#and kindly say farewell as well
risuia · 23 days
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✨ Maritime Memory ✨
A belated illustration for 'the end' of Splatoon 1.
It was a very difficult piece to work on, but I'm glad I pushed through and finished it.
Realising how much you changed throught time. Mourning what used to be, your memories, your hapiness.
Thank you Splatoon 1.
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plussizeficchick · 3 days
Artist Boyfriend | Jungkook x Chubby!Reader
Summary; “He’s not my real boyfriend, he’s my artist boyfriend.” (Loosely based on the movie “Dinner in America”, and this edit.)
Warnings: Street Artist!Jungkook, public sex, P in V, panty sniffing, breeding kink, mildly jealous Jungkook, somewhat bad boy!jk? (He runs from the law). Not proofread
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Your heart nearly jumps out of your chest when you hear someone practically fall into your flower shop. You lean your head over the oak counter, looking to see who it was. 
He had dark hair, the curls slick with sweat making them more pronounced. He was breathing heavily, and you’d be lying if you said his labored breaths weren’t causing a heat to build in your lower stomach. 
Get it together (Y/N)!
“Hey, you need some help?” Jungkook’s head jolts in the direction of your voice. You hold up your hands in mock surrender, showing that you mean no harm. 
This was bad. Really bad. Pretty soon the cops would be rounding the corner looking for “him” but there was nowhere for him to hide besides the flower shop that he accidentally stumbled into. “Uh, I-” He was at a loss for words as his eyes ran over your plump figure. 
You were fucking beautiful.
You wore an off the shoulder sundress that hugged your stomach and tits quite nicely, if he says so himself. Your thick thighs were on display, making his mouth water slightly at the thought of possibly feeling those wrapped around his head. 
“Mister?” You furrow your brows, what’s up with this guy? “Hide me.” Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head. “Huh?!” He quickly shushes you, his warm eyes softening, almost pleading with you. “Please, hide me. I’ll explain after.” You don’t know what compels you, but you end up agreeing, hiding him behind your counter, just in time for the cops to rear their heads. 
“‘Scuse us ma’am, have you seen a young man running in this direction? Black ski mask, dark clothes, the like.” You do your best to be convincing, “Yeah! Saw him run down that way, though it looked like he hopped on a bus.” You shrug. The police turn their heads just in time to see a bus leaving the stop. One tosses his hat to the ground, visibly upset, “Damn it! We had that little shit! We were so close!” You’re a bit startled at the display, eyes shifting to the fugitive that you’ve essentially housed. “Calm down, Takahashi. We’ll get him next time. Thank you for your help, miss.” You bid them farewell, and when you’re sure that they won’t be returning, you lock your door, turning over the Out For Lunch sign.
“Explain.” You say, arms folded over your chest. You may not have meant to, but the action causes your breast to accentuate, the fat practically spilling over the top. Oh to feel the sweet softness, to feel them squeezed in the palm of his hands. To fuck his dick in the middle of the soft mounds of flesh. “Hello!” You wave your hand in front of his face. Maybe this was a bad idea? “What? Oh right- sorry. Well you see I did some graffiti and let’s just say, they didn’t take too kindly to me “defacing public property” or whatever.” He brushes off, hands resting in his black jean pocket.
He was attractive, in a sort of endearingly punk sort of way. He was dressed in majority black, with pops of color from the various wristbands that he had on each wrist. Said wristbands drew attention to his hands, the few veins that ran along them and his surprisingly long fingers. What you wouldn’t give to feel them inside you. Curling up and finding that delicious spot inside you. “Hey, miss?” He snaps his fingers in front of your face, was this what he was like? It was quite… amusing.
You snap out of your reverie, an adorable pout making its way to your lips, “Don’t call me “miss”, makes me feel old.” You mutter, and Jungkook wants nothing more than to kiss your puckered lips. “Well, sorryyy,” he drags out the word as he looks down to read your nametag, “(Y/N), anyway, apparently my art is “illegal” so I kind of had to cut loose.” He clicks his tongue to emphasize his point. You size him up, “What type of graffiti?” You ask. He balks at you, it’s rare for him to find a girl interested in that kind of thing. “Huh?” “I’m pretty familiar with the scene around here, so what kind of work do you do? Tag? Blockbuster?” You prompt, and Jungkook feels himself falling for you already. 
“I- Freestyle. I freestyle, really.” He says, fumbling over his words. You run your eyes over his figure before you settle on his eyes. Cute. “You’ll have to show me your work sometime.” You tease, moving to tend to your flowers. Jungkook follows close behind, your scent of warm vanilla and lilies drawing him in. “Maybe.” He flirts back. “Say, how do you know so much about this kind of stuff anyway?” He asks, eyeing a bouquet of white roses that’d look very nice in your possession. You jolt your head to look at him, an incredulous look on your face, “What? I don’t look like I know that kind of thing?” You sass. Jungkook nearly chokes on his spit, “W-what? No! No, that’s not w-” He’s cut off by the sound of your melodic laugh, “I’m just kidding, chill out.” You say, pulling a small chuckle from him. “Ha-ha very funny.” He deadpans. You smile brightly up at him, your chubby cheeks lifting at the action. “To answer your question, Mister fugitive-” “You know if you want my name, you can just ask.” He winks. “Anyway, I’ve been in the street art scene for a while. I’m not really good at doing it, but I do have my favorite artists.” You shrug. 
Jungkook’s intrigued, eager to hear more. “Really?” Who’s your favorite?” He asks, and you’d be lying if his excitement wasn’t infectious. You giggle at his eagerness, “Well, there’s not much known about him and no one has seen him yet. According to a lot of people, he never signs his work.” “And I take it that you don’t agree.” He says. You shake your head, “There’s this group that thinks his signature is in his work and I agree. The most common letters seen in his work is JK. With the type of art he does, there’s no way that you don’t want your signature on something like that. But I also understand him not wanting to take away from the art. So why not try to find a way to sign it, while also making it part of the art?” You say, looking up at him to gauge his reaction. Jungkook feels himself nodding before he realizes, “That actually makes a lot of sense. I’ll have to see this guy’s work. I mean, if I’m going to be the top artist in your life.” He smirks. You feel your cheeks heat up, a smile unconsciously making its way to your face. “And what makes you think you’ll be my favorite?” You say, tapping a finger against your chin. Jungkook plucks one of the many white roses he was eyeing, extending it towards you. “I know so.”
— —
It didn’t take long for Jungkook to come by your flower shop regularly, always sure to buy and leave a flower with you each time he came. And it took even less time for you to start dating, the tension between the both of you too palpable to ignore.
It was an accident really. You had decided that you wanted to show your closest friend one of the most recent works of your favorite graffiti artist, practically dragging him to the mural. “Hurry uppp, slowpoke. I wanna show you my boyfriend’s work.” You suddenly feel Jungkook come to an abrupt halt. “Boyfriend? I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” He says, an adorable pout making its way to his plump, pink lips. 
So cute you just want to kiss it off.
“Not my real boyfriend, silly.” You giggle at the confused, almost puppy dog look he gives you. “He’s not my actual boyfriend, he’s my artist boyfriend. I wouldn’t actually date him.” You scoff playfully, turning around to guide him into the direction you were going.
When you both finally reach your favorite artist’s work and after a while of admiring it, you notice Jungkook shifting uncomfortably next to you. “Are you okay? We don’t have to stay.” You reassure him. You barely have time to register him grabbing your hand and practically dragging you away from the other street artists.
He pulls you into an alley, far from prying ears and eyes and before you get the chance to ask him what happened, he presses his lips firmly against yours. “I’m JK.” He says when he finally pulls away from you. Your eyes widen to the size of saucers, all types of questions on your tongue. “I had to come with you to make sure that it was me that you were talking about and now that I know I can’t keep that part of myself away from you. Especially since I’m your “artist boyfriend”.” He says, nervously gnawing on his lip ring.
How? When did he find the time? Could he kiss you like that again?
You hadn't even realized you asked the last question aloud until you hear the slight chuckle that you’ve come to fall in love with. “Sure, but are you gonna keep my secret for me?” He asks, that sinister smirk making its way to his lips. 
Before you know it you're nodding your head, eager to feel his soft lips against yours as he runs his hands along your soft body. Fuck he never gets tired of feeling you against him. The sharp contrast of hard to soft, the way you practically melt into him.
It’s just too fucking delectable to pass up.
The tension between you both builds, the kiss gradually heating up and becoming more intense as the seconds pass. You wrap your arms around his neck just as he lifts up one of your legs to wrap around him. You both groan at the glorious friction, his clothed cock grinding against your puffy pussy making slick pool in your already sticky panties. “Please,” You mewl against his lips, the chill of his lip ring feeling tantalizing against your lips. “Please what, pretty? You gotta tell me what you want.” He breathes against your lips, the smell of his mint gum and cologne pulling you in. You whine, threats of a tantrum rearing it’s head. “Kookie, please don’t tease.” Jungkook chuckles, before slightly pulling away from you.
You reach out for him, chubby arms holding onto him for dear life, “Kook, please. Fuck me. Touch me. I need something.” You groan against him as you practically dry hump him. Jungkook decides to take pity on you and all but rips the flimsy thong you’re wearing off of you. You barely had time to register before he was shoving the piece of cloth against his nose, your scent washing over his senses. 
He quickly pockets the piece of fabric. You’re on borrowed time, it’s only a matter of time before another couple comes along for their own salacious activities and as adventurous as Jungkook is, you’re his to look at. 
He just manages to tug down his zipper and pull his semi hard cock out, before he uses your slick to coat his cock, running his dick along your wet cunt. “Fuck me, Jungkook. Fill me up. Wanna be full.” You moan into his ear. The sound of your breathy voice in his ear does something to Jungkook and without warning, he slams himself inside you to the hilt. You groan at the intrusion, never truly having got used to his size as yet. “Fuck! Yes, baby. That’s it. Give me that pussy.” Jungkook groans into your neck. He’s sucking hickies and leaving small, wet kisses along your throat and the exposed skin on your chest. You moan at the feeling, reaching up to bring his lips to yours. 
He reaches one hand up to palm at one of your tits, squeezing and molding the flesh to fit his large hand. You whimper when you feel him squeeze your nipple under your dress, causing your pussy to squeeze around him involuntarily. You both moan into each other's mouths, your pussy clenching and unclenching around the thickness of his cock each time he punches the soft, gummy spot inside you. “Cum for me.” He grunts, cock throbbing as it aches to empty itself in your womb. “Soak my fucking dick, baby. Get me nice and wet, pretty. Cause I’m gonna fill you up. Stuff you to the fucking brim.” You cry out as your orgasm washes over you, your pussy squelching as you milk his orgasm for everything it’s worth. “Cum in me. Fill me up, baby. Wanna be so full it leaks out.” You moan into his mouth, eyes locked together. It doesn’t take long, a few more thrusts and he’s spilling into you, the warmth of his seed settling deep inside your stomach.
You both take a few seconds for your highs to come down and before long, you start to giggle. “Were you jealous, Kookie?” Jungkook pulls away slightly to pout at you, lips all pretty and kiss-swollen.
“Was not.”
— —
Taglist: @xogabbiexo @kinq-sleazee @dabilovesme @blkchxrryblyss @tenyaiidasslut @cherries-c0la @bookwormsenpai @bl--ankhaeji @thicksimpx @namjoonswifeyy @nasty-quillz @musicisme333 @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @celi-xxmoon @c0pkiller
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wanderingxiao · 1 year
NSFW, 18+ only Plz~
Summary: a few vendors are at Wangshu Inn hoping to sell their goods. You decide to go down and have a look. Xiao is quietly watching you atop his spot at Wangshu Inn. A foreign feeling comes to his chest seeing another man touch you. What is this feeling?
Pairing: Xiao x Female Reader
Warning: jealous/possessive Xiao, lots of lewd biting, little bit of blood, unprotected sex, and some swearing. (This is like… so much smut w/ fluff)
Word Count: 6K (again, how tf is it so long?!)
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Sharp inhuman ears could hear the sounds of your beautiful and pure laughter from afar. It put the yaksha’s stony heart at ease knowing that you were safe and sound, but it also gripped it like a vice whenever he found out that another man was the cause of your laughter. His perch on Wangshu Inn gave him a perfect view down below, where you were talking to a rather tall man about some of the items he was selling in his booth. Your smile was directed towards him, his hands coming slightly behind your back to urge you to look closer at the items he had to offer. Your smile had only faltered in the slightest, your discomfort clear from your body language. The yaksha did not take too kindly to this gesture. He began to feel a foreign feeling bubble in his chest, it was a feeling he did not appreciate and did not know how to get rid of. He teleported down to the venue area of Wangshu Inn, quickly approaching you and the vendor.
“Hey.” Xiao was quick to approach you and the mysterious man, his yellow slitted eyes glaring harshly at the hand that was on your shoulder. You turned to give a soft smile to Xiao, moving slightly in order to get the man’s hand off you.  “Oh, Xiao! I wasn’t expecting to see you down here, what a pleasant surprise. Please excuse me, sir.” You stepped out of the man’s booth and came beside your lover, your soft hands cupping his cheek to place a gentle kiss on his smooth skin. His cheeks blossomed into a light pink, averting his gaze quickly from you to the plains of Liyue, his expression clearly flustered. “What are you doing down here? I thought you didn’t like human gatherings?” You had caught on quick to his out of character behavior and shot him a slightly worried look. His cheeks only became redder as you stared at him, awaiting an answer. “D-Don’t you humans know it’s rude to stare? I’m fine.”
“If you say so… Oh! Excuse me, sir!” He watched in disappointment as you flagged the man from the booth and resumed your merry conversation with him, now a bit more cautious about his overly friendly behavior. Your smile was absolutely radiant. He thought he would go blind if he continued to look at it, not that he minded be blinded by you anyways. His honey-amber eyes gazed quietly as you picked out some nice-looking fans, the paper folded and creased with expertly ease. The paint flawless. You pulled your wallet pouch out and started counting your mora. “Oh, it’s okay darlin’, just take them. It’s on me.” Xiao didn’t miss the way he slipped that little pet name so casually. Something you usually give between lovers. Or so he had heard. “Oh, are you sure? These fans are beautiful and very well crafted. I want to pay you for your work.” The man shook his head and patted your shoulder, only furthering the adeptus’ protectiveness. “It’s the least I could do for such a kind and beautiful woman.”
“Let’s go.” Xiao demanded, glaring at you as if to tell you he had had enough your social interaction with the vendor. You turned to him holding the two fans you got from the man and then looked around at the other booths. “Oh, you can go back up without me, I was going to go look at some more booths. I promise I’ll call your name if something goes wrong.” His eyes narrowed further towards you, a silent warning telling you that he wasn’t asking you, he was telling you to go with him. You were a bit puzzled by his sudden demanding behavior, but figured something must be wrong, so you bid the man a farewell and thanked him once more before going to Xiao with a soft sigh. “Okay, let’s go.” Without another word, he wrapped a strong arm around your waist, and teleported you both to his room at the inn that he only just started using because of you. Once arrived, you stepped out of his grasp and came in front of him. “Xiao? Is something the matter? You seem a bit off…”
“That guy. He was getting too close.” His answer struck you into silence, pretty much stunning you into place at the sheer realization that Xiao had gotten a bit jealous seeing the guy being so kind to you. You stifled a small giggle in front him, quickly stopping once you saw his serious face. “What is so humorous? Did I say something wrong?” You shook your head and gave him a small smile before running a hand through his hair slightly, making a blush creep up the yaksha’s pale features. Human affection was still so foreign to him, but you made everything feel so natural and easy for him. You certainly were bad for him. He might find himself craving your touch more often than he would like to admit. “No baby, it just sounds like a certain green-eyed monster was whispering things in your ear.”
