#and kurt needs to get better/recover in a lot of ways before it's possible
gleekto · 4 years
Roommate Wanted (11/12)
Summary/Prompt (stolen from @hazelandglasz - thank you!):  Straight guy (Blaine) worries he’s being homophobic to gay roommate (Kurt), then realizes he’s fallen for him. NYADA AU. Blaine POV.
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six (Interlude (Kurt POV), Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
“Show me.” Blaine breathes out and lets his dark eyes look up and down Kurt’s body in his impossibly skinny grey jeans. He raises his hand gently to Kurt’s neck, underneath the blue scarf where the hickey is fading, and moves his thumb slowly up and down. Kurt closes his eyes shut under the scrutiny.
“We should,” Kurt’s voice is shaky. “We should talk. First.”
“Yeah,” Blaine’s voice is equally shaky. “Okay.” He lets his lips tickle Kurt’s ear. God.
Negotiation is easy when everyone is on the same page and eager to stop talking. Kurt pulls Blaine over to the couch and they sit down, knees touching, hands intertwined. Blaine runs his index finger along Kurt’s bare forearm. He can see it distracts Kurt - that’s the point.
“What do you have in mind, Blaine Anderson?”
Kurt rolls his eyes. “I’m serious. If you actually want to get naked at some point tonight, you need to answer.”
Blaine’s eyes light up with the confirmation that they are, in fact, on the same page. “Yes.”
“Yes, I’d like to get naked with you. Tonight. And we can stop at any time.” Blaine will definitely definitely not want to stop. 
“Agree,” Kurt says. “But no, you know-that.” He stops.
“Anal sex?” Kurt squeaks his affirmation and Blaine laughs. 
“Not yet,” Kurt recovers.
“Not yet,” Blaine agrees. 
“What have you done, anyways?” Blaine figured this was on Kurt’s mind. He’s had sex with one person, it taught him a lot. No regrets. 
“I’ve had sex,” Blaine says. “With a girl. My then girlfriend of many months, Julie. And I got tested before I came to NYADA. Just in case, you know, I met someone.” He smiles at Kurt.
“Did you - I mean, was it- You don’t have to tell me the details or anything.”
“I liked it.” Blaine understands the question. “I like sex. I liked sex with Julie. It felt good. And I loved Julie in a, I guess now, sort of platonic way. But it wasn’t-” Blaine searches for the word. “Like it is with you.” Not like he is now - a shaken up soda can, finally open and fizzing over, his body on fire just thinking about it.
“You don’t know how it is with me.”
“You’re going to be very good at this, aren’t you?”
Blaine blushes at the expectation. “Well, I don’t know about that,” He shakes his head dismissively. “But I do like,” Blaine pauses in a moment of nervousness. “Sex. And I may have been told that I sometimes talk - like during -  I may say things to you. That I’ve been thinking. It heightens it, for me. Unless it embarrasses you. Then I won’t-”
“You can,” Kurt says quickly. “I like that you’re” Kurt breathes out, “Not shy.  But I am. Still. I think,” Kurt muses. “I want this. So don’t interpret my total awkwardness for embarrassment.”
“You’re not awkward.” Blaine has untucked Kurt’s yellow shirt, and is making small circles on his lower back. Kurt is letting him. “But just to be clear,” Kurt’s getting goosebumps.“Whatever you want to do to me - even if it’s very little, it’s okay with me. I just want you to be comfortable. So I can be comfortable. You don’t even have to look at me naked-” 
Kurt laughs, “I want to look at you naked, Blaine.”
“Okay,” Blaine licks his lips. “Then the last thing is, so there are no unwanted surprises, if it’s okay with you, I’d like to go down on you.”
Kurt laughs out loud. “Oh my god, Blaine. Why is that a term of negotiation?”
“I want to,” Blaine shrugs innocently. “I’ve been thinking about it.” 
“Okay, I can live with that,” Kurt answers. Blaine finally lies him down on the couch and settles on top of him.
“Okay.” Blaine is where he wants to be.
It starts gently. They have all night. Blaine licks slowly at Kurt’s lips underneath him. Kurt mirrors him, slow, soft kitten licks. A tease. 
“I’m going to really kiss you now.” Blaine moves his hand behind Kurt’s neck, sinking himself into the kiss. Kurt moans and Blaine sighs into his mouth at the sound. He can feel Kurt’s hands on the small of his back, moving slowly lower. “Grab my ass,” He breathes into Kurt’s ear, burying his mouth on his neck.
“Oh my god,” Kurt laughs breathlessly but he does.
“Your hands feel so good.” Blaine warned him he would talk.
“You know I like your ass,” Kurt squeezes harder and Blaine feels powerful.
Too many minutes of kissing, pressed on top of each other on the couch and Blaine’s jeans are very uncomfortable. Which means Kurt’s jeans must be painful.
“Kurt,” Blaine lifts up. “Do you think we can move this to somewhere more comfortable?”
“Your place or mine?” 
They choose Kurt’s bigger bed, standing up from the couch and moving as quickly as possible. Kurt crawls on to his bed and Blaine quickly takes off his own shirt while Kurt is facing the other way. He’s not rushing - just wants to turn the heat up one notch.
“Wow,” Kurt is sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at a now half naked Blaine. Blaine preens, stepping between Kurt’s legs and bends gently to kiss at his neck, encouraging. Kurt places his hands on Blaine’s stomach and explores, running hands and fingertips over his nipples and Blaine starts to unbutton Kurt’s canary yellow shirt.
They lie beside each other, shirts off, kissing slowly. Kurt gets goosebumps every time Blaine runs a finger pad over a nipple. “Ahh. Sensitive.” But Blaine likes the sound he makes so he does it again. And then sucks Kurt’s nipple into his mouth. “Hnnngh ah!” 
“And I thought I would be the vocal one.”
“Shut up, Blaine. It’s intense there. For me.” Blaine does it again and Kurt groans deeply. Blaine sees Kurt’s toes curl. “Wow. It’s just a lot.”
Blaine gives a last lick and gently moves back to his pillow, stares at the ceiling for a breath. “We can stop now, you know? I won’t be disappointed. Well, maybe a little,” Honesty is the best policy. “But there will just be more for next time. It’s really okay.”
Kurt turns his head to face Blaine. “I did not say that I wanted to stop.” Kurt turns back to the ceiling too, breathing heavy, determined. He looks straight up, bites his lower lip, and puts his right hand firmly on Blaine’s clearly hard dick hidden in his jeans. Blaine’s heart races and he stays very still. Wants to let Kurt do whatever he wants. Kurt starts to run his hand up and down, gently squeezing. 
“I like that, Kurt. Your hand on me.” Blaine’s breath is shaking and he closes his eyes.
“I think you might like it more if we got these off.” Kurt pulls at his jeans. 
“I thought you’d never ask.”
 It doesn’t take them long to each remove their jeans. Blaine was not even going to try to peel Kurt’s off of him. He thinks he would have had to use a scissors which would have been a definite mood killer. Instead, he watches Kurt remove them slowly, turned around in a way one does for privacy when changing in front of someone. It gives him a chance to take in Kurt’s body - his long, strong legs, his round ass in black briefs, his broad back.
“Are you staring at me?” Kurt turns around, blushing slightly.
“Yes,” Blaine says. “Come here.”
Making out in only underwear is so much better. His cock has been hard since the couch and now he can feel Kurt against him, he can press against Kurt. He’s not sure the first time he does it how Kurt will react - Too forward? Letting Kurt feel how turned on he is. But Kurt grunts and mirrors his movements, his cock against Blaine’s leg, Blaine’s cock. It’s a new feeling completely - He grabs Kurt’s ass and pushes them together.
“Never felt anything like this before, Kurt,” Blaine lets out between soft moans.
Kurt is on top of Blaine and lifts up on his forearms and pushes his pelvis down in response. “You’ve never been gay before, Blaine,” Kurt smirks, mimicking him.
“Yeah,” Blaine can barely talk “So hot.” He takes the next step and slips his hands on to Kurt’s bare ass in his briefs, keeping the rhythm. “I want to see your cock.”
They stand in front of each other, naked and hard, and stare. “Your body is amazing, Kurt. All of it. You’re big.” Blaine knows he’s staring shamelessly. He wants to look.
Kurt is deep red but doesn’t rush to move, instead reaches out to fit Blaine’s cock in his own hands. He pumps gently. “You’re hot.”
Blaine presses them together again and they fall on to the bed, kissing and grabbing and rubbing more urgently against each other. Blaine can feel Kurt’s urgency.
“You’re getting close,” Blaine whispers in his ear and Kurt scrunches his eyes shut.
“I don’t want to be,” Kurt pants. “But yes.”
“So I’m going to suck you now, Kurt. Okay?” It’s a rhetorical question. “Spread out for me, babe.” The word feels new on his lips and he sees Kurt blush but that could be for other reasons. Kurt is a babe. Kurt opens his legs as Blaine kisses the inside of his thighs. He licks up, paying attention where he would want it, letting his tongue swirl around the head. Kurt whimpers and pants. “This is what I wanted, Kurt.” He licks lightly again. He knows he’s teasing. “Was hoping you would let me.” Kurt grabs on to the sheet beneath him, close. “Don’t be afraid to move, okay?” And then Blaine sinks down on him, jaw loose, trying to focus on all the sexual sensations around him. 
“Ah ah, Blaine! I’m going to-” Blaine keeps bobbing with just enough suction, and puts his hands under Kurt’s ass, lifting him in deeper, encouraging him. Kurt puts his hands on Blaine’s head, lets himself buck up. He screams loudly as he comes in Blaine’s mouth.
Blaine only chokes a bit, and he grabs a tissue to wipe at his mouth and does his best to swallow the rest. It’s slightly gross, but also epically hot. He’s so turned on he thinks he could come just from thinking about it.
“Sorry,” Kurt pants out as he opens his eyes. “That was loud.”
“That was literally the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced,” Blaine is still panting.  “Because you were loud - and who cares? We’re alone,” Kurt can’t argue with him. “And also because you, you know, weren’t shy.”
“Thanks,” Kurt smirks. “I’m trying. And so,” Kurt is now staring at Blaine’s still very hard cock, as Blaine kneels beside him unabashedly. “It’s your turn.” Kurt moves quickly -  opening his mouth and licking, before Blaine can begin a lecture on making sure Kurt is comfortable, being happy to wait until next time. He would be. “Ah Kurt, you don’t have to-”
“Please be quiet,” Kurt huffs out before opening his mouth wide and sinking down. Blaine is still kneeling, and puts his hands down behind him, grabbing the sheets. Blaine can watch him like this, eyes closed in concentration and mouth working. He puts his hands gently on the back of Kurt’s head, likes to feel the movement on him. He arches back.
“Kurt, I’m going to-” Kurt pops off as Blaine moans deeply and comes, on himself, on Kurt’s stomach. He watches Kurt’s amazed expression as he finishes.
There is a sticky mess all over both of them. “I wasn’t sure I would be able to swallow,” Kurt apologizes. “But I thought it would be hot to ummm,” Kurt looks sheepish. “Make a mess.” Blaine takes his index finger and traces it along the mess on Kurt’s stomach, and holds it up playfully to Kurt’s lips.
Kurt eyes it uncertainly, but sucks the tip in, assessing. “It’s not that bad, right?” Blaine encourages. 
“You tell me.” Kurt presses his mouth to Blaine’s, pushing them both over into a tangled mess of now very satisfied naked bodies.
“I love it,” Blaine answers into Kurt’s neck, cupping his ass and holding them together.
“Of course you do,” Kurt laughs. “Blaine, you have definitely earned your membership card. With honours.”
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twoblueheartslocked · 4 years
Mini Para: November Flashback
Rating: PG/PG-13
Pairing: Seblaine.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Four years before the events of ( Hold On To The Memories, They Will Hold On To You ) Events taking place in November of Blaine’s Senior Year and Sebastian’s Junior Year. Blaine (17) Seb(16).
Location: Blaine’s House. Westerville, Ohio
Info: A little glimpse into the month of November and the progression of Sebastian and Blaine’s relationship. Blaine invites Seb to his small family Thanksgiving dinner. Cooper embarrasses Blaine a bit and Seb makes him feel better.
Warnings: Teens cursing, kissing, touching.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Notes: Some canon events remain in place while others have been changed. Some things may even be out of order. You can consider this sort of canon divergent AU. A few changes are that Blaine’s parents are different from the show (His mother is Filipina), he didn’t cheat on Kurt or date Dave and Sebastian is younger than Blaine. Feel free to send a message if you have any questions!
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine paced nervously at the foot of his stairs as he waited for Sebastian to show up. He wasn’t late by any means, but Blaine was beside himself trying to get to the door before Cooper, who was in town from Los Angeles,  managed to throw it open and scare him off. Cooper had been harassing him about his relationship with Sebastian for the last two days, making ridiculous faces and taunting him with stupid questions that made Blaine blush. Oooh, going after the bad boys now? Oh my god, do you think you’ll survive college? Oooh, are you in love, Blainey? At least you get to dress yourself now, that’s a step up. Coop had been relentless and Blaine was sort of regretting inviting Seb to come over. He was now terrified that Cooper would say something dumb about love and actually chase Seb off with his idiocy.
It didn't help that he was a little afraid of how Seb might see Cooper. He’d never met him and if he saw him on the television then he’d never fessed up to it. But, people tended to like Cooper better than they liked him and Blaine couldn’t help but feel a little bit nervous that Seb might see his brother's six foot frame and blue eyes and forget he was even there. He remembered how cute Kurt had thought Cooper was and how in awe he’d seemed and the flair of jealousy Blaine had felt and now he was fighting as hard as he could to keep the jealousy at bay this time.
Blaine sighed, a little annoyed with himself because he knew better now. Sebastian seemed to only have eyes for him, seemed to only ever make time for him (and occasionally Hunter) So He knew he should calm down. Over the last month he and Sebastian had managed to get even closer. They’d spent the rest of October after his incredible birthday night in spooky bliss-Seb actually went to a Haunted House with Blaine and Sam and didn’t scream once, just clung to Blaine like a lifeline, but Blaine hadn’t minded at all. And since the start of November they'd taken more walks in parks with autumn leaves falling overhead and stepping over blankets of the crunchy ones with hot cider than he could count. And now Seb was going to be sitting at the family table with his mom, dad, Cooper and himself and he was giddy with it all.
His cheeks hurt with how happy he was. He couldn’t remember ever smiling this much before and if he had, whatever he’d been smiling about suddenly didn’t compare to the sight of Sebastian Smythe’s cheeks tinged a pinkish red whether from the cold where he got to sneak frozen kisses or from Blaine’s hands or mouth in their intimate moments as Seb sang out his name in a chorus that seemed to only be for Blaine. He was closer than ever to letting his feelings for Sebastian slip past his lips and he didn’t know what that might do to them. He’d made a promise to himself to keep it in for a bit longer, see how tonight went and maybe get through the New Year, but every day that Blaine spent with him made it harder to keep the pitter patter rhythm of I love you I love you in his heart to himself.
The very heart that skipped a beat when Sebastian’s confident and steady knock rapped through the door and pulled him from his thoughts. Blaine surged forward, throwing a look at himself in the hall mirror and noting that a curl was loose and his fitted navy blue sweater was slightly disheveled- he couldn’t care too much though, he needed to beat Cooper. He could already hear his brother’s thundering feet as he tried to get to the door first. He grabbed the handle, trying not to slip on the hardwood floor as he pulled the door open to Sebastian standing in the brisk Ohio autumn, his cheeks tinged pinkish red front the cold. A smile broke out on his face as he reached out and pulled him in, wrapping him in a hug and giving him a quick hello kiss before Cooper could round the corner and make fun of him more.
“Hey you. I see even the cold couldn’t keep you away.” 
He teased, not wanting to let go. Suddenly the thought of sharing Seb with his family for the evening seemed tortuous, especially when they could just be alone. But, Cooper's little singsong of Blainey rang out and Blaine knew that wasn’t entirely possible. He’d have to introduce them sooner or later.
“Maybe we can get a few more of those kisses in later?” He whispered before leading his person into the family room where a defeated Coop had retreated.
“Coop this is Sebastian; Seb this is my brother Cooper.”
Sebastian’s POV:
If you would have told Sebastian a year ago that he would be regularly going on planned dates and lingering on doorsteps for goodnight kisses and getting invited to family dinners, he would have laughed in your face and said a few things that would probably hurt your feelings. But here he was, walking up to Blaine’s doorsteps with a pumpkin pie his cook had prepared. The bottom of the glass dish was warm in the palm of his hand as the chilly air whipped around him. Of course, Blaine answered right away to rescue him from the biting air, as if he could sense Sebastian’s discomfort.
“Hey B.” He leaned down for a quick kiss. He could sense an edge of nerves in the other boy. “Thanksgiving dinner? I wouldn’t miss that for the world.” Seb squeezed Blaine’s hand and hoped that it had comforted him some. Sebastian knew that he was on edge about his older brother being home for the holidays. Blaine had told him about how Kurt and the New Directions fawned all over him because he was in a few insurance commercials and was typically good looking. Sebastian had assured Blaine that a few commercials didn’t impress him and that nobody was him and therefore couldn’t steal his gaze away.
“I can’t wait.” Seb whispered into Blaine’s ear before he was tugged towards the Anderson’s family room.
Cooper was tall and handsome, sure but extremely goofy and cocky (an interesting mix). Sebastian could feel the puppy dog like energy roll off of him as he clasped his hand in an energetic handshake.
“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Sebastian figured it was best to keep things generic. Cooper grinned and clasped a big hand on Blaine’s shoulder but kept eye contact with Seb. “I can say the same for you, big guy. You ever think of doing commercial work? I could hook you up with a gig for Athlete’s foot powder. Lacrosse, right?”
Sebastian felt his eyes widen and his mouth drop open a tiny bit. Blaine’s cheeks turned bright red like the ribbons on the Christmas tree in the family room.
He recovered and shook his head, “Nah, no thanks. But yeah, I play Lacrosse. Season starts up in February.”
Sebastian looked around the room and could smell the scent of turkey and stuffing and cinnamon drifting into the room. “Where are your parents?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s smile felt far too big over something so small, but Sebastian telling him he wouldn’t miss Thanksgiving meant a lot to him. He knew that this wasn’t really Seb’s scene and the fact that he was here right now made Blaine happier than he could say. Little prickles of goosebumps broke out over his skin from the whispered words and Blaine was even more reluctant to share his time with Sebastian than he was before. Did he have to get that close to his ear? He was blushing when they entered the room and Cooper’s grin told him that he saw it too.
He stood there as Cooper looked Sebastian up and down, appraising him like one would a diamond and bit his bottom lip. Did Cooper have to make a show of everything? Athlete’s foot powder? Where did he come up with this stuff? He knew he was still blushing, the damn thing never seemed to go away when it came to Seb and he cursed himself for being so easy to read. He tried not to feel too self conscious standing in between the two of them but he felt so tiny next to them, he’d always felt that way next to Coop and with Sebastian being taller than Cooper he felt even smaller. And for the thousandths time Blaine wondered what Seb actually saw in him, especially with Cooper looking like a goddamn movie star.
“Don’t try to solicit Sebastian, Coop.” 
He groaned and shook his head watching as Cooper pulled his vibrating phone out of his pocket, his big brother gave a cheeky smile before excusing himself with a clap to Sebastian’s back and an overdramatic thumbs up to Blaine. Blaine wanted the floor to eat him up. He turned to Seb and gently took the pie from him with a shake of his head.
“I told you he was ate the hell up.” He laughed, “They’re both in the kitchen cooking away. My grandparents on my dad's side usually come but they had other engagements this year and mom and dad must have forgotten out of habit and have made too much food. Don’t be surprised if my mom tries to send you home with fifty pounds of mashed potatoes.” He grinned up at Seb. “Don’t worry though, you can say no.” He turned and linked their fingers, Seb’s fingers still warm from the pie before tugging Sebastian into the kitchen to greet his parents.
His father poked his head up from the oven, his blue eyes looking too bright in the autumnal colors of their kitchen as he smiled and greeted Sebastian with a, “Hey kid! Take your coat off, stay for a bit! Oooh, is that Pumpkin?” Before ducking back into the oven to mess around with their turkey. Blaine always felt a little useless on Thanksgiving, his parents liked to take care of everything and really didn’t let him help much in the kitchen, no matter how much he liked to cook- his mom always told him the meal was their gift to him and Cooper. Blaine appreciated but, but would much rather have been covered in cranberries than stuck listening to Cooper's harassment.
His mom wiped her hands on her apron and gratefully took the pie from Blaine and squeezed his hand before turning her attention to Sebastian, her dainty hands reaching out to squeeze both of his shoulders in a sort of but not quite hug. She’d gotten to know him enough that she knew what touching she could get by with. He watched the comfort with which they interacted, both of them smiling, and couldn’t help but smile himself. “Yes, thank you for the pie, Sebastian. And welcome to your very first Anderson Family Thanksgiving. Hopefully next year we’ll be better prepared and the food will actually be ready when you get here. Alas, you're all three going to have to wait a big longer. My husband underestimated his turkey cooking time.” She laughed and let go of Seb and looked between the two of them. “Why don’t the two of you go hang out for a bit, I think it’ll be ready in about an hour.” Blaine laughed a little as she shooed them gently away.
He nodded towards the stairs, trying to make a beeline to his room before Cooper found them again. He hoped his phone call was a long one and that his brother would get lost on his way to bother them as he pulled Sebastian into his room and closed the door. He probably should have kept it open, but his mom and dad were up to their elbows in dinner so hopefully they wouldn't notice. He turned to Seb and held out his hands for his coat.
“It really is too warm in here for you to be wearing that.” He smiled up at Seb and wanted nothing more than to cash in on those kisses right now. “Sorry about Coop, he can be a bit much.” He sat down on his bed and rolled his eyes. “Not that it stops my friends from adoring him.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian didn’t have time to ask if the Anderson’s needed any help, not that they would have taken it before they were shooed from the kitchen. He had never seen his parents interact together the way Will and Imelda did. Hell, he’d never even seen his dad prepare anything besides peanut butter sandwiches and he inherited his mother’s cooking ability, so figure that one out. It was really nice to see parents actually get along, nice to walk into a warm, inviting kitchen where there wasn’t a single staff member or catered food laid out. “I like your parents.”
Sebastian shrugged his jacket off and tossed it onto Blaine’s bed. “Now we have a reason to come back up here tonight. Can’t leave without my coat.” He sat next to the other boy and reached for his hand. Seb held Blaine’s hand in his lap and reveled in the feeling of his music worn hands. He never grew tired of his strong, calloused fingers. Sebastian would often get lost in thoughts of those hands on other parts of his body...
“Don’t apologize. He didn’t do anything too crazy.” He sighed and watched the other boy’s face. Sebastian knew that Cooper and B had a strained relationship and that the younger sibling often felt swallowed by the other’s shadow.
“But. Wait? Aren’t you...oh my god…” Sebastian moved to his knees and gasped dramatically, he wobbled a little unsteady on the bed. “Blaine Anderson?! Oh my god, I’m such a fan.” He pinned Blaine to the bed with one hand and gently tickled his side as he straddled him. “ You’re like, show choir royalty and you can play like, 465 instruments!”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine felt a wave of emotion at the mention of his parents, he smiled softly up at Sebastian and nodded, “They like you, too.” He let out a little laugh. “Mom actually told me she was surprised that she liked you so much considering the whole slushie and almost blinding me in one eye bit, but she said that she likes the way I am with you.” He shrugged, a little embarrassed to admit her words. “She said that I’m, I don’t know, like way more myself with you than I was with Kurt, and my dad agrees. So, yeah, you’re their favorite, kid.” He teased echoing his dad’s nickname from earlier. “You’re mine, too.”
He watched as Seb shrugged off his coat and a little flutter of giddiness swept through him as Sebastian sat down next to him on his bed and held his hand in his lap. They’d been on this bed before, kissing and touching, but each time it made Blaine feel twisted up and out of sorts in the best way possible.
“Mm, and of course I’ll have to come up and help you find it.” He teased. He bit his lip as Sebastian looked at him, the sigh leaving the taller boys lips making him tense up a bit. Was Seb regretting spending the holiday with him and his family? “He’s a pain in the ass, that’s what he is.” He grumbled, rolling his eyes again before looking back up at Seb, his brow furrowing in confusion for a moment at Seb’s words. Once he realized what Seb was doing his face broke out into another smile and he let out an actual giggle.
“Don’t you dare tickle me, Sebastian.”
Of course Seb had sensed Blaine’s insecurities. His shoulder came up as if to defend himself from Sebastian’s tickles and his giggles intensified as he playfully pretended to bat the other boys hands away. He let himself be pressed down onto his bed, his body wiggling in an incredibly half hearted attempt to get away. It amazed him that Sebastian knew what he needed even when Blaine wasn’t actually aware that he’d needed anything at all. The other boy had this amazing ability to pull him out of almost any funk he’d found himself in. He’d been managing to do it even before they started dating.
“You’re so sweet.” He mumbled as he caught Sebastian’s tickling hand in his own and pulled it towards him so he could press his lips against his knuckles. Blaine loved it when Seb did things like this. Blaine was confident that nobody else had gotten to see him when he was like this; sweet, and kind and smiling at him with every perfectly imperfect tooth on display and it was all just for him.  “Come here.” He whispered softly as he tugged on Seb’s hand gently, pulling him down towards him. He tilted his head back against his pillow, his face up and open towards Seb’s. His wrist was still locked in Seb’s slender fingers against the comforter, but his other hand was free and he slid it around Seb’s waist to press them close before lifting his head to connect their lips and kissing him slowly and sweetly, his eyes slipping closed as he lost himself in the blissful moment.
There was this terrible fear in the back of his mind that Cooper would burst in and ruin the moment, but he couldn’t be bothered to stop. It would be his brother’s own fault and he’d have to live with the sight. He let his free hand slide up from Seb’s waist and let his fingers curl against the back of Seb’s neck, one of Seb’s favorite places to be touched, scraping lightly against the sensitive skin and pulling the other boy even closer, a tiny little gasp escaping his lips as he rolled his hips up involuntarily. He hadn’t meant to do it, but Sebastian’s lips and body felt good and heavy against his and he wanted nothing more than to roll them over and pin Seb down so he could slide his hands up his shirt and let his fingers dance against the sprinkle of soft hair on his tummy- just to watch the other boy squirm underneath him. He wanted to touch and kiss him all over all the time and each time they got to Blaine had to stop himself from asking Seb to take things even further. They’d done plenty; Blaine could still feel every touch, taste, and movement, but they still hadn’t gone all the way in the traditional sense, they never seemed to get enough alone time, someone was always lurking about but Blaine was so ready for for that connection, yet so incredibly scared to make that move.
He sighed into the kisses knowing that if he didn’t stop soon he wouldn’t be able to explain his swollen lips and tousled hair to his mom and dad and Cooper would totally know what they were up to. He nipped playfully at Seb’s bottom lip before letting his head fall back against his pillows feeling needy and suddenly hot even though it was freezing outside. He could feel his lips pulling down into a pout and he let his fingers walk up and down the back of Seb’s neck as he spoke.
“Do you ever wish that we could just have like, a night alone?” He could feel himself start to blush again with each word as he locked onto Seb’s green gaze. “I mean, I know we get to be alone some, but I mean like… alone alone. Where there isn’t a parent in an office next to the basement stairs or down in the kitchen.” He lifted his shoulder in a shrug. “I guess I’m just super selfish and I want you all to myself and there always seems to be something we have to do.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian sighed into Blaine’s mouth. He thought that he could kiss him forever and would even be content missing out on homemade mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce and fresh pumpkin squares if that meant rolling around in the other boy’s comfy bed. Seb could feel Blaine’s fingers on his neck and his hips pressing up into his and he couldn’t help but moan a little despite himself. He loved when B touched his neck and he would often daydream about his hands on his neck in a more intimate way. God, he wished that they were in that damn house by themselves and that Cooper Anderson wasn’t loafing around, probably trying to bust into the room at any given moment.
He bit his bottom lip. Of course he thought about alone time with Blaine. “Yeah. All the time. Like….all the fucking time.” Sebastian  fixed a curl that started to pop out of place in the other’s perfectly kept hair. “And about that…” Sebastian took a deep breath. “My parent’s will be going out of town at the end of December. They’ll be gone a few days and I’ll have the place all to myself. I...was thinking that you could come over, spend the night.” He leaned down and gave Blaine a small, slow kiss. “What do you think?”  
Sebastian smiled and laughed a little bit, his nose bumped the other boy’s which made them both laugh some more. “This is probably the best Thanksgiving ever and I haven’t even tried the food yet.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine shivered, the sound of Seb’s little moan sending a thrill through the lower half of his body and he wondered if Sebastian could feel how into him he was. He licked his lips and shifted his hips under Sebastian’s body a bit. As much as he wanted to keep this going, he knew they needed to slow down. He lets his fingers ghost over Sebastian’s sensitive neck once more before letting his hand fall away. He reached for Seb’s hand and linked their fingers the best he could from his position and held their tangled hands to his chest. He could feel the rapid thump of his heart against his fingers.
“You do?” His voice was soft and he watched as Seb removed his hand from his pinned wrist and reached out to brush one of his curls away. He let his eyes fall closed for a moment so he could enjoy the movement and he wondered, not for the first time, what Seb’s fingers might feel like tangled in his hair after a shower, before he put product in. The thought felt so intimate and Blaine felt like he was going to go crazy with how much he wanted Sebastian. How he felt like he’d never get enough of him. And from the sound of desperation in Seb’s voice he appeared to feel the same… At least he hoped.  He bit his lip and let his eyes meet Seb’s, trying to read him. His green eyes were heavy and he suddenly seemed a little nervous and god yes Blaine wanted to spend the night with him.
