#and liam would have been any time around season 4
m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
i’m kinda disappointed that the shameless writers changed debbie’s birthday from october to december because she is SUCH a scorpio
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aza-writes · 1 year
Morning Affirmations
Lip Gallagher x female!reader
Requested: no
Summary: Lip walks in on his girlfriend singing to the younger kids while she gets them ready for the day. Takes place in season 4 after Liam gets home from the hospital
Warnings: few curse words, mentions of drug use (Fiona in jail) but overall, it’s just tons of FLUFF
A/N: inspired by “I love my body” by @mothermoon on TikTok. Might rewrite something similar for dad!lip, lmk what you think. Got bored before lab and wrote this
The floorboards creaked under every step Lip took to get down to the kitchen. He wasn’t too concerned with anything too wrapped up in his mind until two sweet voices pull him out.
“I love my body from my…” 
“Head to my toes.” 
Liam’s voice was hard to hear, even in the quietness of the unusually empty Gallagher house. Everyone was already at school or wherever they ran off to today—leaving Lip home alone to take care of some things. 
Liam has only been home from the hospital for two days, leaving Lip and the rest of the family still scrambling without Fiona running the show. Lip had school off today, some random college holiday that didn’t make sense for a lot of people, but they took it anyway. 
Lip had been out of bed since 5 that morning, unsure if it was considered a late night or an early morning due to the fact he hadn’t slept for more than a few hours the night before. His mind was going a million miles an hour, mixed with him worrying himself sick about Liam and going to check on him every thirty minutes. Every time he would get up from his bed, y/n would sit up, too. Her concerned look was always dismissed with a quick “go back to sleep” or “I’ll be back soon” from Lip. The “soon” in question was around five to ten minutes of Lip just sitting in front of Liam’s bed, watching his chest rise and fall. 
Y/n stayed up and waited for Lip the first few times, but soon enough her eyes got too heavy for her to ignore. Even with the extra sleep, caffeine would be her best friend today. 
Lip’s mind was still groggy as he trudged down the stairs, stress and sleep deprivation felt like chains were strapped to the back of his ankles. He barely made out the words y/n and Liam were exchanging. 
“I love my face…” She lingered for a second, allowing Liam to think about the next verse. She smiles and continued on. “My-” 
“Eyes, my mouth my nose.” Lip could help but smile at the sight of Liam touching every body part mentioned. He clearly knew this song, yet Lip couldn’t think of any of the words. When ever you would sing it to one of his younger siblings, all he could do was hear your voice. The kindergarten-teacher-like tone was enough for him to abandon all of his thoughts and focus on you. 
“I like the way I look when I look in the mirror.” Liam didn’t have to wait for y/n this time, he sang it with her. Their voices both were quiet, almost scared to wake anyone up, but the house stayed quiet. It was just those three in that house, the outside world didn’t matter. 
“I stand a little closer just to see a little clearer.” Both of their smiles were beaming. Liam giggling at y/n’s little tickles all over his belly and neck. Lip’s grew too. Y/n was so amazing with the kids, Lip could’ve sworn it as always been this way. Y/n and Lip, Lip and y/n. They belonged together. 
Everyone in his family loved her. Carl made her a gift out of melted spoons and forks, Debbie demands they have a girls day at least once a month. Shit, even Frank called her “one of the good ones.” Technically it was after she downed a shot of vodka without even wincing, but he still liked her non the less. 
Y/n turns around smiling, it only growing when she finally sees Lip. 
“Good morning babe.” 
“Morning babe!” Liam repeats immediatly, causing Lip and y/n to giggle with him. 
Lip pours two cups of coffe before heading to the kitchen table. “Good morning to you.” He sets the coffe right in front of y/n while kissing her cheek. He carefully set his down too and kissed Liams cheek. “Good morning little man.” 
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girlbloggerbae13 · 3 months
Against Better Judgement - Part 1
I have re-entered my hyperfixation of The Boys due to season 4's release. Unfortunately I am a maladaptive daydreamer and can insert an original character into any given piece of media. So this is a Butcher x OC story, where OC is Hughie's big sister...so it does fit the story of the show pretty much to a tee (that is just how my brain cooks it up, sorry) - but there will be more details, side stories, etc to make it more fun for the Butcher storyline! And of course, it's written in OC's pov, so you get to know her backstory and thought process quite a bit. Please let me know what you think!
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At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Mickey should have been awake. A functioning, stable, put-together 29 year-old would be. Not Mickey. She was passed out in bed (a full size mattress resting on the floor in her room), her body still trying to process all the alcohol she had consumed the night before. And the morning before. As well as the few consecutive days before that. That’s how it had been for as long as she could remember, at least since – 
The phone rang. Mickey groggily lifted her head from the pillow, reaching for her cell phone. She had apparently neglected to plug it in before she fell asleep last night. Hughie? She stumbled over to the corner, where her charger was plugged in, not quite able to reach the bed. I’ve been meaning to call him.
“Hughie? I’m sorry, I really have–,” she started, already guiltily rambling, but she was cut off by her brother’s wails. “Hughie?” He wasn’t stopping. “Hugh? Hugh? Hey, what happened? Hughie?” Mickey was already standing up and putting her shoes on, despite the hangover-induced migraine that was making her ears ring. 
Hughie sniffled, gasping, then went silent. His breath was shaky. “Hughie?” Mickey warily said to her brother.
“She, she was j-just standing there,” he started.
“Who was? Hugh. I’m on my way, but I need you to tell me what happened.”
“We were just…I was leaving work, and she…,” his voice cracked as Mickey grabbed her keys, wallet, and flask. Empty. She’d grab something on the way to fix whatever had ruffled her little brother’s feathers. He was a sensitive kid, always had been. It was probably just some car accident he had seen while going on lunch, or even worse, he had been riding his bike and, distracted by the great Billy Joel, accidentally hit a kid. That had happened before. That would make sense. Everything is okay. The bad stuff happens to me, not him. 
“Robin.” He was gasping for air now. Mickey’s heart dropped. “She was one step off the fucking…and he just came out of nowhere…she– I, I didn’t have time to…God, Mick, oh my God, Mickey…Robin, she’s gone.”
Mickey was about to open the door, but she turned around and threw up in the kitchen sink.
“The service was beautiful,” Dad said. Mickey had to stifle her laughter. She always did during times like these. Funerals, memorials, the like. The drinking helped, for a little bit at least. When it stops helping, it just means you need to drink more. 
Mickey took a sip of her drink – some shitty wine her dad had likely bought to assuage the “divorcee blues” – and took a look at her brother. He was staring forward, scowling, with blank eyes. She knew what he was thinking. Hughie was asking himself what he could have done differently. What he could have said, or in his instance, where he could have stood differently. He’s wishing it was him instead of Robin. Maybe he’s thinking about joining Robin in death, or maybe that had just been Mickey when her husband died.
She had stood, motionless, next to Liam’s casket, as friends and family came up to her and gave their condolences. Mickey had sat with her head down, avoiding eye contact with Liam’s mother and father. He had been an only child. Perfect Liam. Hughie had nudged her to signal that it was the part of the funeral where she was supposed to stand for the family honors. Had they never married, the “honors” would have gone to his parents. She was the one that wanted a big, white wedding. 
Mickey’s eyes had been squeezed shut as the rifle volleys were fired. Why do they fire blanks at a military funeral? The loud noises can’t be good for attendees suffering from PTSD. Like Liam had been. Mickey counted the shots.
One. Liam's face flashed in her mind.
Two. She squeezed her eyes tighter.
Three. Everything Mickey had ever wanted. Gone.
One of the other soldiers started playing Taps. She didn’t even have tears left, just rage. Mickey wanted to grab the stupid fucking bugle and slam it on her husband’s casket until it split open. She wanted to pick Liam up by the collar of his stupid fucking uniform and shake him back to life. She wanted to scream at him for leaving her a stupid fucking mess. For leaving her alone. All alone. She wanted to smash his head into the pavement until he died. Again.
They handed her – the next of kin – the neatly folded American flag. Mickey didn’t want it; she would have happily given it to her in-laws. She didn’t need another reminder of the mess he had gotten himself, or herself into, for that matter. Liam and his stupid patriotism. He had worshiped Supes, but unlucky for him, wasn’t gifted with any super ability. So he joined the military. For what? A couple years overseas firing at whatever your commanding officer told you to, a shitty government job where you’re just another cog in the wheel of the “Great Big American Dream” (the military industrial complex), and a never ending B-roll of whatever tragedies you had bore witness to. Mickey’s superiority complex had gotten her into psychology, then into the FBI’s training program to be a special agent. But this happened. And when you fire a gun at your officer’s foot – it was the ground next to him…it was never going to actually hit him…she had fantastic aim, and he was pissing her off – you can’t be a special agent. 
That left her a widow at 26. Jobless. And an escalating alcoholic. 
That wouldn’t happen to Hughie, though. Mickey wouldn’t let it. 
She was brought back to reality by her dad. “Michaela, please make sure your brother signs the papers today. It’s what Robin would have wanted” She waved off her dad, scoffing.
The Vought attorney? Paralegal? PR motherfucker. Had some sense of entitlement coming in and asking Hugh to keep his mouth shut. And for only $45,000, as if that could immediately fix his grief. Obviously, it would work in Vought’s favor. No one would ever know that A-Train had run right through Robin, leaving only her hands, still holding on to Hughie’s. And the TV “apology” the asshole had given was disingenuous, to say the least, and a cover-up, to tell the truth. In the middle of the road? Yeah, right. 
“Can I think on it?” Hughie asked the suit. Mickey breathed out a sigh of relief. It’s not like she hated Supes in general, but they reminded her of the military – especially Homelander – so each day her distaste for Vought, The Seven, and any asshole with super-strength grew exponentially. 
“Good choice,” Mickey told her brother after she hastily escorted the suit out the door. “I know the money seems nice, but in my experience, it only pisses you off more. Plus, you’ll probably blow it on something stupid.”
“Like booze?” Hughie gave a half-smile to his sister for the first time since the accident.
“Ha-ha, asshole. Exactly like booze. I’ll stop when I’m ready to come back to real life.”
“Well while you continue to bury yourself in liquor, I’m going to bury myself in work.”
“Not any time soon, though, right?” Mickey asked, standing up.
“Why not? It’ll be a good distraction.” Hughie shrugged. This behavior wasn’t like Hughie at all, granted she had never witnessed him after he lost a significant other before, not like this. Maybe it will be beneficial, at least more beneficial than the coping mechanisms she chose. Everyone handles grief differently, right?
“Sorry, we’re closing–” Hughie turned to see Mickey walking through the tech store door. “Oh. We are getting ready to close.”
“I know, I know. I’m not here to shop. Now that you’re back at work, stupidly, might I add, I wanted to offer my free labor. I figured we could do the opposite of what we did when we were little and had chores. You get to sit and boss me around, and tell me what to do,” Mickey dropped the Tupperware of funeral food on the checkout counter. “Plus, I brought you dinner.”
“Really? Funeral leftovers?”
Mickey rolled her eyes. “Look, dude, it was already made. Now will you tell me what wires I need to put where so we can go home and–”
Both the Campbell siblings turned to the door. The bell rang, and the door was open, but neither of them could see a customer.
“Who are you?” A voice said.
“What the fuck?” The siblings said in unison.
“Right in front of you, pricks.” They were staring at the voice when whoever it was held up a small disc, waving it in Hughie’s face. “You think I wouldn’t find this thing?”
“What did you do, Hugh?” Mickey asked her brother, gritting her teeth. Wanting revenge on A-Train was one thing, but if her hunch was correct, this invisible guy was none other than Translucent. How did he get tangled up with one of the other Seven?
The Supe grabbed Hugh’s badge. “Hughie,” he jeered, then without warning, slammed Hugh face down into the counter, cracking the glass case. Hugh was launched over the counter. “Pussy! I followed you from the fucking tower,” Translucent said, lifting Hughie up again.
“The fucking tower?” Mickey was now yelling, but still frozen. “What the fuck, Hugh?”
Hughie was then launched into one of the store’s windows, cracking it. She had to do something. “Oh, and who’s this, Hughie? Your little accomplice?” The voice got closer, and Mickey could hear footsteps making their way towards her. 
An invisible hand grabbed her by the hair, and she instinctively raised her knee, hard, hoping to hit Translucent where it mattered. He groaned, releasing her hair. Mickey tried to dash over to her brother, but was yanked up by her hair again and thrown backwards into a shelf of routers. Now her and Hughie were both on the ground, coughing, and Mickey still had no fucking clue what was going on. She propped herself up against what was left of the shelf, blinking and trying to reset her eyes. 
“Who’s that guy you were with? In the car?” Translucent asked a panting Hughie. “Who was he? He put you up to this?” Now he was screaming, Hughie trying to escape, and Mickey was trying to get herself on her feet. 
“I, I don’t know! He was just some Uber driver, okay?” Hughie’s voice cracked as he pleaded with the Supe. 
Mickey grabbed an extension cord from the ground and slowly prepared to blindly wrangle their attacker, but unable to see the Supe, she didn’t see him making his way over to the wall closest to her, and in one fell swoop, Translucent grabbed the extension cord and threw it, and Mickey still holding on, to the opposite side of the store. She landed behind the shattered glass counter, still faintly able to understand what was transpiring through the ringing the blow had left in her ears.