“Green-eyed monster?” Xiao looked around the room with a confused expression, coming back to land on your gentle features. You could only laugh again. He never did understand the ways of humans very well. You were probably the hardest one of all. “It’s a saying. Basically, you were just jealous.” A look of disgust and utter disbelief washed over his pale face. He should have just left you down there if you were going to insult him! “Jealousy? How absurd for you to think adepti experience such pointless human emotions such as that.” You gave a small roll of your eyes and kissed his cheek. His cheeks darkened once more, embarrassed and annoyed by your affectionate actions. “Well… whatever the reason, you have nothing to worry about. I’m yours Xiao. I see only you.” The adeptus’ eyes shifted from your face to your chest, the gentle rise and fall of your chest making his brows furrow.
“That doesn’t mean people won’t try to sway your judgement or disregard your requests. Ah, wait, that’s… not what I meant…” The almighty adeptus rubbed the back of his neck and averted his gaze away from you, nervous about somehow offending you. Your judgement and love for him was strong, he knew you would never disregard him like that. “Humans can be despicable beings. They are bound to put you in danger.” You gave your lover a smile and moved your shirt to the side a little bit to expose your shoulder. Hearing the sound of clothing moving, he brought his gaze back to you quickly, blushing at the exposure of more of your smooth skin. “If you’re so worried about someone else trying to steal me away, then you can mark me if you’d like. A symbol that I’m taken, and I belong to you.” Xiao’s eyes widened upon your suggestion, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he took a thick gulp. His face had almost turned completely red at this point. Your smooth skin, your carefree smile, the gentle tone on your voice, it was beginning to make him feel all hot and tingly. “I’m yours, Xiao.”
Xiao remained silent; his body completely rigid, nervous to make the next move. His eyelids began to become heavy, only getting heavier as he took a hesitant step towards you. You weren’t scared or nervous in the slightest of him, he was your protector after all. He would always protect you. The pads of his gloved fingers reached out to lightly glide over your exposed flesh, his breathing slowly increasing. His hand came to grasp onto your shoulder lightly, holding your clothing out of the way for his face. You replaced your hands on his back, rubbing up and down his slightly exposed skin to ease his anxiety. A shaky breath fanned over your exposed skin, his mouth getting closer to your skin until his lips lightly pressed a kiss against your shoulder. The adeptus closed his eyes before taking a rather harsh bite into your shoulder, emitting a small wince of pain from your lips.
“X-Xiao.” Your voice called his name so sweetly despite your pain, he thought he was about to lose his mind. His non-occupied hand came behind you and tugged your body towards him, his teeth sinking deeper into your smooth flesh. He could taste the irony flavor of your blood on his tongue. From this alone he knew his mark was satisfactory. His teeth were removed from your shoulder, feathery lips peppering gentle kisses on your new mark. The innocent kisses he intended to give you became laced with need. His lips traveled up your neck, biting down lightly against your pulse point under your jaw before he got to work swirling his tongue over your skin and sucked on that spot. Your hands clung to his back, the warm and comforting feeling of his bare skin stirring a heat inside you. “Xiao… mph, what’re… you doing?”
“I’m sorry… I can’t… control myself.” He bit into your shoulder again, gentler this time, his hands moving from your shoulder and back to grab ahold of your waist, holding you closer to him. You submitted underneath his possessive actions, fingers curling around his dark evergreen locks. Your fingers threaded his hair, slightly calming down his erratically racing heart. A flush of blood rushed through his cheeks, adorning a light pink appearance to coat his skin. He pulled away, only to swoop back in and press his lips against yours. An intoxicating mixture of love, lust, and desire swarmed your mouth, the irony taste of your own blood coming to your taste buds. The adeptus’ hands slid their way up your waist further, his gloved hands gliding smoothly over your breasts. He pulled away briefly, staring intently into your eyes with his glowing amber orbs. “Is… Is it okay to continue?”
“Of course, Xiao.” Your affirmation made his once tense shoulders relax at the acceptance of his actions on your body. You gave him a confident smile and pressed your palm against his cheek lovingly. “You don’t need to ask every time you know? It’s not like we haven’t done this before.” Your lover averted his gaze from you, his hands finding yours before carefully pulling you to sit on the soft cushiony bed. He looked nervous. “I-I’m sorry… all of these… mortal things are still very perplexing and strange.” He watched closely as your head tilted in confusion at his confession. A worried look crossed through your eyes. “Do you dislike kissing me and having sex? If you aren’t comfortable we don’t have to-“
“No! That’s not it!” He gave you a firm glare before his eyes softened and looked down at his lap. His previous actions were unbecoming of a stone cold yaksha. To succumb himself to petty physical human desires such as sex. It bothered him how addicted he was becoming to you, and how vulnerable he had started to become. “I-I don’t dislike it… it’s…I’m weary… of how I let my guard down too much around you. It’s… dangerous.” His amber orbs observed the way your expression turned to one of worry at his words. It was clear that you were hesitant to continue or even touch him for that matter. He gave a conflicted sigh, raising a hand to his face before he gripped his dark evergreen hair. “My karma… your mortal life span, and the dangers I could possibly bring you. I-“
“Xiao.” He was quick to shut his mouth upon your gentle voice calling out his name. His hand lowered, heart rate increasing when you placed your hand in his. Your fingers pulled his chin slowly to make him look at you, a bright and unnerved smile appearing over your shy lips. “I would battle the archons and lose… if it means being with you. Nothing in this cruel world can pull me away from you. Let me shoulder your burden with yo-“ He cut you off with a firm rejection, brows furrowing deeply at the suggestion. You gave him a sympathetic look. “Xiao… I don’t mean to let me solely deal with your duties or take on all your karmic debt… what I mean is, let me be your rock. Let me be the stone in your soul that keeps you sane, that keeps the darkness at bay. And… come home to me and let me hold you and keep you safe from the corruption of nightmares. I love you, Xiao. I want to do this for you… as you always do for me.”
The vigilant yaksha was rendered speechless. Your heartfelt confession and plea to him made a deeper blush bloom over his pale cheeks, and the rapid beating of his heart hammer harder against his ribcage. Your smile was unwavering as you leaned closer to him, initiating that you wished to kiss him. Xiao obliged to your actions, meeting you halfway to press your lips together in a lovingly passionate kiss. He resumed his advances, gloved hands coming to slowly push you down against the bed before maneuvering them down to rest against your breasts. A sigh slipped into his mouth before he swallowed your sweet noises with his tongue. His hands groped your fleshy mounds, kneading them carefully. He broke the kiss to pant against your face, a flustered and loving look in his golden eyes.
“I’m going to continue.” You nodded your head to him, raising your arms to wrap around his neck and pull him in for another kiss. He reciprocated your actions, his body carefully shifting to place himself between your legs. One hand squeezed and groped your breasts while the other trailed down to lay his palm on the underside of your thigh, slowly sliding up until his hand firmly grasped your ass. He relished in the way you gave lustful sighs of bliss into his mouth, encouraging him to do more. Your hands intertwined into his dark evergreen locks, pulling him impossibly closer to attempt to meld together with him. Xiao pushed himself further towards you in response, his groin firmly being pressed against your crotch making him shudder at the friction against his shamefully hard length. “Xiao, I love you.”
“I know.” Your heart swelled at his loving response. He was a man of few words and had difficulties expressing his emotions. His actions reflected every emotion he was thinking. Love with the way he passionately kissed you and held your body. Desire with how his rough hands squeeze your curves so eagerly yet gentle. And lust, displayed by the way his hips rocked back and forth against yours to induce friction on where you both wanted to feel it the most. The grip on your ass tightened briefly, a groan rumbling through his toned chest. He removed his hands only to grab your waist firmly, pulling your hips to grind back against him. You gave him a quiet moan in response while he let out a sigh of bliss and relief. “Can I-… Uh, I’m… going to take your clothes off.”
“Go ahead, silly adeptus.” You jokingly teased at the way his words stammered while he was trying not to repetitively ask you permission but also being more assertive. He gave you a bit of a glare and flicked your forehead lightly before he replaced his hands back on your hips. He looked up at you again, making sure you were okay. You gave him a smile and a nod. Xiao took a short breath before he slid his hands up your shirt, the feeling of his rough gloved hands making you wiggle underneath him. “Xiao… please touch me.” He stopped his movements and looked at you with a straight face. His cheeks were lightly flushed, still embarrassed to be taking more initiative in such a sinful act and intimate act such as this. “I-I am touching you. Do you not like it? Where do you want me to touch you?”
“It feels good, but I want to feel your bare hands on me, please.” Oh, the way you asked so nice and sweet for him to touch you with his heavy hands. He couldn’t help but grant your wish. He removed his hands, a bashful expression across his face as he removed his gloves, showing off the black nails he had underneath with blunt crescent curves that simulated his true form. “I wish you would let me see your true form, Xiao. I bet it’s beautiful, just like you.” You swear you’ve never seen Xiao’s face a deeper shade of red than it was right now. His face was practically as red as a chili pepper. “D-Do you mortals ever know when to keep your mouth shut!” He averted his eyes quickly before he roughly pulled your shirt off out of embarrassment. You could only give a small giggle and look up at him with a gentle smile. “Then… make me shut up, Xiao.”
Xiao flinched at your words, shameful in the way your suggestive words made his cock jump with excitement. His golden eyes lowered to gaze at your chest covered by a curvy laced bra. The swells of your fleshy mounds had his mouth practically watering at the sight. He yearned to feel the softness of them in his sinful hands. You caught his staring and slyly started to pull the straps down, making him audibly swallow the saliva beginning to pool in his mouth. “I need you, Xiao.” He loved when you called out his name like that. He leaned down and reached behind your back, patiently and easily unclipping your bra to slide it off your shoulders. The cool air erected your sensitive buds, much to his pleasure. “So gorgeous…”
A small smile with a tint of pink washed over your own face as you reached out for his strong hands, placing one firmly against your breast. He squeezed his fingers and sighed in bliss, eyelids fluttering slightly as he struggled to keep himself composed while touching you so sinfully as he’d done before. The calloused fingertips of his rough hands glided along your skin before his fingers came to grasp around one of your nipples, his hungry eyes flickering up to watch your expression twist. He relished in the way you bit your lip when he gave it a gentle pinch. Your legs attempted to squeeze together, eyelids becoming heavier while you looked down at him touching you so nicely. “Mmm, Xiao…” He continued his actions swiftly, rolling the hardened bud between his index and thumb before he lowered to your unoccupied breast, hot breath fanning over your skin. You had to look away due to the intense eye contact he insisted on making while his tongue swirled lewdly over the hardened bud. “Look at me, (Y/N).”
“Hah, mmmm, e-embarrassing… Xiao.” You looked back down to him, his eyes staring intently into yours. You could clearly see the way his tongue flicked back and forth against your nipple, all while maintaining his lewd eye contact with you. Archons, having you watch him pleasure you was such a turn on for him. The free hand he had he pressed against your clothed core. The redness of his cheeks on increased when your back arched against him, your eyes fluttering closed to moan for him. “Moan my name more, please.” The Adeptus wrapped his lips around your nipple, sucking lightly on the sensitive bud before he became rougher in his movements. The hand against your pussy was now tugging harshly on your clothing, desperately trying to get it off without taking his attention off your chest. His hips bucked lightly against yours, larger for some kind of friction. “Xiao, baby, take it off, please.”
The adeptus released an excited groan, grabbing the hem of your pants and pulling down both your bottoms completely. You were now left completely bare in front of him. Exposed for his eyes only. It must have been some blessing from Rex Lapis himself for him to gift Xiao with someone as understanding, patient, loving, and beautiful as you. Every scarred imperfection, curve or stretch mark, blemish, or freckle. Every part of you was perfect to him. Your eyes gazed at him longingly and he almost couldn’t control the way his hands grasp at your thighs, pulling them closer towards his thin frame. His mouth popped off your erected bud, his hands now leaving your chest completely to replace lower and focus on an a more sensitive area.
“Hah… I can smell how aroused you are.” The light pants that left his mouth met your skin in a breath of sinful heat. His eyes lowered to carefully watch as his fingers slid past the curls of hair outlining your nether regions to slide his digits along your slick folds. Your back arched into the adeptus’ still somewhat inexperienced touch, breathing a sigh of pure bliss at the feather light touch he gave. “It’s warm and wet… do you want my fingers?” His question made your head spin with desire, your lip catching between your teeth before you gave him a small nod. His other hand came to cup your cheek, pulling you forward to kiss him while slowly sliding his index finger inside. A whiny moan was swallowed by the adeptus, his slender digits engulfed by the searing heat of your gummy and smooth walls. “I-Is it okay for you, (Y/N)? It doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“N-No, Xiao… it feels good… you can do more.”  Your lips vibrated against his own as you voiced your need for him to continue. His golden irises shimmered in the lowly sunlit room, his eyelids heavy and droopy over the hungry gaze he laid into you. A flutter of his lashes and his lips were on yours again, warm palms sliding to run in your hair. His middle finger glided easily into your slippery core, your slickened arousal making his job much easier. His fingers curled upwards, massaging your walls while he pumped his fingers back and forth at a slow pace. A blissful arch graced your back once more as you breathed out a shaky moan. The feeling of his knuckles bumping against your core could only stimulate you more. “Xiao, hah, Xiao please, hmm…”
Not a word was released from the smooth plumpness of the adeptus’ lips. His mouth lowered to your cheek, peppering kisses along your cheek, and cascading down your jaw. The rhythm of his fingers increased; the arousal trapped within his pants pressing painfully against the breathy fabric oh his pants. His tongue came to glide along the delicate skin of your pulse point beneath your mandible, sharpened canines hungry for a taste of you again. Indulging in his selfish desires of claiming you as his own, his teeth sunk into your neck lucidly, the pace of his fingers becoming harsher and quicker. Sloppy wet sounds gushed from your nether regions and fell upon your flushed ears. Uncontrollable moans falling from your throat to grace his inhuman ears.
“Ahh! Xiao!” The tips of his slender fingers jutted against your sweet spot, curling so deliciously to the point your knees began to shake. His thumb came to search messily for your excited bundle of nerves, easily finding your stimulated clit in mere seconds. His teeth sunk deeper, tongue lewdly flicking over your skin and lapping any traces of blood that threaten to bead up on your lovely skin. Any pain or discomfort from his teeth was swallowed by the sheer overstimulated pleasure you were receiving from him. “It’s too much! It’s too much!” Your body jerked against him, legs flailing beside his hips while he struggled to maintain his claim on your neck. He finally released your neck and removed his fingers out of your aching insides. “Hah… I… want to… do it right now.”
“Xiao please… hah, claim me.” Your warm nimble fingers reached down, running your palm along the tent in his pants before forcing your hand up his tight white shirt. The feeling of his toned abdomen made your lip catch between your teeth, relishing in the sculpted tone your lover held. As impatience settled deeper into Xiao’s bones, he hurriedly removed his shirt and religious items he wore to fend off evil that dared to sink its claws deeper into him. The clambering of his dark violet boots accented in glamorous jade echoed the room as they fell to the floor. The baggy pants that normally adorned his waist now scrunched slightly below his hips. He never liked to fully undress, wanting to be prepared for any emergency that may happen during intercourse. “I’m… going to claim you and make you mine, permanently. Is… that something that you intend to take responsibility for?”
You were confused by his question but looking at the anxious gaze in his eyes you had an idea of what he meant. The pads of your fingers lifted to graze his shoulder lightly, running your fingers along the jaded markings of his illuminated beast tattoo. “Yes.” Your tone held no waver in the slightest. The plague of anxiety or uncertainty was absent, making Xiao’s heart race with anticipation of sheer admiration for you. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he took a thick gulp, leaning his face down towards yours. “Okay, I’ll try… to be gentle with you.” One of his arms came to rest beside your head to hold himself up while the other reached down to push his underwear down. The piercing gaze of his golden sunlit eyes never faltered from yours, the shaky breathing of his lungs fanning over your face once he freed his hardened length. “I’ll do it now. Is it okay to continue?”