As he kissed Sebastian back, the slow press of their lips made his brain feel a little fuzzy. He didn’t know how he’d do it, he’d probably have to lie to his mom and dad about staying with Sam or something, but he’d get there. He could already picture Sebastian lying naked against the sheets, shivering under Blaine’s touch, the two of them getting to explore each other's bodies without interruptions. Blaine couldn’t wait to sleep wrapped around him, couldn’t wait to tuck Seb in his arms where he’d be warm and safe and he’d make sure he got to wake next to him so he could kiss his sleepy face good morning. He smiled up at Seb softly.
“Well, I think that I’m gonna make it happen, Seb. I promise.”
He laughed as Seb’s nose bumped gently against his, “Now that’s a serious statement. Thanksgiving dinner is some of the best food ever.” He teased, his face falling into a wide smile. “I hope you still mean that when Cooper interrogates you over dessert later.” His smile softened a bit as he looked up at Sebastian. “All jokes aside, I think this has been the best Thanksgiving for me too, Seb. I’m so damn happy you’re here with me.”
And as soon has he finished his sentence the jarring sound of Cooper pounding on his bedroom door and and making them both jump with his singsong voice, “Blaaineyyyy, Sebaaassstiaaan. Dinner time! You’ve got about twenty seconds to get decent before I open the door. Twenty, nineteen…”
Blaine sighed as Seb got off of him and Blaine scooted so he could sit up and adjust himself. “I guess it was nice of him to give us a warning, yeah?” He gave a little laugh before letting himself steal one more of Sebastian’s kisses. “One for the road.” He helped Seb straighten his clothes and then his own. He glanced over at Seb’s discarded coat, excitement about getting to kiss him some more in his room later and the thought of getting to spend a whole night with him kept him even happier than normal as the evening went on without a hitch. It really had been the perfect Thanksgiving.
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vcg73 · 4 years
Witch!Kurt #44: Three Cats and a Coffee Shop
“You sure you’re ready for this?” Kurt asked, resting his hands on Adam’s shoulders and kneading the tense muscles with soothing pressure. “As much as I like the idea of being able to eavesdrop on this meeting, I don’t want you to feel like you have to go. You don’t have anything to prove.”
Adam nodded, lifting his own hands to lightly grip Kurt’s wrists, not to to push him away but to take comfort in the increased contact. “I know. I think I moved myself past that hurdle the last time we were in Lima, but I still want to go. And it’s not as if he’ll know it’s me. I’ll just feel better about things if I can be sure, once and for all, that he has no power over me. Besides, I rather like the idea of giving you a psychic Skype.”
Kurt laughed, pleasantly surprised by the little joke. He could feel that his husband was nervous but no longer terrified by the thought of close contact with Blaine, and that reassured him in turn. Giving those smiling lips a soft kiss, he nodded and let him go. “All right then.” He looked over at Fam, who were sitting on the arm of the living room sofa watching their exchange. “Sam? Are you sure Blaine will be at the Bean right now?”
The blank expression that the two young men typically wore when neither was exerting any particular control over their shared body cleared as Sam came to the forefront. “Probably. Before Burt came to get me, I used to spend most of my time there and Blaine always came in for at least an hour every afternoon around this time. Back then I was upset because he never wanted to talk to me, but now I’m kind of glad he didn’t.”
He twitched like he had just had a bug crawl over his skin. Sam had come an amazingly long way since being joined with Finn, but he could still recall what it had felt like to spend every day feeling confused, and exhausted, and desperately lonely, unable to understand what he had done to drive away the person he had believed to be his best friend. He was just starting to come to grips with the betrayal of that relationship, and the knowledge of just how much harm had been done to him, Finn, and so many others.
Kurt patted him on the back, understanding that feeling better than most people could.
“Okay, then. Sebastian, Tubbington, Elliott, and Adam, you’re on recon duty. While we see how things stand with Blaine, I want Dani and Monica to go over to McKinley and check with Sue Sylvester. I’ll text and let her know you’re coming. She can get you a pass to take a look around the school and find out what kind of shape the kids and teachers are in. Also find out if Blaine is sucking power or magic dumping with anyone in particular. My guess would be the current group of New Directions, if he hasn’t found another David or Sam yet.”
“On it,” Dani said. “I know where the school is from when I was dating Santana. We came here once for some concert the club was putting on.”
He nodded, interested to realize that nobody was hesitating at all about following his directives. On the contrary, they seemed happy to be taking action. He turned toward his old classmates.
“Santana, Brittany, and Johnny,” he said. “I know you’re probably surprised that I didn’t give you the McKinley job but I wanted to send someone the people there won’t be familiar with, and I have another job that I feel like your particular blend of talents is very well suited for.  I think it’s time we begin a subtle harassment campaign.”
Santana perked up like a child who had just received a new puppy for Christmas. “You want us to be the itching powder in Blainer’s shorts? For realz?”
He grinned at her excitement. “Absolutely. Wait for the others to finish their coffee run first, but after that you have blanket permission to become his unwelcome shadows. Use whatever dirty tricks you like as long you don’t get caught. I want Blaine irritated, annoyed, unfocused, and most of all, distracted from thinking about me and what I might be doing.”
“And what will you be doing?” Elliott asked, knowing his friend too well to think he would be content to sit here and direct the action without being part of it.
“I want to go to Dalton Academy,” he said.  “Ever since I first learned there was such a thing as influential magic, I’ve suspected that Blaine probably got started there. Most of you never saw him as a Warbler, but they used to hang on his every word, and hand him every solo even though their standing policy, at least according to the group’s council, had always been to parcel songs out fairly.  I remember competing for a secondary spot against two guys named Nick and Jeff, and finding out later that neither one had had a solo since Blaine started at Dalton, even though both of them had been there longer than he had.  It suggests that he’s probably been buying influence with magic since he was around fifteen.”
“So, five or six years,” Sebastian mused. “That sounds about right. You know that a big part of the reason I came to find Blaine back when we first met was because the Warblers were so united in being up his ass. It’s why I assumed he would be something special. By the time I started at Dalton the famous Warbler Council had graduated and nobody could organize themselves well enough to replace them. Taking over was a snap. At the time, I thought it was just my own charisma that made them fall in behind me like a row of ants, but I guess they were just conditioned to play follow the leader.”
He looked so disappointed by this revelation that Kurt could not help smiling. “That’s right, and I’m betting Blaine’s influential magic didn’t really ramp up until he went to Dalton, just as mine didn’t start to manifest until I became a student there. I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I believe there’s more to that school than just a couple of residual power confluences. Now that I have the power to really check the place out, I want a better look.”
Burt cut in before anyone else could speak. “Not alone.” He pointed a stern finger when Kurt opened his mouth to protest. “No. I know you’ve got a lot of power now, Kurt, but I’m gonna put my foot down on this one. If your group of Warblers was that far under Blaine’s thumb, what do you think the current group that he’s playing teacher with is going to be like?  You want to go to Dalton? Fine, but you take someone along to watch your back.”
Elliott, to Kurt’s surprise, sided with his father. “He’s right.  I can either take you over there now while the others go spy on Blaine, or you can wait until we’re back.”
Chiming in on the side of caution, Adam said, “We’re only going to be gone a short while, darling, and you’ll want to concentrate on whatever I’m experiencing. Afterward, you can go to Dalton better fortified with knowledge of what you’re walking into.”
It was obvious to Kurt that Adam wanted to go with him, but his husband’s reason for wanting to face Blaine was a sound one, and that he would almost certainly need a little time to recover after doing so.
It was not anyone’s fault that Kurt was suddenly itching to take direct and immediate action.
“Okay,” he agreed, trying not to show his reluctance. “You’re right. I’d rather stick with the current plan and wait until you get home. Just be careful, okay? All of you?”
Sebastian Smythe sauntered into the Lima Bean, looking as smug as it was possible for any person to look as he strolled over to an empty table carrying a large, lazily-lounging black cat in his arms. He had conjured the most casually expensive clothing he could think of, because he knew that Blaine Anderson had an almost Pavlovian attraction to a show of ‘better than you’.
Beside him walked a pudgy, bearded man dressed in wrinkled khakis and a black t-shirt covered by an eye-popping orange and white Hawaiian shirt, with a smiling sun medallion resting prominently against his chest.
Blaine Anderson was right where Sam had said he would be. Center table, seated alone. He looked up as the newcomers came into the shop, straightening his posture and smiling as they approached his table, only to frown when they turned left and took seats at an empty table nearby without seeming to notice him. His frown became one of puzzlement when the black cat peered up at the posted menu next to the barista station, looking as if it were considering what to order. His bafflement only grew when a smiling teenage waitress approached after just a few seconds, carrying a saucer full of heavily creamed coffee, which she placed in front of her unusual customer, patting his sleek little head gently before she took coffee orders from the two men.
Blaine shot a glower at the girl’s back when she walked away without so much as a glance in his direction, giving a flip of her high ponytail and a disdainful swish of her short skirt. Lima Bean employees were not supposed to wear skirts as part of their work uniform, but this one seemed to be doing whatever she liked today, including ignoring a customer who was raising his empty cup to request a refill. He focused back on the newcomers and decided to speak first, since they seemed annoyingly disinclined to be polite.
“Hey, Sebastian,” he said slowly, “Long time no see.”
“Oh … Blaine,” Sebastian replied slowly, feigning an air of surprise as though he had only just noticed that he and his unknown companion were not the only people in the coffee shop. His eyes flicked to the empty cup in Blaine’s hand and he smirked. “What happened, you forget to tip your server again?”
“She’s probably a Cheerio in her off-duty hours,” he grumbled in reply, setting the cup down with an annoyed click when the girl returned with two small plates of pastries for the men, ignoring Blaine once again as she left. “All of Sue Sylvester’s girls act like they own the world.”
The heavy-set man snorted around a bite of croissant. “Must be contagious,” he mumbled.
Blaine gave him a vaguely disdainful look as the man inhaled his pastry and brushed the crumbs off his shirt and beard. He flicked a gesture toward Elliott, who was watching him with impassive blue eyes over the top of the saucer and licking flecks of cream off his long whiskers. “Are you allowed to have that thing in here? Isn’t it kind of unhygienic?”
Tubbington gave Blaine an appraising once-over, flicking a few crumbs in his general direction just to annoy their observer. Even with all his screwing around in the minds and magic of witches, the little punk clearly wasn’t able to recognize a Familiar when he saw one. Probably because no self-respecting Familiar would be caught within a mile of him. Well, except for Sebastian. Tubbington nearly hissed at the boy on general principle. “We know the owners. They make an exception for Service Animals.”
“Service animal?” Blaine repeated, mouth twisting a little. “A cat? That’s ridiculous.”
“Support Animal then,” he replied. “Emotional, not that it’s any of your business. Ya nosy little shit.” The last comment was muttered under his breath, but Blaine’s stiffening features showed that he had heard. Tubbington hid a smile around a sip of steaming caramel latte – pity they didn’t serve booze in a place like this – from the cup their cute little waitress had just set in front of him.
Sebastian paid for the drinks, his own a regular triple-shot mocha, and gave the girl a generous tip, winking at her as she blushed and flounced away. Blaine scowled at her back, and Sebastian smiled at him. “You see, I find it very depressing to be around some people,” he said, taking a sip and nodding thoughtfully as though the drink had managed, barely, to meet his expectations. “The cat reminds me not to go around punching them in the face.”
Tubbington snorted a laugh at Blaine’s nonplussed expression.
“Oh, by the way,” Sebastian continued. “This is my uncle. L.T. is visiting town and I thought I’d show him my old haunts. Unc, this is Blaine Anderson. A high school acquaintance of mine.”
The way he said the words seemed to imply that that relationship had been so far in the past that it was barely worth remembering, like the imaginary friend one had played with when they were a toddler.
Blaine bristled. “We were a little more than that.”
“Were we?” he said, frowning slightly. “I forget, did we hook up at some point? It’s hard to remember. I was kind of a wild kid. You know how it goes, L.T.  Small town, not much to do, not too many out guys to choose from.”
His apologetic tone seemed to suggest that his friendship with Blaine had been a case of slim pickings being better than none at all, and Tubbington could not hold back a grin at the incensed expression on Blaine’s face. “Yeah, I get it,” he said. “Lucky you got a boyfriend now.”
Back off, gel-head. He’s off the market, Tubbington thought, reaching across to pat Elliott’s head as the black cat began to purr loudly. He had made the statement because he was curious to see how this self centered creature would react to the news of Sebastian’s relationship. Especially, if he was looking for a new pigeon following his breakup with Dave Karofsky.
“Why don’t you come over and join us?” Sebastian said, abruptly taking on a friendlier tone as he casually lifted a finger to gain the waitress’s attention and pointed to Blaine’s empty cup. She nodded and he smiled, knowing it would annoy the other man even more to have his order jumped to while Blaine’s had been ignored. “We can catch up a little.”
Blaine practically leaped to accept. He started to take the chair next to Sebastian’s, but changed his mind and took the one across when Elliott continued to stare him down with eyes that looked entirely too wise. “Not a cat person,” he explained faintly.
Tubbington slurped his latte, looking nearly as smug as his ‘nephew’. If only you knew, you little shit.
Thoroughly enjoying teasing this particular rat, Sebastian said, “Yes … I remember that now. Kurt said you wouldn’t let him get a cat after you moved in with him. He had intended to get one when he moved to New York. Even made sure the loft was pet friendly before signing the lease, but then he was too busy starting his new life at Vogue and moving in, setting up housekeeping, babysitting Rachel Berry. He barely had time for anything else. And that was before he threw college into the mix. Most of us understood that.”
Blaine flushed, recognizing the barb in that comment. He had been the only person who did not understand that Kurt’s jam-packed schedule as he was setting up his life in New York would not permit him to devote as much time to keeping Blaine happy and attended. “How do you know what Kurt’s life was like? You were never friends.”
He sounded like a sulking child.
Sebastian shrugged one shoulder, smirking knowingly as he said, “No, not then. I ran into him again after he dumped you the last time, and … well, let’s just say that we’ve learned a lot about each other since then.”
Blaine, who had bristled at the reminder of being dumped, suddenly looked like he wanted to murder Sebastian. The intensity of his gaze as he leaned forward and stared at his former friend was honestly frightening. It did not seem entirely sane. “What do you mean, since then? I heard through a couple of people at McKinley that Kurt had gotten married. Apparently to someone he must have just met. I know for a fact he wasn’t dating anyone at Christmas.”
Continuing to alternately sip at his coffee and pet the cat in his lap, a cat that had begun subtly growling at Blaine’s enraged tone, Sebastian just smiled with a knowing air.
“Check your sources, short-stack,” Tubbington cut in, ignoring the fact that in his human form he and Blaine were roughly the same height. He merely spoke to be condescending, wanting to get the boy’s attention off of Sebastian.
Sure enough that weirdly hostile focus shifted to him. He could feel the energy of badly focused magic washing over him, strong but sloppy, as if it were water thrown from a full bucket, searching for any target in its general vicinity.
Santana had been right. Swipe and Splooge was indeed this one’s style.
While the influence of Wild magic had no real effect on him, he could feel that Blaine had indeed grown dangerous with it. This profligate use of power, used with no real need or focus, paired with a hair-trigger temper showed that much. This boy had no more notion or care for how the power worked, or how to fine-tune it for a better result, than a monkey knew the difference between picking up a gun and pulling the trigger, or just tossing a handful of poop at someone. As long as it got a reaction, nothing else mattered.
“Kurt was seeing someone at Christmas. They got married on Valentine’s Day. I was invited, seeing as I’m a close family friend and all.”
Blaine looked like his head was about to explode. “Valentine’s Day?” He turned to Sebastian again. “You married Kurt, my Kurt, on our special day?”
He was yelling, not seeming to notice or care that everyone else in the Lima Bean had started staring. Apparently Blaine had known about the wedding, but not the exact date, or the identity of the other groom. That was very interesting. It suggested that whomever had spilled the beans when they returned to Lima must somehow have had enough control over themselves, in spite of his influence, to not part with too much information.
Had he been throwing the net of his influence over too wide a target, making it lose strength? Or had the sudden loss of Karofsky taken a greater toll than they had supposed.
Tubbington placed a hand against his own chest, pretending to adjust the chain that held his medallion, but in reality just covering the fact that the necklace had started to tremble against his breast. It gave him a chance to give Adam’s transformed body a supportive pat. Whether he was having a fear reaction to Blaine’s show of rage, or just getting angry himself at this show of possessiveness, Adam clearly needed a little help keeping control.
“Funny,” Sebastian said calmly, pushing away his cup and cuddling the cat in his arms closer, likely for the same reason that Tubbington was soothing Adam. Elliott was a very collected individual most times, but he did have a temper when someone he cared about was being mistreated. And he loved Kurt with all his big generous heart. “I don’t seem to recall Valentine’s as being anything special for you. Didn’t you hit on another dude right in front of Kurt in your first year as friends? Then pretend to be so badly injured from that rock salt I tossed in your face the next year that you couldn’t bother getting him a gift, even though you were dating and supposed to be madly in love by then? Ignored him so thoroughly, in fact, that Karofsky thought you’d broken up and that it was smooth sailing to Kurt’s heart.”
“What? You? He?” Blaine spluttered.
Sebastian laughed, his wicked green eyes gleaming. The rat was cornered now. “Oh, I know all about that. By the way, I just heard that Dave dumped you too. Always thought that guy was smarter than he looked. I guess it’s a good thing you and I never dated. You’d be Oh for Three.”
Everyone at the table flinched when a shockwave of pure uncontrolled power washed over them from the force of Blaine’s temper. Damn, he was even more hair-triggered than they had guessed if all it took was a mere mention of losing Kurt and Karofsky. He had always been a bit unstable, but the unfiltered and repeated use of stolen magic and high emotion – for that was certainly what he was siphoning from the crowds of brain-washed Standards – had taken its toll.
Tubbington, sensing the coming explosion, had placed both hands protectively over the disguised Adam and whispered a protective incantation under his breath. Thus shielded, the human was no more affected by the blast than the Familiars were. Even so, Tubbington felt a bit shaken and he knew it must be even worse for Adam to have felt that touch again after what he had experienced before.
He glanced around the café. The little witch behind the barista station was looking stunned. Their fellow customers, Standards all, suddenly looked as intelligent as a pack of zombies in a B movie. This might take them a couple of days to recover from.
Tubbington didn’t really do guilt, but he grimaced, wondering just how often things like this had been happening in Anderson’s vicinity while they had stayed home waiting for a perfect moment to confront him. Not that they could or should have done anything else before their coven leader was properly trained and protected within his magic, but the delay still sucked for these poor saps.
For his part, Blaine looked both shocked and disappointed that his three companions were unaffected. He reached forward as if intending to take the hand Sebastian had laid on the edge of the table to steady himself when the surprising temper tantrum had struck, and Elliott struck out at him with sharp, angry, protective claws, scoring a furrow along the back of Blaine’s hand.
“Ow!” he shouted, snatching his hand back and looking at the injury in disbelief as it started to well blood. Just as if he himself had not been the one to attack first, or as if he had already forgotten his murderous impulse, he scowled and pressed a paper napkin to the wound. “Get that fucking animal under control, Sebastian!”
“You might need a tetanus shot. We don’t know where he’s been,” Sebastian remarked.  
It took Blaine a moment to realize that his former friend was actually speaking to the cat.
As he shoved his chair dramatically back from the table, Sebastian looked at him with narrowed eyes. “By the way, Blaine. I’m not the one Kurt married, and you might want to think about all the things you’ve told me over the last couple of years. Because you aren’t nearly as good as you think you are, and this is fair warning. Kurt knows what you’ve done, or tried to do, and he’s through playing nice.”
For a moment, Blaine looked confused, then slightly frightened. But his focus immediately returned to his personal obsession. “Who did Kurt marry if it wasn’t you? Tell me!”
“Un-fucking-believable,” Tubbington said, slapping both hands hard on the table and standing up. He needed to get Adam out of here, the medallion against his chest was growing hot. Besides, he’d had about all he could take of this guy. “Why don’t you get a life and stop butting into Kurt’s, you little pecker-head. He ain’t your puppet anymore. We came here today to tell you that your reign of power in Lima is over. It started with Kurt, and now it’s going to end with him. Got me?”
Blaine looked warily from hard hazel eyes to challenging green ones. Even the black cat was glaring.  He blinked, as if he had just figured out that they were not affected by his influence somehow. He realized something else as well. “He’s at Burt’s house,” he said slowly. “That’s why Burt wouldn’t let me inside to visit Sam last week. Kurt was there.”
He was wrong, of course, but no one felt the need to enlighten him.
Blaine suddenly smiled brightly, an expression that had no business being on the face of someone who had just been subtly threatened.
This must be how stalkers look before pulling out a knife and getting all stabby,’ Tubbington thought, backing off a step.
Blaine laughed, “I get it! This was just a test, to find out if I still love Kurt. Burt, and you … you’re both trying to protect him because you don’t understand that he and I are soul mates. Kurt belongs with me. We both know that.” He sounded so reasonable that it was absolutely creepy. “He must have realized that he made a mistake and left that other guy. Just like me and Dave.  Kurt must be afraid I won’t forgive him, but I will.  We both made mistakes, but nobody has ever suited me as well as Kurt. I don’t need anyone else. We’ll get his marriage annulled, if he hasn’t done it already, and then we can be together. Just like we were meant to be. And he’ll leave New York. That place was never good for us. Too many bad influences. Other guys made Kurt think he could belong to someone else, and that he needed to pursue his own life, instead of taking care of me the way he should have. Let him know I forgive him and that we can stay in Ohio. Everything will be the way it should always have been.”
Sebastian, not usually one to display his feelings overtly, was staring at Blaine as one would stare at an in-progress fender bender. Watching him shift in the space of a ten minute conversation from jealous, to murderous, to whiny, to annoyed, to full blown fantasy land had thrown Sebastian off balance as very little else could.
Elliott was looking as if he’d experienced the unexpected sharing of someone else’s acid trip.
“Blainers has gone bye-bye,” Tubbington muttered.
Blaine was no longer paying attention to them. He did not seem to care at all when Sebastian made a vague excuse about having somewhere to be and the three of them exited the café.
They ducked into a convenient alley between a restaurant and a clothing store, so that the cat and the medallion could both resume their human forms.
Elliott took the arm of a lightly trembling Adam, Transporting him back to Burt’s house as the other two Familiars came along under their own power. Neither could carry another person, but as they had long since explained to Kurt, any cat could use the in-between spaces to Teleport themselves.
When they appeared, Kurt stepped forward and pulled his husband into a firm embrace. Adam’s arms came to encircle his waist, holding on just as tight.
“Are you okay?” Kurt asked, pulling back to look into his eyes. “I could feel how difficult it was for you to hold on. Do you need to lie down? Can I get you anything?”
Adam managed a smile as he pulled him closer again. “No, darling. I just need to be here with you for a few moments, knowing both of us are safe and sound. Could you see and hear all of that?”
Kurt shivered. “Most of it. I lost transmission here and there, but I certainly caught the last part. He sounded insane.”
“Looked it too,” Sebastian said unhappily.
Elliott sat down on the sofa and patted the space next to him. Recognizing that his Familiar needed the reassurance of his presence, Kurt cuddled in next to him and slung his arm around his shoulders, doing the same for Adam when he took the spot to Kurt’s other side.
The little group explained what had happened for the benefit of those who had not been able to magically eavesdrop.
“It has to be the influence of all those people he’s been stealing from,” Santana murmured, tapping her finger against her lips. “He was never the steadiest, especially when it came to Kurt, but considering how many brains he’s been hacking, and for how long, he’s bound to have picked up snippets of other people’s thoughts and feelings. It would have just made him even more whacked.”
Tubbington nodded. “I think so too. It was freaky how intense he got the moment Kurt’s name came up. And the way he attacked, just like that?” He snapped his stubby digits in demonstration. “That is not how a stable person reacts to hearing that their ex has moved on with his life.”
A little shudder traveled over Kurt’s body, causing the two loved ones bracketing him to both reach out and touch him with automatic reassurance. “I’ve seen that look before. He had it the time he tried to force me to have sex in the Scandals parking lot. When I pushed him away, he got that same ragey, possessive look. It freaked me out even more then than it does now. It was the first time I ever started to think maybe he didn’t really love me. But unfortunately within a few hours I’d decided it must have been my fault for saying no to him.”
“I wish you’d told me what happened on that night,” Burt said grimly. He had been listening from the kitchen door and he shook his head grimly at his son’s words. “I’d have murdered the little shit if I knew he’d ever laid his hands on you that way. Saved us all a lot of grief.”
Kurt smiled at him. “Maybe, but as much as I appreciate it, I’m glad you didn’t. I wouldn’t have been willing to trade your life, or your freedom, for his.”
“Neither would I,” Adam agreed, nodding respectfully at his father-in-law. “Though I can’t disagree with the sentiment. I didn’t know Kurt then, but I would give anything to have spared him that pain.”
There were murmurings of agreement throughout the group, and Kurt squeezed the two closest to him, touched by how much they all cared.
Burt continued, “The question is, what do we do next? No matter how warped his perception of fact might be, he’s going to be expecting Kurt now.”
“Do we just rush him?” Johnny asked, sounding uncertain. “Before he has time to bring in backup? I mean, he won’t be expecting all of us, right?”
Kurt shook his head. “No, but I don’t trust him not to grab the nearest innocent to use as a shield if he feels threatened. I’d prefer to avoid getting anyone else involved if possible. I think for now, we’ll just stick with our plan. I still want to do that research project I mentioned.”
Adam cocked his head, relieved but also curious. “I rather expected you’d be ready to march right down to the coffee shop and tear his head off.”
“I guess I’ve learned to be more patient since gaining magic,” Kurt told him, taking his hand and giving the matching set of rings on Adam’s left hand a light stroke with his thumb to indicate the other reason for some of that virtue. He looked at Elliott. “Dalton Academy tomorrow?”
Elliott nodded. “I’m in.”
Kurt looked at his husband. If there was going to be a little delay, then maybe, “You want to come?”
Surprised but pleased at the invitation, Adam beamed at him. “Love to. With all I’ve heard, I’m as curious to get a look at that place as you are. And this time, it’ll be my magic that comes in handy. Or have you forgotten that I can render people unnoticeable at will?”
Kurt had indeed forgotten that Adam used to do just that in protection of the Adam’s Apples from less than friendly NYADA peers. He was also delighted that Adam felt up to another adventure so soon, in spite of being emotionally shaken by this last one. “I feel better already.”
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Kurtbastian - A Dalton Boy Slowing Things Down (Rated NC17)
Summary: After Kurt's Christmas party, after Sebastian drops, he has a difficult time drifting off to a peaceful sleep. So Kurt opts to wake him up and share a peaceful morning. (1710 words)
Notes: Okay, so this actually sends us back to right after the Christmas tree incident. This was a vignette I wrote for right after 'A Dalton Boy Learns the Truth' but it got corrupted on another computer. I managed to recover it an finish it so, yeah. Here you are. It's one of the softer love scenes in the series.
Read on AO3.
Sebastian eventually settles into a cozy, happy place lying beside Kurt in bed – that floaty, blurry-edged, cloud-like space that usually follows a particularly strenuous scene. But unlike other times, Sebastian finds it difficult to fend off stressful dreams. According to what he hears Kurt murmur in his ear the times he startles himself awake, Sebastian dropped pretty hard, pretty fast. Every thought that fills his mind after he finally drifts off to a solid sleep is steeped in melancholy and ‘sad’, even over things he’d once been excited about.
Things he’d been looking forward to.
He’d never before seen graduating high school and leaving Westerville as an ending. Even though he isn’t entirely grounded in what he wants to do with the rest of his life, he saw it as a beginning. Even if he doesn’t leap straight into college, the possibilities are endless. He recognizes that he has a certain amount of privilege, and he loves it. He’s one lucky fuck. He could travel the world, volunteer overseas, go to a trade school and slum it learning something mundane like refrigerator repair or aluminum siding installation.
His dad would probably hate that. He wouldn’t say it outright, but he’d allude to it in every conversation they’d have. His dad isn’t an asshole where class systems are concerned. He owns enough properties that he respects blue collar workers, appreciates the services they provide.
He’s just never pictured his son becoming one.
His father can’t really complain if he does. Trade work is a good living. And seeing where the economy is headed, it might even be better in the long run than getting a degree in business. Every day Sebastian reads articles claiming trade school’s where it’s at for his generation.
Besides, he could see Kurt digging it.
His dad’s a mechanic. Sebastian has heard them talk shop over the phone, watched him give Elliott’s bike a once over when he complained it was making a funny noise. It was hotter than hell watching Kurt get his hands dirty changing the oil in his Navigator.
Maybe watching Sebastian get his own hands dirty would have the same effect on Kurt.
Sebastian could go to New York and try his luck on the Broadway stage, or Hollywood and try to break into network television. If he gets off his ass tomorrow and starts a YouTube channel, he could land himself a role on a CW television show. That happens a lot, doesn’t it? To people with a lot less talent than him? His parents might not be over-the-moon about that idea either, but it’s his life. They keep saying so. How he lives it is up to him.
Which is obvious when he considers his current circumstances.
At the start of his senior year, there wasn’t a single thing keeping him tethered to Westerville. He’d come back to visit his parents, of course, but once he graduated Dalton, he’d have no unfinished business in Ohio. He could close this chapter of his life, consider it over and done.
All that changed the night he showed up at Pavarotti’s Prison.
The night he became Kurt’s pet.
Now when he graduates, he’ll be leaving something extraordinary behind - Kurt Hummel, and the claim he’s staked on Sebastian’s heart.
