#and let me be clear I don’t even think ARR is bad
spadesnoir · 3 months
Oh boy people sure are divided about dawntrail msq huh
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kass-storycorner · 3 years
Heyhey! May I request childe with a reader who is very generous and like caring? Like if someone doesn’t stop her she’ll give and give and give and give until there’s nothing to give? Thank you
ooooh! Thank you for the request (and for being the first person requesting something yay!). I had so much fun writing this, I didn't knew if you wanted to go this the more platonic or romantic route, in the end I made it kinda romantic? Well, I hope you like it! I also kept using Childe as his name in this because my brain can't keep up with more than one name Title: Genre: Fluff, Humour, blossoming romance? hehe Rating: SFW Content Warnings: None! Except you need a warning for Zhongli voicelines then here it is.I quote Zhongli in this. May the Archons forgive me haha. Characters: Childe x gn!reader Words: 1546 “You look worried,” Childe was pulled out of his thoughts by your familiar voice. There you were sitting down next to him at the table in Wanmin restaurant, looking at him with concern. “Hey comrade, I’ve been waiting for you”, he smiled at you and grabbed the menu. “So, what do you say we eat today? I haven’t had Grilled Tiger Fish in a while”, Childe continued in the hopes of you dropping the topic. “You are really alright? If there is something I could he-“, before you could finish Childe already interrupted you. “I’m fine, don’t be such a worry wart, I just have been thinking about what we should order.” With a waving of his hand, smiling at you you dropped the topic and both of you concentrated on your meal. It was a good thing you didn’t try to pursue the topic further, although Childe knew just all to well you would try to talk about it with him later. But how could he tell you that what he was so worried about was you? Since the day he met you he couldn’t stop to wonder if you even knew the word “No”. Whenever a citizen of Liyue asked for your help, you were always there to do so. No matter how difficult or time-consuming a task, if they needed help you were there to help. Helping with the laundry? No problem. Listening to their troubles? You leaned them your ear. Playing with the kids in the Harbour? Arr, you’re the pirate now. Someone forgot their wallet today? You were happy to pay for the meal (Childe made sure that because of this you would never go out to eat alone with Zhongli – his taste might not hurt a wallet filled with the Mora of the Fatui, but the one of a normal Liyue citizen.). Whatever they asked from you, whomever asked for your help you were always up to the task and eager to do so. Without any kind of compensation. It worried him to no ends, you were always so generous with your time and energy, caring so much about everyone in Liyue. Childe wondered if you ever were selfish. You deserved to be. Just as you two were finishing up your meal, the whole time you told Childe happily about the million errands you ran today for the people in Liyue, he saw someone approaching the table you two were sitting at. “Ah (Y/N), I’ve been looking all over for you!”, Childe groaned internally when he saw the man in the clothes of the adventure’s guild approach you. It was as clear as a Crystalfly to Childe in which directions this was going to go – you helping that man out on one of these guild commissions without even taking the rewards. You greeted that man with a smile, at first you chatting a bit, but then- “You know, I was wondering if you could help me out with a com-“. “Ah, too bad”, Childe interjected himself now into the conversation. “(Y/N) already promised to help me with something, so they won’t be able to help. But there are surely some other Adventurer who will help you with whatever you need.” You gave Childe a confused glance. “I’m sorry, I can’t today. Maybe I can help you the next time,“ you told the Adventurer. With a disappointed face the man quickly told his goodbyes and went on his way. “Okay,” you looked at Childe “so there was something bothering you earlier!” With a sigh Childe put the Mora for the meal, stood up and took your hand. “Just,” he began looking at your now curious face “come with me, okay?” You both made your ways down to the docks of Liyue Harbour, just standing next to each other in silence for a few minutes looking at the ships coming in and out while the
sun started to set in the distance. “You see these boats? They um- ah, what does Zhongli always says about them?” You had no idea where this was going, but you couldn’t help but laugh a bit. “You mean,” and you said the following trying to mimic the way Zhongli always says it, “ ‘Boats are made for transferring commodities back and forth, and those that come across Liyue tend to stay a while.’ “At that Childe laughed a bit too. “Yes, I meant exactly that. But you missed something,” and now it was on Childe to mimic the way Zhongli gestures and talks “ ‘so it is where many things come to settle.’”. Now both of you couldn’t help yourself and laugh. “Okay, okay. Now you told me what Zhongli always say about boats… why exactly?” “Because I want to tell you that you’re like one of those boats”, he gestured at the ships in the Harbour. “Umm, thank you?”, a bit confused you laughed at his statement. “I mean this is in the nicest ways possible Childe, but do you really know what a boat is?” “I know what a boat is, what I wanted to say is-“ “that I am a boat?” “That you need to learn how to say no,” Now even more confused you shook your head. “Now you lost me, how did we get from ‘I am a boat’ to ‘I should say no’?” With a frustrated sigh Childe shook his head, seriously he was asking himself the same question. He put each of his hand on one of your shoulders and looked you straight in the eyes. “Look me in the eyes (Y/N). What I wanted to say is that- okay, the boat thing wasn’t the best way to bring my point across, but what I need you to understand is that you are too generous and caring. Every time someone in Liyue has a problem, no matter how big or small, you drop everything in order to help them.” “You say this as if this was a bad thing.” in the tone you used Childe could hear that this wasn’t really a topic you expected to talk about… and wanted to talk about. “It is! You keep on giving and giving and giving to the people around you, not wanting anything for yourself in return. And while I admire you for this, for how you always care for everyone around you, it’s not good for you. One day there will be nothing of you for yourself left.” His voice was filled with worry and so were his eyes. ‘Oh,’ you thought, ‘so that was this face was about earlier.’ “Listen Childe,” you began, trying to get out of his grip, but he wouldn’t let you go nor let you finish what you were going to say. “I’m serious,” you could hear that in his voice, “please care for yourself just as you would care for someone else. You wouldn’t just stand by and watch how a friend overworks themselves, gets taken advantage of, without them even noticing it?” Embarrassed you averted his strong gaze now. “No, I would not” you mumbled. Childe let go of your shoulders, taking one of your hands in his own and rubbing his thumb over the back of it. When you looked back at him you could see how his eyes were still fixated on you. “Promise me you won’t take on so many tasks in the future. Think more about yourself, be selfish. Please.” Childe didn’t intend to pour all his feelings for you into that please. It was just a simple please and still, he had the feeling that he just told you everything with his voice. “I promise,” you answered, trying not to get lost in his ocean blue eyes. There was a tension now between you two and for Childe it was just… it was too much. He let go of your hand and looking back at the Harbour, seeing how the setting sun coloured it in a warm orange. “Now to make good use of your promise,” Childe broke the tension continuing the conversation with a more light-hearted tone “is there something you want to do? Be as selfish as you want! Come on tell me, we can do that then!” He looked back at you, surprised by the playful smile you had. “Oh? Everything I want?”, you stepped a bit closer to Childe now, he started to feel a bit nervous now. An unusual feeling. “Y-yes, like I said. Be as selfish as you want!” Did he just stumble a bit over his own words? “Then,” you looked in his blue eyes again and Childe could see a glint of mischief in them “how about I kiss you?”. Childe was not one who got easily flustered, but he could feel how he started to blush. “I mean- if that’s what you want, I’m fine with it,” did he sound nervous? He felt like his voice didn’t sound right when he just said that. You came now even closer to Childe and then – you gave him a quick peck on his cheek. “Huh?” Confused he looked at you. “I didn’t say I would kiss you on the lips,” you winked at him, smiling at him and then you turned around, starting to walk away. “Hey, (Y/N) wait that doesn’t count!”.
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
#6 - Avatar
back at it again with the time travel au, this time for day six of ffxivwrite! this one is hopefully more comedic than angsty and worse case there’s definite Being Siblings in there if nothing else. once again, vague spoilers for shadowbringers that mean nothing if you haven’t played it and definite spoilers for arr
“I am… not certain that this is the best of ideas.”
Two heads slowly swivel to face the young elezen and Alisaie glares, “It’s your idea, Alphinaud!”
He flushes. “Ah, well. Yes, it is, however…”
Seeing their sister seems to be about to throttle him, Set clears his throat. “It’s perhaps a little late to be questioning Alphinaud’s plan now,” he says, gesturing about the room. At Alisaie in her specially tailored robes that blend into the shadows, at Azem’s constellation crystal (a shepherd to the stars in the dark--) around her neck gleaming in the specially prepared light, at the unconscious, possessed Thancred tied to the chair in the centre of the three.
An unconscious possessed Thancred who begins to stir in the silence, his head rising and bleary eyes opening.
Three separate bolts of sleep flash out in an instant and their kidnappee sags into his restraints once more.
He very carefully doesn’t say I told you so. Then, he blinks. “...that’s not going to kill him, right?”
The twins freeze. They stare at each other and then back to Thancred. “No,” Alphinaud says, but he’s already rushing forwards with a hand glowing with healing magicks. 
Set isn’t comforted.
Alisaie huffs and throws herself onto the ground, crystal thumping against her robes with the movement. (my dearest friend--- fate will surely follow--). “I hate myself for saying this.” Her nose wrinkles up. “But Alphinaud is right; this is a bad idea.”
“Well, yes.” He agrees easily with a nod. Of course, this is a bad idea.
“What do you mean ‘well, yes’?!”
It echoes off of the walls and he winces, his ears ringing, and looks between the twins. “Please tell me that you didn’t actually believe that kidnapping our possessed our possessed friend was a good idea?” He doesn’t know what he’d do if they had; cry, maybe, or go and stab their father for doing this to them.
Alphinaud just looks at him blankly in that way that means he’s edging towards murder. “Why did you agree to the plan then?”
“I said it was a bad idea, Alphinaud, it’s still the best plan we’ve got,” Set says. “Also, our only other plan was Alisaie’s and sneaking into Garlemald and assassinating the emperor in order to draw out Emet-Selch is an infinitely worse plan.”
“...You’re right, this is obviously the superior idea.”
“I will murder you both-”
“And yet,” Alphinaud continues. “I do not think I considered just how difficult this would be; knowing that Thancred is trapped within his own body even now, before us…”
He looks away, silent. His eyes flit to the floor. He cannot look at their friend, still hale, still hearty, still destined for months more as a passenger in his own body. Set hates this part of the Plan most of all: hates knowing that yet another ascian is wearing the face of his friend except worse, this time, because Thancred is alive. He is aware. All Elidibus could sully was Ardbert’s body, was his memory, but now-
Thancred is alive and aware and he is forced to watch as Lahabrea tries to destroy them (as he passes along information that will see the scions whittled down to but a handful), aware but not in control, and Set-
He hates this. They all do.
“We cannot change too much,” he murmurs towards the floor, a reminder to himself as much as it is for his siblings. Too much good had come of their lives Before, too much that cannot be undone just to save them from personal loss. They cannot risk certain events not playing out as they once did. And yet, “but…”
“Lahabrea doesn’t need Thancred,” the youngest of them picks up, a grim smile on her face. “Not anymore; he already has what he needs, he already has the location of the Waking Sands and the codes that Thancred uses, and if it is not Thancred’s face that he wears at the Praetorium, well.”
Their brother crosses his arms and his voice is quiet. Considering. “It won’t change any of the major beats of history: the Empire will still use Ultima, Gaius will still invade Eorzea, the scions will still stand against him.” A beat. A smile. “Set will still be heralded as the Warrior of Light.”
Set grimaces and his siblings laugh at him. “If we’re careful…” He falls silent, daring not to hope but-
But they look at each other, a decision in their eyes that drowns out a little of the grief there, and they don’t need to speak what they already know. Even though there is so much of history that they must let happen again, this need not be part of it.
Perhaps, maybe, they can give Thancred this.
They cannot bring themselves to try anything less.
“Well then,” Alisaie clambers to her feet, her voice sharp in the silence. A vicious grin spreads across her face. “Let’s change history.”
Azem’s crystal flares (our souls set adrift-- a chronicle of a traveller-- an avatar of hope--) and Set smiles.
It’s full of hope.
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withkun · 4 years
volcanic | wong lucas
word count: 4.5k
pairing: female graduate student! reader x fratboy! lucas
genre: enemies to lovers au
warnings: smut, swearing, alcohol
a/n: yesterday i had a dream about going on a date with lucas so you can thank @god for inspiring this mess. also the last person i slept with was a trump supporter and kinda inspired the relationship... i have regrets. 
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You hated admitting it to yourself, but you were instantly drawn to Lucas when he first entered the ballroom. Along with his trademark dashing smile, he disregarded the dress code and opted for a formal, black-tie suit. If you hadn’t known better, you would have guessed he was a famous actor or a prince out of a fairy tale. Of course, his entrance garnered everyone’s attention as well. Whispers and quiet giggles began to flood the room.
Flustered, you tore yourself away from him and reached for a small flask buried at the bottom of your purse. Emergency vodka could go a long way on nights like these.
“A bit early, don’t you think?” a smug voice arose.
You gritted your teeth and brought the flask to your lips, then ignored the burning sensation slipping down your throat. “Not at all,” you murmured, your voice almost a growl.
Without prompt, Lucas pulled the flask from your hands and helped himself to a sip. “Svedka,” he complained. “Definitely too early for that.”
You watched him down the remainder of the liquor, your anger beginning to boil. “Don’t you have to prepare yourself for the pageant?”
He eyed you, seemingly finding amusement in your fury. “I am,” Lucas assured you. “I’m actually campaigning right now.”
“I’m not voting for you,” you told him, a self-satisfied grin replacing your scowl.
Unphased, Lucas offered you a wink. “We’ll see,” he said in a sing-song voice, then left you to your devices and an empty flask.
Before you could chase after him and demand replacement vodka, your student organization beckoned you to their table. Begrudgingly, you slumped over and plopped into your chair. Your table consisted of the other members of the executive board, being Taeyong, Johnny, Taeil, Yuta, Jaehyun, and Doyoung. “I will pay everyone at this table fifty dollars to not vote for Lucas,” you muttered, half-serious with a glance to Taeyong. “Back me up Mr. Club President.”
Taeyong widened his eyes, putting his hands up in mock surrender. “We’re just here as a courtesy,” he laughed awkwardly. “Try not to stir any trouble.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, with the knowledge that he was right. The APIDA Graduate Student Organization rarely involved itself in any undergraduate matters, but sometimes aligned with their APIDA counterparts for events like this especially seeing as most of their members once were a part of those groups. Arguably, the Mr. Asia pageant was the most important conglomerate event of the year. Each Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi undergrad student org sent one representative each year to compete for the title of Mr. Asia. The representatives would prepare a talent portion, then partake in a question and answer session. Other attendees would dress to the nines, often seeing the event as an opportunity to flex. Most, however, did not flex to Lucas’ extent. They were also served a meal to be shared with other club members. After, attendees would cast their votes and crown that year’s Mr. Asia.
“No,” you deadpanned, already rummaging through Johnny’s backpack. “Unless maybe you keep me drunk this entire evening. Then I might consider.”
Of course, you knew it was only a matter of time until Lucas ran with his fraternity, Pi Delta Psi, or PDPsi for short. You were hoping you’d graduate before that happened. And yet, in your sixth year at the university you found yourself subjected to the terrors of frat boy Lucas gloating more than usual.
Johnny offered you his coke upon seeing your distress, and you were not surprised to taste an exuberant amount of rum. You wrinkled your face, but still refused to return the mixed drink. Johnny and Jaehyun shared a laugh as you downed the drink. “If I make you another drink will you forgive us for voting for Lucas,” Johnny inquired, his bottom lip pouted.
Meanwhile, Taeil passed his water bottle to you. An inauspicious clear liquid to the untrained eye, but you knew better. You looked positively giddy pouring yourself a glass of lemonade followed with a solid two shots worth of Taeil’s vodka. “You rich boy,” you accused jokingly. “Out here with Tito’s.” With a grateful smile, you offered, “But you are officially my favorite and hereby ‘best boy.’”
Yuta snatched the bottle and poured some in his water before Jaehyun could get his grimy hands on it. “Petition to all vote for Mark Lee,” he said, prompting the club for a cheers.
Your fellow members clinked glasses just as the lights began to dim. With a relaxed sigh, you whispered, “Hear, hear!” At least the booze hit before you had to see Lucas parade around on stage.
The event went as it did each year, Lucas taunting you with knowing smirks occurring as it always did. This time, you had to endure it with him from the spotlight. You made it a game to send him goofy, tipsy expressions that were often accompanied by finger guns and hearts in hopes of throwing him off.  Lucas, unbothered, continued with his act. His confidence only seemed to grow.
However, you had not anticipated Lucas’ performance in the talent show. The performance began slowly as Lucas executed a graceful traditional Chinese dance. The music suddenly changed tempo, and your jaw practically dropped to the table when he ripped off his shirt. You knew he was ripped, but you couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his sculpted body. Your increasingly drunk mind went forbidden places before you snapped out of it.
Your friends noticed your cheeks burning red and stifled laughter as Lucas closed his performance. You felt his eyes on your back, your head buried in your hands.
“Oooooh,” Jaehyun teased, “He’s looking at you.”
Although a few seats away, you managed to land a solid knee kick that elicited a sharp yelp from the boy. “He’s not,” you said defensively.
Even Taeyong let out a quiet laugh. “You’ve been flirting for years…”
“You think that excessively hating each other is flirting?” you inquired incredulously.
The boys exchanged looks and knowing smiles, a familiar ritual that occurred each time you and Lucas interacted.
Frustrated, you rose from your seat and made even strides to the restroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror, cheeks still ablaze from embarrassment. To your gratitude, you still looked fairly sober otherwise.
You almost jumped when you heard a couple knocks on the restroom door. “Occupied,” you called out.
The handle twisted to reveal a sweaty Lucas, peeking curiously through the crack. “Is it just you?”
“Yes,” your answered with a bitter tone. “What can I help you with in this esteemed ladies’ restroom?”
“Hold out your hands,” he ordered.
You obliged but raised your eyebrows in confusion. Lucas carefully placed a Pepcid capsule in hand, a bottle of water in the other. “What?”
Lucas shrugged. “I get Asian glow really bad too,” he replied, “unless if there’s another reason your cheeks are read.
Overzealous, you swallowed the pill and downed the entire bottle of water. “We both know it’s Asian glow,” you said defensively.
“You’re welcome!” Lucas said, already half out the door.
And once more, he left you stunned and silent.
In your purse, your phone began to buzz with frantic messages from the boys. Jaehyun made fun of you for already breaking the seal, while Taeyong demanded that you respond before he calls an ambulance for alcohol poisoning. A third unknown number accompanied the texts with an invite to the PDPsi after party that night.
You returned to your table to find that the pageant had already moved into the question and answer portion. Mark Lee excitedly described his plans to bring more of the university clubs together for common causes. That meant Lucas was on deck.
Thankfully, the Pepcid worked some of its magic and brought your cheeks back to a normal color.  You almost felt sober again. Still, Lucas’ actions muddled your mind.
With a polite bow, Lucas concluded his session and prompted the closing of the pageant.
Lucas took the stage and elicited quite a few cheers. His frat brothers startled the room as they let out a deep chant in support. Graciously, Lucas approached the microphone and once more glanced in your direction. Without expression, you offered him a thumbs up which he appeared to appreciate.
He surprised you once more with his articulate and thought out answers before you remembered his background. His father, an industrious and well-known businessman in Eastern Asia, likely prepared him for moments like this. Lucas may have been an untouchable playboy, but he was also poised to become a part of his father’s company. Still, you felt a certain genuity to his words despite that.
You turned your attention to your cell phone and took in the options. As your thumb hovered over Mark Lee’s name, you could not stop your eyes from wandering to Lucas’. Biting your lip, you hesitantly selected Lucas.
Within a few moments, the results were in and the MCs called the contestants to the stage. You refused to look at Lucas, instead focusing intently on your restless hands.
You expected to hear Lucas’ name, but instead heard Mark Lee announced as 2020’s Mr. Asia.
Following the applause, the MCs bid everyone a good night. Johnny addressed the table, “We’re all going to PDPsi’s after party, right?”
Looking over your shoulder, you saw Lucas clowning around with his frat brothers, then turned back to your friends. “Do we have to?”
“Absolutely,” Doyoung responded, eliciting flabbergasted responses from the table.
They all stared at you expectantly, knowing that you were cornered. If Doyoung wanted to party, an event none of them would have ever predicted, then you would have to see that through. “Fuck y’all,” you grunted.
A couple hours later, you arrived as a group at the notorious PDPsi frat house with a few handles. You hadn’t changed your outfit, but the boys ensured that you at least let your hair down from your high ponytail and touch up your makeup. They convinced themselves that the night was finally upon them, the night where you and Lucas would finally hook up. Despite their protests, you looked essentially the same. You wore mostly light makeup, but maybe got overzealous applying highlighter. You adorned the same black neck top tucked into a short argyle skirt, but with different shoes. The boys made you wear your “slut shoes,” which were basically just a pair of thigh-high suede black boots. In your hasty attempt to get ready, you barely had time to drink.
The party already was in full swing, and you could easily hear the music from a couple houses down. Beer cans and empty white claws littered the front lawn. A few people played beer pong on the front deck, but they had only filled the cups with water. The boys paired off amongst themselves in preparation for the drinking game, leaving you without a partner. Just as you began to complain, Lucas appeared at your side. “Hey, Y/N, I’m claiming you as my beer pong partner. Oh, and we’re next.”
Lucas practically dragged you away. “I’m terrible at beer pong,” you attempted to dissuade him.
Indifferent, Lucas made the first shot and gave your team the advantage of going first. “Here, I’m better at going second.” He pushed the ping pong ball in your hand.
You considered your options for a second. “You’re lucky I hate losing more than I hate you.” With that sentiment, you watched your ball splash into the back-right cup.
He grinned. “I knew it.”
Despite being a frat boy, AKA master of all party games, Lucas did not have a consistent shot. Still, you fended off the opposing team until you were down to the last cup. Two consecutive shots in and they would win. “Let’s make this interesting,” you offered. “If you miss your shot, you have to do whatever I want.”
With a knowing a smile, Lucas agreed. “If I make it, then you have to do whatever I want.”
You nodded, your confidence swelling, then gleefully watched your ball land perfectly centered in the last cup. And to your horror, you watched Lucas do the same thing.
“Oh, humble winner,” you decreed sarcastically, “what it is that you seek?”
To no one’s surprise, Lucas replied, “I want you to kiss me.”
You saw it coming, but that didn’t mean you were any less disgruntled. In a classic, you-like fashion, you launched into a rant. “Seriously, Lucas?? You’re a robot set to fuck boy mode and I will not be a part of it- “
He took your arm and pulled you away from the deck, into an alleyway. “You lost the bet,” Lucas reminded you. “And all you have to do is uphold your part of the deal.” He gestured around the empty space. “No one will even see it.”
You caught your breath, still enraged. “I was just going to make you find a new beer pong partner if I won. And maybe take a shot.”
“I wish you’d stop denying that there’s something between us.”
Biting your lip, you couldn’t bring your eyes to his and left them trained on the pavement. You never denied that you felt attracted to him. Yet, you also despised him for how perfect everyone perceived him to be. You saw another frat boy when you looked at him, nothing special. “What is there between us,” you asked cautiously.
“You try a little too hard to hate me, don’t you think?” Lucas pulled your chin up to meet his gaze.
Damn it. Sometimes he was too good. With him watching you so closely, you knew you couldn’t lie. “And what game are you playing now?”
“I’m not playing any games,” Lucas answered with sincerity.
Your mind whirling, you pressed your lips against his only for a second. Just a quick peck, nothing more. “And there you have it, humble winner. I’ll be inside drinking myself into an oblivion.”
Lucas grabbed your wrist before you could run off and pulled you closer for another kiss. This one, longer and deeper than before. You couldn’t help but melt into it and wrap your arms around his neck. Soon his tongue danced softly with yours, and you knew you were in for it. He had you.
You pulled away, attempting to catch your breath and gather your thoughts, but Lucas attached his lips to your neck and made his way to your ear. He planted soft kisses along its shape, then lightly bit your ear lobe. His heavy breaths in your ear made a knot in your stomach tighten. “I can’t believe I voted for you,” you admitted, your inhibitions disappearing.
You felt him smile as he kissed your lips once again. “I voted for Mark,” he murmured.
For the first time, he had you laughing genuinely. “In what kind of world do I vote for you and you vote for Mark Lee?” With that, you pressed your body closer to his, close enough to feel a growing bulge grind against your core. Teasing, you drew your hips back and forth.
Lucas soon grew impatient, and growled in your ear, “You’re driving me crazy. We’re going to my bedroom.”
“Not until I say so.” You attached your lips to his again, continuing to rock your hips.
His breath hitched in his throat, and you knew you had the power. Seeming to catch himself, he grabbed your wrists and held them against the brick wall behind you. “I want you,” he said airily, “all of you.”
“Fine,” you agreed, accepting the stalemate. “But no one sees us.”
You snuck around to the back yard first, praying that no one would question her messy hair and how red her lips must have been. Thankfully, you only saw Doyoung who acknowledged your presence with a knowing nod. At least you knew he wouldn’t snitch... most likely.
You skimmed you hand across his book shelf, retrieving his copy of Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle. The pages were marred with messy annotations in Chinese and English, so many you could not understand.
Lucas directed you to the far left bedroom on the frat house’s second floor. You stepped over beer cans and finally made your way there. Inside, you were almost surprised with how tidy everything was. He was a fuck boy, but damned if he didn’t keep his room up to A
sian parent standards.
Behind you, you heard the door open and lock click. Lucas pushed you against the bookcase, causing you to drop the book. “I was reading,” you managed as his hands wandered up and down your body and stopping to cup your breasts.”Didn’t take you for a Vonnegut guy.”
