#and leon finally stops being a brat and opens up
pastel-omegas-blog · 2 years
Regarding the one shot of mc and leon sharing heat, does mc end up being pregnant?
Just imagine them having baby and taking care of em😭😭😭 my apologies, i just can't forget the baby being dead in the original plot
-Darling anon
Ooooooooh this is nice
Bet imma do it.
Again for my quotev readers, this isn't canon to the alt D.D timeline.
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First of all it's important I establish this.
There will be no pups unless he has finally achieved what he wants, full control over the Trovian Empire is just a small factor to what he really wants.
Sure he has a sex drive so high that he's repeatedly pumping his seed into M/N whenever he has the chance, he doesn't need a knot to keep it all plugged in cuz once he's satisfied he just cuddled his adorable omega and goes off to sleep with his dick still in him.
But even with his mad pumping he is always ready with the drugs or a high level månå spell to prevent any chances of pregnancy.
He's not afraid that M/N carrying his children will ruin his plans.
It will, but he's more scared of the potential danger he'll put his mate in if he does.
Marrav would have the h/c man executed without a second thought and even if he manages to get them to safety it'll be a constant battle trying to stay hidden and protected.
So pups are only entering the picture when the blue haired omega is absolutely sure he's conquered and achieved his goal, and once he's done he'll make M/N his pretty little husband legally.
There would be a massive wedding to celebrate
Now that there's nothing stopping him you bet he's trying to pup up his cute little husband the first chance he gets.
And it honestly wouldn't take long for the other to get pregnant.
Probably like two months into marriage M/N's already beginning to show signs of pregnancy.
Leon would be so much more gentle and cuddling with his lover, even putting up with his sudden moods changes.
Honestly preggo mc would be an absolute brat from his normal kind and loving self, but Leon would miraculously power through this with an infinite vast of patience.
He just spoils his mate the whole time, while being conscious of the things the other would eat or do so he would be fit and healthy
As it gets closer to when the pup Will be born he starts to get a little bit...... well scared.
Leon knows the horrible things he's done and quite frankly he's not ashamed of them. He just thinks with all the evil he's committed he's suddenly happy and is finally going to start a happy family with the one he loves that something bad will happen.
Like karma is going to come out of nowhere and give him his comeuppance and snatch away his happiness.
He would think himself unworthy of trying to raise a pup so pure and full of innocence with his hands that are stained in blood and grim.
Even if M/N tries to assure him that he'll do great the former saint can't help but let his thoughts eat him from the inside.
It's not until the birth of his pup does that thought disappear.
' The great lord stood outside the birthing room of his imperial palace, his face emotionless, but his heart filled with anxiety as he stood outside the doors.
The sounds of M/N's agonizing whiles almost make him burst the door open, but he remembers the doctors orders enough to stop himself.
His månå levels were to high, so staying in a room with his husband who was too susceptible to månå overload in his current state would make the birth more complicated so he had to be patient.
After what felt like hours and the cry's if pain and anguish had calmed down, the doors finally opened.
He didn't think before his body lurched itself forward, pushing aside who ever was at the door as he moved towards the bed to check on his mate, his ears picking up the soft cries of............. Pups ?.
Purple amethyst eyes widened in surprise and as he sees his mate, obviously tired and pale with not one but two bundles in his arms, crying with so much energy.
M/N sent a weak smile his way as he hugged the bundles closer to his chest, soft tuts if blue hair peaking out of the covers.
" Their beautiful Leon " he whispered with so much love in his voice his e/c eyes brimming with tears that had started pouring down his cheeks. " Our daughters are so beautiful~ " he cried out with joy, his scent spreading round the room to show as happiness started to fill his heart calling out for his mate to come join him.
Leon moved forward to his little family his hands going to rest in his husband's shoulder as he stared in awe at the two little bundles of joy that had stopped crying, their shiny e/c peeking open to stare at their parents. M/N cried harder and Leon joined him, not being able to contain his own happiness.
With shakey hands he reached out for his daughters carefully bringing them to his chest as he sat down beside his mate, gently pressing a kiss to the s/c man's sweaty forehead and gently bringing him to rest in his side. Staring contently at his precious treasures the blue haired man promised that he would do what ever it took to keep the newest additions to his kitty family safe.
Pressing a kiss to each pups forehead and going to steal one from his husband the man felt happy and safe in the moment.
Knowing now that no matter the costs nothing would harm his little roses.'
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ihateoc · 7 months
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(word count: 2,327) (flashback from shadow's childhood)
In the training chamber, a rebellious youth clad in tattered clothing, unkempt black locks, and fiery maroon eyes stands among seasoned mercenaries and a handful of younger boys undergoing instruction. The routine of daily training had become a familiar aspect of his life. 
The young boy watches as his friend, a boy named Leon, tries to spar with an adult mercenary who towers over him. Leon loses the fight prompting his sparring partner to laugh while he beats him, kicking the boy even though he's already down, "You gotta be better than that, idiot! You'll never make it with us." 
The maroon-eyed child bites his bottom lip so hard he draws blood. He shouldn't move. He knows he shouldn't. But he can't stop his body from moving to block Leon. 
He takes on the mercenary, a skilled fighter far stronger than him. But his anger fuels him and he lands a few good blows before being flung back, battered but defiant. 
"I'm not scared of you!" A young Shadow screams out at the man who laughs again. 
"You should be," is all he says before dealing another harsh kick that sends the boy sprawling onto the floor. 
Young Shadow sits on his knees, spitting out blood. He wipes his lips clean with the back of his hand before he argues back, "Just wait until Z hears about this!" 
"You think Z gives a shit about you? You're nothing but another disposable tool to him," The mercenary sneers at him, delivering yet another kick.  
The young boy grimaces in pain and frustration.  
Just then, a harsh voice rings out across the room, "Enough!" 
It's his handler, Z, standing there with his normal cold gaze and damn, does he look pissed. 
The room grows silent as Z stalks up to the child, his heavy boots loud against the concrete floor, "Tool, are you talking back?" Z looms over him with his arms crossed, "You should know better by now. We've been over this a million times over. You belong to us." 
"No, I don't," Young Shadow growls back defiantly. 
His answer only prompts a hearty laugh from Z which bounces off the cold stone walls of their training room. Z bends over to grab the boy by his shirt collar and haul him up into his face. His eyes are filled with an icy rage that manages to send chills down the child's spine despite how hot he was just seconds ago. 
"You're right..." He rumbles out in a dangerous whisper before throwing him onto the ground forcefully as if he were nothing but a bothersome pest, "You belong to me." 
Young Shadow grits his teeth against the pain radiating throughout his body as dread sinks deep within him at those words. However, he doesn't fall silent like usual. 
"Over my dead body." 
"Again? We have to do this again?" Z questions the boy incredulously, seizing him by the shirt collar and pulling him along. He hurls the boy into an empty chamber with a bleak concrete floor with barely any source of light. 
"Enjoy isolation again, brat. Emotions ain't part of the job. Especially not for a tool like you. You'll figure it out soon enough," He moves to close the door before adding, "And no food for talking back," The door slams shut with a thud. 
Isolation. The word echoes ominously in the child's mind as he lies there, alone and bruised on the cold, hard floor of that room.  
Days turn into nights and back into days again, a cycle of loneliness and dulling hunger pain. As much as he tries to keep track of time, it all blurs together eventually. Just like his handler wanted. 
"Guess I'm learning my lesson," A young Shadow croaks out to himself before falling unconscious against the stone-hard ground due to exhaustion and lack of food or water. Burning rage within him would be his only source of energy now. 
After what felt like an eternity, the door finally creaks open and a tray of bread and water gets slid in front of the child. He scrambles eagerly towards it, long past caring about his dignity at this point, only to have the door slam shut once again with Z's final words echoing around him. 
"Remember… Tools don't need emotions." 
Young Shadow swears he can hear maniacal laughter resonating along with that sentence as he devours his so-called meal, promising himself over each bite, I'll survive! I have to. 
When he was finally freed from isolation, he was no longer the defiant boy he once was, resigned to his fate of being their tool. Maybe this really was all he was good for.  
By the age of 14, he had proven himself to be an efficient weapon for Z and his likes, always perfectly following orders without a hint of defiance. His sullen eyes would only hold that fire in them whenever they landed on Leon or the other boys being pushed around. It was hard not to let it show, but he was always able to mask it when needed. 
One fateful day, young Shadow found himself unwillingly dragged by Z to a bar, where he settled quietly at the far end, hoping to remain unnoticed. However, as Z and his companions drank heavily, they began to antagonize him. Despite his efforts to ignore them, their voices only seemed to grow louder. 
"Get a load of this tool! We broke him down good, didn't we?" His handler chuckles heartily as he indulges in his mug of beer, surrounded by fellow mercenaries who join in his amusement. 
The boy's fists clench at the sound of their laughter, his knuckles pale under the taut skin. But he keeps silent, swallowing back any retort that threatens to bubble up.  
"You bet we did!" One of them answers, taking another swig from his own bottle of liquor, "He's our best yet." 
"Well, ain't that something," Z chuckles, leaning back in his chair as if everything was right with the world. 
That night... It finally happens. 
The last straw happens to be a belligerent mercenary's comment, "Even for a tool, you're pretty pathetic. Can't even take a joke." 
Young Shadow's eyes narrow at him, his dark hair casting an ominous shadow over his face as he takes in the room full of men, cruel creatures who had tormented him for years.  
Finally letting all that rage bubble up to surface, he lashes out. 
"Hahaha! everyone look! The tools finally lost it" Someone hollers while others burst into laughter as they gawk at young Shadow trying desperately to assault drunkards twice his size only to get pushed back or shoved down each time. 
Their laughter is short-lived as soon everything plunges into darkness before screams start filling the atmosphere, screeches of pain and sheer terror.  
The dark-haired boy had taken control of their shadows, bending them under his will just like they did with him, using these extended versions of themselves against them. There was no better sight than seeing those monsters squirming helplessly on the ground.  
He saunters around the room, stepping over their writhing bodies with a smirk of pure satisfaction gracing his lips.  
"Please! Stop!" 
The cries are music to his ears. He raises an eyebrow while looking down at Z who was once feared by him, reduced to nothing more than a squealing pig in front of him. 
"Why should I?" His voice is cold and harsh, no longer the voice they remember belonging to their submissive tool anymore, "No one stopped for me," He spits out while looking at each pleading face making sure they see, really see, just what a damn 'tool' could do when pushed too far. 
After swiftly ending them all, he dusts his hands off victoriously. Rivers of red wash over the room, coloring his hands and face with crimson hues. 
His maroon eyes hold a crazed glint in them, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He licks the blood off of his hands, tasting victory. 
The young boy didn't hesitate to approach Gyro's lavish quarters as images of Z and others screaming for mercy echoed in his mind. 
As he burst into the room without bothering to knock, it was clear everyone inside was in shock. But not Gyro… No surprise crossed over that man’s face upon seeing young Shadow standing there bathed with fresh blood. If anything, amusement gleamed within those ruthless orbs on his otherwise poker-face. 
"You impress me, boy," Gyro's deep voice reverberates throughout the room. 
His words momentarily take young Shadow by surprise and he falters, a flicker of confusion crossing his face.  
"Me… A boy?" He questions softly to himself as if not believing those words were actually directed towards him. But then the moment passes, "I'm glad I could be so entertaining," He retorts with an edge of sarcasm in his voice. 
Showing Gyro that he means business, he controls Gyro's guards through their shadows, forcing them to kill each other in a messy blood bath as young Shadow stalks up to his desk indifferently. 
"You're strong," Gyro acknowledges, his face shrouded in shadow from the hood of his coat, "Z may have doubted you but I knew better." 
"Is that supposed to make me feel grateful?" The dark-haired boy retorts, although there's a small part of him, buried deep down inside his hardened exterior, that feels... Flattered? 
He casts Gyro an emotionless look, "You never cared about anything but how useful I was. I'm not here for your approval," He adds with a cocky smirk, the same kind Z used to adorn on his face whenever he made young Shadow bow under his ‘power', "I'm here for your throne." 
"You have my approval whether you want it or not, boy," Gyro declares sternly, "I have no control over how my mercenaries conduct their training." 
He removes his hood from his head, fully revealing his face before leaning forward slightly, "You want my throne? You can have it. But you should know it's a lot of boring politics." A wide grin plays on his lips as he interlaces his fingers together, "I have a more interesting proposition." 
For a long moment, young Shadow stands there just studying the man in front of him. The once feared infamous kingpin, now revealed to be… An ordinary-looking old man. It was almost anticlimactic. 
"Politics, huh?" He muses aloud while flicking a loosened piece of wood from his nail, showing Gyro that unlike him, he wasn't scared of ‘boring politics’, "And what might your so-called 'interesting proposition' involve?" 
As much as he wanted to refuse outright, curiosity had always been his one vice. Even at the cost of walking into a trap willingly. 
"You're a natural born killer. You have a talent. A special one. And I admire that about you, kid," Gyro begins, keeping his tone light and disarming, "I offer to hand over full control of my mercenaries to you. You'd still have to answer me of course, but they're all yours." 
"Hmm, ain't that tempting?" young Shadow drawls out. A predator's grin slowly forms on his face at the thought of having an army right under him, making those who once looked down upon a 'tool' bow before him. 
His gaze darkens, a dangerous smirk tugging at his lips, one which clearly shows how little he cares for the man’s admiration or offered control, "And what? Become another Z? Your obedient dog?" 
"No, no of course not. I could never hope to tie down a talent like yours," The older man responds while waving his hand dismissively, "I may pass along assignments but how they're handled would be entirely up to you." 
"I see," The young boy mulls over the proposal. The idea of having full control over his assignments was appealing, and he could use this to his advantage, but... 
His maroon eyes narrow at Gyro suspiciously, "Why do this? What's the catch?" 
He refuses to be used as some pawn again, if Gyro wants him in charge, then there better be a damn good reason! 
"No catch. You're valuable. I admire your talent and respect your methods," Gyro extends his hand for the child to shake, "What's your name, boy?" 
Taken aback by the question, the boy hesitates, an unexpected wave of uncertainty washing over him. He had never been asked such a simple yet significant question before. 
"My name?" He finally mutters softly as if tasting those words for first time, feeling out their shape and weight, "Don't have one. Z only called me tool." 
"No? What a fool he was. How about K?" Gyro puts forth with a knowing grin, "Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it, K?" 
K's eyes flicker to Gyro's extended hand before finally accepting it, shaking firmly, "K, huh?" He muses over the suggested name, rolling the letter on his tongue like tasting a new flavor.  
It felt… Right. As if that one letter held all the complexities of the life he was thrown into and molded by. 
"Yeah..." K begins with an arrogant smirk gracing his lips, "I guess I can work with that." 
"You'll do big things, K." 
K can't help but smirk at that, looking back at Gyro with re-found defiance in his maroon eyes, "You bet I will. And there won’t be any puppet strings attached this time." 
As a present-day Shadow blinks awake, the soft glow of morning light pours in through a sliver of an opening between the heavy dark curtains. The nightmare, or should he call it a twisted memory, still lingers around him like some mocking ghost. 
A bitter chuckle escapes his lips as reality comes crashing back. How naïve little K was, who thought he had finally broken free only to become another puppet on Gyro’s strings.  
Though painful, these memories also remind him of his journey so far, how far he's come since then. There was no turning back. 
0 notes
bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
💸Byakuya Togami x Ultimate Guitarist!Fem!Reader (SFW)🏰
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I hate Byakuya but this was a request I had over a year ago so this one and the kyoko x reader one are both really dated but they exist lol!! I hope you enjoy!
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Y/N was the ultimate guitarist. She had been learning how to play quite a few instruments since she was very young. Her parents put her through many different music lessons whether they be voice lessons, piano, or any other instrument. Sure, she didn’t particularly mind any of these instruments but there was something about the guitar that drew her to it, to the point where during all of Y/N’s other lessons she often just thought about the guitar. Just the thought of her fingers gliding across and pressing on the strings creating that beautiful sound was enough to make her smile. So when she received a letter from the very well known Hope’s Peak high school, she was overjoyed to go to a school to learn to perfect her skills, and even better, have guaranteed success in her music career. Yet, she never expected what would follow in the next few weeks.
Y/N had lost track of how many days it had been since she entered the school. It must have been at least two and a half weeks at that point but it didn’t matter anymore. Nearly all of the hope that she had when she started had already slipped from her fingertips, making her hesitant and paranoid as if she had messed up some notes and was fidgeting with her strings attempting to keep any other mistakes from happening. Celestia Ludenberg, or rather Taeko Yasuhiro, was found guilty for the murder of Hifumi Yamada after he killed Kiyotaka Ishimaru. It goes without saying that this was taking a serious toll on her along with all of the senseless slaughters before it, especially Leon Kuwata. She hadn’t gotten to get to know him for very long, he being the first of the students to be executed, but the almost adorable content on his face as he watched her strum the guitar caused her to begin taking a liking to him, and was far more than enough to cause the color to flood from her eyes as she watched him get beaten to death. Since that day, when she wasn’t investigating murders or newly opened floors she could be found in her room crying, playing cliche, depressing, angsty songs on her guitar, or more often than not both.
It was a normal day like any other. There was a tension in the air at breakfast that morning. No one spoke, they just sat there, until it had become too much for Y/N causing her to leave the table and sprint off to her room in tears, Hina following her while trying to console her. She appreciated the gesture but nothing could help right now. All she wanted was her guitar and to go home.
“How ridiculous. One would think that after all this time she would finally adapt to her surroundings.” Byakuya sneered as Y/N exited, uncaring of anything he had to say.
Hours had now passed. It had been late afternoon at this point and she had been done crying for quite a while, now she was just lying there, the guitar on her chest, her face covered by dry tears. Finally Y/N managed to lift herself off of the bed, grunting and shaking as she moved with little motivation. She steps out of her bedroom with only her acoustic guitar case in her hand and her curiosity for what was on the newly opened floor. As Y/N walked up the stairs she hummed a small tune from a song that she was writing, before stopping quickly on the fourth floor when she heard someone else walking down the hall. She reacted in the only way that seemed fit… by jumping into the nearest women's restroom and waiting until the tapping of feet in the hall had finally ceased. It wasn’t like Y/N disliked any of her peers, except for Byakuya. Everything about him was too much to bear. He was a spoiled brat who had no respect for anybody but himself, let alone those who had died. The guitarist stuck her head out of the bathroom door and saw the insufferable man of the hour himself headed in the opposite direction. She simply rolled her eyes and turned away. The room nearest to her bathroom hiding place she was overjoyed at what she saw. It was labeled to be a music room on her student hand book but it didn’t appear that way. Instead she stepped inside of an auditorium full of desks where seats should be, lined up before a proscenium stage with purple lighting reminiscent of the ones in the halls that were floors below this one. However, the thing that she noticed above all others was a black piano in the middle of the large stage. Fond memories filled Y/N’s mind as she remembered the many piano lessons that she took before coming to Hope's Peak high school. She smiled as a tear dripped down her already tear streaked face.
Eventually she stumbled to a desk and dropped her case on the top, opening it and pulling out her acoustic guitar before taking a seat on the next desk over. She can’t help but enjoy every moment of this as she glides her fingers against the tight guitar strings creating a stunningly beautiful sound. Y/N smiles while humming almost silently.
