am i by the exact same standard. ^u^
ROXY: fffuck yes
ROXY: like a couple of friendship burglars pickin each others pockets all shifty eyed and lookin out for cops
ROXY: but also giggling i guess because that is in the spirit of the scenario in question
CALLIOPE: heheh. yes.
ROXY: i cant believe youre really here
ROXY: it hardly seems real!
ROXY: after all these years and how u were just like a mystery friend online and then how worried i was we might lose you for good
ROXY: but now......
ROXY: wow
CALLIOPE: i know!!!
ROXY: so u and jane and jade were hangin out?
CALLIOPE: it was great.
CALLIOPE: we drew and told stories.
CALLIOPE: i'd heard yoU died, so i was holding oUt some hope that yoU woUld show Up too...
CALLIOPE: and yoU did eventUally. jUst not the version of yoU i expected.
CALLIOPE: i never dared to think yoU woUld bring me this gift.
ROXY: well
ROXY: i swore i would
ROXY: and john kinda double swore he would help
ROXY: damn the kid is persistent
CALLIOPE: i like him.
CALLIOPE: he is easy to talk to.
ROXY: yeah!
CALLIOPE: i've read aboUt him, of coUrse.
CALLIOPE: the reality of someone standing in front of yoU is qUite different from what yoU read aboUt them in a text.
CALLIOPE: bUt then, i have no idea how accUrate anything i read is anymore.
CALLIOPE: i always believed i was in possession of the texts which decoded yoUr fUtUre, and i behaved toward all of yoU in that sly and knowing manner, avoiding "spoilers" and sUch.
CALLIOPE: that was probably presUmptUoUs of me thoUgh, in hindsight. i clearly didn't know that mUch.
CALLIOPE: i certainly didn't read anything aboUt my own involvement. i never coUld have imagined being here.
ROXY: you were still helpful though!
ROXY: you were the force in our lives that gave us hope that we could all get together some day
ROXY: going down that road has been craaazy and by no means a smooth ride
ROXY: im losin count of all the times it looked like everything was about to break or catch fire or actually DID break and catch fire resulting in loads of dismay
ROXY: but when you look back, every time things went to shit there was always something constructive about that turn of events
ROXY: something that was necessary for the good outcome to happen at all
ROXY: so whenever something stupid happens like some a-hole gets a bonehead idea to steal a ring and then everyone dies horribly and at the TIME u think ur just gonna curl up and cry yourself into weepy nonexistence
ROXY: maybe those arent even "bad" realities?
ROXY: maybe they are as important as any
ROXY: and so are all the experiences that u had in them and so are the experiences of everyone who died because you dont just get to say your experiences are more important or significant just cus you happened to be someone who survived longer
ROXY: i guess what im saying is
ROXY: im grateful you let me go on this adventure and not even in spite of the hardship it involved
ROXY: i just had a little time to think about it in the firefly nothingspace
ROXY: and i think all of it was good
CALLIOPE: i'm happy that i coUld play sUch a role in yoUr lives.
CALLIOPE: i don't know if i deserve mUch credit for these positive revelations aboUt yoUr joUrney thoUgh.
CALLIOPE: yoU are the one who's been on the adventUre.
CALLIOPE: i have barely taken my first step.
CALLIOPE: i spent all my life in my room, and then every moment in the afterlife cowering in fear.
CALLIOPE: it's only now that trUe participation is even a possibility.
CALLIOPE: bUt even so, i really doUbt i'll have mUch to offer.
CALLIOPE: my other self who i jUst released... i think she is poised to do something mUch more significant.
ROXY: what do you think shell do
CALLIOPE: i have no clUe.
ROXY: but she told u to live right
ROXY: by which i can only assume she meant
ROXY: yo live it UP girl
ROXY: like uh
ROXY: go shopping or something
ROXY: or rocket down the highway in a convertible with cash flyin out the back??
CALLIOPE: that is not the sort of sentiment i can imagine coming from her Under any circUmstance.
CALLIOPE: bUt yes, maybe something to the effect of encoUraging me to enjoy my existence, as commUnicated by a more typical, trUly asocial member of my species.
CALLIOPE: really, what i took from it was...