He lifted you, bridal style and tossed you onto the bed with ease. “I’m not just a fuck boy,” Lucas said, climbing over you. “I also read books for class.”
“You’re depth is astounding,” you mocked playfully. “I didn’t know you actually do your assignments.”
In response, he lifted his henley shirt over his head and once more revealed his toned torso and upper body. “I’ve changed a lot since I was a freshman, I thought you paid more attention.”
Your eyes glinted mischievously. “Like when you banged half of the AKDPhi sorority girls two years ago.”
“Okay, that was exaggerated,” Lucas grinned, hooking his fingers the hem of your skirt. “I haven’t slept with anyone in a year.”
You pulled your shirt off, prompting Lucas to dispose of your skirt as well. You were left in just your nude bra and panties, and Lucas breathless. “I find that hard to believe,” you scoffed, your tone a bit softer. “Are you going to tell me you’re secretly a virgin as well?”
“I mean,” Lucas scratched his head, “I used to get around.”
You took his moment of weakness in stride, moving so that you were on top of him. You registered the surprise on his face and let out a laugh. “Do you forget that I’m older than you, maybe even more experienced?”
As you undid Lucas’ belt, your eyes met. Both full of hunger and desire. A part of you felt as if you were making a bad decision, becoming another name for him to add to his list. Even so, you didn’t care. You hadn’t felt so alive since you dated your first boyfriend. Everything felt like a rush then, every kiss and every glance. Losing your virginity hadn’t even felt as good as these playful moments together.
With Lucas’ help, you removed his jeans. Both you were similarly half naked, only undergarments shielding the rest of your bodies. In that moment, you finally saw your similarities. Thirsty for control over the way you were perceived, a love for power, and longing for each other. “What do you see in me?” you inquired.
“Someone who could easily kick my ass,” he replied, his tone light but entirely serious. “I can’t believe I managed to get you in my bed.”
You scoffed. “I chose to be here, and I’m the one who made you want it.”
Lucas conceded, leaning up to kiss you, “That’s true. I’ve never dated someone that gives me such a hard time.”
“We’re not dating,” you prompted. “I only hate you slightly less now.”
“You’re the most interesting person I ever met,” Lucas said woefully. “And what do you see in me?”
“A clown,” you answered without hesitation. “Boo-boo the fool, if you will.”
You didn’t stop his hands as the reached for your bra clasp and let it fall off your chest.
“But you’re also sweeter and more genuine than I thought you could be,” you granted. “Thank you for the Pepcid, by the way.”
And with that, you pulled down his boxer briefs. His already hard length popped out, You maintained eye contact as you ran your tongue along the shaft, closing your mouth at the tip. Once again, you continued this motion and began to suckle his testicles and flicker your tongue as your hand firmly stroked his dick. He lost himself, groaning and muttering, “Fuck,” under his breath.
You loved seeing him like this, completely bent to your will. Returning your attention to the tip, you ran your thumb gently across the slit before replacing it with your mouth. You bobbed your head along the length and urged yourself to take more and more. Lucas encouraged you, his fingers tangling in your hair and guiding your motions. With almost its entirety reaching the back of your throat, you gagged.
Honestly, you could’ve went on like this for hours, but Lucas roughly flipped you over and dragged his index finger over your panties. You shuddered as it ran over your clit, then down to the wet spot you left. “My turn.”
In a swift motion, Lucas slid the panties down your legs and threw them aside. Lucas stared at you for a moment, taking in the sight of your naked, waiting body. He wasted no time in pushing your legs back, fully exposing you, and planted butterfly kisses along your thighs. His flat tongue lapped from your entrance and up to your clit, then down again. The anticipation almost made you lose your mind. He closed his lips on your clit, tongue to circling the sensitive bud. You never realized how big his hands were until he slid a finger inside of you. The overwhelming sensation had you gasping, begging for more. And then he slid another finger alongside it, pumping rhythmically as his tongue continued to work on your clit.
You had slept with a few partners before, but none left you as unhinged as Lucas. The pleasure built, somehow rendering you more helpless to his whim, and its release almost had you screaming.
In your shock, you sat up and looked at Lucas with bewilderment. “No one has ever made me come before.” To your embarrassment, it was true. You either grew tired and faked it or they never even made an attempt.
With a devilish look in his eyes, he sucked the two fingers that had previously been inside you. “Maybe you should have given in sooner.”
“Oh, just shut the fuck up and fuck me already.”
He went to open his cabinet drawer beside his bed and searched for a condom. “Protection first.”
You laid back on the bed, still catching your breath. “I’m on the pill,” you confided. “As long as you don’t have the clap, we’ll be fine.”
“Good thing I only have chlamydia.” Lucas kissed you, the taste of your orgasm still on his lips, and positioned himself at your entrance.
His forehead rested on yours, eyes cast down to where your bodies met. Slowly, he thrusted inside you, eliciting your moans. He moved his hips delicately, making you feel every inch bury itself deeper. Instead of immediately jackhammering it in, Lucas took his sweet time and chose his own pace. He brought his lips to your nipple, suckling on it softly. You couldn’t believe his patience.
“I’m going on top,” you managed, pushing Lucas down where you had laid. Although already turned on, you wanted to see Lucas squirm the way he had you. You brought your folds over his cock, driving him just as mad as you predicted. When you finally allowed him back in, he attempted to thrust upward. You shut him down, resting your hands on his pecs. “And now I’m in control,” you gloated. You ground your hips and then slowly brought yourself up and down. “So I’m going to do what I want,” you whispered into his ear.
He looked up to you, an animal-like glare present in his eyes. “Don’t forget who made you come.”
You sped your pace, willfully doing all the work. This time, you wanted Lucas to know he couldn’t do anything but allow himself to be used. And he watched you losing yourself on top of him, never having been more turned on in his life.
As you slowed, he brought your chin down for a chaste kiss. A trick, you realized, but too late, he thrusted into you this time much faster. You felt the hints of another orgasm budding, and involuntarily tightened your walls. Lucas felt the shift, drawing himself out. “You’re not going to come until I want you too.”
Before you could protest, Lucas aligned his head below your womanhood and pulled you in closer. His hands attached to your hips, encouraging you to rock yourself on his tongue. “You’re really something,” you murmured, obliging to his whims.
He murmured against you, sending vibrations up your spine. Soon enough, he had you writhing in your orgasm all over again.
Still unfinished himself, he positioned you on your hands and knees. Lucas pushed himself inside you, then slapped your ass. “God, your body...”
You couldn’t support yourself as he vigorously fucked you, but allowed your hand to float to your clit. As Lucas increase his pace, you felt your breath hitch. His thrusts became sloppier, and you realized he was close as well. Unable to hold out longer, you came again. Lucas followed shortly after, coming onto your back as you laid there, nearly exhausted. He produced a towel and wiped the excess off.
Lucas fell next to you, out of breath, and nearly exhausted. “Wow,” he muttered.
You rose from the bed, still shaking and legs a bit sore. “I’ll be in the shower. You’re welcome to join me as long as there’s no hanky panky.”
“No promises,” Lucas smiled, slowly gathering himself. “I’ll meet you there in a moment.”
You, still naked, walked to Lucas’ bathroom with a sway in your step. Just to mess with him. He gave you a moment for yourself while you turned on the shower and stepped in. You felt as if you were in a different reality, being in Lucas’ bathroom and just having had sex with Lucas Wong. You wondered if the rest of your student organization would be surprised, but suspected that they wouldn’t. Maybe Doyoung would’ve have filled them in when you didn’t return to your shared apartment with Yuta.
Lucas came in soon after, still eyeing your body the way he was before. “You can stay the night if you want, maybe get breakfast tomorrow.”
You kneaded some shampoo into his hair, and repressed a smile. It was like he read your mind. “I suppose so,” you attempted to be casual.
“And back to the dating thing,” Lucas began, “maybe we should try it.”
“Is that code for you want to have sex with me again?”
“I won’t deny that’s part of it,” Lucas admitted.
You turned from him to face the faucet, and felt him behind you once again. This time, you felt comforted by his embrace. “We’ll see how breakfast goes,” you offered.
He laughed, a low sweet sound prompting you to smile. You let yourself go in the moment, enjoying the feeling the water cascade down your skin and Lucas’ presence warming your body. “You’re never going to stop giving me a hard time, are you?”
You shook your head.
OLucas turned you to face him, descending his lips onto yours. “I wouldn’t want you to stop.”
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houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Part 3, Thunder Rolls (1 of ???)
House Isekai ARR Masterlist Here
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Client: Marianne Von Edmund
After Duvalie, Fireteam Alpha-Nine, and Raelyn set off to Goneril territory, the newly reformed House Isekai are sent to assist the head of House Edmund, Marianne.
Although, things do not go as smoothly as Sitri hopes...
[Out of Time - Final Fantasy XIV OST]
The room displayed massive crystals that showed reflections of the group.
Although it was heavily distorted and any normal person would be barely able to hear what was being said, the figure watching had no such difficulty.
(Buck) “Alright everyone, stand down. How about this? You just tell us what we need to know about these guys, and we’ll go put a few bullets in their heads.”
(Mickey) “If bullets even work on them-”
(Raelyn) “From the one I encountered, a single Bolter round will do just fine.”
(Lisa) “If it means less fighting, then there’s no harm. Duvalie dear, do be careful at least?”
(Duvalie) “O-Of course, Miss Lisa!”
(Aigis) “That was a very fast change in attitude-”
(Rean) “You get used to it.”
(Towa) “I suppose we’ll just meet and explain everything more in detail later?”
The figure raised its hand, engines whirring and steam coming out as it did.
A portal opened in front of the group to their first destination.
The one they called Duvalie was the first one to step through the portal, followed by the soldiers.
The figure slowly turned and a screen appeared in front of it, lines of text and numbers turning green.
(Kazuma) “…Wait a second, none of them knows anything about Fodlan. Why did we let them go anywhere alone?”
(Sitri) “…That’s a good question.”
When the text finished, a crystal behind it displaying a four legged being suddenly flashed off, the light dimming and turning dull.
The figure opened another portal behind the other group and patiently waited for everyone to step through. As soon as they did, the portal closed behind them.
The crystals picture suddenly split showing two sides, one of Duvalie's group, and one of House Isekai.
It said nothing else as it quietly watched.
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Part 3
Thunder Rolls
[Raise Your Flag - MAN WITH A MISSION]
Raise your flag
With all your voice
With all your voice
Shout it out loud with all your voice
One day
Someday somewhere
Dream on as we wander
Under pressure, you are waiting for direction
Going on the road without your mind
All misleads they give ignoring our decisions
Killing yourself your soul we have inside
Continue the struggle and feel like you’re discouraged
Rise up again to run to the end
In between the never-ending dream
We can struggle and muzzle the world before it fades away
Raise your flag
With all your voice
With all your voice
Shout it out loud with all your voice
One day
Someday somewhere
Believing that we will reach that goal
Come on and Raise your flag
So just Raise your flag
No matter how many times we feel defeated or lost
As long as we breathe
As long as we carry on
Dream on as we wander
Everyone was confused on why the portal closed.
Sitri made sure no one was looking at her as she whispered.
(Sitri) “Sothis?”
(Sothis) “Uh, don’t look at me. I wasn’t even the one who opened it.”
(Sitri) “Wait, then where did…?”
(Rean) "If I know anything about her, she'll be fine. I hope the others with her don't have to put up with too much..."
(Aigis) "In any case, we should get going as well, correct?"
(Kazuma) "Yeah, we've wasted enough time standing around as it is."
(Kurt) "I am quite interested in seeing what this world is like."
(Venti) "Indeed, perhaps it'll give me inspiration for new tales to tell at the tavern!"
(Jean) "Well, we shall defer leadership to you then."
Sitri realized Jean was looking at her, which was quickly followed by everyone else.
(Towa) "I guess you technically are the boss!"
(Elizabeth) "Well, Lady Sitri?"
Sitri cleared her throat and nodded.
(Sitri) "Right. Let's move out now then."
Right on cue, a portal opened in front of them, and all stepped through it, being teleported to forest with a beaten path.
As quickly as it appeared, it closed behind them.
Once again checking that no one was looking at her, she turned again.
(Sitri) "Sothis, who's opening these?"
(Sothis) "I'm not sure...We need to look into it once we're done here."
Venti and a few of the other Knights noticed Sitri and Sothis speaking quietly, though it appeared no one else did.
(Venti) "Hey, you see that floating green thing next to Sitri, right?"
(Amber) "Y-Yeah, it popped up earlier!"
(Diluc) "It's most likely similar to Paimon. We shouldn't bother her about this when we got more important matters."
(Lisa) "So, where are we?"
(Kairos) "This would be Alliance territory. Specifically House Edmund's, I've travelled these roads with my family for merchant related business."
(Rean) "Well then, do you mind leading the way?"
(Kairos) "...Of course."
Kairos walked along the path, guiding everyone else. Everyone travelled in their own smaller groups. Sitri was with the Garreg Mach Students, Rean and Towa were with Class VII, and Kazuma and Aigis were with the Knights of Favonius.
(Elizabeth) "I am not sure how I feel about this."
(Sitri) "About what?"
(Helena) "Pretty sure she means House Isekai."
(Elizabeth) "Well, it's not just THAT but...-"
(Kairos) "She means that we don't know how we feel about working with these offworlders."
(Astrid) "Hey come on, I'm sure we all have our doubts but at least give them a fair shot."
(Stefan) "Yeah, if Lady Sitri and our leaders trust them, its for a reason."
(Helena) "If nothing else, they know how to fight what we're up against better."
(Sitri) "You all were chosen for a reason. Your skills are the most exceptional of the three houses, and they will be a core part of this house in the days coming.
(Elizabeth) "Y-Yes, Lady Sitri."
(Kairos) "...Understood."
Aigis looked uneasy as she turned to the others.
(Aigis) "If this is how the current houses feel about House Isekai, I am concerned to think on how the rest of Fodlan thinks."
(Kazuma) "Yeah, people like Ainz and Slayer didn't really help our reputation much either.
(Amber) "But your old group saved this world, I thought everyone would adore you guys."
(Aigis) "It is not as simple as that, I'm afraid."
(Kazuma) "Long story, we'll tell you guys when we get back."
Kurt and Juna couldn't help but listen in on the conversation in front of them.
(Kurt) "Hmph. Were it so easy."
(Juna) "Instructor Rean, Towa?"
(Rean) "Huh? What is it?"
(Towa) "Yes?"
(Juna) "Just how bad were things when you guys interfered to be treated like this?"
(Rean) "..."
(Towa) "...Let's put it this way, none of us would be talking to each other right now."
Juna and the other Class VII members shrugged and continued walking. It'd probably be better to just focus on the mission right now.
A few hours later, they began to approach upon castle gates. They were stopped by Alliance soldiers, who shot a look at the ones obviously not from Fodlan.
(Sitri) "My name is Sitri Eisner of Garreg Mach. We have come here at the request of Lady Edmund."
(Alliance Soldier) "We appreciate the aid. Let them through."
Kairos was still in front while everyone else tagged along behind him. He slowed his walk to look around the estate.
The path to the main castle was well treaded, just as Kairos remembered. The dirt path was still a clean brown, and the grass and trees well maintained, with few servants attending them.
The path was not anything fancy, it was just a straight path to the estate, fitting Marianne's personality.
(Kairos) "It's been years since I've last been here."
(Helena) "Can't say my old team got anywhere close to here. Too much security."
(Astrid) "Your parents were merchants, right?"
(Kairos) "Yes. The noble families that didn't shun us for being commoners were few, and Lady Edmund was one of them, and we constantly made runs to sell our wares here."
(Kazuma) "Sounds like something Marianne wouldn't care about. She was probably one of the few people who wasn't a complete asshole."
(Aigis) "There were plenty of people who were not...rude. Do you think you are misremembering?
(Kaeya) "Or perhaps were you the one, mister Kazuma?"
(Kazuma) "Hey, I didn't start most of the shit here!"
Kazuma spun around to Kaeya.
Everyone except Diluc and Jean was fighting back a snicker. Venti failed to.
(Venti) "...Ehe."
(Musse) "He is quite loud isn't he?"
(Rean) "You kinda get used to it."
(Ash) "Really now?"
(Towa) "Believe us, there was much worse people to hold a normal conversation with."
At the doors, a familiar face was waiting to greet them.
Rean Towa, Aigis, and Kazuma smiled as they walked up together with Sitri and the Garreg Mach students.
[Musica Universalis - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
(Kairos) "Lady Edmund."
Kairos, Elizabeth and Stefan bowed.
(Helena) "Huh. Much younger than I thought."
(Astrid) "Hey...Oh crap you're a lord, u-um good evening my...lady?"
(Marianne) "Hah, there is no need to be so formal everyone. Especially since old friends are here."
Kairos raised an eyebrow until he realized who she was speaking to.
Marianne smiled at the former members of House Isekai.
(Rean) "Marianne!"
(Towa) "Hello, its so good to see you again!"
(Kazuma) "Yo. Been a bit."
(Aigis) "It is always a pleasure seeing an old member of the Golden Deer."
(Marianne) "The same can be said to you all. You are quite the sight for sore eyes."
Marianne turned to Sitri and the Garreg Mach students.
(Marianne) "I take it these are your new students, Sitri?"
(Sitri) "They are. They're quite...interesting to say the least."
(Marianne) "When you're dealing with House Isekai at all, it's going to be."
Marianne chuckled softly and stepped to the side, an arm extended to her door while the guards stepped aside.
(Marianne) "Please, come in. We have much to discuss."
Everyone walked inside, following Marianne deeper into her estate.
The Knights opened the doors to the dining hall, where everyone took a seat.
(Kazuma) "Huh, didn't think you'd have a place like this."
(Marianne) "Neither did I, if I am to be honest. At the very least, this oversized dining hall is seeing proper use."
(Rean) "Yeah, it does seem quite excessive, doesn't it?"
The former members continued to have a leisurely discussion, annoying Kairos and Elizabeth.
(Elizabeth) "Don't they realize who they're talking to? Why in the world are they so...casual?!"
(Kairos) "They ought to show some form of respect for her title!"
(Stefan) "Well, they knew her back when they were in the academy right? Makes sense why they're so informal."
(Helena) "That and Edmund said for you guys to pull the sticks out your asses anyway.
(Astrid) "Eloquent as always, Helena..."
The conversation finally ended when some glasses of water was brought out for everyone by the servants, in which Marianne cleared her throat.
[End Song]
(Marianne) "Sitri, I believe Claude told you what was troubling us."
Sitri nodded.
(Sitri) "Yes. I believe he said it was something about an unidentified object in the woods?"
(Marianne) "Yes. We have never gotten close enough to properly identify this threat, it has always turned hostile the moment we attempt and approach."
(Rean) "Has anyone been injured from these investigations?"
(Marianne) "Plenty of injuries, though thankfully none of them were lethal. They appeared to be warning shots more than anything."
(Aigis) "That rules out Shadows at least, they do not hesitate when it comes to killing humans..."
(Towa) "We don't have enough information, I guess we have to see it ourselves."
(Marianne) "I'll give you a map before you leave then."
(Kazuma) "Has there been any other strange incidents?"
(Marianne) "Hm...Other than reports of Separatist movements, there hasn't been too much."
(Kairos) "Separatists have been spotted all the way out here?!"
The offworlders turned to Kairos, looking confused.
(Rean) "Separatists?"
(Kairos) "Yes, thanks to your actions, you've all but ensured a second civil war will occur!"
The original four members eyes widened, then turned to Marianne.
(Marianne) "I'm...afraid that is not entirely off basis, but that being said-"
She furrowed her brows as her fist gently hit the table.
(Marianne) "Kairos, on what grounds do you think you can speak that way to the very people who saved all of us?!"
(Kairos) !!! "I-...I apologize. That was out of line."
(Marianne) "...No matter. I will gather the necessary supplies for your investigation. Just a moment."
Marianne bowed and left the room, leaving just House Isekai in the room.
Sitri turned to Kairos and the other Garreg Mach students, clenching her fist.
(Sitri) "I am quite aware of your stance on House Isekai, but I will not tolerate another outburst again. Am I clear?"
(Kairos) "Y-Yes Ma'am..."
Helena, Astrid, and Stefan shrugged while Elizabeth felt a slight tang of guilt as well. While she had enough tact to not say that out loud, it was very close to how she felt about them as well.
The Knights of Favonius and Class VII shifted uncomfortably watching this exchange happen. It was obvious that their involvement here went beyond their comprehension...
[Suspicion - Persona 5 OST]
Shibuya, Central Street...
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Ryuji scrolled through his phone over and over again. He looked up from it and his eyes searched for any familiar faces. So far, no one had shown up.
(Ryuji) "Come on, what's takin' them so long?"
He looked down at the phone again and reread the messages, losing count of how many times he's done so.
GROUP CHAT: Akira Kurusu, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Niijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, Sumire Yoshizawa
Akira: Hey, did anyone else get that message?
You: What message?
Futaba: You mean the one from Sitri?
Ann: So that wasn't just me!
Haru: I could only hear a little bit of the message, I was in the middle of something.
Haru: What's strange is that I cannot get it to replay.
Makoto: Same here. Was anyone able to?
Yusuke: Fortunately I was. The message is as follows:
Yusuke: “This is Sitri Eisner of Garreg Mach Monastery. House Isekai, we are requesting immediate assistance from anyone that can hear this. If you are able, please arrive at Garreg Mach. This message will now repeat.”
You: Holy shit, did something happen?!
Sumire: I wasn't able to hear it either, I'm afraid. What was the tone of her voice?
Futaba: Pretty calm, actually. Still though if she's calling for aid, that's not good.
Akira: Pretty bad timing too. Morgana and I can't exactly leave to meet up in Tokyo.
Makoto: And college is currently taking my attention.
Makoto: Who knows how long we'd be gone for if we went in now?
Yusuke: Is there anyone who can respond, then?
You: I'll be the vanguard then! Leave it to me!
Ann: Thankfully I'm available as well, so I'll go with Ryuji.
Haru: That's relieving to hear. I have company business I must attend personally.
Haru: But, I am not comfortable with only two of our members being able to answer the call.
Akira: I think the Investigation Team and S.E.E.S left us their numbers before we left Fodlan. You guys should give them a call.
Ann: Good idea!
Ann: I wonder if anyone else in House Isekai's answered already...
Ryuji: They better have, it'd be pretty awkward if it was only us!
Sumire: Then we shall leave this in your hands for now. We'll try to show up as fast as we can!
Akira: We're counting on you guys. Stay safe.
You: You bet!
Ann: We won't let you down!
The messages finished two days ago, and apparently the distress signal was sent four days before that. Meaning 6 days had passed now.
He and Ann were able to contact Naoto of the Investigation Team and Mitsuru of S.E.E.S. They all planned to meet in Central Street at 12 today.
It was 11:50 PM, while no one was late, Ryuji still felt anxious. It had been two years since they all had left Fodlan, and he still wasn't used to the idea of jumping dimensions, ironically.
(Ann's Voice) "Ryuji!"
He put away his phone and waved a hand.
(Ryuji) "Yo, good to see ya!"
Ann nodded as she leaned on the wall next to Ryuji.
(Ann) "I'm so glad someone else was able to respond. To be honest, I'm kind of terrified right now."
(Ryuji) "Dude, holy shit same! Like what's so bad that they need ALL of us there?"
(Ann) "I'm not sure I wanna think about it, but we have to...ugh, why did Sitri have to call at such a bad time? The fact only a few of us can respond is pretty scary."
(Naoto's voice) "Hopefully, that is all we need."
The two turned as Naoto tipped her hat to them, adjusting her coat.
(Naoto) "I see we all arrived early, today."
(Ryuji) "Well, considering what the situation is, it's better that we get here faster than usual."
(Naoto) "Indeed. Unfortunately, I contacted my group and I am the only one from the Investigation Team responding."
(Ann) "Oh, there's Mitsuru! Hey, over here!"
Ann waved wildly to catch her attention, Mitsuru slowly wading her way through the afternoon crowd of Shibuya.
(Mitsuru) "Hello everyone...So, this is all that can make it right now?"
(Ryuji) "Yeah, it sucks pretty effin' bad that it's just the four of us, but I think we can handle it!...God I hope we can."
(Mitsuru) "Hm. Well, anyways I have at least some news to share regarding House Isekai's situation. Aigis was the first person to respond to Sitri's call."
(Ann) "...And?"
(Mitsuru) "Concerningly, that's all I heard from Aigis before she went in. It's been dead silent otherwise. Although it has only been 6 days, I'd still have preferred to hear something at least."
(Naoto) "Have we heard anything from our former classmates?"
(Ryuji) "We haven't heard nothin' anyone else..."
(Ann) "What about Slayer? He set up our whole communication system to begin with, right?"
(Mitsuru) "That seems to be our only lead that can have us safely arrive back to our world, so I think that may be our best course of action."
(Ryuji) "Right, so we should get going...Er, how exactly are we going to do that?"
(Naoto) "I believe-"
[Tension - Persona 5 OST]
The buildings shook violently as an explosion rocked the entire city.
People's screams and confused muttering filled the streets as they looked towards the source.
The four Persona Users regained their footing and looked at what everyone else was staring at.
It was a massive cloud of smoke off in the distance near the Subway stations.
(Ann) "What the heck was that?!"
(Mitsuru) "We must put our plans on hold for now!"
(Naoto) "Agreed, let us investigate the cause!"
Mitsuru and Naoto rushed ahead without hesitation, leaving Ryuji and Ann alone for the moment.
(Ann) "S-So confident...!"
(Ryuji) "Man, I dunno if I'm glad or disappointed in myself that I'm not able to react THAT normally to explosions..."
