#and like a bit of real world stress sprinkled in there too
spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
I had a dream and Kamishiro Rui and Asahina Mafuyu were running around a playground in a bet to see who could find the most bugs and every time Mafuyu found a bug she would quickly infodump everything she knew about it to anyone who was there.
My unconscious really said Rui and Mafuyu and they’re highly autistic
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writing-blog-iguess · 4 months
Online Matchup 10
Summery: it’s been two months since Christmas, and there is a bit of distance between Jason and Y/N. but not to worry, Stephanie Brown is on the case!
Warning: swearing, fluff and sprinkle of angst if you squint I think?
Tag-list: @teapartydreams
Parts: ao3 series master list
Feedback is always welcome!
March 2
Unknown (5:30 am)
Are you guys still together?
Did something happen between you and Jason?
Do I need to kick his ass?
Do need to kick your ass?
What are you talking about?
And who even is this?
Please I just need to know if there’s something wrong
Your my favourite couple
And I haven’t seen Jason this happen in a long time
I need to know
Who is this?
How did you get my number?
Did Jason give it to you?
Did Conner?
But you didn’t get an answer. Sticking out your tongue, you set the phone down as you flopped back onto the bed. There weren't a lot of people who had your number, and the ones that do won’t give it away.
Rubbing your face, you thought back but no one came to mind. There was Tim, but you gave him the benefit of the doubt. He wouldn't do that to you twice. Would he? Groaning, you weren't sure anymore.
Before you could ponder anymore your phone started to ring. Groaning you palmed for your phone and answered it without glancing at the ID.
"You still haven't answered my questions?" the person said the minute the call went through furrowing your eyebrows, you pulled the phone away to see who called. It was the same number who had texted earlier.
"How the hell did you get my number?" you asked once the phone was back ear to your ear.
"Not important," she waved away your concern. "What is important is what happened between you and Jason."
"No. Whatever is between me and Jason is none of your business."
"It is, if he’s my brother." she shot back. Covering your eyes with your free hand and sighed. There's only one person you could think of who would be ballsy enough to confront you. Granted, you met her once and that was through a video chat. Through Jason. But you could tell they mean the world to each other. Even though Jason doesn't show it, you could tell.
"Stephanie," you said, cutting her rambling off. "If Tim gave you my number I swear.”
“What? No, I went through Jason’s phone for your number. And I have to say, your conversations are wild.”
“I swear to god.”
“I didn’t read all of it. I just wanted to know when was the last time you guys talked. And that was Valentine's day. I am not counting that, by the way. You guys just said thanks. Lame, not really a conversation. The real conversation was at Christmas."
“Has it been that long since we talked?" you asked in wonder, and thought back to what happened.
"Yeah, so? What happened between the two of you?"
“Been busy I guess. With school and work.” That was a lie and you know it. Apparently, you weren’t the only one. Staphanie scoffed and you winced.
“Don’t give me the same bullshit Jason gave me,” she said, “every time we’d ask, he’d say that or change the topic. Please can you give me the real reason?”
“So you can fix it?”
“So I can understand,” she stressed. “Jason was the happiest when he was talking to you. Now he just mopes around and snapping at everyone.”
Guilt churned in your stomach at the realization that not talking affected him. To tell the truth, it affected you just as much. And it felt like too much time had passed to start again. Too afraid he wasn’t interested in you.
“So? What happened at Christmas?” Stephanie asked again, and you wondered where her patience came from. You dropped your hand from your face and sighed. It was no use, she was going to get it out of you one way or the other. You caved.
“He came to Metropolis after he called. So he spent the night. I, uh, woke him up from a nightmare and he didn’t react well.”
“What’d he do?”
“He attacked me I guess,” you answered, subconsciously rubbing your neck. The bruises had faded but for a while you were wearing scarfs and other clothing to hide them. Your friends had made fun of you for it, and you didn’t have the heart to tell them the truth.
Yeah. Later he told me the story of how he died. Well, not the full story. Just said it was an accident and he was dead for a while.”
“But he told you about the pit?”
That had sent you into a rabbit hole when you got home. When Jason had dropped you off at home you couldn't stop replaying your conversation and being curious you went online trying to find everything there was to know what the Lazarus pit was, and the group of assassins. Naturally it just gave you verses from the bible, and could find nothing on the League of Assassins.
Not one to back down from a challenge, you went diving into the dark web. There, you got all the information you wanted and plus some. The only downside was that you got someone's attention. Wanting to know more you followed the person and immediately closed the laptop.
You nearly destroyed your computer when you followed the single.
Not wanting Batman to find anything on you wiped it and just used it for school. Well not before creating a backdoor to Batman's computer. Who knows, maybe you'll need some information that only Batman has.
"Are you scared of him?” Steph asked, voice quiet. "Because then I get why there's radio silence from your end."
"And Jason’s end?" you asked not sure if you wanted to know the answer to.
"Sort of. He's scared of losing you. So he's keeping his distance. Waiting for you to stop pushing. He thinks it worked. Which makes him stupid, because he likes you and shouldn't do shit like that.”
"And I'm not helping.”
"And you're not helping."
"Okay. Okay, I have a plan. But it's going to take me a couple of hours "
"Ooh, tell me."
“Just going to do some baking.”
"Can I have brownies?"
"Only if you tell me what everyone else's favourite baked goods are."
"What? Boo, you shouldn't, they were going to come and bombard you. I talked them down."
"If you want your brownies, tell me.”
"Oh, I see why he likes you. Fine. But get my brownies first.”
You laughed, and grabbed a notebook and pen to write down your list. After your phone call with Stephanie, you made a list of the things that you need.
Quickly getting changed, you grabbed your keys and wallet, and left for the grocery store. An hour later, you were panting slightly in your apartment with grocery bags around your feet. You wondered slightly if you were going over bored. But waved the thought away.
Once gaining your breath, you began your baking mission.
Stephanie (10:30am)
How's it going?
There's a chance I might have gone overboard.
*A picture of all types of cookies, pies, cakes, and scones scattered around the kitchen.*
Holy shit.
I don't know what happened
One minute I'm making cookies, the next I come to and this is all made
I don't see brownies
*An imagine of brownies baking in the oven*
I've made two different types
If things don't work out with Jason
I'm available
I'll keep that in mind.
So, how are you going to bring that to Jason’s?
Is he home?
Uh, like me check
He is not, he’s at Bruce’s
I thought he hated spending time there
He sort of does?
What does that even mean?
It means that he mopes around the house
And Dick told him to go home it all he was going to do is mope
Jason said he would rather be where people are than at home
So! How are you going to bring me my brownies?
I think the fuck not
Then what do you suggest?
I'm so glad you asked
I have regrets
Dick is going to be around your place in an hour.
You didn't have get him to do that
What? He's my brother
Plus he wants those cookies
Not your brownie?
No, those are mine
And I will throw hands with anyone who thinks they can steal them.
Remind me not to come between you and your brownies
I don't want you to learn the hard way.
I like you.
I like you too.
Enough to leave Jason for me?
No, you'll just use me for my brownies.
So, can Dick come by?
You're not going to take no for an answer
Oh you know me so well
I've known you for a day, if even that.
Who says friendship can't form so quickly?
Wait, did you say an hour?
Make it two
An hour won't be enough time
You still have things to bake?
No, after the brownies are done, I need to let them cool before packing them up
Plus I need to shower and change.
I smell so bad all sweaty and stuff
I think I have flour up my nose
That is to much info
I thought we were friends?
We are
Were just not that close yet
Mm. See you in a couple of hours.
You and three others have been added to a group chat.
Something that actually makes sense, sometimes
Real smooth Conner
What the fuck is this?
I didn’t consent to this group chat
Answer the question y/n
Unknown number
Yeah Y/N
Answer the question
Who the fuck are you?
Unknown number
Jay’s best friend
Who the fuck are you?
You’ll have to ask him
Conner? What the fuck?
Oh, yeah that’s Roy Harder
He’s in Star City and Jason’s friend
Ellie, I’m going to kill your boyfriend
Yeah that’s fair
It was Connors idea
I told him not do it
Apparently he didn't listen
How could you?
Betrayed by my own girlfriend
Not sure what you expected
Whatever we have more pressing matters to talk about
Yeah, it’s a matter of life and death
Have you been talking to Tim?
Don't worry about it
I'm going to kill him
Please answer him
He wouldn't shut up about you and Jason
No we didn't break up
Just I don't know
Not sure what happened but in fixing it
Don't worry
I will worry about it
Jason deserves the world
Two hours later, there was a knock on the door. "It's open!" you called from the kitchen. From your place at the sink, you listened as the door opened and closed. Light footsteps made their way through your apartment, and soon their owner stood at the doorway.
"Do you always have the door unlocked?" Dick asked, thumb pointing over his shoulder.
You glanced at him with a shrug and turned back to your dishes. "No. I keep it unlocked when I know someone's coming over and when I'm busy that I can't answer the door."
"You still should have it locked.” he said with a frown, "you live in Gotham.”
"Ya but nothing happened yet.”
"Yet being the key word." You made a face but didn't answer. "So, want to tell me what's going on between you and Jason?"
"No, not unless you want cookies.”
"Shutting up now," he said, with a smile.
“That's what I thought. Now, help me with all this,” you said, putting the last dish away and gesturing at four bags of baked goods.
Dick whistled lowly as he looked through the bags. "Steph wasn't kidding when she said you went a bit overboard.”
"What can I say? I wanted to make an impression.”
“Yeah, but isn't this to much for Jason?" Dick asked grabbing two bags as you grabbed the other two. He followed you through the apartment, and watched with amusement as you struggle reaching for your keys that were in your pockets. You made a sound of victory when you pulled them out.
"Oh no, this isn't all for Jason. He has his own container of sweets,” you reply, turning around to your door and locked it. "See, locked." You said pointedly.
"Doesn't count, you're not even in there. You're leaving," he counted, you stuck your tongue out and made your way to the elevator. "Okay, then who are the rest for?" he asked turning the conversation back to the baked goods.
"You, your brothers, sisters, Bruce, Alfred and whoever else lives there.”
"Even for the dogs, cat, cow and bat?" You paused and looked at him as if he grew an extra head. The way he said bat told you there some washing more to that, and you’re not entirely sure you wanted to know.
"You have a pet bat? And cow?”
"It's a long story."
"Yeah, I don't think I want to know," you said, and turned back to the elevator. You both stepped in once it opened. After pressing the ground floor button you answered his question, “no, but if they're the jealous type then I can pick some treats from the store since I need to get something anyways. What do you get a bat and a cow anyways?"
"No idea, Damien is usually the one to fees them,” Dick replied with a shrug. "What do you need at the store?”
"Tea," is all that you said.
“Jason doesn't drink tea,” Dick pointed out as he stepped out of the elevator and made his way through the parking garage to his car. You followed close behind and shrugged.
"I know," you said, sniffing. "Doesn't mean I still can't get it. Do you mind?" Dick studied you for a minute, and you did your best not to fidget.
"Sure, but only because I'm curious."
"Sure Jan." Dick laughed and loaded the bags in the car. Once the two of you were seated and buckled, you told him which store. To which he proceeded to look at you in surprise, saying that it was an expensive store. "I know, but I also know what I can and can't afford"
"I guess you do," he mumbled and pulled out of the parking garage.
As Dick drove through traffic, you made idle chatter, talking about everything to nothing you could think of, when silence fell between the two of you, you debated on asking a question. Before you could, he pulled to a stop in front of the store.
“Thanks, I'll be back in a few," you said and left the car before he could say anything. You browsed through the store until you found what you wanted, and within minutes you were sitting beside Dick "See? I didn't take to long"
“No kidding, '' he said and pulled out into traffic. "Usually people take long when they say it won't take long.”
"I mean yeah but I knew where to find it."
"Plus you want to see Jason."
"Plus I want to see- hey! Don't put words into my mouth," you said, poking his arm. Dick raised an eyebrow at you. Slumping into your seat like a chid getting scolded, you signed. "Okay. So I want to see Jason. I miss him, sue me”
“And get my ass beat by him? I'm good," he said, and you snorted.
“This coming from the guy who almost fought a couch? I'm sure you could win.”
"Are you betting against your boyfriend?"
"I didn't say that!”
"Mm sounds like you're implying it," Dick teased, you stuck your tongue out and shrugged.
"Why'd Steph ask you to drive me?" you asked, changing the topic. Dick snorted and shook his head. "I could have just taken a taxi or something,"
"Yeah but she doesn't really trust public transportation," he answered, "it was either me or Alfred. And I don't think you'd like a limo drive up at your place." You winced at the thought. "Yeah that's what Steph thought too.”
"Okay, but why you?" you asked, ignoring his hurt pout he sent you. "You don't live in Gotham, and yet you seem to be always here. At least when I talk to Jason."
"I'm here on the weekends, but sometimes my job brings me here." You gave him a confused look and thought back to your conversation with Jason a while back.
"Oh right. You're a detective."
"You don't have to sound like it's a lame job," he pouted.
"I'm not saying that. I just forgot that’s all." You two lapsed into silence for a moment before you posed your question. "Did you ever find the missing college students?"
"Yup. It ended up being a human trafficking ring."
"Yikes. Did they find every one?"
"Yeah. some were a little hurt and traumatized but nothing too serious."
"That's good" you murmured, "I'm glad their okay."
"They should be thanking you," Dick said, turning right. "You were the one to bring it to the cops attention."
"All I did was talk to Jason. Asked if he could talk to you about it," you said, shrugging.
"Yeah but without you it could have been a lot worse.” You didn't have anything to say to that, so you stayed quiet.
With the conversation coming to a close and no other topics came up, you spent the rest of the drive looking out the window in silence. You liked Dick, but it wasn’t the same as talking to Jason.
With Jason, it didn’t feel like he was judging you. He encouraged some of your ideas and help spark others. He wasn’t afraid to call you out on your bull, and told you the things that you needed to hear.
With Dick, you had a sense that he was holding back. Like he was afraid to say the wrong thing that would make you run away.
Which was absurd, given what you know about Jason and all the research you’ve done after Christmas. It wasn’t going to make you run then, so whatever he wants to say won’t make you run now.
Granted, the two of you haven’t talked since Christmas, and you can admit that you needed time to process everything. But this all could have been avoided if you told Jason that you needed a minute. It also didn’t help that Jason pulled away too.
But you were going to rectify that starting today.
Dick pulled to a stop, bringing you out of your thoughts. You blinked in surprise at how big the Wayne Manor actually was, and wondered if it was possible to get lost in it.
Dick laughed and you turned to him confused. “It’s possible to get lost, trust me.”
“Good to know,” you mumbled, flushing that you’ve said that out loud. Quickly getting out of the car, you grabbed the bags from the back seat.
Before you could even walk towards the door, it opened and Stephanie came bounding towards you. “Brownies!”
“Steph! Wait!” But it was too late, she tackled you into a hug and the two of you tumbled to the ground. You grunted at the impact, and watched as the bags fell to the ground around you.
“Oops,” she said as she looked at the bags. “Sorry.”
“If I would have known you’d tackle me, I wouldn’t have gotten them out of the car,” you said, waving away her worry. “No worries. I should have seen it coming.”
"So," Stephanie said, arms and your neck as she leaned in with a knowing smile. One that you didn't trust one bit. "Brownies?" The question startled a laugh out of you, and you shoved her off of you.
"Help me bring them inside and you can have them,” you answered, and she jumped up and offered you a helping hand. Which you took.
"I can do that," she said, grabbing a bag or two.
"You know, if I didn't know better I would have guessed the two of you were dating,” Dick said in amusement, watching the two of you from where he stood. You laughed and shoved a bag into his arms.
"She only wishes,” you said, threading an arm through Stephanie’s.
"Damn right I do." She laughed and the three of you made your way to the house.
As you walked towards the kitchen, Stephanie and Dick chatted while you looked around the house in wonder. This place was huge and more than you could ever afford.
"So, why’d you bake so much?" Dick asked, putting the bags on the counter. You blinked in surprise that you made it to the kitchen without realizing it.
"Don't know," you answered with a shrug. "Felt like doing something nice. And yeah, I'm sure Alfred could do this and it'd taste twice as good, but I figured I could give him a break, you know? Since he’s taking care of a lot of people, the man needs a break."
Silence fell in the room as everyone stared at you in shock. “What? What’d I say?”
"You're like the opposite of Jason," Tim said, breaking the silence. "I am unsure what you see in him." You blinked and looked up from your unpacking and shrugged.
“Guess that's something you'll always have to wonder about," you replied and went back to sorting everything. "Okay. Steph your brownies," you said, pushing two containers towards her.
You winced as she squealed, and hugged them to her. "I have chocolate chips, snicker-doodles, and oatmeal cookies. Apple pie and pecan. And the tea is for Alfred. So if you could tell him that. I would appreciate that," you said as you pointed out the different snacks out to everyone.
"What about Jason?" Stephanie asked, peering into her containers of brownies. "You did this for him right?” You held up a special looking container and smiled when she pouted. "I see how it is. Jason gets the special treatment while us nobodies just get boring."
"You have brownies, but if you have a problem with that then I’ll just take them back," you replied, reaching over the counter as if you were going to take them back. Stephanie pulled the brownies further from you and stuck out her tongue. “That’s what I thought.”
You looked around and frowned when you noticed that Jason wasn't here. “So, where's Jason?" you asked. And your stomach flipped with nerves when the exchanged looks.
"Todd's in the library," Damien answered as he walked in. "He needed a moment before joining us later."
"He doesn't know I'm here, does he?"
"No, I made sure no one told him,” Stephanie replied before stuffing a brownie square into her mouth.
"Cool cool cool cool," you muttered and reached for Jasons container full off sweets. "Mind telling me where it is?"
"I'll show you,” Dick said, already moving to the door. "Like I said, you'll get lost if you don't know where to go."
You nodded and quickly followed him after waving to Stephanie. The walk to the library from the kitchen was silent and you felt there was no need to fill in the silence. Dick motioned towards the door of the library and wished you luck before leaving you alone.
You looked at the door for a minute, your stomach in knots wondering if this was a good idea before you could change your mind you took a deep breath and opened the door. Your jaw dropped at how big the library was, and you wanted to spend time walking through. Wanting to discover what kind of collection Bruce Wayne had. But the need to see Jason outweighed the need to explore.
You walked further into the room and found yourself coming to follow a slight shoring. The closer you walked towards it the louder it became. And soon you found Jason sleeping on a couch in what looked like a reading nook. Your gaze softened as you studied him, before looking for a blanket. Finding one you grabbed his book that was lying on his chest and covered him with the blanket.
You set the container of sweets and his book down before picking a random book from the shelf and sat down willing to wait for him to wake up. Judging by the black bags underneath his eyes, he could use some sleep.
Jason woke up to a soft humming coming from beside him. He groaned and covered his face with a throw pillow. "Steph, I said I wasn't in the mood. Shut up and go away,” the humming stopped, but only because the person he thought was Steph scoffed.
"I don't know whether to be flattered or offended that you see me as your sister.” The voice said and Jason froze at the familiar voice. "But considering I would like to kiss your stupid face, then I'm offended."
Jason peaked over the armrest and blinked in surprise. You were indeed sitting on one of the sofas, peeking over your book hiding the smile he knew was there. "What are you doing here?"