“Oh don’t give me some bullshit! Uber driver?” Translucent mocked Hughie. Mickey could see a TV being lifted off its wall mount. “What, you think I’m some fucking idiot?” Translucent was walking over to Hugh, the flat-screen lifted high. “Why’d you plant the bug?”
“Please, please. Please, please, no. Please,” Hughie pleaded.
“We’re The Seven. Earth’s most mighty.”
Mickey had to do something. She propped herself up and took position to leap onto the invisible asshole. 
“Champions of the innocent, motherfuc–”
A car drove right into the shop, shattering the windows, knocking down merchandise, and just barely missing Hughie. “Sorry about the mess,” a bearded man said as he exited the vehicle. “You should fuck off, Hughie.”
Mickey stood up shakily. Now she was really confused. “Who the fu–”
The Cockney-accented man turned towards her. “You must be the sister. Sorry to meet’cha under these circumstances, but you two need to scram.”
Holding a tire-iron, the man slowly walked towards where Translucent had landed, smirking. “Well if it ain’t the invisible cunt,” he chuckled to himself, then began swinging blindly around the TV wall. Moments later, he was launched into a rack of pagers.
“Hughie, Hughie, you heard him, we need to go,” Mickey said, trying to usher her brother onto his feet and away from the store.
“No, no,” Hughie stood up, brushing her off. “We can’t leave him here.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Yes, we can!” Mickey was practically pulling Hughie to the emergency exit when he stopped in his tracks. “Hugh. Hugh! No, don’t even–”
Hughie stepped back into the floor of the store with such force that he yanked her back with him. Mickey huffed and ran her hands through her hair. She inhaled and blood ran down her throat, greeting her with the familiar metallic taste.
Brit was attempting – and failing – to wrestle Translucent to the ground. Looked like he was tasting that red metal too, because with an erratic grin, he spat blood all over the Supe, revealing Translucent’s position. Smart. The bearded man then had the upper hand after headbutting the “invisible cunt” and landing a few punches, whilst slowly covering more of the Supe’s body outline with more bloody spit. 
Though England put up a good fight, Translucent got one good lick in, and the man was down on the ground. Translucent looked up at Mickey, who, overcome with agitation and confusion, had not moved her feet, and she was now standing directly behind the groaning Brit. She swallowed a mouthful of blood. She was trained for this at one point in time, right? She at least had the pent-up anger for this. Mickey stepped over the Brit’s body.
“Hey, sweetheart, why don’t you just come back to the Tower with me, and I’ll make sure you don’t ever have to see these assholes ever ag–”
Mickey cut him off with a punch, slugging Translucent right across his face. Predatorial asshole. “Fuck,” she hissed, shaking her hand. She forgot how much she hated hand-to-hand combat.
Translucent stumbled a little, but popped back up, rubbing the side of his jaw. “Look, lady, I’ll give you that one, but let’s just–”
Mickey hit him again, this time with an uppercut. He charged back at her, grabbing her hair – again? – and landing a few blows to her stomach. Mickey snapped back into it, grabbing his forearm and pulling herself around so that her back was against the Supe’s chest. She flung her head back. Hard.
The Supe instinctively launched her into the wall. Now she could really taste the blood. But before she could steady herself, Translucent kicked her in the stomach, knocking her through the wall of TVs.
Thankfully, this had given England enough time to regain his strength, and he stood up, ready to attack, when Translucent gave him the same swift kick he had just given Mickey. 
“So who are you?” Translucent asked. “Fucking spy?! For who, huh? You’re gonna fucking tell me!” Translucent picked up the Brit’s tire iron from the ground. “Or I’m gonna smash your fucking scalp off! Who the fuck are you?”
Through the Mickey-sized hole in the wall, she could see Brit propped up on one of his elbows, smirking. “I’ll tell you who you are,” he said. “A fucking moron. Translucent doesn’t even mean invisible. It means semi-transparent.” England made a quick glance to the other side of the store, where Mickey was able to faintly see Hughie holding an exposed wire. Hughie’s wire couldn’t reach, so England quickly kicked the Supe, sending him backwards where he waltzed right into the wire.
Translucent screamed as he got electrocuted, lighting up the store. Hughie kept screaming until Translucent’s limp body fell backwards onto the ground.
England stood up with a groan, and through shaky breaths, Hughie asked, “Is he…is he dead?”
The bearded man kicked the Supe. “Well he ain’t movin’.”
Mickey, limping, emerged from the wall she had been kicked through, and ignoring the mystery man and the Supe, yelled at Hughie, “I’m gonna need some answers, Hugh. What the fuck have you gotten into?” She gestured back at England. “And who the fuck is he?”
England put up a hand to silence her. “Whoa, whoa, darlin’, don’t fret. Name’s Butcher, and I’m just a friendly neighbor helpin’ out’ya brother here, alright?” He turned to Hughie. “Now, kid, how’d you know the electric could do the job?”
Hughie was still sitting against the TV wall. “Skin’s carbon…highly conductive. I saw it on, uh, Jimmy Fallon…”
Butcher raised an eyebrow, “Would have taken me forever to work that one out. Good job.” One thing about Hughie is that he knows the most random shit. This time it might have just saved them. Butcher made his way to Translucent’s lifeless body, and against her better judgment, Mickey followed his lead. Hughie wasn’t going to go down for this. “Let’s get ‘em in the boot.”
Hughie brought his hands up to his head. “W-wait, wait what?”
“The trunk,” Mickey and Butcher said in unison.
“See, your sister knows the lingo,” Butcher said while trying to get a grip on the Supe’s upper half.
Hughie looked at his sister, then at Butcher. “No, no, I mean, what are we doing with him?” Hughie was panicking now.
Butcher looked up at Hughie. “Well, Hughie, you just offed one of The Seven, mate.”
Mickey let out a mix of a scoff and a laugh, much to Hughie’s dismay. “Me? I…I…,” He turned his gaze to Mickey. “You’re okay with this, Mick?”
“Well no, but…I mean, he has a point, and I’m not getting in trouble for this.”
“What?! I…I…Butcher, you hit him with a fucking car!” Hughie shouted.
Butcher dropped Translucent’s torso. “Look, potato fucking potahto, we’re all in a shitload of trouble–”
“No, no! No, no, we’re not. He attacked us, and you’re…you’re a federal officer, you know?” Hughie argued, and Mickey dropped the Supe’s legs, standing up to cross her arms. This smug, sloppy, arrogant asshole is not a federal officer. “Just…just call the fucking FBI!”
The hesitation in Butcher’s voice confirmed Mickey’s suspicions. “Yeah, o-okay, so look…technically I’m not a fed,” he said, shrugging, as if this wasn’t just the atomic bomb of all bombs to drop on Hughie right now, let alone a less-than-awesome first impression to have on Mickey. 
“Jesus, fuck,” Mickey started, holding her head in her hands, shaking it.
“WHAT?!” Hughie practically screeched. “Then who the fuck are you?”
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jrob64 · 7 months
Pet for Rent, Chapter 2/4 (The Idea)
A CS Modern AU Story
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Thanks for joining me for chapter 2! Writing this story has been a bit therapeutic for me after losing my Zeke, and adopting Winston has been, too. I hope you'll stay with me for the rest of the story.
Shout out to @kmomof4 who sent Winston the ducky toy he has in the picture. His Aunt Krystal spoiled him with a welcome package the week we got him!
Thanks so much to @hookedmom. I'm lucky to have the best and most patient beta!
SUMMARY: Emma Swan tries to cheer up her heartbroken son by 'renting' a dog from the local animal shelter. When she attempts to do it a second time, she makes a mistake, and realizes the dog has been rented by someone else the same day - a very handsome man named Killian Jones.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Emma, Henry, Killian and Norman/Winston spend more time together. When Henry continues feeling sad about having to leave the dog at the animal shelter, Killian proposes an idea that might solve the problem.
RATING: M (for smut in the last chapter, which can easily be skipped if that's not your thing)
WORDS: 6821
Story begins under the cut
Emma didn’t think it was possible for four hours with a stranger to pass so quickly. Sooner than she expected, Killian was looking at his phone and announcing that it was time to return Norman to the shelter. It may have been her imagination, but it sounded like there was a note of wistfulness in his voice.
Henry took control of the dog on the walk back, giving the adults an opportunity to resume the conversation that had been ongoing throughout most of their time together. Emma watched her son handling Norman as he wandered from one side of the path to the other to explore in the tall grass and she commented, “Henry is gonna sleep good tonight.”
“I don’t doubt that. He told me he had his last game of the season this morning.”
“That, in addition to playing fetch and ‘keep away’ with Norman, and all of the running around he did with you, will have him zonking out early.” They walked on a few paces, before she added, “I want to thank you, Killian, for spending so much time with him. Since he doesn’t have a father, he doesn’t get a lot of one-on-one time with a man, so I really appreciate it.”
“It was my pleasure. He’s a good listener and a fast learner.”
“Yeah, I kinda wish he had more games left, so he could apply what you taught him. I’m afraid he’ll forget it by next season. You’re wonderful at teaching, and very patient.”
“Thank you, Emma. I truly did enjoy it.”
“The youth league is always begging for people to coach. Maybe you could do that next year.”
Killian looked thoughtful. “Perhaps I could, if I’m still here.”
“Any idea where would you go if you decide to leave?”
“Not really, but it wouldn’t be terribly far away. I want to stay close to Liam.”
When the shelter came into sight, Henry turned around and dragged Norman back to Emma and Killian. “I had fun today. Can we do this again?”
“I’ll have to check our schedule to see when we’ll have another chance to rent Norman,” Emma answered.
Henry shook his head. “No, I mean with Norman and Killian.”
“Oh, uh,” Emma stammered, glancing at Killian, who was scratching behind his ear. “I don’t know about that, kid. This was just an accident and Killian was nice enough to make the best of the situation.”
“But Mom, he had fun, too, didn’t you, Killian?”
“What did I tell you about putting him on the spot?”
“Sorry, Killian,” Henry apologized. “But it did seem like you were having fun.”
Killian reached forward to ruffle the boy’s hair. “It’s quite alright, lad, and you’re right - I had a very good time with you and your mother today. And Winston, of course.”
“You mean Norman,” Emma remarked.
“He still seems more like a Winston to me. Don’t you see the resemblance between him and England’s former Prime Minister?”
Emma took in the dog’s jutting lower jaw, drooping jowls and prominent forehead, and had to admit he did share some physical traits with Winston Churchill. “Yeah, now that you mention it, I do see it.”
“Anyway, at the risk of being too forward, it would be nice to have another day with you and your boy, if you’re amenable to that, Swan.”
Emma thought for a moment, then said, “Henry, why don’t you take Norman to the end of the path and give us a minute, okay?”
He started to protest, but seemed to think better of it. “Come on, Norman. Mom doesn’t want me to hear what she’s gonna say.”
Emma watched him go, her mouth agape over his comment. She heard Killian chuckle and turned to look at him.
“He’s quite a bright young man,” he laughed.
“Yeah, he’s getting too smart for his own good,” she agreed. “But he’s still a little boy and I’m a protective mom. I don’t want to promise him something that’s not going to happen, so if you’re not serious about doing this again…”
“I assure you, Emma,” he interrupted. “I wouldn’t dream of letting him down. If you’re willing to give me your contact information, I’ll send you some options and we can figure out a day that works.”
She eyed him critically for a few seconds, seeing nothing but sincerity in his expression. “I know Henry would really like that.”
“Only Henry?” he asked, quirking a brow.
She couldn’t help but smile. “I have to admit, I had a really good time today, too. So, um, to answer your question, I am, how did you say it, amenable to doing it again.”
His grin made her heart do a pleasant little flip. She made sure Henry and Norman were okay while waiting for Killian to pull out his phone and start a new contact. Once he did, he handed it to her so she could add her information.
After handing it back, they began walking again. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him checking the phone screen. “It’s not a fake number, by the way,” she said.
“That’s good to know,” he returned with a smirk, while typing out a text to her so she would have his info. “Is that something you’ve done before?”
“Maybe,” she replied cryptically.
“In that case, I feel honored that you gave me the real thing.”
She giggled in response, giving him a slight nudge with her elbow as they reached the end of the path.
“What did you say, Mom?” Henry asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“Killian and I are going to look at our schedules to find a day that works.”
“Yay!” Henry shouted. “How about next Saturday?”
“Calm down, kid. I told you we’re going to figure it out.”
They arrived at the shelter and Killian opened the door and held it for them. David was sitting at a desk behind the counter, tapping away at the computer keyboard. He looked up with a broad smile when they entered. “How did it go?”
“Good,” Emma replied. “Thank you for allowing us to borrow Norman for the day.”
David looked between the two adults standing before him, obviously wanting more details. “Did you…all of you…get along okay?”
“Yes we did, Dave,” Killian said smugly.
There were several seconds when all they could hear was the barking of some of the dogs in the back. Finally, David sighed. “Alright, I guess I’ll just take Norman back to his cage, then.”
“Oh, uh,” Emma said, giving Killian a wink, “one of us will be in touch to schedule another day for us…all of us…to rent Norman again.”
David’s grin told them he knew exactly what that meant.
“I hear you met my future brother-in-law,” Belle said. It was Monday, and Emma had stopped at the library to return a couple of books and choose some more before her shift at the sheriff’s station.
“News travels fast.”
“Killian always eats lunch with us after church. He told us about the mix-up at the animal shelter and said he had a great time with you and Henry.”
“He seems like a nice guy,” Emma said, moving to a shelf and studying the books more closely than necessary.