Shrugging, the two sprinted to catch up with Mitsuru and Naoto.
A few minutes later, the four managed to get near the source of the explosion. It was in the middle of station square where a number of officers had gathered to block people from getting past them.
(Officer) "Stand back people, don't get too close!"
(Officer 2) "Hey, no pictures, everyone get back!"
Naoto shoved people aside while the other three tagged closely behind her.
(Officer 3) "You people deaf?! I said-Hey wait a second, you're that Detective Prince!"
(Naoto) "Naoto Shirogane, yes. What's going on here?"
(Officer 3) "Man, we have no idea. One second everything was normal then this big explosion happened outta nowhere!"
(Mitsuru) "Any injuries?"
(Officer 3) "A lot of people injured, but no ones dead, by some miracle."
(Naoto) "May we see the scene, for a moment at least?"
The officer looked at Naoto then sighed.
(Officer 3) "Make it fast, we have no idea if this was a terrorist attack or not."
Naoto nodded and the four moved past the guards and investigated the site.
In the middle of the street, there was a massive crater with a rock in the center of it.
(Naoto) "What in the world...?!"
(Ann) "Hey, doesn't that rock look kinda-?"
The rock upon closer examination appeared to be made of some sort of crystal.
And in the crystal appeared to be a mixture of some form of red minerals into it.
(Ryuji) "Wait a sec, don't that look like?!-"
(Mitsuru) "The Crystal Tower from Zanado? It looks like only a fragment has appeared, and thankfully not even close to its original size. How on earth did it-"
[Blood of Villain - Persona 5 OST]
A hatch opened up making everyone flinch, a puff of smoke slowly emerging from the door.
(Naoto) "Everyone, stand behind me!"
Naoto pulled out a revolver from her coat, officers quickly escorting the bystanders watching away from whatever was about to happen.
The hatch was violently flung off from the fragment, the door almost hitting several people in the process.
And from that hatch, a large foot was sticking out, slowly landing onto the ground.
The figure that landed in front of them was an absolutely massive creature, decked out in metal plating, broken leather and green skin.
It raised its head, cackling at first, but the laughter stopped when it got a good look at its environment.
(Green Creature) "Wot 'da zog iz dis?! Dis ain't da boss's ship! It's full uv 'umiez!"
Multiple similar looking creatures stepped out with the one in front, looking just as angry. Naoto lost count after the 15th one dropped out.
In total, from what she could guess, it looked like there was about thirty of them.
(Green Creature 2) "Dose lanky Boyz lied ta us! Dey said dey were gunna tellyport us right'n 'der!"
The green creatures stared at Naoto, and its disgusting smile grew back again, the cackling returning twofold.
(Green Creature) "Look at 'dat puny shoota 'dat 'umie's got!"
The creature pulled out its own gun and aimed it straight at her.
Naoto's eyes went wide, as the gun it pulled out was as big as her torso.
(Green Creature) "Now DIS?! DIS IZ A SHOOTA!"
(Ann) "HOLY CRAP!"
(Mitsuru) "What are these...Things?!"
(Green Creature 2) "Yer hear 'dat? Dey ain't neva heard uv us orkz before!"
(Ork Leader) "Dere faces are jus irritat'n me! KILL 'DA 'UMIEZ BOYZ! DEN WE GET DOSE LANKY BOYZ WHEN WE GET BACK!"
Ann and Ryuji's clothes suddenly shifted, making them look down in confusion.
(Ann) "Huh?!"
(Naoto) "Those clothes...then that means...!"
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Mitsuru pulled out an evoker and pointed it at her head while Naoto quickly reached for her glasses, Ann and Ryuji grabbing their masks.
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[Invitation to Freedom - Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth OST]
Ryuji shot first with his Persona, aiming it directly at the group of orks.
His person's arm cannon burst into a flame and disappeared as another explosion rung out and hit the fragment behind them, blowing up three orks.
The orks ignored their fallen kin and screamed, shooting wildly with their crude guns and the bullets not going anywhere even close to hitting them.
Mitsuru nimbly dodged an ork swinging its axe at her, slamming onto the concrete as her Persona froze the ork in place.
(Mitsuru) "Artemisia!"
Mitsuru's Persona froze another two approaching her, and shattered them into pieces.
Ryuji's grin grew as he slammed his mace into an Ork's head, but his smile turned into shock when his weapon broke.
The ork Ryuji hit laughed as it raised its arm.
The Ork's arms slammed into Ryuji, sending him flying past the police tape which was at least 10 feet from the fight.
(Ann) "SKULL!"
Ann ducked as bullets whizzed over her head, using her whip and swinging it at the one that attacked Ryuji.
Once again, their melee attacks appeared to do nothing.
Ann's hands reached her mask and a swift pull summoned her Persona in front, and at a snap of her fingers, the ork was set ablaze screaming and flailing wildly.
Spinning around Ann set a squad of five on fire, a similar effect being achieved as their bodies turned to ash.
Three orks charged Naoto with their axes about to chop her head off.
A tarot card floated above her as he revolver aimed upwards.
(Naoto) "Sukuna Hikona!"
Her Persona appeared in front of the orks, confusing them.
(Ork) "Eh, wot iz 'dat? It's so tiny!"
Naoto's Persona swung rapidly at them, her sword arm finishing behind them.
The orks looked at themselves before looking back at Naoto.
Naoto ignored them and ran past them to help out the others.
The three moved to pursue her, until one of their legs came off, then arms, then slowly their head.
(Ork) "...OH ZOG-"
Was the last words of the third ork as they slid into chunks, their corpses falling and their pieces mixed together.
The leader of the group watched in mild excitement and curiosity, never seeing this type of fighting before.
(Ork) "Im 'umiez are krumping our boyz pretty gud."
(Ork Leader) "Dat dey are, dat dey are..."
Mitsuru helped Ryuji up off the ground, her Persona shielding them.
(Mitsuru) "Are you alright?"
(Ryuji) "Hooooly shit, ugh think that guy broke one of my 'effin ribs!"
(Mitsuru) "So direct fighting is out of the question for us then. Can you still fight?"
Another group of three approached them as Ryuji took off his mask, more pissed off than ever.
Captain Kidd rammed straight into them, knocking them all into the ground, then shooting its cannon arm into the air and a bolt of lightning raining down and smiting them, their bodies falling limp.
(Ryuji) "That answer your question?"
Ryuji's face moved to smile but started coughing and falling on one knee.
Captain Kidd moved to the defensive while the ork's guns started firing at him, the bullets being barely deflected.
Four more orks started to run towards Mitsuru, their guns aiming right at her.
Mitsuru's Persona created an icy floor beneath them, making them slip over and fall flat on their backs.
At a split second, spikes of ice shot up and tore them to pieces, Mitsuru quickly examining where the next threat was.
Ann and Naoto were engaged in close combat with two orks each, Ann's agility was the only thing keeping her from being cleaved in half by their frightening strength.
Carmen's flames were lighting them ablaze, but they were still somehow fighting.
Naoto's Persona created shields that deflected their attacks as she tried to figure out how to get out of the defensive.
Any longer meant that those axes were splitting her head in two.
Naoto raised her revolver and shot one of them in the eye, making them recoil and shove the other ork back by accident.
Quickly seizing the chance, her Persona moved for their hands, then decapitating them at the blink of an eye.
Ann's Persona kicked up the intensity of her fires, to the point where the concrete itself was set on fire, reducing them to literally nothing.
The Ork's leader turned to the last three next two him and they jumped down, eager to get in the fight.
That fight was short lived as those two orks were quickly frozen, then smashed to pieces by Captain Kidd.
(Ann) "Which one of you is the commander or whatever?!"
(Ork) "I AM!"
(Ork Leader) "WOT?!"
Ann's Persona burned the Ork Leader to Ash, leaving the singular one alive.
The ork struggled to conceal a smile. Now HE would be the boss.
...Assuming he'd live from these humies who look ready to kill him anyway.
(Naoto) "Is that all of them?"
(Ryuji) "Y-Yeah, looks like it."
[Wicked Plan - Persona 5 OST]
The Ork jumped down laughing.
(Ork) "Not bad, not bad at all!"
(Naoto) "Now, you'll answer our questions! What are you?!"
(Ork) "Why do yer 'umiez always sound 'da zoggin' same? We'z orkz! 'Da greenest an' bestest!"
(Ann) "...Uh, what is he saying?"
(Ryuji) "'Eff if I know..."
(Naoto) "Now, where did you come from?! And is that the Crystal Tower?!"
(Ork) "Krystal Tower...? OH! 'Da giant shiny spiky place, yea we kame from 'der. Stupid name ya gave it, dough."
Naoto was taken aback by how casual it sounded. They had just killed 29 of their...friends? Why did it sound like it didn't care?
(Mitsuru) "They're from Fodlan...? We never encountered anything like these Orks during our time there."
(Ork) "Actually we kame from da boss's ship. It gets konfusing, furst 'der was da weirdboyz 'ploding, den dose weird gits wit' da 'xtra arms attack'n us, den-"
(Mitsuru) "GET TO THE POINT."
(Ork) "We smash da zog outta some lanky boyz an' we have im lead'n us ta bigga an' betta loot! but dey backstabbed us, when we were gonna backstab our boss!"
(Ryuji) "Alright asshole, take us to Fodlan then!"
(Ork) "Wit' pleasure! i've got a mind ta teach ‘da lanky boyz a lesson! ‘da name's Gravestompah!"
(Ann) "Just shut up and get us there!"
(Gravestompah) "Psh, yer 'umiez neva know how ta have fun..."
The four followed the Ork inside cautiously into the Crystal fragment, and as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared.
GROUP CHAT: Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Niijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, Sumire Yoshizawa
Makoto: A giant rock crashed onto the street?
Haru: My goodness, is everyone alright?
Futaba: Yeah yeah people are fine, but watch this footage I'm sending!
Yusuke: So our group was on the scene...
Sumire: Where in the world did they go?
(Morgana) "Hey, didn't that look like the Crystal tower?"
(Akira) "Yeah...No way that's just a coincidence."
You: I think that was the Crystal Tower. The one from...what was it called?
Yusuke: Zanado, the Red Canyon. I agree, it looks to be a part of the Crystal Tower.
Futaba: Ann, Ryuji, you guys alive?!
Makoto: No response.
Haru: Leader, what's our course of action?
You: We meet ASAP. Boss's cafe. I'll message the others to meet up as well.
Futaba: Loud and clear!
Yusuke: Understood.
Makoto: See you there.
Haru: Stay safe, everyone!
Sumire: Got it, Senpai!
Akira put away his phone and looked to Morgana.
(Morgana) "So how are we gonna get to Shibuya? We don't have a means of transportation."
Akira reached into his pocket and pulled out a small crest of House Isekai's logo.
(Akira) "Think I got an idea..."
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ravs6709 · 4 years
Home With You- Sevade
@arre-rider-of-pyrxe so, here we go. This was the oneshot I said I was writing.
It's another snapshot kinda thing that starts off post WoS. A lot of timeskips. There are mentions of unfamiliar names, but those are just ocs. Most of them aren't important. It's primarily fluffy, but there is a brief scene of a panic attack. If I wrote that part poorly, please let me know! I'll try and fix it!
Anyways, here we go! 4k words!
For a while, Sev had thought that he would never be able to return here. Hillsbridge, the place he had lived for the early years of his life. The place his parents had defended with their lives, and the place that he had helped destroy.
"We're going to fix it, remember that," Kade said from in front of him. "We told each other that we're going to help rebuild it. And that's what matters. Now... you're squeezing too much!"
Sev loosed his grip around Kade's waist, not realizing that he'd been holding on so tightly. They were on top of Kade's phoenix at the moment- Luxuna. In some ways, Sev was never going to be used to being on a phoenix, so high in the air. But he trusted both his boyfriend and Luxuna to hold him, and save him if something were to happen.
With a flap of their wings- red tipped with both gold and purple, signifying that the phoenix didn't fit in the binary of being male or female- they landed on the outskirts of Hillsbridge.
While the damage looked awful from above, it looked even worse up close. All of the materials that had been burned during the attack were still there, and not much looked like it could be salvaged.
"You want to go make our meal while I start sorting through all this stuff?" Sev asked.
The flight to Hillsbridge had taken several hours from the Eyrie, and while they were able to pack some food, not much could be carried for long. While Sev did know how to cook, he usually wasn't required to, since the bondservants were normally in charge of that.
"Okay. You can keep Luxuna with you. I'll be by the centre."
He nodded, before turning to the phoenix. Delicately, he reached out to them with his magic- which despite some recent practice, wasn't strong at all.
Will you help me move the severely charred wood into a pile?
They squawked. What made you think I wouldn't?
Sev gave them a smile, not wanting to use up the energy he would need to be lifting wood. He didn't have much experience in any of this, and it was just the three of them, so he knew that it would be difficult. But after Veronyka was crowned Queen, and Tristan became Commander of the Phoenix Riders, the Riders were given a position that would require for them to stay by Aura Nova.
Sev knew that Kade had enjoyed his time with the other Riders. He'd even tried to convince Kade to stay with them, because look at him, he had his freedom and a phoenix meanwhile Sev was still just a weak animage without a phoenix.
Kade had cut him off with a kiss, and then explained how Sev wasn't just a nobody, but a hero. And that even if he was just a nobody, he still mattered to him more than any status would. And that he never really wanted to be a noble, but wanted to just live in a small home for the rest of his life.
At that point, Sev had never really considered his future. He'd been working for the Empire as a soldier, then spied on them pretending to be a soldier, and all of the stress he'd been under never really gave him time to think. All he knew that the time was that he wanted to spend his future with Kade.
His body moved on its own, sorting through the wood idly as he wore a dopey smile. Even if the rebuilding process would take a long time, it didn't matter, because he was with Kade.
He remembered some of what Veronyka and Tristan had told them when they said that they were going to Hillsbridge to make repairs. Apparently the two of them had gone to Vayle and the other settlements when there was that attack on the Eyrie. They explained some of the basic steps, and gave advice.
The first house didn't look too bad compared to the others. He had to climb and get rid of the loose pieces from whatever was left of the roof, before it would fall on someone. But other than that, the house had remained intact and he moved aside all the irreparable materials.
A few hours later, and Sev was exhausted. Despite the help that he got from Luxuna, they only managed to clear out two houses. By then, the scent of whatever Kade was cooking was prominent in the air, even drawing the phoenix's attention.
"Empire food is good," Sev said while chewing. "But your food is better."
"Sev, don't choke." Was all Kade said, but he was smiling.
Neither of them really talked for too long after that, as Sev was still tired. It wasn't a depressing silence, especially with the squawks of Luxuna as they devoured a few pieces of candied ginger.
After that, the both of them continued working. It felt a little easier with Kade at his side, whether it was extra arms, or just his mere presence. They were able to clear out one more house before they set up to sleep.
When he woke the next morning, he noticed that Kade wasn't around. For a moment, he panicked, but noticed that Luxuna was also gone. They probably went out for a fly. After a few minutes, he saw a red blur in the blue skies, coming closer until it landed on the ground.
"I didn't think you'd wake up until a little later," Kade apologized, as he starting taking off his saddle. "Sorry if I worried you."
"It's fine," Sev said. "You probably needed that fly, with everything that's happened."
In these past two years, a lot had happened. Sev had been forced to become a soldier for the Empire, he'd met Kade and was forced to aid in Ilithya's rebellion, then spied on the Empire as a soldier, and had continued to do so until all of them- not just Sev and Kade, but Tristan and the others too- were safe.
Kade nodded. "Do we start now?"
This time, they started the day off early, so they managed to get more work done. By the end of the day, most of the loose wood had been cleared from the houses, though there was still a lot of ash that had lingered from the fires.
"Do you want to try flying on Luxuna?" Kade asked him, while they were setting up their little camp for the night. "I mean, this time by yourself?"
Sev blinked. While he knew the phoenix decently well, he'd never actually rode on them without Kade being with him.
As if noticing his hesitation, Kade continued. "Or I could join you, but this time you sit at the front."
That sounded like a better and safer idea. He smiled and agreed. Minutes later, they were on top of Luxuna. Everything felt so different, for one, he didn't have anyone to grab on to.
"The reins, Sev," Kade told him, guiding his hands towards them.
When they took off, he was confused as to what to do. But they seemed to understand that much, flying low and slow, wings spread wide.
"Kade, what now?"
"Try communicating with them. Our bondmates usually know what we're thinking, but it's always best to communicate with them. Besides, it'd be practice."
He wasn't wrong. Simple tasks that normal animages did as easy as breathing took effort from Sev. But that was what happened when he neglected his gift, had actively suppressed it. And Kade had been in charge of the messenger pigeons in the past. But he reached out anyway. It took small steps in order to get better.
Where are you taking us? He asked.
Where do you want to go?
Back to Hillsbridge, please.
He hadn't realized it at the time, but they had flown a decent while. By the time they got back, they would be resting.
They'd manage to take off all the extra wood off the homes, and got to work on surviving the floor. The action was so minor, but something about being there made everything spin. The smell and feel of ash on the floorboards, everything about this reminded him of the attack. He could hear the sound of soldiers, him among them, setting the flames to bur-
"Sev. Can you hear me? Sev?" The voice was so soothing, a shelter within a raging storm, a small light within the darkness.
"It will be alright, we're fixing it, remember."
We're fixing it. But it wouldn't have needed to be fixed in the first place if he had done a better job.
"H- hold me," he whispered, not knowing whether he was heard or not.
Warm arms wrapped around him gently, a hand rubbing circles across his back.
"Sev, tell me what you see outside, anything."
He opened his eyes, seeing that Kade was right in front of him.
He smiled. "Yes, tell me something else."
He turned around. "This house. The sky. I see Luxuna. There's grass."
Kade's amber eyes gleamed. "Okay, tell me some things you hear."
"Your voice. The wind. Luxuna flapping their wings and squawking."
He had to list more things, each thing requiring more effort. Then he was breathing, slow breaths that cleared his mind. Kade hugged him, and Sev buried his face into the crook of his neck.
"Sorry," he murmured.
"Those were some hard times. It's to not feel okay. Just know that I'll be there."
They went back to scrubbing, but Kade had made sure to distract him with conversations. It was clear that he was a little out of his comfort zone, but Sev couldn't help but love him more for his dedication. They were cut off though by the sound of wings flapping.
"Anders? Latham? What are you two doing here?" Kade asked when the two new phoenixes had landed.
On top of them were two boys- men? Sev couldn't recall how old they were- one with dark hair and a bright smile, the other blond and also smiling, but it didn't quite look as cheerful. Sev had met the two a few times, but hadn't remembered much about either of them. All he knew was from what Kade had told him, such as Latham's resentment for Veronyka, which had eventually gotten better.
"One of Veronyka's first orders was that a bunch of us were to spread out and help rebuild some of the settlements," Anders explained. "We also remembered that you two were here, and figured you'd need the help."
"It was tough in Vayle, when there were six of us and the villagers. You're gonna grow old before you finish all this," Latham added. "We're not here for long, just to help speed up the process."
With four people, everything had gone by so much faster. Anders and Latham had experience, which only made things easier. They quickly managed to clean out the ash and soot that clung to the floorboards, now leaving the actual rebuilding process to be done.
With three phoenixes, Kade and the other two would fly out further, chopping down larger trees that normally wouldn't be able to be used due to the distance.
Still, it was tough. They had the wood needed to repair the homes, but they had to make sure that they were sturdy and would be able to handle the occasional rainfall. It was even more tedious than taking down the loose pieces.
The extra company also made things livelier, especially since they were the two most talkative out of everyone in Tristan's patrol. There were jokes and singing and once there were even drinks. The last time he was drunk, he was still trying to keep his feelings for Kade hidden, so this time, his supposed lack of filter had been emphasized, much to his embarrassment later on.
After three weeks, Anders and Latham had left. Xane- Latham's bondmate had gotten a message from Rex that it was time to go back to the capital. They wouldn't be able to stay and rebuild forever, not when there was so much going on in Aura Nova itself.
Veronyka had likely had the Riders go out to do repair work partially because that was just the type of thing that she would do, and also as a way to gain trust from those who had been suffering all their lives. Having the trust from both people of Pyra and all around would make things better for her reputation.
Each day was tiring, but at the end of the day, Sev felt proud at the small amount of progress that they would be able to make. Afterwards, they would go for another short fly on Luxuna. One time, he let go of the reins, and it felt almost freeing.
"I think... I think I want to try by myself this time," he said one day.
"Go ahead, try."
He climbed on to the saddle, and held the reins gently.
Don't drop me. He told them.
Really? You think I'd drop you? Even if I did, Kade would be angry. They replied, and Sev could imagine them rolling their eyes.
He smiled at that. You know what to do, then.
Luxuna began to take to the skies. They flew their usual route, a relatively short circle before heading back. With the wind flowing at his face, Sev felt nice up there. He understood why Kade would come up here every morning. The rest of the world would feel so insignificant, no other problems existed up there. When they landed, he was smiling, and Kade looked at him with a fond expression.
"I did it," he said, feeling like a little child.
"Yeah, you did."
And then Kade gave him a kiss, and it made him feel all mushy inside. No matter how many times they'd kissed, he would never get used to the warm feeling.
Days and nights had passed by, and Sev was beginning to lose track of the time. It was a routine every day, but it was helpful. The both of them needed this routine after everything.
The next break came when a few people came in. They looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn't recall where. They introduced themselves, and said that they had lived in Hillsbridge before that final attack, but had always wanted to return. They offered to help with the rebuilding process, so once again, they had more people.
"Your full name is Sevro, right?" A woman- Ameliya asked him one day.
"Yes, why?"
"Were you the son of Alys and Sevono Lastlight?"
It'd been a while since he had heard the name of his parents.
"I never knew them personally," she continued. "My mother said she knew them. And that she knew you too, so I was curious to see what you were like. You helped Queen Veronyka a lot, I heard. I think your parents would be proud of you."
"Thank you," he told her. "That means a lot." It really did.
Most of them had worked on the houses, but Ameliya and one of the others had decided to work on the farming instead. After all, Hillsbridge had been known for their farming community. Getting a farm set up would also take a long time, since everything had to grow.
But each day that passed was more progress. The more houses that were set up, the more people that began to move in. Some were people who had been there before, others new to the city and its history. They were still a relatively small group, but larger than before.
But their efforts were paying off, and Sev was able to recognize a few people. Whether from the attack or before, he wasn't sure, but he still recognized them.
"Ameliya, you said that your sibling was a jeweler, right?" Sev asked when there was no one else around.
She nodded. "Yes. What do you need from them?"
Sev looked away, feeling his skin flush. "A ring."
Understanding flashed in her brown eyes. "Oh, I see. Do you know how large his fingers is?"
He looked at his own hand. "Larger than mine?"
She laughed. "I'll figure it out."
"Look at everyone Sev," Kade said beside him. "It hasn't felt this lively since before everything. Almost like the older times."
"Yes," he agreed. "We've come so far. It feels just like home."
"This is our home," Kade reminded him. "You and Hillsbridge, this is our home."
Sev smiled at him. This would have been a really nice time to ask the question, but the band wasn't finished yet. He'd have to ask Ameliya about it.
He also remembered some of what Kade had told him about his past. How he didn't have a home, how Hillsbridge had been the first place he'd felt so welcomed.
"It'll always be our home," Sev promised. "We've got our memories from before, and we'll make new ones."
Ever since Sev had received the ring- it was surprisingly cheap, but Ameliya's sibling insisted that he had a discount for all of his efforts- he'd been fidgeting with the box in his pocket.
"I've been thinking about the future," Kade said abruptly.
"What about it?" He asked, hoping that his eagerness wouldn't show too much. He had to consciously stop himself from reaching into his pocket, or Kade would end up noticing.
"I've wanted a daughter for a long time," he admitted. "But I was thinking that I want to raise more than one child. Something similar to what your parents had done."
"You want to give children a home, just like you had," Sev guessed.
Kade nodded sheepishly. "What do you think about it?"
"I think... I think I like that idea."
This was the perfect time. Don't back out now. He told himself, reaching for the box.
"Kade," he murmured. "A lot has happened in these two years. The biggest being that I met you. I was lost and angry and selfish, but you taught me how to be a hero. You've been with me for this long, as both a friend and lover, and I hope that you continue to stay with me for longer." They were both sitting next to each other, but still, he kneeled anyway. He was pleased at Kade's flustered expression. He took it as encouragement and took the box out and opened it.
"Kade, will you marry me?"
The smile that broke out was the most precious thing that he had ever seen.
"Of course, Sev." He extended his hand, and Sev put the ring on it.
Then they kissed, sitting on a hill underneath the moonlight, occasionally illuminating reds and golds from the phoenix soaring above them.
They started extending their house in order to create the orphanage. It didn't take too long, but then they had to make sure there was enough beds and other basic necessities.
They had made some of the wedding plans, and were finally going to go through with them.
"Veronyka, Tristan, the other riders, Hestia," Kade listed. "Am I missing anyone else?"
Sev shrugged. "I don't think so."
Most of the other people that they had met had either died, or they were unsure as to where they would be now. But the people invited were those that they were closest to.
The two of them had briefly left Hillsbridge to visit Aura Nova. They both knew that Veronyka would be busy, which was why they wanted to schedule a date that suited her. When they had arrived, Veronyka was beaming, and was even happier to know that they planned to get married.
"In Hillsbridge, right?"
They both nodded.
"We'll be there. I think I can manage to be away for a few days, next month."
That was the agreed date.
When the wedding day had come, Sev was both nervous and at ease at the same time. Because this was it, he would pledge his life to Kade's, and Kade's to him. They would be partners for life.
Tristan and a few of his friends had stayed with him, just to make sure that he was doing okay. Their presence did help, along with Hestia who acted as his mother during the ceremony.