“Until the stars have said goodbye
Darling close your eyes…
As sleep pulls you close and we say goodnight
I’ll sing to you softly this sweet lullaby…”
She continues to hum the melody and smiles as she does so. Y/N sings to herself for a few more minutes, until the song was over and the room becomes totally quiet, prior to slow clapping noise behind her. She blushed. In most cases, she didn’t mind anyone hearing her play, it was very normal for some of the others to ask to hear her music or even for her to offer it when they appeared stressed but she knew with complete certainty who stood behind her, him being the only one present on the floor. She turned around after his clapping was completely finished, maybe expecting him to just leave, but instead, there he was, Byakuya Togami in all his glory… Much closer than anticipated.
“Th-thank you.” She smiled, this one full of deceit.
“It would appear that your guitar is out of tune, which held back your performance by a great deal.” He said to her sans any emotion.
“Is that supposed to be a complement?” She replied snidely. Who was he to give her of all people musical advice? Byakuya’s eyes narrowed.
“You didn’t let me finish. What I was trying to say was that although your guitar was out of tune your singing was quite adequate.” He rolled his eyes before allowing them to meet hers. Without realizing her face had now been completely red.
“I… Thank you. Sorry about that.” Y/N giggled. For once he smiled back at her, causing her blush to deepen. Soon after though, he realized that he had been smiling too and her blush was mirrored onto his face. They both stared down, awkwardly having no idea what to say. “So… Do you play any instruments, Togami?” She asked.
“Why would you like to know?” He asked rudely. Y/N was almost surprised until she remembered who she was talking to and then just grunted, angrily. He glanced back at her and then sighed, allowing his face to soften. “As a matter of fact, I know how to play all of the basic ones. I’m quite skilled at playing the piano.” She quickly smiled and perked up once more.
“Good! Then you’re playing a song with me.” Y/N laughed.
“Excuse me?” Byakuya gasped at her forwardness as if she tried to use a raunchy pick up line on him.
“Come on it’ll be fun! Just do your best!” She laughed and skipped up to the stage. “Please? Just one?”  
“I…” He began. “This was what I feared,” he glared up at her. “Fine.” He said as he moved forward toward the stage.
. . .
They didn’t end up playing one song. Rather, the two sat there for hours playing music together. Sometimes when he wasn’t blushing without meaning to Y/N managed to get him to smile and even sometimes laugh. There were no words that described Byakuya’s playing. He managed to do something that until now Y/N thought was impossible… Distract her from playing her guitar and get her more interested in piano. Of course, she did know how to play fairly well, having played for her entire life, but it never connected with her on the same level it did with guitar; Not up until this very moment.
“Y-your playing is astounding.” Byakuya said, almost as though he said it without meaning to. She blushed and smiled.
“Thank you.” Y/N smiled and finally took her hands off of the keys. All at once, so did Byakuya and their hands gently touched on the bench. “Oh sorry!” She said before quickly pulling her hand away, only for him to grab it before she can totally replace it on her lap.
“D...Don’t be.” He blushed and looked away in the opposite direction. She remembered the remark he had shot at her that morning. About how her feelings made her ridiculous and how she needed to get control over them if she wanted a chance at survival. Finally she had had enough. Y/N turned to him and used her free hand to guide his face towards hers. “Y/N…” He mumbled. She smiled once more before pulling him in for a kiss. It was quite clear that Byakuya was surprised at first but he made no effort to pull away and even began to return it. Finally Y/N pulled away and gazed at him warmly, a gaze that for once he authentically shared with her.
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sugakoni · 3 years
single mom!reader (leon x f!reader)
PART 1 |
(a/n) sorry for the delay in this part. i have been really busy and super bleh because of my antidepressants, but tonight i finally feel like writing. this is part 2 of 5, and next part uhhh... might get a little spicy. don't say i didn't warn you lmao. - zee
word count: 1656
contains: angst to an extent
warnings: light swearing, fighting, panic attacks
paring: leon kennedy x fem!reader (single mother)
(feel free to leave requests!) (leon kennedy playlist)
story under the cut
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Staggered breaths were heard inside the house, followed by a loud cough. The area of Spain you were in was surprisingly cold, and the cabin you were in wasn’t helping any, considering how run down it was. Your gun was in your hand, following behind Leon as you kept watch on anything that could happen behind the man.
Leon turned the corner, and you did the same. Seeing a man who was currently filling his fireplace with wood, poking and prodding at it in the mean time.You raised an eyebrow, keeping your gun in your hand as Leon cleared his throat.
“Excuse me, sir, I am Leon Kennedy. I was wondering if you have seen this girl.”
The man turned back at him, speaking in Spanish in a very angry manner. You pursed your lips together, Leon giving you a shrug.
“Leon! Look out!” You yelled, firing your gun at the man who rose an axe towards your partner. You shot at his head multiple times, before he finally fell to the ground. Noises were heard outside, and Leon took it upon himself to look out through the window. You let out a breath that you didn’t even realize you were holding, before looking out the window with Leon and seeing a lot more people.
“Shit,” Leon muttered, making sure his gun was loaded before pushing you to go towards the stairs.
“I know what I’m doing, Kennedy,” you sassed, going up the stairs quickly with him following behind. He let out a huff, grabbing a few things of ammo that he found in drawers and handing it to you. You put them into your bag, shaking your head as you found some herbs. The sound of a door breaking down was heard downstairs, which caused your eyes to widen.
“There!” You called out, pointing at the window.
“Good eye,” Leon replied, going to jump out. You bit at your lip, hearing the villagers walking around downstairs before you eventually jumped down yourself, being caught by Leon. You let out a cough, Leon having a shit eating grin on his face before you pulled your gun out and shot 3 villagers behind him.
The blonde placed you back down on the ground, starting to run farther away from the village people. You sighed quietly to yourself, following behind as per usual. You knew something was up here, not normal, and just like Raccoon City.
You put Raccoon City in the back of your mind as Hunnigan called Leon, and you stood to the side listening through your ear piece. You kicked at some rocks, thinking about your son and what he could be doing at home. A huff left Leon’s mouth, ending the call with Hunnigan.
“Ashley is around here somewhere,” Leon spoke out, putting an end to your thoughts. You looked over at him, giving him a nod.
“No shit.”
“Hey, I know you have something going on, but that attitude of your’s needs to leave,” Leon snapped, running a hand through his hair. You raised an eyebrow.
“MY attitude? I am so sorry that I had to leave my nine year old son behind to go on a mission to find the President’s dumbass daughter!” You exclaimed, to which he rolled his eyes. The stress the two of you had from your recent encounters was prominent in this conversation, and you put your hands up slightly.
“You know what. You’re right. Sorry for making you upset, Kennedy,” You spoke sarcastically, walking away from the other. Leon’s jaw clenched, following behind you and grabbing your wrist, turning you to face him.
“Stop being a brat.”
“You’re being the brat,” You seethed, shaking his grip off of you as you head towards another cabin. Leon sighed, knowing he messed up by snapping at you. The two of you trekked to the cabin ahead, opening the door and looking around.
“Here,” you spoke, going to move something out of the way of a doorway. Leon gave a nod, going into a room and hearing commotion in the wardrobe in the corner. You followed after grabbing things in the other room, seeing Leon opening the wardrobe door.
All of a sudden, you felt immense pressure in your head and the whole world went black.
The smell of rotting walls is what awoke you. Pain shot through your head, wrists bound behind you. Your eyes fluttered open, seeing two men in front of you. The one Leon was tied up to was unfamiliar, but he must’ve been in that wardrobe Leon opened up.
“Leon?” You called out. He seemed to have been in the middle of a conversation with the man he was tied up to, showing him the picture of Ashley.
“Y/n, are you alright?” Leon asked, to which you gave a slight nod. Luis looked over to you.
“Ah, senorita, they must’ve hit you hard,” he spoke out, giving a sympathetic smile. You gave a nod again, not feeling up to talking as the pain in your head was searing. Leon sighed to himself, putting the photo of Ashley back into his pocket. You must’ve missed a bit of their conversation.
Loud footsteps were heard outside, which caused you to snap your head up. You saw a giant man walk in. Your eyes felt a bit heavy, desperately trying to keep them open before you slipped off into another slumber.
Snapping awake, you felt something warm pressed against your right arm. Your eyes were wide, sweat sticking to your skin as you looked up at the person who held you. Leon.
You still felt angry at him, but you decided to put that in the back of your head. He looked down at you, hearing your ragged breathing.
“Hey, sleepy head. I have been carrying you around for what feels like ages,” he murmured, placing you back down again. You sighed, rubbing the back of your head.
“I’m sorry… I just feel so sick,” you muttered, before tears started to stain your cheeks. You were tired, and you didn’t know why. And you felt out of touch with reality. Leon’s concern grew for you.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” He asked, rubbing your back. You shook as you cried, falling to your knees.
Panic rose in you, thinking about how you woke up some when you were held captive and something being put into your neck. You immediately looked up at Leon.
“They put something in me,” you expressed, starting to feel yourself become sick.
“Y/n, I am sure you’re fine-”
“Fine?! How can I be fine?! What if I turn into one of them?!” You screamed at him, covering your face afterwards. You thought about Adrian, and how he would potentially have to grow up without his mommy. He was already growing up without a father figure, you couldn’t imagine having him lose you now. You looked down, opening your locket as your breathing was labored. You couldn’t stop the panic, but you could calm down your tears. The adrenaline was already pumping hard through your veins, as you shakily touched the face of your son, and glanced towards the face of your late boyfriend.
“Who is that?” Leon asked, looking down at the locket. You glanced up, his face had softened.
“My late boyfriend… he… he turned into one of those monsters in Raccoon City… right in front of me and Adrian,” you mumbled, closing it. Leon frowned, helping you up from the ground. You composed yourself quickly, starting to go the way you assumed you were to go.
The plane you were in was whirring loudly, about to take off. You were currently sitting in front of Ashley Graham and the President, with Leon right beside you. Your mission was a success, but the trauma that both you and Leon had experienced on the way was enough to make you never want to work for the government again. But, this is all you had.
The President got up from his seat, walking towards the front of the plane. You looked at Ashley, who was currently looking at Leon in a loving way. A pit formed in your stomach, and you didn’t know if it was jealousy. You looked out the window, seeing the ocean, and clouds… and more ocean.
Unbeknownst to you, but known to Ashley, Leon was looking at you the same way Ashley was looking at him. He didn’t know why, but he felt even more attracted to you after the events you two had endured. You knew that it would be a few days until you could see your son, since you have to give information to your agency and other government officials, but at the end of the day, your son was now your number one priority again.
“Why her?” Ashley spoke out, her eyes going wide as both you and Leon looked at her. Her face flushed to a bright red color, before she excused herself, going to wherever her father was.
“What was that for?” You mumbled, playing with your hands. You looked over at Leon, smiling a bit as you felt your heart swell up.
“I don’t know… but at least she is gone, her staring was getting annoying,” Leon chuckled, which caused you to giggle. You bit at your lip, seeing his hand on the armrest. You moved your smaller one to lay on top of it, your fingers intertwining.
“Thank you,” You whispered, “for getting me back safe.”
“I made a promise, didn’t I? How about we celebrate tonight, everything on me,” Leon said smugly, which caused you to blush.
“Yeah, yeah lover-boy… I’ll give you a chance,” You said with a grin, looking back out the window and taking your hand away from his. You missed the warmth, but you didn’t want to deal with Ashley’s whining.
Maybe staying away from home for a few more days wouldn’t be so bad...
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dubersbutt · 3 years
4 Times Leon Joined You and Connor
+ 1 Time He Stayed
Summary: How you, Leon and Connor became a thing
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Warnings: smut (oral (female receiving, male receiving, penetrative sex), mlm sex (blowjobs)), sexuality crises (sexuality procrastination)
1) The “Accidents”
Leon gets your text message a second too late. The notification with your name and “DON'T OPEN MY SNAP” hanging above the picture of your scantily clad torso, matching royal purple set, the deep colour complimenting your tan skin. Leon is torn between wanting to be respectful and wanting to keep the picture open until he can get himself off. But, he’s a good dude so he does not do the latter. Instead, he closes the snap and texts you back
Leon: Whoops. I didn’t get your message until after I opened it
You: Ugh. I’m sorry, your name is right under Connor’s and my finger slipped.
Leon: Aren’t you supposed to be at school.
You: Stats are boring. I was trying to bother my boyfriend.
Leon: Pay attention in class, (Y/N).
You: 🙄
You: You can keep the picture btw. I know I look good
You: No face, no case
Leon doesn’t keep it but, his finger hovers over the replay button for far too long.
Leon’s furnace craps out on him halfway into the season, and Alberta winters without heaters isn’t very enjoyable so he temporarily moves in with Connor, the day of the charity gala. Leon has a good time for the most part. Except -
He can’t get that fucking picture out of his head. And your dress hugs you in all the right places and he really hopes that neither you or Connor notice that how often he looks over at you. Connor has to rub elbows with the rich donor more than Leon does, so he keeps you company in between rounds. The two of you keep yourselves entertained by comping up with potential conversations for the other people in the room.
“Leon wait,” you say, clutching his arm and Leon feels his heart skip a beat, “That girl is his daughter, not his sugar baby.”
“No,” Leon was convinced, they were sitting way too close if that were true, “How do you know?”
You point to an older lady that’s approaching the table. She leans down to give the man a quick kiss and Leon’s about to propose a potential mistress until he realizes the girl looks like a younger version of the older woman.
“Shit,” he says and you look at him with wide eyes, “We’re going to hell.”
“We totally deserve it too.”
An hour later, Leon is excusing himself from a conversation with Klefbom and an older lady. She hardly notices, her attention has been focused on Oscar the whole time. Oscar tries to get him to stay but Leon thinks her not-so-subtle flirtation is hilarious.
He laughs when he gets the “I’m gonna fucking kill you” text from Oscar on the way to the bathroom.
Leon: I don’t like being the third wheel
Leon: Make sure she’s not married, klef. You’d be a terrible mistress
Oscar: I would be the best mistress in the history of mistresses.
When Leon opens the door to the bathroom he’s met with the sound of moans. He supposes he should have shut the door right then and there but he opens it all the way without realizing. He’s met with the sight of Connor fucking you on the sink. Your nails are digging into his back as Connor fucks you. He’s frozen for a moment, can’t remember how to move his limbs until you meet his eyes. He’s fairly certain you smile at him but he’s also convinced he imagined it. He replays your moans and tiny whimpers in his head.
He’s not even surprised when he wakes up the next morning and the girl next to him looks a little like you when he squints.
A week later he’s coming home from a run, the weather had warmed up enough for a short 15 minute jog before he had to pack for the California road trip. He lets himself in through Connor’s garage door, taking off his snowy boots in the mudroom. He takes his earbuds out, pocketing them when he hears -
“I - fuck, don’t tease me.”
Not again.
Now, Leon is kind of annoyed. He texted Connor that he was on his way home, had given him ample time to move to his bedroom. And Leon has to pass the living room to get to the guest room.
“You’re such a brat,” he hears Connor say and the next thing that comes out of his mouth is a loud groan.
Leon has to start packing, they need to be at the airport in an hour. He tries to make his appearance quick and minimal but he meets Connor’s eyes. He mouths, sorry as he picks up the pace, but Connor doesn’t seem to mind. His face is flushed, and his chest is rising and falling quickly. Connor winks at him. Winks.
When he finally makes it to his room he slumps against the walk, leaving the door open a crack so he can hear Connor’s moans. He can’t help it anymore, he pulls the waistband of his pants down, gripping his dick. He has to bite down on his hand to keep his moans at bay. He cums in unison with Connor, using his moans to guide him to finish.
He stands there for a moment, hands sticky with cum listening to Connor praise you through the crack in the door.
Leon doesn’t make a habit of picking up men during the season. You can never know who's secretly a hockey fan wanting to sell Leon’s bisexuality to the tabloids. Hell, only like 4 people on the team knew. But Anaheim doesn’t have a huge hockey presence so he takes a chance. He gets out of team movie night under the guise of an upset stomach.
Instead, he Ubers to the nearest gay bar. The place is pretty packed when he gets there. He orders a drink and notices a floppy haired blond guy across from him. He’s a little too scrawny to pass as Connor, but Leon’s not asking for perfection. He asks the bartender to send over another of whatever he’s having before he makes his way over to him. Not-Connor’s name is Josh, and they hit off right away.
Soon, Leon’s pushing not-Connor up against the bathroom wall, grinding against him. Not-Connor gets down on his knees and sucks Leon off. It doesn’t take long until Leon’s shooting down his throat with a hand in his thick hair. He starts to get down so he can reciprocate, his jaw is gonna kill him tomorrow but he’s not an asshole, when not-Connor stops him.
“If you want, we can go to mine and you can fuck me,” he says, biting his lip.
Leon’s already forgotten his name, but he says yes anyway.
Not Connor is really fucking flexible, letting Leon hook his legs over his shoulders when he fucks him in missionary. They stop for a quick snack in the kitchen before Leon bends him over the counter and fucks him until tears form in the corner of his eyes.
Leon’s half an hour late for curfew, but no one says anything to him.
2) The Vacation
Don’t get him wrong, Leon is always honoured to be invited to All-Star weekend. However, if he had the choice of being interviewed for two days straight or sitting on a beach in california for a week, he probably wouldn’t put too much though into his decision.
But, he still had 4 days of vacation in Palm Springs with the team before he and Connor had to leave early. Connor had asked him if he wanted to split the cost of the penthouse suite, and because Leon’s room was on the other side of suite as yours and Connor’s room, he said yes.
They left for California as soon as their last game ended, leaving them too tired to party the first night, choosing to order room service instead. Leon gets a plate of honey garlic chicken wings, 12 of them to himself, spaghetti, and a slice of cheesecake because, fuck it, he’s on vacation.
When it arrives, he snatches the plate of wings before Connor could take one, he had a bad habit of saying he didn’t want stuff and then asking for a few bites. Normally, Leon doesn’t care but he’s been craving wings for weeks. Why did he choose the career with the strict diet regimen?
“You’re really not gonna share?” Connor asks, eyebrow raised.
“Nope,” he replies, popping the ‘p’ and sinking his teeth into his second one.
“You have 12!”
“No one was stopping you from ordering your own.”
Leon feels your eyes on him. He assumes it's because he’s foregone any and all manners. The sticky sauce on the wings coat his fingers, he can feel it in his beard but he does not care because they’re so good. He doesn’t care that he’s gone full barbarian-
“Leon do you want to have a threesome with us?” you ask and Leon chokes on a piece of chicken.
“What?” He nearly drops his wing, “Right now?”
Connor’s groans and runs a hand through his hair in exasperation, “This is not how we said we would ask him.”
“I’m sorry. I can’t explain it,” you giggle and gesture at how he’s hunched over his wings, “but this is doing it for me?”
“Really?” Leon asks incredulously and Connor looks at you in disbelief.
“I wish I could say it didn’t.”
Leon squints at you and Connor, “You’re serious about this?”
“Yeah,” You both respond.
“We’ve been discussing adding a third,” Connor asks, “We were going to ask when you weren’t beasting a plate of wings - I admire your ability to eat during a conversation, by the way - but someone can’t keep it in their pants.”
You shrug, taking a bite from your burger.
Leon contemplates it, eating his 8th wing in the meantime.
“Sure,” he says, starting his 9th, “But not tonight. I don’t feel sexy after I eat spaghetti.”
You laugh, “Leon, if you had to choose between only sex or only food which would it be?”
“Food,” he says with no hesitation, or regrets.
The next day Leon spends baking in the sun. Everybody had decided to spend the day in the attached private pool in the suit. He chirps Connor when his skin starts to burn about an hour into the day and pokes at his red shoulder when he joins Connor under the umbrella.
By the end of the day Leon is pleasantly tipsy, saying goodbye to the team as he lounges on the couch. When the door shuts, you settle yourself in his lap. Your skin is warm from the heat.
