#and just kept ignoring most of their asks or posts hoping they were gonna get the hint instead of engaging w them and they never did
eeunwoo · 1 year
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amomentsescape · 4 months
hello! may i please request a hurt to comfort oneshot of Victor meeting the reader for the first time? he's just out on the town post-job, getting a milkshake or smth and sees reader in a really nice, pretty outfit crying quietly alone on a bench. for whatever reason, he goes up to them and asks why they're crying and they explain that it's their first birthday party ever and all their friends cancelled/ghosted on them.
i'm in a similar situation where i'm about to have my first birthday party ever and i'm really nervous that something is gonna happen. every other time i've tried, something comes up and people either cancel on me or just ghost me complately :,)
Birthday Wishes
Victor Zsasz x Reader
Summary: Victor finds Reader alone on their birthday.
Warnings: Reader being called "pretty," mentions of bad friends
Word Count: 1,018
A/N: Happy, happy birthday <3 I wish you the best day and hope that things were different this time. P.S. I wrote this in a sleep deprived stupor, so I hope this all came out to your liking still :)
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Victor literally never catches a break. And honestly, he liked it that way.
He's spent so much of his life "working" that he doesn't know what to do with himself when he's not assigned a hit. And this is clearly why he found himself walking the busy streets of Gotham with a half melted vanilla shake in his hand.
Isn't this what the normal people do when they're off work? Not that Victor has ever been normal, but he is currently trying to find any way to keep his mind off of the fact that he isn't working.
Honestly, not having someone to kill was more stressful than the opposite. If he's not killing, then what's his purpose?
He looked down at the sad shake in his hand and let out a sigh, feeling conflicted on what to do.
His mind raced with thoughts on tomorrow when he would finally be back to his calling, stalking along the roofs of the tallest buildings with the prettiest views.
He tossed his shake into a nearby trashcan and continued to walk, ignoring the odd glances from those he passed along the street.
Victor kept up his pace and barely noticed how the crowd was beginning to thin out.
The quieter environment was welcomed, but this moment of peace was quickly shaken to the sound of pitiful cries coming from around the corner.
He would have normally relished in this sound, but something about the sobs and sniffles triggered an unfamiliar feeling in Victor's chest: worry.
He poked his head around the corner and saw you curled up on a bench, your face shoved in your hands.
He was quick to notice your elaborate outfit, immediately wondering if this was some type of date gone wrong. But he was quick to shake that thought away. You were much too pretty to have been stood up. At least, that's what he thought. Hell knows he wouldn't have stood someone like you up, hitman or not.
He hesitated for a moment, debating whether talking to you would be a good idea. He wasn't exactly a warm and welcoming sort of person to most, and the last thing he wanted to do was worsen the state you were already in. But at the same time, who cared? He was likely never going to see you again anyways unless your gorgeous self showed up on tomorrow's hit list.
He approached you, his heavy footsteps enough to quiet your crying, your head carefully rising to see who was near.
And the moment his eyes saw yours, he knew he had been right; you were very pretty, and he could almost immediately feel his usual confidence waver ever so slightly at the confirmation.
"What seems to be the matter?" he asked softly, not wanting to startle you.
And to his surprise, you casually rolled your eyes, not even slightly uncomfortable by his looks or presence.
"It's stupid," your voice broke.
You grimaced at how hoarse you sounded, looking away from his gaze quickly.
"I wouldn't consider this stupid," he quickly responded.
He nodded his head to the empty space beside you. You scooted over a bit and allowed him to sit despite still being a stranger to you.
Victor just sat there and watched you for a bit. He was silently hoping you would eventually open up to what was going on. But of course, he wasn't one to pry. In fact, he wasn't one to even engage in a situation like this to begin with.
In a city like Gotham, you were obviously not the first person he came across crying by themselves. But you were certainly the first person to catch his attention.
Finally, with a shaky breath, you spoke up.
"My friends..." you scoffed at yourself. "I can't even call them that anymore. What kind of friends aren't there for your own birthday?" you sniffled.
The realization dawned on him as he took in your words. Well this was even more upsetting of a situation than he had originally planned.
"They canceled?" he asked.
You let out a dry laugh. "Some did. Others weren't even kind enough to send me a text saying they couldn't make it."
You shook your head as you stared into your lap.
"You know, I spent every year of my life not celebrating my birthday because I was scared of this exact thing happening. And of course, the one time I felt confident enough to do it, my nightmare became real. Is there something wrong with me?"
The moment the words left your mouth, your eyes widened, shifting up immediately to meet his gaze.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn’t be spewing my trauma on a stranger."
You could already feel your eyes burning with tears again, the sensation making you angry. It was one thing to be pathetically crying on a random bench out in the open, but it was an entirely different thing to be doing this in front of some handsome man.
"Victor," his voice broke you from your thoughts.
You looked back up at him.
You were surprised to see him smile softly at you.
"My name is Victor. So now we're not strangers, hmm?"
His smile was contagious as you found your body relaxing at his friendliness.
"(Y/N)," you finally responded after a moment.
"Well, happy birthday, (Y/N)."
Victor began to stand at this, a feeling of disappointment weighing in your chest.
You assumed he was leaving until he paused and looked down at you, his hand reaching out.
"Shall we?"
You tilted your head in confusion. "What-"
"It's your birthday. About time you finally got to celebrate it, hmm?"
A smile broke out on your face as you took his hand, following him away from that lonely bench.
This may not have been how you planned the day going originally, but there was no way you were going to argue with it. If you would have known some handsome man was going to show up and sweep you off your feet, you would have happily cut your "friends" off a lot sooner.
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Crazy, Stupid, Love
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Summary: When Dean has to work at a café to learn infos on a hunt, he thinks it's the worst. Until he meets her. At first, she's only kind of an annoying coworker. But an unfortunate event brings them closer, and Dean starts feeling things for her. If it's love, he doesn't know. But for the first time, he starts wondering how it would feel to have a normal life. A normal job. And a normal relationship. But first, he needs to get her revenge against that shitty boss.
Note: this happens in the begining of season one
Word Count: 9k
Pairing: Dean x F!Reader
Content Warning: Toxic work place, rude customer, humiliation, bullying, swearing
Squares: Humiliation for @hurtcomfort-bingo,/ Revenge for @jacklesversebingo
A/n: I'm gonna be honest, at first, I didn't want to post this fic. When I saw the attention the last few fics I took so much time to write got, it made me sad... But then I remembered how much fun I had with this one, so decided to post it in case someone else has the same fun reading it. ALSO! This was for @eevvvaa writing challenge! I picked the movie Crazy Stupid Love but actually used the quotes! They will be in bold in the text. Happy reading!
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Usually, this situation would have upset him. After all, he was stuck here 8 hours per day, 5 days per week and always finished too late to go to the nearest bar afterwards. It also wasn’t the best first real job to have, as it was lame, boring, and always the same thing. But working at a café also had its advantages.
Like the beautiful barista that he had the chance to see on his first day. She was leaving, as she was only working mornings, and he was working evenings, but Dean couldn’t detach his eyes from her. Beautiful body, hair immaculate even after 8 hours of wearing a net, skin tanned to perfection.
“Oh great, another one.”
That wasn’t the girl he was talking about. No, the girl that just spoke was Y/n. At first glance, she looked like the manager. With the most seniority in here, she knew how things were done and how to do them quickly. But she was no boss. To make her agree to be his trainer and show him the basics, the real boss had to insist a lot. He didn’t know all the details, though, but she ended up accepting.
It was for a hunt. Otherwise, Dean would never be here. Sam said there was something weird in the neighborhood, and that the best way to discover what was going on was to talk with the community. And the best place to have conversations with people that didn’t want to talk with the police was of course at the local café. All the rumors and crispy details of the town were floating in there. The reason why it wasn’t Sam doing the whole barista thing was as simple as upsetting.
“Dean, you have all the charm. People- ladies- will open up to you like blooming flowers in the spring.”
Back to the present, Dean ignored Y/n’s comment and tilted his head to the side, still eyeing the morning employee that was leaving. “What do I have to do to get on the morning shift?” 
A groan of annoyance resonated behind him. His smile fell. He was stuck with her for a while, as they were both working evening shifts.
Alone together.
There were 60 seconds in one minute. And 60 minutes in one hour. A shift lasted 8 hours here. That was way too many seconds to spend doing nothing but wait to leave.
All that was in his head was the hot chick he kept seeing since he started working here. After only bumping into her these past 2 weeks, Dean finally decided to ask her on a date. And since he was Dean Winchester, no one could tell him no. And the same day, after his shift, he would meet her in front of the pizza place that was two blocks away.
And he couldn’t stop looking at the clock, head in his hand, hoping that staring at it would make the time go faster.
“I asked for a hot caramel latte with almond milk and no foam, what the hell is this?!”
It was near the end. In 15 minutes, the shop would be closed and then it was cleaning time. Weeping the floor, throwing away the remaining food that was not sold, washing the dishes, etc. That was always his favorite part, because even if Y/n was a pain in the ass as his supervisor, she was chill and allowed him to choose the radio station while they cleaned and he could leave once his part was done.
At first, the voice didn’t alert him, and Dean kept on making himself busy with cleaning tables that didn’t need it. But then, something broke, the sound heavy of meaning, and he was on alert. Every fiber of his body was on and he turned to the source of the sound.
Right at the counter, there was a man with his back to him. Without seeing his face, Dean knew he was angry. Pissed, even. At his feet, a broken cup, porcelain in pieces covered the floor soaked in coffee. Two steps allowed Dean to know what the man was looking at, and when he saw her…
He immediately rushed without thinking.
“I’m gonna ask you to leave, sir,” Dean put his hand on the customer’s shoulder, which made him jump. The man turned to him and aggressively stepped back. 
“Don’t touch me,” the man hissed. “You’re working here, huh?” He looked up and down at Dean, noticing the apron of the café he was wearing. “Must be the manager here. Well, your employee here is worthless, you should be careful who you hire, for fuck sake!”
At that, Dean couldn’t help but wince. That was unnecessary rude to say. He glanced at Y/n again and felt his heartbeat with pain. Her head was down, probably to hide tears. That was probably not the first time she had to serve asshole customers, but it was the first time Dean noticed it. Working in customer service was not easy at all, you had to be strong to endure all of that everyday.
He only knew Y/n for about two weeks, but he already knew a lot about her. She was calm. Kind. She cared about doing her job right. Yeah, she was a bit bossy and used every opportunity to send subtle little insults towards Dean just enough to annoy him, like how he couldn’t even do a coffee, in this economy? But it was never mean and he liked that side of her that didn’t let people step on her toes. But right now, in front of that man? She was small. She wanted to hide. It wasn’t the Y/n he knew.
“I’m not the boss,” Dean answered finally, placing his gaze back on the man. “But we’re closed, so I’m gonna ask you to leave.”
The rude customer was the last one in the café, so it wasn’t like he was breaking any rules. And he was Dean Winchester. He made the rules.
Red seemed to eat at the man’s face so much he was angry. “Not before I get what I fucking paid for!” He started yelling. Dean didn’t mind being screamed at, he was used to it with his dad, how sad it sounded. But when the man turned to Y/n to yell at her, Dean couldn’t hold himself back. “You useless cunt!”
“I said, out!” Dean grabbed the customer by the neck and quickly sent him backwards. His legs met the table right behind him, but it wasn’t enough to make him understand. The man lunged forward in an attempt to hit Dean, but he didn’t know.
Dean was waiting for it.
The fist missed, and the man stumbled into the void and collapsed on the floor like a clown. 
“This isn’t over,” the man growled and got up. Sure he would strike again, Dean was ready to fight. But this time, the fist didn’t miss. The pain came later, a few seconds after the hunter realized he got hit in the face. Fortunately for his ego, Dean managed to stay on his feet and not fall pathetically on the floor. 
He reached for the wound.
It was right near his left eye, it would bruise for sure.
With deadly flames in his green eyes, he looked at his target.
“Oh, you’re dead.” 
The rest happened quickly.
Dean decided he wouldn’t hold back anymore. As his head throbbed with ache and anger, he was about to hit with everything he got. But at the last moment, something interrupted him. A body, warm, soft, encircling his own, stopped him from moving.
“Please stop…”
Her voice woke him up completely. Shaking, she put herself between the two men to stop the fight even if she was scared.
The man took the opportunity to run away, the bell chiming behind him as the door closed violently.
A long silence followed the departure of the aggressive customer. A couple of seconds passed, then minutes, before she realized there was no silence actually. Things were happening around her, words were spoken, and the only person besides her was running around locking doors and closing blinds, cursing every word he could think of at the moment.
Her hearing was nothing but a shrill sound, almost painful, like she was deaf. It took another minute and him calling her name for her to come back to the present.
"You okay? He didn't hurt you?" Dean was kneeling in front of her. She finally noticed she was sitting down on a chair. Shaking her head, she tapped her hands in her face to finish waking herself up from her slumber.
"You're hurt and you ask me if I'm okay?" She stood up as she spoke, Dean doing the same. Then she seemed to disappear in the backstore to come back with a bag of frozen vegetables they used for the soup. "Sit down," she instructed. 
Dean would have been impressed by her capacity to focus after such an event, especially with how she was a couple of seconds ago, but he knew better. She wouldn't meet his gaze, her head was down, and when he glanced at her hands, it was to see them shake.
"Oh, come on, sit down, your masculinity won't suffer too much, I just want to check," she rolled her eyes and almost pushed him to the chair. Dean let himself be moved around with a smirk. That was the Y/n he knew. "There, it's not that bad, huh?" 
"It's no big deal," he tried to convince her, after all, as a hunter, he got hurt more than once before and healed perfectly fine. But when he saw her, he understood. And he let himself be checked by her only for her. To reassure her it was nothing, it was fine, it would bruise into a black eye and nothing else.
"Okay, it's not that bad," she sighed in relief as she said that.
"Told you," Dean snickered with a smile. "Ouch!"
The frozen bag was now on his bruise and Y/n was turning her back to him. His first instinct was to ask her if she was okay, check on her, after all, she seemed pretty shaken up, but he knew she needed time, that was all.
"We should call the police," Dean ended up saying. Usually, he would never propose that, but the customer was human. A monster in some sort, but completely human, so the police could take care of it.
"No!" She turned harshly towards Dean, surprising him.
"Why not?" 
Pacing back and forth, Y/n seemed to get lost in her thoughts. "It's not necessary, I doubt the customer will come back, and it would put the cafe in a bad spot, we would lose customers and…"
Again, Dean knew. Y/n was a good employee, she loved doing her job right, but she hated the place, hated the menu and the disgusting coffee served here, and hated the management. But they were the ones giving her her salary at the end of the month, so she couldn't disappoint them.
"I can deal with the boss," Dean said, standing up, the bag still on his eye.
In front of him, Y/n sadly shook her head. "It won't be necessary." She pointed at one corner of the cafe. Then another. "There's cameras around, and he loves to watch. Loves to tell us everything we do wrong. He probably already knows it happened. We'll see tomorrow, I guess," she sighed. Then, like a thought crossed through her head, she lifted her head completely and crossed gaze with Dean. "Your date! You're gonna be late!"
Dean wanted to laugh. So badly. Of course, he talked to her about it. Kristina, their coworker from the morning shift and Dean's date, was waiting for him. But after what happened, it completely got out of his head. Smiling, he shook his head and placed the bag of defrosting vegetables on the table beside him.
"I'll call her, say something came up. She'll understand."
Y/n cringed, biting her lips and frowning. "I don't think she cares enough to understand. But you're cute and sexy so maybe she'll forgive your ass."
Immediately after saying those words, Y/n became a puddle of embarrassment. Her body flushed with the realization of what she just admitted.
"Really?" Dean would not let that go. "You think I'm the perfect combination of sexy and cute ?"
"Shut up," she murmured between her teeth, grabbing the nearest thing, the cloth he was using to clean the tables, to throw it at him. "Get out of here your shift is over."
"Yeah," Dean surprised himself by what he said next. "But I won't let you walk back home alone. Consider me your cute and sexy bodyguard," he laughed at her reaction, but it was nothing compared to the sound leaving his mouth when he received another cloth on the head. "Hey, this one was wet"
The next day started pretty badly. After a complicated night with barely any sleep and lots of nightmares, Y/n got up early to get ready. Even if her shift started at 3pm, she knew the phone would ring and the ruthless voice of her boss would order her to come in to talk.
About what happened.
It was not even noon when it happened. She was at her third coffee, so she had energy even if she felt dead inside. Since she was already dressed, all she had to do was grab her stuff and head to the cafe. Like usual, she had to walk since she didn't have enough savings to buy a car.
The weather was quite nice, compared to how gloomy she was feeling. It was warm and sunny outside. Y/n barely made a step out, locking her door, that a loud engine startled her. The sun was reflecting strongly on the hood, blinding her as she walked with caution towards it, and for a moment she thought maybe it was the customer that found her and came to finish what he started. Fortunately she recognized the car quickly, as it was the same car that drove her home last night.
A 67 chevy impala.
It was even more beautiful than when she saw it yesterday.
The drive to the cafe was quiet, apart from the chichats. How are you? Do you feel better? So, did he call you too? Usually, Y/n would have commented on something random just to annoy Dean, but when he turned his head towards her at a red light to ask her a question, she saw the bruise around his eyes, reminding her of the night before and how everything was her fault. If only she hadn't messed up the order…
Once parked in front of the cafe, Dean stopped the engine to turn to Y/n. "Hey," he said in a calm and steady voice. "Whatever happens there, it was neither our fault."
