#and lexa just smiles because 'what a girl she was'
cosmopretty · 3 months
Little Sister
Nika Mühl x fem
warnings: none
Part two: little sister pt2
Getting offered a scholarship to UConn Juilliard and was shocking for you. So shocking you forgot to mention it to anyone, including your own family. You didn’t know what you were going to choose and didn’t want everyone butting in on your decisions. Right now your older sister Paige had a few of her teammates over in her house in Minnesota where she lived with you and your younger brother drew and dad.
Instead of being home where Paige and her friends were watching some basketball game you went out with your best friend Lexa. Both of you decided that to just go get some food together at Canes. You left your phone in her car while you both sat and ate in the air conditioned fast food restaurant.
Drew walks into the living room where Paige, Nika, KK, Ice and Caroline sat watching the game. He looks at Paige “You got mail from UConn I think” he hands her the folder with your name on the back that he didn’t notice neither did Paige.
The blonde opens up the folder just to gasp when she sees your name on the files. Nika pauses the game and looks over Paige’s shoulder her eyes widening “Another Bueckers at UConn damn” the Croatian girl says.
Right when she says that you walk into your house after Lexa drops you off. Drew jumps up and down and hugs you “Congratulations Y/N” you furrow your brows and hug your little brother back.
Paige hold the folder and your eyes widen “That’s mine” you go to grab it but she holds it above your head using her height to her advantage.
“Why didn’t you tell me you got a scholarship for dance” Paige says trying her hardest not to get mad at you for hiding it.
Your groan “It’s no ones business I don’t even know if I’m going anyways” you try to grab it again but you give up and walk away from them all and go to your room slamming the door behind you.
Paige scoffs and goes to follow you but Nika holds her arm back “Let me talk to her” the brunette begs. Paige rolls her eyes and sits down next to KK.
Nika knocks on your bedroom door and you groan wiping the tears away. You look up at the taller girl standing at your door “What? Here to get mad at me too?” Rolling your eyes you turn away from her and walk back into your room. The basketball player follows you and closes the door behind her.
She sits on top of your vanity and looks at you “Why don’t you wanna go to UConn?” Nika asks.
You turn away from her and look out the window at the birds sitting in the tree. You sniffle and a take a deep breath “I don’t want to be known Paige Bueckers little sister I want my own name for myself not hers” you look away from the window and to the girl sitting on your dresser.
You always had a little crush on Nika but no one knew not even your best friend. You met Nika when Paige started playing basketball for UConn with her, you were only fifteen when you met and she was nineteen so you didn’t try anything with the girl. Now you’re older and so is she but you still didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had with her or her relationship with Paige. Your older sister was always very protective of you when it came to relationships because you always picked the wrong people who hurt you.
“Your not just Paige’s little sister I mean your gorgeous and the most sweetest person I’ve ever met and your one hell of a dancer I mean when I see you dance I can’t pull my eyes away from you it’s incredible and your very known for your dancing Y/n not because of Paige because of your talent” Nika says not looking away from you.
You smile and laugh a bit wiping your tears you walk towards her “You think I’m gorgeous” you flirt biting your lip.
What you didn’t expect was for Nika to pull you into a kiss her hands on your cheeks. She pulls away and jump down from the vanity “You the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen” she says honestly her voice quiet as if she didn’t want to scare you away.
You look up at the taller girl your mouth opened in shock “D-Did you know I liked you?” Nika scoffs “Liked?” She asks her head tilting to the side.
“I mean I like you but ho-how did you I mean I don’t know sorry” you stutter falling over your words shaking your head. Nika laughs at your “Your so cute” she says and you blush looking away from the girl.
Nika graps your waist pulling you into her, you slide your hands around her neck and look up at her. She leans down and kisses you again sliding her tongue in your mouth. You kiss back immediately Nika turns you both around and you hop on the vanity sitting where she sat before. You look down at her and pull away from the kiss while she massages your thighs.
“I want to go to UConn if it means I can see you everyday” you say smiling down at her. Nika nods “Yeah well first I gotta take you out on a date” you kiss her cheek and hop down from the vanity. You bubble burst the second you remember Nika is your sisters best friend.
“Fuck my life” you groan and drop down on your bed. Nika furrows her brows confused just a second ago you were happy now she watches your face turn sad, a pout forming on your lips. “What happened?” Nika asks sitting next to you.
“What about Paige?” you ask the older girl sitting next to you. Nika shrugs “What about her?” The Croatian girl asks not understanding what you mean. You look at Nika and scoff “On a scale of one to ten how mad is Paige going to get when she finds out her little sister and best friend are what ever we are?” the gears in Nika’s brain click and she laughs.
“She can get over it I could treat you better than anyone else could” The tall girl scoffs at the idea of Paige trying to keep you both apart. You sigh and Nika pushes down on your bed and gets on top of you. She brushes a strand of your hair from your face and looks down at you “Ne brini dušo moja, bit će dobro, obećavam da se ne opterećuješ” Nika says.
“No idea what you said but sure” you smile at her and she repeats herself in English for you “Dont worry my baby it will be okay I promise dont stress”
You grab her cheek and pull her down into a kiss right when her lips touch yours you slide your tongue in her mouth. Paige opens the door to your room wanting to talk to you just gasp seeing her little sister under her best friend kissing.
“WHAT THE FUCK” Paige yells.
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butmakeitgayblog · 23 days
when do you think clark & lexa officially started falling for each other? we all know lexa fell first & clark fell harder BUT what was the turning point for clark?
Oooo what an interesting thought
For Lexa, I think that's simple. Hers came in 3 pretty easy sequences. I think her physical attraction started at first meeting. Her respect and admiration started when she watched Clarke save Lincoln. But I think she really truly began to fall in love with Clarke the night that Clarke mercy-killed Finn. I think she saw a kindred spirit in Clarke then. She saw so much of her own broken heart in Clarke, as well as her resolve and strength and clever intelligence. She saw the strength of the warrior and the resolve of the leader and the tenderness of Clarke's beating heart, and it was just a moment of realization.
Like, "oh... now I see you..."
As for Clarke, I think arguments could be made for a lot of their moments, but truthfully, I think it really started after Lexa confessed that she had feelings.
Now I'm not saying that was when she was first attracted to Lexa, nor do I think it was the first time she even thought that she felt some undefinable kind of connection to her, NOR do I think it was when she even realized she was falling for her. But I do think it was the first time Clarke really let herself begin to contemplate the idea of what exactly it was that she felt for Lexa. The attraction. The admiration. That pull that always existed so tangibly between them.
I mean, it's such a charged moment, what with her fighting to protect Octavia and feeling as though she's gotten nowhere. And on top of everything, Lexa has the aUDACITY of being shockingly vulnerable and achingly sweet right in the middle of their arguement - right after Clarke has backed her into a table and read her the riot act about feelings and being a coward and goddAmnit Clarke was JUST feeling like a badass bitch in that moment - and Clarke has to immediately pivot away from it to threaten Lexa's secrets as leverage.
She goes from pissed off, to emboldened, to knocked off kilter by this confession, back to pissed off agaain in the span of, what? 20 seconds?
And yet.
And yet and yet and yet!
When she stomps outside in a huff of righteous indignation, what does she do?
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She stops and looks back at Lexa's tent, needing a moment to collect to herself.
That's not the face of someone who is angry. It's barely even a face of relief. No, that's the face of a girl trying very hard to hold her shit together. To steady her resolve. Her ass was shooketh by that confession from Lexa, and while she kept her focus on the goal in the moment, Lexa absolutely knocked Clarke emotionally on her ass to the point that the second she was out of eyesight, Clarke was damn near spinning out.
The girl was a tiny rumpled mess of nerves and adrenaline and Feelings™
And I don't think she ever truly recovered from that moment. You see it moving forward in her increased comfort in Lexa's space. Even with her 'not yet' you don't see her actually pull away from Lexa. If anything, you see that admiration grow. From when they give the plans for their siege with her standing shoulder to shoulder with Lexa (and also stealing sneaky looks wE SEE YOU wanheda 👀), to admitting that Lexa has changed the way she thought about Grounders, to practically holding Lexa's hand when they try and push the button to blow the door open. It's these minute moments of them sharing half smiles and energy exchanges that, while innocent, still feel more charged and poignant than just leaders readying for battle.
Because they were.
And I think she, like Lexa, had every intention of exploring whatever it was between them further once the mountain had fallen.
But... then the betrayal happen.
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lexa-griffins · 3 months
I think we need milf Lexa smut for wanheda's dagger week. What if milf Lexa sleeps with her kid's hot young babysitter Clarke
Lexa has some wild three, five and seven year olds that despite working from home, she cannot keep up with so she decides to hire a nanny from these nanny type services that focus on all day childcare.
She is home and she can help whenever needed but she can also have so quiet to work as the nanny watches the kids.
Clarke is great. She is a med student wanting to be a pediatrician so she is wonderful with the kids. She's good at arts and is always pishing for the kids to bring out their inner artist and always has activities to keep them entertained. Lexa really enjoys having her around
Clarke is, unfortunately, also extremely hot. Lexa has managed to distract herself from this mostly until the weather turned, and the sun was constantly out. With a pool and a nanny certified in first aid Lexa had no issue letting Clarke be outside with the kids in the water, up until the bikini top that although conservative still cannot hide her chest fully and the tight swimming shorts give away a little to much about what's between Clarke's legs.
And Lexa shouldn't. She is early 20s med student, funny and sweet and deliciously sarcastic in a way that makes her somehow hotter but Lexa is still almost 20 years her senior and her employer.
Still, Lexa finds herself putting herself together just to stay at home more often. So much so her oldest comments on how pretty she looks every morning, the sweet smile with two missing teeth the absolutely cutest thing to Lexa.
It is on one of those hot days. The kids have tired themselves out and have all gone for a nap. In the meantime Clarke entertains herself with cleaning up the toys from outside, still in her swimming outfit.
That is when Lexa, unware of Clarke's outside cleaning up, steps outside after clocking out early, the weather too hot for her too focus. Her old bikini, much too small in some areas, was the first thing she put on as she steps outside only to be greeted with Clarke bending over, her chest nesrly spilling out of her bikini as she empties the water toys.
"Oh sorry, Miss Woods, I didn't see you there. I was just clearing out the kids toys." She sounds out of breath the moment her eyes fall on Lexa.
"Its alright. I was just going to sunbathe for a bit. Care to join me?"
It is the offer that dooms her.
Because not ten minutes late the bottom of Lexa's bikini dangles from her ankle, her leg throw over Clarke's shoulder as the younger girl thrusts her dick inside of her with abandoned, fingers pulling at her nipple as she fucks her hard. Lexa has no idea what sequence of event got her here, but she'd do them over and over again.
A loud moan escapes her. One that Clarke muffles with her hand, hushing her sweetly.
"Shhh, quiet baby."
There is nothing between them when Clarke fills her with her cum. Lexa doesn't find it in herself to care.
By the time the kids wake up an hour later, Lexa is in the kitchen making pancakes as Clarke cuts up some fruit, both having finished and cleaned up, still a tension between them.
Nothing more happens for a week. Until another horribly hot day forces the kids on to the pool and a nap that immediately knocks them all out. Lexa had the day off and decided to enjoy it by the pool with the kids and Clarke, doozing oof before Clarke puts the kids down for their nap.
When she feels her sun vanishing Lexa opens her eyes, gasping the moment her eyes land on Clarke's hard cock above her face. She hears her chuckle at her expression, tapping the tip of her dick on Lexa's lips.
Lexa shouldn't. But she still did.
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hedawanheda · 1 year
the babysitter
Clarke screws up, now her mom doesn’t trust her to watch her little sister on her own. Abby’s solution is to hire a babysitter, who just happens to be the girl Clarke has been crushing on for as long as she can remember.
Read on ao3
Chapter One
“I don’t need a babysitter,” Clarke protested, stalking after her mother into the kitchen. She had just informed her that someone would be coming over the following night to keep an eye on her and her sister while their mom was at work. “I am perfectly capable of being able to watch Madi by myself,”
Abby ignored her daughter’s complaining, making her way to the pantry to start prepping dinner. “Your sister begs to differ, and so do I. Considering I found her in the front yard last week in her pajamas while you were passed out drunk with your friends in the basement,” Abby scolded, giving the blonde a pointed look. “You’re lucky it’s only a babysitter and not Grandma,”
Clarke shrank back slightly, but she wasn’t going to give up. “It’s embarrassing. She probably goes to my school. On Monday everyone in the junior class will know that Clarke Griffin needs a babysitter. Do you know what that would do to me?”
“You’re being dramatic,” Abby rolled her eyes. “And she does go to your school,” she added quietly.
“Mom,” Clarke groaned. She stomped her foot like a child, frustrated and annoyed that her mom didn’t trust her with something as simple as watching an eleven year old. “What can I do to make this not happen?”
“There’s nothing you can do,” Abby sighed. “Madi was the one who asked for a babysitter,”
“She did?” Clarke was taken aback. “Why did she do that?”
“Because she wants to have a responsible adult in the house while I’m away, and I agree with her,”
“That traitor,”
“Careful, Clarke. You’re already grounded,” Abby reminded her. Clarke scowled, crossing her arms.
“Well, at least tell me her name,” Clarke huffed, “If I’m going to have to bribe her to keep my secrets, I may as well know,”
That couldn’t be Anya Woods, could it?
“It totally is,” Raven teased at lunch the next day. “Anya Woods, scary soccer captain and big sister to the love of your life. She’s your babysitter,”
“Shut up,” Clarke grumbled, pushing her food around on her plate. She was slumped in her chair, defeated since her mother revealed who was going to be her, or Madi’s, babysitter. “Lexa is not the love of my life,”
“No, she’s just the girl you’ve been pining after since kindergarten, yet don’t have the guts to talk to,”
“I’ve talked to her,” Clarke countered. “She’s in my Calculus class, I sit behind her. We talk everyday,”
“Asking her for a pencil sharpener doesn’t count as talking,”
“Says you,” Clarke snapped, crossing her arms. Let her have her secret unobtainable crush in peace.
Raven smirked, her friend’s attitude amusing her. She couldn’t blame her, though. The Woods sisters were sort of legends at Polis. As soccer co-captains the two of them led their team to the state championships, putting them at the top of the social hierarchy. Clarke and her friends were popular as well, but they regrettably ran in different circles, hardly overlapping except for the few classes they shared.
“Lay off her, Raven. It’s not like you don’t drool over Anya. And you haven’t even had a conversation with her,” Octavia pointed out, causing Raven to stick her tongue out at her. “Clarke‘s at least has somewhat of a footing with Lexa,”
“We go way back,” Clarke argued.
“That one kiss in kindergarten doesn’t count-“
“Shut up.” Clarke grumbled. Yes it did, it was in fact her bisexual awakening at mere five years old. “Anya isn’t that unusual of a name. It’s probably not her,”
“Well let’s ask,”
“What are you-“
Raven was up in a flash, giving her friends one last smirk before making a beeline towards Anya’s lunch table. Clarke watched in horror as she sat down across from Anya and Lexa, giving the sisters a wide smile. The two of them looked at her confused, Anya not recognizing her and Lexa wondering why someone she hardly knows is smiling at her like that.