The ceremony itself wasn't that huge, despite the company that was there. They stated their vows, pledged their eternal loyalty to each other, and then they were married. There was dancing and phoenix lightshows, but after everything, it was just the two of them- Luxuna gave them the privacy that they needed.
Two weeks after that, Sev and Kade opened their orphanage. The first child had arrived quite quickly, but it wasn't surprising, since many people had died.
It was a little girl named Adarra, with light hair and dull brown eyes. She hardly ever smiled. The both of them understood that this would take time, that it would never be easy, but it seemed like Kade took it a little more personally.
"She's usually quiet, but she ended up snapping at me. What do I do?" Kade whispered, clinging on to Sev's hand. "Do you think that we're good parents?"
He hadn't sounded so unsure in a while, and he was usually the one who was reasonable. But now wasn't the case.
"She's lost a lot. And this is our first time. We're going to get better, and she's going to trust us," Sev promised. "We'll show her that we truly care for her. We can't give up on her now. That would break her."
He nodded slightly. "I think you're right."
It took a while, but Adarra finally warmed up to them. They'd realized that she wasn't comfortable speaking in general, so they instead worked out ways to communicate non-verbally. It worked out, and before they knew it, she was starting to smile.
Another kid named Robyn had them approached them, but they were a lot different. Adarra was reserved, but they were energetic. Robyn spoke a lot. Sev and Kade had to adjust to this, learning about the different ways that people react, the different ways that they would display their emotions.
The two of them were exhausting, but when they interacted with each other, smiling, both Sev and Kade knew that they didn't want any future that was different than this one.
Sev nearly stumbled out of the orphanage door. Kade was about to give the kids breakfast, but Lidiya had decided that it was a good idea to run off, so Sev had to look for her.
"Lidiya!" He called out.
When there was no answer, he ran around, looking to see if the little girl was running around Hillsbridge. But after no sign of her, he ran back inside to find Kade. Said man was busy fussing with their hair of one of the children.
"Kade, help, I can't find our child."
Kade turned to face him really fast. "What do you mean you can't find our child? You lost Lidiya?"
Before Sev could reply to that question, he was interrupted by yelling.
"I'm on the roof! But now I'm stuck!"
Kade took a deep breath. "Sev, I'm leaving you here with the children. Do not lose them. I'll be right back."
"That's rude!" He replied.
Lidiya was brought back a few minutes later, and the children were giggling at Sev.
"Kade, they won't be able to take me seriously anymore! This is embarrassing!"
Kade rolled his eyes but smiled. "Well next time, don't lose the child."
Because this is a different Fandom, its a different taglist. So no taglist yet.
But if you want to join, just let me know!
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Jay Arr - John Daggett x Reader (The Dark Knight Rises)
GIF CREDIT: X (okay the original source doesn’t exist.)
@happyskywhale​ @wltz-bby​
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A kinda crossover between TDKR and Birds of Prey.
Author’s Note: Ages and ages and ages ago @mandy23b​ reblogged the above gif set, and I said it’d inspired a part 4 of my ‘If I Didn’t Know Better’ series. And then... never gave you all a part 4. Mostly because in the end I didn’t think the mood of the GIF matched the mood of my series.  I was further inspired to write ‘Dress’ but, again, it wasn’t appropriate. Then I was clearing out an old discord server and found an old chat in which a scenario was written about discovering Daggett’s middle name. I took that, and have thus adapted it into the below.
THEN I watched Bird of Prey and BAM-! this hit. And its 50/50 movie/badass soundtrack BUT, this was born, and I got to use that gif, finally! 😁 Enjoy, my darlings 💙😘💜
Disclaimer: TDKR nothing to do with me / gifs & lyrics and the usual not mine.
Premise: Finding out his middle name seems like an easy enough task. You should know better.
Words: 3285
Warnings: swearing / sexual connotations
_____ Girl, girl, girl can't you see What you do to me, tonight Boy, boy, boy, if you're mean I will start a fight tonight You and I could try to stop Oh boy till you drop If we get together now We'll burn this place down Boy, boy boy, want a fight? Come and stay with me the night Girl, girl, girl, are you sure (Uh huh!) I ain't here to fight, alright? You and me, can't you see We're playing with fire Tell me now do you feel this burning desire? Don't stop, make it rock It's taking us higher Could it be just a dream? Are you running away? If we get together now We'll burn this place down
It’d started innocent enough. Not that John ever made anything innocent.
John R Daggett? What does the R stand for? What’s your middle name-!?
Now you had him pinned beneath you, straddling him on his desk, wearing his tie, breathing hard and fast with his passport in your hands. Victorious of course - he wasn’t about to get up from the way you had him trapped, though he was straining. If Daggett thought that the growl in his voice was about to make you weak, he had another thing coming.
You waltzed into his office with a bunch of mail; “All of this came for you again - I really wish you would stop having your mail sent to my house, it’s quite annoying... why do you do it!?” “It’s a good address.” Neither of you were going for a customary greeting this morning. He wasn’t even about to rebuke you with a sarcastic ‘hello’. You scoffed “Wait, what? Don’t tell me you’re trying to give the illusion that you have a place in a fancy location? What can be fancier than this house?!” “One of the most sought-after locations in Gotham City, my dear.” “Rather than what...?” You looked around “One of the most sought-after houses in Gotham? Was this not enough for you-!?” He smiled, but didn’t look up from his work; “What industry am I in, pray tell?” “Property.” You sighed, folding your arms. Well, 90% of the time, but you were sure he didn’t want you to get technical with everything else Daggett Enterprises did. John clicked his tongue, “Precisely.” “So you want people to think you own the building?” “The illusion always helps.” You shook your head, looking back to the mail, your apartment was nice sure - but it wasn’t this place. Who cares how people would view the fanciness of the location? But, presentation and perception always was everything to Daggett. “I know you too well J. R. Daggett... Hey, what does the R even stand for?! I’ve never seen that before...” That was true. You’d seen J. Daggett a bunch of times (sometimes with his last name spelled wrong) but never the R. It had occurred to you that he may not even have a middle name but apparently he did. “Ahhh...” He leant back in his chair, staring at you, “I could tell you that, but then I’d have to kill you.” “Mmm... I’m sure I have ways of making you talk...” Daggett’s smirk was delightful. “As am I, but not about that.” You gave a shrug as if you would drop the subject, which of course you would not be doing, and dropped the mail off on his desk. He thanked you with a blown kiss, to which you let him know he’d have to do better - Daggett reached for your hand instead, but you allowed his fingers to slip from yours as you crossed the room. “John, I’m working!” Even though your voice was teasing, and you knew he’d continue to watch you. True, you worked for him; as something akin to a bodyguard, you supposed. Not in the same capacity that Philip was - you were trusted with the bigger more covert operations, rather than what’d you’d call ‘lacky work’, if John asked you to drive him anywhere he knew he’d get slapped – but if he needed someone on the other side of Gotham City taken care of discreetly, he’d send you. You also liked doing some of his business work for him on occasion, running contracts around town and picking things up – usually proof reading for him and triple checking everything sent over by his accountants. Oh, you trusted them, but if anything was out of place you’d rather catch it and send it back for them to correct, rather than have Daggett yell about it when he found it himself. You bent over to slip out of your heels, and heard his groan from behind you, smirking to yourself: “You really are so predictable, darling.” You supposed you looked even better today, in your short suit. “I don’t really care…” Was his breathed response, as you stood and turned back to him again. “If you want it, you gotta come get it.” “Were I not incapacitated with mail…” He nodded to the pile you’d left and you laughed, “Uh huh. I see.” You weren’t sure it was a relationship – you weren’t exactly calling yourself his girlfriend. You refused to entertain the implication that he was paying you (and well!) for your services, and that this was just one of those. Surely not; neither of you were seeing anyone else. It was comfortable – and you cared about him at least. You weren’t sure it was love yet, but you weren’t ruling it out either. You were happy to see that there was in fact a contract for you to proof read and you hadn’t come all the way out here for nothing – delivering his mail certainly didn’t help. “You hear they’re all still looking for the Bertinelli diamond?” “You interested?” If he was going to ask you to try and find it, you’d rather John just say it. You flipped through the contract to find the corresponding number and went to open his filing cabinet to find your redlined copy: hopefully it’d all line up. “It’s interesting.” “So you don’t want it?” “Everyone that does winds up dead, so no.” “Good.” “Your conversation is lacking today.” “Just sounds like hard work I don’t need to involve myself in, to me.” Plus you didn’t want to end up dead. You slid the contract out and then paused, before you closed the draw: didn’t he keep his passport in here? For business trips and such? You opted to keep him talking, sliding the top draw open as silently as possible “Who’s the interested party?” “Roman Sionis.” “Roman? That sounds messy… not something I’d want to be involved in…” You searched through the files carefully, AHA!, as you pulled it out. “Yeah, I’d ag- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” “If you won’t tell me,” You waved his passport around, “I’ll just find out myself.” That got him out of his seat, “Put. That. Back.” “If you want it…” You smirked again, repeating yourself, “Come get it.” You probably didn’t expect John to be as quick off the mark as he was, and you were glad of being out of your heels (not that you weren’t fast in them), as you had to skid around the table and run around the outside of his office, taking a breather at his desk – clutching the little booklet for dear life. What was it he didn’t want you to know? It couldn’t have been that bad! Daggett, however, not blessed with young legs and the ability to apply the brakes quickly, slammed hard into the coffee table. “Ow-!” He turned back to you, not letting the pain show on his face, and you backed up a few paces, “Y/N. Get back here.” You looked cautiously around the room – where best to move… John was already unimpressed, a look of thunder on his face, he began stalking towards you – you inched around his desk to avoid him, though couldn’t help smiling – teasing Daggett was just plain fun. “I see that you’re not incapacitated with your mail now-!” “Shut up, and give it back.” “No.” “Y/N!” “All you have to do is let me see it!” Your face softened a little, “I won’t tell a soul! I won’t even laugh.” “No!” “Oh, come on…” “There’s no way on Earth I am letting YOU see it.” “Well… I’ll have to see it eventually.” Daggett almost stifled another laugh, “How do you know?” You shrugged, “If I have to book travel.” “You don’t think there’s a reason you don’t do that already.” You paused, and then conceded – good point, not one you’d thought of. He ran at you again, this time catching your wrist and forcing you to turn back. It was the wrong wrist and you held the passport away. “Please…!” If he wasn’t going to play, maybe he’d respond well to begging? He held his other hand out, teeth gritted, “I won’t ask again.” You looked hard from his face to his fingers – curling themselves tightly around your arm. Daggett promptly let go; but you realised that he had you pinned back against his desk. “Then don’t.” Without his hands on you, you could pull him to you by his tie, one harsh breath stealing kiss later and you had the situation flipped, and Daggett pinned to his own desk, “Just let me read it, John, quick and painless.” “Bullshit. I can’t have you knowing that.” Then he raised his hand, “Besides-!” Somehow he’d used your own kiss against you and swiped it back. “You’re kidding!? How’d you-!?” “I like watching you. I picked up a few things.” “Oh? You like watching me?” You pushed him further against his desk, tie still tangled in your fingers. You pulled the knot so it loosened, pushing your body purposefully up against his and rolling your hips. His moan might have been quiet but it was still audible, “I can give you a good angle to do that from.” “You’re not getting it back.” Although his voice was husky, and as you kissed him this time you made sure to nip his bottom lip. “I wouldn’t be so sure. Don’t make me fight you for it.” This time Daggett grabbed your hands, growling, “Remember who you belong to.” You narrowed your eyes, “Careful, John. I’m your employee, but you don’t own me. Not even like this.” You pulled your hands back from him and he conceded to your warning with an apologetic look. Satisfied, you stepped forward again and kissed him, one hand travelling over his chest to loop around his neck, and the other reaching backwards to try to reclaim the small booklet. Daggett was having none of it, still able to keep it out of your reach. You pulled back, huffing, and as you were never one to give up, decided to play dirty. Play him at his own game – it was time John Daggett got a taste of his own medicine (and you got to find out that middle name!). You withdrew the hand you were currently reaching with, instead focusing on his suit and he made little to no protest at you undoing his belt buckle; lips still on his. All whilst making sure he was still forced up against his desk. As your hands moved to his zipper you ground your hips teasingly back into his, to which you received a stifled moan for your effort, inviting him to undo your own. John didn’t need asking twice, hands on your waist line as he shimmied your shorts from your hips grabbing handfuls of your ass. That was predictable, and more than likely that passport would be soon forgotten. You had no trouble pushing Daggett to lie back on his desk, already looking a little dazed and elated about the idea of this happening in his office.  Why had this never happened in his office? Maybe because he was usually the one taking the lead and you’d have to think about someone walking in any minute. With you on top of him you hardly cared. Let them walk in, let them see what I can do to him… You straddled him, undoing the buttons of your waistcoat and shirt you let those and your jacket fall to the floor, Daggett groaned again as he stared at you. You were in nice translucent lace today – you’d bet he’d like that. You kissed him again, teasing him as you slid your pants off and pulled his boxers down. You didn’t need to bother taking his shirt and jacket off, but you wanted that tie. You took John’s hands in yours and rested them on your waist, with a small wink. “Don’t lose track of your passport now…” He glared at you but as he opened his mouth to snap back all he could do was moan loudly, head tipped back as you lined yourself up and lowered onto him. You chuckled, placing your hands over his on your hips – his grip was so tight, which was fine, you always liked him getting rough with you. “You okay?” “Mhm.” His little smirk was back, “Damn, you always look good on top of me.” “Well, I’m staying here. Winner gets your passport.” “You can pry that from my-” John groaned again, eyes squeezed shut as you moved, just once, but harsh and enough. “Careful, babe, I’m in control now.” *** You straightened up after your last kiss, both panting heavily, triumphant. You fanned yourself with his passport, and half expected for Daggett to grab it back. It surprised you that he didn’t, so you tilted your head – maybe he was waiting for you to let your guard down. You had been playful in getting it back from him, but he didn’t put up even too much of a fight then, far more absorbed in your sex. Daggett put his hands up, admitting defeat; “Yeah okay. Fair and square.”  You couldn’t help but smile, leaning forward to kiss him again, this time John’s hands followed you, keeping hold of his tie around your neck. Guess that made you doubly triumphant. You weren’t sure what you were expecting to see when you opened it to the photo page and your eyebrow raised, causing him to place one hand over his face. “Roland?! Okay I get it.” “EXACTLY!” His voice was pained. And you vowed silently to never mention it again, at least until you felt like annoying or embarrassing him. But then only in your private moments together. This was an award – not many knew about this; you weren’t about to spill that kind of secret when you’d worked so hard for it. You smiled, grazing your lips to his, “Don’t worry, you’ll always be just John to me.” Snapping his passport shut you set it to one side on his desk; case closed. Once you’d caught your breath back, you slipped from the desk and to the floor, unpinning him from under you. It took him another minute to sit up properly, and pull his pants back on – watching you collect your own from the floor. You weren’t shy about putting on as much of a show redressing, although John grabbed your hips and turned you back towards him before you’d pulled on your shorts, placing his hands on your waist deliberately so buttoning your shirt and waistcoat back would be difficult. “What?” He surveyed your body for a moment, “Nothing.” “Then you’re not getting any of my work done by staring, are you?” Although you allowed him to catch your lips in a short kiss. “Maybe I don’t want to… You can do that whenever, right?” His hands ran back to your ass, pulling you closer. “If you want to pay me overtime?” You grinned drawing him to your lips once more, “Now may I get dressed?” “Can I have my tie back?” He unfurled it from around your neck. “Oh. I suppose.” You slipped from his arms as he took it back, and then stepped out of his reach as you pulled your shorts on, neatening your hair you crossed the room to the contract you’d left on the table, the real reason you were supposed to be here. John was more than just a little pouty as you turned back to him, but you couldn’t help but smirk a little – he wanted you to entertain him; you weren’t about to. “Don’t you have mail to open?” He huffed, rolling his eyes and finally standing, sifting through the mail for what was most important – but he didn’t sit back at his desk for a little while, wandering around the room. You would have asked, only that was exactly what John wanted. You knew this man better than he thought you did; but that was because you did your job properly – you needed to know him inside out. Because hell, if sometimes you didn’t need to protect him from his own big mouth. The ego on this man… You’d just about finished the contract when John cleared his throat, now back at his desk, there was a briefcase sitting upon it. He tapped it nonchalantly: “Speaking of Roman Sionis...” You raised your eyebrow, closing the contract you walked back to his desk, slipping back into your heels. “Sign.” “It’s clear?” “Mhm. You can read it. But it’s good to go.” John nodded, before looking pointedly from you to the case. You sighed, “You want me to go to Roman’s club?” “Yes. Do the deal, come straight back - what do I pay you for?” You weren’t sure if that was a trick question; “... ME?” If you were getting technical you were contracted for security; everything else was kind of secondary. “Do you want me to mention this damn diamond?” Was that his real reason for sending you? “What’s wrong with that?” He blinked against your question, “No, I was being serious!” You looked down at your clothing, you’d certainly need to neaten yourself up. Roman’s scathing comments were one thing, but he was capable of much worse for far less. “Think I might need my tie pin for professionalism.” On days where you opted to wear a tie, you liked to hold it in place with a tie pin John had gifted you; Daggett Enterprises engraved in cursive across the gold plate; your initials on the inside. “More like the hidden blade.” Okay, so maybe you’d modified it into a weapon yourself – but it was easy to conceal and no one would suspect such a little thing to be so lethal. It at least made you feel safe at some of his dodgier business dealings. “Well I don’t think he’s gonna let me take my gun in!” You scoffed, folding your arms. “You won’t need them, I promise. What would I do without you?” He stood holding the case out to you, you were tentative, but realised you’d have no choice, and took it from him delicately. Daggett placed his fingers under your chin and coaxed you to his lips once more. “Okay. Good… Can I stay to watch Dinah sing?” He smiled and gave you a nod, “You may.” “Thank you.” You tipped your head, half curious and half worried: “What if I don’t come back?!” “All the paperwork and everything is in there. You’ll be fine.” “I don’t trust him. I don’t like you working with him.” And you were serious. The sooner these two finished business with each other wouldn’t be soon enough for your liking. Even if you did get to see her sing every time you frequented the club. That was very nearly worth it. But it was hard to focus on her sometimes when you had to worry about him… “Y/N. Just. Do what I tell you. Go.” John was clearly exasperated, just wanting you to go deliver the case, no questions asked. He should have known better. You narrowed your eyes at him and read it all over his face: Ah! Shit, that was a bad choice of words! You held the case behind you, stepping up to him, eyes searching Daggett’s your voice was still calm as you breathed your threat sweetly: “You better be ready to be tied up by your own tie when I get back. Sir.”
Daggett swallowed hard as you stepped back again and turned, waving once but offering no more as you left his office. Oh, he’d done it now…
Thank you for reading! 😁
20 notes · View notes
griefandpunishment · 4 years
We grieve for what was. For what could have been. And sometimes, we grieve over what never was at all.
Major spoilers from XIV’s ARR ‘Dreams of Ice and Snow’ patch, but alluded spoilers for Heavensward and the Dark Knight storyline.
Squall’s heart is already in his throat, as he is led down a gilded hallway, polished stone and marble casting long shadows in the candlelight. Outside the frosty windows, a light snowfall wafted down frozen streets, not yet enough to drive people into their homes. Ishgard had grown to tolerate the ever-present pall of cold and snow—not accept, but tolerate.
It had been a moment of luck that this meeting was taking place at all. He’d overheard her name, and asked, and eventually through House Fortemps and their connections he’d been able to organise a meeting.
Organise. Squall’s fingers picked at his sleeves, slightly-too-long nails catching at the fabric. He’d cut them later. The past few weeks were a blur, and he hadn’t had time.
As the meeting’s time had approached, he had slowly grown more jittery. Back when he had first embarked on his journey—which was truly not that long ago, but already felt like many years—he had still been naïve enough to imagine circumstances where their reunions were happy. Where they had smiled when they saw him again. That idealism had trickled away slowly, until the last of it was crushed underfoot when Seifer had stood against him at the Praetorium.
Standing here, now, after everything, after how much difficulty he’d had to get to this moment? He doubted there would be a smile here, either.
The manservant showed him into the small sitting room lit by a two candelabra, where she sat gazing out a foggy window.
A woman petite even by Auri standards, her brown hair was kept in a short bob, that stopped inches short of the shawl on her shoulders. The colours were soft— greens and blues reminiscent of warmer climes rather than the frosty landscape they found themselves in. The grapevine had told him she had been adopted by a lower house as a young girl, sheltered by an aristocratic family despite her appearance and the inherent anger Ishgardians directed toward Au’ra. The grapevine had also whispered of a further reason—a gift that made her worth the scorn.
The manservant gave her a small nod, then shut the door behind Squall, leaving them alone.
She didn’t turn immediately, letting out a small breath before turning to face him.
“I...I’m so glad I found you,” he said, voice catching as he spoke. “I’d always thought...always feared, you’d been hurt or worse...I looked for a long time.”
Ellone blinked, hands twisting in her lap, then turning her head away again.
“Did you ever consider that I didn’t want to be found?”
Fidgeting fingers curled into his palms, the nails digging in to draw blood. There was no sense of amusement or humour in her tone, and while her voice was soft, the words were not gentle. Social cues often eluded Squall, but this was quite clear.
“Of course,” Squall said, after a moment. “You left without a word. There had to be a reason.”
Squall’s hand fully clenched, heart jittering about his chest. “I just told myself it was foolish to think something I did as a seven-year-old would be it.”
Ellone sighed again, looking back to the window, avoiding his gaze. Frustration burned in the pit of his gut, or so he told himself...but frustration didn’t make one shake, or one’s eyes prickle or their stomach churn.
S̨̝̼͎̼̹̱͐̏̌̇ͩ̌ͨ̓ͪ̓̇̆̆̍ͩ̃ẖ̴͚̮͖̜̄͗́ͫ̍ͨ̏͞e̛ͦ̎ͦ͊̑̉ͬ̾̉ͪ̆̃ͯ́ͣͩ̚͏̛̼̩̱̯͚̤̰̫͟ͅ'͐ͪͯͮ̓͐͋ͩ͒́͏̖͚̳͔̫̜̥̝̤͖̩̱̫͈̜̞͙͝ͅs̡̜͕͕̪̱̥̮̰̆͆ͬͫ̓̓̈͑ͪ͛̕͜ͅ ̢̡͈̼͈͇͉̞̮̺̳̦̤͓͇̮̤̙͗̎ͮ̀̔̄̄ͫͯ͂ͧͥͩͅģ̸̜͕̗̻̩̳̱͇ͮ̔̏͑̿̆̒ͮͧ̉͑ͯ͜͞ͅǫ̿ͣͮ͐͏҉̻̤͝ͅi̶̛͓̰̩͇͕̥̠̹ͪͤ̓͂ͩ̎̾̐̅̔̌͢n̴̨͍̳͓̻͕̫͙̩͔͙͎̤̥̺̦̰̣̲̩ͦ͒̋͋ͦ͆̔̆̓͐ͧ͛̏̾́͞g͔̗̹̖̼͖̦͙̟̘̜͙̜̏̒̾̾͂̎͊̔͋͛ͫ͛̄̀́ ̨̗͕̼͍̠̝͕͖̝̼͚̃̊̀̒ͩ͜͞t̵͙͕̺̥̞͙͓͍̙̖͓̣͖̜̏̏ͪ̎ͧ͒̂ͤͬ͜ͅỏ̦͖̙̝̙̼͖̝̭̘͆̊͂͌́̄̾ͫͯ̀̕͝ ̷̳̣̙̻̹̟͇̺̙̩̖̜̭ͦͫ̽̈̓̇͗h̰̹͚͈͛̋̎̆͗̓́ͅuͩ̀͒̐͗̃̉̚͏͚̦̗͉̼͔͚̘͇̪̯̺͞r̸̵̦͍͖̥̹̱̻̔͂̇ͪͧ́̎̃ͦͪͩͩ̄̃̆̾ͯ̑͡ͅt̩͎̭͎̭͉̪̣͉͇͎̹̜͖̰̉̑̽̓̑̂̕ͅ ̷͈̰͍̗̲̉̓ͮ̎̒̋̈̾͂̀́̕͜ȳ̶̢̨̳̰͎̲̬̘̱͍͐ͬ͗͒ͫͦ̀͊̎̈͢͞ͅͅo̶̫͔̞̼̺̫̼͎̖̫͕͔̰̪̼̩ͧ̒͒ͤ͋̓͂͑͌̂ͧ̕ư̶̡̄̄̈́́̃ͧ̔ͬͯͥͮ͋̃̂̿̇͌̒ͫ͏҉͖͚̫̥̱̺̤̩̣͎͇̺̝͉.̴̧͇̼̭̰͔̞͈̻̪͔̙̝̿͋͗͐ͪ͐̂̈́͒ͨͮ͌ ̸͔̩͚̺͙̥̯͚̯̝̯͐ͨ̂͐̋ͧ͆̔͒ͥ̈́͌̿́ͤ́ͅD̡̥̺̥̹͇̹̖̦͍̻͓̙̝̮͗̑ͯ͒͋̐́̀̇͊͌ͫ͊̽̌ͯͭ͊͢͞ͅó̉͂̊̚҉͏̨͖̭͚͙̯̥̜́n̷̢̛̲̲̗ͣ̊ͩ̇̌̍͑͌̓͊͂̽̿ͭ̒ͣ̾̋͝͡ͅ'̞͍̳̦̫̫͑ͦ͆͑͐͂̆̆̔̓ͬ͠ṯ̴̙͍͔̦̦̲̥̜̞̤̟͓̝̣̪̦̑͐ͪͮ̆͗̄ͨ̎͗̅ͣ͑ͮ͛͟ͅ ̸̱̬͖̬̬̥̖̗̙̈ͭ̇ͤ̂͑͌̔̅̔̕͠l̶̴̸̢̫͍̤͈͉̜̘͓̤̦̿̆ͥ͂ͪ̏̊ͨ̍ͦ͆ͬ̃͐̑͛̈́́͟ȩ̸̛̩̝͕͕̲̲̣̈ͯͧ̉͐͋͢͢ț̵̸̟͓͖͙̯͉̦͕̰̼̬̭̻̔ͣͪ̀͗̃͐͆̿̋͢ ̷̢̠̬͇̠̺̦̮̲̖̯́̉̐ͨͬ̌͂̉̽ͮͪ̓͞ͅh̛̪͉̞̺̖͖̠͉̻͉̜̬̠̻̘̦͔̿͗̾̆̑ͮ́͆̾̏̃̎̀̚ȩ̛̰̪̻̱̩̻̯͙̭̪͚̳̻̲͙ͯͨ̐̇̊ͬͬ́͌̑̉͒́̀̂̿̚r̉̒̓̀ͧ͌̓̂҉̸̡̥͕̦͙̹̟͎̳̝͖͕̺͓̤͎̞̬͇̀ ̵̜̟͙̙̠̟͈͇̠̠͈̗̞͖̙͑ͧ̔̈̈̀̌͑̑ͤ̅̔͌ͥ͊͘͠͝͝s̨̢͇̭͎̜̺̲̗̹̲̺̺̹͎̙̙̮̍ͨ͊͜͜ͅͅé̷̸͈̪̮͇͇͇̻̬̞̹̤͚̼̻̤ͩͣ̑͋̐̑̄ͮ̇ͪ͟͝ͅe̵͛̑̋͂ͮ̅̓̈́ͯ̿͆͋͌̑̚͘҉̻͖͎̺̱̦͙̗͖̲ͅͅ ̡̉ͫ̃͗͐́̅̐̍̏͢͏̜͈̼̝̹̙̤h̴̵̡͈̲͈̲̜͔͈̤͈͖̰͙̲́́͐̔͞o̸̴̖̘̗̳̝̱̥̻͍̒͗̒ͫ͌͟͞w̴̮̙͙̲͈̘̘̼̱̰̓̓̒̃̓̐̈͐̀͟͠ͅ ̴͖̺͍̲̒́̋̍̈̾̽̎ͭ̏͑̈̊ͬ̑̔ͤ̕͜m̶̢͉͇̯̰͎̫͙̤͇̖̝̬̤͍ͧ̂͑̀̀̈̂̈́ú̸̩̱̱̺̗̙͈͓͕͈̭̻͙͇̣̪͗ͯ̃ͩ̀ͬ͐c̨̡͖͎̜̫͖̠̰͙̟͇͈̖̙͍͍̮͂ͯ̍̿͒̎ͮ̈͂ͧ͒̔ͦͦ̊̃ͨ̈ͮ̀͠h̦̘̱͉͎̲̞̹̗̳̻͍̻̘̗͍͉̐̄̐͌̂̀̀͘͜͟.̨̛͇̮̗͇̤̗̹̬̺̥̼̠̲͕͎͔̲ͤ̃̂̄̑ͭͭ̽ͭ͂͡ͅͅ
“I’ll tell you the truth. You deserve that much,” she said, looking back to him. “I’m not sure how much you remember from when we were in Othard.”