"A little birdie told me that we've been avoiding each other. And I plan to fix that."
Jason made a face. "Was it Tim?"
"No. It was Stephanie," you replied. "You should really keep an eye on your phone.”
"I'm going to kill her," he growled and moved to get up but you were quicker, and pushed him back on the couch. Now sitting beside him, you nuzzled into his side.
"Don't be mad at her," you said, wrapping your arms around his waist. "She cares about you and I'm glad she said something. I'm sorry for being distant for the last two months. It was a lot of process and I guess I needed time. Sorry I didn't say anything. That's on me."
Jason signed, and wrapped his arms around you, while resting his head on you. "I forgive you. I'm sorry too, guess I thought you were too scared or something so I thought l'el let you go." You scoffed and poked his side, smiling when he squirmed.
"Don’t think you’re not getting rid of me that easily," you said, "like I said at Christmas. I trust you no matter what. Besides, I've read some of the stories about the group of assassins. And let me tell you, if those didn't scare me off you wouldn't.”
"Good to know," Jason mumbled, and pulled back when he realized what you said. "What do you mean you've read some stories about them.?" You avoided his gaze and shrugged. “Y/N,” he said and your shoulders dropped.
"So my curiosity got the better of me and I went into a rabbit hole of research."
"I doubt Google would have anything on them," he commented wryly. You nodded and scratched your nose sheepishly
"You would be correct," you said, "on another note. Did you know Batman monitors certain words on the dark web?"
"Please tell me you didn't?" Jason groaned, head falling onto back of the couch exaggerated.
"M’kay I won't."
Jason groaned and closed his eyes. "What am I going to do with you?"
"I don't know, but at least I can keep you on your toes," you answered with a giggle. Jason only grunted. "Anyway, hungry?" Jason cracked an eye open to glance at you questioningly. "What? I did some baking this morning. "
"Why not?" you questioned back and pointed towards the container of sweets on the table beside him. Jason reached over and set it on his lap before opening it.
'That's a lot," he commented as he looked at all the goodies in it. You shorted and reached for a chocolate chip cookie.
"You should see the stuff in the kitchen," you said, taking a bite. "I baked so much it's a bit ridiculous."
"How long were you awake?"
"Uh, I think Steph woke me up around five five-thirty-ish. But I didn't start baking until seven. Don't worry, the ones in the kitchen are for everyone else. These are for you that way you don't have to share. Well, except for me if that's okay."
Jason looked at you in awe as you continued eating your cookie, unaware. "You are amazing," he said, leaning in to kiss your temple. "Have I said that yet?"
"No, but you could say it more often," you said with a smile. Jason only grinned and grabbed a cookie.
"I think that could be arranged."
"Good, and don't you forget it."
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scratchandplaster · 8 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 7 - Suffering in silence
CW: emotional manipulation, parental Whumper, hypnosis, conditioning, mind control, interrogation, forced betrayal
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Shepard cradled his son protectively, hoping to increase this state of suggestibility to a usable scale, despite or especially because the walls Reuben had built up were nothing more than gravel on the road.
"Listen carefully now. I'm not trying to fool you again, I'm just worried about my children. That's why I need to know if Lukas is alright, you understand this better than anyone. You remember what always happens when the stress gets to him: he doesn't eat, just lays in bed until sunset and doesn't go outside for fresh air. We don't want that, do we?"
His youngest nodded his assent. Luke, in one of his moods, couldn't cope on his own and he was all alone now too, but Ben was here and ready to support him from afar.
"You always help me out, that's your special talent. And I wouldn't dare to ask you bluntly, I bet Lukas told you that awful things would happen if you reveal details about his new...current home to me."
Ben agreed again, he was thoroughly briefed to hold his peace. Luke's horror stories about how they both would be dragged back and forcefully introduced again made goosebumps blossom at the back of his neck, which Shepard carefully stroked away: "But I'm not asking directly, so it's okay, we can play by Lukas' silly little rules and help him at the same time. Isn't that great?"
Shepard watched a lightened smile spread across his son's face, always eager to assist his dad.
"So, to achieve this, I need you to stay down, stay calm, stay open to my words. When you're ready to talk to me, I will listen."
After swallowing a few times, his jaw loosened with a click. Ben was thoroughly poised. Perfect.
"You lived together with Luke?" Shepard tried to suppress any judging tone that possibly snuck its way into his questions.
"Yes," Ben whispered, his voice sounding like it detached to flow freely throughout the tent.
Just as suspected: same city, same vicinity. Shepard would siphon Luke out of the masses until he was sure he was close enough.
"And others too?"
Shared flat. Close to campus, more than likely. Luke had surrounded himself with many people, many friends, which certainly acted as an extra barrier. Nothing his dad couldn't get out of the way.
"That's so nice, it's important to stay close to the people you love."
Ben nuzzled into the crook of his neck, a compliment Shepard gladly accepted.
"Imagine something for me. Imagine you're back in the house you lived in. You wake up like every morning, the warm sunbeams on your skin welcome the new day, and get dressed in your favorite outfit. You already prepared it the evening before, that's how exited you are to take a stroll through the city."
Ben could see Lukas' room so clearly: the spare sleeping mat he and his roommates had dug up and cramped under the desk. Everything had been cramped ever since he followed his brother out into the real, wild world, but that never stopped them from finding a way for themselves.
"Ready for the day, you step outside. What is the first building you can see?"
The question took a while to settle in, the cogs in Ben's mind worked at a snail's pace: "A restaurant."
"Is it a nice one, an expensive one?"
"Yeah." Luke had invited him there once or twice, only when his paychecks arrived.
"Can you see the name?"
Despite their makeshift living conditions, Shepard wondered if his boys, lacking papers and any kind of formal education, managed to settle in a high-end neighborhood. Meanwhile, Ben smiled weakly, remembering the intense aroma of cinnamon and sprinkles on his tongue.
"What does it say?"
"Thank you, sweetheart," Shepard coughed and bit his lip hard to hold in his laughter. This narrowed the area down. His Reuben was incredibly helpful indeed, even if he was unable to grasp why.
"Taking in the morning air, you stride along the sidewalk to the nearest street sign. They are fixed on a post, a little plate with letters on it."
"I know, Dad!" he could practically hear Ben roll his eyes if he were in a different state of mind, "I'm not as stupid as you think."
But sweet Ben never paid attention to bland signs that couldn't spark his curiosity, and currently his brain wasn't active enough to produce a dream image.
"What street are you on?"
Ben shrugged innocently: "I dunno."
Prodding further would just risk him getting defensive, a possibility not worth sacrificing his results for. Lukas was practically gifted to Shepard on a silver platter, rushing it was not the way.
"That's alright, Ben. You're doing great, just go back to the house for me and tell me what color it is."
"Bricks," he muttered.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, the tired man tried another strategy: "You walk up to the front door now, please. Slowly, dear, we aren't in a hurry."
A foul lie to calm his all too eager son down; complex assignments usually made Ben confuse himself into a stupor.
"Arriving at the entrance, you look at the facade and somewhere above the doorbells you will see a number. If you tell me which one it is, I'll stop bothering you."
Bother wasn't a word Ben would ever use to describe the breathwork they did together, he may not understand every word that was said or left his own mouth, but nevertheless appreciated this embrace for his soul.
Before his inner eye, the path he walked up countless times before showed itself in great detail: the clear view made of old beer cans and crumbling plaster he never quite got used to. It had to be there somewhere, a few stairs further inside a big circle. Slow, calculating head pats were exchanged for treacherous information.
"The number, sweet thing." If listened closely, maybe one could hear a trace of impatience.
"Four-two-seven," Ben murmured under great exertion.
"There you are. Thank you very much, Ben." A gentle kiss on the crown of his head sealed the deal.
Dad was so proud of him, he did a good job! All was forgiven.
The hard part was over, now Shepard had to ensure that his nestling didn't fledge again. He was truly fortunate that he had such a big heart and dutiful mind.
"How about one more favor for your old man?"
"Okay," Ben's warm breath against his father's chest let them tighten the hug.
"Are you sure? You already did so much for us."
In response, Reuben nodded avidly. He could always assist Dad, he could always prove his worth.
"Well, then. I want you to forget this conversation, Ben. Let it drift out of your head into the world, mix with the wind and get carried far, far away. It would hurt me too much to have you burdened with my worries."
Followed by a deep exhale and final sign of agreement, Ben was placed back on the sea of cushions and blankets beneath him and kindly tucked in. All that was prepared beforehand had found its use, as father and son laid beside each other, hand in hand.
"I'm going to talk to your subconscious now, but you can just simply float along. You don't have to listen to my drivel anymore, starshine, a deeper part will do all the work required. Let go and follow me."
At this final command, the last string that tethered Ben to the waking world slipped from his grasp.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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fictionalsownme · 24 days
Do you have any tips that you're willing to share when it comes to writing Wilford? Like, tips to keep writing him as in character as possible?
Hi! I’d love to share some tips!! 🥰 Wil is pretty hard to write for to be honest ^^" It can be easy to fall out of the rhythm of his character since he's just so strange of a guy haha but I guess that's what makes him fun too! each of the points ended up pretty long so hopefully I didn't get too ramble-y!
anyway! hopefully some of these pointers help out! 💞
some disclaimers really quick: all of these are my own interpretation but by no means does anyone have to follow these or do I think I'm right or anything like that! also, this is for wmlw!wilford since I pretty much only write for him so far :) let's get into it!
Wil has two modes depending on how grounded he is. The first is a go-with-the-flow airhead who has no idea what's going on and is completely unbothered by this. Everything just washes right over him, and he seems to think everyone else is like this too. He speaks in non-sensical idioms half the time, each sentence only barely connecting to the last. His accent is pretty over the top in this headspace too! The second is when he's a bit more grounded, probably leaning more Colonel than Wilford. In my writing, he gets like this when he's reminded of his past (similar to wmlw), forced to be present in the current moment, or emotional in some way, etc. His accent is less subtle and more typically british, and he speaks in longer, more logical sentences.
Stress the right words in his dialogue. This one might just be a quirk of my writing style because I love to overuse italics as you can probably tell haha but Wil emphasizes really random words when he speaks, so even just sprinkling it in every once in awhile I feel like adds a lot!
Don't forget his body language. In a similar vein to the previous point, Mark's performance of Wilford is reallyyy physical, and dependent on his mannerisms. How he moves his hands is a big one, they hang in the air or land in interesting spots. Same for his expressions, how he tilts his head, how he sits and walks around, etc. Don't forget to keep him moving often unless he's still for a specific reason (scared, thinking, etc).
Have Wilford 'MOTHERLOVING' Warfstache on standby. I play wmlw pretty much on a loop & on silent in the background while I write him if I feel like I'm struggling to get him right. The way Mark acts him is so specific with his voice and his mannerisms and everything so having the video to refer back to is super helpful even just to get the vibe down. Sometimes I'll watch the whole thing start to finish before I start my writing session, though,, maybe I'm procrastinating hehe
Try to balance his humor, sweetness, and attractiveness. This one is a little weird, and probably depends on your preferences and what kind of fic you're writing, but for me, these are the main aspects of Wil's personality I like to focus on. Like, let's not forget, he's totally ridiculous. But he also seems very sensitive, and you know... he's hot. He's a goofball! I found myself forgetting the funnier side of his personality while I was working on my fic so I figured I'd throw it in :)
He's not as violent as he used to be. so it's clear that Wil doesn't have the temper that he did as the Colonel, but I like to take it a step further and say that once we reach WMLW, he doesn't struggle as much with violence. This is a bit more headcanon territory but Wil's violence post-WKM was based in a (mis?)understanding that death isn't real in this world. I think that plus his desensitization to violence eventually brought him full circle all the way back around to just being kind of passive. He's not scared of violence or guns at all (ie kissing Abe's gun) but he doesn't really bother with them himself either. I just like him as kind of a harmless clueless puppy idk 👉👈 hehe
I hope these helped, and lmk if you have any more questions! I like rambling about my boy(s) kikiki 💞 thanks for the ask!
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 31
Chapter 31: “Emptiness”
Once again appreciating the small hints that get sprinkled in everywhere such as the bottle rockets which will come into play shortly.
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It makes me so sad to see my boy like this. He spent his entire life stressing over a way to save his two best friends from the harsh reality of this world and now that one faced an unfortunate end, he’s so worn out and lost. All his efforts gone to waste and he can’t handle the weight of failing, not only himself but people who mean so much to him. To see someone who was silently fighting many battles alone finally break and give up hurts every part of my heart.
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I know RE were both sharing the same brain cell about only looking defeated to trick Isabella, but I don’t doubt that most of Ray’s exhaustion had to be real after everything he endured. Whether or not he started his act here however, I dunno, but he sure makes it believable. I’m sure his feelings here are real though. With Isabella currently not around, there’s no reason to put on a mask around these tree.
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The manga gives us Emma’s internal dialogue voicing her worries for a good page while in the anime it.. has her crying. It wouldn’t bother me so much if she didn’t already state way back in ch1 that she’ll never cry again, so for the anime to have her do just that doesn’t sit right with me. Granted, the anime never included that panel to begin with and it needed another way to convey her emotions here since it yet again leaves out internal dialogue like this completely, but whatever. I know she’s highly upset and has every right to cry given the circumstances, but I know she’s stronger than that. Not trying to say crying is a form of weakness either, because it isn’t, but I’m just looking for some consistency here.
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We sure as hell didn’t hear anything, you sneaky bitch. Anime is all silent too (aside from the crying).
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Isabella is so cold for outright telling her “Norman died. Ray’s not himself,” but this little bit of the conversation has hints of her speaking from experience with Leslie’s shipment and encountering the cliff.
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I’m sure she was really hoping Emma would’ve taken the mom offer as well. Not even because Isabella wants to assist the farm as a proficient caretaker who raises the best children, but because she wishes for Emma to live a longer life. She’s only trying to help, albeit in the worse way possible..
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The way Isabella goes from pity, to merciless then switches back to being concerned so swiftly and subtly.. ow, my heart.
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Breaking news (as in something that isn’t new but rather breaks my heart): She cares.
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Oh honey, you think you have them pinned? Haa, just you wait! But yes I love how often anything chess related is brought up in this manga.
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The fact RE & everyone else manages to set up and pull off the escape in about twenty minutes is impressive. (but the time at which the actual plan starts confuses me between both medias, but I’ll mention that more once I get to ch33 I think.)
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There’s also no indication that Ray’s humming the lullaby in the manga so that had to be a treat for manga readers once this episode aired. If I knew the significance of it back when I first watched ep10 I would’ve surely lost my mind.
Favorite panel/moment:
THIS ONE! Absolutely no other choice! Oh my god, no doubt one of favorite panels of her out of the entire manga. Our sweet sunshine child looking completely fierce and I am all for it!!
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No way in hell the anime could’ve nail that expression. That’s Demizu perfection right there!
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Too Much Time on My …mind(?)
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Time for yourself is the key
A lot of time to reconfigure your universal reality. Oh great …homework
There is a band that originated from the Windy City during the early 70’s and named themselves after the river that leads lost souls to the underworld. I’m not a big fan, but in junior high, they had a song I really liked: “Too Much Time on My Hands.” Odd choice of a song to identify with because as a young person, there is not nearly enough time to do all of the “teenage/young adult” stuff one wants to do. Ah the perils of youth.
Down the road, when one moves past youth and the pressures of career and family, there will come the point when one considers to retire or not to retire. I did. Too much time on my hands becomes a desired state of mind; not a criticism from the workaholic, Puritan work ethic that leads to anxious, stressful mindsets unique to our nation. You’ve earned the rest …enjoy. Caution: if you have an overly active brain, the free time can be a roller coaster ride led only by the psychological whims of the ole gray matter. Not the obvious, “I’m getting closer to the end,” scourge of thought …though it’s there, or “what is my purpose” either. Those two concepts have been overly analyzed ad infinitum in these columns. No, I’m talking about the universal contemplations that occur with the unfettered, over thinking mind. I got me one of those.
Through my study of history and my casual observations of human behavior, I reached the conclusion that most humans adopt specific philosophies and behaviors, as one approaches middle age. Most folks become less open minded, more conservative, more nostalgic and pretty much settle on a dogma of how the universe operates with absolutely no questioning of said dogma. Shaking your fist at cars driving fast in your neighborhood soon follows. I get it. One doesn’t want the foundation of your belief system to be doubted during the golden years. I also understand, having grown up In the evangelical south, that staying the course is necessary to getting some real estate in a form of heaven, paradise …the eternal reward. I do get it …I’m just the black sheep in the family and never do anything the right way.
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Around the age of thirty, my life turned upside down and my world, universal, spiritual views of understanding the world around me changed …significantly(?) For twenty five years, I’ve entertained a variety of studies that could help facilitate how any of this made sense to my understanding of what truth was and the innate wisdom of humans …us folks. This happens more often than we realize to so many of us; life gut punches us with tragedies, heartbreaks and situations beyond reason. Though reluctant to admit it, most of us question and doubt throughout our years. Different conclusions are determined or an unwavering commitment to specific dogmas are are more defiantly held onto; and the youthful state of mind of an open mind gives way to not hedging your bets …too late in the game to take risks. Black sheep here …
In my life I’ve gone from overworked, conservative, follow the rules, never question, church deacon, devoted family man to retired, middle aged, open to all possibilities, free spirited hippie dude; as my sons like to call me. Throughout this journey you’ve shared with me since August of 2020, I realized early on that the paths we’ve taken usually are sprinkled with bits of forced conformity, material accumulation of stuff, keeping up with the Jones’s and not rocking the boat. As mentioned, from the age of thirty, that wouldn’t be me; there was no going back. In my writings, I also happily acknowledged that everyone’s path through life was unique and despite mental, physical and spiritual restraints society places on us, we interpret the world with our own eyes to an extent. Fear of zigging when you should’ve zagged with the result of ending up in the bad place, curtails our childlike observation of all this life offers us to ponder.
Let me be clear, I’m speaking only for myself. With billions of years of existence and multiple billions of people who have lived throughout history, a single human is entitled to adopt any philosophy that puts them at peace. I’m simply suggesting to keep one’s mind and understanding open to the myriad of realities that exist. Even at middle age, don’t be afraid to see our existence from numerous points of view. Fear is the enemy of progress and robs us seeing all of the wonder of the world. It’s never too late to see this universe anew. I don’t know more than most people. I’m just one guy that questions and reconfigures how he sees reality. Or is it just me? <wink>
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Hello 👀❤️
So... I don't know if this will work or not, but I thought why not, I send it in... And if you don't like it, that's completely fine ❤️🔥
I really like how you write the characters' mind... What they are thinking or how they act... I was thinking, maybe a new mechanic (Reader) at Ferrari (yes, it's a Niki Lauda fic, you know me❤️🔥) who is really shy, but very good at their job, and Niki likes them and he is an asshole with everyone (which is normal from him) EXCEPT with the Reader... And like... Maybe at first he doesn't realize this, but then he does, and gets all conflicted like why is he getting soft suddenly, out of nowhere... (It is obvious, but not for him)... I'm curious how you would see this, write this... The ending of this story is up to you ❤️❤️
Love you ❤️🔥👀
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What Is This Feeling [Niki Lauda x Mechanic!Reader]
Word count: 2.5k Warnings: lot of swearing by our favourite Rat King Author’s note: Niki is quickly turning into my comfort character to unleash my sass, thank you for giving me the chance to write him!
