#and later on there can be a special where stiles and his team gets sent to BH
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patolemus · 5 months ago
When I say I want a show about FBI agent Stiles and domestic Derek THIS IS WHAT I MEAN!! I need Stiles to try desperately to balance the supernatural with his job, solving crimes and saving supes (or solving crimes and arresting supes, I don’t make the rules) while Derek has his fucking best life being a stay at home husband (because let’s face it, he deserves to have a break from the crazy and be domestic) who occasionally goes to crime scenes and sniffs things out. The FBI thinks the two of them are incredibly shady, but if the big wigs allow it there’s not much else they can do about it, and surprisingly it works out okay most of the time.
I have had brain rot for FBI officer stiles recently but instead of being a part of the standard buro he works with any cases connected to the supernatural. Like the government knows about the supernatural but only a very select few (CIA style.)  Like stiles trying to work a case with normal FBI agents (because they found leads on a suspect or something) and trying with all his might to keep them from working out what his job really is. 
FBI guy: “We found wolfsbane and mountain ash at the sight were the body was found-”
Stile: “Oh so he was taken prisoner and then poisoned?”
FBI guy: “What-”
Stile: “What”
He acts so sus the FBI team he's working with start to think he's working with the criminals ESPECIALLY when they discover Stiles isn't even his name AND he's got ties to an exonerated murder suspect.
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scribeofmorpheus · 6 years ago
Mark of the Wolf Part 10
Catch up here!
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader (Lastname: Markolf)
Words: 3800
Warnings: Violence (duh!), mentions of PTSD
A/N: This is long overdue and also a hefty chapter with me trying and failing to write action scenes. There are flashbacks (in italics) between scenes because this is quite the back and forth chapter. As well as some Japanese and Swedish dialogue! ENJOY! Also: Kaze is Japanese and is pronounced Kah-Zeh. Feedback is encouraged. Like and reblog :) Don’t be afraid to ask to be tagged!
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Derek watched you try your hardest to move to the beat, but he could tell you weren't in your element. No one should be sober in a night club. Watching you brought a cheeky smile to his face, he almost had the urge to laugh a little.
His phone chimed in his pocket. On the dance floor a few feet from you, he noticed Scott get the same message. Peter's text message read: "We're in position." A few seconds later Liam sent a message of his own: "They took the bait. They're heading your way!" Derek looked down at Scott and spoke just loud enough for his wolf hearing to pick up, "Guess its show time." Scott nodded in acknowledgement and made his way to the stairs leading up to the roof.
"We're all gonna die," Derek sighed to himself, bunching up his fists in anticipation for a fight.
Derek melted further into the crowd until it thinned out to nothing more than one or two people using the empty space to make out and be alone. He pushed through, a part of him feeling uneasy at having lost sight of you on the ground floor, but he had a role to play just as you did. He reached a door that led onto a structurally unsound balcony and pushed it open. On the floor was a bag full of equipment and specially crafted grenades. He picked up the bag and made for the stairs that led further up.
Liam ran as fast as his human legs would let him. He refused to change under the circumstances. He needed to keep his senses sharp, but more importantly, he needed to stay in control. His heart hammered against his ribcage vigorously. He could taste the metallic tang of his own blood from where Monroe struck him, rage bubbling to the surface. Rage he had to contain for the fight they'd undoubtedly face in the next few minutes.
When Liam reached the abandoned church they had chosen for their plan of attack, he was surprised to find it illuminated by flashing lights and loud music blaring out of unsound window structures.
His phone beeped, displaying a message from Peter. He was in position and soon Liam would be too.
In swift motions, Liam pulled his phone out, typed away a message and sent it out to the group chat before tossing the tracker Monroe slipped in his pocket into a crack on the side of the church. With his part handled, Liam made for the next rendezvous point.
Peter kept his distance from the warehouse where Monroe made her base of operations. He was far enough to avoid visual detection but close enough to eavesdrop on conversations. Peter would never grow tired of his werewolf advantages. He could hear the faint sounds of metal scratching on the untiled floor. It was irritating.
"Should we go after him?" He heard an unfamiliar voice say.
He smirked to himself when he caught wind of Monroe ushering her orders to the rest of her men, "Not yet. He'll lead us to Scot McCall and the rest of his pack. Only then do we kill him." And then after a pause: "Leave a few men to make sure our guest in the basement stays put."
Peter's smile grew wider. That's the confirmation he needed. And with most of Monroe's men leaving the compound and heading out after Liam, his half of the plan was shaping up to be a piece of cake.
Stiles peeked around the abandoned vehicle they used as cover and turned to say something but was caught off guard by Peter's devilish grin. "Jesus!" He said in freight.
"Shh!" Peter rebutted aggressively.
Stiles's eyes went wide and looked at him accusingly, "Don't 'Shhh' me. Next time don't grin like an idiot. I thought you were going to eat me for a second there."
"If you don't shut up, I just might..." Peter threatened.
"Why'd they have to stick us together?" Stiles whined
Peter rolled his eyes and crouched closer to the warehouse, "You volunteered."
Stiles scampered after him, half tripping over a rock. When he secured his footing he said, "Yes, because I don't trust you. You always have an angle."
Peter looked down at Stiles unimpressed, "And even if I did, what was your grand plan to stop me?"
Stiles thought hard on his question and his face contorted in a thoughtful expression, but the only words out of his mouth were, "Ahhhhh, I'm still working on it."
"Come on," Peter sighed, using his strength to hoist Stiles through a window with one arm. Stiles, unprepared, made a freakishly feminine sound. Peter jumped in after him. "Here," he held out his phone, "Tell the rest of the team we're in position."
Peter took in his surroundings. The building was bare, except for a few crates of ammunition and possibly some technical equipment. There was a metal chair with rope next to it in the centre. Peter guessed that was where they had Liam tied up. When Stiles was done, he handed the phone back to Peter and asked: "What now?"
"Now, we look for the good druid."
"Right," Stiles said with purpose. He took a determined step forward, his foot crashing against an empty paint can. His eyes went wide giving Peter an 'Oops' shrug. Peter put his face in his hands and shook his head.
"Right. Quietly."
As you swayed your body from side to side, you couldn't help but feel uneasy. Your mind kept racing through every aspect of the plan and how easily it could all fall apart. The music was loud and distracting, you were thankful for that. At the very least, you wouldn't have to strain yourself to keep mindful of any creak, footstep or distressing sounds. It meant that for now, you could try and lose yourself in the moment, among all the other alcohol-fuelled bodies grinding close to one another. Your mind wandered back to a memory from earlier.
You and Derek hoped out of the off-road vehicle you'd rented for the trip in Mexico. His eyes were shielded from the brutal sun by a pair of Ray-bans. You couldn't help but notice just how well they framed his face, making him look all the more mysterious -and sexy as hell. He walked to the edge of the road and stood there with his arms folded over his chest. You walked over to stand by his side.
"This the place?" You asked, taking in the underwhelming appearance of the destitute church.
"Yeah. It's perfect. Easily fortifiable. Many exits and there's an old tunnel system that was built under it. There's a dense treeline not too far south -if we still believe those hunters travel through trees." Derek shook his head, still finding a hint of absurdity in what he just said. "It should work for our purposes."
You unfolded your map and looked at your position -far from any towns to avoid an incident yet close to several abandoned buildings in case you needed a place to lay low, if things went bad. "And the locals?" you asked.
Derek's eyebrows furrowed beneath his glasses, "Should be empty. Most locals won’t come here."
You were about to ask him why, but he looked down at you and shrugged, "Local curse. Something about ghosts." was all he said.
"Is it real?"
"Don't know." He looked at you with a playful smile on his face, "But all I know is that this place should be good and empty tonight."
"And we just have to hope those hunters want me bad enough to cross borders for… If they even perceive travel the same way we do.”
How could any of you have known that a bunch of rebellious teenagers would choose to host a rave in the very same church you'd chosen to have your showdown?
After a few minutes of fumbling around, trying to seem like you were having a good time, a loud noise sounded throughout the age-old structure. It didn't help that the acoustics in the church were amazing either. Instinctively, you brought your hands to your ears and crouched lower -and apparently, so did everyone else. The DJ stopped playing his music and everyone looked to where the sound had come from with wide eyes and confused expressions.
By the double doors of the church, you saw a woman stand with legs far apart. A large party of men wearing patched-together tactical gear stood behind her. Her face stern and her eyes filled with cold distaste, she looked like a woman ready for war. When you noticed the shotgun in her hand letting off wisps of hot smoke, you knew instantly what the sound had been and who she was.
"Monroe," you whispered.
"Party's over," she said coolly. When no one moved, she cocked her shotgun and took a step forward. "I. Said. Party's over!"