“Nothing.” If he had the Echo probably would’ve taken it by now.
“Raine...your mother’s tribe, was one of very few of Miqo’te in the Far East. They worship a deity unknown to Eorzeans. When Garlemald began to invade Doma and the surrounding areas, the elders of the tribe decided to conduct a summoning to drive them back.”
Squall’s eyes widened, but Ellone plowed on before he could speak. “I suppose that would make them beasts in the eyes of Eorzeans, yes? Not that it matters, now. There are similarities and differences to Eorzean tribes. The most prominent one is the value held to young males, rare as they are. When a summoning is to be performed, a ritual is conducted, and one boy is chosen to serve as the deity’s vessel.”
Ellone’s eyes found Squall’s, and he felt his chest constrict.
It felt like the temperature had dropped further in the room. If his heart wasn’t already pounding on his ears, now it was a drum, threatening to crack his skull open, as pain arched behind his eye, a memory—his own memory—flickering before him.
Flames, chanting Miqo’te with purple skin and moon-white hair, red markings crossing their faces.
“The summoning failed. Everything was as it should be, or so I was told, but the deity did not manifest. So the tribe turned on us. On Raine. On you. We barely escaped the camp with our lives, and she ran—ran to the only safety she could think of. A conscript of the Empire’s army, the man who rescued me…your father.
To end the pursuit, she gave herself up, trusting Laguna to get us away. She begged him to keep us safe, but with the invasion…all he could think of was putting us on that ship. So he paid off the captain, and we were sent here.”
She looked back out the window, shoulders shrinking in. “The tribe…the ritual…the pursuit…the wreck. Tragedy had followed you every step of the way. Raine was so, so happy to have you…but I was able to see the ruin left in your wake. I wanted, want, no part of it. Not when it cost me everything I’d ever loved.”
“You...you blame me for what happened?” Squall asked, barely hearing the words coming out of his mouth.
“If you didn’t exist, Raine would still be alive.  It was beyond your control...but as a whole you are an ill omen, Squall. Blood and despair follows in your wake. I’ve seen it. When your Echo grips you, I can peer into the world as it is in your present. And sometimes, I’ve seen glimpses of the Echoes to come, of the destruction wrought around you. Hate me for it if you wish. But this present, with you as you are…it’s not one I want to be a part of.”
“I...” Squall started, but the shaking was too much to get the next words out. She had left him behind. Purposefully.
Could it be that she was right?
No...no. He’d given everything. Fought until bleeding and broken, done all he could to prevent death and despair...
And what good had it done?
S͂̒̈ͣ͋ͭ͂̐̐̊ͨ̎̓͆̿ͤ̆̑̚͏̸͉̗͕̙̘̼̙̼͓͍̜e̴̒̍͗ͪ͞͏̸̛͓̭̻͕̞͈ŗ̱̱̣̩̥̬͔̤͚͖̯͎̘͒͛́ͫ͐͑ͥ͌̏͆͒ͥ͛ͫͣ̄ͯ͘v̨̝̦̠̹ͤͣ͗́̉̓ͭͩ͗͌̎̕͝ẹ̷̡̣͈̩̭̈́̆ͪ̋̍ͭ̏̚͠ͅ,̨̭̹̖̠͕̹̟̹̞̘̰͈͎ͬ͗̎̋͐̔̉͗̾̑ͨͧ̊͑͟ ̼͉̥͕̩̤̙̙̦͊̓ͮ̌̅̄ͮ̋̔ͯ̔͊ͪͩ̾̎͒ͮ͡͠sͤ̿̒ͬͯ̊ͩͥͫͦ͐̈̉̄ͫ͛̆̎̚͡͏̡̰̤̳͚̘͖lͮͧͭ̇̎̈́̂̀͘͠͝҉̻͚͉̝̥̰̙͖̘̫͚̞a̢ͩ̿ͤ̋̆̊̀҉͏͇̟̜̻̻̱͎ͅv̸̨̱͖̼͙̼͉̥͉̥̙ͦ͗̉̏ͯ̔ͦͤ̔̄ͥ͌͑͋ͦ̈̊͜è̴̡͎̘̦̭͔̙̰̮͇̺͋̇̋̋͛ͩͥͦ͛͠,̴̲̠̣̖̗͇̗͕̙̥͓̝̼̗̰͚̔̅̊ͤ̎̊̊̌̏ͧ͂̑̐̐̿͆͗̎ͯ͘̕̕ ̞̤͓̬͎̖̙̣͎̘̤̝̀̄ͬ̀̕͢s̴̛̹̙͉̘̜͇͓͈͇̣̳͗ͫͤ̎̍͐̒͊ͥ̽ͮ̌͋̚͘͞a̭̹̲̟̍ͧ͒͋̇ͨ͘͢͞͝ṿ̵̨̮̖̘̬̹͉͉̱̯͊͂͗̾ͥ̈́ͮ͢͝ͅe͈͔̰͙͕̫͍̹̤͇͙͋̉̇ͯ̈́̄ͤͪ̀ͨ̏̽̚̚̕̕,͊ͮ͆̐̎̾̽͗̒̈́̓́̋͛̊̋̇҉̵̫̳̞͚̖̬̼̻̩̕ ̶̷̧̳̭̘̯̦͈͖̭̹̪͙̜̟̖̎̊̂̿ş̶͎̣͍͉ͮ̓ͨ̽̓ͫ͟͞͠lͯͮͣ̏҉̵̧̧͈̱̜̲͔͔͓̟̗̲̭͓͇̤͚͟a̧͉͕̭̱̱̝̩̩̪̥͓͇̲͒̉ͦ͋͑y̴͑̓̒ͧͥ̔͐̑ͮͬ̓ͧͧ̔̈ͦ̀̚͏̛͔̪̩̻̺̺̫̖̘͈͔̭̜̩.̄͑̾ͫ̄͊̎̆̃̃̋ͥ̉ͥ́҉͚͇̥̼̫͖͉̟͕̤͙͚͖̙̠͚.̶̼̞̖̫̦̖̣̫̜͇̥̖̞̙̦ͯͩ͑ͯ͒ͬ͑ͩ̾̓ͣͯ̀͑̓̕͘͞͝.̢̖͈̲͈͓̺̠̤̞̲̼̹͖̘͙̗́́ͯ͆̈́͝ͅ
The worst thing wasn’t even the hurt blossoming under his ribcage. It was the urge to explain himself. The Echo was a mystery and its timing even more so, but he knew what she had seen was because he was there to help others. The violence was part and parcel.
But it didn’t matter, did it? Because this wasn’t really about the battles he’d started or ended, won or lost. Ellone saw him as the reason she’d lost what she’d had, even though it was no fault of his. Whether by willful ignorance or in an attempt to soothe the guilt, she clung to that reasoning. Explaining himself would accomplish nothing. And yet…a tiny voice still pleaded for it.
Sis, I’ve been good. Like I promised. Why aren’t you happy to see me…?
“...Fine,” Squall murmured. “You can believe that, if you like. I doubt there’s much point trying to reason with someone who blames a seven-year-old for their mother’s death.”
Ellone bit her lip at that, crinkling her nose. “You don’t get it.”
“Don’t I?” Squall snapped, the initial grief beginning to give way to the raw anger that came all too easily since he’d met Fray. “I guarantee I do. But it’s not worth my time to explain it to you, is it? Because in the end this was about *you*. You’re just making excuses so you don’t feel bad.”
Ellone’s teeth clenched, eyes now bright and angry. “I’m not wrong about any of it. Staying with you—“
“I don’t care, Ellone,” Squall spat out, baring his teeth. “Like I said. It’s to make yourself feel better. There’s nothing I could’ve done, or can do, to change your mind. So I don’t care. Tell your excuses. Tell yourself it wasn’t cruel or unreasonable or wanting to find someone to blame. Whatever makes you sleep at night.”
Ellone’s shoulders pulled in even further, hands white-knuckle clenched in her lap. “I’m sorry.”
He unclenched his hands, the first time since he’d dug into them to begin with, the smell of iron hitting the air as he exhaled.
“No, you’re not. At least respect me enough to not lie to me.”
“I’m sorry for the life you’ve led. If I could change it, I would…I’m not strong enough to handle that despair, Squall. I couldn’t stay.”
Forcing his fingers into his hair, Squall shook his head. ���See? You’re not really sorry, not to me. You don’t want me. You’re clinging to some flight of fancy dream where sadness doesn’t touch. That’s not reality, Ellone.”
Goodbyes are part of living…even if sometimes it feels like they’ll swallow me whole.
Squall turned, reaching for the door handle, before pausing again.  
“The deity...the primal the used me for. What was its name?”
Ellone was silent for a moment, before an exhale left her.
“I think you already know.”
He did.
Squall stepped out of the room, ignoring the concerned glance from the manservant as he made for the exit. His brain was already in a haze, fog creeping into the edge of his vision, his mind’s eye flashing with images of Ysayle, of ice creeping up her limbs, a new entity emerging from the shattered shards.
Lady Shiva. A primal brought forth through a corporeal vessel, crystals, and a small group’s fervent prayer.
A corporeal vessel with the Echo.
He found himself at the Last Vigil trying not to puke, bile churning up his gullet and back down again at regular intervals, eyes burning behind his palms.
Was he a ticking time bomb? Was the primal still there, in his heart, waiting for its opportunity to eat him alive?
Ysayle was in control of the primal entity she had summoned into her body. She had become a manifestation of the Lady of Ice, but one she could control. The difference was that she had chosen to summon that being. Gathered the crystals, the followers, the will, and drawn her in from the aether.
He had no such choice in the matter.
Squall stood, grabbing the railing with a white-knuckle grip, looking over the city.
“Griever,” he whispered, and he felt a chill run down his spine that had nothing to do with the cold.
Why they hadn’t been successful he didn’t know. Not the Echo, at least— Echo spared one from tempering, not from becoming a Primal. It had been a comfort to him, in his lowest moments, a source of strength and succor when he’d had no where else to turn. He had believed it was due to the engraving on the only possession he still had from Othard – the gunblade he still had no clue how to wield correctly. But no…it ran deeper than that. It responded to its namesake. It had whispered at him, as the deaths around him mounted. He’d never reached a low enough moment for it to take hold, but…
The Scions couldn’t know. None of them could know. Imagine the stress on them if they did, worrying for his well-being, fearing him and what he could become when the circumstances got dire. No. This was his burden to bear. He’d keep it in check, consciously now.
Now, there was the strength to do whatever was necessary.
Fray is waiting at the docks today, gazing out at churning waters, standing far from a pile of tangled nets and broken wood.
“You’re late.”
“Had something to take care of.”
Fray turned, folding his arms. “You got a different look about you today. Committed.”
“Yes. I think I’m beginning to understand.”
“Aye. I think you are, too.”
3 notes · View notes
migleefulmoments · 5 years
So... Abby responds to her family's intervention by obediently telling them she'll stop (ie. lying to them). She then immediately tries to find ways to keep the blog in secret, hiding behind various usernames, lurking on her coven's blogs, more time deleting posts from both blogs we know about. Meaning, instead of getting help, she spends even MORE time online engaging in more batshit crazy crap to cover her ass. Yeah, sure, that doesn't signal dire need for mental health intervention AT ALL.
It looks like that is what is happening.  We will have to see what the future holds. What does Abby do? 
So far the fandom is flailing. Cassie got a couple of anons- one that reads like those anons Abby used to send herself as it covers all the issues they are most upset about so perfectly well (My comments in parenthesis and italicized:: 
Anonymous asked: Even if I am unsure about CC itself, I don't buy M*arr*n. I just don't. And the other side is using doxing and the fact that you and others say things they don't like about M as an excuse to do so and as a way to detract from the fact that their couple goals have some pretty big, glaring plot holes in their love story. I've not seen anyone on this side of the fandom out or dox anyone publicly as a way of humiliation. M gave up her privacy by dating D, but Abby didn't and they were wrong. Period. 
cassie1022 answered: Nonnie, I swear every time they diagnose us as mentally ill or say we’re bitter hags, an LGBTQ angel gets his or her wings. We all know my beliefs, but there are MANY people that are like you and don’t know for sure about CC but sure as hell know Miarren isn’t a normal, healthy relationship. (Funny thing, I don’t remember anyone diagnosing Cassie as mentally ill. Cassie is alwasy the wallflower that nobody wants to dance with and she tries so hard to be part of the fun people. Last week she was sad because I hadn’t sent her a “hate” message (See comment in last post below) 
Even if I remove D from the situation, I would still think M is a lazy, spoiled toddler with no discernable work ethic coupled with a superiority complex that rivals the Cheeto in Command of the US.
You are absolutely correct. Our fandom just wants to be left alone. We don’t send hateful asks to the other side. We don’t have to. They feel they have the right to dox CCers because they don’t like what we say about M, a woman that would light a cigarette from the flames engulfing them and not call 911 to help them. I mean, honestly, it doesn’t get much lower than mocking someone’s death. Plus, as you correctly said, M put herself in the spotlight “dating” D. If she didn’t want that attention, she would have stayed in the background. There are plenty of celebrities married to non famous people and we don’t see them at every event like we do M. (It is BAFFLING to me that they can’t comprhend something as simple and obvious as the reasaon they “see Mia everywhere” is because they fucking stalk her and they hyperanalzye every photo Darren is in looking for her. If they started stalking Ben Feldman they would see his wife just as much as they see Mia).    
Bottom line is what they did to Abby was deplorable, but, just like their kween, they feel justified in doing whatever they want. This isn’t the first time they’ve crossed a line with regards to my friend, but it was the worst.
notes-from-nowhere Anon, they love to throw the guilt of their actions on our shoulders, it’s how they justify what they do to themselves. They need us to be the bad guys otherwise what is the only option left? (I never know what the hell Notes is trying to say- throw the guilt of our actions on their shoulders? I’d love an example of that. I can’t imagine what guilty action I put on their shoulder. As for needing them to be the bad guys or what do we have left? OMFG are you kidding me? We critcize the cc fandom for being misogynistic, homophobic, bullies who attack  Mia, Darren, Ricky and their own Nonnies. They have viscioulsy attacked people in their own fandom who dared to question them. But the biggest reason we push back is because THEY LIE. All the damn time. So what do we have left? Being on the right side, being correct, not lying, not needing to lie, and the joy of watching Darren live his best life)   
Leka got a couple of asks but her answers were weak, confusing and pointless. It’s clear she isn’t ready to take over as their leader. She repeated Abby’s main talking points, tried to use big words to sound smarter and basically ended up not making a lot of sense:
Anonymous asked: I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but I think the character on the HW poster holding the girl is D's character, it would fit if you look at the other guys on the poster, maybe this is already the first hint to show D's character is not gay and so technically not breaking the no more queer roles rule his team set for him. It won't make it any better because it's still a career on the bag of LGBTQ+ people with it's teams but it's technically not a broken rule. I just really need for things to change, I want them to so bad, it kills me seeing someone so kind in a situation like that, and I truly believe D is one of the kindest people in that horrible town. He deserves better than M, I wouldn’t even mind if he goes onto another beard but she and RR just need to go. I really think it’s crazy people still think everything HW is real and PR relationships don’t exist, I wished that place was just better and had a moral compass, people deserve more it kind of shows just how jaded this situation has made me, I can’t even enjoy amazing promo material without directly twisting it into something negative, I don’t want to be this way and if I feel like this I can’t even imagine how D must feel. He is stronger than I’ll ever be living through hell every day, even if he’s not ok he’s still here and holding on, I don’t know if I could in his position. Sorry for the long message and the unneeded negativity, I guess I just had to vent a little
Leka answered: So let’s look at the way HW is described:
“Each character offers a unique glimpse behind the gilded curtain of Hollywood’s Golden Age, spotlighting the unfair systems and biases across race, gender and sexuality that continue to this day. Provocative and incisive, HOLLYWOOD exposes and examines decades-old power dynamics, and what the entertainment landscape might look like if they had been dismantled.”
I do consider this the very intriguing thing about the news. (And it just goes to show that believing everything you’re sold is being utterly and completely ignorant.) Let’s say you’re right because ofc it’s possible. How does R/aymond fit in here? Given the excessive way team shit has pushed that article, a technicality won’t be good enough. There has to be a better plan. This doesn’t match what’s been said in his name.
What I think is this doesn’t necessarily have to mean much. You know very well what you see doesn’t have to be the (full) truth. That doesn’t just apply to the real HW. Especially considering the time period of this show. And let’s not forget the pap pics we got at a gas station. This doesn’t rule out SB as an inspiration. I would advise anyone to read up on him. We don’t know at this point. As we keep saying, the best thing to do is to wait and see. I’m certainly interested in finding out more.
As time goes on, the danger of this situation keeps becoming even clearer to me. D deserves much, much better. He’s incredibly strong, but the most toxic person in his life needs to go and she’s more than welcome to take the jumping jackass with her. That’s definitely the most important thing right now. (I’m curious what the danger of Hollywood is?)
awesome-fanfictionada: @leka-1998I’m just wondering - it must have been D who got himself this job on HW, right? Couldn’t this have been done on purpose to counter that ridiculous statement - which wasn’t even accurate, if the source was that interview where he stated that he wouldn’t want to be a casting director? Could in this case RM be a friend?
leka-1998:  @awesome-fanfictionada Yes, he did that himself. Again. And he said the show’s been sold late in 2018. According to an article that came out later, it happened in February 2019. Not true.
HW has been a thing before that statement was made, which is indeed very different from the answer D himself gave during the interview. That’s what makes the article seem like sabotage by team shit. And standing in RM’s way is never a good idea. So while I will obviously never like him, I’m reserving judgment on his current role until we know more.
Anonymous asked: The underlying issue in general is really that social media has made it so people think they get an accurate glimpse into the lives of celebrities, when in reality social media, like everything else that is publicly released about them, is used as a marketing tool. People are actually more inauthentic than they've ever been because they feel pressure to maintain a certain image for social media at all times. So anyone who decides D is living honestly, it's because they want to believe he is.
Leka: True, nonnie. Just look at the text lines that are becoming more popular again. Not nearly as genuine as people want to believe. In D’s case, what has to be brought up? M. Oh Halloween and her amazing shopping skills praised on SM. The work fam honeymoon pic promoting the place they stayed at. Coa/chella for the H&M ad. Mardi Gras posted shortly after the mockery to promote the designer. I could obviously go on. Most of what we see on SM shows the person the 10 year crew wants him to be. And what looks like a split personality if you compare certain posts. Which brings me back to ‘they want to believe’, as what you’re saying clearly isn’t a secret. Anyone can choose to ignore it but at this point, if that’s the case even though you’re more or less paying attention, it’s really a conscious decision.
Oh btw, there’s a HW IG account now and it already has a D follow. Imagine that. R/oyalties co-stars, anyone?
Flowers didn’t get any asks. Amazing since she has more followers than I do and she bragged about getting more “notes” than me.  She did answer azscc who posted an odd rant that baffles me.  Who the fuck is azscc and who is posting anything about her? I realize I am not the only person in this fandom posting about ccers But I just checked all the blogs that I know of and nobody is talking about her; 
azsc  its so weird how chillarrens call me a bully while i only say something rude towards them if they write bullshit towards me. and its just ironic how chillarrens go around calling people bullies while they are the reason why tons of cc accounts use their accounts private or don’t post their opinions and etc. the real threat to the fandom are people like you. so instead of going around throwing shit on people and calling them “mental, delusional...” get a life. no cc believer goes around hunting for chillarren pics and insult the account owner so why don’t you all grow up and realize no one has to agree with your opinions. every crisscolfer blog/twitter page/insta acc basically stan accs never asked for your opinions on their pages so why don’t you just let it go? no one cares about what you all say or do so why are you forcing it this much?
call me a bully i am pretty much okay with that. its obvious that people are unable to understand basic sarcasm and irony and i am not judging because to actually understand what people say you have to at least have an average IQ level. and if you don’t have it, it’s okay but that doesn’t mean you can twist people’s words and post them all over the internet. but its lowkey really funny that i only had my instagram acc for something like 4/5 months and i received over 300 hate/insult/blackmail/death wish messages and etc. and who are you people to call us bullies? (Nobody is a Chillarren. Darren and Mia are married and Chris and Will are in a long-term relationsihp,  Nobody has to “ship” them in order to believe they are together. In America, we accept that when someone introduces their wife or their boyfriend they are telling the truth. It is customary to address that person as their wife or boyfriend respectively. The crisscolfers on the other hand, must use a fandom ship name because they are shipping two people who are not in a relationship and never were. All evidence indicates Chris and Darren are no long friends; they are nothing more than former co-workers-friendly and polite when they see one another but no longer involved in one another’s lives. Chris and Darren both have denied (more than once) that the were ever in a relationship).  .   
flowersintheattic254 I have never in my whole time here posted an anon to a Miarren account. I have no desire to. I’m confident in my beliefs.
The interesting thing for me is that I’ve been here for about four years now and in that time I’ve seen the head of the fandom disappear, other people disappear because their families have been doxed, established long-term cc blogs with a wealth of history deleted without warning. I myself have had my daughters threatened.  This sort of stuff doesn’t happen anywhere in the fandom but here here. If we are a bunch of delusional crazy middle-aged women then this shouldn’t happen. (Who was doxed? Who dissappered? It’s all “liar liar” with everything ccers say. In the last 4 years Abby has been the only leader of the cc fandom. Michelle left between 4 and 5 years ago because her outrageious cc comments threatened her ability to raise money for her little Klaine-fanfic rip-off movie. I vaguely remember someone asking flowers how her daugther’s would feel if they read what she writes- hardly a threat. If there was something more she never posted any proof. As for blogs being deleted- so was D-Criss News.  It happens. The only cc blog that I know of that disappeared was DisneyPrincessModelWorld’s original blog which had was a hot mess of lies and catfishing. She visciously bullied Mia. Hardly someone to mourn their blog being deleted). 
It’s shocking that an actor may lgbt causes such drama. (HUH?)
Flower’s comment is so disingenuous. While it is technically true -she hasn’t sent me anons, she HAS instead publically ridiculed me and frankly, I can’t see how that is any different? I’d say it’s worse because they wanted their followers to see what they wrote and the only way to ensure that is to post it on their blogs. Flowers and Abby posted many public “Michy” posts.  Here is her most recent: 
flowersintheattic254Oh and I guess Michy sent us all some hate today.
