#and just served them to everyone for lunch on like day 2
anyroads · 1 month
British people: these avocados must go they're past their prime please won't someone eat them
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The avocados:
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r0-boat · 1 month
May I request some Yandere Von lycaon headcanons please? Thank you! 💗
Hot wolf headcanons coming right up
Yandere Von Lycaon Headcannons
Cw: Yandere, possessive, excessive,and overprotective behavior, super controlling, super toxic, kidnapping.
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Von Lycaon knows every little thing about you down to the last beauty mark on your skin. He is a hyperstalker, MF has a leather notebook filled with meticulous notes on you. Along with pictures photos or sketches to go with it. He takes such great pride into knowing every little thing about you.
He wants to know your likes your dislikes everyone you hang out with your family members, He will know you down to what soap you use.
First he was just happy with stalking you knowing everything about you but after a while he would want more. You would start bumping into you on the street slowly starting to hang out with you. And as a handsome and very charismatic wolfman you will be in tranced too much so to even notice what's going on before it's too late.
You will be kidnapped, He had to do it as soon as he could and it's not like it was hard either He had stolen things before. He was rusty but once he knew your schedule and how to get you alone it was so easy to lead you with stray.
Lycaon is not stupid. He knows what he's doing is wrong. You are his guilty pleasure and he cannot help himself. at first he was very conflicted and holding his feelings back but now he does not care.
he assures you that him being your captor is a better option than literally anything else out in the world. With his salary he could easily provide for you then when he is not working you are his one and only. If you know your place, he will happily serve you and give you anything you wish.
Just because he serves you that doesn't mean he's a pushover. Far from it He's only like this because he wants to serve you However he is not afraid to take back what little control you thought you had.
Of course, obedience is not without punishment, and as a strict wolf, he must uphold his rules. And there are a lot of them.
-Supervise internet for 1 hour only, of course certain social medias are blocked and restricted.
-Going outside without his chaperoning is prohibited
-wondering around the house when he is at work is prohibitive However once you're good you will get this privilege.
-You must eat meals by him and him alone Von lygon will provide three meals a day along with snacks and dessert He shall leave warm breakfast out for you before he leaves for work. His Bangboo shall provide you with lunch.
-no tempering with the Bangboo, it's there for your safety surveillance and to provide You with any necessities while he's away.
-television for no more than 2 hours a day. Anymore then 1 hour over this limit and you'll get a scolding. More hours maybe negotiated.
-any books or TV series you want to watch or read must be checked and green lit with von Lycaon first
-hanging out with friends is out of the question unless greenlit by Von Lycaon.
-when he calls you must pick up immediately.
-do not feel yourself up on snacks and sweets. You'll spoil your dinner.
Honestly he doesn't think he's that controlling.
Von Lycaon had a connection set up cameras in your room and everywhere around the house, which was attached to an app on his phone so he could see what you're doing at all times.
Von Lycaon Will cook for you cloth you, bathe with you, He would even goddamn brush your damn teeth for you.
Your Butler by force may look common collected but internally he has no chill when it comes to you and will clear out grocery stores when you even mention you have a craving for any snack or dish.
He is self-aware but he is still delulu from the fact that he wants to get married to you someday. It will happen You just have to trust him more. In one of your many fights with him You yell at him that "You can't force someone to fall in love" and with a straight face looking you dead in the eye he answers " you can love someone by force that's called Stockholm syndrome. I researched that extensively"... You never had that argument with him again.
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ventique18 · 7 months
~ Crowley Vignette Pt. 2 ~
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"Good grief. This morning was certainly a pickle."
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"However, no matter what difficulties come knocking...
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"Lunch time is certain to lift one's spirits up!"
He goes and gets today's special menu, which is meat pie. He goes to find a seat and sees that the staff members, Crewel, Trein, and Vargas are already seated together. He's delighted to see them and asks to sit next to them. They do a bit of chatter and Trein notices Crowley's meal. Is that a meat pie?
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Crowley: "Indeed. I do so love meat."
"Not only beef, but pork, chicken, and I do so fancy eating even wild game meat."
Trein questions what he means by wild game, so Crowley clarifies that it's called Wildbret. Doesn't he know? Vargas chimes in because he recognizes Wildbret; the venison he ate one time was delicious and energizing. Crowley comments that Vargas has a refined palette.
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"Aside from venison, there are many other types of Wildbret. Everyone, we must absolutely..."
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Everyone's SHOCKED so Crowley tells him not to just suddenly pop up out of nowhere like that LOL. Sam says everyone looks like they're having fun so he just had to join in. Crewel wonders what Sam's doing here, because normally he'd be tending to his shop at this time of day. Sam answers that he just had a delivery for the ghosts, then goes on with his sales pitch to sell wild game to Crowley.
Crowley praises how reliable Sam is, but adds that the truth is he doesn't like only meat, but vegetables, fruits and sweets as well. He doesn't like spicy foods though! Crewel comments that they already know Crowley's an omnivore though.
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Crowley: "An omnivore... Can you not say it in a less barbaric way?!"
As a segue, Sam notices that everyone's ordered lunch was a reflection of their personalities. Vargas' is chock full of eggs for their protein. Crewel also likes pie and wanted the same lunch as Crowley's, but he thought the serving was too much. While it's good for growing boys like the students, for them adults it's not an optimal meal. Trein agrees and says he also changed his mind when he saw how big the pie was. If he ate something like that for lunch, he feels like he'd be sick for all of his afternoon classes.
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Crowley: "Is that so? What a waste. And how delicious this is too~
Vargas notices that Crowley has a wonderful appetite so he can't lose too.
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Trein: "He's gobbling up that pie overflowing with butter and juicy meat... What is he, a young man..."
Crewel: "You really haven't changed even from when I was still a student."
Trein: "Actually, I don't think he's changed even from when I started working at Night Raven College..."
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Crewel: "Headmage... Just how old are you? I'm curious, but I'm not sure I want to know..."
Sam: "Hehe... He really is full of mysteries. What an interesting guy."
Crowley finishes his meal, and then thanks his past self for recruiting that five star restaurant chef from how long ago...
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"That was... Hm. How many decades have passed since then?"
He had a long pause between "That was" and "Hm." I know it's a fae thing to not be aware of time, but the way he suddenly stops to realize time marches on far too quickly than he realizes reminds me of Malleus... And that emphasis that he's a BIG eater, just like Malleus. 🤔
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sometimesanalice · 2 years
Like I Can (Part 3)
Summary: After yet another bad date and tired of swiping on apps, the Dagger Squad steps in to help you out by setting you up on a series of blind dates. Much to Rooster’s dismay.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, slight angst. Minors DNI
Length: 7.2K
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw X Female Reader
Part 1 | Part 2
(All’s well that ends well❣️ Enjoy!)
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You’d been on edge all day. 
Having slept terribly the night before, you’d woken up early and giving up on the idea of going back to sleep had ended up at a sunrise yoga class, hoping that some movement would help you clear your mind. By the end of the hour you were even more frustrated than you were before you arrived, the poses feeling unnaturally forced instead of flowing seamlessly as they usually did. 
So much for some goddamn inner peace.
Work was even worse. You had arrived to find that the espresso machine was broken. And whoever made a pot on the ancient drip machine, that was undoubtedly pulled out of a dingy storage closet somewhere, clearly hated everyone else since it tasted like tar. You could barely focus enough to clear out your inbox, when your work nemesis started breathing down your neck about a proposal that wasn’t due for another two weeks. 
Time was dragging on. And every time you looked at the clock thinking it had been at least an hour since you’d last checked, were continually shocked to see that barely fifteen minutes had passed by. Thankfully it was Friday, so your boss didn’t care when you called it a day and left at lunch. It was better for everyone this way.
You had tried painting your nails, but didn’t have the patience to let them dry and smudged them trying to open a package of crackers. Ignoring the crumbs that got everywhere as you ate them while working the cotton pad over the remnants of your pretty pink polish. Your new favorite show didn’t hold your attention like it usually did and you found yourself mindlessly scrolling on your phone, missing most of the plot you’d had to restart it. Twice.
Not even the scenic drive along the coast to the restaurant you were supposed to meet your date at had done anything to alleviate your nerves.
You had been surprised at the choice of location when you had received the text message with the information about this particular date. As much as you enjoyed going to the Hard Deck, you were very much looking forward to drinking something other than a beer. Sure, Penny could make a mean spicy margarita, but sometimes an overpriced aesthetically pleasing cocktail just hit the spot better than anything else. 
But most of all, you were thankful for a change of pace and the privacy this offered you. You had never been one for the spotlight, and dating on display had left you feeling drained.
You’re sitting in a surprisingly comfortable wooden wicker dining chair on the outdoor patio of the new trendy fusion restaurant you’ve been dying to come to. From your spot tucked away in the corner you can see the ocean waves rolling in and back out again. The golden rays already promising a stunning sunset later in the evening.
The foliage of the giant potted monsteras and birds of paradise made the terrace feel like a lush oasis, and contrasted stylishly against the large painted terracotta tiles on the ground. The pergola that covered it was dotted wisteria amongst the other climbing greenery, and numerous oversized hanging rattan sconces. The dainty lights woven throughout reflecting off the wine glasses on the table.
This was exactly what you needed. Too bad you couldn’t let yourself enjoy it, the twisted knots in the pit of your stomach had served a constant reminder of your nerves all day.
You had used this date as an excuse to finally buy the deep green floral dress you’d had your eye on for ages. The gentle drape of the neck was subtly sophisticated, while the high slit on the side added some serious sex appeal. 
There was nothing wrong with a little retail therapy you had told yourself as you’d swiped your credit card. If you looked good, maybe it would help you to feel good.
In all honesty, it probably had a little too much sex appeal since you couldn’t stop fidgeting in your chair trying to get the silky dress cover up more of your thigh that was currently displayed rather provocatively. It felt like the more you tried to get it to lay right the more of your leg was exposed. 
It probably didn’t help that you couldn’t stop the restless bouncing of your leg. You weren’t usually an antsy person, leg bouncing had always been more of Rooster’s anxious habit than yours.
Maybe you’ll feel less exposed once you draped the linen napkin across your lap. You’re tempted to do it now, but you don’t want to disturb the artfully laid out tablescape before your date has arrived.
It had been three weeks of back to back truly terrible dates. You could see the finish line now, but you couldn’t say that it wasn’t wearing on you. It had sounded like fun in theory, but now you weren’t so sure you would said yes again if you were offered a do-over. 
You were tired. 
Tired of going through the motions with men who could hardly be bothered to do the bare minimum. Tired of trying to sell the best version of yourself. Tired of putting on a show when all you wanted to find was an easy kind of love.
And this particular date had you more on edge and anxious than any of the other ones you’d gone on.
Even if you were pressed, you could not remember a single thing about the guy Payback had set you up with on your most recent blind date.
That evening you hadn’t even bothered trying to put together a cute outfit for the meeting. Instead, the only real effort you’d opted to put in was painting your lips a bright red as an attempt to psych yourself up for it. You didn’t usually wear such a bold color, but when you did it never failed to make you feel more brilliant.
And while you couldn’t remember anything about your date, what you did vividly remember was the fight you got into with Rooster that night.
You had been coming back from the restroom and on your way back to your date when you had bumped into him rounding the corner. 
“Sorry, that was my fault,” he’d said as he reached out to steady you with hand going to your waist, dropping it once he realized it was you. “Oh, hey.”
Glancing over to your date who seemed absorbed in some game he was playing on his phone, you figured he wouldn’t miss you if you spent a few extra minutes away to catch up with Rooster.
He had been acting really distant lately, taking a couple days to respond to texts rather than a couple of hours like it usually took him. Natasha had told you about the rigorous training they were being put though, and you had assumed it probably had something to do with that. However, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off between you two.
Rooster was already pulling away from you and taking a step towards the bar when you reached out grabbing his wrist to keep him with you. Looking around for a quiet place to talk, you’d heard him sigh behind you, but still held on to him as you made your way to one of the high-top tables in the corner by the empty stage. 
You’d stopped and let go as you turned towards him, only to find him already looking at you with an expression that landed somewhere between expectant and exasperated. The cuffs of his shirt straining around his biceps as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Well?” he grunted out.
Was he mad at you? You couldn’t think of any recent arguments you’d had recently that would explain the harsh tone he was using with you. 
“Is everything ok? I feel like you’ve been really off lately. You know I’m always here for you, right?” Your hand was already reaching out to touch him, but you resisted the urge not wanting to further agitate him.
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m surprised you even have time to talk to me with all these washouts you’ve been wasting your time on. You’re the one with the busy social calendar, not me.” He was looking over the top of your head avoiding your gaze now, the bitterness in his voice had stunned you. 
“Seriously? What is the matter with you?” 
He’d never been so intentionally callous with you before and it hurt. 
“Listen, if there is an issue me dating the people your friends have been setting me up with, you need to let me know,” you’d said pointing a firm finger at him, your anger rising. “This was supposed to be a fun no pressure situation, but I don’t want to be in the middle of this if things are getting heated between you guys. It’s not worth it to me. But you don’t get to ignore me for days and then claim that I’m the one avoiding you.”
He made a noise of frustration as he dragged both hands through his curls. You could see the flex of his jaw as he’d clenched his teeth together.
“Look, I’m sorry,” he ducked down to that his eyes were level with your, and you could see the remorse in them. “You’re right, that was shitty of me to take it out on you. I’m just… tired.”
You’d simply nodded at him, feeling like you weren’t on the same page as him didn’t sit well with you. “Phoenix told me about your new training program, it seems intense,” your voice sounded small even to your own ears.
“Yeah, the training,” he’d sighed out pausing for a moment as he weighed his words, rubbing at his chest, “It’s taking a toll on me, but that’s my problem. I mean it, I’m sorry.”
“Are we good?” you searched his eyes, your friendship with him was so important to you.
“You and me? We’re good, kid. Always.” He’d reached out and squeezed your shoulder before heading back to where the group was gathered together pretending like they weren’t just watching your argument play out. 
Needless to say, your head was somewhere elsewhere entirely as you made your way back to your date. You’d felt bad being so distracted, but your mind just kept playing the argument on repeat. It was like your brain was trying to pull apart every little word to decode something that you didn’t think was there.
After Payback’s friend had left, you rejoined everyone else around the pool table. You couldn’t tell if the mood was off or if it was just you reading into things, since they hadn’t been prodding you with questions like they usually did.
Natasha was in the middle of giving you a glowing review of the man she had been bragging about since she first offered to set you up, when Rooster came to sit with you both.
“He’s just your type. He’s an engineer, so he’s smart. He’s got that whole glasses wearing and floppy hair thing going for him. And he’s funny. Rumor has it that he talked back to his Rear Admiral one time and got away with it because the guy had found him amusing. I fully expect you to name one of your future children with him after me.”
Rooster had surprised the pair of you when he stood up so violently that he almost knocked over the beers on the table. 
“What the fuck, Bradshaw?” Nat had exclaimed as you both worked to rescue the teetering bottles from becoming casualties from his sudden movement.
You had no idea what he was going to say as an explanation for why he’d jumped out of his seat the way he did, but what he ended up unexpectedly announcing instead of answering Nat’s question had sent you into a tailspin.
So now here you are in a restaurant you’d be dying to go to, fidgety and anxious in a probably-too-expensive-and-probably-too-provocative dress for a first date with the guy who Rooster was willing to break his long-standing rules for to set you up with.
To say you were feeling the pressure was an understatement. No one knew you like Rooster did. He’d seen you at your best and at your worst. He wouldn’t just pick any random guy he knew, he would be picking the one who he thought would be the best for you.
The thought should be comforting, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of uneasiness.
You pick up your phone again and double check the time in the text that Rooster had sent you with all the details for your date with his friend. 
It was either that do that again or moving the ever-so-slightly crooked gold salad fork back into place.
You’re about to open Instagram for the third time since you sat down, turning when you hear a throat clear purposely behind you.
“Hey, sweet girl.”
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For Rooster, when you’d first agreed to participate in the bet with his friends those dates started off as annoying inconveniences. Just inconsequential disruptions that got in the way of his time with you.
You were his best friend and at his bar, yet he felt like he’d hardly seen you these past couple of weeks- or at least not as much as he would have liked. 
Sure, he got some time with you here and there at the end of the night like when you had late night tacos on the beach. Or when he’d taught you his favorite pool trick, well more like attempted to teach you, he loved how stunningly bad you were at the game. But he felt like he was competing with these idiots his friends had picked out for your time and your attention. 
He wasn’t used to sharing you. In the past, if you had a date that conflicted with something spontaneous he wanted to do or something that the group had planned together, more often than not he could get you to move it or cancel completely.
He’d never been above a little bribery to get his way, he knew what you liked.
You going on dates wasn’t a new concept to him, but seeing them paraded in front of him was a different story. And he was getting really tired of watching you from across the bar while feeling like you were out of reach.
The more of them you went on, and the more he heard Natasha crowing about having the perfect man for you the more agitated he felt. The worse that feeling in the pit of his stomach got. 
The evening of date for Payback’s pick, they’d all seen you walk in through the doors of the Hard Deck wearing that shade of red lipstick. You’d wore it so well. His friends had immediately started speculating about what it meant. Phoenix had called them all idiots, and while he couldn’t claim to know anything about make-up and those things, he did know you didn’t just wear that color for no reason. 
He had vague memories of his mom putting the color on when they’d go greet his dad, at least he like to think those were his memories. Or maybe they were just something he’d created in his head from all the time he had spent looking at old photos of his mom and dad together, her smile always outlined in the color. His favorite was the one where his dad’s cheeks were covered in bright red lipstick kisses as he smiled indulgently down at his mom while a young Bradley was propped on her hip clutching his prized F-14 Tomcat. He had that one framed on the end table next to his couch. 
And seeing that color on you for a date with this random guy had rattled him.
He’d felt so terrible later that evening when he took those feelings out on you. Hating himself as he lashed out at you. Hating himself as he saw your face fall and the hurt in your eyes. Hating himself for being the person who made you feel bad.
And the crux of it all was that you weren’t wrong, he had been deliberately distant by being slow to reply and ignoring texts from you. He wasn’t proud of it, but he didn’t know what else to do. He’d hoped by creating some space that it would help him to try and get his head back on straight. 
He’d let you assume that he was tired from the new training program they were being put through. What he didn’t tell you was that he was already outperforming everyone on the team, and that he hadn’t had to do any extra push-ups in a week and a half. 
He was tired because he hadn’t been sleeping, and he couldn’t sleep because every time he tried to close his eyes all he could see was you on these dates. Replaying them in his mind’s eye wondering what the outcome would have been had they not gone so terribly wrong each time.
The what-ifs swarming around his brain day and night like agitated hornets.
While he had been quick to apologize for being a dick, the sharp pain that settled behind his sternum wouldn’t subside no matter how much he had tried to rub it away.
He didn’t know what was more unbearable, the idea of losing you to a chance encounter of circumstance. Some meet cute courtesy of the universe that he couldn’t see coming until it was too late, when it’s already too far out of his hands and out of his control. To see you grinning that smile so bright, the one so wide it made your dimples appear, as you introduced that guy to him. 