Raven starts speaking to them, Clarke seeing Anya nod at Raven’s question. She felt her heart drop at the confirmation, the trio looking over at her lunch table as Raven pointed her out. Clarke felt her face flush with embarrassment as she held her hand up half heartedly, giving a pathetic wave.
Lexa had a look of puzzlement on her face, returning the wave politely. Clarke watched as she turned back to Raven and Anya, Raven chatting excitedly before making her way back over to the table.
“So it turns out Anya Woods is your babysitter,” she gloated. “I made sure to tell her that you are Madi are darling angels who never misbehave,”
“I hate you,”
“Relax, I didn’t say that. But she is your babysitter. She’ll be there at seven, so I’ll be there at, say, seven fifteen?”
“You’re not coming over and embarrassing me further. Plus, I’m grounded, remember? Thanks to your brilliant idea of getting wasted last week,”
“I happen to remember you happily going along with it,”
“Yeah, well, I’m full of regrets,”
Lexa is doing homework in her and Anya’s shared room when her sister walks in, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I got a last minute invite practice with the Polis U soccer team,”
“Are you serious?” Lexa exclaimed, shutting her textbook loudly and swiveling her chair to face her. “That’s amazing! When?”
“Tonight at seven,” Lexa frowns.
“Aren’t you supposed to be babysitting Madi Griffin then?” she asks.
“Yeah but… I can’t pass up on this opportunity, Lexa. This could lead to a spot on the team and a full scholarship. We both know how much that would help out Dad,”
“So you’re bailing?” Lexa gawked, watching her sister gather her hair into a high bun before moving to her closet to find an outfit.
“I’m not bailing, I’m simply replacing myself,” Anya said, back turned towards Lexa as she rummaged through her closet. She purposefully did not face her sister as she said this.
“With who?”
“Funny you should ask…”
“Oh no,” Lexa knew where Anya was going with this. “You’re not doing this to me,”
“Come on, Lex! How long have you liked this girl? Literally over a decade. And this is the perfect opportunity to get to know her better, it’s basically the premise of a porno. Plus it would really help me out, please?”
Lexa rolled her eyes, jaw set as her mind raced with the possibilities of what could happen tonight. Chances are she would make a fool of herself, she was never able to function properly around pretty girls. Especially ones she kissed once when she was five.
“Clarke probably won’t even come out of her room. You’ll just be with Madi. You can handle her, can’t you?”
“Of course I can, she’s nine,” Lexa rolled her eyes. “But I don’t want to,”
“Lexa. What’s with it with Clarke Griffin? Usually around girls you’re all game, but with her you become this awkward bumbling mess. It’s so unlike you,”
“Clarke is special,” Lexa said softly. “She’s not just some girl. Not to me,”
“Right. She was the girl. The one who made you realize your raging lesbianism,” Anya smirked, pulling an athletic shirt over her head. “Yet you haven’t made a move in twelve years,”
“She’s out of my league,” Lexa shrugged. “I’ve accepted it. Plus we probably have nothing in common,”
“You both like each other. You have that in common,”
“Shut up. She does not like me,”
“Then go and find out,” Anya grabs her soccer bag out of the closet. “Are you going to make me say please?”
“It wouldn’t hurt,”
“So you’ll do it?”
“I want to hear you say ‘please’ first,”
Anya rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible. I’ll text you the Griffin’s address from my car. They’re expecting you at seven, so get there around six fifty. Thank you so much, Lex,”
She leaves in a hurry before Lexa could protest, saluting her sister as she walks out the door. Lexa sighs, spinning around in her chair as she thinks about what she had gotten herself into.
Clarke’s sitting on her couch with Madi, a bowl of popcorn mixed with M&M’s between them as they watched episodes of Grace and Frankie.
Abby comes into the room dressed in her scrubs, looking down at her phone. “Anya will be here any minute. I left money on the counter for pizza, and there’s stuff in the pantry to make cookies if you get bored,”
She suddenly whips her head towards the TV when she hears Jane Fonda yell ’fuck!’
“What are you watching?” she asked sharply, folding her arms together as gave her older daughter a pointed look.
“It’s fine, Madi’s old enough,” Clarke rolled her eyes, popping an M&M in her mouth.
“She’s nine, Clarke!”
“Almost ten,” said Madi.
“There’s nothing bad in this show,” Clarke shrugs, just as Lily Tomlin’s character lights up a joint onscreen. Clarke frowned. Perfect timing. “Besides that,”
“This is why mom doesn’t trust you enough to watch me alone,” Madi gloats. “Which is why we need a babysitter.” Clarke glares at her.
“Don’t give her that look, Clarke. She’s right,” Abby placed her hands on her hips. “Turn it off,”
Clarke dramatically sighs. “Fine, I’ll turn on She Ra. Or is Madi too young for that, too?”
Abby doesn’t answer her sarcastic remark because the doorbell decides to ring at that moment. She just shakes her head sternly at Clarke and goes to greet the babysitter.
“You must be Anya,” Clarke heard her mom say when she answers the door. She slumped down on the couch, sighing dramatically as Madi snickered next to her.
“Actually, no,” Clarke froze. She knew that voice. Crap. “She had something come up, so she sent me instead. I hope that’s okay. I’m Lexa,”
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puthyflapps · 1 year
Had a little thot about clexa’s baby having a tough time with teething 🥺
Clarke strolled through the city square of Polis with the little girl tucked securely against her chest and flanked by a group of imposing guards. She thought perhaps, taking the child on a relaxing walk in the warm afternoon sun might help soothe her restless little body. However, the effort seemed to be futile as the small form strapped to Clarke’s body continued to squirm in discomfort. The occasional whimper would escape the baby’s soft lips, and it sent sharp pangs of worry coursing through her mother’s heart. The young woman was just about to retreat back to the comfort of the Commander’s tower when she was approached by a familiar face.
“Wanheda,” the elderly woman greeted with a kind smile.
Clarke recognized her immediately as one of the many vendors who regularly visited Polis. Her name was Margaret, and if she remembered correctly, the older woman was known for selling a plethora of delicious fruits.
Being the Commander’s wife came with many benefits. One of which included being showered in gifts by the locals anytime she so much as stepped foot outside the walls of the tower. And with the recent addition of their daughter, the gifts only seemed to multiply. Vendors willingly and eagerly offered up a variety of goods ranging from clothes to toys and so much more. The woman before her was no different. Memories of earlier days when the blonde had first joined Heda in Polis flash before her eyes. Margaret had been one of the first people to welcome her with open arms, and she made it a point to surprise the sky girl with a new treat every time she walked past her stall in the marketplace.
“Hei,” Clarke responded in the woman’s native tongue. The skaikru woman was nowhere near fluent in Trigedasleng, but thanks to her wife, she had learned enough to hold a basic conversation. Clarke had even managed to learn a good deal of curse words thanks to Anya, a fact that both annoyed the Commander and delighted the General.
“For Heda,” Margaret stated with bright, caring eyes as she held up a wicker basket that was practically overflowing with colorful fruits.
One of the many guards traveling with the pair whose hands, unlike many of his fellow gonas, had managed to remain free of gifts for the Commander’s family reached out to graciously take the basket from the elderly woman.
“Her favorites from when she was a goufa,” explained the woman as her smile grew wider at the memories of the green-eyed natblida who visited her stall frequently, always eager to see what new treats awaited her.
The young mother can’t stop herself from mirroring Margaret’s dazzling smile as she envisioned a much younger version of her wife. Such exquisite images served only to leave her wishing that she had been born a child of Earth so that she might have gotten to experience such an innocent version of her beloved.
“Mochof Margaret, Heda is always grateful for your generosity.”
The grounder’s hazel eyes showed brightly, and her chest seemed to puff up with pride at the mention of Lexa. Clarke wasn’t sure she would ever get used to how much the people of the coalition loved her wife. From the moment they met, it had been obvious that Lexa would do anything for her people. It was one of the many characteristics the two young women shared and a large reason why the two were so drawn to one another. However, unlike her own people, the grounders seemed to reciprocate the Commander’s love tenfold. Individuals leaped at the opportunity to serve their Heda in whatever capacity they could, whether that be in the form of a powerful gona or a caring handmaiden. Vendors and craftsmen laid gifts at her feet not because they were seeking notoriety of some kind or because they wanted something in return from the powerful woman but because it was the only way the people of the thirteen clans could thank Lexa Kom Trikru for what she had given them — peace.
Clarke was soon brought out of her thoughts when she felt a stirring motion against her chest. She cast her attention away from the woman before her and towards the small bundle grunting unhappily in the sling wrapped securely around her body. Clarke's arms encircled her daughter's form, and she held the child closer to her chest as she began to sway back and forth. Doing her best to soothe the little one.
"Shhh, it's okay. We'll be home soon, I promise," Clarke whispered to the baby.
However, her sweet reassurances do nothing to ease the baby's pain. A fact that served only to make the ache in Clarke's heart more intense. The young woman casts an apologetic look over to Margaret, who's focused her attention on the small bundle in Clarke's arms. Worry etches its way across her face as she tries to understand what could have caused the Commander's daughter such great upset. Clarke pulls the fabric of the sling back enough to expose her baby's tear-streaked face. She lifts her finger to the child's plump bottom lip and pulls it down just enough to reveal the beginnings of a tooth.
Margaret's eyes widen in understanding as she sees what's been distressing the girl. The older woman rests a comforting hand on the small of the young mother's back as she lifts her other hand to signal for Clarke to give her a moment. Clarke watches Margaret's fleeting form in confusion, not understanding what the woman has set out in search of. It's only a matter of minutes before she returns with another delicious fruit. Mango, if she remembers correctly. She's had it a few times with Lexa during the days before their daughter had arrived, when they would hide away in their quarters, making love the whole time and pausing only to eat a quick meal here and there. Clarke notices this time, instead of cutting the treat into bite-size cubes, the typically oblong fruit has been sliced in half to reveal a rather large seed at its core.
"For the goufa," Margaret explains with her sweet eyes and warm tone.
She can sense Clarke's befuddlement. She can tell Clarke's unsure of what to do, so she pushes the fruit toward the little girl's mouth. Smiling contentedly when she sees her latch onto the fruit almost immediately. Margaret releases her careful hold on the mango when tiny hands come to rest on either side of it. Clarke smiles gratefully when her daughter's tears finally cease, and she begins to let out sighs of relief. It's a funny sight to behold, really. Her little baby holding on tightly to the fruit as she happily gnaws away. Using it as her own personal teething toy. She's never been more grateful for the connection between the people of Polis and their Commander than she is at this moment.
Clarke isn't entirely sure what Lexa's plans are for the rest of the day, but she does know that she'll be sending her back to Margaret's stall to purchase as many mangos as her gona can carry.
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audi0med1c · 2 months
In honor of Halsey’s beautifully soul-bearing new single (especially the emotionally raw stripped version), I couldn’t resist making a quick visual for my AU fic…the first half of this song perfectly pairs with my latest chapter of my Clexa celebrity AU, “High Infidelity”- where we follow Lexa through the rest of awards season following her botched gesture for Clarke🥺
🚨(Abbreviated thread of SOME of the images from these chapter and the ending scene, click link to read in full👇🏻) 🚨 -big shoutout to my creative assistant and esp my personal Lexa tattoo artist @darkomen-carey for doing all my photoshops🫶🏼
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In the soft light of Costia's bedroom, the giddy blonde lays back on her bed in a grey t-shirt and silky cheetah sleep shorts, tossing her hands up over her head, watching as her guest climbs onto the bed after her in just black panties and a white tank top. 
Looking down, Lexa can still chart the constellations in her eyes, as Costia's looking up at Lexa with complete adoration from underneath, not a thought in her head that doesn't revolve around how natural this feels and how obsessed she is with the way Lexa examines her with hungry eyes before settling atop her hips to straddle her.  
"Hi Babylove" She coos, settling her hands on Lexa's hips. 
Lexa smiles, and her sigh relaxes her weight completely over the girl beneath her as she leans forward, gripping Costia’s wrists to put them back overhead on the pillow as she kisses her, breathing into it, drawing long inhales in through her nose as her lips press and suck at those she's anxiously waited to taste all day. 
The physical touch is grounding, because her nerves have only grown worse all week, approaching tomorrow.  It's taken all of her self-control to not respond to Clarke over the weeks, no matter how much she wanted to.
Because no matter what she does, she can't shake the images of Clarke so visibly enamored with every small touch, every glance, every moment of care and comfortability between her and Luna in that gallery.
The gallery she bought for Clarke. 
What would Clarke even have done if she HAD seen her?
No matter, it would have been infinitely worse, to have suffered the embarrassment of Clarke seeing her there, of Luna seeing her there.  God for RAVEN to have seen her there. 
No. She's glad she left. She knew it was a stupid idea in the first place.
Maybe this is really both of our chances to start over.
"Babylove" the girl hums, breaking their lips apart with a turn of her head.
Costia had felt the slow shift, the excessive pressure behind the kiss that tells her Lexa's thoughts are far away, that the brunette is using the physical outlet to escape whatever emotions are building within.  In a moment that had started so soft and unalloyed mere seconds ago now weighed down on top of them like a boulder because Lexa knows that Costia had grown too good at reading her, and wanted to avoid this conversation, or any for that matter.
Lexa, though, tries to resume their makeout, seeking back the lips that had just pulled away.  When Costia flips her face back and forth to deny Lexa her mouth, the brunette shamelessly whimpers, equally frustrated as she is desperate for release, burying her face into the girl's neck.
"Hey....what is it?" She strokes the sides of Lexa's head, and immediately the girl on to of her drops her head.
They both know the answer.
"It's just dinner..." The blonde says gently as Lexa sits back up, still straddling her hips, "Since when can't you work a crowd?"
The silence says the obvious, but Costia voices it regardless.
"You're nervous to see her."
Lexa fidgets atop the blonde, but before she can slide off, Costia braces her hips to keep her in place.
"Don't." She urges, "Don't shut down on me."
But Lexa's fighting hard to do just that. She didn't come over to talk. Not tonight. The past month had been the perfect mix of work and interviews and events and parties and lots of NOT talking with Costia.
Not talking seemed better because the last time they did really talk, Lexa informed her about the texting that had started back up with her ex - despite its innocence.
Last time they talked she disclosed her intentions to attend Clarke's showcase, and even though the blonde smiled sweetly through obvious pain, assuring her it was okay, it was bending the truth too far. Because she still didn't know what any of it meant anyways, but she couldn't hide the truth from Costia. But what even was the real truth anyways?
The soft utterance of her name loosens the knot forming in her gut momentarily, that voice that quells her cyclone of spiraling thoughts and the blonde gently pulls her down but she braces herself with her elbows on either side of Costia's head.
With their noses inches away, the younger girl tilts her head up just enough to nuzzle her nose across Lexa's.