“He thinks very highly of you, too.”
Emma shot her a brief glance. “Oh, yeah? What did he say?”
“Well,” Belle began, clearly struggling to be non-chalant, “he said you were very easy to talk to and he enjoyed your sense of humor. He also said he had fun helping Henry with his soccer skills.”
“He was really good with Henry and I, um, I liked talking to him, too. He’s supposed to contact me to figure out another time to rent Norman together. Henry asked if we could.”
“I don’t suppose you protested too much, did you?”
Emma chose a book off of the shelf and studiously perused the summary on the back. “You know I want my kid to be happy.”
Belle crossed the space between them and laid her hand over the book, garnering Emma’s full attention. “To the best of my knowledge, you’ve never once introduced your son to a man you may be interested in dating in all the years I’ve known you.”
“Wait a second…first of all, I didn’t introduce him to Henry - we met accidentally, and secondly, who says I’m interested in dating him? We’re simply planning to rent Norman together again. It’s really not a big deal, Belle.”
“If you say so, but I have to tell you that I’ve never seen Killian so animated while talking about someone. You certainly made an impression on him.”
“I’m sure I did. Dressed in old sweatpants and a hoodie, no makeup, hair a complete disaster - I was a mess.”
“He didn’t mention that. He just talked about how he enjoyed the time he spent with you and how much he’s looking forward to seeing you again.”
Emma could feel her face heating and knew she must be as red as the leather jacket she was wearing. She wasn’t ready to admit that she was just as eager to see him again, too.
That evening, Emma had just finished checking over Henry’s homework and shooed him off to the shower, when her phone dinged with an incoming text. Picking it up from the kitchen counter, she couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face upon seeing Killian’s name.
K: I’m hoping this message reaches Emma Swan. If I’ve reached someone else, you can blame it on her. It was followed by a smirking emoji.
She shook her head at his ridiculousness, and decided to play along.
E: I’m afraid you’ve been misled. This Emma Swan must be a horrible person. She added a winking emoji.
It took a few seconds for the three bubbles to pop up, then she laughed out loud when she read his reply.
  K: Oh, she is a terrible, awful person to give me a fake number.
E: She’s probably not used to giving out her number to random men who just happened to rent the same dog she did.
K: That seems to be a plausible excuse. Perhaps I should forgive her.
E: Oh, you most definitely should.
K: Very well. If I’m ever fortunate enough to see her again, I shall grant her my forgiveness.
E: That’s very gentlemanly of you.
K: I’m always a gentleman.
Emma heard the clothes hamper lid slam in the bathroom, signifying that Henry was finished with his shower.
E: I need to get Henry into bed. I’ll be back in twenty minutes or so, depending on how resistant he decides to be tonight.
K: Tell him I said goodnight.
E: That will probably get him all excited and it may be longer than twenty minutes.
K: I’m willing to wait.
Emma left her phone on the sofa and went to Henry’s bedroom, where he was getting settled under the covers. Sitting on the edge of his bed, she brushed his damp bangs away from his forehead.
“Did you brush your teeth?”
“You ask me that every night.”
“Yes, and half the time you’ve neglected to do it.”
“I just have to brush them again in the morning.”
Emma raised an eyebrow at him. “Did you, or didn’t you?”
He sighed dramatically. “I did. Wanna smell my breath to make sure?”
“Not particularly. I believe you. Ready to say your prayers?”
“Okay. Name three things of thanks,” she said, initiating their nightly tradition.
Henry tapped his chin in thought. “I scored two goals at recess.”
“That’s cool.”
“Yeah, I used what Killian taught me. Oh! That’s my second thing - meeting Killian.”
“Actually, he texted me while you were in the shower.”
“He did? Did he say when we can rent Norman together again?”
“We haven't had a chance to discuss it yet. He did say to tell you goodnight.”
“Tell him I said goodnight to him, too.”
“I will. What’s your third thing?”
“Umm…we changed seats in class and now I’m sitting beside Avery.”
“Just make sure the two of you don’t get into trouble for talking too much.”
“We won’t.”
“Good. Now, what three things do you want to ask of God?”
“To help me do good on my math test tomorrow, to send me another dog, and to let us see Killian again soon.”
They both folded their hands and closed their eyes while Henry said his prayers. When he finished, Emma read him a chapter of Fantastic Mr. Fox, kissed him goodnight and left his room, turning off the light on her way out.
Picking her phone up from her couch, she scrolled through the text conversation with Killian, smiling at the light banter they shared.
E: I’m back.
When a response didn’t come through for a couple of minutes, she went to her bedroom to change into her pajamas. Then she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and applied moisturizer.
When she went back into the living room, she saw a new message on her phone.
K: Is it okay if I call you? I’m not fond of texting.
She noticed that the time stamp was right after she put her phone down, over ten minutes ago. Instead of answering, she brought up his contact and hit the call button.
“Hello, Swan.”
“Hey, sorry if I kept you waiting.”
“I was hoping I didn’t upset you by asking to call.”
“No, nothing like that. I just decided to do my nighttime routine,” Emma explained. “Henry said to tell you goodnight, by the way. I always ask him to tell me three things he’s thankful for from his day, and you were involved in two of them.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah. He scored two goals playing soccer today at recess, because of what you taught him, and he was thankful for meeting you. That’s the third night in a row he’s said that one.”
“That’s very kind of him to say.”
“Well, you made quite an impression on him and he’s eager to see you again. Speaking of which, what does your schedule look like for the next few weeks?”
“It’s wide open, actually. Do Saturdays work best for you?”
“Yeah, because Henry is in school during the week and I work until five every day. I also work one Saturday a month. This coming Saturday is the one I work this month.”
“How about the following week?”
She switched him to speaker and pulled up her calendar app. “That looks good. Henry gets a haircut that morning at nine, but we could meet after that. The weather is going to start getting too cold if we wait much longer.”
“Liam has been telling me to be prepared for a cold winter. He says Maine is quite a bit colder than England during the winter months,” he stated. “Shall we make plans for that day, then?”
“Sounds good to me. Want to meet at the shelter at ten-thirty?”
“Actually,” Killian began, then paused for a few moments before clearing his throat and continuing. “I was wondering if you would agree to me picking up the two of you to go to the shelter together.”
Emma bit her lip, considering his offer. Her gut instinct was to decline because it would seem too much like a date, but her practical side said it was logical for them to make the twenty minute drive together.
She knew he was waiting for her answer and was probably having second thoughts about asking, since she was taking so long. “Um, sure, that would be fine,” she finally said. “I’ll text my address to you.”
“Okay, good. Shall we say ten o’clock? Will that give you enough time for Henry’s haircut?”
“Yeah. It only takes about twenty minutes, if that long. His barber is Jefferson and he’s pretty fast.”
“Liam recommended him and I had an appointment there a couple of weeks ago. He is fast, if a little…quirky.”
“Oh, you mean because he wears the top hat? I guess he’s trying to live up to the name of his shop.”
“Just naming his shop the Mad Hatter of Hair makes him sound a bit eccentric.”
Emma laughed. “He’s harmless, though. His daughter Grace is in Henry’s class and she’s very sweet. Jefferson is raising her by himself. His wife passed away before Grace started kindergarten.”
“How sad. Now I feel bad for judging him.”
“I wouldn’t say you were judging him, just making an accurate observation. I knew him before his wife died and he was every bit as quirky as he is now.”
They continued talking for another twenty minutes. Just like the day they met, the conversation didn’t lag at all as they transitioned easily from one subject to another. Before they ended the call, Killian asked if it would be alright to call her again later in the week and she agreed without hesitation.
Lying in bed that night, Emma smiled dreamily as she replayed their conversation in her mind. She may be venturing into self-imposed forbidden territory ever since Henry’s father abandoned her, but Killian Jones intrigued her and she couldn’t find it within herself to care.
Killian called Emma four more times over the next two weeks. Their conversations lasted longer each time, until they spent over an hour talking and laughing on Thursday, before their scheduled outing.
He suggested that they take Norman back to Storybrooke’s nature preserve after picking him up, which she thought was a great idea. She mentioned that she and Henry spent quite a bit of time there during the summer, hiking the trails and wading in the creek. Despite intending to visit, Killian hadn’t been able to get there yet and was happy to know his first time would be with Emma, Henry and Norman.
Saturday morning found him taking more time than usual to get ready. He chided himself for being a bit vain, but wanted to make the extra effort for the lovely lady Swan. If things went well, he was planning to ask her out on a proper date.
He had confided his intention to Belle, hoping she would give him advice about where to take Emma, should she agree. Not only did his future sister-in-law present him with recommendations, she also mentioned that she would be happy to watch Henry, and was sure Liam would, too.
Once Killian was satisfied with his appearance, he tried to occupy himself until it was time to drive to Emma and Henry’s house. After going online and paying some bills, washing the few dishes in the sink and sorting his laundry, he still had about twenty minutes left.
His heart sank when he heard the notification for an incoming text, thinking it might be Emma cancelling their plans. He was relieved, then a little apprehensive to see it was from his brother. Belle promised she wouldn’t say anything to Liam about his plans to ask Emma on a date, but they were an engaged couple and couples weren’t supposed to keep secrets from each other. Unfortunately, his former girlfriend hadn’t abided by that rule, since she kept one whopper of a secret from him.
L: Any plans for this afternoon, little brother?
Killian dropped his head back with a sigh. Not only did Liam insist on calling him that irritating moniker, now he had to explain that he did indeed have plans. He was sure he would have to answer questions about what they were and with whom, since he rarely did anything on the weekends.
K: Actually, I do.
L: Oh, really? What are you doing?
K: I’m renting Winston from the shelter again.
L: Great! Belle is working today. Would you mind if I came over to see the little guy?
Killian’s thumbs hovered over his screen, trying to decide how to tell his brother no without sounding rude. Even though Liam was acquainted with Emma, he tended to be over protective, and Killian didn’t want him giving her the third degree or making her feel uncomfortable. Plus, he selfishly wanted to spend time alone with her and Henry.
Glancing at the clock, he saw it was almost time for him to leave. Quickly, he typed a message he was hoping would appease Liam.
K: Sorry, not this time. Emma, Henry and I made plans to spend another day together with him.
As he pulled on his jacket, he heard another notification. Closing his eyes momentarily, he opened them to read Liam’s message, then released a relieved breath.
L: I hope the four of you have a good time, so I can see that look of happiness on your face again.
“Henry, Killian’s here!” Emma announced, dropping the curtain after seeing his car pull up to the curb.
“Coming!” she heard him yell in response.
She quickly ducked into the bathroom and inspected her appearance in the mirror one more time. She hoped to make a better impression on Killian by applying light makeup and pulling her hair back into a neat ponytail. Her outfit was simple - jeans, sneakers, her favorite light blue blouse, and red leather jacket.
The doorbell rang as she re-entered the living room, but before she could get to the door, Henry sped past her to pull it open. “Hey, Killian!” he said excitedly.
“Hello, lad,” Killian answered, then shifted his eyes from Henry to Emma. She saw him swallow before giving her one of his winning smiles. “Good morning, Emma.”
“Hi, Killian. You’re right on time.”
“Not being prompt is bad form, Swan.” Looking at Henry again, he stated, “Your haircut makes you look a bit older.”
Henry reached up to run both hands along the sides of his head. “Do you really think so?”
“Aye, at least a year or two.”
“Please don’t say that,” Emma said, handing Henry his jacket. “He’s growing up way too fast as it is.”
During the drive to the shelter, Henry talked about one thing after another. Emma wondered if Killian would tire of her son’s constant chatter, but his questions at regular intervals proved he was fully engaged in what Henry had to say.
Meanwhile, she spent the time admiring the man beside her. He was dressed in dark, stonewashed jeans, an army green button-down shirt, and the same black leather jacket he wore the first time they met. His scruff was neatly trimmed and his dark hair artfully combed. His rich laugh at some of Henry’s comments was a sound she was sure she would never get tired of hearing.
When they entered the shelter, David gave them a smug smile that Emma tried to ignore. She knew he was probably patting himself on the back for his matchmaking, but she really didn’t mind, because meeting Killian was, so far, a positive experience.
Norman was extremely excited to see them again, and after everyone got into the car, they were on their way back to Storybrooke. Henry was preoccupied with Norman in the back seat, so the adults finally had a chance to chat with each other. Their conversation was as free-flowing as it had been every other time they spoke in the past two weeks. Emma had never met anyone so easy to talk to, and wondered if it was because their backgrounds were so similar.
During their earlier phone conversations, she learned his father had abandoned his family when Killian and Liam were little, leaving their mother to raise them alone. She shared how she was abandoned at a fire station baby box when she was less than a week old, and had never been adopted. They both had been in situations where they were deceived and misled by the person they loved. Emma came to realize that being able to empathize with someone else made it easier to connect with them, just as she had with Killian.
The crisp autumn weather was perfect for hiking at the nature preserve. They explored all of the available paths and walked along the shores of the creek. The water was too chilly for wading, but Norman enjoyed splashing in now and then when he spotted a particularly intriguing leaf, bug or stick.
After hiking for a couple of hours, they took a break to drink Gatorade and snack on protein bars, thoughtfully packed by Killian. He also had treats for Norman, which Henry used to try and teach the dog again how to sit on command.
They stayed until the last possible minute before getting into the car for the drive back to the shelter. No one spoke for several miles, until Henry finally said, “I really wish we didn’t have to take Norman back there. He’s always so sad. Why can’t we just adopt him, Mom?”