“I told you, Xiao…” Your hands moved to hold his smooth and warm cheeks, your fingers lightly tucking some of his dark evergreen locks behind his ear. With a smile and a peck on the lips, you reassured him of your resolve once more. “You don’t have to ask if I’ll be yours… I already am, and I always will be.” The adeptus’ face twisted into an expression you’d never seen before. An expression of pure love and happiness. The smile that graced his typical frowning lips warmed your heart and caused butterflies to spread throughout your stomach. He pressed his forehead against yours, piercing eyes staring intently into yours. The nudge of his sticky cock head bumped against your folds, giving you a silent warning before he penetrated your eager insides. “Keep your eyes on me… and don’t look away.”
“Y-Yes, Xiao…” That was easier said than done. Just at the sheer touch of Xiao’s sinful heat pressed against your inviting cunt was more than enough to have your eyes rolling back in anticipation. Your breath mixed with your lovers, tingles of desire buzzing around your mind as you felt a pressure applying to your entrance. Xiao’s gaze was unwavering and lovingly intense, almost as if he was trying to practically see through you. With the last bit of pressure, he had slowly pushed the head of his cock inside. A moan slipped past your lips, eyelids drooping slightly at the blissful stretch that surrounded your nether regions. Xiao only sighed out sexily, pushing further to let his sinful length be engulfed by your gooey heat. “Xiao, hmm, I love you.”
His only response was to grab your face and smash his lips against yours in a messy kiss, his tongue invading your mouth dominantly while his pelvis pressed against yours in an eager attempt to get as deep as he could. A low groan caught in his throat, hips lolling back only to come and meet yours once again to connect your drooling sexes. Your hands came to his back, clinging to the rippled muscles on his back. The nails of your delicate fingers pierced his pale skin, forcing a painful yet satisfied grunt out of the adeptus while he continued to melt your tongue with his own. His hips rolled into yours slowly, the low and wet sounds of your sexes colliding was quiet, accompanied by the occasional creek of the mattress in his small inn room.
“Faster, please Xiao…” You parted the kiss, pleading softly to speed up the sinful rhythm of his lust. Xiao obliged by your naughty wishes; his face so close to yours while the speed of his vivid thrusts has your mind in a haze. Your back arched, nails digging deeper into his back at the new pace he chose. He could feel your hot moans against his ear, his own face heating up as he could only feel his cock get harder and twitch slightly at the feeling and sound of your pleasure filled noises. “Ngh, I-I feel good… hah, do you feel good too?” You couldn’t form a complete sentence, submitting completely under his overpowering thrusts. Xiao’s hands removed from your face, propping himself up on the bed before he scoots his knees forward. His thighs pressed against yours, pushing your legs more in the air while he practically straddled you. His hands found your waist, holding firmly before he started to thrust harder, moaning out your name. “F-Fuck, (Y/N)… I can’t… control myself, hah.”
Xiao looked absolutely breath-taking like this. His evergreen bangs were hanging loosely from the slender frame of his face. A rosy blush coated his smooth skin, the plush softness of his lips swollen from his hunger to mark up every bit of your body with him and him only. The small bit of blood smeared over his lips was almost unnoticeable. Through his heavy and sexy pants of uncontrollable bliss you could clearly see the shimmer of his white fangs, sharp and forever wanting to be embedded into your flesh. The possessive look in the adeptus’ eyes only grew heavier once he realized how intently you were starting to stare at him. Your eyes gazing up at him with lust and utter adoration making his stomach twist while his heart hammered against the strong bones of his ribcage.
Your appreciation for Xiao’s beauty was interrupted at a sudden harsh thrust into your core, hitting that heavenly spot inside that made stars appear in your vision. “Ahh! Xiao! R-Right there, it’s—oh my god, Xiao!” Xiao groaned in response to your pleas to keep hitting that generously pleasurable spot inside, his rough hands pulling your mortal body back against him as he thrust his length as deep as he could. His golden eyes narrowed gazing at your marked up skin under his teeth. Would now be a good time? No, not yet he wanted you to cum when he permanently engraved his teeth into you to place a possessive mark on your body. A low and husky growl erupted from his chest, his muscles rippling under intense emotions feeling you tighten around him. “Sh-Shit I can’t… hah, can’t hold it anymore…”
“Xiao, Xiao, I’m cumming… I’m- hmm! I’m cumming!” The harsh rhythm of his hips crescendoed into loud and lewd slaps of skin, more grotesquely wet noises coming from your sexes colliding repeatedly. The bed started to whine underneath the intense shifting of weight, the headboard smashing against the wall underneath Xiao’s erratic thrusts. The stench of sex filled the adeptus’ sharp nose, his eyes rolling back at the way you tightened around him so blissfully. Your head threw back into the sheets with a loud moan as a hot wave of bliss washed over your body. The uncomfortable knot in your abdomen snapping to release your essence all over Xiao’s cock. A gooey white ring circled Xiao’s length, your release pushing him over the edge. He lunged forward, biting the space between your neck and shoulder harshly when he came. A dark aura surrounded him, his teeth sinking deeper and deeper the more he felt his cum pump inside your warm welcoming insides. “XIAO!”
He hated the painful way you called out his name when he was marking you. He knew it hurt you, but he promised this would be the only time he would ever hurt you. The irony metallic taste of your blood touched his tongue, savoring the sweet way it tasted against his inhuman tongue. A soft cry passed your lips, whimpering in pain and pleasure. The way his tip twitched with his release made your legs start to shake, generously overstimulated by his cum filling your now sloppy insides. Finally, his cock became soft, sharp fangs removing from your neck to show the dark evergreen mist flowing around your new mark. Xiao was shamelessly pleased with his mark on you, the wound scarring almost immediately to show that you belonged to him. He was painfully selfish when it came to you. You were his happiness, and he’d be damned if anyone were to try to take you away from him.
“Xiao… T-That… really hurt.” Reality of the current situation came back to him, red blossoming over his pale cheeks immediately as he realized he had only been thinking of himself in that moment. He pulled out slowly and rose one of his rough hands to gently stroke your cheek. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. But you agreed to be mine so… I-I gave you a mark. Mortals, gods, and other adepti can… c-can tell you’re mine through this.” His voice was calm and soothing, yet also sorrow-filled at the reminder of having to inflict this pain on you. To his surprise, you only gave him an understanding smile in return, leaning up weakly to peck his lips tiredly. “I see… thank you, Xiao. I love you.”
“I… I-“ You could tell he was struggling with expressing his affections through words. Xiao was an individual who showed his affection and trust by letting you near him. His tendencies to avoid mortal or heavenly contact was obvious. He secluded himself to focus on his duties and not burden others by his presence alone. Your eyes focused on his rosy cheeks, red in embarrassment, golden irises shifting from different spots on the bed in discomfort. He wanted to say it. He wanted to say those three words that he knew you wanted to hear. To confirm to you that he did in fact have a heart and it was absolutely overflowing with love, all for you. With a thick gulp of the saliva gathering in his mouth, he opened his mouth only to be stopped by your finger against his lips. “Shh, you don’t have to force yourself to say it, Xiao. I know you love me. Just being with me is enough to show that.”
Xiao was silent for a moment, nervous eyes finally coming to meet yours. He searched your gaze for any signs of distrust, any sign that you were lying just for his sake. No traces of a lie lingered anywhere in the loving gaze you set upon him. You truly meant every word you said. A soft sigh left his swollen lips, his body shifting to come and lay his head against the soft swell of your breasts. His arms circled your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him. You smiled and began to run your fingers through his dark evergreen hair, soothing him into a relaxing state of domestic bliss. The sound of your heartbeat calmed him, and he could feel any burdens of his karmic debt vanishing from his veins in your comfort. Maybe he can start relying on you more when his burdens pile too high. He was still learning how to be better for you and give you everything you deserve. As the sunset on another day drawing to a close, the adeptus whispered to you, oh so quietly, his overwhelming feelings for you that he would one day hope to be brave enough to say aloud.
“…I love you too…”
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“I’m far from human. I can’t make much of human emotions.”
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midnightbears · 2 months
Arranged marriage with Gyomei pls. Kagaya matched Gyomei with Y/N ​​for some reason and Gyomei slowly falling in love with y/n 🥲🥲❤
✿ i love you, and i want to find out what that means together.
#STARRING: himejima gyomei ft. fem!reader
#TAGS: arranged marriage. gyomei is in his early twenties in this one! set before the main events of kny. some invented lore for the sake of the story please just bear it thanks
#NOTES: hello there! thank you for your request <3 tbh I've always had this specific idea stuck in my head and you just gave me a reason to write for it LMAO i actually went kind of crazy with this fic omg i loved to write it let me know if u would like a part two! hope you like it and hope it wasn't too much LMAOOo
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your existence could be hashed over with one word.
ever since you could remember, your entire life had been mapped out for you: what to eat, what to not eat, what to like, what to dislike, what to wear, your hobbies, your pastimes, your vocabulary—everything. apparently, every inane thing that had been shoved down your throat was only done to make you a dignified woman worthy of whichever lord they married you off to.
you and your family hailed from a long line of priests and priestesses, where the girls were raised to be proper wives and shrine maidens and the boys were carefully taught the profession in hopes of serving important figures throughout japan.
you were helping your mother tend to the flowers one day when a messenger from the ubuyashiki clan—a kakushi, as you heard they were called—appeared before your temple's door, asking your father to choose and provide the clan with one of his daughters.
you were picked immediately, and you had no choice but to stand before your father, trembling, and pretend that you agreed with his decision with a serene expression on your face. you could tell this was just his way of finally getting rid of you.
in the words of your father behind closed doors, if someone couldn't be bothered to have the decency to visit the temple in person and instead sent a mere messenger to request a carefully trained shrine maiden, it was clear they didn't deserve the best of what he could offer.
you smiled, agreeing with him.
when you went to pack what little things you had, nobody was in the shared quarters; at least you would spare yourself of your sisters' cruel remarks over your father's decision. you did not have many things of your own; you packed your hairbrush, a book, and what few things you held dear.
the kakushi was waiting outside when you emerged. trying to maintain a semblance of calm, you offered him a small smile. he looked at you with curiosity but did not say anything. kindly, he allowed you a moment for a brief prayer before the buddha statue at the front of the temple. then, you were off.
no one came to say goodbye to you.
it was alright, you supposed. the only person you could think fondly of was your mother, and a barbed wire of melancholy slowly wound around your heart at the thought of not being able to part ways properly. you knew that she preferred you over her other daughters, but even so, you were aware that she would never hear the end of it from your father if she came to say her farewells. you would write to her.
you were the third of six sisters, and always, one of them was more talented than you were, just a tad bit more attractive, just a tad bit more creative, just a tad bit more charming. sure, you were well-versed in the duties of a useful spouse—okay, all your sisters were as well. what good was that when you had nothing special about you? what was it your father called you? ah, yes, mediocre.
the kakushi did not speak to you for the entire trip, for which reason you did not know. a question hung on the tip of your tongue, although you dared not ask it. at some point, he urged you to wear a blindfold and climb on his back, which you simply accepted, knowing better than to ask.
you didn't make anything out during the journey, only listening to the sound of small pebbles vibrating against the ground as he made his way up a mountain. after what felt like hours, he finally put you down, gently tugging the blindfold off you and allowing your eyes to adjust to the bright light of morning.
once you were presentable, he escorted you toward the estate entrance. you could tell he was a bit off put by the way you were just accepting things, but he didn't say anything about it.
the kakushi stopped before the towering gate of the ubuyashiki mansion and offered you a deep bow. you thanked him, and you could see him smile with his eyes before he left. another kakushi, a woman this time, escorted you toward a graveled garden, a small figure sitting by the engawa.
she knelt on the ground and bowed her head, and you did the same until she picked herself from the ground.
looking forward, you met the gaze of a boy who looked to be around the age of fifteen, with kohl black hair that sat just above his shoulders. he had the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen, so easy to look at, lavender tainting the irises. he had the calming smile of a buddha, and although knowing nothing about him beyond reputation, you felt at ease with him.
"i am kagaya. i trust your journey went smoothly? thank you for your patience, maiden. i apologize for not going to your temple in person, i hope your priest will forgive me. believe me, i wanted to, but i'm afraid my illness would not have allowed me to make the trip."
the boy's voice was unlike any other you had ever heard, fluid and gentle, causing a wave of reassurance to wash over you. you felt at ease immediately, as though something had just taken every burden off your shoulders and instead shrouded you in a cloud of repose.
"it was no trouble, oyakata-sama, truly." you followed this with a deep incline of your head, your own voice remaining serene and mellow, "it is an honor to be in your presence."
kagaya smiled. "your temple is of great renown. my clan has had the pleasure of counting with your priests and maidens across the centuries. there is no need for such formalities, child."
granted, you were sure you were older than him by a few years, but the way he called you 'child' was comforting, and you were not about to question him, simply keeping quiet.
"you are to marry one of my pillars, maiden. he is an honorable man, the lord of stone, i am sure the two of you will get along. he should arrive any moment now."
you willed yourself to say something, yet you simply could not. you were not the first maiden who was given to a lord for marriage, and you certainly wouldn't be the last. still, your heart did a flip at the simple notion of ending up in a similar situation as your mother, forced to produce offspring until your husband found you undesirable.
for a moment, a cold hand wrapped around your heart in fear of what that man would do with you. however, the single thought of the young boy before you lying about the pillar's honor revolted you. he was telling the truth, and if he said the stone pillar was a good man, then you had nothing to fear.
softly, the sound of footsteps reached your ears, and you turned slightly to see a towering figure approaching, his presence both imposing and serene all at once.
the man who stood before you was unlike any you had ever seen. large beyond comparison, clad in the dark robes of a uniform and a green haori. his stature was immense, with muscles that seemed chiseled from stone. he was young, with an impassive face, yet undeniably handsome. his eyes, clouded with a milky whiteness, told you that he could not see, yet he moved with a grace that belied his blindness.
"this is himejima gyomei, the stone pillar," kagaya introduced, "he has been chosen as your betrothed, and i trust that you will find solace and strength in his presence."
gyomei walked toward you, his movements slow and deliberate, his footsteps echoing throughout the garden—
your breath hitched as he knelt before you, reaching his hand out. but instead of what you expected, he pressed his palm against your cheek, his voice reverberating like a chiming bell inside a cathedral. he caressed your cheek as one would treat an injured butterfly.
"maiden beloved," he murmured, tears spilling from his eyes, "i apologize for making you wait."
the ceremony was that same day, quick and endearing.
you were married in front of oyakata-sama, his wife, and other members of the corps as witnesses. before you knew it, the wedding concluded, and your husband guided you to your new home with you by his side.
gyomei was not acting like he had been given you as some justly won right to do with as he pleased. that set your heart at ease, greatly so, and in some way, it was like he could tell, too. he was walking slowly, allowing you to keep up with his large strides. small talk filled the empty silence of the way home as he listed all the things you would assist him with.
you were to cook for him, clean the estate daily and take care of it when he was away, write letters for him and read them when he received any, and...
huh. that was it.