"Tell me what's going on in there." She coaxes.
Lexa lets her eyes drop closed and breathes in the scent of vanilla and cinnamon, still clinging to the girl's skin from her shower before Lexa arrived. She focuses on the loose grasp Costia's hands keep on the sides of her torso, the stillness of her hips, resisting any urge to rock against the weight pressing down onto her when they both know what Lexa came over for.
Lexa's exhale is laden with defeat, but she nuzzles her nose right back, then rests her forehead against the blonde's.
"One of these days you'll regret meeting me."
The words hang like an omen.
Costia responds by tilting up to meet Lexa's lips in a kiss so delicate, so tender, that Lexa is once again dragged into a riptide of emotions where she can't figure out which direction to swim in.
"Never." Breathes the blonde, barely separating to utter against her lips, "I could never."
The ensuing kisses escalate in desperation, in such a way that Costia again pulls back, stopping.
"You're doing it again." She says.
Lexa stares back blankly, confused.
"You switched off."
Frustrated, Lexa huffs and rolls off the blonde's body, hanging her legs off the edge of the bed.
"You think I can't tell?" Her fingers trace the tops of Lexa's shoulders, meekly kneeling behind her as the brunette sits up facing away.
"Fine, I won't kiss you then." Lexa shrugs off Costia's touch and stands, fetching her sweatpants to step into.
"So we are right into the defensiveness."
Lexa exhales in a devastatingly sad tone, "I'm here, Cos...." Pulling up her sweatpants, "Whatever there is that's left of me... is here. I'm sorry if that's not enough for you."
"It always is." The girl assures, staying in her position on the bed for now, "But I can tell when you shut the lights off, when you switch to autopilot..." Lexa's face tries to protest but the blonde continues, "I don't just want this..." Her hand motions around Lexa's body, "I want YOU, Lexa. I've told you if you just need sex you've always had my blessing to go get that elsewhere."
Lexa paces around Costia's room, her mind actively fighting against her, not wanting to think about anything right now. The bubble is bursting and she's not ready for it.
"So what...?" Costia insists, noticing the girl's walls going up, "What's the plan here Lexa? Because everyone is scared of being hurt." She wants the brunette to look at her but she won't, and she strains to keep her voice from sharpening, "You act like having feelings is some weakness, some...'thing'... that's gonna destroy you if you let them in."
Because they might.
Lexa's pacing stops when she braces against the dresser on the far wall, just barely able to look at the girl in bed through the reflection of the mirror in front of her.
Costia's tone softens as she cocks her head, "So what'll it be? You gonna just stop caring? About everyone?"
Lexa's jaw stays rigid, her voice scratchy, "Not everyone." She finally turns around to face the girl in bed, "Not you."
Costia's head falls to the other side, and with a playful roll of her eyes, slides off the bed to step towards Lexa, who accepts her into embrace.
"Don't quote your show at me." She can't hold in her giggle, but it gets the desired outcome, as Lexa's lips stretch into a smile, "You care about more than just me...always the dramatics with you babylove..."
"You started it..." Lexa grins.  
She plants a peck on Lexa's lips and tucks strands of hair behind her ear, and runs her hands down over her shoulders.
"I need you to stop beating yourself up for things you are allowed to feel."
Lexa, with hesitation, "So eager to push me back to her are you...?"
Costia frowns, "I didn't say I had to LIKE how you feel about her..."
The actress wraps her hands around the blonde's tiny waist.
"I'm here Cos, with you."
"Not really." She argues back, "You're elsewhere. I see it."
"What do you want? I'm trying Cos..." Lexa mildly snaps, and goes to drop her hands, to step away but Costia holds her firmly in place against the dresser, "We've been out to places a bunch..." Lexa notes, "I haven't been to a bar or club or so much as messaged anyone else in how long?"
"I never asked you to do that..."
"You got to come with me to all those afterparties...was that not a step forward?"
Costia subtly shakes her head, "I didn't know you were keeping count."
"Keeping count of what?"
"Of boxes you think you have to check to prove something to me."
Lexa manages to break free and walk back to the bed, scooting all the way back against the headboard with a sigh, while Costia stays leaning on the dresser.
"Lex...this past month has been amazing. I'm not asking for more. I'm just asking you be honest with me." She takes a deep breath before continuing, "Ever since you told me about the texting, about the showcase...I know those didn't go the way you hoped...no matter how you tried to downplay it."
Lexa winces hearing the words.
"I don't doubt how you feel about me, but you don't need to pretend you DON'T still feel things for her. Even if she doesn't deserve it in my opinion."
Lexa, looking over to her, "Cos it's not like-"
"Let me finish."
Costia walks over to stand at the foot of the bed.
"I don't want her to hurt you, again. I don't want her to even get the CHANCE to ever put you through what she did ever again…."
Lexa sees the sincerity, the protectiveness, the possessiveness. 
"But I..." Her voice hitches, and Costia looks down in an attempt to control her now quivering bottom lip, "I don't want to be the one standing here with you only because you couldn't have what you really wanted..." She clears her throat, and fixes her jaw, looking Lexa directly in the eyes, "So...maybe it's good that she'll be there tomorrow."
Lexa's chest practically caves in at the sight in front of her. At the girl who least deserved to be caught up in her mess, who she did everything to keep from letting her into such mess.
The past month she thought was the best they could have hoped for, in moving them along towards something, anything beyond their late-night batsignal beginnings. She meant what she said to Anya - she wants to do right by her. She WANTS to be the person Costia believes her capable of being.
And Clarke.... Clarke can feel guilty about the showcase, but she can't deny what Lexa saw with her own eyes in that gallery.
Whatever feelings Clarke may or may not still harbor for her, her ex showed no intentions of letting it affect Luna's roots spreading into the soil of her life. So why should Lexa let it stop Costia's?
Lexa slides open her legs and pats the space between them, beckoning the girl onto the bed, which she does, crawling across the mattress and turning to sit in front of Lexa, leaning back into her chest as arms wrap tightly around her.
"We are what we are." She says, nuzzling into Costia's hair, "And I like what we are. I don't want it to change. Not yet."
Costia leans into the touch, letting herself be held together while her insides crumble, knowing if there's any true hope for them, she has to weather this storm. She's helpless against the hurricane that is Clarke Griffin that's surely on a path to blow in and do whatever amount of damage to Lexa, to them, to everything she's worked so hard healing in the girl holding her. 
She's been sharing Lexa ever since she met her, maybe this wouldn't be that much different...?
"She's had plenty of chances." Lexa tries to assure her, "She didn't take them."
Costia shakes her head, but Lexa only tightens her hold.
"Hey..." The brunette plants several kisses where the girl's neck meets her shoulder, "You brought me back to life. YOU did that."
Costia twists in her lap, and Lexa cradles her sideways as the blonde pulls her in for a kiss filled with trepidation of what tomorrow might bring.
The pair sits for some time in a comfortable silence, in each other's embrace leaned against the headboard, content letting the night not lead to where it was originally intended.
"Go pick a record to put on."
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reallygroovyninja · 10 months
This was inspired by the prompt - Kissing in a pillow fort
The sky was a brilliant shade of blue, speckled with fluffy, white clouds as Lexa made her way to Clarke's house. It was a Saturday afternoon, the kind that whispered promises of endless possibilities and adventures. Lexa’s footsteps were light, her heart filled with the familiar thrill of spending the day with her best friend.
As she approached the Griffin residence, the sound of laughter and music spilled out from an open window, guiding Lexa like a beacon. She rang the doorbell, a smile already blooming on her face.
Clarke opened the door, her bright blue eyes shining with excitement. "Lexa! You're here!" she exclaimed, stepping aside to let her in.
The Griffin house always felt like a second home to Lexa. There was a warmth to it, a lived-in feeling that made her feel instantly comfortable. She followed Clarke through the hallway, their conversation a lively stream of updates and shared jokes.
They reached Clarke's room, where a magnificent pillow fort awaited. It was a sprawling construction of blankets, pillows, and fairy lights, creating a cozy haven. Clarke's artistic touch was evident in the hand-drawn banners and colorful cushions that adorned their fortress.
"Welcome to our Saturday headquarters!" Clarke declared, her eyes sparkling with mischief and excitement.
Lexa laughed, her heart light. "It's amazing, Clarke. You've outdone yourself!"
They crawled into the fort, the outside world melting away as they entered their own little universe. Inside, the fort was even more magical. The fairy lights cast a soft glow, creating a world that felt removed from reality, a place where only they existed.
Clarke and Lexa sat cross-legged in the pillow fort, surrounded by a sea of soft blankets and the gentle glow of fairy lights. The air was filled with the sweet scent of popcorn and the quiet hum of their shared laughter. Clarke, with a half-eaten popcorn in hand, suddenly turned to Lexa, her expression a mix of amusement and curiosity.
"Did you hear about Miss Diyoza in class yesterday? She got super mad because some kids were passing notes," Clarke said, her voice tinged with a hint of teenage drama.
Lexa’s eyes widened, her interest piqued. "Really? I missed that! She's usually so chill. What happened?"
Clarke leaned in closer, as if sharing a secret. "It was during the history lecture. And then, out of nowhere, she just stopped talking and stared at Monty and Harper passing this crumpled paper."
"No way!" Lexa exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with the thrill of classroom gossip.
"Yeah! And she said, 'If you have something to share, please feel free to enlighten the whole class.'" Clarke mimicked Miss Diyoza's stern tone, causing both girls to giggle.
Lexa shook her head, smiling. "That's so like her. Did she read the note in front of the class?"
Clarke nodded, giggling. "Yeah, she did. Monty asks Harper to be his girlfriend"
Lexa laughed. "That’s embarrassing."
Clarke reached for another handful of popcorn, her eyes dancing with a mischievous glint.
"Did you hear about Bellamy and Echo?" she asked, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.
Lexa's eyes lit up with interest, a smile playing on her lips. "No, what happened?"
"They're apparently dating now," Clarke revealed, her words laced with the excitement of a juicy secret.
Lexa gasped theatrically. "Really? Since when? They barely even talk in class!"
Clarke shrugged, enjoying the shared gossip. "I heard it from Raven. She said they've been hanging out a lot after school lately. It's so weird, right?"
"Yeah, totally unexpected," Lexa agreed, her tone full of wonder. "School's been full of surprises lately."
The conversation spiraled into a lively exchange of school gossip. They talked about who liked whom, which teachers were rumored to be the strictest, and the latest drama from the school play auditions. Each revelation was met with gasps, giggles, and wide-eyed expressions.
Clarke, with a sly grin, leaned closer. "And guess what else? I heard that Mr. Pike caught Jasper and Maya passing notes in English class. But instead of getting mad, he read the note out loud, and it was a really bad poem Jasper wrote for Maya!"
Lexa burst into laughter, covering her mouth with her hand. "No way!"
After their laughter had subsided from the latest round of school gossip, Clarke glanced at the small laptop they had set up in the corner of their pillow fort. An idea sparked in her eyes, and she turned to Lexa with an excited grin.
"Hey, do you want to watch a movie?" Clarke asked, her eyes shining with anticipation.
Lexa's face lit up at the suggestion. "Yeah, that sounds awesome! What should we watch?"
Clarke bit her lip in thought, scanning through the list of movies they had been wanting to see. "How about a rom-com? Something light and fun?"
"Perfect choice!" Lexa agreed enthusiastically. "Rom-coms are the best for nights like these."
Clarke navigated through the streaming service, her finger hovering over the titles. Finally, her eyes landed on a movie they had both been talking about seeing. It was a new romantic comedy that everyone at school seemed to be talking about.
"What about this one?" Clarke pointed to the screen, displaying the movie's poster, which featured a colorful and whimsical design. "I've heard it's really funny."
Lexa peered at the screen and nodded, her smile widening. "Yes, let's watch that! I've been wanting to see it ever since Anya mentioned it."
Excited, Clarke clicked on the movie, and the opening credits began to roll. They adjusted their positions in the fort, making sure both of them could see the screen comfortably. Clarke grabbed a couple of extra pillows for them to lean on and pulled the bowl of popcorn closer.
As the movie started, the fort was filled with the sounds of laughter and dialogue from the screen. Clarke and Lexa were soon absorbed in the story, commenting on the characters and laughing at the funny scenes. The outside world seemed to fade away as they delved into the world of the movie, enjoying the comfort of each other's company and the shared joy of a good film.
When the movie reached its climax and the two lead characters shared a tender, triumphant kiss, Clarke turned to Lexa, a curious glimmer in her eyes.
"Lexa, have you ever kissed anyone?" Clarke asked, a playful tone in her voice.
Lexa, taken aback by the sudden question, shook her head with a shy smile. "No, I haven't. What about you?"
"Me neither," Clarke replied, a bit of a giggle escaping her. She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Do you think it's like how they show in movies?"
Lexa pondered for a moment, her gaze turning back to the frozen image of the kissing couple on the laptop screen. "I don't know. It looks… nice, I guess? But probably not exactly like that in real life."
The idea seemed to hang in the air between them, a bubble of curiosity in their cozy world of pillows and blankets.
"Maybe we could… you know, try it? Just a peck, to see what it's like," Clarke suggested, the words tumbling out in a rush, her cheeks flushing with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Lexa's eyes widened slightly, but then she nodded, a mutual understanding of friendship and trust between them. "Okay, just a peck. Like a practice."
They both leaned in awkwardly, their eyes closing as they shared a quick, innocent kiss, more a brush of lips than anything else. As they pulled away, Clarke burst into giggles, the sound light and carefree.
"That was… weird," Clarke said, still laughing.
Lexa laughed too, though her mind was a whirlwind of new feelings and thoughts. It was a simple, innocent moment, but it sparked a realization within her, an awakening of sorts to new possibilities she hadn't considered before.
The movie resumed playing, but Lexa's thoughts were elsewhere, gently exploring the new emotions that the innocent peck had stirred. It was a moment of self-discovery, subtle yet significant, a first step in understanding herself better.
Clarke, oblivious to Lexa's internal revelations, chatted away, filling the fort with her cheerful voice. The night continued with more laughter, movie scenes, and shared snacks, a testament to the simplicity and beauty of their friendship.
As the movie credits rolled and the fairy lights in the pillow fort seemed to glow a bit softer, Clarke and Lexa lay side by side, a comfortable silence enveloping them. The laughter and conversations of the evening had woven a new layer into the tapestry of their friendship, each moment a thread of shared experiences and understanding.
Clarke turned her head to look at Lexa, her eyes reflecting the dim light. "Tonight was fun, Lexa. We should do this more often."
Lexa smiled, her thoughts still lingering on the revelations of the evening, but her heart full of warmth for the friendship she shared with Clarke. "Yeah, it was perfect. Best Saturday ever."
They began to tidy up the fort, folding blankets and gathering up the remnants of their snacks. As they worked, their chatter was light and easy, punctuated with laughter and plans for their next adventure.
Finally, with the fort returned to its former state of just being Clarke's room, Lexa gathered her things to leave. At the door, she turned to Clarke, a genuine smile on her face. "Thanks for today, Clarke. It really meant a lot."