Part 2
On your first day at Ferrari nobody took you seriously, but to be a mechanic wasn’t exactly typing letters, it was not a place where somebody high up in the ranks would set a lover to give her some benefit and a free pay check.
You didn’t talk a lot, you stood your ground from the moment you put hands on any part of the car, but you weren’t exactly the chatty type and, being the only woman, it took you time to be allowed to the after work beer, to the birthdays and all the balancing that came with a good team spirit.
In a world full of bias about women, you were spared thanks to your abilities and knowledge. Or maybe, because the mechanics team had someone bigger to fight: Niki Lauda.
To work with him was thrilling, but stressful.
He would walk in at any hour of the day, break some egos, pile up an amount of changes that to make a brand new car would be a faster option.
You sat on the floor beside the baby, yes baby was the car, it wasn’t like you had to stay on the floor, there were more than plenty working stations, but it felt more comfortable for you: it gave you the chance to stand and look at things from afar, you were in need to touch, to understand, to put things together. It was your skill, but also your curse, because it was hard to gain yourself a space on the floor in such a fast paced environment like the one at Ferrari. You were working on the ignition when he stormed inside, the soft chats died fast and the noise of the radio was the only thing left, but he didn’t seem to mind the effect he had on people.
In a couple of long steps he was in front of one of your colleagues.
“What is this?” The man looked down to his sandwich like it was self explanatory, but the following silence brought him to answer “my lunch”
“Nice” Niki said, his lips curling downward in a very sarcastic amusement “well, take your lunch out of my garage because I don’t want your crumbles in my engine” he hissed picking the crumbles that effectively fell on the working table and sprinkling them like salt on the man’s face.
The man frowned and left to eat outside and avoid to punch him as Niki proceeded to his next victim.
“And you call this a design development? I call this dog shit”
“If this is a well done job, I’d better retire already before I get your good job to crack my skull open”
“Just begin again, don’t even ask”
“Are you sure you don’t work for McLaren? Because by the quality of your work I am starting to wonder”
One after the other all your colleagues fell under the axe of Niki’s commentary.
Nobody was spared, it was a butchery.
“So? What is this?”
You looked up at him as he towered over you, Satan himself would be less scary, and probably less attractive, to your eyes. His standing figure with rebel curls and his Ray-ban glasses in his left hand, the polo shirt under the fancy jacket, even his bad character gave him the edge so many men more conventionally attractive lack.
“I am working on the ignition” you said as he bent down crouching beside you as you showed him, his cologne filling your nostrils like the best smell your nose ever encountered.
“Okay, in what way?” He asked resting his elbows on his knees.
You gulped softly “Well, I am trying to experiment if I change this in here” and you pointed to a section in particular “maybe the car will have a better performance at the beginning of the race”
“Have you considered that it could over work the battery?”
“I did, but I wanted to see if I make here something like this” and you took a little tube showing how you lace it around the section “if I use this to push the cooler to work into this part as well, we might avoid over heating”
He listened touching his chin with the edge of his glasses thoughtfully.
“Give it a try”
He just said standing up.
Your colleagues looked at you shaking their heads as he turned around and everybody looked down to their tasks again, so then he left.
______________________________________________________________________ This wasn’t the first time, he wasn’t letting you do things he didn’t approve, but he always listened to you, he advised you, and the harshest thing he said was probably “I think you’re not looking at the bigger picture”
Nobody commented on it and beside some joke here and there, the little preference he had over you seemed to pass unnoticed mostly by him.
“You know, you really need a girlfriend” Clay, the other driver of the Ferrari alongside him, said during some tests.
Niki looked at him.
“Why? Do I look like one that has to fuck a woman to be fine?”
He laughed as Niki was always so overaggressive “No, but you treat everyone like bullshit beside the new girl, so you either can be an asshole only with men or your seduction technique needs a real check”
He frowned, eyebrows furrowing together as his lips parted in disbelief
“You nuts”
“Maybe, but I haven’t heard you complain about her as much as you complain about the rest of the world”
He shook his head “You are just letting you Italian genes getting your head stupid”
Clay laughed at him nodding knowingly “Sure, sure” he patted harshly on Niki’s back knowing how much he hated to be patted around like that as he moved to talk to one of the mechanics working on his car.
Niki crossed his arms resting against the wall of the garage, his eyes instinctively looking for your figure finding you to one of the working table writing down some notes over the changes applied while looking at the projects.
His eyes dropping on your ass like it was the first time he checked it, realising it wasn’t the first time he mentally noted it.
Well, he couldn’t really say you were unattractive, or not his type, or a good mechanic.
His thought process was suddenly interrupted as Clay himself approached you and you moved on side showing him the papers you were just writing on.
He nodded and said something to you, his hand casually resting on the small of your back making Niki’s jaw almost snap for how much he was gritting his teeth.
You shuffled on side avoiding the touch with a casual smile, but Clay kept talking to you and from afar Niki saw him say something and wave his pointed finger between himself and you. You shook your head and smiled turning down whatever he just offered with all the politeness you had, Niki pursued his lips slightly in amusement for his best girl’s behaviour.
Wait a second. Best girl?
He glared at Clay that smirked at him from afar, a big ‘I knew it’ smirk on his lips.
Niki bit the inside of his cheek not liking it.
He was with you like with everybody else, what the hell.
Niki ignored you all day, when you showed him something he himself requested to be shown, he shuffled away, when you handed him something he was looking for, he looked for it somewhere else, he just wasn’t meeting your eyes and hell and thunderstorm fell upon anyone that even tried to engage a talk with him on that day.
“I can’t with your boyfriend anymore, I swear” one of your colleagues muttered to you.
“He is not my boyfriend” 
He looked at you “Then he’d better be soon, maybe he’ll chill out”
“Are you even paid to stand and do nothing?” Niki shouted from afar and you two parted ways faster than two kids smuggling candies during class. ______________________________________________________________________
The next day was the judgment day for all the changes done on the car, your nerves were cracking as Niki arrived in his driving suit and your eyes immediately snapped a mental photo on his figure.
Did you ever went home wishing to have his company? Yes.
Did you ever wondered if he was so aggressive ever in the intimate times? Way too much.
Did you have any chance? Probably no.
You let out a big sigh as your colleagues reassured you “Hey, if it doesn’t work we either get rid of the rat or have some more time to work on it” he joked but you didn’t feel any better.
Niki looked up as he noticed your worried look, your lips nibbling down on your lips, your foot tapping rhythmically and nervously, the sudden instinct to lean his hand on that waist of yours, to rest his leg beside yours to make it stop that nerve wracking dance, to forbid your lips any more damage not caused by him.
All of that crowded his mind and he growled tiredly.
Stupid Clay, with his stupid theories.
He finished getting ready and put on his helmet settling down in his spot rolling his shoulders back, he needed to focus.
The head mechanic came over him repeating all the changes and just annoying the hell out of him, he is not always around the car only to check you out.
“When you're done telling me what I know, tell me something I don’t, I beg you”
The head mechanic did a big effort not to spit into his face and just left him waving his arms in the air.
You touched on your forehead nervously, if you failed it would show in the timings or maybe the car won’t even start.
You looked at him, seconds before he pulled down the dark lid of his helmet, his dark eyes so focused a shiver creeped over you.
You gasped as the signal was given and the car started.
Your fingers finding their way to your mouth as you nibbled your skin.
The car was fast, that was sure, you leaned beside the head mechanic that was taking the time. You breathed heavily, your mind going through all the changes you did, all the small settlements, the little details.
An eternal list that kept repeating itself.
Then the question as he was halfway through the leap, what if you disappointed him?
What if he asked you to be sent away?
Then you looked down to the chronometer, he was already almost two seconds earlier than usual.
A smile started to grow on you, the excitement filling your veins.
The sound of the engine roaring beautifully, you made it!
Then it happened, some smoke raised up to the sky, one of the wheels snapped, the breath died in your throat.
The car flexed on side but Niki controlled it and guided it against the sandy side of the track that slowed it down until it stopped.
“He was breaking his record” the head mechanic sighed “now he is just going to break our balls”
Niki moved out of the car throwing his helmet on the ground pushing off roughly anyone that tried to help him or check if he was hurt, some of the mechanics moving to the tow truck to recollect the car, Niki moving past you, his face tense and his posture of someone ready to snap some necks. You didn’t see him for the rest of the day, nobody talked about him, nobody mentioned anything as the storm will fall on all of the team the next day.
Now it was the head mechanic to face it for all of you.
That night you stayed over time, the other colleagues told you to just go home, to not let the thing sink of you, to look at it with fresh eyes and all those circumstantial phrases people gift you when they try to cheer you up. 
As always on the floor, you had now the chance to spread the pieces out, collect them into branches of types and use. You pulled closer your notebook writing down the ideas and things to remember to check, the image of Niki almost crashing gutting you even if you soon realised it wasn’t your change that set off the wheel, but it was part of the cause, the car was now too powerful and the stress on the suspensions was deadly.
You yawned lightly pulling a catalogue of replacements parts trying to find the best mix you could manage, but you surely had to make up something about it. You didn’t expect to solve the problem or to find the solution for everything with a creative twist, but to, at least, plan a sequence of possibilities to present to your chief the next day.
A hand slowly leaning a mug of steaming coffee beside you.
You looked up to find Niki there, another cup in his hand, those messy curls calling to be touched, his impeccable style always winning you over with a dark turtleneck and his tweed jacket.
“Found the problem?” He asked sharply as always.
He was surprised to see you there, he spent the rest of the afternoon after the malfunction with the head mechanic and some of the administrators as he needed a solution in time for the upcoming race.
So he decided he couldn’t trust their promises and reassurances, but take the matter in his own hand, for a change. But when he arrived he saw the lights still on and you there. He was almost tempted to leave, it wasn’t a good moment to screw things with one of his most talented mechanics.
But you, again, were so into it, you looked so beautiful with your working jumpsuit and the hair messed up nibbling on that pen like it was a matter of life and death.
He couldn’t just let you stay so beautiful and alone, who knows who could approach you.
You nodded “I think so” you said showing him the piece, he leaned his head on side studying it 
“May I?”
You nodded as he took off his blazer before joining you on the floor, he crossed his legs, your knees touching as he stole those papers from your hand.
“Signal to the administration this night shift, or they won’t ever pay you” he muttered without looking away from the papers.
You smirked “I know, but it is more a matter of principle than money, I didn’t like the heart attack you gave me today”
You were surprised by your own words, maybe it was because you really were over caffeinated or just realising how it was the first time you were alone and how you felt comfortable around him. No, not comfort, it was trust, you trusted him.
He looked up from the papers up at you, he didn’t replied to your comment straightaway, he let it sink in, he let your presence sink in.
A one-sides smirk appeared on his lips
“It is going to be a long night, then” Tagged @cazzyimagines @lieutenantn @handmaiden-of-mischief@thesunflowersutra Let me know if you want to get added <3
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shorkbrian · 4 years
you got any delusional/love sick yan Kiri on valentines day👀👀
You said lovesick and my mind jumped to
(What to expect - no NSFW, drugging, manipulation, marriage talks lol)
(inspired by when I was in the hospital and high off of whatever drug they fed me, I was so relaxed and did whatever the heck they asked. I had to get a catheter and they were like “Strip kid” and no questions I shucked off my scrubs right then and there, spread my legs when they asked, had no worries nor a care in the world. I agreed to anything and everything they proposed bc I was loopy as hell, glad my parents were there to like reel me in afterwards)
“Happy Valentine’s Day!”
A hand on your shoulder eases you from your slumber, blinking awake into the soft light of the morning.
“Breakfast in bed, your favorite-” Kirishima’s grinning wide, eyes big and full of love.
He’s pulled back the curtains, straightened up your room a bit, placed a vase full of flowers on your dresser, directly in your line of sight.
There’s a tray on the bed, a plate stacked with fruit, toast, and a cup of warm tea on the side. Tucked in the corner of the tray is a little red, heart shaped box.
“K-Kiri? What are you-”
“Here, open up!” The man is picking a strawberry, pinching it’s leaves, shoving it against your lips, but you turn your head to the side, brows furrowed.
He shouldn’t be here.
You shove his hand away with a stern look. “What the hell, how did you get in?” there’s no trace of sleepiness in your demeanor as you sit up.
Kiri waves his hand. “Ah, that doesn’t matter-”
“No, it totally does-” You huff out a sarcastic laugh. “I took your key back. How the hell did you get in Kirishima?”
The man deflated slightly, placing the strawberry back on the plate. He was sitting on the bed, shoes off, in casual clothes. “You know me, always loosing’ that thing. I made a bunch of copies for when I got drunk and couldn’t find my keys.” A toothy, apologetic smile is offered, but you’re furious.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but you need to get the fuck out of my house. We’re done. It hasn’t even been a month, Kiri, I told you I wanted to take a break and that I needed space.”
Kirishima bites his lip, bows his head, looks up at your through his eyelashes like a wounded puppy. “But I missed you, and-well... it’s Valentines Day...”
“Get out Kiri, this is ridiculous. This is why I needed a break from our relationship in the first place. You can’t respect my boundaries.” You maneuver around the tray, slipping off the bed and onto your feet, before facing your ex-boyfriend. “Now leave.”
He doesn’t move.
No, he just sits there, staring at you. Then he sighs heavily, sadly, as if you had just insulted his manliness. “At least open the present I got you?”
“No Kirishima, please just go. And get rid of the copies you’ve made of my key. That’s fucking creepy.”
The redhead bristled at that, shoulders rising defensively. Yet still, he refused to move from his spot on the bed. “Hey, it’s not weird! They’re backups-”
“So you can come snoop through my stuff when I’m gone? I don’t want you around anymore.”
Maybe you were being harsh, but you had tried being nice.
Tried letting him down gently, that you wanted to work on yourself and focus on your career. That you wanted him to find someone who could give the same effort that he did, since you obviously weren’t.
Then you had been firmer after he didn’t accept it, explaining that he was smothering you in this relationship, guilt tripping you every time you wanted to go out, trying to manipulate you into feeling bad for him when you chose to do anything but spend time with the man.
He was co-dependent, and reliant on your presence to a frankly alarming degree.
Your stern words seemed to get through to him. The man nodded slowly, running his hands over his face. “God, okay, I’m sorry. I know I can be a little much. I just thought maybe.... I don’t know, that I could fix this? Fix us?”
“Breakfast in bed isn’t going to fix anything, especially not when you break into serve it.” You snipe, feeling a little cold, exposed in your big pajamas. It was warmer under the covers.
“I didn’t! I didn’t break in! I have a key-”
“Just leave, please.”
Kirishima sighed again, before he reached over the tray, picking up the heart shaped box. “Open the present and have one, then I’ll leave?”
Anything to get him going. This was how the two of you would fight, you struggling to make yourself heard, to be respected, and Kirishima completely ignoring your wants, stubborn and unrelenting in his desires.
You took the box as he held it out to you, quickly lifting up the lid to see mini chocolates. Classic Valentine gift.
“Just one? Then I promise I’ll go.” He pleaded.
A chocolate was selected, one with little sprinkles on the rounded top. You had to admit, they did look delicious.
Your ex-boyfriend always was a generous man, insisting upon giving. Giving back rubs, giving kisses, giving you prime cuddles and giving you undying love. 
“Can I feed it to you?”
A glare was shot his way, and Kirishima quickly fell silent.
One bite, then two, and the chocolate was gone. it was sweet, almost sickly so. When Kirishima left, you’d be throwing the entire box into the trash.
“Good girl.” His voice was low, mischievous, and your body heated up at the praise while you swallowed the chocolate down.
“’Kay, I had some, it was lovely, now get out.”
He rose to his feet, and you were reminded of his size, intimidated immediately by the way the man towered over you. You’d forgotten how big he was in the time you’ve spent apart.
But he moved past you without another word, out of your bedroom. 
You followed him down the hall, through the dining room, to the front door, where he stopped and turned.
“I know why you’re really pushing me away, (Y/N).”
“Oh, do you.” Crossing your arms, you waited for his explanation. 
“You’re scared. You found the ring, didn’t you? I understand if you don’t want to get married just yet, but I wish you had just told me that instead of freaking out.”
Ring? What ring? Marriage?
Kiri continued. “I’m willing to wait. I’ll always wait for you, no matter how long it takes. You can’t rush love, baby, you taught me that.”
Your face felt warm, he couldn’t be serious. Marriage? The two of you had been dating for a significant amount of time, but there had never been any talk of marriage.
The man took two steps towards you, invading your personal space. You tried to backpedal, overwhelmed by his sudden, looming presence, but meaty hands gripped your arms, locking you in place.
“Are you starting to feel it yet?” His face was too close, warm breath splashing against your skin, those dark red eyes searching your own, eager, anticipating.
“What? Kiri, let me go-”
“It’ll kick in real soon I bet, and then the real Valentine’s Day fun will start. Fuck-” The man breathed, pushing himself back from you a bit, taking a deep breath. “I’m so excited that I get to be with you again. I’m going to treat you right, you won’t ever have to feel afraid of commitment again. I’ll be the best boyfriend, best fiancé, best husband, best dad-”
“Kiri-” You gasped, struggling in his hold. The man didn’t even notice, lost in his own convoluted fantasy as he stared down at you with affection. You were starting to feel warm, woozy.
What was he saying about something kicking in?
“Did you-oh my god, did you drug me?” Is that why he had been so insistent about the chocolate?
“It’s not really a drug, more of a relaxer!” His smile was so bright, teeth too sharp. You felt unsteady on your feet. “I know you’ve been stressed out lately, and that's another reason why you needed a “break”, so this is the perfect way to relax!”
When had he picked you up? Kirishima was carrying you back towards your bedroom, bridal style. You rested against his chest blearily, blinking your eyes in confusion as your world spin.
“A nice breakfast, some cuddles...” He cooed, setting you on the bed, climbing up after you so he could rest you against his side. You felt like you were asleep, dreaming maybe? You didn’t know. 
Kirishima held a strawberry up to your lips. “Open sweetheart-” You opened, bit down, chewed, swallowed.
“We can mess around a little, I’ll light some candles- oh! And I brought wine too! We can drink some wine, play with each other.... I love you so much, (Y/N).”
A kiss, pressure against your lips, body crushed in a hug against a broad, muscular chest. You relaxed into it. Nothing felt real.
“We’re gonna spend the rest of our life together.”
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pink-bear · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet: Kazuichi Soda
Pink lemonade boy~
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Stuff under the cut. Character is depicted as 18+
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
When he’s giving it, he always makes sure his partner has water, a snack if they request it, and plenty of kisses and praise. When he’s receiving it, he lowkey loves being pampered, it makes him feel appreciated :’)
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
When it comes to himself, he likes his hands. He’s good at using them, and learning to use them on his partner is one of the things he perfects first.
As for his partner, he’s a butt guy for sure. Perfect for grabbing and spanking! He also very much enjoys boobs, but it’s not a requirement!
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He cums a basic amount, and likes doing so inside his partner any chance he gets (whether it’s in their mouth or their downstairs area).
He also lowkey likes the taste of his own cum, and often times lick it off himself after he’s jerked off.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Loves smelling his partner’s undies, especially when they’re away for whatever reason. He’ll sometimes even wear them and masturbate in them, too. Dirty boy...