CALLIOPE: she is the "real" one, with all the power and relevance now, and i am the "spare". a civilian in a sense, like in a war.
CALLIOPE: and the only Use for civilians, from a militaristic mindset, are as those who live their lives in whatever completely irrelevant way they choose to.
CALLIOPE: they are the collateral at stake, the ones for whom the war is theoretically foUght, bUt whose lifestyles, choices, happiness and sUch, hold no concern whatsoever for those fighting on their behalf.
CALLIOPE: this i think is the mindset of cherUbs of her alignment. as protectors, it is the relationship they have with those they protect.
CALLIOPE: and so that is probably the relationship she believes she has with me.
ROXY: you make it sound like
ROXY: she is the legit callie
ROXY: and you are the afterthought
ROXY: like the one from the funky reality that didnt go right?
CALLIOPE: technically, her timeline was doomed, by her predomination alone.
CALLIOPE: even so, yes, it does feel as thoUgh my reality was the oddity.
CALLIOPE: cherUbs were never sUpposed to grow Up like me. exposed to other caring people, and learning from them.
CALLIOPE: it made me different, and Unfit to predominate. yet ironically, this was reqUisite for the timeline's sUccess.
CALLIOPE: and it was necessary for yoU all to begin yoUr joUrney as well.
ROXY: so this seems like
ROXY: an example of what i was just sayin actually
ROXY: the story of the two callies
ROXY: neither is really "more important"
ROXY: and your timelines cant really be described as the good one or the bad one
ROXY: there were good and bad things about both ways stuff went down and different qualities to the people you became
ROXY: her life sounds like it was harsh and lonely in its own way
ROXY: but it sorta paid off cause she got to beat her brother
ROXY: but then got arbitrarily punished for that outcome because it wasnt supposed to happen??
ROXY: and then finally u meet her and "free" her or something so she presumably gets to go off and do... something badass???
ROXY: then theres you
ROXY: who had probably an even more challenging upbringing gettin so hassled by your bro
ROXY: and he killed you i guess because the way the deck was shuffled he had the edge this time
ROXY: but the upshot was you got to have all these great friends who cared about you
ROXY: and it helped you become the nice person you are who means a lot to other people
ROXY: and now
ROXY: you get to live whatever kind of life you want and be completely free from all the crummy stuff you grew up with
ROXY: who cares if you arent as strong as her or dont have the wicked powers she does or some "important" mission to do
ROXY: you both came from perfectly legitimate realities and IMHO you are both equally valuable
ROXY: and both of those realities seem to be tied together
ROXY: she cant do her mysterious badass thing unless you make it all the way through your journey and free her
ROXY: and your reality was the thing settin the stage for this huge multiversal vortex of problems which after a kajillion fuckin EPOCHS she was always meant to resolve in some way
ROXY: and that doesnt mean your life was like... a means to an end in a big cosmic sense
ROXY: i think its more like...
ROXY: you ARE the end, or one of the ends
ROXY: you and me and everyone who made it and everyone who didnt
ROXY: so that means you dont have to be able to do a lot of super special shit to validate your identity as the real version of yourself
ROXY: the only validation you need is being who you are cause no one can be that person but you!
CALLIOPE: those are very inspiring things to hear, roxy.
CALLIOPE: i hope yoU are right.
CALLIOPE: bUt even so...
CALLIOPE: i think i woUld still like to be UsefUl.
ROXY: you can be!
ROXY: you can help me out
ROXY: i know you arent god tier or anything or probably never did much to get in touch with your aspect
ROXY: but maybe that doesnt matter
ROXY: u are space right?
CALLIOPE: a mUse of space.
ROXY: sounds cool!
CALLIOPE: it is cool, i think.
CALLIOPE: especially having seen what i coUld have been.
ROXY: no but that potential has to be inside you somewhere
ROXY: actually
ROXY: its one reason why i wanted u to be with me here for a while
ROXY: aside from catch up a bit :)
CALLIOPE: what do yoU need me to do?
ROXY: nothin really
ROXY: just be here with me...
ROXY: while i try this
ROXY: idk why but i feel like your presence will help
ROXY: and if nothing else i just like having u here
ROXY: makes me feel better about trying to focus on this weird lil chore
CALLIOPE: bUt yoU think my aspect is relevant?