Clarke hugged Lexa, the bond between them stronger than ever. "Anytime, Lexa. You're always welcome here. See you on Monday?"
"See you on Monday," Lexa agreed, stepping out into the cool night air, her heart light with the joys of youth and the comfort of a friendship that was more like family.
As Lexa walked home under the gentle glow of the starlit sky, her thoughts kept drifting back to the day's playful dare and the quick, innocent kiss she shared with Clarke. She could still feel her heart fluttering a bit, a mixture of surprise and excitement at the new experience.
The kiss was brief, a mere peck, but it left Lexa with a whirl of feelings she hadn't expected. She wondered what it meant, feeling a buzz of curiosity about the new emotions stirring inside her.
Skipping a little as she walked, Lexa felt a warm glow inside her. Today wasn't just any other day—it was a day where something new and exciting happened, a day she would definitely remember.
After Lexa left, Clarke lay in her bed, her room feeling a bit more special after their fun day. She couldn't stop thinking about the movie, the jokes they shared, and especially the quick, silly kiss they had dared to try. It was just a peck, really, but it made her heart beat a bit faster, and she found herself smiling at the memory.
Clarke hugged her pillow, feeling a mix of excitement and wonder. It was just for practice, she reminded herself, but it was also kind of cool and something totally new. She was happy it was with Lexa, her best friend who made everything fun and less scary.
As she closed her eyes, Clarke felt thankful for having Lexa in her life. They could share jokes, watch movies, build pillow forts, and even do goofy things like practice kisses, and it all just felt right. She drifted off to sleep with a smile, thinking about their next hangout and all the other fun firsts they might share together.
As the night wrapped the world in its quiet embrace, both Lexa and Clarke lay in their respective beds, miles apart yet connected by the memories of the day.
For Lexa, the stars outside whispered of new beginnings and self-discovery, each twinkle a reminder of the day's innocent revelation.
For Clarke, the familiar walls of her room held the echoes of laughter and shared secrets, a testament to the strength and beauty of their friendship.
In their own ways, they both cherished the simplicity and joy of their bond, a friendship that was evolving and deepening with each shared adventure.
As they drifted into dreams, their thoughts intertwined with the promise of more days filled with laughter, understanding, and the magic of growing up together.
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kpforpresident · 2 years
Clexaweek Day 6: workplace romance 🌱
Plant shop AU. Or, an AU of an AU. 
collab with @thecrimsonknight, the link to the beautiful moodboard that they made is here.
It had been raining all day. Fat streams of rainwater poured off of the dark green eve that sagged defeatedly under the sheer weight of rain, the tinny plink plink plink of drops hitting the metallic gutter echoing under the door frame as they soared through the humid mid-July air. Puddles splashed merrily under harried car wheels as they rushed by the street corner where Lexa’s cozy shop sat, hunched figures under black umbrellas milling about the street corners as people hastily tried to get from their point A to point B relatively dry. A city that sat nestled in the PNW, Polis was no stranger to wet, gray days or foggy cool mornings. However, this summer had been particularly rainy, long weather forecasts of dreary little clouds sitting like sullen soldiers on Lexa’s weather app no matter how often she refreshed and hoped for a crack of sunshine in the little line of weather emojis. 
Lexa fidgeted impatiently on her stool, hands clasping and unclasping in front of her and she fought the urge to reach out and straighten the spool of twine that sat primly next to her favorite gardening shears. Chancing one more glance at the slim gold watch that sat clasped around her left wrist, she sighed as she gave up and straightened from her boredom-induced slump, feeling her spine pop slightly as she unfolded from the rickety little stool to standing. 
This chick has two more minutes, and then I’m locking the door and going home to watch trash TV and eat dollar ramen noodles, Lexa thought absentmindedly as she drummed her fingers on the battered workbench, watching the secondhand slowly tick towards 4:02. This is the last fucking time you hire one of Raven’s friends- just because she’s Anya’s girlfriend doesn’t mean that you have to let this weird ass best friend nepotism stand- remember what happened when you hired Octavia’s brother to build shelving? That was an entire shitshow… Lexa snarked internally as she wandered through the rows of cut flowers, straightening a wilting tulip as her eyes darted against her will again towards the door and the unrelenting deluge outside. Blurry figures continued to rush by, heads toward the ground, shoulders hunched as they all moved in a coordinated, practiced dance borne of many, many rainy days. 
A whole sixty seconds goes by as she stares silently at the thin hand, finally letting her mouth slip into a frown when her expectant gaze darts towards the door to see….no one. Lexa finally let her shoulders slump minutely, hands dropping from where she had been fussing with an all-green bouquet arrangement. Turning the trimmed piece of eucalyptus over and over in her fingers, Lexa turned to the back of the shop and prepared to grab her coat and trudge home once again, mentally preparing for the soggy walk three blocks home to her small albeit cozy apartment. 
As she twisted the eucalyptus branch over again in her fingers, she heard the cheery tinker of her door chime, followed by the door flinging open. Lexa was turning around, warm customer service smile plastered onto her face as the human embodiment of a tsunami bounded through the glass door. 
Lexa felt the smile fall in abject horror off of her stunned face as the same whirlwind promptly swept into the shop and managed to place their foot perfectly into a plate-sized puddle just beside the door mat, arms and legs pinwheeling spectacularly as her feet skidded out from under her. 
She hit the ground with a loud whump, followed by a soft oof as the girl sat up slowly, painfully. Colorful swear words poured from her lips unceasingly as Lexa watched her flex various body parts with increasing confidence among finding the movements absent of pain, clearly going through an inventory of all of her working limbs post- tumble.  
Lexa crouched down hesitantly, trying her best to gather the pile of cream-colored papers that had flown from her hands like feathers from a split pillow as the stranger had crashed to the floor of her shop. Sheath of papers finally gathered into a messy stack, Lexa looked up, mouth opening involuntarily as she accidentally locked gazes with the bluest set of eyes she’d ever encountered. 
“I- you- you wouldn’t happen to be Clarke, would you?” Lexa managed to croak out after a long moment, where the stranger- Clarke- slowly staggered to her feet with a small wince, free hand rubbing where her hip had made contact with the concrete floor as she nodded in confirmation. Clarke’s other hand tentatively extended to take the stack of what Lexa now realized were art sketches, a small smile breaking across her face like the sun after a rainstorm as their fingers brushed slightly. Lexa absently mirrored her expression, eyes widening slightly as she did so. She flexed her hand as she retreated to behind the workbench, managing to settle onto her stool without looking like too much of a dunce. 
Raven, in typical menace fashion, had neglected to mention that her artist friend that Lexa had hired to paint a mural on the blank back wall of her studio, was shockingly, jaw droppingly attractive. Not that Lexa should’ve been surprised. Raven, with her warm brown eyes, flawless skin, and shimmering black hair, could’ve walked straight out of a playboy version of a Mechanics Monthly, even covered in car oil and grease as she usually was when she came home from work from the small shop she owned with Lincoln just outside of Polis. Lincoln’s fiance Octavia was similarly stunning, with sharp cheekbones and a muscular figure, dark eyes cunning and softened by a perfect pouting mouth. Lincoln clearly felt similarly, his gaze becoming soft and dreamy when Octavia would stride into the shop in her free time, a gym bag slung over her shoulder on her way home from the boxing studio that she co-owned with Anya. 
Lexa shouldn’t have been shocked that Clarke looked like a Botachelli angel, curves enclosed perfectly in a dark wash pair of jeans, a faded t-shirt slouching perfectly on her shorter frame, but still she floundered for words as the bright cerulean gaze met hers expectantly, Clarke hobbling forward to spread her cache of doodles across Lexa’s desk. Lexa tried not to drool obnoxiously as a pair of worn Doc Martens came into view at the bottom of her field of vision. 
Sappho, give me strength, Lexa thinks frantically, heart beating a tempo against her ribcage as her fingers tap the wooden desk nonsensically, desperately, as a wave of sweet perfume engulfs her when Clarke shifts slightly to tuck a graphite pencil behind her ear, shimmering waves of blonde hair tumbling out from a harried braid. 
“Sorry I’m late,” Clarke blurts out apologetically, tracing her finger over a smudge of charcoal in the lower corner of the topmost sketch. Lexa was already shaking her head before her brain engaged, dismissing Clarke’s wavered apology before it had fully passed her lips. 
“It’s totally fine, Clarke” Lexa soothes as she darted her gaze down to appraise the charcoal lines that Clarke had spread as a silent offering in front of her, sentence petering off slowly as she leaned closer to appreciate the drawings. ‘“These- these are amazing, Raven mentioned that you left your pre-med track to go to art school downtown after your dad died?” 
Clarke nods silently, chewing on a rose colored lip as her thumb smoothed over a sketch of an apple blossom, a feathery fern bending effortlessly in the background. Lexa notes the slight tension in her shoulders at the mention of her father and steers the conversation to safer waters, hair falling out of its tired bun as she bends over the drawings to examine them in more detail. She’s so entranced by the sketches she doesn’t see Clarke’s gaze trace over her figure, lingering on how Lexa’s lips purse in thought as she traces a reverent finger over a very realistic tulip bud. 
“I mean, I love them all,” Lexa concludes helplessly as she runs a thoughtful hand through her hair, chancing a glance up at Clarke, who happens to be gazing at Lexa from her higher vantage point at the same time. “I would love for you to paint any of them on the wall, I’d love to just let you go wild. I’m happy to pay for whatever paint you need on top of your base rate for your time, I know it’s a big wall.”
Lexa can feel her cheeks go crimson as they lock eyes again, standing awkwardly to gesture uselessly at the large white wall that borders the back of her store, decorated only by a small floral fridge on the far right side. 
“I- do you like italian food?” Clarke blurts out from somewhere behind her shoulder, Lexa turning incredulously to be met with a twin set of flaming pink cheeks. “Can I buy you dinner, and we can sketch out the mural? Is that ok? Is that breaking some sort of client contractor rule? Because I already swore to Rae that I wouldn’t fuck this up, because Anya’s essentially your sister and all–” 
“I’d love to get dinner with you, Clarke.” 
Four months later when Clarke finally puts the finishing touches on the mural, they celebrate with takeout Italian food and champagne on the floor of the little flower shop.
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dysco-lymonade · 1 year
1. accidental hand touching and 14. looking at their lips as they talk 🥹
Nina, these prompts have me in so many gay disaster Lexa feels.
I’m going to combine these two because, why the hell not.
Again, totally unedited word vomit.
She’s been coming in every night for the last week trying to read the cute blonde’s name tag. Problem is, she’s never wearing it.
She could just ask, but that would require actually talking to the girl. Instead she watches her interact with the other customers as she waits in line. She flirts, and smiles, and genuinely charms every single person she rings up at the register.
There’s something about the corner store attendant that strikes Lexa as a bit rebellious. Maybe it’s the pink highlights in her hair or numerous piercings Lexa has spied. Seven between her two ears alone, the right side of her nose, and what Lexa thought was a Monroe above her lip, but upon closer inspection found out was a freckle.
It’s while staring at that beauty (understatement) mark that Lexa is pulled out of her haze by fingers snapping in front of her face.
“Sorry,” the cashier shrugs with a knowing smirk. “I don’t mean to interrupt your assessment, truly. I could stare at your mouth all night too. But there’s a line forming behind you.”
Lexa feels the blush crawling up her ears as the color simultaneously drains from her face.
Rebellious AND bold, noted.
“I wasn’t- I mean- I’m sorry. I spaced out. Just this please.” Lexa sets the coffee down on the counter as calmly as she possibly can with how much her hands are shaking.
She knows how much it is. She’s been buying the same small coffee here on a nightly basis. Still staring at her own hands and positively terrified of making eye contact with the cashier, she slides the exact change across the counter.
It’s at that moment Lexa decides she’s going to move to another continent.
The cashier meets her halfway, running what feels like a deliciously calloused hand over her own, grasping gently as she accepts the payment.
Before Lexa can enjoy it for too long, she yanks her hand back like it’s been set on fire, effectively knocking the coffee cup over and actually burning the shit out of herself.
Her silver lining comes from a voice at the back of the store.
“Yo, Clarke! What the hell, dude?”
“Piss off, Murphy! I’ll clean it up. Just keep doing… whatever it is you’re doing.” Before Lexa can even apologize, Clarke is wiping up the coffee spill. “Happens more often than you’d think.” She winks. Lexa dies.
“I’m so so sorry, it’s been a really long day.” It’s an awful excuse, Lexa knows the cashier, Clarke, must think she’s an absolute twit.
Either there is a God, or Clarke takes pity on her because the teasing retort never comes. She just puts the coffee soaked money in the register and tells Lexa to go ahead and upsize when she pours herself a new cup.
She doesn’t even go back to the coffee station. Lexa walks herself right out the door of the corner store and vows to never return.
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eternalreignblog · 1 year
74 (huddling for warmth) and 90 (unexpected virgin) for GP Clarke
Great. Just fucking great.
Clarke was mentally and physically drained after spending all day climbing a cold ass mountain to keep her best friend company, and now her so-called 'bestie' had ditched her to go hook up with some, admittedly hot as fuck woman, but still, who dumps their climbing partner in the middle of bum fuck nowhere, in the freezing cold, just for some ass?
Clarke had just finished setting up her two person tent, which was supposed to house her and Raven, that is until the other woman had set her eyes on Miss Cheekbones, and dissapeared off into the dark.
She was muttering to herself, cursing Raven under her breath as she hammered in the final peg, tossing her tools in a pile before starting to set up her sleeping bag for the night. She heard footsteps behind her, and without looking yelled, "come crawling back after all the works done? Cheekbones didn't rock your world enough to stay?" She growled, letting her temper flare a bit
A soft chuckle had Clarke spinning around in surprise, because that was definitely not Raven.
"Oh, she's rocking her world all right. So much so I can't be near that tent anymore," a gorgeous brunette approached, hugging herself around the waist for warmth, looking cautiously at Clarke.
"Shit, I'm sorry, I thought you were my idiot best friend," Clarke apologised, a feeling stirring below her beltline as she raked her eyes over the woman.
"Well, it appears your idiot best friend is hooking up with my idiot best friend, very loudly I might add, in the tent I was supposed to be sleeping in,"
"Oh," Clarke said. Staring like an idiot at the woman who looked unfairly attractive rugged up in winter climbing gear.
"I know we don't know each other and this might be a bit weird, but I'm extremely cold and I have no other place to stay," The woman said almost pleadingly, looking at Clarke with what could only be described as puppy dog eyes.
"Oh," Clarke finally pulled herself out of her stunned silence.
"Sorry, I'l didn't mean to freak you out, I'll sort something out," the woman said dejectedly, moving to leave Clarke’s camp-site.
"No!" Clakre called out, lamenting her lack of brain function at the moment, whether it was due to the cold or the pretty girl, well, she wasn't going to speculate. "I mean, no, it's fine, you can stay with me. You'll freeze to death out there by yourself," Clarke held open the tent flap to invite the beautiful stranger in.