Your sheer white swimsuit coverup has been driving Leon insane for the past two hours the team has been in the suite. Although, seeing you in your bikini, watching the water glint off your tan skin as Connor splashed you with the water, was far worse.
“Hi,” you hum, leaning in, “You still down for this?”
“Of course.”
You kiss him, letting out a groan as you do so. Leon rests his hands on your thighs, and when you don’t rebuke him he slides them up, dragging your cover up with him. His fingers toy with the band of your suit bottoms. He pulls away from your mouth, instead kissing along your jaw, scraping his beard against your skin gently. Normally, he wouldn’t be so bold, but, when you first started dating Connor, he told Leon that he started to grow his beard out because you enjoyed the scratch on your skin. He pays attention to the places that draw tiny gasps or moans from you, noting them for later.
“I should have known that the two most impatient people in my life wouldn’t wait for me,” Connor says, holding your jaw to kiss you. Leon doesn’t miss the way your body goes limp against him when Connor’s fingers tighten ever so slightly.
“I wouldn’t have pegged you as a sub,” Leon hums, pulling your cover up all the way over your head. “She’s not,” Connor interjects, helping Leon with his task, “She’s a brat, but she’s pretty.”
“You’re mean,” you respond, “Should we move to the bedroom?”
Connor pulls you up, off his lap. Leon thinks that he’s just going to lead you, but Connor picks you up. You pull him closer with your legs, grunting as Connor settles you and starts walking to the master bedroom. Leon has to stop himself running after you.
Leon takes two minutes to get there, stopping for a quick glass of water. Two minutes is all it takes for Connor to fuck you from behing. Leon takes a minute, scanning his eyes over the two of you. Connor looks over and winks at him and Leon gets that same pang in his heart again. He stops, and you let out a whine in protest, pushing your hips back against him.
“Take her mouth,” Connor says, nodding towards the empty spot on the bed.
“For the record, I’m not thrilled that you’re bossing me around,” he says but obliges, pulling his swim shorts off on the way there.
He gives himself a few pumps before you reach over and take over, “You can put your hand in my hair,” you say, before you wrap your lips around the tip.
Connor’s hand slides along your spine, lightly dragging his nails as you start to bob your head, taking Leon deeper each time.
“Should we link arms in true Eiffel Towel fashion?”
Leon thought it was going to be a one-time thing, but the next morning he wakes up with your throat on his dick, and he can hear the shower running. By the time Connor’s back in the room, you’re cuming on Leon’s cock as he spills into the condom.
“You asshats,” Connor says, water dripping down abs, “I leave for five minutes.”
“You take the longest showers known to man, Con,” you tease, accepting his kiss.
That day the team planned on going to go sightseeing, but Leon makes the excuse of finding a girl at the hotel bar last night. Connor says that the two of you are going to take advantage of the empty penthouse. And you do. The next day, during the team hike, the three of you lag behind the rest, too exhausted to keep up.
Leon thinks that when they land in San Jose for the All Star game, that it’s the end, and he’s almost sad about it. But at the end, Connor and him get the same snap. You lifting up your McDavid jersey to reveal a lacey, navy blue bodysuit. The V dips tantalizingly low, Leon wants to lick the exposed skin and feel your body squirm against his as he teases you. He and Connor change faster than Leon thought was possible, and soon he’s upstairs in yours and Connors room. Connor fucks you first, not giving you quite enough to cum as he finishes, filling you. As Leon’s rolling on the condom, Connor’s whispering in his ear - don’t let her cum.
So Leon fucks you  slowly. Holding both of your hands in one of his palms, he takes his time. His thrusts are rhythmic, as he grinds into you, watching your face contort. He rubs your clit, feeling the way you clench around him. He pushes you to the edge and waits  before pulling out entirely. He rests his dick on your stomach, pulling off the condom as he cums on your stomach.
3) The Dinner
Connor gets sick from the WEM signing in February. (Whoever decided to have the Oiler’s star player do a fan signing with a thousand people in the middle of flu season needs to be fired but that’s besides the point.) Because of this, he can’t go to the Nuge’s team bonding dinner but he insists that you still come, the other girls would miss you.
So you go, and you press up against Leon every once in a while during drinks. At dinner, you sit next to him, keeping a hand on his thigh at all times. Your hand moves onto his inseam as you spoon risotto into your mouth. While Nuge and Bre are handing out deserts, you lead him down a hallway.
“Hold on...aha!” you push open a door, leading to a guest room. The bed is made, and there’s a picture of Nuge’s dog on the bedside table. You turn the picture down, “I don’t want Sophie to see what we’re about to do.”
“(Y/N), What about Connor?” he asks. Leon has spent the night with you and Connor multiple times since coming home, and he’s fucked you many times but Connor’s always been there.
“Connor doesn’t care,” you say, pushing him down on the bed, “He said it was fine. We can FaceTime him if you want.”
Leon doesn’t think you’re lying, but he does enjoy watching Connor bite his lip as he watches Leon fuck you from behind. He’s got a terrible angle, can’t really see much but just the sounds of you and Leon make him groan into the phone. You end the cal with a quick “I love you.”
“You coming over tonight?” you ask when you and Leon finished getting dressed.
Everyone’s tipsy enough that they hadn’t noticed the two of you were gone.
When Leon comes over that night it’s the first time he gets his hands in Connor. He’s just finished fucking you - he’d quickly become the one to call the shots when he was around - and Connor was watching him pound into uou with wide eyes, fists clenched at his side like he was told.
Leon had spent a number of nights with you and Connor by now, but he figured Connor wasn’t into men so he didn’t push it. But this time it was different, he didn’t know why, but it was.
Leon knee-walks over to him, planting his legs on either side of Connor’s thighs. He doesn’t kiss him, doesn’t know if that’s too much, but he slides his hand up the length of them.
Giving a handy for the first time is always a little bit awkward, Leon actually has to pay attention to what they do and do not like, but with Connor it’s easier. It’s still a little awkward, he accidentally squeezes Connor’s base a little too hard and he crumpled against him, but it’s significantly better.
(Later that week you’d have a conversation with Connor.
“You know I don’t mind if you wanna do stuff with Leo when you’re gone right?”
“If you want to. You don’t have to but you seemed like you really enjoyed Leo’s hands the other day. Not that I blame you for that.”)
4) The Roadie
Leon isn’t expecting anyone to knock on his hotel door. He’s surprised when it’s Connor there. He’s antsy, cracking his knuckles.
“Hey,” he says, furrowing his brows at Connor’s uneasy demeanour, “everything okay?”
“Everything’s great,” Connor replies, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“Do you wanna come in?”
“Wh-oh yeah sure,” he stutters like he didn’t realize that he was still outside.
Leon lets him in, and Connor walks to the chair on the other side of the room, but doesn’t sit. Leon eyes him as he sits on the edge of the bed.
“So I talked to (Y/N),”  Connor starts.
“And…” Leon prompts.
“She said that if we wanted to mess around together on roadies then that’s fine with her,” he takes a deep breath “andivebeenthinkingaboutitandiwannatrymaybebutivenever-”
“Woah woah woah,” Leon stops him, “You’re going to have to repeat that way slower.”
“I was thinking that, if you’re down, then maybe I would be willing to try it?” he trails off at the end.
“Do you want to sleep with me?”
“Maybe,” Connor takes another deep breath, “I mean I’ve never done anything with a dude before, but I kinda liked it the other day. But like, only if you want to.”
“We can fool around on roadies,” picking up is so much work, Leon would love to have a steady side piece - even though he doesn't have a main piece, “Since when were you into dudes.”
Connor rubs a hand over his face, “Don’t start with me. I’ve been having an ongoing sexuality crisis for a while. I love women, (Y/N) especially, but we’re tabling this conversation for, like a year.”
“Just one thing,” he says, finally sitting down on the bed next to him, “I don’t want you to….fuck me just yet.”
Leon wants to laugh, Connor’s so straight that it hurts, “Gay sex isn’t like straight sex, there’s a process. And, I don’t want to brag, but if I were to fuck you, you wouldn’t be able to walk for a week and you’re kind of important to the team.”
“So...you’re a bottom,” Leon teases, poking him in the shoulder.
“I think so? Obviously I won’t really know until I try it but I see the appeal….what are you?”
Leon does laugh at that, “ I usually top but I don’t mind taking it every once in a while.”
Connor nods, which Leon finds adorable. The last time Leon dealt with any kind of virginity was when he was losing his own (both times), and he’s kind of excited.
Connor leans in, kissing Leon softly. Leon pushes against them, hand coming up to card through Connor’s hair. A few moments later, he pulls away.
“What’s the verdict?” Leon asks.
“Your beard feels weird.”
“Good weird or bad weird,” Leon didn’t have a 5 step beard oil routine for it to feel bad.
“Good weird.”
Leon hums in approval. Connor leans back in, and this time Leon pushes him down on the bed and Connor lets him. He lets Leon trail kisses down his neck, chest heaving off the bed once Leon gets that spot at his jawbone that drives him crazy.
“You good?” Leon asks as he lowers himself between Connor’s spread legs. Connor nods, “If you’re uncomfortable, tell me and we stop.”
He takes Connor’s dick out of his shorts, only mildly surprised when he realizes Connor’s not wearing any underwear. He licks his lips as he starts to jack him off. Connor lets out a breathy moan as Leon drops his hound to the base of his cock a with a gentle squeeze. Leon leans forward, sucking on the head gently as he watches Connor’s face turn red. Leon bobs his head down, taking more down his throat each time. Leon digs his fingers into Connor’s hips to keep them down.
“Easy, baby,” Leon murmurs, not realizing the nickname was on the tip of his tongue until it had slipped out, “It’s been a while, you’re gonna have to give me a second before you fuck my throat.”
“ ‘M sorry,” Connor says, panting.
“It’s okay, Con,” Leon responds, reaching for Connor’s  hand and placing it in his hair.
“Fuuck, Leo,” Connor grunts when Leon starts to suck on his head.
Leon finds a good rhythm, bobbing his head low and hollowing his lips as he comes up. Connor is groaning, Leon should probably tell him to keep his voice down given that they’re surrounded by the team but he doesn’t care.
Leon drops his dick, until the very tip of his cock, and sucks. Connor grunts, thrusting up into Leon’s hands before Leon starts to slide his hand up and down quickly, bringing Connor to the edge.
“Close,” he pants, “I-close, Leo, plea-”
Leon sinks his head down one more time before Connor hits the back of his throat. He sputters a little as Connor keeps spilling into his mouth. He feels a little bit dribble out, and when he finally pulls off, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“How was that?” Leon asks, tucking Connor’s soft dick under the waistband of his shorts.
Connor has a hand thrown over his face, and his only answer is a groan. Leon can’t help but laugh.
“I’ll take that as a compliment, I know my head game is strong.”
(Connor tries to give Leon a blowjob, but he gets a little too ambitious and chokes a few bobs in. Connor sputters and coughs, and Leon can’t help but chuckle as Connor grips his thighs, trying to catch his breath. He wants to try again but Leon stops him.
“You’ve done a lot today, you can try again later if you want to.”
“No, no I can do it.”
Leon explains that he doesn’t want Connor to bite his dick and Connor relaxes, giving him a hanjob instead. His pressure is a little light, so Leon wraps his hand around Connor’s and guides him until Leon finishes all over his stomach.
(Connor hesitantly runs a finger through the mess, before slowly raising his finger to his lips. He scrunches his nose in disgust. “Drink some pineapple juice, ugh.” and Leon laughs)
Connor leaves shortly after, and Leon definitely doesn’t replay the moment over and over again in his head.)
+ 1) The One Time he Stayed
When Leon pulls up into Connor’s driveway, he’s expecting the usual: play with Lenny, threesome, play with Lenny, dinner, play with Lenny, maybe round two, decide if he wants to drive home at 3 am (the answer is most likely no).
However, when he shows up Connor isn’t even home, which is not normal. Lenard throws himself at Leon when he walks through the door, knocking him down on the floor.
“One of these days he’s gonna be successful in his assination attempts,” you joke from your place on the couch.
“There are worse ways to die,” he says as he gets back on his feet, this time ready for Lenny’s high energy. Eventually Lenny decides Leon is not worth his time, padding off to his bed by the fireplace, so Leon sits by you on the couch.
“Watchya reading?” he asks, poking you in the side.
“My textbook detailing the different types and phases of psychosis,” you say,  capping your highlighter.
“Hm,” Leon grunts, “Uplifting.”
“Very,” you place the book on the coffee table, “So Connor was telling me about your hook up on the roadie.”
Leon’s heart stops, “Connor said it was okay and you seduced me at Nuge’s so I assumed-”
“Leon, relax” you cut him off with a chuckle, “I’m not mad.”
Leon lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“And I did not seduce you at Nuge’s.”
“You led me down a hallway I’ve never been in just to have sex with me in their guest bedroom,” he raises an eyebrow, “that’s the definition of seducing.”
You mutter something that Leon can’t decipher under his breath which he knows means that he’s won this argument.
“Anyways,” you say, clearing your throat, ““Connor was gonna be here, but he had an appointment and now he’s stuck on the Henday but he’ll be here soon. We were talking and we were thinking, only if you wanted to, that maybe you could join us...as a couple.”
Leon isn’t sure he understands your proposal.
“Would you like to join me and Connor as a third?” you ask, “If you don’t want you can leave before Connor comes home and we’ll never bring it up again.”
Later that day, when Leon is falling asleep with Connor on one side of him using his chest as a pillow and you’re on his other side tucked against him, he’ll think about what a strange road it was to get here. Connor’s already asleep, listening to Leon’s heartbeat as his head rises and falls on with Leon’s breath.
“So was this always the plan?” Leon asks when he feels you tracing something on his skin.
“Hm?” you question.
“Was this all an elaborate ploy to get me to join you and Connor?” he clarifies, “Because if so, kudos because I never expected.”
“No,” Connor mumbles against Leon’s chest, turns out he wasn’t asleep, “We didn’t expect to ask you to join us more than once in California but you’re too damn cute.”
“I never thought we would because I didn’t think Davo was into dudes,” you say, “We get any closer to an answer on the sexuality thing, Con?”
“We’ll get there when we get there.”
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blitzturtles · 3 years
Title: Shock
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
Pairing(s): BruAbba
Summary: “Bucciarati,” Abbacchio calls from his place on his knees, just off to Bucciarati’s left and nearest his head. The ground under them is cold, almost entirely made up of old brick. It digs painfully into Abbacchio’s skin, but he can’t bring himself to care.
Notes: I've been awake for 22 hours, and I'm suffering (and so is Bruno. 😊)
“Bucciarati,” Abbacchio calls from his place on his knees, just off to Bucciarati’s left and nearest his head. The ground under them is cold, almost entirely made up of old brick. It digs painfully into Abbacchio’s skin, but he can’t bring himself to care.
“Bucciarati, you need to wake up. C’mon,” he shakes the younger man by his shoulder but gets no response. His fingers frantically search for a pulse, while his mind is already putting together the worst possible outcome. He can’t even breathe a sigh of relief when he finds the thump-thump, thump-thump of a heartbeat under his fingertips. The fear is too suffocating, and all he can do is reach for Bucciarati’s face and hold it gently between his hands.
“You have to wake up, Buc-” Fuck formalities, “Bruno. I can’t do this without you.”
He holds his breath for what might be seconds, might be minutes, but finally-- finally-- Bucciarati cracks open those bright blue eyes of his, though they’re far duller right now. Abbacchio doesn’t care. They’re as beautiful as they’ve ever been, and it’s an improvement to the stillness of before.
“Fucking scared me,” he whispers, dropping his head enough that his hair falls in a curtain, hiding the tears that spill freely now. He can’t keep doing this. He’s not supposed to have to do this. Bruno’s retired. Or mostly retired. Enough so that he shouldn’t be bleeding out, surrounded by debris from one hell of a blast.
While he’s caught in his own head, Bruno-- bastard that he is-- reaches up with a hand to try to tuck some of Abbacchio’s hair behind his ear. “Sorry,” Bruno all but chokes out. His voice sounds like someone tried to strangle the life out of him.
Damn near close enough, Abbacchio thinks bitterly, but he can’t stay caught in his own head when Bruno is right there, offering him a weak smile and an apology. As if any of this is his fault.
Bruno ruins it, of course. He tries to get up, but he’s barely able to move at all, much less support his weight in any way that matters. He frowns when Abbacchio presses a hand against his chest and holds him there as he speaks,
“Giorno’s coming. You need to- not move. At all,” Abbacchio explains. Or doesn’t, but he’s not about to run through the list of injuries. It wouldn’t be comprehensive anyways. He has a vague idea of what might have happened internally and an unfortunately vivid one of all the damage done on the surface. It’s a wonder that Bruno’s skin doesn’t match Abbacchio’s from the sheer blood loss, but it’s a damn near thing.
Bruno opens his mouth to argue with him anyways, but he gets cut off by a chorus of his name being called only a few meters away. He turns his head with a wince and a strangled sound that he only barely bites off in time to avoid it escalating into a scream. It tears at something inside of Abbacchio all the same.
“Bucciarati!” Giorno repeats, all but slamming down onto his own knees beside the man.
Abbacchio winces in sympathy, but he watches the kid assess the damage and then come to the same realization that Abbacchio had: Bruno’s dying. Again, but there’s still blood pumping through his veins and breath in his lungs, painful as it may be.
Giorno brings his hands together over Bruno’s chest and calls for Gold Experience, who does much the same. “This is going to hurt,” he says as a warning before Bruno’s suddenly lurching forward.
Abbacchio grabs him quickly, with a few, select curses of his own spilling past his lips. Bruno thrashes against him; the pain is too great for him to attempt to put on one of his braver faces. The shock probably isn’t helping. He had no chance of steeling himself against this, and the adrenaline is long gone.
An eternity passes before the golden glow dims into a nothingness, and Giorno sits back on his haunches with an anxious look on his face. Bruno’s still now, eyes closed. There are tear tracks and his lip has a smear of blood running from the corner and down to his ear. Giorno curses when he sees it, but does nothing more than gingerly wipe it away. The damage is already gone, apparently caught by stand before user.
Abbacchio absently brushes Bruno’s bangs out of his eyes and pets his thumb over sweat-soaked skin. It takes another minute for Bruno to blink at them with a familiar daze. Gold Experience has a remarkable way of making you feel like a truck’s run you over with none of the physical damage to show as proof.
“How are you feeling?” Giorno asks and catches himself wincing at his own question.
“Better,” Bruno lies through his teeth the way he’s wont to do when he wants to be reassuring. “Thank you, Giorno. Leone.”
“I’m going to go- check on the others,” Giorno says, a bit stiff and unsure. He doesn’t want to leave Bruno yet, but the upset is getting to him.
“I’ve got him,” Abbacchio cuts in before Bruno can answer. “Go on.”
Giorno nods and pushes himself up to his feet.
Abbacchio waits until he’s turned on his heels and taken several steps before he adds, “Giorno!” The kid stops almost mid-step. It would be comical, if not for the situation. “You did good.”
“Oh,” Giorno turns to look at him. He blinks, slow and lost, “Thanks.” He moves a little faster after that, whether he’s truly in a rush to check on the others or desperate to get away from Abbacchio and his stunted attempts at praise remains to be seen.
Abbacchio shakes his head. His focus turns downward, where Bruno watches him with something that might be pride. “Don’t,” he says as a warning, and the bastard that he calls his partner smiles a little wider. It’s unfortunately infectious and does a lot to sooth Abbacchio’s aching chest. He gives Bruno another minute to recover before he starts trying to pry him off the ground. Sticky Fingers appears midway through their attempt, and things go a lot more smoothly from there on.