Or sitting here night after night analyzing every little thing as you date the people some of his closest friends had picked out for you. Watching and hoping that these dates would just be funny stories you told on drunken nights out rather than the story told at your wedding about the night that everything changed when you met your person. Of having to be happy for you even as you pull away from him.
His ears were ringing and he’d felt his stomach drop. 
He could see it now, a day when your life ran parallel to his rather than entwined as he was used to. Of you with a partner. With children. Of him as ‘Uncle’ Rooster, demoted to the rank of ‘longtime friend of the family’ rather than a core member of it. 
The thought of it making him feel sick. 
All evening he had been moving around like a ghost completely lost to the thoughts in his head, but now it felt like he’d been shocked by a live wire. He’d pretty much jumped out of the chair he had just settled in, almost knocking the beers in front of him off the table completely. 
“I want in, I’ll do it,” he’d blurted out, interrupting the conversations that had continued on around him while he had been spiraling. “This whole thing has been a complete shit show. I can’t watch this anymore. I know a guy, I’ll set it up. I’m in.” 
His hands were sweating as he hoped no one would call his bluff. He’d made it a point to actively avoid looking at you. You had such an uncanny way of reading him. 
“I don’t know, Bradshaw. You’re a little late to the game, aren’t you? I’ve been saving the best for last, and I’m ready to collect my winnings.” He’d expected some shit from Hangman, but he never would have guessed it’d come from Phoenix. 
Feeling his anger flare up, he reached into his back pocket and fished out a $100 bill from his worn leather wallet, double the original entry fee. He slapped it down on the table, leaving no room for any further discussion, “I’m the one setting her up for the next date.” 
He’d caught a look between Hangman and Phoenix, but he couldn’t be bothered to read into it as he tried to keep his temper in check.  
He wouldn’t lose you. Not to someone who didn’t deserve you, especially when he already knew the person who could make you happy.
“Alrighty,” Jake had drawled out, as he pocked the bill. “Looks like we have another player. I look forward to taking your money.” 
He’d extended his hand out and they’d all shook on it, reaching Phoenix last her grip firm and her smile sharp. And that was that. 
Now he was here at the new popular restaurant he’d heard you talking about a few weeks ago, his feet cemented to the tiles beneath him just gazing at you. 
He could tell from where he was standing behind you that you were nervous by the way you were opening and closing apps without truly looking at anything. He knew it was a habit of yours when you were feeling anxious, something for your hands to do as you tried to distract yourself.
He had sweet talked the hostess over the phone into reserving the best spot on the outdoor terrace, and you looked so beautiful sitting there wearing his new favorite color. Your hair is held back by a delicate golden clip on one side leaving the line of your neck exposed, the sea breeze picking up a few wisps.  It makes his teeth ache with want.
He knew you were gorgeous, he’d stared down enough men at the Hard Deck to know that others thought so too. However, he’d never let himself sit with those thoughts for too long, not trusting himself to keep his mind from wandering. 
You were his best friend. 
And best friends don’t think about how the other would look so perfect in their bed, that pretty green dress forgotten on the floor. 
Best friends don’t think about how perfect you would look under his arm.
Best friends don’t think about how perfect you would look with his ring on your finger.
Best friends don’t think about how perfect you are for him.
Best friends don’t think about how perfect he is for you.
It was a good thing he didn’t want to just be your best friend anymore. 
He’d already done too much thinking, done too much waiting. He wasn’t going to miss his moment. 
Taking one more deep breath, he made his way to you.
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“Rooster? What are you doing here?” He was the last person you’d expected to see when you turned your head to see who had been trying to get your attention, “Are you ok? What’s wrong?”
Did he get emergency orders? Did your date get in an accident? 
Your anxiousness was quickly morphing into panic, you’re already half way out of your seat when he puts his hand on your shoulder, his thumb stroking the skin there reassuringly. 
He is standing there looking completely at ease, as if he belonged there, “Nothing’s wrong, sweet girl.” 
And there it was again, you hadn’t been sure if your ears were playing tricks on you the first time he’d said it. That simple term of endearment silencing the alarm bells that were going off in your head, the edges of the lush restaurant softening around everything except him.
“Your mom always called me that,” you say softly. 
You cherished all the memories you had with Carole, the woman who had been such a significant figure in your life for so long. You knew your mom still sent Rooster a cake every year to celebrate her birthday from whatever bakery was closest to wherever he was stationed. 
“I know, I remember,” his voice so warm and deep, “She loved you.” 
He says it so simply, so sincerely. As if his presence here hasn’t just completely untethered you and sent you adrift in a sea of bewilderment.
The writhing snake that had made a home all day in the pit of your stomach finally disappeared, only to be replaced with the fluttering of wings that you were desperately trying to ignore. 
You’d been so shocked when Rooster had exclaimed that he was going to set you up with someone, your mind had been whirling so much at the time you could barely focus on anything that had been said in the aftermath of his announcement. Maybe you had missed some caveat he’d come up with for his participation in the bet? That could make sense, considering how adamant he had always been in the past about never getting involved in your love life. 
He was standing there looking so good in his best short-sleeved button up shirt, the one that was scattered with vibrant palm leaves that fit snugly against his body. And wearing the white slacks that usually had you looking anywhere else in the room to avoid acknowledging the way they clung to your best friend’s thighs and ass. If only he knew how weak they made you. 
There just has to be a logical reason for why he’s here, but the soft smile on his face was rendering your brain uncooperative. 
You were getting tired of feeling like you were missing something that should be so obvious, “My date is supposed to be here soon, are you going to hover in the back like you have been at the Hard Deck? Or are you just planning on pulling up a chair and third wheeling up close and personal?” 
“Why would I need an extra chair,” he asks as he pulls it out and eases his large frame down onto the wicker seat, “When mine’s already free?” 
You move to open your mouth when the waitress arrives, asking if you had your drink orders selected. 
“I’ll do the Bourbon Sidecar. You feelin’ like a gin, sweet girl?” You just nodded at him mutely, still desperately trying to catch up. “And the Clover Club for her, please.” 
It’s what you were planning on ordering to calm your first date jitters before had Rooster arrived and sent you into a complete tailspin. He hadn’t even looked at the thick textured cardstock of the drink menus that were strategically placed just to the right of the golden soup spoons on the artfully laid out table. 
The butterflies were threatening to break free from the tightly locked cage you had attempted to shove them in. 
The waitress took down the drinks, and you watched her as she crossed the patio pausing to tap away on the screen of their POS, trying to give yourself a few more moments to collect your thoughts. 
“Bradley. I don’t understand, what’s going on?” He’s sitting there looking so secure, so steadfast, so sure. 
His cheek ticks up, “I like it when you call me Bradley. Why did you stop calling me that when you moved out here?” 
“You’re avoiding the question.”
“Why did you stop calling me Bradley when you moved out here?” he asks again, leaning in. How does he expect you to answer a question, when your mind is going 1,190 miles an hour? 
“I don’t know,” you start with a halfhearted shrug. “You’ve made a name for yourself in the Navy, you are ‘Rooster’ to everyone here.” You open your mouth to say more, before closing it quickly.
“There’s more going on in that head,” you feel his foot reach out tapping against yours under the table, before leaving it there a steady presence. “Tell me.”
You know you can tell him anything, but this feels different.
The intensity of his stare has you fighting the flush you feel spreading across your cheeks.
It wasn’t something that you’d ever given much thought to before, but you know if you answer truthfully now that he’s asked you it’s going to leave you feeling more exposed than you’ve ever been with him. 
You sit up more fully in your chair deciding to be brave, “I mean, we haven’t really truly been in the same place since we were teens, and things are so different now. It was easier to start calling you ‘Rooster’ or ‘Bradshaw’ like everyone else, because it didn’t make me feel like I was piece from a different puzzle trying to force myself into a new picture. I wanted to fit into the life that you’ve built here, to feel like I still have a place with you as you are now.”
You’re actively fighting to keep your eyes on his. It would be so easy to look away or to laugh off your confession, but for whatever reason, you don’t want to take the easy out. 
“I never knew you felt like that, but I wish I had,” the look in his eyes is softer than anything you’ve ever seen from him before. “I like being Bradley to you, I want to be Bradley to you. You aren’t just a piece to me, you’re the whole picture. You’ve always had a place here, exactly as you are you are now.”
It’s never been like this between the two of you. It feels like you both are saying too much and not enough all at the same time. As much as you find yourself wanting to sink into these intoxicating yet unfamiliar feelings, you know you’re still holding yourself back.
God, he is so handsome. You had been right, the sunset that was just starting was stunning, but the way golden beams were hitting the lightened strands of his curls was spectacular.
You’re almost too afraid to ask, but it’s unbearable not knowing, “Why are you here right now, Bradley?”
Of course, the waitress chooses that moment to return with the drinks. 
She sets them down in front of you, the skewered raspberries sitting daintily on the side of your glass are suddenly the most fascinating thing in the room. You vaguely hear him saying you both need more time and that he’ll flag her down when you’re ready to order. 
He waits for her to leave to attend to her other tables before turning his heady gaze on you once again.
“I thought I’ve been making my intentions pretty clear here, sweet girl.” 
He takes a sip of his Sidecar before continuing, the slight bounce of his leg the only thing giving him away that he might not be as self-assured as you’d originally thought, “I’m here for our date.”
There’s no hope of containing the butterflies now. You’re a lost cause. 
“Bradley.” You can only imagine the emotions he is reading on your face. It would absolutely break your heart if this was some kind of bad joke.
“He’ll never love you like I can.” 
“What?” you ask sounding every bit as dazed as you feel.
“Sorry, sorry,” he says shaking his head slightly, huffing out a little laugh at himself, “I got ahead of myself.”
You watch as he resituates himself in the chair, wiping his hands on the front of his slacks before restarting. 
“Watching you on those dates has been hell, I don’t want to be jealous of some guy you gave a second glance. I don’t want hold back, not when we can be so much more,” he reaches across the table, taking your hand between his two large ones, “I thought having you as a friend was enough for me, but how am I supposed to sleep at night knowing that I could be the one who makes you happy and then do nothing about it? That I’m the only one who can love you the way you deserve to be loved?”
You’ve always known he’s cared for you, that was unquestionable, but to be loved by Bradley Bradshaw? It was something you’d never let yourself imagine, let alone dared to hope to for. It had been kinder to spare yourself from the heartache that came with hope. But now? With him sitting right here in front of you saying you could have him like this?
Was this how he felt flying in his F-18 every day?
He gets up and rounds the table coming to your side, hooking an ankle around the tapered leg of your chair pulling you out a bit. You’re suddenly very thankful for the probably-too-expensive-and-probably-too-provocative for a first date dress you purchased when you see the way his rich brown eyes turn molten as he gets a glimpse of your exposed thigh.
He settles into a crouch before you, his warm hands seeking out both of yours, “You don’t need Phoenix or anyone else to set you up, because he’ll never love you like I can. Let me show you how good it can be. Let me be it for you, sweet girl.”
The man in front of you is everything you could have ever possibly wanted for yourself. And to be the one who could get to keep him forever? There’s no doubt in your mind, it’s worth everything.
You’re sure you will have to have a more serious conversation about what this means for the two of you, but that can wait for another time when he’s not in front of you with his eyes so earnest. So hopeful. To another time when he’s not wearing his heart on his sleeve as he patiently waits for any kind of response from you.
It would be so easy to lean in and kiss him right now. 
So easy to learn what that mustache would feel like against your skin. 
To learn how his lips and tongue would feel against your own. 
To learn how his mouth would move with yours.
But what’s a couple more hours when you’ve had years to build up to it.
“Well then, Lieutenant. I guess you better show me how it’s done,” you bring your hand up to cup his face, your thumb gently stroking along his cheekbone. “But I’m warning you now, I fully intended to give you as good as I get.” 
Being on the receiving end of a Rooster smile was something special, but it had nothing on the beaming grin that Bradley Bradshaw is giving you now. 
“I wouldn’t expect anything else from you,” he says as he lands a lingering kiss on your cheek before standing and pushing your chair back in for you. “You’ve always known how to keep me on my toes.”
He returns back to his surprisingly comfortable wooden wicker chair, stretching his leg to rest it against yours. When the waitress comes back you both end up picking your meals at random, having been too absorbed with each other to actually bother reading the menu. 
You’d barely eaten all day because of the knots in your stomach, and now you were starving. Thankfully, Bradley at least had the commonsense to ask the waitress to pick her favorite dish as a third entrée “for the table”.
It feels the same in many ways, he knows what to say to make you laugh and what to bring up to get you fired up. And you know what questions to ask to keep him talking and how to push his buttons just right. 
But it’s also different when he doesn’t bother to hide his knowing smirk every time he catches you looking at his lips. And it’s even better when you don’t bother trying to hide yours when you catch him doing the same.
Afterwards, he takes your hand in his as you slowly make your way to the parking lot, his fingers lacing between your own. He surprises you when he leans against the Bronco, murmuring something about not wanting to let your pretty dress get dirty. His long legs extended wide as an invitation for you to come stand between them, his strong hands stroking the silky material of your dress on your hips as you step closer. 
You’ve been ignoring the pull low in your stomach all evening, the tension between you two the most luscious feeling you’ve ever experienced. The combination of his heat, his woodsy smell, the headiness of his gaze on you almost too overwhelming. 
Your hands settle on his broad chest, playing with the button of his shirt now a bit nervous. Your faces closer than you’ve ever allowed them to be before. If what you’re hearing is the sound of the waves or the roaring of the blood in your ears, you couldn’t say.
You know he is waiting for you to make the first move. You see the moment when he’s about to say something, knowing him the words would be wonderfully reassuring and perfectly Bradley.
Why would you want to talk when his mouth was already waiting like a question. Why would you want to talk when you could learn what it’s like kiss him instead?
So you do.
When your lips meet his for the first time it feels like the sweetest kind of devotion. 
His mustache scratching satisfyingly at the skin of your upper lip. His mouth tasting like the Sidecars he sipped on throughout the night and something that was just fundamentally Bradley. 
Your hand moves on its own to stroke the side of his neck, your fingers seeking out the line of the longest scar that adorns his skin there from that night all those years ago. 
Your heart is beating wildly in your chest as he licks his lips before bringing his face down to yours again. Your other hand tightly clutching his shirt in anticipation.
He’s always been so in tune with you, so when he tilts your head just right before leaning into the kiss it feels like a homecoming. 
One of Bradley’s hands makes its way up your back, pressing you closer to him as the other bands more securely around your waist. And when his tongue skims your lower lip, you sigh into his waiting mouth thankful for his strong grasp on you. 
Nothing your mind could have imagined would have ever come close to the perfection that is Bradley Bradshaw’s mouth moving against yours. Nothing has ever felt so good, so right.
When he pulls away, you’re both over fighting back the smiles that feel like have been permanently fixed on your faces all evening.
“I’m don’t want to call it a night yet,” he tells you, as he brushes the hair back from your face. His smile turning playful, “What do you say, kid? Wanna go get some milkshakes?”
“Depends,” you reply cheekily, “Can I drink it in the Bronco?”
Wrapping both arms around his neck you draw him back in towards you again.
“Anything you want, sweet girl,” he promises against your lips.
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The next night at the Hard Deck, you entered the bar with Bradley’s arm draped your shoulders. 
His team whooping loudly when you pull him in for a kiss as he handed you a Blue Moon. They’d declared the drinks were on Bradley that night as they’d swarmed you both in celebration. Maverick pulls you aside to give you a warm hug, whispering “I knew you’d get here” in your ear before releasing you.
Now that you had let yourselves cross that line from friends to more, the pair of you are entirely too aware of the other. Never content to be too far away from the other. Your eyes like magnets, each seeking out the other to find them already looking back.
There’s nothing friendly about the way he has his hands on your waist. Nothing neighborly in the way his hands rub your shoulders. Nothing platonic in the way he rests one hand on the back of your neck, his thumb making teasing circles.
And there’s nothing friendly about the way you run your hands through his curls when he’s at the piano. Nothing neighborly in the way you slide your hand into his back pocket. Nothing platonic in the way you rest your hand on his chest, your finger tracing the line of his collarbone. 
It has always been so easy with him, even as you explore in this new area of your relationship.
You’d been orbiting around each other all night, when Jake yelled out to heckle you both about indecent exposure, threatening to call his cop friend if Bradley didn’t “get his ass over to the pool table in the next thirty seconds.”
He’d peppered your face with kisses before you’d shooed him away, laughing when you realized he had swiped your beer and had taken it with him.
“So you and Bradshaw,” Natasha states as she settles down next to you.
That makes you smile.
“Yeah, me and Bradley.” 
How could you have possibly thought you’d want anyone else other than him? You were a goner from the moment you’d turned and saw him standing there at the restaurant. Your golden boy.
You turn towards her, putting a hand on her arm, “I’m sorry that you didn’t get a fair shot at the bet. I really do appreciate the effort you all went through. I mean, Bradley would have had it in the bag anyways. But still–”
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” she waves a hand, cutting you off, “We had a team meeting and changed the rules of the bet anyways. I still won, so it’s all good.” Her smile was nothing less than mischievous. 
“Wait, what?” 
“We could all see from Rooster’s reaction during that disaster of a first date with all the dogs that he was completely hung up on you. We didn’t want to wait for him to figure it out, so we decided to adjust the terms a bit to help him out,” she laughs at your clearly baffled expression. “We reached out to the cringiest people we knew and set you up with them instead. And then took bets on how long it would take Rooster to get his head out of his ass and go get his girl.”
“Oh my god, seriously?” The revelation has you bursting out in laughter.
“Yep, well except for Bob. His date was a genuine accident, bless him. I’ll be honest, I didn’t even bother reaching out to anyone. I was betting on Rooster getting it together before I needed to step in,” she explains while wearing the most self-satisfied smirk on her face.
Of course Natasha Trace had bet on him. On you.
You couldn’t wait to tell Bradley how you had both been so absolutely played by his team. 
You loved these people. You loved your life here in San Diego. 
“I’d apologize for putting you through all that, but it looks like it worked out well in the end,” she says knowingly nodding her head towards him. 
You’re fully watching him now as he bends over the pool table looking amused at something that Hangman says. 
Bradley looks up catching your eye and shoots a wink in your direction, a grin taking over his whole face. You already know you’re wearing a matching one.
“I wouldn’t change a single thing.”
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Thank you so much for all the love on this one! I’ve loved sharing this journey with you all! Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! 
If you want to know what happens next for these two you can check out my masterlist! 
Written as part of @roosterforme’s #Love Is In The Air TGM Fic Challenge!
Song Inspiration Sam Smith’s “Like I Can”.
Thank you Jordan (@gretagerwigsmuse) as always for being the ultimate hype girl! 
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2K notes · View notes
nucleo-bang-tan · 4 months
wife's bsf au where reader is wife and she sees her bsf coming into their bedroom at night and fucking her husband right beside her while reader is crying but she stills observe everything
You didn't specify which member you wanted me to write. I was assuming it was Taehyung? But I'm sorry I had to do Jk.