Emma glanced over at Killian, who met her eyes for a second before directing his back to the road. “I wish we could, but it wouldn’t really be fair to Norman. We’re both gone all day and he would have to be penned up that whole time.”
“But he loves us and we love him!” Henry exclaimed. “Ernie didn’t have to be penned up and he was fine during the day.”
Emma turned to look at her son. “I know, kid, but it was easy with Ernie. He was with us for several years and was older. Norman is young and full of energy, so he’s going to need a lot more attention and training. I wouldn’t trust him being in the house all day by himself.”
Henry heaved a huge sigh. “Okay.”
They were all silent for the rest of the drive. Emma saw Killian look at her out of the corner of his eye once in a while, but they didn’t carry on a conversation. She spent the time thinking about the practicality of adopting Norman, but knew she would have to stick to her guns, because it just wouldn’t be fair to the rambunctious dog to be cooped up all day.
When they reached the shelter and exited the car, Killian slowed Emma down by placing a hand on her arm, while Henry entered the building with Norman. “Emma, I’ve been giving it some thought and I have an idea, if you’re open to it.”
She shrugged slightly. “Sure, let’s hear it.”
“Perhaps, if you adopted Win-, er, Norman, I could keep him during the day while you’re at work and school. I could pick him up in the morning before you leave and drop him off after you get home.”
“Sort of like shared custody or dog sitting?” she asked, turning to face him.
He chuckled. “Aye, something like that, I suppose.”
“I don’t know, Killian. That seems like a pretty big commitment between people who barely know each other. You’re not even sure you’re going to stay in Storybrooke.”
He scratched behind his ear. “If I move, it won’t be for a while, since I signed a six month lease on my apartment. That would give us time to train the dog. I know we’ve just met, but I…I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and your boy. I’m hoping this is just the beginning of our friendship.”
Emma stuck her hands in the back pocket of her jeans and rocked back on her heels. “I hope so, too, but I’m still not sure about the arrangement you’re suggesting.”
“I completely understand,” he said, then paused before asking, “Are you counting it out altogether, or will you consider it?”
She pulled her lip between her teeth in thought for a few seconds. “I’ll consider it,” she finally answered.
He gave her a small smile, then moved to open the door for her.
They went inside to see Henry sitting cross-legged on the floor with Norman, the dog’s head resting on his leg. David was listening to the boy give him a detailed description of their day at the nature preserve and looked up to give them a big grin. “Sounds like you had quite the adventure today.”
“Aye, we all had quite a workout,” Killian responded. “It’s quite a lovely place.”
“Yeah, we’re lucky to have it in Storybrooke,” David said. “Mary Margaret takes her class there on a field trip every year.”
Henry’s head whipped around. “Mrs. Nolan didn’t take our class!”
“It’s early in the school year,” Emma said. “I’m sure she’ll take you sometime.”
“They usually go in the spring,” David explained, as he walked around the end of the counter. “Are you ready for me to take Norman?”
“No,” Henry said, his voice muffled as he buried his face in the dog’s neck.
The three adults exchanged understanding looks. They gave the boy a couple more minutes, before Emma picked up the end of the leash and put her hand on Henry’s head. “It’s time to say goodbye to him, kid.”
Henry drew back to look at Norman. “Goodbye, boy. I’m gonna miss you.” He kissed the dog on top of the head and rubbed his ears.
Emma reached down to pet the dog, then handed the leash to David. Killian stood beside her to pat Norman, too, telling him to be a good boy.
David bid them all goodbye, then headed to the back with the dog reluctantly following him. Henry looked up at Emma from where he still sat on the floor. “Mom…”
“Henry, don’t say it. I already told you why it’s not a good idea to adopt him right now.”
“Right now? Does that mean we can adopt him later?”
“That’s not what I meant,” Emma replied, giving him her patented ‘don’t push it’ look. “Let’s go, kid.”
With a long-suffering sigh, Henry pushed himself to his feet and followed her out the door Killian was holding open. Once they were in the car and on their way to Storybrooke, Killian asked, “Would you, um, would the two of you like to get a late lunch at Granny’s, when we get back?”
“What do you think, Henry?” Emma threw over her shoulder.
He turned from where he had been glumly staring out the window. “Can I get a cheeseburger and fries?”
“And a chocolate milkshake?” When his mom didn’t answer immediately, he added, “Please? It’ll make me less sad about Norman.”
Killian chuckled lowly as Emma rolled her eyes, muttering, “I’m raising a con artist.”
Killian mentally kicked himself the whole way back into town. What was he thinking, asking Emma to agree to what was basically a long term commitment? He probably ruined his chance for asking her out on a date, too. He was sure she would think he was coming on too strong, if he did.
At least she agreed to have lunch with him. Hopefully, she would also allow him to continue calling her. Those phone calls and the texts they shared were always the highlight of his week.
As much as he enjoyed his time with Emma, having Henry with them made it even better. Killian hadn’t had a lot of interaction with children, but it was easy being around Emma’s son. He was bright, articulate and funny - very much like his mother. He was also respectful and well-mannered.
On the day they met, Emma confided to him that she was afraid she was making a lot of mistakes as a single mom, who never had a mother of her own to set an example, but he strongly disagreed. She wasn’t perfect - no parent was, but Henry seemed to be well-adjusted and confident, so she was obviously doing many things right.
Killian saw how much Henry loved the dog and wished he could help make the boy’s desire to adopt him come true, which is why he made the offer. He had come to love the furry little rascal, too, and would seriously consider adopting Norman himself. He just didn’t know if he could take the dog with him if he decided to move away from Storybrooke.
He pulled up in front of Granny’s, cut the engine, unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door, as he heard Emma and Henry do the same. Typical of a young boy, Henry took off running and was already skipping up the steps to the front door by the time Killian reached Emma’s side.
“He’s pretty excited,” Emma explained. “Eating out is kind of a treat because we don’t do it very often.”
“I hope I wasn’t out of line for asking,” Killian said.
“No, not at all. It really perked him up.”
Killian halted at the bottom of the steps, causing Emma to stop and look at him. “I also hope I didn’t upset you by making the offer to watch Norman.”
“You didn’t,” she assured him. “I’m definitely going to think about it. I really miss having a dog around, too. I just have to weigh all the pros and cons.”
He smiled and nodded his understanding, then bounded up the steps to open the door. Henry was at the counter talking animatedly to Ruby, who looked up and gaped at Emma in surprise.
“Hey, girl! I didn’t realize you knew the very handsome new guy in town!”
Killian could feel his ears turning red, when Emma glanced at him before replying. “Hi, Ruby. Actually, we met by accident a couple of weeks ago.”
“By accident, huh? Did you hit him with your car or something?”
“Nothing like that. We were both renting the same dog at the animal shelter.”
“Was seeing him today another accident?”
Emma put her hands on her hips. “Not that it’s any of your business, but no. It was planned this time.”
Killian wasn’t sure he had ever seen such a wide grin on the waitress’s face. They all gave Ruby their drink order, then Emma ushered Henry to a booth and Killian slid in across from them.
“Are you getting lasagna?” she asked.
“I think I’m going to try the grilled cheese and onion rings. Someone recommended them to me,” he smirked.
“Very intelligent person,” Emma grinned.
“Aye, that she is.”
Ruby arrived at their table with their drinks and Henry’s milkshake. She gave Emma and Killian another broad smile when she took down their identical orders. “His and hers grilled cheeses, huh? Maybe there’s some truth to the saying that couples begin to eat alike.”
Emma sighed and rolled her eyes. “I think the saying is that couples start to look alike, and we aren’t a couple. We’re just friends.”
“I see,” Ruby said, glancing at Henry, who was busy spooning the thick milkshake into his mouth. “Well, they do say there are benefits to being friends.” She gave them an exaggerated wink, then turned and made her way to the kitchen.
“Ruby isn’t exactly the epitome of subtlety,” Emma said, a blush filling her cheeks with color.
“It was nice of Killian to take us to Granny’s today,” Henry said, as he was climbing into bed that night.
“Yes, it was. I was very proud of you for remembering to thank him without needing a reminder.”
“Thanks for letting me get a milkshake, even if it didn’t make me stop feeling sad about not being able to adopt Norman.”
Emma tucked the covers around his shoulders. “I know, but try not to think about it.”
“I can’t,” Henry pouted. “He’s probably crying himself to sleep tonight.”
“I think he’s probably going to sleep remembering all of the fun we had today.”
Henry stubbornly shook his head. “Nuh-uh. He’s wondering why we didn’t bring him home with us.”
“Henry,” Emma sighed, “I know you’re sad, but we just can’t…”
“I know,” he interrupted, “you keep saying it wouldn’t be fair for him to be alone all day, but he’s already alone at the shelter all day, except for Mr. Nolan, and at night, there’s nobody there at all.”
“There’s other dogs and cats…”
“That’s not the same. They’re all in cages by themselves. If we adopted him, he could sleep on my bed, like Ernie did.”
Knowing she was going around in circles with him, Emma reached over and picked up the book from his nightstand. “How about if you say your prayers after I read to you tonight?”
Heaving a dramatic sigh, he said, “Fine, but it’s not gonna make me forget about Norman.”
After reading to him for fifteen minutes, hearing his prayers - which mentioned Norman and Killian several times - and kissing him goodnight, she left his room. Heading into her own bedroom, she went through her nightly routine automatically, lost in thought.
Once she was in her pajamas, free of make-up and teeth brushed, she peeked in on her son to find him sound asleep. She made sure the front door was deadbolted, turned off the lights in the kitchen and living room and went back into her room. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she stared at the phone in her hand, mind racing.
Finally, she pulled up Killian’s contact and hit the call button.
She was almost ready to hang up after it rang four times, not wanting it to go to voicemail, when he answered. “Hello, Swan. I wasn’t expecting to talk to you again so soon.”
“I hope I’m not calling too late.”
“Not at all. What’s on your mind?”
“Henry was still upset about Norman before he went to sleep. I feel like I’m being selfish by not allowing him to get a dog.”
“Why do you feel that way?”
“Because one of my excuses is that a dog is a lot of work and would need training, which it would. I’m making it seem like all the work would fall on me. Now, I know Henry is only eight, but I think he’s pretty responsible for his age.”
“From what I’ve seen, I would agree with that,” Killian cut in.
“Thank you. Anyway, I think he would be able to help train and take care of the dog, so that excuse is out the window. The other big concern I had is that the dog would have to be home by himself all day, which brings me to the reason I’m calling. I’ve been seriously considering your offer, if it’s still on the table.”
“It is.”
“Are you sure that’s not asking too much of you? I mean, you’re home during the day, but you’re working. How would you be able to take care of him?”
“I’ve had him here with me a few times already and he makes himself right at home. He’s housebroken and doesn’t demand too much attention. If he starts getting restless, I take him outside and play with him for a while. That works with my schedule because I have to take breaks now and then, when I’ve been staring at the computer screen for too long.”
She blew out a long breath. “What if it turns out to be too big of a commitment? We’ve spent some time together and have done a lot of talking to get to know each other, but we’re still basically strangers.”
“Well actually…” Killian began, then paused for several moments before continuing, “I was hoping to have an opportunity to ask you something today, but the right moment never presented itself.”
Emma’s heart began to beat faster in anticipation of what she suspected he might ask. “What did you want to ask?”
“Would you, um…would you consider going out with me?”
Standing up to pace back and forth between her bed and dresser, she chewed her lip in contemplation. She could literally count how many dates she’d had since Henry’s birth on one hand. She only went on those dates to appease Ruby, who was convinced Emma’s Mr. Right was out there somewhere, but she hadn’t been attracted to any of the men.
She couldn’t say the same about Killian. From the time she laid eyes on him, she felt an attraction that only got stronger the more she got to know him. He seemed to be the total package - kind, intelligent, considerate, and insanely hot.
“What happens if we adopt Norman, then go out with each other and realize we’re not compatible?”
“If you adopt him, I would keep my commitment to help take care of him, even if we decide dating doesn’t work for us. You have my word, Emma.”
She came to a halt at the end of her bed and turned to face the mirror above her dresser. For eight years, Henry had been her number one priority and always would be, but maybe it was time for her to do something for herself. Could that something be going out with Killian Jones?
She was so deep in thought, she didn’t realize how long she had been standing there considering her answer. When Killian finally spoke, his quiet voice startled her. “What do you say, Swan?”
“Yes, Killian. I will go out with you.”
@qualitycoffeethings @grimmswan @cs-rylie @wyntereyez @kmomof4 @hookedmom @ultraluckycatnd @paradiselady19 @xarandomdreamx @motherkatereloyshipper @lfh1226-linda @pawshapedheart @vampcoffeegyrl23 @tiganasummertree @bluewildcatfanatic @eleveneitherway @elfiola @kday426 @julieenchanted-swans @gingerchangeling @andiirivera @djlbg @jonesfandomfanatic @snowbellewells @anmylica @booksteaandtoomuchtv @cocohook38 @ilovemesomekillianjones@zaharadessert @lyssapup27 @undercaffinatednightmare @winterbaby89 @jennjenn615 @xsajx @jackieorioncat @teamhook @soniccat @jarienn972 @softkilly @kymbersmith-90 @apiratewhopines
39 notes · View notes
Welcome Home
Relationship(s): August Walker & Stella Walker, August Walker & Cordell Walker, August Walker & Liam Walker, August Walker & Sadie Yoo, August Walker/Sadie Yoo
Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Military, Post-Military, Post-Canon, Insecurity, Disability, Physical Disability, Amputation, Recovery, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: August came back from his time in the military, but he's not the man he once was. Can his family help him get back to his old self or is he too far gone?