And even though that thought has begun to pull him apart, it’s also caused ideas to form. He may not know what he wants to do, but he knows where he wants to be, and why.
And oddly, he feels like that’s giving him direction.
Warmth on his chest starts pulling him awake. Centered between his pecs and over his heart, a pressure has begun to grow, accompanied by a comforting sensation he can’t put his finger on. In this half-dream state, he knows where he is, who he’s with. He knows he’s with Kurt, cuddled against him, cradled in his arms. But the more aware he becomes of his surroundings, he realizes they’ve flipped positions.
Kurt’s head is on Sebastian’s chest instead of the other way around.
Normally when Kurt wakes Sebastian, it’s with rough sex - Sebastian tied and gagged, being ridden hard like a dildo.
For hours sometimes.
Kurt can never seem to get enough.
But this time, when Sebastian starts to wake, it’s to barely there kisses on his neck and the tiniest licks around the hollow of his throat.
“Are you okay, preppy?” Kurt whispers against his sub’s skin when he hears his breathing change, feels him waking up. “After last night?”
“I think so, Master,” Sebastian says, wincing at his own gravelly voice.
“Is this alright?” Kurt asks to Sebastian’s surprise because Kurt never asks. He takes. That’s rule number one – in Kurt’s house, everything belongs to him, and he takes without asking. But here he was, asking if Sebastian is okay.
Asking Sebastian if he wants this.
If he can handle it.
If he’s willing to try.
“Yes, Master,” Sebastian says. “It’s alright.”
“Good. Because I need you inside me,” Kurt decides, fiddling with his hands where Sebastian can’t see, then moving him around, turning him on his side and positioning his sub behind him. A bottle lid pops, something rips, cold and wet covers Sebastian’s cock applied by soft, strong hands. “You don’t even have to wake up if you don’t want to.”
Sebastian chuckles, but those chuckles turn to moans when hot and tight starts inching its way down his erection. “H-how strong do you think I am, Master?”
“Pretty fucking strong. Here …” Kurt puts his hand on Sebastian’s hip and rocks him back and forth ever so slightly, “just like that. D-don’t go any faster than that.”
“Yes, Master,” Sebastian mumbles into Kurt’s shoulder, gnawing gently the way Kurt showed him. Kurt sinks into him, and Sebastian can’t remember having sex in a more intimate way than this with anyone.
He follows Kurt’s orders, sliding slowly back and forth, a hint of thrust that puts the head of his cock right where Kurt wants him and keeps him there. It takes control to stay this way, to not flip Kurt onto his stomach and pound him into the mattress, which is something that he, luckily, enjoys.
But no.
Not this time.
Kurt wants slowly.
So Sebastian will give him slowly.
It’s relaxing having sex this way. He can see himself lasting forever at this speed and in this position. How wonderful would that be? Rolling into Kurt’s body for the rest of the morning, on and on until the afternoon. The phone would ring, people would stop by, knock on the window, bark at him to let them in. But they’d ignore the world and all their problems and fuck the day away.
Kurt’s nails bite into Sebastian’s hips and he starts to speed up. He doesn’t do it consciously. Kurt is just so sexy, and he feels so good around him, Sebastian can’t help himself. It creeps up on him, Kurt’s body coaxing him with the subtle flexing of his muscles, breathy gasps from his lips, and his smell - everything he’s put on his skin or in his body in the past few hours - a lethal combination of cloves, cologne, whiskey, lubricant, and soap. For a moment, Kurt is on that same page with him, chanting, “Yes, yes, yes …” as he tugs Sebastian forward, urges him on. But like a locomotive overshooting its stop, he slams on the brakes.
“No! No no …” Kurt slides down Sebastian’s cock till his ass meets his sub’s groin and stops him. “You’re not cumming. Not yet. And neither am I. Take a breath. A deep breath ... not yet …” he continues sotto voce “… it can’t … just … not yet ...”
“Alright,” Sebastian pants. “I understand … Master …”
Kurt nods, bringing Sebastian’s hand to his lips and kissing his fingers, counting against his skin as he tries to settle his orgasm down.
“O-okay.” Kurt scoots forward, nudging Sebastian’s hips toward him. “Keep going.”
Sebastian’s hands move as his hips moves. He can’t stop them, and Kurt doesn’t say no. He grabs Kurt’s hip, holds on tight, but it’s not enough. He wraps his arms around him – one around his waist, one around his torso, and hugs. Flush against each other with only his hips parting from his body in brief, steady intervals, it’s almost close enough.
“Oh …” Kurt moans, “oh, preppy … oh God …”
Sebastian wraps a hand around Kurt’s cock and holds him, surrenders to letting his Master use him to work his way to an orgasm. Outside Kurt’s bedroom window with one shutter open, snow begins to fall. It piles up on the sills, sticks to the glass, catching moonlight from outside and twinkling like stars. It’s a magical sight, but less so than the man in Sebastian’s arms.
The warmth from before, the one in his chest, becomes lava hot. It cascades through his body. He has no control over it, and that’s the best part. Being with Kurt, he rarely has control. Kurt owns the control. Kurt decides when Sebastian cums, if Sebastian cums, and how. It’s torture and release, the not knowing along with the not needing to decide. But that’s where trust comes into the equation.
And Sebastian trusts Kurt to take care of him - in every way possible.
The heat rushes through his body the same time a similar heat spills over his hand. A shuddering Kurt turns his head and captures Sebastian’s mouth. Kissing Sebastian is Kurt’s favorite way to ride out an orgasm. This position requires Sebastian to strain his abs, prop himself awkwardly onto one elbow and contort so that Kurt can kiss him comfortably for as long as he pleases.
But Sebastian would stay this way forever if it meant Kurt would be thoroughly satisfied.
“Okay,” Kurt whispers. “Okay … okay … oh God …” He snuggles back against Sebastian’s chest, grabs his arms and wraps them around himself. And to Sebastian, there isn’t a better feeling in the world. “We have to do that about a hundred more times before you leave for your folks’.”
Sebastian runs his cheek against Kurt’s hair, keeping deeper thoughts to himself. “I’m game if you are.”
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1358456 · 5 years
Pokemon Crystal Joy Run
For some reason, I really wanted to try this and devoted time that I should’ve used on the DE update into this instead.
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Let’s dance. Joy run rules! ... The only restrictions I place upon myself is my own sense of restraint!
Now, I’m doing this run because I really wanted to test out TWO specific things. And so we shall see!
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Huzzah! Finally, after “Sapph” the Sapphire and “Platina” the Platinum, I can actually use the full name! YAAAY!
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Okay. ID number is 23017, which in hexadecimal would be 59E9. And in the world of Pokemon RGBYGSC, 59 is the hexadecimal code for Earthquake, and E9 is Vital Throw. ... What does this mean? ... Well, remember my Gold version joy run whose ID corresponded to Smog and Fire Spin? Hehehe... ... IF this works as I think it does, anyways.
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Name: Crystal, thus starter: Grass. It won’t hurt me despite the fact that Grass is the worst typing here.
... Okay, Tackle missing a third of the time will though. Accuracy 95. Missed 10 times out of the 33 PP used. Worthless ass piece of sh*t.
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What kind of name is... ... I mean... well, if that’s your name... who am I to argue.
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I mean, he said that was his name, so...
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Huh, Crystal version gets you a Hoppip a lot earlier than in GS. So I can prepare the shenanigans much earlier! Splash in third slot?!
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Soon, shrine guardian... soon... perhaps.
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Whitney’s dreaded Miltank vs. my standard issue early GSC staple dude.
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What a boring ass fight. 2 turns, lost 1 HP (Miltank missed Rollout once). Male Graveler gets f*cked by Attract. Female Graveler does not. Easy ass whupping.
And now, even though I did not need to curb stomp Whitney before this, the sorcery can begin! ... Turns out, getting a bad cloned in Crystal version is SO MUCH HARDER than in GS!
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But sorcery! Muhuhahahaha! So, my ID’s hex values was for Earthquake and Vital Throw. And...
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The sorcery hatched with Earthquake and Vital Throw. IT WOOOOORRRRKEED! ... And a random TM 43 since the Hoppip’s 4th move corresponded to that hex value. ... I actually wanted the ID that gives me Thunderbolt and Ice Beam. But... that would be too UNFAIR. Come on. Show restraint.
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... Huh. An unintentional byproduct of sorcery. A Hoppip that lost 4 characters to its name suddenly decided to break its shell and become more powerful than it could possibly have imagined. ... With Pokerus, of course. ... I’ll use this to just spread the virus and then ditch it in the box. Level 100 Mewtwo? Now that’s just too UNFAIR. Come on. Show some restraint.
Now, to test the OTHER thing that I wanted to test with this run (the first being the IDs corresponding to the two moves the glitch hatched Pokemon have). If the Pokemon that would originally have come out of that egg was to have Reflect in its 4th slot... then... after the shenanigans, the Pokemon should have the hold item of...
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An event item. ... Now, this thing doesn’t seem to be triggering anything. It’s in the Key Items slot, but nothing’s going on with Kurt. Maybe I have to beat the Elite Four or get all 16 Gym Badges? Hmm...
Well, I got Rock Smash TM, so... sorcery continues!
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Another byproduct of the sorcery. This... was a Rattata that ascended, and... what? Earthquake got PP Up’d once, and... random ass Pay Day with 2 PP Ups. ... ??? ... No, not the “rival”. ... Anyways. This byproduct also goes into the box and nothing else. A regular level 3 Lugia with Vital Throw, Earthquake, and Aeroblast is fine, thank you.
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I know, right? They never put up a fight. ... Oh, were you not referring to yourself? You f*cking scrub.
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... Er... Leaving now, and I will never come back.
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Oh yeah, this guy was a thing. Ehn. Whatever. Keep chasing that blue... wind...water dog thingy. I have no use of it.
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The asshead rival came by and took this guy’s prized Pokemon, SHUCKLE! ... This IS the Shuckle guy, right? ... But wait, the rival never had a Shuckle...
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I don’t think he’ll be back to take your other Shuckle since he’s not using the first one. And besides, have you seen my team? Does it look like I need a Shuckle?
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... Who the f*ck is this guy? ... Oh right. The asshead who thinks he’s invincible despite a literal 0% win rate against me.
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Of whose soul? ... And pure? ... Are you sure? Because here I am, literally doing the dark arts of Pokemon!
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Man, this free Earthquake is really handy!
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... Meh. I have no use of it. Let Eusine have it... after reviving it. In Crystal version, you need Raikou, Entei, and Suicune in order to get Ho-oh, if I recall. But... I already have Ho-oh... the BETTER Ho-oh since mine has Sacred Fire, so... I have no need for Suicune.
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Man, I sure do appreciate the fact that Sneasel is found so much earlier in Crystal than in GS. With duplicated Rare Candy, I can get a male and female Sneasel and raise them to level 57 so much earlier and so...
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Sorcery. Celebi with Earthquake! ... Imagine if Celebi had Thunderbolt and Ice Beam. Now that would be too UNFAIR. Well then, time to level it up a few times with Rare Candy so I can choose to NOT get certain moves that it gets at level 1 so that it retains Earthquake.
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And... wait, what’s happening? ... Q from Yellow version?? Or is the asshead “rival” evolving?!
Well, that happened like 5 times. Moving on!
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Man, this free Earthquake is really handy! And now that beat the Elite Four, I have access to move tutors. Ohoho! And I have SO MUCH MONEY since I never spent it (other than some daycare f*ckery)...
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Getting up to 9999 coins is so much easier in GSC than it is in RGBY... Ah... still a waste since I only need coins in increments of 4000, but hey. I have the cash... and the duplicated Nuggets. Too bad Celebi doesn’t get any of these. Would’ve been nice if the ID cooperated, but then again, maybe that would be too UNFAIR.
... But this move tutor teaches one move a day, and is only available in two days in the week? Bullsh*t. Time to f*ck with the game clock. Record the money I have, change the date to 11:59 pm of the day before the tutor guy appears, let the minute pass, and move tutor and repeat. Bolt-Beam for Mewtwo and Lugia, and Thunderbolt for Ho-oh!
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... Grimer and Muk can swim? ... Or is that “water” just ALL Grimer? ... Eww... ... Moon might like it here, I guess, but... blech. ... Anyways. Grimer = Acid Armor, so... my last team member appears. Mew! And to “immediately” dump 12000 coins to give it all three move tutor moves...
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And... um... well, this is happening. The bad clones that were supposed to disappear or transform during the process... remained. The one on the left was leftover from the Celebi shenanigans, and the one on the right is from Mew. ... I can’t get rid of these, since they don’t show up in the box. I can’t have them in the party in order to utilize this glitch again, so... ... well, looks like I can’t do the shenanigans ever again. Well, fine. I don’t need to do it one more time anyways. That would be too UNFAIR.
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Here we are again. Leftovers duplicate spam. Constant HP regeneration! Because of this, I opted to NOT keep/get Recover for the 4 Pokemon that do get them. Because that would be too UNFAIR.
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... Who in the what now? You are me and I am you and I am confused!
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Er... why does the teacher class trainer have... is that a whacking stick? Oho, haven’t been hit by one of those since the 90s for my fingernails being too long.
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... Swimmer WHAT?! No. Unacceptable. There can only be ONE! And who the f*ck has green hair?!
Well, all 16 Gym Badges obtained. Leveled up my 5 Pokemon team to level 50 each because any higher is too UNFAIR. If I recall, in my Gold version joy run, I went up to level 55, and that was completely unnecessary. So... level 50 it is.
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And still Pikachu remains ever so pitiful. Worthless ass piece of sh*t.
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So, counting the times during the level grinding phase, Celebi was hit by Body Slam 8 times, and got paralyzed 8 times (33% chance, by the way). And now Celebi has literally done nothing for 7 turns straight. Fully paralyzed, fully paralyzed, fully paralyzed, flinched to Snore, fully paralyzed, fully paralyzed, flinched to Snore. Good thing Snorlax has such a huge HP that Leech Seed helps out so much, along with Leftovers. Or this worthless ass piece of sh*t would’ve been the first and only Pokemon downed.
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Aeroblast the sh*t out of Venusaur... nope, missed. ... Aeroblast the sh*t out of Venusaur, and there. Easy win against Red with a bunch of level 50 Pokemon without losing anyone and without using any healing items. Yay. I originally thought about raising to level 60, but... good thing I didn’t. That would’ve been too UNFAIR.
So. Now that I beat the Elite Four, got all 16 Gym Badges, and whupped Red... does THAT item work now?
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... Still nothing from this guy. If I recall, he was supposed to take the GS Ball and keep it for a day. And then hear commotion from the forest and... out pops an onion fairy from the shrine.
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Damn. So I can spawn the event item, but not the event. Aww... Although... meh. It’s not like I need a random ass level 30 Celebi anyways. I have a better one with Earthquake!
So with this, I’ve done... Yellow, Gold, Crystal, Sapphire, and Platinum. So maybe one day, I can move on to Generation V?
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hey there, im very sick and sad at the moment, do you have super fluffy(preferably multichapter) fics?
Hey Nonnie,
Fluffy multichapters? I’ll see what I can do :-) Most multichapters will contain some angst, though, even when the story is mostly fluff.
Here are some virtual hugs for you in the hopes of making you feel a bit better XOXOXO
A Month, A Week and Three Days by @it-avi
"Why does everyone take me seriously when I talk about that?" Kurt mused. "My Step-Brother, my Dad, my-" he stumbled over his words for a second. "-Blaine." He finished lamely, his cheeks turning quickly to a rosy, adorable pink.
A Place to Stay by ItsNotEasyBeingQueen
Kurt is a blogger who has reserved a room at a hotel for Fashion Week - a hotel which just happens to be managed by the charming Blaine Anderson.  Circumstances force them into each other's lives for the week in a way neither of them expected.  What exactly will happen when Blaine gives Kurt a place to stay?
A Universe Where Prop 8 And Other Related Homophobic State Laws Have Long Been Defeated by  @rockinhamburger
Fast-forward several years in the future. Kurt and Blaine are navigating the waters of marriage, and everything that entails.
Along for the Rides by @slayediest
AU.  Blaine and Kurt get their summer romance on. Mostly fluff, awkward flirting, a side of misunderstanding and some hanky panky.
Another Time, Another Place by elfinder
What if Kurt had met Blaine a year earlier? How would his life have changed? In his sophomore year, during the spring, Kurt Hummel ends up by chance meeting a charming young man named Blaine Anderson, who turns out to be in his own Glee club. The two begin down the road of becoming friends and then the journey that their relationship takes them. Will they be able to face any problems ahead? No matter what they may be?
Black and White by rainjoy
Kurt and Blaine do a crossword. Amongst other things.
Click and Press Send by @loveheartlover​
Blaine Anderson is 18 years old and in his final year at McKinley High. His best friends know everything about him- apart from that whole thing where he's in love with an online blogger.
ThreeDomsToRuleThemAll are the best thing to ever happen to Blaine; three friends who post audio and video that more than satisfies his need to submit, and Kimber is the man who makes every Thursday the best day of Blaine's week. It's just a shame that Blaine is little more than another number, another follower to him. He doesn't even know Blaine exists.
Until one day, he does.
This is their story.
Crema verse by @twobirdsonesong​
Kurt’s just landed a job at Vogue as Carrie Bradshaw’s assistant. One of his tasks is to bring her coffee in the morning.  Enter Blaine, the barista.  This is the story of how they change each other’s lives.
Equality by idoltina
Obligatory 'gay marriage becomes legal in New York and the boys react' fic.Also: Blaine just wants a blowjob. His elderly neighbor, Kurt's parents, and a plan that's been in the making for three and a half years all serve as sources to Blaine's seemingly never-ending sexual frustration.
Excited about things by @a-simple-rainbow​
"It's not fair because I'll never get to make fun of your pictures!" He whines and Kurt stops dead on his track. The silence is thick and then Blaine sighs and laughs "Relax, I'm kidding." "I'm… I…" "You're gonna have to get used to blind jokes if this is gonna work." Blaine announces, smirking as he leaves the kitchen, glass in hand. (Blind!blaine, Skank!Kurt, FLUFF)
Gourmet Rhapsody by @hazelandglasz
Kurt has been working as a designer in a high-end fashion house but he just reaches his emotional limit.He goes through a burnout and during the time he has been given to recover, he goes back to what has always been his way to cope with stress : cooking and more particularly baking.It acts as an epiphany : why does he keep on working for someone else who doesn’t really let him make the right decisions and put too much pressure on him, if he can try being his own boss ?With Blaine’s support and Adam’s collaboration, he opens “Nibble on”, a bakery that cares about feeding you, body and soul.
How Kurt Hummel Loses His Virginity by @scatter-the-stars​
Tired of being a virgin, and not having anybody be interested in him, shy and insecure, Kurt, decides that for his twentieth birthday, as a present to himself, he will hire an escort and lose the big V.  Little does he know, that when he meets Blaine, his escort, everything will change.
How Many Days... by @fictionallylost
How many days does it take to fall in love? For Music Producer, Blaine Anderson it’s just another day at the office working on a valentines record for an international, top selling artist; with the idea of love as far from his mind as possible…that is until he meets lead backing vocalist, Kurt Hummel.
In Want of Magic by @trufflemores
3.01-4.01. "I just want my senior year to be magic."
Italian Boy by @kookaburrito
Every Saturday morning Kurt takes the bus to Little Italy. During the ride he keeps seeing the same cute boy who reads Italian books, and decides to learn the language, you know, just because it might turn out useful in the end.
Jump by @scatter-the-stars
It's been over a year since the injury that took away his dream.  No longer able to take the questions and concerns, Kurt has escaped to a small town to think about what he wants.  What he doesn't expect to find are Blaine and his little girl, who both quickly steal his heart.  And it's not long before he has to make the choice of where his heart truly lies.
life is like a song (i want you to sing to me) by @luthien82​
Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since college. They would do anything for each other, which Blaine proves when Kurt confesses he has to go home for a wedding - a wedding where everyone expects him to bring his long time boyfriend. The thing is: Kurt doesn't have one. But he has a Blaine, who is willing to help. Enter one group of crazy, well meaning friends, a week full of wedding preparations, and lots of sexual tension and you've got yourself a mix that's just bound to blow up in their faces...
Loving You Is Easy by @mrscriss2012
Single parent Kurt is moving back to Ohio. Having been hurt before, will he ever find anyone to love and trust again?
Make the Yuletide Gay by @razorsharpquill
When the invitation comes, Blaine Anderson is delighted -- he can't think of a better way to usher in the holidays than an impromptu Warbler reunion to celebrate one of their own getting married. Unfortunately that includes ALL of the Warblers, including his ex-boyfriend Sebastian. Avoiding the ex might just call for drastic measures -- and Blaine knows just the man for the job.
Missing Pieces by @sunshineoptimismandangels
Even after living in New York City for three years Kurt Hummel still hasn't found love. He thought that the city of his dreams would make all of his dreams come true, but maybe he just isn't made for romance. That is until Kurt is home for the summer, helping his father run his growing Android Repair shop and getting to know hid dad's latest acquisition, a handsome and sweet android with curly hair, and a kind smile and a love for musicals. Maybe Kurt will discover that love isn't what he always thought it was.
NYADA Crushes by @notthetoothfairy
Kurt doesn’t think it’s going to be a big deal if he posts an anonymous message on the NYADA Crushes Facebook page about the cute guy he just saw fall on his ass in front of the NYADA main entrance. Little does he know that Blaine is going to be his dance TA once the new school year starts, and that Blaine has a history with NYADA Crushes, too.
Operation Secret Santa by @ckerouac
Kurt can't stop staring at the cute guy who comes by the coffee station near his desk every morning, but can never muster up the courage to say hello.  Until the assignment for their office Secret Santa is revealed and his reads 'Blaine Anderson'.  Written in pieces for Klaine Advent 2017.
Shiftings by @chazzam (check out the entire verse, it’s lovely!)
Shiftings 'verse #1 - The shift in their relationship didn't come out of left field at all.  Beneath the surface, things had been changing all along.  Set right after THE KLISS.  Kind of fluffy.
Somebody to Love by @bazllton
Klaine Coffee shop AU in which Kurt is a barista and Blaine is a dorky customer. Basically just lots and lots of fluff.
Sum verse by flaming_muse
The whole of Kurt and Blaine’s relationship is greater than the sum of its parts. Scenes of two boys in love.
Three Weeks of Summer by @antarcticbird
Kurt just wants to get some work done, Rachel just wants him to relax, and Blaine shows up and makes everything even more complicated than it is already.
Written On My Heart by @gingerfic
Kurt draws Blaine’s name in a massive secret pal exchange at work. He doesn’t know Blaine, and thinks he is giving to a female. Will he decide to reveal himself and actually meet Blaine at the end of the six weeks?Meanwhile, he has started noticing an attractive stranger...
Also, if you don’t mind me reccing one of my own fics:
Catch Me A Catch by lilyvandersteen
Blaine is a hard-working pre-law student and part-time barista, whose brother Cooper has snagged a role in Funny Girl. Kurt is a diligent NYADA student and intern at Vogue dot com, whose roommate Rachel is the new Fanny Brice. Cooper and Rachel hit it off immediately, and then start scheming to get Kurt and Blaine together.
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valkyrieofsmut · 6 years
Engel de la Gargouille Section 2 part 5
Engel de la Gargouille (Gargoyle’s Angel)
Kurt Wagner/ Nightcrawler x Female OC
Types: Smut, Angst, Mutual pining, Pregnancy, Romance, Love, Insecurity, Long as hell…
Overall series warnings: Smut, bit of violence, swearing, German (translations provided, but I have bad grammar… Sorry native speakers…) (Will be added as they come up) Chapter warnings will be added individually as well.
A/n-  A bit shorter on this one. I’m putting the chapters out by season, this one is summer, when she’s 20. Kurt is fighting with what he thinks he needs to do, what he is doing, and what he wants to do, Angeline has a lot of emotions, but doesn’t really know how to deal with them, and has some unhealthy coping mechanisms. Sorry guys, if you can’t tell, I feel really anxious to get to the story I really want to write, without writing five years of interactions as a whole book on its own lol, so it skips around a bit, trying to hit just the important parts, just like section one did, but it’ll calm down once we finish here. Oh yeah, and this is about where the angst kicks in, too.
Masterlist       Series Masterlist
The first date Kurt had, he had sat at the table across from his date, smiling, but feeling pain inside. He knew it was just a practice date, and so did she, but he still felt like it was wrong. He was a gentleman, and practiced his flirting skills, which he had already been honing a bit, of course, but didn't push anything she didn't seem interested in, and listened to her feedback through the night. She had suggested that they do it again, and he agreed.
A few dates later, she encouraged him to go and ask Angeline out, saying that he'd better hurry, or she would fall in love with him. Kurt had chuckled and thanked her, but it still didn't feel right that it wasn't Angeline saying it.
He knew, after the last time he'd seen his practice date, that he couldn't see her again. She was being honest when she said she was starting to fall for him, and he didn't want to break her heart. But he also didn't have the confidence to ask Angeline out, yet, either.
He decided that he needed to find another woman to practice with, and he did. She lasted only two dates before he felt sick with himself, and the next lasted three. He tried to get as much practice into each date that he could, so that he didn't have to do them much longer.
Of course, there was still the matter of physical intimacy. He still had to find someone he'd trust enough, which would mean more dating.
…    …    …    
Kurt stood in the shower, lathering himself up again with soap. He hated himself so much right now.
The woman he'd been with was nice, and he liked her, but not in the way he'd just had to pretend to. He had to think about Angeline to get ready for it, and when he'd had trouble staying ready, he'd admitted to her that it was his first time. She had been so understanding and nice, telling him that it was ok, they didn't have to if he was nervous, but he, strangely, did want to.
Yes, part of it had been his hormones, part of it had been a standard reaction to being touched by a beautiful woman, but part of it had been the thought in the back of his mind that he couldn't wait to do this with Angeline.
But he couldn't. Not yet. He needed to be able to please her, not that short show that had just happened. He needed more skill at this, and that meant more practice, and that meant more dating…
He poured more body wash into his hand. He had the feeling he was going to be too dirty to deserve Angeline's attention by the time he was ready for it…
…    …    …    
Angeline’s pillow found her back, now crying because Kurt had, apparently, finally hit the dating market.
She had thought that she had time, she was moving slow, but only because he wouldn’t look at her that way.
Was it still possible that he wasn’t interested in her for some reason? Was it because she was blonde? Because she was short? Maybe because she was French?
Tears soaked into her pillow as she bemoaned fate.
No matter what it was, she didn’t have a chance.
She’d waited too long.
If only she’d had enough courage to keep trying to talk to him…
But it didn’t matter.
He was dating other women, and not looking at her.
She was afraid maybe he’d never look at her, and she’d die of a broken heart one day.
Angeline sobbed, her wings flexing and shifting above her anxiously. She knew she was beautiful, and it had never really been a help to her before, more of a problem, but now, when it should be helping, it wasn't.
What was wrong with her that he wasn't interested?
She had seen a few of the girls he'd been with, mostly when she was sitting outside in the garden, looking over the plants. Then, he'd be saying goodbye to them, or having conversations she didn't hear because she'd gotten an mp3 player and put her headphones in so she didn't have to hear his wonderful voice saying sweet things to women that weren't her. And he'd kiss them, which made jealousy and longing pain grow through her body.
She wanted to go push the other women away and smack Kurt, scream at him for being blind, for being an idiot, but she was the idiot.
She had no chance with him. She wanted one, but would probably never actually have one.
She couldn't stand to keep feeling this pain, day after day. She needed to find a way to not feel it.
But, the only way she could think of was to either date Kurt so he couldn't date other women, or not care about him, neither of which seemed like a plausible solution. Since he didn't like her that way, wasn't interested in her at all, the only option seemed to be to stop caring for him.
She knew it was impossible, but…
The alternative was less appealing.
Maybe it would sink into the back of her mind, like all the other times in her life; when her mother made her do things she shouldn't have to, when her stepfather, the only person she'd ever known love from, had turned on her the moment he found out she was a mutant, when her mother manipulated her by using her unconditional love, withholding her own, but dangling it in front of her like a carrot, willing to give it if she would just “deserve” it.
All of those things had hurt her, struck her so deep she thought she'd never recover, still leapt to the forefront of her mind from time to time, but she'd pushed them to the back, refusing to think about them, ignoring them, pretending they didn't exist, just like the fact that she was a murderer.
She'd pushed them away and slowly, they had sank into the back of her mind, not forgotten, just hidden.
At all of the thought she was giving them, the buried thoughts unearthed themselves, and Angeline felt swamped with them.
She cried harder, now pushing away all of the scared, insecure, awful, hateful feelings she had, trying to bury them again in the back of her mind where she never looked, and tried to add her feelings for Kurt.
Only time would tell of it worked, but she had the suspicion that it would take a lot longer than she wanted it to. If it even worked at all.
…    …    …    
Angeline paced her room, her wings fluttered and stretched while her tail flicked behind her.
She’d heard that Kurt was single again.
She had finally worked up her courage and decided she was going to take Logan's insane advice and try to talk to him again.
She wanted him to see her and not ignore her, so she’d pulled out all of her clothes, finding a skirt that went to mid thigh, and a tank top that demanded attention with a bit of a v neck and tight knit so it hugged her figure.
She thought about putting on her high heels, but as she opened the door and checked again, she decided to go barefoot. Everyone else was in their rooms because it was getting late, and she didn’t want to trip over impractical shoes.
She looked around and slipped through the door, trying not to make any noise, and went to the landing at the top of the stairs by the door, peeking over as she waited for Kurt to get back from wherever he’d been all day.
She waited, crouched, for what seemed like eons, but was actually only about half an hour, before there was a noise at the door.