Grayscale Pt.1 | JJK
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Pairing/s: Jungkook X Reader
Genre: Cheating AU, highschool sweethearts, first love
Rating/s: No detailed explicit content, but wouldn't recommend it for minors.
Warning/s: Major heartbreak (duh), sweet love story, Jungkook is literally a liar and a dirty, dirty cheat (not irl, he's an angel), mentions of sex with another woman, not really a satisfying end? and I guess the ask says the rest, lmk if I'm forgetting anything.
A/N: Please leave comments, I would love to hear from you guys. Critique my writing and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, really appreciate it.
I'm also extremely sleepy while writing this, let me know if I made some mistakes or if my writing isn't as good as you expected (anon, you can send another ask if you would like me to write it once more)
Series Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
The memory of the precise moment you fell for Jungkook remains vivid in every corner of your mind. How could you not, honestly?
He was a year older than you in high school. Typically exuding a reserved and shy demeanor, the sophmore was exceptionally good at basketball and other sports. Not that you were far behind; you could effortlessly win against majority of the students in any given sport. Everyone but Jungkook it seemed. 
The pretty boy had throngs of admirers. You honestly understood them but you could feel yourself groan with annoyance everytime he beat you at a sport you practiced for days. Yes, he annoyed you, a sentiment he was well too aware of.
The boy didn't attend school as often, he had his future laid out in front of him, his father being a huge businessman in Busan.
You couldn't say that you hadn't heard of his father's reputation but you certainly could tell that Jungkook was pretty intimidated by him.
"Maybe she just likes you!" His friend answered much too loudly when Jungkook asked about why you disliked him.
He just laughed, "I wish. But I have a rough feeling that it has something to do with the fact that I demolish her at every game."
They were sitting together in the gymnasium during their lunch break, stealing glances at your direction, Jungkook wasn't the only one with admirers, you had your fair share of them.
Jungkook couldn't admit it openly but he had a crush on you. His feelings were shared only to the ones closest to him.
"You should really tell her, you know." His friend suggested.
"And risk your father knowing? Man, just try it. You can brush it off as a rumor if it gets out."
Jungkook sighed, his desire for you practically consumed him.
He looked at you yet again. He knew it was a huge risk, but fuck. The way you laughed with your friends, the way your eyes glistened with purity, everything made him want to hug you and whisper the cheesiest of words into your ear. You were pretty, so pretty.
He couldn't risk it, right? But maybe he could give it a shot.
Jungkook's friend invited you to a local park that same evening since Jungkook couldn't muster up enough courage to do it himself. He picked one where the public consisted mostly the elderly to reduce the chances of him being noticed.
"Namjoon-hyung, you sure this jacket looks good?" Jungkook panicked. "I have to be there in 15 minutes."
His older friend sighed, "You could just tell us you're going on a date; it's obvious. We won't be that mad you know."
"It's not a date, I'm just meeting a....friend."
"Sure you are, that's why you got the biggest bouquet."
As Jungkook hurriedly made his way to the park, his mind raced with anticipation and nerves. The weight of the bouquet in his hands served as a constant reminder of the leap of faith he was about to take.
Despite his attempts to brush off Namjoon's teasing, the truth was undeniable: he was about to meet you for what felt like the most important moment of his life.
There you were, squatting down near the pup of an elderly couple. Your hair catching the golden sunlight and framing your face ever so beautifully.
This was the first time he saw you outside of school and without the uniform or gym clothes. You were wearing a simple skirt and a jacket to protect from the chilly weather, the soft hues blending perfectly with your complexion. He made a mental note of how good your sense of clothing was.
But that moment sparked a certain sense of determination in the teenage boy's head. He had to have you. It was that exact moment when he decided that he'll marry you and only you one day, keep you close to him forever.
Maybe you'd decline his proposal to take you out on a date, maybe you'd slap him for being delusional, but he simply didn't care then.
He approached you, and squatted beside you softly petting the dog.
"Jungkook?" You furrowed your eyebrows, attention shifting from the puppy to him.
"You're late, you know?" You huffed, feigning annoyance. Getting up, you started walking around the serene lake, Jungkook walking beside you.
"I know, I'm sorry." He cleared his throat, it being way too dry for his liking. You looked at the flowers in his hands and figured they were for you.
"So, why did you invite me here? Oh well, technically your friend did."
Jungkook needed water and was hoping he could dive into the lake. But the way you looked at him made him question if that would be enough to hydrate him.
"I- uh- was thinking..."
"You're awfully confident while playing, you know. You should really bring that over into your actual personality."
He remembered what his hyung, Namjoon taught him, 'Question, joke and complement.'
"Uh- do you come here often?" That was dumb, Jungkook realised as soon as it came out of his mouth.
"No, not really. I wish I did, my parents don't really allow me to go out that often."
"Oh, why is that?"
"What if someone, like you, kidnaps me?" You laughed, "Wouldn't be be a pretty situation, right?"
Jungkook relaxed a bit, your attitude didn't seem inapproachable at all. He had talked to you multiple times, but all after you lost a game against him. To be fair, he'd be annoyed too.
It was the complement stage, and Jungkook meant it when he said, "Your hair, it's really pretty- like you."
You blushed uncontrollably. This was the first time someone had called you pretty. Now it was your turn to shy away from him.
Jungkook thought it was so unbearable, that he couldn't hold it in anymore. He had to ask you. He had to get your answer. Seeing you blush made him even more infatuated with you.
"I uh- invited you here today to ask you something." He started.
You looked up at him with those bewitching eyes that had him at a loss for words. But he still managed to say, "Go out with me?"
A week after you rejected Jungkook, you were very unfortunately invited to watch the boys' basketball game. Ofcourse, Jungkook was going to be there, the thought made you want to crawl into your bed and hibernate till it was all over.
Jungkook was a great person, handsome, smart, and at times more shy than he should be. He was the typical high school crush and so much more.
Jungkook asking you out, despite the fact you had a slight distaste towards him, felt like a dream. But dreams are called dreams because they are too good to be true, right?
Jungkook was not the problem, never was. It was your strict parents. Telling them that you had a boyfriend was a suicide mission in itself.
After your refusal to date him, Jungkook had a huge mental breakdown and decided it'd be best if followed the path made for him by his father.
"You know, you're staring." Gaeul nudged your arm. Her remark made you quickly come out of your daze.
"At Jungkook? No way, I was just looking at the uh-"
"I think he knows you're staring."
"Fuck, should we leave?" You asked.
You didn't leave but stayed longer than anyone. The court was empty at this point except for the janitors who exchanged looks that probably translated, 'When's this one leaving?'
You felt a presence sit a foot next to you on the bleachers.
"Hey." He said. Jungkook was all showered and fresh. Hair still damp from it and skin smelling like soap.
"I should leave, shouldn't I?" You chuckled.
"Y/n, can I ask you something?"
You nodded.
"Why do you care what your parents think?"
"What?" You looked at him surprised.
"Are you sure you rejected me because you don't like me?"
"Jungkook, I-"
"Your friend, Gaeul told me how your parents will practically skin you alive if you date someone."
"I'm sorry but I can't go against them."
"Do you like me?" He shifted closer to you on the bench.
"I can't, Jungkook. Why don't you understand?"
"Do you like me?" He simply asked.
"I do, a lot."
With that he put an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to his body. The heat he radiated was overwhelming. You had never been this close to a boy before. Your stomach did a flip seeing how close his face was.
"That day, when I saw you, I realised, that I can't imagine taking a single step without you. I have no idea what happened to me, but I'm glad it did."
"Jungkook, I can't." You whispered.
"You don't seem like you mean it, say what you want."
You knew neither of your parents would approve of this but fuck, the pretty boy's eyes did something to your heart. It made you want to cry, something about him pulled you, and it was significant.
This was the exact moment you fell for him.
"I want to be your girlfriend."
Pulling you closer than humanly possible, he kissed you.
There goes your first kiss.
You felt so soft, your cocoa butter lip balm smelling ever so sweet, he wondered if it would taste like cocoa butter too, spoiler: it did.
Jungkook held you so delicately, kissing you like you were a fragile sculpture bound to crumble.
"Hey, get your asses out of here!" one of the janitors yelled.
"Y/n! What is the meaning of this?" Your father yells at you.
"Dad, this is..." You tried to explain who the boy with his arm around your waist was.
You were in the final year of high school and Jungkook was already in college. This was the first time you brought Jungkook home to introduce him to your parents.
"Young woman, get yourself upstairs to your bedroom, I'll get rid of this... guy" His voice still holding lots of anger and disappointment.
You sigh, "Dad, this is Jungkook. He's... my boyfriend."
Your dad was speechless, and the disappointment was through the roof.
"We've been together for 3 years now." I gulp.
"That's enough!" He yells. "This is not what we expected from you. 3 years? You've been hiding this for 3 years now?"
Jungkook decided to speak up, "Sir, I love your daughter and she loves me. I promise you, she's the girl I'll marry. I hope you'll understand that" His grip on my waist tightens reassuringly.
You look at Jungkook, he had said these words a million times but now, in front of your father? This was something entirely different.
You take a deep breath, "Dad, I don't care if you give your blessings to our relationship or not, I just wanted you to know that I have him, I have Jungkook."
You had somehow managed to get into the same prestigious university as your boyfriend and decided that you'll finally live together.
Your father couldn't say no to your relationship even if he wanted to. He cared more for your happiness and though he wasn't sure about Jungkook, he decided it would be the best to let you be your own person.
"Jungkook?" You look over your shoulder, hearing the sound of the door opening.
"You stayed up? I told you not to." Jungkook, sits beside you on the couch. He leans in and kisses your forehead.
"I couldn't sleep without you. You know how much I love your warmth." You rest your head on his chest.
Looking back, you should've placed the familiar scent that didn't smell like Jungkook which lingered on his shirt.
He pulled you closer to him, "I'm sorry."
"For what?" You look up at his face, he was on the verge of tearing up.
"Jungkook, hey." You cup his face and place a small peck on his lips. "You can tell me anything." You place your forehead against his.
"I don't know, I'm sorry for everything." He sobbed.
"What do you mean?" You peck his forehead, his nose, his cheek, everything you can you show him how much you loved him.
"I promise you, I love you."
"I know, Jungkook. I love you too. I promise. More than anything."
Jungkook cried in your arms, muttering around a hundred sorry's. He never said why he was apologising.
"Just close your eyes." Your best friend, Gaeul urged you. You were highly suspicious of what was going to happen.
You were 22, fresh out of college and currently on a vacation with your closest friends and ofcourse, the love of your life, Jungkook.
"Gaeul, can you atleast tell me where we are going?" You feel the cold sand under your feet. A mix of chilly and windy was perfect to describe the evening.
"And now, open them." She quickly lets go of you and giggles as she leaves you in the middle of the beach.
But it wasn't dark like you had anticipated it to be, instead the perimeter was decorated with fairy lights and candles, which surprisingly didn't go out.
But something that shined brighter than any light on that beach was Jungkook.
He walked towards you and got down on one knee. His heart pounded with a mixture of nerves and excitement. He took your hand in his, feeling the warmth of your touch against his skin, grounding him in this moment of pure love and vulnerability.
You immediately knew what this was, "J-Jungkook..."
The air is filled with the scent of saltwater and the sound of seagulls in the distance, creating a serene backdrop for what is about to unfold.
"My dearest Y/N," he began, his voice quivering with emotion, "From the very first moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that my life would never be the same. You've been my guiding light, my source of strength, my reason to smile even on the darkest of days."
You smiled, the love was evident in every action of his.
"Do you remember our first kiss? Or hell, our first date at the old people park? Looking at you that day, I realised, you were the only one I've ever wanted in my life. The love that you gave me, I have only strived to return it to you."
He pulls out a small purple velvet box from his pocket.
"So, you let me be your first kiss, but would you let me be your last? Will you... Kim Y/n, marry me?"
"I'll be late again, don't stay up." Jungkook said through the phone.
"I know, but I was hoping to help you relieve some stress today." You bite your lip.
He chuckled, "I'll be fine, I promise. Now be a good girl and go to sleep, yeah?"
"Alright, just be safe. Love you."
Jungkook had been coming awfully late for the past few months. Something about his dad's company being passed down to him. But when he did come home at 4 in the morning, he held a particular scent which seemed really familiar to you.
You weren't a fool afterall, it was a perfume, a ladies' perfume. But you knew, Jungkook had a sensitive nose, he preferred women's perfumes more than men's strong colognes.
And you knew, Jungkook did not have a single female in his life except his mother and his cousins.
So you didn't think much or pay much attention to your husband sneaking inside the covers at 2 in the morning, holding that familiar scent again. You were half asleep, your back to him, when he came anyways.
But you did pay attention to the bedroom door opening and realising that Jungkook was still in bed with you, but you hoped you were dreaming.
You could hear the smirk in Jungkook's voice when he whispered, "Such a whore, followed me home, did you?"
"Couldn't get enough of you." Someone else whispered back.
Alright now you were on high alert. There was someone in your bedroom who was a woman.
You could feel the bed dip more when you assumed the woman climbed onto the bed.
"You didn't fuck me enough." The voice, which sounded so, so familiar, whispered. It was so familiar that you didn't want to recognise it.
"Come on now, Gaeul." Jungkook's words made your breath and heartbeat all stop at once. "Coming to my home like this?"
"Please?" Gaeul whispered.
"What if Y/n wakes up? You need to get out, you know." Jungkook sounded way too calm for your liking.
"What about it?" Gaeul whispered back.
You couldn't even process anything. The shuffling, the wet sounds, the whimpers. All seemed like a dream. But why would it hurt so much if it was a dream?
Amidst all the whispers and sighs, you only heard, or well, could fathom one thing.
"Why are you with this bitch anyways?" Gaeul panted, whispering long out the window.
The sounds, the smell, the lies, everything was too much for you. You felt as if you were under a bus. The metaphorical bus being 11 years of lies worth.
The realisation that Gaeul was the one who helped you with Jungkook in the first place. Jungkook never showed a single sign that they might be involved with each other more than how they were supposed to be.
The tears you shed during this entire ordeal were enough to drench the entirety of your pillow, your hair and the sheets under you.
The disbelief overtook your sadness and disappointment. You wanted to scream but you couldn't.
You could still hear the pants and the skin slapping when Jungkook said, "Don't know, she's a really good fuck."
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multifan2022 · 1 year
Fearless 4
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"For those of you who don't know, my name is Eric," he says. "I am one of five leaders of the Dauntless. We take the initiation process very seriously here, so I volunteered to oversee most of your training." 
You roll your eyes crossing your arms, trying diligently to avoid looking at Four who is staring at you. He knows you're avoiding him, which only makes him stare harder. It pisses you off that Eric is 'overseeing' anything. You specifically told him to stay out of it, hes just doing this to piss you and Four off. He has absolutely no training skills, he just gets off on being cruel. 
"Some ground rules," he says. "You have to be in the training room by eight o'clock every day. Training takes place every day from eight to six, with a break for lunch. You are free to do whatever you like after six. You will also get some time off between each stage of initiation."
You shuffle from foot to foot again, the need to get out of here and away from the stress eating at you. But you stay in your spot and silent as Eric keeps speaking  "You are only permitted to leave the compound when accompanied by a Dauntless, behind this door is the room where you will be sleeping for the next few weeks. You will notice that there are ten beds and only nine of you. We anticipated that a higher proportion of you would make it this far."
"But we started with twelve," protests Christina and you sigh seeing Four shake his head out of the corner of your eye. Clearly what you said to her earlier didn't stick, she was going to need to learn to stay quiet. 
"There is always at least one transfer who doesn't make it to the compound" You say stepping forward to try and wrap up this dreadfully long speech. "In the first stage of initiation, we keep transfers and Dauntless-born initiates separate, but that doesn't mean you are evaluated separately. At the end of initiation, your rankings will be determined in comparison with the Dauntless-born initiates. And they are better than you are already. So I expect—"
"Rankings?" asks the mousy-haired Erudite girl "Why are we ranked?"
That anger that was flowing through you earlier, that is almost always right under your skin comes back. You could feel the RBF you always have morph into a true bitch face. It only took four strides to be right in her face, "I will only say this one more time today.. So EVERYONE LISTEN UP." Your voice raises towards the end of the sentence. The girl in front of you flinched slightly at your tone but you kept going. 
"WE are your SUPERIORS! I do not give one flying fuck who you were in your old faction. If you want to make it through the next few weeks you will learn to shut your damn mouths. You do NOT interrupt us when we are speaking, and knock off all the bullshit questions. Everything will be answered in due time if you are QUIET." 
You turn your back to the group and nod to Eric who smiles, and in the blue light, his smile looks wicked. He continues as you take a few deep breaths, curling and uncurling your fists. Four doesn't look at you this time, it almost hurts but you're so worked up you can't focus on that. 
"Your ranking serves two purposes," he says. "The first is that it determines the order in which you will select a job after initiation. There are only a few desirable positions available. The second purpose," he says, "is that only the top ten initiates are made members." 
All the initiates' faces drop, they must've thought that they all would get a place here. They really know nothing about the faction they moved too. You watch a few of them as they start to rethink their decision, but it's far too late now. 
"There are eleven Dauntless-borns, and nine of you," Eric continues. "Four initiates will be cut at the end of stage one. The remainder will be cut after the final test." 
"What do we do if we're cut?" Peter says and it takes everything in you to not say 'when you get cut'. "You leave the Dauntless compound," says Eric indifferently, "and live factionless." The mousy-haired girl clamps her hand over her mouth and stifled a sob. You roll your eyes, you know you're being kinda bitchy. 
Life with the factionless is not one you would wish on many. But you are seriously wondering how these guys didn't do even a little research on who they were joining. It's no secret that you don't keep everyone who shows. It's no secret that a lot of the factionless came from Dauntless. It's not something you're proud of, but there's nothing you can do about it yet. 
As the girl starts crying you hear Eric sigh as he turns to you and says "Pathetic" repeating the word you used on the train. You look back over the 16 year olds, watching the determination fall over Tris's face.
 "But that is...not fair!" the broad-shouldered Candor girl "If we had known—"
"Are you saying that if you had known this before the Choosing Ceremony, you wouldn't have chosen Dauntless?" Eric snaps. "Because if that's the case, you should get out now. If you are really one of us, it won't matter to you that you might fail. And if it does, you are a coward."
Eric pushes the door to the dormitory open. "You chose us," he says. "Now we have to choose you."
Its raining as your feet pound the pavement. The cold water and even colder wind cooling your insides, as the pent up rage and stress leave. You know its been hours since you left, you know you really should be going back but your not ready. 
You're not ready for the questions from Tori, Tris or Christina. 
Not ready for the questioning looks Four will send your way.
But also not ready for the possibility that he wont look at you at all like earlier. 
You know you lost your shit a little, but it was better you put her in her place over Eric. Hes vindictive and cruel. He would hold a gun to your head, or a blade to your throat like it was Sunday breakfast. 
After another thirty minutes you turn towards the compound. Climbing the ladder to the roof, and launching yourself over the edge without pause. 