Written for @augustofwhump Day 11: Scars, Insecurity
A/N: I know August didn't go to the military after season 4 but I already had AUs cooked up and I'm not letting them go now
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
August had thought about the day he came home from the military for good a lot. He’d imagined himself leaving after a few years and transitioning into a more sedate lifestyle, maybe with Sadie by his side. He’d imagined himself going full career military and passing on a legacy of government benefits when he eventually bit the bullet. He’d imagined himself getting a hero’s funeral, remembered in pictures and funny stories until no one was around to tell them anymore.
In all his imaginings and daydreams, he’d never pictured this.
“Your recovery is coming along very well,” his assigned physical therapist told him. “Have you given any more thought to if you would prefer a prosthetic or crutches?”
“Crutches.” He’d made his choice soon after the amputation surgery. He’d seen the options and recovery schedule for a prosthetic. It was pricey, cumbersome, and something that would probably only lead to confusion and disappointment when he was wearing long pants. Crutches were cheaper and a lot more upfront about his baggage.
Crutches also meant he’d be going home sooner, but you can’t always get everything you want.
“Are you sure? We can-”
“I’m sure."
She blinked at him and nodded. “Alright. You’ll have to learn how to use them before we can release you. I’d also like to talk to your family about accommodations you might need at home. Is there a number I could call or….?”
August sighed. “My sister will be here in two hours. You can talk to her about all that.”
“Okay, we’ll do that then. Let’s just finish up your exercises and then I’ll come back to talk with your sister. Is there anything else you want to talk about?”
“No. Let’s just get this over with.”
August could do the whole exercise routine by himself at this point, but it was definitely easier with someone else helping him. Having someone to help him balance made it easier for him to keep his eyes away from the scar he was left with. The phantom pains were bad enough; the ugly stump was just another unfortunate reminder.
He really just wanted to get his crutches and get back to moving on his own again, but he knew that would be a journey. A journey he wasn’t really looking forward to.
Especially not a journey he wanted to go on with his family.
He was glad Stella had taken the mantle of dealing with all his hospital stuff. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle it if the rest of the family was constantly hovering around him during this. He didn’t need their sugarcoated praise or unnecessary optimism. He didn’t need Gramp’s war stories or Dad’s constant assurances that this wouldn’t change anything. He didn’t need Mawline’s smothering or Liam’s assembly line of therapists to “heal his mental state”.
He just wanted to get on with the rest of his pathetic life.
The road had been cleared before they went on it. Or, at least, they thought it was. Not that it was August’s job to worry about that. It was their Sergeant's job, or at least the drivers. He just got on the truck he was told to get on and zoned out during the drive to prevent himself from thinking too hard about their mission. He much preferred scouting to sniping, but he didn’t get to make those decisions.
He hated trips like this, but it’s what he signed up for. Literally.
Maybe he should’ve listened a little closer to his grandfather’s war stories before he committed to this. A little late to complain about it now, so he didn’t. Not to his fellow soldiers, not in his letters home, not even when he was drunk on leave. Bottling things up was the Walker Way and after a few years at it, August was a professional.
The explosion came from right under his seat. There was another one as the driver tried to regain control of the vehicle.
And then the ambush came.
August didn’t remember much after the first gunshot. He just remembered the smell of blood and the sound of someone screaming.
Later, his sergeant would commend him for his “bravery in the face of adversity”. If August hadn’t just heard that the infections in his leg wounds were too severe for the field hospital to handle and amputation was the best route, he probably would’ve punched the man.
August got a medal for his bravery. He got to shake the governor’s hand and his face was plastered on the front page of The Austin Chronicle and The Daily Texan.
The other 19 men in the truck with him died. They got no awards and their families got meager compensation. He spoke with one of the wives, tried to tell her he was sorry. She just smiled and patted his remaining leg and told him to say “hi” to his mother for her.
The more he practiced “walking”, the closer he got to going home, the more he dreaded it. He didn't want the welcome home party or the accolades of a “successful” military career. He just wanted to move on, forget how he ended up here.
But that would never happen. He could never be that lucky.
“So I did tell them you didn’t want a big party but-”
August groaned. “Just tell me how many people are going to be there.”
Stella sighed. “I managed to talk them down to Dad’s work friends. And nobody got plus ones. Oh, and Sadie will be there.”
Sadie. He hadn’t seen her since last Christmas. Knowing the first time she would see him again was like this made his stomach twist into knots.
Last time he’d seen her, they kissed under the mistletoe. It had gotten them laughs, but it made him want more.
One more tour, he’d told himself back then. Just one more and then he’d be good enough. His family would be proud of him, he could get great benefits on top of whatever job he picked up, and maybe he could finally ask her on a date. She might even say “yes”.
Fat chance of that happening now.
“I already told everyone you’ll probably be tired and you don’t need to be overwhelmed right now so the extra guests probably won’t stay for more than an hour. If you need me to, I can be the bad guy and kick everyone out early,” Stella promised.
“Thanks,” he muttered. “But I can deal. If I let them get all their hovering out of the way now, maybe they’ll chill for a bit.”
Stella snorted. “Yeah, right. Dad’s been excited to show you all the renovations they made for you and Liam really wants your opinions on his new ‘inclusive’ therapy plans for the rescue. And I’ve lost track of how many times Mawline’s asked me if I was absolutely sure you don’t have any new dietary restrictions.”
August groaned and slid down in his seat. “And they wonder why I wanted to stay at the hospital by myself….”
“You know it’s because they care about you. I know it’s clumsy and overbearing but they’re trying.”
“I know that but…. I just wish they wouldn’t make a big dal out of it.”
Stella gave him a side eye. “Auggie, you lost a leg. That’s kind of a big deal. I know you don’t want a fuss but it’s an adjustment for everyone. Just- I talk to them but you may just have to ride this out. They’ll calm down after a couple months and then you can go back to pretending this isn’t a big deal, okay?”
He sighed. She was right, to an extent. He’d had a lot longer to adjust to his new situation than his family did. And they did care, even if he didn’t appreciate the way they showed it.
“I can put up with the party for an hour and I’ll try not to rush Dad through his tour but can you ask Liam to hold off on the therapy stuff for a bit. I’m just- not ready to think about that.”
She nodded, smiling. “I can do that.”
Done with the conversation, August turned on the radio and closed his eyes, letting the music carry him away from reality for a bit. He would take any break he could get.
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x5 Good Form
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 745
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Killian touched his lips softly, almost reverently, as he sat alone in the forest. She’d kissed him.  She’d actually kissed him.  Killian reached for his flask, needing the familiar burn of the rum on his tongue to prove to himself that he was awake and was not, in fact, in the throws of a delicious dream.
He’d flirted with her, smiling his teasing smile and playfully touching his lips as he suggested a way she might thank him for his service toward her father, but he’d never expected her to take him up on his suggestion.
Not that he was complaining.  That kiss had been…. He blew out a long sigh.  Even for a man so normally silver tongued as he was, there were no words.
It was more than the kiss itself–that had been steamy, passionate, blissful, of course–but it was more than that. It was….it was what the kiss revealed.
He loved her.  He was in love with her.  She’d snuck under his defenses as stealthily as any pirate could have, and without his knowledge, she’d taken possession of his heart.
It was an uncomfortable feeling, if he were being honest.  He’d never been one to bestow his love lightly, but when he did, there was no going back.  He’d spent two-hundred bloody (often literally) years in Neverland because of love for Milah, for heaven’s sake.  The thought of moving on from her, of bestowing his heart on another and giving her the power to crush it as thoroughly as Milah’s death had done…
He took another long swallow.
Well, there was nothing for it now.  It had happened.  He’d fallen in love again.
As he continued to sit and ruminate on the events of the day, it occurred to him that while the revelation of his love was momentous, it was by no means the only noteworthy thing that had happened that day.
This place, Neverland, had a truly ghastly effect on its inhabitants.  It had a way of bringing one's worst fears, one's greatest insecurities, one's biggest regrets to mind.  This place was depression in physical form.  He’d survived his last stint here with the aid of one thing and one thing only–his revenge.  That goal, that singular purpose had allowed him to keep his wits about him.
This time around….well, the fact that he’d allowed the Crocodile on his ship, formed a tentative truce with him, proved that he had given up on that revenge.  Without that singular focus to ruminate upon, he’d spent the hours on this island this go around reminded of his sins, his faults, the fact that he was a villain whom the heroes tolerated only.
Hadn’t David said it himself this morning? “Let me give you a bit of advice, Hook. She’s never gonna like you.  How could she?  You’re nothing but a pirate.”
Though he’d tried to keep the mocking grin on his face, it had stung, and for the first time, Killian realized how very much he wanted to change his life, become the kind of man Emma’s father–a man who was so much like his own hero, Liam–would approved of.
But at that moment, the gloom of Neverland had descended, and he’d come to realize he’d never be that man; he’d never overcome his past.  He’d never reach a higher status than “the pirate with which we’ve formed a temporary but begrudging alliance”.
And so it had continued throughout the day.  David had taken pains to make his disdain and dislike known and felt, taking small verbal digs at him, even as he attempted to save his life.
So it was that the second most astounding event of the day–second only to the kiss–had happened.  When they’d returned to camp after achieving their ends at the top of Dead Man’s Peak, David had not only given him credit, but had toasted him, had bestowed on him the look of approval and gratitude Killian had never dared hope to receive from him.
It had embarrassed him a bit, having the entire company of heroes and Regina (he still wasn’t sure where upon the hero-villain spectrum she truly belonged) raise a flask to him, but the warmth it engendered had been as potent as his rum.
For the first time, he could see a way forward.  Maybe he didn’t have to be forever defined by his past villainous deeds.  Perhaps….perhaps there was a path to redemption available for him after all.
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snowbellewells · 25 days
1-6, 22, 42&43, and finally 50 for the Fanfic Authors Game. Thank you, ma’am!!
Oh Krystal @kmomof4 this took me a minute, but I'm so glad you sent asks - I haven't done any ask games for a while, and I always find them fun. Thanks for your interest (and I'll be sending some back your way! ;p)
1- What was your first fic and could you stand to reread it today?
My first fic was probably a PaceyxJoey revamp/divergence of the Dawson's Creek Season 1 finale. I had only recently even discovered that fanfiction existed, and everyone else I knew was convinced that I was crazy for thinking Pacey and Joey had the romantic chemistry rather than Dawson and Joey. Anyway, the fic was largely a way for me to vent my frustration and play out my vision of things. I'm not even sure there is still an existing copy of it today there, whether I would want to read it or not!
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2 - What's your most recent fic and how far do you think you've come?
My most recent fic is my second entry for the @cssns24 event "For All Life and For All Time" (a Dracula AU). I'd really like to think that I've come a fair way in dramatic and atmospheric writing, as well as just writing a cute little love story for smiles. Though there is nothing wrong with fluff, I've been labeled as sweet for quite some time, so trying to add a bit more edge or danger and darkness to my works is a continual growing process, and one that I hope shows in this newest one as I go along.
3 - In your opinion, what's your best fic?
Goodness, I feel like that is a really hard question, K! I don't tend to feel like I really have a "best of" the way some of my favorite writers do. (For some reason it feels presumptuous when speaking of my own work) I do have ones I am more attached to or was more emotionally invested in writing, but I don't know if that makes them the "best" or not. I guess I might say "Tasting Forever" if pressed. It had such an incredible response when I first posted it - so far beyond what I had expected, and I am pretty proud of it when I look back at it.
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4 - In your opinion and without looking at any numbers, what's your most popular fic?
Without looking to make sure, I would say probably "Tasting Forever" (see above) is one of the most popular, if not the most. It was at one time, at any rate. Before that one was written/posted, it was probably the two part "Under the Weather" which I wrote around the season three timeframe in the show, and was basically an excuse to have Emma take care of a sick Killian and hurry up and admit her feelings as well. The only other contender would be my first true CS/OuaT MC "I'd Know You Anywhere" which had Emma as a witness to a murder and Killian and Ruby as FBI agent partners assigned to protect her and Henry.
5 - Is there any fic that makes you super happy to reread and remember you wrote that?
I realize that this fic is incredibly niche and not many will ever read it, because it is not strictly CS (though they are supporting characters) and it's not even about a popular side pairing, but my BellexLiam short MC "Looking for a Heart (that's not Walking Away)" is one that I still read and smile about. I had a lot of fun imagining how I should characterize both Belle and Liam more fully and with the storyline itself. I am still really pleased with how it turned out and it's close to my heart, and the ending makes me grin happily whenever I reread it. I love it even more since @hollyethecurious created cover art for it as well.
I also feel that way about "A Year in the Court of Misthaven" (especially the first chapter with the Yule Ball) It just makes me grin imagining it. :)
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6 - Is there any fic that makes you super embarrassed to reread and remember you wrote that?
Weirdly, since it's one of my more popular fics with other people, I have some embarrassment over "I'd Know You Anywhere". There are parts of it that I like and feel as though they turned out quite well, but there are also parts that seem rushed to me in hindsight, or plot holes, anomalies, and deadends that don't make sense. Maybe I'm being overly self-critical, but I feel like I could do a better job of it now than I did then.
22- Has there ever been anyone who's made you freak out because they read your work and followed/favorited/reviewed?