By the time they’ve made it a few steps, there’s suddenly a blur of orange and black in front of them with something held in his hands. A familiar green shape that Narancia holds out to them. “We thought Coco Jumbo would be easier,” he explains without quite looking at them. Afraid, undoubtedly, of what he might find.
“Ah, thank you, Narancia. That would be- preferable,” Bruno answers with the gentle tone he reserves for his brats. It’s wholly endearing the way he puts on a brave face and steadies his voice as much as he can.
“I can-” Abbacchio starts, reaching for Coco Jumbo with one hand while Bruno remains propped against his side and partly supported by Sticky Fingers.
Narancia cuts him off, “I’ve got it!” His words come out a little too rushed, but he coughs and clears his throat before he continues, “I mean, you can both get in.”
Abbacchio hesitates but eventually decides to focus on helping Bruno instead. This way he can keep an eye on him, in case Giorno missed anything. The kid’s good, but he can’t be expected to be perfect.
They settle on one of the couches. Bruno with his head in Abbacchio’s lap, and Abbacchio petting his fingers through his hair. It’s already mused from earlier, but that doesn’t stop him from making it worse now. The skin underneath his hand is warm with a bit of color slowly returning to Bruno’s cheeks. All that’s left now is a proper night’s sleep-- or maybe two or three after such extensive injuries. It takes Abbacchio a moment to realize that Bruno’s already getting a jump start on rest, but he doesn’t stop carding his fingers through Bruno’s hair.
He doesn’t move them, even when they get home. He might have a crick in his neck later, but it’ll be worth it. It’s not often that Bruno sleeps this deeply. Besides, Abbacchio’s not sure he can do the same. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees a stillness that sends his heart racing. He can keep watch a bit longer.
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danddymaro · 4 years
Abbacchio Finding Out About A Secret Child With The Reader.
Reader insert // Your name // (Y/n)
Daughter’s name // (D/n)
Thoughts are italics in quotations = ‘Example’
Flashbacks are in italics = Example
Word Count :  3031
Abbacchio Finding Out About A Secret Child With The Reader.
Abbacchio stared down at the picture in his grip, and as he did, his hand trembled the entire time he tried to properly hold it, wanting to avoid having it fall out of his shaken grasp.
“She just turned three,” he read, trailing his eyes over the words. 
He instantly recognized the familiar writing scribbled on the white back of the image as he’d turned it over during his inspection of it, and it only made him feel more uneasy as he read the message out loud,
"Three…" Leone breathed softly.
He felt his heart tighten, and lifelessly, he let the photograph fall onto the desk, joining more which lay scattered across the surface.
“Three years,” he said to himself, his hands both slowly rising, pressing over his face as he sought to think rationally, attempting to pull himself together before he said something stupid, or much worse, picked a fight that quite possibly wasn’t even there to take part of,
“It just...No...There has to be...be a reason...an explanation,” He maundered incoherently.
He tried hard to keep himself together, but it was hard to when every bit of him shook with recollection of the memories that came forth, from the lovely ones that he kept locked in his chest, to the miserable ones that followed after his joy slipped through his fingers. 
‘I miss those days,’ He thought to himself, remembering her and the little things that had made his life feel worthwhile.  
 Her (h/c) hair felt soft as it slipped through his fingers, the little knotted bits eased loose by his gentle tugs, 
“I wish my hair was like yours,” (f/n) mused, a small smile over her as she did the same with his own much longer strands of periwinkle, “It’s beautiful,” she breathed, her eyes on it as she watched it slip between her fingers, every strand that flowed over her hand being soft and feathery,
‘If we ever have a child,’ she silently mused, her (e/c) colored eyes rising to gaze up at him, ‘I’d want them to look just like you,’ She thought with certainty, having always perceived the man to be beautiful, far surpassing her in every sense.
‘Especially your eyes.' She added as she found herself locked with them, ‘ Of all things, I’d love for them to have your eyes rather than mine,’ She thought with certainty, having thought about it so many times before, because all in all, there wasn't anyone else she'd love to settle down with.
But it wasn't like she could openly tell him she had been ready to settle down and have a family, not when he didn't seem so ambient about being in an actual relationship to begin with. 
Granted, they'd had their sweet moments, but she was well aware that truly, they meant nothing  but one thing ; 
He didn't want to be lonely,
not truly alone at least.
 Meanwhile, during her inner musing, he let a placid smile overtake him, hidden, yet present as he played with her hair, not having had a mind to do anything else but lay with her and enjoy the end of the day together. 
‘I guess we could have gone out somewhere,’ He thought with a little blue sigh, somewhat regretting not doing anything else but stay in, ‘But sometimes, I just don’t want to do anything but lay here with her,’ He mused, stopping his caresses altogether to enjoy her touch instead. 
 It was hard not to see part of himself in the image of the little girl, not when she looked like the spitting image of him,
"There is no mistaking it," he said lowly, knowing deep within his chest the truth. 
There was another image set before him, placed on the same desk the first one had been and had just fallen back down on. 
Swallowing down hard, he picked it up, seeing that within that specific photograph, the child was much younger, practically an infant, being incredibly small and wrapped by a soft, pink blanket,
 ' - She has his eyes, his hair, his smile, his everything.’ the back of it read, all written with the same hand from the first picture he saw.
“Abbacchio what was it you nee-” Bruno started, stopping as he entered his office, seeing his friend stilled as he read the written words on the printed image with hardened, darkened orbs.
“- Bucciarati,” Abbacchio started, his voice dropped down by a pitch as he turned to look back at his boss,
“What are these?” He asked, the hand holding both photographs shaken as he tightly gripped them, waving them before the dark-haired male, “Why do you have these?” Leone added, his eyes glazed, yet stern, “I want the truth!” he demanded, stepping forward, 
"And don't give me any bullshit lies." He added with venom laced within his words as little pinpricks stabbed and stung his eyes, the man somehow holding it all in, letting not a single tear slip out of his eyes.
It was then that Bruno sighed softly, “Yes...of course,” he said with a silent nod, turning to close his door for privacy, being careful in doing so, 
“ I’m sure you want to know,” He added, staying turned away to hide the pained expression fixed upon his own features, because he knew he’d inadvertently hurt his friend by obscuring the truth.
“....Just know that it hadn’t been my intention to harm you, nor for you to find out this way,” Bucciarati spoke earnestly, finally finding it in himself to gaze back at his friend and face the betrayal set over his features,
“Then why didn’t you tell me?” Leone asked angrily, his tone rough as he addressed the other male, “ Why the hell did you never tell me I had a damn kid, huh?” The long-haired male urged on, “Why hadn’t it crossed your mind to tell me you knew where she was too,” he added as he referred to the woman who appeared in every photograph as well.
  "Well?" He said anxiously, wanting to know, waiting for an answer.
 “...By then we had already betrayed the organization and made it to Sardina,” Bruno started, his royal blue’s eyes looking forlorn as he mentioned the past,
 “ A kid?” Abbacchio asked frustrated, holding his abdomen in pain because while he had been healed, he still had to endure the aftermath of the wretched assault,
“You’re asking me about a damn brat right now?” He asked (f/n) while sounding thoroughly annoyed, glaring at her hazardously, most of it being a front to try and mask the pain he felt.
He'd just barely survived getting cut through and she was asking about kids…
‘Of all things,’ He thought bitterly.
“I don't mean now,” she started, sounding rather small, “ but perhaps in the future...Maybe... later…” She drifted off, biting her lip anxiously as she finally forced out the last word.
“Have you ever just sat there and thought about it?” She asked him, swallowing hard, “ Has it ever come to mind?” she added.
‘Have you ever thought about it...with me,’ She wondered, wanting to ask him specifically, but afraid of the answer and what pain it would bring, because she was certain it would hurt.
“Yeah,” Leone huffed, “ Yeah, I've thought about it...About how much I don't want one.” He muttered before hanging his head, “And it should be the last thing on your mind right now too,” He added, abruptly standing, wincing as he did so,
“Right now, we’ve got to find the Boss,” he reminded her, walking away from her and the conversation altogether, brushing right past Bruno without even a word of address.
With a frown, Bucciarati approached the woman, sitting beside her on the couch, joining the notably downhearted woman with the expression slowly melting down into soft, open kindness,
“Are you alright?” he asked her, concerned over the little tears that had escaped her, and that were then slowly falling down her face.
“Not really,” she admitted to him, offering him a small, broken smile.
“He’s frustrated right now,” Bruno stated, “...He just narrowly escaped death not a few moments ago,” he reminded her, desperately trying to justify Abbacchio’s behavior while simultaneously attempting to comfort the young woman altogether.
“I’m sure that during another time he’d be much more amenable and open to the conversation,” he said with a growing smile, assuring her as he reached out for her hand, warmly holding it.
“I know,” she responded, “I know he’s still hurt,” she added.
“ And you know... I was actually worried sick,” she admitted, “ I thought… I thought that he wasn’t going to make it,” She added with a harsh shutter, having felt her world begin to crumble as she caught sight of his bloodied body back at the beach,
‘And I thought I wouldn’t get a chance to tell him,’ She thought to herself, absentmindedly placing a hand at her stomach, something that wasn’t overlooked by the blue-eyed male,
“(f/n)...” Bruno started, deflating at the small movement, slowly coming to a realization. 
For just a moment he looked around, making certain no one else heard before he spoke, “ Are you pregnant?” he asked her, scooting closer. 
- It had only been a small hunch, one that could have simply been squashed had it not been for the grim expression that overtook her at the mention.
Nodding somberly, she confirmed it, “ Yes, but I don’t know how far along.” She admitted, “I only just found out today."  She added, not having known till after she boarded the boat and already made the decision to accompany them.
“ And now... I don’t know what to do,” she said while looking to him for guidance, “ I've wanted to tell him, but whenever I try, he shuts me down.” She informed Bucciarati. 
“ Whenever I try to talk to him about a future together, he simply brushes me away,” she went on, having gone through the same dilemma even before then.
“He doesn't want children,” she said sadly, “ He expresses it with distrain each and every time it's brought up,” she informed him.
“And what's worse is that, perhaps, I’ve read us all wrong.
I’ve been together with the man for months now and not once has he mentioned the possibility of a life together.
During all this time...he’s also never told me he loves me.
He’s also never been one to publicly hold my hand.
...He’s never introduced me as anything but his partner; someone who works alongside him,” She explained, "Almost as though we aren't really anything." she added with a small, bitter chuckle. 
“Maybe, all this time that’s all we’ve been, and he just doesn’t have the heart to tell me where we really stand...” She added with a small, wavering voice, continuing on before he could try and convince her otherwise, 
"Bucciarati, I promised to help. I did so with not only the intention of following Abbacchio, but also to aid you and save Trish,
But in the state I am now…
Right now…
I’m only a burden.” she said with dejection, uncertain on how long the conflict will last.
“And as much as it hurts me to say this, we have to part ways,” She told him, apologetically gazing at him, “Because even if Leone has no intention to love this child, I do.
I have to keep them from harm's way.” She determinedly spoke, rising to stand, staring down at the dark-haired man with sorrow, “ I have to go. So, before the morning comes I’ll be gone,” She added, knowing it was best.
“And absolutely nothing will stop me,” She said with tightened fists.
“- As both my trusted friend, and my capo, I feel that at the very least I owe it to you to tell you upfront.” She informed him.
“I see,” Bruno said nodding, also standing up, “ Then take everything you need,” he told her, “ whatever you need to hide and stay away, take it. I will not spare a single resource of mine to assure your safety,” He vowed, offering her a lax, comforting smile.
“...Thank you,” she said softly, bowing her head to him to hide her tears. 
She then leaned forward, her arms tightly wrapped around him, “Thank you for taking me in...As well as allowing me a way out.” she told him, truly grateful because, without him, she never would have stood a chance.
“- We will find a way back to each other,” He assured her. “ Once this is all over, I will make sure to let you know,” He said while beginning to part from her.
Nodding, she too pulled back, “Thank you, again.  For everything,” She said once more, it being the last words she exchanged with him before she disappeared into the night, leaving the rest of their group baffled at her sudden departure, save for one member, because all but Bruno remained unknowing.
And rather than answer questions, he chose to play the fool. Instead, urging them to continue their hunt, forcing them to move forward without another member.
 “And after that, as you know, our organization was left in shambles,” Bruno explained, “With A new boss there came new rules, as well as A new reform that many others didn’t agree with.
Only until recently have we been able to stabilize, but even then…
Even then it’s been a long, heavy struggle,” Bruno said with knitted brows, frustration showing.
“It wasn’t my intention to keep this from you for so long, but I couldn’t afford you searching for her, ultimately risking her location, and much worse, their lives,” Bruno explained, still feeling guilty nonetheless, regardless of his intentions being good or not.
“Right now, she’s doing well.
They both are actually, so there is no need to worry yourself. We’ve already agreed that in a month or two, they will make their way here, and then you can decide what you want to do." He said with a reassuring nod as he rounded his desk, walking over to his seat,  
" If you want to be a part of their lives, or if you’d choose to sever your ties with them completely;  It’s all up to you.” He went on, sitting down, his elbows placed on the surface of the desk as he lay his chin on his overlapped fingers,
“I just hope you understand that regardless of your decision, she is still a member of our familia. Whether or not you decide to take responsibility or be a part of their futures is your own choice. 
All in all, it doesn't change my own final say:
Her home is here. 
And I am her family, just as I am yours. ” Bruno said firmly, his voice low yet sharp.
“...Of course,” Abbacchio said back, his throat suddenly dry as he had a sudden question in mind, wanting to ask with unsettling desperation, 
“Bucciarati…Did she really say that?" Leone said softly, regret settled over his features, " Did she really think I... That we weren't together?" He asked Bruno. 
"From what I understood, that was her take on your relationship." He answered back, shaking his head, "Why? Was it otherwise?" He added as he tilted his head slightly, intrigued, because Abbacchio never shared anything that had to do with his relationship with her, making it all a mystery even to his closest confidante.
"Of course," Abbacchio said sadly, " And of course it hurt when she left... When she simply walked away. 
But then again,  how could she not?" He asked looking up at the ceiling, understanding how she could assume such a thing, having had too much time to maul over the mistakes he made with her, 
" I was a complete bastard to her; An insensitive jerk.  
Whenever she needed assurance I turned my back, all because I felt I didn't deserve her. I felt like she was asking for too much from someone that had too little to offer." Leone explained, shaking his head, 
"And when she did leave... When she did what I assumed was best, I broke down," He went on, remembering just how he'd pretty much gone back to square one, falling back into his miserable pit of depression he’d barely scraped past the first time. 
 "But now…
Two months…
Two months in comparison to never is nothing," He said with a little itching grin, his eyes tired and sad, yet having a soft glow of joy to match the little twitching smile.
For just a moment he gazed down at his daughter, realizing that she didn't look just like him. There was plenty she took from her mother, being the perfect harmony between the two, something he’d only then realized he wanted,
‘A kid of my own... with (f/n) nonetheless...
With the woman I  still love,’
 Absentmindedly, his fingers went down to fall upon the image, caressing the sight of them softly, lovingly, as well as longingly, 
' Until then, I have to make sure that I'm everything you two need.' He silently swore, promising to not repeat any mistakes, hoping that somehow (f/n) still loved him just as much as he did her.
“From her letters, she still thinks about you plenty.” Bruno nonchalantly informed him, growing surprised to see the level of enthusiasm that lifted the other man’s features to life, 
“She does?” Leone said with hopefulness, 
“ Certainly,” Bruno replied back, neatly gathering the pictures together, as well as pulling a small stack of letters within carefully opened envelopes to stack them all together, 
“You should see so yourself,” He advised, handing him the collection, “Any fool could see that through it all, she still harbors the same feelings for you, holding no true resentment.
And speaking on a  personal note; 
 If I were you, I wouldn’t ever throw away the opportunity to have something so precious within my grasp.” The don spoke with a little, longing look to his eye that made Abbacchio nod back knowingly. 
“Don’t worry,” the long-haired male said back, “I won’t let it slip past me, not again,” he added with the utmost confidence, willing to do everything it took to give his girls the world.
Following parts : 
The Reader Reunites With Leone
Leone Plays Teaparty with his little girl
(D/n) Meets Giorno
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cottoncandy-jester · 4 years
Heyo! In Little Cucciolo you wrote that readers ass was still red from previous spanks for biting abba sand i was wondering if you could write something about that? Also that fic was amazing btw!!
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My first request! Thank you so much also I was gonna gonna write something else for that story anyways cause master abba dealing with feral reader makes me weak!
This story contains: talk of blood, spanking, male reader, more public sex cause honestly abba has no chill,
I hope this was good enough to fill your request!
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Even if with all the intense training you have your stray dog relapses, you are normally a good boy for leone always following his orders and doing exactly what you are told but today was just for some reason a bad day for you.
It started with you refusing to put the muzzle on in the morning, you would squirm and growl everytime leone tried to put the item on you to the point where he had to stop trying cause you were fighting him to the point where your nails digged into his hands
"I don't know what the hell is wrong with you Cucciolo, but you better fix your behavior before I punish you for it"
his harsh tone made you flinch but you simply snarled lowly under your breath as you turned your head away, leone hated when you acted out but it only made him excited to put you in your place. Your behavior started to get better as the day went on but it quickly regressed when leone caught you trying to chew your leash off, you managed to bite through some of the leather now tugging to break it off.
You didn't even realize leone caught you until he yanked you up from under the table and now sitting in his lap as he squeezed your face trying to get you to drop the leash currently in your mouth.
"the hell do you think are you doing? You know the rules bambino so why are you being such a brat today?! Drop it."
His question was met with snarls and growls from you turned your head away when he moved his other hand to pry your jaw open, this was met with you struggling In his lap from close mouth squeals of annoyance to pushing his face away from you, which surprised him greatly but it didn't stop him from forcing your mouth open
Once open he reached into your mouth for the leash only to feel you clamp down as far as you possibly could, the feeling of warm blood filled your mouth as you got so worked up you completely forgot who it was you were biting.
Everyone at the table was quite shocked at the action and bruno even stood up to try and help but leone simply gave a pained grunt.
"feel better now? Got it all out your damn system? I don't know what has gotten into you but you went too far this time [y/n]"
His cold tone snapped you out of whatever feral state you were in only to look at leone in the eyes and see a burning rage in them. As you released your hold on his hand you could only think about the punishment facing you, out of submission you tried to nuzzle against him lovingly to show that you were sorry but you were only met with a rough grip onto your arm.
Before you could try and escape your fate you were forced across leone's lap and your pants and underwear now around your ankles, you tensed up slightly as people started to stare.
"oi! Abbacchio! Is now really the time t-"
"they fucking bit me mista, they NEVER bite me! It's only fair if I spank whatever shitty attitude they have right out of them right here right now who gives a damn as to whose watching"
You started to panic and reached out to the nearest person who happened to be bruno but he simply locked eyes with you before a small smile formed on his lips. it was very clear he definitely wanted to watch this and he even helped by using sticky fingers to zip your mouth shut. Your muffled whines only made the capo chuckle before he pressed a finger to his lips signaling for you to quiet down.
"make it quick abbacchio, we shouldn't stay here too long."
"yeah yeah I got it, 40 should be enough"
Hearing the large number was enough to make you squirm and struggle only to be held firmly in place. A hand swiftly spanked your ass roughly which made a muffled cry come from you, the feeling of pain and pleasure mixing into one just from that one hit.
"I only spanked you once and you're already hard? What a slutty little masochist, still doesn't excuse the fact that you bit me"
When another slap hit your ass you couldn't help but buck your hips against leone's leg practically grinding against him.