Fearless. It was one word that you could always associate yourself with. Because at the end of the day what was the worst that could happen? When the net below caught your body you sighed in relief. Your muscles were burning, lungs aching from the cold air they were forced to breathe. 
A deep voice next to the net startled you, "I wondered when you would come back."
You turned your head to the side, still not moving your body as you looked at Four. He smiled a little, relieved that you had calmed down. "You want to talk about whatever all that was earlier?" 
You shake your head and make grabby hands in his direction, he chuckles before pushing the side of the net down allowing you to roll towards him. When you sit up he turns around letting you climb onto his back as he makes his way towards his room. Your cheek is pressed against his shoulder as your eyes get heavy. 
You're tired in a way you haven't been in a long time. You wished that Tori hadn't put the weight of watching Tris on you, but you knew it was for the best. That didn't mean you had to be happy about it. OR that you had to be nice to her. 
A slight blush filled your cheeks as he lifted and readjusted you on his back. Moving his hands further up your thighs, fingers digging into your skin threw the soak material of your leggings. You hadn't thought about the fact that you were soaked when he lifted you. But now wasn't the time to start caring, not when about 15 steps away was his room. Where everything was going to come off anyways.
He bent down slightly signaling for you to open the door. Pushing with one foot to let it swing open, resting your chin on his shoulder. Trying to ignore the fact he could probably feel the warmth radiating from between your thighs.
He didn't stop in the main area, instead making his way into the bathroom. Sitting you on the counter before turning around and setting his hands on either side of you. Bringing his face down so you are eye level with his dark blue eyes.
"So.. Are you ready to tell me what was going on." He said it more like a statement, it wasn't a question of if more like when. He was going to get it out of you, he just didn't know how far he would have to push.
You felt your teeth clamp down on your lip as you shook your head. When he sighed and turned around you felt relief flood into you.
For about a second.
Until he reached back and pulled his shirt off, fluidly turning the shower on just after. In that moment you knew you were in trouble, if he really wanted to know he would figure it out. Part of you wanted him to want to know.. Just to see how far he would take it. The other part was screaming just tell him now, before your to stupid to watch yourself.
When he turned back to you he was unbuckling his belt leaving it in the loops as he pushed his jeans off. Leaving him in just his black boxers, you had to force yourself to not look down. You already knew what was waiting for you, but didn't want to give him the satisfaction of looking.
The steam from the heated water started filling the air, making the small room feel smaller somehow. He was only one step away from you, so his hands easily found your hips pulling you off the counter. His eyes stayed on yours as he pushed your leggings down.
You tried to not laugh at the extra effort it took, them being practicality glued to your legs from the rain. But when you cracked a smile you were rewarded with his in return. And a beautiful smile it was. The way it lit up his entire face was breathtaking. Tobias Eaton was a beautiful man, scars and all.
Not that you would ever call him beautiful out loud. You had called him hot before, even sexy here or there. But beautiful seemed like it would cross the line the two of you had drawn. The line where it moves from friends with benefits to who knows what. You loved him too much, in too many ways to risk losing everything but alerting him to your feelings.
When he stood, he lightly drug his fingers up the back of your thighs. Gently squeezing your ass in a way you knew was meant to be teasing. When he was back to his full height he traced the straps of your bra watching his finger dip under it pulling before letting it snap back.
"Are you ready now?" He said slowly, that smile still in place on his face. You could tell that even though he wanted to know, he was enjoying the game he had barley started. And if he was enjoying it... Who were you to end it so quickly?
"I dont know Eaton.. Am I ready to tell you?" You said side stepping him as you pulled your bra off. His eyes followed you until you stepped into the shower, purposefully leaving the curtain open. He sighed through his nose as he watched your figured threw the fogged mirror.
When your raised your arms to pull your hair down you flicked your hair tie at him. Watching him chuckle as he stepped out of his boxers and into the shower.
@@coolestgirlhere @everydayisordinary
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Lookism boys crushing on YOU (part 2)
(Samuel, Zack, Daniel, Eugene(!!!)) Part 1 here
Be real. Samuel doesn't look like the way he does, and dress like how he does and get zero attention. He's intense and sensual anyway, and he has a healthy appreciation for sex so him taking notice of you and being aroused isn't new.
But then these thoughts. These childish, optimistic ideas of you and him rising to the top together just takes a chokehold. It's a distraction he doesn't need.
He will 100% block out these feelings for you, he has loftier goals than chasing after you.
He's a very busy man. Places to see, things to do. But with you on his mind, mistakes creep into his work. Little errors here and there. This will never do. Guess he'll have to deal with you head on.
Zack (I love this man and feel guilty. Forgive me Mira)
Imagine his surprise when instead of looking for Mira in every situation he starts looking for YOU.
Can't sit next to Mira for lunch? Oh I guess sitting next to Y/N isn't so bad. Partnered with Y/N for a project? Hehehe guess we have to spend more time together.
Oh this remind me of Y/N. Wonder what they're doing today? If they like my hair like this. Do you think they would like this cologne? What about this shirt? Should I text them? You get the idea.
This would all come served with a heaping side of guilt and confusion though. He's pined and chased after Mira for YEARS and everyone knows it. And then for someone else? to come along? that he likes?? He's always been painfully obvious with his affection and hurting anyone is the last thing he wants. Prepare for some awkward confessions and conversations.
Sure, everyone likes Daniel Park. His pretty face and body means that people tend to hide their uglier side from him. But Little Daniel? Piggy? He's not used to positive attention.
You with your kind demeanour and sweet smiles. The way you always ask about his day, how you make sure he's in on the joke, how you include him and never leave him out. You treat him the same no matter which body he's in, and that's what finally pushes him over the edge.
Little Daniel will hang around you a lot more. It's nice to be himself and be in his true body with you. To see that your affection is genuinely for him.
You make his heart flutter and he can get surprisingly shy and insecure around you but he enjoys looking after you. Always carrying your books or bag, offering you his jacket, making sure you're ok. Any snacks? You want a drink? No? You sure??
Look he's a very important man with a very important job. This is an inconvenience at best, and nothing will come of it.
He stays professional. He knows what the company handbook says and he doesn't want you to feel remotely uncomfortable. Eugene still can't help but look forward to meetings where you're by his side or when you're in the car together and share little inside jokes and smiles.
And when you notice he's working late, and bring him a coffee? And remind him to not work himself into an early grave? And how a chat with you feels like it lifts off all the stress of the day?
He allows his gaze to linger a little longer on you. He gives himself this little indulgence to tide him over to another day.
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candycandy00 · 3 months
Roses in the Sky - An Original Alien x Reader Story Part 9
In a future where humanity huddles in decaying domed cities controlled by alien invaders, you and your best friend Anna work as make-shift nurses in a tiny clinic run by the young doctor Terrian. The city is ruled by the aliens' violent, half-breed offspring who serve as brutal overseers. You and Anna have always tried to avoid these overseers at all cost, but your life is changed when one of those same terrifying offspring is brought into the clinic, injured and unconscious.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
This is an original Alien (well half alien) x Fem Reader story! I hope everyone who enjoys my fanfiction will give this a shot! I’m posting the first chapter just to check for interest. Any feedback whatsoever would be loved! I’ve already written this story so it’s not going to delay my fanfics. Just thought I might post chapters of this between fanfics if anyone is interested.
Slow burn, as this is a novel-length story, but there will be smut in later chapters! Also: violence, blood, rape attempts, death of side characters, etc.
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Work at Terrian's house the next day was awkward and slow. Anna was obviously still upset over Nariah, and Terrian flitted around nervously, making pathetic and desperate attempts to get Anna to talk to him.
"Look, girls! I'm breaking out the steak reserves for lunch today!" he called at one point, holding up two large slabs of frozen meat.
Steak was Anna's favorite. She had looked up then, apparently tempted to say something, but she held her tongue and continued dusting.
You waited until Terrian stepped out of the room, then turned to Anna. "How long are you going to keep this up? He already apologized."
Anna looked down. "I know. I'm not really angry at him anymore. I just don't know what to say to him. Yesterday I admitted for the first time that I'm in love with him. Now I feel insecure around him."
"Well you're not making any progress like this. Just act like you did before. He's worried sick right now."
"Are you making progress with Vartan?" Anna asked suddenly.
You were caught off guard by the question. You stumbled over your words for a moment before nearly choking out a quiet, "Sort of."
Anna grinned. "Oh really? Are you sleeping with him already?"
"Of course not! I made him a bologna sandwich, okay?"
"Whatever you say," Anna laughed, nudging you with her elbow.
Terrian's doorbell rang loudly through the hall. You laid down your dusting rag and stood up, straightening the too-short skirt of your maid uniform and making your way to the door. You sighed as you pulled it open. "Yes, can I help-“
You were immediately silenced when you realized the person standing on Terrian's doorstep was a male half-breed with silver chin-length hair that framed his pale face. His narrow eyes were ice-blue and a strange shade of violet that you had never seen before, not even on a half-breed.
"A doctor lives here, correct?" His voice was lighter than Vartan's.
You weren’t sure how to answer. What if Terrian had gotten into trouble somehow? Perhaps confirming his location wasn't a good idea. "Um... I..."
The half-breed leaned in close. "This is important. Tell the doctor to come and examine my..." He stopped there, as if he had no idea how to finish the statement. He glanced back, and you noticed the thin young woman standing behind him. She was very clearly human, and her face, while pretty, was darkened by visible sadness.
"Is she sick?" you asked.
The half-breed took the woman's hand and gently, too gently for a half-breed, pulled her closer to the door. "She needs medical attention, yes."
You stepped aside. "Come on in. I'll get the doctor." You led them through the hall and to the living room, shrugging at a very shocked Anna on the way. The couple sat down on the couch as you ran to fetch Terrian.
You and Anna followed Terrian back into the living room and stood on either side of him. The woman introduced herself as Sophie. 
"I'm pregnant," she said, quietly but bluntly.
You stifled a gasp. Terrian's face lit up. "You are? That's amazing! Pregnancies are so rare. You must be immune to the chemicals in the water."
Sophie did not share his enthusiasm. "I didn't believe it at first. I missed a couple of periods and then a friend gave me an old pregnancy test to try. After that, I still didn't believe. Then Keon gave me a Pagoda test, and it came back positive. He says there's no way it can be wrong."
You noticed that Sophie seemed so sad. Her voice sounded as if it was threatening to break at any moment.
"So, do you want me to monitor the pregnancy then?" Terrian asked.
"No," the half-breed spoke up, "we want you to terminate it."
The smile Terrian had been wearing dissolved. "What?"
"You are capable of terminating the pregnancy, are you not?" the half-breed asked.
Terrian looked directly at Sophie. "Is this what you want to do?"
The half-breed opened his mouth, but Sophie put a hand on his arm. "Please, Keon," she said weakly, "let me talk to him. I'll explain."
The half-breed, Keon, looked at her with a flash of anger in his eyes.
Sophie didn't move her hand. "Please," she repeated, and Keon stood up. He walked out of the living room and closed the door behind him. You had never seen a half-breed do as a human asked before. Well, not besides Vartan.
"Keon is the father, as you've probably guessed," Sophie began, her voice still shaky. "We met three years ago. He showed up at my door one day out of the blue, with a proposition.”
“A proposition?” Anna asked. 
Sophie nodded. “Apparently some half breeds make arrangements with specific humans. They offer protection from the other half breeds, and in exchange the humans satisfy their needs. It’s a mutual arrangement, or at least ours is. I don’t know what would have happened if I’d refused. But I agreed to the terms, and I’ve been able to walk through the city without fear. They call it ‘claiming’. I’ve been claimed by Keon, so no other half breed will touch me.”
Your heart was beating fast as the words sank into your brain. Half-breeds could choose specific humans? Other half-breeds would stay away? Was that what Vartan had done to you?
"It's not so bad," Sophie continued. "Keon has always been relatively gentle with me. But now..." Her voice trailed off as she looked down at her own stomach.
"So he doesn't want his pet to have a baby?" Anna asked with a tinge of venom in her voice.
Sophie chuckled bitterly. "He was so furious and disgusted that I thought he would kill me."
Anna's face was turning red, her hatred for the half-breeds boiling beneath her skin.
"But he didn't kill me," Sophie went on, "Instead he started frantically asking around for a human doctor. One of the other half-breeds apparently told him about a clinic they had shut down, and that they had heard the doctor survived. That's when he told me I have to have an abortion."
"But why?" you asked.
Sophie met your eyes, and you could almost see the agony and rage festering there, held back by her quiet sorrow. "The half-breeds are forbidden to breed, at all. If the Pagoda were to find out I'm pregnant, they would execute Keon and myself immediately. The baby would die anyway. If we somehow managed to hide the pregnancy until the child was born, the Pagoda would give it a gruesome death if they ever found it. We would have to live in constant fear. Keon said that we should end it now, before..." Her voice finally broke, and tears streamed down her face. "Before we... grow to care for the child," she finished.
Terrian stood up. "Alright, I understand. I can examine you in one of the guest rooms and make preparations."
Sophie nodded. "Thank you, doctor. Please just give me a moment."
"Of course," Terrian told her. "My nurses will help you when you're ready."
He left the room. You and Anna began to follow him out, eager to give the woman privacy while she regained her composure. "It's not fair, is it?" she asked, and you stopped to look back at her. Sophie’s eyes were red from crying and her hands were shaking. "It's a miracle, that I'm immune to the chemicals, that I can give birth. It's my miracle but... I have to kill it." She buried her face in her hands and sobbed.
Keon, who had been waiting patiently in the hall, walked into the living room and sat down beside Sophie. He stared at her wordlessly, and you saw a faint hint of pain in his face. He looked as if he wanted to reach out to the trembling woman beside him, to comfort her, but his hands remained stiffly by his sides. You found it sad that he had been sleeping with the woman for three years, yet he had no idea how to hold her.
Terrian examined Sophie several minutes later, and afterward told her to come back in two days for the procedure to end the pregnancy. He had to gather up the tools and medicines needed to ensure her safety. The couple thanked him and left, leaving the rest of the day clear for you and Anna to finish your cleaning duties.
Two hours of mopping and dusting later, Anna disappeared. You searched the kitchen, hall, and three rooms before hearing voices coming from behind one of the bedroom doors on the second floor. You pressed your ear against the door and listened.
"I'm not angry with you," you heard Anna say. "It's not your fault that Terrian kept you a secret."
"But my presence bothers you," Nariah's lovely voice responded.
"Well, I'm still getting used to... your kind."
"Don't worry," Nariah said, "you're certainly not the first human to regard me with fear and unease." Anna said nothing in response, and after a brief pause, Nariah spoke again. "Did you know that half-breeds are not allowed to meet their human parents?"
Anna must have shaken her head, because Nariah went on. "Most often, the human parents are executed shortly after the birth of the half-breed. But sometimes, very rarely, the human is kept alive if the offspring is viewed as exceptional by the Pagoda, for further breeding. I do not understand what their standards are, or how they determine such things, but I was considered one of these 'exceptional offspring'. My human mother was kept alive for three years after she gave birth to me."
You could hear Anna's breath hitch as she gave a small gasp. "You met her, didn't you?"
"Yes," Nariah said softly, "I did. One of the other half-breeds told me where to find her, probably more out of malice than of kindness. I searched the Tower, my curiosity overpowering my sense of obedience to the Pagoda. We half-breeds were forbidden from visiting the breeding and containment rooms, you see. But I found her, huddled in a metal contraption that looked like a cage. She looked so much like me, I knew in an instant that she was indeed my mother."
There was another pause, then Anna finally asked, "What happened?"
"I approached the cage, my heart pounding, and looked her in the eyes. At that moment, I called her 'mother'. I don't know why. We were never taught to use such sentimental terms, and I had only heard the word on the lips of the humans in the city. Maybe it was some buried human instinct. Regardless, she had heard me, and she screamed in terror. She recoiled from me until her back hit the other side of the cage. I was... repulsive to her."
Tears formed in your eyes as you listened outside the door. Anna remained silent.
When Nariah continued, her beautiful voice was slightly darker. "My mother began shrieking, 'Get it away from me! Get that monster away!' and she wouldn't stop until a Pagoda, my father, appeared behind her with a blade in his hand. He reached in between the metal bars and slit her throat, silencing her. She died in the cage, still looking at me with horror in her eyes."
For several minutes, the room was quiet and you heard nothing. Then footsteps abruptly headed toward the door and it slid open. Anna walked out of the room, her face red and puffy. She had been crying. "Oh, hey," she said when she noticed the hall wasn't empty.
"Sorry, I listened in," you told her, wiping your own eyes.
"It's alright. How much did you hear?"
"The story about her mom. That was awful. How could someone be afraid of their own child? And Nariah was only three at the time, right? How could she be scary?"
"Oh, so you didn't hear about the age thing," Anna said.
"What age thing?"
Anna smiled, the redness in her face dissipating. "Nariah is only fourteen years old."
"No way!" you said, a little too loud. Nariah looked at least twenty.
"I'm serious. She said half-breeds age a lot quicker than humans until they reach maturity. Then the process slows down to a crawl. So when she was three, she might have looked ten."
"Whoa, that's crazy. I guess we were wrong about her relationship with Terrian then.”
Anna's smile grew broader. "Yeah, she didn't know how to describe it, because she doesn't have anything to compare it to, but I think he treats her like a sister from everything she told me."
You smiled too. "That's great, Anna!"
They finished the chores, both in a slightly better mood. Anna was on speaking terms with Terrian again, waving and saying goodbye as she left. He was so happy he nearly cried, and you laughed as you headed out the door.
When you reached the door of your apartment, you wondered whether Vartan would still be there. You kept reminding yourself that he could leave at any moment without warning. With more than a little apprehension, you stepped inside.
Clearly visible from the door, Vartan was lying across the couch, fast asleep. You took a blanket from a nearby chair and spread it over his body. You turned out the lamp on the table next to him and leaned down.
"Goodnight," you whispered, then smiled as you walked to your own room and went to bed.
Tag List:
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know!
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ttshihiro · 1 year
Hello! Could we have a second part of inkigayo with Heizou and Wanderer, then? I loved what you wrote, it's so creative and your writing is very pleasing! 😄
INKIGAYO! (2) genre: romance, fluff, tinge of crack(?) pairing/s: 6reeze (Wanderer & Heizou) x gn!idol!reader summary: In where 4nemo's new editions lose a bet and have to give you, their fellow idol, their number in the form of an inkigayo sandwich!
a/n: Sorry for the delay! I didn't expect to have this req so soon oml TT TT you guys consume content FAST like omg don't stop over a hundred notes in only a few days I'm so kinikilig sainyo ( 〃▽〃) (no proofread TT TT)
DCKZ version!
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It had only been a month since Heizou and Scara had been accepted as new members of 4NEMO. They've considered re-naming theirselves as 6REEZE until the realization of not having the budget to do so.
With their appearance, their fanbase had gotten as active as ever. Already spurring fanpages, edits, fanfiction and all kinds of demands for more content.
Now with the upcoming inkigayo in a few days, they were quick to notify their fanbase of this, assuring everyone that their new editions would be showing up, serving them the meal they have been pleading for.