As the crowd thinned out, you had a hard time keeping your ground. Everywhere around you, elbows, arms and legs kept bumping into you. You were just thankful there wasn’t a large enough crowd to cause a stampede. As you began to make your way to cover, Monroe spoke again and this time you were shocked to learn she was addressing you.
"Not you!" Monroe shouted. She nodded her head at one of her men and they took her order without the need for words. Two men walked over to you and grabbed your shoulders. Dragging you along towards their leader.
You wanted to ask what this was all about, why she chose to single you out of the crowd, but you figured such questions were irrelevant. Somehow, you always ended up at the centre of trouble.
"You look familiar…" She turned your chin from side to side with her long, calloused fingers. "Why is that?" She squinted her eyes at you.
You chose to stay quiet.
The church was all but empty now, except for you, Scott, Monroe and Derek -who seemed to have disappeared in all the excitement.
Behind you, two bodies hit the ground from the second-floor railing with a padded thud. "Let her go, Monroe!" Scott's voice spoke out, slightly muffled by his fangs. "It's me you want!"
"Scott McCall. The Alpha!" She bellowed rousingly. "All alone? Now, now, Scott..." Monroe let go of your face and walked towards the centre of the room, "You aren't planning something are you?"
"Against you and your men? You and I both know who has the numbers in that fight," Scott said bitterly.
"You're not wrong there. The werewolf population has hit staggering all-time lows recently. And as much as I'd love for me and my hunter's to take all the credit, it seems our efforts have inspired a few others to join in the hunt."
"You and your men aren't hunters. They have a code. You're just murderers who use fear and intimidation to brainwash people into becoming murderers too!" Scott was practically foaming at the mouth. You'd never seen him so filled with rage before. His eyes darted towards the church's entrance and then back to you, and finally onto Monroe. You could've sworn you saw his lips twitch into a secret smile for a second. You looked behind you and saw something whoosh past the entrance at inhuman speeds.
"Enough talk! Get down so we can end this once and for all!" Monroe ordered. Dropping her shotgun on the ground, one of her men jogged to her side and handed her two stun rods. She grabbed them eagerly and twirled them between her fingers gracefully. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this fight!"
Scott's phone chimed. He looked down at the screen and his red eyes lit up with satisfaction. "Yes, you're right. Enough talk."
"Come on!" She shouted.
Scott jumped off the second-floor railing and landed two feet in front of Monroe, his teeth and claws fully transformed. He scratched at the wooden floor with predatory menace and roared, craning his neck to the roof, before charging Monroe. You tried to move, but the guards simply tightened their grip on your arm and shook you to stay in place. You gritted your teeth to keep from swearing.
Scott paired attack after attack and Monroe, who was somehow able to keep up with Scott's slashes and clawing advances, managed to parry and counter nearly every motion with skilled precision. You had never seen a human hold their own against an Alpha with such determination before. She truly was a force to reckon with. As they fought, you began to notice the wind grew more and more restless. Moisture clung to the air and you could almost smell rain.
Scott lured Monroe close by letting his defences down, she managed to strike him in the chest, but he had flung the baton away before she could stun him. Making haste as to not waste his new opening, Scott ducked, swivelled and wrapped his claws around Monroe's neck as they stood back to back. Then in an instant, he sent her hurdling with great momentum towards a series of pews. Her body flipped and landed on the ground hard. She struggled to sit up, a cloud of dust heaved into the air by a wet cough. Scott stalked towards her with caution.
"It's over Monroe."
She spat blood onto the floor and wiped her mouth, a grin giving way to the view of white enamel stained by dark blood. "Is it?"
She pulled out a baton from underneath her body and zapped him with a surge of lethal volts that sent his body curdling to the floor with a painful yelp. Monroe placed her knee on Scott's chest as she tased him again and again. The room filling with painful grunts and a sickening laugh.
You began to flash back to that night in the woods. Scott's face morphing into Alex's and then back again. His screams becoming Scott's grunts. Monroe's laugh turning more masculine, hollow. Her face transitioning between Alyster's and her own. You shook your head, unable to trust your mind at that moment. "Stop," you whispered. "Stop. Stop, STOP!"
Thunder rumbled and a flash of dry lightning filled the space, blinding and white. When everyone regained their stances and blinked the bright spots away, you noticed Scott looking at you with a strange expression on his face. Monroe too.
"Your eyes..." Monroe whispered.
Suddenly, the wind became angry and it felt as though the temperature had dropped by several degrees. The doors and windows began to swing violently against rusty hinges. The whole church sounded like it was creaking in protest. Out of every shadow and dark corner bodies wearing ancient armour began to advance. Their eyes were practically lifeless. A chill crept up your spine and you had the unexplainable urge to look behind you. Like something was beckoning you towards it, despite your body's protests in fear. You craned your neck and when you saw what it was… who it was, your mouth turned dry and your nose began to choke on non-existent smoke.
A paling man with long, thin red hair held out one single bony finger, his voice as coarse as shards of glass cutting through vocal cords, "Give us the girl." He said calmly. The device around his neck -the Oculus- began to glow its sickly green colour. Tendrils of bright green light began to flow outward, seeking you out. The closer the tendrils got, the greater the feeling of dread filled your gut. But what appeared to unnerve you the most, was that no one else noticed the green tendrils snaking closer and closer towards you.
"What is this?" Monroe asked with a shaky voice. She swivelled her head from side to side, her face filled with fear as she realised they were all surrounded.
One of her men got trigger happy and unloaded his clip into the chest of a mouthless creature. When all his bullets were lodged into its chest, it looked down at the destruction done to its chest with a displeased expression, it shook a single digit in dismay as black oozed out of its wounds and the next thing you knew, the man was on the floor, blood pouring out of his neck. A wrenching gurgling noise escaping his throat. The creature had been so fast, you never once saw him reach for a weapon.
Scott used Monroe's state of distraction to kick her in the stomach and crawl out from under her knee. She staggered back and held her hand out to one of her men. As one of her men tossed her a machine gun, Scott shouted, "Now!"
Out of nowhere, several smoke grenades cluttered around the feet of Monroe's soldiers and the Order's. The room filled with smoke that held a familiar tinge to it -sage. Then you saw a dark figure ghost around the two men who had held you, sending them flying back into the growing smoke. You noticed the tendrils disappear behind the curtain of growing smoke. You took out the bandana you had stashed in your back pocket and tied it around your nose. The figure stood with an intimidating presence between you and your enemies. A loud aggressive roar filled the room and familiar bright blue eyes looked at you with a soft reassurance.
The obscured figure tilted its head slightly, its eyes growing softer at the mention of his name. It was Derek. Through the smoke, you could hear more gunshots and grunts. Knowing you couldn't see as well as him, Derek acting as your shield, began to inch backwards slowly, his claws opened wide at either of your sides. You followed his direction and allowed him to inch you backwards until you bumped against another person’s back. You jumped and quickly turned, relieved to be greeted by Scott's glowing eyes.
"Well, we did it. We got them here." You said wistfully.
"That was the easy part," Derek said.
"Easy for you to say," Scott rubbed his ribs where Monroe had tased him repeatedly.
"You survived didn't you?" Derek said.
"Regardless, let's just hope Liam and your contact follow through in time," you said.
"She will," was all Derek said in reply.
Even though his position was obscured by the mess of fighting bodies and thick smoke, you heard the familiar dark voice of Alyster issue his commands, "Astrid, bring me the girl. Kaze, deal with this smoke."
A light, feminine voice spoke out in Japanese, "Okonawa  remasu."
It is done
With those words, the wind began to pick up again as though it was under someone’s spell. It howled like an unwelcome spectre, taking old window shutters off their hinges and moving several pieces of derelict furniture with it. The smoke was beginning to clear and you could see an outline of a petite woman with short, jet black hair at the epicentre of where the strong winds were generated from. Her eyes not glowing, but almost shimmering a dull grey.
Scott shielded his eyes from the drying winds. He looked over at the woman and uttered: "Kitsune."
When the wind began to return to normal the whistling of an arrow whizzed towards you. Out of your peripheral, a small object blurred past you just as Derek used his body to move you close to the ground. He snapped up swiftly, bringing his hand to grasp something close to his face. With a crack, Derek snapped the arrow he had stopped close to his eye and it cluttered to the floor. He growled, bringing his claws to an attack position as Astrid -the archer- nocked another arrow from her vantage point two flights up. A wicked grin on her face showing just how much she was enjoying the chaos around her.
"Idag tar du ditt sista andetag, Varg!" Astrid said triumphantly.
Today you breathe your last breath, Wolf!