I guess I have way more followers than you and only about 4 that send hate. You haven’t for ages.
I think I have over 70,000 hits currently to my blog. I must be saying something interesting.
He’s been married allegedly for a year and people still doubt. That’s gotta hurt you. Anyway......
ajw720 Michy told me today today that the outing couldn’t possibly be promo, because JS was only cast in September!  What a moron who clearly doesn’t know how HW works.  Sweetheart, it was ANNOUNCED in September;)
I was waiting for a few more months, but in 4 years, since i have been tracking, i have almost a million! (976,695 to be precise).
It is amazing that so many people care about what us bat shit crazy, irrelevant, psychologically unstable, threatening, hateful tin hats have to say!  And that does not include people reading on their dash or that hit you on the app!  So yep, Michy, clearly what we are saying is being monitored by someone.  And clearing making people think!! But you keep wasting your time writing for your audience of 4:)
cassie102 I feel left out, Michy didn't come at me today. Must hurt like hell knowing you're a joke that perpetuates a bigger joke.
leka-1998 Birds of a fake feather flock together. When the right person says tomorrow’s Christmas, tomorrow’s Christmas. Get ready, everyone.
If I narrow it down to the last six months, about 10,000 btw. Hm strange.
flowersintheattic254 @ajw720 the number of hits you have give me oxygen. If Michy thinks they are haters then she is delusional. People know when they are being sold something fake and they look for answers.
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fallingstormphoenix · 5 years
    Pt 2 of my collab with @robinshouseofwhump! In this bit, Occuldous and Herc come to stay with Arron and Abel while Mistress is out of town.)
Mistress dropped Occuldous and Herc off one evening, gave Abel a quick peck on the cheek and left, saying she had to catch her flight. Herc was emotionless as usual, but Occuldous was in a panic. Mistress had been getting after him for very little mistake he made since the party and he was in pain and on edge. He was trying so hard to be still and quiet but he was trembling, and little pained whimpers escaped his lips. He knew Herc wouldn’t dare protect him against the angel in front of him, and his mind was in a tizzy imagining all the horribleness that the angel could use his strength to do to him. 
"Hey there buddy, you okay?" Abel grabbed Occuldous's shoulder gently and firmly, sending another wave of shuddering to overtake his body. "I'm happy you're here with me, you must've been hurt a lot after the party huh?" 
Silence. Occuldous just stared up at him with huge eyes. What did he want him to say? Did he want to talk about the pain? Did he want to know what pain Occuldous hated and feared the most, so he could use it against him?
"Well, Arron is super excited to see you, he's taking a nap right now, so you two can play when he wakes up alright?"
Occuldous nodded slowly. “Y-y-Yes s-Sir-r.” He said, his voice shaking just as bad as his body was.
"Hey Herc, right?" Abel stood up and pulled Occuldous closer, into a soft embrace. "Can I talk to you?"
Occuldous panicked at the embrace, his heart pounding, but he didn’t struggle or fuss.
Herc nodded. “Yes sir?” His voice was deep and raspy from disuse.
Abel looked down at Occuldous, who was still shaking like a leaf. "Go sit on the couch little one, can you do that for me?"
“Y-y-yess Sir!” He darted to the couch and sat down, ramrod straight and proper.
Abel turned to the taller man, who was quiet and stiff as a board. "Herc, you have permission to speak as much as you want. I don't care what you say, I won't tell her." Abel paused, thinking about what to say. "What can I do to help him?" Abel motioned to the Starwitch, who wasn't paying attention except to calm down his breathing.
Herc sighed. “I don’t know, Sir. He was like this went she bought him and is only getting worse .”
"Hmm, I'm sorry to hear that." Abel thought for a moment. "What can I do to help you then? I have a room just for you if you'd like. And you're welcome to the kitchen as much as you want too." Abel frowned to himself, they’re so… reserved, like they can't even do anything without thinking about the consequences. "You both aren't slaves in my house, ever." “Yes sir.” Herc nodded. “I am a little hungry… May I prepare something to eat? I will clean up everything.” He assured.
"Of course you can, help yourself Herc. I'm going to go help Occuldous calm down." Herc nodded and headed to the kitchen, his steps almost silent, impressive for a big man like him. Abel stared a little in aw, but then slowly walked to the couch, where the shaking teen let slip a few tears in absolute fear.
"Occuldous? You ok buddy? What can I do to help?" Abel let his words drip out like sweet honey, trying his best to calm the boy.
Occuldous looked up at him, trembling, eyes wide and wet, “I-I j-just w-want to b-be good sir… P-please s-show m-me h-how to b-be good?” He didn’t want to be punished, but he didn’t know the rules of this house, and he feared that he would break them.
"Oh little one, would you like to know what I want?" Abel raised an eyebrow, not in disgust, but in slight confusion and horror. What has she done to him? To Herc?
Occuldous nodded eagerly. “Y-yes sir! I-I w-want to be g-good for you!” Please, please don’t be angry… he begged mentally, please don’t drown me.
Abel took a deep breath, allowing his angelic form to recede in an attempt to look less threatening. The wings disappearing along with his thorned halo. Pause, then another deep breath, before Abel spoke. "I want you to sleep when you're tired. Eat when you're hungry. Play when you're bored. I want you to use magic as often as you would like."
Occuldous panicked. There was no way for Abel to know if he was following these new rules, and no way to know if he was breaking them. There would be no method to the punishments with these rules, he would never know what to expect. He’d never been allowed to choose when to eat, or sleep, or use magic. Mistress was the first master he’d had that let him play. He started keening and rocking back and forth frantically.
Abel sighed again, that didn't help. "I think it would be best if you took a nap with Arron, would you like that bud? You look tired." He nodded, relieved a little by the clear instruction. “Y-yes s-sir!” He was tired, he has so many nightmares that he barely slept anymore out of fear of them.
"Ok, let's get you to bed then." Abel gently lifted the boy by the armpits and gently carried him up the stairs of the penthouse. He could feel the pounding of the Starwitch’s heart through his fingertips, but Occuldous seemed to relax in his hold. Herc often carried him like this, it felt safe and gentle.
"Do I need to treat any wounds little one? Any bruises or open cuts?" Abel looked at the boy, who was now practically melting under his touch, much like Arron.
Occuldous’ eyes went big and worried but he nodded. He wasn’t sure what he would do as “treatment” but he absolutely wouldn’t lie to a master.
"Ok, I'll take you to the bathroom for a second then. Is that alright little one?" He felt the shudder run up Occuldous’ body and tears came to his eyes but still he nodded. “Y-yes sir.”
Abel smiled and brought him into the large washroom, sitting him on the toilet seat gently and opening the nearby medicine cabinet. Soon, after a bit of rummaging, he pulled out a first aid kit. "You're doing amazing bud."
Occuldous just stared at the tub, his breathing fast and shallow. In his mind, he could hear the faucet rushing, see the tub filling, feel the water covering his face, feel the burning of his lungs as he couldn’t breathe. And before he could do anything, he blacked out, tipping forwards like a broken doll. He could feel his body be held, but not much else. It felt dark, it was comforting. Just dark, no pain, burning, or hurting.
The Starwitch felt himself laying in something soft, felt something thick and heavy wrapped around his body. It felt good, he felt safe. That was such an odd feeling to him, safety… He couldn’t remember when he’d last felt like that. His hair was wet, but everything else was dry. He felt a presence laying next to him, they were probably asleep though. Should he go back to sleep? Its what the angel wanted. But he wasn't tired anymore, and the angel told him to only sleep when he was tired. He laid still with his eyes closed as he tried to think what he should do next. He really didn’t want to move. His torso was covered in burns and bruises and ached so badly. The soles of his feet hurt too, from when Mistress had caned them for not obeying fast enough. Laying here made everything hurt less, even if it was just for a little bit.
"O-Occoldis?" The presence muttered softly. It wasn't the angel, but it was familiar. So they weren't asleep, he knew as the bed shifted around him.
“Y-yes?” Occuldous whimpered worriedly, opening his eyes slowly.
"I umm… I missed you. Do you wanna play? A-Are you ok?" The voice said still soft.
“Arr-rron?” Occuldous rolled over slowly, his eyes brightened when he saw his friend. Arron could show him the rules here! Then he could be good and this master would give him pets and treats too. “I-I’m ok.”
The smile that crept up Arron's face helped calm him more. "M-Master says he has dinner ready soon. D-do you wanna go with me?" Arron shifted and knelt up, looking at his new friend with anticipation.
“Did Master say I may?” He asked, sitting up with a soft whimper.
"Mmhm, he said if you wanna eat, but you can stay here if you're still sleepy."
Occuldous thought. Master had said to eat when he’s hungry. He is hungry. He’s always hungry. But was master trying to trick him? Mistress only fed him tidbits from her plate, or treats for learning a new trick. Maybe this master wanted to see if he behaved or if he was greedy and wanted too much food. He looked up at Arron. “D-does Master want you to eat?”
"Only if I'm hungry, and I'm hungry right now." The demon smiled softly and jumped a little on the bed before hopping off with a smile. "Come?"
Occuldous got up carefully standing up. He keened painfully as his feet touched the ground, he wasn’t afraid to show his pain around other servants like him. It made it easier when he had to hide it around the masters.
"Are you ok?" Arron frowned
“I was bad.” He stated as if that excused his pain. He had deserved it, he hasn’t moved fast enough to obey Mistress, she’d warned him lots of times and he still didn’t obey fast enough.
"When I'm bad, Master puts me to bed a lot." Arron looked at him with worry. "I don't like your Mistress…"
He looked cautious when Arron mentioned being put to bed as a punishment. He’d heard other servants talk of something like that and it sounds very bad. But Occuldous eyes went very big when Arron said something about Mistress. “Mistress is nice and gives pets and treats! She only punishes me when I’m bad. First Master hurt me when I was good too, Mistress is lots nicer. I like Mistress.”
"But she hurts you a lot… she's scary."
Occuldous shook his head. “I’m bad lots. Mistress is making me good. She gives me treats when I’m good and pets me.”
"Arron! Occuldous!" The angel hollered from downstairs. "Are you two hungry?"
Occuldous squeaked at the shout, the trembling starting again. “C-coming Sir!” He ran downstairs as fast as he could, and as soon as he got down, he knelt in front of Abel, looking up at him. “Y-Yes sir? I-I’m s-s-sorry I-i-i took s-so l-long!”
"Don't be sorry little one, I just wanted to know if you were hungry is all." Abel held his hand down to him. "Come on, I don't want you to kneel for me."
He scrambled to his feet, swallowing the whimper that rose up in his throat. “Y-Yes s-Sir. S-sorry.”
"Come sit at the table, you can sit next to me if you'd like, or Arron, or Herc." Abel motioned to the large table and smiled. "I'm almost done cooking, do you like hamburgers?"
His eyes went wide. “S-Sir?” Sit at the table? He’d never been allowed to do that.
Abel gently put the spatula down on the counter, and tipped the boy's chin up slowly and softly. "Occuldous, did you happen to hear what I told Herc this morning?"
Occuldous lifted his chin immediately and eyed Herc, who was carefully setting the table. He hadn’t heard, he’d been too worked up. “N-no sir, s-sorry I-I wasn’t listening.”
"That's ok. Would you like to know what I told him little one?" Abel cupped his cheek and rubbed a thumb along his freckles, causing him to calm down a little as he leaned into the hand.
He melted into the gentle touch. “Y-Yes sir.” He was being good, Master was petting him so he was being good. The panic dulled to a normal background fear that he always had.
"Under everyone else's house, you are a slave. Under my house, you are a person. You are worth just as much as I am. I will never, ever hurt you, even if you disobey me. You are allowed to do as much as you'd like. Do you understand little one?"
He shook his head. “No sir.” He hummed a little, enjoying the gentle touch. His hand was so warm, it felt so good.
"Hmm, have you ever seen me hurt Arron? Or punished him with violence?" Just as Abel said that, Arron padded behind them and quietly sat at the table. "Or told him that he isn't a person?"
He shook his head again. “But… sir, Arron is good… he doesn’t be bad…” he’d never seen Arron disobey Abel, or break a rule.
A sigh, from Abel. He thought for a moment, then pulled him into a hug. "I don't think you're bad, never ever kiddo. You're a very good boy, just like Arron."
He whimpered softly when his arms touched the bruises, but his heart filled with joy and he didn’t care about the pain. He was a good boy and this master was happy with him. He would treat him good like Arron and he would do his best to keep being good so this master would stay happy with him and pet him and do gentle things with him.
"Now go sit at the table, you can choose whichever seat you'd like to sit at." Abel smiled and let go, before putting the scratch burgers and homemade fries on each of the 4 plates. He sat down at the end of the table after filling all the glasses with a dark liquid that bubbled and fizzed.
Occuldous sat between Herc and Arron, waiting for Abel to start eating first. Herc sat down too, slowly and with uncertainly like Occuldous. He hadn’t been allowed to sit at a table in so many years, it felt unnatural. But he didn’t fuss like Occuldous, he just accepted whatever came his way, good or bad.
The angel uttered a few words to himself as he closed his eyes, before sitting back up. "Let's eat!" Abel smiled and picked the large burger up with his hands, before munching down on it slowly. Arron did the same with a smile as he ate his burger almost in tandem with his master.
Occuldous followed his lead in eating the burger first. Herc carefully cuts up his burger with a knife and ate the pieces with a fork. He does the same to the fries.
Occuldous takes a careful sip of the soda and set it down quickly, surprised by the bubbles. “It bites!” He said, startled.
"Mmhm, it tastes good huh?" Abel lets out a slight chuckle at the boy. He's gonna be trying a lot of new things this week.
He took another sip and nodded. “I like it. Thank you Master!”
"Of course little one." Abel smiled, he saw an actual smile on Occuldous' face today. "Do you like it Herc? I have something else you might like if you don't." Arron meanwhile was practically inhaling the burger, his Master's cooking was soooo good. Even better than Papa's.
Herc nodded. “Thank you sir.” He said, finishing off the burger. “Your cooking is excellent.” Occuldous only managed to eat half the burger and a little soda before he was stuffed. His body wasn’t used to all this food at once.
"All full little one?" Abel smiled as Occuldous finished eating. "Do you have room for dessert?"
Occuldous nodded. “Yes sir.”
Herc shook his head. “No sir, he’s doesn’t. He’s going to get sick from eating too much.”  Herc‘s voice was dull and sad, like he expected something bad for talking back.
"Hmm, ok." Abel stood up and put his plate in the sink. "It still isn't too late, so would you boys like to go to the park?"
Occuldous tilted his head. “Park?” He questioned. Herc got up and started to clear the other plates.
"Mmhm! Master lets me play with my magic all the time at the park!" Arron got really excited and stood up. "We can play with magic together!"
Occuldous swallowed nervously, glancing at Master out the corner of his eye.
"Would you like that bud? We can stay here and watch a movie instead, if you'd like." Abel smiled warmly. "Whatever you want."
“M-mistress won’t like I-if I d-do m-magic outside…” he whimpered, remembered when he’d accidentally let loose a little fire ball outside in surprise. “M-movie is-s saf-fer.”
Herc nodded. “You don’t want to forget your training so that mistress has to retrain you, do you?” He asked pointedly.
Occuldous shook his head quickly. “N-no. S-sorry.”
“Don’t say sorry, I just don’t want to watch you be hurt.” Herc said gently. He put the plates in the sink and came over to Occuldous. He gently picked him up and held him close.
Abel smiled. "Ok, movie it is." Herc was so gentle with him, at least someone was there for Occuldous when he needed him. "Arron, how about you pick for us? And no Steven Universe tonight, we need a movie, not a show."
"O-ok Master," Arron sighed and took the remote, what other things can he watch that's better than that?
“I used to like a movie called “Oliver and Company.”” Herc offered, sitting on the ground with Occuldous in his lap, curled up happily. Abel caught a glimpse of the bruises and scabs on the bottoms of Occuldous’ feet, he hadn’t expected wounds there so he hadn’t checked earlier.
"What's it about?" Arron looked up with interest.
“A little stray cat and the dogs who adopt him.” Herc smiled, remembering the story fondly.
"I'm fine with that, put that on Arron." Abel smiled.
The movie started out sad, with the kitten’s siblings all being adopted to good homes, and him being left out in a storm, then chased by street dogs. Eventually he’s adopted by a care-free dog and his little band of other care-free dogs and their homeless owner who is clumsy and kind.
Occuldous tried to stay awake to watch the movie but ended up falling asleep a few minutes in. Herc gently put him on the couch and went to clean the kitchen.  Herc worked silently and efficiently, leaving everything spotless and shiny. “Sir, the kitchen is clean. May I take a short nap? I will finish cleaning when I wake up.” Herc asked, looking at the ground respectfully.
"Oh! You didn't have to do that Herc, but thank you so much! Of course you can sleep, you're welcome to do whatever you'd like." Abel smiled, Herc has gone above and beyond to help out, even if he didn't ask for it.
"I think its bedtime for you too Arron." The angel looked down at the demon curled up in his arms. "Go brush your teeth ok? And get your jammies on."
"O-ok sir," Arron rubbed his eyes sleepily and slowly got up to go do as he was asked.
“Thank you sir. Where may I sleep?” Herc asked. He glanced at Occuldous. “I’ll carry him to bed as well sir.”
"Second room on the right Herc, and I'll take him if thats ok with you?"
Herc nodded. “Yes sir, thank you.” He turned on his heel and headed up to his room. He curled up in the corner to sleep. It was odd to see someone so big manage to make themselves so small.
Abel carried Occuldous to Arron's bed, tucking him in and laying the weighted blanket over him before turning to Herc's room. "Herc, sleep in the bed, that's what it's for." He laughed a bit at the sight of the tightly curled up giant. "You have just as many privileges as I do here."
“Sir, I… I don’t want to get used to it,” Herc said quietly. “It will make it harder when I go back. Same for Occuldous. If he forgets his training, everything will only be worse for him.”
Abel thought for a moment. "You have a point, but I don't want you to feel like its forever. You'll get out of this soon, I know it." “Sir, I tried to escape once. When I was 20.” He looked up at him. “I didn’t get that collar taken off until it started to grow into my skin. I don’t want Occuldous to experience that. I don’t want to experience that again. Mistress is fair and kind as Masters go. We have clear rules, and Mistress never punishes on a whim.”
"You think it would be best if I gave Occuldous more rules? Or no?" Abel frowned, he really didn't want to be strict with them or hurt them in any way. "I really don't want to cause harm, like your Mistress does."
Herc nodded. “He would feel safer with more concrete rules. I was wild-caught, he was bred as a pet, he doesn’t know anything besides what his masters tell him. He didn’t know how to play when Mistress got him.” He sighed, closing his eyes. “I know you’re not really a master. You don’t act like any of them, and Arron doesn’t act like a pet. But at least for Occuldous’ sake, try to act more like a Master. I can be aware of making sure I don’t get too comfortable while I’m here. He won’t be. He’ll get too comfortable and sleep without Mistress’ permission, or he’ll start asking for food or something…” Herc rubbed his temples. “I… I-I don’t want to have to hold him for Mistress to drown or beat or brand again…” His voice caught in his throat painfully, this was the most words he’d spoken in months, maybe years. “Please, please don’t make Mistress have to retrain him.”
"Hey hey hey, its fine Herc. I'll make sure she won't have to if it keeps him safe." Abel sit down next to the giant. Herc sighed quietly. “Thank you sir.” He whispered. “I-i… I just can’t do that to him anymore…” He looked at his hands, tears welling in his eyes, “I hate it… I hate that I’m not strong enough to fix it.” He sighed. “If only I was stronger…”
"You are strong, you just can't bear the thought of hurting him. I can't either." Abel began. "What do you have in mind for rules?" He shrugged. “I-I don’t know sir. Ask to sit on the couch, obey commands immediately, simple things… Mistress’ rules aren’t too hard… Pets are silent unless asked to speak,Don’t ask for things, Obey commands immediately and cheerfully, Follow a command until told otherwise, Don’t beg, Take punishments peacefully, Furniture is not for pets…” He recited. “Occuldous isn’t very good at following rule five, but he really tries with everything else.”
"Rule 5 sounds hard to follow, I don't blame him." Abel sighed. "What about punishments? I don't want to hurt him like your mistress does." “He’ll punish himself if you tell him to…” Herc mumbled. “I don’t know, do people still swat school children’s knuckles with rulers?” An involuntary shudder run up Abel’s spine at the idea of whacking Occuldous’s mangled hands with a ruler.
"No, they don't." Abel frowned. "I usually put Arron to bed if he's bad, that's the extent of it." Herc’s eyes went big, the biggest display of emotion he’d gotten out of him so far. “No! Don’t tell him that!” He said quickly. “Most pets would hear that and think it means... other things.” He shuddered. “We know a lot of… pets that are for that. Lots of Mistress’ friends have them.”
"Oh god, that's awful. I didn't mean it like that." Abel looked horrified, his gut lurching at the thought. "Early bedtime, and maybe a paddling?" He nodded. “Maybe refuse to pet him? He loves being pet.”
"Ok, I think that's fair, thank you Herc, for helping me help him. And helping you." He nodded. “Thank you for being kind. And listening.” (tagging @imagination1reality0 @whumping-every-day @0idril0 @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @quirkykayleetam @whumptywhumpdump)
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tellywoodtrash · 5 years
khkt 13.09.19 lb
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haan bolo toh rohit, kitni tension ho gayi thi???
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lol normal romantic boys say tum mera dil ho, jigar ho, etc. etc., idhar he is equating her to his hands.
but done so matter-of-factly and in such authentic rohit style. it’s endearing af.
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are you just gonna stare at her lips or actually do something about it???? for fucks sake, why are all the boys in the shows i'm watching so bloody g rated???? GET ALL UP ON YOUR GIRLS, DUDES!!!!!
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adskjfhsldkjfhldksjfhlskdj rohit you asshole you literally had like 15 minutes to make your move and you didn't. janta maaf nahi karegi!!!!!!
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"gardan nahi, poori back akad gayi hai; raat ko sonakshi ke saath awkward position mein so gaya tha..."
aslkdjlskfjldsfj what even is this idiottttttttt, does he even thinkkkkkkkkk before he speaks?!!?!?!?!?!?
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rohan like bhai mera mujhse bhi zyaada stud nikla.
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yk still in shock, bechaara.
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nishi walking around as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. jaise kal kuch huaaaaaaaaaaaa hi nahi.
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arre waaaah, nishi sudhar gayi. thankkkk you jhulelal! i really didn't want to hate her character!
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"mera ghar aa gaya."
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"itni jaldi?"
lol it's not like you were utilizing this time properly or anything, saddi hui shaqal ke saath apna hi gardan marode baithe the.
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haaye look at her strolling all dreamily, and him matching pace behind her. he just can't stay awayyyyyyy.
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omfgggggg he's like a tween in loveeeee, lame lame bahaane karke just wants to keep hanging around her. soooooo cute!!!
also lmao i love yk so much.
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damn she played it totally cool tho. goood jobbbbbb, girl.
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omg he's so head over heels stupid in love. jfc, i don't think i've seen any tellywood male lead fall THIS hard. fuck.
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i am yk, yk is me. smirking away to god's glory.
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arre waah, yeh bhi sudhar gayi??? bas aaj ke liye hoga.
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......... suman too? APPROVING OF WHAT SHE DID FOR POOJA?????????? man this is some parallel universe i've woken up in today.
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lol suman clearing that she still hates nishi's guts. understandable.
yet she still trusts her with a syringe to her face????
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oh ho rohit ke liye bhi approval. (but only as a friend, i assume.)
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pulki is cutest golgappa.
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call rohit 'mr. fantastic' coz sippy fam ne uski taang kheech kheech ke saari elasticity nikaal di.
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lol @ deepa chachi wanting to know if sonakshi takes mata rani's name while sleeping, like she does in her show.
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aaj deepa chachi pe kaafi pyaar aa raha hai. not only is she being quite jokeyyy, she’s also exposing herself to be a fellow tharki like me.
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i like his bart simpson 'eat my shorts' pajama pants.
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good lord dude,  you've got it soooooo bad.
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(she's sooooooooo happy! oh god i cannot stand to see her hortcrush when raima comes baaaaaaaaaaaack.)
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kaafi inclusive shrine. noice.
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ugh this aunty.
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these friends are also irritating.
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i hope this actress/character is good, coz her face hasn't impressed me much.
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oh boy. sonakshi has now started taking raima easy. girl nooooooooooooooooo, go back to reminding yourself she's an insumountable obstacle! less disappointment and heartbreak! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
is "mamaayi" raima’s daak naam, or is it something you affectionately call a girl child in bengali?
ouff this aunty is getting on my nerves so bad. please god raima, wake up and shoo her away.
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“himmat toot rahi hai”??????? already???????? it's been literally 5 minutes since she opened her eyes. you want her to be doing full-on kathakali expressions with her face or what???
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"dost" rohit sippy. apparently this is rohit's standard formula of "dosti" with girls.
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also lmao @ Irritating Bengali Mom's face at the mention of rohit, which quickly changes to delight when raima reacts.
aunty, you realise what this means, right? that you'll have to put aside your khunnas for him if you want your daughter to wake up properly.
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god please let this parivartan of suman's stay for a while. i need it. please.
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this one toh is shadyyyyy to me.
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yessssssss, sona knows that rohan sippy ke saath link hai pari ka. good. hope she shakes some sense into her. and tells rohit to punch some sense into that one there.
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i don't care about you two. fwding.
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blah blah nasik dhol issues and all. whatever.
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arre waah nishi boo is determined to make sonakshi's program a hit. nice to see this side of hers.
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woooooooop. rohit having a DCH moment during introspection!