And so they were, standing in place with one's phone propped on a tripod a good distance away from them. The last dance before they would head out for lunch.
"Hey," Venti spoke up, earning curious glances from those beside him, a hum from the rest infront.
"You guys up for a bet?" Mischief laced his tone as his members groaned at the suggestion.
"Gods, never again." "Come on dude.."
"What? Come on! It'll be fun, right newbies?" He looks at Heizou and Scara expectantly, smiling.
The pair looks at eachother in a "why not" or "what could go wrong" manner, "both" taking it as a friendly competition before taking on Venti's offer.
"Just don't mess up.." He grins deviously before music began to blare from the room's speakers.
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He grimaces when they point out his mistake in the choreography. It would've been subtle to the audience. Yet, easy to spot for their previous main dancer.
Admittedly, the sub vocalist is quite competitive, stubborn in a way. But it wasn't anything new or of much struggle for 4NEMO. Most had expected him to be more in tune with Xiao. Though to their surprise, he most especially got along with Kazuha despite their contrasting personalities. Could it have been from Scara taking over his role as their sub vocalist.
"You poor thing.. Goodluck." Aether cooes in a jokingly sympathetic tone as he pats Scara on the back, earning a confused glare.
Sighing exasperatedly, he crosses his arms on his chest, shifting his hips to the side slightly.
"What're you up to.." He asks Venti who had an annoyingly smug grin on his lips, oh so punchable.
Even more punchable when he explained his consequence for messing up. Given that they talked about their "celebrity crushes" when getting to know the two, he used it to his advantage.
He grumbles under his breath as he slips his handwritten number, wrapped in it's own thin plastic in between the sandwhich before putting it back in it's bag, zipped sealed.
🎎— Scara fiddles with the sandwich in his hands as he impatiently waits for your arrival, leg bouncing as time passed. He wondered if you were even coming.
He wasn't all thrilled with this, neither was he going to back down from it.
It hadn't been that long since your last interaction with him anyway, you happened to pass by 4NEMO on break and congratulate him and Heizou, along as warn them about the havoc that the original four would cause.
He swallows the lump in his throat when he sees you enter the venue, happily conversing with Bennett, TVT DREAM's leader and overall one of the youngest idols in the agency.
He stands up from his seat, grabbing everyone from his table's attention when he walked over to you with confidence, albeit a bit nervous.
"(Name)!" He calls out. Unsure of how else to greet you, he smiles awkwardly, handing you the sandwich with a shaky, maybe a bit sweaty hand.
In confusion, you take the sandwich from Scara with a smile, about to greet him before he walked away without further explanation.
HEIZOU! 101% not biased
He sighs, disappointed with his performance as he did notice his own mistake in the choreography.
Watching the footage, it was hard not to miss as he had blended it almost perfectly with the actual choreo, Kazuha was most definitely impressed.
"I'm convinced you two are related at this point." Venti jokes. Though they had to agree, there was a resemblance between the two, friendly demeanor along with the ability to think in the moment, replacing forgotten steps in the matter of seconds. They truly picked the right person for the job.
Unsure of your tastes, he buys a sandwich he hopes is exceptional for you, slipping his number in the bag lazily.
🔎— Heizou taps his finger against the table, eyes attentively scanning over the idols in the venue in search of you.
The situation didn't visibly faze the boy. He had just simply thought of every possible conversation starter in hopes of being able to talk with you outside work.
It wasn't that long until he caught glimpse of you, sitting alongside and chatting with TVT DREAM's visual, Xingqiu. Your conversation didn't appear to be anything professional or of significance. He knows that the young man with you was new to such duties of an idol, perhaps you were coaching him?
Shaking off his thoughts, he watched as Xingqiu stood from his seat, bowing in what seemed to be a thanks, smiling down at you lightly. Perfect
Clearing his throat, Heizou stands up, grasping the sandwich in his hands with a firm sense of gentleness as he walked over to you; which you noticed, giving him a smile as you watched him making his way towards you.
"Hey." He was now standing infront of you, waving friendlily as he smiles at you.
"Here," He slides the sandwhich on the table towards you, that you stilled with your hand.
"May I.. sit with you?"
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heli-writes · 1 year
A marriage of convenience, part 4: the honeymoon.
Pairing: Yoriichi x you
Summary: Yoriichi's friends think that Yoriichi is too lonely and needs a wife and family to take care of him. They propose a marriage of convenience to a woman who's in need of a husband. The arrangement of the marriage is simple: both parties live their lives as before, y/n takes care of Yoriichi as a wife and Yoriichi keeps unwanted men (and demons) away. Love is not required, friendship is appreciated. However, how detached can one be when living so close to each other?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Series Masterlist
It's a special day for Yoriichi today. The Kamado family promised to visit today. It's the first time he and (y/n) have acquaintances over. He noticed that (y/n) is somewhat anxious about it. She did her best in preparing food and cleaning the house. It's clear that she wants to make a good impression on his friends.
The Kamados arrive around midday. Yoriichi, (y/n) and (y/s/n) greet them at the door and invite them into the modest house. (Y/n) starts to serve lunch and the rest settles around the small table. It's almost too small for everyone. Maybe we need to get a bigger table, Yoriichi thinks to himself. "So, Yoriichi, have you and (y/n) settled? It must've been quite the change for the both of you.", Sumiyoshi initiates a conversation. "Yes, it was, but we get along fine.", Yoriichi answers the unspoken question by his friend. Sumiyoshi nods content. "That's good to hear.", he decides. At that moment (y/n) brings over the last plates and takes a seat next to Yoriichi. They wish each other a good meal and start eating. Sumiyoshi compliments (y/n)'s cooking and she thanks him with a red tint on her cheeks.
"So, (y/n), we've heard that you have your own business? That must be quite a lot of work.", Suyako asks (Y/n). (Y/n) nods and replies: "Sometimes it is. But it's work I love, so most of the time it doesn't feel like work at all." "That's the best kind of work. It means you've found your calling.", Sumiyoshi points out happily. (Y/n) nods smiling. "Actually, the art of healing runs in my family. My mother taught me as her mother taught her.", (y/n) explains. "So, it's a family business?", Suyako asks. "Well, it's just me these days. But our knowledge has been passed down and expanded over generations.", (y/n) answers. Sumiyoshi nods approvingly. "It's reassuring for us to know that someone with your abilities lives together with Yoriichi. In his line of work, you never know when one comes home hurt.", he states. "I understand what you mean. I worry about this too. But so far Yoriichi hasn't come out with even a scratch.", (y/n) notes. Yoriichi clears his throat and joins the conversation: "I wouldn't want to be a burden to you." (Y/n) puts a hand on his arm that rests on the table. "You could never be a burden.", she exclaims, "You know, Yoriichi really is a low-maintenance man. He never asks for anything or complains.". Yoriichi notices how Sumiyoshi and Suyako exchange glances after seeing (y/n)'s hand on his arm. He pulls his arm away in embarrassment.
"Oh, we totally forgot to ask! How was your honeymoon?", Suyako suddenly exclaims excitedly. Sumiyoshi quickly pokes her with his elbow. Surely that's the last thing Yoriichi wants to talk about. However, when he looks into the perplexed faces of (y/n) and Yoriichi, he and his wife are flabbergasted. "Wait… you did have a honeymoon, right?", Suyaki asks. "Well…", (y/n) starts out. "We haven't had the time yet.", Yoriichi helps her out. At this moment, (y/s/n), who sits next to (y/n), grabs the sleeve of (y/n)'s kimono and points toward Sumire who is settled on her mother's lap. "Do you want to go play?", (y/n) asks the two children who nod in return. "Alright, you don't have to sit at the boring adult table. How about you play some games in the bedroom?", (y/n) says and gets up. She takes the two children to the bedroom, happily to escape the awkward honeymoon conversation.
After (y/n) is out of the room, Sumiyoshi and Suyaki turn to Yoriichi with an outraged expression on their faces. "You didn't take her on a honeymoon, Yoriichi?", Suyaki asks reproachfully. "There was no need for it.", Yoriichi answers calmly. "Of course, there is!", Sumiyoshi stresses, "Especially in your case." "I don't think I can follow. Honeymoons are for newlyweds in love.", Yoriichi states. "I mean, kind of yes," Sumiyoshi replies. "But it's also great to get to know the other person better. Considering you married a total stranger, it would be good to spend some time together and get to know her.", Suyaki explains. "I got to know her here as well.", Yoriichi tries to argue. "Oh really?", Suyaki says crossing her arms, "So what does (y/n) like to do for relaxation?" Yoriichi thinks for a moment. "Tending to her herb garden.", he concludes almost triumphantly. Sumiyoshi and Suyaki exchange appalled looks. "You mean her herb garden from which she makes her medicine that she then sells?", Suyaki says disapprovingly, "That's work, Yoriichi, not relaxation." Yoriichi presses his lips together in a small line. He hates to admit it but he actually has no idea what (y/n) does for relaxation or a hobby. "You see, Yoriichi, a getaway together is not a dumb idea. You'll live together with this woman, well, forever, I guess. You could at least make the effort to get to know her.", Suyaki concludes. Yoriichi stays silent, too embarrassed to admit that Suyaki is right. Sumiyoshi tries to lighten the mood and proposes: "Well, it's not too late for a honeymoon. Why don't you and (y/n) take off a few days? You could walk up to Mount Kameshima. Rent a room at the local village for a few days and enjoy the hot springs. What do you think?" Yoriichi is not happy about his friend's idea. "I'm not sure (y/s/n) would have a lot of fun. He's a really active child, you know…", he tries to worm his way out of this situation. Suyaki gives him a bittersweet smile. "That's not a problem. He can stay with us. That way you can really get to know your wife." Yoriichi looks at her defeatedly. Seems like there is no way out of this. Suyaki claps her hands together and stands. "Then it's decided. I am going to tell (y/n) about this.", she says. Sumiyoshi looks at him apologetically. "I'm really sorry, my friend. Once my wife sets her mind to something, there's no going back."
The atmosphere is so thick one could cut it with a knife. (Y/n) and Yoriichi walk silently beside each other. After they dropped off (y/s/n) at the Kamados, they started their walk up to Mount Kameshima. Since the drop-off, they haven't really spoken to each other. (Y/n) tried to stir a conversation a few times but quickly noticed that Yoriichi wasn't in a good mood. It's clear to her that he's rather upset about the whole honeymoon idea. While they make their way up the mountain, (y/n) gets lost in her own thoughts. When Suyaki told her about the honeymoon, she was surprised but not opposed to it. She can't see what Yoriichi's problem is with this. The lines are drawn and it should be obvious that they won't be crossed at home or in a nice guest house at a hot spring. (Y/n) can't remember when the last time was that she had a day off. She loves (y/s/n) dearly, but being a mother also means always being on duty. She can't wait to hit the hot springs and relax for a couple of days. Suyaki was so nice and organized the whole thing for them. All Yoriichi and (y/n) had to do were pack their bags.
It will take them half a day to walk up to the local village. (Y/n) prepared some lunch boxes for both of them. Since it is their holiday, she even went all out and baked some cake with sweet icing. They only had a quick breakfast and they're already halfway there. (Y/n) starts to get tired and feels her stomach rumbling. "Hey Yoriichi,", she says almost out of breath, "Can we take a break somewhere soon?" Yoriichi still looks as fresh as when they started their walk but nods when he sees the slight layer of sweat on (y/n)'s forehead. "Great!", (y/n) beamed, "But I want to have lunch with a view! Let's see if we can get away from these trees so we can look onto the valley.". The two leave the path and walk for a while until they find a spot close to the edge of the mountain. They sit down beneath a tree and (y/n) takes out the lunch boxes. They start eating in silence. It's a nice day. It's warm and sunny but not too hot. (Y/n) closes her eyes for a moment and enjoys the cool breeze on her face and hair. She doesn't notice Yoriichi staring at her. Yoriichi clears his throat. "So, what do you wanna do the next days?", he asks her. (Y/n) crooks her head. "Hm, good question. I definitely want to soak in the hot springs! I've also heard that there are some caves around this area to which locals offer guided tours to.", she says. "Caves?", Yoriichi asks uncertainly. (Y/n) nods, "Yes. There's a creek that flows through a cave system. Part of it can be safely explored on small boats. It's a tourist attraction around here." "We can do that if you want to.", Yoriichi notes. (Y/n) smiles at him happily. Yoriichi starts to feel a bit bad. It's clear that (y/n) is excited about this trip and he would prefer to be anywhere else than here. "Is there anything you would like to do?", (y/n) asks him. Yoriichi shrugs, "Not really." (Y/n) expected this answer. "Well, we can also split up somewhen. You don't have to do all the things I would like to do.", she proposes. Yoriichi can't meet her eye at that. Clearly, she noticed that he doesn't want to spend time alone with her. "Hey", she nudges him, "Just because Suyaki calls this a honeymoon, it doesn't have to be one. For me, it's just a kid-free vacation. You won't have many of these in the future, so you should make sure that you enjoy it!". (Y/n) gives him a lopsided grin ad Yoriichi relaxes at that a bit. They finish their meal in peace and then continue their journey.
(Y/n) is exhausted by the time they arrive and even Yoriichi feels a bit tired. The guest house they are staying at is run by a nice elderly couple who have already been waiting for them when (Y/n) and Yoriichi make their appearance at their front door. Mrs. Nakamura shows them their way to the room. "This guest house is often booked by newlyweds. So I'm sure you will enjoy your stay.", she explains as they arrive at the door. "We also took care of your extra requests. If anything is missing, just tell us.", she says as she quickly disappears into the hallway. "Extra request?", (y/n) wonders out loud and Yoriichi only shrugs. When they enter their room, they quickly notice what Mrs. Nakamura meant. In the middle of the room lies a large two-person futon with rose petals on top which form a way to the front door. There's also a bottle of sake and some mochis on a table near the wall. "This must be Suyaki's work.", Yoriichi notes. "That's for sure.", (y/n) deadpans. She walks into the room and puts down some of her luggage. As she turns around to Yoriichi, she asks: "But she's aware of the circumstances of this marriage, right?" Yoriichi nods. "She is, but she's also a hopeless romantic.", he points out. "Or she likes teasing us. I'm sure we can ask Mrs. Nakamura for another Futon.", (y/n) says softly when she noticed how Yoriichi kept staring at the futon. He nods and says: "Right, let's do that.". "Like right now?", (y/n) asks. She hoped they could freshen up a little bit first. She's desperate to get out of the clothes she's wearing. "It's fine. I go, you can stay.", he says, as he turns for the door.
"I am really sorry for the inconvenience. Newlyweds usually take a futon like that.", Mrs. Nakamura apologizes after Yoriichi stated their case. Yoriichi shifts uncomfortably. It is usual. Indeed it is unusual for them, a married couple, to ask for separate futons. "You see," he tries to explain, "I didn't really know (y/n) before we got married.". Mrs. Nakamura gives him a knowing glance. "Oh, young man, don't worry about that. First time I saw my husband was at the altar and everything worked out fine.", she says reassuringly, "But it's very considerate of you. I will put a second futon in your room so you have a choice tonight." Yoriichi feels his cheeks burning up. Clearly, Mrs. Nakamura had the wrong idea why they didn't want to sleep in the same futon. He thanks her nevertheless and walks back to their room. Still deep in thought, he opens the door without knocking. He's face to face with (y/n) in an open kimono. Instantly, (y/n)'s face turns beet red. He quickly slams the door closed. Taking a deep breath, he leans against the door. He waits outside while (y/n) finishes changing. Eventually, she leaves the room. Her cheeks are still slightly red and she can't meet Yoriichi's eyes. "So, uhm, you want to change too?" she asks. "I'm ready to hit the hot springs.", she points out while holding a bag with a towel. Yoriichi nods and quickly changes behind the closed door as well. When he's done, they walk to the nearby hot springs. Yoriichi's glad that the hot spring is divided into an area for men and one for women. He doesn't think he could handle a mixed bath after what just happened.
After they've soaked in the springs for a while, both of them leave the bathhouse a lot more relaxed than before. By then, it's already early evening. "Wanna take a stroll and then look for a place to eat?", (y/n) proposes. "Sure.", Yoriichi agrees. They walk through the village for a bit. They eventually find the market square. (Y/n) asks a local when the next market will be. The woman explains to her that the next day there will be a normal market in the morning and in the afternoon, there will be a handcraft market. (Y/n) thanks her and walks back to Yoriichi. He sees her eyes glistening excitingly. It's clear she's excited about the news. "Would you like to go to the handcraft market tomorrow?", he asks her. (Y/n) nods vigorously. "Absolutely!", she exclaims a bit too loud. "But you don't have to tag along.", she quickly adds. "It's fine. After all, I asked you.", Yoriichi answers. Also, it's not like he has anything else to do. "Great.", (y/n) smiles, "Then let's find a place to eat."
After a good meal, the two of them arrive back at the guest house. They take turns in the bathroom and get ready for bed. While (y/n) is in the bathroom, Yoriichi rolls out the second futon and sits on top of it. "Are you already tired?", (y/n) asks Yoriichi after she enters the bedroom in her sleepwear. Not really, Yoriichi thinks. After all, he's used to staying up late into the night chasing demons. However, he also doesn't know what else to do with (y/n), so he just gives her a shrug. (Y/n) pulls out a deck of cards. Yoriichi doesn't recognize the design of the cards. "My sister got this for me during her travels abroad.", (y/n) explains, "Do you want to play? I can teach you some games." Yoriichi gives her a nod and (y/n) starts shuffling the cards. (Y/n) teaches Yoriichi a variety of games. It turns out that he's terrible at a game called Cheat which (y/n) finds especially amusing since she manages to sniff out his lies despite his never changing facial expression. Yoriichi beats her a couple of times at a game called Rummy. At that, (y/n) mumbles something about a blind chicken which Yoriichi doesn't get but also doesn't ask about. Eventually, it gets late enough to go to bed and the two settle in their respective futons.