"God, thank you," the woman sounded releaved as she joined Clarke in the slightly-warmer-than-the-outside-temperature tent.
They looked at each other a little awkwardly, crawling around the tiny space until they were both kind of settled.
"Um, my sleeping stuff is still in my tent, I didn't want to interrupt the sex marathon to get it," the woman said sheepishly, looking longingly at Clarke’s sleeping bag.
"Oh, I mean, we can share, it is way too cold to not have cover," Clarke justified, unzipping her sleeping bag to make a doona as her new tent mate divested herself of her jacket.
"I owe you for this?" She looked up at Clarke, an unspoken question in her eyes for Clarke to finish the sentence with as-yet-not-shared information.
"Clarke," Clarke added, filling the gap.
"Lexa," the womam said with a smile tickling her upper lip.
"Well, now we're practically friends, why don't you join me under here," Clarke said in what she hoped was the least creepy way possible as she held the doona up for Lexa to crawl under.
Obliging, Lexa slid in beside Clarke, careful not to get too close as Clarke lowered the cover down over her.
"Oh god that's so much better," Lexa said, relaxing into the warmth.
"Yeah," Clarke said weakly, voice failing her as she tried to fight down the boner that was involuntarily rising at the sound of Lexa's sexy voice.
"Can I come closer?" Lexa asked after a short period of silence, Clarke unable to form words and simply grunting in a manner that she hoped implied the affimative.
She felt Lexa's body shift closer, and panicked as her butt pushed directly into Clarke’s crotch. There was no way she wouldn't notice her bulge, and Clarke could do nothing but lay perfectly still and wallow in mortification.
She did not expect Lexa to get that close.
And now she was going to run away because Clarke was a creep who couldn't keep her hormones in check.
"Is that-- are you--" Lexa stammered and Clarke tried to shink into the smallest space possible.
This is what always happens.
She meets hot girl.
Hot girl gets close.
Hot girl finds out about her dick.
Hot girl runs away.
Clarke wanted to dissapear, she felt the usual guilt and shame rising to the surface and choked out a quiet "I'm sorry,"
"What?" Lexa sounded surprised as she rolled over to face Clarke, barely visible in the darkness of the tent.
"I-- I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Clarke rehashes her usual apology, looking anywhere but at Lexa.
"Uncomfortable? Fuck, Clarke, the only Uncomfortable you've make me is Uncomfortabley fucking wet,"
It took several moments for Clarke to process the words, but when she did, her heart rate shot up like a rocket.
"Sorry, what?" She needed to hear it again to be sure because what the fuck was happening right now?
"Clarke," Lexa said, placing a hand on Clarke’s hip and shifting closer. "Let's be real right now. Our friends are fucking. We're alone here in this tent in the middle of nowhere. It's fucking freezing." She was ticking off facts and Clarke wasn't sure where this was headed. "Your hot and I think we should fuck to keep warm," Lexa finished her talk like she was stating a perfectly reasonable thing and Clarke was speechless.
"Er..." she stammered, words failing her as her brain malfunctioned.
"Unless you don't want to?" Lexa asked, doubt in her voice, forcing Clarke to find her voice again.
"Fuck, Lexa, you're hot as fuck, of course I want to, it's just..." she trailed off, hating herself a little for her lack of experience.
"What is it, Clarke?" Lexa asked softly, her hand tracing patterns on Clarke's hip, dipping under the waistband to touch her skin.
"I-- fuck, I've never, you know," she trailed off, knowing she'd probably lost her chance.
"You're a virgin?" Lexa asked, and Clarke could hear the surprise in her voice
"Yeah," Clarke said dejectedly, knowing she'd probably blown her chance.
After barely a moments hesitation, Lexa asked, "Do you want to not be?"
Clarke looked into Lexa eyes, and even in the darkness she could see the lust reflected back at her.
"Fuck, Lexa. I want you so bad," Clarke breathed in a husky voice as she gripped Lexa hips and dragged her closer, pressing her arousal into the other woman so there could be no doubt how desperate she was for it.
"Then let's do this," Lexa said assertively, pushing Clarke onto her back and straddling her.
Lexa was clearly on a mission as she divested herself and Clarke of their clothes, before climbing back on top. She took several moments to worship Clarke’s breasts while Clarke lay there enjoying the attention, before sliding a hand down to stroke Clarke’s cock.
Clarke moaned loudly at the contact, it being the first hand that had touched her that wasn't her own.
"Fuck, you're huge," Lexa said in awe as she lined Clarke up with her pussy, before looking back dow at her for consent. "You ready?" She asked, and Clarke had no doubt that if she said no, Lexa would stop.
But, fuck that.
"Fuck yes," Clarke said enthusiastically as she planted her hands on Lexa's hips, feeling her sink down onto her inch by inch.
The feeling of slick wet heat encasing her cock for the first time was a sensation that Clarke would never forget. Lexa bottomed out, moaning in pleasure as Clarke filled her completely.
"Fuck you feel so good," she praised as she started a slow grind.
Clarke was in pure, unadulterated ecstacy.
The problem was she could feel her orgasm creeping up almost immediately.
"Oh shit, Lexa, I'm not going to last," she cried out, gripping Lexa's hips tightly as she moved on top.
"Hmm fuck, me too, you got me so fucking horny," Lexa said as she rubbed her clit furiously.
Lexa started bouncing and that was it for Clarke. She groaned and threw her head back in pleasure as she unloaded inside the woman she'd only met a few hours ago. Her hips thrust up into Lexa as she came harder than she'd ever cum before, knowing this moment was forever etched into her memory.
As she came back down to earth, she realised belatedly that she'd blown far too quickly and Lexa hadn't even cum
"Oh, shit, I'm sorry," she apologised, and Lexa just chuckled lightly in response.
"No need to apologise, we've got all night," she said with a smile as she leaned down to plant an absolutely filthy kiss on Clarke's lips, and Clarke could already feel the stirring down below.
Oh yes, she thought, this is going to be a long ass night.
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owl127 · 1 year
Protective Anya Clexa drabble
There were few sacred things in Anya’s life, and close to the top of her list were Wednesdays. In the middle of the week, between work chaos and meetings, she would find herself in a dimly lit bar with friends as close as family, bitching about life and relationships and the beer that never seemed to be cold.
Anya ordered a third round with the cute waitress, who looked interested and added an extra tip because of her cleavage—one couldn’t blame a woman for being weak.
"What are you so worried about?" Drinks hadn’t been enough to get Anya drunk, so the question came clean and steady, steady enough to make the tip of Lexa’s ears turn pink.
"I’m not worried."
"You keep looking at the door, but everyone’s here." Anya pointed around their table, where Octavia argued with Harper over their darts and Lincoln had just settled a bet with Gustus for their next pool game. "So what’s bothering you?"
With her creased collar and askew tie—it had been a long day of meetings, and that’s why Anya never wore ties—not to mention the third whiskey dose, Lexa cleared her throat. The warning would have been efficient if not for her unfocused eyes.
"I’m fine, Anya."
After ten years of friendship and one year of a failed relationship in the middle, Anya knew something was wrong. Her tongue curled around a smart reply when Lexa’s eyebrows shot up in surprise—or was it relief?—and a true, pure smile brightened those high cheekbones. Brown eyes followed Lexa’s line of vision, squinting under the lack of light to be sure.
"What is HR-busty-blonde doing here?"
That tone—Anya knew that tone well. She also knew what a blush could do to Lexa’s face, and even in the low light, she could see it burn.
"Do you have something to tell us, Lex?"
Lexa didn’t reply, instead taking a few steps to greet "busty blonde" with a kiss on the cheek that made Anya frown.
"Guys, this is Clarke," Lexa introduced the HR girl as if none of them worked in the same building. This ‘Clarke’ probably shared a manager with Lincoln.
But everyone, all their friends—apparently shitty traitors—greeted the blonde as if she were part of their Wednesday, as if she were a friend, as if—
"You’re fucking her," Anya said, almost breathless, the truth settling down like a fog in the deep of the night.
Clarke, unphased and with a smile that Anya immediately disliked, held out her hand in defiance, her manicured fingers daring Anya to continue.
"Clarke Griffin."
Anya took a long gulp from her lukewarm beer, eyes locked on dark blue. A long sigh later, she accepted the peace offering.
Lexa fake coughed, tugging on her collar, and suddenly Anya realized she was the last one to know. Octavia disappeared after Harper mumbled something about darts, and when she looked around, there was no sign of Lincoln or Gustus.
What happened to her Wednesday?
"I’m gonna get more beer. Do you want anything?" Lexa asked Clarke, hand on the blonde’s waist and mouth close to her ear, exposed by her high bun. To Anya’s surprise, the girl ordered scotch. She tugged on Lexa’s tie to tighten it, and a second later, Anya was alone with a girl who was in Lexa’s life and was important enough to make it to their Wednesdays.
It had been almost four years, but still. After the whole Costia fiasco, Anya was protective of her ex, friend, best friend, or whatever title Lexa had in her life.
"Clarke Griffin from Human Resources," Anya cut in.
"Director of Fraud Risk Analysis, Anya Forest," Clarke responded with the same tone, though that infuriating smile was still in place.
"How long?" Anya was not a woman of many words.
"Three months."
"Okay, two, but I had to try."
At Anya’s eyes growing twice their size, Clarke smirked. "You were the last to know because she said you’d freak out. Please don’t freak out."
"I don’t freak out." Anya took another sip from her beer.
Clarke opened her mouth to respond but closed it, her eyes squinting in thought. "You guys are not one of those complicated exes and shit, are you?"
Anya’s face betrayed her surprise again. Because, no! Lexa was special, yes, but Anya didn’t want to pursue something she was sure wouldn’t work. But Lexa was still special, and Anya was tired of busty blondes breaking her heart for fun.
"Fuck, no."
Clarke nodded and smiled. "I get why she didn’t tell you before."
This girl got balls; Anya had to admit that. Not every new girl who was dating her protegé was brave enough to meet Anya face-to-face like this.
Lexa saved them by coming back with more beer and scotch. She looked up at Anya, her eyes vulnerable and her lips in a thin line.
Anya wanted to frown, but all she could do was grab a new beer and nod silently.
Lexa’s smile could light up the room.
Their friends piled up around the cashier to pay for the night, an act Anya excused herself from doing because she was the last one to know about Clarke. The wind blew against her dark blonde hair and pushed the smoke from her lips up in a twirling curl.
"This thing's going to kill you," Lexa said next to Anya, popping a mint gun in her mouth.
"So will HR chicks."
"I take it that you like her."
Anya took a long drag and threw the half-smoked cigarette on the curb. She adjusted her jacket and looked back at Lexa.
"She’s not bad. She can hold her liquor better than you."
They laughed quietly at that. 
"She’s important to me," Lexa confessed, not meeting Anya’s eyes.
"I know. She made it to Wednesdays."
"She also has a friend who is your type."
"Now we’re talking."
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helloalycia · 2 years
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green-eyed monster [one] // alicia clark
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summary: you're living at the stadium and have befriended Alicia, but that friendship gets rocky when a new girl joins and Alicia doesn't trust her.
warning/s: mentions of loss
author's note: it's been so long since i last shared anything i wrote and for that i apologise! happy new year firstly, legit cannot believe it's 2023. I've been working on a bunch of different stuff and never seem to finish any of it, hence why this is the first thing i'm sharing for a few months – i just happened to finally finish it!
for anybody who cares, i'm working on a several part lexa imagine (or short story depending on how long it ends up lol what can i say, i miss her), and i've almost finished writing my first lesbian fiction story which is exciting! i cannot wait to share more details on that with you closer to the time, but for now, thanks for being patient with me and i hope you enjoy part 1 of 2 to this alicia imagine because i miss her :))
part two / masterlist / wattpad
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"You know how to ruin a girl's self esteem, you know that?"
"Oh, shut up. Stop being dramatic." Alicia rolled her eyes, trying not to laugh.
"What? Maybe I wanted to–"
"Start walking around the stadium with a safari hat on your head? Yeah, I'm sure you did."
I gave her a knowing look, doing all I could not to let my smile take over. "You know it looks good."
She held my stare, as if to make me see sense, but all it did was finally make her laugh. It was a good feeling, I won't lie, hearing her laughter and watching the twinkle in her eyes when she did.
"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you by wearing it," I assured her with an amused smile, removing the hat from my head. "But I know you secretly love it."
She grinned. "You're so annoying, d'you know that?"
I shrugged carelessly, smiling nonetheless. Hanging out with Alicia was always my favourite thing, even if it meant frustrating her to no end (AKA my favourite hobby). Ever since her and her family invited me to stay with them at their settlement – an old baseball stadium – I felt like me again. I'd been convinced I would spend the rest of my life struggling to find food and running from infected forever, but they changed that.
It was easy to befriend Alicia since she was around my age, one of the only ones here who was. But that was a few months ago, back when they were starting this place up. Now, it was different, but the 'damage' had been done and Alicia was stuck with me whether she liked it or not.
"We really need to sort these clothes out, so stop fooling around," she warned me with a stifled smile.
"Yeah, yeah..."
We were sorting through some clothes that had been picked up on recent supply runs, separating the unusable ones from the ones we could definitely wash and share out between everyone. But as always with Alicia, it was easy to get distracted.
As we continued to go through everything, neatening the piles of clothes up on the table, we were interrupted by Madison, Alicia's mum.
"...and this is my daughter, Alicia, who I was telling you about," she was saying, and I noticed she was showing somebody new around. "This is her friend, Y/N."
Alicia and I exchanged glances before stopping what we were doing. Madison and the stranger looked to us with smiles.
"Girls, this is Jade," Madison introduced the newbie. "She's going to be joining us here from today. We bumped into her on the latest supply run."
"I don't know if I'll be staying yet," Jade said with a friendly smile, giving Madison a knowing look as if referencing a prior conversation, "but Madison was kind enough to bring me along. It's great to meet you both."
"Trust me, you'll wanna stay," I said jokingly, knowing that exact mentality because it was the same one I had when I first arrived. "It's nice to meet you, Jade."
"Yeah, it's nice having you here," Alicia added with her signature smile, enough to make anyone weak in the knees, or maybe just me. "The more the merrier."
"I'm just showing her around the place to let her have a feel for how things are," Madison explained, before noticing what we were doing and looking to Jade. "The girls are just sorting through our findings, clothes-wise. Kind of like shopping but without the money."
"Without the money but with the mean comments," I corrected, giving Alicia a knowing glance, and she rolled her eyes with amusement.
"It was a stupid hat, Y/N, you know it was."
Alicia's smile widened before she looked to her mum. "I don't mind finishing up the tour if you want. I know you have a lot to do."
"You sure, hon?"
"Y/N an' I will both do it," she said, nudging me in the side when she mentioned my name.
"I guess we will," I said when Madison and Jade looked to me expectantly.
"Great," Madison said with a relieved smile. To Jade, she added, "I leave you in their capable hands."