Each slap was harder than the next and by 30 you were shaking and whining with your cock throbbing, bruno decided to unzip your lips after that they could hear your moans for the last ten spanks. you were definitely drooling and panting, your ass so red small drops of blood was forming.
"only ten more, Cucciolo be a good boy and take it"
You tightly closed your eyes as another hit made you gasp before you buried your face into leone's thigh drooling all over him as muffled sobs could be heard during the last part of your punishment. It was during that last and final slap that you bucked your hips and cummed all over the ground and leone's lap.
Your eyes rolling back and your tongue out as you got your climax and you let out heavy panting, you realized your mistake of cumming during a punishment and you gulped before looking at leone who looked like he wanted to throttle you. He simply pulled your pants back up before shoving you off his lap.
"you better lick up every single last drop that landed on me, unless you want more spankings"
His warning made you flinch as you quickly moved from off his lap to on your knees your tongue now trailing along the fabric licking up the sticky drops of cum and even sucking the stains that were left.
Leone watched you before reaching out and running his hands through your hair as he noticed you definitely seemed a lot more docile.
"see, isn't it better when you behave Cucciolo?"
His soft tone made you look at him before a happy hum escaped you before you finished up and hopped into his lap with a bright smile
"kiss! Kisssss~ gimme gimme kissy~"
Your slurred happy tone was enough for leone to simply lean forward and press a soft quick kiss to your lips. You both knew he couldn't really stay mad at you for too long.
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jojoimaginestories · 4 years
Thank you (Giorno Giovanna)
Thank you
Paring: Giorno Giovanna x Fem! Reader Words: 1699 Warning: Mild Language, Fluff, Protective!Abbacchio a bit, Bruno wants to play matchmaker, kind!Reader, a little bit dark but not EXTREMELY dark Requested By: None
**Gif not mine**
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Some people would describe you as a broken soul. You were between this existence and the land of the dead. Some would say you had lost your will to live and were just trying to find someone who would give you that one shred of love you ask for. Some have just assumed you were extra baggage no one claimed. You were nothing, in their terms. Others, however, described you as something differently.
You did things for the kindness of others. They explained that you haven’t found your path and were a bit misguided by others. You were tossed on a beaten path and came out scarred. Well, they weren’t long. Life itself was scarring. It gave people wounds deep within, things that needed to be buried up and held inside.
Despite you being in your mid to late teens, your experience made people think you were in your late 20s. Wait until you tell them your age. Their jaws will drop in an instant. The first person whose jaw didn’t drop was your leader, Bruno Bucciarati.
Bucciarati had found you while you were young and easily influenced, but he knew really why you were the way you were. Years of neglect, searching for something to do, searching for a purpose. He was one of the men in your life that gave some meaning. The second, was Leone Abbacchio. Back in his cop days, he found you searching through a trash can trying to find food and he bought you something to eat. You were very thankful to him. The day you found out he wasn’t a cop anymore, you asked Bucciarati to find him and scout him. That day that Abbacchio joined, you were grateful. You had already met Fugo by that point, then came along Narancia and Mista. You had your own family, and had found a piece of something you had searched for.
The day Giorno Giovanna joined Passione, you felt that he had different intentions than the others. There was something about him that didn’t settle with you, but it couldn’t be that he was bad or anything. He was actually quite nice to you, in fact, he warmed up to you due to how close you both were age-wise. He opened up to you and Bucciarati more. Abbacchio had a thing against him, but the others were fine with him.
“Hey, Brat,” Abbacchio muttered towards you as you looked up to face him.
“Yeah Abba,” You asked innocently.
He ruffled your hair. “I’m gonna be gone on a mission for a few days. It’ll just be you, Bruno, and the other brat,” He hummed. “If he does something to you, I’ll fuck him up, alright?”
You blinked. “…Do you mean Giorno?”
He grunted at the sound of his name. “Yeah. I mean him. If he does something, I’ll make him wish he was never born. Alright?”
You slowly nodded. “Don’t threaten him like he’s going to murder me. We’ll be fine, alright? You better come back,” You stood and puffed your cheeks towards him. “Last time, we couldn’t play cards and you promised we would.”
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll be careful.” He ruffled your hair again before walking off.
You watched him and the others depart, wishing them luck and waving bye. You saw Bucciarati turn towards you and Giorno as he nodded.
“I have to go somewhere for a bit as well. I won’t be back until tomorrow, hold down here (Y/n),” He nodded to you, then nodded towards Giorno. “Make sure she doesn’t get in trouble. She does that often.”
“…Not often,” You puffed your cheeks out. “But sometimes…”
“Exactly,” He chuckled and left.
You grabbed your book that you were reading and returned to your sitting position on the couch, leaving Giorno where he stood.
“What’re you reading (Y/n),” Said boy appeared near you as he looked at the book in your hands.
You perked up. “This is a good book! It’s about a knight fighting for a princess against the whole kingdom because she’s betrothed to another. It’s so cheesy, but I like it!” You grinned and looked up at him. “What’re you gonna do, Giorno? You can practically do anything while they’re gone to keep yourself busy.”
He stood up straight. “I might just go on a walk. I’m a bit hungry actually.”
You stood up next to him. You weren’t that short compared to Giorno, but you still had to look up at him. “Then let’s go! I know a place that sells home cooked food~!”
You dragged him along and giggled. His cheeks were a bit flushed.
You two spent the day walking around the city. You admired a lot of things, mainly scenery and little snacks you two decided to eat on your adventure. What Giorno did was admire you. You see, ever since he met you, he couldn’t help but feel attracted to you. He thought there was something enchanting about you, something he couldn’t ignore. He wanted to say something to you, but knowing who was there to protect you, Abbacchio would be first to deliver a swift ass-kicking to Giorno for tainting you. Though, really, you were simply an innocent girl just trying to find her path. And he wanted to be there every step of the way when you would soon find your path one day.
“Look, it’s (Y/n),” You both heard. “She looks so happy for once, maybe someone finally wants her.”
“Oh, I doubt it. I heard she’s a prostitute. She sells her body because she can’t find anyone who would want to touch her.”
You froze at the voices. Your happy exterior vanished as your mind became hollow. It was typical to hear things like that at this point, but it didn’t stop your emotions from feeling something from it. Giorno saw your face and thought. He breathed. He cupped your cheeks and made you face him. He pecked your lips gently and pulled away.
“Don’t believe them,” He murmured. “You are the happiest girl I’ve ever seen. Even I know there’s something enchanting about you, and rumors won’t change that.”
Your hollowed eyes returned your emotions as you stared at Giorno’s fiery-green eyes. He pulled away and tugged on your hand.
“Let’s get you some gelato. I want your smile to return.”
You stared at him as the two of you walked. You moved towards him and wrapped your arms around one of his. You stared at him in awe.
“Why’d you just kiss me,” You mumbled.
He blinked as his face got red. He looked away from you and rubbed the back of his neck. “I-I… I just wanted to, okay? Don’t think so much into it,” He murmured.
Your eyes glowed. “Do you like me, Giorno?”
“Of course, I do. Everyone in Passione does.”
“But do you LIKE me? As in, are you in love with me?” You smiled. “Do you?”
“…I may…”
You giggled. You leaned up and kissed his cheek. “Then I’m in love with you too~!”
He looked at you. “Won’t the others hurt me for confessing my feelings for you?”
You shook your head. “No, just Abbacchio, but if I explained how you defended me, he’ll just reprimand you. I’m pretty sure Bucciarati had nothing planned and wanted us to be by ourselves.”
Giorno blinked in realization that the way Bruno left was a bit too sudden for his liking. “Huh… do you think that clearly?”
“I study people for a living, Giorno,” You winked. “It’s my job to.”
His cheeks flushed a bit as he smiled. “You should tell me more about it.”
“I will when you buy me gelato first~! That way, we can properly enjoy this date.”
By the time the others returned, they saw Giorno leaned against you as you were reading. You looked up and waved.
“Did you two fight while were gone? You both look tuckered out,” Mista chuckled.
“Aw, we missed the fun,” Narancia pouted.
“We didn’t fight,” You sighed. “You think so lowly of us,” You pouted.
Abbacchio’s eyes darted between you and Giorno. He glared at him. “Oi, brat, get off of (Y/n),” He muttered and almost kicked him.
You gasped. “Hey, don’t mess with my boyfriend,” You muttered.
They all gave you a shocked expression as Bruno sipped his cappuccino in a recliner. “I told you all leaving them alone was good,” He hummed. “Give me by bets now,” He held his hands up.
Fugo grunted. “You staged it, you know that,” He asked.
“It was just convenient.”
Fugo turned towards you. “Was this forced,” He asked. “I know you rush into things quickly, (Y/n).”
“No, this wasn’t force,” You waved dismissively. “I’m full of genuine feelings. Now seriously, he’s napping Abba, if you kick him, I will kick you.”
“She won’t hesitate either,” Narancia laughed. “She did that once and your headphones almost broke!”
“It was almost scary,” Mista shivered. “That’s why I stay on her good side.” He walked off.
Abbacchio still glared at Giorno. You leaned forward a bit and looked into his eyes. “He saved me from these women calling me out on the street, you know? One called me a prostitute and said that no one loves me. He reminded me that I am loved.” You smiled. “So be nice to him.”
He huffed. “Alright, fine, I won’t kick his ass. But he better watch himself,” He muttered and walked off. “I need a bottle of wine.”
“Thank you Abba!”
Giorno woke up from his nap as he looked up at you. “Why did I hear voices,” He asked quietly.
“The others got back. Bucciarati is now richer, Abba was a bit pissed but he won’t hurt you, Mista and the others are cool with it, and I’m pretty sure Fugo is going to punish Narancia with math. You didn’t miss much,” You winked.
“Huh. You did say that Abbacchio wouldn’t hurt me but reprimand me.”
You nodded sharply. “I’m a smart cookie! He’s just telling you to watch yourself.”
He chuckled. “You’re lively aren’t you? You’re certainly not hollow.”
Your cheeks flushed a bit as you stared at him. You smiled softly. “Thank you, Giorno.”
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evaxsombra · 4 years
Kadeu, Spade Territory, Leon Estate
Summer, Evening
Evangeline, 16 y.o.
Evangeline paced to and fro across the living room, hardly caring that she couldn’t see where she was going. Every time she bumped her shin against a piece of furniture, she screamed in annoyance. It had been a year since she defected to Clubs and been taken in by Prospero. Since then, he’d done nothing but help her in developing her Shifter abilities. It had take a few months to settle on which animals she wanted to become part of her, and even more months to acquire the animals themselves so she could collect their hearts. She hadn’t felt great about that, killing in order to gain their abilities, but she had vowed it wouldn’t be in vain. She would master her Shifter powers even if it killed her!
The problem was she hadn’t been successful in the slightest. Eva was at her wits end and Prospero even more so having to deal with a frustrated, hungry, teenage Shapeshifter. Somewhere in the back of Eva’s mind she knew she should calm down, that it wasn’t anybody’s fault, that Prospero was doing his best. She worried if she kept up the attitude, the Jack might just change his mind about keeping her around and send her packing back to Clubs. Abandon her just like her parents had.
But Evangeline couldn’t help it. “I can’t do it!”
“It’s EVA,” the young girl swung her shiny new cane toward Prospero’s voice, but she felt his own block it before her cane could make contact with his body. She really needed to get her temper under control. She was surprised, blocking was all Prospero was doing. That didn’t stop Eva from trying, though. She growled, “I’ve been at this for months, Prospero. You said I was supposed to feel something. You said the Shifters you talked to said the animals just reach out. That all I have to do it feel them. Well, I’ve been doing that and I can’t feel anything!”
The last word ended in something near a wail. Eva hated to cry and she rarely did so. There had been no time to cry when you were surviving as a One in Clubs and there definitely no time to cry when you were trying to focus on shifting for the first time. But Eva’s chest felt tight and her eyes began to water and she so hopeless. All she had ever wanted in this life were two things—to have a family to call her own and to be able to shift as a true Shapeshifter could. It had taken her so long to open up to Prospero and his kindness, but eventually she had found her family in him and Hilo and Anton and all the others who made it known she was cherished.
Now all she was working on was finding that missing link that would connect her to her heritage, her species, her parents. Eva could feel the gaping hole in her soul that told her she was missing something crucial, something important and beautiful and indescribable. She had tried to explain it to Prospero a few times, but there truly were no words for the way she had felt lacking all her life. Most would chalk it up to her blindness, but Eva knew it was because her Shifter abilities had yet to come forth. Maybe that’s why Shifter’s had such crazy appetites, she thought, because we’re always hungry for that piece of us that we can’t quite hold on to.
Gods, Eva was hungry. Concentrating this hard had never been her forte and it was taking a lot out of her. She felt the press of something into her hand and automatically wrapped her hands around it, bringing it to her nose. “Apples! I thought these were out of season?” Her mood was brightened almost instantly at her favorite snack being presented to her. She could hear Prospero’s bemused amusement at her sudden change in attitude.
“I knew you would be a brat and so I had Lilith fetch them from an Elementalist I know. You always did need encouragement.”
Eva had the decency to look ashamed, but the hand ruffling her hair made her scowl, then giggle. She really did love all the doting she got from House Leon. They spoiled her rotten and she couldn’t get enough of it, but Prospero pulled away quickly, gruff in his affection.
“Now, instead of complaining about it, let’s try it again. Or are you quitting after all the work you put in?” That got a rise out of Eva. She was no quitter. She had fought all her life and she’d be damned if she’d let anybody imply otherwise. She shift, damnit!
Oh. She felt a ripple across her skin, a rumble in her bones, a calling in heart. Something was calling her. “Prospero,” she whispered excitedly, “I feel something.”
“Not another bout of frustration, I hope.”
Eva waved him away impatiently. “No, no. This is different. I feel something.”
“Yes, oh. Now, quiet! I’m concentrating.”
For once, the Strongarm didn’t grumble about her disrespect and remained silent. Eva concentrated on the call from within. Something primal and knowing and so comforting. She wanted to fly to it. She wanted wings so she could carry herself to the whatever was beckoning her to follow.
“Miss Santiago!” Lilith shouted. “Hahahaha! Excellent work, Eva! You’re doing it!” Prospero rejoiced.
Wait. What?!
When Eva mentally reached out to examine her body, she realized it felt so much lighter than normal. She heard the flapping of wings and when she shouted in alarm and excitement, an animalistic screech came out instead.
And with it, the world appeared. The walls of the Leon household were mapped out before her, the sound of her screech bouncing from one wall to the next and off the furniture and—oh my gods, there’s Prospero and Lilith! Eva turned her body awkwardly, working to flap her leathery wings, but they barely paid her any mind and she flew headlong into a wall. Her body was thrown back and she was disoriented, but another screech unveiled her surroundings once more and—gods, Eva could SEE. It was nothing like what she imagined normal eyes could make out, but in her mind’s eye, the sound from her small body was creating a large world, far larger than she ever anticipated, and the emotions coursing through her were too much for what she now realized was her bat form.
She let her wings drop and Eva felt herself drop towards the floor, but pulled herself once more by expanding her wings, riding on the small draft coming from a window that she could see off to her right thanks to her hearing. That was the other thing—it was so loud. Prospero and Lilith’s breaths, the creaking of the floorboards, the murmurs of passing people out on the streets and the trot of hooves on cobblestone. It was too much and it was everything.
Eva knew she should shift back to human and celebrate with the Leons her accomplishment, but not yet. Not yet. She needed this. She could feel the call now surrounding her, embracing her, welcoming her home. Eva was home in her own body for the first time ever and she didn’t want to let this feeling go. She was afraid that when she turned back into a human, all this would be gone. But Prospero was calling and that was another call she could not ignore—the call of her family. So she turned back into a human after much struggle—but the feeling didn’t abandon her much to her relief and she allowed herself to feel the unadulterated joy of finally becoming a Shapeshifter.
Eva surfed the breeze on her bat wings and let the winter’s chill run over her fur. It was a bit harder to navigate Kadeu when she was above the buildings, but she kinda liked the freedom of not knowing where she was going. It wasn’t like before she’d been able to shift. The uncertainty didn’t terrify her now that she had animals that called to her in their eagerness to aid her when she was in trouble. They were always with her just like her family was among the factions down below.
Nothing compared to the magic of her first shift, the sudden and profound freedom she’d gained in that moment. The immediate clarity she’d earned upon seeing the world with her voice and wondering if either of her parents had experienced the joys of being a Shapeshifter. It had felt like she was connecting to everyone and everything in all the ways she had always hoped she would.
And now she’d never have to fear being alone again. Her Shifter abilities had ensured that. With a screech, Eva dived down into the city and between the buildings and over streets and people until she landed on human feet in front of the Leon estate. Lilith had gotten Elementalist-grown apples today and she wasn’t about to miss eating them alongside Prospero and company. Maybe she’d take some to Hilo and Anton later.
“Prospero! You better be up or I’m eating all these apples, ya hear me!”
The door shut just as Prospero yelled out his own grouchy response.
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kismetintheuniverse · 4 years
Leone Abbacchio x Bruno Bucciarati - Just for the moment.
Tw: Mental Breakdowns/Panic Attacks/Flashbacks/Blood, Read with caution. 
Sorry if the formatting is weird :/
Enjoy! Cut due to tws and length.
“Abbacchio! Watch out, he has a gun!”
Leone’s eye’s suddenly snap wide open, filling his static-like vision with an image of his dark room. His entire body is trembling, and he can feel the sweat pooling underneath his body and onto his sheets.
He sits up in his bed, his breath completely erratic and heavy. The words from his dreams echo in his ears.
Those words were the last one’s he had ever heard from his former partner, from when he worked as an officer.
He runs a hand through his long, silver-purple strands of hair, trying to collect his thoughts.
He has to just breathe. He’s in the present now.
He can faintly see the outline of his own legs under the pillow, he can hear the ticking of the clock in his room. All of it comforts him - to an extent - yet he can’t stop the way his body shakes.
Leone tries to catch his breath, clutching at his chest with his free hand.
All he can think about is those last words, what led him to those events. As he thinks about it, he feels like absolute scum.
He had been a cop once, for the city of Naples. He graduated top of his class, right after finishing high school. He had once been bright eyed, full of hope to make Italy a better place.
He quickly learned that his dream wasn’t possible.
Leone had only been protecting the streets for a few months, but he instantly found so many contradictions. He saw how so many criminals got bailed out instantly, and he was under so much pressure from the local civilians.
One day while patrolling, he cracked.
He took a bribe from some thug, figuring he would get bailed out, even if he did lock him up. They both had something to gain from the situation, and he took advantage of it.
“Go around back, I’ll check the front!”
Fuck, the voice is so vivid within his mind.
With shaking hands, Leone reaches across the expanse of darkness, towards the end table at his bed. His hands stutter around clumsily, feeling the objects on the surface. Hair tie, lipstick, phone, wallet, and so on so forth. After a few moments of searching he feels a box, and takes it into his hands.
He leans against the frame of his bed, using his nimbly fingers to open up the box and slide out the contents. It’s a package of pills, specifically the ones for his depression, ptsd, anxiety. All the 'fun' stuff.
He peels away at the foil, using his rather long and painted nails to peel up the stubborn layer. Once he opens it up, he grabs a pill, tossing the other ones to the side lazily.
He hurriedly pops the medicine into his mouth, scrunching his mouth at the horrid taste, but swallowing regardless.
“Hah…” Leone pants, his voice coming out deep and husky, dry from sleeping all night. He can feel the way his chapped lips push together. However, he makes no attempt to move.
The pale moonlight seeps in through his bedroom window, gently illuminating the wall and floor, just enough to see.