"I appreciate it, Dean, but it was. I was in charge, even though I told the boss more than once that I didn't want to be, so what happens on my shift is my fault." Without leaving him time to answer, she opened the door and left the car to enter the cafe.
The moment she stepped inside, a loud silence echoed around her. Every employee stopped chatting to stare at her, the customers mimicking their actions, wondering what was so much more interesting than getting their order right and fast. 
Y/n hated that. The attention. The eyes on her. The silence. Her body started shaking, both with anger and humiliation, the tears almost painful to hold back. But then, as she was about to step towards the boss' office, a warmth settled on her shoulder, stopping the tremors at once. And a voice she was starting to grow fond of whispered near her ear.
"Ignore them. They don't matter right now."
With Dean, she felt safe. Strong. Like she could do everything and never feel afraid anymore. That was until they were sitting in the office in front of the boss.
“Y/n, I am wildly disappointed with you. What you did was beyond unprofessional, and I can’t believe I have to do this. You’re suspended.”
It was nothing less than what she expected from her boss. Since working there, she had done everything to stay in his good graces, sometimes doing other people's jobs to compensate. Everything to keep the restaurant clean and to continue serving fresh food every day. It wasn't Kristina who would write down expiration dates on perishable products, or place the new arrival of breads behind the ones already there to prevent the oldest ones from remaining at the bottom of the shelf, covered in mold. If this place passed the health inspection every year, it was thanks to Y/n’s efforts, efforts that no one had ever noticed or considered.
It was probably better that way.
Head bowed, Y/n took a harsh breath and opened her mouth to apologize and admit her boss was right. However, the words could not come out of her mouth fast enough, because someone else was already speaking.
“This is bullshit,” Dean exclaimed. A quick glance in his direction, and Y/n could see his hands forming fists on his thighs. “Y/n did everything perfectly, it’s not her fault if customers don’t respect anything, not even themselves!”
“Dean, I think you're new here,” the boss replied with a calmness that didn't mean anything good. Y/n tried to draw Dean's attention to her to signal him to shut up, that it was nothing, that she could survive a week suspended, but the young man paid her no mind. And one look at his face showed her the same anger she had seen in him the previous evening, when he had decided to defend himself against the customer. “I watched the surveillance cameras carefully. Your reactions with this client, although undoubtedly intended to be heroic, were completely unacceptable. The next time you make a mistake, you will suffer the same fate as Y/n. For now, take your day, see you on Monday, Dean.”
"That's all?!" This time, Dean stood up as he spoke. “Y/n gets suspended, and I only get a warning and a day off? What the f-”
“Thank you,” Y/n quickly cut him off, grabbing his arm firmly to silence him. Strangely, like the day before, her intervention seemed to calm Dean down very quickly. “See you next week.”
As she was about to leave, her hand still holding Dean's wrist to drag him out of the office, a voice called out to her.
"Two weeks. See you in two weeks.”
It took a lot of control for her to say nothing. The inside of her cheek hurt from how hard she bit it, dragging Dean out of the office and then out of the restaurant. It was only once outside, far from prying ears and vulture eyes, that she was finally able to breathe.
“FUCKING BULLSHIT! FUCK YOU!” Suddenly came out of her mouth. If Dean still had any anger at that moment, it suddenly vanished when he heard so many curses coming out with so much anger from the usually calm Y/n. “Oh. It feels better."
Having never seen her like this, it took several seconds for Dean to compose himself. Large green eyes were fixed on her, wide, shocked, even, until a good hit on the arm woke him up completely. "Ouch!" He rubbed his arm as if it hurt even though her fist had barely tickled him.
“What the fuck was that, seriously?! Talk to the boss like that? You’re born stupid or you’re just too dumb to think, fuck, Dean!”
Still as surprised and shocked, Dean didn't respond immediately. Y/n was angry. More, even. Beyond pissed. Which was completely normal under the circumstances, except Y/n wasn't normally angry. She could get upset, complain about the system, the management, the customers, or how she was the only one doing all the little things that made the café special and comfortable, but she was never angry.
“I couldn’t let him talk to you that way, I just couldn’t,” Dean explained calmly. It was quite rare for him to be the calm one in a heated argument. But in this case, he knew he had to keep his own rage to himself, she didn't need more anger. She needed to speak, to expel this emotion out of her like a demon that needed to be exorcized.
“Well, that was fucking stupid,” she pointed at him, her gaze meeting his. This surprised him again. Y/n was shy, although she was a good leader, and he noticed she had trouble looking people in the eye for several seconds. She always ended up looking away, and he knew it wasn't because she was dishonest, but rather that she was afraid of the judgment in the eyes of others. So that she was yelling at him while staring right at him… That surprised Dean again and made him speechless.
For a few seconds, he forgot that he was being told off by a girl for defending her, and lost himself in the contemplation of her magnificent orbs. Since he had known her, he had never really seen them, or bothered to look at them.
And her eyes were beautiful, even filled with anger.
Probably noticing the eye contact was getting considerably long, Y/n finally broke the almost trance-like effect to gaze elsewhere.
“Have you had it long?”
She was still not looking at him. "What?"
“The uncontrollable need to save the damsel in distress.” The corner of her lips lifted up in a smirk.
“I-” He couldn’t tell her that this was actually his life. Saving the woman and the orphan, killing the monsters, it was so ingrained in his life that it was part of him.
“Come on,” she muttered, still not meeting his gaze, gesturing to him to follow her.
"Come on… Where?" It was the longest conversation he'd had with her, and it was only because she was angry, he remembered. He was here for a hunt, he had to learn more about the people of the town. Concentration and focus were required, but yet... This side of Y/n, her confidence, how she wasn't afraid to yell at him like that, when she was normally so gentle...
He liked that side of her. Not that he disliked the rest, it was just-
“I think you have tonight off, and I, well, the next two weeks.” Starting to walk towards the impala, she then stopped and turned her head just enough to look over her shoulder at him. “I’m going to help you rediscover your manhood. Do you have any idea where you could have lost it?”
A big smile stretched Dean's lips. This was the Y/n he knew. “Probably over there,” he pointed to the horizon. “Near the pizzeria. You hungry?”
The pizza was the most delicious thing that had passed Y/n's lips in a long time. Very greasy and dripping with cheese, the junk food was simply good after such a catastrophic day. And sharing this moment with his colleague, accomplice, even, and perhaps friend- if he wanted to- was the icing on the cake.
Her heart always beat a beat and a half faster when he was near her. And although she tried not to like him, not to get attached to what was clearly a bad boy who preferred girls like Kristina, who just hung out with her because he had free time… She simply couldn't deny it anymore. What her heart desired was starting to win over what reason screamed at her.
Don't fall in love.
And yet, as that evening at the pizzeria after her suspension turned into an almost daily routine, her heart prevailed. The crush she immediately had for the young man with emerald eyes and cheeks covered in a milky way of little freckles was slowly transforming into something deeper.
A week had passed since her suspension, it was Saturday again, and as usual, Y/n and Dean found themselves at the pizzeria. The owner himself now came to take their order, even though he already knew what the two wanted since they always ordered the same thing. Everything was going exactly as usual, Dean recounting his day at work, how slowly everything was going downhill without her.
“I worked with a new guy, and son of a bitch, I’ve never seen someone take their time so much. It’s like he did it on purpose,” Dean sipped his drink. Y/n’s gaze followed the movement of the Adam’s apple rising and falling as he swallowed. She was barely concentrating on what he was saying. “We had two complaints that the sandwich bread had mold, but the person in the kitchen didn't get in trouble for it. It’s like the boss knows that no matter the wait time, the quality of the food, or the attitude of the employees, the cafe will always make money since it’s the only one in town,” Dean let out a little laugh which only spread the butterflies in Y/n’s stomach. “Let me tell you that over the past week, some regulars have stopped coming. Oh, and many have asked where you’ve been.”
“It’s not surprising,” she finally answered after a few seconds of silence where only the chewing of Dean devouring his pizza could be heard. On the table, near the windows, the dessert was already there, two slices of pie that the owner had reserved for them knowing they were coming. Her gaze fell on the dessert as she spoke although she really wanted to look him in the eyes. Admiring the perfect color of his orbs, admiring how everything was perfect about him. It was so difficult. “What’s surprising is that the health inspection hasn’t closed this place yet.”
These words hung in the air for a moment, accompanied by silence. Finally glancing over at Dean, she found that he had stopped eating mid-bite, staring blankly at her. It was almost as if Y/n could see the gears moving in his mind.
“Yet.” That was all he said next, taking the time to finish his bite before continuing. "I have an idea."
“I could figure that much,” she laughed as she took her drink, anything to occupy her hands and look normal in his presence. Luckily he couldn't hear her heart thumping against her ribcage.
“We're going to avenge you,” he pointed ahead, at her, and that was enough for her eyes to move from his finger to his eyes. She managed to hold his gaze for several long seconds which seemed to her like hours of torture. "You'll see."
"See what? Oh, how cute,” a voice broke the bubble Y/n and Dean were in. She hadn't heard that voice in a week, and it had been the best thing her suspension had given her, except for all the time she'd spent with Dean since.
“Kristina,” Y/n muttered under her breath, her eyes immediately going to her pizza. A weight seemed to settle on her chest, pressing down hard with its gigantic pressure.
“Hey,” Dean greeted her, and the pressure thumped harder against her heart. “How you doing, Kristina?”
His tone was kind. Friendly. Sweet. Just like he was with Y/n. But with a bonus, he was flirty.
She was not special.
“Oh, I'm doing well, much better,” she laughed. “Especially since Y/n isn’t at the café anymore. No one is ordering us around anymore, right, Dean?”
Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n could see movement. Raising her head just enough to have her in her sight without looking directly at her, she could see her hand on Dean's shoulder. Besides, she wasn't alone. Two other girls from the cafe were standing with her. Without looking at them, Y/n knew. She felt their gaze on her, burning, like vultures around prey.
“I actually liked working with Y/n,” Dean replied as calmly as ever. His words created a spark of hope in Y/n who this time looked directly at Dean. “It’s not as fun without her,” he continued.
“Oh,” Kristina laughed, and her two henchmen followed suit. “I know you want to stay in her good graces by saying all this,” she leaned towards him to whisper in his ear, but made no effort to lower her voice. “But you don’t need to. I think she's going to get fired. The customer came back to file a complaint against her.”
"What?" Dean leaned back slightly to get a better look at Kristina. Now he had his face so close to hers that only one movement was necessary to kiss her. And he had a perfect view into her cleavage. “But…” He turned his head towards the girl sitting in front of him, obviously not understanding why she was being fired and not him.
“You don’t have to lick her boots anymore,” Kristina put a hand on her hip. “I know she’s in love with you, but at this point, it’s pity, right? Spending time with her… Poor little thing. No friends. No boyfriend. Only feelings for those who don’t love her. Just like last time, always falling for the new guy.”
Her face was burning. Y/n was seething, with anger, with sadness, with humiliation. And the worst, the worst was Dean's expression. His gaze, which he constantly fixed on her, seeking to meet her gaze, wanting so much for her to grant him one look, was now stuck in emptiness. And a look of pure confusion made him frown.
Dean refused to look at her anymore.
It was too much.
“Ew, friends to friends,” Kristina added, as if the stabs she had already thrown didn’t hurt enough already. “Ew.”
Standing abruptly, Y/n slammed her hands on the table. Head bowed, her hair cascaded in front of her face, trying as best as they could to hide the tears that welled up in her eyes and inevitably rolled down her cheeks. A ton of insults raced through her mind, but they all got stuck in her throat with this lump growing and growing, until finally, the tears flowed.
One fell silently onto the table. The other, on her plate, right next to the barely eaten slice of pizza.
Before the third tear fell, Y/n was already out of the restaurant and walking as quickly as she could towards her house. The tears continued to flow without her being able to stop them, but she remained silent. If she could control one thing tonight, it would be her voice. No sound would come out of her mouth until she was alone, at home, in her bed. Only there, she would let herself scream all this pain into her pillow.
No one tried to catch her.
“Good news,” Sam announced before his brother had even closed the door. “Get this. There was no monster from the beginning. It was actually kids who created the whole thing to attract attention. You don’t have to play barista anymore.”
Looking up from his laptop, Sam fixed his gaze on Dean. The door closed slowly and he took off his coat just as slowly and placed it on his bed. The motel was shabby, like all the others, and usually, Dean would never place his precious leather coat on those blankets which he called "the most disgusting object the universe has known." He'd cleaned the covers several times to be sure, but the comforter had kept this unnatural color, so he still didn't trust it.
“I'm going to take a shower,” his brother grumbled as he headed towards the bathroom, completely ignoring what Sam had just said.
“Okay, but-” the door slammed. “Okay.”
Sam waited for Dean to finish his shower for almost an hour. The only reason Dean Winchester would take such a long shower would be the fantastic water pressure, but having used this bathroom for over 3 weeks, Sam knew that really wasn't the case.
Finally, Dean came out.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Sam closed his laptop to put his full attention on his brother. The latter sat at the end of his bed, dressed with fresh clothes, his towel on his shoulder to catch the droplets falling from his hair.
“Have you ever dreamed of a normal life?” Dean answered his question with another question. At this, Sam rolled his eyes.
“I had a normal life before, remember? Before you picked me up to find Dad?”
Dean made a sound that was a mix of a sigh of guilt and a grunt of frustration, probably directed at himself. "I know but…"
“I can't believe it,” Sam stood up at the revelation. “You like working there.”
“Nah,” Dean slapped the air like he was chasing away the stupid idea. “Actually, yeah, but not anymore. Working in customer service is horrible.”
“I feel like there's a but,” Sam went to sit next to his brother on the bed.
“But,” Dean took a deep breath. "There is a girl."
Sam sighed. Obviously it was about a girl. “Have you slept with her yet? Because if you want to stay here for a one night stand, I swear-”
“She’s in love with me.”
Sam turned his whole body towards his brother, his eyes wide. "Oh."
“Do you like her back?”
At this question, Dean's face disappeared under his large hands. “I don’t know,” his voice sounded muffled by his palms.
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
"I don't know!" Dean exclaimed, removing his hands at the same time. It was his turn to avoid looking at someone, staring at the void instead. “I don’t know what it is to love. How to love. If it’s love. It was never explained to me, you know, it wasn’t dad who would tell me how to know if I love someone.”
A silence followed his words, but not for long.
“With Jess…” Sam began slowly, as if the words he was about to say were poisonous snakes that could bite him at any moment. “It was simple. I felt good with her. She felt good with me. And together, we were good.”
“Okay,” Dean listened intently, as if the answers he was looking for were on his brother's lips.
“Do you like spending time with her?” He then asked.
Dean didn't even think for a second. "Oh yeah."
“When you're not with her, what do you do? You think about her, right?”
This time, Dean took a moment before answering. “Well, I worked at the cafe, so obviously I was thinking about her, since she wasn’t there but she used to. And then, when I finished work, I would go see her and we would order food or go to the pizzeria.”
“Okay, and then?”
"And then what?" Dean finally looked his brother in the eye. He still had questions, still doubts, confusion, but that was completely normal. A soft, understanding smile stretched Sam's lips.
“What are you thinking about right now?”
“Oh, how I want to punch that shitty boss in the face,” Dean clenched his fist to mimic his words. “I never hit women, but that girl, Kristina, humiliated Y/n terribly earlier. And I reacted too late, she was gone and-”
He stopped speaking suddenly, as if enlightenment had finally reached his mind.
“I have to join Y/n, apologize, I-”
Stopping just as he was getting up and putting his coat back on, the green eyed man turned to his brother.
“If you're in love, I can't tell you, Dean. But I can confirm that you like her. But for tonight, let her breathe, these feelings are new for the both of you.”
At these words, Dean collapsed on the bed. “Oh, you’re probably right. I don't want to rush her, you know, she's so shy, but at the same time, so... Fierce. She's the perfect balance of sweet and spicy. And I let her down.”
To that, Sam didn't know what to answer. He knew that feeling, the one of having abandoned the person you love. That's how he felt ever since he lost Jess.
“I'm sure you'll figure out how to make amends,” Sam placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Actually… I think I already know,” Dean turned his head towards him, green eyes meeting amber ones. Green eyes sparkling with a new resolution, probably very wicked. “And you, my dear brother, will be able to help me.”
Turned out, losing another employee during the busiest time of the year was a sufficient reason to terminate a suspension preemptively. And although, clearly, this did not seem to make certain employees happy and even less the boss who hated coming back on his decisions, Y/n was able to return to work after barely a week of forced leave. And also, strangely, the customer’s complaint seemed to have vanished from existence. Or maybe it was another lie that Kristina came up with to hurt Y/n.
And what a surprise when she arrived and saw the place.
It was depressing. Everything was messy and upside down, unopened boxes that needed to be refrigerated were lying around everywhere, and other products that needed to stay at room temperature, like syrups, ended up in the freezer. No rotation had been made, and it was with sadness that she had to note all the food they lost and throw everything away. It took her a long time, long enough for someone she despised to come and tell her how to do her job.
"What are you doing? Customers are waiting! Have you forgotten how to work?”
After making this more than derogatory comment, Kristina returned to her favorite position, the one that required the least effort.