"Fine by me," Jade said with a chuckle.
And so that was how I found myself giving a tour to the new girl with Alicia. It wasn't too bad since it was a nice change of pace from the usual daily chores, and it was also fun to get to know somebody who was similar in age and wasn't Alicia (not that I didn't love hanging out with her). Jade was chill, funny and laidback. Very confident with herself, which could be a little intimidating sometimes, and a little flirtier than I expected, but she seemed lovely.
Alicia and I showed her around the place – the cattle we had, the irrigation system that was rigged up, the rooms we were building – with hopes of subtly convincing her to stay. As Alicia said, the more that joined us, the merrier it was.
From what little Jade revealed, she didn't have any family or a group to rely on, she was just alone, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to have her start over here.
"You don't need to make any decisions now, or even today," Alicia said to her at the end of our tour. "Stay the night, catch up on your sleep, and then decide. But it could be a fresh start is all."
Jade nodded gratefully.
"It doesn't seem real, but it is," I added with a small smile. "It was the fresh start I was looking for. Could be yours, too."
"Thanks, both of you," Jade said, looking between us. "You've been amazing tour guides. Certainly gave me a lot to consider."
"Don't forget to leave us a five star review on Yelp," I joked, barely getting to add more before Alicia slapped me on the back of the head.
"Ignore her, she's just an idiot," she said to Jade when I frowned.
Jade laughed as I shot Alicia a sideways glare.
"Come on, we finished just in time to grab some dinner," Alicia said, ignoring me.
Even when she was annoyed at me, she still had my attention, I wouldn't lie.
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So, Jade decided to stay.
It didn't take much convincing, and the next day, she'd already made up her mind. Naturally, she began to hang around with Alicia and I since we were the only people she knew and the only ones similar to her age. That's when I discovered that her overly-friendly and flirty nature wasn't a one-off, but rather something she kept up the longer we got to know each other.
It was always little compliments she'd throw my way, or certain times I'd catch her staring at me and she'd completely own it rather than looking away. At first I was flustered considering I hadn't been on the receiving end of someone's interest in a long time, but then I began to enjoy it for the same reason. I hadn't been involved with anybody romantically for a while, so it was – dare I say it – fun to have the attention. Besides, it wasn't anything serious, so why not enjoy it?
Funnily enough, as I began to like having Jade around, Alicia was the opposite. Whereas I appreciated her friendliness, Alicia began to become suspicious of it. It wasn't entirely obvious, but I'd come to know the green-eyed girl very well. Enough to read her curious expressions whenever Jade was within her vicinity. She even approached me about it once, shortly after Jade lent me one of her books because she knew I wanted something new to check out.
"Don't you think Jade is a bit too nice sometimes?" she asked me with a raised brow, eyes following the girl in question as she walked away.
I tried not to laugh. "What do you mean? How can someone be too nice?"
"You know... she's just always listening and being thoughtful and hasn't started any arguments since being here." Her eyes were still on Jade's retreating figure, leaving me suspicious.
"I mean, do you want her to start an argument? Isn't it a good thing that she's settling in?" When she didn't answer, I tilted my head forward so she would look at me. "Alicia?"
Finally looking my way, Alicia straightened up. "I don't know. I just think it's worth keeping an eye on her. Something feels off about her."
I couldn't understand what Alicia saw – Jade was getting on with everybody perfectly. She'd settled in this past week splendidly, falling into place like she'd always belonged. The only explanation I could think of was jealousy, which made me smile teasingly.
"It sounds like somebody's jealous that I've got a new friend," I joked, putting my arm around her shoulder, making her cross her arms and scoff in response. "Alicia, you know there's nothing wrong with Jade. It's okay to be jealous."
"You're being so stupid," she defended weakly. "I'm not jealous. I'm serious."
"Look, you'll always be my favourite," I continued to tease her, finding so much amusement in it. "Alicia Clark is irreplaceable. Even if she is a green-eyed monster right now."
If it was jealousy that was changing her opinion on Jade, it was unnecessary. If she knew that I'd already fallen head over heels for her, she definitely wouldn't doubt a thing.
"Forget it," Alicia mumbled, nudging my arm off her shoulder and walking the other way.
"Always my favourite!" I called after her with a laugh. "Don't forget it!"
She flipped me off without turning around before storming off.
I'd like to say it ended at that point and Alicia got over it the longer Jade stayed around, but she didn't. It was as if whenever Jade happened to be about, Alicia would get irrationally annoyed.
There was one time when I was eating dinner with Alicia and everything was going fine, as usual, in the sense that she wasn't previously annoyed for any reason. That was until Jade approached the table with a smile on her face. She looked between us before settling on me.
"Are you ready?"
It took me a minute to realise what she was on about before I straightened up. "Oh, yeah! One second."
As I finished my last bite quickly, Alicia quirked a brow. "Ready for what?"
Realising I hadn't told her, I said, "Jade is pretty good at building stuff, so she said she'd help me with the broken bookshelf in my room. Cool, right?"
Alicia didn't reply, instead clenching her jaw slightly as she glanced up at Jade.
"Well, I wasn't going to leave it how I saw it last time," Jade said with amusement. "Pretty girls need pretty things, right?"
I breathed out slowly through my nose, looking down at my plate and feeling my face heat up.
"I'm happy to help you, too, Alicia," Jade said, thankfully directing the remainder of the conversation to Alicia instead of me. "If you need anything fixing or anything."
I glanced up, watching Alicia roll her eyes rudely. She found mine, so I gave her a disapproving look because it wasn't necessary and all she'd done is make Jade uncomfortable.
"I'll, er, wait over there for you, Y/N," Jade finished, pointing over her shoulder.
I nodded and watched her leave, making sure she was out of earshot, before staring at Alicia with disbelief. "Seriously?"
"Fixing stuff?" she said, pulling a disgusted face. "Really? It's amazing how she seems to be good at everything, don't you think?"
"That's not fair, Alicia," I scolded her. "She's just being friendly."
"That's a little more than friendly...," Alicia mumbled under her breath, making me frown.
"So what?" I retorted, more frustrated than I realised. "Is that a bad thing?"
Alicia met my eyes, gaze softening apologetically. "Just be careful, Y/N. There's something strange about her."
Embarrassed, I said, "If the strange thing is that she might actually like me, then yeah, very strange."
She reached out her hand, but I pulled mine away. She frowned, saying, "I didn't mean it like that."
I avoided her eyes, stupidly flustered. "It doesn't matter. Just stop being rude to Jade. It's not fair on her."
She didn't respond straight away and I didn't stay to hear her opinion. I only hoped she would listen to me.
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I'd love to say that after that awkward conversation with Alicia, she finally dropped her random grudge and got over herself, but she didn't. Instead, she decided to keep it up and take it one step further.
We were eating dinner together another night, though this time it was Alicia, Madison, Nick – Alicia's brother – and his girlfriend, Luciana, along with myself and Jade. Everything was going fine and it was supposed to be a normal dinner, until Alicia decided to ruin it.
"I would like to say something," Alicia announced suddenly, making everyone cease their conversation.
"What is it, sweetie?" Madison asked with concern.
I furrowed my eyebrows slightly, wondering what she wanted to say, until I realised her eyes were dead set on Jade sat beside me.
"You've been acting very weird lately, Jade," she came outright with it, making me squeeze my fork with annoyance.
"Alicia," I warned, but she ignored me.
"I followed you," she continued.
"What?" Jade asked with surprise.
"What?" I also said, raising my eyebrows with disbelief.
Alicia licked her lips, glancing at me with apologetic eyes, before staring at Jade with accusation. "Yeah, because I noticed you keep sneaking away into the stands every afternoon with a radio."
"Alicia, what's happening right now?" Madison asked with confusion, glancing between her and Jade. "What are you doing?"
"No, the question is what is she doing?" Alicia asked, glaring at Jade. "What are you hiding, Jade?"
Nick began to chuckle quietly, finding the whole thing amusing, whilst Luciana tried to tell him to be quiet and not interrupt. Meanwhile Madison scolded Alicia for overstepping and invading Jade's privacy. Alicia ignored her mother and kept her gaze focused on a nervous looking Jade.
"Why couldn't you just listen to me?" I said to Alicia, trying to earn her attention, but she wasn't listening. "Alicia!"
"Well?" she pressed Jade further, acting as if I wasn't there.
Jade swallowed hard before nodding slowly. "Fine." Everybody fell silent, and I looked to my right to hear her out. She continued, "Alicia is right. Sometimes I go to the stands to be alone."
"And the radio?" Alicia prodded, quirking a brow. "Who are you talking to, Jade?"
Jade paused, frowning slightly, before reaching into her satchel that she always wore and pulling out a radio, one I'd never seen before in my life. I didn't even know she had a radio. Nobody really carried them around the stadium unless it was on a supply run. And newbies especially weren't allowed them in case they tried to contact the wrong sorts of people. Why did Jade have one?
"It's old," Jade said, practically reading my mind. She looked around at everyone, eyes lingering on mine, before she opened the back of the radio. "It doesn't work. No batteries. See?"
She showed us the empty back, absent of batteries and therefore rendering it useless. With each word she uttered, Alicia's face drained.
"It's the last thing I have from my sister," Jade continued reluctantly. "We used to talk all the time with it. It's– it's just a keepsake, that's all... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be suspicious. I just wasn't ready to share that history with everyone."
Nobody was smiling now, the air filled with an uncomfortable tension. I frowned, watching Jade clumsily put the back cover back on her radio and into her bag.
"Jade, I... I'm so sorry for my daughter's behaviour," Madison began guiltily, when Alicia said and did nothing except stare with surprise.
"It's okay," Jade said with a forced smile. "She was just looking out for you all, for this place you've built. But I... if you'll excuse me..."
Before anybody could stop her, she slid off the bench and left in a hurry, upset and hurt and everything else that came with talking about your dead sister. I couldn't just watch her leave and be by herself in that state, so I got up, too, but not before glaring at Alicia.
"You happy now?" I asked her rhetorically, before running after Jade.
I caught up to her as she was crossing the stadium, probably making her way back to her room.
"Jade, wait up," I called, finally stopping before her before she could get further. "I'm so sorry Alicia did that and you had to say all of that. It wasn't fair."
She smiled dryly, avoiding my eyes. "I had my suspicions that Alicia didn't like me, but that was..."
I frowned, trying to find her eyes. "She's not usually like this. I think she's just adjusting to having someone else around. It was always just the two of us and... I'm sorry."
It felt stupid to defend Alicia after pulling something like this, but I had to. This wasn't her, she was better than this. Jade had to know that.
"It's okay," Jade assured me with a nod, before tilting her head and staring at me. "It's sweet that you're defending her. You're too sweet for your own good, Y/N."
I swallowed thickly, unsure what else to say. She raised her hand, touching my cheek tenderly and making me freeze at the contact.
"Thanks for coming to check on me," she said, dropping her hand, "but I just want to be alone if that's okay."
I cleared my throat, nodding. "Of course."
She smiled weakly before walking away. I exhaled deeply before turning around to head back to the others. I expected to find Alicia there, but I was told she'd gone back to her room, so I stormed over there myself, anger building up once more. As soon as I knocked on her door, she opened it guiltily, about to speak, but I didn't let her get a breath in before I unloaded.
"What the hell was that, Alicia?!" I shouted, looking between her eyes, searching for an answer. "You did the complete opposite of what I asked! I told you to drop it and now – what? You've dredged up Jade's past? You satisfied, Alicia?"
When I was finished, she pressed her lips together and breathed out through her nose. With a calm voice, she said, "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't know that– I had to be sure it wasn't anything strange. It looked weird, her sneaking away to radio someone. Can't you agree?"
"No, because I didn't have any doubts!" I fired back with disapproval.
"I don't trust her," she said, shaking her head.
"You only had to trust me."
Her gaze flickered between my eyes, an apology hiding behind hers. I hated that with a simple look she already had me loosening up, willing to get over it.
"I'm sorry," she repeated earnestly. "I'll apologise to Jade, too."
I looked down at my shoes, frowning. Never had Alicia and I argued like this before, especially over something so silly.
"Are we good?" she asked softly, shoe kicking the tip of mine reluctantly, making me look at them.
I rubbed my hands over my face, sighing, before nodding and looking at her. "Yeah, we are. I'm just... a bit annoyed at you right now."
She chewed on her bottom lip, guilt forcing her to look away.
"I'm gonna go," I said awkwardly. "I just hope this pettiness stops now, Alicia."
She nodded in agreement and I left it at that.
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Following the incident at dinner, Alicia kept to her promise and dialled her attitude back whenever it came to Jade. She wasn't best friends with her, but the death glares and confrontations were kept to a minimum which was all I could have asked for. There was the occasional eye roll of course, but if I pretended it wasn't there then it didn't bother me.
"Just take off the dead leaves," I told Alicia with a stifled smile. "Why does everything have to be so difficult?"
"Because I wasn't supposed to be on gardening duty today," she retorted, scowling at the plants.
"Don't act like you don't love spending time with me," I teased, and she merely nudged me in the side, making me catch myself with my arm before I fell sideways from my sat down position.
We were both sat on the soil, cleaning up the vegetable patches as part of our chores, but Alicia's chore was changed from guard duty to this for today, so she wasn't particularly loving it.
"With guard duty, I only have to sit and keep watch," she muttered as she picked off the dead leaves.
"That's boring," I said with a shake of my head.
"Well, it wouldn't be if you traded jobs and did it with me," she said, glancing at me with a hopeful smile.
I mirrored her stance, making fun of her. "Or you could trade jobs and do this with me."
She lost her smile, straightening up, and I laughed at the sudden change of expression.
"It's not even that bad," I told her, before scooting over slightly to move onto the next plant.
She muttered in disagreement, making my smile widen, before a quiet fell upon us.
"Y/N, Alicia, hey!"
I looked up at the sound of my name, as did Alicia, only to see Jade approaching us with a friendly smile. Alicia's eye roll didn't go unnoticed when Jade kneeled before us. Just like that, the air around us changed.
"Hey, Jade," I greeted for the both of us, offering her a smile. "How are you?"
"Doing good, yeah," she said, returning my smile. "Just finished washing the breakfast dishes. Thought I'd stop by and see if you ladies needed a hand."
I glanced at Alicia, expecting a sarky comment of some sort, but she surprisingly stayed quiet and had her eyes glued to the plants.
"You don't have to," I said politely, looking back to Jade. "I think Alicia and I got it. Besides, it's our chores, not yours."
"Oh, I don't mind," she insisted. "I have nothing else to do anyway."
Not having any other reason to decline, I shrugged. "Okay, sure. We're just cleaning up the vegetable patch. So removing any dead leaves and giving everything a water after. Knock yourself out."
She hummed in agreement before sitting cross-legged opposite us and beginning to pluck the dead leaves from the plants. It was quiet once again, as the three of us worked silently, but I felt Jade's eyes on me and glanced up at her.
"What?" I asked, suddenly nervous because I hated attention like that.
She smiled, eyes looking me up and down. "Nothing, sorry."