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getting used to your routine was easier than anticipated as weeks passed, although you would be lying to yourself if you said that gyomei's patience and demeanor weren't helping you in the slightest.
he had insisted that you sleep in a separate bedroom within the estate, taking into account that despite being your husband, he was still a complete stranger to you. the very moment you reached your new home, he made sure to explicitly tell you that he did not wish to embarrass you or cause you discomfort in any way, shape, or form.
during mornings, you would naturally wake up at the crack of dawn, your training making things much easier. you would dress yourself in the robes gyomei had gifted you for your wedding and make your way to the kitchen to start a big meal for the day. you'd wake him up then, guiding him to the kitchen to share breakfast together.
most of the time, you ate in silence, although you did not mind at all. after that, you would wash dishes, and he trained. the estate was not that big, so having to sweep the floor or dust the shelves daily did not bother you, and you instead found comfort in the repetitive routine. you would finish quite swiftly and urge gyomei inside again for tea time during noon.
you tried to entertain yourself as best as possible during the afternoons and evenings. usually, you would find yourself tending to a small garden you'd created when you arrived. your husband would sometimes join you, captivated by the sweet smell of the flowers and the sensation of the earth beneath his fingertips. you would explain what the flowers looked like and how they were meant to be taken care of, and he, in turn, basked in your every word.
gardening duty was one of the things you enjoyed most back at the temple, and since no one else was willing to get their hands dirty, you were the maiden who would regularly take care of the flowers.
you bought flower seeds during your first trip to the market in the nearby town and took the time to introduce yourself to as many people as possible. the locals were very kind to you, and as you started frequenting the shops more and more, you were always being greeted by folks who wished you and your husband the best.
as months passed, your relationship with gyomei deepened in ways you had never expected. the initial tension and clumsiness of living with a stranger began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of familiarity and comfort.
gyomei, true to his word, respected your boundaries and gave you space to adjust at your own pace. however, small gestures of care and affection started to seep into your daily life. he would often leave freshly picked flowers from your garden by your bedroom door, their vibrant colors and sweet fragrance greeting you first thing in the morning. sometimes, he would assist you with household chores, his presence making the mundane tasks feel lighter and more enjoyable.
he began to pay attention to the little things, like how you offered wounded slayers who stumbled upon the estate a fresh meal and a place to redress their wounds, or how you fed the cats mingling around your shared home every single night, even noticing that you had taken the time to name them and remember everyone.
the town's people, too, played a part in your growing closeness. they would often remark on how harmonious you and gyomei seemed together, their kind words fortifying the bind that tied you together. you started to see the way gyomei interacted with them and how much respect the people had for him—and you couldn't help but admire him more each day.
your conversations, though initially skimpy and shallow, began to flow more naturally. gyomei's deep voice would rumble through stories of his past with the children of the orphanage, his experiences as a hashira, and the lessons he had learned along the way. you, in turn, shared snippets of your life at the temple, your family, your dreams, and your fears. it was through these conversations that you realized how much you had in common despite your different backgrounds.
anyone with a pair of working eyes would see it, or, at least, anyone who had known for at least once in their lifetime what a soul-stirring connection with another human felt like. you found comfort in his presence, seeking him out like a moth to a flame, and he, in yours, only wanted you to tend to his wounds after missions, fix his haori, or wait by himself outside just so he could pray by your side.
eventually, it got to a point where the separate bedrooms became less of a necessity and more of a formality. you often found yourself falling asleep together in the living room after long conversations or shared moments of silence. whenever you did manage to part ways, you always lingered by your door, a dreamy smile encasing your lips.
you could not deny yourself anymore. you were the happiest you had been in years.
one evening, as you both sat for dinner, the familiar quiet enveloping you like a warm blanket, gyomei's voice broke through the tranquility.
"i love you."
the bunch of food you were going to bring into your mouth splattered into the bowl again with a messy splash. oh. oh my god. you whipped your head toward your husband, who stared at you with a soft expression on his face.
"you do not have to say it back if you do not feel the same, but i wanted you to know." then, gyomei went back to chewing his food as if he had not said what he had just said.
gyomei shifted his head in your direction with a worried expression, your teary tone and doddering heartbeat doing nothing to mitigate his apprehension. he tried to reach for you, but you jerked away from him. he could tell that whatever you were feeling was not directed toward him, but still, it pained him greatly to know you were suffering.
"g-gyomei, i—"
your hands were shaking, and he reached for them to trace your skin with the pads of his thumbs. he opened his mouth, but you beat him to it as you keeled over, shoulders trembling as sobs left your mouth, your usual calmness thrown out the window.
"y-you said that you wouldn't embarrass me! there is nothing special about me. what is it about me that you could possibly love? you're always so good to me," you were throwing word vomit at this point, and the worst part was you did not even know where it was coming from, "i haven't done anything to receive your affection! i'm just doing the things i'm supposed to do..."
tears slid down his cheeks before he could stop them, and he leaned forward to pull you into his embrace. your body completely froze, an unknown emotion taking over. gyomei had never initiated contact before. most of the time, you had to be the one to grab his hand or tug his collar.
"my little maiden... you have no idea how precious you are to me," gyomei murmured, his voice impossibly gentle and firm. he held you close, his large, comforting presence grounding you as your sobs began to subside. "you see yourself through the harsh lens of your own eyes, but i see the truth of your heart with my own. your unconditional kindness, your strength, your sincerity—these are just some of the reasons i love you."
his words seeped into your cold heart, slowly quieting the tempest inside. you couldn't understand how someone as incredible, kind, and powerful as gyomei could see such worth in you, but the sincerity in his voice and the warmth of his embrace made you want to believe him.
"you don't have to prove your worth to me or anyone," he continued, his voice alleviating your wounded spirit. "you are enough, just as you are. your presence in my life is a blessing, and i am grateful for you every single day."
"gyomei," you whispered, your voice trembling but no longer with fear. "i… i love you too. i was just scared. scared that i wasn't enough for you."
he smiled softly, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. "you are more than enough, my love. and i will spend the rest of all my lifetimes showing you just how much you mean to me."
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© midnightbears on tumblr, july 2024. please do not repost to another platform, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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itsstrange · 6 months
The Promise
Relationship: Rip Wheeler x Reader
Fandom: Yellowstone
A/N: A small idea I had while daydreaming at work, hope y’all like it. 🥹
Summary: Saying Goodbye Is Always The Hardest. So Is Keeping A Promise.
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: (No) Angst, Mention of Military, Farewells, A Little Sad Moment, Angry Rip, Sad Rip, Arguments, Small Confessions.
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“So… you’re really goin’ back?”
You look up, meeting his eyes before averting them back down to your duffel bag where you toss the stack of clothes inside. The clothes that have been folded, locked away underneath the bed for the past five years. The clothes you swore you wouldn’t wear again, wouldn’t dare to see until you had kids in the future to explain to them why you had a pile of clothes and photos locked away in some old worn trunk that dusted away underneath your bed.
Unfortunately it didn’t last to reach that day because here you are, packing away the clothes into your tactical duffel bag that was also locked away.
“How long?”
You inhale deeply through your nose before slowly exhaling, still not meeting their gaze you continue packing away, placing the frame photo of you and the boys in the center before zipping the duffel shut.
“Not sure.. too early to say,” You answer as you move the bag to the foot of the bed before sitting down,
“When do you leave?”
You swallow, feeling the way your chest tightens at the thought, “Tomorrow, before sunrise,”
Thick silence hovers the room. Everyone thinking and feeling the same thoughts, emotions.
“And why are you going back again?”
“Will you morons knock it off with the questions,” Lloyd’s husky voice bouncing off the wooden walls brings a small smile and a chuckle from you,
“A buddy of mine needs help,” You still answer Jimmy’s question, which he doesn’t respond with another mostly because he can see the way Lloyd gives him the look,
No other questions were sent your way, neither of them wanting a look from Lloyd as well, nor did they want you to dwell on the heavy mood that hovered. So instead, Ryan and Colby were the first to bring up a farewell party, change of topic. You kindly decline their idea, but of course neither men listens to you.
As Ryan and Colby begin listing items on what to bring for the farewell bonfire, and yelling at one another on who gets to keep your bunk (because it’s the closest one to the bathroom) you couldn’t help the small chuckle that falls from your lips. You were really going to miss every single person in this room. Despite them making you lose a few strands of hair from their idiotic actions, and constant bar brawls, you were surely going to miss them.
They made every other day interesting, every night annoying and fun at the same time with their childlike games that they come up with that sometimes leaves them with bruises or a chipped tooth. Everyday, every night, they made it special and you were definitely gonna miss it.
“Hey I’m not leaving just yet, I still got the whole day and the night before y’all start fighting over my bunk,” You say as you stand from the bed, punching both men on their shoulders,
They both share a laugh with you as they continue listing whatever alcohol they should buy, asking if you preferred hotdogs or burgers as you all walked out the house.
Saying goodbye to them was hard, but not as hard as it’s gonna be when you say it to him. Now that.. that will definitely break your heart. The look in his eyes when you tell him, you can already picture them and from the way your chest tightens, you know it’ll be difficult.
You were currently feeding the rest of the horses inside the stables. Marking down the ones who needed a wash and a trim, which stables needed cleaning. Same old routine before having to check up on the rest of the animals, considering your main job at the ranch was analyzing and tracking the animals health. You weren’t exactly a veterinarian, but you learned a few things throughout the years which John persuaded you to take up on his offer of being in charge of the animals when it came to their monthly health checkups. So of course you took classes to advance your knowledge, to help around the ranch, make it easier for the old timer.
Yes he did have actual trained, experienced, veterinarians working on his animals before, but knowing how you easily picked up the job, how much love and care you gave to the livestock, he knew it was a good investment on both parts. Besides, he trusted you dearly in that department.
Hours had flown by, nearing six o’clock in the afternoon as you were finishing up in the stables before heading out to help Lloyd and the boys to check out some of the cows that were further up in the land. As well as putting up a new fence since the one hanging on was already rusting away due to the weather these past few days, as well as some idiotic trespassers cutting through the fence simply to test the Dutton family.
Just as you throw some fresh hay into one of the stables and patted the horse in its neck as he eats his dinner, the sound of loud rough boots marching against the ground ring in your ears.
“Were you ever gonna tell me?” His loud, rough voice settles behind you, words firm as you dumped hay into the last stable,
You sigh, taking off your gloves and placing them in your back pocket before looking up at him. Eyes wide, angry, betrayal, and fear were written in them. Just like you pictured.
“Yes.. I was,”
“When? Tomorrow? When you leave apparently?” Betrayal can be heard in his voice, blue eyes confirming his tone,
“There hasn’t been a good time to let you know,” You tell him, voice calm, tired, heartbroken,
It wasn’t a lie. When he had gotten back from running an errand with Kayce you were determined to lay it on him, but things got hectic that you weren’t even able to spare him a word. It remained that way for the rest of the day, work after work, problem after problem, when lunch came around he wasn’t at the table eating his supper with everyone else, he was out with Dutton, doing the man a favor, so wanting to talk to him during lunch didn’t happen like you were hoping for.
You told yourself you’d let him know when he came back, but apparently he was out and about with Dutton for the rest of the day. So by the time he had came back was at this very moment, catching you feeding the horses inside the stables. Dutton must’ve told him at some point during their errand runs, who else could have? You weren’t annoyed it was your boss who gave him the news, but you were hoping it’d be you who told him because it came from you, no one else.
“Do you not remember what that place did to you?!” He harshly whispers, taking a step closer to you, “Cause I sure as hell can!”
You lower your gaze to the floor with a faint sigh at his words. Of course you remember. How can one forget something like that? The constant nightmares, the flashbacks, mood swings, not knowing what was real or not, the cold sweats, all of it you remember. The first few weeks of being home after being honorably discharged were rather difficult, your body knew it was home, safe, but your mind was still at war. Constant nightmares played in your in head, bullets flying everywhere, blood stains surrounding you, staining your hands and vest. Screams echoing in your mind on a daily from those who were gunned down, who were injured and were slowly bleeding out in your hands.
It was an everyday thing. The boys, Rip, would beg you to get help, to talk to someone, but you’d just shrug them off telling them you were fine, that it’ll pass.
But you were in fact not okay and the nightmares never ceased.
It was after one particular night that everything had changed. The one night that had you finally reaching out for help, the night that had you admitting that you were not okay.
You had been home for two weeks when it had happened. All it took was a hectic, drunken brawl to trigger the episode. One minute you’re enjoying your beer, slightly laughing at a joke that one of the boys shared, letting lose to ease the noise in your head, then the next you’re being pulled off a blonde head who’s face was nearly disfigured beneath you. Blood covering her once fresh face and clean hair, along with your hands that shook from adrenaline, anger, fear, shell shock.
Once Rip got word of what happened he stormed his way to the bunkhouse which is where he had found you staring at your own reflection in the bathroom. The way a cold and lost look was written in your eyes will forever be embedded in his mind. It wasn’t you who stood standing in front of the mirror with tensed shoulders, hair a mess from sweat and dried blood, the real you was trapped in your mind.
It nearly took all night to bring you back, but not once did he give up.
“Rip,” You softly call his name with an exhausted sigh as you close the door to the stable,
“No. You’re not going!” Blue eyes widening more with fear and rage,
“Yes I am,” You respond in a whisper, “They need me,”
“And we need you here!” I need you here.
It was what he should’ve said, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Wasn’t exactly how he wanted to let you know the truth, wanted to do it the right way, a more intimate, genuine way. But now, he’s out of time. And most likely lost his chance.
He lost you.
“Rip-,” You begin to say but was interrupted by Kacey walking in the stables,
“We’re loaded to fix the fence,” You turn to him before giving him a small nod,
The youngest Dutton switches his gaze from you to the brute man staring intensely at you, knowing then he had walked into something and immediately sensing the tension surrounding the air. He’s felt this mood before, felt tension between you two every so often, but for some reason this time it was stronger, as if one wrong word said would ignite the awaiting flame. So without another word and only a simple nod, he turns to walk away, giving you two privacy. However, you didn’t stick around. Both to just get the day over with and also to postpone the argument.
If you even get a chance to talk about it with him again.
You hear Rip call out to you as you walk out the stables, halting your steps. You glance over your shoulder, meeting his eyes, but no words were said, so instead you let out a sad sigh through your nose as you continue walking out the building. Leaving the brute man alone in the stables with angered thoughts.
Hours had flown by. After fixing the fence, which took nearly the whole day since it was worse than anyone thought, doing daily health checks on the animals, running a quick errand with Beth, everyone was finally able to wash up and spend the remaining hours with you. Everyone sat around the bonfire sharing stories about anything and everything, chatter, laughter and music can be heard in the darkened night.
Empty beer and whiskey bottles, sticks with dried marshmallows and chocolate littered the ground around everyone’s feet. It was a night you’d deeply remember, a night you’d miss, a night you wished would happen every Friday, but you knew it wouldn’t be possible. At least not with you. Not anymore. You tried keeping a strong face, positive thoughts, positive energy, for the sake of everyone around you. They all had high hopes of you coming back home, claiming you’d be home in less than two months because you were tough as a bull, but you knew the truth. The reality of it all.
Obviously you didn’t remind them of the truth, didn’t want to take away the little happiness they held onto for you, the strong faith they had. So all you did was smile at them, raise your glass and down the last bit of your drink. Every so often you’d get lost in your thoughts, thinking of the mission, the serious consequences, the challenges that will come with it, the horror you’ll soon face, but before you can trap yourself in such thoughts they were there to bring you back. Invite you to their conversations, their stories they were sharing, their jokes, which you were thankful for.
What you didn’t notice was the way a pair of blue eyes have been secretly staring at you from across the fire pit. A dark corner where the fire barely illuminated his features. Light or not he didn’t care if he was caught staring at you, everyone was able to read his opinion of the whole situation but no one dared to ask him about it. He was already a fumed bull waiting to be provoked.
There were times where you’d glance up and catch him staring, but not once did you confront him. Making a scene in front of everyone was the last thing you wanted, so you ignored him and his glaring daggers.
Although, at one point during the night, Colby was the one to mention they had ran out of marshmallows, which you volunteered to grab the extra pack from the bunk house. Slightly buzzed you make your way through the Dutton ranch with sluggish steps till you push open the door to the bunks. Walking to the kitchen you grab the new pack of marshmallows sitting on the counter along with another couple chocolate bars. Just as you turn to head back out, your steps come to a stop when you see Rip standing by the couch.
Face emotionless, but eyes dark, red. Was he crying?