Her heart was heavy. Filled and at the same time, empty. Since the last time with Dean at the pizzeria, she hadn't received any news. No call. No text. No, her heart wasn't big with heaviness, it was broken. Split. And now that she had returned to the café, she learned he no longer worked there.
Good for him, she thought as she put away one last box before heading towards the front of the café to deal with the customers. At least he was out of this hell. It was maybe better that way.
“Sorry for the wait, what can I get you?” The usual words were so ingrained in her that they came out of her mouth as soon as she was behind the cash register, without even looking at the customer.
“I would like you to give me the chance to talk to you,” a familiar voice said in front of her. That voice, low, hoarse, and so perfect. She had started to get used to hearing it almost every day. But this time, it forged yet another crack on her heart.
“Dean,” even saying his name was painful. The pain of a lost friendship and crushed hope. The pain of a humiliated moment, a bad memory where he had sat there in silence while she was being crushed as an inactive witness.
“Y/n. There’s no word to express how sorry I am for-”
An apology, of course, wasn't exactly what she wanted, but it was more than she had expected. He was there, in the flesh, in front of her. So, for once and although it was difficult because looking at him would hurt her even more, Y/n raised her head and stared into his sad gaze. Ready and open to hear what he had to say.
There was a sadness almost identical to her own in his beautiful green eyes. Guilt, regrets, he seemed sincere-
“Dean! I thought you had left the ship,” Kristina suddenly entered Y/n’s bubble, who didn’t waste a moment to move to the side. It wasn't unknown that Y/n didn't like being touched or having someone in her bubble, and Kristina knew it, so she did it on purpose. All the time.
“Excuse me, but I was talking with Y/n,” Dean replied in a neutral voice, almost annoyed, even.
“Oh, sure, you want to feel better about last time, but you don't have to,” Kristina continued, crossing her arms over her large chest.
Dean rolled his eyes and shifted his attention to Y/n. “I’m serious, Y/n. Come with me, I need to talk to you. And they don’t deserve you.”
Y/n's mouth opened, then closed, tears welling up in her eyes at an uncontrollable speed.
“Seriously, Dean, don’t you see how pathe-”
“Kristina, shut the fuck up. You’re bothering us.”
This really didn't please the girl who made an offended sound, threw an unimportant insult, and left without another word.
Once finally alone again, Dean was ready. Ready to tell the beautiful barista in front of him everything that was on his heart, even if he didn't really know exactly what it was himself. He had some in the past, girlfriends, one night stands, crushes on the most beautiful and popular girls in school, but that wasn't the same thing. He felt an attachment to Y/n, a different feeling that he couldn't describe. If it was love, he didn't know. But he knew he didn't want to lose her.
“It's a little too late to come to my defense,” her voice said instead of his. Taken by surprise, Dean's mouth opened then closed, like a fish looking flabbergasted. “Although I really enjoyed seeing someone tell her to fuck off for once,” the shadow of a smile drew on her face for a second, but quickly faded away. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have a lot of work-”
“Wait,” Dean found his voice just in time.
“I don’t have time, Dean,” Y/n turned her back on him, giving him one last eye contact above her shoulder. Her eyes were filled with sadness and seeing her like that physically hurt him.
“On the contrary,” Dean insisted, a smile tugging at his lips as he knew the plan was going like clockwork. “You will soon have plenty of time.”
Seeing the obvious confusion spread across her face, Dean jerked his head towards the boss's office. This caught the attention of not only Y/n but also the other employees, because at the same time, voices were heard coming from that direction. Loud voices, displeased, and then the door opened.
“I am very disappointed with the state of this place. It's deplorable. I’m afraid I won't change my mind, the café is going to close.”
“Wait,” the boss looked tiny behind the person who had just spoken. Like the weight of reality was finally falling on his shoulders. Stomping him to the ground like a pest, just how he had always treated his employees. "You can’t, you don’t have the right!"
“I have all the rights, I am a health inspector, and this place is completely unsanitary.”
Witnessing the whole scene in the front row, like she was in the cinema, Y/n was jubilant. Finally. Finally this place was recognized as being good for trash. Finally, the boss got what he deserved. Finally, things seemed to come full circle and it was all over.
The health inspector subsequently introduced himself to the employees. He looked very young for this job, early twenties, probably, long hair parted in the middle of his forehead and hazel eyes, but regardless, he had done his job properly so Y/n didn’t care about the details.
“This place is going to close. But don't worry, you are entitled to unemployment compensation. Time to find something better for you,” the inspector finished his speech with a wink. If Y/n wasn't so excited by the idea of ​​being rid of this miserable job, she would have been sure that the wink was aimed at her personally.
A laugh brought her attention back to Dean who was still in front of her. As the health inspector informed the customers present of the situation and put a note in the door to say the café was permanently closed, Dean was giggling.
“You did this,” Y/n finally understood.
“Told you we would get you revenge. Now, can you please come with me and listen to me? I need to talk to you.”
“After what you did for me, lunch is on me,” Y/n laughed as well, took off her apron which she threw behind her, and left the café without a glance behind her.
“Listen. So uhm, how can I say this, so uhm… God, I’m so bad at chick flicks and emotional stuff.”
The two had been sitting at the pizzeria for about an hour and a half pizzas. The same place as usual, with the same order, but this time everything was different. It was not simply out of friendship that they came to share a meal, there was more. Hidden feelings, others clearly visible but which had not yet been addressed, and frustration mixed with regrets.
Dean had been trying for two slices of pizza now to say something, but would immediately turn red the moment he tried to open up emotionally. And Y/n couldn't even blame him, seeing the efforts he made for her, what he did at the cafe, for her, and now he was trying so hard to explain and make it up to her… He could say absolutely nothing and she would be satisfied.
“Take your time,” Y/n mentioned between mouthfuls, leaving all her attention on the young man in front of her who still made her heart beat so quickly. Of course, he had made mistakes, and to forgive him just because he had the best revenge for her was pretty stupid, but oh well. Love makes you stupid, right? “It’s not like someone is waiting for me.”
“It’s just,” Dean sighed and ran his hands over his face. Y/n's gaze stayed on the ring on his finger, a ring she had already noticed before. “Not easy to say this. I mean, not to you, but like, talking about my stuff like this. But there’s one thing I know I have to say, and here it is,” he finally seemed to find his bearings, beautiful green eyes anchoring into hers, his red cheeks creating a nice color contrast. "I'm sorry. Sorry for not saying anything when Kristina was there being a bitch. I guess I was taken up by surprise with what she said, but that’s no excuse.”
“Dean, it’s fine,” Y/n shook her head and closed her eyes briefly. When she opened them again, she knew exactly what she wanted to say to him. She took a big breath, words and sentences forming quickly in her mind. And it all came out of her mouth as quickly. “I am not ashamed to like you. Not at all. Because you are nice. Pretty. Hella sexy. And I feel comfortable whenever I’m with you. And I like spending time with you, and always wanna spend more. I won’t be ashamed to think all those things about you, because they are true, and they only make you a better person.” Pausing her words, Y/n forced herself to keep her gaze on Dean's again. She noticed that since those words had come out of her mouth, it was easier to hold his gaze. “You don’t have to have the same feelings, I understand. You don’t have to reciprocate or answer my confession, I can already see how bad it is for you to express feelings,” she laughed briefly at his scowling expression. “What I’m trying to say is… Yes. I like you a lot. And if you only like me as a friend, well, I’ll take that. It might hurt, but it would hurt more to not have you around anymore.”
Phew. It was hard to say, but once everything was out, Y/n felt better, lighter even. A heavy weight was finally leaving her heart, but there was still a little left. That was pressing. And tightening with the question… What will his answer be?
Dean took a brief moment to think before answering. Everything had gone silent, neither of them were eating, and both were probably holding their breaths.
“I've only known you for a short time,” Dean finally broke the silence, and the breath left Y/n's lungs which burned as it passed. She could feel the “but” coming. “But…” And there you go. “I really appreciate your company. A lot. I don’t know if it’s the same thing you feel, or if it’s love, but for the first time in a long, long time, I don’t want to leave this town. And I want to continue spending time with you.” Hope was reborn in Y/n, a wave of indescribable emotions suddenly invading her. “I'm going to have to leave, eventually, for work, but... I really want to take a break and try. I don’t know if I can do it, have a normal life, be with you, and just quit my job, so… I can’t promise you anything. I will probably leave eventually, I have so much stuff to do and…”
“You know,” Y/n continued when she saw him struggling with his words, hope now so strong in her body that she was almost vibrating. It wasn't a confession of love, but it was even better. This attachment Dean felt for her was worth even more than any cheesy love confession from the romantic movies or books she loved to delve into. “I no longer really have any ties to this city. No more jobs. If… We realize that things are working between us, and that you need to leave, nothing stops me from coming with you.” Realizing that it was probably too direct since they weren't even together, Y/n quickly adjusted her mind. “But those are just random ifs and thoughts,” she hurriedly took a bite of her pizza, just to make her stop talking.
“Y/n,” raising her head, she looked back at Dean. The latter had a big smile on his face and shook his head, clearly amused by her words. “If I told you what I did for work, you would never believe me. And when you”ll see it with your eyes and will be forced to believe me, you’re going to want to run away from me.”
“You’re a secret agent then?” Y/n hurriedly said, her mouth still full of pizza, her eyes wide. “Wow. Impressive.” She laughed, and Dean nervously laughed with her. If only it was that, it would be so much easier. “It really reminds me of my uncle.”
“Your uncle was a secret agent?” Dean asked, amused by the change of subject and how she was easily taking everything he said to her.
She was really the right one. Maybe she wouldn't run away after all.
“No, actually. When I was young, I often spent time at his house, but my parents stopped visiting him. They said he had lost his mind. But I loved these stories of ghosts and werewolves, he always told me he hunted them, saving people, like a secret agent of the supernatural,” a big smile stretched her lips at this thought, past memories flooding back into her head. It was so long ago, but she kept good memories of her uncle. Expecting the same reaction from Dean, Y/n only met a shocked face, frozen in a position that didn't suit him at all. Eyes wide, mouth parted, his skin white like he actually saw a ghost. She waved her hand in front of his face. “Earth to Dean?”
“Y/n, what’s your last name again?”
Taken aback by the sudden question, she blinked once and then twice. “Uhm, I don’t think I’ve ever told you. It’s Singer, why?”
A long silence answered her questions and her face dropped a little bit. Why did it matter?
“Your uncle… What's his name?”
“Dean, I haven’t seen my uncle in almost 15 years you know-”
“Robert. It’s Robert. But I always called him…”
It was her turn to have her eyes widen. “Yeah…?”
“I think you and I have more in common than I thought. And you really need to meet my brother,” he immediately stood up and threw two 20 bills on the table. Standing up in turn, confusion filled her entire expression.
“Dean, that’s way too much for two pizzas- Dean?” But she couldn't add more, and the confusion turned into this small, pleasant flame in the middle of her chest when Dean's hand met hers. “Okay, but you’re going to have to explain it to me because I don’t understand anything.”
“You'll understand,” Dean's smile was indescribable because it was so big. But that smile was hiding something else. Secrets that his beautiful lips had surely sealed away for far too long. “Let’s go,” he walked outside, said goodbye to the restaurant owner, and led her to his car. But once inside, he stopped before starting the engine, frozen yet again as another realization hit him.
“What? Something's wrong?”
“You… uhm… might recognize my brother, actually.”
“Why, was he a customer at the café?” Y/n laughed, fastening her seat belt. This whole thing was so sudden, so random, she just wanted to burst laughing. She felt good even if she didn’t quite understand everything that was happening.
“It was the health inspector,” he finally started the car and backed out of the parking lot and onto the road in one smooth, sexy motion.
“Oh. Wait, he’s a health inspector?”
“Not… Really?”
“Dean, did you fake the inspection?”
“Not really?”
“Please. I’ll explain everything once we arrive. Do you trust me?”
For a second, Dean took his eyes off the road and looked into hers, and she held the gaze for the entire second and saw nothing but honesty. Then, he turned his head and broke eye contact, but out of the corner of her eye, she could see his right hand raised slightly towards her, waiting to be picked up.
“Yeah,” she finally said, gently placing her hand in his. It was warm. Comfortable. And how he squeezed, tenderly but also firmly, showed worry about losing her. “It might be crazy and stupid, but I trust you, Dean Winchester.”
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Forever taglist: @nitnat6245 @eevvvaa​​ @wickedinspirations​@fictional-affairs @awkward-and-indecisive​​ @peachyaliien @katbratsupernaturalwhore
Supernatural Tag List: @peachyaliien @sexyvixen7 @stixnstripesworld @charred-angelwings @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @lyarr24 @fiftyshadesgrl @this-is-me19
Dean Winchester Tag List: @akshi8278​​ @kazsrm67​​​ @wtrpxrks @deanwanddamons @thoughts-and-funnies​​​ @charred-angelwings @jensendreamland​ @deanswaywardgirl​​​ @happyt0exist @waynes-multiverse​​​ @djs8891 @mimaria420 @this-is-me1​​​ @syrma-sensei
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hii i really like your writing!! <33 i was wondering if we could get something for y/n asking their turt to be their valentine? i was gonna ask for bayverse but i saw your rules said you were most confident with writing 2003 so whatever you like best! take as much time as you need!! <333333 p.s. heres a cookie *cookie*
Hi lovely! We're all cool pretending it's still Valentine's, right? Awesome.
I chose Bayverse for now, but plan to do the 03 guys soon! I took the friends-to-lovers route here, I hope you enjoy.
(As always, set post-movies!)
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So you want to ask a turtle out.
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Don's an observant guy, so it's not that he's completely shocked that you like him. But to have that suspicion, quiet and dangerous in the back of his mind, confirmed? To have you ask him directly? He's mystified. It's one thing to think he might have a chance, but it's another thing altogether to have a chance handed to him on a silver platter.
So when you catch him in between tasks and offer him a box of chocolates- a brand April had brought down one time and he had mentioned really enjoying and you had somehow remembered, because apparently he wasn't the only observant one here- and smile at him, warm and fond and visibly nervous, he's left blinking at you. Then, apparently taking his pause as a lack of understanding- or just trying to fill the silence, he couldn't be sure- you speak.
"Would you be my Valentine?"
And he's gone. Don.EXE has stopped working, would you like to restart? It's like static in his mind for a beat, two, and suddenly he's nodding quickly and a smile is growing on his face and "Yeah! Yeah, of course- yes. I'd love to."
He shares the chocolate with you, and on his, like, seventh piece, he finally works up the nerve to ask you if you meant "Valentine" like romantically, and your laugh is good-natured enough that he can't even bother to be embarrassed.
"Like romantically, yeah."
"Cool, cool. I thought so, but it's not actually an exclusively romantic term and- interestingly enough there seems to be a rise in platonic usage, I was just reading an article about it the other day-"
He goes on for several minutes. You listen patiently, and right as he's about to apologize for the tangent you ask him a question and he's grinning like an idiot and launching into an answer and it's officially the best Valentine's Day ever, and he's already plotting ways to get you back for it.
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Leonardo is, honestly, a little irritated. Not because you asked! No, no, he's elated- ecstatic- about that. He's so happy he doesn't know what do with it all.
But you beat him to it, and that's... it's a little frustrating. The turtle was slow, and he's not the biggest fan of the irony.
He had a plan. He had a whole plan- he finally worked up the nerve to tell you he cared for you (he wasn't willing to say the L word just yet, but he did love you, and it was getting to be too much to ignore), he'd convinced April to get him your favorite chocolate (he'd gathered intel from your "secret" stash at your place, where you kept the good stuff out of Mikey's hands. He had been very stealthy and was more than a little proud of himself and a lot in debt to April- he'd be watching her favorite awful TV shows with her for months), and he'd written you a short poem (and edited, and scrapped, and rewritten said poem) and tied it to the heart-shaped box of sweet goodness with a blue ribbon.
He'd proceeded to convince himself that was a little too much, and swapped the blue for silver.
Leo had rehearsed exactly what he'd say. He knew when he'd do it, where his brothers would be (well out of the way, with a clear unspoken threat of extra patrol and training if they went off-plan), and what he would eat for dinner beforehand so that he had the absolute smallest possible chance of his nerves hijacking his stomach.
And then you show up with forget-me-nots and gardenias tied up in blue ribbon, which. First of all, that explains why you wanted to borrow his book on flower language a few weeks back. Secondly, the message of secret love, true love, respect, and shared history, all tied up in his color? It nearly kills him.
"Leo, would you do me the honor of being my Valentine?"
"Stay right here," He says firmly, dashing off to his bed before he could process your owlish blink. He pulls the chocolate box out from underneath it and rushes back, smiling sheepishly at the way your concern immediately melts into fond amusement. "Only if you'll be mine."
"Deal," You laugh, trading him the fragrant bouquet for the heart-shaped box, and he busies himself with inspecting and smelling the flowers while you read his poem.
At the end of the day, he earns himself a hug, a kiss on the cheek, and a Valentine, so maybe you asking wasn't really the issue he thought it was.
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Mikey beats you to asking.
He asks you a week ahead of time, and it's a real splashy affair- he goes all out, pestering April into helping him get all kinds of candy and a big, orange stuffed bear with a heart in its little paws and a pink basket big enough for all of it. He begs his brothers and father to give him the living room of the lair for the evening, and even agrees to do Raph's chores for a week and a half in exchange. He sets the basket up on the couch, tries out about three hundred different combinations of the million lights littering the lair to create the perfect "romantic and intimate but not too suggestive but not too dark but not too bright" ambience, and absolutely agonizes over the playlist of easy, romantic R&B.