Oh yes, for sure! I won't try to list too many specific names, because I feel like I'd be bound to leave someone out, and I wouldn't want anyone to feel like their kind words and love weren't appreciated. Every single reblog, like, or comment is such a boost and huge compliment to me!! I will say though, that whenever someone 2who I regularly read and whose writing I admire takes the time to read something of mine, I am incredibly gratified and flattered.
And I doubt anyone who has received them would deny that your (yes, you, K!) real-time flails as you read are some of the best mood lifters and ego boosters in the world!!
42- How many views has your most popular fic gotten?
I'm going to guess this means on AO3? Are "Hits" the same thing as "Views"? Since that seems the most likely, that's what I'm going with here - Hits on AO3, in which case the one with the most is "A Cottage by the Sea" with 1,767 hits.
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43 - Your least popular?
That would be my Ruby-centric OuaT one shot "Always Running" with just 46 hits (or views?)
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50 - Has writing fanfic had a significant impact on your life? Would you say it's entirely positive?
Other than the amount of stress I put on myself when I can't update as quickly as I like or fear people may not like my newest post or addition, yes, I would say fanfic has been almost an entirely positive experience.
It's had a huge impact on me: it's kept me writing even as I've become an adult and had to get a "real job" to pay the bills. It's kept alive a show I adored, even though it's been off the air for someone six or seven years. Most of all, it has brought me some of the best friends in fellow fic writers that I have ever had! That last one in itself is one of the most incredible blessings I could imagine!!
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transmickey · 10 months
hi weekly tag wednesday 🌅 thank you for this week's questions @suchagallabitch , and @creepkinginc @metalheadmickey @deedala for also tagging me 🫶
1. if you could switch bodies with anybody for only one hour who would it be and what would you do?
my best friend's cat because 1) i miss them and 2) he is so silly and dumb and does nothing all day and i need that rn
2. whats your most trivial / dumbest hot take?
mayonnaise is bad as hell like i'm sorry but EW
3. if you had to teach a college course what would it be in?
the only thing rattling around in my little head these days is chemistry (please can july hurry up i want to graduate immediately) so. i think teaching intro chem would heal me a little bit that shit was so mindless and i miss it
4. season 12 of shameless is suddenly happen and youve been put in charge! what plot point(s) are you gonna make happen?
*rubs hands together* carl quits the force + buys the alibi. ian and mickey get a cat or dog im not fussy i just want pet dads. and ian + mickey actually having nice deep talks aand communicating and healing. im sending them both to therapy. fiona back at least just for a bit idk i miss her. lip + brad either buy bornfree back or start their own shop (BRAD! i love u brad). franny transgender (true). debbie actually meets a nice person and has a nice relationship please i am begging. aaaaand so much gay sex like so so much i am serious.
5. who would be your godly parent? (can be any mythology).
i am so sorry idk anything about any mythology
6. what’s something you love about yourself?
im a little bit funny sometimes. as a treat.
7. describe your day in 5 emojis:
8. what shameless character do you think you could beat in a fight?
realistically just liam.. probably frank. definitely couldn't beat him but lip just because i want to punch him [affectionate]
9. tell us 2 truths and a lie, we’ll try to guess the lie!
👀 i don't like tomatoes, i've never broken a bone, i swam competitively for 6 years
10. do you have a pet(s). if so how did they get their name?
i do not :-(
11. show us a meme (or picture) that captures your essence
im sorry i went through my entire camera roll multiple times and couldnt decide so you get 4
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12. whats your typical coffee / tea / beverage order?
english breakfast tea with oat milk mmm
13. use a song to describe the last 5 years of your life?
ngl i thought harder about this than i did about everything else i did today combined
2023: faith healer - julien baker
2022: oh no! - marina
2021: scott street - phoebe bridgers
2020: young blood - noah kahan
2019: ribs - lorde
tagging some lovely people woo! @stocious @skylerwinchester @lupeloto @jrooc @heymrspatel @dynamic-power @milkovichrules @ian-galagher @deathclassic @tanktopgallavich @such-a-barbarian @mickeysgaymom @swiftfootedachilles @rereadanon
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wolfboy88 · 2 years
Teen Wolf Movie Review
I will admit when I first heard that there was going to be a movie, I was pretty damn well ecstatic as I think most of us were. I was excited to revisit these characters and see what they had been up to. But as the months went on and announcements were made about the upcoming movie, my excitement began to dwindle in the lead up to it’s release.
 I’ve gone into this viewing already knowing the plot and having seen the spoilers on my social media feeds and by reading the reviews. So, without further ado, I will now begin my own review.
 FYI Spoilers ahead. You’ve been warned.
 Okay, I’m gonna bite the bullet and just say it – the movie actually wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I didn’t exactly love it either. I think the problem lies in the title because it’s misleading in that it actually doesn’t feel like a movie, instead it feels like a 3-part episode crammed together, overstuffed with content and easter eggs, and oddly paced at times with a rushed ending.
 It feels like a soft reboot as well as a sequel to Season 3 and Season 3 only. Anything that happened from Season 4 onwards feels irrelevant and unconnected and at times it seems like Jeff doesn’t even remember his own character’s or what happened to them unless it’s Scott or Allison. By making Scallison endgame again it has simply undone seasons worth of character development just for the sake of bringing Scott and Allison back together. And for what? I don’t really know. The show evolved over the years and changed into something I quite enjoyed but Jeff seems stuck in the past, just like the movie is at times.
 The first hour takes great care to set up everything and to assemble the characters. I personally really enjoyed the first hour and I think it would have made much more sense for it not to be a movie but either a miniseries or a limited series. It would have been a stellar first episode. There just wasn’t enough time to properly deal with everything, to give anything enough room to breathe or to give the emotional beats time to hit their mark and to be fully felt let alone give any of the characters beside Scott, Allison, Eli, and Derek any resolution or closure.
 The build up to the final big fight scene should have been epic but it fell short and flat and rushed with most of the characters either tied up (literally, I’m not joking, there supposed to be werewolves for christ sake) or standing around doing nothing. The plot was simply downright bonkers. Yes, it was mad crazy but at times hella enjoyable but isn’t that the charm of Teen Wolf.  
 Alright I’m gonna heavily divulge into the plot now. So Spoilers… and I’m gonna do by best to summarise this as best I can but like I said, it’s mad bonkers.  
 Mr Harris, the long forgotten about teacher who died at the hands of Jennifer Blake in 3A is actually behind everything. For what you ask? To get his revenge on Scott and his friends. I was scratching my head at this because no explanation or context is given. It’s just accepted. Like didn’t he have his head cut off or something? There were scars around his neck like it had been stitched back on, but nothing is explained about his apparent resurrection.
 So basically Mr Harris flies to Japan to steal the jar that is housing the Nogitsune that is at a ramen shop that Liam and Hikari own and releases the Nogitsune who brings Allison back to life and uses the Oni to kidnap everybody and hold them hostage in a magical spirit realm located underneath the college lacrosse stadium.
 The Nogitsune plan is basically to have Allison shoot Scott in the heart and have him die in her arms and make everyone watch and so he can capture their sadness to become even more powerful. Scott pretends to die but Hikari temporarily gives him her armour to protect him.
 Nogitsune then turns into a werewolf-nogitsune-hybrid-monster-thing (?!?) and the impending big battle falls flat. Basically, everyone stands around doing nothing as Derek, Eli and Scott fight hybrid monster in another magical realm before breaking through to end up atop of the Nemeton that is now on the lacrosse field (?!?) It is then decided that Parrish will hug the monster and burn it to death using his hellfire but it turns out the monster won’t stay still long enough for him to it so Derek basically offers himself up to be fried to death, and dies in front of his son and the trauma cycle for the Hale’s continues.
 Derek’s death doesn’t sit right with me. For one, I don’t believe Derek nor the Nogitsune are actually dead. It feels too easy like it will be the next plot to another film. But did Jeff really go I’m gonna burn Derek to death like his own family did in the house fire? Like come on, it just feels icky and wrong and if Derek had to die, I personally believe it would have had a bigger emotional impact if Derek had died earlier when Allison shot him in the neck at the high school around the 1-hour mark. That would have upped the stakes and made everything seem more direr as well as being an incredible emotional pull. It would have given the story more depth than simply being about Scott and Allison.
 This might also be a controversial opinion, but I personally believe Peter should have been the one to die. It would have been a real full circle moment for the series as a whole and for his character development. Going from being the original big bad villain to sacrificing himself for a pack who he tried to kill many times and ended up helping in the end. The emotional pull would have hit harder as we already know and care about Malia unlike Eli who we barely even know.
 In saying that, Eli was good addition but it’s hard to ignore that he is essentially a cardboard copy of Stiles, right down to his mannerisms. Except for being a wolf.  
 I don’t even know what the point of Liam and Mason being in the movie was. They were barely in it and had a combined screen time of like ten minutes and had no scenes together except for one and even that was a stretch. So, Jeff wants us to believe that these two didn’t stay best friends? It’s really hard to fathom. And I think that’s what irks me the most. My two favourite characters being basically shafted. They served no real purpose to the story other than just being there.
 Other new addition Hikari was lovely, but we didn’t get much time to appreciate her or know anything about her except only that she is a kitsune and it becomes painfully obvious why Kira was relevant to the story. The lending of her armour was a pretty cool lore development but it feels like it was meant to be an arc for Kira’s story.
 I would also like to point out that if it hadn’t been mentioned beforehand in interviews, I would have not known that Liam and Hikari were together and at best they felt like platonic besties like Mason and Liam should have been. Also, Hikari’s age is never mentioned but she would have to be older than 17 to own a restaurant.  
 Stiles’ absence had been well-warned about and while it was felt at times, Scott and Lydia’s friendship was enough to ground the movie. Arguably I think Posey and Roden turned out their best work in this. Poesy is fabulous as a leading man and Roden’s always been a powerhouse in literally any her scenes, and I have to say Lydia and Scott’s reunion scene was just the right side of poignant and palpable.
 The chemistry between the rest of the cast is pretty much intact too and at times it felt like coming home or being wrapped in a nice cosy blanket and there’s some wicked enjoyment at being able to see Teen Wolf characters finally getting to swear on screen, even if it felt unwarranted at times.
 At times it was corny as fuck and mad bonkers but hey, that was part of Teen Wolf’s allure and charm. The humour of the series is still there but not quite as strong as it could have been. Shelley’s deadpan delivery of Malia’s lines had been chucking at my screen and Jackson and Peter were just there as comedic relief. The scene where Peter literally crawls around the rock face sniffing the ground was just hands down too funny and plain weird.
 Malia and Parrish’s relationship didn’t gel with me, and the nude scene wasn’t really needed. Although it was nice to see their hot bods. I also liked the brotherly sisterly thing going on with Malia and Eli. And also the hint at Malia and Derek’s niece-uncle relationship.
 Like most of the movie, nothing is mentioned or explained about what happened after the show ended and we’re left wondering about what happened to all the relationships that were in place when the credits rolled around for the last episode. I think that’s my biggest gripe is that we have no real answers to what happened after the end of show. There’s no mention of the war or what happened to Monroe. Was she caught? Is she dead? Does everyone know that supernatural creatures exists? Like was a 15-year time jump really necessary? I think 5 years would have done just fine. It’s sad that the pack didn’t stay together because I really don’t believe that would have happened. Yes, some of them were going off to college and whatnot, but it still made sense for them to return or at least stay in contact.
 Apparently, the only couple still together is Ethan and Jackson, of all people. Apparently Lydia and Stiles broke up because Lydia kept having a recurring dream or premonition if you will, of them having a car accident and Stiles dying. I don’t how to feel about that. But I guess that’s why the Jeep was left in Beacon Hills.
 There is literally no mention of Corey or Theo or anyone else. Scott and Malia’s relationship is reduced to nothing but an awkward reunion and then simply brushed aside, just like about everything else that’s happened in the series after the events of 3B. And I find it weird that Hayden didn’t return. If Scott needed his pack you would think he’d knew all of his bitten betas.
 The nods and easter eggs back to the show were a delight and purely fan service and I lapped them all up. It was also nice to see Victoria Argent back in two brief cameos when Allison is talking to the Nogitsune and he turns into her mother. The flashbacks were great too.
 I loved that Liam had the opening scene and that Scott trusted him to keep the jar safe. It does back sense to have the jar far away as possible from Beacon Hills, but it is disappointing that he barely interacted with anyone else. Not Mason. Not Scott. Again, what happened to the alpha and beta bond that is supposed to be stronger than a parental? But did like Liam coming in for the save on Derek.
 Same with Mason, his scenes were basically with Parrish and the Sherriff, and I don’t buy Mason being a cop. Jeff dropped the ball with them, and it clearly shows. Painfully so.
 All in all, it wasn’t the return to Beacon Hills that I’d hoped for. It was entertaining and had flashes to its heyday but ultimately it was disappointing too. It feels like Jeff wrote a love letter for only half the show and failed to move pass that era of the show and at times reads like a canon divergence fan fic.  
 Would I watch Teen Wolf Movie again? Probably, but just for shits and giggles and the warm hug. And just to see Liam with his beard. But really, I’d rather rewatch the series again.  
 I’m gonna head back to my Thiam corner of the fandom now and believe that Liam ran off with Theo to Japan to be together away from the pack. Striked up a beautiful friendship with Hikari and Theo was unable to return to Beacon Hills to help because he was off galivanting with Isaac in Paris 😊
 And for those who did watch the film, I’d love to hear your thoughts and take too.