"Whatever you said, I can assure you, thing's aren't gonna go your way!" Derek warned, chucking a large piece of debris at her.
Astrid nimbly dodged his projectile and climbed one level down by vaulting off the second floor and catching the railing on the first floor. When she had her footing she nocked two arrows simultaneously, they had wedged themselves into two of Monroe's men who were about to flank from Derek's sides.
Derek looked shocked. "You're mine, Wolf!" Astrid said as she aimed a new arrow at Derek's chest.
As Derek dodged each arrow by a razor's edge, Scott set his sights on the non-threatening looking Kitsune who smiled pleasantly. Her eyes peacefully closed as though she were meditating in a Zen garden. Enclosing around her was a swarm of Monroe's men. Once in position, several of them raised their sights on her. Scott could do nothing but watch with curiosity.
Behind you, you felt the cold air of the green tendrils get close to your skin. When you looked down, you noticed one tendril was within an inch of your wrist. You gasped and yanked your arm away. Derek and Scott heard your gasp and turned to see if someone had broken through their protective circle, they hadn't. Puzzled they looked away and returned their attention to their opponents.  
The men surrounding the Kitsune fired off their weapons but were dismayed to realise their bullets had been swept up in a miniature tornado. The furniture and dust began to slowly move towards the spin force generated by the tornado until it stopped and reversed in direction. All the bullets trapped in the spinning air were now released back to the men who shot them out.
Hundreds of bullets swerved and curved around pillars and walls to embed themselves into Monroe's men. Scott and Derek instantly reached for you and both of them pushed your shoulders down as they ducked for cover too. Just then you felt your whole body go limp as a coldness took over your body. Your body was paralysed and all you could do was look down at your ankle where a green tendril had wrapped itself around you.
Time slowed, sound vanished and your vision was filled with nothing but the green smoke of the Oculus and the sight of a weary-looking Alyster. His eyes met yours with a chilling snap. His lips slowly, painfully, tugging towards his eyes to form an unnerving smile.
"Come with us, and all this chaos can end. Come with us and I'll tell you the truth," his words swarmed around your brain. It was then that you realised he was inside your head. You tried to shake him out, to scream for him to shut up, but you were motionless, voiceless and completely helpless. "Come with us and you will learn of your importance to the Order... And the fate of the world."
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Chapter 11>>
Tags: @melissavercos @divisingstories @theflash-trash @mynamesalreadytaken @island-end @chipster-21 @helloscorpious  @marvelismyfantasy @anonymousfanfic @homra-the-red-clan @derangedangel @phonegalhelp @bowtiesandwhiskers @soldierwinterthe @alina-barnes @sumlariss @luckythepizzadog4444 @tlytxia @drunklili @iamabeautifulperson18 @gruffle1 @thechickvic @notawarriorjustyet
Broken Tags are crossed out!
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eternalsterekrecs · 7 years ago
Heyy, do you know any sci-fi sterek fic?
First of all we would recommend you to check our SPACE AU and APOCALYPSE SCENARIOS AU tags. However, here are a few more fics for you!
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The Epic Space Opera of Stiles Stilinski and Sergeant Spacewolf by A_Diamond
Beacon Station is an extraplanetary center of research and exploration. Human scientist and minor disaster Stiles Stilinski lives there, as does the grumpiest alien ever: Derek Hale, the titular Sergeant Spacewolf himself. After a rocky start to their acquaintance, they’ve settled into sort of a love-hate relationship, wherein Stiles pines and provokes in approximately equal measure, and Derek grudgingly tolerates.
When a mechanical failure leaves them stranded together in the vacuum of space, the impending doom of almost certain death forces the truth of their feelings to the fore. Will our heroes finally get together? Will it even matter? Will they survive the danger?
(Yes, yes, and yes. There wouldn’t be a story to tell otherwise.)
Negotiations by mikkimouse
This is the fifth time Derek has met with Prince Stiles of Terithon VI to act as an interpreter, and it is by far the worst.
(Derek is an interpreter. Stiles is a prince. Feels ensue.)
Luminescence. by doctorkaitlyn
The first time Derek ever lays his eyes upon an actual Siren, he’s five years old. She’s beautiful and terrifying, as powerful as the stories have made her out to be and his mother tells him that if he ever meets one again, he should never trust them.
But when he returns to the planet of Pandora to get revenge on the bandit warlord who executed his parents and sister, he ends up joining forces with Stiles, a young Siren who knows exactly what it feels like to lose your family. It starts out as a relationship of convenience and mutual distrust. It doesn’t stay that way for long.
(or, that Borderlands fusion where Stiles is a Siren and Derek is kind of a Soldier/Hunter, and they join together for revenge and end up with something far more complicated)
way out east there might be a way out by paxlux
Life in the Capital Wasteland ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.
We Don’t Need to Know the Way Home by Green
The year is 2020. Better Living Industries has Battery City in a chokehold. Stiles is a teenager doing his best to help people out of the city, just like his mom did before him. But when BLI captures werewolves and starts destroying them, Stiles knows he has to do something more.
A.K.A. werewolves in the Zones!
ain’t that a kick in the head by ghostsoldier
In the post-apocalyptic wastelands of northern California, a grouchy werewolf in black marched across the desert and a courier followed.
Electric Heart by BarlowGirl
Derek looks at Stilinski, and thinks about Argents, thinks about recording devices slipped into his bags and clothing, lipstick stains on his skin. Outside, he can hear Stiles goofing around with the intern Scott, making sarcastic remarks and laughing, and under that noise, that fragile, fluttering heartbeat.
“What am I supposed to do with him?” Derek asks roughly.
Stilinski levels a sharp look at him. “Why did you ask Argent for him?”
Derek leans back against the couch. Shrugs. “He saved my life,” he says carefully. “Figured I’d return the favour.”
OR: In the near future, Derek meets a very peculiar android named Stiles and takes a liking to him.
Human After All by starsandgraces
When Stiles digs the cyborg out of the junkyard, his main hope is that it’ll do his chores for him. He definitely doesn’t expect it to have attitude, demand to be called Derek, or have a serious ulterior motive.
D33R3 by Amethystina
When Stiles finds a high tech, broken down android in a dumpster, he knows it’s too good to be true. There has to be a catch somehow — no one throws away expensive androids, and this particular one is unlike any android Stiles has ever seen. D33R3 looks so real that Stiles could almost mistake him for a human being. He can’t help bringing him home.
Stiles should have listened to his instincts. It soon becomes clear that someone is looking to reclaim their lost propery, and Stiles is nothing but an irritating obstacle standing in their way.
Ultra Violet by ElisAttack
“There’s no way he’s a quarian. Least of all the quarian prince we’re supposed to be escorting.” Erica whines, and Derek wonders why he named her his staff lieutenant, she has no tact whatsoever.
“I’m sorry, but you must be a level 4 friend to unlock my tragic back-story.” The prince jokes. “And call me Stiles, even I can’t pronounce my actual name.”
Or the one where Derek and his crew are assigned to be the glorified babysitter of an alien prince, and everything is not as it seems.
the glamorous life of a CI by coyotl
future sci-fi AU in which Stiles is recruited into being a confidential informant and Derek is his biomechanically enhanced agent/babysitter/bodyguard. And things happen. Smexy things.
Chasing You Down by Reyn
Stiles Stilinski, the famous intergalactic video blogger, is about to get his chance to get up close and personal with the equally infamous Velocity Jockey, Derek Hale. Not that he wants to, or anything.
All This Has Happened by 1001cranes
The thing is, most of it’s been done before. People competing for money, or love, or fame - it’s all boring, it’s all been done, has-been, seen before, who cares? Until some motherfucker finally realized - you know what’s really interesting?
Dystopian AU where fame is the name of the game. Sometimes revenge is the quickest way to the top, and Derek Hale has plenty to avenge - Stiles is just along for the ride.
A Wildness Warily Awakened by Etharei
Derek Hale and his Specialized Combat Agents Unit are assigned to B-CON Base, a research facility in the heart of the lone human settlement on planet Cali. Normally, such an isolated place would not warrant the presence of Specs - the Infection is raging across the known galaxy, after all, and zombies don’t kill themselves (unless there are no tastier alternatives at hand) - but Derek is on a private hunt for his sister. He soon discovers that the rest of his team have ties to the place as well.
It’s all just coincidence, of course. (No matter what Stiles bleats on about those.)
Also, zombies.