I quirked a brow. "Seriously?"
Chuckling, she shook her head. "I just– you look good today, that's all."
I opened my mouth to respond, but all that came out was an awkward breath before I looked away. My face started to heat up when she began to laugh.
"You're cute when you're nervous," she added, only making me want the Earth to swallow me up there and then.
"I just realised I have to go help mom with something," Alicia suddenly said, before I could say anything.
I looked over to her, recovering from my embarrassment. "What? What about this?"
She tensed her jaw slightly, avoiding my eyes. "Jade's helping, right? I gotta go."
"Alicia," I said, furrowing my brows because something was clearly up.
She ignored me and stood up, not even bothering to dust the soil from her jeans before walking away. I watched after her, confused, before looking back to Jade when she spoke up.
"You and Alicia," she started curiously, "has that ever been a thing?"
Still thinking about the green-eyed girl in question, I only half listened. "A thing?"
"You know," she said like it was obvious, "a couple. The two of you."
I almost choked on my own spit when I realised what she was asking, and I was certain my face was permanently on fire at this point.
"What? I– no. Nothing like–" I cleared my throat uncomfortably, just the thought of Alicia and I being a couple sounding insane. Not because I didn't want that, but because she'd never feel the same way. "Nothing like that. We're just friends."
She laughed at my expression. "Okay, relax! I was just checking if I had any competition is all."
I looked away, wondering if I'd heard her correctly, but I was too afraid to follow up and check so I merely stayed quiet and kept on working. The flirting was certainly taking its toll.
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"You ready to go?" Alicia asked me as she was looking in her backpack, probably double checking she had everything she needed.
"Uh-huh." I patted my waist, feeling for my pistol, knife and radio. "You got the map?"
She paused, hands rooting around her bag before pulling it out and giving me a nod. I waited for her to finish up and threw my own backpack into the back of the pickup truck. We were going on a supply run together, specifically hoping to pick up some extra gardening supplies.
"Y/N, Alicia, wait up!"
The two of us turned around when we saw Jade jogging over to us.
"I'm so glad I caught you," she said breathlessly when she stopped before us. "Madison told me you were going on a supply run."
"We are," Alicia confirmed, although it was defensively as she crossed her arms and glanced over her.
"I wanted to ask if I could come with you," she said hopefully, looking to me, before adding to Alicia, "And you could have a break, Alicia."
"Maybe next time," Alicia answered before I could even acknowledge her words. Her eyes fell to me, darkening. "Come on, Y/N. We should go."
"I just want to help," Jade said with a frown. "I know things are still weird between us, Alicia, and I just want to make things right. Do something nice for everyone, even if it's just getting more gardening supplies. And giving you a break, too. You work so hard... you could relax and consider this a thank you from me."
Jade was lovely, but she was still relatively new to the stadium, having been here barely a month. We didn't really let newbies go out on supply runs for security reasons, and also because they never preferred to anyway. Despite this, I didn't see a huge reason why she couldn't go instead of Alicia. It was nice of her to offer since not many people did.
"I also thought it would be an added bonus that we could spend some more time together, Y/N," Jade added, eyes falling to me.
"Like I said, maybe next time," Alicia repeated firmly, before giving me an impatient look that screamed for me to get a move on. But I wasn't so sure.
"She's saving you a task," I tried to reason with Alicia. "Come on. You're always saying you need a break. Why not?"
She quirked a brow, questioning me without speaking. But I gave her a pleading look in return, hoping she'd reciprocate the effort that Jade was making. After what felt like a year-long staring match, Alicia gave in reluctantly.
"Fine," she said with a clenched jaw, making Jade smile.
"Thank you, Alicia," Jade said to her gratefully. "I won't let you down."
Alicia said nothing as she squeezed her hands into fists by her side.
"You can wait in the front," I told Jade, nodding to the truck. "I'll be right with you."
Jade nodded and went to the passenger's seat of the truck. Meanwhile, I gave Alicia a grateful smile, stepping closer to her.
"Thank you for trying," I said appreciatively, meeting her eyes. "It means a lot."
"Just be careful," she said seriously, bright eyes flickering between mine and momentarily leaving me breathless.
All I could manage was a nod before hugging her quickly. She squeezed me tight, leaving me smiling to myself, before letting go. After giving me her knife and backpack, I got in the truck.
"Here you go," I said to Jade, passing her Alicia's knife. "There's one gun and I've got it. We should try to avoid contact with infected if we can. You okay with that?"
Jade smiled. "You got it."
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
Ahhhhh Lexa is so cuddly in that oneshot! 😍😍
She had to be
Listen to me
She had to be
Because this little ray of sunshine?
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Deserved to be allowed to be cuddly
Because the thing is, she always wanted to be. She did. Even when she didn't know how to ask for it. Even when all she knew how to do was nudge the door open for Clarke and wait silently to see what she'd do
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Even when she didn't feel like she deserved to want it.
Lexa spent so much time worrying about Clarke's comfort and boundaries. So much time carrying the weight of her decisions like a scarlett letter on her chest. She lived with the guilt - not for the decisions themselves - but for how those decisions hurt Clarke, and how it all ultimately lost her the girl she had fallen so hard for, so fast.
But still, there were so many instances where she wanted nothing more than to be allowed to be soft. And you could see it.
So many times when she put herself out there just to feel like a fool in the end.
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You could see it in these tiny glimpses of moments, her hesitation. Her disappointment. Her wanting so badly to reach out. But not letting herself.
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Always waiting to be pushed away. Always accepting when she was. Always swallowing the pain of her own heartache while aching to be let in...
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Which is why the second Clarke said yes? Lexa absolutely let the floodgates open.
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While we saw after their first time she had given Clarke space again, had rolled away to recover from being fucked into a nap the intensity of finally getting to have that intimacy with Clarke, I don't think it was because it was what she wanted to do. I think it was pure instinct. Fear. A learned habit to always give Clarke space, and always another chance to push her away should Clarke want to. Seeing how Lexa operated when it came to Clarke, I don't think she took them having sex for granted in the aspect of "oh now all is forgiven." I think even after having Clarke make love to her, a piece of Lexa would've been careful not to push for too much too soon. Been too clingy. Assume Clarke woukd want to cuddle with her, to hold her. To even want Lexa to touch her the same way so intimately.
When Clarke gave the ok? When Clarke made it clear that she was open to that?
Oh she smiled.
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And she was happy
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She held her hand during sex for godssake, you can't get more mushy than that
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And even in her final moments, what made her break? What was the only thing that really truly cut through the pain and the strength of Heda, and gave Lexa a moment of solace?
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Clarke's touch.
Clarke's comfort.
Being able to soak in another moment of just being close to her. Loved by her.
Lexa was always a touchy a person. She craved that physical intimacy with Clarke from day one. I mean we're talking about a woman who decided to casually ~take a nap~ on her canopy bed with the drapes open while an almost complete stranger waltz around her tent. She was always sending out the signals out that not only did she want more emotionally from Clarke, but that she wanted more physically. And I don't mean sex (ok well not just sex at least), she wanted that soft comfort of just being near her too.
So yeah. 100% I believe if given a chance to have more moments together after they'd both finally let each other back in, every time Clarke even halfway made it seem like she was open to it, I think Lexa would've become more and more comfortable letting go of her fears and been as affectionate as she'd always wanted. I think she would've become more and more snuggly, more tactile in her expressions of love and pride, to the point that when they were alone I don't think Clarke would've quite known what to do with herself and her little commander-noodle-arms shaped shadow
They still would've argued all the time tho
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lexa-griffins · 4 months
How did farm clexa meet? And what was their first impression of one another?
Lexa and Clarke met fairly young. Clarke was about six when her parents decided to move back to their hometown and their ranch.
The school year has already started when Clarke is introduced to the class. Clarke isn't shy but it is hard to make friends when everyone already has friends so she finds herself helping this quiet girl pick up rocks. She doesn't talk much. But her name is Lexa. And she really seems to like rocks. And flowers. She had the cutest ponytail and pretty eyes. Clarke herself has permanent rosy cheeks, missing a tooth and her knees are always scuffed.
Clarke found Lexa a little weird at first. Off putting even. She was very smart but barely spoke. Dueing the first few weeks of being friend, Clarke barely heard her say more than her name, with a deep country accent as she said Klork instead of Clarke. But she is nice to be around. She is the first one to run and get the teacher when Clarke falls down and scrapes her knees again. And she sometimes holds Clarke's hand with a rock between their palms because she thinks it'll make them friends forever.
Lexa is amazed by Clarke honestly. She has a toothy smile and can be a little too loud at times but Lexa likes her. She hangs out with her. And after a while, she helps Lexa collect rocks, picking up the ones she finds pretty and then running to Lexa, asking her if any of these are ones she likes. She has funny jokes sometimes too. And Lexa just likes staying by her side.
They grow up as best friends from there. Clarke becomes the girl that will defend Lexa from every mean kid who tries to call her weird. Lexa will always help Clarke out when she gets in trouble, and if Clarke is to sit inside during recess as detention, Lexa will refuse to go outside, too.
They are a permanent duo and it really shocks no one when they get married, it was a long time coming 🥰
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coeurdastronaute · 2 years
Royalty 4
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Previously on Royalty
“I’m just going to make her a queen!” Clarke yelled, storming across the den again. 
Lexa knew well enough to wince as the tirade continued. It was never-ending, honestly, and she wasn’t even sure why. It was the truth. She hadn’t done any actual research into it with the legality or process of such, but it seemed like something she could do one day. Hell, her grandfather had three queens, or regents or something. That wasn’t the point. The man didn’t have any room on his skin for another widow, that was certain, and it was all allowed. 
But there had to be something about lesbianism in the ancient texts, surely. The country was a damn matriarchy for two hundred and thirty years. Statistically speaking it seemed like it would happen. Hell, her cousin was pregnant with a boy, if that really mattered. Anya would probably murder her child if he ever tried to take over– Lexa shook her head and chuckled at her mind wondering away to a land of palace intrigue. 
“You can’t just say things like that! I don’t have any titles. I don’t have any skills. I don’t have a damn job, and you’re out there starting my campaign for queen! The last queen your country had was your mother who is a goddamn saint at this point, so that’s an unfair comparison I now have to deal with. Because you just can’t lose, can you? You have to one up everyone. You have to fight with my father through the press!”
Clarke continued to rant, half in fighting with her girlfriend, and half in fighting with herself. 
Lexa sighed and adjusted her legs, crossing them again and absently picking at non-existent lint on her knee, waiting for her girlfriend to tire herself out. She’d been on the receiving end of many a Clarke rant. Hell, she’d survived the great meltdown of Christmas, sophomore year. She’d survived the vacation to Switzerland. She’d even managed to live through the epic of choosing university, with only a flesh wound. 
This would pass. 
“What about her being stripped of her titles? I don’t think it matters, I'm just going to make her a queen!” her father burst in the door, holding the daily paper in his hand, mouth wide in a smile as he chuckled his booming bark of a laugh. “Perfect. Astounding, my girl! The soundbite that everyone needed.”
Lexa smiled to herself and chanced a look at Clarke whose face had grown more red, her fists clenched at her sides. Her father followed her gaze and smiled wider, clearly not reading the room well enough, as he was known to do. 
“Don’t worry, we already have my chief of staff working on the logistics of that. But I think the spirit of–”
“AAAHHHHEEUUAHHH!” Clarke screamed, her hands tossed up in defeat.
It was quiet, then as the noise echoed through the room, bouncing off of the ancient stone of the family castle. Gus looked back to his daughter who cleared her throat. 
“Clarke has decided that I have spoken out of turn,” she tried to stop her own amused smile from appearing, earning another angry glance. 
Her father looked back and forth between them as Clarke stamped her foot and took a short, short breath. She snapped her head toward Lexa who still sat, nonplussed in the chair. “‘Not funny’ is what she said.” 
“You–! I–! When–!” Clarke sputtered, her shoulders growing tighter and her eyes squinting into a lethal stare. She growled again. “AAHHEUUAUH!”
“Well, darling, it’s going to be–” Gus began, unsure of how to deal with so much feeling. Lexa was rarely this animated. He tried to soothe, but realized it wasn’t helping. 
Clarke just shook her head and snatched the paper from his hand as she stormed through the door he’d just entered. 
“Maddening. Infuriating. The whole lot of you! Mythical fucking monarchy my left foot! Can’t follow a simple fucking media plan!”
Left in the quiet now, the fire crackled a little louder and Gus did a double take, watching Clarke disappear and looking back at his daughter. Lexa just smiled and nodded as he picked up the paper from the arm of her chair and sat across from her. The sound of slamming doors echoed down the hall and Lexa tapped her thumb against her thigh as she looked toward the fire. 
“Bloody reminds me of your mother,” Gus grunted as he adjusted the paper, hiding behind it. 
Lexa leaned her hand on her fist and let out a heavy sigh. The thought didn’t provide any comfort to her, not in the moment. 
“I’ll have the staff hide the vases,” he murmured as he flipped a page. “We nearly lost an entire century of history when I pissed her off once.” 
Clarke had been her best friend once. They’d been closer than anyone, and that trend continued still, however, there was a clear change to their relationship that made it so they couldn’t be best friends sometimes because best friends talked to each other when their partner screwed up. It would become a ~thing, if they talked about it, and Lexa knew she was probably a partner rather than pushed buttons. 
But God, how she hated to make the call. 
Lexa bit the inside of her cheek as she opened the door to the residence, knowing full well what was waiting on the other side. She closed her eyes for a moment before it happened. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that she loved Clarke more than life itself, and that this was all going to pass, and they would live happily ever after. That part was a certainty. She nodded to herself after her moment of zen, and flung open the door. 
“I’m just going to make her a queen!” Raven growled, pushing past. “Of all the stupid fucking things you could have flippantly said. I swear–”
“Thoughtless. Truly,” Octavia agreed as she followed. “You didn’t have to say anything. There was a media plan.” 
“I thought it was actually pretty awesome,” Nylah offered a small smile, the caboose in the ridicule train that had finally pulled into the station. “But totally not cool.” 
The three friends stood together and Crossed their arms expectantly. Lexa pursed her lips  and bit back any remark she had in her about beheadings, and accepted the blame thrust upon her. 
“I asked you here for Clarke,” Lexa reminded them. “I may have spoken out of turn, but those were my feelings. I don’t care about titles or anything of the sort. But I can’t fix this and be there for her. She has to be okay with all of… me? Us? This whole thing. I asked you all here to be her friend and support.”
“I’ll support her to kick your ass,” Raven snorted. 
“I think that’s fair.” 
“Can’t believe she didn’t call us,” Octavia’s shoulders softened. 
“Yeah, well, you know her,” Lexa shrugged and shoved her hands in her pockets. “I know you might not like me. I’ve never been particularly fond of any of you–”
“And yet here we are, helping you out.” 
“Helping Clarke,” she corrected. “I can’t be her person on this. I’ve tried, and I’m– it’s complicated. And she needs more than I can give her. She needs you all. And you can dislike me, all you want, but you know how Clarke and I feel about each other, and I hope you can put everything else aside and just make her feel better.” 