They lay facing one another but it's dark enough that they can't see each other's faces. Yoriichi can't fall asleep and according to (y/n)'s breathing pattern, she's not asleep either. "Hey, Yoriichi?", (y/n) asks into the dark. "Yes?", she hears somewhere next to her. "Is it really okay for you to be on this trip to me?", she asks him. Yoriichi knows there is only one right answer to this question, but he doesn't want to lie to her. "I don't feel comfortable."; he tells her truthfully. (Y/n) knew this, of course, but hearing it from him still stings. She turns away from him and stares at the pitch-black ceiling. "I'm sorry Suyaki made us do this.", she says. She hears Yoriichi shifting in his futon. "She meant well," he replies, "I'm sorry that I'm not as excited as you. I'm ruining the mood for you." (Y/n) has to smile at that. Yoriichi doesn't let it on, but he actually cares a lot about other people's feelings. "Is there anything I can do to make it more comfortable for you?", she asks him. Even though (y/n) can't see him, he shakes his head. "No, this is in my head. Nothing you can do about it.", he answers her. (Y/n)'s silent for a while. "You know," she says quietly, "I had a whole honeymoon planned out. Everything was already booked and paid for. I was more excited about the honeymoon than the actual wedding. The wedding was for the others, our family and friends, but the honeymoon… that was supposed to be just for us." (Y/n)'s voice sounds less steady at the end and Yoriichi feels his heart sink. How selfish of him, he thinks, of course, she's hurting too. The whole day he was all gloomy thinking about how he shouldn't go on a vacation like this with any other woman than Uta. He turns his head in her direction. "How do you do it?", he asks her. "Do what?", she replies. "How can you be so happy about this vacation? How can you think about anything else but him?", he clarifies. (Y/n)'s stunned at that for a moment. With a stoic man like Yoriichi, it is easy to forget that he can feel this deeply. "This is not a honeymoon for me. It can't be. If I would entertain that thought, I couldn't be like this.", she says into the dark. Yoriichi can feel his eyes burn. "Will this ever get better?". Yoriichi doesn't notice that he says this out loud. (Y/n) turns back to him. "I'm not sure I even want that", she tells him, "Wouldn't that mean we're forgetting?". Yoriichi doesn't trust his voice, so he only shrugs. "I don't want to forget", (y/n) concludes. "You shouldn't hurt so bad though.", Yoriichi states quietly, "I wouldn't want that." (Y/n) has to smile at that. Yoriichi really is a sweetheart. She reaches out for him with her hand. After some searching, she finds his face. She gently wipes the quiet tears away she knew that would be there. "I don't want that for you either.", she says. Yoriichi touches her hand and squeezes it lightly. "Hey, how about this? Let's make this arrangement about not forgetting but stopping hurting.", she proposes. "That sounds like a good idea.", he replies. (Y/n) pinches his cheek. "Then let's start tomorrow. Let's think about them and have a good day.", she says. "Okay.", Yoriichi whispers. (Y/n) pulls her hand away. "Good night, Yoriichi", (y/n) whispers back, "I hope you dream about her."
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realityisweird101 · 1 month
ngl i would totally like a drake fic w like, an obsessive drew. (like, bpd ig, and jake is his favorite person.) it would so definitely be toxic/unhealthy, and one-sided, since drake is a funny ship in retrospect, but when u actually think about them, they would def not be an ideal pair.
like, drew liking jake is def canon and if u disagree fight me rn. i just think that them actually getting together is SO SO SO unlikely. it would be toxic and bad for the both of them, js like their friendship was like,,, cute, and they cared 4 eachother, but it was def a bit unhealthy...
ANYWAYS the fic,
so like, drew would meet jake for the first time, and just, instantly fall in love with him. like, something like, "He looked into the boy's chocolate brown eyes, and felt a pang in his chest." so like, he doesn't KNOW he's in love, but he is.
as the fic progresses, drew's protectiveness becomes attachment, and his attachment becomes need. he NEEDS jake to stay with him, because without jake he is NOTHING. yk what i mean? qnd like, these changes are subtle, but become more and more obvious throughout the fic. like, starting with "God, Drew loved his timid smile. It made his heart feel fuzzy and light." progressing to, "Drew didn't understand *why* Jake thought he needed those freaks- after all, he was enough, right?" or, "Jake had been missing from the lunch table for 2 days now, and Drew had half a heart to chase after him, and half a heart to straight up murder whoever was stealing him from Drew. Not actually, though." And finally, "He *can't* live without *him*, he needs him- he needs him to hold him, to love him, to only need him. Drew wants those freaks- *Hailey* - to jump off a *fucking* bridge, to leave jake- to let Jake stay with Drew, to *be* Drew's, to have Drew. Fuck, Drew would kill himself if it meant Jake would love him, *god*, he would kill anyone, everyone, if it meant Jake would *look at him* lovingly." ehh sorta like that maybe?
i just want to see drew slowly lose himself while obsessing about Jake. he goes from wanting to make jake smile, to being willing to serve his heart on a platter if it meant jake would even just look at him without hatred in his eyes.
man i want to see drew go batshit crazy, and how that affects his relationship with the dromies, and how that affects how he treats himself, and how he sees the world in this jake-obsessed haze.
but like, with a happy ending. where he ditches jake and instead goes and marries liam instead /j
LOL I'll probs js end up writing this myself lmao
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dj-bynum3718 · 1 year
Of Fire and Ice - chapter 2
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Melissa Schemmenti X reader X Larissa Weemes   
Summary: The dinner and questioning 
Words: 2367    
Notes: so this is going better than I thought I'm kinda living for it!  Thank you all for the love and support its really making me want to just get this out as fast as I can!! 
Wanings: slight talk of discrimination.  
3:45 the last kiddo from your class finally leaves you take that as a sign to get the heck out of there you don’t want to be cornered before the dinner. You gather your belongings and rush out of the school to your vehicle leaving to go pick up some ingredients for dinner.   
You can feel them watching you pull out of the parking lot you see Melissa and Barbara standing on the steps to the school. You don’t acknowledge them.  
Dinner tonight was supposed to just be leftovers from this weekend but now you actually have to put in effort since people will be coming over. It was lunch when you decided on penne arrabbiata. Your unintentional need to impress Melissa coming to head. So, you go out and buy some fresh parmesan, the rest you have at home, always going to the famers market on Saturdays. You have since picked up some new wines for your collection, so you won't need to get any more and for dessert well you did make some mini cheesecakes yesterday so those will have to do.  
Its 5:00 by the time you get home you immediately set to work on getting yourself ready just because you see these people every day doesn’t mean you don’t want to look nice when they come to your house.
6:30 you have finished touching up your make up and have changed into something comfortable letting your hair out of its messy bun and fixing the loose curls you had this morning. “meh good enough” you say to your reflection. 
6:35 you are starting on dinner it only takes about 20 minuets to finish the meal. When the bell rings you flick your wrist and suddenly the dining room table is set. You open the door and see all your friends waiting. “hey, come on in everything is ready” you motion with your hand to let them come in. 
“mmmh smells good hun what did you make? I can smell the fresh basil from here.” Melissa looks at you, she looks beautiful, she has changed into comfortable clothes herself and it should be illegal to look that good. You swallow your throat suddenly dry. “oh um penne arrabbiata.” she smirks at you oh god why does she do that. “a woman after my own heart I can’t wait to try it.” she winks at you walking into the house with the others.  
You close the door heading to the dining room. “come on in I don’t bite. Well unless you want me too” you joke looking back at them. “Guys I'm kidding” They all sit down at the table and you pull out 3 bottles of nice wine  
This peaks Barbaras interest as she hands you, her glass. You pour everyone some wine and serve the food. You hear the collective sigh as everyone takes a bite, Melissas hand lands on your free one as she nods in approval. Your brain short circuits as you take a big gulp of your wine.  
“so, how do you want to go about the questions” Jacob askes from his place at the table besides Janine. You let out a sigh and lean back against your chair. “Why don’t y’all take turns, we can start with Melissa and work our way around the table. Sound good?” they all nod as you turn your way to Melissa. “Okay beautiful we will start with you.” you don’t know where the bout of confidence came from, but her smile made it worth it. 
“So what kind of outcast are you? We know there are many different kinds so?” wow starting strong “I'm a witch I come from a long line. Don’t worry, the stories make us seem worse than we really are. She nods taking in your answer. 
Barbara takes her turn next “So you can do magic like the movies?” “Well yes kinda but it’s a bit more than that its connected to emotions yes but with practice I can use it for most things.  
“So, this school you went to it’s like a boarding school?” Gregory asks. “Yes, it’s been around since 1791.” you respond. 
“Is it only for outcast or can anyone go?” Janine askes “we have a few normies every so often, but they are rare and far between it is open to anyone but not many people feel comfortable with us.” 
Jacob looks at you now “what is the curriculum like?” “well we have the normal stuff but then some more specialized stuff too.” you respond 
“Who is this lady?” Ava holds out her phone to show the official nevermore page. Showing you a picture of Larissa. Your breath hitch's she is just a beautiful as you remember her. Those blue eyes piercing your soul all over again. You swallow hard before answering. “That is Larissa Weems the headmistress of Nevermore Acadamy” 
Melissa noticed the change in you immediately. “Who was she to you?” “My ex-girlfriend” you let out a sigh and look at her making eye contact calmed you immediately. 
Barbara takes her next turn “is that why you were upset this morning? Is she going to be there?” you simply nod your head in response.  
Melissa skips the others to ask her next question “when was the last time you saw her? And how long did you date?” You look to her confused as you can hear her voice waver. You grab Ava’s phone “we dated for 4 years, and I haven’t seen her in about 6. It looks like time has been good to her” you turn the phone to her “oh she is beautiful” you can hear the emotion in her voice, but you can't place it. “I was going to propose to her but then things started getting hard and I didn’t fight for her.” you shrug. 
Gregory raises his hand. “Yes?” you respond. “Can I go now Melissa Skipped me” you nod to him “cool so like you can do magic can you show us some?”  
You grin flicking your wrist and suddenly the table is cleared, and desert is on the table in front of them. You hear a collective gasp and Jacob claps. “Oh, that would come in handy.” Barbara responds.  
You nod “I use it more than I care to admit” you respond sheepishly thinking back on all the times you have used it in secret at school. The rest of the night goes on like this them asking you responding.
“Well, I do believe we all have to teach tomorrow. “ Barbara says standing “I'm going to take my leave thank you for an amazing dinner and enlightening evening.” the others nod and stand walking with her to the door. All leaving except Melissa who stayed on the couch as you walked them out. 
“You, okay?” you ask her from the doorway. She looks up at you and nods clearly there is something on her mind. You take her hand in yours and sit across from her. “Mel?”  
“What if I go with you?” she asked now you are confused. “What?” you respond not getting what she is referring to. 
“What if I went as your date to your reunion? I could be your fake girlfriend and you can show her that you are better now.” 
“I-I um Mel I can’t ask that of you it's a lot.” you are looking into her eyes now. “But you aren't askin I'm offering... so what do you say?” 
“lets do it” you nod grinning. 
10:45 Mel has already gone home, and you are filling out your RSVP and plus one paperwork. So maybe today wasn’t the worst day but now you have a whole other thing to worry about but till then that can be a problem for future you.  
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exquisiteserotonin · 1 year
Precious Possessions, Chapter 2
It's Wednesday and Dave's ready to get a little more dirty. So I bring to you Chapter 2 of my Dave York Fic.
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Series Summary: Defense intelligence conferences are always the same informative but also always boring. You didn't expect anything different for this one, but an unexpected meeting with a man named Dave York, changes the trajectory of your conference experience and maybe even more.
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Pairing: Dave York X F!Reader
Rating & Warnings: Explicit (18+, MDNI!), Slow burn, sexual tension, dirty, smutty talk, masturbation, finger fucking, public sex (sort of?), Not beta'd --- any weird grammar things and tense shifts are on me.
A/N: Also thank you to my slut collective who always throw out inspiration on the daily. I love you witches. @sparklefarts38 @legendary-pink-dot @best-little-secret @basicoccult
Chapter 2: Starving
The next day of the conference wore on you like a trek through a theme park on a hot summer day.  You typically loved conferences, treating them as a mini vacation that happened to include mandatory workshops and trainings.  Learning and absorbing brand-new information was inspiring and invigorating.  Yet each new presentation you attended that day seemed to grow unbearably long. A nervous energy emanated from your body, manifesting in you through repeatedly crossing and uncrossing your legs, wiggling and bouncing your foot, and tapping your pen repeatedly on your notepad. 
A frustrated heat welled up in you as you realized your thoughts were turning to Dave. The space he was taking up in your brain was unexpected. Your watch and the slow hands of the analog clocks found in each meeting room reminded you of how far away you were from 7:30 in the evening.
When lunch time arrived everyone buzzed around you with an excited energy relieved to have a break. You grabbed a plate of salad from the complimentary lunch served to the conference attendees and searched for the quietest corner to enjoy your meal. To your disappointment, your coworker Brad found you. His plate and silverware clanked as he set it down in front of you. 
“How has your day been?” he asked, his teeth almost blinding you with how white they were. 
“I don’t know,” you answered between bites of your salad. “All the sessions just seem to be running together.”
“It’s only day two and you’re already experiencing conference fatigue?” He joked with little success, eliciting a polite smile from you. 
“It must be that time of month,” you shrugged, finishing your salad quickly. “If you don’t mind, I think I’m going to grab an aspirin from my room.”
Brad raised his hands, backing up slightly in his chair, squirming with discomfort. As you suspected, this made him uncomfortable enough for you to make your exit. The way the temples of your head began to throb revealed that your escape was only a half lie. You excused yourself and darted towards the elevator. Other hotel guests filed in behind you, checking in with their heavy, space-taking luggage. You backed yourself into a corner and closed your eyes, placing your fingers lightly at your temples. You shifted sideways as more people flooded in, leaving little room between yourself and the next person.
“You OK, firefly?” The gravelly whisper of a familiar voice reached your ears.
You looked up to see Dave standing before you, dangerously close. 
“Dave, hey,” you greeted, relieved to see him. “It’s just a headache.”
“You know, I have something for that,” he said and you felt him shift his weight until you felt his hip press against yours.
The throbbing of your headache dulled and you fought with yourself to hide the moan you so desperately wanted to release from your mouth. A tingling sensation tip-toed down your shoulders, stomach, and irresistibly, inconveniently down to your core. As you held each other’s gaze, you felt his smug smile drawing you in and tempting you. 
“You know what?” The satisfaction you got from challenging him was unmatched and you smiled back. “I think I can take care of it for the time being.” 
Feeling brazen and empowered, you brushed your fingertips along the side of his left pant leg, until your hand began to take hold of his hip. He knitted his brows down to glare at you, his hand meeting yours quickly to grip your wrist with one of his large, weathered hands. The way he stared you down, gripped your wrist, and shook his head indicating no without a word electrified you even more. It shot through your body from the tips of his fingers, its electricity awakening every cell in you and your heart thumping loudly in your ears. 
The elevator rocked back and forth as it moved upwards. Engrossed in each other, you barely noticed or acknowledged as the other guests left the elevator. You backed away from him a few steps, his fingers rippling open to release you from his grip. In only a matter of seconds, you knew you’d be arriving on your floor. 
“We’re still having that meeting at 7:30, correct?” He asked as he cleared his throat and as he pressed his hands to his hips.
“Still on,” you confirmed as you felt the warmth of his body heat overtake you as he stepped closer behind you. 
“Then you should save your energy,” Dave said, leaning his head close to yours, his breath caressing your ear. 
His hand gently brushed the back of your skirt, the back of his fingers just brushing your ass. The faintness of his touch was enough to leave you nearly breathless and yearning for more of it, so much that you hitched your breath with a quick gasp. 
“Noted,” you breathed, looking up at him with a nod of your head before you stepped away. 
Despite the slight dulling of your headache, you still gulped an aspirin upon returning to your hotel room. You lowered yourself to the fluffy sheets of your hotel room bed. Noting the time on the clock: 12:35 pm. It reminded you how quickly you had gulfed down your lunch just to get away from Brad. You closed your eyes, promising yourself it would only be for a moment. The ghost of Dave’s soft whisper against your ear haunting you. The power of your mind helped you to imagine his whisper as fingers traveling down your blouse to your skirt. An achy longing began to beat at your core as you thought of him. You began to slide your hand down the length of your skirt and gathered it in your hand, pulling it upwards. You drew your fingers up your thighs, walking them closer and closer to your underwear. All the while, you imagined his hand, his weathered fingers as your breath quickened. You pushed your panties to the side, sliding your fingers to your clit, feeling how your folds were coated with your slick because of him. Because of Dave. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, keeping the image of him in your brain. The memory of how his massive hand gripped your wrist, his fingers large and commanding. You let yourself imagine his hands touching you, dipping inside you, fucking you, and savoring the taste of you on his fingers while he chanted your name as he worked on you, beckoning you to come. Your orgasm crashed over your body, setting you on fire and wrapping you in warmth. You stared at the ceiling of your hotel room, letting your breath come down to a natural pace as you relaxed from your wave of pleasure. 
You stood up, pushing down your skirt. You met your reflection in the large, gold framed mirror. Your hair was disheveled and a rosy glow painted your cheeks. You gave yourself a quiet laugh, thinking wistfully of the solo activity Dave York had just inspired. Your fingers caressed the soft, silky fabric of your skirt to smooth the wrinkles as best you could. You took one last glance at your watch, realizing you had just enough time to make it downstairs for the rest of the day's presentations. You left your room letting the door close gently behind you, hoping the pace of the afternoon moved faster than the morning. Begrudgingly, you knew the specter of Dave’s touch and breathy whisper would haunt you for the remainder of the day. 
Somehow, you managed to survive the day without driving yourself crazy about what awaited you at 7:30 pm. Every inclination you had was to wear the sexiest outfit you owned, but that was impossible since it was hanging in your closet at home. The only option you had was a tawny colored, form fitting sweater dress you packed. You pulled it on over your head, shimmying the fabric down your body. Its luxurious fabric hugged your curves perfectly and despite it having long sleeves it clung to your cleavage, enhancing it in the most enticing way. 
You looked at yourself in the full-length mirror, satisfied and confident in your look. Your long waves fell like a waterfall down your back, your shortest waves kissing your clavicle. Your make-up was simple and served to enhance your favorite features. You stepped into a pair of cream colored booties with a little bit of a heel, knowing it would bring attention to the little peek of leg that would reveal itself through the knee slit on the right side of your dress. You bit your lip, your reflection staring back at you with a mischievous understanding of why you brought this outfit to a professional conference. 
This is the kind of outfit that would get you fucked. 
You carried that thought with you from your room to the elevator, and downstairs towards the bar. Head turns that turned into intense gazes in your direction gifted you with even more poise and tenacity as each step you took brought you closer and closer to the bar. Your eyes skimmed the bar, searching for Dave. Taking a seat at the bar, a little fleck of disappointment turned in you when you were unable to find him. 
“What can I get you?” The bartender asked.
“Scotch please,” you replied, “on the rocks.”
The bartender nodded and walked away to get a few more orders before bringing you your own. A sudden burst of self-consciousness washed over you as you waited for your drink. Upon the bartender’s return, he handed you your drink along with a knowing wink and a small slip of paper. The edges were clean and folded sharply, evidence of the meticulousness of the messenger. You laughed at yourself as you opened it wondering why you hadn’t exchanged numbers with Dave. Your professional mind took over and deduced that he simply didn’t want to be tracked. You talked yourself into thinking that this made sense for someone in the intelligence field. You took a long, large sip of courage from your glass before opening the note. Small, slanted print greeted you as you did:
I’m at the far corner to the right of the bar. 
You found him with your whole body, your eyes settling over him in the dark, isolated corner. Your eyes poured over every feature of him from his clean shaven face, to his Romanesque nose, to his intensely dark brown eyes which were staring right back at you. You walked towards him, unhurried, carrying your scotch in one hand and your handbag in the other. You approached the quiet and secluded booth for two. He never lost eye contact as he stood up to greet you, taking your scotch from your hand, sipping the remainder of it, before setting it down on the table. The coldest of shivers traveled through your body as he pulled you towards him with a gentle beckoning of his hand on your elbow. The shivers left you frozen as he brought his face close to yours, kissing you lightly on the cheek until you felt his lips brush against your ear. 