“Havin’ fun?” Rip questions, tone cold and firm, yet his blue eyes have another written emotion in them,
You shrug a shoulder, “Tryin’,”
He scoffs, “Yeah I see that.. but it ain’t workin’,”
You knew exactly what he was referring to. The constant lost in thought when the conversation was directed somewhere else. What you didn’t know until now was those same eyes that have been staring at you from the dark were analyzing you throughout the entire night. Watching the way your smile quickly faded as you once again lost yourself in your thoughts, watching the way your fingers peeled off the label from your beer bottle, the way your leg bounced uncontrollably from nerves, fear, and anxiousness. He knew you were afraid, he read you perfectly, but he knew nothing he’d say would change your mind. Not now, not ever.
You were stubborn like a goddamn mule.
“Yeah well, it’s a little hard to have fun when I got two sets of eyes throwing daggers at me all night,” You say, matching his tone as you stare into his eyes,
Heavy tension once again surrounds you two, the muffled music coming from outside was the only thing that can be heard in the room. Neither of you said anything for a good minute or so, just staring at one another with pain written in both your eyes with tears threatening to build. This wasn’t how you wanted to give your farewells to him. Having an argument with him before you left was something you did not want, but yet here you are.
“Can we just..,” You pause, letting out an exhausted sigh before continuing, “Enjoy the rest of the night before I have to catch a flight in a few hours?”
Rip stares deep in your eyes. Hurt, sadness, anger, and fear were written in his blue ones, they were easy to read, especially when he stared at you the way he was staring. He didn’t bother to hide it, yet he didn’t express it to you verbally. Not like he had to or wanted to, it was obvious on how he felt of the whole situation.
“They’re out there celebrating your death..,” He says pointing a long finger at the door then continues with, “.. and I ain’t being apart of it,”
His voice slightly breaks with each word. His blue eyes standing out more when tears begin building, but not one dares to slide down his cheeks, at least not in front of you. Not saying another word, he turns around and heads out the door with a harsh shove that has it banging against the wall.
Whatever string was left holding your heart in place had finally snapped as you watched the door shut behind him. The last memory you’d have of him. This wasn’t how you wanted to leave things with him, he was the only one who could have helped you through it, fought through the dark times, the constant noises in your head. He was the only one who you stayed alive for while you were out in the field, but now that he’s walked away, not wanting any part of it, you didn’t know if it was even worth staying alive once you landed on base. He was your anchor to it all.
And now you’d be stranded in the dark, drowning with nothing to hold you upright. Keep you up float when you felt like sinking, when you felt like the water was too strong for your fighting body. The one person who could’ve saved you from it all was now walking away, leaving you alone.
‘Maybe it was for the best.’
You tell to yourself. You convince yourself. Maybe him not being apart of it, apart of your life would one day guide him to a better life with the love of his life, guide him to someone who can make him happier, stronger, happier.
It was for the best that he left.
4:30 am
Throwing your duffle and backpack in the backseat you shut the door before facing the small crowd. You give everyone a big hug, including the man himself, John Dutton who hugged you for a good long minute before being slightly shoved by Beth who took you in a stronghold as she secretly let the tears fall down her cheeks. You don’t know how, but you kept your own tears from spilling down. Once departing from the woman you go ahead and start hugging the cowboys, sharing a few laughs with them as they joke with you one last time. Which you appreciated their effort in trying to lighten things up, but you knew they knew nothing they can say now will help. But still, you appreciate it.
“So.. who won?” You say when Ryan and Colby stand in front of you,
They both share a look, small smile forming on their lips, “Neither,” Colby says,
You give them a confused look, but Ryan continues with, “We decided to leave it ready for you when you come back,”
Come back. Something you knew was a big word at the moment.
“Can’t have it ready forever,” You say with a sad chuckle,
“We can and we will,” Ryan firmly states, letting you know no one will come near the empty bed unless it’s you,
It was a faint demand from them. They wanted you to come back, no matter how hard it will be, they demanded that you come back to reclaim your bed at the bunkhouse, and that alone brought the ball back in your throat.
“Gonna miss you dorks,” You manage to say before quickly bringing them both for a group hug,
Both men wrap their arms around you, burying their faces in your hair as they cherish the moment. As you go to pull away both their hands on either side of your hip tighten, not wanting the hug to end, but eventually step away from you.
You give them a small smile and then a small wave to everyone huddle in front of you before turning around to climb into the truck where Roscoe patiently waited for you.
“Ready?” The soldier asks as you take one last glance out the window, watching everyone wave at you with saddened smiles, the ranch standing tall and beautifully behind them.
Letting out a small sigh you give him a nod.
In a matter of seconds the truck roars to life before beginning to move down the driveway and out of the Duttons ranch. Silence engulfs the car, only the sound of the radio softly playing in the speakers is heard. Leaning your head against the headrest behind you, you let your mind drift away, thinking about everyone at the ranch, playing their faces in your mind to not forget them, your fingers softly playing with a small deer origami that Tate had made for you last night for good luck. Then thinking about him once again.
Remembering how things were left between you two. Wishing you could’ve fixed things before you left, wished you could’ve said the truth, wished he could’ve have given you the chance to let you show him just how much he meant to you. But he didn’t. None of it happened.
So now, all you’ll think about is What If.
While driving halfway out the ranch and you still being lost in thought, you didn’t capture the moment a large black figure blending in the dark speeding in your direction until the truck comes to an abrupt stop. Causing your seatbelt to lock just in time to catch your body from going forward.
“The fuck?” Roscoe reacts, putting the gear in park as he eyes the figure that is currently blocking his way,
You clench your jaw as you make eye contact with him, even in the dark and with the only source of light from the headlights you both immediately lock eyes.
Of course it’s Rip on top of his horse. Black hat on his head with his black jacket wrapped on his frame.
“I’ll take care of this,” You say, never breaking eye contact with him as you unbuckle yourself and open the door,
“(Y/n) we don’t have time for this,” Roscoe tries arguing back, but you repeat yourself as you hop off the truck,
Shutting the door and standing by it you face him, where he still remained on top of his horse.
“Rip seriously what is your problem? I don’t have time to deal with you right now!” You yell as the brute man climbs off his horse,
A grim look was written on his face as he makes his way towards you. A look he only has when he’s angry about something, and right about now he’s angry at you, you knew that.
“I swear to god Rip if you don’t get out the way I’m gonna-,” Your words were cut off by a pair of rough lips latching onto yours,
Your eyes grow wide in anger, shock, and confusion. But once you feel the way his hand gently cups the side of your face you realize what exactly is happening and only react back. Your own hands finding their way to his face, fingers slowly tangling themselves in his soft, dark curly hair at the base of his neck. A deep, saddened relieved sigh escapes from you two as you both pour the hidden truth into the kiss. Deepening it and cherishing the moment at the same time, neither one wanting or planning to break it off, but you both knew it had to happen, you had to leave.
Which is why Rip got a little selfish for a second, he deepened the kiss, licking his way into your mouth as he held a tight grip on your hip to not let you out of his hold. Just a few more seconds of this, he had to. If this was the only time he would get this opportunity until you came back home, then he was sure as hell he would take every second that was available to have you in his arms, have your lips molding with his, have your fingers tugging on his hair, have your breath fanning his lips, have both your hot tears smear against his own cheeks. He was taking advantage of the moment because he knew it would be more than a month that he would be able to feel it again. Feel this moment again.
Eventually, you both do break the kiss, but not once did he let an inch form between you two. Leaning his forehead against yours, he lets you both catch a breather from the intense, beautiful moment.
“You come back to me you hear?” He whispers, beautiful blue eyes now searching for your own,
When he finally does find your (E/c) eyes that he has grown to love, he whispers once again, “You come home,”
New tears fall down your cheeks at his words, you knew you couldn’t make such a big promise, especially in your line of work. It was a rule, a rule everyone in the military who serves knew they should never make, because they knew reality was always behind that promise.
You stare into those blue eyes of his that have tears of their own, some finding their way down his rough skin, while the rest build at the brim of his eyes. You knew he knew you couldn’t make that promise, but he knew you’d fight for it no matter what, no matter how impossible it might seem, because he knew you always kept your promise. That’s who you were. Loyal, loving, protective, unafraid, and a true fighter.
You stare into his eyes a little longer, feeling the way another tear slides down your cheeks then feeling the rough pad of his thumb gently wiping it away. The words get caught in your throat, the words where you wanted to tell him to be realistic, to not make you promise anything because disappointment and pain is the only thing he’ll receive, but before you can even force them out you hear your name being called from inside the truck.
“We gotta go,” Roscoe softly says, hating to interrupt the moment, hating to part you from the man you clearly love,
You sniff, looking down at the ground then back up to Rip where he only gives you a small smile.
“C’mon,” Rip whispers as he leads you back into the truck,
Once sitting inside, shutting the door, Rip points at the man behind the wheel before saying, “You look after her you hear?”
Roscoe nods at him, “You’ve got my word man,”
Rip nods back before averting his eye to you. You sat there, tears still slowly sliding down your cheeks, you weren’t ready to say goodbye to him, not after you both finally confessed to each other. Which reminds you, you had to say it, in fear of not being able to ever again.
“Rip I-,” You try but he cuts you off with a shake of his head,
“No. Don’t say it. You say it when you come back,” He demands, small smile tugging on the corner of his lips, “Just know I do too,”
I do too.
You sniff once again, tears falling down as you glance behind him, seeing the ranch and the bunkhouse glow in the background. Memories flash in your mind. All those laughs, tears, injuries that you’ve accumulated over the years with everyone who lives and works at the ranch played in your head, reminding you that you had a family to come back to once again, you had friends who were also waiting for you to come back with open arms. You had a life to get back to.
Come back.
Averting your eyes back to his that had tears of their own falling down his cheeks, you stare at him as you remembered, you had him to come back to. He was your main reason to come back home, he was the reason why you weren’t going to die in the field, he was the reason why you weren’t going to give up when shot down, he was the reason why you weren’t going bleed out. He was your reason why you were coming home.
And if anyone tried stopping you from doing so, then it would be the last thing they ever did.
Because you are coming home.
Reaching a hand out the window, you let your small held cup his bearded cheek before letting your own thumb wipe away the tears that fall down. Looking into his eyes with a firm stare, a promise, you let him hear the words.
“I’m coming home,”
-Ahhh It’s Finally Here!!! I’m Not Kidding I Have Been Going Back & Forth With This One. Mostly Because I Had Writers Block, But Also Because I Would Change A Lot Things & Finding New Ideas To Replace The Old Ones.
-But Again! Thank You To Those Who Have Been Patient & Have Been Waiting For This Wheeler Fic! More To Come!!
-Lastly, Make Sure To Turn On Post Notifications!! 🔔 🔔 For More Updates!
Part 2 << SOON
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frickingnerd · 7 months
“miss todoroki”
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pairing: fuyumi todoroki x gn!reader
summary: your girlfriend picks you up for a lunch date while her father isn't in the office and she notices something....
tags: endeavour sidekick!reader, physical affection (kissing), flustered!fuyumi, established romantic relationship
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“miss todoroki, your father is currently out on patrol. maybe can leave him a message from you, for when he gets back!”
as soon as fuyumi had entered endeavour's office, she was swarmed by his sidekicks, especially the newbies. everyone wanted to treat the bosses daughter kindly and stay on his good side.
“it's alright, i'm not here to visit him. i was looking for–” fuyumi's eyes darted across the room, until she spotted you at your desk. “ah, found them!”
as she approached your desk, your head shot up and you smiled as you recognized your girlfriend.
“fuyumi, what a surprise to see you!” you smiled and put away the papers in front of you for a moment, to pay full attention to your girlfriend. “are you here to visit me~?”
“something along those lines, yes” fuyumi put her bag on your desk, before leaning in for a quick kiss. “i thought i'd take you out to lunch! it's your break soon, right? and since dad isn't here, he won't know if you're taking your break a bit earlier~”
you glanced towards the clock. it wasn't long until lunch, that much was true. and without the boss around, you could take his daughter out for dinner. or well, she'd take you out for dinner!
“sure, i could go for a bite!” you grabbed your jacket and wallet, before getting up and wrapping an arm around her. “let's go!”
as the two of you left the office, all eyes were on you. everyone was in awe at how casual you were with the boss's daughter. and as you passed them, they all politely wished you farewell.
“goodbye, miss todoroki!” “have a nice day, miss todoroki!” “enjoy your lunch, miss todoroki!”
as the two of you of you left the office, you noticed your girlfriend spacing out, gently tapping her shoulder.
“fuyumi? anything on your mind?”
your girlfriend smiled softly as you said her name.
“you're the only one who calls me that, you know? fuyumi…” she pointed out, a small blush covering her cheeks. “i like the way you say my name, so… don't stop using it, please”
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elithe31st · 1 year
Hi!! I saw you write for Noah in Total Drama 🤭 could you possibly write where reader is either childhood friends with Heather or Alejandro and how Noah would feel about their relationships including readers childhood best friend.
hihi! thank you for requesting, i hope you dont mind i made this in headcannon form. if you'd like it to be a fic, don't be afraid to tell me :D
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noah tdi x gn reader headcannons
'' i'll watch my step if you drop another name ''
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noah doesn't understand. at all.
you two were friends before world tour, meeting on island, and watching from the sidelines along with him.
noah was content, happy even
until you flocked over to alejandro during wt
he just...didn't get it.
you still hung out with him, yes, but you had brought the eel into it
into everything
he didn't hate alejandro, no. he wasn't jealous or anything
okay yeah he was just a little bit
"(Name)," He says to you, a very small pout on his face. "What is it with you and Alejandro?"
he looks a bit angry, a bit sad
so you explain
and then hes honestly relieved
mostly because you werent like everyone else who fell for his 'attractive' schtick
plus, that was meant for justin
and then the episode where he got eliminated came
and you were mad with alejandro
like, really mad
but you let him be
like all bff fights, just don't talk to each other for a few days and then you're good
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everything in the platonic part
except 2x angrier (if you two were openly dating)
"Hey, Alejandro, kindly back off. (Name) already has someone to keep them company, and it isn't you."
you and alejandro would be equally confused
noah? showing an emotion? besides confusion, worry, and rarely happiness?
youd have to explain to him
he'd just sit there. and then give a formal apology to both of you
alejandro would beg chris to let that apology air
and then noah would go right back to square one
he wouldn't get possessive, just more cocky and open about some of his insults towards alejandro
noah getting voted off officially comes around
you're mad
you hate alejandro for a few days
but ultimately noah would just make a very clear emphasis to not trust him
and then you get voted off
but you get to watch alejandro from the sidelines with noah
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oh brother
everyone knew your status as 'heathers bestie' right off the bat
and even though you weren't mean
everyone treated you like it because of heather
except noah
noah was just another face in the team, but an important one
in between challenges, you and noah hug out a LOT
to the point you two treated it like a secret relationship
looking at each other and then giggling, nudging each other playfully, you get it
one day when you two were hanging out, you ask noah why he hung out with you
he responded with "Trust me, I know not to judge a book by it's cover. I mean, have you met me?"
you laughed
and then heather found you two
she just glanced at noah disapprovingly before stealing you to go elsewhere
elimination day
you weren't surprised noah got voted off
you ate your marshmallow, waving noah a small farewell as he left
next challenge you guys lost, you said if no one did anything drastic to just vote you off
so thats what happened
and then you chilled with noah at playa de losers
and told him about heather
and he just nodded
"Oh well, I'm already friends with a bunch of loons. What harm could a snarky loon do to my conscious?"
and then you hit him
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noah officially has head trauma
you and him are dating. and you hang around heather a lot. if noah wants this relationship to work, he better be friends with heather
and stat
heather probably jokes about you two dating
"(Name), I knew your standards were low, but not know-it-all, braniac, band kid low!"
"Oh no, I'm smart, what a comeback. What's next, gonna say something about how I'm a nerd? I've heard it all. I'm getting bored, some new insults would be pretty nice."
you have to split them up before a verbal brawl goes between them
you make it work
go out with noah? get heather something small while you two are doing whatever
go with heather? pick up a book noah's been dying to read after
50/50 split
they eventually become friends
heather wont let noah get anywhere near you but it's fine!!!