A W A K E N I N G by qhuinn
In 2011 a virus wiped out 99% of the Earth’s population. Now, four hundred years later, all of the survivors live in Beacon Hills, the last city on earth ruled by the Hale regime. Although Beacon Hills is largely idyllic, people are routinely disappearing and everyone is suffering from bad dreams. Stiles Stilinski is a member of the Monicans, an underground rebel organization who fight against the Hale regimen. When Stiles is sent on a mission to kill the government’s leader, Chairman Derek Hale, he discovers that there are deeper secrets to be discovered, and conspiracies to be foiled.
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scoobydoominuscoobydoo · 7 years ago
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So really early on we had made comparisons between Shaggy and Daphne with Stiles and Lydia from Teen Wolf. Obviously they’re not carbon copies of one another, Daph is an amazingly well rounded babe but she’s no Field’s Medal winner. (She is a straight A student though)  And while Shaggy is a very blessed individual he’s not exactly a born and bred detective like Stiles. But we’re not looking at the individual similarities between characters. We’re looking at the dynamics that are shared. Shaphne and Stydia’s similarities fall under their relationships. Lydia is an incredibly beautiful and popular girl but that’s not her whole character, like Daphne, behind that pretty face is a powerful and dangerous girl. And Stiles was the one taken for granted because he was just human, same could be said about Shaggy. Shaphne and Stydia are built on a mutual respect and reverence for one another. While Shaphne’s respect is not built on enough because of the Fraphne obsessed society we live in the respect is definitely there. Shaphne and Stydia were stuck in a world where people kept seeing them as how they wanted to see them.
In lieu of that Mod Silas has been redrawing some famous Stydia moments with Shaphne in place. And as a special present Mod Ninja will add on short fics to go with each picture. We hope you like this!
Part One
“It’s not just someone to hold you under, it has to be someone who can pull you back.”
Her hair had been perfect, it had taken hours for her to make it look windblown but in a sexy kind of way. She had redone her make-up four times to achieve the perfect mix of “I look like a million bucks!” and, “That hot chick you’d see at a Costco.” Resulting in a perfectly neutral yet captivating look. $200 had fallen out of her wallet so she could buy the regal, backless, deep purple dress.This dress was perfect, the closest thing to her dream coming true. Another $100 for the silver four inchers that matched her earrings.
She had stared at herself in the mirror for maybe five minutes.  
“This time Daph.” She said softly, “This time I’m gonna get this prom thing right.”
It was safe to say her first prom was a disaster. She had to tackle Fred to the ground and beg him to go with her, and after pouring her feelings out somehow they settled on going as “Buds ™.” But at least she got her dance with him.
Well, half a dance. It was interrupted by someone that Fred could grasp being attracted to. And she was also dressed like a great aunt from Hell.
Just like that, Fred’s eyes were off Daphne for the rest of the night. Whether she was kidnapping guys and throwing them in her rape dungeon or not, she had Fred’s complete and uninterrupted attention.  
But that was not going to happen this year.
Daphne was going to have her moment, she would get her dance with Fred and make her move. It was finally going to be the start of their perfect love story.
The mayor had sent two police squad cars to watch out for anything suspicious and protect the dance from it. Not wanting a repeat of the junior prom/Alice May debacle of last year.
While this was met with joy from Shaggy and Daphne, Velma had snorted and said, “Thank goodness our greatest allies are gonna be there to do nothing and get mad at us when we do all the work.” Daphne glared at her and Shaggy said, “Don’t you dare joke like that Velms! This is going to be a night of dancing, dates, and delicious snack tables. And absolutely no ghouls, zombies, werewolves, robotic werewolves, and vampires that look more like demons from hell than anything from Daph’s weird books!!”
Daphne had prayed to every god she could think of to help prevent any experts in special effects, puppetry, illusions, and advanced robotics didn’t get pissed off within the 72 hours before the dance. And she was almost considering being religious because here they were, walking into the gym that was decorated in and a 1940′s theme. No monsters in sight.
She was finally getting her moment with Fred, his arms were wrapped around her waist and his hands felt just perfect there.
And then a giant fucking bunny rabbit that spit acid just had to fall from the disco ball and send everyone into a panic. Daphne didn’t even need to look up at him to know that his eyes were sparkling and he was formulating a plan in his big, dumb, gorgeous, trap obsessed head. Once Shaggy let out a nervous chuckle she knew that her night of ineffable romance was over.
Precisely two hours and 15 minutes later they had caught The Buck Toothed Terror, which was a damn freshman who was mad that a senior hadn’t asked her out. Somehow Daph could relate.
Blah blah blah, robotics club member, blah blah blah, giant exoskeleton. “And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling upperclassmen!!”
Daphne had heard it all before.
Regardless of that total waste of time it was still only 9:15 and the dance ended at midnight. She still had her chance to revive the dying dream.
She scanned the gym looking for her target, the dance floor was now filling up with re-relaxed students. She spotted him on the other side of the floor adjusting his ascot, which didn’t match his tux at all but she didn’t care because he had to be the one.
She lit up as she spotted him and prepped herself to make her way over to him. She smoothed her dress which had become wrinkled from the several times they had been chased a giant, robotic bunny. It wasn’t back to it’s perfect crisp appearance, but she doubted Fred would even notice, as usual. Then she remembered that she had sent a roundhouse kick, with perfect form if she did say so herself, at the bunny and had broken the heel off her shoe as a result.
$100 down the drain.
Whatever, you could barely see the shoes at the bottom of the dress, if she walked on her toes it would look the same.
Ignoring the fact that her hair was popping up in every direction, and being jealous of Velma’s bounce back bob, she began to make her way over to him.
But was then stopped in her tracks when she saw the whole picture. Fred was surrounded by peers, most notably hot seniors. Now technically Daphne was in the category of hot senior, but she was also an outcast amongst the popular crowd.
She always had the chance to join the popular crowd. Everyone in the school knew she would be a hit. But at the start of every year Daph found herself only giving the popular kids friendly nods and then she’d dash over to the table where Fred, Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma were sitting. And just like that she would be pushed into the rag-tag group of weirdos, same as every year. But she didn’t mind, these were her best friends and unlike everything else in her life they made her happy.
The popular kids seemed to understand this and left her be, left the whole group alone really. The most they ever did was try and convince Fred to ask her out once, which failed of course. But it showed Daph how genuinely nice these girls were. 
And currently two of them were putting their hands on his huge shoulders and drooling at every word he said.
He must have been telling the brave tale of how he saved their senior prom, of course adding in that it was a team effort. Because he wasn’t full of himself like other guys she’d met. He cared about equal credit and everyone’s happiness, unlike other guys she’d met. 
She felt herself tearing up.
“No Daph this is a dumb reason. It’s not like he had to spend prom with me.”
She had stared at him for another two minutes or so, hoping he’d look over at her and remember they were dancing earlier.
But he didn’t look over at her, instead the football players had dragged him off to their man huddle, and that was that.
She had no idea why she didn’t just walk over to him and ask him to pick up where they left off. Maybe she was too shy or nervous or scared, who cares it was too late.
She waddled over to the nearest empty tables and sat down, since Fred had been her ride she wasn’t able to just leave. So she chose to wallow and pout.
She felt her jaw drop when Fred escorted one of the hot seniors onto the dance floor. It took her like five minutes to get him to ask while it took Daph two months of planning to ensure she’d be the first girl he’d ask.
Her eyes began to tear up again, seeing how happy and natural he looked while he danced with someone they barely knew, and she didn’t care enough to hide her tears.
Until out of nowhere Shaggy had pulled out the chair next to her and sat down with a plop.
She quickly wiped her eyes and leaned forward so he couldn’t see her face. And while attempting to sound okay said, “How’s it going Shags?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Like, not great. Since Freddie had to commandeer all the precious food for the trap I’ve got nothing to do.” He leaned back in the chair and sighed. Daph looked around and smiled while saying, “Well where’s Scooby, I’m sure you and him could get into some sort of trouble.” She smirked and clasped her hands in her lap.
“Daph, do you really think Velma would let him stay at prom after what happened last year. Like man, she didn’t waste any time turning on the demon eyes.” He motioned towards the other side of the room where Velma was surrounded by guys from all walks of life. Somehow, this year Velms had become one of the hottest chicks in our class, getting date requests every other day.
Daphne wasn’t really jealous of her since she had her eye on only one guy, and it was way too funny watching Velma’s reactions to all the attention. 
“But you and Velma aren’t even together anymore are you?” She gave him a suspicious look but he quickly shook his head, “God no. I-uh, I guess she just doesn’t want Scoob ruining her last prom.” She smiled and sighed, “Honestly I would prefer if Scooby were here, then maybe it’d be a little fun.”
He stared at her for a second, maybe trying to unpack the meaning of what she said, and then he nodded.
He looked from Velma back to Daph, and they kinda just sat in silence for a little bit, just looking at each other.