“Look at you,” he growled as you closed your eyes, feeling his hand roam to your right hip, where his fingers traced the curve of it with the lightest of touches, “getting pretty just for me.” 
You parted your peachy-pink lips to respond, but for the first time in your interactions with him you found yourself speechless. The feeling was so novel as though you were being hypnotized to succumb to his words and motions. 
“Don’t get too comfortable,” he stated, drawing you in with his wickedly attractive grin that had imprinted itself in your brain. “There’s a place I’m going to take you, somewhere more private.”
Dave was the kind of man people would warn you about. Your closest friends would tell you that he was a walking red flag if they knew. Any level-headed woman would and should know better. And then you thought to yourself: 
Maybe I just don’t care. 
You trembled with a charged excitement moving through you and arousing every cell in your body. It wasn’t a request. It wasn’t a demand. It was a simple and true statement. Both of you knew it. You would do anything he asked. 
“Ok,” you confirmed your gaze connecting indelibly to his, “take me.”
A rush of cold air bombarded you as you stepped out of the hotel. You cursed yourself, wondering why you hadn’t grabbed a coat from your room. Dave perused you up and down, admiring your figure before he took off his own thick coat and draped it around your shoulders. The unexpected, but calculated gesture made you shiver more at his touch than from the cold. After this he moved past you toward a black sedan, opening the door for you. 
Your dress stretched against your legs, giving Dave the perfect view of your right leg from the slit on the side of your dress. He followed you, joining you in the warmth of the car. Not a second had passed since you buckled yourself in and you immediately felt his immense hand slide onto your knee with a tight grip. With no knowledge of how long it would take to arrive wherever Dave was taking you, you placed your hand on top of his and began to slide his hand further up your leg. 
“You dirty, little slut,” he whispered to you with a growl, “are you gonna show me how wet you already are for me?”
“Dave,” you panted into his ear as you felt his fingers massage up your thigh, “the driver…”
From the side of your eye, you swore you could see the driver smirk when you whispered Dave’s name. Your breaths continued to quicken as his hand continued to rub up your thigh. 
“Don’t worry I pay him for discretion,” he uttered, and you could have moaned at the thought that this was all a well-executed plan. “Just give daddy one little taste.” 
You squeezed your thighs together before opening them again. His thick fingers rested on the lush skin of your inner thighs. His half-closed, ravenous eyes asked you again. 
Just one taste. 
And so, you opened for him feeling his fingers brush against the silky fabric of your underwear. You kept your eyes on him as his fingers met where the fabric had become dewy with your desire. You rolled your pelvis forward, eager, and desperate for him to do something. He raised one coy brow at you, caressing you and making the spot grow with your heat. That dangerous dimple revealed itself as he tempted you with a wanton grin. You needed more. You needed him to give you more. As soon as you moved your hand to grip his forearm, the car came to a quiet stop. You shuddered as he took his hand away from your thigh. You followed his every move as he brought his fingers to his lips, licking his fingertips. A little taste of you. 
“You taste sweet,” Dave growled, the vibrato making you quiver all the way down to your toes, “can’t wait to taste all of you.” 
Dave opened the door and reached his hand in to help you out. Once you were out of the car you used one hand to smooth out the bottom of your dress and the other to grip Dave’s jacket around your shoulders. The strong grip of his hands on your hips as he rocked his pelvis into your ass was so surprising that it made you gasp louder than the cold air meeting your bare skin.
“Fuck, Dave,” you whispered, “are you trying to kill me?” 
“Hm,” he paused in contemplation, “not if I don’t have to.” 
The two of you stood before a quaint little whiskey bar repurposed from an old Craftsman home. Globe lights danced on strings in the December air as you walked up the brick stairs. Inside, perfectly placed lights of amber and gold set the room aglow with warm luminescence and shadows. He had made a reservation. You shivered as he took his coat from your shoulders handing it to the hostess. How was he able to have this so elaborately planned? The feeling settled in your abdomen simultaneously vexing and intriguing. 
You followed the hostess to a quiet u-shaped booth situated at the back of the bar. Atop a round table made from knotted driftwood, stood a table sign with the word “reserved” written in modern calligraphy. You had barely taken your seat when a server came to your table with a bottle of Macallan rare cask and two empty whiskey glasses. 
“Wow, pulling out all the stops,” you said, mesmerized by the expensive whiskey selection that was poured into your glass right before your eyes. “You do this before you bed all your conquests?”
He grasped his chest with a feigned expression of heartbreak, “Oh if that’s all you were, I wouldn’t have wasted my time bringing you here knowing I could’ve had you begging me to come to your room the afternoon we met.” 
“And if I had wanted you there that night,” you stalled, gently biting your glossy lips, “we wouldn’t have left my room at all today.”
“And that, firefly,” he said with a tip of his glass towards yours, “is exactly why you’re more than just a conquest.”
It felt like a date but you didn’t want it to. The mess of feelings running inside you could have been easily curbed if you had just fucked him. You’d done it before, you could do it again. Fuck and forget.
“How did you get into intelligence, anyway?” He asked, relinquishing a deep sigh from you. “Because and, forgive me, you don’t seem the type.” 
“Meaning?” You furrowed your brow at the statement.
“Well, you’re hot for one thing,” he stated, provoking a laugh, “but you don’t bullshit; you’re sharp, calculating, even.”
You took a sip to ponder your response to his question.
“Well I was always good at everything computers,” you explained, “building them, taking them apart, and figuring out how they worked.” 
It felt so easy to be telling him your story. His eyes were rapt with attention 
“In high school I got good at hacking,” this reveal had him move in closer to you, “even better at getting away with it.”
It felt like you were being asked to access a file that was stored away in your backup hard drives. You never expected anyone to want to hear about your angsty, adolescent techno rebellion. 
“You know, it started small at first: messing with the school online newsletter, changing my friends’ grades,” you smiled as the sweet nostalgia took over you. “My best work though was getting a pervy teacher fired who’d made rapey comments to me and my friends.” 
“A vindictive streak,” he said admiringly as his hand took purchase on your knee. 
A jolt of excitement shot through you as he said those words, in the way he said them. Did he get off on that? Revenge. It wasn’t the best of your personality traits. 
A slow sip of the Macallan. 
“Karma’s a bitch,” you said dryly with a shrug.
An impressed grin. 
“My parents said I needed to channel my talent into something productive and lucrative,” you shrugged, “so here I am.”
“Here you are,” he was so close you could feel his breath on your lips as he spoke. 
It took only one look of his pouted lips for you to dive forward to kiss him. His tongue pushing your mouth open while his right hand pushed your hair back from your face. You gripped that hand leading it to the base of your neck. You pressed your hand on top of his, desperate to feel his strength imprint itself on you. The needy groan that escaped him as you did had you snickering with consuming gratification. Falling into each other with breathless desire, you let his mouth go but not before pulling his bottom lip with an eager bite.
“Bad girl,” he groaned, as he tugged you almost impossibly close to him, the heat that rose from both of you intertwining. “You get off on it don’t you? On not getting caught?”
Your heart hammered loudly in your ears as Dave’s hand glided up the slit of your dress. His fingers made quick work of finding the spot he had made wet in the car. Your cunt ached and drummed with anticipation for his touch. You swallowed a deep breath when you felt his thick fingers sweep over the fabric, teasing you as he used his finger tips to play at the edges. You nodded at him, with pleading eyes. 
“Let’s see how much you get off on it,” he growled his head pressed to yours as he slipped his fingers under the velvety soft fabric of your underwear. 
Your thoughts began to swirl in the rich amber of whiskey in your glass as his fingers rubbed at your entrance. You rolled your neck with a deep exhale before placing a secure hold on your glass with your left hand. The wave of exquisite sensation washed over you as you felt his finger glide inside you, finding your clit in a matter of seconds. You brought your glass to your lips, taking in a long sip of whiskey to obscure the moan that threatened to escape from your mouth. The slow burn of the whiskey paired with the sinuous ecstasy that formed from his was almost too much to bear. You could do nothing but roll your hips forward begging for more of his fingers with your body. 
“Firefly, you dirty, fucking slut,” he whispered to you through gritted teeth, “you fucking love this, don’t you?” 
Your hands gripped at the fabric of the bench beneath you, your brain barely registering what he had just said. All you could concentrate on was your desperate attempt to slow your ever-quickening breaths. 
“Answer me,” he demanded in the quietest whisper while tortuously denying you the attention his fingers were giving your clit.
“Yes--I, I love it,” you whimpered
Your body ignited with a luxurious heat at each touch of his fingers at your core. You felt yourself surrendering to him as he continued the deep ministrations within your body, worshiping your clit. 
“You fucking love that you’re about to come right here in public,” he growled his nose pressed to the side of your face, his lips brushing against your earlobe. “I was a fucking stranger to you yesterday and now you love how I already know how to make you come undone. You’ve never felt this good before have you?”
Jesus, fuck. You thought to yourself as you nodded. True. It was all true. 
He rocked his pelvis towards you, his fingers moving relentlessly. “Fucking answer me, firefly.”
“I’ve never felt this good, Dave,” you wanted to cry.
“Good,” he said, his voice gravelly and low, “you wanna come now, baby?”
With another sinful grin, he crooked his fingers inside you, bracing you with the weight of his body. And you came undone, your entire body trembling and the quietest moan escaping your lips as you clenched around his fingers. You reached out for your glass to drink the last bit of whiskey. You breathed out a long, slow exhale feeling the burn and bliss of the whiskey and your orgasm. 
“You’re so fucking good for me,” he groaned as he released his fingers from your center. 
A gasp vibrated out of your throat, and you relaxed back into him. Everything around you looked hazy with delight, like a dream sequence in a film. You watched as Dave licked his fingers, savoring the taste of you that left its mark there. You felt your pussy clench again at the eroticism of the moment, of how good he must be with his mouth and tongue, and how big his cock must be. You tip-toed your fingers to his pants, cupping his bulge, feeling it grow in the palm of your hand. 
“It’s time we get out of here, firefly,” he spoke with the stoic conviction of a man ready to complete the most important mission he’s ever been given. 
“What are you going to do with me?” You leaned to him, whispering your delicately chosen words into his ear. 
He turned to you, his stare low and focused with lust, “I’m going to make you mine, possess this cunt in ways you’ve only dreamed of.” 
You smiled with satisfaction as though you’d been waiting a lifetime for someone to growl those words at you. He stood up and your gaze poured over his entire body as he pulled out his wallet, leaving a wad of bills on the table that you assumed as far more than the cost of whiskey. He held out a hand to you and you laughed like it was a joke, knowing well you didn’t need or want the feigned gentlemanly gesture. You gathered his jacket around your shoulders again to protect yourself from the biting air.  He slipped one possessive hand beneath the bottom of his jacket to grip your ass and then your waist, holding you close to him the entire, short ride back to the hotel.
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missvelvetsstuff · 7 months
With friends like you....
Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve x Nat, Reader x Bruce, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Chapter 2
Y/N woke up early and went for a morning walk with Bucky, like they had every day in Wakanda. After a shower and breakfast, she tried to call Steve but he didn't answer. They went to the marketplace to look around on the way to the dressmaker to pick up their clothes for the party and had lunch.
She spent the rest of the day trying to get her hair and makeup just right while trying to push her anxiety down. She felt like something was off with Steve but she didn't know what or how to help him fix it. Or if he even wanted her help. She knew he was Captain America and had many responsibilities but she felt like she was no longer a priority to him. Bucky tried to reassure her but he didn't know Steve that well anymore and many things had changed.
When Steve still didn't answer or return her calls and didn't show up to escort her to the celebration, Y/N went on Bucky's arm. She looked beautiful in her Asgardian robes and the only thing Bucky could think of when he first saw her was how lucky Steve was.
The entire town was lit up and alive with people and music. There were multiple bonfires to stave off the cold, people singing and dancing, little plays honoring Thor, Loki and Valkyrie who saved them from Hela and groups huddled around story tellers. Y/N looked through the crowds until she finally found Steve arguing with Nat. She couldn't hear what they said and Nat left as soon as she walked up.
Steve looked angry until he saw her "Sweetheart, there you are. I've missed you" he pulled her into a hug.
She looked at him concerned "Is everything alright? You and Nat looked pretty heated"
"What? Oh Nat? That was nothing, she just left to find Bruce." He waved it off and led her to a tavern that was serving Asgardian mead and punch, getting 3 cups, 2 of the mead for him and Bucky and a cup of punch for her.
Steve held her hand as they walked around, looking at the dancers and plays. Y/N saw a group of couples dancing and wanted to dance too but was afraid to ask Steve as he still seemed a little off. While they stopped to watch the dancers she tried to imitate their steps and a soft colorful mist surrounded her.
Bucky was entranced. She was beautiful on her own but with the music and light surrounding her while she danced was mesmerizing. At least in Bucky's eyes, Steve was annoyed by her.
"Why are you doing that here? You don't know if everyone here is trustworthy and you look ridiculous, like a little kid trying to act like the adults. It's embarrassing"
Steve snapped at her.
Y/N looked at Steve with tears in her eyes "I'm so sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. It just happens when I'm happy and have music around"
He looked down at her "And now you're going to cry like a baby. Grow up, Y/N."
She sniffled and tried to rein in her tears "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful"
Steve smiled at her but it didn't reach his eyes "I know sweetheart, we just have to be careful with so many people around" he kissed her on the cheek and looked past her "I have to take care of something, I'll be back in a while. Keep Buck company." And quickly walked away.
Bucky smiled at her shyly "I like the lights and colors, they're, I mean you're beautiful. We could dance if you like"
He took her to the center of the dancers and they both tried to follow along, with some help, and the mist of light returned as she smiled and danced with Bucky. He knew he was falling for her but kept reminding himself she was Steve's girl, even if he wasn't being a good boyfriend right now.
Y/N was feeling something for Bucky as well. She could feel herself starting to fall for him but stopped herself. He was her boyfriends best friend and she loved Steve. She would never hurt him like that, even if he was kind of a jerk sometimes.
When they were worn out from dancing they started walking around and meeting all kinds of people. They met a man named Peter and his pet raccoon along with a blue woman, a green woman and a walking tree.
The tree introduced himself, at least thats what she thought he was doing when he told her "I am Groot!"
She smiled at him "I am Y/N and he is Bucky"
The raccoon was checking out Bucky's arm "How much for the arm?"
Bucky looked surprised that it spoke to him "What do you mean? You can't have my arm"
Rocket pushed "No seriously, I'll pay you for that arm"
Bucky shook his head "You're crazy. I'm not selling my arm to you."
Rocket sneered "You gotta sleep sometime."
Y/N was concerned about their disagreement so grabbed Bucky's other arm and led him away.
They ran into Bruce standing alone staring into one of the bonfires. She gently touched his arm "Hey Bruce. Are you ok? I thought you'd be catching up on time with Nat"
Bruce shook himself out of his daze and looked at her, he smiled "Hi Y/N. I've been spending time with Nat since last night. She had something to talk to Steve about. Those two never seem to be able to take a break from Avenger business."
She nodded "They always seem to have business to handle. Steve went off awhile ago so I've just been keeping Bucky company."
Thor came up to them "Ah, Lady Y/N. You look lovely, like a goddess of Asgard but where is your captain? How could he leave you looking like that"
She giggled "Thank you Thor. I love these robes so beautiful and comfortable. It even has pockets.
Steve is off working on Avenger business with Nat or Tony or something. I don't know, he's always busy.
Bucky and I are enjoying the celebration. You Asgardians sure know how to party"
Thor laughed "You've not seen anything yet my lady. If you see your captain please tell him I'm looking for him."
"Of course"
They spent hours walking around, eating, drinking and dancing. They watched a play about Hela destroying Asgard, ate a local dessert with meringue and vanilla layered cake that had a name she couldn't pronounce.
When midnight passed Y/N started getting tired from all the activity. She turned to Bucky "I'm getting tired. Maybe we should find Steve before I go to bed."
Bucky's face fell, he was having such a wonderful time with her. The light aura that she made without even thinking was so soothing to him, her scent and laugh calmed him, he didn't want the night to end. Bucky knew it was wrong to think about Steve's girl like that but Steve wasn't even here appreciating what he had.
Bucky was annoyed at how Steve had reprimanded her for her lights and treated her like a child. He didn't think it was right but it wasn't his place to say anything.
"Of course doll, it's getting late. Let's go find that punk"
They headed towards the buildings where everyone was sleeping, looking all over for Steve. They found Bruce, who was looking for Nat and searched together.
As they reached the buildings they stopped to decide where to look next and Bucky heard moaning, like someone was in pain.
"Stop! I hear something like someone is hurt."
Y/N stopped and focused, she could hear it too. "I hope it's nothing serious"
They followed the sound, hoping to help whoever was hurt when they heard a shout "Fuck! Captain, more, harder! m'so close."
"Yeah, Widow? That pretty pussy gonna cum all over my fat cock? Want me to fill you up with my cum? Are you my dirty cumslut? Say it, bitch!"
"Yes Steve! Fuck sorry, yes Captain fill my whore cunt. I'm your dirty cumslut! I need your cum! Please! YES!Fuck!! Aaahhhhhhh!"
"That's right you nasty whore! She'll never be as good as you. I don't care about her or him or anyone else, I'm not giving this pussy up for anything. I'll never stop fucking you."
Y/N felt her eyes filling with tears. She looked at Bucky "Is that? No, it can't be. Steve wouldn't-"
She was interrupted by a growl next to her and turned to look at Bruce, seeing bits of green around his face.
He roared "Natasha? What did you do?"
Bucky looked at them, panicked "How do we prevent a scene?"
Y/N wiped her tears and looked at Bruce again "Bruce? It's ok. Please stay calm"
Bruce looked at her with anger and tears in his eyes "Stay calm? How can I stay calm" as his clothes started to rip.
Y/N started to sing. A lullabye that she didn't even remember knowing but the words just came out, as did a gentle kaleidoscope of colors around her. Her voice started out tremulous but became stronger as she remembered the song. She took Bruce's hands and looked in his eyes.
It worked, Bruce calmed down until the two of them were on the ground, holding each other and crying.
Bucky went into the building to give Steve a piece of his mind. He saw Nat getting up to fix her clothes and Steve putting himself away. He looked up "Hey Buck. What's up?"
Bucky growled "Are you kidding me? What's up? How about you're fucking Nat while I'm keeping your girlfriend entertained"
Steve shook his head "It's no big deal. Just sex."
Bucky hit him in the face and knocked him down. "Seriously? You know she heard. Her and Bruce are outside crying on each other's shoulders. How could you do this to her?"
Steve stood up and wiped himself off. "It's fine. I'll just talk to her." And went outside.
Y/N and Bruce had calmed their tears and there was quite a crowd built up. Bruce helped her up and hugged her.
Steve strode up to them. "Alright Banner, hands off my girl" and tried to pull her away.
Y/N jerked away from him "Don't touch me after you just fucked her"
"Language sweetheart" he reprimanded
She glared at him "Are you fucking kidding me? You were having sex with another woman and you're gonna talk about my language. What about your language with her?"