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s super inexperienced. A number of factors went into him not losing his virginity as a teen (his social awkwardness, his anxiety, the fact he wasn’t very popular, ect.). Pretty much all the stuff he knows is from porn, and actually executing that is awkward to say the least-
BUT HOPE IS NOT LOST! Like anything in this world, the more you practice, the better you get! Once he finds an understanding and patient partner, he’ll learn the ins and outs of being a good lover, and he’ll get the hang of it in no time!
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy style. Gives him access to his partner’s butt, and he loves leaning over and leaving bite marks with them sharp chompers of his. He also likes how deep he/his partner can get, and how he/his partner can reach around and pleasure whoever bottoms as well!
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Some silliness can really help settle his nerves, especially his first few times. For sure he likes it when things are passionate, but having a little bit of goofy sprinkled in, especially afterwards, can really make the whole experience that much better. If he can both satisfy and make his partner giggle, then he’s on cloud nine!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
His manscaping could be...better, but it’s nothing unbearable. Often times he just forgets to do it (this guy forgets to shower a lot too, pls be patient with him). If he has a date coming up, or his partner asks him to, he’ll trim things up a bit, but he never likes being completely bare.
And no, the carpet doesn’t match the drapes. Its black like his natural hair colour! Though he has thought about dying it too...
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
His attempts at being romantic can sometimes be a bit corny, but the passion is totally there. He’s not the best with words, but he’ll go on and on (and on and on) about how special his partner is when he’s truly found the one.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
This poor guy jacks off A LOT. Being as sexually frustrated as he is, it’s not uncommon for him to crank one out daily. Once he finds a regular sexual partner it goes down, but sometimes he just can’t wait!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Sexy car washes. Skimpy clothing, getting all wet and bodies being pressed against the hood of a nice car? Oh man, he’ll cream his pants in seconds.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
He loves doing it in his workshop, and probably has an old couch there for that very reason (though he’ll say it’s for relaxing/napping to anyone who asks).
Apart from that, you can’t go wrong with the bedroom! Especially if the bed is real comfortable~
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing his partner absolutely desperate for some fuck. Talk dirty to him, whisper in his ear, tease him, and he’s READY TO GO!
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything unsanitary (pee, poop, ect.), of course. He also doesn’t really like being tied up, since it causes his anxiety to spike when he isn’t able to move his hands.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers receiving oral, especially after a hard day’s work. He’ll happily return the favour, but it may take him a bit of practice to get good at it. Good thing he’s an eager learner! Just be careful with those teeth-
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on how he’s feeling. Sometimes when he’s real horny, he gets down to the nitty gritty. However, when he’s feeling a bit vulnerable, or he had a nice, peaceful day with his partner, he will for sure show his appreciation by being sensual and sweet.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
This man lives for quickies. A good stress reliever, and a good way to spend a break from work!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He love the idea of getting caught, but not so much actually running the risk of it. He prefers to do things in “private public places”. As in places that would normally be populated, but at certain times of the day are vacant with no actual risk. For example: His workshop after closing.
Actually getting caught makes him want to cry :’)
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
His stamina is kinda low, ngl. He can last a few minutes, maybe around ten at the most. He makes up for it however by the amount of rounds he can go, especially spaced throughout the day.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Soda loves toys! Vibrators are his favourite, especially using them on his partners. He also has a few sizes of dildos and butt plugs, fleshlights and some nipple clamps too!
He’s thought about making his own toys, but maybe that isn’t the best idea...
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Soda likes to tease, with that shit eating grin we all love so much. When it comes to his partners teasing him, however, he’s a total baby lol
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
This boy is LOUD. Oh my lord, lots of moaning, groaning, whimpering and begging. And when he bottoms...honey, you got another storm comin’
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Soda wears a tank top and boxers under his jumpsuit. It gets pretty hot in that thing, so he doesn’t want too many layers.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His dick is uncut and pretty average in both length and width. He’s rather self conscious of it, seeing how the media portrays big dicks as the most desirable. Sometimes he even thinks of getting a piercing to “add a little something extra to it”, but is too chicken to actually go through with it. Eventually he learns it’s not the size of the boat that matters, but the motion of the ocean 🌊
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Soda’s unbelievably thirsty, it’s on his mind a lot, to a point it’ll sometimes get in the way of work. So once he gets a sexual partner, the first few months he’s gonna be pretty damn desperate for some fucc. He settles down eventually, but he can still get in the mood pretty easily, and will very rarely turn down an offer.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Once the sexy times are over, he’s out like a light. With the combination of his job, his anxiety and the strenuous task of love making, it really tires the poor guy out.
And there you have it! My first post on here WHOO!
Hope you enjoyed! And if you don’t agree with any of these, that’s fine! These are just my personal headcanons!
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@trueblue-escapist this one got long! :) (edit: now on ao3)
It was by sheer fortune that the message arrived while he was dining at Beau and Yasha's home.
They were trying some of the latter's experimental recipes. Fortunately Yasha had progressed very well in the last several months; this was now the fourth meal Caleb had been over for since Beau declared her love's attempts at Empire foods to be reliably nonpoisonous.
He was comfortable, speculating with Beau over her recent visit to Shattengrod. So when Jester began speaking in his head, he almost dropped his fork.
With strained panting—"Caleb, we need some help."
Caleb’s thoughts immediately went to static. He held up a hand as her voice continued, eyes wide, and both Beau and Yasha fell quiet with concern.
"There’s a lot of fishy people and I have, um. One diamond. We’re on the ship. Hope you aren’t busy—"
Abrupt cut-off. No continuation. He shot a look across the table to the other two, and they seemed to instantly read the tension on his face for what it was. They darted from their seats as he replied, "I am with Beau and Yasha. Hang in there, please. We’re coming."
"Sword?" called Yasha from another room.
"Sword. Beau," Caleb shouted, his adrenaline spiking with every second they were still here, "diamonds?"
"One," came her terse response. "I got it."
He stood up. The chair legs screeched against Beau and Yasha’s nice hardwood. Dug a hand through his hair and pulled half of it out of the tie.
Next he slapped his hands together. A strand of amber formed from his pinched thumbs and middle fingers as he drew them apart. Gods, his trembling hands shook the arcane thread. Ten seconds since Jester’s message.
"Essek," Caleb said to the thread, which vibrated with each word. "If you aren’t busy and have the spells. Retrieve Caduceus if you could and bring him to the Nein Heroez. It’s urgent. And diamonds," he added hastily. The thread dissipated.
Yasha and Beau emerged together from the hall with weapons in hand as the reply came: "I will contact Caduceus, then, and keep you updated. Hopefully I can be of aid. Stay safe, Caleb."
Caleb closed his eyes for a single breath and tried to absorb Essek’s soft, controlled caution.
They were coming. They would be okay.
Without needing to look, he held his hands to Yasha and Beau. "Uk’otoa is being an exceptional nuisance."
Beau scowled and said, "I fucking told Fjord to do something with that ball"—and they were off.
Jester woke up to what felt like a giant spike piercing through her head, or maybe a handaxe being sunk into her skull—but if it kept going forever instead of happening in an instant. Her stomach felt like a tiny pool of boiling acid that the ship kept rocking back and forth.
She moaned, curling up harder and pressing the heels of her hands to her temples. It didn’t really help, but the pulsing pain eased a little over some time.
"Arty?" she eventually managed.
"I’m so sorry, my dear," murmured his low voice by her ear. "I came as quickly as I could."
"It’s okay. Water?"
She felt a small weasel tongue lick her cheek, then retreat.
After about a minute of measured, careful breathing through the migraine, Jester heard a door crack open and winced from the brighter light now shining in from the hallway.
"Sorry," whispered a familiar voice, and Jester might have started crying at the sound of his Zemnian accent if she wasn’t already teary-eyed from pain.
The door closed, dimming the room again to its singular lantern.
She did her best to uncurl as Caleb set down a bowl and cup on the small table nearby and brought over a chair to her bedside. He reached for his neck, too, and a crimson weasel slipped into his hands.
"Thanks," she said as he returned Sprinkle to her shoulder.
"Of course. Would you like help sitting up?"
She had to rest her head on Caleb’s shoulder for a minute when sitting up gave her a rush of a dizzy spell. His hand had rubbed up and down her arm. He smelled like sweat and fish guts and leather.
Eventually Jester had her back against the wall and the cup of water in her hands as she took a careful sip.
"Everyone’s alright," began Caleb, voice still hushed in consideration of her headache. "We took care of them all shortly after you went down, and Fjord was able to heal you a little bit. Essek arrived with Caduceus not long after."
"That’s good."
She closed her eyes and sipped more water. The warm weight of Sprinkle was draped around her neck.
Gods. Jester loved her friends so much.
"Where is everyone? Where’s Fjord?" she asked.
"Out on the deck cleaning up and figuring out what to do next," came the wry response. "Beau gave Fjord a piece of her mind about that orb. Caduceus suggested to try hiding it in the Happy Fun Ball."
"Aw, man. That’s a really good idea."
"Ja. So we are figuring out who will take it in there and where to put it."
She nodded sluggishly, eyes still closed.
"I’m sorry," said Caleb after a long moment. "Do you want to sleep?"
"No. I'm just tired."
That last word came out with a bit more... a bit more than Jester had intended to say it with. She chewed the inside of her cheek and took a sip of water.
She could feel Caleb's gaze on her. "Is it something you would like to talk about?"
The headache continued to pulse in her temples. She stared down into her cup, at the water sloshing side to side from the rocking of the ship. "If you guys are going to Yussa's later, I want to come with. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Mama."
"Of course."
Jester breathed in and out and continued, "It's been a year and I think I'm sick of sailing."
"I mean, there's been so many cool things. The Lucidian Ocean is huge. One time we saw a sea horse that was big enough to ride on. And the port cities we've visited have all been beautiful. But most of the time it's just this boat. And less Arty. And Uk'otoa attacking us for the cloven crystal. I can't even prank people whenever I get bored because it's all the same people, and it's way less fun to keep pranking the same people over and over again."
Caleb made a considering noise. She sipped water, chewing the inside of her cheek some more.
Slowly he asked, "Are you... thinking of staying with your mother for a while?"
Peaceful silence. They listened to the sounds of wood creaking and the ocean undulating. Jester felt the shittiness of her body continue to ease, and she set down the water to take a sniff at the bowl instead. Some stew, still warm.
As she had a cautious taste, Caleb said, "Hey."
She brought down the bowl and looked at him.
"Would you like to see something cool?"
"Of course I would like to see something cool, Caleb."
His smile as she sat up with anticipation and set down the bowl was very welcome—and a pretty cool sight already. But she watched him pull out a piece of wool and rub it between two fingers, and all of a sudden there was a cat in his lap and another cat on his shoulders.
Jester gasped, hands flying to her face. "Are those your cats?"
The smile on his face only got bigger and warmer as he looked down at the illusory one in his lap cleaning its brown-and-white face. "Yes. This one is Gretel, she is still somewhat a kitten. The other one is Mac, which is short for mackerel because he was eating one from a rubbish heap when I found him."
"Oh my god, Caleb, that’s so adorable." She beamed and leaned in to wiggle her fingers at illusion-Gretel, cooing without caring that it wasn’t the real cat.
He rubbed the wool in his hand and illusion-Gretel began to purr loudly.
She could feel the dimples in her cheeks from grinning. "I love them."
"They will both be very glad to hear that and will eagerly exploit your love to make you spoil them."
"Well, of course I’ll spoil them, they’re so perfect."
Caleb’s smile eased into something soft. "Would you like to meet them in person, then? Before you return to the Nein Heroez?"
The excitement welling up inside Jester faltered.
Oh, right.
She twisted her fingers together, fixing her gaze on the blood crusted in the space between them and beneath her nails. "Um. Yeah, I would love to, Caleb. But probably I'm not going to come back here."
No response except a careful inhale.
She picked at a bloodied crease in her palm and continued, "Fjord and I talked a couple weeks ago. It wasn't like an argument or anything, don't worry! We're one hundred and ten per cent still best friends who love each other and everything, you know? But he loves being captain of the Nein Heroez and doesn't really plan on stopping anytime soon. Or doing anything else. And I want to do more. The world's so big, and there's like a dozen other planes I could see, Arty promised he'd show me around the Feywild—"
Caleb's long-fingered hand placed itself on top of her fidgeting ones, and Jester's rambling mouth fell silent. The illusory cats were gone.
"It's fine, Jester," he said. She looked up at his furrowed brow and crooked smile. "I understand."
Deep breath in and out. Jester returned a similar smile. "Yeah."
Seeming reassured, he leaned back in his chair and seemed to look off elsewhere, his brow still furrowed in thought.
In the lull, she took up the bowl of stew again with more relish. The weight of the news she'd been ignoring had lifted from her shoulders, and with it some of her worries. She hadn't known how people would react. The more reasonable voice in her mind figured that everyone would take the relationship change with ease, reminding her of Yasha's advice in Eiselcross a year ago. The louder, more anxious voice had stressed over whether any of them might judge her for being a bad girlfriend.
Apropos of nothing, gaze still a little distant, Caleb said, "Essek and I are in a relationship."
Halfway through a sip of the stew, Jester's mouth fell open. "Really?"
His lips twitched at the squeal in her voice. "Ja."
She smiled, said, "Aw, I'm happy for you two," and returned to her stew to try and stamp down the sudden, strange sense of instability overtaking her. Like her heart found itself stuck in the second between missing the next step down the stairs and falling.
"Thank you. I am telling you this, though, because Essek and I have had... somewhat of a similar conversation." His eyes flickered to meet her startled gaze briefly, and she saw a bittersweet wryness in them. "Neither of us expect the other to be, well. Committed. My whole self, more or less, is dedicated to my home. I want to make it a better place. Essek has very different goals in mind for his future. We love each other, but between my life and his constant vagrancy, it would be unfair to expect us to stay the same. And, you know. I don't have as much time as he does, anyway."
Jester had the bowl of stew in her lap now, unable to stop staring at Caleb. He finally seemed to notice her attention and awkwardly fixed his eyes on a spot of the wall somewhere to her right and up.
In her chest, time started again. Jester's heart safely found the next step instead of taking a tumble down the stairs.
"Thank you, Caleb," she said softly.
He returned to looking at her properly, and the renewed warmth in his expression helped resettle Jester's sense of the world even further. "I'm sure your mother could be much more reassuring."
"Maybe, but it's you."
Caleb went a little pink. The flush was still visible to Jester's eyes in the dim room. Thank the gods that the warmth in her own cheeks would be much harder for him to notice.
That was enough conversation for her at the moment. She shoved the bowl of stew back against her mouth.
(send me a brief widojest prompt!)
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teruthecreator · 3 years
sweet surprises
lord forgive me for the cringe i’m about to post. i fully blame this post and this post for planting the seeds of berdley having a crush on kris in my brain. also shouts out to izel for listening to me go insane at 3 AM about this. 
anyways, here’s a thing. 
Excitement is in the air.
Unlike the usual calm monotony of life at school, things recently have been quite...electric. Not because of the portal to the Dark World hidden behind the door of the closet, or the adventures had by a select group of students through the portal in the Librarby a few days ago. No, this isn’t about that.
This is about the Sadie Hawkman’s Dance. The once-a-year phenomenon where the school puts on its best interpretation of a formal dance for the incredibly small number of students who attend class. Students buzz in excitement for the event, preparing their most formal outfits and getting ready to dazzle their friends and fellow classmates with their dramatic entrances into the auditorium.
And, of course, there’s the all important ritual of asking someone to the dance.
There’s already been a few proposals made this week. Jockington rolled into class like a hula hoop and asked Catti to be his “best bro” for the dance, to which she happily agreed. (And by that, I mean she looked up from her phone, smiled, said not a single word, and went back to typing.) Temmie loudly announced to the class that she would be taking her egg, which was somehow...embarrassed that she mentioned it. And, of course, Noelle finally managed to work up enough courage to ask Susie to the dance. It was done in an incredible display of candy canes that spelled out the phrase: “CAN(E) YOU BE MY DATE TO THE DANCE?” Unfortunately, Susie was about halfway through scarfing the display down before she realized what it said. She then began choking on one of the candy canes out of disbelief, which wound her in the nurse for the rest of the day. But, when she could speak again, she very quietly agreed to Noelle’s proposal (and, if you happened to be a fly on the wall in that room, you could hear a tail thump rhythmically against the doctor’s bench as she did so).
Kris was pleased with everything. They were happy to see their friends so happy together. A long time coming, if you asked them. And they’d be just as happy attending the dance solo, since they’ll undoubtedly be dragged along by Susie. They’d never gone to the dance before--never had a reason to, truth be told. But with their newfound friends, they may just enjoy being a wingman for the night.
...Speaking of wingmen, Berdly will probably be going solo as well. Unsurprising, but Kris makes a mental note to ensure the bird will be in attendance. As much as he is kind of a lot sometimes, he’s their friend. And Kris is going to make sure all of their friends are having fun at that dance!
They walk into class thinking of this (surprisingly early, for a change), which is why they almost miss the massive display sitting boldly atop their desk. They freeze the instant it catches their eye and, for a second, they almost believe it isn’t real. Like some leftover thoughts of the Dark World lingering in their vision. But, after wiping their eyes and seeing that it’s still there, they decide to approach and...investigate.
The display is expertly crafted by someone who clearly knows their way around a glue gun. It is a heart-shaped arch that is decorated with a myriad of printed illustrations of Super Smashing Fighters Melee characters, all having cut-outs to hold different bars of chocolate. There are also numerous origami hearts glued around the characters on the arch, in colors spanning across the rainbow. The arch is painted in swirls of blues, pinks, and reds and covered with a border of glitter that sprinkles onto the desk when Kris reaches out to pluck a chocolate bar from its perch. On the desk itself is a big origami heart that says “TO KRIS” in gold calligraphy. It is by far one of the coolest, nicest, cheesiest things Kris has ever seen.
They look up from the display to see if anyone else is seeing this shit, and that’s when it all clicks.
Because sitting at the front of the classroom, fidgeting way more than normal, is Berdly. He keeps interlocking his ankles underneath his desk before unlocking them and kicking the air, turning around every half-second or so to try and catch Kris’s reaction. From the brief moments Kris can see the front of him, they notice he’s not in his usual white collared shirt and black khaki shorts. Instead, his shirt is buttoned all the way up, with a nice blue bowtie tied around his neck. He also traded out his khaki shorts for a pair of dress pants that look to be a tad too long for his legs. He keeps reaching up to smooth out the feathers on his head, which immediately stick back up from stress.
Now, Kris may be a straight B student, but they’re not stupid. Context clues are a very good thing, and all signs point to Berdly as the culprit of this public display of...affection?
Beyond Berdly is Ms. Alphys at her desk, who shoots Kris a look of deep understanding and maybe...guilt? She looks at Berdly for a split second and shrugs her shoulders, indicating he was probably in here long before she was and so she had no way of stopping him from leaving it there.
Kris looks back down at the display and picks up the large origami heart. As they begin to unfold it, they see a sprawling letter written in the same flashy calligraphy. Kris squints at the letters--they’re dyslexic, so everything kind of just looks like spaghetti on paper. Still, they’re able to make out the largely printed question of “WILL YOU GO TO THE DANCE WITH ME?” with no issue.