That was one of the nice things about Shaggy, they didn’t need to say much of anything. Sometimes they could go on and on about how nice V-necks were, and other times they could just be quiet and accept each other’s company. At certain times Daph could use that comforting quiet that only Shaggy could handle.
It had taken a few minutes but Daphne looked down and realized that his hands were shaking, subtly but still noticeable.
She remembered that once again they had appointed Shaggy and Scooby as the bait in the formula. Daphne believed that it was because they were the fastest, but she couldn’t speak for Fred and Velma.
After everything was all wrapped up Shags was pretty good at looking like he was over his life being put in jeopardy. But Daphne eventually noticed that his hands didn’t stop shaking until the next day. That was when she considered that maybe he deserved a break. Her beliefs were confirmed when a doctor basically diagnosed him with post-traumatic stress. 
Of course that didn’t last long and he was back to being shoved into danger at every turn.
The main thing that had changed was that Daph now worried about him every time he became bait.
So of course he was still shaken up only half an hour after being chased to the death by an acid spitting rabbit that was 5x it’s original size. 
She could tell he was trying to calm down since he took deep breaths every few minutes, it didn’t stop his hands from shaking and she hated it. She took a deep breath as she grabbed his hands. He jumped at the sudden contact and Daph giggled, “Hey,” she said softly, he looked back at her, “Are you sure you’re okay.”
He stared at her with his eyebrows raised and said, “No Daph I am not okay, I almost got my tux melted off by a fucking bunny. And now I don’t even have any food or alcohol to drown my sorrows in!!”
She giggled again, “I have cappuccino flavored gum, it’s from my mom’s therapist.” 
“Which one?” Daph stared at him for a second, “Her-um-speech-no- it’s her anger management dude. Jackery??”
Shag chuckled, “Like, is Jackery even a real name?” She smirked, “Is Shaggy?Or Norville for that matter?” He winced, “Daph don’t even start that.”
She found them both chuckling, he seemed a lot calmer now that she had asked. Then she remembered that she was still holding onto his hands and he was gently holding back.
She quickly let go and put them back in her lap, looking around and hoping nobody saw them. More specifically, that Fred hadn’t seen. She peeked over Shag’s shoulder and felt her heart drop, several songs had passed and he was still out on the dance floor with the hot senior. He was still laughing and holding onto her tightly, something she had to beg to do with him.
Shag wondered what she had been staring at and looked over his shoulder. He then let out a sigh as he realized why party animal Daphne was bored at a school dance.
He looked back and saw her discouraged eyes filling with tears.
The hair on the back of his neck raised, he could handle his dog being over dramatic and Velma’s demonic tantrums and Fred throwing him into danger every other week. But he had no idea what to do when Daphne cried.
Whenever she cried she did it like a Disney princess, usually sprawled out on a bed with her hair all spread out and her face buried in the covers. When Daph cried everyone was going to know about it, and everyone just let a combo of Fred complimenting her and Scooby offering her his favorite toys. Eventually that would calm her down and she would explain while Velma rolled her eyes and Shaggy gave her apologetic looks.
 But this crying wasn’t the typical, charming Daphne crying.
This was purposely silenced crying, the kind where you wanted nobody to notice. 
He sighed and she realized that he was looking at her, she turned away and wiped her eyes. “What a day to not wear my waterproof mascara.” She forced a chuckle. Shag only needed to look at her helplessly trying to fix her eyes for a couple seconds before he gulped and took a deep breath.
“Like, Daph?” He sounded a lot more croaked than intended, which didn’t help his confidence. 
She looked away from the napkin she had used to clean the lines of her eyeliner and back to him. The second her purple eyes met his brown ones he became like 10 million times more nervous and his heartbeat probably spiked. Daph could say the same thing since she had no clue what he was gonna ask her.
“Yes Norville?” She sent him a smirk.
“Don’t even Daph I mean it.” She giggled as she let out a few sniffles.
He took a deep breath and looked out at the dance floor, “Do you-uh like, do you wanna dance?” It took him a lot longer to get that out, so he sounded like a sloth. Daphne stared at him for a second, her eyes wide while she processed what he said. She only ever danced with Fred.
At every dance she’d been to, homecoming, winter ball, spring formal, hoedowns, and of course the junior prom.
It’s was just a natural position she assumed.
She knew that just friends could dance, that’s more likely than dancing with a date. But somehow dancing with Shaggy felt like something in between. She had never danced with anyone else.
She must’ve been silent a long time because Shag added, “We’re stuck here for, like, another four hours so we might as well do what society expects us to.” She smiled and sent a glance over toward Fred, another song had passed and he was still on the floor smiling with the hot senior. 
“The dance floor is super crowded. Like, I doubt Fred would see you, i-if you’re worried about that.” 
She stared at him for another second and came to a conclusion. Tonight, she did not care what Fred saw or didn’t see. She had made this whole night about him and that was the same thing that ruined last year. For once this night was just about Daph, and Daph could do what she wanted.
So she ripped her gaze away from Fred, who could do whatever (and whoever) he wanted tonight, and gave Shaggy a smile.
She nodded quickly and they both stood up.
That was when she remembered that one of her shoes was broken. 
She lifted her skirt, her foot was being forced into a contorted position, “Damn it.” Shag whistled and said, “Like, now that is a terrible shoe design. Don’t no heel high heels conflict each other?” Daph rolled her eyes, “I didn’t spend $100 on a pair of gravity defying heels, I-I…I broke one of them when I kicked that stupid bunny.”
“Sounds like something you’d do.” She was about to point out that it had saved Velma’s hide but when she looked up she saw Shaggy kicking off his shoes.
“W-What are you doing Shag?” She crossed her arms and hoped no one noticed. He rubbed the back of his neck and said sheepishly, “You need to take your shoes off now that I don’t have any on.” Daph raised an eyebrow at him, she absolutely hated getting her feet dirty and he knew that, it just wasn’t right at all.
One time they were chasing after a swamp creature while surrounded with mud pits and Daph had been in a catatonic state for about an hour, even after her feet had been cleaned.
She would rather fight through the pain of these useless shoes then get some sort of bacteria through her feet.
But then she saw his hands, still shaking, and the random deep breaths every few seconds. It only took her a second before she groaned and kicked her shoes off, effectively shrinking her and reminding her that Shaggy was roughly 6′0. She ignored how gross her feet felt and grabbed one of his shaking hands. 
She started to drag him toward the middle of the dance floor, where it was the most crowded. Still hoping nobody would notice.
Although that might be asking too much since they were both shoeless and she was Daphne Blake.
Once they reached the center they both stood in front of one another, being quiet while a wall of other people swayed to the music around them. “Like, I uh…..”
Daph nodded and said, “I don’t know how to do this either.” His eyes darted around the room before they landed on her again.
She really liked the way he looked at her, no strings attached, no expectations, and no stupid clueless gaze. It just felt like he was looking at just her, Daphne.
She took a step forward so there were only a few inches between them and she placed her hands on his shoulders, “We’ll figure it out.” She smiled and he returned it as he rested his hands on either side of her. His fingers brushed the skin of her back for a couple seconds sending chills up her whole body. They slowly swayed to the music, not saying anything. Their comfortable silence returning. She just smiled and stared at him and he returned the favor.
Even dancing with him felt relaxed, and right.
She felt perfect, finally she believed this is what she deserved to have at prom.
And then her eyes drifted over to Fred, who was only a few feet away from them, and his eyes were on her. And instantly she was filled with regret and guilt, she was ruining everything! The more Fred stared at her the more the gentle swaying felt like the rocking of a ship in a storm. 
She had felt perfect and happy with herself a few seconds ago but she just had to think about her weakness, and then meet eyes with said weakness.
With that she looked away, and to keep herself from looking at him again she slid her hand down Shag’s arm and pulled herself into a hug. Hiding her face, and blocking her gaze, in his chest.
She could hear his breathing stifle, but he didn’t move.
Instead he leaned down and rested his head on her shoulder, the random deeps breaths seemed to diminish.
And it was replaced by a warm feeling in Daph’s chest, which she prayed meant anything but the first thing that came to her mind.
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sassysweetstories · 8 years ago
I Never Noticed
Request: “Can I have a Stiles x reader where she is Scott’s older sister by two or so years. Like when they were younger stiles and her were really good friends and he had a low key crush on her but never really noticed, and she is coming back from college since she graduated early due to being hella smart and you can take it from there”
Ship: Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader!Scott’s sister
Warnings: flirting, swearing, sarcasm, shyness, etc. 
Stiles P.O.V
Four Years Ago...