Steve laughed it off "That was heat of the moment sweetheart."
"How could you do this to me? And to Bruce? You said you loved me"
"I do love you but you're not ready for sex and I have needs. It's just sex, just a release. I don't love her." He tried to explain.
"But you spend every spare minute with her" She was shaking with rage and her beautiful light mist turned ugly, with harsh colors.
"How long?"
"I told you it doesn't matter. It doesn't mean anything."
The colors turned darker "HOW LONG! Tell me how long this has been going on!"
Steve sighed "Since before I met you. Nat and I have always used each other for stress relief. That's all it is. You're making a scene for nothing. Stop those lights, you're drawing attention."
"Fuck you, Steve! Some golden boy you are. I wonder what your fans would think of how you use people and lie. I can't believe I ever thought I loved you."
She paused, breathing heavily until something occurred to her "That's why you sent me to be with Bucky, isn't it? To get me out of the way so you could be with her? Isn't it?"
Steve looked down and his lack of response told him everything she needed to know.
"Why even court me when you had her? Was it some kind of game? Did you have a bet on when I would put out? Did you cuddle and laugh about the stupid mutant girl and how you fooled her into believing you loved her?" She ranted.
Steve looked up "But sweetheart, I do lo-"
She interrupted "Don't you dare say that. You've spent more time away from me, constantly coming up with excuses for why you couldn't see me. Most of the time we do spend together you act like you're embarrassed of me and what I am. I guess I was easier to control than she was"
She turned to Nat "I thought you were my friend, Romanoff. Like sisters, remember? You helped push us together and you've been fucking him behind my back all this time? Some friend you are"
Nat opened her mouth to speak but Y/N held her hand up. "There's nothing you can say or do that would make this any better. I can't believe I ever trusted you." She looked at Steve "I hope you both enjoyed playing the stupid mutant girl that Strucker destroyed." And ran away crying.
Nat tried to get to Bruce but he pushed her away "Leave me alone Natasha. I don't want Steve's leftovers, you're too damaged." Nat just stood there , her eyes filling up with tears, watching him walk away in the same direction as Y/N.
Bucky wanted to kick Steves ass but decided that could wait "We're not done here" he spat at him "but I'm more concerned about Y/N right now" and bolted after her and Bruce.
Y/N ran until her lungs ached and then just dropped to the ground and cried. When Steve and Nat saved her she thought they must be angels. She had lived in Struckers cell longer than she had lived out of it and had resigned herself to a life in chains. Then she saw those blue eyes and he saved her, took her in and started helping repair the damage that had been done. He helped her believe she could have a real life, love and family but it was all a lie.
Chapter 3
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Jake Kim x Reader: Betting on love
Big Deal's gambling arc 2.0 but make it fun
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It was Jason that noticed the longing looks, Brad that cringed at Jake's increasingly corny lines, and Lineman that started the bets.
It was also Jerry who caught Lineman trying to solicit money from the other members of the crew.
"What's that?" Jerry looks down at Lineman, trying and failing to hide some paper behind his back.
"Morning Jerry! Weather's nice today, huh? May I say your bald head is looking gloriously shiny-"
Cobra-quick, Jerry swipes the sheets, eyes scanning over the page, one hand holding a flailing Lineman back.
Jerry furrows his brows at the list of dates, names and figures before him. Everyone is betting on when Y/N and Jake would get together?
He considers this.
"50,000 won. Put me down for 2 weeks time."
Listen, it didn't have to come to this. If you and Jake could stop pussyfooting around one another and make the whole of Big Deal feel less like a third wheel, that would have been preferable.
But you couldn't, and they might as well make a quick buck out of it.
Jake, shrewd and clever, would have usually noticed the escalating amount of shenanigans if he wasn't too busy following you around with heart eyes.
It begins with a book of pick-up lines left on Jake's desk.
(This reeks of Jason's handiwork, trying to work things to his advantage but thinking he could take the high road by being subtle.)
Jake's brows knit together as he flicks through the pages. Huh, some of this stuff is pretty good. A bit cliched but...
Like a puppy, Jake bounds over to you the next morning, greeting you with his usual cheesy grin. His arm comes round your shoulder, and you feel the heat of him like a brand.
You wonder if today is finally the day he asks you out. You're not dense, you know you're practically attached at the hip. Jake's flirting is obvious, your flirting is obvious. (The collective groan from Big Deal can be heard for miles.)
"Hey Y/N! So God Dog, Hostel and Workers walk into a Big Deal bar-"
(The collective groan gets louder. Jason is the loudest.)
"Lovers' lunch offer?"
With pockets full of lint, you and Jake are never one to turn down a deal.
(Brad knows this too. Big Deal allowances are not generous. He has arranged this especially and feels like a goddamn mastermind.)
Lovers? Well it's certainly not an unwelcome thought. Jake sneaks a glance at you as you peer into the store window. He knows you like the back of his hand, he knows how well you would both fit. But the jump from friends to lovers seems gargantuan and completely terrifying.
"Come on!" You grip his wrist, dragging him in and breaking him out of his reverie.
Candles? Tablecloth? Friggin rose petals?
"They're really going all out here," Jake comments, smoothing down his shirt. It's just another place on Big Deal street, yet he feels oddly giddy. Fidgety. Like he wants to reach out and clasp your hand between his.
You raise your eyebrow in amusement at Jake's odd demeanour before examining the menu.
It's all prepackaged ramen.
Which, you guess is fine. If it's cheap.
...You gawk at the cost.
There is zero percent, absolutely no chance in hell, you are paying these prices. Did the owner think people were idiots? The markup is astronomical.
"This place sucks." you say, standing to leave.
"It does suck," Jake agrees and joining you, having seen the prices for himself.
Later that night:
"Brad, you idiot!"
"Fuck you Lua, you know I can't cook. You want me to serve them some burnt turd instead?"
"Then why the hell did you overcharge them so much?"
"You think candles and rose petals are FREE?"
"Who's been littering here?"
Jake frowns at the spread before him. Usually everyone knows to leave the street in a good condition, but sometimes stray teenagers still linger around and try to make the most of the pier and the ocean.
Lovers and troublemakers. Jerry does a good job of scaring them off.
It all looks a bit too organised to be litter. "I think they just left their stuff," you remark.
Crouching down and looking into the wicker basket, Jake sees everything still pristinely wrapped. It does look organised. Very fancy too. Some cheeses, unopened wine, a whole goddamn baguette. Whoever left this here must have gone in a hurry.
You squat down besides him, "Huh, all these things look untouched."
He recognises the look you give the food. He's seen you look at him like that sometimes too.
Either way, just because Jake is strapped for cash doesn't mean he doesn't have his dignity. He's not eating or letting you eat someone's trash that's been sitting out in the sun for god knows how long.
"Y/N," Jake pulls you away as you start to pout, "We're not eating that, that's pretty gross."
Upon seeing the Big Deal Leader bin all his precious food and ruin his meticulously set up picnic, Lineman cries on Lua's shoulder.
"That food was expensive as shit," he wails, "That's my whole week's allowance!"
You don't get to be Big Deal's No.2 without being able to pull a few strings.
It would send most people on a power trip, Jerry isn't most people. He's kind and patient and fair. So what he usually asks, he usually gets.
If he wants the Big Deal street to be empty and like a ghost town, it will be done.
You spot a tumbleweed, "Jake? Where's everyone?"
"Beats me."
Jake scrolls through his phone, just in case there was an event he's currently missing. Nope, nothing, nada.
"Y/N. I was thinking the other night... how would you rather die?" Listening round the corner, Jerry feels like he might die on the spot. With his limited experience, even he knows this topic is a romance killer, "I thought drowning might be peaceful but the water in my lungs..."
"Jumping to your death might be fun?" You tap your chin thoughtfully, "It needs to be super high up though-"
And if Jerry wants the Big Deal street to be crowded and absolutely rammed, then so be it.
"Is there a festival or something?" you ask.
Jake scrolls through his phone again, just in case there was a festival he's currently missing. Nope, nothing, nada.
Jerry watches from a nearby building, feeling like an all powerful puppetmaster.
Ok, so his initial idea of giving you two privacy was a bust. Now he has pivoted to forcing closeness.
You would get jostled about with lots of accidental touching, leaving both of you a blushing mess. Maybe someone would trip you up, and Jake would catch you in his arms. He would gaze down at you, the spark between you-
A chorus of "Yes, sir!"
Lua watches it all unfolding next to Jerry. "Cheer up Jerry. It was a pretty shitty plan, to be fair."
For the day Lua bet on, she was blessed with divine intervention.
The heavens parted and rain descended, catching you both stranded in the downpour. Doesn't every romance have a kiss in the rain?
You shiver in your t-shirt, arms hugging yourself. "Jake, take off your coat for us to use as an umbrella!"
With strength even Jake didn't know he possessed, he does not look at you. He cannot. The shower has started to soak through your top, making it almost transparent and baring your- Jake gulps.
He would be lying if he said he never imagined you and your body (almost every night, though that's completely besides the point). This though? This is indecent. Like he is taking advantage of the moment.
Jake starts to shrug off his own coat, deciding to let himself get soaked and to preserve your modesty until -
Look, Jake knows he has a great body. He keeps himself in excellent shape. Girls swoon over him, guys swoon over him, and don't think he didn't notice how your eyes rove over his chest and abs and tattoos. You thought you were being discreet? Discreet, his ass. And speaking of ass, he's seen you checking that out too.
But the thought of now revealing his body to you. Knowing that his shirt will be soaked through, and you will both be standing like you're topless. Not because he's been training, not because it's an unusually hot day, not because of some other shit.
This. This is unfairly intimate. Like it's the start of something. Something that leads to other things.
An extremely alien feeling of self-consciousness and demureness hits Jake. Is this what it feels like to be shy?
He want this. He would love this. Yet it feels like a first-time of sorts with you, and it really deserves more prestige than this situation allows.
Jake chooses to run off instead, taking his jacket with him.
"Come on Y/N! Let's just run home," he shouts back.
Hmph, you think, soaked to the bone and chasing after him. Chivalry is dead.
Big Deal is not without its problems.
And one of the big fucking huge problem is that everyone is a gangster, or at least a gangster in training.
Sugarcoat it all you want, sure there is passion involved and you're protecting the street. Typical dangers still lurk. It's a fact.
With trembling hands, you apply the bandage Jake around his chest. Round and round it goes, until the stitches and wound are completely hidden.
It's not the first time you've done this, and it won't be the last. You know what being in Big Deal means.
Nevertheless, it upsets you every time.
"Shh, Y/N. Don't be like that," Calloused fingers come up to wipe the tears from your cheeks. You didn't even realise you were crying.
"You should be so lucky," Jake's ever comforting smile comes into focus, "Getting your hands all over me."
Your laugh is wet, but you do laugh. Jake always makes you laugh.
And then you reach out, pressing your hand to his heart, feeling it thrum beneath your fingers, the thump-thump-thump calming your own nerves. Needing to feel Jake's own beat to ground you.
You're always the first port of call when Jake gets into trouble, somewhere along the way it just happened. And every time without fail,, your stomach drops and you feel sick as you sprint towards his side.
Jake places his hand over yours, "Thanks for always being there for me."
As you peer up at him from beneath your wet lashes, he thinks about what it means to regret something.
In his brief years of being alive, there are already many. But if he didn't do this, it might be the biggest regret of them all.
With his other hand, Jake tilts your face towards him. He doesn't notice the tear tracks on your cheeks, or the slight quiver of your lips.
All he can see is the love in your eyes, certain that it reflects his own.
Jake presses his lips to yours, and you can feel his smile.
" YEONHUI!" Sinu bursts in, almost knocking the door off its hinge in his excitement, "Jake and Y/N finally got together!"
"Huh?" Yeonhui tilts her head at this development, "I thought Jake was injured?"
"Whatever," Sinu flaps his hand in dismissal, "He's fine."
"So those brats made the jump huh? At least it didn't take them ten years."
"Yeonhui..." Sinu whines, curling himself round her back and smooching her cheek, "You still going on about that?"
"At least we won the bet. I'll treat you out to dinner?"
"You better, we still have ten years of dinners to make up for!"
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maxiwaxipads · 4 months
hangyon's visit in tuxedo sam kingdom! (1/?)
(edit: changed the 1st part because i wasn't satisfied)
Tuxam - “Milord, you have called for me?” Tuxedo Sam - “You may rise, Tuxam. My Knight of Fragaria—I have prepared a noteworthy gift for you.” Tuxam - “!?” Tuxedo Sam - “—A month-long vacation!” Tuxam - “A—A vacation?” “(Have I offended my lord in any way…? Think back, Tuxam! What was something that could have proved an offense!)” Tuxedo Sam - “Tuxam. You’ve served me long enough.” Tuxam - “(This is it…I feel so disgraced. I can already see myself in a secluded mountaintop where I weep my days away! Having to eat SEEDs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner…)” “B—But my lord, have I offended you in any way…?” “It’s regretful for me to ask, but… What mistake have I made? I will take all lengths to fix it! Is it my behavior? Have I not been thorough with my duties as a knight?” Tuxedo Sam - “Do not prostrate yourself, Tuxam. You haven’t done anything to offend me.” “I see a month-long vacation befitting of your hard work and your time as a knight.” Tuxedo Sam - “It’s in my best interest to see you—and this kingdom, happy!” “I want you to relax and loosen up.” “It is in my order for you to have fun!” “So don’t overthink it, ‘kay?” Tuxam - “M—Milord!” Tuxedo Sam - “T—Tuxam! Don’t cry! Is it an extended vacation you want? Two months?—No! Three months?” “Oh!—You there, could you get me the official papers finalizing the request of Tuxam right here?”
Tuxedo Sam turned back towards his knight.
Tuxedo Sam - "I didn't neglect to impose a paid vacation either!" Tuxam - “…No, it isn’t sad tears. I was just moved by your benevolence!”
The sky hanged drier with clouds since the last meeting with his lordship—the sun still ample with light.
Tuxam - “Loosen up… Loosen up…”
Pacing back in forth, as he repeatedly moved from left to right. “Loosen up…?” A simplicity in words revealed a complex underside that even Tuxam couldn’t solve. "...And to have fun?"
A round room as windows were watched at every edge. The center held a circular-clothed table with an empty chair. A tray of snacks and a piping cup of tea.
Tuxam - “…Even everyone in the palace refuses my help…” “Am I sure I haven’t offended Milord? Even the palace staff…!?” "(His lordship told me to not overthink this, but how can I not...!?)" [Maid 1] - “If I may, Sir Tuxam?”
Stopping his sporadic movement, he turned his direction to the maid who held her hand up in wait. Two maids stood idle by her sides.
Tuxam - “You may speak.”
The maid in question—placed her hand to her heart, smiling with repose.
[Maid 1] - “The citizens, and even the staff here are all thankful for your service—how could we be offended by someone such as you?” “So please, our precious knight—we all agree in Lord Tuxedo Sam that you should be at ease and have fun.” [Maid 2] - “Agreed.” “Why not—”
Whipping in motion, the door slammed!—A few words trickled throughout the halls in echo.
Hangyon - “Oh, Tuxam~!” Tuxam - “HA—HA…HANGYON!?” Tuxam, taken aback. Hangyon - “Ha-Ha-Hangyon~ That has a nice ring to it. But maybe add another Ha- for flavor?” “Anyway, I came all this way just to meet you!”
With pep in his step, he paced forward to Tuxam--clasping his hands together into a fist as he brought them closely to his cheek.
Hangyon -“I thought to myself, ‘I haven’t spent quality time with my dear beloved, TUXAM!’ So here I am!”
Tuxam - “FOR REAL!? …Is this really true?” Hangyon - “Oh, but it is! I relayed this heartfelt woe to Lord Hangyodon,” wiping away his imaginary tears, “and now his presence is with Lord Tuxedo Sam~” Tuxam - “Lord Hangyondon—what am I standing here for…!? What if this impoliteness causes unnecessary strife for Milord—this is unbecoming of me, I have to greet him!” Hangyon - “Calm yourself, little tuxedo knight ~ You weren’t told a thing because I wanted our reunion to be a surprise visit.” Tuxam - “Sur…Surprise visit?” Hangyon - “Yuh-huh! A surprise visit.” “Something to shake you up like a hula-hoop!” Tuxam - “(W—Wait! In the face of surprise, I should remain composed…!)” “Ahem. I didn’t properly conduct myself for a guest who came all the way here. My apolog—” Hangyon - “Relax~ Relax~” “Let’s spend the limited time we have together.” Tuxam - “Would Lord Hangyodon not be offended that I neglected to greet his presence…?” Hangyon - “My lord is the kindest in the world~” “So let’s just save the formalities for later!” Tuxam - “…I’ll take your word for it.” “But if we cross paths, I won’t hesitate to greet his lordship.” Hangyon - “Fine with me~” Tuxam - “And I’ll ignore your transgression for interrupting me.” Hangyon - “Hehe.” Tuxam - “Please. Prepare another chair for Sir Hangyon.” “I’d also like a refill on these sweets.”
It took a slight poise to respond silently, as the maid left the room. A spare chair was seated by the table, while a cup of tea was prepared by a separate maid.
Three maids idled themselves, but there were two as the other left. Hangyon sat himself down.
Tuxam - “Hangyon.” “I’d like your advice on something.” Hangyon - “Advice? You want advice from me? ~♡” Tuxam - “…What exactly does it mean to ‘loosen up’?” Hangyon “Oh!—To loosen up!” “Having fun and being reckless~ That’s what fun means to me.” Tuxam - “Having fun? Being reckless?” Hangyon - “Is it too ‘loose’ for you~?” “Perhaps this is my moment to mentor you? I’d like to be called master from this moment forward!” Tuxam - “NO WAY! I refuse.” Hangyon - “At least an attempt was made~” Hangyon - “But you know this kingdom well, right?” “Maybe if you tour me around, we could find fun that way!” Tuxam - “It isn’t a bad idea.” “OK! It’s decided then!” “I’ll show you around the kingdom, and we’ll ‘loosen up’ when the opportunity arises!”
Hangyon - "Yay~"
Tuxedo Sam's Kingdom: What To Do As a Tourist!
Celebrated as a winter wonderland, even in the face of disaster and advent snowfall—the citizens carry themselves in elegance to honor Tuxedo Sam’s gentlemanliness!
Bargain Jeans will get you fined. But if you manage to pull them off so well, you won't get fined at all...!?
It’s a must-have to at least visit and buy something from the kingdom’s fashion district! Includes things such as clothing, jewelry, hats, shoes, and more!
Filled with specialty cafes and restaurants! The kingdom’s speciality is fish!
The kingdom used to host events outside of the kingdom, like playing hockey at a lake or having a sledding competition, but these events are often a rarity due to the threat of SEEDs.
Coming during December is the best time of year! Christmas within the kingdom starts early and ends at the end of the year. This is also the busiest time of the year for the Tuxedo Sam Kingdom.
Snowball fights, snow angels, and everything to do with winter is also a must-have ♡
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