Huh, guess they won’t be going to the dance alone after all…? It’s a little confusing as to why Berdly would want to go with them, though. Like, they’ve hung out a little bit--usually whenever Berdly wanted a “worthy rival” to play video games with, he would come over and Kris would whoop his ass for a few hours. And, of course, there were the recent events in the Cyber World; but Kris is pretty sure them and Susie had thoroughly convinced Noelle and Berdley that that was all a dream. So, why them?
They’re lost in this train of thought for so long that they don’t even notice the other kids enter the room until they suddenly hear:
“Yo, Kris???????? What the heck is this thing????” Susie’s voice doesn’t startle them, but it is loud enough to get them to look up. Susie is standing next to their desk, looking at the display with genuine amazement thinly masked by disgust. She’s also loud enough to basically stop the whole class (who were all muttering amongst themselves about it anyway), which gives Kris only a second to gaze around the room before--
The door to the classroom slams shut, leaving one seat unoccupied.
“This thing’s got chocolate on it????” Susie continues to marvel at the display while Kris looks at the door, frowning. They feel...bad. It isn’t Berdley’s fault for trying to fit in with the other kids' proposals; he admitted to feeling like he needs to do more just to stand out enough for people to acknowledge him back in the Dark World. And this thing is really...thoughtful! The characters are all ones Kris typically mains, or ones they know Berdley mains, which means he remembers things about Kris. And the chocolate is a given, but it is nice to be able to stock their personal snack stash with some fancy stuff. Ultimately, it’s very sweet, and Kris can’t help but feel a little guilty for not saying anything immediately.
They turn and lock eyes with Ms. Alphys, who looks extremely out-of-depth with this situation. She makes a number of gestures from them to the door in a flustered way of saying I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on please help me Kris I know I’m asking a lot of you but I don’t know how to deal with teenage angst I’m like thirty-five. They sigh, standing up and walking past Susie (but not before giving her a stare that warns her if a single chocolate bar is gone that they will be holding that over her until the day she dies) and following Berdly out the door.
It doesn’t take Kris very long to follow the trail of labored breathing to where Berdley is--in the abandoned classroom, hyperventilating as he teeters on a breakdown. Luckily, when Kris opens the door, it seems to put a halt to his spiralling because he just kind of...freezes. Like a deer caught in headlights. Or a Berdley caught in Kris-lights. Kris takes this moment to let the door shut behind them, trapping the two in here. Together.
“U-Uhhhhh, hi--he--Um. H-Hello, K-Kris…” Berdly attempts to put on his usual bravado, but his voice betrays him brutally by squeaking and cracking on every syllable. Kris can’t help the smile that comes to their face.
“Uh, hey,” they reply with a wave. Berdley continues to stand there and stare (almost like he wasn’t expecting Kris to care enough to follow him) before the present circumstances return to his mind and he begins breathing hard again.
“I-I-I-I, uh...I was. Um. J-Just, uh. G-Getting some fresh air! Y-Yes! The classroom can be s-so stuffy sometimes, I’m sure y-you--you, uh...you agree?” Berdley makes a valiant attempt at hiding his panic, which Kris almost takes pity on. But they don’t think the monster will feel any better if they just pretend what happened back there never happened.
“Yeah. I liked the display.” Kris says simply. Berdley stands stock-straight at that, looking even worse for wear in the “being normal and completely cool” department.
“O-Oh??????? That ol’ thing????? I, um--well I just--y-you see, I--uh. Um,” You can really hear the gears in his head turning as he attempts to come up with an excuse. “I-I-I just thought you w-would appreciate the craftsmanship of!!! A t-true artisan, such as myself!!! So, I!!! M-Made it!!! COMPLETELY PLATONICALLY, OF COURSE!!!! I-I would never imply that my intentions w-were anything other than for bro-sies, i--You didn’t read that whole card, did you?”
“I can’t read,” They mean this as a joke, but they can see Berdley seriously consider this for a second too long. “Dude, I’m dsylexic. I can’t really read cursive…” Berdley freezes up once more, which makes Kris realize they haven’t really projected that as loudly as they might’ve thought.
“Oh! Right! How could I forget! That you’re! Dsylexic!” Berdley’s smile is stapled to his face as he begins to rhythmically knock on his head. “And I! Wrote! That! Entire! Note! In! Cursive! Which! You! Can’t! Read!!!” Kris steps forward in an attempt to keep Berdley from bashing his own skull in, but that only makes Berdley more tense, so they take a step back. “I-I just--The note isn’t important! None of it’s important actually can we forget this interaction ever happened okay? Okay yes that’s great have a wonderful day Kris I will be returning home to sitinmyroomandneverreturntothecorporealrealmalrightgoodbyeforeverKris--” He attempts to sidestep around Kris and out the door, but is very easily intercepted.
“Stop.” Kris grabs him by the shoulders, which seems to shut him up for a second. “Can you just tell me what’s wrong?” Berdley gapes at them as his face steadily grows redder, which makes Kris feel as if there’s something on their face. But he quickly shakes it off, going from completely neurotic to...dejected.
“I just…” He starts, trailing off immediately. “You deserve to have a big proposal, same as everyone else. I-I see you in the back of the class, just...watching. And I, uh, felt it was time to...give you the spotlight! But that was silly of me, wasn’t it?” He looks off to the side at the floor, smiling sadly. “After all, who’d want to go to the dance with me…? I-I’m alone every year, standing in the background. Just kind of...taking it all in...and th-thinking about how it’d be...nice to be a part of it. But that’s...not probable. It was just nice to think about taking you to the dance because you’re--well, you’re nice to me, and you’re funny, and you actually listen to me when I’m talking, an-and you’re a good person and an incredible gaming legend...but I shouldn’t have put it all on you in front of everyone...I’m. I’m sorry, Kris.” He won’t make eye contact with the human, but Kris can still see the tears collecting in his eyes.
“Berdley, that’s stupid.” Kris says, which Berdley cringes at, “Why wouldn’t I wanna go with you?” That part is...not what Berdley was expecting. He looks up at Kris, unsure of where to go from here.
“U-Um…? Because of all the previously stated things? Like me being a complete loser who nobody likes?”
“I like you,” Kris replies immediately, leaving Berdley’s feathers sticking straight up as he flusters. “And I like your display. It’s...really sweet.”
“E-Even if you can’t read the note?” Berdley’s voice cracks.
“I mean, I could read the: WILL YOU GO WITH ME TO THE DANCE part, so, like. Yeah.” Kris shrugs. “Plus, you got me chocolate. Nice chocolate. Nobody...gets me things like that.” They smile, a light dusting of blush across their face. “I’ll go with you.” Berdley’s entire body seizes up for the third time, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“W-W-w-W-w-w-w-w-W-W-W-w-w-w-Wh-Wha-wh-w-w-wha-wha-w-wh-Wh-Wha-wh-Wha-wha-w-w-W-W-W--” Berdley continues to struggle with the word “what” for a solid minute and a half before he’s finally about to manage a: “What?!” Kris can’t help but laugh.
“I said that, Berdley,” at this, they move their grip from his shoulders to his hands, “I will go to the Sadie Hawkman’s dance with you.”
The circuits in Berdley’s brain struggle with this frequency for an extended moment before his face erupts in the giddiest smile Kris has ever seen the bird monster sport. He even begins to jump up and down, taking Kris along with him, as he cackles. It is a surprisingly cute display that Kris finds themselves blushing a bit at. It’s nice to be this...cared about.
“I-I--We have to start thinking of outfits immediately!” Berdley blurts out, returning to their usual demeanor. “I was thinking of some complimentary color schemes on the way to school today which I will be happy to show you at lunchtime. I’m also a master with a sewing machine, so if you are unable to procure an outfit that meets the color requirements, I would be delighted to take your measurements and--w-wait, don’t read into that phrasing, I just m-meant that I could make an outfit for you! B-But I’d need your measurements, and--Oh, goodness, hasn’t class started already, Kris?! We should head back, but--” He looks from the door to Kris and back again a few times before finally settling on something.
“I’lltalktoyouaboutthislaterseeyouinclassKris!!!!!” He says this right before he gives Kris a solitary peck on the cheek before bolting out of the abandoned classroom, leaving Kris blinking at the Berdley-shaped cloud he left behind. Their hand gently grazes the spot on their cheek--luckily not actually pecked by his beak, but more of a quick-kiss kind of peck--and feel their heart skip a beat.
They elect to not dwell on that feeling any longer and head back to class. They have to make sure Susie hasn’t eaten all of the chocolate on that display.
They wouldn’t want to make Berdley go through the trouble of re-proposing  just so they could rightfully claim their other sweet surprise.
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
Fine Line Track 02: WATERMELON SUGAR [G.D]
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Description: Two teens spent a hot summer in Hawaii together.
Warnings: Smut!! 
Word Count: 6.2K+
‘Tastes like strawberries, On a summer evening’ - Watermelon Sugar Harry Styles
Her lips wrapped around the small striped straw. Red and white lines swirling throughout the straw as her cherry pink lips stained the paper. A satisfied sigh fell past her lips as the cold drink slid down her warm throat, her lips curling into a small smile as the summer heat got washed away with her juice.
"Are you just going to sit there all summer?" Grayson shouted, shaking her up, not expecting him until later in the day.
"Maybe, maybe not," she smiled, lifting the glasses off her eyes and onto her forehead, in attempts of getting a good look at her best friend who she hadn't seen in months.
"I hope not. There's a lot to do around here," he muttered as he walked towards her, her body laying on one of those deck chairs by the pool, a red, skimpy bikini covered the precious belongings that Grayson tore his eyes off of, not wanting to disrespect her, as he should.
"Gimme a hug Dolan, don't just stand there,"  she smiled up at him, extending her hands as he leaned down, wrapping them around his shoulders, a hint of his cologne bringing nothing but happiness to her nose.
"You've been working out huh?" Her eyes traveled down his large build. It was obvious Grayson had grown over the past months.
"Gotta blow out the steam and stress," he shrugged, sitting on the chair next to her, "How 'bout you?"
"Me? I just meditate or hit the gym when I feel like I need to, you know?" She replied, bringing her glasses back down to her eyes, trying to block out the sun who seemed to be on its highest power that day.
"I get it. Gotta clean the energy 'round you," he mumbled as he closed his eyes, the stress from the past months lifting off his shoulder ever since his plane landed.
"How were your classes?" she yawned, not because she was tired but because of how free she felt.
"Harder than last year. Last week, I thought about dropping out," he chuckled making her laugh.
"The Grayson Dolan considering giving up? Engineering must be fucking hard then," she took another sip from her drink, a teasing scoff coming from Grayson once he saw the 'MelonBerry' bottle in her hands.
"How the fuck did you bring those to Hawaii?"
"Brought em' on the plane. Wrapped them up real nice and put em' in my suitcase," she chuckled, "You want one?"
"I'm good, thanks,"
"Suit yourself," she shrugged before taking another sip, letting out a loud and dramatic 'ahh' to crawl up Grayson's skin.
"You should stop drinking that before you turn into one," Grayson muttered with his eyes closed, a teasing smirk on his lips as a scoff came from Y/N.
"Fuck off, Bailey," she laughed, flipping him off, a content smile on her face, "I missed you," she sighed.
They haven't seen each other since months prior, each going to different colleges, each in a separate and distant state. Grayson came up with the idea to meet in Hawaii, saying it would be a fun experience for her. Y/N argued, claiming it was too expensive, and it wasn't in her budget. But Grayson being Grayson, sent her an email later that day, a round trip to Hawaii from Boston, and pictures of the Air BNB he rented. She called him with tears in her eyes, nagging him about spending an unnecessary amount of money on her, which of course, he simply shrugged off.
"I missed you too, and your annoying voice," Grayson replied, making her scoff, "I'm serious! It gets lonely when you're not around,"
"Boston would be better with you, you know? Life isn't as fun without you," she sighed, placing her bottle of juice down before getting up from her chair, taking her glasses off, carefully placing them down before walking towards the pool, slowly going down the small staircase that led to the water.
Small goosebumps rose through her skin as the feeling of the water and Grayson's eyes made contact with her soft skin. "You coming Gray?" Her voice came out soft and angelic, nothing but innocence within her words.
"I'm good," He never took his eyes off her, eyes being hooked to every inch of her skin, cursing himself out for every blink he made, as if he were to close his eyes for too long she would disappear from his eyes, "for now,"
"Your loss," she shrugged before completely submerging under the water, hair wet and sticking to her skin as she came back up, giggles falling past her lips as she bit them, looking directly towards Grayson, a teasing look on her face as she stared at him.
"Don't do that," he glared, "Don't look at me like that Y/N, come on,"
"Like what? I'm literally just inviting you to swim Grayson, but whatever," she shrugged and went back in the water, causing Grayson to roll his eyes. He forced himself to think about disgusting things, not wanting to feel or look at his best friend the way he was.
. . .
"How many days are we staying here? I forgot," Y/N asked as she walked to the couch, a giant blanket engulfed her body, as she made her way over to the large living room.
"A month," Grayson replied, not looking up from his phone, his thumbs quickly tapping on the screen as he typed something.
"Wow, a month," she whispered before getting up from the couch, not even a minute from when she first sat down, she walked over to the kitchen.
Grabbing a nice bottle of her 'MelonBerry' juice she walked back to the couch, she stood before Grayson, a pout on her lips as she extended her arm to him, "Can you open this for me, please?"
He grabbed the bottle from her hand, fingers touching against each other as he did so, small currents of energy running through each other's skins, Grayson took a rather large sip after opening it, making Y/N send him a glare, "I thought you didn't like these?" She asked, turning her head  to the side, slightly squinting her eyes as she looked at Grayson. 
"Wanna see what you taste like," He smirked, looking at her, trying to see any sort of change in her expression, but nothing. Y/N decided to let the comment remain unheard, "It's sweet, tastes like strawberries,"
"It's called MelonBerry Grayson. Melon for watermelon, berry for strawberry," Y/N replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it sort of was, and Grayson just did it to get under her skin, "Anyways, thank you for drinking half the fucking bottle," she scoffed once she looked inside the red translucent glass bottle, Grayson's sip taking almost half of the bottle.
"Can't help it, it's so, so good," Grayson's voice was deep and rough, a teasing tone to it, making Y/N's skin shiver, the small hairs in the back of her neck standing up with every syllable he spoke.
She shook her head, sitting down on the couch. She no longer felt cold, taking the giant blanket off her body, leaving her in a pair of Pajama shorts, and a small white tank top, "It really is good, 's why I drink it so much,"
Grayson's eyes traveled down her body, her nipples being outlined by the small, and sort of tight white shirt, her thighs were almost bare, and for once Grayson felt like losing it, "You hungry?" He asked, stopping his mind from going to forbidden places.
"Mhm," she hummed with the straw in her mouth, quickly pushing it away from her mouth with her tongue, "I stopped at a grocery store before coming here. I bought pizza dough, we can make it if you want,"
"Let's do it," he got up from the couch, walking to the kitchen as Y/N followed, she got all the ingredients out before washing her hands, she took some flour sprinkling it on the counter before placing the dough on it, carefully and smoothly massaging it with her hands as Grayson watched.
"You wanna try it?" she asked and he nodded his head, before she could move, he locked her in, placing his body behind her's, his hand landing next to hers, "Not what I meant, but okay," she shook her head before she began work with the dough again, Grayson's head landed on her shoulder, his warm, yet cold breath sending shivers down her spine with every breath he took.
"This is fun," he whispered and she nodded her head, Grayson grabbed her hands, tightly holding them in his before moving his hands up to her shoulders, "You're stressed, M' working on your shoulders and you do that," he whispered against her neck as Y/N stayed frozen, she quickly shook her head, her hands started working on the dough as she closed her eyes, Grayson's hands working wonders on her neck.
"Does it feel good, Y/N?" Her name sounding different when it left his mouth, the entire question didn't feel like it was relating to a simple, friendly massage, "Answer the question,"
"Mhm, your hands are good," she nodded her head, opening her eyes, internally shaking off whatever was going on, "Really good,"
"Gray, it's done," she whispered, knowing the pizza was ready for the sauce and the rest of the things, "I'm hungry,"
"Where's the sauce?" He took her hands off her shoulder, Y/N suddenly felt cold and lonely, simply pushing it away she pointed towards the jar filled with the red sauce.
Waiting for the pizza was hell for both Grayson and Y/N. They crossed a line and were now suffering the consequences. Nobody dared to say a word, both purposely lost themselves in their phones until the pizza, where Y/N decided to break the silence, "What are we doing tomorrow?" She asked after swallowing the bite she had taken
"To the beach, and I know about this secret waterfall that we could go the day after," Grayson shrugged, locking his phone and placing it on the table.
"Secret waterfall?"
"Yeah, it's in this creek, but it's hiding away. Ever since I found it, I go there all the time," Grayson explained and Y/N nodded her head, "Come, here you got something," Grayson leaned over the table, placing his thumb on the corner of her mouth.
She didn't actually have anything, he just wanted to touch her, "There, all done,"
"Well, just wake me up tomorrow, you always get up before me, good night," she got up from her chair, throwing her plate in the trash and walking to her room, to shower and try and sleep. Sleep was something that was not in the schedule because it was almost 2 am and she found herself scrolling through TikTok.
"Can't sleep?" Grayson asked, knocking on her door, "Can I come in?"
"Yeah, been up the whole time," She replied as he walked in, sitting down on her bed, "You?"
"Same, too many thoughts," He sighed, laying his head down on a pillow.
"Wanna talk about it?" She asked, extending her blanket over to him.
"I don't know. It's just weird, we haven't seen each other in months, and I don't know it's different," he yawned, taking a look around the room. Her suitcase was neatly placed in the corner of her room, her makeup was spread out on top of the dresser, and her shoes were all laid out in a straight line by a wall.
"Different in what way?" Her eyes were closed, tiredness taking over her body at the wrong time, she wanted to talk to Grayson but she was slowly drifting away with every word he spoke.
"I don't know. Just different,"
"Y/N get up," Grayson groaned for what seemed the millionth time in the morning, forgetting how hard it was to wake her up.
"Shut up, m' trying to sleep" she muttered, nuzzling her face into the pillow, in an attempt to block out the sunlight that was coming from the window.
"And I'm trying to go to the beach, so get your fat ass up," he said, ripping the blanket off her body, causing her to finally wake up.
"My ass is perfect, now get out," She rolled her eyes, putting on her slides before walking towards the bathroom.
"Sure is," shouted walking out of her room.
"I know you are not going to sit there all day," Grayson complained as Y/N sat on a beach chair, white, heart-shaped glasses sat over her eyes, a copy of 'In Watermelon Sugar' in her hands
"What is it with you and watermelons?" Grayson scoffed and Y/N rolled her eyes, the attitude filled action not being visible to Grayson due to her sunglasses
"I just like them, and they're good too," she replied back, her tone was monotone, all her emotions being poured into every word she read, "And they're cute,"
"Okay, can you just enjoy the world around you for once?" Grayson was upset that the fact that Y/N hadn't been paying attention to him ever since they arrived at the beach, she had been too busy with the book, a book that she had read more than enough times.
"Fine," she groaned, folding the corner of the page she was at a bit, an annoyed expression on her face, "What do you want to do?"