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princessaxoxo · 1 year
Strangers to lovers Part 3
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Sherlock x reader
Summary: Being Enola’s sitter was an adventure, but not as much as falling for her brother, Sherlock.
Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, Unprotected public sex (p in v), very little fluff, angst as well, kissing, cussing
Word count: 1.9k+
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Sherlock has consistently shown up at your house carrying flowers for the past week. You conveyed your appreciation for each of them; they were all beautiful. It started off the same way as usual when he arrived early today with a fresh bouquet of your favorite flowers-lilies.
"Sherlock, all of the flowers are beautiful," you remarked as you opened the door. This, however, will not mend what you broke. You cannot buy my trust with anything."
"Will you kindly give me an idea of sorts? I am really trying my best," he muttered.
"No, you will manage. You are, after all, the notorious Sherlock Holmes. You have probably experienced worse moments."
You shut the door after saying those final words to him. Although doing something like that made you feel terrible, it was a good decision.
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Your cousin Miranda made the decision to pay you a visit after sending a letter to your family. "Is everything okay? Your letter sounded worrisome."
Even though you were not very close to Miranda, you reasoned that it might be okay to hear her opinion. She grinned when you told her you had fallen in love.
"Please try not to get too excited. There is no happy ending to this story." When you said that, her face fell. "He left me not too long ago; in the most horrible way, I think it is possible to leave someone you love." You told her everything that had happened in the past. Now that he has returned, he wants me. And, my goodness, I want him too. I just cannot be with him yet, though. I need him to show me because it does not feel quite right. He has not done anything but buy me stuff. Love and trust are not things that can be purchased."
She listened carefully. "I am not sure what to say," she said, leaning her head against her palm and sadly glancing at you. "Do you still love him?" You sighed. “I will always love him more than words can describe. You do not realize how close I was to giving in to his pleas for me to stay with him. How I was able to say no is still beyond me.”
"Though I do agree with you, could you perhaps be a little lenient with him the next time you see him?"
"Be lenient with him? You must be joking. He deserves this. You do not realize how painful it was because you were not present, Miranda.”
"I understand, but if he asks, just go out with him for a day and see how it goes."
You decided to see him after giving her a farewell for the evening and considering what she had said.
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When you had not seen or heard from Sherlock for a week, you were taken aback. You were already dressed when he knocked on your door and said, "I have a day prepared for you. Please come." And you had nothing planned for yourself.
He extended his hand for you to grasp.
Gazing upon it, you inhaled deeply and grasped his hand.
The two of you took a carriage to a location of which you were unaware. You asked once, but he wouldn't tell you. “It’s a surprise." You wanted to ask again but decided against it. Not wanting to appear eager.
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You hadn’t known how long it took, but the carriage came to a stop. Sherlock stopped you and said, "Cover your eyes.” You gave him a look that told him he was ridiculous for suggesting such a thing.
Still, you tried to get out, but he was blocking you. “Cover your eyes, and I'll help you out."
You huffed but did as such.
Sherlock guided you, telling you where to step and what to watch out for. “Okay, we’re here,” he mumbled under his breath, but you managed to hear what he said.
“Are you ready?” he asked. “Yes, now let me see!"
He removed his hands, and you saw a huge picnic set up for the both of you in a beautiful vineyard covered with tons of flowers.
You’d never seen such a view; you were at a loss for words.
“Sherlock, this is breathtaking. You really did all of this?”
“Of course, I thought you would love it."
He took your hand and led you to sit down on the blanket.
Sherlock sat across from you, curiosity got to you, and you reached to open the basket that was in the middle and started pulling out the produce.
There were various fruits, vegetables, and meats for the afternoon lunch he planned.
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Sherlock and you were having a marvelous day together. It was as if nothing had changed; it felt the same as it did four years ago. Just the two of you, enjoying each other and not wanting it to end.
He was eyeing you diligently, especially the way you would reach for a strawberry and how your lips looked when taking a bite.
The sound of your laugh made goosebumps rise on his skin.
He hadn't noticed how much he missed making you laugh, along with your infectious smile.
“Sherlock, this was something that I won’t forget. Thank you for all of this."
“No, don’t thank me. I don’t deserve that, but you deserve this. All for you, y/n."
Sherlock ran a hand through his curly hair that fell in his face, and you gave him a smile.
"Oh, you have,” he said, stopping mid-sentence and reaching his thumb out to wipe away some of the juice that came from one of the many strawberries you had.
His face became eerily close to yours; without thinking, you moved towards him, and his thumb caressed your cheek. You took his thumb in your mouth and sucked on it—the familiar taste of a strawberry on your tongue.
His lips found yours in a slow kiss.
The dress you wore slowly moved upward, and his large hands squeezed your thighs in a needy way.
He kissed and sucked on your neck, causing a moan from you.
His lips grazed your neck up to your mouth, and his nose nudged against yours before going in for another kiss.
He pulled down your underwear and rubbed your clit with his index and middle fingers. “How does that feel, baby? Does that feel good?”
“Mhm, yes, it feels so fucking good; please don’t stop."
His hand started to gently caress your breast, and you moaned into the kiss you two were sharing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he laid you down carefully.
He removed his hand from underneath your dress.
You pulled up your dress past your hips, and you helped him unbuckle his trousers. He pulled his cock out and eased his way into your pussy.
Both of you moaned simultaneously, and his movements started to quicken.
Your hands grabbed his buttocks, and your legs wrapped around his waist as he pounded into you.
No words were spoken between the two of you.
Just this moment with him was enough.
Your mouths and tongues moved in sync with one another like they always had. His grunts started to become louder, along with your cries of pleasure.
Your back arched, you were breathless, and you felt Sherlock's hips still with his seed pouring into you.
His head hung low in your neck, and as you started to come out of your sex-filled haze, you realized what had happened.
This wasn’t what you had planned.
This shouldn’t have happened at all.
You scolded yourself for being stupid.
“Sherlock, this was a bad idea.” He looked at you, and you could tell that what you said hurt him.
'What do you mean this was a bad idea?"
“We had sex, and while I enjoyed it, it shouldn't have happened."
He pulled his cock out of you and put it back in his trouser while you pulled your dress down, trying to cover yourself as best as you could. Suddenly, an anxious feeling started within you.
Sherlock lowered and shook his head, and then moved his hand down his face in defeat.
“Would you please take me home?”
"Is that wise?" he asked, looking at you. "You look as if you don’t want me near you again."
You didn't have words for him, although what he said wasn’t true. You wanted him near; you wouldn’t be here with him if that were true.
“Are you going to leave? Again? I know who you are and what you do. Sherlock, you don’t need to explain that to me anymore. I can see you’re trying; you’ve bought me tons of flowers, my favorite ones. Which I’m grateful for, and you planned this whole picnic for me. And sweet gestures like this are what have been meant to earn my trust and get me back. But in the end, is this all worth it if you end up leaving?”
He looked at you and lowered his eyes. “I don’t know what the future holds, but I know I want you, and I’ll want you always. And if one day I must go, then I would hope you’d come with me.”
“You would want me to pack up my life here? Is that what you would want me to do?”
He waved his hand. “No, I would never make you do something you wouldn't want to; we could find common ground, a compromise? If you want this as much as I do",
You did; you wanted it more than life; you wanted him.
But you had nothing left to say to him. “May we go, please?"
He let his shoulders drop in defeat but ultimately said yes.
He packed up the picnic, and the mess that was caused by the sex you had a few moments before
The carriage ride to your home was silent—a silence that could kill. A storm blew over London, which fit the mood of how the day was ending.
You sat picking at your nail beds for the rest of the ride until the carriage reached your home. Sherlock helped you out. “Thank you,” he said, but he still walked you to your front door. “I wish you a good rest of your night,” he said before walking off. You watched as he walked back to his house in the cold, groggy weather instead of the carriage.
Walking back into your house, you aimed straight towards the shower to wash away his scent and the sweat that formed on your skin from the sun earlier, combined with the sex you and Sherlock shared.
The water was hot and refreshing on your skin; you felt renewed once you were dressed in your nightgown and in bed.
You tossed and turned for the rest of the night, Sherlock on your mind and wondering what the future held for the both of you.
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Sherlock walked along the pavement, enduring the London rain, as he came upon a pub. He walked in, needing a drink. He sat in an open chair, the barman appearing in front of him. “How many?”
Sherlock got lost in thought about the question he was about to answer the barman when the barman answered for him, “Let’s start you with one, and if you wish for more, let me know."
A few seconds later, a lager was put in front of Sherlock; he analyzed it for a moment before downing the drink.
Without a second thought, he ordered another one to forget the prior events that had taken place; it was going to be a long night ahead.
Taglist: @mysticwitchcraftco
Part 4
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mio-actuallywrites · 1 year
The World You Once Loved
Prefect finally found a way home, but what would you lose. 
Part 1/?
Inspo: https://twistedlymad.tumblr.com/post/617812494209155072/its-time-we-go-home-ft-grim-ace-and-deuce/amp
//if this blows up I’ll actually work harder and not be lazynext time lmao. This is really lazy so I apologize for the poor plot. 
word count:600-ish
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“Prefect!” Crowley yelled as you opened the doors to Ramshackle, in the middle of the night. “I, being so very generous, have found a way to get home. However, you only have 10 minutes.”
Crowleys voice rang inside your brain in utter disbelief, he was actually finding you a way home?! 
“I…” you mutter, “why do I have to minutes to go?”
“It’s because I very kindly already opened it. I already spent all night trying to do that. I thought it would be a nice surprise!” 
“Do I even have a chance to say goodbye?” You replied. You truly wanted to go home but, TWST was your second home, or world. And just leaving would mean never seeing these people again. 
“I… I’m afraid not! However I will be sure to pass your words with how kind I am!” Crowleys voice rang through your brain again. 
7 damn overblots, 21 new friends + Grim, all of those hours of studying and now to throw it away without seeing them again?!
“So are you going back or not? I would recommend to start packing right now, if you even have stuff.” He added the last part in a mumble. 
“I guess I better… go get ready, wait where are we meeting?” 
“The mirror chamber, now off i go to go prepare for final preparations.” 
As you shut the door, you slowly brought myself back to reality and went upstairs to where Grim was asleep. As you saw his sleeping form tears welled in my eyes as you attempted to wake him up. 
“Nghhh lemme sleep…” he mumbled. You sighed and grabbed a paper and wrote the final farewell. 
Dear Grim,
I really tried to wake you up but you wouldn’t budge. So very shortly, Crowley came in and told me he found a way home. But I didn’t have enough time to say farewell, I apologize but this years have been so very fun. Hopefully you and the others become very good 2nd years, 3rd years, etc. I loved every moment I spent with you guys and I apologize for not being their when I left. Thank you all again. 
Signing off Prefect.
You put the letter on my side of the bed and grabbed my backpack. You grabbed the stuff you most wanted to keep. (Ghost camera thing, School uniform, text books, anything really lmao.)
After finishing, you grabbed the backpack and left. To the Mirrior chamber. There you found Crowley in front of the mirrior chanting something. 
“I’m here Crowley.” He turned around and a sad smiled formed on his face. 
“If you just step out to the mirrior and call to where you belong, or where you remeber you were last name the place and the mirrior shall take you.”
I step forward and call out to the place. My home. I state the address, country and earth. 
“Alright prefect you are ready to go.” Crowley said. 
That’s when you started tearing up and as I was one step away from the mirrior you thought about them. 
“Are you sure there’s no other way to say goodbye?”
“I’m afraid not prefect this might be your only chance so use it wisely.” 
“Oh okay then, tell them…(your choice!)” 
“Farewell then Twisted Wonderland.” You muttered. You looked at your reflection, with your barely awake self and eyes glossy, you then stepped through the mirrior. 
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television-overload · 5 months
of our own making
(an X-Files fanfic)
Chapter 31/34 - home
[Read on AO3]
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Their caseworker stops by in the morning to get their signatures on some paperwork and lays out the timeline for getting the adoption finalized in the coming months. For all intents and purposes, though, Madeline is theirs, and they're free to take her home. The birth mother's signature is there in black ink, signing over her parental rights to them. The sight of it brings tears to their eyes. 
They won't soon forget what that young woman has done for them.
After one last checkup with the doctor, they pack up the room and get ready to leave. Scully dresses Maddie in a bright blue flower-patterned shirt with matching bloomers, a headband, and socks to keep her feet warm.
Once she's snug in her baby carrier, they lay a fuzzy pink blanket over her legs to keep her cozy on the trek out to the car. Mulder proudly lifts the carrier with one arm, and with the other, he reaches for Scully’s hand. There may be three of them now, but he hasn't forgotten who he came in here with. 
Brenda walks out with them, and they bid farewell to the nurses that had looked after them during their stay. After this, they'll be on their own, just the three of them.
Before they reach the exit, Mulder stops suddenly, standing in the middle of the floor and looking down at Maddie. There’s something that has been bugging him, something left undone that just doesn't feel right. He whispers something to Scully, and then asks the caseworker a question.
He knows it wasn't a part of the agreed upon hospital plan, as set out by the birth mother, but can he really just walk out that door without thanking her? Without telling her how much this means to them?
“Is Krista still here?” he asks. “I know she said she'd prefer to keep to herself, but—”
“I believe she’s waiting to be discharged as we speak,” Brenda answers. “I can call and ask if she's open to a visit from you all, if you’d like.”
“Please,” Mulder says, and Scully nods in agreement.
Brenda steps away to make her call, returning a moment later with a smiling face.
“She said she’d be happy to see you,” she announces. “I can show you the way, if you're ready.”
Mulder bites his lip in thought.
“Give me a couple minutes,” he says, handing off the baby carrier to Scully. “I'll be right back.”
The room where Krista has been staying after delivery is in a different hallway than Mulder and Scully had been in. When he returns, bearing a nice bouquet of flowers and some chocolates from the gift shop, Brenda beams at them.
“This feels insufficient,” he says, shrugging self-consciously at his gifts.
The woman puts a comforting hand on his arm, shaking her head. “I'm sure she will appreciate it,” she assures him kindly.
She gives them one last glance to make sure they're ready, and then knocks on the door.
“You can come in,” a voice calls from inside. Without further ado, Brenda pushes the door open and pokes her head through the doorway.
“Got some visitors for you,” she says cheerily, before looking back at them and nodding for them to enter. 
Krista is seated on the edge of her bed, wearing comfortable leggings and a Georgetown sweatshirt. She looks well, if a little nervous.
“Hi,” she says, smiling a little shyly.
“Hi,” Mulder echoes, entering the room with Scully right beside him. “These are for you,” he says, holding out the flowers for her, which she accepts with a smile.
“Oh, thank you,” she says. “You guys didn't have to do that.”
“We're the ones who should be thanking you,” Scully says, tears pricking at her eyes. I can't tell you how happy you've made us. This– This is a debt we'll never be able to repay.”
Mulder nods in agreement, returning to Scully’s side and placing a steadying hand on her lower back.
“We're going to do everything we can to give her the best life possible. I promise,” he says. “I just… wanted you to know that.”
Krista nods, and it's remarkable how at peace she seems, given the circumstances. Mulder can’t imagine being in her position.
“Can I ask—” Scully starts, adjusting her hold on the carrier nervously. “I mean, if you don’t mind sharing, can I ask why you chose us?”
Krista breathes out a laugh, her eyes settling on the tile floor. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” she says, amusement lacing her voice.
Mulder fights back a smile, glancing down at Scully with raised eyebrows.
“You might be surprised,” Scully says, turning her attention back to the woman who had given them a daughter.
Krista looks at them, her expression clear and honest and hopeful. She shrugs.
“She’s… meant to be yours,” she states simply, as if it were the most basic truth known to humankind. “I can’t explain it, but I just– I know you were meant to be her parents. I knew it from the moment I met you.”
Beside him, Scully sucks in a breath, and he feels his throat constrict with the swell of emotion.