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claihn · 5 years
Prompt #4
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It didn't take long for the Nuhn to find out. An angry snarl distorted his features as he stood over the gathering of children with his hands upon his hips and his brown tail lashing behind him. The handful of scrawny kids were too lethargic to protest and most of them had their ears flattened, especially the fiery haired C'zeza. Guilt plagued her features and her mouth opened to respond only to see an arm in front of her face as C'laihn stepped into the group. “It was... it was me.” He spoke up in a low rumble, his own tufted ears flat against his skull. He was grimacing and his eyes reluctantly surveyed C'ervohl Nuhn while bracing for the worst. Perhaps to an outsider it would have been faintly humorous – C'laihn had hit his growth spurt several summers ago and now was late into his teenage years. He stood several ilms taller than C'ervohl with a broader frame to boot, but before their leader he was effectively cowed. It was one of the reason the Tia was allowed to remain around as a hunter- he had no drive to challenge for breeding rights or leadership. Even if there still was bad blood between C’laihn’s brother and the current Nuhn. “So you stole from the storres? That's even worrse. You'rre not a child! No better than a thief that's putting our trribe in jeoparrdy due to yourr grreedy stomach! I should send you out into the deserrt and rrefuse to let you rreturn until you've brrought back ten times yourr weight.”  Their leader spittled, positively bristling with rage.  C'laihn winced and his right ear twitched, hearing the young C'zeza shift behind him. The tiny girl was trembling, but he wasn't going to let her take the blame. He didn't trust their Nuhn to handle it well, especially given her familial ties. “I will then.” C'laihn lifted his chin up and stood taller. He too was feeling weaker than normal and the sun that he usually enjoyed had become their enemy. The air rippled from the intense afternoon heat, forcing most of the tribesmen to seek solace in the shade although this summons demanded the kids out in the flat and dry center of the village. He likely wouldn’t have heard of the children being called it if he hadn’t been sprawled out beneath a lone tree with them.  “I will leave to hunt a-” “No! Please! It's not hi-”  C'zeza finally spoke up as she reached out to grab at C'laihn's hand, but he quickly shoved her back so she fell upon her rear. It was enough to knock the words from her, but not harsh enough to send her sprawling or with an ounce of anger behind it. His slitted violet eyes pierced a look over his tattooed shoulder with unsaid directions. Don't. Say. Anything. C'ervohl huffed a disdained breath and crossed his arms over his chest. He avoided interacting with the eldest sons of the last Nuhn, but whenever it was forced the tension was nearly palpable around him. C'laihn thought that it made him guilty, but past crimes couldn't be proven and the tribe would have suffered years ago.  Despite history, the Tia knew that this time the man's anger was justified. The dry season had been worse than their tribe had planned for with scorching temperatures, a lengthier season and unusually low herd numbers in advance. They had to secure what little stores they still had left even with sparse trading and because of it, bellies were often empty and a few elders had already passed away. It still didn't change the fact though that C'laihn would rather be punished and exiled than place it on one of the children he trained and provided for often. He was supposed to be the next huntsmaster anyway. He had failed to bring in more food just like the rest, so a part of him believed it should be his responsibility. “Then go. As farr as you have to and don't come back unti-” “Nah. This is enough I think.”  A tenored voice with a mirthful, biting tone to the end of it dared to interrupt C'ervohl. C'laihn's eyes widened and both ears swiveled to the side to see his brother C'vihnt practically sauntering up to the group with his hands behind his head. He too had sweat gleaming over his form and his tail hung a tad low, but the sarcastic, confident grin on his face refused to reveal any weakness. “This has nothing to do with you.” The Nuhn hissed, bristling. Out of the brothers, C'ervohl disliked the elder, C'vihnt, the most. He was too much like his father- cunning, creative and confident. His response only made the smirk upon Vihnt's face grow wider until the playful edge reached his emerald eyes. “Mm, I think it does. Y'rreally so thick-headed to think my brotherr out of all the people in the trribe would steal from the storres? He's one of the hunterrs who helped put it all there and skipped more meals than you. What's even more a riot is yah wanted to blame the kiddos, when they'rre not even tall enough to rreach the blasted hinges.”  C'vihnt sneered out a laugh as he reached up and tapped the side of his head, “Gotta think, yea?” C'laihn grimaced and shifted his footing. He knew little C'zeza had stolen from the stores. He was pretty sure his brother knew as well. The amount had been meager and he already had planned to find a way to make up for the lost morsel. The starving girl was too short, but C'vihnt wasn't the only one who had inherited a crafty nature. Still his brother’s tone was being too harsh or enough so that C'laihn worried that this was going to be the last straw. “I did it. I needed a little energy before scouting.”  C'vihnt admitted as he stepped up inside C'ervohl's space and peered at the fellow Seeker. 
“What arre yah gonna to do about it?” The palpable hum in the air was felt by all. All the children gathered around watched quietly in nervous fidgets as the two males squared off. The few females nearest to the summons paused in their walk to look back. It was a sign of weakness if C'ervohl didn't punish C'vihnt. Yet if he tried to place down a verdict and C'vihnt refused it, that would make him look even weaker. It would demand a fight- one that neither had the energy to spare. One that he might lose. The worst part was C'vihnt knew it.  “You'll make up for the losss.” He hissed at the brother, who continued to smile. He then turned and stormed away, quickly barking towards another member of the tribe to recount the stores again. When it was clear nothing further was going to happen, the children went back to sprawling out in the shade with complaints while C'laihn shook his head and sighed. “You shouldn't have done that. He's going to do something to get back at you.” “Yea? Well brring it. I ain't scarrred.”  C'vihnt shrugged, shouldering into C'laihn with a hint of affection. “I don't underrstand... it was my fault! I did it!” C'zeza eyed her two older step-brothers nearly in tears. She was almost a decade younger than the teenager brothers, but that didn't stop her from trying to put the world on her shoulders too at times. C'laihn and C'vihnt exchanged glances before she found one hand ruffling her hair and the other patting her shoulder. “You know better now.” C'laihn said with a nod as C'viht chimed in. “It's what a rreal family does anyway. We look out for ourr own.”
[[ Writing Challenge #4 | Shifting Blame | @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast ]]
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luckydicekirby · 5 years
Hello yes I would like a dvd commentary on a history of partings thanks
Well first of all obviously this story was mainly written to cause you specifically pain, so jot THAT down. Mostly I really wanted like, a good long Alyosha/Arrell backstory and like…no one else was gonna write it…not even Austin…so alas this burden fell to me. I have toyed with the idea of writing Arrell’s version of this but god, it would be so depressing. 
Anyway! Here’s the mind meld scene, you’re welcome.
Story here!
Later–a few hours or days, I was not sure–I awoke, feverish, to see you bent over me, your hands clasped tight around one of mine. I thought for a moment that you were casting a spell, but I quickly realized that in fact you were murmuring the words of a prayer, so quiet I could barely make them out.
Arrell PRAYING as the obvious Oh Geez Things Are Bad marker, of course.
I still don’t know whether that moment was a dream, a conjured fantasy of mine: the idea that I could be the only thing you would dare to have faith for. But, figment or not, your prayer worked, and the next time I awoke my mind was clear once again. You weren’t there. I spared a moment to be upset before I heard you speak, clear as if you were standing in front of me: I went out to get food. I’ll be back soon, Alyosha. And underneath your words I could hear a heartbeat, running much quicker than my own. My mouth tasted acrid. I stood up shakily to drink some water, but the bitterness on my tongue remained. I realized, as my breathing began to pick up, that it was your fear.
This was a scene I really wanted to get into this fic because I do really love the idea that Arrell is just….Deeply Afraid, all the time. And like it does not excuse what an unforgivable jerk he is! But it does make me really sad. My capacity to be sad about jerks truly is boundless. 
You had used this spell on me once or twice before, although never for long. Once so that I could run an errand for you, to choose the right book from a large stock that a merchant carried. Another time so that I could give you directions to a particular bakery I wanted you to buy my favorite rolls from. A third time on a rare occasion when we travelled together, to ensure that neither of us became lost. Simple and frivolous things like that. But it did not work the way that it should. You had explained it to me: this spell was meant for simple communication between minds. And any other time you used it, that was how it worked. But between us, our thoughts bled together like cheap ink on paper, and nothing you did could stop it.
Dungeon World: Yeah so telepathy is just like, a normal telepathy spell that works to send messages, nothing weird here!
Me: Okay but what if it was a fucked up involuntary mind meld thing in this specific instance? You know just for fun?
Anyway, I think them using telepathy so Alyosha could give him directions to a bakery is really cute. Nothing is more romantic than bread! Just ask Hella.
The mystery and intimacy of it bothered you and delighted me. But you never agreed to test it further, to discover precisely why this spell worked differently when you used it on me, rather than anyone else.
Arrell obviously being like. Can’t let my boyfriend read my mind he might find out about the oncoming heat death of the universe, and actually try to help me with that! God I hate him. 
I let the subject drop. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, and clearly to share your thoughts so closely with me did. I tried not to blame you for that. It was a normal thing, to dislike such claustrophobic intimacy, even with me.
And I knew why it was different. I could feel it, in the press of your heart against mine.
Aside from it being this way for Narrative Purposes, I do think being in love making your telepathy spell too intimate by default IS romantic.
But you hated that closeness, and I could not blame you for it–you, who believed so fervently in the separateness of humanity from one another. I have never agreed with you in that, but I could only respect the belief you held so tightly.
I sat back down on my bed and closed my eyes, and I thought about what you had done. You had not wanted me to wake up alone, and so you opened a connection between us, something you hated desperately.
I let that knowledge settle into my gut over your anxiety, and I waited for you to return, content that for just a small moment, we were closer to one person than two.
Oh yeah I forgot I put the Plato soulmates story earlier in this fic…Alyosha is really into the idea of two people being so connected they’re one person, which sure means he should’ve picked a different boyfriend. Or maybe he is that way because he has such a standoffish on again-off- again boyfriend! fun to contemplate.
You returned with two covered dishes, and set them down with a clatter on the table before you came to me. You fell to your knees before me, hands on my thighs, your head bowed. You said my name, ragged.
“I’m all right. I promise you I’m all right.” I ran my hand through the short bristly hair at the back of your neck. I could see your back shaking. I could feel inside my head the sobs you were not letting escape. “Tutor, please, look at me.”
You did. I’d never seen you look so scared, not in the years and years we had known each other. And I could feel it, too. Fear for my well-being, fear that you would be left alone, fear that soon enough we would all be gone–
“Tutor,” I said, fear clawing at my throat, tears stinging at my eyes. I bent over you, pressed my lips to the crown of your head, my loose hair falling around us, sealing us off from the rest of the world. If I could just protect you from the dark–
The tail end of these paragraphs being Arrell’s thoughts bleeding into Alyosha’s, and getting really close to letting Alyosha know about the H&D. I do really love coming up with situations where characters thoughts can bleed together–this happens in the aly/arr/hadrian fic too (thanks, dungeon world spell Cage, which does explicitly allow mind-reading) and the vanven fic. I just think it’s neat!
I felt you raise your hand and wave it in the air, a dismissive gesture, ending the spell. All at once the fear ebbed, a tide returning to sea, and I could breathe again. I gasped and sat back.
And of course the moment Alyosha starts to get a sense of what exactly Arrell is scared of, Arrell is like oh shit, let’s NOT do that. I mean also because he was low-key giving Alyosha a panic attack.
“What–Tutor, I don’t understand–”
Your hands gripped my knees tightly, hard enough that I could feel your nails biting into my skin. “I thought that I would come back and find you gone. That something I had done would be wrong, or something I didn’t do–”
“It was just a fever. I didn’t meant to scare you.” I wiped the tears from my eyes. “Do you always feel like that?”
“It’s nothing,” you said. Head bowed once again. Hiding your eyes.
Yes, he always feels like that. ugh Arrell SAY WHAT YOU MEAN
I couldn’t bear to force you to speak, though maybe then would have been the only time I could–you were already so cracked open before me. But I wanted to see you smile again. I wanted to take the fear from your eyes. I wanted to convince you I was alive. And this was the problem I could see, so I pulled you up by your forearms and folded you into my arms, my mouth pressed against your ear. “I’m here,” I said, over and over, and you clung to me, your tears hot against my neck.
Alyosha is such a good boyfriend and Arrell does NOT deserve him. Anyway, for Arrell to actually be crying you KNOW he must’ve been really fucked up. One supposes that dealing with the impending death of the universe is fine, but when you add ‘my boyfriend is really sick’ into the mix then it just becomes unmanageable. 
Eventually you stood and dusted yourself off. The food you brought had gone cold, but we ate it together on the bed. Your eyes followed me as if magnetized, as if you couldn’t let me out of your sight. In time you returned to your duties, and I to mine, but for that long day we were simply together, not speaking much, basking in the surety of one another’s presence. I thought whatever darkness you so feared, we could act as one another’s lights. I thought we could stand against it, together. The sort of solutions children think of, that I have yet to grow out of. What creeping monster under a bed cannot be defeated by a light?
This is a sideway reference to one of the letters, where Alyosha talks about the prelate: “the sort of questions children ask.”
I talk about Alyosha/his beliefs in terms of light a lot, both in this fic and others–I mean obviously it’s a good set up in opposition to the Heat and the Dark, and a Samothes thing, but also I think because it reflects like, a kind of simplicity of faith that he has. How do you defeat great evil? Well, with light. Alyosha loves Kingdom Hearts, is what I’m saying. Or he did before he got stuck in the forge!!
I think, even now, that there are still embers within you, Tutor, waiting to be stoked. I remember the way you held onto me so tightly, the naked fear in your eyes. You care so much. You always have, reluctant as you are to show it. I know you want to save us. To save me. But I wish you would give some thought to what will be left of yourself. You, too, deserve saving. Yes, Tutor; even now.
Ugh this shit is sad. Like I know I wrote it but it’s sad? I think I find Arrell so tragic because I truly do think he cares, for the world and for Alyosha. He’s just really bad at it.
anyway, the only other important part of this fic is the time Arrell falls off a horse, which he deserves.
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starcunning · 6 years
Praxis inordinata
Happy Friday! Today I will be speedrunning the Eighth Umbral Calamity*. Stay tuned for part two.
*Eighth Umbral Calamity not guaranteed but strongly indicated.
[M/F] [WOL* (Kallisti)/Nabriales][The plot actually arrived? There’s no porn in this; there’s just plot.][Blood CW][Mild gore][Just a spectacularly bad idea all around][*technically Lensha Hathaar is the WOL; Kallie is one of her Echo-blessed companions][ARR 2.56][Erebidae][3.4k words]
Riol was a cheater. It had taken her some time to notice, but he won too often. The stakes were low enough that she had to assume it was merely ingrained habit—he had no obvious tells, which only cemented this perception. Kallisti resolved to mention it to Moenbryda only if it continued to agitate her—there was no sense in risking her tearing her stitches over what was meant to be a friendly game.
It had been a poor distraction up until that revelation; even afterward part of Kallisti seethed with resentment that her presence had not been requested at the Sultana’s banquet. Lensha Ravenfeller was a more palatable morsel, and had looked so in her gown of ivory when she had left with the others on wings of aether.
Kallisti thought of Ul’dah and she was there, in the Fragrant Chamber, though the scent of spice and the sound of gentle music she had anticipated were absent. The place was an abattoir, stinking of blood, and she heard steel strike steel and screams of fright. She felt the fear welling in her own throat, the terrible surety that the Sultana was dead and the Bull’s retribution was merciless—one of his fellow members of the Syndicate had paid a blood price for his grief already. Her gaze fixed at last upon the Highlander and she saw, impossibly, that his foe was Ilberd Feare.
The realization jerked Kallisti out of her Echo-blessed vision. She had fallen from her perch to land on the stone floor, and gazed up at Moenbryda’s ceiling. A figure loomed over her—Daye, she recalled after a moment—but rather than offer her a hand up, he pointed his spear at her throat.
Kallisti lifted her head to glance around the room. In the instant before the butt of his lance struck her forehead, knocking her skull against the stone, she noted the presence of two other Crystal Braves. One was doing his best to menace Moenbryda, though she had a yalm of height on him and a hellacious tongue undulled by her injuries. The other was patting Riol down for weapons; a half-dozen blades already dropped to the stones.
Kallisti closed her eyes, bitter annoyance prickling at the nape of her neck. Some help that vision was, to have left her in this position. “I know you’re awake,” said Laurentius Daye. She had seen the way Lensha’s eyelids twitched when she was in the throes of the Echo, and briefly tried to imitate it while also casting her aether back toward its anchor point, thereby to escape. Heat seared her shoulder, bright and blooming, and she smelled blood again, real this time; hers; his lance had pierced her shoulder, disrupting her focus on both tasks. She gasped. “Don’t try that again,” Laurentius cautioned.
She was going to die on the floor of Moenbryda’s bedroom, which was not at all what she had imagined for her ending. Oh, she’d imagined this locale once or twice, but the circumstances were vastly different. Kallisti tried not to panic. She had a great deal of practice wrangling her fear of death, but usually she at least had her staff. “Well?” said a voice. “Go and retrieve it, then.” “Nabriales,” she said, eyes snapping open. At the same time, Moenbryda said, “What is he doing here?”
Nabriales turned to face the scholar. Laurentius brought his spear up. Almost casually, Nabriales swiped his claws over the lancer’s throat. Crimson stained his blue uniform, beaded on the black leather of the Ascian’s robes, and spattered upon the stone floor. A moment later, Laurentius fell, too, dropping his weapon to clutch at his neck.
In the fracas, Riol had slipped a knife from his boot and pinned his Braves minder in the corner of the room. Nabriales pulled Kallisti to her feet and toward the door. She yelped at the tug on her injured shoulder, then planted her feet. “Them too,” she demanded. “Really?” the Ascian groused, and the shadows of the room seemed to coalesce into sprites of pitch, the umbral energy sparking from them quickly subduing the Crystal Braves. Moenbryda did not move from her perch. “I said, what is he doing here?” she repeated. “Saving your miserable lives,” he drawled. “Who are you talking to?” Riol asked. “Don’t worry about it,” Kallisti insisted. “An Ascian,” Moenbryda said anyway. “A what?” “Don’t worry about it!” Kallie said, still more forcefully. She clasped a hand to her shoulder, trying to staunch the bleeding.
Nabriales flicked a claw, and his shadow sprites darted out in front of the group, floating down the hall like ball lightning in negative. “I do hope you have a plan, Kallisti,” he muttered. “To the armory first,” she declared, “and we fight our way out.” “I will hold them here,” he said, and she could feel the aether gathering around him even as the Crystal Braves at the end of the hall turned to charge. Kallisti turned away, sprinting ahead, the other Scions running after. Riol hustled to the fore, ducking into the next stairway and clearing the first landings before waving Kallisti and Moenbryda after him.
“Do I want to know?” Moenbryda asked. “I don’t think I could explain it if you did,” Kallisti admitted. “Are you that intent on dissecting a gift?” “Yes. How did he know to come here?” “Put it down to opportunism if you like,” she hedged. “Something’s going on in Ul’dah,” Kallisti continued. “That’s what I saw.” “You think it’s related?” “Raubahn and Ilberd were swordfighting, so I have to assume—” Riol hushed them both, stepping out into the hall. Kallie heard the sounds of feet scuffling on the floor and peered out of the doorway to find the Hyur with his arm wrapped around the neck of another Crystal Brave. The other man made a series of choking, gurgling sounds that were only half-muffled by Riol’s fingers. He dragged the limp body into the stairwell and stripped the blue jacket from his compatriot, shrugging into it. “If the Braves are trying to hold the Rising Stones,” he said, “my best bet is to pass among them. I’m willing to bet this has to do with Wilred’s disappearance …” “What?” Riol looked at her, brow twisted in pained confusion. “Wilred,” he said. “One of ours. The best of us. You didn’t hear?” “I was off dealing with the Isle of Val,” Kallisti said. Riol shook his head, ushering the pair out into the hallway, pretending to hustle them before him. Kallisti didn’t bother to meet the gaze of any of the Braves they passed. She could feel the blood trickling down her arm, droplets falling from her fingertips, spattering on the stone. Her trail of crimson wound from the dormitories to the armory, and as they ducked inside, Kallisti took a deep breath. She repented of it as her shoulders rose, coughing it back out in a sigh a moment later.
She found her staff, and took it in her bloodied hands, feeling her aether flow into it, into once-living bone and wood as though it were her own body. It was a strange sensation—and a new one, having come to her only since Sharlayan, since she had slipped the moors of her mortal flesh for the briefest moment. Kallisti let out another breath, more measured, and turned back toward Riol and Moenbryda.
“Can you get out of here?” she said. “Even if you can only teleport outside, Slafborn should be able to help—” “It would send me back to Sharlayan!” “And I’d end up back in La Noscea.” Kallisti’s tail lashed behind her. She wanted to shrug, but her shoulder stung. “I’m not actually hearing a negative. If you stay here, you die.” “What makes you so sure?” Moenbryda pressed her. “The Sultana’s dead,” Kallisti said. “Gods, they’re trying to pin it on us,” Riol replied a moment later. “That’s the best I can figure,” she agreed. “So go back west or stay here and hang for a traitor.” “What about you?” Moenbryda asked. “What about the Ascian?” “I’ll deal with him,” Kallisti said. “Why did he save you?” “I don’t know,” she admitted. Oh, she had ideas—hopes, perhaps—but she had expected nothing to come of that little tug on the thread of aether that wound between them across whatever distance she could conceive of. “I’ll deal with him.” Moenbryda put the white auracite prism into her hands. “You’ll need this. And the staff.” “I have the staff,” she said, forcing the white stone into a pouch at her belt, marring it with blood. “Minfilia left it with me when she and Lensha went to Ul’dah.”
“Minfilia,” the Roegadyn woman repeated. “Is she alright?” “I didn’t see her,” Kallie said. “Almost everybody … almost everyone went.” “Urianger stayed behind,” Moenbryda supplied. “I have no idea what’s going on at the Waking Sands,” she said. “Is Arenvald with him?” “I think so,” said Riol. “Start with him,” Kallisti said. “Moenbryda, get out of here.” “But—” “You’re injured,” Riol reminded her. “Go.” “I’ll watch the door,” Kallisti said, adopting a ready stance. She clutched her staff with both hands, trying to ignore the pain radiating from her shoulder. The old wood had grown slick and swollen with her blood, drinking it in. “Riol, you go too.” “No,” he said, posting up beside her. “When she’s gone I’ll go find the others. They have no idea what’s happening here.” “Good luck,” said Moenbryda. Kallisti did not look back, but she felt the void in the aether, the rush of currents to fill the empty space, a moment later.
“Now you,” Kallie said, and Riol slipped back out into the hallway, striding stiffly onward, as though he was simply on patrol. She waited until he was out of sight, and thought of a crimson sigil—an insectoid pyramid. The aether around her rippled again, and she felt warmth and darkness at her shoulder. “Are you ready to go?” Nabriales asked. “Yes, but we’re going the long way,” she said. He scoffed. “Why ever so? I could take you to the Chrysalis now.” “Because Riol will need the distraction,” she said, “and I didn’t come for my weapon so that I could not fight.” “Meddlesome little fool,” he scolded her. “Then abandon me to my follies,” she said, already pushing open the door to the hall. “I will not,” said the Ascian, sounding genuinely affronted.
Kallie sprinted down the hall, rounding to find a party of Crystal Braves flanking the doorway. She laughed as she ran, and they hurried after her. So easy to lead them into a narrower passage, where she could round on them and gout them with flame. Nabriales caught them from behind, muttering in his dark tongue about the coming of the end, and crackling black energy speared down the hallway. They fell and he rose, an unhallowed being, his cloak rippling like dark wings, and then she was off again. Her shoulder ached. She let it drive her.
The pain seared still more brightly as she rounded a corner and was faced with a sword in her face. She brought her staff up to block, catching the weapon on the wootz plating. Steel rung against steel, and she shoved upward before the blade could slide far enough to catch her fingers. She could see stars on the edges of her vision, and channeled her pain into astral flame—not a hungry gout as she had done moments before, but an unassuming ember, notable only for where she called it.
She burned the air from the soldier’s lungs, and he died breathing ashes. Nabriales smiled, stepping over him, and led. To the right, the solar, and he turned that way before she shouted for him to follow, and went left, back toward the antechambers where her fellows often gathered.
She mounted the stairs and saw dozens of cobalt uniforms, turning to regard her sudden advance. She backpedaled, stumbling into Nabriales, who put her behind him. “Run,” she urged him, and dove back into the labyrinthine halls of the Rising Stones. She did not hear his footsteps behind her—but she heard the advance of booted feet a moment later, soldiers of the Crystal Braves in hot pursuit.
The earth trembled underfoot. She staggered, stumbled, went down hard—on her injured shoulder, barely keeping hold of her blood-slick staff. Kallisti scrabbled to her feet, passing her staff into her right hand, clutching it with numb fingers so that she could press her left palm to her oozing wound.
She never thought she could miss Lensha so much.
Kallisti looked back as she ran, and saw Nabriales moving through the rising crowd of soldiers, as unconcerned with them as they were with him. His face was masked in the crimson glow of his sigil, but for all the darkness that seethed from him they were still outnumbered. She ran, dimly aware of how difficult it was to climb stairs.
Her hands were cold, so it was ice next, freezing in place the soldiers in blue she saw awaiting her up ahead. The hall stretched onward, no other set of stairs that she could see, so she shouldered open the last door on the left, because she could lean on it with her good side.