Three sets of eyes stared at her, discerning what she might mean. Each seemed to reach their own conclusions, though Lexa still wasn’t sure what they could be. She knew these types of girls. The ones who latched on to a higher title and were friends for their lives for the perks. She wanted to believe it wasn’t true of the people Clarke associated with, but she always erred on the side of disbelief until proven wrong. But these were Clarke’s people. The daughter of some Count back home, the wife of some wealthy businessman, and the granddaughter of some land developer. 
“I’ve made quarters available for you all to stay as long as you wish. Your bags will be brought up. Clarke is in the gallery wing, and I’ll take you there.” 
Slowly, she earned curt nods and breathed out the air she’d been holding. Lexa turned on her heel and directed them to the side hallway. As casually as she could, she walked them along, debating with herself if this was the best course of action. Clarke hadn’t broken any vases, but she certainly hadn’t been herself, and Lexa was more afraid than she could admit that she would do something wrong. 
“Smaller than Ryre Fort,” Raven observed. “More quaint.” 
It didn’t feel like a compliment. 
“Older, certainly,” Octavia agreed. “Maybe more like Tarnton?” 
“I like it,” Nylah decided as they walked along the corridors. 
“It’s going to be straight down this hall,” Lexa interrupted any further critiques of her home, last door on the end there. “Please, let me know if there’s–”
“I’m going to need your spa, and movie room. Have all of the blankets you can put in there. For dinner, we’ll need menus to local spots, no cooking at home, we need takeout, and probably six bottles of your best wine.”
“Nothing like our ancient stores being raided and eaten along with mozzarella sticks,” Lexa bit back. She earned a series of grins. “Anything else?” 
“You did the right thing, calling us,” Octavia offered. “Make yourself scarce and keep everyone out of this wing for the foreseeable future.” 
“How long—”
“Shh, shh,” she shook her head. “No more questions, princess. You’ve done enough.” 
Once more, she bit the inside of her cheek and decided that she needed a pint or six. With a centering breath, she nodded and smiled, holding open the door. 
It was only Nylah who paused while the others made their way toward the gallery at the end of the hall. 
“They know you love her. They’re just giving you a hard time,” she offered sweetly. 
“They’re very efficient.” 
She chuckled to herself before agreeing. 
“It was brave. Clarke gave it all up for you and you’re trying to show her that you’re worth it, but you can’t fix it with a soundbite.”
“I meant it. I’ll give her everything and then some,” Lexa promised, needing at least one of the weird sisters to believe her. 
“You realized that she needed her own people to talk to, and that was impressive. Just… she needs a plan now. She always had one and it got shredded, so for a little while, just give her some stability.” 
Lexa took a deep breath and nodded. 
“I’ll leave you to it, then.”
“Thank you, Princess.” 
“Just Lexa is preferred,” she grinned, earning a smile for Nylah. 
In a few seconds, the third of Macbeth’s witches was through the door and following up with her friends who waited impatiently. Lexa smiled to herself to think of them cackling together. 
She made it back toward her father’s favorite study and found him finishing up a call when she sat in her favorite chair, exhausted by the sheer amount of willpower it took to bring them around. It was quite a bit of begging, and quite a bit of plotting, and even worse, quite a few errands she had to run to ensure all went well enough. 
“Did I catch sight of a trio of young women roaming the halls?” 
“Aye, the wayward sisters here to help Clarke.” 
Her father chuckled, a rumble deep in his belly at the description. 
“It’s funny you’d say that. My initial thought was that something wicked this way comes,” he teased. “It was the smart thing to do. The absolute pandering I had to do to your Aunt Leda after you were born and your mum was in the grays… But it was for the best.” 
“Clarke is my best friend though,” Lexa shook her head and ran her hands over her face, frustrated by the entire situation. “I should be able to help my best friend.” 
“Sometimes you have to call in the reinforcements.” 
“I need a drink,” she groaned. “Want to nip off to the pub with me? It’s depressing if I drink alone.” 
“Fine,” Gus agreed, stroking his beard as he thought. “But I don’t want to hear your bellyaching. All you do is have lady problems now.”
“Strictly about the state of rugby then,” she promised. “The Jacks are shit this year.” He smiled wider and nodded, clapping her on the shoulder as they made their way to the garage.
For three days, the conference raged in the East wing of the castle. Lexa did her best to keep herself busy. She went to events with her father. She stuck to the plan, as advised by many. She appeared on a late night show. She went shopping with a few of her own friends while Clarke was spotted doing the same in another area of town. It was the longest three days of her life. 
But still, Lexa didn’t doubt that it was the right call. Even the pictures of Clarke out shopping seemed a bit more normal than the others from the month prior. That was the only thing keeping her steady. 
But by the third night, Lexa was more than a little antsy to see her girlfriend again. She’d only just gotten her, realistically, and she’d spent more than enough time away from her in their lifetime. She didn’t want to miss a second, and no matter how hard it was, she tried to remember that it was for the best. 
That was why she was currently elbow deep in a rather dull book she’d been handed by a bookstore owner. Sometime about the history of lesbianism in the medieval ages just didn’t hit right when she was alone in her giant bed being decidedly un-lesbian. She was being the bigger person and quietly regretting being so damn witty and charming. It truly was a curse.
But then the door to her suite opened and she turned her head to find Clarke standing there with a small, easy smile, and Lexa remembered what a useless medieval lesbian she really was, and she smiled back, dopily. 
“Full disclosure, I’m mildly tipsy and I’ve missed you.” 
“I missed you too,” Lexa grinned and tossed her book across the bed, holding open her arms. 
It didn’t take much for Clarke to get the message, as she kicked off her shoes and climbed into bed beside her. In just a few seconds, Clarke tossed her leg to one side of Lexa’s hips and straddled her in the middle of the bed. She leaned down and kissed her and Lexa tasted the wine and grinned. 
“Thank you for inviting my friends. I know you don’t like them, but I really…” she sighed. “I needed it, I think. Some normalcy.” 
“I like them…” Lexa furrowed before earning an incredulous look. “I like Nylah.” 
Clarke chuckled and kissed her again. Lexa let her hands migrate from thighs to hips as her own canted forward somewhat, this kiss slightly more heady than the initial. She wanted to be wrapped up in that feeling. 
But all too soon, Clarke sat up a little and braced herself with her hands on Lexa’s ribs. She rubbed her thumbs there and smiled, her cheeks a beautiful shade of pink. 
“I’m sorry I was flippant about our future and everything you’re going for. I just– I don’t know. I meant it. None of it matters to me, so it was easy to just blurt out how I felt without considering what it would mean for you.” 
“I shouldn’t have gotten so mad. I think I was holding in a lot of things.” 
“I don’t know if you were holding anything in,” Lexa murmured, earning a look. “Where are the weird sisters now?” 
“They’re debating our next movie. I told them I wanted to check on you and earned a lot of teasing.” 
“Not my fan club, I take it.” 
“They like you.” Lexa gave her a look. “No, seriously. They know I love you. They trust you. They just might not like to show it.” 
“I can’t believe you called them. I heard all about it.” 
“I’m sure I was portrayed as helpless and silly for having to call.” 
“Among other things,” Clarke laughed. “But seriously. I know it probably killed you to do it, but I’m glad you did. I needed it.” 
“And I might have some time while they bicker…”
Lips moved to Lexa’s neck and she swallowed, her hands digging into Clarke’s thighs a little harder than before. She felt the dizzying effects of her girlfriend’s lips and her eyes rolled back slightly at it. 
“How much time?” she whispered, kissing Clarke again, something she’d never tire of doing. “Because I have lots of time, too.” 
“Just enough to make you miss me more.” 
With that, Clarke shifted, but not in a good way. She pushed herself out of the bed, dismounting with ease, a true equestrian in every form of the word. Lexa lay still, unable to really move, earning a kiss on her cheek. 
“I take it back,” Lexa muttered. 
“What’s that?” 
“I’m not going to make you a queen after that display.” 
Clarke laughed, finally, and Lexa, though extremely turned on and left decidedly high and not that dry, breathed a bit of relief to have that sound back. 
“Should have thought of that before you deviated from the media strategy on the most popular radio broadcast in the country.” 
“Never again.”
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kp4president · 2 years
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reposting this on here because tumblr can smd
Post first few dates, Clarke takes a lot of cold showers and spends a lot of quality time with her favourite vibrator. Something in Lexa's eyes keeps her from going any farther than roaming hands, swallowing a muffled groan as Lexa gently settles herself onto Clarke's lap, eyes huge and darkening by degrees as her forest gaze fixes itself on Clarke's kiss-bruised mouth.
Their first time is after a handful of dates, a few steamy make out sessions on Clarke's couch, full of syrupy kisses and Lexa panting hotly onto Clarke's neck before shaking her head slightly and pulling away unsteadily, the slinky beats of the 1975 pouring through the speakers that perch on Clarke's wooden bookshelves.
Most of those hot and heavy handsy make out sessions end with Clarke walking Lexa quietly to her door, hands intertwined as they hover in the entryway, Lexa brushing the softest series of kisses to Clarke's flushed cheeks before quietly leaving.
After a brisk walk home, Lexa thuds her head against her door after tottering through her front door, groaning quietly as she scrubs her hands over her face.
"What the fuck, Lex?"
Lexa nearly swallows her tongue as she whirls around to see an extremely unimpressed Anya sitting on her kitchen counter, easily cracking open a bottle of beer with her back teeth as she settles back comfortably into place.
"Holy shit, Ahn, that key is for emergencies-are your teeth ok-"
"This is clearly an emergency, Lexa, if I have to hear you whine about how hot Clarke's hands are for one more day I am going to lose my goddamn mind," Anya says pointedly as she nudges a shot glass full of mysterious clear liquid towards Lexa's curious gaze, hand hesitantly extending.
"I'm gonna need you to take this shot, buck the fuck up, and go back and bone your girl."
Lexa chokes slightly as her hand freezes midway through reaching for the shot, feeling a flush roil over her entire body.
"Ahn, it's not that I don't want to-" Lexa starts quietly, rolling the very full shot glass through pensive fingers.
Anya cuts her off with a roll of a slender hand as she tilts her head back gracefully to take a long pull of the golden beer in hand, condensation rolling down the bottle as she sets it back on the counter with a clink.
"Lex, every time I've been around when you've come back from a date with Blondie you're walked by with huge unfocused gay heart eyes to take the longest shower known to womankind. I know you have a huge girl-boner for her, what the fuck are you waiting for? She's crazy about you, you can practically see the cartoon hearts that swim around her head whenever she stops by your shop."
Lexa feels an involuntary smile crack across her face as she remembers Clarke stopping by the shop with tacos from the food truck Lexa had offhandedly mentioned she loved earlier in the week, mentioning she had been in the area.
Not knowing that Lexa knew that the food truck was in the opposite end of town on Tuesdays.
Lexa shakes her head as she snaps back to the present, absently draining the shot with a slight grimace as she nudges Anya over on the counter to hop up next to her.
"I absolutely do, Anya, it's just been a while since Costia, and I'm, you know, nervous-"
Lexa squeaks in surprise as two heavy hands reach down to grasp her shoulders and shove her brusquely off of the counter. Lexa topples to the floor, a puppet with their strings cut as she looks up at a smug Anya in abject betrayal, eyes wide.
"Lexa, I swear to god if you don't march back to Clarke right now and put both of you out of this abstinence misery bullshit..." Anya hisses like an angry goose, yanking a stunned Lexa off of the floor and brushing her off gently. Seeing the slight terror on Lexa's face, Anya softened slightly as she draped Lexa's coat over her shoulders, ushering her towards the door.
"Lexa, you could strip butt naked in front of Clarke and dance the hokey pokey and she'd still think the sun shines out of your ass. She really likes you and will probably spontaneously explode the moment you lay hands on her. Relax, have fun, and get out of your damn head about it."
Lexa smiles begrudgingly as she nods, the tequila shot thrumming through her body as she turns unsteadily to head back to Clarke's.
Clarke is just emerging, towel clap and flushed from her shower when a loud knockknockknock. Confused, she squeezes a handful of water out of her hair, shaking the wet mass of curls side to side as she peeks carefully out of her viewfinder to see-
Lexa stumbles in, pupils blown wide at the sight of Clarke, pale skin glowing with tiny gems of fractured water droplets, towel twisted to showcase long legs and toned arms.
"I- Clarke- you-" Lexa stammers, gaze skittering over Clarke's barely clad body to land fixed on a point just above Clarke's head. Clarke's eyebrows drew together as she takes in Lexa, panting in her doorway, the curious scent of tequila drifting in the air around her.
"Were you drinking?"
Clarke's curious inquiry is cut off by lips crashing into her, a tidal wave of Lexa washing over her as she throws herself at Clarke.
They kiss heavily for a moment as Lexa slowly grows bolder, hands roaming to every exposed swatch of skin she can reach, fingers skimming over damp shoulder blades, lips sweeping over goose-bump dappled collarbones. Clarke fights to keep still as she revels in Lexa's explorations, heart rate thrumming in her ears as she leans into the onslaught of kneading hands and the slightest graze of teeth.
With what feels like Herculean effort, Clarke pulls herself away gently, just enough to rescue the tucked corner of her towel from exploring fingers.
"Lexa, are you sure?" Clarke stresses the last syllable meaningfully as she nudges forward to meet Lexa's clear gaze.
Lexa nods softly as she tips her forehead in to meet Clarke's, breathing in her clean scent for a long moment as she focuses on the feeling of Clarke's fingers tracing meaningless shapes into her clothed hipbone.
"I want this, I want you." Lexa manages to whisper as she leans forward to capture Clarke's mouth again, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth and biting, just hard enough to elicit a breathy little moan that sent her stomach swooping pleasantly.
Clarke pulled back just enough to nod slightly, the towel falling away as she reached under Lexa's t-shirt hem, smirking slightly at how the smooth skin shivered in response to her touch.
Lexa shuffled forward dazedly as Clarke tugged her towards her bedroom, head lolling back as warm hands made quick work of her top.
"I can't wait to get you in my bed," Clarke murmured they tripped through Clarke's doorway, Clarke making quick work of the singular button on Lexa's jeans. "I can't wait to taste you, I can't wait to make you tremble and fall apart."
A garbled moan burst out of Lexa's mouth at Clarke's silky words, tiny ears flushing red as they tumble into bed together.
They don't emerge until the morning, sunlight pouring through the high windows as they slowly untangle from each other, having gravitated into each other's arms when they collapsed in the early hours of the morning, a faint sheen of sweat coating heavy limbs as they fall into each other.
Lexa shows up to work the next day with dark circles ringing her eyes but a smile as bright as the sun gracing her cheeks, practically skipping into work until Anya's subtle smirk and crooked eyebrow.
A bouquet of bright red roses show up at Lexa's shop the next day, the only signature on the card a kiss stamped in red lipstick, and a cursive C.
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