“I had this feeling, when I found out I was pregnant, that someone else needed her. And… it was you.” She shakes her head, as if she can’t even understand it herself. “Do you believe in that kind of thing, Mr. Mulder? Dana?”
He looks down at the sleeping baby in the car seat, dressed in one of the first outfits they bought for her when they went out shopping.
“Yeah,” he says quietly, settling a hand on Scully’s shoulder. “Yeah, we do.”
Krista nods again and smiles, his words confirming what she had hoped.
They’re interrupted a moment later by a nurse stopping by with the last of the discharge paperwork, and they wait while Krista speaks with her. She’s probably anxious to get home. No one likes sleeping in a hospital several nights in a row.
When they’re alone again, Scully steps forward.
“Did you want to hold her?” she asks boldly, concealing a worried tremor in her voice. It’s the right thing to do, he knows, and he hopes someone would do the same for them if their positions were switched. But with the adoption still not finalized, there’s always that one seed of doubt that tells them she could still change her mind.
“We’ve already said our goodbyes,” Krista says with a bittersweet smile. “Besides, I don’t want to wake her.” Still, she does get up to peek down at her in her car seat, gently running a finger over the back of the baby’s tiny, bunched up hand. “What did you name her?”
Mulder clears his throat, blinking back the tears that have unexpectedly sprung up.
“Madeline,” he answers.
“Hm,” Krista laughs, her cheeks pulling back in amusement as she drinks in the sight of the baby she bore. “That was my grandmother’s name.”
If they needed any other sign that this was meant to be, that was it. It seems Krista feels the same way too.
“Well, I guess this is it,” she says, cupping the top of the baby’s head and softly smoothing over her wisps of dark hair with her thumb.
Scully brushes back an escaped tear from her eye. “Do you have a ride home?” she asks.
Krista stands and makes her way back to her bed, perching on the edge like she had been when they arrived.
“My best friend has been here with me, she’s driving me back,” she answers.
He’s relieved she has someone here with her. Scully had offered her support if she needed it, but Krista is a fiercely independent young woman, not unlike another person he knows. She’d chosen to keep things private, and they were respectful of that choice.
Still, it’s nice to get a moment with her before they part ways.
“If you ever need anything… Anything at all—” Mulder starts.
“You know where to reach us,” Scully finishes.
Krista inclines her head, a grateful smile passing over her lips.
“Thank you,” she says. “You guys will be wonderful parents, I can tell.”
The drive back to D.C. is one of the most stressful of his life. He white-knuckles the wheel like his life depends on it, resisting the urge to check the rear view mirror every few minutes to make sure Maddie is doing okay. Scully sits in the backseat with her just in case she's needed, and though Mulder misses his copilot, he's glad Maddie has someone keeping her company back there.
It's surreal, the walk up to their apartment. This is where their journey into parenthood will really begin. Late night feedings and diaper changes, cuddling on the couch; Eventually, she'll be making messes while eating squishy baby food in the kitchen and maybe even learning to crawl. All of it within these walls that he's thought of as home, in some capacity, for far longer than he's lived here.
His home is wherever Scully is. His home has been a thousand different motels across the United States. His home has been in the middle of the woods while being hunted by mothmen in Florida. His home had been hospital rooms, rental cars, run-down diners, and any number of airport seating areas over the years.
His home has been a dark and dusty basement, feathered with little knick knacks and article clippings that he thought would make him feel fulfilled. In reality, it wasn't until the day she walked in the door that the office ever felt like home. The difference was like night and day.
Now Scully opens the door to their apartment, and they're welcomed not by cheesy posters and doctored images of UFOs, but by a huge welcome home banner strung up on the wall on the far side of the room. Baskets of gifts, apparently from Maggie Scully's church group, sit by the fireplace, and a hand-knit baby blanket drapes across the back cushion of the sofa.
Scully’s eyes fill with tears as she takes in the sight. Mulder brings the baby carrier over to the kitchen table, setting it down so that he can let Madeline out. She stretches her back into an arch, squeezing her eyes shut in protest against being woken up from her nap. He smiles as he lifts her to his shoulder, holding her warm little body close and patting her gently in a comforting rhythm.
“Hey Scully, looks like someone loaded the fridge too,” he says, nodding toward a sticky note that he spies tacked to the refrigerator where it hadn't been before. Sure enough, it’s filled to the brim with ready-made meals for them. Those church ladies work fast. “Good to be home, huh?” he asks, just as Scully turns away from inspecting the freezer.
“I still have a hard time believing this is our life,” she says, finding her voice again. “Does it ever feel like a dream to you? Like you’re watching someone else’s life and not your own?”
He does know what she means. He’s felt it in little moments throughout their partnership, even from the beginning. He’ll never forget the way she’d shown him such loyalty, vowing that she’d only ever put herself on the line for him. He’d never known that level of trust and commitment before, yet she offered it so freely. It had stunned him into momentary silence, to hear it declared so plainly.
She’s his best friend. And—more than that—he is hers. That’s what had been truly unbelievable to him. He was never anyone’s first choice. Not until she came along. And now she has chosen him for something else, too. For a more lasting relationship. A decision that guarantees their lives will be intertwined for the foreseeable future.
He has to pinch himself to remind himself that it’s real. Evidently, she does too.
For once in their seven years together, they have found a truth that asks very little of them. It does not demand penance, or further suffering. Nor does it require some great sacrifice or heartbreak.
All this truth asks is that they let go. Surrender to it. Stop fighting. Stop running.
Because the truth they’ve found is love, and though it may have taken a while to come to terms with it, there’s no question in his mind that that’s what it is. All this time, everything had pointed him toward it, he’d only pushed it away. He has willfully ignored what was right in front of him, believing that it couldn’t possibly be the answer. He wasn’t worthy. She deserved more. There had to be something else, some other truth that would save him, that made all the suffering worth it.
But in the end, it was her. She is the truth that was sent to save him. This life they’ve begun together—that’s what he had been searching for all along. Not a replacement for the family he’d lost, but a chance to have one of his own. To build one quite literally from the ground up.
“This is our life, Scully,” he says to her, standing close to her in the middle of the kitchen. “I want to believe.”
Lovely tag list ♡: [if you would like to be added or removed, let me know!]
@today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr @agent-troi @angegova @baronessblixen @calimanc @captainsolocide @clo-thespin @cutemothman @danasculls @deathsbestgirl @edierone @enigmaticxbee @figureofdismay @frogsmulder @gillian-anderson-in-the-tardis @hippocampouts @invidiosa @monaiargancoconutsoy @msrafterdark @numinousmysteries @primrose19 @randomfoggytiger @skelavender @skylarksong @stephy-gold @teenie-xf @the-redhead-in-a-dress @vincentsleftear
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justcallmefox89 · 10 months
Gale and the Gith: Chapter Five - Push and Pull
Love is like lanceboard; Gale makes his first move.
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“I had no idea you were such a voyeur, Gale,” X’aa’nath murmurs, silver eyes fixed on the wizard.  “Do it again and I slit your throat.”
Gale shudders as he remembers the flinty tone of the sorcerer’s voice, the threat dripping with menace.  He hadn’t meant to peek into X’aa’nath’s memories like that, of course he hadn’t!  Well… maybe just a tad but –
Astarion thumps down next to him, interrupting his train of thought.  “You’re brooding, darling.”
“I am not brooding.  I am pondering.”
“Don’t quibble.  It’s the same thing.”
Gale sighs and his gaze slides over to where X’aa’nath sits next to the campfire, rummaging through his pack.  “He hates me.”
“Of course he does, my dear.  You peeked up his mind’s metaphorical skirts.  Consider yourself lucky; if it would have been Lae’zel she’d have killed you where you stood.  The real question is: why do you care?”
“Why do you care that I care?”
“I abhor a mystery.”  Ruby eyes fix Gale with a hard stare.  “Enlighten me.”
Gale shifts away from Astarion, hoping to hide the rapid reddening of his cheeks.  “He’s talented, powerful… I’ve always had an interest in githyanki culture.  Why would I not be interested in learning all I can from one of their warrior mages?”
Astarion rolls his eyes.  “You’re an abysmal liar, darling.”
The wizard crosses his arms and huffs.  “And if I just simply admire him as a person?”
“He’s threatened to kill you no less than five times.”
“Still…” Gale falls silent.  “There have been moments where I’m sure I’ve seen him, truly seen him, and he is so much more than he’s presented himself to be so far.  I know he is.”
Astarion stays quiet for a long while, his gaze occasionally flickering between Gale and X’aa’nath.  Eventually he releases a heavy sigh.  “He is young, the youngest of us all, and a gith at that.  He’s lived through and done things some of us could never imagine.  He grew up alone in the wilderness with his guardian as his only companion.  His interactions with other people consisted solely of other gith trying to kill him for sport.  There’s so much blood on his hands he’s fairly drowning in it, Gale.”
The wizard turns to the elf, warm, brown eyes gazing at him kindly.  “I would not hold the things others forced him to do against him, Astarion," he says softly.  "Nor would I hold it against you."
“Hm.”  The elf smiles briefly, then stands, dusting off his trousers.  “Maybe there’s hope for you two yet then, my dear.”
Gale waves in farewell as Astarion saunters off, taking a few moments to gather his courage before standing himself and walking over to where X’aa’nath still sits by the campfire.
I lay out my supplies on a clean blankets before me, softly touching each one in turn to reassure myself that everything I need is present.
Thread.  Bowl.  Hot water.  Clean cloths.  Needle.  Bandages.  Healing salve.
“X’aa’nath, may I - ”
“Tsk’va!”  The wizard’s voice startles me, and I flail momentarily, nearly upsetting my neatly laid out supplies.
“I’m sorry!  So sorry!”  Gale reaches out to steady me but quickly yanks his hands back, instead they flutter uselessly in the air about me as I attempt to regain my composure.
Scowling, I bat his hands away, refusing to acknowledge the swooping feeling that occurs in my stomach when my skin touches his. 
Soft.  Warm. 
So different from my own rough, leather-like skin that I’m nearly overtaken with the urge to keep touching him, to explore that pale skin hidden by his wizard’s robes.  I cross my arms tightly over my chest, praying to Vlaakith that Gale’s weak human eyes cannot see the flush that is surely blooming over my face.
“What do you want?” I snap, using anger to mask the confusing swirl of emotions I always feel whenever the wizard is nearby.
“Oh. Yes.  I, well, I wished to apologize once again for what happened.  I assure you that I did not purposely invade your thou-  What on earth are you doing?!”
I toss my ruined tunic aside and glance over at the shocked human.  “I am injured.  It requires stitches.”
I wet a cloth and dab it against the gash in my side, cleaning away dirt and dried blood.  Gale watches in silence, looking slightly queasy.
“I know you did not mean to enter my thoughts on purpose,” I say quietly.  “All the same, do not let it happen again.  And do not speak of anything you saw in my memories.”
“Of course,” he hurriedly assures me, nodding his head.  “I would never.  Are you sure you don’t want some assistance with that?”
Gale watches with wide eyes as hold a large, wickedly curved needle over the campfire, waiting for it to glow red before removing it from the flame and splashing it with a generous pour of mermaid whiskey.  I wipe it dry with a clean cloth then deftly thread the needle with my specialized thread, my hands shaking slightly under Gale’s close observation.
“No.”  I shake my head, hissing as I splash my wound with another pour of whiskey.  “Neat stitches are required for minimal scarring and quick healing.  No one else will do as good a job as I will.”
Gale says nothing, but I can feel his eyes roaming over my torso, taking in the myriad of other scars that I’ve stitched myself.  I adjust myself slightly, ensuring that my back is towards the shoreline, guaranteeing that none of my traveling companions can see my back.  Especially my kin.
Deep breath in, slow exhale.  Calm.  Open your eyes.  First stitch…
I wince when the needle pierces my skin for the first time, but I keep my breathing calm and even, and eventually settle into the familiar rhythm of stitching my own skin.  Gale watches, silently, transfixed.
“You have done this often,” he finally says.  A statement, not a question.
“As often as required.”
“I’m sorry,” Gale murmurs, soulful brown eyes meeting mine.
I raise one eyebrow in question.
“That it was required so often.”
“Hmm.”  A slight smile lifts my lips, an unfamiliar warm sensation buzzing in my chest at his concern.  I finish the rest of my stitches in silence, it is only when I am tying off the final knots that Gale speaks again.
“What on earth is that thread made of?  I never seen anything quite like it.”
I hand him the remaining thread, waiting until his running it through his hands before replying.  “It’s unique.  Cured and made from the intestines of enemies that I cut down in battle.”
Gale freezes, the thread dangling limply between his fingers.  He blinks once, then twice, his eyes fastened on his hands before lifting to stare at me.  “Remarkable.  How… um… how on earth did you manage such a thing?”
I duck my head, flush with pleasure at the wizard’s interest.  “Well I…”
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nuriiz134 · 4 months
Torn Apart
so um ya'll my Third postttt. kindly like it and reblog it you can always send requesttss and dm to be tagged.also those who liked and read my first and my second post thank youuuu appreciate yoau all. please do the same for this one also. also i am open to opiniond itd finr. thankk uuu hope you like it.
summary-Jake and you have been dating for 5 years. Jake proposed to you and you said yes. Jake and you have been married to you for 5 years. Jake's company took off 2years ago. Since then you were his trophy wife. He loved you but was a workaholic and didn't pay attention to you.
pairing- wife y/n x workaholic jake
warnings- angst,pet names etc. (tell me if theres more)
"You always do this! When was the last time you held me in your arms???? when was the last time you looked at me with love, lust, appreciation?!" "I am sick of this Jake, I am sick of us,I am sick you always ignoring me, I am sick of you Jake.I thought we meant more to you, I thought I meant more to you." Her voice breaking down. No y/n you can't break down in front of him. don't "Jake, I can't deal with you anymore. Get your priorities straight, Get your head in the game." "Jake, I think we should now let go of each other. I tried my best. but I can't anymore.I love you but us is not working anymore" Upon hearing this, Jake enveloped Y/n in his embrace. "Honey? You didn't mean that right?" breaking into tears. "Please tell me you didn't" "Yes I did Jake leave me." Y/n's voice echoed through their penthouse. Jake went down on his knees. Hugging her. "please don't. I am sorry. I know I messed up big time. But the power, work,greed, being the best got to me I got lost. I didn't realize this." "No Jake, this is not the first anniversary you forgot. But I have had enough of this Bullshit. I have had enough of you." Her voice as cold as ice. "Prinecessa, I can't imagine me without you. I don't know what I am without you. I can't imagine my life without you. Please, hermosa. I promise to quit if you want anything. please don't." Hugging her as closely as possible. "Please leave me Jake, my lawyer will send the divorce papers over. It was nice to be with you. farewell Jake. Hope work treats you well." "Princess, look at me. I will leave you if you want me to but look into my eyes and say this." Y/n looked at Jake's face. Puffy red rimmed eyes. Tear streeked cheeks. "Yes, Jake leave me." her voice devoid of any emotion. Jake let go off her. "Princess remember I ain't giving up on us. I ain't letting go of you. I love you and always will." "I will make you mine again hermosa even if i have to beg or leave my career. Give up everything. I will not let go off you. I love you. I want to rectify my mistake and do better. I love you princess I can't let go off my precious. I can't afford to loose you. You are everything to me princess. I Love you. I ain't giving up on us." "Bye Jake." With that Y/n left Jake alone in his penthouse. Jake broke down into tears again. Chanting her name madly. Determined to bring her back to him.
@unforgivenntired @unforgivenn @ash-reh @noeul-whumpppss @noeul-whumpppssssss1234
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
Trials of a Tribute pt. 5
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Description: You have a chat with the Dowager Queen, and Aemond fears you regret marrying a monster such as him, unknowing that you are still unaware the two of you have been married.
Previous part here, Next part here
You sat across from the Dowager Queen Alicent, clutching your teacup for dear life as she inspected you. Her brown eyes filled with sorrow swept over you, as she sipped her own tea.