She jumped up, taking a breath and pumping herself up to finally make Kurt stand still and talk to her, ask him if he would spend time with her, maybe even go on a date with her.
She nearly flew down the stairs, her feet barely touching them as the door was unlocked.
The door was open and Kurt entered as she took the last steps, stopping in front of him and the door as a woman followed him.
The expression on Angeline’s face turned from bright excitement to bland self preservation as she looked at them.
She looked over Kurt, who was finally looking at her, then over the woman, who looked like a normal human.
Was that what he liked? Was that the problem? She looked too exotic, so he wasn’t interested?
Angeline tightly furled her wings against her shoulders to hide them, and her tail wrapped around her leg to blend in.
Her eyes fell to the floor and drifted to the side. “Uh, excuse me,” she said, dodging around them through the door.
Kurt had looked up as he’d heard the light footsteps of Angeline, and saw her coming toward them excitedly.
If only she’d run to him like that; just happy to see him.
His eyes took in her body, showcased, he wished just for him, but as she left, he was sure that it wasn’t.
He sighed and closed his eyes, again seeing her flawless skin, her full lips that always seemed to be begging him to kiss them, her beautiful eyes, not to mention the way her shirt had hugged her sexy body and her skirt had flirted with him to guess what was under it.
He wouldn’t be able to get that image out of his head.
“I’m sorry,” he told the woman he’d brought home. “You should go.”
“What’s the matter?” She asked, trying to be sexy as she ran her hand up his arm. “Not in the mood anymore?”
Kurt’s face contorted in frustration. Oh, he was in the mood, alright, just not for her. “I’m sorry,” he repeated.
Angeline ran across the grounds, her body absorbing strength from the darkness, until she felt the energy buzzing in her veins and leapt into the sky.
It was very dark, the full clouds blocking out the stars and moon, and she could hardly see, but the dark felt safe instead of bothering her, and she flapped her wings hard to soar through the moist air.
Rain started falling from the clouds, but Angeline didn't stop, flying closer to them as they generated some light and made it easier to see.
She should head back, get out of the way of the storm, but the stabbing in her heart made her keep going, becoming a little reckless as she fought to forget the hurt.
Tears tried to push through Angeline's eyelids, and though she fought them, they did start to make it through.
A sudden gathering of static then flash of light to her left made her choke in surprise, but she still didn't stop, feeling the energy in her feathers and bones as it gathered before the strikes and dodging them, releasing some of her stress as she practiced her aerial acrobatic maneuvers.
Tears blinded her for a moment, and a sudden gathering of static started in front of her as she wiped her eyes.
Angeline spun, her wings getting confused in her panicked need to avoid a bolt of lightning.
She tumbled through the air, trying to regain her bearings, but the feeling of tumbling through the wet darkness was what she imagined being thrown around and pulled under by waves in the ocean to be like.
Treetops were terrifyingly close in the next flash of lightning, and Angeline's eyes shot open and her lungs sucked in a gasp of fear.
She hit a tree branch and managed to set herself right, if a little wobbly as she shot through the trees too fast.
A tree reared in front of her suddenly, and she tilted to the side too late, her shoulder crashing into it and spinning her as she crashed into the ground.
As the pain centralized, she could tell that her shoulder was shattered, as well as her other forearm, one wing, and one femur being broken along with the many scrapes and bruises she'd just acquired.
She laid on the ground in a heap for a moment, slowly moving to get her body back in place as it healed.
She kneeled on the leaf litter and dirt holding her shoulder as she looked up at the sky. Maybe she should have taken the lightning. It would have been painful, but it would have been over sooner
Angeline sighed, her thoughts tumbling back to Kurt.
It had been awful, running into him and his new girlfriend, but maybe she would just try to follow Logan's advice in a different way.
If she flirted with him and got him to ask her out, it would work the same. Right?
Besides, what was the worst that could happen? Being rejected?
She'd just nearly been hit with lightning, a tree had destroyed her shoulder, and then she'd crash landed through the forest, wrecking pretty much the rest of her limbs.
Not to mention what she'd lived through before at her mother's house, for about twelve years, since it started when she was about four.
Rejection may hurt, but if she went in expecting that she may, or probably would, be rejected, she could be ready for it.
…    …    …    
Angeline tried to remind herself that she had no claim over Kurt, and not to care what he was doing, just to try to get his attention, but it was hard.
Especially when she found that he was dating a different girl, this one a mutant with an obvious mutation.
So it couldn’t be that he didn’t like mutants.
‘At first I thought maybe he didn’t like women,’ she mentally groaned to herself as she again cried into her pillow. ‘But now I see; he likes them- loves them! As long as they aren’t me!’
Her evolution of thought on his preferences were had gone from not women, to blondes, to not short women, to not mutants, to not physically affected mutants, but now...
He had been going out with so many women, different women, blondes, brunettes, redheads, tall, short, mutants, non mutants-
Her only thought left, was that maybe he didn’t like her wings, since she would ruffle them to get his attention, and he would glance, but always look away quickly, as though he didn’t want to see them.
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djinmer4 · 6 years
Transfer (Ultimate AU)
Kitty looked down at the letter in her hand.  This was the opportunity she’d been waiting for.  Now she just had to be brave enough to take it.
“-can’t say I blame them.  They don’t have good memories of this place and if they feel safer with you, they’re free to go with my blessing.”  Scott turned from Emma Frost to Kitty as she entered the room.  “You’re late.”
“I’m sorry,” she tucked her hair behind her ears.  “I got a letter that may affect our discussion here.  Excalibur, the superhero team in Europe, has invited me to join their organization.  I’m taking them up on the offer.”
“Congratulations,” said the White Queen.
“I can’t say I’m happy to lose you,” replied Summers.  “Is there nothing I can do to make you stay?”
“I’m sorry, Scott, but I’ve thought about this for a long time.  Balancing missions, my education, training the newbies and being the PR spokeswoman for the X-Men, it’s too much.  I’m afraid I’m going to have a nervous breakdown before I even reach twenty.”
“Most of that won’t go away if you join Excalibur.”
“But some of it will.  They’re not expecting me to train entire classes of newly expressed mutants for one.  And it’ll take some of the celebrity pressure off too.  There I’ll only be one out of a crowd with Captain Britain and Capitan Espana and whoever they get to fill France and Germany’s places.  And just by being in Europe, people are less likely to care.”
“It’s your decision.  Will you be going by yourself or can you take some students with you?”
Kitty sat down.  “They’ve given me almost complete carte blanche.  They did say I shouldn’t bring Piotr though.  Interpol wants to charge him for what he did when he was part of the Mafiya.  If he comes with me, Excalibur will turn him over to them.”
“He can’t cut a deal?” asked Cyclops.
“He was only an avtoritet, whatever that means.  Not high enough to have any information they’re willing to deal for.”
“I guess that’s fine.  He was willing to stay with the school anyway so that doesn’t change anything.”  The ruby-eyed man set a stack of profiles on the table.  “Let’s get started.  Firestar.”
“She can stay with you,” stated Emma.  “The Academy may not differentiate between mutants and humans but we do have standards.  Miss Allen has shown she has the improper attitude to join our school.”
“On to the next one then,” he picked up the next profile.  “Jimmy says he hasn’t decided.  Is there anyone who doesn’t want him?”
“He’s welcome to join the Academy at any time.”
“Kitty?  If you want, I’ll tell him you never want to see him again.”
“No, it’s fine.  I’m over it.  If he wants to join Excalibur, he can come with me.”
“Are you sure?  He did dump you in a pretty awful manner.”
“Yeah, but that turned out to be Jean manipulating him.  I’m not going to jump back into a relationship with him just like that, but I’m not angry at him anymore.”
“You should tell him that.  He’s been really broken up about it.”
She hesitated.  “I’ll text him later.  Who’s next?”
“Pyro.”  Scott quickly took the folder off the table.  “Nope, I’m keeping him.  He’s a good recruiter, a good trainer and hopefully, he’ll stick around after he graduates.  I need all the good teachers I can get.”  The two women just laughed.
“Next is Bishop.  Still in jail.  Not likely to be released anytime soon.  Moving on.”
“Dazzler and Angel have stated they want to stay with the X-Men but would also accept being moved to the Academy.  Emma, what are your thoughts?”
“Dazzler is fine, but Angel’s already played mole at my Academy once before.  He’s not welcome to return.”
“They’ll stay with me then.”  Another profile.  “Rogue.  She’s specifically stated she doesn’t want to be anywhere near you, Kitty.”
The Jewish girl made a frustrated hissing sound.  “I don’t even like Bobby and I certainly don’t encourage him.  It’s not my fault he can’t take a hint.  And I’m not taking him either.”
“Emma, he might do better with his attitude at the Academy.”
“If you like I can test and interview both of them.  But based at least on what I’ve seen of Bobby, he doesn’t meet our academic standards.”
“If they fail out of your program, they’ll stay with the X-Men then.”  There were only four profiles left.  “Beast and Ororo both want to leave-”  Emma grabbed the two folders.  “Accepted with pleasure!”
“Oookaaayyy then.  Now for Jean.  She’s definitely not staying with the X-Men.  Wolverine’s already tried to kill me and I’m not interested in working with the woman who cheated on me when we were engaged.”
“I’m not taking her either,” announced Kitty.  “I don’t even know why she hates me but I’m not putting up with her hostility or bullying.”
Emma just looked thoughtful.  “Do you think I should-”
“No!”  Both Kitty and Scott exclaimed.  Scott continued, “I’ll just fire both of them.  They’re very high profile, they can fend for themselves.”
“It’s kind of you,” Kitty reassured the older woman.  “But Jean has a history of undermining authority figures and she’s not any less dangerous for losing her attack dog.  Your diamond form gives you some protection from Jean’s telepathy but you can’t be like that all the time.  It’s better to just be rid of them completely.”
Scott started a new pile for just those two.  “Last one.  Kitty, I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to order you to take this guy, especially since Angel, Colossus, and Dazzler will be staying with me.”
Weapon XVII flinched when someone sat down across from him.  Ever since his breakdown, kidnapping Dazzler, going off on Piotr then abusing the Banshee drug, everyone had been avoiding him.  If someone was actually going out of their way to seek him out . . . either it was someone else who wanted to chastise him for his actions or Scott had finally made up his mind to kick him out of the X-Men.  Still, there was no point in running away.  He looked up.
Oh God no, it was Kitty.  They’d been friends once before he’d gone and alienated everyone.  There had been a time when he even had a crush on her and hoped to become more than friends.  Then she and Peter fell in love, he kidnapped Dazzler and Kitty rescued her from him.  Kitty hadn’t spoken a word to him after that fiasco.  “Katherine.  What can I do for you?”  He kept his voice as neutral as possible.
“Oh, so you can speak English.”  She sat down across from him.
“I’ve been practicing ever since the disaster with Banshee.  I’m pretty sure Scott’s had it up to here with Logan and Jean, and if Jean leaves, so does the translation function in my brain.”
“Have you heard the rumors about the team disbanding?”
He swallowed.  “Yes, I have.”  The possibility of the X-Men dissolving had been preying on his mind lately, making it difficult to sleep at night.  With Professor Xavier dead, he didn’t know who would be the leader now or where the funding would come from or if they all were allowed to stay here.  Nightcrawler had nowhere to go other than the X-Men.  He couldn’t even begin to figure out where the circus he had originally been from was or hope to find the little German town he’d grown up in.  And the US was definitely growing more and more unsafe for visible mutants like him.  Maybe Emma Frost could use another bodyguard?
“Well, let me put some of those fears to rest.  The X-Men will be continuing.  Scott has stepped up to be the leader of both the team and the school.  We’re getting a grant from the government, plus most of our backers have returned.  And Professor X put the Estate in a Trust to run the school so everything will continue, albeit with fewer teachers sleeping with the students hopefully.”
The Weapon let out a sigh of relief.  The Sword of Damocles had been lifted away.  Then he tensed up again.  Just because the X-Men were still around, didn’t mean he was wanted.  “Scott’s going to announce the good news tomorrow.  However, there’s some bad news as well.  There’s going to be a lot of reorganization.  Logan and Jean were fired.  Hank and Ororo are transferring to the Academy of Tomorrow.”  She looked him straight in the eye.  “I’m leaving for Excalibur at the end of the month.  You’re coming with me.”
It took him a few minutes to process.  “Vas?”
“I said that you’ll be accompanying me to Excalibur.  Angel, Colossus, and Dazzler, they all expressed a desire not to work with you.  So you’ll be coming with me and some of the students to join the European Union superhero team.”
“Ah, um, danke.”
She leaned forward.  “Make no mistake.  This is your last chance.  If you fuck this up, Excalibur will hand you over to Interpol or the CIA or even Department K without any hesitation.  And you will be watched very carefully to see if you’ve recovered from your instability earlier.”
It was still better than being locked in a cage or thrown out on the street.  “I understand.”
Kitty returned to her meal.  “I suggest you start packing and making any arrangements soon because we’ve got less than two weeks before Excalibur comes to pick us up.  Officially, the X-Men will be sending some students to study abroad with Shroud and Nightcrawler as the course leaders.  In reality, you’ll be my subordinate.  Can you handle that?”
“Yes.  You’re a good leader.  And it’s Kurt.”
“What’s Kurt?”
“My name.”
She stared at him.  “You remember your name now?”
“Well no.  But you can’t keep calling me Weapon-XVII or Nightcrawler all the time.  Or Legolas, no matter what I’d prefer.  So Kurt.  It’s a common German name so it won’t stand out, it’s easy to remember and short too.  What’s not to like about it?”
“Hmm, fair enough.”  She thought about it for a second.  “You might as well choose a last name too.  Make things easier for Jamie when he does the paperwork.”
“In that case . . . Wagner.  Spelled with a W.  You can call me Kurt Wagner.”
She arched an eyebrow at him.  “Pronounced like a V and spelled with a W.  Less easy.”
“But also very common.  Perhaps not as common as Muller or Schmidt or Schneider.  But Kurt Wagner sounds real enough without being an obvious alias like John Doe.”
“Very well then.  I’ll see you later, Kurt Wagner.”
The last of the students had boarded the Blackbird and there was just her and Kurt on the tarmac when Kitty heard someone shouting, “Wait!  Wait!”  She turned and there was Jimmy Hudson running up.  He had a suitcase, duffle, backpack and was clearly ready to go with them.  Kurt stepped between them.  Kitty had said things were fine with Logan’s son but Kurt was taking no chances.
“Jimmy?  I thought you weren’t going to come with us.”
“I-I,” he took a moment to catch his breath.  “I procrastinated on my decision until the last minute.  But I don’t want to stay here.  I’d trust Mr. Summers with my life, but it can’t be easy teaching the son of the guy who tried to kill you.  Not to mention Jean cheated on him with me.  Even if I was mind-controlled, the whole situation’s just awkward.”  He smiled up at her boyishly.  “Can I come with you?”
Kurt half-hoped she would say no.  But Kitty just waved her hand at the blonde and let him board.  “You’re going to have to sort out the paperwork with Jamie when we get there.”
“My fault for being such a slug about it.”
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mandibierly · 7 years
'Psych' stars talk the movie's ending — and a possible return
Spoiler alert! Psych: The Movie ended on a promising cliffhanger. Before Shawn (James Roday) could head out for his honeymoon with Juliet (Maggie Lawson) — with Gus (Dulé Hill) and his new love, Selene (Hill’s real-life fiancée, Jazmyn Simon) in tow, naturally — the boys got a visit from Ewan O’Hara (John Cena), Juliet’s brother, who’s now on the run. Does that mean we’re getting a second Psych movie?
“It was always our intention to set up the next movie at the end of the first movie,” Roday tells Yahoo Entertainment. “Whether there is a next movie or not, it’s important to us to always give the fans a glimpse of what Shawn and Gus’ next adventure is, so that, even if we don’t get to make any more movies, you know that they are out there caught up in another madcap adventure. Whether it is the Cena story that we take forward, if we get to do it again, or we shift gears and do something else, you at the very least know that now Shawn and Gus got caught up in a crazy adventure with Ewan O’Hara that probably took them to Oslo.”
“And, what better way to end the Psych movie than with John Cena,” Hill adds. “Like a cherry on top for the Psych movie, we have Ewan O’Hara come in at the end.”
Below, Roday and Hill answer a few more of our questions about Psych: The Movie. (Read what they had to say about that epic “suck it” sequence and Zachary Levi’s David Bowie tribute here.)
Yahoo Entertainment: Was that sequence with Shawn and Gus applauding the “black gentleman ninja” who wanted to kill them — while also having a heart-to-heart about the women in their lives before admitting it was time to do what they do best, scream and run — the quintessential Psych moment?
James Roday: The running and screaming thing is something that has become synonymous with Shawn and Gus’s version of heroism. But, you know, we were so tickled because we could visualize that sequence from pretty early on in the prep stages of this, the two of them having this serious conversation while this acrobatic ninja showed off in the background. And then he literally had to get their attention back and say, “Excuse me, I’m going to kill you.”
Dulé Hill: A funny thing is, I was still recovering from my torn achilles during that time. So, you know, I did not get a chance to run as fast as I normally would.
Roday: It was a delicate run.
Hill: Delicate hightail.
There is that moment in the movie when Gus, like, power walks. Was that walk scripted, or something you came up with in the moment, Dulé?
Hill: That one came up in the moment. That was the type of thing where you’re trying to get out of there but you don’t want to make it too obvious that you’re trying to get out of there. You’re just walking fast. It was like, let’s try to be as cool as we can, try to act natural.
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Jazmyn Simon as Selene, Hill as Gus (Photo: Alan Zenuk/USA Network)
How did you all decide on the perfect woman for Gus?
Roday: The idea was really simple. It was like, what happens if Gus meets Gus? How would he react to the same sort of blanket of shenanigans that he lays on others when he’s attempting to hook up? What if they all happened to him?
Hill: When they first pitched me the idea of Gus getting Gus-ed, I thought it was hilarious. Especially the fact that Gus doesn’t like it, but when he does it to other people, he thinks it’s the smoothest thing in the world. It’s like, now you realize why women walked away from you so much. … [Casting is] where I had a little bit more insight and input. Because why would I go and try to fabricate some attraction when there’s a wonderful actress that I live with every day. We crack each other up all the time, and I just knew that she would come in and really knock that role out. Over the years we always had issues finding the right match for Gus, someone who could come in and really meet Gus where he is, in terms of all his nuttiness and wackiness that he does, who would be able to be a nice counterpart to him. And I had no doubt that Jazmyn would be good at coming in and doing Gus to Gus.
Shawn and Juliet were finally wed, three years after they got engaged. James, how important was it to give that moment to fans?
Roday: You know, we did the will-they-or-won’t-they thing for a really, really long time. And I think that there are a lot of fans that were probably expecting a wedding at the end of the series. And [series creator Steve Franks] and I just weren’t ready — it just felt a little obvious and it felt a little derivative of things that have happened on finales of other shows. And it also didn’t feel true to that relationship to have them get married just because it was the last episode. So we did what felt right, which was have him propose and then who knows what happened. Because we have the opportunity to come back and do this again, and because this is, more than anything, a love letter and a thank you letter to our fans, it felt cruel to make them wait any longer.
Hill: They waited long enough.
We have to talk about the joke that the manifesto “The Crimes of Juliet O’Hara” sounds like a killer title for a Hallmark movie. “Gus, don’t be ridiculous. Jules would never do a Hallmark movie.” [Roday and Hill both laugh.] As someone who enjoys Hallmark movies, I know Maggie Lawson recently starred in one [2017’s My Favorite Wedding].
Roday: We’ve kind of made a point to make fun of all of ourselves over the course of that show. We’ve poked fun at other stuff that we’ve done in our careers. None of us have too much pride about that kind of stuff. Maggie laughed out loud when she read that. The other joke we have in there that, you know, six people will appreciate, is Kurt Fuller’s lifelong career nemesis is Stephen Tobolowsky. They’ve been up for the same parts for 30 years. So, when the Thin White Duke says, “Get in the boat, Tobolowsky,” and [Woody Strode]’s response is frozen — “You just called me Tobolowsky, that is a deep cut and now I am very rattled” — that’s art imitating life.
How did you decide to bring back Allison Crowley (Mena Suvari) as the puppetmaster for the Thin White Duke?
Roday: We had a decent chunk of the story in place, but the thread that we knew we needed in order to get the band back together was something from the past. What’s the cleanest, direct line to something that would have affected all of us? The only mini franchise that we did that involved a super villain in Psych was Yin-Yang, and Yin and Yang are both dead. So it was pretty simple, once we did the math, who it would have to be. And I reached out to Mena and was like, “Would you be up for this?” And she was like, “Are you kidding? That’s the most fun I’ve ever had.” And once we knew that she was on board, we all sighed collectively in relief and knew that we had all the pieces.
And you knew you needed a musical number, I’m sure, which we got with the return of Jimmi Simpson as Mary Lightly.
Roday: We knew we wanted to get Jimmi back. Just because the challenge of continuously appearing even though he’s no longer alive is something that we always want to embrace. For the most part, I feel like this movie is sort of a throwback to early Psych and the things that put us on the map, and the Shawn-Gus relationship. So, you know, we didn’t want to go too far outside of our sweet spot. But I did say it from the very beginning to Steve, “I just need one dream sequence. Just give me one scene where I can be weird, and that’s also how we’ll get Mary Lightly back.” And he was like, “Absolutely, you got it.” And then, you know, the song ties in to who the bad guy ultimately is, so we wanted something with Allison in the title, and we thought, Costello was a little too on the nose and probably way more expensive. So, enter Gin Blossoms [and “Allison Road”]. And, Jimmi had about three days to learn it on the ukulele.
Hill: And for me, I mean, the fact that early on in the series I got to dress up as Michael Jackson, it only seems right that as we are doing this special, I get to dress up as Prince. I mean, c’mon, you’ve got to have Michael and Prince.
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Kirsten Nelson as Chief Karen Vick, Zachary Levi as The Thin White Duke (Photo: Alan Zenuk/USA Network)
You make us think we’re finally going to meet the Chief’s husband, but then we don’t. What’s the story there? Did you have any casting in mind?
Roday: There are a lot of Easter eggs in this movie, and as with any movie, once you get into it and numbers start getting crunched, you always end of having to turn down things and make sacrifices so that you can get the budget down to where it needs to live. And meeting Mr. Vick was a baby that we had to let go of. But hopefully we will be able to revisit it if we get to do another one.
Fans will have been very happy to see that call Juliet makes to Lassiter (Timothy Omundson, who suffered a stroke last spring). How important was it for you guys to have that moment in the movie?
Roday: It was the most important thing, honestly. It’s something that we shot later. It wasn’t part of the body of the original movie because we wanted to give Tim as much time as possible in his rehab and to be as comfortable as he possibly could. But, I think I can speak for everybody when I say, if we hadn’t been able to get that, the movie would not have felt complete.
Hill: Right.
Roday: It just wouldn’t have felt right. So thank God, thank whoever you pray to, that it was able to come together and we were able to include him. And that is probably my favorite scene in the movie.
Hill: You can’t have a Psych movie without Lassie.
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footballfinns · 7 years
Summary: Finn gets a call at work that causes he and Rachel to make a trip to Lima.
Finn’s day had been going by great. He was coming close to finishing school and they were letting him do so much more at work than stand at the front counter and do the occasional oil change. He was underneath a car, making sure he had finished everything he had on his list when one of the guys called him out and said he had a phone call. The only person who really ever called him was Rachel, and that was usually on his cell phone so he was nervous as he walked to the front and grabbed the phone. He was even more nervous when it was his mother on the other line, frantically telling him that Burt had a heart attack. Finn spoke to her for a moment before letting her go and he explained to his boss what was going on before he went home. He knew he needed to feel bad, and he did because this man had been in his mom’s life for a while now, but he wasn’t entirely feeling the urgency to run to Lima. He sighed as he walked through the apartment door and carefully took his shoes and coat off by the door. He walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water, still trying to decide what emotion he was feeling. When Rachel walked in, he gave her a small smile. “Hey, you.”
The first weeks back to school were always an adjustment, one that Rachel dreaded. But she managed like always. Getting back to a quiet apartment after a seemingly longer than usual train ride was today's reward. Hearing Finn’s voice as she pushed through the door was a surprise, but not an unpleasant one. “Hey.” Placing her bag on the counter, she moved in for a kiss. “You're home early.”
He accepted her kiss and wrapped his arms around her. “Well my mom called and I guess Burt had a heart attack..” He watched for her reaction, deciding that would help him know how to feel.
The calm she'd felt in his presence slowly slipped away, her eyes growing wide. “How terrible. Is he… okay?” Rachel didn't want to suggest the grimmest outcome if she didn't have to. “I mean, he is being treated, right? I bet your mom was beside herself.” Her hand raised to his cheek, her powers of observation failing as she couldn't pinpoint his feelings on the situation. “And you. I know you're not close but… how are you handling the news?”
“I don’t know, I think it just happened a couple of hours ago. She was freaking out on the phone, I could barely understand her.” He sighed, looking down as he thought about her question. “I don’t know, Rach. I don’t feel like… I mean, I hardly know him. I feel like I should be scared and feel bad, but I just don’t.” He shrugged, feeling awful for saying it.
Rachel wasn't shocked by his admission and she had no intention of making him feel guilty about it. “I think that's normal, honestly. Just because he's married to your mom doesn't mean you have to fall apart. Maybe it's better that way, so if she needs you, you'll be able to help her.” Taking him by the hand, she moved them to the couch. “And obviously you want him to be okay. That's what counts.”
Finn was glad that she understood, though it wasn’t surprising as Rachel usually had a better grip on things like this than he did. He followed her to the couch and sat down, giving her a small smile. “What do you think I should do? Like do I go to Lima or..?”
Both of her arms moved around him, Rachel contemplating his question. “I say go with what you think is best. Or maybe wait to see what happens. If… the outcome is the worst possible scenario, then we'll both go to Lima. But if he recovers, maybe your mom will need you more down the road than immediately.”
Finn nodded his head, “Yeah, I think you’re right. She asked me to come now but I just don’t think that’s a good idea for me to miss work and school. I’ll tell Kurt soon. She wanted us to leave together.”
Rachel wished she'd known Carole had asked for him to be there, it would have changed her approach. She didn't see a way to take it back now without changing his resolve. “She is probably going through a lot of emotions right now. She might see it differently in the morning. You should definitely let Kurt know soon so that he can go be with his father without having to wait.”
He sighed “I just didn’t feel like dealing with all this tonight.” He said with a small laugh. “I mean, I don’t want to deal with it ever but still.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Kurt’s number. “Hey man, I can’t leave tonight. I just have too much going on with school and work right now. I don’t think I can just take time off.” He explained and Kurt snapped, claiming that Finn just didn’t want to go because Rachel didn’t like being in Lima. Finn was silent as Kurt went on a rant about how Finn should be there for his stepfather, knowing he couldn’t.. Well, shouldn’t- snap back. “It’s not about Rachel. It’s exactly what I told you. I hope your dad is okay, Kurt. Goodnight.” He hung up before Kurt could say anything else and let his phone fall on the couch as he let out a frustrated groan and rest his head on the back of the couch.
Rachel almost told him to wait until the morning so that he could relax a little and try not to worry about any potential drama. He beat her to it, pulling out his phone to make a call. Her arms never left his body, though the hair on her neck bristled a bit when she heard her name. It was tireless, his family weaponizing her and trying in whatever ways they could to cause strife. More than anything, Rachel hated that he was in the middle. “Didn't go well, I take it?”
He shook his head and wrapped his arms around her again. He hated having drama with his family, which is what any interaction with them seemed to cause. He knew it was probably not the best news to hear that Finn couldn't drop everything and pay for a plane ticket to Lima for a couple of days but he didn't expect it to fall on Rachel. “He's probably just stressed out and wanted me to go for support or something.” He tried to shrug it off.
Rachel attempted to read between the lines, fearing that it wasn’t as simple as Finn was making it but not wanting to add to his frustrations by picking apart his conversation with Kurt. “That’s probably true. Hearing that news must have been incredibly difficult for him. But your lives are very different. Kurt has his father’s financial support as well as Blaine’s. That makes it easy for him to just go home. You and I have other considerations when it comes to money.” Rachel looked up, kissing his cheek in the process. “You’re very supportive in all the ways you possibly can be.”
“Exactly.. Missing work is a big deal for me because we don't have money to fall back on the way he does. Hopefully when the heat of the moment is over, they can realize that.” He was nervous his mom was going to have the same reaction though.
“You’re being a responsible adult and that’s all you can do right now. Like I said, if Burt were to take a turn for the worst, we would get in the car right now and go to Lima together. Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.”
Finn nodded his head “you would come with me?”
“Of course I would. You’re my husband and Burt is your mother’s husband. For your family, I will make the time because it’s important to you.” Rachel toyed with the hair at the back of his neck. “I wouldn’t ever make you go through something like that on your own. Especially when I know how hard those visits can be for you.”
“That means a lot to me, Rach. I know how uncomfortable things can be with my mom and… I don't know, whenever I'm doing something they dislike it seems to fall on you. I think they just don't like me anymore and they have decided it's easier to blame you than me.”
Rachel’s chest physically ached when Finn admitted to feeling hated by his family. Especially when she couldn’t fathom anyone not loving him wholly. “I don’t think it’s that, honey. I really don’t. I think they aren’t willing to take personal responsibility. That has nothing to do with not liking you. And I can handle whatever they throw my way. I’m not going anywhere so they’re wearing themselves out having a problem with me.”
Finn gave her a kiss and stayed close. He was getting anxiety thinking that not going may cause a big fight. “Maybe we should go..” He said softly.