ROXY: maybe
ROXY: i think space is related to this in some abstract way i cant put my finger on
ROXY: i gotta make this egg see?
ROXY: but it isnt really just an egg its this HELLA complicated egg in both its biological design and everything it represents for the future of an entire civilization
ROXY: and i dont have the genetic or chemical or molecular blueprints for it or anything
ROXY: i have to figure it out using... just thought
ROXY: like, ideas
ROXY: ideas that are really basic and live in this primordial sorta quasi-consciousness
ROXY: so i have to build the idea of this egg in some way before i do anything
ROXY: which means trying to grasp its reality and what it represents
ROXY: its like a funky little construct of biological propagation
ROXY: and i think that intersects with the nature of space
ROXY: at least as we have come to understand it
ROXY: the propagation of space is really just some profound cosmological feat of reproduction
ROXY: that is... a literally biological process right?
CALLIOPE: pretty mUch.
ROXY: so to make this egg
ROXY: as a rogue of void what im really doing here is something kind of insane
ROXY: you yourself told me once how id be able to do this crazy shit!
CALLIOPE: i did!
ROXY: ill be like... probing nothingness for an idea
ROXY: a pretty complicated idea in this case
ROXY: and
ROXY: pulling that idea from unreality
ROXY: so maybe if im right and a closer connection to the nature of space will help me locate that idea...
ROXY: almost like
ROXY: standing next to an antenna to boost the signal of that idea
ROXY: then maybe my chances will be better
ROXY: and hey
ROXY: even if not
ROXY: its just nice to have a friend nearby while u try to do something hard
0 notes
finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
-Good Puppy-
Karl Heisenberg x Reader
Annoying Karl is always a treat, especially with such a big factory to hide in.
Little bit of predator and prey vibes. Gender neutral Reader as always
Maybe trying to intentionally annoy someone who could cut your throat and replace your blood with mercury at any given moment wasn't the best idea you'd ever had.
But it was certainly a fun idea.
And in all fairness, you knew Heisenberg was much too fond of you to ever genuinely hurt you. However that didn't mean he'd put up with you being a brat. He was just a little more creative in his punishments.
And that meant you were more creative in your escapes as well.
So that's how you found yourself darting through the factory, clutching his worn out hat and laughing breathlessly as you heard his heavy steps on the metal behind you.
"Doll, I highly suggest you stop right fuckin there, and maybe I'll let you off easy."
You knew him well enough to hear the amusement in his voice concealed behind the growl. He enjoyed a good chase just as much as you did. And what really was the difference between a punishment and reward after he caught you?
You kept running.
You heard him chuckle darkly behind you. "Fine, if that's how you want to play this. Ten second headstart. You better run fast, puppy."
The endearment was more growled than spoken as he stopped where he stood, leaning his weight on the handle of his hammer, beginning to count down.
You ran, aiming to out as much distance between you two before the countdown ended, knowing that he was merciless when hunting. If he were to catch you, escape would be near impossible.
The factory's lay out was just about nonsensical, the lower floors being almost a labyrinth that was difficult to navigate at a normal pace, not to mention when you were sprinting through them.
His voice was getting fainter now, but you heard the speakers hidden everywhere in the factory kick to life, making sure you could hear the countdown. He was always one for the dramatics, wasn't he?
You could feel your heart pounding as you searched for a hiding place, ducking around corners and various half finished projects. He wasn't hunting yet, but the anticipation of it had your heart rate spiking.
You spotted one of the soldats, stumbling around with various enhancements throwing it off balance. The cognitive ability that they had left was enough to know to stay away from you. Heisenberg had threatened to turn them into scrap metal if you ever ended up with a single scratch.
The soldat stumbled away from you as you ran for the scrap piles behind it, pulling large sheets of metal over to cover a space between two large engines.
You hurriedly assembled your hiding spot, trying to make it look natural. Heisenberg knew his factory inside and out, but would he really notice a pile of scrap moved over to the side a bit? You hoped not.
Time was almost up, you squirmed into you hiding place, trying to calm your beating heart. If he came in here and heard you, the game would be up.
You could hear him chuckle through the speakers as you dragged in deep breaths, trying to make yourself comfortable.