“I do feel for you, dear girl. Being traded like an object is a cruel fate that we as women often find ourselves suffering.” She said, giving you a sympathetic smile.
You nodded, unsure of what to truly say, Aemond hadn’t been cruel to you, nor had he forced himself upon you. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but it could’ve been far, far worse.
“Drink up, lest you fall pregnant within your first moon here.” The Dowager Queen urged; her lips pressed into a tight line.
Your eyes widened as you realized exactly what kind of tea this was. “Your Grace, King Aemond has not bedded me.”
Her entire body relaxed. “Thank the Seven, he is still my son.”
You assumed she feared Aemond had taken on the traits of his father and brother now that he had become king, and couldn’t blame her for it. You yourself still feared he would one day soon act upon the Targaryen need for depravity.
“His Majesty, has been very respectful, a true gentleman.” You don’t tell her of how you woke up today with your body half atop Aemond’s, his fingers splayed on your lower back possessively, the smell of parchment and eucalyptus surrounding you.
Dowager Queen Alicent nodded, a small smile on her face. “My Aemond has always been a man of honor.” Then her eyes go to your hand and her eyebrows furrow. “Did you injure yourself?”
You had worn a gown with extra long sleeves, more of a winter dress than was appropriate for the season, with the intention to hide your injury, but obviously your efforts have failed.
You held your hand close to your chest. “No, Your Grace, it’s from the Valyrian ritual.” At her look of confusion, you continued. “With the septon, and the dagger? King Aemond and I mixed our blood together. He said it was common ritual in House Targaryen.”
 The dowager queen was silent for a moment, then she nodded, plastering a smile on her face. “Ah, yes, there are so many rituals, I forget them from time to time.” She glanced at Sir Criston who avoided her frantic eyes. "Sir Cole, escort Lady y/n back to her chambers, then fetch Aemond and tell him I wish to speak to him.”
You stood and took Sir Criston’s arm. “A pleasure to speak with you, Queen Alicent.”
“You as well, dear.” She called as Sir Criston all but strong-armed you from the room.
“Sir Criston, did I do something to upset the dowager queen?” You asked, as he led you down an unfamiliar hallway.
“Why do you ask that?”
“She ended our tea so abruptly, and she simply seemed to be troubled by something.”
He stopped you in front of a door you didn’t recognize. “The queen mother has many things on her mind, but I can assure you her anger sits not with you.”
 You followed him into a barren room. “These are your quarters; I’d advise you to stay out of sight. We had many noblemen attempting to bring their daughters as tribute, and they are quite angry at being turned away.”
Dowager Queen Alicent had pulled you away from Aemond, leaving him to accept tributes alone, as she kindly but thoroughly interrogated you on every aspect of your life.
You bid the night a farewell and looked around the room. It wasn’t much to look at, but it had a lovely view of the gardens.
 Pushing open the window, you carefully sat on the windowsill, breathing in the fresh air. You gazed down at the meticulously planted flowers, imagining how happy your sisters would be to see such a sight.
You didn’t know how long you sat there before the door slammed open, and you jumped, scooting backward, further into the room, suddenly afraid of the distance between you and the ground.
Two strong arms pulled you from the windowsill, caging you against a hard chest, the silver hair that brushed your shoulders made you relax.
“Aemond? Is everything alright?” You asked, turning your head to look at him.
His shoulders were tense, his eye filled with a frantic fear and rage. “What in the Seven Hells do you think you’re doing?”
“What?” You said, letting out a small noise of surprise when he threw you onto the nearby bed and quickly hovered over you. Caging you in with his arms, his hair falling forward and shielding your faces.
“You were going to jump, because you couldn’t stand to be married to such a monster, but your life is mine, prūmia. No one, not even the Stranger himself, will take you from me. I care not if you call him yourself, or another attempts to, no one will separate us.” He seethed, his eye burning into yours, his voice was low and rolled across your skin like a storm, the hairs on your skin standing upright in response.
“I wasn’t trying to take my own life; I was merely admiring the gardens.” You explained, before your mind fully processed his words. “Wait, married?”
“I’m aware that my mother informed you of the true nature of what occurred last night.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “No, she said nothing. Aemond, are we married? You shouldn’t have—” You were cut off by Aemond’s warm lips brushing down your neck, stopping at your pulse point when you let out a small whimper.
 His acknowledging hum vibrated against the sensitive skin. “You’re mine, I told you that. As of last night it was made true, the septon bore witness to our union, so did Sir Criston.”
“But I didn’t know, I wouldn’t have done it if I knew.” You protested lightly, still afraid to upset Aemond.
“Because you don’t wish to be married to a monster, I know.” He snapped, pulling back to glare at you.
You shook your head. “It’s not that at all, I don’t think you’re a monster, nor do I have any personal qualms about marrying you but, it’s not truly up to me.”
“You’re correct, it’s not up to you, it’s up to me, and I wished to marry you.” He spoke his words into your skin before he attached his lips to your sensitive spot, nipping and sucking until a red mark bloomed, its sting soothed by his tongue.
“But you shouldn’t have, I’m from a small house, there are much better options and oh…” Your voice dissolved into nothing as Aemond continued his ministrations, his fingers running through your hair, his lips latched onto every bit of exposed skin they can find.
“I’m king of the Seven Realms, I will marry who I wish.” He said firmly, his eye flickering up to yours as his lips made their way to the swell of your breasts.
Your face burned once more, and you attempted to push him away. “Aemond, please, this is not proper.”
He stopped and sat up, a distant look on his face. “You’re right.”
You sat up as well, smoothing down your hair. “Thank you, now we really must get this marriage business straightened out.”
He frowned. “Do you not wish to be queen?”
You swallowed hard. “I don’t think I have the education to be a good queen.”
This series masterlist here!!!
Tag list: @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010, @partypoison00, @serrhaewin, @issshhhaa, @pax-2735, @malfoytargaryen, @sahanna, @dellalyra, @mxrgodsstuff, @jkhomes, @unusual-raccoon
Strikethrough means I couldn't tag you for some reason!
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tempo-tales · 4 months
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An older man rests on a pile of sorted objects. The view of the sunset with "birds" and "trash" floating by calms his agitated persona after his moment of incessant recollection.
Next to him, a strange person poses while holding onto a board and flag.
The man looks at his companion and turns his head to continue observing the scenery of his scene
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Time Rabbit."
"You are very kind in your territory to allow me to tour, Mr. Custodian."
"Have you gotten what you need?"
"Of course! My creatures will be jumping for joy."
Custodian inhales with a firm, proud inhale and a loose chuckle.
"One's trash is another's treasure."-Custodian ends his laugh and looks at Time Rabbit"-"And forget about giving me anything as you always insist, dear girl."
The sky-blue lady looks smilingly at the owner of the stage. She grows fonder and fonder of this gentleman with her kindly tone of voice.
"Already my insistence was so much that now I will say no more."
The restless lady rabbit hops onto a floating platform and in her left hand magically appears a bag, the contents of which will feed her precious creatures waiting in La Madriguera.
"I would love to stay longer your Presence I love to formalize a friendship, but that I can not afford to realize. Be well, Mr. Custodian."
With a gesture of farewell, Time Rabbit raises her voice to shout a see you and with two jumps, the mysterious lady flies and is lost from sight after 4 seconds in the sky.
The old man feels a throbbing pain in his chest when he hears the word "presence".
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rintoshis-archived · 1 year
Hiii if your requests are open also sorry if they arent you can just completely ignore this message cause u dont have a pinned yet
But can i request platonic friendship headcanons with bachira and isagi?
Thank you in advance
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HI BAE !! yes yes and sorry i don't have enough time to make my pinned post but ill for sure make one! also this request was so cute ^^ i couldn't help but think about dynamicduo when i hear them together >< anyways enjoy! . *. ⋆ warnings; nothing really, cute moments with their silly little shenanigans, intentional lower capitals ✧. word count: 475, 366
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you almost felt your eardrums burst from meguru's high-pitched scream he let out in your left ear. this car ride was hell, even if there were places worse than hell, it would be crushed in the backseat with isagi and bachira. you could feel your legs cramping from the lack of space isagi's manspreading on the right side. you were inevitably squashed in between them. it didn't help when you were sitting on the hard material of the seatbelt right on your ass.
meguru and isagi's moms offered to drive you three to the arcade because the mall they were going to was awfully close to it. ''gosh.. seeing meguru go out with his friends like this.. makes my heart soft.'' yu's eyes almost water as her hands trembled on the steering wheel. ''mom, don't cry please.'' meguru told his mom, almost feeling embarrassed as his figure only sank further in the seat. you knew bachira was a talented individual and you didn't quite understand what his mom had just said.
isagi looked like he knew this feeling all too well. ''there's nothing to be embarrassed about, meguru.'' isagi's mom butt in as she turned her head to look at the three of you fighting over even just a space to breathe easily in. ''i remember isagi also never been the social butterfly like his dad was. the friends he only ever took home were the soccer team.'' i let out a small laugh as i saw the neon-lit arcade from the road. ''here should be fine, thank you so much for- meguru!'' meguru had already opened the door and dashed inside the arcade.
isagi waited for you to finish your farewells and bid his mom a quick ''goodbye, mom'' too. bachira's mom rolled down the window to give us three a small wave and drove away. meguru looked like a ticking time bomb while looking at what was inside of the arcade. people were scattered everywhere and no space wasn't filled with rainbow blinding lights that only enticed bachira further.
your almost popped out of their sockets once they landed on the bright rainbow glowing sign on top of the building. you weren't the type to go around and hang out at places and waste away the time you could use to be more productive. but since meguru and isagi kindly invited you to hang out together outside bluelock. ''c'mon, y/n! it'll be fun, promise.'' bachira grabs you by your hand and drags you inside of the building to go explore. isagi follows behind and gives you a small smile of reassurance.
''yeah, it would be more worth it to spend all your time outside of bluelock having fun, right?'' you three spot a basketball game and a bumper car area. safe to say, you three almost got kicked out 6 times already.
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ㄔ    ִ  alright now onto the headcanons c:
ㄔ    ִ  bachira definitely accidentally threw a basketball at a kid once.
ㄔ    ִ  isagi helped meguru climb the machine to keep shooting the ball inside the ring to get like 1000 tickets or something 💀💀
ㄔ    ִ  isagi knows every single hack to win every prize you wanted in claw games.
ㄔ    ִ  bachira fought a kid to get to play in one of the games; ''you've been in this seat for so long, kid!'' bachira whined while watching the kid stick out his tongue to him, but he bit back by sticking out his tongue back.
ㄔ    ִ  isagi is a boss at those coin pusher machines and always manages to waste every one of your coins but ends up making the whole tower fall
ㄔ    ִ  a worker at the arcane had to hold bachira back and when i tell you they had to HOLDDD him back, i say HOLDDDDD him back.
ㄔ    ִ  like it took them 3 workers to hold him back from knocking a kid out for ruining his win streak or something.
ㄔ    ִ  you and isagi for sure always team up for those zombie gun shooting games.
ㄔ    ִ  bachira would absolutely destroy those DDR machines. (the arrow dance machine where you step on them) like you and isagi had to pry him away from the machine to go check out other games cuz he's been there for like 43 minutes.
ㄔ    ִ  like i can just imagine bachira dancing to one of those hyper-pop songs on the ddr machine.
ㄔ    ִ  you and meguru literally almost broke the wack-a-mole machine cause meguru pulled a mole out of the hole.
ㄔ    ִ  isagi is the type of kid to eat all of the cotton candy.
ㄔ    ִ  bachira definitely climbed on isagi's back while he was rollerskating. the kids were giving them the stink eye while you were literally struggling to stand on your two left feet.
ㄔ    ִ  at the end of the day, you three got kicked out for wreaking havoc in the arcade.
ㄔ    ִ  (you three got banned from it for the rest of your life.)
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‧₊˚ ⋅ fusaes 2023 do not copy - a/n: send in an ask to request this with any other duo you want from blue lock c:
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fancyfeathers · 4 months
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The Games We Play of Dust and Ash (Yandere Moriarty the Patriot Masterlist)
Okay I am thinking about the last darling to the Yandere Moriarty brothers trio. William’s darling is lower class, a ballerina who was taken advantage of her entire life, Albert’s darling is a noble woman, being raised for nothing more than to be married off when she came of age as to boost her family’s status…
Louis’ darling is a working class woman, a librarian who lives a comfortable life for what it is.
There really is nothing special about her, she goes to work every day, has a few friends who live in the apartments next to her, she is able to get by just fine. Her days all go by the same until-
“Oh I am so sorry!”
She runs into a man at the market, turning a corner and running into him far to fast, knocking them both to the ground. He smiles and shakes his head, standing up and offering a hand to help her.
“It’s quite alright, Miss. I just hope you are alright.”
Louis helps pull her to her feet and pick up her belongings and even offers to walk her home due to it getting late and it not being safe at night which she has to decline do to her promising her coworker that she would lock up things at the library after running a few errands. So the two bid each other farewell and go on about their days.
Then the next week they run into each other again at the market…
Then the week after that at the butchers…
Then the week after that at the bakery…
Then every single week after that, so the two begin running their errands together, Louis meeting her outside the library after work and then the two work walk together wherever they needed to go…
Then one of these meetings she seems off put by something, like she had just heard or seen something rather unpleasant, when he asks about what is bothering her she just tells him…
“A young lady who frequents the library often, her parents died last night, she thinks they were murdered.”
That sounds awfully familiar to him, so Louis kindly presses for more information and it turns out to be so, that young lady is the sister of Albert’s wife and it just so happens that they did have their parents disposed of the night prior due to their rather malicious nature towards their daughters.
“I see, well if there is-“
“Louis, you’ll have to excuse me, I just remembered I needed to do something today.”
Before he can say anything else she is already running off back towards the library. The way she rushed off felt strange to Louis so he followed, sneaking into the building and looking through the hallways of where she could have gone and-
“I know they were murdered, something isn’t right about this, they were in perfect health, it had to be poison.”
“I think you may be right but I do not know who it could be-“
“The Moriartys, they were over at dinner last night-“
“Lord Albert is your brother in law, your sister’s husband, are you seriously accusing him of murder?”
“Yes I am, the way he looked at my parents, he had always hated them, you have to believe me.”
No don’t say it…
“I do.”
Louis’ heart sinks as he hears that, peaking his head into the isle he can see his own darling indeed talking to the sister of Albert’s darling.
“I will see what I can do, I have a friend who is a doctor, perhaps they can get permission to perform an autopsy, but I cannot promise anything.”
“Thank you, you’re the only person I can trust right now.”
As the footsteps of the young lady runs off, leaving the librarian alone, she buries her face in her face in her hands and leans against the bookshelf…
“God, what have I gotten myself into?”
Louis knows that they are indeed correct with what happened and if either found out too much they would need to be disposed of themselves…
But god when he looks at her in such mental anguish he finds now that he doesn’t have the heart to do it because he realizes how much he adores this woman, intentionally finding her when he went out, the way that she carried herself with such dignity and the way she spoke kindly to everyone, he couldn’t imagine life without her there now…
He lays awake that night and cannot fall asleep with the thoughts tearing his mind apart. The lack of sleep is obvious in the morning when he is going out with William and his brother points out the bags under he eyes and Louis confines in his brother about the situation who just smiles and says…
“Leave it to me, brother.”
The days go by uneventfully, then the same day they were supposed to meet again the next week she was not there. He asks one of her coworkers and they tell him that she had not shown up that day for work at all.
He runs his errands alone, but when he returns home the sight before him shocks him. She is there, laid down on the couch, unconscious. William is sitting in a nearby armchair, holding her bag and flipping through the papers within it.
“She got quite close to finding out the truth, seems like that doctor friend of hers is quite intelligent since she managed to figure out the exact poison that was used.”
This is for the best, after all they can’t have her running around knowing this information but Louis cannot stand the idea of her being dead. She’ll understand that in time.
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