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mayasdeluca · 6 months
What if the maternity leave is how they explain any time jump they do. It just doesn't make sense that these 2 women will go on with business as usual with a new baby because they both need to bond with him.
I think in episode 2 they bring the baby to the station to introduce Liam to the team (his bonus family) and Carina is set to leave with him but Maya asks her to look at the nanny and she gets stuck at the station. And presumably someone like Ross or Andy or the OTHER weed mom that is NOT in the clinic area (what's that truck parking area called again?) could take him out of harms way to the Beanery/bunks (it takes a village remember) until they decontaminate.
It's just that when they are smiling (presumably holding the baby) Carina is wearing her clothes she's wearing in the clinic. Before she hazmat suits up, her clothes got contaminated so after they decontaminate she would have had to change clothes (maybe into some SFD gear) like they did when they got high on K2, but she's not so either the contamination was a false alarm or they bring the baby in at the beginning.
So now my thinking is that episode 3 Carina bringing him to the hospital for immunizations and to meet HER colleagues now which is where she talks to Bailey. And since the Ball the department has been short staffed with injury and such so Maya hasn't been able to take time off to spend with the baby so in episode 4 she finally has taken a few days off and that's where the little child rearing "disagreement" comes in and maybe we even get a heart to heart about what they want to do about Maya also taking maternity leave or when to do IVF (I really hope they continue this).
So I think maybe a mini time jump (a couple of weeks) between episodes 3 and 4 and then a larger one (2-3 months) between 4 and the rest of the season with which Maya and Carina would have taken their maternity leave and we don't lose them on their respective jobs and we also don't lose them parenting those first few weeks cause we'll see them do it in episode 4.
This makes a lot of sense so I think you're right. When first seeing the clip of them smiling and it looking like Maya was holding something, I thought it may be during the day as opposed to the shots of Jack with the cake and everyone around at night but I wasn't sure. The same clothes thing makes it seem like it would have to be before all the patient zero stuff happens though. I'm very curious to see how it all happens tomorrow and hope we get some cute stuff mixed in with seeing Marina working together.
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anmylica · 1 year
Season II Episode 4: The Crocodile
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Tagging the Usual Crew: @kmomof4 @snowbellewells @sotangledupinit @tiganasummertree @zaharadessert @xarandomdreamx @whimsicallyenchantedrose @deckerstarblanche
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Stories often begin with a hint of trepidation, or a sense of foreboding, that foreshadows the calamities that await the main character.  These clues are there for the sole purpose of signaling the course of events to the reader.  They are not there for the main character himself.  
When Captain Killian Jones sauntered into the tavern that evening after making port after those long months at sea, he had no idea of the tragedy and heartbreak that awaited him, that would serve to mold him into who he would eventually become.  He had no idea that Fate was waiting in the wings, a cold and cruel mistress who liked to inflict pain and torture on her chosen characters in the stories she weaved of their lives.  He had no idea that in a scant twelve hours he would lose his hand, his love, his name, and his identity.  
He just knew the cheers and greetings of the men whom he tried to treat as comrades, nurturing friendships in a way that would keep the crew happy and also remind them of who was in charge.
“Where’s my beer?” He asked as he sat down, content to spend the evening amongst the men who had helped him wreak havoc on his former kingdom and gotten them rich on it to boot.
The mug was produced, and he drank deeply, enjoying a night of frivolity and companionship, though not of the female variety.  He had no need of that since Milah had joined him on his ship, and he knew that she would be waiting for him to get back after completing her turn on the night watch.  They had been together for long enough that neither felt the urge to be joined at the hip, and Killian was glad of the time spent just amongst the men of the crew.  He didn’t get much time with just them on the ship.
The pirate crew of the Jolly Roger continued drinking on into the night.  Killian had no reason to watch over his shoulder, and so he didn’t.  He drank and conversed and laughed with the other patrons, truly content with life in a way that he hadn’t been since he had been in the navy with Liam as his captain.  He didn’t think of the events that had resulted in Liam’s passing too soon tonight; indeed, he did not dwell on any of his tragic losses as he caroused with the rest.
Finally, it came time for the crew to head back to the ship, and he gladly joined them.  They were all more than a little tipsy, drunkenly laughing at nonsense and stumbling around as they walked.  One man of his crew knocked into a local man, laughing as the man gave the group a wide berth, Killian and the rest of his companions laughing at the frightened and confused look on his face.  
They otherwise left him alone and turned down the alley that led down to the docks when a beggar shuffling along the way bumped into Killian.  The beggar said nothing in supplication, and Killian frowned at the man’s rudeness.
“Hey you, stop!” Killian called out.  He had keelhauled men on his ship for less than what this beggar had just done.  “Even gutter rats have more manners than you just displayed.”
The beggar slowly turned around to address him.  “I’m so sorry, sir,” he said, the hood covering most of his face obscuring his identity.
Killian could see that the man’s skin was mottled and scaled, and he smirked.  “I was wrong,” Killian said, “Not a rat at all. More… More like a crocodile.”  He turned to his crew who laughed along with him.  He stepped up to the beggar and knocked the cup of coins the man clasped in his hands to the ground, scattering the coins across the cobblestones.  
When the man bent down to retrieve the coins, Killian kicked him to the ground.  If the beggar hadn’t learned manners when he was young, then Killian was glad to help him learn some now.  And if it gave his crew members a laugh, 
“What’s your name, crocodile?”
The beggar stumbled to his feet, throwing off the hood of the heavy cloak he wore and letting out a sinisterly gleeful giggle as he did so.  It took Killian a moment to place the beggar, but he knew he knew the man in front of him.
He waved a finger at him.  “You.  I remember you.��
“Always nice to make an impression,” the man replied, quoting Killian’s words back at him as he flicked a coin at Killian.
Killian’s heart went to his stomach.  It took him a short time, but now his instincts for danger, honed through years of experience on both a slaver ship and as a pirate captain, were ringing in full force.  He didn’t even need the beggar to state his name to know who this was.
“Where are my manners?  We haven’t been properly introduced.”  The man threw out his cloak behind him as he gave a dramatic bow.  “Rumplestiltskin,” he said, rolling his r as he did so.  “Or, as others know me,” he added, looking up to gauge Killian’s reaction, “the Dark One.”
Killian stared him in the eye, knowing that he had to proceed with caution.  Rumplestiltskin as a man hadn’t been much of anything to worry about, but as the Dark One?  Killian had heard rumors of his dark deeds in many a port over the last few years.  He knew Milah didn’t believe any of them, said that Rumple couldn’t possibly have become the Dark One as he was too cowardly to even kill a medicine man for medicine to help save their son, but Killian had wondered as to the veracity of the rumors.
He now had his answer for whether or not they were true.
Killian held his silence, thinking through this situation, analyzing, trying to figure out a way out unscathed.  He didn’t just have himself to get out of this scrape; his crew behind him were relying on him to save them as well.  To say nothing of the potential danger Milah was in.  
He watched as Rumplestiltskin sauntered towards his crew members, who backed up away from the man turned demon.  
“Oh,” Rumplestiltskin taunted, obviously taking in their reactions of alarm with pleasure.  “I see my reputation precedes me.”
“It does,” Killian affirmed as the Dark One circled around him like sharks around their prey.
“Good!  That’s gonna save us time during the question and answer portion of our game.”
Killian turned his head to look at the demon from the corner of his eye.  “What is it you want to know?”  He hoped his question conveyed curiosity and not blinding panic at what this demon wanted to know.
Rumplestiltskin smiled a horrible grin worthy of the crocodiles Killian had seen during his and Milah’s brief travels to Madhya Pradesh.  He leaned in closer and murmured, “How’s Milah, of course?”
Killian gave a grimace, hoping to convey that he didn’t recognize the name.  “Who?” 
He turned and gave a smile that he prayed conveyed sincerity rather than awkwardness and fear.  Killian knew it felt too tight and grimaced to be natural, but maybe the Dark One would buy it, given that the man had never spent much time around Killian before.  
The demon giggled his sinister laugh.  “Only too happy to dig out the memory, but it gets quite messy.”  There was no mistaking the threat underlying the demon’s words.
Killian watched the man turn back to him warily.  Of course it would be too much to hope that the man in front of him would have bought his lie, so he did the next best thing he could do.
“She’s dead.  Died a long time ago.”  Killian watched as the news registered in the Crocodile’s eyes.  “What is it you want?” He asked, hoping that that would be the end of their temporary liaison.
“We didn’t get a chance to finish our duel,” Rumplestiltskin answered softly.
It took Killian a moment to realize what the Dark One was insinuating, but he was quick to draw his cutlets.  His crew members reacted in astonishment, clearly not expecting the Dark One to make this demand.
“Not now,” Rumplestiltskin denied.  “Tomorrow at dawn.  I am not a cruel man, get your affairs in order.”  Killian watched as Rumplestiltskin moved his arms around dramatically, sheathing his cutlass.  Rumplestiltskin came closer as he added, “Also, you can spend tonight knowing it’ll be your last.”
Killian stared in disbelief.
The Dark One giggled again.  “Maybe I am cruel.  And don’t think about trying to escape.”  The demon leaned in closer to murmur the last statement.  “Because I will find you and I will gut your entire crew like the fish.”  He put a twist on his last words, clearly relishing the power he had over Killian before disappearing using the dark magic that he traded his soul for.
Killian stared at the spot that the Dark One had occupied just moments before.  He could hear his men behind him, murmuring their worries to each other.  
“Captain?” Starkey asked, and Killian snapped out of his reverie.
“Let’s go,” Killian ordered, and they all made their way to the docks with haste.  
“What are you going to do, Captain Jones?”  Starkey asked, concerned about this twist of events.
“I’m going to get my affairs in order and then meet him at dawn for the duel,” Killian tersely replied.
“But what about Milah?  What will you tell her?”
Killian shook his head.  “Simply that I was challenged to a duel.  She’ll believe it easily enough.  What I won’t tell her is that her former husband is the challenger.”
Starkey frowned.  “But Captain,” he protested, but his words died as Killian cut him off.
“But nothing.  You will keep her safe, and in the morning after sunset, you will sail away with her safely on board.  You will tell her that I instructed you to sail on in case someone tries to take the Jolly Roger, that I suspected the challenge was a ploy to liberate my ship from me.  Tell her I told you to meet me at a port that is a three day’s ride from here.”
They had reached the berth where the ship was docked.  Killian waved the rest of his crew members on board, and they happily ascended the steps onto their home.  Once he and Starkey were alone, Killian turned to him and continued, “You will not tell her I left this ship with a death sentence.  You will not speak a word of this to anyone ever again.  Understood?”
Starkey nodded his head once in confirmation.  “Aye, sir.”
Killian nodded and gave him a few other instructions, that Milah was to be taken care of no matter what happened, and that he left the command of the Jolly Roger to Starkey, though Milah would captain it unofficially.  His share of the bounty was to be given to her whenever they successfully captured other ships’ cargo, and nothing for Milah was to change.  Starkey agreed readily enough, and they both boarded the ship to get some modicum of rest.
Killian went to his cabin and saw that Milah had fallen asleep in his bed.  He pondered waking her to speak with her and hold her one last time, but he knew his mistress of the sea well enough by this point to know that she would be quite irritated with him if he did so.  Besides, how was he to explain this without telling her about her estranged husband’s involvement?
In the end, he was too weak and cowardly to wake her.  He simply took off his long leather duster, his boots, and his red vest and slid into his bunk beside her.  She didn’t wake as he gathered her in his arms and held her close, relishing in her presence while he could.
Just a little before dawn broke, he disentangled himself from her embrace having stayed awake through the rest of the night out of worry.  He dressed in his red vest and his duster once more, pulling his boots on as quietly as possible.  Giving her one last long look, he murmured, “I love you,” and he left his cabin as quietly as possible.
He would not bow down now.  He would meet his Fate with his head held high and accept whatever consequences awaited him.  Killian walked to the alleyway just as the sun was beginning to creep over the horizon, lighting his path as he walked.
There were no signs of what was in store for him.  There were no symbols he loved.  He had no way of knowing that her heart was about to be crushed because she loved him instead of the unworthy man to whom she had pledged her undying love and loyalty too soon.  He had no way of knowing that he was about to lose the hand that supposedly concealed the magic bean the Dark One sought.  He had no way of knowing that he would no longer be known as Captain Jones.  He had no way of knowing the seed of hatred and grief that would be planted and reaped in his heart this morning that would grow a tree of vengeance upon his soul.
All Killian Jones knew was that he would die fighting before he let the Dark One get his hands on Milah and tear down everything she had built with him.