It was a dormitory—disused and dusty. Its window overlooked Revenant’s Toll. She was several stories up. “Jump,” Nabriales said, his voice at her ear. She glanced back at him. He was bowed over her, a hand outstretched behind him, as though he could—without even looking—cover the doorway. He reached past her, throwing open the sash of the window. “What?” “Either you jump or we fight our way back out, the way we came, and there are still more of them on the way.” “I’ll die.” “Do you think I would allow that now?” he asked, sounding genuinely annoyed by the possibility. She could hear the approach of boots, the raised voices of the Crystal Braves as they cleared each of the rooms in turn.
Kallisti slung her staff over her back, pulled herself up onto the windowsill with a cry of pain, and tried not to look down. The heights were dizzying. Her fingers were blood-sticky against the leaded casings of the window, and a fierce wind moaned through the canyon. She closed her eyes, let go of her perch, and leapt, pushing off with her legs.
It was cold, a night wind rushing over her face, through her hair, tearing away her hat. Then it was warm, and she got the sense that even with her eyes open she could not see through the complete blackness that surrounded her. All sense of gravity failed her. She knew her head from her feet only by orienting herself around her pain—that must be her right shoulder, she told herself, which meant she must know which way her head was facing. She did not breathe, and she was sure she must be dying. She thought of an ocean she had never seen.
Then she thought of the salt marshes of her home, of the sea crashing over the breakwaters and flooding the estuaries. She could smell them, she thought—although perhaps the salt that filled her lungs was merely the scent of her own blood. Then she felt rain upon her cheeks.
Kallisti opened her eyes, and found herself in Nabriales’s arms, her legs dangling freely as he clutched her, chest to chest. “I told you I could float,” he reminded her, and set her down among the sedges. “I had other things on my mind,” she said. She leaned on him, no longer feeling strong enough to stand. “This is Yafaem,” she said after a moment. Even in the dim night, it seemed obvious to her. She knew these trees, the reeds and grasses that tickled at her calves, the scent of peat. “It seemed best to allow you to decide,” Nabriales said. “What is this place?” “It’s home,” she said, sagging with relief. He reached out to catch her by the shoulder, and she hissed in pain. “Careful,” she said. “That still troubles you?” “Of course it does,” she snapped. “It’s a wound.” “Hm,” he said, pulling her in, clamping his hand over her shoulder. She yelped in pain, looking up at his face in agony as though she might find there some reason for this torture.
He was not smiling sadistically, as she could not help but to have imagined. Instead, his mouth was set in a grim line of focus, and she imagined the frown that bent his brow behind the mask. The searing pain of contact ebbed after a moment, and she could feel the blood trickling from her wound reverse direction, flowing upward, back into her body. Her agonized flesh knitted, slowly, pulsing with pain for several minutes. She fought past it to watch as the damage she had done to herself in her desperate flight was mended, leaving no scar, even the skin around the wound free of blood—though it still clung to her fingers. When he lifted his hand, the cloth, too, was mended. It was like nothing had ever happened. “Oh,” she said. Her head swam. “There,” he said. “How fragile your mortal body.” “I still lost a lot of blood,” she said, lifting her hand to regard it. He curled his palm around her own, pressing her fingers to his lips. It stained them crimson, darker than his mask. “Little I can do for that now that we’ve left it in Mor Dhona,” he said, tone sardonic. “I need a place to rest. There’s … I think there’s a cave near here, we would use it when we were hunting in this area …”
She listened to the falling rain—pattering on leaves, splashing into the waters of the marsh. The wind blew through the grasses, and she could hear the call of frogs. “We’re safe,” she said. “No one … no one comes here but my clan, and … they’ll know me. If they find us.” Still it seemed an impossible task to reach the foothills, and she staggered through the mire until they found its mouth. It was cool and dry inside. She fell to her knees immediately, putting her back to the stone walls and sliding down. Nabriales crouched beside her. His hood had gone, sometime since their arrival here. His mask, too. He looked at her. “Are you staying? It isn’t much, but it should be safe. Or are you going … wherever Ascians go?” He shook his head. “There are things that require my attention, but these are eventualities. My window of opportunity has not yet closed.” She hummed out some acquiescence, letting her eyes close. The outer layers of her clothing were damp with rain, but the cloth against her skin was dry, and it seemed too much effort to undress now. It took most of her concentration to focus long enough to ask a single question.
“Why did you know to come for me?” “You asked,” he said. “Nnnn…no, I didn’t, I never said your name until you were already there.” He laughed, the bombastic sound of it filling the cave, redoubled and echoing around them. “Is that how you think this works, little fool?” he mused. “That you can speak my name and summon me, like a bound voidsent?” “When you think about it,” Kallisti said, “I am Mhachi.” “Even the ancient sorcerers of Mhach could not command our kind,” Nabriales said, bristling with pride. “No. You cannot compel me.” “Then why did you come?” “I felt your distress,” he said. She felt aether prickle along the nape of her neck—distantly, as though through a haze of black felt. Kallisti realized then how drawn she was. “I thought you understood this.” “I didn’t realize …” “I could be banished to the most distant star and I would still feel you,” he said. “It was not my intent when I branded you, but in what came afterward …” “In Sharlayan?” she supplied. “We are entangled now,” he said. “A change in your aether is a change in my aether,” he said. “I can sense your soul as though you had laid it bare before me.” “Spooky,” she said. Then, “Isn’t that a weakness?” “Perhaps,” he admitted. “So that’s how you knew,” she said, “but I couldn’t compel you to act. That means … it was your decision.” “Yes,” Nabriales said.
“Isn’t that unusual?” she asked. “Yes.” Then the rising darkness swarmed up around her, and she let it claim her. Her struggle had wearied her. It was so much easier simply to let go.
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 44
(TW: Descriptions of domestic abuse, panic attack)
By that time, Alexander had finally gotten John to tell him what exactly had happened. His father had dragged him up the stairs by the throat, hit him until he went down, and kicked him until he was satisfied and it infuriated him. John knew he was right in holding out on a few details.
"I'm sorry." He got to his feet. "I can't just.. I can't just sit around and do nothing. I won't go to him, but I have to do something. I can go make dinner. Or I can go get you some pain medicine. Or I can get some take out."
John sighed and slowly sat up. "Okay.. You can take care of dinner and I'll try to work on not looking like the undead.." By then, he'd been back to his normal self, for the most part. "I'm going to go take a bath, okay?" He got up and grabbed a towel and a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom, calling out to him on the way. "I'm going to be listening to loud music. If you need me, you're probably going to have to text me or something."
"Okay.." Alexander watched him leave, then pulled out his phone and got on Facebook, looking up this Henry Laurens. He looked every bit like a scumbag, as expected, and Alexander felt rage burning inside of him just looking at the picture. He knew that it would've been foolish to message him, even more so to visit, but he had to do something...
John sighed and turned off his music. As therapeutic as he found it, he needed human affection. He needed Alexander to join him. "Hey, Alex?" he called out. After a few minutes, there was no response. "... Alex?.." Again, nothing. He whimpered softly and got out of the bathtub, getting dry and dressed as fast as humanly possible, then looked for him. Where was he?.. He was probably out getting food. John took a deep breath and tried tog ground himself before calling Alexander. No answer. He texted him. [Alex, wher arr yoi? I need you.] His hands were shaking so badly that he couldn't text as accurately. It was only minutes before the panic escalated, enclosing him in a cloud of anxiety and fear. He needed someone there right now. He clicked on Lafayette's number and texted him. [Panix atracl, pleasd hekp] As much as his hands were shaking, he didn't even realize who he'd messaged.
Thomas didn't know what to feel when he read the message. Surely, something like that was meant for Lafayette. Or, better yet, Alexander. Still, he wasn't about to let John suffer. He got up his feet and left without a word, the urgency in his pace keeping anyone from asking about it. He got in his car and began driving towards John's apartment. Of course he knew where it was, he'd tried going and offering John help right after they broke up, but John wasn't having it. He sighed at the memory and kept driving. When he got there, he buzzed the number for John's apartment and was let in without a question. He parked and hopped out of his car, going up to the door and knocking. John opened it fairly quickly and practically threw himself into Thomas's arms.
Thomas frowned. The poor thing was in terrible shape... "Hey, I'm here now.."
John peeked up at him. "Where's Laf?.."
"Sunshine.. What happened to you?.." He closed the door behind him and moved them towards the couch. "Where's Alex? Did he do this to you?"
He shook his head. "When I went home..."
"Oh.." he muttered.
"Where's Laf?" John asked again, his voice more of a whine.
"He's at drama. Why?"
"You're here.. Why not Laf?.. I messaged him.."
"You wanted us both here?"
"No.. I only messaged Laf.."
He frowned and got out his phone, showing him the text message. "No, you texted me.. I guess it was an accident.."
"No, don't be. I'll text Laf and get out of your hair." He started to get up, but John grabbed his arm.
"Don't go.. Please?.."
"You.. You want me to be here?"
He nodded. "Alone.. I can't.."
Well, who was he to refuse? "Of course. Do you want me to message Laf and stay?"
He sat back down and let John curl up against him. "Even when he gets here?"
He nodded and buried his face in his chest.
Thomas wrapped an arm around him and rubbed his back soothingly, shooting Laf a text. [John needs you over, now. He texted me on accident, but he wants you here too.]
[I'll be there.]
"Laf's coming, sunshine, don't worry." He rested his head on his and asked once again. "Where's Alex?"
"I don't know.. I called, I texted.. I don't know.." A few tears spilled out of his eyes. "It hurts.. Everything hurts..."
"I'm sorry.." He rocked him gently and hummed for him, a technique that always worked for him. Slowly, he felt John's grip loosening and his breathing slowing down to a normal pace. "There you go.. It's okay.. I'm right here for you. I'm going to stay with you, okay?"
John nodded. "Yes please.."
Thomas sighed as he held him. This was not good. He promised not to force John back into a relationship, which he wasn't, but that moment brought back some of the things he'd missed about John and some other things that made him so desperate to be with him. He just wanted to hold him and protect him and never let anyone else hurt him. Well, Alexander did hurt him . And he'd be damned if he didn't pay for it.
Lafayette arrived within a half hour and buzzed in. "John, I'm here. Can I come in?"
Thomas looked down at John. "I'm just going to buzz him in, okay? And I'm going to open the door when he gets here, then I'm going to come right back here. Is that okay?"
John nodded and let go. "You don't have to ask anymore.. I'm feeling a bit better..."
"I just wanted to be sure." He got up and went to the door, pressing the buzzer beside it and letting Lafayette in the second he got to the door.
Lafayette strode right past him and knelt down beside John, frowning. "Oh, John.. Who hurt you like this?.. Where is-"
"Laf.. Don't mention him.. It's not good right now."
John nodded in agreement and Lafayette accepted the answer, watching as Thomas came back and sat with them.
"Did you want him to stay here?.."
"Yes.." He curled back up against Thomas. "Is that bad?.."
"No, it's not bad. I just wanted to be sure. Do you want anything else?"
"Hot chocolate?.."
"No problem." He smiled softly and went into the kitchen.
"I'm going to go help him out. I'm in the mood for a coffee, too."
John nodded and got up. "I'll be right back.." he disappeared back into his room as Thomas joined Lafayette in the kitchen.
"I don't think Alexander wants to be found.." Lafayette help up Alexander's cellphone, which had just been on the counter. "This is ridiculous. He should be here."
"He can be in hell for all I care. All that matters is that John's okay. We got here before he could do anything he'll regret." He looked in the fridge and tutted as he found it nearly empty. He grabbed what was left of the milk and used it to make John's hot chocolate, then made his coffee. "Need a caffeine boost?"
"Yes, thank you." He glanced over to the living room to make sure John couldn't hear before lowering his voice. "Why did you come?"
"He texted me on accident. That's why I just left. I couldn't leave him here, I couldn't chance telling you and wasting any time. I'm not looking for anything more than getting him in a good spot."
It sounded sincere, but Lafayette couldn't be too sure... He wanted to threaten to boot him if he stepped out of line, but what about John? His mental health mattered more.
"Think what you want of me, I would never take advantage of John in this state. Him, I care about. Alexander, not so much. And after today, he's such a-" He stopped himself. "Sorry. I know he's your brother."
"I'm not going to forgive you for what you did, but I can't blame you for saying that now. He should be here, not wherever he is."
Thomas nodded and poured the coffee into two mugs, adding sugar and letting it cool off a bit. He watched as John came back with his laptop and sighed. "I should've been more patient with him.."
"I'll say."
Thomas tutted. "Look, whatever you know, I didn't do it."
"And no matter what you say, I'm going to have to believe John over you."
"I get it.." After all, whether or not he assaulted John, he also outed him to his father and tormented him and his friends just to get him back. He knew what he did was wrong and John already made it clear that he'd only called him in on accident. And the second Alexander returned, he'd be out and it'd be like nothing ever happened. "What am I doing here?.."
Lafayette frowned and stopped mixing his coffee, putting the mug down. "Listen.. I'm not your biggest fan and I don't know what he really wants right now, but I do know that you can not leave. He can't take that right now. You want to make everything up to him? Start now by being here for him because you want to help him, not because you want him."
"You're right.." He took a deep breath. "I want to make everything up to him.. And I should make it up to you guys, too. I'm still going to throttle your brother."
"I can't blame you.." He followed him out to the living room and they sat on either side of John as he played Heathers.
"You guys are doing this one, right?.."
"Yeah.. But why don't we watch something you want to? We're here for you." Thomas didn't think watching Heathers would be a good idea with the multiple mentions of suicide in it.
"Okay." He glanced at Lafayette's hand, frowning when he saw what he was holding. "Where did you find that?"
Oh no.. "Alexander left it in the kitchen.. He probably just forgot it."
He shook his head. "Alexander wouldn't forget his phone.. He doesn't want me to find him.. He wants to leave me.." He began shaking and his breathing fell into an irregular rhythm again.
"John, he'll come back, please-"
"Why did he leave me?! What did I do to him?! I wanted to be good, but he just.." He cut himself off as he began sobbing again.
Thomas pulled him back against his chest. "Shh.. If he left you, that's his mistake. You know that someone who makes you cry like this isn't worth crying over.. Just let it all out and it'll hurt less."
Lafayette eyes Thomas suspiciously. It was hard to tell if he was trying to be supportive or trying to get Alexander out of the picture.
Either way, John clung to his shirt and kept crying, slowly calming down. He couldn't tell what Thomas was up to, either, but what he did know was that he was right. Alexander wasn't there for him. He asked one thing from him and he wasn't there. He calmed down faster under that mindset. He still loved him. Alexander was his boyfriend and he made him happy, but he also hurt him.
"I'm going to try and look for him.. Okay?"
John nodded and waved at Lafayette as he got up and left. Once he was gone, he let go of Thomas and sat up again, pulling up a movie on his laptop. "I don't know if you'll like this.. It's pretty much all drama."
"Are you sure?.."
"I'll be fine. I love this movie."
Thomas watched as the scene began in a stormy night. 'Memoirs of a Geisha', huh? He remembered John reading the book, hardly able to keep himself out of it. Well, if John liked it, who was he to complain? And the movie was beautiful, though not nearly as beautiful as John. He played with John's hair gently as the movie played, both of them relaxed together for the first time in a year.
Lafayette drove to Herc's shop and was glad to see that it was only him in the shop.
"Hey, baby. What are you doing around here?" he smiled, though it fell when he noticed his expression. "What's wrong?"
"Alexander's missing and John was panicking because of it. Do you know where he is?"
"No.. I have no idea. I was just closing up, I'll help you look for him."
"Thank you.."
Hercules closed everything up, then followed Lafayette out to his car as he texted George.
[Is Alexander home? He left John's place to get some food and he hasn't come back. John's getting worried.]
[No, I haven't seen him. Is everything okay? - Dad]
[Everything is fine, he probably just got a bit lost. I'm looking for him.]
[I hope you're not hiding anything from me. I'll make a few calls and see if anyone can find him. - Dad]
Lafayette sighed and got in the car, driving around. He went to the school, the library, every shop he could think of, but nothing. There was no sign of Alexander.
"I'm sure we'll find him. Then us and Jack can all have a good laugh about... Wait... You didn't leave him alone, did you? Where is he?"
"No, I didn't leave him alone. He's back at his apartment."
"With Maria?"
Lafayette hesitated. "With Jefferson.."
"With who?!" He sighed in disbelief, then shook his head. "I didn't mean to yell, but.. Why did you think that was a good idea?"
"I know, I'm sorry, but John texted him and he wanted him there and Thomas said he wasn't going to hurt him. It may sound bad, but I trust him."
"I hope you know what you're doing.."
"So do I.."
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howsit-going-toend · 7 years
Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) Pt. 2
A Kwon Jiyong x Reader AU series featuring Kim Jiwon and Choi Seunghyun
Genre: Crime/Mafia/Angst
Word count: 1,800+
Summary: You joined the police force years ago to help clean up the streets of Seoul and rid the city of organized crime. You’ve seen some shit. You’re surely prepared for anything……but how are you supposed to feel when the big bad crime boss you’ve been after turns out to be a familiar (to say the least) face?
Part 1 ... Part 3 Part 4  Part 5 Part 6
Key: Y/F/N- your first name. Y/L/N- your last name
(A/N: I’m going to try my best to have an update ready each week, if not twice a week. I am really loving writing this story and I hope you all are enjoying reading it. I appreciate all kinds of feedback!)
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The following day in the police station was mayhem. Even though your top priority task was heading the case against organized crime in Seoul, it didn’t excuse you from daily police work.
But today felt like you were the only person in the station who was remotely competent, aside from your superintendent. Everywhere you turned, someone was looking for your input or your signature on something. Your only moments of peace came when you were successfully able to sneak away to the restroom.
You’d found yourself trying to scarf down a late lunch while you reviewed a report someone had thrown in your face. You were focused intently until your superior appeared at the edge of your desk.
“Detective Y/L/N.” Your head sprang up at the mention of your title, to which you promptly bowed.
“Chief Kim, what can I do for you?” You embarrassingly mumbled in between your chews.
“I’d like for you to meet your new partner for the G Dragon case. And before you say anything, know that he finished his training at the very top of his class, was awarded numerous honors and has consistently performed at impressive skill levels that I haven’t seen since you went through your schooling.” The superintendent mused, drawing your attention to the tall man standing beside him.
Chief Kim knew you well because if it hadn’t been for such praises, you would have politely sent this man elsewhere. But as of this moment, it sure looked and sounded like he had a lot of potential.
You quickly swallowed the last bite of your lunch and stood up to bow to your new partner. “Pleased to meet you. I’m senior officer and detective Y/F/N Y/L/N. But feel free to call me Y/F/N.”
He returned the bow before saluting and replying in an exceptionally deep voice. “Choi Seunghyun. The pleasure is mine. I’ve heard many great things about you, detective Y/L/N.”
You smiled at his formal speech and lightly shook your head. “Seriously, don’t worry about using those formalities here. We’re partners now, so we’re a team, all right?” He politely nodded his head with a small smile in response.
“All right well let me brief you on what we have going on with this case lately.” You discarded the file you’d been reviewing to draw his attention to the other mound of papers on your desk. “So yesterday we were able to arres-.”
“Senior Y/L/N!”
You paused, mildly irritated that you were interrupted by yet another person who needed your help. “What is it?�� You questioned the woman who had run out from where the station kept its holding cells.
“The suspect in cell three says he’s ready to talk. The one you picked up yesterday.” She replied hastily.
You raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Is that so? Bring him to Interview 1 and we’ll have a chat.” You instructed. “Well then, it looks like we’re about to have an interesting first day together, Officer Choi.” You said while patting the top of his shoulder.
He looked back at you with a smirk as he raised an arm in the direction of the interrogation rooms. “After you.”
You brought Seunghyun to the room connected to where you’d interview Jihun, and watched closely through the one-way mirror. This was all a part of the process; remove the suspect from their holding cell, plant them in a silent windowless room, and let them simmer for a minute. By the time you enter, ready to ask your questions, their nerves will visibly skyrocket.
And most people do an awful lot of talking when they’re nervous.
But as they brought Jihun in and sat him down, you stared at him skeptically. He was trembling. You folded your arms across your chest and narrowed your eyes at the glass. The man who had so boldly attempted to fight and mouth off at you only yesterday, now sat shaking like a leaf while he looked around the small room sporadically.
“What’s on your mind?” Seunghyun’s deep voice broke through your trance.
You replied without deterring your gaze from Jihun. “I just wasn’t expecting someone with his record to be this nervous only a day later. He’s been here before. We haven’t even asked a single question and he already looks prepared to tell us anything.”
Seunghyun chuckled to himself. “Well let’s get in there then.”
You nodded to him in agreement. Your face restored a look of indifference as you grabbed Jihun’s file and the two of you entered the room.
“Officer Choi, meet Park Jihun. Park Jihun; Officer Choi.” You introduced before throwing his file down on the table. The manila folder landed with a slap against the metal surface that echoed in the confined space, making the former loan shark flinch.
You took your place in the chair across from him while Seunghyun stood by the door behind you. “And you and I are already well acquainted, aren’t we?” You jested.
Jihun’s eyes didn’t leave the table top.
“What? No pet name or tough guy comeback? ... No spitting? I’m almost disappointed.” You continued to push, while he remained staring at his file.
After a minute of silence you leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms. As you opened your mouth to say something out of impatience, he cut you off.
“Listen. There’s a lot I could tell you. A lot. But I need some kind of guarantees first.” He said, still not looking up from the table.
You scoffed. “Guarantees? We don’t play that here. You talk and shorten your sentence or you’re back in the holding cell until your hearing. It’s as simple as that.”
He rolled his eyes at your denial and stared at the ceiling before taking a deep breath. “All right.” Finally, he looked you in the eye. “What do you wanna know?”
You leaned forward to rest your elbows on the table. “Anything and everything you can tell us about the man you work for. Tell us about the man known around the streets as G-Dragon.” You emphasized his boss’ name mockingly.
He forced a chuckle. “GD… That is one crazy mother fucker. Let me just say that. I make my living on the streets and all but…I’ve seen that guy do some serious shit.”
“Well that’s nice and vague. Cut to the good stuff.” You rushed. “We need to know where he is.”
Jihun’s gaze started to wander around the room again. You could hear the light pitter patter sound of his boot tapping against the ground nervously. “He’s a sneaky dude, all right? I can’t just give you one spot.”
“The more the merrier.” You replied bluntly.
He took another deep breath. “All right, look, I’ll give you the address where him and the boys meet up and go over business. I won’t say it but I’ll write it down, all right?”
You didn’t reply. You pulled a blank page from the back of his file and slowly ripped off a corner before handing it to him, along with a pen from your pocket; your eyes didn’t leave his face once. You gave him a small nod. “Go ahead.”
With a shaking hand, he quickly scribbled down the address of a known abandoned warehouse just outside of Seoul; you silently cursed yourself for not thinking of it before. You grabbed the paper from him and put it in your pocket while you watched his nerves increase before your eyes.
“Listen, you’ve got to protect me. ‘Cause if you don’t then I’m a dead man.” He whispered, his eyes darting between you and Seunghyun who had barely done so much as clear his throat the past few minutes. You furrowed your brows at his paranoia while your partner made his first comment.
“I don’t believe him.”
You raised a brow towards Jihun, whose jaw immediately dropped while he stared at Seunghyun incredulously. “What?!”
“Would you take a lie detector test?” He responded calmly.
Jihun forced another nervous laugh. “No fucking way.”
It was your turn to chime back in. “No? Why’s that? You were all ready to tell us anything we wanted to know just a second ago. What’s the difference?”
“I know how that goes, all right? You hook me up to one of those things and start asking me all other kinds of questions and then you’ll get me for a bunch of shit I didn’t even do.” He piped back.
You chuckled. “And what didn’t you do, Jihun, huh? Are you telling me you didn’t aid G-Dragon in killing five men just last month? Or that you didn’t launder tens of thousands of dollars for him in various scams and shops you’ve got littered throughout town? And don’t even get me started on the loan sharking. What, now you don’t want to tell us about all that?” You questioned with a raised voice, now even more skeptic of the man than before.
“Look, I just fucking gave you an address! You put it in your goddamn pocket, lady! They meet there every fucking Tuesday at nine o’clock in the basement, with two men keeping watch across the street on both corners of 5th and 6th. Prove me wrong.”
You narrowed your gaze at him. The room momentarily filled with silence before you replied. “Now just tell us that on a polygraph.”
He ran his fingers through his dark hair in frustration. “Fuck you. I’m not doing that.”
You sighed. “All right then. Officer Choi, I think he’s made his decision.” You calmly replied in the direction of Seunghyun. “One of the other officers will escort you back to the cell, Mr. Park.”
“I gave you what you wanted! You’ve got to protect me, I’ll be fucking killed the second I walk out of here!” Jihun warned.
You chuckled one last time before following Seunghyun out the door. “With your charges, I think it’ll be a while before you walk out of here. But the court will take into consideration the information you have provided us today.”
Jihun’s yells became muffled to nothing as the door closed behind the two of you. You pulled the crumpled up piece of scrap paper from your pocket and stared at it while shaking your head. “He dropped this on us just like that.”  
“I don’t trust it. I think we should pitch it.” Seunghyun quickly replied. “Here, I need to use the restroom anyway, I’ll just toss that out in the trash.” He commented with his palm reaching out to you.
You eyeballed him and his sudden urge to scrap a piece of evidence. “Now, now, just because he refused a polygraph doesn’t mean he bullshitted us. That piece of shit has been in and out of here for years, and he’s never given up information that quickly before. This is very strange, but most importantly; this right here is on record and he knows it.” You held the small folded up piece of paper in his direction for emphasis. “I say we look into it.”
He returned his arm back to his side while straightening his posture. “What would you like from me then?”
You smirked at him. “You’re going to accompany me on a bust, Officer Choi.”
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