He's the one to greet you at the metaphorical front door of the lair and guide you into the living room, and when you look at him quizzically- and hopefully, he notes with delight- he takes your hands and a deep breath.
"Angel, would you be my Valentine?"
"Dammit, Mikey..." You grumble, and if it weren't for the grin you were biting back and the way you were squeezing his hands like you never wanted to let go, he'd be pretty damn scared right about now. "I was gonna ask you. I had a whole plan."
"You can still ask me later, gorgeous," He says with a big grin of his own. "I'll totally act surprised."
"How kind."
"That's me. Now, uh, you're kinda leavin' me hangin', here."
"I'll happily be your Valentine, Mikey."
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Raph was not going to ask. He did not see this coming, did not see your feelings, did not think twice about his plan to spend Valentine's Day like he always did: with extra-buttery popcorn and rom-coms.
His plan was to basically not think about how you'd probably be spending it with someone, happy and laughing and smiling.
No, you hadn't mentioned having plans. No, you'd never mentioned a significant other- or even a love interest. No, neither of those things stopped him from assuming.
So when you waltzed into his space with a knock at the entryway and a big ol' grin, he was preparing himself for a whole ooey-gooey story about whoever had swept you off your feet. Preparing himself to act like that didn't eat him alive.
And apparently the lucky bastard had gotten you flowers, which was not helping.
"Hey, Big Red," You say fondly, leaning against the wall and fiddling with a flower stem and looking like a daydream, and his heart did something funny in his chest. "You busy?"
"Why, wanna gloat about your night?" He asks, fighting to keep his tone in the realm of playful and away from anything bitter and yearning.
"Was hoping to ask you a question, actually."
He hums a question of his own, now thoroughly confused.
"Would you be my Valentine?" You ask, holding the flowers out sweetly.
He, in a brilliant moment of zero filter, says "What the fuck?" and your smile drops the smallest bit and he very seriously considers tossing himself off of the Chrysler building.
You open your mouth, and he launches himself out of bed before you can get a word out, gently pulling the flowers out of your hand.
"Why?" He asks gruffly, very clearly avoiding your gaze as he studies a delicate petal.
"...Because I... have feelings for you?" You half admit, half ask, sounding as confused as he felt and staring at him with wide eyes. "If I've read this wrong-"
"No." He forces- forces- himself to look you in the eye, which lasts all of about a second before he's counting it as a win and looking back at the flowers. "But I'm not sure it's somethin' you should read."
"I'm not sure I asked that."
And he can't argue with that, because he knows the tone in your voice, knows he'd be better off arguing with the wall. But he can question it, because.... well, for a lot of reasons.
He should ask a lot of questions. Like "why?" and "did you hit your head?" and "is this a prank or somethin'?", but all that comes out is "Me?"
It makes you smile for some reason, and you step forward a little and duck into his line of sight and meet his eyes with about three and a half times the sincerity he could handle. "Who else?" You ask simply.
He has about a dozen retorts to that, but with you holding his gaze and heart hostage, he just nods. "Okay."
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lexlovergirl · 1 month
ྀOn the road ྀ
How you and farleigh went from hating each other to being two little demons always together.
Tw:small slut shaming and mean comments
Song: Shut up -Black eyed peas
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Summer 2003 , you have been friends with Felix for two years now. And somehow you and his cousin Farleigh never got along. He was always extra mean to you, more than he was with others. He was always teasing you and giving you mean comments so it was only fair you gave him the same treatment.
This summer you again were going to Saltburn. Ducan went to pick up you, Venitia, Farleigh and Felix after the last day of school. You were forced to sat in between Venitia and Farleigh on the back seat not too happy about that.
Farleigh looked down at you and your outfit with a disgusted look. “Slut ass skirt” he said to get a reaction out you. Even at 15 he had a dirty mouth. You rolled your eyes, you loved that skirt. “You’re just jealous you couldn’t pull it off” you spit back crossing your arms. He scoffed “please my ass would actually fill it up”
You didn’t reply to that, only ignoring him. You just focused on the music playing in the car and turn your head to the side so you wouldn’t give Farleigh the satisfaction of seeing you pout.
Venitia had decided to put a Black eyed peas cd. You hummed to most of the song not really knowing the lyrics more than that. That was until Shut up started playing.
You sang Fergies part perfectly, not missing one word. But when the guys part came you shut up not knowing the words. That’s when Farleigh jumped in. “Girl, me n you were just fine, you know..” and he kept going until Fergie started singing again and so did you.
You looked at him and smiled, you were surprised he knew the song. He rolled his eyes at you playfully and returned the smile. Y’all kept singing the song together exchanging the part. You two put your heart into it, really putting on the act of a broken couple while singing.
When the song ended Farleigh gave you a look, you couldn’t tell if he was judging again or reevaluating. “You like Black eyed peas?” He asked you still giving you that look. “No, I just happen to know their lyrics my heart” you replied sarcastically and that made him huff.
“By heart? You knew Fergies part, nothing without me” he said in a playful tone instead of straight up mean tone. “Shut up we killed it together” you said laughing softly. He laughed along with you “okay okay I’ll admit we sounded good”
Felix took a glance at you two. “You’re friends now? Took long enough” He was happy he’s finally gonna be able to spend two seconds without you guys fighting. But Venitia her chuckled softly she knew it wouldn’t be long before you and Farleigh start causing trouble together. Ducan just sighed, it was just the beginning of the summer and he was already tired with you all.
That was the beginning of a friendship between you two. Soon to be two gossiping queens and being mean n sassy to other people together instead of to each other. And who knows maybe a few years later some kind of attraction will make its appearance between you two
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Yall i hoped you liked it, ik it’s short but soooo cute…. And I know I haven’t posted in ages and I’m not fully coming back I just thought about that little one shot.
Also the Farleigh community is dying!! Ik i can’t complain cus I’m not adding more contant too😭
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kyojurismo · 2 years
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▸ REQUEST. @fairypoison requested for yandere giyu and yandere gyutaro (sfw)
▸ ANSWERING. my drafts got deleted twice *laughs hysterically*, but we made it at last. i hope you won’t mind me putting both of them in a unique post… it also took me long to post it bc it’s my first time writing for them in particular and also because it’s my first time writing something yandere, so i was even more insecure lol. hope you enjoy it <3
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▸ FANDOM. kimetsu no yaiba
▸ CHARACTERS. giyu tomioka x gn!reader, gyutaro (upper rank six) x gn!reader
▸ RATING. sfw
▸ WARNINGS. yandere!giyu, yandere!gyutaro, obsessive & possessive behaviour, overprotective tendencies, mention of kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, bleeding + if i missed something please tell me!
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giyu planned your kidnap meticulously
you were scared at first and avoided speaking with him, but he wasn’t violent or rude to you; he gave you time to get used to stay at his mansion
he took care of you pretty well, he was actually proud of himself. the first time you tried to escape he treated you like a child, “what if you got hurt while running?” and “running away in the night, that’s so silly.”
it goes without saying, you tried to escape almost every day in the beginning, taking every opportunity
but when you got hurt one time, the bleeding from your leg’s wound stopped you from trying to escape giyu and you were actually glad he was there to help you
he asked shinobu to check on you, trusting her around you
he was surprised you didn’t try to ask her for help or something. you even said you were sure giyu would take good care of you and there was no need to come to the butterfly mansion
he realised you had stockholm syndrome but didn’t take advantage of that, he respected you and treated you as he always had
doesn’t let a soul hurt you, would it be physically or verbally. not on his watch. he wouldn’t hesitate to kill for you
you enjoy cuddling and love holding giyu’s hands almost every moment. you love feeling him close, it makes you feel safe
*cough* separation anxiety *cough cough*
“i promise i’ll be back soon,” you know he truly mean it but still you’re scared for his life and you can’t bear the thought of not seeing him anymore. “giyu-sama…” you’re always crying when watching him leave. he would hug you close and kiss your lips snd forehead, making sure you feel his love for you
whoever meet you while giyu is on a mission would say that you look sad and are as quiet as him, but the moment he’s back you shine like a star and starts rambling about how much you missed him and felt lonely without him
giyu is so jealous of the others, especially of sanemi. he would flirt with you for fun, just to tease him, and it would make giyu mad most of the time. but you kindly tell sanemi that you want giyu and giyu only, that you two are happy and he should leave tomioka alone
giyu was a bit taken aback, sanemi wasn’t expecting that reply and you noticed both him and tomioka cheeks were a bit flushed
would compliment you day and night, love seeing your beautiful face every single day. you make him happy with your presence
“we’re gonna stay together forever, that’s a promise.”
douma found you first
okay imagine he wanted to eat you and he loves playing with his food. you found yourself badly injured, bleeding on the floor with a few broken bones
gyutaro usually ignored douma but the moment his eyes lay on you he felt like he had been struck by a lightning
he had to protect you with his life.
he literally jumped at douma and smashed his head, then rescued you
he asked lord muzan to keep you alive without turning you into a demon and he let him do as he pleased
(would have kept you even if muzan said no, he just wanted to freely show the others that you were his)
you never tried to escape, but mostly because you couldn’t even get out of bed at the beginning. you were pretty injured
daki was jealous because her brother was showering you with attention, he took care of you and was always by your side. once she accepted your presence she promised to protect you at all costs too
above all, akaza was the only one to state clearly that he had no intention in hurting you or eating you, so you weren’t that scared when he was around
now, gyutaro always thought men were evil and he had to protect you from them. he simply justifies all the killing saying “they want to hurt you, but i won’t let a soul hurt you. it’s a promise.”
at first that scared you, because he was merciless… but the idea that “all men are evil” started to get inside your brain and you got used to it & simply ignored it
gyutaro usually holds your hand when you’re out, but if you can’t walk side by side he usually holds your kimono and stays close. he makes sure you know he’s there and that he’s watching your back
he doesn’t let anything slide. he sees someone talking shit about you? they’re gone. staring too long at you? gone gone gone.
he thinks you’re the most beautiful person in the whole world and it’s his job to protect you and make sure you’re safe.
he’s always– literally every single moment, around you. if he’s busy for lord muzan orders he leaves daki with you so you’re not alone
you still miss him a lot but at least daki distracts you, she’s actually of good company and you love spending time with her too
you don’t realise gyutaro is a yandere, and gyutaro too doesn’t knows what’s going on so… you simply think that it’s in his demon nature to be and act like that
“i’ll always stay by your side, gyutaro-sama.”
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▸ BEFORE LEAVING. reblog and comments are really appreciated, it would help and keep me motivated. i hope it wasn’t too bad, i’m super insecure about it ngl. thank you so much for reading my works !! bye bye <3
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reysdriver · 1 year
The Sailor & The Mermaid | S.H.
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You show Steve all the options you have for a Halloween couples costume — steve x fem!reader fluff
warnings: sexual-ish references
words: 0.8k
a/n: is it too early to post halloween related stuff? nah
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You had even invited Steve over under the pretenses of you showing him Halloween costumes for a party with your all friends at the end of the month, but he had never really thought that was your main objective. He was wrong. 
As soon as he knocked on the door, you had pulled him inside and sat him down on the couch. He still was under the impression you were using codes to get him into your pants—as if you need that—so his smile fell when you stood up from beside him and grabbed a pair of large, brown shopping bags. 
“I bought a bunch, but I can return any that we don’t like, okay? So don’t feel bad for saying no to any of them.” 
He already had a frown on his face. “Shouldn’t I be saying no to most of them? Why would we have more than one?”
You shook your head like it was obvious. “What if we want to do a costume change part way through the night?”
“How about I just nod like that’s something people do normally and you just start showing me the costumes?”
You just ignored his attitude because you knew it was going to change as you kept going. “So this is the first one. We can be Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein!” You held up two matching costumes, the one meant for you clearly much more nice than the large ripped suit meant for him. 
You stopped him before he could complain. “I know what you’re going to say. ‘It’s actually Frankenstein’s Monster’, I know too, but it’s easier to say.”
“No, I was going to say I’m not putting on a bunch of green makeup for a costume. Just move on to the next one.”
You frowned to match him for just a second, then put the costumes on the arm of the recliner next to you. You reached into one of the bags and pulled out the next pair of costumes. 
“Okay, and here we have Lois Lane & Superman.”
Steve replied instantly. “Pass.”
You knew this one would be a long shot too, but you still kept trying. “If you don’t want to wear the Superman outfit, you could just wear a normal suit and be Clark Kent.”
He rolled his eyes. “And dress like my dad at a party? Double pass.”
Your shoulders slumped. You had hoped Steve would be at least a little bit receptive to the outfits you were showing him. Instead of fighting him on it, you just moved on again. 
“Okay, what about a cowboy and a cowgirl?” 
He smiled, like he thought of a joke, then you found out what he was thinking when he spoke. “Save a horse, right, babe?”
You smiled and put the costumes down on the other arm than you had put the last two. A first in your ‘yes’ pile. “So you like them?” You asked happily. 
Then Steve shook his head. “Sorry, babe. It’s just that we’re gonna stand out so much when all those nerds are dressed like lizard people or something like that.”
You reluctantly moved the clothes to the ‘no’ pile and then looked at the last costume in the paper bags. You sighed, lifting up the bag without showing him the costume yet. 
“Okay, well, Stevie, this is my last costume. I was thinking maybe you can put on your Scoops Ahoy uniform from this summer…” You ignored Steve already shaking his head at the idea of wearing that get-up again and you pulled out the costume you had for yourself. “And I can wear this. We can be a sailor and a mermaid! Please tell me you like it.”
Steve didn’t say anything, instead he just stared at the sparkly tail and shell bralette in your hands. He blinked, and you were scared it was just because he thought it was too slutty and hated it.
“You would be wearing that at the party?”  
Your head dropped slightly, and so did your voice. “Yeah, I mean, if it’s just gonna be you and our friends.”
“I love it.” He said honestly. “I’ll even wear that stupid uniform if it means you have that on all night.”
You sat next to him and pressed a giddy kiss to his cheek. “Really, Stevie?!”
He nodded and moved you to sit on his lap so he could finally do what he’s been wanting to do since you called him over. “I’ll be counting the days until Halloween.”
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chrisgotitall · 13 days
This is a little post-breakup oneshot
part 2 of "The BreakUp"
You knocked on the door two times and waited for him to open the door.
He didn't but you knew he was home. You knocked again, why was he taking so much time?
He opened the door, half naked with just a towel around his waist. You looked at him and couldn't deny the pit in your stomach but you ignored it and pushed your way in.
"Hi-" he started before you got in.
"I have to grab my things... did you pack them apart already?" you said, making your way to your shared bedroom, or better, the bedroom you used to share.
"Uh, no..." he said, following you straight away.
"Of course not" you said, under your breath but actually hoping he would hear it.
"Why would I pack your things?" he asked, a little anger audible in his voice.
"So that for once, you'd make something easier for me" you said, without looking at him.
He stayed silent but you heard a compliant sigh coming from him. You opened up the wardrobe and started sorting out your clothes, putting them in a big bag you brought with you. You opened up your drawers under his attentive but sad gaze.
You found your jewelry and one piece in particular caught your eye: a pendant necklace he bought for you on your anniversary. You froze for a minute, looking at it, you felt your gaze softening but you took it and handed to him.
"Here..." you said, the necklace dangling from your fingers.
He looked at it, "No, it's... yours"
He didn't lift his eyes from the necklace, as if he didn't want to look at you after you decided to give the piece of jewelry back to him.
"Well, I... don't think I'm gonna wear it, so..."
This time, you couldn't look at him, so you kept your eyes on the necklace.
But he was looking at you, his eyes were now full of pain and anger, because of your words.
He took the necklace from your hands.
"Fine" he simply said.
You looked at him and then continued to pack up your things.
"You don't have to go" he let out.
"I do, actually" you said.
"You don't"
"You might have forgotten but last time we spoke, we ended things" you spat.
"Things? Is that what you're calling it?" he asked, painfully.
You didn't say anything, you didn't answer his question.
"Where are you going to stay?" he asked.
"I... I asked my friend if I could stay with her..." you tried to come up with a good lie.
"Who's this friend?" he asked, "Because you said Lizzie is out of town and Haley is on her honeymoon... so... who is it?"
You didn't answer quickly so he got the confirmation you were lying to him.
He walked over to you and got your clothes out of your bag.
"You're staying here" he stated. He was now close to you, still with only the towel around his waist but now most of the drops of water on his body dried out.
"No, it's ok" you said.
"Yes. We fought and nothing is over. Not for me anyway"
He put his arms around your neck, but he wasn't hugging you. When he put his arms down, you felt coldness on your chest, you looked down and your necklace was hanging from your neck.
After a few hours, you had dinner together, it was awkward and quiet. And then it was bedtime.
"Go sleep in bed" he obviously said.
"No, don't do that, I'll sleep on the couch" you said, slightly irritated.
"I can't do that, baby"
He froze, remembering that the pet name wasn't his to give anymore.
You looked at him, your heart sank at the nickname.
"Fine, I'll get the bed" you said.