"1, get ready or not, puppy~"
The speakers crackled off, and you were left to listen to the hum of the factory and the noise of the soldat outside of your hiding spot.
You still had Heisenberg's hat clutched to your chest, and you quietly put it on top of your head with a smile. A hard fought trophy, not one you'd give up easily. But now, all there was to do was wait.
The factory was big and complex, and you knew that Heisenberg had no desire to end a hunt early if he could drag it out instead.
Youd never met anyone else so inclined to play with their food.
It was only a few minutes before you heard the familiar heavy thunk of his boots again. You didn't dare peek out of your hiding spot, trying to focus on keeping your breaths quiet.
You could hear him walk into the room, but there was no reason that he would find you. You just had to stay quiet. Perhaps this would've worked in a different room. But your breath caught in your throat when you heard him speak up.
"You know puppy, some of the soldats are dumb enough to walk into walls, but all of them know to stay the hell away from you. So I wonder why this ones pressed to the side of the room. You hiding in here?"
You could hear him walking to your side of the room. Fuck. If he knew you were here, then there weren't any other hiding places other than where you were right now.
He knew exactly where you were.
"Now, I'm gonna give you one more chance, got it? Come out right now, and fuckin apologize for making me chase you around the factory."
You bit your lip, holding your breath. You were too far into this now to give up. At minimum your dignity was on the line.
"No? You aren't gonna be a good puppy? Alright then, looks like you need some training then."
The metal around you flew up into the air in an instant, and your back hit the floor. "There you are," He practically growled.
He picked up his hat that had fallen off of your head. You pushed yourself up to your feet, torn between trying to grab his hat back or making a break for it. He met your gaze, his dark glasses tilted down so you could see his eyes.
You made a break for it, darting around him in a mad dash for the door. A short lived attempt really as he grabbed your arm, pulling you to his chest. "Oh no you don't, you're mine now."
You were thrown over his shoulder easily, even as you thrashed, trying to break free. You had been thoroughly caught.
"Such a bratty fuckin pup, you don't know how to play nice. Guess I'll have to fuckin teach you what happens to bad pets like you."
A shiver ran down your spine as one of his hands tightened on your leg. You were back to his workshop already, and he practically threw the door open, unceremoniously dropping you on his work bunch.
He towered over you even moreso than usual like this, and he took advantage of it, crowding you against the wall. Metal cuffs fastened themselves around your wrists, pinning your hands to the walls.
He leaned back, taking in the sight of you all pinned up for him. He grinned wolfishly, grabbing one of your own knives from a nearby shelf. He tapped the blade under your chin before slicing through the front of your shirt. "Such a pretty fuckin puppy, arent you?"
He was simply admiring your form, and he dropped the knife on the workbench, leaving his hand free to trace over some of the half faded marks on your neck. 
"I suggest you remember that you belong to me puppy. And that means that when I tell you something you listen, alright?" 
His hand circled around your neck, just resting there for now. It was warm and scarred, you could feel his callouses against your skin.
"Good puppy."
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five-rivers · 2 years
I was one of those taggers and i feel so bad for missing your point.
To be honest i think i understood the point at first and then i went off on a tangent and forgot the point and then deleted all of that and just left ' make it customer service' or something as a tag, which was the exact opposite of what you meant.
Because you're right, all work is important and specialized and valuable and the idea that any particular job should be a punishment or looked down on is not cool so me saying 'make it customer service' does nothing for the conversation. I also realize that not everyone can do customer service, nor should anyone have to.
I actually wouldnt mind being in customer service forever if it was better paying, had a reasonable work load, and managers/customers valued us better. I really like my job! I like what i do and my coworkers are the best. But it's very emotionally and physically demanding too so it's not something i want to do forever unless something changes.
So i guess rather than a mandatory job assignment (which i realize now is what i originally implied and yeah holy shit i missed your point that sounds like that horrible society from 'the giver'), i really mean that if someone can do customer service or retail they should try it at least once. They dont have to stay if they have something else they'd rather do or if it just isn't working- bc a lot of customer service jobs arent going to work. Mine certainly didnt. But if they can try, then it can give them a new perspective of what our society is like. A lot of people work in customer service and a lot of people in this industry are struggling and if more people saw that then i think there would be lot more understanding and patience and improvements to these jobs.