“If that's what you need, then I'll go call work and pack a quick bag now.” Rachel held onto him, wanting for him to be sure and not feel pressured by his family. Whatever he decided, though, she would keep her word.
“I just don't want any fighting… what do you think?”
“My main concern is you and your stress level. If that means going to Lima to avoid drama, we will go. I wish your family didn't cause you so much stress in these situations.” Her nose traced the line of his throat before leaving a gentle kiss there. “I want you to do whatever you think is right.”
He wished she would make this decision for him, but he understand why she wouldn't. “I'm gonna take a shower… I had a bunch of oil spill on me earlier and I just feel gross.” He said softly.
Rachel had noticed the smell but found it irrelevant in light of the news Finn received. “Okay, baby. If you need anything, just let me know.”
He gave her a kiss “You can join me if you want. You might want to wait until I scrub this all off though.” He got up and headed to the bathroom. Once his clothes were stripped and the water was on, he stood under the water with his hand resting on the wall beneath the showerhead, his eyes closed as he tried to relax and get some perspective.
Rachel wanted to stay close without crowding him, so she gave him a head start in the shower. He needed to decompress a little so she took time tidying up a few things before stripping down in the bedroom. Finn was standing under the water as she slipped quietly into the stall. She said nothing, just kissed between his shoulders.
When he felt Rachel behind him, he smiled and turned around. “Does it look like i got it all off? I'm gonna have to figure out what soaps gets oil off the best. I feel like my hands are permanently black.”
Rachel took his hands in hers, turning them over. Despite the dark spots, Rachel brought his palm to her lips and kissed it. “They're good enough for me. But I bet we could find some home remedy type trick to get them clean.” Rachel took his hands and placed them on her back, her body drawing close to his. “I'm proud of how hard you're working.”
He happily moved in close with her. “I'll look it up.” He smiled. “Thank you, baby. I'm glad you don't mind a dirty man when I come home.” He said playfully.
Rachel's eyebrow lifted at his coy remark.  “I've grown accustomed to it on many fronts.” The kiss she offered was slow, easy. “Like anything, as long as you're fulfilled, that's what matters most.”
He kissed her back, his hand moving down her back. “I know I tell you a lot but you make everything better. Every time something happens with my family I'm just… I just am so lucky to have you.”
“I don't mind hearing it.” Rachel's lips curved up, his hands on her back a pleasant sensation. “Or being that person for you. Especially when things with your family can be quite difficult sometimes. But I always want you to know that you deserve to be loved without condition.”
“You put up with so much shit from me and my family.” He laughed softly. “I wish I could stop all that. Honestly, if you didn't want to go home with me I would understand. I'd go crazy without you for a few days, but I don't want you to have to be miserable.”
“Going with you is my choice. No misery involved.” Her fingers moved into his damp waves, her thumbs moving over his temples in small circles. “I don't see it as putting up with anything. Your family is difficult at times but they're part of being married.”
He closed his eyes and leaned down to rest his forehead against hers. “I think I'm just… overwhelmed right now. Burt will be fine, my family isn't going to fight with me, you and I will have a boring trip.” He opened his eyes to give her a playful smile.
Rachel took his smile as a good sign. “Exactly. Boring old Lima like always.” She hoped it was true this time around, especially when she felt Finn might need just that from being back there.”
“Do you want to go tonight or wait until morning?” He pulled away so he could wash his hair.
Rachel stepped back so he could clean up. “Let's start out early tomorrow. That way we'll be there by the afternoon.”
“That works for me.” He said as he scrubbed the shampoo into his hair and then rinsed off. “I'll double check our bank account to make sure we have enough money to miss a few days too..” He scrunched his nose.
Suddenly, Rachel felt pangs of anxiety and a little regret. Had they not gone on a trip, they'd have plenty of money to go back to Lima. Even if it was just what they'd needed and one of the best trips ever. Sighing, she hugged him from behind when he was done. “It'll work out, I'm sure. Let's just focus on Burt and making sure everyone is okay.”
Finn nodded his head “yeah, you're right.” He turned the shower off. “Did you need to wash off too?”
Rachel hadn't considered a shower but now that they were getting up exceedingly early. “I definitely should. Then I'm going to text my father to let him know we'll be staying at the house. Unless you want to stay at your mom's?”
“Maybe your dad's house is the best option so we can get away when we need to.” He turned the shower back on for her and moved so she could get under the water.
Rachel agreed, especially since Kurt would likely be at Carole and Burt’s house. Less opportunity for confrontation, the better. “Why don't you start packing when you get out of here. One less thing to do.”
“Okay.” He nodded his head and leaned down to give her a long kiss before he stepped out and grabbed a towel to dry off. He entered the bedroom and put some boxers on before he picked out a few outfits and underwear to pack in his suitcase.
Rachel held the kiss for as long as Finn would allow, using her time alone to gather herself and prepare for what was coming. Finn hadn't said so directly but she knew Kurt had pointed the finger at her, laying fault for Finn's lack of support at her feet. Carole would likely think no differently but Burt held all of her attention so Rachel tried not to worry much about her mother-in-law’s reaction. Rachel would be tough and unwavering in the face of any scrutiny for Finn. Because she loved him and he needed that from her.
Finn made sure he had everything packed before he sat on the bed with his laptop and checked their bank out. They would be okay since he was getting paid in a few days, but it did cut into any extra cash they may have had. He sighed and closed his laptop before laying down.
Rachel dried off and braided her hair after the shower. Finn was in bed when she came out of the bathroom and though she needed to pack, she was drawn to him like he needed her more. Beside him, she put an arm around him and kissed his neck. “All set?”
“Yeah, I just need to pack my toothbrush.” He cuddled with her. “I just packed for a few days. That's okay, right?”
Rachel's nails drew lightly over his chest. “That should be fine. I still need to throw my bag together but I wanted time with you first. You've had a draining afternoon.” Her lips touched his temple. “Can I get you anything? A snack, maybe?”
Finn smiled as she doted him on. As childish as it was, he did love it when she tried to distract from troubles like this. “I haven't eaten dinner yet now that I think about it. Maybe we could make something.”
Rachel liked the sound of ‘we,’ especially in the context of cooking. “I'm open to that. You figure out what you want while I do a quick pack, then we'll get started.”
“Ah don't make me choose! I'm the worst at it.” He laughed. “How about… do we still have that Alfredo sauce? We could have noodles.”
Rachel responded by laughing in turn, his boyish charm never failing to get her. “That sounds like an excellent idea.” With a final kiss, she stood from the bed. “The sauce should be on the top shelf of the fridge.” Grabbing her bag, she began gathering up clothes for the trip.
Finn got up after her and walked to the kitchen to start the water boiling on the stove. He double checked that they had the sauce and set it on the counter as he waited for the pot to heat up.
Packing for a trip Lima was relatively simple, Rachel pitching leggings, skirts, and sweaters into the bag. Finn’s t-shirts would be her sleepwear. After setting her bag next to his, Rachel stepped into the kitchen to find him prepping dinner. “Find everything okay?”
Finn was waiting for the pasta to cook when Rachel walked in. “I did. I don't know if you want anything to go with it.. Maybe a salad?”
Rachel considered his suggestion, mostly because she didn't want the vegetables they had to go bad while they were in Lima. “That sounds good. I'll get to slicing.” Rachel pulled out the cutting board and a pile of salad ingredients.
Finn watched her prepare the salad with a small smile. It was stupid in his mind, but when things were feeling overwhelming in his family life he just felt incredibly grateful for Rachel. He was always grateful, but more so during these moments. He knew there were a few minutes left for the noodles so he stepped behind her to hug her as she worked.
The chopping centered Rachel, letting her mind go blank as she moved the blade through spinach and lettuce. She only paused when arms circled her waist. “It's nice being coupley like this.” Even if the circumstances were tenuous, she knew to appreciate the small things.
“I do like it when we get to do things like this… Usually I would still be at work and not get home until dinner was made or we would both be getting home late and just want something quick. Even though the reason I was early sucks, tonight has been nice.”
Finishing a cucumber, Rachel turned to put her arms around him too. “I always tell myself that it'll be like this more one day. Because I love taking care of you. And just being by your side.”
“Someday it will be. When we are both more established in our careers we will probably have set schedules so we will have a couple of nights a week for this kind of thing.” He gave her a kiss.
Rachel felt comforted by his lips on hers, an experience she felt should be reversed. Still, this kiss was right and she let it extend beyond what was probably appropriate for the moment. “You should check the pot.” She took a breath, trying to refocus on dinner.
He didn't want to part from her, but she was right about needing to check the food. He checked the time and realized it was time to take the noodles out anyways so he brought the pot to the sink and poured its contents into a strainer.
Rachel worked at finishing the salad and doling it out on plates as he worked on the alfredo. She decided to light a candle on the table just to give the apartment a soothing glow. Romance seemed thoughtless but she wasn't above creating a relaxing environment for them both.
Finn mixed the noodles and sauce before he dished it onto the plates next to the salads. He brought the plates to the table and sat down. He liked that things were easy and romantic tonight, because they likely would not be in the coming days. “Thank you for making the salad, baby.” He said as he began to eat.
Rachel usually sat across their small table from him but made a point of moving her chair next to his. “Thank you for the alfredo. It looks delicious.” Her first bite was small but made her want to dive in headfirst. She switched to salad.
Finn ate in silence, his free hand on her knee as he enjoyed his meal. “I think we will get to have dinner alone every night when we are in Lima, so we have that to look forward to.”
Rachel smiled, taking any advantage she could get to being in Lima. “That'll be nice. Hopefully those dinners will be relaxing, a nice way to wind down from the day.”
“I hope so too..” He looked down at his plate. “I just don't want things to end in us fighting. Things get stressful and we tend to do that..”
Looking up for from her plate, Rachel examined Finn’s face. It was a difficult feat seeing as he was focused on his food. She set her fork down and wiped her mouth before turning his face to her and taking his hand. “I won't make hollow promises but I'm going to do everything I can to keep that from happening. Because I don't want to fight either.”
Finn gave her a small smile “I know I can get unbearable when I'm stressed out but I will try really hard not to let it get that way.” He promised.
Rachel gave his hand a squeeze. “This isn't an easy trip for anyone, baby. Let's just not let it get us too down. Especially before it even started.” Her lips brushed his cheek as she stood with her plate and rinsed it in the sink.
Finn nodded his head and gave her a moment before following after her so he could rinse his plate as well. “We should probably get to bed then so we can leave early.”
Rachel scrubbed the plate off, turning back to him. “I'm going to finish washing up in here. You go on to bed. I'll be there in a few minutes.”
Finn kissed her cheek before walking back to the bedroom and laying down to go to sleep. It wasn't coming easily, but he forced his eyes shut.
Rachel took his rinsed plate and the remaining dinner dishes. Washed and dried by her hands, she put them in their proper places then looked around, making sure everything was as it should be before she went to the bedroom. Climbing into the bed, she put an arm around him. “I love you.” With that declaration, she began to hum quietly.
Finn smiled when she joined him. “I love you too.” He relaxed as she hummed. “Good night, baby.”
Rachel continued until she felt he was asleep before settling in herself and dozing off.
Finn slept uneasily, but he made it through the night without losing too much sleep. When his alarm went off, he groaned and stretched before turning over to look at his wife. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and got up to get dressed and get the truck started and warm.
Rachel was awakened by a soft touch to her cheek. Finn was already up and moving when she turned over. She was quick to move after that, dressing and making coffee and bagels. They were fresh and ready when Finn walked back through the door. “Morning.”
Finn brought their bags out to the truck and let the vehicle warm up for a few minutes before he headed back to their apartment. “Good morning baby.” He stepped in and gave her a kiss.
Rachel offered him a travel mug full of coffee and a bagel with cream cheese in exchange for his greeting. “Ready to go?”
He took his breakfast from her. “I am. Truck is all ready for us to go too.” He smiled and led the way back out to the truck.
Rachel nodded and pulled on her coat. She looked around one last time and secured the door lock once she was satisfied. She held his hand, her breakfast in the other, as the went down to the truck.
“Ugh I am not excited for this drive.” He complained as he opened the passenger door for her. He got in and put his coffee between them before beginning to drive and eat his bagel.
Rachel slid in beside him and buckled in. “If you need a break, let me know. We might get their faster that way.”
“We can split it up.” He said with a nod. “I slept last night but I just feel so tired.” He finished off his bagel and took a sip of his coffee.
Rachel didn't want to push but he worried her with his tiredness. “I can take the first half if you want, so you can sleep.” They had already started out but a quick change wouldn't set them back.
“It's okay, I have coffee.” He lifted his cup. “But if you want to drive the first half we can do that. “
Rachel didn't necessarily want to drive but she stated otherwise. “I'll do that. That way you can nap a bit.”
Finn found a parking lot to park in so they could switch seats. He got out and back in through the passenger door. “Just let me know when you are sick of driving.”
Rachel scooted over once he was out the driver's seat, getting herself comfy for the long drive ahead. “I will.” She smiled at him as she turned the engine over and pulled back into traffic, which wasn't too terrible this early in the morning. “Relax until then.”
He leaned the seat back a bit and rest with a yawn. “It's weird for you to be driving.” He said with a laugh.
Rachel couldn't disagree, especially when it came to his truck. But she laughed along all the same. “True. Look at it this way, though. You get to do more open driving and less city stuff. I think you like that more anyway.”
“That's true.” He agreed. “I know I thanked you already but.. I really appreciate you coming with me, baby. You're the best.”
Rachel glanced over at him, then quickly refocused the road. “I've said that I'd go anywhere with you. I like to be true to my word. And I love you. If I can help it, I won't let you face anything like this on your own.”
“I love you too. You are always true to your word.” He gave her a smile. He just knew how much Rachel hated Lima and spending time with his family. Even without the added stress, it wouldn't be a great trip.
Removing her hand from the wheel, she reached for his. She may have disliked visiting Lima, but she still wished she could make every trip there one he could remember fondly. Partly because she'd ruined others in the past. Mostly, she wanted him to feel like he could still openly love this other home. “I know this is the least appropriate time to think or say this but we should take being in Lima to our advantage and revisit some of our… greatest hits, shall we say.” If nothing else, she hoped to get a smile from him. “The reservoir, perhaps.”
Finn smiled over at her. “That sounds like a great plan. A good way to break up all the crappiness.”
“See, it’s working already. You’re perking up as we speak. I might not even have to take my pants off when we get there.” She squeezed his hand, grinning.
“Pants are coming off.” He scoffed playfully.
“I should’ve just brought skirts if that’s the case.” Having never liked driving one-handed, Rachel was forced to let go of Finn’s hand. “But I suppose I can make pants workable, just for you.”
“I wouldn't complain about skirts.” He laughed. “Thank you. I known it's a real struggle.” He joked.
“Oh yes. I can barely survive when I'm forced to wear pants.” Her voice shifted from dramatic to a giggle. “Actually, that's true. I'd much prefer to be pantsless. But my legs would get cold and people would look at me funny.”
“You have nice legs. They'd be jealous.” Be gave her a grin.
“See, now you're just talking me up.” Rachel reached to flick the radio on low.
“I'm always talking you up.” He shrugged as he sipped on his coffee.
“Not always. Sometimes you're just being sweet and complementary.” A song came on that she liked and she started to sing along quietly.
Finn watched her lovingly as she sang along to the radio. “I love it when you sing.”
Rachel didn't miss a note but smiled as much as she could. She only paused when the song ended. “You're my favorite audience. I see you whenever I perform, even if you're not there, and it makes everyone else fade away. In a perfect world, I could live off singing to just you.”
“That would be pretty cool.” He smiled. “I like that you think that way. Sometime it's crazy to me that you love me so much.”
“Really? Because it's so natural to me at this point that I can't think of a time when I won't. It's impossible to love you any less than I do.”
“That's how I feel about you too.” He leaned over to kiss her cheek. “I hope I get to just cuddle with you and love you a lot since we are taking days off of work.”
Rachel's cheek warmed at the touch of his lips, much like her heart. “I can promise serious quality cuddle time. I will also take all the love you have. Those are some of my favorite things, after all.”
“Good. That's all I need to be happy… And food. And sex.” He joked.
“Well, yes. Food and sex are quite important. Right up there with cuddles.” It was good to see his spirits lifted, Rachel wanting nothing more than for him to have some level of peace in his life at the moment. “If you get hungry or just need to stop at any point, just let me know.” Her attention drifted back to driving and singing along to the radio.
“I will.” He said as he rest his head against the back of the seat. Between the stressful sleep he'd had and listening to her sing along with the radio, he drifted off to sleep.
Rachel knew that Finn was no match for her singing, especially after the rough night he’d had. So she was happy when he fell asleep. She didn’t mind just driving and singing, her phone chirping directions to her now and then. The quiet time was probably something she’d long for once they were in the presence of his family. The sky gradually lightened and the sun was fully up by the time she stopped. They were halfway through the trip and she needed to get out and stretch her legs. Pulling into a diner rest stop in Pennsylvania, she nudged Finn to wake him.
Finn groaned as Rachel woke him up and he looked around as he sat up. “How long was I out?” He asked.
“Just about 4 hours. I couldn’t bare to wake you when you seemed so peaceful. But I have to get out. My legs are getting stiff and I need to use the restroom.”
Finn nodded his head and got out of the truck. He stretched as his feet hit the ground. “Thanks for driving all that way, baby.”
Rachel slid out of the truck, first stretching her back and her legs. “Any time.” Coming around the front of the truck, she stopped to give him a kiss before she headed toward the diner to use the restroom.
Finn kissed her with a smile and then followed after her to the diner so he could use the bathroom as well. When he got out, he decided they should probably eat while they were already stopped and took a seat at one of the booths.
Rachel figured she’d find him in the restaurant when she exited the bathroom, which was fine because she was getting hungry. Sliding into the booth next to him, she kissed Finn’s cheek then leaned against him a bit.
He wrapped his arm around her and held the menu up to where they could both read it. “Are you okay to eat here or do you wanna wait?”
“We can eat here. I was getting a little hungry and they have vegetable soup in a bread bowl as one of their lunch specials so I know what I'm getting.”
“I'm getting chicken strips.” He said with a nod and set the menu down. The waitress stopped by with two waters that Finn had ordered before Rachel joined him and he ordered their food. “So.. We are probably halfway there, right?”
Rachel sipped on her water before answering. “A little more. I may have speeded a tad but not too much.”
“Ah, my little rebel.” He joked, kissing her cheek.
Rachel grinned at him. “I was only five miles over but I do like that nickname.” Even if she mostly saw herself as a ‘good girl’ she liked the other perception.
“You're cute.” He said with a chuckle. “I'll try not to speed too much now that it's my turn.”
“I like it when you call me cute, too.” Without hesitation, she turned to give him a kiss that was slightly inappropriate for a public place. “I don’t mind if you speed. Sometimes, you like to go fast and others you take things slow. As long as it gets the job done.” Rachel winked, fully aware that the flirtation was much like the kiss. But she wanted him to be distracted now. Especially when she knew that a long stretch of him driving could lead to thoughts about what lay ahead in Lima.
Finn was surprised by her kiss, but he enjoyed it. He gave her a smirk as she pulled away “You in a mood?” He asked, playfully wagging his eyebrows.
Rachel’s cheeks flushed, partly from the obvious answer to his question and because she always got a little shy after a public display like that. “Maybe. Maybe I just like kissing you that way.”
“I love it.” He gave her another kiss, but kept it short because he knew their food would coming soon. It wasn't long after that it was placed in front of them and he was distracted by chicken strips.
Finn seemed quite content once he had food, which made Rachel smile as she spooned soup to her lips. “Good?”
“It is good.” He smiled. “How is yours? It looks pretty good.”
“It's warm and filling. The broth is nice and thick. So good. Very good.”
“I'm glad you like it.” He wiped his mouth on a napkin before kissing her cheek.
This sweet kiss made her want to forget the soup and just cuddle up against him. Though it felt childish at times, Rachel saw it as a positive thing to want. It told her that Finn and the simplicity of their closeness was all she needed to feel comforted. “Me too. Especially since I was hungrier than I thought.”
“Driving always makes me hungry. Maybe because it's so boring.” He said with as he went back to eating.
Rachel didn’t suffer the same, but she could understand his point. Driving was just staring and shifting your eyes, tapping the pedal and the brakes when necessary. And there wasn’t much to see between New York and Lima as far as scenery - most of it all looked the same. “It definitely pales in comparison to other things. But it has a purpose. It will get us where we need to be.”
“Yeah, true.. Even if the destination is Lima.” He laughed. “Are you almost done eating?”
Rachel, nibbling at the edges of her bread bowl, nodded. “I think I’m ready to get back on the road. The sooner we get there and deal with what we need to, the sooner we can have time to ourselves. Right?”
“Well.. I was definitely planning on making out with you a little before we left..” He smirked. As the waitress approached them he looked over the bill and set the money on the table. “Let's go.”
“I have no objections to making out.” The words quieted as the waitress approached, Rachel stepping out of the booth as he laid the money down. Taking his hand, she emphasized her point with a slow kiss. “See, I’m nothing if not open to suggestion.”
Finn squeezed her hand “I'm lucky for that.” He said as he led the way out to the truck. He opened her door for her but didn't let her get in far before his lips were on hers again.
Rachel was about to climb into the truck when she turned to find Finn’s lips on hers. Her arms, though heavy from her coat, came around his neck. It was the first time they’d really been close since the news of Burt broke and that matter of hours made her miss it. Now, it was relief.
If it hadn't have been cold outside, Finn would have stayed wrapped up with her right there for much longer. “I'm getting cold.” He said with a laugh and pulled away from her so he could get into the truck too. He leaned over to get more though. “I love you so much.” He said against her lips.
Rachel understood the press of the weather, not that she liked the separation very much. Still, she let go with some ease only to be rewarded with a final kiss. “I love you too. But get in before you freeze. I can kiss you in here just as well as out there.”
Finn pulled away completely with a sigh and walked around the truck so he could get in. Once he was settled, he reached for her hand and leaned over to kiss her.
Rachel scooted a little closer to him once he was seated, letting the kiss warm her. It was an awkward squeeze in the cab of his truck and she always found it easier to kiss him when she was straddling him. But that, she knew, would put them in potentially dangerous water. Especially in a public parking lot. Instead, she held to his arm, craning her neck a little. His lips tasted salty from lunch and she sighed happily, her breath escaping against his.
He wished they could be closer, but he took what he could get. He moved his kisses to her neck, playfully nipping at her skin.
Rachel giggled, mostly so she wouldn’t make a more suggestive sound. “You’re a bad influence sometimes. The big problem is, I do enjoy it.” She didn’t stop him right away, her skin feeling a pleasant wash of fire where he kissed it. “But you can’t leave any marks.”
Finn groaned in disapproval. “Why can't I?”
“Because someone would see them on my neck and we’re going to be seeing your family to offer support.” Rachel pulled away a little, smiling as she left a kiss on his lips. “You can do it later, though. In all the places no one sees. I promise.”
“Fine..” He scrunched his nose before sitting up straight and turning the truck on. “But as soon as we are alone…” he smirked.
Rachel moved back to her spot and belted herself in. “Absolutely. I think by that time, we’ll probably both need a little stress relief anyway.” Especially if the first thing they did was visit with Carole and Kurt.
“Yeah, hopefully, we are in the mood after dealing with my family.” He shook his head as he began to drive.
Rachel reached over to hold his hand, wanting him to know that she was there even if his family acted horribly towards him. It may have been of little consolation but the love she felt for him made it the best she had to give. “Try not to worry. We’ll visit with them for awhile so you can sit with your mom and console her a bit. Then it’ll be us. Just you and me.”
Finn nodded his head “it's hard not to worry. Don't take this the wrong way but I feel like I shouldn't have let you come. I just feel like they're going to be mean.”
Rachel couldn’t take what he said ‘the wrong way.’ Any other time, she might have because she was sensitive and a little dramatic. But when Finn was struggling with family matters, she heard the sincerity in his words. “I can handle them. As long as they aren’t mean to you.
He gave her a small smile. “It's just going to be stressful.”
“It will be, but there’s really no way around that. We’re prepared though. I’m hoping that knowledge is going to help us stay away from too much drama.”
“That's true baby.” He agreed and reached over for her hand. He quieted down as he drove, listening to the music on the radio.
Rachel kept hold of his hand as they cruised down the highway, her voice tracking with the radio every now and again. “Did I mention that I got a text back from my dad earlier? He said that the house will be empty while we’re there. He’s on a romantic getaway. It’ll be a little like the old days.”
“Oh yeah?” He asked with a smile. “That will be awesome. We can do dirty things all over the house and no one will know.” He joked.
“I want to argue you on that point but that was the bulk of what we did there. The only place we never did things it was in my father's room which would've been… weird.”
“Yeah, that's a line I wouldn't cross.” He laughed.
“Everything else is still fair game.” Rachel leaned back in her seat, her hand still in his. She wished that he didn't have to worry about how a trip to Lima would go, especially when it was obvious he loved being there. If she knew the secret formula, she'd have used it to make his family less… confrontational.
“I like that.” He gave her a smile. “I just don't even feel like I'm going home and that feels weird to me.”
Rachel's gaze shifted from the flat landscape outside her window to her husband. “Understandable. It's not exactly a fun vacation or visit. It's more somber and a necessity.”
He stayed quiet for a moment before speaking his thoughts. “It just feels weird. What if he doesn't ever wake up?”
Rachel didn't want to think about that potential outcome, even if it had crossed her mind. “One thing at a time. If that happens, we'll deal with it then. And whatever help your mom might need that we can give, we give it.”
Finn nodded his head slowly. “Maybe I should have tried to be nice to him..”
“Do you think it would've made you feel better right now?”
“I don't know, Rach, because I don't really know how I feel now.”
“That's okay, baby. It's a complicated situation. But…” Rachel inhaled deeply before speaking again. “No matter how you've felt about Burt or what kind if relationship you could've had, it wouldn't have changed this from happening.” She squeezed his hand.
“I know it couldn't..” He agreed with a nod. “I guess I feel like I should feel different because he's the closest thing I have to a dad.”
“It's a terrible thing that's happening but it doesn't mean you have to feel any more or less than you do. And it doesn't mean that how you feel now won't change. Take it easy on yourself.”
Finn gave her a small smile “I’m sorry I’m being so weird about it. I'll stop.”
Rachel shook her head, not wanting him to stifle any feelings that he might have. “It’s not weird that you’re feeling how you are. I just don’t want you to beat yourself up over things.” Unbuckling, she was careful as she scooted closer. “You don’t ever have to stop talking to me.” Her head rested on his shoulder.
Finn felt comfort in having her close to him. As much as he was dreading any drama he was glad that his wife was with him to counter all of the bad feelings. “Thank you, baby. I think I'll just have to wait until we are actually there before I know how I actually feel.”
Rachel nodded, her eyelids feeling heavy from staring at the road in front of them. “Good idea.” She was tempted to move back to her seat but something in her told Rachel that she was right where she belonged.
Finn let himself get lost in thought while he drove, his hand in Rachel's as often as it could be. When they finally reached Lima, he was so tired he couldn't imagine doing anything but sleeping but he parked and pulled his phone out to call his mother and find out where she was.
Rachel had dozed off at some point, her eyes popping open when she heard Finn’s voice. Rubbing one eye, she saw he was making a phone call. His mother, she gathered. Sitting up straight, she caught the grey of the sky outside and it made her shiver. Fitting, seeing as why they were back.
Finn wasn't surprised she was at the hospital. He sighed as he hung up the phone. “So.. Maybe we should go to the hospital for a few and make an appearance and then go to your dads and sleep a little. I'm exhausted.”
Rachel put up no objections despite her hesitation at seeing his mother. “I'm sure she'd appreciate seeing you first thing.”
Finn nodded his head and began the drive to the hospital. When he was parked in the lot, he turned to Rachel and gave her a kiss. “Are you sure you want to go in with me?”
Rachel couldn't honestly say she wanted to go into a hospital at all, much less one where she might meet hostility from her in-laws. But it wasn't about her. “We're a team, you and I. So I'm going with you.”
He gave her another kiss before he moved to get out of the truck. He walked around to the other side of the truck to open her door and took her hand as they walked in. After asking the person at the front where to go, he headed that way. He stopped in front of the room and squeezed Rachel's hand then let it go and stepped in. His mother got up from her chair when he walked in and hugged him, then Rachel. “He still hasn't woke up,” she said, tears escaping. Finn reached out to grab his mother’s hand “I’m sorry, mom..” He said quietly.
Rachel walked beside Finn through the hospital, ready to step back and let him console his mother. To her surprise, Carole hugged her. Rachel held her weeping mother-in-law tightly before letting go. “Is there anything we can get you, Carole? A change of clothes, maybe? Or some coffee?” Rachel assumed she hadn't left Burt’s side.
“Kurt, Blaine and I could probably use a few things from the house.” She spoke. Finn nodded his head “of course. Just make a list. We were just going to come here for a bit and then catch up on sleep. We have been driving all day.” Carole rolled her eyes but Finn ignored it.
Rachel caught the haughty gesture from Carole but let it pass since it was obvious she was distraught. Turning toward Finn, Rachel put her arm around him. “If you want, I can run to get what they need so you can be here.” The words were barely a whisper, meant for him alone.
Finn looked at Rachel, not necessarily wanting to be alone but thinking it would alleviate any of the added tension in the room to have some alone time with his mom. “Rachel can run to the house real quick, mom if you want to text her everything you need.” He offered and Carole nodded her head.
Rachel kissed his cheek and took the keys from his pocket. “I'll be back as soon as possible.” Rachel walked out of the room, pausing as she glanced back at Finn with his family. All she could do was hope all would go well in her absence as she walked down the hall and toward the parking lot.