He nodded, "Goodnight"
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eluxcastar · 2 years
── ୨୧:guren ichinose, shinya hīragi, kureto hīragi x reader (separate)
୨୧﹑synopsis :: you try not to notice how he adores a certain woman in his life, you keep your feelings about him to yourself, quiet and never acting on them solely because you know that you could never hope to compare to her.
୨୧﹑genre :: slight angst
୨୧﹑content :: nothing to warn I don't think but I wrote this at like one a.m. and did not read a word of it 👍 lmk if there is something you want me to tag though (* ̄︶ ̄)
୨୧﹑words :: 811
hiii I'm back again (I have a second degree burn now 💀) (I touched the oven rack while it was on max) (now I have a funny mark on my knee) this is kinda rushed because tbh I am not in the mood but I don't wanna up and dip again even though I was hit with like that curse that plagues fanfic authors and ten bad things happened in a day
this is from like March I believe??? I am so sorry to the person who sent me this in my DMs istg I was gonna do it but then I just forgot after that really long break I took 😔 I don't think I ended up sticking to it exactly because I'm not actually sure if the whole request was sent?? I also ended up cutting Crowley to put him in a standalone post 👍
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─ ୨୧: guren ichinose
your feelings for the Ichinose boy run deep, a little part of you crushing on just his looks when he first arrived at this school, only growing on you since then. His personality when he really got comfortable was charming, and he always had that goofy look on his face when students pulled mean tricks on him like he didn't care. A pretty face. He never lets others bother him it seems, even when he talks all lesson to the boy beside him and tries to ignore him. You could look past the Ichinose Clan part, that was the least of your worries. After all, even Mahiru Hīragi could look past that.
you see her around him a lot, and they seem to know each other and get along well. She's always smiling around him, and while he doesn't exactly look like he's having the best day of his life he looks happier to hear from her than most other students. You suppose he would be with a smart and pretty girl paying attention to him, let alone one quite so impossibly beautiful as her. A once in a century genius. How could you ever hope to compete with a person like that?
it was a nigh impossible task, so you give up, and you watch. You know that he is only yours in your little daydreams, and the moment you blink them away and return to reality he goes right back to being Mahiru's as he always was.
─ ୨୧: shinya hīragi
since you joined the army you had at least a bit of a liking toward him, though it was quite minor at first, nothing too big. You just liked how nice he was to you, even helping you out at times when he noticed you were struggling a bit with your weapon. With his help you got closer to him at least in your eyes, the confidence he oozed enough to make you feel safe and in good hands. You trusted he knew what he was doing and it kept paying off to trust his advice.
it kept you asking for more of his help, knowing that slowly the help was becoming less of your focus and it was slowly shifting to the man himself. Something about him is so handsome, yet also quite cute.
then you heard he had once had a fiancée, and you realised that if that was everything he wanted in a partner that you would be stepping way out of your league. She was a Goddess put on earth in the form of a high school girl, perfect if not for her one fatal flaw in which she was dead after committing acts that disgraced her family. That explained why nobody spoke of her until you heard it from the girl's own sister.
slowly you were inching your way further into his life, and slowly you will inch your way back out. Even as a dead woman, You know that to that standard, you are still just a bumbling and confused little child.
─ ୨୧: kureto hīragi
a bad little habit you have with Aoi is the gossip once work is over, going to shower and change in the showers together one stall apart just to talk about various tidbits you'd picked up throughout the days. You'd learned many…interesting things that way. Most notably however was in the midst of washing your hair, letting the water wash out the product when she so happened to mention that she might just have deeper feelings for Kureto than she usually lets on. It's more than just respect, at least as she put it. You almost got shampoo in your eyes.
of course you couldn't blame her, her feelings are something you can quite easily understand in fact, it's just… How are you supposed to be pitted against someone like Aoi who is loyal to a fault at her job? Thinking about it really…she is quite beautiful, and her family is in higher standing, she does anything that he asks of her, most importantly she is strong. You think if anything Kureto would value power, wouldn't he? He probably wouldn't be fond of protecting his lover all the time out of necessity, he'd prefer someone capable of doing that themselves, and while you certainly could, Aoi could do it better.
you can hear her as she knocks her hand against the wall of the shower stall, "Did you drown in there?" her voice brings you back again, and you give a quick no in response. You're out of the shower soon enough. It'd be easier to forget the conversation if not for the fact you both pass him again on your way back to the dorms and finally notice how she looks at him.
even without the threat of her own skill over yours, you're not sure you can take that away from her.
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tv-girllover07 · 11 months
Something metal🥁
Kevin schlieb × fem!reader
Movie: Metal lords
Part 4
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Blue italic= there thoughts
Green italic= Kevin narrating
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Scene skip ⏭️
I’m at hunters house with two other people playing D&D “And the Slippers of Spider Climbing go to Malmsteen of Gorgoroth.” He said and painted at Hunter, I hear Mr Sylvester laugh “What kind of girlie name is Malmsteen of Gorgoroth?” He asks
“I don't know, Dad. Why don't you ask one of your real housewives while you’re shoving water balloons into there tits” Hunter snaps back at him, I look at the other members around the table “Plastic surgeon.” so they would understand what they were talking about. I understand, dungeons and dragons even less then metal but it’s a chance for us to hang out with new people, especially for people who can be in our band, if he joins Skullfucker, then we’re a band, right? So then we can play in the Battle of the Bands. If people like us, then maybe they’ll ask us to play at some parties. I hope Hunter likes this guy. Sometimes he’s not so nice to people when he’s uncomfortable and being around, his dad makes him-- “Well, Malmsteen just can't believe that a halfling rogue would be dumb and ungrateful enough to try and rip off a half-orc barbarian who just saved him from five ice toads. But he thinks he'll show mercy.
“Until he remembers that mercy is for the weak. Malmsteen pulls out Hell Slinger his +3 great sword...” ”Hunter” I cut him off “...And he tells Auriac Stormhollow to shut his glory hole before he starts his first attack.” Hunter drops the dice’s on the table making a loud clack “Plus ten, that's a hit-- “Hunter, don't be an idiot.” And Hunter continues to ignore me “He runs the blade between the thief's ribs. Second attack. Uh-oh! There goes the leg. And for the final attack...oh shit! ,Head over to Dr. Sylvester's for some post-op implants, because I just chopped off your dick.” Hunter said that while holding the guys arm and making it look like he was chopping his dick.
“Sure, sure” Mr Sylvester said laughing, “You just remember that those implants are what paid for your guitar, your incel action figures, and all your dumbass Satan-worship T-shirts!” Mr Sylvester yelled “I'm gonna go play tennis! Have you see my American Express?” Hunter just shrugs and drinks his Mountain Dew and I look at him. The guy I asked to come over gets up and grabs his bag “Where are you going.” Hunter asks “Leaving. This sucks compared to Call of Duty. Kevin, see you in class.” And he leaves “Hunter, we were going to ask him to play bass for us. He says he's pretty good.” Hunter shakes his head “It's for the best. We can never trust a guy like that.” I look at him pissed why can’t he just except the fact that we really need a bass player.
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(Scene skip ⏭️)
“I’m telling you, she’s really good.” I said to Hunter but he disagreed “We need a bass player. A metal bass player.” He told me as we turn down a street “She can be metal.” I kept trying to persuade him “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Why? Why is that the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard?” I asked him “Because a cello-playing girl is so non-metal that even thinking about it is evaporating my balls.” He said and I look at him confused “A lot of the time, Hunter. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Metal, not metal…Uh…Maybe I’m just not right for Skullfucker.” I said and looked at him before looking back on the road.
Then he stops the car and unbuckled his seatbelt “Okay, switch places with me.” He said and I turn to him “What?” And he looked at me “Just do it. Slide over. Open the door, but don’t get out.” He told me as I unbuckle my seatbelt and he got out of the car, and I open my door and see Hunter walking towards Skip and I start yelling at Hunter “No! No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no” but he kept walking then Hunter reaches Skip and gives him the middle finger “Suck it, cunt.” Then flips him in the chin, and runs to the car while Skip chases him “Go, go! Fuck! Go! Fuck! Fuck! Go, go, go, go, go!” so I get in the driver seat, and Hunter gets in the car and slams the door “Why? Why did you do that?” I asked him getting worried “Truth to power, bitch! Drive!” And I step on the gas “Why?” I asked myself quietly and start driving faster due to Skip driving after us “Drive. If he gets close enough, you’ve just as fucked as I am.” He told me and I duck down in the seat “You slow down, you die. That’s metal.”
“That is a dumb Keanu Reeves movie!” I yelled at him and continued driving and trying not to hit any cars “Watch out. He’ll see you in the mirrors if he gets close enough.” So I adjusted the mirror “You’re an asshole” I told Hunter and he laughs “Okay. We can shake him. Turn left on Aspen” and I turn the car but we almost get hit “Don’t slow down. Keep going straight.” I feel like I’m losing my mind “To where? Where?” I yelled “There!” Hunter pointed to the narrow alleyway “I…We will not fit in there!” I continue yelling “I know this car!” Hunter yelled as we got closer to the alley and he put his hand on my knee “Fucking do it!” And I start to scream “Whoo!” “No, no, no!” I yelled and Hunter screams maniacally and we finally exit the alley and Hunter turns back to see Skip trying to go through the alleyway, but crashes into the wall.
I understand now. Metal is commitment, and speaking truth to power and sticking it to the man, and speed. “That was fucking awesome” I said to Hunter and let out a sigh. Metal is taking the wheel.
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(Scene skip ⏭️)
“What’s this” I ask “Homework” he said well we all look around the room, looking at all the different posters “Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth, Motörhead, Guns N’ Roses, Rage Against the Machine, Pantera, Emperor, Tool, Dio, Mesguggah, Opeth, Slipknot, Mastodon, Lamb of God. This is your history now. Learn it, live it, do lines of it in the bathroom” Hunter then finally hands me the sheet of music and I look at it. It’s a list of different songs by different artists. “I’ll be working on this. It’s a solo to “Machinery” it fucking shreds. I had these made up” he hand me guitar picks with the words Skullfucker on it, and I put them in my pocket and I say to Hunter “I’ll start working on this” We do the band handshake. And I walk up the stairs i hear Hunter mess up a note and yell “Cocks! Fuck me, okay.”
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(Scene skip ⏭️)
I’m in the practice room and I’m writing down the same songs Hunter wrote for me and rewrote them on a separate sheet for Y/n. Once I’m done writing everything down I fold the piece of paper and start walking towards the room Y/n was in, then I look at the paper in my hand put, From: Kevin ! On it I don’t want to interrupt this time so I slide it underneath the door as soon as I slide it underneath the door I hear her stop playing the cello and I walk away.
Part 5 🥁
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weirdocvnt08 · 8 months
Title: Don’t be a loser!
Relationship: Rise!Leonardo/Yuichi Usagi (one-sided)
TW: Mentions of underage smoking of nicotine/marijuana [Pls skip this post if this stuff doesn’t interest you]
Author is listening to: California Here We Go by The Garden
AN: This was written for shits & giggles & even though the boys didn’t actually smoke in this, I have to put it out there for the minors reading this to pls avoid vaping. Don’t matter if it’s nic or THC, both aren’t good (yes even THC & as someone with first hand experience lemme tell you if you have family history with addictions & have autism then bby you’re most likely gonna end up reliant on it which is no bueno) and it can very much damage your still developing brain as corny as that sounds. With that being said, enjoy this sorta/sorta not crackfic and Usagi’s poorly hidden one-sided feelings bc Leo just sees him as his bro (for now, maybe ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ)
Usagi and Leo had been in the middle of playing an online game on their phones until Usagi’s abruptly shut itself off. Heart rate quickening and hoping their game was still connected, Usagi tried to quickly turn the device back on but was instead met with the zero-battery icon that had displayed itself on the screen.
“Dude did your phone just die?!” Leo exclaimed as he watched Usagi’s character lag and glitch before the game ultimately kicked him off, taking him back to the main menu.
A regretful whine was all Leo could get in response. He sighed as he closed off the game and set his phone aside. “Wanna watch something then? While we wait for your phone to actually charge?” Leo asked as he leaned over to his bedside drawer to pick up the remote control for his TV.
“Yes! Can I choose?” If the platinum haired teen were animated, he’d have sparks shimmering around him and stars gleaming in his eyes, but sadly this was the real world and as Leo kept his focus on his flatscreen he cocked a restive brow as he replied nonchalantly, “After you made us lose our mission and we’ll have to now start from our last checkpoint that was, like, forever ago? Sorry, but it’s a hard ‘no’ my guy.”
“Mmh!” The Japanese boy grunted out in a miff manner as he got up from Leo’s bed to retrieve his charger from his bag and plug it to the nearest available outlet. Choosing the small lone spot beside Leo’s bookshelf, he bent down on one knee to connect the plug but stopped himself at the odd sight before him.
“Leo why do you have this usb type thing charging, and why does it look so weird?”
Knitting his thin eyebrows together in confusion, Leo mouthed to himself ‘USB?’ but the realization quickly clicked in his head and couldn’t help the brief chortle that escaped his mouth as he thought of an exciting idea.
“Oh that? Bring it over here and I’ll show you what exactly it is.”
Having not noticed the impish look on his American friend’s face due to his allowance of getting the strange object, he took a closer look at it as he walked back to Leo. The surface was a matte electric blue and on one side there was what he assumed was the brand name. ‘STIIIZY?’ he confoundedly thought.
The more that he stared at it, memories of his past encounters in their school’s restrooms that involved this same type of gadget would suddenly rush into his mind. In his option-less runs to use the poorly maintained restrooms around campus, he’d always have to brace the groups of people who’d ditch class to hang out and smoke both outside and inside the stalls carrying those similar rectangular objects in their hands.
Sometimes (if he wasn’t immediately kicked out from it) he’d opt to just walk to the closest restroom and avoid the horrid mixed stench of sweet artificial cookies and sewage water, but nine times out of ten he’ll ignore the sharp glares and sneers that’ll get sent his way as he makes his way to do his business that the restrooms were purposed to do.
Besides all that, Usagi just hopes that it’s not what he thinks it is as he plopped himself down onto the bed and extended his left hand towards Leo, who was leaned over again and digging a hand inside his drawer. After he found what he was looking for he swiftly took his sleek object back and attached a familiar looking compact filled with a yellow substance into the open slot. His fear was now just confirmed.
“Yui y’know what a—?”
“You smoke?! And nicotine at that? Why?! Leo you’re too pre—!” Coughing fugaciously at his near slip up of calling his best friend pretty, Usagi covered with, “I thought you were too cool for that kind of stuff?”
Playing with the thin vape in his hand, Leo laughed at the claim. “Mmmm, I don’t ever remember saying about my stance on vaping, but chill out it’s not nic, it’s weed.”
“How is that any better?”
“Look I’m not gonna explain the politics of the two, but just know this is way better and funner than nicotine!” Leo exasperated. What the shaved headed teen had left out though was that he himself hadn’t smoked nicotine ever in his life and just jumped straight to marijuana, so his answer holds no weight. He continued, “I don’t even do it a lot and just use it when I want to have a good time during movie nights or want to make my favorite meal ten times better because I have the munchies. It also helps when I feel myself becoming too absorbed into my thoughts, but that’s beside the point.”
Usagi felt icky for feeling this way, but he couldn’t help but feel sort of disappointed that Leo, his most favorite person since moving here, is a part of the hordes of teens that find the weird appeal of owning that useless junk just so they could make grossly sweet scented smoke clouds in front of their friends and not caring about the harm it can do to their young and healthy lungs. Despite his own opposing views though, he tried to swallow his judgment.
“How can anyone underage even get their hands on this, isn’t it illegal? Who even gave you this and does anyone else know you do this stuff?”
“I mean, it's pretty easy if you know someone who has connections, and to answer that other question, only Donnie—who also smokes—and my sister Frida knows. Ida’s also the one who hooked us up with the battery and cart but she’s so stingy though ‘cause she didn’t want to get us the full gram that this brand offers!”
Blank faced, Usagi answered, “I don’t know what that last part meant at all, but I really don’t wanna know anyway.”
The two sat in silence as Leo continued to fiddle with the concentrated THC pen with only a YouTube video playing on the TV to act as background noise. Usagi hoped that meant Leo lost interest in the topic now that he showed off his vape pen, that was until Leo opened his mouth again.
“So wanna take a hit?”
“Huh!? No! Weren’t you catching on with my obvious oppositions to that kind of stuff?!” He vicariously shook his head in disapproval. “I have important people in my life that expect me to be better than to do these types of things. Also don’t wanna die of lung cancer anytime soon.”
Sucking his teeth, Leo pressed “C’moooon! We can shotgun if you want!”
“Basically I’ll take a hit and I’ll pass it to you by blowing it to your mouth for you to inhale.”
A strained expression appeared on Usagi’s face as he painted the image in his head and from what he’d seen it wasn’t very appealing if not super awkward. “That sounds dumb and weird.”
Leo cackled as he instantly knew the other teen didn’t get it, so he explained through small fits of laughter, “I don’t think you’re picturing it right dude. Our mouths have to be like really close so it’s sorta gonna look like we’re gonna go in for a kiss.”
‘Kiss?’ Usagi thought to himself as he re-imagined Leo’s new description. What he saw was Leo’s attractive face up close to his and his plush mixed tone lips slightly parted and nearly touching his slightly cracked ones, that maybe he might actually find out what Leo’s glossed lips finally taste like if he leans his head forward just a bit more. His heart picked up at the thought and with red tinting his tan skin he quickly adversed “We’re not doing that!”