"Good just follow me," he smirked grabbing her small hand in his hand, he led her down a path, a part of the beach that was secluded away from everything, just a few adults that were laying down a distant couple of feet away, Y/N was glad she left all her important belongings in the car, not trusting a bunch strangers around her stuff.
"Look at the turtles," he smiled pointing over the small turtles that were floating and swimming around near the shore.
Y/N's hand flew to her mouth, a small giggle falling past her lips as she looked at them, "Oh god, they're so cute! I hope no one does anything to them,"
"They can't, people are watching them," Grayson explained and she nodded her head.
"Good. I can't stand people hurting animals," she huffed, she placed her hands on her hips.
Grayson finally caught a good look of her body. A mustard-yellow bandeau and high waisted swimsuit covered the parts of her body she wanted to keep private. The color matching perfectly against her golden skin, something she was thanking the bright sun for. Her hair was a loose and messy bun that sat at the top of her head, and her glasses still covered her eyes, and a small cross necklace adorned her neck, "This is cute'
Y/N took off her glasses, a smirking Grayson was standing before her, his hand slowly reaching to the waistline of her bottoms, his finger grazing the hem of them, "Real cute,"
"Thanks. I got it off Fashion Nova," she gave him an innocent smile, as she internally discombobulated, "Your shorts are cute," she chuckled looking at his shorts, just plain dark blue shorts.
"Thanks, I don't know where I got them from," his hand moved from her waistline to her actual waist, mentally groaning after he got no reaction from her again.
"Last one to get in the water has to give the other a pedicure," Y/N shouted before taking off and running towards the light blue ocean
"You cheated, you know that right?" Grayson glared at Y/N as she placed her legs on top of his.
"No rules were spoken Bailey, now get to it," she said pressing the heel of her foot against his thigh, a soft hiss escaping Grayson before he huffed.
"You don't even need a pedicure," he rolled his eyes after looking at her pedicured feet, her nails were neatly colored with a white polish, and her feet were so soft.
"Don't complain, I could've had crusty musty feet, now get to it," she groaned, she relaxed back into the couch, one he felt Grayson doing what owed her since he lost.
His brain worked rather quickly, coming up with a plan once she closed her eyes. He slowly moved his hand up to her ankle, his finger tracing the small sun tattoo she had gotten done. He remembered it was her first tattoo, getting it done on their senior trip in high school. It was a small tattoo shop in Chicago, they all had gotten tattoos with fake IDs. That day Grayson got a small door behind his knee, they were all meaningless tattoos that sometimes they regretted getting. He was now at her calf, and his plan was not working, he heard a small snore come from her mouth so he gave up before moving to her other leg.
Maybe Y/N was going to be harder to crack than he thought.
Y/N wasn't actually asleep, but knowing that if her eyes were open, they would give away her reaction to his touch, so she closed her eyes, until she actually drifted off.
This time, it wasn't Grayson knocking on her door. It was her knocking on Grayson's, a quiet 'come in' was heard so she opened the door, the sight of a shirtless Grayson in bed making her knees feel like jelly, her panties to dampen, her heart to accelerate, and her body temperature to rise.
Maybe it was the fact that they were spending a month together. Or that they haven't seen each other in months. Or simply because their bodies had changed, matured in a way.
Grayson took notice of how her tits were bigger than last time, and so was her ass. Her face was different, her lips were plump and pinker from her gloss, her lashes were longer, and her hair stopped right before her shoulders making her jawline more defined, her eyes were shiny, with a hint of something Grayson still hasn't been able to determine.
Grayson's body was buff, his biceps and every muscle defined. His hair was long, and Y/N had to say it was her favorite so far. His hands were bigger, His back had grown, but in a good way, he was taller. His body was perfectly proportioned. Not to mention that in the past two days Y/N noticed that his sense of fashion was better, wearing something other than a black t-shirt with grey boxer shorts.
"You okay? You look sick," Grayson's face filled with concern, her face flushed, a hint of embarrassment flashed in her eyes for a slight second before she shook it off.
"Yeah, my room's just really hot right now," it wasn't, it was cold, colder than his at that.
"Do you wanna stay here? With me?" she nodded her head, slipping under the covers in the space he made for her. Her body's temperature finally stabilized.
Her head subconsciously landed on Grayson's chest. His heartbeat being some sort of lullaby causing her eyes to slowly close as a wave of tiredness consumed her, "Night Gray"
"Night Y/N" he repeated before she slowly drifted off, her mind making up inappropriate and forbidden scenarios as she slept.
"Is it far away?" Y/N asked as Grayson drove away.
They were headed towards the secret waterfall Grayson acclaimed so much. Y/N had woken up in an annoyed mood, every single little thing bothering her right into her soul. And Grayson was not dealing so well with it, not after she glared at him for asking a simple question.
"An hour and a half," he answered and a loud groan came from Y/N, making Grayson roll his eyes.
Y/N spent the hour and a half long drive sleeping, coming in and out of her daze. Unfortunately, she was as Grayson would call it 'bitchier', after her small nap.
"Can you drop the attitude for like one second?" Grayson asked and she did nothing but send him a glare, deciding to stay quiet instead of saying something she might regret, she walked away laying her towel on the ground, sitting down, and admiring the view.
Medium sized waterfalls surrounded a small body of water at the bottom, they weren't as tall as she thought they would be, so she considered maybe jumping in them once or twice.
"Let's skinny dip," Grayson suggested standing in front of Y/N, a loud laugh coming from her throat.
"Are you crazy? Out of your mind much," She shook her head, leaning down on her towel.
"There's no one around, so why not," Grayson shrugged, she turned her head to look around.
There wasn't a single soul there, except theirs of course, "Fine. But turn around, no peeking," she finally gave in.
There was nothing to lose, well only if someone decided to go to the waterfall, at the same time.
She slowly peeled her yellow bottoms off, followed by the top part of her bathing suit, and if anyone was secretly watching, her body would be fully exposed to them, "Okay, your turn," her shyness suddenly went a wave.
She was starting to crave pleasure. Things she was sure only Grayson could give her, or what she thought he could, "You could peek now," Grayson turned around, jaw slightly dropping at the sight of his naked best friend.
"Hello? We don't have all day," she snapped her fingers in his face, a small smirk on her face, "Okay never mind," she began to turn around before a pair of arms scooped her up.
The skin on skin contact sent shivers through her body as a squeal left her throat, "Grayson don't you fucking dare," she shouted.
It was too late, before she knew it she was being carried up to the surface, a loud gasp left her lips once she was able to breathe, "What the fuck is wrong with you," she shouted, smacking his chest softly.
Grayson's eyes changed. His honey-colored eyes no longer being present, a pair of dark, lust-filled eyes replacing them instead. In a matter of seconds his hand lightly wrapped against her throat, and her back was placed against a soft rock, "I'm fed up of all your attitude, and of your fucking teasing," his voice was rough and deep.
Deeper than she's ever heard before, and Grayson's voice sure got deep when he was upset.
"Mhm," she nodded her head, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. Bubbles filled her stomach as she wondered what would happen next.
"Words baby, I need words," he muttered against her neck, a small and quiet moan came from the feeling of his big, and rough hands traveling around her bare body.
"I wanted your attention, like the whore I am," she pouted, his lips placed slow and sloppy kisses around her neck and shoulders, his hands squeezing her ass making her head drop back in response.
"You're a whore for me, aren't you?" His voice was teasing-, almost mocking her. Mocking her for being such a whore for him, "What do you want Y/N?"
It was the way he said her name again. Everything but innocence was found within his voice, what did she want? She didn't know. Not being in the right headspace to make a decision as to what she wanted Grayson to do for her, she shrugged, letting out a quiet 'don't know'.
"I guess we'll just go with what I want then," he shrugged before wrapping his arms under her knees, lifting her up so that her lower half was above the water and her ass was sitting on the rock, right in front of his face, he looked up at her, eyes filled with hunger and lust, he turned his head to the side, a nod coming from her to let him know she wanted it too.
"You don't know how long I waited for this," he wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her pussy closer to his face, his finger slowly rubbed against her skin, grazing past the are where she needed him and wanted him the most, "Gray-,"
He cut her off by pressing his thumb softly against her clit, "Shhh," he switched his thumb for his index finger that he previously had in his move, he rubbed it in small circles, small whimpers and breath falling past Y/N's lips.
He placed a small kiss on her clit, receiving a gasp in response. Her pussy ached with want, want for some sort of touch, "Don't make a sound," he instructed before licking a bold stripe up her folds, he slowly inserted a finger, her hand clutching onto his bicep as she bit her lip, holding back any sounds that tried to escape.
He licked his lips before slowly flicking his tongue against her clit, he inserted another finger, and this time Y/N wasn't so good at holding a moan back, the pleasure she was getting from his fingers slowly moving in and out of her, while his tongue worked wonder on her was more than enough to make her let out a loud moan that earned her a smack to her thigh.
Not getting what she wanted, she pushed her body down, only for Grayson to push his face back, a smirk on his face as she sent him a glare, she leaned down, small hand grabbing his jaw, her thumb slowly pulled his bottom lip down until it popped back up, "Stop moving and just eat me, please?" She asked, an innocent pout on her face as her acrylics slowly scratched his jaw.
Grayson didn't say anything, a determined look on his face, and Y/N knew she was done for, he slowly took his fingers out of her before quickly slipping them back in with no warning, his speed faster than before he leaned his head down, her hand moved to his hair, pulling it away for his face as a gathered up enough spit before slowly spitting it all over her cunt, his lips latched onto her clit with no mercy, tongue circling it, as loud moans left her lips, "Gray, Gray, more," she chanted his name as she pulled on his brown locks, her legs trying close but he pushed them away, fingers digging into her soft skin as he devoured her pussy.
"More?" he asked, he slipped a third finger in, and a loud scream came from her throat. His fingers slipped in and out of her at a fast pace, he pulled his tongue and fingers away, moving his fingers up to her clit before quickly running it, "look at you, all fucked out and I haven't even gotten started yet," he chuckled, a cocky look on his face, before she could respond he replaced his fingers with his tongue, moaning at her sweet taste sending vibrations through her body.
Her stomach began to tighten and her breaths became short. Moans turned into a loud pornographic scream as her toes curled, squirting all over his face, her vision turned white, he body trying to pull away but he locked her in with his hands behind his knees
"Grayson, Grayson fuck, fuck," the number of times she said fuck was more than what Grayson could count. Once she caught her breath she sat up, his head was between her thigh so she pulled him up, a loud and rough giggle escaping her as she pressed her lips against his lips, tasting herself, "Just wanna taste it," she muttered and he nodded his head.
"Tastes like strawberries," he mumbled before fueling pulling himself on top of her, "Wanna fuck you on this rock," he peppered kisses on her neck, long enough to leave marks on her skin, her nails scratched his back
"Do it," she whispered, she brought her hand up to her mouth, spitting in it before bringing it down to his dick. Her hand wrapped around it, slowly pumping causing small and quiet whimpers to come from Grayson's lips.
"Y/N, don't you dare," he groaned as she took her hand away, a small smile on her lips.
"Don't dare what?" She asked,  in a swift motion she flipped them over, surprising herself and Grayson on how they didn't slip off of the rock, "Actually, I just wanna swim," she shrugged, getting off of him and jumping into the water, leaving a frustrated, and angry Grayson laying naked on a wet rock.
"You coming?"  She asked before Grayson jumped in the water,  one she saw the look on Grayson's face, she took off, swimming as fast as she could, until he caught up to her, his long arms making catching her easier.
"Where were you exactly planning to go Y/N?" Grayson asked with a smirk on his face, Y/N turned her face, getting a good look around the area, noticing there was nowhere she could exactly go.
"Somewhere," She shrugged, turning back around to face him, her arms wrapped around his neck, fingers playing with the small hairs at the back of his head, his hands were right above her waist, his thumb rubbing small circles on her soft skin.
Grayson leaned his head down, pressing a small kiss below her ear, "I don't like that stunt you pulled," his teeth softly pressed down on her earlobe before he pulled away, "It wasn't very nice,"
"Too bad," She shrugged against his arms, a soft smile on her lips.
Y/N was in it for the night. Purposely brushing past Grayson on accident all day, saying comments that were innocent but in a way that they no longer were, looking up at Grayson will big eyes, Grayson was regretting suggesting skinny dipping, because he simply couldn't contain himself, and he could no longer do anything because people were starting to appear so they both rushed up the cliff, slipping on their bathing suits before anyone could see them.
"I had fun," Y/N smiled as she placed her bag in the trunk, they were now completely dressed, black joggers and white t-shirts hugged both of their bodies, and dirty white vans covered their feet.
"Me too, except for the part where you left me on the rock," Grayson playfully shook his head, sending her a half serious glare.
"Oh come on, the day isn't over yet," she smiled, taking a step closer to him, her hand went up to his jaw, caressing the soft skin, "Let's go home yeah,"
An hour has never gone by so slow for Grayson. Every traffic light turned red once it was his turn to go, cars kept crossing, he was letting out loud frustrated groans, nearly jumping out the car once he turned it off in the driveway, Y/N was slowly walking towards the front door until he came up behind her, hand wrapping around her neck as he turned her around, lips devouring hers as they made out against the door.
He lifted up her legs, wrapping them around his waist as he tried to unlock the door without a sight, after many attempts, he finally got the right key, unlocking the door and carrying her inside, slamming the door with his foot as he pressed her back against it, a load moan fell past her lips as he slipped his hand inside her joggers, rubbing her through her underwear.
He wrapped his arms behind her knees once again, carrying her up the stairs, loud and desperate breath coming from both of them, once Grayson reached his room he threw her on the bed, carefully climbing above her body with a hungry look on his eyes. In a swift motion he had her bottoms pulled off, "Shirt," his voice was rough as she raised her arms off, the feeling of his fingers against her stomach tickled as he took her shirt off, he sat up for a quick moment, removing his clothes faster than he's ever done before.
Y/N quickly took the opportunity to turn their body around, getting off the bed and sitting on her knees, once Grayson caught up to what she was doing he got off the bed, his hand reaching down to her jaw, thumb dragging on her bottom lip before she took it in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it, letting out a muffled moan, his grip around her jaw tightener, making her open her mouth, "Swallow it," he muttered after spitting in her mouth, she obliged, no questions asked.
She grabbed his dick in her hands, leaning her down and placing a small kiss on his tip causing Grayson's body to jerk, "Sorry," She giggled before spitting on it. She pumped her hand in a slow motion, slowly jerking him off, trying to get him harder before she put him in her mouth, she maintained eye contact while doing it, letting out a small giggle as Grayson internally almost lost it.
He let out a groan as she finally brought him in, the warmth from her mouth making his eyes roll back, she slowly took him in, bopping her head slightly before he took control.
He grabbed a fistful of his hair, taking a step back, his dick falling from her mouth as a line of spit connected the two, he pulled her head back so that she directly looking at him, "I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you," he muttered before grabbing his dick in his hands, bringing it up to her mouth before slamming his hips against her, loud gags coming from the back of her throat, she moaned around him, making him let out a grunt.
"Fucking teasing me all day, fucking whore," he moaned as he fucked her mouth, tears forming in her eyes from the filling of his dick touching the back of her throat, he stepped back for a bit, stroking his cock with his hands to allow her to breath. Her hands reached for him, thumb rubbing over his tip before she took him back in her mouth, she had a rhythm. Take him halfway in for a couple of times before deepthroating him for a few seconds, then jerking him off with his hands. After a few minutes, Grayson was sent into oblivion, eyes closing as he came in her mouth, "Shit, fuck," fell past his lips as she giggled. He looked down at her, his cum slightly dripping from her lips before she wiped it away with her thumb, slipping it into her mouth, moaning at his taste.
"Hmh," he blinked his distraction away, his mind still stuck on what only happened a few seconds ago.
"Are you finally gonna fuck me or-," her question was cut short, his hand wrapping around her neck as he slammed her on the bed. He slammed himself into her with no warning, a loud moan mixed with a gasp was her reaction.
"That mouth of yours is gonna get you in trouble someday," he grunted as he thrusted in and out of her, her tits bouncing with every thrust he made.
"Well, until then, I'll wait," she spoke, followed by a moan, "Fuck," her eyes paid a visit to her brain as she clawed on his back, her nails scratching the soft skin as he placed sloppy kisses along her neck and collarbone.
"Keep talking," he muttered against his skin, he brought one of his hands down to her clit making her head fall back as she let out a string of curse words.
He flipped their bodies around, her hands falling to his shoulders for support as he grabbed onto her waist, "Ride me like the good girl I know you are," his eyes stared into hers.
She grabbed onto his shoulders before she began bouncing on him, her legs feeling broken as she did so, head was thrown back, her hands moved from his shoulder to his chest, as a chuckle left Grayson's lips, he muttered some curse words that were almost inaudible as one of his hand reached for the headboard. He stared at her licking his lips before letting out a moan, "Shit Y/N, the condom," he panted and she shook her head.
"I'm on the pill," she breathed, feeling close to herself. The knot on her stomach began to tighten, 'Gray, Gray, I'm gonna cum,"
"Do it. Cu for me angel," his voice was light and airy, almost as if he was a peace.
She threw her head back before cumming around his dick, Grayson following her actions a few seconds later, they let out loud deep breaths as they came down from their highs.
Small beads of sweat formed around her forehead that wiped off her hand, she dropped down next to Grayson on the mattress, "Holyshit," she turned her head to look at him, "Please tell me we're gonna do that more often?"
"We can't stop now, we just started,"
Tag List: @blazedgraysons @evergreendolan @simplyxdolxstyles @rhyrhy462 @resilientdolan​ @guiltydols​ @onlyyyariii​ @blindedbythelightt​ @ydolanssss​ @finelinedolans​ @babey-gray​ @prettyboydolan​ @deeperdolan​ @lovingdolans​@strawberryystyles​ @grantzarrr​ {if you wanna be added just lmk :)}
A/N: I’m pretty sure this is by far, the most horrifyingly bad thing I’ve ever written. Please I haven’t written smut in over a month, I’m SORYY!!!! I hate this SO SO SO SO MUCH bye-
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princesscas · 4 years
hey again mandy!! i was wondering if you could rec some fluffy destiel fics? just your favorite ones if you’ve got some, either fluffy or angsty! i’d love to add some diversity to my bookmark list ☺️💕
Ooohh yeah! You sent this right as an anon sent the same request :3
Anon: I have seen your answer to an anon and now I want you to do a list of your favorite destiel fics please!! I just need to read fluffy fics but I also want some that have very good plot and also good portray of the characters but with a happy ending i can’t stomach more sadness. Thanks!! By the way for these who haven’t read it I want to recommend a very good fic call I don’t care where you been.
So I’m not too big on angst, like yes I do love angst, it can be good for the plot/character development/etc, but sometimes too much angst is well, too much for me to handle lol. Fluff is my bread and butter when it comes to not only writing, but reading. It can do me no harm, besides making my cheeks hurt from smiling so dang much! 
So here is my list of fluffy, plotty, longfics! These are pretty old, because I haven’t been in the market for any destiel longfic in the recent years, besides oneshots and a few WIPs here and there. (i’m still neck deep into the stucky dumpster lol) 6 canon fics and 6 AU’s :D 
Professional Couple Only by saltyfeathers (Fake/Pretend Relationship) - There's a haunted apartment building in Vermont, and the ad says "Professional couple only". Dean and Cas rise to the occasion.