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sanctified-sanctuary · 10 months
I won’t have time to add them to my carrd for a while so quick reference for the old new goon squad 🤪
Liam “Jekyll” Hyde- hellhound shifter demon, he’s in his late-mid 20s, He/Him, big idiot who rushes into situations head first but is also the first to laugh at the consequences. Long dark red hair that’s pulled half up usually but still in his face, light tan with dark freckles all over his body and long claw scars from his chest over his shoulder down his back and a supernaturally large bite scar on his shoulder. His eyes are green into gold toward the iris, the gold takes over the more he shifts eventually also darkening his sclera. He grew up on the infernal plane with other hellhounds until he was summoned by Hunter, at which point he agreed to be their familiar and spent his time split between earth and infernal planes from his early teens. He’s the largest personality and the leader of the pack if you will, but he’s also the bleeding heart always taking in strays it’s in his nature
Hunter (WIP last name)- infernal witch 3/4 human 1/4 incubus on their mother’s side, they’re half a year older than Jekyll, They/Them, a bit heavy on the sarcasm but very approachable/caring. Shorter light hair, they tend to dye it vibrant hues but it is naturally a whitish color, somewhat pale with no noticeable blemishes save for hidden enchanted tattoos. Their eyes are a light blue with a violet shift, more prominent when they’re practicing magic or using their demonic influence. They grew up with their dad as a single parent, summoned Jekyll when they realized they had bloodline magic and wanted to have a friend around that would understand since other kids saw them as weird with their mom’s mysterious background. Definitely an enabler and sarcastic best friend type, a bit more parental of the group but will encourage dumbass behavior too
Adora “D” Nova- succubus, she’s the youngest though only by a few months and still in her late-mid 20’s, She/Her, a ray of sunshine guaranteed to lighten the mood when she steps into the room she’s also the most emotionally intelligent/developed. Split color hair falls past her shoulders in a shag cut, one side a deep copper and the other a medium warm blonde dyed or natural she’ll never tell, her light skin has a few beauty marks and a dark gothic winged heart tattoo on her lower stomach. (She’ll tell you it’s a “succubus birth mark” but she got it tattooed on a dare on Earth when she was 19) Her eyes tend to shift color depending on the environment and if she’s exerting any influence, they’re normally a deep burnt maroon red that lighten to a brighter raspberry pink when using her talents. She also grew up on the infernal plane and made friends with Jekyll when they were late teens, eventually sparked up a romantic relationship in their young adult into early 20s that’s more or less on again off again because the lines between friends and lovers has already been blurred. She hangs out with the pack as often as possible, though she does pop back and forth between the planes more than anyone else she makes plenty of time to drag the crew along to seedy dive bars for post punk shows on the regular and they all blend right in
Zeke (WIP last name)- ((more of a secondary muse if you have good rp ideas it helps to bring his muse out!)) demon? (He refuses to disclose), he says he’s the oldest by a year but he’s cagey about the exact numbers late 20s, He/Him, unsettling and occasionally uncanny yet he’s the comic relief of any tense situation. He also frequently dyes his hair, typically shades of muted blues and greens, it’s trimmed tight on the sides and loose on top purposefully messy, he sports a tan that comes and goes with the seasons when he isn’t pasty white. His eyes are a light brown with metallic flakes that catch in the light, it doesn’t seem they glow or change at all with talent use but there is a sharpness to them that’s otherworldly even among hellhounds and other-planar beasts. He met the group on earth when they were all 19-21 ish at a house show and they clicked instantly, he mostly hangs out with the group and prefers to not be on his own unless he’s set on a mission (usually it’s a snack run- this man can eat). He’s dodgy about personal information and can be generally unsettling to be around if you’re unfamiliar with him, but he does his best to quell those feelings in other people when he speaks to them.
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sb0-0 · 2 years
Teen Wolf Movie (Spoilers)
Okay, so I was a little late to the game in becoming a Teen Wolf fan, I started watching it during the pandemic but it became an all time favorite show of mine right away. 
I watched the movie today. (I know a little late to that too) and I have some thoughts. 
First off, I hate the fact that the entire storyline of the movie focused on the nogitsune and Stiles and Kira were nowhere to be seen. I get that Dylan O’Brien said no to coming back and Arden said no (good for her for saying no), but Kira and Stiles were the two main characters of that original storyline. Stiles, who was possessed by the nogitsune, and Kira, a kitsune who accidentally activated the nogitsune and was crucial in helping defeat it. 
Jackson being there was just plain odd. I get that Lydia asked him too and whatnot but I felt all he really did there was be a himbo and complain about being there. tbh I never really liked Jackson so this could be an unpopular opinion surrounding his role in the movie
I loved Derek and Eli, but we got 0 backstory on the two. Who is Eli’s mother? where is she? How did Derek get off the FBI’s most wanted list? Also, I saw online that someone pointed out how at the end of Season 4, Derek’s eyes go back to being yellow instead of blue, but now in the movie they’re blue again? Jeff Davis please explain. 
Why was Liam in Japan? how did he get the Jar with the nogitsune in it? Argent and Isaac took it to France. I mean maybe if they wanted to move it around a bit to keep it from being in the same place and being found like okay. but then why give it to the one character who was not even there during the time fo the nogitsune? When Harris goes into the restaurant and talks to Hikari and Liam, he’s directly referencing things that happened and were said during Season 3b, and Liam understands none of it. I feel like iff or example, Lydia had the jar for some odd reason, she would have understood the references and been like “oh Shit” 
What happened between Argent and Melissa??? At the end of the series, they were together and now all of a sudden they aren't? like give us an explanation.
I am a hard Stydia shipper. I have loved the two together since I started the show, but I HATED how nothing was confirmed or even spoken about after season 6a. We got 0 confirmation on them being together. And in the movie, there was barely any mention of stiles, which I hated. And then we come to find out that Lydia left stiles because she kept seeing his death? Fuck off. Bullshit. You’re telling me that we spent 6 seasons watching one of the slowest burning romances only to get no confirmation they were together, and then get told that they broke up?? 
I felt like almost everyone was so out of character. Scott was acting almost exactly like he normally does, so he’s the exception. 
If I talk about Derek’s death I will cry again, so I won’t say much. other than I felt he should not have died. I mean come on, Derek grew up at Eli’s age without a family and we are just continuing the cycle here? Derek should have lived to be with his son. 
there were obviously things I loved about this movie, like Allison coming back and the gang getting back together, but I just felt this left me with so many more questions than the show’s actual ending. 
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ms-moonlight-inn · 2 years
Time for Gallavich wedding headcanons: 1. Besides edible boxers from Carl and the honeymoon Car from Liam, what wedding gifts do they get? 2. What flavor was their wedding cake? 3. How the fuck do they have 120 guests at the wedding? Who are they inviting? (only to claim they have no friends a season later?) 4. Why did Ian say Mickey and not Mikhailo? 5. What's one thing in the wedding that way important to Ian? (Chiavari chairs level important)
Good Saturday morning to you my lovely @gallavich-headcanon 🌹🦋
*sharpens claws, opens dictation app*
Let's go...
1) Sandy convinces Debbie to weld them a custom set of manacles (leather cuffs, with the kind of chains you'd use to tie down a junkyard dog). It's accompanied with a greeting card handmade by Franny.
Lip gives them a gift card to something stupid like McDonald's in front of everyone, but then in private hands them an obnoxiously sweet 5-page letter wishing them all the best.
Tami promises them haircuts forever.
Frank promises not to throw up all over their wedding shoes.
2) Ok, call me old-fashioned, but I'm a sucker for a properly executed sponge cake that has an amazing filling & is topped with a perfectly paired icing. So, they go with two flavors. 'Cause why the fuck not?
Half the cake is a white sponge with a chocolate ganache and a white almondine frosting.
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The other half is the same white sponge with a raspberry filling and a white frosting that has a hint of citrus in it.
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3) I literally have no idea how in the hell they got 120 guests at their wedding. I imagine some of them could be former prison buddies. Maybe one or two from the club. Maybe Mickey used to roll with some of them back when he would do runs or shady shit? And it could be entirely possible that the guest list simply grew completely out of hand 'cause Mickey, in his "fuck you, Terry" giddiness told all of his guests to bring as many +1s as they wanted.
And the fact that they ended up with zero friends at the beginning of S11 could just be pandemic rules. Me, personally, I ended sloughing off a few people from my life during the pandemic. But, conversely, I ended up adding a bunch of new people to my circle. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Who knows. It's Shameless, best not to think about it. 🙃
4) OooOoo, THIS is the question I was hoping and praying you would ask me!
That wedding vow, whisperer-sigh Mickey™ we get?
Mmm, mmm, mmm. It's my headcanon that Ian has been saying Mickey's name just like that since all the way in S5.
Don't believe me? Look:
As you said, he goes from "Mick" to "Mickey" on his phone's caller ID in 5.11 —a highly emotional episode. And I'm damn skippy every time that his phone lights up in that episode, Ian says Mickey™ all soft and whispery both out loud & in his head.
In fact, I totally think that he says Mickey™ just like that at any & every highly emotional moment.
Hence, no Mikhailo at the wedding.
5) Ian 100% refuses to have "Living On a Prayer" as a wedding song. If you ask him, that would be the most tragic entrance song for the otherwise beautifully-planned wedding his fiancé willed into existence. From the very first moment that Mickey suggested it, Ian knows he hates that song.
Not in general, just as a wedding march.
But he can't tell Mickey that. Not with the way Grumpypants has been stopping around breaking shit. So, Ian bides his time, looks for his in... finally, an opportunity.
The rest, so the cliché goes, is canon history.
Have a lovely weekend. Always fun to hear from you. 🥰
I haven't forgotten about 🎒. It's on my hit list.
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the-type-a · 2 years
Get to know me!
Thanks for the tag @catastrophicmind and @duncans-unibrow !! 💜
I wasn’t expecting to answer all of these but tbh this makes it more fun lol
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
I have one tattoo on the right side of my waist. It’s of my zodiac sign in cursive writing and the symbol above it. I do want more though!
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Purple! 💜
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Pancakes, bacon, and eggs. It was at like 1am but I was literally starving so Marcus cooked it all.
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
1:21pm (coming back to update that it’s 2:02pm now and idk why it took me so long to finish this 💀)
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
I could tell you my whole chart, but I’ll just stick to my big three. I’m a Pisces sun, Virgo moon, and Leo rising!
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Honestly have no idea. I could say English because of Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. I could say Irish because of Niall. Or I could say country because of Marcus. 😂
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
The Little Mermaid 🧜🏽‍♀️
📺 - Favourite show?
I have more than one: total drama, grey’s anatomy, friends, game of thrones, the umbrella academy, euphoria, that 70s show. There’s probably more that I’m blanking on right now too.
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Yes, and I will physically hurt you if you try to tickle me.
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Of course! Fun fact: I was supposed to get married in November of 2020 but then covid happened. NOW we’re trying to save up on our own because our families keep trying to take over. Still want a Fall wedding though 🫶🏼
😳 - Do you like your name?
I love it! When I was younger I hated it, I have no idea why.
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
Cream, kinda boring lmao
🤓 - How did you get your name?
My mom loves reading the Bible, Saint books, and Angel books. She told me she always loved the archangel Gabriel, so there you have it! She also said she liked the nickname Gaby.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
Graduated college in 2020. Never had a graduation ceremony or anything. Thanks COVID.
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
I’m Latina so you already know my ears have been pierced since I was 4 months old. Then when I was 17 I got my bellybutton pierced. Idk why but I did want to get my nips pierced lmao but not anymore. Sorry that might have been tmi.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Dark brown. They almost look black but in the sunlight you can see the brown come out.
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
Just straight down. I never really do anything with my hair unless I’m going out to a special occasion. My hair is also naturally straight so I’ll just wash it, brush it, and go.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Unfortunately I did succumb to peer pressure with this one. Although I did try (and throw it up) beer in high school, my freaking DAD gave me beer in my purple and yellow SIPPY-CUP when I was like five. Then you know, drinking in college. It was a “dry campus” even if you were 21+ and everyone hated that.
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Again, unfortunately. I’ve only blacked out twice though.
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Don’t come for me… but I genuinely don’t have one. There are things I don’t necessarily like, but not to the point that I’m genuinely afraid and can’t function around it.
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold. I absolutely HATE being hot. It’s easier to warm up if I’m cold too.
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
Sunny with a light breeze. Nothing too hot and not cold enough to need a jacket. (I freaking hate jackets btw)
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Autumn!!! 🥰
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
Polar bears 🐻‍❄️
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
A dog and a cat! Ranger and Nala! 🐾
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Maybe like 2 days? Not entirely sure but it’s around that.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
The gym, reading, writing, music, art.
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
Bora Bora!
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
I always delete my Google search because I hate how cluttered it looks, sooooo idk what to tell you lol
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
Tumblr, my beloved 💜
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
100% a city girl! Born and raised in it, and when I tried to give the country a try I got extremely depressed.
Tagging: @aprincessnotaqueen @art-by-mira @courtneyenthusiast @doitcody @elskamo @hollowboobtheory @marshunter06 @ragamuffin-bites @sentimentalslut @straighttxhell @sugarlesswriting @unawarer @withjust-a-bite @xwhatababex
3 notes · View notes
1. Boyd is one of my all time favorites.  I know Teen Wolf really tried to push Liam as a ‘second Scott’ (which I don't enjoy or agree with) but Boyd was a character who really embodied a lot of the kindness and qualities we see in Scott and I wish they would have looked into that more. 
The idea he ends up being a character who is almost always alone and loses his best friend when all he wanted was to have friends, be part of a pack, and to be someone like Scott eats me alive to this day.
2. I don't really ship him with anyone but the more i see it, the more i like the idea of him and Scott 
3. It's been a while since i've seen season 2 or 3 but any scene between him and Erica I really love. I am an absolute sucker for plots about best friends and seeing Boyd be around someone who really cares about him just feels good. 
Flipside, a scene that always sticks with me is when he tells Stiles “I only had one friend and she's dead too.”  I hate it, it hurts alot. 
4. Season 2, just because he gets to be happy sometimes. But Sinqua Walls does a phenomenal job portraying Boyd’s grief in season 3 and it's really memorable for me.
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