If i understand better now, your point was that all jobs are valuable, not a punishment or last resort that people are trying to get away from. The sanitation industry is full of hard jobs that not everyone can do and plenty of people want to do. Same with customer service, and it was a major error on my part for forgetting that.
(Also my apologies if this reads as defensive or if i missed your point again. Im embarassed by my error for sure but not upset about it being pointed out.)
Let me know what you think bc i may very well have missed the point again 😩
No, you're good! In retrospect, I think I misinterpreted what you and the other taggers were saying as well- partially because I was still annoyed by the post I'd originally referenced, which is no excuse, and partially because I couldn't help thinking about how people, like you, in those jobs were also classified as essential. And nothing essential should be dunked on as much as customer service is dunked on.
I'm probably the wrong person to talk about thins in the first place, given that I haven't worked in customer service as a job (I'm not counting volunteer work - volunteers can always pull the 'I don't have to be here' card). But I agree that more people with broader perspectives could only improve things.
I just want everyone to be treated with respect, no matter what their job is or what industry they work in, and the part of things people actually see is often only the tip of the iceberg.
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fadewalking · 3 years
This is coming out of nowhere i guess but I've been trying to just unpack my feelings about the trend of people @ing blogs like isthecatvideocute or whatever critter a video is featuring, in every single video with a cat regardless of the actual content. And this really isnt meant to be a dig at those kinds of blogs, especially the cat one because I've so far never disagreed with any of their judgements and they seem to do at least a little bit of research into answering questions. But something about this entire thing is discomforting to me. And i think in part, it's the blind faith and like.... absolute authority that the general public seems to give these blogs. And not just absolute authority but like.. necessary absolute authority, which i think is what truly bothers me. Like, I've seen videos of the most benign things. Cats just walking around, or playing with something, completely unbothered in any way, and in the comments I'll see an @ for that blog and im just like.... why.....
And sometimes they'll even say why. And usually it's just because they "think it's probably fine but just want to make sure." And it's these type of statements that, which obviously well intentioned, really don't sit right with me, for two reasons.
First and most obviously, the whole blind faith thing. I appreciate that the good folk who run that cat blog genuinely seem to be invested in making sure the advice they give is as accurate as they can give it. Even if that advice is to "go see a vet". But the fact is that none of the people who run that blog are animal experts, at least that isnt advertised on their blog from what i saw. If im wrong about this, then sorry, but the issue still applies to other similar blogs who are just run by regular nonexperts who may or may not even have personal experience in owning whatever creature it is as a pet. For the cat blog specifically, they do say that they all have years of experience owning cats. So that's great, but who's to say that the blog owner of is-the-capybara-video-cute has ever even seen one irl? (Im going to assume that's not a real blog, since i just picked a random animal as an example. Sorry if that is a real blog, and sorry if the blog owner is rad) what im saying is i dont think we should be giving the advice of non-experts the weight of opinion that should be afforded to an expert. I dont have a problem with these blogs existing or people asking them questions, but i just dont think we should be thinking of their word as beyond reproach.
Secondly i don’t like this idea that a lot of people seem to have that we NEED to get Cat Blog to weigh in on a video in order to feel guilt free about enjoying it, if there's nothing outstanding as a potential bad thing. Which i get is a kind of tricky thing for me to feel, because certainly there are some things that are bad for cats that most people think of as benign, or wouldn't even know to question. And i know that being overcautious comes from a place of concern for the welfare of the animal. And even if they arent experts, i get that there's still a place for blogs like that, and it's not necessarily WRONG to seek their advice. But also. I feel like we should be using our own judgment and critical thinking skills whenever we view any piece of media. We shouldn't need permission to appreciate or dislike every single thing that comes across us. If there is clearly nothing wrong, we shouldn't be asking. If there clearly IS something wrong (like a video where someone yeets their cat across the room or something wild like that) we shouldn't be asking. It just feels like there's no boundary. If a cat is in it, it has to get the Cat Blog stamp of approval. And these cat blog people could be anybody! (But again they seem lovely.) That is my issue.
Tl;dr: Think for yourselves. Do your own research. Go to an advice blog if something is ambiguous or unclear, and leave the end all, be all judgments to the experts.
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