“Oh hey…! It’s you!”
Leone grips his head, a painful throb resonating throughout his entire head. He can feel his stomach churning, his ‘dinner’ from last night threatening to leave. (If you can count wine and cigarettes as a meal.)
With great effort, he swings his legs over the side of the bed, rising to his full (and impressive) height. His head spins, and he stumbles forward a bit, trying not to fall flat on his face. His foot brushes against something smooth and cold, which causes him to flinch.
His mind instantly goes to a stand attack, but once he looks down, he finds it’s just an empty beverage bottle. That nightmare has really put him on edge.
He takes slow steps forwards, his arms extended out awkwardly to make sure he doesn’t ram face-first into a wall. He’s never had the best vision at night, his eyes have a rare sort of defect. It causes them to be a weird mixture of purple and yellow, but he doesn’t mind. He barely takes care of his looks beyond hair and makeup. Too much effort.
He finally reaches his door, and he grabs the cold, brass knob, turning it and swinging the door open. The hallway is dark as well, the faint outline of pictures being present on the wall.
It’s completely silent as he makes his way down the hall, except for the faint sound of music playing. He furrows his eyebrows, wondering who could be awake at this hour. (Well he already could rule out a few people, Fugo since he sleeps like a rock and goes to bed early, Narancia because all he listens to is Snoop Dog.) That leaves Mista, Giovanna, and Bruno. He figures Bruno is the most likely to be up.
He doesn’t worry himself with it too much, making it to the stairway and heading downstairs. He's already got too much on his mind.
“You can pretend you never saw this… Right?”
Leone gulps dryly, bringing a hand to the back of his neck and scratching it. His skin feels like it’s crawling everywhere, and it’s driving him insane.
He speeds up his pace, making it through the darkness and into the kitchen. The tile feels cold and smooth under his feet - it’s a weird sensation. Either way, he makes towards the counters, reaching up top into the cabinets.
Swinging the cabinet door open, he feels around for a glass, and eventually settles on what could seemingly be one. He pulls it out and flips it in his hand, shuffling over to the sink.
Usually he’d rather have filtered water from a bottle, but he doesn’t have much of a choice. He feels for the handles and turns the cold side on, hastily sticking it under the faucet. The noise of the water running is rather loud but he can't be bothered to care.
He takes a long sip of the water, his dry throat instantly feeling some relief. The dark part of his mind screams that he doesn't deserve the drink. He tries to ignore but it swarms towards the front of his head, making him feel even shittier.
“It’ll be our secret, c-come on, man!”
His stomach twists into knots, and all he can do is force down another drink of his water. It’d sure be nice if his medication kicked in.
He sits down the glass clumsily on the counter, propping his arms against the edge of the sink and leaning forward. He closes his eyes, inhaling deeply through his nose. Though - no matter how hard he breathes - he can’t get that metallic stench out of his nose. He can still feel that warm, sticky, crimson liquid splatter onto his chest and face, everywhere. It feels like he's choking on his own thoughts, and he hates it. He just wants it to stop.
Leone nearly jumps out of his skin, his eyes snapping open his stand energy flowing from him freely. Though, through the darkness, he can see Bruno in front of him, wrapped in a robe and holding something in his hand. “Watch out, he has a gun!”
He grabs his head, trying to mask it by running his hands through his hair and pushing it back.
“What're you doing up, Capo?” He questions, his voice gritty and sounding a bit irritated. He hates himself even more. The figure of Bruno takes a few steps back, his hand running along the wall.
The lights flicker on. He’s able to see Bruno fully, his messy hair, coffee mug in his hand, everything. Even the dark circles underneath his eyes, which concerns him. He'd question him if he weren't currently drowning in self-pity.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Bruno replies suspiciously, narrowing his eyes slowly. Leone reaches back and grabs his cup from the counter, shakily bringing it to his lips. God, he needs to get it together.
“Hard time sleeping,” He mumbles, each word feeling like it’s sticking to the back of his throat. He hated feeling weak, and right now, he was feeling more vulnerable than ever. Bruno takes a few steps forward, as slowly as a snail. He seemed weary and concerned, which just made Leone feel worse.
“You’re shaking terribly,” Bruno points out after a deafening moment of stillness and silence. He was right, Leone was having a hard time even standing on his feet.
“I’ll tell e-everyone what you did!”
Leone chokes on air, squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head from side to side. It was all his fault. He put this suffering upon himself, and he deserved it.
“I’m fine,” He growls out, lowering his head. Bruno shouldn’t have to worry about him, he’s an adult! He already has the brats to deal with. He shouldn't have to deal with a grown mans problems. God, how pathetic.
“No, you’re not, talk to me,” Bruno demands, the tone in his voice taking up that maternal sound. He keeps his eyes closed, he knew if he opened them up, he would fall apart at the seams.
“I told you I’m fine!” He shouts, his voice coming out louder than intended. He grabs his head, feeling it throb painfully. Wow, he managed to make his headache even worse. Why can’t he do anything right?
“Leone,” Bruno uses his first name, and before he can even process it, there’s a gentle hand laying on his shoulder.
“Watch out!”
The taller male breaks, jerking himself away from Bruno, letting out a dry sob; all with his eyes closed. He doesn’t want to be touched. Not on his shoulder. Not where he had been pulled out of the way, a life for a life. He leans backwards against the counter, covering his eyes with his forearm. He can feel tears pricking at his eyes, and it stings like a bitch.
“L-Leone,” Bruno stutters out, sounding a bit astonished. His breathing picks up in speed. Great, now he’s worried. That’s all he ever is, a worry, a nuisance. He hates this feeling. Why aren’t his pills working by now?
“Please, breathe, it’s alright,” The ravenette places both his hands on Leone’s shoulders. He can’t help but break even more, a single tear rolling down his pale cheek.
“Leo,” Bruno’s tone softens into something he’s only heard a few times before. The tone he uses to calm Mista from his tetraphobia induced panic attacks, when Narancia gets nightmares, when Fugo goes into his bouts of rage, when Trish feels weak and upset. If he opened his eyes, he knew the look Bruno would have on his face.
“I-” He cuts himself off with a dry sob, his chest heaving up and down for air. “I said I-I'm fine,” He states, yet the weakness of his voice and tears running down his cheeks say otherwise. He aggressively wipes away the tears at his eyes, letting out a few coughs.
He keeps his eyes screwed shut tight, and he can hear light footsteps approach him. Within seconds, he feels a warm pair of arms wrap around him, despite his arm over his face. He slowly removes it, body still shaking and chest heaving.
He can’t see much - not through his bleary and teary eyes. However, the feeling of Bruno’s warmth soothed him to an extent. He slowly returns the hug, sniffling quietly and resting his head next to Bruno’s. He doesn’t want to let go - he feels like he might float away if he does.
“Breathe,” Bruno mummers softly, rocking back and forth gently on his feet. If he weren’t so upset - he would have chuckled at the way the ravenette is treating him like a child. He tries his best to breathe, but he ends up exhaling and coughing hard.
“Hey, take it easy,” Bruno says, leaning away from the hug to presumably take a look at his face. However, Leone pulls him back with his trembling arms, letting out a quiet sob. A few more tears build within his eyes. God, he feels so useless, clinging to his Capo like some kind of kid. He’s older than him for god’s sake!
“Come on, you have to just breathe,” The ravenette insists, exaggerating his own breathing to give him a guide. “I’m here,” Bruno reassures, patting his back and rubbing circles on it. Leone feels better at this, some of his tears subdued. Still, the guilt pricks at his senses.
He tries to match his breathing with Bruno, this time his coughs calming. He felt like he was suffocating, but he still tried his best, inhaling hard. He leans on him slightly, his eyes feeling so wet and sticky.
“Come on, let’s go sit down,” He hums softly, slowly separating his body from Leone’s. The taller male lets him do so, feeling significantly calmer than before. His entire body still trembles, but his breathing is stable enough for the moment.
Bruno wraps an arm around his shoulder, and Leone gratefully uses the support, the two of them walking in tandem out of the kitchen. He can see clearer, but he relies on his Capo to be his eyes for the moment, closing his eyes.
“Sit down,” Bruno beckons, and he opens his eyes, finding himself in front of the couch. He tenses his eyebrows, slowly sitting down on the couch. He - metaphorically - feels his joints creak. However, the soft material against his body calms him. The couch dips beside him, Bruno joining him and tentatively placing a hand on his knee.
“Now, can you tell me what’s going on?” The Capo speaks softly and with empathy, and Leone has the feeling that Bruno already knew what had shaken him. The white-haired male lets out a long and shaky sigh, lowering his head to the side in embarrassment.
“I… Alessandro,” Leone mumbles gruffly, leaning his head back against the couch and covering his eyes with his forearm. He feels his heart clench painfully just saying his partner's name. He’s gone, and it’s his fault. That was set in stone for him, no matter how much Bruno had told him otherwise.
“Oh, Leone,” Bruno sighs in a sad tone, his hand gently pushing his forearm from his eyes. He doesn’t tear his eyes away from the ceiling, feeling guilty tears build in his eyes again. All he is a disappointment, a burden. He doesn’t want to feel like this, he just wants to feel numb.
“You know it isn’t your fault, right?” Bruno asks rhetorically, leaning his head against Leone’s broad shoulder. “No one blames you. I didn’t know Alessandro personally but, I’m sure he wouldn’t want you to feel like this. He sacrificed his life so you could continue on,” Bruno looks up towards Leone, and can see the tears sliding down his face.
“You don’t know that,” He mumbles as a weak response, his voice scratchy and dry. Instinctively, Bruno reaches out his hand, wiping away Leone’s stray tears with his thumbs. Leone notices the calloused texture of his hand and lets out a low sigh - he’d have to offer him some lotion one day.
“I do,” Bucciarati replies with a bittersweet smile, shaking his head, “I sure do.” Leone doesn’t have to ask to know what he means. He brings his head back down, looking at Bruno's face. It’s full of concern, and a glint of something else.
“I can’t do anything right,” Prying his eyes away from Bruno’s icy blue eyes and dragging a hand down his face. He rubs the bags under his eyes. He’s going to need a lot of concealer later on. He moves his hands away, his lip pulling into a grimace.
“Don’t say that, it’s not true,” Bruno mumbles, his hand wandering down to Leone’s chin. A shiver runs up his spine, and he averts his eyes quickly. It is true, how come Bruno sees it differently? Hell, he should be disgusted with him, but here is, soothing him from his breakdown.
“Look at me,” Bruno demands firmly, gently tugging his chin to where he was basically forced to look at him. Leone’s two-toned eyes land on the icy blue ones in front of him. He can see a lot within his eyes - worry, determination, nostalgia.
He notices something else. Bruno is looking at him like he’s-
“I love you, Leo,” Bruno proclaims, sucking in a long breath of air.
What? He what? Leone blinks a few times in shock. No way.
The two both subconsciously lean forward, neither one daring to take a breath. Leone can’t even believe it’s happening, Bruno said he loves him? He can’t tell if God is cruel for this, or if it’s a miracle.
He doesn’t have time to mull over it. Their faces become inches apart, and Leone’s eyes flutter shut. He feels Bruno’s breath tickle against his face, and before he knows it, their lips connect. It’s so soft, like laying his lips on a warm cloud. He can clearly feel how dry his own lips are. However, he feels so much overwhelming love in the kiss - he hopes he’s also returning that same love.
After only a few moments, they both gently lean away from each other, separating their lips. Leone’s eyes flutter open, and he sees the flushed look on Bruno’s face, his lips pressed into a tight line. Leone returns the expression, his eyebrows tensing and his face turning slightly red. He has wanted to do that for the longest time.
Leone reaches out his hand, grabbing Bruno’s within his own. “Spend your love on someone worthy of it,” He mumbles, looking away, his heart twinging painfully. He really does love Bucciarati, but how could he ever make him happy. Bruno saved his life, that’s a debt he can never repay. Add housing, food, and joy? Yeah.
“Leo, this is not time for your self-deprecating bullshit, hear me?” Bruno suddenly raises his voice, an extremely firm tone. He looks… mad? However, not in the same way he’d get made at enemies on the battlefield - not in the same way he got mad when he lost track of something. It was more of… firm concern? “I don’t care what you say, you’re worth it! Don’t feel like you owe me anything, alright! I’m not going to say it again,” Bruno insists with a finalized tone, giving Leone’s hand a squeeze with each word. Leone was rendered speechless, how in the world could he respond to that?
He knew he couldn’t verbally respond, so instead, he lifts Bruno’s hands to his lips, grazing a soft kiss onto his knuckles.
“Now, you need rest, alright?” Bruno adds in a much softer tone than before, a small smile on his face. Leone rolls his eyes, leaning forward towards Bruno.
“Yeah, whatever,” He mumbles, his free hand reaching out and tucking a loose strand of Bruno’s hair behind his ear. "Sorry for all of this," He adds, chuckling dryly. His eyes felt so heavy from all the tears he had shed, and his head still throbbed painfully. However, Bruno was there, and that's all that matters. For the moment, he'd be fine.
Just for the moment.
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Surprise ::Bruno Bucciarati x Fem!Reader::
Waiting for a pizza, gonna write a fic in the time it takes to get here
"Come on," Started the Ex-cop. He leaned against the table with a sly grin. On the other side of the table was his friend and boss, sitting utterly impassive and stone faced. "You can tell me. What are you hiding?"
"I have been tortured before, Leone," Bucciarati started confidently, "I've kept my mouth shut under far more intense circumstances and there is no man alive that could get information out of me-"
"I have your girlfriend on speed dial."
"Alright, let's not be hasty now," Bucciarati warned, "Fine, but you can't tell anyone." The man stood, reaching for the zipper on his neck and taking his jacket off. "She can't find out about this. She'd kill me."
"That sentence is drastically different to what you just finished telling me-"
"Shut up and do not mention this to anyone," Bruno folded his jacked past his shoulders, showing off his upper arm and a new black intricate tattoo. It wrapped around his arm and in the center was stunning calligraphy. Abbacchio smirked, tapping the table as he tried to piece together what he wanted to say. "We briefly talked about this but she wanted to get matching tattoos. She would kill me if she knew I went without her-"
"You got that tattoo big as shit on your arm. Oh that is... wow"
"She's the love of my life," Bruno hummed sweetly, "I can't imagine being with anyone but her."
"That is a very permanent addition," Abbacchio said nervously. Bucciarati pouted a bit. This isn't the reaction he expected to get from his best friend. Abbacchio being upset was insulting but it was for a very good reason. "...I am so sorry that I have to be the one to tell you this.... Her name is spelled wrong." The capo paused, his face contorting to pure horror. He put his jacket back on, rushing out of the room and presumably towards the nearest bathroom. Abbacchio quickly followed.
"Breathe Bruno, You can... probably get it fixed... or... removed... Yikes-"
"I must not have noticed in the mirror-"
"To be fair. In the mirror it would have been backwards so I can see how you didn't notice-"
"What am I going to do?" The capo whined uncharacteristically and buried his face in his hands. "The lettering is too tight, I can't fix it. It would throw off the design."
"....Hope that your girlfriend has a reading disability or get that shit lasered off." Abbacchio could only pat the man's back and hope that it was enough. Bruno stared in the mirror with a look that Leone could only describe as Hateful Horror. He knew though that Bucciarati was mostly blaming himself right now. A second later the bathroom door opened. Abbacchio turned around with a nasty scowl but calmed to see Mista and Fugo enter. The distraught capo didn't greet them, still staring at his arm. Seeing their boss shirtless, they assumed the worse, approaching and examining him.
"Bucciarati. The waiter told us you came in here.. are you hurt? Is everything okay... oh.." Fugo trailed off as he saw the new tattoo, quickly discovering the error. Mista looked it over and saw nothing wrong at first. He had to read it a few more times before letting out a hiss. "...That is not good."
"You have to cut that off with a knife." Mista suggested, "Or laser it."
"Both are equally painful." Abbacchio shrugged, "We can get it lasered off without her ever knowing-"
"I got it done hours ago," Bruno groaned, " I have to let it heal for up to 8 weeks before I can remove it."
"Shit, you guys live together. Good luck trying to hide that for 8 weeks." Mista mumbled. The bathroom door opened once more. Narancia and Giorno peeked in and were surprised to see everyone. As they entered another man tried to come in, only for Mista to shove him out of the bathroom with a hand in his face.
"WE'RE HAVING A MOMENT, STAY OUT!" The gunslinger yelled before locking the door. Narancia was marvelling over the tattoo and didn't see the error but Giorno noticed right away.
"Oh cool, you got a new tattoo!"
"Narancia, It's horribly misspelled." Giorno said calmly. "How much was it?"
"A lot," Bruno brushed it off, massaging his temple. "The money doesn't matter."
"Well of course it does," Giorno argued. He was so nonchalant about the situation that Bruno actually stopped for a moment. If anyone could have a good idea, it was Giorno. "The only think you're out is the money. That's so frustrating."
"Um, The money and the fucking arm space," Abbacchio corrected, "It takes up his whole bicep-"
"The tattoo is an easy fix." Giorno's declaration made everyone just stop. Bruno just looked at his boss, eyes full of hope.Leave it to him to save the day. "Just cut off the entire arm."
"Whoa, what?!" Fugo panicked, "You can't just-"
"I agree with Giorno," Mista started, "That's fucked. You just have to throw the whole arm out. Life with one arm should be fine-"
"He doesn't have to live with one arm. I can make him a new one," Giorno confidentiality said. He was absolutely right. Bucciarati let out a relieved laugh, already running through ways of thanking Giorno in his mind. "Just get rid of that one and I'll make you a new one."
"Brat comes through once again," Leone groaned, "Well, it's the best shot we've got. Let's get started with this."
You had just arrived at the restaurant and made your way to the back where you all normally sit. Seeing your boyfriends empty sleeve dangling and a wine glass slowly morphing into a forearm it was safe to say you were very confused.
"Tesoro," Bruno began sweetly, "It's good to see you."
"What the hell is going on? What happened to you?"
"Just a scratch."
"Just a scratch!? Your arm's off!"
"It's classified," Giorno covered, "No one can know what happened." The men all smirked and Narancia chuckled a little. You examined the scene, tapping your chin pensively as you fit the pieces together.
"...Does this have anything to do with the arm with my name spelled weird on it laying in the alley?" Narancia quickly stopped laughing and everyone turned to him. Abbacchio puffed his cheeks, trying not to swear at the teen. Mista mouthed the word 'fuck' and Fugo clicked his tongue.
"....Narancia..." Giorno began, "...We told you to get rid of it."
"...Well, uh... I didn't want to walk through the restaraunt with a severed arm so I thought I could throw it in the dumpster from the bathroom window-"
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" Abbacchio finally snapped, "WE WENT THROUGH ALL THAT-"
"You just abandoned it in the alley!?" Fugo weighed in. Narancia began frantically defending himself as Leone and Panacotta descended upon him and you just looked down at your boyfriend who absolutely didn't want to face you right now. You sighed, leaning down to him and flicking the side of his head.
"This wouldn't have happened if you just went with me instead of going on your own."
Had to end it quick, got my pizza. Is cheese. Is Yum.
I absolutely love how Gio's reaction is a straight "no prob fam I got your back: let's cut this arm off, I'll make you a new one dw" 😂😂😂😂 oh my God I loved it!! And yum that pizza sounds delicious **
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blouisparadise · 5 years
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There were so many amazing bottom Louis fics posted or completed during the month of July. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Bound (To Falling in Love) | Mature | 958 words
Note: The sequel to this fic is #2 on this list. 
Harry and Louis innocently cuddle on the couch until things get heated.