The Silence Between Heartbeats by yesmsmoran (elliedew) (2x20 AU) -  "Fic that replaces Carmen with Cas. And then, when Dean wakes up and he meets Cas for the first time he freaks out because it's the only man he's ever loved and he's so confused as to how he can be real when he obviously had to be something the djinn created."
i wanna see your animal side by microcomets (Animal Transformation) - Dean gets attached to a dark-haired, blue-eyed kitten. He hates cats, so he can't really say why.
Just To Make You See by youaresunlight (Mutual Pining) - “I’ve been reading,” Cas explains, lifting his coat to reach for something inside. It’s another magazine but not one about nature or economics. It’s a GQ with a suave male celebrity gracing the cover. “There’s an article in here that gives advice to those who are ‘seeking to escape the friend zone.’”
And I Will Walk On Water by tracy_loo_who (Post-S4) - This fic is set after season 4 and totals ~122,600 words. It's a story about friendship and love, recovery and trust, free will, and Dean and Castiel's journey through it all. It's also about chocolate and hugs. If you read it, I really hope you enjoy it. ♥
Broadway Musical by Griftings (HILLARIOUS GO READ IT) - This is the day that marked the Holy and Blessed Union of Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle.The merging of prominent bloodlines is always a grand occurrence, but breeding pedigree hunter families like Winchester and Harvelle is something to be rejoiced. It is also something to be meticulously planned, which thankfully the Host is very good at.Or, the romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general.
a world above water by museaway (Fairy Tale AU) - Castiel’s hope for freedom is threatened by a chance encounter with the Crowned Prince of Lawrence, who is trying to avoid an arranged marriage
To Find a Family by linasane (Kid Fic, Domestic) - When Dean's little brother gets taken away, he's expecting the fight that ensues. He's expecting the stress that comes from separation, expecting to do all he can to get Sammy back from whatever awful foster family he's been placed with. He's not expecting Castiel Novak. (Castiel, in turn, isn't expecting his first foster child - five years old and angry - to be the one that leads him to the family he's always wanted, but life has a funny way of working itself out).
Shorten the Distance by GhostGarrison (Online/Long Distance Relationship) - "Nerdytr3nchcoat" and "Impala67" weren't looking for romance on the dating website called 'dateangels.com'. Castiel was looking for friends and Dean was just looking to get his nagging brother off his back. What they didn't expect to find was each other. [a long distance, online relationship fic]
Cooking with Gas by WinJennster (Food Network/Chef!Cas) - Castiel Novak has it all. He's rich, famous, has a top rated cooking show and restaurant, drives an expensive car and wears Armani. His producer throws a contest to spend a day with Chef Novak, cooking and learning techniques. Castiel wants no part of it, but Balthazar insists and Castiel will do as expected. What Castiel wasn't expecting was to fall head over heels for the winner. Dean Winchester hasn't had a successful relationship in his 34 years on Earth. He's got a past he'd like to keep hidden, and his life rotates around his family and his business. Winning a contest to spend a day with his favorite TV chef is a shock, but a welcome diversion from his day to day life...until he meets the guy, and he turns out to be a big jerk. Dean figures he should have expected that. What he wasn't expecting was that same gorgeous blue-eyed man to sweep in and shake up his entire world.
Life In Pink by youaresunlight (Kid Fic - SO FLUFF) - At just 33 years old, Dean Winchester is one of the most sought-after wedding planners in the city. He’s chased his dream ever since he was a kid and is now on the brink of making partner at his firm. But the wedding that’ll make or break his promotion? Is his best friend Dr. Castiel Novak’s. It’s going to be the event of the season - unlimited budget, no expense spared - and it’s the kind of task that Dean has been waiting for… except he’s hopelessly in love with Cas.
Kiss the Baker by Ltleflrt (Bakery AU) - Jo is pregnant and craving something a little bit unusual. When she sends Dean on a mission to find her some chocolate cake donuts with bacon sprinkles, he's sure that he'll fail. Luckily his partner Benny comes to his rescue and introduces him to a quirky little bakery that sells all kinds of weird (and delicious!) baked goods. And they do special orders!Dean finds excuses to keep going back, and Castiel finds excuses to keep giving him special treats.
And I believe this is the fic Anon was referring to: don't care where you've been by thanks_tacos (A/B/O) Dean's life is finally changing. After years of enduring Alastair's abuse, the alpha dies and Dean's married off to the next alpha the system pairs him with - Castiel. The man is strange and distant, but not exactly bad, and Dean's determined to be on his best behavior and not mess up the chance he was given. Soon enough, though, he fucks up anyway and has to call the alpha for help.Castiel's lived his entire life without an omega by his side, and he was fine with that. He doesn't know how to proceed once he's suddenly married to a beautiful man who's obviously been through a lot. Omegas were always a confusing subject to him, so he tries not to interfere much - neither of them is there by their choice. But when Dean calls for help, he understands he's going to have to set some things straight and engage more.
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smeraldos · 3 years
Love by Daylight (1/2)
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➸ characters: Seokjin x Reader
➸ genres: Sailor Moon!AU, fluff, sort of e2l
➸ tags: sly friends, petty enemies/secret crushes, running away from the mortifying ordeal of being known
➸ words: 2K+
➸ summary: The day you find out who your suave partner in saving the world is, you're absolutely, positively, without a doubt sure you'll be over the moon. You'll be so happy you'll think you're dreaming. Turns out you're right. You do think you're dreaming. Because this? This can't be real. You're being pranked. Someone, somewhere, is going to jump out and say you're on Candid Camera. (Please.)
>> PART 2
When the lights fade and the facades fall, this is what you’re left with: Tuxedo Mask without a mask, you without your moonlit glamor. Tux the civilian is handsome, you can tell, and this is it—the moment you’ve been waiting for.
He lifts his face.
The youma's words come rushing back: Let the truth be known, the city’s deepest secrets shown.
Tuxedo Mask is none other than Kim Seokjin.
Suddenly, you’re reminded of a crystalline city; people bowing before you; Seokjin taking your hand, your matching rings gleaming in the light. Was it a memory or a dream?
You stand there, dumbfounded, until Tux/Seokjin dons his mask and brushes past. “Come on, Sailor Moon,” he says, sensible enough to use your alias. “The coast is clear. We’ve got a fight to finish.”
“Why does it have to be Seokjin?" You whine, collapsing into bed and disturbing your sleeping cat. (In your defense, he was on your pillow. Which you’ve told him numerous times not to lay down on because his fur would shed.) Luckily, Agust is acquainted with your dramatic side and simply gets up to move.
“Well, why do you have to be Sailor Moon?” He points out. “It could have been someone less bothersome.”
“Hey,” you retaliate. “You’re the one who came to me. You could have given anyone the Lunar Key.”
“I didn't have a choice.”
“What do you mean you didn’t? You could have walked away and picked someone better, just like that.”
He scoffs. “Not when it’s the Queen.”
“Queen-schmeen." You flop back onto your bed, the springs creaking in protest. "I bet Her Royal Highness is on her throne right now, all nice and comfy. She couldn't care less."
Agust doesn't reply.
At first, you think it's because you've won and nothing else can be said, but when the silence stretches on, you know something is off. You sit up to see Agust no longer curled into himself, but sitting. He stares out your window into the night, his normally keen eyes empty. "She's dead."
Judging by his somber tone, she'd meant a lot to him. "I'm sorry," you whisper.
Agust sighs. "No need to apologize, kid. She was your mother, after all."
"My mother?"
"Not now," he amends. "But she was a long time ago, when you were the princess of the moon and Seokjin the prince of the earth.”
The next morning, you head to school on time.
Your mom—present day mom—was surprised to see you up early, and Jeongguk called you out like the bratty brother he was (wow, no morning run today?), but the truth was you couldn’t sleep.
Last night, Agust recounted your past, how the dark eclipsed the moon. Although the queen tried her best to protect the kingdom, it was to no avail. Seokjin died in the fray, and you fell shortly after, helpless to save your beloved. In the end, the queen sacrificed herself to give you and Seokjin another chance at love, her people another chance at happiness.
A chance to rebuild the Silver Millennium.
The thing was, you didn’t know if that was what you wanted. Not that you’d want the Dark Kingdom to reign, but you weren’t sure whether you wanted to rule in your mother’s stead. Or marry Seokjin. Past you might have wanted to, but the you now could barely stand him. And neither could he. Or so you thought. You’d gotten along just fine with Tuxedo Mask, even grown a crush, but that wasn’t enough to warrant a marriage.
“Hello? Veen to Selene*?” Someone nudges your shoulder, and with a start, you notice Mina looking at you in concern.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“Nothing yet, but it looks like you’ve got something on your mind. What’s up?”
You’re about to tell her when you see Seokjin approaching, his uniform blazer neatly pressed.
“Morning, ______,” Seokjin says. “Mina.”
“Morning,” you reply, ready for whatever biting remark he’d say next. But once Namjoon comes up, he leaves. That's it.
Even Mina, who hardly sees the two of you interact, notices. "That's the first time I've seen you guys polite. It's weird. What happened?"
After a discreet look around, you grab her by the elbow. “He's Tux,” you hiss, but Mina doesn’t look the least bit shocked. Her face breaks out into a giddy grin, like a child who’s finally tall enough to get on the big kid ride.
“You knew?” You ask, a little hurt she didn’t tell you.
She pouts, squishing your cheeks together. “Don’t be mad. You don't know how hard it was to keep it a secret.”
You don't blame Mina, for the most part. It would have been better if you hadn’t known who Tuxedo Mask was, and vice versa. You felt like Cinderella running away from the ball, her beautiful dress giving way to rags and ratty shoes. If the prince caught up to her then, she’d probably be humiliated.
Just like you are now.
Tuxedo Mask has seen you at your most embarrassing moments, fighting to have the last word (or milkshake) as Seokjin, and also at your best, saving civilians with grace. You've only wanted him to see the best of you, for him to think of you as the perfect wonder-girl heroine everyone else saw you as, but he's seen almost every side. You don't know what he sees in you now, if anything. And frankly, you don't want to know.
"Have you ever thought that maybe he's thinking what you're thinking?" Mina asks. "You've seen all the good and bad in him, too."
"But it's different when he doesn't have a crush on Sailor Moon!" You say, exasperated.
"Oh, I wouldn’t be sure about that if I were you."
Seokjin thinking of your alter ego that way is embarrassing, but considering he's also Tuxedo Mask...now your face is red, you can feel it. Red as roses in bloom. "You're joking, right?"
"Why don't you wait and see," Mina replies, as cryptically as when she was Sailor V and you hadn't known any better. Having sympathy for you, she gives you a warm smile. "Don't stress out too much, Moon. You're amazing either way. Just talk to him."
You think there's some reconnaissance to sort out first. When you walked into Crown Arcade and saw Seokjin talking to Jimin pretty intently, you didn’t want to interrupt...okay, who were you kidding? You chickened out.
But Jimin is his best friend, so he'll know how Seokjin feels the most, right? It's the next best alternative to actually speaking to Seokjin, which, well, you aren't ready for. Case in point: you've done the impossible and made yourself scarce. You aren’t about to break your streak now.
So the instant Seokjin leaves, you walk up to the counter. Jimin looks up from sprinkling a milkshake. "Hey. The usual?"
"Yeah, just double on the chocolate."
"You got it," he says, passing the drinks he finished making to a server. You watch him blend milk into ice cream, then reach over for a new cup to pour the mixture into later. It's all done with practiced ease, and you marvel at how quick he is, not to mention how beautiful the finished milkshake looks after. The chocolate is perfect, the whipped cream a cloud of snow drizzled with dark syrup.
Jimin slides it over with a grin. "Mademoiselle."
"Why, thank you," you say, digging in with gusto. This is exactly what "stressed is desserts spelled backwards," meant: Jimin's milkshakes never fail to kick your worries down a notch.
"Good?" He asks.
"Mhm," you mumble, more to your milkshake than to him, when the thought that you haven't paid yet crosses your mind. Oh gosh. You pull your purse onto your lap, but Jimin chuckles, stopping you.
"I've got it covered. Besides, I heard you weren't yourself lately."
He shrugs. "From the way you're devouring that, it's kind of hard to believe…"
You take an extra large mouthful to prove his point.
"But you only lay on the chocolate when you're bummed," he finishes, and you’d protest if you hadn’t made it a habit to drown your sorrows in his milkshakes. They were just too good to resist. Not to mention Jimin is a great listener. Your girls, although you love them, aren't always the best. You'd catch the moment they crossed over from attentive to "Is she done yet?" but with Jimin, you've never had that issue. Turns out you have a different one.
"I hate how perceptive you are."
He laughs. "You're just predictable."
"You know what? You can take back your milkshake and go back to work," you say in a fit of grumpiness, pushing the glass back to him.
"Are you sure you want me to do that?"
You meet him eye to eye. After a minute—a long, impressive minute might you add—you take it back. "Fine. What do you want to hear?"
"Anything you want to tell me. And if it's something you can't share, please tell someone you can. It's not great to keep things bottled up, trust me."
You sigh.
"Here's the deal," you begin, feeling a little weird telling your old crush about your new one, but marching through nevertheless, "I met someone on...online. He's nice and funny and understands me even though he's different. I just click with him, and eventually, I want to tell him I like him. The thing is, I don't really know who he is. We've been chatting on Discord and his profile picture is Tuxedo Mask, but he can't be Tuxedo Mask. Or maybe he is, who knows?"
Jimin laughs. If only he knew.
"Anywho," you continue, "I meet him and find out he's someone I actually know...but he's a pest. He always gets on my nerves and it's like he's a completely different person! I don't even know how that's possible, but apparently it is and it's just so frustrating."
Jimin doesn't speak for a while, which is fine by you. You take the time to jam spoonfuls of chocolate and cream into your mouth.
"You know," he finally says, amused, "that sounds a little like the plot to You've Got Mail."
"That isn't funny.” You huff. “Joe Fox was a jerk and I don't know why they played him off as charming."
"Isn't that what you think of the guy?"
"I never said he was a jerk."
"But you said he was a pest."
"That isn't the s—" You pull at your hair. "Ugh. I don't know anymore."
"Did you talk to him?"
"And what? Spill my complicated feelings?"
"No, just talk to him. You don't have to confess right now. Just air out the laundry and see where you guys are at. Chances are, if you're confused, then he's confused, too, and there's no way either of you can get out of it without talking to each other."
"I can't talk to him, Jimin. I avoided him for three weeks! He's going to hate me."
"He isn't," Jimin says firmly, and you wish you could have the same conviction. "Sure, he'll be upset, but if he's really someone who cares, he'll listen. Look, during that time you avoided him, did he try to reach out?"
"Well, I told him I didn't want to talk and he stopped asking."
"So he'll listen. If it turns out he hates you, give him a piece of your mind and I'll give you triple chocolate milkshakes on the house."
When he puts it like that, talking to Seokjin doesn't seem as dreadful. "You're not just saying that?"
"Have I ever said something I didn't mean?"
You get your answer when someone comes trudging in, holding up a bag from your go-to fast food joint. "Jimin! You better be grateful I drove all the way downtown to get you these burgers. Since when did you like ______'s favorite, anyways?"
"Since now," your traitor of a friend says. You glare at him, which he conveniently ignores.
"You're the best," he tells a surprised Seokjin, leaving with a pat on his shoulder. "Enjoy your meal!"
*Venus to Selene, like "Earth to [insert name]?" but replace Earth with Venus and [name] with Selene, Greek goddess of the moon
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cuddlepilefics · 4 years
Nap time, baby
Fandom: Stray Kids
Little: Chan
Caregiver: Felix
 No one’s POV.:
Working on their new album, 3racha and especially Chan were getting back to the dorm later and later each night. Today was especially tough because JYP rejected almost half of the songs they had been working on. When the clock was nearing two in the morning, Chan sent his two dongsaengs home. It was obvious that Changbin had been struggling with a headache for the past few hours and Jisung was spacing out so much, the leader doubted he was as awake as he claimed to be. The two also didn’t put up as much of a fight as he had them expected to, though they begged him to go back to the dorm with them. Chan couldn’t afford going back yet. There was still so much work to do and it would only continue to pile up if he didn’t get it done with now. Sure, he was beyond exhausted but even if he went home with his friends now, he wouldn’t be able to sleep, knowing what was waiting at the studio for him the next day. To make matters worse, Chan started do doubt his composing skills with how many of their new songs had been cancelled. He had poured his heart out on the paper and hearing that that wasn’t enough for Stay hurt him more than he wanted to admit. Still he didn’t want to give those songs up completely, so when Changbin and Jisung left, he opened those files and played around a bit. Maybe with a bit more editing, they would be good enough.
When Chan finally locked up the studio and went home for the night, it was five in the morning. He shuffled into the dark and quiet dorm, knowing he was the only one still up. He didn’t even bother to take a shower because he knew he had to be back at the company in only a few hours and he wanted to get the most sleep out of the time he was given. Tiptoeing into the room he shared with Changbin and Felix, he found both of his dongsaengs knocked out in their beds. Changbin’s face looked so much more peaceful and his eyebrows weren’t furrowed in pain like they were earlier. Just to be sure, the leader quickly collected painkillers and a bottle of water and placed them on the rapper’s nightstand. Hopefully Changbin wouldn’t need them and would be fine when he woke up. Then he took off his shirt and slipped into bed, letting the softness of his blanket envelop him. As his tense muscles relaxed into the mattress, it took almost no time for sleep to pull him under.
Everything was dark around them, the music had just ended and now there was silence. No reaction from the crowd in front of them, the lightsticks turned off. Looking around, he found the terrified faces of his dongsaengs, waiting desperately for the usual cheers that they got after a performance but there was nothing, just a black ocean of silence and it was slowly drowning them. He hadn’t worked hard enough, didn’t produce good enough music. He was the reason his members, his brothers had to experience their first black ocean. When the first tears fell from the youngers’ eyes, Chan couldn’t take it anymore. This was his fault because he was a terrible leader, a terrible friend and a terrible hyung. He just wasn’t enough. His head started to spin and slowly got fuzzier as his throat tightened with the urge to cry. He felt like falling as the darkness swallowed him.
Panting Chan shot up in bed, still feeling fuzzy and still surrounded by darkness. He couldn’t see anything in the dark that surrounded him, he felt lost and alone as a sob tore from his throat. There was some quiet shuffling, which Chan couldn’t hear over his cries, before the darkness disappeared, illuminated by a bedside lamp on the other side of the room. Then there were arms around him, he wasn’t alone anymore. In the dim light, Chan blinked at his Aussie brother through tears and buried his face in the worried boy’s shoulder. “Hey, hey, it’s okay mate. Whatever you thought was happening, it was just a dream”, Felix soothed in a low voice, running his hand up and down the older’s bare back. The only reply he got were more sobs and he looked over at his other hyung, who was still knocked out on the third bed in the room. Carefully, the dancer grabbed Chan’s arm and pulled him to his feet, guiding him to the living room. The leader was clinging to him like his life depended on him, like he would lose him in the darkness, that could return at any moment.