I rode my bike along side Scott. He grinned back at me, pulling into his garage. I followed him, hoping off my bike as I unbuckled my helmet. “My mom’s making tacos. Wanna have dinner with us?” I grin, scoffing at his stupid question. “Of course.” We hop in the house, slipping off our shoes. Scott turned over his shoulder, smiling. “Oh! My sister’s getting food and should be home later today so that we can hang out.” I try to hide my excitement. Scott’s sister and I were great friends. Here’s the thing, I liked Scott’s sister. She was pretty.. and pretty cool. Scott and I never really had friends. It was always the two of us. We weren’t popular, good at sports, anything really. And the moment we entered High School, we were considered outcasts to everyone. Well, almost everyone. 
(Y/n) was never shy when it came to us. She showed us off proudly, like we were some big award, or something. She always made us feel special, included us in meals or helped with classes, and, considering she was beyond brilliant, (Y/n) was the reason I was able to pass my classes. Every time someone tried to put us down in some sort of way, she’d come in and tell them off and make them look like an idiot. Having her around was, quite literally, the best. I couldn’t help but feel excited to see her. She was the smartest, nicest person I had ever met in the whole world. However, she was going to graduate early. I knew I was going to miss her a lot. Without her, things would get rough, real quick. 
Your P.O.V
Slipping on my jacket, I eyed my stuffed to the brim car, biting my lip. I hope I didn’t forget anything. Not that I would do that, considering I’m rather efficient. I check my list once more, though I don’t need to, it assures me either way. I nod and grin before hopping into my car. I roll down my windows to see my roommate, Lin, leaning up against my car. “Going back to see the fam?” She asks, smiling. I nod, turning on the radio before looking back at her. “Yeah, first time I’ve seen them since a year and a half ago. Studying takes up a lot more time than I thought.” Lin laughs, throwing her head back. “Oh, shut up. You’ve passed all your honors classes with flying colors. I envy the hell out of your brain. I don’t know how you can take that many honors classes. Oh! And by the way, our argument about quantum mechanics isn’t over yet! Have fun with your family!” 
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I can’t help but snicker before driving off. Blasting my radio, I can’t help but think about the good old days. The nights I use to spend with my brother and his friend, Stiles. Stiles. I wonder how he’s doing? I wonder how different he looks? I haven’t seen him in four years, which is a pretty long time. Then again, I look rather different as well. But healthy food, a gym, new hair and tattoos does that to you, I guess. I always did think Stiles was a cute kid. His sarcasm and wit always made me smile. I wonder how different Scott looks. I haven’t seen him in a while, either. My family didn’t know I’d be coming home today. I’d been planning this for months now, and now, I could finally see them. It took a few hours to get back, the drive not being terrible. The traffic was shit but the music was quite a beautiful distraction. The moment I pull into Beacon Hills, I almost cry from pure nostalgia. 
Peering around the town, I can’t help but giggle at the memories that pound my head. It hurt to see this town again, but it was a good kind of pain, ya know? There was the cafe where I had my first kiss, it being not that great but the ice cream I had after made it all the while better. Around the corner was the park I played in. My brother, Stiles and I use to spend hours playing all sorts of activities. I had a blast with those two. The second I pulled up to my house, I park on the street, my driveway up to the brim with unrecognizable cars. Huh? Must be having a party or something. Perfect. I whip out my phone, scrolling down to hit my mom’s number. Her joyous voice filled the other line. “Hey, sweetheart! Oh! I miss you so much! How’s college? How were finals? Tell me everything!” I giggle at her happiness. I really missed her. Being at college could get really lonely. “College is great! I miss you like hell. Finals were, finals. I did the best I could, considering they were approximately 98% AP classes. How’ve you been, mama?” 
She went off immediately. “Oh! Things have been okay here. As usual. Oh! I forgot to tell you that Scott’s captain of the lacrosse team! Stiles is no longer on the bench! He’s doing great, as well. (Y/n), I wish you could see them. They’ve turned into such handsome boys. You wouldn’t even recognize them!” I noticed a slight hesitation in her voice when she said that last sentence. I sighed, making my way up to the front door. “Mama, if you could have one wish, right now, what would it be?” Though we both knew the answer, I wanted her to say it, I wanted her to tell me. “I wish you were here, (Y/n). I miss my daughter, so much. I miss you, sweetheart.” Her voice was sad, broken. I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell. When she opens the door, I grin. “Wish granted.” In that moment, like I had planned, she broke down and burst into tears. Wrapping her arms around my waist while I towered over her, kissing her head. My mom held me close to her, almost desperate, as if I could slip through her fingers at any moment. 
We stand at the door for a few minutes. I am perfectly content to just let her cry on my shoulder. Finally, she pulls away, wiping her eyes before wrapping her arms around my hand. “C’mon! Does Scott know you’re here?” I shake my head, smiling as she pointed to the room where he was suppose to be. I round the corner, not enough for him to see me, but enough so that I could hear the conversation that fluttered wildly in the room. “Scott, I’m telling you! Just ask Kira out, she’s right over there! She’s hot, you’re hot, what have you got to lose?!” Before whoever was talking could finish, I came into view, leaning against the wall with a smirk. “I thought I was the attractive sibling.” There was a lot of people in the room, more than I expected. All of their eyes fell on me as I looked at my brother, his back turned away from me. When he turned to face me, he gasped. I took a step forward, smiling. “What? You’re not gonna say hi to your sister?” 
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Before I could say anything more, he ran toward me, embracing me tightly. I giggled as he picked me up, twirling me around in a circle. “I missed you so much..” He whispered into the crook of my neck. I kiss his cheek, smiling to myself. “I missed you too, Goober.” For a split second, I totally forgot there were other people in the room. When he pulls away, I wipe his tears away, smiling. Like I had predicted, he looked a lot different from when we were little. “Wow, you’ve grown so much! Look at you!! You’re actually taller than me! That’s a first!” He giggled, looking at my face with a smile. “I have grown a lot! But you- you look so different!” I laugh, shaking my shoulders. “Well, a year and a half at Harvard does that to you. Mom told me you’re captain of the lacrosse team! Congratulations!!” He nods, his eyes gazing from my eyes to my cheeks then to my hair. “You look so different, (Y/n). You’ve grown so much..” 
I scoff, punching his arm, playfully. “I’m still me. I might look different but I’m still your sister.” I say, lovingly. All of a sudden, a voice broke our family reunion. “I don’t mean to be rude, but would you mind introducing us to your totally attractive sister that we didn’t know about?” I look over at the group of younger teens, most of which were eyeing me up and down. The one who spoke was a shorter boy, the youngest of the group, it seems. Scott looks between me and his friends, blushing. Almost as if he forgot they were even here. But then again, I too, did that. “Guys, this is my sister, (Y/n). She attends Harvard and I haven’t seen her in a year and a half due to her massive studies and traveling.” I grin, waving at them. All of a sudden, I heard a new voice. A voice that sounded familiar, just lower. “(Y/n)?” Turning my body towards the voice, I gasp in shock. Stiles Stilinski stood by the door, gawking at me, as I’m sure I am as well. “Stiles?” He nodded, slowly shaking his head. “(Y/n), is that you?” I nod, still eyeing him with surprise. 
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All of a sudden, he lurched forward, taking me within his massive arms that use to be so tiny. Stiles use to be half my size, if not smaller, scrawny and cute. But now, now he was grown, towering over me. Tall, toned and burly. Of course, he was lanky before, that part hadn’t changed, however all of his weight was fit in just the right places. Stiles arms and chest were bigger. They looked massive. I would assume it was due to long lacrosse practices. His chocolate brown hair was longer, tousled and wild. I had the strongest urge to run my hands through them. His hands were massive, wrapping around my waist like they were meant to be there. Stiles picked me up like Scott did, twirling me around in a circle. We both giggle, loudly. His voice being a lot lower than before. It was sexy as hell, raspier. It sent shivers down my spine. When he pulled away, he looked at me again. Shocked at my new look. As was I about him. I mean, god damn. 
“You’re here- You look- Wow..”  “Likewise. You look- different.”  “Different is-”  “Good. Different’s good.” 