Finn watched Rachel leave before he turned his attention back to his mom. He had actively been avoiding looking at Burt, the entire situation still feeling out of body for him. Carole didn't give Finn much time to think about it before she started grilling him on why he had told Kurt he wasn't going to come. As Kurt had done, Carole accused Rachel and Finn had a hard time not losing his cool because of it. He let her rant at him before he calmly replied “Mom, I really need you to stop blaming Rachel for everything. I make my own choices and Rachel stands behind me. The exact same way I stand behind her. She just wants to be accepted by you. She's here to support you and to be here for Burt the same way Blaine is. So just… Stop. Please don't make it hard to be here.” He said with a sigh. “I'm going to go wait for Rachel outside but we'll bring your stuff in.” He said and walked out, waiting for Rachel in the waiting room.
Rachel drove carefully through Lima, dejavu setting in as she drove down the street where Carole and Burt lived. The house was quiet and Rachel felt strange as she gathered what Carole had texted her. She stopped by the room that had been set up as Finn's when Carole had first moved there. Not much had changed about it, a fact that made her smile. She tucked all the required things in a reusable bag then set them on the seat of the truck. She made one stop between the house and the hospital, buying warm meals from a deli for Carole, Kurt, and Blaine and flowers for the room. Her arms were full as she approached Burt’s room again. She only made it to the waiting room, noticing Finn sitting alone. “Things got a little tough, didn't they?”
Finn played on his phone until he saw Rachel walk in. He stood up and took a couple things from her to help. “Uh, yeah.. I just didn't want to fight with her when there's already so much going on.” He shrugged.
Rachel let him take the food. Reaching up, she kissed him. “You're a good son. Let's drop in with this stuff then go back to dad's.” She took the first steps, leading them into Burt’s room. “Everything you all need is in the bag and there is some food too since hospital food is notoriously terrible.” She set the flowers on a table and the bag by Carole. “I can't imagine what you're going through.” Rachel put her arm around Carole. “But I'll be thinking good thoughts for you and Burt. And call if you need anything at all.”
Finn watched Rachel speak to his mother with a small smile. He loved that no matter what, Rachel was always trying to be the bigger person in this situation. Carole leaned into Rachel “Thank you. I am glad that you two are here.” She stated, looking to Finn to make sure he had heard it too. “If you need me back here just let me know, mom.” he said softly and reached for Rachel's hand so they could leave.
“We're family. We will always be here for one another.” With a final squeeze, Rachel let go of Carole and took Finn’s hand.
Finn squeezed Rachel's hand as they walked out. “That was really nice of you, baby.”
Rachel walked alongside him, her arm looping around his. “I know what it's like to have a husband I love more than anything. I just did what I'd want someone to do for me in that situation. And I meant what I said about family. They may not like me, but that doesn't mean I won't try.”
“They like you. I really think it's just me they have an issue with and they can use you as an excuse or something.” He shrugged as they stepped back out into the cold. He hurried to the truck and opened the door for her before he jogged around the front and got in the driver’s side. “It's cold and I just wanna cuddle and sleep.” He whined playfully as he started the truck.
Rachel didn't press the issue of who his family disliked - her or him. It would do no good, especially with the family in its current state. “Sleep and cuddling sound good right now.” The afternoon was becoming early evening and it felt like the day should have been over.
Finn started driving to her dad’s house. “Should we pick up food?”
“Let's order pizza later, like the old days.” If Rachel had to be in Lima, she was going to immerse herself in the luxury that life had afforded her. No bills or worries about money or school. All she had to do now was relax.
“Pizza does sound good.” He smiled with a nod. It didn't take long before they were parking in front of the house. “I'm kind of excited. I miss living here.” He admitted before getting out.
Rachel nodded in agreement was she slipped out of the truck and readied the house key she still kept on her ring. “Me too. Even if it's mostly for all of the good memories we made here.” She pushed open the door and crossed the threshold.
Finn grabbed their bags before following after his wife into the house. “I'll go set these upstairs.” He said as he headed up the stairs and into her bedroom.
Rachel hung her coat in the usual spot then followed him up the stairs. Her room looked the same, though it had been kept up. Her father probably had a service coming in to clean once a week or so since domesticity had never really been his strong suit. She sunk into her bed, the one thing she missed about Lima and her old house. “Now I can truly relax.” Scooting onto her side, she patted her pink comforter. “Join me?”
Finn smiled down at her. “I like this view. You in your old bed. It reminds me of when I first fell in love with you.” He crawled onto the bed and gave her a kiss.
Rachel scooted a little closer, not that she had far to go. “You're giving me butterflies, just like when I first fell in love with you. I very much like it.”
“You just always do things that make me feel so like… Crazy in love with you.” He said with a laugh. “Like when you're so nice to my mom when I lose my cool.”
Rachel stroked his cheek softly. “You love her, and I love you. That makes kindness easier. Plus, without her, there'd be no you. Without knowing it, she gave me a wonderful gift.”
He gave her another kiss “I'm so happy you're my wife.” He was feeling emotional from everything and it was easier to just redirect it all to Rachel.
The changes in Finn were usually quite subtle, now being no different. But Rachel laid by, her hand touching his, knowing that this was the safest way for him to let things out. “There's no title that I could have that would mean more to me than Mrs. Hudson. And no person who I'd rather share this crazy life with than you.”
He rest his head next to hers on the pillow and wrapped his arm around her as he yawned. “It's been a long day, huh?”
“One of the longer ones we’ve had, that’s for sure. And it hasn’t been any kind of fun, with the exception of us making out in your truck.” Rachel’s forehead touched Finn’s, her lips brushing softly against his. “Take your nap, baby. It might be just what you need right now.”
“we should have done a little more.. Then it would have been fun.” He joked. He closed his eyes as she kissed him “You're right. I'm gonna try.” He said softly.
“You do that. Then maybe we can revisit making out when you’ve had some rest.” Rachel relaxed next to him and started to hum, her own eyes heavy again from the toll the day had taken.
Finn wanted to make a comment about making out but he was already falling asleep. It didn't take much longer before he was out completely.
Rachel watched him sleep for what she considered quite a while before she dozed off herself. Since she’d just slept in the truck, she only napped for half an hour, her eyes parting without grogginess when she awoke.
Finn slept for a little longer than Rachel, his arm moving around her as he did. “Did you have a good nap?” He asked sleepily.
Rachel kissed him, her arm slipping under his so they were holding one another. “It was a nice little cat nap. You looked like you were enjoying your rest.”
“I did. I probably could have slept all night.” he kissed her cheek.
“You can do that. I won't make you get out of this bed. I know you need it.”
“It’s okay. We still gotta eat and I might go back to the hospital tonight… haven't decided yet.”
“I can order the pizza now so that you have plenty of time to eat and go back if that's what you decide.”
“That works for me.” He gave her another kiss and got up from the bed to grab his phone so they could order. He sat down again, handing his phone to her.
Rachel took the phone from him and dialed the number for their favorite place, ordering half mushroom, half meat lovers. “He said they’re running a little behind so it’s going to be about an hour.”
“An hour.” He said with a playful pout. “What are we gonna do until then?”
Placing his phone on the stand next to her bed, she turned to him. “Well, what would you like to do in the hour we have?”
“Um..” He looked up as he thought. “We could watch a movie or make out. Or watch a movie and make out.” He gave her a smile.
“Or we could just skip the movie and…” Sliding close to him, Rachel’s fingers combed through the ends of his hair as her lips touched his. The action, she figured, would speak for itself.
Finn accepted her decision gladly and kissed her back. His arm moved around her to pull her closer as he deepened the kiss.
Rachel's lips parted, the warmth of his kiss, his breath, sending warm streaks along her spine. It was the first time that day she'd felt normalcy, borderline happiness. Finn really was all it took.
He kissed her passionately, his tongue brushing against hers. His hand ran down her back to her bottom as he let his kisses direct down to her neck.
Rachel moaned softly as Finn's hands explored and his lips found their favorite spot. “You still can't leave marks there.”
He groaned in protest, but decided that he would just leave a mark somewhere no one could see instead. Pulling back, he pushed his hands up her shirt with a playful smirk. “I'll do it under here then.”
Rachel nearly whined when he moved back, a smile swiftly following when his hands moved up her sides. “That sounds perfect.” sitting up a little, she worked her shirt off.
Finn didn't let much time pass once she got her shirt off for his lips to attach to her neck again. He kissed his way down to her chest slowly before he reached her breast and circled her nipple with his tongue.
Rachel's head tipped back as he teased her skin, a soft sound passing her lips. She'd waited all day for him, for them. It never escaped her how much the need they had for one another showed when they could finally be like they were now.
Finn was soft at first, but his movements grew as he made good on telling her he was going to mark her. His hand found hers as he began to suck on her skin, pushing it against the bed.
Rachel tried but couldn't keep still. Her back arched her body against him, the idea of the marks he would leave making her ache for more. “I love this, being yours.”
Finn lifted his head enough to look at her with a smirk. “I like making you mine.” He said as his lips moved back to hers. His hips moved against her as he kissed her passionately.
With one hand free, Rachel moved it under the back of his shirt. Her nails pressed lightly into his skin as his tongue again touched her. “How else would you like to make me yours, Mr. Hudson?
“I could show you better than I could tell you.” He reached between them to do undo the button of her jeans.
Rachel let a tiny grin curve her lips as he pulled her pants away from her body.  “Show me, then. Show me how good you are.”
Finn pulled her pants away and moved between her legs, pressing kisses to her thighs. He paused as he reached her center before his tongue ran along her.
Rachel almost felt guilty. Wasn't she meant to be taking care of him, easing his woes? Yet there he was, his tongue making her feel almost impossibly good. “Baby…” She moaned as her fingers clenched in his hair.
His tongue pressed against her as he rest one hand on her stomach. He was letting this moment be a welcome distraction and Rachel never disappointed in that area.
Her hand covered his, hoping that he wouldn't anchor her down. Of all the tantalizing things he did to her, this was, by far, one of the best. Finn knew her body so well, what she liked and how she reacted. And he read her perfectly every time, making her keen his name this one, her head rolling to the side and her legs quivering.
His focus was solely on getting her off now as his tongue moved along her clit. He turned his hand to leave their fingers and let his other hand move near his mouth to press a finger into her.
Rachel had to stop herself from tugging his hair too hard. “God, baby, you're so good. You're gonna make me cum.”
And that's all Finn wanted to do. He pushed a second finger into her, his tongue still pressing against her nerves.
Rachel teetered on the edge as long as she could hold on, but she was no match for Finn. Her whole body unraveled, her limbs going slack as colors popped at the corner of her vision.
Finn pulled away once he knew she was finished and lifted his head with a small smile. He moved to lay beside her, his arm wrapping around her.
Rachel was still coming down when she turned into him, snuggling against his body. “You're going to need to take your pants off for me to get you back. Plus, I can't be naked all by myself.”
Finn kissed her cheek as she snuggled against him. “You don't have to, baby.” He said but pulled away so he could pull his shirt off so she wouldn't be naked alone.
Rachel couldn’t hide the slight surprise as she looked up at him. “Have to? It’s never a matter of that, baby. It’s always a case of ‘want to.’ Unless you don’t, which I’m okay with.”
He undid his jeans as he gave a small shrug. “I always want to.” He said playfully.
Rachel waited until he was undressed before moving her lips to his neck. “I thought you might. And the way you got me going, I am up to the challenge.”
Finn got his clothes completely off and wrapped his arms around her again. “Yeah?” He grinned.
“Mhmm.” Rachel's hand drifted down his abdomen, her fingers tracing the lines of his body. She worked her kisses up to his ear, nipping at it teasingly. “It's all about what you want.”
“You always know what I want baby.” He said with a small groan.
Rachel took him in her hand, making a tentative pass as she put her lips to his. “A little tit for tat, then?” Her kisses moved slowly away from his mouth as she slid down the bed. She smirked before her tongue flicked over his head, her mouth covering him as she continued stroking him lightly.
Finn watched her excitedly as she moved down the bed. He needed to touch her so his hand moved to her hair. “I love it when you do this. So much.”
Rachel's gaze flicked up, assuring him that she knew. Not only that, but every slight move she made when she performed oral sex was something she knew he liked. She slowed when she wanted it to last for him, and she took him to her throat to hear how good he truly felt. All of her tricks were calculated to what she knew would inevitably push him over the edge.
Rachel always knew how to drive him crazy in all the right ways in these moments. He moaned her name as his head tilted back against the pillows. “You're so amazing.” He told her.
Her name on his lips was intoxicating and she had to pace herself a little upon hearing it. Easing back, her hand never stopping, she smiled at her husband. “I want you to cum for me, baby.” To accentuate her point, her head dipped down again.
He hated how quickly those words always pushed him over the edge. His stomach tensed as he grew closer until he finally released with a groan.
Rachel waited until he'd finished before cuddling up close to him and placing a kiss on his neck. “This really is like old times.” She mused remembering the first time they'd done something similar in her bed. “Well, without the nerves.”
“It is.” He smiled. “You're better at it now. I mean, you were good then but.. You know.”
“I'm more comfortable with it now. And you're right. I've got a more advanced skill level now.” Patting his chest, she sat up. “I'll be right back.” She scooted off the bed to go rinse out her mouth.
“I don't think you liked it very much then.” He said with a laugh. He watched her walk away before he stretched and got up to put boxers and a T-shirt on so one of them at least would be dressed when the delivery showed up.
Rachel brushed her teeth and swished a bit of mouthwash around before retrieving shorts and a camisole of his from her bag. “It wasn't that. There just seemed like a lot of pressure to be good. Not from you but… in general, everything a girl sees and hears in high school stresses how important being good is. I actually heard three boys talking in math class one time and one said he was breaking up with a girl because she just laid there. Like she was supposed to be a porn star at sixteen or something.”
Finn was tempted to make a joke about Quinn at that, but he shook that off. “Well, not everyone has like good chemistry the way we do. But… Guys in high school were stupid about things like that. “ he laughed.
“They were.” With her top in place, she moved toward her husband. Her hand swept over his cheek before she took his face in both. The kiss was delicate, almost chaste, taking a little of her breath away. “Everything became easy back then because I loved you. And it's all still incredible because I love you even more.”
He wrapped his arms around her and smiled. “I feel the same way baby. You're the love of my life so loving you is easy.”
Her hands fell away and her cheek rested against his chest. “I like being the love of your life and that your mine. It makes everything a little easier.”
“I've been like the most clingy and annoying husband tonight so I think you know how much I feel the same for you.”
Rachel looked up at him, not entirely convinced of his assessment. “You've been a husband who needed support from his wife. That is something I can most definitely give.”
“you always do a great job of it. I hope you think I'm as supportive. “
“Of course you are. Even on my toughest days, I know you'll be at home, ready to tell me that I'm so much better than I think.”
He smiled and gave her a kiss just in time for the doorbell to ring. “Finally!” He said as he hurried down the stairs to pay for their pizza.
Rachel couldn't be too put out when he rushed to the front door. She made her slow descent and spotted him coming back in with the pizza. “Where should we partake?”
“The kitchen?” He suggested as he walked to the kitchen table and set the pizza down. He pulled a piece out and began to eat.
Rachel nodded, seating herself next to him at the table and pulling a slice of pizza out of the box. “It’s definitely not New York pizza, but it’s still good. I always liked our Lima pizza, though.”
“I still like Lima pizza.” He shrugged. “I feel like you love anything New York and I'm still stuck in Lima.” he joked.
“That’s okay. Lima was your first home and I think it probably always will be your home in your heart. New York is mine. To be honest, as long as I’m with you, I don’t care where I am. New York just makes my career dreams easier.”
“New York makes you happiest though so I’ve pretty much put it in my head as forever for us. I'm cool with it. Lima isn't that far.”
Leaning over, Rachel kissed his cheek before going back to her food. “I love you. And that my happiness means that much to you. I know New York hasn't been easy for you, or us, but the fact that you are doing it for me means the world to me.”
He gave her a smile “If you're happy I'm pretty happy.” He said with a nod.
“You make me so very happy.” Sitting back down, Rachel was hit by a rush of emotions thinking about Carole and Burt. It could be her in that hospital one day, praying for her husband to hang onto life. To come back to her. Staring down at the plate in front of her, she couldn't bear to think about that scenario.
Finn watched her for moment “you okay, baby?’
An indiscreet tear had caught her off guard, Rachel swiping at it. “I was just thinking about your mom and how I’d feel if I were in her shoes. What it would be like to… lose you.” Without hesitation, she climbed out of her chair and into Finn’s lap, just wanting to be close and wrapped up in him. “I don’t know what I’d do.”
Finn wrapped his arms around her, her words making him feel guilty for getting annoyed with his mother earlier. “Try not to think about that kind of thing, baby.” He said softly.
“I don't usually. This whole thing has made me a little emotional about it.” Rachel's head lay on his chest, her whole body relaxing as he held her. “I know we say ‘i love you’ a lot but I need you too.”
It would be a lie to say he hadn't been in a similar mindset. He rubbed her side “I love you more than anything.” He kissed the top of her head.
Rachel curled in as close as possible, the warmth of him making her feel a familiar safety. “Thank you for understanding. Even if I interfered with your pizza.”
“Hey, we've established you reign above pizza. By a little.” He teased softly.
Rachel laughed, the sound quiet and muffled against his shirt. “Only a little.” Looking back at the table, she sighed. “I'll let you get back to it. Then I think I'm going to lay down.” Reluctantly, she slunk back to her own chair, the half-eaten slice of pizza no longer of any interest to her.
Finn tried to go back to his food but his focus was stuck on her. He finished the piece he'd been working on and then put the pizza away. “Let's go lay down.” He held his hand out for her.
Rachel took his hand, their fingers nestled tightly together as they climbed the stairs. Once they were settled back in her bed, Rachel cuddled in close. “My goal wasn't to be a downer during dinner. I just… I want everything to be okay for everyone. Your mom and Burt. You. Even Kurt.”
“Baby, you don't have to be the one to hold it all together when things like this are happening. I want everything to be okay too. “
Rachel bit her lip. She never considered herself the strong one in difficult situations. To hear him say that she managed to make it seem like she was made her feel better. “I want you to be able to lean on me when you need to, just like I do with you. It eases my mind knowing we can be that for each other.”
“You can be upset and still be my support.” He kissed her cheek.
Rachel's head turned so she could take advantage of his kiss, making it a proper one. “I know. This is all difficult. Almost like what you said before about not knowing how to feel.”
He gave her a small smile after their kiss. “Yeah it's a whole mess… I think we can agree though that it's sad and we want it all to be better.”
“We absolutely can.” Even though it was a subtle thing, Rachel liked seeing him smile. It reassured her that things might actually be okay.
“I hate seeing you sad but I'm so glad you're here with me.” He ran his hand down her back.
His touch made her eyes feel heavy but she wasn't ready to sleep yet. Not when they were there, together, trying to support one another. “I'm glad too. I wouldn't want you to deal with this alone.”
“I wouldn't let you deal with something like this alone either. That's what makes our relationship pretty great, I think.”
“It’s one of many things that do, baby. But it’s the most important at a time like this. No one has to feel like they’re in alone.”
“I never feel alone when I have you.” He gave her a kiss.
“You always have me. No matter where, no matter what.”
“And you always have me, baby.” He gave her a kiss. “I was thinking I would spend the morning with my mom at the hospital. By myself. I want you there but I think it will go smoother at the hospital if I just went for a while.”
Rachel wasn't keen on being alone nor having him in such a vulnerable position. But she wanted him to have what he needed, no one knowing what that was better than him. “That would probably help your mom. She needs you right now too. I think she'll appreciate you being there for her.”
“Thank you for understanding. I'll come back here to you and we will spend some time together in the afternoon “
“You know I'll be here whenever you get.” Rachel nuzzled his neck before leaving a single kiss there. “Maybe in just your t-shirt. Maybe less.”
He smirked “I like the sound of that. “
“The prospect of nudity is your Achilles heel.” Rachel moved an arm around him, his chest bearing the weight of her drooping head.
“I've got a hot wife, I can't be blamed.” He closed his eyes as they got comfortable.
“No blame. You know I like you just the way you are. It's even a little charming.”
“Yeah?” He smiled. “I guess you'd have to or you wouldn't have put up with me for so long.”
“I look at it more as enjoying it so thoroughly that I'm looking forward to forever.” Tilting her head up, her lips resting in a lazy smile. “And ever, and ever.”
He gave her a kiss as she tilted her head “I can live with forever.”
Rachel felt a flutter in her chest as they kissed, a familiar feeling that she loved.  “That's a good thing since you promised it to me.”
“I don't plan on ever breaking any of my promises to you.” He said with a small smile.
“Your honesty and loyalty are two of the many things I love about you.” Rachel tried to remember the last time they'd had the time to lay in bed and just talk and be sweet with one another.
“I appreciated that you feel that way baby. Especially with a rocky start.”
“We've both changed since then. A lot. I'd like to believe this thing we share has done that for the better in both cases.”
“I think it definitely has. We found each other at the perfect time to grow together. Some people like grow apart from the person they were with in high school but I think we did the opposite. You know me better than anyone who has known me my entire life.”
Rachel listened, remembering a time when it felt like they could've drifted apart like he was describing. “I wanted to know you this way. Wanting it more than anything is one of those things I've grown into. Being with you has made me realize that dreams are flexible and that I'd rather have a best friend, someone to share my days with, than a thousand trophies.”
“Sometimes I feel guilty that you feel that way, I won't lie. It's something you feel so strongly about and I feel like I'm in the way of your potential. You've done nothing but build me up and fight for me to have a good future. I wish I could do the same thing for you.”
Rachel scooted up a little so they were level, her arms never leaving him. “And I feel the exact opposite. Because a dream is nice to have but… you've filled in the space in my life that was sad and lonely and wanting someone to notice and be loved. You've helped me to banish the feeling of being thrown away, like all I was worth was that talent and potential.” She stopped, her throat feeling thick, her eyes burning at the long-ago thoughts of no one wanting her. “You support me in the best way possible. Because when I get the creeping feeling that I'm not a worthy person, I remember your love and your faith and I know that it takes something special to have someone who sees me like you do.”
Finn gave her a kiss “It means so much to me that I play a part in all of that. And that loving you more than anything makes you feel loved.”
Rachel let the kiss distract her, quelling any potential for an emotional outburst. “On that, we feel the same. Loving you and being loved by you are the very best of what life has to offer.”
Finn smiled as he rest his head against the pillows again. “You're the best.” he said with a yawn.
“You are to me.” Kissing his cheek, she let her head rest next to his. “It sounds like you're ready for this day to be over.”
“I do and I don't. We finally have a few days off together.”
“We can still be off together tomorrow if some sleep is what you need, baby.”
“I know, I just don't want to waste any of it. I want to spend as much time with you as I can.”
“I don't either. I also don't want you to burn yourself out.”
“I'll be okay baby.” He turned into her so he could cuddle her closer. He didn't want to make her emotional but he had been thinking about what it would be like if he were at risk of losing her. He just wanted to be close to her to push that away.
Finn always held her like he was, but the weight and stress of the day made the embrace feel somehow vulnerable. She wouldn't make a big deal, mostly because they were both tired and a heavy, emotional exchange would be exhausting. “Good. But I think I'm going to make you a big stack of pancakes in the morning. Have to keep my hubby nourished.” Her eyes fluttered open as she smiled.
Finn smiled at the thought of waking up to pancakes. “That sounds so good. This is why you're the best.”
“Anything to make my baby happy.” Rachel held him a little tighter, his whole body making her feel as warm and safe as always. “That I’ll always do.”
“You do a great on of that. Pancakes and you said you might be naked when I come home. It can't be a bad day with all that.”
“Upgrade ‘might be’ to a definite. It just depends on what degree of naked I am. It may be a little or a lot. Maybe completely. The surprise will be half the fun. I promise.”
“You're getting me excited.” He joked, pressing a kiss to her neck.
Rachel didn't object to the kiss, even if she was tired. “Mission accomplished, then.” Her head dipped so she could kiss him.
He kissed her with a small smile before he rest his head again. “I might have to give in and go to sleep. I love you though baby.”
“Sleep is good. It'll get you well rested for tomorrow.” Rachel pulled up the pink comforter around them, the nostalgia worthy of a smile. “I love you too.”
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I wanna be so lost, so lost that I’m found (Jane/Kurt)
A/N: Still recovering from the season premiere but here you go! This idea just popped in my head and I had to write it! Special thanks to these girls for beta reading it: @206bonesaddicted​​ and @tigers-echo-wild
FF.net link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12706475/1/
Summary:  Kurt has to visit one last place before leaving NYC so he can introduce Jane to someone special. Jeller all the way, as always!
I wanna be lost, so lost that I'm found
Jane was so lost inside her thoughts, trying to make a mental list of everything they still needed to pack for their move to Colorado in the following day, that she didn’t notice they were not going home until they were almost out of the city.
“Where are we going?” - She turned to him and paused. The first thing she noted was how white his knuckles were. He was gripping the steering wheel as if his life depended on it. His jaw was set and his expression serious. - “Kurt?”
 He cast a quick glance towards her, giving her a reassuring smile and before she could ask again where they were heading, he made a turn and her question was answered.
Jane couldn’t help the gasp she let out the moment the cemetery stretched out in front of the car. She suddenly understood everything: he was there to say goodbye to Taylor Shaw.
 “I felt like I needed to come here before we…”
She just nodded, her throat tight. They never really talked about Taylor all these months they were together. They’ve been so happy she never found the right moment to bring her up, even though she wanted to know everything he’d be willing to share about the little girl who defined the man she now called her husband.
 Kurt got out of the car and circled it, stopping in front of her door. When she didn’t make a move to exit the vehicle, he pulled the door open and offered her a hand.
 Jane looked from his hand to his face and back to his hand.
“Kurt, I’m not sure I should,”
“I need you to come with me.” - He interrupted her. He had anticipated she wouldn’t want to accompany him but this was something they had to do together and soon she’d understand why. - “Please, Jane.”
 There was nothing she could deny him when he looked at her the way he was now. She accepted his hand and hopped off the car, her face still showing him how unsure she was about going with him.
 He intertwined their fingers and pulled her close enough so he could gently kiss her forehead.
 “Trust me, ok?” - He whispered against it, feeling her once again just nod her head.
 They walked side by side in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. It took them less than five minutes to reach the gravestone that read Taylor Shaw.
 She tried to let go of his hand so he could get near where his friend was resting but he only tightened his hold on hers until they were as close to the stone as possible.
 “Hi, Taylor.” - He greeted quietly. Every time he came here, he always felt stupid talking to a rock but both Dr. Borden and Dr. Sun insisted he should do this. It would help, they said. Today, it felt like the right thing to do. - “I brought someone very special to meet you.”
 He heard Jane taking a deep breath and when he looked at her, he watched as her eyes started filling with tears.
 “Her name is Jane.” - He chuckled before continuing, imagining Taylor’s reaction to his next piece of information. Meeting his wife’s eyes, he completed. - “Jane Weller.”
Jane closed her eyes for a second, feeling overwhelmed by this moment. She was definitely not expecting to spend her last day on NY hearing Kurt talk to Taylor about her.
 “She is my wife.” - He carried on, a smile on his lips. He’d never get tired of calling her that. - “She is the best woman I could ever find to spend the rest of my life with. You’d love her.” - He was not sure about a lot of things in his life but of one thing he was certain: Taylor and Jane would definitely get along.
 “She is strong, kind, loyal and has the most beautiful heart.” - Before she could even protest, he tugged her to him, his arms going around her waist and holding her close against his body. - “You are.” - He whispered against her temple.
 “She is also stubborn as hell.” - That got a laugh out of her. - “She is everything to me.” - Their eyes met and he smiled down at her, feeling lucky for the thousandth time just by having her in his life. His hand cupped her face and used his thumb to dry her tears.  - “And I thought it was past the time you two meet. So... Taylor, this is Jane. Jane, this is Taylor.”
 He watched as Jane focused on the stone. He was starting to think that maybe she wouldn’t say anything when her small voice broke the silence.
 “Hi, Taylor.” - She realized in that moment that she had so many things to say to the girl she didn’t know from where to start. Maybe from the beginning was a good idea. But also a painful one. - “I should start by saying how sorry I am for what happened to you and even more so for impersonating you.”
 “Jane, that’s not why,”
“I know but I need to do this, Kurt.” - He shut up at the look of confidence on her face.
 He remembered the first day he came here and how many times he apologized for not being able to protect Taylor from his own father and how much better he felt at the end of it. Maybe this was something Jane also needed to go through.
 “I’m deeply sorry, Taylor. Nor you, nor Kurt deserved it but,” - Her husband was about to cut her off again but she threw him a look that stopped him. - “Even if I wish all that happened hadn’t caused so much pain, it also led me to this amazing man.” - She locked eyes with him and she was sure he was remembering the exact same moment as her.
 All of this, it led me to you. And you to me. That is something I would never want to undo.
 “Did he ever tell you he is one of the best FBI agents the Bureau has? Or how he has all these friends that love him so much? We all feel very blessed to know him and have him in our lives.” - She looked at him then.  - “You’d be so, so proud of him.”
 Her words surprised him and she observed as his eyes welled with tears.
 “As for me, he is the best man I could have found and sometimes I can’t believe he chose me to spend the rest of his life with. I assure you I’m doing everything in my power to deserve this choice.”
 She pressed a soft kiss to his shoulder before going on.
“I promise you I’ll always do everything I can to protect him and to make him happy. There is no one I know who deserves more.”
 He lightly shook his head and she knew what he was thinking: we both do.
 “There is one more thing you should know: he never gave up on you.” - His breath caught in his throat, his eyes fixed on her face, waiting for her next words. - “He will always love you and will always remember you. You are a part of him. And if you allow me to say, you are a part of me too. In a way, you brought us together and I’ll honor that until the day I die.”