“Hyung, …too dawk – not enough”, Chan whimpered, while Felix tried to wipe the tears that just continued to run down the leader’s cheeks. Finally, it clicked and Felix realized the other had slipped into his headspace. He removed his hands from Chan’s face and let the little bury his head in his chest. Chan soon started to suck on the fabric of Felix’ sleep shirt, leaving a wet spot, and slowly his breathing evened out and the tears stopped falling as the only thing he focused on were Felix’ heartbeat close to his ear and the calming scent of his shirt. When Felix felt the other had calmed down enough, he whispered: “You’re okay now, kangaroo. It was just a nightmare, not real at all.” Chan nodded and glanced at the clock, realizing he had only had about two hours of sleep. Whining, he pressed himself closer to Felix, who chuckled and ruffled his head. “Want to try and sleep some more?”, he asked, ready to tuck the little back in. Chan shook his head and whimpered. He knew the bad dreams would come back to haunt him, if he dared to close his eyes again. The caregiver sensed his fear and turned on the TV, searching for a cartoon to distract the little. It seemed to work and Chan even tolerated him leaving the room for a moment. He wanted to get the little a hoodie and make some hot chocolate. The leader giggled cutely when Felix put the hoodie over his head and pulled the hood over his face for a second. When his eyes fell on the cup of hot chocolate, covered in marshmallows and sprinkles, he immediately made grabby hands at it and the caregiver had to remind him to slow down or else he’d burn his tongue. The nightmare long forgotten, the two Aussies enjoyed their cartoon and cuddled on the couch waiting for the rest of the group to wake up. Sure, Felix was tired and cursed having to get up early but it wasn’t earlier than necessary. If he could get up early for their schedule, he could get up early for his little too.
Before they knew it, an hour had passed and the members sleepily shuffled into the kitchen to quickly force down a small breakfast before they’d have to head to their schedule. Minho was the first to spot the two Aussies on the couch and approached them, asking what they were doing up so early. Felix sighed and sat up with Chan still in his lap, explaining: “Our little Channie here woke up about an hour ago from a bad nightmare and he was too scared to go back to sleep, so we just stayed here.” – “Oh, he slipped?”, the second oldest asked. They all knew about their leader’s headspace, although it had been a while since he last slipped. Felix nodded, whispering that it was about time after neglecting his little side for weeks. Minho could only agree and promised Felix he’d find a way to let both him and Chan stay at the dorm today. The leader wouldn’t like taking a day off but he needed to rest and hopefully being little would make him comply easier. After breakfast, Changbin sat down next to his roommates on the couch. “Don’t worry about today, Jisung and I will have it handled at the studio and Minho and Hyunjin said, they’d just teach you they dance moves for the new choreography some other time”, the rapper smiled, “Just please get our kangaroo here to rest because I’m honestly surprised how he can still go on with how little sleep he has had recently. It’s good he finally slipped, so he can let go of the stress for a bit.” – “I’ll try my best. Right baby? We’ll spend a nice day full of cartoons and naps”, the caregiver cooed. Chan bit his lip, feeling guilty as he watched his members leave the dorm for work. Memories of his dream kept resurfacing, despite being little, he could feel that he should pull himself out of it and go to work too because he wasn’t working hard enough. He was letting his brothers down who had to work harder now that he stayed home. He wasn’t enough.
Felix watched the leader’s face grow sad and was quick to pull him from his thoughts with a lighthearted hair-ruffle, laughing: “Let’s make breakfast, cutie. Hyungie hasn’t made pancakes in ages.” The dancer quickly mixed the batter together and let the little stir the finished batter, so he’d be occupied while Felix got the pan ready. Chan watched in wonder as his caregiver flipped the pancakes like it was the easiest thing in the world. Felix also chopped up some fruit and decorated the little’s pancakes with a cute smiley face, while simply stacking his own pancakes and adding some fruits on the side. He put the bowl of chopped strawberries into the fridge for later and carried the two plates to the dining table, Chan following him and clapping his hands excitedly. The first difficulties started when the little got emotional over having to destroy the cutely arranged food on his plate. Felix dried his tears and when the leader was ready to finally eat, he fed him his breakfast. After cleaning the dishes, they moved to the couch again to watch some more cartoons and nibble on the strawberries. The morning seemed to be going well, especially because Felix knew about the little’s love for strawberries and continued to feed him while watching TV. Sadly, the mood soon took a turn when the bowl was empty and he asked Chan to go brush his teeth. “Nuh! Nuh wanna”, the leader frowned, stomping his foot when Felix dragged him to the bathroom. After a bunch of threats and the caregiver counting down, Chan gave in and brushed his teeth but continued to sulk afterwards.
He sat on the opposite side of the couch from Felix and when the dancer asked for cuddles, he shook his head and shifted further away. The little hadn’t said another word to his caregiver and still didn’t feel like it. He was upset at him for making him brush his teeth and threatening to take his favorite plushie, a stuffed husky, away for the rest of the day. Suddenly, the screen in front of him turned black and he turned to Felix with a shocked expression. Felix sat there with the remote in his hand, giving him a challenging look and stating: “Wow, you’re finally looking at me.” – “Tuwn on!” – “No, mister. First you listen to me. You need to drop your attitude right now because you’re being cranky for now reason”, the caregiver warned sternly. Chan’s eyes started to burn. Felix wasn’t mad yet, just warning but his voice sounded scary. Felix sighed and set the remote down on the coffee table. He could see the other’s wobbly bottom lip, so he hummed: “What’s really going on, Channie? You’re usually so well-behaved and never cause trouble for your hyungs. This is not like the sweet little boy I know, so please talk to hyung.” The caregiver’s voice had gone soft and his face showed nothing but worry, so the little couldn’t do anything but break down. Felix opened his arms an invitation because he wasn’t sure the leader wanted to be touched right now.
Sniffling, Chan crawled into his caregiver’s lap and tried to absorb as much of the other’s warmth as he possibly could. Felix petted his messy curls, which felt so comforting that the little just melted into his touch. “Channie tiwed”, the little whimpered, “Nuh feel good, evewything huwts.” The dancer frowned, he should have known. His baby was extremely overworked and sleep deprived. He always gets a bit cranky when he’s tired and Felix couldn’t even imagine how tired the leader must be. It also didn’t come as a surprise that he felt achy from working so much and resting so little. The dancer rubbed his back and kissed his forehead, whispering: “I know, sweetie, I know. Do you want to take a nap?” Chan shook his head and sniffled a bit, he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep. “Insomnia?”, Felix questioned and the little nodded with a pitiful whine. Then the dancer had an idea. He stood up, koala-carrying the other to the bathroom and starting a warm bath. “It’s okay, Channie. Why don’t you take a nice and warm bath and relax for a bit? Look, hyungie got you a pretty bathbomb too”, the caregiver promised, pulling out a large purple bathbomb. Chan calmed down and removed his clothes. The warm water relaxed his muscles and he giggled when the water started to bubble from the bathbomb Felix had dropped in.
Soon the water had turned a deep purple shade and lavender scented steam drifted through the bathroom. Felix had left only for a second to get the little some fresh and comfy clothes but his heart broke when he saw Chan just laying in the tub and staring at the ceiling above. The bath toy, his beloved rubber ducky sat untouched on the rim of the tub, the little not having the energy to play. The caregiver placed the stack of clothes down on the sink and crouched next to the tub, humming: “Hey kangaroo, want hyung to wash your hair?” Chan nodded and with some struggle sat up, turning his back to Felix. The dancer took some shampoo and made sure to take a few minutes to massage the little’s scalp he also used some conditioner afterwards because he knew the other didn’t take care of his frequently died hair enough. Chan yawned when he climbed out of the tub, a large fluffy towel wrapped around his shoulders. He put on the clothes Felix had picked out and sat on the closed toilet lid while the caregiver dried his hair and applied some moisturizer to his face. “Want hyung to make you a bottle?”, Felix asked, guiding the little to the couch. Chan nodded and curled up with one of the cushions while the other went to the kitchen.
Felix still had hopes to get Chan to sleep, so he decided to feed him the bottle in bed. While the leader sat in the center of his bed indecisively, holding his plushie in his lap, the caregiver placed the bottle on the nightstand. Pulling his favorite blanket off his own bed, he smiled at the little: “Now, let’s get you all comfy. Hyung will lend you his favorite fluffy blanket to wrap you up all nice and cozy. You can cuddle Skye (plushie) and have your bottle.” Felix sat down against the headboard of Chan’s bed. He parted his legs and let the leader sit between them with his back against the caregiver’s chest. Then he pulled the blanket over them and tucked it around Chan’s broad shoulders. The leader was always a bit shy about his little side, so it was easier for him to drink from a bottle when they weren’t facing each other. Felix ran one hand through Chan’s damp curls to get him to relax and used the other to raise the bottle to the little’s face, who was quick to latch onto it with his lips. The more time passed, the more the caregiver could feel the little relax and by the time the bottle was empty, Chan had completely melted into him. Felix set the bottle on the nightstand and shifted them into a lying position, with the blanket tucked around them comfortably. The leader certainly seemed sleepy now.
They lay in comfortable silence for almost half an hour and Felix was certain that the other was asleep. At least till the boy on his chest whimpered: “Hyung, Channie nuh can sleep.” His voice was weak from exhaustion and muffled from the fabric of Felix shirt and the blanket. The caregiver’s heart broke. He had hoped so hard that his little was finally getting the rest he needed. “It’s okay, little kangaroo. You don’t have to sleep, we can just lay here and cuddle. Do you want hyung to read you a story?”, Felix cooed. He knew the harder he tried, the harder it would be to fall asleep. He pulled out his phone and pulled up a random bedtime story he found on the internet. Making sure to keep his voice low and his accent prominent, Felix started reading, a small smile on his face when Chan played with his fingers. The little seemed so fascinated by the dancer’s tiny hand that, like the tiny baby he is, he had to take it into his mouth. Felix got startled for a second but chuckled when Chan started to suck on two of his fingers. He really needed to buy the little a pacifier at some point, so he wouldn’t just take anything like Felix’ shirt, hoodie strings, his sleeves or Felix’ fingers into his mouth. Though it didn’t really bother him because he saw how at peace the leader looked and he wouldn’t dare pull him hand away. Felix almost squealed with joy when he finally heard soft snores from the boy in his arms but stopped himself to not disturb the little’s rare sleep. He kissed Chan’s head and put his phone away, whispering: “Alright, it’s nap time, baby.”
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Hey! Ive been feeling a bit in the muds so could you do like and old type of fanfic...like a mob!tom on a retro phone just sweet talking the reader?
Only if your requests are open tho. I dont wanna be a burden
Aw baby you could never EVER be a burdon. Dont ever be shy to talk to me because im always here babe.
T.H| What a Sweetheart
Summary: 👺👺👺
Warnings: ah just some fluff- i went overboard i hope your okay with that-
There you sat. The baby pink everywhere as you laid on your stomach rocking your feet and reading a book, sucking on your lolipop
Ring Ring, Ring Ring
A smile and a giggle brought to your lips, sitting up and crawling to the old pink retro phone you answered, curling the wire around your fingers with the other hand holding the pop.
“Hey babyface” “hi tommy” he also laid there, in the darkness as he starred at the empty wall, shirtless and pantless, just in his boxers and in his socks rubbing his stomach and wanting to listen to your voice.
“I missed you” you laughed at his words “i missed ya to tommy” “i miss your voice...that pretty face of yours” “well i cant come see you, daddy stays at home now and he needs my help” “i dont need your help princess” you giggled at his joke “not youuuu, my real daddy”
“Mhmm princess, well what are you wearing?” You looked down at yourself then squealed “well i just got this fuzzy pink robe! Its so cute!” He chuckles and shifted in his spot. “Are you tired dollface?” Your lips go to the side for a moment, thinking before speaking.
“Kind of” “well, can i talk you to sleep” he desperately asked, biting his lip waiting for an answer. “Yeah let me go turn off the lights” you muttered, putting the phone down before getting up and walking to your door to switch the light off.
When you came back to your large bed you cleaned everything up and tom waited patiently, humming some songs to himself before you came back.
“Alright, what dya’ got for me” you asked, laying down on your side and holding onto the phone. “I just wanted to praise you bunny. Tell you how beautiful you are and how much i love you. How you speak and walk....your just everything for me ya know?”
“Really?” You said, your voice shrinking. “Of course baby, you deserve the whole wide world, do you know that? I feel like you should just sit on a cloud because your too good for this earth”
You sighed “thank you, but whats going on with you?” He bit his lip before answering, sitting up against the headboard “uhm, this job has been so stressful lately, i havent seen my family at all. I havent seen you- i just feel alone...”
“Oh...well i can ask my daddy to drop me off” you suggested. “No you dont have to, i only wanted to hear that sweet sweet voice” he chuckled, his head hanging low as he thought about what to buy you next.
“Im still listening!” You perked up making him laugh “i know you are princess, just lay down yeah? All ears for me?” “Got it tommy” “you ready?” “Mhm”
“I wanna buy you everything and more because your such a good girl for me, i wanna pleasure you in any and every way possible because you deserve it” “really? Give me some examples” “i dont know....rub your feet?” You both shared a small laugh “i know youve been wanting that fox fur coat..”
“I would fucking kill for that coat” “your daddy hasnt bought it for you yet?” He asked, a smirk on his face. “No, i havent asked at all” “whys that baby girl?”
You sighed before answering “because hes been so hard on me...hes getting old and-“ “you dont have to finish baby i know, i just wish we could all get together and be happy” “why cant we?” You asked rather innocently.
“Well...your daddy doesnt like my dad, and my dad doesnt like yours so we just continue to clash and fued” he wiped his eye. “Thats no fun, maybe i can talk to him” “what are you gonna say? That we are in love together and we wanna get married?” He sarcastically chuckled and your eyebrows furrowed.
“Well do you?” You asked. “Yeah doll...i do. Why dont we just run away and kill everyone in our path”
He didnt know why he was suggesting it. He in one of the biggest mobs and hes held responsible as one of the main people in the family, aside from you and yours. He really isnt the one for violence but he just wants at least a break of peace.
“Daddy wouldn’t like that” you shook your head. “I know, i just really miss you pretty girl” “i miss you to tom- thats why i wanna see you-“ “no itll just put you in danger! Stay home y/n” “what if i dont want to!”
“Then you cant come here. Im sorry!” “I dont care, bye-“ “wait-“ before he could finish you hung up the phone, dropping it back on its place before getting up and putting on your slippers and walking to the kitchen, finding your father eating.
“Daddy no carbs!” “Honey its 9 o’clock, give me a break” he glared at you, eating the piece of buttered bread. “Well i have a questionnnn” you distanced off, the slippers making a noise while you walked to the counter where your father was at. “Hm?” He groaned looking at you. “Dont get mad at me! Promise!” You said, holding up your hand and tilting your head at him.
“Spit it out y/n” “okay okay- can you pretty please talk to the hollands-“ he choked on the piece of bread “daddy!” You run up to him, aggressively patting his back. “Okay okay- im done! But you said what?” He looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed.
“The....hollands” you muttered looking away from him. “We have been against each othet for generations! And what makes you want to speak and collaborate with them” “daddy...theres this-“ “oh fuck off! Please dont tell me-“ you only nodded. “A white man?” “Daddy!” “What? Im being honest!”
“Whens the next meeting!” You asked. “In a week”
This is your first time ever coming to one of the meetings, and you were afraid. Your mob color is a dark brown so you wore it...daddy refused to let you wear anything too revealing because these men are dirty.
“Cover yourself!” “What are you talking about!” “Y/n.” “Finnneeee!” You stomped back to your room and your dad gifted you a tuxedo, so you wore it...
“Seeeeee you look great! Your grandfather would be so proud of you” news flash. All the women in the family ran away or whatever, they didnt know what they were getting their sleves into.
“Can we just leave”
Clank clank clank clank
You walked behind your dad and his close partners followed behind you, protecting you from toms family.
“You do not speak. You hear me y/n. Just sit down and listen” “yeah” you were nervous, ver nervous. So when you stepped in and seen absolutely no women at the tables you panicked. But when you made eye contact with tom you almost shit yourself.
He eyed you from afar, wondering why you were here. Why are you putting yourself in danger.
As everyone talked you sat there bored until someone made a comment about you. “Why is she here? Shes a beaut” he snickers, others laughing to.
Your dad stood “talk about my daughter again and i will kill you, understood?” He snapped, shrinking the man down to size. “Honey get out of here” he smiled at you and you stood, one of his friends pat coming with you outside.
“Why did you come here?” He asked, offering a cigarette but you declined. “I just wanted to see what its like” “no dont lie to me dollface, i know you were eyeing that boy” you side eyed him before groaning “is it obvious!” He laughed and took out his lighter.
“Very” “i dont like him” “well he likes you” he took a puff and put the lighter back in his front pocket. “How can you tell” you leaned up against the wall and crossed your arms. “He was only looking at you” he smiled, you smacked your lips. “You have em wrapped on your finger, you should take advantage of that”
“Well i dont wanna hurt people like you!” You whisper yelled. “Its business baby, has been for years” he shrugged. “Well maybe i can change it” “eh, it’s possible” he shrugged “but it aint easy”
You both heard the door get pushed open aggressively and turned around, seeing tom walking up to you. “Woah woah woah, slow your roll” pat said, stepping infront of you. “Can i just talk to her- give me like 20 minutes” “why should i do that” pat dropped the cigarette and stepped on it.
“Because i want to talk to her- if i dont make it back it twenty minutes i swear ill give you everything i have” “i dont want anything, y/n do you wanna go” pat looked back at you. You harshly swallowed before nodding your head, pat stepped aside and tom smiled, pulling your hand and tugging you to run with him.
“Baby” he said out of breath, both of you ran to the trunk of his car. “Y-yes tommy?” “I got you a gift” “what is it!” You perked up and he giggled “something youll never forget” he pulled out his key and opened the trunk, a large gift box with a pink bow on it. “Do you love me y/n?” He asked, looking at you.
“Yeah...i really do” you smiled and bit your lip nodding. “Open it” he muttered, you nervously took the bow out, slowly opening the top of the box “tommy i dont know...” “dont be scared! Open it!!” He edged you on.
Suddenly it started to sprinkle, soon turning into some heavy rain. “Y/n hurry up before you get a cold!” He said sternly and you did, a gasp left your lips as you raised the coat. “You bought it for me” you whispered and he nodded, he took the coat to put it on you, when you were finished your pressed your lips on his roughly, his hands hooking behind your knees to lift you up and put yout legs around his hips.
“I. Love. You. So. Much” you said between kisses. “I know princess, just know id kill for you if i had to” “i would too tommy, i would too” he smiled and pressed his forehead against yours, the rain coming down making your hair frizzy but he could care less, he loved you. “I wish we could be like this forever” you whispered against his lips before kissing him again. “We can baby, I promise” “how tommy?” You rubbed your nose against his “running away” “tommy i cant, you know this-“ “but arent you tired doll, it would just be me and you” he muttered, pinching your legs some.
You bit your lip before pressing a kiss on his lips. “Okay” “really?!” He smiled “yeah yeah lets go!” He carefully dropped you and slammed the trunk closed, he unlocked the car and you both hopped in, on the road you both go.
“I dont have any clothes!” “I can buy you everything you want and more princess, dont worry. Andddd letters. You always write your father some letters pretty girl” he smiled at you.
“Love you” “love you too”
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