Before I noticed the awkwardness in the room, the one girl with strawberry blonde hair took the initiative to strut toward me, smirking. “Lydia Martin. So, Harvard, huh? You must be pretty smart.” Shrugging slightly, saddened by the fact that I could no longer look at Stiles. “Yeah, I suppose so. But, by the looks of it, you are as well.” Lydia eyes me with suspicions, brows furrowed with curiosity. “Why might you say that?” I smirk, examining her up and down, analyzing her. “I presume you’re eighteen years of age but due to your profusely large amount of make-up, you’re going for the older look. Head held up high, back always straight, sophisticated. Due to your daily attire, people assume you to be older, wiser. And they’re right. You dress the way you are. However, because of a past relationship, you’ve hidden yourself from within. You’re a lot brighter than people give you credit for. But that’s brilliant, you see, nobody suspects a dumb-blonde, well in this case, strawberry blonde, to be a riveting genius. As to which, you are. But since you’ve ended that toxic relationship-” 
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I continue, their eyes on me with awe. “You’ve grown out of your shell and become the brilliant bright person you are now.” As I finish, Scott looks at me with brotherly awe and pride. When I look at Stiles, his jaw is practically to the floor. Lydia shakes my hand, winking at Scott. “I like her.” After that moment, I had become the interest of the party. A taller burly boy, Isaac, I believe, along with Liam and Derek, never left my side. Kira and Malia were a ball to be around. They were both so funny, polar opposites but they made their friendship work. For them, it somehow flowed. Malia was rather snarky, no-filter and completely done with the world. Kira, on the other hand, was quite different. She was bubbly, full of life and energy. When she smiled, it was contagious. Lydia, like I predicted, was beyond brilliant. Halfway through talking, she started talking to me in Latin, not just normal Latin, enchant Latin. 
The group was looking at us in complete awe. I noticed after a little while that Scott and Stiles has broken away from everyone else. They seemed to be discussing something important, glancing my way occasionally. I nodded and smiled at them, kindly. After talking with the group for a while, I broke away from them to talk to Scott. “Hey, I’m gonna catch up with Mom for a bit, if that’s okay with you?” He nods, smiling back at me. “What?” I ask. He merely shakes his head, grinning. “I’m just really glad I’ve got you back.” I take him into a tight hug. “Well, I’m here for good. I’ll be back later, alright?” He nods, letting me go catch up with mom. As I left the room, I couldn’t help but glance at Stiles, biting my lip as our eyes meet. He smiled shyly back at me. When I sit across from mom, she smirks back at me, knowingly. “What?” I ask, slightly confused by her new attitude. She nudges her head back at the room. “They’ve grown, haven’t they? Especially Stiles.” She emphasizes. 
I nod, finally understanding what she meant. “Yeah, when did Stiles get so hot?” She coughs mid-drink, laughing loudly. Probably surprised by my pure honesty, she had no need to pry if I speaking without a filter. “Yes, he’s grown quite a lot since you last saw him.” I nodded, giggling. “Yes, yes he has.” All of a sudden, a loud crash came from behind us. We both turn around to see the teens on the floor, bodies on top of one another. And at the bottom, was Stiles, beat red. “Awe, c’mon! I thought she would have gone for me!!” Liam yelled, exasperatedly. When I look back at Stiles, I smirk and wink at him. He giggles, fumbling back into the other room. All of a sudden, Stiles yelped. “If you hurt my sister, I’ll kill you.” Scott said, protectively before walking into the our room, winking at me before tossing me a thumbs up. “Go get ‘em, sister.” I laugh, shaking my head. “I missed you guys so much.” She wrapped her hand around mine. “We missed you too.” All of a sudden, a new pair of hands wrapped around my shoulders. I look up to see Stiles, grinning. I put my hands on his waist, pulling him closer to me. The rest of the gang came into the kitchen, laughing and cheering wildly. God, it was great to be back. 
(I hope you liked it!!) 
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dylan-ohbrien · 8 years ago
Big Win [Stiles Lacrosse Week Smut]
Author: @dylan-ohbrien Pairing: Stiles x Reader Word Count: 3,285 Warnings: Smut (Oral male & female receiving), language that’s about it ;) A/N: So this is my first time writing a Stiles fic and I thought what better first than one for lacrosse week? I wrote this in a few hours and I haven’t done that in forever so I’m pretty proud of myself for that lol, that being said, I’m sure there are errors that I missed. It’s just kinda cute and smutty so I hope you guys like it! :)
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Over the last few weeks Stiles had been practicing with Scott for the big lacrosse game before school, after school, during school, and on weekends, I felt like I never saw him anymore. I knew that winning this game was important, it was the game that would determine the champions and he wanted that more than anything. Ever since the supernatural had calmed down in Beacon Hills Stiles and Scott were taking the opportunity to focus on more normal teenage things like sports, it was our senior year, this was their last chance to help the school win.
Every time I saw him in class he looked exhausted and I was worried he was starting to run himself down, I knew he was going to need something to relax him once this game was over and done with. I devised a plan, well two plans. One for if they won, one for if they lost. If they lost I would take him home, order his favorite pizza and watch Star Wars with him since he had been trying to get me to watch it ever since freshman year. However, if they won I had something else up my sleeve for him.
“You ready for the big game tonight?” I smiled as I walked up to Stiles who was standing with Scott and Lydia.
“As ready as we’ll ever be.” Stiles replied wrapped his arm over my shoulder as my arm went around his waist in a slight hug.
“You guys are going to do great, I know it. You’ve been practicing non-stop, there’s no way you can lose.” I encouraged them with a smile.
“You’re going to be there cheering me on, right?” Scott said with a smirk.
“Oh of course, I’m going to be yelling your name at the top of my lungs.” I joked and felt Stiles tighten his grip around my shoulders. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek. “Don’t worry babe, you know your name is the only one I’ll ever be screaming.” I winked and I saw his flash of lust in his eyes. “Alright, well I have to get to class, I’ll see you guys at the game tonight.” I smiled before leaning into Stiles again, “if you win tonight I might have a little surprise for you after.” I whispered against his ear, my lips brushing against it ever so slightly before I turned on my heels and walked away, a smirk on my face as I walked to class.
The rest of the day seemed to drag on and on and when the final bell rang I quickly gathered my things and rushed to my locker to get my things so I could go home and get ready before the game. The second I got home I ran up to my room to put a few things into a bag to take with me. I pulled out Stiles’ extra jersey that he let me have and contemplated wearing it for the game but decided to leave it for his little surprise after, assuming they win. I put it into the bag along with my sexiest pair or underwear and matching bra the decided to freshen up a little bit, touching up my makeup and fixing my hair into curls that cascaded down my back. Once I was ready I made myself a sandwich for a quick dinner then darted out the door and back to the school so I could get the best spot on the bleachers for the game.
When I got there, Lydia and Malia were already there, I waved as I made my way over and sat down with them.
“Well don’t you look fancy for a lacrosse game.” Lydia noted with raised eyebrows.
“Oh my god, I can practically smell the desire on you, gross.” Malia mocked with a roll of her eyes.
“What? Stiles has been working really hard these last few weeks to get ready for this game, I just wanted to look my best to support him.” I told them truthfully.
“If you wanted to support him why aren’t you wearing his jersey?” Malia asked and Lydia nudged her as if to tell her to shut up, she never did have the best filter when it came to what she said.
“Oh, I have that in my car for later.” I smirked in response making Lydia laugh with a shake of her head.
“I knew there was a reason you smelled like that.” Malia said and I rolled my eyes at her this time.
“Is it so bad that I want to treat my boyfriend to a little something special to congratulate him on all his work and hopefully a win?” I asked.
“No, it’s not. I think it’s sweet, just ignore her.” Lydia told me, smiling at me before glaring over at Malia.
I smiled to thank Lydia before we all went on with a different topic of conversation until it got closer to game time. A few minutes before the game was supposed to start I sent Stiles a quick text, wishing him luck and telling him where I was in the stands so he could find me if he was looking.
The game started and Stiles was playing like I had never seen him play before, he was catching and throwing the ball like his life depended on it. I didn’t sit down through the whole game, I just stood and cheered for him as hard as he was playing. At one point during the game Scott threw the ball to Stiles, which he caught but almost as soon as he caught it a large member of the other team tacked him to the ground. I gasped, my heart started to pound in my chest, I had never seen him get tackled as hard as that.
“Stiles!” I called out, mostly just a reflex. Coach and the medical team rushed onto the field to check on him. Soon I saw them start helping him stand up, he gave a wave to the crowed to send the signal that he was okay. I watched him as he shook off the pain then saw him look out into the audience, his gaze meeting mine, I blew him a kiss and he caught it then brought it to his lips, then blew me one and I did the same. I felt a rush of relief blow over me when I knew that he was okay before I knew it he was back in the game and playing like nothing had happened.
The game ended and the whole crowed cheered, they ended up winning 18 to 3, their biggest win of the whole seasons. I jumped and clapped and cheered for Stiles as the whole team hugged and congratulated one another in the middle of the field.
“Hey, we’re going to head out, beat the crowed, do you need a ride or anything?” Lydia asked, holding my arm to get my attention.