 She wiped some of his tears away and then wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his chest as they both stared at the stone.
 “We are moving to Colorado tomorrow so we can stay close to Bethany.” - Kurt said quietly. - “But we promise you we’ll always visit whenever we are in town.”
 Jane felt her heart filling with joy at how he used the word ‘we’.
 They made their way back hand in hand. They were almost at the car when Kurt stopped her, a hand on her arm.
 “Thank you for everything you said about me, Jane.”
 “It’s all true, Kurt.”
 “All I said about you it’s true too, you know?” - He placed his hands on her waist, bringing her to him. Jane’s arms circled his neck. - “And I have the rest of our lives to make you believe it, Mrs. Weller.”
 She laughed at that, kissing him briefly on the lips.
 “I look forward to it, Mr. Weller.”
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viraljournalist · 5 years
Tom Brady can't leave the Patriots after this loss
New Post has been published on https://viraljournalist.com/tom-brady-cant-leave-the-patriots-after-this-loss/
Tom Brady can't leave the Patriots after this loss
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FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — Tom Brady would be foolish to leave the New England Patriots as a free agent, and Robert Kraft and Bill Belichick would be even more foolish to let him leave. Brady as a Los Angeles Charger? Brady as an Indianapolis Colt?
Yeah, I know. It’s no more absurd than Michael Jordan as a Washington Wizard.
But as much as Brady would love to do something Jordan did not — win a seventh championship ring — the modern-day athlete who might serve as a better comparison is another former Michigan man, Derek Jeter, who understood the power of being a one-uniform icon and who might enter the Baseball Hall of Fame later this month as its second unanimous inductee.
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Jeter was big in New York. Brady is bigger in New England. If the 42-year-old quarterback had a perfect end-of-career situation waiting for him, such as a chance to play for the hometown team of his childhood dreams, then maybe this would be a pretty tough call. The problem is that the would-be successor Brady conquered, Jimmy Garoppolo, has that job nailed down in San Francisco. It’s funny how life works out sometimes.
If nothing else, you should understand this after Tennessee made everyone remember the Titans on Saturday at a Gillette Stadium wrapped in a London fog: You have not seen the last of Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr. in shotgun formation. After he initially deflected a news conference question about his future following the Titans’ 20-13 AFC wild-card victory (“I just came off the field,” he said), Brady called the possibility of retirement “pretty unlikely.”
Given his restraint when it comes to saying anything of substance for public consumption, this was Brady clearly Gronk-spiking any chance that the pick-six he threw to former teammate Logan Ryan will go down as his 11,614th and final NFL pass.
Brady has said more than once that he might play beyond age 45. In September, his father said Brady was in the best shape of his life and capable of going another five or six seasons. Tom Sr. also talked to ESPN.com at the time about his son’s decision to put his Brookline, Massachusetts, estate up for sale (the price has reportedly been slashed to a bargain-basement steal, at $33.9 million).
Tom Brady completed 20 of 37 passes for 209 yards with no touchdowns and one interception on Saturday. Matt Campbell/EPA
“You don’t want the house sitting on the market two, three, four years if you get cut,” Tom Sr. said. “It’s a two-way street. The Patriots may feel they have the arsenal to continue on for many years after Tommy’s gone, and that makes Tommy disposable. You know as well as I do that Bill is not the least bit sentimental with his ballplayers. If Tommy regresses in Bill’s eyes, then he becomes expendable, and Tommy would have no choice but to go somewhere else.”
Although Brady played this season at around the same declining level at which he played in 2013, right before Belichick drafted Garoppolo to replace him, he just won his sixth Super Bowl title 15 minutes ago. He’s still good enough to win No. 7 with some improved playmakers on the outside and with the return of his left tackle, Isaiah Wynn, and his center, David Andrews. Brady played the entire season without his starting center — and without Rob Gronkowski as a bailout option — and managed to go 12-4, an improvement on last season’s 11-5.
Brady was still good enough to win the AFC East for the 17th time. Then he was asked after this gutting defeat if his 11th consecutive division title would be a factor to consider as he enters free agency for the first time. Brady was essentially asked why he would walk away from the AFC East when nobody has succeeded in taking it from him.
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What you need to know: • Full playoff schedule » • AFC divisional round reset » • Super Bowl LIV coverage » More NFL coverage »
“I just don’t know what’s going to happen,” he said, “and I’m not going to predict it. And no one needs to make choices at this point. I love playing football. I love playing football for this team. I’ve loved playing for this team for two decades and winning a lot of games. And again, I don’t know what it looks like moving forward, so we’ll just take it day by day.”
Right from the start Saturday, the fans tried to make Brady’s decision for him. “PLEASE STAY TOMMY” pleaded one large sign in the stands. When Brady took the field for New England’s first possession, the crowd welcomed him with a profound roar. Fans chanted throughout the game: “Bray-dee … Bray-dee.”
But it wasn’t meant to be for the man who had won 20 of his previous 23 playoff games at home and whose 30 postseason victories were four better than the combined total of the other 11 starting QBs in the tournament. Brady delivered a few vintage passes, including a third-down dart to Julian Edelman late in the third quarter that cut through four Tennessee defenders, but his offense couldn’t score a single point in the second half, marking only the third time that Brady’s Patriots went scoreless in a half in his 41 postseason starts. What’s more, New England’s league-leading defense couldn’t stop Derrick Henry, who was good for 182 yards and a touchdown on 34 carries.
Brady is 30-11 as a starter in the playoffs, with 73 touchdown passes and 35 interceptions. AP Photo/Elise Amendola
Down 14-13 with 4 minutes, 44 seconds left and the ball at his own 11, Brady heard the fans chant for him one more time. He answered by going four-and-out, but only after his cherished target for eternity, Edelman, dropped an easy ball that would have earned a first down and might have rewritten the story of the entire night.
In the end, pinned on his 1-yard line in the final seconds, Brady watched Ryan make good on the almost certain pick-six he dropped near the close of the first half, leaving the Patriots to star in a tragicomedy that was the kickoff return that finished their season.
“Thank you for being the best fans in the NFL,” the public-address announcer told the crowd as fans headed into the wet and miserable night. “Please arrive home safely.”
Looking stunned, Brady engaged in a series of handshakes and hugs with a Titans team that features a wide circle of players, coaches and executives who learned their trade under Belichick’s watch in Foxborough. Meanwhile, after he was finished with his midfield handshakes, Titans coach Mike Vrabel ran off the field like a kid running to see his new puppy.
NFL PrimeTime continues this postseason with extended highlights and analysis following the conclusion of each day’s playoff games. Watch on ESPN+
A three-time champion linebacker with the Patriots, Vrabel was the right guy to put his old team to bed. Asked about “the Patriot Way” during the week, he joked that Patriot Way is the name of the street the local movie theater is on. Yet Vrabel embodied Belichick’s system as much as any player who passed through it. He had 56 sacks, 11 interceptions and 10 receptions — all for touchdowns, including two in Super Bowls — during his New England career. He clubbed St. Louis Rams quarterback Kurt Warner in the head (no flag thrown) on the pick-six he threw to Ty Law in Belichick’s first Super Bowl victory, and he recovered the onside kick against the Giants to preserve the Pats’ 16-0 regular season in 2007.
A jokester who wasn’t afraid to speak his mind, Vrabel sometimes gave Belichick suggestions for what he should run on defense. “When you’re a coach and you’re calling the defenses,” Belichick told him then, “you should go ahead and do that.”
Vrabel did that Saturday night, and he sent his former teammate, Brady, reeling into the most important offseason of the rest of his life. Would Brady really follow offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels out the door? Would he really leave New England behind if Kraft and Belichick don’t finally pay him market value — or close to it?
“I love the Patriots,” Brady said. “I mean, this is the greatest organization, and playing for Mr. Kraft all these years and for Coach Belichick, there’s nobody that’s had a better career, I would say, than me, just being with them. So I’m very blessed, and I don’t know what the future looks like, and I’m not going to predict it.”
Brady completed 59.3% of his passes to wide receivers in the regular season, his lowest success rate since 2004. He went 7-of-20 (35%) when targeting wide receivers on Saturday, his worst mark in a playoff game. AP Photo/Charles Krupa
This should be an easy call for the quarterback and the people who employ him. The 1997-98 Chicago Bulls broke up after winning title No. 6, and their lead actors — Jordan, Scottie Pippen and Phil Jackson — all played and coached after their premature end in Chicago.
Even if he’s intrigued by the idea of winning without Belichick, Brady should not leave for the unworthy franchises that appear to be fits for him. He was born in California to be a one-uniform lifer in New England. It’s time for Mr. Brady to sign back up.
It’s time for No. 12 to get to work on ring No. 7.
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
Kurtbastian - “Quite the Stir” (Rated PG)
A Friday night family dinner goes humorously awry when a series of unfortunate circumstances turns the Hummel-Smythe family meal from gourmet to gruesome. (1930 words)
Notes: I wrote a similar piece for Klaine, and even though the bare bones premise of the story is the same, there is a very different dynamic at play, and a very different reason for Kurt's angst. Written for @hummelholidays prompt “family”.
Part 33 of the Daddies verse
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“How does this look, Kurt?” Sebastian asks, standing puffed up and proud in front of the concoction he’s been helping his husband create.
Kurt peeks over Sebastian’s shoulder and into the pot on the stove, assessing his progress. He checks it against his iPhone screen, and the gif playing of the meal that they’re making. The two look identical. Kurt gives him a pat on the shoulder, then one to their adorable son beaming beside his father, mimicking his pose of pride.
“Looks good, everybody! It looks, dare I say, scrumptious?”
“Yes! We’ve reached ‘s’ word status! High-five!” Sebastian wipes a hand on the apron wrapped around his waist, then raises it so his son can give him a high-five - which Thomas does, hopping down from his stool so he can leap into the air and smack his dad’s hand with all his tiny might.
“Ouch!” Sebastian teases, shaking out his hand. “Careful there, kiddo! I’m gonna need that hand later.” Sebastian glances over at his husband and gives him a wink. Kurt rolls his eyes.
“Only if you’re good,” Kurt replies with sarcastic sweetness. Thomas snickers, completely out of the loop but instinctively knowing his Daddy said something that got him into trouble.
“Okay, Papa!” he pipes in, eager to join the part of the conversation he does understand. “What do we do next?”
“Next” - Kurt scrolls down the page and continues reading the recipe - “fold in three egg whites and one egg yolk separately, careful to incorporate each one fully before adding the next.”
“Got it.” Sebastian holds out a hand to Thomas, gesturing for the eggs. Thomas hands them over one at a time, slapping each one perilously into his father’s hand.
“I’m glad we got the ‘s’ word,” Thomas says, causing his fathers to choke on their laughter, “but is it supposed to smell like puke?” Thomas peeks dubiously into the pot, a frown curving his small lips.
“Considering the amount of parmesan cheese we put in this sauce, I’d say that yes is a safe bet.” Sebastian deftly rescues the last two eggs before they crack in his hand. “But look on the bright side - it probably doesn’t taste like puke.”
Thomas looks at his fathers, then back into the pot, taking another skeptical sniff. “Are you sure we can’t just go to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner tonight?”
“We can go to the Rat Pizza Palace when it’s not family dinner night,” Kurt declares. “Friday night dinners are a tradition. Tonight is our one night for togetherness, reconnecting with each another, and a family cooked meal.”
“But we eat dinner together every night!” Thomas giggles.
“Yeah, well, who knows what might happen a few years from now,” Kurt mutters, feigning fiddling with his phone so that he doesn’t have to see the concerned faces of his husband and son.
So he doesn’t’ have to explain why he’s been in such a mood lately.
He could blame it on the holidays. A lot of people get blue in December. But that’s not it – not entirely.
In their family, Kurt is considered the strict parent. The disciplinarian. In reality, he’s not. He has maybe five hard and fast rules, but everything else is pretty much negotiable – especially considering the fact that if someone in their house is going to break a rule, it’ll be Sebastian, not Thomas. But this rule – this one is too important. Being together as a family, sharing a meal, talking about their week, was the cornerstone of his and his father’s relationship after his mother died. No matter what went on in their lives, no matter how many late night rehearsals or overtime at his dad’s shop took them away from one another, they always had Friday.
It was sacred.
There was a time during high school when Kurt took Friday night dinners for granted and ducked out. Not too long after, his father had a heart attack. Kurt regretted those missing Fridays for the rest of his life. Thank God his dad recovered, because if Kurt had squandered that time and didn’t get a second chance to …
Anyway, that didn’t happen. But it could have. And it’s because of that that he made the decision when they adopted Thomas that Friday night dinners would be sacred again.
He usually doesn’t think too hard about it; it’s simply part of their schedule. Yes, they eat dinner together every night, but Friday night is “family dinner night”.
No, it didn’t strike him as redundant at all.
But it hit him out of nowhere this year, because this year Thomas turned eight – the same age Kurt was when his mother passed away. And since then, he’s spent way too much time reflecting on what his life was like after that day … what Thomas’s life might be like if he lost Sebastian or himself. He’s already lost his own mother. Thomas doesn’t mention her much anymore, doesn’t have the nightmares he used to have when he first moved in, but Kurt knows he still thinks about her.
And Kurt knows how that feels.
Family dinner night won’t really make an impact until Thomas reaches high school, possibly junior high, so maybe Kurt is taking this Friday night home-cooked dinner thing a little too far. But he doesn’t want to make the wrong decision and regret it later. The older Thomas gets, the more he foresees that happening. All he can do is find a happy medium between his heart and his head, and hope for the best.
“What’s wrong with Papa?” Thomas whispers to Sebastian after several minutes of silence.
“Oh, don’t worry about him, Tom-Tom.” Sebastian smiles sympathetically at his husband. “He’s just feeling a little low.”
“Oh.” Thomas looks at his Papa struggling with his phone, distracted by his attempt at appearing okay. “Is there any way we can help him?”
Sebastian sighs. That’s a good question. He’s been trying to help Kurt for days. He’s no closer to an answer tonight than he was a few days ago. “How about we finish making dinner and go from there? Maybe we can go out and get a cheesecake for dessert. That might cheer him up.”
“Gotcha!” Thomas gives his Daddy a thumbs up. “What’s next, Papa?”
Kurt sniffles, looking at his phone with his back purposefully turned. “While slowly raising the heat, stir vigorously to get your sauce to thicken.”
“What constitutes vigorously?” Sebastian asks.
Kurt shrugs. “I don’t know. Just stir it fast. It needs to thicken, right?”
Sebastian lifts the spoon from the pot and watches the sauce drip. “Yup. It’s about the consistency of water right now so the thicker the better, I say. Right, Tom-Tom?”
“Maybe we should use the hand mixer. Or something else with a motor.”
“Like my remote control car?”
“Or my car!” Sebastian suggests, imagining the chaos that would ensue if they hooked up his Porsche engine to their hand mixer and let her rip.
“Yeah!” Thomas cheers, hands raised above his head. “That would be awe--- um … Daddy?”
“Yeah, kiddo?”
“Is the sauce supposed to be doing that?”
“Wha---?” Sebastian looks at the sauce he’s been stirring non-stop and sees not a thick, creamy sauce, but a frothy foam expanding with each turn of his spoon, rising steadily to the top of the pot. Sebastian is reluctant to stop stirring but not sure he should continue. “Uh … Kurt? Can you read what comes next, please?”
Kurt looks over from the salad he’s been throwing together to the recipe on his phone. “Don’t stir too vigorously, or that may cause your sauce to thicken too quickly and rise.”
“Uh …” Sebastian and Thomas share a look. Thomas hops off his stool and takes a cautious step away, dragging his service dog, who’s been watching them silently this whole time from the foot of Thomas’s stool, with him. “I think it’s thickening too quickly! And rising!”
Kurt turns to look, startled by the foaming head rushing to the top of the pot. “Jesus!”
“What do we do!?” Sebastian asks.
“Stop stirring!”
“Won’t it burn!?”
“Turn off the heat!”
Sebastian moves the pot to a cold burner and switches off the flame. Dad, dad, son, and dog gather around the stove, watching the pot, waiting for the sauce to settle. But their dinner suddenly takes on a life of its own, burbling and bubbling, overflowing at an alarming rate.
“That didn’t help!”
“It’s getting all over!”
“Lay the spoon across the top!”
“That only works for pasta!”
“Put the pot in the sink!”
Sebastian runs the pot to the sink. The contents slurp over the sides, leaving a trail of white spots on the floor, each one doubling in size after it lands. “It’s not stopping!”
“It has to eventually! There’s only so much sauce in there!”
“It doesn’t seem like it!”
“What now!”
“Dinner’s ruined!”
“I don’t think that’ll matter if it drowns us first!”
“God, I’m hungry,” Thomas mumbles.
Kurt looks at the mess that was their dinner and sighs. They followed all the directions exactly. Up until the point his screen froze and he took a moment to make a salad, everything was going fine.
Except it had stopped going fine because Kurt had gotten lost in his thoughts, completely consumed by the past and a future that has yet to happen.
That probably will never happen.
He and Sebastian are strong, healthy men, and barring anything out of their control, they both intend on being around for their son for an awfully long time.
He had gotten bummed and, in turn, he’d made his favorite people on earth bummed. And now, dinner’s ruined.
He looks at the pot spewing its contents onto the counter. No … the food is ruined. Dinner is what they make of it, and wherever they eat it, all that matters is that they’re together.
He can’t live in the valley of what if’s forever. It’s a good thing to plan as if he’s going to live forever, but there are some days he should live as if he might die tomorrow.
And, unfortunately for parents, that sometimes means leaving a gourmet, nutritionally balanced meal behind to eat subpar, greasy pizza promoted by a giant Rat.
“Run!” he says.
“Run where?” Sebastian asks. Thomas doesn’t need to be told twice, heading for the door to grab his jacket.
“Where is Chuck E. Cheese again?” Kurt asks, internalizing a groan because, as much as he loves his son, it’s still Chuck E. Cheese – a cardboard crust, tomato sauce out of a can, and cheese whose authenticity he can’t vouch for.
His stomach objects just thinking about it.
“Yes!” Thomas cheers because kids’ taste buds are underdeveloped, and their stomachs are lined with lead.
“What about the mess!?” Sebastian asks, not actually worried about the possible destruction of their kitchen because duh! He can just hand Kurt his AmEx card and let him re-decorate.
Who knows? A little retail therapy might put him on the road to recovery.
“It looks like Hepburn has that handled!” Thomas laughs, watching his service dog lick up the drops left along the floor.
“Ugh! That can’t be good for his digestion.” Kurt reaches for a dish towel to wipe away the final few before Hepburn can get to them, but the animal is attacking them at a phenomenal rate. He’ll just have to hope the poor dog doesn’t vomit in Sebastian’s Porsche on the way to the restaurant. “Oh, nuts! Just grab him and go!”
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crazedlunatic · 7 years
Moving Out
Blaine looked up from his computer, seeing Nick standing just outside of his ‘home office’ and shuffling his feet anxiously.
“Nicky? You okay?”
“Uh, yeah.” Nick walked in. “Hey, Dad.”
“Hey. I didn’t know you made it home. Did you have fun at Cody’s senior show tonight?” Blaine smiled.
“Yeah, it was awesome. He had a lot of great stuff… everyone did.  But people really liked his stuff.” Nick nodded, plopping down in one of the extra chairs in front of Blaine’s desk.
“Everything okay?” Blaine tilted his head a bit.
“It… It is, I just…” Nick sighed a bit, looking like he was trying to talk himself into or out of something. “Dad, when can I end the guardianship? I mean not for now, but uhm…”
“Nick, we can give your rights back whenever you think you’re ready but I’m not convinced you are.” Blaine watched Nick’s reaction carefully. “What’s really going on?”
“I know it’s only the end of April but… in August Cody’s lease on his apartment is up. You guys saw the building last winter when we had the bad storm and we brought him to our place for Christmas since the power was out. It’s a shit hole. They don’t take care of it, stuff is always going on with the place and it takes days for them to even answer emergency calls.” Nick babbled. “I haven’t talked to Cody or anything because this seems like it’s coming out of nowhere—I know it does; you don’t need to tell me— but I want to get a place with him. We’ve known each other less than a year and I know it sounds crazy but I just, I don’t know, know, you know?”
“Despite how much my English degree is crying, I do know what you mean.” Blaine smiled a bit. He remembered the first time realizing one day he wanted to live with Kurt. How the idea had sounded so strange at first but how the more he thought about it, the more he realized that nothing had ever made more sense.
“When I stay the night, I don’t want to leave.” Nick sighed a bit. “This last year so much has changed but ever since I met him… I never want to be away from him. It’s like I’ve been looking for him all along. It’s like moments without him…”
“Are meaningless?” Blaine questioned.
“Yeah.” Nick’s voice was softer than it usually was. He swallowed.
“Nicky… I know how you’re feeling. I’m not telling you not to do it… I’m just telling you there is a substantial difference than living in a dorm room and in your own place with your partner. There’s more pressure, there’s not really any moment to yourself unless you’re using the bathroom. Everything’s out there, everyone’s flaws come out, you’ll argue over cleaning out the fridge and letting out the dog in the rain. Stuff breaks, you spend so much more money on things…”Blaine trailed off.
“Are you trying to tell me I shouldn’t move out with Cody?” Nick asked, looking sad.
“I’m not saying that. What I’m saying is that since UCLA… your whole life has been planned to the t. Therapy for your feelings, nutritionist for your evolving diet, visits with David to make sure your body is adjusting okay, going to the gym and trying to stay healthy, lists you have to stick to, responsibilities that all together are making you how you are now. As stress free as Kurt and I can make your life until… until we know that you’re not going to relapse. Moving on your own is stress. Moving out with someone else… that’s a whole different ballpark. Sleepovers with Cody and living with Cody would be two completely different things. And you’ll have to come up with a whole new routine… not to mention you’re wanting to go back to school part time this fall which is going to be even more stressful.” Blaine took a deep breath.
“I haven’t talked to him about it yet. I don’t want to do something that’s going to cause me to relapse… I don’t want to put that stress on anyone else again because it turned everything upside down.” Nick chewed on his lip. “Everything is still upside down actually…”
“You’ve worked so hard to get where you are today. I couldn’t be prouder.” Blaine smiled.
“I think we’re meant to be. I can’t imagine life without him. He’s going to school for a graduate program too and I’m afraid we’ll fall apart…”
“He looks at you like you hung the moon. You two won’t fall apart.”
Nick blushed a bit.
“You know what the right decision is in your heart… and if you don’t know yet, you will. If you decide to move out with him we can cancel the guardianship or we can keep it and you can still move out. Kurt and I don’t want you to feel like you’re in a prison. We just want to make sure you take care of yourself physically and emotionally… It can take up to a month to cancel it… but we might be able to speed that process up, too.”
“Am I insane?”
“I moved in with your father and now I’ve got four kids between the ages of seven and twenty. You tell me who is crazy in this room.” Blaine gave Nick a big smile.
“I think I want to talk about it all with Cody and see what he thinks.” Nick stood.
“That would be a good idea… and don’t forget that Cody does camp and that he goes to Georgia for the summer… I mean, if you guys did move in do you feel comfortable enough where you are to stick to your routine? To eat three meals, four snacks, not portion stuff out, not overwork at the gym? I know you don’t want to think about still struggling in a year but… but it’s possible that you could be. It takes a long time to recover from an eating disorder. And the depression and anxiety… I don’t mean to bring up this stuff and make you doubt your capabilities. I just think you need to think of how it will affect recovery. I will feel comfortable with you moving out if you have gone over every possibility in your head.”
Nick chewed on his lip.
“But understand that I said I would feel comfortable with you moving out… because it’s your decision. Kurt and I won’t keep you from doing it and, like I said… we’ll get the guardianship cancelled as soon as you want it cancelled. You’re an adult and we both trust you to make the best decision for you… We also trust Cody to take care of you.”
“He takes care of me now. When I’m with him he makes sure I have all my meals and all of my snacks, he doesn’t let me overexert myself or anything like that.”
“I know.” Blaine smiled and went to hug him. “Cody’s your person.”
Nick hugged Blaine back tightly, smiling when Blaine kissed the top of his head.
“We love you so much and we’re so happy you found someone that treats you right, takes care of you, and loves you the way you’ve always deserved to be loved. Because you’re an amazing person, Nick, and you only deserve the best. You’re so very special.”
Nick tightened his hug. “Thank you for always being supportive no matter what I want… and thank you for trying to help me at home before sending me away to the anorexia center… I know I was so mad and I said some horrible things but… I know it was a last resort and you tried so hard to keep from doing it. And I know Daddy threatened to divorce you if you wouldn’t let him take me and… and I’m sorry to have put you in that position. But it meant so much when you tried to do what I wanted instead of just shipping me off.”
“I’ll always do everything in my power to make you feel safe, comfortable, and happy.” Blaine pulled back. “And Kurt was never really going to divorce me. Sometimes when I’m worked up he has to get my attention.”
Nick rolled his eyes. “You do have a temper sometimes.”
“I’ve heard.” Blaine hugged him again when Cody walked up hesitantly. “Hey, Cody. Feeling better? I heard you had a sinus infection the last few days.”
“Yes, sir.” Cody smiled, stepping in. “Hey, Nicky.”
Nick smiled. “I’ll see you later, Dad.”
“Yep. Text if you’re going to stay over, alright?” Blaine smiled.
“I’ll make sure he does.” Cody promised.
“I’ve got something possibly exciting to talk about tonight.” Nick said as he led Cody’s out of his office. “You might think it’s crazy but I want you to promise you’ll listen to the whole thing before you form an opinion.”
“Every third thing out of your mouth in crazy, Nick.” Blaine heard Cody say before the front door opened and closed.
You’re going to cry when I tell you about the conversation I just had with our son, Blaine texted Kurt who was still at work.
Did he propose?
Other son, Blaine typed back.
Did he bite that bratty girl again?
Other other son.
Yeah, I know he wants to move in with Cody. I heard him talking about it with Zach last week.
You never tell me anything anymore.
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spaceorphan18 · 8 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: The Break-Up
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4x04: The Break-Up
Alright - time to rip off the Band-Aid.  It’s been four and a half years, and I think that’s been ample enough time to revisit this episode with a clear head and an open mind.  
This episode, though, man.  It split an already fracturing fandom in half, and it really never recovered.  And I think stories about fandom and what went on at the time really out does the story here itself.  
I will say, though as an aside, that season 4 was meant to be a new and fresh series -- the introduction of the Newbies symbolizes that.  The whole idea of makeovers symbolizes that.  And hitting the self-destruct button on all the popular couples was a symbol of that.  From what I can tell, the writers wanted a fresh start with season 4.  
And while I like season 4 (more than season 3), and while I think that Klaine needed some actual story, I don’t think the mentality that the show needed to start over was the best one for the longevity of the show.   However, there’s another time and place for that discussion.  I’m mainly focusing on the story itself here.  
Anyway, it’s funny to me -- that there really isn’t /that/ much Klaine in this episode.  Just enough to do the damage it did, and shake up the the couple -- who never really fully come back together until the end of the series.  It’s a fascinating and frustrating arc - and here we go..... 
Some Introductory Notes
Before we get into the Kurt stuff -- something I need to add.
The paralleling of Finchel.  One thing that does outright frustrate me is that Klaine doesn’t get to be their own story.  No, Finchel and Klaine have very different things going on within their relationships, I get that.  But the thing is -- Finchel gets meatier things to do.  I understand that they’re the A-Couple, and that the show wants to do more with them, therefore they get better development.  But selfishly, as a Klainer, throughout the season it’s difficult seeing Finn and Rachel get developed conversations while Kurt and Blaine get a watered down version of a similar thing.  But more than that -- this is one time I wish Glee wasn’t so hell bent on paralleling all their stories -- because everyone’s stories work better on their own, not being tied to someone else’s. 
I would say Brittana had it easier being a more individual story, but they were neglected for a long, long time after this, so you know, issues everywhere, lol. 
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Before we jump to Kurt --  Blaine and Brittany are lamenting about their relationships in the opening sequence.  Blaine talks about remembering when every day felt like Valentine’s Day.  And that’s where I think that both Kurt and Blaine fail a little bit.  Relationships are not always going to feel like Valentine’s Day.  Sometimes they’ll be hard.  A lot of times not.  But sometimes yes. And this reliance on how everything is perfect -- how everything is their storybook romance -- is what does them both in.  It doesn’t allow for either of them to make mistakes.  
We open Kurt’s story with him cooking breakfast -- and is in a relatively good mood.  Oh, bb, the fact that you are so unaware of what’s going to happen in the next few days makes this even more heartbreaking.  
I need to note that Kurt wore earplugs to bed -- as he did probably did in high school cause he did not want or need to hear any of /that/.  
But anyway -- Kurt senses there’s some major drama about to happen in Finchel land, and he has no desire to be any part of that.  He’s gonna go sneak off to the park and watch drug deals, lol.  
BTW - during the next Brittana scene, there’s some Kurt shade, as Santana talks about how improbable it was for Kurt to get the internship.  The show knows, sometimes, when it’s being ridiculous.  And as I said in the previous episode, it’s not about realism.  It’s about the character story. 
Call Waiting
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While Kurt’s gonna somewhat fuck this moment up  -- I’d like to point out that he’s the one who called Blaine.   Also - Blaine’s pic of Kurt is Kurt’s student election campaign poster.  
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Alright - so this one little scene has a lot packed into it.  
First of all -- you can tell they’re at least trying.  They have phone dates, that I assume they both set up.  But I’m guessing that Kurt -- being caught up with this crazy new job, and having to take care of phones for Vogue.com, probably is keeping him understandably busy.  