“Oh? Sorry, was that a lil’ too gay for your straight-male self?” With an amused smile, Leo playfully rolled his eyes and coolly replied “Chill out man, it’s just a suggestion. But since you’re such a chad, I guess you’ll just do it on your own then?” He tried to hand him the rectangular device, but Usagi merely pushed the cold and slender brown hand back to its owner’s vicinity.
“Iranai. Don’t need it, so have fun doing that stuff by yourself.” He firmly stated but just like him, Leo wasn’t going to lose his ground and continue his pursuit of convincing Usagi to smoke with him.
“Don’t be lame and have a sesh with meee!”
“Smoking isn’t as fun if you’re not doing it with someone! Yui!”
“Sucks to be you I guess.”
Leo let out an elongated sigh before voicing, “I get that you have this weird honor code thing where you take promises to heart n’ stuff, but aren’t I just as important to you too?”
Perplexed brown eyes met his hazel ones and with a casual shrug Leo resumed, “I just asked you to do this with me because you’re cool, and I feel comfortable around you, but if you really don’t wanna, then I won’t force you since it’s not fun if you’re not into it too.”
Usagi was gradually starting to feel his ‘tough as nails’ facade slip at the compliments Leo threw his way because of course he’d give more of shit of what this guy says than anyone else who’s known him for years or even since his birth.
“I wasn’t kidding when I said I don’t do this a lot y’know. Sorta why I really wanted you to try it with me, since it could be like a really fun memory that only you and me can share.” Leo suddenly said, and although Usagi knows better than to blindly trust Leo’s word he could tell that his friend was not fully lying at this time.
“So, what? Trying to tell me that you don’t smoke with everyone?”
“No sir.”
“I don’t buy it.”
“I’m serious. I’ve literally only smoked with my siblings. I don’t trust the crap people at school have, and I don’t trust the people at school like that even less so yeah, I don’t smoke with everyone and only a few select people are worthy to see me at my stupidest.”
Silence fell upon them again and Leo didn’t really know if his bait had worked or not, but sure enough it did as Usagi abruptly huffed out “Give it” and extended his hand to reveal his open palm that waited expectantly to receive something.
“But I thought—.“
“Just pass me the stupid thing you manipulative asshole!”
Ecstatic over Usagi’s change of mind, Leo quickly handed him his vape pen and watched as Usagi mauled over his new decision.
“If you’re worried about how you’re gonna act, don’t worry. Since I’m not as new to this like you, I can keep my bearings and take care of you if you end up doing something stupid.”
Cupping Usagi’s hand that held his little item of relaxation and enjoyment, he looked into the other boy’s eyes and earnestly promised “Swear on my dad’s life that I won’t let anything bad happen to you. Trust me, all that you’re gonna feel is as if your whole body is floating and even find yourself kinda hungry.” Letting good of his hand, Leo encouraged him to go for it with a nod of his head.
‘Am I really going to do this?’
With one last glance at Leo’s smug yet gorgeous hazel-green eyes he felt as if his heart had been squeezed from the huge amount of affection he was currently feeling for the other teen across of him.
‘Yeah, I really am.’
Hesitantly, he brought the pen to his lips and the more he dared to take a hit he could hear the loud anxious pounding coming from the center of his chest. It beat so loud that once he finally took a brave inhale from the pen he didn’t even register Leo’s rushed warning, and before he knew it, he felt as if a ball of fire had invaded his airways.
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
I love your 5+1 fic! It was so cute 🥰
Can I request an enemies to lovers with gunil? something like gunil doesn't like y/n because of a miscommunication/rumour but as he gets to know y/n more as junhan's friend, he realizes the miscommunication/rumour is not true and he starts to like y/n little by little
Have a nice day! 💖
Omg thank you so much! 💕 Honestly I was really hesitant about posting the 5+1 fic because I didn't think I wrote it well, but it's received a lot of support, so I'm very thankful for everyone who has read it and left likes/reblogged it. Anyway way thank you for requesting I hope I did your request to your liking. 😊
Koo Gunil 
Trope:Enemies to Lovers (specifically enemies to friends to lovers)
Summary:In which Gunil realizes that his sole reason for hating you isn’t actually valid and the shift in his feelings afterward.
WC: 2.5k
Warning:grammar, one cuss word
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Image not mine credits to owner.
You worked at a musical instrument shop in seoul. It was a small little store tucked up alongside a somewhat narrow street. You enjoyed working there and although you didn’t know much about actually playing them you knew quite a lot about the craftsmanship that went into making them. How the different use of materials affect how the instruments play and sound. 
Your best friend Hyeonjun loved that you worked here. He would frequently show up to “test out” the guitars. His other members would visit the store too, either along with Hyeongjun or by themselves. You liked his members, and got along well with them for the most part. The other part being Gunil. The two of you disliked each other and it was obviously by the sly little comments you'd always direct at the other.  The avoidance of even merely standing next to one another. 
Now why did this petty war of hatred come about? Well it was all Gunil’s fault.  You were nothing but nice to him, well until that day. You even remember the date, only because it also happened to be your nephew’s birthday. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a rare occurrence, all the members had happened to visit you that day.  It was near closing time, so you were going around preparing to close up shop. Your phone rang with your nephew’s name lighting up the screen. You were still on working hours so answering would have been deemed as unprofessional, plus it was only fifthteen minutes till closing certainly the kid could wait. 
“Y/n could I play the drums? I’m gonna steal Gunil’s position” Jiseok said as we walked over to the drum set. 
“Sure, let me grab you some sticks” you walked over to where you kept the drum sticks, grabbing a set. Your phone rang for a second time, again you ignored it. While walking back over to Jiseok your phone would not stop ringing. 
“Just answer it,” he said, taking the drum sticks from your hand. “It’s not like we're gonna report you for being a bad employee” 
“Thanks” you said before answering the phone and bringing it to your ear. Upon answering your nephew immediately started rambling about how he felt too scared  about hitting the pinata tomorrow for his birthday party. “It’s not hard, you just hit it with a stick” you told your nephew trying to calm his nerves. Hearing a scoff you look up and see Gunil glaring at you. That was it that was the start of your enemies arc. You did nothing to him, yet he glared harshly at you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hearing the door chime you glance towards the door seeing Hyeongjun, Jiseok, and Jooyeon stroll in. 
“What brings you fellows here?”
“I need new strings and these two are avoiding practice” Hyeongjun stated gesturing to the boys standing next to him. 
“Not true, I need more picks,” Jiseok said
“I’m pretty sure you have at least ten in your pockets right now,” you rebutled.
“But none of the are yellow,” he walks over to the jar in the counter that says “free picks”  fishing for the yellow ones�� 
“What kind of strings?” you asked Hyeongjun. He responded, you nodded making your way to the back room where inventory was. You returned with the strings walking behind the counter to ring them up. “Anything else?”
“What time does your shift end?” Jooyeon questioned
“5:30pm why?”
“Wanna grab dinner with us?”
“Us meaning?” You inquired having no intentions of wanting to see Gunil that day.
“The four of us here, no Gunil.” Jooyeon clarifies with a sigh at the end.
“Sounds good” you replied after putting Hyeongjun’s strings in a bag. He hands you the money, you then hand him the bag.
“So Gunil sounds bad?” Jiseok pesters you. You sigh giving him a getty unamused face 
“Shouldn't you guys be heading back to practice now?”
“Tell us why you hate him first?”
“He started it.” 
“He glared at me for no reason and was always giving me the cold shoulder, so I simply return his actions,”
“You’re literally just being petty!” Jooyeon laughs out.
“Have you ever asked him why he glared at you?” Hyeongjun asks 
“No, it's not like he talks to me long enough to ask anyway” 
“Have you ever actually tired though?” 
“......no, but that’s not the point you guys need to get back to practice. Now leave,” you said walking around the counter to push them towards the door. 
“We’ll pick you up after your shift!” Jooyeon shouts over his shoulder as you shut the door behind them.
 The boys had returned from their trip to the shop and resumed practice as a whole group. After monitoring the recording of the song they were currently working on. They decided it was a good time to wrap practice for the day. 
“Anyone wanna grab dinner together?” Gunil asks the group.
“Can’t Hyeongjun, Jiseok and I have plans with y/n” Jooyeon replies. Hyeongjun notices the shift in Gunil’s mood at the mere mention of your name.
“Seriously, why do you dislike her so much? She’s my best friend.” Irritation notable in Hyeongjun’s voice. 
“I’m curious about that too,” Seungmin approaches “It seems like you just out of the blue started hating her,”
“It was not out of the blue,” Gunil defends. The other members had now all gathered around at this point, wanting to know the reason behind the negative feelings.
“Well?” Hyeongjun pushes.
“She insulted my craft,”
“Y/n wouldn’t do that,” Hyeongjun immediately speaks on your behalf.
“Yes she did. That time we were all at the store, it was close to closing and Jiseok asked to play the drums, saying he was gonna steal my position. She went and grabbed sticks for him. Shortly after handing the sticks to him she said “It’s not hard, you just hit it with a stick,”” he explained, making air quotes around the words that caused this whole mess.
“Dude she was talking to someone on the phone then,” Jiseok started. “It kept ringing, so I told her to just answer it. I don’t know who she was talking to, but I’m pretty sure that sentence wasn’t about playing drums.” he finished explaining.
“What?!” Gunil’s eyes widened at the information Jiseok just delivered. Hyeongjun now recalling that day steps in.
“She was talking to her nephew about a pinata. It was his birthday that day and his parents had gotten him a pinata for his party, but he got nervous about it. He called y/n about it and she said that to calm him down,” Hyeongjun explained. 
“So i've been hating her over insulting something she didn't actually insult,” he sighs feeling like a complete moron. 
“You should apologize to her,” Hyeongjun insists.
“We’re grabbing dinner with her so do it now,” Jooyeon piped up
“So suddenly?”
“No time like the present. Look, we'll just make it a whole group dinner. We’re picking her up after her shift anyway. You guys can talk it out before then meet us at dinner,” Jooyeon stated like it was obvious. “Now let's go!” he enthusiastically said, pushing their leader out the door.
You had just finished locking the door to the shop when you heard familiar voices approaching. Looking up you see the members, all of them. 
“Jooyeon this is not what you said,” an annoyed look coming over your face.
“I know, I know, but that was before a groundbreaking discovery was made,” confused you looked over to Hyeongjun, wanting an explanation. He came up to you grabbing both of your hands in his.
“He’s right. Gunil has something he needs to tell you-”
“What if I don’t want-”
“Stop being childish” he cuts you off. “It’s time you two talk things out,” You let out a sigh at his words. You know he’s right, but there is some stupid pride you don't want to let go of.
“Fine,” you said bitterly.
“Good, the both of you talk, then meet us at dinner,” Smiled before walking back towards his members. They begin to walk off leaving you and Gunil alone. That atmosphere became awkward, both staring at your shoes in silence.
“..so Hyeongjun said you have something to tell me,” 
“Yeah uh- I just” he paused, taking a breath. “....I’m sorry,” 
“What! You? Sorry?” Not believing the words you just heard. “Why?”
“I misunderstood you,”
“About what?”
“Playing the drums. That day Jiseok talked about stealing my position. You handed him the sticks then said  “It’s not hard, you just hit it with a stick,” I thought you were talking to Jiseok about playing the drums,” he explained. Now you understand. He hated you cause he thought you insulted the art of playing the drums. 
“But I wasn’t talking about playing the drums I was talking about”
“A pinata” he finished your sentence. “I know that now, which is why I’m apologizing,”
“I’m sorry too,” you said.
“Huh?” he looked at you slightly confused.
“I was mean to you too, without any good reason at that. I was just being petty and childish, so I’m sorry,” you let out a light laugh. “We’re both idiots,”
“Yeah we are, so we’re cool now?”
“Yeah we’re cool,”
“This is the part where you guys hug!” You hear Jooyeon’s voice shout from a distance. Both you and Gunil look around spotting the members coming out from where they were hiding just around the corner. Breaking out into laughter at their antics, but nonetheless opening your arms for a hug. Gunil mirrors your actions as you guys share your first hug. Then you all proceeded to go to dinner, Gunil and you even opting to sit next to each other at the restaurant.
Your relationship with Gunil changed massively after the miscommunication was resolved. Your title of enemies was changed to friends. Now, depending on if your shift hours allowed, you’d find yourself visiting their practice room. Something you never really did before due to your pettiness of not wanting to be in the same room as Gunil.
Waiting on the floor of the practice room for them to finish up. Hyeongjun and you planned on catching a new movie you guys wanted to see after their practice today. Your eyes gravitated towards Gunil landing on his arms as he rhythmically hit the drum set. His arms were strong that was clear to see, but when he hugged they were very gentle as if- wait why are you thinking about that? It was months ago. Why are you thinking about it now? You shift your attention to Hyeongjun as he plays his solo part uttering a quiet “Go bestie!” as to not disturb their practice.
They had finally finished up for the day. You and Hyeongjun said goodbye to the other members then leaving to go catch the movie. 
“You were staring at Gunil earlier,” 
“I was staring at you too,” you refuted, but a blush was creeping its way up your neck at the news of being caught. “What? I can’t stare at someone playing an instrument?”
“You can it was just odd since you use to avoid him so insistently,” 
“That was quite some time ago, heck he even visits me in the store without you now.”
“He does?” This being new information to him.
“You didn’t know? Yeah he usually comes at least once a week and he tries to walk me home on days my shift ends late,” you told Hyeongjun with an unknown smile on your face, but he saw it.
“He never mentioned anything about it,” You two had arrived at the theater so your conversation ended there, but Hyeongjun was definitely gonna investigate Gunil about this later.
That later arrived when Hyeongjun came back to the dorm that night.
“Gunil! I need to talk to you,” he called out after setting his stuff down in his room. 
“What’s up?” Gunil asked.
“You visit y/n once a week and walk her home when it’s late?” The investigation has begun.
“Well yes why? Is it a problem? Did I make her uncomfortable?” Gunil starts to ramble. 
“No you didn’t. It’s just I don’t even always visit her once a week and maybe I’m a bad friend, but I’ve never walked her home when it was late either. I just tell her to text me,” Gunil wasn’t sure how to respond. His feelings for you had truly shifted maybe even farther than he had realized. In the beginning he never even thought about you walking home at night alone, but now on those nights he could only worry about something happening to you. He looks forward to his weekly visits to you. This usually ended up being his favorite time of day. Your name that used to single handedly annoy him now made him feel warm. Perhaps his once hatred had now grown into love. Holy shit that was it he loved you. 
“I love her,” he muttered out in realization.
“What did you say? I couldn’t hear you,”
“I love her,” he stated more confidently. 
“You love my best friend! I guess there really is a fine line between love and hate isn’t there? What are you gonna do?” 
“Do you think she likes me back? You know her the best,”
“It’s possible. I’ve noticed some things lately,” 
“Really like what?”
“Y/n will kill me if I tell you. Just talk to her yourself. I think you’ll have a decent chance,” 
The next day Gunil worked up the courage to confess to you after your shift. He waited for you outside, the same place where you guys made up. 
“Oh Gunil, what brings you here?” You see him upon exiting the store.
“I have something to tell you,”
“That sounds vaguely familiar,” you half joked.
“Yeah it does,” he chuckled and paused before continuing “After we shifted from enemies to friends my heart did stop. It shifted even farther. I love you way more than a friend.” he confessed. His words caused you to realize that your feelings had shifted beyond friends as well. 
“So shall we change our title to lovers now then?” He stared at you eyes wide with a smile appearing on his face.
“You mean?”
“I love you too,” you confessed too.
“This is the part where you guys kiss!” Once again an all too familiar voice shouted from the distance and not soon after the member came out from behind the corner. Shyness consuming you at the thought of the members seeing you guys kiss. Noticing this Gunil turns you so you’re blocked by his strong build.
“Is this ok? Can I kiss you?” He asked looking in your eyes for reassurance.
“Yes, it’s ok,” you nodded. He leaned in sealing your lips together and sealing your title as lovers.
“You hurt her, I kill you” Hyeongjun says at Gunil once you walked to meet the members. Which makes everyone laugh. “Hey! I’m being serious!”
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awlimagines · 1 year
Two strangers in an online chat room hit it off. Turns out they’re childhood sweethearts.
This is gonna be long but is completely SFW fluff. I'm just separating into two groups and posting below the cut due to length, not content.
I really liked the prompt and now I plan to do everyone as your childhood sweetheart as well.
The city is a cold place. People kept to themselves and trudged through the press of bodies to follow their own lives. You had tried to make friends, but the relationships fell short. They ended with your working hours, and despite people promising to keep in touch, they disappeared from your life after moving. It was one of the reasons you loved getting online. The chatroom you eagerly logged into had them each day. The mysterious person behind another screen in another place understood you and cared. 
Then your life was upended. The company you worked for downsized and fired you. The stiff competition for jobs with failed interviews and unchanging rent quickly drain your funds. Takakura’s letter and invitation to the farm were a beacon in the dark. You explained your plans to move to a rural community and the disconnection of your services for the time. You arrived in Forget-Me-Not Valley apprehensive about starting your life over with the only support you knew gone. You were relieved to see a familiar face, even if it was an old childhood sweetheart. They helped you adjust to your new surroundings. You soon found yourself remembering why you had fallen for them years ago. 
You couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when you managed to get your services running once again. The screen revealed unread messages. Your chatroom confidant had asked if you were comfortable sharing where you were moving. You had told them your location in the city, trusting the crowds of people to mask your exact location. But their messages revealed they live in Forget-Me-Not Valley and offered assistance if it was here or Mineral Town you were moving to. You shut everything down in a panic leaving the messages on read. Who could it be? Were you ready to meet them? How would you tell your friend?
You went immediately to find Cecilia. As awkward as it might be, she was the one you wanted to confide in about your dilemma. Cecilia was the most thoughtful and sincere person you knew. Any answer she gave would be the best one. You didn’t expect her to be upset when you arrived. Cecilia seemed like she was ready to burst into tears at any moment.  
“I can come back later,” you hesitated. 
Cecilia softly forced a smile and ushered you in and up to her room. She waved away your inquiries and insisted helping you would make her feel better. It had to be something serious if you came covered in sweat, looking as though you’d seen a ghost in the night. Cecilia sat on her bed, listening as you paced and spilled out what had just happened. How you very desperately wanted to meet this person and all your fears. When you finished, Cecilia’s shocked face dashed your hopes.
“I’m crazy, right? How could I fall for someone online that I’ve never met?” 
“Um, was their username FarmingFlowers by any chance?” Cecilia whispered, stopping you in your tracks. How did she know that? You stood with your mouth hanging open as the pieces slowly fell into place.
You spent the next day attempting to figure out what you wanted to do. You shouldn’t keep them on read without answering, but it was easier to ignore if you kept the computer off. The sheep you were brushing bleated angrily, annoyed with your constant pestering. With nothing left to keep you busy, a trip to see what experiment Daryl was working on seemed the best distraction. 
His eyes were bloodshot, and he was agitated when you arrived at the lab. You opened your mouth to greet him, but he swiftly cut you off. Now wasn’t a good time, he curtly informed you snapping the door shut in your face. It hurt your feelings, but then Daryl had a temper when you were kids. You worried more that he had more work stolen from his lab. You figured you would give him a few days and try again. Maybe by then, you could resolve your problem. 
After two days, you knocked on Daryl’s door. It creaked open, but Daryl didn’t appear in the opening. You cautiously opened the door wider to see him sleeping at his desk. Your eyes widened in shock, seeing the inside of his lab. You could make out lines connecting blobs of text on the chalkboard that overflowed to papers taped to the wall connected by yarn. Overcome with curiosity for his new research project - you moved in for a closer look.
Daryl’s usually messy writing was more illegible than usual across the chalkboard. You followed where the majority of threads led to a piece of paper. Scrawled on the paper was your username with circles around it. You would have thought he outgrew overstepping boundaries by this age. You snatched the page from the wall as your face flushed. Filled with embarrassment and anger at him, you shook Daryl awake. 
As you heaved in another breath, searching for something else to say, he tapped the paper and asked if that was yours. Once you confirmed it was your username, the tables flipped on you. Daryl launched into how rude it was to keep someone waiting on a response. You clearly had time if you were snooping through his lab. You stood dazed, watching him remove the thread as he lectured. 
“W-wait, when did you get all this?” you questioned. You had been home since those messages. You would have known if Daryl was at the farm! He frowned at your confusion before sighing and sitting you down to explain his process for how he knew it was you. He planned on seeing you to speak things over sooner but fell asleep, and then you barged in.
You quickly recognized the girl you dragged around on adventures as a kid. Flora seemed content with her job, and her patient nature had to help with the dig site. You were bored within an hour of digging and not finding anything. The mindless digging seemed more welcoming than usual as you puzzled over who Floyd might be. You had always assumed the username was just their name. No one in the valley was named Floyd; could it be someone’s middle name? If so, which of the guys would it be? 
Flora interrupted you at noon for a lunch break by the waterfall. She was agitated, you noticed. Did something happen with the creep who was hanging around the campsite? You found it hard to believe that would be the issue when you were Flora could easily beat anyone to smithereens. Flora hesitated before asking your opinion on something that was bothering her. She tucked a blonde flyaway behind her ear and asked what it meant if someone ignored her messages. The person had never done so previously but suddenly did recently, and she wondered if it was something she had done.
That sounded too eerily similar to your predicament. You frowned and asked if Flora could share more details. She shared the exact details of the recent exchange you had with Floyd. 
“You’re Floyd?! Why on earth would you choose Floyd for a username?” you proclaimed in shock. Flora jumped slightly at your sudden outburst. The University gave it to her for her email as a combination of her first initial and last name for [email protected]. It seemed the most convenient to use instead of finding something else. Was that wrong?
Nami hadn’t always been the quiet, reflective type. You could dimly remember her being a rambunctious tomboy dragging you into trouble. She became more withdrawn once the problems between her parents started. Nami had barely acknowledged when your mom packed you up to move elsewhere. Your letters never received a response, and you eventually just stopped sending them. 
You were apprehensive to see her again in the valley but relieved she seemed at peace. The past years of traveling must have done her wonders. She wasn’t the wild child you remembered but remained the excellent listener she had always been. This is how you stumbled into revealing yourself. You were casually telling Nami about some of your challenges at the farm, mostly about one specific sheep who wanted your attention. His headbutts were leaving bruises, and you didn’t know how to make him stop. You didn’t know how to stop when you started spilling the tea about your shock with the chatroom.
“Why wouldn’t you want to meet them if they’ve been so important?” Nami’s question left you speechless. You shrugged your shoulders in response. Nami didn’t need to know that you were worried. You were already pining for the redhead, and the thought of meeting someone else made you nauseous in choosing one of them. 
Nami frowned at your sudden silence. You watched as she moved across her room at the inn to open a drawer. She pulled out an old, battered shoebox held together with bright yellow tape telling others to keep out. Nami silently peeled the tape back and dumped the contents on the bed. You were shocked to find the letters you sent yellowed with age and worn. Nami mumbled that she didn’t know how to respond as a kid since you always seemed happy, and she wasn’t. She is glad she could support you through your rough times in the city and would like to continue. If you didn’t mind her being your online friend and you still wanted. Nami looked shocked but not uncomfortable when you enthusiastically wrapped her in a hug. You were beyond relieved she was the one.
You waited for lunch the next day before once more opening the messages. Now with a calmer state of mind, you were immediately mad at yourself. 
the.BEST.rockest.rock_ had left another message with a sad face and question mark. It was beyond obvious who in the valley your chatroom crush had been. Now you knew why Rock was so down today when you turned down his offers to hang out. You had essentially turned him down twice in less than a day. A finger tapped your mouse as you thought. It would be better to track him down now than wait longer. 
You found Rock at the Goddess Spring, observing his face in the reflective water. He had a contemplative frown as he shifted to different angles. Rock’s eyes lit up when he saw you, excitedly asking if you had changed your mind. He looked hesitant and worried when you mentioned needing to talk. You could see the gears turning in his head as you explained the chatroom and apologized for not noticing sooner it was him. A piece of you might have always known or hoped it would be him. 
“So, you mean-” Rock started with a huge grin growing on his face. “You’ve fallen for me a total of three different times now? Ha, I knew I was impressive! Don’t worry; I’ll keep your weakness for falling for me a secret!” 
The glitter in his golden brown eyes told you the entire valley would know by nightfall.
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svt-chanel · 6 months
hiii!! sorry for the random ask (and you could totally private reply to this too), i found your blog from a friend, and i noticed that the fc of chanel is mina (lover her btw), but you listed her nationality as australian-korean-vietnamese. No hate or anything, but since mina is japanese and not of korean blood, and while you also listed her as chan's half sister (which chan is full korean ethnicity wise and korean-aussie nationality wise), it comes off as a little weird. Having her as hanni's (who is 100% viet ethnicity wise and aus-viet nationality) half sister also comes off as a little confusing too. This is kind of like ethnobending, so I just wanted to let you know. You can totally keep her fc as mina, but it would be nice to change up the nationality or to not have her as chan's half sister and hanni's half sister. I hope this doesn't come off as rude or hate, I just want to help a fellow addition out!! I do love the little antics and posts you make about chanel, but I wanted to bring this up. Hope this finds you well <3 If you have any other questions feel free to shoot me a dm and I can clarify/explain more if needed!
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hihi!! I decided to private reply to this but I'll unprivate it if anyone else will need clarification about this! Yes I understand that Mina is Japanese but I made Chanel Viet-Aussie-Kor. I did do this intentionally because I
Couldnt find any viet idols that were older (like older than hanni or were popular)
I wanted something unique!
Chanel is a very unique character with her personality and her family! At first she was only gonna be Viet-Aussie but I kept on changing Chanel wether it was from her fc to her nationality/ethnicity. I made her Korean even though mina has no Korean blood because Chan however does have Korean blood and was also born there but raised in Australia. Idk if I've said this one her profile or anywhere else before but she's Korean because she has Korean blood and was born there (the Korean blood comes from her/chan's mother) and the thing is her backstory is rhat her mother and father met in Korea (before her + chan's birth) in high-school and even had a relationship with each other until in college they broke up cuz she cheated on him with Jack (Chan's father). Years later during 1997 Jessica (Chan's/Chanel's mother) is already pregnant with Chan (and she doesn't know) but Jessica and Her Father meet again in Korea while he was on vacation there and then they...yk (I heard u can actually get pregnant with twins by different fathers if u have...yk while ur pregnant) and then after that Chan + Chanel were born and yeah! And then ofc later Hanni was born by her mother bur Chanel's father which makes all 3 of them Half siblings.
I chose Mina as her fc because at first I didn't know what I wanted for Chanel and didn't plan anything out for her yet at the time but I saw Mina and was like "She's an underrated faceclaim plus she's pretty and gives off a elegant vibe." (The vibe I kinda wanted Chanel to give off at the time) I knew Mina is Japanese but just ignored it at the time and hoped nobody gave me problems with it!! (Whoch btw u haven't its just a question!) And I knew this question would come some day but didn't expect it to come this quickly. But yeah! I'll probably either change her fc (sigh again) or change her nationality cuz I PERSONALLY think the Hanni, Chan, and Chanel as half-siblings is really cool or ill just have one of them as her full sibling (which will most likely be chan). Or I'll just save it for a different oc or just delete her entirely and make a different Svt addition.
But either way I really appreciate that you like the antics of Chanel that I post about! (More ade coming from the drafts soon!!) And ofcourse I will and maybe in the future we can become friends!
-xx love Akuma/Woo
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eddiemunsonw · 1 year
It takes one kiss
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CHAPTER 4 - To hell with it
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5
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Steddie Fanfic
Summary: Steve hosts a party and ends up suffering through the consequences of humoring Tommy.
Steve Harrington kisses Eddie Munson by accident and that sucked. Right?
CW / Disclaimer: Some mild overlap with S4 scenes (barely) - But (!!) Eddie lives - Mention of F-slur once.
Author’s note: My first Steddie fic! Another first woop. Let's hope you like. It has five parts that I'll be posting both on here and on my ao3: eddiemunsons. Enjoy!
Words: (of current chapter) 1817 / (complete fic) 15381
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Eddie’s POV
Ah… shit. This hadn’t really been the plan. Not all of it, at least. Yes, he meant to distract the bats. Yes, he had been ready to die. No, he had not wanted Dustin to get back in and watch him die. That part really fucking sucked.
“Eddie… c’mon, you can’t do this, you’re okay.”
“Do… Do I look okay, Henderson? This is a natural one in real life, bud.”
“No! Don’t say that, you’re f-fine,” Dustin sniffed. Eddie forced a smile on his face.
“Alright, I’m fine,” he lied. “Gonna kick your ass in the next campaign. Vecna was child’s play. Just you wait.”
The weakest of smiles formed on Dustin’s tear-streaked face and he nodded.
“Yeah, right. As if. My character is gonna be the biggest tank you’ve ever witnessed. Can destroy everything with his pinky. Promise you that.”
“Your clever mind was always the most challenging thing to work around, I’ll give ya that.”
“Is. It still is,” Dustin protested weakly.
“Right, right.” He didn’t mean to, but the pain was becoming so unbearable that his vision started to swim. He didn’t want to cry. Not in front of Dustin.
“Dustin! Dustin!”
Yeah, that guy, Eddie thought, lightheadedness seeping in.
“DUSTIN! Wh— Eddie?”
He couldn’t hear the conversation, the muffled voices sounded like they were underwater. Or maybe he was. Or maybe they both were and everyone was sinking… sinking…
Eddie blinked slowly, barely able to feel the soaring pain in his cheek, which his brain would have registered had this little signal of pain not been largely outnumbered by the fact that he was dying from things that hurt a lot more than a flat hand against his cheek.
“Eddie, don’t fucking do this to me, stay with me! Come on, man!”
Hold on… He knew that voice. It wasn’t Dustin, whose voice sounded far away and seemed to be mixed with a female one. Robin? Nancy? Maybe both? He had no idea. All he could really pay attention to right now were Steve Harrington’s big, beautiful, worried eyes.
“Steeeeve Harrington,” Eddie croaked out, a lopsided smile on his face. “It’s your lucky day, it seems.” He didn’t know where he had found the strength to speak again but he was. Steve was frowning. Steve. Not Harrington. Just Steve, because the rest was too long to think about and it didn’t matter.
“Why is that?” Steve asked softly. His arms were comfortable. The way he easily held him felt just right and he wished he could stay there forever. Well, in his case, he would. His forever at least. Maybe it was his lucky day too.
“Looks like you no longer have to worry about me knowing your secret anymore.”
“What?” Steve asked, dumbfounded.
“That you’re…” he tried to lift his hand to pull Steve closer, which the other boy seemed to notice because he leaned in while gently putting his hand back on his chest, not removing his own that now rested on top of it. “Bi.”
“For fuck’s sake, Eddie. I couldn’t care less about being bisexual right now. Kind of in the middle of not letting you die here,” Steve grunted. One of the girls shouted something and suddenly Eddie was floating. At least, it felt like he was floating even though gravity kept him perfectly tucked into Steve’s strong arms. He rested his head against Steve, face buried in his neck.
“Not so loud… Dustin might hear,” Eddie said in response to Steve’s outburst. It had taken him a couple minutes to find the words in his brain to form a sentence. Steve ignored him in favor of saving his strength but sighed nonetheless.
“Kissed any pretty boys yet?” Eddie murmured weakly. He tried to close his eyes only to find out that they already were.
“I have, once.”
“Mirror doesn’t count.”
“Shut up. I don’t go around kissing mirrors.”
“No? I would if I was you.” Ah, apparently his filter died before the rest of his brain did. Luckily he didn’t have to live with the embarrassment. Unless this was hell. Wouldn’t surprise him if hell presented itself to him in the form of eternal rejection by Steve Harrington.
“Well, maybe you should’ve just kissed me then,” Steve mumbled. Eddie smiled softly, his lips brushing gently against Steve’s neck as he carefully adjusted him in his arms. Even on a battlefield he still smelled intoxicating. It was unfair.
“No can do, I’d catch feelings.”
“What if I already have?”
“Nothing,” Steve mumbled quickly. Hmm alright then, hell it was, Eddie concluded. And you know what? To hell with holding back, in that case.
“Hey uh, Steve?”
“I really liked kissing you.”
Steve’s POV
While his body continued to move, his brain stopped. He dared to glance down but he couldn’t see Eddie’s face, tucked too deeply in the crevice of his neck. There was no mistaking what he had said though. 
Steve waited, trying to gather the courage to admit to the same thing. It felt different than suggesting he may or may not have feelings. It had been posed as a question. He wasn’t going to do that now. However, when Eddie didn’t say anything, didn’t even hum, he grew worried.
“Eddie? You still with me?”
Silence. Fuck.
“We have to hurry, we have to— How are we going to get him back up?” Steve questioned, looking at the others. They entered the trailer and Dustin grabbed the tied up sheets that Eddie had cut off before.
“If one of you goes back out to find something else to make a rope with, I can use this to tie his hands and legs around you,” he explained, looking at Steve. “It’s not going to be pretty but I don’t know what else we can do and we need to get out of here.”
Nancy frowned, probably thinking about the many ways this could go wrong, but Steve just nodded and Robin was already looking for a way to get back out. With some help of both Nancy and Dustin lifting her up, she managed to pass through. Once Eddie was secured around Steve, chest to chest, Steve started to climb the rope.
“Try to land slightly on your side so you don’t crush his limbs, hold his head,” Nancy told him, voice etched with worry. Steve hated going before Dustin and Nancy but he had no other choice. Being the only one staying behind with Eddie wasn’t an option either. He could always go back if needed, right? 
Dustin and Nancy did what they could to make the climb easier and Robin tried to be ready on the other side to assist in any way.
In the faint moment of weightlessness, Steve quickly let go of the rope, grabbed Eddie’s head to hold it protectively against his chest and braced for impact. He landed mostly on his back but slightly on his side, hitting his shoulder hard. The air was pushed out of his lungs and he gasped as the dead weight of Eddie’s unconscious body crushed him.
“Oh shit,” Robin hissed, pulling them fully on their sides with surprising strength as she started to cut off the knots Dustin had made. Eddie rolled on his back due to lack of support and so did Steve. One was breathing and the other one…
Steve grasped Eddie’s wrist tightly, eyes still closed as he caught his breath. He could feel the faintest heartbeat under his thumb. Okay. That’s good. He pushed himself up with effort and pulled Eddie aside to make room for Dustin and Nancy.