2) Nuh Uh, Honey | Mature | 1170 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic, which is #1 on this list.
So this is the ending of Bound (to falling in love) but with more detail. Long story short, Louis and Harry fuck.
3) 100ft Away | Explicit | 2479 words
Harry opens Grindr for a hookup and ends up with more than he bargained for. It all works out in the end.
4) I'm Looking for Closure | Not Rated | 2503 words
Note: This fic is the third part of a series. You can read the previous parts here.
“Say you can read my mind.” Harry said to Louis as he pushed Louis down onto the mattress. Louis squirmed as the covers rubbed against his skin.
“I can’t read your mind.” He said simply to Harry as he reached up to put his hands against Harry’s chest, trailing them down to Harry’s narrow hips.
“My mind is saying that I should just… just fucking go back in time. Go back so I could be your first.” Harry said, leaning down to lick into Louis’ hot mouth.
Or They finally fuck, sorry, I mean, make love.
5) The IT Fic | Mature | 3112 words
A fic where Harry is Pennywise & Louis is Georgie... Louis goes down to the sewers & Harry fucks him with a balloon as a condom.
aka a pwp that i wrote for shits and giggles. & yes, louis is of age
6) Souls | Mature | 3890 words
The first time Harry showed Louis two ghosts.
7) The Unfinished Fic (With an Ending) | Not Rated | 4013 words
Note: There is no smut in this fic, but it contains omega Louis, so we’ve included it in this monthly roundup.
Louis greatly regretted all of his life decisions up to this point. Okay fine, maybe not all of them, but definitely a vast majority. After all, if he’d not told one little white lie about loving cricket just to impress a fit guy at the pub, maybe he wouldn’t be stuck at what was, one hundred percent, the most boring “sporting” event of his entire life.
8) Save You Tonight | Mature | 4841 words
Note: There is no smut in this fic, but it contains omega Louis, so we’ve included it in this monthly roundup.
Louis is a headstrong Omega in charge of his own life. But he's more than grateful when an Alpha comes along when he needs it the most.
9) Whisk Me Off My Feet | Explicit | 5054 words
When Louis locks himself out of his apartment in just a pair of novelty underwear, he hopes his new neighbor can come to his rescue.
10) Can You Feel the Fever | Explicit | 5113 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
Tour has Harry exhausted. Luckily exactly what he needs is waiting for him in his Sacramento dressing room.
11) Gotta Catch 'em All | Not Rated | 5186 words
Louis loves Pokémon GO, he gets a little crazy and ends up ramming into a guy. Harry gets mad, calls him a brat and treats him like one. Oh, and they're in central park.
12) I Just Can't Get Enough Of You | Not Rated | 5466 words
Or the one were Harry got inspired from watching Louis on The Late Late Show.
13) Why Don't We Go There? | Explicit | 5654 words
Louis is a perfect model for Abercrombie & Fitch. Harry is a grungy, tattooed model for Hot Topic. When Louis walks in on Harry changing for his photo shoot, things only grow from there... including their dicks.
14) Act Out | Explicit | 6721 words
Harry and Louis try to spice it up a little for their 10th year marriage anniversary. Cliché role play ensues.
15) Life Imitating Art | Explicit | 6881 words
Note: This fic is the fourth part of a series. You can read the previous parts here.
Louis is taken on a very real journey through his fic back catalogue - life has never imitated art so salaciously.
16) You Can Show Me Your Heart | Explicit | 6935 words
Everyone knows about the unsinkable Titanic, which tragically did just that in April of 1912. However, not many people know the story of the Carpathia - the ship that raced to rescue and aid the survivors of the Titanic when the distress call came through. This is the story of the events leading up to the luxury liner crashing into an iceberg on that fateful spring night. More than that, this is the story of how two of Carpathia’s passengers - Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson - met, fell in love and helped over 700 people in the cold Atlantic water.
17) Kisses and Coffee Breaks | Explicit | 9350 words
Midterm season was finally here and all Harry wanted to do was study, however his boyfriend, Louis, seems to have a better idea.
or the one where Harry just wants to study and Louis needs Harry's cock.
18) Swallow The Knife (Outtake) | Explicit | 11186 words
Note: This is an alternative scene to fic #25 on this fic rec.
Alternate sex scene from Swallow The Knife.
19) We've Been Here Before | Mature | 11536 words
Harry goes to Louis in the wake of his sister Felicite's death, and Louis asks Harry to help him clean up a family cabin he is ready to get rid of. Along the way, they attempt to heal many things, even those that they thought were long past.
20) With Words Unspoken | Explicit | 18341 words
The one where Louis is lost, Harry is an excellent tour guide, and age is no barrier to finding the love of your life.
21) The Aurora Zone | Explicit | 19633 words
The one where Harry is busy crossing off his bucket list while Louis is busy falling for the guy he's supposed to hate.
22) Be Mine, Dear | Not Rated | 20104 words
The one where Louis just wants to meet his mate, and all it takes is for him to get a new neighbor.
23) Deflower Me | Explicit | 20154 words
Everyone is 19 and horny, and Louis just really wants to get fucked by Harry.
24) You Are Half Of Me (And I Am All For You) | Explicit | 24731 words
Note: This fic has a mention of BH.
One Direction, an obscure indie rock band, is about to embark on their first cross-country tour, living out of Louis' beloved van named Patricia.
Harry is in love, and Louis is oblivious. Or is he?
Featuring skinny-dipping in Texas waterfalls, getting lost in the desert, stargazing under the New Mexico sky, performing in front of crowds that grow in size each night, and falling in love on the road during the greatest summer of their lives.
25) You Are In My Bed, But Your Heart Isn't | Not Rated | 25595 words
Rock Band AU. Louis is an omega who fucks around, doesn't know the meaning of "feelings" until he starts crawling into Harry's bed at night. Harry gets jealous easily and they all write a lot of songs about each other.
26) Play Me A Memory | Explicit | 26932 words
Louis lives with his nine-year-old son Jake in a peaceful beachside community on the east coast of Australia, working as an entertainment coordinator at the local five-star resort. Harry is a recluse who lives on millionaires row and writes musical scores for blockbuster movies. When the roots of a wayward willow tree create havoc at his home, Harry is forced to stay at the resort while repairs are carried out.
27) Book Worm | Explicit | 37018 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH.
“Dad said this is his very favourite place to go,” Leon divulged, much to Louis' embarrassment. 
“Did he?” Harry's olive eyes flicked to Louis, lips quirking in a way that didn’t match his beige cardigan.
“Yeah and he said you have the best books. May I look?” He asked, smiling winningly.
Leon had inherited Louis' blue eyes and his mother's dark hair, his smile quickly becoming a replica of his father's.
“You may,” Harry permitted and Louis set Leon down.
“Don’t destroy anything,” he instructed. “And if you so much as crease a page then bring it to the till because I’m going to have to pay for it...”
Leon raced straight to the back of the shop and threw himself onto the beanbag seat front first.
“I put the Kama Sutra back on the top shelf, by the way,” Harry told him with a dimpled smile. “You left it by the Hungry Caterpillar.”
28) Waiting for the Tides to Meet | Explicit | 59637 words
Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate's. It's only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he'll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis' workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis' heart.
29) Swallow The Knife | Explicit | 76168 words
“You came,” Louis says, still breathless, clinging to Harry, uncaring that his sweat is getting all over Harry’s presumably clean dad shirt, or that he’s making Harry hold up all of his weight.
“Of course I came,” Harry says. He shifts, one arm curled underneath Louis’ arse, the other spreading wide in the middle of Louis’ back. “If I ignored you every time you pissed me off we would have stopped being friends a long time ago.”
Louis already knows that, of course. It doesn’t do anything to stop the pleased squirm in his belly every time Harry proves it, though. They fight like nobody’s business, both of them too stubborn to pull their punches when they’re arguing, and it used to get them in trouble, but they always make up.
Adrenaline makes Louis loose-lipped, and they both know it. He tightens his arms around Harry’s neck, buries his face in his hair. “I missed you,” he confesses, quiet. “Doesn’t feel the same up there by myself.”
30) There You Are | Explicit | 82237 words
Note: This fic has a mention of BH.
Harry’s entire life has fallen apart - in one night, his carefully planned future is suddenly uncertain.
Then he meets Louis.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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paulieshore · 5 years
Obey Me / Scm Au Series
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Warnings: None
This will be the last chapter without warnings, violence, drama, romance is going to start commencing. S**t is about to hit the fan. --> Ch5
Words: 2667
I do not own the rights to the characters, characters belong to:
·         Obey me! Shall We Date
·         Voltage- Star Crossed Myth
 Chapter 4: Pride and Joy
 It had nearly been a month since you were last in Devildom, not that you were counting. After Zyglavis and his visit yesterday, you felt pretty bummed out. Pretending to be asleep whenever there was a knock at your door. You honestly didn’t want to see anyone or talk to anyone. Constantly asking yourself, over and over again.
‘Why haven’t they contacted, am I just another pawn to other means...’
Depressed would be trivialization.
Another knock at the door disturbed you, turning over in the bed and keeping silent.
Karno’s voice sounds on the other side “Y/N, It’s me. I’m coming in, alright?”
Luckily the door was unlocked, he peaked his head in to the dark room. Noticing she still had the curtains closed, glancing around and catching a little figure shifting beneath the sheet.
Sighing to himself ‘She’s upset…. What did Zyg say to her exactly...’ He slowly walked towards the curtains and drew them open.
The sun light flooded into the room, igniting all the colours and brightening it from its depressing state.
“Y/N I know you’re not asleep… I’m sorry things aren’t the way you want them to be…” He sat himself at the end of the bed. “I care about your wellbeing, and your mental state. Could you try to meet me half way? Shutting yourself out isn’t going to make anything easier, why don’t we do something?”
You were completely submersed under the bedding, grumbling “Like what? I’m not allowed to go anywhere, or do anything. THEY don’t seem to like me too much, so It’s probably best if I just stay here and out of the way.” You barked out, hidden.
You heard Karna begin to laugh, does he find this funny!?
Scrambling to get out of the covers, with the sourest look on your face. You meet Karna’s smiling eyes.
“There she is, come on. Get ready let’s go out” Glowing as he speaks.
It was like he wasn’t even listening to you, “Look, I’m not doing anything, I haven’t-“
With a snap of his fingers you were completely dressed, out of the jammies you were snug in. You looked down and noticed the attention to detail, you’ve seen this dress before... It was the one you wore the day you got your driver’s license!
Your ‘good luck dress’. You were about to say something to him when he spoke.
“The day you got your license, you wore that dress. Y/N, I have had the duty, no the honour… Watching you grow from a shy, happy go lucky girl, to the woman you are today.” Karno looks down to the floor, a slight shade of pink graces his cheeks.
“You were so happy when you held your passing certificate. Cheering about the freedom, you were so nervous, considering you failed twice before this test…. Do you remember how down you were then? Do you remember the sense of achievement you got when you tried and tried until you succeeded?” He finally looks back, pushing off the bed and standing. “No matter how tough a situation is, you never give up. That’s just who you are, so, don’t give up now.” Tilting his head slightly to the side.
Maybe it was because at this present moment you longed for someone to care. Someone to reach out and just say something that made you feel like you mattered. You felt yourself choking up, nodding along to what he had said.
“Thank you, sir.”
Karno scoffed following with a chuckle, “You really need to stop being so formal, I know we’re old but you don’t have to constantly point it out.”
Your eyes met, and the room was next filled with laughter.
The House of Lamentation
“Luci love, where are you hiding? Come now Luci, Mammon is crying for you, the game is over. You win my boy.”
“Grawrrrr!!!” A young Lucifer jumps from behind a pillar.
Fate turns around, pretending to be frightened, “Oh my, some-body please save me!”
“No, no, I’m playing mom. See it’s me! Your pride and joy!” Shaking his hands, showing a toothy grin.
She bends down and brushes the hair from his face “Luci…. Lucifer…...”
“Yo, Lucifer man wake up” Mammon starts shaking his brother who’s dosed off in a chair.
Lucifer slowly opens his eyes, squinting at Mammon.
“Man, not like you to fall asleep so unguarded around the house like this.” Mammon leans on the wall looking down to him.
Lucifer rubs his face “I was not asleep, I was just… resting my eyes.”
“Pfft, yea okay then! You were clearly asleep, smiling away. Hey, you better not have been dreaming about Y/N!” He folds his arms and looks at Lucifer suspiciously.
“No, I was having a delightful thought on how I am going to punish you today.” Looking to Mammon with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Mammon’s face drops and drains of its colour “I’m out!!!” with that, he was gone. Brushing passed Belphie, at high speed.
Belphie watches as his idiot brother scurries away, turning his attention to Lucifer dazing off into the distant. “What did he do now?”
Lucifer responds without even a glance, “Nothing…. Yet.”
Belphie examines his brother, clearly noticing something off. Lucifer was always busy, reports, meetings, you name it, he was on it. Finding him sitting here doing nothing rather than relaxing in his room, alone, spelled suspicion. “What going on with you?” He steps closer.
“Same as usual then, hiding things, are you?” Belphie says with distain, turning to leave.
Lucifer still staring off, “do you ever think of her?”
Belphie stops in his tracks, looking back “Who? Y/N? Of course, I think it’s safe to say we all miss-“
Lucifer stands up, “No, of mother.”
Belphie is taken back, speechless; blinking his eyes numerously.
“Never-mind, forget I asked anything...” Taking large strides distancing himself, retreating away to wherever he needed to be.
Belphie thought about what Lucifer said as he walked back to his room. He flopped not so gracefully onto his bed and gripped his pillow tighter…
‘The others already seemed to mix Y/N up with Lilith, sure she is her decadent, but that’s all… But to be mother’s incarnation, that throws a spanner into the works.’
Belphie was thinking, he felt bad for you... Not that he’d ever admit it to ya. Though the more he thought about it the more it made sense, you reminded him so much of her. Only mother wasn’t nearly as dull and gullible as you were.
Grinning to himself.
Human Realm: Some-where
“Karno, where exactly are we going?” You say as you two waltz around the busy streets.
Even with Karna dressed in ‘civilian’ clothing, people were stopping and staring in awe of him. When you had gone to London with Lucifer, Satan and Mammon, you guys walked around pretty much unnoticed. Well except for Mammon was accused of murder, that yanked a lot of unwanted attention…
But this, Karno still glowed no matter what he wore. People were acting as though he was some sort of celebrity!
“Your friend Solomon lives nearby, I thought I could meet you half way and we’d see someone from school.” He turns to you and smiles.
You practically jumped on Karno, “REALLY, SERIOUSLY!? THANK YOU, THANK YOU!” Giving him one of those bear hugs Beel would give you.
Karno’s face went a bright red before placing a hand atop your head, “Okay, okay settle down. Don’t want the others to start bugging you for hugs now...”
You looked up and asked Karno what he meant.
“You see, the departments have reflecting pools. It allows us to do our jobs. Each of the Ministers have private ones in their rooms, down here and in heaven. While the rest of us, use the shared reflecting pools. We can see everything that is happening, chances are we are being watched.” Pointing up to the sky, awkwardly.
You dropped your arms to your side, and as Karno began to walk away… You stuck your tongue out towards the sky, like a child. Moments later there was a crash of thunder, even though the skies were clear. You nearly jumped out of your skin and ran frantically to Karno’s side.
The House of Gods
“Cheeky.” Leon smirks to himself, watching two figures in the pool.
He found himself constantly watching the way the girl smiled at the simplest things. The way she swayed here and there, drunk on life it seemed.
This fragile life, an incarnation.
She lived and studied alongside demons the last year of her life.
Demons… Who were once pupils, ‘friends’ he could have once said?
Now, the filthiest of filth. He disagreed with how Diavolo wished for everyone to happily live alongside each other, like the old days.
Look how that turned out, but what the King says is law. Probably just another one of his twisted games, that’s probably why he agreed to Diavolo’s proposal. When he heard Lucifer was now Diavolo’s right hand man, furious would be a watered-down word for how he felt.
That brat once served him, now… Made him sick to think.
This girl survived alongside those brutes, even cared for them. It was laughable, Karno’s little side job. To think she is her, or apart of her, perhaps another one of those twisted games.
He shook his head and returned to his desk, picking up the reports on the side.
Knocking at his door-
“Enter” He roars.
Huedaut steps into the Chief Ministers room, “Ah Leon, you are here. You’ve been spending a lot of time down here.”
“…and you haven’t?” Leon looks to Hue with a smug expression.
Hue shakes his head, “Unlike you, I’m tasked to ensuring the little lamb doesn’t relapse with sickness. She was suffocating with miasma when she first arrived, it’s a miracle she didn’t die.” Looking down to the files on Leon’s desk.
Leon pulls a bottle of wine from his desk, “Is it though?” he then proceeds to grab two wine glasses from the cabinet behind. “Drink with me, talk.”
Hue doesn’t say anything, he nods his head and proceeds to take on of the seats infront of the desk.
Human Realm: Solomon’s Apartment
Karno said he’d stick close by, giving you some space to visit your friend. He told you the apartment number, and off you went. You hoped he was home, knocking on his door…
The door opened, “Y/N?” He smiles to you and steps to the side “Come in, it’s been some time.”
“I’m sorry for turning up un-announced, I was in the neighbourhood and thought I’d pop in!” You bow to him.
He gave you a questioning look, “Yea, how did you know where I lived though?”
You panicked, nobody said whether or not you could throw around the gods as excuses so quickly telling him Asmo’s once mentioned it to you.
“Ah, Asmodeus… Once he brought a load of women here with him, I thought I was going to kill him that night….” Solomon shakes his head with a scowl “I probably wouldn’t have been so angry but at 4 am in the morning….”
You burst into laughter, “Sounds like him!”
It felt quite relaxing chatting away with Solomon, you were caught up with everything down below as far as Solomon knew.
“So, have you spoken to any of them recently?” He refills your cup of tea.
You fell silent, and shook your head.
Solomon could see you were upset, “Have you tried? Where have you been this time? Home?”
Again, still silent, you shook your head.
A sudden knock at the door-
Made you jumpy, Solomon slowly got up and answered. “Uh hello, can I help you?”
Karno was standing opposite, “Hi, I’m here to bring Y/N back home” Giving Solomon one of those charismatic smiles.
Solomon leans back and calls you to the door. You thank Solomon for his time today and tell him you’ll have to meet up again, when he tells you to wait one moment. He leaves the door and goes further into his apartment, you turn to Karno.
“We have to leave already?”
He gives you a pathetic smile, “I’m sorry but it’s not entirely safe for you to be out for so long, I am sorry…”
You realise then Karno took a huge risk taking you out today, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry for sounding ungrateful! It literally only hit me now, thank you Karno!”
Just then Solomon returns and hands you a gift. You accept it and thank him with a look of curiosity.
“Don’t worry its nothing bad *laughs* Its pictures I’ve collected during our year at RAD. There are some good ones in there from the retreat at Diavolo’s castle, I’ve also put my number in the box. Feel free to text me, it’s my personal mobile number” Solomon reaches out and just barely touches your shoulder.
“Thank you” Bowing.
Solomon watched the two leave, or watched the man more so. His aura was familiar to Simeon and Luke’s only much, much stronger. ‘So, she’s staying with them I take it’ Thinking to himself.
The House of Lamentation
Lucifer was sitting at his desk, trying to look over recent reports.
Trying being the word.
Remembering his mentor’s teachings, her kind words of encouragement.
“When I grow up, I’m going to be just like you and father Hue!” Little Lucifer exclaimed.
She shook her head to him, “No my love.”
Remembering the feeling of being wronged in that moment...