“Oh, no I have my car here and I want to congratulate the guys before they head back to the locker room. Thanks though! I’ll just see you guys later.” I told her, a smile plastered on my face. She nodded and gave me a wave, Malia turned to wave as well and I waved them both off as they made their way down the bleachers.
Once the team started heading back to the locker rooms I made my way down to the field hoping to catch Stiles before he left. Isaac and Liam both passed and I congratulated both with hugs, Scott was shortly behind them and I hugged and congratulated him as well. Then finally Stiles came by and wrapped me up in his arms the second he saw me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, smiling as I did.
“Congrats baby.” I mumbled against his lips which caused him to pull away, but he didn’t put me down.
“Thanks, angel.” He grinned, “So what’s my surprise?” He asked and I giggled, glad that he hadn’t forgotten.
“Meet me back at your place and you’ll find out.” I winked and wiggled my way out of his arms but not after giving him one last kiss.
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. You can let yourself in.” He said kissing my cheek and running off to the locker room.
I laughed as I watched him run off, loving how eager he was to find out what I had in store for him. When he was out of sight I ran to my car and headed to Stiles’ house. I knew I would only have a short amount of time to get ready before Stiles made it there. When I got to his houses I went right to his room and changed out of my clothes and into what I had brought with me, the matching underwear and bra and of course his jersey. I looked myself over in the mirror making sure being outside hadn’t messed my hair up too much then made myself comfortable on his bed. I laid on my side, propping my head up in my hand, facing the door and waiting for Stiles to arrive.
A few minutes later I heard the front door shut loudly and feet quickly walking towards the room. A smirk rested on my face as I waited for Stiles to open the door to his room and when he finally did he stopped, mouth falling open as he looked at me.
“Surprise, babe.” I said seductively, giggling slightly when his bag dropped to the floor. I could see his eyes trailing up my legs stopping at the hem of his jersey which hit right below my ass, I lifted my hand and curled my finger at him, signaling for him to come over to the bed.
Stiles kicked his bag to the side and kicked the door shut behind him, pulling his shirt off in the process, stumbling slightly as he made his wat to the bed. He crawled onto the bed and over to me, his body hovering over mine as I rolled onto my back.
“Do you know what you do to me when you wear that?” He asked, his voice low and raspy, I smirked, knowing exactly what it did to him.
“I think I have an idea.” I hummed, my finger gently trailing up and down his chest a few times.
“You look so fucking good.” He growled just before he captured my lips in his. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down further, our bodies resting against each other as the kiss heated up quickly. His tongue licked at my lips and I happily allowed him entrance, out tongues now mingling together. I could already feel his cock growing hard against my thigh though his sweatpants, I loved that I could do so much to him so quickly.
After letting us both get turned on enough to where it was almost impossible to pull away, I did just that. I pulled back from the kiss and slid my body out from under him and off the bed. He looked at me, confusion filling his face, but I just smirked knowing he was going to enjoy what was about to happen. He turned onto his back and propped himself up on his elbows watching me closely, wondering what was coming next. Although there was no music playing I slowly started to sway my hips, gripping the hem of the jersey in my hands and slowly raising it up revealing a hint of my panties. I turned around but kept swaying my hips, the jersey coming up even further this time revealing my ass almost completely. With each sway of my hips I brought the jersey higher and higher, I turned back around to face him biting my lip when I could clearly see the bulge in his sweatpants, his eyes glued to my every move. Eventually I had brought the jersey high enough to reveal the bottom edge of my bra and at that point I was done with the teasing and apparently so was Stiles. He groaned and started to rub himself through his pants and I knew I was going to have to hurry things along.
I pulled the jersey over my head and dropped it to the floor, strolling over to Stiles and standing between his legs at the edge of the bed. I grabbed his wrist in my hand and pulled it away from his member.
“Let me do that.” I smirked, lowering to my knees while gripping his pants in my hands and pulling them down so he could kick them off.
I licked my lips as I looked up at Stiles who was still watching me closely. I palmed over his cock through his boxers a few times then finally pulled them down, his generous size finally free of its confinements. I wrapped my hand around his bases and pumped him a few times, a soft groan falling from his lips at the contact, that groan soon turned into a gasp when I wrapped my lips around his tip, licking the precum from him. I hummed as his cock filled my mouth, taking him in until his tip hit the back of my throat. I began to bob my head slowly at first, taking my time with him, eventually picking up the pace when his hand tangled into my hair, guiding my motions and encouraging me to go faster. I could tell he was getting close when he stared to thrust his hips forward causing me to deep throat his cock, my eyes watering as my gag reflex kicked in. I started going even faster until suddenly, Stiles pushed my head away causing me to look up at him.
“I want to cum with you.” He said through shallow breaths. I smiled and pulled myself up, climbing on top of him, pulling my hair off to one side.
“That can be arranged.” I grinned, leaning down and kissing his deeply.
I felt Stiles’ arms wrap around my waist just before he rolled us over so he was once more hovering over me. He held himself up with one arm placed next to my head, his other gently running down my body, his fingers setting my skin on fire. I reached up and place my hands on either side of his face, letting the kiss get deeper as his hand got lower. His fingers trailed back up my body and he slipped his hand behind my back, I arched into him so he could unclasp my bra, which he quickly pulled from my body and pulled back from the kiss. His eyes scanned over my body, as if he was studying every inch of my skin, he smiled.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” He asked, a blush immediately forming on my cheeks at his words. I nodded, a smile resting on my face and he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my lips, it only lasted for a second before he pulled away and began kissing down my neck, sucking at my sweet spot, knowing he would leave a mark there. His lips trailed wet kisses down to my collar bone where he nipped at the skin, my body completely relaxing at his touch. As his kisses got lower my breathing got heavier, the anticipation growing, the wetness between my legs growing with each kiss.
Before removing my panties, Stiles traced his fingers along the lace over my folds, I knew he could already feel how wet I was, I whimpered needing to feel him where I was most sensitive. Finally, he lopped his fingers in the band of my panties and pulled them down my legs, tossing them to the floor with the rest of our discarded clothes. He licked one long, slowly, stripe up my folds making me gasp at the sudden contact, that gasp quickly turned into moans as his tongue began its work on my clit. Circling it and drawing unknown patterns along it, I was throbbing, and as if he could sense it, he slid a long, slender finger inside of me, pumping it a few times before adding another. Mewls were falling from my lips, my breathing faster, my back arching, craving more. He began to fuck me with his fingers faster and I could feel my walls starting to clench around him as he kitten licked against my clit.
“S-Stiles…” I whimpered, trying to let him know I was clothes. He pulled his fingers out of me and looked up at me, our eyes locking as he sucked his fingers into his mouth, licking off every, last drop of my pleasure.
Stiles crawled back up until we were face to face, his cock resting against my thigh as we breathed each other in. I leaned up to meet him our lips connecting into a passionate kiss as he lined himself up at my entrance. I nipped at his lip and wrapped an arm around his neck holding him close when he finally pushed into me, both of us gasping and groaning at the contact. He pushed all the way in and waited, letting me adjust to his size, I kissed him deeply letting him know I needed more, he pulled out slowly and pushed back in just as slowly.
I moaned as his cock continued to fill me completely, each time sending more pleasure through my body. It didn’t take long for him to start thrusting faster, creating more friction and more pleasure between the both of us. Heavy breathing, monas, and the sound of skin hitting skin filled his room with each thrust of his hips into me. Our foreheads rested against each other, eyes closed, lips brushing against each other as our bodies moved along with each other. Stiles slipped a hand between us and started rubbing his thumb against my clit, I knew he was getting close and he was trying to get me closer as well. It didn’t take much.
My walls started to contract around him when my orgasm started to build within me, Stiles’ thrusts began to get sloppy and there was no longer any rhythm to them, we were both reaching our peaks together. My arm tightened around his shoulders, my back arch into him puling our bodies closer together, my breath caught in my throat, and my voice broke mid moan of his name. Stiles’ face rested in the crook of my neck, his dick twitching inside of me, his thrusts more forceful but slightly slower as he came inside of me, releasing everything he had, my walls still tight around him.
As we came down from our highs Stiles rolled over next to me and onto his back, his hand reaching down to mine, lacing our fingers together. We laid there trying to catch our breath, our bodies still on fire, tingling with pleasure. Once we had both caught our breath enough Stiles brought our hands up and kissed the back of mine, pulling me over into his side, dropping my hand and wrapping his arms around me. I closed my eyes and sighed against his chest placing a chaste kiss to his skin as he did the same to the top of my head.
“I guess I should win lacrosse games more often.” He laughed.
“I guess I should wear your jersey more often.” I said in response, looking up at him and we both laughed.
“I love you, [Y/N].” He whispered.
“I love you too, Stiles.”
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