“Steve… you’re bleeding,” Robin said softly, eyes big with worry. She was shaking and he wished he could calm her down somehow.
Steve looked down and sure enough, it wasn’t just Eddie’s blood smeared all over him. Somewhere along the way one of the wounds on his sides burst open again.
“We’ll look at it later,” he mumbled, and when he heard Dustin yell in pain as he landed on the mattress he felt awful for not thinking about his ankle. Too much was going on. Too much to worry about, too many people to worry about. He held Eddie close to him, ignoring the girls’ concerned voices asking to take over, or to check on him. They needed to get Eddie somewhere safe. He needed to get Eddie somewhere safe.
“Steve… you need rest,” Nancy tried softly, for the umpteenth time. Everyone else had at least paid their homes a visit, taken a shower, put on some fresh clothes. Steve had… well. He had cleaned himself up a bit in the bathroom in Eddie’s hospital room. Did change into the clothes that Robin had gone to get for him at his home after some convincing. She had also brought a few books. Steve bought them a little over a year ago, when Dustin started talking about Lord of the Rings non-stop and how Eddie knew it by heart according to him. He was just curious, he had convinced himself, as if he ever really picked up a thick book like that. But he found that it was actually quite nice to read. It took his mind off things, which was very much welcomed at the moment.
“I’m good Nancy, thanks. I do sleep, you know.”
“In a bed Steve. Are they giving you painkillers here?”
When Steve added nothing else to the conversation Nancy nodded and not much later it was just him and Eddie again. One awake and one… not. But he was breathing and his heart was still beating and that was more than Steve could have hoped for.
“So uh, I was thinking,” Steve mumbled softly. “You must be bored out of your mind in there. They always say people can hear you despite being in a coma, right? So what if… I read out loud to you? I’m not a great storyteller like— Like Dustin says you are, but… I can try.” He paused for a moment, gazing at the other boy as if he was going to respond any second and then resumed with a soft sigh. “Before I begin, though. I just wanted to say, sorry I didn’t say anything. Back then.”
While he was referring to Eddie’s confession about liking the kiss, it could have implicated many other moments too. Countless times when his ‘friends’ had insulted Eddie and he had stayed silent. Or when Eddie had called himself a murderous drug dealer and Steve had been too conflicted in his mind to respond in time. There were so many things.
“Sorry to disappoint though. I’m not going to respond now, either. I’ll wait until you’re awake and have the energy to retort in that annoyingly, charming way of yours. Until then, Lord of the Rings it is.”
They had time.
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i99sleo · 2 years
synopsis : even the smallest mistake can have a big impact on you, and that's what happened with you and Mark Lee in highschool. Though you aren't sure which one of them all really happened.
pairing : mark x reader!  jaemin x reader
warning : mentions of drugs,drug consumption, use of profanities, acts of violence, mentions of kissing, and mentions of death if there are any more please let me know
if there are more please let me know feedback is very much appreciated. all of this is a work of fiction so please don't take anything seriously and please don't do drugs.
I wrote this in two hours at 3am and didn't look through it before posting it so please ignore any mistakes.
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High school wasn't the easiest thing ever,but Mark was lucky enough to have made it through those terrible four years. He barely remembered any of it.
It was probably because he was constantly sitting in the school's basement with his friends getting high,but that didn't stop him and his grades. He was always top of his class.
Y/n however was quite different.
She was quiet, or at least that's what Mark and his friends remember of her. She didn't have bad grades or anything, or behavioral problems she was just quiet.
Watching Donghyuck walk down the stairs with a boy following behind him made you sit up in your seat.
Looking over at Jaemin he gave you a smile before getting up from his spot with Jeno to sit next to you.
"Sorry I'm late we almost got caught...this is Mark he helped me hide it and as a reward he's staying today" Donghyuck said with a grin.
Mark stood awkwardly hands in his pockets clueless of what Donghyuck was talking about.
"Oh come on Mark take it out!"
"Oh right!" Mark quickly reached into his front pocket taking out a small plastic bag.
Donghyuck opened the plastic bag and handed everyone a pill.
Watching Mark sitting across from you, hands shaking, sweating and knee bouncing anxiously made a small laugh slip out of you.
Having caught Mark's attention he looked up at you and inhaled a deep breath in.
"What is it? What's it gonna do to me?" Mark asked looking at Donghyuck who was now sitting in the corner.
Donghyuck groaned "just take it Mark"
"Don't let them influence you. Make your own choices" You spoke up offering him a smile.
Mark closed his eyes and swallowed the pill and before he knew it he was passed out on the floor sweating cold.
But with you by his side.
"Late aren't we again?" Sooyoung asked with a smile causing Mark to sit up on the bed. 
"Yeah" Mark sighed before heading into the bathroom.
"It's her again isn't it?" Sooyoung asked while leaning against the door frame.
"Let's not talk about this again" Mark pleaded hoping Sooyoung wouldn't want to discuss the topic again.
"It's been seven years Mark why can't you get over her? no one seems to remember her but you. If you don't fix this we can't keep doing this." Sooyoung shook her head with disappointment.
Sooyoung met Mark in college and they started dating,but she knew he had something hidden from her.
He'd never tell her or even wanted her to find out how even after years he was still in love with a girl he met in highschool.
But Sooyoung wasn't clueless. She had found many of Mark's drawings,most of them were Y/n. Bracelets,notes Y/n had written for him, letters he wrote to her Sooyoung had found it all. At times she swore she couldn't keep up with it anymore but she loved Mark.
Mark couldn't believe what he was doing walking back into his old high school.
Since the last day of school five years ago, he hadn't been able to get a hold of you. Somehow he hoped the school kept some information on you that could possibly lead him to you.
"Y/n? Mark son are you sure there was someone under that name?" Mark nodded and followed Principal Lee into his office.
"As far as I'm aware we had no one under that name" Principal Lee apologized before Mark spoke up again .
"What about Lee Donghyuck? Is there any adress or phone number you may have for me to able to reach him?"
It took a few tries before someone actually picked up the phone.
"Is this Donghyuck?" Mark asked biting down on his bottom lip anxiously.
"Yeah who's this?"
"Mark" Hearing Donghyuck's laugh on the other side of line made Mark break out into a smile.
"Are you going to be home for dinner tonight?" Sooyoung asked handing Mark his cup of coffee.
"I can't I'm staying in the office to finish up the presentation for tomorrow's meeting" Mark apologized to Sooyoung before heading to the bar him and his friends used to hang out.
The truth was Donghyuck offered they should meet up to which Mark agreed.
"Yeah i remember that!"  Donghyuck laughed taking another sip of his drink.
"Wasn't y/n there that time?" Donghyuck asked making Mark's smile drop.
"Yeah she was.. talking about her do you remember her? Like do you know what happened to her after graduation?"
Donghyuck shrugged " I don't know since that night at that one motel party i don't remember seeing her but maybe Jaemin knows"
Mark smiled thinking of Jaemin and Jeno.
"You still talk to them?"
Donghyuck replied with yes before taking his phone out.
"Are you free on Tuesday?"
Mark walked through the halls head down and hands shaking. He couldn't comprehend what had last night
He felt his chest tighten as his breathing quickened again, taking a deep breath in and stopping at his classroom door he turned and saw Donghyuck walking down the hall.
Standing in front of Donghyuck, Mark grabbed him by his arm leading him to the bathroom.
"What happened last night?" Mark asked Donghyuck who shook his head and shrugged.
"You expect me to remember what happened?"Donghyuck raised his brows at Mark who leaned against the cold bathroom tiles.
"Mark i don't know what happened no one remembers what happened,not even Jaemin and Jeno. All i know is you almost died last night, I don't know what you took i don't know what they gave us but you almost died be glad you're still here"
Mark sighed and brought his hands up to his hair, running his fingers through it in distress.
"What about Y/n? Have you seen her?" Donghyuck shaking his head chuckled.
"It's always Y/n isn't it? You were passed out cold on the floor shaking and all you care about is Y/n?"
Grabbing his bag Donghyuck swinged it over his shoulder before heading for the door.
Mark stopped him grabbing him by his shoulder, Donghyuck's back slamming against the door.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Donghyuck raised his voice at Mark who kept his eyes fixed on the boy in front of him.
"I'm sorry just wanna know where Y/n is did she leave with us?" Mark rambled bending down to pick up Donghyuck's things that fell out of his bag.
Throwing his head back against the door Donghyuck groaned.
"Do you know where she lives? Where i can find her?" Mark handed the things back watching as his friend took them, shoving them carelessly into his bag.
"Why do you care so much?" Donghyuck asked one last time before he reached for the door and walked into his classroom to take his final exam.
Mark's fingers ran through your hair as your head rested on his chest.
You loved everything about Mark,but you loved the looks he gave you the most. Every single look he gave you was filled with a different emotion whether it was,anger, sadnesses or even disappointed sometimes.
"I got you something today" Mark reached into his pocket and took out a gold bracelet with a small locket,a flower to be exact.
"It's beautiful"
Feeling his hands shake Mark dropped the bracelet on the ground,causing the glass locket to shatter into small pieces.
Feeling guilty he quickly sat up and looked down at the mess he had made.
You put your hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
"It's okay we'll find something else"
Sooyoung had gotten home from work to an empty house.
She knew Mark was still in the office most likely. So she didn't care to give him a call not wanting to interrupt him.
Tired she sat down on the sofa and reached for the tv remote sitting on the coffee table. Next to it was a folder. Curious, she opened it to find many drawings of Y/n.
Setting them all up on the coffee table and leaving a key next to them she walked out of the house, she had kept up with this for too long.
A small tear rolled down her cheek.
Mark sat in Donghyuck's living room with him watching a football game.
That was until the door opened revealing Jeno and Jaemin. Mark laughed and got up from his seat to greet them.
"How long has it been?" Jeno asked whilst patting Mark's back.
"Six years? Seven years?" Jaemin laughed and hugged Mark.
"Mark wants to know about Y/n" Donghyuck spoke up causing Everyone to look up from their food.
"Y/n? We should be the one's asking about her" Jeno said wiping his hands.
"What do you mean?" Mark asked picking up his drink.
"I mean no one saw her since that night. Apparently she didn't even show up for finals or graduation." Jaemin reached into the pizza box grabbing another slice.
"You were with her that night"  Jeno commented heading to the fridge.
"Yeah but i can't remember anything " Mark said before taking another bite of his pizza.
"What if we go back to that motel? maybe we can find her or find something on her?" Jeno handed everyone another beer before taking his seat.
"I'm not going back there" Donghyuck quietly replied opening the can filled with alcohol.
"We have to. We could've died that night from those pills if she wasn't there" Jeno stated making Jaemin nod.
"You know you loved her too, don't act that way." Jaemin replied looking into Donghyuck's direction leaving Mark confused.
"You always come here by yourself?" Mark asked you as you sat on the school's rooftop.
"Sometimes" you replied patting the space next to you.
Mark couldn't help but smile as he sat down next to you. For a minutes you sat in comfortable silence.
"You know it's weird" He said breaking the silence, looking back at him your brows knitted together in confusion.
"What's weird?"
"Having a proper conversation with you when we're not high you know it's different, but i like it more this way" Mark softly spoke as he reached for your hand holding onto it.
"Mark now?" Jaemin's voice broke Mark out from his thoughts.
"Yeah sorry" Mark opened the car door and followed Jaemin,Jeno and Donghyuck into the old motel.
"That room is actually closed down. They are working on it but the room next to it is open if you are interested" The oldder lady explained as she pushed up her glasses.
About to complain, Jaemin nodded and gave the lady a smile.
"We'll take it"
Jaemin was opening the door to the room they'd be staying in,but they all knew they weren't gonna stay.
"Are you sure it's gonna work?" Jeno asked Donghyuck who was trying to open the closed door.
"It worked back then it should work now" A few more pulls and the door opened.
"I'm not going in there" Donghyuck wiped his knees looking up at Jeno and Jaemin.
"Yeah sorry but i can't go in there" Jeno hesitated before looking at Mark.
"It's fine you did enough by coming with me"
"just call me if you see something and we'll come in and help" Mark nodded taking his phone out and turning the flashlight on.
"Hey mark hurry"
"Mark! Calm down it's okay" You exclaimed as Mark was dripping in sweat his whole body shaking.
The music was still loud and people's voices only got louder in the room. Your head felt heavy, everything around you was blurry but you still help onto Mark.
"What the fuck did you give us?" Donghyuck yelled at the older man in front of him.
People around lowered their voices looking at Donghyuck.
"What do we do? You gave him too much" You cried looking at the older man.
"We should call the cops" Jeno said reaching into his pocket for his phone,still holding onto the wall for support.
You continued to cry into Mark's chest as you wiped the tears and sweat from his face.
The man pushed Donghyuck against the wall and whispered something to him before pushing him down onto the ground and walking out  the door.
Frustrated Donghyuck hit the wall, all you heard was glass breaking and Donghyuck falling down onto thr ground sobbing.
Jaemin walking over to Jeno to help, no one else around you could help they were all passed out consumed by the strong drug.
The grip on Mark's phone tightened as he walked around the big room before stopping in the corner.
He saw you.
He saw you standing there with a smile.
"Y/n?" Mark asked his voice slightly shaking as you made your way to him.
"You're still here" You put your hand on his shoulder and he brought his hand up to your face to caress it.
"Why haven't i been able to reach you? It's like you never even existed" Tears pooled in Mark's eyes as you stayed quiet and looked at him.
"It's like you only existed when i was high on those pills"
"It's like you only exist when I'm high" Mark confessed as his hand landed on top of yours.
"Is it?" You asked trying hold yourself back from smiling.
"Yeah" Mark whispered leaning in closer.
His lips  pressed against yours and you felt a rush of euphoria as he pulled you in closer, his body pressing against yours.
Your fingers reaching up to his hair as they tangled in it.
"is it?" You asked eyes looking into his.
butterfly effect.
"Mark!" Jaemin called as he walked into the room stopping himself when he saw Mark standing in the corner.
Jaemin quietly came up behind Mark placing his hand on his shoulder.
"Who are you talking to?" Jaemin asked in a soft tone.
Mark whispered your name.
"Mark look at me"
Turning around to face Jaemin, he expected for Jaemin to say something to you.
However, Jaemin had worse to say.
"Mark I'm sorry but Y/n she's gone there's nothing on her" Jaemin gulped before continuing.
Knowing the truth would break Mark.
"She disappeared after that night no one's seen her since, Donghyuck called down at the police station and there's no record of her."
"there's no record of a Mark Lee"
Walking down the hall for the last time Mark saw you standing near the exit door.
You gave him a smile,but he didn't do anything.
He stayed still and looked at you one more time before walking away.
butterfly effect.
Mark walked down the hall on his last day, but he stopped once he saw you standing near the exit door.
He walked over to you.
"I didn't see you since the other night" Mark said his grip tightening on the backpack strap.
"i know, I'm sorry about that" You apologized and reached for his hand taking it into yours.
"Where are we going?" Mark asked following you out the door.
"Everywhere" You replied witha smile.
Since the incident at the motel, Jaemin became worried for Mark.
When he walked in he couldn't see anyone but Mark.
He was worried your disappearance had severely affected Mark in many ways he couldn't figure out.
It hadn't only affected Mark but Jeno and Donghyuck as well.
They all became worried for Mark.
But Mark asked Jaemin to go with him back to the motel for one last time.
You were destroying everything in Mark.
His relationship,his sleep,his ability to focus, his ability to be able to difference his reality and the fantasies with you, but overall you were destroying him.
You hadn't been able to sleep, constantly waking up in a cold sweat or dazed even sometimes.
But then you realized today marked the seventh year.
"I'll wait here alright?" Jaemin said as Mark nodded and went back into the dark room.
closing the door behind him he walked around the room calling your name quietly.
"you came back" Your soft voice tunred Mark around and he quickly walked over to you wrapping his arms around your body, holding you close to him scared you'd go away again.
"I think i figured everything out" Mark said against your hair.
"I think i figured everything out" Mark said against your hair.
"All this time i thought you were the one i was supposed to save,but you were really saving me" Mark explained as he pulled away from the hug.
Taking your face into his hands as he looked into your eyes, his fingers coming uo to caress your hair as he saw you smile.
You leaned in and for the last time pressed your lips against his.
"thank you" he said as he gave you one last smile, his hand letting go of yours.
"Ready to go?" Jaemin asked as Mark nodded.
Jaemin put his arm around Mark's shoulder as they walked out of the motel.
You felt another tear roll down your cheek as Jaemin put his arm around you.
"ready to go?" He whispered
You nodded and gave Jaemin a smile.
"its okay, we'll come see him next year too" Jaemin comforted you as he held your hand.
The engagement ring shining brighter out in the sunlight.
He helped you up as you set another flower on the grave for the seventh year now.
Next year you'd also bring another flower for Mark. As you did every year since he had passed away.
Something small like waking up every morning and walking down the hallway to see the person you anticipated to see the most can have a bigger impact.
The bigger impact it can have the more it can alter your reality or your career in any way.
The butterfly effect rests on the sense that the world you think you live in is truly unconnected .
The change made in the mistake or the small detail you changed that day  could grave your reality upon returning back into it. A small mistake, a small piece of information can be sent backwards in time therefore that small detail is forever changed leaving you to wonder what you are really living.
the butterfly effect is what you experienced.
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