She then scooped him up, “I want you to be better than us” planting kisses all over his face.
The memories of his childhood…
He couldn’t focus, setting down the files, another thought occurred.
‘We never wrote back!’
He practically jumped from his seat, texting his brothers to meet in the dinner hall immediately. Then rushing out the door of his room, as he passed by rooms, he heard phones binging. Quickly one by one each of the boys following suit and making their ways to the hall.
“What’s this about?” Satan shows the text.
Levi moans, “I was in the middle of a boss battle…”
They all fall silent as they observe Lucifer’s strange state.
He stands tall and crosses his arms, “We never replied back to Y/N’s letter...”
“That’s is?!”
Everyone pondered a moment before Mammon spoke, “Well THE great Mammon, Y/N first boy, actually wrote her a letter.” Puffing his chest in victory.
“Wow do you actually have enough in your vocabulary to write a full letter?” Satan teases.
“That’s enough” Lucifer jumps in before the situation detours, “Mammon bring your letter now, if you all wish to write one, I will give you an hour before I leave to the human realm.”
Everyone looks in scepticism.
“The human realm? Isn’t she with those ‘gods’?” Belphie points out.
Lucifer nods, “Yes, but if memory serves me well, the house of gods is located in a rundown looking mansion…. In the human realm.”
Beel’s eyes bright up, “I wanna come too, I want to see Y/N, you’ll come to right Belphie?”
Before anyone has a chance, Lucifer dismisses “No, it won’t be safe. You seem to forget…..” Trailing off.
Belphie approaches, “No, we know. Remember what you promised us? We will do this as a family, you don’t have to do everything yourself. You’re not the only one who has to bear the burdens.”
Lucifer looked to his younger siblings who were all nodding and anticipating his response.
“Very well, then we should set off. We should see for our very own eyes how she’s doing.”
The king looks down in the pool with distaste.
“How unexpected” He says sarcastically.
“Altair, come to me.”
A handsome little boy appears before the king, “Yes your highness!”
“I have a message for Scorpio, see to it”
To Be Continued
CH1 - CH2 - CH3 - CH5
 Story has also been uploaded to AO3 
Thanx for all the support, you know what to do! xxxx
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polygamyff · 5 years
38. Part 2
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I want to question Maurice if he is feeling warm because of the layers he has on right now but I won’t, he probably feels comfortable, protected this way that nobody will notice him but we are in California and it’s not cold but I guess it is what it is, I won’t say anything but I am judging him. He seems to be very quiet now though, I don’t regret bringing him because I think it’s best this way, I can watch him, I can keep an eye on his wellbeing “are you ok?” I have to ask him, I just feel like something is bugging him “uh, yeah. Just thinking, I am ok though. I mean I am with you so of course I am ok” I cooed out “did you leave boo thang at the hotel?” I didn’t question that “I guess you haven’t really looked in your bag, it’s in your bag at the bottom, she is with us” I gasped “you put her in my bag, you and this damn bear!” opening my bag “I put it deep down, like very down” digging into my bag feeling around for the bear, and there it is “pootie, why?” picking it out of my bag, he just shrugged “it’s cute, don’t you think?” he said, I just sighed out “why do you like this bear so much?” I would like to know because it was the cheapest thing, he keeps it with him “because it’s such a simple gesture, it’s the simple things I like. It comes from the heart, I like that” that is sweet, placing the bear between us, reaching over and taking his shades off “I want to see your eyes Maurice, I feel your warm in this” Maurice shook his head “I am ok, I am feeling a little tired though. Little bit pain in my leg, just getting used to things. I guess” I love him with my whole heart “does it upset you with people react to how you look?” I think it does “look at this” Maurice leaned forward, he pulled up his sweat pant leg, reaching down “I see, it’s dry skin and you have been scratching it. It’s just bled out” lighting touching the spot “I think it’s the effects of the tablets, every tablet does have some sort of effect. But we will get some cream and fix that, don’t scratch it though, try and not too please” Maurice pulled down the sweat pant leg “I am trying to get better for you, I am trying to eat more to make me more fat. I mean like imagine trying to get freaky with this, I couldn’t either” shaking my head at him “stop it, I don’t expect you to be better in a day. Maurice, it takes time. You’re jumping, stop it. It will be special for us, and your dick works so who cares” I giggled “I lost a lot of weight haven’t I? I don’t like it, I look worse you know” grabbing his hand “then I guess nobody else will look at you which is good for me” Maurice laughed out “oh I see your game” I shrugged smiling, now I don’t need to worry about no girl.
Reign has been so quiet, for once anyways. I think car journeys for her she enjoys, they are peaceful, but she is wide awake just staring out of the window. Unlocking my phone “oh yeah, Leon said he can’t come right now so he will see us later on, probably about midnight for him you see” tapping on Insta “that is ok, wait till he seems me, he will be like where did you find this tramp from” he worries on what people think too much, tapping on my explore page “I found him at Davenport hotels” I said laughing “wow, you agree too” squinting my eyes, this does look like Maurice and someone. Tapping on the image “oh” this is Malik’ page “look” holding up my phone to Maurice “that is you and Malik? I noticed your pouty little face” Maurice smiled looking at it, he looks genuinely happy “look how dark I was there, so I remember this. I was just turning nine, I came back home in Texas, but we had another home. I just came back from being in South Africa with my dad, and I caught a real bad tan and we came home, it’s my birthday so my mom wanted to see me. Malik wouldn’t leave me alone, look at my arm. He kept bugging me so I was upset, my mom was like he is little brother be nice but I was being a brat. I wanted to be back in Spain, I didn’t want to be in Texas, boring Texas I used to say. I wanted my nanny, I remember it all because my mom flipped and said I am your mother, and yeah. What did he put?” moving my phone away and looking down “he put, I miss you big bro, I hope you get better. I still love you” Maurice shook his head “he fucked up” he mumbled; I think it is a cute picture “with your face like this, I know where Reign gets the attitude from” I am keeping that picture.
Home sweet home, I mean it’s been my home and I have missed it so much “look at my home” I grinned “your old home, are you going to gather your things while you’re here?” Maurice said, I just took in a deep breath “I don’t think I will get the time Maurice, so I may need to come back again” Maurice nodded his head, he understood. Looking over at Reign “little momma we home now” I’m happy to be home “are you ok to take Reign?” I asked Maurice “for sure” he pulled his hood up over his head as he got out of the car “daddy is coming to get you, you look so cute” I put on her best dress, my mom hasn’t seen her in a while and she bought her this dress that finally fits her, unbuckling her as the door opened “where is my Mi Amor?” Maurice said and there she go, she showed off her gums, she loves him so much “my big girl, you got so tall now” grabbing my bag from the floor of the SUV and shuffled out, quickly grabbing the bear before I got out, can’t leave this now “I left your suitcase just there” the driver said “thank you, can you get the car seat out for me and leave it there also” I asked him, stepping out of the car and kicking the door shut “Maurice come, let’s go inside. I’ll get my dad to get the case” I don’t want him to do anything “but I can, I’ll just take you in” walking towards my house “stop it, I don’t want to hear it. I want you to rest, then later we will get some ointment for your leg” pressing the doorbell “sure, I just think I’m going to cause shit being here, for you anyways” I don’t want to hear it, he’s my husband. Shaking my head in annoyance, the door shot open “Robbie! Oh my god, Robyn!” My mom jumped on me “oh, baby I have missed my daughter so much” hugging my mom close “I missed you too mom, I love you” this hug made me feel some type of way, a little sense of sadness “are you ok?” I asked “I just missed you” my mom moved back to look at me “my beautiful and-” my mom abruptly stopped talking seeing Maurice “you poor thing, Maurice. Is he ok now?” Reaching up and taking his shades off “he is getting there, it’s been hard for us” my mom walked around me and hugged him “it’s good to see you, honestly and my grand baby! Look at you” Reign clung onto Maurice “come on in, please” walking into the house, I’m wondering where my dad is and here he is “oh you back, Robyn” smiling at him “come here” he hugged me “where did the rest of Maurice go?” Shaking my head “stop” moving back from the hug, I am not sure if he was trying to be funny.
Sitting next to Maurice “she is clinging onto you, isn’t she now. Don’t be like that baby, this is my parents” rubbing her back before pushing his hood back and taking off his snapback “we’re inside now Maurice, it’s ok” placing his snapback on my lap “I know but you bought the case in, I can do it you know” fixing his overgrown hair “I know you can Maurice, never said you couldn’t. Just you had Reign” he is very anxious; I feel it from him. Turning a little and sitting back on the couch “it’s so good to see you Robbie, I have missed you so much. It’s been hectic for you, I am sure” I groaned out “trust me, it’s been a mess mom, but I got good news. I have got the job in New York; I mean it was easy. They gave it me like as soon as, I am so happy mom. I feel blessed, so that is a good thing don’t you think?” my mom nodded her head “baby I am so happy for you, all I want for you is the best baby” watching my dad walk over to us, he is looking at Maurice but he can stop now “so you got the job in New York? You’re doing it?” he said, he sat down and let out a big sigh “I am, and it’s the best option for me, for us and Reign. I am happy to move there, I am just sad to leave my city, I love California, but my life is with Maurice, I will…” I dragged out as my eyes diverted towards the TV, I swear I heard Maurice’ name on the TV, my dad would have the news on “with the Davenport business expanding, rumours of Maurice in talks with Hilton which we can’t confirm and his publicist could not confirm, what do you think to Maurice, what was different from his dad to Maurice, the heir to this business?” the reporter asked “what is this?” I asked pointing at the TV “this is the segment on the news channel where they speak on business, I guess I am the topic” Maurice said, letting out an oh “he is fresh blood, he is taking what is his, I think he is coming in hard. If the reports are true about Hilton then boy, he is about to rack in the money. In his own right he is a billionaire, and we can take out the Davenport empire, in his own right he is a billionaire. This is huge for them, I mean why not celebrate and buy a sixty-seven-million-dollar townhouse, this just fuels the rumours, his placement, his vision it’s just brilliant. He has his hands in every aspect of business. He will be in Forbes and he will be putting to shame a lot of companies that are in this hotel business, he is great guy. I like him, he is giving back too. I just hope he is ok, as he has been in hiding. I mean they are in talks in Tokyo, I feel like this young black man is someone we should look too, the whole family. A black family business that made it in Texas, who does that?” this guy is really loving Maurice “do you know him?” I asked, I mean he must do “in passing, I know of him” nodding my head “he praising you Maurice, I agree” it’s nice to hear such positivity, looking over at my dad and he’s like not happy, he is mean mugging the TV.
I turned the TV off, I mean it’s enough of that “we have a billionaire in our home” my mom would say that “he’s just Maurice mom, I think he prefers that” my mom is funny “so you got a home?” my mom asked “yes, I wanted him to not do it. I think he was being silly, but Maurice did it. He got the home in the Upper east side, it’s beautiful. How many bedrooms?” I asked “erm, seven bedrooms but it’s our forever home, I don’t think I would want to move. That is it, it’s safe there” my mom’ eyes bulged out “fancy, can I move in?” I laughed “you can stay with me whenever you want mom, I think it’s hard to you know” I got choked up “to leave you here, I miss you. I miss you just walking into the home, just you. Your vibe settles me, I miss you a lot” my mom rushed over to me “baby don’t cry, Robbie I am always around. Call me when you need me” my mom hugged me “you’re my best friend mom, I love you. I just miss you” my mom kissed my cheek, she cooed out “baby, listen to me. When you need me you call me, I will be right over ok?” nodding my head “I also have some other news, I just need to say it now. I want to get it over with” I don’t want to just hold it off, I just want to say it and get it over with.
My mom looks so nervous “oh you’re pregnant, again aren’t you?” I laughed out “oh my god no, I am not pregnant. Don’t wish that on me just yet thanks” my mom is awful, do I look fat or something “sorry, I just thought you was. The way you said it” shaking my head still laughing “so, my birthday is coming up. I mean very soon, and Maurice and I decided. Well Maurice asked me and I accepted but we are going to do something small and private for now and on my birthday I will be marrying him in Texas, something very just private between us” my dad got up from the couch “a billionaire polygamist marrying my daughter, you marrying him like this? A fucking billionaire that is marrying my daughter on the low, you ashamed of her. Maybe you don’t want people seeing the state of you, you can do so much better, are you crazy? You will be his second wife” shaking my head staring at my dad, getting up from the couch “who is crazier, me or him. Probably him for marrying me without a prenup, this man you’re disrespecting will be my husband whether you walk me or not, probably not. You’re not hurting him, you’re hurting me in this” my dad didn’t know what to say “go on, what next? Yes, I will be his second wife, and his last wife. I won’t have it, no. I am not having you giving him bad vibes when he is trying to get better. You know what dad, I can already imagine it now on my wedding day, your negative vibe. I don’t need it, Maurice we are going to your hotel” I don’t want to stay here “no, you’re staying” my mom piped up “I can’t mom, it was a mistake to think he would do something for me. Who are you, I don’t think I know you anymore dad, not the dad I know, I am not staying here” I can’t stay here “no, Robyn. You are staying, Thomas, you can go” my dad looked at my mom, not even in shock but just looked at her “they are staying here, you can go to your mom’ home where you said you wanted to go anyways” my dad didn’t even say anything “Maurice, maybe I need your advice soon” my dad said before walking off to go upstairs, my mom just smiled at me with a hint of hurt and I can see it in her eyes.
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sf-akahana · 6 years
Team Bonding
(Castl//vania Netf//lix based on S2xE3 scene starts 9:30)
The musty scent of old paper and years of isolation was the first thing Alucard registered as the trio descended the wooden steps into the Belmont hold.  The landing was adorned with the statue heads of what he assumed to be past Belmonts and an elegant, if not posturing portrait of a man resembling the vampire hunter described in his father’s records overlooked the winding staircase.  The place was in surprisingly good condition, though the layer of dust coating every surface was enough proof of it’s abandonment upwards of 10 years if Trevor’s story was any indication.  Alucard couldn’t help a small sniff as the other’s talked, rubbing his nose to hopefully head off any unwanted reaction for a little while.
His two companions conversed on their way down, and he couldn’t help but throw a few jabs the hunter’s way.  The others didn’t always appreciate his input, but they often humored him and joined in on the teasing, usually at Trevor’s expense.  It had been quite some time since Alucard had others to banter with; longer than just the year he’d spent asleep under Gresit.  The change was refreshing, even if slightly antagonistic at times.
Trevor opened the door as they reached the bottom and they stepped into a huge dark room; Alucard could see that past the light of the torches stretched a vast expanse of book cases lining the walls reaching from floor to ceiling.  There was an efficient system of latters and landings built around every layer of shelves for easy access, and bridges high in the air to cross the room on every level.  And on the bottom floor a large pool of water crossed by bridges sunk down under the floor, though it’s use Alucard was unsure of.  As Sypha used her magic to light the lanterns around the room, the details became clearer, and he couldn’t help but be impressed at the sheer scope of it. Looking over the high landing they were standing on, he noted that the shelves on the bottom floor were not filled with books, but something else that sent a whir of complicated emotions through his body.  Hunting trophies, collected through the generations of Belmont vampire hunters.
He watched as the Belmont in front of him took in his surroundings with a tender, melancholic expression and felt a small stab of spite rush through him as the other took comfort in what was left of his family; a vast library dedicated to centuries of hunting and killing Alucard’s own kind.  Perhaps he was being a brat, but he continued to barb the hunter in a more condescending manner than he had earlier and enjoyed the upset reaction he got out of his companion.  He broke off from the other two as they reached the bottom, taking the opportunity to rub and scrunch his nose away from their curious eyes.  The scent of dust and old books was much stronger at the bottom, and he was starting to feel a small tickle form at the back of his sinuses.
“What was your Leon Belmont doing in Wallechia?”  Sypha asked, and he felt Trevor’s eyes settle on his back as he stopped in front of a display shelf, the Speaker’s eyes following suit.  He took a moment to survey the myriad of vampire skulls behind the glass, fangs still intact and the skull in the middle distinctly smaller than the rest. His complicated emotions sank deeper into his stomach as he addressed her question.
“Hunting Dracula.”
The shift in energy in the room was palpable, and he heard Trevor run his hand along the shelves.  His expression reflected in the glass case had lost it’s tenderness and left only melancholy.   Alucard stayed standing in front of that disgusting display while the other’s explored and chatted.  Here he was in the grand hold of the Belmonts trying to find something that would help them kill his father, the same goal they had been working towards for centuries, and yet standing here almost made him sick.  Understanding the reasons why the vampires were hunted doesn’t make it sit any better in his stomach.  He heard Trevor break some old boards behind him, and he could feel the shift in the air as dust was tossed up.  He sniffed quietly and stifled a hitched breath in his throat as he scrunched his nose, quickly becoming annoyed at the misbehaving appendage.
“It’s all here, your right!  This is quite amazing.”  Sypha’s eyes turned from the library index, catching him as he rubbed his nose and shook his head slightly.  “Isn’t it?  It’s amazing.”
“Charming...” he sniffed.
“You’re not even a little bit impressed?”  Alucard almost rolled his eyes.  He was under the impression that Sypha was the more emotionally emphatic type, but perhaps he had misjudged her.
“It’s like a museum dedicated to the extermination of my people.  So no, not thrilled.”
Finally walking away from the display, the three continued exploring the expansive library for anything that could aid them in their mission.  It was so quiet and every sound could be heard clearly throughout the hold; Alucard was constantly aware of that fact as the tickle continued to nag him as he opened dusty book after dusty book.  Sypha took up a spot beside him, scanning the titles, and being caught up in his usual theatrics he snapped his book shut a little too roughly.  A puff of dust assulted his nose and he dropped the book with an echoing thud, followed closely by his quickly hitching breaths.
“ahh- hahh-!”
The Speaker’s eyes shot up at the sound, catching only a glimpse of his ticklish expression before he turned his back to her.  His shoulder’s tensed up and she could see the swell of his chest even from behind.  She bit her lip as she watched the dhampire put on a very human display.
“ahH-!! aAHT’chhh!!  Hht’CHh! AT’CHuh!!”
Three desperate sneezes threw him into his gloved hands, and he felt heat prickle at his cheeks as the sound bounced around the room.  He recovered quickly and pulled a handkerchief from his coat, rubbing his nose and hiding his pink cheeks behind the embroidered white folds.
“Ble- Wow Alucard, that was impressive.  Are you alright?” Sypha blushed slightly as she caught herself, it was probably silly but it felt wrong to offer blessings to a vampire.  “I didn’t know vampires could sneeze.”  Before Alucard could answer her, an amused deep voice sounded from the other side of the book shelf, a smirk attached to a certain Belmont rounding the corner.
“They can’t, I doubt we’ll be able to beat Dracula with a bit of dust. His son on the other hand...”  Trevor’s smirk only got wider as he approached the taller man.  Alucard lowered his handkerchief and crossed his arms, glaring at the hunter before him.
“Oh, fuck off Belmont”
His response only spurred the other into action as Trevor raised the book he was previously pretending to read and blew the dust off the cover right into Alucard’s face, and more importantly his sensitive nose.
“hhAH! hAT’CHUUuh!!”
A single loud sneeze burst from him into the waiting folds oh his kerceif, followed by the laughter of his two companions.  As he looked up though he saw no malice or mockery in their faces, only the amusement of learning something new about him.  Trevor slapped the dhampire’s shoulder in a friendly manner, and he felt Sypha’s small hand rest in the center of his back as he sniffled.
“Bless you, you sneezy bastard.”
“Yes, bless you Alucard.”
And thinking about the journey ahead he’s be sharing with the two, Alucard couldn’t help but chuckle with them.
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