Yes. This scene points out that going out in the real world after high school is different.  You have more responsibilities.  And things that were important in high school seem smaller when you go off to college.  
Blaine, however, is still a year behind, and still in that world that Kurt left.  And Blaine is not handling things well on his own.  As he says often -- he’s a bit lost, and unsure what to do on his own.  But this is also where the fear of losing Kurt comes to head.  Blaine’s insecurities and self-doubt are all rolled into one, and couple that with Kurt being carried away with this new life brings Blaine to the (incorrect) conclusion that Kurt doesn’t need (or want) him anymore.  And that his relationship is done.  
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Kurt misses Blaine.  There’s a lot in his facial expressions that show he really does.  When Blaine lists off all the things he misses doing with Kurt (note - the implication that they both miss the emotional and physical parts of their relationship (my god, they’re allowed to mention they have sex)) Kurt is right there with him, frustrated by the situation, too.  
But I think the thing that is somewhat missed during these break-up discussions is that Kurt isn’t exactly handling all of this well either.  Kurt trying to express to Blaine that with the absence of NYADA he has to find some direction, and Vogue.com might be that opportunity that he shouldn’t miss, isn’t exactly the easiest conversation.  (Not to mention that Kurt doesn’t seem to do well in general when Blaine gets overly clingy.)
Also - Blaine’s looking for some kind of comfort, and instead Kurt’s hanging up on him to get the latest gossip from Joan Didion.  Not cool, Kurt.  
But -- as I’m sure I’m being a broken record -- neither is dealing with this long distance stress well.  Blaine is under the impression that the worst has happened, Kurt has forgotten about him, and his relationship is over.  Meanwhile, Kurt is ignoring the issues as much as possible, believing these things will all magically work out.  Nope to both. 
Also - Blaine’s ILU as Kurt hangs up.  Ouch. 
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Alright - so this is the part that’s hard for me to untangle because we’re in Blaine’s brain here -- and I’m not always the best a figuring his head out. 
Blaine’s singing this duet with Finn -- and it’s about the two of them feeling out of place and out of sync with their significant other.   And Blaine’s haunted by the Kurt he sees in his head - this vision of Kurt from when they first met (Vision Kurt is wearing the same outfit from Never Been Kissed).  There was a time, in Blaine’s head, when everything was perfect and man he’d like to go back to that time so he can feel okay. 
But interestingly, Vision Kurt is season 4 Kurt, too.  A Kurt who has changed, and is not the same person that Blaine used to know.  He’s almost this foreign entity that seems like he’s judging Blaine. 
So, here’s my interpretation (which Blaine stans can correct me on if I’m totally off).  Through the circumstances of his life and his type of personality, Blaine craves emotional validation and is the type of person who needs to be told (and told again) that he’s valuable and needed and wanted and worth being with, etc. And Kurt used to feed that emotional neediness on a regular basis when it was the two of them and they did everything together. 
Now that Kurt’s gone, Blaine is not getting that reassurance on a regular basis and because of that he feels lost.  He tries reach out to Kurt (as shown at the beginning of the sequence) but Kurt’s not there.  So Blaine decides to take the easy path (the dark side!!) and find someone who will quickly fill that validation.  And this is where Eli C and the cheating comes in.  Maybe if he can find that intimacy with someone else he’ll be able to feel better -- and it will help take away the sting of feeling left behind by Kurt.  
It’s also a rash decision, btw, one where Blaine clearly didn’t think it all the way through.  Because it’s really going to blow up in his face.  But -- here’s my thing, there are a lot of things that go into this, and it’s even more complicated, I think, than I’m giving it credit for.  But I’m going to move on and get back to Kurt, since it is my Kurt meta.  I’m hoping that when I do the podcast, lots of smart Blaine fans will help me untangle this further. 
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So, I guess Kurt decided it was fine to go play third wheel with Finn and Rachel, lol? But anyway - Kurt’s getting all dressed up to go sing at a bar.  I don’t know much about clothing meta, but I’m sure someone can discuss the purpose of black and red in the wardrobe.  Not to mention, I read something about the usage of mirrors in this episode, but I don’t remember what.  
I will say -- I never thought about the name Callbacks before, but I think it’s intentional - not just because of the connotation to the theater world, but because this is a callback to the good ole days for Finchel and Klaine.  And yet, it’s not the good ole days anymore. 
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This is totally the face of someone who is unhappy their boyfriend showed up unexpectedly.  (Actually - the longer I stare at it, the creepier it gets, lol)  
Also - remember that meme of people who bring foliage to the loft means bad things? Blaine brings roses -- this is not going to be good. 
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I don’t know what’s with me and taking ridiculous screencaps.  But I love Kurt hiding behind his flowers.  (He’s actually smelling them.)  
But man - I mean, best night ever, right? His boyfriend is there unexpectedly.  (And they share a kiss -- why does stupid Rachel have to interrupt that?)  His brother is there.  They’re gonna go singing.  Best night ever, right? 
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They go to Callbacks, which is so, so pretty.  I love all the Christmas lights.  
And, oh Kurt.  He really just doesn’t get it.  He’s happy Blaine’s there and they can start making their New York memories.  He does see that Blaine’s sad -- he’s obviously but not blind.  But he has no idea that Blaine’s been struggling to the extent that he’s been struggling.  Kind of like in Dance With Somebody.  Kurt sometimes doesn’t get it until Blaine spells it out for him.  
And I would like to state right here that while I do think its both of their issues that lead to this break up, while I do think Kurt was (unintentionally) being neglectful of his relationship -- as Blaine says himself in DWS -- ‘talk to me, tell me you’re unhappy, but don’t cheat on me.’  And I didn’t bring that up to throw back in Blaine’s face (I kind of hated that when people did that) - it’s more of -- this is a lot more difficult when you’re on the other side of the fence.  
And these two have always had issues with communication.  Tell each other your feelings you stupid boys!!! 
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Oh Kurt -- you’re just in such a happy place before all this goes down.  
Blaine, as he sits down at the piano, says he’s going to sing a song -- the same song he sang when he first met the love of his life.  A song that has become very much their song, and is representative of this fairy tale romance they have going.  And look at Kurt’s face -- he’s over-joyous that Blaine’s singing this song.  He loves this.  He loves that it’s supposed to be a romantic overture yet again.  
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There’s a lot of love and reflection on Kurt’s face as Blaine starts singing.  
And this might be a good place to talk about a misstep Kurt has within his relationship.  Blaine has been all these wonderful things for Kurt.  His prince, his knight, his first kiss, his first love.  They’ve shared so, so many intimate moments together.  But -- Kurt sometimes has trouble seeing Blaine as a real boy -- one who isn’t perfect, who won’t just wait around for him when Kurt needs him, who has troubles and issues and is going through something a bit bigger than Kurt understands. 
But this song -- this break down that Blaine has is the first time Kurt really, really gets to see first hand that his relationship is not fairy tale perfect.  The illusion is coming apart. 
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This scene, this rendition of Teenage Dream, is one of the most powerful and heartbreaking scenes in the entire show.  (I mean, Kudos to Darren Criss for this -- I think it’s one of his best acted scenes in the show.)  It’s ironic in so many ways, as the performance just goes off the rails. It’s fascinating how Blaine just breaks down -- he is no Disney prince here.  He’s a slobbering mess, rushing through the whole thing because it’s all too painful.  And man, how many of these lines are just plain ironic now?
And the longer it goes on, the more Kurt knows that things are wrong, that something is terribly, utterly wrong, though there’s confusion in his expressions as well.  What the fuck happened? He doesn’t know.  But this isn’t the Blaine he’s used to.  And he doesn’t really know what is going on. 
Not Really a Walk in the Park
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You guys remember when this scene was filmed, and there were people who witnessed it first hand (why did they shoot this in public?) and that was a sucky night for fandom? At least Chris and Darren seemed to have fun, lol. 
Anyway -- I need to bring up American Horror Story for a second.  Why? Because at the time Ryan Murphy was writing the first season of that.  And in that season, at the beginning, the husband cheats on the wife, and the scene where the wife confronts the husband is almost exactly verbatim this next Klaine scene.  It, like, freaked me out when I watched it -- and then I checked the dates and that AHS episode was written before this.  
This whole cheating thing is a trope that Ryan Murphy goes back to again, and again.  I don’t know why.  But I feel like that framework should be kept in mind when discussing RM’s projects.  I can’t not look at it in that light.  And while we can talk about legit reasons as to why Blaine decided to cheat -- I feel like it can’t be stressed enough that this is also a trope that’s indicative of Ryan Murphy -- and that he has a tendency to write all his couples this way.  And that cheating in RM’s world is somewhat a different thing than cheating in the real world. 
But on the bright side, that AHS couple worked it out in the end.  And so will Klaine. 
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Getting back to the scene.... 
When we start out, there’s a physical distance between the two of them.  They’re not holding hands, Blaine has his hands in his pockets.  Kurt’s unsure how to act.  I’m guessing this relationship has never felt this awkward for either of them.  And Kurt can’t avoid the inevitable forever -- so addresses the subject straight on.  
Kurt’s so nervous as he asks Blaine what’s going on.  He can feel it, feel that this is not going to be a fun conversation.  
And then Blaine says he was with someone - and the bottom just drops out completely.  Because out of all the things he was worried about -- Kurt probably never thought that Blaine would say that. 
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Oh man, do these two know how to hurt each other in the worst ways.  
To Blaine, removing the emotional intimacy has been the worst.  But to Kurt -- removing physical intimacy has always brought about his insecurities.  As we’ve often talked about, touch is a huge thing to Kurt.  He doesn’t let anyone in, he doesn’t let just anyone touch him.  And here’s this boy who Kurt’s let in, and having that connection, not just that emotional connection but the physical connection - where sex and love are intertwined and where Blaine being close to him was not only Kurt’s way of knowing he was valuable but Kurt showing how vulnerable he can be, of letting Blaine into his heart, is incredibly important.  
And here Blaine says that no only has he had that physical intimacy with someone else, but he shared something Kurt considers sacred with a person who doesn’t really matter.  (Kurt is first fearful that it was Sebastian -- someone who has always brought about Kurt’s insecurities.  But having it be someone faceless.  Someone who doesn’t ultimately matter is almost worse.)  
And this just shatters Kurt.  The person he thought he loved and knew more than anyone else in the world, he doesn’t know any more.  Because never in a million years did he ever think Blaine could hurt him so deeply. 
The temptations line by Kurt is really interesting here.  Did have Kurt have other people hitting on him? Maybe? Maybe not.  But this goes to Kurt believing that his relationship would be fine without tending to it.  Kurt’s fine with commitment.  There could be one guy, there could be fifty.  He loves Blaine, he’s with Blaine, that’s all that matters.  And he’s secure with that.  But, love and relationships are more than just believing everything’s going to be okay as Kurt finds out here.  
I’ve seen this comment floating around, and I agree with the assessment -- usually the show lets Kurt pretty cry.  Kurt’s break down here is not pretty.  It’s downright ugly crying.  (And this is where I give Chris kudos for his acting.  Damn, I can’t imagine going to that place take after take.) 
Anyway - it’s fascinating that everything changes from this moment forward.  No more fairy tale romance.  Welcome to the adult world kiddos. 
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So -- instead of extending the argument -- we move into the song Don’t Speak.  Which was, apparently, Darren Criss’s suggestion. Thanks Darren. Lol. 
It works well for this group of singers -- it’s heart-wrenching and works well for both of these couples.  It’s not a personal favorite, because this song depresses me to no end, but it works. 
Breaking it down a little -- 
Blaine sings: 
I really feel That I'm losing my best friend I can't believe this could be The end
That stands out to Blaine’s headspace.  It’s not just about the romantic relationship -- it’s the fact that the friendship isn’t intact as it once was either. And I think that’s a huge element that they both miss throughout this break up. 
Kurt (with Rachel): 
It looks as though you're letting go And if it's real, well, I don't want to know
It’s interesting -- because Kurt, when things get emotionally difficult, had a tendency to not deal with them head on.  Not until he’s forced to, really. 
Kurt and Blaine: 
Don't speak I know what you're thinking I don't need your reasons Don't tell me, cause it hurts
This is the chorus and the main point of the song.  Neither of them really want to deal with it because it sucks.  It’s literally the worse.  And yet -- you have to eventually deal with it anyway. 
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Kurt (with Finn): 
Our memories, well, they can be inviting But some are altogether mighty frightening
This is interesting -- I think it’s that the memories aren’t as comforting as they once were.  For Kurt -- everything he once believed was true and good is now tainted, and how do you look back on that fondly? Right now he can’t. 
Blaine (with Rachel): 
As we die, both you and I With my head in my hands, I sit and cry
Oh, Blaine -- this speaks to his helplessness at this point. 
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Hey - remember when we wanted Klaine in bed together and they gave us this? FU RIB! 
I actually really like the cinematography out in the park.  That shot with Blaine and Kurt lined up but not actually facing each other is pretty powerful - as it shows where they are now in relation to each other. The stuff in the beds, eh, not a fan of the split screen stuff.  Plus, oy, Finchel-ness.  
I can’t really imagine how the rest of the night went, tbh.  I’m shocked Kurt didn’t kick Blaine to the couch.  But I can only imagine there was a lot of crying, and a lot of not facing each other, and little to no sleep.  And then Kurt left and went into the other room to think.... 
In Mourning
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I’m guessing Kurt’s been in that chair for a long time.  He tells Finn that he feels like he’s going to die.  And that six months ago, he would have never guessed this would have happened.  Well no -- you never thought this was going to happen at all.  It’s called life, and life is throwing curveballs.  
Kurt’s waiting up for Blaine -- but later Blaine will say that he left without Kurt talking to him.  What gives?  Well -- Kurt’s so hurt, and so shattered, and it’s a lot to process and take in and I can imagine that even though I think Kurt wants to yell and scream and fight, he’s also emotionally exhausted.  What does he really have to say in right this second? You can’t undo things that have already happened, nothing is going to magically make it all feel better.  So yeah -- I can see Kurt wanting to say so many things, but in the end, it’s easier to just let Blaine go.  
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I read some great meta once, and I wish I had a source to back it up, that Kurt doesn’t feel like Kurt here.  And someone wrote about why.  Because Chris usually plays Kurt as poised and controlled in his actions.  And none of that is here.  But this is a Kurt who is emotionally raw and defeated.  He’s just kind of in a state of existing. His heart is broken, his world doesn’t make sense anymore -- he’s just there.  (Man -- I’ll have to see if I can find it -- cause whoever wrote it, wrote a much more eloquent analysis than I ever could.) 
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If this episode wasn’t already depressing enough -- consider this....  This is the last time Finn and Kurt have a scene together.  And it’s a little chilling when you think that Kurt’s wearing black, and telling Finn goodbye as he leaves the loft quietly.  Obvious, I’m texturing this on in hindsight.  But it’s already a bittersweet moment.  It’s heartbreaking when looking back. 
I always wished they did a little more with Kurt and Finn as brothers than what they did.  But I’m, weirdly, glad they had this little moment as their last scene. 
I have to mention here that we go back to McKinley for a while because Newbie/Jarley drama.  And here’s my thing -- this feels so, so jarring compared to the rest of the episode.  Glee season 4, when not talking about the newbies, kind of goes back to that season 1 adult grittiness.  And all the emotions and break up stuff feels like it’s apart of that.  Stopping midway to do a story about high school students most of us don’t care for yet (or ever) is frustrating -- and really highlights the disconnect between these two different kind of stories.  
Also a note about the Left Behind thing.  I get that this is supposed to be a realization of the theme -- being left behind by someone, as Finn, Blaine, and Brittany are all feeling that.  But did we have to waste so much time with it being a literal thing? 
Also, meanwhile there’s mild trouble with Wemma.  So they get in an argument.  While I’m glad they didn’t break up, yet again, it’s obvious they just wanted to stick them into the final group number.  We could have done without the newbie stuff and had Wemma get an actual story for it to make more sense. 
A Metaphor
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Well -- by the time Kurt gets back to work, he’s his composed self again.  Something small that fascinates me -- Kurt’s staring deeply at this note from Blaine, and when his coworker Chase comes in, Kurt jumps a little, startled that his thoughts have been interrupted.  And then Kurt closes off.  He doesn’t give Chase details about what happened, he doesn’t even make eye contact.  Kurt goes inward while he hurts, and takes pain on his own.
He tells Chase:  
Kurt: I’m okay.  I’ll be okay.  
He’s already entering this defiant mode.  He wants to be fine -- he wants all the pain to stop and not to be able to think about it.  Of course, he’s not.  As much as he wants it to, the pain of this break up is deep, and isn’t going to magically go away.  It’s going to take a lot of time and a lot of healing before Kurt really is fine.  But meanwhile, he’s going to try his damnedest to present himself as fine. 
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Kurt trying to be fine while trying not to break down crying.  Oh, bb.  
Also this exchange: 
Chase: Is he cute? Kurt: The cutest.
You don’t magically fall out of love with someone when these things happen.  (Not that I wanted Kurt to do that -- but I’m just trying to show the complexity of the situation here.)  Yes, Blaine hurt Kurt very deeply.  But Blaine also loved Kurt very deeply, and Kurt loved him very deeply, and those feelings are very intertwined.  And I feel like that’s an important comment to make -- cause it’ll come back later.  But also because, Kurt can claim he’s fine all he wants, that doesn’t make him actually feel fine.  
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So someone might yell at me if I don’t mention the flowers.  Yes, yes, they’re a call back to Asian F -- when Kurt gave Blaine flowers.  Red and Yellow mean friendship and love and a deep connection. Oh, a stab in the heart for sure.  
But -- there are two other big things (that irk me a little) that I need to point out before we leave this scene. 
First of all, Blaine’s note.  I kind of hate it -- because it feels juvenile and belittling of the severity of what Blaine did.  The note doesn’t feel like Blaine, and I just don’t like it.  
Secondly -- it took me forever to figure this out, but Kurt throwing the note away is a metaphor for Kurt dumping Blaine.  That’s when the Klaine v.1 ends.  With a metaphor.  And it bugs me.  Because both Brittana and Finchel get dialogue -- actual scenes that show that their relationships are over.  And Klaine gets a metaphor.  
And no, I don’t know what I would have wanted instead.  And in some ways, Klaine gets better things.  Their story is the one that gets the most development in season 4.  They’re the first ones back to each other.  They get way more focus than Brittana will ever get, and more interaction than Finchel. Their relationship is the least dead? But I suppose there’s that lingering feeling, that I suppose isn’t that fair to say, like the Tongue Tied montage -- I wanted Klaine to have just a little something more.  
Kurt isn’t in the episode again until the end.  But before I get there, a couple of points. 
1. When Blaine returns to McKinley he chats a little with Finn -- and Finn (understandably, I may add) berates him for hurting Kurt.  But my heart breaks for Blaine.  Because Finn has come back home too, but he has a support system -- he has his parents, and Will and all the kids look happy to see him.  Blaine is alone.  Really alone.  Oh, bb.  I’m glad you get Sam soon. 
2. Brittana -- I like the scene that they get at the end.  It’s funny, as much as they leave it open ended (this isn’t an official break up) I always felt like it was the most definitive break up of the three. In fact, until they actually got back together in season 5, I thought maybe the show was done with Brittana for good.  (I have to wonder how much fan involvement had something to do with them getting back together.) 
3. Finchel -- I have many thoughts about Finchel. Idk - if you guys are interested, I’ll write up a post.  Long story short - I like their conversation (minus a couple small things) at the end and they were definitely /done/ for a long time.  (The weren’t supposed to get back together until the end of the series.)  
Back to the Start
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The ending group number is The Scientist.  And, well, damn, if this isn’t the perfect ending song for this episode -- as it really does well to encompass all of the issues among these couples.  (I suppose, though, it helps when the show purposely gives these couples similar issues and themes to work through.)  It’s an incredibly heart-wrenching and effective performance.  
This song is a reflection of better days and how easy it can be in the beginning and harder as it goes along.  (It’s about a lot of things, I’m simplifying)
But Kurt’s verse: 
I was just guessing At numbers and figures Pulling the puzzles apart
Well, FU again RIB -- as obviously this is a nod to the line in Teenage Dream about being each other’s missing puzzle pieces.  
I should also mention the flashbacks, as there was an uproar about this -- which I don’t believe was unjust.  Finchel and Wemma (who don’t really even have a big conflict in this episode) get a flashback to their first kiss, while Klaine and Brittana noticeably don’t get kisses but other moments.  And with Klaine I sorta by, since that was back to their start.  But still -- if you’re gonna show couples kissing, show them all.  C’mon, Glee.  Don’t piss us off even further.  Klaine’s first kiss would have worked just fine here. 
But anywya... But man, if there isn’t some juicy Kurt-related stuff to sink my teeth into.  Because this is just ‘the incident’ -- and now we have all the repercussions. 
No one ever said it would be this hard Oh, take me back to the start
And thus, the show has officially hit the reset button.  Welcome to a new world, guys.  It’s not gonna be easy.  
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Today was.....kind of odd. I felt exhausted and like I was running crazy all day, but I actually wasn't? Idk. I remembered today that my psychiatrist wanted me to call him after I'd been on the Xanax for like a week to see if I'd noticed a difference, as I should have, and as I remembered I was supposed to do this I realized I don't think I've actually seen much of a difference. I still feel anxious pretty much all the time and can't stop my mind from racing even when I'm trying to relax, there's always something I need to get done. I'm doing 2 mg of Xanax a day right now (1 at morning and 1 at night) and he wrote me the prescription to use as needed so I can increase it if needed. If I'm remembering correctly, at the time I accidentally went off it I was taking 3 mg a day, I guess I was just hoping I would be doing better by now and wouldn't need that much. Idk, it's weird to be experiencing symptoms of mental illness like anxiety and feeling exhausted and like something in my mind just isn't right without them being accompanied by the overwhelming and soul-sucking dread of suicidal ideation constantly occupying your mind. Because I pretty much consider myself "recovered" at this point. Like I'm SO much better than I was 4 years ago. But I'm still having symptoms that just don't feel like they have a causal connection to my life, because there's nothing that would be causing that in my life- I mean at least as far as the depression, there's obviously plenty to cause anxiety. But I don't really feel depressed at all so I don't really know if that's what this is??? Like my brain felt weird when I was without my meds for a few days but for the most part it's been fine with happiness, just tending to get overwhelmingly exhausted, but with me that could have a lot of causes (see: my abysmal high school attendance record). Sigh. I didn't mean to get into all of this right now, it just kind of came out. I think that's most of what I have to say, though. So, today. Alarm went off at 9:45, and the first thing I notice is its gross and rainy and hell no am I gonna walk 20 minutes to the train in the freezing rain cuz I fucking hate rain, so I consult google maps to see which of the alternate routes I know of would be quickest, and decide on the one that takes my normal bus route to a close by train station of another line that I can then take to the loop. So that worked out fine and I got to school in plenty of time to prep for the panel. Oh, I left out that I woke up to a text from my across the hall at work friend saying she was like ridiculously sick and couldn't come, so that sucked but oh well. After not too long DCFS guy comes over with the PD we were able to get from delinquency, so we hang out and talk for a while as things get set up more and we get food before the panel. So, we ended up having 4 panelists, which worked well because we initially felt overbooked at 6, but 2 had to cancel haha so that ended up being good. We had the PD, DCFS guy, an adoption attorney, and a child rep that does work in domestic relations (divorce/custody court). And of course I was the moderator, so I got ask my questions and they went really well! Everyone had good and varying answers, and even gave some well-reasoned answers to my thrown in at the last minute question about if they could change one thing about the system they work in what would it be, because of course I am so very reform minded, lol. We got to open the floor up a little at the end, and the panelists talked about the last question for like 10 minutes and I was like watching the clock knowing the 1L's all had to get back to class at 1 so as soon as they finished I was like OKAY whoever needs to leave go and we can chat with the panelists if you want to stay, lol. So that felt good overall. I stayed and talked to DCFS guy about some random stuff since he had some time before going back to work since this was an official work sanctioned event for him, lol. So that was cool. When he headed out I switched over to the PAD office for a bit and did something on my computer for a little, I don't even remember what, before going to meet my LARC prof for our individual conference. It wasn't all that helpful because it tended to be just more generalized feedback, and like I know what I'm doing its just a matter of doing it in the form they want. But I got my argument section back and graded so between that and my graded trial brief I should have some good basis to go off when I finish off the appellate brief this weekend hopefully. That's the idea, anyway. After that I went back to school and was gonna go to the PAD office but instead found my spring break friend, summer job friend, and the girl who's gonna be the president of the child and family law group with me next semester chilling in one of the rooms, so I hung out with them and actually got around to reading most of the cases for crim pro tonight. It was nice, even if I still felt exhausted at the end of the day. And I ended up ordering Chinese food because I felt like it before class lol and they had these mango and shrimp egg rolls that are possibly the craziest and most amazing things I've ever tasted. Crim pro was fine, just went over the few cases, and I interjected two short comments on different aspects of police behavior and their consequences (one of which was in result of a wrongful conviction that was affirmed by the fucking Supreme Court before later getting DNA exonerated that besides this man spending so much of his life in prison, there was a fucking child rapist freely roaming the streets). She then told us about how she's gonna like speed through the rest of the cases at the next two classes, and then let us go at 6:45....? Idk, I feel like she wasn't prepared for them or something, although I've discovered when she recites the "facts" of the case she reads almost word for word off the quimbee briefs I've been looking at, lol. But hey, I'll take it. It was still rainy and gross so I tried the alternate route again but with slightly more anxiety this time because I don't like relying on buses at night because, basically, the suck. We end up getting off the train literally right as the bus is pulling up to the stop (like I saw the bus as soon as I got off the train and had to run down two flights of stairs to get to it) and I just made it but like the driver was being rude and I had to like, bang on the door when there were like 4 other people with me trying to get on.....like calm down lady it's not gonna kill you to wait another 2 seconds. So that kind of ticked me off but I was at least glad I caught the bus. Got home and decided to watch the episode of Blindspot that had pretty much just finished airing and OH BOY do I have feelings about this episode. I already did a massive Twitter rant about this (and I mean massive) so I'll just give you the highlights but between this plot and Chicago Justice's (both nbc shows, fyi) treatment of a foster kid earlier this week I had just about had it. The kind of plot Blindspot did tonight was awful because it adds to the idea that foster parents are bad people who are only in it for the money, and that is overwhelmingly false. Are there crappy foster parents in the system? Of course, I spent all of last semester tracking them down and getting the kids removed from their homes. But the vast, vast majority of foster parents are wonderful, loving people who are sacrificing so much for a child they may very well have to say goodbye to some day. And when we are already at such a critical shortage of foster parents, this kind of portrayal is so damaging to that image. It only serves to add more stigma to the idea of foster parents are being corrupt and "foster child" practically being synonymous with "problem child" in some peoples heads, another convention that needs to end. The whole thing just really, really got under my skin. I mean, I know better than anyone that this kind of shit (okay I mean, this was obviously an extreme example, but similar types of mistreatment I mean) does happen, but broadcasting it as one of a very few portrayals of foster parents most people are gonna see is damaging to the idea of being a foster parent and hurts the chance that they would consider being one in the future, and that's just such a major problem for me. I obviously have a lot of feelings about this, and I feel like I should find some higher up at nbc to write to about it, other than tagging the network's account in my Twitter rant. But yeah, the whole thing just really pissed me off. Other than that though, my only other comment on the episode was that I was really sad to see Nas go, even though I knew it was inevitable as soon as she got involved with Weller, because the show has made it abundantly clear that Kurt/Jane is endgame and anyone who interferes with that isn't gonna last. But I really couldn't give a crap about her and Kurt's romance or whatever, she was such a great character in so many other ways and such a fantastic leader that I'm sad to see her character leave. And I mean not all of this is coming from my adoration of Archie as an actress, but she really did a fantastic job with the character that I feel like the show will miss her a lot. Okay, so after that I actually got to watch designated survivor live, which I've only gotten to do a handful of times. And man, this episode was EXCELLENT. Like definitely one of the best episodes of television I've seen from an objective (not fandom based) viewpoint. Like just as a piece of art it was brilliantly done. Admittedly I didn't pay all that much attention to the B and C storylines of Hannah and Aaron's adventures, but they were solid in their own right. But the really just knocked it out of the park with Kirkman's A storyline, like holy shit we're seriously at the point where how can you not be rooting for this character? I loved seeing him prep for the town hall and trying to figure out what he should see and then him in that scene and just being so fucking brilliant. Everything he did in that scene was artistic perfection. I had very real tears running down my cheeks by the end of it, and I have a hard time believing anyone else could watch it and not be similarly emotionally affected (even if you don't cry). Like they used just the perfect amount of personal story worked in there without pushing one issue or over-milking a tragic storyline. Just watching him on that stage and speaking from his heart to that mother was just so incredibly beautiful and I'm sitting there thinking damn, I would give anything to have Tom Kirkman as our actual president right now, lol, I seriously think he would be doing so much better than the current joke of an administration we have. So yeah, obviously I was very impressed with the episode. Kiefer continues to be a spectacular actor, and just shines in this role because he is so very good at bringing out the intricacies of the character, his doubts and fears while still managing to remain a strong leader that the people can trust in a time of such horrific distress. But yeah, obviously very pleased there. And yeah, not long after that I started getting ready for bed and here we are, lol, although 2 hours slipped by somewhere in between (funny how that happens). Big girl job in the morning, and then I'm probably gonna find a Starbucks to chill out and work on my LARC assignment on until small group because I just don't have the physical or emotional energy to go to the kickboxing gym this week, though I have been continuing to do push ups during commercial breaks, so that's good at least lol. Okay I think I'm done here. Goodnight lovelies. Have a good sleep.
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